• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,586 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...

Magic of Friendship part 1

Discord eyed Trixie curiously as she set up her table in front of him. She made sure it was placed well in the snow-covered ground so it would not wobble. Of course, with how much chaos magic was permeating the air, the environment was very unpredictable. Discord knew his daughter’s chaos magic was powerful, but he didn't know how powerful and that worried him.

She could potentially be more powerful than he was and it frightened him. It was not because he felt threatened, it was because he knew that uncontrollable chaos magic was dangerous and lethal to the user.

“Behold as the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie turns that frown upside down with her jaw-dropping display of magic!” Trixie boasted as she pulled a wand out of her sleeve. “Behold!”

Trixie waved her wand before tapping the table with it. It started to shake a little before the table started rising into the air.

“See how amazing the Great and-” Trixie didn’t get to finish as her table suddenly shot up high into the sky. “Powerful.”

Trixie sighed before she muttered, “Not again”.

Trixie recomposed herself. It was not like setbacks were foreign to her. It was all part of being an aspiring magician.

“Fear not! For the Great and Powerful Trixie still has more amazing feats of magic to amaze you!” Trixie assured Discord as she pulled back her sleeves. “Nothing up my sleeves!”

Trixie spreads her arms apart and prepared to clap her hands together but was stopped by Discord. “Hey! What’s the big idea interfering?!” Trixie glared at Discord. The nerve of him! Here she was trying to cheer him up and he was ruining it.

“If you went through with what you were doing, you’ll blow yourself up,” Discord said, his voice filled with sadness. “I’d rather not see that happen.”

Discord released his hold on Trixie as he went back to sit on a park bench.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at Discord’s behavior before walking towards him and taking a seat next to him.

“It appears that The Great and Powerful Trixie is feeling off today. So Trixie shall instead use her great wisdom to help you!”

“Listen, kid, you obviously have good intentions but I’d rather be alone,” Discord said as he turned away from Trixie.

“Being alone might not be what you need,” Trixie said. “Care to share? Maybe it can help if you talk about it.”

“Like talking about things ever helps.”

“Well, you don’t seem to be doing anything else so it wouldn’t hurt, would it?”

Discord sighed. Well, it really couldn’t hurt, could it? It was not like he could make things worse by talking about it, could he?

“Have you ever messed up so badly that you can’t even imagine how to fix things?” Discord asked her.

“Trixie can’t say she has,” Trixie answered.

“I wasn’t there for my daughter.”

“What do you mean?” Trixie asked, wondering what it was that he meant.

“You see, I very recently found out that I had a daughter and I fell to pieces when her mother told me,” Discord chuckled. “I was lost. For the longest time, I was the only member of my family and now I’m suddenly a father.”

“Trixie would guess that being a parent all of a sudden would greatly impact a person,” Trixie said as she thought about her own father and what he told her about how terrified he was after Trixie’s mother told him that she was pregnant.

“Like you wouldn’t believe. My daughter’s mother, who I haven’t seen in years, helped me cope. But then she told me that our daughter is seriously ill and needed my help.” Discord closed his eyes and hung his head in shame. “But I screwed up.”

“W-what happened?” Trixie asked nervously, afraid to find out what had happened to his daughter.

“Her scream, her horrible screams of pain when I tried to help her. I had never heard anything so horrible and painful in my life,” Discord said sadly. He recalled Sunset’s confused look when he told her that he was her father before it quickly turned to a look of pain. “I’m a complete failure as a father.”

Trixie heard soft sobs coming from Discord. She rubbed her neck as she tried to find the right words to help the distraught father. She then thought of Sunset Shimmer. Despite how badly she had screwed up, she didn’t wallow in despair and instead worked hard to make up for her mistake.

“How are you going to make it up to her?”

“Huh?” Discord looked up at Trixie, a literal waterfall of tears was cascading down the sides of his face.

“What are you going to do to make things right with your daughter?” Trixie asked.

“Why bother? I’ll just make it worse,” Discord said in defeat.

“Are you serious?!” Trixie was aghast. “Don’t you care about her?!”

“Of course I do!” Discord raised his voice.

“Then why aren’t you trying to make up for what you did?!” Trixie argued, her face flushed with anger.

“I already told you why,” Discord reminded her. “I don’t want to risk hurting her again.”

“You’ll hurt her more if you don’t try!” Trixie stated, taking Discord aback. “You’re her father! Think about how she must feel if her own father that she probably didn’t know she had doesn’t care enough about her to even try to prove how sorry he is!”

Trixie was really getting worked up, for she had never felt this annoyed at someone before. Maybe it had something to do with how wonderful her own father was to her that she held other fathers to a high standard.

“There’s this girl at my school who messed up really bad and was hated by everyone,” Trixie began as she looked away from Discord. “Everyone let her know how much they despised her. No matter how hard she tried to make up for her mistakes and prove that she had changed, no one would acknowledge it.”

Trixie’s expression saddened when she recalled how she stumbled upon Sunset crying in an isolated part of the library.

“It was really hard on her, but she had five friends who were there to support her. She kept at it, never giving up and eventually she got through to everyone and is no longer hated,” Trixie finished, a bright smile on her lips as she thought of Sunset’s happy expression. “Trixie has grown to admire her and she inspires Trixie to do her best and not give up!”

“She sounds like a remarkable person,” Discord remarked.

“She is but right now she’s in trouble. She’s suffering and everyone is trying to save her but she won’t let them,” Trixie said. “It’s like all her pain has built a shield around her heart, keeping others out.”

“That sounds terrible.”

“Yes, indeed it is, but I doubt her friends will give up on her. She just needs to let someone in, but the right person needs to try to get in so she can get the help she needs.”

