• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

11 - Breakfast

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

Teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of two foals that just so happen to be reincarnations of Equestria’s forgotten princess. Though she is lost and confused about her newfound motherhood, she chooses to persist forward.

Summer Lazuli

Coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. Though she is shaken by her friend’s newfound motherhood, she aims to stay strong and support her.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn son that she learned to be the reincarnation of Princess Luna.

Loving Nebula

Loving Bud’s newborn daughter that is the reincarnation of the infamous Nightmare Moon. 

Loving Hope

Mother of Loving Bud and an unexpected grandmother of two foals.

Bud felt warmth permeating throughout her body when she began to regain her consciousness. Her eyes opened slowly but then fluttered closed when a ray of sunlight struck her from the window. She groaned in annoyance and lifted her forehoof to mask her eyes from the rising sun. A yawn then escaped her, followed by a brief stretch of her legs.

After her limbs had run its course, her eyes finally dawned upon a gradual motion she felt brushing beneath her barrel. There, she recognized her two foals, sleeping soundly underneath her hoof and comforter. Nebula had buried a side of her face into Bud’s lime coat while Artemis constricted his small hooves onto Bud’s hoof. Her daughter looked so peaceful in her sleep and her son seemed satisfied with nibbling on Bud’s hoof.

This was still strange to her. Seeing the two of them again was proof that this was now her reality. That everything she had experienced in the last few unusual days was indeed real. And every time she comes to that realization, she is met with mixed emotions.

There would be a moment of relief that her foals were not figments of her imagination, but then she would fell dread after realizing what her foals really are. Them being the reincarnation of the greatest threat to Equestria was still a fact she was having difficulty to accept.

Despite receiving some assurance of her daughter’s trust, she could still feel the anxieties that followed her from the hospital. Still questioning if she is truly capable of raising foals like them. All of her years at working at her mother’s daycare felt redundant when it came to them. This was something new, an uncharted place she has no idea to make sense of.

But why was that so? Was it because they aren’t normal foals. Or maybe it’s because they are her foals.

Bud hated thinking this way. A mother should not be so troubled about her role. Always seconding guessing herself every morning. But she couldn’t help but ask herself these questions.

Before she could delve further into her darker thoughts, a flash of light immediately cleansed them away. Bud yelped at the sudden flash and then vigorously rubbed her eyes with her free hoof.

“Whoops,” Bud heard a voice. “I’m so sorry my lovely Bud. My hoof slipped.”

“Mom,” Bud whined. “What are you doing!?” When she lowered her hoof, Bud found her mother standing beside the couch with a camera in her hooves. Hope placed it atop a small table that stood inches beside the couch as the camera slotted out a photo. “Were you taking pictures of me in my sleep again?”

“Please forgive your mother my lovely Bud. I couldn’t help myself. When I saw you sleeping with your foals, you looked so radiant. It was too tempting for this old mare to resist."

“Why do you have to be so weird,” Bud glared at her mother. “Wait, how long were you watching me?”

“Oh, not too long, I promise.” Hope pulled the photo out of the camera. Bud will most likely find it plastered somewhere in this house the next time she comes by to visit. When she laid the photo back in the small table, she continued, “I really came here to wake you up for breakfast.”

“You made breakfast without me?” Bud was disappointed. “But we always cook together in the morning.”

“I know sweetie; I love those moments too. But, I felt bad stealing you away from your foals. Besides, you going to need all the rest you can get for the work you’re going to be doing fo the rest of your life.”


“Hm?” Hope was perplexed by her daughter’s blank gaze. “Are you still tired? I can give you another few minutes if you need it.”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Oh, have something on your mind then. Go on then, tell your mother what’s troubling you.” Hope lowered to the arm of the couch that Bud rested upon and ensnared her daughter’s head to her chest. Her affection was nostalgic and comforting to Bud, but also very confusing.

“It’s you, mom,” Bud answered.

Her response made her mother flinch before she spoke. “Me? I don’t understand. What did I do?”

“It’s what’s you’re not doing that’s troubling me. Why aren’t you upset with me? Didn’t break the promise we made together?”

