• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,483 Views, 924 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

Chaos Effect

"I can't believe you!" Lyra yelled angrily at Bon Bon. "You were a member of the Paranormal Investigation Squad (PIS) and you didn't tell me!"

"I'm sorry, Lyra!" Bon Bon apologized. "But the first rule about the club is to not talk about the club. It’s a secret club after all."

"You know how much I wanted to join that club, especially after the incident at the Fall Formal!" Lyra said as she was suddenly wearing a chicken suit.

"Sorry ma'am, but that can't be done," Bon Bon said as she was suddenly dressed in secret agent attire. "Only specialized individuals can join.”

"Pukaaak!" Lyra squawked as she started pecking at Bon Bon.

"Ma'am!" Bon Bon tried to block Lyra's pecks but she jumped on top of her and started pecking at her head.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Rainbow Dash asked as her eyes were glued to the scene of Lyra pecking at Bon Bon.

"Um, not at the moment, darling," Rarity said as she watched Big Macintosh arguing with one of his friends, except that they were both in swim trunks which showed off their muscular physiques. She fanned herself with her hand. "Oh my."

"So much for the big bad girl," a student mocked as he looked at a picture of Gilda hugging a unicorn plushie.

"What was that, Dumbbell?" Gilda demanded threateningly through gritted teeth.

"I said-" Dumbbell was suddenly transformed into a musketeer. "En garde!"

"You asked for it, sir!" Gilda said as she took up a fencing stance as she too was transformed into a musketeer.

The two started their duel while all around them, the arguing students transformed into clowns, ballerinas, mimes, wrestlers and even superheroes.

"We have to stop them before someone gets hurt," Fluttershy said with worry.

"On it!" Pinkie Pie said as she put on a chicken suit and hurried over to Lyra and Bon Bon. "Pukak, pukak!"

Rainbow Dash went over to stop Gilda and Dumbbell, narrowly avoiding the tip of Gilda's rapier.

"Knock it off, you guys!" Rainbow shouted.

"Step aside, madam!" Dumbbell commanded as he moved around Rainbow Dash to continue his duel with Gilda

"I said knock it off!" Rainbow tried to stop them again but then she was suddenly teleported upside down onto the ceiling. "Oh come on!"

"There's no need to fight, boys. We're all friends here," Rarity said as she got between Big Mac and his friend, placing her hand on each of their chiseled chests. "Maybe I can be of some assistance?” Rarity batted her eyelashes as she rubbed their chests. She was enjoying the feeling of their strong muscles when she was suddenly consumed in a puff of smoke and vanished.

"Ugh! What are you doing on the Great and Powerful Trixie's stage?!" Trixie yelled at Rarity.

"Wait a minute, where did the hunks go?!" Rarity said in confusion as she looked around.

"Don't ignore Trixie!" Trixie stomped her foot in frustration. "Trixie was doing her disappearing act but you showed up instead!"

"Sorry darling, but I need to get back to the lunchroom," Rarity said hastily as she was about to leave but Trixie stopped her.

"Just wait a minute, Trixie would like to ask you something," Trixie said.

"Alright, just make it quick," Rarity said as he crossed her arms and waited for Trixie to ask her question.

"How's Sunset doing?" Trixie asked with clear concern.

Rarity was surprised, she didn't expect Trixie to ask that, "Why would you want to know that?"

"Trixie has her reason," Trixie said as she crossed her arms. "Now, are you going to tell me or not?"

Rarity eyed Trixie suspiciously, but figured that it would do no harm in telling her.

"It's....kind of hard to say."

"What kind of answer is that?" Trixie said, a bit annoyed that Rarity wasn't telling her.

"Sunset has a fever over 465 degrees, darling," Rarity told her.

"WHAT?!" Trixie gasped. "How is that possible?! No normal person can survive a fever like that!"

"Sunset isn't exactly a normal person, is she?" Rarity pointed out.

"That's true," Trixie admitted.

