• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 11,103 Views, 574 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 5: Yesterday All Serious and Now it's All Mature?

Chapter 5: Yesterday All Serious and Now it’s All Mature?

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: O24u

Walking through this empty void is as eventful as… well… an empty void.

Once more, finding myself within the still empty and eerily silent void that is my subconscious mind. I once tried to create something myself, just like how Silver did, but all I ever got for my mental efforts was a big fat nothing and a still never-ending expanse of emptiness.

Silver... I still have no idea what could have possibly happened to him. With him now seemingly out of the picture (most likely thanks to my own naivete, which does not help) all of my major abilities, including magic, are now completely void and utterly useless at this point.

Not that having no magic is a major concern for me to begin with, since magic in general has been nothing but fucking me up the ass ever since I got to this world. But still… the idea of an alicorn not having any magic is like a fish that can’t swim or breathe in water for some reason. I might not like magic, but at the same time it just feels wrong, like something is missing about yourself… which it obviously is.

I sighed. “So many more problems.” I just mumble while hanging my head.

To be honest I wanted to feel sad. Really wanted to feel depressed and hopeless and have a good reason to just lay down alone and just shut the world off around me to drown in my misery.

But the words from Flitter, Cloud and even Glade -to my surprise- were still echoing through my head and constantly reminding me that I was not alone in this. Something I am very, very thankful for.

A smile formed as I thought about them.

“Well… again… nothing I can really do.” I thought out loud as I lifted my head and looked around.

There really wasn’t much left for me to do here anymore. Can’t even create my own pocket of reality within my own mind. Not even something as simple as a tooth brush.

Some Alicorn I am…

I just sat myself down on my haunches on the surprisingly warm surface as I decided to just wait it out until I eventually wake up from this place like I always do.

And yes, that also means I cannot even force myself to wake up from this realm either. It was always Silver or some random moment where I got pulled back out from my mind to the real world. Once again perfectly illustrating in just how little control I really have, even within my own mind.

If this doesn’t cause a sense of depression or frustration in someone then I don’t know what does.

Alicorn my ass.

And with that frustrating thought out of the way everything around me suddenly began to turn white. Having long since grown accustomed to this sensation I simply relaxed myself and let my own mind drag me back into the living and waking world outside.


*Beep beep beep beep….

I slowly and surely opened my eyes as the sounds of an alarm blared into my fussy pony ears. Since when did I suddenly get an electronic alarm clock? I don’t know, but then again it has been easily over a month since I last fell asleep in this new room of mine so I guess they did some... redecoration while I was out cold.

“Ugh… I always hated alarm clocks.” I mumbled as I got flashbacks of my school days.

Truth be told, I did spend most of yesterday night trying to come up with a good letter to write and send home via my magical hat to explain my situation and pretty much say farewell too.

Which failed, both thanks to my overall frustration and fatigue over what happened yesterday, and also because of just how difficult it was in general.

Say what you want, having to permanently say goodbye to all the ones you know is never really an easy thing to do. Especially with this mental and emotional stress I am forced to deal with as well.

I just have to remember to try to write it again when I am in a better state of mind and body and not have to fear and worry about everything.

I just sighed while rubbing my eyes with both fore hoofs. “So many problems to fix and overcome. I hate it, but I have to get through it.” I muttered to myself as I tried to blink the drowsiness away.

Besides my mental and emotional crises there was something else that quickly got my attention. Something which is a lot more prominent and uncomfortable at the moment.

I really needed to pee. Very badly. For women it’s really not that big of an issue, but for us men - or, in my case, stallion- it is. And it’s an issue that every man or male has to deal with whenever the need to go arises when waking up.

Morning wood.

Yes, my drowsiness immediately disappeared when I realized that something else has awakened as well. Something that I completely forgot about, simply because of all of this shit I am forced to live through on an almost daily basis.

I am very much still male, and I’m currently experiencing my first ever boner in this new pony body of mine.

