• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 11,104 Views, 574 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 4: Back to the Clouds, Only to Fall Off

Chapter 4: Back in the Clouds, Only to Fall Off
Edited by: Rainbowblitz, Chrome Masquerade
Proofread by: Shadeol, Disciple of History

“Well, here we are; Home sweet home. Welcome back, Nava.” Flitter announced as we stood right in front of a cloud home I never imagined I would miss seeing.

I just couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Flitter and Cloud Chaser’s home, despite the fact that I still don’t have any glasses on me. Which also seems to be my home too, even though I still -to this day- have no idea how in the heck I managed to earn my place here.

Sure, I might have literally saved their lives back when I first arrived in this world, but still. In most cases, that really isn’t enough of a reason to offer a random stranger a permanent space in your home.

A gift of hospitality I will most likely never be able to repay anytime soon, though I will still try.

Overall, it really is a good feeling to finally be back in familiar territory after all this time. It really feels like ages since I’ve last seen this place or been back in Cloudsdale in general, especially after that long and tedious checkout procedure back in Ponyville hospital.

The papers I had to sign and fill out were ridiculous. Mostly for records’ sake, since I don’t have any simply because… Well, I am new in Equestria, after all.

I also got scheduled by one golden pony guard for an upcoming first-time meeting with the princesses as well, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it..

Right now I am just happy to finally be back out and about as a whole.
Or rather, being whole in general.

“And to think that you were hiding in this home the entire time when I and some of my fellow Thestral guards came through this district. Too bad I don’t know WHO exactly checked your home and completely missed the obvious unique resident hiding within it, otherwise I would have ported their flanks on top of a steep mountain, bound in chains.” Glade commented from behind.

Oh yeah. I forgot that she came with us for the sake of keeping an eye on me personally simply because I am, in her eyes, either a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode or a tool to be used by some nefarious individuals.

I really hope neither of those will ever come to pass.

So for that reason she insisted on personally keeping tabs on me. It’s either that or deal with a group of guards shadowing me -and in some cases the two sisters- 24/7. Not that we even had a choice in the first place, but I’d honestly rather take just one Thestral over a dozen who are almost like her any day.

Even if this Thestral is basically their leader and the most hot headed and aggressive of the bunch. Not to mention a leader figure of one of the most warrior-coded and traditionally-focused clans of her homeland too.

I can just picture the problems and conflicts that will be the norm in my not so distant future.

Not that I have much of a choice on that, either, but I guess with her around I might enjoy some level of safety. As far as I have learned of her, she did have 1000 years of constantly honing her skills of basically just kicking ass.

She is a warrior after all, and a natural born hunter.

I was honestly more or less indifferent about this, but both Flitter -and especially Cloud- were quite open with their displeasure of having her around more frequently in the future.

I am honestly much more worried about my magic or senses having some hiccup moment again. The last one, according to everyone, basically almost got me killed. So I have a perfectly valid reason to be paranoid.

Again, why as an Alicorn? The universe had so many versions of my persona to choose from and it went with the most chaotic and unstable one, at that!

I can’t fly due to my acrophobia and my trust in magic has pretty much been tarnished at this point.

All it ever did was get me into trouble, remove my sense of control, push me into dangerous situations and even almost get me killed as an end result!

I don’t know why, but deep within the back of my mind the concept of magic is just dreadful to me as a whole, now. And given my current track record in regards to magic... it really isn’t so surprising.

To top it all off, I still haven’t heard or even felt anything of Silver ever since I woke up from my coma a couple of days back. Which makes me dread to think that he might not have been so lucky with the accident as I was. At least that would explain why everything on me feels so fuzzy and… normal.

“Hey Nava? You alright there?” Cloud suddenly tapped me, which brought me back to reality.

I rubbed my forehead. “Yeah… yeah, I guess. Just deep in thought. That’s all.” I replied, trying to sound and look as reassuring as possible.

She just nods before finally unlocking the door for us and being the first to step in followed by Flitter.

I just sighed before making my way back inside as well, and I have to say, Flitter and Cloud’s family home is really a sight to behold after such a long, hectic and in my case blank time.

It really does make me feel like it has been ages since I last stepped foot, or hoof in my case, in this place. Which just makes the idea that this is truly my new home in this new world even more apparent.

I’m truly thankful for these two even considering in taking me in, despite my shortcomings and the problems I give them sometimes.

