• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

33: Blossoming Passion

Author's Note:

Summer Lazuli

A coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. Upon the holiday Field’s day, Lazuli hosts an event for all students of the Academy.

Loving Bud

A teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of Nebula and Artemis.

Leaf Clip

A teacher at Manehattan Academy who acts as a helpful mentor to his students and associates.

Passion Touch

An art teacher at Manehattan Academy. Despite all her quips and sass, there is something pure she desires.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s son, who is the reincarnation of Princess Luna. 

Loving Nebula

Loving Bud’s daughter, who is the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon.

Tenure Grace

A social worker and nanny of Nebula and Artemis. Due to the choker around her neck, she is forced to follow Gold Jaeger’s influences.

“Just remember to take calm breaths while you’re up there, okay?” Bud advised Lazuli behind the wall of a platform. The stadium workers had placed it at the end of the field of the stadium where Lazuli would proceed in her opening ceremony for today's event.

A growing echo of voices assembled on the other side as Lazuli tapped her hoof on the short stairway that would welcome her to the waiting audience. “And if you get nervous, I’ll be there with our friends and family in the crowd to give you support.”

“Don’t get too passionate,” Lazuli chuckled. “You guys might end up taking the entire show away from me.”

“I promise I won't let them,” Bud said, ignoring her friend's lofty insinuation about herself. “And, I know that I’m probably worrying over nothing. It’s just that this event is very important to the students. And because of that, I know it means a lot more to you.”

“Come on Bud, we haven’t started and you’re already making things all gushy,” Lazuli patted a hoof on Bud’s head, earning a cute pout from her friend as she tried to prod it off.

“Don’t worry,” Lazuli shifted to an assuring voice. “I promised today would be a blast, so I’m going to make it so.”

After moving her hoof away from her dear friend, Lazuli turned to the stairs and began her step to the stage. In mere moments, the game would finally begin and all she had worked on these past weeks would be put to the test. The thought of it hastened her breathing, something she would have to change Grace for after constantly voicing her constant concerns.

Lazuli was amid from stopping herself until she heard the assuring voice of her dear friend, "Good luck." Those two simple words instantly cleansed her mind and sparked a smile out of her. Right, how could I screw up with her around?

The attentive eyes of hundreds of ponies welcomed lazuli when she entered upon the stage. Lazuli stepped before a mic stand that stood idly in the middle of the stage and grabbed hold of it.

“I hope you guys haven’t got too comfortable on your butts,” Lazuli’s voice echoed across the stadium. “Because we’re going to be doing a lot together in the next few moments.”

Lazuli then pulled the mic out of the stand and carried upon the edge of the stage as she continued, “A lot of the students have been hoping for this day after all the hard studies they had undergone to prepare for the benchmark test weeks ago. And as we're all proud to find, they've all done admirably.”

The ponies applauded with claps and cheers before Lazuli flapped a hoof to signal them to die down. She then continued, “Now, before we let our students off for the summer to give them their well-deserved break, I think it’s only fair that the school gives them one last reward before we end this semester.”

Lazuli’s eye had trailed upon where Bud was, sitting with their friends and family that had all gathered to give their support. It was a little surreal to her that she found so many to call her family, after all the hurdles she's been through.

Hurdles that constantly reminded her of her father. And there he stood from the bleachers, gazing upon her with interpretive eyes. A sigh escaped Lazuli, earning befuddlement from a large fraction of the ponies.

“You know,” Lazuli started. “School is a nice place where many ponies come together and build new bonds that I hope to last for a long time. But sometimes there are those times where certain ponies haven’t gotten the chance to find those good friends for them and never realize what they're missing out on. That’s why today I’m gonna fix that.”

A small echo of voices reverberated through the crowd as Lazuli continued, “Today just won’t be any normal field day that you’ve been used to. We’re going to be something very special that involves all ponies in this field. What we’ll be doing today will be the first-ever School Olympics of Manehattan.”

Lazuli did not waste time to continue as ponies mumbled their voices. “All students, family members, and staff will come together in splits of four teams to compete in a series of activities I have planned. These games will require teamwork and moral support to overcome the competition.”