It’s honestly both a good and a bad thing that I hadn’t bothered to blanket myself in last night as the overall exhaustion just immediately knocked me right out the moment I collapsed backwards onto the mattress. A position I somehow managed to keep all throughout the night, and the same position I woke up in.

Flat on my back.

“I just hope neither of the two sisters came into my room while I still snoozing. Otherwise this will be one hell of an awkward morning to drag myself through.” I thought to myself before pushing myself up a bit with the help of my elbows to dare a first good look at my new set of tools.

What I saw immediately made my eyes pop out in both surprise and wonder.

“Holy shit… I mean, I already knew that pony reproductive organs where a lot larger in comparison to their body size, thanks to a lot of… suggestive art that exists of them back in my world. But seeing this for myself, as my own tools… I am a fucking HUNK.” I thought to myself as the site of my new set of tools was keeping me speechless.

Besides my now long and… well, thick pony schlong -which, by the way, also included that ring thing in the middle- my testicles further down were also a bit on the oversized side as well, when comparing them with my human ones. A shocking -and to be honest, quite impressive- realization. My more manly side feeling rather proud for basically having received an upgrade… but also a bit embarrassed on the other end. Especially with the huge contrast my new set had -being both dark and dark gray- in comparison to my light brown fur.

“It’s a good thing that I am walking on all fours and have a long and bushy tail to naturally hide all of this from sight. At least now I know why ponies don’t wear clothes in general, specifically the studs. It’d be a bit difficult and uncomfortable to wear pants with these… or maybe it could just be me and my alicorn genes kicking things up to eleven again.”

With those thoughts out and done, I let my curiosity once again have it’s way as I reached out with my right hoof to try to probe the head. What I didn’t expect was the immediate jolt that raced up my spine on contact, which in turn forced me to flinch back with a hiss and a heavy blush forming on my muzzle.

I looked at my new tool with wide and shocked eyes. “What the…are stallionhoods really THAT SENSITIVE? Holy shit… what the hell!!!???” I screamed in my head as the thing in front of me twitched a couple of times.

“Not only is my dick and my junk bigger, but now also a lot more sensitive as well? How else is this new pony form overshadowing my old? This is not fair, not fair AT ALL.”

Well at this point it was pretty obvious, the best thing I can do now is to just lay back and wait out my first pony boner so that I can final relieve myself from my burden.

This is the HUGE draw back being male when waking up with a full bladder. And it seems to be even more of a biological pain as a pony. Bigger, longer, more sensitive and no real way of secluding it even when walking on all fours, which means I am literally stuck in my room until it finally goes away on its own.

I mean, there is a faster method in dealing with it, but I am NOT going to do THAT, especially after having almost experienced my first Pony orgasm a moment ago for just probing it with a hoof.

That and there are two mares living in this house with me, as well.

My boner twitched at my mental mention about mares, which in turn just made me facehoof and groan in annoyance.

Just ignore it and lay down.” I told myself before I did just that by lying on my side and mentally going back to the real, more prominent issues that I have to worry about.

“So… what exactly am I going to do today?” I thought to myself as I stared at the cloud textured wall next to me. “I certainly don’t feel like or want to go back outside after yesterday's incident. So what exactly am I going to do all day while locked in?” I continued to ask myself as my mood was slowly lowering itself once more, which also affected my ‘problem’. Thanks for that.

“Well… taking a piss would be a good start.” I muttered when I finally felt my ‘burden’ retreating itself.

Rolling out of bed and catching myself on all fours I simply began to drag myself towards the front door of my room to do nature’s bidding.

I placed my hoof onto the handle of the door and pushed it down, allowing me to open the door and step out into the corridor that link my room with the rest of the home. That’s when the smell and sensation of sweet, sweet breakfast hit my nostrils.

“Hmmm… waffles. Didn’t even know that they had waffles here in Equestria.” I wondered as my need to hit the bowl was momentarily forgotten.

Which was a bad move.

Don’t ask me why, but I can just easily recognize the different between Pancakes and Waffles just by smell, simply because... I just can. And because I used to eat them a lot back when I was just a kid, too.

“Oh hey! Good morning Nava.” I heard Cloudchaser greet me from the right.

