• Published 18th Mar 2017
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 6: Visitor of Two

Chapter 6: Visitors of two.

Edited by: pahnazd

“Well, ok, let’s test what exactly I can pull out of my jat. I never properly tested this before and it is about high time to do just that.” I told myself as I stared down my hat laying upside down on my bed.

The inside of it was just as unusually dark as it has always been, even letting the sunlight shine right through doesn’t seem to break the ever present void that the interior of my hat is made of.

It’s somewhat creepy really, especially given the fact that I wear this thing almost every day on top of my head.

Actually, now that I think about it, how come I haven’t really utilized my hat’s unique properties all this time? I mean, I basically have a deux ex machina resting on my head all the time. So why, oh why, I am not taking full advantage of it?

Well, that’s easy, I just get easily distracted and somewhat forgetful, especially when shit hits the fan with me all the time.

But then again, none of my personal items that I have back in my world would have helped, even remotely, with all the problems and dangers I just seem to find myself into.

It’s not like I own any weapons or anything.

“But what should I try to pull out of it?” I wondered to myself while looking up at the ceiling.

An idea quickly came to mind. An idea that would at least help me pass the time while the two sisters are out and about.

I carefully moved my hoof into the neverending void and thought about the item that I want to summon up. I could eventually feel something solid make contact with my hoof, and with a little pull I managed to pull out something that I was sure I would never see again ever since I woke up here.

My good old drawing tablet. Well, more like an actual tablet to be precise, but really, the most I ever used it for when I got it was just for digital art. It has pictures and songs stored in it too... but yeah, whatever.

I somehow missed the ability to just pass my time to draw whatever my imagination felt like. Sure, I could have also used a basic pen or paper, but for some reason, using this tablet for a few years has made it somewhat unusual for me to use a pen and paper again.

Call me spoiled, I guess, but to be honest, there are just so many more options and easier ways to get around mistakes when using digital means compared to traditional. Like having access to multiple layers or the clipping tools.

I was getting a bit giddy, to be honest. I love drawing, and besides the internet itself or gaming it was my favorite pastime, and could still be if I can use this too…

My thoughts quickly halted when a realization struck me.

I can’t use this... hooves, remember?

From giddy to disappointed. What a great start.

I just sighed before placing my tab on my bed and sitting down next to it.

“I could at least see if this thing still works before trying out something else.” I thought to myself.

I pushed the bottom on the top and was at least happy to know that the thing works. It even still had the same wallpaper I last set before coming here.

The images of a deer and gazelle on an open savannah. An image I drew myself a long time ago. This alone gave me a bit of a smile before focusing back on the hat as something else came to mind.

I casually reached back in, thought about the item and pulled. What I moved from the void over to this world was none other than my smartphone. Funny how I am pulling out tech that is leagues ahead of whatever this world has to offer. But besides that, the reason I picked my phone next was basically because of the hundreds of songs I have accumulated inside its memory.

I was never really much of a cell phone guy so the only use I ever got from my phone was as an overcomplicated MP3 player.

Why overcomplicated? Well, a smartphone is more or less a portable computer in your pocket, and the only thing I am using it for most of the time is as an oversized music player. Waste of potential, I know, but for anything else I basically had my tablet and my laptop, which I doubt will ever fit through my hat anyway.

The next item I pulled out of my hat where a pair of earbuds for my previously mentioned smartphone. I am not sure how the heck I am going to navigate those buds into my much larger ears with hooves, but I am sure I will eventually figure it out. Or… I could go ahead and try it out now since I really don’t have anything better to do.

Well, that’s what I would have done if echoing knocking didn’t steal my attention first. I momentarily panicked, shoving all of my items, minus my hat, under the blankets of my bed.

I got up, memories of that one dreadful day resurfacing after that whole magical discharge incident that basically began all of my problems. Imagining that it could be guards or maybe even another angry mob here to rip my fur off of my skin.

I forced myself to calm down, remembering the action and words by Glade and knowing that I am technically protected by both her and by the two princesses as well.

So having more guards or ponies after my furred ass shouldn’t really be that much of an issue anyway. At least not in the physical sense.

But still, there very easily might still be some ponies out there who don’t really give a fuck if I was under protection or not, individuals like criminals, or heck, even the other races.

I immediately forced myself to stop, shaking those thoughts out of my mind and trying to give myself a much more calm demeanor as the knocks on the door continued on.

Could very be just a mail pony or a friend to both Cloud and Flitter for a visit, or heck, it could even be RD which certainly would be a nice surprise. Been a while since I saw her, and that quick visit in the hospital really didn’t count as it was just a brief moment.

