• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,586 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

The Magic of Friendship part 2

The Discord soldier felt nauseous as he appeared in his target destination. It was a dark and dreary room with party supplies like streamers, balloons, noisemakers, party signs scattered everywhere. However, they were all without color and the way they were placed gave off the feeling that whatever party had been celebrated had suddenly died.

“I better find my target quick,” Discord said as he felt like throwing up.

He exited the room and spotted a sign hanging over a door to his left at the end of a corridor with a checkerboard pattern floor. A sign over it flickered with the word “PARTY”. He jogged over to it and opened the door to enter what looked like the party room of a pizzeria, but all the arcade games were dead, the animatronics on stage were broken, and there were rotten pizzas and cakes on the tables. As he got closer he noticed two figures sitting side by side at one of the tables.

“Oh my.” Discord came to a complete stop as he saw a Sunset Shimmer sitting on a chair, not moving an inch, with a blank expression on her face. Sitting by her side, leaning against her chair with a look devoid of any emotion and looking broken was Pinkie Pie.

Or was she Pinkamena when she was like this?

“My fault...it’s all my fault,” Pinkie said in a sad monotone voice. Her hair was flat and her colors looked dull and faded. She was a far cry from her usual bright and cheery self as the smile on her face and heart had been flipped upside down.

Discord raised an eyebrow as he looked between Pinkie and Sunset, trying to piece together what was going on.

“Hmm, I think I know what went wrong.” Discord tried to transform into a psychiatrist but the intense pain that coursed through his entire body put a stop to that. So instead he just took the seat across from Pinkie Pie. “Want to talk about it?”

“What’s there to talk about? It’s my fault her smile is gone,” Pinkie Pie said in the same monotone.

“Nothing is ever truly gone,” Discord said, smiling kindly at Pinkie.

“Except her smile,” Pinkie said as she glanced at Sunset who sat unmovingly.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Discord looked at the motionless Sunset. “I bet her smile is just hidden deep inside and begging to come out.” Discord looked back to Pinkie Pie. “And you’re the perfect pony - person for the job to bring it out.”

“No,” Pinkie declined. “That would be a bad idea.”

“Nah,” Discord wasn’t deterred by Pinkie’s answer. “You just have to remember her smile, then the rest is easy.”

“Remember her smile?” Pinkie questioned.

“Yeah, just look deep inside your heart and remember the smile of the true Sunset Shimmer,” Discord said as his body started to glitch.

Pinkie Pie’s face twitched at seeing Discord glitch. Her emotions were trying to break out of the emotionless mask she wore.

“You can’t dwell on the mistakes you made forever, or else you’ll never be able to smile again and move forward,” Discord explained.

“But I really messed up,” Pinkie said as a stray tear fell from her left eye.

“So did I, and I was doing what you are doing right now,” Discord looked back to his daughter. “But someone told me that doing nothing to make up for your mistake is even worse than the mistake itself.” Discord flinched in pain as his body glitched again. He didn’t have much time left. “If you’re feeling discouraged, just remember Sunset’s smile. The smile that’s filled with joy at seeing you, her friend.”

With that said, Discord turned into sparks and vanished.

Pinkie Pie watched the sparks slowly descend to the ground, and then she remembered when Sunset assisted her at a birthday party. As if responding to her thoughts, a large balloon appeared in front of Pinkie and acted like a screen, replaying the entire scene in front of her.

Using her immunity to fire, Sunset helped make a little girl’s day even more special. The smiles that filled the room made Pinkie Pie so happy. But Sunset’s smile was what really made her day. Her smile wasn’t just from doing a good job, it was a smile that displayed how happy she was to see her friend smiling.

The corners of Pinkie’s mouth twitched at seeing Sunset smile as more memory balloons appeared and replayed many happy memories. Like that time they pranked Rainbow Dash when she went too far with her pranking spree, the time she helped babysit the Cake twins with her and they were making funny faces at them, and even when she painted the painting of Sunset herself in art class when Sunset helped her decide what to paint by painting something that made her happy.

Color slowly started to return to Pinkie Pie with each memory as more and more brightly colored balloons filled the party room which gradually brightened and came back to life. The corners of her lips slowly started to rise and form a smile as the animatronics on stage began to perform and the games made noises.

