• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,586 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

Anon-A-Miss’ Fall

Author's Note:

And another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoy it and as always I'm looking forward to your comments. Thanks again to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for their help with the chapter.

Princess Celestia stood on her balcony, facing her sun as she used her magic to lower it to end the day so that her sister may raise the moon and perform her nightly duties as the guardian of the night and of ponies’ dreams. Her heart started to ache as she watched the sun set, just like it always did ever since her daughter ran away to the world on the other side of the mirror.

Before it was the act of raising and lowering the moon that brought Celestia pain for centuries as it reminded Celestia of her sister whom she had been forced to banish to the moon. The pain was worse during the Summer Sun celebration as her subjects celebrated her defeat of Nightmare Moon while she knew the bitter truth. The Summer Sun Celebration after Sunset had left was by far the worst one of them all, as Celestia was overcome with a sadness so great that she almost fell into a deep depression. Her heart had never been in so much pain before as that particular celebration hammered home the point that she had lost everything.

Turning her beloved to stone, banishing her sister and losing her only daughter.

Was Celestia cursed to lose her loved ones by her own actions?

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed at the bitter memory. She was forced to use a spell that sealed all those negative emotions deep in her heart in order to perform her duties. But once she was done lowering the moon and raising the sun, the princess teleported to her room, made sure her door was locked and undid the spell on her heart. As soon as she did, her negative emotions quickly consumed her heart and she let out a wail filled with agony and sorrow not only over the loss of her family but that she had the audacity to lock away her pain of losing them.

The Solar Princess opened her eyes and smiled at seeing her sister on one of the castle’s balconies as she raised the moon and brought forth the night. The moon soon lit up the sky as sparks twinkled alongside it.

With the return of her sister, the pain in Celestia's heart lessened and it was all thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her newfound friends who had found the Elements of Harmony and used their power to purify Nightmare Moon and restoring Luna to who she was before her corruption. Celestia didn't know how she could ever repay them. First, they had brought back her sister, then Fluttershy helped Discord discover friendship and somewhat change for the better and she along with the other world counterparts of her friends helped save Sunset from the darkness of her heart and taught her the value of friendship.

Truly, Twilight was indeed a special mare, not just in her ability to save Celestia's family, but with how she raised her own son; Spike the dragon. The young dragon's idolization of his mother reminded Celestia of how her own daughter idolized her. He was very smart at such a young age like Twilight and even picked up things much quicker than her. Twilight relished this and took pride in Spike's achievements. He was definitely the apple of his mother's eye.

"Somepony looks happy."

Celestia was broken from her thoughts by a familiar voice and turned around to see Discord leaning against a wall. Discord was someone who could not be ignored, but he could make himself unnoticed until he wanted to be noticed. With his unusual appearance, it was hard not to notice him unless he did not want to be noticed.

"May I ask what has the princess in such a good mood?" Discord asked, a playful smile on his lips.

"Yes, you may," Celestia answered as she started walking towards Discord, giving him a sideways glance before walking past him.

Discord was about to say something when he felt Celestia's tail brush up against his chin. Celestia turned her head to give Discord a playful grin.

"You are such a tease, Kay-kay," Discord said with a chuckle. Celestia always had a way to make his heart race. He flew towards Celestia and landed by her side. "You haven't changed at all since you and Luna turned me to stone."

He no longer had any hard feelings about that. He came to realize how out of control and inconsiderate he had been in the past. Obviously, turning him to stone had hurt Celestia more than it had hurt him.

"I'm glad that a mare who's as old as I am can still make her stallion go weak in the knees," Celestia smirked. She always got an ego boost whenever she made the Lord of Chaos nervous or speechless. He looked so cute as he struggled to talk to her. She especially loved it whenever he froze as soon as he gazed into her eyes.

Discord walked in front of Celestia and turned to face her with a bouquet of flowers he made appear out of nowhere as he made himself a tuxedo and a handsome moustache, "My dear, all time did was make you even more beautiful. And you were already stunning to begin with."

