• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

31: Caught Between the Winds

Author's Note:

Summer Lazuli

A coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. Upon the holiday Field’s day, Lazuli hosts an event for all students of the Academy.

Loving Bud

A teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of Nebula and Artemis. 

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s son, who is the reincarnation of Princess Luna. 

Loving Nebula

Loving Bud’s daughter, who is the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon.

Loving Hope

An owner of a daycare center at Baltimare who is the jolly mother of Loving Bud and grandmother of Nebula and Artemis.

“Pick up the pace guys, Lazuli cheered as she put on a black hat. “We got a long day ahead of us and there won’t be any pony that didn’t break a sweat.”

“That moxie of yours is adorable, Lazuli,” Hope voiced. “But could you mind being patient? You can't rush a work of art like this.”

In the living room of Lazuli and Bud’s apartment, Hope had gingerly adorned the foals in a foal-sized cheerleading outfit that she had conveniently commissioned from the enabling seamstress from Baltimare. Unable to successfully resist the whims of their fanatic grandmother, Nebula sighed of yet another unavoidable humiliation. The filly could only take solace that every pony was ignorant of her true identity, else this would be a scandal that would plague her for centuries.

Her brother, on the other hoof, showed indifference to his outfit. While Hope tried to get the two to mimic a waving motion with pom poms that she gave to the two of them, Artemis’s attention constantly went towards his mother, who was currently cooking in the kitchen. From the slobber he made from his mouth that Hope constantly had to clean, she can deduce that her grandson had a hunger for some pineapple slices.

“You do realize Artemis is a colt, right?” Lazuli asked.

“You’re missing the big picture here,” Hope said. “This event needs to be extra special with all the pizzazz it can get. And what’s more special than a duo of beautiful foals cheering for all the ponies?”

“You’re just doing it to satisfy your own desire,” Lazuli said.

“I’m sure he’ll understand,” Bud voiced as she shifted through foods in the kitchen. She had a basket on the counter that she was filling with wrapped dishes. “And if not, he'll no doubt forget all about it when he remembers the taste of the sweet pineapples slices, I've prepared for him.”

“You might as well give some slices right now,” Lazuli pointed out. “He’s going to soak that outfit in if his drooling keeps up.”

“That should not be your biggest concern, Lazuli,” Grace voiced after looking away from the window. “The success of today’s event is what should take precedence for you. Field day is a very important holiday for foals that want to celebrate the end of the school semester. Parents will take notice of their response. You have done well in designing various activities for not only the foals but for the parents themselves to participate in. However, I would recommend ensuring that all of the equipment is in an acceptable condition. We don’t want to risk any accidents occurring."

“What’re you in my business for?” Lazuli asked. “Your job is with Arty and Neb, not me.”

“It’s Neb-Neb,” Hope corrected, earning a rolled eye from Lazuli.

“You share residence with the foals," Grace argued. "Because of that, your performance at the event will be reflective of how ponies will view how you interact with Bud’s foals. There is no room for error.”

“Don’t you think that’s a stretch?” Lazuli sighed. “Also, the whole point of the event is for ponies to have fun. You gotta loosen up a bit, else you’ll ruin the whole vibe.”

“I think everything will be fine,” Bud voiced. “I know that Lazuli put a lot of thought into today, so we should just trust her and enjoy ourselves.”

“I’m not devaluing her efforts,” Grace said. “I just don’t want anything to ruin this day for us.”

“Yeesh,” Lazuli said. “You probably need this more than any pony. I’m gonna have to get your blood flowing to get you out of this funk.”

“Are you implying that I will be participating in these activities?” Grace asked.

“Why not?” Hope said. “It’s a family event, so of course all of my daughters are going to be out there.”

“You...you don’t have to keep saying that,” Grace covered the side of her face with a hoof in an attempt to hide her blush.

“Well,” Lazuli said. “I can’t really stick around too long. Despite how much of a perfectionist Grace is, I should check up on things in the field just to be safe. Don't take too long, okay?”

Lazuli made her way to the entrance door and when she opened it, she was stopped by a mare and stallion. “Huh?”

The eyes of the mare and Lazuli were met briefly before the mare suddenly pounced upon Lazuli and tackled her to the ground. “It’s you,” the mare said. “You won’t believe how long I’ve waited to see you again.”

“Hey, what do you think you're doing?” Lazuli tried to push the mare off of her, but the mare’s grasp upon her was disturbingly strong to Lazuli's surprise. So strong in fact, that Lazuli began to struggle to gasp for air.

"Honey," the stallion tapped on the mare's back. "You may have to wait some more if you keep that grip on her."