“Promise? Oh, you mean about not rushing into things. Well, I can’t say you broke it since you were pregnant beforehoof. Though I am a bit hurt that you hid that from me. Did you really think your mother would come to hate you?” Hope proceeded to rub her daughter’s head. “I don’t want you to ever think that.”

“I’m sorry mom.”

“I won’t push you on the matter about the foals. I can already tell it’s something complicated for you. I can wait for whenever you’re ready. Just know that your mother will be right by side, no matter what.”

“I know mom,” Bud tucked her head closer to her mother. She felt safe in her grasp. It was like all the fear and anxieties she dreaded in was being purged by her mother’s warmth. She yearned to savor this moment for as long as she could.

“Ugh,” Bud heard another voice. “Why is everything so sappy with you around?”

Bud pulled herself from her mother’s grasp and found her daughter grumbling with her slitted eyes fluttering open. “Nebula, you’re awake.”

“You woke up just in time my little rebel,” Hope approached the filly from the front of the couch. “I made banana porridge.”

Hope attempted to grab hold of Nebula, but the filly quickly climbed over Bud and burrowed a small space behind her to hide in. Nebula then glared at her grandmother and said, “Not this time you molesting swine. I refuse to endure another session of your ‘love’.”

“Why are you giving me that stink eye,” Hope was befuddled by Nebula’s reaction. “Oh, I didn’t come on to you too strong did I? You don’t have to be afraid of me.” When Nebula burrowed further behind Bud, Hope sighed. “Fine then, at least Arty isn’t afraid of her grandmother’s loving touch.”

Artemis had started stirring when his sister’s warmth was absent from him. The colt opened his eyes and let out a wide yawn that warmed Bud’s hoof.

Bud lifted her hoof from over Artemis for her mother to grab the colt. Her son widened his eyes when Hope picked him up and blinked when he met Hope’s face from her chest.

“Good morning Arty,” Hope cooed. “Did you get a good night’s sleep?” Artemis made a simple moan in response. It didn’t confirm anything of her question but that mattered little to Hope since she still gave streaks of kisses on his cheeks regardless. Artemis opened his mouth wide and clamped them at each of Hope’s thrust as if he was trying to catch Hope’s lips. Bud chuckled at her son’s silly attempt. It was an adorable sight.

When Hope was finally satisfied with Artemis’s cheeks, she said, “Now I need you to get up quick my lovely Bud. We do have a trip to Ponyville this morning. We don’t want to keep the Swirls waiting.”

“Yes mom, I know.”

“Well aren’t you now all-knowing,” Hope commented before she began walking off with Artemis. “Now how about we get your tummy filled, shall we?” When she left the room, Bud heard her daughter sigh as she climbed a bit out of the hiding spot.

“You don’t have to be afraid of her,” Bud told her. “You know that she cares about you.”

“Is that what you saw,” her daughter said sourly. “That mare views me as some doll she has the gall to play around with as she please. I won’t subject myself to such disrespect from a mere plebe. Or any creature for that matter.”

“Mom is usually upfront about her feelings. Believe me, she only sees you as a granddaughter she wants to dote on. Especially when you look so unhappy all the time.”

“I’m not oblivious you dullard. I’m well aware of her intentions. It doesn't mean I have to like it.”

“I thought you would like to be adored. You don’t seem to have a problem when I’m doing it now.”

“Will you stop nagging me!? Did you forget who I am? Who are you to lecture me, Nightmare Moon?”

“I’m your mother,” Bud stated.

“Don’t you dare try to pull that rank on me. I told you not to let it go to your head.”

“Well, this is our reality Nebula,” Bud grabbed Nebula and sat up atop the couch. “The sooner we accept it, the sooner we can move on with our life.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like that either,” Nebula grumbled. Bud was saddened to hear that from her daughter, but she was still hopeful she could change that. She just needs to make Nebula more comfortable with her predicament.

“Hey, are you hungry? I can get you a bowl of mom’s banana porridge if you like?”

“Ugh, what’s her obsession with feeding me bananas? I’m a Thestral now, not a bat.” Nebula sighed before continuing. “Fine, I do feel a bit peckish.”

“Next time, I’ll make something special for you. Just tell me what it is you like.”

“I doubt you can cook the dishes I have in mind. Though, I respect you are willing to try.”

