• Published 22nd Oct 2018
  • 19,587 Views, 925 Comments

Terminal Chaos - Eternal Sunset

After the photos from the slumber party at Rarity's have been posted on Anon-A-Miss blog, the Rainbooms go to Sunset's apartment to confront her, but when they arrived they didn't count on finding her sick in bed.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Here's the first chapter of the new year, I hope you all enjoy it and I look forward to your comments. Thanks again to KR Chrome and Kamen Rider Goji for their help with the chapter.

"You've seen ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs’. Well, today's weather is cloudy with a chance of ice cream," the female reporter said to the camera. "The entire city has transformed overnight into what appears to be a fantasy candyland from a child's dream. Children are apparently enjoying this surprise weather, while adults are panicking and calling this the beginning of the end of days. But they are quickly changing their tune as they join the children in enjoying the chaos."

As she was reporting the scene, the reporter's clothes began to change from her usual business suit to that of an ice cream vendor.

"More on this as we cover the news. Back to you News Worthy," the reporter finished as she and her news crew, who were all dressed as ice cream vendors, gathered their equipment and placed them in on a sled before going in front of the sled and pulling the sled while a sled dog was sitting in place of the musher. The sled dog barked as the news crew used giant ice cream scoops to scoop away the ice cream as they made their way down the street.

"This is insane!" Rainbow Dash stated as she and her friends watched the news crew from across the street.

"I know, right?" Pinkie Pie said happily as she was covered in ice cream before comically extending her tongue to eat all the ice cream off herself in one lick.

"W-why do you suppose this is happening?" Fluttershy asked nervously as she, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were taking shelter under a store awning.

"I'm not entirely sure, darling," Rarity answered with uncertainty. She was at a loss. Despite their previous dealings with magic, this seemed way out of their league.

"We've dealt with magical threats before, so whatever this is we can handle it!" Rainbow Dash said confidently, trying to boost her friends’ confidence.

"Yeah! Rainbow Dash is right!" Pinkie Pie agreed as she was out in the open, catching falling ice cream cones and quickly devouring them.

"As much as I admire your optimism, Rainbow Dash, we need an expert’s opinion," Rarity pointed out as she took out her phone. "And seeing how our resident expert of magic is currently out of commission, that leaves Princess Twilight."

Applejack was in Sunset's kitchen, she was about to take a sip of her coffee when her smartphone, that was resting on the kitchen table, received a text message. She picked up her phone and saw that it was from Rarity.

Rarity: Darling, I need you to send another message to Princess Twilight. The situation has gotten worse.

Applejack: Worse how?

Rarity: Take a look outside Sunset's window.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this but did as instructed. She left the kitchen and went to the living room where the window was. She expected to see something bad but when she looked, she found nothing wrong.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had looks of shock while Pinkie Pie had a look of disappointment.

"W-what just happened?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

"It's gone," Rarity said, referring to the chaos that was running rampant earlier had magically disappeared as everything went back to normal.

"Bummer," Pinkie Pie said sadly, already missing the ice cream.

Rarity's phone chimed with her custom ringtone for Applejack, bringing her attention away from the normal looking surroundings.

What am Ah suppose to be seein'?

“Applejack, you won't believe this but when we stepped outside Sunset's apartment, the buildings were floating, the people were acting bizarre and it was snowing Ice cream of all things!” Rarity responded.

Well, Ah don't see any of that.

Rarity was at a loss. Without any proof, Applejack wouldn't believe her. But she couldn't worry about that now.

“Just write to Twilight that she needs to get here as soon as possible, strange things have started happening and they might be magic related.”

Alright, Ah'll get right on it.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity thanked Applejack before putting her phone away. "Let’s go, girls. We best hurry before something else unexpected happens.”

"Like chocolate rain?!" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly.

"Oh, heavens no!" Rarity cried in horror. Chocolate stains were such troublesome things to get rid of. She especially did not want any of it to get in her hair.

