• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,891 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 88 – Where the Heart Is

Sam stood at the front of the ferry as it neared Malie City. He was dressed in a black blazer, black slacks, black shoes, and a black shirt with the top button unopened. Within a mile from the pier, Sam couldn’t help but look down at the waters as the boat forced them to pass by the corners of his vision. Several other people dressed in black were scattered along the ferry’s deck, paying Sam no mind. Even the Equestrians amongst them were all wearing species-appropriate formal black outfits, Applejack’s brown leather hat replaced by an ebony-colored one. The sight on the boat was dreary, but acceptably so for where they were ultimately headed.

Alice, wearing a knee-length dress with her hair brushed and held back, came to him from the right and put her hand upon his as it gripped the railing. “Sam. We should join the others now.”

“I know, but…” Sam almost felt ashamed to say, shutting his eyes as tightly as he closed his hands.

“I get that, bro, but since this is the last night, you should spend as much time with your friends as possible, alright?”

Sam initially felt his hold on the railing loosen, and while slower to do it, he finally felt the strength to pick up his head and look out to the fast-approaching city. Whether he wanted it to be true or not, Alice was absolutely right, and her advice was the absolute best to follow at this time in these last moments.

“Alright.” Sam turned around and walked to Starlight, Twilight, and Spike, Alice’s hand upon the back of his shoulder.

While his stance was forlornly hunched slightly, Sam still did his best to maintain a positive outlook on the next twenty-four hours ahead.

On the shores of the yellow-sanded beach outside the Aether House, dozens of chairs were set up facing two pyres that the waves crashing against the shore just barely reached. Upon each of them them, the bodies of Nanu and Cocoon were laid, the former wearing a formal policeman’s suit, the coat decorated with various medals and pins for the service he once gave to the force. Standing between their final resting spots was an ornate torch sticking out from the sand, its flame fighting against the breeze. Floating on the outsides of both pyres were the four island guardians, who stood as mournfully as the creatures in attendance sat.

While most of the chairs were occupied by Sam and Alice’s numerous friends, both human and Equestrian alike, a large portion of one of the two sections of seats were held by other police officers in their own attire, staring respectfully at the former officer who protected the streets of Malie and the former Kahuna who protected everything else upon the island. Comprising the first rows of seats were Hau, Olivia, Guzma, Hapu, Plumeria, Sophocles, Molayne, Kahili, Chrysalis, Thorax, and Twilight, with an extra smaller chair set aside for Spike and one chair open. On the short cliff overlooking the beach, dozens of Skull grunts sat and watched the service go on, still wearing their jerseys and nylon shorts.

Acerola walked back to her seat as she wiped her nose and eyes with her bare arm. Sitting back down between Plumeria and Guzma, she breathed a deep breath, letting any anxiety or fears of words left unsaid still clinging to her escape her mouth with her exhale. Grabbing the side of her head, Plumeria brought her into her bosom to console her at the end of her great loss.

Guzma, his hair tied back in ponytail that left no strand out of place, finally stood himself up and straightened his tie and walked toward a podium further down the beach, careful to follow the black, gold-trimmed carpet that led him there. Stepping at the podium, Guzma straightned the microphone, the slight feedback bringing Acerola and Plumeria back to attention.

With a soft clearing of his throat, Guzma began his last eulogy. “You know, uh… I haven’t been Kahuna for very long, but… In fact, I never thought I’d ever be a Kahuna… or a Trial Captain for that matter. It’s why I started Team Skull all those years ago. And even after all the stupid things I did and the damage I almost caused Alola…” Guzma clenched his fist before reaching back and pointing at the dead former Kahuna’s body. “…Nanu… this man, gave me a second chance that even to this day I know I didn’t deserve.”

Plumeria let out a soft huff, trying her absolute hardest to conceal her emotions, even as two tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I… feel I need to go back a ways. After Team Skull first disbanded, I actually became an apprentice of sorts to Hala. You know, Hau’s old man.” A few chuckles and even a grin from Hau. “He helped me see the trainer in me that I didn’t even know I could attain to, and when he died, he not only left a hole in many people’s hearts, including my own, but… he also left an empty spot at the Pokémon League. But, before he died, Hala apparently thought that there was a spot for me out there in the world… his own, right up there on Mount Lanakila. Because of that, I got to meet Ace… Acerola.”