“I’m sure you’ll love it. You’ll see.”

“Good morning Ms. Bud,” Bud heard her favored student as she entered the dining room with Nebula. She found her seated at the same place at the dining table with a bowl of banana porridge nearly finished.

“Oh,” Bud was a bit surprised to find Raven here. When did she get up? Did she help her mother with breakfast? “Good morning Raven.”

Bud’s mother had settled Artemis in a highchair between Raven and herself. After gently patting the colt’s head, she said, “Just give me a few seconds to bring the bowls. Raven, can you keep an eye on Arty for me?”

“Of course ma’am,” Raven enthusiastically said. “You can count on me.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear,” Hope said and then excused herself to the kitchen. Bud sat on the same seat from yesterday with Nebula placed in her old highchair.

“This chair is horrendous,” Nebula commented. Bud only sighed, not wanting to baffle her student by responding to Nebula’s disdain.

“You’re up quite early,” Bud spoke to Raven. “Did my mother wake you?”

“Oh no,” Raven answered. “Ms. Hope did nothing of the sort. I found an alarm clock in your room and used it to wake up in the morning. My dad expects me to always be punctual with everything I do.”

“How diligent,” Bud awkwardly commented. “But you do know you can take it easy while you’re here with me, right?”

“I don’t know if dad would approve of that.”

“Well he’s not here right now,” Bud said but could still see hesitance in her student’s face. “Raven, the reason I agreed to bring you with me was to give you a break. I know your father has been constantly training you to become the best fit for our Princess, but you should still have time to relax and unwind. You’re still just a young filly.”

“...You sound just like my mother,” Raven smiled.

“Do I? Well, she sounds like a smart mare.”

“She was...maybe I should take your advice. Just focus on relaxing, right?”

“Do I have to lecture you on the way of leisure,” Bud grinned.

“No need Ms. Bud, I already have my source of joy right here.” Raven laid her hoof on Artemis’s tray and the colt quickly swooped down to gnaw his small teeth on it. Raven chuckled at the colt’s voracity. “Artemis certainly has a robust oral fixation. We should find him a pacifier soon. Perhaps one that is durable.”

“A plain pacifier will not suffice for Luna,” Nebula said. “It must bear an allure to the night with the best of craftsmanship. Anything less will not due.”

“Where do you expect me to find something like that,” Bud questioned her daughter.

“Find what,” Raven asked.

“Oh, uh, nothing. I was just speaking my thoughts out loud.”

“I’m back,” Hope singsong as she returned with a plate with three bowls. She passed between Bud and Nebula first and laid a bowl in front of each of them. Nebula observed the content of the porridge, leaving herself open for Hope to plant a kiss on her cheeks.

“You sneaky cu--” before Nebula could finish, Bud had prodded a spoonful of her own porridge into Nebula’s mouth.

“Language Nebula,” Bud mumbled close to Nebula. Her daughter glared at her but swallowed the porridge regardless when Bud pulled the spoon out from her mouth.

“The next time you do that, I’ll tear your hoof off.” Her threat appeared ineffective as Bud picked another spoonful fo porridge from Nebula’s bowl.

“Don’t tell me she’s rebellious to her own mother,” Hope said when she sat on a seat next to Artemis, who was still fiddling with Raven’s hoof. “Usually you don’t deal with that up until their teenage years.”

Nebula gritted her teeth at Hope’s words. It sickened her to be smothered with such belittlement, but things may not bode well for her and Luna if she does not at least try to follow the role that was placed upon her. She has to endure, for Luna’s sake. “Hurry up and feed me already.”

Bud briefly widened her eyes, taken aback by her daughter’s sudden compliance. She could’ve sworn her daughter was going to fight fang and nail with her like with her mother yesterday.

Knowing she wouldn’t understand her daughter’s thoughts, she adhered to her daughter’s demand and fed the porridge to the willing filly. Nebula left nothing on the spoon before she pulled the spoon out again.

“That was a quick change,” Hope commented. “She must really love my porridge.” Hope then noticed Artemis was now eyeing on the small bowl of porridge she laid on his tray. “Don’t worry Arty, I haven’t forgotten about you.”

