• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,587 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Here's a long chapter, I'm happy to know that people really enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you all enjoy the second one. Special thanks to KR Chrome for his help with the chapter.

Normally, Sunset Shimmer would welcome the morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Of course, there were times she wanted to sleep-in, like on a Monday, and especially if it was raining outside. However, she still had responsibilities of a high school student and she did enjoy hanging out with her friends.

Her life only started to change after the Fall Formal. Before that, she had been cruel, selfish, and ambitious; craving for power at the expense of others. However, after experiencing the corrupted power of the Element of Magic and being defeated by Princess Twilight and her friends, she resolved to turn a new leaf.

It had been a difficult journey. She had a lot to make up for, but at least she was not doing it alone. She had friends not and it was only after the Battle of the Bands that the students of CHS finally stopped treating her so coldly, acknowledging her efforts to be better than who she use to be. She could not really blame them for doubting her. She had been the absolute worse, but she had proven she had changed and now her life was better than ever.

This morning, however, Sunset Shimmer was not feeling too good. As the first ray of the morning sunshine came through the curtains, she felt groggy and dizzy. Also, she had severe eye crust which she rubbed away. As she sat up, the rag on her forehead slid off. That was when the pounding started and she held her throbbing head in pain.

"Ugh..." Sunset groaned painfully. "My head..." She fought the pain and threw the covers off her to get out of bed, which proved to be a mistake. As soon as she stood up, she suddenly felt lightheaded and immediately collapsed on the floor.

Sunset’s body was assaulted by aches and pains as she attempted to get back up, but her body felt weak. She could barely pick herself up. She looked around the room for anything to assist her, but only saw blurry distorted shapes. Great, her vision was failing her too. What a stellar way to start the day.

Without her blanket, Sunset began to shiver violently as she was exposed to the cold in her room. She turned on her side, grabbing the blanket and trying to pull it over to cover herself so she could get warm.

“Should’ve gotten that heater...” Sunset grumbled as she curled herself into a shivering ball to warm herself. She began to cough violently. That was when her bedroom door opened and she heard a gasp.

"Oh my gosh, Sunset!"

Who is that? Sunset thought. That sweet and gentle voice sounded so familiar.

Fluttershy immediately knelt down beside the shivering girl, taking the redhead into her arms.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

The source of the voice sounded very warm, but also very concerned. Sunset looked up to the figure who looked like a yellow and pink. Wait, she recognized those colors.

"Fluttershy…?" Sunset murmured weakly.

Several hurried footsteps followed and the rest of Sunset's friends crowded in her doorway.

"Fluttershy, what's-" Rainbow Dash started but cut herself off when she saw Fluttershy kneeling on the floor, holding a weak and sick Sunset in her arms. "Sunset!" In a flash, Rainbow Dash was at Fluttershy's side. She looked at Sunset who was clinging to Fluttershy, seeking her warmth. "Shy, what happened?"

"I heard a noise and came to check on Sunset," Fluttershy answered as she rubbed Sunset's back comfortingly. That didn't seem to work as the ex-unicorn continued to tremble in her arms. "I found her lying on the floor."

"She doesn't look so good," Rainbow Dash grimaced as Sunset just looked paler than before.

"Rainbow...?" Sunset asked, looking at the chromatic-haired girl. "What are you girls doing here?"

The girls looked at each other in worry. Did she not remember that they had come the day before? Maybe she was just too sick to remember everything that happened last night.

"Just looking after you, Sunset," Rainbow Dash said. "Shy, let me help you get her back in bed."

"Ah got her Dash," Applejack said as she knelt down and picked up Sunset gently in her arms. She felt the redhead's body heat through her pajamas and she was hotter than she was yesterday. She gently places Sunset on her bed before pulling the covers over her to keep her warm, but she was still shivering.

"Is there any more medicine?" Rainbow Dash ask while looking at the shivering Sunset.

"This is all I got," Pinkie Pie said as she pulled out some cold medicine from her hair. "We definitely gonna need to get more."

Rarity walked up to Sunset's bedside and placeed the back of her palm against Sunset's forehead, cringing as she felt Sunset's temperature, "She's still pretty hot if not more so than yesterday."

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital?" Fluttershy asked anxiously as she looked between Sunset and the rest of her friends.

"No..." Sunset weakly protested. "No, no hospitals..."

The girls were surprised that to hear Sunset refuse to go to the hospital.