"To be honest, we don't know what exactly is happening to her so we sent a message to Princess Twilight to ask her for assistance," Rarity explained as she rubbed her arm anxiously. "Then there's these bizarre things that happened to the town earlier this morning and happening to our friends now."

"Bizarre how?" Trixie questioned before her eyes widened in realization. "You mean what happened with my rabbit?"

"Precisely," Rarity nodded, but then her smartphone started ringing and as she went pulled it out of her skirt pocket.
She saw that it was Fluttershy calling her. "Hello?"

Rarity, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked worriedly. “You disappeared so suddenly.

"I'm alright , Fluttershy. I was transported to the auditorium and I'm with Trixie now," Rarity explained.

"Thank goodness. Listen, you're not going to believe this, but everyone's back to normal," Fluttershy told her.

"What?" Rarity said in surprise.

"It's just like what happened this morning. This is all so strange.

"I'll call Applejack to see if there's any word from Twilight and then I'll get back to the lunchroom," Rarity explained.

"Okay," Fluttershy said simply.

"I'll see you in a bit, darling," Rarity bid her shy friend goodbye before hanging up. "Well it was nice talking to you, Trixie, but I'm afraid I must be going now."

As Rarity walked down the stage and out of the auditorium, Trixie watched her leave with a thoughtful expression.

"Perhaps Trixie should see for herself how badly Sunset has fallen ill," Trixie said while nodding, a confident smile spreading on her lips.

"What....what did we just see?" Applebloom asked her friends in complete shock and confusion.

"I have absolutely no idea what just happened," Diamond Tiara commented. There was just so much strange stuff happening at once that her brain was unable to process it all.

"And I thought the people of this school were weird before," Silver Spoon remarked.

"First, it was raining ice cream this morning and now this," Scootaloo commented. What was going on? The occasional magical event was the norm in CHS since the Fall Formal, but this was on a whole other level of strange.

"What do you suppose is happening?" Sweetie Belle asked, a hint of fear in her tone.

"It's obviously magic related," Diamond Tiara pointed out. "I'm sure your sisters have it covered."

"What about Anon-A-Miss, though?" Silver Spoon reminded everyone. "She's now posting everyone's secrets."

"I'm still having a hard time believing that Sunset would do this," Diamond Tiara sighed sadly. "It makes no sense why she would do this."

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo casted a nervous glance at each other.

"Mah sister and her friends don't think she did it either," Applebloom suddenly blurted out.

"Really?" Diamond Tiara asked as she looked at Applebloom.

"Yeah, Sunset is actually really sick and they are taking care of her," Applebloom explained.

"Is that why your sister isn't here?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Yeah, Applejack sent me a text sayin' that she was staying with Sunset today while the rest of her friends went to school," Applebloom explained.

"I hope she gets better," Diamond Tiara said in concern. The old her wouldn't have worried about anyone else’s health.
But ever since CMC opened her eyes, she started to demonstrate a bit more compassion and be a little more sympathetic to the plight of others.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle's faces fell at this and it didn't go unnoticed.

"What's the matter?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"And what's with those looks?" Silver Spoon added.

"Yah see, Nurse Red Heart visited Sunset yesterday to check how she was feelin'," Applebloom began. "And well, it wasn't good."

"W-what do you mean?" Diamond Tiara asked nervously, a pit of fear growing in her stomach. "What's wrong with her?"

"She has a fever of over 465 degrees," Sweetie Belle told them grimly.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gasped.

"And it continues to get higher," Applebloom added, her tone filled with sadness.

"How is she even still alive?" Silver Spoon asked, stunned by this revelation.

"Ah'm not entirely sure, but Rarity wrote a message to Princess Twilight usin' Sunset's journal to ask her fer help," Applebloom told them.

"How is writing in Sunset's journal going to send a message to the princess?" Diamond Tiara was skeptical.

"Beats me; it must be magic or somethin'" Applebloom shrugged.

