• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,887 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

26 - A Night Shift with Lazuli

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

A teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of Nebula and Artemis. Due to her daughter’s illness, she resigned at her home to care for her.

Summer Lazuli

A coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. For some time she’s been wondering about the odds of having something more with Bud.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s son, who is the reincarnation of Princess Luna. 

Loving Nebula

Loving Bud’s daughter, who is the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon.

Leaf Clip

A teacher at Manehattan Academy who acts as a helpful mentor to his students and associates.

Gold Jaeger

A private owner of museums that likes to collect the exotic. His taste had spread to living creatures, and now he wishes to obtain the rarest of them all.

Artemis's ear perked at the sound of a strange click. His eyes opened to the dark room that was the Princess’s. A yawn escaped him as he tried to stretch out his hooves, however, he discovered himself to be bound by the Princess’s hooves. Her warm body prodded upon the colt by the repetition of her breathing.

His ears perked to the clicking sound again. Artemis attempted to remove himself from the Princess’s hold, but the overwhelming weight of her body proved too much for the colt. The colt started to make cute groans of frustration as he fruitlessly attempted to remove the Princess’s hoof over him. Though his endeavor proved pointless, his horn began to brighten blue. And then he disappeared, leaving only a speck of dust that the Princess’s hoof fell and squash upon.

Artemis reappeared on his back, flailing his body to get back on his hooves. The colt aimlessly looked at his surroundings, bewildered by what just occurred. His eyes trailed on the Princess before, still sleeping soundlessly.

His mouth watered at the sight of the Princess’s mane, but then attention was shifted by the sound of that clicking again. His eyes trailed to the exit of the Princess’s chamber as the door appeared to be unlocked open. The colt’s eyes met with a pair of slitted eyes that peered intently at him. Artemis approached those eyes and exited the room.

The moment Artemis left the room, he was calmly grabbed by a dark figure as it carefully closed the Princess’s door to prevent any sounds from erupting. “You truly have the blood of thestral within you to hear my voice,” the dark figure whispered.

The hood of the figure was removed, and Artemis widened to see that figure’s face was very much similar to his sisters’. Those slitted eyes, sharp ears, and fangs were so much like Nebula. “Artemis,” the thestral continued. “Though the name was given by an inferior race, I must admit that the mare has picked a fitting one for you, milord.”

The colt tilted his head as he blankly glanced at the thestral. “Oh yes,” the thestral whispered as he began to distance himself from the Princess’s chamber. “You must be curious about who I am. Well, milord, you may refer to me as Remus. I have gone through many lengths to ensure your return to these lands; however, I did not expect for you to take upon this form. But you have nothing to fear, I shall serve to set the stones in place for your resurgence of power.”

“Papa…” Artemis voiced a word. It was one he heard from storybooks he heard from his grandmother, Loving Hope. The tale of three bears that had a papa bear, a mama bear, and the baby bear. His mind would also draw back to that story when he sees Loving Bud when he sees Summer Lazuli, and now upon Remus.

“...Huh?” Remus stopped his movements when he heard the colt utter that word.

“Papa,” Artemis repeated.

“No, no, no,” Remus hurriedly said. “You seem to have a misunderstanding, milord. I am not your father. I am simply a servant to your—”

“Papa!” Artemis raised his voice and he flailed his hooves to reach Remus’s mane. They appeared wildly fluffy, something that he felt needed to be groomed by his teeth.

Remus clamped the colt’s mouth with a hoof. “Lower your voice, milord. No pony can know I was ever here.” The thestral’s hoof felt wet and hot as the colt continued his attempt to speak. Looking around his surroundings, Remus sighed. “Alright fine, I’m your father. Does that satisfy you, milord?”

