• Published 18th Mar 2017
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book Two - Navanastra

After waking up from a near Fatal magical accident, Nava has developed a new found fear for magic in general. Will he fall to his fears or finally learn and conquer his new Alicorn powers? All under the watchful eyes of the Thestral captain.

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Chapter 7: Making Plans for the Future (Re-edit)

Chapter 7: Making Plans for something bigger.

Edited by: Veo Skidre, A random person

“Finally, what a day.” Flitter sighted as the two of us finally landed at the front porch of our home.

I could only agree as today was nothing but absolute garbage, at least on my end.

“Those bucking Nobles.” I though with a hint of leftover anger from earlier. Obviously I didn’t say or voice out my opinions and thoughts, but that just made the whole ordeal just that much worse, given the fact that I was forced to just feel agitated the whole time.

It really was a good thing that my anger was helping push on in doing my job, otherwise the shift that was planned for today would have been much longer than intended which also means that I would have snapped at these stuck up plot holes sooner or later. In other words I would have gotten my ass blasted by their surprisingly advanced magic and most likely get fired from the weather factory team.

All in all a losing situation no matter how you look it, and I HATE it.

“It really was a good thing that we first stopped at Fluffy Top’s Ice cream shop for some sweet refreshments before getting here. Hope Nava likes the flavor we got for him.” Flitter wondered next as she pulled out her key and began unlocking the door.

I just waved her off with confidence. “I am sure he does, I mean who doesn’t like strawberry ice cream anyway?” I added in as Flitter grabbed the handle.

“Well anyway, let’s just get inside and relax. Might even just order some pizza for dinner later.” She suggested before opening the door only for us to be greeted with the most unusual scene ever.

A changeling sitting somewhat upward while moving back and forth on something or somepony behind the sofa. That somepony turned out to be Nava, as his sighs and moans were clearly identifiable.

“Oh…ohhhh yes…that’s the spot…uuuuuuuuh.” I heard him moan.

Both me and my sisters were shocked to say the least, only for my sister to be the one with wide eyes and an open hanging mouth as I immediately found myself agitated instead.

She may not know who this changeling is, but I do and the only thing I am seeing right now is a Shimmer possible doing…suggestible things on our couch with OUR Nava.

I already had a completely bucked up day with all of those bucking nobles and their foal like whining, and now I am coming home after such a BS day, only to find another mare doing it on our couch with OUR roommate?

Nope. Not going too happen, buck this day and buck THIS!

Without even bothering with a thought, I forcefully shoved my sister out of the way which caused her to yelp in surprise before just straight on marching towards the back facing Sofa where the unbelievable was happening.

My teeth grinding and my breath coming harshly out of my nostrils as I bear down at them. I could feel several vines on my forehead in the brink of bursting.

Shimmer finally noticed me the moment I was almost half way between me and her which forced her to stop. Her eyes going large and wide and a visible blush forming on her black cheeks, an act that just proofs my suspicions even further…and my anger.

“What the BUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” I demanded, or more like shouted at the end as I glared at the changeling in front of me.

She just stood still, like a statue at that point, unable to move, say, or even act, which in turn just pissed me off even more and gave so many more dark ideas. Entering our home and bucking Nava like that on OUR sofa? I think somepony wants to get there bucking wings ripped off.

“Woah Cloudchaser, why do you sound so aggravated? Is something wrong?” I heard Nava ask from behind the sofa.

How the buck is he even asking that? “Well you bet you furry FLANK that something is wrong. What in Tartarus are you two doing?” I demanded despite already knowing the answer.

There was a short pause before I could hear somepony scratching their head. “What we are doing? I do not understand what you are trying to get on about here, but I don’t think shimmer giving me a massage is anything…oh shit.” He paused in realization.

But so did I.

“No wait…Cloud…I can explain. I can promise that Shimmer here isn’t really doing what it seems like….” He quickly tried to explain as I moved closer towards these two.

What I eventually saw left me quiet silent and a bit stupid at the same time. Nava was just laying chest first on the sofa with Shimmer right above him and resting her fore hooves on his back.

“Oh…”Was all I could utter as the realization hit me.

She was just massaging him. A bit suggestive in posture but she was just massaging the back muscles that connect to his wings…just like how every Pegasus does to relax those muscles.

I was suddenly feeling really dumb and silly. And hurt as a sudden slap on the back of my head got me back on track.

I flinched and almost fell over from the force. “Ouch…what the, what the buck was that for?” I demanded while rubbing the impact zone.

“For shoving me off to the side and causing me to drop literally everything you feather brain.” Flitter retorted into my ears, which was just adding salt into the wound at this point.

