• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,587 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

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Sweetie Belle was on high alert as she wandered through the forest, her eyes darting from side to side as even the slightest noise had her on edge. All alone and armed only with a sword and shield, she could not afford to let her guard down.

“Applebloom, Scootaloo, where are you girls?” Sweetie Belle asked out loud as she searched for her friends. If they managed to regroup, then they could figure out a plan to get out of this nightmare game.

“Sweetie Belle!”

Sweetie Belle jumped at her name suddenly being called as she prepared to defend herself.

“Who’s there!?”

“Up here!”

Sweetie Belle snapped her head up to see Princess Sunset waving at her.

“Sunset? Is that you?”

Sunset landed in front of Sweetie Belle and gave her a gentle and disarming smile.

“Hi, Sweetie Belle!”

“How come you look like a princess and not a monster?” Sweetie Belle asked before her eyes widened at what she had just said. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean-”

“It’s okay, I get it. I wasn’t very pleasant earlier,” Sunset said. Although she was smiling on the outside, she was secretly furious on the inside at what Sweetie Belle had just said. “But I’m different now and I want to help you rescue Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack.”

Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure if she could trust anything from this game, but considering what she had done to Sunset, she figured she owed it to the former unicorn to give her the benefit of the doubt.

“Okay, Sunset. Let’s save them.”

“Great!” Sunset said as she gave Sweetie Belle a bright smile.

The two started walking through the forest and Sunset could tell Sweetie Belle was stealing glances at her.

That’s it, feel guilty for what you’ve done . You and your friends are going to pay for what you did to me,’ Sunset
thought bitterly.

“S-Sunset?” Sweetie Belle spoke.

“Yes?” Sunset looked at Sweetie Belle who appeared nervous.

“There’s something I have to tell you,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Is it about you and your friends being Anon-A-Miss? I already know.”

“H-how’d you know?!” Sweetie Belle asked, shocked that Sunset already knew about them being Anon-A-Miss.

“Once I put all the clues together, it wasn’t hard to figure out,” Sunset explained.

“And you’re not mad?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“Oh I’m mad alright,” Sunset glared at Sweetie Belle which caused her to flinch. “You posted embarrassing photos of my friends, your own sisters!

“I-I know and I’m sorry!” Sweetie Belle apologized.

“Saying sorry isn’t enough, Sweetie Belle,” Sunset stated. “You have to prove how sorry you are with your actions.”

“I know, I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to everyone!” Sweetie Belle vowed.

“Good,” Sunset smiled. “But I doubt Rarity will ever forgive you though.”

“H-how can you be sure?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

“Because Rarity is someone who holds grudges and I doubt she’ll look at you the same after this,” Sunset said.

She’s right,’ Sweetie Belle thought as she looked away from Sunset. ‘Rarity will want nothing to do with me.

Sweetie Belle shut her eyes as tears began to form, the realization that the damage to her relationship with her sister was beyond repair broke her heart.

Oh Rarity, I’m so sorry.

Why should you be sorry?

Sweetie Belle’s eyes snapped open as she heard another voice in her head.

Rarity was never sorry for using us as her own personal mannequins,’ the voice spoke again. It sounded just like her own.

Who are you?!’ Sweetie Belle demanded.

‘I’m the feelings that you’ve been bottling up all this time,’ The voice answered. ‘In other words I’m you!’

You don’t sound very nice,’ Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Well if you had to endure the kind of nonsense Rarity puts us through, you wouldn’t sound nice either,’ the voice spoke in an annoyed tone.

Rarity does put us through a lot of her drama,’ Sweetie Belle agreed, remembering how she had to listen to Rarity as she vented to her about something small like breaking a nail, split ends and the occasional pimple.

She thinks it’s all about her. Remember the talent show? She purposely made the dresses too good so that that’s all anyone can talk about!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice ranted.

Sweetie Belle remembered that day. She had been so excited about the play she had written. Instead of compliments for her play, the only nice things they had to say were about the costumes.

‘But Rarity fell behind on her order for a client because she had to look over the dresses,’ Sweetie Belle explained. ‘Rarity put my needs over her own client.

But didn’t she want something in exchange for her time?’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice questioned.

What do you mean?’ Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity only puts up with us so we can put up with her,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice pointed out. ‘Like that time she treated us to ice cream only for her to ask us to help with her dresses.

Sweetie Belle cringed when she remembered how she had to stand still for hours as Rarity worked on the dress. She could still feel the needles poking against her skin.

Rarity has always been selfish; and she’s never cared about us!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner thoughts shouted. ‘She picked Sunset over us.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened at this. She glanced at Sunset who was smiling at her.

“Is something wrong, Sweetie Belle?” Sunset asked.

“N-nothing! Let’s go save Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash!” Sweetie Belle urged as she started marching ahead.

“Sure,” Sunset said, smiling wickedly.

It’s bad enough that Rarity just uses us for whatever she wants, but she prefers to be with Sunset than us!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice said with resentment. ‘We were even forced to model a dress for her!

Sweetie Bell remembered that day. She was planning to hang out with her friends but then Rarity sweet talked her into helping her make a dress for Sunset. She promised that it wouldn’t take long and that she needed her input on it. This made Sweetie Belle happy as she would actually be helping her sister design one of her dresses. But it didn’t turn out that way. Everytime she would make a suggestion, Rarity would ignore her and focus completely on the task at hand.

All that time we could’ve spent with our friends was wasted because of her!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice growled.

Sweetie Belle frowned. Her inner voice was right. Rarity had robbed her of spending time with her friends just so she could make an outfit for Sunset and she even lied about asking her for help.

‘That drama queen doesn’t care about us at all!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice said. ‘Not unlike Applebloom and Scootaloo.

They understood why I couldn’t hang out with them, they knew how much I wanted to actually help Rarity design a dress. Too bad it didn’t turn out like I wanted,’ Sweetie Belle thought in disappointment.

But like Scootaloo said, at least you didn’t help make a dress for that demon,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice said.

That demon?’ Sweetie Belle questioned.

Yeah. You know, Sunset Shimmer,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice clarified.

But she’s not a demon,’ Sweetie Belle corrected her.

Are you kidding?! Did you forget that she literally turned into one at the Fall Formal?!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice said aghast that she would forget that. ‘Not to mention that she mind controlled everyone!

She did do that,’ Sweetie Belle thought in agreement.

