• Published 18th Mar 2017
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 12: An air of uncertainty

Chapter 12: An air of uncertainty

Edited by: The Great Khan

“Sometimes I really wonder why I even bothered to board an airship in the first place...” I commented out loud as I casually sat in front of a control desk, while resting my head against a hoof. Watching as dozens of dials and meters were twitching up and down ever so slightly as the ship itself continued to steadily cruise along through the morning skies above the Equestrian and Crystal Empire border.

A sight that I was never a fan of, being nocturnal and all.

Just like the rest of the Thestrals. Or at least, most of them.

The Captain of the vessel gave me a curious look afterwards. “What do you mean? Flying is in our blood, is it not? So how come that you of all ponies are so bored when flying in an airship? Especially one build by our proud and strong nation?” The stallion curiously questioned. His gruff voice making it sound more like a demand than an actual question to be honest.

But I’m not so easily intimidated.

I removed my head from my hoof and sat myself upright as I replied. “Well, it's simple. Nothing really happens on these ships for the most part, besides just sitting around and waiting for the damn thing to reach its destination. Granted, traveling by airship is much faster and a lot more efficient than flying under your own power. But it still doesn’t mean that it has to be this mundane. I’ve flown on dozens of airships in my life, and most of them have resulted in the same thing: sitting around and waiting for us to arrive. I am not the most complacent of Thestrals as you can probably tell.” I responded before going back on resting my head against my hoof and watching the steam pressure dials in front of me twitch around.

Who knew that looking at a bunch of dials could be so… entertaining. And mentally relaxing. I should probably order a few of them to decorate my offices, just so that I can watch them move and twitch around randomly when I have nothing better to do. Seems kinda pointless and stupid, but it's the idea that counts.

Though besides feeling both bored and relaxed at the same time, the aforementioned captain in front of me just huffed at my answer before returning his attention back to the task at hoof. Steering the ship and making sure that we are on course, and most importantly on time, to check through every single stop before making a direct beeline for my homeland.

This is certainly going to be a long trip.

“So, besides complaining about this flight, can you maybe tell me why the hay we have two Equestrians and an Alicorn on board?” They are not heading towards Nassgardiath, are they?” He asked, before looking over his shoulder towards me to await my answer.

I sighed. “Well, yes of course they are heading for Nassgardiath, just like we are, and to answer your question as to why these three are even on board in the first place, it's because… well...” I paused a bit to think this through, before just mentally deciding to fuck it. “...Well, it’s because the Alicorn we have with us is kinda… ‘special’ you could say, while the two added ponies are simply his companions. Two of his ‘friends’ you could say, who didn’t want for this Alicorn to go alone and simply insisted on tagging along. I of course thought that the added addition made no difference whatsoever and simple allowed to them to come as well. Under their own risk and care, of course, as I wont be supporting those two as much as their Alicorn friend. That’s basically all the information you should know and not bother yourself too much as to why a trio of ponies are heading to a land filled with harsh untamed weathers and carnivores. Those three are going to be my problems, not yours. So don’t think on them too much.” I responded. Before prepping myself back up and this time mentally deciding to stay like this and not stare at the dials for the remainder of this morning.

I might actually decide to go track down those so-called “problems” of mine and see what the duo of herbivorous and that one omnivore are currently up too. Perhaps even going so far as to look for Midnight Gear to see what this “project” of his is that he’s going to present to the Ministry of Magical Science back at Kazzas. Which is probably something I won't make much sense of in a technical explanation. Most of these scribes, inventors and librarians never seem to understand the concept of “laymare’s terms,” which makes working with them sometimes such a frustrating endeavor. We are military mare and stallions, not mechanics.

But whatever, as long as Midnight Gear’s crafts deliver, I won't complain. Especially when he finally gets accepted into the ministry this time, which would also mean that I would finally get a new maniac to work for me and my fellow soldiers. Someone who has more balls and keeps my intended wishes in mind, and doesn’t blow up the barracks every weekend.

That would certainly be nice, and a lot less expensive to maintain.