I got up and glared at her. ”Well I was in a completely different state of mind back then. So excuse me will yah.” I told her back.

She just huffed before looking at the changeling named Shimmer who, at this point, had long abandoned the Sofa and was just sitting on the floor looking all awkward. Same with Nava sitting upright on the couch.

She seemed to contemplate the situation for a while before turning back to me. “Well, I get the feeling that you know who she is and what she is. Might at least tell me her name then?” She pushed, which I guess is kind of justified given the situation.

But still, she seems to be taking the sight of a bug pony kind of well. Maybe just because she is agitated at the moment.

I exhaled. “Well ok then.” I began but instead got beaten by Nava really quickly.

“Her name is Shimmer and…well…” He started by rubbing the back of his neck. “She is a race known as changelings which can…well you can easily guess from the name alone disguise themselves as whatever they want to blend in better with the rest of the world.” He finished his explanation before looking back at us all panicky.

I have to admit, he does look adorable when he looks like that…gotta stop thinking like that.

“But-but she is not a threat or a monster or anything. She…she was actually with me during that…late night adventure of mine before I got…well…you know.” He rushed in which just turned really cautions and dreading in the end.

Can’t blame him, that memory alone just makes me flinch too. Seeing him like that when I got there.

Flitter just looked suspicious. “So you’re telling me then that she may be responsible for what happened to you on that day, is that it?” She questioned before looking cautiously at the changeling.

It quickly butted in. “No, no not at all.” It began.” From what she had told me she was just investigating this…magical sensation herself and just happened to bump into Nava somewhere along the way. They just found the infernal thing together where Nava…got most of its…attention. I flinched a bit at the end as images of that moment returned in my head.

Flitter hummed before looking over at Nava for confirmation.

He nods. “Well…yeah, we just happened to be following the same thing and somehow ran into each other inside the ruins…despite how awkward it was.” He answered while looking off the side.

Shimmer on the other hand was just silent throughout all of this, staring down at the floor and ignoring the three of us. I learned pretty quickly after the whole ordeal with Glade and her goons that she was quite the anti-social individual, worse than twilight in many regards.

But then again who can blame her. From what she allowed herself to tell me, she spent a majority of her life disguised as somepony else and not herself, both outside and in character.

Why? Well she is an outcast of her hive city that’s why. That’s all she told me.

“Geez, what a mess. Is that how you two always present your homes towards visitors or is it just today?” A fourth voice suddenly appeared from behind us which caused us all to pause.

We all looked behind us, and what a pleasant (sarcastic) surprise it was none other than a certain individual that I just wanted to see next.

“Oh for buck sake.” I muttered which in turn caused Glade to look at me with an amusing smirk that just immediately made it worse.

“You do know that I have WAY better hearing capabilities compared to the average pony don’t you? I can perfectly hear all of you muttering and whispering just fine from where I am standing.” She openly announced before stepping over all of the groceries and clutter on the floor.

I guess I shouldn’t have shoved my sister to the side like that. I bet she is going to directly force me to clean that up I just know it.

Just ignore it for now. “I thought that you had to go somewhere today to do something. Why are you here then?” I asked her upfront as she walked right passed us and plowed herself onto the other couch opposite from the one where are standing at.
She just kept cool and while keeping that taunting smirk aimed at me. “Well that’s simple.” She began while leaning back.” I am done, and now I came back. Simple as that.” She answered which in turn just made me glare at her.

I don’t care if she now has only the best interests in mind for us and especially Nava. From what she did to me and the rest during that day will forever make me feel distrustful towards. I mean, how can the princess of all ponies allow such a harsh, cold and calculative po- Thestral keeping a hoof on a large portion of an equestrian’s guard, primarily the Lunar guard owned by Luna. I do understand somewhat that the two have some sort of a long history with one another and that Glade is practically almost the same age as Luna is, but that still keeps a lot of questions open as to why an individual like her is allowed to command the Lunar guard even though she seems to disregard Equestria as a whole.

What the heck are her motives?

I was about to say something more when a bucket was suddenly shoved right onto my chest. A bucket with a sponge and soap water inside of it.

“You can start cleaning off all of the milk and ice-cream scattered on the floor thanks to you irrational behavior. Now go, while I go order some Pizza.” My sister instructed.

I was about to protest but a hard glare from her pretty much told me everything I needed to know. There was no room for negotiation, especially since she is the one responsible for all the food and cooking.

I grunted before making my way over to clean up the mess…the mess I made.

Still doesn’t mean I have to like cleaning it up. Especially in front of that of that blasted mare known as Glade.


