• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

17 - Tenure Grace

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

Teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of two foals that just so happen to be reincarnations of Equestria’s forgotten princess. 

Summer Lazuli

Coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. 

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn son that she learned to be the reincarnation of Princess Luna.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn daughter that is the reincarnation of the infamous Nightmare Moon. 

Loving Hope

The owner of a daycare center at Baltimare who is the mother of Loving Bud and grandmother of Artemis and Nebula. 

Tenure Grace

A social worker sent from officials of Manehattan to handle a delicate issue.

“So what is it you need for us to discuss Ms. Loving,” Hawk Inkwell began as he sat before Bud’s desk in her classroom. Bud had cleared her desk fo papers and binders, removing every little thing in between them. She was still anxious about confronting him, but as Raven’s teacher and friend, she needs to do all she can to help her student.

Moments ago, Bud had requested a conference with Hawk Inkwell when he arrived at the academy to pick up Raven. Hawk seemed stoic of her request, leading her to believe that he knew what the matter would be about. Bud took some appreciation that he didn’t view her as a naive fool, however; this is not a moment of pleasantries.

Bud’s co-worker, Leaf Clip, elected himself to keep Raven company at the teacher’s office while they have their talk. Bud had to reassure her anxious student that everything would be fine in the end. Despite how nervous she is herself, she is determined to make that so for her precious student.

“I think we both know what this is about,” Bud said.

“Let’s presume that I do not. Address the matter that concerns and I shall respond accordingly,” Hawk lifted his hoof to briefly glance at his watch. Bud’s eyes twitched at the lax manner that Hawk was displaying. Perhaps he does think little of her. “But let’s make this brief; Raven has a piano session that she must attend within an hour.”

Bud took a deep breath before she spoke, “Mr. Inkwell, as you already know, I left Manehattan last weekend to see my cousin’s wedding. You were conveniently around to place your daughter under my care until she was with her relatives at Poniyvile. Except, there were no relatives living at Ponyville.”

Hawk quietly took in Bud’s words, lacking any display of frustration or any sort of responding emotion against her claim. He still appeared calm and collected as if he is not aware of the wrong he had committed. If that’s going to be the case, then Bud decided to get to the point.

“Mr. Inkwell,” Bud continued. “Was there a reason why you deceived me about your daughter’s relatives?”

Hawk closed his eyes and sighed before he finally answered, “I figured you would find little issue with it due to your attachment to my daughter; however, I will apologize for my dishonesty. Regardless of my intentions, it was wrong of me to place you under my ploy.”

Bud widened her eyes; she didn’t expect to get an immediate apology form this stallion. And here she thought she was going to have to butt heads with him to get a direct apology...or maybe, he’s just feeding her words she wants to hear just so she will get off his case.

“Why did you find it necessary to lie to me?” Bud asked. “I wouldn’t have no issue providing shelter for Raven at Ponyville if you asked.”

“It served as insurance in case if you were reluctant to go along with the arrangement. I did not want to lose the chance to have you and Raven to bond with each other.”

“So that Raven can become acquainted with Celestia,” Bud added.

“Ah,” Hawk grinned. “You’re more perceptive than I accounted for. You are correct, my intention was indeed to have Raven use you to gain access to Princess Celestia. Word has spread that Celestia plans to enroll your son, Artemis, under her apprenticeship. I imagine my daughter would receive a promising favor from our Princess if Raven serves as an important figure to your son.”

“Was that why she was so fixated on my son?” Bud shook her head. That’s not what matters at the moment. “No, I can accept this. Mr. Inkwell, I will need you to refrain from using my family as some sort steppingstone for Raven’s future.”

“I’m afraid I must decline on that request,” Hawk answered.

“I’m not asking Mr. Inkwell,” Bud reflexively leered at him.

“I understood the implication,” Hawk said. “But I refuse to stop when a golden opportunity like this is before me. My time is limited; I don’t have room to falter on my decisions.”

“What do you mean by limited?” Bud raised her brow. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“I’m not dying if that’s what you’re thinking,” Hawk assured. “However, that doesn’t eliminate the possibility that it could happen at any given moment.”