Celestia's cheeks flushed at the compliment as she took the bouquet from his claw with her magic, sniffing the flowers with a smile.

"Thank you."

Discord raised his lion paw to caress Celestia's face.

"How did I get so lucky with you?"

Celestia raised her right hoof and placed it over Discord’s arm as she leaned into his touch.

"To think, you'd still think of me as your stallion. Even after all I did," Discord said with remorse.

"I have never stopped hoping that we would be together again," Celestia said. "When I got Luna back, I knew that it was possible for you to be reformed."

Celestia expression soured, which Discord noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just...I can't help but feel jealous that all it took for you to try and change was losing Fluttershy's friendship," Celestia answered, a slight bitterness in her tone.

"That's because I knew that you'll always love me, no matter what," Discord stated sincerely as he gazed into Celestia's eyes. "Just as you will always have my love."

Fluttershy might have been his friend, but Celestia was the love of his life. Although there were rumors due to how close he was to Fluttershy, but they were just that, nothing but rumors spread by ponies who did not know any better. If they did, however, then their minds might implode.

Celestia and Discord simply gazed into each others eyes, their faces slowly inched forward. Their eyelids slowly lowered as their lips inched ever closer, their eyes completely closed once their lips locked in a passion-filled kiss. Discord brought his other hand up to cup Celestia's face, literal butterflies dancing in pairs inside his stomach, his heart turning into a jackhammer as it hammered against his chest.

Celestia turned her head to the side to deepen the kiss as a familiar heat coursed through her body. Tears started to gather at the corner of her eyes before falling down the sides of her face. How she had longed to feel his lips against her own. After being separated for over 1,000 years, to feel his lips against hers filled her with joy as her love for him chased away all of her sadness.


The sudden cough caused the lovers’ eye to snap open and break their kiss. They turned to the direction of the voice to see Luna standing awkwardly beside them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the hallways are melting and there are fireworks outside for some reason," Luna explained.

Discord and Celestia looked around them to see that the walls were indeed melting and Discord himself was on fire. The sky was also lightning up with fireworks of various bright colors. It almost looked like an impromptu celebration. Celestia's horn glowed as she turned everything back to normal. She had learned how to negate Discord’s chaotic magic in the time since he had been turned to stone.

"I'm surprised it took you two this long to get back to how you were before," Luna commented as she narrowed her eyes at them. "And just like before, your displays of affection made a mess of everything around you."

"You're right about that," Discord said in a low sexy voice as he looked back to Celestia. "Remember that special night we shared? It's a good thing we went back to my dimension or else Equestria would look more chaotic than I made it."

Luna gagged and covered her mouth to stop herself from throwing up as her sister merely giggled.

"Speaking of that night..." Luna trailed off as she looked at her sister. "I believe Celestia has something she would like to inform you."

Celestia blinked as she was caught off guard.

"Oh?" Discord raised a curious eyebrow as he looked at Celestia, a playful smirk on his lips. "It has been over a thousand years and I am up for a repeat performance."

Celestia's cheeks burned at Discord's suggestion but as much as she would love to, that wasn't what Luna was talking about.

"Discord, as much as I would like that, Luna meant something else."

"Don't tell me she wants to join us?!" Discord mock-gasped. “How scandalous!”

"LIKE TARTARUS I WILL!!" Luna exploded, her face red with rage. "SHE'S TRYING TO SAY THAT SHE HAD YOUR FOAL!!"

Luna's declaration echoed through the halls, startling some of the castle staff. The hallway become deathly silent as the royal sisters looked expectantly at Discord whose eyes were wide in shock.

'I'm...a father?' Discord thought, as images of a hybrid foal that looked like a cross between him and Celestia popped in his mind.

"Discord?" Celestia called his name in worry, when Discord didn't answer she reached a hoof to him. "Dis-"

As Celestia's hoof made contact with Discord's face, his whole body cracked before falling to pieces.