I scratched my head. “Just go and check who it is at the door and what do they want. Stop being such a pussy all the time… well, easier said than done.” I told myself before finally leaving my room and making my way through the corridor into the living room and towards the front door.

I was both expecting the best and the worst possible account when I hesitantly opening the door, but what eventually greeted me on the other side was surely something I didn’t expect to be honest.

It was just a bluish green pegasus mare with a blue wild mane standing on the other side of the door. Certainly a pony I have never seen before, both in the show or around here.

I was both curious, cautious and confused at the same time while the pony in front of me was just as curious as me.

I blinked, she blinked before a smile eventually formed on her bluish green muzzle which immediately sent off alarm bells inside my head.

But before I could say or react to that, the mystery mare before began the first move.

“Hey Nava! It’s so good to see you again after such a long time.” She greeted happily before looking off to the side. “Do you… do you still remember me?” She questioned both shyly and unsure for some reason.

My confusion only doubled at that point. “Uhm… I am sorry miss, but… I think you might have the wrong individual here as I have no idea who you are.” I told her, while trying to keep my wings hidden behind the door.

She just looked discouraged for a moment before suddenly perking her head back up with a small smile.

“Well… that’s because… well… can I please come in? I promise that everything will be clear afterwards. Just please, trust me on this.” She pleaded.

I was somewhat suspicious and hesitant, but for some reason a gut feeling was telling me that I should let her in, that I can… trust her, somehow, even though I have personally never seen this mare before.

But then again, in the back of my mind, I just had a feeling that I still do.

More alicorn senses? I honestly don’t know, and after all the crap I have been through, I honestly don’t care much about it either. Why should I if I can’t control them or even understand them? Maybe try and find out? Sure, but I am still far from any mood or desire to openly do so.

For now I have a strange new visitor to deal with first. The only question now is… can I trust her?

Well, I guess I got my answer to that when I looked back up and saw that hopeful smile of hers. Again, I don’t know why but… I guess I have a sense of trusting her. So with a sigh I made a decision.

“Well ok, you can come in I guess… even though technically it’s not my call to do so.” I told her before stepping to the side to allow her entry.

Her smile just grew. “Thank you, I promise this won’t take too long… I hope.” She said as she stepped inside.

I quickly closed the door behind her after checking first if anyone else was nearby. With everything seemingly quiet, I turned my attention back to my new guest. She was currently busy looking at the interior of the living room, inspecting all the small knick knacks here and there.

“Well, better than I was fearing.” I thought to myself as she browsed the bookshelves.

She eventually finished her quick look around as she turned her attention back to me. Her expression having changed to worry and uncertainty, which got me both on edge and slightly curious as to why, and more importantly who she is.

But I knew that I would find out soon, very soon.

She took the first move. “Well ok, don’t… don’t panic ok? In case… you have really forgotten. Nothing is going to happen to you or me. I am just going to transform to my real self… and hopefully you remember me then.” She explained with caution.

I was confused as always and also worried in what she meant on the last part. Obviously hinting that she was not a pony at all.

I just nod, having an unhealthy level of trust towards her but then again, I guess it’s too late to turn back now.

She gave me a nod in return before things began to turn bright.

Her entire form suddenly got engulfed in a bright yellow inferno that quickly took hold of her entire being. I taken aback to say the least, but before I could properly react to this sudden self-combustion, the flames swiftly extinguished, revealing a completely new creature behind it.

It was still equine shaped, but rather than fur, it had something I can only describe as an outer black shell of some sort. She had a large yellow spot on her back, the same color as her tail now with insectoid like wings just behind her shoulders. Lastly, where there used to be a mane there was just a long bend horn and a barren scalp.

But the most notable change where her eyes, her pupil-less eyes which now shone with an enigmatic light. Blue light, to be precise.

I should be afraid, but for some reason, seeing her like this gave me a sense of familiarity, like someone I already knew.

She looked at me with a shy smile. “Do you… remember me now?” She asked while pawing the flow beneath her.

Then it clicked with me. “Shi-shimmer?”

She just nods as her smile returned in full force. “Yes, that’s me, the changeling you met in the castle ruins a month ago… before… everything turned… unpredictable.” She said before looking to the side at the end.

I of course knew exactly what she was talking about as her very presence was flooding in so many memories that I have previously forgotten. Me waking up in the middle of the night in AJ’s farm, my horn glowing and leading me into the Everfree, the castle ruins, me meeting Shimmer there, and eventually… the mistake that nearly cost me my life. I should have seen the signs, I should have listened to my gut and never went into that chamber with that… accused stone.