The colt responded with a giggle, but his hooves still stretched out for the thestral’s mane. The thestral sighed again, knowing clearly what the colt wants. “If that is what my milord desires, then I have no choice.” Remus placed the colt behind his neck as the colt strapped himself around Remus. The thestral immediately quivered as he could already feel the slobber of his lord sinking through his coat and mostly spreading across his untrimmed mane.

Remus quickly makes his way to Pear Butter’s chamber, eager to release himself from his lord’s sloppy affections. Remus quietly opened the door and laid the colt inside. Artemis glanced at the thestral and then towards the bed, where he recognized Pear Butter and Little Mac.

The colt rushed towards the bed and attempted to climb up the bed, but was finding difficulty to find a good holding to prop himself up. Remus sighed again and stepped inside the chamber to lift the colt up. The thestral widened his eyes when the colt immediately pounced upon Pear and began to bite upon her ear.

“Hmm,” Pear breathed as her eyes began to open. The thestral immediately ran for the open window and jumped out, diving out of sight. “What the—” Pear perked her head open at the fast movement of a dark blur that disappeared from her sight. Her eyes skimmed the room for anything out of the ordinary, but the only thing she could see was her son and her nephew suddenly pounced her face back to the bed.

“Hey,” Lazuli voiced when she saw Bud and her foals enter the living room of their apartment. “You’re back. So how was having a picnic with the Princess?”

“Okay,” Bud said as she pushed the stroller before the couch. Her son that was strapped to her pectoral, flicked his ears at the sound of Lazuli’s voice and opened his eyes. “I guess…”

“That doesn't sound good,” Lazuli said as Bud sat beside her on the couch. “Did something happen?”

Bud quietly unstrapped Artemis from herself and then glanced carefully at her son. This was her...The Princess of the night. The alicorn that was rejected by ponies of the past. Celestia’s only sister. Bud wondered many times on her way back home if she should’ve returned to the castle and told the Princess the truth. Was it the right thing for her to do? Was it the right move to lie to her like that? Or is she being selfish…

“Yo Bud,” Lazuli called to her friend. “Why’re you spacing out on me?” Bud watched how curiously her son was looking at her. His head tilted side to side as if he was studying her expression. No...it was hard to think that with how goofy he had his mouth out. He’s just her silly, adorable, little colt. Not Luna, anymore…

“Ow,” Bud faltered when Lazuli flicked her hoof on Bud’s forehead. Bud raised a hoof pressed on her blemished head. “Why’d you do that?”

“Well someone has to knock some sense into you,” Lazuli said. “Now how about telling what happened at your picnic. It looks to me that things didn’t go so well.”

“It’s fine, Lazuli,” Bud said. “I’m just concerned about Nebula. Her body is overreacting to pollen from Princess Celestia’s garden.”

“Nebula’s sick,” Lazuli peered into the stroller, where Nebula was making heavy breaths. “Why haven’t the doctors helped her yet!?”

“They did, Lazuli.” Bud picked out a small jar from a pocket on the side of the stroller. Bud displayed the jar to her friend as it revealed to have dark red pills inside. “The doctor made these so Nebula’s body can counteract against the pollen in her body. Though, they said it’s going to take some time till her body finally adjusts to it.”

“What, she can’t poop it out or something?”

“She can’t poop it out, Lazuli,” Bud furrowed at her friend. “The pollen in her body was found to be very sticky. The pill is going to raise her body temperature so that she can melt it out of her. It’s going to be uncomfortable for her, so I’m going to have to take extra care of her.”

“Okay, so what can I do to help?”

“I need you to watch over Artemis,” Bud hoofed the colt to Lazuli. “That implies letting him sleep with you as well.”

“Wait, I have to keep him in my room?”

“Yes Lazuli, I don’t want to risk Arty catching any illness from Nebula. So, I want you to make sure that your room is clean. I don’t want him hurting himself.”

“It’s not that bad,” Lazuli defensively said.

“With a foal, any mess on the floor is considered bad. I'm a very serious Lazuli, I don’t want to see him hurt.”