Pinkie Pie then recalled when she found Sunset crying in a secluded part of the library after a particularly bad day of school. It was only a couple of days after the Fall Formal and Sunset was trying her hardest to make amends to everyone. But no one was buying it. They all thought she was faking it and that this was just another one of her attempts at manipulation.

What’s wrong, Sunset?” Pinkie Pie asked

It’s nothing,” Sunset denied.

No, it’s not nothing. You’re so sad right now. Come on, tell me and maybe I can cheer you up.

Sunset, seeing no reason to refuse, confessed.

I’m trying to show people how sorry I am but they’re not giving me a chance. Maybe...this whole friendship thing isn’t for me.

Pinkie Pie was not having any of that. She then went and pushed the corners of Sunset Shimmer’s lips up into a smile.

There, much better. You look better with a smile, Sunset Shimmer,” Pinkie Pie positively said. Sunset Shimmer blinked as Pinkie Pie removed her hands from her lips. “Sunset, everyone is going to see that you’ve changed but these things take time. Right now, you have us so don’t hide your feelings from us, OK? We’ll stick with you no matter what.

Soon, Sunset gave Pinkie Pie a genuinely bright smile which made the pink party planner smile in return.

Pinkie’s flat hair regained its puffiness as she regained her color as well as her bright smile.

“Best friends forever.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened upon hearing Sunset’s voice. She snapped her head to look at Sunset and saw her smiling at her as she leaned against the armrest.


“Sup,” Was Sunset simple reply before she was engulfed in the tightest hug she had ever experienced.

“Oh Sunny! I’m so happy to see you smile again!” Pinkie sobbed against Sunset’s chest.

“I’ll always have a smile whenever I see my best friends,” Sunset said as she wrapped her arms around Pinkie Pie.

“But I made you sad!” Pinkie sobbed as she remembered Sunset’s devastated look when they confessed how they suspected her of being Anon-A-Miss. “I took your smile away!”

“But you gave it back,” Sunset stated. She pulled away from the hug surprisingly easy and looked at Pinkie Pie’s tearful eyes. “Just like I know you’ll give back the true Sunset’s smile.”

“But you are also the true Sunset!” Pinkie countered. “A happy person who loves to smile and laugh with her friends!”

Pinkie’s inner Sunset was taken aback by this but then she smiled even brighter at hearing this.

“You know, you’re absolutely right! Thanks, Pinkie.”

“Anytime,” Pinkie said as they both hugged each other one last time before Sunset turned into a ball of light and entered Pinkie’s heart.

Pinkie stretched before taking a seat on Sunset’s chair. A lever appeared next to her and she pulled it, causing the chair to catapult her high into the air. The ceiling vanished, revealing clear blue skies with cotton candy clouds in numerous silly shapes.

“Weeeeeeee!” Pinkie shouted in joy as she disappeared into the distance while the environment suddenly turned lively as the animatronics leaped off the stage and started partying as the sun watched with a happy smile. There were huge banners that read “Go, Pinkie, Go!” and “You Can Do It!”.

The Discord soldier had appeared to where Twilight was and he could already feel the unstable chaos magic around him trying to tear him apart. He spotted Twilight Sparkle laying on her side, her arms wrapped around herself as she cried. Celestia, Spike, and a critically ill Sunset looked down on her with great disapproval and disgust.

“Sleeping on the job, Twilight?” Discord asked as he approached the Princess of Friendship.
Twilight turned her head around to see Discord.

“D-Discord? What are you doing here?”

“Just saving the day,” Discord said nonchalantly as he laid down in front of Twilight. “Honestly, Twilight. Is being labeled a failure all it takes to reduce you to this?”

“I am a failure!” Twilight raised her voice. “What kind of Princess of Friendship fails at helping her own friends? What kind of parent fails their own child?”

Discord watched as Twilight broke down. The Spirit of Chaos understood why Twilight believed THAT she had failed Spike.

He felt the same way a little while ago.

“Do you honestly believe you have failed Spike?” Discord asked. Discord looked at the angry Spike who glared at Twilight. He smiled as he knew that this wasn’t how Spike saw the young Alicorn. “Say, Twilight: is Spike happy?”

“Can’t... you... see... for... yourself?” Twilight questioned between sobs.