I say we save Applejack and Rainbow Dash for Scootaloo and Applebloom,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice suggested. ‘Those two have been there for us when Rarity wasn’t, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been more of a big sister to us than Rarity!

Suddenly, images of when Sweetie Belle tried to help Rarity around the house only to fail popped in her mind. She was trying to be a thoughtful sister and help out her big sister but all her efforts went unappreciated.

Applejack was the one who comforted us when we were having a bad day, Rarity couldn’t even be bothered as she was busy working on her career,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice air quoted in her head. ‘Rainbow Dash offered to give us a ride home when Rarity couldn’t even be bothered to pick us up after our afterschool club!’

The more Sweetie Belle thought of how selfish her sister was, the angrier she got.

Scootaloo and Applebloom are the best friends we could ever ask for, we just have to save their sisters!’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice said. ‘Crusaders forever!

“Crusaders forever,” Sweetie Belle mumbled as all the color completely drained from her.

“Two down,” Princess Sunset grinned wickedly as she witnessed the corruption of Sweetie Belle. Pretty soon, she would have corrupted them all and then the real fun could begin.

Sunset clenched her chest as she felt something very off.

“Why?” Sunset questioned. “Why am I feeling this way?”

“It’s worse than before,” SunDash said while the feeling that something was really wrong increased as she panted heavily.

“Maybe it’s because we’re sick?” SunJack questioned as she too clutched at her chest.

Whatever it was they were feeling, the Sun trio couldn’t place the cause.

“Anyway, we’re almost there,” Sunset reminded them.

“You’re right, all that’s left is Scoots,” SunDash said to her monitor as Scootaloo was moving through the forest.

Diamond Tiara swung from one vine to another as she made her way through the forest that was her classroom. She had seen what was happening to her friends and was hurrying to the computer lab to stop Sunset before it was too late.

Why? Why is Sunset doing this?’ Diamond Tiara asked herself internally.

Diamond Tiara could understand Sunset being upset with her friends for framing her as the one responsible for creating Anon-A-Miss, but trapping them inside a video game and killing them over and over again was going too far. Not to mention that she did something to them that made them lose their color and judging by the look in their eyes, a part of themselves as well.

Applebloom,’ Diamond Tiara thought of her crush. She thought back to the pain in her eyes as she confessed to being Anon-A-Miss and compared them to how empty they looked now.

Diamond Tiara swung from one last vine before landing in front of her classroom door. She turned the doorknob and as soon as she did, the entire room changed into a race track.

Drivers, to your cars!

Diamond Tiara raced to her car which was a go-kart. She was already wearing a purple and gold racing suit as she jumped into the driver’s seat. She fastened her seatbelt and put on her helmet.

Drivers, on your mark. Get set. GO!

Diamond Tiara slammed her foot on the accelerator as she and the other drivers sped out of the starting line.

Hold on, girls! I’m on my way!’ Diamond Tiara thought with determination as she maneuvered her way around the other drivers. She had a race to win.

“Yipeeee!” Pinkie Pie cheered in excitement as she was turned into a firecracker and rocketed into the air. When she exploded, an image of her smiling face lit up the ceiling.

“Pinkie, knock it off. We have to find a way out of here,” Twilight reminded the party girl as she searched for an exit.

“Oh that’s easy!” Pinkie said as she suddenly appeared next to Twilight, startling the princess. “It’s right over here!’

Pinkie grabbed onto thin air and as she pulled back. The sound of a door opening could be heard as the entire room changed.

“Pinkie, how did you do that?” Twilight asked as she stared at Pinkie in amazement.

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie said as she gave a big toothy smile.

Twilight sighed before smiling at Pinkie Pie. She should’ve known to expect unbelievable acts from Pinkie. She was right at home in the chaos.

“Look, Twilight! We’re on the beach!” Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly as she bounced in place.

Twilight looked around and indeed they were on the beach.

“Well, this is a welcome change. I guess,” Twilight said as her clothes turned into a purple swimsuit.

“Maybe something exciting will happen!” Pinkie said in her usual excited tone as she was clad in a pink and white swimsuit.

“Hopefully not too exciting,” Twilight said as she and Pinkie started walking down the beach.

As they walked down the beach with the sun setting in the distance, Twilight recalled when she and her friends took a trip to the beach. They all had a fun time and Twilight definitely enjoyed the walks down the beach she shared with Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Someone looks happy.”

Twilight snapped out of her musing and looked at a grinning Pinkie.

“I recognize that smile, who were you thinking about?” Pinkie Pie asked as she nudged Twilight teasingly.

“I was just thinking of my Rainbow Dash and Applejack,” Twilight confessed, her cheeks turning red.

“You three must be soooo happy together!” Pinkie said as she gave Twilight a bone crushing hug.

“Yeah, we really are,” Twilight managed to say as Pinkie Pie squeezed the life out of her.

Pinkie Pie released Twilight and the princess was surprised to see her with a sad smile.

“I wonder if our Rainbow Dash and Applejack can be as happy with Sunset?” Pinkie Pie said sadly.

Pinkie Pie remembered how hurt Sunset was when they confessed to her about how they thought she was Anon-A-Miss. But what hurt Sunset the most was hearing one of the girls she had crushes on admit that they would still assume it was her being Anon-A-Miss if she wasn’t sick.

“Do you think there is any chance that they can still be together?” Pinkie Pie asked Twilight.

“I can’t speak for Sunset, but I’m sure everything will be fine,” Twilight assured the party girl.

“I really hope so, Twilight. I don’t want to see my friends sad anymore,” Pinkie said as she wiped away a stray tear.

Twilight pulled Pinkie Pie into a hug.

“I don’t want to see my friends sad either, Pinkie.”

They held onto each other until Twilight felt something wrap around her leg and was suddenly hoisted into the air.

“What in Equestria?!” Twilight was shocked to see a giant octopus staring at her.

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie yelled. This was not good. She had seen plenty of Japanese stuff to see where this was going.

“Hmm this one’s not quite right, but it’ll have to do,” the giant octopus said as he put Twilight in his grocery basket.

“Hey, you leave my friend alone!” Pinkie Pie warned Mr. Octopus. She would not let her friend become a victim of tentacle hentai!

Mr. Octopus looked at Pinkie while raising an eyebrow.

“Sorry, but you’re too sweet for me and I’m watching my figure,” Mr. Octopus commented before he started going back into the ocean.

“Oh no you don’t!” Pinkie Pie said as she tore off her swimsuit to reveal her sushi chef uniform complete with a bandolier of knives.