The girls resumed their trip towards CHS, passing a bird resting on a branch just before it dived towards the ground, spinning itself around to drill through the dirt.

"Need more pancakes, Twilight?" Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet, asked her daughter.

"No thanks, Mom," Twilight said from her place at the kitchen table where she was seated next to her marefriend, Rainbow Dash.

"The pancakes are delicious Mrs. Twilight," Rainbow Dash complimented as she took another bite of her pancakes. "Too bad Twilight didn't inherit your cooking skills."

"Hey!" Twilight narrowed her eyes at her marefriend.

"I'm only teasing, Twi," Rainbow said before nuzzling her muzzle against Twilight's.

"Twilight's not that bad of a cook," Spike said from the other side of Twilight. "I always liked what she makes."

"Thank you, Spike," Twilight thanked the young dragon before nuzzling him affectionately, making Spike smile as he nuzzled her back.

"No offense, Spike, but you got some pretty weird taste in foods," Rainbow Dash said as she recalled how Spike loved Pinkie Pie's ‘baked bads’ that were made with the help of the really exhausted Applejack that put any pony who ate them in the hospital.

"You didn't complain when I made you, Twilight and Applejack that cake for your anniversary," Spike pointed out as he took another bite of his pancakes.

"He's got you there, Dashie," Twilight giggled as she used her magic to lift a napkin to clean Spike's face.

"Maybe Spike can give you lessons, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash continued to tease.

"Maybe I could teach you instead, Rainbow Dash. I'm sure Twilight would love it if you made something for her," Spike said with a mischievous smirk.

Rainbow blinked at this, "Hey, that's not a bad idea."

Twilight Velvet watched the playful banter with a proud, happy smile. It truly warmed her heart to see her daughter so happy and with a family of her own. She and her husband were surprised that their daughter had formed a herd with two of her best friends no less. But they welcomed Applejack and Rainbow Dash with open hooves and Night Light even made a joke about how it was good to see the other mother of their grandson, much to the confusion of the future Wonderbolt and farmer.

Twilight understood the full meaning of what her father meant.

"It's too bad Applejack couldn't make it," Twilight Velvet remarked.

"The Apples are very busy this time of year so it can't be helped," Twilight explained. Despite understanding the reasons, she still would've liked it if Applejack came along.

"Cheer up, Twi. There's still the Hearth’s Warming party at your castle and all our families will be there," Rainbow Dash reminded Twilight in an attempt to cheer her up.

"I know, it's just...I wanted to show you two around Canterlot," Twilight said sadly.

"Oh." Rainbow should have realized how much this meant to Twilight, but then she had an idea. “Well, we could always plan that for another occasion... when it's just the three of us."

Twilight shuddered as Rainbow whispered the last part in her ear.

"I guess that sounds like a great idea."

Twilight Velvet couldn't help but giggle. Her daughter really did take after her husband. And speaking of which...

"Alright everypony, the games all set!" Twilight's father, Night Light called from the living room.

The family rose from the table and after Twilight used her magic to levitate the dishes to the sink, went into the living room where Night Light had set up a game of Bingo.

"Really? Bingo?" Rainbow Dash questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's really exciting. You never know if your number will be called next!" Spike said excitedly as he took his seat.

Rainbow Dash wasn't buying it. But then again, she used to think books were lame until she read Daring Do.

"Give it try, I guarantee by the end of the game you'll love it," Twilight assured her.

"Oh alright. As long as it's not that game that involves words then I'm game," Rainbow Dash said. "I swear, you and Spike were making up those words."

"Don't feel bad, Rainbow. Me and Twilight are old pros at that game," Spike assured her.

"That's because Twilight raised you in her egghead ways," Rainbow Dash said with a sly smirk.

"I am not an egghead, I am well read!" Twilight and Spike said at the same time, before blinking in realization.

The rest of the family giggled at this before getting started on the game and about twenty minutes later...

"BINGO!" Twilight announced.