“All I see is what you believe is the truth,” Discord stated as he got into a sitting position.

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked.

“Think for a minute, when was the last time Spike was ever mad at you?” Discord asked.

Twilight tried to recall a time when Spike was ever upset with her, but the only time she remembered was when Spike was still a baby and was just learning how to talk. Other than that, Spike was mostly well behaved and did as he was told. He very rarely left her side and was very content.

‘In Canterlot, Spike was always with me. He never got a chance to do what he wanted and have fun like a real foal,’ Twilight thought sadly, realizing that she had deprived Spike of a proper childhood.

“So adamant were you to mold him after yourself that you deprived Spike the opportunity to make friends his own age,” Princess Celestia spoke. Being a manifestation of Twilight’s doubt, she knew what the young alicorn was thinking. “To think I envied you.”

Twilight’s eyes widen at this, she recalled the conversation she, Rainbow Dash and Spike had with Celestia and Luna.

“So Sunset’s aggression and arrogance come from you?” Twilight questioned as she took a bite of her cake. She was having a hard time seeing Celestia as anything like how Sunset used to be.

“Oh yes! Celestia always assumed she was better than other ponies and even I believed so after seeing her skills in magic firsthoof,” Luna answered, recalling the time she and her older sister were taught by Starswirl the Bearded.

“I’m ashamed to admit that I never really saw others as my equals, especially Luna,” Celestia admitted. She felt ashamed for putting her sister down whenever she struggled with magic.

“I’m sorry, Celestia. It’s just really hard to imagine you like that,” Twilight said. “But now that I think of it, Sunset did give off a presence of authority, power, and intimidation that felt eerily similar to yours.”

Luna burst into laughter while Celestia groaned in annoyance, her cheeks turning red.

“The apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree!” Luna said as she nudged her older sister. “Better be careful about that, Twilight.”

Twilight blinked at this before turning to look at Spike who was also looking at her.

“He doesn’t take that much after me, right?” Twilight questioned, concerned that Spike may have inherited some of her troublesome personality traits.

“Relax, Twilight. You have very admirable traits,” Princess Celestia assured the young alicorn.

“I’m not sure. Twilight can get too into her research that she ignores everything else,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Not to mention she’s stubborn, worries over the smallest things leading to major freakouts.”

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Twilight thanked her marefriend sarcastically as she narrowed her eyes at her.

“You’re welcome, babe,” Rainbow Dash said as she kissed Twilight on the cheek.

“Every child takes after their parents, the good and the bad. The best we can do is show them our support, give them lots of love and guide them down the proper path,” the Solar Princess explained.

Twilight looked toward Spike before wrapping her wings around him and pulling him close.

“You’re right, Princess. I won’t let Spike make my mistakes,” Twilight said as she nuzzled Spike affectionately.

“How could I forget?” Twilight said before giggling. She looked towards Spike with a regretful expression. “Spike, I know I’ve made mistakes when I raised you in Canterlot. If it weren’t for Princess Celestia sending us to Ponyville, I wouldn’t have opened my eyes to friendship and more importantly, you would have continued to grow up in a closed environment.”

Twilight stood up and started walking towards her son.

“I have no doubt that if we had stayed in Canterlot, then you would have become as arrogant, prideful and snobbish as I was. That’s not what I want for you,” Twilight motherly said. Twilight bent down and placed her hands on the young dragon’s shoulders. She made a smile filled with love and adoration. “I got lucky, Spike. The day I hatched you was the greatest moment of my life. Even more so than becoming Princess Celestia’s personal student and getting my cutie mark.” Twilight watched as Spike’s eyes widened in shock but before she let him dwell on it as she continued. “I was too young then to understand, but now it’s as clear as day now.” Tears spilled from Twilight’s eyes as her smile got even bigger.

“I love you, Spike. I am honored to be your mother, to be there for you when you cry, to chase away the monsters and doubts that haunt you, to cheer you on as you take on life. You are the greatest legacy I will leave for all of Equestria.”

Tears spilled from Spike’s eyes as his lips started quivering before he tackled Twilight and embraced her in the tightest hug he could give her. Twilight returned the hug and she looked towards Sunset.

“I won’t fail you, Sunset. We will save you.”