Acerola nibbled her lip, forcing herself not to cry.

“Yeah, she got pretty sick for a while but, now… she looks sick.” More laughter, and it clearly worked wonders to help quell Acerola’s grief somewhat. “Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. Anyways, Nanu credited my being in Ace’s life with her getting better. While I can’t forget the pain Nanu caused her, intentional or not, he gave Plumeria and my crew their home back!”

From the back, the Skull grunts hollered, whistled, and cheered, the long-ago gesture not lost on them.

Guzma fanned his hand to quiet the rowdy grunts. “And for what it’s worth, if he’s willing to go to such lengths for the man who he says saved someone he truly loved, even if he had a really funny way of showing it, I think it still shows what an unbelievably important part to his life she played.”

Guzma frowned to see her cries beginning to emerge once again, knowing he had to wrap this up. “In fact, I think its safe to say from what Plumeria, Twilight, Spike, and Acerola have said on Nanu’s behalf tonight shows how much of an impact he made in not just their lives, but the lives of everyone he came into contact with. I’d sure like to think we all made an impact on his. Thank you.”

At once, all police officers present stood from their seats at once, and in one, synchronized motion, saluted their fallen brother. As they kept their arms up, Guzma looked over to Chrysalis, who got up from her chair and walked toward him on the path of the carpet set for her. Together, the two walked to the burning torch, two smaller, wooden torches propped up in the sand beside it. With his hand and her magic, they each took a torch and held the oily cloth-tied end over the flame.

Once they were alight, Chrysalis began to walk to the pyre of her sister, though Guzma could only stay still. Looking down, uncertain of whether he should do this or not, he was finally able to turn to Acerola, holding his hand out for her. Acerola gasped, in disbelief of what he was clearly asking of her. Plumeria put her hands on her shoulders and leaned down with her mouth close to her ear.

“Go on,” she whispered. “He wants you to put your uncle to rest.”

Acerola clutched her heart, bending over and whimpering loudly as she struggled to cope with the duty suddenly put on her. Spike hugged himself as he clenched his eyes, the sight too much for him to bear. Twilight stroked down the back of his head with her hoof, her own tears streaming. Guzma, nodding acceptingly, turned to Nanu’s pyre and walked towards it, Chrysalis going the rest of the way to Cocoon’s. Eying the kindling that would ignite the rest of the wood, Guzma and Chrysalis gave one last look to each other as they prepared to set the bodies of their friend and family ablaze to put them fully to rest.

Guzma began to reach his torch down to the kindling until he was stopped by the frantic kicking up of sand by someone running in his direction. Chrysalis and Guzma looked back to see Acerola slowing her stride as she continued forward, her face streaked with wet mascara. With a sniffle and a nod, Guzma handed her his torch, and she took it. Acerola and Chrysalis looked to each other again as they each took one last look at the ones they dearly loved.

Acerola began to lower her torch. “Goodbye, uncle.”

The twigs and leaves caught quickly, the fires spreading out through the bottom of the pyre. Chrysalis closed her eyes as the flame of her torch ignited the kindling, spreading across just as quickly. Acerola and Chrysalis dropped their torches into the rest of the burning wood as they began to step away with Guzma as the fires inside grew more intense, rising up to kiss the backs of Nanu and Cocoon. Spike could no longer keep it in, wailing in grief as he reached to Twilight and hugged her, Twilight silently sobbing as she embraced him back.

The soldiers continued to stand, but lowered their arms to their side, watching as the fires rose up to completely engulf Nanu, only able to catch glimpses of his face before they too were completely shrouded by flame and smoke. As Applejack held her hat to her chest, Pinkie Pie leaned into her, Applejack holding on to her friend as they both tearfully mourned the companion they hardly got to know. Many of the Equestrians, wrapped up in the sadness of this vulnerable moment, also couldn’t help but feel tears drip down their faces.

