• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 9,909 Views, 426 Comments

New Moon - AzuraKeres

Centuries ago, Luna was shunned by her ponies and exiled at the hooves of her elder sister. She perished in her solitude, but her soul lived on through a stone. And some unknown time later a voice calls her to come out.

  • ...

21 - It's Agreed

Author's Note:

Loving Bud

Teacher at Manehattan Academy and mother of two foals that just so happen to be reincarnations of Equestria’s forgotten princess. 

Summer Lazuli

Coach at Manehattan Academy and a close friend of Loving Bud. 

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn son that she learned to be the reincarnation of Princess Luna.

Loving Artemis

Loving Bud’s newborn daughter that is the reincarnation of the infamous Nightmare Moon. 

Loving Hope

The owner of a daycare center at Baltimare who is the mother of Loving Bud and grandmother of Artemis and Nebula. She has taken upon herself to become a mentor to Grace to make her the perfect nanny for her grandfoals.

Tenure Grace

A social worker sent from officials of Manehattan to serve as a nanny of Bud’s foals. Her efforts so far have been less productive than she imagined. What is she doing wrong?

Leaf Clip

A teacher at Manehattan Academy who acts as a helpful mentor to his students and associates.

Passion Touch

An art teacher at Manehattan Academy with a critique and sass that shakes the ego of her students.

The last two days have been an uncomfortable sight for Bud. Tenure Grace, the mare that presented herself as an exceptional aide to Bud’s trouble and implied to be a superior caretaker than Bud, has endured through plenty unsuccessful hurdles to please Bud’s foals. Her struggle was so awkward and grand that Bud was honestly growing to pity her.

Despite receiving lessons and aid from Bud’s mother, Grace’s attempts to win the favor of Artemis would always end with him sobbing and running away from her.

Grace tried using his favorite fruit, pineapples, to coax him into liking her. However, Artemis would only lunge for the fruit she dangled and make an immediate retreat. She should’ve expected that to never work after snatching him so suddenly the first time.

Grace had even attempted to use Artemis’s bat plush to play with him. Hope had bought it for Nebula, but unsurprisingly, she saw no value for it; thereby leaving it for Artemis to be his chew toy. Artemis sobbed upon his grandmother and pointed at Grace, who stood bewildered at his reaction.

Nebula had reacted badly to this and thought Grace was bullying him again. Thank goodness her mother was there to disarm her before she had another ‘shadow incident’.

Each afternoon when Bud returned, Artemis would rush and leap up to her as Bud would catch him into her hooves. It was starting to become a usual ritual of theirs that Bud had no qualms of stopping. However, what she didn’t like was noticing the grimace protruding Grace’s face. Bud could overhear her mother trying to motivate the social worker for a better tomorrow, but the smile would never appear upon her.

She and Grace don’t really talk with one another. The best they have done is there morning greetings and give their brief regards as the social worker leaves Bud’s home for the day.

Lazuli certainly took solace in the mare’s defeat and to some degree, so did Bud. The first impression that mare had pricked Bud’s mind so much that she felt the mare deserves to be taken down a peg or two. Though now, after being deprived of that high status in Bud’s eyes, she was starting to feel bad for her.

When the night arrived, Bud hauled her foals and herself in her for another of their ‘private feeding’. It was an activity that she stressed for Lazuli and her mother to not intrude in, for it is a strife she prefers to keep private.

Bud had always imagined this to be a beautiful moment between mother and child that served as the strongest connection of their bond. In truth however, this has been nothing but a strenuous struggle that she must constantly endure.

Hope’s workers at the daycare center never mentioned this experience to be so painful. They’ve only mentioned how ravenous their children were and by Celestia, Artemis was definitely that.

Artemis would mercilessly sate his hunger the very moment they began their session. Bud would always have to fight her nerves at the beginning for how painful the sensation would abruptly sprout.

Nebula on the otherhoof would awkwardly observe from afar, trying her best to avert her sight from her brother’s advance. Persuading Nebula to join in these sessions has proven to be tiresome to do. Sure, she could understand her reasoning for being centuries old, but even she should understand how necessary this is for her.

“Nebula,” Bud gritted her teeth as she was still adjusting to the pain. “You have to drink your fill as well.”

“Why must I continue to humiliate myself for your behalf,” Nebula complained. “Do you still not realize how perverse this is for me?”

“We can’t keep having this conversation every time we do this Nebula. If you don’t have your fill, you’re going to get hungry.” Nebula was expectantly against their private arrangement when they began this. Back at the hospital, she would threaten to gnaw Bud for even making that suggestion. However, the filly’s body would later growl and would spark a fever. Her mind would submit to her instinct and inevitably release her ravenous thirst upon her mother.