"Maybe she can fix what's goin on," Silver Spoon said just as a fruit hat appeared on top of her head. Suddenly the group of young girls started dancing as they were dressed in festive dresses and fruit hats.

Principal Celestia was having lunch in her office with her sister, but unlike their previous rendezvous, there was tension in the air.

"I'm sure Sunset will be fine," Luna assured her older sister.

"You heard what Red Heart said, Lulu. Sunset is beyond fine," Celestia reminded her little sister.

"I know, Cellie. She also said that there was nothing that she could have done to help her," Luna also reminded her big sister with a raised eyebrow.

Both sisters glared at each other before Celestia let out a tired sigh.

"I'm sorry, Luna. It's just..." Celestia trailed off.

"I know, Celestia. I feel the same way," Luna said as she laid a comforting hand on top of her sister's hand. She gave Celestia a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'm sure Princess Twilight will know what's wrong with Sunset and help her."

"I certainly hope so," Celestia said as she placed her own hand on top of Luna's. "Maybe she has an answer for this as well."

Celestia looked up or rather down as both she and Vice-Principal Luna were sitting on the ceiling with everything in the office stuck to the ceiling except for the door which was on the floor.

"Just what in the world is happening?" Luna asked, annoyed.

"I admit, I kind of like it," Celestia said as she sipped her tea.

"You would like it," Luna snorted as she rolled her eyes. "You've always had some bizarre tastes, Cellie."

"And just what exactly is that suppose to mean?" Celestia asked, feeling offended.

"For someone who prides themselves on order, the things you enjoy would throw anyone for a loop," Luna said with a mischievous smirk. "And that extends to your taste in men and women. I remember one time in college you wanted to start your own harem of men and women."

"I thought we agreed never to talk about that," Celestia said through gritted teeth.

"But why, sister?" Luna asked before realizing something. "Oh that's right, your plans were foiled before they could even begin by - how did you put it? - 'the most annoying person in the world'," Luna air quoted.

Luna watched her sister groan before resting her forehead on her table. How she loved getting under her skin.

"Cheer up, sister. Everything worked out for you in the long run," Luna said with a smile.

Celestia lifted her head to glare at her sister before eyeing one of her drawers containing a very special item.

"I won't deny that, but even so..." Celestia trailed off as she reached over to pinch Luna's cheek. "That doesn't mean you can make fun of your big sister."

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Luna cried out in pain before reaching over to punch Celestia's leg.

"So you wanna fight huh?" Celestia stood up as she backed away from her sister, suddenly wearing a wrestling costume.

"I'm gonna wipe that arrogant smirk off your face, sister," Luna declared, wearing her own wrestling costume.

"You've been saying that for years! it's not going to happen!" Celestia shouted as a wrestling mask materialized on her face.

Celestia's office transformed into a wrestling ring. Both sisters glared at each from opposite corners of the ring. Luna let out a battle cry as her own wrestling mask materialized over her face before charging at Celestia.

Gilda was fuming as she stormed down the halls of CHS. Ever since her photo of her hugging her unicorn plushie got posted, she had become a laughing stock. It didn't help that someone taped a unicorn plushie on her locker which caused everyone to laugh when she found it. But unknown to everyone else, Gilda didn't throw the plushie away, she placed it in her backpack without anyone noticing.

What people didn’t know was that Gilda loved unicorns and collected anything that was related to them. She secretly dreamed of meeting a real life unicorn. But if people ever found out about her dream then her reputation as CHS’ toughest student would be over.

"Toughest student? more like pushover."

Gilda gritted her teeth as she recalled Sunset's words to her when she beat her. Being the toughest kid in school at the time, Sunset had challenged her to a fight. Gilda was all too eager to accept and as the fight began, Gilda struggled to land a single hit on Sunset who mocked her with each failed attempt. Gilda became increasingly more frustrated and when she tried to land another punch. Sunset took this opportunity to not only dodge it but deliver her own punch to the teen’s face, knocking her out.

