• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,586 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

On The Case!

Author's Note:

Here's another long chapter, I hope that you all enjoy it and as always I look forward to your comments. I want to thank KR Chrome for his help with this chapter.

With most of the school mocking Applejack for her embarrassing childhood nickname (Piggle wiggle.), the cowgirl really needed some cheering up. Therefore, a second slumber party was hosted by Rarity at her place. Applejack was glad that she would not have to deal with all the mocking and jeering all on her own. With friends like these in her corner, she forgot about the students who made fun of her and focused on having fun with her friends.

The slumber party went on without a hitch. Despite the girls finding Rarity’s ‘Closet of Shame’ which housed her numerous fashion disasters that would have gotten her arrested by the fashion police, the girls decided to have fun and play dress-up, taking a chance to try out the outfits Rarity had hidden away due to how silly they had been. Cheerful laughter filled the bedroom as the girls had a blast trying out the outfits and even acting like they were part of a show while Sunset recorded the whole thing. Sunset even took a chance to try out some of the outfits.

Eventually, the slumber part of their slumber party came. The girls were tired after all that fun and decided to call it a night. Before turning in for the night, Sunset decided to write to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Twilight,

My second slumber party with the girls, and already I feel so much closer to everyone! I haven't felt so loved, so accepted, in...well...ever! I feel like I finally have a family again. Without all of you to help and support me, I'd be-well you know what I'd be. Anyway, I should get some sleep. But I wanted to let you know, before I do...that I love you all.

Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset put her journal away before finally going to sleep, a content smile on her face. Tonight proved to be one of the best sleepover's they ever had. She couldn't wait to find out what the next one had in store.

Once everyone was properly asleep, the door to Rarity's bedroom opened quietly. Sweetie Belle peeked inside to see that everyone was fast asleep. She carefully made her way inside, tip-toeing and making sure she didn't step on any of the sleeping Rainbooms; until she stood in front of Sunset Shimmer. Sweetie Belle's eyes narrowed at the former unicorn.

"It wasn't bad enough that you humiliated Rarity at the Spring Fling, but now you're taking her from me too," Sweetie Belle muttered spitefully as she searched around for Sunset's phone before spotting it next to a wall outlet, obviously being charged. Sweetie Belle grabbed Sunset's phone and frowned upon seeing the group picture of the Rainbooms, all of them smiling at the camera.

Seeing that it could only unlocked with the owner's thumbprint, Sweetie Belle very carefully placed Sunset's thumb over the home button and unlocked her phone. She needed to be very careful or else Sunset Shimmer would wake up, catch her, and the whole plan would be ruined.

Sweetie Belle scrolled through Sunset's photo album and gritted her teeth in anger at seeing some photos of Sunset with Rarity. Eventually, she found the photos of the girls trying out the outfits from the closet of shame, along with a video of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie singing while wearing cloths from it. She was about to go to her room to upload them when she suddenly had a better idea. Using Sunset's phone she went on Mystable and signed into the Anon-A-Miss account. This way if the Rainbooms checked Sunset's phone, they would find proof that she was Anon-A-Miss.

Sweetie Belle uploaded the photos and video on the site, then logged off and placed Sunset's phone back where it was before sneaking out of Rarity's room, but not before giving Rarity a sorrowful glance.

"Sorry Rarity."

She knew this would humiliate Rarity and her friends, but it was for a good reason, or so she told herself. Sweetie Belle exited Rarity's room. Despite thinking that this was necessary to get her sister away from Sunset, it didn't stop the feeling of dread she felt as she went back to her bedroom.

"So you see, by checking Sunset's phone, it'll only prove that she's guilty," Sweetie Belle said.

"Are yah serious?!" Applebloom questioned, not quite believing what she had just heard straight from Sweetie Belle's mouth

"But what about the post we made while she wasn't at school?" Scootaloo asked. "Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were with her."

"Yeah, that," Sweetie Belle scratches the back of her head nervously. "I got nothing."

Applebloom let out a groan of frustration as she leaned back and fell on top of Sweetie Belle's bed. It was supposed to be simple. frame Sunset Shimmer for posting her friends secrets, her friends cut her out of their lives and the Crusaders get their sisters back.

Sure, her being sick and not showing up to school did throw a wrench into their plans. But they never expected how great of an impact her being sick would be.

"What are we going to do?" Scootaloo asked nervously. "If they figure out Sunset's not Anon-A-Miss, then it'll only be a matter of time before they figure out it was us!"

"Maybe we should just delete the account," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"That will only make it more obvious that it wasn't Sunset," Applebloom stated before siting up. "What we need is more time."

"And how do we suppose we get more time?" Scootaloo asked.

