• Published 18th Mar 2017
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 9: Time to Leave for an Unknown Land

Chapter 9: Time to leave for an unknown land

Edited by: Samellen, fistfire

“Well, how was your first ever meeting with the Princesses?” Cloud asked after I shakily disembarked from the pegasus pulled chariot that both Luna and Celestia provided for me after our day-long meeting had met its conclusion.

I almost fell down onto the cloud covered ground as I took my first step outside the chariot much to the two pegasi amusement.

I would be glaring at these two rowdy fucks, but a sudden sense of “the upchuck” was preventing me from doing so, and also the fact that I still managed to lose my balance and land face first onto the ground anyways.

I could hear the two pegasus guards snicker as I groaned and tried to keep both my lunch and dinner inside of me.

And here I thought that being and an alicorn meant that you’re automatically perceived to be royalty. Well, then again, these two are originally from Cloudsdale as far as I know from when I tried to make small talk with these two during the flight. A flight that immediately turned into a rollercoaster when these two freshmen decided to mess with me a little bit.

Good thing that I could still hold onto something with my hooves, otherwise my return trip might have turned out to be spiritual rather than physical like it should be. At this point I think I would rather take a balloon ride than a pegasus drawn chariot any day.

At least, with the balloon I would have a nice cramped gondola to crawl into. The back of the chariot was wide, fully open and whatever railings that it has were overstylized and too low for my liking.

Almost pissed myself on the first loop.

Either way, I could hear a set of hooves approaching me while the two asshats were too busy snickering at my unfortunate expense.

I felt a soft set of hooves caressing my back gently as I continued to lay face first on the ground, groaning. Don’t ask me how, but I could somehow tell that Cloud was giving these two nutjobs the most heated glare of their lives which in turn caused these two to immediately cease their laughter.

Well, at least my pony ears are still working, unlike the rest of my senses.

“If the two of you have nothing better to do than just stand there with that gaudy wagon of yours, then why the hay don’t you scram to whatever division you two belong to?” Cloudchaser demanded, which caused one of the pegasus guards to huff.

A short wind burst and a sound of flapping later, I could hear the two take off and leave both me and Cloud alone on the landing platform.

I was obviously still feeling sick, but at least I got my bearings enough to try to push myself up to a more comfortable position, which consists of mainly me sitting on my rump and groaning at my upset stomach.

“Ugh… note to self, never fly an air chariot again and try to remember to file a hard heated complaint to both Celestia and Luna about these two.” I mumbled, while trying to keep myself upright.

Cloudchaser just shook her head next to me. “Or you could finally give your wings a purpose and actually try and fly with them instead of just having to constantly rely on public transportation to get you from point A to point B.” Cloud suggested, which to my dread she was kind of right with that.

All my added wings have ever served for were either acting as a burden in certain situations or just making me somewhat broader around my barrel.

Never really used them for flying, or had a chance to actually use them for something that these two pair of twins were naturally designed for in the first place. Minus the first time when I went all Hero mode all of the sudden and saved both Cloud’s and Flitter’s lives back in the Everfree.

But that obviously didn’t count as I really wasn’t one steering myself at the time. It was Silver, or so I believe.

Talking about Silver, I still was pretty much lost and clueless as to who he was and what exactly happened to him. It would be very obvious to assume that he somehow perished when I got magic zapped from that mysteriously forgotten Blood crystal under the Palace. But that, of course, would be too foreboding for me to believe, and I would still rather hope that the mental clone of me is still somehow alive and well out there, or that he may still be somewhere deep within my subconscious, recovering and hiding from sight… or, well, from how in sight you can be in someone’s mind, that is.

Either way, nothing I can really do besides waiting and taking the knowledge about his existence from the two Princesses to mind. According to them, alicorn magic in its rawest and most concentrated form has the potential to create sapience for itself when certain situations and conditions are met. That is how Nightmare Moon was conceived inside Luna’s mind in the first place and eventually took over her body. A seriously disturbing fact to know that even Silver would have been capable of taking full control over my body and actions, which, now that I realize it, was exactly what he did a couple of times when I was still new, lost and confused about all of this. Though, his subtle ways of control were more directed to acts of heroism rather than malice in comparison to Luna’s own sapient magic.

Which is, of course, fine by me, as I don’t really feel fancy about getting stoned or partaking in the Equestrian Apollo program. I do love being alone sometimes, but getting launched to the moon would just be complete overkill towards my required desires.

I say required because of moments like these. Moments where this world just loves to kick me continuously into my stomach and laughs at my upturned ass for its sense of “Schadenfreude”.

I really don’t know what Equestria as a whole seems to have against me, but, I guess, I am kind of looking forward to leaving this land for another.

Because let’s face it. Equestria, we all know it. But the lands that exist outside Equestria, the races, their culture, all of it is still unknown and pretty much uncharted territory at this point, and basically having the chance to go and experience such a land for the first time, in person, mind you, would be truly an exciting experience for sure.

As long as I don’t keep making myself look like an ass or get myself into some more trouble.

With my luck here, certainly easier said than done.

I am not really sure how long I managed to space out, but I was more or less forced back into reality when I noticed Cloud waving her hoof in front of my eyes with a rather concerned look on her face.

I blinked a couple of times before shaking my head. Not the greatest of moves given how dizzy I am, but at least it’s the thought that counts… I guess.

I just awkwardly smiled. “So-sorry there, Cloud, I was… I was just spaced out there for a moment, that’s all.” I tried to assure her while still keeping my nausea in mind.

My previous head shake was certainly a bad idea.

She didn’t buy it, though, as she suddenly stepped up against my side and placed her right foreleg around me. Nausea or not, I can still feel and smell her shampooed fur, which in turn, was just forcing me to heat up around my facial features. She is a mare, and I am a dude, it’s just nature, and besides that, I really didn’t have experience when it comes to the opposite sex. Given my previous introverted lifestyle.

“Well, you don’t LOOK that normal to me with how you sway in place and how green you face seems to be. Come on, I can easily support you while we make our way back home.” She suggested with a small smile.

Funny, and here I thought I was blushing and not looking gree…

And that’s when I had to force myself to put my hoof in front of my mouth as another nasty upchuck was threatening to finally come out. It’s not like that I am afraid of finally letting it out, it’s just that upchucks of such nature hurt like shit when you do let it go, and I certainly don’t feel like having to go through some abdominal pain to cap off the day. Plus, the taste and aftermath sensation both suck too, so, really, I am just forced to keep it down and hoping that my senses for orientation can sort themselves out.

I just gave a nod towards Cloud, after my stomach once more calmed down a bit, that I was ready to go.

She easily accepted it as the two of us slowly made our way off the open platform and onto the busy streets of Cloudsdale.

My uncomfortable levels, once again, were going sky high as a lot of pegasi around us were giving me some curious looks as we passed them. Thanks to that one incident involving a large crowd and an angry pissed off Glade in the end, the entire city pretty much already knows of my existence and also the fact that all of those magical anomalies, especially the zero gravity one, were caused by me as well. Which, as an aftermath, meant that a lot of ponies here were either giving me cautious or even downright accusing stares.