"Darn, I was just one number away from winning!" Rainbow Dash whined.

"Don't worry Rainbow Dash, you'll win the next round," Night Light assured her.

The family played again and sure enough as Night Light foretold, Rainbow Dash was the winner.

"BINGO! BINGO!" Rainbow Dash cheered happily.

"Bet you like the game now, huh?" Spike asked.

"She likes any game when she's winning," Twilight added, giving Rainbow a wink when she stuck her tongue out at her.

They played several rounds more with Rainbow Dash winning two more, but despite losing some games, Rainbow Dash was having fun. Twilight loved seeing her Dashie smiling and having fun with her family.

‘I wonder if the other Rainbow Dash laughs like mine?’ Twilight thought.

"What's on your mind, Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked, seeing the faraway look in her marefriend's eyes.

"I was just thinking of the other you from Sunset's world," Twilight said.

"Oh, really?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, feeling jealous that Twilight was thinking of the other her. "Are you thinking that she's cooler than me?"

"Dashie, it's nothing like that," Twilight assured her. "Besides, she looks like you if you were that type of creature. And I don't know about being cooler than you since I don't know what counts as cool for them. But thinking on it now, I did feel attracted to her as I am to you."

"Uh, thanks?" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure how to respond to that.

Twilight giggled before giving Rainbow Dash a brief kiss on the lips,

"Don't worry about it Dashie, I love you."

Rainbow Dash smiled at hearing that, Twilight's words making her heart flutter and providing a boost to her ego.

"Despite her being me, I bet I'm 20% cooler than her," Rainbow Dash boasted.

Twilight simple giggled before nuzzling against Rainbow Dash who nuzzled back.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light simply smiled as they leaned against each other. Spike, on the other hand, didn't like seeing Twilight being all affectionate with Rainbow Dash in front of him. Like any other child when their parents were being affectionate with each other, public displays of affection were just gross.

"So how's Sunset doing Twilight?" Spike asked, trying to change the current lovey-dovey mood.

"She's doing great!" Twilight said happily, lifting her head from Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "She's really bonding with the girls and they've become family just like how we are."

"That's awesome!" Rainbow Dash said proudly. "Then Sunset is in good hooves with my double."

"Who is this Sunset pony, Twilight?" Twilight Velvet asked curiously.

"Sunset Shimmer was the personal student of Princess Celestia before me, but they had a falling out and Sunset ran away to another world," Twilight explained as simply as she could.

"Oh dear, that sounds horrible!" Twilight Velvet said. "Did they ever reconcile?"

"I'm afraid not," Twilight said sadly.

"Does Sunset have any family here?" Night Light asked. "I'm sure they must miss her."

"To be honest, I don't really know anything about Sunset's family," Twilight admitted.

"Maybe Princess Celestia knows," Spike pointed out.

"Oh my gosh! Spike, you're right!" Twilight said in realization. "I should pay the princess a visit and ask about Sunset's family."

"I'll come with you," Rainbow Dash offered as she wrapped a wing around Twilight. "To keep you company."

Twilight smiled at the offer, but before she could voice her agreement, Spike suddenly burped out a scroll. Twilight used her magic to lift up the letter and unfurled it before reading it.

"What's it say?" Rainbow Dash asked as she tried to look over Twilight's shoulder to read it.

"It's from Princess Celestia. She wants to see me," Twilight said as she looked up from the scroll.

"I hope it's not anything serious," Twilight Velvet said anxiously.

"I don't think it is, otherwise she would say it was urgent," Twilight informed her. "She wrote to come to the castle later this afternoon."

"Hey, this lines up perfectly with what you wanted to ask her," Spike pointed out.

"That's true, but I am curious as to what she wants to talk to me about," Twilight said.

"We'll find out when we see her, won't we?" Rainbow Dash said as she pulled Twilight close.

Twilight simply smiled before nodding.

"Don't forget me!" Spike said as he climbed on top of Twilight before resting on top of her head.