The mare glanced upon the gasping Lazuli and then gasped herself as she dropped Lazuli from her hold. “Oh! I’m so sorry about that. I just got so excited that I couldn’t help myself.”

A frown came upon the mare, earning a pull from the stallion that hugged her to his side. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’ve been hoping for this moment for a long time. I think she’ll understand when she hears you out.”

“The heck was that for,” Lazuli picked herself back to her hooves. “Do you ponies just bear hug everypony you meet?... Wait a minute, don’t I know you?”

“Yes…,” the mare stuttered as she rubbed the back of her head. “Though it wasn’t at the best of times. Does the name Windy Whistles ring a bell?”

“Why wouldn’t I know it?” Lazuli remarked. “That’s the mare that pretty much ended my career as an ace.”

“Yeah,” the mare lowered her head. “Sorry about that.”

“...wait,” Lazuli pointed a hoof at the mare. “You’re her, aren’t you?”

“And my name is Bow Hothoof,” the stallion presented himself. “I’m Windy’s husband.”

“This is so out of the blue,” Lazuli said. “Why are you two here?”

“Well,” Windy anxiously started. Her tone wholly lacked the enthusiasm she had beforehoof. “We’ve actually been trying to work up the courage to do this months ago, but I kept backing out whenever we came to the city. But then we heard a few days ago from a parent of one of your students that you would be hosting the field day event for the school.”

“So, you’ve been spying on me?” Lazuli raised a brow.

“No, no, no,” Windy hurriedly waved her hooves. “We knew the pony by chance. But anyways, Bow and I had a long talk and we agreed that today was the day that we made this happen, no matter how this may turn out…”


“So... Hi,” Windy anxiously waved a hoof at Lazuli.

“You’ll have to excuse Windy,” Bow said. “She’s been really nervous about this for a long time. You won’t believe how long she wished to connect with her niece.”

“My what?” Lazuli widened her eyes.

“Oh,” Windy widened her eyes. “Did I forget to mention that!?”

“That was a very important detail,” Bow pointed out.

“I hope you three don’t plan on having this entire conversation at the front door,” Hope had appeared behind Lazuli. “Come inside, we can continue this over a cup of juice. Do y’all prefer apple or orange?”

“But...shouldn’t I be going off to the field,” Lazuli said.

“I think you can spare some time,” Hope said. “Besides, I think you need this.”

Hope guided the group back into the living room, earning stares from the foals and the other mares. Hope welcomed Windy and Bow to sit on the couch while Lazuli sat before them on the opposite side of the living room table where the foals gathered beside her.

“What are those two adorable creatures you have there,” Windy shouted as she pointed at the two foals on both of Lazuli’s side.

“Ugh,” Nebula cringed as she hid behind Lazuli. “She’s another one of those mushy types. I hate those the most.”

“Are they yours,” Windy asked Lazuli.

“What!?” Lazuli’s face lit beet red. “No, they’re—”

“Momma,” Lazuli’s ears perked at Artemis’s call.

“Not now,” Lazuli scolded the colt, earning a tear from the rejected mare. “C’mon Arty, you’re a stallion.” Lazuli picked up the colt and expectantly got her neck gnawed by him. “Nopony likes a salty colt, Arty.”

“Momma!” Artemis shouted again.

“Lazuli,” Windy said. “You shouldn’t do that to your foals. That’ll hurt their feelings...wait, did you say that she’s a colt?”

“I just said,” Lazuli stopped and looked at Bud and Hope. “Are you guys gonna say anything?”

“Just let him call you momma,” Bud said as she came into the living with two cups. She set each before Windy and Bow on the table.

“Doesn’t that bother you though,” Lazuli asked. “I mean, you’re their real mom. And I’m just…”

“You’re whatever they want you to be,” Bud declared. “If Artemis wants to see you as a second mother, then you’re a second mother. Don’t fight with him about it.”

“Well,” Lazuli started with a small blush. “If that’s what you want then I’ll just have to accept it, right?”

“Excuse me,” Windy raised a hoof. “But did you happen to mention that Artemis there is a colt?”

“That’s right,” Bud confirmed.

“Do you think he would be alright if you dress him like that?” Windy asked.

“That’s what I’ve been saying,” Lazuli voiced.

“It would be an injustice not to dress him like this,” Hope argued. “Just tell that he doesn’t look like the most adorable cheerleader you have ever laid your eyes upon?”

“I can’t refute that,” Windy admitted. “He is undoubtedly cute in that outfit.”

“That’s not the point!” Lazuli raised her voice.

“You right,” Bow agreed. “I think it’s about time we’ve explained ourselves, don’t you think?”