"Discord!" Celestia fell to her knees as she scooped up some pieces of Discord. She used her magic to piece him back together but as soon as she dispelled her magic, he crumbled to pieces again.

"He took it rather well. Better than expected," Luna said as she walked beside Celestia, an amused smile on her lips. "For somepony who can bend reality to their whim, he wasn't prepared for the reality of being father."

It would take some time until Discord pulled himself back together.

Twilight held the journal tightly in her magic. Panic started to set in as the seriousness of the situation started to sink in.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no," Twilight frantically repeated as she used her magic to quickly fetch a quill before she started writing a response. She began to break out in a cold sweat as stray strands began to mess up her mane.

Once she was done hyperventilating and calmed herself as much as she could, she grabbed three scrolls and simultaneously wrote down messages to Spike, Rainbow Dash and Applejack; telling them that there was an emergency in the other world that required her immediate attention. She also asked Rainbow Dash and Applejack to keep an eye on Spike since he was asleep in his room.

She contemplated whether or not to send a message to Princess Celestia, but she rationalized that she better check to see if Sunset really was going through the same thing as Celestia had told her. Twilight knew about the strained history between them and didn't want to force a confrontation that they both might not be ready for, just in case this was a false alarm.

She teleported the two scrolls to Applejack and Rainbow Dash and then teleported to Spike's room to leave the last scroll beside his bed.

"I'll be back Spike," Twilight whispered as she planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. She then teleported back to the library where the mirror was kept and proceeded to go through the portal.

Twilight remembered the first time she had gone through as her body was stretched as she sped through a swirling portal. That was the magic in effect as it altered her shape and form, allowing her to blend in with the humans on the other side. It also provided her a set of clothes so she would not end up nude and draw unwanted attention. After a few times of doing this, she had gotten used to the mirror’s strange magic. It just felt a bit weird each time.

Rainbow Dash might like the adrenaline rush though if she entered the portal. The speed and unpredictability when going through the portal were probably something she would enjoy immensely.

The CMC were all gathered in Sweetie Belle's room. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat on the bed while Scootaloo sat in a nearby chair. All three looked miserable.

It seemed like a good plan at first. Just set up Anon-A-Miss and make it look like Sunset was behind it. First by posting Applejack’s embarrassing childhood nickname (“Piggly Wiggly”) and then put up the pictures from their slumber party where they played dress-up with the fashion disasters from Rarity’s “Closet of Shame”. Since the pictures came from Sunset’s phone, the evidence would point to her.

It was not just jealousy that drove the CMC to try to frame Sunset Shimmer, it was also the fact that they felt the girl had not been punished properly for everything she had done prior to the last Fall Formal. They didn’t think it was fair that she be shown such leniency. The girl responsible for tearing apart the Rainbooms’ friendship was now one of them. How fair was that?

When Sunset Shimmer did not show up to school, the CMC watched as the Rainbooms simmered in anger. When Sunset Shimmer did not show up until the final bell, well, it did not seem like a problem. The CMC just kept posting whatever secrets was sent to them. It just seemed like they needed to keep going to frame Sunset.

Then they learned that Sunset was sick and the girls were taking care of her. There was no way the Rainbooms could suspect her now, but the CMC kept going until they saw the state Sunset was in and how seriously sick she was.

The guilt made them feel sick at what they had done and all because of spite.

"You were right, Applebloom. We gotta confess," Scootaloo admitted as she looked at Applebloom with apologetic eyes. Seeing Sunset looking so ill was heartbreaking.

"We should tell our parents first and tomorrow we'll tell Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"Yeah," Applebloom agreed simply, feeling numb emotionally.

"Applebloom, did something else happen when you were with Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie Belle asked as she noticed how the young farmer was looking more depressed than usual. Applebloom had told her about Lyra and Bon Bon, as well as her encounter with Silver Spoon.

"Diamond Tiara confessed to me," Applebloom said without warning.

