> Pokémon Eclipse > by moviemaster8510 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > P1 – Second Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun stood on the edge of a balcony from the Aether Paradise, hands firmly placed on the banister as he looked north towards the near-endless sea with the four islands of Alola not far away in the distance, watching the sun dip beneath the horizon and shade the sky with purple and orange. After ten years spent on Alola, he felt like he now understood why his mom would begin her day basking in the sun on the porch with open arms. Now that his training days were long past him, he could enjoy brief moments like this, and today’s felt particularly special. “Sun,” called the voice of Lillie from behind him, “we’re ready now.” He turned around to see her standing in the entryway, the blonde braids at either side of her face from her youth pulled back with the rest of her hair in a single ponytail. She still looked unbelievably mature for a girl her age, especially wearing her labcoat, but Sun still loved that she still looked undeniably her. “Alright,” Sun said, grabbing his own lab coat hanging from the banister. “Coming.” With one swing around, Sun slipped his arms through both sleeves of the coat, and with a pull on the lapels, it was on straight. Lillie walked along with Sun back to the center of the floor, where a large circular pool that was lighted from the bottom stood, a thin layer of water resting still on the bottom. On opposing sides from the pool stood two massive Pokémon, one resembling a metallic lion, the other appearing like an ethereal, purple bat. Both of their heads were covered in electrodes that were hooked up to the pool. Sun and Lillie parted their ways and each walked towards one of the Pokémon. Sun stroked the side of the solid mane of the lion. “You ready to go again, Solgaleo?” he gently cooed. Solgaleo nodded vigorously, nearly throwing Sun up into the air as he continued petting him. “That’s the spirit, buddy.” “I know you’ll do great again, Lunala,” Lillie chirped, the Pokémon’s giant head resting on her palms. Lunala closed its eyes and smiled with pure content, which earned it a small, tender caress from the side of Lillie’s face. Easing her hands off, Lunala came back upright. Both Sun and Lillie conversed back to the center, standing on both sides of an older woman in a white, stylish lab-skirt and a long curtain of ice-blonde hair like Lillie’s. “Mother,” Lillie said to her, “Lunala and Solgaleo are both ready to go again.” “Good,” she responded. “I have no doubt that we’ll finally be able to explore that system after long last.” Sun’s hand rested upon her shoulder. “Hey Lusamine, how do you think those blowhards at Mossdeep are going to react once we do this?” Lusamine couldn’t help but chuckle. For her and her company to uncover not just one, but two worlds beyond their own in her lifetime, was something she looked exceedingly forward to. “I’m sure they’ll be proud of us as they were the first time,” Lillie said with a pout. “But I never got to experience it firsthand. It’s so very exciting!” “Then let’s waste no more time,” Lusamine breathed eagerly. “Wicke, power up the jets.” On the outer edge of the room, amongst a line of computers and a uniformed employee at each one, a lightly-wrinkled woman with purple hair and pink-rimmed glasses turned to her own machine. With a few strokes on the keyboard, and a flick of a switch, a whir came on in the pool, sputters of bubbles shooting out from the bottom before they settled into a steady stream, spinning the water around in a whirlpool. Lusamine looked to Sun, giving him a nod of approval. “Solgaleo, Lunala.” His voice was loud, but commanded respect amongst the mighty beasts to his left and right. “Begin.” Both of their foreheads and eyes glowed bright blue, the energy they channeled flowing through the wires connected to them, which made their way to the pool. The water inside, which had maintained a constant speed and motion, began to turn a thick, milky blue, countless lights like stars beneath the surface. Sun looked down into the pool, watching as the small, almost unnoticeable waves of water die down as the liquid maintained a flat, smooth space. “Come on,” whispered Sun, slowly getting up and glancing at the two Pokemon. “You can do it.” Solgaleo and Lunala each let out a small roar, and the surface began to fall through from the center out, dissipating like smoke to reveal an expansive starry space. Directly in the center was a sky-blue mass of gas with a bright star in the center. Lillie couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape, while Sun was too in wonder and surprised amazement to do much of anything other than smile with mouth wide open. “They did it!” his mouth uttered out. “We finally did it.” Lillie's mouth suddenly went agape. “Oh my god! Look at that!” Sun’s and Lusamine’s eyes went to the star system, where they saw the light disappear beneath the cloud, replaced by a fainter, blue light. “Unbelievable!” Wicke huffed, looking at the phenomenon through her monitor. “That solar system’s sun just disappeared, and… I’m not fully certain of it yet, but some sort of other star has taken its place!” “Solgaleo, Lunala,” Sun instantly called to the beasts. “Get a little lower!” With a tiny roar from each of them, their interstellar window went quickly down so that the solar system was almost directly beneath them. Sun, Lillie, and Lusamine looked at the new celestial body that had taken the sun’s place. It looked all too familiar, but it was still too fantastical for either of them to believe. “Is that…” Lusamine wondered. “It can’t be…” Lillie responded, equally bewildered. “Oh my!” Wicke exclaimed, the object’s image blown up on her monitor. “That star that just appeared isn’t a star at all! It’s… it’s a moon!” “Wow… look at the way it glows!” “What kind of Pokémon do you think live down there?” Sun wondered aloud. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the unnaturally loud purr that came from Solgaleo. Sun let out a soft breath from his nose. “Wicke. Record our progress, and we’ll try and pick up more tomorrow morning.” “But sir!” she exclaimed. “We’ve come so close. We’re practically there!” “And we’ll arrive there tomorrow, but Solgaleo and Lunala are getting tired already. They’ve already done two excursions today, and I don’t want to exhaust them any further.” “Yes, sir…” she said with forlornness. As she began saving the information on her screen, Sun turned to Solgaleo. “Alright guys,” he said with a hint of playfulness, “you both did great today. Go ahead and ease down–” Sun’s command was interrupted by a whine from Lunala, who appeared to sway. Sun looked down at the pool, and was bemused to see that they were receding lower into the dust-cloud, quickly encroaching on a planet down below. “Solgaleo, Lunala, what are you doing? Stop!” “This isn’t right,” Lillie whimpered. Frightened over how helplessly loopy the Pokémon suddenly looked as it started to bow over, she ran over to it. By now, the window had already lowered down to observe the planet’s atmosphere, continuing down. “Lillie!” Lusamine shouted, “what are you–” “We have to stop this!” she cried, her fingers desperately peeling at one of the electrodes. “If they don’t, they’ll–” Suddenly, Lunala and Solgaleo let out piercing shrieks, the light blue glow of the top of their heads and eyes now replaced with an insidious pink. Lillie could only cover hear ears and curl up on her knees. Unbeknownst to her, the pool emitted a bright yellowish light, forcing everyone else in the room to shield their sight. Sun managed to peek over his arm, seeing Lillie protecting herself as Lunala continued to flail in its rampage. With his right arm covering as much of his eyes as possible, Sun quickly scuttled across the floor behind Lillie, grabbing her by the collar and pulling her back just as Lunala’s wing slammed into the outer wall of the pool. Sun continued dragging her back until he was back with Lusamine. “Is she alright?” she yelled. “Looks fine!” he shouted back. Gladion came down on a triangular lift at the south end of the room, wearing only a simple red tank-top and his torn black pants, five Poké Balls hooked to his red belt above his right thigh as well as a small, circular sack on the left side. “Hey,” he shouted, “what’s going–” Before the lift could even stop, he had to block his vision from the light, leaping over the guard-rail and sprinting towards Lillie, Lusamine, and Sun. “What the hell is happening?” he asked. As if responding to his question, the light began to stretch up, forming a grid-like cylindrical tower that pierced through the top of the tower. Gladion could barely make out the top of the tower branching off and heading in multiple directions. Without a second’s thought, he shot up and ran to the north balcony, crashing into the banister to break his run. He watched with a sense of dread as the light snaked off and stopped above each of the four islands, the ends forming an individual wormhole. “It’s happening again?” he grunted. Grabbing one of his Poké Balls, he tossed it out, and from it appeared a large purple bat with four winged limbs. “Crobat, go and fetch my jacket and Ride Pager.” Despite the scowled look on the Pokémon’s face, it gave an understanding nod and flew as fast as its wings could carry it. Sun and Lusamine continued to watch the light tower, but watched as two shapes moving too fast to see any kind of telling details shoot out from the pool. Shortly after, six more figures followed, each coming in sets of two. By the time the two of them looked up to see more of them, they had already gone. At that moment, the light tower disappeared, along with the wormholes over Alola. All the lights on the floor had been shut off, along with each computer and monitor surrounding the space. “Nothing’s working!” one employee shouted, scrubbing his mouse on its pad and clicking it numerous times. Another employee pressed and held down the power switch to his system unit, but still, nothing happened. “I can’t even get it to turn on!” she called out. The brief statements and murmurs of mounting panic followed soon by the crashing sounds of Solgaleo and Lunala’s motionless bodies hitting the floor. “No!” Sun screamed, rushing over to Solgaleo. Lillie, realizing that the immediate danger had passed, opened her eyes and turned to see Lunala lying still on the floor. Lillie cried out as she and Lusamine rushed to its side. “Lunala!” shouted Lusamine, pushing on the Pokémon’s chest. “Lunala! Lunala!” Lillie’s tears came pouring out her eyes, gently shoving the Pokémon with the desperate hope that it would wake it. She was suddenly grabbed by her apparently furious mother. “Why did you try and stop it?” Lusamine yelled into her face, her voice being choked by her own oncoming sobs. “Lunala could have killed you!” “I’m sorry!” she wailed. “I didn’t know what else to do to make it stop. It looked like it was hurting!” Lusamine, knowing nothing else could be said or done at this point, pulled Lillie in, clutching the back of her head and her back in as tight and consoling of a hug as she could. As Sun cradled as much of Solgaleo’s head in his arms as he could, Wicke knelt beside him with a dome-like object in her hand, which she held to the side of the Pokémon’s chest. Looking at a small tablet in her other hand, she was relived to see a steady heartbeat from the monitor. “It’s still alive,” she said with a bit more ease, “but you should bring it downstairs to the ICU right now.” “Right,” Sun huffed, pulling out a Poké Ball from his coat pocket. Holding it with the center button facing Solgaleo, a translucent red beam shot out from it and touched the Pokémon. Its body faded into a similarly shaped and colored energy as the beam, causing the ball to open up and all of the red light to recede inside the ball before it closed by itself. “I'm sorry.” Sun pressed the Poké Ball to his head, fighting the urge not to cry. “I knew I shouldn't have gone again today.” As he stood up, Gladion’s Crobat nearly collided with his head, forcing Sun to duck down and see where it was going. After seeing it with Gladion’s black hoodie in its teeth, he ran over to them while Wicke checked on Lunala. Gladion took his hoodie and threw it on, the slash in the middle of the chest revealing a small part of Gladion’s shirt. As Gladion patted Crobat, making the Pokémon’s fixed grimace shrink in pleasure, he returned it back into its Poké Ball. “Gladion,” Sun panted, slowing to a quick stop. “What do you plan to do?” Gladion walked out to the edge of the balcony, prompting Sun to follow him. “If whatever came from that wormhole is anything like the Ultra Beasts, I have to try and help contain them before anyone gets hurt.” Sun nodded after a brief moment. “Just be careful out there.” “Hmph. My Silvally was born and bred to take on such threats. We’ve grown far stronger in those years since. I’d say whatever came out won’t stand much of a chance should they choose to fight.” “I have full confidence you won’t fail.” Gladion didn’t even look back to see Sun smiling assuredly behind him. With a few steps back, he pulled out a yellowish-green device with a slot on the top where a Poké Ball would perfectly fit. With a couple of taps on the screen, a metallic, fully purple pokeball with a black button appeared inside the slot in a short strobe of light. Picking it up and tossing it to the ground in front of him, the Poké Ball opened up with white energy exploding out of it. The energy took the form of a winged dragon, and once it fully formed, the light broke off and faded in small fragments, revealing a red, bipedal dragon with a flame on the end of its tail, as well as a large harness affixed to its back with a seat and handlebars. Gladion mounted the Pokémon quickly, and once he was securely on and holding onto the bars, the dragon stepped out and stood on the banister. “Charizard,” he said to it, “head to Poni Island.” With a roar, Charizard gently leapt off, nosediving towards the ocean below. Having picked up enough speed, the Charizard spread its wings out and scooped itself into the air, taking a hard left and flying towards the western-most island of the chain. As Gladion and the Charizard grew smaller and smaller in the distance, Sun ran back inside to tend to Lillie and Lunala for whatever they both needed. The waves rolled gently and quietly onto the beach of Kala’e Bay. The area was among the most secluded places on Melemele Island, where the vast majority of life in that sector of land swam beneath the sea. Washed up on the shore, however, were two small equine creatures laying still and unconscious as the water coming in and out wetted the parts of their bodies that laid upon the sand. The first among them to awaken was a light-pink unicorn with a purple mane and tail with teal highlights, as well as an ornate mark on both sides of her rump of a purple and white star with two light-blue streams waving above it. As she weakly got up, her mane seemed to flow naturally off to the right of her head and neck. She looked around her alien surroundings, breathing heavily and quickly as she did. She spotted the other pony beside her, a yellow pegasus with a long, flowing pink mane with a similar mark depicting three pink-winged butterflies. “Fluttershy,” the unicorn said in a panic, shaking her with her hooves, “we have to get out of here.” The pegasus called Fluttershy stirred awake, groaning as she raised her head up. Realizing the foreign nature of their location, Fluttershy also began to look nervous as she stood to her four hooves. “Wh– Where are we, Starlight? Where are the others?” “I don’t know, but we can’t stay here! Look, I think there’s a cave we can take shelter in.” Fluttershy looked back to where the unicorn she called Starlight was pointing to, revealing a sizable entrance in the side of the rock. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Fluttershy whimpered. “There could be any number of scary, hungry monsters that can attack us.” “Then I’ll attack them first,” she retorted with a tap of her horn with her hoof. “Now let’s go. It has to be better than out in the open like this.” Fluttershy and Starlight both trotted inside the cave. While it wasn’t much, the openness of the cave seemed to settle Starlight down a little. There was still plenty of light out for them to monitor their surroundings, and it sounded very empty at the time. “See?” Starlight huffed, unable to hide her nerves. “Nothing to worry about.” “I’m scared,” Fluttershy began to weep. “I want to go home!” Starlight ran to Fluttershy before the sobs she began to let out became even louder, pulling her into an embrace. “I’m scared too, but we have to be strong. Or, at the very least appear strong.” The last part seemed to be directed towards herself more than her timid friend. “Som… dow… here,” a young woman’s voice faintly echoed down. Starlight’s ears perked and twitched with the fear of danger as she was still wondering if her own paranoia was making her hear things. “What was that?!” Fluttershy squealed. “Quiet!” hissed Starlight, clamping her friend’s mouth down with her arms. “It soun… ke… coup… kids,” another voice floated out, this one sounding noticeably more masculine. “Come on,” the female voice called, sounding closer and easier to understand. “Let’s go looking.” Fluttershy tried to cry something out, but Starlight’s hold made it incomprehensible. “Okay, okay,” Starlight whispered harshly, getting Fluttershy to stay quiet, “they may have found us. Find someplace to hide, I’ll ward them off.” “But what about…” “I’m still skilled enough with magic to hold my own, now go!” Without another moment’s hesitation, Fluttershy galloped off to Starlight’s right, leaving her alone. Starlight trotted to the bottom of a naturally-bumpy ramp, waiting for whatever was coming for them to appear from behind the passageway that otherwise kept their would-be assailants hidden. Two bipedal figures came out from behind, but Starlight’s eyes were closed as her horn charged a bright light from its tip and fired. > Melemele: Chapter 1 – A Kalosian Alola > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Hours Earlier... Alice Brier awoke with a slight start. The dip of the ferry as it went over the crest of the last wave certainly did it. With a strong feeling that morning was already soon coming, she sat up in her cot, waiting for the rest of her body to feel as up and ready has her mind was. Rolling over to her stomach, she rummaged through her open duffel bag until she fished out the case for her glasses. Opening it up, she grabbed them out and promptly put them on with her free hand, adjusting them with her fingers on the hinge. Tossing the covers off her chest and legs, revealing her purple shorts and white t-shirt, she sat at her bed’s edge and placed the case back in her bag without another sound. Looking down at the unoccupied cot beside hers, she let out a conclusive breath and stood up, promptly leaving her cabin. The hallway led straight to a stairway to the bow, and with a silent jog up the stairs, she found Sam sitting at the very front of the boat, head and body turned to face the direction they were headed. While Sam didn’t look too much older than his sister in looks, he showed it in his height, his lanky legs stretched out so that his butt could sit flat on his seat. His hair was a lighter shade of brown than her sister’s as well. His sleeping attire consisted of grey sweatpants and a brown t-shirt one or two sizes too big for him. Even as Alice approached him, he didn’t seem to keep his attention off the horizon masked by the dusk. “Sam!” Alice called out, just loud enough to make him jump and face his sister. “What time is it?” Sam pulled out his Pokédex, a small, square-shaped red device, from his pocket. Pulling the top half up, it expanded the holographic screen in the center to reveal a menu with several applications, but Sam’s eyes only focused on the top where the time was. “It’s about quarter to 6,” he answered. “Really? Even though we don’t reach Hau’oli for another three hours? You seriously can’t sleep in to save your life.” “And what’s your excuse? Other than being excited, of course.” “Nah, that’s pretty much it.” Alice approached her brother and took a seat on the opposite side from him. “So, are you excited too, bro?” “Well, I mean sure. I’ll probably get more excited once we get off this boat, though.” “Yeah, I miss Kalos too, but you’re right. We’ll probably forget all about it once we get settled.” “Well, that’s not true...” “I’m kidding,” she chuckled, lightly kicking his shin with her foot. “Lighten up.” Alice then noticed that Sam tucked his legs below his seat and continued watching the sea. Feeling slightly ashamed, she scooted herself to her seat’s edge and looked Sam at eye level. “Listen,” she said, “I know that I wasn’t as attached to life in Lumiose as you were, but think about all that other bullcrap you get to leave behind. You and Honedge get to start off with a clean slate here, make a whole bunch of new friends. I honestly don’t know how you can’t be more excited about this.” “Me neither,” Sam simply said. Alice was left a bit speechless, but before she could retort, another’s voice came in first. “You guys are from Lumiose City?” a young boy’s voice wondered. Sam and Alice looked to see a young boy, no older than 6, wearing a blue pajama-top with a Greninja on the chest and bottoms that mimicked the look of a Greninja’s legs. He kept his distance, but was close enough to talk to at conversational volume. “Um, yeah,” Alice perked up, “and which city are you from?” “Oh, I’m from Hau’oli,” he answered. “Me and my mom and dad were just on vacation in Cyllage City and we’re now on our way back home! Are you going on vacation too?” “Actually, no. We’re moving to Alola from Kalos. My parents ran a really successful restaurant in Lumiose, and now they want to open a restaurant in Hau’oli City.” “Wow, that’s so cool! Are either of you by chance going to do the Island Trials?” “I know I am! How ‘bout you, Sam?” A brief moment of silence occurred before Sam shot up, realizing he was being included in the conversation. “Uh… yes, yes, I am too. Brought my Honedge from home.” “Whoa, a Honedge? You must be quite a trainer to catch one of those!” “I, uh… actually…” The boy seemed perplexed by Sam’s inability to string his sentence together. “What he means to say,” Alice butted in, “is that–” “–I’ve spent most of my training in the kitchen with my parents,” Sam interrupted back. “I only started taking Pokémon training seriously about a couple of years or so before we moved. If you want someone to chew your head off about Pokémon and training them, my sister is the one to talk to.” “But…” the boy said, sounding a bit frightened, “I don’t want to get my head chewed off.” “What my brother means,” Alice huffed, before returning to her happy disposition, “is that I’m a really good trainer and know a lot of stuff. I also brought my Noibat with.” “Wow! I’ve heard those are pretty rare!” “They really are! I actually got mine before I was old enough to become a trainer!” “How’d you do that?” “Well, I was camping with the Junior Rangers, and I–” “Blake!” an older woman’s voice hissed midway in the stairwell before she stormed up to her child as fast as she could without running. She wore a single blue nightgown, and her messy hair made her look rather intimidating in the minimal light provided by the boat. “Don’t you ever leave your cabin like that this early in the morning! What were you thinking?” “It’s no problem,” Alice responded. “We were just having a nice chat.” “Well… I thank you for keeping an eye on him.” Her clutch on Blake’s arm looked noticeably tight from the kid’s face. “It’s just he should know better than running off on a boat by himself at his age.” “You know,” Sam interjected, “I’ve heard that adventurous children make for very strong Pokémon trainers. You might have a future Champion in your family, ma’am.” Blake smiled up at his mom, encouraged by this supposed fact. “Don’t encourage him!” she barked, walking her son back inside. “Come on. You should be sleeping.” “Can I just say goodbye to my new friends?” begged Blake. The mother stopped, and relinquished her grip on her son’s arm, which Blake tried to rub the sting out of. “Fine,” she said. “But if you’re not back in your room in the next minute…” The mother’s point was clearly made, as told by the child’s fearful reaction, and she turned around and returned inside. “So,” Alice said, getting Blake to face her and her brother again, “Blake’s your name?” “Yeah! What’s yours?” “I’m Alice, and this is my brother Sam.” “Cool. Nice to meet you Alice and Sam! Alola!” The kid finished his farewell by waving both hands out and down like a bow before sprinting back inside. Alice and Sam couldn’t help but grin proudly. “Alola…” Sam said to himself, mimicking the boy’s wave. “See?” Alice chided. “We haven’t even docked yet and you’re making friends.” Sam suddenly noticed the deck of the boat getting a bit lighter, and right before him to the east, the sun began to peak over the horizon. Sam and Alice followed the sunlight back to the sea still laid ahead, and were shocked to see that they were already a few-hundred yards from Ula’ula Island. “Holy crap, we’re here,” Sam giggled. “Pretty much. Bet you’re even more excited now, huh?” Alice could tell that Sam didn’t need to respond, as his face looking up at the frosted peak of Mount Lanakila was enough of an answer for her. “Anyways,” Alice said, “I’m going to shower before everyone else on this boat starts to use up all the hot water.” The sound of a refreshing shower was surprisingly enough to break Sam out of his adventure-starved trance. “Yeah, good idea.” The two hurriedly walked back inside the boat. They were still a few hours from arriving, but an early start to the day would be the best start. Sam and Alice stepped back outside outside of the boat, each one with a backpack strapped to one shoulder and a duffle bag on the other. Sam in particular also wheeled up a heavy suitcase with his free hand. He was dressed in his more casual attire, which consisted of blue shorts, a grey tee, and a light jacket of a darker shade of blue. Alice’s dress consisted of dark-grey short shorts with a red stripe going down each leg, a matching red shirt, a black vest with seafoam-green outlines, and a backwards orange-and-black cap. With Hau’oli City all but surrounding them with the ferry docked at the harbor, they were compelled to stay put and look at the skyline, only to be bumped into. “Come on, guys,” their dad said, hoisting two cases in his hand. “The sooner we get moved in, the sooner you guys can go off and have some fun.” Their dad looked to be an acceptably fit man for his age, not ripped, but showed no signs of flab either. He wore a light, breathable black polo with white-and-blue shorts with a floral design on them. Her mom followed, a large purse over her right shoulder and a large wheeled suitcase held in the other hand. Despite her sunglasses being of normal size, they looked a bit large on her smaller head, her long head of hair only adding to that effect. She had on a long-white blouse that caught the Alolan breeze and tight blue jeans. “It really is so much cooler in person,” she commented. “And I see a suntan on the beach in my future.” “That applies to us too, dear,” her husband retorted. “We’ll go and sightsee once we get unpacked.” “Yep, yep. Come on, let’s get going.” She quickly walked around him and her two kids and stepped off the boat through the ramp. It didn’t take too much longer for the three of them to follow suit. The apartment lobby looked more akin to a five-star hotel than anything. Every table contained a large vase with an even larger bouquet of flowers in it, and the polished wood floors, walls, and furnishings looked like they were cleaned just minutes before the family’s arrival. Once the Briers stepped inside through the automatic sliding doors, they didn’t even make it all the way in before receiving their first official greeting. “Alola, cousins!” the energetic-voice of a middle-aged man called out. “The name’s Kukui. I’m the Pokémon professor of this area, and I’d like to formally welcome you to the Alola region.” The four of them looked to the person that made their acquaintance: a tan older man wearing grey sweatshorts and an open lab coat, revealing his naked pecs and ab muscles. He wore a pair of plastic safety goggles fashioned with shaded lenses as well as a white cap with a four-toned rainbow on it. He also had a very drawing goatee and bun tied at the top of his neck. If he were indeed some kind of scientist, he certainly reflected the tropical atmosphere to a tee. “You must be the Briers from Kalos. Glad to finally meet you all.” “Yes,” the father said, setting his bags down and shaking the man’s hand. “I’m Benjamin, but my friends call me Benji, this is my wife Susan, and my kids Alice and Sam.” “So these are the two trainers you were talking about.” He adjusted the brim of his hat as he looked down to Sam and Alice. “And from what I already heard, you two already have your own Pokémon with you.” “Yes, sir,” Alice responded. “That’s fantastic! You’re already two steps ahead of me. Tell you what, I’d still like the two of you to come visit me at my research center. There’s a couple things I’d like to do before you go off catching Pokémon and setting off on the Island Trials. I’ll provide lunch and everything!” “That sounds great,” Sam said. “Could you tell us how to get there, we’re, eheh, still pretty new in town.” Kukui scratched the side of his jaw, processing Sam’s reply. He suddenly burst out laughing, startling him and his parents a bit. “The young man has a sense of humor! I think I like you already, Sam. We’ll be getting along just fine, I can tell.” Sam’s unease still didn’t let up as Kukui firmly patted his shoulder. “Yeah, I can tell you where to go. “Take the main coastline road to the city limits. Continue taking that road east until you hit the outskirts. There’s a small beach south of you at that point, my place is where the grass meets the sand, you can’t miss it. It’s also an hour’s walk, but I’m sure that’ll be nothing compared to the adventure you two are going on.” “Yes,” Alice interjected, “we can manage. Thank you.” “Great then! I’ll leave you to unpack now. How’s about we meet around noon?” “Sure,” Sam said, “we should be done long before then.” “Well, feel free to come over whenever you’re finished, even if it’s an hour earlier. The more time, the merrier!” “Thank you, Kukui,” Susan said with a nod so exaggerated it appeared more like a bow. “I’m certain our kids are thrilled to be in such good hands.” “And I’m thrilled to spend some two-on-one with them. I’ll leave you be now. See ya’ later, cousins!” Kukui walked around the four of them and exited the building. Once the sliding door closed on him, the four family members walked to the elevators in the very back. Twilight Sparkle sat at her crystal throne in the Castle of Friendship, monitoring the large round table that projected a map of the land of Equestria. Standing beside her were Starlight and a small, bipedal purple dragon with green spines and light-green underbelly. The map seemed normal, longer than it had been in the last half-hour or so. Suddenly, the land of Equestria fuzzied out, instead projecting the four islands of Alola in its place. Before the three of them could register that the image had changed, Equestria’s image returned on the table. “I don’t get it,” the purple alicorn spoke with incredulity. “What even are these islands? I’ve never seen them before!” “Do you think they’re somewhere off of Equestria?” the dragon asked. “I don’t think so, Spike. I don’t recall ever seeing these islands on a world map before.” “Do you think they are some lost land that disappeared long ago? Like the Crystal Empire?” “It seems reasonable. Even Celestia didn’t know much about the Crystal Empire when it returned, and I had never even heard of it.” “Maybe there’s some book about it in your library somewhere,” Spike said. “Speaking of the Crystal Empire, maybe they have a book about it somewhere in their library. Pretty much all of those books are over a thousand years old; maybe those islands existed when the Crystal Empire first did.” “That’s not a bad idea, Spike, but I don’t want to exhaust the trip all the way up there, and I’m certain no book in my library makes any kind of mention of these islands. We’ll ask the princesses about it, and see what they make of it. If they can’t help us, then we’ll turn to the Crystal Empire Library for further help.” “I think what’s more concerning,” Starlight added, “is what’s causing this in the first place. We don’t know what these islands are, where it is, or what’s even on them.” “That goes without saying, Starlight, but it would be a good idea to try and understand what we’re dealing with before we wait for something to happen. Come on, let’s contact Princess Celestia.” Twilight hopped off her throne and made her way to the massive crystal door leading her to one of the castle’s many hallways. With a magenta aura pulsing around her horn, she pushed the door open with a similarly-colored aura on both door’s handles. Starlight and Spike followed her down, unaware as Alola returned on the table, this time staying there. Kukui flipped through his journal, leaning back in his chair with his feet on the desk. Four quick knocks on the front door broke him from his concentration. Flicking the book onto his desk, he looked to the clock on the wall past a tall aquarium tank where three heart-shaped fish swam contently, and smiled warmly to see it read a quarter to 11. Putting his chair upright and setting his feet down, he walked to the door and opened it, not the least bit surprised looking to see Alice and Sam standing together. “You guys are even earlier than we expected,” Kukui greeted. “Welcome!” “We’re quick walkers,” Alice explained. “And eager. Please, come in, come in!” Kukui stepped aside and motioned them in with an outstretched arm. As Sam and Alice stepped inside, they were suddenly caught off guard as a light brown puppy with a fluffy white tail and rocky white collar and a pink dog-like creature wearing a gown raced just in front of their feet, nearly tripping Sam. Kuikui couldn’t help but laugh. “Pardon my guests,” Kukui continued to chuckle. “We house quite a few Pokémon here.” “Now,” Sam said, looking about for any other possible intruders, “when you said ‘we’ just now, who were you–” “Are they here?” a young man, just older than his teens questioned, his head popping out from the basement stairwell. Upon noticing Sam and Alice, he stepped out in full view of them. His skin had a light-brown color, and his green hair so dark that it could pass for black was tied in the back into a spiky bun, with two bangs draping down between his eyes and ears. Beneath his traditional orange jacket with floral design, he wore a black cheongsam-style shirt with white trimming on the collar and bottom. He wore very large white shorts tied together with an orange sash and the cuffs clinging snugly to his upper shins, as well as orange sandals. He looked about as authentic of an Alolan native as one could be. “So these are the two trainers you were telling me about?” the young man asked Kukui. “The very same. Alice, Sam, I’d like you to meet a close friend of mine, as well as the Kahuna for Melemele Island, Hau.” Hau approached the two trainers, facing Sam first, and with a wind of his arm, he clasped Sam’s hand with such vigor that had he not held on, Sam might have fallen over. “A real pleasure to meet you guys!” Hau said, shaking his hand. “I’m always looking forward to meeting new trainers!” Once Hau let go, Sam tried to hide his motions as he rotated his wrist and squeezed his fist, unsure if Hau actually hurt him. Alice, on the other hand, was able to catch Hau’s hand and keep a firm grasp as he shook hers. “So you guys came all the way from Kalos, huh?” he continued asking. “I’ve heard a ton of cool things about that place. You two do any of those Mega Evolutions that they’re so famous for?” “No,” Sam answered as Hau stopped, “we don’t have the Mega Stones or bracelets to do that, but I hear that trainers on Alola use Z-Moves.” “That’s right.” Hau then held up his left wrist, which sported a smooth white bracelet seemingly made of stone. With the way the face was designed, the diamond-shaped slot in the center and the spots of black in it made the white spots form a Z. “This bad boy is what you need to summon your Z-Power so your Pokémon can use Z-Moves.” “That’s really neat looking,” Alice commented, leaning in close for a look. “Is that why we’re here? To get one of those?” “Sorry to suddenly be a disappointment,” Kukui said, walking up to them, “but only certain trainers get to use a Z-Ring and use Z-Moves. Hau got his because his grandfather Hala was the Kahuna before him.” At that, Hau’s almost inextinguishable joy seemed to flicker out and he faced away from them, telling Sam and Alice all they needed to know. “It seemed even the guardian deity knew that I was destined to take his place once he left us.” “I’m…” Alice said, “I’m very sorry about that, Hau.” “Guardian deity?” Sam meant to say to himself. Despite his attempts to keep his thoughts in his head, Hau turned back, and like a switch, returned to his happy demeanor. “Oh yeah, Tapu Koko! He’s one of four Pokémon who guard and bring prosperity to the islands. There’s one on each island, and as such, there are three other Kahunas on the other islands. Very few trainers have actually encountered him before, but those that have… I can imagine the chicken-skin they must have gotten.” “I’m guessing he’s pretty powerful,” Alice said. “And how. You can’t protect an entire island and its inhabitants by being a pushover, you know.” “And what does the Kahuna do then, exactly?” Sam came in. “I don’t mean to be rude or nothing. I’m just trying to learn more about this place and get a lay of the land, per se.” “No offense taken there, Sam. Along with tending to the ruins where the guardian deity lives and picking and choosing the trial captains, we’re also the ones you face in a Pokémon battle for the island’s Grand Trial. Speaking of…” Hau reached into both of his pockets on his jacket, and from each one, he pulled out a small crescent-shaped pendant with triangular yellow, red, pink, and purple stones on it, which hung from beaded leather strings kept looped through a screw tie. “If you’re planning on taking on the Island Challenge, you’ll need these amulets to participate. You can just hang them from your backpacks, and as long as the trial captains see them, you can complete their trials.” “Oh,” Sam calmly exclaimed as he took one of them. “Thank you.” “And with that,” Alice said, grabbing hers, “I’m officially an Island Challenger.” “Normally, I’d say you’d still need a starter Pokémon so you won’t have to take the challenge by your lonesome, but Kukui tells me that you already have a Pokémon. Can I see them? I’d really like to!” “Of course,” Sam said, removing the Poké Ball fastened to his belt. Sam followed suit, and the two of them gently lobbed their balls to the floor. Upon impact, they opened up with white energy inside them shooting out. From Sam’s Poké Ball, the light formed and faded away to reveal a two-foot silver sword floating beside its trainer with a narrow blue eye in the center of its golden hilt. The blue cloth attached to the bottom of the pommel held the sheath that looked to be made of a worn, faded bronze. From Alice’s Poké Ball formed and emerged a small purple bat-like creature with golden eyes and a fuzzy black chest and thighs. Its darker-purple ears were each roughly the same size as its head. Rather than flutter in place, it chose to perch itself on Alice’s shoulder. “Wowee!” Hau laughed. “Those are so awesome! Kukui, you know what those are right?” “Yep. Sam has a Honedge, and Alice’s Pokémon is a Noibat.” “Thanks. I actually didn’t know.” “Actually, there is one piece of business I’d like to start off before we go any further. You brought your Pokédexes with you, right?” Without another word, Sam and Alice fished them out of their pockets, and placed them both into Kukui’s open hand. “Your Pokédexes haven’t been updated to include the new Pokémon you’ll no doubt meet on your journey. I’ll take them into my lab and fix that, though it may take an hour or so until the updates are complete.” “And what will we do in the meantime?” Sam asked. “Well, since the gang’s all here, how’s about we have lunch?” Sam suddenly remembered the offer made at their apartment. “Oh yeah. Not to be picky, but what’s being served?” “Well,” Hau said, “you’ve probably never experienced true Alolan cuisine on Kalos before, so we’ve got spicy pulled chicken on sweet buns warming in the kitchen. How’s that sound?” “Wonderful, actually.” “Great then,” Kukui replied. “Just let me get these updates running and Hau, can you help Alice and Sam make their plates while I’m down?” “Sure thing, Kukui!” he responded. Kukui took long strides to the stairwell and lightly ran down them. “Come on,” Hau encouraged. “Let’s dig in.” Sam and Alice followed Hau into the kitchen and dining area which was only a little bit up and to the left of the doorway. Alice and Sam were already stunned by the spread that was left for them: the buns already sliced and ready for stacking, bowls of coleslaw and sliced pickles, baked beans in a pan on the stove next to the pot of simmering chicken, and a large pitcher of lemonade and a basket of sweet potato fries with some kind of dipping sauce beside it. In this moment, Alice and Sam entirely felt like Alola had become their new home. > Chapter 2 – Company Kept > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Aether Paradise, Sun and Lusamine looked at Equestria’s solar system through the large pool in their lab, which was conjured up by Solgaleo and Lunala. “When should we go and explore it?” Lusamine asked. “I want Solgaleo and Lunala to try and pinpoint this solar system’s location,” he explained. “Our progress already gets set back every time one of them tires out, and then we essentially have to start from scratch again.” “But we’ve gotten so close this time,” Lusamine said. “Surely an extra ten minutes looking for it again won’t make a difference.” “That’s ten minutes we lose getting to explore the solar system in depth. Lusamine, I know how much this stuff excites you, but I want to make the best use of our time, and most importantly, Solgaleo and Lunala’s energy.” Solgaleo let out a tired whine, followed by another from Lunala. Lusamine and Sun looked in each other’s eyes; a point had been made. “I understand,” she said. “They can rest for today.” “Thank you.” Lusamine left, leaving Sun on his own with the two beasts. “Solgaleo! Lunala! You can stop now!” The entire image of the solar system and the space around it began to glow until it became the milky-blue surface which soon after dissolved into clear water. “Jets off,” Sun ordered further. The whir of the machinery wound down, as did the water in the pool, and Lunala and Solgaleo let out a big stretch and removed the electrodes from their heads with their psychic abilities, fully out of their astral trance. Sun approached Solgaleo and gently laid his hand on its shoulder. “We’re getting closer there, pal. Soon we’ll get to see what’s in there for real. Sound exciting?” Solgaleo purred as it rubbed its metallic mane into the side of Sun’s head. Sun took its Poké Ball from his pocket and aimed the center at the Pokémon. “Atta boy,” he cooed as he returned Solgaleo inside of it. Lunala floated up to Sun, the two looking at each other from their respective heights. “You’re doing good too, Lunala. I’m certain we’ll get there sooner than later.” Lunala nodded in agreement as Sun took out a second Poké Ball and returned it inside. Sun walked up to Wicke who stood by her computer and handed her the two Poké Balls. Past Wicke’s head, he glanced at Lusamine standing at the balcony. Returning his focus to Wicke, he released his grip of the two Poké Balls into hers. “Get them to Lillie right away for a small nap,” he said. “I want to see if they’ll be ready for another go later today.” “Do you think that’s a good idea?” she responded. “They’ve already done so much today.” “I know. We’ll see how they feel in a few hours. If they’re not up to it, it can wait until morning.” Stepping back, he turned around and walked back towards the pool. Wicke made her way towards the lift, watching as Sun circled the outer edge of the pool, inspecting the waves that still sloshed inside the water. Twilight and Spike stood before their round table with the two Equestrian princesses, Celestia and Luna on either side of them. Celestia’s mane was long, striped with hot-pink, lime-green, light-purple, and cerulean that seemed to blow in a non-existent wind, while Luna, who appeared only a bit bigger than Twilight, had a coat of dark blue, while her mane was a sparkling deep-sapphire color that moved like the other’s. Both of their regal jewelry, a tiara and broad collars each, matched the marks on their rumps. For Celestia, whose mark depicted a large sun, her jewelry was made of gold, and for Luna, which appeared as a black splotch with a white crescent moon, hers was black as obsidian. Much to Twilight’s dismay and embarrassment, the Equestrian map on the table appeared to be normal. The other two alicorns also looked disappointed, but more at the lack of any phenomena than with her. “And you said there were four islands?” Luna asked. “I’m certain there were,” she replied. “I just don’t understand why it decides not to happen when you two show up.” “You shouldn’t have to worry about us not believing you, Twilight,” assured Celestia. “I can’t see any reason for you to lie about this. Now, how long has this been happening?” “About a week. It started off where the islands appeared for only a second, and then disappeared, and I thought nothing of it, but recently, it’s been getting to the point where it will stay up for nearly an hour. I’ve done as much research as I could about these islands, but not a single book or scroll in my library makes any kind of reference to them. My next step was to see if anything existed at the Crystal Empire Library, but I wanted to ask you first about any knowledge of the islands before I have to take such a long trip out. “Unfortunately,” Luna said, “we haven’t been able to see these islands for ourselves, so we really can’t know if they look familiar unless we see them ourselves.” “Here!” Spike said, producing a rolled up paper in his hand. “Twilight drew those yesterday when the islands were there. The sketches are a little rough. No offense, Twilight.” “None taken,” she casually said. “But I suppose it’s better than nothing.” Celestia unrolled and levitated the image for her and Luna to see. The drawings weren’t too terrible; the outlines were pretty well rendered, but there was very little in topographical details to be seen. It didn’t take either of them long to come to a conclusion. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” Celestia said, “but I’m afraid I’ve never seen these islands in my life.” “Neither have I,” Luna added. “Though, perhaps the Crystal Empire Library would be a good next step. Considering that most books in there are from before when the city vanished, the islands might be more familiar to them. How soon do you plan to take a train there?” “I actually wasn’t. Starlight also expressed concern that whatever this island is, or whatever’s on it, could be a threat to Equestria. I’d rather I’d be here with my friends should something bad happen and we need to face it. I’ll send Cadance or Sunburst to find as many books about the islands as possible and bring them to me.” “If anything does happen,” Celestia said, “please do write to us, and we’ll be there as fast as we possibly can.” “Thank you, Princesses,” Twilight said with nod of her head. The two alicorns nodded as well before turning and walking out into the chambers. Twilight went over to her throne and sat at it, watching the map intently. “Spike,” she said to her draconic assistant, “please bring me some paper, some ink, and a quill.” “Yes, Twilight,” he replied, running off. Twilight didn’t even look to him, only kept her eyes firmly at the center of the table. Sun threw his lab coat off behind him and tossed it onto his bed, revealing a light-grey t-shirt and a pair of white pants with two large pockets on each thigh. Kicking his boots off, he was finally able to shed himself of his shirt and his pants and stretch his body. Though he hadn’t been out training for over five years, Sun still looked remarkably fit. Standing there naked save for his socks and black underwear, he could have lived a comfortable alternative life as a model, at least, according to the young woman standing in the doorway. Sun turned around to see Lillie standing stiff as a board, blushing profusely. “Ahaha, Lillie,” Sun nervously stammered as he grabbed his lab coat and wrapped it around his waist like a towel. “What– Why– How–” “The…” she tried to say, stepping inside, “door was left open. You should try and be more mindful of that when you change.” “I mean,” he said, having calmed himself, but still catching his breath, “what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be monitoring Solgaleo and Lunala?” “Wicke said she could look after them for me and gave me a break.” “Oh, I see.” Sun walked to his dresser and pulled out the center drawer, which was filled halfway with breathable athletic shirts and nylon shorts. “I was just going to the gym to work out. How long was your break?” “Listen,” Lillie said as Sun fished out a dark blue shirt near the bottom of the stack, “I heard Wicke saying when she came down with the two that she hoped they’d be ready for another excursion tonight sometime.” “I also told her that if they weren’t up to it, we could wait until tomorrow.” Sun slipped the shirt on, and it fit a little snugly. “Then again, if Solgaleo and Lunala are really are up to it, I want them to at least practice starting our excursions beneath that solar system so we don’t waste anymore of their energy trying to find it again.” “That’s fine,” Lillie said, “but after what I saw my mother turn into when we were children, it’s just that I don’t want that happening to you, her again, or anyone else, for that matter.” Sun grabbed his shorts, but stayed still as she continued talking. “With mother, it started off with a couple of extra experiments to staying up late at night to missing some nights entirely.” “Lillie, are you–” “No, I’m not implying you’re turning into my mother from back then. We’ve never done two excursions in a day before, and I just want to be sure that Solgaleo and Lunala don’t get hurt by what we’re doing.” Understanding her view, Sun put his shorts on with the lab coat still tied at the waist. Untying the sleeves and letting it drop to the floor, he pulled his shorts all the way up. “Your mother’s obsession with the Ultra Beasts is still something I don’t like to remember. I don’t think I could continue working with the Aether Foundation if I knew I was hurting Solgaleo and Lunala in any way to do all this. I know how special they are you, and they mean the world to me too. They’ve grown so much stronger since they helped us save your mom and seal the Ultra Wormholes she opened. You’ve grown much stronger too, you and your Z-Powered form.” Lillie, a subtle grimace on her face, took her eyes off of Sun and ran her fingers over her hair above the right ear. She knew she was meant to be flattered, but she wasn’t sure how well Sun meant by saying that. “Tell you what,” Sun added, stepping closer to her, “when Solgaleo and Lunala wake up from their nap, I’ll let you make the decision of what we do tonight. They are as much your friends as they are mine, and you have every right to determine what’s right for them as I do. Just say the word, and I’ll either let it happen or not.” Lillie, now looking up at Sun, smiled with assurance. Leaning into him, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head into his chest. “Thank you, Sun. I also want you to know that I’m just as excited to see what’s out there as you are, but if we need to, we can wait one more day. We have all the time in the world.” “Yes,” he responded, returning the embrace and rocking side to side with her. “All the time in the world.” Sun then surprised Lillie by taking her hand and transitioning her into a dance. The two looked into each other’s eyes, almost as if asking each other how after all this time and all that they’ve done and been through, they could still be so lucky to end up together in this moment. “I need you to let me go now,” Lillie whispered. “Huh?” “I need to get changed into my work-out clothes.” Sun smiled a happy, toothy grin as he slowly twirled Lillie around and let her go. “I’ll see you down there.” He stopped midway through the doorway, turning his head to see Lillie taking her lab coat off. Once she took off her blouse, the only other thing keeping her torso clothed being her bra, he suddenly sensed someone watching her, and she turned to ensure the door was closed herself. She smiled to see both the door closed and Sun no longer there, providing her with greater security to take off her boots and pants. Sam took the pitcher from the table and filled as much of his glass with the remainder of the lemonade inside as possible, getting it just below halfway. His Honedge floated beside him trying to rub the bits of sauce from the chicken still caked on its cloth limb on its blade. Alice cradled her Noibat with her left arm, who appeared to be still with a smiling mouth and a full tummy. “So,” Kukui said, leaning back in his chair, “how did you like your first taste of Alolan fare?” “Everything was delicious,” Sam said before taking a gulp of his refill. “So good!” agreed Alice. “That’s good,” replied Hau. “It seems your Pokémon enjoyed the meal.” Noibat let out a loud sigh to affirm him and Honedge nodded, swinging its entire body to do so. “To be fair,” Alice added, “free meals are always enjoyable.” Kukui laughed, requiring him to adjust his balance on his seat. “Can’t argue with that logic. Wait here, your Pokédexes should be done about now.” Kukui tilted forward in his chair and stood up, walking from the dining room and disappearing to the left. “So,” began Hau, “what are your plans? You going to start the Island Trials right away, or are you going to go out and catch some new Pokémon?” “Well,” Alice answered, “we only have our Pokémon here with us, and I don’t think it would be the best of ideas to walk in and do our trials without having a couple extra friends at our side.” “Makes sense. Normally, we also send some of the newer trainers to go to the school just east of Hau’oli to get a few pointers, but considering your guys’ age, I don’t see what help that would do you. Pretty much once Kukui gets your Pokédexes ready, you’ll be set go.” “Well,” Sam said, “I’d feel pretty guilty about not helping you guys clean up.” “Don’t worry about,” Kukui responded behind them. “You two just go off and do your thing.” Sam and Alice turned around to see Kukui with both of their Pokédexes pinched in between his fingers. He approached them and handed both of them to their owners. “So now those things will identify all the new Pokémon and Alolan forms that you’ll come across.” “Very nice,” Alice replied, browsing through hers to see several dozen empty slots at the back end of her list. “I also went through the trouble of downloading the Alolan map onto there so you don’t get yourselves lost. I’m certain you won’t need it to get back home, but once you go a bit north of here or start exploring the other islands, it may come in handy.” “Thank you very much,” Sam said, standing out of his seat. “Are you sure there isn’t anything for me to do before we go?” “Come on!” Alice exclaimed, standing up, shocking Noibat into flying out of her arms and perching on her shoulder again. “Kukui said he’d handle it! Let’s get this started!” Noibat excitedly seconded her notion with a stretch of its wings and a screech. “It’s quite alright, Sam.” Kukui already began clearing the plates from the table. “I didn’t invite you into my home to clean; I just wanted to make sure you and your sister were all ready for your journey. Now that you are, you’re both free to go.” “If that’s the way you feel,” Sam breathed, “I’ll just thank you and Hau for the meal.” Sam approached the professor with an outstretched hand, which took Kukui off guard, making him quickly put the dishes in the sink. With his hands free, Kukui and Sam shared a firm handshake. “Good luck to the two of you,” bid Kukui. “I look forward to seeing how far you come.” Alice came beside her brother and took Kukui’s hand. “And to you too. You have some good Pokémon on you.” “Sure do,” she responded, nuzzling her head into Noibat’s. Sam and Honedge turned and looked at each other. Sam smiled, knowing that if Honedge had a mouth, it’d be smiling too. “I look forward to our Grand Trial battle too,” Hau spoke up. The two trainers turned and faced him, and he pointed his thumb at himself. “I’ll be right after Ilima’s trial, so I won’t have to wait too long.” “I’m certain you won’t,” Alice assured him. The two clasped hands and brought their chests together, slapping each other’s backs for good measure. Sam approached them, and offered his hand firmly, prepared to meet Hau’s again. “Oh no, you don’t,” grunted the grinning Hau, wrapping his arms around Sam’s lower back and lifting him in the air. With Hau being at least three inches shorter than him, it didn’t take long for Hau to set Sam back down, just in time for the surprise to kick in. “Well, this is where I see you off,” Kukui called out, holding the front door open. “Hope to see you again!” “Thank you again,” Alice replied, stepping outside with her Noibat flying out behind her. “Yes, thanks,” Sam simply said as he waved to Kukui on his way out with Honedge. Once Sam heard the door close behind him, he took out his Pokédex and checked the time: 12:20. “Wow,” he said, seemingly to himself, “we were in there for that long?” “It’s almost as if you were enjoying their company,” teased Alice. “I did, actually.” Sam’s smile grew a little bit each moment. “They’re a cool bunch, and Kukui really knows how to cook.” “Well, I’m sure glad that’s the most important thing you got out of it.” “Hey, I can’t knock someone who takes the time to make such a big lunch like that. And like you said, I did enjoy their company. Truth be told, even a perfect meal ends after the last bite.” Alice giggled and backhanded her brother’s chest. “See? I told you Alola would be the best. Only one way to make it better.” Before Sam could answer, Alice began sprinting out back towards Hau’oli City, her Noibat trailing quite close behind. “Alice, wait!” he shouted out. “Don’t overdo it!” Sam took off after Alice, his Honedge keeping the same distance from him the entire time as if its mind was synched to his. Within half a minute, both of them had already disappeared down the road. > Chapter 3 – Seize the Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tall grass sounded like Pokémon rustling around them. That was the effect Alice was going for, hoping that she could get one to appear without scaring it away. Her hand hovered over Noibat’s Poké Ball on her waist, waiting for the opportune moment. Though it seemed improbable that wild Pokémon would inhabit the grounds of such a large city like Hau’oli, the locals promised there were many to be found. Come on, Alice imagined herself cooing. Something has to be around here. Alice took two more steps before the grass in front of her started shaking like crazy. Her eyes followed the parting grass as the creature looked to run off. When it turned around and faced Alice with a clear intent to fight, Alice could not be more pleased. A sizable yellow rodent with a pointed lightning-bolt shaped tail, brown fur at the base and two small stripes on the back. “No way,” Alice whispered, “a Pikachu!” Its red cheeks sparked with electricity as a means of giving Alice a last chance to turn back. “Oh no,” she whispered with purpose. “You’re mine. Go, Noibat!” Alice clasped the Poke Ball and flicked it out, releasing Noibat from inside of it. Noibat threw its wings up and shouted out, happy to be let out for a real battle. The rodent looked up at Alice’s companion with a sense of mystification and disbelief. “Let’s show him what we’re made of. Now, use Supersonic!” Tightening its focus, rings of sonic energy shot out of Noibat’s ear’s, but the Pikachu, almost deeming it child’s play, grinned and sped off at its adversary. It leapt up and collided its head into Noibat’s stomach, forcing it back with a painful warble. “Noibat, you alright?” Noibat growled at the Pikachu and returned to its intensive demeanor. “Maybe we gotta’ rough it up a bit. Use Aerial Ace!” With a lift up from a single wingbeat, Noibat swooped down onto the Pikachu. It tried to run away, but Noibat was able to take a slash at it with the bar of its wing, tripping its prey up. With a scowl, Pikachu charged its cheeks and shot a stream of electricity at Noibat, hitting it dead on. When the attack ended, Noibat flapped its wings faster, shaking the tingle still left there. “Now that you know what you’re dealing with, use Bite!” Noibat hovered over Pikachu, and after sensing its next move, Noibat dove down. Pikachu tried to run and dodge, but Noibat had predicted its moves, and landing on it, Noibat clamped down on the Pikachu’s side. The Pikachu let out a loud shriek of pain, and Noibat would have continued had it not been for the sudden sensation of immobility it was feeling. The rodent then freed itself from Noibat’s maw and smacked it in the face with its tail. “A Static ability?” Noibat struggled to get up, and its mouth was paralyzed open, which appeared to have a comical and moralizing effect on the Pikachu. Rearing its body back, Pikachu charged straight at Noibat, confident it wouldn’t dodge. “Wait for it,” commanded Alice. “Now, use Supersonic again!” There was no time for the Pikachu to react. With Pikachu about to be point blank in Noibat’s face, another wave of pulsing rings from Noibat’s ears hit Pikachu, throwing its balance off. With the world around it spinning, Pikachu veered out of Noibat’s way and crashed into a red gate surrounding the grassy area. Alice picked up her Noibat and walked over to where Pikachu ended up. Alice seemed please to see that it wasn’t quite fainted yet, but given its lazy, on-its-back position, it didn’t look to want to fight anymore. “Okay,” Alice said, fishing a Poké Ball out of her bag, “I think you passed the audition.” Lobbing the Poké Ball out, it hit the Pikachu’s exposed belly, opening up the ball and sucking up the red energy it had been converted into. Once the ball closed and landed on the floor, Alice kept her eye on it, watching as the red light on the center button stayed lit while it made the occasional jiggle. The fifth jiggle looked weak, and once it had settled down, the light faded down and the Poké Ball clicked, a few starry sparks popping from the button. Alice let the moment sink in for a second before she picked up her ball and looked at it. “Welcome to the family,” she said to the Pikachu inside before she hooked its Poké Ball onto her belt. “Come on, Noibat, let’s get you to a Center.” The Noibat gurgled in response, still unable to close its mouth. The sliding doors opened to the large red building of the Pokémon Center and Mart in the city’s shopping district, allowing Alice and Noibat to enter. They made their way to a nurse with pink hair and a lighter-pink coat at the center. The nurse saw the Noibat and straightened herself to attention. “Oh my,” she said with sympathy, “the poor thing looks paralyzed.” “Well,” Alice said, “she helped me catch wild Pikachu.” Noibat nodded and lazily sounded out to affirm this. The nurse seemed charmed that the Noibat was clearly quite chipper despite its situation. “Well, if I could just have it in its Poké Ball,” she instructed, “I can also heal it and the Pikachu you caught.” “Certainly.” Alice detached both Poké Balls from her belt and placed the slightly heavier one on the table, taking the other and returning her Noibat inside of it. She then placed the Poké Ball on the counter beside Pikachu’s ball. “Thank you,” the nurse said. “Your Pokémon should be all ready in a few minutes. Feel free to visit the Poké Mart or café while you wait.” “Thank you.” Alice took a left towards the café, seeing the elderly male barista already seeing his next customer coming in. “Hello, young lady,” he said before she finally reached the counter, “What can I get started for you today?” “I think I’ll just have a glass of Moomoo Milk, please.” “That will be ¥198. Is that all right?” “Sure thing.” Alice fished a couple of folded ¥100 notes from her pocket and handed them to the barista. The man smiled as he put the bills inside his register. “Got it. If you could just give me a moment…” The man pulled out a 12oz glass from beneath the counter and then went behind him to the small fridge on the floor, pulling out a half-gallon glass jug of pure white milk. With a pop of a lid and a steady pour, Alice’s drink was ready. “Here you are. One Moomoo Milk, just for you.” “Thank you so much,” Alice responded, taking the glass and turning to take a seat. “When you get my age, it really makes you think about things. They say time is money, but time itself is actually really important. I mean, you can never buy more time for yourself with money, right?” “I heard that…” Alice took a small sip and savored the flavor as she humored the man’s musings. “The present is the present. Once it’s gone there’s no getting it back.” “I know what you mean, sir. Carpe diem all the way.” “Yes, indeed. Here, have a tea biscuit on us. These are popular in Lumiose City in the Kalos region.” Alice’s eyes widened as the man handed her a round cookie-like sweet. “I take it you’re a fan of Lumiose Galettes?” “Yes, I love these things. I always hated waiting in line for them and then once I ate one, I realized it was worth the wait.” “So you’re from Lumiose City then?” “Well, was. Our family actually just moved here from Kalos this morning.” “Well, then. Even if I’m not the first to, let me welcome you with a nice hearty ‘Alola.’ Don’t get too homesick now. There’s no real cure for that but time, and as you know–” “Time is money, yes, and I intend to make every second here count.” “That’s wonderful to hear. Now, before I make your milk get any warmer, please take these, on the house.” The man reached down and scooped something from under the counter, and putting a coffee cup on the counter, Alice looked in to see about a dozen blue, heart-shaped beans with hard, glossy shells. “Pokébeans are a specialty here. Pokémon go nuts over them. Be sure to feed them to your Pokémon to get them to like you more.” “Thank you so much, sir.” Alice took the coffee cup in her free hand and began to turn to find a table. “Feel free to visit again!” Her eyes went to the window seats, and she was half-surprised to see Sam there with a cup of still-steaming tea, sitting across from his Honedge, with an extra cup with his own Pokébeans on the table next to his tea. Alice grinned and walked over to their table, headed for the seat Honedge hovered above. “Excuse me, sir!” Alice exclaimed to the Pokémon. “Might I borrow your chair?” Honedge expressionlessly hovered to the other corner of the table to allow its trainer’s sister to sit. “Oh, why thank you.” Alice plopped herself down, looking at Sam, who looked as cool as he could have with the people inside the building now staring at them. “So,” Sam said, “your catching going well?” “Well, you’re sitting here having some tea, and I just caught myself a Pikachu. But I’m guessing that you managed to catch every Pokémon on Alola early and decided to treat yourself to celebrate, am I right, or am I right?” “Actually,” he groaned, “I also came across a Pikachu, but I completely forgot that I hadn’t brought or bought any Poké Balls before we set out, so I had to scamper off with my tail between my legs, came in here, got some Poké Balls, some potions, and a couple other things as well, and decided to have a tea. Hey, were are your Pokémon?” “They’re at the center getting healed up. The Pikachu’s Static paralyzed my poor Noibat, and Noibat really roughed up my poor Pikachu, and I’m having a milk while I wait.” “Fascinating. Call it sour grapes, but I’m not finding a lot that I want to catch over here. Maybe I’ll have a bit of better luck on the north side of the island.” “Yeah, maybe. Well, we have a few more hours until dinner. Give it some more time.” “Yeah. Yeah sure.” “Ma’am?” the nurse at the center counter called. Alice turned her head and saw the nurse waving her down, a tray with six spherical slots on the counter with two Poké Balls in it. “Your Pokémon are all good to go.” “Oh, hold on.” Alice pulled back her chair and jogged over to the counter, picking up the two balls in her hand. “Thanks a bunch.” The nurse bowed to her in a show of appreciation. Alice attached Noibat’s ball to her belt and tossed Pikachu’s out, releasing it from inside. The Pikachu inside looked a bit bewildered by its suddenly strange surroundings, but once Alice knelt as far down to its level as she could, the Pikachu’s eyes locked on to her. “Hey there, little guy,” she cooed. “My name’s Alice.” Alice reached over and scratched gently behind the Pikachu’s ears. The sensation of being handled was at first a bit unnerving, as told by the slight spark in its cheeks, but it eventually mellowed out and rested its head in her hand. “Hey,” she quickly said to Sam, “pardon my reach, I just need to borrow some…” She blindly searched the table with her free hand until she found Sam’s cup of Pokébeans and grabbed a handful. “Hey, that’s my–!” Sam spat out before stopping himself. As Alice took the hand petting the Pikachu off of it, she placed one Pokébean onto her palm. Sam took a handful of beans from Alice’s cup and spilled his onto the table, counting to make sure his dozen was replaced. Alice’s Pikachu sniffed the bean tentatively, and then took a nibble. After a second of registering the taste, the rodent’s expression perked up even further, taking the rest of the bean in its mouth. “Oh, you like that,” encouraged Alice, putting two more beans in her hand. “Here, have a couple more.” Pikachu took two more beans from Alice’s other hand and munched them both. Once it had swallowed, it squealed with unbridled joy and hopped in her arms. Alice stood up with the Pikachu that she was now cradling, grabbing her milk and taking a few gulps. “You can have the rest.” Pikachu took the glass and tilted it up, getting the last few chugs before emptying it. Alice took the glass and placed it back on the table before she scooped the Pokébeans from her cup and put them in her vest pocket. “Heading back out?” Sam asked. “Yeah. I suggest you do to. If nothing else, sharpen up your Honedge a bit.” The golden lid of Honedge’s eye lowered, showing its dissatisfaction with her pun. “I’ll be taking Pikachu out for a bit. See you at home.” Alice walked outside with Pikachu in tow, and it let out a joyous cry, happy to venture out into the world with its new trainer. Sam looked down into his half-drunken mug, and there were still a few wisps of steam coming off the surface. With a determined frown, he downed the rest of his tea in a single gulp, coughing from the heat. Honedge approached him, but Sam put his hand up. “I’m alright,” he said. “Come on. Alice did have a point there.” Putting his beans into a side pocket in his shorts, he wiped down the table with his napkin and took off. Sun put his lab coat back on, cracking his neck with a couple of twists for good measure. Now that he was refreshed from his workout, he made his way outside his room and back to the research facility. There wasn’t going to be much to do but prepare for the next day’s excursion, but it was work that was better done now than later. As he made his way to the lift, he felt a vibration in his breast pocket and the screen glowing brightly blue. Stopping, he pulled a small screened device from it and saw the caller ID was coming from Lillie. Pressing the “Answer” button, the top edge of the device went bright before a holographic screen projected above it, revealing Lillie inside of a large room with several climbing structures, balls, and other oversized toys. “Lillie,” he addressed. “What is it?” “Sun!” she said excitedly. “Look!” Lillie stepped out of the camera’s way and revealed Solgaleo hopping around, full of energy as if it had finished sleeping for days on end, and in the air, just below an atrium high above, Lunala twirled around. Sun himself could hardly believe it. “Wait,” he asked. “What’s going on with them?” “Solgaleo and Lunala seem to be really rejuvenated from their nap. I wasn’t too sure about it, but I asked them if they really wanted to do another excursion today, and they actually looked really eager to.” “Wha… really? I mean, that sounds great, but I was thinking of our conversation just then, and I’m just wondering if another excursion really is such a good idea.” Lillie, returning to the camera, met Sun again with a pout. “Come on, Sun. You said I could call the shots on this one, and I don’t just think they’re able to do another excursion today, but they want to. In fact, I know this. So, if they want to do another excursion, than so do I.” Sun was torn between his heart and his mind, but with an almost subconscious effort, he blurted out, “Then we shall. I’ll go let Lusamine know and get everything set up.” “Thank you, Sun! I’m sure it will be a great one! You don’t think Lusamine will let me join in on this one, do you?” “I’m sure she’d be more than happy to, especially since we might be able to find something in that system we found. I’ll let you know when we can bring them up. Just be sure to wind them down so they don’t crash on us before then.” “Sure thing!” She gave a kiss into the camera before she shut the feed off. Even though she wouldn’t see, Sun felt compelled to softly blow a kiss to the holographic screen as it faded out. Any and all fears of upcoming failure were behind him, especially with Lillie’s blessing. Sun put the device back in his pocket, and without a second left to lose, he jogged up to the lift with a new purpose set for the day. > Chapter 4 – Pull > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight continued staring at the table as she had done since she last talked with the princesses. The four islands had not appeared since then either, making her all the more anxious and worried. She also felt herself nodding off at times, but she was sure to get up and walk a lap or two around the table to keep her body up as well. She didn’t expect anyone to assist her in such a monotonous task, but if she sensed something wrong, she made sure the princesses would know right away. *KULUHHH* The door to the room opened up, jolting Twilight awake. She looked back to the map to see Equestria still there; nothing changed. “Uh,” a voice with a southern accent said to her left, “we’re over here, sugar.” Twilight turned to see six other ponies standing there, a light-blue pegasus with a chopped rainbow-colored mane and tail among them carrying two large paper bags in her arms, small stains of grease covering the bag. Twilight, breathed a sigh of relief, actually relieved to see her friends at this moment. “Sorry, Twilight,” said Starlight, “we know you’re busy checking the Cutie Map, we just thought you’d need some company.” “And we also brought some grub!” The rainbow pony lifted the bags up in the air, and Twilight could smell the wafting aroma of pan-fried hay, ketchup and onion. It was more than enough to alleviate her feelings of burden for a while. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash, you can go ahead and spread the food out if you want. Come to think of it, I actually am quite hungry.” “Then let’s get to it,” the southern pony responded. Her coat was a light orange with her mane and tail tied at the tips into ponytails. She also sported a brown Stetson hat atop her head. “Rarity, help Rainbow Dash pass the hayburgers.” “Of course, darling!” she replied with an English accent. With her magic, the white unicorn with the curled purple mane and tail called Rarity took one bag from Rainbow Dash’s grasp, pulling out four paper-wrapped burgers and a set of plastic silverware from it. Setting one burger and the silverware down at her spot, Rarity sat at one of the six thrones, the markings on the top of the backrest being identical as her flank: three blue gems. She set down a burger before Fluttershy’s seat, whose three-butterfly insignia matched Fluttershy’s. Hopping up into her seat, which was marked with two blue balloons with a blue one in-between them, was a pink pony with a pink, frizzled mane, right as her burger was set for her. “Thank you, Rarity!” she exclaimed with a voice as squeaky as the balloons marked on her body. “You’re most welcome, Pinkie Pie.” As Pinkie Pie already began digging into hers, wrapper and all, Rarity then set her last burger at the orange pony’s spot on the table, the back of the seat, like her rump, adorned with three red apples. “Applejack,” she addressed as they both took their seats, “that one has barbecue sauce, I trust?” Applejack unwrapped her burger and opened the top of the bun up. No barbecue sauce, just ketchup. “Naw,” she said, “I think somepony else has mine.” They couldn’t help but notice as Pinkie Pie, her meal already vanished, licked the remains of her wrapper of any sauce or melted cheese that remained. “Hey, this one had barbecue sauce. Whose burger was that?” Her eyes went to Applejack with sudden realization, and even Applejack couldn’t hold back a small frown. “Ehehe… sorry.” “…Not a problem,” Applejack said, her face calmed. “I just prefer barbecue sauce.” “I have to apologize as well,” sighed Rarity. “I should have been more mindful of the special sticker.” “I said it’s fine, Rarity. I also know that this isn’t just a casual meal with our friends. Twilight, what exactly is going on that has you all wound up?” “Thank you, Applejack. As some of you may know, I’ve noticed some strange things happening to the Cutie Map. Every so often, the map will disappear, and these four islands appear in its place. I don’t know what they are, where they are, or what’s on them.” “Are you worried that there’s some evil monster or some big, bad army there or something?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I said I’m not sure!” “Just saying, we’ve probably dealt with worse.” “For all I know, this may be a false alarm and that there’s nothing about or on these islands that we should be afraid of. My only concern is why it’s happening, or even why it’s happening now.” “Maybe the Cutie Map wants us to go on vacation!” Pinkie Pie wondered aloud. “We’ve been so busy, taking care of magic-draining centaurs, Starlight, Starlight again, protecting the Crystal Empire from eternal winter, or the return of Queen Chrysalis, maybe it’s its way of telling us, ‘Hey girls, you’ve done a real swell job out there. Go to the beach and chill for a week or two!’” “I like that idea,” Fluttershy said softly. “I sure hope that’s what it is.” “Well,” Twilight continued, “needless to say, none of us are really certain what it is. I’ve requested Cadance to help find anything she can at the Crystal Empire Library and send me anything relating to any kind of islands that no longer exist on Equestria.” “Well, not to trivialize your plight,” Rarity spoke up, “but how long have you said this has been going on?” “A week, give or take. I’m only growing more concerned because when the islands do appear, they appear for far longer each time.” “Well,” Spike mentioned, “there’s nothing there now.” “I don’t think we’d need you to tell us that, Spike,” said Rainbow Dash. “So, uh, when do these islands normally appear?” “It varies. Sometimes it happens in the morning, sometimes at night.” “But so far,” Starlight added, “we’ve only seen it happen once a day when they have appeared.” “And has it not happened already today?” asked Fluttershy. “It has, but–” “What?” Rainbow Dash blurted. “I can’t be here waiting for this thing all night! I’ve got practice tomorrow!” Applejack groaned. “No one was askin’ you or any of us, for that matter, to stay. We’re just getting a leg-up on this situation is all.” “Wait…” Everyone’s eyes turned to Pinkie Pie, who was suddenly dressed in a full pajama outfit with a sleeping cap, a pillow, and a blanket. “Does this mean we’re not sleeping over after all?” “Any of you can leave whenever you want,” said Twilight. “If you want to stay to see the islands come back, if they come back, fine. If you want to go back home, fine. I just want you to know what’s happening if this does turn out to be some kind of threat to Equestria.” Everyone, excluding Twilight, Starlight, and Spike looked to each other. “Well,” Rainbow Dash croaked out, “I don’t need to be at practice until morning, but I can stay for a couple of hours. Who knows? Maybe they’ll come back again tonight?” “Seems unlikely,” said Twilight, “but–” “Yay!” Pinkie Pie cheered, throwing her blanket and pillow into the air. “Magical Reappearing Island Hunt and Slumber Party after all!” “I might have to go home and feed Angel,” Fluttershy said, “but I can always come right back, right?” “We don’t mind staying over, do ya’ Rarity?” Applejack asked. “Didn’t hurt before!” she chirped, the two giggling over the distant memory. “And we don’t have anywhere to go, right Spike?” asked Starlight with a nudge. “Yeah, no! We’re in this together.” Twilight smiled warmly at the loyalty of her close friends, who all looked to her for further instruction. “Thanks a lot guys. We can eat our dinner while we wait.” “Sounds like a plan,” Applejack resolved, picking her burger up. Pinkie Pie tried to pick hers up, only for nothing to be there. “Oh,” she moaned, “yeah...” As the rest of the seven ate their food, they also kept watch over the Cutie Map, eager to see any changes that might occur to it. Alice and Sam climbed the hilly road of Route 2, managing to see a Pokémon Center up at the top. The sun was just about to set off to the west, and they still had time to go out and search for more Pokémon before it would get too dark and dangerous to travel. Sam had his Pokédex out, reading the enlarged map on the screen as the two of them turned to ascend the last hill before they reached the Pokémon Center. “And it looks like Verdant Cavern is right across from the Center,” he said. “We can sleep the night there, have some breakfast at the café, and do our first trial if we wanted.” “You think you’re already ready for it?” she asked. “Honedge and I got a lot of grinding in. I think we’ll be fine.” The two of them were finally on level ground, and approaching the Pokémon Center to the left, which stood on the edge of a cliff at the northwest corner of the island. Turning to the right, they looked upon the large entrance to the cave where the first trial was supposedly held. The entrance was decorated with tall, wooden totems on both sides of the path to the cavern held up by colored triangular supports and a bed of rocks. “So that’s it then,” Sam said with awe. “Big fancy entrance that resembles our amulets,” Alice replied in the same style of voice, “pretty sure it’s not.” Sam rolled his eyes at Alice’s inability to allow him his moment. “Alola!” called a tenor voice from behind. The two turned around to see a young man a few years older than Sam with light-brown skin standing on the middle rail of the banister for the base the Pokémon Center was on, facing the two. He then climbed over the rail and hopped down. As he approached the two, his features were more definable. He wore a white, short-sleeved collared shirt beneath a beige vest with brown diamond patterns around the waist and back along with white floods and white loafers with brown soles. His hair was bright pink and medium length with a small pigtail along the left side. On his right wrist was a Z-Ring, and on his left hand was an odd leather glove with only two fingerless slots for the index and ring fingers. Despite his dapper appearance, his body looked well toned beneath his clothes. “Greetings, my fellow trainers,” he said. “My name is Ilima, and I am the Trial Captain for Verdant Caverns here on Melemele Island.” Alice reached for his hand first, and was not too surprised to see him reach with his right hand as if he had to think to do it. “Southpaw?” she asked. “Yes, I am indeed left-handed.” Ilima then reached for Sam’s hand, which they both shook. “I’ve not seen either of you before. Are you by chance new to Alola?” “We are, actually,” Sam said, “we moved here today.” “Moved? I must say, it pleases me to welcome two new residents to Melemele. Though I feel I’m being a bit presumptuous. You did move to Melemele, right? Or are you here to challenge my trial?” “Yes to both,” Alice said. “That’s wonderful! Are you two ready to take the challenge now? There’s still enough daylight for you to do so if you so wish.” Alice and Sam looked to each other, and Alice gave him a shrug as if to grant him the choice. “Actually,” Sam said, “we’re still getting used to everything, and we were just taking a small hike and catching Pokémon before we rest for the night.” “I see. I only wished to warn you as I close my trial come nightfall. The Pokémon inside like to spend as much time battling as they do sleeping, you see.” “Story of my life,” Alice replied. “Hahaha! Yes, quite. I don’t want to take up much more of your time, but there are quite a few good Pokémon to capture at the Melemele Meadow. It’s just past the canyon pass once you continue on to Route 3. If you hurry, you might get a good half hour in before you need to return by dark, that is, unless you brought an Electric-type with you.” “Well, what a coincidence! I caught a Pikachu this very afternoon!” “Congratulations, you’re already well-equipped. I shouldn’t bother you any longer, but may I first have your names?” “Alice.” “Sam,” he said. “I’ll continue to be here tomorrow should you want to come by and take my challenge. Perhaps I’ll even allow you to take it together. How does that sound?” Sam now looked to Alice and gave her the shrug of decision. “Yeah,” she responded to Ilima. “That sounds neat!” “Very good. We’ll be ready then. Farewell!” Ilima then sprinted off back to the Pokémon Center, but rather than take the stairs, he ran up the wall to the base of the Pokémon Center and grabbed hold of the banister, climbing it the rest of the way. Once he was over, he walked calmly inside the Center. “Interesting kid,” Sam said. “One way to describe him,” agreed Alice. “Well, you heard him, let’s give this Melemele Meadow a try.” The two continued their way east, a little disappointed to see yet another hilly climb before them. Sun stood on the edge of a balcony from the Aether Paradise, hands firmly placed on the banister as he looked north towards the near-endless sea with the four islands of Alola not far away in the distance, watching the sun dip beneath the horizon and shade the sky with purple and orange. “Sun,” called the voice of Lillie from behind him, “we’re ready now.” He turned around to see her standing in the entryway. “Alright,” he said, grabbing his own lab coat hanging from the banister. “Coming.” With one swing around, Sun slipped his arms through both sleeves of the coat, and with a pull on the lapels, it was on straight. By now, the ponies and Spike had finished their burgers, and while the faint possibility of the return of the islands still lingered, the possibility was still just that: faint. By now, they were all laughing as they told about stories of their past, most of which were directed at Starlight, who had never even heard these tales before since she joined their circle. “You should have seen Fluttershy,” Pinkie exclaimed. “She got all angry and then she turned huge! Like, HUGE!!” “And thanks to her,” Spike said, “we defeated the Mane-iac and we all got to go home.” “That was a really weird day,” Rainbow Dash recounted, “but it was still kind of cool.” “I wonder what even happened to that comic. It wasn’t in that room I left it in when I got back.” As Spike continued on, Twilight noticed the Cutie Map start to flicker quickly away, the four islands taking its place. “Girls!” she shouted. “It’s happening.” The jovial air of their get-together came to an abrupt halt as the four of them looked to the table and were amazed by what they were seeing. “Holy Toledo,” Applejack breathed. “This is strange.” “Th– This is nuts!” Rainbow Dash sputtered. “Do the princesses even know about this?” “Princesses…” For a fleeting moment, Twilight had completely forgotten what needed to be done. “The princesses! Spike, alert them right away!” “Got it!” Spike grabbed his quill and paper and began writing away. Sun was ecstatic. After long last, he could finally do what he had wanted to do all week. “Solgaleo, Lunala,” Sun instantly called to the creatures. “Get a little lower!” As Spike continued his letter, the islands in the map suddenly enlarged, cutting off the east half of Ula’ula Island and the west half of Poni Island. The seven girls couldn’t help but shriek a little at the sight, making Spike drop his things. “What just happened?” Fluttershy whined. “Please tell me it’s done that before!” Twilight didn’t know how to respond to her. For all she cared to know, whatever she feared or wondered would happen was now happening. “Spike,” she stammered. “Tell the princesses to hurry. The image of the islands enlarged.” Spike scrambled to grab the quill and paper and hold them right, continuing on with the letter. Twilight looked to the islands more, noticing the towering building that floated in the ocean south of them. “Alright guys,” Sun said with a hint of playfulness, “you both did great today. Go ahead and ease down–” Sun’s command was interrupted by a whine from Lunala, who appeared to sway. Sun looked down at the pool, and was bemused to see that they were receding lower into the dust-cloud, quickly encroaching on a planet down below. “Solgaleo, Lunala, stop!” “This isn’t right,” Lillie whimpered. The image began enlarging again, pushing the islands out of frame with the center of focus on the Aether Paradise. This time it wouldn’t stop. “Twilight…” Rainbow Dash moaned, concerned. Twilight slid off her throne and stood her front hooves on the table, leaning in for a closer look. The other ponies did the same, intrigued enough to observe the Aether Paradise as it continued getting bigger, threatening to hit the top. Spike also was compelled to look, stopping his writing of the letter and peering just over the table to see the map’s vision phase through the top and head to the pool where Sun, Lillie, and Lusamine were watching. Neither pony nor the dragon had time to notice the alien beings standing in the room or hooked to the machines before they could then see the pool observing them observing the pool in an infinite loop before the entire perimeter of the pool matched the perimeter of the table. Suddenly, a massive pulse of energy threw each of them into the walls of the room, and they each landed flat on their stomachs. Now the surface of the table was just a bright light with thin rays of energy bouncing up and down from it. Twilight rolled to her stomach to see Spike weakly getting to his own two feet. “Spike!” she screamed. “The letter! Just send it!” Spike saw the letter before him get picked up off the ground and start to fly away towards the table. Before it could get away, Spike reached for it, pinching one of the corners with his claws. The paper only tore out of his hand as Twilight and Spike watched with sheer fright as it was then violently sucked into the light from the center. “The letter!” Spike cried. “It… went through the table!” The other ponies had just gotten up, feeling their manes and tails being pulled towards the table like a strong wind. “What’s happening now!” Rarity shouted. “Girls, come to me!” ordered Twilight. The ponies fought the pull and galloped to their friend and huddled around her. “Hold on tight,” she said, charging her horn. “We need to get out of here first.” Twilight’s horn flashed with light, and the ponies closed their eyes, waiting to be outside where it was safe. To everyone’s horror, they still felt pulling and then heard the wail of the portal before them. Opening their eyes, they found that their ears and hair weren’t deceiving them. “Twilight?” Starlight said with quivering. “Why didn’t the teleportation work?” “I…” Twilight never thought she’d be stumped like this. “I don’t know.” Solgaleo and Lunala, their pink-glowing foreheads and eyes still bright, let out another screech. Suddenly, the vacuum was tremendous. Rarity was flung off the floor and flew towards the table screaming. Before she could get sucked in, she felt a sharp pain in the base of her tail as she was hovering over the table, which now resembled a grid-like tunnel looking straight up to the ceiling of the research area of Aether Paradise. “Uhh guut yuuh!” Applejack shouted through her teeth, which were clamped onto Rarity’s tail. Pinkie Pie hid behind Twilight’s throne, looking around to see Rainbow Dash, try and fly away from the pull, only managing to stay stationary in the air. Fluttershy was also thrown towards the portal, but a turquoise aura covered her and kept her afloat. Fluttershy watched as Starlight strained to hold the yellow pegasus in place while anchoring herself to the outer edge of the table. Twilight managed to pull Spike to her and cover themselves in a magenta dome, resisting the effects of the pull. “Twilight!” cried Spike. “How are we going to get out of here?!” “We’ll just have to hold out a bit more.” Twilight managed to pull a loose paper and Spike’s quill, which were stuck under the table, into their bubble. She quickly wrote a single word: HELP, to it. Spike then breathed a puff of green fire onto it, where it engulfed the paper and then shrunk into nothingness, leaving no trace of either. Twilight turned to see the desperate situation her friends were in, coming close to tears with her inability to help them. Just then, Applejack’s footing slipped, which caused her and Rarity to tumble into the air and get pulled in through the portal. “Applejack!” Twilight shrieked. “Rarity!” Spike cried. Rainbow Dash felt her strength give out watching her two friends disappear inside, suddenly losing the will to fight. Pinkie Pie saw this and couldn’t handle it. “Rainbow Dash!” she cried out, leaping from behind the throne and grabbing Rainbow Dash as the two of them were sucked inside. “NO!” Twilight’s voice warbled, becoming hoarse and nearly useless. Starlight continued to hold on to Fluttershy, but gasped in terror as she felt the magic in her horn crackle and weaken. With a final strain, she held onto Fluttershy a moment longer before her mind and body gave out and the two of them were pulled inside, leaving Twilight and Spike alone with the portal. Twilight and Spike couldn’t scream anymore, and only began to sob ugly tears over the loss of their friends. Just then, Twilight felt her horn sparkle too, the dome protecting them flickering away. With a deep breath, Twilight found the strength to compose herself and sit down, sending Spike sliding to the floor. “Twilight?” he mumbled. “What are you–” She quickly turned around and gave him a tight hug, her tears streaming down her face and onto his back. “I can’t hold on for much longer Spike,” she croaked. “I don’t know what will happen to us, but no matter what, no matter where we end up, know that I love you so very much!” It was so much for Spike to take in, but finally accepting his fate, he clutched to Twilight’s neck and held himself close. “I love you too, Twilight.” They both shut their eyes tight. The magic finally gave out, and the dome disappeared. Twilight and Spike were launched into the air, and as light shone through their eyelids, they suddenly felt a tremendous pull down and then up. Everything went black. > Chapter 5 – The Kindness of Strangers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Use Shadow Sneak!” A black shadow-like aura flowed from the top of Honedge’s blade and began snaking through the yellow flowers faster than even Sam could track. The shadow smacked a yellow bird with floofy feathers at the end of its wings like pom-poms up through the air. It landed on its back, but rolled in a backwards somersault to face Sam again, who eagerly grabbed a Poké Ball out of his bag. Alice watched on a small ledge as her brother came close to nabbing his first Alolan Pokémon. “Alright,” Sam said. “Let’s do this.” Alice smiled, but was suddenly distracted by a small pillar of light that came shooting from the air. It didn’t seem extremely abnormal until it began breaking off into four branches, one of which made its way toward them. “Sam?” she said, hopping off and walking to him. “Sam?!” Sam was more than peeved right now. “What is it–” Before he could finish his statement, the wormhole opened up directly above them, the loud moan and blasting of air from the portal forcing Alice and Sam to the ground. The bird Sam faced ran away as fast as it could, as did other yellow birds like it, dozens of gold-and-white bugs, and a couple of Pokémon resembling large puffs of cotton with small leafy and green wings. Some fled the area completely, while some sought refuge in the trees and bushes they could find. Sam turned around and managed to look up as the wormhole began to funnel out. “What in the hell is that thing?” he shouted. Alice stood up and helped pick Sam up with assistance from Honedge. “I don’t know, but we have to hide!” Sam and Alice looked around for any sign of refuge until Sam found a small cave entrance in the face of the rocky barrier of the meadow. “There!” he shouted over the wormhole. “We can hide in there!” Alice and Sam both bolted for the cave, Honedge following close behind. Alice slipped in first, followed by Honedge and Sam. He stayed at the foot of the entrance, watching the wormhole from the corner. It continued hovering above them until the moaning began to increase in pitch at a fast rate. Immediately, Sam slid back inside and kept his back to the wall away from the entrance. He and Alice suddenly heard a short boom that made the ground below them shake hard enough to make their balance falter. Not much longer after that, the moaning went away, and minus the winds that still blew outside, it seemed everything was back to normal. “What did you see?” Alice whispered. “I… I’m not sure,” Sam spoke softly. “I think I went back inside before whatever came out of that thing came out.” “Better that it didn’t see us.” “Right.” “Hey, you remember that video with that really muscular bug looking thing from like, ten years ago?” “Weren’t you like, 4 when that came out?” “Yeah, but I saw it when I was older, genius. Anyways, I’m pretty sure that video was actually taken here at the Melemele Meadow. What if it’s another one?” Sam sighed. “Then it looks like we may be here for a while. Though, I feel if there was something out there, we would have heard it by now.” “I agree. Let’s give it an hour, and if we don’t hear anything, we’ll get out of this cave. If we don’t see anything, we run straight back to the Pokémon Center.” “And if we do see something, back to the cave?” “Well, I’m not fighting it.” “Yeah, then me neither.” “I’ll send a text to mom and dad, in case they try to call us and the ringtone alerts anything to us.” “Good idea.” Alice pulled out a small device from her bag with a curved bottom, a small screen with a camera above it, and a light fixture along its bowed-in top. Pressing a button beside the lower-left hand corner of the screen twice, the light on top shone from it, producing a blue, holographic keyboard with a small text box above. Tapping through the images of the keys with her fingers, the letters were typed out in the box above: Hey. Making sure you’re okay. Sam and I are fine. We’re headed to the Pokémon Center right now. See you later. Alice grimaced, feeling guilty about lying as she did, but whatever kept her parents satisfied enough to keep them from messaging them was all she needed. Honedge floated beside Sam and leaned itself against the wall as Sam sat down beside it, in for the long haul before it was safe to try and leave. Sun walked into his room, completely drained and sullen. With almost no strength to hold his composure, he slumped onto the edge of his bed and buried his head into his hands. The only thing he could hear were his breaths in the solitary silence. Between each exhale, he could only repeat the same four memories: dancing with Lillie, the image of a perkier Solgaleo and Lunala through her chat with Lillie, the pink glow of their foreheads, and the sight of them collapsing. Soon, every breath only made him think about Solgaleo and Lunala’s possessed states and their collapse, finally culminating with an image of a purple creature with two wispy blue antennae above its head and a black face stuck on a rickety rope bridge, crying in fear of its life as it was circled over by three ravenous birds. As if possessed himself, he shot off the bed with a shout and punched the bedpost to his right, breaking it off with a thick crunch before it fell to the floor in front of a dresser. Despite hearing a gasping sound behind him, he stood hunched over as a sharp pain starting coming into his knuckles and the bases of his fingers, lifting his hand to see. Slowly turning around, he found Lillie standing in the open doorway, hand to her mouth as a streak of blood went down along the side of his hand and forearm. Sun turned all the way to face her, but unable to look at her face. After a few moments that felt like an eternity, she broke down into sobs, covering her whole face in her hands. Sun tilted his head down, his own tears beginning to fall from his eyes. Stumbling towards her, he wrapped his left arm around the small of her back and rested his face into her shoulder, allowing himself to muffle his cries. Lillie herself also managed to wrap her arms around Sun’s back as they both wept together. Honedge was napping upon Sam’s lap, resting inside its scabbard, and Sam was still enough to appear to be sleeping as well. Alice sat on the wall opposite them, watching and smiling. Even with their tense situation, at least their journey started off in quite possibly the most interesting way it could for virtually any trainer, and she had someone with her to share the experience with. She pulled out her Pokédex, and saw that it was about 8:30. In fifteen minutes, they could go out and check for any other-worldly monsters, but it was already so serene that there seemed to be no chance of there being anything dangerous out there. “See…” a faint voice suddenly rung out somewhere in the cave. “Noth… to wor… abo…” Alice slowly crouched to her feet, walking over to Sam, shaking his leg by the shin. Still awake, he shot right up. “What is it?” he whispered, stirring Honedge awake as well. “…m scare…” another voice called out, sounding more timid and afraid than the first. “…I wan… to go hom…” Sam and Alice looked up, trying their best to determine the location of the voice. “What is that?” he asked. “Shh,” she softly hissed, her finger close to his face. The two of them slowly got up, Hondege rising beside Sam, and began creeping further inside. Honedge silently unsheathed himself, his cloth arm keeping a firm hold on the scabbard. “…I’m scare… too,” the first voice spoke, a bit easier to hear, “or at th… ver… leas… …appea… stron…” “There’s someone down here,” Alice said. There was suddenly a silence as Alice and Sam stood still, perhaps waiting for a response. “What was that?” the second voice squealed, clear as day minus the cave’s echo. “Quiet!” the first voice hissed. Sam felt a small pang of sadness hit his gut. “It sounds like a couple of kids,” Sam commented. “Come on,” Alice advised. “Let’s go looking.” Sam and Alice made their way down, Alice leading, her right hand hovering over the Poké Balls on her belt. The inside of the cave appeared to be a bunch of winding, hilly pathways surrounding deep pools of water. It certainly didn’t look like someplace where someone could get easily lost, but with a wormhole having opened up not even an hour ago, it was not the best place to get stuck in. The series of pathways appeared to spiral around to the left as they came to the bottom of the hill and they could see a body at the base. Before they could get a chance to see what it was, they were suddenly assaulted by a bright, almost-blinding flash that appeared to come from whomever or whatever was below. They shielded their faces, but quickly gathered that the bright light was only that: a bright light. Turning back to the bottom of the path, they were finally able to get a full look at Starlight. Sam and Honedge looked at it inquisitively, noting her strangely human facial expression, which Sam could easily see was fear. Starlight breathed heavily, seeing that her attempted attack did not work, and with another charge of her horn, she tried to launch another spell at them, only to produce another flash. Alice, Sam, and Honedge were quicker to deflect and recover this time. Alice began to slowly inch towards her, her forearm just below her eyes, prompting the pony to try again to launch an attack. This time, Alice was prepared, and her forearm shielded her closed eyes, allowing her to continue her advance with her vision unimpaired. After a fourth failed attack, Starlight felt her knees begin to buckle as she quickly glanced to her right, and with Alice already halfway down, she sunk to her stomach and covered her head with her forelegs. “Please,” she begged, “don’t hurt me!” Finally, Alice stopped completely, floored by what she had heard: the source of the first voice. Her stance relaxed, though the pony was too frightened to see that she had stopped encroaching. “You can speak?” she asked softly. Starlight stopped trembling and peeked through her arms, slowly lowering them down and revealing her face to Alice. “You…” she wondered aloud. “You can understand me?” “Y… Yeah,” Alice managed to reply. “And don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Alice took another step forward, but Starlight responded with another step back. “I heard another one with you,” Starlight spoke. “Are they here?” Alice, understanding the concern, turned her head and kept her hand up in a calming gesture. “Sam,” she said. “Come down.” Sam appeared from around the hall, walking at a slow and unthreatening pace. However, Starlight bolted to the right with a scream, freezing him in his tracks. Sam stopped unsure of what he did wrong, especially with Alice turning to him and frowning. “Sam!” she hissed. “Your Honedge scared her off!” Sam turned to see that Honedge was indeed behind him to his left, whose bottom eyelid squinted up as a show of embarrassment and apology. “Don’t worry, bud,” Sam whispered, lightly patting the hilt. “Let’s just show her we mean her no harm.” Sam walked down the slope with Honedge, and as Alice continued looking up at them, Sam noticed her expression looking instantly fearful as she took a step back. “What’s up with you now?” he said, looking down at her. “What’s with the…” Sam’s words trailed off as they saw his and Honedge’s shadows being cast on the ground, the area around them bright; something very bright was behind them. Turning around, Sam hopped back, nearly losing his footing, while Honedge stuck close enough to him that the edge of its blade was touching Sam’s clothing. What they were looking at resembled a humanoid about six feet tall floating up behind them. Its head, torso, and two-clawed hands were black, and the tall, spiky plume atop and down the front and back of its head, along with the four spines below its waist where its legs would be were orange. Attached to its claws were two halves of what appeared to be a large wooden mask that could cover most of its body. Combined with its claws, the side of the face appeared similar to that of a bird. Sam and Honedge looked deep into the creature’s gemlike orange-and-turquoise rims where its eyes were, the facial markings giving it an expression of anger, though no mouth could be seen to prove this. Recalling what Hau said about chicken-skin earlier that day, he could only come to one conclusion. “Tapu Koko,” he whispered. The guardian deity instantly flew around the two and weaved around Alice down below, soaring to where Starlight ran off. “No!” Alice cried out. “Don’t hurt her!” As Sam reached the bottom, Alice ran after Tapu Koko, leaving him and Honedge alone again. “Alice, wait!” he shouted out. She didn’t seem to get very far, as she watched from a distance as Tapu Koko approached the quivering pony. Alice put her hand to one of her Poké Balls, unsure of whether to use it or not. The guardian deity was almost within reach of Starlight, but she watched as Fluttershy’s head appeared from a small crevice to the right, watching the scene. “Fluttershy!” Starlight screamed. “Run!” Fluttershy tensed up as the being turned to spot her, but she took off and up, her wings beating as hard as they could to fly away. With a push off the ground, Tapu Koko darted at Fluttershy, her speed no match for it. As it grabbed Fluttershy with both arms, where she screamed in fear before laying scared stiff in them, Starlight charged her horn again, an angry scowl on her face. “Let her go!” she screamed, a small orb of energy managing to shoot out this time. Tapu Koko was not so easily tricked, and shifting the pegasus into its right arm, it swung to the left and swatted the attack against the half-mask on its arm, making it burst like a cloud of smoke. Alice gasped at the guardian deity’s might. Starlight swooned from the energy she exerted and fell to her left-front knee. Tapu Koko approached Starlight once again, who panted heavily and only bowed her head, resigned to her fate. She was suddenly alerted by footsteps running in and sliding to a stop between her and Tapu Koko, who halted its encroachment upon their arrival. As Starlight realized that Alice had come to her protection, Sam and Honedge came in as well. Sam stopped between Alice and Starlight, crouching down with his arms out, blocking as much of the weakened pony as he could, while Honedge stood at the front of Starlight’s line of defense, forming an “X” with the broad sides of its blade and scabbard. “You heard her,” Alice spoke as calmly as she could. “Please let her go.” Tapu Koko continued to float in the same spot with Fluttershy still in its grasp. It glanced between both Sam and Alice, and then to the pony, which looked up to her would-be saviors with a strong sense of hope. After a few brief moments, Tapu Koko lowered itself to the ground and gently set Fluttershy down on the floor. As it backed away, Alice relaxed her defensive stance and Sam stood up, both looking at Fluttershy with agape mouths as if they hadn’t expected their plan to work. Tapu Koko looked back at Sam and Alice once again, its fixed serious demeanor still attached to its face. It then threw its arms out to the sides, making its body spark with electrical energy, and with another push off the ground from its bottom spines, it soared out and up through the cave, heading for the entrance at Melemele Meadow. Despite the talking, sapient ponies behind and in front of them, Tapu Koko’s departure inspired Sam, Alice, and Honedge to look up at the direction of its flight. Suddenly, they felt Starlight brush into their legs as she galloped to Fluttershy’s still paralyzed body. “Fluttershy,” she called out, grabbing her body with her arms and shaking her. “Fluttershy, wake up!” Fluttershy came too with a hard, quick wagging of her head, looking woozy as she slowly sat herself up. “Ugh…” she moaned. “Where are we?” Fluttershy turned to see Sam, Alice, and Honedge approaching cautiously, but stopped as Fluttershy’s expression turned fearful. “St– St– St– Starlight? Wha… What are those?” “It’s okay, Fluttershy.” Starlight turned back and faced the three of them without a sign of fear. “I… I think we can trust them.” Fluttershy, still sitting, took her time to size Alice, Sam, and Honedge up, feeling more comfortable seeing the humans and living sword relaxed and calm around her and her friend. She began to roll onto her hooves, Starlight giving her some space. “Thank you,” Starlight said to their saviors. “Thank you for saving us.” “Uh, yeah,” Sam muttered, a little off put by the talking pony’s compliment, “no problem.” Starlight glanced away and bit her lip, knowing how awkward the question she would ask would be. “I’m sorry, but… Do you know where we are?” The expressions Alice and Sam made to each other trying to find the best way to answer her question proved her apprehensions right. Sam finally managed to turn to her. “We are… on Melemele Island… in the Alola region on… Earth.” “There’s no Equestria?” Fluttershy asked. “Not that I’ve heard of.” He reached into his pocket. “I can show you a world map. If there’s something there that resembles this Equestria you talk about, maybe it can help us.” He pulled out his Pokédex and expanded the holographic screen almost two times its normal length, which mystified Starlight and Fluttershy. “You can use magic too?” Starlight asked. “Magic?” asked Alice. Her tone suggested how odd it was that Starlight would use the word so casually. “Was that what you were doing with your horn?” “Yeah. What else could it have been?” “It looked like some kind of attack move. In all honesty, I thought you were a Psychic-type Pokémon or something.” “You keep using that word: Pokémon. What is that?” “I’m not seeing anything in the search for ‘Equestria,’” Sam interrupted, “but you can feel free to look if you can find something.” Sam held the Pokédex out in front of Starlight, which showed an ovular rendering of the entire planet and all the continents and islands on it, Starlight glancing over it several times quickly. Unbeknownst to them, a figure hidden by the darkness crept up to a ledge above them, looking out and spotting the ponies. It stopped and stared for several seconds, surprised by their alien appearance, but moved onwards towards the downward path. By Starlight’s fourth look, her ears began to droop as the realized the land she was searching for was not on this map. “So,” she muttered, “we’re lost… on a completely different world.” “Wait,” Fluttershy squeaked, “does this mean… we can’t go back home?” Alice and Sam grimaced as Fluttershy’s eyes welled with tears, an answer to remedy their sadness farther away than even they could find. “Hello, over there!” The five of them looked instantly surprised, turning to face the one who had found them. Though Sam, Alice, and Honedge recognized the person approaching the edge of the ledge right above their spot, Starlight and Fluttershy appeared more wary, zipping behind the humans for protection. “Hau!” Sam shouted out. “Is he a friend of yours?” whispered Starlight. “Yes,” Alice responded just as quietly. As Hau approached the group, the two ponies crept out back into the open, somewhat soothed by the reverent smirk he gave them. “I saw that wormhole over this area,” Hau said. “Tapu Koko come out from the meadow, so I came down here to see what was up. I didn’t expect to see you two with…” He suddenly glanced at the ponies. “…them.” “Tapu Koko?” asked Fluttershy “Is that the thing that attacked us?” “Attacked? What gave you the impression that he attacked you?” “It tried taking Fluttershy and me away,” argued Starlight. “It wasn’t until…” Something suddenly dawned on her that shifted her focus to Alice and Sam. “I’m sorry, you two saved us and we never got your names.” “Oh, right,” Alice replied. “Well, my name is Alice Brier, that’s my brother Sam.” “And the floating sword beside me is called a Honedge,” Sam said, showcasing his Pokémon with his open hand. “Hau, my sister and I are known as humans, and my Honedge is just one of many different types of creatures that we call a Pokémon.” It closed its eye and rocked its body toward them in a bowing gesture, pleased to be introduced to the two ponies. “Yes, thank you.” Starlight bowed her head in thanks and turned back to Hau. “Anyways, Alice, Sam, and Honedge came in and saved us, and this Tapu Koko then let my friend go and flew away.” “I can assure you that Tapu Koko meant to protect you,” Hau replied. “It probably assumed you two came from that wormhole earlier and tried taking you to the Ruins of Conflict to keep you safe.” “Wormhole…” Memories suddenly flashed of Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie getting pulled in through the portal in the table at the Castle of Friendship. Her face contorted in concern, making her gallop out to the exit of the cave for Kala’e Bay. Hau, Alice, Sam, Honedge, and Fluttershy quickly went after her. “Applejack!” she shouted, throwing her head in every direction in a desperate search. “Rainbow Dash!” Silence except for the waves against the shore. “Rarity!” her voice went softer as she realized that none of her friends would likely hear her call. “Pinkie Pie… Come on… Twilight...” The other five stood at the foot of the exit, giving Starlight some space as she fell to her shins in the sand and looked up at the sky, wheezing before she hung her head down in defeat. “There are more of them?” asked Sam. “They got pulled in through that portal too.” Fluttershy answered. “But if they’re not here, that must mean… they’re… ” At last, Fluttershy finally broke down into sobbing. Alice found her breathing getting heavy, her heart broken for these two. Honedge’s eye even showed an expression of concern, while Sam looked more disappointed, putting his hands in both pockets and leaning down. However, it was Hau who knelt besides Fluttershy and took the bottom of her head in his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs. Her crying stopped as she looked into his sympathetic eyes. “Hey,” he whispered, “you’ll find your other friends. If they came through with you, they couldn’t have gotten far.” “How…” She sniffled. “How do you know this?” “I don’t.” That line didn’t seem to sit too well with Fluttershy, but Hau’s words kept her from breaking down again. “I just have a very strong feeling about it.” “You won’t need to feel anything,” Sam said, alerting Hau and Fluttershy. “Check this out.” Starlight turned from her spot to see Sam with his Pokédex out and expanded, pointing to its screen. Alice, Hau and Fluttershy gathered behind him as he knelt down to show an aerial picture of Alola, where a pillar of light rose out from the ocean south of the islands, where it branched off into four separate tunnels that opened over each of the four islands. “Where did you find this picture?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s probably all over the news by now,” Alice guessed. “Would be surprised if there wasn’t something by now.” Starlight now joined herself beside Fluttershy, gasping at the sight of the islands. “Those are the islands!” Starlight almost shouted. “Those islands appeared on the Cutie Map before we ended up here.” “Yeah,” Sam confirmed, “that's the Alola region, but look.” He pointed to the wormhole opening above Melemele. “That’s the one you and Fluttershy came from. There are three other portals. This must mean that your other friends are on the other islands.” “And,” Fluttershy said, the realization causing her eyes to widen, “that also means–” “Your friends are safe and not that far away,” Alice answered, almost giggling. Fluttershy let out one more sob of emotion before hugging Starlight, the unicorn hugging her back. Hau looked down to Sam, his hands on his hips. “Good job,” he said to him. Sam nodded in thanks, but there was something else that kept him from feeling entirely joyful about the good news. “Starlight,” he said to the unicorn, “that’s your name, right?” “Yeah,” she responded, before another thought popped in. “Oh my, I’m sorry. I don’t even think we properly introduced ourselves to you. My name is Starlight Glimmer, but you can call me Starlight, and my friend here is Fluttershy. Our kind are called ponies.” “Hi,” she responded with a small wave of her hoof. “Yes.” Sam nodded in understanding. “Anyways, just now, you said that you saw the Alola region before you got pulled here and that it was on this ‘Cutie Map?’” “Listen,” Hau said, “there are probably a lot of questions that need answering, so why don’t we ask and answer back at my place? The ponies can wash up and once we’re all settled, maybe I can offer something to eat.” “That sounds very nice of you, Hau,” Starlight responded with an obligatorily kind smile, “but we wouldn’t want to impose.” “Nonsense! You’re our new guests to Alola, and while you’re here, I want you to feel as safe and at home as possible.” Fluttershy smiled for the first time since arriving, won over by Hau’s genuine kindness. Starlight huffed, feeling a smirk herself coming on and realizing that she would never be able to refuse his offer. “Thank you very much,” Starlight said, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “You humans are very friendly.” “It’s certainly not a problem, but we should get moving. It’s already pretty late out and it’s a bit of a walk back to Iki Town.” “Lead the way,” Alice said with a motion of her arm. Hau walked back inside the cave, Starlight and Fluttershy trotting close behind. Before Sam walked in with Alice, he took Honedge’s Poké Ball and returned his Pokémon back inside of it. “You’ll have plenty of time to rest at Hau’s,” he said to the Poké Ball. “Come on, Sam!” she called out before going in and walking up. Sam jogged until he was beside her, only a few feet behind Hau and the ponies. “Now this is how you start an adventure,” she said to him with a wink. “No kidding,” her brother responded. The two increased their pace so that they were only behind by a foot. > Chapter 6 – Know You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau entered through one of the double doors and held it open from inside, motioning the ponies in with a wave of his other arm. “Come in,” he said with typical eagerness, “please!” Starlight and Fluttershy stepped inside, amazed by its size and grandeur. It was built in the manner of a traditional thatched hut, complete with curved, pointed ceiling, but was made out of light brown wood that allowed the room itself to reflect the light coming from the ornate, wooden electric chandelier hung high above in the center. “The bathroom is the first door to your right. If you want to rinse off the dirt and sand, feel free. I’ll go prepare us some food.” It wasn’t much longer until Sam and Alice stepped in, also marveling at Hau’s spacious and decorative home. “Wow, Hau,” Sam said, “this is where you live?” “Sure do!” He began stepping towards the door to left near the front of the room. “It used to belong to the last Kahuna, and the last Kahuna before him and so on.” “Cool.” Alice ran her fingers along the smooth, finished walls, appreciating the craftsmanship behind whoever made the house. “That must make you like a king!” “I don’t tend to think of it like that. I like to consider myself one with the people and Pokémon on the island. Hey, do you like malasada?” Sam and Alice were caught off-guard by the quick change in topic, but were equally confused by what exactly he said. “What’s malasada?” Alice asked. “What’s malasada?!” Hau almost seemed a bit offended by the response. “Hold on, I’ll make you all some!” Hau slipped inside the door and slammed it shut, clearly excited to make whatever he was talking about. Sam and Alice turned to talk to Starlight and Fluttershy, but they were no longer in the living room. Sam and Alice relaxed themselves once they heard the running water in the bathroom tub. Sam and Alice walked together to a wood couch at the center of the room, plopping themselves and their backpacks on the plush blue cushions. “I mean, I’m glad we know her other friends are close.” Sam leaned back and looked directly above at the chandelier, staring directly at one of the lights. “Now we need to know how we plan to find them.” “They’re probably wandering around, frightened like Starlight and Fluttershy were,” Alice sat up and turned to face her brother, “meaning we should hop on a ferry to the next island and go looking for them.” “That sounds really noble of you, but there are so many things that we have to consider. Not counting the time it would take to comb out three other islands, two of which are larger than Melemele, by the way, if the other island guardians found them already, do you think we’ll have to fight them to earn their trust?” “We didn’t even have to fight Tapu Koko.” “I think we got lucky there, if I’m being honest.” By now, Sam stood from his seat and began pacing around the couch. “And there’s also the possibility that some other trainers found them before that island’s guardian did.” “Sam.” “I highly doubt that they’ll just hand them over to us, even if we prove that Starlight and Fluttershy are with us.” “Sam, I swear to God…” “Hell, they may want to complete their collection by taking them from us, or best case scenario, they want the honor of returning all the ponies back home!” “Sam, stop it! You’re being stupid.” “I’m not being stupid! If something like that happens, we need to be ready to face it!” “Then we’ll fight if we must,” Alice now stood, stopping her brother in his tracks. “but I don’t want you getting the ponies all worked up because you’re getting worked up!” Sam and Alice turned their heads to the bathroom door upon hearing the water shutting off. They waited a few moments, waiting for Starlight and Fluttershy to start raising concerns, but only heard the water turn back on, hearing Fluttershy’s humming voice sing out through the walls. Alice turned to Sam, who looked a bit frightened and embarrassed for his outburst. Alice sighed. “Listen. I can tell that you take protecting them seriously, but worrying about every little thing that may happen won’t help anyone. As a Pokémon trainer, sometimes, and this is unfortunately the case, you’ll find yourself in a situation you never prepared for that you may have to face with the odds against you.” “But why would I do that to myself?” Sam hissed, ensuring the ponies wouldn’t hear. “Why would I do that to Honedge? Why would I do that to them?” “Because you may not have a choice, bro! For once, just please take my advice on this! I’ve been around the block longer than you have on this, and from experience, I know that there’s a difference between thinking you’ll win…” She pointed and tapped at her temple, “…and knowing you’ll win.” She made her point by then patting her chest. “Tell me, when you blocked Starlight from Tapu Koko, did you really think that would have stopped it?” “I…” Sam rubbed his neck. Being put on the spot by his younger sister only made the answer that much harder to spit up. “I honestly didn’t know what I was thinking.” “Exactly!” This response actually seemed to surprise Sam. “At that moment, you were no longer concerned with whether you’d win or not and cared only about saving her and Fluttershy. Honedge felt the exact same way when he stood up to it. It’s that feeling of putting everything on the line for something you want so badly, and it gets your blood pumping, and those pistons firing, and I guarantee you that will win you more battles than any strategy or plan ever could! You just gotta–” “Guys?” Alice and Sam turned to see Starlight, a towel wrapped atop her head, which poked out from behind the bathroom door. “Is everything okay in here?” “Uh, nothing Starlight!” Sam said with a dismissive wave. “Just getting some very… sage advice from my younger sister.” Starlight could tell Sam was being facetious, but Sam’s fervor still felt a bit off-putting. “Oookay…” She slunk back inside, closing the door just as slowly. Alice then turned back to Sam, grabbing this shoulders. “Okay, I’m glad we had this conversation now, but please try not to bring any of that up in front of them, okay? They already have enough on their plate without having to think they’re being hunted after.” “Okay,” Sam gently pushed his sister’s hands off of him. “I still think there’s going to be a lot more to finding the others than just hopping the islands until we find them all.” “Well, when Hau gets out of the kitchen and the ponies are done washing up, we’ll all talk about it.” “Fair enough.” The two of them plopped back onto the couch. Sam kept his eyes on the kitchen door while Alice eyed the bathroom door, hoping one would come out of either soon. Starlight and Fluttershy came out from the bathroom and sat on the couch besides Sam and Alice. The hairs in Starlight’s mane and tail appeared a bit frayed from lack of proper grooming, though Fluttershy’s mane and tail looked noticeably better brushed than her friend’s. Starlight’s side rubbed up against Sam’s forearm, and though, he recoiled a bit, feeling his space invaded, he couldn’t ignore Starlight’s sullen, anxious face. He relaxed back into his spot, the two of them practically leaning into each other, and with his hand just over her upper back, he slowly moved his hand down. Suddenly, she shifted over a few inches, forcing him to keep his hand back to himself. “Sorry.” Starlight honestly looked a bit embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to not give you any room.” “No problem,” Sam responded. Just then, Hau burst in through the door, weaving his way around the room balancing a plate of small fried dough balls dusted in sugar in one hand and holding a jug of milk in the other, with five glasses stacked and hugged in his arm. “Hau!” Alice turned around and jogged up to him. “Do you need any help?” “Here.” Hau slowly opened his arm. “Please take those glasses.” Alice tried grabbing the glasses, only for the bottom glass to fall from the stack and towards the floor, making Hau and Alice gasp. Before it could hit the ground and shatter, a turquoise aura coated it and kept it an inch above the ground before it, along with the other glasses Alice held, flew away from her and towards the table. Sam watched, impressed, as Starlight strained to gently place each cup on the table in front of a seat. Once they were set, Starlight panted, slouched in her spot. “Nice catch!” Hau continued carrying the plate of malasada and milk to the table. “You have some kind of psychic abilities or something?” “She claims to use magic,” Alice explained, following Hau. “It sounds pretty unbelievable, I know, but she seems proficient enough in it.” Hau set the plate and the pitcher onto the middle of the table, taking the two straws from his jacket pocket and putting them in Starlight and Fluttershy’s glasses. “Does it usually take that much out of you?” Sam asked. “No.” Starlight seemed a bit mournful answering this. “Ever since we got onto the island, using my magic has been very difficult for me. Where I come from, I’m actually very skilled with it. Catching that glass and bringing the others over is actually one of the easiest things for me to do, but I feel like I just tried lifting this entire house over my head.” “And where exactly do you come from?” Hau asked as he began pouring milk around the table in the glasses. “Sorry, you drink milk, right?” “Yes, of course. Thank you.” Hau began pouring her some. “My friend and I come from a land called Equestria. While I assume your world is inhabited mainly by you… humans, ours is inhabited by ponies like Fluttershy and I. We also have dragons, griffons, changelings, and so many other types of creatures.” “We’ve heard of dragons,” Alice said. “Several Pokémon around the world are Dragon-type. For example…” Alice grabbed one of her Poké Balls and tossed it in the air above the table. The bright white energy that burst from the ball made Fluttershy squeak with fear and slip underneath the table, while Starlight continued watching with amazement as the light formed into Alice’s Noibat. It landed upon the table and walked cautiously to the malasada pile. Fluttershy pulled herself from under the table and peeked over the edge to watch the tiny bat-like creature sniff out a pastry and pull one from the bottom, smiling in excitement over the treat it would soon consume. “Oh my goodness!” she inhaled. “It’s adorable!” Fluttershy put both hooves and her face upon the table just inches from Noibat, her foreign appearance surprising it. “Oh, aren’t you just the cutest batty-watty!” Fluttershy moved her right hoof and began scratching behind its ear with the edge. Whether it be her adorably treble voice or if she had hit the sweet spot on its head, Noibat purred as it leaned itself into the bottom of Fluttershy’s hoof, its wings laying limply on the table. Alice couldn’t resist a giggle as Fluttershy nuzzled the tip of her nose against Noibat’s forehead, which it appeared to like very much. “You must have one special gift to be in Noibat’s good graces so quickly.” Alice crossed her arms with a sense of pride. “How did you do that?” Starlight’s mouth was still agape over what she had done. “There should be no way that that bat fit inside that ball you just threw. You seriously can’t tell me that that isn’t magic.” “It’s not,” Sam said. “Our world’s technology has made it so trainers like my sister and I can carry our Pokémon around safely and efficiently. If you were wondering where my Honedge has been all this time, here you go.” Sam grabbed his Poké Ball from his belt and tossed it up, releasing Honedge from it. Honedge took an excited look at its new surroundings, before noticing the plate of malasada. Starlight continued to look astounded at it as it lowered itself and picked up one of the doughy balls in its cloth arm. “Is it even comfortable in there for them?” Starlight continued questioning. “They aren’t hurt when they go back, do they?” “Absolutely not,” Sam answered. “When a Pokémon is inside a Poké Ball, it’s converted into energy, and the inside of the Poké Ball is designed so that it replicates an environment that the Pokémon feels safe in.” “I don’t know. It just seems very… coercive.” “Trust me…” Alice replied as she took out her other Poké Ballf from her belt, “it’s not.” She then lobbed the ball up, the energy popping out from it forming into her Pikachu. “Wow!” Hau exclaimed, his eyes on the yellow rodent as it joined Honedge at the table. “Did you catch him today?” “I did. He seemed confused when I took him out for the first time, but a couple of pets and Pokébeans later, and he practically melted in my arms.” “I remember my Pikachu…” “And by ‘catch,’” Starlight continued, “do you mean that they were once wild and you put them in those Poké Balls?” “I don’t really see any difference between that and domesticating a pet,” Fluttershy responded, standing up with Noibat perched atop its head. “Besides, these Poké Balls sound rather safe.” Alice blew a short whistle from her lips. Noibat flicked the malasada crumbs off of its face with the claws on the end of its wings and flew from Fluttershy’s head onto Alice’s shoulder. “Like Sam said, they’re mainly for easier transport, but they are indeed safe, plus my buddies get to stay with me all the time.” Alice directed a wink and cock of her head to her Noibat, who nuzzled into the locks of her hair, letting out a purring whine from its mouth. Starlight couldn’t help but smile at the two of them together, the love between them clear as day. “Hey!” Hau’s sudden shift in volume surprised Starlight and Fluttershy. “I made all these malasada. Don’t be shy. Have some before I decide to eat them all!” Alice and Sam reached for the plate, Sam grabbing two. Noibat flew from Alice’s shoulder and swooped a pastry in its feet, flying just above Fluttershy, letting out a warbling chirp as it swung the treat in front of her. “Oh, is that for me?” Fluttershy asked it. “Thank you!” Fluttershy took the malasada in her mouth and took half of it in a single bite. Her eyes widened at the taste of it, and she breathed in hard. “Hau, this is delicious. You really made these yourself?” “It was no trouble, really…” Hau grinned as he put his arms behind his back. Sam sat down next to Starlight, handing her one of his two malasada. “Did you want one?” “Oh, thanks!” Starlight held it in her hooves and took a bite, similarly blown away by the taste. “Oh, wow. This is really good.” Sam took a bite, chuckling as he savored the flavor. “These are perfect. What’s in that cream filling you have there? Cardamom?” “Great palate, Sam! I also sprinkled just a bit with the sugar coating too.” Alice kept hold of her malasada, watching contently as Starlight and Fluttershy smiled as the night went on, all thanks to Hau, Sam, and their Pokémon. She took a bite of hers, smiling just a bit wider. By now, the malasada were all gone, and there was only enough milk in the pitcher for one more person to refill their glass. The energy among the ponies, Pokémon, and humans had died down, but they were all relaxed and comfortable, ready to discuss their next course of action. Starlight was first to speak. “So, how do we find our other friends?” “Well, I suggested just going to the other islands and looking, but Sam had other ideas.” Alice turned to Sam, waiting for him to clarify. Despite the stares he received all-around, Sam appeared confident. “I have to imagine the trainers and Pokémon on the other islands are very strong. I don’t think it would be the best idea to run onto the next island unprepared for what will lie ahead. I shouldn’t expect Fluttershy to fight on our behalf…” Fluttershy reinforced this with a quick shaking of her head. “…and Starlight’s magic is still very weak.” “We can wait and see how it is in the morning,” Starlight added. “That’s fine, but I don’t want you two to do all the heavy lifting. Alice and I should be getting stronger too, and I don’t think we should go to the other islands quite yet.” “And what do you think we should do in the meantime?” Alice sounded quite peeved in her response. “I’m sorry,” Hau said, “but I have to agree with your brother on this one. I’ve never seen you two in battle yet, so I can’t speak on your training experience, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to train some before you go on to the other islands.” “Okay. And how should we train then?” “Well,” Sam said with a shrug, her eyes on Alice the whole time, “I was thinking we do what we originally came here to do. Take the Island Challenge.” Alice sat straighter, having earned her attention. “I mean, we’ll have to travel throughout the island anyway, so why not get our Pokémon stronger in the first place?” “Not to mention,” Hau butted in, “without the proper stamps in your Trainer’s Passport, riding the ferry can get very expensive. It’s free if you prove you beat the island’s grand trial. Also, there are certain parts of the islands you can’t access unless you go in for your trial. You shouldn’t want to leave any stones unturned.” “Huh…” Alice actually seemed to be stumped for once. “Excuse me.” Fluttershy raised her hand. “What do you mean by ‘battle?’” “Pokémon get stronger through Pokémon battles,” Hau explained eagerly. “If you’re nervous that battling entails hurting or even killing Pokémon, you shouldn’t. Pokémon are very competitive creatures by nature, and battling with other Pokémon is one of the best ways for them to get stronger.” “I’m still not sure that sounds very nice…” “You don’t have to worry about it, really.” Sam’s confident answer seemed a bit surprising to her, especially with him standing up to face his sister, his Honedge following quickly after. “In fact, Alice, do you want to have a quickie outside? Show them how it’s done?” Alice was a bit thrown off by the request, but her Noibat and Pikachu looked excited and ready to accept his challenge. “Now, guys!” Hau laughed. “As happy as I am to see you so geared up and ready to go, you and your Pokémon shouldn’t get so worked up before bed. It’s already very late as it is, and you have a busy day ahead of you. You should consider getting some sleep.” “Oh, true that!” Alice shot off the couch, and grabbed the pitcher of milk. “Sam will still probably wake up at five tomorrow, won’t you?” “Yeah, probably…” Sam smiled in his response, earning a chuckle from her sister before she poured the rest of the milk from the pitcher into her mouth. “At least let me wash the dishes. I still feel like I got off easy from lunch today.” “If you want,” Hau replied with a shrug, standing up as well. “Come on, Starlight, Fluttershy. I’ll show you to the bedroom.” As Hau took the ponies into a room on the right near the back, Sam took the empty plate from the table and went to the kitchen with Alice, their Pokémon tagging along. Fluttershy and Alice were both passed out on their beds, which were set across from each other, lit amply by the blue moonlight that shone through the window wall behind them. Her Pikachu was curled up against the thigh of her shorts while Noibat laid spread out on her white shirt, the four of them sleeping soundly. Starlight curled up onto her mattress and laid her head down on her pillow. Her horn glowed as the covers folded at the other end glowed the same color. With a grunt, Starlight’s magic pulled them just a few inches over her back hooves. “Here, let me help with that.” Sam walked over to Starlight’s bed, and pulled the covers completely over her save for her head, making Starlight frown forlornly. “You didn’t have to do that,” she mumbled. “…But thank you.” “Again, not a problem. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help you regain your magic, and you won’t need my help.” “I can only hope. Goodnight, Sam.” “Goodnight, Starlight.” Sam stepped backwards as he watched Starlight hug the covers into herself. He turned around to see Honedge lying at the edge of Sam’s bed, tucked away in its sheath. Getting in on the opposite side, he slipped under his covers and turned himself around to face his Pokémon. Gently slipping his hand underneath Honedge and flipping the covers up, he set it back on the mattress and folded the covers back over it without disturbing its sleep. “And goodnight, Honedge,” he whispered. He turned over onto his stomach and supported his head with his hand under his pillow. With the seven of them all asleep, the large shadow of Tapu Koko outside was able to slink out from the corner of its vision and spy on the humans and ponies, staying there for quite some time. Hau, dressed in only his black shirt and a pair of orange board shorts, settled himself on the couch, laying on his back with two fluffy pillows under his head. As he snuggled in and prepared to close his eyes, a bright light went past the large, tall window in the back of the room, alerting him up. He seemed to know what this meant, as he got out of bed and walked to the front door. Stepping outside, slowly opening and closing the door to mute the creak, he looked up to see Tapu Koko hovering five feet out and above him, looking down at him expectantly. Gladion and his Charizard swooped through the Vast Poni Canyon, landing near a large, dead tree that stood before a cavern entrance. Once the draconic Pokémon’s feet were set, Gladion hopped off and grabbed its Poké Ball from his Ride Pager. “Thanks, Charizard,” he whispered, aiming the ball at it. The Charizard purred as it was brought back into the Poké Ball, leaving Gladion alone. Pulling two Poké Balls from his belt, he lobbed them in the air, bringing out his Crobat, along with a creature that resembled a blue and black bipedal jackal with a furry beige chest. “Lucario,” he said to the jackal creature, “is there anything here?” The Lucario set its feet back in a lunging pose and touched the spike in its chest with its paw, the four black appendages on the sides of its head rising as it sensed around the area. It slowly turned its head to the left, clearly sensing something. The appendages settled back down and it stood straight, walking forward to the south. Gladion and Crobat followed close-by. “Again, be careful,” he continued instructing. “If you find anything, try and immobilize them first.” From high up in the canyon walls, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie crept out of a small hole and crawled out to the edge, getting a better look at the human and his two mysterious creatures. “You think they’re looking for us?” Pinkie Pie’s question was quickly responded to with a grabbing of her head from Rainbow Dash’s arms. “If he is, you need to be more quiet!” she hissed. She then let go of the pink pony’s head, allowing her to breathe and get back to her safe and comfortable vantage. “It’s okay, though. I don’t think he can find us all the way up here. Even if he could, there’s no way he can beat my speed.” On the ground, Lucario continued leading Gladion and Crobat towards the end of the canyon, Lucario’s eyes glancing to the top of the canyon where he found the two faint, unfamiliar shapes he had seen before. Before even Gladion could react, Lucario’s head-appendages shot out to the sides and brought its arms in to the right of its waist, a blue ball of energy forming in its paws. Within the same split second, Lucario continued winding to the right, the aura sphere following beneath its right paw before it threw it out at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s spot with sheer speed. Rainbow Dash’s eyes could only widen as the blue energy ball struck the canyon wall just beneath them, sending them both flying into the air with a thick cloud of dust surrounding them. Both of them slid down the wall back to the floor, the both of them coughing the loose dirt they had inhaled. “Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I think they found us.” “No, really?” Rainbow Dash’s sarcasm was heightened by the residual amazement she felt at being upended the way they did. “Hold on…” With a flapping of her wings, Rainbow Dash cleared the air, but both of them screamed and leaped back to see Gladion there before them, his Crobat flying behind. “Wha…” Rainbow Dash stammered. “What in the hay are you?” “So, you speak the same language I do.” Gladion did not seem the least bit impressed by this. “If that’s the case, I’d like to ask the two of you to come with me back to Aether Paradise.” “Why should I trust you?” “The same reason I’m trusting you to come with me. We can get a better idea of what you are, where you come from, and why you’re here.” “You first, pal.” “No, me first!” Pinkie Pie jumped in. “Me first! My name’s Pink–” Her voice was cut off once again by Rainbow Dash’s constricting arms. “Don’t tell him anything.” “Please, forgive me for such a… violent introduction. I promise not to harm you anymore if you agree to follow me back to Aether Paradise. We’ll even allow you to help find the others that landed on the other islands.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and her mouth came open a bit, but she suddenly smirked, knowing all that she needed to now. “I think we’ll take our chances.” With a beat of her wings, she blew dust and dirt at Gladion and Crobat, forcing them to shield their eyes. Crobat’s wings blew away the small cloud, leaving it and Gladion astounded that they were now both gone, virtually no trace for them minus the chunk of canyon Lucario’s attack left behind. He grunted as he grabbed hold of Crobat’s body, gliding with it back down to the ground where Lucario waited. “Lucario,” he shouted, “where did they go?” Lucario positioned itself to sense them, its appendages rising. After a few moments, it jerked its head around, clearly unable to find them. Standing straight and facing its trainer, Lucario could only shake its head. Gladion sighed and petted its head between its ears. “You did well, Lucario. Thank you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wireless white earbud with a black tip on the end. Clicking a small button on it, he began walking back south with his two Pokémon following him. “Mother…” he said. “I found two of them… No, they had escaped… I don’t know, not even Lucario could track them. One of them was pink… the other was blue, and apparently very fast…” > Chapter 7 – Battle and Breakfast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam felt a light slapping on his forehead, causing him to stir. Opening his eyes and expecting to see a dark room, he was mildly surprised to see bright sunlight streaming through the window behind him and his bed. The next thing he noticed was Honedge tapping his head with its scabbard. Sam smiled and put his hand on his forehead before his Pokémon could get another in. Honedge floated off to the side as Sam sat up in his bed, savoring the feeling of being fully rested. Looking around, the other three beds were empty, making him chuckle a little. “Come on.” Sam spun to the side and made his way to the door. “Let’s hope Alice decided not to leave without us.” Sam opened the bedroom door and expected to see Alice fully dressed with the ponies waiting in the living room, but was once again nonplussed to find that it too was empty. As he thought where they could be, Sam heard a faint sizzling sound coming from behind the kitchen door. Sam walked up to it and opened the door, his Honedge peering over his head. Inside was Hau in his Kahuna attire at the stove, four small pancakes cooking on a large cast-iron skillet. Frying in the two pans on the left burners were five eggs and two pieces of toast, the rich, buttery scent wafting around the room. Sam continued scanning the room to find Alice sitting across from Fluttershy and Starlight at the dining area table. Tall glasses, coffee mugs, and plates, napkins, and silverware were already placed in front of them with a pitcher of juice on the table’s center, a glass bottle of syrup, a mound of butter sitting in a dish, and salt and pepper grinders beside it. Alice smirked deviously as she noticed her brother stepping further inside. “Well, well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Sam simply waved to her as he quickened his pace to take his spot at the table, the ponies taking notice of him. “Sam, good morning!” chirped Fluttershy. “You must have slept very well!” “The best I’ve had in a long time,” Sam said. “Must be the Alolan weather.” “Yes, good morning, Sam!” Hau flipped the pancakes, eggs, and toast with gusto, one after the other. “Sorry for having your Honedge wake you, but I didn’t want you to miss breakfast.” “No, I thank you! Probably would have slept in all day if it weren’t for you.” “I also poured you a coffee just a while ago. Black with sugar, right?” After giving her a thankful nod, Sam sat down next to his sister, still feeling as though the room was empty. “Hey, where’s your Pokémon?” “In the bathroom taking a bath.” Alice took a sip of her coffee. “Our Pokémon already ate, so don’t worry about feeding them.” Sam took a sip of his own coffee, smiling that it was still quite hot. “Alright.” Hau scooped up the four eggs from one of the pans with a spatula and put them on a plate. He then stacked up the pancakes and put them on a plate where six other pancakes sat. After scooping and stacking the toast from the last pan and putting it on another plate with three other pieces, he turned the oven off and grabbed all three pans by the handles with his gloved hands, placing them in the sink. Flinging the gloves off his hands to the counter, he then took the toast and egg plates in his left hand and the pancakes in his right, practically gliding to the table where he set all the food down before his spot at the end of table. “Plenty of food for everyone!” Hau began passing plates over to Alice, who took her equal share and arranged her pancakes, egg, and toast on her plate. Sam did the same once the food came to him. As he was about to pass a plate to Fluttershy, all three dishes levitated towards the ponies, covered in a turquoise light. In a synchronized motion, the remaining pancakes, eggs, and pieces of toast came off the plates and landed in a neat arrangement on Fluttershy, Starlight, and Hau’s plates. Starlight then concentrated to stack the now empty plates and place them on the table in front of her. “Thank you, Starlight,” said Fluttershy with a bow. “Hey!” Sam exclaimed. “Your magic came back!” “Starlight helped me set the table while I was cooking.” Hau gently patted her shoulder. “She’s a real help, she is. Now that we’re served…” Hau put his palms together and bowed over his plate. “Thank you for the meal!” Alice and Sam, understanding the custom, also put their hands together and bowed. “Thank you for the meal!” It took a bit longer for the ponies to catch on, but they put the bases of her hooves together and bowed. “Thank you for… the meal.” As Sam began slathering his pancakes with a generous helping of butter, he watched as Starlight poked through her egg’s runny yolk with her toast and took a bite, smiling with closed eyes as she savored the taste. “Once again, Hau,” she said, “everything’s delicious.” “Mm, good.” Hau’s face was already stuffed with pancake. “Pardon me for asking, but ponies actually eat eggs?” Sam made eye-contact as he drizzled his pancakes with syrup. “Yes, we do,” answered Fluttershy. “Alice and I actually had an interesting talk about our diets while you were sleeping.” “Oh…” Sam suddenly looked a bit uneasy, unsure if some of the details shared between them were a bit unsavory. “If you’re worried about Starlight and I knowing if humans eat meat, you shouldn’t be. I fully understand that every animal requires certain foods for their diets, and humans are no different. Even a chicken’s egg has a lot of proteins that ponies thrive on.” Sam’s uneasy stare softened as Fluttershy’s words sunk in. “Now please, eat. I’m sure Hau would hate for your breakfast to get cold.” “Uh… right.” As Sam picked his egg up with his fork and put it upon his toast, he watched as Fluttershy thoroughly enjoyed her egg. Sam found it a bit easier to cut a piece of egg and toast with his knife and eat the yellow drippy bite. Alice was dressed and packed, sitting at the couch staring at the bathroom door, her washed and dressed brother the only thing separating them from heading to the first trial site. She checked the time on her Pokédex, grunting to see that it was already quarter to 10. “This is the last time I give you crap for not sleeping in,” she sighed. The door finally opened, and Sam was fully dressed and equipped, taking a towel to his hair and then hanging it on the corner of the door. Alice bolted off the chair and stood beside her brother. “Finally.” Alice gave a final stretch of her arms and hips. “Shall we get a move on?” “After you.” As the two of them stepped to the door, Hau came out from the kitchen, quickly blocking the door. “Hey, hold up there guys! There’s something I need to give you before you go off.” Alice and Sam couldn’t possibly know what it could be, so they stood still and silently. “You met Tapu Koko last night, and he let you take the ponies with you. He met with me last night, and it seems he wants to officially grant you his blessing.” He then placed both hands into his jacket pockets, Sam and Alice looking excited as to what might be inside. “It took me a bit of time last night to get these ready before you left this morning, but better now than later.” Hau finally grabbed the contents in his jacket, the armbands wrapping around his hands, but upon opening them up, Alice and Sam’s eyes glowed brightly as if they were 10 years old again on Christmas morning. Two Z-Rings, looking exactly like the one Hau wore on his wrist, rested on Hau’s palms. “No way,” Alice whispered in her shock. “A Z-Ring. These are ours?” “Absolutely! Please, put them on!” Sam and Alice, still reeling, slowly and gently took one from his hand, slipping it over the fingers, through the hand, and allowing it to snugly stay on the left wrist. Hau smiled warmly watching the two of them feel and fondle their gifts. “Hau…” Sam’s voice could only elicit mild gasps. “I don’t know what to say!” “You shouldn’t need to say anything. Now that you have your very own Z-Rings, you can now tackle the Island Trials properly.” “Wow, just…” Alice herself was close to tears. “Thank you so very much, Hau!” “Aw, shucks, don’t thank me!” Hau leaned to the side and put his hands over and behind his back, a wide toothy grin on his face. “Tapu Koko gave me the Sparkling Stones to make them, and he certainly wanted you to have them.” Alice couldn’t help herself. With a single leap, she wrapped her arms around Hau’s back over his shoulders, nearly throwing him off balance. “I’m still thanking you!” she laughed. “Oh my god, I have a Z-Ring! WOO!” Starlight and Fluttershy came out from the bedroom, approaching the three humans. “What’s going on out here?” Starlight asked. “Well,” Sam boasted, holding his left wrist up, “if you thought Tapu Koko was bad then, you should see what he gave us!” “So, that’s a Z-Ring?” asked Fluttershy. “What does it do?” Alice had let go of Hau, allowing him to step up to the ponies and address them. “A Z-Ring is a special bracelet that allows its user and their Pokémon to activate their Z-Power and use Z-Moves.” “Umm, sorry, but–” “Right, right, my apologies! Z-Power is channeled through the Z-Ring through use of a Z-Crystal, which trainers receive as a token of victory after they’ve defeated a trial. The trainer’s Pokémon then unleash that Z-Power to use Z-Moves, which are super powerful moves that require the full energy of both the trainer and their Pokémon. You can only use one Z-Move per battle, and even then, it takes a lot out of you, so as you continue going on your journey, ensure you use your Z-Moves wisely.” “Thank you, Hau.” Sam turned to the Kahuna and nodded to him. “We should get going soon.” “Yes, of course! Have fun out– Oh! Hold on, I forgot something!” Hau rushed back into the kitchen as Starlight and Fluttershy came forwards. “So,” Starlight said, full of vigor, “where are we headed?” “We?” Sam asked. “You’re coming with too?” “What else would we be doing? Staying here and twiddling our hooves?” “Well, I figured you and Fluttershy would stay here while the whole mess with the wormholes blows over. Plus, I’m certain your other friends aren’t on this island, so it’s not like you’d need to help us with anything.” “No, but I figured if we’re stuck here in this world, we could at least see it in its fullest with you.” “Plus,” Fluttershy added, “if there are more of these Pokémon like yours out there, I’d most definitely like to see them.” “Sure!” Sam clearly understood Alice by the loudness of her voice. “That sounds like a great idea! Doesn’t it, Sam?” “Uh, yeah, the more, the merrier!” Hau came from the kitchen with two quartered sandwiches in plastic bags. “I made you some egg salad for lunch!” Hau tossed both bags to Alice and Sam, and they both caught them, putting them in their bags. “I couldn’t help but overhear Starlight and Fluttershy wanting to come with, so I divvied up the sandwiches for you to share.” “Thank you again, Hau.” Alice said. “We really should get going now. If we do this right, we should be back in Iki Town before sundown.” “Very nice. I hope you’ll have enough energy to face me in the Grand Trial.” “We look forward to nothing else. Come on, let’s get going!” Alice led the way and opened the door outside, the other three following her. “Bye, Hau!” Fluttershy called. “See ya’!” Sam spoke. “Goodbye!” exclaimed Starlight. Hau took in a deep breath and continued smiling. His exhale was deafening now that he was alone again. “Good bunch of kids,” he said to himself before retiring back to the kitchen. Sam and Alice walked ahead through the canyon pass of Route 3, keeping an eye out for any trainers or Pokémon they would encounter along the way. “Hmm.” Starlight’s voice was quiet and cautious. “The area’s not as populated as I thought.” “You don’t think we’re scaring all the animals away, do you?” asked Fluttershy. “With that voice?” Alice replied. “Not a chance. Even then, the fact we haven’t seen a wild Pokémon or a trainer is really weird.” “Perhaps its for the best,” Sam said. “We want our Pokémon to be in their fittest shape for the trial.” “I mean,” Alice said, “we should have at least one battle before the trial.” “That seems fair, but we don’t want to tire out our Pokémon too much before then, especially if we want to face Hau too.” “We have some time until we get there. Maybe you can find yourself a second Pokémon to add to your team too.” Just then, a brown puppy much like the one Kukui had in his lab sped around a corner from the end of the canyon pass and stood defiantly in the middle, barking at them with a confident grin on its face. The loud, sharp cries and the echo through the canyon scared Fluttershy, making her leap up and behind her friends. Soon following the Pokémon out was a male trainer with cocoa skin and sandy-brown hair wearing a blue jacket with a wide, stiff collar and matching athletic shorts and strap-on running shoes. “Sorry, about my Rockruff,” he said, kneeling down to gently hold it still and keep it quiet. “He likes to jump out in front of people and…” His words trailed off as he looked to who he was talking to, meeting the eyes of Starlight and Fluttershy. Feeling his knees weaken, he sat on the ground and continued staring at the ponies. “Wow,” he managed to get out, “what kind of Pokémon are those?” “We’re not Pokémon.” Starlight stepped forward with her remark, causing the trainer to gasp. “We’re just trying to find our other friends.” “Not Pokémon?” the trainer seemed quite perplexed with the words, as if they were in some foreign language. “But… that means… you were the ones that came from the wormhole!” “That’s right,” Alice said, “and we’re trying to complete our Island Trials so we can get to the other islands to find them. Now, please let us on our way, unless…” “…unless I want to challenge you to a battle? Looks like you guessed right.” The trainer got to his feet, feeling suddenly invigorated. “Who wants to go first? In fact, why don’t I take the both of you on together?” “You really think that’s a good idea?” “I don’t think of bad ideas. Yes, you and your friend, I’d like to see what the both of you got.” “Uh…” Sam awkwardly stepped forward with an introductory wave. “I’m actually her brother, so–” “Okay, then. Brother and sister bonding. I like it. Might I have your names before we begin?” “Oh, uh, well, I’m Sam, and this is–” “Alice,” she finished for him. “I have to thank you in advance for this fight. Our Pokémon would probably like to sharpen their claws before the Island Challenge.” “Hohh,” sighed Fluttershy. “If only Pinkie Pie were here. She’d probably say something like, ‘Oooh, Alice with the sick lines,’ or ‘Wow, she so bad…’” “Come on!” cheered Starlight. “You can do this!” “Alright,” the trainer said, “my name is Makana, and you may want to remember that when I reach the top. Let’s go, Rockruff!” The puppy yipped in excitement and juked itself around Makana’s legs and stood before him, ready to charge. He then took out another Poké Ball from his waist and threw it out beside his Rockruff. “Come on out, Slowpoke!” The ball opened up, and forming from the bright energy and standing on the ground was a pink, quadripedal creature with a big, long tail, vacant, pencil-thin eyes, and a fat, tan muzzle. Fluttershy looked at both of them with wonderment. “Wow!” She was positively gushing. “Look at them!” “Here,” Sam said, “if you want to learn about them.” Pulling out his Pokédex, he held the center screen over both Pokemon to scan them. “Rockruff,” a robotic tenor voice sounded from the device, “the Puppy Pokémon. It's considered to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, but its disposition grows rougher as it grows up. Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokémon. It is always vacantly lost in thought, but no one knows what it is thinking about. It is good at fishing with its tail.” “Amazing…” Fluttershy’s elation had not stopped. “Interesting team,” commented Alice as she and her brother took a Poké Ball from their belts. “Go, Noibat!” “Honedge, let’s do this!” Upon throwing their balls, both Pokémon left and formed from them at the same time, staring down their opponents. “Oh, neat!” Makana exclaimed. “You guys are from Kalos! This battle just got way more interesting.” “You haven’t seen anything yet. Ready, Honedge?” Sam held out his arm with his hand stretched open, and with a clasp of his hand, Honedge floated still and straight, impressing Makana with a widening of his eyes. “Alright, Honedge, use Shadow Sneak on the Slowpoke!” At once, Sam reeled his arm and threw a punch toward the ground, Honedge following the movements perfectly as it swung to the ground in response. A black shadow beneath Honedge slithered across the ground right at Slowpoke. Once the shadow came beneath it, the shadow erupted from the ground and struck its target. Sam kept his arm out to the side, Honedge at the same angle as the side of his fist. He watched as the Slowpoke swooned around and plopped onto its belly, panting as it struggled to get up. “Oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “It isn’t hurt, is it?” “Not too bad,” Makana responded. “Pokémon are pretty durable in battle, but they can tire out easily if hit with enough attacks.” He then smirked. “Rockruff, use Bite on his Honedge!” With a bark, the small dog charged at Honedge, its teeth bared. Sam crossed his right arm over his left with a shout, prompting Honedge to form a defensive stance with his blade and scabbard in the form of an X. The Rockruff came beneath Honedge and leapt up, it’s teeth biting the center of cross from the bottom, making Honedge wince and emit a low-pitched whine. “Quick!” Alice shouted. “Noibat, before Slowpoke attacks, use your Bite on it!” With a few flaps in the air, Noibat gained altitude before swooping down and soaring in a beeline at the Slowpoke. Without a break in its speed, Noibat opened its maw and bit down on its shoulder, the force tackling them both to the ground. With the Slowpoke on its stomach, motionless, Noibat hopped off of it and flew back towards Alice. “Pull…” Sam grunted, slowly easing his right arm off his left. With a concerted squint, Honedge separated the blade from the sheath, slowly pulling the puppy’s bite apart, though its jaws still held tight. Sam then flicked his wrists in while pushing out with his arms, and Honedge rotated itself and flung the Rockruff off. “Wow!” Starlight whooped. “Nicely done!” As Rockruff, ran back to rejoin Makana, he pulled out Slowpoke’s Poké Ball and returned it inside. “Thanks, man,” he whispered with sincerity. “It will be okay, right?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, yeah. A revive and a super potion, and he’ll be right as rain in no time.” “Potion?” Starlight asked. “Sam, Alice, are you sure that there isn’t magic in this world?” “Magic?” Makana asked. “What is she talking about?” “It’s a very long story,” Alice said. “Now, is your Rockruff all that’s left?” “It is. Although, I don’t think your brother’s Honedge will surive another Bite.” “Try us,” Sam said, to which Honedge responded with a threatening slash of its blade. Alice looked to her brother and smiled, glad to see her talk the previous night hadn’t gone to waste. “Okay, hit him with another Shadow Sneak!” Sam punched the air below him and Honedge thrust itself to the ground, its shadow snaking itself out at the Rockruff and striking it from below once the shadow reached it. Rockruff went slightly airborne and rolled back to its paws upon hitting the ground. “Let’s see if he’s right,” Makana said to himself. “Rockruff, give his Honedge another Bite!” Rockruff bolted at Honedge, and Sam positioned himself defensively again, leading Honedge to assume its X-formation. Rockruff bit down hard again, and Honedge’s grunts of pain sounded more desperate, but it continued holding on. Alice and Sam looked to each other, Alice jerking her head up and back. “Noibat,” she called, “get under Honedge.” As Noibat flew back around and between Sam and his Pokémon, Sam moved his arms up, and with another strained grumble, Honedge rasied itself up, taking Rockruff up so that its back paws were just barely touching the ground. “Now, use Aerial Ace!” With a push off the ground, Noibat drove the bar of its right wing into Rockruff’s belly, pushing it off Honedge and sending it back with a yelp. “Rockruff!” Makana shouted. “Oh, wow!” Fluttershy spoke out. The small dog rolled out along the ground, laying on its side upon stopping. However, it found the strength to get itself back up. Alice and Sam scoffed in disappointment. “Alright!” Makana then pulled a red, plastic card from his pocket. “You’re the only one with another Pokémon with them, so send it out.” “Wait,” Starlight said, looking around the battlefield, “what’s happening?” “A Red Card,” Alice answered, pulling out Noibat’s ball from her belt. “Means I have to switch out my Pokémon when I hit him with a physical attack. You did great, Noibat!” As it was brought back into its Poké Ball, Noibat squeaked happily. Returning her Pokémon’s ball to her belt, she took Pikachu’s ball and threw it out. “It’s all you now, Pikachu!” she shouted, the energy that popped from the Poké Ball forming into the yellow rodent. Makana smiled as her Pokémon squealed in anticipation. He then looked up at Honedge, who looked battered and spent, but still appeared resolute in finishing the battle. “I’m truly impressed,” he said. “Your Honedge still stands. Now I’m certain he won’t last another attack.” “That’s if your Pokémon outlasts ours,” Sam chuckled. “What?” “Pikachu!” shouted Alice. “Quick Attack, now!” With breakneck speeds, the Pikachu’s motions were just a zigzag shaped blur that formed straight at the Rockruff, Pikachu striking it against its head upon contact. “Let’s do it, Honedge!” Sam called. “Finish him with one last Shadow Sneak!” Honedge thrust itself down once again along with Sam’s arm as its shadow moved out along the ground toward Rockruff, who was still down from the last attack. Before it could get back up, the shadow struck Rockruff and sent it back to Makana’s feet, where it laid still on its back. “Good going, brother,” Alice said, holding her left fist out. “Nice teamwork, there,” he responded, bumping her fist with his right. “So,” Starlight said, “that was a Pokémon battle…” Makana picked up his pooch and cradled it in his right arm, placing a diamond-shaped object on its tongue, which melted on contact. Almost immediately, the Rockruff stirred out of unconsciousness and yipped happily at Sam, Alice and their Pokémon. “Hmhmhm,” Makana giggled. “It seems Rockruff is thanking you two for a great battle.” “Yes,” Alice said, “that actually got intense.” “If you want, there’s a Pokémon Center at the bottom of the hill when you keep going. You can rest your Pokémon there before you take Ilima’s challenge.” “We plan to,” Sam said, pulling out Honedge’s Poké Ball. “Honedge, amazing work out there, buddy.” Honedge’s closed hilt eye implied joy as it was returned inside the ball. Alice too returned her Pikachu into its ball. “You also keep those… er…” “Ponies,” Starlight answered for him. “We’re called ponies.” “Right. You two keep those ponies safe. I hope you find the others.” “Thanks again, Makana,” Alice replied, making her way toward him. “See ya’ later.” Sam and the ponies followed her and passed Makana, who watched them both as they both turned the bend and disappeared behind the side of the mountain. Makana was alerted to a slight whimper from Rockruff, and he set it down for it to stand on its feet. “Quite a strong bunch, huh?” he asked it, getting a sharp, but happy bark in reply. “Come on. Let’s see if we can get even stronger.” The Rockruff barked again as it received a tender pet down its back. The two of them then walked down the hill in the direction of Iki Town, Rockruff bounding excitedly as they went. > Chapter 8 – Trials > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion was awoken by a slight kick in the right side of his butt. He looked up and saw a bulky and short young woman wearing a snug, khaki body-suit with a purple bonnet, two long black puffy pigtails draping out from the front. Readjusting to his surroundings, he found himself surrounded by rectangular clay houses lined with ruined short clay walls. “Hapu,” he groggily moaned in acknowledgement, pulling himself up to his feet. “You’re the last person I’d expect to find sleeping along the side of my house,” she said, her voice rough like sandpaper, but still young and full of energy. “Is this about the wormholes?” “Yeah. It looks like two creatures came from the one that appeared above Poni–” “Wait, you saw them!?” Gladion nodded. “Hiding up in the canyon area. At least they were when I found them, but they got away before I could ask them to come back to Aether Paradise with me.” “Hold up, hold up. You asked them? Like you thought they would understand you?” “I did, because they speak and understand the same language that we do.” Hapu ran her gloved hand over the top of her hair, pulling the bonnet down around her neck before she readjusted it. “How did you find them? I was alerted by Tapu Fini about an hour after the wormhole appeared and even we had trouble locating them.” “My Lucario’s aura sensing found them. I asked them to help me find the others on the other islands, but one of them distracted me with a Sand-Attack and flew away with the other.” “So they have wings?” “Only one of them. She had a bright blue coat and a mane and tail that was color-striped like a rainbow. Dead serious.” “Like a horse?” “Yeah, exactly like a horse, though smaller, like a pony. The other one was just… pink.” “That’s not entirely helpful…” “Trust me, if you see them, you’ll know.” “Where do you think they went?” “It’s a bit hard to say. I may have scared them to the point that they’re both hiding deep in a cave on Poni Island…” he then looked out to the eastern sea. “…however, if I were them, and I was as fast as the blue one was, I’d probably find someplace else to lay low…” “You mean like…” “Sorry, Hapu, I need to go.” Gladion stepped away from her a few paces. “If they are still on Poni Island, be careful while looking.” “I will. Where are you headed first?” “I’m just going east and working my way over.” “Good luck to you then.” “Same.” Pulling out his Ride Pager, he brought out a metal Poké Ball, and from it, he summoned the Charizard. It crouched down to allow Gladion to easily climb aboard. As the dragon stood up and prepared for flight, Gladion and Hapu shared a last nod just as Charizard squatted and leapt up with its wings beating, sending it and Gladion into the air. Before the Charizard could level off and fly east, Hapu took out a Poké Ball from her belt and tossed it out, the energy forming into a large brown horse with large, red forelegs, its black mane dreadlocked on the sides while the center was styled in a stiff Mohawk. The horse knelt down on its front legs, allowing Hapu to grab two of its dreads. With a leap, the horse yanked Hapu up and she landed squarely upon its back. Grabbing a firm hold on its shoulder plates, the horse whinnied and galloped off toward the eastern side of the island. Alice and Sam stood behind the railing on the platform of the Route 2 Pokémon Center, eating their sandwich halves with the ponies sitting on a bench to their right, also enjoying their lunch. Sam and Alice kept their sights on the Verdant Cavern entrance where the trial posts on the sides of the paths beckoned them. Alice noticed as Sam scarfed his last two bites of sandwich at once, leaving barely enough room to chew. “Sam, come on,” Alice moaned, “slow down. We’re not at home anymore.” “Wuuww,” Sam said, his voice muffled. It took him a few seconds to swallow enough to sound more legible. “We’re just a few yards away from our first trial, and you, of all people, want me to slow down?” “Fair enough, but still, we’re not going in there until I’ve finished my sandwich.” “Grrreat.” Neither the ponies nor humans bothered to acknowledge the door to the Pokémon center opening, but after several moments, a voice caught Alice and Sam’s attention. “Hello, there!” Ilima’s voice called out. The brother and sister duo turned to see that it was indeed Ilima approaching them. “Sam and Alice, was it?” “Yeah, that’s right.” Sam shook the captain’s hand. “We’re just finishing up our lunch now and going straight to Verdant Cavern for our first trial.” “That’s wonderful!” By now, Alice managed to stand up and shake Ilima’s hand as well. “Now, are you going to introduce me to those two beautiful Pokémon you have with you?” “Allow me,” Starlight said, clearly charmed by his compliment. Ilima suddenly blushed, his eyes narrowing as Starlight’s half-eyed glare approached him. “I’m Starlight Glimmer, and my other friend over there is Fluttershy.” Fluttershy, her mouth full of sandwich, could only wave. “They’re not Pokémon, either. They’re called ponies.” Alice added. “That wormhole that appeared last night? Those two came from another world through it, and we’re doing our trials so we can get stronger and move on to the other islands to find her other friends.” Illima’s shock began to melt away, but still looked excited over the whole ordeal. “…My, my. How terribly sorry I am for you both. I certainly hope your time on Alola hasn’t been too stressful.” “On the contrary,” Starlight replied. “Alice and Sam have been wonderful companions, and we’ve also made a pleasant acquaintance with Hau.” “Have you? I’m very happy to hear that. Well, I don’t wish to waste anymore of your time. I’ll need to make a couple of final preparations before I’m ready, but considering how well these ponies have taken to you, you and your Pokémon shouldn’t have much trouble at all.” Ilima hurdled over the raling on the platform and spun over, swinging back into the wall and hopping down to the ground before running toward the cavern, the ponies watching him with perplexity as he went inside the cavern and disappeared. “Interesting,” Fluttershy commented. “That’s exactly what I said,” Sam responded. “Well,” Alice said, plopping back down to sit on the floor cross-legged, “looks like I can continue enjoying my lunch while the trial’s being set up.” “Neat.” Sam walked his way toward the Pokémon Center entrance. “Maybe I’ll take a trip inside and have a tea. Anyone else want something while I’m in?” “Um, I’ll be fine, thank you,” Fluttershy answered back. “Juice or water would be fine,” Starlight requested. “Alice?” Sam pressed. “Anything?” “I’ve got a water in my bag!” she said back. Sam nodded and disappeared behind the sliding doors. “Don’t take too long!” Alice called out. Realizing she would not receive any kind of reaction from him, she cocked her head in mild defeat and pushed her last bite of sandwich into her mouth with her thumb. Alice and Sam led Starlight and Fluttershy inside Verdant Cavern, the unicorn holding a clear plastic cup with a straw half-filled with a bright yellow juice in it with her magic. Upon getting fully inside, they stood and gazed upon the place with wonder. The ground and walls were covered with moss, vines, and ferns, and there were many dipping, rising, and winding pathways around. A chasm in the center of the cave was connected by a long wooden-plank bridge. There were also several rocks and areas inside the wall where small burrows were dug. Several holes in the ceiling allowed a generous amount of sunlight to illuminate the room. “Welcome!” Ilima called out, stepping from within to greet them. “You arrived earlier than expected. I normally say this as a formality before trainers enter Verdant Cavern, but these trials test the strength and endurance of both Pokémon and their trainers. Once I declare that the trial has begun, neither of you will be allowed to leave until you’ve either completed the trial or all of your Pokémon have fainted. Will you still venture forward, knowing this?” Sam and Alice gave each other smug, confident smiles. “I believe the two of us are ready,” Alice answered. “Then allow me to explain the basics of my trial…” he said. Just then, a Pokémon scampered out of a den from a rock at the first forked path. It was a foot-long brown mongoose-like creature with two large blonde stripes: one running from its chin to the end of its flat, hairy tail, and one that went from the top of the tail’s tip and down to the top of its head, the tuft of hair giving it the appearance of a combover. Its wide, frowning set of sharp teeth betrayed any sense of cuteness that its beady black eyes and small button nose could have. “What’s that?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m not even too sure myself,” Alice said, pulling out her Pokédex and aiming the screen at it. “Yungoos,” the Pokédex reported, “the Loitering Pokémon. It wanders around in a never-ending search for food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and falls asleep on the spot.” “Yes,” Ilima continued, “as you can see, quite a few strong Pokémon make their homes in this cave, and what each of you will need to do is to defeat two of the Pokémon in here. And note, that this isn’t a race. Being that you two entered to take on my trial at the same time, you will both take on the next part of the trial at the same time.” “Next part?” asked Sam. Just then, a loud roaring echoed out from the back exit of the cavern, unnerving Sam and Fluttershy a great deal. “What the heck was that?” Starlight asked. Ilima smirked “Each trial has one particularly strong Pokémon that serves as the final obstacle for trainers to overcome: the Totem Pokémon. Once you have each defeated two Pokémon, come see me at the other end of the cavern, and I’ll take you to the Totem Pokémon inside.” “Do they have to?” asked Fluttershy. “That Pokémon sounds really big and scary.” “I don’t think we have too much of a choice,” Sam sighed. “That’s right!” agreed Ilima, his voice full of vigor. “Lastly, know that you will not be allowed to capture any Pokémon for the duration of your trial. With that said, the trial of Captain Ilima begins now!” With a rise and throwing down of his arm, Ilima stepped aside and made way for Sam, Alice, and the two ponies. “So,” Starlight asked, “what are you going to do?” “I’ll take the den that Yungoos went into,” Alice said. “Sam, you go on ahead.” “What about us?” Fluttershy asked. “Right.” Sam looked up at the exit where the Totem Pokémon awaited. “Fluttershy, you stay back with my sister. You don’t mind tagging with me, do you, Starlight?” “Not at all,” she responded, finishing the last of her juice with a slurp of the straw. “Excuse me,” Ilima said, walking forward, “might I take your cup? I like to keep the caves as free from trash as possible.” “Yes, of course.” Using her magic, she levitated the cup into his hands. “Sam, let’s go!” The two headed down a hill towards a rock being lit by the sunlight, another rocky den just ahead of it. Sam and Starlight both peeked inside, but there didn’t seem to be any activity there. “Hello?” Starlight called. Still nothing. “Let’s try another.” Sam was already running before he could finish his statement, Starlight galloping after him. “Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!” Alice’s Pikachu’s cheeks went bright as plasma danced off of it. It then shot a stream of electricity at the Yungoos, where it warbled out in pain before sinking to its stomach, fainted. “Alright, one left,” Alice said. “Come on, let’s keep going!” “But what about the poor Yungoos?” whimpered Fluttershy. “It’s alright,” Ilima said from behind. “It will wake up in a few moments, and I’ll nurse it back to fuller health once the trial’s over. You should continue with your friend now.” “Come on!” Alice had climbed herself onto a ledge further down to the left with another one above her. Fluttershy flapped her wings and flew up to the top of the drop as Alice pulled herself up, brushing the dirt off her mildly scuffed legs. “There’s one further up!” Alice exclaimed with a point. “Just a little further!” Both Alice and Fluttershy ran toward it. Sam crawled out of a small rock tunnel near the back right corner of the cave, his eyes set on another den just ahead. Sam stepped back and crouched down to see Starlight’s legs through the hole. “It’s all clear!” he shouted, watching her lean down and examine the hole herself. “What are you–” He was cut off by Starlight appearing before him in a bursting bubble of turquoise light, making him jump back a foot with a yelp near the den’s entrance. He then felt a quick scratching at the heels of his shoes along with a distressed squeak, making him leap forward a foot and turn back around, coming face to face with a black rat with a brown underbelly and cheeks and two large buck teeth, two locks of hair coming from the side of its snout like a moustache. “What is that?” Starlight asked, looking a bit afraid with Sam. “I think it’s a Rattata,” Sam answered with a whipping out of his Pokédex, “but…” “Rattata,” the Pokédex said, “the Mouse Pokémon. With their strong capacity for survival, they can live in dirty places without concern. Left unchecked, their numbers multiply rapidly.” Sam looked closely at the entry, smiling as he saw a black bar up at the top reading DARK next to a grey one that read NORMAL. “Aw, perfect,” he said, pulling out his only Poké Ball. “Honedge, let’s go!” His Pokémon came out of the ball, standing before the Rattata that began hissing at it. “Alright, Honedge, use Fury Cutter!” Honedge’s blade glowed a faint green, and with Sam miming a wide, downward swing to the right, Honedge mimed the motion, its blade striking Rattata in the side of the ribs. “Come on out, Mr. Yungoos!” Fluttershy’s voice echoed inside the den with no response. “Shoot! Maybe something else. Come on out, Mrs.–” “There’s nothing there!” Alice went off again, climbing up another ledge to the back cavern exit. Fluttershy sighed and ran off to follow her. The Rattata went down and fell to its side, lying still in defeat. Honedge flexed its cloth arm with a determined squint in its eye. “Well done,” Starlight complimented. “Let’s not celebrate too early,” Sam said. “We have one more to go and then the Totem Pokémon.” “Well where do you think the last one is? We’ve checked our side and only found one Pokémon, and I don’t think your sister’s found more than one, so…” “I’ll bet these caves are connected. They take trainers on a ride trying to exhaust them both physically and mentally by hiding in dens and taking hidden tunnels to another.” “So, where to then?” “I’m going to check the first one we did again!” Before Starlight could object, Sam ran down a hill back toward the entrance and shuffled along the wood bridge and looking straight ahead. As Starlight quickly went out to follow him, he stopped at a ledge leading them back to the beginning, seeing a slight glimmer hidden in the dirt. Starlight slid to a stop upon reaching him “Sam?” “Yeah, give me a minute.” Starlight huffed and stamped her hoof impatiently as Sam went to investigate. Alice knelt down and peered into the den in the upper-right of the cavern, another Rattata popping out from it, taking a swipe at her face. Alice leapt back in time as she fidgeted for another Poké Ball. Fluttershy, having seen what it did, crouched down to the black rodent with a furious scowl. “Hey, Mr. Mouse!” she spat, the Rattata holding its ground while arching in defensively, hissing at her. “Don’t try and scratch at her like that! Why would you do something mean like tha–” “Headbutt, now!” Fluttershy was suddenly taken aback with a fearful squeak as Alice’s Pikachu slammed the top of the Rattata’s face and sent it into the back of the cave wall. The rat got back to its feet and shook the disorientation out of its head. Fluttershy looked up to Alice as she tossed Pikachu’s Poké Ball up repeatedly. “Don’t worry about it,” Alice said, “I’ll teach it a lesson. Thunder Shock!” Volts of electricity shot from Pikachu’s cheeks at the opponent. Sam climbed the last ledge up to the den at the back left of the cavern, which Starlight ascended with a single jump. Sam called his Honedge out of its Poké Ball and ran straight to the hole, sliding on its stomach toward it. “Wakey wakey!” he shouted, scuttling back as fast as he could. Fortunately for him, a Yungoos chased at him out of the hole, only to have Honedge’s blade wall him off. Alice and Fluttershy ran toward them, standing at the edge of the ledge with the cavern exit just behind them. Honedge raised itself back and stood between its trainer and the miffed Yungoos, giving Honedge a couple of warbled barks. “Let’s try this out,” Sam said. “Honedge, use Brick Break!” “Brick Break?” Alice and Fluttershy questioned together. Sam crouched down and kept his right arm and fist out, Honedge getting low and swinging wide to the right. Sam then lunged forward and swung to the right, Honedge following through and striking the Yungoos in the side from its shoulder to its thigh. The hit was enough to send Yungoos flying off toward the ledge to its right. Sam quickly knelt down and slammed his wrist to the ground, Honedge flying over on the other side of the ledge and caught the Yungoos as it flew over. Fluttershy and Starlight sighed with relief as Honedge gently laid the still-fainted Pokémon down on the ground. Ilima hopped up each ledge from the beginning to meet the group, taking a glance back at the Yungoos Honedge had saved. “Well done! That was a very impressive Brick Break your Honedge did there.” “Yeah,” Alice interrupted, leaning over to look Sam in the eye, “how did your Honedge manage to learn that?” “I found a TM by one of the ledges,” Sam answered. “Actually surprised you didn’t see it seeing as how you went that way first.” “Well, what are you waiting for? Hit ya’ sista’ up!” Ilima chuckled as Alice got close up to Sam as he fidgeted a small, brownish-orange disk from his bag and tried handing it to her. “You two make whatever final preparations you must,” he said, walking toward the cavern exit. “Whenever you’re ready, join me outside.” “You need any potions too?” Sam asked his sister. Alice took her Pikachu out, where it stood beside her, looking around in confusion over the lack of any other Pokémon to fight. “No, I actually found a couple Super Potions on the ground though, but since you offered…” “Nope.” Sam took a red spray-bottle with a golden head and trigger and doused Honedge with a couple of misty puffs while Alice knelt to her Pikachu, holding the TM up. Alice and Sam stepped outside with Honedge and Pikachu, the ponies behind them all. Ilima stood beside a cylindrical, tribal pedestal at the end of the craterous area they found themselves in. A large slot in the pedestal was carved out at chest hight, where two opaque light-grey gems sat, glimmering seductively. “Congratulations!” Ilima’s voice was amplified by the surrounding rocky walls. “You have made it to this point. All that you must do now is advance and take the Normalium Z that sits in this pedestal!” “Oh, well, geez!” Alice said in a sarcastically low voice, exaggerating a casual walk cycle up to the pedestal. “That was easy. I sure do hope there isn’t a totem Pokémon that’ll–” Halfway across, Alice was stopped by a loud duet of roaring. She turned back with her fingers pressed to her cheeks, her mouth and eyes comically wide open. Leaping from a hole high up at the back center of the wall was a Pokémon resembling the Yungoos, only six times larger once it stood on its hind legs with its hands behind its back. The tuft of blonde hair on its head also protruded out like a cap, and it kept its eyes closed, the lids white enough to look like they were open. Coming out of the same hole and standing beside the other Pokemon was a fat five-foot black rat with large beige cheeks making its red eyes squint in an angry look. Alice turned around once both Pokémon landed, her face frozen in her fake expression of surprise and terror as it slowly became more genuine. She then shrieked as she ran back with her friends and Pokémon. “Holy hell!” Alice shouted, her arm shaking as she pointed to them. “Those things are huge!” “Are they mutants?” Fluttershy asked. Sam pulled out his Pokédex and scanned them both, starting with the titanic mongoose. “Gumshoos,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Stakeout Pokémon. When it finds a trace of its prey, it patiently stakes out the location, but it's always snoozing by nightfall. Raticate, the Mouse Pokémon. Its disposition is far more violent than its looks would suggest. Don't let your hand get too close to its face, as it could bite your hand clean off.” “How lovely,” Sam deadpanned. “Alright, come on guys, let’s–” The two Pokémon roared at Alice and Sam, some kind of energy exerting from them that blew into Sam and Alice strong enough to almost knock them over. When the force died down, Alice noticed with a gasp as the Gumshoos and Raticate were now glowing with a wispy orange aura. “What’s this now?” asked Alice. “As the totem Pokémon,” Ilima explained, “they have been granted additional power by the island guardian. You and your Pokémon will need all their wits in order to survive this battle.” From the edge of the crater directly above the Verdant Cavern back-entrance and out of sight, Tapu Koko watched intently, its eyes shimmering brighter than normal. “Honedge,” Sam called, “let’s do this!” “You’re already out, Pikachu, so give it to 'em.” The Pikachu leapt out to join Honedge’s side, the two Totem Pokémon growling at them in provocation. “Sam,” Alice said to her brother, “let’s get the Raticate first. Brick Break will hit it especially hard.” “You don’t need to tell me,” Sam said. “Honedge…” “Pikachu…” “…use Brick Break on Raticate!” they ordered in unison. At once, Honedge and Pikachu charged, Raticate advancing itself. With it’s front teeth opening, it directed itself at Honedge. It bit down on it hard, the Honedge wincing, but quickly felt relief as Pikachu’s foot drove right into the side of its gut, forcing Raticate off. The Gumshoos cried out into the sky and then spun itself, picking up a giant cloud of dirt and throwing it over the entire area. “Woah!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “It must be very strong to make a dust cloud that big!” Honedge dove into the cloud where it last saw the Raticate and swung where it stood, but found that it already disappeared inside. “Don’t worry!” Sam called out. “Just wait.” “Sam,” Alice hissed, “what are you–” “Waiting…” He began clenching his fists. He could just barely make out Honedge’s shadow in the Sand-Attack that Gumshoos had made. Alice grunted as her patience ran thin. “Pikachu, Quick Attack on Raticate, now!” Pikachu sped through the cloud, its eyes forcing themselves closed as the dust stung with each step. Blinded, Pikachu could not see as a Yungoos and a Rattata both charged it on both sides, Yungoos’s Tackle hitting Pikachu’s head and the Rattata’s hitting its ribs. Its cries of pain were clear to Alice. “Pikachu!” Sam glanced to his sister, and refocusing himself, he almost missed as Raticate came barreling at Honedge, who still awaited Sam’s instructions. “He’s in your sights!” he quickly hollered. “Brick Break, now!” Sam spun out and arched back, swinging his “sword” up and out. Honedge sensed its trainer’s motions, staring low from the ground and slicing upwards, striking Raticate square in the jaw and sending it flying back. Honedge looked down over its fallen opponent, seeing that it was not getting back up. Ilima could see this much through the dust cloud. “Raticate is unable to battle!” Ilima loudly confirmed. “Yes!” Starlight cheered with a clapping of her hooves. “Way to go!” Honedge turned to face Sam and Starlight, raising its scabbard triumphantly. In its distraction, it couldn’t see as the Gumshoos clamped down on its blade and continued running with it out of the dust cloud and into the open. “Oh no!” Starlight’s shift from jovial to worried came in an instant. “Pikachu, hurry!” Alice cried. “Brick Break on the Gumshoos!” Pikachu galloped out from the cloud immediately, bending its path straight toward Gumshoos’s head. Leaping up, Pikachu connected its fist into Gumshoos’s face, making it let go of Honedge. Sam and Alice looked to each other, Sam giving her a thankful nod. Now freed, Honedge could see as the Yungoos and Rattata charged forward from the dust cloud to help its ally out. “Sorry,” Sam growled, “but one of you is taking one for the team. Honedge, Brick Break on the Ratatta!” As the Rattata came closer, Sam watched its movements and bent back, swiping to the left. Honedge swung left as well, hitting Rattata and sending it flying off. Yungoos ran past Honedge and to Pikachu, its teeth glowing bright as it opened up and yelled. “Oh no,” Sam whispered, knowing what was coming. Pikachu turned around just as Yungoos leapt out at it, and before Pikachu could run, the Hyper Fang made its mark, Yungoos’s teeth clamped right on Pikachu’s face. Pikachu screamed out with beads of tears forming in the corner of its eyes. “Pikachu!” Fluttershy’s voice cracked to the point of near-incomprehensibility, her tears also beginning to appear. “Pikachu!” Alice continued to look cool under pressure. “Thunder Shock now!” Pikachu screamed out as it went aglow, the electric energy running over Yungoos as well, making Fluttershy gasp. Yungoos’s cries allowed itself to let go, but it could not close its mouth as it fell the ground gurgling weakly. “Yungoos is unable to battle!” shouted Ilima. “You’re halfway there!” Pikachu breathed slowly and weakly. As Honedge went over to check on its own ally, Sam and Alice then noticed as Gumshoos stood itself back up and slowly turned back, towering over them. It leaned down and opened its mouth at Honedge, prepared to bite again. “Oh no,” cried Starlight, “Honedge!” Sam crossed his arms, hugging them close to his chest, and Honedge got into its X formation, its eye closed as it awaited the inevitable. “Come on, buddy…” Sam clenched his fists tighter as if it would help. Honedge could practically feel the warmth of Gumshoos’s mouth, but felt it end as it bit down, but not on itself. Opening its eye, it saw as Pikachu was locked in the Gumshoos’s jaws, a wheeze only able to escape its own mouth as it grew limper. “Pikachu!” screamed Alice. “No!” Sam shouted with boiling fury. “Honedge! Brick Break.” Honedge’s pupil wavered in sadness as Pikachu ceased movement in Gumshoos’s mouth, but a gradual squint of its eye showcased its impending rage, which Sam could feel just as strongly. Honedge didn’t even wait for Sam’s motions, swinging straight up and hitting Gumshoos directly in the chest, knocking the wind out of it and knocking Pikachu out of its mouth, where it fell with a slump. “Pikachu is unable to battle!” Ilima called out. Alice unclipped Pikachu’s Poké Ball and returned it inside. She looked at the front and rested her head onto the red top half. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You were incredible.” Unbeknownst to her, Honedge watched as Gumshoos slowly got back on its feet, only to get blindsided by the Ratatta, which spun itself midair and smacked Honedge with its tail, sending it flying close to Sam’s feet. The noise of the slide brought back Alice’s attention, looking back up, as Gumshoos and Rattata approached it from both sides. “Hold on, Honedge!” Alice shouted as she fidgeted Pikachu’s Poke Ball back to her belt and grabbed Noibat’s. “Help is on the way! Noibat, Aerial Ace on the Gumshoos, now!” Alice threw out her Poké Ball. Gumshoos reached its mouth down on Honedge. Energy flew out from Alice’s Poké Ball and Noibat soared from out of it, banking tightly around with its sights set on its target. With a swipe of its wing into Gumshoos’s face, Gumshoos was brought down yet again, but managed to catch itself before it could fall flat on its stomach. Honedge felt invigorated to float back up and face the Rattata, which hissed at it, only provoking Honedge into approaching. Rattata jumped out and swung its tail again, but Sam and Honedge were prepared, Sam’s arms and Honedge’s blade and scabbard forming an X just as the attack hit. “Let’s take it easy now,” Sam huffed. “Finish it with Fury Cutter!” Honedge’s blade glowed a light green as Sam thrust his arm forward and slashed out to the right. Rattata tried jumping out of the attack's way, only for the side of Honedge’s blade to follow it, and when Honedge’s blade was swung, it hit Rattata along its entire side, and when it hit the ground, it laid still. “Rattata is unable to battle!” Ilima shouted. “Only the Totem Gumshoos is left!” “Come on...” Starlight quickly tapped her front hooves in anticipation and dreadful excitement. Meanwhile, Gumshoos, its eyes now on Noibat, leapt forward with near incalculable speed, taking Noibat by surprise. With its mouth open, an aura of two rows of large sharp teeth appeared over Noibat’s body, which brought itself down on it and shattered on impact. “Ah!” Alice shouted as her last Pokemon fell. “Noibat!” The Pokémon landed hard, but immediately tried getting back up, though in its weakened state, it labored. “Fury Cutter!” Sam’s voice rung back out. Honedge darted at Gumshoos, the side of its blade headed right at it as it swung towards it. The Gumshoos, however, jerked its head and sights right at Honedge, its eyes flashing with a harsh red flare. Honedge’s speed dropped, but the hit still made its mark, knocking Gumshoos’s upper body down. “Why would it waste a Leer?” Sam questioned, his eyes widening shortly after realizing. “Alice! I think you only need one more good hit!” Noibat looked to Honedge, whose half-open eye implied how exhausted it must have been. Looking back up at Gumshoos, who looked down at the two, Noibat crouched, ready to leap into action on Alice’s word. Alice watched as Gumshoos tried to roar, but swooned before it could, making her smirk. “You heard him!” Alice shouted. “Hit ‘em with Wing Attack!” Noibat sprung up towards Gumshoos’s stomach, passing by its arms as it tried to grab it. Swinging both wings in, the bars of Noibat’s wings rammed into Gumshoos’s gut and continued pushing, even as a sickening gurgle escaped its mouth. With Noibat pushing off, Gumshoos fell slow like a large tree but limply as rubber. Noibat flew up high as Gumshoos crumpled to the ground, its mouth slack and its breathing slow and tired. Ilima looked upon the spectacle and raised his arm. “The Totem Gumshoos is unable to battle! Sam and Alice have defeated Ilima’s Island Trial!” Sam released all the tension built up inside of him, and he too felt like he could fall, only to be grabbed by Alice and jumped around with as she laughed and whooped at their victory. Fluttershy and Starlight also cheered, standing on their hind legs and smacking both front hooves against each other’s. Noibat swooped down towards Honedge, who found the strength and energy to wrap its entire cloth arm around its ally’s body and hug it close, bouncing and spinning around slowly. “Congratulations, you two.” Ilima’s words ended everyone’s celebration, as did Gumshoos, Raticate, Yungoos, and Rattata as they joined him on either side. “Even when faced with two Totem Pokémon, you and your Pokémon took them head on and came out victorious. I really am stunned beyond words to describe the bond your Pokémon must share.” Honedge joined Sam’s side and Noibat perched itself on Alice’s shoulder as he said this. “I suppose there’s little else I can say. You may each take the Normalium Z from the pedestal. You’ve earned it.” Sam and Alice looked to each other before walking together to the pedestal, Noibat hopping off to stay behind while Ilima followed them. Fluttershy and Starlight both looked up at Gumshoos and Raticate, the former motioning its head to allow them to pass with their friends. “I, um…” Fluttershy responded, “think we’ll be fine here.” Once Sam and Alice reached the pedestal, they looked inside inquisitively, each one taking a gem for themselves. As they gazed at it, shifting their hand to feel the weight, Ilima stopped before them. “I also notice that you both have a Z-Ring,” he said. “That means you can use that Normal Z-Crystal. Just be sure that it’s inside your Z-Ring and that one of your Pokémon has a Normal-type move it can use. Then you strike a pose, like so…” Sam and Alice watched intently, as Ilima crossed his arms in front of his face, the left over the right. After staying still for a few moments, Sam and Alice jerked back into attention, also repeating him. Once he knew they were following, he arced both arms out and to the sides, Sam and Alice quicker to follow. Ilima and the siblings continued, as Ilima then brought both arms out with the left crossing over the wright at the wrists. He then swung his arms down to the right and then brought his left arm up, forming a diagonal slant. Finally, he swung his right forearm into the center of his stomach and his left fist into the center of his head, the arms forming a “Z” with the fists aligned in the center. Ilima smiled as both Alice and Sam’s arms were exactly like his own. “Perfect!” he bellowed. “You’re naturals, both of you. With that, I bid you adieu, and thank you for the wonderful trial.” “No,” Alice said, with a corny handshake and point, “thank you!” “But seriously,” Sam said, shaking Ilima’s hand more casually, “thank you for everything.” “I wish you and your pony acquaintances the best in your quest,” Ilima finally bid. “Thanks!” With that Sam and Alice ran back with the ponies and their Pokémon, the six of them walking back inside Verdant Cavern. Ilima kept his eyes on them and cradled his arms affectionately with a warm, hopeful smile as he watched them disappear inside. Stepping down the stairs from the Route 2 Pokémon Center, Alice and Sam quickened their pace as the hilly path began to steepen, Fluttershy and Starlight closeby. “Um, Sam?” Sam turned to hear Starlight. “Not to sound ungrateful or mean, but, your Honedge is your only Pokémon, right?” “Yes, that’s right.” “I’m just concerned is all. Your sister has two with her, and several times already, her Pokémon had to jump in to save yours. I just want to ask, if the time comes when you have to battle alone, do you think Honedge can do it?” “I’m not too worried.” Alice turned to listen in. “I may not be quite the trainer my sister is, and I know my party is literally half of what hers is, but I like to make up for that by having Honedge fight twice as hard. And that doesn’t mean I won’t have new Pokémon with me down the line, it’s just that I want a team that’s mine and mine alone.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Alice. “You know how close I am to Honedge,” he continued “I want a team of Pokémon that will fight for me like Honedge does; one that can function as one like I do with him. I want a team that I too would fight for and protect.” As the group came upon the canyon pass of Route 3, Starlight’s ear twitched, something in the air not feeling right. “Not to be Mrs. Dreamkiller,” Alice said, “but now that we have something a little more important than completing the Island Trials on our shoulders, I don’t think we can afford for you to wait until that special some-Pokémon falls from the sky and into you lap–” “Look out!” Starlight’s horn went aglow as an aura wrapped around Sam’s backpack and yanked it backwards, sending Sam back with it. Even in his shock, Sam could see as a shard of ice shot down from above and stuck into the ground, mere inches from where Sam would have stepped had it not been for Starlight’s interference. Looking up, they saw as a black, weasel-like creature with a red, organic headdress, collar, and tail with large white claws leapt down the canyon from wall to wall. Once it landed down, appearing in full to the group, something else began sliding down the canyon and to the ground. It was Gladion. Alice and Sam looked up to him with confusion and fright as he stood behind his Pokémon, Starlight and Fluttershy both horrified and entranced by Gladion’s hungry stare. “You’re not the ones I’m looking for,” he said, “but you’ll do.” > Chapter 9 – Errors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contrast between Gladion’s Weavile’s smirk and his frown continued to be a disconcerting presence to Sam and Alice. “Who are you?” Alice asked in a stern tone. “My name is Gladion.” His body and other facial features continued to stay hauntingly still. “I work for an organization that wishes to help those Pokémon you have traveling with you.” “For the last time!” Starlight growled. “We’re not Pokémon, we’re ponies!” “Ponies? Hmm, now we’re getting somewhere.” “What do you want?” Sam barked. “You’re more than likely aware of the wormhole that brought those two to Melemele. Others like it appeared on the other islands.” “We know,” Alice interrupted. “We’re also trying to find her other friends.” “Oh? You must be very strong trainers if you’re willing to go to each island and find them.” Gladion continued reading Sam and Alice’s eyes, seeing a slight, but telling, raise in them. “I see, you’re a pair of novices who probably just started their Island Trials, aren’t you?” “Who are you calling novice?!” she yelled back. “Listen. I don’t have much time to be discussing your training skills. If you two aren’t strong enough to be able to go straight to the other islands like I am, I’m going to need to take those ponies off of your hands.” “Over our dead bodies!” Sam shouted, stepping back and reaching for Honedge’s Poké Ball. “Sam, wait!” Alice’s eyes and body continued facing Gladion, who looked less and less interested as the seconds passed. “He’s got a Weavile on him. He’s probably really strong.” “Then you must be okay letting him take them then…” Alice breathed in through her teeth, her brother’s remark sharp and unfair, but true nonetheless. She then glanced behind her to the frightened ponies, turning back to him. “Yeah, alright.” She grabbed a Poké Ball from her belt. “You want these ponies, you’ll have to go through us. Go, Pikachu!” She tossed her Poké Ball out, her Pikachu standing defensively before the Weavile upon its appearance. “Honedge, go!” Sam tossed his ball out, his Honedge taking a threatening slash to the air once it appeared. “Hm…” Gladion studied his opponents’ Pokémon, then reaching for his belt and aiming a Poké Ball at his Weavile. “Weavile, return.” Brought back in by the ball’s red beam, he reached behind him with both hands and tossed two Poké Balls out with a grunt. Both of them opened at the same time, unleashing the Pokémon inside. On Sam’s side was Gladion’s Lucario. Facing Alice’s Pikachu was a large chimaera of a creature with a hairless black body like a wolf, two green bird talons for front arms, and a blue fish’s fin. Its mechanical wolf-like head and neck were draped in long silver fur with a large crest above its head with three spines sticking out from the back, which were colored brown like the membrane of its tail. “A Lucario,” Alice observed, “…but what’s that other thing with him?” Alice took out her Pokédex and scanned the foreign looking Pokémon. “Unknown entry,” the Pokédex responded, a white question mark spinning in the center of the screen. “Please make sure the Pokémon is in focus and try again.” Alice looked up in shock and disbelief; it was right there staring at her. “Chances are you won’t find Silvally on your Pokédex,” Gladion said. “It was created in secret to battle and contain the Ultra Beasts when they appeared ten years ago, and it’s only gotten stronger since then. So I’ll ask you one last time as a courtesy: Hand the ponies to me, and your Pokémon won’t have to feel its strength.” “Like my brother said…” Alice’s expression was now solid and stoic. “Over our dead bodies.” Gladion closed his eyes and sighed heavily. Alice clenched her fists, ready to begin. “Pikachu, Quick Atta–” “Lucario, Extreme Speed!” As Pikachu reeled back to run, Lucario suddenly appeared in front of it, its left arm and paw swinging at Pikachu’s face. Before Alice could gasp, Pikachu could only turn its head and part of its body away as Lucario’s fist struck Pikachu in the shoulder, blasting it past Alice and the ponies and up the hilly ground behind her. “PIKACHU!” Alice and Fluttershy shrieked in unison. Starlight and Sam also turned with horrified expressions as they watched Pikachu continue tumbling until it was thirty feet away. Alice’s eyes and lips trembled as Pikachu attempted to stand, barely able to lift itself an inch off the ground before it gave up and fell unconscious. Sam glanced back to the ponies, Starlight turning back to the battle while Fluttershy and Alice ran back to help Pikachu. He then jerked back around with a vengeful frown on his face, Gladion standing as still and unafraid as ever as Lucario returned to its trainer’s side. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak on his other Pokémon!” Sam punched toward the ground and Honedge followed suit with a lunge to the ground, its shadow running quickly along the ground and coming beneath Silvally. The dark blast pushed its upper half up several feet, but Silvally managed to regain its balance and land back on its front talons with ease, almost unaffected by the attack. Silvally then locked its eyes on Honedge and Sam, who now seemed to realize the fatality of their situation. Even with Sam’s eyes looking back at Gladion with a plead for mercy, Gladion’s expression remained unchanged. “Silvally,” Gladion’s subtly apologetic voice sounded, “Multi-Attack.” Sam felt all sense of touch leave his body as he watched Silvally rear back to charge, the three horns on its head and the membrane in its tail glowing bright. The world suddenly felt like slow motion as Silvally began running at Honedge, who too looked paralyzed in fear. Fluttershy and Alice came back with Pikachu in Alice’s arms just in time to watch the beginning of Silvally’s first and quite possibly last attack. “HONEDGE!” Starlight cried. Silvally leapt up, loose dirt seeming to trail off its front claw as it rose up to slash at Sam’s defenseless Pokémon. In the last moment, Sam crossed his arms and Honedge braced itself for the attack, both of their eyes closed. Only Alice, Fluttershy, and Starlight could see as a large creature leapt down from above between Honedge and Silvally and took the latter’s attack, blowing more dirt around them all. Once it began to clear, Sam and Honedge opened their eyes and looked up at their impromptu savior. It appeared to be a muscular grey-colored dragon with large gold-rimmed scales that ran along its arms, down its neck, dangled alongside its legs, and stuck into the end of its pointed tail in quarters. The dragon turned to Sam and Honedge, revealing its hatchet-shaped snout with red gold-rimmed scales draped down its head like dreadlocks. However, it wasn’t even the dragon that surprised Sam more than who was mounted upon it. From his large, orange jacket, and black, clipped-back hair, he recognized him immediately. “Hau!” he shouted. The dragon threw its arms out, the scales effectively fanning away the dirt and dust caused by its arrival. Now Alice and the ponies could see them both clearly, the sight making them gasp loudly. Hau hopped off his dragon and stepped toward Gladion, his Silvally slinking back to his side out of apparent reverence. “Gladion.” Hau’s serious demeanor actually began to make Gladion visibly nervous. “What are you doing battling these kids?” “Leave us alone, Hau.” Even Gladion’s voice showed signs of trepidation. “This doesn’t concern you.” “I’m the Kahuna of this island, and as such, seeing to the well-being of everything on it, including those ponies, does in fact concern me.” “Those ponies need to come with me where it’s safe!” “I think they’re fine just where they are.” Hau crossed his arms comfortably. “If you want to try and find the others, I won’t, and can’t stop you, but while they’re on my island, you can’t have them, and you won’t.” Hau’s dragon let out a small roar to back Hau’s claim. Gladion’s breathing became more and more audible. “Hau… get out of my way…” “No, my friend. Why don’t you get out of theirs?” Gladion’s and Hau’s eyes locked, neither blinking or shifting their direction from their centers. Sam and Honedge stood in place watching the standoff while Alice and the ponies approached quietly and joined them. After several moments, Gladion closed his eyes as he reached back with both hands. Pulling out two Poké Balls, he returned both his Lucario and Silvally inside, his head hung shamefully down. Gladion shot his head up, his sights on Alice and Sam. “He is right about one thing. Once you two leave this island, he won’t be there. We’ll meet again. Prepare for it.” Putting his Poké Balls back onto his belt, he darted to the cliff facing the ocean and pulled out his Ride Pager, a Poké Ball coming from it. Tossing it and himself over the edge, Alice and Sam ran out to his jumping point, only to see him on the back of his Charizard, flying south to the open ocean. Hau and his dragon approached them with the ponies beside him. “Who was that?” Sam asked. “You two sounded like you knew each other,” added Fluttershy. “And we do,” he responded. “Come back to Iki Town with me. I can explain once we heal your Pikachu.” Without looking, Hau grabbed a hold of the dragon’s scale-hair and allowed it to pull him up onto its back. The dragon began walking Hau down the hilly path, Alice, Sam, and the ponies quick to tag along. Gladion’s Charizard came up to Aether Paradise, where it landed upon the wide bridge connecting the main building to a large white mansion on the north side. Upon calling it back inside the Poké Ball and returning the ball into the Ride Pager, he looked up at the towering facility where his friends and family would be waiting. He slouched over and clenched his fists, groaning as he tried squeezing even tighter, his eyes shut so hard that his vision turned green. “Gladion?” The sound of his sister’s voice via his earpiece loosened his muscles. “The GPS says you’ve returned.” Gladion broke into as quick of a walk as he could without jogging. “Where are you?” “In the lower labs. Solgaleo and Lunala just woke up a little while ago.” “Hang tight, I’ll be there.” Gladion immediately pulled the device from his ear and broke into a sprint inside the building. Weaving around multiple employees, he saw as several up ahead were preparing to go into the center lift. He quickened his pace as a male employee pressed an icon on the screen panel and it began to slowly prepare its way down. By the time Gladion reached it, it had already passed the platform. Kicking forward, he fell to his butt and slid, slipping over the side and landing in an empty space made by several employees who saw him coming. “One of these days,” a female employee said, “you’re going to end up killing yourself.” “Until then…” Gladion kept his body facing the direction he knew he’d need to go, ignoring the stares he received from everyone else. The lift stopped at the bottom, and Gladion hurdled over the gate and through a sliding door, continuing to sprint down the hall until he reached a door at the end. He ran two steps inside the room and slowed to a stop to see Sun, Lillie, and Lusamine, standing before Solgaleo and Lunala, who turned to his direction to acknowledge his entrance. Lillie was first to turn and see her brother, looking both relieved and saddened as she walked over to him and hugged him tightly over the shoulder. “It’s okay,” Gladion said. “I’m here.” “Gladion.” His mother then came forward. “Did you find others?” Gladion slipped himself out of his sisters embrace, hanging his head down low. “I did, but they found someone else.” “Someone else? What do you mean?” “There were two others on Melemele, much like the ones I described on Poni. But they’ve been befriended by two trainers. I tried getting them to come back with me, but…” The rest of the story and truth seemed to get caught in Gladion’s throat, especially looking at Sun. “And?” Sun pressed. “…honestly, they’re probably more frightened of us than we should be of them. I can’t imagine that they’d be that strong or threatening if they would allow themselves to buddy up with two trainers just starting their Island Challenge.” “And you left them alone?” Lusamine’s scolding voice was just as harsh and punishing as always. “Please, don’t yell at him!” Lillie came between her mother and brother, softening their demeanors. “If what Gladion says is true, the fact that these creatures are safe and with someone is the most important thing for them. The most important thing for us right now is finding out what happened with Solgaleo and Lunala.” “Right…” Gladion’s sighing voice was the only thanks Lillie would receive for standing up to their mom. “How are they doing right now?” “That’s just it…” Sun looked up to the two Pokémon, followed by Gladion, and both Solgaleo and Lunala looked a little confused at their looks of concern. “Ever since they woke up, they have no recollection of what happened last night. It’s almost as if they woke back up just now like it’s any other day.” “They seriously don’t remember a thing?” “It’s hard to say. We were going to run some more extensive tests, and then you arrived.” “Well, don’t mind me.” Gladion turned to walk out of the room. “Gladion?” Lusmine stepped up to approach him, but he kept going until the door closed behind him. Outside, Gladion continued walking until he was back at the well for the lift, which had already gone back up since he arrived. Pressing the up icon on the screen beside the gated entrance, he looked up in no direction in particular. “I’m sorry…” he whispered. “I’m sorry…” Hau gently laid the bed’s covers over Pikachu up to the bottom of its neck, its head lightly bandaged. Alice, Fluttershy, Sam, and Starlight stood over it as Hau stood back up, watching the Pikachu for any possible signs of stirring. “He’ll be just fine,” Hau whispered. “We’ll see how he is in the morning.” Hau motioned his arm to the exit, and Alice, Sam, and the ponies quietly walked to the doorway and left, Hau last to leave before the shut the door behind him. Sam made his way to the couch, slumping into his seat. He stared at the ground as thoughts of the battle with Gladion raced through his mind. Suddenly… _____________________________________________________ Sam stood with his back against an alley wall, pointing out at a small blue bat for his Honedge, only for it to be grabbed by the mouth of a large purple-furred cat with a golden underside. _____________________________________________________ Sam breathed out with a shiver, the terrible memory surfacing more and more. _____________________________________________________ Sam’s eyes welled with tears as the cat’s trainer and two other trainers beside him laughed. _____________________________________________________ Sam continued looking at the ground as a tear fell from his eye and to the floor. _____________________________________________________ Sam shouted at the cat as it jerked its head about with Honedge in its mouth as if it were nothing but a toy to it. _____________________________________________________ “Sam…” Alice’s voice went ignored. _____________________________________________________ Sam ran out to the cat only to be tackled from the side by a lanky white dog with long fur and a black face. His head hit the wall– _____________________________________________________ “Sam!” Alice shoved her hand onto his shoulder, which Sam reacted to almost instinctively by violently slapping it away. Alice held her stinging wrist and stepped back, the ponies gasping at Sam’s sudden temperament. They looked at this face, which already had a line of tears down both of his cheeks. Sam breathed in heavily and turned away slowly. “Sam?” Starlight’s voice was quiet and non-threatening as she could make it. “What’s wrong?” He just as slowly turned back to face her, his breathing now more controlled. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for that.” Sam’s voice was quiet, as if he knew that wasn’t enough. “It’s… okay,” Alice responded, walking back up to him. “Just, jeez, that really stung–” “No, not that. I’m sorry I didn’t listen. You told me not to fight him, and I did anyway. I should have listened and now your Pikachu’s hurt because of me, and if I just listened, the ponies… the…” Sam came close to breaking down, only to be quickly grabbed by Alice. “If you didn’t choose to fight him, he would have taken the ponies anyway.” “But I did! And not only would I have lost them, I would have gotten the rest of our Pokémon hurt, which I partly already did. It was Lumiose all over again.” “Sam…” “No, I knew this was a mistake. I should have never tried becoming a trainer.” Sam then began crying, but Alice gently shook Sam by the shoulders. “If you really think that…” Alice detached Honedge’s Poké Ball from Sam’s belt, “tell him that.” Alice tossed the ball out and let Honedge free from it, who immediately joined by Alice’s side, it’s eye-lid shaped to show great concern for its trainer. Sam looked to it, and found the words he just said to burn up in his throat. “I’m so sorry for putting you through that again,” he gagged. “I don’t know what else to do now.” “There’s nothing you need to do now.” Hau’s statement was reinforced by Honedge nuzzling itself into Sam’s side and drying his eye with the end of his cloth-arm before wrapping it around him in a hug. “He knows…” A fresh stream of tears replaced the ones his Pokémon wiped away, and Sam leaned his head into Honedge, happy to feel its forgiveness. Starlight then approached Sam and rested her forelegs onto his thighs, Alice stepping back to give them room. “Sam,” Starlight said, “if you didn’t decide to fight Gladion, you wouldn’t have given Hau enough time to come and stop him. Even if you knew you would lose to him, you and Honedge still chose to defend us.” “You have nothing to feel ashamed of.” Fluttershy came forward next. “We’re so very happy to have made friends out of both of you.” Sam finally showed the first sign of a smile since defeating Ilima’s trial, and with a heavy sniff, he leaned over and brought his arm around Starlight’s back and resting the other side of his face against her neck. Starlight brought her own arms around his back and accepted his embrace. Alice, Fluttershy, and Hau couldn’t resist the urge to smile too. It seemed all was well again. The sunset through the dining room window provided a lovely ambience to the end of everyone’s dinner, the seven plates on the table before each human, pony, and Pokémon practically licked clean. “Once again,” Sam said, “everything was delicious.” “Thank you once again,” Hau winked at Sam. “You know, it’s not too late if you either of you want to do your Grand Trial now.” “Thanks for the offer,” Alice responded, “but I’ll wait until Pikachu is up and ready.” She then turned to her brother. “If you want to go ahead–” “No thanks.” Sam’s voice seemed a bit reluctant in his answer, but his face looked confident. “It’s been an exhausting day for all of us, and I think a night’s sleep will better prepare us.” “Suit yourself.” Hau pushed his chair out and stood up, beginning to collect the empty plates and silverware. “Also,” added Starlight, “you never explained to us who this Gladion guy is and how you know him.” Hau stopped in his tracks, taking a heavy, regretful sigh. “Sorry, it almost slipped my mind. Hold on.” “But most importantly,” Alice asked, “should we fear him?” Hau had just placed the dirty dishes into the sink and came back to sit down at his spot. “I really don’t think so. Gladion takes his responsibilities very seriously, so he may have come across as rash and violent to you. The truth is, he’s actually a nice person, but he has a… funny way of showing it.” “Funny for who?” asked Starlight. “Yeah, wrong choice of wording there…” “What’s this organization he talked about?” Sam wondered. “He said he was there to help Starlight and Fluttershy, but with what?” Hau leaned in and rested his mouth on the side of his finger-locked hands, sorting through all the ways he could answer him. “Yeah, how’s about I start from the beginning?” Everyone relaxed in their chairs, prepared to hear Hau’s tale. “Gladion works for a place called the Aether Foundation,” he began, “which originally was created to help shelter and heal injured Pokémon.” “Well, that doesn’t sound that bad,” interrupted Fluttershy. “Not at all, but a little over ten years ago, they began dabbling in inter-dimensional research, which led to them discovering a bunch of really powerful Pokémon called ‘Ultra Beasts.’ That’s when I met Gladion for the first time. His mom runs the place, but she went a bit nutty and tried ripping open a wormhole to where the Ultra Beasts lived and unleashing them on Alola. Me and a friend of mine managed to gain his trust and help him stop her.” “Ultra Beasts.” Sam turned to his sister. “That must have been what we saw in that one video.” “Right,” agreed Alice, “but what do these Ultra Beasts have to do with the ponies?” “Nothing that I know of,” Hau responded. “My guess is that after that incident, they continued their research and somehow came across your world. Why they would take you out of it like they did, I’m just as uncertain. I’m still close friends with Gladion’s sister, who also works there. She tells me that her mother has gotten a lot better, and knowing her, I highly doubt she would have allowed what happened to you guys to happen.” “So, should we trust this Aether Foundation or not?” Starlight started to sound irate. “Say Gladion finds us again, what should we do?” “The Aether Foundation, oh yeah! The people there are very nice. I mean, you kind of have to be when you’re working with sick and injured Pokémon, right?” Both ponies smirked to see Hau’s behind-the-back arms and smile gesture, finding it as solid of a promise as he could make. “And Gladion?” Sam asked. “Like I said…” Hau put his arms back on the table. “…he means well, but he takes his work seriously. If he finds you and does ask the ponies to come back to Aether with him again, ask to come with. I’m sure he’ll be willing to accept so long as he gets some of what he wants, but either way, you’ll be in good hands with them.” “But…” Fluttershy questioned, “what if he doesn’t?” “I doubt it.” Hau’s arms returned behind his back. “Me, Sam, Alice, and even the folks at Aether all know that the important thing is that you find your friends and get back home safely.” “Though,” Sam said with a reassuring hand, “by no means does that mean we don’t want to help.” “Right.” Alice glanced between Starlight and Fluttershy’s vision. “We took you under our wings and we want nothing more than to see this through with you.” Noibat and Honedge both let out a cry of agreement, the ponies smiling warmly at their support. “That’s the spirit!” Hau shot from his seat and clapped his hands loud enough to jolt everyone around him, including the Pokémon. “You guys already sound ready to take on my trial.” Sam turned back while pointing to Alice with his thumb. “Hau, her–” “Yes, yes, her Pikachu. He’ll be fine by tomorrow morning. I’m certain of it.” Alice smiled at him, beginning to walk toward the living room door as Sam, the ponies, and their Pokémon following them. “Thanks again for dinner, Hau. If we don’t see you again…” “Going to bed already?” “Might as well. Have a busy day tomorrow, and I just want to keep an eye on Pikachu.” “Hmm. Fair enough. Have a good night, everyone.” “Thanks again, for…” Sam stopped as he raised and twirled his hand, trying to find the right words. “…everything. Thanks for everything today.” “My pleasure, Sam.” “Goodnight, Hau!” called Fluttershy. “Yes, goodnight!” Starlight was the last of them to leave, Hau waving them farewell for the day. Hau let his arm fall and swing as he made his way to the sink. Leaning over it, he didn’t seem to notice or care as he just stared at the dishes in the sink, reflecting with a soft, nostalgic smile over how blessed his life has been. > Chapter 10 – Fighting Solo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Silvally,” said Gladion, “Multi-Attack.” Sam shut his eyes as he and his Honedge braced themselves for the hit. Almost immediately, there was a powerful tremble in the earth, making Sam open his eyes back up. He looked up to see Hau’s dragon Pokémon standing between him and Silvally, looking around to see that the canyon pass where he was battling looked far more grey and dark, the rock walls themselves looking more like brick. Looking up at the back of the dragon’s head, both it and Hau eerily turned their heads in the exact direction so that their sideward glances were locked onto Sam’s face– _____________________________________________________ Sam opened his eyes and gasped, the room around him still dark in the night. He tilted his head and saw Honedge sleeping still to the left beside him inside its sheath. Sam rolled his head back to his pillow, but after a minute of stillness and staring at the ceiling, he could already tell that he was pretty much up for the day. Gently sliding to the opposite edge of the bed, he pulled the remaining covers off of him and lightly tread towards the door. Upon grabbing the door’s handle, Honedge floated underneath his hand, making its presence known. “Sorry, Honedge,” he sighed. “I’m just getting a drink of water and I’ll be back.” Sam slowly opened the door, making no noises other than the slightest creaks. He disappeared from around the hallway, leaving Honedge alone where he levitated, gently pulling its sheath from off of itself. As Sam walked into the kitchen, his eyes first went to the clock display on the stove, which read 3:30. Sam grunted and went the cupboard, opening several doors before finding the cups and glasses. Grabbing a large glass, he took the towel hanging from the oven door and walked to the sink, filling his glass full. After several small gulps, the glass was empty again, and with the towel, he wiped the rim off where his lips touched and put the glass in the drying rack to the sink’s right. He leaned over the counter and reflected on the dream that he had, hoping the mulling over would make him feel drowsy enough to return to bed. After another minute of waiting, feeling no less tired than he did moments ago, he quickly and quietly stormed out of the room, heading back towards the bedroom. Entering, he saw an unsheathed Honedge floating out to him, as if knowing he’d be going with him somewhere. “Right…” Sam stepped towards his bag beside his bed. “Hold on.” As he knelt down and looked through his bag, he pulled out his Normalium Z, his Pokédex, as well as a flat, grey TM, putting all three of them in his pocket. After slipping on his shoes, he stood back up and scooped up his Z-Ring from his nightstand with his left hand, slipping it over his wrist with the right. “Okay,” Sam whispered, “let’s go.” Sam exited the room first, followed by Honedge. After a few moments, Alice stirred from her bed and sat up, already knowing that her brother and his Pokémon were gone. Once Sam came out the doors to Hau’s home, his walking became more casual, the fears of waking someone having left him. Sam turned toward the town, the exteriors of the buildings almost identical to Hau’s minus their much smaller size. He also took note of a large wooden platform that three quarters of the buildings surrounded. Off to the left at the other quarter, he spotted another path covered over thickly with trees, two stone idols on both sides of the path. He and Honedge stared at the entrance ahead, as if it were luring them in. “Yeah,” Sam said, “that’s the place.” “Sam!” Alice’s hissed voice was sharp enough to get his full attention, and he turned around to see his sister standing ten feet away from him and approaching, barefoot. “What in the hell are you doing out here?” “I should be asking you that.” Sam backed away as he avoided eye contact with her. “Well, you’re the one waking up at 3 in the morning…” “It’s closer to 4–” “…making noises with your bag and then going out. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?” “I…” Sam finally worked the mental strength to look into his sister’s eyes. “I had a dream. I was battling Gladion again.” “Sam, we already–” “But it wasn’t him that woke me up. Hau and his dragon came to save me, and… that’s when I woke up.” Alice cocked her head away but still kept her eyes on him. “And… what do you think that means?” “We never stood a chance against Gladion. Yet Hau comes in, and even he’s scared to face him. Up until now, Hau has been this really cool person to us, but I just realized when I woke up how powerful of a trainer he must be if he sends people like Gladion running.” “So what now? You aren’t seriously implying that you’re now too scared to fight Hau now, are you?” “Of course I’m scared…” Alice breathed audibly in disappointment as Sam refused to defend himself. “…but not scared enough to run away from this. Honedge and I are going to train our asses off until sunrise, and then we’re taking him on.” “Sam… I know how important protecting them is, but at the same time, you… no, we can’t afford to make any dumb mistakes anymore, and I don’t think crash-coursing before facing a Kahuna with only your Honedge is a very smart move.” “It’s the only move I can think of!” Alice stepped back at the sudden volume of his voice, but moreso the determination she heard in it. “And please, I know full well what I’m doing is not something you would do, but I want to… no. We need this. After almost losing to Gladion, defeating Hau is something I need to do sooner than later, and if we can do it right here and now, everything after that, the other trials, finding the other ponies, maybe even Gladion, won’t seem nearly as bad.” “But do you really think Honedge can take him on alone?” Honedge looked to Sam, and Sam back at it. Sam made a glance back to the direction of Hau’s home, making a subtly audible gulp. Looking back at Honedge, it continued giving Sam a blank and expectant stare. Nodding at what Honedge wanted, he faced his sister again, the look of steadfastness on his face already telling Alice what she was about to hear. “Yes. Yes I do.” Sam felt a smile creep up on his lips. “I have faith in him, and I’d like to think he has faith in me.” Alice gasped as Honedge reinforced his point but placing its cloth arm onto his shoulder. She then closed her eyes and smiled, knowing nothing she could do or say could change her brother’s mind. “Okay then,” she finally said, crossing her arms, “if you think you can do this, I’ll be rooting for you. I’d just like to know what your plan is.” “You don’t need to worry about that,” he replied. “What I’m planning is between Honedge and I, and we’re going to win with it. I’m certain.” Alice relaxed her arms back to her sides, both disappointed and yet wholly satisfied with his answer. “Alright, hotshot, I’ll see you in the morning then.” “Okay.” Alice turned and headed back toward Hau’s home, Sam and Honedge standing still until they saw her enter back inside the house. “Alright, then.” Sam reached into his pockets and pulled out his TM, holding it in front of his inquisitive Pokémon. “You don’t mind forgetting how to use Fury Cutter, do you?” Honedge, seeming to sense Sam’s intentions, shook its body with slight rotations. Sam led Honedge into the path, disappearing inside the darkness of the foliage. The sky had become a starry dark-purple, the sun soon to rise. Hau stepped outside the house in his shirt and board-shorts, a pair of orange water-shoes on his feet. He began jogging down the steps to the ground and prepared to head towards the south exit, only to find himself immediately coming to a stop at the sight of Sam standing on one end of the wooden platform with Honedge beside him. Hau smiled warmly to see his friend up, stepping casually to the side of the platform. “Hey, Sam!” he called with a wave. “You’re up early today!” “Yes.” Sam’s stern voice sounded focused. “I’m ready now.” “…Ready for what?” “My Grand Trial. My Honedge and I have just spent the last couple of hours preparing ourselves, and now, we’re ready to go.” Hau approached closer, a bit slower and cautious this time. “How… long have you been standing there.” “Only a few minutes. But whenever you’re ready, I’ll still be here, waiting to take you on.” Hau’s smile started to grow. “So you’re really ready then?” “I absolutely am.” Hau relaxed himself as he began backing away in the direction of his house. “Give me a few moments.” “Take your time.” Hau jogged back to the house and nearly threw the door open, managing to catch the door by the handle to keep it from slamming into the wall, Sam watching him the whole time. He quickly went to the couch where he kept a folded-up orange jacket, white shorts, his Poké Ball belt, and his sandals underneath on the floor. As Hau grabbed his shorts and slipped them over his board-shorts, he didn’t notice as the bedroom door opened a crack with Starlight peering through the gap. As Hau put his sandals on, Alice and Fluttershy stepped up behind Starlight, also watching Hau put his clothes on. Upon grabbing his jacket after fastening his belt to his waist, he walked back outside, sure to quietly close the door behind him. “Is he…?” Fluttershy wondered. “I’m sure he is,” Alice said. The tired mewing of Alice’s Pikachu sounded beneath them as it walked underneath and between Starlight’s legs, the three of them chuckling in glee upon looking down to see it. Outside, Sam kept his eye on Hau as he walked to the platform, smiling to see him dressed and ready to go. Hau came up opposite Sam on the steps, standing outside the white ring with a tribal design on its surface. “You sure you don’t want to wait just a little bit?” Hau asked. “I’m sure Alice and the ponies would love to see our battle.” Sam cocked his head to the right and smiled to see Alice, the two ponies, and Pikachu coming out from the door and making their way to the stage. “I don’t think they’d miss it for the world.” Hau glanced behind him to see Alice, her Pikachu, and the ponies stop along the side of the stage. “Oh, good morning, guys! I hope I didn’t wake you.” “On the contrary,” said Starlight. “You couldn’t have done so at a better time.” “Right.” Hau then turned back to his opponent. “Looks like you get to have yourself an audience. So then, Sam, I shouldn’t expect a different answer, but I have to ask again, you ready for this, man?” “Can’t remember a time that I’ve been more ready,” he responded, Honedge putting its arm and scabbard up in an offensive stance. “Excellent. Then let us begin your final trial on Melemele Island.” “You got it.” Sam turned to his Honedge and cocked his head to Hau, signaling him to float within the circle and await Hau’s first Pokémon. “Come on,” Alice whispered. “Please don’t blow this.” Hau reached behind and pulled out an Ultra Ball with a black top and a large yellow “H” design along its surface. “Let’s hold nothing back. Go, Passimian!” Hau threw out his ball, and from it emerged a very tall black-and-white monkey that appeared very slender save for its gargantuan, muscular arms. It wore half of a hollowed-out melon on its head as a helmet and kept a whole melon under its right hand. With a screeching howl, the Pokémon accepted Honedge’s challenge. “Passimian?” Sam wondered, pulling out his Pokédex and scanning it. “Passimian,” it spoke, “the Teamwork Pokémon. They form groups of roughly 20 individuals. Their mutual bond is remarkable. They will never let down a comrade.” Sam looked further at the entry, noticing the reddish-brown bar by its name that was labeled “FIGHTING,” which made him grin excitedly. “So,” Hau said, “looks like you know what my specialty of Pokémon are. Yes, like my grandfather, I use Fighting-types too. But just because your Honedge is a Ghost-type doesn’t mean this will be a cake-walk for you.” “Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Sam’s smirk refused to die down. “Huh?” Fluttershy turned to Alice. “What does he mean about ghosts?” “Honedge is a Ghost and Steel-type Pokémon,” she responded. “That means Normal and Fighting-type attacks can’t hurt it.” “But I have to assume that monkey will have attacks other than fighting, right?” asked Starlight. Alice continued watching the battle, prompting the ponies to redirect their attention back to the battle. “Alright,” Hau exclaimed, “let’s get warmed up. Passimian, use Focus Energy!” The Passimian stood on its two feet and held and held its melon in both hands, humming as a bright red aura began spiraling around it. “Fine with me,” Sam said. “Honedge, use Swords Dance!” Honedge straightened itself so that its blade pointed to the sky, Sam holding out his closed fist as if he were holding it. With elegant movements of his arms and legs, Honedge mimicked Sam’s motions as every slash and swipe left behind a bright blue band of light that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Starlight, Fluttershy, and Pikachu sighed in admiration at their display, which ended with a thrust back up to the sky. “Amazing,” a familiar voice said beside Alice. “I’ve always wanted to see a Honedge’s Swords Dance.” The others turned to see Makana watching the battle, his hands in his shorts' pockets. “Makana,” Alice gasped. “What are you doing here?” “I was just in town. Tried and failed to take Hau on yesterday and I came back to try again. Looks like someone’s already going to try and beat me to it.” “Well, it will be an interesting fight, no doubt,” Hau responded. “And now that we’re all fired up, let’s get this on the road. Passimian, use–” “Shadow Sneak, now!” Sam ordered with a downward punch of his fist. Honedge threw itself down to the floor and its shadow raced out at the large monkey. Upon reaching it, the shadow exploded up, sending the Passimian flying and making it drop its melon. It nimbly landed on its feet and did a backflip for good measure. “Whoa, nicely done!” Hau put his hands on his hips, proud of his Pokémon’s recovery. “Now, use Smack Down!” Hau’s Passimian sneered as it galloped toward its melon, scooping it up in one hand and winding it back. With a swift underhanded throw, the melon shot out at Honedge so fast that neither Sam nor Honedge could react fast enough as the hard rind struck it where the hilt met the blade. The force of the attack was enough for Honedge to shove Sam in the upper chest and send him to the edge of the platform, where he began to fall backwards. “SAM!” Alice cried out, the ponies and her Pikachu beside her gasping in equal shock. Before Sam could fully tip, Honedge’s cloth arm dropped its scabbard and grabbed hold of the front of his shirt’s collar, and with a yank forward, Sam was back on his feet just outside the ring on the platform. “Sam, you alright there?” called Hau. “Fine…” Sam panted. Honedge’s eye squinted in annoyance at Hau, its arm at its side as if its hand were on its hip. “Hehe.” Hau put his arms up and behind his back. “I’m glad to see you’re okay too Honedge.” “It’s okay Honedge,” Sam said as his Pokémon picked up its sheath. “No hard feelings. Now, hit him with a Brick Break!” Honedge leapt out at the Passimian, who arched down, ready to intercept the hit. “Oh no you don’t!” Hau shouted. “Use Beat Up!” While in its crouch, Passimian dove out at Honedge, its fists balled up. Sam was now prepared, crossing his arms while his Honedge formed an X-formation. Passimian made a toothy smile as it pulled its arm back, keeping its eyes on its target. The monkey punched again at the exposed base of the blade, sending Honedge back toward Sam again as it loudly groaned. “Come on…” Sam watched the movements of his Pokémon as it continued falling back, and once the blade was pointed out toward him, Sam reached behind him and balled his fist, Honedge holding its pose. With a downward and upward swing of Sam’s arm, Honedge too followed through, the edge of the blade striking Passimian along the center of its chest, the strength of the hit making its eyes bulge and sending it flying back toward Hau, shouting. “That’s it!” Makana jovially grunted. The ponies stomped their front hooves in celebration as Passimian continued flying back. With a hard land on its side and a roll to its hands and feet, Passimian faced Honedge once again. “Don’t worry about it,” Hau said, seeing his Pokémon pant. “Just go for another Beat Up!” Sam crossed his arms again, and Honedge formed itself into an X as Passimian charged out again. Sam kept a watch on its right hand as it leapt about the platform, clearly trying to trip both of them up. Once it leapt out and thrust its fist forward for another punch, Sam could see it was going for the same spot. He ran his right forearm close to his elbow, Honedge covering its exposed spot with its scabbard. Before the attack could connect, Sam thrust his arm out, Honedge responding by pushing against Passimian’s punch. “Keep at it!” Hau yelled. Sam kept watch as Passimian continued wailing on Honedge with its fists, Sam and Honedge blocking most of its blows with its sheath, Alice and Fluttershy observed on with concern. “Wait,” Fluttershy said, “I thought you said Fighting-types couldn’t hurt Ghost-types.” “Fighting-type moves can’t,” Alice explained, “but Beat Up is a Dark-type move, which Ghost-types are weak to.” “So… Honedge will–” Fluttershy gasped to suddenly see Honedge shove Passimian back with its scabbard, giving it some room. “Okay, buddy, let’s finish this.” Sam wound his right arm in and swung down and up and out. “Use Return!” “Return!?” Hau’s eyes widened. Passimian, already tuckered out from the battle, couldn’t react fast enough as Honedge soared towards it with its sword wound in to the left, and then swung down, up, and out as Sam had done, a brilliant white trail of light following the blade as it hit the Passimian in both the chest and the chin. Hau breathed in hard with worry as Passimian screamed out while its body limply flipped back towards him. The monkey landed flat on its chest and rolled over onto its back, Hau telling from its lazily open mouth and lopsided eyes that it had fainted. “Not bad, Passimian.” Hau knelt down to his Pokémon and gave it a few gentle pats along its side. “You did awesome.” He then took out the Ultra Ball and returned his Passimian inside. Starlight and Fluttershy cheered on while Alice and Makana smiled excitedly for Sam’s progress. Hau stood again before Sam and his Honedge. “You may have gotten the best of my Passimian, but there’s one more of my guys you have to face, and he was one of my grandfather’s.” “Oh…” Sam put up a façade of anticipation, hiding the sudden pang of nervousness he felt. “Sounds great.” “I’m glad you think so, because I’ll bet your Honedge won’t be a match for him.” Hau took out a second Ultra Ball and tossed it out. “Let’s go, Hariyama!” White energy shot from the ball, and forming from it was a heavy-set bipedal humanoid with blue legs, large orange hands with three wide fingers, an organic yellow-skirt, and a beige torso and head with a dark-blue cresting like large eyebrows. The creature lifted its left leg, and consequently most of its body up, and brought it back down with a thunderous and threatening boom. “Careful now,” Sam said, watching the Pokémon put up its hand out to them. “We have just him left to go.” “And it certainly won’t be easy.” Hau put his hands on his hips, seemingly inviting Honedge to attack. “I have to imagine that it’s already pretty tired after facing my Passimian.” Sam smirked, confident as ever. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak!” Honedge thrust to the ground and its shadow slithered along the platform. The Hariyama saw this and widened its stance while hugging its forearms to its chest. When the dark shadow lunged out from the floor, Hariyama stayed upright while it was lifted about a foot into the air, landing straight on its feet and resuming its stance. “It will take a lot more than that speedy move of yours if you want Honedge to stay standing. Now, Hariyama, use Knock-Off!” Hariyama lunged at Honedge, its uncanny speed completely throwing it and Sam off guard. With their attention and shields down, Hariyama chopped its hand into Honedge’s blade, knocking the scabbard out of its grasp and sending Honedge to the ground with a heavy clang. “That’s it!” Hau shouted. “Now, use Heavy Slam!” Sam looked to his Honedge as it slowly got back up, looking at its discarded sheath directly beneath and between Hariyama’s legs, as it prepped to attack. Sam suddenly gasped at the plan that popped into his head. “Quick! Dodge it!” Sam crouched down with his right leg out, motioning his arm with a low, swinging chop. Honedge blinked several times as it understood what to do. As Hariyama charged at it with its shoulder aimed at it, Honedge laid flat and zipped underneath the Hariyama’s foot before it could step down on it. “Woo!” Starlight stood on her hind legs and bucked her forelegs out. “Nicely done!” Makana shouted. Now safely behind its opponent, Honedge scooped up its scabbard and held on tight again. Realizing it’s being close to the edge of the platform, Hariyama scuttled and slid back before Hau, ready to meet Honedge’s next move. “What a maneuver!” Hau exclaimed as he threw his arms out. “Your Pokémon must really trust and love you to be as in synch with you as it is. No wonder you taught it Return before our match!” “That’s not the only reason.” Sam’s low, sinisterly-confident tone turned Hau’s happy excitement into one of wary surprise. “On his own, yeah, my Honedge probably wouldn’t last much longer against your Hariyama, but thanks to you and Ilima, I’m literally wearing my victory on my wrist!” “On your… no way!” Sam crossed his arms at the wrist, revealing his Z-Ring with the Normalium Z on it, the position of his arms making it glow and a projection in the shape of the circular icon in the crystal to pulse outwards before disappearing. Alice and Makana stood in awe as Sam moved his arms and legs in accordance with the Z-Crystal’s activation, Honedge attempting to mimic its trainer’s moves with its one cloth arm. With his side of his right fist at his gut and the side of his left centered on the forehead, Sam’s body radiated with a sparkling yellow light that branched out from all sides and flew out toward Honedge and converged into its center. Once every ounce of energy had transferred from Sam into Honedge, they both flared up with a warm, fiery aura as the symbol of the Z-Ring pulsed out of Honedge. “Whuhuhoa.” Sam shuddered as he lifted his hands up to see the aura dancing around his arms to the tips of his fingers, feeling it like a soft static flowing to every end of his body from his chest out. “Honedge, can you feel this too?” Honedge let out a guttural yell as it slashed the air excitedly, Sam feeling the aura suddenly rush about his limbs at the same instant and shudder again gleefully. “Hahaha!” Hau roared. “Amazing, Sam! Now you can feel the bond between you and your Pokémon! This is both of your Z-Power!” Sam’s smile grew wide as the energy in him built up enough to whip his shirt, shorts, and hair about as if caught in a fierce wind. Fluttershy and Starlight then noticed all of Iki Town beginning to glow a bright red, looking behind them to see the sun begin to rise over the oceanic horizon, the alpenglow stretching across where the sky and sea met. “Now, let’s show them everything we have!” Sam screamed out. Honedge’s aura began to grow brighter in intensity as it flipped its sheath into the air and slid into it as it dropped, completely ready to go. “Breakneck Blitz!” The aura around Sam’s Pokémon grew white and hot, and in an instant, Honedge shot out at Hariyama with the tip of its covered blade aimed right at its stomach, a bright tail following it. Upon making contact, all of Honedge’s remaining energy exploded into Hariyama and launched it off the platform, Hau barely managing to step aside as it flew past his face. Hariyama managed to get to its hands and knees and push and grab at the ground, sliding to a stop just inches from the outer walls of Hau’s kitchen. Alice, Makana, and the ponies were too amazed by the smoke coming off Hariyama’s body to care about it standing back up to its feet. “Oh my god!” Alice shrieked with a leap and punch. “That was incredible!” The ponies cheered while Makana could only clap and laugh. Sam found their cheers and applause infectious as he began to chuckle. Honedge floated back to Sam and flicked its sheath off its blade, catching it in its arm with a satisfied twirl. “That was great,” Sam huffed. Honedge tipped its body to nod, its eye squinted in anticipation. Just then, a loud boom shook the ground, and Sam and Alice could see as Hariyama leapt from where it stood back to in front of Hau in a single bound, its landing blowing a blast of wind all around it. “Congratulations,” Hau said, completely steadfast, “you just performed your first Z-Move. While you’re lucky enough to not see mine firsthand, you still have a ways to go before Hariyama is down for the count.” Hariyama grunted and forced its hand out, ready for Hau’s next orders. “I’m honestly surprised to see your Pokémon still standing after that.” Sam didn’t look the least bit intimidated anymore. “At this rate, I have to think that a few hits will do it for him, and thankfully, I have speed on my side! Honedge, use Shadow Sneak!” “Hariyama, Heavy Slam!” Honedge’s shadow, strengthened by the rising sun and bright sky above behind them, shot along the ground toward Hau’s Pokémon, who charged forward with its shoulder leading. When the shadow came up from the floor, Hariyama broke through it, its charge not impeded. Sam’s breath caught in his throat as Hariyama’s shoulder struck Honedge. “Alright!” Hau balled his fist up. “Now use Knock Off!” “Quickly!” Sam called out with a clockwise spin and slash out with his right arm. “Brick Break!” Honedge swung around clockwise, avoiding Hariyama’s left hand thrusting at it, and in the same swing, struck it in its right ribs. As Hariyama grunted in pain, it raised its right hand and swung down, swatting Honedge off of it and knocking its scabbard out of its grasp once again. With the distance between them, the two Pokémon shifted back around so that they were standing before their respective trainers. Both Hariyama and Honedge panted heavily, the former in particular placing its left hand on its right side. “I think each of our Pokémon only have one more hit in them,” said Sam. “I agree.” Hau looked to his Pokémon faithfully, and then to Sam’s Honedge, noting the scratches and spots covering it. “Let’s give it all on this last attack!” “Yes. Let’s!” Sam stood in a wide stance, his arms and fists raised in anticipation. “Hariyama!” Hau’s Pokémon stood up straight. “Honedge!” Sam’s Pokémon slashed the air. “Knock Off!” “Return! Both Pokémon charged at one another, Hariyama’s hands pushing out one at a time in quick repetition, while Honedge lowered its blade to the right, following Sam’s stance. Sam looked intently at the pattern of Hariyama’s thrusts, seeing the path to victory within them. Holding his fist straight out, Sam reeled in his arm, wrapping it around his neck. Honedge’s sword now aimed its tip to the upper left, soaring to Hariyama’s upper right, barely managing to slip in between its hands before they switched. Coming around behind it, the end of Honedge’s pommel was aimed at the back of Hariyama’s head. Hau gasped as his Hariyama turned around to see Honedge from the corner of its eyes. Sam then thrust the bottom of his fist out, Honedge speeding down and striking Hariyama in the temple, the hit making Hariyama crumple to its stomach. Sam, Alice, Starlight, Fluttershy, and Makana held their breath as they watched Hariyama tremble as it tried pushing up to stand. As Honedge returned to Sam’s side, Hariyama grunted as its arms struggled to support itself, finally buckling away to make Hariyama lie still. Pikachu stared out at the still Pokémon, almost entranced by it. Sam began breathing quickly as Hau approached his fallen Pokémon, smiling wider as he approached his victorious opponents. Kneeling before his Hariyama, he pulled out its ball from his belt and returned him inside. “Hala would’ve been so proud.” He placed his forehead upon the ball above the center button. With his thanks given, Hau stood before Sam, who restrained the urge to celebrate until he could hear what he knew he would say. “You’ve shown me an amazing battle, man,” he said. “I still can’t believe that it only took you one Pokémon to beat me. Regardless, it really serves as proof that you two share an exceptional bond. But, a win’s a win.” Hau began reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out a reddish-brown crystal with a fist-shaped icon inside of it and placed it on Sam’s palm. “Please take this Fightinium Z, as proof of your victory over the Melemele Grand Trial. Congratulations.” Hau stood back and applauded Sam who continued looking at his prize, ignoring the cheers of his friends off on the side. He was suddenly pulled from his concentration by Alice leaping onto Sam and hugging him tightly. “Oh my god, you won, you won!” she bellowed. “My brother cleared the Grand Trial everyone!” “Alice, shh!” Sam hissed, struggling with the urge not to laugh. “People are still sleeping!” Sam was then pulled from Alice’s grasp by Makana, who locked him into a hug and patted his back with the side of his fist. “That was awesome, sir. Respect.” The two ponies and Pikachu came up to the platform next, and once Sam turned to see them, he knelt down, tears beginning to well in his eyes. With open arms, he invited Fluttershy and Starlight into a hug, and they both came up with their arms around his neck and his arms around their bodies. “I’m not going to fail you,” he whispered, a tear falling from one of his eyes. “You’re safe with me.” Honedge joined in and wrapped its cloth arm around Sam’s head, resting its hilt on his temple. The sound of Hau clearing his throat, broke Sam, Honedge, and the ponies up, and Sam stood to face him. “Just one more thing before I let you go. If you want to use that Fightinium Z and draw its Z-Power, you need to perform a special pose. Here’s how it’s done.” Hau crossed his arms before his face at the wrists, swung them down to his sides, and held both arms out and crossed over, he then pulled his right wrist to his side and punched out with his left fist, then punching with his right and moving his left wrist to his side. With a quick series of punches and a step off the ground with his left foot, he delivered a final punch out with a step back to the ground. “Looks easy, right?” Hau asked in a more relaxed stance. “Yeah,” Sam responded. “It does, actually.” “Then that’s really all I can do now. You and your Pokémon will probably need a shower after such an intense battle. Go ahead, you’ve earned it.” “Thanks again, Hau.” Sam nodded so vigorously that his whole body bowed with him. “Thank you so much.” Sam ran off the platform and threw his arm up before hitting the ground. As he walked back to Hau’s home, Honedge and Starlight following him back, Alice stayed behind and approached Hau. “Sorry,” she said, “I know your Pokémon had quite a battle there, but I just want to know when I can have a go.” Hau put his hands on his hips, looking impressed. “You must be so revved up seeing your brother’s battle that you want to go as well. Well, tell you what, my Pokémon will need a few hours to rest up, but once they’re ready, I’m sure they’ll be dying to try your Noibat and Pikachu on.” Pikachu watched from the other end of the platform, it’s ears drooping down and a look of worry coming across its face. “Thank you, Hau. We’ll be ready” Alice made her way to the platform steps with Fluttershy following. “Pikachu?” Pikachu sprinted out from around the platform and onto Alice’s back, climbing over and sliding into her arms, much to her surprise. “Well, someone’s energetic this morning!” Alice hugged Pikachu close as they approached the doors of the house. Pikachu kept its gaze on the inside of the house once Alice opened the doors, not wanting to look back until it was inside and the doors were closed again. > Chapter 11 – Meet the Parents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Check it out!” Sam pulled his Holo Caster away from his face to give room for his Z-Ring, which he held up with his Fightinium Z inside the face, also revealing his casual day wear. “Whoa, that’s cool!” The full 3D head and torso of Sam’s mother was projected in a blue light from the top of Sam’s device. “Where’d you get that thing?” “It’s a bit of a long story, but I can now use Z-Moves with this.” “Oh, that’s one of those Z-Rings I’ve heard about. Did your sister also get one?” “Yes, we got ours together.” “Benji, come and say good morning to your son!” Susan turned to the left as she called for her husband. After a few moments, his image also appeared beside her. “Hey, kiddo. What’s going on?” “Sam just told me he completed all his trials!” “Already? You already beat the Island Challenge?” “No, no…” Sam couldn’t help but look annoyed at his mother’s mild ineptitude. “I’ve completed all my trials on Melemele. I still need to take on the ones on the other three islands first.” “Oh, my apologies,” Susan responded. “It’s a bit different from the gyms.” Sam forced a smile. “So, I’m guessing you’re calling other than to see how we’re doing?” “Right!” Benji jumped in. “Your mother and I were planning on taking a little trip over to Ten Karat Hill for a picnic this afternoon and wondered if you and Alice wanted to come with.” Sam looked to his side to the bathroom door, still hearing the shower head running inside. “Where is she?” Susan asked. “In the shower. She’s planning on taking her Grand Trial in a few hours.” “Oh, really? You’re still in Iki Town? That’s not too far from where we’re going. Maybe we can come and watch.” “Uh… Sure! I’m sure she’d love that.” “How much time do we got?” Benji asked. “Well, Hau’s still resting his Pokémon up from our battle, but he thinks it should only be a couple of hours.” “Sounds perfect!” Susan exclaimed. “We’ll be there in less than one!” “Okay… so, I, uh… yeah, see you soon!” “We’ll call you when we’re close. Maybe show us around a little bit.” “‘Kay then, I’ll see you.” “Okay, then. Bye.” Sam flicked his Holo Caster off, feeling alone enough to take an anxious breath. “Oh boy…” he mumbled with his hand over his face. “Sam!” Fluttershy came from the bedroom with Starlight, the latter’s magic brushing her hair out straight. “Were those your parents?” “Yeah, they were.” “You didn’t let us say, ‘Hi?’” Starlight chided. “Oh, believe me, you’ll meet them soon enough. They’ll be coming over in the next hour to watch Alice and Hau’s battle.” “Oh, how lovely!” Fluttershy chirped. “I can’t wait to meet them.” Sam turned away from them and made his way to the kitchen. “I can,” he whispered. Walking inside he found Hau in the dining room with his Passimian and Hariyama sitting along the back wall, Passiman shoveling in handfuls of fruit salad from a large metal bowl, and Hariyama drinking from quart-sized measuring cup full of raw, unbeaten eggs. “Don’t eat too much, Passimian!” Hau chuckled. “You don’t want to get a stomachache against Alice’s Pokémon, do you?” Hau reached for the bowl, only for his Pokémon to pull it away and hug it close with a defensive hiss. From the corner of his vision, he saw Sam standing at the counter, clearly waiting for him. “Sam.” Hau walked to Sam, standing at the end of the counter. “What can I do for you, man?” “It’s uh…” “Hey, you’re not still scared about going off to the other islands, are you? Because after the way you and Honedge–” “No, it’s not that, it’s my parents.” Hau could tell from the quickness of Sam’s speech that something about them was clearly troubling him. “What about your parents?” “They’re coming to Iki Town in a little bit.” “What?! That sounds awesome! Why the long face about it?” “It’s just… God, how do I say this without sounding weird… I mean, I’m sure you know how protective parents can be.” “Sure. Are yours like, super overprotective?” “I… wouldn’t say that, it’s just… How do you think they’re going to react when they see the ponies and then either Alice or I have to say, ‘Oh yeah, these two things came from that portal two nights ago, and now we’re traveling with them to find the others because we’re friends now. You can trust these talking, magical ponies from another world with your kids!’ I mean, I thought of just hiding them in the bedroom or something until they leave, but I don’t have the heart to do that to them, but–” “Whoa, whoa, dude, slow down!” Hau approached Sam with his hands placed on his shoulders. “I think you’re overthinking this way too hard. I’m sure your folks will love the ponies just like we do.” “It’s not really them loving them that bothers me.” Sam backed away from Hau’s grasp. “I really just don’t want to deal with a lecture about how we should leave the ponies in more capable hands.” “I honestly don’t know whose hands the ponies are more capable in than you and your sister’s. I mean, you defeated my trial with only one Pokémon. I’ve never had anyone do that since I’ve become a kahuna.” Sam couldn’t hold back a smile to hear such an honor, but resumed his worried grimace. “I… know, and I’m certain my sister is an even better trainer than me, but that really won’t matter to them. I’ve already nearly had the ponies taken from me yesterday, I don’t want to go through that again today.” “Listen, for what it’s worth, I guarantee you’ll have an easier time with your parents than you had with Gladion.” Hau then sighed as he passed Sam and went to the exit door. “But it seems this is going to be one of those bridges that we’ll have to cross when we come to it.” “Hey, where are you going?” “The ponies and your sisters have a right to know what to expect. Let’s tell them.” Sam opened his mouth to object, but Hau had pushed himself through the open door and into the main hall, where Starlight and Fluttershy continued to wait. They both turned their heads to face them. “Oh, hey you two!” Fluttershy chirped. “What’s going on?” Before Hau could even form a thought to answer, the bathroom door opened and Alice walked out, wearing only her red shirt and grey shorts, her hair and patches of her arms and legs still damp. “Was that mom and dad you were talking to just now?” she asked Sam. Now faced by them all, Sam turned to the ponies and took a deep, but silent breath in. A small yellow car crept up the hill, the tires following the faint dirt tracks of the sparse number of cars who made the same journey up. As it continued its ascent, its driver, Benji, looked to see a large dirt lot bending off from the right side of the road with a sign posted in the grass in between, which depicted a black slash through a car icon. Understanding what to do, Benji pulled into the lot and quickly pulled into one of the very few parking spots still available. “Lucky…” Benji commented as he exited his car, sporting a polyester yellow polo, white shorts, and light-brown boots. Susan followed her husband from her side, wearing a low-cut sky-blue tee and skinny jeans while carrying a large white handbag, and began making the way further up. After a small bend to the left, Benji and Susan sighed with slight relief to see the gateway to Iki Town and all the buildings behind it. “It’s like an actual tropical village,” said Susan. “Deep in the woods and hills and everything.” “Have to imagine the locals put on an amazing barbeque,” Benji replied. Once they got to the final five steps, Hau appeared from around one of the poles for the entryway, his fanned-out jacket giving off a threatening appearance that made Benji and Susan stop in their tracks. “Hey there!” he said with a wave. “You must be Sam and Alice’s folks!” Benji leaned in to shake the young man’s hand. “Yeah. How’d you know that?” “I’m good at these things! Name’s Hau, the Kahuna for the island. And you are?” “Benji. Call me Benji. And this is my wife, Susan.” Hau moved to shake her hand as well. “Pleasure. I’m guessing you came to see your kids?” “Yeah,” Susan responded. “You know where they are?” “At my place, getting ready for the battle! Follow me!” With a cartoonishly long swing of his arm, Hau led the two to follow him, his charm making them do so almost immediately. “So,” Benji said, “our son already beat you, I heard.” “You heard right, sir.” “How else do you know them?” “Ben!” Susan slapped her husband on the shoulder, offended by such an accusatory question. “It’s alright ma’am, I understand. Kind of weird that the chief trainer of the island lets a couple tenderfeet crash at his place, but yeah. The kids were looking for a place to stay after the wormhole appeared, and so I was kind enough to shelter them until it blew over.” “Oh, I see.” Ben was visibly more relaxed. “Thank you very much.” “I should thank you. Your two kids are really something. We spent the night talking and got to know a bit about each other. Kind of nice to have one of them beat me in the Grand Trial this morning.” “I can imagine,” Susan said. “I assume you didn’t go easy on him just because you became friends.” “Absolutely not, and I don’t plan on giving a handicap to your daughter either. They’re very strong trainers; you shouldn’t have to worry.” Walking up a flight of stone steps and turning left, the battling platform and Hau’s home were now in plain view. “Wow!” Susan took her sunglasses off at the sight of the Kahuna’s house. “You live here?” “Yeah. It’s passed down to each Kahuna from the last.” “Who was the last one?” Benji asked. “My grandfather, Hala.” “Grandfather…” Benji’s words were hushed as he must have realized what this meant. “Anyway, we’re here. After you.” Hau stood at the foot of the wooden steps to the deck and front door, allowing Benji and Susan to go up first. Upon opening the door and stepping slowly inside, they were first greeted by Sam, Alice, who was now fully dressed, and both ponies relaxing on the couches. Sam and Alice stood up, initially glad to see them, while Fluttershy and Starlight stayed seated, turning to see who it was. “Oh, are these them?” Fluttershy asked. Susan let out a small gasp with a hand over her mouth as both ponies got up to join Sam and Alice’s sides. “Oh my gosh. What kind of Pokémon are those?” Starlight failed to hold back a scowl. “We’re not–” “Just be cool,” Sam sighed, quelling her mild anger. The room was suddenly silent as Benji and Susan stared at the ponies, Starlight in particular. Alice and Sam’s suddenly relaxed faces turned disappointed and slightly bitter. “Did… she just talk?” asked Benji. “Pretty cool, huh?” Hau’s sudden appearance and voice behind the two parents forced them to leap to the sides. “I’d like to introduce you to our newest friends, but maybe it’d be better if they did it themselves.” Starlight, happy to take the stage, stepped up to the still stupefied Benji and Susan. “My name is Starlight Glimmer. It’s a real honor to meet you.” “Sam…” Susan stammered. “Alice… what are these things?” “They call themselves ponies.” Alice crossed her arms, knowing what was to come. “They’re our friends.” “Wait…” Benji looked down to Starlight and then to Fluttershy, who began to slink behind Alice’s legs. “These thin– ponies. They… weren’t what came out of that wormhole Monday night, were they?” “Please,” Starlight spoke up, her optimism fading, “let me explain.” “They are, aren’t they?” Susan’s voice became hushed with shock. “Yes,” Sam blurted. “Please, don’t be upset!” Benji and Susan’s continued silence came as an unexpected response to Sam and Alice, and their frightened expressions softened almost immediately. Benji continued looking down at Starlight before him, and slowly came down to a kneel, making Starlight shift back in confusion, Susan looking warily on. “May I?” Benji queried with a reaching hand. Starlight stayed still and uneasy as he gently cupped his face around the bottom of Starlight’s muzzle, moving and running it over her cheek and gently running it down the sides of the neck, shoulder, and stomach, mouth agape over the softness of her coat. Removing his hand, they both looked at each other, and finally, he put his palm out slowly to her. “Starlight, right?” he said. Starlight, understanding the gesture, lifted up her hoof and rested it in Benji’s hand. He grasped it and put his other hand over it, finally allowing the two to smile at each other over the bond they’ve established. Susan looked to Hau, still flustered with concern. “How did you find them?” Hau came between her and her husband. “Actually, it was your kids who found them wet, cold, and alone inside a cave near Kala’e Bay and kept them safe until I came across them. I’ve been letting them stay at my place ever since.” “But… you said–” “I know what I said.” His hands reached behind his neck. “I just thought I’d save the ponies for when you got here.” Benji couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood, unable to find any sort of untruth in Hau’s words. “That’s… that’s really incredible.” He then also turned to face Hau. “I’m glad to know you’re taking good care of them.” “Well, I get by with a little help,” he replied with a cock of his head towards Sam and Alice. Sam and Alice smiled, and even Fluttershy stepped out in fuller view for their parents. It looked to be going much better than anticipated. “Are there others?” asked Susan, then glancing toward Starlight. “Are there more like you?” “Yes, there are.” Starlight’s ears drooped as she looked down. “My friends also got pulled here and we’re pretty certain they’re on the other islands.” “But it’s good to know you have a strong trainer like Hau to help you find them,” Benji responded. “Actually,” Hau said in full confidence, “your kids are seeing to their rescue.” “What?” Both Benji and Susan’s sudden voices brought a grimace to both Sam and Alice’s faces. “They can’t do that,” Benji responded. “They just started their island trials. Sam especially–” “–Is a fine trainer,” Hau interjected. “If he can defeat a Kahuna like me with only one Pokémon, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. And considering how highly he thinks of his own sister, you should be doubly assured of their safety.” “But…” Susan looked to her children, who appeared quite pleased with Hau’s praises. “Her other friends must be worried sick, and… no doubt frightened. They may see our children as trying to hunt them.” “Fluttershy and I will be right there with them to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Starlight said. “Trust me, if they see we can trust them, they’ll trust them too.” “Mom…” Alice stepped forward and left Fluttershy in the open, though she stood still where she was. “…Sam and I knew what we were getting into when we came here… I mean, other than the ponies, but yeah, that happened, and it is what it is. We agreed to help them, and we know what we’re going into with this too.” Benji looked to his wife, who glanced down, knowing she couldn’t convince her daughter otherwise. “Sam,” he then said, looking dead into his son’s eyes. “Are you really prepared for this?” “Dad–” “I’m not trying to talk you out of it. If you want to help these guys, then your mother and I will support you 100%, but I know how hard it’s been for you to leave home, your old life, and go off on your first journey as a trainer. I just want to know if you can also handle them.” Starlight and Fluttershy looked to Sam, who looked at his Z-Ring, smiling as if the answer was written on its face. “You know, I missed so many opportunities in Kalos. Missed so many potential friends and memories. After meeting Hau, the ponies, and getting this far in my journey already, I can tell you I’ve never wanted anything more than this.” Starlight smiled warmly at such a proud and steadfast response, and Fluttershy managed to step out further towards him. Benji closed his eyes and broke a smile. “I guess that’s that, then.” Benji looked down to the general direction of both Starlight and Fluttershy. “And I can trust you to take care of my kids?” “I think we’ll all be taking care of each each other,” she responded with a bow of her head, “won’t we, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy snapped into attention. “Oh, oh! Yes, we certainly will. We’ll all need all the help we can get!” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly, unsure if she said the right thing, and even the other humans in the room were visibly puzzled by her remark. “Hey!” Hau suddenly shouted with a clap and reach out with his hands. “Now that we’re all buds now, let’s see how my Pokémon are doing!” With Hau’s jacket sailing behind him, he appeared to fly to the kitchen before he opened the door and entered inside. Either way, it seemed to distract everyone else from Fluttershy’s statement. “Okay…” Susan sat cross-legged on the floor and fished a Poké Ball from her purse. “You.” Fluttershy turned her head to her. “Yes, sorry, I don’t think I got your name.” “Oh, right.” Fluttershy came to her and laid on her stomach with her hooves tucked in. “I’m Fluttershy. I really can’t say enough how wonderful your kids are.” “I’d like to think I’m partly responsible for that. Are you liking the Pokémon you’ve seen so far?” “Oh my, yes! I especially love your daughter’s Noibat! Such a sweetie she is.” “Here, I’d like you to meet one of mine.” Susan held out her Poké Ball, where it opened up, the white energy popping out from it forming into a small, bipedal dark-blue cat with spikey white tufts of fur on its head, neck, and on the tips of its two tails. “Oh, he’s so cute!” she squealed, putting her face close. The cat shifted forward and sniffed tentatively at her snout before falling onto her face while holding to its muzzle, purring as its face rubbed her forehead. “My,” Susan exclaimed, “my Meowstic is never usually this friendly to strangers, yet alone other Pokémon.” Fluttershy stood up, causing the cat to float off her face and sit atop her neck. “It’s a little gift I have.” She looked as far up as she could and gave the Meowstic a wink. “They’re ready!” Hau burst through the doors. “Alice, you ready?” “Huh?” Alice spoke up. “You mean–” “Yeah! If you’re ready for your Grand Trial, just say the word and we’ll get this show on the road.” “Uh, do you think…” “Come on,” Benji egged on, “we may have come to take you to Ten Karat Hill, but I don’t want to miss your trial for the world!” Alice looked to her friends and family, all of whom looked pleasantly expectant for an affirmative answer. Feeling boxed in, she relaxed herself and huffed in laughter. “Alright, you guys win. Let’s do this thing.” “Great!” Hau shouted. “I’ll meet you out there!” He strolled to the door and exited just as quickly. Susan, her Meowstic, and Fluttershy looked to each other before they decided to follow him outside, followed closely by Alice after placing her Normalium Z inside the face of her Z-Ring. With Sam, Benji, and Starlight alone, Benji let out a sigh and rubbed his neck. “Hey, Sam, listen, I’m sorry I didn’t get to see your trial. I’m sure it was really neat.” “Hey, jokes on you,” Sam said with a nudge to his father’s shoulder, “now you have to watch Alice beat Hau to a pulp in the most boring battle of the century.” “Still looking forward to it.” As Sam and Benji left the house together, Starlight, gladdened by seeing Sam find humor in his father’s absence and his sister’s strength, rolled her eyes with a smirk, trotting behind them before the door could close on her. > Chapter 12 – Dual > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau stood at the platform with his hands excitedly at his hips as Alice stepped up to the side of the white ring opposite from him. As Fluttershy and Susan stood at the edge of the platform beside the steps, several of the townspeople and a couple of other tourists began to gather around to the other sides. Upon seeing the increasing numbers of Alice’s audience, Sam and Benji broke into a brisk jog, Starlight galloping close behind. “Hurry,” Sam panted as another group of people began to close the gap next to his mom. He jumped into the last space as he scooted over to make room for his father and Starlight. “Hey!” An overweight male tourist moved his arm up as Sam took up the space he hoped he would. “You’re not the only one who wants to watch!” “That’s his sister up there,” Benji remarked, turning only his head to the tourist. “Try and be more considerate.” The tourist took one step aside, allowing plenty of room for Benji and Starlight to stand. Both Starlight and Fluttershy took another step forward and put their front hooves on the platform floor, being able to peer over and see Alice take out her first Poké Ball. Hau grinned to see her so prepped to go. “Looks like we’ll be having a much bigger crowd to watch us this time around.” “Couldn’t imagine a better scenario for when I beat you,” she remarked, lobbing her ball up. “If my brother can beat you with only one Pokémon, I can easily do it with two.” “Your brother may have had only one Pokémon, but his was the right type to fight against me. You’ll have a much harder time this time around, I guarantee you.” Hau pulled out his Ultra Ball from the belt on his waist, keeping it in his hand as he crossed his arms over. “Now, I just have to ask one last time. Are you ready to face me?” Alice grinned. “Go, Noibat!” Tossing her ball out, her purple bat-like dragon appeared from the white aura that shot out from it. As Noibat fluttered patiently in the air, Hau smirked wide, expecting nothing less of a response from Sam’s headstrong sister. “Very well,” he muttered. “Let’s go, Passimian!” With a throw of his ball, the large, muscular monkey stood before Alice’s Pokémon, suddenly looking nervous as it frantically looked around it for something, bemusing the audience. Starlight’s eyes widened as it realized what was missing. “It lost it’s–” “Hey, Passimian!” The sound of Hau’s voice had his Passimian turn around just as a large, light-yellow melon was lobbed from its trainer’s hand to it. The monkey screeched loudly with joy as it caught the melon in both of its arms, hugging it close with its face and rubbing affectionately against it. “Looks like he lost it after the last battle,” Hau reasoned. “Okay, then,” Alice shouted out, “he’s got his little fruit now. Let’s get this started!” “Right. Passimian, Focus Energy!” The monkey, already relaxed with its melon in hand, stood on its feet and began meditating with a red aura gently flowing around its body. “Using up that first turn again?” Alice asked. “Suits me fine. Noibat, use Supersonic!” Noibat shot a bit further up in the air and kept its head steady and aimed at its motionless target. With a high-pitched whine, transparent rings pulsed out of its ears in quick repetition, the inner spaces perfectly ringing around Passimian. “Fight it, Passimian!” Hau shouted. Hau’s Pokémon groaned and grit its teeth as it continued to try and focus as the onslaught of sonic rings began to end. “That’s it,” Hau exclaimed, “now use Smack Down!” “Noibat…” Alice kept her mouth open to make her next command, but it hung over at the sight of Noibat focusing on regaining its breath. Alice looked ahead to see the Passimian holding its melon in its hand, the arm connected to it wound back to throw. Just before the monkey could hurl its weapon at the opponent, it slipped from its hand. The Passimian, as if perplexed by its own body’s motions, continued following through, the force of its throw pulling it forward and forcing itself on its stomach. “Yes, it worked!” Sam cheered. “Nice one, Noibat!” Noibat gently squealed in reply, its stamina full again. “While it’s down,” Alice commanded, “use Aerial Ace.” Noibat quickly flew in an upward arc over the Passimian, who slowly got up as it fought its uncalibrated limbs. Once it was high enough, Noibat dropped from its ascent and shot down at the Passimian’s back, striking it dead on in the center of the spine, dropping the monkey once more with a piercing screech. “Okay, that’s it!” Benji shouted with two hard claps. Hau began to frown with slightly bared teeth. “That’s okay, man! Use another Focus Energy!” Passimian crawled back to its dropped melon, picked it back up, and stood focused once again as its red aura covered it. “Wasting another turn?” Alice asked. “Noibat, hit him with another Supersonic!” Noibat let out another high-pitched scream as the sonic pulses flew back out at Hau’s Pokémon. “Alright,” Hau shouted, his confident grin returned, “now use Smack Down!” Before Noibat’s attack could hit, the Passimian opened its eyes and rolled out of its way, its wound-back arm throwing its melon at the distracted Noibat, this time hitting it square in the stomach. Alice, as well as Susan and Fluttershy gasped as Noibat fell from the air and bounced to the floor onto its back. “That’s it!” Hau clamped his fist shut. “Now, use Beat Up!” Passimian lunged forwards into a gallop, Noibat still squirming from the exceptionally hard blow it received. Alice took note of her Pokémon’s position as the Passimian was only a few feet away. “Deflect it with Wing Attack!” Hau’s Passimian was now standing over Noibat, with its fist coming down to strike. With a hard slap, Noibat managed to deflect the attack away with the membrane of its wing. Passimian quickly got over its surprise and threw down its other fist, which Noibat also managed to knock away with its other wing. “That’s it!” Alice shouted. “Keep going!” both she and Hau shouted. Passimian wildly struck its hands down on Noibat, several hits being blocked by its opponent, some landing their marks on its stomach or face. Alice continued looking at the sight nervously, knowing that Passimian had the higher ground. She then saw its left hand come up. “Noibat, quickly, use Bite!” The hand came down, which Noibat avoided with a juke of its head to the left, shifting back and clamping its sharp teeth down on the monkey’s fist. Passimian squealed with pain as it began stumbling about, whipping its arm to get Noibat off, but to no avail. Hau grunted to see his Pokémon in such a shape. “Passimian, Beat Up!” Alice and Sam both gasped as Passimian’s right fist reeled back, a guttural growl from its mouth growing into a piercing shout. Alice hissed, knowing what she needed to do. “Let go, now!” Noibat saw the fist beginning to come at it, and at the last moment, it leapt off and opened its wings out, taking the hit right in the chest. Fluttershy cried out as it watched Noibat wheel back away from Passimian, only to be moderately relieved when it managed to regain its senses and keep a somewhat still flying position before it could hit the ground. “Come on, Alice!” Susan yelled out. “You seriously can’t tell me Noibat can’t survive the Passimian when Honedge could!” Sam loudly scolded. “Shut up, Sam…” As much as she hated to hear it, Alice could tell that Sam was lighting a fire within her. Hau examined the states of both his Pokémon and Alice’s, a small drop of blood dripping off Passimian’s fist while Noibat’s longer, more forceful wingbeats were each accompanied by an audible whine. Alice could note her Noibat’s state too. “Noibat, land.” Noibat stopped flapping its wings, nearly falling straight down, but keeping its form upon its feet hitting the floor. “Hmm.” Hau looked rather guilty about whatever he had just thought up. “Looks like she lost her air advantage. Passimian, finish Noibat off with Low Sweep!” With a wave of his hand, Passimian leapt forward, its right leg back and ready to kick. Noibat dug the ends of its wings and its feet to the ground, certain its trainer was planning something. “Noibat, Aerial Ace!” Passimian landed and began to run its right foot along the floor, the top aimed squarely at Noibat. Noibat lunged forward, the kick grazing beneath it, leaving Passimian unprepared as Noibat’s right wing slashed at Passimian in the side of the neck. The momentum of the swing made the already unconscious Passimian fall even harder, and with a slight bounce, Hau could tell that it would not get up for the rest of the battle. “Woohoo!” Starlight cheered, hopping her front hooves on the platform floor. “Yes…” Sam pumped his fist discreetly. Hau, with his Ultra Ball in grasp, came up to his Passimian which continued moaning in exhaustion. “Once again, nice job, Passimian.” Passimian’s whine rose in pitch, acknowledging the compliment as it was returned inside of its ball. Hau put his ball back onto his belt, taking out his Hariyama’s ball as he watched Alice kneel down to her still grounded Noibat. “You were awesome, Noibat!” she said to it. Noibat threw its wings open and let out a happy yowl, but clacked her teeth after feeling the strain in its arms and stomach. “Well, then.” Alice and Noibat were brought back to attention by Hau’s commanding voice. “Looks like you have one more Pokémon of mine to go. Your Noibat looks pretty spent, all things considered.” “Yeah, and I bet he’ll still make short work of your Hariyama.” Hau feigned a surprised gasp. “Those be fighting words! Let’s go, Hariyama!” Hau threw his final Ultra Ball out, his Hariyama appearing from the white energy that came from it and landing on the platform with a heavy bang. Alice’s cocksure grin refused to leave her face. “Fine with us. He’s still a Fighting-type.” “And look at how well my Passimian fared against your Noibat. I don’t see more than three hits before I take her out.” “Hmm, now them’s fighting words. Noibat, Aerial Ace!” With a beat of its wings, Noibat shot at Hau’s Hariyama, who stood resolutely as it waited for its trainer’s orders. “Fake Out!” Hau suddenly called. Before either Alice or Noibat could react, Hariyama clapped both hands together in front of itself, Noibat’s head popping out from the top. Alice gasped as her Pokémon struggled and failed to break free of the Hariyama’s hold. Hau threw his arm out. “Heavy Slam!” Hariyama lobbed the disoriented Noibat up, and once it reached the right level on its way back down, Hariyama thrust forward with its shoulder slamming straight into Noibat’s body. With a final scream, Noibat tumbled to the ground and stopped just before Alice’s feet. “Noibat!” Fluttershy cried out. “Oh, no…” Susan caged her fingers around her mouth. Alice knelt down and gently picked Noibat up, flipping it over to look at its face, seeing from it’s lazy eyes and agape mouth that it had fainted. “Oh, man,” she muttered while taking its Poké Ball from her belt. “Great work, Noibat. Get some rest now.” Noibat was brought back into the ball, and Alice stood back up as she put the ball back onto her belt, facing Hau and his Hariyama. “Wow,” Hau said, “my Hariyama didn’t even take a hit there. Looks like your Pikachu and my Hariyama will now get to fight at full strength. Let’s do it, Alice. Last one to go for each of us!” “Yep…” Alice pulled out her last Poké Ball and tossed it out. “Let’s go, Pikachu!” Pikachu came out of the ball, suddenly perplexed and wary of its surroundings. Hau took immediate, suspicious attention to how nervously it looked up to the imposing figure of his Hariyama. “What’s going on?” Benji asked to himself. The excitement of the crowd itself seemed to die down as they too began to realize that Alice’s Pikachu did not look remotely ready for battle. “It’s okay, Pikachu,” Alice cooed. “Sam’s Honedge took him out no problem, and I know you can too.” Sam subtly shook his head as Pikachu faced Hariyama again, its body tensed with preparedness, but its face still showing clear signs of fright. “Pikachu, Quick Attack!” Pikachu reeled its body back, and began to run, but rather than the near unfathomable speed that Alice and Hau came to expect, its run was slow, labored, and not the least bit stealthy. Hau grimaced. “Hariyama, use Knock Off!” Hariyama bent down as Pikachu came close and swatted it with the backside of its hand, sending it rolling back to Alice with a miserable whine. The crowd gasped at the display as Pikachu stood back up, looking at the ground, dejected and ashamed. “That’s okay, Pikachu!” Alice called out, fighting the lack of confidence building up in her. “Use a Thunder Shock now!” Pikachu’s cheeks charged up and with a loud yell, its body went alight and a heavy stream of electricity arced out of it and came down on the Hariyama. Alice, and even Pikachu looked very surprised as Hariyama went down on a knee as it tried to regain its stamina. “Perfect, Pikachu! I knew you could do it!” Pikachu mewed with a slight renewal of vigor, smiling as trails of steam and static could still be seen coming off of its opponent. “That’s it…” Starlight whispered. “Okay, then,” Hau huffed with a smile. “Now go, Hariyama!” Hariyama ran out at Pikachu, prompting Pikachu to charge out as well, shocking Alice. “No, Pikachu, wait!” she cried out. “Close Combat!” At Hau’s command Hariyama’s hand curled up as its punch began to glow bright red. Alice and Pikachu’s mouths both opened wide as Hariyama’s fist slammed into Pikachu’s body, sending it flying back so hard that upon Alice catching it, she slid back nearly to the edge of the platform. “Alice!” Sam yelled. “Is he okay?” Fluttershy asked. Alice pulled Pikachu away from her bosom to see its face, only for Pikachu lean back in and clutch Alice even tighter. Alice shuddered as she brought her arms back in for a consoling hug. Hau crossed his arms and took a deep breath as Hariyama relaxed its stance. “Pikachu,” Alice said, “it’s not quite over yet. You just need a bit more…” Pikachu moaned as its grasp on Alice’s chest refused to let up. Looking back at the ponies, and her family, Sam last of all, Alice sighed as she seemed to figure it all out. “I see. It’s about that Lucario, isn’t it?” Pikachu stopped trembling and looked up at its trainer, almost surprised she found it out. “You do know why I let you on my team, right? After I saw the way you took on my Noibat, a Pokémon I’ve trained for years, I knew you were special. And that’s also why I chose you to take on Gladion yesterday, and I’m truly sorry I didn’t see how unprepared we were.” Hau’s arms relaxed so that his hands were cradling both his elbows. “However, I want to remind you…” Alice turned around so that Pikachu could look down at Fluttershy and Starlight on the sidelines. “See them? You’re fighting to help them out, okay? They want to get back home, and the only thing standing in your way right now is that Hariyama.” Alice turned back to Hau and his Pokémon, and Pikachu stared at Hariyama, who struck its offensive stance, inviting it to conclude their fight. Pikachu’s eyes glimmered, hearing the joyful laughing and cooing of Fluttershy’s voice echoing in its head. “So,” Alice finally asked. “You got this?” Pikachu forcefully pushed itself out of Alice and landed to the floor two feet away from her, its back and arms tense and straight and its face determined and almost vengeful. Sam jerked both fists forward and huffed with a smile, while his parents both grinned at their daughter’s natural talents. Hau chuckled loudly, putting his hands back to his hips. “Nicely said. You both ready to resume the battle?” “I do believe so.” Alice threw a pointed finger at Hariyama. “Pikachu, let’s make this easier and use Thunder Wave!” Pikachu purred contently at the command and bounded forward. At the tip of its arc, Pikachu’s glowing cheeks shot out multiple bands of electrical pulses that hit virtually every inch of Hariyama’s front side, making its body and limbs contract and stiffen. Hau frowned with unpleasant surprise. “Oh no! Quick, Hariyama, use another Close Combat!” Hariyama attempted to step forward, but couldn’t even get its leg up halfway before it brought it back down, groaning furiously at its sudden impotence. “Darn…” Hau muttered. “Such power…” “Alright!” Alice cheered. “Now we have him where we want him. Ready, Pikachu?” Pikachu cried out in affirmation, and with its audible approval, Alice crossed her wrists over her face. Both Benji and Susan, along with the other audience members sighed in awe as Alice and Pikachu’s movements mimicked each others in perfect synchronicity, finally ending when their arms formed a Z-shape. Yellow energy shot out of Alice’s back and joined before her before covering Pikachu in its light as the Z-Ring’s insignia pulsed out from Pikachu’s chest. Alice spread her arms and looked to her hands, feeling the warm aura coming off her skin like soft mist. “This is incredible.” She then turned to face Sam. “Oh my God, Sam, this is amazing!” “I know,” he replied matter of factly. Alice turned back to face Hau and his Hariyama, who continued standing still, unable to even lift its arms to defend itself. “It’s pretty amazing,” Alice said to Hau. “With your Hariyama now paralyzed after a Close Combat, he couldn’t be any more wide open for our next attack.” Hau bared his teeth, completely astounded yet enraged over Alice’s incidental strategy, though it refused to falter his opponents’ excited grins. “Let’s do this now, Pikachu! Breakneck Blitz!” Pikachu darted out at Hariyama so fast that in a single blink of the eyes, Pikachu’s head and hands were rammed into Hariyama’s stomach, the bright red tail of the excess energy still lingering behind it. The immobile Hariyama was slammed to its back and slid back so that Hau had to leap out land on his stomach to keep from getting pushed off the platform. “Oh, yeah!” Susan shouted in a volume that frightened Fluttershy. “That was awesome,” Benji could only say in response. “You can do that too?” “Yeah,” Sam replied. “Just wait, though.” “Wait for what?” Hau quickly rolled off of it and knelt to its side, unsure if it actually survived the attack. “Hariyama! Hariyama! You okay?” Hariyama then surprised Alice and Pikachu as Hariyama slowly, but assuredly stood back up on its own two feet. Hau’s worried expression shifted to one of typecast giddiness as his Hariyama thrust his belly forward, reeled both arms back, and squatted low, a chorus of loud crunching and cracking accompanying it. Both Starlight and Fluttershy slightly retched with their tongues out. “Hariyama!” Hau happily cried. “You feeling better?” With a much less labored motion, Hariyama stood with its hands held up and out, the left palm aimed at Pikachu. “That’s it.” Hau pressed down and cracked his left knuckles with his right hand, revealing his own Z-Ring and Fightinium Z inside of it. “Your brother may have lucked out last battle, but your Pikachu isn’t a Ghost-type. So now, it’s my turn to unleash my own Z-Power!” “Pikachu,” Alice instructed, “on your marks.” Pikachu lowered itself just above the ground, ready to intercept whatever would come. Hau crossed his wrists together and with a bright sparkle of his Z-Crystal, he put his arms at his sides, his Hariyama doing the same as well. Sam and Alice looked amazed over the fluidity of Hariyama’s motions as it mirrored Hau’s. With a spreading of both of their legs, Hau and his Hariyama began punching at the air, finishing with a wound up arm and a final, stronger punch forward. Hau’s body erupted with Z-Power and flowed into Hariyama, the Z-Ring symbol pulsing off of it. “Alice!” Hau shouted. “Now its your turn to taste a sample of the Z-Power inherited by my grandfather Hala! Now, Hariyama!” Hau threw both arms out, firey energy trailing out from them. “All-Out Pummeling!” Hau then pushed both hands forwards. Though Hariyama’s hands appeared to stay out to the sides, large, bright, orange auras in the shape of its hands began firing at Pikachu in rapid, almost incalculable succession. “Pikachu, try and dodge it!” Alice ordered. Pikachu kept its eyes on each subsequent fist that came, jumping and juking to the left and right in the same speed, managing to avoid each palm as they came. Alice braced herself for the ones that passed her Pikachu, only for them to evaporate before they could hit her. The wind from the force of each hand blew out into Alice and the portion of the audience behind her, who all looked down and closed their eyes as specks of dirt and pebbles blew into them. “Come on…” Alice managed to peek over her shielding arm, seeing as Pikachu continued to evade the onslaught. As Pikachu continued dodging, one of its feet finally slipped beneath it, causing it to falter and take one of the last hands dead on, the hand exploding upon contact. Alice gasped as she tried to look through the resulting dust cloud. Hau also looked into it intently, unsure whether Pikachu managed to tough it out. “Hariyama, fan the cloud away!” With a wave of the broad side of its hand, most of the dust blew away from where Pikachu last stood, only to be blown away to see Pikachu there, scuffed-up and breathing heavily, but still standing strong. Fluttershy swooned and nearly fainted, only to be caught by Starlight’s body, who couldn’t help but smile, all things considered. “Unbelievable,” Hau muttered. “After a Close Combat and my Z-Move, her Pokémon still stands.” “Okay now.” Alice quickly patted as much dirt off her shirt, vest and shorts as she could. “Both of our Z-Moves are used up. Now, we settle this the old-fashioned way.” Alice held her hand out and motioned her fingers to tell Hau and Hariyama to come forward, making Hau grin again. “Okay, Alice! Let’s finish this the old-fashioned way! Hariyama, use Knock Off!” With a dramatic point forward, Hariyama made its charge toward Pikachu. “Oh, no you don’t! Pikachu, Quick Attack from the back!” Hariyama chopped at Pikachu, only for Pikachu to run in the opposite direction, and with about ten feet of space between them, dove into the small of Hariyama’s back. “He’s close now!” Hau shouted. “Try another Knock Off!” Before Hariyama could fall forwards, it caught himself with its foot and with a push, turn, and lean, managed to bounce Pikachu off and then strike it down to the ground again. Pikachu took a hard bounce and rolled away from its foe. “No, Pikachu, get up!” Alice cried out. Alice’s words encouraged Pikachu to quickly stand on all fours again, though its legs began to wobble from fatigue. Hariyama’s standing back up straight also looked slow and strained. Hau smiled wider, knowing the match wouldn’t last much longer for either of them. “Alright, Hariyama, this should be it! Let’s not take any chances! Use Close Combat.” Hariyama slapped both of its massive thighs before running out at Pikachu with its hands balling up into fists. “Don’t let him touch you!” Alice shouted. “Use one last Thunder Shock!” Bright plasma danced off of Pikachu’s cheeks while it kept its eyes focused on the charging Hariyama. The electricity grew brighter and brighter until Hariyama’s fist began to thrust out at Pikachu’s cheeks. At that moment, Pikachu screamed out and let every ounce of energy zap out from its body, the lightning hitting Hariyama’s hand with such ferocity that it stopped its punch just inches from Pikachu’s face and kept it there. Pikachu continued pressing on, Hariyama groaning as it struggled to keep pushing with the energy beginning to cover its whole body. By now, the stage had erupted into a ball of light that every human and pony off to the side couldn’t look away from, mesmerized by Pikachu’s strength. At once, the stream of electricity had stopped, leaving Hariyama steaming, but still standing. Making Pikachu and Alice gasp with horror. “Oh no!” Fluttershy squeaked. “That’s it…” Hau croaked. “Just a little more, buddy.” Hariyama raised its hand up, ready to deliver the final blow. Pikachu shifted itself to move, but found its legs could no longer pick themselves up. With no way to escape, Pikachu winced and waited. However, Hariyama’s eyes began to roll to the back of its head as it swooned forwards, limply falling with its hand still raised. Without the strength to move any of its limbs, Hariyama tipped face first into the floor, it’s hand harmlessly slapping down on the ground to Pikachu’s left. Pikachu opened its eyes to see Hariyama fainted before it, confusedly looking about to find out what had happened. “Huhuh…” Susan shuddered, “did she…?” “She did!” Sam shouted with an ecstatic swing of his fist. Benji and Susan began to start cheering wildly, followed closely by Fluttershy, Starlight, and the remaining audience members. Alice fell to her knees in exhaustion, only to be met with Pikachu leaping at her and clinging to her chest. Alice was quick to hold on and nuzzle her face into the top of Pikachu’s head in thanks. Fluttershy excitedly threw her arms around Starlight, hopping her up and down. Starlight, also knowing what Alice’s victory meant for them, responded with a tight hug in kind. Hau approached his Hariyama and pulled out its Ultra Ball. “Once again, very nice job.” The red beam brought his Hariyama back, and with the battlefield cleared again, he walked toward Alice and her Pikachu, the two of them looking up to him. “Well, looks like you both did it,” he said. “Now that you’ve completed my trial, you can now head to Akala Island, complete their trials, and look for your friends there. But first…” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out another Fightinium Z and presented it to Alice in the palm of his hand. “You have now earned the Fightinium Z, the proof of your victory over me. Congratulations.” Alice picked up the crystal with her fingers, smiling in reverence as she looked through it with the sun shining behind it. Hau couldn’t stifle a chuckle as Pikachu climbed up onto Alice’s shoulders to look at it as well. “Now,” he continued, “you don’t need me to teach you how to use it, do you?” “Nah…” She pocketed the crystal inside her vest. “I think I learned it just fine after Sam beat you.” “Fair enough.” Though the applause had long since ended, another set of clapping hands broke through the crowd. Upon the audience parting the way for whoever was clapping, Hau and Alice gasped to see Professor Kukui coming forward and leaping up to the platform. “Kukui!” Hau addressed. “Nicely done!” he chortled. “I saw the whole thing from the back. So, where’s your brother and your new friends?” Sam came up to the stage, approaching his sister, while the ponies stayed put. “We can trust this guy?” asked Fluttershy. Starlight shrugged. “Looks like.” Both ponies leapt to the stage and joined themselves beside Sam, Kukui grinning even wider to see them both in the flesh. “So these are the ponies I’ve been hearing about,” he said with his hand pinching at his patch of a beard. “So, you’re all here! Sam, I assume you’ve already passed your trial?” “Uh, yeah!” Sam looked to his Z-Ring, seeing the Fightinium Z inside the face. “Excellent then. Before you head off to the next island, I have some things I want to share with you back at my lab! Come!” “Sure thing, Kukui! Can you give us a couple of seconds to pack our things at Hau’s?” “Of course! Take your time! I’ll be waiting at the town entrance whenever you’re ready!” “Wait!” Benji and Susan came up to the platform and walked up to Kukui. “Sorry,” Benji said, “but how long is this meeting of yours going to take? We wanted to spend a little time with our kids at Ten Karat Hill this afternoon.” “Ha!” Kukui patted Benji hard on the shoulder. “What a coincidence! My lab is actually just outside the entrance to Ten Karat! You can join in on our conversation if you’d like. They are your kids after all. I’ll wait for your kids and their friends, and then I’ll lead you all there!” “That sounds fine,” Susan responded. “Thank you.” “Come on,” Hau said, “let’s get you guys ready for the road ahead. I’ll even stamp your trainer passports too.” Hau walked to Alice’s edge of the platform and stepped off towards his house. As he did so, the rest of the audience began to disperse back into their normal routines. Sam made a step to follow Hau, only to be playfully and lightly bumped into by Alice, who gave him a turn back to him and a cock of her head towards the house. Sam smiled as he, Starlight, and Fluttershy made their way over, leaving Benji, Susan, her Meowstic, and Kukui to wait patiently behind. “They’re going to Ten Karat Hill?” The electronic voice from an earpiece was too quiet to be heard by anyone near the platform, especially high up in the trees overlooking the forested path to the Ruins of Conflict. “Sounds like,” the earpiece’s owner, a young man, replied. “Sounds like they’ll even bring the ponies too. Do you need us to bring them back?” “How many of them are unicorns?” “Unicorns? Uh…” the young man’s eyes could barely make out the features on Starlight and Fluttershy’s heads through the leaves as they entered Hau’s home. “Just one, it looks like.” “Then yes, bring them back. But most of all, ensure they find nothing there.” “Got it… I’ll let you know how it goes.” With a small rustle and discreet shaking of branches and leaves, the spy in the trees had disappeared, everyone around the Kahuna’s trial platform none the wiser. > Chapter 13 – Prism > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kukui plopped into his office chair at his desk, spinning around once before stopping before the bemused family and the two ponies. “So,” Kukui began, “looks like you two kids found the most interesting things to come to these islands since the Ultra Beasts.” “But,” Starlight interrupted, “we’re not dangerous, so let’s clear that up now.” “Don’t sweat it, cousin.” “But I’m not your–” “Just a term of endearment is all. Anyways, I’m already pretty certain you two are cool. I wouldn’t exactly call ‘cheering on Pokémon battles’ dangerous.” “Hahe, right…” Starlight bit her lip, focused on keeping her mouth closed until a more appropriate time. “So, why’d you bring us here?” Alice asked. “Yes, and I don’t want to sound like the typical mom here…” Benji’s remark earned him a peevish glance from Susan. “…but you said this wasn’t going to take long? We want to spend some time with our kids before they go off to the next island.” “That’s fine, Benji, I also want to make sure your kids leave for the next island by tonight as well. The only reason I brought you here is to let you know that there’s someone I’d like you to meet tomorrow who can possibly help your kids’ friends here.” “Who’s that?” Susan asked. “Oh, none other than my lovely wife, of course!” Kukui’s sudden manic laughing made whatever joke he apparently tried to tell fall quite short to the others in the room. Kukui stopped only once he realized he was the only one laughing. “Oh, you thought I was joking. I’m actually not! My wife, Professor Burnet, runs the Dimensional Research Lab in Heahea City on Akala Island.” “I hope it’s not too far,” Fluttershy mumbled with a downward glance. “Unless a five minute walk from the ferry is considered ‘far,’ I’d say you have nothing to worry about on that end.” “Hold on,” Sam said, “you said that she studies dimensions and stuff. Does this mean she’s part of the Aether Foundation?” “Well, she collaborates with them frequently for their own research, but for the most part, her work is independently run. Why do you ask?” Starlight finally spoke up. “Let’s just say we had, um… a rough time with one of their… tougher employees.” “Huh, that doesn’t sound like them. At least not anymore…” “Anymore?” Benji looked down to his kids. “Who are these people that are following you?” “So far, it’s only the one,” Alice said, “his name is Gladion, and–” “Ahh!” Kukui exclaimed. “That explains it. Yeah, a bit edgy, he is. Other than him, I assure you that the Aether Foundation is–” “Yes,” Sam interrupted again. “Hau told us this last night. It’s just considering that they’re responsible for Starlight, Fluttershy, and their friends being here, and we don’t quite know why, or even fully how.” “That’s understandable. What I can tell you is that I taught two of the head researchers there everything I know, and I can tell you that–” “They have good intentions? Yeah, Hau said that too.” “Sam!” Benji hissed. “Stop interrupting him.” “It’s alright,” said Kukui, “I seem to be repeating myself, and your kids already have a good idea of what’s going on, so I guess that’s it then.” “Wait, that’s all?” Alice spoke up. “Just go see your wife on the next island?” “Yep! That’s all. You go and enjoy your time at Ten Karat Hill now.” “Any idea where to find this place?” Starlight asked. “There’s a tourist center right outside the ferry harbor. They should be able to direct you. Now please, spend some time with your friends and family before tonight’s ferry.” “Th– Thank you.” Sam bowed his head. “There’s also a lot of neat Pokémon for you to catch there, so get moving!” “Thanks again, Kukui.” Susan began ushering her children to the exit, prompting Starlight, Fluttershy, and Benji to follow. Without another word, Kukui’s guests had all left. Once the door shut and he was certain he was alone, he took a deep breath and frowned. “Just what is happening with this world now…” Sam and Benji came from the cave carrying a large plastic cooler, Benji wearing a large backpack filled to the brim. The sight of the area around them forced them to drop the cooler at once and marvel at their surroundings. They were standing inside a massive, steep crater with the outer edges covered by hilly, cliffy greens. “Hurry up!” Alice called out, stepping from the cave with Susan and the ponies. “Put your backs into it!” Sam huffed out a laugh as he flexed and stretched his arm and hand. “I will literally kill you.” “What, no!” Fluttershy screamed, jumping onto Sam and pinning him down. “Don’t even say something so terrible!” “Fluttershy, calm down.” Starlight’s magic aura pulled Fluttershy off and set her back down beside her. “I’m sure he was just joking… even if it wasn’t that funny at all.” Sam rolled his eyes over the ponies’ naïveté as she stood back up and patted the dirt off of the seat of his shorts as Susan and Alice came up to him. “You need me to carry the cooler some?” Alice asked. Sam responded with a melodramatic swing and point of his arm, as if saying, “Be my guest.” Sam scoffed as she took one handle with her father and began leading the way. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually the older brother here.” “Ditto…” Sam continued walking beside Fluttershy and Starlight. “You really won’t hurt your sister, will you?” asked Fluttershy. “Absolutely not,” Sam replied. “She’d never give me the chance.” Starlight couldn’t help but make a short chuckle this time, but Sam’s additional self-deprecation was just as unfunny for Fluttershy as his other remarks. They all began climbing a small slope to the northern edge of the crater where a perfectly flat part of the knoll invited them to set up their picnic. “Ah…” Benji sighed, “this looks nice. Thank you, Alice.” “You’re welcome, dad!” Though Sam was only a few yards away, Alice’s shout was directed right at his face. “Okay, seriously,” Starlight said, “you two need to stop fighting. We’re supposed to be relaxing here, and you’re already making Fluttershy and I uncomfortable.” “Yes, sorry,” Sam admitted. “After all, we should also use this moment to celebrate our clearing of our Melemele trials, right?” “Wonderful idea.” Susan slipped her bag off her shoulder, allowing her to stretch up both arms and feel the breeze. “Now that we’re all here, why don’t you and your sister go off and look for some Pokémon like Kukui said.” “Actually, I was going to help dad with the grill, if that’s okay.” “I’ve got it!” Benji hissed through his teeth as he slipped the heavy backpack off his shoulders. “You go play with your sister and your friends.” “I wouldn’t exactly call it ‘playing,’” Alice said with curl of both index and middle fingers, “but yeah, this is our last chance to catch some new Pokémon on Melemele before we leave, so we should make the most of it, and I don’t mean this as an insult, Sam, but you could do with some new Pokémon yourself.” “We still have three other islands to go through.” Sam already began unzipping Benji’s backpack. “I’d rather wait and see what they have to offer.” “Come on, Sam, you can’t let Honedge fight on his own forever. I’m sure he’d love to have a new Pokémon partner to battle with.” Sam looked out along the plains, suddenly feeling the seconds to their departure ticking away bubble around his body. “Alright, alright,” he said, dropping a red bag of charcoal beside the backpack. “Dad, how much until you think lunch is ready?” “I’ll give you two an hour,” Benji responded, “how’s that sound?” “Perfect.” Alice already began bounding down the hill and to the grassier areas, leaving a now flustered Fluttershy behind. “Alice, wait for me!” Fluttershy galloped after her. Sam looked about the area, only to be distracted with a light whip of Starlight’s tail hairs at this leg. “Where should we head first, Sam?” “I saw some neat looking cave paths on our way here,” he said. “Well then, lead the way.” Sam walked forwards to the cavern exit, Starlight matching his speed beside him. Sam looked back to his parents as Benji pulled out a circular cast iron grate from his bag. “Sam,” Starlight’s voice called out, “it’s okay, I’m sure they’ve got it. Come on!” Starlight broke into a mild gallop, about to leave Sam behind, pressuring him into running after her. From the top of the crater on the southwest, a figure stood crouched and balanced on its edge. Most of its body was shrouded by a black hooded sweatshirt with a long hood that reached down to the lower back, even with it covering the owner’s head. Seeing both the ponies in their sights, they hopped back and slid down the crater’s edge, lobbing a Poké Ball from his belt beside him. Sam and Starlight kept going as they passed by Alice peaking around the grass with Fluttershy. Suddenly, she saw a mound hiding under the tops of the grass, and with slow, calculated motions, she slipped her hands between two bunches. Quickly, she parted them, only to deflate over the mound of dirt she had uncovered. “Is it nothing?” Fluttershy asked timidly as she came from behind. “As far as I’m concerned,” she responded, “it’s nothing to me.” “I just saw Starlight and Sam going into the cave. Maybe we’ll have better luck there.” “Nah, I’m not looking for any Zubats. I’ve already got Noibat for a Flying-type, so what I’m looking for is something I can’t get anywhere else. I mean, we’re about to leave Melemele behind, so I want get as much out of this place as I can.” “Well, how many Pokémon are you allowed to bring with you at a time?” “You can only carry six at the most, and–” “Just 6? That means you’ll be halfway there, and we still haven’t been on the other islands yet. Maybe we should settle down until then.” “Jeez, you’re sounding like my brother…” As Fluttershy and Alice continued arguing, they were unaware as a shape snuck up under the grass towards them. “Maybe your brother has a point,” Fluttershy continued. “You shouldn’t want to catch Pokémon that you can’t take care of.” “Fluttershy,” Alice replied with slight condescension, “it’s only my third Pokémon. Plus, I want to have the strongest team I can when I take on the other trials–” *ARH* *ARHARH* *ARH* The loud barking behind Fluttershy made her leap over Alice and huddle up behind her, who was already grinning at what came up to them. Jumping around with each yip was the small, brown puppy with the organic white collar that she could remember seeing. “Oh!” Alice pulled out her Pokédex. “Kukui has one of those.” “Rockruff,” the Pokédex explained, “the Puppy Pokémon. This Pokémon has lived with people since times long ago. It can sense when its Trainer is in the dumps and will stick close by its Trainer's side.” Fluttershy peeked around Alice’s legs and saw the Rockruff continuing to bark at the two of them, her ears drooping and her lips curling into a smile. “Aw, he’s a cutie!” “Go, Pikachu!” Sam threw out her Pokeball, her Pikachu coming out from it and standing before the Rockruff, who now began growling. “Wait! You’re going to catch it?” “Hell yeah, I am! Go, Quick Attack!” Pikachu bounded out in a zig-zag motion, the Rockruff completely unable to dodge in time as Pikachu’s body checked into it. Sam and Starlight ventured further into the caverns, the holographic display of his Holo Caster providing a small amount of light. As they went in deeper, the amount of light around them began to dwindle until they could only see a few inches from their faces. Sam checked the brightness levels on his display and groaned to see that they were already maxed out. Suddenly a bright light glowed out from beside him, and when he turned to see the source, he found Starlight’s face illuminated by the light of her horn, allowing him to see her helpful wink. “Ha…” Sam put his Holo Caster away, smiling gratefully for her help. “Thanks a bunch.” “Come on, let’s go deeper!” Starlight hopped in front to lead. “I wonder what kind of Pokémon live in here!” “Yeah. Just hope it’s not another Zubat.” “What’s wrong with a… Zubat?” “It’s just… they’re everywhere, and I don’t just mean on Alola. They had so many back in Kalos too, and while they’re a good beginner’s Pokémon, it’s just not what I’m looking for.” “You know, I think your sister has a point.” “About what?” “That you can’t rely on just your Honedge forever. You’re going to need to get other Pokémon to help you, and I don’t think the other trials are going to be nearly as easy for the both of you.” “I know that, it’s just… I want to find a Pokémon that will be as special to me as Honedge is.” “But… you and Honedge have been together for years, right?” “Right, and–” “The point is that you should find a Pokémon that can help you on our journey, and if you devote the same level of kindness and trust into it as you did with your Honedge, it’ll become just as special to you.” “But that’s just it. I don’t just want any Pokémon. When I saw my Honedge for the first time, I saw a Pokémon that I wanted to represent who I was and what I wanted in life. I want to find the Pokémon that completes a part of me the same way that... that your friends complete you! You can understand that, right?” “I do, Sam, but sometimes, the friends we make can be just as good as the friends we find. I mean, who knows? You might get something better than what you hoped for.” Sam stopped for a second and sighed, slowing Starlight to a stop too. “I suppose you’re right. Alright, how’s about next Pokémon we see, I catch, okay?” “Hey, that’s not what I’m saying at all! I want you to have the best Pokémon team you can, but at the same time, you still need a team. How’s about before lunch, we find a Pokémon here that you like enough to put on your team. Sound like a deal?” Sam cocked his head as he thought about the compromise he’d have to make. “Sure, I suppose that’s fair, but we’re going to have to fight a lot of Zubat’s in order to find the right–” At once, the air around the two of them began to harden and the walls, ceilings, and floors of the cave seemed to ripple and wave like oil, accompanied with the bassy crunch of the stone around them. At once, Sam and Starlight collapsed to the ground, grunting loudly as they felt every centimeter of their body being pushed in, just slightly harder and harder with each passing moment. Sam croaked in fear as Starlight’s horn light went out. “Starlight… your magic…” Sam couldn’t see her or anything at all, but could hear her strained moans. “I can’t!” she cried. “This force is…” Sam could already tell that she was close to fainting, and with the push making his arms feel like forty pound weights, he reached to his sole Poké Ball and tossed it out as hard and as quickly as he could before his arms gave out. “Honedge!” he roared. “Shadow Sneak!” Honedge popped out of the Poké Ball and raced forwards through the cave, its offensive shadow attack trailing further ahead. After several seconds of feeling even more immovable weight on their bodies, a blast and subsequent scream up ahead sounded. The force had stopped, and Sam ended up pushing himself off the ground hard enough to almost stand still on his knees. Upon landing back on his stomach, he crawled over to Starlight, feeling her upper body about until he found her head to cradle in his hands. “Starlight?! Starlight!” “Kadabra, Flash!” As instructed by the matured male voice in the darkness, a bright flash several yards ahead illuminated every inch of the natural corridor, allowing Sam to see a groggy Starlight in his arms. Looking forward where his Honedge was, he saw that it was confronted by a humanoid Pokémon with a fox-like face with a long moustache that draped down from the end of its snout that matched the mustard-yellow color of its body, minus its brown chest that resembled a breastplate and shoulderpads. The bright light shining throughout the cave came from the single silver spoon that it held in its three-fingered claw of a hand. Standing behind it were two black hooded figures with tight black pants, black boots, and glittery black tank tops with three paper thin white lines across their chests. “What was that?” Sam stood to his feet. “What the hell were you trying to do to us?” “We didn’t intend to kill either of you, if that’s your concern.” The man pulled his hood off his head, revealing a young, lightly-tan-skinned man with short sandy-blonde hair on the top of his head, the hair on the side of the head buzzed shorter. “We just needed to take the pony with us.” “Pony!?” Sam gasped incredulously. “You know about them? Just… who are you?” “You were simply supposed to get knocked out and let us take her,” the second hooded person said, the voice belonging to an older teenaged girl, “but then you decided to attack us.” The second figure pulled her hood off, revealing a baby-faced woman with a bright-purple bobbed haircut. “Now that you have your silly little Honedge to try and protect you, I’m sorry…” the girl pulled out a Poké Ball of her own. “…I’m afraid we’ll have to show how rough Team Prism can really be.” “Team…” Starlight moaned, “Prism?” “Go, Bruxish!” The female grunt tossed her ball out, and from it came a yard-long triggerfish with a yellow underbelly and magenta top with splotches of light-blue and purple about the rest of its body. At the end of its mouth were a row of razor sharp teeth and a set of voluptuous lips. Sam and Starlight were both amazed that it was able to float in the air as if it were water. “Bruxish?” Sam asked himself as he brough his Pokédex out. “What’s your deal?” “Bruxish,” the Pokédex said, “the Gnash Teeth Pokémon. It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even Shellder's shell is no match for it.” “Damn,” Sam said, producing a bluffing smile. “And you’re so threatened that you need to two-on-one me?” “We don’t need to do anything,” the male grunt said. “We’re just not keen on giving our opponents any chance of winning,” the female grunt finished. Despite himself, Sam’s smile melted back into a nervous frown. He glanced behind him, feeling even more cornered without Alice there to back him. But with her and, most of all, Fluttershy away, he tensed his body confidently, smiling in realization. “Psychokinesis,” he said, “Kadabra. You’re harping about me not winning, but you send two Psychic-types to face a Ghost-type Pokémon? So much for that. Honedge, you already got a piece of Kadabra, use Shadow Sneak on Bruxish!” Honedge’s shadow slithered quickly along the ground and came to an end beneath the Bruxish, where it blasted upwards and tossed it up into the ceiling, the hit disorienting the fish long enough for it to fall back to the ground. “Ha!” Sam shouted. “You’re making it really hard for me to take you seriously right now.” The female grunt’s Bruxish swam up back to its original position before her. “You got two easy hits with a fast and weak move. Big deal.” “Right,” her partner said. “Now it’s our turn. Kadabra, use Shadow Ball!” Sam and Starlight gasped as the Kadabra tilted its spoon to the side, the bowl centered in the gap of its thumb and middle finger. An insidiously swirling ball of dark purple expanded before the spoon, and with a push, Kadabra shot it out at Honedge. “Block it!” Sam crossed his arms, prompting Honedge to cross its scabbard over its blade. The sphere hit Honedge in the center of the cross, the strength of the attack enough to pull Honedge’s defensive stance apart, much to Sam’s horror. “No!” Starlight cried. “Honedge!” “Now we go!” the female grunt shouted. “Quickly, Bruxish, use Crunch!” Bruxish swiftly swam at Honedge, managing to come from below and clamp down where the hilt met the blade. Sam growled as Honedge’s moans of pain echoed through the cave. As fast as he could, he held both crossed arms out, and chopped both arms out. Honedge managed to cross his scabbard at the tip of its blade and with a swipe, managed to knock the Bruxish off, where it swam back to its trainer. “Did you really think that because we have Psychic Pokémon, we wouldn’t have the proper moves to counter Pokémon that are typically stronger than them?” The male grunt asked. “You must be as foolish as you thought we were just a few minutes ago.” “You’re right,” Sam said, removing the Fightinium Z from the face of his Z-Ring. “I should have been more thoughtful.” Putting the crystal in his pocket, he pulled out his Normalium Z and put it inside. “Which means I need to get really serious to defeat you two clowns.” “It’s true,” the female grunt gasped. “He really does have a Z-Ring,” the male grunt added. “Not the small fry you made me out to be, huh?” Sam crossed his arms at the wrist, the Z-Ring shining in response. Sam performed the activation pose for the Normalium Z, showering both him and his Honedge with energy. He looked down to Starlight, who continued lying down watching the battle. “Sorry,” he said under his breath. “I’m going to need some extra help here. Now, Honedge, take out his Kadabra. Breakneck Blitz!” The male grunt seethed nervously as Honedge began to sheath itself in preparation for its attack. “Kadabra, quickly, use Protect!” Sam seized up. “What?” Honedge shot out, the tip of its covered blade darting at Kadabra with tremendous speeds as Kadabra held its spoon out again. Right before the moment of impact, Kadabra’s spoon twinkled, Honedge’s blade striking it in the center, producing a loud and powerful bang that shook the entire cave. Pikachu attacked the wild Rockruff with another Thunder Shock, and while it whined loudly from the hit, it stood resolutely and still energetic enough to continue fighting. Pikachu smiled as it panted, the intensity of the battle entertaining it greatly. “Dang…” Alice drew out. “You’re a real trooper. Let’s see if you’re ready to come with us.” As Alice pulled out an empty Poké Ball from her bag, the Rockruff’s tail wagging eagerly, she felt the ground tremble beneath her, followed closely by a deafened boom from the direction of the inside of the cave. “What was that?” Fluttershy squealed. “Sam?” Alice immediately put the Poké Ball back into her bag. “Pikachu, Fluttershy, let’s go, now!” Alice gave one regretful glance to the Rockruff and sprinted toward the cave, her Pikachu and Fluttershy just a couple paces behind her. Rockruff looked out where Alice and Pikachu had gone, whimpering as it approached the cave slowly, hoping in vain that she’d come right back. Honedge’s hit still managed to send the Kadabra sliding back, causing it to crash into its trainer. “Kadabra,” he said, “you alright?” Kadabra nodded and grunted. With his trainer treating it with an assuring pat on the shoulder, Kadabra ran back to join the Bruxish in battle. Starlight winced in disappointment. “No way,” Sam muttered. “Even moves like Protect can soften a Z-Move.” “You act surprised,” the male grunt said. “It’s clear you haven’t had that Z-Ring of yours for very long.” Starlight began to stand to her four hooves. “For someone who doesn’t have one, you sure act like you know a lot about them.” “Don’t have one, you say?” the female grunt asked. Both the male and female grunt unrolled the left sleeve of their hoodies, revealing Z-Rings of their own. Unlike Sam’s natural, stony one, both of theirs looked metallic and electronic. A magenta Z-Crystal was lodged inside the faces of each. Sam was visibly dumbfounded. “Where did you–” “Yeah, ours aren’t the real deal like yours are,” she explained, “but they still get the job done. We’ll show you!” “Even though the Psychic-type Z-Move won’t be too effective on your Honedge,” the male grunt said, “it’ll probably be more than enough to take him out. Now…” Sam felt time and gravity disappear as he helplessly watched his two opponents begin to move their arms to cross. Tears welled in Starlight’s eyes as she watched Honedge’s grip on its scabbard loosen, knowing that it wouldn’t survive. “Noibat, Bite on Kadabra! Pikachu, Thunder Shock on the fish!” As Sam suddenly came to, Noibat had whooshed past him on the left while a stream of thunder arced around him and headed straight at the Bruxish. At the same instant, Noibat bit down on the side of Kadbra’s waist while Pikachu’s attack covered Bruxish in electricity. “What the–” the female grunt gasped. “That girl!” the male grunt yelled. Both Kadabra and Bruxish cried out as Alice’s Pokémon’s attacks refused to let up. Finally, Kadabra used its psychic powers to pull Noibat off while Bruxish formed a bright pink bubble around itself from the top of the protuberance on its head, bending the electric beams away from it until they finally stopped. Noibat rejoined Pikachu’s side as it came up beside Alice on her right. The female grunt, once angered, lit up upon seeing Fluttershy. “Oh, wonderful. You brought the other one here!” she said. “How considerate of you.” “Shut it!” Alice barked. “Sam, who are these people?” “They call themselves Team Prism,” Sam said. “I wonder if they’re like that Team Skull that popped up that one time.” “Hey,” the male grunt said in a joking manner, “I dislike that comparison!” “Yeah!” his partner responded. “We’re much cooler and stronger than them.” “More like more twisted and deranged,” Starlight spat back. “If I still had my magic–” “No doubt we’d have a hard time,” the male grunt said. “Why else do you think I used my Kadabra’s Psychic before our battle?” “Because you… don’t tell me!” Sam’s realization began to freeze his spine. “Are Psychic-type moves strong against magic?” “Sorry,” the female grunt said, “I was having fun taking out your pathetic friend here.” “We’re going to have to escort you out now…” The male grunt crossed his wrists, followed by his partner, the lines and gaps of their Z-Rings glowing red. Alice stepped back in shock over the sight of the Z-Rings. “No way! They have them too?” The two grunts widened their stance as they began their poses. Once they held their crossed arms out, they both swung their arms in and around until they placed their index fingers on their temples. Stepping back to the center with their right feet, they reached back out with their right hand and then joined the left foot with the right. Both grunts howled as the Z-Crystals in both of their Z-Rings began glowing red, similarly red beams of energy shot from the center of their backs and covered their respective Pokémon, the sensation making the Kadabra and Bruxish shout loudly. “What’s happening?” Fluttershy asked. “They look like they’re hurting.” Both the Kadabra and Bruxish breathed heavily as the Z-Energy flared off their bodies, both grunts now standing more casually. “Your friend’s Honedge may be stronger against Psychic-moves,” the male grunt said, “but your Noibat and Pikachu aren’t.” “Next time,” the female grunt said, “you’ll know better than to interfere, now go! Bruxish!” “Kadabra.” Both of them threw their right hand out. “Shattered Psyche!” Kadabra held his arms out and Bruxish wagged its whole body, countless red auras orbiting Kadabra’s spoon and Bruxish’s protuberance. Sam and Alice looked nervously as both Noibat and Pikachu were now glowing red as they were lifted up with nowhere to go. Kadabra and Bruxish moved their limbs to the left, sending both Noibat and Pikachu flying into the cavern wall, pulses of hexagonal-shaped energy shooting out where they had hit. Alice gasped at the sound of her Pokémon’s agony-riddled cries. With a move of Kadabra’s arms and Bruxish’s body to the right, Pikachu and Noibat were flung into the other wall, the next hit leaving them too disoriented to shout anymore. Kadabra and Bruxish continued going, slamming them into the ceiling, and then the floor, and then the walls, ceiling, and floor once again, going faster with each hit. Starlight, Fluttershy, and Honedge watched helplessly as the assault on Alice’s Pokémon continued on. Finally, Kadabra and Bruxish had stopped, and Noibat and Pikachu were left motionless and silent on the floor. As Alice fell to her knees, scooping both of her fallen Pokémon up, Sam fearfully looked to Kadabra and Bruxish, only to see something that surprised him. Kadabra swooned to one knee while Bruxish floated tiredly down to the ground, red sparks occasionally flickering off of their bodies. “That fake Z-Power…” Sam huffed. “It’s damaging them. I might be able to… Honedge, hurry, use Return on Kadabra!” Honedge, its eye squinted with raw fury, rushed out at the still weakened Kadabra. As Kadabra tried shielding its face with its scrawny arms, Honedge whipped around and chopped Kadabra square in the chest with the side of its blade. Kadabra’s head hit the ground and slid back to the male grunt, who fearfully looked down at his now fainted Pokémon. “No!” The female grunt, looking worried for her partner’s fallen Pokémon, shot a seething, vengeful scowl at Sam and his Honedge. “That’s your last Pokemon. I’m going to make sure it doesn’t survive this! Bruxish, use Crunch!” Bruxish let out a gargled yell as Honedge crossed its scabbard over itself, its eye closed as it hoped it could just survive this next hit. Just then, Sam, Alice, Fluttershy, and Starlight heard a barking behind them coming closer, and when Alice turned around, she saw the wild Rockruff rushing around the corner and continued its sprint toward them. “No way…” she whispered. Rockruff leapt up past Alice and Sam. At once, Sam crossed his arms and then flexed his forearms down. Honedge quickly tilted downwards, its X formation now parallel to the floor. The Rockruff landed up on the center of Honedge’s cross just in time, and then leapt up again at the now shocked and frightned Bruxish. Before it could turn away, the Rockruff locked its jaws on the bottom of the Bruxish’s mouth and sent it down. Bruxish struggled to escape, only to be stomped at by the Rockruff’s paws, rendering it more and more immobile with each hit. The female grunt ran up and lifted her foot up. “Get off of her!” “No!” Fluttershy immediately galloped at the female grunt with uncanny speed and butted her head into her stomach, sending the grunt crumpling to the ground several feet away. “Don’t ever try that again!” she shouted. Finally, the wild Rockruff let its prey go and backed away, leaving the fainted Bruxish on the ground. Lowering its upper half, Rockruff growled at the two grunts, daring them to try it. The female grunt whined as she pulled out her Bruxish’s Poké Ball. “Dammit.” The male grunt also picked out Kadabra’s Poké Ball, and both he and his partner brought back their respective Pokémon at the same time. The male grunt, keeping its eyes on the wary Rockruff, scuttled over and picked his partner up, draping her arm around his neck and standing her to her feet. The cave had grown dark again, but Starlight managed to produce another light from her horn, brightening the area. “Don’t ever think you’ll get that lucky again,” the female grunt managed to spit out through the shooting pain in her gut. “We won’t forget this.” “Next time,” the male grunt said, “we will take those ponies from you.” The wild Rockruff hopped forwards and continued barking, and with that, the two grunts hobbled off down the cave. Once it had felt they were truly gone, the Rockruff turned back and trotted to Alice, who whimpered as it sniffed the fainted Noibat and Pikachu, giving the latter a couple of worried licks. Alice let out a single sob as she set her Noibat on her lap, allowing her to pet their savior. “Good boy. That’s a very good boy.” “Jesus Christ,” Sam huffed. “Where the hell did he come from?” “Alice was trying to catch it outside the cave,” Fluttershy answered. “We heard you battling and rushed to help you. I guess it followed us here and came to help too.” Sam chuckled, kneeling down to the Rockruff and holding its hand out to it. The Rockruff sniffed the hand tentatively, and then pushed its head into Sam’s palm, allowing him to scratch the side of his neck. Fluttershy turned to Starlight, who breathed audibly as she kept the light on her horn lit. “Starlight,” Fluttershy said, “are you alright?” “I’m fine, thanks to all of you.” Starlight’s horn light flickered as she strained to keep it up. “Guys,” Sam said, “let’s get to a lighter area so Starlight doesn’t exhaust herself. “Right.” Alice picked her Noibat up and led the group back toward the cave’s exit. “What happened to her? Who even were those guys?” “Team Prism,” Sam said. “I guess they’re some Psychic-type using group who are trying to take the ponies for some reason.” “I think…” Starlight wheezed. “That Psychic-types… affect my magic somehow. They knew enough about us… to…” “Easy, Starlight,” Alice said. “I’ve already got my hands full with my Pokémon. We don’t need you keeling over for one of us to carry. Besides, I see light up ahead.” Sure enough, as Starlight’s horn light faded out, mild sunlight could be seen from the next turn in the cave. “Either way,” Sam said, “we have enemies on our tail now, and the fact that they know enough about these ponies to take Starlight out is frightening enough, but being able to use Z-Power without the use of a real Z-Ring? That’s scary.” “What do you mean ‘real Z-Ring?’” Alice asked. “Like those aren’t like the ones we got from Hau. The Z-Power coming from those things didn’t look natural like ours did, and after Kadabra and Bruxish used their Z-Moves, they took some kind of recoil-like damage.” “So whoever they are, they can just make their own Z-Rings, just like that.” “Whoever they are,” Starlight added, “they came prepared, and while I hate to admit it, that female one was right; we lucked out with them. If it weren’t for that other Pokémon that came in at the end, we would have been gone by now.” “So we’ll train harder, catch more, and get stronger. All of us. But first…” Alice knelt down and gently laid her Noibat and Pikachu on the ground, rummaging through her bag, pulling out two Revives, two Super Potions, and finally a Poké Ball. “Here.” Alice handed Sam the Poké Ball. “While I heal up my Pokémon, why don’t you go ahead and catch that Rockruff?” Rockruff whimpered questioningly as it looked up at Sam. “What?” Sam asked. “Why should I–” “I already have two Pokémon, you should have one for yourself.” Alice put the Revives on her Pokémon’s tongues. “Go ahead. I think you two will get along.” Sam stared at the Poké Ball as Rockruff continued looking up at him, sitting down expectantly for him to make a decision. Sam watched as both Noibat and Pikachu groggily got up, being sprayed on the chests by both Super Potions, bringing them both back to their energetic and chipper selves. As Alice got smothered by her two Pokémon, Sam glanced back down to see Rockruff in exactly the same place, cocking its head in confusion. Honedge floated down closer, interested in Sam’s decision. Sam knelt down and petted the rocky puppy on the head, which it seemed to enjoy. Finally, Sam lowered the Poké Ball down. Alice and Fluttershy came into the crater from the cave first, the former looking back as Sam and Starlight came from the cave next. She looked at Sam’s waist, seeing only one Poké Ball attached to his belt. Alice reached down and felt the third Poké Ball on her belt beside her other two. “I still can’t believe it,” Starlight said. “He was right there ready for you to bring him with, and you still gave him to your sister.” “He was never mine to catch,” Sam simply responded. “I can never thank my sister enough for all she’s done to help me, but I could never live with myself anymore for catching Pokémon that she helped me catch.” “But now you’ll have to go to the next island with only Honedge.” “Yeah, I know. But the next Pokémon that comes with me will be mine and mine alone, and I can’t think of anything better than that.” Starlight breathed out, glancing at him with a slightly worrisome look. “Actually, scratch that!” Sam suddenly exclaimed. “I can think of something better.” “What’s that?” Sam took in a huge whiff. “Lunch.” The four of them looked up ahead to see Benji working hard on the grill, the food he was cooking smelling as if it would be ready as soon as they arrived. > Chapter 14 – Quarter of the Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam gently flicked a small scoop of potato salad beside his grilled fish skewer and cold roasted squash and mushroom. Sitting back down beside Fluttershy and Starlight, he looked to both of their plates, smiling to see that their plates were filled with food, though without any fish. “You have enough there, Starlight?” he asked. “Fluttershy?” “Oh, yes!” Fluttershy then turned to Sam’s father. “Thank you very much for making us lunch, Benji. It smells lovely.” “My pleasure,” he replied. “I always bring enough for seconds. Plus, we have several hungry Pokémon to feed as well.” Fluttershy peered past Benji and Susan, watching Honedge, Noibat, Pikachu, Rockruff, and Susan’s Meowstic sitting around and picking from a large pile of roasted squash and mushroom salad with several filets of grilled fish beside it, bowls of water before each of them. Sitting next to Susan’s Meowstic was a white bird-like Pokémon with a red chest and wing bar with green feathers coming down like a short cape. Its curved green head resembled a luchador’s wrestling mask. “What’s that one?” Starlight asked. “The masked bird?” “Oh him?” Benji replied excitedly. “That’s my Hawlucha. He’s an invaluable help in the kitchen. He’s half the reason for our little meal here.” “I certainly wouldn’t call this little.” Starlight was still amazed by the lack of space on her wide paper plate. “I still can’t thank you two enough for feeding us.” “You don’t need to thank us for anything.” Susan said. “Any friends of our children are friends of ours.” “So, do you two run a restaurant or something?” Benji looked rather impressed as he wiped his mouth and gulped down his bite. “Very good. What gave it away?” “It’s just…” Starlight took a bite of potato salad, her eyes very quickly rolling into the back of her head before she chewed and swallowed. “…I highly doubt someone who cooks this well wouldn’t want to keep his gifts a secret like that.” “That’s really kind of you, but I’d like to think it’s possible to do both.” “What do you mean?” “Take my son for example.” Starlight glanced up to Sam, whose sheepish smile told Starlight everything. “Before he decided to go off as a trainer, he was gearing up to join me at the restaurant.” “But what made you move here?” asked Fluttershy. “Sam and Alice said you came from some place called Kalos. Why did you want to come to Alola?” “We thought it’d be a nice change of pace,” Susan responded. “Plus, it’s paradise here.” “Mostly,” Benji interrupted, “we thought we’d share some more… inland cuisine to these people. I mean, everywhere you go on Hau’oli alone, it’s sushi bar after ramen stand after hibachi place. I thought we’d, you know, shake things up around here.” “That sounds really cool, and I wish you the best.” Starlight lifted her plastic solo cup up with her magic just before the grill’s coals. “Yes, thank you– Oh!” Susan grabbed her water bottle and held it up too. “And let’s also celebrate our children’s completion of their trials.” Alice and Sam lifted their cups as well. “And to the safe rescue and return of Starlight, Fluttershy and all their friends,” Alice added, Fluttershy picking up her cup by the rim with her teeth. “Here, here!” Benji took his beer bottle and moved it towards his wife’s bottle. As Benji and Susan tapped the tops of their bottles together, Sam, Alice, Fluttershy, and Starlight, moved their glasses about, clinking them together while exclaiming light cheers. Sam’s smile shrunk as he glanced behind him, seeing nothing but calm greens and hills all around. He tilted his head up and quickly ran his head around the top edge of the crater and around. “Sam?” Starlight questioned. “What are you looking at?” Sam looked back down, seeing his sister, parents, and Fluttershy laughing as they continued enjoying their time together. Sam sighed in slight embarrassment. “It’s… nothing.” Now facing his family, Sam sported a smile matching the others around him. It seemed for the time being he and those around him were safe for now. Fluttershy and Starlight sat snugly between Sam and Alice inside Benji and Susan’s car. Quite often, both ponies would crawl across their laps to take in the sights of Hau’oli City and the beachfront, the sunset painting the sky and sea a bright orange. “Wow,” Fluttershy said. “This place is amazing. It’s hard to imagine someplace like this existing so close to Iki Town.” “Best of both worlds,” Sam reasoned. Starlight looked at the many families and friends playing in the sand with their Pokémon. She kept her mind focused on a little girl with curly red hair being picked up by her dad as he swung her around by the arms. She was too far away to hear, but could tell the girl was laughing. “Hey girls,” Pinkie Pie’s voice suddenly rang in her head, “you’ve done a real swell job out there. Go to the beach and chill for a week or two!” Two tears came from Starlight’s eyes, one of which dripped on Sam’s arm. Sam looked up, seeing a sad frown she clearly struggled to fight back. Starlight wiped her eyes, as if knowing she was seen. “I’m sorry. Was just reminded of something.” “What’s that?” Alice asked. “It’s just… on the night we got sent here, one of my friends, Pinkie Pie, made a comment about wanting to go to the beach. All I want is to know they’re alright, and safe, and–” “I have to imagine they are.” Sam softly laid his hands on Starlight’s back. “If the people here are as accommodating and protective as Hau has been for us, I’d say they’re in the best possible hands they could be in.” Starlight sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hoof. “Thanks for saying that, but we don’t know if Gladion found any of them, or if Pr–” “Hey, mom!” Sam’s voice was loud and sudden enough to frighten Starlight out of speaking. “Our place is coming up, right?” “Uh, yeah.” Benji glanced to the right, eying their building coming up ahead. “Don’t need the whole city to hear it.” “Sam!” Alice hissed. “What was that about?” Sam, his voice so silent that he appeared to be mouthing out words, said, “Ixnay on the Ismpray.” Alice, understanding his reasoning, sat back quietly in her seat. “Uh, nothing,” Sam quickly responded to Alice’s original question. “I just want to be sure I have enough time to pack before the ferry leaves.” “We have a couple of hours,” Susan said. “You’ll have plenty of time.” “Alright then.” As Sam sat back in his seat, Starlight looked up to him. “Thanks,” she whispered. “I was getting a little carried away there.” “I understand,” he replied just as softly. “Let me just say this. If the other Kahunas are just as strong as Hau is, and if a couple of kids like Alice and I can take down Team… You Know Who, do you really think you need to worry?” Starlight took a second to ponder Sam’s words. As her sad frown began to melt away into a relaxed smile, the car suddenly took a sharp turn right. “We’re here,” Benji said. “You ponies can get a little rest in the bedrooms while Sam and Alice pack, okay?” “Mmhm,” Fluttershy agreed. “Sure,” Starlight said. The darkness of the alleyway leading to the parking garage made the ponies tense up on Sam and Alice’s legs. Sam relaxed his own legs, ignoring every impulse to stiffen up too, gently moving his hand from the base of Starlight’s neck to the small of her back. As the car turned into the parking garage, the inside becoming darker, Sam looked over to his sister to see Fluttershy huddled up as close to her as the seat cushions could allow. Fluttershy collapsed on Alice’s bed, the strength of her landing tossing the corners of her Haxorus comforter up, which wrapped over the exhausted pegasus’s back. Alice was preoccupied as she flipped through her stack of t-shirts in her drawer, looking for the right color among them. “Those Team Prism meanies won’t attack us here, will they?” Fluttershy asked, poking her head through the covers. “Not if they want to be seen and cause a panic, I presume,” she replied. “What?!” “Relax.” Alice managed to find a dark purple shirt and pulled it out from the middle of the stack quickly enough to not ruin the shirts above. “They wouldn’t go and attack us again in the middle of the city. We’re safe… for now.” The last bit she whispered under her breath as she bent down to the lowest drawer, looking through her shorts. “Where do you think our friends on Akala will be? Before we do anything, we should try and look for them.” “Of course, Fluttershy, of course.” Alice then pulled out a pair of short dark-grey shorts with a matching purple stripe down the center. “Though, and I don’t want to sound like a bitch for this, but, if we need to do a trial first, we will have to do one.” “But, why? Don’t you–” “Of course I do, but if they’re being hidden at any of the trial sites, we’ll have no choice but to take the trial on to find them. Not to mention, finding and helping your other friends is going to be difficult if we don’t train our Pokémon along the way.” Alice then went to her closet doors and threw them open, looking through the vests that hung inside. “Chances are, the Team Prism guys are really mad at my brother and I for thwarting them back at Ten Karat Hill, and they’re going to come back stronger and tougher than before. A wild Pokémon happened to save our asses today, and I highly doubt we’ll be so lucky when we do face them again.” “Oh!” Fluttershy zipped beneath the covers Alice turned around with a black vest with gold-colored lining in her hand, seeing only a trembling lump in the covers where Fluttershy had been. Sighing, Alice sat on the edge of her bed, and gently laid her hand on the lump, the shaking easing down with her touch. “And that’s why we need to take this one step at a time.” Alice began slowly peeling the covers back, revealing Fluttershy to her. “If it’s any consolation, I have to believe that if the other Kahunas didn’t find them yet, the island guardians did, and either way, it means they’re safe and sound.” “But…” Fluttershy wiped her wet eyes. “What if someone from Team Prism beat them and took them?” Alice felt another smile coming on. “Come on, do you really think either of them would lose to a few jerks in goofy black hoodies?” “I guess not…” “Hell, you can even land a better hit on them than they did.” “Huh? What do you–” “When that one chick tried stomping Rockruff, you smashed her in the stomach so hard. I almost laughed out loud.” “It’s not funny! She would have seriously hurt him!” “And you saved him. To be honest, I didn’t know you even had it in you.” “I get that sometimes…” The vulnerability in Fluttershy’s voice and turn away of the head were palpable. Alice scooted herself closer to her and leaned into her neck, wrapping her arm around it and resting her cheek into the side of her head below her ears. “You’re far stronger than you give yourself credit for,” Alice said. “We’re going to get them back.” “Thanks, Alice.” Fluttershy pushed against Alice’s embrace, giving back the affection she was receiving. Starlight sat on the edge of Sam’s bed, her back legs hanging off the side, watching Sam as he wrapped two pairs of black underwear around several pairs of socks. She made an inaudible gulp as he came back and stuffed them inside the backpack he set beside her. “Sam,” she finally spoke up, making him turn his head to her. “Can I ask you something?” “Shoot.” Sam backed away to give each other space to look each other in the eye. “Back at Ten Karat Hill, after you let Alice catch Rockruff, you said that you wouldn’t want Alice to help you catch a Pokémon again… or, something along that line.” “So, you’re asking me if I even caught my Honedge?” “Did you?” There was a bout of silence that Starlight seemed to take as a confirmation, as told by the deflation in her stance and the disappointed rolling of her eyes. “I did,” Sam said, “but she still helped.” “What do you mean?” Sam sat down on the bed beside her. “When Alice and I were still living in Kalos, yes, like my dad said, I wanted to be a cook and a chef at his restaurant more than I wanted to be a trainer. I was never an adventurous kid growing up, and my sister was my polar opposite. “She had actually gotten her Noibat about two years before she was old enough to leave home as a trainer, and, I’ll admit it, I was jealous. Like, seven deadly sins envious.” Starlight’s grimace grew out, understanding the expression from his tone despite not knowing what it meant. “One night,” Sam continued, “when we were taking a trip to Camphrier Town, I just… ran into the tall grass. Honedge was the first Pokémon I came across. All I had was a single Poké Ball… _____________________________________________________ 12-year old Sam lobbed the Poké Ball out, striking the Honedge in the center of blade. The Honedge became a red energy that was sucked inside the ball upon opening. Closing back up, it hit the ground, the center button glowing as it wiggled about on the ground. After three shakes, the ball split open, freeing Honedge inside. Sam looked both devastated and afraid as the Honedge slowly approached him. “Ahehehe,” Sam nervously chuckled. “No hard feelings?” “SAM!” Sam turned around to see his 9-year old sister running out with her own Poké Ball in her hand. With an underhanded toss, Alice passed the ball to her brother. Sam was flustered. “What are you–” “Battle it already!” Sam saw that Honedge was now just a few feet from him, and without thinking, Sam tossed the ball down close to him. Noibat shot out from the ball, leaving the Honedge to retreat a few paces so it could read its opponent. _____________________________________________________ “I may have caught him,” Sam said, “but it’s all because of her that I did.” _____________________________________________________ Noibat delivered another Aerial Ace onto the Honedge, sending it falling to the ground, the grip on its scabbard lost. “Nice one, Sam!” Alice cheered. “Here, try again!” Alice threw out another Poké Ball, Sam noting its lighter weight upon catching it. “Where’d you get this?” Sam asked. “I found some on the ground at camp once. Just do it!” Sam, seeing that Honedge was about to get up, kept his eyes locked on to his target. With a hard throw, Sam felt a rush of sudden excitement as he felt the ball leave his fingertips. _____________________________________________________ Sam clicked his tongue against his mouth, the memory making him smile fondly. “So… you did catch him on your own.” Starlight said. “Huh?” Sam seemed confused by her response. “Do you really think that counts?” “Sure I do! The Pokémon you used to battle him and the Poké Ball you used to catch him may not have been your own, but you were the one who called the shots. You were the one who eventually threw the ball out and caught him.” After a pause, Starlight smiled softly. “Now I understand why you let Alice have the Rockruff. Even now that I get it, I still have to say, what you did for your sister was very sporting of you.” “Whether you think that or not,” he responded, “it was the right thing to do. Yeah, I’ll have to leave here with as many Pokémon as I came with, but now I have a whole island of new Pokémon to encounter when we get there.” “I look forward to it. Now hurry up and get packed. Akala awaits us.” Sam nodded and pulled open his drawer of shirts as Starlight slid off the bed and trotted to his window, looking out as far east as the edge would allow her. Though she couldn’t see them, yet alone know which of her friends she’d find, her stare to the horizon gave them as much assurance as she could muster. Sam, Alice, their parents, and the ponies stepped out of the elevator in the lobby, the former two’s bags filled with clean clothes and other supplies. They only took a few steps forward before stopping, the sight of the two people in front of them surprising them greatly. “Hey there, guys!” Hau said with a wave, Ilima standing beside him. “I know you gotta’ get going, so we’ll make this quick.” “We just wanted to give you two these before you left.” Ilima held out Ride Pagers to Sam and Alice, the two of them slowly approaching as they studied the devices from a distance. “What are they?” asked Alice. “They are called Ride Pagers. I developed them with a little help from a friend. Where trainers on Kalos and abroad use HMs outside of battle to help themselves on their journey, these will alleviate that problem.” Finally, both Sam and Alice took the devices and began playing through the menu screen. “I’ve had two Pokémon registered to those devices:” Ilima continued, “Tauros and a Lapras. Tauros will allow you to charge at high speeds and also break apart boulders you may see in your path, while Lapras will allow you to paddle across bodies of water.” “I see,” Sam said, “like a super-speed Rock Smash and a Surf.” “I’m glad you understand the idea. You can register other Pokémon along the way on the other islands to help you with other objectives.” “Thanks a lot, Ilima,” Alice responded. “But Hau, you didn’t need to come all the way down here just for him to tell me that.” “I know,” Hau said, his hands behind his upper back. “I just wanted to bid you both 'alola' before you left.” “Right.” Both Sam and Alice approached the two, where Sam was the first one Hau turned to acknowledge. Sam reached for a handshake, Hau slapping his hand into Sam’s, with Sam catching it and squeezing hard enough to withstand Hau’s grip. “Alola, Sam,” he said. “I hope you make it all the way.” “Me too, man,” Sam agreed. “Me too.” Hau let go and turned to Alice, and without warning, Alice jumped onto Hau’s chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you so much, Hau,” Alice said. “It’s my greatest pleasure,” Hau grunted. “You two take care and make it all the way, okay?” “I won’t disappoint you.” Alice slid off of Hau’s body as he gently walked up to Starlight and Fluttershy, kneeling down to meet them at eye level. Both Starlight and Fluttershy’s eyes welled with tears as Hau held his arms wide open, finally leaping into them as they both hugged him on the neck and chest. “We can’t thank you enough for helping us,” Starlight said. “Just… thank you.” “Goodbye, Hau,” Fluttershy said. “We won’t forget you.” “And I know I’ll never forget the two of you,” Hau choked, his own eyes becoming misty. He slowly stood to his feet, the ponies’ arms unraveling off of him, but he managed to grab hold of one of each pony’s hooves and hold on to them for a few moments before letting go, returning them on all fours. “Alright,” Hau said, stepping back beside Ilima. “Get going now. Your ferry awaits you.” Sam, Alice, Fluttershy, and Starlight led the way to the lobby exit, Sam and Alice waving to them before stepping outside the doors. Benji and Susan were next, turning to the Kahuna and captain. “Thank you again for everything.” Benji said. “If you have time, please come visit my restaurant, and I’ll make you a dinner on the house.” “If you insist,” Hau laughed, slapping his hands onto his stomach. “Nothing spells friendship faster than a free meal!” Benji smiled and nodded, understanding the good intent behind his response as he followed his children and the ponies out. “You’re also welcome at our home any time,” Susan said. “Just say the word, and our door is open to you.” “My gosh!” Hau put his arms behind his back again, his cheeks blushing. “You’re treating me like I’m the champion again!” “Regardless, you’ve earned it. Thank you again for seeing to my children, Hau.” As Susan jogged outside to follow the rest of them, Hau and Ilima both walked outside to see them off. Sam glanced back and saw them standing there, feeling a twisting sensation in his gut. “Guys, hold up.” He stopped and let his parents, sister, and the ponies pass him as he slowly backed away. “I just have one last thing.” “Hurry up.” Alice said flatly. Sam ran quickly to Hau and Ilima, slowing to a stop. “Sam?” Hau asked, suddenly slightly concerned. “What’s up?” “There’s something I wanted to tell you…” Sam panted. “Both, actually.” “What is it?” Ilima asked. “Beware of any guys you see that are wearing all black, namely anyone with a hoodie with a really long hood.” “Why?” Hau wondered. “What’s wrong?” “They’re called Team Prism. They use Psychic-type Pokémon and use moves that are strong against Pokémon who are strong against Psychic-types.” “Team Prism? You mean, like Team Skull?” “I’m not sure. But there are two really important things you two need to know. Apparently, Psychic-moves are strong against Starlight’s magic and can make her lose her powers for a little bit, and they know about this… about them.” Hau gasped. “What?” Ilima exclaimed. “How do they know about the ponies?” “I don’t have much time. Lastly, they have man-made Z-Rings that allow them to use Z-Moves.” This last bit stunned Ilima and Hau to their core as they looked at each other with eyes open and mouths agape. “I’ve only seen them use a Psychic-type move with them, but after they use them, their–” “Sam!” Benji called from behind. “Let’s go!” Hau turned to face Sam, a grateful, but worried expression on his face. “Thank you, Sam. We’ll be on the lookout.” “Yes,” Ilima breathily agreed, “thank you very much for the warning. We’ll be sure to let others know too.” Sam began backing away from Hau and Ilima, and with his arms and hands, he waved them in a partial outward ring, mouthing the word, “Sorry” as he did. Once Hau nodded in understanding, Sam ran back to join his friends and family. “Sam,” Alice asked. “What was that about?” Sam merely glanced to his sister and nodded. From the silence from their parents to thinking about Hau and his Pokémon, Alice understood and kept her face straight. “Well?” Susan asked. “What was that about?” “Nothing,” Sam replied with a chuckle, “just a silly question about our Ride Pagers.” Hau and Ilima stood still as they watched Sam, Alice, and the ponies disappear into the busy night crowds, contemplating everything they just learned. “Be safe,” Hau muttered. “Please be safe.” Sun stood along the balcony of the Aether Paradise, the soft glow of the light from the coastline towns and cities calming him. It had been a busy week, far busier than most, and it probably would continue being busy until the ponies were found and the mystery surrounding Solgaleo and Lunala was solved. As sleepy as he was, Sun did not want to retire for night just yet. He just wanted a few minutes between himself and Alola, the lights along the southern edge of the islands calling him back to a simpler time. “Sir! Sir!” Sun shot up and turned to face the female Aether employee as she ran to him with a holographic tablet in hand. “What is it?” he asked her. She took a few moments to catch her breath. “Sir, we’ve just confirmed that two of the creatures that came from the portal are now being kept at the House base on Ula’ula Island!” “What? Let me see!” Sun took the tablet from her hand, scrolling through the report she was given until he reached the pictures. He stopped at the third one, which showed a somewhat fuzzy image of a purple alicorn and a small purple and green dragon. Sun couldn’t help himself. Seeing two of the Equestrian’s in their fullest clarity yet, he chuckled with excitement, a single world leaving his lips. “Amazing.” > E1 – Gladion and Mina > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion woke up to the sound of a ringtone, his eyes shooting open at the sudden, loud volume. Sitting up in his bed, he turned to his ornately carved ivory-white dresser and saw a bright light flashing inside the top drawer. Slipping out of the bed, he walked to the dresser and pulled the drawer out to reveal a red, star-shaped device with a more rectangular-shaped bottom and a large screen at the bottom of it. His mouth hung slightly open to see that Hau’s name appeared in the caller ID. Picking it up and hitting the “Answer” icon, Hau’s face suddenly appeared on the screen. “What is it?” Gladion asked. “Gladion,” Hau said, his face stoic and serious, “I’m sorry if I woke you, but I need to tell you something very important.” “Well? I’m waiting.” Pinkie Pie paced about the top of the Vast Poni Canyons, looking up at the sky for Rainbow Dash. Her stomach began to growl, making her stop and turn to look at it, her belly visibly rumbling. “Shh,” she whispered to it, massaging the side of her stomach, “don’t worry. Rainbow Dash will be here soon, and then we can eat!” A sound of wings beating was audible in the distance, and with Pinkie Pie turning to the direction of the sound, she smiled to see Rainbow Dash flying up over the top of the canyon and following the tops of the walls until she finally reached her. Rainbow Dash landed before Pinkie Pie and dropped two large blue berries that she held by their two stalks. “Sorry, Pinkie. These were all I could get before the crabs started attacking me.” Pinkie Pie whined as she made a tentative sniff at the berries. “I don’t like these kinds.” “I know you don’t, but it’s all we have.” Rainbow Dash took one of the two berries and dug her mouth into it, squirting juice over her face and the ground. “Yeah, they’re a little bland and bitter, but I’m sure it beats whatever that one guy would do to us.” “Can’t you just go again and find better berries for us to eat?” “I can’t be flying around this island all day and risk getting us spotted. I did what I could today, and we’re just going to have to live with it. Now please, Pinkie, eat.” As Pinkie Pie leaned in toward the other uneaten berry, mouth slowly opening, she suddenly heard the sound of wooden sticks hitting the ground. Before she could respond or even wonder what the sound was, she was tackled to the ground by Rainbow Dash. “Hold on,” Rainbow Dash hissed. “Someone’s here. Let me check.” Rainbow Dash trotted toward the source of the sound, peeking around a large slab jutting out from the rock. While the sight was different and surprising enough into softening the pegasus’s tensed muscles, she couldn’t help but feel perplexed over what she saw. Sitting on a small boulder and looking out over the land below the canyon was a young woman in her mid-twenties, a paintbrush held in her right hand and a multi-color stained pallete in the other. Her golden blonde hair was tied back about six inches from the tip, while two long bangs hung down the sides of her face, bound together by pink paint at the tips. Her white shirt was stained with splotches of green and pink paints, and her greyish-blue cargo pants were speckled with small holes and spots of white paint. Her bright-red Converse sneakers appeared to be the only new piece of clothing that she was wearing. Rainbow Dash continued watching as the woman continued painting the sea on her canvas that sat on a small, but long-legged easel. “Who is she?” Rainbow Dash asked herself. “I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash jumped back to see that Pinkie Pie had been standing atop of her, though Pinkie Pie managed to catch the face of the slab to maintain her position. “But look…” Pinkie Pie pointed at the greyish-blue cylindrical single-strap backpack that was set behind the woman, next to several brushes of differing shapes and sizes, namely the couple of granola bars that were poking out through the top. “Food…” Pinkie slid down the slab and began to walk around, only to be quickly pulled back behind the slab by Rainbow Dash’s teeth on her tail. “Are you nuts?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as quietly but effectively as possible. “You don’t know who she is! What if she’s working for that other guy?” “Come on, Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie Pie retorted just as quietly. “She’s just sitting there painting. What kind of evil-doer just sits and paints? I don’t know about you, but I’m getting some breakfast.” “Pinkie, no!” Before Rainbow Dash could pulled her friend back, Pinkie Pie wagged her tail out of the way and bounded excitedly towards the woman. The woman continued diligently on her painting, working on the lighter shades for the sun rising on the horizon. Pinkie Pie’s head suddenly popped up from behind her easel. “Hey, what’cha painting?” The woman threw herself back and gasped loudly, dropping her palette and brush as she continued falling backward. Before she could fully tip over, she suddenly felt something supporting her back. Looking behind her, she found herself supported by Pinkie Pie’s right side. “Shurry ubut thet,” Pinkie Pie said with the woman’s palette and brush held in her teeth. “I ulso gut yur peenting stff.” The woman’s hands took the supplies from the pony’s mouth, looking at them as if she wasn’t even sure how they got there. Pinkie Pie then pushed her back into her seat on the rock, appearing in front of her the moment she got comfortable. “I’m sorry again,” Pinkie Pie said, her words sounding like one, “but my friend and I have been stuck on this island for a few days, and we’ve been hiding from this guy for a while…” Rainbow Dash slapped her hoof to her face as Pinkie Pie continued rambling to the human stranger. “…and we’ve been eating these yucky berries this whole time, and I saw some of your granola bars, and I would rather eat a granola bar than a yucky berry. The point is, can we have a granola bar?” The woman’s eyes were wide as she took everything the pony said to her in. Her eyes then began to droop half shut as her senses began to settle down. “Okay,” the woman said in a flat, almost bored tone, “I’m going to need you to repeat all that. In fact, don’t. What even are you?” “Who me?” Pinkie Pie refused to miss a beat, nor yield her smile. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, and my friend Rainbow Dash is here somewhere. What’s yours?” “My name? I didn’t even…” The woman glanced away, readjusting her next words. “My name… is Mina. Sorry, I don’t mean to sound rude, but… you by chance didn’t pop out of a wormhole recently, did you?” Pinkie Pie gasped as if her mind had been read. “As a matter of fact, we did! Sorry for interrupting your painting just then. We just wanted to know if we could borrow some granola bars.” “Uh… sure help yourselves!” “Yeeee! Come on, Rainbow Dash! The coast is clear!” Mina turned around to see Rainbow Dash poking her head out from behind the slab. Realizing that they were seen, Rainbow Dash walked skittishly over to Mina’s bag, eyeing the wrapped up bar that stuck out the most. “Here, let me help.” Rainbow Dash sunk to her shins as Mina set her painting tools down, leaned over and pulled her bag closer, taking out two bars from her bag. Rainbow Dash relaxed herself more as she watched Mina tear each wrapper open one by one. Finally, Mina was holding out two unwrapped granola bars with chocolate chips and dried red fruit in the palm of her hand. “Here, take them. They’re chocolate and Cherri, my favorite.” While Rainbow Dash was still off set by the woman’s monotone voice and vacant expression on her face, Pinkie Pie trotted over and pulled the top bar off with her teeth. Rainbow Dash reached out to warn her friend, but was too late as Pinkie Pie scarfed the entire bar down, licking her lips with an excited moan. “Ooh, that was delicious!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “Thanks a million, Mina!” “Not a problem,” she responded, still holding out Rainbow Dash’s bar out. “However I can help a Pokémon in need.” “Pokémon?” Rainbow Dash asked, sounding slightly offended. “Whatever these Pokémon you talk about are, we’re not that. We’re ponies!” “Oh, my apologies. I suppose we both have a lot to learn about each other.” Rainbow Dash stepped forwards and swiped the last granola bar out of Mina’s hand with her front hooves. She looked down at her gifted breakfast, then back at Mina, her expression softening apologetically. “Listen, thanks for the food…” Rainbow Dash chomped out half of her bar, “…but once I’m done here, Pinkie Pie and I gotta’ go.” “I think I heard,” Mina said. “Something about some guy being after you?” Rainbow Dash stuffed the rest of her bar in her mouth and swallowed the rest whole. “Yeah. Not to sound rude, but we don’t want you getting wrapped in with us. This guy we’re hiding from controls a bunch of creatures that are really strong.” “No offense taken, I’m not too worried really. If you want, you can stay with me. I also control a bunch of creatures that are really strong, which by the way, are called Pokémon.” She lifted her shirt up, showing off her five Ultra Balls. “Come on, Rainbow Dash! We can totally trust her!” Pinkie Pie grinned eagerly, hoping it would win the stubborn Rainbow Dash over. Finally, the pegasus sighed and stepped over to join her pink friend. “And you can really keep us safe?” “I’d like to think so. I am a Trial Captain for this island, after all.” “So, what does that mean?” Mina cracked the slightest of smiles as she reached back to her palette and brush beside her, dipping the bristles with fresher paint. “There’s this thing we have called the Island Trials…” As she continued her explanation, Mina resumed her painting, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie lying down on the ground in their first moment of relaxation since their arrival. Gladion began to fly above the southeastern-most point of Poni Island on the back of his Charizard. As he came close to the Vast Poni Canyon, he saw the unmistakable blue and pink ponies sitting on the top with Mina. “Got you,” he whispered to himself. “Charizard, land where they are.” With an affirmative yowl, the Charizard reduced its speed and came down. “Wow, that’s actually kinda’ cool.” Rainbow Dash marveled the way Mina painted the sun’s reflection along the waves of her ocean. “How long have you been doing this?” “Since I was, like, 5, or so.” Mina began outlining on the borders for the Poni Gauntlet and the cliffs. “It takes a lot of practice, but I can hardly think of a better way to spend my time.” “Ooh, I have an idea!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Why don’t you put Rainbow Dash in there?” “Huh? Why would I do that?” “I dunno! I just thought it could give your painting a little pizzazz! “Well, I mean the paint is still wet. I’d have to wait at least an hour before I could if I wanted to, but I just don’t see her as part of my–” “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash’s shout broke Mina and Pinkie Pie out of their tranquility, finding Gladion’s Charizard approaching from their right. “Dragon incoming.” With its stomach ten feet from the ground, the Charizard swung its bottom half forward and upright, falling down and onto its feet, the force sliding Gladion off its back and to the ground, landing on a knee to break his fall. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seized with fear upon seeing him. “M– M– M– Mina?” Rainbow Dash barely had the strength to walk around Mina and hide behind her, Pinkie Pie quickly following her. “That’s him! That’s the guy.” Mina looked unfazed as Gladion returned his Charizard to its Ride Pager ball and then approached the three of them. “Mina,” Gladion said. “Long time, no see, Gladion.” Mina replied. “What’s going on with you and these ponies?” “Wait, wait, wait, wait,” Pinkie Pie interrupted, flabbergasted. “You know him?” “Sure. He came to take my Island Trial several years ago.” “Which still remains to be seen,” Gladion scoffed, “but I can see your painting has improved. Glad to see it takes priority over your duties as a Captain.” “I’m still working on it. Now, what do you want?” “I have to take the ponies with me. They’re in grave danger.” “Yeah, from you!” Rainbow Dash pointed an accusing hoof past Mina’s leg. “That’s not true, and I’m sorry for back then, but you have to listen to me.” “We don’t have to do anything!” “There are people after you, and you need to come with me if you and your friends want to go back home alive!” “Mina?” Pinkie Pie whined, cowering closer to her friend. “Mina!” Gladion’s voice became hushed with desperation. “There’s another group of thugs running about Alola now, just like Team Skull did. They’re targeting the ponies and trying to do lord knows what to them!” “He’s lying!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “He’s trying to trick you!” “Rainbow Dash, calm down… it’s okay.” “Huh? Mina?” “Whatever Gladion did to you two back then, I can assure you that he had no ill intent in his actions.” “Huh? You’re going to trust this guy?” Pinkie Pie asked. “How can you trust someone who wears all black like that? That’s villainy 101!” Gladion coughed in disgust over her intensely simplistic judgment. “Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash,” Mina said, “I know Gladion can be a lot of things, and judging from your experiences with him so far, you have no right to blindly trust him, but one thing I can tell you is that he is the furthest thing from evil.” “So what does this mean?” asked Rainbow Dash. “You’re not giving us up, are you?” Mina looked dead into Gladion’s eyes. “Gladion, if I let you have them, you have to promise to take the best care of them that you can.” “Mina, no!” Pinkie Pie cried. “Don’t do it!” “I’ll care for them like my own Pokémon,” Gladion responded, reaching his hand out. “Now, please…” “Mina?” Rainbow Dash was close to tears as she backed away fearfully. “I thought we could trust you!” “Don’t worry. He’s not getting them that easy.” Mina lifted the right side of her shirt up, revealing her five black-and-white Poké Balls on her belt. “Mina!” Gladion gasped. “What are you– There’s no time to be goofing around here!” “I’m not goofing around. I take these ponies’ well-beings seriously, and if you do too, you’ll battle me to prove it.” “Mina?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “What’s going on?” “Stay back, guys. I don’t need you getting caught up in this.” “We should do what she says,” Pinkie Pie whispered to Rainbow Dash. “I have a feeling we’re in for one heck of a show.” Both Ponies stepped back as Mina took out her first ball, tossing it out. “Go, Klefki!” Appearing from Mina’s Poké Ball was a tiny creature with a silver, circular face with a keyhole for a mouth and a smaller pink ovular body. From the middle of the key-shaped protrusion on the top of its head, a ring looped well around its body, four keys of different shapes, color, and design dangling from it. “Ooh,” Pinkie Pie sounded out. “What the heck is that thing?” “Mina!” Gladion was furious now. “We don’t have time for this! Those creeps could be attacking their friends now as we speak!” “Then go on, already.” Mina said. “I can take care of them.” “I can’t! I need their help!” “Then face me and prove that you’re strong enough. And since you’re in such a hurry, let’s do best two out of three. How’s that sound?” Gladion’s teeth bared, his hands slowly reaching for one of his Poké Balls. At last, unable to break Mina’s façade, snatched a ball from his belt and wound his arm back to throw. “Fine, then!” he shouted. “I’ll play your game. Go, Lucario!” With a toss of his ball, Gladion’s Lucario shot out from the ball’s energy and landed with a slight bend in the knees. The Pokémon’s appearance suddenly frightened Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie greatly. “Mina,” cried Pinkie Pie, “watch out! That one’s super fast and strong!” “I know…” Mina spoke under her breath. Gladion smirked a bit. “Your Klefki is the only Pokémon of yours I can’t land a single super-effective hit on, but my Lucario is easily the best equipped to take him on! Lucario, Aura Sphere!” Lucario held its hands above each other to its right, a blue ball of light expanding between them. Once the orb reached the size of a softball, Lucario whipped his arms forward, sending the ball flying out. “Mina!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Klefki, Light Screen now!” The reflection of the sun’s light on Klefki’s body suddenly grew brighter, the light peeling off and forming a large shimmering barrier in front of itself. The aura flew through the barrier, striking Klefki right in its face like a bullseye, sending it back. “Youch!” Rainbow Dash winced seeing Klefki forced back so. “Is it okay?” Klefki floated back to where it had been, pointing each of its keys at Lucario threateningly with a defiant, high-pitched yell. “Don’t you worry,” Mina assured them. “Klefki is as tough as it is small.” Pinkie Pie pumped her hoof, understanding Mina’s metaphor perfectly. “Nice.” Gladion let a growl escape his lips. “Hit it with another Aura Sphere!” His Lucario let another ball of light fly, once again flying through Klefki’s barrier and striking it. “Come on, Klefki!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Okay, now we get serious.” Mina flowingly pointed her arm out. “Use Dazzling Gleam!” Spots on Klefki’s body began to sparkle brightly, until its most of its body was just a white shape. Finally, each sparkle shot out in hair-thin beams that shot directly at Lucario. Despite bracing itself, each beam struck Lucario like a succession of needles that forced it back, even with its back paws digging into the ground. Once the last beam hit, Lucario buckled, nearly being brought to a knee. “Lucario, are you alright?” Gladion called out. Lucario turned back and responded with a purring huff, smiling back for extra assurance. The clear affection the creature had for Gladion made Rainbow Dash blink several times. “Between your Light Screen softening my Aura Spheres,” Gladion said, “and your Dazzling Gleams, we’ll just be taking turns at each other until one faints. We’ll be at this all day.” Mina stepped back and put an arm up, already bracing herself. “You know what’s coming.” Gladion revealed his Z-Ring with a gunmetal band, a silver Z-Crystal inserted inside the face. “Now your best line of defense will be shot down!” Gladion crossed his arms at the wrists, the Z-Crystal glowing inside. As Gladion continued moving to activate the Z-Power, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie watched in sheer amazement as his Lucario mimicked his motions. “What’s happening?” Rainbow Dash slowly and fearfully asked. Gladion and Lucario then stood wide-stanced as the two of them punched their left fists in to their twisted right fists near the center of their chests, the sound of a hammer’s heavy clang sounding ominously from the impact. Finally, Gladion reeled both arms back and punched forward with both hands. The Z-Power shot out of Gladion and arced around him from his back and flowed into Lucario, the Z-Ring’s symbol pulsing out once all of it went in. Though there was a slight breeze from where they were standing, the way Lucario’s four appendages and Gladion’s hair and clothes whipped about gave the appearance that they were in the eye of a hurricane. “Mina!” Gladion shouted. “You may think I’m wasting my one and only Z-Move here, but if I want to prove myself to you, I have to go all out. Now go, Lucario!” Lucario slid one leg back, ready to push off on its trainer’s order. “Corkscrew Crash!” Lucario lunged forward at immense speed, taking out a huge chunk of stone where the paw was. On the second step, Lucario twisted about, suddenly spinning faster and faster until its entire body was nothing but a shining grey tornado pointed at Klefki. “Brace yourself!” Mina called. The Klefki squeaked with approval as it crossed each of its keys in front of its face. The Lucario drill continued speeding at Klefki until it crossed over the Light Barrier. The tip of Lucario’s attack was caught by the ends of Klefki’s key’s, holding it away from its face. Sparks began flying as Klefki struggled to hold Lucario back, the ponies marveled by the sight. Finally, the tip of the drill began running into Klefki’s face, the impact allowing Lucario to run it into the ground, a small cloud of dust whipped around them. Lucario shot out from the cloud, its spin significantly slower as it landed right back on its feet before Gladion. “Very nice, Lucario,” he complimented. Lucario smirked and mewed with a nod, studying the dust that was still left. “Klefki!” Pinkie Pie cried out. “Don’t be out yet! I like calling your name because it’s fun to say!” Once the dust settled, Klefki was still floating about as if nothing happened, despite the stripping in its keys or the small divot in its face. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Go, Klefki!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Okay,” Mina said, “now that it’s tuckered out, hit him with another Dazzling Gleam.” Another band of bright beams sped out of Klefki’s body, sweeping Lucario off the ground and onto its back. Lucario winced through the sting as it attempted to stand back up. “Don’t worry,” Gladion cooed, “you’re faster than her. You only need to land one last hit, and you’re set.” “Mina?” Rainbow Dash looked nervous as Gladion’s Lucario stood straighter, encouraged by its trainer’s words. “You’ve got a plan, right?” “Oh, yes…” she said. “Finish it!” Gladion shouted with a point of his outstretched hand. “Flash Cannon!” Lucario hugged his arms in as the horn in its chest began to glow white. Throwing his arms back out, an orb of white, wispy light soared out at Klefki. Mina showed the slightest hint at a frown as she threw her arm out. “Klefki, use Reflect!” Klefki’s body quickly illuminated, and with an outward stretch, the brightness came off from it and formed a thicker looking, more reflective surface than the Light Screen. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie winced as Lucario’s attack passed through both layers of Klefki’s defense and struck it, sending it down to the ground. Mina wordlessly gazed upon Klefki and its shut eyes and took out its Ultra Ball, returning it back inside. She then put the top of the ball against her forehead and closed her eyes. “You did really well,” she said. “Thank you.” “Hmph!” Gladion cleared his throat. “You said this was going to be a two out of three match. What does that mean, exactly?” “It means you call your Lucario back, and we each bring out a new Pokémon to battle.” “I see then.” Gladion pulled out Lucario’s Poké Ball and aimed it at it. “Nicely done.” Lucario purred before the red beam sucked it back inside. Once he put the ball back on his belt, he took out one directly beside it without even looking. “Go, Crobat!” With a whip of his ball, Gladion’s four-winged purple bat came out from it and kept a steady position above the ground in front of him. “What are you going to do now, Mina?” asked Pinkie Pie. Mina didn’t acknowledge her, and instead took out another of her Ultra Balls and tossing it out. “Go, Wigglytuff!” Popping out from the ball was an oblong mound of pink fur and a white belly with long pointed ears, big blue eyes, and a puffy tuft of hair on its forehead. It raised its tiny arms up and squeaked, making its presence known. “Oh my gosh, it’s adorable!” Pinkie Pie said. Rainbow Dash bowed her head down. “We’re doomed.” “I’m sorry it had to come to this,” Gladion said, “but my Crobat is undeniably stronger against your Pokémon. I’ll try and make short work of it. Crobat, use Cross Poison!” “Wigglytuff, use Ice Beam!” As the Wigglytuff inhaled, inflating its body up and out to the sides, a ball of white formed inside its mouth. As it continued charging its attack, Crobat swooped down and made a beeline at its target, the tips of its wings trailing with drops of purple ooze. Crobat managed to make its mark, hitting the Wigglytuff hard in the stomach. Wigglytuff groaned as it kept its mouth closed and its cheeks puffed up. With Crobat just inches from its face, Wigglytuff opened its maw wide, a beam of misty white shooting Crobat backwards towards Gladion. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s mouths and eyes shot open in complete shock. “Whoa!” they both exclaimed. From the wall of dust that was whipped up, Crobat came tumbling back to Gladion’s feet, stiff and frosted over. Gladion let out a forced gag from his throat looking down at his immobilized Pokémon. Before Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie could have a chance to cheer, Mina’s Wigglytuff doubled over and whined. “What’s wrong with it?” Pinkie Pie asked. Mina’s eyes widened as Wigglytuff turned back to her, the pulsing mark where Crobat hit it a deep purple. “She’s poisoned,” Mina grunted in reply. “Poisoned?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You gotta’ take it to a doctor or something right away!” “It’s fine. I have a Full Restore in my bag. In the meantime, we can’t waste our free turn.” Wigglytuff, understanding its trainer’s intent, nodded with a grimace and faced Gladion and his frozen Crobat once more. “Now, hit him with Flamethrower, Wigglytuff!” Mina’s Pokémon closed its mouth and inflated once again, but upon opening its mouth, a stream of fire shot out and bathed Crobat in its heat. “Wowee!” Pinkie Pie shouted, suddenly wearing sunglasses. “That’s one strange dragon!” Wigglytuff continued for a few more moments before deflating back to normal size, and once the flames subsided, Gladion’s Crobat rolled over to its front and pushed off the ground on its wings, flapping hard enough to remain airborne once again. “Mina,” Gladion gasped, stunned by the move, “why would you–” “I figured I could maximize the damage by subjecting your Crobat to extreme temperatures,” Mina explained. “It has nothing to do with thawing it out of mercy.” Gladion’s mouth hung open as he contemplated her strategy, but closed it into a respectful smile. “Interesting. You’re a lot more well-read than I gave you credit for. However, your Wigglytuff is still pretty badly poisoned.” As if to carry the point, a loud gurgling came from Wigglytuff’s gut as it held its stomach and leaned to the side, its eyes and lips pursed shut from the pain. “I think after one last hit, I should be able to beat you. Now, Crobat, use Steel Wing!” Crobat picked itself up as its upper wings glowed white, and with a swoop, it soared out at Wigglytuff, swinging the bars of its wings at Wigglytuff’s chest, the hit making Wigglytuff cry out. “Oh no!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Wigglytuff, no!” shouted Pinkie Pie. As Wigglytuff fell, it quickly rolled into a backwards somersault and regained its footing, making Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie gasp excitedly. “Impossible!” Gladion felt his hands tremble a little. “How did she…” He then saw the flash of Klefki’s residual Reflect barrier appear between his Crobat and Mina’s Wigglytuff, the realization making him choke back in fear. “You planned that all along,” he muttered out. “Thank goodness for my Klefki’s Prankster ability,” Mina said. “Otherwise it would have never gotten that Reflect out in time, and yes, I may have lost just then. But now, all I need is one last hit.” Gladion, realizing what would happen, seized up and his eyes narrowed. “Crobat, hurry, fly!” Mina watched as Crobat took to the sky, pointing her hand out at it. “Ice Beam, now!” Wigglytuff breathed in as hard and quickly as it could, shooting its white beam at the panicked Crobat. After tracing its path for a few seconds, Wigglytuff whipped its head to the upper right, the beam intercepting Crobat from the opposite direction and producing a chilly blast of snow and hail. From the mist, Gladion and Mina gasped in horror as Crobat fell limply to the ground just past the edge of the canyon where they stood. “Oh jeez!” Rainbow Dash screamed, several hairs in her mane standing on end. Gladion took out Crobat’s Poké Ball and aimed it at his Pokémon with his other hand trying to steady himself, but his arms were shaking too badly as the time of decision came too quickly. Tossing the Poké Ball aside, he sprinted off the edge of the cliff and dove forward. “Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie shrieked. Gladion reached out as hard as he could, just managing to catch his Crobat with the ends of his fingers. Pulling Crobat close to him, Gladion kept his right hand free to pull out another Poké Ball from his belt and toss it out. From the ball emerged a balloony pink and blue bird with large, flat yellow eyes and no legs that quickly swooped down beneath Gladion and caught him and his Crobat on its back. Mina, her Wigglytuff, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie ran to the canyon’s edge and watched as Gladion rolled off the bird with his Crobat still clutched close, catching it by it’s smooth tail and riding it back up to the top of the canyon. The bird floated down back to where Crobat’s discarded Poké Ball lied, but Gladion let himself go five feet above the ground, landing on his feet. “Holy cow!” Rainbow Dash galloped over to Gladion with Pinkie Pie following. “That was crazy what you did back there!” Gladion ignored her as he reached inside of his waist pack, pulling out a beige polyhedron-shaped object that he slipped inside Crobat’s mouth. “Is he okay?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Just wait…” he said. After what seemed like no time at all, Crobat’s eyes fluttered open as it stretched its wings, looking very energetic. “What was that you just fed him?” Rainbow Dash asked. “A Max Revive.” Gladion lightly tossed Crobat up and pointed out and slightly down, giving the bat space to fly up and back down the canyon. “My Crobat fainted against Mina’s Wigglytuff, so I gave it one to bring it back to full health. Rainbow Dash turned to where Crobat had flown off to, just to see Crobat come back with a Poké Ball in its teeth. Dropping it in his hand, Gladion rewarded his Crobat with a massage on the back of its head. “Thanks a lot,” he said, putting the ball back on his belt and picking Crobat’s ball from the ground. “Very nice work today.” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie watched in amazement as Crobat was brought back inside the small ball. “Hey,” Rainbow Dash said, “how did you–” “Technology,” Gladion simply said. “Not to sound rude, but our species may be a bit more advanced than yours.” Gladion then picked up the bird’s ball, walked toward it, and stroked its neck down to the base of its wing. “That was a great save there, Porygon-Z,” he cooed, holding the ball up to it. “You can rest again now.” The red beam of the Poké Ball brought the Porygon-Z back as it let out a electronic chirp in glee. “I have to say,” Rainbow Dash admitted, rubbing her arm against her standing forleg, “what you did for your… um, Pokémon back there was pretty cool.” “I’ll say!” Pinkie Pie blurted in. “The way you rolled off that balloon animal and flew back up with your bat was tremendous!” Gladion smiled to see their support and respect before looking back to Mina with a more serious demeanor. “So, are you ready for the last match?” Mina applied the last of the spray from a grey, square spray bottle with a green liquid chamber to Wigglytuff’s poisoned mark. “I don’t think it matters anymore.” She then turned to face him. “The fact that the ponies now trust you enough to run to your aid means there’s no more reason to battle.” “Huh? What do you–” “I wanted our battle to show them that you were strong enough to keep them safe, but it looks as though your saving your Crobat showed them that you’re compassionate enough for them to want to follow you.” Gladion, humbled by the explanation, nodded his head with a firm frown. “Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie.” The two ponies turned back to her voice. “You think you can go on with Gladion?” “Huh?” Pinkie Pie queried. “Where are we even going? I’m not even packed yet!” “We weren’t even packed when we came here,” Rainbow Dash hissed from the corner of her mouth. “Oh, right.” “We’ll be going to Melemele,” Gladion said. “Two of your friends should be there.” “Really? Who? Who?!” Rainbow Dash threw her front hooves on Gladion’s chest and put her face close to his. “I don’t remember!” Gladion quickly said, backing away. “One was yellow and had wings like you.” “Fluttershy!” “The other was pink and had a horn.” “Starlight? I think that’s Starlight! That’s Starlight!” Pinkie Pie hopped around ecstatically on each exclamation. “We don’t have much time to lose though. We should get going.” “Alright!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “You’re coming with too, right, Mina?” Mina crossed her arms. “Sorry. As much as I’d love to, I have my duties as a captain to tend to.” As Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie moaned in confusion, Gladion stepped forward. “Your duties now have pretty much amounted to giving challengers Fairium Z the second they meet you. I’m sure you could come and help us and be someone for the ponies to trust.” Mina then did something that surprised the three of them: she smirked. “I already said, the ponies trust you enough already. You all should be going. Who knows where your other friends are by now?” Though they knew their time had come to an end, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie smiled as they approached Mina. At the same time, they wrapped their arms around her waist, hugging her tight. “Thanks for what you did for us,” Rainbow Dash said. “And thanks for providing us with our best meal since we got here!” Pinkie Pie squeaked in unironic delight. “Of course.” Mina then pushed herself off and separated herself from them. “Go now. Your other friends are waiting.” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked to Mina for a few seconds more before turning back and joining Gladion’s side. “Alright then, Gladion,” Rainbow Dash said, “lead the way.” “Right.” Gladion pulled his Ride Pager out, conjured a Poké Ball, and tossed it to the ground, letting his Charizard back out. “Now, Pinkie Pie, do you want a lift with me, or would you rather ride with your friend?” “Hmm,” Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin with the top of her wrist. “I think I’ll ride with you! Spend a little quality time together!” “Alright, then.” Gladion climbed aboard his draconic steed while Pinkie Pie managed to sit right behind him in one bound, gripping on tight. “Okay, Charizard. Head to Iki Town!” With a roar and a beat of its wings, Charizard took up to the sky, arcing over to fly straight east. Rainbow Dash leapt up and easily picked up speed to fly alongside them, spinning around to give one last farewell wave to Mina before setting off on her journey with Gladion and Pinkie Pie. Mina set up a goalpost formation with her thumbs and index fingers, keeping Rainbow Dash in her frame before she became too small to see. With a slight whine of confusion from her Wigglytuff, Mina looked down on it, and then back to her painting which still stood on the easel on near the edge of the canyon. Smiling slightly as she looked at the sky she had already painted, she walked back with her Wigglytuff to finish it and make a few necessary changes. > P2 – What About the Others? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack’s eyes fluttered open, the foreign smell of sea and grass instantly filling her nose. Upon waking up and shooting up to sit upright, she was met with the terrifyingly alien Akala Outskirts. Even the crash of the ocean waves against the cliff just a few feet from her startled her, and she looked around to find Rarity stirring awake herself. Applejack slid to her side, violently shoving her. “Rarity! Rarity!!” The white unicorn groaned as she sat up, several hairs on her mane standing on end as she also had trouble knowing exactly where she and her friend had ended up. “Applejack? Where are we?" “Dunno, but I can’t find anyone.” Rarity got to her hooves, looking around in either direction along the pathway, finding no sign of her friends anywhere. Applejack stood up and cupped her hooves over her mouth as best as she could. “Twilight! Rainbow!” Only silence followed. Rarity trotted in place as she continued looking back and forth, the delusion that her eyes were deceiving her fading away with each second passed and each turn back. Just then, a soft magenta light came into Applejack’s vision from inside a distant canyon pass. “Twilight?” Applejack didn’t even wait for a response, galloping as fast as she could toward it. “Twilight?!” “Apple–” Rarity’s protest fell on deaf ears, and she took to a gallop as well, hoping to gain the ground she lost. The two ran past a pair of stone idols, and in the back of the rock wall of the mountain was an entrance with an ornate wooden frame, the odd sight of which brought Applejack and Rarity to a halt. “You think she’d really run in there?” Rarity asked. The light shone again, prompting Applejack to lead the way. “Only one way to find out.” The two walked slowly inside, Rarity illuminating the dark passageway to the next area further ahead. While light was just up ahead, the chase both Rarity and Applejack were being led on both left them quivering, especially as the light on Rarity’s horn flickered. “Twilight?” Rarity called. “Come on, this isn’t funny anymore! I thought you had better taste than this!” As the two came into an open area with two stone pathways surrounded by green grass and flowers, Rarity turned off her horn’s light, allowing a being with a conical head to peak back over the back edge and observe them. Rarity and Applejack continued walking forward to the entrance to another cavern, this one having a more formal rectangular shape and arched top with a purple outline. Applejack slowly continued forward, prompting Rarity to pull her back. “Are you crazy?” “What? She could be in there?” “Do you really think Twilight would wordlessly lead us in here after we’ve just landed Celestia knows where?” As the two ponies continued bickering, the figure watching them floated down shining its soft light. “…Celestia herself probably doesn’t know where or what this place is!” Rarity added. “Well, our only lead was that light we both saw, and if that ain’t Twilight, gosh darn it, I don’t know what it could…” Applejack’s voice trailed off as both she and Rarity could see the glow getting brighter and closer to them, and slowly turning to see what it was, their faces contorted in pure terror as a humanoid being with a pure black body with a featureless face save for its shimmering red and turquoise eyes and markings above and below it appeared to them. It’s body from the waist down was covered in a pink egg-shaped shell with two appendages like wings sprouting from it. On its head, a similarly-shaped cone sat atop its pink-curly hair, two long bangs draping down the sides of the forehead that curled in at the ends. The two ponies stood petrified at the strange creature, and as it came within a foot of them, Rarity stood on her hind legs as she caught Applejack, who leapt into her protective embrace as they both screamed for their lives. At once, the creature backed away with its hands over its face where its mouth would be. As it looked between the two ponies, beads of sweat and tears sprayed from both its brow and its eyes. The ponies looked to it again, unsure if it was any closer than before, only to see it waving its hands as a show of frantic innocence, leaving them gradually calm and nonplussed, slowing easing themselves down as their cries subsided. They then watched as the being put its hands up and together before spreading them out, then pointing at the two and putting its hands back up, slowly lowering them and miming out an explosion with them. It then mimed them running to the best of her ability, finishing her charade by motioning to them with her hands and then pointing them down to the ground. The ponies could only watch in silence. “I can’t be sure,” Rarity said, “but I think it’s saying that the portal sent us here and that this thing brought us here.” The creature nodded vigorously and excitedly, spooking the ponies a bit, but the creature appeared less offended by it. However, something seemed off to Applejack. “Can you… understand us?” It nodded again. The ponies then looked to each other. Clearly this thing didn’t want to hurt them. “Then why did you bring us here?” The creature floated into the next cavern, and the ponies, after looking at it for a spell more, walked inside. They then found themselves on a wooden floor before stone shrine, an idol atop of it decorated from behind by a large fan of palm leaves and a bulbous red vined plant on either side. Before they could marvel over the place they now found themselves in, the being floated down with two thick wool blankets, setting them down at the ponies’ front hooves. As if to further clarify, the being put its hands together and placed them underneath its cocked head. “Um… thank you?” Applejack spoke. The creature floated up again, its eyes closed and its clamped hands put at the lower side of its face in a show of happiness and mild victory. Without another sound, it waved them goodbye as it went out the exit. “Do you think she knows where our other friends are?” asked Rarity. “Maybe,” Applejack said, setting and folding her blanket. “Maybe she’s going to look for them and keep us safe in here in the meantime. Speakin’ of ‘in the meantime,’ we should get some sleep ourselves.” Applejack curled up on the blanket and shut her eyes, hoping that her exhaustion could drown out any bad ideas of what happened to her friends. Rarity sighed and charged her horn, dismayed to see that she seemed to have trouble lifting up the blanket provided to her. With another groan she haphazardly flattened her blanket and lied down on it, looking up at the starry night above. It was indeed a beautiful sight, and after long, she closed her eyes to sleep. Rarity’s eyes slowly opened as the harsh sunlight from above became too difficult to sleep through. As her vision settled, she found the being from the previous night standing to the side of the room’s entrance, where a young woman stood, leaning against the inner entryway. She had cocoa-colored skin, shorter black hair, and wore a light-pink low-cut halter-top with darker-pink short shorts. Her arms and legs were adorned with nearly a dozen different bracelets, anklets, and bands, including a Z-Ring on her left wrist. Rarity shuffled toward Applejack, the other woman’s appearance frightening her. “Applejack, Applejack!” Applejack came awake but couldn’t withhold her shock at the other woman. “Whoa, whoa! What are you?!” The woman chuckled as she approached them, her hands raised in goodwill. “Relax, you two, I’m a friend of Tapu Lele’s here.” “Tapu… Lele?” Rarity asked. “Just… who are you?” “And how can you speak Ponish?” added Applejack. “Otherworldly indeed…” the woman said to herself. “My name is Olivia, and I am the Kahuna and protector of Akala Island here in the region of Alola. After last night’s… incident, Tapu Lele brought me here to see to your safety.” “Our… our friends. They got sent here too. Do you know where they are?” “Unfortunately, I do not. However, I’ve heard from a friend that more portals appeared over the other three islands. There are other island guardians like Tapu Lele and Kahunas like myself, and I’m pretty certain that they are also seeing to their safety as well.” “If that’s true,” Rarity responded, “can you take us to them?” “While I could do that, I’m certain whoever is responsible for your appearance here will take it upon themselves to see that you are reunited with your friends.” “How would you know that?” Applejack asked. “Some dear friends of mine work for them, and knowing the work that they do, I can assure you that this was nothing more than a terrible accident.” “How do we know we can trust them? How do we know that we can trust you?” Olivia sighed, her choices of words this morning doing her no favors. “I can’t say that you should, but if you give me a chance, I want to make your time here as comforting as possible. Come.” Olivia turned and took a few steps out of the shrine confusing both ponies and even Tapu Lele. “Hold on!” Rarity put her hoof out. “Where are you going?” “Back home. There’s a bath and plenty of food in my fridge if you’re hungry and need to clean yourselves.” “A bath!? Oh yes, please, take me now!” Applejack looked stunned as she watched Rarity join Olivia’s side. “Rarity, wait! What are you–” She was interrupted by the violent growling of her stomach and the pains that accompanied them. “Eh… yeah, I guess I’m a bit hungry.” Olivia huffed in humor. “Then follow me. It’s a bit of a hike to Konikoni City, and probably early enough so not too many people can see you.” “People?” Applejack approached her on the other side and walked. “Is that what your kind are called?” “Kind of. I am what we call a human, but collectively, yes, we’re people. And what are your kind called?” “Ponies,” Rarity answered, pointing to herself and Applejack. “I’m a pony, she’s a pony, our friends are ponies. We’re just… ponies.” “I see. Quite the number of similarities we have,” she muttered to herself. Turning back, Rarity and Applejack saw as Tapu Lele waved them both goodbye, and the two responded with as kind and wide of a smile as they could, given their general situation. “Twilig… Twilight?” Spike’s voice and pushing on her belly woke the purple alicorn up, and as she sat herself up, she found herself in another shrine of a similar construct, though its stone walls appeared to be made from sandstone. From the sunlight that shone above, it looked to already be morning. Twilight turned back to Spike, a look of horror on her face. “Spike, where… where are we?” “I don’t know, but that thing has been hovering over us all day.” Twilight turned up toward the back of the room where Spike had pointed. Sure enough, a being floated above the wooden platform up to the altar. Its large pig-like head appeared to be its entire body, its most defining facial feature other than its red and turquoise eyes and facial markings was its yellow nose with a white ring hanging from the nostrils. It had muscular arms with red rings on the shoulders and gold, cloven hooves for hands, and it had a tail that ended with what appeared to be a large golden bell. Atop its head appeared to two long red shells with white and gold markings with two black horns sprouting from the top. The appearance of such a creature forced Twilight to hop back and crawl away in fear. The creature looked down upon her reaction, and while it produced no sounds, it put its arms to its hips and shook up and down as it bowed over, appearing as though it was laughing. “What… what are you?” Twilight demanded. “Where are my friends?” The being scratched its head, appearing unsure of what she was talking about. However, it turned around, and in its grasp, it produced a large wooden bowl full of berries, floating down to the two with it. Twilight and Spike scooted back several inches, leading the being to pick a random berry, a pear-shaped fruit with small orange specks, and put it towards its mouth. Despite the lack of a mouth, the berry went through its face where its mouth would be, and loudly chomped, finishing the gesture by rubbing its stomach. “How do we know you didn’t pick the one berry that wasn’t poisoned?” asked Twilight. The creature responded with a slouch and a defeated hanging of its arms and floated back up to the shrine, shrugging as if it were saying “why do I bother?” Spike, feeling a small grumble in his stomach, reached forward and grabbed a small red-and-yellow cherry like berry with two leaves sprouting from it, only to have its hand frozen in place by Twilight’s magic. “Spike!” she hissed. “Don’t eat that! That’s not even the same berry it picked!” “If you don’t want to eat it, fine!” Spike managed to fight his hand from Twilight’s magic grasp. “But it beats starving to me!” Before he could eat it, Twilight’s aura appeared around the berry and flicked it into the back left corner. The creature, having turned back to see them, moved its eyes to give the appearance of rolling them and turned back away. “Twilight!” yelled Spike. “What, do you want to go hungry?” “Until that thing can show me where my friends are, I’m not trusting it!” Twilight further made her point by taking the bowl and throwing it up, sending all of the berries to the floor, several of them smashing upon landing. The creature, seeing this, soared down to the overturned bowl, picked it up in the space of its hoof, and slammed it on its side, smashing it into dozens of pieces. The sudden violent act caused Twilight to hug Spike closely as she charged her horn, teleporting themselves to the top of the shrine. They then watched as the being turned around to find them gone. It quickly flew through the shrine’s exit into the pathway to the exit of the ruins, still finding no one there. Twilight could tell that it was getting close to knowing their hiding spot. “Spike. Hold on tight.” Spike did as he was told, hugging her body tight. “Okay? Now wha–” As the creature began flying up, Twilight flipped back so that she and Spike were now diving back into the shrine, Twilight arcing back so that she could fly through the shrine exit and continued until she reached the exit for the ruins, only for her face to be hit by blistering winds of hot sand as they entered a large desert. The sudden sensation of blindness and heat grounded Twilight, knocking Spike off as well. Turning back, she brought him close and formed a dome from her aura around their bodies, deflecting the sandy winds around them. “Don’t worry Spike,” she told the dragon, “I’ve also made our shield into an invisibility cloak. Now that thing won’t be able to see us through it.” “Wow. Good thinking, Twilight.” Twilight nodded in thanks for the compliment. “Come on. Let’s go look for our friends.” From above, the creature tried looking for them through the sandstorm, but could find no sign of them anywhere. Throwing its arms down in frustration, it resolved to fly south to the other end of the desert. The sun was already setting, and all Twilight and Spike could see was just more sand blowing so hard that they could not see more than ten feet in front of them. Having traveled for most of the day without any food or water, Twilight and Spike were close to breaking out of sheer exhaustion. “Twilight,” Spike wheezed, “please tell us we’re close to the end.” “Don’t worry, Spike. Have I ever let you down?” “No, but if we just flew out of this storm, we could find our way faster.” “And have that thing find us and do who knows what to us?” “What if it gave up? We’ll be wandering this desert forever for nothing.” “If you want to find that out for us, be my guest!” Spike, already physically weakened, fell back on his rump as tears welled in his eyes. Twilight, realizing the unfairness of her remark, set herself down before him and stroked his face. “I’m so sorry, Spike. I’m hungry, thirsty, and scared.” “And I'm not?” She glanced away, a stinging comeback that she knew she all but deserved. “Of course you are. I just don’t know what would happen if something happened to you because of something I did, especially now.” Spike still didn’t look convinced, and Twilight knew what she needed to promise. “Listen. We’ll go on for ten more minutes, and then we’ll try flying. How’s that sound?” This looked to satisfy Spike, as he weakly smiled and nodded at a fair deal made. “Alright,” she said, “lets keep going…” Spike’s soft and mildly hopeful expression suddenly turned to fear as a shadow approached them through the wall of sand. “…we shouldn’t be in here for much longer.” Spike continued pointing behind her, as the creature, a blue bipedal shark-like dragon, came closer to them, cocking its head at the sounds coming directly in front of it and the sand that seemed to bounce off of thin air to it. “Spike? What is…” Before she could realize the danger she was suddenly in, the dragon slashed down on the shield, the strength of the hit making Twilight’s body and magic give out, as she was brought to her stomach, too weak to get up. “Twilight!” Spike ran to her aid as he tried shaking her to no avail. As the dragon approached, Spike blew a threatening plume of green fire at it, which only served to anger it. The dragon roared loudly, the volume of its screech and the overwhelming fear Spike faced making his body woozy. Before he hit the ground, he barely made out as a large red bipedal crocodile tackled into the dragon and sent it running off, clearly outmatched. As Spike’s eyes shut, a human approached them and joined the crocodile by its side, the two of them looking upon him and Twilight. Twilight awoke with a start and shock-ridden shout, now finding herself in a bed with a blanket sliding off her body. Upon seeing the old man sitting beside her, she jumped up and slid as far back into the headrest as possible. The man looked rather threatening himself, sporting grey medium-length hair that was ridden with days of bedhead, thick stubble, and wore a dirty black leather jacket, a dark red shirt that matched his eyes, dark-grey striped trousers and a pair of black flip-flops. He appeared unfazed by her frightened expressions, holding a bowl of a dark blue liquid in hand calmly and still. Twilight touched her lips, seeing the similarly-colored syrup on her hoof. “What did you just feed me?” she asked. “Chesto juice,” he simply said. “You and your little dragon buddy looked pretty tired after traveling that desert all damned day. I have to say, that takes guts. Not a lot of brains, mind you, but certainly guts.” “Hey!” Twilight shot to her hooves, approaching him so that her face was inches from his. “I don’t know who, or even what you are, but we don’t need your help!” “Judging from how that Gabite nearly killed both of you dead, you could have fooled me.” “Wait… Where is Spike?” “So Spike’s his name? Last I saw, he was helping himself to some soup.” “Helping himself to…” Twilight shot off the bed and ran down the stairs that led directly into a kitchen dining room, where Spike was already slurping down a bowl of broth and bits of noodle that looked nearly as big as him. Twilight’s ears drooped in horror as she tried taking the bowl from him, only to see it empty. “If you’re worried that I poisoned his soup,” the man said, “you shouldn’t worry. I don’t think Tapu Bulu would appreciate me killing his guests. Besides, if I wanted you dead, I would have left you in the hands of that Gabite. Would have been easier too…” Twilight began breathing heavily, ignoring his crude joke. “Twilight,” Spike said, “you should have some soup. It’s really good.” Twilight was caught in a whirlwind as everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours fell on top of her at once, and she hung her head and wings down and began loudly sobbing. The man approached her and knelt down, lightly placing his hand on her shoulder. “Look,” he said, “I wish I could say I knew where your friends are, but if it’s any consolation, you and your friend here are safe now. Now please, have some ramen before the noodles get too soft.” Twilight looked to be in no mood to do much of anything. He then sighed as he went to the stove where the half-empty pot simmered, grabbed another large bowl from the cupboard to the left, and poured two large ladlefuls of broth and noodles into it, setting it on the floor for her. “Eat up.” He stepped back to allow Twilight some space. “Tapu Bulu told me you decided not to have breakfast… or lunch for that matter. At least eat some dinner.” Twilight weakly lifted the bowl to the table next to Spike, and sat down at the chair. “Here, have mine.” Spike handed Twilight his chopsticks, which she took in her magical grasp. Nanu couldn’t help but smirk as he watched the alicorn pull some noodles out from the broth and gently slurp them up, getting more and more ravenous with each passing moment. Within a minute, she had eaten all the noodles and guzzled every drop of broth from the bowl, panting as she finished her meal. She turned to him, who quickly resumed his downtrodden façade. The words seemed stuck in Twilight’s throat, but it were the only next words that she could possibly say. “Th… thank you… uh…” “Nanu,” he answered. “You can call me Nanu. If you’re still hungry, you can finish what’s left in the pot.” Twilight nodded, smiling. “Thank you, Nanu. This was good.” “Don’t thank me. It was prepackaged.” He returned upstairs as Twilight felt safe to go to the stove and pour more soup for her and Spike. Twilight and Spike were fast asleep on Nanu’s bed. He peered through the crack in the doorway and closed it, satisfied with their relaxation. He went back downstairs, left his kitchen dining room and walked into a small study and towards a desk with a simple telephone resting in the corner. He looked at it as if he were about to touch a thorny bramble, but he mustered the strength to grab the phone and dial a series of numbers on the keypad. Putting it to his ear, he waited for several moments before whoever he was calling picked up the other line. He winced as he heard the person’s voice. “Hey,” he said to them. “You have no reason to say yes to this, but I really need a favor from you.” By morning, a young woman approached the porch of Nanu’s home. With her buzzed-short purple hair, she looked more a boy than a girl, especially with her deep purple leather jacket, mauve low-cut tank top and torn dark-blue jeans. Her most feminine feature other than her girlish face was the eyeliner on the edge of her bottom lid and heavy mascara on her lashes. Stepping up to the door, she delivered five unnecessarily loud knocks. After ten seconds, Nanu opened the door for her, the sight of him making her grimace. “Where are they?” she asked, trying to mask a sense of contempt. “I’d like to be out of here sooner than later.” “Good to see you too,” Nanu said with indifference. “They’re up in my bedroom now.” “Hmm. They’ll probably need a bath once they get to the Aether House then.” Nanu sneered as he walked up behind her on the stairs. Once she opened the door, she saw Twilight and Spike turn to look at her, immediately bewildered by her androgynous appearance. She herself was caught completely off guard by the two of them. “Twilight, Spike,” Nanu said, motioning to her with his hand, “this is Acerola. An… old friend of mine.” Acerola was too wrapped up in the pony and dragon to come up with a remark, getting down to one knee and looking into their faces. “Hey,” she said with surprising sweetness. “H– How are you?” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Acerola.” Twilight’s clear voice was another shock to the girl, making her fall back on her butt as Twilight approached her to shake her hand. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend Spike.” “Hey, there!” Spike said a bit sheepishly. Acerola reached forward to shake Spike’s hand too, his eager and natural acceptance of such a gesture almost too much for her to take in. “Nanu,” she gasped. “Where did you find them?” “Wandering the Haina Desert. Nearly half-dead from starvation and thirst.” “So, then… Acerola,” Twilight spoke. “May I ask why Nanu brought you here?” “Well,” she said, standing up, “Nanu and I don’t agree on most things, but one thing we can agree on is that he’s in no state to properly care for you, so I’m here to escort you to someplace that can.” The sudden snideness of her response made Twilight and Spike force a smile. “Oh!” Twilight was the first to speak. “W… where is that?” “It’s just a mile or so west of here. Don’t worry. The people there are really nice, and considering what you are, I’d be surprised if you weren’t treated like anything less than royalty!” “Is that so?” “Yeah,” Nanu said. “In fact, you should probably get going. My place is clearly not fit for a pony and dragon like you.” “Pony?” Acerola asked. “That’s apparently what she calls herself. Either way, you two should get going. I’m sure everyone there will get a kick out of you.” “Uh… okay?” Twilight saw as Acerola quickly went down the stairs, and she and Spike followed her and towards the open doorway where she waited. Nanu stood at the bottom of the stairs, about to watch them go as Twilight and Spike stopped. He looked expectantly as the two turned back to face him. “Thank you again, Nanu,” Twilight said. “Yeah, thanks a lot!” Spike called back. “Come on, guys,” Acerola said, impatience filling her call. “Let’s get a move on!” Spike slipped outside, and Twilight looked back at Nanu a few seconds more before she stepped out and closed the door on her way out. Alone once again, Nanu finally felt comfortable to sit himself at the foot of the stairs, pressing his face into his palm, a few dry sobs spilling from his breath. > Akala: Chapter 15 – Professor Burnet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam walked to the bow of the ship, just managing to see the distant lights of Heahea City in the distance. As the ferry rode over a little chop, he gripped the sidebar and held still, bending his body so it could remain level with the sea. As the waves settled back down, Alice came out and stood beside him, holding on. Alice watched him with Starlight and Fluttershy on either side of her. “What’s he doing?” Fluttershy asked. “He likes to be at the front when riding on a boat,” Alice replied. “I know, he’s weird.” “It doesn’t really sound that weird to be honest,” Starlight commented. Alice sighed. “Either way, we’ll dock into Akala Island in just a half hour. Let’s find a place to sleep tonight.” As the others looked to the city light from the safety inside the ferry, Sam continued looking ahead from the front, ignoring the splashes of water that came near him as they rode to the bottom of each wave. The four left the ferry station, instantly browsing around for a motel, bed and breakfast, or heaven forbid the large towering hotel that stuck out like a sore thumb, even from the back north side of the city. In their search, they almost ignored a woman walking toward them, thanks to her loud voice. “Hey! You must be Sam and Alice Brier!” They stopped a foot or two from her, allowing themselves to see her more fully in the light of the streetlamp. She was a tan-skinned woman with messy pure-white hair held somewhat in place by a green band wrapped around the back of her head, a long piece coming from the back like a pony tail and two zig-zaggy bangs that hung just in front of her ears. She wore green rubber slippers and a short green skirt over a black full-body rubber suit with the top pulled down to her waist with the sleeves hanging down, revealing a grey tank top and a necklace with a small obsidian stone inside. “Are you Professor Burnet?” Sam asked. “I am. It’s nice to meet you too, Starlight Glimmer, Fluttershy.” “Thank… you?” Fluttershy was unsure to answer any other way. “Where’s the cheapest motel?” Alice asked “Motel?” The question came as a massive joke to Burnet, as she spent the next several seconds laughing hysterically. Starlight grimaced flatly. “Yep. She’s definitely Kukui’s wife, alright.” “Don’t be silly! You’ll be crashing at my lab!” “Huh?” Sam seemed a bit confused and concerned by this prospect. “Does your place even have beds?” “Mmhm! I had three extras made just for the four of you.” Sam now felt incredibly sheepish. “Oh… well… You didn’t need to do all that for us to stay one night.” “Don’t sweat it, man,” she replied with a hearty pat on his shoulder. “You and your sister are very special people with two very special ponies, and I wouldn’t give you anything less than what you’d pay for at the Tide Song.” “That’s incredibly generous of you,” Alice said, unable to help bowing her body down a bit. “Thank you so much.” “Not a problem at all! Now come on! It’s getting late!” Burnet turned on her heel and began walking down the sidewalk, the others a bit late to follow. Burnet led Sam, Alice, and the ponies out of an elevator, down a small foyer and to the right where a small, square room with four beds in the center of each quarter stood. There looked to be a door directly to the end facing the elevator, presumably a bathroom, and a small kitchen dining room directly beside the bedroom. Sam and Alice looked rather impressed by the simplicity of the set-up. “Well, this is it!” Burnet exclaimed with a showcasing stretch of her arms. “Make yourselves at home, please! The cafeteria opens at 7:00 for breakfast, but please meet me down there at 8:00. Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” “We look forward to it,” said Starlight, “but please understand this is about finding our other friends, so please forgive us if we aren’t quite as excited as you about this.” “Well, yes, of course.” Burnet composed herself and stood straight with a hand at her hip. “It’s been a long day for you I’m sure, so I’ll let you be to catch some Z’s. See you all tomorrow.” Entering the elevator, she gave another quick wave before the doors closed and she went down. Sam now felt comfortable to kick his shoes off, allowing himself to stretch his toes out more liberally. He twisted around and landed upon his back on the mattress. “If I’m waking up early tomorrow, I’ll need all the sleep I can.” “Eight o’clock is early?” Starlight asked Alice. “Oh no, eight o’clock is early for me. Early for him is around 5 o’clock.” The thought of such a time perked Fluttershy’s morbid interest. “Why would he wake up so early?” “I guess my body is on permanent jet lag.” “You’ve never even traveled outside Kalos until four nights ago.” Alice chided. “I know, that’s weird, right?” “Either way,” Starlight interrupted, “he’s right. We have long days ahead of us if we want to find our other friends quickly.” “Right, so get to bed children, spit-spot!” Sam clapped his hands twice quickly, letting them fall to his sides limply, bouncing off the bed and hanging off the edge. Starlight chuckled a bit at the demand as Alice and Fluttershy began pulling the covers off their beds. While Alice took her bag to the bathroom to change, Fluttershy and Starlight hopped onto their beds and settled themselves in. “Goodnight, Sam!” Fluttershy spoke, but received no response from him. “Uh, goodnight? Sam?” “I think he’s asleep already,” Starlight whispered. “Oh. Sorry, Sam!” she hissed back. Starlight snuggled into her pillow, quick to close her eyes. Another island, another step towards her reunion. Such a thought made it easy to rest and fall asleep. Sam awoke feeling a bit groggy. He looked up to the small windows on the top corner of the wall above the kitchen, and saw sunlight was streaming down. He then went to his Pokédex and checked on the clock: 6:55. Sam shrugged as he put his device away and grabbed a pair of black shorts, another grey shirt, and a pair of socks wrapped in underwear, both black. He took his clothes into the bathroom and silently shut the door. He could already feel today would be a good one. Alice came out of the bathroom, dressed in her purple shirt, shorts with the matching purple stripe, and black vest with gold lining. She looked to her brother and two equine friends, looking to the former with a playful sense of disdain over his virtually identical clothing. “Wow,” she said, “what a brave and original outfit of yours.” Sam looked to his jacket that he wore and took it off, taking the sleeves and tying them around his waist. He then put his hands to his hips proudly. “Okay, now you’re just copying Burnet.” Sam dramatically slapped his hand against his forehead. “Aye aye aye! I just can’t please her, though I doubt any man could.” Starlight and Fluttershy jerked their heads back, completely shocked by the retort. “Whatever!” Alice skipped herself to the elevator and pushed the ‘down’ button. “Breakfast is downstairs, and I’m sure any male cook down there who can cook me some good flapjacks will impress me.” Sam felt no point in arguing any longer, and he joined his sister inside once the doors opened, Fluttershy and Starlight quick to enter. No more words were spoken as the doors closed on them. With as late in the morning as it was, the cafeteria and dining area looked rather busy, nearly three-quarters full with around at least seventy to eighty employees sitting down and enjoying their breakfast or in line getting it. As Sam, Alice, and the ponies walked to the counters, Starlight and Fluttershy receiving amazed looks from many of the employees, they all easily spotted Burnet standing next to a salad bar where bagels and donuts were set for the taking. Floating beside her was a pale-green Pokémon with stubby arms and legs and two beady black eyes on the far sides of its face. Its more defining features, like its ears and three-fingered hands, were made up of a gelatinous green substance. Starlight and Fluttershy looked inquisitively at the creature, but Sam and Alice appeared to recognize it, judging from their smiles. “What is that thing?” Fluttershy asked. “I see you’ve noticed my Reuniclus.” Burnet’s Pokémon responded with a happy high-pitched squeak. “Here.” Sam pulled out his Pokédex and aimed it at the Pokémon. “Let me show you.” “Reuniclus,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Multiplying Pokémon. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.” “Psychic?” Fluttershy and Starlight said nervously at the same time. “Yeah,” Burnet said matter-of-factly, “Reuniclus is a Psychic-type. Why would you–” It suddenly hit her. “Oh… That’s right. I was just told about them late last night. You shouldn’t need to worry though. Reuiniclus has been a friend of mine ever since I worked in the Unova region. I used to study dreams in my older life, and Reuniclus was my most helpful assistant.” The Reuniclus mewed again and gently wrapped its arms around Burnet’s neck. “But please,” she continue to say, “enough about me, let’s eat!” Alice walked off with Fluttershy to where a middle-aged black man poured batter into a frying pan, while Sam eyed the platter of smoked salmon near the bagels and doughnuts. “What kind of things do you like to eat for breakfast, Starlight?” Burnet asked her. Starlight looked around and noticed the unmistakable sight of a very tan-skinned man sprinkling mushroom, green onion, and tomato into scrambled egg. “How are the omelets here?” “Ugh, probably the best in Alola. The cheese, eggs, and veggies are grown and made fresh in the farms just north of here. You’ll never taste a better omelet, I guarantee you!” It was enough of an endorsement for her, and both Burnet and Starlight walked together to the station. “I can’t thank you enough again for buying our breakfast,” Sam said. “I would have been happy to buy my lox.” Burnet and her Reuniclus led the others as they stepped off the elevator. “It’s not a problem, guys. Now, I’ll need to take you into my office for just a bit.” Turning the corner from the hallway, Burnet continued past another room, the glass door and panels showing a small office space where about a dozen or so people dressed in lab coats were typing away on computers. In the back were five monitors, the one in the center far larger than the other, which appeared to showcase a topographical map of an island that was covered in bar graphs and some kind of seismographs. Neither Sam nor Alice had time to make any sense of what showed on the screens as they were ushered inside a large room with a large bookshelf taking the entire back of the wooden wall, along with a small cocobolo desk where a desktop computer rested. Burnet stood into the middle of the room, giving the others some space. “I’d like to take this time to say that yes, what my husband told you yesterday was true. I do indeed work with the Aether Foundation on numerous occasions such as this one, and I am helping them find your other friends easier so we can bring you back home sooner. I’d also like to apologize for forgetting your run in with this Team Prism yesterday. It wasn’t my intention to startle you with my Reuniclus, but there’s something I’d like to do with him. Starlight?” “Uh, yeah Professor Burnet?” “It’s true that for whatever reason, Psychic-type moves affect this magic that you speak of?” “Yes? What about it?” “May I please see you use your magic?” “Um, okay.” Starlight charged her horn, at once, nearly a quarter of the books from her shelf were pulled off by individual blue auras, where she then turned them flat and had them revolve above her in a near perfect circle. Burnet smirked. “Incredible. Now Starlight, I’d like to use a Psychic move on you.” “What?!” Alice and Sam could have hardly felt so struck by the request. “Are you crazy?” “Why?” Starlight asked. “Is our word not enough?” “That’s not it at all. I want you to pay attention to the effects of the Psychic energy as it gets stronger so you can tell me what you feel. I doubt that you had time to properly think about what you experienced when you were assaulted all at once. Perhaps it will allow us to help find a way to counter any future Prism attacks, but I won’t know until you allow me to do this.” Starlight frowned, still mulling over the decision. “When can we stop?” “I promise I won’t do it for long. Just enough to allow me to see some effects.” “Starlight,” gasped Sam, “you aren’t seriously considering this, are you?” Starlight ignored him, still taking several moments to answer. “Yes. I’ll do it.” “Okay then, prepare yourself.” Starlight charged her horn more, the aura around her horn and the books getting brighter. “Reuniclus. Soft Psychic.” Reuniclus began glowing green as its arms and hands aimed at Starlight, who also began glowing green. Sam and Alice squeezed their hands as Starlight began groaning, though still managed full control over the books. “A little more,” Burnet said. Reuniclus let out a soft yowl, its glow around itself and Starlight getting brighter. Now, Starlight’s magic aura began to falter, though the motion of the books continued unabated. “Okay,” Sam said, “you can stop–” “Just a bit more, buddy.” Burnet’s Pokémon and Starlight went brighter. Starlight yelped slightly as her aura completely faded from about half a dozen books as they clattered to the floor. Soon, more books began to fall one by one. Sam opened his mouth to object again until– “Alright, stop!” On Burnet’s command, Reuniclus relaxed itself, its glow around both it and Starlight fading instantly. Starlight ended her magic and let all the books fall and clatter to the ground. “I’m…” Starlight panted heavily. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up later. Now, please, tell me what that felt like.” “At first… It felt like a dark… cloud was invading my thoughts… making it harder to concentrate. By the time it got really strong… I could no longer concentrate. I tried to focus on all the books at once, but my thoughts just felt… scattered. So much so that it was making me tremendously dizzy.” “I see. So it’s not so much the Psychic attacks that are hurting you, it’s just that they are easier to invade your head and make thinking about using magic harder.” “I mean, I’m still perfectly lucid, it’s just…” Starlight picked up four of the books that were left open on the floor, and as she tried to revolve them again, Burnet and the others could see the path of the books were far cruder and her magic flickered like an old lightbulb. “…somehow, magic just becomes so much harder after getting hit with a Psychic attack.” She then set them back down and closed on the desk, huffing as she ended her spell. “I understand. Most Psychic-type moves don’t have long-term psychological or physical damages unless the move is somehow prolonged, but still, the only remedy I can think of to help you would be to train your mind against outside noise, per se. Perhaps solve puzzles or riddles while listening to loud music or engaging in a conversation. Are you good at math?” “Ooh, very much so!” “Good. I’ll lend you a Sudoku booklet to take with you.” “Thank you. I’m sure that will be very helpful.” “Good. I’m sorry I put you through that just now, but I think our little experiment was quite fruitful, wouldn’t you say.” “Yes, thank you again.” “I sure hope so,” Sam mumbled under his breath. “Great.” Burnet walked out to leave her office. “Follow me one last time.” Sam and Alice followed out first, followed by Starlight and Fluttershy, the latter of whom looked to the exhausted looking Starlight with concern. “Starlight?” she asked. “Are you sure you’re alright?” “Yeah. Shouldn’t be too long before I’m at full strength again.”   Burnet led them into the office, stepping aside to allow them to explore at their leisure. However, the screen that interested Sam, Alice, and the ponies right away was the one in the upper right corner, which flashed between one of four images of heat maps for the Alolan islands, each one showing a bright white splotch bordered with red. Once the screen changed to show Melemele Island, Sam studied it closely, noticing that the splotch in this map was right over Kala’e Bay. “Hey, Burnet.” Alice pointed to the mark on the map. “That mark over there on Melemele, that’s where Starlight and Fluttershy landed from the portal.” “We know.” Burnet stepped closer, not even bothering to look at the screen. “When your friends arrived here, we quickly recorded the energy signatures of each island and where they were the highest at the time. Look there.” The screen changed to Akala Island. Burnet pointed to the splotch on the right corner of the south side of the island. “That must be where another pair landed Monday night.” “How do you know they’re in pairs?” Fluttershy asked. “Simple. We share a lot of our data with Aether, and each group of ponies that landed on each island came down in twos. You and Starlight came on Melemele…” The screen then changed to that of Ula’ula Island, where another splotch was found in an area on the south side of that island that was surrounded by mountain. “Another pair landed inside the Haina Desert and are currently being held at the House base, and to keep from boring you with the wait, the last two landed on the Poni Breaker Coast, but have so far evaded capture by either the island guardian, the Kahuna, or someone from Aether.” Suddenly a set of words struck Sam’s mind. _____________________________________________________ “You’re not the ones I’m looking for, but you’ll do.” _____________________________________________________ “Gladion,” he said softly. Burnet clearly didn’t hear him. “What struck me as interesting is that you all landed within a relatively close proximity to each of the islands’ ruins where the guardians reside. What this means, I’m not fully sure, but it’s a pattern nonetheless.” “Can we see the Akala Island map again?” Sam asked. “Certainly.” She went to one of the desktop computers and browsed through folders on the finder until she found the image she needed. “So yeah,” Burnet confirmed, “it looks like two of them landed in the Akala Outskirts.” “So that means they must be in that south area!” Alice concluded. “What are we waiting for, then?” Starlight asked. “Let’s get going.” “Hold on,” Burnet interrupted. “There’s no guarantee that they’ll be there.” “What do you mean?” Burnet pointed to a small indent along the side of the rock wall in the south side. “The Akala Outskirts are close to the Diglett Tunnel, which they could have run through. There’s a Pokémon that live on the ranches just north of Heahea called Mudbray, and they sometimes wander into the city. If these ponies came out the other end of the tunnel, they might have been mistaken for Mudbray and headed north without issue.” “What do these Mudbray look like?” Alice asked. Burnet opened an interent browser and pulled up an image of the Pokémon, which resembled a brown donkey with a black mane and tail and a beige underbelly and soft, pudgy legs. “Aw, it’s adorable!” Alice commented. “You’re serious?” Sam asked. “You think that someone could mistake these ponies for one of these?” “If they crossed through the city at night, certainly. Either way, they could be anywhere on the island.” “So what, you’re saying we should just scope out everything north of us and hope we find them?” “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Not to mention, all of your next Island Trials are that way, and if nothing else, you’ll get yourselves stronger in case you get attacked by Team Prism once again. On that note, I think we’re done here.” “Really? That’s it.” “That’s it. Come, I’ll escort you out.” Burnet stood up and walked around to the hallway to the elevator. This time, it took a few seconds and a couple of awkward, cautious glances to each other before Sam, Alice, and the ponies decided to follow her. Burnet walked everyone outside, standing back by the door as the others stepped forward and turned back to face her. “I’ll share what I’ve learned from Starlight to the higher ups at the Aether Foundation immediately.” “Thank you again,” Starlight said. “Lastly, you’ll want to go north to the Paniola Ranch. Just north of that is where your next trial will be. Take Route 4 up and you can’t miss it.” “Thank you again, Burnet,” Alice said. “This has been really helpful.” “Good luck, you guys! Alola!” The others waved back as they began taking the sidewalk to their next destination. “Alola!” they all bid her. After waiting a few moments after disappearing around the brick gate, Burnet pulled out a small phone from her pocket, typed in a few buttons and put it up to her ear. “Sun?” she asked. “Yes, hi. I just finished meeting with the ponies from Melemele… And you have two of them at the Aether House now, correct?... Oh, and a dragon? Interesting…” She turned to walk back inside. “Do you think it would be possible to arrange a video call with them later today?” The sliding doors opened and she stepped inside, the doors closing back up quickly. > Chapter 16 – House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young boy ran inside an empty white office, sliding around to the back of an ebony desk and hiding under it, huddling his khaki shorts legs into his blue striped polo chest for good measure. He steadied his breathing, fighting the urge to look around to see if she was still following him. Just as he leaned forward to peek, he heard the door sliding open, rocking himself back underneath the desk. With his breathing silent again, he could make out the hard, but faint steps onto the tile like the gentle placing of a wooden block. The steps came closer to him, and he could already tell he would be found, and she’d be there. Sweat dripped from the short bangs of his black hair. He held his breath; maybe she’d ignore him and check another room. Now the room was dead silent. All he could wait for now was her face to appear. “GOTCHA!” Twilight swung her head around the side of the desk to find the boy in his hiding position. With a shriek, he attempted to crawl out and run away, laughing as he did, only to get pulled off the floor and onto her back by Twilight’s magic. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh too. “Nice try, Noah, but you’re looking at Equestrian Hide-and-Seek Champion Twilight Sparkle here!” “Wow, you’re really that good?” Noah asked. “Sure am! My brother and I loved playing this game when we were foals, and now I have a niece who’s probably going to be better than I am!” “That’s so neat! If you want, I can give you a hint where Amy is hiding.” “That’s okay, Noah. I’ll find them.” She trotted out of the room with Noah still on her back. “She’s to the right!” he hissed. “Noah!” She still heeded his direction and turned right out of the room. The door to a large, brightly painted nursery opened, Twilight carrying Noah, Spike, and a girl Noah’s age wearing an orange dress, pink leggings, and had curly brown hair on her back. She levitated them off and set them all on the floor, who laughed at the merriment they just experienced. Twilight’s relaxed face found itself unable to withhold a smile, glad to have found some delight in this world she was stuck on. “Thanks again for the game, Twilight,” the girl named Amy spoke, “I never knew you were so good at hide-and-seek!” “According to her,” Noah added with aplomb, “she’s a champion hide-and-seeker on her world.” “I’ll bet! You have to play with us some more today!” “Perhaps after your naps,” Twilight giggled, “but it’s not even lunchtime and I’m already tuckered out!” Just then, a click sounded from an intercom speaker above the door in the room. “Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Your presence is requested in Training Room C.” Twilight looked back to the kids. “Well, would you look at that, I’m already being called away! Must be popular for a talking magical alicorn, huh?” The two children giggled as Spike walked over and hopped back on her back. “See you later, Twilight!” Noah called. “Yeah, don’t be too long!” Amy cried with a wave. Twilight nodded to them and trotted out of the room. Perhaps her time in this place would not be so bad. Olivia glanced around the cave, a small Pokémon with a small head, large flat ears, a white fluffy collar, and a body made of rock providing light wherever she turned with the crystals embedded into its body and the top of its head. Along with hard-tipped boots, pads on her knees and elbows, brown gloves, and a light sand-yellow poncho, she also carried a large drawstring sack over her right shoulder.Both Applejack and Rarity were not too far behind, each holding a pair of saddlebags along their backs. “You know,” Olivia said, “you really didn’t need to come.” “You’re right,” Applejack said. “We just wanted to.” “And not even just to get out of the room!” Rarity excitedly breathed out. “Excavating for gems is a favorite pastime for me back in Ponyville!” “That truly surprises me,” Olivia said, “though who am I to judge a lady who likes to hunt for treasure.” “Like two peas in a pod!” Olivia smirked, intrigued by the odd kinship she could find with such a proper creature. “So what’s your secret, then?” “Oh, me? I just use my magic and…” Rarity charged her horn, a bright light emanating from the tip. Just then she stopped, turned herself around and began to walk in the opposite direction. Olivia and Applejack had to run to catch up. “Is this really foolproof?” Olivia asked. Applejack chuckled as they slowed themselves to walk behind Rarity. “Just you wait and see.” Rarity stopped along the cavern wall, looking so far up her chin stayed parallel to it. “Found something?” Olivia asked. “Pretty sure, but it’s a little high up. Olivia, might I ask what that creat– er, Pokémon rather, is?” “Oh, this is Carbink! Say hello.” The Pokémon responded with an eager wagging of its right ear. Rarity seemed pleased. “Right. Carbink, darling, could you go up about nine feet?” The Carbink floated up as per Rarity’s instruction, looking down while expecting another task. Olivia backed away, and the ponies were wise enough to follow suit. Olivia cupped her hands over her mouth. “Carbink, use Power Gem!” The Carbink aimed its bottom at the spot on the wall, its crystals glowing even brighter. Suddenly, countless rocks shot from its body as it began blasting away at the spot. After several inches of plain stone that fell from the hole that was made on the floor below, Olivia gasped as she suddenly found several chunks that were shimmering blue. Once it stopped, Olivia walked over to the pile that was left and observed one of the larger pieces in her hand. “Is it sapphires?” asked Applejack. “No,” Olivia said. “It’s lazulite. Look at this! It’s beautiful.” As Carbink came back down to see, it’s luminous body behind it gave it a much fuller shine and color, making Rarity’s eyes widen. “Exquisite!” She suddenly felt Olivia throw herself onto her, squealing with unbridled joy. “You’re a miracle, Rarity! That was incredible.” “Glad I…” Rarity huffed as the air was squeezed from her chest, “could be of use.” “Oh, sorry!” Olivia let herself off, giving the unicorn room to breathe. “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I had a haul this good! We still have a couple more hours until the store opens! Come on! Let’s keep the ball rolling!” Before Olivia could start putting the gemstones away in her bag, Rarity’s blue magic covered all of them and placed them in her bag. “No use wasting time picking it all up, am I right?” Rarity spoke. Olivia smiled and stepped aside. “Lead the way.” Rarity beamed and walked ahead, Olivia and Applejack close to follow. “You know,” Applejack called, “I can break rocks with my hooves if you need me to!” Twilight and Spike stepped inside a small white room with little features other than the tile floor she stood on. In the back of the room was a young man dressed in a white uniform with two large pockets on both sides near the waist, a cap, and elbow length gloves. Sitting lazily next to him was a large white ape with grey hands, feet, and muzzle along with purple fur draped over its back. Twilight and Spike couldn’t help but feel disconcerted over their lone appearance and the employee’s clothing. “Hey!” the man said with as calm and friendly a wave as he could muster. “Sorry if we bothered you, but my boss wants to have a quick word with you.” “Your… boss?” Before she could receive an answer, the Aether employee put his finger upon one of the spaces of the cuff of his glove. With a click of a button, a section of the wall began to recede in before lowering down, revealing a large television monitor. As if compelled, Twilight couldn’t help herself but to move directly into the center line of the screen. “What do you think it is?” Spike asked. Finally, the image of Sun sitting at a mostly organized desk instantly popped on, making Spike jump back a little. Sun ignored this, smiling at the first contact he was soon to make. “Hey there! It’s finally good to meet you both.” “I’m sorry,” Twilight interrupted, “but who are you?” Sun hardened subtly, feeling the conversation get immediately rocky. “Right. My name is Sun. I am one of the head researchers for the Aether Foundation, which oversees the rescue and rehabilitation of injured, missing, and abused Pokémon. You are currently in the Aether House, our main base of operations on Ula’ula Island.” “I know about that. Acerola told us all this before she dropped us off here.” “Acerola, you say? How nice. I wish I had the chance to say ‘hi.’” “Why did you bring us in here.” “Yes, sorry. Getting off track. I understand that your being here has been rather stressful, and I also apologize for not meeting you in person. Also, let me apologize in advance for this, because I don’t want to keep any secrets from you, but the Aether Foundation is wholly responsible for you and your friends being brought here.” Spike gasped loudly while Twilight’s ears drooped down and her jaw hung down in horror. “You can’t be serious!” Spike yelled. “No…” Twilight’s tears began welling uncontrollably. “That can’t be. What– How… Why…” “There was really no easy way to say this, and I couldn’t allow you to find out the truth on your own. I want to again apologize for what we did and to assure you that the Aether Foundation and I are doing everything in their power to correct what we did.” “Where are they!?” shouted Spike. “Whoa! Easy there kiddo, I was just getting to that. Fortunately, several of your friends have been found and are indeed safe.” “What?” Twilight ears perked up on this news. “Tell me!” “There were two on Melemele Island who were befriended by a pair of trainers who have taken it upon themselves to help them find you and the others. Just about an hour ago, I received word that one of our field agents had managed to bring two of them back with him from Poni Island, and is probably on his way to Akala Island to meet with the two trainers and get back the two others that had landed there.” “Where are they now?” Twilight began to hop and shift around the room, her adrenaline pulling her every which direction. “I can go to them, let them know I’m alright!” “That wouldn’t be a very good idea.” Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, staring intently at Sun’s enlarged face. “I’ve also received word from a friend on Melemele that there’s a dangerous group trying to find you and the other ponies themselves. While we haven’t been able to determine their motive, it seems that their intentions are malicious in nature.” “Even more reason I have to be out there for them! Please, you have to let us go!” “Twilight…” “No! You can’t hold us in here! Come on, Spike, let’s get going!” “Twilight!” Sun’s bark did nothing to stop Spike and Twilight from running to the control panel on the door. The Aether Employee in the room quickly pressed another button on his glove, a hard metallic clunk being heard inside the doorway. Twilight used her magic to cover the door, and strained her head to pull it open. Sun looked disheartened as even Spike tried to help pull the door open, his attempts even more futile than hers. Finally, Twilight turned her head to the Aether Employee, who let out a short scream through his teeth as he pinned himself against the wall. “Whoever you are, open the door, now!” “I… I…” The Aether employee looked to Sun on the screen, hoping he’d do something. “I said now!” Twilight’s horn flared, covering the employee in her aura and lifting him up off the ground screaming and flailing. “Oranguru, Psychic!” Upon Sun’s orders, the ape put out its hands and aimed them at Twilight with a purple glow surrounding them. Twilight was soon covered by the glow as well, groaning loudly as she felt the hold on her magic slip. With each flicker of her horn, the employee was lowered back down, his frightened limbs refusing to stand as he was slid down until he sat against the wall. Finally, the Oranguru put its arms back down, letting Twilight go. She attempted to charge her horn again, but only managed to get a few short flashes before she realized the futility in trying. Spike stood wide-eyed and horrified as Twilight shifted down onto the shin of her right foreleg. “What did you do to her?” “The same thing that would have happened to her if she tried to leave,” Sun answered, his face and voice cold and hard as stone. “Those people going after you and your friends use Pokémon like that Oranguru there to immobilize you so you can’t fight back. And though I apologize for having to do the same to you, I could not let you harm one of my men.” “I wasn’t…” Twilight panted, “going to hurt… him.” “I had no way of knowing. All I saw was an alien being threaten one of my employees, and I acted to save him without hurting either of you.” Twilight looked to the man she had nearly assaulted, who continued to breathe heavy with his narrow-pupil eyes close to tears. She looked to Sun, whose face softened along with hers as she realized the error of her ways. “I’m… sorry.” Though the employee still looked very scared, his breathing also began to quiet down. “If you need someone to blame, Twilight,” Sun said, “blame me. I helped pull you from your world and caused all of this. I would rather you not traumatize someone simply because they work under me.” As frightened as she was, she was even more frightened to admit her so-called captor was right. Regardless, without the use of her magic, and with nowhere else to go, there was only one way to stay safe through this. “I’m sorry. I just want my friends back.” “Completely understandable. While neither of you have no reason to trust me, especially in light of our meeting, I ask that you do so. I promise you that you will be reunited with your friends safe and sound. You have my word on this. You’re dismissed then.” With a pressing of a button on his keyboard, the door loudly unlocked and slid open, Twilight and Spike instinctively jerking their heads over to see it. Spike ran to the doorway, stopping to wait for Twilight, but she turned back to the screen where Sun still watched her. “Goodbye, Sun,” she said emotionlessly. “I’m holding you to that promise.” “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Goodbye, Twilight.” Twilight finally exited the room with Spike, turning back to return to the nursery. Sun glanced over to the employee who barely managed to stand back up on his feet. “You there,” Sun said to him. “Sir?” He stood as straight in attention as his wobbling legs could allow. “Feel free to take the rest of the week off.” Uh, yes sir! Thank you, sir!” Sun smiled before he pressed another key on his keyboard, shutting the screen off where it returned inside the wall, the white panel covering it back up. The employee walked back out of the room as fast as his legs could carry. As a young woman with medium blonde hair tied in a short ponytail counted money inside of a register, she noticed the sound of the doorknob turning, looking up to see it covered in blue light. Upon the door’s opening, Olivia came inside with Applejack and Rarity, their saddlebags filled nearly enough to rip. The size of the bags was not, however, her center of attention, but instead the two ponies. “Wow!” she said. “What kind of Pokémon are they?” “Oh, these aren’t Pokémon,” Olivia said, sliding her heavy bag off her shoulder and to the floor. “Applejack, Rarity, this is Carly, my senior shopkeeper.” After removing their own saddlebags, both Rarity and Applejack hopped their front hooves up to the counter, reaching to her with their right. “Pleasure to meet ya’, Carly!” Applejack greeted first. “Likewise,” Rarity added. “Ah!” Carly jerked back and put a hand to her heart. “Oh, so they talk, then. Neat.” Though an awkward introduction, Olivia proudly smiled as Carly shook both of their hooves. “I love your dress, by the way, darling,” Rarity said. “Who made it for you?” Carly couldn’t help but look down to her simple lime-green knee-length dress, having thought nothing of it all day until just then. “I… didn’t, I got it from a store in Hau’oli, but thank you though!” “Now, Carly,” Olivia interrupted, stepping forward, “I need you to listen to me, because it’s very important. That portal that opened up a few nights ago, these ponies came from that. I’m only telling you this because I knew you’d be here by the time we got back, but I don’t want to give these ponies *ahem* uneeded attention.” “Uh, right! Sorry, Olivia. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed.” “Thanks a million, sweetie.” Finally, Carly noticed the haul that the three of them brought in. “Holy cow! What’s all in there.” “Oh, just a little olivine, lazulite, rose quartz, even a few Thunderstones and Firestones.” “Wow, that’s gotta’ be your best haul yet!” “I can’t take full credit. With Rarity’s magical abilities and Applejack’s strength, we make one hell of a team! Now we just gotta cut these things.” Olivia took out a Poké Ball hooked on her waist and lobbed it towards the stairs to the right, letting out a large Pokémon made of stone and shaped like an upside-down gem, having a massive red nose with a bushy coal-black moustache beneath it, along with a red-circular top and two floating limbs resembling smaller, wholly-grey versions of itself. Applejack and Rarity both screeched out of shock. “What in the hay is that thing?” Rarity yelled. “And how did that thing fit in that little ball?” “I suppose you still have a bit to learn about our world,” Olivia said, picking up each saddlebag in each hand, “but that can wait for later today. Okay, Probopass, you can head up now.” Once she plopped both bags onto its “hands,” the Probopass floated its way up the stairs with Olivia following closely. Just then, something hit Carly. “Wait, back then, did she just say ‘magical?’” “Why yes, Carly,” spoke Rarity, “unicorns like myself are adept at the use of magic, like so!” She pointed her sights at a gold-chain necklace with a ruby hanging from the center. With a light of her horn, the necklace floated from the mannequin and over Carly’s head, where Rarity set it down around her neck. Carly ran her fingers over the chain, unsure if her mind was deceiving her. “And that’s the least I can do,” Rarity added. “I think she got the point,” Applejack said. “Now, Carly, I have to ask, what’s up with Olivia trying to keep us a secret? Who are we being kept a secret from?” “Oh, no one in particular.” Carly took off the necklace and placed it neatly on the counter in front of her. “It’s just that ever since she was taken out of the Pokémon League, all she really has going on now is being Kahuna and helping run the shop. As Kahuna, she treats every person and Pokémon on this island like they were her kids, so it’s only natural that she wouldn’t want to put your lives in danger, especially considering how you came here, you know?” “Well, y’all shouldn’t worry. I guarantee you we’ve handled bigger threats back home than what we’d face here.” “Not to mention,” Rarity said, “this island is a paradise! I can’t imagine anything really going wrong here!” From the top of the stairs, Olivia cracked her living quarter door open over from where she sat, listening in while taking the magnifying headset off of her eyes. She smiled listening to Applejack and Rarity’s bravery before closing the door. “Even so,” Applejack said, “We’re more than capable of holding our own when things go south.” “That’s good to hear,” Carly said. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t hesitate to let you wander a bit downtown, but I guess that’s why I’m not the Kahuna.” She laughed nervously, but Applejack and Rarity’s lack of laughter made it clear they didn’t understand whatever joke she was telling. “If you want to ask her, go ahead. The store’s going to open up in a few minutes, so you should get upstairs anyway.” “Alright then,” Rarity said, moving toward the stairs with Applejack, “we shan’t bother you anymore!” “Have fun with… eh, what you’re doin’.” Applejack’s attempt at a kind farewell was met with enough awkward silence to allow the two to go upstairs with Olivia. Reaching the top, they turned left and came to the door, Applejack stepping forward to knock on it three times. “Come in!” Olivia called. The ponies stepped inside. Olivia was busy at her desk with all three of their bags leaning against the left side. To their left was a single bed, straight ahead of it was a couch facing a large TV, and in the back right was a kitchen dining room. Upon entering, they were both greeted with yips and leaps by a pink bear with long, stubby arms and a white head. Rarity lifted up the bear in her magic and nuzzled it close, the bear affectionately hugging her face. “And you seem in high spirits, Stufful!” Rarity squeaked. “He sure is a cutie!” Applejack said, petting behind its ears with her hoof. “I know a certain filly back at home who would go bananas over you.” Olivia stopped studying a piece of lazulite that she had in her latex-gloved hand and gently placed it on the desk. She took her headset off once again and rubbed her eyes. After staring at the wall for a few more seconds, she was suddenly interrupted by Applejack’s voice. “Say, Olivia, what are the chances we can go out for a few sometime today?” “I would also like to get the chance to stroll around the city. It just looks divine!” “I overheard your conversation with Carly.” Olivia then swiveled around in her chair to face them. “I know how badly you want to stretch your legs and get out once in a while. I appreciate that you can look after yourselves, but still know that no matter what, I fear for your safety.” “You really don’t have to,” Applejack said. “Between my strength and Rarity’s magic, we really don’t have to worry about much.” “What if you came with us?” Rarity suggested. “You can still be with us and we get to see some of the city!” Olivia smiled again. Their tenacity was becoming infectiously delightful. “I don’t think that would be a problem.” Rarity and Applejack beamed. “But it looks like you became your own worst enemy today. Thanks to all these stones we found, I’ll be trying to cut them for most of the day. If you let me get back to work, we can probably do something before dinner.” Rarity and Applejack looked to each other with smug smirks. Rarity charged her horn and opened all five individual bags. She took what amounted to a handful of crude chunks of rock from each one, getting some olivine, some rose quartz, lazulite, yellow beryl, and red garnet. Looking upon each one, her horn shone bright along with each of the stones. The light made Olivia turn around to see what was happening, and once she took off her headset, Rarity’s horn dimmed along with the light of the gems, which were now each cut in a variety of shapes and sizes. Rarity sighed at a job well done as she gently laid the stones on the desk, which Olivia was far too dumbfounded to even notice. Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle over Olivia’s face. “I think Rarity would like to give you some help.” Olivia’s mouth continued to hang open, but Rarity looked up to whatever she needed of her. > Chapter 17 – Thick as Thieves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Alice looked about the pretty sights of the hilly and forested path of Route 4. As Fluttershy tagged closely behind, Starlight was several feet behind, struggling to carry a stone about half the size of her body in her magic. As they came up the top of another hill, Sam and Alice stopped as they watched Starlight carry herself and the rock up, each step requiring several seconds each. Sam hopped and slid down to her side as she finally set the rock down off to the side of the trail, panting heavily. “You aren’t going to get your magic back faster by straining yourself,” Sam said. Starlight lifted her head, her sweat-matted mane slapping against her left eye. “I have to get my magic back soon somehow. What if we get attacked by Team Prism here?” “That shouldn’t happen. Look.” Sam escorted Starlight up the hill, joining Alice and Fluttershy at the top, allowing all four of them to see the town about two miles up ahead. From its wooden buildings all set up on either side of a T-shaped intersection of streets, it looked like something straight-out of a Western movie, the bright leaves of the trees and grass making it look even more idyllic. “Whoo.” Starlight’s breath came out far more audibly than either Sam or Alice expected or Starlight wanted. “We still have that much farther?” “Hold on.” Sam shed his backpack off of his body, letting it plop down to the floor. As Sam foraged around inside the bag, neither he, nor Starlight, Alice, or Fluttershy noticed two figures hiding within the bushes, ensuring their rustling of the leaves remained silent as possible. They watched as Sam finally pulled out a protein bar, unwrapped it, knelt down, and held it out to Starlight. “Sam,” Alice scolded, “we just had breakfast. Put that away.” “It shouldn’t be too filling,” reasoned Sam, “and she needs the energy.” “No, it’s alright.” Starlight took two deep breaths, putting a little bit more life back into her. “Let’s get going. I’ll rest up when we get there.” “Alright.” Sam slowly and sorely stood back up, moving his hand to the front pocket. “Just don’t try using your magic until we have a chance to–” No one had a chance to see the green-and-red blur that shot out from the bushes at Sam’s bag. Only until Sam was knocked to his butt and his bag and the unwrapped bar went flying up did the others notice. Once the bag and the bar hit the ground, the mystery attacker revealed itself as a red-faced and red-bodied insect like Pokémon with green foliage and bulb on its head along with two small leaves for arms which it used to hug the bar close to its chest. “What is that thing?” Fluttershy gasped “Yo!” Sam shouted, crawling madly toward it. “That’s mine!” Sam’s approach stood no chance, as the creature zipped into the bushes on the other side of the path. As Sam, Alice, and the ponies faced the bushes in amazement, a brown-haired Pokémon mildly reminiscent of a cat with long ears, cream colored collar fur, and a fluffy tail hopped out from the bushes on the other side. It bit down on the top strap of Sam’s bag, running up on Sam’s back and leaping further off its head until it and the bag also disappeared within the brush. “What? NO!” Sam pushed off the ground with his hands and feet and took off sprinting. “Sam, wait!” Fluttershy took off running too. “It could be a trap!” Alice and Starlight looked to each other, surprised to hear such a clever deduction from her, and thye both ran to follow after them. Sam continued to run out, following the bushes that shook ahead of him and the bag that appeared to run away by itself. He grunted with each step he took, upset that he could not catch up but fiercely determined. The cries of his friends behind him fell on deaf ears as he continued following closely until– He suddenly swung straight down, a root catching a hold of his foot. Within the last few moments, he put his hands out and braced himself, falling hard on his stomach and chest and feeling a sting in the heel of his hand. Sam shrieked as he saw his bag slide up another hill and over, now gone. Grabbing as much loose dirt as his hands could dig, Fluttershy, Alice, and Starlight surrounded him, watching him as he moaned a loud sob. “Dammit, Sam,” Alice panted. “You alright?” “Do I sound like I’m alright?” Sam’s loud voice and sudden shooting up to his feet made Fluttershy squeak and hide behind his sister. “Everything I had was in that bag!” “Even your wallet? Your Pokédex? Your Holo Caster?” “No, but that’s not the point! My clothes, my potions, my balls, my snacks!” “All sounds like stuff we can replace. Not to mention, you’re loaded.” “I wouldn’t call ¥20,000 loaded, and I’d rather not have to spend most of that just to replace all my stuff.” “Well, what do you want to do? We need to get to Paniola Town, and I’d like to get at least one Island Trial in today.” “You go on ahead. I have to get my bag.” Sam turned back and continued heading out to where the bag had gone. “Sam, come on!” “Please?” Fluttershy called back. “I’ll be right back!” Sam continued marching up until he too disappeared over the hill. Alice continued to stand and watch, wrestling with the thoughts to either let him be until he came to his senses, or go out and help. Starlight frowned as she saw no decision about to be made soon, stepping forward to follow him. “Starlight?” Fluttershy called. “Where are you going now?” “What does it look like?” She turned back as she continued walking. “Just go on ahead, we’ll be close behind.” Starlight turned back and broke into a gallop, leaving Alice and Fluttershy alone. Though the day was still young, the deepness of the forest frightened Fluttershy and she began to tremble. “Alright,” Alice said, “let’s get going. We’ll see how long this takes.” Both of them turned back, following their prints toward the main trail. With each new hill he climbed up, Sam scanned the area, seeing no sign of either Pokémon or his bag. After several minutes of looking over the same patch, he sat himself down, running his fingers through his hair and breathing heavily, hoping someone could hear and help him. Just then, the snapping of twigs and breaking of fallen leaves approached him. Turning back, he found Starlight panting as she came close to his side. “Starlight.” He sounded relieved. “Please tell me you’re here to help.” “Yeah, I am.” She really sounded tired, both physically and emotionally. “I want to try something, and if it doesn’t work, we’ll really need to turn back.” “Wait, where’s Alice and Fluttershy?” “I told them to go to Paniola Town. I told them we wouldn’t be far behind, so we have to make this quick.” Sam looked around, running his hand over his head again and looking around and past Starlight, only to indeed find no one near them. Whatever she planned, it had to work. “Okay, what then?” Starlight led Sam to a small clearing where the sun hit the grass and the surrounding trees like a small coliseum. Sam looked around, unsure what good their location would do. “Okay, what now?” “Take out your Honedge’s Pokeball.” Sam did as he was told, holding it up to her. “Then what?” “Pretend like you’re eating a fruit of some kind.” Sam’s face lit up, understanding immediately what was going through her head. Just then, his lips pursed and his teeth clenched. “But, what if it takes my ball away too? Then Honed–”. “Will be fine. I’ll keep a look out. We know what to expect this time.” Once again, Starlight hit the nail on the head. With a nod, he was ready to set the plan in motion. “Now, follow my lead.” Starlight then sat herself down like a dog in an exaggerated fashion. “Oh, wow! It sure is exhausting walking through this forest! I could really use a snack right now!” It was happening. Now or never. Commit. “I agree!” Sam spoke as loudly. “It’s a really good thing I saved this Pecha Berry just for this very occasion. MmMm! It’s chow time!” Sam held his ball out with the white side out, slowly moving it to his face. Everything ran through his head. Did he overact? Was it even here? What if he hesitated at the moment of truth? Each negative scenario made him completely unaware of the swish of leaves and grass that bounded out toward him. Starlight turned to the source of the sound just in time as the green and red blur shot out from the side of a tree and at Sam’s hand. “Sam, now!” Sam did hear that, and he tossed his ball to the side right before the Pokémon could intercept it. Honedge came out of it and faced the Pokémon with an angry squint. The creature’s eyes widened as it tried to run back into the forest, but Sam was smirking, the path to success clear to him now. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak.” Before the creature could round around Sam and slip back beneath the shade of the trees, Honedge’s trailing shadow appeared beneath it and blasted it, throwing it to its stomach. “Now, just what in the hell are you?” Sam picked his Pokédex from his shorts pocket and aimed it at the creature. “Fomantis,” the Pokédex read aloud, “the Sickle Grass Pokémon. During the day, it sleeps and soaks up light. When night falls, it walks around looking for a safer place to sleep.” “Not this one, apparently.” As Sam put his Pokédex away, Honedge slipped around and loomed over the Fomantis, forcing it into the center of the clearing. The Fomantis retreated cautiously, looking ready to launch a sneak attack at any moment. “Listen,” Sam called to it. “I just want my bag back. Show me where you and your Eevee friend took my backpack, and I’ll let you go. You can even have the protein bar, just please give me back my bag!” The Fomantis responded with a frenzied Razor Leaf attack, Honedge deftly shielding its eye and most of its blade with its scabbard. Once the onslaught ended, Sam cocked his head in disappointment and focused on the battle. “Honedge, Return!” Honedge lunged at Fomantis, who once again went on the offensive, slashing both of its arms in, throwing a barrage of leaves at Honedge. The attack hit, but did nothing to prevent Honedge from swinging its blade at the Fomantis and striking it in the right side. The Fomantis went down, Starlight noting its difficulty in getting back up since the first attack. “Just one more,” Sam said to himself. “Honedge, use another Shadow Sneak!” The Fomantis looked to prepare another Razor Leaf attack, but Honedge’s shadow appeared beneath it before it could do anything more, and the shadow blasted him up before it fell down on its back with a hard thud. Sam looked to the Fomantis, unsure what its next move would be. However, it did something that it didn’t expect. It started screaming. Sam recognized the cry for help clear as day, and both he and Starlight looked about, awaiting for more Fomantises, or heaven forbid members of Team Prism. After a ten uncomfortable seconds of silence following the Pokémon’s failed call, Sam’s face softened. He then began to reach back behind him, only to feel empty space. He then remembered. “Aw, come on!” “What is it?” Starlight asked. “I wanted to catch it, but my Poké Balls are in my bag!” Just then, an Eevee sprinted out into the clearing and slid to a stop before the Fomantis, looking out at Sam and Starlight with arched back and offensive glare. Sam huffed as he aimed his Poké Ball at Honedge. “Good job, buddy.” Once Honedge returned to its ball, Sam knelt down to the Eevee, looking it dead in its eyes, allowing it to relax before him as it realized his intention to not fight. “Hey,” he said to it, “do you know where I can find my bag? If you show me, I promise me and my friend will leave.” Starlight watched the confrontation, seeing as the Eevee glanced down to Honedge's ball, the seemingly innocuous gesture telling her everything she needed to see. With gentle steps, Starlight slowly approached Sam’s side without frightening the Eevee away. “Let me try something,” she whispered to him. “Do you have any kind of snacks whatsoever?” “I’ve got some Poké Beans in my jacket pocket. Why?” Charging her horn, Starlight’s magic aura pulled his pocket open, using more of her magic to pull out three light-blue beans. The Eevee’s defenses completely evaporated as its ears waggled at the sight of the three beans being placed down and even pushed a bit away from her to entice it further. Sure enough, the Eevee’s curiosity was piqued enough to get it to walk over to the beans, the Fomantis, getting up to see what its comrade was doing. After a couple of tentative sniffs and a single nibble, Starlight was gladdened to see the Eevee chomping greedily on them. Starlight managed to walk over to it and gently stroke down its back with the flat side of her hoof. “So, Sam. You said this thing’s called an Eevee?” “Uh, yeah,” Sam said. Just then, he turned his head to see the Fomantis charging Starlight. Though he gasped a breath to warn her, she was already aware, hopping back as it stood in front of the Eevee, slashing out at her while warbling angrily. “Hey!” Starlight looked hurt. “I was just petting her!” The Fomantis then began shouting incomprehensibilities at the Eevee before running off back into the forest. “Hey!” Sam shouted into the direction it went. “My bag!” Both he and Starlight then saw as the Eevee also began to run out to follow the Fomantis, stopping to turn to the two. “Please,” Starlight whined, “he just needs his bag.” It looked to pain the Eevee over its decision, but it quickly turned back with a whine and ran quickly into the darkness. “Wait!” Sam reached out, but knew there was nothing more he could do. He put his arm down, fist clenched, and stood with his head hung low. “Sam?” Starlight took a step forward. “Are you alright?” He then pulled out his Holo Caster, looking at a rising bar-graph symbol outline in the upper right corner, seeing no bars within the symbol’s border. Sam sighed and turned back toward the path. “I’ll call my parents once we get out of this forest; ask them if they can lend me some money to help me get a new bag.” The reservation in his voice was disheartening for Starlight. With drooped ears and a deeply dissatisfied mope, she followed Sam out of the clearing. Once they came over the hill, two shadows from the trees shifted, running toward them. The Fomantis hopped up a large tree, stopping to rest upon the lowest of the branches. In the branches higher up, dozens of backpacks, purses, and cloth grocery bags hung neatly. After catching its breath, it went up to the middle, finding Sam’s bag. Reaching inside the front pocket, it pulled out the already half-eaten protein bar, continuing to nibble on it, until the Eevee eventually hopped up to the bottommost branch. The Fomantis hopped down to it, handing it the protein bar to eat, but the Eevee slumped away from it with guilt in its frown. The Fomantis whirred impatiently, continuing to wave the bar in the Eevee’s face. When the Eevee looked back down to the ground and then north, Fomantis set the bar down and began to warble again, pointing out to where Sam and Starlight were headed. The Eevee started to bark at the Fomantis, taking it aback. After a few more loud, sharp shouts, the Eevee climbed up until it reached the branch where Sam’s bag hung. With a few hard tugs up with its mouth, it pulled it from the leaves and twigs. It began to travel down to the bottom branch where the Fomantis still waited. With a few muffled meows, it prepared to head down, only for its right front paw to slip, sending it over the edge. The Eevee was suddenly caught, hanging onto Sam’s bag for dear life by its teeth while the Fomantis wrapped one arm around one of the shoulder straps while clinging to the tree’s bark with the other. With a jerk, the Fomantis flung the Eevee back up alongside it on the branch and pulled itself back up with Sam’s bag. The Eevee looked to Fomantis with puppy-dog eyes as it tried to get its point further across. The Fomantis looked back at Sam’s bag, wondering what it should do. Finally, with a final tight grasp on it, Fomantis let the bag fall to the ground below. The Fomantis looked back to the surprised Eevee, letting out a single sighing noise to get it to smile. Looking back down, the two leapt from the branch. “My goodness, did we really wander off this far?” Starlight gazed around her, nothing about the area of the forest she and Sam continued to walk through looking nor feeling familiar. “It’s fine,” Sam responded with a grumble. “We just have to head northeast, and we should get back on the path.” “Your path has ended!” a loud, sinister voice shot off from somewhere. Sam and Starlight stopped immediately, turning to find the source of the voice, but could not find it. Turning back, the two were immediately greeted with the sight of two Team Prism grunts, their black hoods covering their faces. Sam and Starlight stood defensively as the two pulled their hoods off, revealing two men in their very late teens, one who appeared lanky with red hair, the other looking muscular with spiked black hair. Sam looked around him in desperation. “ALICE! FLUTTERSHY!” “Call for them all you want,” the muscular grunt giggled, “but they’re probably already in Paniola Town, safe and sound.” “And you decided to get lost all by your lonesome.” The lanky grunt squeaked his voice to mock the sound of crying. Sam bared his teeth as the two laughed. Starlight began to charge her horn. “Go, Slowking!” The lanky grunt tossed out his Poké Ball. Appearing from the white light was a larger bipedal Slowpoke, though it wore a large, spiked stone on its head like a crown. As Starlight shot out a bolt of bright blue lightning, Slowking put its hands up, forming a disk of translucent pink energy that dissipated Starlight’s magic instantly. Starlight grunted as she realized she was useless in this battle. “Of course,” the muscular grunt said, “you could just give us that unicorn and we’ll let you off the hook.” “And what will you do to me?” Starlight spat. “That doesn’t concern you yet.” “Like hell it doesn’t!” Sam detached his Poké Ball from his belt. “Go, Honedge!” Sam threw his Poké Ball out, and while Honedge looked positively ready to battle, Sam saw the scuffmarks of its battle with the Fomantis, and he could tell it was the reason for the grunts’ subsequent laughter. “We saw you fighting against that pipsqueak Fomantis,” the lanky grunt explained. “It required that puny little Eevee to stop it too. Imagine that! A wild Pokémon having to stop the fight because its friend was beating up a trainer’s Pokémon too bad!” Starlight looked to Sam with fear, but was perplexed to see him smirking. “Even if that were true,” he said, “you apparently still need to double team me to feel that you can beat me. What do you think that says about your Pokémon?” Neither grunt could speak, as nothing they could say would negate his comeback. “Oh,” the muscular grunt muttered, “you’re good. Now, let’s just see how good you really are! Go, Oricorio!” He tossed his Poké Ball, and out from it came a plump, pink bird with white feathers styled in both a headdress and a skirt, moving its wings to the side as if it were doing a hula dance. “Sam?” Starlight nervously called out. “Please don’t lose.” “I wouldn’t dream of it. Honedge, use Shadow Sneak!” With a point toward the Oricorio, Honedge’s shadow stretched and snaked around along the forest floor until it came underneath it, blasting it upwards. The muscular grunt looked a bit worried until his Pokémon fluttered safely back to its talons. “That’s it!” the grunt shouted. “Now, use Mirror Move!” Sam gasped, watching the Oricorio flare its wings open, its shadow also beginning to stretch out and away. Before Sam could cross his arms to signal his Pokémon to defend itself, the bird’s shadow came beneath it and struck it hard. Sam watched helplessly as the Honedge landed flat on the ground, slowly getting up to the entertainment of the two grunts. “This one should finish it,” the lanky grunt said. “Slowking, use Fla–” The grunt’s command was interrupted by the bright afterimage of a bladed attack that struck the muscular grunt’s Oricorio. Both grunts as well as Sam and Starlight looked down to where the flash ended, seeing the Fomantis kneeling with its right leaf arm held out before looking to Sam and Starlight with fiercely determined eyes. “You?!” Sam shouted. Just then, the Eevee also came from behind, biting down on the Oricorio, making it squawk wildly and spin around as quickly as it could before too much damage could be done, but it was too late. With a buck of its legs, Eevee launched itself backwards and sent the Oricorio with it, slamming its head into the ground. Eevee ran back to join the Fomantis by Honedge’s side. The muscular grunt ran out to the Oricorio and turned it over, its lax groaning and eyes looking in two directions telling him that it fainted. With a wince, he brought his Poké Ball out and returned it inside. “Yo,” the grunt growled to his partner, “kill those Pokémon dead.” “Nothing would give me more pleasure,” the lanky grunt responded. “Slowking, Flamethrower, now!” With a wave of its head, the Slowking sprayed a hefty stream of fire from its mouth, hitting Honedge and his two rescuers at once. Both grunts looked pleased as Honedge, spent from the day’s events, dropped its scabbard and fell to the ground unconscious. Sam called his Honedge back inside of its ball as the muscular grunt approached it. “You’re out of Pokémon,” he said. “Now it’s time to take that unicorn there and–” The Fomantis stopped his advance with a single Razor Leaf, slicing the grunt’s glove and leaving a small cut in the webbing between his thumb and index finger. The muscular grunt stepped back and yelled as he squeezed his wrist, watching a small trickle of blood escape his fresh wound. “How ‘bout not?” Sam spoke, grinning madly. “Now, let’s see how you handle your version of a fair fight. Fomantis, use Razor Leaf again!” Instead, the Fomantis knelt down, sticking its leafy arms into the ground and making them glow, and soon, his whole body glowed as it healed. “Or… use Ingrain. That works too.” The Eevee mewed back to Sam, waiting to make its own move. “Okay, Eevee, use Sand-Attack!” The Eevee yipped in excitement, running forward at the Slowking before quickly spinning its back end around and kicking up with both legs, the dirt it picked up flying straight into Slowking’s eyes. As Slowking stumbled around, trying to wipe and rub the dirt away, the Eevee returned to the Fomantis’s side. “What a cheap trick!” the lanky grunt yelled out. “Use Psychic on Fomantis!” With its left arm still wiping its face, Slowking reached out in front of it with its right hand, Sam, Starlight, and the two Pokémon able to move aside as a large mass of the ground was picked up and dropped. “Nice moves!” Sam cried. “Now, Fomantis, use Razor Leaf. Eevee, use Bite!” The Eevee shot back out, and Fomantis swung its right arm out, letting about a dozen leaves fly out at its target. The Eevee juked to the left and right, dodging each one as the Slowking regained its sight. It didn’t even remotely have enough time to dodge the leaves as they collided and cut it, followed immediately by Eevee clamping down on its left arm. “That’s it,” Starlight hopefully whispered. The Slowking whipped its arm, sending Eevee flying back to the Fomantis’s side. “That one needs to go,” the lanky grunt spoke. “Slowking, Ice Beam on the Fomantis!” With a widening of its mouth, a bright, chilly beam shot out straight at the Fomantis. It shielded its face with its arms, but before the attack could connect, Eevee ran around and leapt up, taking the attack as it rolled to Starlight’s hooves, frozen and immobile. Starlight gasped as she fell to her shins, cradling the Eevee in her arms. While peeved by the Eevee’s sudden bravery, he smirked at the result nonetheless. “Same difference.” The Fomantis’s eyes squinted in pure rage, charging at the Slowking with its arms completely glowing white. Sam reached out to stop it, but continued to watch as it jumped and delivered a hard slash into the Slowking’s chest. Both grunts gasped as Slowking was knocked to its back. “Was that…?” the muscular grunt exclaimed. “Yeah,” the lanky grunt growled. “A Leaf Blade?” Sam wondered aloud. “Did that do it?” The Slowking seemed to answer Sam by rolling itself into a seated position, continuing the momentum until it stood back on its feet. Sam took a step back, frightened that Fomantis would not avoid what was coming next. “Man, you two are pests,” the lanky grunt said. “Whatever. You’ll be exterminated with this last hit. Slowking, use Ice Beam!” As the Slowking opened its mouth to charge its attack, Sam was too distracted to notice a brown blur rush away from Starlight and at the Slowking. Not even the grunts noticed as the Eevee soared out at the Slowking’s face, headbutting into its forehead, the hit knocking the Slowking’s head up so that its attack went harmlessly into the air. Both grunts remained silent as Slowking was once again felled onto its back, this time lying still and fainted. “Impossible!” The muscular grunt saw as the Eevee landed back down, shaking the bits of ice still clinging to its fur. “How did it thaw so quickly?” “I did it!” Starlight shouted, her horn charging revealingly. “I used a heating spell to warm it back up.” “And it looks like it used a Quick Attack before your Pokémon could take out its friend,” Sam concluded. “Looks like you two lost. Again!” As the muscular grunt stepped back, the lanky grunt returned its fainted Slowking into its Poké Ball. “You kids aren’t even that strong! You can’t keep relying on wild Pokémon to come to your rescue forever!” Fomantis threw its arms out rapidly, launching a flurry of leaves at the two grunts. They both groaned and yelped as they were continuously pelted before they finally decided to run off. Once they were far enough away, the Fomantis stopped its onslaught and panted heavily. The Eevee approached it and mewed, wondering if it was alright. The Fomantis let out a gentle screech at it and lightly waved its arm at its face. Sam and Starlight both laughed. The Fomantis and Eevee then looked to the two and pointed out to the area behind the grunts. Sam looked out and saw familiar black mound just at the top of the hill. He jogged out to it, and his eyes lit up upon seeing his backpack in relatively unharmed condition. “My backpack!” Sam looked through it and found virtually everything had remained untouched. “Oh my god, thank you so much!” Fomantis scratched behind its head modestly while Eevee sighed loudly. “And thank you for saving us!” Starlight came up behind them. “We really owe you one.” Starlight scratched Eevee behind the ears, Fomantis taking a step back to politely refuse her touch. “Yes,” Sam added. “Thank you very much for your help.” Once Starlight walked around to Sam’s side and Sam slung his backpack on his shoulders, the Fomantis and Eevee looked back and nodded with a farewell, turning back to walk to their home. Sam watched them go, and everything with each passing step felt more wrong to him by the moment. He took a deep breath. “Hey!” Both Pokémon turned back to face him. “Why don’t you come with us? You’ll never go hungry or have to steal for food again. How’s that sound?” Both the Fomantis and Eevee looked to each other, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. They both cheered and ran back up to them. Sam couldn’t help but smile wide as he took a Poké Ball from his bag and knelt down to the Fomantis. “You ready?” he asked. The Fomantis nodded eagerly, allowing Sam to tap the center of his Poké Ball into the the Fomantis’s forehead, sucking it into the ball in a wisp of red energy. With one shake, the Poké Ball latched closed. Sam let out a short, but loud laugh, unable to believe his very own first Pokémon catch. The Eevee approached him, looking at the ball with slight bemusement. “You next?” Sam asked, fishing for another Poké Ball. The Eevee let out another meow, signaling its excitement. As Sam lowered the ball, he stopped just inches from its head, looking back to Starlight, who, like the Eevee, was also confused why he had stopped. “Huh?” Starlight stared at the side of his head. “What are you waiting for?” Sam closed his eyes. It had to be this way. “Why don’t you have her, Starlight?” Starlight shook her head, unsure if she heard him right. “Huh, what? Why me?” “I saw the way you two bonded in that clearing. I think you officially ‘caught’ her when you gave her some of those Poké Beans. Not to mention, I think it would be really great if you had your own Pokémon partner; someone to help you out if you lose your magic?” The thought of her own Pokémon was intriguing, and the Eevee’s expectant stares were becoming too hard for Starlight to resist. “Are you really certain about this?” “I think as long as it gets to travel with Fomantis, she’ll be happy as a Shelder. Go ahead.” “Then, so…” The Eevee rubbed its body against Starlight and purred loudly, a bond formed between them. Starlight picked the Eevee into her arms and twirled about, giggling stridently. “Yes! I ‘caught’ an Eevee!” Sam nodded, happy to see his friend in high spirits. “Would you like to name her?” “Name her? I can name her too?” “Of course. Alice and I personally don’t, but you can do whatever you want with yours.” Starlight stood on her hind legs, perfectly balanced, looking at Eevee with an extent of intensity. After studying it for a minute or so, she smiled, having come up with it. “Lady…” Eevee cooed, wondering what Starlight had said. “Yeah, I think it suits you. Do you like the name ‘Lady’ too?” Eevee squealed again, happy with its new title, and Starlight hugged it tight like a doll. Sam gave them a moment. They deserved it. Alice and Fluttershy stood lazily and tired beneath the wooden entrance banner to Paniola Town. Alice checked her Holo Caster; still no signal. “I knew we shouldn’t have let them go in there,” Alice grumbled. “What if Team Prism attacked him and Starlight?” Fluttershy asked “I can’t imagine they’d be waiting for us in that forest, yet alone know to look in there.” “Oh, wait, there they are!” Fluttershy’s suddenly chipper voice startled Alice awake, and turning south, she saw both Sam and Starlight both smiling wide, Lady standing and balancing on Starlight’s back while Sam’s bag was equipped to his. Alice put her flat hand above her eyes, unsure if her eyes were fooling her or not. “You can’t be serious…” Alice ran to meet the three, followed by Fluttershy, all of them stopping close to each other. “Don’t tell me that’s the Eevee that took Sam’s bag.” “It is!” Starlight chirped. “Her name is Lady.” “Not just that,” Sam added, showing off his Poké Ball belt clip with two balls attached to it. “Is that the thing that took your power bar?” Fluttershy asked “The very same. She’s called a Fomantis, by the way.” “And how in the hell did you manage to do that?” Alice asked. Sam smirked even wider. Boy, did he have the story to tell. > Chapter 18 – Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olivia perkily hung a bunch of olivine necklaces with wooden-bead chains from a small rack on a chest-high shelf, where similar necklaces with lazulite were set up and ready for selling. While Olivia held her necklaces in around the four left fingers of her left hand, Rarity was off on the other side of the store, carrying several groups of about a dozen pieces of jewelry in her magic. After quickly and neatly hanging three groups of necklaces with silver, gold, and leather-rope chains, respectively, she floated four groups of earrings and rings and placed them neatly on the cashier counter for Carly. Carly smiled at Rarity’s assistance and opened the door to the display. Just then, the sound of the bell hanging from the top of the front door rung, allowing Olivia, Carly, and Rarity to turn back to see a young woman wearing a bright summery blue dress and white sunhat walk in, already browsing around the walls with her mouth open in an “O” like a kid in a candy store. “Hello,” Carly spoke with a wave, “welcome to Olivia’s. Feel free to ask us anything.” “Yeah.” The woman was certainly off in her own world. “Wow, you must have gotten a lot of new stuff recently.” “Mmhm,” Olivia hummed. “Made off with a really good haul just this morning.” The woman browsed the earrings that were still left on the counter, admiring the craftsmanship. “And you still had time to cut them and put everything together? These look amazing!” “Well, I can’t take full credit.” Rarity then approached the woman, ignoring the slightly condescending way she looked down on her like a puppy. “If you need my help in picking something out, I’d be more than happy to assist you.” The woman’s arms spasmed about as she let out a short yelp, setting Rarity aback. “Oh, wow. Sorry, I didn’t realize you could talk.” “It’s quite alright, I’ve gotten that a lot as of late. Now, what were you looking for exactly?” “Oh, I, uh… it’s just with all the new stuff you got, I was wondering if you have any diamond jewelry.” Olivia smiled, already walking to the counter. “Yes, we have plenty– “Nonsense!” Rarity blurted, shocking both Olivia and Carly. “You look more like a tourmaline kind of girl.” “Sorry, what was that?” The woman sounded a bit offended. “It’s just with that dress and that hat, I have just the thing to make you look as bright and hot as the summer sun!” “Uh, okay? Let me see then–” Before she could finish, Rarity had already placed a gold chain around the woman’s neck and closed the clasp. Just as the woman processed what had happened, Rarity already held up a mirror in front of the base of her neck, revealing a circular yellow gem with six, small wavy rays with smaller tourmaline and garnet stones each taking half of each ray, all of which were held together by a gold frame. The woman slowly breathed in through her mouth as she held the necklace up closer to the mirror. The necklace worked wonderfully against the sky that was her dress. “That’s…” the woman managed to mutter out, “beautiful.” “Thank you,” Rarity said. “I’d never like anyone to leave a jewelry store looking anything less.” “That’s very nice of you, but…” She suddenly took the necklace off and put it back onto the counter before Carly. “I don’t think I can afford something like that!” Carly glanced to Rarity, noticing the subtle pang of defeat making her smile quiver. “We can… give you a discount! 20% for… New Gem Day!” Olivia’s eyes glanced between Carly and the potential customer, wondering if she could make this work. “How much would that be then?” the woman asked. “That necklace was…” Carly pulled out a calculator from underneath the register and began punching numbers, muttering to herself. “That’s a medium-gem necklace, tourmaline and garnet, gold chain and framing…” Once she had put in the final numbers, she spoke at normal volume once again. “Normally that would be ¥15,000, but with the 20% off, that will come down to ¥12,000.” “I don’t know, that still seems a little steep for me.” As Carly nervously looked around for an answer, Rarity suddenly thought of another option. “Pardon me, Carly, but your store wouldn’t by chance have a payment plan to offer her, would you?” “That’s right!” Carly looked delighted with the reminder. “We can split the payments in two. You can pay ¥6,000 now and then pay the remaining ¥6,000 in the next thirty days… with interest, of course.” “Forget interest,” Olivia said. “Just pay ¥6,000 and then you can pay the remaining ¥6,000 in a months time.” “Wow,” the woman giggled, spinning the necklace with her finger, “you really want me to have this. Okay, sold! What should I do?” Carly beamed. “Do you have a card? I can swipe it now and then charge the card in 30 days from today.” “Certainly. That sounds great!”  As the woman dug around in her purse for her wallet, Olivia and Rarity walked away to allow Carly some room. “That was excellent,” Olivia whispered. “You must have some serious entrepreneur experience.” “Well, I do own my own clothing store back home,” Rarity quietly chortled. “Not to sound brash, but it’s required of me to pair the right colors together.” “No offense taken, sweetie. That was quite a good sale we just made there.” “You’re all set then,” Carly said to the woman. “You’ll be the envy of Akala Island!” “I sure hope so! Thank you!” She then turned and waved to Rarity with her other hand on the doorknob. “And thank you too!” “Have a wonderful day, darling!” The woman pushed the door open and ran outside, clearly eager to tell any friends the purchase she had made. Olivia crossed her arms and moved toward the stairs. “Follow me, please.” Rarity wordlessly did as she was told, following her upstairs and into her living space. There, they found Applejack crouching her front down with her rump gently waving in the air, the Stufful eagerly wagging its butt in preparation for its attack. The Stufful rushed forward, and Applejack stood on her hind legs, letting out a playful roar. Stufful continued forward and tackled Applejack down, Olivia and Rarity unable to hold back giggles as the two rolled around on the floor. Rarity cleared her throat, finding Applejack’s situation delightfully compromising. “Oh, hey y’all!” Applejack and Stufful got off the floor and stood straight to face them. “How’re things goin’ down there?” “Quite well, in fact,” Olivia answered. “Rarity just helped Carly and I sell one of our best pieces. Really though, I just wanted to thank you two for your fine work this morning, so I thought we could get out of here for a little bit and get some lunch.” Rarity gasped. “Really?! You’d really take us out?” “I’ll be with you, so it will be fine. Not to mention, the place I’m taking you is probably the best restaurant on the island, probably even the best in Alola.” “Sounds good!” Applejack hopped and strolled to join Rarity by her side. “Where to then?” From downstairs, Carly looked out of the window to see that the woman in the blue-dress had returned. However, her initial worries had gone once she saw three other like-aged women giggling and laughing beside her. Once the woman, looked to and pointed at the building of the store, there was no more doubt in Carly’s mind. The door opened, and the woman led her three friends inside, all of them looking just as wondrously as she did. The woman in the blue-dress looked around, seeming to miss something. “Excuse me? Where was that Pokémon that was down here helping us?” On cue, Olivia, a tan gem-encrusted purse hung on her shoulder, came down the stairs with Rarity and Applejack, the sight of whom made the other three girls scream with adoration. “You weren’t kidding when you said how cute they were!” a woman wearing a green tank-top and blue jeans said. “You said they can talk too?” asked a darker-skinned woman wearing an orange shirt and khaki shorts. “No way,” the third friend, wearing a white jacket, teal shirt, and floral knee-length skirt guffawed. “That’s a joke right?” “Sorry if I caught you in the middle of something,” the woman in the blue dress said, “but do you think you can help out my friends too?” Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled. Food was on the front her mind, but she could and would gladly wait for the sake of fashion. Noah and Amy sat impatiently in their seat at a long table inside a small, virtually-empty cafeteria lunchroom save for them, Twilight, and Spike, who sat across and just to the left of them. Twilight sat with her head staring at the spotless white table surface while Spike supported his head with his hands, his elbows supporting his arms. Occasionally, Amy and Noah would look to them, unsure what was causing them so much grief. They hadn’t spoke much since they were called into Training Room C, and it was clear they didn’t want to talk about it. “Should I ask them? Amy asked. “I dunno.” Noah looked back to them once again. “Maybe it’s supposed to be a secret.” “I don’t like people keeping secrets that make them sad.” “Then go ahead and talk to them.” Amy scooted herself so that she was directly between and across from the two of them. “Hey, are you two okay?” Twilight looked up, hoping her face would be the only answer they needed, but a door opened up from the back of the room where a female Aether employee carried out two plates, one containing a small cheese pizza cut into quarters, and the other holding a plate of four fish sticks with a small portion of fries and a small dipping cup of tartar sauce. The employee placed the pizza before Noah and the fish sticks before Amy on the table. “Here you kids go! I’ll be right back with your salad and… carrot dog.” “Thank you.” Twilight managed a single nod before slumping her head back over. Their melancholy was not lost on the employee and she solemnly nodded back and walked back out of the room. Amy began dipping her first fish stick, but seeing the lack of food before either of them left her awkwardly stirring her fish stick absentmindedly. Noah pulled a gooey slice from his plate, holding it up guiltily. “Hey, Twilight? Spike? Do you want a slice of pizza?” Twilight and Spike turned to look at him, mustering the energy to sit straight to face him. Twilight smiled to him, both thankful for the offer and to offer a kind façade. “Thank you, Noah, but our food will be out here shortly.” “Whoops, did we catch you at a bad time?” Twilight and Spike jerked about to the entryway at the other side of the room, startled by the unfamiliar creaky male voice. However, the faces of both the children lit up as Acerola entered the room along with a man in his early 50’s. His natural white hair was medium length, slightly messy, and pulled a bit back, but buzzed short and dyed black in the bottom few inches of his hairline and short sideburns. He wore a red-and-black tank top with a black tracksuit jacket over it with a white band and black zigzag pattern going down the sleeves and the sides, a matching pair of snug black sweatpants with a white “X” crossing on the bottom of the shins, and a pair of clean, white sneakers. A pair of sunglasses with circular, yellow frames were held in his hair, and on his left wrist was a dark-grey Z-Ring. “Acerola!” both children cheered, leaping out of their seats and rushing toward them. “Uncle Guzma!” “There they are!” While Guzma’s scratchy voice was indeed offputting, there was evident warmth and compassion that came from it as well. Squatting down, he caught both children in both arms, standing up with both of them sitting on his forearms. “So, what’cha get me for lunch? Pizza? Fish sticks? My favorites!” “That’s our lunch!” Noah giggled. “You can have a bite if you like, though.” “No, no!” Acerola scolded with a wagging finger. “Guzma and I are perfectly capable of ordering for ourselves.” “Ugh, fine!” Guzma groaned, letting the kids back down. “But you better have ordered an appetizer for us before we got here.” Spike huffed, a wobbly smile suddenly etched on his face. Twilight looked to Spike, who managed to keep a cool face, shrugging to her as if he didn’t know what she was looking at. With Noah and Amy returned to the table, Guzma’s eyes trained upon the alicorn and baby dragon sitting across from them. “Where in the heck did you even find those things, anyway?” Guzma harshly whispered. “I didn’t.” Even when hushed, Guzma could hear Acerola’s disdain. “Nanu found them wandering the Haina Desert, and he offered to let me take them here.” “Hmph. Old man probably has some sense in that head of his after all.” Acerola couldn’t help but giggle. “Come on. Let me introduce you.” Acerola led the way as Guzma followed, his hands inside of his pockets. As they approached the table, taking the seats next to Noah and Amy, the Aether Employee served Twilight and Spike their food. As they sat down, the employee acknowledged them. “Good afternoon you two. Something to eat or drink, Acerola?” “Just a Roserade Iced Tea, extra sweet, and maybe a grilled cheese?” “Certainly. And Guzma, the usual Tapu Cocoa and pan noodle bowl?” “It’s like you don’t even need to ask,” Guzma cooed with his face pushed far out to her as his neck could allow. The woman chuckled and made her way back. With her gone, Twilight and Spike had no one else to look at other than Acerola and the stranger sitting next to her. “Twilight, Spike, this is Guzma, a… close friend of mine.” Acerola sheepishly put her hand up to show him off. “Um, hello, Guzma,” Twilight seemed reluctant to, but Guzma’s lack of hesitation made the process of shaking hands with him much easier. “How exactly do you know Acerola?” “Oh us?” Guzma finished shaking Spike’s hand, who seemed impressed by his firm, yet gentle grip. “Not to brag or anything, but you’re looking at half of the Pokémon League right here.” “The Pokémon League?” Spike asked, his mouth full of carrot dog. “What’s that?” “We have this thing in Alola called the Island Trials,” Acerola explained. “Trainers and their Pokémon have to defeat all the trials and defeat the kahunas of all four islands. Once they do that, they have to challenge and defeat the Pokémon League, which is comprised of four super strong Pokémon trainers, which, as Guzma said, includes the both of us.” “That’s… very interesting.” Twilight stared down at her untouched salad, something that Acerola was quick to pick up on. “I’m sorry,” Acerola said, “did you want us to wait until you finished your lunch? We can come back in a few minutes to give you some–” “No, that’s okay, but since you’re here, I want to ask you some questions. First of all, why did you bring us here?” Acerola seemed rather confused by the question. “This… place is quite arguably the safest place on Ula’ula Island. Why? Is something wrong?” “Seems to be,” Guzma interrupted, twirling his finger at Twilight’s dish, “they apparently don’t make good salads here.” “Guzma!” Acerola’s hiss made Guzma turn away from her and put his hands up. “But seriously, what’s the matter?” Twilight squirmed, unsure how the two humans would take her reply. “We just learned that this Aether Foundation are the same people responsible for my friends and I getting stuck here. You can probably understand that that would make us feel like prisoners here.” “You shouldn’t though.” Guzma turned back to face her. Acerola came close to pinching the bridge of her nose. “Guzma, I swear to–” “Relax, I have a point here. I knew this place back when they were at their lowest. I… hate to admit that I played a big part in a lot of their shady dealings.” “Do you remember this?” Twilight asked Acerola. “Very much so.” “Then why would you bring us here?” “People change, Twilight.” Guzma leaned back and put his ankle on the unoccupied seat next to her, and she reflexively shied away from it. “So did the people of Aether. I continue to be a friend of the family that owns the place, and I can tell you that they’ve cleaned their act up quite a bit. Whatever freak accident happened to you and your pals was just that: an accident.” “That’s also what Sun told us,” Spike replied. “You talked with Sun?” Acerola brightened her face. “Is he doing well?” “Our… conversation really wasn’t casual,” Twilight answered. “He basically told us that our being here was his fault, and that we couldn’t leave because some group was after us.” “You mean Team Prism?” “Yes! How did you know?” “Probably not the best source for you, but Sun told the two of us about it.” Twilight’s ears did droop hearing that. “But he also said to me that he heard about it from Hau, who heard it from two trainers.” “Wait, Hau?” Spike asked. “Oh, sorry! He’s a childhood friend of Sun’s, but he serves as the Kahuna for Melemele Island. You can totally trust him, though. He’s the sweetest young man you’ll ever meet, if you get the chance, that is.” “Besides,” Guzma breathed out proudly, “both of us specialize in Pokémon that are strong against Psychics. Those hooded punks would have to be real numbskulls to mess with you with us around.” For what it was worth, Twilight and Spike both couldn’t help but smile at this ragtag duo. However, something struck Guzma’s statement as odd. “Wait a second, did you say ‘Psychic?’” Before Guzma could answer, the female Aether employee walked in carrying Guzma’s noodles and hot chocolate, as well as Acerola’s sandwich and iced tea. “Enjoy your lunches, you two,” she said to them before turning to Twilight and Spike. “Also, Sun has scheduled you to talk with Professor Burnet later this afternoon. She claims that she met with two of your friends.” “Is that true?” Twilight shot up with her front hooves standing on the table. “Is she available now?” “I’m afraid not. She managed to squeeze some time in though before dinner. Speaking of, you should eat your salad before it gets too wilty.” Twilight looked back down at her still-untouched salad, beaming with mild embarrassment before the woman bowed to her and went off on her way. “I’m sorry,” Twilight whispered to the two, “you two aren’t leaving too soon, are you?” “Not at all!” Acerola scooped up a wedge of her grilled cheese. “We can talk about everything you need to know before we do. But first…” Acerola took a bite from her sandwich, allowing Guzma to pick up his chopsticks and grab at least one of each vegetable inside along with a half a dozen of the thick noodles. With both of their new friends eating, Twilight felt far more comfortable to begin on her salad. Sitting on the elevated outdoor porch patio of what appeared to be a sizable rustic pub, Sam, Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy looked off to their left, seeing two Mudbrays galloping around inside of a large pen. Lady, sitting on Starlight’s lap, whimpered and squirmed as the table of three beside them were served their entrees, the subtle steam wafting off of them making Starlight struggle to keep her from wiggling free. “Lady, calm down!” Starlight groaned. “Our appetizers will be coming any minute.” Lady sighed again as she glanced over to see one person take a large bite out of his burger. Sam and Alice ignored her and turned back to face each other at the table, picking up their lemonades well diluted from the melted ice in the harsh sun. “So, what’s the plan, Sam?” Alice took a sip of her drink, the water reducing the tartness and sweetness. “Oh, much better.” “Well, we have the Brooklet Hill trial just north of us,” Sam said. “Obviously we should do that first and see if any of your friends wound up there. The next part may not be well-received, but hear me out. I suggest that after the next trial, we split up near the Royal Avenue. A pair of us will go north and go clockwise around the island, and the other two will go east and go the opposite direction. Alice and I will both challenge the trials individually while we comb the island for any ponies that may be there. “We’ll probably meet up again somewhere around Route 8, but we’ll continue going about until we meet up again at our split-off spot, since we’ll have to challenge the trials the other completed. That way, we can try and strengthen ourselves individually and essentially look for them twice.” “Okay,” Starlight said, “that’s an interesting strategy, but why should we do any of that?” “I…” Sam let out a single incredulous laugh, “didn’t you listen to me? I–” “Yeah, we heard you Sam,” Alice jumped in, “and I appreciate that you want to learn to fight on your own, but we can’t afford to run into Team Prism by ourselves again.” “It worked for me, didn’t it?” “Yeah,” Starlight exclaimed, “because we got help from wild Pokémon. Again!” “I’d have to imagine that would just make Team Prism even angrier now,” Fluttershy added. “Fluttershy’s right,” Alice said, “We got lucky, and we got even luckier to get lucky twice. Chances are that Team Prism are going to pull all the stops and make sure they fight us like it will happen again when it most certainly won’t.” “Okay, okay!” Sam threw his hands up, tiredly dropping them on the table. “I get it. I just want to be sure we don’t mess this up.” “We won’t,” Starlight said. “You have me, Alice, Fluttershy, and Lady to help out. You shouldn’t have to worry about leaving any stones unturned.” “Right. Now we just have to figure out where to go from here.” “How’s about this,” Alice said. “We just go north and go clockwise from there. With your Fomantis and my Pikachu, we’ll get through the Brooklet Hill trial no problem, and with my Noibat and… your Fomantis has some kind of Bug-type move, right?” “Yeah, it knows Fury Cutter.” “There you go! With him–” “Her.” “–we can beat the Lush Jungle trial without a hitch. Hopefully, by the time we reach the Wela Volcano trial, we’ll each get at least one more Pokémon that can beat the Fire-types up there.” Sam smiled, proud and relieved by his sister’s natural intuition. “Sounds great to me, and look.” Alice, the ponies, and Lady turned in the direction, the latter breathing in heavy as four large baskets containing onion rings, mozzarella sticks, and potato skins were carried by a server on a tray, the sight made even more tantalizing once they were all put on the table. “That’s a lot of food, there,” the server said. “You sure you don’t want to save room for lunch?” Sam and Alice, their eyes and mouths slightly widening as if they had forgotten, took out each of their Poké Balls from their belts and tossed them out into an open space next to them on the patio. At once, Honedge, Fomantis, Noibat, Pikachu, and Rockruff appeared out and moved toward their respective trainers. Honedge floated beside Sam, whose lap Fomantis hopped into, while Noibat perched itself on Alice shoulder, and Rockruff and Pikachu sat on Alice and Fluttershy’s laps, respectively. “I think we’ll have plenty of room,” Alice whispered with assurance. “Duly noted.” The server tipped the lid of his cap, and walked away with his tray held under his arm. “Okay, Lady, you can dig in now!” Starlight laughed as Eevee leapt onto the table on one of the baskets and pulled out a potato skin. Fomantis climbed off Sam’s legs and sat itself down beside Lady, pulling out an onion ring and feasting happily beside it. With the newest members of their party fed, the others began eagerly loading their plates with food and sauces for them and their Pokémon to enjoy. > Chapter 19 – Dark Skies Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion kept his sights on the land east of Hau’oli City as Melemele Island quickly approached them. Rainbow Dash hadn’t broken a sweat the entire flight, but the same could not be said of Gladion’s Ride Charizard. Upon seeing the land coming up, the Charizard moaned with exhaustion, dipping slightly as they were just about a mile away from being above the western shores. Gladion pet his Charizard’s neck. “We’re almost there. We can rest in just a few minutes.” A second groan, not as reverberant but nonetheless as loud, sounded off behind him from Pinkie Pie’s stomach. “We should also get something to eat. I’m sorry, Gladion, but those granola bars were not really that filling.” “Where exactly are we even going anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We’re going to see a friend of mine,” Gladion explained. “He can tell us where Starlight and Fluttershy are.” “And you’re certain we can trust him?” “Yes. Though it doesn’t seem we have much choice. My Charizard needs some rest and you clearly need to eat something.” He then smirked fondly. “He’s the kind of person who always keeps a stocked fridge.” “Well, you know what they say!” Pinkie Pie quipped. “The best way to a pony’s heart is through lots of yummy free food! Or, something like that.” By now, the three of them were already flying just north of the Hau’oli Beachfront, and the wooden buildings of Iki Town were visible behind the trees. Gladion kept his eyes trained on the stone platform outside Hau’s home, where he found him dueling with Makana. Hau had his Hariyama out while Makana’s Pokémon appeared to be a large wolf with sandy-brown fur and a long, fluffy white tail. Even from their heights, Gladion could tell that both Pokémon looked tired. “Charizard, stay.” The charizard moaned as it flew in place above the battle. Rainbow Dash flew in place beside it, looking annoyed. “What’s the holdup?” “Their battle’s almost over,” Gladion said. “Let’s wait until the other trainer leaves before we go down.” “Ugh, fine…” Pinkie Pie peered over the Charizard’s other shoulder as the three of them looked down to observe the battle. Gladion looked down on Hau, wondering what kind of moves he’d make to finish the duel in his favor. “Lycanroc,” Makana called, “Accelerock!” Lycanroc appeared to vanish, only to suddenly appear before the Hariyama and swipe at it with its claws. Hau was ready. “Hariyama, use Heavy Slam!” Hariyama shifted its right leg bag, about to push, but Makana was also prepared. “Hurry, dodge it!” As Hariyama thrust its body forward, the Lycanroc climbed up on Hariyama’s head and pulled itself just over its body with a single frontflip. As the Lycanroc landed on its paws, Hariyama stopped its advance once it realized its target was no longer there. “That’s it!” Makana cheered. “Let’s finish this. Use Accelerock!” Hau had to get there first. “Hariyama, Close Combat!” Using its momentum to push its foot to the ground, Hariyama began to swing its body around, just as the Lycanroc disappeared and appeared before it. As it got halfway, Hariyama was hit by the Lycanroc’s attack, but followed through. With a thrust of its massive palm, Lycanroc was struck hard in the face and upper chest, being flung down to Hau where it slid to a stop just at its feet. Makana knew his Pokémon did not survive the attack, and he ran past Hariyama and slid down on his knees before his fainted Pokémon. Cradling its head in his arms, he took out his Poké Ball and returned it inside. “One day,” Makana promised it. “One day we’ll get him. Thank you.” “You were much closer this time, man,” Hau said as Makana stood to face him. “Perhaps you need to train your Slowpoke just a little more too and you’ll have it.” “Right. Maybe by the time he’s a Slowbro, I’ll have a shot.” “I wouldn’t count on waiting that long.” Up above, Charizard moaned louder and began to descend, panting as its wingbeats became even more labored. From below, the Charizard’s cries made Hau and Makana look up to see Gladion and Pinkie coming down on Charizard’s back. Rainbow Dash flew down alongside Gladion, looking incredibly annoyed. “Gladion,” she hissed. “I thought you said–” “Doesn’t look like my Charizard can wait that long,” he answered. “We’re coming down.” Hau smirked once he saw Gladion’s hair past the Charizard’s body, as well as the blue pegasus flying close beside him. Once the Charizard landed, Gladion and Pinkie Pie hopped off of it while Rainbow Dash set herself down beside Pinkie Pie. Gladion brought back his Charizard and retuturned the metal Poké Ball into his Ride Pager. “More of them, I see.” Makana crossed his arms with a fond smile on his face. “Hey!” Pinkie Pie, in a movement much like Makana’s Lycanroc’s Accelerock, appeared before Hau and Makana, the latter hopping back with sudden surprise. “Have you seen a pair of ponies just like us except one has wings like Rainbow Dash but she’s yellow and one who’s pink kind of like me except she has a horn so I guess they’re not quite like us at all?” “You mean Starlight and Fluttershy?” “Eeee! You do know where they are?” “I do,” Hau said. “They’re no longer on this island.” Pinkie Pie kept her happy demeanor, but her eye suddenly twitched. “…What?” “As I’m sure Gladion has told you, the ponies you’re looking for have already befriended a pair of younger trainers and have continued on to Akala Island to look for the others.” Rainbow Dash slowly turned to Gladion, the light in his eyes slowly draining. “Gladion, you never told us that.” “I had hoped that they’d still be on the island and we could find them before they had a chance to leave,” he explained. Hau shook his head. “No, man. They each defeated me yesterday in the Grand Trial and they took the ferry out last night.” “Who are these ‘trainers?’” Rainbow Dash asked, flustered. “How do we know they can be trusted?” “They can be trusted. In fact, they’re the reason why Gladion and I, as well as the other trial captains, Kahunas, and the trainers at the Pokémon League know about Team Prism. I have to believe that Gladion told you about them, right?” “…Well, kinda’, but that’s no excuse for not telling us about these two trainers.” “In any case,” Hau said, “your other two friends are safe with them.” Gladion pressed his lips together, Hau’s remark sounding sour in his ears. “The ponies aren’t the only reason we’re here. My Charizard has been flying me around for the better part of the whole day and needs to rest. Also, these ponies haven’t had any real food to eat since they got here.” Hau suddenly brightened like a Christmas tree, placing his arms over and behind his back. “Why didn’t you say so?! Let’s go to my place! Makana? Would you like to come?” Makana gasped slightly over suddenly being recognized, but smirked cooly shortly after. “Sorry. I have to go and train some more. We’ll be back, Hau. I’m going to beat your trial eventually!” “I look forward to it. See ya’ next time!” Makana waved as he jogged away and to the end of town. “So, you’re friends of Starlight and Fluttershy.” Hau casually put his fists at his side. “What are your guys’ names?” “Me? I’m Rainbow Dash!” the pegasus said with a proud flap of her wings. “And I’m Pinkie Pie!” she exclaimed, hopping up on Rainbow Dash’s back. “Nice,” Hau replied with a nod. “Like I said, I should have plenty of food at my place. Follow me.” Hau called back his Hariyama and led the way to his house. Once she realized which house they were headed to, Rainbow Dash was won over by the size of the place, her open mouthed smile getting wider. Once Hau opened the doors, both ponies were the first to walk inside, marveling over the authenticity and craftsmanship of the place. “Holy crud!” Rainbow Dash gasped. “You live here?” “Yeah,” Hau said. “This house has been passed down from Kahuna to Kahuna until it got passed down to me.” “That’s so cool!” Pinkie Pie squeaked. “…What’s a Kahuna?” “They’re the ones that protect the island and everything on it. As Kahuna, I also serve as the last challenge a trainer must face on Melemele during their Island Trials. But enough about me, let’s get you guys fed. Make yourself at home while I whip something up.” Hau strolled into the kitchen, leaving Gladion, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie alone. Gladion went over to the couch and sat himself down, the ponies following him to lay down on the sofas on either side of him. Rainbow Dash leaned and tilted her head toward him. “So… who exactly are these Team Prism guys?” “They sound like some cool hippity-hoppy dance team!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “But… I’m guessing that’s not what they are, right?” “Not at all.” Gladion put his fingers on his forehead, concentrating. “According to Hau, they’re a group of Psychic-type Pokémon users who are trying to kidnap you and your friends. Why, I have no idea.” “W– w– wait a minute!” Rainbow sat back up in her seat. “You haven’t even seen these guys yet?” “No, and I really don’t want to. And if they’re as fearsome as Hau made them out to be in his call to me this morning, neither do you.” “Well, it’s kind of hard to know what we’re up against if we don’t even know what they can do.” “I’ll tell you what they can do.” Hau’s voice left everyone turning back to the kitchen doorway. Hau carried in a large plate with eight sandwich halves with a layer of egg salad as thick as the two slices of bread holding it. “I’m super sorry, but I forgot that your friends already ate a bunch of my food, and all I had was this leftover egg salad.” “It’s still free, right?” Pinkie Pie grabbed a wedge with her teeth before Hau could set the plate down on the table. “Free food is still good food!” “I like the enthusiasm.” Pinkie Pie swallowed her first sandwich half after a few chews. “I like the sandwiches, Hau! May I have another?” “Yes, please! I made two for everyone.” Rainbow Dash ignored Pinkie Pie as they both took their own sandwich from the plate. “Hold on! Did you say you know what Team Prism can do?” “Yes, but I’m certain it’s nothing that Gladion couldn’t have told you.” “Gladion could have told– So, you haven’t seen them either?” “No, but one of the trainers that Starlight and Fluttershy went with gave me some interesting details. Have you by chance seen Gladion use Z-Power?” “I’m pretty sure it has something to do with that Z-Move his Pokémon did this morning, right?” Pinkie Pie asked, licking her lips over the second sandwich. “I guess so,” Hau said to himself. “Anyway, those kinds of moves are only usable by people who wear a Z-Ring, which are only made with stones granted to someone from the island guardian.” “Island guardian?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “They haven’t met Poni Island’s guardian,” Gladion explained, his right cheek half-stuffed with sandwich. “They ran off before it could catch up.” “Oh… well then. Team Prism are in possession of artificial, human-made Z-Rings that allow them to draw Z-Power for Z-Moves. In great numbers, they can deal a ton of damage.” “And you let those two trainers go off to Akala Island in spite of that?” “I don’t see why I wouldn’t. They both survived their first encounter, and they were each able to beat me on their first tries at the Grand Trial. As much as you’d hate to admit it, my friend, those two trainers are strong enough to–” “They’re NOT strong enough!” Gladion slammed his palm upon the table, the sudden volume of his voice, the bang of the wood, and the clatter of the plate shocked the entire room into silence. Gladion’s grimace grew longer and more furious as Hau, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie refused to break the silence. Just then, he bowed his head down, a look of calm regret replacing his anger, and he set the last bite of his sandwich down on the plate. Standing up, he began to walk to the door. “I’m sorry, but I cannot be the one to take you to Akala Island.” “What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash shot off her chair and took a couple of steps toward him. “What’s wrong with you?” “Gladion?” Pinkie Pie also slid off her chair and joined her friend’s side. Hau stood up as well, unsure what Gladion could say in this moment. Gladion stopped, his hand upon the door’s handle. “There’s… something I should have told–” *WOCKPH* The doors violently swung open by themselves, the vaccum created by the pull tripping Gladion to the floor. From the outside, he could see five hooded figures in black hoodies surrounding the house in a semi-circle. Standing in the center beside another hooded figure was a creature similar in appearance to a Kadabra, though taller, possessing stronger, broader legs as well as two spoons in each hand. The creature held up both spoons, which began to glow. Gladion turned back to the ponies to see them both covered in a silver light and lifted off the ground, being pulled screaming and flailing through the doors and outside. “Rainbow Dash!” Gladion cried. “Pinkie Pie!” Gladion charged outside, leaving Hau behind. Stepping onto the front porch, he looked on with teeth grit in a hateful scowl as the creature in the center held both ponies in each of its hands. Rainbow Dash squirmed and swung herself with all her might, but the creature’s grip was too tight. “Gladion! Help… us!” “You were right!” Pinkie Pie cried out. “These guys are really mean!” Gladion widened his stance and placed a hand on one of his Poké Balls. “Let them go right now, you bastards!” “Sorry, Gladion!” The person in the center had a high-pitched voice like it was spoken through a broken microphone. “We got all we came here for, and now we have to be off. Alakazam, Tele–” “Pangoro, Thief!” Before anyone outside could register whose voice that was, Gladion suddenly realized he was standing in the way, leaping off to the right. Charging out the door on all fours was a gargantuan black bear with white fur on its head and stomach, a longer fringe of black fur hanging off its back like some kind of cloak. It’s coal-black eyes struck fear into the Alakazam holding the ponies, buying the Pangoro enough time to leap from Hau’s porch and straight in front of the Alakazam. With its hands held around the lower half of the ponies’ bodies, the Pangoro stood up and delivered a swift kick to the Alakazam’s head, the hit disorienting it into letting the ponies go, where they safely fell into his palms. Pinkie Pie looked up to her savior with a sense of wonder before giggling almost uncontrollably. “You’re cute!” The Pangoro looked down to her with its intimidating frown, but even with its angry eyes, managed to pull off a toothy smile, happy for the compliment. Hau ran outside next to Gladion as he saw the grunts beginning to pull out their own Poké Balls. The two shared a look before Gladion took out his own Poké Ball. The grunts began calling out their own Pokémon. “Come on out, Hypno!” Two grunts threw theirs at the same time. “Go, Espeon!” “Let’s do this, Bruxish!” “Show them what you’re made of, Oranguru!” Along with the colorful floating fish from the fourth grunt’s ball and the white and violet ape that belong to the fifth, the first grunt’s Pokémon appeared to be a yellow bipedal creature with a white, furry collar, a long nose, and two long ears, holding a pendulum in its left hand. The two Pokémon that came from the second and third grunts’ Poké Balls both shared the appearance of a purple lanky, hairless cat with forked tail, a red gem in the center of its forehead, and tufts of fur jutting out just beneath each ear. “Simple,” Gladion grunted, detaching one of his own Poké Balls. “Go, Silvally!” Gladion’s chimeric Pokémon emerged, the membrane on its tailfin and the spines in the back of its head colored black. It landed beside Hau’s Pangoro, facing the area behind it. Just then, each grunt scattered off through the town, their Pokémon trailing not too far behind them. “Silvally! Let’s hunt!” Gladion jumped from the porch and followed his Pokémon as it went after the group’s leader and their Alakazam. Hau ran to his Pangoro as it let Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie down. “Are you guys okay?” “We sure are, thanks to you,” Rainbow Dash answered as she brushed herself off with her wings. “You both need to hide. I’m sorry, but I have to stop them!” Hau sprinted off into the town, his Pangoro running alongside him. Rainbow Dash reached out to him, but put her arm down as he and his Pokémon disappeared behind the buildings. Pinkie Pie began to trot into a gallop, but was pulled back by Rainbow Dash with her mouth biting down her tail. “What are you doing, Pinkie? Hau told us to hide!” “That’s probably what these Prism meanies expect us to do. Besides, we’ve been through rougher scrapes than this!” Rainbow Dash looked out where most of the grunts ran off, slowly smirking as she did. Gladion kept his sights on the lead grunt and his Alakazam, running down the hill where the homes and stores formed a labyrinth down to the end of town. As he continued following them through the winding path, a sudden burst of snow and ice shot out between two of the homes, tripping Silvally and sending its front forward, flipping it onto its back. Gladion gasped and slid to a stop to see his Pokémon felled so easily. Turning into the alley, he found a grunt and their Bruxish smiling at him. Pulling her hood off, she revealed herself and her hot-purple bobbed hair. An elderly woman, hearing the commotion, stepped outside to see what the matter was. Seeing Gladion and his downed Silvally, he jerked his sights back to her. “Get back inside!” he barked. “It’s not safe.” The woman moaned, close to swooning as she stumbled inside and closed the door. The grunt refocused her attention to her vulnerable foe. “Bite him,” she ordered. Gladion balled his fists and held them up as the fish swam at him with its maw wide open. Just then, Silvally stepped in between them, allowing the Bruxish to bite the metallic joint on the side of its jaw. With a whip of its head, the Bruxish was flung back to the grunt. With a smirk, the grunt ran at the two of them and prepared to jump. Gladion and Silvally could only watch as she suddenly soared and flipped forward several feet over them, Gladion noting the slight magenta glow around her body as the Bruxish flew close beside her. Landing nimbly on her feet, she turned back to them and chuckled. “Try and catch me now!” Immediately, both trainers and both Pokémon gave chase. The two grunts with their Espeons split off in several directions at a time. While the grunts split off and separated on the paths, weaving around townsfolk with virtually no opposition, the Espeons leapt from rooftop to rooftop, using their psychic powers to lift themselves to buildings across the dirt road. The grunts finally came to an intersection where they were set to intersect. Just then, a large shape landed down in the unpopulated center of the crossing, launching a cloud of dust into the air, frightening grunt and citizen of Iki alike. Once the cloud cleared, Pangoro faced both grunts, who were soon guarded by their Espeons, both hissing at him. Hopping off the bear’s back, Hau walked circles around it, looking into the faces of each of the bystanders frozen with fear and intrigue. “Everybody, get inside somewhere! Don’t come out until I say so!” It was clear the situation had to be dangerous, and at once, each of the people quickly shuffled away to the nearest building they could find. Hau then faced both grunts, the fury in his eyes making the Espeons hiss again. “You must be very desperate to come to my town to stir up trouble.” “We’re just here for those ponies,” one grunt, a male said, taking his hood off to reveal dark brown skin with buzzed short hair. “We wouldn’t have come to this if you hadn’t attacked us.” “Besides…” The other grunt, a female, took off her own hood revealing black hair tied back in a short ponytail. “…they’re just simple townsfolk. Who cares if they get caught in the crossfire?” Hau kept steadfast. “They still live on my island, and as Kahuna, I refuse to let you harm them.” “Hmhm, cute. Espeon, Dazzling Gleam!” The gem in the female grunt’s Espeon’s forehead shone bright, rays of harsh pink light shining into Pangoro and its face. The bear dug the claws of its feet into the ground, shielding its eyes. The male grunt reached out. “Espeon, Grass Knot!” With a glow of its gem, the other Espon summoned two vines out from the ground that shackled the Pangoro’s wrists from its face. The gem gleamed once more, and the vines receded back into the earth, throwing Pangoro down to its stomach and holding him there. “Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy!” Hau quickly spoke. “Do the best bicep curl of your life!” The grunts watched as the Pangoro crawled its legs up toward its wrists. “Espeon, another Dazzling Gleam!” The bright shine of the Espeon’s attack nearly flung Pangoro back to the ground, but it managed to keep its left foot in place. Despite the onslaught of the Dazzling Gleam, Pangoro fought through it, getting to its feet and slowly pulling the vines up, unwinding to attempt to stand straight. By the time the female grunt’s Espeon could no longer hold its attack, Pangoro pulled up again, roaring loudly as the vines were torn out from the ground, the roots holding large clumps of dirt like a ball and chain. Hau smiled at the happenstance. “Alright, Pangoro, use Brutal Swing!” Pangoro also smirked as it swung its arms out, sending his two makeshift weapons out as well. With a clap of its hands, the vines swung in, the dirt aimed at both Espeons standing in between it. They were too stunned to move as the dirt hit both Espeons and slammed them against each other, the dirt and dust exploding off the vines. Pangoro slipped the vines off its wrists and flexed as it looked to the two Espeon’s buried under the dirt, both fainted from the attack. Both grunts called back their Pokémon, seething as Hau and Pangoro approached both of them. A loud whistle sounded off to their right, and the two grunts immediately leapt up, flying high to the elevated level of the town where a messy brown-haired grunt with his Hypno awaited. Once both grunts had made it up, Hypno dropped them both, allowing the four of them to continue running. “Hey!” Hau clung to Pangoro’s cloak fur, and with a crouch, it bounded up to the edge of the rock wall, climbing up the rest of the way as Hau hopped off, allowing the two to chase them. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie galloped around, turning their heads into every crevice and gap between houses. Once they reached the last pair of buildings before the next slope down, Rainbow Dash led Pinkie Pie in between them, where they stopped. From the edge, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie could see clouds of smoke and dust where Gladion and Hau were doing battle. “What should we do?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Looks like Gladion and Hau are good down there,” she whispered. “We’ll fly down low to the next part down and take any of those Prism jerks by surprise–” She was suddenly interrupted by Pinkie Pie’s screams, and Rainbow Dash turned just fast enough to see her get lifted and then pulled in above one of the houses. “Pinkie!” She leapt up and instantly stopped to hover so that she was face to face with a pale, bald muscular grunt and his Oranguru with Pinkie Pie in its tight grasp, both balanced on the roof. “You should have just hid,” he said to her before laughing. Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth in anger. “Give her back!” Shooting forward with incalculable speed, she swung her lower body out and put her back right hoof out, kicking the Oranguru square in the jaw. The hit made the Oranguru let go of the pink pony and knock itself into its trainer sending them over the side. While Rainbow Dash caught Pinkie Pie to keep from sliding off, the Oranguru caught itself and its trainer before they hit the ground and floated themselves to their feet. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie crawled to the edge of the roof to see the state of their attackers, only for the Oranguru’s open palm to be aimed to them. Quickly retreating, they were just inches away from a portion of the roof and side of the house to suddenly get ripped away by Oranguru’s Psychic attack. A man in his mid-fifties opened the door of his bedroom, only to see the large gaping hole where his back wall and dresser used to be. He stumbled to the edge with his hands on his head with great sadness. He looked down to the grunt and Oranguru surrounded by debris and discarded clothing down below looking up where his roof was rather than the damage he caused. “You can’t stay there forever!” he shouted. “I’ll raze this whole house long before you can try!” “You–” The man pointed down with a trembling hand. “You destroyed my home!” “This doesn’t concern you, old man!” Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie, and before she could ask her what she could do, she was already staring Rainbow Dash dead in the eyes with a blue cannon with purple wheels and yellow flowers decorated on them suddenly sitting beside her. Rainbow Dash nodded, agreeing with whatever her friend had planned. “Giving you to the count of three!” the grunt shouted. Pinkie Pie’s voice broke out first. “Okay! Three!” Pinkie Pie rode the cannon off the side of the hole in the roof, Rainbow Dash holding it steady for Pinkie Pie to aim. The grunt and his Oranguru could not believe what they were seeing. “What the f–” Pinkie slammed the purple button on the back, instantly blasting a heavy stream of confetti at both of them that blew them to the ground. Rainbow Dash swooped up, allowing Pinkie Pie to safely land her cannon down and drift to a stop. Both could see that neither the grunt nor his Pokémon with their lazy, fainted eyes would be getting up any time soon, but with him taken care of, they felt comfortable in going back down to assist their other friends. “X-Scissor!” Gladion’s Silvally reeled both talons back at the Bruxish it chased, cornering it and its trainer between two buildings walled off from behind by the rocky elevation. As Silvally swung both arms diagonally down, it’s claws glowed a bright mustard-yellow, though the Bruxish managed to float up just above the attack. The grunt thrust her pointed finger forward. “Bruxish, quick! Scald!” With a deep inhale, the Bruxish blasted a hefty torrent of water at Silvally, the force making it slide back. Steam snaked around Silvally’s body and blew hard into Gladion, making him cover his eyes as the boiling hot water soaked his hoodie. Just being able to peak over one of his arms, he saw as the Bruxish lifted itself and its trainer up to the top of the elevation with its Psychic power. Gladion spun so that the steam could now hit his back. “Silvally, Multi Attack!” Crouching low, Silvally leapt up straight at Bruxish, who couldn’t see Silvally through its Scald’s stream and with a swing of its claws, a black aura trailing behind them, struck the Bruxish and caused it to faint. With nothing to hold her, the grunt and her Bruxish fell to the top edge of the elevation and tumbled forward, the former about to land on her head. However, Silvally landed before them and caught them both safely on his back, sliding them roughly off and to the ground. The grunt picked her Bruxish up and hugged it close, looking up at Gladion and Silvally from her seated position. “You stay here,” he ordered. Silvally growled at her, reinforcing its trainer’s point. Before they could run to get others, the footsteps of four sets of legs came toward him. He then spotted the two grunts with the Espeon’s running alongside the brown-haired grunt and his Hypno. Gladion took out another Poké Ball. “Weavile, Night Slash!” Gladion’s black-and-red weasel Pokémon emerged from the light from Gladion’s ball, sprinting out at the brown-haired grunt’s Hypno with its arms held out behind. The grunts and the Hypno saw it approach, coming to a sudden stop. “Hypno, Fire Punch!” On its trainer’s command, the Hypno swung the pendulum around its hand until it wrapped all the way around. With the coin hanging from it dangling from the knuckles, it ran and thrust its closed fist forward, the coin growing red hot before it engulfed the Pokémon’s fist in flames. Weavile was far too focused to not see the attack coming, and with it closing on its opponent’s fist, it leapt up over the Hypno’s arm, swinging its white claw in to cut at the Hypno’s head, leaving three black marks across the front of its face. “Silvally, Multi Attack!” The Hypno paid no attention to Gladion’s command as it clutched its stinging face, unable to see as Silvally slashed at its ribs, sending it to the ground fainted. The brown-haired grunt called his Pokémon back, trying to turn back to escape with the other two grunts, only for Hau to appear in their way with his Pangoro. “Hey, come on!” Hau exclaimed, feigning light-heartedness. “You’re leaving the party already?” The grunts looked back to Gladion, his Silvally and Weavile on either side of him. Rainbow Dash flew down from an elevation with Pinkie Pie, the bald grunt, and the Oranguru barely balanced on her back. Upon landing beside Gladion, Pinkie Pie got off, allowing Rainbow Dash to buck the grunt and his Pokémon back to the other three grunts. They both managed to weakly get up and join the others. Gladion looked back to the wall, where the purple-haired grunt pushed herself further back into the wall with her Bruxish. Gladion glanced down to the ponies. “Nicely done, you two.” “Would hate not to participate,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Nice rhyme,” Pinkie Pie whispered to her friend. “Enough!” Gladion, his Pokémon, and the ponies turned back to the source of the electronically-mangled voice, finding the grunt’s leader with their Alakazam. “I didn’t think I’d have to use this while pitting five of us against two of you…” “We helped too, you jerk!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “…but now you’ll have to face this!” The grunt held up their arms, crossing them in front of their veiled face, unveiling their synthetic Z-Ring with a bright-pink gem inside. Putting his arms down and stretching them out, crossed over, he then swung his arms out and reconnected his hands at the center, forming a heart-shaped hole with his fingers. Immediately, Gladion and Hau’s eyes widened with fear. “Gladion, get out of there!” Hau screamed. Gladion grit his teeth as he held his ground, his Pokémon stepping in front of him. The grunt finished their moves by standing on one foot and holding their arms up and out to the side, finishing by bending their left knee and elbows in and their wrists out. Dark red energy shot out from the grunt’s body, enveloping their Alakazam with the aura. “You know what’s coming now,” the grunt giggled. “Take it’s full strength! Akakazam, Twinkle Tackle!” The red energy brightened, becoming pink. With a lunge, the Alakazam threw its arms out, its fists and spoons forming bright tails like comets that propelled it like a rocket. Upon reaching Weavile and Silvally, Alakazam threw its arms in, striking both Pokémon in the chests with sparkling blasts, throwing them back. The force of the blast threw Gladion off of his feet as well, and he screamed in pain as he flew back with his Pokémon. “Gladion, no!” the ponies screamed in tandem Gladion, Silvally, and Weavile tumbled limply to a stop in front of the four grunts, who then formed a ring around him along with the purple-haired grunt. Hau ran forward with Pangoro, only for one of the Espeons to appear from the ring, standing guard. Hau looked to the black male grunt and the black-haired female grunt, waving her hand with several revives held between her fingers. “Your Pangoro isn’t strong enough to survive another Dazzling Gleam,” the grunt’s leader spoke, “and certainly not fast enough to avoid it. You and Gladion have both lost, and now, we shall collect our prize. Alakazam?” With red sparks popping all over Alakazam’s body, it slowly and weakly attempted to form an “X” with its spoons. Rainbow Dash turned back to face it, her face contorting into one of pure fury. With a shriek and a frenzied flapping of her wings, she shot out at it just as Alakazam could hold it just inches from its face. Rainbow Dash continued flying, pushing against Alakazam’s Psychic hold. As the grunts and the Espeon and Oranguru watched on, Hau blinked quickly, realizing his chance. “Brutal Swing, now!” Pangoro heard his call, and with a wave of its arm, it struck the Espeon in the side just as it turned around to face it. It fainted before its body stopped rolling. The other grunts soon became aware of Hau’s surprise attack. The black-haired female grunt quickly began to pass out her Revives, giving one to the purple-haired girl and the black male grunt as the bald grunt sprayed his Oranguru with a Super Potion. Before she could give one to the brown-haired male grunt, he and she were both blasted with inflated balloons and confetti, knocking them both out. Just as the black male grunt took out his fainted Espeon and fed it a Revive, Pangoro grabbed the Espeon by the scruff of the neck and threw it at the purple-haired girl’s revived Bruxish, knocking both out again. As Pinkie Pie prepared to blast her cannon again, the bald grunt’s refreshed Oranguru threw and held the cannon up into the air, leaving Pinkie with nothing to defend itself. Stepping forward, the bald grunt gripped Pinkie Pie by the throat and held her up, his eyes wide and his lips spread out to reveal each tooth in its mouth. As Pinkie Pie gasped for air, Pangoro swung a low uppercut into the Oranguru’s lower jaw, throwing it back. Still focused on Pinkie Pie, the bald grunt didn’t see Hau running up from behind him, leaping up and climbing one step up on his back, giving Hau just enough height to then kick the grunt in the temple, sending him unconscious to the ground with Pinkie Pie. As Hau pulled Pinkie Pie away, her cannon landing roughly back on the ground, Rainbow Dash continued fighting against the Alakazam. With sparks still shocking its body, the Alakazam strained one last time before its strength gave way, Rainbow Dash finally flying forward and punching the Alakazam in the face. As their Pokémon fell, the grunt’s leader backed away one step, observing Rainbow Dash standing before him with Pinkie Pie and Hau standing up to join Rainbow Dash’s side. The Alakazam slowly rolled to its side, only managing to get up on one knee. The grunt’s leader hissed in distress. “Alakazam, Flash!” With all of its strength, Alakazam held its spoons up, producing a blinding light that Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Hau were forced to shield their eyes from with their arms. After several seconds, the light piercing through their eyelids dissipated, and when they all opened their eyes, the grunt’s leader, the Alakazam, as well as the grunts and their Pokémon had all vanished. Hau spread his legs and doubled over, his hands on his knees for support. “You’re okay, Pinkie Pie?” “Yeah,” she panted. “That was really scary. I don’t want to do that again.” “Yeah… me neither.” Hau then looked to Pangoro, who also slouched its body and breathed heavily from exhaustion. “You were awesome, man. Get some rest.” Hau aimed his Ultra Ball at his Pokémon and returned it inside. Rainbow Dash looked to see both of her friends okay, but found Gladion and his Silvally and Weavile still lying unconscious on the ground. “Gladion! Gladion!” She galloped toward him, leading Hau and Pinkie Pie to tend to him as well. Rainbow Dash sunk to her shins, the sight of him and his fallen Pokémon proving to be too much for her to bear. “Is he okay?” Rainbow Dash spat, her voice choking with oncoming tears. Hau got to his knees and put his ear to his chest, sighing with relief. “I hear breathing and a heartbeat.” “Is he going to be okay?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Oh, yeah.” Hau took out a Max Revive from his jacket pocket and put it inside Silvally’s mouth. “We just need to get him back to my place.” Silvally lazily rolled onto its stomach, nuzzling its face into Hau’s face and chest as thanks for reviving it. Hau got up and picked Gladion’s body up, much to Silvally’s concern. After laying him across its back, Silvally stood up and waited for Hau to scoop up the Weavile and cradle it in his arms. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go home.” Hau, the ponies, and Silvally walked their way back up to the top of the hill. As they went, Rainbow Dash came closer to Hau. “Hey,” she said to him. “Before we were attacked, Gladion was about to say something to us. Do you have any idea what it was?” Hau emotionlessly nodded. “Yes, I do. However, he can explain himself when he wakes up.” Rainbow Dash looked back to Silvally and its trainer riding on its back. Somehow, she could just feel that the wait for him to awaken would be somehow more agonizing than they battle they had all barely endured. > Chapter 20 – Muddy Waters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turning along the bending path of Route 5, Sam and Alice both saw the familiar sight of a Pokémon Center, sitting on the shore of a small lake that surrounded it on the left and back sides. The roaring sounds of waterfalls were not far off, as an old wooden stairway not even fifty feet from the Pokémon Center would lead them to the mouth of Brooklet Hill. The scent of freshwater mist wafted heavily from the west, and it was intoxicating to everyone in Sam and Alice’s small group. “So this is Brooklet Hill,” Starlight said. “Your next trial site.” “I wonder if swimming will be involved,” Fluttershy said. “I wouldn’t mind it,” Alice said. “This is the first time we’ve gotten to do much of anything with water other than the ferry here.” “Then it’s really a good thing I got by bag,” Sam said. “Wouldn’t want to not have a swimsuit to change into.” “Well, we already healed our Pokémon in Paniola Town, so you all ready for this?” A chorus of affirmation sounded out amongst Sam, Starlight, Fluttershy, and Lady, who continued standing atop of Starlight’s back. Just then, a young woman ran up the stairway entrance to Brooklet Hill and approached the five of them. Her solid-blue hair was cut short and messy, and her dress consisted of a dark-blue long-sleeved full-body wetsuit with the legs concealed with wide ice-blue cargo pants made of polyester tied snugly to her waist by a white cotton belt, the pockets on the thighs and shins stuffed to the brim. With the pants cut just above the ankles, a pair of black water slippers were on her feet. “Hey there!” She waved to them. “Are you here for your trial?” “Yes, we are,” Sam answered. “You must be the captain.” She smiled instantly. “That I am! Call me Lana. I appreciate your coming here, but I regret to tell you that Brooklet Hill is off limits right now.” “What?” Sam and Alice shouted at the same time. “Why’s that?” Starlight asked. Lana turned back to the stairway. “A wild Mudbray wandered off into Brooklet Hill late last night, and something must have spooked it, as it keeps running around and attacking nearly every Pokémon it sees.” Starlight and Fluttershy turned to face each other, intrigued by Lana’s wording. “We have about half a dozen ranchers trying to rescue it,” Lana further explained, “but even with our combined efforts, we haven’t been able to calm the poor thing down. Until this issue gets resolved, I can’t let any trainers in there and risk them getting hurt too.” Fluttershy came forward, a warm smile on her face. “I have a very special way with animals, as well as Pokémon. I can help in any way you need me to.” “And you two must be ponies from that wormhole earlier this week.” Starlight and Fluttershy nodded at her inquiry. “As a trial captain, it would honestly make me more nervous to let you in and jeopardize your safety.” “Please, listen,” Starlight said, “two of our friends also ended up on this island, and I have reason to think they might be in here. You said that something spooked that Mudbray; maybe it’s them. Please, we came all the way from Melemele Island to try and get them back home.” Lana looked at Starlight with seemingly no hint of her decision changing then. She looked back to the pathway to Brooklet Hill, seeing two burly men in plaid shirts and overalls talk amongst each other. She then looked to Sam and Alice. “Fine, you can go in,” she said, elating Sam, Alice, and the ponies. “To make it easier on yourselves, I’ll let you take the trial together. That way, you can team up if you happen to run into it.” “Does that mean we’re allowed to catch it if we find it?” Alice asked. “Considering the trial site now starts at the top of Brooklet Hill, I’m afraid you’d have to abide by trial rules: No catching of wild Pokémon until the trial has been completed.” “Hmph, fine.” “Just know that you’ll be doing me and these fellow ranchers a huge service if you can manage to calm it down, or, worst case scenario, have to battle it.” “I’ll do my best to ensure it doesn’t come to that,” Fluttershy said. “Great. With that, I just have to ask you one last thing. Have either of you brought a bathing suit?” Sam and Alice smiled, excited for what Lana’s question implied. Sam and Alice both emerged from the Pokémon Center with their bags, Lana, the ponies, and Lady waiting outside. Both of them smiled at their friends’ fresh new appearances. Sam wore a dark-grey pair of trunks with faded black flames decorated on the bottom of the legs, along with a pair of black water slippers. Alice came out with a bikini, the top striped with desaturated shades of blue with red borders and straps. Her bottom was a solid shade of the darker desaturated blue, the borders around the waist and leg openings also a solid red. She wore a pair of matching expensive-looking blue flip-flops on her feet and a pair of stylish looking prescription goggles over her eyes. The belts holding their Poké Balls were tied to their waists. “Wow,” Lana chuckled. “Nice threads.” “Thanks.” Sam quickly tied the string holding his trunks tighter without breaking eye contact. “All from Lumiose.” “Oh, nice! They make such wonderful clothes there. Well, now that you’re changed, let’s head down, shall we?” As Sam and Alice passed the ponies, Fluttershy couldn’t help but notice Alice’s right shin. What her green socks usually concealed was revealed to be a long scar running about eight inches down the right side with several small dot-shaped scars running alongside it. Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, but as Starlight began to walk with Lana, Sam, and Alice, she closed her mouth and followed as well, finding the timing of her would-be query inappropriate. Lana led the way down the stairs with the ponies, Sam and Alice lagging not too far behind. With every step down, Alice seemed to have to stop to kick a pebble out that had slipped under her bare foot. Sam walked slowly beside her, allowing him to also enjoy the trees that served as a beautiful tunnel for them. Finally, they reached the bottom, the two tribal posts serving as the trial site’s entrance greeting them. “Now,” Lana said, stopping just inside the trial gate, “while you have the extra-credit task, per se, of finding and calming down that wild Mudbray, your real task will be in the lakes along your way down. There’s a certain Water-type Pokémon making a ruckus in them. Trust me, you’ll know when you see them. Beat each one and face the totem Pokémon on the bottom. Sound good?” From behind them, two farmers, male and female, each wearing red plaid shirts and overalls, approached them, each sporting natural red hair and fair-colored skin. The woman farmer was the first to speak. “Lana, what are those trainers doing here?” “Didn’t we say not to let anyone in here until we get the Mudbray out?” the man added. “I did, but…” Lana then stepped back to give attention to the two ponies she revealed to them. “These two ponies have been traveling with these trainers, and have come here from Melemele to find their other friends who got stuck here Monday night. Apparently, one of them has a ‘magic touch’ with Pokémon. We’ll give them a try, and if they can’t help calm down that Mudbray, then we’ll go back to square one.” “But we just heard you going over your trial rules. What’s that all about then?” Lana jutted her jaw to the side and her eyes up, unable to make up another excuse, “Well, since they’re already here, I thought–” “It’s fine,” the woman farmer interrupted. “It’s your domain, and if you think these trainers and ponies can help us bring back that Mudbray, then I wish them all the luck in the world.” “Thank you. Let’s get a move on, then.” Lana stepped forward, and Sam, Alice, and the ponies ventured past the trial gate and toward a wooden platform stretching to the other side of the lake. Lana stopped halfway, and the others formed a line beside her at the edge facing the larger portion of the water. Alice slipped off her sandal and dipped her big toe in the water, bringing it back upon feeling the chill. “If you look carefully,” Lana explained, scanning her finger about the water’s surface, “you’ll notice some splashing coming up over–” *SKPWOOSH* A louder splash sounded in front of them, accompanied by a burst of water as it converged where Alice had jumped in, a sheet of water landing on Starlight, Lady, and Sam. Fluttershy and Lana, who were still safely out of the splash’s reach, still stepped aside for safety’s sake looking to their drenched friends with a sense of dreadful sympathy. Lana looked to Alice, who spread her hair back as she surfaced, wading with her chest and up above the water. With a joyous shout, she had acclimated to the cold. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” Lana laughed. “Brooklet Hill is a lovely spot for swimmers and fishers alike. However, there are certain Pokémon that get a little nervous about intruders.” Alice didn’t seem to think much of her statement until her entire body tensed up with the sensation of something toothlessly gnawing at her toes. With a shriek, she grabbed hold of the platform and pulled herself up to sit, hugging her legs close and spinning back around to safely stand. As Alice skittered back to Sam’s side, he couldn’t help but notice and be entertained by her rubbing her bitten toes along the platform. “Hey, thanks for taking the bullet on that one!” “Screw you, Sam.” Just then, water began to rise up from the center of the lake like a graceless fountain, which Lana pointed to. “Over there. The Pokémon that nibbled at you is the one making all that commotion. Why don’t you go over there and see what it is?” “Thanks,” Sam said with full sarcasm, “but I’d prefer not being shark food today.” “I never said to swim over there. That is, unless, you have a Ride Pager.” “Ride…” Suddenly, Alice remembered their final meeting with Hau and Ilima. She then excitedly reached inside her bag and pulled out her device, tapping on the buttons and the screen until she found the Pokémon she was looking for. “Lapras. Bingo.” As Sam looked through his bag, Alice watched as a solid-grey metal Poké Ball warped into the top ring. Taking it off, she tossed it out above the water, releasing the Pokémon inside. Now floating on the water was a blue plesiosaur-like creature with a cream-colored underbelly, curled ears, and a large grey shell upon its back, a tall red seat strapped to it. “Oh my gosh!” Alice’s voice couldn’t help but squeak as the Lapras looked at her. “Hi!” The Lapras smiled in respect as it waded alongside the platform, looking to Alice and jerking its head away, signaling her to hop on. “Oh, okay!” Alice leaned herself toward the shell and gently hopped on, using the protrusions on its shell for placement. Climbing up the tall steps, she finally reached her seat and plopped down. “Woo! This is awesome!” “Alright, hold on!” Sam tossed out his own metal ball, sending out another Lapras virtually identical to Alice’s, seat and all. “Wow… hey there.” Sam put his arms out to his Lapras, who swam over to him and rested its chin on them. He then laid his forehead down on its own and stroked his right hand down its neck. Lana smiled warmly as she heard the Pokémon purr. “Come on!” Alice shouted. “Let’s get this show on the road!” “K’, fine!” Sam backed away from his Lapras and pointed at its shell, nodding to it to gain its approval. The Lapras arched its neck, ready for Sam’s mount. With a running start, Sam leapt from the platform and onto the edge of its shell, holding on as he and the Pokémon rocked about for a few moments. He then climbed up both the shell and the steps to his seat, sitting down and looking to Lana and the ponies below. “Come on up, Starlight!” Sam shouted with an inward wave of his arm. This is so cool!” Starlight smiled, excited to join her friend. “Hold on tight, Lady.” With a mew and a wrap of her arms around Starlight’s neck from the Eevee on her back, Starlight charged her horn and magically levitated herself to the top of the Lapras’s shell, keeping her front hoof on the first step. Lady hopped off of Starlight and went on the knobs beneath her, perfectly balanced. “Ready now?” Alice asked. Sam nodded once with vigor. “Yep. Let’s sail! Lapras, that way!” With a point towards the splashing, both Laprases paddled further into the lake. Lana stood in observance with her arms crossed, leaving Fluttershy to take off from the platform and fly alongside Alice and her Lapras. Starlight looked about her as she could see more of Brooklet Hill from her vantage, mouth agape at the plateaus behind her and the many waterfalls that crashed into the next plateau below. She suddenly nearly lost her footing as both Lapras’s came to a stop just a few feet from the splashing spot. “Okay,” Sam muttered, pulling out one of his Poké Balls, “time to go to work. Go, Fomantis!” With a gentle lob, Fomantis emerged from its ball and landed on the base of the Lapras’s neck, which instinctively rotated to allow it to see better. “Let’s do this, Pikachu!” Alice held her ball and let Pikachu out on her lap. Alice’s Lapras turned to the left, the Pikachu knowingly hopping off and standing upon the top of its shell to Alice’s right. Though both of their Pokémon were out, the splashing continued. Alice thought up an idea. “Lapras, slap where they’re splashing!” The Lapras did as was told, slamming its right flipper over the splashing spot. The water calmed itself for only a second as two shapes broke through the water and blasted some up as high as Sam’s head. Looking back down at what they’d have to fight, Sam and Alice seemed a bit perplexed by what they saw. Wading with their heads above the water were two small white fish with blue backs and grey underbellies, their puddle-shaped eyes and perpetual frowns only serving to make them look more pathetic. “You’re… you’re joking, right?” Sam asked to no one. “Nope.” Alice’s face suddenly seemed frighteningly serious as she looked at the fish on the left. “You chewed on my foot. You need to go bye-bye.” Plasma danced along the sides of Pikachu’s face as it awaited Alice’s instructions. “Pikachu, Thunder Shock!” With a loud yell, Pikachu shot out a strong bolt of electricity that shocked the fish Alice pointed at. It suddenly swam off towards a wall of boulders with spaces wide enough for the fish to swim through, a small waterfall along the other side. Sam looked to the other fish that faced him and his Fomantis, taking out his Pokédex from his pocket. “And what exactly are you?” he asked quietly, opening it and scanning the fish. “Wishiwashi,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Small Fry Pokémon. When it's in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades, and they stand together against their enemies.” “Well, until then…” Sam pointed at it. “Fomantis, use Leaf Blade!” With a shout, Fomantis leapt off Sam’s Lapras and lashed at the Wishiwashi with its glowing green leaf arms, the strike strong enough to throw it back into the water. Sam and Alice watched as the Wishiwashi, like the last one, quickly swam for its life to the waterfall. Trailing their eyes there, they suddenly found Lana standing on a boulder closest to the waterfall’s edge, balanced perfectly. “That was easy!” she shouted over the sound of the water’s crash below. “Looks like they swum down to the next lake! I’ll see you down there!” Before Sam or Alice could respond, Lana leaned back and pushed off, bending back to dive to the next lake down. “Oh, crap!” Sam sat up and tried to look over as much of the waterfall’s edge as he could. “She’s sure adventurous.” “She’s probably made that jump dozens of times,” Alice commented, her Lapras swimming to the shore. “Come on. Let’s keep going.” Follwing Alice, Sam and his Lapras swam to the small beach where the pathway down continued for them. Upon their Laprases’ bellies sliding into the sand, Sam, Starlight, Lady, and Alice climbed down while Fluttershy landed on the beach, awaiting them. Sam pet his Lapras on the side of its face as he brought its ball out from his Ride Pager. “We’re not quite done yet, girl,” he said. “See you in a bit.” The Lapras returned inside the ball. As Alice began returning her Lapras, Starlight noticed their bags still left on the platform. With a concentrated chew on her tongue, she focused her magic upon both bags and flew them both forward, splitting them off to place them in front of their respective trainers. “Oh, right!” Alice slung her bag over her shoulder. “You’re a lifesaver, Starlight.” “I do what I can!” she responded. “Come on,” Sam began walking to the path. “Maybe the Mudbray will be here.” “Maybe…” Alice muttered as she followed her brother closely with the ponies and Lady. The path was guided on both sides by small canyon walls no taller than twice Sam’s height. The solid dirt was quickly replaced by taller grass, making Sam and Alice stop in their tracks. “Why are we stopping?” Fluttershy wondered “The Mudbray may be hiding out in here,” Alice said. “We don’t want to spook it and make it attack one of us.” “How small is this thing?” Starlight asked. “If they’re anything like what we saw at the ranch, probably no bigger than you.” “Here, I can go ahead for this part.” Fluttershy gently flew over her friends and floated down to the front. “Hello there, little Mudbray! Don’t be scared. We won’t hurt you!” Fluttershy walked slowly ahead as Sam and Alice just watched her go. “All things considered,” Alice said, “these passageways are narrow enough that finding it shouldn’t be that difficult.” “Not to mention,” Starlight added, “possibly finding our friends.” Lady mewed in agreement. “Fair enough.” Sam let Starlight and Lady be the first to step forward behind Fluttershy, followed by Alice and then himself. “Mudbray,” Fluttershy continued to coo. “Come out, you sweet, little Mudbray!” “Twilight!” Starlight cried out. “Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie!” As the group continued downward through the winding slopes, Sam and Alice felt a bit of unease. “Does something seem… off to you?” Sam asked. “Yeah,” Alice said. “Other than those Wishiwashi, we haven’t really encountered any wild Pokémon since we got here.” “Maybe that Mudbray scared them off?” “Or perhaps… nah.” “What’s nah? You mean Team Prism?” “Well, that, and…” Alice jerked her head back to point her chin at Starlight and Fluttershy. “…their other friends. I don’t have any reason to believe wild Pokémon would have anything to fear from any of the ponies.” “Now that we’re talking about it, what about–” “Those Wishiwashi? What are you, high?” Sam dropped the conversation with a shrug, continuing to look forward to the ponies, the last thought he had still nested in the back of his mind. With another left turn, the grass had once again been replaced by dusty and sandy dirt, and the canyon began to open wide to reveal another lake, the water’s surface just the slightest bit choppier than the first with the waterfall pouring water from a higher-up cliff to their right. Standing on a boulder jutting up twenty feet from the shore was Lana, who waved upon seeing the group. “Hey there! Any luck with finding that Mudbray?” “Not yet!” Sam shouted. “Haven’t found any other ponies either!” “I’m sorry about that, but look!” Sam and Alice began to scan the lake, and on the farthest sides of it were similar splashes to the ones the Wishiwashi had done before. Sam looked to the splashing closest to the waterfall. “I’ll go ahead and take that one?” “Please do.” Alice had already began breaking out her Ride Pager. “Much rather not get wet again today if I can help it.” “Looks like you’ve got the jist of it! I’ll leave you be! See you on the next level!” Lana dove off the rock and began swimming toward a wooden fence and wall of stones blocking off a section of the lake where another waterfall was dropping off. Not much longer, Alice had called out her Lapras, who held its fin up to allow her to step on and climb up to its shell. Sam began taking out his Ride Pager. “Would you like to hop aboard again?” “That’s okay,” Starlight responded, “Fluttershy and I will watch over your bags while you go out.” Sam nodded and smiled. “I’ll pick the three of you up when we’re done. If these guys are anything like the last, that shouldn’t be long.” Starlight hummed with a proud nod and smile of her own. Sam took his Lapras’s ball from the top slot and tossed it at the water, his Lapras calling out as it eagerly awaited him. Suddenly, Sam felt himself being lifted off the ground, the sudden tingling sensation he felt all over making him shout loudly several times before he was set down on the seat on the Lapras’s shell, looking down to see Starlight’s aura fade from her horn and then himself. “You may want to hurry!” she exclaimed. “You don’t want Alice to beat you!” “Not if you end up giving me a heart attack!” Sam’s final quip as he and his Lapras sped off was met with secret chuckles from both Starlight and Lady. Behind him, Alice had already brought out her Pikachu as Sam was still about thirty feet from the splashing spot. The mist splashing off the lake where the waterfall landed suddenly washed onto Sam’s entire body, making him tense up and shield his face. Unable to see, he was suddenly slapped in the mouth by a Wishiwashi’s tail. As he regained his sights and loudly gagged and spit out the Pokémon’s body film, he took out a Poké Ball. “Ugh, sick! Come out, Honedge!” Honedge emerged from Sam’s ball, completely unfazed by the wet breeze spraying onto it. Both it and Sam looked down in front of his Lapras, as a Wishiwashi faced them, leaping out of the water and flipping backwards, swishing its tail before it fell back into the water. “No, once was enough, thank you!” Sam pointed at their target with his hand. “Honedge, Brick Break!” Flying downward, Honedge shot itself toward the water. As the Wishiwashi attempted to dip beneath the surface and dodge the attack, Honedge swung its blade into the water, flinging the fish out and toward the waterfall leading to the lower lake. Just as the Wishiwashi regained consciousness, he saw as the Wishiwashi that Alice had defeated swam through the rocks and down the falls, the one Sam defeated closely following it. “Nice one!” Sam’s Lapras spun around so Sam could face his sister. “Need me to pick up the ponies?” “Please do!” Sam rolled his eyes as Alice returned back to the shore, Sam continuing to the beach on the other side. Once Alice’s Lapras, slid to a stop upon the sand, Fluttershy flew beside her while Starlight floated herself and Lady up to the Lapras’s shell. “You’ll have to forgive my lazy brother,” she huffed. “I heard he did promise to pick you up.” Behind them on the other side of the lake, Sam got off of his Lapras and returned it inside. As he began pacing around to wait, a Mudbray galloped out from the next sloping canyon and straight into Sam’s gut just as he turned around, sending him flying back into the water. “To be fair,” Fluttershy said, “you… shouldn’t have offered.” With Alice pouting at her with a furrowed brow, Fluttershy blushed as she gave her friend as innocent of a smile as she could, only for her ears to droop and her mouth to curve down in fright as she saw the Mudbray herself hopping franticly on the sand around where Sam floated. “A… A– A– A– It– It– It–” Fluttershy gave up speaking and pointed out to the other side of the lake, leading Alice and Starlight to see the Mudbray gallop back down the canyon along with Sam just starting to stir back awake from the shore. “SAM!” Understanding Alice’s cry, Lapras sped across the water as fast as its flippers could carry it. By the time, Alice and her friends reached the other end of the lake, he was already back on his feet, coughing hard as he tried to recalibrate his body. Starlight and Lady hopped off the Lapras and galloped into the canyon, Fluttershy flying close behind. “We’ll go after the Mudbray!” Starlight called out. “Take care of Sam!” Alice ran up to him, crouching down to his level. “Hey, you alright?” “Yeah–” Sam was brought to another violent coughing fit, finally managing the strength to stand. “Just got the wind knocked out of me.” “That’s good, let’s go help Starlight and Fluttershy.” “Right.” Alice ran ahead, Sam trying his very best to keep up while still bending over to cough. The Mudbray continued galloping on through the canyon until it reached the next lake. Upon seeing the water, it turned run back, its hooves slipping on the sand a couple paces before it could gain its footing. Before it could run back, Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy came through and blocked its path, bringing it to a halt. “Uh, hey there!” Starlight awkwardly waved to it. “It’s okay. There’s nothing here that can hurt you.” The Mudbray glanced up, stepping with anticipation of its next plan. Suddenly, it got a galloping start and leapt high above both ponies, landing behind them and continuing to run back the other way. “Ugh, come on!” Starlight and Lady ran back and Fluttershy came close behind. As they made the next turn, they were relieved to see Sam and Alice blocking the Mudbray’s way with Fomantis beside them and Noibat flying above them. Mudbray turned back to see Starlight, Lady and Fluttershy blocking off that way. The Mudbray spinned around as it tried to find the right path to escape, its mouth hung open with an oncoming cry. Sure enough, the Mudbray sunk to its shins and let out a terrified yelp, trembling to the ground. Sam and Alice softened their defenses as looked down on it. “Aw, you poor thing!” Fluttershy gently fluttered over to it and laid beside it. “You don’t need to be afraid. We won’t hurt you.” Sam and Alice watched in amazement as her voice alone stopped the Mudbray’s tremors, but when she stroked its back with her hoof and then hugged its neck, the creature appeared to melt in her arms, pushing its head into hers. Alice then slowly approached the two of them and knelt down beside the Mudbray. With a couple of gentle strokes, the Mudbray looked to her, the comfort it felt from Fluttershy making it feel safe around her too. “Hey, there,” Alice whispered. “You can trust us. We want to help. You wouldn’t mind showing us what scared you, would you?” Fluttershy’s face brightened with realization. “You wouldn’t by chance have seen ponies that look like me or my friend here, have you?” Just then, the Mudbray got to its hooves and walked back down to the next lake. Alice and Fluttershy walked directly behind it, sharing a content look of a job well done. Once they got to the lake, Starlight, Lady, and Sam came close behind the three. Suddenly, the Mudbray spun itself behind Alice, finding comfort hiding behind the backs of her legs. Looking out to the lake, she saw two splashing spots far out close to the shore where the next downward canyon led. Once she made the connection, the hope on her face deflated. “You can’t be serious.” Pikachu’s Thundershock took out the Wishiwashi, which quickly swan toward another waterfall that led to a larger lake down below, the last one before they reached the sea. The Mudbray was huddled on the Lapras’s shell still trembling from Alice’s battle. “You see?” she called to it. “They’re just stupid, little fish. Nothing to be scared about.” However, her words of encouragement didn’t seem to settle it down this time. Before she could think of something to calm it further, Lana’s voice broke out from the last canyon. “Hey, congrats! You found her! Any idea why she was so scared?” “Yeah, she’s scared of the Wishiwashi.” “Oh… I see.” Her voice sounded darkly sympathetic, confusing Alice. “Well, whenever you’re ready, the Totem Pokémon is waiting in the next lake.” Alice just sat still atop her Lapras’s seat in thought, just as Sam, Starlight, and Lady swam over on the other Lapras with Fluttershy flying beside it, all their bags slung from the knobs on its shell. “You got yours?” Sam asked. “Yeah,” Alice said, “but I think there’s something to these Wishiwashi that we should be careful about.” Sam lowered his voice in a mocking tone. “What, are you high?” “Well, they’re the reason this Mudbray is really scared, and what Lana said… I mean, the way she talked about them made me think there’s something else about them.” Sam took his sister’s words into consideration, and then nodded. “Either way, the Totem Pokémon is down below. Maybe it’s a sign.” “I guess.” Both Sam and Alice beached their Laprases on the shore, allowing their passengers off. Fluttershy stayed down with the Mudbray as Alice climbed off her Lapras. Finally, both Alice and Sam got off and retrieved their bags, returning their Laprases back into their balls. “Last part,” Sam said. “Mmhm.” Alice nodded. “Last part.” The group all traveled down the canyon together. > Chapter 21 – Deep Blue Lake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they got to the end of the last canyon, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but notice the pile of rocks on both sides of the entry to the last lake’s beach and the wooden stump in the center of each pile. They were quickly ignored as they approached Lana, who stood in the wet sand where the waves rolled into her ankles. “Looks like you made it,” she said. “The final part of my trial. It should be pretty basic. The Totem Pokémon will be at the splashing spot over there.” Looking around her, Alice and Sam saw that sure enough, there was a violent bubbling up in the lake’s center. “I’m not quite sure how Ilima set his own trial rules, but I would like to set my own. As you both are taking my trial together, if either of your Pokémon all faint, you will both fail and must retake the trial again. Either you both win or none of you do.” “What?” Sam exclaimed. “That certainly wasn’t explained to us at Verdant Cavern!” “Relax.” Alice slapped her brother hard on the left of his back. “You have your Fomantis, and I have my Pikachu. We’re going to win this.” “Now that that’s out of the way,” Lana concluded, “I’ll leave you to face the Totem Pokémon. Good luck to you both, and be very careful.” Without another word, Sam and Alice set their bags on the sand and stepped forward to the shore as Lana walked back to join the ponies, Lady, and the Mudbray, who stood still to watch. After sharing a last glance with their friends behind them, Sam and Alice brought out their Laprases from their Ride Pagers and quickly climbed aboard them. Mudbray whimpered and whined out to the two of them as both Laprases pushed off the sand and into the water. Suddenly, Mudbray broke into a gallop and ran to Alice’s Lapras, ignoring Starlight and Fluttershy’s suddenly frantic calls for it to come back. With several feet already between the trainers and the edge of the waves, Mudbray ran several feet into the water before leaping into the lake, paddling just fast enough to climb onto the Lapras’s back flipper and climbed to the left side of the base of its shell, standing firmly upon the knobs. Alice looked down to see her impromptu passenger and grinned looking back ahead to the splashing spot. From the beach, Starlight and Fluttershy couldn’t help but keep focused on the Mudbray. “Do you think we should have let her go?” Starlight asked. “I don’t know for sure,” Fluttershy said, “but I think she wants to be by Alice’s side. I think she… wants to be there for her.” Finally, Sam and Alice reached the splashing spot, Sam and Alice each taking out one of their Poké Balls. “Go, Fomantis!” Sam shouted. “Let’s go, Pikachu!” Alice exclaimed. Both of their Pokémon came out and landed on the bases of their respective trainers’ Laprases’ necks. Before the Pokémon could emerge from the spot, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but look down to see many Wishiwashi swim beneath them and toward the bubbling spot, which began to grow larger with each fish that swam into it. “Back up!” Alice shouted to her steed. “Lapras, back up!” Both Laprases rowed themselves back, allowing themselves to see even more countless Wishiwashi converging until the splashing water rose up about ten feet up. The Mudbray on Alice’s Lapras began screeching uncontrollably, knowing what was to come. On the shore, even the ponies could see the splashing from their distance. “What’s happening over there?” Fluttershy’s voice trembled. “It’s the Totem Pokémon,” Lana answered. “Wishiwashi…” Suddenly, the splashing began to stop, and with the waves rocking them, they could hardly make out a thirty-foot figure below. “…School Form.” The Totem Wishiwashi rose out from the water like a breaching whale. It’s blue body was made up entirely of other Wishiwashi, giving it the appearance of a shark with a large, gaping mouth, the eyes of the Wishiwashi inside glowing blue. The Totem Wishiwashi landed back into the water, creating a wave of water that rolled to both Sam and Alice. The Mudbray quickly clamped its teeth on one of the Lapras’s shell’s knobs just as the wave came near. Sam saw as the Lapras tucked its head in, knowing what was about to come. “Alice, hold your breath!” Alice could see it too, and both she and her brother inhaled and closed their mouths just as the water reached them, their Lapras’s paddling forward through the wall and emerging out the other side in roughly the same spot they were in. As the wave approached the shore, Fluttershy screamed out and hid behind Lana. Starlight quickly pulled Sam and Alice’s bags back beside her with her magic before the wave could reach them. Once it hit the sand, the wave crested and crashed, threatening to wash into them. Starlight expanded the magic from around the bags and formed a half-rectangular wall from it, the corner facing the wave as it was pushed around the make-shift shield and kept them safely dry. The water that didn’t soak into the sand receded back toward the lake, allowing Starlight to let the shield down again to see the battle about to begin. Sam looked about the water beside where the Totem Wishiwashi rose out to face them. “There should be others. There were others last time.” Surely enough, three Pokémon came out of the water to join the Totem Wishiwashi, two of them appearing as large pink fish with mitten-shaped fins on the top and bottom of its disk-shaped body, and the other being another normal Wishiwashi. “Alomomolas,” Alice hissed. “Great,” Sam muttered. “Let’s do this! Fomantis, Leaf Blade!” “Pikachu,” Alice shouted, “use Thunder Shock!” Pikachu’s lightning shot from its face and covered the entire Totem Wishiwashi. As the attack continued, Fomantis climbed up Sam’s Lapras’s neck and stood-atop its head. With a running start, Fomantis hopped off and struck the Totem Wishiwashi hard with its leaf arms just as Pikachu’s attack ended, landing into the water. “Good job, guys!” Alice shouted down to the two of their Pokémon, who both growled with appreciation. Sam and Alice looked up and were immediately dismayed to see the Alomomola on the Totem Wishiwashi’s left face it and wiggle its body, producing a light-pink aura that covered it and appeared to give it more energy. Just then, both the second Alomomola and Wishiwashi dove into the water. Fomantis waded about, unsure where the attack would come from. Just then, it could just make out the Alomomola’s form as it rose out of the depths and swam back up just inches from the surface, its top fin slapping Fomantis out of the air. Before the Fomantis could even finish its upward arc, both the Wishiwashi and Alomomola came out of the water. With perfect timing, the Wishiwashi swung its tail at its ally’s bottom fin, spinning it even faster to slap Fomantis back onto Sam’s Lapras. Sam looked at their enemy foursome with a newfound sense of awe. “Such teamwork…” Just then, the eyes of the Totem Wishiwashi began glowing brighter until a heavy blast of water shot out of it, striking Pikachu in the side of the stomach, rocking Alice’s Lapras and nearly making both her and the Mudbray on its shell fall off their respective spots. From the shore, Starlight, Fluttershy, and Lady looked up at the tower of drops and mist that bounced off high into the sky, their mouths hung open. “Sweet Celestia!” Starlight exclaimed. “And they still have to take on three other Pokémon?” Lana stared out, not acknowledging them. Finally, Alice’s Lapras stabilized itself and her Pikachu shook off the damage it took. “Damn,” Alice commented, “that was pretty much a Hydro Pump. Sam!” Her brother turned to face her. “I’ll take out the smaller Wishiwashi! Try and take out one of the Alomomolas!” “Uh…” “Pikachu, Thunder Shock!” Pikachu shot out its lightning at the smaller Wishiwashi, where it sunk down under the water once the attack had stopped. Alice then turned to the Mudbray, who looked up to her with slight confusion. “What did I tell ya’? Stupid, little fish.” The Mudbray looked back to the three remaining Pokémon, looking at the Totem Wishiwashi with a bit less apprehension. “Fomantis,” Sam ordered, “hit that Alomomola with Leaf Blade!” Fomantis once again bounded up his trainer’s Lapras’s neck and dove off its head, delivering a hard slash to the Alomomola on the Totem Wishiwashi’s left. As the Fomantis fell into the water and immediately swam back to Sam’s Lapras, the other Alomomola wiggled at the first Alomomola and healed it with its own pink aura. Sam hissed as he saw this, turning to Alice. “We can’t keep spreading out our attacks while these Alomomola’s can keep using Heal Pulse! We need to–” “Take them out first and save the big-ass Wishiwashi for last?” she responded. “I hate that idea!” “Any alternatives?” “Nope. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Just then, Pikachu climbed up to the top of Alice’s Lapras’s head, which confused it. Alice also looked confused as the Totem Wishiwashi’s mouth glowed to prepare another supercharged Water Gun, the Alomomola right beside it and inhaling. Pikachu mumbled something to the Lapras, and it gently nodded its head in understanding, nonplussing Alice further. The Totem Wishiwashi and Alomomola both shot their water guns out, producing a massive stream even bigger than the one before it. However, Pikachu managed to leap off Alice’s Lapras’s right before it ducked its head down, leaving plenty of space for the attack to safely pass between them. Just then, Alice saw a connection that made her gasp and beam. “Pikachu, Thunder Shock the Water Gun!” Pikachu’s cheeks already charged up, and with a shot of lighting on the water, the electricity quickly traveled down and hit both the Totem Wishiwashi and first Alomomola. The Mudbray observed the sight with an open-mouth smile, whinnying with glee. Sam smirked in pride. “Fomantis, finish that Alomomola off with Leaf Blade!” Fomantis panted as it dove off Sam’s Lapras’s head for a third time, coming down right on the Alomomola right as Pikachu’s attack faded out upon landing back on the Lapras’s head. With this attack Alomomola finally tired out, sinking beneath the water and swimming away. Lady and the ponies on the shore cheered, glad to see the battle going off well. “Yes!” Sam shouted. “We’ve got them!” “Don’t jinx it,” Alice warned. The remaining Alomomola went beneath the water, confusing Alice, while the Totem Wishiwashi’s mouth began to glow. The Alomomola jumped high out of the  water, flipping its body just right so that its bottom fin missed the Lapras and smacked Pikachu upside the chin. As both Pikachu and Alomomola finished their arcs, the Alomomola slapped Pikachu again, this time sending it flying into Alice’s arms. Pikachu mewed weakly before fainting, making her hiss. The Totem Wishiwashi took its sights to the Fomantis, who slowly paddled back to Sam’s Lapras, exhausted. Sam gasped as Wishiwashi rose out a bit from the water and shot its Water Gun down and forward until it struck Fomantis in the back and pushing it deep into the water. Even from the shore, the ponies were shocked to see the power of the attack. “Oh no!” Fluttershy cried out. “Is she okay?” Sam could tell that Fomantis would not have outlasted the attack, and with a swing of his legs around the chair, he leapt off his seat and dove feet first into the water, going down just far enough to see Fomantis there. Grabbing it and kicking back up to the surface, Sam paddled back to his Lapras and sat along the base of its neck, pulling out his Poké Ball. “Great job, buddy,” he said as his Poké Ball’s red beam brought it back in. “Rest up, now.” Putting the ball back, he took out his last Poké Ball and lobbed it out. “You’re up now, Honedge!” With Honedge floating beside his Lapras, eager and ready, Sam climbed back up the shell and back into his seat. Alice took out her second ball and tossed it out. “Your turn, Noibat!” Coming out from the ball, Noibat flew a lap around the Lapras’s head before perching atop of it. Sam pointed to his target. “We have to take out the other Alomomola next and leave the Totem Wishiwashi with nothing else to protect it.” “And you think you can take it out?” He smirked. “I might.” Distracted, Sam didn’t see as Honedge was suddenly hit by the Alomomola’s Water Gun, tripping it into the water. Sam turned back with concern, seeing his Pokemon coming back out and shaking the moisture off itself. “Honedge, are you okay?” Honedge responded with a slow nod and quick glance back to its trainer, its eye squinted in slight anger. “Yeah, I’m sorry, bud. Get ready, though.” He brandished his Z-Ring to it. Alice pointed out to the last Alomomola. “Noibat, use Air Cutter!” Flying back up, Noibat hugged its wings in before whipping them back out, causing two blurry blades to fly out from them and both strike the Alomomola in the chin and the Totem Wishiwashi in the forehead. Finally, Sam stood up on his seat and crossed his arms at the wrist, sent them down and crossed them out. With several quick punches and a final stronger one, his Z-Power flowed from his body and into his Honedge. “Alright,” Sam bellowed out, “let’s see how you survive this! Honedge, All-Out Pummeling!” Pointing both the tips of its blade and scabbard at its target, Honedge began to spin about, fist-shaped auras flying out like a gattling gun, striking the Alomomola quickly and forcing it backward where it tumbled about on the surface of the water. Finally, Honedge sheathed its blade and shot out at Alomomola, the tip punching into it and sending both into the water, the impact causing a splash that towered even above the top of the waterfall. “Whoa!” Fluttershy sighed, watching the mist from the splash hit the sunlight and make a small rainbow. “How pretty.” “And now that Wishiwashi is all they have left!” Starlight cheered. “You guys got this!” Lady squealed in agreement. Honedge emerged from the water to Sam’s Lapras’s left, unsheathing itself once again, and wiggling the wetness off again. “Nice one, Honedge,” Sam said. “Think you can handle one more guy?” Honedge responded with a much more invigorated nod. Just then, the final Alomomola swam just benath the surface, allowing it to give Sam and Honedge a look of resentful respect before it dove back down to the lake’s depths. “Noibat, another Air Cutter again!” On Alice’s command, Noibat whipped out two more waves of solid air that hit the Totem Wishiwashi in the right corner of its mouth and just below its left eye. With the Totem Wishiwashi alone, it began to charge up another Water Gun, this time aiming it at Noibat. Alice, realizing this, looked up. “Noibat, fly! Dodge it!” Noibat flew up and about in all directions, anticipating the attack’s direction. The Wishiwashi launched its water blast up, but the uncannily large size of the stream proved too frightening to avoid, and the attack struck Noibat and sent it plummeting down to the water behind Alice with a loud crack of a splash. “Noibat!” Fluttershy and Starlight called. Alice turned behind her to see that Noibat floated limply on its back, clearly having fainted. As Alice worriedly began to climb out of her seat and dive back to save it, she saw as Fluttershy was already quickly flying to it, scooping it up in her arms before it could sink down. Fluttershy flew up to Alice’s eye level a few feet away. “She’ll be fine! No go and beat that scary fish! We believe in you!” Fluttershy quickly flew back to shore as she took out her last Poké Ball reluctantly. “Honedge, Swords Dance!” Sam mimed spinning and flipping swords with his arms and hands while Honedge mimicked its trainer’s motions, ending with a cross of its sword and sheath and sliding them along each other in a final sharpening. “Sam!” Alice shouted. “What are you–” “Preparing for the next attack!” Sam looked dead into the Totem Wishiwashi’s eyes. “If either of us can land a good hit on it, I think we have a shot!” Alice looked down to the Poké Ball in her hand. With a meditative closing of her eyes, she shot them open and tossed her ball out. “Let’s finish this, Rockruff!” Her Pokémon landed on the base of her Lapras’s neck looking at its foe. Seeing what it had to face, Rockruff couldn’t withhold a terrified whine. “Don’t worry, boy!” Alice showed her Z-Ring to her Pokémon. “We got this.” Suddenly, Rockruff looked glad and yipped in excitement. With its approval noted, Alice crossed her arms, set them down, and crossed them out again. She pulled her arms down to the left and moved her right arm up to the right, then formed a “Z” with her arms, activating the Normalium Z in her Z-Ring and transferring the Z-Power from herself and into her Rockruff. “Lapras, spin right!” Alice’s Lapras paddled itself so its left side faced the Wishiwashi, and Rockruff instinctively bounded over to the left side of its shell, standing beside the mystified Mudbray. “Now we’re ready!” Alice cried out. “Rockruff, finish it off! Breakneck Blitz!” With a hard push off causing Alice’s Lapras to slide back a couple of yards on the water, Rockruff rocketed off at the Totem Wishiwashi with a tail of heat trailing behind it. Rockruff’s head collided in between the Totem Wishiwashi’s eyes, the blast of the impact sending it flying back where it fell into the water and sunk down. Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy hopped, whooped, and hollered about the sand cheering their apparent victory. “They did it!” Fluttershy cried. “They won!” “Way to go!” Starlight shouted out to her friends. Sam and Alice looked down where the Wishiwashi fell, not completely sure if they had actually succeeded. “Is it over?” Sam asked. “Did we–” Sam was interrupted by the Wishiwashi swarm’s head slowly rising back out from the water, its eyes now trained on Rockruff. Alice, realizing what was to come, slid off from her seat and quickly descended down to the left side of the Lapras’s shell, positioning herself between her Rockruff and the Mudbray. Sam gasped as he saw the mouth of the Totem Wishiwashi glow as it fully emerged from the lake. “Honedge, Return! Quickly!” The Totem Wishiwashi shot off its Water Gun at Rockruff, pushing it into the Lapras’s shell as the water spraying off it hit both Alice and Rockruff, the sting making them cry out. “Oh no!” Starlight shouted out. “Alice!” Honedge flew at the Totem Wishiwashi as Sam held his right arm and closed fist out. Once it got near the horde’s neck, Sam swung his arm down and in, Honedge also swinging down and breaking apart the left side of the Totem Wishiwashi’s neck in what appeared to be a huge gash. With a roar of pain, the Totem Wishiwashi’s Water Gun stopped. Alice and Mudbray, now able to see, watched as the individual fish from the Totem Wishiwashi’s School Form began to tumble off and fall into the water. Sam, Honedge, and Alice looked down beneath them to see dozens and dozens of Wishiwashi swimming beneath them and away from the bits of the horde that remained. Finally, all that was left was a single, furious little Wishiwashi that kept its sights on Rockruff, who still held on to Lapras’s shell as it coughed up the water that it swallowed. “Rockruff?” Alice turned to her Pokémon. “You alright?” Rockruff let out a couple more coughs, but Alice could tell that it was going to be okay. However, the Totem Wishiwashi quickly swam at Rockruff, the Mudbray beside Alice looking at it with vengeful eyes. As the Wishiwashi leapt up to attack, it wasn’t prepared for the Mudbray to whip itself around and buck the Wishiwashi in the face, sending it back into the water. The loss of balance almost caused the Mudbray to fall off into the water, only for Alice to catch and pull it by its forelegs, allowing it enough time to catch its footing on a pair of knobs on the Lapras’s shell. Resurfacing, the Wishiwashi let out a devastated, angry cry at the two of them before it swam away and out of sight. On the beach, Starlight, Fluttershy, and even Lana were stunned by how the fight had concluded. “Did…” Fluttershy wondered aloud. “Did they win?” “Wait,” Starlight spoke up, “does that even count?” “I…” Lana was nearly at a loss for words. “I’ve never had this happen to me before. I mean normally, outside help from trainers aren’t allowed, but that was a wild Mudbray. Neither I nor Sam and Alice can really control how a wild Pokémon can impact the trial, and considering Alice didn’t catch the Mudbray as per the trial rules… yeah, I guess they completed my trial.” Both the ponies cheered and shouted with glee along with Lady. Sam’s Lapras turned around so that Sam and Honedge could see them celebrating. Lana then gave them both a thumbs up as a final confirmation for their completion. “Looks like we did it,” Sam said to Alice. “We won.” “Yep.” Alice pet the Mudbray along its right side. “We sure did.” Mudbray laid the side of its head into Alice’s stomach, making her giggle as she hugged its neck. Lana stood beside the two ranchers, facing Sam, Alice, and their group, including the wild Mudbray, at the entrance to Brooklet Hill. With their bags slung over their shoulders, they were both ready to go once they received their parting words from Lana. “I have to say,” she responded. “In my ten years as Trial Captain, I’ve never been so fortunate to see a trial end so… interestingly. However, a win is a win is a win, and with your victory, comes the spoils. Congrats, you two. Here is the Waterium Z you’ve earned.” She stepped forward to them and held out her hand, where two blue gems with a drop-shaped icon inside of it rested. Sam and Alice both took one and clasped it proudly in their hands. “The way you use it goes like this.” Lana crossed her arms in front of her face, put them down at her sides, and then held them out crossed. With a lean and step off to the left, Lana set her foot back down as she gracefully swayed her arms in wave-like motions before swinging them to the right and curving her arms up. “You think you have it?” Sam and Alice nodded, allowing the two ranchers to come forward. “We thank you very much for your help in calming that Mudbray down,” the male rancher said. “We had some left in our cooler, but we figured you should have some. Some free Moo Moo Milk for the lot of you.” The woman rancher came forth with a small wire crate holding six pint-sized bottles of pure white liquid inside, each swaddled in a towel for safety. “Of course,” she said, “that Mudbray was a wild one, so we make no claim to it. If you’d like to catch it for your own, you’d be more than welcome to. Sam turned to Alice with an understanding glance. “I’ll put these away, you do what you need to.” Alice nodded, allowing Sam to kneel down and begin putting three bottles in each of their bags. She then faced the Mudbray and knelt down to look it in the eyes. “You were really great out there,” she said. “We could really value your strength and bravery.” Mudbray stepped into Alice and huffed contently, forcing her to hold on to keep from falling over. Neither she nor her friends, Lana, nor the ranchers could help but laugh. “Alright then, hold still.” She took a Poké Ball from the front pocket of her bag and pressed the button gently into the Mudbray’s chest, turning it into red energy that was sucked inside the ball. After a single shake, the ball sparkled out from the sides and latched closed. “Nice,” she whispered to herself. With the milk packed and their business over, Sam and Alice put their bags over their shoulders. “I’m sorry you couldn’t find any of your friends in here,” Lana said with an apologetic bow. “I sure hope you do soon.” “I’m certain we will,” Starlight said. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” “Bye, Lana!” With Fluttershy’s farewell, the group began walking out and up the wooden steps to the Pokémon Center where they could finally change into their regular clothes. “Alola!” Lana shouted with a wave. Sam and Alice waved back as well, the ponies walking backwards to face her. “Alola!” they all shouted. Turning back, Sam and Alice could now continue onward to the next chapter of their journey. Their next trial. Their next opportunity to reunite their pony friends at long last. > Chapter 22 – Lost and Found > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack grunted as her stomach hit Olivia’s mattress, the remaining breath coming out as a long moan. “I couldn’t even think of eating another bite.” Rarity stumbled through the doorway, her front legs spreading out and making her support herself with her chin. “I don’t think I’ll eat for the rest of the week.” “Well, each licked both of your plates clean,” Olivia said, stepping over Rarity’s lifted butt, “so I have to respect you both on that front, but give it a little time. Maybe you’ll have some room for something later tonight.” “That’s awful nice of ya’, Olivia,” Applejack groaned, rolling to her side, “but I’m just about to burst right now.” “As am I.” Rarity twisted herself so that she and the rest of her body laid flat on its side on the floor. “Need a hand?” Olivia chuckled. Without waiting for a response, Olivia hoisted Rarity with her arms under the ponies armpits and slung one arm over her shoulder as she walked her to her bed. “Oh my. Thank you, Olivia darling.” “Darling, my foot.” Olivia laid Rarity next to Applejack with their backs to each other. “No ‘darling’ ever had an appetite quite like mine.” Neither of the ponies responded, but continued to groan as they let their digestive systems overwork themselves. “You two need a nap?” Both ponies, however, were quick to respond to her with a single labored nod. “Okay then, I’ll do a little work in the shop and leave you two be.” Oliva turned back to her exit doorway and turned back to check up on them one last time, smiling to see as her Stufful hopped onto the bed and draped itself around Applejack’s slowly rising belly before instantly dozing off. With a smile and single chuckle, she slowly closed the door behind her. Noah and Amy laughed as they set up small plastic knight figurines on a large sandcastle sitting in the middle of a large, mostly featureless room with two rooks on the sides and a wide tower which was adorned with seashells and the bottom of a small red shovel on its top. It had two small glowing yellow dots for eyes in the outer windows of the tower and a gateway in the middle of the tower that resembled a mouth. Acerola watched carefully as the children ran back to a toy cannon placed a couple of feet from the sand castle’s base. “We’re going to seize the kingdom!” Amy shouted. “Okay!” Noah held his finger on a small red button in the cannon’s back. “One, two, three!” Pressing the button, the small plastic cannonball in the chamber shot out and hit the sandcastle in the left side of the center tower. The tower leaned back as its eyes closed and its gate mouth opened wide in exaggerated playful agony, the section of the wall that the plastic ball hit crumbling away until a figurine sitting above it fell off, tumbling to the floor. The two kids cheered as they reached for the ball to reload the cannon. Twilight couldn’t help but fascinate herself with the anthropomorphic sand-castle that the kids were battling. “That’s not hurting it, is it?” “Nope!” Acerola quickly answered. “Palossand can decompose and recompose itself at will. It’s perfectly safe. Plus, she loves playing this game.” Noah’s next shot hit the right rook of Palossand’s form, and it blasted sand backwards where it rolled into a pile along with the three plastic knights. “Yeah!” The children both cheered. Twilight giggled, also finding the mock war to be quite entertaining. “I have to say, it’s really neat what you do for these kids.” “Well, you can’t just thank me.” “Right, and Guzma too.” “Nuh-uh! Guzma and I only come down to visit a couple of times each week.” “So, you’re saying…” “Yep. Aether House is home for these tykes. They take care of everyone under this roof right, and you and Spike are no exception.” By now, the Palossand looked nothing like its former self, half the center tower fallen from the center to the right, and the rooks on both sides where now formless mounds. With a final firing of the toy cannon, the ball hit the Pokémon just above the top of the remaining left half of its mouth, causing the entire tower to topple over and break apart upon hitting the floor. As the children cheered, the sand climbed up and reformed itself into three untouched towers, Palossand now looking good as new. Twilight grinned as she slunk herself behind the Palossand, Acerola cocking her head in mild confusion over what she would do. Once the children finished putting the figurines back on the Pokémon, they returned to lay back on their stomachs behind the cannon toy. “The Aether army has returned!” Twilight’s voice called out. “Send out the big scary dragon!” Instantly, Twilight stood herself up and flew just above Palossand, hissing at the two and making scary faces at them. Acerola and Twilight were pleased to see the children instantly going along with it. Noah and Amy screamed in delight. “Quick!” Amy shouted. “Slay the dragon!” Acerola couldn’t help but laugh as Twilight, her Palossand, and the kids were fully into it. Further down the room, Guzma stood in a squatted position in front of Spike. Beside Guzma was a large red and black spider with yellow-and-purple striped legs. “Wow,” Spike said, “you use Bug Pokémon, and you say you’re a member of this Elite Four?” Guzma pet his spider around the top to the bottom of its head, causing it to let out a clickity purr as its pincers opened and closed. “You sound surprised.” “I mean, well… I didn’t think bugs would be very strong against… other Pokémon.” Guzma huffed and smiled. Clearly the young dragon still had much to learn. “Bugs aren’t that strong, huh? Want to see another of my ‘not-so-strong’ Pokémon?” Before Spike could answer the rhetorical question, he detached an Ultra Ball from his belt and lobbed it out far from them. Forming from the energy inside was a gargantuan bipedal insect with a thick and bulky dull-silver colored exoskeleton covering most of its de-saturated purple body. Three pairs of arms came from its abdomen, the top pair having large muscular forearms and claws on the end of it. The insect bent itself down to look at Spike, who tripped over his tail as he tried to back away from its threatening physique. As it sniffed and felt Spike out with the small purple feelers on its face, Guzma gently patted his Pokémon’s neck, instructing it to back off. “Don’t worry, Golisopod,” Guzma cooed, “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Holy cow!” Spike, seeing the Golisopod in a more submissive state, found the strength to stand back up and walk to it. “This thing looks awesome!” “To be fair, I don’t let non-awesome Pokémon in my party. Go ahead, pal, show him.” Reaching its left arm down, Golisopod took the claws of its right hand and pinched its left claws twice. Understanding the gesture, Spike held on to one of its left claws, where the Golisopod effortlessly pulled Spike up so that they could look at each other at eye level, Spike’s joyfully awestricken face already telling Guzma that he was seeing his Pokémon in a completely new light. “Where’d you even find this guy?” Spike asked as he was let back down. “Oh, him?” Guzma leaned against Golisopod, crossed his arms and one leg over the other. “We go way back, the two of us. I first caught him when he was a wee, little Wimpod. With lots of training and team-building together, he grew up into the big hulk you see before you today.” “That’s so cool!” “It really is. All I ever really wanted was to show the world how strong Bug-types… my Bug-types can truly be, and now, I’m one of the four toughest trainers in all of Alola.” Guzma’s face softened, something that came across as strangely poignant to Spike. “If I may, can I pass along a little wisdom?” “Uh… sure thing!” “Don’t ever let them tell you that that you’re weak, and don’t go crying in the corner when the world tries pushing you there and expect someone to tell you you’re perfect as you are. Just fight back with everything. Win or lose, you can only get stronger. I learned that pretty late in life, so I want you to take those words to heart. But most importantly, know who your true friends are. They make all the difference in where you end up in this world.” Spike took a moment to soak everything he just heard in, but smiled as he understood it. “Yeah, you got it, Guzma!” Guzma chuckled as he squatted back down, his knees supporting his elbows. “You’re alright, Spike. I think you and your flying unicorn friend will do just fine here.” Offering his fist, Spike got the gesture and firmly pounded his own fist against his. “Thanks a lot, Guzma. You’re pretty cool yourself.” “Pfft. Darn right, I am.” The two shared a hearty laugh. Behind them, Twilight weakly continued hovering over Palossand, melodramatically clutching her chest with her hoof. She let out a tired roar as Noah and Amy loaded the plastic cannon ball again. With another shot, the ball lightly pelted Twilight just above the right eye, and with an exaggerated lean back and upward reach, she stopped flying and fell onto Palossand, spreading it all over the floor around her. As the children and Acerola cheered their victory, Twilight got up and looked down at Palossand’s remains. “Hehe, sorry about that.” The red shovel still sticking out from the pile left behind nodded in forgiveness. Rolling off the sand, Palossand reformed itself back together while Twilight brushed bits and grains of it off her back with her wings that quickly rejoined the rest of it. Just then, the click of the intercom sounded from the corners of the room. “Would Twilight and Spike please come to Testing Room E.” “Aww!” both children whined. “That’s okay,” Twilight said to them. “We shouldn’t be too long, and you can continue playing with Acerola and Guzma.” “Actually, we’re probably going to head out ourselves.” Guzma walked toward them with Spike sitting atop his shoulder with his Golisopod and spider Pokémon walking behind him. “What?” Noah and Amy’s voices sounded even more anguished. “Can’t you at least stay until Twilight comes back?” “No can do, guys. We were mostly here just to check up on our new friends.” Acerola picked out an Ultra Ball from her belt and aimed it at Palossand. “Say goodbye, you two.” “Bye, Palossand.” As the shovel atop its head wagged left and right, Acerola returned it to its ball. “Don’t you worry. We’ll be back on Saturday, and we should have even more time to spend together. Sound good?” “Okay…” The sad and unsure voices of the children didn’t sit right with her. “Oh, what the hey, come here and give your pal Acerola a hug!” Kneeling down and throwing her arms open wide, both children ran to her and wrapped their arms around her neck, and she pulled them into her with her arms around their backs. “And what am I, chopped liver?” Guzma set Spike down with another squat and motioned Noah and Amy to him. “Give your uncle some lovin’ too!” Both kids ran from Acerola and put their arms around his back. Twilight and Spike both smiled as he stood up with both of them and twirled with them once before setting them back on their feet, making them laugh. “See you on Saturday, Uncle Guzma!” Noah exclaimed. “Bye, Uncle Guzma!” Amy called to him. “Sorry guys.” Twilght backed away toward the doorway with Spike following alongside. “We need to see what they want.” “Go right ahead,” Acerola said with a wave. “Don’t let us make you late. We’ll see you two on Saturday!” “Yep! Bye, guys!” Spike shouted, waving back to them. Guzma saluted them with both his index and middle fingers and flicked them at them with well wishes. Twilight and Spike then turned around and went through the sliding doors, not looking back as they closed behind them. Olivia gently set a tray of freshly crafted earrings in the counter display while Carly rung a woman up for a narrow cuff bracelet made of jade. After setting them inside, Olivia quickly turned around as she heard the doorbell ring. Stepping through was a man in his late 20’s wearing dark blue jeans, a yellow shirt, and a white metal wristband with a technicolor marble with a unique black flame icon at the top of the wrist. Even with his blue-lens aviator shades and khaki trilby hat covering most of his sand-blonde hair, Olivia smiled and gasped, recognizing him instantly. “Dexio!” Olivia stepped up beside Carly as the young man walked up directly on the other side of the counter from her. “It’s so good to see you!” Dexio laughed with fondness as he took his glasses off and hung them off the collar of his shirt. “I can easily say the same, mademoiselle.” Olivia chuckled. “Don’t try and flatter me into free jewelry, young man! Now, what can I get you?” “Word around town is that you have some new accessories in stock. I was perhaps wondering if you possibly had any obsidian Mega Rings available.” Olivia glanced to her right, quickly deducing the lack of any such item. “I don’t have any in stock, but I could make one for you really quick!” “Oh, would you? You’d be a lifesaver if you could.” Olivia came out from around the counter and began walking to the upstairs. “You woudn’t mind waiting an hour or two while I…” She slowly stopped as she had remembered. “Yeah, I can wait,” Dexio answered. “Is something wrong?” Olivia bit her lip in regret before she turned back to face him. “You know what? I had completely forgotten that a couple of friends of mine from Unova just ferried in about an hour ago, and they’re crashing on my bed at the moment. All my tools are up in there, and I don’t want to wake them. You didn’t need it this moment, did you?” “Oh, not at all! My own Mega Ring is just fine. I just wanted to get a black one to match some new clothes I bought.” “Oh, I see, nothing wrong with wanting to blend the right colors. Here, tell you what. You lend me that Mega Ring, and I can whip one up really quick after they wake up before the storms roll in tonight.” “Storms?” “Yeah, you didn’t read the Castform Radar? There’s a big red blob coming our way.” Dexio pulled out his Kalosian Pokédex and pressed on an app with a grey, bulbous Pokémon as the icon. Scrolling down to the radar section, he saw as a splotch of red with green outlines was traveling northeast and headed right toward them. “Well, I’ll be. Shoot!” “Can you make it?” Dexio grimaced with his teeth clenched, appearing unsure. “…Yeah, I can still come, but it might be during the storm.” “Oh, then if you need to, you can come back tomorrow morning before the shop opens!” “…Yeah, that can work too.” “What’s the hurry though? What do you need it for?” Dexio massaged his back and purposefully kept eye contact off of her. “Oh, you know, if you’re not too busy, maybe we could…” Olivia chuckled again. “Dexio, did you want to challenge me to a Pokémon battle?” “Yes!!” Dexio cleared his throat as people resumed shopping, not realizing how loudly he answered it. “I mean, yeah. I just wanted to try it out, you know?” “No, sure, I get it. So how’s about the Akala Outskirts at 9:00 tomorrow morning?” “Then it’s a date!” “Don’t push it,” Olivia purred, teasingly wagging a finger at him. “I’ll have your new Mega Ring ready for you then.” “Perfect! Then, I’ll see you tomorrow!” “Hold up!” She caught him just as he turned to step out. “If I’m going to get your new Mega Ring right, I’ll need to borrow yours. If you please.” She reached forward, and after an awkward pause, Dexio slipped the white Mega Ring off his arm and slipped it around her fingers. “Please be careful,” Dexio said, walking to the door. “That’s my only one!” “In which case you’ll have at least two tomorrow.” “See you later then, Olivia!” Olivia waved her fingers to him as he exited, slipping the Mega Ring into her shorts pocket as she continued stocking the counters. Outside, Dexio turned and walked the long street to the edge of town, his hands firmly in both of his pockets. He glanced around and behind him, looking the way of each street and alley that he passed. Once he got to the city’s gateway entrance, he took out one of five Poké Balls from his waist, lobbing it out. Appearing from it was a large, disk-shaped Pokémon made from metal with red eyes, a silver X-shaped plate across its face, and four massive arms appearing from each quarter of its radius. Dexio hopped upon it and knelt down for support. With a couple gentle pats, the Pokémon folded each of its arms up and began to levitate, floating away and heading north. Twilight and Spike entered a similar room to the one they had entered that morning. The two different things about it were that there were no Aether employees or Pokémon watching them from any part of the room, and the screen on the wall was already up, showing Sun sitting at his desk, smiling upon the two entering. “Welcome again!” he said, earning looks of subtle apprehension from Twilight and Spike. “I know our first meeting this morning went a bit awry, but you’ll thankfully not be talking to me for long.” “Then are we talking to Professor Burnet?” “Yes. I assume one of my employees told you during lunch. Anyway, I have her on hold right now. Let me transfer you over.” With a click of a button on his keyboard, the top and bottom edges of the chat screen wiped down and closed the window. After a few seconds of a green line across the center of a blue screen, the borders parted again, revealing Burnet sitting at her own desk with her bookshelf serving as a humble background. Seeing their faces made Burnet smile and wave at them. “Hi, there! I’m certain we haven’t been properly introduced. My name is Burnet. I’m a professor at the Dimensional Research Lab at Heahea City on Akala Island, though that probably doesn’t mean much of anything to you.” “You said you met our friends.” Spike interrupted, stepping closer to the screen. “You gotta’ show us!” “There’s really not much to show, but yes, I did meet with them. Starlight and Fluttershy.” “You even know their names,” Twilight mumbled ecstatically to herself. “How are they? They’re both alright?” “I’d say they’re more than alright. Let me show you what I can.” With a couple of keystrokes, Burnet’s screen shrunk to the upper left hand corner of the screen, and another video slid in from the right, taking up most of the space. Twilight wondrously walked up to it as she saw Starlight and Fluttershy walking beside Sam and Alice as they met with Burnet inside the lab cafeteria. She stepped up to the screen and put her front hooves on it, gazing at the pixelated images of both of her friends standing there. “Both of them honestly couldn’t have fallen into better hands.” Burnet stayed in the corner to allow Twilight to continue looking, Spike walking up to join them. “Not only are they strong enough trainers to survive a Team Prism encounter and be the first to spread the word about them, but they have been scouring all over Alola looking for your other friends.” Twilight bowed her head down, letting out two heavy sobs as two tears fell to the floor, Spike rubbing her shoulder gently. “You’ve probably heard it a million times already,” Burnet said as her face replaced the surveillance footage, “but I’d also like to apologize for pulling you away from your world and your friends. I feel like I’m just as responsible as the Aether Foundation for your predicament.” Twilight and Spike backed away to face her, the former wiping her eyes on her wrist. “But please take solace in the fact that your friends are very close to finding each other. Once they do, I will personally have them brought to the Aether House to you so that we can start right away on trying to get you all back home. Does this sound good to you?” Twilight sniffled again, wiped her nose, and looked up to Burnet with a teary-eyed smile that radiated with eternal gratitude. “Yes, thank you. You and everyone at the Aether Foundation have been very helpful.” “You don’t know how much longer until we get to see them, do you?” Spike asked. “Not long, I can promise you. Just hold on a little longer, Spike. I have to be taking off, so I’ll return you to Sun. I’ll see you both later!” “Bye, Burnet. Thanks again for your help.” “It’s my pleasure. Farewell, Twilight, Spike!” Her screen collapsed and quickly folded back up to reveal Sun sitting there, smiling warmly. “She’s very nice, isn’t she? Hey, uh, listen, before I let you go, I haven’t been able to get a hold of him recently, but whenever I can, I’d like you to speak with someone else today. He currently has two of your friends with him, and once I reach him, I can allow you to talk to them.” “What!?” Twilight and Spike both ran to the screen, the news sounding too good to be true. “How? Where!? When?” Twilight shouted. “I’m not fully sure. He usually doesn’t like answering calls when he’s flying, so he may be still on his way to Akala Island. Whenever he lands, I’ll shoot him a call and let you talk to your friends.” Spike twiddled his index claws, knowing the severity of what he was about to ask. “You don’t think he got attacked by Team Prism, did he?” “Spike!” Twilight spat at him, stomping her hoof. “No, Spike, he hasn’t, and neither have your friends.” Both of them looked up to Sun, who forced a barely convincing smile. “Your friends are all alright. I’m certain of it. In the meantime, I’m sending one of my closest associates and friends from our Paradise base to speak with you tomorrow in person. She’ll explain a bit more about the accident that brought you here, as she has been nearly as involved with it as I have.” Twilight nodded. “I look forward to hearing what she has to say.” “I’m glad about that. That said, you two are dismissed. I’ll hopefully see you soon.” “Yes.” Twilight was choking up, hardly able to contain herself. “I hope so too.” “Take care. Buh-bye.” Once the screen collapsed and the monitor began to recede into the wall, Twilight felt safe and alone enough to finally bow her head and let more of her tears fall from her eyes. Spike also came close to her and gave her a hug on the chest, which she returned with a single arm wrapped around his back. “Just a little bit longer, Spike,” she wept. “Just a little bit longer.” Sun turned around from his desk, unsurprised to see Lillie standing still with her feet and hands together, safely far away from where his webcam could see her. He stood up and slowly walked to her. “Why did you lie to them?” Lillie asked nervously. “They’ll find out sooner or later.” Sun nodded, knowing this. “They’ve been put through enough today. Even if they don’t figure it out, I’m sure Gladion can explain why I said what I said. Right now, they need to feel that they and their friends are safe, which, to be fair, they are.” “And what about Gladion!? Will he be okay?” “Sssshhhshshsshh.” Sun stepped close to her and embraced her gently as she breathed heavily. “Hau said himself that he’ll probably be up really soon. Gladion will be perfectly alright. I promise you.” Lillie nodded into his bosom and managed to pull herself back from him. “Thank you, Sun. If you excuse me, I have to get ready for tomorrow.” “Sure.” Sun nodded back to her and with a light bow, Lillie turned on her heel and walked to the exit of his office. Alone again, Sun sat himself back at his chair, grabbing onto both of his elbows and taking a heavy sigh with a weight on his shoulders that even he knew was nothing compared to whatever weights were on the shoulders of the ponies right now. > Chapter 23 – Blades of Grass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam had little trouble climbing up the six-foot ledge to the next grassy platform. With the treetops of the Lush Jungle just coming into view, it was difficult to not be motivated by the sight of their next imminent trial. With Alice and Lady following behind him, Fluttershy flew up to Sam’s side while Starlight lifted herself up on her magic. “Almost there,” Sam loudly breathed out. “We really are on a roll, aren’t we?” Starlight nudged him in the left cheek of his butt with her shoulder, glancing to him with the sides of her half-open eyes. “Yep! Two trials in just a couple of hours. We’ll be done with this island in no time!” “And we’ll find more of our friends!” Fluttershy added Sam and Starlight looked to Alice, who sported an uncharacteristic frown. “I really do hope we don’t end up going all over this island just to find out they were in the southern part all along.” “Either way,” Sam said, “we’re getting our trials in and getting stronger. This is a big island, and even if you end up being right, we’re too far north now to just turn back. Listen to me, I sound like you right now!” “And I’d really like you to stop!” “Hey, there!” The whole group looked up to the source of the new voice to see a young woman standing on the ledge of the next platform. Her messy green hair was tied back into a small, tight bun, and her clothing consisted of a pair of tight, mud-caked jeans, a snug green shirt whose sleeves cut off just past the elbows, and a pair of small brown boots. “Let me guess!” Alice called out. “You’re the Trial Captain!” “Let me guess too!” She suddenly chirped. “You’re here to take my trial!” “Yep,” Starlight deadpanned to herself. “Must be.” “I’m Mallow, and I am indeed the Trial Captain of the Lush Jungle. Kind of surprised you’re coming this way. Have you not done the trial at the Wela Volcano yet?” “No,” Sam answered, “we just finished Lana’s trial and we were right here.” “I see! You’re the dessert before dinner kind of people! No problem! If you’re ready, you can come on in!” Mallow ran back, Sam hearing her climb another platform to the next level of the hill. He then turned back to his sister and friends. “Sounds like we have a couple more.” “Hold on,” Starlight said, charging her horn. “I can get us up in one.” Alice looked about to her, Sam, and the hill, only to suddenly feel a tingling sensation followed by weightlessness as she, Sam, and Lady were lifted off the ground along with Starlight floating in the center between them. As they were lifted past the next wall and over the last, Fluttershy flew beside them the whole way until they were put on solid ground, the path before them now smooth and flat enough to walk. With Starlight removing her magic, Sam and Alice shifted back down on their feet, their mass returning. “Well…” Alice shivered in what looked like a fully-bodied twitch. “That was something.” “Come on!” Starlight led the way. “The trial site’s just up ahead!” The path forward looked to wind a bit down between a small canyon of rocks, but the expanse of the jungle could be seen from the top of the hill. Neither Sam nor Alice could appreciate the sight long, as Starlight and Lady moved farther away, forcing them and Fluttershy to get a move on and catch up. Making their way downhill, Sam couldn’t help but look back and see a sheet of darker clouds roll in from the south in the otherwise peerless sky. Finally, they reached the bottom of the hill, the gateway of the trial site facing them and the pathway leading inside leading toward green darkness. With the five of them standing there, Mallow popped out from behind the left post of the gate. “Hi! Looks like you’re all ready to feast your eyes on my trial!” “Uh, sure!” Sam nervously responded. “Great! Let me lay down a few ground rules. I’m sure you’re already familiar with having to start the trial over if you fail or not being able to catch Pokémon, so let’s skip to the sweet stuff. Now, I don’t think I’ve ever had to manage a tag-team trial, so I’ll whip up a new rule right here! As long as there’s at least one Pokémon standing between the two of you after you defeated the trial Pokémon and its allies, you will both pass.” “Oh, neat! Lana had it so that we each had to have one of our Pokémon standing to both win.” “Sam!” Alice’s hiss was accentuated by a hard nudge into Sam’s ribs. “Hey,” Mallow responded, “that’s a great idea! Why don’t we play by Lana’s rules?!” “Why’d you have to say anything?” Mallow forcefully pursed her lips to restrain the oncoming laughter at the sight of Sam’s queasy frown and Alice’s deathly glare. “AHAHAHAHA! I’m just teasing! I think as long as you each get some hits in, I’ll declare any victory a shared one! Come on through, and let’s get cracking!” With a wave-in motion of her arm, she walked past the gate. With a deep breath from both Sam and Alice, they both walked through the gate, Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy following closely. “You’re really lucky she’s a jokester,” Alice mumbled into Sam’s ear. “But it looks like she is, so drop it, okay?” Sam quickened his pace to remain out of earshot. With the foliage getting thicker and the sunlight becoming more sparse, Starlight and Fluttershy both looked about with trepidation as their surroundings became more and more threatening. “This is too much like the Everfree Forest!” Fluttershy whimpered Starlight forced a smile, her brow sweating. “I’m sure the Pokémon in here aren’t that scary. Once Sam and Alice beat the trial, we’ll be right out of here before you know it.” “I certainly hope so.” Sam and Alice caught Mallow in a clearing, standing beside a large, wide stone mortar and a cloth set beside it with several tools laid neatly on it. Sam could see a pestle and a large santoku-style knife among them, making him grin with what he thought he would do. “That’s it,” Mallow exclaimed with a wave, “coming in smiling and ready to get your fill of excitement! I like it!” Sam continued browsing the selection. “So, what is this? Are we going to be cooking something?” Mallow bit her lip and looked off to the side coyly. “Kinda! Here’s what I’d like you to do first. Since you’ll be doing this trial in doubles, I’ll need you both to get the following: a Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Miracle Seed, and a Revival Herb. Just to clarify, you’ll need to bring back two of each, or else this won’t go right!” She then turned to Starlight and Fluttershy. “You can help out with finding the ingredients too if you want. Just don’t get in the way if you know what I’m saying!” “I… think I do?” Starlight cocked her head to the side. “Don’t worry,” Fluttershy nervously giggled, “I promise not to get in anyone’s way!” “Oh, that reminds me!” Alice stepped up. “You haven’t seen any ponies like them around here, have you?” “I can’t say that I have,” Mallow said, scratching her chin. “I do double duty between serving as the Trial Captain and working the kitchen at the Hot Clay Pot in Konikoni, so if something came up, I would have seen it and told you. Sorry!” “That’s okay,” Sam responded. “We’re not unconfident that we’ll find them. Just have to keep looking a bit longer is all.” “Yep. Speaking of looking, it’s time for you to begin your trial! Be sure to bring those ingredients we need, pronto. Good luck, everyone!” Sam turned to Alice and the ponies. “We should get going. I saw some nasty looking clouds coming from the south.” Alice gave a slight nod. “Then we only got one chance at this today.” “Sounds about right. Let’s go!” Sam ran forward and Alice jutted to the left. Starlight ran forward with Lady, leaving Fluttershy behind. “I’ll go with Sam. Go help Alice!” Fluttershy’s legs quivered as Alice disappeared into the brush. Mallow smiled out of adoration and pity. “Come on, Fluttershy, it’s not that bad in here.” Mallow’s words didn’t seem to ease the pegasus toward Alice’s direction, so the captain looked about through the trees, finding what appeared to be a single vine of bright colored flowers on one of the branches. Placing her index finger and thumb into the corners of her mouth, Mallow blew a brief, sharp whistle from her mouth. The vine then unwrapped itself from the branch and flew down to Mallow, the front end of the vine having a green, leafy bulb with two arms and a happy orange face on it. Mallow pointed to Fluttershy, and the Pokémon took notice of her. “You wouldn’t mind escorting that little pony through the big, bad forest, do you?” Seemingly elated to do so, the Pokémon squealed with delight and flew in front of Fluttershy’s face, the sudden appearance of it making her scream in fright. “Don’t worry!” Mallow called out. “That Comfey will keep you safe!” Fluttershy closed her eyes and shivered, but the Comfey calmly grabbed hold of the end of its thin vine-tail and placed itself around Fluttershy’s neck, a small puff of pink pollen spurting out of the flowers. Instantly, Fluttershy’s anxiety slipped away, and she felt a sudden calm wash over her. Looking down at her new necklace, the Comfey looked up to her and nodded to it before traveling up its flowery tail and placing a more snug hold on the pegasus’s neck. With a newfound confident smile across her face, she turned back to Mallow. “Thank you!” Before Mallow could even say “you’re welcome,” Fluttershy galloped into the forest where Alice was. Mallow simply crossed her arms and sighed contently, happy to have helped. Sam, Starlight, and Lady ventured further into the jungle, Starlight’s magic parting the vines that hung low from the trees while Lady sniffed around through the grass. Sam held a thumb-sized Miracle Seed in his hand, lobbing it about with mild triumph. “It’s kind of nice how accommodating Mallow is being in this trial,” Sam said. “I really couldn’t imagine getting this done anytime soon without your help.” “Well, Lady and I are more than happy to help out.” Starlight swung another low vine safely around Sam’s head. “Between my magic and Lady’s nose, we should be done with this trial long before those storms hit.” “Right.” Suddenly, Lady barked as she picked up a scent, running further ahead through the grass. Sam and Starlight gasped happily as they picked up their pace and followed the Eevee to where it ran and eventually stopped. Sam and Starlight looked at what Lady had found and was now growling at, which appeared to be a large red mushroom cap with yellow spots. While its appearance seemed foreign to Starlight, Sam leaned forward to reach for it. Upon touching the surface, the mushroom leapt up, revealing a large insect with two large pincer claws underneath. “What is that!” Starlight exclaimed. “Parasect,” he said, grabbing a Poké Ball. “Go, Honedge!” Sam’s Pokémon emerged from its ball, ready to go on the offensive. “Use Return!” With a quick slash, Honedge struck the Parasect against the side of its blade. Noibat launched an Air Cutter against a Fomantis, the strike taking it down instantly. Alice stepped forward and grabbed a curved pink berry with a yellow tip that laid down by the Fomantis’s side before it got back up and ran back into the forest for its life. As she placed it into the bag along with a small red-and-white spotted mushroom, Fluttershy came out from the bushes and approached Alice, who looked pleased to see her. “Oh, there you are! What kept you?” Alice suddenly noticed the Comfey necklace around Fluttershy’s neck. “Aww, where’d you get that?” The Comfey unwrapped itself and floated up to face Alice, its tail still hugging around the other side of Fluttershy’s neck. “Whoa! The heck is that?” Alice pulled open her Pokédex and scanned it. “Comfey,” her Pokédex spoke, “the Posey Picker Pokémon. Baths prepared with the flowers from its vine have a relaxing effect, so this Pokémon is a hit with many people.” “And with ponies too I see.” “I was too scared to go into the forest,” Fluttershy explained as the Comfey roped itself back around her neck, “so Mallow let her come along with me, and, for whatever reason, I feel a lot braver with her by me!” “That’s so cool! Seriously, that is really cool!” The Comfey unwound itself once against as it began gently tugging at Fluttershy and pointing in the direction back where they came from. “You think it knows where I can actually find a Revival Herb?” Alice asked. “I don’t know! Let’s see where it takes us!” Fluttershy galloped back through the bushes with the Comfey pulling toward the way. Alice returned Noibat inside of its ball and quickly followed where they went. Sam’s Fomantis took out another Fomantis with a Fury Cutter, the latter Fomantis fleeing in defeat and allowing Sam to pick up the Mago Berry it left behind. “Nicely done!” Sam said to it. “I thought you’d have a harder time fighting your own kind.” Fomantis slashed its arms out in fervent disagreement. Sam then looked to the fibrous root and Miracle Seed in his other hand and then turned back to see Starlight holding the Mago Berry in her magic grasp and Lady with the Tiny Mushroom clasped gently in its teeth. Sam huffed with accomplishment. “Come on, then! Let’s get back!” Sam, Starlight, and Lady both ventured their way back south to where Mallow and the Totem Pokémon would surely be awaiting. Noibat fell another Fomantis with Aerial Ace, and upon its retreat, the Comfey unwound itself from Fluttershy and picked up the fibrous root that their defeated foe stood guard upon. Dropping the root beside the Mago Berry, Miracle Seed, and Tiny Mushroom in its bag, it floated back in front of Alice’s face and happily mewed to her, signaling the completion of their scavenger hunt. “Well, you heard her! Let’s get this done!” Alice and Fluttershy walked side by side as the Comfey wrapped around the latter’s neck again. Mallow looked out to the back area of the jungle, waiting for the return of both trainers. As if by clockwork, both trainers, ponies, and their partner Pokémon emerged from the back from a fork in the trail, joining together where the paths met. Mallow was quick to welcome them back before they stopped in front of her. “Wow, you’re back really early! You got the ingredients okay?” Sam and Alice responded by taking out the needed items from their possessions and laying and sorting them out neatly on the ground before the mortar and the line of tools. Mallow seemed rather impressed. “Okay then! Such quick service! One last thing before we move on to the main course. Now we just gotta’ mash all these ingredients into a nice paste and attract the totem Pokémon with the aroma.” Sam slipped his backpack off his back and swung it down to the ground while kneeling down. Opening his pack up, he pushed his spare clothes and damp swimsuit forward, giving him enough room to remove a small plastic cutting slide a shiny chef-knife out from a slot in the back of the bag’s lining, heavily impressing Mallow. “That’s a nice looking blade you have there,” she said. “You like to cook yourself?” “Yeah,” Sam said, beginning to dice the Mago Berries. “My sister and I are from Lumiose. Our parents owned a restaurant and I wanted to follow in their footsteps, but I decided on a new lease on life and decided to take the Island Challenge when we moved to Alola.” Mallow stared at Sam’s hands as they quickly cut the berry into small chunks, looking more amazed as he was able to hold a conversation as he did so. “Um…” Mallow then quickly picked up the pestle from the cloth and took the Miracle Seeds from the pile, kneeling to Alice. “You wouldn’t mind grinding these up while your brother works on that, do you?” “Uh… not at all!” Dropping the seeds into the bowl and handing Alice the pestle, Mallow observed as Sam and Alice continued on. She then turned to the ponies, holding both Revival Herbs and Tiny Mushrooms. “Which of you would like to peel the Herbs and who would like to mince the mushrooms?” Starlight looked to Fluttershy, who gave her an apprehensive look that told Starlight what she needed too. With her magic, Starlight took the spare knife from the cloth and the mushrooms from Mallows hand, allowing her to pass the herbs and a vegetable peeler to Fluttershy. With the four of them now hard at work, Mallow put her hands to her hips, the sight of them working giving her immense pride. Fluttershy moved the peeler back with her teeth, taking long strips of hairy rind off the herbs, while Starlight deftly moved the knife in the air against the floating mushroom, quickly turning it into a near powder. Looking to Mallow, she received a thumbs up. Sam stopped cutting the berries, feeling that he had diced them small enough. “What do we do now?” he asked. Mallow looked to Alice, Sam, and Starlight, who appeared finished. “Once we’re all done here–” “I’m… done too.” Dropping the peeler from her teeth, Fluttershy held up the two perfectly peeled Revival Herbs, making Mallow smile. “Looks like we just gotta’ throw it all in the bowl!” On Mallow’s instruction, Sam, Starlight, and Fluttershy dropped their ingredients inside the mortar. Before Alice could begin mashing, Mallow provided her with an even larger pestle, nearly the length of a broom handle and twice as wide. With a nod of acknowledgement, Alice began to grind and stir the ingredients together. They were instantly hit with a fruity scent from the Mago Berries that quickly grew intense with the pepperiness of the Miracle Seed. The Revival Herb added a scent reminiscent of sage, while the Tiny Mushrooms mellowed it into a more buttery, earthy smell. It was an interesting sensation to say the least. With nothing happening, Alice continued to stir, only for a loud call to sound out from the back of the jungle. Alice immediately dropped the pestle and hopped away from the mortar, joining Sam by his side. Realizing the true battle was about to start, Starlight and Fluttershy stepped back behind the two trainers. A sound of rustling leaves and quick steps upon grass came closer to the group as Mallow stepped aside to make room. Finally appearing before them all was a tall Pokémon resembling a bipedal preying mantis with a pink head, and torso like a coat, red-striped legs, and a pair of long, red scythe-like arms. It stood over the mortar and yowled at Sam and Alice, ready for their battle. “What is that thing?” Sam wondered aloud, pulling out his Pokédex. “Lurantis,” it spoke, “the Bloom Sickle Pokémon. It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.” “-antis,” Sam sounded out. “Does that mean Fomantis is going to turn into–” Suddenly, two more shapes appeared from the trees and bushes to join the Totem Lurantis. The first was a medium-sized black and white bird with a long, straight and narrow pointed beak. The second appeared as a grey circular head resting on a body that simply consisted of two smaller spherical orbs and a small tail, a white mark over its face like a mask. “Trumbeak,” Alice’s Pokédex suddenly read, “the Bugle Beak Pokémon. It eats berries and stores their seeds in its beak. When it encounters enemies or prey, it fires off all the seeds in a burst.” “And a Castform,” Alice muttered. “Isn’t there usually a fourth?” As if on cue, a Comfey joined the side of the Castform on the Totem Lurantis’s left, making both Alice and Fluttershy gasp. “Another Comfey?” Fluttershy wondered. “Is this a friend of your–” Fluttershy was almost devastated to see the Comfey had disappeared, only for a dark realization to come to her. Turning back to the scene of the battle, she looked into the Comfey’s eyes, which were filled with slight, but telling regret. Alice looked back at her quivering open-mouthed frown, realizing the betrayal as well. “Okay,” Alice hissed, “that’s not cool. Go, Noibat!” Upon the tossing of her Poké Ball, Noibat emerged from it. Sam also got out his first ball. “Let’s go, Honedge!” Tossing his ball out, Honedge roared with readiness as it stood before Sam and prepared for his command. “Kind of wish I had Fury Cutter,” Sam mumbled, “but Noibat should prove useful. Now, let’s show them what we’re made of.” “Noibat,” Alice called out confidently, “use Air Cut–” The Comfey went first, putting the tips of its arms to its mouth and blowing a kiss with its arms now wide open. The kiss appeared to cast Noibat in a light pink glow before it was sapped off of Noibat’s body and washed over and into the Comfey’s flowers. Next up, the Trumbeak swooped down to pick up a rock in its beak, pulling up in front of Noibat and spitting the rock hard into its chest, flinging it to the ground. The Castform was up next, its body glowing bright red before shooting a flare up into the tops of the trees. Suddenly, the flare burst with bright warm light, illuminating the jungle much better as if there was not a cloud in the sky. Sam took caution at the Castform’s new appearance, its head covered in a translucent orange veil with smaller orbs forming a ring around it like sun rays. The Totem Lurantis then began holding its arms out, which glowed brightly in the sun, only to grow bright white before it swung its right arm up and down, the light stretching out until it threw itself down on Honedge, who managed to somewhat deflect the attack with an X-formation minus the green flames that shot off around it. Starlight blocked the light from her shock-widened eyes with her arm. “What the heck kind of move is that?” “The Lurantis’s signature move,” Mallow answered, looking directly at the attack, “Solar Blade. Normally it requires time to charge up, but thanks to Castform’s Sunny Day, it can use it instantly until Sunny Day fades out.” Sam winced as the Totem Lurantis went back to join the others, leaving his scuffed Honedge panting heavily. “Damn! They’re fast and strong! And thanks to that Sunny Day, Castform’s now strong against Honedge.” Alice ignored his play-by-play. “Noibat, use Air Cutter now on Castform!” Noibat shot two blades of air at Castform, each one striking it dead into the face. “If I can at least make it a little easier for her,” Sam grumbled, crossing his wrists in front of his faces, following through with his moves and throwing the set punches needed to activate the Fightinium Z in his Z-Ring. “Honedge, All-Out Pummeling on Trumbeak!” As Sam’s Z-Power flowed into Honedge, it quickly sheathed itself inside its scabbard and shot out at Trumbeak, a flurry of fist-shaped auras flying beside it. With nowhere to run or fly, Trumbeak was struck square in the chest by the tip of Honedge’s scabbard, sending it flying back many feet back. Mallow looked out to where it landed, seeing that it didn’t seem to be getting up. “Not bad!” she suddenly chirped. “Only three left to go!” “Sam.” Alice turned to her brother with exasperation. “Why did you waste your Z-Move already?” “That Trumbeak knew Rock Blast,” he answered. “Now you just have to deal with that Comfey’s Draining Kiss.” Noibat was hit once again by the Comfey’s attack, pink aura drained from it as it was sapped into its flowery vine. The Castform opened its mouth, a small cloud swirling itself into a ball before it before the ball went alight with fire. With a shout, the fireball was hurled at Honedge, forcing it back and making it drop its scabbard. The Totem Lurantis charged its arms again and preapered to swing down on the defenseless Honedge and take it out. Before its attack could strike, Noibat flew above it and caught the attack with its wings, the heat and energy spitting off its arm making it cry out in pain. Despite its agony, Noibat was able to push off and dart out at the Totem Lurantis. “Noibat, Aerial Ace!” Alice’s voice gave it new life, and with a hard hit to its gut, Totem Lurantis was knocked back. “Alright!” Sam shouted. “Honedge, Return on Comfey!” With its second chance given to it, Honedge darted at the Comfey with purpose, and as it tried to form a shield-like spring formation with its vine-tail, Sam shifted his body forward and flicked his wrist in, Honedge reading the command to zip beneath the Comfey and strike it in the back of its unguarded head, sending it to the ground. Sam looked to Noibat, who attempted to fly back to Alice, only to fall and slide to a stop halfway down, fainted from exhaustion. Alice took out her Poké Ball and returned Noibat inside. “Thank you,” she said. “You were a big help.” She then put the ball back into her belt and took out another. “Come on out, Pikachu!” Alice’s large yellow mouse Pokémon shot out from her ball and stood ready to take on the last three Pokémon. Comfey, still groaning from Honedge’s last attack, managed to steal life from Pikachu with yet another Draining Kiss, restoring a little bit of its energy. “Your speed is annoying,” Alice said. “Pikachu, Thunder Wave!” From Pikachu’s cheeks, several sparkling yellow rings shot out in quick succession, striking the Comfey. Fluttershy stood agape with sudden worry as she watched Comfey attempt to move the rest of its body, but to no avail. “What did Pikachu do to her?” “Just paralyzed it,” Alice answered. “Now it won’t move nearly as fast.” Castform produced another fireball and shot it at Honedge, this time bringing it down for good. Sam knelt down and laid its discarded scabbard on his Pokémon’s blade before returning it inside of its ball. “Nice work there.” As he pulled out his last Poké Ball, he watched as the Totem Lurantis suddenly charged out at Pikachu, both of its arms held out to the sides. Pikachu ran towards its attacker, and when the Totem Lurantis swung both arms down in a cross shape, Pikachu managed to slide beneath the bottom gap and between its legs, getting behind it. Quickly, Sam tossed his Poké Ball out. “It’s all you now, Fomantis!” Sam’s last Pokémon came out from its ball with a flip before landing on its feet. Sam pointed to the Lurantis that his Fomantis faced. “You see that? That’s who you’ll get to be. Of course, much stronger.” Fomantis swung its arms out in agreement. With Comfey struggling to move, Alice swung her arms up, crossing her wrists before her face, following through and punching to activate her own Fightinium Z, the Z-Power zapping into Pikachu as it arched its back up, ready to move. “We don’t stand a chance with Castform still up,” Alice said, “so let’s finish it off. Pikachu, All-Out Pummeling!” Pikachu shot out, leaping up with a fist-shaped aura launching at the Castform, which kept its entire focus on dodging it. Thus, it could not see Pikachu as it leapt up with its fist out, breaking the orange veil around its head and clocking the Castform in the face, the resulting blast of energy shooting Castform into a tree directly behind it, producing an explosion of woodchips and dirt. When the dust and dirt cleared, Pikachu could see Castform’s unconscious body held in its bark, calling out to Mallow to chalk one off for it and Alice. “Okay, halfway there!” Mallow said. “Hope you’re saving room for dessert!” The Totem Lurantis then shot out at Sam and Fomantis, its imposing size and speed instantly threatening to the both of them. “Hurry, block it!” Fomantis was snapped out of its fright with Sam’s call and as the Totem Lurantis slashed down its arms with an X-Scissor, which Fomantis caught with both of its own arms, the force sliding it back as the Totem Lurantis continued pushing. Sam suddenly saw that with the Totem Lurantis bent over to reach his Fomantis, its stomach was left completely exposed. “Fomantis, zip under and use Fury Cutter!” Pushing its arms up and running under them until the Lurantis’s arms were behind it, Fomantis charged and leapt up, delivering several quick swipes at the Totem Lurantis’s stomach before it flicked Fomantis off and back to Sam. As the Totem Lurantis returned, the Comfey tried to lift its arms to perform another Draining Kiss, but its arms were too stiff to move, leaving it to Alice’s Pikachu’s mercy. “That’s our opening!” Alice shouted. “Get Comfey with Thunder Shock!” With a charge of its cheeks, Pikachu shot lighting at Comfey, where it screamed a last time before it began to flutter to the ground. Once the attack finished, Fluttershy and the Comfey looked into each other’s eyes. Comfey let out a couple of weak mews before it fainted and safely floated to the ground. Starlight looked to Fluttershy, who appeared perplexed by what the Comfey said to it. “Fluttershy?” she asked. “Did you understand her?” “Friends… strong…” the words came out as weakly from Fluttershy’s mouth as it did the Comfey’s. Starlight looked down to Comfey with a similar confusion as Mallow picked it up and carried it off and away from the battle. “All that’s left now is your main course! You can do this!” The Totem Lurantis charged once again at Fomantis, who prepared itself quicker with its arms crossed. As it continued advancing, the Totem Lurantis raised its arms in the same formation as its last X-Scissor, and Fomantis rose its arms to meet them. On the last step, the Totem Lurantis tucked its arms in and crossed them, slashing them back up before Fomantis could react. Fomantis was struck in the stomach, sent up flying over Sam before it landed back down on the ground at the foot of the pathway to the jungle’s exit. Sam could tell by its lack of movement that the Totem Lurantis had finished it off, and with a hiss, returned his last Pokémon back into its ball. “It’s up to you now!” Sam said to Alice. “Sorry I couldn’t be much help.” “No problem, bro.” She turned back to face the Totem Lurantis. “It’s three on one from here on out. Pikachu, use Thunder Wave!” Pikachu shot out pulses of electric rings from its cheeks, each one headed at the Totem Lurantis. Unfazed by the attack, Lurantis swung one of its glowing arms, producing a cloud of small light-green leaves that broke the rings apart like bubbles on contact, shocking both trainers and the ponies behind them. “What?” Alice gasped. “This thing has Leaf Guard?” Suddenly, the forest began to grow darker again, the Castform’s artificial sunlight fading from the treetops. The Totem Lurantis noticed this as well, and upon holding its arms up, it absorbed the last of the sunlight before it fully faded away. Alice and Pikachu both knew what was coming. “Pikachu, dodge it with Quick Attack!” Pikachu darted and juked out at the Totem Lurantis, who already began swinging both of its bright arms down on the ground on each side of Pikachu. Once Pikachu got close, both of its arms struck the ground around it, blasting the ground up in a near-blinding explosion, taking Pikachu with it. Before the dust could even clear around the Totem Fomantis, Pikachu landed back on the ground, lying still and fully exhausted. “It’s okay.” Alice returned her Pikachu to its ball as the Totem Lurantis fanned the dust away, staring at her expectantly for its next victim. “You did your best.” Alice put her hand on one of her Poké Balls, completely aware of how difficult the battle would become from this point on, and the ponies from behind could sense the difficulty she faced. “Who’s she going to send out?” Fluttershy wondered “It doesn’t really matter,” Starlight responded. “Both of her remaining Pokémon are weak against Grass-types, so she must be trying to figure out how to make it easier for the last one.” Alice reached for the other ball, tossing it out with no going back. “You’re up, Rockruff!” Despite the strength of its enemy, Rockruff appeared from Alice’s Poké Ball with a brave and serious poise. Alice smiled easier, inspired by her Pokémon’s readiness. “Okay, Rockruff, use Scary Face!” Despite the lack of sunlight, harsh shadows were cast on the Rockruff’s face as it pulled its jowls up, revealing its gumline and set of teeth as it growled for extra threatening effect. The Totem Lurantis squinted through Rockruff’s glare, suddenly revealing a bright red leaf held in the end of its arm. Upon crumbling it, the Totem Lurantis’s arm began to glow bright again, charging up another Solar Blade. “Seriously?” Sam growled. “And a Power Herb?” With Rockruff’s intimidating façade fading at the sight of the oncoming attack, Lurantis wound its arm back and swung it over and down, the light following through as it blasted Rockruff into the ground, the force blowing hard into Alice and the ponies as well. Mallow looked upon it with great sympathy, knowing that Rockruff couldn’t have possibly survived. Sure enough, the dust settled to reveal Rockruff unconscious upon its back, unable to fight any longer. Alice returned Rockruff inside its ball, putting the top half to her forehead guiltily. “Sorry, boy.” She returned the ball to her belt and brought out the last one, holding it for a moment as she stared back at the Totem Lurantis. “Let’s finish this, Mudbray!” Alice’s donkey emerged from the ball and stood at the ready, suddenly flushed with concern upon watching the Totem Lurantis sharpen its arms against each other, which was breathing heavily with the tension built up between them. “Don’t worry about it!” Alice called. “Rockruff lowered its speed for you. You can do this!” Mudbray brought its head down low and ran its front right hoof back against the ground, prepared to go on the offensive. “Use Stomp!” Mudbray galloped out as fast as its legs could carry it. As Mudbray advanced, the Totem Lurantis held its arms up into the air, the glow upon them as they absorbed the faint orange sunlight coming through the trees brightening much slower than before. With a leap and quick turn around, Mudbray bucked the Totem Lurantis in the face, bringing it down to a kneel. “Yeah!” Fluttershy screamed, shocking Starlight and Lady. “You got this, Mudbray!” Alice could also see that Lurantis’s charge was not quite complete, smiling with victory in her sights. “Come on, Mudbray. Hit it with one last Stomp!” The Totem Lurantis looked up to its foe, who already stood itself on its hind legs and aimed its front hooves over its head. As the Totem Lurantis raised its arm to block the attack, Mudbray fell with its full weight slamming down on the back of its head, throwing its face hard into the ground. Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy cheered as they saw the Totem Lurantis sprawled out face down on the ground with its arms out. Despite their win looking clear as day, Alice looked warily at the Totem Lurantis’s arms as it still continued absorbing sunlight. Her fears were fortified as the Totem Luranris slowly pushed itself off the ground and stood glowering over Mudbray, making the frightened donkey trip over itself as it backed away, forcing it into a sitting position. The ponies cheering had already stopped as they saw the desperate situation, the Totem Lurantis’s arms now white as they were ready for what would be the final Solar Blade. “Mudbray, run!” Alice’s words fell deaf on Mudbray’s ears as it watched the Totem Lurantis raise its arms up. Starlight’s lip quivered, unsure of what to do. Finally, she bared her teeth and let out a shout as she galloped out in front of Alice and Sam, charging her horn. The Totem Lurantis swung down, and Mudbray shut its eyes with its arms over its head. The Solar Blade struck down, producing a massive explosion of soil and dirt which rolled into everyone, knocking Sam and Alice in particular off their feet. Mallow held on to the bark of a tree with the fainted Comfey held tight in her arms. Once the winds from the blast died down, Sam and Alice stood up, awaiting the aftermath. Looking between them, they saw as Starlight’s horn was charged, clearly aiming whichever spell she casted out in front of her. Enough dust cleared to reveal Mudbray safely shielded by a bright, translucent blue dome, the Totem Lurantis’s arms resting down upon it. Alice went wide-eyed at the sight. “Starlight… what did you do?” “I knew it wouldn’t survive the hit!” she shouted out, coming close to tears. “I had to do something!” “Starlight, it’s okay!” Starlight turned back to face Alice, who gave her a warm smile. “Thank you.” Starlight smiled back with tears welling in her eyes, the magic on her horn and the forcefield around Mudbray fading away, freeing it. The Totem Lurantis, knowing what would happen, stepped back and relaxed its arms back at its sides as it watched Mudbray run into Alice’s tight embrace. “What you did was very noble,” Mallow said, stepping to the trainers and ponies from her spot, “but unfortunately, it was still a conscious interference. Sam, Alice, I’m sorry, but I must declare this trial forfeited.” Sam sighed, the words devastating to hear. “It’s alright,” he said. “I don’t think we would have ended up winning this in our state.” He then knelt down to the Mudbray and gently petted its neck near the mane, his touch making it recoil in fright of Sam’s possible retaliation. “But you came close.” Mudbray’s shaking stopped, gladdened by Sam’s compliment, which also earned Sam a gracious nod from his sister. Suddenly, the forest became even darker, and the faint sound of thunder began to roar high above. Instantly, Fluttershy’s ears drooped and her legs swooned as the clouds she could see through the treetops began to flicker with faint light. “You should get out of here!” Mallow concernedly said. “There’s a motel just a bit north of here! Get to it before the storms get any worse!” Sam untied his jacket from his waist and threw it on. “Will you be here tomorrow?” “Sure thing! It might be a little flooded by tomorrow morning, but you’re welcome to retry the trial whenever you’re ready.” “Thank you!” Starlight shouted as the wind picked up and whistled through the jungle, backing up towards the exit. She and Lady suddenly began to run back, and once Alice returned Mudbray to its Poké Ball, she and Sam also ran to follow her. Before Fluttershy could leave with them, she turned back and ran up to Mallow, the Comfey still in her arms. “Will she be okay?” she asked. “Yeah!” The wind picked up more, forcing Mallow to shout. “She’ll be fine by tomorrow morning! You should hurry to the motel before it gets–” A bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, accompanied by a deafening crack. With uncanny speed, Fluttershy sped to the exit screaming. Raindrops began to fall from the leaves and vines on the trees and strike Mallow's face hard enough to sting, forcing her to run out of the forest with the Comfey in tow. The Totem Lurantis watched over her as the Trumbeak and Castform joined its side, quickly retreating into the darkness. > Chapter 24 – Thunderstorm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam took his shirt off, the dirt that clung to it mixed with the rain that he couldn’t avoid on his way to the motel now turned to mud. With a grunt, he threw the shirt to the ground, where it made an audible splat. Starlight picked up the shirt in her magic, sticking her tongue out in disgust upon seeing the slimy puddle it left. Alice looked cross with him. “Really?” “Yeah, really!” Sam stared at his sister as he held his muddy jacket up, Starlight’s magic quick to pull it from his hand and clumped it with his shirt. “Listen, I understand you’re mad about losing that trial…” “You don’t know–” “…but don’t take it out on the motel, or any of us for that matter.” “That’s not it. You know how hard it was to watch you carry more than half that trial? After losing both my Pokémon in just a couple of hits?” Starlight walked to a stacked washer and dryer inside a corner of the room and threw Sam’s shirt and jacket in the bottom machine. “It’s clear that trial was meant to trip up almost any type of Pokémon. With the exception of your Pikachu, every move those Pokémon had, every strategy was designed to work against you. You put up a good fight, and don’t take this the wrong way, but you didn’t stand a chance out there.” “But you were really close!” Fluttershy awkwardly squeaked out before a thunder crash outside frightened Fluttershy under the covers of the bed furthest from the window. “I think we can all agree that Alice was really close.” Sam pointed to his sister with his outstretched hand. “My own Honedge was destroyed by one of those Solar Blades and a single Weather Ball, and my Fomantis just barely survived one of that Lurantis’s X-Scissors. Believe me… I was the one who didn’t stand a chance.” Sam slumped to a seat on the ground, Starlight quick to slide a complimentary towel beneath his butt before he could. “So we’ll strategize for tomorrow’s redo,” Alice said. “My Pikachu was faster than Castform, so if I can land an All-Out Pummeling on it before it can use Sunny Day, we should be in much better shape.” “And if it survives,” Sam growled, making Alice pace furiously, “it’ll just use Sunny Day again, and the other three will probably gang up on it and make sure we only have Pokémon that they can easily defeat.” “Why do you have to shoot down every suggestion I make?! We won’t win again if you keep up that negative, defeatist attitude!” “I’m not being negative, I’m being smart here!” “Sometimes being positive is the smartest thing to do!” Starlight exclaimed, marching up to him. “I remember what you and Alice talked about at Hau’s house about not giving up, and I also remember her telling you not to take your frustrations out on us, and it already sounds like you forgot both of those things in the span of a few minutes. Seriously, Sam, you need cut your crap! Fluttershy and I need your help, now more than ever, and we can’t do this without both of you…” Starlight sunk to her shins, tears pouring out her face as she sobbed out her own frustrations. Fluttershy peeked her head from the covers and slunk over to her friend, sitting beside her and rubbing her back affectionately. Lady walked out from under one of the two beds and curled herself against her stomach. Sam ran his fingers through his hair, unable to look at the ponies, nor at his sister who stared at him, awaiting his appropriate response. Taking a deep breath, he knelt down to his backpack, took out and put on his clean grey shirt that he was smearing more mud on, and dumped his remaining spare clothes and several Super Potions, Revives, and Full Heals on the floor, leaving the main pocket open as he closed it back up and slung the bag over his right shoulder. He began walking to the door, taking Alice by surprise. “Sam? Where do you think you’re going?” He stopped with his hand on the handle. “I need something to eat, and I can’t be here right now.” “We have food! Come back here now!” “Also, I think a splash of cold water will also do me some good. Please excuse me.” Sam threw the door open and slipped out the door before he could even hear Alice’s first words of her continued protests. With the roof failing to block the rain blowing into the walls, Sam quickly walked off the motel porch and to the lights of the Pokémon Center down the road, breathing in and out as calmly as he could. Rarity sat at Olivia’s workdesk, a pair of glasses with multiple magnification lenses placed in front of each other, gently smoothing out the circular slot in the center of an obsidian Mega Ring that was a touch wider than his old white one with a rough-edged swab. Blowing the black dust left inside the hole, she levitated both the Mega Ring and the colorful marble from the desk, slipping the glasses off her face. With a lick of her lips, she gently set the marble inside the slot, where it fit easily inside. Rotating the marble so that the flame icon was facing up in the proper direction, lightning struck outside, but she refused to falter. Then with a powerful charge of her magic, she focused her energy on the ring of space around the marble, and with several strained grunts, the gap began to slowly close so that the ring clamped tightly around the marble. Upon hearing the first sounds of the stress of the marble inside due to the squeeze, she ceased her magic, setting the completed Mega Ring on the desk before panting heavily. Olivia, having stood against the wall behind Rarity, walked up behind her and took the Mega Ring, rubbing the top of the marble with her fingers with firm pressure, smiling and sighing as it refused to move inside. “Very good job on this.” Olivia swung the Mega Ring off of her fingers. “Dexio will be very pleased I’m sure!” “And you’re going to battle him?” Applejack asked as she stood by the oven with a pair of oven mitts over her front hooves. “Well, I have to give him back his Mega Stone in one way or another, and he asked to, and I don’t see why not.” “You don’t mind if we come with, do you?” “Now why would you want to do that?” “It’s just that you spent our first couple days talking up a storm about Pokémon battles, and I’d like to check one out.” “Perhaps Olivia is right,” Rarity said. “They do sound rather uncouth, and there’s no real reason for us to be outside if we don’t have to.” “Aw, don’t be like that Rarity. She’s been kind enough to put a roof over our heads and keep us safe; I’d really like to see how strong her Pokémon are.” “Not to mention…” Olivia cracked a sly smirk. “Wouldn’t you want to see the Mega Ring you worked so hard on in action?” Rarity stared at the obsidian band that Olivia alluringly twirled on her finger. She bit her lip as the answer she wanted to give became harder to resist. Suddenly, a timer bell above the oven dinged, triggering her response out. “Alright, I’ll go! Just don’t be too hard on… I’m sorry, who is this person again?” “His name is Dexio.” Olivia put the Mega Ring back on the desk. “He’s a friend of mine, so you shouldn’t have to worry about him knowing who you are.” Suddenly, the gentle scent of baked apples and spices wafted toward Olivia from the kitchen, and with a pleasured breath in through her nose, she let out a soft hum as she spotted Applejack pulling a second apple pie from the oven, leaving it to cool next to the first on the stove. “That sure smells good,” Olivia walked to the dining room, followed by Rarity once she also smelled what Applejack had cooked. “Let’s dig in!” “Wait a minute!” Applejack exclaimed, standing with her front hooves placed defensively on the front of the oven. “These need at least an hour to cool!” Olivia smirked again. She then walked over the fridge and opened up the freezer door, pulling out a couple of half-gallon sized cartons of vanilla ice cream. “Now this is how you cool your pie down.” Assuming Olivia knew what she was talking about, Applejack parted away to let Olivia stand before one of the pies and pull a medium-sized chef’s knife from her block on the counter. As as she worked the knife through, her muscles seemed to relax as she heard the knife cut through the crust on the bottom. “I can’t say I’ve ever heard such a perfectly-cooked pie before,” she sighed to Applejack. Applejack smiled in appreciation as Olivia began cutting individual slices. Using the broad side of the knife to scoop a slice out, she was suddenly greeted by three floating plates before her, the shock nearly making her drop the slice she held. Realizing what was happening, she let out a small breath before putting the slice on one of the plates and scooping on a dollop of ice cream with a large dinner spoon beside it, which floated to the table behind her. “Thank you, Rarity. You wouldn’t mind getting six more plates, would you?” “Six?” The amount came as a shock to her. “Who else are we–” “I made two pies so that we could share with Olivia’s Pokémon.” “Oh… my apologies. I must have missed that tidbit while I was working on that Mega Ring.” Olivia finished placing the other two slices and scoops of ice cream on the last two plates. “That’s alright. Applejack, Rarity, you wouldn’t mind plating the next six slices while I bring my Pokémon out, do you?” “You go right ahead, darling!” Olivia stepped into the living area, detaching all but one of her Ultra Balls with each hand. She tossed two in her left first, sending out her Probopass and Carbink. In the other corner, she tossed the other two and let both Pokémon within them out. The first appeared to be a large boulder with a lizard-like head appearing out from the front with short arms, two beefy legs, and two large stones atop its body with yellow gems appearing on the insides. Black rock formed on and below its face to give it the appearance of having bushy eyebrows, a moustache, and a large beard. The second Pokémon was a lanky red-and-white wolf with large front paws, a short white tail, and a large spiky tuft of white fur with a black tip that grew up its back and over its head to a point. Its red glowing eyes and sinister smile gave it a rather threatening appearance, but upon smelling the freshly cut slices of pie that had taken over Olivia’s flat, it’s eyes drooped lazily and its smile relaxed as it walked to the table where Rarity began setting the plates. Olivia was quick to notice her wolf Pokémon looming over one of the slices ala mode. “Lycanroc! You can wait until everyone is served!” The Lycanroc sulked away from the table, letting out a couple of pathetic whines as it stood back and watched. It wasn’t much longer until Applejack finished putting the last slice of pie and scoop of ice cream on the last plate, which Rarity floated away from her and set on the table. Olivia smiled to see that their amazing-looking dessert was finally ready. “Alright, everyone! Now we can dig in!” The Lycanroc bolted to a spot at the table as Olivia sat in a chair beside it, Applejack and Rarity taking their seats across from her. One by one, the other Pokémon found a space for them to stand or float at the table, Rarity rearranging the plates and silverware so they could be in front of them all. It was then that she noticed something. “Wait a second, there are still two plates! Who else is supposed to–” A loud sigh came from under the table, and Olivia bent over and picked up the Stufful, setting it on her lap. “Oh, I see, but what about the other one?” Olivia turned to Rarity. “My Relicanth is a Water-type Pokémon. I’ll take him to the bathtub and feed him after. In the meantime, let’s eat before this ice cream melts any more!” Applejack and Rarity began spooning their ice cream first, and it was indeed very soft already. By the time they had each gotten a bite of pie with it, they looked over to Olivia’s Lycanroc, who had already dumped the food into its mouth and was licking the plate clean. Looking to Olivia beside it, she had begun taking her first bite, and her eyes closed and her body appeared to melt like the ice cream in her mouth. Rarity turned to Applejack and presented the bottom of her hoof to her. Applejack put her free hoof up and clapped it against Rarity’s, followed by them each taking a bite. Thunder clapped outside, jolting Gladion awake from a bed as he sat up, panting heavily. A throbbing pain suddenly pulsed against the sides of his head and he gripped the hair on his temples, only to feel his head wrapped with tape. “He’s okay, thank goodness!” Glancing around the bedroom and making out the sound of Rainbow Dash’s voice, he just barely made out her, Pinkie Pie, and Hau sitting around his bed before his Silvally laid its top half on Gladion’s legs and waist, licking him affectionately. “Silvally!” he gasped. “You’re okay!” “Yeah, you, Silvally, and Weavile took a really nasty hit there,” Hau explained. “I fed them both a Max Revive shortly after the ponies and I beat Team Prism back. Your Weavile is taking an ice bath in the bathroom, and Silvally didn’t want to leave your side until you woke up.” “Alright then.” Gladion gently pulled Silvally’s arms up, signaling it to get off of him. “I’ll get my Weavile, and we’ll be on our way.” Rainbow Dash hopped over to Gladion quickly and pushed her weight on his shoulders, laying him back on the bed. “What are you, crazy? We can’t go now!” “Of course we can! Your friends are–” “Ssshhhhhhhhh…” Pinkie Pie silenced Gladion with her arms firmly held around his mouth. “Listen.” Hearing the faint pitter-patter of the rain against the walls and windows outside, Gladion relaxed, his eyes half-closed in sheer annoyance. “You’ve been out for a while, buddy,” Hau said. “Some nasty storms rolled in while you were asleep. Not to mention, your head is still a bit banged up from our battle back then. Even if the skies were clear, I wouldn’t want you out of here until tomorrow morning at the earliest.” “Tomorrow…” Gladion closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, though Hau and Rainbow Dash seemed a bit bemused by the lack of rage within them. On the fourth breath, he began sounding sad, and on the fifth, two tears rolled down his head around his cheeks. “Gladion?” Pinkie Pie asked. “You’re still not hurt are you? Do you need me to fluff your pillows up?” “No, Pinkie Pie…” Gladion put his hand on her chest gently before setting it back to his sides. “There’s something I should have told you before we left Poni Island.