She did provide Nebula with alternatives, but nothing would sate her like Bud could. Perhaps it's because nothing could compare to a mother’s. Well, that or maybe because the remnant stone added something special into her.

“C’mon Nebula,” Bud said. “I don’t want to wake up late at night again when you come around. The festival is tomorrow, you know?”

“C-can’t you just take some out?” Nebula suggested.

“I am not letting a pony touch me there.” Bud stated.

“Then just do it yourself!”

“Just don’t think too much about it, okay? No pony is here to see you us. It’s our secret.”

“I knew it, you get some sort of thrill out of this, don’t you!?”

“Nebula,” Bud sighed. “When are you going to realize that all I want for you is to be happy and health—” Bud flinched when she felt a strong prick from Artemis’s teeth. “Slow down Artemis, that really hurts.”

“Luna…,” Nebula dazedly watched at how Artemis gorged from Bud. She then averted her eyes when she noticed how intensely she was observing. “I can’t do this. It’s just too weird for me.”

“Oh for Pete’s sake,” Bud snapped. “Arty, can you please reason with your sister?”

“Hey, don’t you dare use Luna against me!”

Despite Nebula’s warning, Artemis had removed himself from Bud at his mother’s word and faced his adamant sister. Nebula faltered her brother’s sudden approach, but Artemis strode behind her then began pushing her to their mother.

“Hey,” Nebula voiced. “Stop that. Don’t you realize how strange this is? Where is your honor?”

“He’s worried about his sister,” Bud said. “Arty doesn’t want you to suffer.”

“You are so unfair! I ought to…” Artemis had prodded his sister close enough to Bud’s barrel that she became engrossed with the aroma left her mother. Her lips watered at delectable smell that was sure to quench the thirst she tried to feign ignorance to.

“Are you ready now?” Bud asked.

“…No pony will see, right?”

“It’s just us.”

Nebula hesitantly approached her mother and after a moment, Bud’s body stiffened at the memorable pain that she has now become acquainted with. Nebula was not particularly careful with her fangs when she finally resigned to her thirst, so it was inevitable for her to leave some marks. Well, it would if not for the stone somehow erasing them as if they never existed in the morning.

As both her foals were satisfying their thirst, Bud smiled at the interference of her son. Artemis always seemed to be aware of her mother’s emotions as if he could plainly see them…You know, as a matter of fact, his behavior always seems to be positive with literally every pony that Bud acquaints herself with. All except for Tenure Grace. That did confused Bud a bit given her son’s joyous personality. It wouldn’t happen to be because of her own attitude toward the mare, could it?

As Bud contemplated in her thought, it was immediately interrupted when her door suddenly opened and exposed her to the room lights. Emerging from the light came Lazuli and who then said, “Hey Bud, your cousins are back. I, oh…”

“Get out!” Bud yelled at her friend as Lazuli swiftly apologized and shut the door.

The next day began refreshing from their usual activities. With her family and co-workers, Bud entered the community park of Manehattan where the festival would take place. Leaf Clip had mentioned this to a quarterly event across the year where they celebrate the growing arts of Equestria. Though Leaf being analytical, he also mentions that it is also attempts from the officials to spring funds from.

As Bud pushed a stroller containing her foals, they passed by booths and tents that were splayed across the area. Bud’s giddy cousin, Chiffon Cake, ran in front of the group and swiveled her sights around the area.

“You’re certainly in a rush,” Bud heard her co-worker, Passion Touch, voice. “Is there a specific spot you’re looking for?”

“There’s supposed to be baking shop somewhere,” Chiffon said. “I know it has to be somewhere.”

“I’m sure we’ll find it in due time,” Passion assured. “But in the meantime, why not the two of us become acquainted. I know, why not tell how you and this kind stallion met each other?”

“Curious about my love story, aren’t you,” Chiffon said.

“Honey,” Carrot voiced with a blush. “Maybe we should hold off on that.”

“There’s no need to be shy,” Passion said. “Love is something to be cherished and respected. I just want to learn from your success.”

“Learn?” Chiffon wondered. “Oh, I see. You want tips, don’t you?”

“W-wha?” Passion faltered. “I never said that.”

Bud tuned out their conversation and turned to Lazuli, who was speaking in a small voice with Leaf Clip. Their face seemed a bit serious; wonder if they are talking about.

Her sights then hesitantly shifted to Grace, who was tagging the group from behind. Since today was a holiday from work, there was no point in having a nanny to watch over her foals. Still, Hope was persistent to suggest that they should bring the mare along. And though Bud clearly stated that she was against it, Hope still dragged the mare with them.

Tenure Grace seemed very quiet and secluded from the group, making brief glance at Bud and the stroller. There was even a moment when their eyes met, and both immediately averted their gaze.