"She did!?" Sweetie Belle gasped, shocked. Ever since Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara became their friends, Sweetie Belle noticed how Diamond Tiara's cheek would turn red whenever she and Applebloom were together which the rich girl tended to do whenever they hung out.

"Wow, I didn't think she would be into girls," Scootaloo commented. However, when she realized that Applebloom wasn't happy about it, she came to a sad realization. "You turned her down, didn't you?"

Applebloom merely nodded.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle was devastated to hear this. "But why-?"

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened in realization before looking at Applebloom with a look of pity.

"I'm so sorry, Applebloom."

"Ah made Anon-A-Miss to separate Sunset from mah sister, but all ah ended up doing was hurting Applejack, her friends and...." Applebloom trailed off as she remembered the devastated look on Diamond Tiara's face when she turned her down. Applebloom brought her legs close to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and rested her forehead on her knees. "This is all mah fault.”

Nobody else was supposed to get hurt when they framed Sunset Shimmer, at least they didn’t think it would hurt people so much. It was just a few embarrassing secrets, but then they saw the strife they had caused, it began to set in how terrible they were. Nothing justified hurting people to get what they wanted.

"No, it's not," Scootaloo spoke up. "You wanted to shut down the account and confess, but I made you change your mind and convince you to go along with my stupid idea of posting everyone else’s secrets. This whole mess is my fault."

"Did you forget what you said? This is a group effort. We all contributed to the problem. No one person is to blame," Sweetie Belle reminded Scootaloo.

"Yeah, you're right," Scootaloo managed to smile slightly. "Crusaders forever."

"Forever," Sweetie Belle said with a nod.

Both girls turn to Applebloom who raised her head and offered a strained smile.

"Crusaders forever."

The CMC gathered for a group hug, drawing strength from each other as they prepared for the difficulties that awaited them.

"Rainbow Dash will probably never want to be my big sister after this," Scootaloo said sadly as she broke the hug.

"Rarity will have me model her dresses forever," Sweetie Belle shivered at the thought of being prodded with needles.

"Ah have no idea how Applejack is going to react other than being really mad at me. Granny will probably tan mah hide," Applebloom gulped. “And then she’ll give me extra chores too.”

"My mom is so going to kill me," Scootaloo shuttered. Her mom had one hell of a temper.

"I don't even want to know how my parents will react," Sweetie Belle groaned.

"Well, time to face the music," Applebloom said as she took out her phone.

Scootaloo pulled out her phone also and both girls searched their contacts until they found what they were looking for. Their thumbs hovered over the call icon before finally pressing it. They brought their phones to their ears where the phones rang three times before someone picked up.

"Hey Big Mac, can yah and Granny come by Sweetie Belle's house? There's somethin' ah gotta tell yah."

"Mom, listen I need you and dad to come to my friend Sweetie Belle's house."

The Rainbooms were all in Sunset's living room. The atmosphere in the room was gloomy as they went over in their heads what had just happened. They admitted to Sunset that they originally believed she was Anon-A-Miss which hurt her and now she wanted to be left alone.

"We really screwed up huh?" Rainbow Dash spoke as she looked out the living room window, watching people canoeing on the sidewalks.

"That's an understatement," Rarity muttered sadly from her spot on Sunset's sofa. She didn't bother to wipe away the messy mascara that ran down her face.

"We have to make this right," Applejack said as she glanced at Sunset's bedroom door from where she stood with her arms crossed, leaning against a wall.

"But how?" Fluttershy cried. She was on the floor with Pinkie Pie who had a comforting arm around her shoulders. She felt like such a bitch for making Sunset cry.

"Fer starters, we stop Anon-A-Miss," Applejack stated, her hands gripped tightly on her arms.

"This is bullshit!" Rainbow Dash cursed as she looked to her friends. "We know they did it, why not just confront them?"

"Maybe you're right, darling," Rarity agreed with Rainbow Dash, although she didn't like her use of foul language. "We've already exhausted every other possible suspects and the only ones who could have known about Applejack's nickname and be at the slumber party at my house are our families."