Pinkie Pie jumped at the giant octopus and the two started wrestling each other. The octopus tried to wrap its tentacles around Pinkie Pie but she was too slick as she maneuvered her way around the tentacles. The octopus was getting frustrated as Pinkie Pie kept evading him.

Pinkie Pie was giggling all the while as she maneuvered around Mr. Octopus She waved to Twilight before she jumped away from the octopus and landed on the beach. A tentacle shot towards her but stopped short as all Mr. Octopus’ tentacles were all entangled. Pinkie Pie walked up to Mr. Octopus and started tickling him.

“Coochie coochie coo!” Pinkie Pie said as she started tickling Mr. Octopus.

Mr. Octopus tried to resist but eventually gave in as he started laughing. His grip on Twilight loosened and she slipped free.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Twilight thanked the party girl as she flew next to her.

“No problem, Twilight!” Pinkie said as she walked up to the octopus. She grabbed his tentacle and with great strength she threw him back into the ocean. “That’s that.”

Pinkie Pie dusted her hands as the area around them started to change. They braced themselves for what was coming next.

Scootaloo shot an arrow through a wild boar. It groaned as it keeled over and died, vanishing moments later so she would gain EXP from its death.

“There sure are alot of wild animals here,” Scootaloo said out loud as she carefully made her way through the forest.

While these random encounters provided a good chance for her to gain EXP and level up, she really needed to find her friends so they could figure out a plan.

“Hey Scoots.”


Scootaloo quickly spun around was ready to shoot an arrow through whoever was behind her.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa calm down!” Sunset raised her hands in front of herself. “It’s me, Sunset.”

“How do I know it’s really you?” Scootaloo questioned suspiciously, her arrow still pointed at Sunset. For all she knew, it was a shapeshifter that had taken Sunset’s form to get her to drop her guard.

“If I really wanted to hurt you, I would’ve rammed my hand through your back and held your heart in my hand,” Sunset said.

Scootaloo mulled over what Sunset had just said before lowering her bow. That was true. Demon Sunset would not have bothered making her presence known. She would’ve just killed her.

“Why are you dressed like a princess?” Scootaloo wondered.

“Because I actually am one in real life,” Sunset answered.

“Seriously?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Yep, in my world I am the daughter of the reigning Princess of Equestria,” Sunset explained.

“Then why were you so obsessed with being the Princess of the Fall Formal if you were already one?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s not enough that I was born a princess, I have to prove that I earned it. Especially since my mother is revered as a great and wise ruler,” Sunset explained. “I have a lot to live up to.”

“I can relate to that,” Scootaloo said sadly. Since her parents were sports stars and her mother was considered the greatest athlete of her generation, Scootaloo wanted so much to make them proud so that she could be worthy of their legacy. Naturally, people expected great things from her and the pressure to live up to her parents’ legacy was great.

Sunset smiled as she found an opening.

“I dreamed of becoming a great princess, one that everyone can look up to,” Sunset said. “But more importantly, I wanted to make my mother proud of me.”

Scootaloo thought of her own mother who she looked up to. She dreamed of becoming a successful athlete like her. She wanted so much to make both her parents proud.

“She would no doubt be very disappointed in what I had become,” Sunset continued as she briefly shifted into her demon form. “A demon.”

Scootaloo’s mind flashed with the disappointed looks of her parents when she confessed to what she had done as part of Anon-A-Miss.

“Thank Celestia I had my friends to help me become someone better,” Sunset said with a smile as she turned back into a princess.

Images of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle flashed in Scootaloo’s mind. They had always stuck by her through thick and thin, supported her and cheered her on. Back when Diamond Tiara was a bully and told her that she would never live up to her parents’ greatness, Scootaloo began to doubt herself and soon decided to give up sports entirely. But her friends and Rainbow Dash helped remind her that she shouldn’t worry about being like her parents and that she should be herself.

Be the best you that you can be. That’s the you your parents are proud of.

Rainbow Dash’s words echoed in Scootaloo’s mind causing tears to well up in Scootaloo’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Sunset.”

“I know,” Sunset said in a monotone voice.

“I was so afraid that you’d take Rainbow Dash away from me that I didn’t even consider your feelings,” Scootaloo sobbed. ”I’ve always been a little jealous of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle for having big sisters.”

Sunset watched Scootaloo sob with impassive eyes, listening closely to what she had to say.

“They would always have so much fun together and the bond they shared because they were sisters was very special,”
Scootaloo said. “Then Rainbow Dash came into my life and I really admire and look up to her. I was so happy when she agreed to be my big sister and I finally had what Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had. But then you came into the picture.”

Scootaloo wiped away at her eyes and looked at Sunset with a sad look.

“After the Fall Formal, Rainbow Dash started hanging out with you more which meant that she was hanging out with me less and less.” Scootaloo looked away from Sunset, feeling too ashamed to look at her as she continued. “So when Applebloom told me about her plan to split you from them, I agreed to join her. But after they visited you at your apartment, they decided to shut down Anon-A-Miss and confess. But I refused.”

Scootaloo risked glancing back at Sunset and saw that her expression was still emotionless.

“It was my idea to continue posting secrets, especially those that were sent to us by other kids of the school.”
Scootaloo saw Sunset’s left eye twitch briefly at the mention of that.

“When it was my turn to visit your apartment, I saw how sick you were and I started to get worried when everyone mentioned how serious it was,” Scootaloo admitted. “But what really made me realize what I did was wrong was when I saw Rainbow Dash pour her heart out to you while you were unconscious.”

Tears began spilling from Scootaloo’s eyes once again as she told Sunset what she had witnessed.

“Rainbow Dash was beating herself up for falling for our trick, she was calling herself an idiot and crying!” Scootaloo sobbed. “Rainbow Dash really likes you Sunset, she’s terrified of losing you!”

“Rainbow Dash, is terrified?”SunDash questioned.

“Of losing us,” SunJack said.

“Rainbow Dash,” Sunset whispered her crush’s name. She was very touched to hear that the athlete cared for her very much.

Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia were watching the livestream and heard what Scootaloo had said. Princess Celestia glanced at Rainbow Dash to see her reaction.

“Oh Scoots,” Rainbow Dash muttered as she looked sadly at her phone.

Rainbow Dash felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Princess Celestia looking at her worriedly.

“Are you going to be alright, Rainbow Dash?” Celestia asked with concern.

“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” Rainbow Dash assured the princess.