“Maybe you should talk to her,” Bud suddenly heard her mother speak to her.

“What?” Bud raised her brow. “Why would I do that?”

“The two of you have barely had any conversation with each other,” Hope said. “C’mon, you don’t want to her look so unhappy on a holiday, do you?”

“You’re the one who brought her,” Bud argued. “Why can’t you keep her company?”

“Bud,” Hope started. “I’m heading back to Baltimare soon and I just want the two of you to get along before I leave. Just try, please?”

Bud groaned at the request from her mother. Of course that would be her reason.

The group approached a booth that held numerous display shelves, containing the thing Chiffon had been striving to witness. Cakes. Lots and lots of cakes. Colorful grandeurs that appeared so diverse and exotic from each other that it should be considered a gallery than a regular cake shop.

“By Celestia,” Chiffon wowed as she rushed upon the display case. “They’re so magnificent! It’s like I’m staring at a masterpiece!”

“Welcome, welcome,” Chiffon heard a voice from over the counter. Raising her head, she and the group were surprised to see a donkey before them. “I can see that you’re quite enthralled by my designs.”

“Oh yes,” Chiffon voiced. “The structure of them are so unique and they have such an enticing scent.”

“Is that a Hummingbird Cake,” Carrot voiced as he rushed beside his wife.

“Why yes, it is,” the donkey confirmed. “Is it a favorite of yours?”

“I’ve been wanting to bake one myself in quite some time, but I can never get the ingredients mixed quite right to have the perfect taste.”

“Betty,” another donkey appeared from behind the booth. “I need you to make more rum cakes. They’re going out fast.”

“That quick?” Betty said. “Alright Matilda, I guess I can spruce a dozen.”

“I knew it,” Chiffon voiced. “You are the famous baker, aren’t you? The one that won countless baking contest in the past. That even bested my father in the past.”

“Hm?” Betty tilted her head. “Famous? Oh, yes, I forget my name is apparently renown around these parts.”

“Ever the forgetful older sister,” Matilda said. “But I do hope you haven’t forgotten my request.”

“If possible,” Chiffon said. “It would be an honor if I could bake alongside you.”

“Well I won’t say no to helping hoof,” Betty said. “I have an excellent room rented near the park.”

“Could I come as well,” Carrot voiced. “I would like to learn a lot from you as well.”

“The more the merrier,” Betty said. “You’ll be fine by yourself, won’t you Matilda?”

“I’m the only one that’s been selling your cakes,” Matilda said. “But please hurry, I prefer not to deal with an upset customer.”

Chiffon and Carrot followed Betty away from the booth as they are likely heading to the jenny’s kitchen. Can’t say she wasn’t surprised they would leave so abruptly if it meant a chance to learn from a famous baker that seemed to idolize so much. Though it’s quite surprising that it would donkey instead of pony.

The group spend they time acquainting themselves with Matilda and wondrous cakes of Betty’s creation. Matilda was intrigued with Bud’s daughter, who was expectantly unlike anything she has seen. Thestrals really are a rare species, aren’t they?

Nebula was expectantly defensive against Matilda, but at the wave of a banana cake, the jenny had somehow tamed the fierce filly in her hooves. Hope ordered two whole banana cakes after witnessing how Nebula nipped upon the sliced cake so cutely in her hooves.

From across the booth, Bud noticed Grace was sitting alone at a table. Her eyes briefly observed the party and then back at the table as if she was thinking heavily in her mind. Bud sighed and approached her. No point in sulking around at this point.

Bud pushed the stroller before Grace’s table and said, “Hey.”

“…Hey,” Grace responded.

Bud settled the stroller beside her as she took a seat across from Grace.



…Um…well, this is awkward. What should the two even talk about? There’s not much, or at all for that matter, that Bud knows about this mare.

“There is no need to force a conversation with me,” Grace said. “I’m aware that you are not particularly fond of me.”

“Well…Maybe,” Bud admitted.

“It’s okay,” Grace assured. “I actually intended for you to feel that way towards me.”

“You did?”

“Please don’t take it personal, but it’s a typical method I apply with all of my clients. I truly do wish to help ponies, but I’m not fond of establishing friendship with them when we will inevitably part ways. I don’t handle ends in relationships very well, which is why I prefer not to get attached.”

“You mean to tell me that you intentionally provoked me just so we wouldn’t be friends!?” Bud voiced.

“I had hoped for my skills to speak for itself,” Grace said. “But seeing as I am still struggling to have Artemis to like me, I could say that this has so far been a resounding failure.”

“Then maybe you should change your attitude,” Bud said. “Disliking ponies is not something I enjoy. Especially if I have to see that pony every day.”