“Right…” Windy anxiously agreed. An unnerving silence had now invaded the room as all eyes laid upon Windy. “So…”

“So,” Grace started. “You’re Lazuli’s biological aunt? I must say, you are far younger than I would expect.”

“Right,” Windy confirmed with a stutter. “I’d say we’re only a year apart.”

“I heard you were an ace from Cloudsdale,” Hope said. “Must’ve had big plans for yourself like becoming a wonderbolt, right?”

“Actually, that was the idea,” Windy admitted. “Though it was probably for the wrong reasons, I think.”

“What does that mean?” Lazuli wondered.

“You see...I wanted to become the best wonderbolt. At the very least one that was better than my brother. I did it for the only purpose of getting him to finally acknowledge me after ignoring me for nearly all my life.”

“Are you talking about my dad?” Lazuli asked.

“Wind doesn’t talk much about his family,” Hope said. “I always wondered why?”

“I didn’t understand it fully,” Windy said. “In fact, I still don’t quite get it even now. But what I do know is that it all began when he became a wonderbolt. My parents described that at that point, he started to become embarrassed of us.”

“What?” Lazuli raised a brow. “Why would he think that?”

“Knowing him, which isn’t a lot sadly,” Windy solemnly said. “It’s probably because he viewed us as weak. I’ve hardly ever had moments with him, but I got the impression that he judges ponies by their strengths and accomplishments. Seeing as my parents were only weather patrols, I can only think he didn’t see much value in us.”

“But that’s messed up,” Lazuli argued. “...And probably right. I can’t tell you how furious he was when you beat me at our race.”

“I’m sorry,” Windy apologized. “I didn’t want to cause trouble for you, but I did in the end. And the worst part of it all is that it came to nothing in the end.”

“Course it did,” Lazuli argued. “Look where I’m at now.”

“Wasn’t your dream to become a wonderbolt like Wind?” Windy asked. “I took that away from when I beat you. I did it in my goal to become a wonderbolt and here I am now with nothing to show for all my efforts.”

“Being a wonderbolt was something that my dad wanted for me,” Lazuli said. “The only reason I agreed to it was because that was the expectation he had for me. But, never did he ask what I wanted. And never did I until I met Bud.”

“So,” Windy looked at the ponies and foals in the room. “This was what you wanted?”

“It’s what I chose,” Lazuli stated. “I think that’s more important than listening to what my dad picked for me.”

“I must say,” Grace voiced. “This Wind Rider sounds to be a very selfish stallion. Forcing expectations like that is not healthy for ponies.”

“I tried to beat him at his own game by becoming a wonderbolt,” Windy said. “If I could have become a wonderbolt, one greater than him, then he would have no choice but to acknowledge me. Maybe then he would hear me out and come back to us.”

“He’s been ignoring you guys for years for something that stupid?” Lazuli said.

“Maybe?” Windy said. “I don’t get what goes through his mind, but I want to understand him. He’s my brother, so I want to get along with him.””

“Is that the reason you’re here today?” Hope asked. “You can't get an answer from Wind, so you're hoping to get one from his daughter.”

“No, actually,” Wind answered. “I'm just finally overcoming my fear of meeting you.” Windy looked towards Lazuli. “I've been afraid to meet you ever since what happened at that race. When I saw your face from the finish line, I felt like I had done something terrible. But I pushed on, focusing on the goal I set upon myself. At least, until it finally ruined me.”

“Did something happen?” Hope asked.

“I’m not a wonderbolt,” Windy answered. “Nor will I ever be, given my condition.”

“You continued using that technique recklessly,” Lazuli said. “Didn’t you?”

“It was the only thing that set me apart from others,” Windy said. “I was so dependent on it that I didn't know what to do without it.”

Lazuli gazed at Windy’s wings. They appeared thin, thinner than the average pegasi should be. “They look fragile.”

“That’s right,” Windy confirmed. “Doctor said I can’t race competitively anymore else I won’t be flying for the rest of my life. A slow and steady cruise in the sky is all that’s left in my flying days.”

“I’m so sorry to hear about that,” Grace said.

“It’s fine,” Windy assured. “I think that was a wake-up call for me. I even got to meet this big lug in this process because of it. He doesn’t want to say it, but he’s actually the one that gave me the courage to come here. I just wished I didn’t hold out on this for so long.”

“Better late than never I say,” Lazuli chuckled, but then her expression got serious. “But I’ll be honest, I don’t really know how to feel about this. I always thought of meeting my family from my dad’s side, but I was scared of what they may be or how they would react.”

“You have nothing to be afraid of,” Windy said. “We’re just a bunch of jolly folks. It’s apparently the crowd that my big brother just doesn’t want to be a part of though...”