Unintentionally, but problems nonetheless.

“So, this is the place you all reside in? A bit too big and spacious for just two ponies, don’t you think?” Glade commented after she peeked into our home for the first time.

“Well, that’s because this used to be our parents’ before we inherited it after their... passing. In other words, it’s also the same home where both Cloud and I grew up in. Which basically means that this has been our home for pretty much all of our lives, and we have zero interest in that ever changing.” Flitter answered.

Glade -next to me now- just nods before continuing to inspect the interior much more thoroughly. I would personally love to do the same, but for the fact that I don’t have my glasses any more. Pretty much nullifies that wish in an instant.

Even as an Alicorn I am still hopelessly nearsighted, which is why Flitter quickly made the offer to walk me to the nearest optics shop in Cloudsdale to buy me a new pair of glasses.

Something I really need, to be honest, because seeing everything in 144p resolution can be quite... eye-squinting. And, to be frank, also really annoying. But that also means that it makes me look and feel like a freeloader even more, which just solidifies my new idea of getting a job and not be to depending on these two to literally do everything for me.

Though that also means I need to get myself a new jacket too, since my old one -given to me by Flitter- was also lost, as with my glasses and my scarf. The only item that somehow managed to survive my near death moment was my hat, according to Cloud, for which I am truly thankful.
My hat is basically the only gateway I have to my old home, as far as I know. Plus it has all my stuff too, so losing that would just really be a big blow to both my morale and psyche, not to mention losing my roots too.

“So... is anypony hungry? I can go and fix something up quickly before we can all go out to get Nava a new pair of glasses.” Flitter asked everyone.

“Sure. I could do with a bite.” Cloud immediately answered as I watched her plop herself onto the couch with an audible thud.

Flitter nods before switching her focus on me. “How about you. Nava?” She asked me kindly.

I just shrugged. “It’s up to you, really. Though personally I don’t really feel the need for food at the moment.” I casually answered.

“Well alright. Just something small before we head out, then.” She announced before disappearing around the front counter and into the kitchen.

I took this moment of silence to once again switch my gaze toward our newly acquired companion as she was busy inspecting the pictures and photos hanging on the left wall of the living room.

The family photos of Cloud and Flitter’s foalhood. Some of which even depicted their Parents.

Glade seemed to be very interested in those in particular, rubbing her chin in thought, or maybe even trying to remember something, by the look of it.

“So these two were your parents? What a coincidence, I do remember having seen these two back in Kazzas a few years back.” Glade commented out loud, which got everyone's attention immediately, including Flitter, who swiftly poked her head out of the kitchen.

“Wait a sec... Don’t tell me that YOU KNEW our parents somehow?” Cloud Chaser asked surprise colouring her tone as she sat up from the couch to stare at the Thestral.

Glade just continued to look at the photos. “I did. Couriers, they used to call themselves back then. I think their names were... Crimson Wing and Cloud Heart?” Glade answered, which change both sisters’ expressions from surprise to downright shock at Glade openly knowing their parents’ names.

Me included, though I really was more surprised that she knew them in person than anything else.

“Y-yeah, that…those are their names, but… but still, how in Equestria do you know them personally?” Flitter this time asked as she stepped out.

Glade just sighed. “I already told you. I had seen these two running around on the streets of Kazzas and trying to find someone who can give them access to the Ivory Citadel. I openly approached them at the time because I was both curious -and a bit suspicious- as to why a pair of Equestrians wanted to enter an area which is mostly heavily inaccessible to anyone, even for most of the Thestral citizens of the country.” Glade explained before continuing after taking a bit of a breather. “Well, according to them they had some royal messages to deliver to the council in the hopes that it would eventually reach the eyes of the Emperor and Empress of the city. I don’t know if you know, but our society is a lot more traditional than what you have here. Both the council -which consists of family members of the 12 clans that rule over Nassgardiath- and the old imperial family hold the highest seats of power in my homeland. Even though both the emperor and empress are considered the highest level of authority, nothing can truly be done or changed with in our political system unless a large number of the council agrees to whatever degree or change is imposed by either a council member or the imperial family itself. So in other worlds our government is something you can call a constitutional monarchy.” Glade eventually finished her long ass explanation.

We were all stunned -and somewhat confused- by the lengthy and somewhat unexpected explanation of Glade’s home. Even though we never even asked for it in the first place.

Even she seemed to be a bit perplexed that she actually did it.

