• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,888 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

22 - Mother Moon 6

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

Teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of two foals that just so happen to be reincarnations of Equestria’s forgotten princess.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn son that she learned to be the reincarnation of Princess Luna.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn daughter that is the reincarnation of the infamous Nightmare Moon.

Sabah Glow

A merchant from Southern Equestria that is soon to become a mother. For the sake of her foal, she chose to move to Canterlot to live with her fiancé, Sunset Spice.

Duchess Bluebelle

A niece of Princess Celestia and mother of Prince Blueblood. She serves as a curious ambassador of Equestria to neighboring lands.

Bud had always imagined coming to this place one day. Many ponies had described it to be a majestic sight to behold. The ancient stones of its constructs appeared smooth and enchanting despite its old age. An eternal beauty as they described. As eternal as its ruler.

Bud should feel joyous to finally stand before the place she always wanted to visit as a foal. She had hoped for this opportunity for at least once in her lifetime.

But things are different now. What with her last conversation with the Princess, she was plagued with a mixture of curiosity and dread of why the Princess invited her here for.

“Sis,” Bud snapped from her anxious thoughts. She turned her sights from the gates of Canterlot castle and faced her proclaimed sister, Pear Butter. Pear held her son, Little Mac, with a hoof. Bud was surprised to come across Pear on her way to the castle. Apparently, she also received a letter from the Princess. “You doing okay?.”

Pear had explained that she received a letter from a Pegasus guard, similar to Bud, during her daily bucking for apples. She was exhilarated for the chance to spend time with the Princess, though she was saddened that only she and her son would be the only ones permitted to come.

“I'm fine,” Bud responded to Pear. “I just thought this would’ve been more exciting for me.”

“Well it hasn’t started yet,” Pear said. “Who’s to say you might change your tune.”

“Maybe,” Bud sighed and glanced into her stroller. Artemis was fast asleep in the stroller while Nebula wrapped her wings around him to provide more warmth. The little colt has become more bombastic the more days have passed. It's nearly impossible to keep him in place due to his love to dart around the area and play with every creature within his sight. The only moment of peace Bud could find is when he finally tuckers himself out or when he has a pineapple dangling over his head.

“What food do you think they serve at the castle,” Pear wondered. “Probably something really fancy and expensive.”

“I think that’s a given. This is the castle of our Princess.”

“Well I sure hope the Princess likes what I spruced up for the picnic," Pear briefly glanced at the basket that was holstered to her back

“You and me both.” Bud agreed. The two were unsure if they were required to bring their own share of dishes for the event, but going by their past experiences, they assumed it would be best to take precautions.

Bud cooked a basket full of honey-roasted salad with the greeneries that her mother would always serve her back in her younger days. She was thankful that Chiffon and Hope helped her in her endeavor to cook it all in one night. It was rather inconvenient that this picnic would take place the day after the festival in Manhattan.

Pear made a dozen of Granny Smith’s well-beloved apple pies to share with the Princess. It is rumored that their Princess is infamous to have a monstrous sweet tooth. Bud guessed that Pear is interested to know if the stories are true.

“Hey,” Pear said. “If she brought the two of us, think there might be some other ponies involved?”

“Like whom?”

“Ah,” a voice startled Bud and Pear. “Then thou art also guests of the Princess.” Behind them was a gray mare that had a baby filly strapped to her back. The little filly glared at the two, befuddling the both of them.

“I’m guessing you’re a part of the picnic too, right?” Pear asked.

“Yes,” the gray mare confirmed. “That is right.”

“Well, the more the merrier I say.” Pear stated and held a hoof toward the gray mare. “Name's Pear Butter, and then is my sis, Loving Bud. It’s nice to meet ya.”

“Cloudy Quartz,” the mare answered and bumped Pear’s hoof. “Tell me, dost thou perhaps know the purpose of this festivity?”

“Afraid not,” Pear answered. “Both of us were tossed a letter without reason. Still exciting though, right?”

“Regardless, I see no reason to dismiss a call from the Princess.”