Doubt even Glade’s blade buster can fully fix this issue as well, which is also one of the main reasons now why I hate going out into the open streets of Cloudsdale, or generally leaving the house at all. But it’s just one of the extra things here in Equestria that I have to chuck up and push myself along through it to hopefully reach my goal of normality and simplicity once more.

Both me and Cloud simply ignored (or tried to ignore) all of the passing onlookers as the two of us casually… or, at least, as casual as we could look, trotted back towards our home and away from all of our problems… well, MY problems, really.

Also, preparing for a long and adventurous trip, which shouldn’t be too hard as I hardly have anything that counts as my personal possession besides the hat and glasses that I am wearing.

Didn’t even have my scarf and gifted jacket anymore. Yeah, this just proves how little I have to my name besides just bad rep with the citizens here.

“Oh, thank Celestia, we are almost there. You have gotten surprisingly heavy since the last time I had to carry your sorry flank out from a situation. Which was actually quite a while back, now that I think about it.” Cloud eventually commented, which in turn caused me to look down at myself.

“Have I really gotten a bit fatter somehow?” I wondered to myself as we both began to climb up some very wide stairs, which I am quite familiar with at this point.

Truth be told, I did somehow develop somewhat of a small belly since my arrival. A realization that was quite curious to discover, especially since it wasn’t really that long ago when I last checked myself.

The whole “first boner incident” came to mind, which again forced me to get the images of my own horse ass out of my head.

Never go into a dark alley with that. Or jail, or anywhere else filled with desperate individuals. Who knew that unintentional sexiness can be so dangerous to someone’s well-being? But then again, look at my own world for examples for that one.

Either way, both me and her eventually made it to the front porch of our home. Cloud carefully began to pull out a set of keys from under her left wing before putting them into her mouth and unlocking the door with them.

Funny to imagine that every pony not born as a unicorn is forced to either use their somewhat inflexible hooves or awkwardly using teeth to pretty much operate everything on a day to day basis.

Really makes you appreciate being born with opposite thumbs which I don’t have anymore. At least now I know the true meaning of ‘you won’t appreciate something until you lose it’ slogan.

So, yeah, this suddenly stinks, doesn’t it?

Cloudchaser entered first, followed by me, though a bit wobbly, of course, as I was still a bit unbalanced. She immediately supported me again as she led me towards the couches and gently easing me down onto one of them.

I gave her a thankful smile despite how degrading this whole situation just felt for me. But then again, it’s nothing new for me at this point. Feeling weak, useless, and overall a burden to others is pretty much my new life now. Could I do something about it? Yes, sure, but that obviously means finally stopping myself for being such a pansy and actually trying to fix all of my problems and issues, and to fully face this world head on.

This world is my home now, and if Celestia’s words hold any merit, then trying to make the best of it is most certainly the simplest and healthiest way to approach this. Not just for me, but for those around me as well.

Again, easier said than done, but certainly something I just have to push myself through no matter what.

I just sighed before simply laying myself down fully across the couch while minding my wings. They gave off a tentative twitch at first, but overall it felt pretty okay to fully rest on my back.

Might also be the fact that Cloud’s and Flitter’s couches are just so darn soft, but in the end, who cares? All of this is rather miniscule in the grand scheme of things.

Especially when you are still suffering from motion sickness.

Man, I really do get sick a lot as an alicorn for some reason. Never really had these issues when I was human.

“HEY, FLITTER, WE ARE HOME IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD US!” Cloud suddenly screamed, which caused me to cringe.

“Do you… have to scream like that?” I ask her with folded ears and hooves resting on my now pounding head.

I knew that she can be loud, but not THIS loud.

“Yes, I can bloody hear you, sis. Stop shouting around or our neighbors next door might file a complaint against us… again. I don’t feel like having to pay another fine for peace disturbance.” I heard Flitter call back. The muffled tone of her call meant that she must be inside a room.

Cloud just smiled. “Well, yes. Yes, I do have to shout like that as you can hear. Mares like her just LOVE to spend most of their day in a toilet, after all.” She commented much to my own mental sarcasm.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that, the mare who basically spends 45 minutes in a shower.” I thought to myself. I actually timed that. This morning she actually spent a third of an hour under the hose. Both me and Flits were already ready, but she was still under the thing, getting her mane and coat rinsed off.

As I thought that, Cloud eventually decided to leave the living room for the kitchen and to obviously leave me behind, alone on the couch. At the same time the door to the secondary bathroom on the left side of the home opened, revealing a well groomed and relieved looking Flitter. She looked at me, only for her expression to change as she most likely saw just how much of a mess I must be looking.

Messy mane, messy coat, somewhat green expression, you know the drill.

She immediately trotted over to me with a startle. “What the... Nava, what in Equestria happened to you? Did somepony stuffed you into a cement mixer, or did Cloud somehow drag you into one of those bars that sells some high grade Cloudsdale liqueur?” Flitter questioned before her expression turned into a frown as her head turned towards the kitchen.

“Cloudchaser, you better not have dragged Nava to one of your after work bars!” She demanded.

“What the buck, sis? Of course not. He already looked like this when he arrived, thanks to a duo of flankholes in armor. They were flying loopty loops with him as far as I can tell.” I heard Cloud call back as the sound of the fridge door closing could be clearly heard from where I was laying back first.

Flitter, in turn, just shook her head before focusing her attention back to me.

“Do you maybe need any medicine to get rid of your nausea? I have some in the drawers if you want?” Flitter suggested.

I just shook my head, lightly this time. “No need. I already feel somewhat better now, to be honest. Just need to wait it out a bit longer and I should be A-Okay before bedtime hits the hour.” I assured her with a weak smile.

She just nodded before leaving me as well and heading towards her room for whatever reason. It was then when I realized there was a stack of rather large looking saddlebags neatly stacked in the corner that separates the living room with the left hallway. A curious sight for sure, and one that I immediately found myself drawn to as Cloud eventually reappeared back from the kitchen and sat herself across from me on the second couch with a soda can held on her right wing.

I looked at her questionably. “Hey, uhm… Cloud. “I called out which got her attention. “What are these large bags for? Is one of you going somewhere, or am I missing something here?” I questioned while pointing it out.

Cloud followed my gesture and saw the bags, before looking back at me with a somewhat awkward look on her features.

She rubbed the back of her neck. “Well…” She began with a pause. “Both me and Flitter eventually came to the conclusion, while you were off to Canterlot, that we kinda want to come with you to this illusive thestral land far to the north. I know that this sounds super abrupt from me, but that is the answer. Those bags are already packed with everything we might need for perhaps a month or even far longer absence from home.” Cloud explained while looking down at her soda.

This is certainly a surprise, to say the least. Both Flits and Cloud leaving their home, friends and job behind for who knows how long to simply tag along to a foreign and perhaps alien looking land?

I certainly need the confirmation from Flitter to be one hundred percent sure that Cloud’s answer is true. Knowing her attitude so far, she might just as well be bullshitting her own sister into this without asking or informing her about it first.