"Of course Spike, I can never forget about you," Twilight giggled.

Scootaloo raced down the halls of CHS. She had received an urgent text from Applebloom, telling her to meet in the clubroom. She had no idea what this was about, but she was sure to find out soon enough. She arrived at her clubroom and when she opened the door she was met with the depressed looking faces of her best friends.

"What's the emergency, Applebloom, and how come you guys look like your cat just died?" Scootaloo asked as she closed the door behind her.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle flinched at the word die, their nightmares flashing in their minds.

"Scootaloo… we have to shut down Anon-A-Miss," Applebloom said.

"What?! Why?!" Scootaloo was shocked. She didn't expect Applebloom to say that. Suddenly her eyes widened in realization. "Did we get caught?!"

"No, it's not that. It's just...Sunset is sick," Applebloom said softly, but Scootaloo still managed to hear her.

"Oh, is that all," Scootaloo said in relief. "Geez, don't scare me like that, Applebloom. I thought it was something serious."

"You don't understand! She's really sick! Like she could die!" Sweetie Belle said urgently.

"Hang on! Die!? Y-you're joking, right?" Scootaloo said nervously.

"Ah would never joke about somethin' as serious like this Scoots," Applebloom said seriously. "We were at Sunset's place. We saw-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Why the heck would you two be at Sunset's place?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Because our sisters are taking care of her!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Sunset can barely take care of herself, Scootaloo. Not to mention she's acting a little weird because of her fever."

"Wait, what?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at what Sweetie Belle has said. "If she's acting weird, then where does the dying come from?"

"Her fever was 450 degrees Scootaloo," Applebloom told her.

"T-that's impossible!" Scootaloo said in disbelief. "No normal person can have a fever that high!"

"Sunset aint a normal person, Scootaloo," Applebloom reminded her. "She's from the same magical world as Princess Twilight."

"Oh yeah." Scootaloo had forgotten that part.

"The plans not working, Scootaloo. Our sisters don't think Sunset's Anon-A-Miss and Ah feel really bad for doing this to her," Applebloom confessed, her voice filled with sadness and remorse. "We gotta make this right and confess."

An image of Sunset flying off with Rainbow Dash in her arms popped in Scootaloo's mind.


Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were startled by Scootaloo's outburst.

"Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said her friend's name in concern.

"What do you think will happen if we fess up now?" Scootaloo asked. "Our sisters will hate us forever and Rainbow will never be my sister again!"

"But Scootaloo-"

"I can't lose Rainbow Dash, guys. I really look up to her and I was really happy that she took me under her wing and made me her honorary sister," Scootaloo pleaded.

"Then what do yah think we should do then?" Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo tried to think of an answer and then it hit her.

"We'll go with our plan to post the secrets that were sent in to buy time!"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other before looking back at Scootaloo.

"You sure about this, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said, unsure if this was such a good idea.

"We all agreed to do it in case something like this happened," Scootaloo reminded them.

"That's true," Applebloom agreed, although she didn't sound happy about it.

"But even so..." Sweetie Belle trailed off. She really didn't want to post those secrets, especially since Anon-A-Miss had obviously failed.

"Trust me guys, this will buy us the time we need to come up with a better plan to fix this mess," Scootaloo assured them.

"Okay, Scootaloo. We'll go with the plan," Sweetie Belle finally relented.

"Thanks, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo thanked her friend before turning to Applebloom.

The young Apple shivered nervously under her friend's gaze before finally giving her answer.


Scootaloo went over to Applebloom and gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Applebloom."

"There we go, all clean," Applejack said as she wiped away the sweat from her brow.

She had spent the morning cleaning up Sunset's apartment and checking up on her. She never liked sitting around doing nothing so she made herself busy.

"Now to get started on fixing what needs fixing," Applejack declared.

Applejack went over to Sunset's bathroom and went to work on fixing her leaky pipe As she was doing so, she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"Hard at work?"