Sunset smirked as she crossed her arms, her red veins disappearing as she returned to normal.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Sunset thanked Twilight before fading away.

Princess Celestia watched with a satisfied smile before she too faded away.

Twilight pulled away from Spike and kissed him on his forehead.

“I love you,” Twilight sincerely said.

“I love you too, Mom,” Spike said as he smiled brightly at Twilight before disappearing.

Twilight wiped the tears away, her smile brightening when Spike called her mom. She stood up before turning to Discord.

“Thanks, Discord,” Twilight gratefully said.

“What are friends for? And as a fellow parent, I understand your fears,” Discord said, giving Twilight a wink.

“Do you know how to get to Sunset?” Twilight asked.

“My main self is working on that, but I’m confident you’ll find your own path,” Discord said just as he exploded into confetti.

Twilight stared at the empty space Discord was, she then closed her eyes and started thinking of her friends. She felt the Magic of Friendship course through her, causing her to pony up. A light then shot from her heart and created a portal in front of her.

“Hold on, Sunset,” Twilight whispered before she rushed into the portal.

The Discord soldier’s heart was breaking as he saw a pale filly Sunset struggle to climb up a flight of stairs. The ugly black veins pulsated which caused his daughter great pain and made her collapse on the stairs. It was so painful to watch her struggle as the unstable chaos tried to rip his body apart.

“What have I done?”

Discord turned his head slightly to the left to see a devastated Luna who was on her knees, reaching a hand towards Sunset before pulling back. She lowered her head on to the ground and sobbed.

“None of this happened, Luna. Sunset is fine,” Discord assured. He didn’t like seeing Luna looking so defeated. It was so unlike the confident Luna he saw but then again the Princess of the Night had her own insecurities.

Luna was startled by the voice and turned to see Discord.


“Your magic did nothing to her,” Discord told her.

“How can you be sure?” Luna questioned. “What if my dark magic changed something deep inside her. What if that’s the reason she and my sister had that fight that lead her to run away?”

“We both know that’s not how it went. Parents and children fight,” Discord reminded her.

“Then why do I see Nightmare Moon when I look into her eyes?” Luna asked before turning to look back at Sunset as she was surrounded by other fillies who were calling her Nightmare Moon. “Why did she turn into her?”

“To answer your first question, it is because you’re afraid of her following in your hoofsteps,” Discord answered. “Since learning about how much she takes after you, you began to fear that she will make your mistakes. Some of which she has.”

Luna shut her eyes tight as she recalled her sister telling her how she and Sunset had a fight, not a physical one like they had, but the end result was the same. Sunset abandoned her mother in search of power, like how Luna attempted to overthrow her sister and become the sole ruler of all of Equestria.

“But that puts you in a very interesting position,” Discord said. “You understand Sunset because of your shared experiences and you can help guide her on the proper path.”

Luna’s eyes widened in shock. She turned to Discord who was smiling at her.

“We both made mistakes, we’ve both hurt our family,” Discord said sadly, his smile faltered as he thought of Sunset’s agonizing scream. But he smiled again as he thought of Trixie’s words. “But if we don’t try to fix them, then we end up hurting them even more.”

Luna looked back to Sunset who was crying as she was cornered by school fillies who were calling her Nightmare Moon. Discord’s words rang true in her head. She hated to see her niece suffer and wanted to protect her. An image of a sickly foal Sunset flashed through her mind as Sunset struggled to breathe and the purple veins pulsed. The image was quickly replaced by a healthy and happy Sunset, her moderate cyan eyes filled with life and wonder.

Luna looked back at the filly Sunset who turned to look at her. She started to move toward her aunt. Her steps were shaky and weak but still, she persevered. With each step, her legs shook less and less. Her coat started to regain its color and she was now running towards Luna.

Luna opened her arms as Sunset turned into a human and collided with her. They each wrapped their arms around one another in a tight embrace. They cried on each other’s shoulders, Luna mumbling apology after apology. Finally, Luna pulled away to look at her niece.

“I’m sorry, Sunset. I almost let my guilt blind me from seeing the truth,” Luna sincerely apologized.

“It’s alright. It happens to me too,” Sunset assured her.

Luna placed her hand against her niece’s right cheek.