I sighed. “Well anyway, if you excuse me, I’m going to go out onto the decks to get some fresh air. Can I trust that you won't suddenly decide to ram this ship into a mountain peak while I’m gone, or should I maybe stay and make sure you know what you’re doing?” I announced while having a little stab at the old stallion’s pride for good measure.

He chuckled sarcastically. “Ha, ha, very funny. Just get the hay out of my bridge and do whatever it takes for you to stop whining into my ears and do something more productive with your time here, Lady Glade. Or do you want me to test out the old kids’ tale about that one stallion capable of riding on a fired cannonball, with YOU as the test dummy to test out the tale? I’m sure that my crew is going to love it, not to mention you for finally getting rid of your boredom. How about that? You might actually beat us to Nassgardiath if we place you into a cannon.” The captain cheekily countered, giving me a malicious grin as he gazed over his shoulder.

I returned it. “Well, if you feel suicidal enough to try it captain, then by all means, give it a try. I didn’t manage to live for over a thousands years by being soft. Even my reputation back at court is nothing to scoff at. Even the High King himself has a certain level of respect for me. Which is quite hard to accomplish, as only the bravest and most capable leaders are ever elected as High King by the other clan leaders. But again, you can try if you dare.” I countered while giving him a mean grin. Letting him know that I meant every single word I said.

The captain just chuckled. Though a lot more genuine this time than before. “Just get out of here. Let me do my job and I’ll let you do yours. Whatever job that my be while you’re stuck here on MY vessel. Just go bug the Alicorn or something, I would imagine that he is a lot more of a challenge for you than a gruff old airship captain like myself.” The captain responded, which in turn just made me chuckle.

“Yeah, sure. He certainly is more of a challenge for me. Like… so much so that he almost gives me a headache sometimes.” I commented, before finally heading to the door to leave this place.

Two Thestral guards immediately opened the doors for me as I approached it.

“Ma’am.” One of the guards greeted as I passed by. I acknowledged his respective greeting with a casual nod of my own as I continued on. Making my way toward the automatic lift at the end of the hallway which will bring me up to the upper levels of the ship.

As I waited for the lift to come down, my thoughts immediately returned back to that timid little Alicorn I have on board with me. Specifically all of the mishaps he had accomplished and the small… well, rather large talk we had yesterday.

It's generally no secret at all that the guy was perhaps the most sorry excuse for an Alicorn I have ever heard of or encountered in my entire life. Though… at the same time, I can tell that his motives are at least just… well… from what I’ve observed at least.

I honestly cannot read ponies’ minds in a literal sense to be one hundred percent sure of that.

Either way, the little guy was at least trying to give his unguided existence some form of cohesion. Which I cannot say for a lot of individuals who are in a similar state as him.

Midnight Gear was actually one of them before I was forced to slam some balls into him. No matter how small those balls ended up being.

I sighed. “From a war maiden to a life counselor. Well, at least nobody can claim that my very long life was dominated by a stagnant lifestyle or samey-ness. Variety is the spice of life after all, or at least that’s what a lot of ponies like to say to justify their erratic behaviors. Whatever the truth may be doesn’t matter, as I will always do what needs to be done. No matter how mundane or annoying.” I thought to myself with a hint of fatigue as the lift finally arrived.

The lift gates in front of me opened, which in turn allowed me entry into the sizable box which I of course took advantage of. I then pressed the necessary button to get me to the desired floor I wanted to go before watching the gates in front of me close up again.

The gears and chains up above finally came back to life as I was steadily pulled upwards. The entire thing rattled and shook a bit as it climbed past the first couple floors, but nothing to really take note of as this was pretty normal for all of the automatic lifts I’ve used before.

The best ones are actually built into the floors and towers of the Ivory Citadel back in Kazzas. Which is understandable as it is the central place of power of the entire empire.

Well… one of the two central seats of power to be honest. The second one is the Iron Mountain up in Pelepolos. The locations of the capital always changes between those two depending on who currently occupies the throne, if the newly elected High King is either a native of Pelepolos or Kazzas. This usually determines which of the two largest and really only true cities of Nassgardiath are currently the state capital. Either the thermal heated and fertile plateaus of Kazzas, or the mountainous but also industrialized regions of Pelepolos.