“Are you implying that that person is you?” Discord asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Trixie hopes, but Trixie hasn’t been the nicest person to her,” Trixie admitted sadly. “But Trixie is not deterred, Trixie will prove herself to Sunset Shimmer that Trixie is sorry!”

Discord’s eyes widened upon hearing his daughter’s name. He couldn’t believe that she was the girl Trixie was talking about.

No,’ He thought. ‘If Sunset is anything like her mother, then she inspires greatness in others.

Discord then thought about what Trixie had said about Sunset’s struggles and how she never gave up.

She’s stubborn like Celestia.

An image of a smiling Celestia appeared in his mind.

Celestia, even after all these centuries, you never gave up on me.

An image of Sunset Shimmer appeared beside Celestia.

Oh Sunset, how can I call myself a father after I hurt you the way I did? More importantly, how can I call myself your father if I just sit here and do nothing while you suffer?

A smirking Luna appeared next to her sister, and Discord smiled at the vision of his family.

“My family,” Discord whispered as he stood up from his seat.

Trixie looked at him curiously.

“Have you made up your mind?”

Discord wiped away his tears.

“Yes, and you’re right. I’ll end up hurting my daughter more if I don’t do anything. It’s time I show her how amazing her daddy is and how much he loves her!” Discord declared, smiling brightly as his confidence had returned.

“Then what are you waiting for? Go to her,” Trixie urged, smiling kindly at seeing Discord finally start talking like a real father.

“Thanks for the help, kid, I owe you one,” Discord thanked Trixie before his entire body shivered as he detected a magical disturbance. “And not a moment too soon.” Discord began to concentrate and located the source of the magical disturbance. “See ya.” He waved goodbye before disappearing.

Trixie blinked as she stared at the spot Discord was.

“D..did he just disappear?”

Discord appeared in the location of the disturbance and what he saw surprised him. It was utter chaos. Ordinarily, he would smile and revel in the chaos, but something was off about this chaos.

It felt wild as if it was lashing out.

“So you finally show up.”

Discord turned around to see a very pissed off Sunset Shimmer.


“You were never there for me,” Sunset began to say as she shook in anger. “I watched as other fillies were picked up from school by their dads, while I was picked up by a royal guard. I watched as they bragged about how cool their daddies were I watched as they told stories about what they did with their daddies.”

Tears of anger and bitterness welled up in Sunset’s eyes.

“I watched as their daddies told them how proud they were of them and how much they love them!”

The tears finally fell as Sunset told Discord about her pain.

“Why weren’t you there?!”

Discord quickly closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Sunset who was caught off guard.

“What do you think you’re doing!?” Sunset demanded.

“I’m so sorry,” Discord apologized as he held onto Sunset. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you, but that ends now.”

“W-what are you saying?” Sunset asked.

Discord pulled back and gave Sunset a reassuring smile.

“I’m here for you, Sunset, and I’m not going anywhere.”

Sunset’s eyes widened at Discord’s declaration. She lowered her head and her hair covered her eyes. She was reluctant to trust anything he said.

“You hurt me.”

“I know, and I promise to make it up to you,” Discord says with a smile. “So what do you say? Will you give your old man a chance?”

Sunset didn’t say anything as she tackled her father and wrapped her arms tight around him. Discord was surprised at first before he returned the hug.

“I see you finally got rid of your doubts.”

Discord looked straight to see a smiling Princess Celestia.

“I had a little help.”

Sunset broke the hug as she stepped away from Discord.

“You were a little hesitant, but I felt your determination,” Sunset said while grinning.

“As you should, you are the manifestation of my doubt,” Discord said.

Was the manifestation of your doubt.”

Luna appeared beside her older sister and smiled knowingly at Discord.

“It’s about time you ponied up and started being responsible,” Luna nodded.

“Fatherhood does that to you,” Discord said with a shrug.

“Hmph, you never change,” Luna said with a smirk as she disappeared.

“See you soon, handsome,” Celestia winked at Discord before she too disappeared.

“Good luck...Daddy,” Sunset said, smiling the brightest smile Discord had ever seen before she turned into a ball of light and floated towards Discord.

Discord closed his eyes as the ball entered his heart. His eyes snapped open and hardened with determination.

“Now, let’s see what everyone else is up to?”

Discord was suddenly dressed as a security officer as he stared at eight monitors that suddenly appeared in front of him.

“This doesn’t look good,” Discord said to himself as he watched the human girls and the princesses give in to despair. Sunset Shimmer was using a divide and conquer strategy on them all, forcing them to face their demons. Well, two could play at that game. “Looks like they’re going to need Daddy Discord’s help.”

Discord snapped his fingers, creating duplicates of himself that were dressed as soldiers.

“Listen up!” Discord raised his voice, as he was dressed as a military general. “Our little girl’s magic running wild and causing some big trouble.”

“You want us to put a stop to it, sir?” One of Discord's duplicates dressed as a soldier asked.

“If it was that easy, son, I would have done it myself. Truth is, it’ll be like adding fuel to the fire,” General Discord explained, “Which I am sad to say that you all may not survive this mission, so if any of you want to back out, do so now.”

Everyone remained silent until one of the Discord soldiers stepped forward.

“Sorry sir, but I believe I speak for all my comrades when I say that it’s worth the risk.”

All the Discord’s nodded in agreement.

“Very well then, your mission is to infiltrate these chaos spaces the girls are in and deliver a message,” General Discord said.

“What kind of message, sir?” another Discord soldier asked.

“Tell them to remember the real Sunset,” General Discord said. “Good luck, gentlemen. It’s been an honor to serve with you all.”

All the clone Discords saluted before they disappeared, leaving the main Discord alone.

“Now...” Discord was now wearing a temple monk attire as he found himself in a zen garden. He took up a meditation stance in midair and closed his eyes. “Time to find Sunset.”