Applebloom pulled out her phone and tapped on the screen a couple of times before showing her friends, "With this."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at the numerous messages that were sent to Anon-A-Miss by students from their school. Most of the messages were praising Anon-A-Miss for the entertainment the posts brought them while the rest where about secrets from other students.

"What is all this?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Most these are of folks saying how much they like the posts, but the others are sendin' secrets from other kids," Applebloom explained. "Ah think they want us to post them."

"I don't think that's a good idea Applebloom," Scootaloo said as she looked over the secrets. "Some of these are pretty mean."

"Ah now, but what if we posted the less mean ones? With everyone believing it's Sunset, Applejack and her friends will be too busy trying to convince everyone that she's innocent to be lookin' for who Anon-A-Miss really is," Applebloom suggested.

"I don't know about this Applebloom," Sweetie Belle said with doubt. "What if something unforeseen happens and all this blows up in our faces?"

"Sweetie Belle's right. I'm starting to think this was all a bad idea," Scootaloo said, regretting even taking part in this.

"Listen, girls, ah know things don't look good now. But if we can buy a little more time for ourselves, then ah'm sure we'll figure out somethin'. And if we don't...then ah'll confess to the whole thing," Applebloom said, Anon-A-Miss was her idea after all.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo raised their voices in shock.

"Why are you taking the fall for all this?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"This was mah idea, so ah'll take full responsibility," Applebloom stated.

"Not alone you're not. I posted those photos of Rarity's slumber party remember? So I'm just as guilty," Sweetie Belle said before turning to Scootaloo. "Scoots, you're the only one who hasn't posted anything, so you're innocent in all of this."

"Yeah, yah can back out if yah want. We won't be mad," Applebloom said.

Scootaloo looked at her two friends who were giving her understanding smiles, "I-"

A sudden knock on Sweetie Belle's door interrupted what Scootaloo was about to say.

"Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo's parents are here to pick her up," Sweetie Belle's mother, Cookie Crumbles said from the other side of the door.

"Okay, mom," Sweetie Belle answered, she heard her mother's

Applebloom handed Scootaloo her backpack, "Here yah go Scootaloo, get home safe."

"Thanks, Applebloom," Scootaloo thanked the youngest member of the Apple family as she took her backpack from her.

"See you later, Scootaloo, " Sweetie Belle bid the young athlete farewell as she opened the door for her.

"Later," Scootaloo said as she exited Sweetie Belle's room and walked down the stairs and towards the front door where she saw her mother and Sweetie Belle's mother

"Here you go, Scootaloo," Cookie Crumbles said as she handed her daughter's friend her jacket.

"Thanks, Mrs. Crumbles," Scootaloo said as she put her jacket on.

"No problem, sweetie." Cookie Crumbles opened the door for Scootaloo." Take care now."

"Thank you, and have a nice evening," Spitfire said.

"Bye," Scootaloo said goodbye as she exited Sweetie Belle's house with her mother and the two made their way towards Spitfire's car.

"Did you have a good time?" Spitfire asked as she opened the passenger side door for her daughter.

"I always do," Scootaloo said as she got in the car.

Spitfire closed the door once her daughter was properly seated, before going to the drivers side and entering her car, "I'm glad you've got yourself some pretty great friends."

Spitfire started up her car and as she pulled away from the curb, Scootaloo pulled out her phone and checked her photos. Scrolling through her photos, she found the image she was looking for and smiled.

"Yeah, I do."

Things were not looking good over at Sunset's apartment. After finding out that Sunset had logged into Mystable as Anon-A-Miss during the night of Rarity's slumber party, the girls were left in shock. They left Sunset's bedroom and went to her living room were they tried to process what they had just discovered.

Rainbow Dash was laying on top of Sunset's couch, her right arm hanging over the side while her left arm covered her eyes. A trail of tear stains could be seen on her cheeks as well as from the corner of her eyes. Applejack was leaning against a wall on her right side, her hat lowered to conceal her eyes. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were sitting on the floor, the party girl's mood was dull, her hair flat and even her complexion looked less bright than normal. She had a comforting arm wrapped around the shy animal lover who had curled herself into a ball and silently wept.

Rarity was sitting in Sunset's kitchen, her arms crossed, eyes closed with stains of her mascara running down the sides of her face. Unlike the rest of her friends, she got over the initial shock and started to question the so-called proof of Sunset being Anon-A-Miss. The room around her suddenly became very noir as she started to inner monologue.

"After, we all saw the internet history of the phone of one Sunset Shimmer, my friends became devastated as this was proof that she was Anon-A-Miss.

"...Or was she?

"It just seemed pretty convenient to find the proof on her phone like this. Something wasn't right. Did Fluttershy not say that Sunset Shimmer had not been on the phone or computer while yours truly, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were INschool? Also, thinking back, some things did not seem to fit.