But whatever, enough of these mental distractions. Especially now that I've finally reached the floor I wanted to go to. The first quarterdeck. Which, obviously judging by its name is the first of the two existing crew quarter decks within the ship. With the third one being both the cargo and armory deck. The entire ship in total has around six decks in total. Not counting the bridge and the large engine room at the rear of the ship.

Overall a very big ship for its type, but certainly not the largest one within the Imperial Navy.

No, the largest ones are all docked at the sky docks at Pelepolos. Where generally a large majority of the Thestral navy is docked at anyway.

But again, what does it matter?

I began walking about the tight halls of this flying beast with no real goal in mind, minus just to explore the interior of this ship myself. Why? Well, good question. More out of boredom I guess then anything else. I had originally planned to go seek out the previously mentioned Alicorn for some mind-poking fun. But that idea swiftly died when it was clear that I might be forced to interact with that Cloudchaser again if I did so.

Not that I feel scared or intimidated by her. I just generally don’t appreciate that rebellious attitude she always has towards me. Which is understandable, but also a bit aggravating, especially how she does it.

And speaking of the devil herself, there she is. Walking down the same hallway I was. How wonderful. I should have probably stayed at the bridge and watched the many dials than move my ass up here and run across the one mare I don’t want to see.

Something which was reflected on both of our expression. Though hers looked more like a frown than mine. I was just feeling annoyed at the unfortunate encounter.

I sighed as we got closer to each other. “Well then… what brings you up out of your quarters? These halls are very dangerous for prey like you. Especially when the entire ship is filled with natural predators. You are brave; braver than I expected.” I teased, trying to get under the mare’s skin, which obviously worked.

I know that my own attitude towards her isn’t exactly helping with the hostility we both share. But I just can’t help it. I’m an ass, a big one. A personal quirk of mine that I have no problem admitting to myself, but obviously not to others.

I still have a reputation to uphold, after all.

Either way the mare snorted as we both finally met at the center of the hallway. Both of us stopping to face each other, because the halls themselves were a bit too narrow for the two of us to just walk past one another without rubbing our flanks together.

“Well, the same reason why both Flitter and Nava decided to explore this ship themselves. Plus ,neither me nor my sister feel even the slightest bit intimidated by you Thestrals either. In fact, the few I came across just now were genuinely normal and pleasant to talk to, unlike you.” She responded back, again acting as stern and un-intimidated towards me as ever.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh please, don’t start with that. Different ponies have different characters after all. The world would be rather boring if everypony was simply playing nice or playing cruel to one another. Diversity is the spice of life after all, both for its good and bad aspects.” I responded myself, making use of a famous quote only with a bit of creative difference sprinkled onto it.

I should have become a philosopher myself, but then I would obviously not be in the position I am now. Especially back home. Though politics and life at court in general was never really my strong suit or interest. I have always been and always will be a Thestral of action, rather than words. Because I do tend to believe in the phrase that actions speak louder than words. Which is exactly why I am using simple words to try and converse with little miss feisty here instead of holding true to my own beliefs.

To be fair, I’m not exactly looking for a fight right now to pass the time, nor am I in the mood to even do so. Life will be troublesome already once I finally return to Kazzas to give my reports to the High King. Not to mention having to confront all of those rival clan leaders and especially that one guy whose name shall not be mentioned. Just thinking about him is enough to sour my mood. Something I don’t need right now.

Either way, the mare in front of me said absolutely nothing in response to my otherwise reasonable statement before she just sighed.

“You know… I don’t get you. Sometimes you’re just acting all big and threatening to us, before acting all chill the next. What is it with you and us, specifically Nava and ponykind in general?” She asked, sounding genuinely curious about it which kinda took me by surprise. Even more so when her hard gaze softened up a bit.

This was certainly new, which reflected itself in my expression too.

I scoffed. “You would really understand my dislike for your kind as a whole. You should maybe try reading your history books a little bit more, and maybe you will then understand why Nassgardiath and Equestria really don’t see eye-to-eye anymore. Though, doing so will probably just confuse you more than anything else, as the Equestrian historians in the past took a bit of creative liberty when it comes to documenting certain events. I should know, because I have read those fanfiction novels myself. Bloody shills.” I responded with a hint of spite.