Rarity rose from the sofa, she pulled out her detective hat and placed it over her head.

"We've already have our leading suspects along with evidence that links them to the crime. It's about time we close in on them and confront them to get a confession!" Rarity proclaimed as she ran the rim of her hat between her thumb and index finger.

"Hell yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered, finally going on the offensive.

"It's about the only thing we got left to try," Applejack agreed. Just then she heard a strange noise coming from Sunset's bedroom. "Do yah girls hear that?"

The girls looked at Applejack before trying to listen to the noise she had heard.

"I don't hear anything," Rarity said.

"Ah think it's coming from Sunset's room," Applejack realized as she started walking towards Sunset's bedroom.

The rest of the girls followed Applejack as she reached Sunset's bedroom door and placed her ear against the door.

"Yeah, it's definitely coming from inside her room," Applejack confirmed.

"Hey, I hear it now too," Rainbow Dash said as she and the rest of the Rainboom could hear a vibrating noise coming from inside Sunset's bedroom.

Applejack turned the knob and opened the door.

"Sunset?" Applejack called out her friend’s name as she peered inside. She spotted the former unicorn fast asleep on her bed, her chest rising and falling. However, her eyes immediately caught the glowing and vibrating journal on Sunset's nightstand.

"The journal!"

Applejack quickly entered Sunset's bedroom, being careful not to wake up the sleeping girl. She retrieved the journal and opened it to the current entry.

Dear Girls:

I'm so sorry for the late reply, but for some strange reason I've only now just gotten all your messages. I'm coming over right now, so meet me by the portal.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

"What does it say?" Rainbow Dash asked as she and the rest of the girls crowded around Applejack.

"Twilight's coming over. Right now!" Applejack told them.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered loudly, but she immediately covered her mouth with her hands as she realized what she had done.

The girls looked to Sunset to see the redhead still sleeping. They let out a combined sigh of relief before quietly making their way out of Sunset's bedroom.

"Okay, we need to go meet Twilight but one of us has to stay behind to watch over Sunset," Applejack explained as she closed Sunset's bedroom door.

"I'll go get Twilight. The rest if you should stay here," Rarity suggested.

"I would like to come with you, Rarity," Fluttershy requested.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy. She could see the determination on her face and knew that she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Of course, darling."

With that settled, Rarity and Fluttershy rushed to Sunset's apartment door. They took their winter coats from the coat rack and put them on.

"Be careful, you two. There's still weirdness going on outside," Rainbow Dash warned them, worry evident in her tone.

"We will," Fluttershy said as she and Rarity left the apartment. They went to take the stairs but found a slide instead.

"We'll make do," Rarity said as she went down the slide first, followed by Fluttershy.

They both arrived at the lobby and proceeded to head out the main door. Other than people canoeing on the sidewalks, it didn't look too crazy. They hurried towards CHS, hope filling their hearts that with Twilight here everything will be alright now.

Twilight exited the portal and was immediately hit with a blast of cold wind.

"Cold!" Twilight shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself. How she wished she had a coat or at least her fur. Guess the portal was not perfect as it did not provide her any season-appropriate clothing, opting to grant her the default outfit instead.

As Twilight rubbed her bare arms in an attempt to keep warm, she didn't notice the surface of the portal gleam before moving to the next surface of the statue base. She waited for several minutes in the cold before hearing a familiar voice call out her name.


Twilight turned to the direction of the voice to see Fluttershy and Rarity running towards her.

"My goodness, darling! Where's your coat?!" Rarity was shocked to see Twilight without any form of protection against the cold.

"My coat didn't make the transition," Twilight said through chattering teeth.

"Not to worry, darling. I have just the thing in case of an emergency," Rarity assured the princess as she pulled a trunk out of nowhere. She pulled Twilight close as she opened the trunk. Some rummaging later and when Rarity closed the trunk, Twilight was now wearing a stylish winter coat.

"Wow! Thanks, Rarity!" Twilight thanked her otherworldly friend as she looked over her coat, already she feeling a lot warmer.