Applejack involuntarily shuttered at the sultry voice as she immediately knew who it was.

"S-Sunset? what are yah doing up?"

"Do I need a reason to hold you?" Sunset asked as she caressed Applejack's stomach. "Oh Applejack, your abs feel so wonderful."

Applejack's face turned beet red at the compliment.

"K-knock it off Sunset, Ah'm trying to fix yer sink."

"Why don't you fix me?" Sunset spoke huskily into Applejack's ear

"Okay! Time to get back to bed Sunset!" Applejack said as she got up and pried Sunset's hands off.

"Oh no, you're not escaping me that easily," Sunset said as she turned Applejack around and gently pinned her to the wall. She grabbed her hands and laced their fingers together.

"Sunset, Ah'm serious. Yah need yer rest!" Applejack said as she struggled against Sunset's grip, but was unable to free herself. "Darn girl, Ah don't remember yah being this strong."

"I get my strength from my mother," Sunset said as she gazed lovingly at the struggling Applejack. "But I'm nowhere near as strong as her."

Suddenly, Sunset's grip on Applejack loosened which confused the farmer. Applejack noticed that the Sunset had a faraway look as she looked away from her.

"But she did say that I would be strong like her if I worked hard," Sunset said as she looked back at Applejack. "My mom
would’ve really liked you."

Applejack's eyes widen as she recalled Sunset saying the same thing in her nightmare....right before she...Applejack shook her head, she shouldn't be thinking about that now.

"Sunset, Yah need to get back in bed. Please," Applejack pleaded.

"Only if you...you..." Sunset couldn't finish as she was about to sneeze. She let go of Applejack before finally sneezing away from her. But when she did, the entire bathroom came to life.

"Hey little missy, do you think you can finish fixing this leaky pipe?" the bathroom faucet asked.

"Do you guys mind? I'm trying to shower here," the bathtub spoke as the shower head was spraying water all over him.

"Make sure to get the corners," the showerhead reminded the bathtub.

Applejack stood slackjaw, her eyes locked on the talking bathtub.

"Y-yah talked?!"

"Well of course I talked, missy!" the bathtub said, offended that Applejack would say that.

"You saw him talking, Applejack," Sunset deadpanned. "You'd think with what you've experienced with magic that this wouldn't faze you."

"Well excuse me fer freaking out over a talking bathtub!" Applejack said, "Yah might be used to this weird stuff, but Ah'm not!"

"Don't worry Applejack, I'll show you all kinds of magic," Sunset purred as she caressed Applejack's left cheek. "Especially in the bedroom."

Applejack's face completely turned red as steam rose from her ears. Sunset used her left hand to grab Applejack's right hand.

"Get a room you two!" the faucet yelled.

Sunset scowled before she snapped her fingers and turned everything back to normal.

"Now with that taken care of..." Sunset grabbed a hold of Applejack's face and started leaning in.

"S-Sunset, what are you doing?!" Applejack asked in shock as Sunset's face inched ever closer to hers. she saw Sunset close her eyes as she felt her breath against her lips.

Applejack closed her eyes as she waited for Sunset to kiss her but instead, she felt Sunset's lips brush against the corner of her mouth, followed by a weight on her shoulder. Applejack felt Sunset's hold on her face loosen which caused her to open her eyes to see Sunset's face resting on her right shoulder, her face red and breathing heavily.

"Way to leave me hanging, Sunset," Applejack said, her face still red as she held onto Sunset to prevent her from falling. "Let's get yah back in bed."

Applejack carried Sunset bridal style back to her room, she placed Sunset in her bed and tucked her in, and as she prepared to leave, Sunset spoke.


Applejack turned around and saw Sunset's eyes slightly opened.


"What time is it?" Sunset asked weakly.

"It's noon," Applejack answered.

"How long was I out?" Sunset asked as she attempted to sit up.

"Not that long. Ah just got yah back in bed," Applejack said as she walked back to stand by Sunset's bedside.