Flitter finally returned from her room a minute or two later with her bow finally attached to her mane.

I immediately decided to ask as she entered the living room with us.

“Hey, Flits. “ I called out while breathing from my mouth a couple of times to get my stomach to behave again. “Cloud just told me that you two have decided to join me and Glade to the Thestral Homelands. Are you really onboard with this as Cloud stated?” I questioned, which in turn caused Flitter to stop right behind Cloud’s couch and look back at the bags I was pointing at with a lazy hoof.

She looked back at me and sighed. “Well, it’s true.“ She finally confirmed, “Both me and Cloud over here had a rather long and… in depth discussion about you leaving Equestria with that crazy mare of a captain for who knows how long. So, long story short, we decided to make some use of our parent’s inherited wealth, and simply go with you. Not just for your sake, but also for the chance of seeing something else other than Equestria, and to maybe find some answers as to what our parents were doing over there before their… well, sudden death.” She finished, confirming Cloud’s statement.

I was in a bit of a loss after this as I was just laying there. Well, that’s really all I can do anyway.

To be honest, I am kind of happy to know that these two will be accompanying me to this new grand adventure of mine, at least like that I won’t be totally on my own and more or less back at square one with an angry dominatrix. Though, thinking about her, I am not really sure if Glade would ever be okay with this or not. She does lead this trip, as far as I know. But then again, I guess that Flitter’s mention of money might come in handy. Paying themselves on board might be an option here.

Either way, one thing seems to be clear, though. I just have this feeling that I won’t be back to Equestria for a while. Not sure how, but it is a hunch. Would be somewhat okay with me, since I really don’t have any attachment to this place whatsoever. But, what about Cloud and Flits, then?

They would certainly be leaving behind a lot with this. Friends, family, home, a world that they have come to know and love pretty much the entire life, not to mention their jobs, too. How is this all going to work for them?

With that in mind, I just had to ask. “Is it really okay with the two of you? To leave Equestria, a land that you two have known for pretty much all of your life for another that you barely know or understand? What about your jobs, how will that work out if you two would be away for who knows how long? I mean… I am quite grateful that you two care enough that you would actually follow me, even towards the end of the Earth, but still… I don’t want you two to potentially drop everything just for me.” I let myself be honest with my thoughts here, which, in turn, caused both of the sisters to look at me with mild realization.

Cloud was the first to respond. “We do, which is why me and my sister talked it out in great detail back at the weather factory. We know that we would be leaving a lot behind here, but, for the sake of exploration and adventure, you do kind of need to leave your old world behind in order to experience a new one in the first place. Plus…” She rubbed the back of her neck. “This whole thing was really my idea to begin with, anyway. Personally, I just couldn't stand the thought of you travelling alone with this psychotic mare for who knows how long. I don’t trust her, that is clear, but I also don’t trust her next to you. Especially with what she was capable and ready to do to just get her hooves on you in the first place.” Cloud openly explained.

I did remember the tales that Cloud told me when she and Shimmer made out of the underground chamber with my limp body. From what Cloud has informed me, Glade was quite… enthusiastic about getting her hooves on me. By enthusiastic I mean prepared to silently dispose of Cloud, Shimmer, and even Applejack to get me, not just her, but the thestrals she took with her were also ready to do what is needed to be done.

I mean, getting rid of Shimmer and Cloud, I can kind of understand, but Applejack as well? One of the Elements of Harmony? Either Glade didn’t know about her, which I honestly doubt, or she did know and just didn’t care about that. Now I am not sure what her true motives were or what her overall goal was at the time, but from what I can say, she is certainly one of those characters that does not beat around the bush and gets the job done quickly and covertly. She is precise, slick, and brutal, deadly so.

Actually, now that I managed to remind myself about her, I guess I really should start to be more wary around her in the future, well, at least until I can personally find out what truly makes her tick and not rely too much on what Celestia has told me about her so far.

Her story, at least from Celestia’s account is… somewhat vague, but it was a start. I guess what Celestia was trying to hint at was that it really wasn’t her place to openly disclose the mare’s story to me, not until I personally asked her about it first.

I rubbed the side of my head. “Well then, I guess, there is nothing else to do except wait.” I thought out loud.

Cloud nodded to that as she leaned back and finally took a sip from her can. Flitter noticed this as she gave her sister an accusing look.

“Hey, wait a minute. Isn’t that MY soda that you are drinking? I perfectly remember having seen you drink yours this morning.” She accused, which just caused Cloud to look down at her can.

“Oh…” Was all she responded.

Flitter just sighed. “Never mind, since your muzzle has already touched it, you might as well go ahead and drink the rest. I will just go down the store and get a fresh one myself.” She responded as she left the living area with an annoyed frown.

Cloud just beamed at that as she happily took another sip of her blueberry soda.

“Well, at least I can always count on these two to be sisters even outside Equestria.” I thought to myself before I decided to stare at the ceiling instead, my mind once again going back to the meeting I just got through.

Specifically the part about Glade.

(Couple of hours back.)

Both me and Celestia were trotting through the Palace gardens in the warmth and light of the late evening sun.

There were a few gardeners here and there, working on some flowerbeds off in the distance, but other than that, the two of us were mostly alone. Luna hasn’t come down to meet me in person at this point, and I honestly have a feeling that she won’t either, well, not until the very last second, that is.

Whatever she could have eaten must be very heavy on her stomach, and whenever I asked Celestia about it, all she could get out of herself was a stifled chuckle. At this point, I have just decided to drop the matter altogether, and just wait for Luna to either turn up or not.

Didn’t want to be rude towards her, but I don’t think that she could really give me any more useful information or life lessons that her sister hasn’t already covered. Though, it would still be nice to meet the Night Princess face to face before I had to return home. These two obviously still have a country to run. Luna at her Night court, and Celestia early in the morning.

Both me and Celestia eventually found ourselves inside a confusing hedge maze as we continued to trot silently with one another.

Well, I say confusing, because of the maze part. Other than that, there really wasn’t anything that could get you truly lost here, as all it would take to find your way out of this maze was to peek over these hedges and memorize at what direction the exit is.

Those botanic walls aren’t even that tall to begin with. Just stand on your hind legs, and it should be simple.

Besides that, this was, of course, my chance to finally ask her about something personal without anyone, or, in this case, anypony eavesdropping on us.

I looked up at the accessoryless Princess. “So… about Glade.” I began to get the Princess's attention, who after the question just sighed.

I knew that there must be a much deeper story about her, a reason as to why a hard headed mare like her is kept in Canterlot as the local Captain for Equestria’s Night Guard.

Especially when I already questioned her about this subject earlier. Apparently, and certainly to my surprise, she already knew about the incident that happened in the castle ruins. Even more importantly, about the situation when Glade was fully ready to kill one of the Elements to basically get her way. How did she know? Well, she was informed, most notably thanks to a certain yellow pegasus that happened to be nearby when she noticed Applejack galloping into the forest at high speeds. It was shocking to know, and when I started to question what her thought on this matter was, she honest to god told me that she had absolutely no power to do anything to Glade if she actually did the unthinkable.