"First of all, it was the profile of Anon-A-Miss. While attempting to use a Pseudonym that resembles the word 'anonymous', using a silhouette with Sunset Shimmer's shape and colors seems odd. Then there was the timing of it all. The profile came up the following morning after the slumber party at Pinkie Pies home, with Applejack's nickname being the first thing to be posted after she told Sunset at that very same slumber party. Coincidence?

"I think not!

"There was also what I knew of Sunset Shimmer's nature. She might have turned over a new leaf, but her cunning at intelligence have yet to diminish. Back before her reformation, Sunset had turned us all against each other and none of us were the wiser until Princess Twilight Sparkle set us straight. Sunset Shimmer had always been careful to not leave any clues that would lead to her.

"I considered the fact that she might've had someone to do her dirty work. She did use to have Snips and Snails under her beck and call.

"And the secrets that were posted....Sunset did used to spread rumors but I doubt she would just reveal such private secrets like this to hurt us. She did not do anything for a laugh, even as terrible as she had been. There had always been a purpose behind her actions, even when she humiliated me during the Spring Fling.

"Sunset was ambitious when it came to obtaining power, at least she used to be. She would much rather collect humiliating pieces of information for blackmail than just simply revealing them online.

"I looked to my friends who appeared devastated and for what I can see, still in disbelief."

Rarity gets up from her seat, a look of determination on her face as she pulled out a fancy female detective hat with a feather on the side and placed it on top of her head.

"Listen up girls!" Rarity said, gaining the attention of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and possibly Applejack but her stetson obstructed her eyes. Rainbow Dash was the only one to not look at Rarity. "I understand that you are all in shock after what we just learned."

"That's an understatement," Applejack said.

"But fear not for Sunset Shimmer is innocent!" Rarity declared.

"Rarity, sugarcube, yah gotta face facts. Sunset posted those photos...the proof is right there on her phone," Applejack said bitterly. As much as she wanted to believe Rarity, and she really did, there was no denying the evidence they uncovered in Sunset's phone.

"Just as sure as you were when you thought Rainbow Dash didn't show up at your bake sale with the softball team?" Rarity said while raising an eyebrow causing Applejack's body to stiffen. "Darling, we can't afford to be stubborn. It already costs us our friendship before. And I for one don't want to repeat that mistake again...especially not now."

The girls were silent as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity looked in the direction of Sunset's bedroom. A look of worry on their faces as Sunset's coughing can be heard.

Applejack raised her head, fresh tears in her eyes as she stared at Rarity, "Then how do yah explain her internet history showing that she was logged in as Anon-A-Miss?!"

"Simple, someone else must have done it," Rarity stated. "Rainbow Dash showed us just how simple it is to get an unconscious Sunset to unlock her own phone, so the real perpetrator must've done the same while Sunset was sleeping."

"But the only ones at the slumber party were us, and ah doubt any of us would post those photos to humiliate ourselves!" Applejack pointed out.

"Applejack was right, however I was nowhere near finished." Rarity monologued internally.

"You're right, darling. I doubt any of us would do it. But you are wrong in assuming that we were the only ones at the slumber party," Rarity said as she closed her eyes tight, a pained look on her face.

Applejack stared at Rarity in confusion before her eyes widened as she understood what Rarity meant, "Rarity, yer not suggesting that Sweetie Belle had something to do with this are yah?"

Rarity opened her eyes and stared into the farmer's moderate sap green eyes, "Yes, Applejack. As much as it pains me to admit it, Sweetie Belle was the only other person aside from us and my parents that could've snuck into my room while we were all asleep and she unlocked Sunset's phone using the method that I previous discussed."

"I watched as the girls mull over this new information, it wasn't easy to accuse my sister of being Anon-A-Miss. But all the clues pointed to her...however, what I was going to say next will no doubt upset Applejack."

"Which brings me to my next point, Applejack. Other than us who else knows about your nickname?" Rarity asked.

"Just mah family. What are yah gettin' at?" Applejack asked.

"Applebloom called you the night before the Anon-A-Miss account was created and your embarrassing nickname was posted," Rarity began. She could see the gears turning in Applejack's head as her eyes widened in realization before narrowing dangerously at Rarity.

"Rarity, ah swear if yer suggesting Applebloom had anything to do with this..." Applejack warned.

"Applejack, did Applebloom say anything to you after we left to go to our classes following the revelation of your nickname being posted?" Rarity asked, unfazed by Applejack's glare.

Applejack thought for a moment before answering, "She said somethin' about how similar the profile of Anon-A-Miss was to Sunset."

"And it was Applebloom who brought Anon-A-Miss to your attention, correct?"