"Really?" Sunset asked in confusion. "I just had this weird dream about kissing you."

"That uh, wasn't a dream," Applejack said, her cheeks turning red as she looked away from Sunset.

"So...we really did..."Sunset trailed off. If her cheeks weren't already red they would be turning red from embarrassment.

"Nah, sugarcube. Yah passed out before yah could kiss me," Applejack told her.

"Oh," was all Sunset said as they both fell into silence.

"Sunset?" Applejack said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Sunset responded.

"Do yah really think yer mom would like me?" Applejack asked timidly.

Sunset blinked before smiling slightly, "Yes, she would."

A sincere smile spread across Applejack's lips at hearing that, but Sunset wasn't done.

"She would have loved all you girls, you girls mean the world to me. I don't know what I would do if I lost you all," Sunset admitted.

Applejack felt a sharp pain in her heart at those words. After accusing Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss and practically calling her a traitor, she felt that she was the no-good snake all along.

"Applejack, are you okay?" Sunset asked worriedly after seeing the pained look on her loved one’s face.

"Yeah, Ah'm fine," Applejack assured her, even though she was anything but fine.

Sunset wasn't convinced and so decided to say something to lighten the mood, "You know, Twilight has probably told my mom about all of you, and I think she might reward you girls for guiding me down the proper path."

"Why would yer mom reward us?" Applejack questioned. "It's what friends do fer each other."

"Well for one thing, she's the Princess of Equestria and can give you whatever your heart desires," Sunset told her.

"Yer mom's a princess?!" Applejack was shocked to hear this.

"That's right, I am the daughter of Princess Celestia, The Princess of the Sun," Sunset stated.

"You mean our principal is yer mother?!" Applejack was stunned.

"Yep, she's my mom's counterpart in this world," Sunset said, smiling at seeing Applejack's stunned look.

"How come yah never told us this before?" Applejack asked.

"The opportunity never came up and I was busy trying to make up for what I did to everyone," Sunset explained.

"That makes sense," Applejack nodded. "So Ah guess that makes yah a princess?"

Sunset nodded.

"If yah don't mind me asking, why were yah so hellbent on becoming a princess if yah already were one?" Applejack asked.

"Because I wanted to prove that I was worthy of being one," Sunset said with remorse. "Especially since my mother was such a revered princess throughout the centuries she's ruled."

"Wait, centuries?" Applejack questioned.

"My mom is an immortal alicorn so she's been around for over a thousand years," Sunset explained.

"O-over a thousand years?!" Applejack said.

"As you can imagine, as her daughter, I have a lot to live up to," Sunset said before coughing. "Not just as her heir, but because it was my destiny."

"Yer destiny?" Applejack questioned.

"You see, back in Equestria we have cutie marks that represent our special talents," Sunset began. "My cutie mark is like my mother's, a sun. But where hers represents her talent to bring about the day by raising the sun, mine's represents my desire to be like or surpass my mother."

"That sounds hard," Applejack said.

"You have no idea," Sunset responded, her tone soft. "I did everything I could to become as powerful as her, to not only prove my worth as a princess but to make her proud of me."

Applejack watched as Sunset's ears fell as she looked down at her hands.

"But I ended up betraying her." Tears welled up in Sunset's eyes as she recalled their fight just before she ran away to this world. "She must really hate me."

Sunset saw a hand lay on top of hers and she looked up to see a smiling Applejack.

"Yer mom doesn't hate you, Sunset," Applejack said gently.

"How can you be so sure?" Sunset asked.

"Because she's yer mom," Applejack said simply. "Like ah told yah when yah were helping out at the farm, yer mom will always love yah. Because she knows the real you."

Applejack closed her eyes as an image of her own mother smiling at her flashed in her mind She felt a familiar warmth envelope her heart every time she thought of her. But then it vanished and was replaced with shame as she realized how hypocritical what she said to Sunset was.