I turned my head toward her direction and smiled a bit as I saw her standing there at the other end of the corridor with a smile on her muzzle.

“Good morning to you too, Cloud.” I greeted her back, with far less energy and enthusiasm then I bet she was expecting.

Her smile dissipated immediately before she started trotting her way over to me, an expression of concern on her face. “You didn’t sleep much last night, did you?” She questioned before she stopped right in front of me.

I just nodded and scratched my head. “Well… with all of these problems running around inside my head… it shouldn’t be surprising.” I admitted before gazing down at the floor.

Cloud Chaser, on the other hand, just had an expression of empathy before a small smile reappeared on her. “Hey, I know that you basically have a lot of crap on your hooves right now. But don’t worry too much. Both sis and myself are going to stand by your side, and we are going to keep that. Or more specifically, I am going to keep it. That. Is a promise.” She declared, which in turn made me look back up to her with a small smile of my own.

Her smile just grew larger after that, before she gestured directly toward the kitchen with a hoof. “Come on. Let’s just momentarily forget all about this and just enjoy the nice breakfast sis is making for us. She was making waffles with hot cherry syrup, last I checked… which… you can smell for yourself anyway.” She swiftly explained with a sheepish grin at the end. Though that grin didn’t last for long as she suddenly sported an expression of confusion before quickly turning into a small awkward blush.

“Uh… Nava? You’re…” She tried to say, which left me confused instead.

“Uh, what is it?” I asked her, feeling a bit worried.

“Your… I think your… just look.” She finally decided to just point it out, which in the end turned out to be aimed directly between my legs.

I immediately knew what she was pointing at as I felt it. Just then remembering why I came out of my room in the first place.

A blush formed before i started swiftly moving myself over to the bathroom near me. No words needed.

I entered and quickly shut the door before turning the small nub on the base of the handle with my teeth to lock it. All in one and quick movement that I didn’t know I was capable of.

Who knew that panic and embarrassment can create such good motivation for almost perfect coordination? But at least that moment of sheer dread was enough to finally bring my boy back down for the count, which also gave me the window of opportunity to finally relieve myself and get rid of this problem.

Or so I hope.

With my ‘problem’ finally dealt with; I flushed the cloud-toilet and washed my hooves before drying them with a towel. That’s when something new once again caught my eyes, thanks to the vanity mirror above the sink.

Right behind me was a full body mirror that I honestly didn’t see when I was here last. Which also made me realize the big ERROR I made last night, which in turn gave me this strange and awkward morning to begin with.

A morning which would only get even weirder for sure, especially thanks to the angle I was standing and looking into the vanity mirror at. I had a perfect view of my… well… flank through the other. I was surprised yet again, to say the least.

“So that’s what my BUTT looks like?” I mentally queried, as I had no idea that my flanks were… that well rounded and prominent to begin with. Despite how blurry they looked from my point of view.

Here is another bizarre realization: I never EVER had the time or even the idea to fully observe or visually take in my new body from an outside perspective ever since I woke up in it. Sure, I once studied my new look in this cupboard mirror on the first day I ever stepped fo- hoof into Cloud and Flitter’s home. But that was just the face and the rest of my front. Never from the sides and definitely not from the back.

This really gave me the perfect opportunity to finally give my new form a good look from all sides. And I have to say, for a pony… -especially compared to most stallions I have seen so far- I look pretty good.

I mean, I am not big and macho or anything, far from it. But my pretty normal and lean body structure does seem to have enough… let’s call it MASS in some key areas that make me look physically healthy. And, dare I say it… somewhat sexy as well, for a pony. Especially those flanks of mine. Like, jeez.
Also, add the fact that my muzzle is a lot smaller, almost marelike compared to the more snubbed muzzles that many stallions have here.

Like, fuck man. I am not sure how or why. I certainly didn’t look THAT physically good and healthy back as a human. It might very well be my Alicorn genes giving me an automatic sex appeal bonus, because -let’s face it- Celly, Lulu and Cady look absolutely stunning as ponies. Even in the bloody show. But besides that, I am just at a bit of a loss -and also pretty frustrated- with just how good I look as a pony overall in comparison to my old and normal look.