As Thorax watched his queen’s sister burn, his tears unable to stop flowing, Trixie patted his shoulder consolingly. He then leaned into her for a hug which she was more than accepting to, a soft glow forming between their bodies. Acerola glanced over to Tapu Bulu, whose eyes were kept closed and its head hung low. She let out a soft moan of sympathy upon seeing a single tear fall to the sand from its eye, her exclamation getting Guzma’s attention.

“You have to wonder…” Her voice began to break. “How many more Kahunas he’s had to mourn.”

She then fell onto Guzma, the two throwing their arms around each other. Guzma clutched her back tight, moving his hand up and down it to ensure her body and soul that he would not leave her. Acerola breathed and sputtered into Guzma’s chest, hoping that the warmth of his love would soon outmatch the heat from the fire.

Not one creature moved from their spot, even as the sun had long set and the flames on the pyres had died out, now reduced to a pile of smoldering charcoal and ashes. Finally, Acerola looked back at the numerous guests who had come to celebrate the life of the former Kahuna, as well as the changeling queen who helped protect them with her life. Now there was nothing left of them but their charred, blackened flakes that rest upon the beach.

It was finally over for them.

That’s when Acerola walked back up to the podium, catching the gradual surprise of those sitting down, as well as Guzma, Chrysalis, and the island guardians still floating dutifully beside the pyres’ rubble. After standing there for a few minutes to collect her thoughts, Acerola raised her head to face the microphone.

With a slow exhale, she sorted everything she wanted to say. “Nanu and Cocoon have finally left us, and their souls are now at peace… However, we absolutely cannot forget what their sacrifice has given us. Necrozma has been defeated, and will never pose a threat to anyone, human, Pokémon, or Equestrian ever again. Our Equestrian friends, either pulled from their world for his mad schemes or here voluntarily to help them put an end to his menace, will finally be able to return to their homes tomorrow…” She then glanced back to Chrysalis. “…with more friends than they came with.”

Chrysalis nodded and smiled, gladdened by her words.

“We have taken this time these past few hours to remember and mourn those we have lost, especially the ones that we could not recover. Keeping that in mind, our future is now brighter than ever for the light they have all provided for us. Because of them, friends can return to friends, brothers and sisters can return to mothers and fathers, husbands to wives… That is why, for the next few hours after this moment, we should celebrate what their courage and love have granted these Equestrians… and give these wonderful, invaluable friends the sendoff they so rightfully deserve…”

There was not a dry eye in the audience, and as Acerola looked to Twilight and Spike, seeking their approval, their smiles were wide as their faces were soaked. It was finally time for the party to begin.

Inside the fixed and refurbished Aether House atrium, the air was casual and relaxed. Despite the colorful banners and decorations were draped and hung across the railings of the walkways or placed on the tables beside the food and bowls of punch, the atmosphere was far from upbeat, but any somber or melancholy that would otherwise be felt had been left on the beach with Cocoon and Nanu’s ashes. Now was a time to reflect on the living.

Together, Celestia and Luna both looked on from the bottom of the lift hill, able to observe everyone in attendance. “These humans are interesting creatures, sister,” Luna said. “I can feel confident in saying that after tonight, with them in our lives, Equestria will never be the same again.”

Celestia chuckled. “If I may be so bold, Luna, Equestria is rarely ever the same with each passing day. From our alliances with the hippogriff and dragon kingdoms, Twilight’s ascension, Discord’s reformation, and even your return from banishment all within a few short years, I can hardly see how diplomacy with humankind and their world will be any different.”

“I still feel as though the differences between us and them are night and day. Even if we ultimately share the same interests and concerns, I can only imagine how creatures across the planet will adapt to the change they shall bring.”

“It’s quite simple, dear sister. We shall do what we’ve always done in the face of change: we change with it.” She began to walk toward Sun, Lillie, and Gladion, who were also getting approached by two of the Mossdeep employees, also dressed appropriately for the occasion.