“Excuse me,” the mares turned their attention to a royal guard that has approached them from the castle. “But is there a reason that the three of you are standing here?”
“Oh...Well,” Bud couldn’t find the right words to say.

“The three of us were invited by our Princess for a picnic,” Cloudy Quartz answered. “If thou is generous, could you perhaps guide us to thy Princess’s whereabouts?”

“Oh yes,” the royal guard said. “The Princess did mention that she would be absent from the throne for that. Do each of you have the letter as proof?” Each of them presented their personal invitation letter to the guard and he nodded in confirmation. “Follow me then. The Princess is currently at the castle’s garden.

Bud gazed in astonishment of the portraits she passed through in the halls of the castle. The stained-glass windows of wondrous images of the past of Celestia’s feats and the deeds of other ponies that have long passed. All were an impressive sight, except for one.

A dark figure loomed over the lands within a portrait. Its eyes appeared vicious under the moon as it glared at the Princess of Equestria beneath it. Those eyes were so familiar to her, bringing her new sense of dread and sadness. “Nebula…”

“What do you want now?” She heard her daughter speak.

“N-nothing,” Bud quickly said. She would prefer not to let her daughter see this image and spark any more hatred that she has already.

“Is that Nightmare Moon?” Bud perked at the voice of her sis who was observing the stained-glass portrait.

“I believe so,” Cloudy Quartz said. “However, I hath always presumed her to be a foal’s tale.”

“Yeah. It does sound hard to believe that there was a creature so bent to cast an eternal night upon the lands, isn't it?”

Bud kept her gaze upon Nebula, ensuring that she doesn’t overreact to their words. Her daughter perked at the two mares' conversation, but her eyes did not leave her sleeping brother.

“I honestly find its endeavor to be pitiful,” Cloudy Quartz commented. “A land consumed by only the night is destined to shrivel without nurture from the sunlight.”

“I kind of wondered about that back when I was a filly,” Pear said. “I once thought the moonlight could do the same thing. I read from a book that the moonlight is basically the moon reflecting light from the sun. I came to think that there wasn't much of a difference between the two, but then Papa Pear told me otherwise. He said that the moon does not provide enough nutrients as compared to the sun. A different rate in photosynthesis was what he was arguing. Kind of the first time I ever heard him say something so sciency.”

“In the end, it was a plan that was inevitable to fail. Unless it intended to kill us all.”

“That’s a really dark thought,” Pear said. “I sure hope that wasn’t its intention else I’ll have to thank the stars that she’s no longer here.”

“…” Nebula’s eyes gleamed menacingly out of the stroller, but Bud persisted to stare at her daughter.

“Don’t,” was all Bud said to her and the filly resigned to burying her face upon Artemis’s neck. This was the last thing Bud needed right now. Who knows how Nebula will react when she is confronted by the Princess? Can she really hope for Nebula to hold back her fangs? …No, definitely not.

The garden was like a rainbow jungle; colorful, exotic flowers that Bud has never seen in her life were blooming all around her as they soothed her with their calming scents. The guard guided the three mares into an opening within the garden that revealed the pony that brought them here.

Along with three mares, Princess Celestia acknowledges their presence and waved at them. “You have come,” the Princess said. “Please, come join us.”

She and other mares were seated above a lucrative blanket that covered most of the opening. Bud's party took their seat as Bud observed the other mares with Celestia.

One was a lighter gray than Cloudy Quartz that held a white baby colt between her hindlegs. She was doting her colt that seemed adamant to leave out of the mare’s hold.

Another was pure white that appeared prim and proper with her delicate chignon mane style and fancy scarf that loomed around her neck. A baby white colt incessantly flailed for her attention as the mare appeared more than willing to nuzzle the needy colt.

The last was an orange mare that made Bud a bit uncomfortable due to her locked attention upon Bud.

“I thank you for humoring me by coming here,” Princess Celestia began. “I know that this is rather inconvenient given the short time you received your invitation.”

“Your apology is not needed Princess,” Cloudy Quartz said as she unfastened her filly out of the strap and held her between her hindlegs. “I am honored thou seek my presence.”