I mean, I am all about looking really good and handsome to others like any other person, but it’s still a big slap in the face when your new body -of a completely different species- looks automatically better in comparison to your own.

I feel a bit betrayed to be honest.

Letting this frustration slide for a moment, I simply allowed myself another private moment as I curiously moved my tail to the side to just make one hundred percent sure about the theories that have been floating around in my mind while also comparing them to dirty fan art and real life examples of horses as well in general.

Aaaaand yup. Theory confirmed, as EVERYTHING was immediately visible the moment the tail wasn’t there anymore to naturally cover it all up.

Though a bit blurry, for obvious reasons.

The flank truly is the number one sex appeal point on a pony. Unless you are into crotch boobs, which to be honest haven’t seen yet either.

I moved my tail back to its natural position as I just sighed. This little distraction did gave me a momentary reprieve to forget about my real issues for just a moment. But just like a lot of things in life, it had to end eventually as well.

With nothing left to do, I simply walked over to the door to step back out into the corridor and get once more slammed by the exotic aromas that were being produced in the kitchen. Immediately reminding my stomach that it is indeed breakfast time. That and I really haven’t eaten much since yesterday’s lunch, for obvious reasons once more.

I just scratched my head before slowly making my way over to the kitchen because I don’t feel like tripping on anything. Plus I also needed to think about something to say to Cloud without making this morning too awkward for us.

It might still be awkward regardless, given my current luck.

The smell was getting stronger and more mouthwatering the closer I came to the kitchen. I personally have no idea how long it was since I last had some good set of waffles, but at this point it might just have been an eternity for all I know in just how hungry I was feeling.

Again, never go and just eat a few miserable bites for lunch and just don’t touch everything else for the rest of the day, even if you have other problems.

I entered the kitchen and was immediately greeted by the sight of a still cooking Flitter and a somewhat distant looking Cloud sitting at the table. I have a (somewhat) pretty good idea as to why, which in turn really doesn’t help in the long run.

I just mentally shrugged. Wer nicht wagt der nicht gewinnt.” I just told myself as made my presence known by carefully knocking on the counter next to me.

“Damn… it really has been forever since I last said or even thought about something in my native tongue hasn’t it?” I thought to myself as both sisters turned their gazes to look at me.

Flitter immediately smiled while Cloud Chaser on the other hand just blushed before quickly looking away again. I would most likely have the same reaction as her, if it wasn’t for Flitter just being the spirit-lifter that she always is.

“Hey morning there Nava. Are you up for some waffles today? Because that’s what I am making us for breakfast right now!” She greeted in a joyous tone, which I can’t help but admit was quite infectious.

It’s a bit strange to be all cheery and happy after what happened to us yesterday. But then again, someone has to be the positive one in the group or otherwise things are just going to go downhill very fast.

I just smiled back. “Well good morning to you too, Flitter.” I simply greeted her back before making my way over to an empty seat on the dining table.

Cloudchaser just gave me a sideways grin before going back to staring the empty plate and utensils in front of her.

Yup… not a very awkward morning indeed.

“You know, where I am from, seeing a stallionhood on a stallion isn’t really that big of a deal. Especially when it is in your own four walls.” A voice from above suddenly perked up with almost caused me to jump out of my chair.

Looking upwards, I was both surprised and also somewhat dumbfounded to see none other than Glade above me.

Why dumbfounded? Well it’s because she casually laying on the ceiling above the kitchen. Upside down I would mind you. Giving Gravity the middle finger by pulling off a Spiderman on it.

Did I already mention she was upside down?

Glade on the other hand was just giving off an amuse grin in contrast to my confused look, which eventually turned into a few chuckles.

“What? Never saw a Thestral hanging out on someone’s ceiling?” She casually ask.

I just slowly shook my head which again made her chuckle. “Well you do now, stud. Just another small example of the many things I am capable of.” She explained before pushing herself back up.