“Okay, okay, I got it. It won’t take long for me to tidy my room.”

“Thanks Lazuli,” Bud smiled. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Heh, the feeling is mutual,” Lazuli mumbled.

When the night arrived, Bud sheltered Nebula in her room, leaving Lazuli and Artemis in their lonesome. Artemis paused at the kiss to the forehead he received from his mother before she departed, blankly glancing at the closed door to her bedroom.

In mere moments, he was hoisted off his hooves by Lazuli as she made her way to her bedroom. Across the wall were dumbbells, jump ropes, and other sporting goods that Lazuli often use for morning exercises.

The sheets of her bed were unceremoniously sprawled atop her mattress as Lazuli placed the colt atop it. “It looks like you’re with me tonight,” Lazuli sighed. “Hmm, you think you need your plush toy to sleep?”

Artemis did not respond to her question. His sights were set upon a drawer next to the bed. Lazuli followed his glance and then grinned. “Oh, so that’s what you want?”

Lazuli opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a comic book before the colt. The cover of the book had a stallion dressed in black robes and masquerade zooming through a glittering city on a rope.

Artemis’s eyes sparkled at the cover as Lazuli hoofed the book to him. This had become a frequent ritual between the two ever since Artemis thrashed through her belongings and discovered them.

Lazuli would admit that she was upset that the colt tossed her stuff all across her room, but at least she discovered something that can keep the colt still. Who would’ve thought that the baby colt would be such an avid reader? Naw, Lazuli simply concluded that Arty was just amazed by the illustration.

“You better not laugh at me when you get older,” Lazuli said as she took a seat on her bed. She pulled the colt close to her, as his hoof remained clutched upon the pages of the comic, skimming through its contents. “Cause I know you’re going to find it weird that I like those kinds of books.”

The comic that Lazuli had secretly collected volumes of was about an infamous thief that was able to steal the passion of ponies. Robbed of their desire, their goal, their dream, the stolen ponies were hurled back to the strife of self-discovery. The ponies of his city questioned the morality of his actions, but he was certain that he was doing the right thing to bring harmony upon his home. The wicked ponies that abused the dreams of others to fulfill their own, to destroy them out of delight, those were ones he believed must seek penance.

“You know, the reason he does the thing he does is to protect the mare he loves from the reality of the real world. That mare is far too innocent for her own good. Any of those bad ponies could take advantage of her. So he has to take it upon himself to make sure that never happens. Sounds pretty cool, right?”

Artemis was far too delved into the book to pay attention to Lazuli. Even so, she went on, “You gotta wonder though: does the mare really appreciate what he is doing? If she knew what he did to those ponies, would she still accept him? Would she still find herself with him?... Or would she look to some pony else?”

Lazuli’s face soured at the sight of Artemis but then sighed when the colt finally turned to look at her. “It’s not your fault, I know. And neither is it Bud’s. I mean, it was impossible that we could’ve become friends in the past. So, I shouldn’t have hoped it would be...more.” Her sights loomed at the comic that was now closed. “Finished with it already? Alright, I got a few more I can—”

Lazuli’s ear perked at the sound of knocking. It was coming from the front door of her apartment. “The heck is that?” Lazuli questioned as she raised from her bed. Not wanting to leave Artemis behind, she lowered her body beside the bed, goading the colt into jumping on top of her. Inevitably, the colt chewed upon her mane, but it didn’t come unexpectedly to her.

Lazuli went to the front door and quickly opened the door before it could wake Nebula and Bud. Before Lazuli stood a lanky stallion that flinched before Lazuli’s annoyed glance. “Puck?” Lazuli started. “What’re you doing here?”

“Hello Lazuli,” Puck weakly said. “Um, Mr. Dove said that he needs you at the club.”

“I’m busy,” Lazuli said as she was about to close the door shut before the stallion. Puck, however, placed his hoof upon the door and yelped at the door slamming upon it.