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “Is this about what you–” “Yes.” Gladion tried to sit up, only for Hau and Rainbow Dash to both gently pick him up while Pinkie Pie flipped and gave the top pillow a quick fluff before they slid him back and set him down. Gladion then wiped his face dry. “When I met your two friends, Starlight and Fluttershy…” Gladion breathed heavily again, Rainbow Dash tensing up with whatever news she was soon to hear about them. “The two trainers they were with… I attacked them, and I intended to take the two ponies they were with by force.” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie each took a step back, initially horrified. “It’s no excuse, but I had feared that the islands would have been under attack like they had been ten years ago, and I let that fear get the better of me. I don’t want you to think of me as a bad person, but I realize now that I can’t run away from what I did. I’m so sorry. If you want to go to Akala Island without me tomorrow morning, I won’t blame you. I deserve nothing less.” Gladion hung his head low, his secret finally off his soldiers, but the weight of dreaded anticipation for the ponies’ responses now bogging down his spirit. Hau could now only look to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, both of whom had difficulty looking at Gladion. They looked each other in the eyes, wondering who would break their silence and say what to do next. Rainbow Dash glanced over to Gladion, his Silvally gently nudging its head into his, though Gladion could only lay his hand on his neck. Rainbow Dash then turned to face Gladion, keeping her distance. “It’s okay. I forgive you, Gladion.” She could see his eyes and mouth widen, clearly finding those words unexpected. Hau kept his eye on Rainbow Dash, wanting to hear her out. “Yeah,” she said, “what you did was really terrible, but you know what? If you’re willing to leap off of a cliff to save your own Pokémon, or nearly get yourself killed protecting us, you can’t be all that bad.” Pinkie Pie smiled to hear her friend say that, also turning to face him. “Not to mention, we certainly can’t go to the next island without you! Who’s going to help us take out more of those Team Prism meanies?” “I…” Gladion was nearly at a loss for words. “I can’t… I don’t deserve–” “Forget about what you deserve.” Hau stood up and looked down at Gladion. “These ponies need you as much as you need them. They’re willing to travel with you despite what you told them.” “For what its worth,” Rainbow Dash clarified, “I know you were only trying to protect our friends.” “Even if they now think you’re some crazy angry guy who tried to kidnap them and take them Celestia knows where!” Pinkie Pie chirped without a hint of irony. “That’s probably not the case anymore.” Hau now sat on the left front corner of the bed, facing the ponies. “I told them all about him, and I can only assume that their… poor first impression of him has been changed a bit.” “Even if it hasn’t,” Rainbow Dash added, “we’ll vouch for you. They’ll have to believe us.” “We don’t have to do this alone,” Pinkie Pie finished. “I mean, what are friends for?” Gladion looked to both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, studying their warm and forgiving expressions, forcing him into smiling. “Thank you. You have no idea what this–” Upon shifting himself, a loud growling came from Gladion’s stomach, the volume awkward enough to cut his words off. “Oh, right!” Hau stood himself back up, walking briskly to the bedroom door. “You haven’t eaten much, have you?” Gladion couldn’t help but chuckle, finding the situation a bit humorous. “Yeah, all I had was one of those sandwich halves from lunch.” “Then give me a quick second. I have some soup simmering on the stove right now.” Once Hau left, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie approached Gladion, the latter taking the spot that Hau did just moments ago. “So it’s off to Akala Island first thing in the morning?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Yeah,” Gladion sighed. “First thing…” Just then, a vibrating was heard beside them, and Gladion turned to the nightstand to his left to see his Pokédex vibrating and the screen lit up. Reaching over and picking it up, he saw Sun’s picture and name in the caller ID. Hitting the green “Answer” icon, he saw Sun and the surroundings of his desk appear over the entire screen, Sun giving a relieved expression. “Glad you’re up,” Sun said. Gladion’s expression didn’t seem to change. “What is it?” Twilight and Spike stepped inside a small bedroom with a white king-sized canopy bed in the back, the electric chandelier above the center providing ample light inside on its own. A male Aether employee walked up behind them. “It is quite stormy outside, and while we are deep inside of a mountain, you can still hear the thunder. Is there any kind of ambience you’d like me to provide you?” “That sounds lovely, actually, thank you,” Twilight said. “Do you have anything like a rural town?” “Or one that’s near a forest?” Spike added. The employee nodded, pressing a button on his left cuff and putting his mouth to it. “Fortree City ambience to Bedroom L5.” The pure white surfaces of the room suddenly faded away to reveal a homey den with tan walls, dark-colored wood floors, and a rounded ceiling. On the walls behind the bed to the right and the wall to its right were two windows. Curious, Spike and Twilight went to the rightmost one, astounded that with the ground far below them, they were virtually inside of a house supported on the branches of a tree. Similar buildings on the trunks and branches of other trees surrounded them, and there was a calming chorus of birdsong all about them. The soft purple glow of dusk’s beginning in the cloudless sky outside provided an even more tranquil and hypnotizing effect. “This is awesome!” Spike gasped. “How come we weren’t told about this when we got here?” The employee could only shrug coyly. “You never asked.” “Fair enough,” Twilight said, stepping toward the bed. “Come on, Spike, we have a busy day ahead of us.” Just as Twilight put her front hooves on the bed, a holographic grey screen appeared on the wall facing the bed. Twilight and Spike turned to it to see that there was apparently an incoming call from Sun, and instantly, their faces brightened with immense excitement. “It’s Sun!” Spike loudly told the employee. “You have to let us talk to him.” “Are you sure?” he asked. “It’s getting pretty late, and–” “Please!” Twilight approached him. “He said he might be able to let us talk to a couple of our friends. Just let us have a few moments!” Without much consideration, the employee pressed another button in his cuff, remotely answering the call, putting Sun’s face and his surroundings on the whole screen. “Oh, yes, hello!” The sound of Sun’s voice had Twilight gallop back to face the screen alongside Spike. “I’m sorry if I caught you while you were trying to sleep. I’ll transfer you right over.” The image of Sun collapsed on the screen, and when it spread back out, Gladion’s face appeared, the space between him and his camera not allowing Twilight or Spike to see much of his surroundings. “You must be Sun’s friend?” Twilight asked. “Yes,” he answered. “My name is Gladion, and I’m–” “I heard Twilight!” Pinkie Pie’s voice was distant and instantly recognizable to both Twilight and Spike, but before they could react, Pinkie Pie’s face shot up from the bottom of the screen and pushed Gladion away, the camera unable to fit most of her face on screen. “Oh my gosh, Twilight!! It’s really you!” “Pinkie!” Spike shouted running to the screen. “You’re okay!” “And I’m not alone, look!” With the camera’s vision spinning and bouncing about with Pinkie unable to properly hold it in her hooves, she managed to turn it around so that she could capture both Rainbow Dash and Hau on the other side of the bedroom. Rainbow Dash could see her two other friends on the screen, and she galloped up to get a closer look. “Twilight!” she screamed, tears beginning to stream down. “You’re okay! Please tell me you’re okay!” Twilight herself had to wipe her cascade of tears pouring from her eyes, though managed to show a smile. “Spike and I are perfectly alright. How about you? Are you two alright?” “Are we ever!” Pinkie’s voice called out. “Gladion, catch!” The camera tilted up to face the ceiling before it was lifted up and spun about, landing still and tilting back down to briefly reveal Gladion before he more smoothly rotated his Pokédex to show both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. “Gladion’s been a super-duper helper to us!” Pinkie Pie continued. “We got attacked by this group of meanies called Team Prism, and we all held them off, and–” “Pinkie, hold on!” Twilight’s voice stopped her. “Did you say you were attacked by Team Prism?” “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash answered, “but they were no match for all of us. Why, have you seen them too?” “I’ve heard of them, but no, I haven’t come across any of them.” “It’s not a big deal, really! They were easy-peasy!” “It’s certainly a big deal considering Sun told me you weren’t attacked by them!” Rainbow Dash looked a bit bemused. “…What?” “Please give me a minute.” Gladion’s voice was accompanied by a quick spin of his Pokédex that allowed Twilight and Spike to see him. “Sorry, I haven’t met you two yet. Twilight and Spike, was it?” “Yes. And what is this about Sun lying to me about my friends’ safety?!” “You’ll have to forgive him. He was only trying to keep you from worrying.” “Well, we’re worrying!” Spike shouted. “I mean look at you! You’re all bandaged up.” “I’ve handled worse, honestly.” “Don’t change the subject!” Twilight put her hooves on the walls, putting her face close to the screen. “I don’t want you telling me my friends aren’t in danger when they so clearly are!” “Hey, Gladion, you mind letting me talk?” Hau’s voice was heard offscreen as Gladion huffed and turned the screen to face him. “Who’s that?” Spike asked. Finally, Hau approached the Pokédex to appear onscreen in a tasteful medium shot. “Hi there, my name’s Hau!” “Are my friends in danger?” Twilight expectantly asked. Hau could tell that pleasantries were over for the time being, and the question asked to him was a difficult one to answer palatably. “I don’t usually like to be a Debbie Downer, but–” “Please just answer the question.” “In all honesty, you and your friends have been in danger since they arrived on Alola.” Twilight’s ears fearfully dropped as she continued listening to him. “However, it seems that you all have found yourselves in good company. Your friends Starlight and Fluttershy are with two young, talented trainers and should be on Akala Island looking for them as we speak.” “Wait, how do you know Starlight and Fluttershy?” “Because they also stayed at my place. Small world, I know!” Twilight’s ears slowly raised back up as Hau kept talking. “Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are hitching with Gladion, obviously. And while they’ve already been attacked by Team Prism, yes, they both managed to hold their own very well. And from what Gladion’s told me, you’re safe and snug as a bug in a rug at the Aether House.” “What about Applejack?” Spike asked. “And Rarity!! Do you know where they are?” “Exactly? Not a clue. By process of elimination, all I can tell you is that they’re on Akala Island and Starlight and Fluttershy are looking for them, if they haven’t found them already.” Twilight’s ears finally returned upright, but she still looked unsure. “And you’re certain Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are alright?” “Twilight, come on! What do you take us for, a pair of fillies?” Rainbow Dash fluttered behind Hau with enough space to see both of them. “We’re both okay here. And tomorrow when the storm clears, Gladion, Pinkie Pie and I are headed right over to this Akala Island to find Starlight and Fluttershy and these two trainers they’ve met and lend them some helping hooves… and hands.” The camera began shifting again as Gladion set his Pokédex down on the pillow, angling it up to the corner of the bedroom. “If you want to keep talking,” he said, “feel free. I just need to walk around a bit.” “Are you sure?” Hau’s voice asked. “You think that’s a good idea with your bandages?” “By tomorrow morning, I won’t have much choice. I’d like to take care of my dishes anyway.” “Alright. We’ll be right back guys.” “Okay, thanks a million, Hau!” Pinkie Pie bounced to the bed as she tilted the Pokédex camera to face her and Rainbow Dash, who joined her on the bed. Behind them, Gladion, Hau, and Silvally left the bedroom. The Aether employee stood outside the doorway, watching Twilight and Spike’s mini-reunion continue. He slowly slipped outside and let the door close behind him. He figured they’d be a while. A small white boat ferried itself along the choppy seas, rainwater and rough waves pelting the front of it. Sitting inside of it, safe and dry, Lillie held on to both the cushion of her seat and a rail just above her head, gripping on as hard as she could to keep from falling off and onto the ground. She had a look of almost perpetual regret with each rise and fall, knowing it was far too dangerous and she was too far out to turn back. Suddenly, she felt a hard bang on the sides of the boat, looking unsure what she had felt before the boat experienced a sudden acceleration before she felt it slide to a sudden stop beneath her. Shortly after, she heard a couple of loud clangs above. Getting off her seat, she stumbled up the stairs to the small doors keeping her cabin dry. Opening them up, she saw a Pokémon resembling a small blue disk with two metallic arms floating above her, a small dome of translucent magenta light shielding her from the rain. Stepping further up to the deck of the boat, the Pokémon above her rising higher to make room, she looked out to find herself and her boat washed up on the beach of a small island with a small mountain in its center. Two Laprases were beside the boat on both sides. “Lillie!” She heard a booming voice up the island. Turning toward it, she saw a small cabin just ahead with the silhouette of a portly man wearing a straw hat waving to her from the open doorway. Climbing off the boat and down the shells and flippers of the Lapras to the left, she ran to the cabin with the blue-disk Pokémon following above as her umbrella. Once she got close, the man in the doorway stepped aside to make room. Just as she stepped onto the porch and ran inside, allowing the man to close the door, the Pokémon flew away. Lillie turned to face the man, who in the light, was wearing a white shirt, an orange scarf, and worn and tattered orange shorts. His hair was blonde and his eyes were green, exactly like Lillie’s. Safe and warm inside, Lillie could finally muster a smile. “Father.” “Lillie, my girl!” She ran into Mohn’s bosom, receiving a tight hug from him. “It’s so good to see you!” “Must be,” he chortled. “What could possibly have you sailing all the way out here in such terrible weather?” “Well,” she said, pushing herself gently away, “I don’t think I have to tell you what’s happening over on the islands.” “Word travels fast, even ‘round these parts. So what about it? Aether biting off more than it can chew again?” The wording was harsh, but Lillie’s softening expression revealed she knew he was right. “Yes… but we’re taking care of it! We found six of the eight creatures that appeared from the wormholes, four of whom are in our possession… so to speak.” “Well, it sounds like you’re on top of it. Sorry, would you like something to drink? Some juice, water?” “Water would be… Pinap juice, please.” “Ha, that’s more like it!” Mohn seemed happy to hear her actually request for juice as he waddled over to a small fridge beneath a counter on the left side of the cabin. Lillie continued standing still as Mohn pulled a small glass bottle of bright yellow juice, twisted the top off and walked to her with it. He handed her the bottle, which she slowly took. “I’m sorry, I wanted to ask. How is Lusy?” Lillie took a swig of the juice, the sweet, crisp taste of it still unable to lift her spirits. “She’s been doing well, actually. I do wish you’d come to visit sometime and see for yourself.” “For the last time, Lillie, I haven’t looked back on that life in over thirteen years, and I don’t intend on doing so now.” Grimacing, Lillie tilted the bottle up against her lips, and in a couple of chugs, not a drop of the juice was left inside of it. Mohn frowned forlornly, approaching her. “Maybe we can talk about this on the couch.” With his hands on her shoulder, he walked her to the couch in front of a roaring fireplace, two small chicks with red heads and ice-blue bodies occasionally spitting embers onto the fire to keep it alight. Mohn and Lillie sat upon the plush cushions of the couch at the same time, the warm glow of the fire seemingly melting Lillie’s defenses. “So, what’s going on up there that has you so upset?” he asked. “I may not be involved in the Aether Foundation’s affairs anymore, but that doesn’t mean I won’t listen to you about them.” It seemed that those were the right words Lillie wanted to hear. “I’ve been assigned to talk to two of these creatures that we’re currently keeping at our House base.” “Talk? Are these creatures capable of understanding human speech? Sounds rather exciting, actually.” “…I’m sorry, I need to start over.” “Okay, take your time.” “These creatures call themselves ponies, and yes I do mean they told us, or at least, the people who met them told them what they are. According to Gladion, they can understand us, speak the same language, and are as sapient as you or I. And… they’re scared. I know this. They have to be. We pulled them from their world to ours, and I have to be the one to face them and tell them why.” “Have you tried telling your mother about this?” “I wanted to, but she and Wicke have been busy trying to find out what’s wrong with Solgaleo and Lunala to make them freak out the way they did, Sun has been trying all afternoon to contact Gladion, who got attacked by these guys on Melemele who are trying to hunt the ponies down…” Mohn could tell Lillie was reaching a point of hysterical incomprehensibility. “Okay, deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths.” Lillie’s breathing was quick, getting progressively more relaxed with each new breath she took, sniffing hard every so often. “I’m sorry, father. I try to be stronger than I was as a child, but everything is happening all at once again, and I just don’t want it crashing down on me.” Mohn couldn’t help but let out a snicker. “And how could that possibly happen?” “Please, dad, I’m being serious here! I’m partly responsible for these ponies getting separated from their friends, and I don’t want them to hate me for it!” As Lillie began to slump over, Mohn caught her by the upper arms and turned her to him. “Listen to me, Lillie. Things may seem impossible right now, but the only impossible thing for you right now is getting anyone to hate you.” Lillie huffed out slowly, unable to hold back the slightest of smiles. “Thanks for that, dad.” Mohn’s smile quickly faded, and he let his daughter go. “You should know that I’m not nearly as strong as you’d like me to think I am.” “Dad?” “I’ve spent nearly thirteen years on this island. While your mother was going crazy and you and Gladion were hurting on that floating lab, I could have come back and helped put a stop to it, but I stayed. I stayed through it all. And even after everything got fixed, I still stayed. I’m sorry, Lillie. I know you came to me for advice and help, but I screwed up bad.” “I wouldn’t say so.” Lillie looked ahead to the brighter flames on the fire while Mohn looked at her. “You may not have been there, but I think your absence was just what I needed to become who I am. I had to be the one to rescue Nebby from my mother, which allowed me to meet Sun and Hau, who helped me realize my potential and give me a life I could have never imagined.” Mohn couldn’t not look away, ashamed by what her daughter was saying, but a more noticeable smile began to creep onto her face. “I understand why you ran, father, and I forgive you for everything. I don’t want you to feel ashamed for the life that you chose. We both make Pokémon and people happy in our own various ways, and that’s enough for me.” Feeling an epiphany rise within her, she stood from the couch. “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do!” She stepped toward the door, Mohn also standing from the couch to face her. “Lillie, where are you going?” “Getting ready for tomorrow. Come what may, I’m going to do this!” “Before you do, you wouldn’t mind… grabbing me a juice from the fridge, would you?” Lillie whipped her body around to walk to the counter, bend down and look at the small assortment inside. “Any flavor in particular?” “Razz, if you’d be so kind.” Grabbing a bottle with a purplish-red liquid in it, she pulled it out and prepared to stand. However, she decided to reach in and grab another bottle of Pinap Juice, standing up and kicking the door closed with her feet. She walked around the couch to see Mohn looking back at the fireplace. Sitting back in her spot, she handed Mohn his bottle and then twisted the cap off her own. He couldn’t help but stare gobsmacked as she scooted closer to him. “Perhaps just one more before I set sail?” she asked. Mohn warmly smiled and popped his cap off and rested his arm over Lillie’s shoulders, happy to savor some time with his family. She rested into him, taking a small swig of her juice. Sam rolled up a paper bag containing a large foil-covered sandwich wrap, a bag of potato chips and a stack of five paper-wrapped jumbo-sized cookies tightly as he could without smashing any of his food. With his bag on one of the café tables, he gently slid the bag into it and zipped it up. “Got everything?” The café barista asked. “Yeah.” Sam gently swung his bag onto his back. “Thanks again for the free cookies.” “Don’t worry about it. Nothing can cheer rainy day blues away than our fresh baked cookies.” “Thanks again!” “Stay dry!” Sam walked out from the Pokémon center and broke into a brisk jog, trying to keep his upper body level so as not to bounce the contents of his bag around. The motel was up in sight, and so was Alice and the ponies. He knew he left on bad terms, and dreaded the possible confrontation he’d face when he got back, but his only hope was that the still warm cookies in his bag would prove to be somewhat of a consolation. With some good food in his stomach too, he’d be much more calm to try and talk things out with them. As he got closer, his dread faded away more and more. The only thing he could focus on were the lights along the motel walls. He was so focused in fact, that he didn’t notice as a moderately large lizard began scurrying across the road to the other side from the tall grass. Just as it went onto the sidewalk, Sam’s foot came down on its tail. The lizard let out a loud screech, Sam instinctively turning his head down to see it. There now stopped and staring daggers at him was a grey lizard with a black head with two spines coming out of its neck like the knot of a tied bandana, and a red line down its tail that branched off at its lower back. Unfocused, his foot hit the corner of the curb, sending him back and falling to the ground. Sam was quick to turn so that he landed on his side, keeping his backpack safe. He tried to quickly get up, only to hear another shriek from the lizard before he felt its bite squeeze down on the back sides of the sole of its shoe. Sam quickly kicked it off, sending it just a bit further down the road. Getting up, he began reaching inside the first pocket of his bag for the first thing he could use to throw at it. Looking back down to where he kicked the lizard, it was already scurrying toward him at an incredibly fast speed. Yelling loudly as he finally grabbed something, he threw the object at it, hitting it square in the back. Sam gasped as the object opened itself up and sucked the lizard inside as a red energy. Sam breathed heavily as he watched the Poké Ball he threw jiggle on the floor, unsure at that point if he should run or stay. With each jiggle, Sam took a small step back, ready to flee to his door if he had to. By the sixth wiggle of the ball, the ball clicked closed with a small burst of starry sparks. Now, Sam could only chuckle over the odd, frightening circumstances of his next Pokémon catch. He had no idea what it would be like once he let it back out, but at once, a lightning bolt crashed just south of him, and with the resulting bang of the thunder, he quickly scooped up the ball inside and ran back to the motel room. Upon opening the door and sliding his backpack to the floor, Starlight and Fluttershy were still lying on the floor. They saw Sam heavily panting, looking more soaked on the left side of his body than normal and his Poké Ball in his free hand. “Sam!” Fluttershy gasped. “What happened to you?” “And what’s with the Poké Ball?” Starlight asked. Before Sam could answer, Alice came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a large t-shirt that went down near her knees, concealing her underwear beneath. “Okay, are you ready to talk like a man now?” She didn’t seem to get a response as he subtly jiggled the Poké Ball in his hand, making her furrow her brow even more. “What’s going on in your hand? What’s with the Poké Ball? Are you saying you’ve been going out and catching Pokémon out in this storm?” “Not exactly,” Sam panted. “Could you please join me at my side?” “What?” “Please, everyone! Just do it.” Alice rolled her eyes as she stood next to him, Starlight and Fluttershy confusedly following him. “You may want to call Lady too,” Sam said. Starlight scanned the room. “Lady!” The Eevee crawled out from under the bed and took refuge between Starlight’s forelegs. Sam held his ball back, ready to throw it. “Okay, Starlight, I’m going to need you to stop whatever comes out of this ball if it charges at us, okay?” “What in the hell did you catch?” Alice hissed. “Don’t worry, nothing big.” Sam tossed the ball out. “SAM!” The ball opened up, and the lizard dropped down from it, quickly spinning as it observed its suddenly alien surroundings. Upon its purple eyes meeting Sam, it let out a loud hiss and slithered at them, Alice and Fluttershy screaming in fright. Starlight was prepared, quickly charging her horn to encase the lizard in her aura and holding it back to stop its advances. As she lifted it up for everyone to see clearer, the lizard flailed itself about in a futile attempt to break free. “Sam,” muttered Fluttershy. “What is that you just caught?” “Dunno,” he responded. Alice walked around the suspended lizard and picked up her Pokédex from the nightstand between the beds, unplugging its adapter from it. The Pokémon settled down as it resigned itself to its fate, allowing Alice to get a read on it. “Salandit,” the Pokédex said, “the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. It burns its bodily fluids to create a poisonous gas. When its enemies become disoriented from inhaling the gas, it attacks them.” “And you let this thing loose in the room?” Alice spat. “I had no idea!” Sam shouted back. “I stepped on its tail by accident on my way back, it attacked me, and I threw a Poké Ball at it to keep it away.” “Okay… I mean, good job and all, but I don’t think that thing is going to want to join your party any time soon. I mean look at it.” Sam did look into the Salandit’s eyes, and it let out two spiteful hisses at it, taking Sam aback. Pursing his lips, he knew he had to do something. He cautiously stepped forward toward it. “Starlight, when I tell you to, I want you to set this thing back down on the ground and let it go.” “What?” Starlight stomped her hoof. “Sam, that’s crazy–” “I know, I know. But I need to tame this thing and fast. Just please do it. I know what I’m doing.” Now face to face with the Salandit, Sam kept unwavering eye contact with it. “Okay, Starlight. Go ahead.” Starlight began floating the Salandit down, Sam going down to a kneel and doing his best to stay eye level with it until he was at a kneel and the Salandit’s feet touched the ground. Alice stared on at the scene with dreaded anticipation. Sam nodded once more, and Starlight relinquished her magic. Knowing it was free Salandit jumped at Sam, its mouth wide open. Sam blocked it with the side of its left hand, the Salandit clamping down hard. Sam tensed his hand as hard as he could as he could feel and even hear the piercing of the Salandit’s teeth through his skin. Fluttershy gasped as she saw a trickle of blood come down and land on the floor. Starlight, Lady, and Alice stayed silent as Sam continued staring the vicious Salandit in its eyes, refusing to show any sign of pain or even discomfort. Even as blood dripped steadily onto the floor, Sam refused to yield. After a minute for what felt like an eternity, the Salandit quickly let go and screeched, scurrying under the bed. Alice and Fluttershy looked down at Sam’s hand, which was coated with thick red liquid from his wrist to the tips of his fingers. Fluttershy swooned and fainted on the spot. Starlight spotted the Salandit hiding, noticing it shaking. “Great. It’s scared of you now!” “Of course,” Alice said. “Sam asserted his dominance over it. It’s natural that it would be afraid.” She then looked down at Sam’s wound which she began to notice was slightly glowing purple. “Sam, you’re poisoned! Hurry, put some Antidote or a Full Heal on that or–” “Just give me a Super Potion.” “That’s not going to stop the poi–” “Just please.” Alice went to her bag as told. From it, she grabbed a red spray bottle with an orange nozzle and handed it to Sam, who hung it by the trigger off his left index finger. Reaching over to his bag with his right hand, he unzipped the main pocket, reached inside, unrolled the paper bag, and pulled out a single cookie from it. Calmly scuttling over to the Salandit, who he could see was shying further into the bed, he stopped a couple of feet from it, setting the cookie down. “It’s okay,” he cooed in a higher voice. “I won’t hurt you. Here, have this cookie.” He pushed it back a bit more, keeping his eyes at the foot of the bed. Eventually, the Salandit poked its head out, creeping forward step by step with an occasional trepid glance up. Once its face reached the cookie, it took a testing lick. Liking the taste, the Salandit began eating the cookie as Sam reached down and pet it down from behind its spines to its lower back. “There you go,” he whispered. “That’s a good Salandit.” The Salandit appeared not to be fearful of its touch, and after a couple more gentle strokes, Sam grabbed the Super Potion from his other hand and aimed the nozzle it down at the tail. With two quick sprays, the Salandit shot up, shocked by the suddenly cold sensation. Glancing back at its tail, it gave it a couple of wags, elated that it no longer felt the pain Sam had inflicted upon it. Turning back to him, Salandit ignored the cookie and crawled into Sam’s lap, squirming, rolling about, and squeaking happily as Sam tried petting it. “Whoa!” Sam laughed. “Easy, girl!” Fluttershy came to while Starlight’s mouth hung open and Alice smirked, going back over to her bag and pulling out a small hand towel, a yellow spray bottle with a flat, grey nozzle and another Super Potion. She went to his left side and held his free left hand out, wiping as much of the blood from his hand and then spraying the bite marks with the yellow bottle first. With each squirt of liquid, the purple pulsing in his hand died down until it was fully healed. She then began spraying his hand with the Super Potion, the bleeding becoming less profuse as the holes quickly clotted over. Sam turned from Salandit for a moment to give his sister a thankful nod before receiving a loud, jealous screech from it. He held up his left arm and allowed Salandit to climb up onto it and let Sam cradle it. Turning back around, he motioned the ponies and Lady forward to let them have a look. With the three of them looking over it, Fluttershy smiled wide at the instantly cute sight. “Aww,” she cooed, “you’re an adorable little lizard when you aren’t trying to bite my friend’s hand off!” Sam held up Salandit to her, allowing her to rub its belly, causing it to purr. Alice looked back to her Pokédex, glancing over the Salandit’s entry, opening her eyes wide. “Sam, you’re not going to believe this! Not only is this thing a Poison-type, it’s also a Fire-type!” Sam looked back to her again, Salandit too busy being given affection by Fluttershy to notice. “No kidding?” “You literally couldn’t have caught a better Pokémon for our redo tomorrow.” Sam nodded before looking back at Starlight, who continued observing idly with Lady. “Come over and take a look!” Starlight looked a bit surprised, feeling more put on the spot as Fluttershy stepped away to give her room. “Really? I mean, that’s okay. I–” “It’s okay! I’m sure she’d love to meet you too!” Starlight reluctantly stepped forward, and upon seeing her, Salandit shot out of Sam’s arm and onto his shoulders, arching its back defensively. “It’s okay, girl!” Sam said to it. “She’s a good friend of mine.” Sam gave her another nod, prompting her to walk forward. Reaching for its head, she began to rub the back corner of its head, and it began to tilt, appreciating the massage it received. Sam then laid his hand on her shoulder, and she looked at him with slight confusion. “We’ll get through this.” He stroked the base of her neck with his thumb. “I promise we will.” Starlight grinned appreciatively, and resumed petting Salandit. Tomorrow was already looking to be a bright and better day. > Chapter 25 – Mallow's Marsh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice awoke to the sound of Sam’s violent retching in the bathroom. Rolling over to the window, she sighed in relief to see sunlight, marking that morning had already come. Fluttershy soon came awake due to Alice’s stirring beside her, and Sam’s continued vomiting eventually awoke Starlight and Lady on the bed where Sam had slept. “My goodness,” Fluttershy whined in sympathy. “Is he going to be okay?” “Yeah,” Alice sighed, throwing her covers off of her. “He must still be working his Salandit’s venom out of his system.” “He’s still poisoned!? He won’t die, will he?” “No, I stopped the worst of it with a Full Heal last night. Just let him finish *ahem* expelling, and he should be just fine.” The yowling stopped after a while, and the sound of a toilet flushing was heard behind the door.  Sam came out shirtless and in his underwear and covered head to toe drenched with sweat, the sight of him making Alice quickly turn away and Fluttershy and Starlight’s faces to turn bright red beneath their fur. “Sorry,” Sam panted, leaning against the door, “I wanted to fight it until sunrise, and it made me feel very hot.” Starlight couldn’t help but notice Sam’s slightly toned muscles in his torso and abdomen. “Well, you certainly look very…warm.” Sam huffed with a smile at Starlight’s sudden choice of words, an awkward silence soon following. “You don’t mind if I shower first, do you?” Sam slipped his clean black t-shirt on, his washed jacket lying folded on his bed beside his belt and Poké Ball clip, which was now adorned with three balls. Everything else in the room was left exactly as it was when they came in the previous night, including the spilled blood on the carpet cleaned up spotlessly. He slid his belt through the loops in his shorts and fastened it before flinging his jacket open by the sleeve and tying both sleeves around the front of his waist. Last was his clip, and upon picking it up, he studied the ball his Salandit was kept in. He detached the ball from it and clipped his other balls to his belt. Lobbing the ball onto the bed, Salandit emerged from it, eagerly and joyfully running to his outstretched hand that pet, massaged, and scratched its head and back. “Good morning to you too!” As Salandit rolled to its back, expectant for belly rubs, Sam stopped, resting to his knees before the bed and laying his body down on the mattress. “I want to talk to you.” Salandit twisted itself so that it could still look at Sam while upside-down. “Listen, my sister and I are both doing our Island Trials. We couldn’t beat the last one because we weren’t strong enough. I’m certain that with you on my side, we’ll be strong enough to beat it this time. You think you can be strong for us?” Salandit let out a couple of affirmative grunts, nodding its head, grinning open-mouthed as Sam’s hand lowered to its exposed stomach. He stopped just inches from the lizard’s belly. “I’m serious!” he said in singsong, the taunting voice prompting Salandit to reach up and try and pull his hand down. “I really need you out there. I won’t give you belly rubs unless you promise to give it all you got out there in the jungle. Deal?” Salandit’s nodding quickened. “Okay, good girl!” Sam commenced the tickling of its stomach, and Salandit could not look or sound happier about it. Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy looked on as Sam played with his Pokémon, Alice coming out from the bathroom fully dressed and equipped with her bag, her hair just slightly damp. She stood behind the two ponies and watched Sam as he let Salandit crawl up his shirt and pop its head out from the back of the collar. “Whenever you’re done playing with your lizard,” Alice exclaimed, “we can get going!” Sam reached behind his back and let Salandit crawl up his arm, putting it back in front of him to face it. “Sounds like its time to go,” he said, bending over to pick up Salandit’s Poké Ball. “You ready for this?” Salandit squealed loudly with its eyes closed and its joyful smile wide open. Sam aimed the center of the ball at his Pokémon and returned it inside. Picking up his backpack leaned against the nightstand, he turned on his heels and toward the door. “Let me check us out first, then we’re off.” Sam had already exited and turned to the lobby before he had stopped talking. “Come on.” Alice turned to Fluttershy. “Let’s see how that Comfey is doing.” “Yes!” she agreed. “I sure hope Mallow was able to keep it safe during the storm.” Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy all went out first while Alice did a quick glance around the room to look for anything they may have left. Seeing that nothing was out of place, she closed the door behind her. Sam, Alice, the ponies, and Lady stepped up to the Lush Jungle entrance, already feeling uneasy with all of the puddles that they could see on the pathway in. “Damn,” Sam hissed. “It’s going to be a swamp in there.” “Hello!” The group turned around to see Mallow waving to them from the last ledge up the northward hill before climbing up it, swinging her left foot up to reveal a larger brown boot than the ones she wore the previous night. Pulling the rest of her body up, Fluttershy was elated to see Mallow wearing the Comfey around her neck. Sam and Alice also noticed a large sack that she wore upon her back. As she approached them, Comfey detached itself from its tail and flew over to Fluttershy, giving her face a hug with its tiny arms. “It’s good to see you too, Comfey!” Fluttershy said “What’s in the bag?” Alice asked. “You didn’t happen to save your tools from yesterday, did you?” Mallow blushed sheepishly. “I actually didn’t!” “Oh, shit!” Sam whipped his backpack off and looked into his bag finding the slot for his chef’s knife that was now empty, leaning his head back to face the sky in anguish. “Is something wrong?” Mallow asked. “I left my own knife in there! Hoping it isn’t sitting in a pool of mud now or got blown away.” “I wouldn’t be too worried. The winds were pretty spicy last night, but it shouldn’t have been able to blow a big heavy knife like that away. And if it’s dirty, I’ll clean it. In the meantime, I brought some spares! Oh yeah, one last thing!” Pulling the hole in the sack open, she took out two pairs of what appeared to be long red rubber socks with soles on the bottoms. “What are these?” Starlight asked, studding them closely. “I call them mud slippers!” Mallow tossed the pairs out, each one landing in Alice and Sam’s grasp. “Just slip those on over your shoes and legs, and you shouldn’t have to worry about wet, muddy shoes or soggy socks.” “Oh, neat. Thanks!” Starlight held both of their bags in her magic as Sam and Alice began putting their mud slippers on. Mallow approached Fluttershy and Comfey, squatting down to look them in the eye. “So what are you two talking about?” she asked them. Fluttershy turned to her. “Comfey was just apologizing to me if I thought she betrayed us yesterday during the trial. She said that she only wanted to join in the battle to see how strong Sam and Alice were.” “Well, it seems that she gets to see that again today. You don’t mind her fighting with the Totem Lurantis again, do you?” Fluttershy calmly shook her head. “If it’s to help make my friends stronger, I’ll support her.” “Okay!” Alice called. “I think we’re ready!” Fluttershy and Comfey turned around to see Sam and Alice looking professionally suited for the trial minus their cartoonishly bright mud slippers that reached just below their knees. “Wonderful, if you just want to follow me in!” Mallow led the way, and the group went out to follow her. Lady leapt onto Starlight’s back and lied down. “Good thinking, Lady,” Starlight whispered back. “I’d much rather not have you get too muddy today.” As they walked through the path, Sam and Alice would look down to see mud already caking the tops of their feet, though leaving their good shoes and their feet and legs dry and clean. Once they were entering the first clearing where they had their battle, Sam and Alice glanced to each other, fortunate for Mallow’s convenient footwear. Entering the clearing, Sam, Alice, and the ponies grimaced at the swamp that the Lush Jungle had indeed become. Virtually every patch of tall grass was now standing in shin deep water, and the dirt pathways had simply become a trail of muddy slop. In the clearing, Sam could see the various tools that had been left behind half buried in the mud, noticing both his knife and cutting board among them. “Oh, thank God they’re still here!” “Yep!” Mallow began to pull the tools up, gathering them under her arm. “Looks like everything is still intact. If you want, you can go ahead and gather the ingredients again while I wash all of this off. You remember what to get right?” “Tiny Mushroom,” Sam said. “Mago Berry,” Starlight added. “Miracle Seed,” Fluttershy spoke. “And a Revival Herb.” “Good!” Mallow pointed them forward. “Let’s start cooking with fire!” Sam and Starlight and Alice and Fluttershy looked to each other once again, the four of them splitting off in their pairs to go out searching, Lady and Comfey following Starlight and Fluttershy. Mallow had already began pulling her tools from the muddy ground. Sam, a Mago Berry in his hand, faced a Fomantis floating upon a large palm leaf, the grassy patch flooded up to the middle of Sam’s shin. Salandit rested safe and dry on Sam’s shoulder as it eagerly hissed at the Pokémon they both looked at. “Salandit, use Ember!” From Salandit’s mouth shot a small ball of flame that struck the Fomantis in the stomach and knocked it off its makeshift raft and into the newly-formed pond. The Comfey floated above that standing water of another grassy spot, its eyes trained on a Miracle Seed floating on the surface. Gingerly picking it up, it carried it back to Alice and dropped it into her hand. “Good job.” Alice rubbed under the Comfey’s chin with her finger. “I almost feel bad that I’m going to have to take you down again.” The Comfey bashfully tilted itself down and to the side, looking away. Fluttershy grimaced awkwardly, both for Alice’s statement and more-so, the Comfey’s response. Salandit was standing on dry land, facing a large mushroom-shaped Pokémon with a purple cap and a white stalk with two black holes and a curved line for a smiling face. It stood before a Tiny Mushroom growing in the ground between it and Salandit. “No fooling around!” Sam shouted. “Use Smog!” With a loud breath, dark purple fumes flew from Salandit’s mouth and washed over their foe. Noibat floated over a Fomantis as it fell onto its back onto a puddle, taken out by its last attack. Feeling that it was safe to advance, Fluttershy flew to beside the fallen Fomantis before pulling a Revival Herb out from the ground. She bent down to the side of the Pokémon’s face. “Sorry about that… again.” Flying back to Alice, she handed her the root, earning a thankful nod from her. She then tossed the Revival Herb in her bag where her Miracle Seed, a Mago Berry, and Tiny Mushroom were sitting. “Alright,” she said, walking back south, “let’s hope Sam’s almost done.” Alice and Fluttershy ran off while the Comfey hovered close beside them. Sam was already at work cutting and chopping the Mago Berries with his now shining knife on his acceptably clean cutting board. Alice was hard at work grinding the Miracle Seeds to powder in the wiped-dry mortar, despite the moisture they collected turning them more to paste. As Fluttershy peeled the Revival Herbs, Starlight used her magic to mince the Tiny Mushrooms with Mallow’s other knife. Mallow stood with her fists at her side and observed the sight of them preparing the ingredients with tremendous pride. Finally, Sam and the ponies were finished and transferred their ingredients to the mortar, Sam wiping down his knife and board the best he could with a napkin before putting them both back in his bag. Mallow handed Alice the larger pestle, and Alice began to mix. Sam and the ponies, prepared for what would happen next, stepped back and awaited the oncoming battle. The aroma of the paste started to become intoxicating, and Alice continued looking around, waiting for the Totem Lurantis and its allies to arrive. Several loud screeches and a rustling of leaves accompanied by the water on them falling to the ground was heard to the north. Immediately, Alice hopped back and put her hand on her first Poké Ball. “We take out the Trumbeak first,” Sam said, keeping his eyes focused ahead. “Agreed?” “Yup!” The Totem Lurantis shot out from the trees, slashing its arms out in a threatening matter. Quickly after, the Trumbeak and Castform joined its side. Fluttershy and the Comfey shared one last nod before it went to join the Totem Lurantis’s other allies. With their foes lined up, Sam and Alice both tossed their first Poké Balls. “Let’s go, Honedge!” “You’re up, Pikachu!” At the same time, both of their Pokémon emerged from their respective trainers balls and stood between them and the four Pokémon before them. Pikachu suddenly felt a sharp tingle all over its body as a pink aura seeped out of it. It was then pulled off painfully, Pikachu crying out as the aura flew toward the Comfey and was absorbed by the flowers on its vine. Alice grunted as Pikachu already began to pant. “You’re doing great, Pikachu! Use Thunder Shock on Trumbeak!” Pikachu, focusing all of its energy into its cheeks, shot lightning out from them and struck Trumbeak, felling it into standing on its talons. The Castform then shot out a bright flare up above the treetops from its mouth, the bright light shining down and transforming Castform into its sunny form. The Totem Lurantis’s arms began to glow brightly, turning to face Pikachu. “Oh no!” Starlight stepped forward nervously. “They’re ganging up on him!” Sam threw his arm out to Pikachu. “Honedge, take it!” Honedge zipped out to Pikachu as the Totem Lurantis swung its arm up and over, the light on its arm stretching out to slam down on Pikachu. Before it could, Sam crossed his arms, and Honedge formed a defensive X, intercepting and catching the attack. Starlight and Fluttershy both breathed out in relief. “Nice job, bud!” Sam shouted. “Now finish off Trumbeak with Return!” Honedge pushed the Solar Blade attack up and off, and before it could lunge at its target, the Trumbeak breathed in and then let out a blood-curdling scream at Pikachu, who pressed its hands down on the bases of its ears and whining with sheer discomfort. Honedge darted at Trumbeak, who, still distracted by its Screech attack, was caught mostly unaware as the side of Honedge’s blade collided with its head, sending it to its side where it didn’t even stir to get back up. Sam pumped his fist as the Comfey picked the fainted Trumbeak up and carried it away to safety. “Okay,” Sam turned back to his sister. “Get the Comfey next, then Noibat won’t have anymore Pokémon to face that it isn’t strong against.” Alice nodded keeping its eyes trained on the Comfey, who sported a confident, almost cocky grin. With another blown kiss, pink energy was drained from Pikachu and absorbed into the Comfey’s flowers, though Pikachu continued holding steady. Alice clenched her fist and pointed at Comfey. “That’s it! Use another Thunder Shock!” Pikachu blasted the Comfey with a stream of electric beams, though it appeared to shake it off. Castform then shot a fiery Weather Ball at Honedge, striking it dead where the blade met the cross-guard and throwing it back, though it still found the strength to continue floating. The Totem Lurantis then looked back to Honedge, charging up another Solar Blade. Pikachu gasped as it realized the attack wasn’t for it. Sam already crossed his arms, prompting Honedge to cross his scabbard over its blade. Lurantis brought its arm down, Honedge waiting for the moment to push and deflect, but before the large blade of light could come down on it, Pikachu collided into the side of it, knocking it out of the way and blasting mud up into the air as it collided with the ground. Spotches of it came down harmlessly on Honedge, but the initial explosion of the collision threw Pikachu back to Alice, where it tumbled to the ground, too weak to pick itself up. Starlight’s mouth hung open at the sight. Fluttershy reached her hoof out. “No! Pikachu!” Alice knelt down and pet Pikachu down the side as she took its Poké Ball from her belt. “Awesome job, Pikachu. That really was awesome.” Sam watched as Pikachu was brought back to its ball, prompting him to reach and pull up the right side of his jacket and unzip it, pulling out his Normalium Z. “Yeah. Thanks for the save there.” Sam detached his Fightinium Z from his Z-Ring and inserted the Normalium Z. Dropping the other Z-Crystal back into his jacket pocket, he wasted no more time in crossing his wrists in front of his face, bringing them back down, and crossing both arms out. As his Z-Power built up inside of him, he finished with putting his arms down to the left and then forming a “Z” with both arms. His Z-Power flowed out of him and into Honedge, who, even with its single cloth arm, puffed its sword body out. With Honedge, looking dead into the Comfey’s eyes, its poised expression suddenly morphing into one of shock and dread. “Nothing personal,” Sam breathed out, the Z-Power invigorating him, “but I gotta’ take you down for my Sister’s other Pokémon. Alright, Honedge, go get her! Breakneck Blitz!” Quickly slipping itself inside of its scabbard, Honedge shot out like a cannon, the tip of its sheath locked on to the Comfey’s small body. The Comfey attempted to shoot itself up, but Honedge easily tracked it, hitting its target dead center. The Comfey was blasted back into the treetops, almost disappearing behind the thick abundance of leaves and vines. Both Castform and the Totem Lurantis, who looked out to where the Comfey was flung out to, turned back to Sam and his returning Honedge with a similar face of amazement. Starlight let out a chuckle, already feeling the tide turning favorably. Sam himself smirked at the unintentionally flattering gesture. “Yeah. I know.” Alice already took out her next Poké Ball and threw it out. “Go, Mudbray!” The brown donkey filly came out from the ball, looking out at the Totem Lurantis and Castform with newfound determination. “Alice!” Starlight began to look afraid once again. “You know Mudbray is weak against that Lurantis!” “She knows.” Sam looked to his Honedge. “Prepare yourself, buddy.” Honedge held its scabbard up, ready for what was to come. Just then, the Comfey floated back down from the tops of the trees, joining Castform by its side. Fluttershy's mouth hung as wide as her eyes. “Crap!” Sam’s eyes were wide with sudden fear. “That didn’t beat it?” The Comfey looked to its remaining two teammates, and they both looked back and nodded, knowing what it needed to do. The Comfey then grabbed its tail and tilted to the side, forming a disk running parallel to the ground. Traveling in the path of its own ring, the Comfey sped up faster and faster, picking leaves from both the trees and loose ones from the forest floor, creating a treacherous whirlwind that entrapped every Pokémon on the field. The Castform and Totem Lurantis were hit by the dozens of leaves that slashed them, but they appeared to withstand the blows easily. Honedge also appeared to weather each strike against its body, but Mudbray began to cry out with each hit it tried to endure. “Holy god damn!” Alice growled from her clenched teeth, pressing her hat onto her head before it could blow away. “Such a strong Petal Blizzard for such a tiny Pokémon.” Starlight and Fluttershy blocked the force of the winds into their faces with their arms. “You can hardly see anything in there!” Fluttershy yelled over the gales. As the assault continued, Sam and Honedge both noticed a small red glow appear where Castform stood. Sam tensed up, knowing what was to come. “Honedge!” The fiery Weather Ball shot out from the twister, heading straight at Mudbray, whose eyes were closed as its only means of protection. Honedge flew out as quick as it could pommel-first. It made it just in time, taking the Weather Ball attack right in the base of its hilt. As Alice watched Honedge, fall limply off to her right, Mudbray looked over as well, realizing it wasn’t hit by the last attack. Seeing Honedge’s state, it bared its teeth and brushed the ground with its hoof, ready to charge. “Nice work, Honedge,” Alice whispered. “Now we’re golden! Mudbray, hit them all with Bulldoze!” Mudbray began to run out at the Castform, the landing of each of its hooves picking up mud, its still-charging body plowing the mud into a large wave that looked to engulf the three Pokémon before it. The Totem Lurantis and the Comfey were both struck by the outer edge while the Castform was struck by both the mud and Mudbray’s check. Both Lurantis and Castform managed to get back up, now covered in patches of dirt, that gradually but noticably dried up under Castform’s harsh sunlight. The Comfey, on the other hand, was half buried under the mud, its body and the last few inches of its tail the only things visible. Mallow ran over and dug it out, cradling it in her arms. As she ran back toward the ponies and Lady, Sam detached Honedge’s Poké Ball and returned it inside. Fluttershy ran to Mallow as she knelt down to allow her, Starlight, and Lady to see the Comfey. “You’re quite strong for such a small little… Comfey.” Mallow giggled. “They may be small, but Comfey’s can really take and pack a supremely spicy punch.” The Comfey stirred in Mallow’s arms gently floating up out of them and looking at Fluttershy with a relieved smile. Behind them, the Totem Lurantis put both of its arms out, its entire body glowing as it regained the energy it lost that turn. Fluttershy smiled back, glad to have her friend back. “Come on. Let’s watch the rest of the battle together.” With a squeak out of its mouth and an enthusiastic throwing up of its arms, the Comfey wrapped itself snugly around Fluttershy’s neck, holding on tight to part of its tail. The four of them turned back as Sam pulled out his second Poké Ball and threw it out. “Let’s keep it going, Fomantis!” Sam’s Pokémon emerged from its ball and pointed the tip of its leafy limb to its eyes and then at the Totem Lurantis, ensuring that it knew who it would come after. Alice turned to her brother. “Sam, what are you thinking? This is the perfect time to call out Salandit!” Sam shook his head, his eyes still trained on Lurantis. “Not yet. I want to wait until we can single that Lurantis out.” Alice continued staring at Sam, but nodded in acceptance with his choice, turning back to her foes. “Okay, Mudbray, take out that Castform with Double Kick!” Mudbray galloped at its target, who tried to charge up another Weather Ball, only to find its process going much slower than before. It could not fully form its attack as Mudbray spun itself around and kicked Castform, sending it flying into a tree behind it. As it got its bearings, Mudbray continued running at it and spun around again, delivering another kick that thrust it into the bark of the tree. Fluttershy and Starlight gasped at the seemingly violent display, but were mostly reassured to see the Castform peel itself out of the Castform-shaped imprint left in the tree and plop to the ground. They then watched as the Totem Lurantis walked over to it and picked it up in both arms. After looking at each other and making conversational noises to each other, the Totem Lurantis set its arms back down, allowing Castform to fly back into the jungle. “And then there was one,” Alice said. “We’re already in a much better spot than yesterday.” “Don’t get your hopes up.” Sam’s face reflected his deadly serious comment. “Seriously? Always Mr. Negative with y–” A sound of quick, small slicing noises sounded out in front of her, and when Alice turned back, she could see that the Totem Lurantis, had concluded a finishing Razor Leaf attack, the remnants scattered around and behind her Mudbray, who tried to stand for a single moment before tipping over in exhaustion. “No, Mudbray!” Alice ran to it, ignoring the Totem Lurantis’s lethally defensive stare. Sam spread a grimace across his face, knowing it was not the time to say anything to her. “Fomantis, quick! Use Fury Cutter!” With the Totem Lurantis turning itself to face Alice, it was caught off guard as Sam’s Fomantis lashed at its torso with both of its bladed leaf arms. Fomantis quickly bounded back as Lurantis fell to one knee. Alice knelt down and cradled Mudbray’s head in her arm as she took out its Poké Ball. “Don’t worry about it,” she whispered to it. “You did great. Get some rest.” Alice aimed the front of its ball at Mudbray’s face, the red beam shooting from it pulling it back inside. Both Alice and Lurantis stood up at the same time, facing each other before Alice backed up to stand beside Sam, already taking out her next Poké Ball. “Go, Rockruff!” Alice’s brown puppy came out from the ball, growling confidently at the now lone Totem Lurantis. Both Starlight and Fluttershy looked confused and a bit scared. “I assume there’s a strategy behind this?” Sam asked. “Absoluetly. Now that we cut down Lurantis’s speed, let’s try and chip away its defense.” Sam smiled, completely understanding. “Okay, you do what you need to.” “Thanks. Rockruff, use Leer!” Rockruff locked eyes with the Totem Lurantis, and a glimmer of sudden, harsh light shone from them, appearing to take it’s opponent aback. Undaunted, Lurantis began to absorb the Castform’s sunlight as it started to wane, its arms glowing strongly enough to use another Solar Blade. Sam reached out to Rockruff, fearing the worst. “Fomantis, use–” “No!” Alice called out. “Go after it!” Sam looked devastated, but looking back at Rockruff’s stoic preparedness for its fate, he then looked out at the Lurantis as it swung its arm up to slam the beam spreading off of it down on its target. The blast from the attack threw Alice backwards to Starlight and Fluttershy’s front hooves, Starlight’s magic catching her before her back could land in the mud. Starlight then lifted her back to her feet to allow her to see Sam pointing out at the Totem Lurantis, his Fomantis sprinting out at it. Pulling herself into a seated position, she watched as Fomantis delivered an even stronger dual slash with its arms than before, throwing the Totem Lurantis onto its back. Alice walked back and looked down to see Rockruff had fainted, lying in the crater made by its attack. She continued smiling proudly as she returned it back to its Poké Ball. “I know we’ll win now, thanks to you.” She then put the ball back and took out her last one. “Your time to shine, Noibat!” With a purposeful lob, Alice’s final Pokémon soared out of its ball, keeping its altitude and distance from the Totem Lurantis. “We shouldn’t have much left. Use Aerial Ace!” With a harder flap of its wings, Noibat shot down at the Totem Lurantis, slashing its entire body into it and pushing it down to its knee and left arm. After a couple of breaths, Lurantis threw its arms out, its entire body glowing as it took as much sunlight it could to heal itself. “Yeah, that won’t get old,” Sam breathed. “Hit ‘em with another Fury Cutter!” Fomantis lunged at the Totem Lurantis, though in its newly invigorated state, the Totem Lurants was able to avoid the attack with a sidestep. Watching the exposed Fomantis pass it, the Totem Lurantis delivered an X-Scissor with a dual slash of its arms, flinging it out to Alice’s side of the field. “No!” Alice barked. “Hit him with another Aerial Ace!” Noibat made another dive at its target. Though the Totem Lurantis attempted to dodge, Noibat twisted its body and smacked it in the face, sending it to its back again. From the sidelines, Starlight turned to Mallow with a direly inquisitive face, and seeming to understand what she asked, she nodded to her. Starlight picked Fomantis up in her magic and floated it back to Sam, where he let Starlight place him in his arm. Sam could tell that Fomantis was virtually motionless and no longer in any state to battle. He gently stroked its stomach where it was hit, keeping the Totem Lurantis and its taunting displays in his peripherals. “Okay…” Sam detached Fomantis’s Poké Ball from his belt and returned it inside. “Now it’s our turn to toy around with you.” He put the ball back and took out his last one, throwing this one out with much vigor. “Let’s end this, Salandit!” With a cheerfully bloodthirsty screech, Salandit popped out from Sam’s ball and threateningly wagged its tail. Mallow gulped in genuine surprise. “Where’d he get that?” “Last night in the storm,” Fluttershy answered. “The storm?” “The story can wait,” Starlight said. “Let’s see how well it can fight against a Totem Pokémon.” Mallow looked back out to catch what would clearly be the end of the battle. “This won’t end well for you,” Sam said to its opponent. “Salandit, use Dragon Rage!” “Dragon Rage?” Mallow, Starlight, and Fluttershy shouted in unison. Opening its mouth, a pulsing dark-blue aura surged inside the Salandit’s mouth before it shot out with near incalculable speeds straight into the Totem Lurantis’s stomach, sending it sliding back on its feet. “Quick, while it’s still keeping its balance, use Aerial Ace!” Alice’s order was well met by Noibat, who used the Totem Lurantis’s adjusting of itself to strike it in the head, easily knocking it onto its back. Sam and Alice were dismayed to see the Totem Lurantis kick itself back onto its feet and use another Synthesis, gaining stamina and health that it had lost. However, Sam could tell that the restoration of life did not fix itself as well as it had the previous times. Sam smirked, knowing this was where the battle was won. Starlight gasped happily realizing this too. “Now they’re dealing more damage than that Lurantis can restore! They’re going to win this!” “Keep it going!” Sam shouted. “Another Dragon Rage.” The Salandit spat another blue blast of energy into Lurantis, hitting it in the side of its chest and spinning it around until it fell to its forearms and knees. “Aerial Ace!” Noibat swooped into the Lurantis’s gut, throwing it on its side to the ground. Weakly standing up, the Totem Lurantis faced the Noibat and Salandit, their trainers expecting another futile Synthesis. Instead, the Totem Lurantis revealed another Power Herb in its grasp, crumbling it as its arm began to brightly glow. It kept its eye on Salandit, though quickly twisted its body so that it swung its Solar Blade upwards at Noibat, striking it even higher up into the air. Alice and Fluttershy looked up, but were only mildly relieved to see it already flying high and strong, having quickly recovered as expected. “It wasted its attack,” Sam said. “Even it knows its over. Salandit, you get to finish this! Dragon Rage!” With a final blast of blue from its mouth, the Totem Lurantis turned to face the unavoidable attack, throwing its arms out as it readied itself for the hit. The aura struck the Totem Lurantis hard, sending it flipping back before it tumbled to its stomach, no longer able to fight. For a couple of seconds, Sam and Salandit began to breathe heavily in perfect synch with each other. Once the victory became clear, Sam suddenly shouted out with his arms up, crouching down to allow his Salandit to run to his chest and allow him to catch it, twirling it about as he stood back up. “We did it!” Sam cheered. “You were awesome!” “Woohoo!” Fluttershy cheered. “Great battle!” “I’ll say!” Starlight put her hoof up and allowed Fluttershy to clop her own into it. Noibat perched itself on Alice’s shoulder as she approached him, giving him several hard pats on the shoulder. “You did good today, bro. You did good.” Sam smiled proudly at the rare, genuine compliment from his sister, grabbing his sister’s shoulder and giving it a congratulatory shake. The Totem Lurantis finally got back up to its feet and walked itself and its broken pride back into the jungle as silently as it could. Just before it could disappear into the brush, it stole a final, begrudgingly respectful glance to both trainers, continuing its walk back. “Nice job, Sam!” Starlight and Fluttershy approached the two trainers and their Pokémon, Lady yipping in agreement. “Your new Pokémon was truly outstanding!” Fluttershy sighed in adoration, the Comfey mewing in additional support. “Okay, guys! Keep rubbing it in, why don’tcha?!” Alice’s sudden outburst earned laughs and chuckles from Sam and the ponies. Mallow began applauding, standing before the entire group. “Well guys, you and your Pokemon certainly showed you have quite a bit of flavor, and your exceptional teamwork finally pulled you through. Well, I know you’re probably stuffed full of the Lush Jungle at this point, so I’m just going to give you these… ‘After-Dinner Mints!’ …It’s Grassium Z. You both deserve it.” She stepped up to Sam and Alice and pulled out two green crystals from her pants pockets, presenting them in each hand. Sam and Alice both clasped their prizes and put them away with their other Z-Crystals. “Before I let you dash, let me show you how to use it.” Mallow began the ritual with the usual cross of her wrists, setting down of her arms, and reaching her crossed arms out. She then jumped down to a crouch with her cupped hands held in front of her face. She then slowly stood as she continued pressing her fingers and the sides of her hands into each other, making them tremor. Spreading her legs out, she finished the move by throwing her arms up into the air in a Y-formation. Alice couldn’t help but smile. “That’s probably one of the more simpler moves we’ve been taught.” “That’s good,” Mallow said. “They will get a lot harder. Just you wait!” “Uh… That’s okay.” Sam began to back toward the pathway to the jungle’s exit. “You can also leave your mud slippers on the ground at the foot of the entrance. I’ll pick them up later. I’ll see you all later! Good luck on finding your friends!” “Thank you, Mallow,” Fluttershy said. “Come on, Comfey, it’s time to go back home!” Looking down at it, the Comfey looked back to her, but refused to let go of its tail and detach itself from her. Fluttershy tried gently tugging the Comfey off, whining as each pull failed to do the trick. “Comfey, please, don’t make this harder than it has to! You have to go home now!” Mallow simply giggled. “I think its home is wherever you are, Fluttershy.” It was a simple phrase, but it instantly clicked with the yellow pegasus, tears welling up. “You… you mean…?” “You take good care of her. I think you two make a really cute pairing.” Fluttershy’s grin grew larger as she realized that Comfey was now hers. “Oh, thank you, Mallow! I promise to take the best care of her!” Fluttershy hugged her neck where Comfey continued to stay, and it wrapped itself tighter around the neck to return the embrace. “I think you’ll both be taking care of each other.” “Thank you again, Mallow!” Alice waved, beginning the trek back out. “Bye!” Sam followed her, but waved back to Mallow, Starlight, Lady, Fluttershy, and Comfey also bidding her their farewells. Soon, the group disappeared down the path, leaving Mallow alone to begin picking up the tools left from the trial. Hidden from a perfect vantage point inside of a bush, a pair of half-open purple eyes attached to a dark-colored shadow purred as it continued to survey the area. Realizing that the trainers it had watched were now gone, it quickly shrunk back from the bush and scurried away, the noises too far away for Mallow to hear it. > Chapter 26 – Lillie the Gentle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lillie faced Sun and Lusamine at the back of the Aether Paradise, the blades of the sleek, glistening white helicopter slowly spinning as it waited for its passenger to board it, gently fanning the air around them. A female Aether employee hoisted a small suitcase in one of the two forward facing seats inside the cabin before coming out and walking back towards the inside. “You’ll do fine,” Sun said to her. “All you really need to do is be yourself.” “That’s a little bit what I’m afraid of.” Lillie’s remark brought her mother forward to her, and she gave her a gentle hug. “You haven’t been that you for ten years now,” she said. “The new you is going to do wonderful. Now come on, the pilot isn’t going to wait forever.” Lillie slipped her arms around her mom’s back, giving her own embrace. “Thank you, Mother.” Lusamine stepped back, leaving her daughter alone again. Lillie without anymore hesitation, turned back and stepped up into the cabin, sitting next to her luggage and placing her messenger bag beside it. A male Aether employee closed the sliding door so that it ran flush with the rest of the helicopter’s body, quickly stepping aside to join Sun and Lusamine. The blades of the helicopter spun faster and blew its winds into the three of them harder, and they watched as the aircraft lifted off the pad and began to tilt forward, pushing itself off into the direction of Ula’ula Island. Lillie kept her eyes out the window until she could no longer see the top of the Aether Paradise. She then closed her eyes in meditation, comforted now only by the muffled chops of the helicopter’s blades directly above. Lillie’s eyes remained closed for what only felt like a couple of minutes, but she shot them open as she felt a sudden shift downward. From the left window, she could already see Mount Lanikala quickly passing by. Turning to the right, she saw as the helicopter turned left, revealing more of the southern coastline that they were soon to pass over. The speed of the helicopter went down as well, and Lillie continued to look down as she saw the front of the Aether House still very far down below. The helicopter continued floating level above the ground as began riding over the base of the mountain, the ground climbing high, threatening to run up to her. The elevation suddenly dipped back down to reveal a landing pad nestled in the mountainside, a golden logo resembling a trident with diamond-shaped tongs painted on its center. Lillie gripped her bags tight as the helicopter began to come down, the tail aimed safely away from the mountain’s face, though with mountain on every other side, Lillie’s hold refused to let up. Soon, she could see the surface of the pad looking level out her window, and with a gentle bump from below, she knew that she had landed. Outside, two Aether employees, both male, ran to the helicopter, the first opening up the door, the first one offering her hand. “Welcome, Miss Lillie!” Lillie took the second employee's hand as she stepped down to the pad, the first one now going into the cabin and pulling out her luggage. “We can show you to your room if you want.” Lillie straightened out her hair as the helecopter’s blades tried to whip it about. “That’s nice of you to offer, but I would like to go and meet with her straight away.” “Very good! We’ll take your bags to your room and see you there whenever you’re finished.” With a motioning arm, the second employee let her lead the way to a stairwell in the upper right corner of the pad, and her and the other two employees briskly walked to it before descending the tall, steep stairwell. As Lillie straightened her hair again upon reaching the bottom, she walked up towards a small gated square platform sitting atop a single railway that ran into a tunnel and down into the mountain. A female employee standing by it unlatched the door and opened it for them to step onto. Once all three of them were in she closed the door and stepped aside. The second male employee walked over to the touch panel display at the side of the tram and pressed the down icon and with a whir, the tram came to life and slowly lurched down into the tunnel, a piston beneath them tilting the platform so that it remained level even on the hill. The passageway was well lit enough for Lille to continue standing as the tram snaked its way down. Lillie could only focus on the furthest point in the track that she could see, hoping to see the end of it sooner than later. With another turn, she finally spotted the end of the track, which sunk a bit into the ground so that the platform would be flush with the floor. The tram finally came to a stop at the end of a small three-story atrium, whose windowed walls revealed several office spaces as well as a cafeteria at the other end. Lillie stepped off the platform and began walking slowly to the elevator at the other end. “And where are they now?” “They’re in the employee café, Miss Lillie,” the first employee replied. “They both like to sleep in, so they tend have their meals with the two kids a little later when it’s less crowded.” “And how have Amy and Noah been taking to them?” The first employee paused to smile. “Wonderfully. Twilight is practically a mother to them, and Spike a brother.” Lillie suddenly felt more confident to pick up her pace. “That’s good to hear.” The Aether employees also quickened their steps as she made her way forward. Twilight spooned the last of her oatmeal into her mouth as Spike licked loose egg yolks off of his plate. Amy tilted her cereal bowl until all the milk and leftover soggy crumbs had all been drunk, and Noah just finished the last bite of his bagel. All four looked to be in chipper spirits, Twilight and Spike in particular being well-rested following her reunion as well as having a tasty, hearty breakfast with the two kids. Neither of them even seemed to mind as a male Aether employee walked inside through the sliding metal doors, looking at him once he stopped across the table from them. “Sorry if I interrupted your meal, but Lillie from the Paradise branch is here.” “Oh!” Twilight honestly looked a bit surprised that she wasn’t there to greet them. “Well, we’re ready for her!” With an acknowledging nod, he stepped aside to leave through the other end of the room. Lillie couldn’t get more than a few feet into the room before she was met with hugs at her legs by Amy and Noah. “Lillie!” Amy cheered. “You’re back!” “You have to meet our new friends!” Noah shouted. Lillie couldn’t help but find her spirits lifted immensely. “That’s precisely why I’m here. If you would be so kind, I’d like to talk to them in private for a while.” “Come on, can’t we stay?” “Yeah!” Amy whined further. “We just got down here!” Lillie’s face, though pleasantly delighted, didn’t show other signs of change. “Please, just let me have some alone-time, and then I’ll let you have them back. Sound fair?” “Children!” The Aether employee called, leaving the sliding door open for them to come through. The children began to back walk backwards, knowing that their childish charm could not break through her. “Okay…” “It’s alright, you two. You go and play with each other. I hopefully shouldn’t be long.” Twilight’s words helped pick the children’s feet up, and they both jogged through the doorway, allowing the employee to leave and the door to close. Lillie turned back to face Twilight and Spike, and with the three of them alone together, the silence proved deafening. Feeling the pressure building, Lillie diffused it by quickly sitting down across from them and taking her bag off her shoulder. “I… apologize. I haven’t actually seen a… pony in person yet, and I’m still trying to take it in.” “I can completely understand.” Twilight then reached her hoof forward. “Twilight Sparkle. It’s good to finally meet you, Lillie.” The concept of a handshake suddenly felt foreign to Lillie, but as she reached forward instinctively, she remembered to grab a hold of the alicorn’s hoof and give it a gentle shake. “Likewise. And, Spike, was it?” “Yep. Nice to meet you, Lillie!” Spike took Lillie’s hand as she presented it, shaking her hand more energetically. Lillie hardly had to manage a smile as she sat back down and calmly tucked a stray hair behind her ear. It was actually appearing to go well. “You two sound to be having a pleasant morning.” “We are actually. My oatmeal was excellent, and Spike actually slept very well last night.” “And Sun let us talk with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie last night!” Spike blurted in. “That was cool!” “But I’m sure you already knew that.” Twilight looked to Lillie, who she could tell was biting the inside of her lip, something clearly troubling her. “Lillie? Is something the matter?” “I…” Lillie straightened her hair again, regaining the composure she had for a moment lost. “…have to apologize again. I have to imagine you know why I came here.” Twilight, her face already a bit hardened due to Lillie’s visible nervousness, simply nodded. “You’re here to talk about why exactly our friends and I are here.” “Right.” Lillie pulled out a small stack of paper-thin plastic sheets from her bag. “What I want to show you both is very confidential, and it cannot leave this room.” “Why not?” Spike asked. “I’m sure all the people here probably know about it.” “I don’t think that would be the case if they’re not as high ranking as she is,” Twilight whispered back. “Not to mention, Amy and Noah.” “Oh, yeah… good point.” Lillie began by sliding over several plastic sheets, each showing vibrant pictures of a Pokémon on it. The top sheets Twilight looked at showed what appeared to be a large white jellyfish with large tentacles and a translucent dome top and a black anthropomorphic bundle of chords bound together into long, flexible limbs by white holiday lights, along with a spikey white top resembling a head. Each sheet had a name in the upper right corners reading NIHILEGO and XURKITREE. Spike quickly overturned the creepy image of a thin, feminine-looking insect with two large wings appearing from the back of its head like long-flowing hair, and looked at another image of a large, round black dragon with a massive gaping mouth with a pair of claws extending from it. On the sheet read GUZZLORD. “What…” Twilight glanced at the sheet Spike overturned, which read PHEROMOSA. “What are these things?” Lillie took a quick glance around, the room still empty save for the three of them. “This was the first time we tried interdimensional contact. Or at least, my mother did..” “What do you mean your mother?” Spike asked. “Is she the one who runs this show?” “And what do these things have to do with us?” Twilight glanced back through each image. “I simply want to lay all of my cards on the table here,” Lillie responded. “It will also give you a little context for what we were trying to do that caused you to come here.” Spike and Twilight put their sheets down, intent on listening. “Many years ago, when I was still a child, my mother… and father began studying wormholes and looking for Pokémon on other worlds than our own. They found them, the Ultra Beasts instead. My father… left the Foundation and my mother grew obsessed with finding and setting the Ultra Beasts free onto Alola until some friends of mine and I were able to stop her.” “Let me guess,” Spike said, “your mom couldn’t give it up after all that, could she?” “…Not exactly. My mother came to her senses and my friends helped contain the Ultra Beasts that managed to escape. Years later, we revived our interdimensional studies and tried to seek out other worlds in a more… safe and humane matter.” “But why our world?” Twilight sounded calm, but there was audible hurt in her voice too. “Why did you target us?” Lillie ran several more loose strands of hair back into her hairline. “We never targeted your world. After nearly five years of searching through the cosmos, yours was the first we came across. Our purpose at the time was simply for reconnaissance, but something went wrong and it ended up opening a doorway to our world and pulled you and your friends into it.” “Hold on, reconnaissance? How would you even manage to do that?” Lillie looked around the room, waiting for the words to properly form her response. “They live back at the Aether Paradise, but we’re close friends with two very special Pokémon called Solgaleo and Lunala who have the power to observe the far reaches of space, and we channel that power to see what they see.” “So, like astral projection!” “Astral… projection?” “It’s a concept where the soul leaves one’s body and travels outside of it while leaving their body behind. Skilled unicorns and alicorns have tried the practice themselves, but it’s considered extremely dangerous, as improper return to ones body can cause permanent paralysis, brain damage, or in a handful of cases, death.” “I see…” Lillie quickly pulled out a blank sheet of paper from her bag and a pen from her labcoat and began scribbling what she could remember. “But if that’s all you were doing,” Twilight asked, “how did these Pokémon take us out?” Lillie stopped writing and massaged her neck. Twilight could tell that this was going to be the toughest question for her to answer today. “It pains me to say it, but we’re still trying to figure that out.” Twilight and Spike couldn’t help but look betrayed, and it very much hurt Lillie to see their faces then. “After Solgaleo and Lunala discovered your world, they somehow lost control and went berserk. We’ve done numerous tests with them to try and find out why it all happened, but we can’t find anything. And… I wish I could tell you why and find a way to make everything better for you, but…” Lillie slumped over the table, supporting her head with her hand, which also blocked Twilight and Spike from seeing her eyes. After letting out a single sob, she quickly wiped her eyes and nose with her hand and let in a heavy sniffle. “I’m sorry,” she said. “This hasn’t been easy for you, I know. It’s just that I was there when it happened and I can’t help but feel shameful about it. I want to make it up to you, though. What if I took you to the Aether Paradise? It’s out on the ocean, so you could go outside whenever you wanted to, and it has pretty much everything you can get here and more. I can even allow you to meet Solgaleo and Lunala if you wanted.” Twilight and Spike looked to each other, surprised this option was never available before. “You could really do that?” Lillie began to smile again. “I sure can. All I’d have to do is call in a helicopter to pick us up and we’d be on our way.” “Sorry, what’s a helicopter?” Spike asked. “It’s a machine that will fly us over there. It might take a while to get a confirmation for one, and it might take longer for it to get scheduled to come, especially on such short notice, but in any case, you’ll have plenty of time to say your goodbyes to Amy and Noah.” “That’s very considerate of you,” Twilight said. “Thank you.” “I only want to make you as happy as I can while you’re here. Is there anyplace here I can take you before I go and get a confirmation?” Twilight put her hoof to her chin. “You wouldn’t happen to have a library on site, would you?” Lillie couldn’t help but blink, the question seeming almost foolish coming from such a smart pony as her. The sliding door opened up, and Twilight stepped inside the disarmingly small room with glistening eyes to the sight of fifty-foot bookshelves along every part of the walls, each one filled with books of various widths, heights, and spine colors. Ladders on revolving tracks extended five feet up to each next level of shelf, though each ladder was on a different part from each other. Regardless, it looked stunning to Twilight. “Wow. This place never ceases to amaze me. Is this where you keep all your books?” “Not at all.” Lillie stepped up beside Twilight. “This is what we call the Regional Wing. The books in here relate to the geography and topography of all the regions of the Pokémon world, all the cities and towns within them, their history, the Pokémon that live in them. Things like that.” Lillie’s descriptions made Twilight’s ears twitch with anticipation. “We have three other libraries just like this one, one that focuses on individual Pokémon, their anatomy, their histories, their types, and the history of those types, and two wings dedicated to nonfiction and fiction books for recreational reading.” Spike put his arms to his sides upon seeing Twilight’s enraptured expression. “Uh, Lillie? I don’t think Twilight’s going to want to leave if you keep talking about all these books.” “That’s no problem. The Aether Paradise has a single library that’s larger than all four of the Aether House wings combined.” Twilight collapsed, Lillie immediately kneeling to her aid. “Oh my!” Lillie gasped. “Is she okay?” “Oh, yeah.” Spike nonchalantly crossed his arms. “You probably just overloaded her with knowledge. Give her a second, she’ll wake up.” “Alright. Okay.” Lillie stood back up and walked to the ladder just to her left. Twilight came to, and with an electric whir closeby, she looked to see Lillie reaching out to the right, the ladder moving to the right on its own until she put her hand back onto the rung, the ladder stopping just right of the center of the back. Climbing up, the next up ladder quickly rolled over to Lillie, stopping directly above her and allowing her to climb up to it. “Whoa, cool!” Spike commented. “How are you doing that?” “Weight and motion sensors.” Reaching through one of the rungs, Lillie pulled out a red book, the spine a bit tattered and discolored. Turning to the cover, she smiled at the title, “The Wonderful Kanto Region.” Getting what she wanted, she climbed back down to the floor, the chosen book held tightly in her arm. She took one step forward, but then stopped, looking shyly at the book. “Twilight, you wouldn’t mind showing me your… magic, do you?” “Not at all, Lillie.” Twilight stood back up and began charging her horn. Lillie held the book out and allowed Twilight to lift it out of her hands and float it in front of herself and Spike, the residual tingle on her fingers making her giggle unexpectedly. She quickly flipped through the pages, most of which contained pictures and little text. She read through several words as her flipping slowed, wanting to savor what was written. “The Kanto Region,” Twilight said aloud. “Why did you pick this book out?” “Memories.” Lillie walked behind her and Spike, looking over their shoulders. “My mother fled to the world where the Ultra Beasts live and even fused herself with one of them. After my friends and I saved her, she still had remnants of the Ultra Beast inside her, and it caused her to fall ill. “My friend, Professor Kukui sent me to Cerulean City in the Kanto Region to meet with a man named Bill, who had also fused himself with a Pokémon, but successfully separated himself from it. It was the first time I was away from home, on my own...” _____________________________________________________ 11-year old Lillie stepped out of a bus station, wearing a white hoodie and formal knee-length skirt, clutching the red straps of her backpack tightly, the unfamiliar urban jungle casting doubt into her mind. She pulled out an Alolan Pokédex, browsing through it until she received directions for the home of the man Kukui named Bill. With nothing else to do, she began to walk, following the thick, bright line on her screen. Upon getting past the first block, she was so preoccupied in her Pokédex that she didn’t notice a woman in her mid to lower-20’s walking out of a Poké Mart carrying a tote bag filled with whatever wares she had purchased. The two collided with each other, and when Lillie looked up to see who she bumped into and the slightly offended face she made, she shied away back into her Pokédex with a frightened yelp “I’m sorry, miss! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going!” “Hey, hey!” The woman’s voice still sounded angry. “Get a hold of yourself, it was just an accident.” Lillie glanced back up and got a fuller look of the woman, who had long red spikey hair tied into a ponytail, leaving more on top for long, spikey bangs. Her clothing consisted of a snug athletic yellow tank top, a pair of dark skinny jeans, and red skateboard sneakers. The woman’s expression softened at the sight of her Pokédex. “You came here all the way from Alola? Color me impressed.” Lillie tried to sidestep around her, though the woman kept her eyes on her. “I’m… sorry, ma’am, I have to go and see Bill!” “That’s fine, but let me treat a new, aspiring trainer to lunch first!” “Oh, I’m… I’m not a trainer… yet.” “Really? In that case, let me treat a new friend to lunch first!” “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” “Nope!” With Lillie now standing beside her on the sidewalk, the woman wrapped her arm around Lillie’s back and escorted her down the road. “So who do I have the pleasure of talking to?” “Uh, Lillie… My name is Lillie.” “Lillie, huh? Glad to meet you, Lillie. I’m Misty.” With her free hand, Misty grabbed Lillie’s left hand and gave it a shake. “So, you like sushi?” “Uh…” It didn’t matter what Lillie had to say, because Misty was taking her wherever she led her. _____________________________________________________ “Turns out she was the city’s gym leader.” Lillie continued, “which was really nice, because I honestly couldn’t think of anyone better to befriend and show me around than her.” “Gym leader?” Twilight asked. “They don’t do a trial challenge like they do here?” “No. In every other region, trainers partake in gym battles and earn badges to gain entry to face the Pokémon League.” “And this Bill guy?” Spike asked. “What about him?” “He lived way north of the city, but he thankfully had someone drive me to and from his house and workplace from the downtown area. Most of my days were spent working with him with samples of my mother’s DNA that I had brought with.” _____________________________________________________ A middle aged man with medium-length brown hair wearing a blue shirt and tie and brown pants looked down into a microscope, observing a drop of blood that was held between two slides. Turning to his ancient-looking computer, he typed in several keys followed by a scramble of text on his screen. On the top half of the screen above the randomizing characters, he received the following message: HMN – 91% PSN – 6% RCK – 3%. “So what do we do now?” Lillie asked. Bill pinched the bridge of his nose before facing her. _____________________________________________________ “He said that it wouldn’t be extremely difficult to cure my mother, as she had far less of the Ultra Beast’s DNA inside of her than he feared, but that they could only do so many tests and have so many failures before they ran out of the samples I brought. It was very frightening for me… but each passing day, I was thankful that I had run into Misty coming out of that store.” _____________________________________________________ Lillie dove into the pool, the water that got into her nose and mouth salty like the seas. With the few lights that were on in the ceiling, it wasn’t able to illuminate the bottom nearly thirty-feet below. She quickly came up, spitting as much of it out as possible. Misty, sitting on a tiled pathway leading from the front to the back side of the gym, couldn’t help but laugh, even as Lillie breathed hard from fright as she paddled her head above the water. “Kind of weird that a girl from Alola wouldn’t be used to the taste of the ocean.” “I’ve never done much swimming back at home.” Lillie didn’t seem ashamed to admit this. “No fooling? Then what have you been doing all your life down there?” Lillie shook off the wet sheets of hair the hung over her face. “Not nearly enough.” “Wanna’ talk about it?” Misty leaned forward and offered Lillie her hand. Lillie paddled over until she was close enough to grab a hold, allowing Misty to pull her up with one arm and sit her down beside her. Lillie pushed a couple of stray hairs back over her head as she composed herself. “So, what,” Misty asked, “were you raised on a desert island over there or something?” Lillie couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s not a terrible guess. I have lived a very sheltered life, and its only just recently I’ve really had any desire to experience the wonders of the world.” “Though, I’m sure that’s not the real reason why you’re here though, right?” Lillie paused for a moment before she shook her head. “I’m sure you know about those portals that opened over in Alola.” “Yeah? What about them?” Lillie paused again, wanting to word herself carefully. “My mother was attacked by one of the creatures that came out from there.” “Oh, shit!” Misty’s mouth and eyes went wide as she realized what she had let slip. Ah… I mean–” “It’s alright, Misty, I’m not that sheltered. My mother is ill back at home, and this is the first time I’ve been away on my own, almost… like a real trainer.” The fact it came out so subconsciously left Lillie rather invigorated. “You know what? My mother isn’t the only reason why I’m here. I came because I want to become a trainer. To experience a life that I refused myself on Alola. Once I help find a way to cure her, I’m going off on my first Pokémon adventure!” Misty was way ahead of her. She stood up, surprising Lillie, and she pulled out a tiny blue flashlight from a tiny pocket on the bottom half of her bikini. Kneeling down and sticking the light in the water, she quickly clicked a button on it, flashing strobes of light to the bottom of the pool. Lillie stood up to face her. “…What are you doing?” “Give it a moment.” Misty stood up and took a step back. Lillie focused her sights on the pool, noticing a couple of bubbles rising up where Misty flashed the light. Before Lillie could spot a shape rising out from the depths of the pool, something shot out of it and landed on the tile at Lillie’s feet. The sudden appearance of the creature shocked Lillie, but she soon recognized it from its form; a brown starfish fitted with some kind of golden brace with a red gem in its center. “Oh, a Staryu!” Misty didn’t seem impressed, but appreciated her knowledge all the same. Kneeling back down, she looked down at the Staryu. “Why don’t you take my friend on a little adventure?” “Adventure?” As she tried to figure out what Misty had meant, she suddenly felt a shove from behind that knocked her into the pool. The Staryu hopped into the pool and swam up beside Lillie as she coughed up more water. “Misty! What did you do that for?” “Just hang on tight and hold your breath!” Staryu floated just ahead of her and Lillie did as she was told, the realization of what was soon to happen now dawning on her. She suddenly felt a sudden tug and she gasped as hard as she could before her head was submerged. Holding on with just her fingertips, Staryu quickly jetted around in the water. Lillie’s initial fear of the dark water eased down as she saw, even underwater, the bands of light that shone downwards to the bottom from the top. It was the deepest she had ever been in the water, and it was an experience like no other. _____________________________________________________ “Eventually, Bill and I managed to formulate a cure that would eliminate the Ultra Beast still inside of my mother that we could send back to her in Alola.” _____________________________________________________ Bill placed a large plastic bottle containing clear pill capsules filled with a dark-brown substance onto the surface of a small pod, the label on bottle reading Charbia+. Sliding the pod door closed, he returned to his computer and began inputting code into it, Lillie watching over his shoulder. After a final set of keystrokes, the pod began to whir, a light inside shining bright. The whirring grew louder as the lights brightened even more before the bottle of pills began to evaporate into rays of green light that flew up into the pod’s ceiling until there was no trace of it. Once the bottle had completely disappeared, the machine and the lights in it died back down. Before it could shut off, Lillie’s Pokédex pinged. Pulling it out, she saw that she had gotten a single message from Wicke: “Got them. ;-)” With everything settled, Lillie could do nothing more than give Bill an eternally grateful hug, which he was surprised to receive but quick to return. _____________________________________________________ “My business in Cerulean City had come to an end… but my time in Kanto had not.” _____________________________________________________ Misty relinquished her tight hug over Lillie as they stood on the western limits of the city. The sun was setting behind Lillie, providing a warm, yet melancholy glow over the city she had made her temporary home. “I hope to see you soon,” Misty said. “And by see you soon, I mean challenge you at the gym.” “I look forward to nothing else,” Lillie eyes were full of tears. “And take care of that Staryu for me.” “I will.” Lillie walked back to Misty and gave her one final hug, quickly pulling away before running to the west, passing the arrowed sign leading her toward Mt. Moon. “Bye!” Lillie cried out, quickly getting out of Misty’s sight as she ran down a hill. _____________________________________________________ “After I had defeated all of the gym leaders there, I managed to reach the Pokémon League, being beaten only by its champion. My time in Kanto was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. I returned to Alola and the Aether Foundation stronger and wiser than ever before. It inspired me to join my mother’s side to help Pokémon all over Alola, and when Sun stepped down as the Alolan Champion to work for Aether, the three of us agreed to resume our interdimensional studies and continue looking into worlds beyond.” Twilight stood entranced by Lillie’s tale, only for her investment to be shattered by Spike’s loud snoring as he slept on the ground, curled into a ball. With a gentle kick to his thigh, Spike shot awake, brushed himself off, and stood to attention. “I think I understand why you found us now,” Twilight said. “Thank you for telling me this.” Lillie nodded graciously. “The Pokémon world is indeed amazing. Our only wish was to discover and explore other amazing worlds, or… find something or… someone to share our world with.” The last bit came out awkwardly, but Twilight was very much gladdened by the gesture. “Though I wish it was under better circumstances, I would very much like to see more of your world, Lillie. In fact, if you can reunite my friends and I and safely return us home, one of the first things I would like to do is suggest diplomacy between our worlds.” Now it was Lillie’s turn to be stunned to near silence. “You… you mean that?” “I do. I think you humans and us ponies have a lot that we could offer each other, and I have no doubt that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would agree.” Lillie let out a burst of squealing laughter as she sunk to her knees, leaning forward to grab a hold of Twilight’s neck and Spike’s waist and pulling them close and tight for an embrace. Spike gurgled for air. “I think she may be offering us too much!” “Just let her have this moment.” Twilight rubbed Lillie’s back with her arm, though Lillie’s hold refused to let up. Lillie quickly let them both go and shot to her feet. “Come on. I’ll take you back to play with Amy and Noah and I can go call for that helicopter!” “And maybe when you’re done…” Spike nervously pressed his index claws together. “…you can join us? Maybe you can show us some of your Pokémon.” Lillie would not stop beaming. “I’d love nothing more than that! Come on, let’s go!” Lillie stepped aside to let Twilight and Spike out first, leaving herself alone. After wiping an emotional tear from her eye, she shook both of her fists, mouthing out a jubilant “yes” before leaving the room to follow the two. > Chapter 27 – Quarry of Qualms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olivia walked treacherously along the edge of the oceanside cliff of the Akala Outskirts. Though Rarity and Applejack would have strongly advised her against risking her life as such, the inland breeze was strong enough to keep Olivia pushed away from a long fall down. What really made Rarity’s stomach churn was the small purse she hung over her right shoulder over the drop, almost teasing her with the possibility of losing what was inside. “Olivia, darling!” she shouted. “I can’t really control where you decide to rock, but could you at least put that bag on the other side where it won’t fall?” “Oh, come now, Rarity!” Olivia turned back with her feet still loyally guiding her, making both Rarity and Applejack gasp loudly. “You act like I haven’t been doing this for most of my life!” “I imagine if you don’t look forward right about now, you won’t have much of a life left!” “Hoo! Fiesty!” Olivia turned back forward, and Rarity breathed a loud sigh of relief. “Though… if you want me to keep the bag away from the edge.” Olivia spun herself around, now walking backwards with only half of her feet touching the surface, smiling at them fearlessly. Applejack tripped in swooning, letting out a tired huff as well. “Okay, Olivia, I think you’ve terrorized us enough for one lifetime!” “Alright!” Olivia swung back to walk forward, moving away from the cliff’s edge and putting the purse in her left hand. “Better?” “Much…” Rarity panted. “I put a lot of work into that, and I’d hate to see it plunge to the bottom of the ocean so you could pull off a prank.” “I would never let that happen. I’d simply have my Relicanth fish it back for me.” As badly as Rarity wanted to protest that that was not the point, she simply bared her teeth and rolled her eyes, letting the argument finally die out. The three came up to a hill where a small, but wide passageway opened up inside the mountain, which contained a cemetery with well-worn white crosses and headstones neatly organized in rows. Neither of them noticed the young man standing at the mouth of the passageway dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt with the top button unbuttoned, black pants with grey vertical stripes, black sneakers, and sandy-blonde hair styled in a fauxhawk. He also wore a single black sweatband on his right wrist. He whistled to Olivia with his teeth biting his lower lip, getting her's and the ponies' attention. “Hey! Over here!” Olivia put her hand over her eyes, unsure if the sunlight was playing tricks on her. “Dexio? Is that–” “Jeez, Olivia, do I really look that different?” “You do.” She began to walk toward him, smiling fondly as she got used to his appearance. “It suits you, though.” “You think?” Olivia, suddenly remembering, fished into her purse, pulling out the completed Mega Ring with Mega Stone inside and handing it to Dexio. He wordlessly took it from her and observed its craftsmanship seemingly without emotion. Applejack and Rarity joined Olivia’s side as he continued examining it closely. With a sudden smile, he slipped it onto his left wrist, flexing his hand to feel the grip. “It’s quite nice.” Dexio turned to face Olivia. “Thank you.” He then noticed the ponies, looking down to glance to each of them. “And who are you two?” “We’re… ponies.” Rarity felt a bit off put by his casual addressing of them. “You’re not weirded out by any of us, mister?” Applejack asked. “I personally know an immortal man and his Floette back where I come from. A couple of talking ponies shouldn’t seem that out of the ordinary to me.” “How did you even know about them?” Olivia asked. “I couldn’t help but overhear a group of women talking about the ‘white unicorn’ who helped pick out their jewelry. It’s how I thought of stopping by your place to make me this.” He brandished his Mega Ring once more. “Though, I’m guessing you’re not from Alola… or anywhere from here, are you?” The ponies looked to each other nervously, unsure how to confirm what he already knew. Olivia took a step forward. “No, they’re not, though I’m guessing you already knew that.” “I had my suspicions, but now, seeing and, well, hearing them in the flesh, it’s hard to think of anything else.” He then squatted down to look each pony in the eye. “And yet, it’s still harder to believe. My apologies, I’m Dexio, a friend of Olivia’s.” Reaching his hand out, the ponies couldn’t help but recoil, but seeing his good intentions, Rarity reached out with both hooves and shook his hand. “Rarity. I would say I’m charmed, but…” She let go and let Applejack take her turn. “And I’m Applejack. Though, if you say you and Olivia are friends, then I guess that’s good enough for me.” “Yes, sorry, I’m not usually this awkward with introductions. Please do forgive me.” “It’s… quite alright, darling.” Rarity stepped forward. “I do hope you like your… Mega Ring, was it?” “Yes, Mega Ring. I do like it very much.” “That’s good,” interrupted Applejack, “because she’s the one who made it!” “You made...” Dexio now appeared surprised, looking at the bracelet's craftsmanship once over agan. “Olivia, is this–” “Every word.” Olivia smiled proudly. “If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have carried in the impressive haul of obsidian I needed to make that.” “And she cut it and everything too?” “I did!” Rarity stepped forward, fighting the slight contempt for her friends upstaging her. “Perhaps it was a little more difficult getting the curves smooth on it than some of the other stuff I worked on.” “That’s quite impressive.” Rarity finally smiled at Dexio’s sincerity. “I’m guessing you’re here to watch me try it out.” “You bet!” Applejack exclaimed. “Rarity and I also haven’t seen a Pokémon battle yet, and we’d like to spectate.” “Excellent. Olivia? Are you–” “Yessir!” Olivia stepped into the passageway, stopping herself at the mouth of the cemetary’s entrance and turning to face Dexio. “Applejack, Rarity, get behind me.” The ponies did as they were told, walking into the cemetery and staying far enough behind until they were just a foot or so from the front of the first row of graves. “Olivia, could you have found a more ghastly place to hold this battle?” Rarity’s sarcasm was palpable. “It’s alright,” Olivia said without looking back. “I’m not actually in the cemetery. So, Dexio. How do you want to do this?” “I’ve got an interesting idea!” Dexio turned to face his opponent. “We each bring out our first Pokémon, and they must continue battling until they faint, and we do this until the first of us loses three Pokémon.” Olivia smirked. “Interesting indeed.” She then took out one of her Ultra Balls, tossing it out. “Go, Golem!” Coming out from the ball was Olivia’s boulder-shaped Pokémon with the forked protrusion coming from its back and the rock on its face appearing as a beard and mustache. Dexio tossed out his own ball of similar design. “Let’s go, Slowking!” Olivia’s first challenger was met by the Slowking, who stood pleasantly aloof in front of the determined Golem. Olivia squinted at Dexio’s Pokémon, feeling uneasy about it before smirking in confidence. “Let’s get this started right. Golem, use Electric Punch!” The Golem tucked its head, limbs, and protrusion into its body, becoming almost completely spherical. It then rolled quickly at Slowking, who widened its stance to move when needed. “That’s it, Slowking,” Dexio shouted, “dodge it!” Golem began to swerve about, widening its range of attack. It suddenly aimed to take out Slowking from the left, and on its trainer’s instructions, Slowking dodged just as Golem brought its body back out, the space between the forked protrusion arcing with beams of electricity. Golem reeled its right arm and fist back, which also began to sparkle, and, to Slowking’s complete surprise, it swung wide at its target, striking it square in its cheek. Applejack and Rarity winced with surprise. Slowking caught itself before it could fall to its stomach, but its entire body sparked, trying to recover. “Now, use Psychic!” Slowking turned to face the Golem, putting its glowing arms out and lifting Golem high into the air. With a throwing of its arms, Golem sped quickly to the ground where it crashed, blasting Olivia and the ponies with loose dirt and small pieces of rock. “Holy moly!” Applejack exclaimed. “I didn’t think this would get that violent!” As the dust cleared, Golem was standing strongly and roaring at Slowing. “Nice work,” Olivia shouted. “Hit ‘em with another Thunder Punch!” Golem balled itself up again and already began snaking in its path at Slowking. This time, Slowking dipped and shifted itself in a wide juke, putting plenty of space between it and Golem. “That’s it!” Dexio shouted. “Now use Ice Beam!” Slowking breathed in heavily, and as Golem’s body poked back out of its thick shell, Dexio’s Pokémon shot a strong burst of ice into it, crystals forming on its head and around that part of its shell. With a heavy pant, Golem tucked its head in partway and did a single roll back, breaking the ice that formed there. Olivia could tell that even with its strengths against the Slowking, her Golem would not survive another attack from it. Dexio pointed out at Golem. “Okay, Slowking, finish it off with one last Ice Beam!” Olivia grunted. “Golem, block and attack with Stone Edge!” As Slowking shot its attack, Golem pushed its arms forward, causing large rocky spikes to jut out from the ground, the first of them forming a shield that blocked most of the freezing beam. More spikes continued to shoot out from the ground as they traveled out to Slowking now trying to futilely push it back with the Ice Beam. Another punch of spikes came up and struck Slowking in the gut, sending it flying back to Dexio where it fainted upon its back. “Nice effort out there,” he said to it as he returned it into its Ultra Ball. “Let’s see how she can handle this one.” He returned his first ball to his belt and tossed out another. “Let’s do this, Metagross!” Appearing from his ball was the blue metal disk with four arms and dark red eyes along the front side. “Okay buddy, use Bullet Punch!” Metagross tucked its arms in and sped at Golem with intense speed. Olivia knew the attack would connect, but just in case… “Golem, Earthquake, quick!” Golem hopped up high into the air, tucking itself in as it began to come down. Before it could hit the ground, Metagross stuck the closest arm to it out, the clawed end colliding with its body with a few sparks grinding off the impact. Golem’s body was knocked out of its shell, and it rolled helplessly to Olivia where it stopped before her. Olivia could tell from its eyes that it had no will to battle any longer, and so with that done, she took out Golem’s ball and returned it inside. She looked to it. “Excellect work, my friend.” She put the ball back onto her belt and threw another one out. “Go, Probopass!” Olivia’s large head-shaped Pokémon appeared from the Ultra Ball and stood before Dexio’s Metagross. Dexio let out a small snicker. “Of all the Pokémon you could have chosen… Metagross, use Brick Break!” Metagross tucked its arms in and flew towards Probopass, who continued to stay where it stood. “Quick, counter it with Earth Power!” With its three smaller-head pieces, it floated them out in front of itself and began spinning them, making them glow bright. Metagross saw what was coming, and it already pushed one of its clawed arms out as it continued its approach. The ground between the two Pokémon suddenly began to glow red and then bright yellow, suddenly erupting molten rock at Metagross. With its arm held out still, Metagross fought through the blast and managed to strike Probopass on the center of the bridge of its nose. The force of the hit threw Probopass back and made it collide into Olivia, who leapt up and let her Pokémon knock her back, allowing her to tumble further back before Probopass could regain its placement and return to its original spot. “Olivia!” the two ponies yelled behind her. “Y'all ‘right?” Applejack asked. Olivia stood herself up, twisting her head up and cracking the joints in her neck. “Never better.” “Okay, Metagross, finish it off with one last Brick Break!” With Metagross still close to its target, it lifted itself up and raised one of its arms. Olivia hissed, knowing her Pokémon would not survive the hit. “Probopass, block it!” Probopass’s mini-heads converged in a single mass as Metagross let itself fall, its arm colliding with the mini-heads and pushing them into Probopass’s forehead. With the force of the attack, Probopass was knocked onto its back where it fell with a heavy, earth-shaking thud. Olivia took out her Ultra Ball and returned her immobilized Pokémon inside. “Sorry about that, babe. You did your best.” “Olivia’s getting her flank handed to her,” Rarity whispered. “What do you think she’s going to bring out next?” “I’m sure whatever she does is going to be fine.” Applejack then put her hooves to the sides of her mouth. “You got this, Olivia!” Olivia smirked as she took out the third and final ball from her belt. “I know. Your turn, Lycanroc!” Tossing her ball out, Olivia’s red-and-white bipedal wolf emerged, its evil, threatening grin refusing to strike fear into either Dexio or his Metagross. “You may be the Kahuna,” Dexio said, “but when it’s steel against rock, I’ve got you beat. Metagross, Bullet Punch!” Metagross shot out at Lycanroc, who continued wavering as if it refused to recognize the danger it was in. Before the claw could hit it, Lycanroc bent itself backwards and allowed the arm to graze harmlessly over its stomach and past its chin, the agility and dexterity of the maneuver making Applejack and Rarity gasp. “That’s it, girl!” Olivia shouted. “Now, Crunch!” Before it could lose its balance, Lycanroc grabbed hold of the arm and pulled itself up, allowing it to bite Metagross on the “wrist” of its extended arm. The squeal and screech of the Lycanroc’s teeth on the metal limb made even Dexio shiver with discomfort, but it was Metagross who appeared more pained, roaring out as it whipped Lycanroc off toward the wall of the passageway, only for it to land feet-first onto the wall before running down and returning to its original position. “That wolf is frighteningly powerful!” Applejack exclaimed. “And powerfully frightening!” Rarity added. “Looks like it’s not so much of a sure thing anymore,” Dexio grunted as Metagross returned to him. “Metagross, use Meteor Mash!” “Meteor Mash?” the ponies asked in tandem. Pushing off the ground, Metagross shot up high into the sky and above the top of the passageway, Lycanroc widening its stance as it took the oncoming attack more seriously. Tucking in its legs, Metagross shot its way down in a nosedive aimed right at the Lycanroc. Rarity, her teeth bared in fright, charged up her horn and cast a six-foot-high corner aura in front of Olivia. Lycanroc leapt back just as Metagross collided with the ground, exploding it in al flurry of fire, rock, and bright colorful sparks that shot out in nearly every direction. With the magic corner blocking the blast, it snaked around Olivia and the ponies as they looked through what they could to see the result of the attack. Dexio looked intently out, only for Metagross to get thrown back with Lycanroc’s jaws locked tight around the rim of its circular body. Landing down flipped on its top side, Dexio huffed with visible disappointment as Metagross didn’t appear to have any will left to continue. Regardless, he smiled as he took out its ball and returned him inside. “Nice effort, there. We’re going to win this. Don’t worry.” He then looked at Olivia and her returning Lycanroc as he put away his ball and took out his last one, tossing it out with much more vigor. “Let’s finish this, Alakazam!” Dexio’s Pokémon emerged from the Ultra Ball, pushing its arms and crossing its spoons out threateningly. Rarity suddenly noticed a marble with a yellow and brown swirl inside hanging from its right spoon on a short chain. Olivia and her Lycanroc both grimaced, knowing what was to come. “Get ready for it, Rarity.” “Ready for what, beg pardon?” she asked. “Mega Evolution.” Dexio smirked as he held his left wrist and his Mega Ring up with the Key Stone facing Olivia and Lycanroc. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” Dexio pressed his index and middle fingers into his Key Stone, making it burst with light that began to snake out into four DNA-shaped beams as they traveled toward the Alakazam’s marble. Once they converged into it, the Alakazam roared as tremendous power flooded through its entire body, which was soon cloaked in an armor of energy that concealed most of its defining physical features. Applejack and Rarity stood slack-jawed as they kept their eyes on Alakazam as a large beard grew off of its chin, an ovular gem protruded from its forehead, and the cuffs on its forearms sagged down like the sleeves of a mage’s cloak. It then clasped its hands and the spoons it held up above its head, and with a push of its arms, the energy broke away like liquid glass and evaporated, revealing its new form. The Alakazam lifted its legs up and levitated as it sat in midair, pressing the bottoms of its feet together in apparent meditation. Along with its new beard and longer cuffs, five spoons now floated above its head in an arc, the Alakazam moving its hands back beneath the outer spoons as the ends to the chain. Neither Rarity nor Applejack could find the strength to close their mouths. “Is… is that still the same Pokémon?” Applejack wondered aloud. Olivia nodded. “It’s not Alakazam anymore. Now it’s Mega Alakazam!” Dexio continued standing proudly as if the feat he had performed did not impress him in the slightest. “Your Lycanroc was extremely lucky to not take any damage against my Metagross, but now you have a fully-evolved Alakazam to deal with. Lets see if she can dodge this. Alakazam, Focus Blast!” Alakazam reached back with its left arm and began to trace a ring out in front of itself with its right hand, the spoons following the path it drew. A bright brownish-red light formed in the center of the ring, and with a push of its arms, the light shot out as a harsh orb that came straight at Lycanroc. “Lycanroc, look out!” Applejack cried. Olivia ignored them, throwing her arm forward. “Lycanroc, dodge it!” Olivia’s Pokémon got onto all fours and charged forwards at the attack before bending back and sliding on its knees, being flexible enough to get down to its back to allow the aura to pass over it. Olivia and the ponies ducked down as the Focus Blast passed over them, safely dissolving upon hitting the back rock wall of the cemetery. “Okay.” Olivia stuck her arms out to her side, revealing her Z-Ring and a desaturated-brown Z-Crystal inside of it on her left wrist. “Now we get to finish this.” Olivia crossed her wrists in front of her opponent, Lycanroc suddenly standing up to do the same. The two of them followed through on their motions to activate their Z-Powers. After stretching their crossed arms out, Olivia and Lycanroc jumped into a crouch before standing up straight and flexing their muscles up and to the sides. Rarity and Applejack stood just as amazed when they witnessed the Mega Evolution as the trainer and Pokémon duo hopped into a lunge position, twisting their upper bodies in and pumping their arms one last time. Light then shot out of Olivia and flowed into her Lycanroc, filling its body with energy that blew a wind throughout the area. “Applejack, Rarity!” The ponies redirected their focus to Olivia. “While Mega Evolution is powerful, do not underestimate the strength of the Z-Move…” She then turned to face Dexio. “…especially when performed by a Kahuna. Lycanroc, take the Mega Alakazam out! Continental Crush!” Lycanroc threw its arms up, sending every loose pebble, stone, and boulder around them high into the air. Soon, chunks of the passageway’s walls broke off and joined the mass accumulating high above. “Rarity, if you’d like to cast another shield-like spell, you’re more than welcome to.” Rarity snapped out of her moment of awe and charged her horn. Finally, a titanic rock just about the width of the passageway and about half as tall was hovering above the Mega Alakazam, and with a throwing down of its arms, Lycanroc commanded the small mountain it created to come down, perfectly sliding between the walls and not letting up its speed. Mega Alakazam threw its arms up, the spoon circle coming up and appearing to catch the rock. The mound struck the earth, producing a small quake heavy enough to knock Dexio and Olivia to one knee. The rock then exploded out, reducing the massive ton of rocks back to pebbles that threatened to fly into Dexio, Olivia and the ponies. As Rarity’s spell protected the three of them, pebbles coming at Dexio were deflected by an invisible shield that rippled with pink energy with each piece of rock that hit it. The assault of gravel began to die down, Dexio energized by the very possible hope that his Pokémon had survived. The dust finally cleared from the attack, and the ponies could see the Mega Alakazam in a lower position than before. “Is it over?” wondered Applejack. “Did she do it?” Rarity then put her hoof against her brow, unsure if her eyes were fooling her. The Mega Alakazam, much to Olivia’s shock, slowly and weakly stood itself back up and then gently hopped into its floating sitting position, its five spoons arcing back over its head. Dexio couldn’t resist letting out a hearty chuckle. “Wow… how perfect.” “Perfect?” Olivia asked. “In what way? My Lycanroc has still not taken any hits from any of your Pokémon yet, and I don’t think a single move you can make could finish me off before my Lycanroc can finish your Alakazam.” Dexio’s joviality settled down as his expression became more apathetic. “Under normal circumstances, you’d be right, but this battle has been anything but normal. Hell, this week has been anything but normal…” He then began to reach his left finger to his right wrist, hooking the bottom of his sweatband off and pulling it off quickly, revealing a mechanical Z-Ring with a Grassium Z attached that it had concealed Olivia’s eyes narrowed with intense fright. “Dexio… is that…” She looked up, hoping for some kind of explanation, but the lack of any hint of jesting all but confirmed it for her, making her take a step back. “Olivia!” Applejack looked to the Z-Ring, unsure of what it meant. “Why does he have one of those things too?” “Because…” Olivia, for perhaps the first time ever, was too scared to formulate a sentence. “He’s…” “I’m sorry you had to find out this way,” Dexio said, “but the bosses are getting impatient. I do want to thank you for bringing them to me. You really did make it that much easier for me.” “Olivia?” Rarity was getting close to tears. “I’m confused. What is he talking about?” She couldn’t speak, too wrapped up in the fatal mistake she had made. “It’s okay,” Dexio said. “I can explain later. But now...” Dexio crossed his wrists, his right over the left. His Mega Alakazam mimicked its trainer’s movements as he continued through the motions. As Dexio crouched and cupped his hands in front of his chest, Alakazam bent over and clasped its hands down. Dexio shot up and threw his arms up to the sky, his Alakazam conluding the activation just the same. The ponies recoiled as a sinister red energy burst from Dexio’s back and it enveloped his Mega Alakazam. Dexio looked to his wrist and slowly squeezed it, feeling the power coursing through him. “This fight ends with me,” Dexio said. “Unless you surrender now, I won’t harm your Lycanroc.” Lycanroc simply growled with a spiteful baring of its lips and gums. Olivia’s face also began to harden with hate. “Neither of us are interested in giving up. Do your worst!” Dexio sighed. “Then it can’t be helped. Mega Alakazam, finish off her Lycanroc! Bloom Doom!” Mega Alakazam’s spoons began to orbit it and glow brightly. With a push of its arms, a colorful array of flowers and grass began to sprout from the ground beneath it, spreading all over the area. Lycanroc watched suspiciously as the wave of instantly-growing flora appeared under its feet, spreading back into the cemetery where Applejack and Rarity stood, who both frightfully pranced in place as they felt flowers grow right beneath them. “Lycanroc, get out of there!” Olivia screamed. Lycanroc tried to pick its feet up, only for it to feel them entangled in the grass and stems of the flowers, trapping it. The air around Lycanroc began to grow bright and hot, making him whine and squeal as it realized its escape was impossible. “NO!” Olivia reached out to her Pokémon as the light around it grew too bright to see before the light exploded, disintegrating the flowers and grass that bloomed there and leaving nothing but an explosion of petals that threw Olivia, Lycanroc, Applejack, and Rarity back into the graveyard. Rarity hit her head upon one of the gravestones while Applejack’s back collided into one. Olivia weakly got up and glanced at her fainted Lycanroc, and then back at Dexio and his Mega Alakazam. Dexio looked to his Pokémon as its body was covered in painful red sparks, and with a grunt, Mega Alakazam floated down to the ground with its arms and legs limp. It’s body shone brightly before the light covering it appeared to shatter away, revealing its original form as it laid on its side, no longer able to stay awake. Dexio returned his Pokémon inside its ball and pressed the top to his forehead in regret. With the field now clear, Dexio walked up to Olivia. “My Pokémon may have fainted too, but so did yours. It’s a loss for both of us, but a loss is still a loss. Those ponies are coming with me.” He approached further, forcing Olivia to return her Lycanroc inside of its ball and crawl back as quickly as she could, laying her body and outstretched arms over the weakened ponies, who could only look past her as Dexio stood menacingly in front of them. “I have two more able-bodied Pokémon on me.” Dexio brandished the Ultra Balls on his belt as he stopped over her. “Your Relicanth is useless here, and your Carbink wouldn’t last against my remaining Pokémon. I wouldn’t fight this if I were you.” “Go to hell!” Olivia spat through her grit teeth. “Until then…” He reached forward and bent down to grab her arm and pull her away, only for a bright light to come between them, forcing him back. Shielding as much of the light as he could with his arm, he could see the faint shape of Tapu Lele as it floated down over Olivia and the ponies. Suddenly, the bright light vanished, along with Olivia, Applejack, and Rarity. With quick glances around, unsure how far away they disappeared to, he then looked up, hoping to hear a sign. Nothing but silence and solitude. Dexio leaned back into the passageway wall and slid down on his back until he could sit, breathing heavily as he tried to relax himself. He then glanced down at his Mega Ring once more, the craftsmanship adding to his melancholy and disappointment. At the foot of the Ruins of Life,  a bright flash appeared that summoned Tapu Lele and Olivia, Rarity, and Applejack. The two ponies got up, Rarity rubbing the back of her head where she got hit. “You okay, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “Other than my heart about to burst out of my chest, yes, I’m fine. My head actually feels much better.” “Same, actually. Hit my back something awful, and now I don’t feel much of anything.” “Tapu Lele must have healed us as it teleported us here.” Olivia stood to her own feet, brushing dirt off the small scrapes and cuts on her legs and arms that had already scabbed over. Tapu Lele clasped its hands and bowed as a means of saying “you’re welcome.” “Olivia?” Rarity asked. “Who was that man that tried to take us?” “And who in the hay are his ‘bosses?’” Applejack added. Olivia sighed, unsure how to word this without coming across as much of an enemy as Dexio had become. “Yesterday… I had received word from another Kahuna from another island about a group called Team Prism. Apparently, a couple trainers ran into them, claiming they were trying to find and capture you and your friends.” Olivia sniffed hard and wiped her nose. “I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you’d be safe with me at the shop. I didn’t think that one of my own friends would be one of them.” Olivia let out a couple of sobs, quickly drying her eyes to keep from betraying her tears. Applejack and Rarity looked to each other, unsure of what to feel or what to say. “It’s… it’s okay, Olivia.” Applejack slowly approached her and put her arm up to console her. Olivia quickly backed away, and Applejack just as quickly put her arm down. “No,” Olivia choked. “I failed you. I failed as your protector, and I failed as a Kahuna. I can no longer be the one that looks after you.” “What?!” Applejack and Rarity both exclaimed. “But who’s going to keep us safe from this Prism gang?” Applejack asked. “Where are we supposed to go?” Olivia looked to Tapu Lele with desperate, begging eyes, receiving a sullen nod from it. “Tapu Lele will keep watch over you until more of your friends arrive.” Olivia began to step back and away, frightening the ponies into realizing that she was really leaving them. “No, Olivia, please take us with you!” Rarity cried, a stream of tears beginning to flow down her cheeks. “I can’t. I only hope you can forgive me for everything.” “We forgive you!” Applejack shouted. “Just don’t go!” Olivia whipped around and sprinted off down the canyon pass to the Akala Outskirts, refusing to look behind even as Rarity and Applejack cried out for her. Once she was out of view, Applejack and Rarity quieted themselves, knowing their pleas would no longer reach her. Tapu Lele floated behind them and gently laid its hands on their backs. Turning back to face it, the ponies watched as Tapu Lele slowly receded itself inside the Ruins, leading them both to follow it with their heads hung low. There was no doubt in their minds that the island guardian would keep them safe, but without their own guardian, it might as well have felt like they were both alone. > Chapter 28 – Scars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice, Sam, the ponies and both of their Pokémon emerged from a large tile foot tunnel, stopping to admire the sudden change in surroundings from green grass and sea to dead brown grass and patches of smog coming from the volcano due north of them. Starlight couldn’t help but cough. “So… this is our next trial site, huh?” “Yep. Last one before we can go down south to find more of your friends.” Sam glanced to the western path, seeing a small town with a large coliseum in its center down the way. “Let’s go.” Walking a bit down the path, the group found a large arched sign that marked the entrance to the Wela Volcano Park. Turning to enter, they were suddenly met by what appeared to be an expansive dry, burned prairie that they would have to cross before they could reach the foot of the volcano. “Well, we have some more walking to do it seems.” Alice stepped forward to lead the way. “Maybe we’ll get some grinding in along the way.” “Sorry, grinding?” Lady also cocked her head to Starlight’s query. “Wild Pokémon tend to like hiding in taller grass, so if you see one, feel free to let Lady battle it and get stronger.” Starlight opened her mouth to object, but Lady interrupted her with a loud, positive meow. She couldn’t object, reduced to an accepting smile. “Alright, Lady, if you want to stretch your legs a bit, I’ll let you.” Lady yowled with much happier energy. “Then it’s settled.” Alice went down the hill to the first patches of grass, leading the others to follow. “Starlight, I’ll let you take the first encounter if you want.” “Oh, I… thanks!” Starlight awkwardly stepped to Alice’s side as they reached the bottom of the slope. Entering the first patch of grass, Starlight treaded slowly and carefully as Lady climbed her front paws to the top of her head and kept further balance on Starlight’s neck, keeping lookout. Fluttershy, being the tail end of the group, cautiously flew above the grass, hoping to avoid a confrontation. Sam looked back to see her flying above them. “Good idea, Fluttershy. Be our eye in the sky! You too, Comfey!” Comfey unwound itself from Fluttershy’s neck and let out a happy cry and saluted him. “Um… okay?” It wasn’t what she had in mind, but was happy to be of help. As Starlight glanced up to acknowledge her and her Pokémon, her ears waggled at the whooshing sound of a spinning airborne club. Turning back forward, she saw as a bone with a thick round end came flying at them. Starlight cast her magic at the bone, catching it before it could hit her or Lady in their faces. Fluttershy gasped, catching the act right as Starlight stopped it. Lady studied the bone that Starlight held, only for a Pokémon to come leaping out from the grass. It had a short, brown, upright body and a cream-colored underbelly. What startled Starlight the most about it was the skull that it wore to conceal its head. In her fright, she dropped the bone at her hooves and took a step back, the Pokémon picking its bone up and leaping back, expecting a battle. “That’s your cue!” Alice shouted. “Go get ‘em!” Starlight turned her head and glanced her eyes sideways so as not to throw Lady off her head, nodding to her to go out. Lady happily yipped as she bounded off Starlight’s head, standing defensively between it and the Pokémon that appeared. “Sam.” Starlight’s eyes, like her Pokémon’s, were locked onto the target. “What is that I’m fighting?” “That’s a Cubone!” he replied. “It’s a Ground-type, so you should be just fine.” “Great.” She then put her hoof to her chin in thought. “So, you used Bite, Sand-Attack, and Quick Attack when you fought Team Prism… Sam! Any other moves Lady might have?” “Uh… try Baby-Doll Eyes!” “Okay, thanks! Lady, use Baby-Doll Eyes!” Lady stood her legs straight and widened her pupils, which began to twinkle adorably. The Cubone, caught off guard, tripped onto its butt and gripped the cheeks of its skull head, clearly smitten and won over. “And what did that do?” Starlight asked. Alice cupped a single hand around the side of her mouth. “Baby-Doll Eyes makes it so that it looks so cute that the opposing Pokémon won’t hit it as hard.” “Oh, I see!” The Cubone, embarrassed at the betrayal of its emotions, whipped its club out of its hands from the side, where it spun like a frisbee and struck Lady in the chest with the thicker end. Though Lady yelped out in slight pain, Starlight appeared impressed with how the club managed to bounce off her Pokémon and soar back into the Cubone's hand. Starlight then refocused back to her hit Pokémon. “Lady, you okay?!” Lady barked twice with a determined face, Fluttershy, Sam, and Alice almost certain it was telling her not to worry about it. “Good! Now, use Bite this time!” Lady charged at the Cubone, which lightly swung its club down into its hand threateningly. She leapt up for the kill, and the Cubone swung its bone club, only for Lady to land safely outside the range of the swing. Building up momentum with the Cubone’s guard left open, Lady pummeled into it and pinned its arms down. Starlight, who looked nervous at the outcome of her decision, suddenly became elated. “Yeah, nice one, Lady!” With Cubone completely incapacitated, Lady threw her head down and bit the Cubone at the base of the neck, making it scream out a blood-curdling cry. Fluttershy was about to avert her eyes with her arms, only for Comfey to block her sights with its flowery vine-tail. “Thank you, Comfey! Lady’s being really rough on that poor thing.” “Considering where Starlight and I found her,” Sam said, “I’d say Lady’s par for the course.” As Lady continued clamping down on the Cubone’s neck, she was suddenly checked off of it by another Cubone. Lady gasped at the two-on-one that suddenly formed, the two Cubone’s appearing more confident with each other by their sides. Sam grunted at the new situation. “This is just like when Lady came to save Fomantis after Honedge nearly beat it. Is this how things happen in Alola?” Starlight looked miffed, but it clearly didn’t bother her as much as it did Sam or Lady. “That’s okay! Lady, Sand-Attack the new Cubone!” Lady spun herself and kicked up a burst of dust and soot into the ally Cubone’s eyes, making it growl furiously as it began swinging all around itself, unable to see where Lady now was. The first Cubone charged Lady as it turned around to face its opponent’s, only to have the side of its face violently knocked into by the top of the Cubone’s head. Lady tumbled about on the ground until it landed on its stomach a few feet from Starlight. “Lady, no!” Starlight began to break into a gallop, only for Lady to pick itself back up and stand resolutely before the two Cubones despite the throbbing it now felt in its head. “You… you’re okay?” Lady growled at the Cubones. Playtime seemed to be over now. “What a trooper,” sighed Alice. “No kidding. Took it in the face like a champ.” Alice couldn’t help but stare at Sam from the side of her head following his remark. “Okay, Lady, finish off the first Cubone with a Quick Attack.” Lady broke into a fast sprint, and just as the Cubone whipped its arm back to attack, Lady headbutted it in the top of its chest, fighting through the pain in her new welt. The strike appeared to do the trick, as Cubone tumbled backwards and stayed down on its stomach, finished with fighting. Starlight grinned. “Nice one, La–” Her celebration was cut short as the ally Cubone’s bone club was thrown into the back of Lady’s head, making her double over with her arms trembling weakly. “Lady!” Lady just managed to push back up and turn to face the last Cubone. Sam and Alice clenched their fists tightly; the match was now too close for comfort. “That’s it, Lady. Use Bite on it, now!” Lady charged forwards, though it didn’t seem to care about avoiding any possible attacks and just wanted to hit the Cubone. Cubone smugly wound its club back, ready to swing. Lady refused to change its course, and the Cubone swung. Lady then juked over to the same side of the Cubone’s body where it wound its swing back, avoiding it. Leaping back to the center, nothing could defend the Cubone as Lady gripped at its neck with its teeth, throwing it down to the ground. The Cubone tried to scream out for more help, but with Lady’s unrelenting hold, it could not call out loud enough for another ally to hear. Alone, Cubone struck its club into the side of Lady’s face where it was struck early, easily sending it off. “Oh no!” Fluttershy cried, Comfey’s similarly nervous squeaks mixing in. “Lady!” Starlight, Sam, and Alice watched with dread as Lady tumbled and rolled on its side, expecting her to faint at any time if she hadn’t already. However, she landed back on her paws and stood, the adrenaline now coursing through her. Starlight nodded, noting the window she had now been given. “Good job! Now, finish it with Quick Attack!” Lady launched at the Cubone, leaping up and slashing at the Cubone with its small claws. Cubone was thrown to the ground next to the other Cubone, who had just managed to get back up to its feet. The second Cubone quickly stood up and began to spin its ally away from Lady and Starlight, the incomprehensible mumbling it made clearly a plan of retreat, and retreat they did as both Cubones ran up north through the grass for their lives. Starlight put a hoof to her mouth and giggled uncontrollably as she heard her friends’ cheers behind them. Before they could approach her, Lady ran to Starlight, meeting her with a joyous hug. “That was great!” Alice exclaimed as she applauded. “Nice job for your first battle!” “Here, take this.” Sam swung his bag around to his side and pulled out a Super Potion from it, handing it to Starlight. She nodded as she took it in her magic, turning back to face Lady and spraying the side of her face with it, soothing and healing the bump that had just begun to swell. Feeling completely better, Lady gave another hug to Starlight and getting one back in return. “If you want to do more,” Sam said, “feel free to continue leading the way. I just want to get to the volcano soon.” “Sounds good to me.” Starlight’s response was reinforced by Lady climbing back up on her back. “Perhaps if you two beat the trial fast enough, we can get to the south part of the island before nightfall.” “I sure like that idea,” Alice responded. “Take it away, Starlight. Unless, of course, Fluttershy would like a turn.” Comfey looked up to Fluttershy, its smile appearing to let her know that it would be happy with whatever decision it made. “Um, I think I’m good. You can keep battling if you like.” “Alright, Fluttershy.” Starlight began to walk forward to the volcano. “Truth be told, I don’t think we should worry too much about getting Comfey stronger. That one attack she did in the trial this morning could probably wipe out both those Cubones with no problem.” “True that!” Alice stretched her body to the sides as she rested her arms behind her head. “Come on, no time to lose.” As they all went on to the volcano, Alice did her best to hide the subtle limping in her right leg, opting to stay with the group from behind. Fluttershy couldn’t help but glance down at the back of her legs, noticing the quick jump off her right feet that she made with each step. Coming through the last patch of grass, leading up to a moderately steep slope that led to the base of the Wela Volcano, Starlight sprayed Lady with another Super Potion, Sam, Alice, and Fluttershy and Comfey following her closely. Without further acknowledgement of their goal, Starlight and Lady came up the slope followed by Sam and Alice. Sam suddenly could not help but notice Alice’s limp, especially going up as she was. Starlight and Fluttershy noticed this too, and they both quickly approached her. “Alice?” Fluttershy wondered, holding her still with her arms. “What’s wrong?” “You were limping really badly just now,” Starlight added. “Did you twist your hoof–I mean leg just now?” “Seriously,” Sam asked. “Should we take a break for a bit?” “No!” Alice pushed Sam away, making her way to the first hilly pathway up the mountain. “We have to go before–” Taking her first right step up, she hissed loudly out through her teeth before turning around to sit on the elevation, carefully massaging her calf. Starlight and Fluttershy galloped to her, and Sam quickly ran to her. “I told you not to overdo it,” Sam scolded as gingerly and sympathetically as he could. “Where are your pills?” “Pills?” both ponies wondered. “It’s fine, I’ll get them.” Alice swung her bag off and unzipped the front pocket, pulling out an orange prescription bottle with a white cap. Fluttershy watched with extreme concern as Alice screwed the top off and shook two white pills into her hand. “Does this have to do with the scar that’s on your leg?” Alice’s eyes went wide for a moment as she looked up to Fluttershy, but even she could tell that that was enough for a confirmation. “How did you even–” “I noticed it before you took Lana’s trial yesterday. I wanted to ask about it then, but it didn’t seem like the right time.” “Scar?” Starlight came even closer to Alice, standing her front hooves on each side of her ankle. “Let me…” Alice began rolling her sock down, and right away, Starlight could not unsee it from the top down: an eight-inch vertical scar with several marks on both sides where stitches have obviously been. “How on earth did you get that?” Starlight loudly wondered out of alarm. “Dammit.” Alice rummaged around her bag for a bottle of some kind, but could not find any. “Sam, do you have something I can take these with?” “I do but…” Sam unzipped a pocket in the middle of his bag, pulling out an unopened bottle of Moomoo Milk. “Ugh, that has to be warm by now.” “I’m sorry, it was the last one we had. I gave my cookie to Salandit, and–” The startling chill of the bottle stopped Sam as he also felt a tingling in his hand, turning to see Starlight casting a spell on the bottle. “Here, try this now.” Starlight levitated the bottle to Alice, who seemed relieved by its now drinkable temperature. “You’re a lifesaver, Starlight.” Alice popped the cap off and slapped both pills into her mouth before taking two large chugs of the milk, wiping her mouth clean afterwards before handing the bottle to Sam. “You too, bro.” “Seriously,” pressed Starlight. “What happened to you? You must have gotten a serious injury with a scar like that.” “Well, I did. It’s probably going to take a while for the painkillers to kick in, so I guess you want me to tell you how it all happened.” “We don’t have to wait,” Sam said with a shrug. “See if Mudbray can be your… Sherpa, or whatever.” Alice suddenly smiled, appreciating her brother’s stroke of genius. Taking out her Poké Ball and tossing it out, Mudbray appeared by her side. Starlight, already catching on, picked Alice up and set her back down so that both legs dangled freely just a few inches above the ground. Giving Starlight a thumbs up, she patted Mudbray’s side and the brown donkey began to ride her up the path, the rest of her friends following her. Starlight caught up to be beside Mudbray while facing her. “I’d still like to know how it happened.” “Me too!” Fluttershy swooped in to hover directly above Starlight. “It’s not too personal, is it?” “A bit, but I think we’ve reached that point as friends that I can share this with you.” “Okay… if you say so.” It was a flattering sentiment, but Fluttershy knew a story with blood and quite possibly tears would not be the most pleasant one. Sam lagged a bit behind, trying to focus on anything else along the climb. Alice breathed in. “When trainers turn 11, they are allowed to go off on their own Pokémon adventures. I had already gotten my Noibat a few years prior, but that’s another story. I was psyched when I turned 11. I left Lumiose City without so much as a second glance. I aced my first gym and was on my way to the next. I had heard from some older friends of mine that the next gym leader I had to face was… hold on, let me explain. In all the other regions all over the world, they do something called the gym battle system in which trainers battle gym leaders to get badges to be able to compete in the Pokémon League. Sorry.” “That’s okay,” Starlight cooed. “I have to imagine the bad part's coming up.” Alice nodded and gulped. “I was on my way to Ambrette Town and had to cross this cliffy pathway to get there…” _____________________________________________________ 11-year old Alice, dressed in blue jeans and an orange t-shirt emerged from the Connecting Cave, greeted instantly by the vast western ocean far down below at the steep cliff she stood on. Looking up north, she could faintly see Cyllage City down the beach, but the high slope was more than enough to make her turn back south and continue south toward Ambrette Town. While the path was narrow enough to give her both vertigo and claustrophobia, the path was well managed with smooth, well-crafted stairways and paths that would lead her down without any kind of problem. The tall grass on either side was tempting though, and she resisted any urges to stray off and walk into it, no matter what Pokémon may lie there. Ambrette Town was soon not too far off, seeing the first of the taller rooftops from the crest of yet another hill. She slowed her pace as the need to rush was eliminated. She continued her way, until she spotted a rustling to her left. At this point, she had not encountered a single Pokémon and had never come to this part of Kalos before; it could have been anything. Slowly sidestepping and facing the rustling with her hand hovering over her sole Poké Ball, the creature inside the grass nevertheless decided to go ahead and ambush her, popping out of the grass and forcing Alice back a foot backwards. The Pokémon appearing to be a floating blue squid with a clear mantle covering the pink top of its head. With its big round eyes and tiny beak mouth, it was certainly adorable. And Alice knew she had to have it, detaching her Poké Ball from her belt and tossing it out, her Noibat appearing out of it. _____________________________________________________ “Rumor had it that the next gym leader specialized in types that would be dangerous to my Noibat, so I decided to try and catch that Inkay.” Alice let out a deep sigh, feeling the seconds leading up to the fateful moment catching up to her again. “I should have just went to Ambrette Town…” _____________________________________________________ With Alice giving her Noibat some room to fight the wild Inkay, the back of Alice’s left heel was just a foot or so from the edge of the cliff. Just then, the Inkay shot a beam of rings that changed colors at Noibat, a stray ring flying below and just missing Alice’s right toes by inches. Alice hopped a bit up in shock, and upon landing on her feet, she felt the ground shift down beneath her. She froze, unsure if her paranoia was playing with her or if she had really just about killed herself. Both the Inkay and Noibat looked to her with signs of concern. Alice could only smile in confidence. “Don’t worry. I’m coming.” Alice lifted her left foot off the ground and was about to step forward, but her foot started to quickly sink as she felt the crumbling of the ground beneath her. With one last push, she tried to jump to safety with her right foot, breaking more of that section of the cliff off. Having had nothing to push off of, Alice fell into the crevice she created, which was steep enough to drop her down to her certain doom. She made one last desperate grasp at the grass that grew on the new edge of the cliff and only managed to pull it out with her body weight. She slid down and let go of the clumps of grass in her hands, clawing her fingers into the earth to find some sort of grip. Her hands managed to hold the ends of the crevice as her body swung into the cliff, the hit and awkward clasping of her fingers making her slip off, beginning the fall down. Alice could only whimper as she waited for everything to end, hoping one last time that something could save her life. With her body close to the cliff’s face, her right calf just above her ankle was caught between the cliff and a piece of rock that jutted out a bit ten feet below where she fell. Alice felt a sudden tug at her leg followed by a sickening crunch and a bassy tearing noise. _____________________________________________________ Starlight breathed in through her teeth biting her lip while Fluttershy gagged, the details a bit too gruesome to stomach. “Yep.” Alice shrugged; the hard part of her tale was now over. “A single, compound fracture that tore up most of my shin. My shin practically grew a second knee it was bent so bad.” “You just want to show them the pictures?” Sam cried out from behind. “I’m sure they’d love to see them based on your lovely descriptions.” Alice just ignored him. “Thankfully, some trainers were nearby to help me quickly and get me to a hospital right away. However, the doctors said that due to the nature of my injury, it would be at least three years before I would be fit enough to resume my Pokémon adventure. So now I had a new one… the crusade against eternal boredom.” _____________________________________________________ Sam stepped in through the front door of their house, holding it open for Alice using Benji as a temporary crutch, the gash on her leg stitched. As they passed him, Sam came close to tears to see her sister’s face so vacant, apathetic, completely without caring. Susan followed them as Benji helped his daughter up the stairs, leaving Sam in the foyer. “Mom?” He came up the stairs after her. “Is there something I can help with? For her, I mean?” “Yeah… I would just leave her alone for a few days. She needs that more than anything right now.” Benji and Alice came up the stairs and turned left, passing through the balcony that would lead into the bedroom hallway. Alice turned to Sam, who stood in the middle of the stairs and watched her as she was led into her bedroom. Alice looked to her bed, made neatly by one of her parents, as if it were her coffin. With nowhere else to go, she let her father lift her up and set her down with her head supported on the pillow. On the wall facing her was a flat TV, and with a gentle turn of her head, she saw the remote on her bedstand get taken off by her mother and set beside her. “I know its not ideal,” Susan said, “but I want what you’ll probably consider imprisonment to be as comfortable as possible.” “It’s okay, thanks.” Alice was too wiped to agree or be grateful for her parents’ efforts, no matter how badly she wanted to. “…We’ll… be back in a few hours for another potioning.” Benji opened the door for Susan and they both left. Alice stared at the remote on her bed, debating with herself whether to even pick it up or not until she found herself staring blankly at it, until her eyes slowly began to close, wanting nothing more at that moment than to take a nap. _____________________________________________________ “And you’re still walking miles and miles on a leg that’s still hurting you?” Starlight asked. “Isn’t that really dangerous?” “Well, I mean, the bone and everything is healed, but I tore up some of the muscles in my leg in the fracture, so they’re not quite as strong anymore. I can still go long distances on my leg, but… yeah, it has its limits.” “Were you able to finish your adventure on Kalos?” Fluttershy asked Alice shook her head, but it didn’t seem regretful. “Around the time I was okayed by the doctors to be able to go back off on my own again, I learned the family was set to sail for Alola soon, and my brother was going to go with them, and… it just didn’t feel right anymore.” “What? How so?” “Well, Sam had already caught Honedge by that point, but he wasn’t really strong or confident enough to leave home on his own adventure like I was. I guess it was lucky for him his sister was stuck at home too.” _____________________________________________________ Alice sat at a deck chair on the porch facing the street lined with townhouses like hers. Her elevated foot rested on a towel hung on the porch railing, the stitches in her leg gone. On the other side of the sidewalk, Sam stood with his Honedge before him, looking out at Noibat who was perched on a streetlight. “Noibat, Supersonic!” On Alice’s order, Noibat swooped down closer to its target and stopped in midair, sonic pulses coming from its ears that came right at Honedge. “Alright buddy, like we practiced.” Sam crossed his arms to signal his Pokémon to defend, but instead, Honedge held up its scabbard like a shield. Sam grimaced, seeing that it technically formed a cross with the angle of its blade and scabbard. It nonetheless did not protect Honedge from getting hit by Noibat’s attack, getting dizzy enough to let its scabbard fall off of the ends of its cloth limb. Sam grunted, knowing that there was still work to be done on their synching, but could not end the battle here. “That’s okay! Hit her with Pursuit!” Honedge darted at Noibat with its blade trailing a dark aura. Noibat easily flew up and avoided it, though Honedge continued soaring out until the tip of its blade hit the streetlight, causing it to uncomfortably vibrate as it tried to regain its stance. Alice continued sitting relaxed, knowing victory was hers. “Quick, while it’s distracted, finish him with Absorb!” The inner membrane of Noibat’s ears began to glow as it turned back to face Honedge, its foe’s body covered in a green aura before orbs of bright light bubbled off of it and flew into Noibat’s ears. Honedge had enough, and it began to fall down to the street, only for Noibat to catch it by the cloth arm and dangle it safely above the street. Sam sighed heavily, jogging across the street and directly beneath Noibat and Honedge. “I got him, Noibat, thanks!” Noibat let Sam’s Pokémon go, allowing it to fall safely into his grasp. Noibat flew back to Alice and perched on her ankle before hopping onto her stomach and allowing her to pet it and scratch behind its ears. Sam began to walk upstairs to step back inside. “I appreciate you doing this,” Alice spoke up, stopping her brother with his hand on the knob. “You know that, right?” “Yep.” He began to open the door. “Hey.” Sam stopped again to hear her out, this time turning to face her. “I still have a year or so before I’m fully healed up. I bet in that time, you’ll be ready to go on your own Pokémon adventure.” Sam started to put pieces together in his mind. “What are you saying?” “I’m saying is that you’re definitely getting stronger. You and your Honedge make a good team, and you two will be quite fearsome once you master whatever you’re doing with him.” “Telepathic syncing.” Sam explained. “Anyways, I thank you for the compliments, but I don’t think I’ll be ready in a year.” He went through the door. “What if you joined me?” Something stopped the door from closing, and Sam came out slowly, unsure if he heard his sister correctly. She smiled at him, confirming what she had said. _____________________________________________________ “All things considered, we do make a pretty good team.” Sam was still a few safe paces from Alice and the ponies, but her words felt warmer than the volcanic path they trekked on, and he couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t wait to see what the next trial brings.” Sam looked upwards toward the peak of the volcano, which was now just a story or two away from their point. With one last bend in the path, they would probably be at the trial gateway. He never liked listening to Alice’s injury story, but it at least made a good way to pass the time up. Camouflaged on the blackened rock, a pair of purple eyes spied on the group, slithering down quickly so as not to be seen. “Hey…” Starlight looked around them, not seeing their other companion beside them. “Where is Sam?” Turning to walk backwards, she spotted Sam beginning to quicken his pace to catch up with their speed. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle. “Come on, Sam! We’re almost there!” Sam was just about five feet from joining their side when, from the rock wall that separated the paths going up, a large salamander leapt up and blocked his path facing him. Sam couldn’t help but notice that the creature looked remarkably similar to his Salandit, though its underbelly was a light-purple with squiggly, flame-like magenta markings on its stomach and chest, and it had two thin long flaps of skin that hung off its lower back. It’s half-closed eyes and thick black outline at the top of them gave it a rather seductive, yet deadly look. Starlight gasped at the Pokémon that suddenly blocked him from them, and Fluttershy, Lady, and Mudbray turning back, Alice also able to see the salamander creeping low and slowly at Sam, hissing loudly at him. “Sam!” Alice slid off Mudbray’s back and landed on her left foot, consciously keeping the least amount of weight on her right foot as possible. “Mudbray, go after that thing!” Mudbray charged at the salamander, its gallops clearly heard by it as it turned its head to look behind. With a full-bodied spin, the salamander whipped its tail into Mudbray’s face, sending it crashing into the barrier between the trail. Alice breathed in hard, watching her weakened Mudbray struggle to get back up. “Oh, jeez!” Sam fumbled over his Poké Balls on his belt, managing to grip the one he wanted and throw it at the salamander. “Salandit!” Sam’s Pokémon emerged from the ball and stood guard for its trainer, suddenly looking surprised at the foe before it. With the salamander staved off, Sam took his Pokédex out and got a read on the familiar Pokémon. “Salazzle,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with.” “Eh…” Sam didn’t need to know the last bit, feeling dirty as he put his Pokédex away. The Salazzle let out a high-pitched roar at Salandit, and Salandit screeched right back. The Salazzle responded by whipping its tail at Salazzle, pinning it against the barrier by its chest. Salandit leaned down and bit the Salazzle on the tail, freeing it and allowed it to charge. “Whoa, whoa!” Sam stepped forward just as the Salazzle stopped Salandit’s advance with a slash of its claws, freeing the space to spit a strong puff of fire at Sam’s head, which he managed to dodge. Salandit saw the attack on its trainer and turned back to face the Salazzle, charging its mouth with blue energy. The Salazzle faced Salandit with its mouth glowing yellow. Both of them shot out their attacks, Salandit’s Dragon Rage and a plume of fire breath from the Salazzle meeting in the middle. Both Pokémon shot their attacks continuously and stronger, hoping to overpower the other, Sam watching nervously as Salandit’s attack would push through and then the Salazzle’s. Starlight bared her teeth; there was no point to letting this continue. “Lady, Quick Attack!” Lady hopped off Starlight and charged at the Salazzle, who couldn’t help but glance at the challenger now appearing. Narrowing its eyes with its desperate decision, the Salazzle tensed its muscles and spewed purple gas from its pores which soon filled the trail. The gas suddenly mixed with its flame, causing it to ignite. Lady’s mouth and eyes shot open as it realized it was now in the blastzone, only for a large shape to block its path just as the fire rapidly spread out, the shape blocking Lady from the heat. Starlight, Alice, Fluttershy, and Comfey blocked their eyes from the sudden brightness that flashed over the battle. Salandit was thrown back from the attack while Sam quickly turned his back to the blast, wisps of the fires kissing the back of his shirt and the very ends of the back of his hair. Sam quickly patted as much of his back and head to prevent the places that singed from catching fire. When he felt that he was safe, he turned back to see that the Salazzle had disappeared. He began looking around nervously. “Salandit? Hey, Salandit, what–” Sam was caught off guard by his Pokémon hopping onto the bottom of his shorts and climbing up to his shoulder, making him breathe a sigh of relief. “Mudbray!” Alice’s concerned voice brought Sam and Salandit to turn to Mudbray, whose entire right side was covered in black soot from where the flareout hit it. Alice and the ponies ran to see if both it and Lady were alright, and it appeared that neither of them were hurt, as both of them stood to face their respective trainers. “Oh, thank goodness,” Fluttershy huffed. “That was very brave of you, Mudbray.” “Yes.” Starlight conjured a flexible square-shaped aura with her magic and quickly wiped off the black spots on Mudbray’s body, leaving it otherwise spotless. “Thank you for saving my Lady.” Mudbray whinnied with glee as its upper lip went up, unveiling its upper set of teeth in a clumsy smile. Alice knelt down and took a Potion from her bag, spraying the spots where Starlight wiped it. Sam came to them with his Salandit. “Everything okay here?” he asked. Starlight nodded. “Yes, and it looks like you…” She produced another similar aura and ran it over the back of Sam’s head and the back of his shirt, restoring the color that the flame burnt and the black char that ruined his shirt. “Thanks for that,” Sam breathed. Starlight nodded again, understanding Sam’s unwillingness to be very grateful in that moment. Alice then turned to Sam. “What was that thing? Some kind of mutant Salandit?” “Salazzle,” Sam answered. “It must be its evolved form.” “Wow!” Fluttershy broke in. “Does that mean your Salandit is going to become one of those?” “I think so.” Starlight cocked her head in confusion. “What do you–” “My Pokédex entry said there are only females, meaning that my Salandit will become a Salazzle because it's also a female. Come on.” Sam walked through the group, making his way down the last few hundred feet of the path to their destination. He then looked to his Salandit and aimed the front of its Poké Ball at it. “Good job,” he said to it as the red laser brought it back inside. “You’ll do great in this one.” As Sam continued onwards, Alice returned Mudbray back into its ball and began walking, surprising the ponies. “Alice!” Fluttershy gasped. “What about–” “I think the painkillers are kicking in. Let’s follow him before he gets himself hurt.” Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy looked to each other one last time before they trotted out to join Alice’s side. As they turned the way to the next slope, Alice drew a thin smile upon seeing the poles of the gateway just ahead. > Chapter 29 – Trial by Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam, Alice, the ponies and their Pokémon walked past the trial gate, leading them into a steep climb that looked to take them to the top of the crater. Using her magic, Starlight formed a seat with her aura and lifted Alice up onto it, carrying her up while the rest of her friends took tiring steps upward. Alice nodded to Starlight for the consideration, which the unicorn happily returned. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they came to see that the entire surface of the crater was covered with enough earth and dirt to safely walk on, as well as a large circular stone platform in the center. Surrounding the edge of the crater’s surface were tribal torches that burned as bright at the rim of the inner volcano walls, something Starlight and Sam couldn’t help but find redundant. Standing in the center of the platform was a woman standing with their backs to them wearing a sleeveless black shirt cut off just below her breasts, as well as a pair of baggy knee-length jeans shorts and thick black sneakers with red edges. What struck Sam and Alice as familiar was her unnatural red hair, but the short, chopped hairstyle threw them back off. It wasn’t until she turned around and faced the trainers and ponies that they both hung their mouths open, instantly struck by where they’ve seen her. The woman smiled and waved to them. “Hey there! Glad you could make it up!” “You… you’re Flannery!” Sam sputtered. “Wait, who is this?” Starlight asked Sam and Alice. “She’s the… I guess I should say was the gym leader at the Lavaridge Gym in the Hoenn region.” “So you’re the trial captain now?” Alice asked her. “I am! I mean… I’m the temporary captain while Kiawe’s away. He left to hone his abilities… Well, he contacted me… or I should say, he traveled all the way to Lavaridge to let me train him. Anyways, he’s now in Lavaridge taking my place as the gym leader while I’m taking his… place.” She then saw both the ponies standing there, off put by her tough appearance and her contrasting inability to string a sentence. “Oh wow! You managed to nab yourself a couple of those ponies I heard about…” The ponies made mild sneers at the offensive choice of wording. “…Well, maybe not nabbed, but still.” “We found them at Kala’e Bay and they agreed to let us help find the others,” Alice explained. “Hmm, you two must be quite compassionate for them to travel with you this far from where you found them. And you must be quite strong to get them to stay with you. You’ll have to be in order to complete this trial. Have you been doing this all together? Or…” Sam stepped forward. “My sister and I have been taking the Island Challenge together, yes. The ponies may have their own Pokémon, but they aren’t in this race.” “I see. Well, in that case, are you both ready?” “Oh, wait, hold on! I never healed my Salandit on my way here.” Sam flicked Salandit’s Poké Ball off his belt and let it out, where he and Flannery could both see the scuffmarks it got from its earlier battle. Sam knelt down and took a Super Potion from his bag. “Come here!” he called with a pert whistle, and his Pokémon obediently came. “Nice Salandit,” Flannery said. “Is it female?” “Yeah!” Sam looked up to Flannery while he sprayed Salandit. “I know all about Salazzle. We actually fought one on the way up here.” As Sam looked back down, to finish healing his Pokémon, Flannery’s expression grew even more cheeky, appearing to find humorous irony in what Sam had told her. Starlight squinted at the sight of this, finding it suspicious. Fluttershy poked her friend’s shoulder with her hoof, breaking her out of her concentration. “Starlight, did you just see her face?” “I did. I have a feeling our friend from back there will be making a grand return.” Finally, Sam had finished and Salandit wiggled about happily and healthily. “Don’t worry, girl. You’ll get your turn.” He then aimed its ball at Salandit, returned it inside, and placed the ball on his belt. Alice turned to her brother. “Sam. What are you–” “Waiting. I don’t want to waste her before the Totem Pokémon.” “You do know that both your other Pokémon are weak against whatever we’re going to be fighting, right?” “And half of yours will be stronger. Just cover me when you can.” Alice rolled her eyes, knowing it was pointless to continue arguing. “Whatever you say, bro.” “Okay then!” Flannery quickly sidestepped off the platform, leaving it empty. “You both ready then?” Alice and Sam nodded, stepping up to the bottom edge of the platform, ready for the Pokémon they would soon face. Flannery looked to her right, seeing the ponies standing by themselves. “Hey, you can come and watch the show with me! I won’t bite!” The ponies, while met with a first bad impression, couldn’t help but feel wrong letting her stand alone, and they both approached her, each one standing on either side of her, Lady standing beneath her trainer between her forelegs. Flannery put her hands to her hips, proud to have earned the ponies’ trust. “Mind if I get the names of my new friends?” “Friends?” Fluttershy’s face then lit up with surprise, understanding who this quirky woman was referring to. “Oh! My name is Fluttershy.” “And I’m Starlight,” she said. “My Eevee is named Lady.” After nodding in understanding, Flannery then pulled a red, metal whistle from her pocket. “Okay, you two, you’ll probably want to cover your ears.” “Um…” Starlight hummed bemusedly. “What–” *TWEEEEEEEEEEEE* The piercing shriek of the whistle froze Starlight and Fluttershy solid, their eyes wide and their teeth clenched hard. After a few moments of awkward silence, three shapes leapt over the northern edge of the crater, flipping, huffing, and grunting enthusiastically toward the platform. The shapes appeared to look like Cubone, but their bodies were taller and lankier, and the skulls on their heads looked more like actual heads rather than a skeletal helmet. Their bodies were also colored a very dark shade of purple, each one holding a bone that was the length of their bodies. With a single synchronized flip onto the top edge of the platform, they both held their bones out, the ends of them going alight with blue flame. Sam and Alice then watched as they performed a beautifully intricate routine, spinning and passing their bones to each other in a well-coreographed display. Finally, they all tossed their bones up, each one spinning at the same speed and arcing at the same height so that all three could catch them at the exact same time. The two outer Pokémon put their bones behind their backs while the middle one thrust his bone out parallel to the floor, forming a perfect mirror image to finish their dance. Fluttershy stamped her hoof in applause, but stopped when she realized she was the only one to be doing so. “Oh, sorry…” She bowed down in slight embarrassment. “What even are those?” Starlight asked. “They’re like the Cubones I fought, but… bigger.” “Those are the Alolan-form of Marowak,” Flannery answered. “Everywhere else, they just evolve into another Ground-type, but here, they become Fire and Ghost-type.” “Ghost-type, you say?!” Sam eagerly detached a Poké Ball and threw it out. “Hot diggity!” Honedge popped out from the ball and floated cautiously before the three Marowaks that forebodingly stared at it. Alice rolled her eyes as she took out her first Poké Ball. “Let’s go, Mudbray!” Alice’s donkey Pokémon emerged from the ball, joining Honedge by its side. “Hold on!” Flannery stepped to the edge of the platform, her hands waving them to stop before it was too late. “Before you can battle them, you need to answer this question correctly.” “Anything to do with us being ready?” Sam wondered. “Nope. Tell me, how many times did the bones spin before they were caught?” Alice widened her eyes, honestly not sure. “Oh man… uh–” “Four!” Sam blurted. “It was four!” “Sam! You think you’d like to consult with me first?” “No need it seems.” Flannery motioned out to the Marowaks. “Look!” The trio held their bones in front of them like canes and nodded to them before holding them both back above their heads, ready to fight. “Alrighty, kiddos!” Flannery shouted. “Your trial officially begins… now!” “Honedge, Shadow Sneak!” Sam exclaimed. Using the dim light of the laval rock, Honedge’s shadow snaked off along the ground and erupted beneath the center Marowak, throwing it up in the air, its two brethren on either side shifting nervously back. “Nice one, Sam!” Alice pointed out to her enemies. “Mudbray, Bulldoze them all!” Mudbray began a gallop out, its hooves throwing mud out from under them with each step it took. The splashes of mud hit Honedge, most of the force hitting all three Marowaks and throwing them back to the edge of the platform. Mudbray skittered back as the trio of Marowaks dug themselves out from the mud that covered them with their bones, each one leaping up and landing back on their feet at the same time. Two Marowaks tossed their bones at Honedge, spinning so close to each other that Honedge could not possibly avoid them all. “Honedge!” Sam crossed his arms, his Honedge responding with a cross of its scabbard in front of the blade. The first bone struck the center of the scabbard, Honedge quick to push it off so that it flew safely up and arced back to its Marowak. The second bone managed to find the hole in the defense, though Honedge flicked the blade to deflect the bone as best as it could, where it also flew back to its owner. The third Marowak chucked its bone outward like a boomerang, the blue flames appearing on the ends. The bone swung perfectly around Mudbray, the fiery ends glowing brighter as they separated off and formed a small tornado that trapped Mudbray inside. Alice gasped as Mudbray cried out from the heat. Sam looked to Alice’s hurting Pokémon with concern, his Honedge shaking the mud off its body. “Okay, buddy, Alice got us off to a good start!” Sam threw his pointing finger out. “Now, finish off the center one with one last Shadow Sneak!” Honedge’s shadow slithered along the ground before throwing the center Marowak off the platform, its eyes lazily off to the sides. “Okay, Mudbray!” Alice cried out. “Take them both out with one last Bulldoze!” Mudbray galloped forward, freeing itself from the fire twister as it hurled another wave of mud with its advance at the targets, some of the mud also slapping onto Honedge. The wall of mud struck them both, knocking them off the platform to lay down with their other fallen ally. The center Marowak finally came to, and all three of them picked themselves back up with their bones and stepped back onto the edge of the platform, giving Alice, Sam, and their Pokémon a bow of their heads. “Good job!” Flannery shouted. “That match went so well for you, I’m guessing that they’ll want to call out the Totem Pokémon right away!” Holding the bases of their clubs like swords, the Marowaks slowly pulled them up until the tops converged at a point. The tips of the bones went alight with blue flame until they emerged into a large, bright flare, the heat blowing into Alice and Sam’s faces. The ponies also squinted to prevent burning their eyes, but Flannery stood and stared casually at the fire. A portion of the flame then shot up high into the sky before it quickly fizzled out. A loud shriek was shortly heard from somewhere below. “Okay then.” Alice widened her stance. “What are we facing this time?” From over the top of the crater wall, Sam and Alice’s eyes widened and Starlight and Fluttershy gasped to see a Salazzle climb up and slither down to the platform. Mudbray took a nervous step back. The two Marowaks beside the center one hopped away and fled down the crater as the remaining one stepped aside for the Totem Salazzle to take its place. Spinning its bone in its hands, the already large flame spun over to the other end, leaving two large plumes of blue fire burning on both ends. Sam looked at the Totem Salazzle, who suddenly began squinting its eyes in fury and vindication. Sam’s mouth was slowly pulled open as he suddenly realized. “You…” Just then, another Salandit crawled out from the other side of the crater, quickly crawling to the Totem Salazzle’s right, and facing the Mudbray and Honedge, their team fully assembled. Sam let out a heavy, anxious breath, getting his sister’s attention. “Relax, Sam. My Mudbray will make short work of them with another Bulldoze. We’ve got this.” “Yeah.” Sam calmed himself and turned his eyes away from the Totem Salazzle and to the Marowak. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak on that Marowak!” The Totem Salazzle crouched low and spat a small orb of fire out at Mudbray’s hooves as Honedge’s shadow raced on the floor of the platform and blasted Marowak off its feet. Upon hitting the ground, the ball exploded into a razing burst of fire that fully engulfed Mudbray while the residual embers shot into Honedge. “Holy shit!” Alice yelled. “What kind of move was that?!” “Don’t know!” Sam shouted over the whoosh and crackle of the fire. “My Salandit hasn’t learned that one yet!” The fire quickly died out, revealing Mudbray’s smoking, partly soot-blackened body. With a wobble to the left, Mudbray tipped over and began to fall, Honedge also too weak to hold itself up, dropping itself and its scabbard to the ground. Both Pokémon landed at the same time, both weakened and unable to continue the fight. “Oh no…” Starlight’s ears drooped at the sight, while Fluttershy put her hoof over her mouth. Alice and Sam both returned their Pokémon into their Poké Balls at the same time, both of them staring at them before they returned them to their belts. Alice took out her next ball and threw it. “Your time to shine, Rockruff!” As Alice’s next Pokémon emerged, it looked at its foes with great confidence. Sam on the other hand continued running his fingers between Fomantis’s ball and Salandit’s, the Totem Salazzle watching him carefully. Finally, he resolved to grab the center ball among his three, tossing it out before he could change his mind. “Go, Fomantis!” With Sam’s next Pokémon out to stand with Rockruff, Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy gasped loudly whie Flannery’s eyes and mouth widened a little in surprise. The Totem Salazzle itself growled in spite. “Sam!” Alice looked more afraid and angry. “Fomantis will do nothing against those guys! She’ll literally be toast!” “She’ll soften them up for Salandit.” Sam ignored the stares he received from nearly every angle. “I have faith in her.” Fomantis threw its arms out and shouted loud, eager to move forward. Alice turned back to the battle, having no choice but to accept her brother’s decision. “Okay, Rockruff, use Rock Throw on Salazzle!” Rockruff charged forward and whipped its head at Salazzle, a small rock shooting out from its collar. The rock struck its target on the left cheek, the Totem Salazzle screeching and pressing its hand on the scrape. “Nice shot!” Alice shouted, her Pokémon barking happily in reply. Baring its teeth, Salazzle faced Rockruff and let out a series of raspy shouts that appeared to demoralize Rockruff into taking a step back with trembling legs. The wild Salandit turned around and began wagging its butt and its tail at it, letting out a hoarse laugh as it did so. Rockruff, pushed past its limit, began barking furiously at both of the salamanders. “A Torment and Taunt combo?” Alice gasped. The Marowak threw its flaming bone at Fomantis’s side, spinning back around like a boomerang back to it. With the bone swinging around it, a twister of fire began to pick up around Fomantis. To Sam’s surprise, Fomantis dug its feet into the ground and leapt through a gap in the forming wall before it could close up. Landing on the other side, the twister faded out with nothing ensnared inside. “Awesome job!” Sam cheered. “Now hit him with Leaf Blade!” Running out at its target, Fomantis leapt up and struck the Marowak under the chin with its glowing leaf arm producing a loud noise like the broad side of an axe striking a tree trunk, knocking Marowak back a couple of feet. From the sideline, Lady mewed loudly, celebrating her friend’s tremendous attack. Flannery crossed her arms, smiling and impressed. “What a Leaf Blade! Even for a Fomantis.” “Sam has faith in her,” Fluttershy explained. “She wants to show him that he made the right decision in sending her out.” Fomantis returned to Sam, standing to await the next round of attacks from the Salazzle and Salandit combo. Salazzle crouched down and appeared to aim its oncoming assault at Fomantis, only to turn back to Rockruff just as it spat a slimy purple mound out at it, covering its face and upper body. Alice and Fluttershy choked with worry as Rockruff wiped most of the mucous with its arms and paws. To their mounting horror, Rockruff’s face and chest began to glow purple as it bowed its front legs down weakly, looking as if it were about to vomit. “Oh no!” Fluttershy cried. “What did it do?” “Toxic.” Alice breathed through her clenched teeth. “Now he’s poisoned.” The Salandit, also crouching down to attack, opened its mouth wide, its teeth beginning to glow purple before the energy shot out at Rockruff like spears. Each lance of venomous energy struck Rockruff hard, almost throwing it off the platform if not for Alice catching it. “What in Equestria was that?” Starlight shouted. Sam watched as Alice set her Rockruff back down. “Venoshock. The move is even stronger when the target is poisoned.” Alice reached behind her to her bag, pulling out an Antidote halfway before she was met with resistant yipping from Rockruff. “Rockruff, you need to heal, otherwise the poison will…” Alice stopped talking as Rockruff turned to face Marowak, fighting to keep a brave face in light of the pain coursing through its head and stomach. Alice then looked to Fomantis, who awaited Alice’s and the Marowak’s next attacks. In that moment, she realized. “Okay, Rockruff. Use Bite on Marowak!” Rockruff charged out at Marowak, who responded by chucking its club at it like a tomahawk. Rockruff, without any sense of fear, knocked the oncoming bone away with its snout, refusing to let up its advance. With nothing to defend itself with, Marowak was tackeled down by Rockruff, who bit down on its right shoulder. Marowak let out one final scream before it relaxed itself into fainting. Rockruff, feeling accomplished, let out a few tired, aching breaths as it finally succumbed to its poison, fainting over the fallen Marowak’s body. “Rockruff!” Starlight and Fluttershy both shouted out. “Will he be okay?” Fluttershy’s eyes welled up. Alice, her antidote still in hand, ran out to her Pokémon and pulled it off of Marowak, cradling its upper body in her left arm. She gave it a couple of sprays to the face and chest where the remaining poison was, making it disappear. She then took out its Poké Ball while nuzzling her face against its face, smiling proudly. “You’re so brave,” she huffed out with a tear rolling down her cheek. “Thank you for that.” Sam, realizing what Alice and Rockruff had done for him and Fomantis, smiled gratefully as Rockruff was returned to its ball. “Thanks for the opening, you two! Fomantis, hit that Salazzle hard with another Leaf Blade!” Fomantis sprinted at the Totem Salazzle, its eyes trained on its exposed belly. With a glowing of its arms, Fomantis let out a shrill battle cry before slamming both arms against its target. To Sam’s unpleasant shock, the strike didn’t appear to harm or impact the Totem Salazzle at all, having stayed in the exact same place before it was hit. Fomantis nervously looked up to the Totem Salazzle, and with a sneer, it shot Fomantis with another hock of poisonous gunk, knocking it back between it and Sam. “No, Fomantis!” Sam cried. Alice took out her next ball and threw it straight and true. “Pikachu, Quick Attack, now!” Upon leaving the ball, Pikachu darted out at the Totem Salazzle, kicking it in the face before it could register it was even coming. As the Totem Salazzle was brought to all fours, Pikachu landed before it right as the Salandit puffed a cloud of purple gas in its face. Pikachu coughed loudly as it tried to escape back to Alice, but Sam and Alice were stricken with anxiety upon seeing Pikachu’s face and upper body glowing purple as it continued to cough and clear its throat. Sam looked to his own Fomantis, who was doubled over with its entire body glowing purple. He reached his hand out to call for an attack, but upon opening his mouth, he couldn’t form words. Looking down at his Fomantis in agony, he hissed through his teeth as he threw his bag around, pulled out an Antidote and ran over to his Pokémon, spraying it, until the harsh purple flashing ceased. Rejuvenated, Fomatis looked back to Sam and tried to give him the best thumbs up it could with its fingerless arm. “Nice.” Alice turned back to look at the Totem Salazzle. “Okay, Pikachu, use Thunder Wave!” With another cough, Pikachu began charging its cheeks. The Totem Salandit then sprayed a purple liquid from its mouth at Pikachu which appeared far less viscous than its Toxic attack. As the liquid hit, Pikachu’s attack was nullified, the electricity unable to break through the spray. Pikachu began breathing heavily and was now coughing and gagging far more frequently, seemingly too focused on its pain to continue with its attack. “Venom Drench?” Alice wondered aloud. The Salandit then shot out another Venoshock at Pikachu, who was too weak and tired to avoid the attack, the points of the attack thrusting into Pikachu and throwing it to the back of the crater, just narrowly avoiding the steep hill down to the path. Even from their vantage point, the ponies could tell that Pikachu would not get up from that. “Pikachu!” they both cried out. “NO!” Alice turned back to run to her fallen Pokémon, both Sam and Fomantis witnessing the awful sight. With its eyes squinted in a furious expression, Fomantis slowly turned to glare at the Totem Salazzle and Salandit, both of them matching with an intimidating glare of their own. Before Sam could call an order, Fomantis broke into a run, its eyes trained on the Salandit. Sam watched as his Pokémon’s arms glowed and prepared to swing. The Salandit stood on its hind legs and exposed its chest and stomach, appearing to taunt Fomantis with a free hit. Fomantis was unmoved, and with two swings to the gut, the Salandit’s eyes bulged as the attack knocked it off its feet and threw it off the platform, surprising not just the ponies and Flannery, but the Totem Salazzle as well. “Yeah, way to go, Fomantis!” Starlight yelled. Lady screamed as well, happy for its success. Alice, who stood up with Pikachu cradled in her arm, walked back up to see Fomantis hopping back toward Sam and the Salandit weakly getting up off the ground. She looked to her brother. “Did… Fomantis really do that?” Sam nodded. Alice looked out at the Totem Salazzle and the Salandit as it returned to its spot and hissed at Alice to bring out her next Pokémon. Alice stared into its eyes as she took out Pikachu’s Poké Ball, returned it inside, and took out her Noibat’s ball. “Let’s end this, Noibat!” Alice threw the ball out, her bat soaring over the perimeter of the crater. “That’s it! Fly around so it can’t hit you with its Toxic!” Noibat began to fly about in aimless directions, forcing the crouching Totem Salazzle to hold and wait to lock on to its target. Alice repeatedly glanced between Noibat and the Totem Salazzle, unsure if it was precisely following her Pokémon or not. Without warning, the Totem Salazzle shot a Toxic attack up in the air, Alice gasping knowing that Noibat would get hit. “Noibat, dodge it, hurry!” Despite Alice’s plea, Noibat was still struck in the chest and legs, some of the glop getting on its wings and causing it to lose altitude. The Salandit turned to Fomantis, and with as wide of an opening of its mouth as its cheeks and jaw could muster, several purple spears of energy launched out of its mouth. The Venoshock struck Fomantis hard in the head and chest, throwing it past Sam and five feet away from the back of the platform. “Fomantis!” Sam cried. Fluttershy, Starlight, and Lady took a few steps to the right until they could see Fomantis out from behind the platform trying to get up. It got onto its feet and brushed itself off of the dirt, but its steps to the platform’s edge were much slower and labored. Reaching the first step of the platform, Sam’s lips quivered as he watched Fomantis resort to climbing up each one like a tall ledge. Once Fomantis got to the top it began to walk toward the Salandit, who still looked wary in the case of a ruse. It finally began to take a running start, Sam noticing it tiring out immediately. Leaping into a kneel, he caught Fomantis in his hands before its face could hit the floor. Starlight breathed a grievous sigh as Sam gently set Fomantis down on its back. “It’s okay,” he cooed. “You. Were. Incredible.” He then looked to the Totem Salazzle, who smiled knowing what was to come. “Okay, bitch. You want her?” Standing up, he returned Fomantis back into its Poké Ball, put it back onto his belt, and took out Salandit’s ball. “Then get ready for her! You’re up now, Salandit!” Upon Sam’s final Pokémon landing on the ground after appearing from the ball, the Totem Salazzle and Salandit began to engage into a match of loud, raspy screams. In the middle of one of the screams, the Totem Salazzle spat another Toxic at Salandit, taking it completely by surprise as it frantically tried to wipe it all off. Sam grunted and grit his teeth as its body began to glow purple like Noibat’s. “Dammit!” He then saw as the foe Salandit began to charge up another Venoshock, forcing him to act quickly. “Salandit, Dragon Rage on the other Salandit, now!” Salandit screeched as it charged its attack, its mouth glowing blue. With a quick breath, the blue draconic aura shot toward the foe Salandit, who shot a weak and halfway-charged Venoshock from its mouth. The Dragon Rage attack blew the Venoshock away as it exploded, hitting the foe Salandit in the face, knocking it off the stage out cold. With only one Pokémon left, the ponies and Lady were all elated. “Good job, you two!” Starlight cheered. “Show that Salazzle what for!” Fluttershy yelled Both Lady and Comfey around Fluttershy’s neck warbled their own support. The foe Salandit quickly rolled back to its stomach and slithered away to the other corner of the crater across from Flannery, where the Marowak stood and waited, leaning against the inner crater walls and crossing its arms in indifference. Looking down at each other, the two passively looked to watch the rest of the fight. Alice looked to the Totem Salazzle, who was staring daggers at Sam’s Salandit. “Noibat, use Air Cutter!” Noibat’s wings cut hard through the air, producing a pair of bow-shaped windy auras that zipped straight at the Totem Salazzle. With a quick glance, the Totem Salandit caught the attack coming, and with two shifts to the left and right, it managed to avoid both auras before they poofed out of existence upon hitting the ground. Noibat let out a cry as its poisoning pulsed over its body and through the veins in its wings. The Totem Salazzle then refocused onto Salandit, belting out several tormenting cries that slowly brought frightened, hurt tears to Salandit’s eyes, closing them and letting them fall as the Toxic poison took its toll on it. Sam could tell what the Totem Salazzle was doing, and the strategy horrified Sam into letting his mouth hang agape. With a hiss, Sam had no choice. “Salandit, use…” He pointed his left arm out, noticing his Z-Ring with the Normalium Z still inside of it. The sudden realization of the Totem Salazzle’s flaw drew a smile upon his lips. “Hey, Salazzle, thanks for the hint!” Sam crossed his wrists over his face, his Salandit, as if willingly possessed, stood on its hind legs and followed through with Sam’s movements, following through with a swing down of their arms followed by a crossed reach out. Flannery watched with sheer amazement as Salandit, in perfect synch with Sam, formed its arms into a Z-shape, allowing Sam to transfer a hefty stream of Z-Power into it. With energy flowing off its body like the fire of the mountain it stood on, it happily screeched at the mesmerized Totem Salandit, practically chomping at the bit to go forward with its attack. “My Pokémon knows Double Slap!” Sam laughed loudly as it addressed Salandit’s remaining adversary. “I don’t quite know what you have against my Salandit, but now you’ll wish you never did. Okay, Salandit, let’s go! Breakneck Blitz!” Salandit shot out at the Totem Salazzle, moving along the ground so quickly that it could only be seen by the tip of the spreading rock that it plowed as it ran. Leaping up out of the path it made, Salandit tackled into the Totem Salazzle, ramming it off its feet so that it shot the both of them into the side of the crater wall, blasting large chunks of it off and down the mountain. Sam gasped as he stepped up, hoping that his Pokémon didn’t go over the edge, but stopped to see Salandit and the Totem Salazzle on their stomachs at the mouth of the gap that had just been made. As Salandit made its way back, the Totem Salazzle slowly got up to see Salandit return to Sam, who put his hands down and allowed Salazzle to cheerfully slap both of them down in celebration. Even long after Salandit turned back to face it, the Totem Salazzle could not help but breathe through its open mouth, looking back between it and the trainer it clearly grew so fond of so quickly. Salazzle crawled back to the platform slowly as it sniffed the ground, Alice appearing to relish the opportunity. “Let’s see you dodge this!” she yelled. “Noibat, use Aerial Ace!” Noibat dove down, its eyes squinting as it read its target's body to predict any kind of evasive maneuvers. Instead, the Totem Salazzle quickened its pace towards a small mound in the dirt. Unfocused on Noibat, the Totem Salazzle was hit, sending it back several more feet from its destination. Noibat swooped back up and flew back to Alice. With a sharper glow of its body and a sickly gurgling from its stomach, Noibat whined as it glided down to the platform, supporting itself with its wings and panting heavily. Sam looked to his Salandit upon hearing the same noises, seeing it convulse as it arched its stomach in, fighting the pain it felt there. The Totem Salazzle picked itself up and ran to the mound, quickly digging out a piney red berry with a green stem, swallowing it whole after a few chews. Quickening its breathing, the Totem Salazzle hopped onto the platform and roared at Noibat and Salandit, fire rushing out of its mouth. Fluttershy’s teeth clenched at the awful implications. “Flannery, what did the Salazzle just eat?” “A Petaya Berry,” she answered. “When the Pokémon that eats that is in a pinch, its Special Attack is strengthened.” “In a pinch?” Starlight stared at Salazzle, noting its slightly wobbly stance. “Does that mean…” “Salazzle is pretty much on the ropes, yes. However, let’s see if both of their Pokémon can survive the next attack.” Fluttershy and Starlight turned to Flannery and then back to the battle, nervous for what would happen next. With a white-hot glow of its slightly-open mouth, the Totem Salazzle spat a Flare Burst attack out at its foes, Sam’s eyes shooting open to see it was nearly twice as large as the one that took out Honedge and Mudbray. “Alice, turn away!” Sam bellowed. Both she and her brother quickly spun back and crouched down to hide their exposed legs. Behind them, the ball struck the ground, creating a mushroom-cloud of fire that engulfed both of their Pokémon in the blast, the loud whoosh of the blast and their own cries of searing pain drowning out their Pokémon’s screams. Starlight and Fluttershy immediately felt the heat stretch out over the crater. Before the hot winds could blow into them, Starlight formed a small shield with her magic, allowing the heat to pass safely around her, Fluttershy, Lady, and Flannery. From the other side of the crater, the Marowak put its arms up to shield its eyes from the light of the fires that still remained. Sam and Alice felt the flames and heat die down, and when it felt safe, they both stood and turned to see the damage. Alice felt a sharp pain in her gut to see Noibat laying face down and fainted where it was standing, and Sam looked nervous to see Salandit sprawled on its stomach, not appearing to move either. “No…” Alice felt her throat squirm as she spoke. Starlight, in her worry, let her shield down as Flannery passed through to see the state of Sam and Alice’s Pokémon. With a few quick observatory glances between the two motionless Pokémon, she threw her hands up. “It appears Noibat and Salandit have lost the will to battle,” she exclaimed, throwing her arm up. “As trial captain, I declare that–” “Wait, wait!” Fluttershy hugged Flannery’s arms in and pointed out at the battlefield. To Flannery’s utter shock, Salandit slid up to all fours, digging its claws into as much of the concrete as its strength could allow. When it finally regained its footing, it picked its head up to look into the Totem Salazzle’s eyes and let out a loud, persistent roar. Starlight and Sam both laughed as his second chance was all ready for him to take. The Totem Salazzle, at first dumbfounded, shut its eyes in realization before smiling at Salandit, which was now filled with warmth, respect, and acceptance. Sam clapped twice in excitement. “Looks like she’s ready to take her final shot, girl!” Salandit roared out again. “Use Dragon Rage!” Salandit charged a blue energy inside of its mouth, the Totem Salazzle closing its eyes as it awaited the next and more than likely last attack. With a hard breath, Salandit shot its harsh aura out, looking to be aimed in the dead center of the Totem Salazzle’s chest. The attack hit, throwing the Salazzle limply back, tumbling off the platform and refusing to move once its body hit the floor. Flannery grinned, exhilarated by such an amazing comeback. “The Totem Salazzle and its allies have been defeated! I declare that Sam and Alice have completed my trial!” Both ponies and their Pokémon cheered while Alice went over to pick up her Noibat. Sam saw as Salandit began to swoon, the poison about to take it out. Sam rushed over while grabbing a Full Heal from its bag, slipping his hand beneath Salandit and picking it up to spray it. Salandit’s breaths grew deeper and more relaxed as he continued spraying, and once the bottle was empty and Salandit had been fully cured, it leapt off his arm and hugged his neck tight. “Oh, my little trooper!” Sam grunted, coming close to crying. Alice came over and put her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. “You were amazing. Both of you.” Salandit, without warning, jumped off Sam and gave Alice a hug as well, yipping as Alice returned the embrace with her free arm. The ponies and Lady stepped onto the platform, followed by Flannery who walked past them and stood before Sam and Alice. “That was one of the best trial battles I’ve seen since I’ve been here. I mean it.” “Wow…” Sam couldn’t help but blush a little. “Thank you, Flannery. That truly means a lot coming from you!” “I’m flattered, but I’m also humbled to have watched such a hot battle such as yours. You two fight with such fervor that I don’t even see from many of the trainers that walk into my gym back in Hoenn. You have such a strong bond that’s just inspiring to see. There’s a fire that burns bright inside both of you. I hope you and your Pokémon go–” “Flannery?” Starlight seemed jestful in her interruption. “I think they got the point.” “Oh!” She cleared her throat. “My apologies. I guess there’s nothing left to say then that I haven’t already said. With that, I now grant both of you your own Firium Z.” Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out two reddish-orange crystals with a swirling flame icon inside that laid on her palm, allowing Sam and Alice to take one and hold it up to the faint sunlight peaking through the volcanic smog. “Now I just have to show you how to use it. I hope this is right…” With a widened stance, Flannery crossed her wrists up, put her arms down, and crossed her arms out. She then twisted and held her arms out, fanning them twice up before grabbing her right elbow and holding her right arm up before throwing it down so that it was above the ground. “Yeah, I think that’s it!” “Thanks again, Flannery,” Alice said. “This was a cool one.” “I appreciate it. Oh! Before you leave, let me heal your Pokémon. It’s the least I can do!” “Also,” Fluttershy said, “why was the Salazzle being so mean to Salandit? Is that something that they do?” As if to answer her, the Salazzle walked over onto the platform toward her. Salandit hopped out of Alice’s grasp and sat before the Salazzle. The two of them engaged in a calm conversation of clicks, hisses, and high-pitched growls and purrs. “Any idea what they’re saying?” Starlight looked to Fluttershy. “It seems the Salazzle’s telling Salandit that she is allowed to decide where she wants to go now. What does that mean?” “I can answer that.” Flannery crossed her arms and looked down at the irresistibly adorable sight of the two Pokémon conversing. “It was testing her, wanting to be sure if she was truly ready to go off on her own. Because only female Salandits can evolve into Salazzles, female Salandits are groomed to lead their hordes after their mothers.” “Mother?” Sam put the pieces together. “So that means–” “The momma Salazzle is giving her daughter her blessing to go with you, it seems, Sam,” Fluttershy answered. Flannery nodded. “Now that Salandit has proven herself to the Salazzle, her rite of passage has been completed. Kind of nice that it got to happen during your trial, though.” “I’ll say.” Sam knelt down to the Salazzle and his Salandit, watching as Salazzle nuzzled its head against Salandit’s in a final farewell. “I’ll be taking great care of her,” he said, looking the Salazzle in the eyes. “I think we’ll both take great care of each other.” “We all will,” Alice assured. Salazzle gave Sam a nod and nudged Salandit in the back of the thigh, letting it go to rejoin Sam by his side. Salandit crawled up Sam’s leg and hopped off his knee onto his shoulder. Salandit and the Salazzle gave one last look to each other before the latter fought to face the other way and meet the Marowak and other Salandit on the north side of the crater. Without looking back, the three of them went down through the new gap in the wall, disappearing over the side. “Thank you!” Sam yelled with a wide wave. Fluttershy, almost instinctively, swung her arm up in a single wave goodbye, even though they were all long gone. The group was then alerted by Flannery sniffling, looking to see that she wiped a tear from her eye. “Oh, I love happy endings. Follow me. There’s a small shack where I can heal your Pokémon.” With Flannery taking the south hill down, Sam, Alice, the ponies, and Lady followed her, leaving their penultimate Akalan trial behind. Flannery stood at the bottom of the hill back to the crater, facing Sam and Alice and their group. “Thank you again for everything, Flannery.” Sam said. “Perhaps before you return to the Hoenn region, I’d like to battle you.” “Maybe you won’t even have to wait that long. I’m beginning to like it here.” Flannery nervously chuckled, but was happy to hear all six of her new friends laughing with her, making her smile wide. “I appreciate it, you guys. I wish you both the best of luck with finding your other friends, Starlight, Fluttershy…” Starlight and Fluttershy nodded appreciatively. “…and I hope you two do well against Mallow’s trial, Sam, Alice.” Sam huffed humorously, leaving Alice to defend him. “Actually, we already completed the Lush Jungle trial.” “No foolin?’ How about–” “Brooklet Hill too,” Sam said. Flannery bent her head down and breathed out through her nose. “Then I wish you the best against Olivia. She’s a real tough cookie, and you’ll need all the best wishes you can get before you face her.” “I’m sure yours will be more than enough between the two of us.” Flannery chuckled, overwhelmed with gratitude. “I’ll see you then.” “Yes, bye!” Alice called with a wave, turning to the western path and beginning the downward hike. “Bye, Flannery!” Starlight and Fluttershy both shouted, each of their Pokémon bidding their own salutations to her. Flannery waved them all goodbye, even after they had turned away from her and disappeared around the western bend. > Chapter 30 – Silver Lining at Last > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion kept his eyes on Akala Island, which grew closer and closer with each beat of his Charizard’s wings. His Lucario sat directly behind him, its arms and paws wrapped firmly around his waist. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both flew beside Gladion’s left, seeing as the details of Heahea City getting more and more defined with each passing second. Pinkie Pie moaned impatiently. “Hey Gladion, can Lucario use his freaky aura vision to find our friends yet? Are we close enough yet? Am I bothering you enough yet?” Gladion huffed, knowing she no longer needed to. “Lucario, scope out the island. Let me know if you spot something.” Lucario slipped one paw off its trainer and placed it on the spike on its chest, the four appendages on its head floating to the sides as it closed its eyes. To it, the world appeared as a black void with tiny blue specks along the streets and scattered along the routes. The outward pull of the appendages strengthened as it sensed a brighter pair of auras around the Ruins of Life. Gladion heard his Lucario humming anxiously. “Lucario, have you found them?” Lucario pointed downward toward the Ruins of Life, Gladion understanding its directions perfectly. “Is that them?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Are those our friends?” “Most likely,” he replied. “However, those ones are safe in the Ruins of Life now. We should look for Starlight and Fluttershy.” “Seriously, dude? Our friends are about to be right beneath us, and you don’t want us to let them know we’re here? We have to at least stop for a–” Lucario loudly gasped, it’s floating appendages suddenly trembling. It caught the brighter auras of two more ponies at the top of the Wela Volcano with two trainers making their way down. What frightened Lucario even more were the nearly dozen people standing and waiting halfway down the path to the park, their auras lighting their bodies enough to reveal their robes. Two of them appeared to run down the path from the top of the crater, about to flank the group from behind. “What is it?” Gladion asked. Lucario tapped its paw on his shoulder and pointed to the top of the volcano, the frantic thrusts of its arm indicating just enough for him. “We have to hurry!” Gladion lightly slapped both sides of his Charizard’s neck, making it fly harder and faster. “What’s happening?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Did you find the others?” “Not just them.” “What? Who then?” Gladion was already several paces ahead of the ponies, unable to hear Gladion. It suddenly dawned on Rainbow Dash what Gladion and Lucario meant, and she squinted her vision, filled with a strong sense of vengeance. “Pinkie, hang on!” Pinkie Pie crouched down and hugged her friends neck. “Hanging!” With a reel of her body, Rainbow Dash shot out faster to fly alongside Gladion and his Charizard. Now all Gladion could focus on was the tip of the volcano. Sam, Alice, the ponies, and Lady treaded carefully down the steep slope down the path that turned right into a small cave inside the volcano. As Sam and Alice began to walk inside, Starlight and Fluttershy stopped, observing the ocean to the north and the sky it reflected, which began to turn the slightest orange with the birth of the new evening. “Hold on,” Starlight said to her human companions. “I want to take a quick look.” Sam and Alice emerged back out, watching from the mouth of the cave as the ponies and their Pokémon looked out past the horizon with the faint sight of Route 8 and the Lush Jungle to their left. Sam stepped out and joined the ponies, standing between them. “Pretty beautiful, isn’t it?” Sam asked. Starlight nodded. “You should see the sunrises and sunsets in Equestria. This is still quite nice, but those are incomparable to this.” “Oh yeah?” Sam sat down and scooted to the edge of the cliff, letting his feet dangle off. “Does Equestria have a view quite like this?” “Oh, countless! Canterlot has at least two dozen alone!” “Really? Maybe you could accidently warp me and my sister to this Canterlot and show us yourself!” Starlight laughed, almost regretting it instantly. It was a joke in poor taste, but she couldn’t pull the smile down, no matter how hard she shifted her face. “Damn you, Sam.” Starlight’s smile only grew wider. “I’m… using that phrase right, right? Damn you?” “Sure. Just be sure you don’t bring it back to Equestria with you when you two return.” “I see…” “You know what amazes me the most?” Fluttershy asked, still staring off into the farthest reaches of the sea. “Of all the places we could have ended up, we found this one. I never thought I’d ever meet, see, or even know what a human or a Pokémon was, but I’m happy to have made friends with both.” Alice leaned into the wall of the cave, practically about to melt from Fluttershy’s compliments. Sam nodded, trying to find the next right words to respond with. “Yeah, well, I’ve been enjoying this adventure of ours. I certainly don’t think it would be half as exciting or fun without you two literally falling into it.” “Thanks a bunch, you asshole!” Alice pushed off the wall and stood, laughing at her own jest. Sam turned to face her, slighted by her implications, kidding or not. “Hey, I really appreciate your help too!” Sam suddenly couldn’t help but notice two enlarged shadows slithering down the face of the volcano, each one headed right at Alice. Glancing up, he saw as two Bruxish slowly encroached down toward them all. Once his eyes met both of theirs, Sam pushed himself out of his sitting spot and threw a Poké Ball up as he stood. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak!” Starlight and Fluttershy looked to the volcano, their eyes tracing to Honedge as it popped out of its ball. They then followed its snaking shadow upwards, immediately noticing the two floating triggerfish that had failed to ambush them. Alice ran to join Sam’s side just as the Shadow Sneak hit one of the Bruxishes, the remaining one charging the bulb on its head with blue light. “No!” Starlight began to charge her horn, the aura of it covering her body just as the Bruxish’s psychic powers shone onto her. Fluttershy and Alice watched nervously as Starlight continued to fight, grunting and moaning to maintain her magic. “Lady…” she growled loudly. “Bite!” Lady barked as it bounded up the mountain, rounding up the entrance to the cavern and heading right at its target. With a last leap, Lady’s teeth managed to grab a hold of the Bruxish’s belly, the pain it felt making it let Starlight go. Fluttershy and Comfey looked to their friend panting heavily. “Starlight, are you okay?” Starlight charged her horn, feeling far less strain as she maintained a steady aura. “Fine!” Lady threw her head down and let go, sending itself Bruxish down to the ground. While Lady landed before Starlight, the Bruxish banked up and swam back to its trainer, a female Prism grunt with short blonde hair, who stood beside another grunt with the other Bruxish. Alice walked forward ahead of her friends and brother. “You know, unless you brought more minions or Pokémon, these double battles aren’t really going to work out for you.” The grunt to Alice’s left, a young man with short, spikey dark-brown hair and cocoa skin, laughed. “Just because you only see two of us doesn’t mean we didn’t bring more friends. You would just have to try and jump down the volcano to avoid them all.” “Down the…” Sam surmised aloud. “You gotta’ be kidding.” “We’re not!” a young female voice called out. He then looked to his left into the cavern, seeing two grunts, a man with jet-black hair covering his right eye and a woman with a longer face and straight red hair, barely concealed in the shadows with their Pokémon, a Slowking and an Espeon, stepping into the sunlight. Trapped, Sam faced the two Bruxish trainers again with a scowl. The short-haired blonde grunt held her hand up. “We’ll also guarantee safe passage to the bottom if you hand over those ponies now.” “Honedge, Shadow Sneak!” Honedge thrust its hilt down, its shadow zooming along the ground quickly until it hit her Bruxish, blasting it up to its trainer’s surprise before it floated itself back down. The woman only showed slight contempt in her changing expression. “That’s one way to answer. Fine then. Bruxish hit the unicorn with Psychic.” “And Bruxish,” her partner said, “Crunch that Honedge!” “Espeon!” the red-haired grunt in the cave echoed out. “Hit the Honedge with Shadow Ball!” The female grunt’s Bruxish began to charge up its bulb again, covering Starlight with it as she tried fighting the harsh energy with her magic. Sam watched as the second Bruxish swam quickly at his Pokémon, its mouth wide open to reveal its frighteningly sharp teeth. Comfey then looked to its left to see a dark-purple ball of energy form upon the red gem on Espeon’s forehead. With an angry frown, Comfey unwound itself from Fluttershy’s neck and flew out past Sam and Starlight. “Comfey!” Fluttershy cried out. “Don’t go!” With a shout, it began chasing its own tail in a quick, incalculable circle. Winds began to pick up, drawing in numerous loose pieces of grass from the area and swirling them around in its whirlwind. Just as Espeon shot its attack out, the Shadow Ball got caught in the whirwind and ended up slamming into the right side of the cavern wall, blasting it, Slowking, and both of its trainers deep inside. Before the male grunt’s Bruxish could reach Honedge, it was suddenly whipped off course and dragged into the vortex. The Bruxish hitting Starlight was suddenly thrown off its spot and slammed and pinned into the wall, greatly weakening it. Freed again, Starlight glanced around her to see Sam, Alice, Lady, and Fluttershy struggling to keep their footing on the ground, charging her horn and covering all five of them in her magic. They were all forced to their knees and shins as they suddenly felt heavy, though their weight sufficiently anchored them to the ground. Watching the male grunt’s Bruxish getting whipped inside the Petal Blizzard, Alice gasped, suddenly getting an idea as she pulled out a Poké Ball. “Noibat, chase that Bruxish and use Bite!” Alice held tight to her ball as Noibat was instantly picked up in the gales upon emerging. It quickly regained its balance, soaring through the storm and flying faster than the Bruxish could swim away. Starlight then looked to Lady as they shared a mutual nod. “Okay, Lady. Get that Bruxish that’s pinned over there with Quick Attack!” Letting the magic covering her Pokémon go, she allowed it to be picked up by the winds, swirling over the edge of the cliff and back around to the wall where its target was. Putting all four paws up, Lady pounced onto Bruxish, the sheer force of the collision making Bruxish faint. Noibat had finally caught up with the last Bruxish, getting close enough to bite down hard on the base of its tail. The Bruxish screamed as it refused to keep fleeing, letting Noibat carry it back around to the wall where the other Bruxish was and whip it against it before Lady could run away along the wall, making it faint as well. Comfey slowed itself down, its attack finally ended as it became extremely dizzy, flying back to Fluttershy in a sloppy line. Both Lady and Noibat returned to their trainers, all of whom faced the two defeated grunts with confident smiles. With nothing left, they both returned their Bruxish to their balls and ran back up the mountain. In the cave, the Slowking’s grunt pushed himself up off the ground. “Desperate times…” he muttered, his voice deep. “Slowking, send the unicorn’s Eevee off the side with Dragon Tail.” His Pokémon, also having gotten itself up, made a run for it outside, its eyes kept right on Lady. Starlight and Lady turned to the charging Slowking, followed by her other friends and their Pokémon. Lady gasped as it watched Slowking spin about, its tail glowing blue-and-orange. Just before the attack hit, Lady began to glow bright, its brown fur transforming into a translucent body filled with a bubbling, swirling green aura. The Slowking’s tail hit Lady, but Lady stayed completely still, unfazed by the attack, making the Slowking step back warily. Starlight’s eyes grew wide and fearful as Lady’s body lit up even brighter and grew three times its size. “What’s happening!?” “Is it…?” Alice wondered aloud. Just then, two long feelers like ribbons quickly sprouted out from where its fluffy collar was, the fur there receding into its neck except for the front, where it morphed into a flat bow. The rest of its hair began to recede into its body, revealing a far more slender form. On its left ear, which began to get a bit fuzzier like the right, another bow formed in the front while two more feelers slithered out from behind. Finally, the hairs of its bushy tail squeezed itself in, becoming skinnier and thicker. Just then, it glowed completely white before the light shattered off of it, revealing a new Pokémon with a cream colored body with its four paws, its tail, the centers of its bows, and the top of its head and ears colored bright pink. The ends of its feelers were colored blue and then faded to pink down a couple of inches before they resumed their cream color. “Holy shit!” Sam gasped. Starlight stepped up to Lady, nervously reaching her hoof out. “Lady… is that you?” Lady turned to face Starlight, smiling back with its solid blue eyes, mewing in affirmation. “Your Eevee…” Alice was fighting the urge not to laugh exultantly. “…just evolved into a Sylveon!” “A Sylv…” Starlight couldn’t believe it, but felt an immense sense of joy as Lady’s new feelers caressed Starlight’s face and pulled her gently for a hug. “I had no idea that Pokémon evolution went so fast! This is incredible!” Starlight threw herself onto her Pokémon, its feelers ready to catch her as Lady patted Starlight on the back with its paw. Sam, Alice, Fluttershy, and Comfey smiled at the heartwarming sight, only to be interrupted by the Espeon’s grunt audibly shifting herself back to her feet. “How convenient,” she spat. “You still have so many more of us left on this volcano; I don’t see how you can possibly make it off, even with your new Pokémon.” “We’ll take our chances,” Sam replied. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak on Espeon!” “Espeon, Shadow Ball on Honedge!” As Espeon charged its attack, Honedge’s shadow slipped beneath it and threw the Espeon back. It flipped back to balance itself and landed on its paws, facing Honedge and launching its Shadow Ball, striking Honedge in the center of its blade. Sam looked back nervously as it was thrown back to the edge of the cliff, saving itself only by staking itself into the ground with the tip of its blade. The others were too focused on the Pokémon they still had left to fight. “Comfey,” Fluttershy exclaimed, “uh… use Vine Whip on Slowing!” “Noibat, Bite Espeon!” Comfey dove at the Slowking, flipping forward and lashing its tail across the face. Noibat swooped in and took hold of the Espeon’s neck with its mouth, tackling it to the ground. Lady breathed in hard and then blew, a glittering spray washing over the Espeon and the Slowking, which appeared to crackle on their bodies painfully. “What move was that?” Starlight asked. “Fairy Wind!” Alice said. “Lady must have learned it when it evolved!” “Huh… cool.” As Noibat flew off of the Espeon, it weakly stood up and looked to its ally, seeing that it had fainted. Its grunt returned it into its ball as Espeon and its grunt scowled at the group. “No way you’re getting off this volcano!” she hissed. “Espeon, Shadow Ba–” “Shadow Sneak!” Sam’s Honedge’s shadow deftly slithered around the feet, hooves, and paws of the humans, ponies, and Pokémon in front of it, reaching Espeon before it could register its appearance. Halfway through the charging of its attack, Espeon was hurled into the air by the blast of Honedge’s attack, its back slamming into the roof of the cave before it roughly fell onto its stomach, fainting shortly after. The female grunt returned her Pokémon while her partner stood up as well. “Our Pokémon may have been beat…” “…but now you’ll have to get through us.” The male grunt put its fists out, prompting his partner to do the same. Starlight pursed her lips, annoyed. “Fine.” She then charged her horn and blasted a light at the two. They put up their arms to protect their eyes from the brightness, but upon opening them, they were unnerved to see that they could see their foes through their cloaks. Looking down at the rest of their bodies, they let out a couple of yelps to find that they were entirely translucent. “What is this?” the woman grunt screamed, patting herself down. Starlight ran ahead, passing through them as if they were ghosts. “It will wear off in a couple of seconds! Hurry!” Understanding immediately, Lady ran to Starlight, and Sam, Alice, Fluttershy, and all of their Pokémon followed them through the cave, leaving the two grunts behind them. “This is messed up!” the male grunt cried out. The group zipped through the cave, guided by small torches along the walls. With another turn left, they saw the bright cavern exit, rushing to it with reckless abandon. “Guys.” Alice was panting heavily. “Be prepared to fight immediately. They’re probably waiting for us.” “Right.” Sam picked up his pace, soon joining Lady and Starlight side by side. Starlight then charged her horn and bared her teeth, ready for what may be waiting for her. Outside, a pair of grunts, a young dark-skinned woman with medium length black hair and a pale-skinned ice-blue-haired man, stood opposite of the side of the cavern exit where the path turned to continue down, their Kadabra and Oranguru waiting for them both. Starlight, her horn still glowing, jumped from the cave, standing and looking about her surroundings. “Psychic!” both grunts shouted. With Kadabra’s spoons and Oranguru’s hands glowing, they both took hold of Starlight in their psychic grasps, making her scream out as she stood on her hind legs. Then, to the grunts and their Pokémon’s shock, Starlight's entire body began twisting like a rag, her scream refusing to let up as it increased in pitch. Before any of them knew it, the body continued wringing itself thinner and thinner before it disappeared in a small puff of smoke. The male grunt’s face contorted with confusion. “The hell?” Immediately, Starlight, Lady, Sam, and Honedge came out from the cave, surprising the four of them. “Honedge, Shadow Sneak on Kadabra!” Sam ordered. “Bite the ape-thing, Lady!” shouted Starlight. Honedge’s shadow threw Kadabra back while Sylveon tackled Oranguru down, its sharp teeth making a horrifying contrast with her beady eyes. Alice and Fluttershy emerged next with Noibat and Comfey. Sam turned back, hearing their footsteps. “Go on ahead! We’re almost done with these guys!” Honedge whizzed past Sam’s head as it was hit with another Shadow Ball, Lady getting blasted off by a hefty bolt of electricity from Oranguru’s palms. Alice and Sam couldn’t help but stay to help, but Sam could see several more grunts approaching them from the bottom of the hill. “Like I said, almost done!” Sam quickly turned back with a point at the Kadabra. “Use Return!” Honedge shot back into the fray, brushing the back of Sam’s hair as it moved. Alice and Fluttershy reluctantly turned back to see four grunts, three male and one female, stopping a ways away while their Pokémon began to advance: another Slowking, a Metang, another Kadabra, and a Hypno. The Hypno and Kadabra advanced to the front, both of them looking at Noibat. Fluttershy and Comfey leapt forward. “Hold on, guys! It’s my turn! Comfey, use Petal Blizzard!” Comfey shouted as it flew between the three Pokémon and spun around, creating another whirlwind of loose grass, much of it striking Noibat, the Kadabra, and the Hypno. Behind Alice and Fluttershy, Honedge struck the Kadabra with a last Shadow Sneak before it passed out from exhaustion. Sam hissed as he was forced to return Honedge back into its Poké Ball. He then turned back to feel the winds pick up from Comfey’s attack. Alice looked to Noibat as it fought against the gales, awaiting her orders. “Noibat, go ahead and hit the Hypno with Bite.” Noibat screeched excitedly as it kept its wings out and rode the twister, flying faster than it ever could in fairer conditions. “Right to us.” The Kadabra’s grunt, who had long black hair on the right side of his head and none on the left, smirked with anticipation. “Kadabra, Dazzling Gleam!” Crossing its spoons together, the Kadabra shone a bright, sparkling light from them into Noibat. Screaming in pain, Noibat was too disoriented to look where it was going, its double vision making it pass safely between the Kadabra and Hypno. “That’s it!” The Hypno’s grunt, a tan short-haired woman with two large and ornate earrings, pointed at Noibat, keeping track of it. “Hypno, finish it with Ice Punch!” With Noibat flying back around, shaking the last of the stars and spots in its eyes, Hypno swung its pendulum around its right hand until the coined end rested right above the middle knuckle. Reeling its arm back, the coin began to frost over until it was completely covered ice, clinging to the rest of the chain. With a strong punch forward, its freezing fist hit Noibat right in the face. Noibat was out cold before its body could tumble on the floor, continuing to get picked up by Comfey’s Petal Blizzard and nearly reaching the edge of another drop in the mountain. “Noibat, no!” Alice sprinted out to save it, only to feel a sharp tug back and an invisible grip of her arms and legs together, keeping her immobile. Comfey stopped its whirlwind as fast as it could, but the winds still kept swirling. Alice ignored the Metang and Slowking that kept her at bay while her Noibat suddenly went over the side. “NOOO!” Suddenly, Noibat’s body was lifted up, held in Starlight’s blue magic. Alice gasped as she turned her head around as far back as her constricted body could allow, seeing as Starlight, Lady, and Sam, now with his Fomantis, approached and joined Fluttershy by her side. “Looks like you two already took a beating,” the half-haired grunt said. “Time to let the flower girl have a turn. Kadabra, Energy Ball on the Comfey!” Whipping its spoon like a club, the Kadabra hurled a green ball of aura out, hitting Comfey in the face and sending it flying back several feet. The short-haired woman pointed at Sam’s Pokémon. “Hypno, Fire Punch the Fomantis.” Sam was not easily deterred. “Fomantis, hit Hypno with Fury Cutter!” Fomantis charged at the Hypno, who, with its pendulum still wrapped around its fist, reeled back its arm, the melted ice left on the chain and coin evaporating off as it began to glow red hot. It threw its fist at Fomantis, who quickly swung out to the right to let it pass its front. Side stepping further, Fomantis leapt up and swung back in right, slashing Hypno in the stomach with its leafy arms, throwing it onto its back. Alice gasped as she suddenly felt her arms become free, allowing her to grab Noibat’s ball on her belt. “Lady, Bite Kadabra!” shouted Starlight. Lady ran at Kadabra and tackled it down, its mouth over the snout. Having returned Noibat back into its ball and having her legs freed, Alice landed back on her feet and threw out another Poké Ball. “Pikachu, Quick Attack on Kadabra!” Pikachu emerged from its ball and charged right at Lady and Kadabra. With barely any time to spare, Lady hopped up off of Kadabra just as Pikachu passed beneath, headbutting the Kadabra and rolling its limp, tired body back to its trainer. The half-haired grunt angrily returned his Pokémon back to its ball. “Enough!” A warbled voice cracked out from the bottom of the hill, the volume of it making it sound like a broken pane pf glass. The four grunts and their Pokémon parted the way, allowing for a fully robed Team Prism member to begin walking up the hill. With their robe and lack of a real face or distinguishable voice, the person’s appearance was very intimidating to Sam, Alice, and the ponies. The apparent leader of the group tossed a Poké Ball out from one of their robe pockets, revealing a purple ten-pronged star with a golden crest and red gem in its center that floated and slowly spun beside him. Sam breathed out a bit tepidly. “A Starmie.” “You’re doing particularly well this time around, especially compared to our first two meetings.” Even with his electronically scrambled voice, he was noticeably irate. “At this rate, you’d have us all beat quite easily. I can’t let that happen, so I’m going to have to help end this now.” The leader crossed their wrists before him, gravity pulling their sleeves down to reveal a synthetic Z-Ring on their black-sleeved left wrist. Putting their arms down and them crossing them out, they then punched their fists perpendicularly, accompanied by phantom clanging sounds, and then punched them both out. Their body exploded with light as a wind lightly blew about their robe. Dark red aura seeped out from him and flooded into their Starmie’s body, which flexed and bent out, feeling the awesome powers coursing through it. Sam and Alice gasped, confused by the leader’s choreography. “That sure didn’t look like the moves he used last time,” Alice said. “Different crystal, different moves.” He held his left arm up, revealing the silvery crystal with a cube-shaped icon inside the ring. “That Comfey is a Fairy-type, yes? That means it will be weak against Steel-type moves. It’s simple strategy, really.” Fluttershy’s voice quivered as she looked to her mesmerized Pokémon. “Starmie!” the leader shouted. “Attack Comfey! Corkscrew Crash!” Starmie, its front still facing its enemies, began to spin incredibly fast, a reverse-twister forming on its face, the point aimed right at Comfey. When the Starmie was nothing left but a shining cone of spinning metal, it darted out, Comfey hugging its arms over its face to best shield itself from the pain it would feel. It suddenly felt a tug on its tail as it was pulled down. Opening its eyes, Comfey saw as Lady leapt over it, its feelers letting go and rising to meet the attack. The tip of the drill hit Lady in the stomach, sending them flying back into the floor of the path. Starlight and her friends all turned back, horrified to see Lady continuously being pushed and thrust into the ground by the attack. “LADY!!” Starlight shrieked. Finally, the Starmie had exhausted its Z-Power, slowing its spinning which made the drill disappear. When the cloud of dust cleared, Lady was now lying motionless in a crater that it made. Starlight ran out, sobbing loudly as she sunk to her knees beside her fallen Pokémon and dug it out, cradling it in her arms. Sam, Alice, and Fluttershy noticed as Starmie, bent forward and tired, began to sparkle with harsh red sparks. Alice and Sam’s hairs began to stand on end, remembering what this meant. “Fluttershy,” Sam muttered, “now’s your chance! Attack it while it’s weakened!” Fluttershy, seeing the Starmie in its sorry state, morphed her worried face into a furious frown. “Comfey, use Vine Whip!” Comfey screamed and shot out at Starmie, slapping it hard with the end of its tail and throwing it back up the hill. “Pikachu,” Alice shouted, pointing her finger out, “hit it now with Thunder Shock!” Pikachu let its whole body go alight as its electric stream beat Starmie down into the ground. “Fomantis, finish it off with Leaf Blade!” Sam ordered Fomantis charged up the hill, making hard leaps up with each step. On the final lunge, Fomantis put its arms up and slashed Starmie with both of them as it landed on its front side. The gem in the Starmie’s center had lost its luster, indicating that it had been defeated. A red beam from a Poké Ball hit Starmie, converting it to an energy that soon receded back into the ball, bringing Fomantis down to the ground. The group turned back to see the end of the beam return inside the leader’s ball. Without even looking at it or acknowledging it, he put the ball back into his robe pocket. “You made me waste my Z-Move,” he said in the same terse tone. “We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.” The three remaining grunts, including the short-haired woman with the earrings and her Hypno, as well as a pair of men, each of their short, spiffed hairstyles dyed black and white, stepped out to block their leader, who slowly walked back to avoid the crossfire. Their Slowking and Metang stood before them on the line beside the short-haired grunt’s Hypno. Fluttershy observed the trio standing before them, her legs quivering. Comfey, seeing that she was too frightened to declare an attack, flew into action, beginning yet another Petal Blizzard, picking up winds and blades of grass around them and hitting every other Pokémon around them. The winds weren’t too strong yet, Alice realizing this was her chance. “Pikachu, Thunder Shock on the Slowking, now!” Pikachu shot another jet of electricity from its cheeks at the Slowking. It appeared to hurt, but the Slowking was clearly weathering through it fine. Comfey stopped itself and flew back to guard Fluttershy, panting out of exhaustion. The Hypno’s grunt smirked. “Our turn now.” All three grunts crossed their wrists up in front of their faces at the same time. Sam and Alice could barely register the different colors of their crystals, the Hypno’s grunt’s Z-Ring containing a desaturated-blue crystal, the Slowking’s grunt’s crystal being orangish-brown, and the Metang’s being bright-purple. They all threw their arms down and crossed them back out, a wind picking up their hooded jackets even stronger than Comfey’s Petal Blizzard was picking up. The Hypno’s grunt began jabbing her flattened hands three times out and up one after the other, finishing with spreading her arms out wide and then swinging them both in, the palms of both of her hands just inches from each other. The Metang’s grunt pulled his left arm to his torso and held a clawed fingered hand over his Z-Ring and pulled up, finishing with a falling to his right knee and holding both arms out down to the right with both hands forming claws. The Slowking’s grunt put his weight and arms in to his left, pushing off and spinning once around before spreading his legs wide, falling forward, and catching himself with his right hand while holding his left arm up. At once, their Z-Power shot out from their backs and transferred into their Pokémon, the amount being channeled producing another windy burst that blew harshly into Sam, Alice, and Fluttershy. “You did pretty well up until this point,” the Metang’s grunt spoke. “But you can’t defeat all us,” the Slowking’s grunt finished. “Especially after this…” The Hypno’s grunt pointed her arm out. “Hypno, Subzero Slammer!” “Metang, Acid Downpour!” “Slowking, Tectonic Rage!” The Hypno unwound its pendulum from its hand, spinning it around and channeling itself with a cold-blue misty aura. Spears of ice began to jut out from the ground around it, and with a thrust of its arms, a massive white beam the width of the diameter its chain shot out at Fomantis, who could not avoid the beam hitting it and entrapping it in a twenty-foot tower of ice that formed where it stood. “Fomantis!” Sam shouted, his foggy breath pouring out from his mouth. The Metang thrust its arms out, a thick purple gas spewing out from its sides and forming another twister, taking Comfey inside of it. With the chill of the tower of ice, the gas in the twister began to solidify into sickly globs of slime that struck Comfey ceaselessly until it was floating limply to the floor. “No, Comfey, no!” Fluttershy wept hard as she ran inside to pick her Pokémon out. Even with her breath held, the effect of the freezing, poisonous jelly that hit Fluttershy tickled and soured her lungs, and with Comfey in her grasp, she erupted into a hard coughing fit as if she had just nearly drowned, running back out as quickly as she could. Finally, the Slowking slammed its hands to the ground, causing a fissure in the earth that instantly swallowed Pikachu inside of it. “PIKACHU, NO!” Alice shieked. With Slowking's glowing hands out, the crack in the earth began to glow bright and hot. From far behind, Starlight noticed as the ice tower Fomantis was trapped in began to squeak loudly as the ice expanded and cracked. She looked to her still unconscious Sylveon, feeling immense guilt over what she was about to do. “Guys, hold on!” She galloped out to them, her horn charging. A plume of lava erupted out of the fissure, Pikachu shooting from the top of it. With the cold of the ice mixing with the heat of the molten rock, the ice tower and lava plume exploded with a deafening boom. Fluttershy, Sam, and Alice were too shocked to shield themselves only for a translucent blue wall to rise up from the ground between the side of the volcano and the edge of the cliff, blocking the force from ten-feet up. Starlight let out a yelp as her magic instantly faded, unable to handle the strength of the explosion. The wall shattered and disappeared, forcing Sam, Alice, Starlight and Fluttershy to get thrown off their feet and hooves and thrown back to where Lady lied, the motionless bodies of Pikachu and Fomantis rolling back to them as well. As they passed over the Akala Outskirts, Gladion, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie heard the bang from the explosion, looking to the behind of the volcano where they faced it to see fragments of ice and rock shoot around to both sides. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Was that them?” Gladion pressed his lips together. “We have to hurry! There’s not much time. YAH!” On Gladion’s cry, his Charizard dipped down and gained more speed, heading to round the volcano east from the south. Rainbow Dash followed their tail, flapping her wings harder to pick up even faster. Sam and Alice shot to their feet, facing the three grunts and their Pokémon. Sam breathed heavily to see that there was now a twenty foot gap between them and the Prism grunts and their pained, sparking Pokémon where the path had been. The leader stood closeby behind them, their Alakazam holding its glowing spoons out. Once it set them down, a once invisible wall shield that had shielded the grunts from the blast wiped its way down before it vanished. Alice looked down the edge, the large chunks of the ground that were once there now rubble at the bottom of an eighty foot drop. “Now you’ll just have to go the long way around!” the Hypno’s grunt exclaimed. “But that won’t even be easy anymore!” The sounds of footsteps filled the ears of Sam, Alice, and their friends. Turning around, the six other grunts they had defeated were now standing in a wall preventing them from going back. “There’s two options left for you!” the leader yelled out. “Let us leave with the ponies without another word, or you can surrender them over the fainted bodies of you and your remaining Pokémon.” Sam and Alice felt as Starlight and Fluttershy backed into their legs, deathly frightened and shivering. Alice looked to her Pikachu and Sam’s Fomantis, clenching her fist with a nearly impossible decision. After glancing back to her brother, who looked back to her, she pulled her Pikachu’s Poké Ball off the belt. “Like my brother said…” She returned Pikachu inside its ball, replacing it with another. “We’ll take our chances. Go, Mudbray!” Throwing her ball out to the six grunts blocking them, her Mudbray appeared from it. With a charging leap from it, the grunts instinctively stepped back, Mudbray guarding its trainer and her group from them in a wide, defensive stance. “I still haven’t used mine yet.” Sam displayed a futile smirk as he returned Fomantis into its ball, swapping it out for his last. “Your turn, Salandit!” Sam held the ball as it opened up, Salandit appearing and landing on the edge of the gap separating it from the remaining grunts’ Pokémon. “And what do you think that little black turd can do from all the way over there?” the Slowking’s grunt yelled out. Sam let out an uncontrollable chuckle, removing his Normalium Z from his Z-Ring. “You know, if my sister and I hadn’t cleared the Fire Trial just now, I admit I wouldn’t be able to do much. However…” Sam put his crystal back into his pocket and pulled out his new Firium Z. “…since we did, I’d say my so-called turd is going to rain hell upon you all.” Sam pressed his crystal inside the ring, immediately then crossing his wrists in front of his face. Salandit followed Sam in his motions, and after putting his arms down and then crossed back out, they both fanned upwards twice before swinging his left arm down with his other hand on his elbow. Sam’s pure-yellow Z-Power flowed out of him and inside of his Salandit, who swayed pleasurably with the power coursing through it. “You put up quite a fight yourself!” Sam shouted. “What was this, eleven to four? Sounds about right for you guys.” He then held his fists out, feeling his arms tingle with the Z-Power still pent up inside him. “We’re getting off this mountain, one way or another, and you scumbags aren’t going to stop us! Now go, Salandit! Inferno Overdrive!” Salandit crouched itself down, a single flame appearing before the end of its snout, smaller numerous flames appearing from nowhere around it and swirling into the center, converging into an even larger flame as it began to grow twice the size of Salandit’s body. With a spit, Salandit launched its massive fireball at the Hypno in the center of the trio of Pokémon. The three Pokémon took a defensive stance as the fire came closer, but it clipped against the corner of the gap and produced a colossal explosion, throwing fire and blasted rock up and around. The flames all struck the grunts' Pokémon, throwing both them and their trainers off their feet. The half-haired grunt was too thrown off the side of the mountain where it stood, being swept alongside his fellow grunts and their Pokémon. The four of them and the fainted Hypno, Slowking, and Metang appeared at their leaders feet, who, along with their Alakazam, shielded their faces from the burst of heat Salandit’s attack had made. Several grunts from behind Sam attempted to approach them, Mudbray quickl to stamp its hooves hard and whinny, keeping them back and at bay. As Starlight and Fluttershy stared down at the leader and their Alakazam, they couldn’t help but notice a sound of feet hitting the ground and sliding down from above them, their mouths hanging open as the figure became more noticeable as it slid down the mountain. “Such pointlessness,” the leader spoke, shaking its head. “I said you weren’t getting off this mountain with those ponies, and I meant it. Now you’ll have to take us all on at once!” Sam and Salandit watched as the four grunts on the other side of the gap stood up, the half-haired grunt bringing his Kadabra back. He then saw as they each pulled a Revive from their robes, prepared to bring them back. Alice and Mudbray saw this too, each of the grunts bringing their Poké Balls back out. Starlight and Fluttershy continued looking up, watching as it slid down to where the leader and their Alakazam stood. The leader seemed completely too wrapped up in their retribution to notice the Pokémon careening toward them. “Prepare your self for a world of hurt, kids–” “Multi-Attack!” The leader audibly gasped, turning to his left to see Gladion’s Silvally hop off the side of the mountain and slash its dark claws into Alakazam’s chest, the attack heavily weakening it and bringing it to a kneel. The leader and their Alakazam scuttled backwards to keep their distance from the Silvally as it crouched down, ready to attack if they tried anything. The four grunts on the same side of the gap also nervously backed themselves close to the edge out of fear, leaving their Pokémon behind. The sound of wings were then heard above them, Sam, Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy all looking up to not only see Gladion hovering down to the middle of the gap on his Charizard, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie beside him as well. Even with their current predicament, Starlight and Fluttershy smiled wider than they ever did since arriving on Alola. “Pinkie Pie!” Starlight screamed. “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy wept “You guys are okay!” Rainbow Dash shouted out, also streaming tears down her face. “If we weren’t fighting for our lives right now, I’d give you all the biggest hug!” cried Pinkie Pie. Sam and Alice looked to Gladion, seriously unsure about what he would do. Gladion reached into his red waist bag and tossed what he grabbed out to them both. “Here!” Sam and Alice each caught one, seeing that they were both Max Revives. The two of them looked up, a bit confused. “That Sylveon and Comfey. Give those to them!” Understanding, Sam slid down to Lady and slipped it inside of her mouth. As Alice knelt to Fluttershy with Comfey slung around her neck to feed it the Revive, several of the grunts behind them began to bring out their Pokémon, the dark-brown haired grunt, the pale blue-haired grunt, and the red-haired grunt sending out their Bruxish, Oranguru, and Espeon, who were still tuckered out from the earlier fight. Alice was already well aware of their sneak. “Nope! Mudbray, hit them with Bulldoze!” Mudbray charged the half-dozen grunts and threw up mud in a wave right at them. Just as the three grunts were about to put a regular Revive in their Pokémon’s mouths, they, along with the other three grunts, were knocked and thrown down by the mud, dropping their Revives. Fluttershy quickly took the Max Revive from Alice’s grasp and fed it to her Comfey, beginning to wake it up. Once Lady’s Max Revive dissolved into its mouth, it sprung awake, and upon seeing Sam first, it hugged his face close to its own with her feelers. Starlight turned to see Lady up and fully healed, running to its side. Fluttershy fed the last of her Max Revive to Comfey, waking it back up so it could give Fluttershy’s face a hug. “Come on, guys,” Starlight stepped forward with Lady, Comfey joining it. “We still have some work to do. Lady, Fairy Wind!” With a deep inhale, Lady blew its pink glitter breath at the grunts, also managing to blow the three dropped Revives off the side of the volcano, leading to their owners’ shouts of anguish. With Lady, Comfey, and Mudbray guarding them, the six grunts refused to make a move other than breathing. Sam and Alice turned back to the grunts and their leader on the other side of the gap, watching as Gladion, his Charizard, and the other two ponies landed there, the former approaching the leader. “You’re a slow learner, aren’t you?” Gladion said to them. “But I still learn, Gladion. And we’re still far from finished here. Alakazam, Flash!” Crossing its spoons together, a blinding light shot out from them, forcing Gladion, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie to shield their eyes. With the bright flash behind them, Starlight and Fluttershy glanced behind them to watch as the silhouette of the Prism leader and their Alakazam appeared instantly between the four grunts and the Pokémon, and with another bright flash, they, including the first, bigger flash, disappeared, leaving Gladion, Charizard, and the ponies alone on the other side of the gap. A stampede of footsteps soon sounded off, and upon turning back, Starlight and Fluttershy saw that the remaining six grunts had bolted, running into the cave leading back to the top of the volcano. “No!” Starlight broke into a gallop. “Lady, after them!” “Starlight, wait!” Alice ran with her Mudbray to follow her, Fluttershy quick to tag behind with Comfey. As Sam reached out to them, he suddenly looked down to notice Salandit scurrying backwards as if to leave room for someone. Turning back around, Gladion and his Charizard landed on the edge of the gap, quickly sliding off on the side Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie landed on. Sam looked between Gladion and the two ponies, gasping with slight relief. “Uh… hey there?” Starlight, Alice, and Fluttershy continued their way through the cave, coming close to the exit, but finding no other trace of Team Prism. It wasn’t until she saw a bright flash shine further up the path that she quickened her pace. Upon exiting, she turned to the left immediately, only for her ears to droop fearfully to find no one on the path, clearly having vanished. Alice, Mudbray, Fluttershy, and Comfey came out soon after to see the end of their chase. Starlight then grit her teeth and hung her head low. “Damn you, Team Prism. DAMN YOU!” “Starlight!” Alice put her hand on Starlight’s shoulder, which she quickly swatted away by turning around. “WHAT?!” “I think they ran for their lives. We don’t have to worry about them anymore… for now.” “What if they just tried luring us back out?” Fluttershy wondered nervously. “Then we should get back to Sam before they have a chance to heal their Pokémon. It should be safer inside the cave.” Alice began a jog to go back inside, only to wince and grip her right shin. “Hahhh… really picked a bad day to climb a mountain and get jumped.” Mudbray let out a soft moan and rubbed its side against Alice’s butt, and with a smile, she hopped up and sat on her back. Mudbray trotted inside the cave with Alice in tow, Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey matching their pace. “So you’re the one who’s been keeping Starlight and Fluttershy safe?” Rainbow Dash asked Sam with only the slightest hint of wariness. Sam rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit sheepish. “I wouldn’t say I’m the only one–” He was quickly assaulted with a tight, surprise embrace from Pinkie Pie. “Thank you so much! You’re such a friend to us now!” “Don’t… mention it?” Sam fought as hard as he could to prevent from getting pushed off his feet. “Pinkie!” Gladion snapped. “He’s been through a lot today already, let him breathe!” “Oops!” Pinkie Pie slid off of Sam, who took a deep gulp of fresh air. “Sorry, mister!” “It’s Sam…” he panted. “My name is Sam.” “Sam, huh?” Rainbow Dash approached him and put her hoof up. “Hoof me, dude.” It was the first time he heard the expression, but Sam was quick to guess what she wanted him to do, balling his hand to a fist and giving the base of her hoof a firm pound. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash giggled, “that’s what I like to feel. You have no clue what you did means to me.” “I think I have an idea…” Alice and Mudbray emerged from the cave, followed by Starlight, Fluttershy, and both of their Pokémon. Both ponies eyes locked onto their friends, and theirs locked onto them. After a few moments of silence, stunned shock morphed into overwhelming joy as all four ponies sniffled and let their tears flow from their eyes. “Guys!” Rainbow Dash bellowed, galloping to Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie leapt up and fell towards Starlight, who gladly caught her in her arms and twirled. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy leapt up wrapping their arms around their backs, their wings flaring open. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” Fluttershy bawled “Me too,” Rainbow Dash blubbered. “Me too.” Sam and Alice watched on as Pinkie Pie stretched her arm across to include the two pegasi in her embrace, Fluttershy slipping an arm around Pinkie Pie to hold her close. Alice huffed out and wiped her moistening eyes while Sam bit his lip and breathed heavily, not wanting to let his emotions out. With two tears falling from his eyes, he could only dry them with the bottom of his shirt. “God dammit…” “You two.” Alice and Sam were suddenly frightened into turning around, seeing Gladion approach them, his fixed stern expression on his face. “We were still several miles out from Akala Island when Team Prism attacked.” He suddenly smirked, surprising the two. “You managed to hold them off very well. I apologize for misjudging you.” Alice smiled smugly, happy to have made yet another ally. “That’s okay. We’re cool.” Alice reached her hand forward and shook Gladion’s hand. Sam reached his hand forward to him, quick to accept his forgiveness with a handshake of his own. “Yep. Thanks for the help, Gladion.” “No…” Gladion peered back to the ponies, watching as Starlight introduced her friends to Lady, who Pinkie Pie was quick to hug. “…it’s your help I should be thanking.” Salandit crawled up Sam and laid out across the back of his neck, watching with Alice and Gladion at the reunion they had managed to make. > Chapter 31 – Royale Pains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion led the group down a closed-off road with many brightly-lit shops and restaurants tightly packed beside each other on either side of it. Though the afternoon was getting late, the street was still very sparse with people, many of whom didn’t seem to take too much notice to the four ponies walking close to Sam and Alice. Rainbow Dash seemed particularly wary about this. “Hey, Starlight, how come no-one’s paying attention to us?” “Shh!” Starlight turned her friend's head forward with her magic. “Most of the people here assume we’re Pokémon too. Just act natural and stay quiet.” Though Rainbow Dash understood, she felt a bit insulted by the last statement. “…I thought I was acting natural.” As they continued down, they were about to approach an intersection, the crossing street also containing people loitering or sitting along the roadside benches. Gladion shifted to the right, signaling to the others that they would be turning soon. “Gladion?” Alice asked. “Where are you taking us?” “We’re almost there.” Gladion did not make eye contact with her, turning right at the crossing, and when the others did the same, they were compelled to stop and look up at the massive building now facing them. Though still about a hundred feet between them and it, everyone but Gladion were still in awe at the towering dark-blue stadium whose sides were adorned a giant LED display that displayed trainers calling out a variety of different Pokémon from Poké Balls of various designs with a colorful backdrop animated behind them. The path to it was an elegant, polished black stone that curved around a large white-marble fountain halfway down. “What is this place?” Sam wondered aloud. “Looks like a party central if I ever saw one!” Pinkie Pie commented. “This is the Battle Royal Dome,” Gladion answered. “It starts to get really busy around five, so we should go in and reserve a spot before we get booked out.” “Booked out?” Sam quickly followed Gladion to swing around him and block his path. “Why are we even here? You said you knew where the two ponies on this island are, so we should be heading there before it gets too late!” “To answer your question…” Gladion shoved Sam aside and faced the whole group. “…you all need to get stronger.” “Well what do you think Sam and Alice have been doing all this time?” Starlight pressed. “I agree the Island Challenge has made both of you stronger, but you barely survived that onslaught as it is, and if I may be so frank, you may not have made it out of there without my help.” Starlight breathed in heavily, wanting to retort, but quickly understanding that nothing she would say would negate what she knew to be correct. Gladion turned to face the arena once again. “This place is designed to have trainers face each other in a four-way battle with three Pokémon each; one trainer versus three others. While you two have fought well by each others’ sides, you must be able to fight with yourself and yourself alone.” Sam sized the arena once more, contemplating and suddenly appreciating Gladion’s purpose. “Hey, Alice?” Alice, along with the four ponies and their Pokémon, turned to him expectantly. “I think we should do it.” Sam was met with a chorus of “huhs” and “whats” from his friends, Gladion neutrally standing still with his stone-face. Alice approached him. “Sam, you do remember that this isn’t our adventure anymore, right? This is about reuniting their friends!” Sam shook his head. “I know, but we can’t exactly do that if we aren’t strong enough to see it through.” “Are you kidding, dude?” Rainbow Dash flew in front of him and held him by the shoulders, putting her face close. “You and your sister just defended yourselves against nearly a dozen of those Prism guys! No offense, Gladion, but Sam, you should seriously tell Gladion to take a hike!” Sam felt another set of arms wrap around from behind and the side of a pony's face to press into the back of his head. “Just making sure you aren’t under too much pressure,” Pinkie Pie whispered. Sam couldn’t help but laugh, brushing Rainbow Dash’s arms off of him. “I assume you’ve seen Gladion fight before, right? Did you see how he wiped out each one of our Pokémon in a single hit when we first met? Did he even tell you about when we first met?” “Yeah, we did,” Rainbow Dash scoffed, crossing her arms, “but I think we can all agree that he’s not the bad guy here!” “And yet here you are wanting me to tell him to take a hike, as you so eloquently put it!” “Sam, Rainbow Dash, that’s enough!” Alice ran in front of the two, and while there was ample distance between them, she put her hands up to separate them. “We certainly aren’t making progress arguing here, so let’s put it to a vote.” “There’s nothing to vote on here!” grumbled Gladion. Alice ignored him completely. “Starlight, Fluttershy, what do you think we should do?” Starlight and Fluttershy looked behind them to the south at the park and large statue on the other side of the avenue, seeing a path that would quite possibly lead them to their friends. Starlight’s lips pursed, unsure of only one thing. “Gladion, do you know where Rarity and Applejack are on this Island?” Gladion nodded once. “When we flew here, we saw two things with auras similar to yours down in the Ruins of Life.” “Ruins…” Starlight put a hoof to her mouth. “Does that mean that they’re being protected by–” “An island guardian, yes.” Starlight’s face became sterner. “Then I say Sam, Alice, go in there and fight.” “Starlight!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both exclaimed. Rainbow Dash flew close to Starlight. “You seriously aren’t going to let them do this, are you?” “Rainbow Dash, I’ve seen one of the creatures that guards the ruins of the island. They are incredibly strong. Stronger than Sam or Alice, perhaps even stronger than Gladion. If Applejack and Rarity are with one of them, we should let Sam and Alice get themselves stronger while we have the opportunity.” Alice smiled and nodded, instantly inspired by her speech. “In that case, I’m for it too.” “Okay fine!” Rainbow Dash flew herself up and threw her arms out. “You can do your little four-battle thingy, but you gotta’ make it quick!” “I agree.” Gladion turned on his heel to face the Dome. “Let’s get inside before you cause even more of a scene.” Gladion briskly walked to the stadium, Rainbow Dash swooping back down and trotting beside her other friends. Sam and Alice let them pass to follow, looking behind and to the sides at anyone who might have overheard. The sliding doors opened on their own once Gladion got close, the ponies stopping and looking about it to find whoever or whatever let them in. “It’s just the sensors,” Gladion hummed. “Wait off to the side while I go exchange some Pokémon.” “Go… exchange some…” Gladion didn’t wait to answer Sam’s question, stepping away to the PC on the desk at the back of the lobby. “Okay then?” “He’s probably getting some weaker Pokémon so it’s a fairer fight for us,” Alice surmised. “Don’t you also have a fourth spot to fill?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It’s you, Sam, and Gladion, and there’s one still missing.” “I could do it!” Starlight stepped forward. “Gladion said we use three Pokémon; Sam, you have three, Alice you have four, so whichever one you leave out, I can use with Lady and Comfey!” “Really?” Fluttershy then turned to her Pokémon. “Comfey, you wouldn’t mind battling with Starlight, would you?” Her Pokémon responded with a firm two shakes of its head. “That’s some good thinking, Starlight!” Pinkie Pie lightly swung her hoof into Starlight’s shoulder, her friends smiling at the reinforcing comment. “I’m sure you’d do great out there!” “As helpful as that would be,” Sam said a bit wistfully, “you would need a Pokédex with a valid registered ID in order to participate, and you have neither of those things. Not to mention, Gladion would probably not want any of you to literally be in the spotlight.” As Rainbow Dash groaned, pulling down on her face with her hoof, a older-teenaged woman wearing a frilly black tank-top, a white knee-length skirt with a wavy decal, and a pair of shiny black slippers approached them, her shoulder-length brown hair held out in place by a wide-brimmed straw fedora. “Excuse me?” she said, lightly tapping on Sam’s shoulder. “I couldn’t help but overhear you need a fourth trainer to do a battle with?” As Alice began listening to the young woman’s accent so subtle that she could not put a finger on where it came from, her face stretched into one of realization. “Oh my crap… you’re Kaj!” The young woman turned to Alice as if mildly shocked, suddenly smiling at the recognition. “Yes, so happy to meet a fan!” Reaching forward, Alice eagerly shook the girl’s hand. The ponies looked to each other, unsure if either of them knew of a “Kaj.” “Um, sorry,” Fluttershy softly spoke to Sam, “who is she?” He leaned close to her ear, speaking just as quietly. “She’s a Master-Rank Pokémon Coordinator from the Hoenn region.” “What’s a–” “It’s someone who trains their Pokémon for contests, using their moves to create the most dazzling displays and performances to win.” “Oh! It sure sounds a lot nicer than battling.” Kaj continued looking about the other three ponies nearby her, unsure whom to talk to first. “I’ve heard of talking Pokémon, but that’s usually through telepathy. Your mouths are moving and everything.” “Uhh…” Rainbow Dash glanced to Starlight, her standing there serving as a reminder. “…yeah! We were just traveling with these two trainers here!” She motioned her arm to Alice and Sam. Kaj then looked to Lady, gasping at her. “Oh my gosh! Your Sylveon is just beautiful!” “Thank you!” Starlight blushed a little. “I actually evolved her earlier this afternoo–” Starlight cupped her hand to her mouth and set it back down, hoping it was a quick enough stop. “You… evolved her? I’ve never heard of Pokémon training other Pokémon before…” Pinkie Pie leapt in. “That’s because she’s not really a Pokémon and she and me and my other two friends here are actually ponies who were pulled from our world to this one!” Kaj’s eyes and mouth shot open while Sam, Alice, and the other ponies stared at Pinkie Pie fearfully. “…What? I thought the jig was up already!” “So, you’re…” Everyone in the group looked around, realizing it was pointless to deny. “AHH! Oh my god! I just… I just can’t!” She rummaged around in a large shoulder bag, pulling out a small device with a large screen and a Poké Ball designed button on the bottom. Pressing it and sliding her thumb from the bottom of the screen up, she held the screen to her face, her camera putting her smile in the corner and getting the ponies with either of their hooves on their faces or a tired expression as well as Sam and Alice, the latter of whom pushed her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose. After snapping the picture, she looked down to see how it turned out, pouting disdainfully at the result. “Sheesh, that’s depressing.” “You!” Gladion’s bark froze Kaj’s spine and pulled her up straight, frightening her even more as he got closer. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m sorry, Gladion!” Pinkie Pie hopped between them. “I kind of spilled the beans about who we really are.” Starlight breathed out, knowing her friend couldn’t be fully to blame. “To be fair, I said that Lady was my Pokémon, and that’s what led Kaj to suspect me.” Gladion frowned, though upon seeing no one else in the lobby take notice or concern with them, he breathed a calming sigh, putting his hand to his forehead. “So… your name is Kaj?” The question felt rather awkward to her. “Uh… yeah? Don’t you recognize me?” “Vaguely. I don’t follow Pokémon Contests and pageants as much as most people.” “Oh… that’s okay! I always like to add to my fanbase!” “Hmph… just don’t count me in as one of your new converts. Sam, Alice, follow me!” As Gladion suddenly walked away, Kaj finally reacted in offense, pouting strongly while stretching her arms down and squeezing her fists in anger. As the ponies also passed her, she suddenly realized that she was alone, jogging forward to join the group as they made their way to the lobby desk booth. Gladion stepped aside to let Alice and Sam up to the counter where a smiling female clerk with brushed medium-length black hair and a formal uniform looked to them. “She needs your Pokédexes. Also, if you have more than three Pokémon on you, pick the three you want to battle with.” Sam shrugged as he reached to his belt with one hand and inside his pocket with the other. “Easy enough.” With a well-timed set, Sam laid his three Poké Balls and Pokédex for the woman. “Thank you!” she said. “It’ll be just a moment.” As the clerk slipped Sam’s Pokédex in a slot in a drive connected to her computer and placed his balls on a small three-spaced platform, Alice looked between the two balls she held in in each hand. After only a few seconds, the woman removed the Pokédex and returned Sam’s balls to him onto the counter. “Thank you,” she said as he took them back. “Your turn, ma’am?” Alice groaned as she flicked a ball from her left hand to join the two in her right. “Okay here!” She set her own Poké Balls down with her Pokédex, looking at the ball she would leave behind. “Sorry, Pikachu. My Rockruff needs a turn too.” The clerk removed Alice’s Pokédex and put it on the counter. “I’ll take that other Poké Ball for you. You’ll get it back once you’re done.” She huffed as she did as she was told, leaving the clerk to replace Alice's chosen three Pokémon on the platform and put the fourth onto it. With a few keystrokes, Alice watched from over the counter as the ball glowed white before it crackled seemingly out of existence. “Okay, then!” the clerk chirped. “I already registered your friend over there, which means we need a fourth trainer…” “Right here!” Kaj broke through the ponies, holding her Pokédex, a wide-octagonal shaped device with a large screen in the center and a large white Poké Ball shaped button on the left, in her right hand and three black Luxury Balls with an orange-red ring around the top. She slammed them down on the counter, frightening the clerk. “I’m not too late, am I?” Once the shock subsided, the clerk’s face widened with the same realization as Alice had. “Oh. My. God! Kaj herself is in our dome!” “Happy to meet a fan!” She held a wide two-finger pose over her right eye, winking for better measure. Gladion, Sam, and Alice moaned almost inaudibly as the clerk eagerly scanned her Pokédex and Poké Balls. “So,” the clerk asked, incredibly invested with the answer she was sure to receive, “are you taking a break from the contest stage or something?” “Yeah, I’ve been trying to branch out into training lately.” Kaj then turned to Alice and Sam. “That’s why I asked if you needed a fourth trainer!” “Well…” Alice deadpanned, “we sure got one.” “My daughter is a very huge fan of yours, and hopes to follow in your footsteps.” The clerk returned Kaj’s Pokédex, prompting Kaj to hand her other three Luxury Balls to her, getting her chosen Pokémon in return. “And you’re all set! You’re the very next match, and the ongoing one will be over in just a few minutes!” “Wonderful.” Gladion pulled out his wallet from his side bag. “Lastly, can I purchase five front row seats, preferably ones to the very right of the yellow corner?” “Let me check…” With a couple of clicks from her mouse and a pressing of keys from her keyboard, the clerk pulled up an image of the seating, a little better than half the seats showing up with lower opacity. Looking to the yellow section, she smiled. “You’re in luck, the whole front row is open! Five tickets, Section 301, Row A, Seats 1 through 5…” With five clicks on her mouse and a final subsequent one, five tickets quickly came out out from a printer inside her desk beside her keyboard, tearing the last ticket out and handing the ribbon to him. “And here you go, Gladion!” “Thanks, but I’d rather help do my part.” He pulled out a plastic card from his wallet and tapped it against a circular pad built flush into the counter, hearing a positive-sounding ding with the pad’s outer edge lighting up green to signal the successful purchase. “Well, thank you so much! I’ll call you when you’re ready!” “I appreciate it.” Gladion stepped aside, Sam, Alice, and the ponies doing the same. Kaj went over slower, looking to the clerk. “In case I don’t have a chance to talk before the match, if you want me to sign something for your daughter, I’ll happily do so.” “Oh, would you?! Bless you! I wish you the best of luck!” Kaj blew a double-handed kiss to her before running to join her fellow battle mates and ponies, who sat in metal seats placed in the corners of three circular tables not too far from the desk. Gladion and Sam couldn’t also help but notice as more and more people began to spill inside, most of them around Kaj’s age. “So, uh…” Sam wondered aloud. “Is the rush coming early?” “Not really.” Kaj pulled out her screened device and opened an app on it, showing a selfie of her outside of the Dome and an bell-shaped icon on the bottom showing dozens of notifications on it. “I chatted about me coming here about ten minutes ago!” “Chatted?” Fluttershy wondered. “To who?” “You know, Cha– Oh…” Kaj turned her screen to show the ponies the picture of her, several comments appearing beneath it, each one making some show of support by announcing their attention to be there or root for her in spirit. “I use Chattytot. It’s an app on my phone that allows me to tell people who follow me online what I’m doing.” She then closed out the app to show the app’s icon, which appeared as a black eighth-note with a light-red bird’s beak and a single eye on the side. “See?” Alice tried to pull up a smile from the frown she had garnered almost since they walked in. “Well, I mean, at least we’ll have a nice, big audience!” “That reminds me.” Gladion tore off each of the five tickets and handed them to each of the ponies and Lady, Comfey holding Fluttershy’s. “Have Lady and Comfey lead you inside to your seats. We don’t need anyone else knowing about your true origins.” “Why’d you even buy us these?” Rainbow Dash wondered. “Shouldn’t we be hiding someplace… you know, not in a massive stadium?” “My usual spot is the blue corner. You’re directly across from me, and that way I can keep a close eye on you at most times.” “Oh… he’s good.” Pinkie Pie fanned her face with her ticket as she glanced between Gladion and her friends. “So,” Starlight turned to Kaj, “forgive me if I sound blunt, but where’d you get the name Kaj?” Kaj could not stifle a giggle. “It isn’t my real name, if that’s what you’re wondering. I just felt like I needed something with a little… pizzazz! I liked it, and so it stuck.” “Wait, hold on!” Alice gently tapped Kaj, Sam, and her other friends on the arm as she and they looked to the front desk booth, seeing four people inside of it. The first of them had his Pokédex scanned as he placed his three Poké Balls on the platform, a light flashing beneath them. “They look to be finishing up. Starlight, you’re probably going to need to guard yourself and your friends until we get out in the arena, okay?” “Got it,” the unicorn responded. “Also…” she pulled her Pokédex from her bag and slid it to Starlight. “If you see any weird Pokémon, feel free to use it. Just pull the two ends apart and keep the Pokémon you want to scan in the middle.” “I’ve seen you use it a couple of times. I think I’ll be good.” “Good.” “Are you sure about that?” Gladion wondered. “Unless you have a trainer ID handy, you won’t be able to collect your battle points afterwards. Who knows, you may win.” Alice reached into her bag, picking inside a small slot where a card would fit and pulling out her Trainer ID with her photo in the corner, holding it up for Gladion to see. With the third trainer in the booth having finished their business, Sam, Alice, Kaj, and Gladion stood out from their chairs, Alice slipping her card into her vest pocket. “You should get to your seats,” instructed Gladion. “Better now then having to fight through a sea of people.” “Okay then,” Rainbow Dash said, following Starlight and Lady toward the closest staircases winding up around the lobby desk booth. “Good luck, guys!” “Thanks!” Kaj instinctively responded. The ponies quickly and wordlessly slunk up the stairs, Sam, Alice, and Gladion unable to help keeping their eyes on them as the usher checked Lady and Comfey for their tickets. “Gladion and guests,” the clerk's voice called over an intercom, “please report to the front desk!” The four trainers shared a look to each other before making their way there. Gladion led Sam, Alice and Kaj down a dim hallway, lit only by the one-way window looking out to the stadium floor with four colorful gates designed like wrestling ring-ropes appearing halfway between the seats and the large, square platform in the center. Each of the corners of the arena were shaped like the gaping mouths of four Pokémon: a Charizard, a blue, aquatic dragon-like serpent, a forest-green, stone-skinned dinosaur, and a black dragon with golden plating on its back and two large sabers jutting from the sides of its upper jaw and running along the side of its head. The four of them reached the glass, the two hallways on either side of them laden in red carpet and light-blue walls wrapping around the perimeter of the arena, two lights shining from the openings of the green and yellow corners. “Which corner would you like, Sam?” Alice asked. “It doesn’t really matter, does it?” Sam shrugged, knowing that wasn’t a proper answer. “I’ll take the Charizard if that’s okay.” “Okay, then I’ll go through the Haxorus!” “Alright!” Kaj hopped in the air and threw her fists up. “That means I’m in Tyranitar! I love green!” Gladion glanced to Kaj, hoping his icy glare would be enough to get her attention, though it didn’t. “Kaj.” She turned to him, looking unsure. “I brought Sam and Alice here to strengthen them for their journey ahead. I would highly appreciate it if you brought your all to this fight.” She paused for a moment, now even more unsure if she heard him right. “Huh? You didn’t think I was going to take this fight seriously? Brother, I never give anything less than a hundred-ten percent!” “Please don’t call me brother again–” “Just for that, I’m going to be sure that I’m the one that takes you out!” Gladion gasped, and his nervous expression lingered to know that even this excitable young woman could surprise him so. He couldn’t help but smile. “You can certainly try.” “Trainers,” the preprogramed voice of the intercom suddenly blared, “the match will start in sixty seconds. Please make your way to your corners and stay there until we call your names.” “Well, good luck you two!” Sam ran backwards to wave, spinning back around shortly after to lead his sister down their hallway to their corners. Kaj turned to Gladion and put her hand up. “May the best trainer win.” Gladion was quick to accept the gesture, clasping her hand firmly with his own and giving it a single shake. “Don’t disappoint us.” Before Kaj could respond, Gladion turned back and ran down the hall to the blue corner. With a frustrated pout, Kaj had no other choice than to go stand in her own corner and wait. At their seats, Rainbow Dash, Starlight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Comfey and Lady peered over the ledge, the pressure mounting as the start of the match grew closer. “Eee…” Pinkie Pie whined, hugging her legs in. “This is so exciting! I wish I had some bits for some popcorn and cotton candy!” “I don’t imagine we’ll be staying very long after this,” Starlight replied. “We’ll probably get some better food for dinner when we leave.” “But I don’t want to wait that long! The match hasn’t even started yet!” The lights began to dim and the crowd, which now filled about eighty-percent of the seats, began to roar, Pinkie Pie’s ears dropping down as she looked about her, surprised with herself and her uncanny timing. “Eh, you’re right; I can wait!” “Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Pokémon of all kinds and sizes!” The smooth, but commanding voice of the announcer thundered through the massive speakers suspended above the ring. “The next match is underway, and we can guarantee you this is going to be a special one!” “Heck yeah it is!