“Sun.” Hearing his name, Sun turned to face a male and female Mossdeep employee.

As the woman reached for Lillie to shake her hand, Sun took the other employee’s hand to shake as well. “Adam.”

He then shook the female employee’s hand. “Jen.”

“I really do want to say, on behalf of myself and the rest of us at Mossdeep, how sorry I am to you, especially Lillie, for your losses. Lusamine was an exceptionally gifted woman whose presence will be sorely missed by all of us.”

Lillie nodded, strong enough to resist crying again. “Thank you for your kind words, but I’m guessing that you’re not just here to give us your condolences.”

As Adam stood silent, stung by the coldness of Lillie’s choice of words, Celestia and Luna stepped in beside him. “And I’m guessing that what you plan to talk about may interest us as well,” Celestia butted in.

Adam couldn’t help but jolt over the slightly towering presence of Celestia behind him. “I’m sorry, miss, I… don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Adam Benson, one of the heads of research at Mossdeep. I’m an… associate of Sun’s.”

“Charmed.” Celestia reached her hoof forward, which Adam gingerly jiggled with both sets of fingers. “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of the land of Equestria.”

“And I am Princess Luna.” Adam shook her hoof as Jen shook Celestia’s. “I am Celestia’s sister and also co-ruler of Equestria.”

“Right, well… I actually do believe our conversation should concern you as well, as a matter of fact. We under–”

“Could you please hold that thought,” Celestia interrupted, a twinge of regret in her voice. “I would like to include a couple more ponies on this conversation, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“I, uh… of course! Should I help bring them to us, or…”

Celestia sympathetically giggled. “My sister and I shall bring them over. If you would like to share anything else with Sun and his friends, please feel free to.”

As Celestia and Luna walked away, Adam and Jen stood silently, now unsure what topic to discuss with the princesses gone.

Sun breathed in sharply, getting everyone’s attention. “I really wish we could discuss this at a less sensitive time, but as for your jet, I intend to pay you back for every dollar of it. I do feel terrible over having to commandeer it like that, but–”

“Sun…” Adam put his hand on Sun’s shoulder. “Mossdeep is fully aware of what you and your friends helped accomplish. Consider your debts paid in full.”

Sun’s face couldn’t help but contort into a confused squirm. “But… it can’t be that simple–”

“Believe me, it’s not,” Jen responded back. “But once the ponies come back, we can discuss in further detail.”

Sun already began to tell what this discussion would involve, but without Celestia, Luna, or the ponies they planned to bring into the conversation around, he and his friends simply had to wait. Meanwhile closer to one of the punch bowls, Olivia, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash appeared to be having a very pleasant conversation with Celaeno and her crew, a smile not absent on either of their faces.

“So,” Boyle spoke, “if you had to pick, where would you say some of the best treasure hunting spots are?”

Olivia yelped and shook her head, the answer almost insultingly simple to answer. “Hardly anything can compare to the cave systems underneath the Sinnoh region.”

Mullet looked a little confused. “So, like no temples or anything? No treasure islands?”

“Oh, we have plenty of those, hon, but they’re usually filled with really strong Pokémon that can grind your ass to a pulp instead of hidden treasure.”

Mullet and Boyle tensed up before looking dejected by Olivia’s mean-spirited warning.

“Aw, come on now!” Applejack guffawed. “She’s just teasin’ ya’! I’m sure there’s plenty of places round’ here that’r safe for you to galavant!” She then leaned toward Olivia, opting to whisper. “Aren’t there?”

Olivia shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Besides!” Celaeno came between her male crewmates, resting her arms on their shoulders. “After the things we faced a few nights ago, we could probably handle them!” Boyle and Mullet were forced to grin in reply, her confidence infectious. “Olivia, I do really wish we were able to meet sooner. I hope that we will be able to come back here sometime.”

Olivia smirked, not noticing as Celestia and Luna walked around behind her with Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Starswirl. “I’m sure sometime will be sooner than you think.”