Standing upside down now, I may add. That is when I realized that her race is pretty much half bat. Capable of holding themselves upside down indefinitely and basically mimicking vampires in both the show and fictions to some extent.

So her being able to pull off a Spider Man shouldn’t really be that surprising.

“Sis…could you please tell Glade over here to just get down on the floor like every other normal pony? This is just…weird.” Cloudchaser announced, sounding somewhat annoyed.

“Well I would… if I WAS a “normal pony” to begin with.” Glade pointed out with a smirk, which in turn made Cloud crossed her forelegs, looking away with a frown.

I personally have no idea what exactly the conflict is between these two, but I can obviously tell that they aren’t exactly close or anything.

Well, from Cloud’s perspective anyways. Glade just seems to be teasing her, for the most part.

“Well anyway, now that you are finally here and accounted for, it means that I can finally return to the barracks for a while to check on some things.” Glade announced before jumping off from the ceiling and landing gracefully onto the floor on all fours in one fluid motion.

A bit impressive, I have to say.

“Wait…you are not going to stay here and have some breakfast?” Flitter said, taking her eyes from her cooking momentarily. “I made some extra just for you.” Flitter quickly added.

Cloud did not look pleased to hear that. “Are you serious, sis? Why the hay are you offering her some of our food?” She demanded, which in turn made Flitter frown at her.

“Hospitality. Simple as that.” She answered.” Also a little “thank you” for her intervention and actions from yesterday. It was a bit of a suggestive method, but still, without her thinking it might have turned out a lot more sore than it did. So the least I can do is thank her by making some breakfast for her as well… if she wants to have it, that is.” She finished up before going back to the task of pouring the last batches of mix into the Waffle press.

Glade looked a bit thoughtful for a moment before waving her hoof in a “no thanks” type gesture.

“Thanks, but I can’t. I really have to make my way back to Canterlot to make sure that my soldiers are keeping themselves occupied properly while I’m gone. It’s not that I don’t trust my own fellow Thestrals, but I am more of an individual that likes to perceive things with her own eyes, and not just word of mouth.” She explained before leading herself out towards the front door.

Cloud just grunted. “See? I could have told you that it was a waste of mix to begin with.” She argued while resting her head on a hoof.

Flitter just sighed. ”Well in that case, it just means more for us. Simple as that.” She piped back while finally turning off the stove with one of her wings.

She carried the plates over to us before getting and placing the jug of hot cherry syrup next to the tower of Waffles. With that she sat down before both she and Cloud started to grab some Waffles from the plates and pour the hot syrup above them.

I was a bit slower than them. Not having the same wing control as them and having no access to levitation I was obviously forced to use my clunky hooves, which weren’t as physics defying as the earth pony ones.

Overall two hoof combo as always. It’s moments like these where I truly miss my hands. The perfect example for an old saying.

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

“Do you need help?” Cloudchaser asked next to me as I was struggling with the jug.

I groaned before stopping my attempts. “I really feel like shit.”

I just nod and let Cloud do something that a foal from the same species can easily do on his or her own.

Maybe I am just a bit too harsh on myself, but then again, I can be a bit masochistic when it comes to my own mood.

After everything was said and done, we began to eat our breakfast in relative peace. Really, what exactly was there to talk about anyway? Especially from my perspective. I got the breakdown of my life yesterday and just went out of my room with a morning boner.

Humorous, but at the same time not really helping. But at the same time, I really need to do something. Just sitting around and moping won’t solve anything. Cloud and Flitter have jobs to attend to, so that also means that I am going to be alone quite a lot. Which could be both good and bad, given the situations and ideas floating through my head.

For now, though, what I may want to do later is to give my “magic hat” a few more tests. See what I can pull out and make use of.

I already have a few items in mind.

“So… when are you two going to come back from work?” I curiously asked after I finished off my morning grub.

Flitter looked a bit thoughtful for a moment before looking at me. “Well, I have a five hour shift today while Cloud has one extra because of her team also having to work on Canterlot. So, overall, we should be back… in the early afternoon.” she answered, which made Cloud groan.