“Wait,” Puck spoke through the pain. “It’s urgent, I promise.”

“Is it saying that it’s urgent or is it him?”

“Please Lazuli,” Puck begged. “He’s very anxious. Some pony has to be around to make sure he doesn’t do anything rash.”

“And why does that have to be me? Don’t you see I’m babysitting right now?”

“Well, you could always bring him with you?”

“If you’re seriously suggesting that, I’m gonna slug you.”

“But Lazuli, you know how he is.”

“By Celestia, fine, I’ll go. I’ll beat the breaks out of him real quick and then head back home.”

“But he’ll fire you if you do that,” Puck was alarmed.

“Puck, will you stop being such a pushover?” Lazuli groaned as she leaned her head to the door frame. Knowing him, he would give her a mouthful of complaints...and possibly dock her salary out of spite, which she would leave a black eye on him for. “Why is our boss such a brat?”

If Bud ever found out what Lazuli was about to do, Lazuli might experience a pain worse than death. Her eyes glared upon a building that had neon lights and a sign titled “The Dove”. Yeah, this was the place. Lazuli’s other job that she doesn’t speak about with Bud and her friends.

“Okay Arty,” Lazuli said to the colt that was strapped to her pectoral. “I’m gonna need you to keep this on and not take it off under any circumstance.” Lazuli placed a shade that she adjusted to fit on Artemis. It was a very convenient trinket that her mother made for her a long time ago. She was very talented in enchanting objects.

After Lazuli added a headphone on Artemis’s ears, he flailed his sights about as all of his vision became too dark for him to see. His hooves raised to remove the shades, the Lazuli put them down. “No Arty, don’t touch them.”

The colt pouted, but after plenty of resistance from Lazuli, he inevitably adhered to the mare’s demand. Lazuli then took a deep breath and hoped to Celestia that no image of this will be remembered by the colt.

Lazuli made her way to the entrance, filled with a line of ponies waiting before a brawn stallion to approve them inside. Lazuli stepped before this stallion as he said while looking at a list on his clipboard, “No cutting. Take your flank to the back.”

“It’s me,” Lazuli said.

“Hmm,” the stallion raised his head and then lowered his shade to register the mare before him. “Bout time you showed up. Do me a solid slap our boss across the head.”

“So he’s being that obnoxious, huh?”

“When is he not?”

Lazuli entered the building after hearing sounds of complaints from the ponies behind. Her eyes took time to adjust to the dark lighting of the place and rambunctious music that roared into every facet of the massive room.

Lazuli lowered her head to conceal the colt from any pony around her. She became very wary of the colt’s frantic movement. She hoped to Celestia that he didn’t see any of the ponies dancing in their skimpy outfits on the stages.

Lazuli hurried around the throng of ponies in the club and made her way to an office on the upper floor of the building. Inside, she discovered a green stallion frantically talking to himself. The stallion stopped when he heard the door closed and looked at Lazuli’s way.

“Lazuli,” the stallion rushed to her and attempted to give her a hug. Lazuli, however, thrust her hoof at his forehead and pushed him back. “Ow, ow, ow,” the stallion placed a hoof on his forehead. “Come on Lazuli, I’m frail.”

“Why’d you call me here Clip Art?” Lazuli asked. “I already sent a letter saying I would be busy today.”

“It’s Dove,” Clip Art corrected her. “And don’t you think I deserve more respect than that?”

“I’m busy Clip,” Lazuli said. “You’re going to have to find some pony to fill in for me.”

“That won’t do. It can’t be no other pony but you.”

“I’m not available today,” Lazuli scowled.

“And yet your fine flank is standing right before me,” Clip grinned. “Wait, wait, I can explain,” Clip added as Lazuli took a step towards him.

“Be quick about it,” Lazuli said.