One of the Discord soldiers appeared above a blazing forest fire, and as soon as he did, he felt his entire body being torn apart. It was like this place was rejecting him like he was some kind of invading organism.

“Ugh! I guess this is what the general meant. Being made of chaos magic in an unstable chaotic world isn’t good for your health,” the Discord soldier said through gritted teeth, as his body was racked with pain. He tried to turn into a firefighter and conjure a giant fire extinguisher, but that seemed to hurt him so he stopped. If he got taken out too soon, he would not be able to help anyone.

The Discord soldier fought through the pain as he searched for his target. He spotted Fluttershy on her knees, sobbing as the blazing fire inched ever closer.

“Fluttershy!” Discord yelled. Though this may not be the same Fluttershy he had befriended in Equestria, the girl still needed his help. After all, Fluttershy was still Fluttershy and Discord would always help his dearest friend.

Fluttershy didn’t hear Discord as she continued to cry, but Sunset Satan did.

Well, well, if it isn’t dear old daddy,” Sunset Satan smirked as she watched the Discord soldier’s body start to glitch. “You don’t look so good.

“Fluttershy, listen to me! You have to remember who the real Sunset is, the Sunset Shimmer that you know!” Discord shouted with all his strength before his left foot exploded in a shower of confetti. “Ah!”

Sorry, Dad. But this bitch is done, and so are you,” Sunset Satan smirked as she saw Discord’s lower half explode in sparks.

“Search deep down, Fluttershy! Your heart knows the truth!” Discord shouted just as he exploded into water droplets.

The droplets rained downed on Fluttershy. Some were evaporated by the fire but one managed to land on top of Fluttershy’s head. The droplet began to shine as Fluttershy muttered to herself.

“It’s no use, I’m a terrible friend. Sunset deserves better than me!”


Upon hearing Sunset’s voice in her mind, Fluttershy stopped crying as her eyes widened in shock.


The water droplet slid down Fluttershy’s head and split in two as it neared her eyes. When the droplets touched the edge of her eyes, Fluttershy’s eyes started glowing. She saw Sunset walking beside her and looking excited.

Today we get to take care of those adorable hamsters again!’ Sunset squealed.

Thank you very much for helping me clean the hamster habitat, Sunset,’ Fluttershy’s voice could be heard saying.

The present Fluttershy realized that she must be seeing through her past self’s point of view.

‘It’s no problem, Fluttershy. I should be thanking you for allowing me to help,’ Past Sunset said.

Think nothing of it. You are gentle and kind to the animals. They love it when I bring you,’ Past Fluttershy said.

“I remember this,” Fluttershy whispered as she recalled how much fun they had taking care of the animals at the shelter. That was also the first time she saw for herself how kind Sunset was. She would be patient with an animal and provide them with the love and attention they deserve. She was a little hesitant to deal with furry animals but she quickly adapted, which was why she loved to handle the hamsters.

“Sunset was so happy,” Fluttershy whispered, several more scenes flashed through as she witnessed more of Sunset’s kind actions, from helping her pass out flyers for an event at the animal shelter (despite the students glaring at her), keeping her company at the animal shelter when she had to spend all night taking care of some sick animals, and even helping her take care of her sick brother when her parents were out on a date.

“Sunset has been very kind to me and has shown me nothing but kindness after the Fall Formal,” Fluttershy said as she saw Sunset’s smiling face before it twisted in pain as red veins spread throughout her body. “But now she’s suffering so much.”

Fluttershy’s eyes stopped glowing. She raised her head to look straight at Sunset Satan.

Has the little crybaby run out of tears?” Sunset Satan mocked.

Fluttershy stood up, closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling. When she opened her eyes, she gave the demon a hard glare.

“I’m done.”

Done?” The demon raised an eyebrow at this.

“I’m done being angry and I’m done with you!” Fluttershy raised her voice.

A little late to develop a backbone, don’t you think?” Sunset Satan questioned mockingly.

“Says the one hiding behind a disguise,” Fluttershy countered.

Disguise?” Sunset Satan was surprised. “Why would I need a ‘disguise’? To hide from you?” Sunset Satan rose into the air, each flap of her wings caused the fire to intensify. “I am a monster, Fluttershy. You are terrified of monsters!

“You’re wrong, I’m not terrified of all monsters,” Fluttershy said.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind blew and put out the flames of hatred.

What the-?!” Sunset Satan struggled against the wind as she saw a giant moth descend from the sky. "THE HELL IS THAT!?"

“MOTHRA!” Fluttershy was never a fan of monster movies, but Rainbow Dash kept insisting she watched them with her. She disliked the fights between the giant monsters, but then one day she watched Mothra onscreen for the first time and Fluttershy actually found a monster that she liked.

Mothra was not an agent of destruction. Instead, she was a protector, and the gigantic moth was here to protect Fluttershy.

Do you honestly believe this overgrown moth can stop me?!” Sunset Satan challenged.

“Without a doubt,” Fluttershy said as all the animals gathered around her and glared at the demon.

Mothra let out a roar as she flapped her wings, releasing sparks of light that rained down on Sunset Satan.
Sunset Satan glared angrily at the sparks of light as they quickly surrounded her. The sparks quickly engulfed her in a bright light which caused her to shriek. When the light faded, instead of a normal-looking Sunset Shimmer, it was Fluttershy. But she looked different. She had bat wings, bat-like ears, messy hair, paler skin and blood-red eyes that glared at Fluttershy.

“You!” Flutterbat shouted at Fluttershy as she pointed an accusing finger at her. “You are weak, pathetic, a doormat!” Flutterbat flapped her wings and took to the air. “I will never lose to you!”

Flutterbat dove at Fluttershy and tackled her to the ground. The two struggled as they tried to pin the other down. But using the self-defense trick she learned from Rarity, Fluttershy was able to gain the upper hand and pin Flutterbat.