Whatever it was, it was draining both my magic and life force the moment I touched it. If it wasn’t for Cloudchaser’s brave move I honestly wouldn’t be here.

She forced me off of the influence of that stone and freed me before all of my magic and life essence could be drained away.

I never really thought about it like this, but I guess at this point Cloud and I are even. I saved her and her sister’s life at the beginning and Cloud saved mine at the end.

Now, jokingly, all that is missing is for Flitter to save my skin as well, but then I guess at that point I would be in debt to them once more. Something that would hopefully never happen. I have my fair share of near life and death experiences already.

I actually began to smile myself for the first time since answering the door. She seemed to have different ideas entirely as she just trotted back over to me before embracing me in a hug.

My smile quickly morphed into a blush. She may be a changeling, but at the same time, she is still a mare as well. I know, I have accidentally seen it.

My blush only doubled at that point.

“It’s so good to see you again and well. Especially after your month long coma.” She said while gripping me tight.

I never really knew that changelings were into hugs, but then again, she isn’t the same as the changelings I know, plus this is a completely different version of Equestria as well.

But despite my… discomfort, I just couldn’t help it to be honest to myself as I shyly returned the hug. Somewhat weakly though.

“Well it's…good to see you too.” I said back before we eventually broke off.

She just kept on smiling while looking me up and over. This was a bit awkward to be honest, and again, somewhat uncomfortable.

“Wow, all of your burn marks and discoloration has completely disappeared from the day I last saw you. How do you feel, by the way?” She question curiously while tilting her head a bit.

I have to be honest, that head tilting ponies love to make looks rather cute and adorable on them. Even on a changeling, perhaps even more so.

But still, can’t believe that I somehow forgot about her.

I just rubbed my head. “Well, I did have a whole month to heal, after all. Plus I was in pretty good care as well.” I responded.

“True, but still.” Shimmer began while again looking me over.” Anyone else would have taken a much longer recovery time with THAT kind of physical damage to their body. But then again, I sometimes forget that you are an alicorn after all. So nevermind what I just said.” She explained while rubbing the back of her head at the end.

I could only agree to that, even though being an alicorn has, so far, given me mostly nothing but trouble.

After that, there was nothing but an awkward silence as both of us at this point really had nothing to ask or to say to one another. Well, to be honest, there were plenty of things to ask, but personally I didn’t have a clue on how to ask them or even the courage of asking them in the first place.

I was just being… socially awkward again as usual, and same for her in some extent. Heck, we were both still standing in the middle of the living room.

“You want to sit down, maybe?” I finally broke the ice.

She just nods before the two of us sat down on the couches, opposite from one another.

I was the first once more. “So… uhmmm… what have you been doing while I was in the hospital?” I tried to begin.

Her ears immediately perked up with her eyes widening, as if she just realized or remembered something. The speed this was happening in did not tell me any good news from the gecko.

She rested her hooves on the table between us as she looked directly at me. “I know what that crystal was and who possibly might have been its last owner. I did some digging in some of the biggest libraries across while you were in the hospital, and you won’t believe what I managed to find out.” She exclaimed.

I was both surprised and intrigued after she said that and obviously also a tad worried on what she was going to tell me. I was also thinking about as to how she actually managed to figure things out and when, but the thought of her having managed to get some answers is more interesting to me than the former.

I looked surprised. “Wait…you do?” I ask back.

“Well, this certainly got serious really quickly.”

She just nods before making sure that nothing was around us before looking back at me, her expression serious.

“Alright, are you ready to know?” Shimmer asks again, cautiously.

I just gave her a nod, to which she sighs before beckoning me to get closer.

I did just that while leaning more on the table with my hooves, just like her.

“The stone you touched was an old Vladiir’s blood crystal, a crystal native to Glade’s homelands and, according to what I managed to read, Glade’s father’s old crystal.” She revealed.

To say that I was both surprised and shocked would have been an understatement. This just gave me even more questions to ask Glade the next time she shows up here. That is, if she feels like it.

But one question still bugged me. “Wait a minute, how is it possible for such an accurate information as to who owned that crystal to be written down in some books? Was Glade’s father really that well known? Did he openly use it or something?” I ask out loud towards Shimmer.

She leaned back and thought it out for a while before looking back at me. “Well, from what I have read and asked some old librarian who worked there, was that Glade’s father used to be quite a famous and influential noble and clan leader at the time. He was actually quite an active participant during the Imperial Wars that raged through these lands when both the thestrals and Equestrians were still allies.” She said while rubbing her chin in thought.