Princess Celestia was skeptical of Rainbow Dash’s answer. She thought of dropping the matter but she knew from experience that if whatever Rainbow was feeling wasn’t addressed then it would only fester and grow worse.

“Rainbow Dash, tell me what’s on your mind?”

Rainbow Dash looked into Princess Celestia’s eyes and despite them not being the same color, she could see the same look of kindness that Sunset’s eyes had whenever she wanted to help.

“I’m just upset with Scootaloo for betraying me and trying to frame Sunset.”

“Frame Sunset?” Celestia questioned.

“Princess, you’re not going to like what I am going to say,” Rainbow said before telling her about Anon-A-Miss, the CMC’s involvement as well as how she and her friends reacted.

When Rainbow Dash finished speaking, she waited for the Solar Princess to say something and her palms started sweating as she imagined the look of outrage on the princess’ face.

Princess Celestia let out a sigh before she spoke.

“I’m not happy with how my daughter has been treated, and I’m especially not happy with how you and the rest of your friends assumed she was responsible for humiliating all of you. And for what, I may add?” Celestia asked as she crossed her arms. “I have taught my daughter well enough to know that she would never leave anything to incriminate herself.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It is as I said, Sunset’s skills of manipulation and information gathering were taught to her by me,” Celestia explained.

“B-but why would you teach your own daughter to be a manipulative bitch?!” Rainbow Dash was dumbfounded.

“It is vital that she learned those skills, especially for one who is my heir and has to maneuver the world of politics,” Celestia explained. “Up until my sister and my beloved were returned to me, my little Sunshine was all I had left in this world and I did whatever I could to protect her. Fortunately or unfortunately she takes after her father and myself in being able to easily manipulate ponies.” The princess uncrossed her arms as she held out her hand to Rainbow Dash with a smile. “But now isn’t the time to dwell on our mistakes. We must hurry to Sunset and after all this is over...we can talk about your punishment.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed a lump in her throat as the princess’ smile unnerved her. It looked far more threatening than it should She took the offered hand as the princess took flight and flew into an open door.

“So please, don’t be to mad at Rainbow Dash. She’s so awesome and I hate to see her look so miserable!” Scootaloo continued to sob.

Then why did you make her miserable in the first place?’ Sunset thought bitterly. She watched Scootaloo sob before walking towards her.

Scootaloo had her eyes closed as she heard footsteps approaching. She steeled herself for whatever Sunset would do to her, expecting a slap to the face, but was surprised when she felt Sunset wrap her arms around her and pull her into a hug.


Sunset pulled back to look at Scootaloo. She was on her knees and had her hands on Scootaloo’s shoulders as she gave her a warm smile.

“We both really care for Rainbow Dash, huh?” Sunset said.

“Y-yeah,” Scootaloo agreed, not understanding what was happening.

“I bet if we free her, she could easily rescue Applejack and Rarity,” Sunset suggested.

“You really think so?” Scootaloo asked.

“I know so. Rainbow Dash is so cool, I bet she could easily beat the Queen,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Yeah, she’ll be like ‘Hey, Queen!” and then she’ll kick her across the face!” Scootaloo said excitedly.

“And you saving her might put you back on her good graces,” Sunset said.

Scootaloo’s mood faltered at hearing that.

“D-do you really think she’ll ever forgive me?”

“Maybe not right away, but I’m sure she’ll forgive you in time,” Sunset assured her. “Besides, you’ll have your friends with you and the Crusaders always stick together.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Crusaders forever,” Scootaloo said with a smile.

“That’s right, and by saving Rainbow Dash, you save their sisters. They’ll be very happy you did that,” Sunset said as her eyes suddenly turned into hypnotic swirls.

“They’ll be very happy,” Scootaloo mumbled as her eyes also became swirls.

Save Rainbow Dash,” Sunset whispered, grinning mischievously.

“Save, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo repeated as she lost all her color.

Sunset stood up and stepped aside as she watched Scootaloo walk away.

“Crusaders forever,” Scootaloo mumbled as she made her way through the forest.

“Now for the finale,” Sunset said with wicked glee as she disappeared.

“Not again,” Sunset mumbled as she held her head. The pain was getting worse as sweat beaded on her forehead. Her clones were feeling unwell too.

“I don’t like this feeling,” SunDash said as she had an uncomfortable look on her face.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” SunJack said she covered her mouth with her right hand.

“Oh, no!” Diamond Tiara was alarmed to see that the last of her friends just got corrupted. Meanwhile, she was dressed as a circus performer and she was balancing on a tightrope. Her attire consisted of a purple leotard with sequins.

Diamond Tiara ran the rest of the way which caused the audience to cheer. Once she reached the end, she then leapt off the platform and was caught by Silver Spoon who swung by on a trapeze.

“I got you,” Silver Spoon said as she hung from the trapeze with the back of her legs holding on to the bar. She wore a matching leotard.

“Silver Spoon?!” Diamond Tiara was surprised to see her ex-friend.

When the two reached the other platform, Silver Spoon threw Diamond Tiara on it while she did a flip and landed next to her. The crowd loved it as their cheering intensified.

“Why are you here?” Diamond Tiara asked as she narrowed her eyes at Silver Spoon. She was still mad at her.

“I’m part of the act,” Silver Spoon said plainly. “Listen, Diamond, about what I said yesterday….”

Diamond Tiara was about to tell her off but held her tongue. The old her would have done it but she wasn’t that person anymore. She would listen before she responded.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have stolen your necklace. It was wrong of me to do so,” Silver Spoon apologized as she looked at Diamond Tiara with regret.

Diamond Tiara studied Silver Spoon for a minute before speaking.

“Apology accepted.”

“Really?!” Silver Spoon was surprised that Diamond Tiara forgave her so easily.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m only accepting your apology. I still haven’t forgiven you yet,” Diamond Tiara clarified.

“Oh, right,” Silver Spoon said a little sadly.

“But I’m sure you’ll make it up to me,” Diamond Tiara said as she smiled at her now friend again.
Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara shared a hug which made the audience go ‘aww’.

“C’mon, we better go save our friends,” Silver Spoon said as she broke the hug.

“You’re not mad at them for posting that picture with you and my necklace, are you?” Diamond Tiara questioned.

“I am, but technically I was in the wrong,” Silver Spoon said. “What about you?”

“I’m not sure to be honest,” Diamond Tiara crossed her arms. “Other than exposing you wearing my necklace, they really never posted anything about me.”

“I know the other students in our school aren’t too happy with them,” Silver Spoon pointed out.