Flutterbat glared at Fluttershy before looking behind her to see Mothra beginning to glow. She started to panic and struggling against Fluttershy’s hold but the animal lover wouldn’t let her go.

“Do you really think you can survive without me?!” Flutterbat shouted, attempting to plead with Fluttershy. “You need me to be strong, to be confident, to stand up for yourself!”

“Like hell I do!” Fluttershy shouted, surprising Flutterbat. Fluttershy had never cursed in her life. “You are poison, you corrupt everything you touch! Just like how you corrupted my memory of Sunset! But no more! I may feel frustrated with my friends, even annoyed at them. But I will find another way to deal with it that doesn’t involve you!” A yellow outline begins to surround Fluttershy. “I will save Sunset! I will beg for her forgiveness and do everything I can possibly do to make up for my mistake!”

“Why would you do so much for her?!” Flutterbat demanded. “Because she’s your friend?!”

“She’s more than a friend, she’s my family!” Fluttershy answered as her hair extended into a ponytail, pony ears emerged from on top of her head and wings appeared on her back.

Mothra let out a mighty roar as she unleashed a wave of light towards Fluttershy and Flutterbat. Flutterbat screamed in pain as the light wave completely destroyed her and revealed Sunset Shimmer lying down at a distance away from her. Fluttershy stood up and ran towards Sunset until she reached her.

“Sunset!” Fluttershy knelt down and gently held Sunset in her arms. She watched the former unicorn’s eyes flutter open before looking at her direction.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Sunset said weakly as she gave her shy friend a smile.

“Oh Sunset, I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy apologized as tears spilled from her eyes.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize,” Sunset assured her friend as she lifted her right hand to rest against Fluttershy’s left cheek.

“But I do!” Fluttershy raised her voice as she placed her hand over Sunset’s. “I was so angry that my anger consumed the kind person that I know you are. I can never forgive myself for what I did to your kindness.”

“But you saved me.” Sunset looked at Fluttershy with kind and understanding eyes. “You saved the kind Sunset Shimmer that dwells in your heart.” Sunset pulled Fluttershy into a hug which the animal lover was more than happy to return. “Thank you for saving me Fluttershy, but now you have to save your Sunset.”

Sunset pulled back from the hug and looked at Fluttershy.

“I won’t let you down,” Fluttershy vowed.

“I know you won’t,” Sunset smiled as she turned into a ball of light before entering Fluttershy’s heart.

Fluttershy stood and wiped her tears away before looking at Mothra.

“Thank you, Mothra.”

Mothra roared as her antennae glowed. Fluttershy was enveloped in a similar aura and a beam of light shot from her heart and into the sky, creating a portal.

Fluttershy smiled at Mothra before she flapped her wings and flew into the portal.

“My aching stomach, my aching arms, my aching...everything!” the Discord soldier complained as he appeared above a sea of darkness. He spotted Applejack struggling against the strong waves as she fought against the current. While the farm girl was strong with the stamina to spare, she was almost reaching her limit and growing exhausted. “Guess she needs a lifeguard!”

Discord conjured a life preserver. However, as soon as he did his entire body started glitching and the life preserver vanished.

“Okay, bad idea,” Discord groaned in pain. “Guess I’ll have to yell. Hey, Applejack!”

Applejack didn’t respond as another wave crashed into her, filling her mind with the lies she told and the lies she told herself.

Of course ah trust yah, Sunset.

We’re friends, aren’t we?

Yah are a good person, Sunset.

That looks great on ya, Rarity.

This tastes great, Pinkie.

Yer not a doormat, Fluttershy.

Ah’m not jealous that Sunset trusted Rainbow Dash with her apartment key.

Rainbow Dash is not a better athlete than me.

With each lie, Applejack felt herself losing consciousness, her body becoming heavier and more exhausted as she fought against the lies.

“This isn’t good. At this rate, she’s going to drown.” Discord had to act quickly, but without the use of his magic, his options were limited. However, he could not do nothing. Steeling himself, the Spirit of Chaos dove into the Sea of Lies in order to reach Applejack. As soon as he hit the dark water, it started to affect him too.

You’re a horrible father!

You’re a freak!

You don’t deserve to be happy!

You don’t deserve your family!





He ignored the voices. He could not afford to be distracted, not when he was this close. Sunset Shimmer needed her friends now more than ever, even if her dark side was trying to break them.

"APPLEJACK!" Discord screamed Applejack’s name as loud as he could and, to his delight, he succeeded in gaining her attention.

“Mr. Discord?” Applejack questioned as she recognized the familiar voice. She turned to the direction she thought she heard the voice come from but all she saw were blurry shapes. She was just about to pass out.

“Look past the lies! Remember who the real Sunset Shimmer is!” Discord shouted as he watched a wave rise and crash on top of Applejack. “APPLEJACK!”

Discord took a deep breath and dove in He saw nothing but darkness until he spotted the dim light of Applejack’s body. He quickly swam towards her but he felt something grab on to his leg.

Sorry, Dad. But the liar has to drown,” Sunset Satan mock apologized as she pulled Discord back. But to her shock, Discord’s leg popped out before turning into bubbles.

Discord used this moment to swim with greater urgency towards Applejack (even when he’s down a leg), but the demon would not let him. Sunset Satan easily glided through the water to cut Discord off.

Give it up. She’s doomed,” Sunset Satan said with a smirk.
Discord glared at the demon before shifting his gaze back at Applejack who continued to sink as the light began to fade from her body. Discord took in a deep breath and his body expanded until he exploded into millions of bubbles.

What in Equestria?!” Sunset Satan was caught off guard as the bubbles consumed her.
Several of the bubbles made their way towards Applejack. One by one they popped until only one remained. The last bubble managed to float next to Applejack’s ear before it popped.