Why? How? How can one of the most powerful ponies to ever live be powerless towards a hard headed thestral mare with serious emotional issues?

Simple — politics, and a very old case of the bad blood between two races. Celestia again was somewhat vague about her answer, but what she did told me straight on was that the ponies and the thestral clans far to the north had been in a bad state of relationships for the last 1000 years. The one major table turner with all of this is that Equestria nowadays is a lot more pacifistic in its policies than it used to be in the past, the strong military that it used to field was no longer present today. Unlike the Nassgardians, which still had a very formidable military presence within its borders, even to this day, thanks to their overall military focused policies and warrior centered culture.

The thestral clans were just waiting, waiting for their southern neighbors to do anything stupid that would give them a legitimate enough reason to finally settle a 1000 year old score in one wide swoop, and if sacrificing the life of one of the Elements means saving the lives of possibly millions, then the choice in Celestia’s mind was pretty clear, despite the fact how immoral it seemed.

Celestia is a princess of Equestria, and as a princess, it is HER job to do everything in her power to safeguard the existence and peace of her nation and the citizens that live in it.

Yes, the Elements of Harmony are part of that peace, and one of the reasons why Equestria was able to survive for pretty much a whole millennia, but at the same time not the complete and only reason. Yes, the Elements may be invaluable in dealing with individual threats like Nightmare Moon or Discord, but in situations of a full scale war they are as useful as tits on a fish.

No, really, that is how Celestia herself phrased it. I wasn’t sure if I should have laughed at that or just be surprised by her choice of words.

Either way, the point she was trying to make was that if she ever did anything to a major leading figure of one of the eight great clans, then they would have found a good enough reason to stir up the population and demand military actions from the current High King.

A situation that would just transform into an immediate disaster if that ever happened. Again, Nassgaridath military strength is vastly superior to Equestria in almost every level. Except for Magic, but, according to Celestia, they disregard magic and are replacing it by something new that is referred as Magi-tech, something that pretty much already tells you everything by just looking at the name.

But none of that is really the focus now. The point to all of this is that, A: The thestral clans can be quite spiteful, even after as long as a 1000 fucking years, and B: That the world of politics in this version of Equestria is just as serious and unnecessary complex as back in my world. A type of complexity that even Celestia has to obey.

Either way, both me and Celestia finally took a break from our constant walking around as she finally took a seat right next to a flower patch in the center of this maze. She leaned herself against one of the hedges before looking back at my still standing form.

She gently patted the spot right next to her with a hoof. I trotted over to her and took my place on the same patch of perfectly cut grass right next to her.

She immediately began to answer my question after I sat down. “Well, about your curiosity about Glade.” Celestia began with a soft exhale escaping her mouth. “For starters, I like to personally tell you that she wasn’t the same cold and calculated mare that you see today. She actually used to be a lot more, let’s say, honor bound, a lot more proud and joyful towards herself, and certainly a lot more approachable. Definitely a lot less hostile and kill happy.” She explained, which obviously got my full attention at that point.

Not too hard to believe that a person used to be different many, many years ago, especially when you take a 1000 into consideration here. But hearing it from Celestia herself that Glade was a lot more… well… normal then she is now is certainly a bit of a surprise to know. Especially when you only know the Glade that I do now.

This was obviously just a tidbit of her past and overall history. There was more, far more, and just like any other individual with any healthy amount of curiosity in them, I just had to know more, if not for my own thirst for knowledge, then for the need to understand Glade better and hopefully get her to ease up somewhat. Not just on me, but on others, too.

Might be a rather useful knowledge to have, especially considering that she is going to be around me even more than she already is now.

I may not trust her, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t understand her. Having a mare like her as a friend is certainly better than having her as an enemy.

I looked up at Celestia. “Then what happened?” I began, which caused Celestia’s ears to immediately perk up. I was somewhat oblivious about that at the moment as I simply continued. “If she used to be a lot more different than she is now, then certainly something must have happened at the span of the last 1000 years that made her the way she is now?” I continued on, still being oblivious at Celestia’s changing expression.

I kept poking despite that. “So again, what made her like this?” I finalized.

It was only then when I finally noticed the distant expression that she wore. An expression that spoke more than it seriously couldn’t have normally.

I was about to ask out of worry when Celestia eventually freed herself from her trance with slow and steady headshake and the rubbing of her forehead.

She looked back down at me with an apologetic expression. “Sorry, just… just had a bit of a… flashback there.” She explained.

I shook my head. “It’s… it's fine, really. If my question somehow managed to open up a box that shouldn’t have been open in the first place, then it would be I that should be apologizing to you. I obviously had no idea that such a question might bring up some bad memories.” I responded, in both a careful and regretful tone.

Celestia just smiled. “No need to apologize. In fact, I might actually be somewhat grateful that you helped me remember something that I honestly shouldn’t. Past misdeeds and mistakes should never be forgotten in hopes of not making the same mistakes twice. It’s these mistakes that makes us who we are and help us to better ourselves for the future. Not to mention, being less naive in the long run.” She explained, which I guess was good.

But, obviously, that still meant a question being completely unanswered. Celestia must have noticed my train of thought as her smile quickly faded. She sighed before looking back off into the distance like how she has been for this entire meeting.

“Let’s just say that… I was a lot more naive and inexperienced back then, than I am now. I have certainly and rather largely contributed to both of this quiet hostility, and, most likely, Glade’s sudden change itself.” She responded, yet another sigh escaping her lips.

This was certainly an interesting revelation, the fact that Celestia messed up is, again, nothing new, as even in the original series she did made a lot of mistakes, perfectly showing her own mortality in a lot of those scenes and situations in the show.

Even a powerful Sun Princess like her isn’t immune to brain farts.

But, again, this obvious truth isn’t really the main focus here. What was the prime question that has also been burning inside my mind is what Glade’s story really is, ever since I was conscious enough to see her in person.

Like, seriously, what is it with the tsundere attitude she blows out? I need to know! Or… well, I would have, if Celestia didn’t suddenly decided to cockblock my desire for more answers the same way she did when I asked her about the reason as to why the thestrals of the north have such a bleak outlook on Equestria as a whole.

“I think that it would be best to ask Glade personally on what her story is. Those are her memories, after all, and I personally don’t have any right to spill them out to anypony, IF I actually knew the exact details.” Celestia suddenly added, which in turn was pretty much just as overall vague as the previous answers before.


I immediately frowned after I remembered that part. I mean, sure, she was kind of right that it really wasn’t her place to tell these stories herself.

I could understand her reasoning for respect, but I could also understand that my best chances of finding an answer comes from a mood swinging, murderous feeling dominatrix that wields a massive red buster sword version of a spear.

It’s, like, everything I don’t want to get to close to or piss off by asking the wrong questions. Granted, I am somewhat positive with my assumptions that she won’t immediately skin for almost everything I do, and say simply because it is kind of her responsibility now to keep an eye, or so I have been told. But still, I really don’t feel like getting a hoof stuck inside my nuts, and given the fact on how prominent they are now as a pony, it would be easy to say that missing them would be practically impossible.