Well, here we have it again. Another perfect example of just how different this Equestria is from the cartoon, in a historical sense that is. But at this point I am just beating a dead horse with this fact… not the best metaphor to use though.

Though this still left a lot of questions open, naturally, like who Glade’s father really was and why was a blood crystal that belonged to him hidden deep within the castle ruins of the two sisters. Also, why did I sense it in the first place, and furthermore, why did Shimmer as well?

This is both suspicious and intriguing at the same time, I either have to hit the libraries myself, talk to Glade without her ripping my head off or maybe even ask one of the two princesses after I meet.

Either way, I just have this feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye. I know that I have more personal problems to deal with first, but in a way, this too can be considered personal, for obvious reasons.

I leaned back with sigh. “Well, either way, thanks for even going through the effort to find all of this out even though you totally didn’t have to.” I thank her with a tired smile at the end.

Why tired? Because all of this was really making me tired; mentally tired, that is. A whole new bucket of problems to solve, something I honestly didn’t need but got anyway.

I should probably inform both Flitter and Cloud about this when they get home. I wonder what their reaction and input will be.

Shimmer just blushed a bit while smiling awkwardly to the side. “Oh well… it… it was nothing, I… actually felt responsible for what happened to you on that night so I just wanted to try and make it up in any way I could.” She explained while rubbing the back of her head.

I nod before looking up at the clock, humming to myself when I realized that it was already 12’o clock. I know that she primarily feeds on emotions, but that doesn’t mean I can’t offer her something.

I mean, she does have a mouth full of teeth and a rear full with parts where… waste can… get out… yeah, let’s not go there. It’s already enough that Cloud accidentally saw my… tools, no need for another to see them as well. Especially another female.

“Also, where does this sudden sense of sex drive come from anyway?” I wondered with a shake of my head to get these ideas out.

I never had that as a human, so why suddenly now?

“Anyway, do you…. maybe want something to eat? It’s already noon and I am getting kind of hungry to be honest.” I asked, half true while the other half trying to get my mind preoccupied with something else.

Shimmer tapped her chin in thought for a moment before looking back up at me with smile. “Well maybe some juice would be ok if you have some. I personally don’t feel hungry at all… well not anymore that is.” She admitted with a sheepish grin at the end.

I was confused at first before suddenly realizing what she meant by that.

“At least that explains my sex drive.” I thought to myself with a frown.

Either she is pretty clever or secretly kinky. Yeah, I also just realized that all my friends and allies are mares as well… bloody perfect.


Sitting in my office room alone does give me a lot of personal time to think, let my responsibilities go and focus more on my personal matters.

“What to do with the stud?” I wondered to myself and leaning against my seat.

“I can’t be constantly babysitting him, can I? I have more personal matters to attend to after all. Like I have to return to Kazzas soon for political reasons with the other houses and clans. Do I really have to drag him along as well?” I kept on wondering.

Granted, having him to tag along might not be as cumbersome as I originally though, simply because it gave me the chance to figure out this strange breed of a stud some more and to find out where the heck he really comes from. He certainly isn’t from the land of sunshine and rainbows, otherwise he would act and think the same way as these equines tend to do. Then there is the fact of his eyes.

There was no doubt about it, he had the eyes of a predator. In other words he definitely isn’t equestrian and definitely not your normal pony, and that is excluding his alicorn status.

That is another mystery of itself. Alicorns don’t just pop up out of nowhere, there are some certain requirements to be met for a pony to ascend to alicornhood. I know so, because both Lulu and Celly didn’t spend their foalhood as alicorns either.

So, who and what is he and where does he come from? I know for a fact that he is far more than meets the eye, and I am certain that both Luna and Celestia will notice it as well when they meet him.

Over a 1000 years does give you the means of reading a person just on sight alone, well, for Celly anyway.

“So I guess I will have to take him with me when my call back comes.” I told myself before getting up.

I made my way towards a file cupboard to fish out a specific file. I found and grabbed it before making my way back to my desk. I sat back down and opened the folder, laying it flat on the table for me to review it.

It was the file that a courier from my home had brought me a few days back. I have looked at it before but I just have a need to look it over again, simply because of the fact that I will most likely have that wannabe alicorn with me as well.

The majority of the folder’s content isn’t why I am reviewing this again, it is mostly for the last paper that interests me the most. The part in which it is mentioned where to meet up for the pickup. An airship pick up to be precise.

Which is convenient as the alicorn still cannot fly yet. Which is ridiculous, without mentioning his extreme case of acrophobia.