Remember the real Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Satan blew away all the bubbles, causing them to pop.

Annoying pest,” The demon growled before turning to look at Applejack who had completely disappeared in the dark sea. “Good riddance.

Just as she was about to swim back to the surface, she caught something in her peripheral vision. She looked back to where Applejack used to be and saw a tiny speck of light.


The demon swam towards the light and as she got close enough, she saw that the source of the light was coming from Applejack’s heart. Sunset Satan reached out to Applejack’s heart and immediately recoiled as she made contact with the light.

Damn it! Just what is she still holding on to?!” Sunset Satan yelled in frustration.

“Where am Ah?” Applejack questioned as she found herself floating in a black void. She looked around and only saw darkness, but then she spotted a bright light heading towards her. The light turned out to be a baseball-sized orb of light that transformed into a viewing mirror. Applejack looked at the mirror curiously before it showed her Sunset Shimmer. She was walking down the halls of CHS but instead of her usual confident self, Sunset looked nervous, sad and a little afraid.

She kind of reminded Applejack of Fluttershy.

“Ah remember this. This was right after the Fall Formal,” Applejack spoke as she watched Sunset being glared by all the students which made her hug her books tighter.

“She looks so vulnerable.”

The image changed to one Applejack was very familiar with, It was Sunset trying in vain to offer her assistance in helping the other students, only to be turned down. Applejack was saddened to see Sunset try so hard to make it up to the people she hurt, but not a single person was giving her a chance.

The next scene showed Sunset demanding the Rainbooms to stop arguing, reminding all of them of their friendship and that they needed to pull together to defeat the Sirens. Applejack felt the pure honesty of Sunset’s words. She had been fighting an uphill battle and she had to do it alone.

“No thanks to me,” Applejack said in shame, remembering how, despite her helping Sunset discover friendship, a small part of her didn’t believe Sunset could be a better person.

The mirror then showed the time when Sunset was helping at the Apple Farm and she confided in Applejack about her mother. The look Sunset gave Applejack told her that she had complete trust in the farm girl to tell her about her mother.

“Too bad ah couldn’t trust Sunset enough to know that she would never betray me,” Applejack said as she recalled Sunset’s look of betrayal when she was told how her friends assumed she was Anon-A-miss.

“Don’t go beatin’ yourself too harshly now.”

Applejack’s eyes widened as she recognized that voice.


The mirror of light transformed into Applejack’s mother, Pear Butter.

“Hey there.”

“I-is this another trick?” Applejack questioned, not believing her mother was actually here.

“No, Ah come from yer heart, Applejack. Ah part of me that will always be with yah,” Pear Butter said with a smile. “Just like how a part of Sunset will always be with you.”

“Then yah probably know what Ah did to her,” Applejack said as she cast her gaze down, not bearing to see the disappointed look in her mother’s eyes.

She heard footsteps closing in before she felt a hand on the left side of her face, lifting her head to see Pear Butter’s kind smile.

“Tell me, Applejack. Are yah sorry that yah hurt her?”

“Of course ah am,” Applejack admitted softly. “Mah heart hurts every time ah think about how ah hurt Sunset.”

“Then yah gotta take responsibility.”

Applejack’s father, Bright Macintosh spoke as he suddenly appeared next to his face.


“Tell that girl how sorry yah are and do everythin’ in your power to prove it,” Bright Mac advised.

“Yer pa’s right. Sunset is a very nice girl and she really needs yah right now,” Pear Butter added.

“But…” Applejack was hesitant, the demon’s words about her own lies still plaguing her mind.

“Applejack,” Pear Butter called her daughter’s attention. “Tell me, how do you feel about Sunset?”

“How... I feel?” Applejack questioned.

“Yes,” Pear Butter said with a smile.

Applejack thought for a moment. She recalled all the moments she and Sunset spent together. The laughs they shared and the times Sunset made her heart flutter.

I have crushes on both of you!’

Those words rang in Applejack’s mind, and although they were said in anger, she knew that Sunset wasn’t lying.

Especially with what she said next.

‘I was hoping we could be a herd!

From what Twilight had told her, being part of a herd meant that Sunset had chosen her to be her wife. Sunset loved her so much that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that Sunset didn’t just have a crush on her, she was in love with her.

“Ah love her,” Applejack said. “Ah love her with all mah heart, ah want to take her out somewhere nice and tell her how beautiful she is.”

Pear Butter and Bright Mac pulled their daughter into a hug as she cried.

“Sunset’s very lucky to have yah, Applejack,” Pear Butter said as she rubbed her crying daughter’s back softly.

“No, Ah’m the lucky one. Sunset’s been a ray of sunshine in mah life,” Applejack said as she smiled at remembering Sunset’s smile, feeling a warmth in her heart that spread through her entire body. “Not to mention that she’s a real princess that chose a rustic farm girl like me. How lucky can ah get?”

“Go save her, sweetheart,” Bright Mac said as he and Pear Butter pulled out of the hug.

“Ah promise,” Applejack vowed.

Pear Butter and Bright Mac smiled as they started to glow. They glowed so brightly that their light engulfed the entire dark area.

No,” Sunset Satan said as she watched the glow from Applejack’s heart spread throughout her body. “This can’t be happening!

Pony ears sprouted from on top of Applejack’s head and her hair extended into a ponytail. The farmgirl’s eyes snapped open, causing the light that surrounded her body to spread outward and banish the darkness. Her attire also changed, becoming Amazonian armor.

How?” Sunset Satan growled, clenching her fists in anger as she glared at Applejack. “You should’ve been consumed by your lies!

“Yah know what they say, the truth shall set yah free,” Applejack said cheekily.

