• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

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08 - Unforeseen Bond (2e)

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

A teacher at Manehattan Academy that became the apparent mother of two foals. How did this happen?

Summer Lazuli

A coach at Manehattan Academy that is a close friend of Bud’s. Though she is shaken by her friend’s newfound motherhood, she aims to stay strong and support her.


Bud’s newborn son who is brimming with youthful energy. 


Bud’s newborn daughter who proclaimed herself as Nightmare Moon.

An hour may have passed before the ponies at the hospital woke up. Lazuli and Doctor Dime were shocked to find Bud in the room with them. Her room was plenty of halls away from here. For her to be here, after what she went through this morning, should be inconceivable. And yet here she was silently consoling the lively colt that found every chance it could to suckle upon her hoof.

Passion, on the other hoof, made a swift exit to the restroom after realizing she was sprawled upon the floor for a duration she feared to know.

From outside the room, Bud could hear many movements and voices demanding to know what happened. They sound so upset. She wondered what they would do if they learn it was caused by her son.

Doctor Dime excused himself as he left Lazuli to keep watch of Bud. She apologized to Lazuli after noting the wound on her hoof, but Lazuli downplayed it with her concern for Bud’s well-being. Bud guessed she shouldn’t bother, knowing the kind mare Lazuli is. Always rushing to her side whenever she was distressed. Always defending her whenever Bud was being bullied. It’s amazing to think that their relationship has become the complete opposite when they first met.

Doctor Dime returned with a few staff and provided a stretcher to escort Bud back on to her room, worried that she may have placed more strain on her body. They would most likely not believe her if Bud told them she was fine. All that fatigue and pain she had earlier was miraculously gone. It was as if that disturbing scenery Lazuli described at the apartment never came from her.

Bud chose not to think too much about it. She already had more than she could handle on her mind.

Back in her bed, Bud confessed that it was her son that caused the incident. Her friends were hesitant to believe her, but doctor Dime was enamored from her statement.

He proposed that Bud’s colt may have cast a drowsing spell. To perform this spell would require the user to overwhelm the psyche of their target. Fairly easy against simple-minded creatures, but more challenging for those who are more mentally aware. For a newborn colt to achieve such a feat on not only on a single grown pony but the entire population of the hospital was absolutely unheard of. But no pony had any evidence to rival against the possibility.

Doctor Dime decided that a magic suppression spell should be cast on the colt immediately before he has another magic discharge. His theory, however, discouraged himself from applying the spell, concerned that his moderate mastery of the spell would prove ineffective against a colt that is holding a sea of magic in his small horn. Instead, he called in another doctor.

A slim stallion with a similar lab coat to Dime’s entered the room. The stallion seemed doubtful of Doctor Dime’s claims but resolved to do his part, nonetheless.

The stallion instructed Bud to sit the colt atop herself. Unfastening her hooves from around the murmuring colt, Bud leveled the colt on his haunches. The colt then gazed blankly at the observant stallion as he tapped his horn to the colt’s. The stallion then closed his eyes and a yellow aura momentarily enshrouded their horns.

The colt giggled and shuffled as Bud tried to keep him in place. But then she noticed a hint of blue sparks surging on the colt’s horn.

Every pony was stunned silent when the stallion suddenly collapsed to the floor. Doctor Dime was the first to snap out of it and checked on the stallion to discover he had fallen asleep. Dime concluded this was due to magic feedback from the colt that appeared to easily overpower the stallion.

“Dear Celestia,” Passion exclaimed. “That colt is a freak of nature.”

“I can’t believe that he really has so much magic,” Leaf Clip was in awe.

“What’re guys talking about,” Lazuli seemed more chipper than the other two. “That was awesome. That little foal knocked out a grown stallion.”

Bud, on the other hoof, was silent on the matter. She was already aware of the colt’s power and had her moment of shock. The colt raised his hooves for his mother and Bud was impelled to return the colt coiled in her hooves. Inciting high emotions from the colt would prove troublesome for every pony around her.

Thankfully, her daughter was still fast asleep beside her. She looked so adorable sleeping peacefully atop a pillow, but Bud knew that would change when she wakes up.

She wondered why it had to be her. Of all ponies in the world, why does she have them as her foals? Why did they come out so unnatural? Each was a reincarnation of monsters that were quelled by the Sun Princess. Enemies of Equestria long ago.

And why despite knowing what they are, she was adamant about letting them go? Bud chuckled to herself, amazed how strongly she wanted to hold on to them. She was starting to think she was going mad.

The colt managed to catch her hoof again and suckled upon it. She should really get a pacifier when the opportunity arises. And while she was delved into those thoughts, every other pony was working to wake the sleeping stallion.

Hours had passed after the slim stallion woke up and was escorted to another room to be checked for any other effects. Doctor Dime concluded to postpone their efforts to suppress the colt’s magic and resolved to seek advice from the hospital’s administrator.

Leaf Clip and Passion Touch had left in between that time before giving their regards. Lazuli chose to stay and keep Bud company for as long as the staff would allow her. That at least got Bud to smile. She didn’t want to be alone right now.