"Yeah," Applejack said.

"We can't ignore clues and evidence even if they paint a very grim picture, Applejack," Rarity held up Sunset's phone. "And we all know how tech savvy Sunset is. Even if she did post from her phone, she would not have left any evidence. She would've cleared her browsing history immediately."

"I look towards Rainbow Dash who still remained unresponsive, she was as stubborn as Applejack but I was confident that I would be able to convince her of Sunset's innocence. But just before I could utter a single word to her, she spoke."

"So, she's being framed?"

"I admit, I was caught by surprise when she suddenly spoke. But I quickly recovered and responded accordingly."

"Yes, that is what I'm trying to convince you all of," Rarity answered.

Rainbow Dash removed her arm from her face as she sat up, her red, puffy eyes stared at Rarity, "Then how do we prove that they did it?"

"Rainbow Dash, don't go jumpin' the gun just yet!" Applejack shouted before looking at Rarity. "A lot of what yah said makes sense, ah don't like it but that's just how it is. Say yer right and it is our sisters, how do we prove it?"

"Since they have gone to all this trouble to frame Sunset it won't be easy to find proof," Rarity pondered.

"B-but why would they want to frame Sunset?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's what I can't figure out," Rarity said as she went over all possible motives in her mind, but she couldn't find one that made sense. "Applejack, we will have to monitor our sisters very closely at home...which means we'll be spending less time here."

Applejack looked back to Sunset's room and bit her lower lip. She didn't know which she hated more: That her sister could be Anon-A-Miss or abandoning Sunset when she needed them the most.

"Wait a minute!" Pinkie Pie said abruptly. "Why don't we bring them here!"

The girls looked at each other before looking back at Pinkie.

"Pinkie, darling, while that sounds like a great idea there's barely enough room in here for the five of us, let alone eight," Rarity said.

"They don't have to stay long, just long enough for you to do your investigation!" Pinkie argued. "Besides, I have to work tomorrow after school so you'll have plenty of room until I come back."

"Actually, I'm suppose to stop by the animal shelter tomorrow to check on the new reptiles," Fluttershy said. "You'll have plenty of space to keep an eye on the girls."

"This is fantastic, we'll now doubt solve this soon."

"Uh, Rarity, did you say something?" Applejack asked as she heard Rarity start monologuing to herself.

"Yeah, and why is everything in black and white?" Pinkie asked curiously as she looked at her surroundings and herself.

"Never you mind, darlings," Rarity said dismissively as the room suddenly regained its color.

With their plan for tomorrow decided, the girls thought it would be a good idea to tidy up Sunset's apartment a bit. Applejack decided to get started on dinner with Pinkie Pie's help, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash decided to do some dusting in Sunset's living room while Rarity cleaned Sunset's bathroom.

"Hmm?" Rarity looked at Sunset's shampoo and conditioner, along with her soap and other toiletries. She didn't get a chance to fully examine them when she helped Sunset bathe, but looking at them now Rarity noticed that they were mostly products for horses. "I guess it makes sense since Sunset is a pony and all."

Two hours later the girls were sitting on Sunset's sofa in the living room enjoying the food that Applejack and Pinkie had prepared for them.

"Thanks you two for the food, it was great!" Rainbow Dash complimented as she finished her meal.

"Glad yah enjoyed it Rainbow," Applejack said as she tilted her hat up a little.

"I must agree, the meal was fantastic, darlings," Rarity offered her own compliments as she dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

"Thank you both for cooking something for us," Fluttershy thanked her two friends. " I'll do the dishes of you want."

"Thanks Fluttershy, but it would be much quicker if we all lent a helping hand," Applejack suggested, as she got up from her seat and headed towards the kitchen.

"Doesn't look like there's much room fer all of us," Applejack pointed out.

"Oh, oh, how about I wash, A.J dries and Fluttershy puts the dishes away," Pinkie Pie suggested with excitement.

"Sounds good to me," Fluttershy agreed as the three girls went to work on doing the dishes.

"I'll go check up on Sunset. I'm sure she would like something to eat," Rarity said as she prepared a plate of food for Sunset before going to her room.

"I'll join ya," Rainbow Dash said as she helped Rarity by taking the glass of juice she had and the two made their way towards Sunset's room.

Rarity quietly opened Sunset's bedroom door as she and Rainbow Dash stepped inside. She placed the back of her hand against Sunset's forehead and winced.

"She keeps getting hotter," Rarity commented as she pulled her hand away from Sunset's forehead before gently shaking her awake. "Sunset, Sunset wake up."

Sunset groaned as her eyes fluttered open, she saw two blurry shapes before they became focused and she was able to recognize them.