What does a liar like you know about truth?!” The demon questioned. “You hate me-

“NO!” Applejack raised her voice, narrowing her eyes at the demon. “It’s true ah didn’t like Sunset at the beginning, but now ah can honestly say this: Ah’m in love with Sunset Shimmer!”

Lies!” the demon shouted as she hurled a fireball at Applejack.

Applejack dodged it and started running towards the demon. Sunset Satan flapped her wings and flew into the air but Applejack didn’t let that stop her as a lasso made of magic materialized in her hands. She threw the noose end of the lasso at the demon and ensnared her leg. Applejack pulled with all her strength and brought the demon back down to earth. Applejack quickly rushed at the demon, jumped on top of her and tied her up.

“That should hold yah,” Applejack said.

Don’t think that this will hold me!” Sunset Satan growled as she tried to break free from her bindings but no matter how hard she tried, the lasso would not break. “Why can’t I break this?!

“Speaking honestly, yah can’t,” Applejack stated as a matter of fact. ”Honesty is what’s keeping me from becoming yah.”

The lasso began to glow which caused the demon to changed into a discolored Applejack.

“Sunset’s a snake! A demon! She can’t be trusted!” the discolored Applejack spoke venomously.

“Enough!” Applejack raised her voice. “Ah’ve had it with yah badmouthing Sunset!”

Applejack gripped tightly to the lasso, it’s glow intensifying.

“Ah’m going to keep sayin’ this because it’s the honest truth: Ah love Sunset. She is an honest, hardworking person with the biggest heart Ah’ve ever seen. A heart that your lies tried to hide.”

The lasso shined brightly which caused the discolored Applejack to disappear and reveal the true Sunset Shimmer that dwelled in Applejack’s heart. The lasso disappeared as Applejack knelt down and held Sunset in her arms.

“Sugarcube, are yah okay?” Applejack asked with worry.

Sunset’s eyes fluttered open before looking at Applejack and smiling.


“Glad Ah didn’t lose yah,” Applejack said. “Ah’m so sorry.”

“Don’t blame yourself. Doubt can play a huge part in losing sight of what’s important,” Sunset assured Applejack as she rested a hand against the farmer’s right cheek.

“Ah promise ah will make it up to yah,” Applejack promised as she placed her hand on top of Sunset’s that was on her cheek.

“You better,” Sunset giggled as she turned into a ball of light before entering Applejack’s heart.

Applejack stood up and looked at her surroundings.

“Now how do Ah get out of here?”

Suddenly, a sun appeared above the horizon. Its light shone down in front of Applejack and created a door.

“Thanks, sugarcube,” Applejack gratefully said as she hurried towards her way out.

Pain greeted the Discord Soldier as he appeared in his target’s location. He could hear cruel laughter coming from below him and looked down to see Rarity sobbing as she was surrounded by black flames as students laughed and insulted her from behind the flames.

The students looked warped and exaggerated, evil and monstrous, spitting out hateful things between their laughter.

“Better hurry,” Discord said to himself as he descended next to Rarity.

Rarity felt someone next to her and turned to see Discord.

“Mr. Discord?”

“Not quite,” Discord said as he offered Rarity a hand.

So the deadbeat Dad finally shows himself,” Sunset Satan mocked as soon as she saw Discord.

“I would be hurt if it was really you saying that,” Discord stuck his tongue out at the demon but then flinched as his body glitched.

If words can never hurt you, then the pain of existence will have to do,” the demon sneered.

“Mr. Discord, are you alright?” Rarity asked with concern as she took the offered hand and rose to her feet.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m just a clone created to help you and your friends,” Discord assured her. “So what seems to be the trouble here?”

“Can’t you see? I’m being mocked and ridiculed! And I deserve it!” Rarity gestured to her mocking peers.

“How so?”

“Well, just look at me! I’m so superficial and materialistic! I put so much priority on fashion, makeup and my appearance! It’s all just a facade! Even my accent is fake because I wanted to sound high class! But I’m just an ugly phony!”

Rarity buried her face in her hands and started sobbing again.

“You? A phony? Please, you’re a lady!” Discord dismissed Rarity’s claims.

Rarity lifted her head from her hands to look at Discord.

“You are Rarity. You love fashion, you want to be treated like a lady, a princess! There’s nothing wrong with being who you are!” Discord proclaimed. “I’ve met your counterpart. She is proud of who she is and her friends love her for who she is.”

“But I’m so selfish and vain,” Rarity said as she lowered her head in shame.

“We are all entitled to be a little selfish,” Discord said with a shrug. “You just have to be sure that your selfish desires don’t harm others.”

Rarity raised her head to look at Discord once again.

“I’m in love with your daughter.”

The Discord soldier’s eyes widened in shock before he smiled cheekily.

“As a father, it makes me feel happy to hear you say that.”

“But she already has her heart set on two of our friends,” Rarity admitted sadly.


“So? So I lost my chance!” Rarity raised her voice. “It’s unbecoming of a lady to steal another woman’s lover.”

“But you won’t be stealing her. You can all be together with my daughter. You can form a herd after all,” Discord said.

“I know, but I am unworthy of ever being with Sunset. Much less be her friend,” Rarity said as she turned away from Discord. “I’ve...I’ve hated Sunset for what she did to me at the Spring Fling. Despite us becoming friends and my feelings towards her, I had never forgotten the pain she caused me.”

“Have you talked about this with Sunset?” Discord asked.

“No,” Rarity answered simply.

“Why not?” Discord asked curiously.

“You see, after the Fall Formal, which is a dance in our school, Sunset’s confidence was in shambles. The poor girl was a shadow of her former self. She already felt terrible for trying to murder us, and I didn’t want to add to her guilt,” Rarity explained.

Which brings us here.

Discord and Rarity turned to look at the demon.

That was a touching little pep talk, but as you can plainly see, this bitch has a serious grudge towards me,” Sunset Satan stated.