“Well, I happen to have a very special guest today. A very special one that is known across Equestria. His appearance here is a golden opportunity to increase The Dove’s popularity. So, I want to make sure that all of my best workers are here to ensure that he has a great time.”

“Really? Is that it? You called me here just to make sure that some stallion has some fun?”

“I wouldn’t take that tone if I were—” Clip paused when he saw Lazuli take another step. “W-well, I can certainly make some accommodation if it inclines you to stay.”

“Clip, there’s nothing you can say that can keep me here. I have a colt here that I need to babysit.”

“What if I double your salary?”


“So, he managed to keep you here after all.” A stallion spoke to Lazuli behind a bar counter. Lazuli angrily sat at a seat as she drank a protein shake that the stallion personally made for her.

“That guy is such a baby, Smokey Joe,” Lazuli complained as she chugged the entire cup. “I swear, even Artemis could be a more competent boss than he is.”

“Never thought I would get to see him,” Smokey said as he glanced at the colt strapped on Lazuli. “You sure you’re alright with him being in a place like this? You do know he’s underage?”

“Well, who else do I have to watch him? And don’t you dare say that mare, Tenure Grace, I don’t like her with them.”

“Wow,” Lazuli perked at another voice. “Somepony is being territorial.” A purple mare garnered in a *grunt* unbecoming attire for a mare. Lazuli quickly turned her back to the mare to prevent Artemis from getting a glance upon her. “Hey now, I want to see him too. You always seem to brag a lot about your foals.”

“I never said they were mine,” Lazuli argued.

“They might as well be,” the mare said as she loomed her head past Lazuli to see the colt. “I don’t see any father doing your part...Aww, it’s not that bat one.”

“Don’t come near him dressed like that,” Lazuli pushed the mare away.

“Can’t, I’m still working.”

“Well if you’re going to keep him around,” Smokey Joe voiced. “You could keep him with me. I got an empty cabinet here to stash him out of trouble.”

“Arty is safe as long as he is with me,” Lazuli said. “Trust me, no pony is going to touch him unless they want broken bones.”

“Well, I guess it’s time to test that,” the mare said as she pointed out to two ponies in the distance. Lazuli could see a customer stallion placing his hoof upon a dancer. “Good luck, Mrs. Bodyguard.”

Lazuli stepped off the chair, but before she proceeded to the two ponies, Smokey Joe voiced, “You sure you want to go out there with the baby? I can keep an eye on him while you’re handling things.”

“There’s only one way I’m handling things while I’m here today,” Lazuli said as she continued onwards.

When Lazuli drew close, she could hear the dancer for his objection, “Will you quit it? I told you, no touching.”

“Come on babe,” the stallion said in a grating drunkard voice. “I want to see how well you move your body at my place. What? Does it cost extra?”

“I don’t do that kind of job,” the dancer sneered at the stallion.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. I know; how about we bring one of your friends with—” Before the stallion could finish his words, Lazuli came upon him and slugged him hard on the side of his face. The stallion tumbled down from the couch he sat on and fell face flat on the floor.

“Lazuli,” the dancer voiced. “You didn’t have to go that far. He was just a little drunk.”

“Not taking any chances,” Lazuli responded as she began pulling the stallion out of the club with her teeth.

“Is that a colt,” the dancer followed her. “Why do you have a baby colt in a nightclub?”

Lazuli dropped the stallion and leered at the dancer. “If you’re going to talk, then help me while you’re at it.”

“Jeez Lazuli, you could’ve just said please.” The dancer lit his horn as he lifted the stallion from the ground and followed Lazuli to the back of the club. The dancer laid the stallion on the wall within an alleyway. “I feel kind of bad doing this to him.”

“Eh,” Lazuli shrugged. “He’ll probably think he drank too much.”

“So, moving back to the baby colt—”

“Yes, he’s the one I’ve been talking about.”

“So this little Arty. Hard to imagine that this little thing put a whole city asleep.”