"Don't mention it, darling," Rarity said with a smile. "Now we really must be going to Sunset's abode."

Twilight nodded as the three friends made their way towards Sunset's place but along the way, Twilight noticed some things that were very different since the last time she was here.

"Excuse me girls, but since when can people fly?" Twilight asked curiously as she looked towards the street.

Fluttershy and Rarity followed her line of sight and saw the flying people; but judging by the way they were sitting, Rarity and Fluttershy guessed that they were driving invisible cars.

"Um, I don't think they're flying, Twilight," Fluttershy said as she watched several people driving by with their invisible cars.

"Hmm, you're right. That looks like a very awkward way to fly anyway," Twilight nodded.

"About that, darling. What you are seeing isn't normal," Rarity began. "Odd things have been happening like what you are seeing before you."

Rarity gestured to the people driving invisible cars, people canoeing on the sidewalk, and a passing snowman who raised his hat to them in greeting.

"We think it might be magic related," Fluttershy added as she and her friends waved to the snowman.

"And with Sunset being sick, you were the next expert we could turn to," Rarity explained.

"Hmm, do any of you know what could be causing this?' Twilight asked.

Rarity and Fluttershy glanced at each other before looking back to Twilight.

"We're not entirely sure, but we believe that it might have something to do with Sunset," Rarity said a bit reluctantly. She didn't want to accuse her friend, especially given that she had made that error already.

"What makes you say that?" Twilight asked. She noticed the way Rarity and Fluttershy were shifting nervously.

"You see, with Sunset being ill, we took it upon ourselves to stay over at her apartment to take care of her," Rarity explained. "We've been doing this for a couple of days now and taking turns staying with her while the rest of us were at school."

"But when we woke up, we found ourselves on the ceiling, the walls and in Pinkie's case, just floating," Fluttershy explained further.

"And Sunset herself was ponied up," Rarity said.

"Sunset ponied up?" Twilight questioned. "How?"

"We don't know, darling. She was using her magic like it was the most natural thing to do but collapsed soon after,"

Rarity answered. "And when we left her apartment to go to school, it was snowing ice cream, complete with the cone."

"Snowing ice cream," Twilight mumbled before her eyes widen in realization. "Of course!"

"Do you know what's going on?" Rarity asked hopefully.

"I believe so. I'll explain when we meet up with everypony- I mean everyone else," Twilight said, receiving nods from Fluttershy and Rarity before all of them continued their way towards Sunset's apartment.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie waited anxiously for Rarity and Fluttershy to return with Princess Twilight. Rainbow Dash was fidgeting from her spot on the sofa, repeatedly stealing glances at the front door.

"Dash, try to calm down. They'll get here," Applejack tried to assure her rainbow-haired friend.

"I can't help it," Rainbow Dash said. "We don’t know what’s going on and now we're finally going to get some answers."

"Ah know," Applejack understood how Rainbow Dash felt. "Just don't get yer hopes up too high."

Before Rainbow Dash could question what Applejack meant, they heard the door open and saw Rarity enter the apartment, followed by Twilight and Fluttershy.


Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie quickly rushed towards the arriving group.

"Twilight, thank goodness yer here," Applejack said in relief as she gave Twilight a hug.

"It's good to see you again, Applejack," Twilight said as she returned the hug.

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie gave Twilight a crushing hug.

"Nice to see you too, Pinkie," Twilight managed to say as she felt the air being squeezed out of her lungs.

"Thank God you're here, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash pulled Twilight out of Pinkie's grasp and gave her a hug. "You gotta help Sunset."

"I'll do what I can," Twilight assured Rainbow Dash. "Where is she?"

"She's in her room," Rainbow Dash said as she led Twilight to Sunset's bedroom.

When Rainbow opened the door, Twilight saw Sunset lying on her bed, her breath labored, cheeks rosy and her face covered in sweat. Twilight noticed the pony ears on top of Sunset's head as she made her way to her bedside; and she reached out to lay a hand against Sunset's forehead.