When Gilda woke up, she found herself in the nurse's office. She couldn't recall what happened until Nurse Red Heart explained that she suffered a mild concussion and needed to rest while her grandfather was on his way to pick her up. She also explained that it was Sunset who brought her to her office and after asking her some questions, Red Heart left her to get some rest.

It took Gilda a full week to recover and during that time, Sunset had taken over the school.

"Hey Gilda!"

Gilda snapped out of her thoughts and noticed Lightning Dust jogging over to her.

"What do you want?" Gilda asked in irritation.

"Just wanted to see how you were holding up," Lightning Dust said with a shrug.

"Pft, as if you don't already know," Gilda growled as she walked around Lightning Dust.

"I also know that you want to get even with Anon-A-Miss," Lightning Dust said.

Gilda stopped and turned her head to slightly to look at Lightning Dust.

"Anon-A-Miss posted something about you too, huh?"

"As if you had to ask," Lightning Dust growled. A video of her failing to kick a soccer ball and landing in an embarrassing position was posted and like Gilda, she was the laughing stock of the school. "She's posted something about everybody and they have a few words they want to say to her."

"Her? What makes you so sure she's a she?" Gilda asked as she fully turned around to face Lightning Dust.

"I heard Dash and her friends talking about who did it. And it's Sunset," Lightning Dust informed her.

"I heard everyone saying the same thing, except I don't buy it," Gilda said as she crossed her arms. "This aint Sunset's style."

"True, but the Rainbooms are the ones saying it. Not to mention their secrets were posted first and continued to be posted too," Lightning Dust pointed out.

"That still doesn't prove she did it, and why do it this way? Especially since she could just..." Gilda shivered in fear as she thought of the Demon that Sunset had become. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to die.”

"Neither do I," Lightning Dust said as she also shivered involuntarily when an image of Demon Sunset flashed in her mind.

"How about we pay Dash a visit?" Gilda suggested. "She'll probably know what's going on."

"And what if it is Sunset posting our secrets?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Not much we can do even if it is her," Gilda said with a shrug. "Like I said, I don't want to die or be turned into a mindless slave."

"Then I'll see you after school is over," Lightning Dust said as she was suddenly wearing a ballerina outfit and danced away.

"See yah," Gilda said goodbye to Lightning Dust before sitting on her canoe and rowing away.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo waved to her honorary big sister as she jogged towards her.

"Hey, Scoots," Rainbow Dash greeted her honorary little sister as she closed her locker. "Listen, I know that we're supposed to hang out today but do you mind if we hang out at Sunset's place?"

Scootaloo's smile faltered at hearing that.

Scootaloo asked, "Why do you want to hang out at Sunset's place?"

"Because she's sick and me and the girls are taking care of her," Rainbow Dash explained as she started leading Scootaloo towards the front exit of the school.

Scootaloo was quiet for a moment before asking Rainbow Dash a question.

"Um, Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash glanced down at Scootaloo who shifted nervously under her gaze.

"Applebloom and Sweetie Belle told me that Sunset was sick and.....is it really as bad as they say it is?"

Rainbow Dash stopped walking. She turned her head to look at Scootaloo who saw something in the athletes eyes that she had never seen before; fear.

"Scootaloo, she's-"

"Hey, Rainbow Crash!"

Rainbow groaned in annoyance as she recognized the voice and angrily turned around to glare at Dumbbell.

"What do you want, Dumbbell? And what's with the group behind you?"

"Them? They just want to ask you about Sunset, same as me," Dumbbell shrugged.

"And what exactly do you want with Sunset?" Rainbow Dash demanded, crossing her arm as she stood in front of Scootaloo.

"We wanna know if she's Anon-A-Miss," Lightning Dust said as she stepped in front of the group.

Rainbow Dash glared at Lightning Dust. If these guys planned to attack Sunset, then they would need to go through her first. Rainbow Dash already had too much to deal with, like Sunset's sickness, Anon-A-Miss, and the crazy reality-warping magic that was running amok. It was really weird. As soon as everything returned to normal, nobody remembered the crazy stuff that happened to them. At least, that was what it seemed.