“It wasn’t the whole city,” Lazuli said. “Stop exaggerating.”

“Come now Lazuli, you gotta let the colt fester in the glory. Speaking of which, was Smokey watching my little performance?”

“Dude, I don’t think he swings that way.”

“Just give it some time,” the dancer proudly said. “I’ll tempt him one of these days.”

“Look, I don’t want to talk about that kind of stuff around Artemis, okay?”

“You’ll be hearing hundreds more from others while you’re stuck in this lavish place tonight. Besides, I don’t think he can hear anything while you have that gaudy headphone on him. Why’d you bring him in the first place?”

“Look, I’m just going to try my best to avoid every pony, alright? The less I’m around ponies, the better chance he doesn’t see and hear anything inappropriate.”

“And have you gotten that far with this dear Loving Bud,” the stallion impishly gazed at Lazuli.

“Mind your own business,” Lazuli retorted as she made her way back inside the club. “Just focus on your job and I’ll focus on avoiding mines.”

“My, how can such a fierce lioness be such a timid deer?”

Lazuli continued to elude herself from the crowd as much as she could, stepping forth to toss ponies out the club when she had no choice but to intervene. Her attacks earned the attention of some ponies and made their efforts to elude her. Good, that just makes it easier for Lazuli to focus on Artemis.

There were occasions that Artemis became famished, but luckily Smokey Joe had a stash of fruits that he would add to drinks. At Lazuli’s request, Smokey sliced up some pineapples for the colt to eat at an empty corner of the club.

Things appeared to go swimmingly as a few hours went by. It wouldn’t be long before she could finally get her colt out of here. “Lazuli, dear,” Lazuli groaned when she heard the annoying voice of her boss.

“What do you want, Clip?” Lazuli vexatiously asked.

“A pretty mare like you shouldn’t be standing here all in her lonesome.”

“Uh, I got a colt here with me.”

“Oh please, a colt lacks the words and body to satisfy—ow, ow, ow,” Lazuli yanked Dove’s mane to shut his trap.

“Why’re you bothering me?”

“Please let go first,” Dove asked. Lazuli hesitantly obliged as Dove folded his mane back. He then cleared his throat and then continued. “So, do you recall that special guest that’s attending my club?”

“Yeah, the reason you forced me to stay here.”

“I wouldn’t say forced. You did consent to stay for a larger payment, did you not?”

“Whatever, what about him?”

“Well, he has happened to notice moments of your performance and now he wishes to have a seat with you.”

“And why on Equestria would I agree to that? Don’t you see I’m doing two jobs at once right now? Besides, I only coddle one colt, and that’s Artemis.”

“Lazuli, you do want that doubled salary, don’t you?”

“Hey, you can’t just take it back. We made a deal.”

“Yes Lazuli, we did. And that deal was to ensure that our special guest has a good time here at The Dove. And I fear your rejection would put a hamper to his fun, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I’m a bodyguard, not a hostess.”

“Oh relax, it’s not like I’m asking you to sleep with him...unless—”

“How has no pony not killed you yet?” Lazuli asked.

“Kill me,” Dove chuckled. “Madame, I am loved by all of my customers and workers. Who would want me gone?”

“I could list 50 off the top of my head.”

On the second floor of the nightclub, Lazuli reluctantly followed her boss to a lounge that had a perfect view of the entire club. Seated on this lounge, were two stallions and strange mare with a lion-like mane.

“Who’s she?” Lazuli asked.

“She is what you call a kirin,” a gold-coated stallion answered. “A rare breed in a few numbers. So then, you must be Summer Lazuli.”

“Yeah,” Lazuli plainly said. “Who’s asking?”

Dove prodded Lazuli’s shoulder and gave her a furious look. “There’s no need for that,” the gold stallion said. “I can understand how inconvenient this looks to her.”

“You are a very understanding stallion, Mr. Gold,” Dove said.