"Why not Sugarcube? Yah need to get see a doctor," Applejack said.

Suddenly a light bulb went on above Pinkie Pie's head, causing her to gasp.

"She can't go to the hospital!"

"And why not, Miss Pie?" Rarity asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Because Sunny's an alien!" Pinkie Pie said, making everyone's eyes widen.

"Oh yeah, ah forget that Sunset isn't from this world," Applejack said, before crossing her arms. Sunset was from equestria and had managed to live here without a guardian for who knows how long. "That complicates things."

"Indeed, and that's without taking the whole magic thing into account," Rarity added.

"So, what do we do?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We're not going to just leave her like this, are we?"

The girls remained silent as they pondered that question. What could they do? Sunset needed a doctor, but it needed to be one that was already aware of her unique situation. They were then interrupted from their thought when the alarm on Rarity's watch started beeping.

"Oh my, we're going to be late for school," Rarity informed her friends.

"Really Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. "So you want to just leave Sunset here by herself?"

"That's not what I was suggesting, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said as she narrowed her eyes at her rainbow-haired friend.

"Oh really?" Rainbow Dash challenged as she got close to Rarity, "Cause it sounds to me like you wanna abandon Sunset."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity glared daggers at each other before Fluttershy stepped in between them, "Girls, stop it! We shouldn't be fighting with one another! Can't you see that this isn't helping Sunset?!"

Sunset coughed violently which caused Rarity and Rainbow Dash's glares to soften.

"I'm sorry Rarity," Rainbow Dash apologized as she rubbed her arm. "I didn't mean what I said, I was just-"

"I know, darling," Rarity interrupted Rainbow Dash as she gently grabbed her left hand. "I'm worried about her too."

"Ah reckon we should let Principal Celestia know that Sunset is sick an' she won't be at school," Applejack suggested. "She'll understand if some of us stayed behind to look after her. Plus there's the issue with Anon-A-Miss."

As soon as Applejack mentioned that name, the mood in the room instantly turned sour.

"Honestly, I'd rather stay here than face the school today," Rarity scowled as she folded her arms. "I have had just about enough of the jeering and teasing."

"I know my parents are chill about me staying to look after Sunset, but I have to ask them just to be sure," Rainbow Dash said.

With Sunset being sick, doubt began to set in their minds about her being the culprit behind Anon-A-Miss. However, without any proof, they couldn't rule her out just yet.

"Pinkie Pie and I can stay to look after Sunset," Fluttershy volunteered as she looked to Pinkie who nodded.

"Yah gals sure?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, Fluttershy and I will take good care of Sunset! We Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie Pie said as she and Fluttershy went through the motions of the Pinkie promise.

"Then the three of us will go to school and inform Principal Celestia about Sunset's condition," Rarity offered.

"Good luck to the both of yah," Applejack tipped her hat. "Oh and don't forget to text or call if anythin' happens."

The girls begin filing out of Sunset's room, except for Rainbow Dash who as soon as the others stepped out, went over to where Sunset's phone was and took it. She stared at the phone for a moment, her gut telling her that this was wrong but she had to know for sure that Sunset wasn't Anon-A-Miss. She walked over to Sunset and carefully placed her thumb over the home button of her phone and unlocked it.

"Rainbow, darling!"

Rainbow Dash jumped at hearing Rarity's voice and nearly dropped Sunset's phone, "Y-yeah!"

"What are you still doing in Sunset's room?" Rarity asked.

"Just checking on her one last time," Rainbow Dash answered.

"Alright, but make it quick!" Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief before looking back at Sunset's phone.

"Damn it."

She was going to have to wait to check again the next chance she got. She turned off Sunset's phone and places it back where it was before exiting her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

It was much the same today as it was yesterday at CHS. Nobody had forgotten about the embarrassing photos of their slumber party that was posted by Anon-A-Miss. Kids still snickered as they walked by, but Applejack and Rarity turned the other cheek. Rainbow Dash, however, just fumed silently. Her desire to punch Anon-A-Miss in the face grew with every snide remark.

"We better head on to Principal Celestia's office to tell her about Sunset," Rarity said, ignoring a group of girls who made a snide remark at her as they walked by.

As the trio headed towards the Principal's office, Applebloom watched them from a corner as she sent a text to her friends.

Principal Celestia was going over some papers when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Her office door opened to reveal Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "What can I help you girls with?"

"Principal Celestia, we came to inform you that Sunset won't be coming to school today," Rarity told her.

