• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 11,108 Views, 574 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 11: A long talk in the skies

Chapter 11: A long talk in the skies.

Edited by Luckyfanisaac.The Great Khan

“The hay was THAT all about?” Flitter asked as she looked at my face down from on the bed.

Not sure if this will be MY bed for the foreseeable future. But then again, It might as well be. Especially since the pillow is already soaked in both my saliva and tears after body flopping on it faster than I could cringe. And cringe I did, hard, as I managed to glance the tip of my horn against the upper edge of the bed.

Insert dick-head joke here, because that fan theory has been proven true. Horns truly are sensitive after all, especially in the pain department.

Either way, after my short and quiet outcry into the pillow that my face was buried in, I eventually gained enough control over my raging headache that I could bear to reply.

I looked up at Flits with one eye after having turned my head slightly. “Nothing much, just… my inexperience with social interactions once again rearing its ugly head. Nothing more.” I replied before burying my face back into this somewhat damp pillow again.

I wonder if the closet to my left actually has some spare pillows to switch out. I could certainly use them.

I heard Flitter hum. “A little bit too extreme for it to just be your ‘typical social interaction.’ ” Are you sure it wasn't just something ‘normal?’ ” Flitter asked again, poking my shoulder a bit with her hoof as she did so.

I nodded into my pillow, only to cringe once more when the tip of my horn once more ground against the bed’s frame.

The soreness of my little “accident” still fresh in my mind… quite literally in fact.

I could hear Flitter shrug with a hum before trotting off to a different corner of the room, probably to start unpacking; an idea that was quickly confirmed when I heard the undeniable sounds of unclasping buttons and the opening of closet doors nearby.

What really almost caused me to jump up from my bed though, and probably getting myself injured yet again in the process, was the slight tremor that travelled throughout the interior of our room, followed by the muffled sounds of turbines… or rather, propellers.

After having calmed down from my scare and allowing myself some decency of getting the fuck up from my faceplant, I curiously peeked my head over to the closest porthole within the room and saw that the ship was already slowly but surely ascending into the air. Well-proven by the fact that the tree line off in the distance was slowly moving downwards and out of my vision.

Certainly far smoother than I originally thought it would feel, minus the noticeable tremor at the beginning that almost gave me a heart attack.

I’ll admit that I never liked flying on planes back on Earth either. Though that time it had nothing to do with my acrophobia, and rather more reminiscent of the fact that I was basically trapped inside a hollow airborne cylinder that was making all kinds of sounds and up and down movements. Even worse when there was air turbulence. Summoning all kinds of ideas and fantasies inside my head that just made the overall experience that much worse.

Either way, Flitter also decided to look out from her closest porthole and whistled to herself. “Well, it seems that this mechanical wonder is taking to the air again. Well, there’s certainly no turning back now. We are officially on our way to a new and alien land far away from home. Without even knowing when or IF we ever see home again.” Flitter sighed, looking and sounding somewhat nervous as well if I had to guess.

I could somewhat relate to her worries. Doing something new or getting out of your comfort zone always brings up a level of uncertainty. Especially when you have no idea how long the experience will last you in the end.

Such is the nature of the unknown.

“You know…” I began. “It’s really not that bad when you think about it.” I casually announced while keeping my gaze glued to the window.

Flitter looked over at me with a curious look. “What do you mean by that?” She asked, to which I just shrugged.

“Don’t know, just an impulse I guess. Just trying to help ease your worries somewhat. You two have been doing so much for me these past few… uhm… I guess two months since we met each other… I just wanted to try and do something similar for the two of you…” I looked over at her with a sad smile. “…which… I kinda failed at just now, for not being able to think of anything worthwhile to say.” I added, while rubbing the base of my horn a little bit, trying to rub the pain away.

I have a feeling that it will stay noticeable for the rest of the day, which of course kinda sucks. Any sort of pain around your head always sucks, no matter how concentrated or small.

Flitter just smiled. “Oh, silly you. Don’t bother yourself too much about trying to get yourself even with us. If that is even remotely possible that is…” She joked a bit with a smirk before she continued “But jokes aside, it's already great enough for you to just be you, not to mention being friends with something that is known to be a rarity, especially when…” She tried to say before she quickly stopped herself.

I looked up at her with slight surprise, as the words she used were obviously not lost on me.

“So, you’re saying that I don’t have to try and be better for the two of you just because I’m an Alicorn? That being friends with an Alicorn is enough reason to stick around with the problems and issues that I carry around with me? Is that it?” I questioned.

Flitter was silent at first before replying. Her tone pretty much reflecting her look: surprise and regret.

“Well, I… I didn’t mean it like that. I was just saying that…” I quickly stopped her by raising a hoof.

“I get it… don’t worry… miswording something or spurting out unintentional outbursts are part of life. We all do it sometimes, even if we don’t want to.” I assured, before a quiet sigh escaped my lips.

“I think I want to explore the upper decks of the ship for myself for a while. It’ll give me an opportunity to think… which I have a lot to do, mind you, not just related to this topic alone.” I announce, looking down at the floorboards before finally getting up.

Flitter on the other end looked somewhat torn, both obvious regret and hidden understanding written on her features. She seemed on the verge of saying something but ultimately decided not to. Resorting ti a simply sigh instead as I passed by.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it would hit you like that.” I heard Flitter apologize behind me as I silently approached the front door.

I actually kind of forgot that I left Cloud outside when I frantically made my escape from that kinky, well-built mare earlier. So, image my intrigue when I noticed that she was still there. Standing right in front of the door, somewhat awkwardly in fact, with the mare long gone obviously.

I poked her on her shoulder, which in turn startled her, almost causing her to jump in place as she whipped her head around.

“O-oh, hey there, Nava. Uhm… didn’t… didn’t notice you there, so… uhm hehehe.” Cloud responded awkwardly with a sheepish smile to boot.