At last, Celestia and Luna came back with the three horned ponies and small purple dragon, Sun, Adam, and Jen ready to address them.

Celestia then stepped back to give them some space. “Twilight, Starswirl, Starlight, I’d like you to meet Adam and Jen from the city of Mossdeep. They have some things to discuss that I believe would be of great interest to you.”

As the two humans and three ponies shook hands and hooves with one another, Twilight spoke first. “I’m going to take a guess and say this is about bringing our two worlds together, right?”

Jen nodded. “Yes, Twilight, that is exactly what we’re here to discuss with you all. We couldn’t have saved our world without you, and I’d like to think we played a major part in saving yours as well.” All three subtly nodded, ensuring she was not stepping on either of their hooves. “Sun, you have the celestial coordinates for Equestria logged on your servers, correct?”

Sun nodded once. “The data should have been transferred over here to the House after the Paradise’s destruction.”

“Wonderful, and with that, we should possess our own means to travel between our world and Equestria. Although, I do suppose you ponies have your own methods as well.”

Starswirl nodded next. “I do know a spell that will permit travel between our worlds, but it’s very specific and can be very taxing mentally.”

“That should not be a problem,” Adam said. “We know that you all return home tomorrow morning, so I don’t wish to delay you on that end, but I do hope within the immediate future that we can work on bridging our two worlds together, with all your permission and assistance of course.”

Lillie smiled and nodded, reaching forward to Adam with an outstretched hand. “I’m certain mother would not be happier to do so.”

Sun and Gladion smiled, comfortable with her leadership on this.

Twilight then came forward with Starswirl and Starlight. “I told Lillie later last week that I would want to bring our two worlds together, and now, more than ever, I want nothing more than for my friends and I to help make that happen.”

Celestia then stepped forward with her sister. “And I too firmly believe that Equestria will be led to a brighter future with humans and Pokémon side by side.”

Celestia and Luna reached their hooves out, prompting Lillie to put her hand onto them. One by one, Adam, Jen, Sun, Gladion, Twilight, Starlight, and Starswirl reached out into the center that Lillie and the Princesses had made. Spike, too short to reach, up, nevertheless looked up proudly at what his friends had done. With their five hands and hive hooves joined together, a pact had been made; the dawn of a new era for both worlds.

Rarity and Capper walked by the scene indifferently, keeping their eyes on the Equestrians they’d be going back home with while also looking at the humans that they’d soon be leaving. Capper looked down at Rarity, who appeared just as forlorn as she did at Nanu and Cocoon’s funeral.

“You’re going to miss them, aren’t you?” Capper’s query was met with a fussy pout by Rarity.

“Of course I’m going to miss them!” she exclaimed. “Sweet Celestia… I never thought that going back home was actually going to end up being this hard.”

“This place is pretty amazing,” he agreed. “The people too.”

Rarity let out a choke. “Capper darling, please! Are you really going to make me cry twice in the same night?”

Capper then stopped, the sudden lack of his presence surprising Rarity into stopping herself. Turning around, she suddenly found Capper looking just as miserable as she did.

“You changed my life forever, you know that, right Rarity?” His voice even seemed lower.

“Capper?” She came up closer to face him.

“Even if it was just a simple mending of my coat, I still don’t think anything I could give to you or do for you could repay what that was worth to me. It really made me think about where I wanted to take my life from that point on. After meeting Sam and Alice and helping them save the worlds, I just…” Capper clenched his eyes, tears starting to form in them.”

He suddenly felt a tingling sensation form above his cheeks as his eyes were dried by Rarity’s magic. Opening them up, he was stunned to find Rarity looking straight up at him, smiling.

“Capper,” she said, “as much as the thought of leaving this world fills me with sorrow, that should have no impact on you wanting to stay if that’s what you truly want.”

“But… Rarity…”

“Hush now, Capper. I will also appreciate your invaluable friendship, and you should know that even if you’re as far away as Klugetown or even as distant as this world with Olivia and Carly, our friendship will not mean anything less to me. It’s what invaluable means, after all!”