“Urgh. I hate having to make weather for Canterlot, I can even hear the “”Nobles”” bitch and complain from way up there.” She commented with dread.

If the horrors of the Canterlot elite are true, from what I know, then I can only sympathize with her. Which also makes me think: How the hell can someone become so ridiculously decadent? But then again, that’s what sparked the French revolution too, or at least one of the reasons.

Here is another thing that wonderfully separates ponies from humans. When a human does not like something, he or she becomes very vocal about it, even going so far as to take action if necessary. It’s like the “Caged animal” philosophy. We don’t like to be limited or even trapped for too long. Once enough is enough we will lash out. For better or for worse.

“It’s at least better than being trapped alone.” I muttered which both sisters seemed to hear as they shared a look.

“We're sorry for that, but as you know we have a job to do. You could maybe pass the time by reading some books. We got a lot of adventure novels or fantasy stories on the bookshelves.” Flitter suggested, which made me a bit curious.

“Fantasy novels? What could possibly be fantasy in a world where magic and dragons exist?” I mentally asked myself before Cloud piped in.

“Or maybe the comics I have stashed in my closet. I can get some for you if you want?” Cloud suggested which made Flitter smirk… suspiciously.

“Yeah, I think that it is better for her to GIVE you her comics instead of you finding them yourself.” She teased, which in turn caused Cloud’s smile to drop… very fast.

She blushed a bit before glaring at her sister. “Well, at least I don’t pick such a cliché and easy to guess location like in a box under your bed.” She retorted, which had the same effect on Flitter.

It was her time to glare. “Wait a minute, what the hay were you snooping around under my bed for anyway?” she demanded, which made Cloudchaser cross her forelegs.

“Looking for the boogeymare. Duh.” She replied, which was obviously bullshit the way she delivered it.

At this point I was positive that these two momentarily forgot that I was even still here as they continued on with their back and forth. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what exactly they are talking about, a revelation I could have easily lived without.

I can feel my adult hormones already. Really bad timing, not just because of the moment but rather because of everything else so far.

I tapped the edge of the table with my hoof to get their attention. “Um… I am still here, you know.” I awkwardly announced, which did the trick.

Both of them immediately stopped, before realizing what they did. Both of them blushed as they retreated back to their chairs.

“Well… anyway. I will just make myself ready for work, then. I can do the dishes afterwards.” Flitter quickly excused herself.

Cloudchaser too was quick to exit herself before promising that she will give me the box full of her comics before she leaves for work.

I just sat there, unsure of what to do or how to react.

It then dawned on me. “Shit, I’m living with two mares as the only stallion in their lives.” I thought with wide eyes.

Well, at least I can say I am living the dream of most men. Though, whether I deserve it or not is another question.
I really haven’t been much of a man -or in this case stallion- ever since I came here.


“So, this is where he lives, then? Should I test out if he still remembers me, or just leave him be? From what I have seen and heard so far, he already has enough problems to deal with.” A Pegasus mare wondered as she viewed the Cloud sisters’ home from her alley.

She just saw those two leave for work, so that meant that Nava must have stayed behind.

Ever since that incident back at the forest, she hasn’t stopped herself feeling guilty about the event. Instead of helping him right away, she just stood there frozen, unable to do anything, even though she was perfectly capable of doing the opposite.

He was the very first pony who didn’t outright judge her or fear her for what she is. Her true self, not the visage she wears in order to be even remotely accepted in pony society.

The mare nodded her head as she finally came up with a decision. “Can’t hurt to give it a shot, right? Hope he does remember me and won't freak out when I show myself to him.” She told herself.

With that decision clear and on the table, she emerged from her shadow of the alley and trotted up to the elevated section of the district where his home is standing.

Either things are going to hit the fan, or Nava will have yet another mare to deal with.

What is he? A mare magnet?

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but as you all know I have many stories to juggle all at once and it will just get worst from there.

But anyway hope you guys enjoyed the more "Mature content" of this chapter, and to add to that a far less mature pic that still has a mature meaning behind it.