Once again, a sense of complexity and realism that the show NEVER had, which once again solidifies the fact that Equestria -or at least this Equestria if the multiverse theory is correct- has a lot more in common with my own world than you might think.

Makes me seriously wonder what other cultures and races are out there with their own complex history and society, with their own bad and good sides.

“I really should go and visit that library again.” I thought to myself.

“Wait, what was I talking about again?” Glade ask while rubbing her chin.

“Um… about our parents?” Flitter responded.

“Oh yeah!” Glade collected her thoughts. “Well anyway, long story short, I decided to just help them get a permit to enter the Ivory Citadel so that they could deliver whatever they were asked to deliver by your princess. Since being a now head figure of one of the 12 prominent families and clans does offer me a lot of leverage back home.” Glade finished up, which in the end just left a lot of more unanswered questions instead of answering them.

Cloud this time was the first to react. “Wait… that’s it?” She asked out loud.

Glade just nods. “Yeah pretty much. I mean, I ask them a few questions along the way to make sure that these two weren’t any trouble makers, simply because finding Equestrians roaming around Kazzas has become quite a rare sight for the last 600 years, but beside that, nothing really else noteworthy. I practically had no interest in these two back then, so I just let them be after they were granted entry into citadel.” She explained, which I guess pretty much wraps her tale up, by the sound of it.

Cloud Chaser and Flitter were understandably a bit disappointed before Flitter suddenly perked up again.

“Wait, when…when exactly was that? Do you remember the date?” she asked.

A bit of a random question for sure, but then again I might have a bit of an idea of what she was thinking.

Glade looked thoughtful at first, before looking back at Flitter. “Well, it was around four years ago on the second of March, I believe. Why does it matter, anyway?” she answered.

Both Cloud and Flitter’s expressions suddenly darkened a bit as they both gazed down onto their respective pieces of the floor. I immediately knew what was going on and I just couldn’t help but feel bad for them in the process.

I personally never had the displeasure of losing my parents so abruptly, but then again I probably never will, which might be seen as either good or bad depending on the person you ask. For me, well... I am stuck in a magical world filled with talking equines and other sapient races as well. My old life might as well be dead, since I might be permanently here, for all I know.

That thought -for me personally- is actually really depressing and an idea that will probably keep me up a few nights if I am masochistic enough to actually think about it while trying to sleep.

Not that I need to, because the thought alone of suddenly waking up with my horn once again going psycho or whatever other supernatural thing hitting me or hunting me at random is already enough of a reason for me to stay paranoid in the future.

Thinking about it now already worries me greatly.

I rubbed my forehead with a hoof to get my thoughts back on check. I could worry about these things at another time… which in turn just basically stalls the inevitable, in my case.

That’s hardly better at all.

“That’s… that’s just 5 days before our parents reportedly went missing near the north eastern border.” Flitter suddenly said solemnly, which was mirrored by Cloud somewhat as she just kept quiet, staring at the edge of the sofa.

Glade stayed casual, as always. “Oh… well then, my apologies and condolences for your loss. I personally know how it feels to lose an important family member in such an… unnatural way.” Glade replied, and I could have sworn that I felt a sense of sadness and knowing in those last two words, even if it was just for a split second.

I knew for a fact that there was a little bit more going on with her than meets the eye, judging by what I have learned and felt from her back at the hospital. But I guess only time will tell what lies beneath.

Glade continued. “Just so you know, I had nothing to do with -or even know anything about- your parents disappearance at that day. I was actually someplace else at the time, in Pelepolos to be precise. Meeting up with some very old friends from days long past.” She assured, though most of her words seemed to just fall on deaf ears as the mood in the room was just too... moody to even be recognized in the first place.

Again, I had no choice but to feel for these two, even though I have absolutely no correlation or connection to their own experiences.

Well, maybe somewhat, given the fact that I basically lost both my whole family and my home at the same time.

I should really stop dwelling so much on that. It’s really pointless and produces nothing but negativity in me. Something I already have enough of, -given my ever growing problems and worries- believe you me.

“Anyway, I’ll just go make us some quick snacks before going out. Do… do you maybe want some too, Miss Glade? It’s just proper to offer you something too, since you are… well, basically our guest now.” Flitter asked, after having recovered from her moment.

Glade shook her head. “Thanks, but no thanks. I generally only eat as much as my old traditional training allows me. Plus my diet is a tad different from that of you ponies as well, so I doubt you really have anything I really need at the moment.” She explained before just going back to looking at the photos from before.