"Rarity...Rainbow Dash?"

"Sorry to wake you, darling, but would you like something to eat?" Rarity asked and on cue Sunset's stomach began to growl. "I'll take that as a yes."

Sunset attempted to sit up but failed as any attempt to move caused her body pain, fortunately, Rainbow Dash lent her a hand.

"I gotcha," Rainbow Dash said as she helped Sunset sit up, her forearm was burning up the longer it made contact with Sunset's back.

"Here you go, darling," Rarity said as she offered Sunset a spoon full of hot soup. "Be careful it's-"

Sunset gobbled the spoon and she swallowed its contents.

"Hot." Rarity finished as she watched Sunset swallow the hot soup without any problem. "Okay, here, have some-"

Sunset grabbed a hold of the spoon Rarity was holding as well as the bowl of soup and started wolfing it down, Rarity was aghast at the unladylike way Sunset was eating.

"Don't eat to fast, darling," Rarity said as Sunset continued to devour her food.

Once she was done she reached over to the cup of juice Rainbow Dash was holding, took it from her and guzzled down it's contents before finally letting out a sigh.

"That really hit the spot!" Sunset belched in satisfaction.

"Wow, you must've been really hungry," Rainbow Dash said in amazement at the speed in which Sunset finished her food. "And here I thought only Pinkie Pie could eat that fast."

"Oh, this is nothing compared to her. Remember the bake sale?" Sunset said as she leaned back on the headboard.

"How can I forget? She put down a bag of cash before completely devouring every piece of cake, cupcakes, cookies and other sweets," Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

"That was something I wish I hadn't seen," Rarity said before all three of them started laughing, but the laughter was short lived as Sunset broke out into another violent coughing fit.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash were quick to act but when they laid a hand on Sunset, they instantly pulled away as they clutched their hand in pain. It felt like they were burned.

"What the heck was that?!" Rainbow Dash questioned as she looked between her hand and sunset.

"This sensation...it feels like I've been burned, but how can that be?" Rarity monologued, she looked to Sunset and watched as her coughing fit began to die down. "Rainbow Dash, can you please get some cough medicine for Sunset?"

"Sure," Rainbow Dash sad before leaving Sunset's room.

Rarity eyed Sunset curiously before raised her hand over her. When she didn't feel anything she moved her hand closer until her hand was an inch above Sunset's face. She quickly, but gently tapped Sunset's cheek and was surprised to discover that it didn't burn her finger. She then proceeded to gently place the back of her hand against Sunset's cheek and despite her being very warm, it wasn't enough to cause her harm.

"How odd," Rarity whispered, but before she could ponder further, Rainbow Dash came back with the cough medicine and a spoon.

They helped Sunset take her medicine and after tucking her in they went back to the living room where Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity did their homework, while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie took turns taking a shower. Once all the girls have finished showering and brushed their teeth, they placed their sleeping bags on the floor and after saying goodnight to each other they got into their sleeping bags and eventually fell asleep.

Sunset walked into the school with an extra jump in her step and a big smile on her face. The sleepovers at Pinkie and Rarity's houses did wonders to her mood. Besides having a blast with her best friends, Sunset felt like they have gotten much closer. She still couldn't believe these same girls who she once tore apart and almost murdered when she turned into a raging she-demon were now her friends.

No, Sunset. They're more than my friends, they're my family.

Sunset felt a warmth in her heart at that word. Family. The only family she ever had was back in Equestria and she abandoned her in search of power. Sunset's smile faltered as she thought of her mother. She missed her greatly and she especially missed being held by her. Sure, there was her human counterpart but it wasn't the same. Not to mention really weird.

Her smile returned when she spotted her friends, "Hey girls! What's going....on?"

The Rainbooms saw Sunset approach them, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at her with visible frowns while Pinkie looked crestfallen and Fluttershy was hidden behind Rarity.

"Sunset, do you... Have you lost your phone recently?" Applejack asked calmly, her frown gone.

"Um...no? It's right here. Why?" Sunset asked as she showed Applejack her phone.

"Then you need to explain this." Applejack said angrily, her frown returning as she handed Sunset her own phone.

Sunset took Applejack's phone and her eyes widened at what she saw, the pictures that were taken during Rarity's slumber party were posted on Anon-A-Miss's page with Anon-A-Miss commenting "OMG... what a bunch of dorks! Hahaha."

"What?! How did she get our pictures?"

"They're not our pictures, Sunset..."

Sunset raised her head from looking at Applejack's phone to her friends who were all looking at her with looks of anger and disappointment. However, Fluttershy had her eyes closed in a neutral epression.

"They're yours," Rainbow Dash finished.

"All those pictures where taken by you," Applejack added.