But Rainbow Dash wasn't going to let these guys touch Sunset.

"You aren't going anywhere near her!" Rainbow Dash stated, her glare hardened.

"Like you have a choice," Hoops said as he stood besides Lightning Dust. "You can't take on all of us alone."

"What makes you think she's alone?"

The group of students turned around to see Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"You're still outnumbered," Score said, smiling confidently.

Rarity simply smiled as she walked towards the group.

"Oh, darling, this doesn't need to end in violence, you know."

Rarity ran her fingers across Score's chest as she walked past him. She fluttered her eyes at Hoops before looking at Dumbbell.

"I'm confident we can come to an agreement," Rarity said in a seductive voice as she placed her right hand on Dumbbell's chest.

Dumbbell, Hoops, Score and the other boys in the group were completely smittened by Rarity, their eyes instantly turned to hearts.

"Whatever you say," Dumbbell said goofily.

"We weren't going to anything to hurt Sunset, honest," Hoops said as he scratched his rosy cheek.

"Do you all promise?" Rarity asked as she walked towards Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo before turning her head to look at the group, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes!" All the boys eagerly agreed.

"They never stood a chance," Gilda chuckled which brought the Rainbooms’ attention to her. "We're not going to harm Sunset."

"We were never going to in the first place," Lightning Dust added.

Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, Dash. If we even tried anything, I'm sure Sunset would kill us," Gilda said.

"I-I don't think Sunset would go that far," Fluttershy said nervously as she observed the group of students that she assumed wanted to hurt Sunset.

"She'd probably break our bones," Lightning Dust shrugged.

"Don't forget that Sunset can use magic, so she can probably turn you guys into dolls if she wanted to!" Pinkie Pie said, smiling widely.

The group of students who planned to visit Sunset paled at hearing this, some even imagined Sunset putting their dolls on display as trophies.

"I...didn't think of that," Lightning Dust said nervously as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Suddenly, Lightning Dust and the group of students were transformed into dolls.

"Oh my!" Rarity gasped at seeing the dolls.

"The hell?!" Rainbow Dash was shocked to see this.

But it didn't last long as they turned back to normal.

"That's another reason why Sunset couldn't be Anon-A-Miss," Gilda said, completely unaware that she and the other members of her group were turned into dolls.

"I'd sure hate to be turned into a doll," Lightning Dust chuckled.

Scootaloo watched in confusion as the group started joking about being turned into dolls. She looked to Rainbow Dash and whispered to her.

"Um, don't they realize that they just turned into dolls?"

"I guess all this crazy stuff is making them forget somehow," Rainbow Dash whispered back.

"Now everyone, if you all promise to behave yourselves then we will take you to Sunset's apartment where you can see for yourselves that she isn't Anon-A-Miss," Rarity said as she walked towards the exit with the group following her.

Once Rarity pushed open the door they instantly found themselves inside Sunset's apartment building.

"Hey! we're here!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Wha-when-how?!" Rainbow Dash looked around in shock at seeing that they were inside Sunset's apartment building. She turned to the front door as the last person walked in. She could see the hallway of CHS just before the door closed and as she looked through the glass of the door she could see the outside of the apartment building.

Rainbow Dash walked a couple of steps towards the door and upon opening it, was met with the cold air of the outside.

"H-how can this be possible?" Rainbow Dash muttered as she stared at the outside.

"Rainbow, darling. Would you please close the door. It's freezing. Literally!" Rarity said through chattering teeth as her winter outfit started accumulating ice.

Rainbow Dash looked down at herself and noticed that she too was starting to freeze so she quickly closed the door.

"What the hell was that?!" Rainbow demanded as she wiped away the ice that had formed on her.

"Gosh, I don't remember it ever being that cold," Fluttershy said with worry.

"Indeed, this whole situation is insane!" Rarity commented as she too wiped away the ice that had formed on her clothing. "Princess Twilight cannot come soon enough."