“What? Why would you think that?”

“It’s a thought that every pony has had at least once in their life. For me, it’s every day and every hour of my life.”

“But why?”

“That’s a very personal question to ask Ms. Loving.”

“And you have crossed personal boundaries when you tried to use my son,” Bud retorted.

“I did not expect you to be this bold,” Hawk admitted. “Anything then, if that’s the case, then I will share my reasoning.”

Bud sat up with the utmost attention to what will come next out of Hawk’s mouth.

“After my wife passed away,” Hawk began. “Raven became lost and so depressed when she was no longer with us. I struggled for months to pick up her pieces to bring back the smile on my daughter’s face. But then I realized that I will eventually be gone as well. If I’m not here, who will be left to pick her back together in my stead? And also, who will prepare her for the world if I’m not here to guide her? So, before that happens, I need to do everything I can to make her strong and wise. Stronger than myself if possible. I can’t die before I know for certain that she will be okay without me.”

“But what about her foalhood?” Bud asked. “Don’t you think you’re putting a lot of pressure on her with all these expectations and sessions?”

“I suggest you refrain from telling me how to raise my child Ms. Loving,” Hawk retorted with a hint of poison she found unexpecting. “You are still new to the ordeal of being a parent, so I suggest you think well on what you aim for your own foals before giving any criticism to any pony else. Now, is there anything else you would like for us to discuss?”

“...No,” Bud sighed. “That will be all.”

Hawk rose and said, “Good evening then.” On that note, Hawk Inkwell left Bud alone in her classroom.

Bud exhaled loudly as she dropped her face to the desk. She knew there would be some heavy tensions, but she didn’t think she would have to pull so much mental fortitude out of herself. Well, she does find him a bit intimidating. But those last words of his really wavered her. “What I want for my foals, huh?”

Bud’s walk back to her apartment was an unpleasant trek for her. Her conference with Hawk Inkwell left her in low spirits, muffling her with self-reflections that she rather not deal with so soon after finding clarity with her previous dilemma. It’s like the world refuses to give her a moment of peace.

Bud stopped herself at the door of her apartment and tried her best to empty her mind of these troublesome thoughts. She can’t falter anymore in front of her foals. She needs them to know that she is their sanctuary despite how much her daughter would spout otherwise.

Recollecting herself, Bud finally opened the door and all of her fortitudes shook off when her daughter immediately planted her body over Bud’s face. Bud stumbled back at her daughter’s sudden pounce as Nebula was swift to crawl her body behind Bud’s head.

“Nebula,” Bud voiced. “What in Equestria did you do that for?”

“Because you took too long to return to your duties,” Nebula retorted das she started grinding her small fangs on Bud’s mane.

“Stop trying to bite me,” Bud said. “I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that bad.”

“By the stars,” Nebula swore. “Are you really that much of a dunce? That foolish hag you call a mother had overstepped her bounds on countless occasions. Despite my assert of authority, that mare continues to have the gall to breach the grounds we have set between each other.”

“She’s a fast one,” Bud perked at her mother who emerged from her apartment. “She disappeared out of my hooves the moment you turned the knob. I think she really missed you.”

“Do not trust the words of this succubus,” Nebula retorted as she pointed accusingly at Hope. “Clearly, her aim is to eradicate the little dignity that I have left.”

“What did you do mom?” Bud sighed.

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” Hope answered. “She’s just determined to resist my love.”

“Have you considered that you might be coming on too strong on Nebula?”

“Oh just come inside,” Hope said as she stepped aside from the entrance to the apartment. “We don’t want to disturb our neighbors.”

“You mean my neighbors,” Bud corrected as she entered the apartment.

“You shouldn’t get so territorial,” Hope said as she followed behind Bud. “It’ll only embolden Nebula’s very own.”

In the small living room of Bud’s apartment, Bud found Lazul on the floor with Bud’s son, Artemis, raised in the air at the end of Lazuli’s hooves. Artemis cheered with a high pitch as he swung his hooves outwardly as if he was swimming across the air.