Capper sniffled as he wiped his finger with his nose. “Well… I mean… I still have my stuff back in Klugetown.”

“And I shall help you pack the moment you decide to move.”

Capper, so fortunate to have this unicorn’s friendship, smiled as he went down to his knees and gave her a hug. Rarity patted his back, looking behind Capper as it appeared Celestia and Luna were concluding their discussions with Sun, Twilight, and their friends.

“Up now, Capper, let’s see if we can arrange something with the princesses about that.” Patting the cat on his shoulder, he stood back up and confidently walked toward the group with Rarity beside him.

From off in the corner, Guzma and Acerola watched as Rarity and Capper convened with Sun and Twilight’s groups, introducing themselves to Adam and Jen.

Guzma nudged Acerola in the arm. “Hey, at least this doesn’t look like it’ll be a hard goodbye, right?”

“I sure hope not.” Acerola’s took another small sip of punch, appearing not to focus on her Equestrian friends just ahead.

“Come on, work with me here, I’m trying to cheer you up!” Guzma slunk down, feeling he went too far with his remarks. “Listen, I know Nanu being gone after coming back into your life must hurt like a bitch, and Twilight leaving tomorrow’s just an extra pinch of salt on that wound, but hey, you still have your good pal, Guzma!”

He put his hand on her shoulder with assurance, although she didn’t appear to react to it.

“That’s just it…” Guzma leaned closer, wanting to hear her right, only for her to push on his chest lightly and nimbly enough to nearly throw him away from her without hurting him or making him lose his balance too badly. “I still can’t believe Nanu made you the freakin’ Kahuna! I totally take back everything nice I said about him!”

Guzma grimaced with worry, only for Acerola’s exaggerated pout, crossing of her arms, and stomp of her foot letting him know that her angst was merely in jest.

“Eh, don’t sweat it, Ace!” Guzma came back to her side, pulling her close in by her outside shoulder. “The old man probably picked me because I’ve already got a foot inside death’s door. I guarantee you you’re first in line to be next after I croak!”

As the two walked over toward Twilight together, Acerola seemed a bit more genuinely unsure. “I really don’t want to talk about losing you right now. Besides, you’ve got a long way to go before that ever happens.”

“Look who’s talking! If lung cancer can’t kill Acerola, what on earth can?”

Acerola chuckled, her spirits definitely lifted up at this. Twilight and Spike both smiled upon seeing their friends approach them, Starlight beginning to back away.

“I’m going to go back to Fluttershy and Lady.” Her announcement was replied to with a nod from Twilight before she focused her entire attention on Acerola.

Starlight spun around and looked about the sizable space of the atrium. While she wasn’t worried about finding Fluttershy and their Pokémon, there were a couple others that she could not for the life of her spot within the crowd. After weaving around Rockhoof and Ember, who walked to some other spot, she was brought to attention by the happy cry of Lady, looking ahead to see her run from Fluttershy’s side and meet her where she was, caressing her face with its feelers.

“It’s okay, Lady, I’m back.” Despite this, Lady licked at Starlight’s face, making her giggle. “Alright, Lady, calm down!”

“So,” Fluttershy said as she and Comfey approached. “How’d it go?”

Lady finally stepped aside to give its trainer some space. “Well, I think. Sometime in the next few days, one of us is going to reach out to the other and we’re getting to work.”

“Work? On what?”

“Let’s just say this certainly won’t be the last time we’ll hear or see from this world.”

“Oh… oh! That’s wonderful! I’m so relieved!”

“I wish I could tell Sam and Alice this, but I haven’t seen them in quite a while.”

As they both looked around, Fluttershy’s eyes widened a bit in realization. “I think I may know where they are…”

As Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon approached the lobby to the front entrance of the Aether House, two Aether employees stood guard. Seeing them, the employees stepped aside as the one on the right placed the top of his wrist against the panel next to the door. Upon it sliding open, they were instantly greeted to the sounds of blubbering sobs of inconsolable sadness. Quickening their pace, the ponies stepped outside as they spotted Alice and Sam leaning against the wall next to the door, Alice rubbing his back as Sam leaned over to allow his tears and snot to drip onto the floor as he bawled. Alice’s eyes were red and wet too, but the difference in demeanor between the two was clear.