“Well alright then. Now that I am here I might as well tell you what I came to tell you in the first place.” Glade announced.

I still kind of feel bad for Shimmer though for being like a fish out of water in the moment. She just sits there on the floor being all quiet despite the fact that she was rather confident and…well talkative when it was just the two of us. I can actually relate to her, I was somewhat like her as well when I was younger, not so obvious of course but more like, just being quiet and listening to whatever people around me were talking about, only saying or answering then ask directly.

Life as an introvert was…well not very stressful to be honest. Just sit down, keep to yourself, listen and observe.

I guess that how I became such a good listener in the end.

“Alright Nava, first off the princesses are finally ready to personally meet you tomorrow. So you better go to your local conditorei and bring some cake in case you somehow mess things up. Celly really loves cake while Luna at the moment couldn’t care less, unless it’s about Equestria’s safety in general.” Glade explained which was a bit of a surprise for all of us.

“So this is it, after having tried my best to stay anonymous I am still going to meet the two rulers of this land personally. The very thing I was trying to avoid is now happening. To be honest, I should have known that my presence is going to fly off one way or another. Especially with all those magical mishaps I caused.” I thought to myself.

To be honest, I was actually kind of glad to be meeting them, just too finally get this meeting behind me and to hopefully get some answers.

My means of finding answer about the why and how was originally going to be allot more complex and most likely allot more difficult, but now that I have the chance of asking the two very ponies that have at least over a thousand years of experience under their belt should give me the answers allot quicker. Maybe even finding a possible way to get back home. The more time I spend here, the more unlikely and sensible it is for me to return in the first place.

Time is a fickle thing, especially without knowing if time even moves the same way here as it does back in my world. I have seen, read, and heard why too many time related stories and theories to actively dismiss all possibilities.

“So when exactly tomorrow anyway?” I asked, a question I am sure is on everyone's mind as well.

“Whenever to be honest. The princesses have specifically declared that tomorrow is there day off. So basically you can fly over to Canterlot whenever you see fit. Just make sure that you DO show up tomorrow for their sake. The two have a very busy schedule after all.” Glade answered.

This is good level of freedom I guess. It certainly makes things far less stressful. Well unless you count the fact that I have to once again fly within one of those death boxes which are only held up by a flimsy bag full of hot air.

Say what you want but my acrophobia is still strong, maybe even more so now.

“Well that sucks.” Flitter announced while rubbing her chin.

I turned my gaze to my left to look at her. “Why is that?” I questioned.

“Well simple.” Flitter began. “We have to work tomorrow as well. So obviously, we can’t join you on your trip to Canterlot.” She stated.

That was really a bummer. To be honest I am still feeling rather uncomfortable with the idea of having to go anywhere alone in public. That notion only strengthened thanks to what happened yesterday. Any beliefs that I had about ponies being unable to become violent or even spiteful were thrown right out the window at that point. So really, anything can happened to me as far as I am concerned. I am an alicorn, an alicorn with zero control of his powers and no knowledge about them to boot.

When ponies find out about this many scenarios can come up in an individual’s mind, either he is dangerous and should be avoided or in the worst case scenario, driven away, or certain dark minded or nefarious individuals would try to get there hoofs or whatever appendage on me for their personal use. As a tool, a weapon or even as a magical power source to be exploited.

Look at Trixie for example, she sought out more power, power she could have use to enact her revenge on a certain purple unicorn. That lust of power and revenge lead her to the discovery of the Alicorn Amulet, which she used to get her way and to eventually be corrupted by its enticing power.

Who won’t say that I can be viewed or used the same why? Especially now since I don’t possess any active means of defending myself.

I was slowly starting to get depressed again. I know that I told myself that I want to make a change but really, it’s allot easier to say it than to actually do it. Simpley telling yourself something doesn’t immediately make you a different person, or enact a sudden change of character and thought. Well…for me at least.

“Well, that won’t be an issue.” Glade announced which brought me back from my thought’s

“Let me guess, you are going to bring him there yourself won’t you?” Flitter asked which Glade answered with a nod.

“Why not, I really have nothing better to do at this current time. In fact…” she suddenly sat up straight. “This brings me to the next point.” She announced which again got everybody’s attention.

Not sure if Cloudchaser was actively listening or not behind us, but I doubt missing anything in the same room while cleaning won’t be too hard.

“The second news I want to lay down is that I am going to be leaving Equestria for Nassgardiath very soon. The homeland of my kind in case you forgot about it.” Glade began which caused a certain mare behind us to perk up.