"Careful, darling. You might get burned," Rarity warned.

Twilight paused, her hand hovering inches above Sunset's forehead. She casted Rarity a puzzled look before looking back at Sunset and retracting her hand.

"Sunset, can you hear me?" Twilight asked.

Sunset's ears twitched at hearing Twilight's voice, her eyes fluttering open as she looked in Twilight's direction. Sunset's vision was blurry but it soon came into focus as she recognized Twilight.

"Twilight?" Sunset muttered weakly, her voice hoarse.

"Hey, Sunset. How are you feeling?" Twilight asked, her voice full of concern as she took in Sunset's state. Sunset looked very weak and awful.

"I feel...I feel great!" Sunset said cheerfully as she shot out of her bed. "It's great to see you Twilight, say how about we-"

Sunset never got to finish as she lost consciousness and fell forward. Thankfully, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were there to catch her.

"She's been suffering from hallucinations and demonstrating manic behavior due to her fever," Rarity said with worry as she watched Applejack and Rainbow Dash tucked Sunset in her bed. "Darling, you said you knew what was going on?"

"You do?!" Rainbow Dash was instantly in front of Twilight, her hands were on the Princess of Friendship's shoulders as she looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please tell us!"

Twilight recognized the look of worry in Rainbow's eyes. It was the same look she’d seen in her Rainbow Dash’s eyes whenever she worried about her.

"Let's talk in the hallway so we can let Sunset rest," Twilight instructed.

The Rainbooms nodded in agreement as they quietly made their way out of Sunset's bedroom and into her living room.

"Okay, I believe the reason for the bizarre things that have been happening to your world lately have something to do with Sunset," Twilight said.

"How can yah be sure, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Simple, it's because her father is the Lord of Chaos," Twilight told them, causing all their eyes to widen.

"I'm sorry, darling. Did you just say that Sunset's father is the ’Lord of Chaos’?" Rarity asked, not believing what she had just heard.

"You see, Sunset is the daughter of our world's princess, Princess Celestia, who is responsible for bringing forth the day and my personal teacher as well as Sunset's, and Discord; who once ruled Equestria in the ancient past in a state of unrest and unhappiness." Twilight explained, stunning her friends.

"Sunset told me that her mother is a princess, but ah never would've thought that her father was someone like that," Applejack said.

"Wait, she told you that?" Rainbow Dash questioned, feeling jealous and hurt that Sunset would tell Applejack that and not anyone else, especially her.

"Yeah, she said she meant to tell all of us, but never got the chance to with her trying to make up for hurtin' folks," Applejack explained.

"So Sunny's dad was a bad guy! That makes so much sense now!" Pinkie Pie gasped.

"You don't know the half of it. Her aunt is the princess of the night, Princess Luna, the younger sister of Princess Celestia who brings forth the night was once a villain known as Nightmare Moon," Twilight added . "She threatened to cast Equestria into eternal night until me and my friends stopped her and turned her back to Princess Luna."

"Geez, was all of Sunset's family bad guys?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Twilight laughed awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head.

"Twilight, darling. What about Sunset's illness?" Rarity asked. "If Sunset is the cause of the chaos, then it's no doubt due to her being sick."

"Yes, it should stand to reason that when Sunset gets better then everything will go back to normal," Twilight nodded while smiling.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and make Sunset better!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly. At last, Sunset would get better.

Twilight's smile faltered which worried her friends.

"You can help her, right?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"I have a hunch as to what could be causing Sunset's illness, but I'll have to cast a diagnosis spell on her just to make sure," Twilight answered. "If my hunch is correct then I know the right pony to help her."

The girls sighed in relief.