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara said sadly, remembering what Applebloom had told her about the reason she couldn’t accept her feelings. “That’s why she turned me down.”

“So you finally confessed to her, huh?” Silver Spoon said, smiling at seeing Diamond Tiara’s face turn red. Diamond Tiara meekly nodded. “You two make a cute couple.” Silver Spoon grinned.

Diamond Tiara smiled at this, the two then proceeded to come down from the platform and towards the exit of the tent while the audience applauded.

Applebloom raced through the forest, hurrying as fast as she could to save Rainbow Dash and Rarity. She managed to find a clearing and, to her pleasant surprise, she found Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity. Their hands were chained together at the wrist and they were dangling over a bottomless pit.

Applebloom was about to race over to them but she heard a noise and turned to her left to see Sweetie Belle emerge from the bushes.

“Sweetie Belle?”

Hearing her name, Sweetie Belle turns to the source and saw Applebloom.


Suddenly, they both hear a noise just before Scootaloo jump out of the bushed.

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle and Applebloom yelled in unison.

Before Scootaloo could even register her name being called, she was engulfed in a hug by her friends.

“I’m so glad you girls are okay,” Applebloom said in relief.

“Me too, I was so worried,” Sweetie Belle said as she hugged her friends tight.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Scootaloo told them.

They soon broke the hug and looked at each other in relief.

“Did anything happen while we were separated?” Applebloom asked, ignoring the fact that her friends were colorless.

“I met Sunset, but she wasn’t a demon,” Scootaloo said.

“She looked like a princess,” Sweetie Belle added.

“She told me she wanted to help us rescue our sisters,” Applebloom said.

All three girls look back to their sisters who were unconscious as they dangled over the pit.

“Ready, girls?” Applebloom asked.

“Ready!” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said at the same time.

“Let’s go save Rarity and Rainbow Dash!” Applebloom declared.

“Yea-wait what?!” Scootaloo turned to look a Applebloom in confusion. “What about Applejack?”

“What about her?” Applebloom questioned as she narrowed her eyes at Scootaloo.

“She’s your sister, Applebloom. We have to save her and Rainbow Dash,” Sweetie Belle admonished her friend.

“What about Rarity?” Applebloom asked as she raised an eyebrow at Sweetie Belle.

“We’ll save her after we save Applejack and Rainbow Dash first,” Sweetie Belle said as she turned her head back to their sisters and started walking towards them.

“Hold on a minute, Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom grabbed on to Sweetie Belle’s left arm and stopped her.

Sweetie Belle violently pulled her arm free from Applebloom and glared at her.

“Don’t try and stop me, Applebloom! We have to save your sister and Rainbow Dash!”

“Ferget my sister! What about yers?!” Applebloom shouted as she glared at Sweetie Belle. “Why are yah so willin’ to abandon yer own sister?!”

“I could ask you the same thing!” Sweetie Belle shouted back as she got closer to Applebloom to where their faces were mere inches from each other.

“Applejack already chose Sunset over me, and because of Anon-A-Miss she’ll never want to be my sister again!” Applebloom said angrily as bitter tears stung her eyes.

“No she hasn’t!” Sweetie Belle said. “You’re an Apple, and family is very important to the Apples. So I doubt Applejack would just abandon you! Unlike Rarity, Applejack isn’t selfish!”

As the two continued to argue, they were all being watched by Princess Sunset who was floating above them.

“This is getting good but lets speed things up shall we?” Sunset said as she conjured up a bag of popcorn.

Applebloom was getting frustrated as Sweetie Belle continued to defend Applejack while pointing out how bad of a sister Rarity was.

Poor Sweetie Belle, this place must be getttin’ to her if she can’t see reason,’ Applebloom’s inner voice said.

Why won’t she understand that ah want to save her sister for her?’ Applebloom thought in frustration.

If words won’t get to her, then actions will,’ Applebloom’s inner voice suggested.

Yer right,’ Applebloom thought as she eyed the three bound Rainbooms.

Sweetie Belle just couldn’t believe that Applebloom would abandon her own sister. The young farm girl always looked up to her big sister and loved her very much. It didn’t make sense that she would forget all of that.

Applebloom needs to be reminded of how much Applejack means to her,’ Sweetie Belle’s inner voice spoke. ‘We have to save Applejack.’

‘I will save Applejack, for Applebloom!’ Sweetie Belle vowed internally as she casted a glance at the chained trio.

Scootaloo looked between her best friends with worry as they argued about their sisters. She didn’t expect something like this to happen and was at a loss at what to do.

I bet Rainbow Dash can fix this!’ Scootaloo’s inner voice spoke.

Yeah! Rainbow would know what to do!’ Scootaloo thought as she turned to look at her honorary big sister.

As one, the three girls made a mad dash towards their sisters. They quickly noticed each other which caused Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to frown.

“Don’t get in my way, Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom said as she shoved Sweetie Belle aside and almost knocked her down.

“How dare you!” Sweetie Belle shouted angrily as she too shoved Applebloom.

Scootaloo used this opportunity to run ahead but just before she could get any closer, she suddenly slammed face first against an invisible wall.

“And just where do yah think yer going Scoots?” Applebloom asked as she was the one to cast a barrier in front of Scootaloo.

“What the fuck, Applebloom!” Scootaloo cursed as she held her nose. Thankfully, it wasn’t bleeding.

“You were going to save Rainbow Dash, weren’t you?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“No duh,” Scootaloo answered as if it was obvious.

“I can’t believe how selfish you are, Scoots,” Sweetie Belle said in disgust.

I’m selfish?!” Scootaloo was aghast at the accusation. “Can’t you guys see that Rainbow Dash is the only one that can save us all?!”

“All ah see is a no good traitor,” Applebloom said.

“Traitor?!” Scootaloo was visibly upset at Appleboom’s comment and drew her bow. “Take that back!”

“Make me,” Applebloom dared as she prepared to cast a defensive spell.

Scootaloo shot three arrows at Applebloom but she used a shield spell to block them.

“Yall have to do better than that,” Applebloom mocked as she cast a fireball spell and launched several at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo swiftly dodges the fireballs and fired three more arrows at Applebloom.

“That won’t work,” Applebloom reminded her as she casted her barrier but as soon as the arrows impacted the barrier, they exploded and released smoke that blocked Applebloom’s vision.

“Tch,” Applebloom looked around the smoke to prepare for a surprise attack but then she heard someone struggling. She casted a wind spell to blow away the wind and saw Scootaloo struggling against Sweetie Belle, their weapons locked in a tight struggle.