“I can see why she would resent this monster, but Sunset isn’t that anymore and Rarity knows it,” Discord stated firmly.

Please, I’m the real Sunset and this bitch knows it!” Sunset Satan said with confidence.

“Would the real Sunset call you that?” Discord asked as he looked at Rarity. “Remember who Sunset really is. You know this monster isn’t her.”

Don’t listen to him. He was a villain who threatened Equestria in the past. Where do you think I get it from?” Sunset Satan reminded Rarity.

“Search your heart, Rarity. Don’t let your hatred cloud your heart,” Discord urged the young fashionista.

Enough of your lies!” the demon shouted before firing a fireball at the Discord soldier, destroying him.

“Mr. Discord!” Rarity cried out in terror.

Good riddance,” Sunset Satan said with a huff.

Rarity looked back to the demon in disbelief. She had just killed her own father and did not even feel an ounce of remorse.

“Remorse…” Rarity whispered before her eyes widened in sudden realization as she recalled when Sunset had asked to meet with her in private. Sunset had a box with her which turned out to be the crown she won.

This rightfully belongs to you.

Rarity remembered Sunset saying that before she placed the crown on her head and curtsied. Her heart rate began to speed up just like it did back then, and that was when she started to harbor feelings towards Sunset which steadily grew as they spent time together.

Sunset had generously offered her spare time to help me. She even loaned me her sketchbook that she brought with her from Equestria, which contained drawings from her home, just to inspire me.

A smile spread across Rarity’s lips as she shook her head.

The hell is wrong with you?” the demon questioned when she saw the smile on Rarity’s face.

“I’ve been such a fool,” Rarity admitted. “How could I have let myself forget Sunset’s generosity?”

Generosity?” Sunset Satan raised an eyebrow at this.

“Why of course, darling,” Rarity said as she placed her hands on her hips, her confidence making a radiant return. “Besides being an amazing artist, Sunset has a generous and beautiful heart. And now that I know of her lineage, it makes perfect sense why she felt so similar to Vice-Principal Luna.”

There is no generosity in me!” the demon bellowed.

“Of course not, but you’re not the real Sunset Shimmer, are you?”

Are you blind as well as stupid?!” Sunset Satan shouted angrily.

“No, in fact, I can see things more clearly now. You are a mere manifestation of my past resentment, something I should’ve let go a long time ago. Now, begone!”

Rarity flipped her hair, the action causing the black fire to disperse.

“And black fire is so cliche. Let’s do something better,” Rarity said as she clapped her hands, causing the dark environment to change into a bright, shining catwalk.

So now little miss fashionista is back, huh?” the demon said before she changed to resemble a Nightmare version of Rarity. Nightmare Rarity if you will.

“I’m more than back,” Rarity said as she held something in her hand. “It’s about time I faced the ugly part of myself.”

Rarity placed what looked like a belt buckle on her abdomen which immediately looped a belt around her waist.

“I am sure you know what this is, right?” Rarity motioned to her belt buckle which was the spitting image of Decade’s Decadriver, but it was a royal purple color with sequins and diamond patterns lining the belt.

I thought you detested violence?” Nightmare Rarity questioned as she flipped her hair. She was now wearing a beautiful dark purple gown with sequins, fashionable golden armor and high heel boots on her legs. Fashionable golden bracelets protected her forearms and a beautiful golden helmet protected her head. Her ethereal hair flowed with no wind blowing against it.

“I do. However, in your case, I’ll make an exception,” Rarity said as grabbed the sides of the buckle and pulled them back, causing the buckle to turn side up and reveal a card-shaped slot. She then pulled a card from a special cardholder on the left side of her belt, she flashed the face of the card to Nightmare Rarity before she flipped it around. “Henshin.”

Rarity inserted the card in the slot.

[Kamen Ride: Decade!]

Rarity pushed together the sides of the buckle, causing the center of the buckle to go back to its original position. Several afterimages of a colorless armor shifted around Rarity before merging with her, color returned to the armor as Rarity now became a female version of Kamen Rider Decade. Instead of magenta, the suit was violet.

She was now Fashionista Decade.

Unknown to most of her friends and so many others, Rarity was secretly a fan of the Kamen Rider franchise. Only Sunset Shimmer knew and they had binge-watched a few series while alone together.

I’m surprised you went with Decade,” Nightmare Rarity looked at Rarity with a raised eyebrow. “I figured you would debut your own original Rider.

“As much as I would like to, it's not ready yet,” Fashionista Decade explained as she took up a graceful fighting stance. “Art cannot be rushed, darling.”

Well, how about I paint the walls with your blood!?” Nightmare Rarity lunged with dark magic surrounding her hands. Fashionista Decade was quick on the draw, literally, as she grabbed the Ride Booker from her hip and quickly activated its sword mode. Like a switchblade, the sword folded out and Fashionista Decade quickly swung. However, Nightmare Rarity’s reflexes were quick as she avoided the sword and got some distance between them.

Fashionista Decade pulled back the sides of her buckle once again, causing the center of the buckle to turn side up. She then took out another card from her Ride Booker and inserted it in the card slot.

[Attack Ride: Slash!]

Fashionista Decade rushed towards her Nightmare self and swung her sword. As she did, two blades of energy appeared on either side of her sword. Nightmare Rarity attempted to block the energized slash, but the impact caused a small explosion of sparks that sent her reeling.

Damn you!” Nightmare Rarity cursed as she held onto her side in pain.

“Such language! And coming from my mouth no less!” Fashionista Decade was aghast. It was bad enough that this monster had taken her appearance and looked really good as a villainess, but she cursed too! That simply wouldn’t stand.

Fashionista Decade once again closed the distance and attempted to slash at her foe who kept dodging and blocking her attacks. Nightmare Rarity saw an opening and slashed at Fashionista Decade, causing sparks to fly. Nightmare Rarity continued her attack, sparks continued to fly with each blow Nightmare Rarity landed.