“We will help you, Sunset. And when we do, I’m going to hug you and never let go!” Luna said as she smiled brightly.

“I’ll be looking forward to it!” Sunset grinned as she turned into a ball of light and entered Luna’s heart.

Luna rose to her feet and wiped away her tears before facing Discord.

“Thank you, Discord,” Luna gratefully said.

“Think nothing of it. We are family after all,” Discord winked at Luna.

“Yes, yes we are, Brother,” Luna said as she gave Discord a bright smile. “I’m glad my sister chose you as her special somepony, but you better not hurt her or our niece!” Luna was now using the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE as her wings appeared and flared, making herself look even more intimidating. “OR YOU WILL SUFFER OUR WRATH!!”

Discord’s ears were ringing from that rattling outburst but he still nodded his head.

“Now then, how do we get back to the others?” Luna asked.

“Sorry, but you’re going to have to find out on your own,” Discord apologized as his body started to fall apart. “Ta-ta!”

Discord waved goodbye to Luna as he fell apart and vanished.

“Great,” Luna groaned in annoyance. Just when she thought Discord was being responsible he suddenly disappeared on her. “No problem, I can find my way out.”

Luna took a deep breath before exhaling. She closed her eyes and started to concentrate. Since this world of chaos was similar to the dream world, Luna figured she could use her powers to locate Sunset and the others. But during her search, she detected a pony in distress. Luna’s eyes widened as she could sense the great turmoil the pony was under.

“Somepony needs my help. It could be one of Sunset’s friends or my sister!”

Luna’s hands glowed as she opened up a portal.

“Just wait a little longer, Sunset,” Luna said as she jumped through the portal.

The Discord soldier walked down the halls of Canterlot Castle. However, unlike the last time he set foot here, the halls were dark with the only source of light coming from the stained glass windows depicting Twilight and her friends’ numerous victories. These included their first battle against Nightmare Moon and sealing him in stone for the second time.

He reached the large imposing double doors that lead to the throne room. He was about to push the doors open but they opened by themselves. The inside of the throne room was just as dark as the hall, with the only source of light coming from the stained glass windows. But these depicted the Mare in the Moon, Discord being turned to stone by the royal sisters and Sunset in her human form screaming in agony with red veins spread throughout her body and steam rising from her exposed flesh.

It was a horrific depiction of her suffering.

“It’s fitting, don’t you think?”

Discord turned his head to the throne to see someone sitting on it, the upper right side of their body hidden by the darkness. However, the voice was unmistakable as he recognized it instantly.

“Celestia?” Discord asked in surprise.

“Throughout the centuries, my ponies have always looked up to me as a kind and just ruler. Somepony who can do no wrong. If only they knew the truth.”

Celestia stood up from her throne and descended the small steps, now fully illuminated by the light. The Discord soldier could now fully see her face. Her once kind, warm and radiant smile was now gone, replaced with a frown full of sorrow and regret. Her eyes that once shone with hope and love now reflected her grief. Celestia walked towards the stained glass windows, her poise still regal but no longer did she radiated with power or confidence. Instead, an air of despair and failure surrounded her.

“I have failed the three ponies that truly needed me.”

“You didn’t fail me, Celestia. I was the one who failed not just you but Sunset as well,” Discord corrected as he approached her.

“If I had tried harder then maybe I could have convinced you to stop your chaotic ways instead of turning you to stone. Then you could have been with me to raise our daughter,” Celestia argued as she looked at the stained glass with the Mare in the Moon. “If you were here then Luna wouldn’t have been swallowed by the darkness and become Nightmare Moon.”

She then turned to look at the stained glass window of Sunset.

“And if you were here then maybe Sunset and I wouldn’t have fought and she wouldn’t have to run away; and then…she probably wouldn’t be suffering as she is now.”

Celestia closed her eyes and imagined how different her failures could have been if Discord had been there. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to gaze at Discord.

“You can’t dwell on the what-ifs, Celestia. The past is the past and we can’t change it. All we can do is live in the present. And remember, I’m back, Luna’s back and now we can have Sunset back too,” Discord pointed out.

“I know,” Celestia said as she brought her hand up and laced her fingers with Discord’s. “I just can’t help but wonder.”
Flames engulfed Celestia but Discord didn’t let go. He held onto her hand as the flames died down and revealed Daybreaker.