“Yeah,” Pear added. “I’m actually excited about this.”

“You and I both,” the orange mare, Sabah Glow, agreed.

“Well then,” Celestia smiled at her ponies' vigor. “Perhaps we should begin with introductions.”

“I’ll start then,” said the light gray mare. “Hello everyone, my name Twilight Velvet. I happen to live here at Canterlot and work as an editor. Are any of you familiar with a literary journal called“The Noble Review”? That's the group I work I for. I read all sorts of fictions, essays, and poetry sent from ponies all across Equestria to publish in our monthly issues.”

“I say,” said the white mare. “I must ask for the opportunity to read the works that weren’t published. I find it most enjoyable to read the interesting thoughts and imaginations that ponies can brew.”

“I see you are an advent subscriber of our journal,” Velvet said.

"Absolutely," the white mare confirmed. "Anything to unveil me to the culture and minds of other ponies."

"So, you work for a magazine company," Pear said. "That's nice."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that," Velvet said. "But I suppose there are similarities."

"And who's the shy fellow using you as a hiding place?" Pear noted the white colt that crouched upon his mother's leg when he noticed the attention from Pear.

"He's my son, Shining Armor." Velvet petted her son. "You'll have to forgive him, he's not used to attention from other ponies besides me and his father."

"Well he's certainly a cutie," Pear chuckled.

"He'll certainly make a cute guard like his father," the white mare commented.

"You think my husband is cute?" Velvet raised a brow.

"Your husband is Night Light, yes?" The white made said. "I've happened to bear witness to some of his missteps in my younger days. And my he certainly made a spectacle of them."

"Yes, he did have some hilarious moments, I must admit. You wouldn't happen to be one of his many victims, would you?"

"Oh I bear no hard feelings," the white mare waved a hoof. "In fact, I felt so alive being a part of the chaos."

"What sort of chaos are you two talking about," Bud asked.

"Velvet's husband serves as a royal guard of the castle," Celestia spoke. "During his growth to become a fine protector of the castle, he was known to be quite ambitious to be acknowledged by his superiors. However, those efforts would mostly end in 'community hazards'; I shall say."

"Really? Like what exactly?"

"L-let's not bother too much with that," Velvet voiced. "Night Light would really prefer it if every pony forgets about it."

"I'm afraid those 'missteps' are far too grand for any pony to forget," the white mare voiced. "But I shall be privy to the incidents if you wish."

"So that's a no then," Pear sounded disappointed.

"Don't look so glum dearie," the white mare said. "We still have much more to discuss. I know, let us continue with my introduction. I am known as Duchess Beryl, but you may refer to me as Beryl. I serve as Celestia's ambassador to neighboring countries."

"Ambassador you say," Cloudy voiced. "Thou must have embarked quests that have proven out of your element."

"Dutifully so," Beryl confirmed."The world is filled with creatures that practice customs that us ponies would find either barbaric or unusual."

"That sounds a bit rough," Bud commented.

"Oh no," Beryl flapped a hoof. "It's quite the opposite actually."

"It is?"

"Beryl is what you may call an enthusiast of culture," Celestia said.

"I don't follow?" Pear confessed.

"What our dear Princess means is that I am a mare that wishes to learn the countless customs that have been created by creatures," Beryl answered. "The benefit of being an ambassador is that I have the opportunity to be enlightened of the practices."

"You must bear countless adventures in your path of enlightenment," Sabah voiced.

"That I do," Beryl confirmed. "But I do wish to greet you to my son before I tangent to my stories." The white colt in Beryl's hoof clung onto her as she tried to lightly separate herself from him. Beryl manage to at least turn the colt around and present the blond colt to the other mares. "Grace your eyes upon my beloved son, Prince Blueblood. Is he not the most adorable creature you have ever seen?"

Blueblood appeared to struggle against his mother to turn back around and begin to pout and flail when his efforts were not rewarded. Beryl turned her son back to her and cooed, "Oh my, is my Bluey upset. Have no fear, your mother is here to confine you in her protection." Beryl wrapped both her hooves around Blueblood and began to kiss upon his snout. The white colt giggled in response to his mother's affection.