"Is everything alright?" The Principal asked, worried about Sunset.

"Sunset's sick ma'am," Applejack tells her bluntly. "We gave her some medicine yesterday, but today she woke up feelin' worse."

"We wanted to take her to the hospital, but considering Sunset's unique situation, it wouldn't do her any good," Rarity added.

"I see," Principal Celestia thought for a moment before addressing the girls. "I think I have someone in mind that can check on Sunset, someone who knows full well about her unique situation."

"Who-" Rarity was cut off when her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash's phones message tone went off. That could only mean one thing. "Anon-A-Miss."

"Excuse me?" Principal Celestia looked at the girls curiously.

"Please excuse us, Principal Celestia," Rarity apologized as she and her two companions checked their phones. Upon looking at the new post by Anon-A-Miss, Rarity paled.

So apparently Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a crush one me, I mean I can't blame them but do they honestly think they have a chance with me? For one thing they're both more brawn than brains, not to mention they're both stubborn as can be. It took a simple text to get them to stop talking to each other lol, seriously if I decided to date either one, they'd probably dump me after simply hearing about me talking to another girl. No thanks Lmao.

Rarity swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat as she slowly turned to look at Applejack and Rainbow Dash Both girls looked absolutely devastated. Rarity could see tears pooling in their eyes, their faces drained of all color.

Suddenly, their sorrow was quickly replaced by a blinding rage which consumed them.

Fluttershy dabbed Sunset's face with a cool damp rag as she cleaned off her sweat, Sunset was still breathing quite heavily and coughing constantly.

"Oh Sunset."

"How's she doing, Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked as she brought in some breakfast for them.

"Still the same," Fluttershy answered.

"Don't worry Fluttershy, it's just a cold. I got really sick some times when I was little and no matter how bad I felt, I knew I would eventually get better. And I did!" Pinkie Pie said in an attempt to cheer up Fluttershy.

"Thanks Pinkie," Fluttershy thanked her bubbly friend.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie said with a big smile.

The girls began to eat their breakfast when Sunset started to stir, Fluttershy placed her breakfast aside to go tend to her.

"Take it easy Sunset," the animal lover said.

"Fluttershy...shouldn't you be at school?" Sunset asked weakly.

"Pinkie and I decided to stay behind to look after you while Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash went to tell Principal Celestia that you weren't coming to school because you're sick," Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Sunset apologized, feeling bad that her friends had to miss school.

"Don't be. We're glad to stay behind to look after you," Fluttershy said.

"Thank you...both of you, I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends like you girls," Sunset complimented.

Fluttershy felt guilty when Sunset said that. Yesterday she had suspected her of being Anon-A-Miss and posting those embarrassing photos of her for the whole school to see and laugh at. But seeing her like this made her pause, and doubts began to form. Why would Sunset post those photos?

"By the way, what are those butterflies called?" Sunset asked.

"What?" Fluttershy was confused by Sunset's question.

"The butterflies that are flying around you, what species are they?" Sunset asked again, an innocent smile on her lips.

Fluttershy blinked in confusion before turning to look at Pinkie Pie who merely shrugged.

"Sunset...there aren't any butterflies."

"What?" Sunset questioned as she sat up. "They're clearly flying around you girls. Don't you see them?"

"Oooh, is this a game?!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly as she swung her arms around in an attempt to catch the imaginary butterflies. "Am I catching any, Sunny?"

"To your left, Pinkie!" Sunset pointed to Pinkie's left, but then pointed to her right as the butterflies she saw were flying around Pinkie. "They're on you now Pinkie!"

The pink haired girl giggled as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"They're tickling me!"

Sunset giggled along with her as she got up on all fours on her bed, "Here I come, Pinkie!" She leapt from her bed and onto Pinkie Pie who wrapped her arms around her, spun her around before collapsing on the floor.

"Sunset, you shouldn't be out of bed!" Fluttershy shrieked as she watched Sunset and Pinkie Pie roll on the floor, laughing hysterically. Just then Fluttershy's and Pinkie's phone alerted them to a new post on Mystable. The animal lover checked her message as Sunset and Pinkie were occupied in their own little world Her eyes widened in shock upon seeing the new post by Anon-A-Miss.


"That filthy good for nothin' snake!" Applejack said venomously.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash had stormed out of the Principal's office, both girls absolutely livid. Not only were their feelings exposed to the entire internet, but they were stomped on by Anon-A-Miss. Tears threatened to cascade down their eyes as Anon-A-Miss words had deeply hurt them. Their rage was the only thing keeping them from breaking down.