I just looked at her suspiciously, which in turn forced her to quickly drop her grin and look a little bit more… neutral I guess is the word.

She eventually forced it back up before quickly trotting past me. Babbling to herself loudly as she did so.

“Anyway, probably should help dear old sis with the unpacking before she starts chewing my ears out for not doing that in the first place. Anyway, see you later Nava… wherever you’re going.” She announced, before slamming the door behind me.

I just stood there for a while, confused and completely lost of her sporadic behavior. Did I somehow miss something?

“Well, none of my business, I guess.” I shrugged before picking a random direction for me to start on. A small rush of childish curiosity and adventure travelling through my system as I did so.

This is a true working airship after all. Free to explore of my own will. Well, most of it at least.

Need to keep an eye for that lustful crazy mare from before. Certainly don’t feel the need to have to go through that again. Even though my stallion instincts tell me otherwise.” I thought to myself as I rounded the first corner.

Or that is what I would have done, if I hadn’t bumped into something or someone.

This hypothesis was swiftly proven to be “someone” as I heard a very audible “oof” corresponding with my own. After the little crash and the obvious follow up of me falling backwards onto my furry ass, I looked up at the pony who I accidentally crashed into, and to my mild surprise it was none other than the first officer dude who we met earlier, though this time accompanied by the same mare I just escaped earlier, to my slight horror, standing right behind the scene with mild surprise etched on her face.

My senses immediately jumped into focus the moment I saw her. Ready to bale at a moment’s notice when the need for it comes. Well first, I obviously needed to get off my flank in order to do that. Not very easy to do though when a full armored stallion was basically laying right on top of my hind legs, trapping me. Which, by the way, also stung. Having so much weight pressed against your bones doesn’t feel so good.

Not that I was even able to get myself free from this endeavor anyway, as I simply groan instead from the pain. Something that Yarro quickly noticed after he regained his bearings.

“Oh, it’s you.” He casually responded before rubbing the back of his head. “Well, sorry there for bumping into you. I was lost in thought there for a moment while Ensign Dalahr over there was filling me in with some reports along the way. Never was a fan of doing paperwork stuff myself, but alas it's part of the job too, sadly.” Yarro casually explained, obviously being oblivious to the pain he was causing me.

To fix that, I began to wiggle my hind legs to get my needs across to him, and cringing at the sensation of my skin and fur getting caught between the edges of his armor.

Thankfully he swiftly picked up on that before looking down to confirm his facts. Quickly picking himself up and giving me my well-needed freedom.

I exhaled through my nostrils in relief as the pressure was finally lifted off me.

“Need some help?” I heard Yarro ask as he offered me a hoof to grab onto.

I gratefully accepted it and grabbed his hoof with my own and allowed myself to be pulled up. Again, cringing a bit at the residue of pain that was still present on my hind legs.

Today seems to be a day of getting myself bruised or mildly hurt it seems, mostly revolving around my own neglect and lack of focus. Let’s hope that it won’t evolved into something more “long-lasting” in the end. That would certainly make my little new adventure a fairly short one, or at least give it a very nasty start.

But either way, I quickly flashed the second-in-command a thankful smile before finally remembering the presence of a certain Dalahr again, who was giving me a curious look.

I immediately pointed at her. “N-no, stay away. I haven’t changed my mind about your offer and probably won’t ever. Is such a behavior even allowed for a soldier on duty? Or am I missing something here?” I questioned at the end, keeping a very careful eye on her as I did so.

Yarro just chuckled. “Well, technically not, but she still does occasionally just to get certain stallions back at the barracks flustered, or so I’ve heard. Quite the desperate little mare this one is if those tales are true. I even heard some rumors from members of her division that she only managed to pass her training and initiation requirements to join the navy after she bedded one of her commanding officers back at the training camp. And judging by her track record so far, I’m not too far to incline that this myth might actually be true.” He commented with a mirthful grin aimed at the mare.

“Hey!” The mare behind him openly protested, which in turn just caused Yarro to chuckle.

“Ah, mare trainees in the military; not uncommon, but certainly a lot more fun to poke around than the stallions. Especially when they’re fresh like her. But either way, I doubt that you even care about that anyway. So with that in mind, what is it exactly that draws someone like you out of his offered quarters and into the belly of the beast itself?” He casually questioned with a gently but curious look.

I pressed my lips together in thought before replying. “Well, nothing really, just… in the mood to explore this ship by myself to be honest. See what it has to offer and find my way to the outside deck at the end.” I answered, my ears twitching a bit on their own at the constant, but surprisingly soothing hum of the ship’s innards.

Most likely coming from the pipes above us, which are most certainly connected to the big fat engine room from before; transforming them into sound chambers if the things were just transporting air, steam or gas.

Yarro just nods to that. “I see, well in that case then please don’t allow yourself to be distracted by silly old me. Gods know that I have a lot of work to do myself on this vessel. Mostly paperwork and keeping the crew up to snuff.” He responded before looking ready to take his leave, primarily looking over at Dalahr at the end.

“Come on you lustful little thing, I’ll probably need to keep you on a leash from this point forth if you keep flirting with the passengers. But knowing your background, you’d probably get a kick out of it.” Yarro announced before turning away.

Dalahr on the other hand just gave a simple “Yes sir,” before following the officer. Not before giving me a little wink as she passed by, which caused me to flinch back a bit.

She just chuckled one last time before finally disappearing from view, leaving me standing all alone in an empty corridor.

“Well, that was something.” I said to myself, lifting and stretching one of my hind legs a bit to get some blood pumping through them.

Picking the opposite direction from where the two originated, I casually began to hum a little tune in my head as I continued my journey. Mostly alone, thanks to the still persistent void of anyone but myself within these corridors. Granted, there were the one or two guardsmen I occasionally passed by. But other than that, it was truly mostly silent in this otherwise noisy vessel. I was even starting to get bored all things considered.