Flitter just accepted it with a shrug before turning back into the kitchen to do what she intended to do.

I just sat myself down opposite from Cloud, simply keeping to myself as this awkward and haunting silence was all that surrounded us at that point.

It was kind of strange, when you think about it. The very mare that more or less hunted me for the majority of my stay here -and who according to Cloud is also the one who at first threatened her, but eventually helped me to the hospital as quickly as possible- has also seen and interacted with both Flitter and Cloud’s parents shortly before they mysteriously disappeared.

How small the world can be, sometimes.

“Oh yeah. By the way, I have your hat back in my room if you want it back, Nava.” Cloud suddenly perked up, almost scaring me.

“Awesome!” i said. “Thanks, Cloud.”

“You’re welcome.” she said, blushing lightly.


“I miss being your average looking nobody.” I muttered with my head lowered, as I tried my best to ignore the army of stares that was following me wherever I went with the girls.

Flitter looked over her shoulder with a sorry expression on her face. ”Well, I am sorry, but we really don’t have anything else that would fit you, aside from a couple of dresses me and Cloud have lying around. And I think that wearing any of those wouldn’t help the situation.” She explained, to which I just sighed.

“But hey… I mean, look at the bright side. At least you are famous now, with or without the jacket, if I’m honest.” Cloud added, with a sheepish grin.

I just groaned as I did my best to keep myself sandwiched as best as I possibly could be between the girls to make myself less of a sore thumb than I already was. “That’s exactly what I DON’T want.” I thought.

But then again, I am sure that jacket or no I would still be rather recognizable in one way or another, since a whole month is pretty much enough time for the news of my existence -and the fact that I was also the source of all those magical anomalies- to circulate all across Equestria as a whole.

Big news travels fast in this isolated country, which I found out the hard way when I saw a picture of me in one of the newspapers a couple of weeks ago. Either news of my existence got somehow leaked out to the public or It was pretty much OK to report my presence from the get-go.

Either way, the damage is done and there really isn’t that much of a point in keeping myself cloaked for much, not that it would still work, given the newspaper report. Especially since ponies nowadays just love to gossip amongst themselves, according to Rarity.

I once asked Glade about the issues, but all she ever told me was that it was something she’d rather not talk about and that I should just leave it at that.

She was obviously trying to hide something, but it’s better to just straight up listen to her than to argue. Unless I want to risk my neck, that is.

“Don’t you worry about a thing there, little Nava. With me next to you, not a single of these colorful ponies is going to even have the chance to get close enough to even spit on your face. Would be a shame if my little project were to get the mane on his head bent in an unnatural way, now would it?” I heard Glade tease me from behind.

“Oh yeah. She is still with us isn’t she? I forgot about her for a moment there.”

I personally don’t know what is worse; having all of these ponies stare at me -either in wonder, surprise, or even shock- or needing someone to babysit me now, simply because I am still very much incapable of fending for myself. Especially now with most of my alicorn-like abilities gone besides my unique senses, for the time being.

I will admit that I am really not much of a fighter to begin with, even before I came to this world. But even I have a little sense of pride in me. A level of pride which is just completely and utterly snuffed out at this moment.

I really must be the most pathetic little alicorn in existence. Both here and in entire multiverse of MLP fan-made and canon alike.

“Great, now I both feel socially uncomfortable and depressed as well. This couldn’t possibly get any worse now.”

“Hey you!” Someone suddenly called, which forced me and my group to stop and turn around to its source.

It was a red colored Pegasus stallion. “I’m surprised the princesses haven’t imprisoned you yet or sent the elements themselves to deal with you. You’re nothing but a danger and a source of trouble for everypony! You’re just another villain in disguise, another evil false Alicorn like Nightmare Moon!” He accused with a hoof pointed.

I was stunned, to say the least. But before any of us could even react to -or personally even defend myself against- this accusation, some other pony suddenly stood up from the slowly growing crowd.

“Yeah, he’s right! Why isn’t this guy either in prison or banished from Equestria? He’s nothing but a walking disaster.” she -a dark blue Pegasus mare- shouted, which was quickly followed up by another two ponies from behind, saying and shouting same thing.

It didn’t take long for a domino effect to happen as more and more ponies around us began to accuse me of being nothing but trouble and completely unwelcome in their eyes.

“You are nothing but a danger!”