Lazuli turned her sights toward Bud after hearing her hoofsteps. “Heh, figured it was you. Who else would Nebula jump out for.”

“I did not miss her!”Nebula shouted as she spread her wings. “All of you will cease this denouncement of my character and treat me with the respect I deserve.”

Perching atop Bud’s head was Nebula’s attempt to assert her dominance by appearing larger than she actually was; however, a strong argument can be said that it had the opposite effect. She came off as a pompous cutie the way she flexes herself atop her mother. If anything, it’s like she was begging to be teased, which Bud inevitably proceeded to do when she grabs Nebula within her hooves and cuddled her cheeks to her own. “Well I missed you,” Bud said as she brought Nebula and herself to the small couch in the living room.

At the sound of Bud’s voice, Artemis immediately cried and flailed toward his mother’s direction. Lazuli lowered him to her pectoral and said, “Want to see your mama, eh? Well, maybe I’ll be willing to let you go if you--oof.” Before Lazuli could finish her playful demand, Artemis leaped off from Lazuli and awkwardly rushed his way to the couch Lazuli rose on her hind and complained, “You could at least let me finish.”

“Don’t be such a spoiled sport,” Hope chuckled. “The moms are almost always the favorite of the foal.”

Artemis jumped frantically to climb up the couch but could not withhold a grip to carry himself over the ledge. His grandmother stepped in to lift him up with her hooves and wasted no time pouncing upon his mother the moment he set hoof on the couch.

“At least he’s honest with his feelings,” Hope said. “Arty has been brimming with so much energy this morning. It’s nearly impossible to keep him in one place without something shiny to catch his attention.”

Bud laid her body across the couch as Artemis jumped atop her to nibble on her ear. He’s been fixated on gnawing on ponies ears ever his grandmother has given him a demonstration. However, if he thinks he can get his own mother squeaking like his sister, then he is truly underestimating her growth as a mature, strong--“Eep,” Bud voiced when Artemis gnawed on a particular region of her ear. “Stop that Arty,” Bud warned him. “That tickles.”

“I have trained him well,” Hope sagely said as if she achieved some sort of accomplishment.

“Will you stop teaching Artemis about my weaknesses,” Bud voiced. “How’s that supposed to benefit me?” Bud used her teeth to carefully drag Artemis down to her barrel where Nebula laid before him under Bud’s hoof.

Despite Nebula’s recent outrage, she made no effort breaking under Bud’s hold. In fact, she made efforts to bury herself further in Bud’s coat. At least her actions are more honest than her own words. “They weren’t too much trouble, were they?” Bud asked her mother.

“I don’t know if I should take offense to that,” Hope said. “Of course your mother had things down pat. Although, we’re going to have to do something about Nebula’s rebellious behavior.”

“If you were giving her the baby-talk as I told you not to then it’s your own fault. I already told you she gets upset when you do that.”

“You make it seem like she’s concerned about her self-image. You do remember she’s a baby filly, right?”

“A baby filly that’s smarter than most,” Bud added.

“That’s right knave,” Nebula voiced from within the comfort of her mother’s hoof. “Recognize who you are speaking to.”

“And you should stop treating your grandmother like she’s your enemy,” Bud scolded her daughter. “She may be overwhelming at times, but all she wants is for you to be happy.”

“Hey,” Nebula leered at her mother. “Don’t turn this around on me. I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“It’s okay Bud,” Hope lowered her face to Nebula’s, who reflexively made herself smaller within Bud’s hoof. “I already figured that she’s not all that thrilled about my company. Maybe it’s my lack of understanding of Thestrals or maybe she doesn’t like how I approach her. I’ll just have to run through trial-and-error to see what works and what doesn’t.” Hope reached out her hoof to rub Nebula’s head. Nebula debated whether to bit Hpe’s hoof until she heard her continue, “I know you find safety with my daughter, but I also want you to feel the same about me. Because I love you too.”

“...” Nebula paused at the gentle smile her grandmother displayed before her. It honestly gave her a fuzzy feeling that made her uncomfortable, but also...Nebula turned away form Hope and hid her face within Bud’s coat.