“Wonder when I’ll finally reach the stairs that will lead me to the upper decks? Can’t be that hard.” I muttered to myself as I took a step in front of another crossroad to my destination. Turning my head both ways as one would do while trying to cross a road.

“You know, if you want to find the stairs up to the upper deck, then you simply follow the right corridor. All exits to the decks are located at the starboard side of the ship. So knowing that it shouldn’t be hard to find them.” A rough and deep sounding voice suddenly replied from behind me, almost making me flip on the spot.

I quickly looked over my shoulder and was met with a rather surprising unarmored and naked Thestral stallion behind me. Just in the process of exiting one of the side rooms to my right.

He looked fairly old, probably at around his mid-40s or early 50s, thanks to some rather noticeable strands of gray hair occupying his dark blue mane. Or it could be simply part of his color scheme, who knows.

Other than that, though, he still looked very well built for someone his age; being a little bit taller than me as well when you take away the horn, also being somewhat broader around his waist too. Not to mention his almost black-colored coat and predatory piercing red irises were also adding to the overall intimidation factor he was sporting.

All while being completely naked and totally exposed, too. Just imagine what he must look like when in full battle gear and a spear. Leonidas 2.0 in horse form.

He closed the door behind him before finally giving me a good look. I fully turned myself around to address him properly as well, just to be more respectful, for very obvious reasons.

“Oh well… uhm, thanks then for the info mister…?” I began.

He quickly cleared his throat with a cough before replying.

“Captain Uskamir. Head of this ship and its crew. Nice to make your acquaintance then, even though I am obviously not dressed for such formalities.” He casually replied, looking down at himself and noting his very much… exposed form.

I was taken by surprise from this information. The captain himself of all people, what were the odds of just randomly bumping into him when this ship seemed so big from the inside? But then again, I would have certainly bumped into him sooner or later. Being the only Alicorn on board would surely entice some form of curiosity inside anyone, if not intrigued them just a bit. Unlike Dalahr, of course.

Either way, I was understandably a bit hesitant at first, but eventually nudged myself into the right mindset before introducing myself as well.

“Nava. Just Nava.” I awkwardly replied, just like how I always do when being confronted by new people.

Funny, how the heck was I able to stay calm in front of the Princess herself, but not with a captain? Well then again, Celestia doesn’t look nearly as intimidating as this guy does. Looking like that as a princess certainly goes against the well-established Disney rule that the universe has standardized. So other than that, it basically explains everything if you bother to ignore all the logic.

Either way, he just nodded before trotting away and heading off into the opposite direction from where I just came. I wanted to say something before he disappeared but ultimately decided not to.

No need to entice a conversation when the other party doesn’t seem to be interested to begin with. Plus, being the captain of a ship most likely makes you a very busy individual, but then again what do I know of the way of the maritime… or airtime… or whatever it is they call it here?

I eventually rubbed the back of my head before taking my leave as well, turning to the right where he previously gestured. True to his word, it really didn’t take that long to finally reach my desired destination. A set of stairs that led up to a bright and open sky.

The end to my journey and the bright new start of another one. Exploring the deck of the ship instead of its underbelly.

I could already hear and feel the rush of air bypassing the decks above as I got closer. An obvious sign that the ship was actually moving forward to whatever destination it was taking us to.

Once I was able to peek my head out into the cool fresh air of the open sky, I realized just how cold it actually was out here. Not freezing cold mind you, but still noticeable enough for me to flinch at the first gust of air hitting my form.

I shivered slightly at the sensation before allowing my body to slowly adjust itself to this sudden shift of temperature. Afterwards, I took my first brave step out into an unknown world and was greeted with a sight that I was only ever able to see when looking out of an airplane's window.

I gasped a bit, subconsciously trudging myself closer to the nearest railings and began staring off into the vast distance, seeing nothing but an unbreakable sea of clouds and a wide-open sky above.

I was understandably in awe at the sight in front of me, despite my obvious case of acrophobia somewhat hammering at the back of my skull. What is there to fear if you can’t even see just how high you truly are? The clouds right below the moving ship were doing a pretty damn good job at concealing what worried me the most when it came to heights. Giving me a perfect excuse to ignore the little jimmy inside my head and simply enjoy the view for what it was.

I sighed, taking in the cool, fresh air of the wide-open skies and closing my eyes. Feeling the wind blowing through my mane, tail, and coat as I listed to the thumping rhythm of the propellers below.

Fully enjoying the peace and serenity it was giving.

Or well, I would have, when a certain mare that I totally forgot about who was also on this ship suddenly decided to poke her head out from around the corner. Or rather, from around a superstructure, as that’s what they called it.

It was of course none other than Glade herself. Just her though, which I was not sure was a good thing or a bad thing given my streak of luck and whatnot.

Though to my surprise, she didn’t seem to accept me as much as I did her. Instead, she seemed to be rather focused with her own set of demons as she casually trudged her way towards her section of the railing. Resting a hoof onto its barrier and gazing out into the open vastness with a very neutral look on her features.

I know that it’s technically none of my business, but I just had this sudden knack of curiosity as I continued to silently observe the enigmatic mare from a distant position. Still somewhat bewildered that she still hasn’t noticed me, even though we were basically just a couple of meters apart from each other.

Wonder what’s on her mind? What brings her out here in the first place? Usually she either hangs out with someone of the same blood, or simply makes small talk with anyone who doesn’t meet her standards, like me.” I thought, just continuously wondering to myself what she was and who she is, and the reason as to why she is the way she is.

I know for a fact, not just from the accounts of others, but also from observations and certain situations with her that she isn’t just your typical tsundere-type girl that she seems to be.