“A magical time bomb!”

“Nothing but a source of trouble!”

“A villain in disguise!”

“Bane to our peaceful society!”

“Leave this city before you cause more mayhem!”

“Why is nopony calling the guards on him?”

I just couldn’t believe it. All of these accusations. All of these ponies filled with such hate and anger towards me. All of these ponies demanding that I leave or turn myself in or be downright banished from Equestria! As if it wasn’t already bad enough in just how much misfortune I was forced to suffer through in recent times, I now also have a mob of angry ponies surrounding me, pointing angry hooves accusingly in my direction for things I honestly haven’t done on purpose! A few steps from baying for my blood!

Cloud was the first (Glade just looks as casual as always) who managed to recover from the shock as she quickly sported an angry look before stepping up beside me.

“Hey! Leave him alone! He isn’t a new incarnation of Nightmare Moon like some of you keep spitting about! Whatever he did was nothing but a total accident and completely out of his hooves! He didn’t mean any of it! He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all!” Cloud shouted into the crowd, holding her ground.

To be honest, I think that last sentence about me being in the wrong place at the wrong time was purely made up by her, to just help me look more like a victim then rather a villain towards these ponies. But even so it seems to have very little effect on their collective minds as a whole, as they all still kept on accusing me for everything that had happened so far.

Even going so far as saying that I am rather a spawn of Nightmare Moon or being in cahoots with her in some way.

It was then when Flitter herself stepped up as well. “What the HAY is wrong with you ponies?! From accusations to just making crap up to draw Nava here in an even more negative light?” She began. “Nava here is NOT evil! And we can easily attest to that, simply because he has been living with us ever since he saved our lives back in the Everfree! Without HIM we wouldn’t even be here!” Flitter tried to reason.

There was a moment of silence after Flitter spoke in defense of me to the masses. At first there was a genuine feeling that they might have broken through their anger-blinded minds, when all of the sudden an old looking stallion stepped up with his cane pointed at us.

“More like saving you in order to use his powerful magic to mind control you and give you two a false sense of security and feelings for him! I say he is more dangerous than we originally thought! This pony needs to be locked away as soon as possible, before he does more damage!” He shouted, which did the trick in re-sparking everyone’s suspicion and anger as they all started to say the same things over and over again.

They even started to move closer, no doubt in an attempt to seize me for themselves.

It didn’t work. Both the sisters and myself were shocked and a bit horrified at the hostility of these ponies, me especially. I could have said something, done something! Somehow proved to them that I am not this menace that they continued to believe that I am, but I couldn’t… I was… too shocked, too frightened by the ever-growing crowds of ponies demanding that I leave.

Never in my life had I ever been in a situation like this. Never have I been surrounded by so many angry individuals all at once, accusing me of something that was completely out of my control at the time. But in a sense…they’re all kind of right. All I have ever done since waking up in this world is mess up or attract some kind of trouble one way or another. How? Well, half of it can be blamed on my own personality and weaknesses alone. I can’t do anything properly, I am socially awkward, I have all kinds of fears and phobias that limit my capabilities, I can’t openly stand up for myself and to top it all off, I am also a complete coward. Preferring to just run or ignore all of my issues rather than try to face and fix them.

At least back in my world I had my family to support me. Individuals that I knew, people that I could trust full on. With no magic or flying problems or whatever else to worry about. Not like here. Well I do have some good ponies to watch my back here as well, specifically Flitter and Cloud. But still, here everything just seems to be much more inclined to be against me, simply because I exist the way I somehow woke up.

Maybe I should have just stayed in the forest right after I saved both Flitter and Cloud Chaser’s lives. Maybe then things would have been better in the long run. For everyone else, that is.

I could still hear the constant demands of the crowd and the constant attempts of Cloud and Flitter trying to desperately defend me. But I simply ignored it all as tears started to form in my eyes. All the fear and depression finally getting to me in the form of desperate tears.

I wanted to run. I was just moments away from doing exactly as this angry horde of ponies wanted me to do. To just run away and keep away, away from all their hate and away from all this pressure and these problems. If not for my sake, then for these two ponies that have been nothing but the closest family I ever had since coming to this upside down world.

They don’t deserve to be dragged down with me. I would gladly leave Equestria just to make sure that these two could continue with their lives here normally. This would be my way of repaying them for everything that they have done for me so far.

I was about to do so if it wasn’t for an unsuspected event that swiftly silenced everyone and everything around me.