“Knock it off, Sweetie Belle. Don’t you see I have to do this?” Scootaloo said as she struggled to push Sweetie Belle back.

“Just like you said we had to continue posting secrets?” Sweetie Belle reminded her.

“That was different!” Scootaloo argued as she pushed back against Sweetie Belle.

Suddenly, they were both blown away by a powerful gust of wind. They both landed hard on the ground and as they struggled to get up. Applebloom used this opportunity to head towards the bound trio.

Scootaloo saw Applebloom getting closer to the trio. She pulled out a single arrow and shot it into the air where it exploded into hundreds of arrows that rained down on Applebloom.

Applebloom countered it with a fire spell that incinerated the shower of arrows but then she was suddenly trapped in a net. As she struggled against the net, she saw Scootaloo smirking at her as she got up. Applebloom growled before using a fire spell to burn off the net and free herself.

The three Crusaders glared at each other before letting out a battle cry and charging in.

“Wow, what a show,” SunJack said gleefully.

“But I can’t help but feel that this is very wrong,” Sunset said as that feeling of dread was in full force.

“Sweet Celestia, my head,” SunDash said as she held her head which was throbbing in agony.

The Sunsets watched the CMC fight each other but instead of feeling enjoyment at seeing them suffer for what they did to them and her friends, they instead felt like all this was a mistake. Suddenly, Sunset started coughing violently which was followed by SunDash and Sunjack.

Sunset covered her mouth with her hand then saw the blood that now stained her palm.

“What the-?” Rainbow Dash watched in surprise as the room she was in shifted briefly to the school hallway. “What’s going on?”

Rainbow Dash quickly checked her phone to see the Livestream of the Sunsets coughing at the CMC fighting each other

“No, no, no this isn’t good,” Rainbow Dash said as she watched with increased worry.

Celestia looked around the fading room with worry, her maternal instincts screaming at her to go to Sunset but her logical mind was telling her that if she rushed in then she would be separated from Rainbow Dash.

The shifting between the school hallway and the current room finally stopped and they were back in the school hallway.

“Are...are we really back?” Rainbow Dash questions as she looked around and to her surprise and relief she spotted the computer lab. “Princess, over there!”

“Is that the room we seek?” Princess Celestia asks as she spotted the door that Rainbow Dash was pointing to.

“Yeah, come on let’s…” Rainbow Dash trailed off as she spotted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coming from around the corner of the hallway and entering the computer lab.

“Who are they?” The solar princess asks.

“They’re friends of Scootaloo, but why did they go into the lab?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

Just then, the hallway started to turn back into another room full of chaos.

“Quickly, we must hurry!” Celestia urged as she took Rainbow Dash hand and quickly flew towards the door. She threw the door open but was meet with an open grass field.


Princess Celestia noticed that the door was gone and she started getting frustrated.

“Pony Feathers!”

Princess Celestia stomped on the ground causing it to tremble.

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash steadied herself so she wouldn’t fall from the earth trembling beneath her.

“My apologies Rainbow Dash, the situation is starting to get to me,” Celestia apologized.

“No biggie, I understand how you feel,” Rainbow Dash said. “But man, I didn’t realize your steps were that strong.”

“Being an Alicorn, I have the traits of all three pony tribes. This includes the strength of earth ponies,” Celestia explained. “However, my strength is far greater than any earth pony.”

“I hope your strength can help us here,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around the empty grass field.

“Hopefully it isn’t needed,” Celestia said as she looked around for any sign of an exit. She soon heard clucking and her eyes widened.

There standing before Celestia and Rainbow Dash was a single chicken. The Princess of the Sun let out a cry of fright and immediately hid behind Rainbow Dash.

“It’s a chicken! I’m afraid of chickens!” Celestia trembled.

“Princess, it’s just a chicken!” Rainbow Dash pointed out but then this was something conjured up by chaos magic so it could be a deadly chicken.

The chicken tilted its head then started to peck at the ground.

Sunset Shimmer panted heavily as her coughing fit subsided. She knew she could not last much longer, but she was determined to finish what she had started.


Sunset stood up but was instantly hit with a dizzy spell. She managed to fight through it and looked at Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

“What are you to doing here?” Sunset asked, her voice hoarse. “How did you get in here? Nobody should be able to get in here!”

“We came to stop you from hurting our friends!” Diamond Tiara answered.

“Oh really?” Sunset ascended into the air and landed in front of them. “And how do you intend to do that?”

Silver Spoon was intimidated by Sunset’s new look as she towered over them with her wings spread out. Her eyes locked on to Sunset’s and she started trembling in fear. As she looked into Sunset’s eyes she felt like she was staring into Vice-Principal Luna’s eyes.

“Sunset, this isn’t like you,” Diamond Tiara said. “Why are you doing this?”

“Why? Those brats created Anon-A-Miss to frame me!” Sunset raised her. “They would stoop so low as to humiliate their own sisters to convince them that I haven’t changed!”

“I know what they did was wrong and they will definitely get punished for it, but this isn’t the way to do it,” Diamond Tiara pointed out.

“They need to be taught a lesson,” Sunset growled as steam started rising from her body. “They need to learn not to mess with me or my friends.”

“Will you just listen to yourself!” Diamond Tiara snapped. “This is the old Sunset talking!”

Sunset was taken aback by this but she quickly shook it off and glared at Diamond Tiara.

“Watch what you say, little filly. You don’t want to incur a princess’ wrath.”

“What kind of princess punishes little kids like this?!” Diamond Tiara questioned. “What would your friends think if they saw you doing this?”

Sunset opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it to think.

What would her friends think?

“I’m sure they would be horrified at what you’re doing to their sisters, and especially since you’re their best friend!” Diamond Tiara said.

Images of her friends disappointed faces popped in Sunset’s mind. Sunset shut her eyes and held her head as the throbbing intensified.

“You aren’t a monster, Sunset. You worked so hard to make up for what you did and you got five great friends because of it,” Diamond Tiara pointed out. “You inspired me to do my best to make up for my own past mistakes and now I have three new friends!”

Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara as she spoke. She was surprised at the emotion behind Diamond’s words which made her theft of her necklace feel even worse.

“You and I have made great friends, Sunset! Don’t throw it all away because of some petty revenge!” Diamond Tiara implored the former unicorn.

Sunset Shimmer stumbled back, panting rapidly as sweat poured down her face before quickly turning to steam.

“I...I..” Sunset was struggling with herself as the fog in her mind started to clear.