She obviously seems to care for something. Not just for selfish reasons but for something more… well… relatable as well. Something that we all have in common, one way or another.

Don’t ask me why, but I just get this feeling whenever I look at her these days. Something that, thanks to Luna’s brief intake of her character, has somewhat solidified my thoughts towards her.

At this point, my own sense of curiosity and self-harm was steadily winning the control over me. Causing me to frown, more to myself than anyone for the decision I made.

I know that this has the possibility to bite me in the ass one way or another, but I just can’t keep observing her like this and NOT take advantage of this. Plus, she seems rather calm and collected right now for it too, so why not use this opportunity to try and look into the beast’s mouth while it’s still busy yawning? Can’t be too risky, can it?” I pepped thought to myself before manning up, for better or worse.

I began to slowly approach the oblivious looking mare (or so I thought) before taking my position next to her, though still a meter or two away from her out of habit.

I quickly cleared my throat to get her attention. Which it did, as her neutral look dropped. I was almost on the verge of panic when she surprisingly responded with a rather calm and level-sounding tone.

“What is it?” She started while still keeping her gaze fixed on the horizon.

I just fiddled with my hooves nervously after having sat down on my haunches. No need to keep standing after all, when your own balls are kinda on the line here.

I just gave her an awkward smile. “Nothing, just… just wondering what brings you… well up here, on this fine, sky free weather we are having.” I jokingly replied, somehow hoping that this would warm up the ice somewhat before realizing just how stupid it made me sound.

My smile quickly faltered when I heard a low growl coming from her throat before transforming into a sigh instead.

“Can’t even get some personal time alone from the wannabe Alicorn.” She muttered before looking at me for the first time.

Again, mostly neutral rather than anything else that I was expecting. Which is good, or bad knowing just how sporadic she can be with her mood swings. Or so I have personally experienced so far.

Either way, now I was basically committed. So why not keep it going and see what I can squeeze out without making it obvious… for her?

She just gave me a look before raising an eyebrow. “What, where is your entourage of mares? Usually I see you running around with them if it’s not with me. Finally man up enough to not constantly require an escort of some sort to keep you out of trouble, or is that still a lost cause?” She questioned.

And here we go again, back to familiar territory before I can even get a proper word out. Should have known, but at least I now know what was to be expected instead of just going in blind.

That idea was quickly squashed though as she suddenly sighed. Going back to her neutral self and turning her head to look out into the distance once more.

“You obviously have a reason as to why you even bothered to approach me. So just say what it is so I can decide whether to humor you or not.” She offered, again keeping calm both in looks and tone.

I blinked. “Well, same with you too really. I mean, you also must have a reason to come out here all alone as well?” I mindlessly droned, opening my mouth first before thinking, as usual.

I quickly forced it shut before my ears dropped. I was expecting her to groan once more, but again was surprised to find nothing at all from her. She just kept on staring into the distance and minding her own business.

She did eventually turn her gaze again to look at me. My dropped ears and tail curled next to me like a cat.

“Thinking, wondering, imagining; something that everypony does from time to time. Something I’m sure you have a lot experience with, given how lost you seem to be in your own thoughts sometimes. Even going so far as to not look where you’re going.” She responded.

I rubbed the back of my head. “Well, yeah, I do tend to do that don’t I?” I added, getting back on all fours and resting my own hoof on the railing.

Feeling somewhat better now knowing that she does seem to be in a really chill mood. But still, better not heat her up again.

“So tell me,” she began, ”what exactly brings YOU out here all by your lonesome of all things?” She questioned, before looking back out towards the horizon.

I just looked down at my hoof as I answered. “Well, everything really, but mostly just focusing on exploring the ship and its inner workings. Actually…” I perked back up as a thought struck me. “…do you maybe know where the rest of the crew is? I haven’t really seen much of them while I was busy getting myself lost within the ship.” I asked, looking at the mare next to me.

She just gave a small smirk. “Simple…” She began. “They’re all in the mess hall. Not sure if you know, but it’s already past noon. But don’t worry, you will see more of them cantering around the halls once more when you make your trip back to your quarters.” She casually answered.

“Oh, well that explains it.” I dumbly responded, before looking back down at my hoof.

It's no secret that I have trouble looking people directly in the eyes. So let me look down at my hoof instead, damn it!

There was a moment of silence afterwards. Though it was quickly broken when Glade again opened her mouth.

“So, you haven’t exactly answered my question as to why you’re here in the first place, and if you really want to know my side of the story, too. Then I will be able to offer you a little deal: if you tell me your reason, then I will have no problem telling you mine. A fair offer; something I don’t do very often, so don’t get used to it.” She offered while still keeping herself occupied with the distant horizon in front of us.

I was of course surprised by her offer to cooperate for once. A change I should take if I want to make any progress in understanding her. Something that could be useful if I am going to be around her for the foreseeable future. She did openly take responsibility for me as far as I heard, which basically means having a moody, murderous, and battle-hardened babysitter watching my ass twenty-four seven. If that’s a good or bad thing is something to be seen. But for now, I should just try to focus on genuinely getting on her good side for once and not being a nuisance to keep around. That, and it may even help out to get her to ease up on Flitter and Cloud, too.

I nod, accepting her offer without a word, which she mimicked.

I collected my thoughts before starting my long, old tale.

“Well, besides wanting to explore the ship, I also wanted to get some personal time for myself too, to collect my thought and reflect on the things that I have gone through so far and will continuously face in the future. For starters: still having to deal with the fact that I can’t return home anymore.” I started, feeling somewhat down again with the idea of never seeing my old life again.

Glade just kept quiet at first while she continued to stare out at the passing sky in front of us. Makes me wonder how this would look during a sundown or sunrise. Would be something to take pictures of for sure. But don’t ask me, I was never truly into natural beauties, more of an indoor sack that never got out much.