“She’s so adorable when she’s shy,” Hope cooed. “If I knew saying that would do that to her, I would say it every time.”

Lazuli loomed over an armchair of the couch and voiced, “Hey, I know you’re having a moment here, but when are we getting a babysitter for the two of them? We can’t keep your mom here forever.”

“There’s no need to rush,” Hope assured. “I have my assistant manager running my daycare center in my absence. I can spare as many days as necessary.”

“No,” Bud said. “It’s not fair to keep you away from the foals for too long. I’ve made plans with Loving Passion and Leaf Clip in a few hours to discuss possible nannies. They’ve told me that they have connections with some ponies that I can trust to look after them.”

“Oh,” Hope clapped her hooves. “You’re going to see your friends. Mind if I tag along?”

“N-no, that won’t be necessary.”

“There’s no need to be worried my lovely Bud,” Hope chuckled. “Your mother is not going to embarrass you.”

“Just you saying that makes me even more worried. Please mom, just stay away.”

“You should have more trust in your mother,” Hope harrumphed. “Fine then, I won’t come to your friends, however,” Hope picked up Artemis from Bud’s barrel. “Artemis has to keep her grandmother company while her uncaring daughter leaves her out of her life.”

“You can’t shame me into letting you come,” Bud said. “But you can keep Artemis at the apartment if that what it takes to keep you from embarrassing me.”

“My goodness, your mother is just full of a potty mouth today isn’t she Artemis?” Artemis responded with a growl in his stomach. “Hungry again, are you? You certainly have an appetite of a dragon.”

Hope excused herself with Artemis to the kitchen. Lazuli then voiced, “Nothing ever seems to bring her down. I wish I could be more like that.”

“What do you mean,” Bud asked. “You’ve been pretty optimistic for my sake ever since I became a mother. Sorry, by the way for dragging you into my responsibilities. I know this isn’t what you planned when we picked this apartment for each other.”

Lazuli flicked her hoof on Bud’s head as Bud flinched at her friend’s sudden aggression. “Ow,” Bud rubbed her temple with a hoof. “What was that for?”

“That’s for apologizing to me for no reason. Look, I’m here fo you for whatever. Be it some world-ending stuff or two babies, I’m gonna stick around no matter what. So stop thinking you’ve done something bad to me. Especially when I’ve done worse.”

“Lazuli,” Bud picked Nebula with a hoof before standing on her haunch. “We’re already past that. I know you’ve changed.”

“I know, I know,” Lazuli sighed. “It’s just--” a knock at their front door interrupted her, making Lazuli paused her for an awkward moment. “I get it.” Lazuli excused herself to the door as Bud and Nebula curiously watched her go.

“What was that about?” Nebula asked.

“It’s nothing,” Bud sighed. “Just things from the past.”

“Bud,” Loving Bud perked her ears to a familiar voice that immediately revealed itself to be Chiffon Swirl; or now she should say Chiffon Cake. Chiffon rushed before Bud at the couch and eyed excitingly at Bud’s Thestral daughter. “Oh, we finally get to see each other again. We had such little time together at Ponyville. Especially with my precious niece.”

Nebula dug herself closer into Bud’s coat after Chiffon’s blatant approach. “I didn’t think you would come by so soon,” Bud said. “Aren’t you on your honeymoon?”

“This is partly why we chose Manehattan. I went through nearly a whole year without you around and I’d really like to make up for the lost time. But also, I would never dare neglect Nebula and Artemis from their #1 aunt.”

“You know this isn’t a competition, right?” Bud mentioned.

“Of course I know,” Chiffon assured. “But I’m still just so excited to have another niece and nephew.”

“Chiffon has been mentioning them a lot on way here to Manehattan,” said a lank stallion that entered the room alongside Lazuli. Bud recognized the stallion as Chiffon’s newly husband, Carrot Cake. She never actually had a chance to greet him after the wedding.

“Hello,” Bud said. “You are Carrot Cake, right?”

“That’s right,” Carrot confirmed. “And you are Chiffon’s sister, Loving Bud. It’s nice to finally meet you. Chiffon has talked a lot about you.”

“And yet she didn’t bother to have me as her bridesmaid.”