Especially for someone who has been trained for combat for all of their life. Her whole 1000 year long life, to be precise.

I rubbed my face with both of my hooves. “Well, there is that. I either have to find Glade’s story from someone else, or I have to go and somehow ask Glade in person. Pretty sure that the opportunity to do so will present itself one way or another if I keep a keen eye, but still… asking her feels like asking Sephiroth what his mother was like. One way trip to getting punched through by an oversized katana. Such hotshots are quite a gamble to deal with,” I thought with a bit of a groan.

By the way, I am meaning hotshot not because she is… well, actually, she doesn’t look that bad in both the face and mane department, and her overall well-toned body does add to the “Bad Girl” vibe that she is going with, and that is without mentioning the…

Another groan escaped my closed mouth. “Great, now I am starting to assume that she is kinda hot or something… which, given her muscles in all the right places, isn’t really that far off a… okay, I will just stop.” I thought as I gave myself a bit of a slap to get these ideas out of my mind.

Hooves apparently hurt more when you slap yourself with them. A realization that came a bit too late in my opinion, as I now had a red stinging cheek to cry about.

Not literally crying, but still cringeworthy.

The door to our home suddenly burst open, which, in turn, caused me to almost jump out of my couch while Cloud almost dropped her soda.

My senses were telling me that a certain thestral mare has entered the scene, and by the angry frown that Cloud was aiming at the entrance, I guess I was right.

“Well, are you all packed and ready to go, you little furball of a stud? Because tomorrow will be the day where you and I will be… wait, where the heck is he even?” I heard Glade’s distinct voice call out.

I scrambled up the backrest of the couch and peeked over it’s edge to basically mark my presence to her.

Her brows immediately rose in a questioning and somewhat curious expression as she looked at me. “Well, you certainly seemed to have seen better days? What happened to you? Did you hit the bar on your way back and drank more than your inexperienced little body could even handle, or did someone throw you around in a loop or two for stepping on their hooves or something?” Glade questioned which caused Cloud to take the lead from here.

“The second one, though minus the whole hoof stepping part. A bunch of pegasi guards though that doing aerial stunts with a cart being attached behind them would be a good idea.” Cloud informed, much to Glade’s curiosity and amusement.

“Ah, some foals in armor. I see, certainly a rarity where I am from. Because back home no healthy minded parent would give their children armor… depending on the situation.” She commented before closing the door and trotting closer to the couches.

Cloud just decided to ignore her for now as Glade stepped further into our home. She eventually spotted the packed saddlebags at the corner of the room, which, in turn, caused her to stare at them for a while before switching over to Cloud who was momentarily busy sipping on her can some more.

“Are those Nava’s bags? I wasn’t even aware that the stud had THAT much stuff to his name. Not to mention the strength to carry them all alone,” She commented, which just made me frown.

It was then when Flitter once again showed herself, but this time with a small pouch hanging from her neck. Most likely her sack to carry her bits.

“No, they are not.” Flitter responded, which caused Glade to switch her gaze over to her.

“Oh, then for whom, are they?” Glade casually responded.

Flitter just sighed. “They are ours, for… going to the far north with you and Nava. To the thestral homelands.” She answered with a sideways and somewhat awkward stare.

Glade just look at her funny, before bursting out into full laughter. This, of course, caused Cloud to once again glare at her, while Flitter just frowned by still kept her gaze fixed to the side.

I, on the other hand, just kept neutral, waiting for Glade’s outburst to end and for her to obviously deny their plans of coming with us.

Glade’s laughter quickly stopped, though, as she swiftly regained her composure by rubbing left eye. Most likely the first ever tear I ever saw from her. Even though I didn’t, because she was kind of facing away from me. But hey, you can wonder, can’t you?

“Oh, oh, that was a good one. Two basic weather ponies who want to travel to a cold, alien, still raw and untamed, in comparison to this one, land. Oh, the delicious irony of this joke.” Glade commented in between breaths, still keeping her chuckles under control.

Cloud, of course, was the first to jump at that. “Hey, just because we have lived in comfort for most of our lives doesn’t mean that we can’t learn and force ourselves to adapt. Our own parents made the trip to Nassgardiath a couple of times, so why can’t we? If they can, then why not anypony else as well?” She ranted, which was actually a pretty valid reason for her to place down, when you think about it.

Granted, not anyone can learn or adapt to any location or situation as well as the next guy, but still, given enough time, dedication, and a bit of luck, then truly anyone could learn something new or become someone new at the end of the day.

But then again, take a look at me and my still constant failing at actually getting my magic and sense for flying under control. Well… if I would even start bothering, that is. Magic is still a “NO” zone, with flying being pretty much in the same situation as well.

Acrophobia and a massive distrust of magic thanks to it’s constant dicking around isn’t really a great motivator, after all.

Especially when you are just constantly reminded of them over and over again.

Glade,on the other end, just mumbled to herself as she looked over to Cloud’s determined look. If there is one thing I know of that she kind of respects most and foremost, its guts and bravery. I know that Cloud seems to be unafraid of Glade to some extent, something that Glade seemed to notice.

I guess that it must be quite rare for an individual like her to meet a person who isn’t afraid or intimidated by her.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to ever get on her bad side, but that’s just me. I never claimed to be the bravest of individuals, and my track record pretty much speaks for itself. But that is only because this world has been fucking me over ever since my arrival, my new body is still alien to me, this entire world, though somewhat familiar, is also alien to me with its alternative history, and then there is the loss of my home and my acrophobia.

I must sound like a broken record right about now, don’t I?

Either way, Glade and Cloud just kept staring at one another, one in defiance while the other in mild curiosity and… slight amusement?

Glade eventually broke the staring contest as she went back to her normal mocking smile. “Well, in that case, be my guest. If the two of you feel so drastically attached to your little stallion over here…” She tried to say before Cloud interrupted by getting up from her couch.

“Hey, Nava might not be the bravest, but at least his heart is in the right place. Not sure if I can say the same about you.” Cloud challenged, much to our surprise.

Both me and Flitter looked at the duo with a hint of worry, especially when Glade quickly lost her smug smile after she said that. Glade for a moment seemed to be ready to do… something, when she suddenly eased up again and simply rolled her eyes in Cloud’s direction.

“What do you know about hearts?” I could hear her mutter before she returned to her “Glade look”.

“Either way, if the two of you really want to come along on the airship that is going to take us to the north, then you better have some deep pockets, because this is certainly no charity trip, and non-registered passengers will have to pay for their ride like everybody else. Which, by the way, isn’t particularly cheap.” Glade explained.

That’s when Flitter stepped in. “Well, I had a feeling that such a problem would arise.” She started which got the thestral’s attention almost immediately.

“Oh, is that so? Well, do you then also have the funds to pay for your “Tickets”?” Glade questioned, smirking at the ticket part.