Twilight walked back into Sunset's bedroom with the Rainbooms following behind her. Twilight stood by Sunset's bedside and after taking a few deep breaths, closed her eyes and started to concentrate. She didn't know how magic worked in this world but if Sunset was able to pony up by herself then there was no reason she couldn't. Twilight searched deep inside, trying to find that familiar feeling of her magic. She then felt a tiny spark and concentrated all her focus on it. As she did, she thought of her friends and the spark became stronger. Twilight's hair extended into a ponytail and pony ears sprouted from on top of her head.

Twilight opened her eyes and extended her right hand over Sunset, creating a dome of magic over her body. Twilight remembered what Celestia told her about an imbalance within Sunset and searched for that. It didn't take her long to find it.

"So it is that," Twilight mumbled but her friends managed to hear her.

"What is?" Rainbow Dash asked anxiously.

"Sunset's mother told me about how when Sunset was little she was very sick, and she had the same symptoms she has now," Twilight began explaining.

"She's had this before?" Rainbow Dash questioned, feeling a little relieved. "Then she can be cured, right?"

"Yes, her illness was caused by an imbalance in her magic," Twilight stated. "Sunset has her mother's celestial magic and her father's chaotic magic; normally they are both in perfect balance but when she uses one more than the other it causes an imbalance which is reflected in her being sick."

"Then how do we fix that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We get Sunset to use her chaos magic," Twilight stated.

The girls cheered at this. Finally, they had the answer to help Sunset.

However, Rarity felt something was wrong. Her keen eye for detail looked over all the information and detected something wrong with Twilight's solution. But before she could voice it, Fluttershy spoke up.

"But how are we going to get her to use her chaos magic if she keeps passing out?"

Twilight thought for a moment and smiled as she thought of an answer.

"Then we'll just get a relative to transfer their chaos magic to her to correct the imbalance."

"Are yah going to bring Sunset back to Equestria?" Applejack asked, feeling nervous for some reason.

"It might not be good idea to move Sunset in her condition and who knows what'll happen when she goes through the portal," Twilight explained. "It's better if I go back and bring Sunset's father here."

"Oh! That makes sense," Applejack laughed nervously. She was feeling relieved that Sunset wasn't leaving.

Rarity, seeing her opportunity to speak, was about to voice her concerns when her phone started ringing. This was soon followed by Applejack's. Both girls checked the caller ID’s and saw the calls were from Rarity's mother and Applejack's grandmother.

"Hello, Mother," Rarity answered the phone.

"Hey, Granny," Applejack answered her phone as well.

Both girls were silent as they listened to their parental figures when their eyes suddenly widened.

"SHE SAID WHAT?!" both teens shouted.

"W-what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked nervously.

Applejack and Rarity talked to their parental figures for a bit before hanging up. They let out a shared sigh of frustration as their expressions became angry.

"Applejack? Rarity?" Twilight looked to her friends with worry.

"My mother called to tell me that Sweetie Belle and her friends confessed to being Anon-A-Miss," Rarity said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Granny told me the same," Applejack said through gritted teeth.

At the mention of Anon-A-Miss, Sunset's face twisted in discomfort, causing her to let out an annoyed moan.

"Let's take this outside," Twilight suggested.

The girls nodded and left Sunset's bedroom, Meanwhile, Sunset's face twisted from discomfort to annoyance.

"Anon-A-Miss," Sunset mumbled in her sleep.

"I can't believe they actually did it," Fluttershy said from her spot on Sunset's sofa. They had suspected the Crusaders at first, but to have it finally confirmed did not fill them with glee.

"Ah'm so angry at Applebloom and mahself right now," Applejack said as she sat next to Fluttershy and buried her face in her hands.

Rarity simply stood to one side. Her eyes were closed but her friends knew that she was having some inner turmoil about this revelation.

Twilight looked at the Rainbooms in confusion. She didn't understand what was going on.

"Girls, what's wrong? Who's ‘Anon-A-Miss’? And how does it involve your sisters?"

The girls looked at each other, they knew they had to tell Twilight the truth.

Rarity opened her eyes and looked at Twilight who noticed the look of guilt in them. In fact she noticed that same look in all her friends.

"Darling, there's something we have to tell you."