"What are you dweeps talking about?" Gilda asked as she crossed her arms. "Are you gonna show us Sunset or not? I've got to go to work soon."

"Alright, alright just hold your horses," Rainbow Dash said as she lead everyone up the stairs, but then the stairs started moving up, essentially becoming an escalator.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow Dash said annoyed. "Whatever, at least it's useful."

"Of course escalators are useful Dash," Gilda said as she rolled her eyes. "I know you like to do things the hard way but let the escalator do its job."

The group started laughing much to Rainbow Dash's annoyance as they let the escalator bring them up to Sunset's apartment floor. As soon as they stepped off it turned back into plain old stairs. Rainbow Dash walked towards Sunset's apartment and pulled out the spare key from her pocket. Once she opened the door, the group walked in and headed towards Sunset's bedroom.

"Wait, where's Applejack?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

"Up here Pinkie."

The group looked up and saw that Applejack was sitting on the ceiling, reading a book.

"Howdy, y’all," Applejack greeted -looking down, or up in her case - before looking in front of her. "Yah should have told me y’all were bringing over some guests."

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Scootaloo turned around to see that the group of students were gone.

"Where did they go?" Fluttershy asked. She then felt something tug at her coat sleeve and looked down to see that it was Scootaloo.

"Look up," Scootaloo said as she pointed upwards.

The girls looked up and saw that Gilda and her group were also upside down on the ceiling.

"We're here to see Sunset," Lightning Dust said.

"And what exactly do yah want with her?" Applejack questioned as she placed her book on her lap and narrowed her eyes at the group.

"It's alright, darling. They're just here to see for themselves that Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss," Rarity explained.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at the group before standing up and as soon as she did that, she was back on the floor
along with the rest of the group.

"If yah say so, just don't make me regret this," Applejack warned.

"They'll be on their best behavior. Isn't that right, boys?" Rarity gestured to the group.

"Yes, Rarity!" the boys of the group voiced their agreement.

Applejack led the group towards Sunset's bedroom and as she reached for the door she suddenly switched places with Rainbow Dash.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack said in shock as she found herself away from the front of the group.

Rainbow Dash just sighed before opening the door.

"I present to you, 'Anon-A-Miss'," Rainbow Dash said with a lot of dry sarcasm.

The group saw Sunset lying in bed, with blankets on top of her body, breathing heavily. She was hot and freezing at the same time, which could be seen as she breathed out fire and then icy wind. Also, there were literal dust bunnies just hopping around her bedroom.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped as she pushed past the group to enter Sunset's bedroom. "You shouldn't be here. My friend is sick and needs her rest."

Fluttershy attempted to pick up one of the dust bunnies but as soon as she did, it burst into a cloud of dust causing Fluttershy to cough. The dust bunnies stopped their hopping to look at Fluttershy before they too burst into dust.

"You okay, Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked as she pulled out an oversized fan and blew away the dust in a single swing.

"I'm okay. Thank you, Pinkie," Fluttershy gratefully thanked her best friend.

Gilda and her group entered Sunset's bedroom before gathering around the sick girl.

"Still think it's Sunset?" Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed over her chest.

"I never thought she was," Gilda responded. "I'm not stupid, Dash. Sunset was manipulative, cunning and sometimes ruthless but she isn't stupid."

"What kind of idiots would believe she's behind all this? Especially if they know what she's really like," Lightning Dust narrowed her eyes at the rest of her group.

The Rainbooms flinched at this unintended jab. Scootaloo herself cast her gaze downward as Lightning Dust's words affected her too.

Sunset groaned as her eyes fluttered open and she saw those weird shapes surrounding her bed.

"When did the Muppets get here?" Sunset asked with a small smile.

Instantly, Gilda and her group turned into Muppet versions of themselves..

"Are they here for the wedding?" Sunset questioned.

"What the?!" Rainbow Dash was shocked to discover that she was now wearing a wedding dress.