“If it is alright, I would like to speak with her, alone.” Dove nodded his head at the stallion and left Lazuli with the three guests. “Please,” Gold tapped on the lounge. “Take a seat.”

Lazuli sighed and adhered to the stallion. She sat next to the kirin that gave a brief blank glance at her. She looks so bored.

“Back to our conversation,” Gold continued. “My name is Gold Jaeger. If my name has not reached you, I am the owner of a bountiful amount of museums across Equestria. My most relevant being at Baltimare.”

“Oh yeah,” Lazuli now realized. “I have heard about you. You’re like a big deal at Baltimare. Though, I’m not that interested in old-timey things.”

“Really? That’s quite unfortunate. However, I understand that ponies vary in their interest so I am not surprised.” His eyes dawned upon the colt that met his eyes. He couldn’t help but grin at the hilarity of his good luck to meet the pony from a unique bloodline.

“So is there a reason why you called me up here?” Lazuli asked.

“Oh yes, that. Well, Ms. Lazuli, I was quite enamored by your display of power upon the large stallions that had chosen to misbehave. I felt compelled to wonder if you were actually a pony.”

“Naw, I just work out a lot. Makes the job easier.”

“I’m sure it does. If you ever happen to grow tired of this place, I would not mind hiring a strong mare such as yourself to guard my treasures.”

“Thanks, I’ll think about it when that happens.”

Gold takes another glance at the colt, but then his eyes blinked furiously at the sudden light that beamed at him. He’s been dealing with that a lot ever since he touched that branch this morning. His researchers were taking so long to provide another report to him that he felt compelled to take a swing of accessing the branch’s power himself. And somehow, it did react to him, but not that way he had hoped.

When his eyes opened, he widened them before the colt. What was this concentration of light that permeated from the colt’s eyes? And why does the light make up a crescent moon?

The colt groaned and looked to Lazuli. “What’s wrong?” Lazuli asked.

“Excuse me, Ms. Lazuli,” Gold started. “If it is alright with you, might I hold that colt for just a moment?”

“No can do,” Lazuli declined. “Arty isn’t leaving my side for anything while I’m here.”

The stallion beside Gold was about to rise from his seat, but Gold placed a hoof on his shoulder. “That is understandable. My apologies, Ms. Lazuli. You are free to go whenever you like.”

Lazuli was a bit surprised by the sudden end of their conversation but shrugged and made her way back to the lower floors. When she was no longer within their sight, the stallion voiced, “Do you want to leave like this?”

“And make a scene in front of these ponies?” Gold leered at the stallion. “When we claim them, I don’t want a single hoofprint of evidence that leads back to me, got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I will admit that I want that colt more than ever now. I wonder what sort of secrets he holds. Bah, now I am plagued with so much curiosity. We’re leaving.”

The three rose from their seats and as the kirin passed by Gold, he whispered to her ear, “When we return, I want you washed and dressed nicely on my bed.”

The sun finally began its entrance upon the sky as Lazuli walked the quiet streets of Manehattan. Artemis was fast asleep after being free of the headphone and shades.

During her travel back to her apartment led her to a jewelry store that would open in the afternoon. Her eyes laid a ring that held jade sculpted as a rosebud. The price of that ring was astronomically ridiculous but was working tirelessly to come with the bits. She imagined how it would look on Bud. She wondered what Bud would say if she presented it to her, down on a knee as she said, “Will you marry me?”

“No,” Lazuli jumped startled at the voice. She quickly traced it to a familiar stallion that she should’ve expected to come here.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Leaf Clip?”

“And I was expecting you to bring Bud’s colt to that indecent nightclub,” Leaf Clip glared at her. “What would you think Bud would say if she learned about this?”

“Hopefully nothing if we both keep our mouth shut about it.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you brought Artemis to The Dove.”

“Oh come on, you already know the answer to that.”

“...Clip Art?”

“Clip Art.”