"Darlings, wait!" Rarity called out to her friends as she chased them down the hall. She saw them head towards the school entrance, no doubt going back to Sunset's apartment to give her a piece of their mind. Gathering all her strength, Rarity ran ahead of her friends and blocked their path. It was risky, as the girls looked like they were on a warpath, but she needed to be the cool head here.

"Move out of the way Rarity!" Rainbow Dash growled.

"Girls, don't do anything hasty!" Rarity implored.

"Rarity, yah saw the post!" Applejack snapped.

"I know, but please calm yourselves so we can sort this out," Rarity told them.

"There's nothing to sort out, Rare's," Rainbow Dash said as she tried to walk past Rarity. "That traitor said enough!"

"That's not how Sunset really feels about, darling!" Rarity tried to reason with Rainbow Dash.

"How?! how can yah be so sure that this isn't how she truly feels?!" Applejack shouted, furiously rubbing away the tears in her eyes.

Rarity could see plain as day how deeply her friends were hurting right now, but she just couldn't tell them how Sunset truly felt about them.

"I...let's just say that Sunset holds you two in high regard and leave it at that."

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a questioning look She gave them a pleading look before causing the cowgirl and sports star to grumble before finally relenting.

"Thank you, darlings," Rarity breathed a sigh of relief, glad that her friends saw reason. "I'll call Fluttershy. To ask her how Sunset is doing."

Rarity took out her phone and after finding Fluttershy's number in her contacts, pressed the call button and held her phone close to her ear.

"Hello, Rarity," Fluttershy answered.

"Hello, Fluttershy. Do you mind if I put you on speaker?" Rarity asked. She glared at both the blonde farmer and chromatic-haired athlete, silently daring them to say anything. Rarity pressed the speaker button before speaking to Fluttershy again. "How's Sunset doing?"

"Just let out all the bad stuff, Sunny," Pinkie Pie said comfortingly as she held back Sunset's hair as the redhead puked bubbles that turned into butterflies that popped when they touched the bowl. Some managed to float away, only to be popped by Pinkie Pie.

"She's not doing so well," Fluttershy said from outside of Sunset's bathroom. "A little while ago she started saying something about seeing butterflies and then she and Pinkie Pie were rolling on the ground laughing before Sunset had to-um-throw up."

"Oh my. Listen, Fluttershy. Has Sunset been on her computer or phone since we left?"

"No, she hasn't." Fluttershy answered which made Rarity smile in satisfaction. "Is this about that post from Anon-A-Miss?"

"I'm afraid so, dear. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were greatly hurt by it," Rarity informed her.

"Oh no!"

"Not to worry, darling. Thanks to you part of the issue has been resolved. I'll talk to you soon. Tell Sunset that I hope she gets better for me. Oh and Principal Celestia knows someone who can check on Sunset that knows about her uniqueness, "Rarity said.

"Okay, you girls have a good day at school," Fluttershy said.

"Will do," Rarity ended the call and turned to look at Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Their anger began to simmer down as soon as they heard Fluttershy's answer. "Are you two satisfied?"

"Yeah," Applejack said without looking at Rarity.

Rainbow Dash remained silent for a second, her head was lowered causing her hair to shield her eyes from view before speaking.

"Sunset's gotten worse."

"Yes, from what Fluttershy described, it would appear that she has become delirious due to her fever," Rarity said.

"I hope. whoever Principal Celestia has in mind to check on Sunset can help her," Rainbow Dash said as she raised her head. she no longer had a look of fury but one of deep concern.

"Me too darling," Rarity agreed just as the starting bell rang and the girls went to their first period class, they didn't see Applebloom peeking from around the corner, a look of uncertainty on her face.

Applejack took her usual seat at the Rainbooms lunch table. As she had expected the students of CHS took the opportunity to mock her for being rejected, but surprisingly she found some students that were sympathetic to her and even told her that she was too good for someone like Sunset. She felt a presence next to her and turned to see Rainbow Dash setting her lunch tray down before taking her seat.

"Hey there, Rainbow," Applejack greeted the athlete.

"Hey," Rainbow Dash greeted simply.

"Folks still teasing yah?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, but I just had this weird conversation with Trixie earlier," Rainbow began before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"What did yah talk about?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash swallowed her food before explaining, "I was on my way to my next class when I saw her walking towards me. At first I thought she was going to make fun of me but I was surprised when she asked if I was okay."