Flitter nodded, to Glade’s mild surprise. “Well, yes, and far beyond that, too. Money for us really isn’t an issue. Especially with all of the money that both of our parents left for us.” She announced.

Glade perked up at that. “Oh, yeah, your two are so called “Royal Couriers”. Well, I do know that this position pays quite well. Especially in how limited the position is.” She casually commented.

“Well, anyway, if you got the coin, then there are no issues for you to come along. The ship IS designated for military use only, so civilians will have to pay as if it were your typical cruise ship. Just behave while onboard, and you should be fine.” Glade quickly added.

Flitter just nodded to this information before stepping past us and making her way towards the front door. She quickly looked back to Cloud before she opened the door.

“Oh, and Cloud, please don’t try to get yourself killed while I am out to get a new can of blueberry soda for me.” She announced with a neutral look.

Cloud just rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just make sure that you don’t come back with another colt trailing behind your tail, will ya? I don’t feel like having you making a ruckus right across my room when I am obviously trying to sleep.” Cloud countered, making Flitter roll her eyes this time.

She wanted to say something, but decided not to. She just groaned as a response before exiting the house and closing the door behind her, leaving me and Cloud along with the illusive Glade.

Actually, now that she openly mentioned it, I do hope that Cloud doesn’t do or say anything stupid that might lead her to Glade’s Ire. I may be somewhat in Glade’s graces, but these two obviously aren’t, judging from the outburst earlier, Cloud’s over excessive courage might put her in trouble with this mare, or even anyone back up in Nassgardiath.

Glade, on the other hand, just decided to seat herself on an empty spot on one of the couches and make herself comfortable with a sigh, which got Cloud’s attention, of course.

“Why did you even came here if the trip is going to happen tomorrow? Don’t you have your own stuff to pack?” Cloud casually asked, crossing her hooves and leaning back against her own couch.

Glade just kept cool while resting her arms behind her head. “All done and finished. I just came here to make sure that our little wonder boy over here has done the same, and to also inform you all that the airship arrives tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, to be precise, on an open field in the middle of nowhere, no less.” She answered, which immediately caused Cloud to jump up with wide eyes.

“Wait, tomorrow morning? Early, as in early morning?” She questioned with a bit of distress.

Glade just raised her eyebrow at her. “Yes, early, like 7:30 AM kind of early. Why do you ask? Do you have some illusive early morning rituals to do, or something?” She asked, which in turn caused Cloud to frown.

“No, it’s just…” She trailed off a bit, looking to the side. ”I am just not a morning pony, that’s all. Always hated to wake up early.” She answered.

Glade just smirked at that, just like how she always does. “Well, in that case you better start to get used to it. Because the ship that we will be boarding is a military one, as I stated. They will be some quite obvious military like routines, like getting up early to grab your breakfast down at the galley. Because the trip is certainly going to take a week or two of nonstop flying. So, again, you better get used to be an early bird if you don’t want to get left behind.” Glade explained, much to Clouds displeasure.

She eventually groaned before sitting back down, or, rather, laying herself halfway across the couch with her hooves clutching her face.

“Ugh, not even on board, and I already hate this.” I heard Cloud mutter, to Glade’s personal pleasure.

“Well, we all have to get our asses out early in order to get somewhere in life. Same with school and same with a basic job. The military is far from different.” Glade commented casually as she just decided to ignore the two of us and just relax on the couch.

I, for one, was kind of on Cloud’s side here. Waking up early in the morning is also a big fat NOPE for me. But then again, nobody likes to wake up early on purpose. That’s how bad morning people are born.

I decided to just copy Glade and simply relaxed, waiting for the next day to come in order to finally start this brand new chapter of my life. Who knows, maybe my time in a foreign land would be somewhat more pleasant than it was here. Also, my nausea has also long passed at this point, which should make the whole “take a little nap” idea a lot more enjoyable for sure.

I quietly sighed. “Well, nothing better to do now than wait for tomorrow, basically. After the whole ordeal I had to push through today, I certainly don’t feel like doing anything for the rest of the evening. Also, need to properly shelve all of the information that Celestia has given me so far. So much to learn, but so little to understand.” I thought to myself before slowly closing my eyes.

Its moment like these when I could truly let all of my worries go and simple LIVE. Not saying that mishaps aren’t part of life or anything, but it’s nice to let go for a while and pretend that you are simple dosing off on your own couch.

Got to take what I can get, after all.


“HURRY UP, YOU THREE, WE WILL BE LEAVING IN 20 MINUTES, AND I CERTAINLY WON'T WAIT FOR ANY OF YOUR SORRY ASSES IF YOU ARE NOT PACKED AND READY TO GO!!!” Glade shouted into the home, which makes all of us groan as we tried to have breakfast in the kitchen.

The key word being “tried” here.

Not sure how both Flitter and Cloud are feeling, but I rather had a long and comfortable night, thanks to the fact that I dozed off on the couch yesterday and basically slept through the rest of the day and until this morning.

Glade suddenly came crashing into our front door at around 5 am, which certainly did the trick in getting everyone out of their sacks. Not me, though, I simply got launched from the couch from the shock and hit the floor head first, as usual.

If this keeps up, I might actually come down with a serious head condition sooner or later. Not sure how sturdy alicorn skulls are, but if I can feel it, then I can certainly receive damage. How much is still up for debate, though.

Either way, besides that little mishap, the rest of the morning was pretty much okay for me as I did had a very long night rest under my belt. Though, I can’t really say the same for both of the mares sitting across me. Both of them looked more drowsy than a Snorlax having been just woken up from a bad night sleep.

Yes, I obviously know Pokémon. Actually was still in elementary myself when it first came out, like with most of my generation.

But I am just getting off track now. I should rather focus on my breakfast before Glade once again comes to pull on our plugs. It’s actually a good thing that the ship that we are boarding has its own showers that would make getting cleaned up a lost less stressful for us.

Not that we have the time to do so, anyway. Cloud especially seems to love long showers.

Well, to be honest, it would have been a surprise if it hadn’t had any bathrooms or showers installed. Given the fact that the trip will most likely take two weeks or more. Glade actually informed us after the rough wake up that the trip will have a little detour planned in it. Something about getting supplies along the way.

“Ugh… why the heck didn’t I went to bed early? Only got like… around four hours of sleep, which is obviously not enough.” Cloud suddenly complained, which forced me to look up at her.

She had been staring at her bowl of cereal for almost five minutes without even having touched them. Flitter, on the other hand, was in a little better shape than her sister, but only a little, given she had bags under her eyes and overall messy mane. Can’t really determine that towards Cloud, since her mane is ALWAYS messy no matter how you look at it.

Looks good on her, though. Similar to Rainbow Dash or Vinyl Scratch. If she exist, that is, I honestly haven’t heard or seen any dubstep music or albums, mostly because I am not trying to look for them in the first place.

Dubstep really isn’t my thing.

Flitter looked over to her sister with a frown. “Well, maybe because you just had to spend most of the evening running around town before coming back home in the later hours. Don’t tell me you went to one of your bars.” She responded with a somewhat judgmental stare aimed at her sister.