A swirling red cloud suddenly appeared in the skies above us, crimson sparks of energy tracing its surface as it suddenly switched forms and descended towards us at almost breakneck speeds.

I was about to panic. I fear magic. All it has ever done to me was get me into some kind of trouble or danger, cause uncontrollable chaos on my end and even go so far as misleading me and even almost getting me killed as a result. Magic has been nothing but a burden on my end, a burden which eventually led me to this very moment with a crowd of ponies wanting nothing more than to just lock me up and throw away the key.

That sense of panic quickly subsided when I realized that it wasn’t aiming for us. Rather it was aiming for Glade, who was holding out her hoof in front of us.

The swirling mess of red energy immediately switched shape once more, the moment it made contact with Glades hoof. A dazzling light show of crimson lighting momentarily appeared around its epicenter before suddenly morphing into something very long and slender.
It turned out to be some kind of long pole-like weapon with a long slender grip making most of its body and a HUGE jagged blade resting on its top. What was most intriguing about it, though, was the fact that the entire thing was crimson from top to bottom with some black and golden lines and edgings going along its surface. Other unnatural elements to this weapon would be the runes and spherical gems embedded in its blade and shaft, which glowed with an ominous essence and ancient power.

The last thing that I was expecting at this point was the small shockwave that every single one of us felt the moment she suddenly slammed the butt end of the polearm-like weapon onto the clouds, which caused everyone to stumble and fall to their knees. Strangely enough, not me, though.

Everything was dead silent afterwards, with a large majority of the previously angry and shouting crowd now just looking shocked and dumbstruck on the clouds below.

“Does anyone else have more empty complaints to shout out?” Glade casually shouted into the crowd as she eyed each and every one of them carefully.

When no one dared to even say anything -much less move from their spots- she smiled before twirling her Polearm a couple of times on her right hoof and eventually resting it against her shoulder.

“Good. Now that I’ve got everyone’s undivided attention, let me tell all of you something.” Glade began, calm and collected, before her tone suddenly did a full 180°, with her swinging the weapon forward, toward the now frightened crowd and keeping it pointed towards them. “If ANY of you bloody, pesky and downright skittish PONIES scream into my VERY sensitive ears ever again, I will personally hack each and every one of your ears off with Acheron here. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!!?” She shouted into the crowd, which in turn caused everyone -including me!- to flinch back in fright at the livid nature Glade was displaying.

Definitely do NOT want to get on her bad side at any point. If she can get pissed about someone shouting directly into her batlike ears then I really don’t want to know what will happen if you accidentally spill her coffee or something.

Talk about anger management issues! in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to find that she actually has some.

When -once again- no one dared to respond, Glade quickly calmed down before she sighed. “Some would think that ponies would know that Thestrals have super-sensitive hearing. Once again showing what isolation can do to a whole race.” I faintly hear her mutter before returning her focus back to the still-frightened crowd. Though thankfully a lot more calmer.

”Alright. For starters, I would like to say that the Alicorn over here will not be imprisoned or sent away by anyone. Not only is this sorry excuse of a stud my responsibility, but even the two princesses of your little realm have found interest in him and wish to personally meet him the moment they are free to do so. What actually keeps them busy in a land like this I have no idea. But I do believe that it is in their best interests -And by extension, YOURS- that no harm should befall this Alicorn until that day comes. So. If you really want him to scram and hit the road, or GODS forbid actually cause him physical harm, then not only will you all have to get through me first but also your two beloved Princesses as well. All of Equestria, for that matter. A price I am pretty confident no one -not a single one- among you has the guts to pay.” She calmly explained before resting her weapon back on her shoulder.

There was a moment of silence before the same red stallion from before stood back up with a bit of a scowl still present on his features that Glade really didn’t give much attention to.

He just huffed. ”Well, in that case I hope that the princesses will see just how much of a danger he really is in his upcoming meeting, and see fit to lock him away permanently. I tell you, he is and will be nothing but trouble for everypony around him.” He declared before opening his wings and taking off into the air to god knows where.

The rest of the crowd slowly disperses as well, with some of them giving me some last scolding and mistrusting glares, which forced me to look down. But besides that, I was just silently thankful that this ordeal is finally over and done with and that I was physically still intact in the end. Can’t really say the same regarding my emotional and mental state, though. The words of these ponies... the anger, mistrust and open desire of me being gone or locked up still resonating deep within my head. Making me feel deeply depressed and just more lost then I have ever felt in my life.

