• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 11,109 Views, 574 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 2: Confrontation...Again

Chapter 2: Confrontation...Again.
Edited by: Fistfire, Rainbowblitz

“Cloudchaser...Cloudchaser would you hurry up...I really need to use the shower too you know.” I heard my sister shout despite the fact of the noise a shower makes when you are standing inside of it.

I just groaned while trying to get some shampoo on my left wing.

Trying to reach and wash your own wings can be such a pain in the flank, which is one of the reasons pegasi usually do stuff like this in pairs and not alone.

“Would you stop your whining? If you wouldn’t bother me so much about your short sense of hygienic patience then I would be able to get my shower done faster.” I shouted back before doing a mental hoof bump after I managed to finally get a good amount of wing shampoo on said wing.

That moment of victory didn’t last though, thanks to my sister as usual. “Yeah right, you're the one talking about patience.” She retorted which made me sigh in annoyance.

I really wasn’t in the mood for this, then again I haven’t really been in any form of good mood for over a month.

Images of what happened to Nava and just how close the poor guy was from actually dying right in front of my eyes are still haunting me to this day. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about this but for whatever reason I just feel partially responsible for what actually happened to him. Like...that I wasn’t fast enough to find him.

Yeah I know it sounds pretty stupid but this guilt just has been eating away from me ever since that one fateful night. That feeling just worsening even further whenever I see his limp and unconscious form hooked to various methods of life support.

I don’t know what it is but...that sight of him...being in such a state...just snapped something mentally inside me. I just couldn’t look at him like this very long without threatening to burst into tears.

I...I think it has some kind of a connection with our long deceased parents...I don’t know why but...I just get the feeling that it does. Both me and Flits never really saw our parents at all after we got the news of their death near the gryphon border, mostly because the bodies were never found other than a large amount of blood and obvious feather and tail pieces that belonged to them.

I guess...never having seen them in a state similar to Nava is a good thing...I guess?

“What am I even thinking?”

I shook my head, trying my best to dispel these highly depressing and somewhat shocking ideas out of my head.

“The past is the past Cloud...even if it still stings as fresh.” I thought to myself as I just continued my burden in getting myself done in the shower.

I don’t know how long I was zoned out there but I still could somewhat sense my sister’s presence right on the other side of the door. I was sure that she was going to pester me even further when I suddenly heard a groan coming from the other side of the door and footsteps moving away from it.

“Who could be knocking at our door this early.” I could barely hear my sister mutter.

Good, at least that means I can finish up in peace here without her pushing me on even further. Ever since that one fateful night I discovered hot showers to be quite relaxing somehow, and I like to savor this moment of temporary serenity in peace thank you.

Whatever helps me clear my mind I take it.

I was about to do my right wing next when a loud shout coming from the living room almost caused me to drop the bottle onto the shower cubicle floor.

“WAIT...SERIOUSLY NAVA FINALLY WOKE UP?! THAT'S...THAT AMAZING NEWS.” I heard the ecstatic voice shout from outside which immediately made me pause in mid duck to pick up the bottle.

“Wait...Nava finally woke up from his coma? Did I hear that right or is my sister pulling a really, REALLY nasty prank on me for which I will throw her off the edge of Cloudsdale if that is the case.” I thought to myself, a sense of hope rising inside of me as that single word circles around my mind over and over again.

“Buck this shower I need to find out.” I told myself out loud as I did just that.

Leaving open the sliding doors and dashing directly towards the bathroom door still dripping wet, with soap and shampoo still clinging to my form while also keeping the shower running.

I was in no state to really give a buck about any of it.

I pried the door open and dashed out. “Did I hear that correct? Did Nava really wake up from his coma?” I asked out loud as I spotted both Flitter and Dashie in the living room.

Flitter holding a very excited look on her face as she turned to look at me.

Who can really blame her.

“Yes, Dash here just came quickly over to tell us directly. Nava presumingly woke up last night.” She explained to me in joy.

I looked over to Dashie for confirmation herself in which she just grinned and nodded.

“Yeah what she said. I just got the message earlier this morning that he is well and fine. So I came here as quick as I could to tell you both before going over to visit him.” Dashie replied with a smile.