“I’m so sorry for forgetting to do that,” Chiffon apologized. “I would have definitely done so, but then your foals kind of became one of my main attractions. You can forgive me, can’t you?”

“The last few months have kind of been a hectic for us,” Carrot voiced. “I’ve been kind of forgetful of other things myself.”

“It’s fine,” Bud tried to assure them. “I don’t want you to feel bad about it. I can get it. You had a lot of things to deal with.”

“I might have forgotten to add as my bridesmaid,” Chiffon admitted. “But I haven’t forgotten to have a sister’s week with you.”

“But I thought you were on your honeymoon?”

“And this is partly it. You, me, and my husband spending time in the big city of Manehattan.”

“I don’t know, doesn’t it defeat the purpose of a honeymoon if I’m around?”

“Bud, you’re clearly overthinking this. Carrot and I are definitely going to have moments together, but I also want to catch up with my sister and for Carrot to become friends with his new sister-in-law.”

“Well, if that’s what you really want then I won’t go against it. I have been a bit lonely without my sisters around.”

“This week will be so much fun,” Chiffon cheered. “Did you know there’s going to be festival later this week with a section in extravagant baking?”

“How could I not? The academy will be canceled for that day.”

“Perfect, then it can be all of us together.”

Another knock was heard from the door as Lazuli groaned, “Another one? How many ponies plan on coming to my apartment?” Lazuli returned to the front door and opened it. Before Lazuli stood a yellow unicorn mare in a business dress. “Uh, can I help you with something?”

“Is this the apartment where Loving Bud is taking residence?” the yellow mare asked.

“And who’s asking,” Lazuli gazed suspiciously at the mare.

“My name is Tenure Grace,” she presented herself. “I was sent by the officials of Manehattan concerning the matter of two ‘unique’ baby foals.”

“Lazuli,” Bud strode beside Lazuli. “Who is that at the door?”

“You must be Loving Bud,” Grace said. “Correct?”

“I am,” Bud confirmed. “Do you need me for something?”

“On the contrary, it’s quite the opposite. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tenure Grace. I am a social worker that has been ordered by the officials of Manehattan to assist you regarding your foals.”

“I don’t think I understand,” Bud said. “Why would the officials send a social worker to me?”

“After the accident at the hospital, they have became weary that your son may have another discharge within the public. And your daughter appears as a foreign anomaly that they are unsure to leave alone. To quell their concerns, I have elected to become their nanny and supervise their growth.”

“Th-that won’t be necessary.” Bud voiced. “Princess Celestia has already dealt with Artemis’s magic. You can tell them that I have everything under control.”

“That won’t due Ms. Loving,” Grace said. “They need to hear from me that the matter is under control and I cannot do so without observing them myself.”

“Well tell those officials to stop butting in other ponies’ business,” Lazuli retorted. “Bud already told that we got this.”

“It’s not a personal matter when they are a potential safety hazard to other ponies,” Grace explained. “Trust me when I say that I am more than capable to care for your foals. I have years of experience that will prove a benefit to your trouble.”

“Are you implying that I can’t handle raising my foals,” Bud questioned.

“Please do not misunderstand,” Grace said. “I am well aware of your experience at a daycare center at Baltimare. However, wouldn’t you agree that your foals are an outlier from any other you have dealt with?”

“Wouldn’t it be the same for you?” Bud countered.

“My job has delved me into very unique challenges that have taught me to adapt to many circumstances, which is why the officials are confident that I am the perfect pony for the task. I assure you that I am here to simply alleviate the worries of both parties.” Grace pulled out a business card from her saddlebag and gave it to Lazuli. “Here’s my business card. We will talk more tomorrow about our arrangement.”

“Wait but--” Bud tried to voice her opinion but the mare had excused herself and descended the floors of the apartment.”

“Who the heck does she think she is,” Lazuli voiced. “Coming here making decisions for us.”

Bud held Nebula close as her daughter gazed curiously at the path Tenure Grace left from. Bud doesn’t know what she wants for her foals yet, but she’d be damned to Tartarus before she lets another pony decide for her again.