This only confused Cloudchaser more than actually satisfying her.

She rose an eyebrow. “The history books. To be fair, I was never that big with history in general. Minus perhaps the history of the Wonderbolts when I was a filly.” She responded before looking thoughtful. Most likely mentally relieving her days as a filly, which was reflected on the small smile creeping up on her muzzle before quickly vanishing again. I would guess that she has just remember of all of the bullies she most likely had to suffer through during her foalhood as well.

A pretty common trait for all races out there. Bullies are more or less universal, no matter the species or the culture. Kids are sometimes just little shits to one another, especially to their own parents sometimes.

I thankfully never had such problems during my youth, because serious, who wants to bully the daughter of a clan leader? You’re just asking for trouble if you do so, even amongst the other clan leader’s children.

The competition for political favors and struggle for power is just too strong between the houses.

I shook my head. “Anyway, just go and do that. If there's nothing else you want to criticize about me then I guess it’s time for us to part ways. I wish you a good day Cloud, just make sure to not stand in the way of the working mares and stallions of this ship, and things should be okay.” I finalized before moving past the slightly surprised mare and continuing my trek further into the hull of this ship peacefully.

Well, not for long sadly. “Hey, wait, that still doesn’t exactly answers my question about why you’re so interested in Nava of all ponies. I mean yea, he is an Alicorn, but there must be more to it than that. Don’t hide it from me, I can feel it.” Cloud called out before quickly catching up on me.

I sighed again before looking over my shoulders. “Fine, if you want to know one of the reasons why I am SO interested in your coltfriend over there is because I know that he is not from our world. That’s actually one of the main reasons you can say that I like to keep him close; so that I can learn more about his place of origin and true species. So in summary, Nava is an alien from another world. Not sure if you know that yet but… there you go. ‘Nava the extraterrestrial,’ if you will.” I responded.

Cloudchaser looked surprised by this, as expected, though her predictable expression quickly changed into an unpredicted one as she suddenly looked at me with both curiosity and even suspicion. I was actually forced to stop and fully turn myself around to look at her with curiosity myself.

She hardened her eyes again as she looked at me. “Wait… how in Celestia’s name do you know that?” She asked, sounding very suspicious.

I blinked. “Wait… so Nava actually told you two the truth then at some point? Well… that is certainly something.” I casually commented while rubbing my chin.

Though Cloudchaser didn’t looked to satisfied. “You still haven’t answered me how you know of Nava’s true origin? Have you been spying on him secretly, and if so, how? From his window or something? You creep.” She more or less accused which I didn’t take too lightly, especially from her.

Now it was my turn to narrow my eyes. “Hey watch it. I may be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I am certainly no creep. I don’t spend my time peeking through open window or doors to spy or peek on individuals. I have soldiers and dedicated spies who will do that for me. But still, I can assure you that I did not make use of them when I was trying to keep you three in check. At least not to the extent that you’re accusing me of. I actually figured that out his true origin when I first meet him face to face when he finally woke up from that month-long coma. I have a secret talent to see through a pony's eyes and see them for what they truly are. Called it a life skill, if you will. But I certainly did not spy on him or the two of you to get that information from him. Its all through personal skill and observation, and a millennia’s worth of knowledge and experience as well.” I responded.

The two of us then remained silent afterward as the mare in front of me was most likely busy in trying to process the information I have given her.

I personally was more silenced by the fact that I openly announced that I was quite the asshole sometimes in front of a pony. And not just any pony, but one of the LAST ponies I ever want to confess too.

I was actually busy beating myself senselessly within my mind for that little slip up I did.

“You know...” Cloud chaser suddenly began. “You really are an asshole. I always thought you were so incredibly full of yourself that you were blind to your own characteristic flaws and actions. It's actually pretty good to know that you do realize that you're an asshole. It really takes a lot of self pity and humbleness to admit that. I am so proud at you.” She teased while also giving me that big self-served grin that was just adding salt on an already open wound.