“Sam, Alice!” She and Fluttershy rushed in front of them, wanting to be sure they were seen. “What’s the matter?”

“He needed to step outside for a bit,” Alice croaked, her voice noticeably hoarse. “He’s taking this super hard.”

“Oh, Sam…” With the emotions of her friends weighing on her now, Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel her own waterworks start.

Starlight was much more easily able to mask her sadness, stepping closer to her two human friends. “Sam, Alice, please listen! I just finished talking with Sun and the princesses. I know I’m not supposed to talk about this to most people but… this isn’t goodbye!”

After a few unsteady breaths, Sam snorted in as much mucus that was caught in his nose, clearing his throat. “You… you mean…”

“No, this doesn’t mean that we aren’t going home tomorrow, but I’ve been asked to help oversee the connection between our two worlds. I don’t know how we’re going to be doing it yet, but… just know that you don’t have to worry about never seeing us again! You will see Fluttershy and I again! I promise!”

Sam breathed heavily again, huffing in another glob of snot about to run out his nose. “That’s good to hear, but…”

“Go on, Sam.” Alice began to massage the back of his head now. “Say what you need to say. You will feel better that way.”

With his sister’s help, Sam was able to stand off of the wall and back onto the full support his own two feet. “When I first came to Alola with Alice, I wanted my first Pokémon adventure to feel special. I… It most definitely was, but… the reason it was so special… was because of you two. What I said that one night in Mount Lanikila was true; my life is so much better off because you two wound up in it.”

Finally, Starlight couldn’t hold back her tears. “Sam…”

“I’ve always considered Aegislash a second sibling to me, but you two… you two are my very best friends. The rest of our trials are going to feel so empty without you there cheering us on.”

“It doesn’t have to be, Sam,” Alice huffed, also affected by Sam’s speech. “You still have me, and you still have Aegislash and the rest of your Pokémon. At the same time, I still have Noivern and my Pokémon, but most importantly… I have you.”

Sam gurgled as he tried to withhold another fit rising within him, forcing Alice to turn him around so he could face her. “I’m so sorry, guys. I just didn’t want to be such mess in there…”

Sam began to sink, Alice helping him down as they both sat on their knees. “You don’t have to worry about anything. You’re just fine.”

“That’s right,” Fluttershy began to blubber, her and Starlight coming on either side of Sam and Alice and holding them tight. “Just let it all out. We’ll all be just fine!”

As Fluttershy broke into just as loud and woeful a sob as Sam had done, Starlight could no longer keep her emotions in, crying over the back of Sam’s shoulder. Comfey and Lady came in as well, Comfey using its tail to bring Fluttershy and Alice’s heads together as Lady’s feelers placed themselves on Sam and Starlight’s faces.

As he felt the warmth of the ponies and Pokémons’ embraces, he felt his crying begin to stop, feeling the closure he so desperately needed before the last farewell the next morning. He could suddenly feel that he no longer heard or felt his own breathing, only the arms of his sister and his best friends.

At that moment, he felt ready for tomorrow.

With the sun just starting to rise to the left, providing the beach with a cool purple and blue-mottled glow, Chrysalis gathered as many ashes from the remains of Cocoon’s pyre as she could in her magic. With a careful funneling of the aura holding them, she poured them into a metal tin that she could carry home to be scattered in upon her return. Upon closing the lid, she turned back and walked toward Thorax, who nodded in support.

Surrounding Chrysalis and Thorax, each and every Equestrian that had come to their world were now in one place, standing a safe twenty or so feet from the numerous human trainers and one of their Pokémon they all met throughout their journeys. As Sam and Alice stood beside their Aegislash and Noivern, Alice kept hold of her brother’s hand, not wanting to let go until he felt comfortable with her doing so.