Again, the ponies went on with their scattered voices, parents displaying their skepticism. “Come on you guys,” Lazuli voiced. “I would think this would be a perfect chance for you parents to show off to your kids. And,” Lazuli emphasized. “Did I mention there’s a special prize that’ll be awarded at the end?”

The mention of a prize riled up the young students to voice their interest. Like a domino effect, the students beseeched to their parents to join them, inevitably turning their tune to play along. Just exactly how Lazuli imagined would happen.

A proud smile fell upon Lazuli as she noticed Bud clapping her hooves at the growing interest of the crowd. With her friend this excited, there was no way in Tartarus that Lazuli won’t make today memorable for both of them.

Ponies had assembled across the corners of the main field to compare colored cards they received from stadium workers that welcomed them at the entrance. There, they received one of four colors, red, blue, green, and yellow, that they urged for the ponies to keep a hold of until this very moment.

Bud held her green card out as she followed a group of ponies into one corner of the stadium that Lazuli prompted ponies to gather at. Cautious of her foals’ wellbeing, Bud had them climb atop her so she would not lose them within the crowd.

“Dear Bud,” Bud heard a voice calling to her. Following it through the throng of traversing ponies, she discovered Beryl waving widely at her. “We are here. Please, come to us.”

With Duchess Beryl were all the ponies she had communed with at Celestia's garden: Sabah, Velvet, and Quartz.

“We are so fortunate to be able to play these games together,” Beryl cheered. “It is not very often I have the opportunity to sport with my friends.” Blueblood and Shining Armor came upon Bud and crawled upon her hoof. They drew their eyes upon Artemis, who had his hooves wrapped around upon his mother’s neck.

“I’m glad as well,” Bud smiled, but then looked towards Sabah. “But what’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be taking yourself easy?”

“It is only a short walk,” Sabah assured. “I am certain my husband will not mind.”

“She’s curious to see who has been partnered with each other,” Velvet voiced as she strode before Bud to whisk her son upon her back. She then takes a place beside Bud so that her son could rub his face upon Artemis.

This however gained an uproar from Blueblood, who now jumped and leap upon Bud’s pectoral. This prompted Beryl to intervene to follow suit on Velvet’s action as she voiced, “It’s okay Bluey, your mother won’t leave you behind.”

When Blueblood was finally within range, he pushed his face upon Artemis’s other side. Nebula leered at the colts for invading their space, but then chose to relent her fangs when he heard a giggle from her brother.

Bud looked upon her back to look at her son’s fondness of the sudden attention from his friends. “They really like Artemis, don’t they?” Bud commented.

“This is rather a joyous phenomenon for me,” Beryl said. “My dear Bluey has never shown this much interest in other foals. His attention has always centered towards me, no matter how many friends have offered to him. Though I should find solace in my son’s undying yearn, it has always afflicted me with a heavy heart that couldn’t find himself a circle of friends.”

“He’s certainly gotten your son to open out of his shell,” Velvet commented. “He’s even been more open to playing with Shining now.”

Quartz observed the three mares that were chummily remarking upon their children’s friendship. It had prompted her to look upon her daughter, who was snug comfortably with a wrapped strap upon her pectoral.

“Do you wish for Limestone to join them?” Sabah asked.

“What?” Cloudy gaped at her, surprised by the attention. “My foal shall join them when she chooses to. It is not a decision I can force upon her. Believe me, I hath tried.”

“I believe your patience will be rewarded dutifully,” Sabah smiled.

“It would give me joy for my daughter to have a circle of friends,” Cloudy admitted. “I can only hope she ceases her struggle to push them away.”

As the two watched the three mothers observe their children’s antics, the calling voice of a filly stole their attention
, “Ms. Bud.”

Bud perked at the familiar voice, turning her sights about until she found Raven rushing over to her. A smile came upon Bud as she lowered her face to groom upon her students. “It’s so good to see you, Raven. Does this mean you’re with team green?”

“I wouldn’t want it to be any other,” Raven confessed. Her eyes then traced to Bud’s foals when she met their gaze. “Hi, you two,” Raven greeted them. “I’ve really missed y'all.”