She eventually spoke though. “Home you say? Well at least that's something that we can both relate on.” She answered while still keeping her gaze fixed forward.

I looked at her with surprise. “Huh? What do you mean?” I asked.

This actually made her seem a little bit sad, not very openly, but still noticeable in the way her mouth moved. She looked at me though with a sideways stare.

“Well, to be unable to return home as well like you. That’s what I meant.” She answered, which in turn just made me confused.

“But, aren’t we flying to your home right now? To Nassgardiath?” I asked, giving her a curious look.

She just shook her head. “As much as Nassgardiath IS my home land, it's not my home home, if you catch my meaning.” She answered, still not fully looking at me.

I just kept giving her a questionable look which made her sigh again, more in frustration than what she has displayed so far.

Though before I could apologize she continued. “I was more referring to a part IN Nassgardiath, a region. A place where I grew up.” She clarified.

This caused me to “oh” in realization as the meaning finally made sense to me, though only partially.

“Well ok, but, why can’t you return to your home region anymore? From what I know you seem to be one of the major leading figures of your clan. I’m sure somepony of your rank and status is allowed to go wherever she pleases, right?” I questioned again before being forced to keep part of my mane out of my face thanks to some of the heavy winds that were blowing right now.

She again groaned, though louder this time and with an evident frown on her muzzle. Though again before I could say anything she responded.

“The rules over in Nassgardiath are very different to the ones you’re most likely accustomed with. Sure, the different clans that divide most the lands are powerful ruling bodies on their own, but they are still bound to the rules enforced by the elected members of the high order, either in Kazzas or Pelepolos, and the High King himself. As much say as I might have in the political landscape, I’m still very much bound to the established rules and customs that have existed with our kind for many millennia. So no, I can’t just go wherever I damn well please. Especially not territories belonging to a rival clan.” She explained, sounding more like a rant given her tone.

“Plus…” She continued. “What I used to call home no longer exists. Let’s just leave it at that.” She added before going back to her more neutral state. Even going to far as showing a slight frown if my eyes weren’t mistaken.

I guess I can somewhat feel for her. Never being able to return home is one thing, but knowing that it is lost forever is certainly another. Something more depressing to know I am sure. But still, something that at least we can relate on.

She lost her home and so did I, though with completely different circumstances.

“So, where is your home? I know for a fact that you aren’t TRULY a pony, so what the hay are you under all of that fur and feathers?” She suddenly asked giving me a strange look.

I stammered a bit in surprise. “Wha-what do you mean? How in the Hell did you even come to such a conclusion?” I questioned.

Truth be told, I do remember the little incident we had back at the hospital when I first woke from my month-long coma. But that incident never went anywhere fast, and was kind of forgotten as the day went on, strangely enough.

I was even hoping that she would forget, just like how I did until she brought it up out of nowhere.

She just continued to stare at me, patiently waiting for me to say or do something else that would make it even more obvious that she was actually right, like my stammering, looking obviously nervous and the fact that I just used the term Hell instead of hay.

Either way, after a while, she just seemed to give up on my expected response as she frowned, getting right into my face once more, much to my discomfort. I know that this situation makes my upcoming comment highly inappropriate, but even she has some kind of scent on her that reminds me of something.

Nightshade perhaps, as cliché as it may sound.

Either way she just kept staring right into my very soul while I was busy trying to retreat away from her, which failed. Why? Because she was grabbing me with her left hoof the moment I tried, resting it firmly on my right shoulder and forcing me onto my haunches. Pretty much preventing me from going anywhere.

At least now I know that her outside appearance and character isn’t just for shits and giggles. She actually has a lot of physical strength to back that up as well. Which honestly shouldn’t be too surprising.

Or maybe I’m just very weak, that could also be a possibility.

She eventually spoke. “Your eyes; you have the eyes of a predator. Not just any predator, but an apex predator. Also…” She suddenly began parting my lips with her free hoof. “You have some very distinctive canines hiding behind your gums too, not very large or sharp ones, but canines nonetheless. Something that a pony does NOT have, even when crossbreeding.” She explained.

Saying that I was feeling uncomfortable would be a complete understatement. It also didn’t help that her smell of nightshade was messing with my senses.

Senses I didn’t HAVE before becoming a horse. My ears were on low mast while my tail was pressing so hard against my rump and leg that I could actually somehow feel the pressure from it, despite pony tails only being made up of strands of hair.

But crazy physics and biology aside, she did eventually return my personal space as she continued to observe me from afar instead. I of course quickly got back up and moved a bit away from her out of instinct.

She just huffed. “Not sure how a timid little thing such as yourself could be considered to be an apex predator, but either way, the eyes never lie. At least not from my experience they don’t.” She commented before again giving me an accusing look.

“Tell me, what exactly were you before you got ‘ponified.’ And don’t try to circlejerk your way out of this one because I know for a fact that you are NOT a normal pony, even for an alicorn. Even the princesses share the same eyes as their dainty little equines. Eyes that only belong to those who are herbivorous in nature. Not carnivores or even omnivores. So again, tell me, what were you?” She asked once more, glaring at me to emphasize her demands.

I on the other hand was just speechless. All I was hoping for was to interrogate her about her story and origin, not the other way in the worst situation possible.

Well not really the worst, but you get the point. This is still far from ideal.

I mentally sighted. “Well, I don’t know how but… she knows somehow. I guess… the old saying was right after all. ‘The eyes are the gateway to someone’s soul.’ Better just come clean before I somehow make it worse with her, and if she truly knows her stuff, then what’s the point of trying to delude her now? My 24-year-old knowledge is nothing in comparison to over a 1000 years. Let’s not kid ourselves here.” I thought to myself somewhat bitterly and with a bit of finality.