With Celestia standing in the front of her group, she addressed the humans and Pokémon at once. “We cannot begin to thank you all for keeping these creatures safe over these several days. Our world is forever safer because of your courage, your strength, and above all, your friendship, and I doubt that we will forget that or any one of you. If there’s any last words or farewells you’d like to make, I shall give you some time to do so.”

As if waiting for the signal, Mina and her Ribombee slipped out from the group with a large, flat object held in a leather case strapped to her back, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash coming up to her.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t want you leaving without this.” Mina handed the case to them.

As Rainbow Dash began to unzip it, Pinkie Pie put her hooves inside and pulled it out, the sight of it already bringing tears to their eyes. On the canvas that the others were now looking at was a colorful pastel painting of Pinkie Pie sitting on the edge of the Vast Poni Canyons looking as Rainbow Dash gracefully soared over the sun.

“Mina…” Pinkie squeaked. “Is this…”

“The painting I was working on the day we first met, mmhm. I just remembered about it when we were cleaning up at the Seafolk Village, and I had to get it back to you before then.”

“That… is so… cool!” Rainbow Dash then threw herself onto Mina, followed by Pinkie Pie. “Thank you so much, Mina!”

“And thanks for those granola bars again!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “They may have literally saved our lives!”

As Mina ran her hands down both ponies backs, Hau and Gladion both approached them together. Pinkie Pie and Mina stood up, allowing Mina to rejoin the others to give Gladion and Hau their time.

“So…” Hau bared a single corner of his mouth as he tried to make his parting words as sensitive as possible. “It’s been a blast knowing you two. Say hi to your friends and family for me.”

Gladion nodded. “Thank you for believing in me. You really don’t know what that meant to me.”

“I think I may have an idea.” Rainbow and Pinkie Pie stood on their hind legs and gave both trainers a hug. “See you around, Gladion!”

“Yep! See ‘ya, Glady! Do you like that nickname? Too late, it’s stuck!”

Pinkie Pie giggled as she hopped back in line with her friends as Rainbow Dash walked to rejoin them. With their peace made the previous night, Starlight and Fluttershy made one last look to Sam and Alice before they prepared to leave.

“Alright then,” Celestia spoke, “if everyone has said and done what they needed, let us begin the journey home.”

A wave of comfort washed over the Equestrians, the sound like heaven in their ears.

“Home…” Shining Armor sighed.

“Home…” Rockhoof drew from his breath.

“Home sweet home, right Fizz?” Grubber asked Fizzlepop.

“Yes, home sweet home indeed,” she replied.

Celestia, Luna, Starwirl, Twilight, and Starlight all charged up their horns, and beneath the hooves of the ponies, lines of light began to trace out to form an arcane circle that would transport them back to their world where they belonged. With its massive size stretching out to fit everyone in, the humans watching their departure were granted a few moments more to see their friends before they were sent off.

Sam and Alice kept their eyes on Starlight and Fluttershy the entire time. With Fluttershy concentrated on Starlight, who concentrated on the teleportation spell, Lady and Comfey were free to give Sam and Alice a final wave on their behalf as a wall of light began to rise up from the circle’s barrier. Sam and Alice both waved the two off before they could no longer see inside. Finally, with a flash of vision-obscuring light, the circle and the creatures within it had all disappeared.

It was finally over. It was done.

“Home…” Alice was able to mutter out.

Sam forced a smile as he nodded. “…where they belong.”

Slowly turning to each other, their faces suddenly erupted in unbridled joy before they threw their arms over each other, Sam picking his sister up and twirling her around as they laughed and whooped triumphantly. Their celebration picked up amongst the others, resulting in a chorus of cheers and trainers and Pokémon hugging each other to celebrate the amazing accomplishment they made. Sam and Alice continued holding on to each other, while the other trainers refused to let up on their merriment.

“I think we should spend some time home ourselves…” Sam suddenly remembered to clarify. “…in, Hau’oli.”

Alice nodded vigorously enough to slam her chin onto his shoulder. “Ditto.”

As great as they felt in this moment now, the thought of rest and relaxation in the graces of their parents back home began to overpower anything else.

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