To be honest, he found this version of Celestia to be hot in more ways than one.

“If I had been more assertive, I could have made you stop. If I had shown Nightmare Moon her place, then she would be ruling at my side. And if I had put my hoof down more firmly, Sunset would not have defied me and fled to another world,” Daybreaker said, her tone serious and commanding absolute obedience.

“You don’t need to be assertive with me for I am at your beck and call, My Princess,” Discord brought Celestia’s hand to his lips and kissed it, not even fazed by Celestia’s transformation or flames. “And even if you had defeated Nightmare Moon, there’s no guarantee that she would have stayed obedient for long. And as for our daughter…”

Discord let out a nervous laugh as he imagined how a battle between Celestia and Sunset would turn out.

“If there’s one thing she has in spades from all of us is her indomitable will to not be controlled.”

“Unfortunately, you are right. I can see our little sun doing everything in her power to fight any plans we have for her,” Daybreaker admitted with a sigh. “Being a big sister and a parent is hard. You want the best for your family but they don’t always agree with what you think is best for them.”

Daybreaker turned to look back at the stained glass windows. Discord’s stained glass was now changed to show him and Celestia in a loving embrace, the background depicting a perfect harmony of chaos and order. Luna’s stained glass also changed to show Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon fighting, the background split in half with Nightmare Moon’s half showing the moon and night while Daybreaker’s side showed the intense sun and day.

But it was the stained glass with Sunset that was unnerving, as it showed Daybreaker and Sunset Satan battling over the burning ruins of Canterlot and at the top of the stained glass depiction was Sunset’s shattered cutie mark. That particular window symbolized their destroyed harmony.

“Family’s fight, KayKay. That can’t be helped, but it’s what you do after that matters,” Discord reminded her. “I’m sure you and Luna worked things out after she was cleansed from her darkness.”

Daybreaker thought back to the events after Twilight and her friends became the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Luna was withdrawn at first but Celestia managed to get her out of her shell and spent some much-needed quality time with her. Luna was fascinated by all the new modern things that had popped up since her banishment. It took her some time to adjust but thankfully she had her sister and Twilight Sparkle to help her.

It was also during this period of adjustment that Celestia started to notice some similarities between Sunset and her sister. The way her face would light up whenever she learned something new, how she would excitedly tell Celestia about her new discoveries, and finally the kindness she would show ponies.

That was when Celestia realized that not only did Sunset have her sister’s eyes but also her kind, gentle and loving heart.

We did work it out and we’re closer now than ever.

The stained glass window of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker transformed, no longer were the sisters fighting but they were now side by side, happily leaning against each other and smiling. The sun and the moon were both out at the same time and the image was split into night and day. But it was Celestia that was on the side of the night while Luna was in the day.

“Luna was always bright and cheerful, the day suited her so much more than myself,” Daybreaker admitted.

“The night does bring out your beauty more, and when the moon’s light hits you, you are truly divine!” Discord complimented, smiling flirtatiously at Celestia.

Thank you,” Daybreaker thanked Discord before leaning in for a quick kiss, which was odd as their muzzles had shrunk. “But Sunset might be more difficult to approach.

Daybreaker turned back to the stained glass window depicting their horrible and devastating battle.

Despite having Luna’s heart, Sunset has inherited my faults,” Daybreaker began. “She has my selfishness, arrogance, pride and worst of all my rage.

“Why do you believe Sunset has only your faults?” Discord asked.

Because I was the same when I was her age,” Daybreaker answered. “Whenever Sunset is happy, having fun, being a nice pony and especially when I look into her eyes, I see Luna. But when she started being dishonest and manipulative, all I saw in her was myself.

“Do you really think that badly of yourself?” Discord asked as his free hand wrapped around Daybreaker’s waist and pulled her close.

It's hard not to when you see the consequences for yourself,” Celestia said with regret as she recalled the hateful glare her daughter gave her when she caught her in the restricted section of the Canterlot Library.

Suddenly, Discord started laughing.

What’s so funny?” Daybreaker demanded to know as she narrowed her eyes at Discord.