It really could be worst though. I could have also been in the presence of both Flitter and Cloud while also trying to explain to them that I am not really a pony to begin with. Certainly, a big trust breaker after everything they have allow me to see from them so far.

I sighed outwardly, knowing that this had to eventually come one way or another.

I looked back up at her with honestly. Something I am sure Applejack would be proud of.

“Well alright, you know the truth I guess. I’m not a pony. Or at least, in origin.” I began. The winds once again picking up and causing some parts of my mane to get in the way of my vision.

I ignored it this time as I have completely different worries to focus on. Plus, my hat was already doing a somewhat decent job of keeping my head fluff out of my sight and from becoming a real nuisance.

Actually, it’s also kind of a good thing that it managed to stay up there all this time despite the air up here. But that’s obviously a thought for another time.

After my open confession, Glade just gave me the ‘go on’ gesture with her hoof, which was kind of unnecessary.

Again, I already kind of knew that such a day would come eventually. The day where I would have to explain myself to someone in regards to my true origins. Again, there aren’t any real records of my existence at all, and a random alicorn just popping out of nowhere should really become noticeable later on. Which is pretty much what happened in the end anyway. Just… not the way I would have liked, and now, I will have to explain my true origins as well for good measure.

Actually, kind of funny as to why neither Flits or Cloud even bothered to openly ask about my origin as well, besides the Germane part. But alas, this just show the level of trust, or maybe even the level of naïvety these two have… at least on some level.

Either way, I continued as desired… well, kind of. “Well, that’s it, what else do you want me to add to that?” I responded.

Glade of course was not amused by that as she lightly glared at me. “You know damn well what else I want. Like what the hay you really were before suddenly deciding to grow pony ears and hooves. As I said, you can’t fool me. I have seen, interacted and fought pretty much every kinds of creature there is over my 1000-year life. Having peered into their eyes and having seen all kinds of intentions, emotions and even their true nature. Yours is NOT pony in origin, so much is fact.” She demanded, jabbing a hoof against my chest for good measure.

I stumbled back a bit at her jap. I grunted, I may be somewhat timid, but even I have my limits when it comes to someone pushing and jabbing me.

I gave her a steadfast look, nothing too dramatic of course as I wasn’t that brave or desperate just yet. “Well, would you even believe me if I told you everything? Even if I use some names that you probably haven’t heard before? Which could easily make my story even more unbelievable then it might already be.” I finally spoke while pushing her hoof away.

She simply huffed. “Ha, try me. I should have also mentioned that I have heard some of the most outlandish claims and tales during my many years of travel. A lot of them even turning out to be true, no matter how alien or ridiculous they sounded.” She challenged, giving me a small smirk at the end.

I doubted that challenge as my expression changed to match that. I gave of one final exhale before starting. “Well for starters, how would you feel that I am not even from this world to begin with? That I am literally an outside on every definition of the term, an alien, you could say.” I finally laid out, ready to see her laughing off her ass or just out denying my claims outright.

What I did get though left me both surprised and somewhat perplexed at the same time. Looking as if she accepted my claims and maybe even outright believed them as well.

She hummed loudly while tapping her chin. “So, you’re claiming to be from another realm entirely? Wouldn’t be the first time for this world to get a ‘new visitor’ from beyond the realms, though.” She responded to my utter surprise until a certain tidbit of her wording suddenly flashed something up inside my mind. Something that I should have realized right from the start.

Oh, yeah. As far as I know, Tirek also hailed from another realm if memory serves me well. Or at least, that’s what the lore used to state back in the show.” I thought to myself, smashing my head against a mental wall for not having noticed this detail sooner.

But then again, it could have easily not been a thing at all in THIS version of Equestria. Judging on how different it is in terms of history and sometimes even character in comparison to the show, it could have also meant that Tirek wasn’t a thing here at all. But either way, it doesn’t matter now as I already got my answer to that. Tirek is a thing, which means that the concept of being coming from another world entirely isn’t going to be too farfetched to explain here. Certainly makes things a lot easier for me in the future.

I sighed, knowing that my story was already safe in concept alone. “Well anyway, and for starters before you eventually ask, I personally have no idea what exactly brought me here in the first place and why, let alone knowing how it all started to begin with…” I went back on resting my hooves against the ship's railing after that, gazing out into the open skies with a sigh as I continued. “…The only thing I do remember though would just be suddenly waking up in the middle of the everfree and eventually discovering that I somehow got turned into an alicorn as well, with no idea on what, how and when afterwards. Long story short; I then eventually stumbled upon the two pegasi sisters after having heard their outcry, managed to somehow save their lives afterwards while almost having no control over my action while doing so, and then simply leaving the forest afterwards with all three of us together. The rest from that point on it pretty basic as well, with me trying to simply fit in and not arouse to much suspicion in regards to my alicorn form, to eventually moving over to Cloudsdale later on and causing the so called ‘Cloudsdale Incident’ afterwards. The rest is simple, at least simple from your perspective, that is.” I finally finished with a sigh as the wind was once more blowing hard against my form and causing me a couple of hair-related discomforts.

The issues of having such a long mane to begin with.

Glade on the other hand seemed to be thoughtful at first before something seemed to struck with her. She looked back at me with a questionable look.

“Wait, did you just mention that you straight up woke up as an alicorn in your earliest memories? Nothing else in between?” She asked while giving me a curious look.

I just nod, matching her gaze with my own.

She again just tapped her chin and mumbled to herself before shrugging it off and staring back at me.

“Anyway, if you are wondering about the possibility of me knowing as to what could have possibly pulled you into this world in the first place, then I’m sorry to disappoint. I may know a lot of thing, but obviously not everything. Even a thousand years of seeing, exploring and experiencing things yourself isn’t nearly enough to even scratch the surface of what this world of ours has to offer. Though if you really want to find the answers yourself, you have more or less all the time in the world to do so anyway. Being an alicorn means having a natural immunity to the passage of time incase Celly herself hasn’t informed you on that.” She responded, joining me against the railing as she too rested her fore hooves on them and gazed out into the unknown as well.