I was ecstatic at first before a smile finally appeared on my face as well as the reality of this news finally hit me.

Nava finally woke up despite the doctors openly admitting that there was a possibility of him never waking up at all.

It seems even modern magic and medicine are nothing against pure unadulterated miracles and wonders.

I wanted to hop and squeal around in joy, but for some reason I managed to keep myself level headed as I simply kept my smile instead.

“Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go down to Ponyville and see how he is really doing.” I openly announced as I made my way over to the door, fully intending to fly to ponyville right away with one goal in mind.

Or, that is what I would have done if my sister didn’t call out for me before reaching the door.

“Uh...Cloud, I know you want to see him as quickly as possible but…” She began as she eyed me some more.” Don’t you think you want to get the soap out of your fur and mane and maybe dry off first before heading outside. Ponies might be staring, plus it's generally not a good idea to fly with wet wings at all. You should have known that from flight school.” Flitter explained which caused me to stop.

I looked down at myself and simply blushed, before chuckling awkwardly and making my way back towards the bathroom.

“Just-just give a minute guys to get this soap out of my fur and then we can go.” And with that I headed back into the bathroom to finish myself up.

I heard amused chuckles coming from the living room as I closed the door. Not really helping me feel any less embarrassed at my stunt in the slightest.

I just sighed. “Can't even finish up a shower properly these days. What in Celestia’s name is wrong with me?” I muttered as climbed back into the still running shower.

Sis is again going to kill me if she finds out that I left it running like that.


“Silver...Silver, hey Silver where are you?” I called out into the aether.

Once again it is one of those sleepful moments where I find myself waking up within the confines of my mind after having just fallen asleep just a few moment ago.

Yeah kind of ironic I know.

To be honest, since my...awakening and...whatever really happened to me, my subconscious has been seriously devoid of any activity and color in general. To be more precise, it has been nothing but this eerie silence and this never ending blackness all throughout. Basically similar to my first conscious visit into my cranium now that I think about it.

To be honest this whole ordeal is really worrying to me. Whatever has happened to me must have happened to Silver as well by the looks of things.

I just sighed. At this point there really seems to be nothing I can do besides hope. It's not like I am knowledgeable with this kind of stuff to begin with, plus I don't even know what exactly happened to me anyway, which also means that I can’t really draw or make any conclusion as to where he might be and what happened to my now once again void dreamworld.

“Well...nothing I can really do now but wake up I guess.” I muttered.

I began to mentally concentrate, trying to forcefully get myself out of here just like I somehow managed to also do when I was much, much younger.

Back then I actually was one of those rare lucid dreamers which meant that I always knew that I was dreaming which also gave me the somewhat useful ability to force myself awake whenever I wanted. Specifically when a certain dream didn’t appeal to me.

Yes I know I could have also simply made myself a new dream instead. Only problem back then was that I was somewhat too young to grasp that particular concept before I just randomly lost that lucid dream ability over time for some reason.

Until now it seems.

With one final will of thought I managed to break the fabric of my subconscious with some effort as everything around me quickly became a blur of white and black.


I casually awoke just like how any other normal person would.

The keyword here is normal because nothing has been consistently normal ever since I woke up in this world. But then again, having your life always be so formulaic and mundane is also a pretty bad negative as well.

You just stagnate yourself to death with that.

The first thing that I noticed when returning to the land of the active living was just how quiet and serene it is. No more of that accursed beeping from that damn heart monitor blasting into my ears which is a very welcome change of sensation.

You can only listen to a constant repeating sounds for so long before it is starting to feel more like nails ramming into your ears instead of simple sound or noise.

I looked down to my chest area and weakly smile as I realized that a lot of the wiring down there has thankfully been removed it seems.

Simply just one last thing to worry about while at the same time giving me the sign that my recovery is going along fine if certain monitoring equipment are not longer needed for me.

Though obviously both my breathing tube on my nose and the IV connected to my arm still remain. The IV I am familiar with but why would still need a breather in my nostrils is confusing to me, especially since I feel just fine in my breathing department overall. But then again I am neither a nurse nora doctor so how the heck would I know.