Artemis wiggled about, trying to slide his body off his mother. However, Nebula rushed to pull him back. “What are you doing?” Nebula remarked. “Are you trying to hurt yourself?”

“Easy you two,” Bud said. She crouched her body to the floor, giving her son leeway to dismount safely to the ground. Nebula followed suit as to keep close to her brother. “Here, now, go say hi to Raven.”

Artemis skipped and leaped upon Raven. The filly readily caught the colt and embraced him. “You look so cute in your outfit, Artemis,” Raven commented. “I never would have thought of you as a pretty cheerleader.”

“Don’t get too chummy with Luna,” Nebula growled. “You’re but a mere speck compared to her greatness.”

“Don’t worry, Nebula,” Raven voiced. “I didn’t forget about you.” Raven reached out her other hoof to draw in Nebula for a hug. At first, Nebula tried to resist Raven’s warm embrace, the feeling of Artemis’s body close to hers, drew her into a stupor that could not help but fall into the whims of.

“Is she perhaps the star student you have mentioned before,” Beryl asked.

“This is Raven Inkwell,” Bud introduced her. “She’s a very close pupil of mine at the school.”

Noting their presence, Raven let go of the two foals. Artemis persisted to jump on Raven’s side, but Raven merely stroked his mane as she spoke out, “I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. As Ms. Bud has said, I am a student of Manehattan Academy… wait,” Raven gaped upon Beryl. “You are Duchess Beryl from Celestia’s bloodline.”

“Princess Platinum’s to be accurate,” Beryl corrected. “But yes, it is I.”

“Ah,” the group perked to another voice. “So my eyes have indeed not deceived me.”

Before them came Hawk Inkwell, a stallion that Bud has not taken much fancy to. After their previous discussion, there has not much been talk between the two. An arrangement that Hawk perhaps has taken a liking to.

“Hawk Inkwell,” Hawk introduced himself. “CEO of the Welling’s Ink company. I believe you have become slightly accustomed to my daughter.”

“My, so many acclaimed ponies have arrived here today,” Beryl chucked. “I certainly did not see these turn of events.”

Bud only sighed as Hawk communed with the aristocratic mare. She knew very well of the stallion’s intention, and to be honest, it did not sit well with her. Taking advantage of Bud’s connection with Raven to prop his daughter up for a position she had yet to settle she truly wants.

Sadly, Bud bears no room to dictate her future, but perhaps that's for the best. As her teacher, the best Bud could ever do for her to help discover her passions, and maybe then she'll find what she wants for herself. But right now, all Bud wants is to be with her star pupil and give her all the care and joy she deserves.

“We’re going to win together, right?” Bud asked Raven with a hoof held towards her.

“Yes ma’am,” Raven nodded and bumped her hoof upon Bud's.

The first event of the school Olympics began with a horseshoe toss contest. The main field was split around into facets where the workers mediated the four teams to take their place in.

In one area, a game between team red and blue had taken place, where Bright and Bow focused their precision to outdo each other. Hope couldn't help but be enamored by sudden searing cheers the stallions' wives gave. And as they bursted their voices, Wind Rider stood idle beside Hope, brooding over his entrapment on the field. He would have taken kindly to just sitting on the bleachers had Hope had not browbeaten him to come down.

In another place on the field, Bud had held fasten on a horseshoe and tossed it to a pole. As the horseshoe swiveled around it down to the ground, Bud earned the cheer of her friends.

“An impressive toss,” Grace commented as she whisked her own horseshoe with her magic. “I see that you have a lot of experience in this activity.”

“Remember that you’re not supposed to use magic, Grace,” Bud reminded her.

Grace gawked at the mare and voiced, “Why not? I don’t particularly remember hearing rules where I could not?”

“It’s called good sportsmanship,” Bud said, glaring at Grace’s magic until the social worker relented and dropped the horseshoe into her hoof. Grace flailed a slight from the sudden weight of the object. “Now, do your best, okay.”

“I hope you’re not enjoying this too much,” Grace sneered.

As the games took place across the field with foals and ponies competing with opposing teams, Leaf and Passion observed it all from Bud’s blanket. Between them sat Artemis, whom Leaf fed him slices of pineapples that he would constantly lunge his mouth for.