Applejack felt herself being pulled forward before being enveloped in a hug.

"Thank you, Applejack," Sunset thanked her friend.

Applejack was a little taken aback but returned the hug.

"Anytime, sugarcube."

"Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash and young Spike, it's good to see all of you again," Luna greeted the three formally.

"Princess Luna, it's good to see you too," Twilight bowed along with her two companions before erupting in giggles.

Luna pulled them all in a tight hug which the three happily returned.

"Thanks for coming, Twilight. I hope my sister and I didn't inconvenience you?" Luna asked as she broke the hug.

"Not at all. Right, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight assured the Lunar Princess before turning to her marefriend.

"Don't sweat it. We're more than happy to visit," Rainbow Dash said as she wrapped a wing around Twilight.

"Yeah!" Spike agreed as he stood next to Twilight.

Luna eyed Spike as she recalled what her sister had told her yesterday. She leaned her head down to look the young dragon in the eyes.

"Uh," Spike shifted nervously under Luna's stare.

Lune smiled before raising her head and looked at Twilight.

"You've done an excellent job at raising him, Twilight."

"Oh, uh, thank you." Twilight was a little taken aback by Luna's compliment.

"Come now, my sister is waiting for us in the dining room," Luna said as she lead the way.

Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash cast a glance at one another before following Luna. They eventually arrived at the dining room where Princess Celestia was waiting for them.

"Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, welcome," Celestia greeted as she approached the group.

"It's good to see you, Princess Celestia," Twilight greeted her mentor as she gave her a hug. "I hope it's alright that I brought Spike and Rainbow with me?"

"It's perfectly alright Twilight," Celestia assured her. "Please have a seat."

Twilight nodded as she, Rainbow Dash and Spike took a seat on the right side of the table. Celestia took her place at the head while her sister took a seat to her left.

"So what did you want to talk to me about, Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"How is Sunset doing?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, she's doing great!" Twilight answered. "She has been messaging me through the journals about the slumber parties she's had with that world's version of my friends. They've become really close and consider each other to be family."

"I-I see," Celestia said. Although she was happy to hear that Sunset was doing great, she still felt a pang in her heart at hearing how Sunset and her friends was family.

"Princess?" Twilight said in concern.

"I'm alright Twilight. I'm just relieved to hear that my little sun is doing alright," Celestia assured her.

"Little sun?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Celestia's horn glowed as she cast a soundproof spell around the room, "Listen my little ponies, what I am about to tell you is something only a hooffull of ponies know. You must keep what I am about to tell you a secret until I say it's okay."

The trio was surprised at this.

"Not even tell the rest of our friends?" Twilight asked.

"You can tell them. They are trustworthy ponies who won't tell anypony else," Celestia said. "You see, Sunset Shimmer is my daughter."

Twilight's eyes bugged out as her jaw hit the table.

"Whoa," Spike uttered in shock.


"Is it so hard to believe that I have a daughter, Twilight? One would think that a pony being the mother of a baby dragon is more unbelievable," Celestia said, smiling slyly at Twilight.

"I, uh..." Twilight trailed off as she cast a glance to Spike who simply smiled at her. "I guess you got me there, but even so it's still a shock to know you have a daughter!"

"If it's alright to ask, who's the father?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's Discord, of course," Celestia answered with a smile.

"DISCORD?!" the trio shouted in unison.

"That was my reaction too," Luna said as she chuckled.

"You mean to tell me that you and Discord...." Twilight trailed off as her cheeks turned red.

"It's best not to think about that, Twilight," Luna advised.

Twilight looked over to Luna and when they made eye contact, Twilight's eyes widened in realization.

"Sunset has your eyes!"

"So I've been told," Luna said proudly.

"This is unbelievable.....Sunset is Celestia's daughter.....Princess Celestia has a daughter....with Discord!" Twilight mumbles to herself, her mind still processing this latest world-shattering revelation.

"So does Discord know?" Spike asked as Twilight continued to mumble to herself.