“How’s your hoof,” Bud noted the bandages wrapped on Lazuli’s hoof.

“I already told you it’s no big deal,” Lazuli responded. “But, if it worries you so much, you could always kiss it better.” Lazuli playfully flaunted her wounded hoof towards her concerned friend.

Bud only frowned at her friend’s nonchalant gesture. “Why are you so casual about this? You were bitten by a filly of an unknown species. Her fangs could have poison for all we know.”

“Wait, really?” Lazuli stopped her hoof and gave a worried look.

“Maybe. I don’t know. But shouldn’t that worry you?”

“Yeesh, don’t scare me like that. I thought you were serious for a second there.”


“Alright,” Lazuli raised his voice. “If it’ll keep you from getting your tail in a twist, I’ll get it checked. There, feel better now?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

A few moments went by without a word and was starting to get awkward for Lazuli. She glanced at the colt that was now asleep with his lips still engrossed Bud’s hoof. “So,” Lazuli started. “A weird-looking filly and a colt with a crazy amount of magic. Guess things won’t be the same at our apartment anymore.”

“I wouldn’t think so.”

A brief silence took over the room again. Lazuli was getting nervous. She felt she had to ask, but she knew she wouldn’t like the answer no matter what Bud would say. “…Hey, Bud. Were you—”

A knock on the door alerted the two mares. Lazuli figured it was either Doctor Dime or a nurse coming to check on Bud. Lazuli gritted her teeth at the inconvenient timing of this. Still, she went to the door and answered it. But when she saw the pony behind the door, Lazuli faltered back so fast that she tripped onto her back.

Bud shared in Lazuli’s astonishment as well. She was certain nothing else could possibly surprise any further. Why was she here?

Bud could feel a pressure weighing down on her as the pony stepped inside. Standing tall with her rainbow mane that flowed endlessly, the Sun Princess stood before Loving Bud.

“Your name is Loving Bud, correct?” Bud could not find it in herself to respond, wholly mesmerized that the Princess of Equestria was here in the same room with her. She at least noticed the Princess taking a glance at her foals. Her eyes oddly sharpened when she saw Bud’s daughter. “I would like to speak with you in private.”

At Celestia’s request, she was left alone with Bud and her foals. Lazuli made no qualm in refuting her and obeyed to give her privacy.

Bud was finding trouble to keep herself calm. How could she? A literal goddess was standing before her.

“I’m told that you’ve recently given birth to twins,” Celesta spoke with a collected voice. “Forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm. I was not told that one of them was a Thestral.”

“Thestral?” A few of the pressures left Bud when she heard that word. “You mean, you know what she is?”

The Princess gave her a careful glance. “You sound as though the word is new to you. Is your partner not a Thestral?”

Her partner? Bud does not recall having any pony that was personal to her for years. Or ever for that matter; not that she hadn’t tried. It was just always difficult for her to open up that much to stallions. And when she sensed a stallion may be trying to pursue her, she would get scared and flee. It was never their fault, of course. She would just get thoughts of her past. A part she would rather forget for as long as she lived.

“Where is he at the moment,” Celestia asked. “I would think he would be here with his foals.”

“I…,” Bud didn’t know what to say. Her situation was a complete disaster. Many other ponies would call this a blessing, but then they don't have the Princess’s greatest foes as their foals.

“Do you not know where he is?” Bud shook by the slight tension in Celestia’s voice. The Princess noted her reaction and sighed. “I apologize. It was thoughtless of me to question you while in your condition.” Celestia’s empathetic smile managed to calm the distressed mare, but only by a little.

“But I must give you fair warning,” Celestia continued. “The Thestrals are best not to be trusted.” Celestia can see that Bud was perplexed by her claim. “Many ponies don’t remember this, but long ago, the Thestrals used to live with us in Equestria. They served as Lunar guards, given the task to protect my ponies from any danger that lurked in the night in exchange for their citizenship. At first, I was hesitant about the entire arrangement. Their ability to turn invisible and carnivorous needs were unsettling. But as years went by, I had grown accustomed to their presence.”


“However, on the night of Nightmare Moon’s arrival, they betrayed my trust and attempted mutiny alongside her. I was never able to find them again in the aftermath of Nightmare Moon’s defeat. So, I hope you can understand why it’s important that I need answers.”

“—” That was a lot for Bud to absorb, but how does the Princess expect her to respond to that? Her daughter was the only Thestral she has ever met in her life. And the only reason for her foals’ existence she could think of stemmed from those repeating wishes she made every night. But there was no way that could be it. Sure, she goaded herself to look upon the moon and stars to answer her hope, but deep down she knew that the whole thing was just nonsense, right?

Celestia realized Bud’s internal dilemma and placed a hoof on her shoulder and smile. “Please calm yourself, I don’t mind being patient. I can wait until you are ready. So instead, how about we settle the matter I came for in the first place.”

“There’s more?”

“A letter was sent to my castle from the administrator of this hospital. It told about an incident created by your colt.”