"Wait, but-I've had my phone all this time! How did she-"

"Yeah, how did she?" Applejack interrupted Sunset as she took back her phone and leaned closer to Sunset. " How did she know about my nickname? How did she get the pictures from your phone?

Applejack pointed an accusing finger at Sunset, "It was you all along! You're Anon-A-Miss!"

"We trusted you Sunset! We thought you were our friend!" Rainbow Dash said in a disappointed tone.

"How could you do this? After all we've been through together?" Rarity said disappointedly. Unable to even look at Sunset.

"No, wait, you guys-I didn't do this!" Sunset said desperately, a sense of dread filled her as her world was falling apart. "I could never hurt any of you!"

"But you did! You must've been pretending to be our friend, when all along you were just after our secrets!" Pinkie Pie accused, she was very disappointed and saddened that Sunset would do this. "You-you secret stealer!"

"No! No! I don't know how she got this stuff, but it-it wasn't me!" Sunset pleaded to her friends who all had their hands on their hips with the exception of Applejack who had her arms crossed and Fluttershy who finally opened her eyes and is staring at Sunset with her mouth agape. "I'm not this person!"

"No, you're not!" Flutterhsy said angrily with tears spilling from her eyes as she got closer to Sunset. "You're not the person we thought you were! You're not our friend!"

"No, I...I am. I Promise!" Sunset assured Fluttershy, tears spilling from her own eyes as her heart was breaking due to her friends accusations.

"This is it, Sunset. You're not going to take advantage of us anymore," Applejack said. " I'm sorry, but you did this to us. Tell whatever secrets you want. But we don't have to listen."

With that said, the Rainbooms walk away from Sunset as she collapses to her knees and cries over the loss of her friends.


Fluttershy bolted up from her sleeping bag, a look of horror on her face as she panted heavily with sweat sliding down her face.

"Fluttershy! Are yah okay?!" Applejack asked worriedly as she knelt by Fluttershy's side.

Fluttershy looked to Applejack who also had sweet running down her face before burying her face in her shoulder, "Oh Applejack, it was horrible!"

"It's okay, Fluttershy. It was only a bad dream," Applejack assured her as she wrapped her arms around the shy girl.

Fluttershy continued to cry but when she felt how damp Applejack's pajamas were, she pulled away from the farmer and that's when she noticed the tear stains on her cheeks.

"Applejack, why are you crying?"

Applejack looked away briefly before looking back at Fluttershy, "Ah...had a nightmare too."

"You two aren't the only ones, dear,"

Futtershy and Applejack turned to see that Rarity Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were also awake and they also had tear marks on their cheeks. Rainbow Dash looked especially shaken up.

"Girls, did yah have a nightmare too?" Applejack asked.

"I dreamt that we abandoned Sunny because of Anon-A-Miss, we...we said such awful things to her and took away her smile!" Pinkie Pie wailed.

Rarity laid a comforting hand on Pinkie's shoulder as she brought her into a hug, fresh tears spilled from her eyes as she too had the same nightmare. Her choice of words to Sunset were anything but lady-like.

"That-that's the same nightmare ah had," Applejack said as she looked to FLuttershy, silently asking if she had the same nightmare to which she responded by nodding as she wiped away a falling tear." Did we all have the same nightmare?"

"I believe that's a definite yes, darling," Rarity said as she managed to calm Pinkie Pie.

All eyes turned to Rainbow Dash as the athlete had yet to say anything.

"Rainbow, darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked as she took notice of Rainbow Dash's trembling.

"Y-yeah," Rainbow lied.

"Rainbow Dash, you're obviously not fine, "Rarity pointed out. "Now's not the time to be acting tough, please tells us what's wrong."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip as she contemplated telling them, she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head to see Pinkie Pie.

"Please tell us, Dashie. We don't like to see you suffering," Pinkie Pie said.

Seeing the concern in Pinkie's eyes and those of her friends Rainbow spoke up, "It's not about me acting tough."

"Then what's wrong?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash takes in a shuddering breath before she started explaining, "Like everyone else, I had the same nightmare about abandoning Sunset...But there's more."

Tears well up in rainbow Dash's eyes as she starts recalling the nightmare, her trembling started to get worse but suddenly, she felt several pairs of arms wrapped around her.

"It's okay, darling, we're here for you," Rarity assured her athletic friend.

Rainbow's mouth was agape, tears started cascading down her cheeks as she felt the warm embrace of her friends, "I Killed Sunset!"

Everyone's eyes widen at this revelation, they pulled away from Rainbow Dash but didn't let her go.

"Rainbow, darling, did you say you killed Sunset?" Rarity asked.

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash sobbed.

"Okay, start from the beginning," Applejack said.