A type of feeling that just kept the tears coming, a feeling that fills me with fear and uncertainty about what else could possibly happen to me in this world.

Never before have I felt so afraid about my future in my life. It’s the concept of death, and just like death you will never know when it will come to you before it’s too late.

Why am I here to begin with?

“I always hated having to perform crowd control one way or another.” I heard Glade mutter to herself as I just sat motionless on the spot while keeping my gaze fixed on the cloudy ground below me. Not really giving much of a care for anything at the moment besides my feelings.

“Hey… Nava? Are you... OK?” I heard Flitter ask beside me, which was the kicker that finally broke the already fragile dam of emotions inside of me.

“OK? Am I OK?” I whispered menacingly.

“Hey, dude we’re just…”Cloud tried to say softly, which was all I needed to finally break the dam.

All of this Bullshit was finally getting to me.


I was feeling absolutely broken at this point, feeling so low, so lost that it was almost vomit inducing. I was even on the verge of having suicidal thoughts as well.

I do not know for how long I was just crying my frustration and fear out of my system, but everything around me was basically quiet beside my constant muffled crying.

I… I was just feeling done with the world at this point, but also… somewhat guilty for having shouted at the only two individuals that I can truly trust and rely on.

A hoof suddenly landed gently on my left shoulder as I kept my floodgates running. My face starting to feel sore at this point with my throat beginning to feel dry.

“I am sorry… I am so, so sorry.” I whispered.

The hoof just kept on gently rubbing me in a very comfortable and honestly relaxing way that just forced me slowly calm down.

“There is nothing for you to be sorry for.” I heard Flitter say, which at least makes me know who this hoof belongs to.

“Both Cloud and I can only imagine just what kind of problems and issues you must be facing at this moment. But even so, we are here for you. We will help you in any way we can, if you ask for it.” She continued on gently.

“Yeah. We will be there for you through thick and thin. Those ponies who think otherwise just don’t know you the way we do.” Cloud quickly added, which kind of made me even more guilty knowing that they don’t even know WHAT I was and from whence I came in the first place.

But then again, I did kind of hint at all of those points in my rant. If not Flitter or Cloud I’m certain that Glade will question me about it at some point.

Especially since she will be around more often than I would most likely be comfortable with.

“You know, you really only have two choices regarding this matter.” Glade’s voice suddenly came up which got everyone’s attention. Including me, despite my mood.

“You can either STUD the fuck up and actually do something for a change to address all of your problems and issues...” She announced while giving me a hard look. “Or you can do as these ponies say and just tuck your tail in and run away forever.” She added while leaning against her weapon as her expression softened. ”If you do that though, you will very easily throw away ANY chances you might have in actually finding some answers regarding your situation and your innate abilities. Forever running away from your inner demons and never getting closer to your questions as to why you are here and why things are happening the way they are. Never to be able to reach whatever goal you're broken little mind has set its sights on.” She finally finished with a small sigh as she went back to resting her crimson Pole arm against her shoulder.

“If you want any advice in regards to what path you should take, I would highly suggest that you take the first one I listed. Not just because of logic, but because of personal experience of days long, long gone by. Running away feels good at first, but in the end it will just lead you into a maze of endless walls that you cannot climb over. Making your goal in finding your resolution harder the deeper you go into it.” Glade calmly added.

It was both surprising and somewhat eye opening, as Glade’s speech was working some gears deep inside my head that hadn’t been broken yet. For starters, it was again both surprising that someone like her would want to offer me guidance, but also somewhat intriguing after hearing that somewhere in her deep distant past she had to deal with almost the same exact problems I have to go through today. Making me even more curious as to what her history might actually be and if it might explain the reasons why she is the way she is now. A mostly bossy, manipulative, brutal and somewhat cold-hearted and tense individual who isn’t afraid to cross some lines in order to get what she wants.

An opportunist through and through, and a hardhead as well.

The more Glade’s words bounced around the inside of my head, the more frustrated I was beginning to become. Not just because of the level of choice but also the conflict her and the ponies’ words were causing deep within the confines of my mind.

Should I run, or just get back up and basically give the world an imaginary middle finger accompanied by a hard glare?