Talking about nurses, Blue Pill returned while carrying some breakfast on her back. She smiled at me, which I could only weakly return as she placed the tray on the same table that still occupied the flowers next to me.

“Good morning there Mister Nava. How are you feeling?” She kindly asked.

“Well…”I started while looking down at myself. ”Still pretty tired to be honest.” I replied in which she nods before moving to the end of the bed to check a clipboard hanging on it.

“Well, the doctor actually came in here about an hour ago to check on your condition while you were still out.” She explained before looking back at me.

“Kind of strange really how a pony can stay asleep despite the fact that the doctor was testing and probing you earlier. But then again you are not a normal pony by any means.” She added before looking at me with sheepish eyes.” Uhm…I mean...no disrespect with that of course.” She apologized.

I just smiled. “No need for that...I...I know that I am by no means a normal pony by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone with eyes can immediately tell that.” I responded while thinking back at what she said about me having been out cold during my check up.

“I guess wandering consciously through your own mind automatically makes you into a very heavy sleeper. Need to note that just in case.” I thought to myself before my attention went back to the tray next to me.

It looks more like lunch than breakfast to be honest.

“Uhm...why does this look more like lunch Miss Pill?” I question while looking back at her.

She simply continued her sheepish look while rubbing the back of her neck. “Well that's because it is. You managed to sleep through most of the night and this morning when the doctor came to have a look at you. It's actually already noon, or twenty minutes past noon to be precise.” She explained which again makes me take mental notes on the whole ‘walking through your subconscious’ and how disjointed time really can be when doing so.

Then again, how does time even exist in a place that is mostly just black and empty anyway. Well...is black and empty again to be honest.

More reasons to wonder what exactly happened to Silver, where he is or if he is somewhat ok or not. He IS supposed to be my magical aura taken a sapient form and as far as I understand it without him my own magic would be gone as well, or at the very least most of it I guess.

More questions in which will most likely be answered on their own anyway, just have to wait for everybody on the “get well card” to show up, including the two princesses, a meeting I am somewhat dreading and also somewhat anxious to get behind me.

I blinked, expelling these thoughts out of my mind for the meantime, that is, I would have when the door didn’t suddenly burst open, scaring both me and Pill and also causing me to knock the tray off the table.

A violet pony is standing on the other end. A pony I immediately recognize as both of our eyes went wide in surprise after making eye contact.

I already new that my fate is sealed right then and there. This mare is relentless, almost in the same level as Rainbow Dash. Though less presmatic of course.

“Nava...you're finally awake. Thank the heavens.” Cloudchaser simply uttered before I suddenly found myself rushed and probed by a hyperactive, messy maned pegasus mare.

I was about to say something when a blue blur quickly appeared into the room as well followed by incoming galloping and shouting from the halls.

“I already told you that visiting hours are not yet open for at least another hour. Would you two come back here.” I heard a very stern sounding stallion say before eventually making himself known by standing directly at the busted entrance of my hospital room.

A unicorn doctor by the looks of it, judging by coat and stethoscope around his neck.

“Miss Cloud and Miss Dash, would you two please listen to me and get back into the waiting rooms.” A unicorn doctor demanded with an annoyed sounding tone.

A unicorn...

Which was followed up by another pony entering the scene. A pegasus pony that I also immediately recognized, frown included.

“Seriously you two, sometimes it feels like I am surrounded by foals rather than adults with the both of you.” Flitter commented beside the doctor.

“Well, only having returned from my one month coma yesterday and already things are swiftly developing themselves back into familiarity with these mares.” I thought to myself while poor Blue Pill over there is just completely unsure about the situation she suddenly found herself in.

Same with me to some extent.

But to be honest I seriously wouldn’t have it any other way at the moment.

Author's Note:

Well here you go, another chapter done and uploaded.

But anyway, I also want to give a small shout out towards another author and his story. If you are interested you can find his Fic here His name is "Pen Dragon" so go and check him out of you can.

Also for those of you who are generous enough and want to help me get a start in life (because jobless) you can support me on my Patreon site.