“So, about your world. How is it, and what were you before you suddenly found yourself dragged out of your comfort zone so abruptly?” She asked, which was to be expected honestly.

The winds once more continued to be very noticeable against our forms as both our mane and tail continued to sway against the breeze of the winds. Most notable with Glade though as I curiously looked to my right. Watching how both her shorter mane and tail where also being manipulated by the gentle winds.

I do have to admit once more, for someone of her character she doesn’t look so bad from an outside perspective. Especially with her well-toned body. I am not saying that I'm slowly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome towards her, but I am ready to say that for a mare of her character, she does look stunning.

I just shook my head, getting these thought out of my mind and getting myself back in control towards the question that she just asked.

I took my time to think it over before answering. “Well…” I began. “Ever heard of the term ‘Human’ before?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, I haven’t.” She casually replied while still keeping her gaze fixed in front of her.

I nod to that, even though she wouldn’t be able to see it.

“Well, that’s what I used to be before waking up as an alicorn. Humans are bipedal walking animals, which roughly stand around 170 to 200 centimeters in height. Imagine them like minotaurs, only less muscular for the most part, having straight legs with feet at the end instead of hooves, and looking somewhat more ape-like in terms of features. Oh, and not much fur as well. Which is why we humans like to compensate for that by wearing clothes. So yeah, there it is.” I answered.

I heard her hum beside me as she seemed to be digesting all of the information I gave her. Still surprising at how easily she seems to believe me. But then again, she did say that she has seen a lot of weird shit herself for the last thousand years. So, if that’s true, no wonder.

“Well…” She began with a pause. “…certainly something I haven’t heard about. Sounds quite… alien so far, though in an interesting way to be honest. I have always been kind of a sucker for the uncommon, strange and outlandish things, just to let you know.” She commented, giving me a quick sideways glance before looking back ahead.

I nod, while also keeping most of my gaze fixed forward. There was nothing but empty silence afterwards. With the two of us simply enjoying the peace and gently listening on to the thumping sounds of the propellers bellow. The rhythmic sound emanating from them strangely adding to the serenity of the moment.

This was primarily the reason as to why the two of us came up here in the first place. To have a moment to think and to simply be alone for once. Not saying that I’m personally against company, but it is still nice to just be on your own for once and not burden yourself with the problems of others.

Well… for others at least. I of course still carry around my own problems and issues no matter what. But whatever, I have raved about this far too much. No need to sound like a broken record after all, even though I tend to forget my own incentives.

I exhaled loudly against my hooves before finally looking back at the mare next to me. “So… what is Nassgardiath like, anyway?” I began. “What types of things should I be expecting once getting there. I mean culture and costumes in case you’re wondering.” I asked.

Might as well try to learn something about this place before getting there, might save me a lot of awkward moments and perhaps even trouble if I know what to do and what not to do in that land beforehand. Similar to going to Japan, the type of culture shock one can experience there as a Westerner can be quite… evident. Especially when you somehow manage to make yourself look like an ass over there.

Something that one of my cousins had to learn the hard way once he flew over there in order to work.

Either way, Glade also turned her head to fully look at me. Giving me a smirk. “Well, simple; just don’t do anything stupid and you’ll live.” She responded.

I frowned at her unamused. “No seriously, what is there to expect in terms of cultural and social standards? I less want you to constantly have to babysit me than you do. If I knew what to expect there, I could easily avoid all of those issues and prevent myself from look like a complete fool. Why wait for trouble when you can avoid it?” I clarified, much to Glade’s mild surprise.

She just nods. “Fine, that would certainly make my job over there a lot easier as well.” She answered, before quickly giving me a look. “Don’t even bother to ask what type of job it is. You’ll learn eventually once we get there so just keep your head under the clouds on this one.” She added with a flick of her left ear.

I again just nod.

“Well, where to start?” She wondered to herself while tapping her chin. Looking back to me when she seemed to know the answer she needed. “Well to be honest, there really isn’t much for you to know besides the fact that Thestrals over there are a lot feistier compared to the ponies you’re used to having around. But, they also have a higher degree of respect for one another.” She began to scratch her head at that point. “Well to just put it into laymare’s terms, they are FAR from skittish, they will do more than just hit you back if you hit them, and are also a lot more likely to straight out ignore you if they see you as new, uninteresting and foreign. So over all, just keep to yourself and let them judge you at first. Once they have done that, then your time and interaction with them will be very straight forward. Again, just don’t to anything stupid and you should be good. No complicated science of magic needed, and certainly not the ‘Magic of Friendship.’” She finally explained.

I again just nod, while scratching my mane in thought. “Well, seems simple enough I guess, she basically explained my world as far as I know.” I thought to myself before something else struck me.

“Well ok, but what about the culture?” I asked, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

“What about it?” She asked automatically.

I tilted my head a bit in front of her. “Well, about the culture and customs. Like what you can or can’t say in public, or what you can do in a certain time of an hour?” I clarified, causing her to just give me a strange look at the end.

“Dude, just because we take things a bit more serious over there doesn’t mean we are completely handicapped in terms of social norms. I already told you that all you have to do is just to anything stupid and you should be fine. I mean sure you have your petty little thugs, wannabe tough guys, narrow headed and simply minded rear-holes too. But generally it's all pretty much the same over there in terms of everyday life when you compared it to the rest of the world. Well…” She trailed off a bit. “At least in the two major cities that is. Out in the wild and open country of our lands, things tend to follow their own rules within all the different little towns and villages tucked away in between the mountains. But then again, you will most likely never get to see any of it, as you’ll most likely spend most of your time there in Kazzas instead of roaming about in the countryside. So don’t bother yourself with those details to much, as I doubt that you will ever experience them.” She added before going back to staring out into the distance.