I was rather inclined to just outright choose the pussy route when all of a sudden the images of my parents and my family popped up in my head. The life I lived with them, the trips I used to go on with all of my relatives and cousins. The troubles I got myself into, all the mistakes I made and all the headaches I gave my parents over the years. But also all the support and understanding I got in return, despite my constant mistakes. How they never gave up on me despite my shortcomings.

Same with Flitter and Cloud, who always seemed to stay by my side and be ready to risk it all in order to help me.

Then it finally clicked. My gaze slowly hardened with determination as I finally came up with a choice, a reason why to keep going.

It was for them.

If not for me, then at least for them. For the sake of not disappointing them and not wasting the faith they have in me.

I will be strong for them -and hopefully for me as well- in the future.

I wiped away any residual tears I had in my eyes and on my face before slowly pushing myself back up to all fours.

Flitter and Cloud stepped away to give me some space with an expression of both confusion and a bit of hope on their faces as I turned around to look at them.

My expression was casual, but my mind was determined. I knew that this path was long and frightening, but it was also the best path to take in order to help me become a better person, and -as Glade said- the best way to find some answers and to also learn something about myself as well.

I sighed before giving them all a determined look -especially Glade, who quickly smirked. “I will give it a shot. If not for myself, then at least for those who believe in me.” I announced with a sideways glance towards the two sisters at the end, who quickly smiled at the news.

Glade chuckled. ”We’ll see, stud. We’ll see just how far you can go before crying and complaining again like a little foal.” She taunted playfully, which in turn just made me smile a bit.

“To be honest, I am asking myself the same question as well.” I admitted before a hoof landed on my right shoulder.

It was Flitter’s. “Hey, whatever struggles you have to go through, we will be there to help you out if you need it.” She declared, which in turn made Cloud step up beside me as well.

“Yeah. You’re not alone in this. As my sister said, we got your back.” Cloud added, which made me smile even more as I look back at the two.

“Thanks. I will definitely need it. Given my weaknesses.” I admitted, but still kept my smile genuine as I just felt grateful to have such great ponies to support me in my new life.

Heh… I used the term ponies instead of people.

But anyway, another item on the ever growing list to somehow repay them for. If this keeps up, I might turn out be in debt for life, if I don’t think about something soon.

But really, I have a lot more pressing matters to worry about. Like… a lot to worry about.

I shook my head to get these ideas out of my head. But still, the depressing feeling still remained in me somewhat.

I just sighed as the smile I was holding slowly disappeared.

“We can just go back home if you want.” Flitter suddenly suggested, which forced me to look back up at her.

I just nod. She was right. I really don’t feel like doing anything for today, or really the rest of the week for that matter. I may feel a lot better knowing that I got two of the best… mares guarding my back (Go suck it, Mane Six!) but that still doesn’t mean that all of my feelings and problems are just going to be slip away. I still have to openly work for them to fix them and I still have to somehow prove to this world that I am not a toy or a waste of space in general.

I would really wish for things to just be normal and simple, but I guess that kind of luxury is loooong gone for me.

It seems like I have to fight now in order to get myself back in a position of simplicity. But again, at least I have some good ponies cheering me on along the way.

Flitter just nods in understanding before placing a hoof on my shoulder and once again telling me that things are going to be OK.

I just responded by giving her a weak smile before the three of us just casually made our way back, with Glade just acting as our shadow for the most part.

Some ponies where now giving me some odd stares, but most of them just out right ignored us, which I honestly preferred.

It seems that I really have to be somewhat blind just a little bit longer, unless Flitter or Cloud could fix that. I could also just ask them, but then again they have been doing things for me way too much already and it would just be somewhat greedy and unappreciative to ask them for more.

Just sit down and see what happens I guess, because that’s all that I want to do at the moment.


“I wonder if he still knows me?” A shadowy figured in the shape of a Pegasus asked from within a hidden alley. The Pegasus just watching them before the trio of mares and one unique pony disappeared around a street corner.

Author's Note:

Well here it is. The next chapter of Nava's misadventures and his ever increasing problems of his new life in Equestria.

Normally at this point I would be given you all a pretty good excuse as to way this chapter took so long to post in the first place...but...this time I don't

Besides the obvious back and forth with the content of this chapter, I was also to distracted by playing either Stellaris or Fallout 4 that I recently got. With all the DLC's and updated included.

So yeah, I have some really big time killers installed on my laptop =P

Also if you have a penny to spare and want to support me through your own good will. My Patreon can be found here.

But anyway, here is today's cover for this chapter.