“I’m not sure about that. As I’ve said, our arrangement is only temporary.”

“And it’ll be more temporary if you think being distant from others is going to work out for us. If you can’t deal with the idea of being friends, then maybe you shouldn’t be here.”

“…You’re putting me in a tough spot here. You know that?”

“Well that’s because you’re so stubborn that I don’t have much of a choice. If you’re going to be my foals’ nanny, then you have to be a mare that I can trust. Which means you have been a mare I see a friend in.”

“I…I’m not sure,” Grace averted her gaze.

“By Celestia,” Bud groaned. “I have so many stubborn ponies to deal with.” Bud picked Artemis from the stroller and set her on the table. Grace frowned and faltered from the colt, anxious that he might cry at the sight of her. Strangely though, Artemis appeared indifferent and simply swiveled his sights from Bud and Grace.

“…” Grace awed at the Artemis’s empty reaction. “Is he not scared of me?”

“Grace, the only reason Artemis has ever been afraid of you is because of me.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s a very observant colt. He bases nearly everything from how I act. So, if I’m negative towards you…”

“Then he is to me as well,” Grace finished. “Friendship really is my only option, isn’t it?”

“If you’re scared that you will have to leave us, then I’ll hire you as my personal nanny for my foals. That way, you don’t ever have to worry about us separating.”

“You’re seriously considering hiring me as your nanny? After the impression I’ve made upon you?”

“My mother thinks that we could be friends. I might as well see if she’s right. But no more demeaning me, alright?”

“Not that I’ve been guilty of constantly saying those things, but I do have little choice in this predicament. I accept your terms.”

“Good, now to seal the deal.”


“Artemis, you know what to do?”

“Do what exact—” Artemis lunged upon Grace and climbed to her shoulder as he began to nip upon her ears. “What are you doing?” Grace grabbed Artemis with her hooves. “That was very dangerous.”

Artemis only responded with a giggle that bewildered the mare. “You’re…happy?” And at that very moment, Grace knew she couldn't turn away from the feelings that were now sprouting wildly from her. There’s no going back from this. She’s become attached.

Bud returned home early to bathe her foals after Nebula had the bright idea to pounce upon a sun-themed cake that irked her as her impressionable son followed behind his sister. Artemis licked off the frostings and fillings glazed upon his coat as Bud carried her foals back to the house.

When Bud had finished washing and drying her foals, she proceeded to head back out with them to rejoin the festival. However, at the stairs, she was suddenly greeted by royal guard pegasus that flew to the floor that she was on.

“Loving Bud,” the pegasus guard said. “Right?”

“Um,” Bud started. “Yes.”

“I have a letter for you from the princess,” the guard gave a white envelope to Bud.

“From the princess?” Bud grabbed the envelope and opened its contents. She through the letter it contained and then said, “An invitation?”

“I am so excited for this picnic, Princess Celestia,” said Sabah Glow after placing a tea on a table. She and the Princess were on opposite ends of a table within the castle garden as they unwind themselves with tea.

“Yes, I do expect the event to be a joyous experience for the both of us. But tell me, how have you been?”

“Spice and I met a doctor and we learned that I am 3 months pregnant. In half a year, I should expect a beautiful daughter.”

“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“However,” Sabah said. “We are having issues onto the arrangement of our parenthood. Spice suggest that I move here to Canterlot to live with him but cannot simply leave my family to run trades without me.”

“Are you sure it’s impossible? Have you not considered all of yours possibilities?”

“Perhaps not. Spice and I will wed at Southern Equestria. That would provide us time to speak with my family to discuss how dramatic our life will change.”

“Don’t think of it like that. Spice is a kind gentlecolt. I’m sure he will do what will make you happy most.”

“It is not I that I am concerned about. I am also thinking about the happiness of my daughter. I would prefer that she grows alongside her parents. That is why I want to attend this event. I wish would find belonging here in this region and hopefully I can find new friendships. Who are expected to come, exactly?”

“I have made a personal selection of ponies for this event. Some of which are random. A total of six have been selected: You of course, Pear Butter from Ponyville, Cloudy Quartz from Rockville, Twilight Velvet from Canterlot, Duchess Beryl also from Canterlot, and Loving Bud from Manehattan.”

“Loving Bud,” Sabah voiced. “I believe I heard Spice mentioning that name before.”

“She is a recent mother of twins.”

“Twins? My, that is amazing and quite scary at the same time.”

Regardless, Celestia must make sure to become more acquainted with this mare. She had called off her spies after coming to the conclusion that either the thestral is avoiding contact with the mother or was aware of her spies. If Celestia desires to learn anything about this thestral, her only hope is through Bud. So, friendship is key.