Cloud just shook her head. “No, I was actually out buying some winter clothes for, well… the north. I am not sure what the climate is up there, but I would imagine that it isn’t anywhere near as temperate as here.” Cloud responded.

“But… but why the hay did you do that? You have your own winter gear in the closet, as far as I know.” Flitter pointed out, which, in turn, caused Cloud to sigh.

“Well, yes but… you remember the last Winter Wrap-Up?” Cloud questioned.

Flitter nodded, which allowed Cloud to continue. “Then you probably must also remember that I managed to get my jacket ruined, thanks to Thunderlane’s carelessness about kicking a cloud right into my face, causing me to be pushed into a tree and rip my jacket on its branches.” Cloud casually recalled before she went back to staring down at her still full bowl.

Flitter sported a look of realization, despite her physical bags under her eyes. “Oh, yeah, I do remember that one. Totally slipped my mind there.” She responded before finally picking up her cup of hot coffee that she also neglected for like a couple of minutes.

I just looked at these two with a bit of an odd look as I just found their half awakened behavior somewhat awkward. Yes, I can somewhat relate, of course, but I wasn’t that un-functional even if I had completely skipped through a whole night without shut eye.

I just shrugged, letting these two be as I grabbed my cheese sandwich with both of my hooves and took my first bite of it. I am glad to know that Equestria also has its own version of both Emmental, Gouda and even Edam cheese for me to enjoy.

I have been living off the crappy Australian or American type cheeses for far too long where I used to live back in my world. I did miss the good taste of European made cheese so much. The REAL cheese, in my opinion.

Say what you want, but European cheese is the best in my opinion. But then again, everyone has their own opinion. Also, this is a new land and whatnot, and so on.

Well, okay, maybe I am not THAT well rested, after all. I still got knocked out of bed… or rather couch in this instance, which also somewhat screwed around with your fatigue levels.

But whatever, just finish my breakfast and I shall be ready for the trip. Not that I had anything to pack up to begin with, and even if I did, my hat would fill up most of that role anyway. So, basically, all I really have on me is the very fur on my skin… and my hat and glasses, of course.

“Cloud, would you kindly start eating your cereal so that I can quickly wash up the dishes. You have been staring at the bowl for Celestia knows how long.” Flitter suddenly complained after she managed to finish her cup and her own sandwich.

Cloud just groaned in response, but complied nonetheless as she slowly and somewhat uncoordinatedly grabbed the bowl with both of her hooves and just began chugging down the entire thing in one go.

It was somewhat glorious, but also mildly disgusting to watch Cloud swallow the milk and cereal as if there was no tomorrow, which actually might be true as I have no idea if they even have something similar to cereal back in Nassgardiath.

Flitter just frowned as she watched some of Cloud’s milk and cereal splash down on her coat and onto the table. She seemed to be on the verge of complaining before just settling for a loud and irritated sigh.

She got up from her seat with her empty mug and plate balanced on her right wing. “Seriously, sometimes I wonder if this sister of mine is either a mare or still a filly in her head. This is why going with you to restaurants is as enjoyable as getting kicked in the face.” She commented, which Cloud casually ignored as she was obviously still busy devouring cereal like a snake.

I don’t even think that she is chewing, all I can see is her throat gulping in a nonstop movement ever since she started. Maybe she is part snake, after all.

“Nava, could you maybe help me with the dishes a bit? I want to get all of this here done before we are inevitably forced out of our house, thanks to your predatory friend. It would just forever nag me in the back of my mind if we had to leave the house in a rather uncleaned and unorganized state for who knows how long.” Flitter requested, which I obviously had no qualms to oblige.

I just nodded before getting off of my seat while trying to carry my own plate over to the sink where Flitter was already working on.

I placed my plate down with the others and simply watched Flitter do her thing. Kind of interesting to watch a pony washing plates with nothing but their hooves. But then again, I guess it really wouldn’t be that difficult to begin with, as all you really need to do was trace your flat hoof over the flat surface of the plate.

Heck, I even managed to dry them up on my first try… before I managed to clumsily flick them away from my grasp. They are still just hooves, after all.

“Could you maybe do the scrubbing while I take care of the drying? I am sure that cleaning would be a lot easier and… safer for you than drying them up.” She suggested, which I personally could agree on.

“Sure, no problem, I mean, how hard could it be to break dishes inside a full sink?” I responded with an unsure grin, which in turn caused Flitter to give me an unsure look.

She just shook her head before stepping off from the sink and giving me the spot. “Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” She responded, more for encouragement rather than a joke, to my mild surprise.

I just gave her sheepish smile before dunking my forelegs into the sink… only realizing that I have forgot to grab the sponge and the soap first, which I of course quickly did.

Well, this certainly is a great start.


“Well, okay then. Are the three of you ready?” Glade asked in front of us, as both me, Flitter and Cloud were standing in front of her on the Balloon platform. Packed and ready to go, well, mostly them, as I obviously didn’t had a lot to pack in the first place.

We all just nodded as a response, which made Glade smile. “Well, good, because I actually need to go take a leak first before we fly down towards the destination where the ship will be touching down. Just make sure that you also have the bits necessary to pay for the flight, and everything should be good for the two of you.” Glade announced before she started making her way towards a public restroom right next to the platform.

Didn’t even realize that open public restrooms were present around the launch pads, let alone be a thing at all.

Flitter raised an eyebrow at that. “Wait, I thought that I was supposed to give the money to you?” She questioned as she followed Glade’s walk.

She just continued trotting. “Never said that. Just wait here, unlike most mares, I obviously won’t take long.” She called back.

Well, this was certainly awkward, watching someone like her just casually walk into a public restroom. Certainly something worth to record… if I had a camera, that is.

“Hey, you three.” We all heard someone suddenly call out from above us.

We all turned our gaze up towards it’s source and were genuinely surprised to see none other than Rainbow Dash herself hovering above us.

Cloud was the first to respond as she waved her hoof towards the prismatic mare. “Hey, RD, what brings you here all of the sudden?” she called out.

“Well, simply, trying to give you all a last goodbye before the three of you bugger off towards the land of the bat winged and fluffy eared.” Dashie responded before descending for a landing.

She landed gracefully of all fours before facing us, looking us down and up before focusing on me.

She raised a curious eyebrow. “You, a stallion is forcing a pair of two mares to carry all of your stuff instead of doing it yourself? Not very gentlycolt-ish, if you ask me.” Dashie commented.

I just rolled my eyes at her before quickly realizing something. “Wait… how do you even know that the three of us are leaving Equestria in the first place?” I asked, which Flitter right next to me provided the answer to.

“Well, it’s because we informed her back at the weather factory during our last shift. Right after we came to the decision to follow you.” Flitter informed, and Cloud confirmed it with a nod.

Well, that certainly explains it, then.

“Well… anyway.” Dashie began. “I just came here to just say goodbye to the three of you and wish you all the best of luck on your journey. Not sure how long you three will be gone, but I can already say with honesty that I will certainly miss you all. Specifically your timid little flank, Nava.” She said with her focus fully landing onto me in the end.