"It started with us confronting Sunset about being Anon-A-Miss and cutting ties with her. Anon-A-Miss still continued to post secrets about us and after she posted something about me, I got very angry," Rainbow Dash's body was rocked by a sob. "I was so angry about the post and I wanted to make Anon-A-Miss pay. I heard laughter and when I turned around, I saw this dark shadow. It was laughing at me, calling me pathetic and stupid. I completely lost it and the next thing I knew I tackled it to the ground and started punching it."

"I yelled at it with every punch, mocking it. I was getting tired so I put all my strength into one last punch to its face. I felt really good venting all my frustration on it and as I was going to insult it, I noticed the shadow began to fade....and that's when I saw it was Sunset."

"Rainbow, it sounds to me like you didn't to it on purpose, it doesn't mean-"

"Don't you get it?!" Rainbow Dash snapped. "I was so blinded by my anger that I lashed out at anything!"

Rainbow looked at her trembling hands as they flashed with blood, Sunset's blood. Shrugging off her friends hands, Rainbow bolted down the hallway.


The girls ran after her and saw her enter the bathroom before slamming the door closed, Rarity grabbed a hold of the door handle and tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Rainbow, darling, please open the door," Rarity asked, she pressed her ear to the door and heard Rainbow Dash sobbing inside.

"Rainbow, please open up, it was only a nightmare," Fluttershy tried to assure her friend the same way Applejack did with her.

"Dashie, pretty please open the door," Pinkie Pie pleaded, but all she got in response was the sound of Rainbow's sobs.

The girls looked to each other as they tried to think of a way to convince their rainbow-haired friend to let them in.

"Wait a minute, where's Applejack?" Rarity asked as she noticed the missing cow-girl.

Rainbow Dash was curled up in the corner of the bathroom where she continued to cry as images of Sunset's beaten face flashed in her mind, She could still feel the impact of her fists making contact with Sunset's skull. What had she done? Was she so violent that she would beat up her best friend...her crush. She shook her head in a vain attempt to wipe the images from her mind.

"Oh god....Sunset," Rainbow whimpered.

"Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow's eyes widen as she recognized that voice, "Sunset?"

Sunset was standing on the other side of the door after being awoken by Applejack who explained to her what was happening as she helped her out of bed. Although Sunset was too drowsy and still feeling sick to understand much of what Applejack had said, she at least understood that Rainbow Dash needed her help.

"Do you think you can come out?" Sunset asked weakly as her body started to sway a little, her eyelids were growing heavy but she fought the urge to close them.

"W-why are you awake? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Rainbow Dash asked as she stared at the bathroom door.

"Applejack told me that you needed my help," Sunset said as she cast a glance at Applejack who was receiving a disapproving glare from Rarity. "Come on out so we can help you."

Silence hung in the air as the girls waited for Rainbow to respond. When she didn't, Sunset tried again.

"Please Rainbow Dash, I promise that we'll help you...just like how you helped me,"

More silence soon followed until they heard some shuffling noises inside the bathroom before the doorknob turned and the bathroom door opened to reveal a tear stricken Rainbow.

"Thank you, Rainbow," Sunset said with a smile before she closed her eyes and collapsed forward.

Rainbow Dash opened her arms and wrapped them around Sunset as they both fell to their knees, Rainbow Dash hugged Sunset's limp body as she cried.

"Oh Sunset!"

The rest of the Rainbooms hugged Rainbow Dash, each girl saying words of comfort before Applejack convinced her to let go of Sunset. The girls followed Applejack as she carried Sunset back to her room.

"Are you sure, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

"Yeah, I can watch over Sunset on my own. You girls worry about finding proof that Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are Anon-A-Miss," Rainbow Dash assured her friends.

Rainbow Dash had volunteered to watch over Sunset. It made sense since Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie already watched her yesterday. Not to mention Applejack and Rarity needed to investigate their sisters. Despite her breakdown yesterday, Rainbow Dash assured her friends that she was fully capable of taking care of Sunset.

"Darling, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call us," Rarity reminded her as she wrapped her scarf around her neck.

"I'll be sure to bring you whatever you need in a jiffy!" Pinkie Pie said in her usual cheer.

"Take care Rainbow. Ah know we can count on yah to look after Sunset," Applejack said as she put on her gloves.

"Yeah, and A.J" Rainbow began.

"Yeah?" Applejack looked to her friend curiously as she saw her cheeks reddening.

"I, uh, want to talk to you later...about Sunset," Rainbow Dash said nervously as she absentmindedly scratched her right cheek.

"Oh? Oh!" Applejack understood what Rainbow Dash meant which caused her cheeks to turn a rosy color.

Rarity watched her two friends as she too understood Rainbow's subtle message, "Anyways, we'll see you after school, darling."