"What?" Applejack was shocked to hear this. "Trixie, the most boastful and arrogant girl in all of CHS, was askin' if yah were okay?"

"I know right? She started telling that I shouldn't let what Sunset posted bother me because it proved that I was too good for her and that I can do better," Rainbow Dash explained.

"Well Ah'll be..."Applejack was pleasantly surprised at this, never in a million years would she think Trixie of all people would go out of her way to help someone out of the kindness of her heart, let alone Rainbow Dash.

"Then she said that she'll make sure Sunset is put in her proper place," Rainbow Dash said as she took another bite of her sandwich.

"What in the hay did she mean by that?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Beats me, but she seemed real excited for some reason," Rainbow Dash finished explaining.

Applejack became worried. Should she be? Trixie was a braggart, but she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted, like when she dropped them in a trapdoor. Perhaps they should keep an eye on the aspiring magician in case she tried anything.

"Hello, darlings," Rarity greeted her two friends as she took her seat.

"Earth to Applebloom!"

"Huh?" Applebloom jerked her head to the side to look into the eyes of an annoyed Diamond Tiara. "Didja say somethin', Diamond Tiara?"

"I asked what you were doing for Christmas?" Diamond Tiara asked in annoyance.

"Oh Uh, ah'm just spendin' it with mah family." Applebloom said while scratching the back of her head and casting a glance at the Rainbooms table.

"Okay, what's the deal with you staring at your sister's table?" Diamond Tiara asked while crossing her arms.

"W-what do yah mean?" Applebloom asked nervously.

"You've been staring at her table ever since we entered the lunchroom and have been stealing glances every now and then. What gives?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Applebloom shifted in her seat nervously. She looked to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for assistance but neither girl knew what to do. Applebloom looked back to Diamond Tiara to see her waiting impatiently for her answer, she lets out a sigh before telling her the truth...sort of. "Ah'm just worried about Applejack and her friends."

"Because of Anon-A-Miss?" Silver Spoon said from beside Diamond Tiara. "I can see why you're worried. Your sister and her friends were made the laughing stock of the school."

"Ah can't believe Sunset would do this to them," Applebloom said in a disappointed tone.

"I honestly thought she had changed. I guess not everyone can," Diamond Tiara said. "Kind of makes me wonder if I really changed."

"Yer different from her, Diamond Tiara," Applebloom assured her.

"Am I though?" Diamond Tiara questioned.

Applebloom reached over the table to grab ahold of Diamond Tiara's hands.

"Sunset was a demon who mind controlled the entire school. She ruled this school and made everyone miserable. Yer nothin' like that."

Diamond Tiara couldn't help but blush. She was touched by Applebloom's words and belief in her. No wonder she fell for her.

"Yeah, you only ever picked on us," Scootaloo teased.

"Yer not helping, Scoots," Applebloom hissed.

"It's alright, Applebloom. She does have a point," Diamond Tiara said.

The girls changed the subject back to their holiday plans, Applebloom looks at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. All three girls shared a silent look that spoke of a meeting after school.

"Finally!" Rainbow Dash said, she stretched her arms as the final bell rang and her classmates were hurrying to place their belongings in their backpacks. She heard some students snickering as they walked past her, making her grit her teeth in frustration.

She slung her backpack over her shoulder and exited her classroom. She made her way towards her locker and along the way the students continued to laugh at her. Rainbow Dash arrived at her locker. She set the combination of her lock and threw her locker door open. She angrily shoved her textbooks inside her locker and took out her jacket before slamming her locker closed. She set the lock and stormed towards the front entrance.

"Rainbow, wait up!"

Rainbow Dash turned around to see Applejack approaching her. The farm girl caught up to her and together they exited the school but waited at the entrance for Rarity. The fashionista soon exited the school and she did not look happy.

"Yah okay, Rare?" Applejack asked.

"Other than the fact I am the laughing stock of the fashion club!" Rarity answered in irritation. "But it gets worse, I'm afraid."

"How so?" Applejack asked.

"I met with Principal Celestia in the halls earlier and she informed me that the person who can help Sunset won't be available until tomorrow," Rarity explained.

"What?! But Sunset need help now!" Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it.

"That's just how it is, darling. By the way I hope that you two have cooled off now from your outburst thus morning," Rarity said.