Nebula made a glance upon the three ponies on the other side of the table from her and Bud. Artemis seemed elated from the porridge Hope was feeding her and Bud’s student observed the colt attentively to wipe any spill he made on himself with a napkin. Not once did he look her way or acknowledge her presence. Just another proof she wasn't there.

No, I’ll get her back. Even if it’s the last thing I do.

A pair of knocks were heard from the front door in between their breakfast. Bud dropped the spoon she used for her meal. “That must be Lazuli,” she guessed as she excused herself after instructing Raven to keep her daughter company.

Her student has done nothing to earn Nebula’s ire, so hopefully, there won’t be any complications.

When Bud opened the front door, she saw her friend in a lamenting appearance. Lazuil’s short mane and coat were ruffled and disheveled. “Why do you look like you just got out of the bed,” Bud felt compelled to ask.

“It’s that bad, huh?” Lazuli weakly grinned. “I left the house kind of early; didn’t feel like sticking around too long.”

“Without grooming yourself?”

“I get it, Bud. I look horrible. So why not be a good buddy and let me in before another pony looks at me weird.” Bud complied, guiding her friend into the living room. Lazuli jumped onto the couch and then pulled the comforter Bud left over her hind hooves. “Did you sleep here?”

“Yes, but that’s not what I want to talk about.” Bud sat on the couch next to her friend. “Lazuli, what happened at the house?”

“Wait, did you let Raven sleep in your room? No way, you never let anypony sleep in there. And I offered for a sleepover like a hundred times.”


“Hey, you think she found that foal plush you said you lost. I bet-”

“Did you have another fight with your dad,” Bud interjected. Lazuli stopped and blankly gazed at her friend. There was a long pause between them and when Lazuli couldn’t handle facing her friend, she turned her gaze.

“He started it,” Lazuli grumbled.

“It’s about the Wonderbolts again, isn’t it?”

“It’s always about the Wonderbolts Bud. That old bag wouldn’t get off my case about joining them. I knew it was coming the second I saw him this morning.”


“I swear that’s the only thing Wind Rider ever goes on about. He never shuts up about that dumb record of his. It’s like he wants me to be an exact copy of himself.”

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that again. I can only hope he comes to accept your decisions one day. Coaching is something you love to do and I think you made the best choice for yourself when you decided to go to Manehatten to embrace it.”

“Heh, I doubt he will ever understand. He’s always been like this ever since...Sorry, I really shouldn’t be complaining about this. You already have enough to worry about. But I got your back.”

“And I want to have yours as well,” Bud retorted. “I don’t want you to feel burdened by your father’s expectation. That’s why I’ll be right by your side to prove you were right in your choice. And if you have a hard time believing yourself, then I’ll help you to.”

Lazuli’s cheeks flushed as she was finding it harder to look at Bud now. She’s always so caring of others, even to somepony like her who didn’t deserve it.

“You don’t believe me,” Lazuli heard a gloom in her friend’s voice. She hesitantly faces her friend who was still gazing at her with less resolute moments ago.

“I’ll always believe you...But, maybe I would believe you more if I could get a hug.” Lazuli mentally kicked herself after realizing what she blurted out.

“Of course,” Bud smiled and hugged Lazuli.

Thankfully Lazuli’s friend could not see the redness enveloping her face. It not very often the two share such skinship and Lazuli was now swelling up with temptations to resist savoring in it. She breathed in Bud’s raw scent and rose her hoof to hug her friend back.

“Feeling better,” Bud asked.

“More than I probably should,” she admitted.

“Well don’t get too comfy,” Lazuli widened her eyes at the new voice. Immediately noticing Hope from the path to the dining room, Lazuli jumped back from Bud.

“Ms. Hope,” Lazuli yelped. “Uh, this isn’t what it looks like?”

“Bless your soul that it isn’t,” Hope said with a smile. “I would hate to traumatize three foals.”

“What’re you talking about,” Bud was confused. “I’m just hugging my friend.”

"Nothing important my lovely Bud. I just want to let you know that now would be a good time to have you and your foals washed up. We need to be leaving soon.”

“I was getting around to that,” Bud hopped off the couch and left for the dining room, leaving Lazuli with Hope.

“So…,” Lazuli nervously started. “Can I use your shower?”