“That’s right, Sunset. Remember who you are, who you really are!” Diamond Tiara encouraged.

“Uh, Diamond Tiara?” Silver Spoon tried to get her friends attention.

“Not now, Silver Spoon,” Diamond Tiara brushed her friend aside. She was so close to snapping Sunset out of whatever she was on.

“But, steam is literally coming out of her. Should I hose her down?” Silver Spoon asked a she was dressed as a firefighter and holding a fire hose.

Sunset’s condition got worse and worse, her breathing became more erratic and her temperature around her started to increase. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon along with the other Sunset’s were getting worried until Sunset’s eyes snapped open and Diamond Tiara could see the horrible realization in them.

“What have I done?!”

Sunset hurried over to the computer.

“I have to-” Sunset didn’t finish as she collapsed on the floor.

“Sunset!” Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara said at the same time as they rushed to help Sunset.

“Are you o-ah!” Diamond Tiara attempted to help Sunset but because of her high temperature, she recoiled in pain. She was as hot as fire now.

“Don’t touch her, she’s too hot to handle,” SunDash said in a weak voice as she slumped against her chair. Steam started rising from her exposed skin.

“What’s happening to all of you?!” Silver spoon asked as she notices Sunjack in a similar state.

“We’re sick,” Sunjack answered.

“Can you get the girls out of the game?” Diamond Tiara asked as she looked at the screen to see the CMC still fighting.

“Not with how they are now,” Sunset began to say as she propped herself up. “They have to turn back to themselves before we can exit them out of the game.”

“I doubt they can do it themselves,” Silver Spoon noted.

“Then put me in the game,” Diamond Tiara suggested. “I can snap them out of it and you can pull us out.”

“Are you crazy, Diamond?! You can’t go in by yourself,” Silver Spoon said. “I’m going in with you.”

“Are you sure?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“They’re my friends too and it’s like they always said, Crusaders forever,” Silver Spoon said with a smile.

“Crusaders forever,” Diamond Tiara repeated with a smile of her own.

“Good luck,” Sunset said weakly as she snapped her fingers causing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to disappear.

The Crusaders were panting heavily as they glared at one another. They were covered in bruises and cuts while Scootaloo’s bow was broken.

“Don’t have much left in me,” Applebloom stated.

“Same here,” Sweetie Belle begrudgingly agreed

“This is it then,” Scootaloo said as she prepared her dagger.

“Ah guess it is,” Applebloom said as she prepared her spell.

“Don’t worry girls, you’ll forgive me once I save your sisters,” Sweetie Belle said as she readied her sword.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo charged at Applebloom, intending to finish her off first but Applebloom was ready for them.


A loud voice rang out as a pillar of light shot down between the girls before revealing Diamond Tiara dressed as a princess, but her dress had armor covering her chest and arms. A diamond tiara rested on top of her head and she wielded a spear. Silver Spoon was dressed as a monk and she wielded a staff.

“Diamond Tiara?” Applebloom was shocked to see her friend here.

“What are you two doing here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“The real question is what do you three think you’re doing trying to kill each other?!” Diamond Tiara demands.

“Get this, Diamond Tiara. Ah was trying to save their sisters but Sweetie Belle wants nothing to do with hers and Scootaloo only wants to save Rainbow Dash,” Applebloom explained to Diamond Tiara as she glared at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Don’t listen to her, Diamond Tiara. Applebloom just wants to abandon Applejack,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, she was going to just leave her there!” Scootaloo added.

“Applebloom, is this true?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Applebloom didn’t say anything She simply looked away.

“Girls, what has gotten into you?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“What do you mean?’ Scootaloo questioned.

“Well you’re fighting amongst yourselves, and you’re gray!” Silver Spoon pointed out.

The girls looked at each other and shrugged,

“It doesn’t matter to me, as long it doesn’t interfere with me saving Rainbow,” Scootaloo shrugged as she turned to look at the bound Rainbow Dash.

“Quit being selfish, you dodo,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Watch who you’re calling a dodo, drama queen,” Scootaloo glared at Sweetie Belle.

“Enough!” Diamond Tiara slams the bottom of her spear down which created a shockwave. “It’s time you three remember what’s really important.”

Diamond Tiara’s spear started glowing and she released a wave of energy from the tip that covered all of them.

“Applebloom, you’re an Apple. Family means everything to you! How can you forget that?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I..” Applebloom’s mind was filled with good memories of her and Applejack. Each one depicting how much Applejack loved her.

“Scootaloo, you told me that you will always be loyal to your friends. Is this how you show loyalty to them?” Silver Spoon questioned.

“No,” Scootaloo mutters as an image of her, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom vowing to take the blame together for Anon-A-Miss appeared in her mind.

“Sweetie Belle, is your sister really as selfish as you claim her to be?” Diamond Tiara questioned.

Images of Rarity doing anything and everything she can to make Sweetie Belle happy, like take her to the park instead of attending a fashion show, even when it was raining and she was covered in mud. Even letting her do Rarity’s hair with disastrous results.

Don’t listen to her! She doesn’t know what she’s saying!’ their inner voices screamed in their heads.

The three CMC clutched their heads in pain while in the air, Princess Sunset was looking a little worried.

“Why those little brats.”

Princess Sunset flew down towards them but stopped as she clutched her head in pain.

“What now?!”

Princess Sunset could feel her grip on the CMC weakening.


The CMC’s inner voices screamed before being silenced, the color now returning to the young girls.

“What happened?” Applebloom asked as she held her head.

“The last thing I remember is-Rarity!” Sweetie Belle suddenly said. “We gotta save our sisters!”

“No you won’t.”

All five girls looked up to see Princess Sunset.

“Sunset?” Silver Spoon questioned.

“I will not let you three go back home after what you’ve done to me,” Princess Sunset spat as she turned into her she-demon form. She conjured a fireball between her hands and prepared to throw it at the girls.

“Everyone get behind me!” Diamond Tiara ordered as she raised her spear at Sunset.

Sunset threw her fireball but just as it was about to hit them, they were all teleported next to the bound sisters.

“Set them free! Now!” Diamond Tiara shouted.

Demon Sunset growled in anger before flying towards them, but just as she was about to hit them, she suddenly stopped. She looked at her hand and noticed it fading away.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle shouted in horror as her sister was beginning to fade away.

“Horse apples, not now!” Demon Sunset said in frustration before she collapsed on the ground. She was beginning to glitch.