I again just nodded, something I should totally get a cutie mark for if this keeps up. I can even feel my neck starting to go stiff because of all of the nodding.

But again, one thing was still bothering me. “What about those different clans you mentioned earlier? What exactly do they do?” I continued to ask, causing her to sigh.

“Why does it matter? Again, its all things that you will be exposed to one way or another when we finally get there. Just wait until we’re there, and all of your questions will be answered.” She responded, starting to sound somewhat irritated at my constant asking. Enough for me to shut my mouth and filing my remaining questions for a later date.

If I even need to ask them that is, if her statement is true.

I quietly sighed. Staring off back into the distance and simply enjoying the strong breeze and amazing scenery in front of me.

The constant rhythmic thumping of the propellers down below were adding to that. Helping me to unhinge my thought, and allowing me to slowly drift away mentally as the ocean of clouds in front of me continued to slowly drift by.

This is certainly a lot more fascinating than just watching this from the rather claustrophobic space of an airplane. I personally never liked flying in the first place. All thanks to my acrophobia, as mentioned and proven many times. But this, this is again something I could seriously do a lot more often. I don’t feel scared or nervous at all out here. Even if I look down past the railing to see how high we exactly a-

…You know what, never mind. Looking down at the ground from this height is still filling me with the heebie jeebies no matter how relaxed I felt before. Just… just look at the moving clouds and mountains off into the distance and everything should be fine.

Which is exactly what I did. After shaking this shudder off my body and inhaling and then exhaling deeply to calm my nerves. Something which Glade quickly took note of as she turned her gaze back to me.

“Still scared of heights huh? Even when riding on a wide spacious airship?” She asked before shaking her head at my patheticness. A word I have just invented for myself, because it's kinda true.

I am rather pathetic half the time. But I’m not complaining, or rather, I’m not now as I know what my flaws are. I was a wingless human before becoming a cartoon horse. I have an excuse to be afraid of heights even though I have wings now.

But this still doesn’t make it less pathetic looking.

“You know, I really have no idea how you of all people were gifted wings even though you are so cripplingly afraid of heights. Having been turned into a unicorn or even an earth pony would have been much more fitting for you. At least then you wouldn’t be forced to live with the two pegasi sisters in a city that is literally made out of clouds. Not to mention having far less magic coursing through your system and causing far less of a ruckus. Well… you were, as most of your magic seems to be gone now it seems. All thanks to that blood crystal.” She commented, before reawakening my memories of that one dreadful accident I had suffered from.

Well… what I CAN remember of it that is. As it isn’t much, thanks to that coma and brain trauma.

I can’t believe that I somehow managed to lose most of my magic under my own naïvity and stupidity, while not having been on this world for even two months. That certainly has to be a record, if such a record even exist. But, maybe losing a large portion of my magic was actually a good thing, as it means that randomly accruing surges such as the one I had in Cloudsdale a while back won't happen again.

A rather bittersweet reality to swallow. But still a bit sweet nonetheless. But that basically makes my horn pretty useless right now, minus for using it as a knife or something. While my wings have been pretty much useless since the start.

Maybe she is right. I am not personally sure how the heck I got turned into an alicorn of all things, but my turn into a so-called “demigod” pony has been more detrimental towards my stay here than a bonus.

A normal pony would just have been fine on its own. Or even better, stay a human. I have heard and read so many stories back in my world where the human character in Equestria stays a freaking human. But me, I woke up as a alicorn instead. Why? Again I don’t know. I really don’t have any memory as to how, why, or when.

Like… the latest memory I have about my previous life was the day where I casually returned home after a day-long trip through town for grocery shopping. That is by far the latest memory I can remember, with waking up in the Everfree Forest being the next after that.

Like… it's super strange, isn’t it? Like what the hell could have possible happened to me on that day for me to possible end up in Equestria as a freaking alicorn?

How can this happen to just a guy returning home after simply grocery shopping? I can’t really imagine what could have possible happened to me on that day which would have caused me to wake up here.

Like… did I die somehow or something? If so, then how? When? Where? I certainly didn’t have any medical problems or deficiencies in order for me to have died from that. Was it an accident maybe? Did something happened inside my house for me to get injured so badly that I died from it?

I really don’t know and that’s the primary reason why this topic disturbs me. I am just here, with no clue or explanation whatsoever.

What the Hell brought me here, and more importantly why, and why as a alicorn? There just has to be an answer to that.” I thought to myself as I looked down onto the railing itself. Seeing a part of my face reflect on its chrome-like surface.

“Well… time to head back into the bridge I guess. I certainly had my fair share of relaxation for one day. Can’t really feel comfortable with myself unless I have something to do. It was nice talking to you, I guess… though I think that more talks like this are going to be pretty common. But whatever, you better return back to your two mares down below before they start worrying about you or whatever. Just follow the same path you have used to get up here in the first place and you should be good.” Glade suddenly stated, before stepping away from the railing and moving away to God knows where.

Well she did say the bridge of the ship, but that doesn’t exactly help me much either as I have no idea where the bridge of this Final Fantasy-like ship actually is.

So again, why bother?

“Yeah, nice talk to you to then Glade, you moody and undecipherable mare.” I whispered to myself as I watched her disappear back into the ship. More specifically into the same set of stairs I originally emerge from.

I exhaled through my nose loudly afterwards, before returning my gaze back to the expansive skies in front of me and simplyenjoying the breeze and peace of this moment. Not even allowing my own thoughts to ruin it as I simply unhooked myself from all of my issue.

God knows that I kinda have too. Or just risk getting a headache from pretty much everything. Or it could be because of the rather oxygen-poor air up here.

Yea… Let's go with that one.