"Sorry about that, Rarity. Ah lost my head there for a bit," Applejack apologized.

"Yeah, ditto," Rainbow Dash said in shame.

"You certainly weren't thinking clearly. I am still very upset with you two. Anon-A-Miss has already gone too far and now she's trying to provoke us," Rarity stated as she crossed her arms and glared at her two friends.

"You still think it's not Sunset?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Do you?" Rarity countered. "I'd rather she be considered innocent until proven guilty."

"It's kinda hard you know? It's hard to swallow that the girl we trusted, the girl who became family to us is tryin' to hurt us again," Applejack said bitterly.

"At least we now know that she could not have possibly made that horrid post earlier, unless you believe Fluttershy to be lying," Rarity said.

"No, Ah ain't, but ah still wanna know how Anon-A-Miss got their hands on our pictures." Applejack questioned. "The only one to take them was Sunset."

"Maybe we should check her phone," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Rainbow, we've been over this. We can't access Sunset's phone without her password," Applejack said in irritation. Had her friend forgotten that?

"Not necessarily. I uh kinda opened her phone using her help," Rainbow Dash confessed.

"Rainbow Dash, please tell me you didn't take advantage of Sunset in her condition to unlock her phone?!" Rarity was aghast. She just couldn't believe her rainbow-haired friend would do something like that, especially to her crush.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong."

"That's putting it mildly," Applejack interrupted.

"But I wanted to make sure that Sunset wasn't Anon-A-Miss," Rainbow Dash explained herself.

"And did you find what you were looking for?" Rarity asked.

"No, I got interrupted and had to turn off her phone before I could check," Rainbow said sheepishly.

"So that's what you were really doing in Sunset's room," Rarity looked at Rainbow disapprovingly. "You know what? If it'll help convince you of Sunset's innocence then I suppose it couldn't hurt."

"Yah serious, Rarity?" Applejack stared at her friends with wide eyes.

"What other option is there? Sunset needs us right now and we can't truly help her if we're constantly doubting her," Rarity explained.

"But what if she did do it, are yah still going to help her then?" Applejack asked.

"How can you ask me that, Applejack?! Of course I still would!" Rarity said, the nerve of Applejack to even ask such a question. "It would be terrible of us to abandon Sunset while she's terribly ill!"

"Yer absolutely right. Ah should be ashamed of myself fer even thinkin' that," Applejack apologized, feeling quite low for what she said.

"It's quite alright. Just remember that even if Sunset did do this, it doesn't mean we should stoop to that level and abandon her," Rarity said.

"We should pick up some medicine on our way back. If a doctor can't see Sunset today, we have to make sure she doesn't get worse," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"An' ah got some food from Granny that'll help her with her cold," Applejack added.

"That's the spirit, girls!" Rarity cheered as they all hurried to the store to get some medicine for Sunset.

"Hey Fluttershy, is puke suppose to be rainbow-colored and glittery?" Pinkie asked from the bathroom as she held back Sunset's hair while she pukes rainbows.

"I'm not falling for that again, Pinkie. You said earlier that she was coughing up popcorn and that whenever she sneezed the room would change to a tropical forest or snowy mountain where the snow is actually vanilla ice cream," Fluttershy said from down the hall.

"But it's true!" Pinkie protested.

"I understand that you want to make this situation less gloomy, but please try to tone it down a little for Sunset. I don't think she can handle much fun right now," Fluttershy said.

"If you say so," Pinkie responded as she watch a puff of rainbow-colored smoke come out of the toilet, engulfing Sunset's face.

Sunset lifted her head away from the toilet and blinked several times before looking at Pinkie Pie. The two stared at each other for a minute before bursting in laughter. Suddenly, Sunset vomited confetti on Pinkie, causing her to howl in louder laughter.

"This is bad, girls," Applebloom said in a panic. The three Crusaders were in Sweetie Belle's room. With Rarity not in the house this was the best place to discuss their recent problem without someone listening in to their conversation. "It's bad enough that two of their friends didn't show up to school and ruin the plan we had, but now they're going to check her phone and see that she ain't Anon-A-Miss!"

"We should shut down the account while we still can!" Scootaloo suggested as she reached for her phone but was stopped by Sweetie Belle.

"Hold on a minute you two. The plan will still work despite them checking Sunset's phone," Sweetie Belle assured her two friends.

"How can you be so sure?" Scootaloo asked as Sweetie Belle released her hand.