Amid the brief silence, the group heard a knock on the door. “I wonder who that could be,” Bud said as she proceeded to the door. When she opened it, she stood appalled of who stood before her. “Wind Rider!”

Wind was indifferent to Bud’s surprise and answered, “Loving Bud, is my daughter here?”

“Um, well, yes. But what’re you—”

“Brother,” Windy lurched behind Bud. “Is it really you?”

Again, Wind Rider was indifferent as he stepped inside and went past Bud and Windy. In the living room, he discovered his bewildered daughter and approached her. “I figured you would be at your workplace at this time. Care to explain why you’re slacking off?”

“The heck is you doing here?” Lazuli growled.

“Today is a special event from your school for parents and students. I felt it necessary to observe you at work.”

“How do you know that? I don’t tell you anything about my job?”

“You honestly think I wouldn’t keep tabs on my own daughter?”

“Wind Rider, right?” Bow stood before Wind. “My name is Bow Hothoof. I’m the husband of your sister, Windy Whistles.”

Wind did not respond to Bow, only glancing around his figure as if he were assessing him. “Your body is too heavily built. I can tell your top speed is likely below average.”

“I guess Windy was right about how you judge ponies,” Bow commented. “It’s kinda impressive honestly. But that’s not important. I think you should talk with your sister. You’ve put her through some rough spots, and you should apologize to her.”

“I don’t remember asking for your input,” Wind dismissively said.

“I don’t remember asking for yours!” Lazuli growled.

“Everypony back to their seats,” Hope voiced. “I prefer it we don’t drive this into a jumbled hiss fit. Wouldn’t you agree, Wind Rider?”

“...Of course,” Wind agreed as he took a seat beside the couch that Windy returned to. His sister took frequent glances upon him that he chose to ignore.

Growing annoyed by the returning silence, Lazuli sighed and said, “Fine, I’ll bite. Why are you showing your face here when no pony asked for it?”

“You could have worded that differently,” Grace mumbled.

“I’ve come here to see where Loving Bud’s influence has led you,” Wind indifferently stated. “Ever since you fell into the whims of that mare,”—Wind nodded towards Loving Bud— “you have strayed from the path I had set for you.”

“That’s because I chose my own,” Lazuli argued. “You don’t get to dictate where I go.”

“And so, you let somepony else do it for you.”

“That’s not true,” Lazuli growled at her father’s remark.

“You may not like to admit it,” Wind said. “But ponies have always had a strong impression on you. The only reason it wasn’t as bad now was because your focus was latched only to me. Now that you’ve moved to Bud, you’ve let everypony lay an impact on you.”

“Will you quit with the exaggeration?” Lazuli leered at him. “You make it sound like I got corrupted when that definitely wasn’t the case. Stop being a stubborn geezer and realize that I chose to be this way.”

“Yes, yes,” Wind said. “You’ve made that argument countless times, but it’s never that convincing. That’s why I would like to see the result of these choices you presumed to have made for yourself.”

“What’re you going on about?”

“Friends and family members of the staff and students are welcome to participate in the Field day event of your school. Since you are the one orchestrating the event, I intend to see how you fare.”

“You’re going to challenge me? For Celestia’s sake, why can’t you just accept that this is who I am?”

“If you want me to think otherwise, then prove it to me. Show me if this is what your cutie mark intended for you.”

“And what? If I fail, will you disown me like you did with your other family?”

Wind’s eyes strained at her daughter as the two began to glare at each other, building a tense atmosphere that left the group unnerved. At least, until Hope stepped into the conversation and said, “Well I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

“Seriously?” Lazuli was astonished.

“Wind Rider might be a party pooper,” Hope admitted, earning an annoyed glance from the stallion. “But he’s still part of the family. And with Windy and Bow coming along, this should just about include everypony.”

“...What do you mean by everypony,” Bud stepped before her mother.

“It’s just as what it means,” Hope answered matter-of-factly. “I’ve already mailed to all our friends and family about the event that Lazuli would be hosting at the school days ago. They should be on the field pretty soon. I even managed to invite your friends you met at Canterlot. Isn’t that exciting?”

“Mom!” Bud pounced her mother and began to pinch her face. “Stop doing things behind my back!”

“Easy honey,” Hope said. “Don’t you know that means that Bright Mac is coming as well. That will be a treat, won’t it?”

“He’s married!” Bud roared as she roughly pinched upon her mother’s cheeks. Her transgression only a laugh from her mother as the others were a bit confused about what to do in this scene.

All except for Wind and Lazuli, who bore at each other’s eye with determination. Neither chose to relent as always, so they finally set it on the field.

“You ponies are so overdramatic,” Nebula sighed from Lazuli’s side.

“Does that filly have fangs!?” Windy suddenly shouted.