Under the request of Bud, Leaf had taken upon himself to feed the starving colt that began heckling his mother before the beginning of the game. Not wanting to separate from him, Nebula joined them as she watched Artemis inches away.

Passion Touch happened to follow him to the blanket, seeing that she has no placement in the current game. A rather nice convenience if Passion was honest with herself.

“You’re certainly the quirky eater, aren’t you?” Leaf chuckled as Artemis swiped another pineapple slice that he picked from Bud’s container.

“You must have an affinity for the colt to let him prance over you like that,” Passion commented. Though she found the colt to be remarkably adorable in her outfit, that feral behavior of his was rather asinine. Luckily, he was cute.

The filly on the other hoof was still a fright to approach despite her adorned garments. Sitting inches before the two, the filly would briefly open her eyes to stare at her brother. Those sharp slit eyes of hers still gave Passion a shudder.

“How has Bud managed to keep her sanity around these two?” Passion wondered. “With how raucous the duo can be, I can see how a regular pony could find a peace of mind.”

“Ponies learn to adapt as they grow,” Leaf said after being embezzled from another pineapple slice from the colt. “Changes in life are things that we don’t immediately get used to, but over time, it becomes natural.”

“I didn’t expect to receive a personal lecture from you,” Passion grinned. “You have no way of turning it off, do you?”

“Do I?” Leaf wondered. “Then I guess it's one of my habits. I don’t think I should worry about it though, since it’s proven helpful to ponies.”

“You want nothing about it to change? But what if there’s a potential for growth that would make you happier? I certainly would wish for it.”

“Are you saying that I should change?” Leaf asked.

“No need to be defensive,” Passion chuckled. “I’m merely saying that you should be open to some changes yourself. It has done wonders for both Bud and Lazuli, wouldn’t you agree?”

Passion glanced at Lazuli, who seated at the stage observing the games taking place. She looked to be speaking loudly, but her voice muffled by the loud echoes of others.

“Those two have certainly been brimming with energy these last few months. I can no longer even make my usual fun remarks at Bud anymore. It’s just no fun when she doesn’t squabble.”

“I’m amazed you can say that with a straight face,” Leaf said.

“It’s one of my guilty pleasures,” Passion admitted. “I can’t deny that I don’t take joy in getting a rise out of them. It's just one of our sacred friendly banters.”

“Seeing as we let it go on for so long, we might as well,” Leaf concluded.

“But I’m quite serious when I talk of their growth,” Passion continued. “While they have come to learn new things about themselves and become rather dashing ponies to look at, I feel that they have left me behind into the shadows. To be frank, it’s not a feeling I’m accustomed to.”

“You shouldn’t rush yourself for change, Passion,” Leaf advised. “It’ll come to all of us naturally. Just be patient.”

“But look where all of this waiting has done for us,” Passion countered. “We started two years ago at this school and not much about us has really changed. You started as a bland and simple stallion with not much exception beyond your vast knowledge to look at. A pony would think you would have awakened to a more fashionable way of living after being around me for so long.”

“So, you’re embarrassed of me then?” Leaf asked.

“No, no, no,” Passion hurriedly said. “Please do not misunderstand. It was just an assessment. Frankly, I have not seen much change in myself as well. Taking part in this grand city should have given me new passions in my sense of art, but I have appeared to remain stagnant.”

“You’ve never mentioned this before. Is that why your critique of others’ art is so harsh?”

“Oh, heavens no,” Passion waved a hoof. “I would never let my personal troubles interfere with my teachings.”

Leaf let out a sigh, coming to regret having this conversation with the mare. Though this mare would like to think of her words as thoughtful, it’s honestly just conceited. And yet…

Leaf blinked before Artemis’s engrossing stare. His eyes had an odd shimmer to it that for no apparent reason cleared his thought. His eyes met back with Passion and then he spoke, “You may be right that neither of us has changed much since starting our career at this school. Even after communing for so long, you still bear that overbearing tone that is rather bothersome to some.”

“Well,” Passion stammered. “I wouldn’t call it overbearing.”