“It’s just so funny seeing you actually believe that Sunset only has your bad side,” Discord explained mid-laughter. “KayKay, we were all pretty terrible in our youth. But you grow and mature as you get older.”

Sunset is already a full-grown mare,” Daybreaker informed him.

“That doesn’t mean she can’t change right?” Discord pointed out. “In fact, that’s exactly what she did.”

Discord turned Daybreaker around to face him, holding her hands as he gazed into her eyes.

“Only you had the joy of raising our daughter and knowing who she really is, but me and Luna know who you really are, KayKay. You are this beautiful and wonderful mare who wants to help those in need, an adventurer who seeks to explore the unknown.”

Discord brought up Daybreaker’s left hand to kiss it.

“A mare who has stolen my heart and gave me the most wonderful gift I didn’t even know I wanted,” Discord said as tears welled up in his eyes. “A mare who judges herself too harshly for her mistakes, a mare who loves her family.”

Tears began to sting Daybreaker’s eyes with each kind thing Discord listed.

“You are a mare who inspires me to do my best and I bet Luna and Sunset feel the same.”

Daybreaker’s eyes widened as she recalled how in their youth, Luna would always want to be great and powerful like her. Sunset herself dreamed of becoming a great princess like her. Her family knew what kind of wonderful pony she was.

“My family,” Daybreaker whispered as her flaming hair started to change back to normal, but that wasn’t the only thing as the stained glass window started to change.

Discord continued to smile as he witnessed Celestia changed back to her true self.

“Welcome back,” Discord happily said.

Celestia smiled at Discord and just as she was about to speak, a bright glow from behind her caught her attention. She turned around and what she saw filled her heart with joy and hope. The stained glass window now depicted a pony Celestia and Sunset in a loving hug, both mares sharing bright smiles. In the background, Canterlot was bathed in the warm light of the sun and at the top of the stained glass is Sunset’s intact cutie mark.

“Thank you, Discord,” Celestia said with gratitude.

“Since you’re always trying to help us, it’s only fair to do the same,” Discord said.

Suddenly, another stained glass window appeared with, this one depicting the royal family with Celestia sitting in the center, Discord hugging her from behind, Luna hugging her right and Sunset hugging her left. They all looked so happy together. Light spread across the room and banished the darkness.

“Now that’s much better don’t you think?” Discord asked with a grin.

Celestia merely giggled. They both embraced each other as they were engulfed by a bright light.

Discord broke out of his meditation when he sensed a familiar presence nearby. He turned around to see Celestia and his soldier clone appear.

“You made it back?!”

The Soldier and Celestia broke the hug before looking at Discord.

“Sir!” The clone stood straight and saluted the original Discord. “I succeeded in rescuing our beloved!”

“I can see that,” Discord said as he floated to them. “I’m surprised the unstable chaos magic didn’t cause you to collapse like the others.”

“I must have been lucky, sir!” The clone said.

“Or perhaps there was something else that could’ve saved you from certain doom,” Discord said before looking at
Celestia. “Perhaps the two of us together somehow stabilized the chaos.”

“If that’s true then we can stabilize Sunset!” Celestia said in excitement.

“Makes about as much sense as anything,” the Discord soldier said with a shrug. “Good luck, you two.” The Discord soldier puffed out of existence.

“Shall we get to work?” Discord asked as he held out his hand towards Celestia.

“Let’s do it,” Celestia said with determination as she took Discord’s hand, closed her eyes and started to concentrate.
Discord followed suit as they both started to search for Sunset. It wasn’t easy but with both of them working together in their search, Celestia detected Sunsets magical signature.


“I-I can’t sense it,” Discord said, a little annoyed that he wasn’t as familiar with Sunset’s magic as Celestia.

“Focus right here!” Celestia directed Discord, using her magic to guide him.

Discord focused where Celestia told him and soon his whole body shivered.

“T-that’s her?!” Discord said as his teeth chattered.

“Unfortunately, it is,” Celestia confirmed with worry.

“Her magic is beyond unstable!” Discord said with great worry. The magic that he was sensing felt was growing more and more unstable and it could explode at any minute.

“Then let’s go to her now!” Celestia urgently said as she enveloped herself and Discord in her golden aura before teleporting themselves to where Sunset was.

Author's Note:

And here's part 2, I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your comments. Thank you KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for your help.