You’re weak! How do you expect to let go of the past if this is all the strength you can muster?!” Nightmare Rarity mocked as she kicked Rarity and sent her flying.

Fashionista Decade rolled across the catwalk before coming to a stop. She struggled to get up but eventually got back on her feet.

Look at you. You are unworthy to ever be a princess’ bride,” Nightmare Rarity continued to mock as she walked towards Fashionista Decade with the grace of a model.

“Not with you breathing down my neck,” Fashionista Decade said as she took out another card from the Ride Booker and inserted it into her buckle.

[Attack Ride: Blast!]

Fashionista Decade’s Ride Booker switched to its gun mode. She pointed the gun at Nightmare Rarity and pulled the trigger. Several powerful energy blasts shot at Nightmare Rarity. They explode upon impact and threw the demon back.

Fashionista Decade took out another card and inserted it into the buckle.

[Attack Ride: Illusion!]

Three clones emerged from Fashionista Decade before they charged at her Nightmare form. Nightmare Rarity found herself surrounded as each of Fashionista Decade’s clones started punching her. Fashionista Decade punched her fallen self square in the face, causing the demon to stumble back, only to be kicked by one of Fashionista Decade’s clones. Another clone kicked the Nightmare on her side and into the awaiting uppercut of another Fashionista Decade clone. Finally, all four Fashionista Decades delivered one final punch at Nightmare Rarity, causing her to fly off the catwalk and crash against the nearby chairs.

Fashionista Decade dusted off her hands before striking a pose along with her clones as they looked at the beaten-down Nightmare. The corrupted Rarity groaned in pain before she pushed herself off the ground and jumped into the air. She created a dark energy sphere between her hands and launched it at Fashionista Decade. There was a massive explosion that blew Fashionista Decade away and caused her clones to disappear.

Once Nightmare Rarity landed on the catwalk, she dashed the Rider, dark violet energy gathered in her hands as she wanted to finish Fashionista Decade once and for all.

[Kamen Ride: Drive!]

A tire comes out of nowhere and knocked Nightmare Rarity away.

What the?!” Nightmare Rarity is caught completely off guard as she watched the tire go towards Fashionista Decade who was now standing up. The tire embedded itself across her chest and completed her transformation into Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed.

Drive took up a running position before she zoomed towards Nightmare Rarity.

Nightmare Rarity was left stunned as Fashionista Decade quickly closed the distance. She attempted to attack Drive but she swiftly dodged and landed a punch on her Nightmare’s left side. Drive quickly slid back around and landed another punch on Nightmare Rarity’s right. She then slid in front of the reeling Nightmare and delivered a low kick that knocked Nightmare Rarity off her feet. She then proceeded to deliver numerous consecutive punches on her.

With one last punch, she launched Nightmare Rarity into the air. Drive then pulled the sides of her buckle and once the center of the buckle was right side up, the card ejected from the card slot and disappeared. Drive then took out another card from her Ride Booker and inserted it into the Decadriver.

[Kamen Ride: Decade!]

Fashionista Decade then inserted one last card into the Decadrive.

[Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Decade!]

Card panels appeared in front of Fashionista Decade and lead to Nightmare Rarity. Fashionista Decade jumped forward, performing a dynamic kick. She entered one card panel and came out the other end of the next one. This continued along the path of cards until she reached Nightmare Rarity and kicked her in the chest which resulted in a huge explosion.

Fashionista Decade landed on her feet and dusted off her hands. She turned around to see the defeated Nightmare Rarity lying on the ground.

You think...this is over?” Nightmare Rarity questioned as she lay defeated. “You’ll never be fully rid of me.

“Perhaps,” Fashionista Decade said as she pulled apart the sides of the Decadriver, causing the card to eject from the Driver and turn her back to normal. “But I’ll be sure to reign you in properly next time.”

Fool...” was the last thing Nightmare Rarity said before she faded away and revealed Sunset Shimmer in her place.

“Sunset!” Rarity quickly knelt down next to the former unicorn as she rubbed her head. “Are you alright?”

“I’ve had worse,” Sunset replied cheekily. “Thanks, Rarity.”

“I don’t deserve thanks, not after what I’ve done to you,” Rarity said in shame.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Rarity. What matters is what you’re going to do moving forward,” Sunset stated as she got into a sitting position with Rarity’s help.

“I’m going to make up for my mistake and prove myself worthy of your love,” Rarity said as she placed her hand on top of Sunset’s.

“Looking forward to it,” Sunset said with a wide smile before she turned into a ball of light and entered Rarity’s heart.

Rarity placed her hand over her heart. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out.

“I will save you, Sunset.”

Rarity opened her eyes as she stood up. The catwalk disappeared and was replaced with white nothingness.

“Hmm.” Rarity thought for a moment on how she would reach Sunset when she had an idea. “Driver!”

Out of nowhere, a limo pulled up in front of Rarity. The handsome driver exited the driver’s side seat to open the door for Rarity.

“Where to, miss?” the limo driver - who resembled Tsukasa Kadoya - asked in a professional tone.

“To where Sunset Shimmer is, please,” Rarity said as she got into the limo.

“Right away, miss!” the driver said as he closed the door and got back in the driver’s seat before driving off and disappearing.

In a world where nothing made sense and your imagination shaped your surroundings, the best thing Rarity could do is do was what her best friend Pinkie Pie would do.

Author's Note:

Sooo sorry that this took so long but it was a longer chapter than I thought and I found out I write more on weekends. I had to break the chapter into three parts so enjoy part one while part 2 is being looked over by KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji who I want to thank for their continued support of this story. I hope you all enjoy and chapter and I looked forward to your comments.