"No. I haven't had the chance to tell him yet," Celestia answered.

"Wait a minute!" Twilight said. "If you and Discord are her parents, then why was Sunset born a unicorn?"

Both alicorns blinked at this and Luna looks to Celestia curiously.

"That's...a very good question," Luna said.

"To be honest that never crossed my mind," Celestia admitted. "I was just happy that Sunset was born healthy."

"I guess that's all that really matters," Twilight said as she wrapped her wing around Spike and nuzzled him.

Celestia smiled at seeing this.

"I always felt envious whenever I see you take care of Spike."

"Huh?" Twilight looked at Celestia in confusion.

"Seeing you two together always reminded me of what I’ve lost," Celestia said, smiling sadly.

"Hey, why don't you just visit your daughter?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I want to, but she seems to be having a wonderful time with her friends from what you told me. I don't want to bother her," Celestia said.

"Is that really the only reason?" Luna asked, arching an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"My guess is that Celestia fears what my niece would say to her after all these years. They didn't part on good terms after all," Luna elaborated.

"I could ask her if she wants to see you," Twilight offered.

"Thank you, Twilight, but I don't think that would be such a good-"

"Nonsense, sister. It doesn't hurt to ask," Luna said. "This was the reason why you summoned Twilight."

"You're right, I can't waste this opportunity," Celestia realized. "Twilight, would you please send Sunset a message? Tell her, her mother wishes to see her."

"Sure thing, Celestia," Twilight said with a smile.

"Hey, I just realized something," Spike said, gaining everyone's attention.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Nightmare Moon, Discord and Sunset were all villains we've faced and reformed who are all Princess Celestia's family," Spike pointed out.

"Now that you mention it..." Twilight trailed off as she looked at Luna.

"D-don't look at me like that!" Luna warned, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. "Anyway, there's another favor we'd like to ask you!"

Celestia's face morphed into a serious one as she explained her dream.

"Ms. Pie, please don't eat that! You don't know where it came from!" Rarity implored her party planner friend as she was eating what appeared to be cotton candy.

"Of course I know where it's from, Rarity! It came from the sky!" Pinkie Pie said as she pulled out a giant butterfly net and ran outside the lunchroom. The girls saw her from the window as she swung the butterfly net over some pink colored clouds.

"First, it was raining ice cream and now we’ve got cotton candy clouds," Rainbow Dash said aloud. Strange things had been happening since the crazy scene this morning.

The water fountains came to life and started spraying water all over the students, Rarity's makeup started acting on its own and made her look like a clown, Fluttershy's pet bunny Angel transformed into one of those rabbits from The Dark Crystal. Even Trixie's bunny which she used for her magic tricks turned into a bunny dragon.

"Hey, you girls want some?" Pinkie Pie offered as she came back with more cotton candy clouds.

"Maybe later, Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy said nervously.

"Do you suppose Sunset could be responsible?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Her room was the first thing that went crazy and we did see her change it with the snap of her fingers."

"Dashi! Are you saying Sunny is doing this on purpose?!" Pinkie Pie gasped.

"What?! No, no , no, no, no! I don't think Sunset is doing this on purpose!" Rainbow Dash said desperately. "Maybe she's doing this without realizing it?"

"That certainly is a possibility, darling," Rarity said. "I do hope Princess Twilight responds soon."

"Yeah," Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

Just then their smartphones’ alerts went off, along with everyone else’s in the lunchroom.

"You have got to be kidding me," Rainbow Dash groaned as she pulled out her phone to check what Anon-A-Miss had posted now.

"What the?!" a student shouted.

"How did Anon-A-Miss know this?!" another student shouted.

"Oh my," Fluttershy was surprised to see so many posts by Anon-A-Miss.

"It seems that Anon-A-Miss is now targeting the other students," Rarity said as suddenly the whole auditorium erupted in laughter, outrage and some arguments.

Anon-A-Miss was no longer holding back.