“Well it’s about bucking time.” Cloud chaser expressed which made Flitter roll her eyes and Glade to just ignore her.

I personally have no idea how to feel or think about this news. For one I really don’t feel much for Glade to begin with, despite her protective actions from yesterday. It could or could not have been an act of genuine protection, or just her way of saying to shut up. She still is a battle hardened war maiden and a calculative opportunist after all.

I would have loved to turn these thoughts further, but it seems that Glade was far from being finished as she leaned forward.

“That’s not all, and I am sure that a certain…wild head is going to find THIS added tit bit especially interested.” She started while giving Cloudchaser a quick glance and a smirk before focusing back to me and Flitter. “You, Nava, are going to come with me on this trip.” She finalized.

To say that all of us where surprised was an understatement. Even the quiet and self-secluded Shimmer was forced to look at Glade wide eyed.

I could tell that Cloudchaser’s reaction was allot more…audible compared to us as something crashed behind us the moment Glade announced that last part.

I heard a set of rushing hoof stepped closer towards us before the image of Cloud’s head appeared on the edge of my vision.

She didn’t looked very pleased by the looks of it. “What? You can’t be bucking serious?! If you think that after all this time that you could just take him away and…”Cloud started to rant before being stopped by Glade glaring at her.

“It is necessary. Not just for his safety but everybody’s as well.” She began before quickly calming down. “He is an Alicorn, a physical Avatar of Magic with no idea how to use or control his powers and abilities. Furthermore this wasn’t exactly my idea either, it was your princesses that proposed the idea of taking him with me and to continue my duty of keeping an eye on him and making sure that no more future mishaps accrue.”

“Plus having him join me into a land much harsher in both nature and culture might actually help with his lack of self-confidence, not just that but the northern lands still harbor a lot of traces of ancient and long forgotten magic that your princess have long cleaned out from Equestria after they ascended to their Alicorn forms. Magic that may or may not help him to better understand what he is...”She gave me a quick glance.… “and then some.” She finished before looking away.

This seriously left me with A LOT to think about. For one the idea of travelling to a new and unknown land far outside from the typical Equestria that the show originally portrayed was in all honestly an exciting concept, but on the other hand it would obviously mean leaving a place that I feel very well versed in only to the thrust into one that I am not.

Not that my knowledge of the show has been anywhere near as helpful to me to begin with, what with the whole different history and individual history and even different characteristics for certain characters. Like Rainbow Dash for example, being significantly less brash compared to her cartoon counterpart while at the same them being allot more open minded and observant as well.

So really at this point, all of my pages might as well be blanks where I have to slowly fill them up myself as I go along.

On one positive note, this world now has every opportunity to keep me guessing and discovering new and interesting things about it. The very thing that makes exploration so much fun to begin with.

Cloudchaser at that point was just silent, so was Flitter as the two seemed to be in the same state of thought as I am. I though heartily feel the same way about the idea of having to leave my comfort zone for who knows how long and to leave these two sister behind. Doubt that they would be able to actively join to this foreign land mostly because of their responsibilities here, not to mention if Glade would even let them come alone in the first place.

As Glade once told me, the higher ups back in her homeland don’t look very fond of Ponies of Equestria as a whole in General. Why, well something about the pest or something.

“This is ridiculous.” Cloudchaser stated, being the first to break the silence.

Flitter shook her head. “I actually have to agree on that one.” She joined in which caused Glade to raise an eyebrow.

“Oh, tell then why exactly.” She perused while crossing her arms.

“Well it’s simple.” Cloudchaser began.” The fact that our stupid jobs are keeping us rooted here and from joining Nava in his little Adventure.” She answered, which was certainly a surprise.

Flitter nodded. “Also, you seem to forget that Nava over here as just as much of our responsibility as it is yours. Maybe even more so since we personally know him allot longer then you. ”She added.

I was really somewhat touched to hear this. I mean, I already know that these two share a deep care and trust with which is almost unnatural, but personally hearing it directly from their mouths is still leaving me speechless in just how dedicated they are towards me.

I just know that, if for a very certain reason where it turns out that I am permanently stuck here then at least it wouldn’t be as bad as I pretty much have a stable platform from which to live off here, with a new family and a cast of trustworthy friends to boot too.

Overall, you could say that I am already set. The only real problems still to overcome would be me and the obvious need to find the answers of all of my questions.

Out of nowhere and to everybody’s surprise Glade suddenly began to laugh. Cloud was the first to recover as she quickly glared at the laughing Thestral in front of us.

“What the heck is so funny?” She demanded which only intensified her laughter.