Diamond Tiara noticed that the surrounding environment was also starting to glitch and fade.

“Sunset, get us out of here!”

“No.” Demon Sunset started crawling towards the Crusaders. Her left arm along with her wings and lower body were now gone. “I won’t let you.”

As Demon Sunset reached for the girls, she completely disappeared.

“Sunset!” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon shouted as the world fell apart around them.

Just as the ground beneath them gave way, they disappeared.

The girls flew out of the computer and landed roughly on the floor.

“Okay, who’s butt is on my head?” Diamond Tiara asked before she moved the person off of herself.

The girls picked themselves up and dusted themselves off.

“I’m glad to be out of there,” Scootaloo said. “Video games aren’t fun when your literal life is in danger.”

“Hey, where’s Sunset?” Silver Spoon pointed out.


They all turned to the sound of the weak voice and were shocked to see the state Sunset was in. She was no longer Nightmare Moon as even more steam started rising from her body. Parts of her clothes burned and her body was flashing red.

“Sunset?” Applebloom said in a worried tone.

“Hey,” Sunset greeted them weakly before coughing. “Sorry about putting you girls through all that. I guess I haven’t changed after all.” Sunset chuckled bitterly as steam risen from where her tears were. “I’m so sorry, you girls were right about me. I am a demon for putting you three through all that.”

“No, Sunset.” Applebloom stepped up in front of the group. “Ah’m the monster for doing this to yah.”

“We were the ones who tried to get our sisters to leave you,” Sweetie Belle said as she stood next to Applebloom.

“We were the ones who posted those secrets and left you to take the blame,” Scootaloo added as she stood by her friends.

Sunset watched the Crusaders as they looked at her with remorse. She opened her mouth to say something when her eyes widened and she turned away to vomit fire that covered the computers in front of her. When she stopped vomiting fire, the computers were frozen solid. She then started coughing violently again as the red flashing intensified.

“Sunset, what’s wrong?!” Applebloom asked in concern.

“I have to get away, you’re all in danger,” Sunset said before she teleported away.

“Sunset!” Sweetie Belle shouted in concern as all five girls stared at the empty spot Sunset used to be in.

“What’s wrong with Sunset?” Diamond Tiara asked worriedly.

“She’s really sick and could die!” Sweetie Belle said in alarm.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash managed to chase away the chicken while Princess Celestia looked relieved. Then her ears perked up as she detected a familiar magical energy signature.


“Where?!” Rainbow Dash looked around her Sunset out of the window of the empty classroom they were in.

“I can sense her and she needs me, now!” Princess Celestia said as she felt the strong imbalance within Sunset.

“Then what are you waiting for? Go!” Rainbow Dash urged.

“Thank you,” Celestia said before she teleported to where Sunset was.

Sunset appeared in front of the school and collapsed on to the snow and it started melting as she made contact with the white stuff.

“Gotta go back,” Sunset muttered as she started crawling towards the portal. “I need to get back to Equestria.”

As Sunset started crawling towards the portal, a flash of light appeared in front of her.


Sunset looked up to see who she thought was Principal Celestia who then proceeded to pick her up and hug her tight.

“My little Sunshine, how I longed to hold you in my hooves,” Celestia cried on Sunset’s shoulder.

Sunset’s eyes widened as she recognized her nickname.


Princess Celestia pulled back to look at her daughter’s face which looked awful.

“My poor filly, it’s okay. Everything will be alright now,” Princess Celestia assured her.

Sunset merely nodded, too sick to properly react to her mother being here.

Princess Celestia closed her eyes as she focused her magic and summoned Discord with his back facing them.

“You know, a little heads up doesn’t hurt,” Discord said in a slightly annoyed tone as he turned around to see Celestia on the ground holding a very sick Sunset.

“Discord, come help our daughter,” Celestia said, managing a small smile.

Discord’s eyes widened as he stared at his daughter just mere feet from him. She didn’t look so good but that was about to change. He carefully approached them and knelt down in front of Sunset.

“Hey, Sunset. It’s me, your dad.”

Sunset stared at this man in confusion before what he said finally registered in her mind.

He’s...my father?

The two simply stared at one another until Sunset started coughing.

“Hurry, Discord. Use your magic to help stabilize hers,” Celestia urged.

“R-right,” Discord said nervously.

“So the princess has located Sunset and teleported to where she is?” Rarity questioned as she spoke to Rainbow Dash on her phone.

Yeah, the whole school is back to normal and I managed to meet up with the others, but Discord suddenly disappeared,’ Rainbow Dash said

“There they are!” Princess Luna shouted as she pointed outside the window of the empty science class they were in. “They are by the portal!”

“Rainbow, they are in front of the portal,” Rarity informed her.

Great, we’ll meet you two there!’ Rainbow Dash said before hanging up.

Rarity pocketed her phone before going to the window to see Discord, Celestia and Sunset. However, when she saw Discord’s hand glowing as he reached for Sunset’s arm, alarm bells rang in her head as her eyes widened in fear and she hurriedly opened the window.


But it was too late. As soon as Discord made contact with Sunset and his magic flowed into her, Sunset screamed in pain.

“Sunset?! What’s wrong?!” Celestia was horrified at her daughter’s scream of agony as she thrashed violently in her arms.

“IT HURTS! IT HURTS!!” Sunset cried as red veins started to spread through her body, her temperature increasing so much that she caught on fire.

Discord watched as his daughter experienced the worst pain in her life, his heart shattering at hearing her screams.
Celestia was in a panic. She didn’t know what was going on.

Sunset let out one final scream before she teleported away.

“Sunset!” Celestia shouted her daughter’s name. Once again she had slipped from her hooves, or fingers in this case.

“Princess Celestia!”

Celestia turned to the direction her name was called and saw Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash rushing towards them.

“Sister!” Luna shouted as she and Rarity made their way towards them.

Celestia looked at the group as tears welled up in her eyes.

“She’s gone.”

“What?!” They all said in unison.

“Mr. Discord!” Fluttershy gasped which caused everyone to look at Discord and were shocked at what they saw.

“Discord?” Celestia whispered her love’s name as he was now transparent.

“I hurt her,” Discord said before he completely disappeared.

Sunset appeared in a wooded area that was currently in the middle of a blizzard. She whimpered in agony before passing out due to the intense pain. A surge of magic spread from her body and began warping the area.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed chapter and it's a very long one at that, Sunset's condition has become critical and it's only a matter of time until she succumbs to her illness. The end is in sight. Special Thanks to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for their continued help and support.