That just puts a smile on my face as I find this both amusing and, to be honest, secretly adorable. A natural flier suffering from acrophobia. Not impossible, but still rare. But then again, he might not be a pony at all.




My train of thought broke as the knocks registered with me. I lift my head to look at the door as the knocking continued.

I closed the file and leaning back. “Come in.” I called out.

The door knob turned, before slowly opening and revealing a person, or should I say pony who I honestly wasn’t expecting.

“Greetings, Glade.” Luna greeted with a smile.
I just smirk back as she fully entered the room. “Well, greetings there, Luna! What is it that leads you into my little den this time?” I question before resting my head on one of my hooves.

“Well, just for a simple reason.” She replied as she stood in front of my desk. “I am just here to inform you that both my sister and I are going to meet with this Nava fellow right before you have to leave for Kazzas. So if you could inform him or personally escort him to the palace early in the morning that would be much appreciated.” Luna explained.

I nod. “Sure, why not. I might just herd him over here myself if I am going to give him the message anyway.” I replied and looking off to the side a bit.

Luna nods in agreement before tapping her chin a bit in thought. “Anyway, what was the other thing that I came here for anyway?” She wondered to herself.

I looked back at her waiting for whatever was floating through that troublesome brain of hers.

She eventually perked up with a huge grin, a grin that was making me raise an eyebrow.

“Ahh yes, we have also come here to collect the 100 bits thou owe us.” She declared.

At first I was confused before memory of that one bet we had just yesterday regarding both a day and a night guard (not one of my guards) that they were going to “do it” in one of the many side rooms while still on duty.
Turns out that these two were a lot more daring than I originally thought. But then again, it’s a natural thing for herbivores to always reproduce. It’s just one of those deep natural instincts that stays with a species even if they’re sapient or not.

Can’t believe that I accepted a bet like THAT. But then again, I am pretty bored over here as well. No more alicorn hunting and certainly nothing to fight, and certainly can’t thrust a spear up someone's ass because this place is too peaceful.

Call me a psychopath for openly seeking out fights, but that’s because I am one. Every warrior or soldier becomes one at some point. Especially for someone as old as me.

I just rolled my eyes at Luna’s reminder before ducking down under my desk to reach my office stash of equestrian bits in a small cupboard. I fished out a decently sized bag full of bits before sliding it across the table.

Luna grabbed it with her magic before making sure it was exactly 100 bits inside that sack.

Not really sure why you are so concerned about bits when you are the freaking princess, but whatever. But hey, who am I to judge really, I too don’t have any money issues back at home and even I can get a bit stingy at times.

Thanks to my uncle.

Luna eventually nods to herself after she was done checking before poofing the bit bag away to gods know where. Under her bed or something, right next to the box or whatever.

“Now that this is done, I will be off. I still have a lot of work and pranking to do to my sister. Have a nice day, Glade.” Luna announced before leading herself back towards the door.

I leaned back. “Well yeah, have fun, Lulu, and make sure that you are going to pick the right kind of paint this time so it sticks better than the last one.” I gave her my final goodbye too before the door closes and I was all alone once more.

“Home, how will an outsider like him fit in to the thestral culture and society? He certainly will be staying with me for a while.” I sighed before picturing all the different situations the sorry excuse for a stallion could get himself into.

That actually made me smile.

Actually make that two, because he is not the only one I have to bring along as well, but at least HE looks like a thestral.

“Midnight gear, bloody antisocial behavior of these geniuses.” I thought to myself with a frown.

He is a genius, but sometimes I wonder if his assets outweigh his constant explosions and lack of focus. Not to mention his loose mouth regarding that one unicorn he told her everything about blood magic and thestral technology.

“Well, whatever. Just need to pack my things and prepare for the upcoming trip back to Kazzas. Gods know that this tinkerbell is probably going to nag everyone on board by tinkering with the airship's engines.” I thought to myself as I got up from my chair and filed the folder back into its rightful place.

“Wonder how my younger sibling will react to my new ‘guest’.”

Author's Note:

And once more another done and out. Hope you guys like the idea of Nava leaving Equestria for a while and going to a completely different country with Glade and some others.

The homeland of the Thestrals far to the north. Far beyond the Crystal mountains and Yakyakistan.

To be honest I have been planning this trip for him since the beginning, having him travel different parts of the world outside Equestria and having him learn how to be an Alicorn now and fix most of his issues.

I am sure a harsher land can help with that...or break him further who knows.

Anyways today's image is rather simple. Just a look in how Shimmer looks as a pony now.

Also feel free to support me via Patreon any penny helps if you love my stuff.