Cloud just groaned as she and pretty much all of us had no choice but to wait this out. Eventually she did stopped as she picked herself up from the couch before wiping a few tears away.

“Hilarious, you said that the two of you WANT to come with me and the stud over there to Nassgardiath? You two, into a land that is just the complete opposite in terms of nature and ideology? You two ponies wouldn’t even last a single day up there before you either freeze to death or get mauled buy something with wings or if you are on the ground, something with claws.” Glade stated which to my surprise didn’t do anything to tatter their beliefs. Especially Clouds.

“Yeah, so what. Just because I don’t possess any fangs or superior hearing or sight, doesn’t mean that me, a simply pony can’t defend myself in such a harsh environment. In fact, the will to live might actually be stronger for us then it is for you. Which means our will to fight and to survive might be stronger than what you can chuck up.” Cloud retorted which was a quite impressive I have to say. But there was one problem with her level of confidence.

That I had to swoop in and save them in the very beginning. Sure it wasn’t really me who did that but it still happened.

Granted, they were hopelessly surrounded and trapped as well so really, what can you possibly do in such a situation besides calling for help.

Glade just chuckled. “Big words for such a simple pony. I will admit, that is somewhat impressive.” She admitted which just made cloud groan.

“But either way, even if you are able to put your mouth into your skill, the two of you will still stick out like a rotten fang among the populace. All of Nassgardiath is primarily Thestral lands and you two should already know that ponies aren’t particularly a fond species to have up there. You can thank your princess for that stigma and Thestral’s can be in nature quite spiteful. We are a predatorily race after all.” She added before leaning back and crossing her arms once more.

“Well to be honest it’s actually not THAT bad up there.” Shimmer suddenly commented which in turn caused everybody to turn their head towards her.

I even momentarily forgot that she was even in the room.

She obviously shrunk back a bit from the sudden attention.

“How would YOU know that?” Glade question with a curious stare.

Shimmer on the other end rubbed her foreleg nervously.” Well…”she began.” I was actually up there with a group of others like me. Trying to…flee from our home. Obviously I didn’t stay up there very long before flying down south.” Shimmer explained.

She obviously stuttered in the middle.

Glade just rubbed her chin curiously while eying the Changeling carefully. An act which just caused shimmer to feel even more awkward than she already does by the looks of it.

“Well anyway.” Glade began while giving shimmer a pass. “If the two of you somehow find time in ditching whatever it is that keep you here then feel free to join me, your stud and some of my kin to the northern continent. Just make sure that you keep your home tightly locked because neither of you are going to be seeing that again for quite a while.”

This again left a lot to think about. Mainly for the two sisters as they visibly seem to maul this over.

Flitter sighed. “Well anyway. Let’s us just focus first and getting some dinner ready. I did say that I was going to order some pizza, yet I am still just standing here and doing none of that.” She stated before trotting off somewhere.

She suddenly stopped though. “Oh and Cloud, you still haven’t cleaned up the mess you made earlier. Finish it up will yah, otherwise you won’t get any pizza when it arrives.” She ordered which is turn caused cloud to groan.

“Yes MOM.” She responded before leaving my field of view.

I just stayed seated. I moved and switched my position on the couch beside the part where I had to sit up.

Again, so much to think about. For once I doubt that I really have a choice regarding my sudden trip to a new and foreign land. So either way it's most likely going to happen no matter what, on the other hand the fact that I will be meeting the two princesses face to face for the first time is certainly something. Again, I am living the dream of every single brony and the only thing I keep asking myself instead is, why, how, when, and hitting one brick wall after another.

But then again, would a hardcore brony still want to be in my…hooves despite the many, many differences that this Equestria has over the one they are most familiar with? Who knows, and honestly who cares at this point either. I certainly don’t but that is just because of all the bullshit that has happened to me so far, and I just know that there is more BS coming towards me.

Why should it stop now? As I said, I am not going to dismiss a single possibility that exist out there. I am an Alicorn after all, a race that is pretty hard to miss if I keep I don’t wear anything. Well minus my hat that is.

Another crash suddenly sounded behind me. “FOR BUCK SAKE DAMN IT.” I heard cloud shout.

Glade just chuckled. “Want to travel to a land filled with snow, ice and rock and she already slips and falls on her own lazy cleanup work. This might become entertaining after all.”

I bet it does Glade, I bet it does…for you at least.

Now I just wonder how she is going to DRAG me over to Canterlot. Should be both demining and…hectic.

Author's Note:

Here it is, I know that there where better scenes...ah fuck it, I just wanted to draw Glade.

Also I forgot the exact guy who edit this. So if it was you please let me know again in the comments.