"Another shy one I presume," Cloudy deduced.

"Oh no," Beryl responded. "My dear Bluey is rather attached to me. I have yet to leave his side since his birth."

"Beryl is permitted on vacation until she feels comfortable to provide Blueblood with a nanny," Celestia voiced

"I'm aware how inconvenient it is since I was in the middle of relations with the griffons," Beryl admitted. "But the early life of a foal is when they are most impressionable. I've insisted to bring my son along in my bouts, but my dear husband was vehemently against the arrangement."

"Well," Sabah started. "Why not your husband care for Blueblood?"

"Ardent?" Beryl questioned. "Oh no, I'm afraid he has little time for that."

"Your husband doesn't have time to spend with his child," Cloudy raised a brow.

"I'm certain he would if he truly had the time," Beryl defended. "But he carries a lot of responsibility due to our marriage."

"Duke Ardent serves as a representative in my court," Celestia voiced. "However, I will have to disagree with you, Beryl. There are limits to the tasks he can burden himself with. He is an ambitious stallion, but seems to find difficulty to pace himself for his family."

"My husband is just very passionate to aid all ponies. His charity to others is exactly why I fell in love with him."

"I hope that's only the reason," Bud heard the Princess mumble.

"How's about I go next," Pear shifts the conversation. "You can call me Pear Butter. I live on a farm in Ponyville called Sweet Apple Acres."

"Thou ist an apple farmer?" Cloudy asked.

"Well, I was a pear farmer a year ago. But things have changed…"

There was a brief pause after Pear's words. Bud placed a hoof on Pear's shoulder and asked, "You okay Pear?"

Pear surprised her sis when she clapped both sides of her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm good. Anywho, I married into the Apple family and that's who I am now."

Pear then unfastened her son who was plainly gazing at the other mares. "And this is my son, Little Mac. He's a quiet little colt, but don't let that confuse ya. He had a heck of a lot of energy than he lets on."

“That’s rather deceptive of him,” Beryl commented with a grin.

“Hopefully it’s not too overwhelming,” Cloudy said. “A foal can do a lot of unimaginable things.”

“It’s not that bad,” Pear said. “But I wouldn’t mind if he ended being the most quirky colt in all of Equestria. I’d still love him.”

“I can respect that,” Cloudy said. “Speaking of which, I believe that I shall take my turn in the introduction.”

“The floor is yours,” Beryl said.

“My name is Cloudy Quartz,” she began. “I am also a farmer like Pear; however my responsibilities take place at Rockville.”

“So you are a rock farmer,” Beryl said. “Well, Rockville is known for its phenomenon to grow multitude sorts of rock and ores. I can see very much how profitable the profession is.”

“We only harvest what is needed from the land,” Cloudy said. “But moving on, I shall also introduce my daughter, Limestone Pie. Though, I do not believe she is much interested in our grouping.”

The gray filly within Cloudy’s legs only glared at the other mares. “She doesn’t appear to be welcoming,” Velvet oddly chuckled.

“Limestone is also attached to me," Cloudy continued. "However, she hath gain a habit to attempt to fend others away from me.”

“Aww,” Velvet cooed. “She’s like your cute lovable knight.”

“That is an acceptable description,” Cloudy made a small smile, which was the only facial change they have seen since the start of their conversation.

“I think I shall go next,” Sabah voiced. “You may call me Sabah Glow. I come from the southern lands of Equestria, where I contribute to my family as a merchant. I am also with a child, but we will have to wait for more months before I can offer a proper introduction.”

“You’re pregnant?” Bud wondered.

“3 months,” Sabah confirmed. "That is what my doctor said."

“That’s wonderful news,” Velvet said.

“Thank you,” Sabah said. “I hope for my daughter to become great friends with your children. Especially if I am to move here.”

“You’re moving to Canterlot?” Bud asked.

“My fiance is the personal assistant of the Princess. The news of my pregnancy was rather a surprise for both of us, so the two of us are doing our best to prepare ourselves for when she finally comes.”