“I’m so sorry,” Bud’s voice rose. “I—”

“Now, now, there’s no need for that. We can’t expect an infant colt to keep conscious of his magic. Though it’s quite astonishing that he could cast a drowsing spell. He must be brimming with potential.”

“What’re you going to do Princess?”

“I shall cast the suppression spell myself. I imagine that I’m the only one here capable of this task. Now then, shall we begin?”

Adhering to the Princess’s words, Bud placed the colt steady between her hind legs. The movement stirred the colt awake as he let out a wide yawn. His eyes laid upon the Princess, who was utterly bewitched by this cute display.

“Hello there little one,” Celestia lowered her face to the colt’s. “You’re just a delightful gem of surprise, aren’t you?” The colt blankly looked at her, showing not a hint of surprise or fascination. Strange, she never gets this kind of reaction from foals. And those eyes of his. Why do they look so…familiar?

“Uh, Princess,” Bud nervously voice, snapping Celestia from her trance.

“Hm? Oh, yes, the spell.” Celestia closed her eyes after tapping her horn to the colt’s. Just like the stallion from before, Celestia encased their horn in her blue aura. It didn’t take long for the colt to giggle and for those small sparks to appear again on his horn. Celestia faltered for only a moment when the colt’s magic feedback acted. Her concentration teetered from the colt’s voice, but she reasserted her power in time to abate his magic. “Here we are,” Celestia smiled at her achievement “This shouldn’t take too long now.”

“Princess,” she heard Bud’s voice.

“Please be patient. I’m nearly finished.”

“But you’re crying.”

Celestia paused on that statement. Lifting her hoof underneath her eyes, she picked a sample of tears. Now, where did this come from? Was it that again?

Her eyes opened and realized how close she was to the colt. Those cyan eyes of his looked somber. She could remember seeing eyes like these centuries of nights ago when her little sister would invade her from her slumber.

When they were fillies, she would have trouble falling asleep so Celestia was left to keep her company until she could. And then there were moments when her little sister woke her when they were rulers when there were tasks her little sister felt troubled to accomplish on her own. Celestia would awash her with her pity and love, but in the end, that seemed to be not enough for her. There were always hints of despair in her eyes.

And yet there were so bright under rays of the moonlight; even dazzling you could argue. Just as the colt’s were.

The Princess frowned when she realized she had lost concentration of her spell. Her effort had all fallen apart and she would have to start from the very beginning again.

Her second attempt was filled with an unnerving silence, but no issue rose to hinder its completion. When the spell was complete, Celestia stood back to take a good look of the colt.

He looked a lot like his sister when she was a small filly, except for the snowy white mane of his.

“Tell me, Loving Bud. What is his name?”

“His name?” By the sun, she hasn’t even thought about that. Bud mentally beat herself for taking so long to realize this.

“It’s fine if you haven’t given one yet. But once you have, I would like to know when we meet again.”

“Excuse me?”

“I have become quite interested in this little colt. And with the amount of magic I felt from him, I think it is safest if I am the one to teach him. So, if you do not mind, I would like to become his mentor when he grows in age.”


“Are you against this,” Celestia frowned.

“N-no! Of course not. It would be an honor.”

“Then it is settled,” Celestia smiled. “I shall take charge of your son’s growth in magic. I feel that I will see great things from him. Perhaps even become a wielder.”

“A what?”

“I must go now. I now have plans to make.” Celestia strode to the door but looked back at the dumbfounded mare after opening the door. “I expect we will become well acquainted with each other from now on. We should talk more the next time we meet.”

“O…kay?” Celestia nodded at Bud and closed the door.

Alone again with her foals, she came to realize the reality of her predicament. Princess Celestia. The Princess of all that is Equestria, is going to mentor her son.

She should feel proud of this, but instead felt a pressure weighing down more and more upon her. It was too much. All of this was too much. Why did the stars give her all of this responsibility? Not only was she to raise two monsters, but now she was given expectations by the most revered pony of Equestria.

She’s just a normal earth pony. There’s nothing special about her. Nothing to distinguish herself from any other pony. So why? Why is she being surrounded by extraordinary creatures that could view her as a mere ant beneath the ground? What do the stars expect for her to do?

In her fit of turmoil, Bud finally noticed the colt climbing upon her to meet her face. There it was again. That strange moon insignia on his eyes.

“Who are you really,” Bud asked the colt, expecting him to speak like her daughter. “Who is Luna?” The colt only stared at his mother. She began to get agitated. “What do you want from me!?”

The colt widened his eyes at his mother’s anger and started to tear up.

“Oh no,” Bud realized her mistake. “I’m so sorry.” Bud grasped her son into her hooves and held him close. The colt bawled in tears in her fur as she tried to console him.

Little did she realize that her other foal was also crying. Silent enough for Bud not to realize she had already awakened, the filly peeked for a mere moment upon the colt she recognized as Luna. Except, it wasn’t quite her anymore. She could now tell there was a part of her that was gone. A vital part that the filly held dear.