“Every day I feel more ashamed of that stallion being my older brother.”

“You’re telling me. You two have nothing in common.”

“Don’t think that you’re still forgiven for taking an innocent colt to that sinful place.”

“It’s alright, I put a shade and headphone on him. He’s 100% guaranteed to not adopt any bad words or memories of the whole thing.”

“Pray to Celestia he didn’t, or else Bud is putting you on a pike.”

“If you’re going to keep scolding me, can we at least get a drink first?”

“And what if he remembers the smell of the nightclub,” Leaf drawled on and on in his lecture to Lazuli for her action. “What if one day he passes by that place and he suddenly finds it familiar? If he asks Bud about it and it won’t take long till she links it back to you.”

“Dude, will you chill out,” Lazuli took a sip of her coffee. “Why are so paranoid about the whole thing?”

“Because Lazuli, I’m the one that recommended the job to you. You were so desperate for money and so picky for something so simple that I resigned to sharing information about that position to you.”

At the same cafe nearby by the hospital that Bud resided in a few weeks ago, Leaf Clip and Summer Lazuli shared a table together as Artemis continued to sleep, leaving a trail of slobber for Lazuli to constantly wipe with a napkin.

“I still think you’re taking it too far. Nothing bad happened at the club, so all is good. Arty won’t remember a thing, so we can just pretend that the whole thing didn’t happen.”

“Do you feel comfortable keeping secrets from the pony you love?”

“Hey, don’t use that on me. You should figure your own thing before scolding me about that.”

“What thing? With Passion? I already said I don’t intend to do anything about that.”

“Then why not tell her you’re not interested? I might not like her very much, but it does seem unfair that you’re going to egg her on a pointless chase.”

“Look Lazuli, I’m not as well versed in love as the rest of you hope to be. It’s a subject that is far too complicated for me to understand, therefore, I refuse to participate in it.”

“Then why not tell Passion that?”

“Well...that would be participating?”

“That’s a lame excuse, and I think you know that yourself.”

“It’s no different from you lying to Bud.”

“Okay, I get it. I'm being unfair. But, I’m scared of how she’ll react if I told the truth. You get that, don’t you?”

“Yes, I believe the both of us are anxious of how she will respond. But the truth will be revealed at some point. Why not make it easier by telling her now?”

“Okay, but after you turn Passion down first.”

“That’s not up for negotiation.”

“Then neither is mine.”



“Artemis, isn’t it strange he looks nothing like a thestral?”

“No, he’s Bud’s son. Course he’d look like a pony.”

“But he’s also part thestral. You have to wonder which trait of it he inherited.”

“Look Clip, I’m not really interested in that topic.”

“You’re still upset that Bud paired with some creature, aren’t you?”


“I can sort of see how frustrating it is to see the pony you love to be with some pony, not yourself. You feel abandoned, but I guess in your case, you feel like you deserve it, right?”

“I thought you weren’t a love expert?”

“And never will be.”

“...Bud never talks about him. It sort of makes me wonder if that thestral wronged her. But, I don’t feel like I’m strong enough to find out the answer. Above all else, I want Bud to be happy. I’ve already caused her enough trouble for her to probably look at me that way, but…”

“You don’t want to give her to somepony else. Love is a terrible conundrum. That’s why I try to avoid it.”

“Do you,” Lazuli started. “Do you think she could...even after what I did to her?”

“That depends,” Leaf said. “What did you do to her?”

“Heh,” Lazuli weakly smiled. “You’re really going to have me talk about it?”

“Well, I can’t give you my opinion if I don’t know the context.”

Lazuli leaned on her chair and sighed. “Fine. Might as well share it with at least one pony.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

“Maybe to you it isn’t, but it means everything to me.”

“Alright, so where does this story begin?”

“At Baltimare of course. Me and Bud were much younger when we first met at Baltimare Academy. I was the ace flier and she was...well, the weird pony that everypony avoided…”