“Oh joy,” Beryl smiled. “Then we have many opportunities to become more acquainted with each other. You simply must tell me all there is about the southern lands. I hear so many tales of creatures and legends.”

“I do not mind sharing,” Sabah said. “But I believe we have one more of us to make their introduction.”

The mares’ eyes then dawned on Loving Bud, who faltered from their sudden attention. “Oh,” Bud mumbled. “Right, me…”

“There’s no need to be nervous,” Celestia voiced. “You are surrounded by friends.”

“R-right…” Bud blushed at the sudden moral support from the Princess. Now she feels even more silly. “I’m Loving Bud. I work as a teacher...at Manehattan.”

“Why the hesitance,” Beryl questioned. “Surely you do not feel overshadowed by our profession? Being a teacher is a most respectable occupation. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of it.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Bud weakly smiled.

“So tell us, Loving Bud,” Beryl continued. “How long have you dawned yourself as a teacher?”

“Well, this is actually my first year as one.”

“Oh, so you’re starting out,” Velvet voiced. “I can understand that. I felt so much pressure at the beginning of my job as well.”.”

“Thou will adjust,” Cloudy voiced. “It is only difficult at the beginning.”

“I know,” Bud said. “Somepony has already told me something similar to that.”

“Then that pony is very insightful,” Beryl said.

“Aww, thank you,” Pear said.

“She was referring to you?” Beryl asked.

“Well of course,” Pear said proudly. “I am her big sis after all.”

“Who made you the big sister,” Bud asked.

“You two are related?” Sabah perked. “Such convenience.”

“Well, not exactly,” Pear admitted. “But we like to think of it that way.”

“I think it’s wonderful that your bond surpasses blood,” Celestia commented. “It makes me happy that my ponies place so much value upon each other.”

“T-thank you,” Bud bowed.

“There’s no need for that Loving Bud,” Celestia assured. “Think of me as just a friend as the others around us.”

“So then," Beryl v voiced. "Are you going to grandiose your foal before us,”
“Hm?” Bud perked.

“I’m actually curious to see them as well,” Sabah said. “I’ve heard that you have twins.”

“Twins you say,” Velvet voiced. “Now that’s a rarity. Oh, can we please see them?”


At another section of the castle, a window was shoved open as a black cloth was tossed inside a guest room. A thump pervaded the room as a dark figure suddenly popped into existence. The dark pony figure gleamed its slit eyes upon the black cloth and enshrouded it upon itself.

“If only I could remain unseen forever I would not need such a careful approach,” the dark hooded pony said. The pony approached the door within the room and carefully pushed it open to see through the opening for any guards. Much to the pony’s convenience, the hallway was empty.

The pony immediately entered the hallway and soared to the ceiling to camouflage the best the pony could within the dark corners. The pony clicked its mouth and then proceeded its way across the ceiling.

With Celestia distracted and her guards drawn near her garden, the hooded pony was given a fair opportunity to search for Celestia’s most powerful treasures. With Luna and her shadow back, he must ensure that there are no threats to her resurgence to the throne.

The pony had searched for them before, hoping that it would be hidden somewhere in the Castle of Two Sisters or perhaps the Havern of Harmony. But it was inevitably a fool’s errand. No way would the Princess keep something so important in that ruin.

The hooded pony knew it had to be somewhere in this very castle. The pony just needs time to search all of its corners and crevices. And once the pony finds it, then nothing shall ever again come against their revolution.

“His name is Artemis,” Bud presented her sleeping son to the mares. Bud held him between her hind legs and then leaned him on one of them. Her son rubbed the side of his face on her leg and then began to suckle upon it.

“So this is a famous colt that I have heard to put an entire pony within a hospital asleep,” Beryl said.

“He did what?” Velvet voiced.

“I-it was just a magic discharge,” Bud defended. “He didn’ t mean to do it.”

“Artemis possesses a vast potential with his magic,” Celestia voiced. “But fear not, his magic is currently under check.” Celestia gazed at the sleeping colt longingly. “Though I am admittedly disappointed that he’s fast asleep. Our time together was quite brief.”