I glared at her. “Well, in that case look who's talking. Sucking it all in at the expense of others. You aren’t exactly a saint either, you know. Not just the way you’re behaving around me, but also to others. I have read through your records before and let me tell you, you certainly have a lot of issues of your own little missy. I am surprised that the work givers back at the weather factory haven’t fired you for your occasional mishaps there. Such a lack of work ethics would certainly not be tolerated back at Nassgardiath, just to point that out. You are certainly going to run into some form of trouble if you keep behaving like your usual self back in the open streets in the city. In the end, I’m most certainly going to have the last laugh if I get requested by your sister to drag you out of a dungeon or something. I will certainly smile if that ever happens. So how do you like THAT, knowing that you are most likely going to run into some serious trouble if you do keep your childish attitude?” I countered which certainly sounded a lot more forced then I would have liked.

Cloudchaser on the other hoof didn’t look too impressed or intimidated by my long and sudden outburst. But instead looked a lot more… disappointed in me than anything else.

What I am, a child? But besides that, I obviously felt very confused by this, but also a bit aggravated. But mostly confused.

Cloud chaser sighed. “Really? That's how you respond? I was actually just teasing you a little for a bit of a comeback. Is this really how you like to live? To try and tower above everypony else in order to make yourself feel good? I was seriously just trying to have a little poke, nothing more. And in regards to who is acting more childish around here… well… your response wasn’t exactly too mature either. So… I would say that we both are pretty childish in our own way. Funny, isn’t it?” She responded with a smile while I was getting flustered… as unbelievable and embarrassing as that sounds.

“Wha-what? I was not acting childish, I was just...” I quickly stopped myself before calming down. Inhaling and exhaling once before glaring at the mare in front of me.

“You know what, I think we’re done. If you EVER tell this to anypony, and I mean bloody ANYPONY! I swear, I will kill you and throw your carcass off the ship. So don’t you even.” I threatened, which in turn just caused Cloud to just roll her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah I know. I know that you will ‘literally kill me’ for this, knowing your overall character. Don’t worry, I certainly don’t feel suicidal enough to even try. So your little slip up is safe with me… for now at least.” Cloud stated, which I guess was the best possible answer I could ever get from this mare without having to get physical.

I grumbled, but still accepted her response with a nod before simply turning myself away and walking off. Trying to finally escape this unfortunate nightmare before it could get any worse. Like a lot worse.

“Hey, where are you even going, by the way? You are not planning to give both my sister and Nava a visit, are you?” She called after me yet again, though this time I didn’t bother to stop as I simply trotted along while giving her my quick and simple answer.

“No I’m not, I was planning to, but after all of this, I don’t exactly feel like having to go through all of it again for a second run today. I’m just going to head into the armory to look for a suitable killing tool just for you in case you do break our oath. Hooves and teeth are fine, but using a knife or a screwdriver is a lot quicker and a lot less messier on my part. So again, don’t you bloody dare. You have been warned.” I shouted back.

I could feel Cloud rolling her eyes yet again before I finally rounded a corner and removing myself from the visual presence of that accursed mare. The less I get to see her now the better. I mean, I could also just throw her overboard with her wings and legs tight up. But that would obviously put me on bad graces with both her sister and little old Nava. Something I don’t really care about, but I also like to keep this procedure as smooth as possible.

Let’s not antagonize the dogs too much before I can properly return them to their new owners. Let's just focus on something else now before I get too mad at myself and at everything else before I can even get my sorry ass to the armory.

I don’t feel like having to both pay for this trip AND for collateral damage as well. Just because I am the niece of a clan leader doesn’t mean I have unlimited funds. Even I have to keep myself restrained from spending too much of my house’s budget.

My uncle back home would skin me alive if I ever went overboard. That old cheapskate.

Author's Note:

sorry for the long waits but. I am currently working on something original. A fantasy novel basically. Which is why updates have slowed down so much because I am a bit more focused on it then most of my other stories. Though to be honest I have a lot of chapter ready for most of my fics anyway. They just need to be looked at by my proofreaders and editors before they can be published.

Its just a matter of me contacting my peeps and seeing if they have time to comb through my chapters.

So there is that.