"Bye Rainbow," Fluttershy waved goodbye to Rainbow Dash.

"Take care sugarcube," Applejack said as she opened the front door before stepping out along with Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Bye, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie wraps her arms around her rainbow-haired friend and gives her a bone crushing hug.

"Bye....Pinkie," Rainbow Dash managed to say as she felt her life being squeezed out of her.

Pinkie Pie released Rainbow Dash before skipping out of Sunset's apartment. Once everyone had left Rainbow Dash closes the door and begins to head towards living room.

"While we had our suspects, the evidence we had was circumstantial. Also, If we confronted them or if they knew we were on to them, they could simply delete the account and deny any wrong doing. No, for this to work, we needed to gather more evidence to prove Sunset Shimmer's innocence. So with that in mind I shall be paying a visit to her former associates: Snips and Snails.

"Yah alright there Rarity?" Applejack said, disrupting Rarity from her inner monologue as they were walking to school. "Yah have that look on yer face again."

"Perfectly fine, darling," Rarity said while flashing Applejack a reassuring smile.

"If yer sure," Applejack said skeptically.

"Poor Applejack. She's still upset over her sister being behind Anon-A-Miss. Can't say I blame her, I can hardly believe it myself that Sweetie Belle could be behind this dreadful business."

Rarity closed her locker as she finished placing her books inside. She was wearing her detective attire and begins her search for Snips and Snails. Along the way, she heard the laughter and whispers of her fellow students. No doubt laughing at her expense.

"It seems that everywhere I go, I bring attention to myself. This could pose a problem."

Rarity turned a corner and spotted Snips.

"The two boys were not the sharpest tools, but Sunset saw some use in them to have as her henchmen. They had been blindly loyal to the girl during her days as a bad girl, which was what led them to be literally demonized during the events of the last Fall Formal.

"Mr. Snips, may I have a word with you?" Rarity asked as she approached the young man.

Snips shielded his eyes as a bright light came on, illuminating the room that Rarity had brought him in.

"Hey, what's going on? And does the light have to be so bright?" Snails asked.

"I'll be asking the questions, Mr. Snips! Now, tell me, when you were working for Sunset Shimmer, what did she have you do?" Detective Rarity asked, stepping out of the shadows and into the light.

"Oh, lots of things. Like spread rumors or just collect dirt on people."

"I took pictures on my phone so she'd have blackmail material to keep people in line," Snails claimed.

"And you edited those pictures to make them look bad?" Detective Rarity continued, she was now sporting a new outfit with a fancy hat and a feather on the side.

"Well, she did the editing work, actually. She's really good at it, or was."

"It would seem that I wouldn't be getting much out of Sunset's old henchmen, but they weren't the only ones to question, though. There was one other, a Mr. Flash Sentry. He had dated Miss Shimmer and he should be able to provide me with information as well. They would not have dated if they had not found each other attractive, despite Sunset claiming that she only dated him to make herself more popular.

That was always her intent. All her actions had a goal that would benefit her ambition. Even if it was for revenge, she would need to gain more than just satisfaction. Anon-A-Miss had none of that. Which is why I'm here to seek the truth.

“Sunset, well, she and I had a complicated relationship. Sometimes she’d ask me questions about people that I knew and since I did not know any better, I just answered them,” Flash confessed. "By the way, that's a great outfit you have on, Rarity."

"Thank you, darling," Detective Rarity appreciated Flash's compliment. "Tell me Mr. Sentry, why do you think Sunset would create Anon-A-Miss to post our most embarrassing pictures?"

"To be honest, I don't think it's her," Flash said honestly.

"Oh? What makes you so sure this isn't her doing?"Detective Rarity asked curiously.

"Well because she seemed very happy with all of you and this Anon-A-Miss doesn't seem like her at all," Flash answered.

"Quite right. I don't believe it's her either and I'm going to find out who's really behind all this," Rarity stated, happy to hear Flash's answer.

"Say, I haven't seen Sunset at school the past couple of days. Do you know where she is?" Flash asked.

"I'm afraid Sunset has fallen ill but you need not worry. Me and my friends are taking care of her, "Rarity told him sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Tell her I hope she gets better soon," Flash said sincerely.

"Of course, darling," Rarity said with a smile.

"It would appear that neither Snips or Snails had anything to do with Anon-A-Miss, and I've learned that Flash doesn't believe it is Sunset at all. Hmm, I wonder if there's anyone else who would have a grudge against Sunset that they would resort to framing her?

Rarity walked down the halls as she thought of who to interview next.

"Well look who it is."

Rarity froze as she recognized that voice and groaned in irritation before turning around.

"What can I do for you, Trixie?"