“He kind of tuckered himself out on the way here,” Bud explained.

“I’ll say,” Pear added. “Arty and Little Mac make a frightening duo.”

“Then he should bring interesting prospects in Canterlot when he began his tutelage under the Princess,” Beryl said.

“Tutelage?” Sabah voiced and then faced Celestia. “You’re going to teach Artemis?”

“It’s not every day that you find a pony with such potential in magic,” Celestia said. “I wish to help Artemis harness it. I believe that he will contribute all sorts of wonders for Equestria if he puts his mind to it.”

“W-well, that’s like years from now,” Bud said. “No point of thinking about it right now.”

“That you are correct,” Celestia agreed.

“So,” Beryl said. “What of the other? I hear that she’s quite a sight to behold.”

“Right…” Seriously, how many ponies have heard of her and her children!? It’s like she’s the talk of Equestria or something. Regardless, Bud relented and went to the stroller. She can see her daughter peering at her with those slit eyes. Bud pushed her head close to Nebula and whispered, “You remember what we talked about, right?”

“...I’ll try,” Nebula answered. “That is all I can promise.” Bud nodded and grabbed her daughter out of the stroller. As soon as she set her beside her sleeping son, the other mares gasped at the sight of her.

“Beryl was right,” Velvet said. “She’s definitely a sight to behold.”

“What creature is this?” Cloudy asked. “Never have I set my eyes on such a thing.”

Nebula stared down at the blanket beneath her, anxious to look up at the pony sitting before her. The one that ruined everything that she set to build for Luna.

She hated that mare with every fiber of her being. How could she be so ignorant of the pain that was plaguing the sister she dared to call precious to her. She should’ve known, yet she did nothing.

“She looks upset,” Sabah voiced. “Is she okay?”

“She just had a bad dream,” Bud lied. “I think it really scared her. Maybe I should--”

“If it’s alright with you,” Celestia started. “May I hold her?”

“...” Bud paused at the request from the Princess. “A-are you sure?”

“You have nothing to fear Bud,” Celestia assured. “I promise I don’t bite.”

It’s not really you that I’m worried about biting. Bud nervously dawned upon her daughter who was still stared at the blanket. What’s she supposed to do here? Is she allowed to say no to the Princess? How would the other mares think of her if she did? It might make things really awkward if she did that. “Um, sure…”

Bud lowered her head to Nebula’s ear and whispered, “Do you think you can do it?”

“The world just continues to test me,” Nebula growled. “Doesn’t it?” Nebula stepped forward and began her approach toward that mare. Never did she bother to look up, worried that if she did that she would no longer be able to contain herself. And when she set her eyes on the mare’s white hoof, she felt a pair raising her from the ground.

And there she was. The pony that bested her all those centuries ago, Princess Celestia.

“...” Celestia paused at the sight of a grimaced filly. “Those eyes look so familiar.”

“Why wouldn’t they,” Beryl voiced. “You’ve met the thestrals in the past, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Celestia confirmed. “That I did.” Celestia wrapped Nebula around her hoof and held her close to her pectoral. Nebula looked back at her mother that was anxiously observing her.

“Thestral?” Velvet wondered. “Is that what she’s called?”

“That is correct Velvet,” Celestia answered. “They are a race that were once citizens of Equestria.”

“They lived with us,” Sabah voiced. “Then why are they no longer here?”

“That’s...a long story.”

“I actually wouldn’t mind hearing about it,” Bud voiced. “There’s actually a lot of questions I have about the thestrals.”

“You wish to know more about them?” Celestia said. “Well then, how I about I began a tale of how I first met them then. However, I ask that we keep this between us. It is a matter I wish to keep private. Are we all in agreement?”

The mares nodded as Celestia began the tale that had pondered the mind of Bud.

I had sat on my throne as the moon began to rise to the sky. My mind pondered to the strange rumors that have been spreading across my lands.

The door to the throne room opened as a dark blue mare confronted me. I perked at the mare and smiled “Luna, thou hath awakened.”

“Greetings Teacher,” Luna responded. “I am prepared for thine lessons.”