"Trust me. When they check Sunset's phone it'll only make them doubt her more," Sweetie Belle said.

"We're home, darlings!" Rarity called out holding several bags as she, Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered Sunset's apartment.

"Welcome back, girls," Fluttershy greeted her friends.

"How's Sunset doing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well...it's hard to tell," Fluttershy admitted.

"What do yah mean?" Applejack asked.

Suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps can be heard just as Sunset appears around the corner of the hall, her eyes lit up upon seeing Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Girls!" Sunset shouted excitedly as she ran towards them. She wrapped her arms around them in a tight hug. "I missed you!"

"We missed you too, darling," Rarity managed to saw as Sunset squeezed the life out of her.

"Geez, sugarcube, ah had no idea yer hugs where this intense," Applejack said as she struggled in Sunset's grip.

"I'll say," Rainbow Dash managed to say between breaths.

Sunset giggled as she released the girls. She looked at them fondly before her eyes rolled up to the back of her head and she collapsed forward. Rainbow Dash was quick to react and caught her.

"Sunset!" Rainbow Dash said in worry as she held Sunset in her arms.

"Quick, get her back in bed!" Applejack urged as she helped Rainbow Dash gently guide Sunset to her room, they carefully placed Sunset back in her bed before placing the covers over her. "What in the sam hill was she thinkin'?"

"Has she taken any medicine?" Rarity asked Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who shook their heads. "Rainbow Dash, go get the medicine we brought and a glass of water, quickly!"

Rainbow hurried outside to where Rarity placed her bags, she searched the bags until she found the cold medicine and hurried to fill a glass of water before going back to Sunset's room. "Here!"

Rarity took the glass filled with water along with the pills, "Applejack, be a dear and assist me."

"Gotcha," Applejack said as she placed her arm underneath Sunset's back to help prop her up.

"Sunset, we have some medicine for you," Rarity said.

Sunset opened her eyes and opened her mouth to take her pills, Rarity then brought the glass of water to Sunset's lips as she drank its contents.

"Lay her down gently Applejack," Rarity instructed to which the blonde farmer obliged.

The girls watched as Sunset's breathing began to calm down slightly and soon she was fast asleep.

"Has she been acting like this all day?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, we tried to get her back to bed, but she refused to stay in it for long," Fluttershy explained.

Rarity pondered for a moment until she felt someone tap her shoulder and turned to look at Rainbow Dash, "What is it, darling?"

"Remember that thing we talked about earlier?" Rainbow Dash asked before motioning her head to Sunset's phone that was resting on her nightstand.

"Really, Rainbow?" Rarity shook her head before going over to pick up Sunset's phone.

"Rarity, what're you doing with Sunset's phone?" Fluttershy asked.

"Putting an end to any suspicion of Sunset being Anon-A-Miss," Rarity explained as she handed Sunset's phone to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash went over to Sunset and placed her thumb on the home screen. Once her phone was unlocked, Rainbow opened up her internet browser. Her thumb hoovered over the internet history; she started to have a sinking feeling about doing this.


Rainbow Dash looked up to see her friends waiting on her to see what she had found. She took a deep breath before pressing the internet history. She looked at the recent entry which was from two days ago, the night of Rarity's slumber party.

The girls watched as Rainbow Dash checked Sunset's phone, nervously hoping that she wouldn't find anything, but then Rainbow's face suddenly turned pale. Tears welled up in her eyes as she fell to her knees. Her grip on Sunset's phone loosened and it slipped out of her hand.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy knelt down next to Rainbow Dash. "What's the matter?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy. She opened her mouth to say something but words failed her as the shock of what she had uncovered was too much. She held on to Flutterhsy's arm as she leaned her head against that same arm and openly sobbed.

The rest of her friends where speechless. Rainbow Dash rarely cried and especially not in front of them if she could help it. Applejack knelt down and picked up Sunset's phone. As soon as she took a look the color drained from her face like her athletic friend. She brought a shaky hand to cover her mouth as tears cascaded down her face.

"Applejack?" Rarity was scared. She had never seen her two friends look so devastated.

Applejack looked to Rarity. She turned the phone around for them to see and the effect was immediate. Pinkie Pie's hair instantly deflated, Fluttershy gasped, a look of horror on her face, Rarity...she simply shook her head; unable to believe what she was seeing. Her mascara ran down the sides of her face.

For Sunset's phone displayed that she was logged into Anon-A-Miss on the night of Rarity's slumber party.