"Fer goodness sake!" Applejack said in annoyance as she too was in a wedding dress.

"Yay! We're getting married!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she was in a pink wedding dress.

"Oh my," Fluttershy blushed as she held her bouquet close to herself.

"I look simply gorgeous!" Rarity said as she inspected her own wedding gown.

"Uhhh," Scootaloo blinked as she was wearing a dress and holding a basket of flowers.

But then Sunset started coughing violently, causing everyone to turn back to normal. Her body started flashing red as her coughing fit continued.

"Don't crowd around her! Give her some space!" Rainbow Dash ordered Gilda and her group who complied.

Once he group dispersed, Scootaloo could clearly see Sunset and see didn't look good. The young athlete could see that Sunset was suffering and struggling to breath.

"OW!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she held her hand in pain. She got burned when she tried to hold Sunset's hand in an attempt to calm her down. "Nobody touch her or you'll get burned!"

Scootaloo became scared as everyone was starting to panic as they didn't know what to do. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to her right to see Fluttershy.

"It's okay. Sunset will be fine," the animal lover assured Scootaloo.

Scootaloo could see the fear in Fluttershy's eyes. She too was scared but was trying to remain calm for Scootaloo's sake.

"I think she's calming down," Lightning Dust pointed out as Sunset's coughing started to die down.

The group watched as Sunset's body stopped flashing red and her coughing stopped. The Rainbooms carefully approached Sunset who appeared to be resting peacefully. Suddenly, Sunset's pony ears twitched and she transformed into a pony.

The room went quiet before the silence was broken by Gilda and Fluttershy's high pitched squeals. They both rushed over to Sunset's bed to get a closer look at a real live unicorn.

"I can't believe it...A real live unicorn!" Gilda squealed.

"She's so cute!" Fluttershy gushed alongside her.

The pony Sunset then sneezed which turned her back into a human but still ponied up, much to the disappointment of Fluttershy and Gilda. Sunset groaned as she started to open her eyes. She saw blurry shapes but once her vision started to focus, she was able to recognize them.

"Gilda? Fluttershy?" Sunset questioned before sitting up, looking around her bedroom she noticed the rest of the group. "What's going on?"

Her eyes then landed on Scootaloo and she smiled.

"Hi, Scootaloo."

"H-hi," Scootaloo greeted back nervously.

Sunset's eyes closed before collapsing back on her bed.

"Nighty-night," Sunset mumbled before falling asleep.

The group watched Sunset carefully, waiting to see if any more weirdness would happen. Unfortunately, they were looking in the wrong direction.


Everyone snapped their heads towards Sunset's bedroom door as they heard a noise.

"What was that?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I can't believe you convinced me to try this," a familiar voice said.

"Well, you said your car was in the shop and this was the fastest way to get here," another eerily familiar voice spoke.

"No way," Rainbow Dash muttered before dashing towards Sunset's bedroom door and as soon as she opened it she saw Flash Sentry dusting himself off.


At hearing his name, Flash turned to see Rainbow Dash and smiled, "Hi, Rainbow."

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash questions as the others gather behind her. "How did you even get here?"

"Well it's-"

"It's thanks to The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"You!" Rainbow Dash pointed at Trixie. "How did you get here?!"

"Trixie used her great magic to transport us here!" Trixie boasted.

"Yeah right," Rainbow Dash scoffed. "You don't have magic."

Trixie smirked as she took off her hat, "Behold and marvel at Trixie's magic!"

Trixie reached into her hat and pulled out Scootaloo in a chicken costume.

"Scootaloo?!" Rainbow Dash said in shock before looking back into the room to see that she was gone.

"Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo timidly said her honorary big sister's name, unsure of what was going on.

"See? Trixie does have magic and it's more powerful than yours!" Trixie declared as she narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash, a victorious smirk on her lips.

Rainbow Dash glared back as sparks could literally be seen flying between their glares.

Author's Note:

Here's the next installment, I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to your comment as always. Special thanks to KR Chrome and Goji for their help.