“And I can’t fully say I can relate to your aimless search for new vigor for art. The topic is rather a subjective matter, and therefore I would never bother to understand it.” His words earned a frown from the mare but blurred quickly when he continued, “And yet I try, regardless. You have this unique outlook that you love to gush about, and though I tried to stay indifferent about it at first, I must admit that I eventually became attuned to it. It was a vexing mystery that I desperately wanted to unravel.”

“You actually listened to my talks about art?” Passion gaped.

“You talk of it so much," Leaf remarked. "How could I not? Nearly everything you spoke of was an enigma to me, and that overzealous attitude of yours goaded me to figure you out. And at some point, it became a normal pattern in my life. Your passions, your snarks, and your…”

“My what?” Passion asked, Leaf simply paused before her. She then leaned her face towards him, her heart beating with anticipation before she asked again, “My what?”

Leaf gaped at Passion, surprised by the illustrious face of the mare. Did she always look so enchanting? Or has he always known this...

Before Passion could inch closer to him, Leaf immediately sprouted to his hooves. “I think I left something; I’m going to go find it!” Leaf blurted and then rushed off away from the blanket.

Passion only sat there, dazed by the brief memory of Leaf’s heavy blush before he stormed off. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him with that face before. And it was towards her…

“Apple!” Passion snapped out of her stupor from the voice of the colt. He appeared to be fumbling his hooves upon the closed container of pineapple slices that Leaf recently had.

She then noticed Nebula eyed an annoyed glance at her that gave her a jitter. "If you're done swooning," Nebula remarked. "Then hurry and give Luna her pineapples."

With a sigh to cool her mind, Passion grabbed the container and opened it to feed the colt another pineapple slice. “Maybe I should wait for change to come to me,” Passion said. “Or maybe I should seek it out if I truly want it.”

Lazuli leaned out of a seat one of the stadium workers retrieved for her as she observed the many matches taking place. Each had their own referee to manage the scores and add to the scoreboard for each team.

However, her eyes would always draw back to Bud. The mare was putting up a valiant effort to be precise in her tosses as she sported an apparent rivalry against the peeved social worker. A sight that Lazuli could help but see as a blessing.

“Now I wish I had a camera,” Lazuli remarked.

As she savored the matches taking place, the voice of a stallion robbed her attention. “Lazuli,” Leaf stepped onto the stage and approached the mare.

“Leaf?” Lazuli began. “Weren’t you looking after the foals?”

“Yes, well,” Leaf coughed. Lazuli noted a tint of red on his cheeks. “I needed to step away for a bit. That’s why I left Passion with them. But that’s not important right now!”

Leaf suddenly rushed before Lazuli and leered upon her face. “What matters is that nonsensical bet that you made many months ago.”

“What do you mean?” Lazuli's voice got defensive as she pushed Leaf away from her. “You’re the one that agreed to it, so I don’t know why you’re complaining.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of that. But given the circumstances now, I expect you to follow through on it.”

“…wait, wait, wait,” Lazuli waved both of her hooves. “Where is all of this coming from? I only do my part if you…you didn’t!?” Lazuli gaped in surprise.

“Stop with that gawking,” Leaf demanded. “This is nothing to be happy about.”

“Dude, you gotta tell what happened,” Lazuli excitedly asked. “I need all the deets on this.”

“I will tell no such thing,” Leaf gritted his teeth. “This has become a severe inconvenience to me and I wholeheartedly regret allowing this to happen.” Leaf took a breath and exhaled before continuing, “I have done my part, but it falls to you to do your end of the bargain. Get your closure. I'm going for a coffee break.”

Before Lazuli could thrust more of her curiosity, the stallion stormed off the stage. A slight pause came upon her as her eyes trailed toBud.

The joy she felt before was now replaced with a staggering rush in
her heart. She held upon her chest to slow the sudden rush in her breathing.

According to their bet, when Leaf confronts his feelings about Passion, then Lazuli would also do so in kind. But she wasn’t sure if she was ready. In honesty, she thought of that whole arrangement as some petty push from Leaf to goad her to act, which is why she trapped him in an act he couldn’t possibly have the courage to do himself.

But somehow, he built the courage to do so and now so must Lazuli. “Today really will be memorable, won’t it…”