I just gave her a sad smile. “Well, at least you still have Fluttershy to meet all of your timid needs. Plus, she is living pretty much at the same town as you, so… you will at least be very busy over there with her and the rest of your friends.” I commended back.

RD rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah… well, even so. The three of you will still be missing from the greater picture. Flits and Cloud with the weather team, and you for just being… well, you. Despite your weaknesses, you still are a very good kid, and I certainly can appreciate that.” She added, which in turn just made me smile genuinely at the end.

“Thanks, I obviously try, but… well, you know.” I said while rubbing my neck awkwardly. “But trying to grow out of your shell is never easy. Never was.” I added with a sideways look.

It was then when I felt an arm drawing me closer to the left, which ended up to be Cloud who gave me an encouraging smile.

“Well, that’s what we are here for. To follow you to the ends of the Earth just to make sure you won’t accidentally kill yourself or spend most of your day crying in a dark corner.” Cloud joked, which in turn earned her a little nutcracker from her sister.

“Ouch, what the… what the heck was that for?”

“For being so ignorant, that’s why. Here we are trying to encourage him, not constantly remind him how he usually does.”

“Oh, so, basically, you had to tell me that while basically saying the same thing that I just said. Hypocrisy is what that’s called.” Cloud shouted back, right next to my ear, mind you, which obviously made me cringe.

At this point the two were basically having their sibling related argues, with me and Dashie being lost and forgotten by these two.

I took this momentary distraction to move myself out of the line of fire and simply joined RD on her side as the two of us watched the two sisters, basically, being sisters.

Dashie sighed. “Well, at least you won’t be bored during the trip. I bet these two will give you all the entertainment you could possibly need.” She casually commented.

It was my turn to sigh. “Well, yeah, I guess. But then again, it’s just one of reasons why these two have grown on me so much. The fact that they do act and behave like real siblings with all the bells and whistles attached to it. Enjoying the little things in life, basically.” I answered, which she could only agree on.

The two continued their petty bickering as I spotted Glade at the corner of my vision returning from her quick toilet break… in her armor, mind you.

Not sure how toilet breaks work with armor, but then again, equine armor is generally the worst armor in practically all aspects when comparing it to actually historical human armor. But, I guess, a lot of enchantments make up for that.

She eventually spotted the two childishly bickering, which, in turn, forced her to stop on her tracks and raise a curious eyebrow at the scene. The two still being comically oblivious at the awkward scene that they were creating around them. It wasn’t just us now who were observing the spectacle at this point.

“Just two minutes of taking a leak, and already everything seems to be falling apart before we even reached the damn ship. Is this really normal for these two or this is just a one time thing here?” Glade questioned, switching her gaze to me.

I just shrugged. “Pretty much, but you will get used to it pretty quickly. Maybe even going so far as to find some level of entertainment out of it, if you are cynical enough to do so.” I answered.

This of course made Glade smile. “Well, in that case I might actually enjoy this already. Could actually saved me the money for having to hire that one band on the ship by replacing them with these two mares. I could listen to something like this all day long.” She admitted, which wasn’t that entirely surprising from her, to be honest.

Given her character, I wouldn’t be surprised that she enjoys some good “schadenfreude” once in a while. I mean we, all kind of do.

“…and furthermore, you just constantly sniffing through anypony’s… uh, wait, hold on.” Flitter suddenly stopped as she finally realized that they were both being watched by a lot of pones. Me, Dashie, Glade, and even our chauffeur as well.

Both of them looked around themselves with wide eyes before straightening themselves up and chuckling awkwardly to one another. I guess, the penny is finally fallen.

“Well, uhm… uh… sorry.” Flitter apologized, pawing the ground.

Cloud did the same. “Yeah, kinda got… carried away a bit.” She added with a downward gaze.

“No problem. Was actually quite entertaining for how long it lasted. Certainly worth the wasted time in my books.” Glade announced before making her way to the balloon that will take us to the ground.

Flitter just frowned while Cloud quietly grumbled to herself as they both started to follow Glade. Leaving me and RD alone with one another.

Dashie coughed to get my attention. “So, this is it, then. Won’t be seeing you or the two clowns for a while. Damn, saying goodbye to somepony is never easy, isn’t it?” She said, which I again could only agree on.

“Yeah, especially with how long this separation will be. It’s all just vague and cryptic at the moment for me. Why, how, when. It just another pile of questions to add to my ever growing list of things nobody want to explain to me.” I added with a small frown.

Dashie pulled me up for a sideways hug. “Hey, that’s just life. It’s all just one big guessing game with no clear answers at sight. Which makes it a lot more interesting, if I have to be honest. All of the mysteries and wonders that life provides would become void and boring if we would know ALL of its answers. So, just keep your head high and you senses sharp.” She explained, which was honestly quite intelligent and philosophic for a character like her.

But then again, she is quite different from the Dashie I’m familiar with. A lot smarter and level headed, compared to the show.

Again, sounding like a broken record here.

“Alright you three, all aboard, or I will be forced to leave without you. Well… except for you, Nava. You’re coming along whether you want to or not.” Glade announced.

This basically gave up the sign to move. We entered the rather large gondola of this much larger balloon before our pilot did a couple test pulls on his burner to see if the gas tanks were truly filled. He was a dark brown unicorn stallion, with dirty blond mane and emerald eyes. A random pony I have never seen before, and most likely will never see again, or at least for a very long time.

If I can remember him, that is.

The unicorn gave a look to Glade, which she returned with a nod, before the balloon started to gently rise up into the air after he lightly pulled on the lever above him.

Again, I hate riding on this bloody thing, but at least they are somewhat safe, not like an open carriage ride with two pegasus pullers.

I watched Rainbow wave goodbye from below, which I, of course, returned, same with both Flitter and Cloud behind me.

“Well then, you three, better have a good look on good old Cloudsdale over here, since this will be the last time you three will see this place for quite a while. Next stop, the landing zone in the middle of nowhere.” Glade announced.

The city slowly but surely removed itself from view as clouds swiftly began to obstruct our view of it. I sighed, sliding myself against the railing of the gondola and sitting down. Just waiting for this flight to end and for us to arrive wherever it is that this “airship” is going to be waiting for us.

Why it has to be in the middle of nowhere is beyond me. But then again, I kinda don’t care either, as I have other thoughts occupying my mind.

The chance of a new adventure, no matter how intimidating this thought might be. At least then I would be forced to learn and adapt in a foreign and much harsher environment, instructed by Glade.

Let’s hope that my adventure goes well for once, or at least well enough for me to not die again by some hellish crystal that was calling for me.

At least now I know what to look after for. Don’t follow my damn horn where it wants to.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. I know that some of you may not like Glade as a character, but mark my words. You WILL like her, I will make sure of that. She will be your WEIFU, the mare that you will request lewd art for, with your OC and her doing the nature calls.

She will be your partner.

Anyway, today's pic is this.

Two sisters arguing.