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her voice all but drowned out by the other spectators’ applause and cheers. “In the blue corner, returning to the ring after many years, one of Alola’s most feared, yet talented trainers! Put your hands together for Gladion Mohn!” Gladion stepped outside of the Gyarados’s mouth, seemingly untouched by the piercing cries of support. As he put his feet up and stood in his corner of the arena, he looked directly ahead, spotting the ponies, Lady, and Comfey all cheering for him. Seeing them safe, he looked around the crowd, finding it in him to smile and wave at the people chanting out his name. “Making their debuts in the Dome, in the red and yellow corners…” “Guess we don’t get our own intros, huh?” Sam kept out of the crowd’s sights, standing against the back wall directly before his corner’s entrance. “…the brother and sister who hail from Lumiose City in the Kalos region, please give a hot Alolan welcome to Sam and Alice Brier!” At the announcement of their surnames, Alice and Sam both jogged out from their corners’ mouths, slowing to their spots and looking up to the people cheering for them, unable to hold back grins as they basked in the adoration. “Let’s go, Sam! Alice!” Starlight shouted through the verbal fray. “Woo, you go!” Fluttershy squeaked out, the volume of the crowd unnerving her. “And finally…” the announcer's voice audibly perked up. “She may be making her own debut today in the dome, but most of you probably know her as the Princess of Lilycove!” The crowds shrieked even louder than before, Fluttershy’s teeth clenched as she put her hooves over her ears. “She hardly needs further introduction, so let’s bring her out. The one! The only! Kaj!” Kaj ran out, instantly turning back to the crowds sitting in her corner, blowing them all a flurry of kisses before spinning around to wave to the other members of the crowd. As the cheering began to finally die down, Kaj removed her hat from her head and spun back to the spectators in the green corner, frisbeeing her hat out to the first couple of rows. The first to catch it was a smaller girl half of Kaj’s age, and when she acknowledged that she caught it, Kaj formed a pointing pistol and winked to her, turning around to stand in her corner as she heard the girl’s excited laughing behind her. All four trainers were now facing each other, now only awaiting the signal to begin. Lady and the ponies scooted to the edges of their seats, ready to see what would undoubtably be a very interesting battle. “Alright, trainers!” Each of the four put a hand to one of their Poké Balls on their waists, ready to draw. “The match will now…” > Chapter 32 – Four Trainers Enter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “BEGIN!” Gladion was first to grab his Poké Ball, flicking it out and releasing the Pokémon inside. “Go, Umbreon!” Quickly forming from the white energy of the Poké Ball was a Pokémon that looked remarkably similar to a large Eevee, though its fur was pitch black, even under the spotlight, and it had yellow rings on its shoulders, flanks, head, as well as around its tail and ears. It’s bright-red eyes were very unnerving to both Alice and Sam. Regardless, they both sent out their Pokémon at the same time. “Go, Noibat!” Alice shouted. “Let’s go, Fomantis!” Sam cried out. Both Pokémon emerged from their Poké Balls at the same time, staring down Gladion’s Umbreon. Kaj lobbed her Luxury Ball up and caught it with a fast-swinging arm. “Time to shine, Rông!” Gladion turned his body to face the spot where Kaj’s first ball opened, unsure what would be inside. Appearing from the bright, unusually sparkling light that spilled out was a large four-legged dragonfly-like creature with a khaki body, two pairs of green, flat, diamond-shaped wings with black edges, and another pair on the back of its tail. Gladion settled down, knowing exactly what it was. “What is that thing?” Fluttershy asked. “And by that I mean both of those Pokémon that I don’t know about.” “Hold on, Fluttershy.” Starlight held up and pulled Alice’s Pokédex open, scanning the Umbreon first. “I’m trying to get a read on them.” “Umbreon,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Moonlight Pokémon. With its black fur, it blends into the darkness. It bides its time, and when prey appears, this Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it.” She then scanned the other creature. “Vibrava, the Vibration Pokémon. Rather than using its underdeveloped wings for flight, it rubs them together, producing ultrasonic waves to attack its enemies.” What also struck the ponies as odd was the white scarf that was lovingly wrapped around the Vibrava’s neck and a large gold band clasped to the base of its tail. “What do you think those are for?” Rainbow Dash wondered aloud. “She does know this isn’t one of her Pokémon Contests, right?” “I don’t think that’s the only reason.” Starlight couldn’t help but find the Vibrava’s fashion interesting, staring at both accessories that it wore. “And the Pokémon are out!” The announcer called. “Who will draw first blood?” “Blood?” Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash squawked nervously. “It’s okay,” Starlight assured them. “I’m sure its just a figure of speech.” “I sure hope so.” Fluttershy pushed herself back into her seat. Kaj pointed out to Alice’s Noibat. “Okay, Rông, dazzle the Noibat with Dragon Breath!” With a hard blow, a comet of dark-blue smoke shot out of the Vibrava’s mouth and struck Noibat in the face, grounding it as it failed to fend off the assault. The crowd gasped as the smoke that bounced off Noibat’s face spread out in five perfectly spaced lines, forming a star. “While it’s down,” Gladion ordered, “Umbreon, hit Noibat with Confuse Ray!” The ring on Umbreon’s forehead began to glow with a swirling array of hot colors, and with a stamping of its two paws, it sent out three spinning gyrating rings that each hit Noibat in the head just as Rông’s attack came to an end. Alice breathed in through her teeth as she watched her Noibat flail its arms about to try and fly, only for it to stumble forward and fall on its face, many in the crowd unable to stifle their awed “ohs.” “That’s okay!” Alice shouted to Noibat as it stood back up. “Hit them all with Air Cutter!” Noibat let out several labored flaps of its wings, managing to fly high in the air while swaying to and fro. Focusing itself on its targets, Noibat began to throw its arms about wildly, launching several windy blades from its wings while quickly losing altitude. Many of the blades soared to the crowd, and while many who were in the path of them instinctively ducked or covered their faces, they instantly shattered before they could pass outside the arena, the spot where they broke glowing bright with an octagonal-pattern, leaving the spectators unharmed. The blades that stayed in the arena mostly hit the ground in random spots, but several of them managed to hit Umbreon and Rông. Sam’s Fomantis only had two come its way, and it nimbly sidestepped to avoid both, slashing its arms out as a celebratory show of its speed. The announcer began to laugh. “To all our first-time spectators, we’ve protected you and your fellow audience members with a special attack-nullifying barrier! Any attacks that would reach you will be walled off, so you can continue enjoying the battle without fear of injury!” “Ugh, lame!” Rainbow Dash put a single hoof beside her mouth to carry the sound. “Rainbow!” Starlight hissed. “What? We never have to do that for any of our Wonderbolt shows! Besides, dodging clouds and lightning is fun! It builds character!” “I don’t think that’s what people came here to do.” Rainbow Dash slunk back into her seat, crossing her arms in disappointment. Sam spied as Umbreon was still shaking the effects of Noibat’s attack out of its head. “Now’s your chance! Fomantis, hit Umbreon with Fury Cutter!” Fomantis raced out to the right at Gladion’s Umbreon. Just as it fully came to, Fomantis fell to its knees and slid beneath it, pushing up with its left arm and delivering a slash with its right, throwing it off its paws and down to its side at the edge of the arena. “And Fomantis with the expertly placed strike!” the announcer roared. “What an upset!” “Wouldn’t exactly call it that, but okay?” Fomantis quickly bounded back to Sam. “Good work, girl.” Fomantis squealed with delight as it threw its arms out, looking forward to another go. “Alright, Rông!” Kaj threw a pointed finger out to Umbreon. “Use U-Turn!” Gladion watched intently as the Vibrava sped up to his Pokémon, gasping suddenly to see Vibrava’s scarf glowing bright. He couldn’t even think to tell his Pokémon to dodge. Vibrava rammed into Umbreon, creating a sudden explosion of bright, silver glitter that practically lit the arena like a disco ball with the spotlight hitting it. Gladion saw Umbreon slide to its feet from the cloud. “What is this?” “Just because I’m fashionable doesn’t mean I’m dumb,” Kaj exclaimed to him. “That scarf Rông is wearing is crafted using fibers made from Silver Powder.” “Silver…?” Gladion instantly understood, and he smiled as a show of being genuinely impressed. Rông then dove up from out of the cloud, arcing back to form a perfect loop back to its trainer. Kaj removed two Luxury Balls from her belt, holding one up with the button facing straight up where Rông’s face was headed. With just a foot between them, the red beam from the ball shot up and connected with the Vibrava, instantly turning to energy that was safely sucked inside. “Your turn, Kreigen!” In that moment, Kaj threw out her other Poké Ball, and emerging from it was a large metallic bird with red wings like blades and a shark-like head with a fin protruding from the top of it, which seemed to be wrapped at its base in a bronze band adorned with a single light-blue gem on its left side. “What the heck is that now?” Starlight fired up Alice’s Pokédex on Rainbow Dash’s query. “It’s awesome looking!” “Skarmory,” the Pokédex said, “ the Armor Bird Pokémon. Its metal body is sturdy, but it does rust rather easily. So on rainy days, this Pokémon prefers to stay put in its nest.” “Yeah, that’s…” Starlight slowly and warmly smiled. “…certainly pretty awesome.” “You’re not getting out of this that easily!” Gladion shouted. “Umbreon! Hit the Skarmory with Feint Attack!” His Umbreon began to charge forward, a dark purple tail forming from and around its head. With a leap, it suddenly appeared in front of Kreigen, kicking it in the face with its back right paw. Alice gasped as she saw Noibat finally shake itself out of its daze. “Good work, Noibat! Hit ‘em with Air Cutter!” With much more controlled flaps of its wings, Noibat took flight and hovered above the arena, throwing its wings harder to create a flurry of windy blades, none of which were going to come close to the stands. With the exception of a half-dozen or so, the blades rained down on all three other Pokémon, their trainers also crouching down to avoid any that would come down on them. As the onslaught began to peter out, Sam saw as Umbreon was still arched, unsure how many more attacks would hit it. “Quick, Fomantis, get Umbreon with another Fury Cutter!” Fomantis ran out, weaving around the odd stray blade of air leftover on its way to its target. Winding both arms in, it leapt up, headed right to the left side of the Umbreon’s stomach. The Umbreon opened its eyes at the sound of Fomantis’s shout of exertion, unable to defend itself as Fomantis’s leaf arms thrust it off the arena to tumble limply to the floor. Gladion let out a small huff through his nostrils as he removed his Pokémon’s ball from his belt. An electronic chime rung out throughout the stadium, and the audience all looked up to see a four-pronged star suddenly appear next to Sam’s name and picture on the four monitors hung above the speakers. “And Sam has the first takedown of the match!” The announcer's exhilarated voice brought the croud to cheers. “But don’t get too cocky, Sam, because you still have eight more Pokémon to face!” Gladion aimed his Ultra Ball at his Umbreon. “You did you best. Rest up, now.” The red beam from the ball brought his Pokémon back inside, and Gladion quickly swapped out the ball for another one of similar color. “Go, Lycanroc!” Gladion’s Lycanroc, a bipedal wolf with red and white fur, emerged from the ball with louder screams and shouts from the audience. “Oh, wow!” Fluttershy poked Starlight on the shoulder. “Do you think that’s what Rockruff will evolve into?” “Let me see…” Starlight readied the Pokédex. “Lycanroc,” the device spoke up, “the Wolf Pokémon. The more intimidating the opponent it faces, the more this Pokémon's blood boils. It will attack with no regard for its own safety.” “That sounds pretty intense,” Starlight responded, “but if it’s anything like Rockruff, then it will be a Rock-type, meaning Fomantis will be strong against it.” Sam pulled out a ball from his belt, aiming it at Fomantis. “Fomantis, return!” The trainers all gasped as they turned just quick enough to see an also stunned Fomantis get returned into its ball by the red beam from the Poké Ball. Sam didn’t appear to flinch or regret his decisions as he put Fomantis’s ball away and tossed out another. “You got this, Salandit!” Sam’s lizard broke out at the ball, looking rather surprised to find itself standing face-to-face against Gladion’s next Pokémon. “And what a– …n interesting strategy from Sam!” The announcer himself was nearly at a loss for words. “Not only did he bring out a Pokémon with a serious type-disadvantage to Gladion’s Lycanroc, but he also cost himself a turn! Is this where his lead starts to crumble?” “Certainly hope not…” Sam spread his legs and shifted down in concentration. Gladion’s frown shifted down subtly, marking a sense of severe disappointment. “Lycanroc, use Rock Slide!” With a crouch, Lycanroc bounded up high into the air, its claws glowing slightly as it hugged its arms in. Throwing them out, several small stones were flung from its fingers that enlarged into boulders, shocking the ponies in their seats immensely. Sam and Salandit looked intently at the rocks as they fell down at them, the latter purring uncomfortably. “You got this, girl. Just concentrate, plan your course, and follow it.” The first of the rocks fell down on Noibat and Skarmory, grounding them as each stone bounced and broke off of their bodies, crumbling to sand once they hit the floor. Salandit began to trace a line of the falling rocks with its snout before arcing into a lunge. The first rock hit the ground, and Salandit zipped to the right, letting two more boulders to its left fall, crack, and wither in an instant. Several more boulders came down at virtually incalculable patterns, but Salandit continued to weave about them, not letting a single part of it touch any of its body. When the attack had ended, Salandit was now out in the middle of the arena for the trainers and their Pokémon to see. “Nice moves!” Kaj gave the Salandit a thumbs up. “I think we can agree that Lycanroc is a huge problem for us. Kreigen, use Metal Claw!” With a point at the red wolf, Kreigen sent itself up on its sharp wings before swooping down with it talons held up. Lycanroc braced itself as the Skarmory’s claws gripped at its arms, the push sending the points piercing an inch into its chest. Alice huffed uncomfortably to hear Lycanroc’s loud whine. “Noibat, get the Skarmory with Bite!” Noibat screeched with pleasure, swooping down to gain speed and turning ninety degrees to fit its mouth around Kreigen’s neck, forcing both to the floor and relinquishing the grip on Lycanroc. Both Gladion and his Pokémon stared at the lone Salandit still in the middle of the ring. “You’ve been doing quite well so far, Sam. Prism would never allow it to come to this. Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!” Lycanroc fell to a kneel, punching its arm into the ground. A line of rocky spikes began jutting up in a line straight at Salandit, Sam knowing it would not be able to step aside in time. “Salandit, dod–” Salandit was already high up in the air from its quick-witted hop, allowing the spikes to safely pass beneath and around it and landing down on the closest spike underneath before hopping back to the ground to the right of the wall, obscuring its view to where Noibat and Kreigen still were. “Sam’s Salandit has not only avoided one, but two highly dangerous attacks from Gladion’s Lycanroc!” The announcer shouted. “Just how could things get any better for them?” “Just y’all wait!” Sam crossed his wrists over his face, his Z-Ring bursting aglow and prompting Salandit to mimic its trainer. “OOH!? And he has a Z-Ring?” The announcer and the crowd grew ecstatic. “Now things are really going to heat up in here!” “Damn right.” Sam put his arms down and crossed them back down, and with his Salandit, they fanned their arms up before reaching up with his left arm with his right hand on the elbow, finishing by throwing his arm down and pointing to where Kreigen and Noibat would be. The audience gasped in awe as Sam’s Z-Power shot from his back and arced around to enter into Salandit, and with the last of it, the aura of the icon on the Z-Ring shot out from Sam’s Pokémon, leaving Sam to just declare the attack. “Sam!” Gladion shouted. “Are you really going to use your Z-Move here? Right now?” “It’s like you said,” Sam responded in a hushed tone, “it’s me against everyone in here. I have this power, and I intend to use it. Now go, Salandit! Take out Kreigen with Inferno Overdrive!” Noibat let go of Kaj’s Skarmory as they both looked to the wall left from the Lycanroc’s Stone Edge, seeing a bright sphere of fire forming between the spikes and growing larger by the second. Noibat immediately flew high up to the level of the speakers, leaving Kreigen behind. Salandit shot its flame ball out, obliterating the part of the wall the attack flew through. Kreigen squawked as it tried to jump high to avoid it, only for the fireball to hit it dead center and carry it to the edge of the arena. The people on that side already blocked their faces with their arms as the fireball collided into the forcefield surrounding them, blasting hot air and a bright blinding light into them. The fires quickly raced around the arena forming a twenty-foot wall of fire that quickly surrounded the arena and washed the other nearby spectators in intense warmth and light. As the flames reached the ponies, Lady, and Comfey, the crowd around them erupted into a chorus of “whoas” and “ooos” as they too felt the heat. “Yes!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “I take it all back! These guys know how to put on an awesome show!” With the spread of the fire, the flames quickly died down, revealing Kreigen still pinned to the forcefield wall as it just began to slide down to the floor. Kaj took a fearful step back to see Kreigen finally fall and crumple to the ground. A second star appeared beside Sam’s picture and name high above. “Wahow!” The announcer sounded as if it were laughing. “Sam is on a roll with his second takedown of the match while the other trainers haven’t gotten one! Raise your game, all others!” Sam, despite the slightly panicked look on Kaj’s face as she returned Kreigen to its ball, smiled proudly at Salandit as it turned back to get its praises. “Nice shot, girl!” As Salandit hopped up in celebration, Kaj looked to the front of Kreigen’s ball. “Don’t worry, pal, that was a really strong attack. You did so good.” Alice glanced up to Noibat, who was still high up and out of harm’s way, and then back to Salandit who continued to gloat in the center of the arena. “Noibat, take on Salandit with Aerial Ace!” With a flap of its wings, Noibat shot down in a nosedive over the still unaware Salandit. “Salandit, watch out!” Despite Sam’s warning, it was too late. Noibat flipped around and put its right foot out, thrusting it into Salandit’s back and slamming its stomach to the floor. “And such brilliant coordination from Noibat!” the announcer shouted. “Turns out Salandit isn’t as untouchable as we thought!” Seeing the pained expression on its face, Noibat hopped off of Salandit and leaned down to its face, warbling with concern. Salandit let out a cackle like a rattle, giving its fighting partner an assuring smirk. Kaj put Kreigen’s ball back into her belt and reached for another, tossing it out. “Time for your encore, Rông!” The Vibrava appeared from the ball and took its place in its corner, slightly surprised at its sudden change in surroundings. Lycanroc looked back to its trainer, who clenched his fists. “Let’s finally finish something. Lycanroc, use Rock Slide!” Lycanroc charged to the little bit of its Stone Edge wall that remained, and with a single punch, the pieces of it went flying in all directions. Both Noibat and Salandit were swept away by several pieces of rock, while Rông was struck twice in the face and left wing, forcing it down low to the ground to avoid more debris. Once the rock had dissolved into sand and cleared off the arena floor, Salandit managed to roll to its feet and spotted Noibat closer to Alice in her corner, fainted and sprawled out. A yellow star now appeared beside Gladion’s name and picture on the monitors. “And now the first of Alice’s Pokémon has bitten the dust!” The announcer exclaimed. “Sam is now the only trainer to still have all three of their Pokémon in fighting condition.” “Thanks for the reminder,” Alice hissed. “Nice job, Noibat. You can rest now.” Pulling its ball out, Alice retutned Noibat inside of it, placing it back onto her belt and taking out another. “You’re up, Mudbray!” Tossing the ball out, her Mudbray leapt out of it and landed in its corner, looking out at the hundreds of people watching and cheering with sudden anxiety. “Don’t worry about them!” Alice called out. “You have two Pokémon here who you can take out in an instant. Get ready for it.” Focusing on the Lycanroc and Salandit, Mudbray began to appear serious as it ran its front hoof along the floor, ready to charge. Gladion’s eyes widened, realizing the danger his Pokémon was suddenly in. “Lycanroc, hit Mudbray with Stone Edge! Lycanroc punched the floor, shooting out another wall of rock that came straight at Mudbray. Salandit, still in the center of the arena, quickly hopped back out of the crossfire as the wall passed by it. Mudbray whined in fear as its legs froze up, letting itself get flung into the air by the jutting stone spikes. Sam watched as Mudbray hit the ground on its side, getting itself back up. As he reeled his arm back to declare an attack on it, he clenched his fists as he struggled against the decision. Finally he pointed out at Kaj and Rông, surprising them both. “Salandit, hit him with Dragon Rage!” “What?!” The ponies all shouted at once. Salandit spat a deep-blue aura from its mouth which struck the Vibrava in the upper chest and thrust it back closer to its trainer, warbling through the pain. “Sam…” He turned to listen to his sister. “You do know what I plan to do, right?” He nodded. “Rông hasn’t been taking enough hits, and right now, I’m focusing on knocking Kaj and Gladion out.” “Hey!” Kaj shouted. “No fair singling me out!” “Just go ahead and do your worst,” Gladion stoically responded. “We’re ready for it.” After a few moments of reflection, Alice nodded in uneasy approval at her brother’s decision. “You’re going to have to literally hold your horses, Alice!” Kaj pointed at Lycanroc. “Rông, use Bulldoze!” “Huh?!” Sam and Alice both shouted. “It knows that move?” Alice questioned. As if to respond, Vibrava sped forward toward Lycanroc while flying as low to the ground as it comfortably could. Its wings began to blow a thick mixture of dust and mud that flowed in a wave at Lycanroc and swamped it. With a hard bank to the right, Vibrava blasted more mud out over the arena, were it hardened into a single, but elegant wave-shaped clump before speeding on toward Salandit. “Salandit, dodge it!” Salandit waggled its body, waiting for the perfect time to move, and just as Vibrava came close, Salandit leapt to its left. Rông was quick to respond, drifting midair to steer right, the mud and dirt sweeping into Salandit and forming another muddy wave sculpture. As Salandit struggled to break free from the mud, Rông went full speed at Mudbray, who stood still and awaited for a strategy from its trainer. “Mudbray,” Alice commanded, “charge through it!” “Huh?” The announcer squealed. “Did I hear that right?” Mudbray galloped as fast as it could at the approaching Vibrava, its mud wave forming beneath it. Tucking its head in, Mudbray shot forward even harder as Rông pulled up and launched its mud tsunami at Mudbray. Though it was struck, Mudbray was able to break through the wave before it could harden, leaving a similar structure in its wake minus the tunnel that it had created. Alice pumped her fist proudly. “And it worked!” the announcer shouted. “Mudbray is free and ready for action.” Salandit finally managed to push itself out from its mud wave statue while Lycanroc chipped away its pieces from its claws. Kaj couldn’t help but pout and throw her arms down to see that neither Pokémon had fainted. “Looks like we get to finish the job, Mudbray!” Alice pointed forward at Gladion. “Now, you use Bulldoze!” With Mudbray standing at the edge of the arena between Alice and Sam, Mudbray ran ahead, Salandit standing directly in its path. With a screech, Salandit tried to run back toward Sam, only for mud to splash violently out from beneath its hooves and strike it back to its trainer, where it finally laid down with no visible intention of getting back up. The splashing mud also formed its own wave that looked to engulf Rông and Gladion’s Lycanroc. Rông, without even waiting for Kaj’s instruction, fluttered upward to let the wave pass beneath it. The Lycanroc could only find a single spot where it could run through to escape: a hole along the left edge of the arena where the wave began to crest. It sprinted at its opening on all fours, but the wave suddenly began to collapse, the sheet of mud slamming down on Lycanroc before it could come close to reaching safety. The mud hardened before it could reach Gladion and Kaj and sweep them away, the attack leaving nearly half the arena covered in an earthy-brown expanse of dirt. Gladion turned to his Lycanroc, finding it half-buried underneath and showing no sign of movement. At once, two stars appeared beside Alice’s picture and name on the screens. “Incredible!” The announcer roared. “With assistance from Kaj, Alice was able to simultaneously take out Gladion’s Lycanroc and Sam’s Salandit! While Sam still has two Pokémon at the ready, Gladion is now down to his last one! Just what will it be?” Gladion smirked as he returned his Lycanroc to his ball, surprising both Sam and Alice. “You’ve been doing pretty well so far, haven’t you two? Though to be fair, if I were using Pokémon from my own party, this match would be long over by now. Now, I’ll need to see if you can handle one of them!” Gladion tossed an Ultra Ball out, and from it, Silvally emerged with its head spines and fishtail membrane a bright blue. The crowd began going wild with the exception of the ponies, who now looked fearful at what the others would have to face. “Alrighty then!” the announcer shouted at the top of his lungs. “Gladion decided to bring his ace monster Silvally with him after all! This match finally got exciting.” Kaj showed another pout to the speakers above her. “Sheesh, implying it wasn’t exciting before.” “Kaj,” Alice shouted, “be very careful around that thing! That is his strongest Pokémon.” “Yep,” Sam breathed out, taking out Salandit’s ball and returning it inside. “Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked. “Why is Silvally suddenly blue?” “I don’t know!” Rainbow Dash now also couldn’t help but be disconcerted about Silvally’s appearance. “I always thought it was black!” “It was a light brown when we first saw it.” Starlight looked intently at Gladion’s Pokémon. “What is with that thing?” Sam took out Fomantis’s ball from his belt and threw it out into the arena. “Fomantis, you’re back in it!” Fomantis emerged from Sam’s ball as it faced two new Pokémon and an old one with eagerness. “And Fomantis back in action!” The announcer was now panting, having expended most of his voice in the last couple of bouts. “It may be strong against Water-types, but it will take more than a couple of Razor Leafs to take down Gladion’s ultimate beast!” Gladion bowed his head down, keeping most of his face obscured with his hair. “I don’t know what Kaj could have in store for me,” he spoke to himself, “but both of Sam and Alice’s last two Pokémon will be easy for my Silvally, and both of the ones they have now have already been hit at least once. Now, which to take out first…” “Nothing like a good old fashioned staredown to get the blood pumping!” The announcer’s joke brought laughter among the crowd, raising the pressure on Gladion’s next move. “Silvally, Multi Attack on the Mudbray!” Mudbray squawked in fear as it saw Silvally’s spines, tailfin, and talons began to glow. With a reel back of its body, Silvally sprinted out, drops and globs of water flying off its glowing body parts. Mudbray tried to back away, only to fall onto its butt. Silvally, recognizing this, slowed itself down and slashed at the air between them, producing three blades of water that flew out at Mudbray and struck it in the chest. Mudbray yelped loudly as it slid back to Alice, who caught it before it could slide off the edge of the arena. “Mudbray!” Alice shouted. “Are you alright?” With a moan, Mudbray passed out onto the floor, Alice no longer able to hold it up. A second star appeared beside Gladion’s picture and name on the screens. “And now it’s Alice who’s down to her final Pokémon!” the announcer exclaimed. “Kaj and Sam are still in this fight, but Kaj still hasn’t been able to make a single takedown this entire match!” Alice called her Pokémon back with her Poké Ball, quickly replacing it with her third and last, holding it to await the next turn. “Rông!” Kaj shouted. “Hit the Fomantis with Aerial Ace!” The Vibrava quickly soared out at Sam’s Pokémon, striking it with both of its two right legs as it turned back around to its trainer. Sam winced, throwing his arm to Gladion and Silvally. “Fomantis, use Leaf Blade!” Fomantis ran to Silvally, its arms held out and ready to intercept it from any direction. Silvally widened its stance as it prepared to dodge the attack. It crept to its right, leading Fomantis there, only to leap far out of its path to safety. Fomantis let out a huff as it used the lean of its turn to jump, shooting right at Silvally’s direction. Still maintaining its footing, Silvally could only let Fomantis’s green-glowing slash knock it off its feet to its side, making the audience, including the ponies and their Pokémon, cheer and applaud. “Nice, Sam.” Alice threw out her last ball with confidence. “Go, Rockruff!” Alice’s stone puppy popped out from the Poké Ball, and despite the fierce opposition it now faced, it loudly growled excitedly at as many of the three Pokémon as it could in a single breath. Fomantis and Silvally returned to their trainers, the former panting in exhaustion. “Poor runt,” Gladion breathed. “Silvally, Multi-Attack on Rockruff.” Silvally ran out again, more water trailing off of its body as Rockruff spied its moves. Unlike with Mudbray, it showed no signs of letting up. Alice hissed through her teeth. “Rockruff, dodge it!” With a rake of its claw, Silvally tried to get Rockruff from the side, only for it to suddenly leap forward and let both Silvally and its swinging talon pass it. “And nice moves from Rockruff!” the announcer shouted with a gravellier voice. Kaj noticed as the three other Pokémon were all off to Sam and Alice’s sides. “This is it, Rông, I can taste victory already! Let’s end this with Bulldoze!” Leading her pointed arm toward Fomantis, the Vibrava followed her intended path as Starlight watched on in awe, her eyes and mouth open wide. Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but notice this. “Starlight? Are you having an ice-cream brain freeze and didn’t offer me some?” “No,” Starlight breathed. “Kaj is going in for the win here. Fomantis is already on the ropes, and Rockruff may not survive such a strong Ground-type attack. If Alice’s Pokémon gets knocked out, the game's over!” Rông banked hard to the right, the buzzing of its wings along its turn creating a large wave that threatened to engulf the entire half of the arena where Silvally, Fomantis, and Rockruff stood. “Wait!” Rainbow Dash leaned onto the ledge and turned to face Starlight. “If she gets two knockouts here, then they all get two knockouts. Wouldn’t that be a tie?” “In terms of knockouts, sure, but Kaj would win on the count of having the most Pokémon left at the end of the round.” “Oh, shoot, you’re right! She still hasn’t brought her last one out yet! She may really have this!” The wave crashed down to the floor and onto the three Pokémon, partially burying them in fast-drying mud. Sam and Alice gasped as they found their Pokémon stuck in the dirt. Silvally easily broke itself out, backing up to observe if the remaining Pokémon would be so lucky. Sam grunted to see that Fomantis showed no struggle in trying to break out, breathing slowly out as it fainted. Kaj looked up to the closest screen to see a star appear by her picture and name, giggling happily with what she was now certain was an instant victory. She then heard a dull crackling sound from where Rockruff stood, and with a hard yank, Rockruff freed itself and slowly crawled back up on all fours, shocking both Kaj and Gladion. With a single yip back to Alice, each member of the audience quickly joined in with clapping before it erupted back into cheers. “Nice one, Rockruff!” Fluttershy’s sudden burst of volume forced the ponies near her to shift away, as well as several people behind her. “And Rockruff is still in this race!” The announcer shouted with a noticeable rise in enthusiasm. “This match isn’t quite over!” “It sure isn’t!” Alice crossed her wrists over her face, sparking her Z-Ring and the Normalium Z inside it to life as she continued her motions. “And now it’s Alice’s turn to use her Z-Power! Will she try and finish off Silvally, or go after Kaj’s Vibrava?” Alice formed her arms into a Z, allowing her Z-Power to shoot out of her and flow into her Rockruff, who purred with the warmth of the energy tingling inside of it. “Sorry, Kaj,” Alice said to her, “but my Rockruff has a bone to pick with Rông. Now go get ‘em, boy. Take out the Vibrava with Breakneck Blitz!” Rockruff shot out at its target with a hot tail trailing around it from the front, blasting Alice with leftover Bulldoze dirt from its initial leap. Kaj looked genuinely terrified. “Rông!” The Vibrava fluttered its wings as hard as it could to fly up, but with a well-aimed jump from Rockruff, Rông was brutally tackled out of the air and thrown down to the ground off the arena. Rockruff continued to push Rông forward as they landed on the ground and slid into the wall, the Vibrava getting pinned into it upon reaching it. With a gurgled screech, Rông slumped down and fainted, unable to fight any longer. Alice let out a chuckle as she looked up and saw a third star appear by her name. “And Alice has now taken the lead!” The announcer yelled. “After just holding on by the skin of its teeth, Rockruff has managed to take out Kaj’s Vibrava! But it’s not over yet, folks! Kaj and Sam both still have one last perfectly healthy Pokémon to their names, and something tells me that we still have a ways to go!” “I certainly hope not.” Sam took out Fomantis’s Poké Ball and returned it from the mud, swapping it with his last Pokémon’s ball. “This is it, Honedge. Let’s make it count!” Honedge soared out of the ball and spun into place, ready to face its last opponents. Meanwhile, Kaj returned Rông into its Luxury Ball with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry,” she silently wept. “You did your best, and you were great!” Wiping her eyes and letting in a calming sniff, she put Rông’s ball back and took out her last one, throwing it out into the center of the arena. “Get ready for the grand finale, Mohuku!” Leaping out from the energy bursting from its ball was a green raptor-like creature with a red underside that went from its lower jaw to its belly. It had three long leaf-like blades extended on the outer side of its forearms, as well as a long thicker leaf like a ponytail draped down to its lower back where a twin-leafed tail poked out. Much like her other two Pokémon, this one also wore a pair of accessories: a light-green marble with a red-and-dark-green swirl inside hung from a small black metal chain around its neck, along with a bright-red bandana wrapped around its left hand like a fingerless glove. Between its two yellow eyes was a large, ragged scar shaded darker than the rest of its skin. “Wow, all of Kaj’s Pokémon look rad!” Starlight was already scanning it with Alice’s Pokédex. “Grovyle,” it said, “the Wood Gecko Pokémon. Its strongly developed thigh muscles give it astounding agility and jumping performance.” “Wood Gecko?” Starlight wondered aloud. “Looks like Rockruff is still in big trouble. Unless…” “Unless what?” A prolonged lack of an answer forced Fluttershy to look back and observe what Starlight was predicting. Gladion turned to Kaj and her final Pokémon. “You haven’t done too bad yourself. While I still probably won’t tune in to your contests, you have my respect and my blessing as a trainer.” Kaj gasped and then smiled, nodding in appreciation. “However... you still chose to challenge me before the match, and I cannot refuse a challenge. Well then, challenge accepted!” Gladion crossed his wrists, sparking alight his own Z-Ring with a greenish-yellow Z-Crystal with an insect icon inside of it. “Unbelievable!” The announcer was virtually shrieking now. “Now Gladion is using his Z-Power on Kaj! How much more do you think she and her Pokémon can take?!” “Not much more…” After Gladion threw his arms down and crossed them out, he took a step back with his right foot and swung his arms up from the right with his hands smoothly curved downward. He then swung his left arm to his left side and swung his right arm in a wide scooping motion, holding his arm back up to the left. Z-Power shot out from him and entered into Silvally, who roared as the power coursed through him. Sam and Honedge turned to Alice, who looked back to him with a subtle begging expression as he realized what he would do. “Sorry. Hondege...” Sam held his arm up, ready to call his finishing attack onto his sister’s Rockruff. He then threw his arm to the right where Silvally stood, shocking her. “Shadow Sneak!” Honedge thrust the tip of its blade to the ground and shot its shadow out to race toward Silvally. Once the shadow reached beneath Silvally’s stomach, it shot up and struck it. Silvally groaned uncomfortably as it held its ground, but refused to be lifted up by the attack until it finally ended. “Nice try, Sam,” Gladion shouted, “but this one is mine! Now go, Silvally! Take out her Grovyle with Savage Spin-Out!” Silvally opened its mouth wide and shot a heavy stream of silky webbing that sprayed onto Mohuku until its entire body was covered. Snapping its sticky rope with its teeth and holding the end in its mouth, Silvally ran to the center of the ring and began to twirl its head and neck, slinging the Grovyle up and riding it against the forcefield as it revolved around the arena, smashing into each corner as Silvally continue to spin. The ponies’ eyes and heads followed Mohuku’s path as it continued slamming against the energy wall. “That’s a carnival ride I wouldn’t want to go on!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Finally, Silvally yanked hard on the string and let go, sending the Grovyle back to it over Kaj’s head. Leaping up, it reeled its glowing talon back and swung at the incoming web ball, slicing it open and freeing an unconscious Mohuku inside. Sam and Alice gasped at the sight. Silvally landed nimbly on its feet while the Grovyle hit the ground hard and rolled back to Kaj. As it slowed to a stop, Mohuku's eyes shot open as it rolled onto a single knee, further supporting itself on its right fist, the audience shouting in surprise. “What?” Gladion huffed. “But how–” He then noticed as the bandana on Grovyle’s hand began to glow bright before it withered away as if it were ash. “A Focus Sash?” The ponies could only sit dumbfounded over what they could only define as brilliant strategizing. Kaj looked confidently to Gladion while Mohuku stood up to face Silvally. “I told you that I was going to be the one to take you out. I’m not the type to break promises to my fans.” Gladion gasped at the term she bestowed on him, but it didn’t matter. He grinned with the sheer respect that he now had for her. “You can certainly try.” “I certainly will! Mohuku! Take out his Silvally with Leaf Blade!” Mohuku sprinted out at Silvally, who was already panting with exhaustion following his Z-Move. As it turned to face the encroaching Grovyle, it simply closed its eyes and let Mohuku run the three leaves on its right arm through its side and follow through to stop in an elegant pose. With trembling legs, Silvally looked back to the Grovyle in reservation before its eyes rolled back into its head and it fell over to its side, passed out. Kaj looked up at the screen as the crowd suddenly became hushed, watching as a second star appeared by her name and face. “Holy shit!” “Rockruff, use Leer!” Kaj shot her head back down on Alice’s declaration, only able to see as the flash from Rockruff’s eyes slowly died down as Honedge shuddered back from the glare it received. “Alice…” Kaj’s voice still trembled in excitement. “Why did you…” “And that’s it folks!” With the booming voice of the announcer shattering the silence, the trainers and their Pokémon left standing looked up at the speakers and screens. “Gladion is out of usable Pokémon, so this match is officially over! In third place with two knockouts and one remaining Pokémon with 1 HP is Kaj!” With her recent display of brilliance, Kaj received thunderous roars and cheers, especially from her numerous fans in the stands. Despite the low placement, Kaj nonetheless eagerly waved and smiled to everyone she could. “In second place with two knockouts and one Pokémon with full HP is Sam Brier!” The applause and shouts weren’t as wild, but Sam was still more than happy to receive them as he waved out to the audience. “And the winner of todays match with three knockouts is… Alice Brier!” Alice giggled to hear the crowd begin cheering for her as loudly as they did for Kaj, and even with their deafening screams, she could hear Rockruff happily barking at her. Opening her arms up, she let her rock puppy leap up into her embrace as she cradled it in her left arm and waving to the audience with her right. “Wow!” Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves together with her friends. “That was awesome. I kind of want to stay here all night!” She suddenly received a scolding glance from Starlight for seemingly forgetting their priorities. “I know, I know! I’m just saying…” Alice then looked to see Sam, Gladion, Mohuku, and Kaj all applauding her as well, Honedge clanging its scabbard against its blade. Alice then turned to Kaj and gave her a thumbs up and nod of respect. Kaj nodded back, happy to have received support from the superior trainer. The clerk at the front desk handed Alice her trainer ID card back . “Congratulations on your win. Your two Battle Points have been added to your account.” “Thank you.” As Alice put her card back into her wallet, Kaj put the finishing touches on the signature of a Luxury Ball with a silver marker. She handed the ball to the clerk who clasped it to her chest like it was made of gold. “Be sure that your daughter catches a very special Pokémon with that!” “I will!” The clerk placed it in her purse that hung from a hook under the counter. “You’re an angel. And such a wonderful battle.” “Are we almost done?” Gladion growled from the other side of the counter with an uncomfortable Sam and the equally unnerved ponies. Surrounding the front desk with no gap to escape through were dozens of fans with posters, Poké Balls, and other paraphernalia they wanted Kaj to sign. She giggled with a blush as she held her marker up, hoping not to hold up her new friends any longer. By the time the group left, the sun was already a cool shade of orange, and the purple tint of evening was just creeping in. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but groan in disappointment. “I’m sorry for holding you up!” Kaj walked ahead bowed to them. “I should have just asked you to leave if I was holding you up.” “Don’t sweat it,” Gladion said. “We probably wouldn’t have made it to Konikoni City even if we chose not to battle.” He then looked Kaj in the eyes. “We’ll probably need a place to stay tonight. If it’s all the same to you, we can stay at the Hano Grand Resort.” “Huh?” Sam and Alice shouted in unison. “No way!” Kaj couldn’t help but leap with joy. “I’m staying there too!” “Gladion,” Alice said, “that’s really nice of you, but you shouldn’t spend that kind of money on us.” “Frankly, for me,” Gladion explained, “it’s a drop in the bucket from my account. I don’t mind it either. After what I put you through last Tuesday, you deserve nothing less. But first, I think I can speak for everyone when I say we could use some dinner. There’s a nice restaurant inside the resort. Again, my treat… unless, of course, you have something else in mind.” Sam picked his head up, a wonderful thought coming into his head. “Gladion, was that a supermarket we passed on the way here?” “…Yes?” “And are there picnic areas on the beach?” “Yes. There are also grills for rent as well. Why? Were you suggesting you cook for us?” Sam smiled, knowing he may have not won the battle, but he was certainly going to become another champion of something else that night. > Chapter 33 – R&R Resort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing over a large picnic bench on the sandy Hano Beach, Sam held two large metal bowls in each hand, one containing small bone-in cuts of pork and the other containing peeled and julienne-cut potatoes. One after the other, Sam tossed the oil and seasonings with the contents in both bowls. Sam’s cutting board and knife sat on the table, both filthy and coated with loose bits of various chopped, sliced, and minced foods including cabbage, parsley, and dill. Beside it with a wooden spoon in it was an even larger bowl of coleslaw with a long, thick baguette resting next to it in a paper bag. Lined on one of the ends of the table were small half-empty bottles of dried herbs and spices, the largest among them being paprika. On the end seat of the bench was a large paper bag filled with trash accumulated from the preparation of the meal about to be made. Behind them, on a patch of grass near the stairwell to the hotel entrance was a small metal grill with an even spread of charcoal burning bright beneath the grates. Gladion sat on the bench opposite from Sam and his makeshift station, watching intently as Alice and Kaj, both in their bikini swimsuits, played and splashed about in the water with their Pokémon and the ponies about ten feet from the shore. Chasing Kaj on the back of Rông was a pink-and-cream colored kitten with a thick hand-shaped appendage on the end of its tail. Mohuku finally caught up to Kaj, tackling her into the water, leaving Rông and the kitten to dogpile the both of them, quickly getting off so they could both get up to breathe. Kaj and her Pokémon laughed as Alice, Noibat, and Pikachu approached her. “I can’t thank you enough for inviting me to hang with you!” Humbled, Alice couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m glad you had a little bit more time for us.” “Are you kidding? I’m hanging with three of the coolest people I’ve met in ages helping out a bunch of–” “Aaahhh, ixnay on the oniespay!” Alice bared her teeth in fright whiled tracing her finger across her neck. “Oh, right, sorry!” “And we certainly don’t mind the company!” Rainbow Dash and the other ponies paddled to them, panting as they continued trying to stay afloat. “Besides, I think we all needed a little night at the beach to take our minds off of everything.” “But what about your other friends?” “They’re fine!” Pinkie Pie leapt from the water and balanced herself perfectly on Rainbow Dash’s back, nearly submerging her head past her face. She began to point to the other ponies, starting with herself. “There’s one, two, three, four of us, we know Applejack and Rarity are hiding in a cave south of here, and Twilight and Spike are safe with Gladion’s friends! I have a feeling we’ll be going home in no time!” “That’s great news, and I’m very happy for you!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t handle Pinkie Pie’s weight anymore, rolling her off into the ocean and gasping for more air. While Starlight led the group in laughing, Pinkie Pie quickly emerged back up, but when everyone turned to face her, they noticed something odd clinging to her mane. It was a small, soft, black mound the size of a potato with six equally plushy pink spikes on its side, as well as a puffy white tail, two small pink dots for eyes and a fleshy flap for a mouth. Pinkie Pie couldn’t seem to understand the perplexed looks on her friends’ faces. “What? Do I have something in my teeth?” “Sun, you can’t be serious!” A distressed Lillie looked through the screen of her Pokédex at Sun, who continued to be stone faced in his decision. “I am serious,” he said, “and I want nothing more than for you to bring them over here, but I’m concerned that their presence might aggravate Solgaleo and Lunala again.” “But… can’t you just keep them in their balls when they arrive?” “Didn’t you say that you wanted Twilight and Spike to meet them? That might make hiding them difficult.” Lillie was stumped there, and she looked off to the side shamefully as she’d soon have to tell the alicorn and baby dragon in the other room what Sun had told her. “Listen.” Sun sounded quite pained. “I’m aware we’ll need to bring all eight of them over eventually, but we can’t jeopardize their return home by shipping them all here on a whim. I’ll run some tests tonight with Solgaleo and Lunala and see if–” “You’re seriously not planning on doing another excursion, are you?” “I have to! I need to be certain that it’s their world that bothers them and not the ponies themselves.” “But… what if–” “If the ponies are the cause for their meltdowns, then we’ll have to try something else. We can go to Mossdeep for an alternate solution if it comes to that. I don’t care about sharing our research with them so long as the ponies get home safe and sound.” Cornered, Lillie breathed out a defeated sigh. “Okay… I just hate disappointing them, I feel its all I’ve been doing today.” “You’re the furthest thing from a disappointment, Lillie. I’m sure they’ll understand everything if you tell them, so you should do it now.” “Okay… goodbye, Sun.” “Bye, Lillie.” Her Pokédex screen shut off, the chat ended. She slowly turned back down the hallway, eyeing the side of the doorway where Twilight and Spike were waiting. With another deep breath, she summoned the strength to walk forward and enter into the dining hall where they, along with Amy and Noah were. Twilight and Spike turned to her. “What did Sun have to say?” she asked. Lillie bit her lip and moved a stray strand of hair back that draped over her brow. “Amy, Noah, could you please step outside for a couple of minutes?” The two children looked to each other nervously. “Is it about Twilight and Spike leaving?” Noah wondered. “Wha–?! N… No! What gave you–” “Twilight and Spike told us while you had your call,” Amy explained. Lillie could tell from Amy’s and Noah’s faces that they were hiding devastation in their frowns, and she couldn’t fight it as well as they could. “Noah, Amy, I’m so sorry–” “Please don’t be,” Noah interrupted. “Twilight and Spike wanted us to be sure we knew that they wanted to go and that you weren’t trying to taking them away, it’s… just that we didn’t think it would happen so soon.” Lillie shut her eyes tight, unsure which duo to disappoint, until… “They aren’t going anywhere now!” “Huh?” “The escort’s been canceled!” Twilight’s ears and wings fell limp at the declaration, Spike slapping his hand over the pang that shot into his heart. “Sun just called me to let me know that he didn’t want to risk another accident with you two being there.” “But…” Twilight let out a huff of insane humor. “We would have to go there eventually… with all of our friends, right?” “I know. He said he’s going to run a test tonight with Solgaleo and Lunala to make sure it’s not you or your friends that aggravates them into opening another wormhole.” “But… what if it is?” Spike hugged Twilight’s leg with worry. “Does that mean we can’t go home?” “Of course not! There’s another city far east of here we can take you to bring you back home another way. I’m sorry this whole thing’s been so messed up, guys. I’m really trying my best here.” Lillie walked over to Spike, knelt down and picked him up, allowing him to hug her neck and let her place her hands on his back. “I want you to trust in us that we’ll bring you home, because I promise you that I will.” Lillie couldn’t help but wheeze when she felt Spike’s clutch on her become even stronger. As she gently nuzzled her chin onto Spike’s shoulder, Twilight slowly came over and wrapped her arms around her waist, Lillie moving a hand to stroke her mane. Noah and Amy, feeling all was becoming right again, walked over and joined Twilight, Spike, and Lillie in the embrace. Applejack sighed wistfully as she looked up through the clearing of the Ruins of Life, sitting between Rarity and Tapu Lele. The stars were beautiful in the Alolan sky, but with Team Prism now on their trail and the possibilities of reunion or a safe return home appearing more and more doubtful, she couldn’t possibly appreciate the view. “I wonder if our other friends can see this view,” Applejack breathed. “It ain’t Luna’s sky, but this certainly gives it a run for its money.” “I bet they’re all doing fine.” Rarity crept her arm around her friend’s back. “You shouldn’t worry.” “I really appreciate it, Rarity, but to tell you the truth, I can’t help but feel scared that one of our friends had a run in with those Prism hoodlums, and…” “Applejack, perish the thought! Do you really think somepony as skilled with magic as Twilight, or even Starlight for that matter, would let them fall into their clutches?” “I… guess not.” “And would someone as fast as Rainbow Dash, as resourceful as Pinkie Pie, or as quick to run from danger as Fluttershy be prisoner to them?” “I don’t think so. It still doesn’t make the feeling go away any faster. I only wish we weren’t all alone in here.” Tapu Lele leaned over to look into Applejack’s eyes, wanting to assure her with its presence. “I meant you too, Tapu Lele.” “You don’t need to.” Tapu Lele turned its head with the ponies to see a hooded figure walking into the ruins’ temple with a large backpack stretched to the brim with the stuff inside it hung over her shoulders. Though the ponies were frightened by its appearance, Tapu Lele continued observing the figure curiously. As they stepped into the ruins, the moonlight revealed their hoodie to be a light blue. Just as the ponies realized that it wasn’t another Prism grunt, the person unveiled themselves to reveal that she was in fact Olivia. “Olivia!” Both ponies cried in shock. “Whatever are you doing here this time of night?” Rarity wondered. Olivia looked down to the ground with noticeable shame. “I couldn’t leave you out here alone like I did. I feel especially crummy knowing it took me this long to apologize, but yes, I’m so sorry for the way I left you this morning.” “Uh… It’s okay, sugar.” Applejack stepped forward. “Tapu Lele’s been keeping us real safe.” “Does this mean that you’ll be taking us back to the shop?” Rarity asked with restrained excitement. Olivia’s eyes closed halfway. “Not tonight.” The response seemed partially devastating to Rarity. “I really don’t want to risk running into more of those Prism guys tonight when it’s just the three of us.” “What if Tapu Lele came with?” Applejack looked back to the guardian, only to feel dismayed as it backed away slowly while wringing its hands nervously. “As much as I’m sure she would like to,” Olivia answered, “even Tapu Lele has her weaknesses. From what I’ve heard about them, they like to fight in large groups, and they’ll make mincemeat out of both of us if we try and handle a group like that alone.” “So… what do we do then?” Applejack wondered hesitantly. “Well, I’m certainly not leaving you alone tonight, and I thought you’d be hungry, so I made some egg sandwiches for us to eat.” Olivia slid her bag off and let it bang on the floor and stand upright for her to kneel before and dig into. “I just scrambled them with some chive, mushroom, tomato, and cheese. I hope you don’t mind.” “Not at all!” Rarity and Applejack both sat down as they prepared for their meal. “Eh, what kind of cheese?” Applejack couldn’t resist lightly knocking Rarity in the back of the head for her remark. “Don’t be rude, she’s feeding us!” she hissed back as Rarity rubbed the sting away with a hurt expression.. Olivia began to pull the paper-wrapped sandwiches one by one. “It’s Swiss. I thought it would go well.” “And go well it shall!” Rarity chirped. “Swiss is a great choice.” “Good.” Olivia turned back and took two of the sandwiches from the floor and tossed them to the ponies, Rarity catching them and handing one to Applejack. As Olivia turned around with another sandwich in hand, she saw as Tapu Lele rested its bottom shell beside Rarity, hoping to join. “Don’t think I forgot you.” Olivia threw the sandwich over her head and let Tapu Lele catch it, who already began tearing apart the wrapping like a present. Finally, she grabbed the last sandwich from the bag and scooted herself to face her three friends. After tearing off half her wrapping, she held her sandwich out to them. “Here’s to a speedy reunion.” “Here, here!” Applejack reached out with her sandwich balanced on her hoof, putting hers beside Olivia’s. Tapu Lele put its sandwich against the other two, leaving the three of them to look at Rarity, expecting her to add her sandwich to theirs. Rarity smiled as she rolled her eyes, levitating her meal into her other friends'. “Cheers.” At once, they all began to eat, and for a beautiful moment amongst the chewing and tasting, the world had begun to feel right again. Sam quickly overturned the pork shanks, fries, and thick slices of fire-toasted bread on the grill, seeing that each of them had a lovely brown char that he was certain would look perfect on the other side in just a few minutes time. “Hey, Gladion!” Sam kept his eyes on the grill and waited for Gladion to listen. “You can start calling everyone in. It’s almost time to eat.” As Sam began to already remove the quickly cooking bread from the grates, Gladion hopped off the seat from his bench, which was now free from utensils and bits of food and now set with paper plates and silverware, along with the coleslaw that his Weavile held to keep cold. Gladion watched as Alice and Kaj played carefree in the waters; he could tell they could go all night if they wanted to, and the thought brought a warm grin to his face. Still hearing the grill behind him, he refocused. “Girls! It’s almost dinnertime! Be sure to dry yourselves and get as much sand off of you as possible.” “Yeah, yeah!” Rainbow Dash flew over Gladion and shook her body loose of seawater, Gladion growling as his clothes were soaked and caked in bits of the sand. As Rainbow Dash flew closer to the table as Sam began constructing sandwiches out of the potato slices, she suddenly flew through a circular, glowing red ring with a hazy space inside of it. Surprised, she stopped and looked at her body, feeling that it was completely dry and free from sand. Turning and looking back down, Starlight’s horn lit up as other circles appeared before Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Alice, and Kaj as they moved to pass through them, also leaving them dry, clean, and initially surprised. Starlight finished with herself, walking up to Gladion when she was finished. “Sorry about Rainbow Dash. Here…” Starlight scanned Gladion with another of the spells, drying his clothes and removing the sand from them. Gladion nodded in thanks to her. Together, the two of them led the other five to the table where Sam was just finishing plating the food. The four ponies and four humans clinked their glasses of lemonade together as they declared cheers. Each human had one or two shanks on their plates with the coleslaw, while the ponies each had a potato sandwich and slaw. Beside them at the table, Lady, Comfey, along with all of Sam, Alice, and Gladion’s Pokémon all sat close together with various foods and treats from various-sized plastic dishes. “Nice job here, Sam!” Pinkie Pie scooped one sandwich half up in her hooves and gave it a hard whiff. “Smells awesome too! What even is this?” “They’re called chip butties,” Sam replied as he already ate a freshly-cut bite of his pork. “They’re actually quite popular in the bistros of Lumiose City; our own restaurant sold them on the lunch menu.” “Whuuoh!” Rainbow Dash’s mouth was much more full with food, swallowing before taking another breath to speak. “You ran a restaurant? I mean, it makes sense and all, because this is really good. The coleslaw too!” “Yes, Sam,” Starlight added, “everything is delicious.” “Yes, thank you for preparing the meal.” Gladion took a small sip of lemonade. “You really didn’t need to do any of this; I would have been happy to take us all to the restaurant here.” Sam shrugged as he swallowed another bite. “Well, this is the first time I’ve been able to cook something since we got here, and truly, I wanted to.” “Also,” Alice interrupted, looking to Starlight, “Sam didn’t run the restaurant, our parents did.” “Alice…” Sam hissed into his sister’s ear. “Don’t be stealing my thunder in front of the ponies!” “Regardless, they taught him much of what they knew before he decided to become a trainer.” “Cool,” Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash said in unison. The two ponies looked to each other, and suddenly, a smile appeared on Pinkie Pie’s face as she was reminded of something. “Hey, Gladion! Do you think Twilight’s busy? Does she know we’re with Starlight and Fluttershy?” Both the aforementioned ponies slowly turned to Gladion, knowing he knew what Pinkie Pie was hinting. Gladion sighed as he whipped his napkin from his lap and onto where he sat as he stood up. “Hold on while I get my Pokédex.” Twilight laid on her stomach, reading a book that was supported up by the front frame of her bed. The pages she fixated on featured pictures of a Pokémon Gym and the photographs of its two identical twin gym leaders. Spike lied on his stomach with his hands holding the back of his head, relaxing after an interesting day. Flipping the page, her eyes widened slightly as the next pages featured pictures of the Mossdeep Space Center. Just as she began to read the first few paragraphs of this new section, the sound of the sliding door opening alerted her, only to breathe a small sigh of relief when she saw Lillie holding her Pokédex with the screen held against her stomach. “Sorry.” She approached them without fear of invading her privacy. “Someone really wants to talk to you.” Spike raised himself by his stomach woozily. “Is it Sun?” “Nope! Even better!” Handing the device to Twilght, she held it in her magic and allowed the camera to pick up her and Spike’s faces as they looked to the screen. To their utter shock and delight, Starlight was on the screen, giggling gleefully to see more of her friends safe and sound. “Starlight!” Spike screamed, wedging himself in between Twilight and the Pokédex. “You’re okay too!” “Oh my gosh, Spike!” Starlight was close to tears to see him, only for the screen to tilt with Rainbow Dash’s arm obscuring part of the view. “And look who else!” Rainbow Dash moved aside to let Twilight and Spike and Fluttershy see each other through the video. “Twilight!” Fluttershy dove forward and hugged the Pokédex tight, tears cascading down her cheeks. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!” “Be careful!” Gladion’s off-screen voice snapped. “If you break that, we won’t be able to talk anymore.” “Oh, sorry!” Fluttershy slunk from the device, Starlight still holding it with her magic. “Where are you guys?” Twilight asked. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash then swiveled Gladion’s Pokédex so Twilight could see Sam and Alice sitting together on the bench. “Twilight, Spike, this is Sam and Alice. They’re the ones that picked up Starlight and Fluttershy and helped bring them here.” “Oh, wow.” Alice glanced between Twilight’s horn and wings. “You’re a pegasus… and a unicorn?” Twilight giggled. “I’m what is called an alicorn, and yes, I can fly and use magic. I also know exactly who you two are. Professor Burnet told me about you guys yesterday. I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful Spike and I are for your bravery.” “Aw hell…” Sam pushed his distracting half-empty plate back. “Bravery has nothing to do with it. We’re more than happy to help.” “I still greatly appreciate it. I hope we can meet together soon so I can extend my thanks personally.” “No kidding!” Spike added, putting a thumbs up to the camera. “You two are awesome!” Lillie stood outside the hallway as Twilight and Spike guffawed over the sight of their unharmed friends through the screen. “Oh yeah!” Lillie could hear Alice’s voice from the speakers. “Starlight, Fluttershy, did you want to show off your other new friends?” “Other friends?” Twilight wondered. Lillie continued watching as Twilight and Spike were held in suspense before their eyes and mouths shot open upon seeing Lady and Comfey. “What are those?” Spike exclaimed. Lillie hugged her arms close to her breast and forced a smile. While happy to see Twilight and Spike happy, she could tell it might lead to something dangerous. “Begin.” On Sun’s command, Sogaleo and Lunala began to brighten the swirling water in the pool until the space beneath the surface revealed the starry expanse of space. As before, the planet containing Equestria was far below and safely out of reach. Lusamine kept a close eye on the electrodes stuck to both Pokémon’s bodies, as well as four bulky Pokémon with blue skin and four arms standing on either side of them. “Solgaleo, Lunala,” Sun instructed, “face the north pole of the planet.” With the planet as the anchor, the view of the space rotated up and over so that Sun could see a small patch of white rather than green and blue. “Carefully,” Sun said, “descend.” The planet began to get closer into view, Sun watching as the edges began to eclipse the perimeter of their window. “Lusamine?” “They look fine,” she responded quickly. “Good. Solgaleo, Lunala, stop.” The planet’s enlargement stopped, and Sun kept closer watch to ensure that both Pokémon had listened. Sun grimaced, knowing that they had. “Okay… down again slowly.” As their view got lower, breaking through the atmosphere and being blocked by thick, grey clouds, Lusamine looked at Solgaleo and Lunala as they suddenly began to sway in exhaustion. “Sun, they’re losing consciousness again. Should I–” “Solgaleo, Lunala, stop!” They continued going lower, breaking through the clouds to see a small city coming into view, a large towering palace directly in the middle. “A city this far north?” “Sun!” Lusamine screamed. “Not yet!” Their view went through the tip of the castle and continued downwards, quickly passing though a royal chamber too quickly for him to see the pink alicorn mare and white unicorn stallion running to the end of the hall with an orange unicorn stallion in a blue, starry cloak. Passing through the floor, Sun suddenly spotted a gem rapidly spinning in between two crystal spikes jutting from the floor and ceiling underneath the palace, which was glowing brightly and shining harsh light in all directions while dozens of concerned ponies stood by and watched. Lusamine gasped as she saw the blue light in Solgaleo and Lunala’s heads begin turning pink. Sun wanted to see for a few seconds more, but knew he had no more time. “Okay, pull the plug!” “Machamps, now!” Lusamine’s desparate cry quickened the Pokémons’ paces, and with a hard pull, the four Machamps tore the electrodes off Solgaleo and Luanda’s bodies. The pink light suddenly became a bright white as they both let out ear-piercing shrieks up into the sky. The water in the pool glowed white as well before it violently rose out in a tall, massive pillar. The light in both Pokémons’ heads went out and they fell unconscious to the floor, causing all of the suspended water to fall down, most of it splashing outside of the pool and washing everyone and everything near it back in a shallow, but powerful wave. Sun, thrown down to his stomach, quickly got up to see Lusamine crawling to her hands and knees as she coughed up as much water that she had swallowed. “Lusamine!” Sun shot up and ran on all fours to her, supporting her back and chest as her coughing became less severe. “Lusamine, are you okay?” “Solgaleo… Lunala…” she breathed heavily, “don’t mind me, go to them.” Sun ran to Solgaleo as the four Machamps swept into the side walls and computers at the edge of the room all got up. Thrusting the side of his ear to Solgaleo’s side, he breathed quickly as he struggled to find a heartbeat. After feeling and hearing one, he inhaled and exhaled slower, pulling out a Poké Ball and returning Solgaleo to it. “Sir!” Wicke ran in, picking up her feet as high as she could to avoid wetting her shoes and feet. “Sir! Is everything okay?” Sun pulled out a second ball from his labcoat and returned Lunala inside of it before handing both balls to her. “Take them down to the ICU, I want to know everything the same time you do.” “Uh, yes sir!” Wicke snatched both balls and ran to the lift, which was also flooded slightly with water. Sun slowly approached the pool, leaning tiredly over it and stared at the surface reflectively. He didn’t seem to care about Wicke as she heard her screams from the water that drained down from the floor onto her as she went down, or for Lusamine’s stray cough as she joined Sun’s side. There was a piece he was missing to this puzzle, and he knew that without it, he could not in good conscience bring the ponies home quite yet. > Chapter 34 – Sleep Tight, Bedbugs Bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaj inserted the card key into the slot in her room’s door at the end of a hotel hallway, opening it up and about to go inside. She then turned to face Sam, Alice, and Gladion. “Well, this is me. I just have to say, thank you so much for letting me tag along with you guys today. Oh, and thanks for dinner, Sam. Everything was delicious.” “It was a pleasure to have you,” Alice said. “And thanks for being our fourth trainer.” Kaj smiled warmly as she began to dig through her bag, quickly pulling out three folded red bands and handing one out to them. “Here. Now you can have a Focus Sash too. Just be sure to use it wisely, because, you know… it’s only good for one use.” Sam unfolded his and ran his thumb and finger through it, admiring the smooth, yet durable material it was made of. “Thank you. I’m certain this will come in handy down the road.” “We should get some rest now,” Gladion said as he put Kaj’s gift into his hoodie pocket. “Not to mention, our other friends are still waiting outside.” “Okay! I’ll let you go now, but first!” Kaj leapt over and gave Gladion a hug. Before he could understand what she did, she got off of him and gave an equally quick farewell embrace to Sam and Alice. “Okay, bye now!” She turned to go inside, only to find the door closed again. “Ehehe… whoops.” “We’ll leave you to that. Have a good night, Kaj.” Gladion turned around and went back down the hall, Sam and Alice following him as Kaj put her keycard back into the slot. Gladion opened up the door for Sam and Alice to walk into, both of them marveling over the sheer size of the room. Turning left, Sam saw a kitchen with a pristine six-burner stove and oven, large fridge, and an island sink in the center. Alice continued into the room, going up a wide winding staircase that brought her up to a large bedroom with three king-sized beds against the three walls with two large dressers, perfect for the nine of them. Sam then passed beneath the staircase to spot a large dining room with large windows looking out over the beach below and Heahea City off in the distance. Alice came back down the stairs to spot an enormous couch facing a massive TV hung on the wall, ignoring the office and desk placed in the corner. “Holy shit, Gladion!” Alice gasped. “This place is huge!” “It is the presidential suite,” he said matter-of-factly. “Sam? Did you send the signal?” “On it.” Sam pulled a flashlight from his bag and turned it on and off as he pointed it down toward the beach. He continued doing this until a loud, crackly poof was heard behind him. Turning around and walking back toward the kitchen, he saw as Starlight, Lady, Fluttershy, Comfey, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were now standing at the foot of the stairs to the bedrooms. Immediately, the ponies started to enjoy their surroundings. “Oh, wow!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “I can throw one heck of a party in here!” Rainbow Dash went out to the windows to the right of the kitchen, looking out over a golf course that appeared tiny from her vantage, sighing contently at the height. “Just like home.” “This place is incredible!” Starlight then turned to Gladion. “I sure hope this isn’t costing you too much.” “Never mind how much this costs me.” Gladion began to go up the stairs, shedding his hoodie off his body and unbuckling his belt. “We have some walking to do tomorrow, and it’s been a long, busy day for all of us. We should get some rest now, but first, let’s sort out our sleeping arrangements.” As if hypnotized, Sam and Alice felt the full force of the ache in their muscles and the weight on their eyelids, almost as if they were agreeing with Gladion. “You know,” Sam yawned, “sleep sounds like the absolute best thing right now.” “You said it.” Alice and Sam sluggishly made their way up the stairs, leaving the ponies to have a little more time to appreciate the view they were granted for the evening. Spike slept alone in bed, mildly tossing and turning over whatever dream was playing in his head. Twilight, standing at the bedside, reached over and gave the dragon a gentle shove on his side. “Spike,” she whispered, pushing him twice. “Spike!” Spike lucidly rolled to sit up, rubbing his eyelids with his balled fists. “Ugh… what time is it?” “It’s pretty close to midnight.” “So… why did you wake me?” “We’re getting out of here. Come on.” Spike was suddenly lifted up out of bed and placed to ride on her back, serving to surprise him even more. “Twilight? What are you–” “SHH! I wanted to wait until it was dark and most of the people here were asleep. That’s why I didn’t tell you until just now.” “Where are we even going?” “To Akala Island, where the rest of our friends are.” “And you know where they are?” “When Lillie let us talk to them, they looked to be at a beach near a large hotel. That’s our best clue. Now, let’s get going!” “Wait!” “Shh! What is it, Spike?” “What about Noah and Amy? We never even had a chance to say goodbye.” Twilight’s act suddenly hit her, and it suddenly became much harder to even think about walking out that door and to the exit. Spike was right. They had just one thing to do before they could go. “We do now. Come on, let’s make a quick stop.” Twilight put her hoof on the pad beside the door, allowing it to slide open to the hallway. As they stepped out, they didn’t notice the person sitting with her back to the wall to the right of the door, but with the sound of it opening, Lillie stirred awake, the rustling of her clothes making her presence known. “Lillie?” Twilight asked, not quite able to make her out in the dark. “What were you doing here?” “Twilight.” Lillie stood and stepped forward even closer to them. “Please… don’t do this.” “She knows!” Spike hissed with widened eyes. “She knows! We have to abort this mission!” “Lillie…” Twilight looked in her eyes, ignoring Spike. “Please go back to your room. We don’t want any trouble.” “I’m sorry, Twilight. I just had a terrible feeling that you and Spike were going to try and run away after seeing Starlight and Fluttershy, so I stayed outside your door so I could ensure that you wouldn’t.” Twilight’s lip quivered over this clear betrayal of trust between the both of them. “Twilight, Spike, please, as your friend… I… am your friend, right?” Lillie’s voice choked with oncoming cries. “Of course you are, Lillie, and as your friend, you know we can’t stay here while our friends are so close to us now. So… please…” Twilight’s eyes also began to tear up. “Don’t make me have to get past you…” “You don’t understand. I want to help you leave!” Lillie’s statement surprised both her and Spike out of sadness. “Wha…” they both stammered. “I could never forgive myself if I let you leave here alone and I could have helped but didn’t. It may be late, but Team Prism may still be out there. You’ll need a trainer to help you escape if they end up finding you. So please, let me be your trainer. Let me be your friend.” Twilight, feeling even more terrible about what she had attempted, let two tears fall down her face and approached Lillie, who knelt down and allowed Twilight to give her a consoling hug. Spike climbed off Twilight and embraced Lillie’s leg. “I’m so sorry, Lillie,” Twilight silently sobbed. “I didn’t want to do this to you.” “I know.” Twilight’s soft fur, warm body, and tight grip of her arms around Lillie’s back was comforting enough to keep her from weeping. “I completely understand.” Twilight and Spike finally backed away and Lillie stood to face them again, their allegiance restored and renewed. “So,” Lillie said. “Did you manage to say your goodbyes to the children yet?” Spike and Twilight both forced a grateful smile to her. Lillie stood outside the doorway, periodically glancing left and right down the hall to check on any approaching employees that may have been passing. She then looked back into the room to see Twilight and Spike standing before Noah and Amy in their pajamas, finishing her explanation to both of them. Both children were clearly tired, but Lillie was happy to see that rather than be overwhelmed with sadness, they instead looked proud of their strange, new friends. Finally, Lillie let out a shuddering breath as Twilight and Spike leaned forward to give the two children one last hug goodbye. Lillie smiled, glad to have let Twilight and Spike have this. Twilight, Spike, and Lillie both exited the sliding doors of the front of the Aether House, facing the path to the Tapu Village and the southern ocean. Despite the sudden change of the size of their world, Twilight and Spike happily breathed in the first breath of fresh, salty air they had received in days. Lillie lead the way down the House steps, pulling out a Ride Pager from her coat pocket. “What’s that thing?” Spike asked. “Our way out of here.” She already began scanning through the device for a Charizard. “Twilight, I assume you can let Spike ride on you, but I’ll need a flying mount as well, so I’m going to call on–” “Lillie, watch out!” Lillie felt a tingling sensation pull her hard to the right, throwing her left arm holding her Ride Pager out as she spotted a faint pulse of yellow sparks fly out and strike her hand. The Ride Pager was tossed out of her grasp as she turned back to watch it sparkle before a loud hiss and a small puff of smoke signaled its destruction. Twilight nervously scanned the area to find their attacker as Spike ran to Lillie’s aid. “Lillie! Are you okay?” Lillie lifted her left arm, scared to see it barely twitch as she tried to flex it. “My hand! I think it was hit with a–” Without warning, Twilight and Spike were thrown up into the air screaming by a glimmering magenta aura. Twilight grunted and moaned loudly as she tried to fight the hold on her, but felt the aura on her horn quickly dim away. Lillie looked up to the two of them and then out in front of her, shocked to suddenly see two grunts, a young pale man with ponytailed brown hair and middle aged woman with darker skin and short white hair, standing beside a Kadabra and an Espeon that kept Twilight and Spike afloat. Lillie whined as she tried to dig into her coat pocket for her Pokédex. “Kadabra,” the ponytailed man commanded, “use Thunder Wave!” Swinging its spoon at Lillie, a faint, sparkling bolt shot out to her. With no other time to react, she let go of the Pokédex right where the bolt would hit, the brunt of the attack frying her Pokédex but merely throwing her back with a yelp. The white-haired grunt smirked and snapped her fingers, her Espeon relinquishing its hold over Twilight and Spike and dropping them to the floor, where they weakly stood to their feet. “Looks like you’re stuck here,” the ponytailed grunt told them. Lillie spun around to run back inside, only to see the bald, muscular grunt from Melemele standing in front of the Aether House entrance with his Oranguru. “Like we said…” Lillie turned back to face the white-haired grunt, who stepped forward towards Twilight and Spike, the former of whom flared her wings open and arched herself back to attack. “No!” Lillie stepped directly in front of her two friends, blocking her from the grunt’s path with a determined scowl on her face. “I won’t let you!” “Oh? Little Lillie wants to have a go? The girl who repelled herself all over Alola to serve as Sun’s cheerleader while he went off to become Champion?” “I’m not the same girl from a decade ago, and you’re going to have to try much harder than that to psych me out of beating you!” “Oh, Lillie, adorable as ever! Well then? Come on, then! Show me how much you think you’ve grown!” “Only because you asked nicely.” Lillie flicked the right bottom part of her jacket to the side to reveal five Poké Balls hooked to her belt there, quickly removing it and throwing it out. “Rapidash, use Megahorn!” Leaping out from her Poké Ball was a large, creamy-yellow unicorn stallion whose mane and tail were a literal inferno that blew in the wind. Going right into a gallop, Rapidash kept its head down and aimed its horn right at the Espeon, striking it in the upper chest with a brilliant flash of bright-green light shining from the impact. Twilight and Spike’s mouths and eyes shot open at the sheer strength of the hit as the Espeon was blasted backwards. The white-haired grunt gasped as her Pokémon rolled limply to her feet, unable to continue battling. “You… you bitch!” “That’s more like it,” Lillie hissed. As the white-haired grunt returned her Pokémon to its ball and hid behind the ponytailed grunt, the cocoa-skinned grunt with spiky hair from Akala ran out from a hill toward the beach, sprinting between her and the ponytailed grunt with his Bruxish by his side. Sliding to a stop, he crossed his arms before his face, revealing the Waterium Z inside his Z-Ring. After throwing his arms down and crossing his arms back out, the grunt then swayed his arms in a wave-like motion and swung them back to the right in a wide stance. Twilight and Spike fearfully looked on as dark red Z-Power shot out from the grunt and was absorbed into his Bruxish. “Lillie?” Spike continued looking at the fish as its body was aflame with the energy. “What did he just do?” “Just watch!” The grunt aimed his pointed hand out at Lillie’s Rapidash. “I’m about to destroy your friend’s Pokémon! Now, Bruxish! Use Hydro Vortex!” Bruxish swam out at Rapidash, a wall of water erupting up from the ground beneath where it swam. It then began to swim in a rapid spiral around Rapidash, the water rising up to form a large whirlpool whose walls began to close in on the scared horse. Finally, the tip of the cone hit the Rapidash in the front hoof, tripping it up and dragging it inside the twister. Spike clutched his cheeks with his claws, Twilight’s mouth shooting open. “Oh no!” she cried. Inside, Bruxish swam even faster than Rapidash was spun helplessly about, each time tackling into it with each new lap. Lillie, Twilight, and Spike could only watch helplessly as Rapidash was whipped and spun around by the whirlpool. Finally, Bruxish checked Rapidash into the outer edge of the twister, flinging it out. With one final cry as it hit the ground, the Rapidash fainted and slid to a stop far from its terrified trainer and the equally petrified alicorn and dragon, who didn’t appear to notice the painful sparks left on the Bruxish’s body. “Hmph.” The bald grunt crossed his arms. “That was easy. Oranguru, let’s bring our prize back.” Lillie’s breath caught in her throat as she looked behind her, seeing Oranguru hold its arms and hands up where they began to glow. “No! Blissey, stop him!” With her still-usable hand, she tossed another Poké Ball from her belt behind her, just as quickly taking her Rapidash’s ball in the same hand and returning her downed Pokémon into it. Popping out from the ball between the Oranguru and Twilight and Spike was a rather stout, egg-shaped half-pink half-white Pokémon with a large egg inside of a pouch on its stomach, curled pink fur on both sides of its head, and white, wing-like frills on its midsection and shoulders. The Blissey was suddenly covered in the psychic aura, grunting as it felt the attack affecting its mind. The ponytailed grunt pointed his hand out. “While its being held, hit Blissey with Psyshock!” “Bruxish!” The cocoa-skinned grunt shouted. “Attack Blissey with Waterfall!” The Kadabra thrust its spoon out, shooting bolts of black that glowed deep purple on the outsides. The Bruxish swam closer to her Blissey, an aquatic cone forming around it as it sped forward. Twilight and Spike ran behind Lillie to let the Pokémon and their attacks pass. The Kadabra’s Psyshock hit it first, the sparks running across its body making it shout out in pain. Next, the Bruxish swam at Blissey, jutting upwards to strike it beneath the chin, throwing it into the air, crying out with the added sting. “Blissey, please, fight it!” Hearing Lillie’s words, Blissey threw its arms out and fell feet first back to the ground, landing perfectly with little sign of injury. “Yes! Nice job, Blissey!” Her Pokémon mewed happily at Lillie’s support. “Hit the Bruxish with Charge Beam!” Twisiting its body to face the Bruxish as it rejoined by its trainer, Blissey began to rub its arms together, the static growing until they were covered in plasma that danced from the tips of its arms to its shoulders. It then clapped its hands hard and threw a shot of electricity at the fish that launched it back into its trainer’s grasp. Turning it over, the cocoa-skinned grunt looked into the Bruxish’s face to see that it had fainted. Both Spike and Twilight couldn’t help but make a small chuckle and smirk to see Lillie and her team doing well. The ponytailed grunt could tell from his comrade’s frustrated hiss that they were losing to her, only serving to anger him too. “Hit her again with another Psyshock!” The grunt’s Kadabra hurled another blast of black and purple bolts at Lillie’s Pokémon, who screamed again as it shifted to the ground to weather through. “Oranguru,” the bald grunt shouted, “finish her off with Brick Break!” The Oranguru charged down the stairs on all fours at Blissey, who continued to be assaulted by Kadabra’s Psyshock. With a leap, the Oranguru balled its fist and reeled back, aiming for the exposed back of its head. Lillie dove out of the ape’s way and rolled over to face her Blissey. “Watch out!” Halfway through turning its head, Blissey was clocked below one of its curls and bowled out and towards the grunts, who looked deviously eager to catch it as it came near them. “Don’t you dare!” Lillie aimed a Poké Ball at Blissey, returning it inside before the ponytailed grunt could kick it. She then reattached the ball to her belt and took out another. “Let’s go, Parasect!” Lillie’s large mushroom bug leapt out of its ball, landing on the tips of its legs and skittering out into the battle. “Not a smart choice there,” the ponytailed grunt huffed. “Kadabra, hit it with Flamethrower!” “Parasect, dodge it!” Pressing its hand on the bottom of the bowl of its spoon, a plume of fire shot out from the other side at Lillie’s Pokémon. Bending the joints of its legs, Parasect leapt over the flames and away from the heat. The bald grunt breathed loudly through his teeth, incensed over his comrade’s wasted sure shot. “Oranguru, catch it with Psychic!” An easy target. Oranguru put its glowing hands up, keeping the Parasect held in the air and struggling to break free. “Now,” the bald grunt continued, “slam it into the fire!” With Kadabra visibly struggling to hold its attack longer, Oranguru slapped both palms to the ground, leading Parasect to be quickly brought down in the path of the streaming fire. Once it saw the flames snake around its target, Kadabra doubled over, supporting itself with its hands on its knees. The fires dissipated, replaced by a plume of dirt and smoke. Neither the grunts, their Pokémon, nor Lillie nor Twilight and Spike could see through it to see if Parasect had survived. Lillie grunted, unsure if her next move would work. “Parasect, use X-Scissor on Kadabra!” The ponytailed grunt laughed loudly. “You think your Bug and Grass-type Pokémon survived a Flamethrower and a Psychic? Just call it back and send out your–” Parasect shot out from the smoke at the unprepared Kadabra, its two large claws raised up as it got closer. The Kadabra couldn’t even put its arms up fast enough as Parasect threw its claws down, crossing the points over the Kadabra’s chest and throwing it back to the ponytailed grunt’s feet. “Kadabra!” The Kadabra’s grunt was near instantly relieved to see his Pokémon stirring, slowly rolling over to get to its feet. Lillie winced, but her Parasect ran its claws against each other, ready for another go. “It’s okay, Lillie!” Spike shouted out. “You got this!” “Oh no she doesn’t!” Twilight and Spike were shocked by the unfamiliar voice, turning to the source to see a female grunt with short, mahogany-colored hair run up the hill to join the ponytailed grunt by his side, a Pa’u Style Oricorio flying beside her. “Oricorio, use Air Slash!” Oricorio swooped forwards and threw its wings out, producing two blades of air that both threatened to strike Parasect. Lillie threw her arm up and out at the space above her Pokémon. “Parasect, avoid it again!” Parasect did as told, jumping high up to let the blades pass beneath it. “Gotcha now.” The ponytailed grunt pointed up at the Parasect. “Kadabra, Flamethrower!” Kadabra aimed its spoon up at the airbound bug, the fires shooting out from its spoon and hitting its target right at the apex of its jump. Once the Kadabra was certain that it hit its target, it quickly rescinded its attack and watched with triumph as the Parasect fell from the puff of smoke that formed and landed on its back, its legs splayed down. The ponytailed grunt and the mahogany-haired grunt shared a look and nod, acknowledging their teamwork. Lillie hissed as she returned her Parasect to its ball. “It’s okay. You did wonderful!” “How much more are we going to have to put up with?” the mahogany-haired grunt shouted out. “We’re getting bored!” Lillie put Parasect’s Poké Ball back and placed her hand on her penultimate one, breathing in meditatively. “This is it. This has to be the one. Go, Starmie!” From the ball, Lillie’s purple ten-pointed starfish spun out and spiraled smoothly to a stop down by Lillie’s feet. “So that’s what you decide to send out next?” the bald grunt behind her shouted. “I expected more fight from the daughter of Lusamine, but this is getting sad!” The harsh laughing erupting all around her by the four grunts surrounding her began to take its demoralizing toll on Twilight and Spike. Twilight tried to charge her horn again, but even getting a full aura on it proved too much for her to handle, making her pant in anxiety. Lillie, seeing this from the corner of her eyes, turned them back to her foes’ Pokémon. “You know what’s sad?” The grunts forced themselves out of their laughing fit to hear her out. “While I’m trying to protect these ponies from harm, you terrorize them and their friends, and laugh while you do it! If that isn’t the textbook definition of sad or pathetic, I can’t even begin to imagine what could be!” Starmie flexed itself outward in reinforcement of its trainer’s words, the gem in its center producing a sudden gleam that instantly unnerved the three remaining Pokémon. “Okay, Starmie, let’s just show them how sad we must be! Use Blizzard!” On Lillie’s command, Starmie’s gem began to glow bright, the gold bands holding it in frosting over. Finally, a blast of chilly, snowy gales erupted out, barreling toward all three Pokémon. Even their trainers were too mesmerized by the strength of the attack to call on their Pokémon to flee. The Kadabra, Oranguru, and Oricorio were all swept away at once and pelted with clumps of snow and chunks of ice. The freezing wall of wind then struck the three grunts standing there, sliding them back on their feet along with their Pokémon. Twilight and Spike stepped around Lillie on either side to observe the spectacle as Lillie’s Starmie continued its snowstorm. Finally, the Starmie quickly stopped, unable to sustain the attack. The three grunts looked out to find their Pokémon buried in the snow, the only one among them able to move being the bald grunt’s Oranguru, the other two still and lazy-eyed. The ponytailed grunt and mahogany-haired grunt returned their fainted Kadabra and Oricorio into their balls. As the Oranguru charged out from the mound of snow that had been made, the bald grunt behind her seethed with fury. “You still have me! And you’re not getting out of this easily!” Lillie then saw as the Oranguru crossed its wrists before its face, a spark lighting its body aglow. Lillie, Twilight, and Spike turned around fearfully to see the bald grunt put his arms down and cross them back out. He then held his hands up and threw his upper body forward, letting it and his arms hang down. He then raised his wrists and his body back up as if picked up by a phantom marionette before pushing his body and arms forward, shouting out for good measure. His red Z-Power arced over Lillie, Twilight, and Spike from his body into his Oranguru’s, enfusing him with the dark energy. The three of them turned back to the Oranguru, who ground a fist into his palm threateningly. “You actually came close at the end there,” the bald grunt said. “I’ll be man enough to admit that I’m impressed. But you got your free hit. Now, I’m the one who gets to end this. Now go, Oranguru! Finish Starmie with Black Hole Eclipse!” “Black hole?!” Twilight and Spike both shouted. Oranguru formed a triangle with the spaces between his index fingers and thumbs, a pure black sphere forming and expanding there. Just before it the sphere could reach the borders of the finger frame, Oranguru threw its arms out, sending its creation out over Starmie, where it began to expand even more quickly and a sudden sensation of pulling was felt by all present. “Are you crazy?!” Twilight shrieked out toward the bald grunt. “You seriously made a black hole?” “You’ll be fine," the grunt responded. "Just watch.” Lillie saw as her Starmie, along with chunks of the path and the ground around them, began to get sucked in, fighting it as well as it could. “Starmie, just hold on! Let me think!” Starmie shook its body in frustration, losing inches with each second. Lillie breathed heavily and put her hands over her heart nervously. At once, she thought of something. “Starmie! Slingshot around the black hole and use Swift!” The bald grunt gasped at the absurd order. Starmie stopped struggling, letting the gravity of the black hole throw itself towards it. It then shifted to the side of it and resumed to push away, forming a tight orbit around the hole before it swung around and down at the Oranguru. “No way!” the bald grunt spat. With its gem glowing, Starmie shot a barrage of bright star-shaped rays that torrented down on Oranguru, who held its arm up in a futile attempt to shield itself. Stray stars landed on the ground, blasting dirt all around that was quickly pulled into the black hole before it began to quickly deform and fall apart, Oranguru unable to hold its form. Once the last of the Z-Move had disappeared, Oranguru’s sparkling arm limply fell to its side as it tipped over and fell on its stomach, no longer able to battle. “No…” The bald grunt held his Pokémon’s ball with a trembling hand, the red beam bringing it back inside. The three grunts before Lillie were also stunned by her strength, unable to move a muscle as she and her Starmie glared them down. “Wow…” Twilight’s breathing began to calm down. “Very nice job, Lillie.” Lillie turned back to the bald grunt, making her way towards him up the stairs with Starmie floating by her side and Twilight and Spike quick to tag along. “Let us through. Now!” The bald grunt, looking fearful, appeared to see something over Lillie’s shoulder, smiling as he realized what it was. Lillie, Twilight, and Spike didn’t know what he could be seeing that would make him grin like he was, only to hear a familiar chime of a Z-Ring’s activation. Turning back, they saw with immediate fear as a fifth, sixth, and seventh grunt stood where the other three did. The fifth and center grunt, a young man with a long head and spiky-black hair, stood beside his Kadabra, throwing his crossed arms to his side and crossing them back out. He and his Kadabra then twisted to the right and reached their arms as far to the right as they could. Twisting back to the left, they then knelt slightly on their left knees and bent their arms so they formed the shape of a lightning bolt. As Lillie gasped, seeing the yellow gem in his Z-Ring, the grunt’s Z-Power shot out from him and went into his Kadabra. “You thought you had us.” The bald grunt went unnoticed by Lillie, Twilight, and Spike. “Like we’d let a single trainer make fools of us.” Twilight glanced behind her. “You faced us seven on one, and you want to pretend that you all aren’t a bunch of fools?” “Regardless, with this attack, your protector will be down to her last Pokémon, and you two will be ours!” “Damn straight!” The spiky haired grunt threw his arm out. “Kadabra, attack her Starmie with Gigavolt Havoc!” Kadabra pushed against the bottom of the bowl of his spoon, which it aimed at Starmie and Lillie. The spoon began to glow yellow with sparks of plasma racing along it as a spear made of lightning began to recede out from the inside of the bowl. Starmie, sensing the danger, leapt out and soared at the Kadabra, surprising Twilight and Spike. Kadabra then pushed his hand and the spoon forward, sending the sparking lightning bolt at the fast-approaching Starmie. Upon colliding, the bolt exploded into a mushroom cloud of thousands of smaller sparks and volts that Starmie was trapped inside. Lillie could only stare blankly as it saw Starmie violently tremor inside the explosion before the electricity began to fizzle out. Even before the last of the sparks could disappear, Starmie, the light in its gem completely dead, fell to the ground and clattered on the hard dirt path. “Nice one!” A female grunt with medium-length, ice blonde hair reached out and gave the narrow-headed grunt a high-five, followed by another from his comrade, a fatter tan-skinned man with short, curly brown hair, on his other side. Neither of them seemed to care as Kadabra tensed all of its muscles and clutched its stomach as the sparks of the Z-Power took its toll on it, something Twilight found incredibly disturbing. Lillie trembled as she returned Starmie inside her ball, bowing her head in despair. “Lillie!” Twilight’s voice didn’t appear to stir Lillie out of her slump. “You said you have another Pokémon! Send it out!” As the six other grunts and the Kadabra began to approach him and Twilght, Spike began pulling on Lillie’s coat anxiously. “Hurry, Lillie! They’re coming!” Lillie put her hand on her last Poké Ball, and the grunts all stopped their advance. Lillie stared them in the eyes, gripping her ball tighter. At this rate, she knew victory was impossible, and all she could do now was to keep the grunts at bay before they realized she could not send her last Pokémon out. The bald grunt, reading Lillie’s bluff, began to walk down the stairs, going at a tauntingly trepid pace toward Twilight and Spike, who turned to keep their eyes on him. Twilight whined as she tried to charge her horn, only for it to short out each time. “Lillie!!” She shut her eyes tight, unsure what to do now. “First Impression!” Instantly recognizing the voice, Lillie shot her eyes open right as the sound of a Poké Ball popping open sounded far off behind the other six grunts. Appearing from it and leaping over the grunts and the Kadabra was a Golisopod. Landing before the Kadabra, it turned to face it and swung its right claws into its ribs at an unfathomable speed, sending it flying and blasting into a rock wall. Spike breathed in hard and beamed, ecstatic over who he realized was saving them. The six grunts looked to see Kadabra stuck inside it, clearly with no strength to remove itself or continue fighting. “Hey!” The six grunts heard the voice again behind them, turning and parting to reveal Guzma standing there with his arms crossed and his posture slouched. “Perhaps you forgot that raising hell around these parts is my job!” “Guzma!” Spike and Twilight cried happily. The fat grunt and the ice-blonde grunt each took out their Poké Balls. “Stupid geezer!” the fat grunt hissed. “Let’s go, Hypno!” “Let’s do this, Metang!” From each of their balls, a Hypno and Metang emerged from them at the same time, both facing a quite eager Golisopod. Guzma smirked. “You know, you’re not the only ones who brought their own posse!” “Huh?” There really appeared to be no one else around him. “Phantom Force!” Twilight’s eyes shot open at the other familiar voice, but was surprised once again when a thin purple portal appeared directly behind Hypno, a large brown, rusty anchor and a wooden-and-gold ship’s wheel held together by seaweed shot out of it, striking Hypno in the back of the head and throwing it onto its stomach. Lillie, Twilight, Spike, and each grunt were so preoccupied by the anthropomorphic anchor that they only realized its trainer was standing beside Guzma when it flew back to her, staring at them all with its single compass eye. Twilight could instantly recognize her from her buzzed hair. “Acerola!” “That’s not all!” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle over this new, helpful voice. “Reuniclus, use Shadow Ball!” Twilight and Spike saw as Professor Burnet leapt down to the westbound path from a ledge in the rock with her Pokémon floating beside her. Forming a dark, purple orb in its hands, Burnet’s Reuniclus shot it out into the Metang, sending it flying into its trainer, both knocked out cold from their hits. The bald grunt looked out nervously as Guzma, Acerola, and Burnet kept his other comrades at bay while Lillie, Twilight, and Spike suddenly had the courage to face him once again. “Are there any more?” Twilight aimed her horn at the grunt, which began to light up back to life. He threw his arms up. “N– N… No!” “Good…” Lillie detached her last Poké Ball. “I’ve done a lot of talking today, but I’ll be glad to fit a little bit more of my time for you.” As the three of them stepped towards the bald grunt, an Alakazam suddenly appeared beside him, grabbing his arm and whisking him and itself away in a quick flash of light. “What?” Lillie turned back and ran down the stairs to see the bald grunt and the Alakazam with the other six grunts and their fainted Pokémon, though a fully robed and hooded figure stood between her and Twilight and Spike. As they looked in each other eyes, a larger, slower flash of light enveloped the entire group from Alakazam’s spoons before they all vanished with it, leaving no trace of them save for the remnants of the battle they left behind. Lillie, Twilight and Spike ran out to where they stood, unsure if their eyes tricked them or they were hiding someplace, looking out in all directions, panting heavily. “Lillie, Lillie, relax!” Guzma stepped forward and fanned the air at her in a calming motion. “I think they’re done for the night.” Nonetheless, they continued looking for a few more moments before they accepted that they were gone. Lillie sunk to her knees and dug the bases of her hands into them, breathing heavily. Twilight’s breathing also got heavy as she struggled to keep from crying. Acerola, Guzma, and Burnet all returned their Pokémon, then turning to see the fragile state of the ones they had barely managed to save. “Oh man, are you guys okay?!” Acerola ran forward to her friends, weaving around Guzma close enough to nearly check him to the ground. Twilight, seeing her come close, mustered the strength to get up onto her hind legs and let Acerola catch her and give her a hug that she so badly needed right now. Acerola could hear and feel Twilight’s sobs escaping her mouth and eyes and heaving out from her lungs. “Shh. It’s okay, we’re here now.” Guzma then approached Spike, who stood by Lillie’s side as she continued calming herself, kneeling to his level. “You good?” Spike stepped to Guzma and fell tiredly into his chest, Guzma grabbing hold of him and standing up to let Spike hug onto his neck. “Yep. You’re good.” Burnet walked up to Lillie, whose breaths were more controlled and silent. “Need a hand?” Lillie looked up to see Burnet offering both hands to her, taking only one of them with her right and letting her pull her up before she wiped her eyes and nose with the sleeve of her coat. “What in God’s name were you even doing out here with them this late at night?” Twilight stepped around Acerola and came up to Burnet, her eyes still wet and irritated. “Please, she’s not at fault here! I am.” Burnet looked rather amazed. “Twilight…” “I wanted to run away to Akala Island where my other friends are, and Lillie only agreed to come with so that we wouldn’t be attacked by Prism if they… well.” “How did you even get to us?” Lillie wondered. “My Ride Pager and Pokédex were both fried by one of their Kadabra’s Thunder Waves.” “Well, you see…” Burnet pointed out to the east, waiting for Twilight and Lillie to follow her finger’s direction. “There’s a motel not too far from here, but I could hear your battle all the way from there. Knowing the House was over there and fearing the worst, I immediately called Acerola, Guzma, and Nanu to help.” Lillie sighed with relief. “Well, I’m very happy that you did. Thank you, Burnet.” Burnet, suddenly suspicious, picked up Lillie’s left arm, feeling a slight tingle coming from the top of her hand. “Oh, Lillie, did that Thunder Wave get you too?” “Oh… only my hand…” “Let’s get back inside and fix this up, though I can probably think of a dozen more reasons why we shouldn’t be staying out here.” Burnet escorted Lillie back toward the Aether House with Twilight and Spike following alongside, Guzma and Acerola tagging behind them. As they went up the stairs, Twilight tilted her head to Lillie, getting her attention. “Hey, for what it was worth… you did very well back there. Thank you, Lillie.” As badly as Lillie wanted to admit her incompetence, she could not bear to let Twilight’s thoughtful praises go to waste, smiling back to her instead. Upon reaching the door, Lillie typed in the passcode on the keypad, opening it and allowing the six of them back inside where it would be safe again. > Chapter 35 – Southside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladion and his Lucario rode on his Charizard’s back as they flew west over the seas along the southeastern coast of the island. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew alongside each other with Comfey clung to the former’s neck. Lady rode on Starlight’s back as she kept herself, along with Alice, Sam, and Pinkie Pie beside her airborne with her magic. Sam's arms shook fearfully as his body was carried high over the rocks and trees far below him, a contrast to his sister, who calmly felt the winds roll over and underneath her as they both followed Gladion to the entrance to the Ruins of Life just a little more to the east. “This sure beats walking!” Pinkie Pie corkscrewed around as she let out a jubilant “woohoo.” “If you say so!” Sam screamed out. “What’s the matter, Sam?” Rainbow Dash flew to his side, nudging him in his tensed-tight stomach. “Haven’t you ever flown before?” “Not like this I haven’t!” “Well, don’t worry. We’re almost there!” Gladion and his Charizard descended down over the water and arced back up alongside the cliffs. As the ponies and their friends followed in the same path, Sam yelled in terror while Alice and Pinkie Pie did so in glee. Going above the edge of the cliff, Gladion’s Charizard threw its wings open, stopping their ascent and making a short glide to the ground to allow him and Lucario to dismount. The ponies and their friends followed suit and landed beside the red dragon in roughly the same fashion before Gladion returned it into its ball and returned it to his Ride Pager. Upon being set back on his feet and having Starlight remove her magic from him, Sam bent over, his hands supported on his knees, taking in deep breaths through his mouth, getting Fluttershy’s attention. “Oh, Sam! You’re not having a heart attack, are you?” “No… no, no…” Sam’s exhales were hard, making his speech short. “Just never… experienced… something like that… before.” He began standing straight. “It was actually… pretty neat.” “Pretty neat?” Rainbow Dash sounded offended. “That was flight camp stuff compared to what I like to do, ya’ lightweight!” “Rainbow Dash!” Starlight barked. “Quit teasing him already!” “Sheesh! Can’t these humans take a joke?” “Everyone except my brother,” Alice quickly quipped. “Save your jokes,” Gladion interrupted. “We’re here.” The humans, ponies, and Pokémon alike looked up to see the entrance to the Ruins of Life before them in sudden reverence and respect, the presence of the guardian palpable from where they stood. “Wow…” Rainbow Dash stepped forward, looking into the dark cavernous tunnel leading inside but finding no sign of her friends. “Applejack! Rarity!” Alice ran up to join the pegasus. “Starlight and Fluttershy are here too! Come on out, already!” There was no response from inside, prompting Lucario to press its paw into the horn in its chest, the appendages on its head raising up to sense the area. The only thing it could observe other than the other humans, ponies, and Pokémon around it was a large shape floating inside towards the exit, making it gasp and drop its arms in fear. Gladion turned to look to his Pokémon, but then quickly noticed the shape of Tapu Lele emerge outside, forcing him to take a step back. Rainbow Dash and Alice both yelped and leapt back as the island guardian became more defined in the sunlight. Sam and Pinkie Pie, alerted by their scream, turned to face Tapu Lele as it came inquisitively to them, its very appearance freezing their nerves and muscles solid. Starlight and Fluttershy however, felt compelled to walk towards it, their Pokémon following alongside them. “Another Tapu?” Alice hushed to herself and only herself. The guardian and two ponies stopped a foot or so from each other, each one transfixed on each other’s eyes. Alice and Rainbow Dash crept back beside Gladion. “What is that thing?” Rainbow Dash asked him as quietly as possible. “Tapu Lele,” he answered. “The guardian of Akala Island.” “Guardian? So does that mean…” Tapu Lele's eyes closed in happiness as it dove forward and grabbed the ponies before it, placing them in a tight hug that left Fluttershy as paralyzed as Sam was. “It’s friendly!” Pinkie Pie left Sam’s side and hopped excitedly over to the strange new creature. Though Gladion reached out to Pinkie Pie to call her back, Tapu Lele already pulled its arms out to make a space for Pinkie Pie to jump into and fit in with their embrace. Alice couldn’t help but notice the stunned look on Rainbow Dash’s face as her other three friends were lovingly received by this “guardian.” “I’m guessing you didn’t meet the guardian of the island you landed on?” “N– No!” Rainbow Dash’s squawk came out unintentionally loud. “I mean, Pinkie Pie and I woke up on a beach and we both flew away the second we got our bearings.” “Hmmm.” Gladion watched as Tapu Lele put all three ponies down to face it. “Poor Fini…” Fluttershy, looking far more comfortable with her new friend, looked up into its eyes. “Excuse me, Ms.…” Rainbow Dash cupped a hoof around the corner of her mouth. “Tapu Lele, I guess!” “Oh… Tapu Lele! My apologies.” It threw its arms open as a sign of forgiveness. “Our friends and I believe that two of our other friends are in that cavern you just came out of. If we could go in to see them, that would be most wonderful!” Tapu Lele hugged its chest with one arm and stroked its chin with the hand on the other, figuring out how to answer this request. The light in Gladion’s eyes dimmed. “They aren’t here, are they?” “What?” Sam and Alice cried out in unison. Not paying attention to them, Tapu Lele turned to the west and pointed her arm in that direction, looking back at them with hope that it was enough of an explanation. “Are you saying our friends are… that way?” Starlight’s question was met with enthusiastic nodding from the guardian. “And… what is that way?” Gladion put his hand to his forehead and supported his elbow with the other arm in thought. “My guess is that Olivia brought them both back to Konikoni City sometime between now and yesterday afternoon.” Tapu Lele clapped, both confirming and congratulating his deduction. “So…” Pinkie Pie wondered. “Does that mean…?” “Yep!” Sam loudly spat with sarcastic gusto. “More flying!” “Yippee!” Tapu Lele quickly waved its hands with as much of a distressed expression as its eyes could muster, redirecting all attention towards it. It then swung its arms out and clasped its hands before swinging her joined hands up and then down in an arc to the right and letting them go at the end of the point. “What do you think that meant?” Rainbow Dash looked to her other three friends. Gladion stepped forward. “I appreciate the offer, Tapu Lele, but I must respectfully decline for the safety of these ponies, namely the unicorn.” Tapu Lele leaned back in surprise, the other ponies turning to him. “Huh?” Fluttershy spoke up. “Why’s that?” “Promise not to freak out, but Tapu Lele is a Psychic-type Pokémon.” Though this news was a shock to everyone, the ponies, as well as Sam and Alice, all kept silent. “It was probably offering to teleport us to Konikoni to save us the journey there, but doing so could have disastrous effects on Starlight here.” “That does make sense…” Starlight looked away with slight shame. “No matter. A flight to Konikoni should take no more than twenty minutes. Let’s get moving.” Starlight bit her lip as she watched Gladion pull out his Ride Pager and scroll through it. As his Charizard’s ball was warped into the top slot, she ran to face him before he could toss the ball out. “No, wait! I… I think I can handle it.” Gladion set his arm with the Poké Ball down. “Handle what? You’re seriously not considering teleporting to Konikoni, are you?” “I’ve been training myself to withstand a Psychic-type move’s influence on my magic. Even in the worst case scenario, I’ll be without my magic, but we’ll be close enough to a city where Team Prism wouldn’t attack us. Not to mention, Sam won’t have to fly there.” Starlight’s cheeky glance back to him elicited snickering from Rainbow Dash, Sam merely rolling his eyes in annoyance. Gladion sighed. “If you’re really up to it…” “I think we’ll be fine. Now come on! Let’s find more of our friends!” “Okay… Everyone, gather close.” Everyone moved into a snug grouping, Pinkie Pie holding Alice and Gladion’s hands excitedly as she awaited their fast travels. “Tapu Lele, whenever you’re ready.” Tapu Lele floated to face the group and held her hands out which began to glow brightly. Starlight began charging her horn as the area surrounding her and her friends became bright. When everything became blinding white, the light quickly dimmed down, revealing themselves at the edge of another coast but now facing more land to the east and a northward bend just up ahead of them. Everyone took several looks around at their new surroundings, with Gladion being the first to walk to the northern bend. The others were quick to follow him turning up to see a large seaside town just up ahead past an oriental gate separating the dirt path from the brick roads. “Oooh!” Pinkie Pie stepped beside Gladion to get a better look. “That’s where this Olivia lives?” “Yes.” “You don’t think she’s hiding them somewhere here, do you?” Starlight asked. Gladion shook his head. “Not exactly. Come.” Gladion walked towards the city, leading Pinkie Pie and the others to follow. As he reached the city limits, he returned his Lucario into its ball, having served its purpose. Gladion and his group came up to Olivia’s jewelry shop, the ponies unable shake off the interested stares they received from the mercifully few locals and tourists alike that were out. “Oh, wow!” A little girl pointed at them as she passed them sitting on her father’s shoulders. “There’s more of them!” While the others tried to brush the attention off, Pinkie Pie snuck a cheerful wave to the girl, which she was happy to return. “Why do they keep talking about us like that?” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “I’m not sure, but we’ll be safer here.” Gladion stepped up to the door and gave the handle a tug, but it wouldn’t budge. Looking at his Pokédex and booting it up, he saw that it was just before 8:00 in the morning. “Figures…” “Closed?” Sam asked, walking up. “Most stores this time of day are.” Alice reached forward and began tugging on the handle, producing a series of soft, but repetitive bangs against the door jamb. “What are you doing?” “If Applejack and Rarity are in here,” she explained, “there’s no way anyone would leave them home alone like that, even if they are in a populated area. So let’s just…” It only took a few more seconds of repeated pullings before Carly’s voice snapped behind the door. “I’m sorry, but we don’t open for another couple of hours!” “Are Applejack and Rarity home?” Alice asked in her most cloying and saccharine voice she could make. “I don’t have to answer that! Now please leave!” Sam stepped so close to the door his lips grazed against the wood as he talked. “But what if we have their friends with us?” A period of silence. Sam and Gladion stepped back as they heard footsteps behind the door coming toward them and the sound of a deadbolt turning and the chainlock running off the slider. Finally, Carly opened the door a crack, forcing Alice to step back as well. “Listen here, you better not be ly…” Her voice trailed off and her peevish frown melted into one of calm and pleasant surprise as Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, Comfey, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all looked to her inquisitively behind their human friends. Carly stood halfway concealed by the doorway in awkward silence as she looked over the four equine visitors standing outside the shop. At one point, Sam leaned forwards and put his arms up as if asking the shopkeeper what the holdup was. Rarity and Applejack slept soundly in Olivia’s bed when they were both stirred awake by the sound of knocking at the door to the flat. The first to sit up was Applejack, whose mane was a mess that waved in random directions. “Olivia,” she moaned, “I thought I told you we wanted to sleep in.” “How can you be sleeping in when your friends are here to see you!” Applejack’s voice caught in her throat to hear Pinkie Pie behind the door while an equally messy-haired Rarity, also having heard it, shot awake and yanked her sleep mask off her eyes, both turning to face the door. “Uh… come in?” The door came open, followed by a gallop of hooves as Pinkie Pie rounded the corner and to the two ponies she recognized. “APPLEJACK!” “Pinkie Pie!” Applejack caught her ecstatic friend as she dove into her arms. “It’s really you!” “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash zipped through the door and threw her arms around both Applejack and Rarity’s necks! “I still can’t believe you’re here!” Rarity coughed out a couple of laughs as she was strangled by her friend’s embrace. “The feelings… mutual, darling!” Fluttershy and Starlight came in next, both darting for the orange earth pony and white unicorn as they continued to be smothered by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “Applejack! Rarity!” “You too!?” Applejack threw her arms out as wide as her body could allow, leaving room for the other two to come in, Rarity leaning in and hugging tight to Fluttershy as they all wept and laughed at their safe reunion. “I can’t believe this!” Sam, Alice, Lady, Comfey, and Gladion all entered the room, followed shortly after by Carly, who couldn’t believe her eyes to see six of the ponies reunited under one roof. “I…” She couldn’t look away from the heartwarming sight. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much!” “It was a pleasure,” Alice said. “Really,” Sam added, “nothing makes us happier to do this than when we get to see this.” Starlight broke her glances with her friends to peer at the humans standing near the doorway, pulling away off the bed and motioning her hoof to them. “Applejack, Rarity, I’d really like you to meet our close friends who helped bring us here. This is Sam, Alice, and Gladion.” Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pinkie Pie all got off the bed to let Applejack and Rarity both approach the three humans. Applejack reached her hooves up to shake Sam’s hand with him. “Howdy, Sam. I’m mighty grateful for you helping find all our friends. Any friend to them is sure as sugar a friend of mine!” “Well, I mean, I wasn’t alone…” Rarity placed her hoof in Alice’s palm, allowing her to gently shake it. “I do wish I could have bathed before our introductions, but I’m charmed nonetheless. Thank you for all you’ve done for them, darling.” “You’re very welcome, milady.” Alice’s remark and small curtsy made Rarity giggle into forgetting her bed-disheveled appearance. Both Lady and Comfey went around Gladion and took a close and inquisitive look at the new ponies greeting their human companions, Rarity audibly gasping once she noticed them. “Oh! Are these your Pokémon? How delightful!” “Thanks,” Starlight spoke in, “but those are mine and Fluttershy’s.” “Yours and…” Rarity’s mouth widened in realization. Starlight stood beside Lady and slung her arm over her back and stroked her with her hoof. “Rarity this is Lady. I, well… I found her a couple days ago and she decided to come along with me.” “Oh yes!” Fluttershy was quick to join Comfey’s side, getting Rarity’s attention. “Rarity. This is Comfey. She joined along with us yesterday and has been a tremendous help so far!” Rarity reached her hoof forwards and gently scratched the side of Comfey’s head with her hoof, its clamped shut eyes and the chirps that came from its open mouth indicating its enjoyment. “Other than looking like a parasprite, she’s certainly quite adorable.” As Lady came forward to receive similar affection from Rarity, Applejack faced Gladion as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie joined her sides. “And I assume this tall drink of water is Gladion?” Applejack asked her friends. “Yep!” Rainbow Dash flew beside Gladion and put her hoof on his shoulder. “We kind of had a rocky start when we first met, but he’s proven himself to be a totally awesome friend to us!” “I really wish you wouldn’t mention that…” Gladion softly muttered, his head nervously sinking toward his chest. “Oh, come on, Gladion, put ‘er there!” Applejack reached forward and grabbed his hand with both hooves, making him wince with the pressure she applied to it. “I certainly can’t properly thank you for helping out our friends with you acting all aloof and all!” Unable to tolerate the crushing feeling in his hand, Gladion quickly pulled it away and gave it a few flexes. “Strong grip. And you have no need to thank me. I’m simply doing my job.” “Job?” Applejack asked with minor suspicion. “What kind of job would that be?” Alice and Sam came up to them with the other three ponies and Pokémon beside them. “We have some time to catch you guys up to speed,” Alice said. “Where is Olivia right now?” “She’s shopping for grub right now,” Applejack replied, her face slowly softening into a smile. “She hasn’t been out for long, so yeah, I’d like to hear about all y’all and your travels.” “Well, I mean, let’s find somewhere to sit.” Sam made his way to the couch where the Stufful walked across the cushions and let out a loud-pitched yawn at it, throwing Sam up in the air as he shouted in shock. “Oh yes!” Rarity chortled. “Let me introduce you to Stufful.” Fluttershy passed Sam as she trotted up to the bear first, letting it sniff her before she gave it a loving, gentle hug to her face. Carly seeing as the group started getting settled, let out a sigh and nod and returned downstairs, closing the door behind her. Olivia kicked the bottom of the door, prompting Carly to run from around the counter and push the door open just enough for Olivia to open it all the way with her foot. Two large paper bags of groceries were clutched in her arms as she struggled to get herself and her food inside. Carly stood beside the stairs as Olivia made her way to them. “Do you need any help with that?” “As much as I do,” she grunted, already taking her first steps up, “I just need you to keep an eye on the store until I put these all away. I sure hope they’re still not sleeping.” “The ponies?” Carly asked. “They shouldn’t be. Some visitors came to see them and– ” “Visitors? You… you didn’t let them in, did you?” Carly kept a brave face as she tried to explain herself. “Olivia, it was–” “God dammit!” Olivia ran up the stairs two at a time, panting in sheer anxiety over Applejack and Rarity’s fates and safety. Reaching the top, she dropped both bags and threw the door open, quickly scanning the room for the intruders. Her eyes suddenly spotted Applejack and Rarity turning to her from in front of the couch, only to be met with the eyes of the other four ponies sitting beside them, not even paying any mind to Sam, Alice, Gladion, Lady, and Comfey on the couch as they also looked to her. Olivia, her breathing slowing, hung her head down and put a hand over her eyes, sobbing loudly into them. “Oh, thank God…” “Olivia, darling?” Rarity wondered as she and Applejack approached her. “Are you alright?” She picked her head back up and wiped both eyes with her thumb, both ponies relieved to see a wide smile stretch across her face. “Yes, Rarity. I’m quite more than alright.” The other ponies got up from their spots and walked up to Olivia, who sunk to her knees to look at them from eye level, her grin quivering back into pure disbelief. Pinkie Pie approached her closer. “You’re Olivia? You’re the human who’s been looking out after my Applejack and Rarity?” Olivia mustered a couple of nods, permitting Pinkie Pie to ram onto her and throw her arms around her neck, resting her head on her shoulder. “Then you shouldn’t be sad! You should be happy for what you’ve done. Thank you so much, Olivia! Thank you!” “Oh, sweetie…” Olivia slid her arms over Pinkie Pie’s back and pulled her closer to her, soaking her coat with her tears. “You have no idea how happy I am right now!” “Oh, good! That’s what I like to hear.” Applejack then turned to face her other friends. “Gals, this is Olivia. She’s been… keeping us safe here since we got here.” Olivia pulled herself from Pinkie Pie to get a good look at her face. “I’m sorry, I’m so wrapped up in myself and I didn’t even get your name.” “Oh, me?” she giggled. “Well, I’m Pinkie Pie! And my other friends are Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, and Rainbow Dash!” Olivia stood and got herself a good look at the six ponies surrounding her. “Yes. I’m so very glad to meet all of you.” She then looked to the humans sitting at the couch with Starlight and Fluttershy’s Pokémon. “And please forgive me, who do I have the pleasure of talking to… except Gladion, of course. How are you, sweetie?” “Doing peachy…” Gladion stayed in his seat while Alice and Sam walked up to greet her. “Hey,” Alice reached forward to shake her hand. “I’m Alice.” “And I’m her brother Sam,” he quickly said. “We found Starlight and Fluttershy there.” Olivia turned to shake Sam’s hand. “Well, what an interesting bonding experience for the two of you then.” “You can sure say that,” Alice responded with a single-shoulder shrug. After a small length of time, Olivia pulled her hand away and crossed her arms. “And I suppose you’re here to take them off my hands?” “Not exactly,” Gladion stood up from the couch. “There’s two more of these guys that we need, and they’re being held at the Aether House as we speak.” “Well, at least they’re in good hands.” Gladion huffed ruefully. “I thought they were at least.” All eyes were on him now, unsure what he meant with his ominous statement. “I heard last night that Aether House was under attack by Team Prism.” Gladion’s eyes went to Rarity and Applejack, who erupted into the same gasps of fear and worry that befell her other four friends. He then looked to Olivia, having seen enough. “Though it seems you’ve already run into them, haven’t you?” “What?” Olivia was out of breath. “How did–” “If you haven’t meet them already, I doubt those ponies you’ve been with would have had nearly the same kind of reaction as their friends. Tell me. Was there anything we should know?” Olivia bit her lip, knowing it had to be said. “It was Dexio.” Gladion gasped and took a fearful step back. “You must be joking! There’s no way he of all–” “It was, and it gets worse!” Pinkie Pie leaned to Applejack’s ear. “Who’s this Dexio guy, and why should we be scared for our lives about him?” “He was friend of Olivia’s,” she responded. “I reckon he was a friend of your friend too.” “Wow, that’s like… four layers of betrayal!” Olivia began talking. “Not only did he have the ability to wield Z-Power, but–” “He used it with Mega Evolution too, right?” Gladion’s eyes revealed a subtle queasiness to them. “Mega Evolution?” Sam and Alice both shouted loudly. “You know about it?” Olivia wondered. “We’re from Kalos,” Alice explained. “It’s kind of our region’s bread and butter.” “I see. And you were still planning on taking the ponies with you?” Gladion nodded. “We had hoped that we could escort the other two from the House to here and we could try and work on sending them back home from there, but in light of the attack over there, it would be safer if the eleven of us made our way there altogether.” “I’m sorry, but… I can’t let you go!” “What?!” everyone but Olivia and the Pokémon shouted at once. “Gladion, I know how strong you are, but do you think that Team Prism won’t pull all the stops against you knowing you’re only two ponies away from being able to send them home?” “Hey!” Sam yelled, pointing to himself and his sister. “What about us?” “I don’t know you two! As the Kahuna, I would never live with myself if I sent two young trainers off to a battle that they couldn’t possibly win!” “Dammit. Gladion, how strong exactly is this Dexio?” “Enough to beat me at my best!” Olivia interrupted, almost shrieking. Rarity and Applejack hung their heads down, saddened by the bitter memory. “Yes,” Olivia breathed in, “Dexio is already a fearsome opponent, but with a Z-Ring to boot…” Olivia turned away and stood by the door. “I’m sorry. I just can’t let you leave yet–” “We have to!” Sam cried out as he stepped forwards. “We’ve come all this way–” “Boy, I wasn’t done talking, just wait until I’ve finished.” Sam backed away, leaving the silence for Olivia to break. “The only way I’ll let you all leave for Ula’ula Island is for you and your sister there to defeat me in a Pokémon battle.” Sam and Alice looked to each other, unable to believe the coincidence. “Are you serious?” Alice replied. “Deadly. Serious. I lost to Dexio then, and I certainly don’t think I’ll rest easy at night with you and the ponies out there unless I know you can beat me in a battle for certain. So, do you accept?” The ponies looked to Alice and Sam, who were both surprised to see them rather nonchalant about the challenge set for them. Alice spoke while scratching the back of her neck. “Well, we did already complete all the Akala trials…” Olivia, realizing what this meant, smirked. “So, this will be a Grand Trial battle for both of you then?” Sam shrugged. “I suppose so.” “Very good.” She reached for the door and began to open it. “Go to a Pokémon Center if you need and do what you need to do and meet me at the lighthouse. I don’t want to wait for very long.” Olivia stepped outside her flat and left the door open as she left the six ponies, three humans, and three Pokémon stunned silent as they contemplated her parting words. Coming down the stairs, she made her way to the exit, not even looking at Carly as she made the final preparations for the next day of sale. “I’m leaving the store to you for a few hours.” Olivia put her hand on the handle of the door, suddenly turning back to face her shopkeeper. “You can manage, right?” “Uh, yes!” Carly frantically opened the register. “Just gotta’ count out the cash and we’ll be set!” Olivia nodded without another word and pushed the door open, briskly walking down the street to the eastern part of the town. > Chapter 36 – Color and Clarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olivia stood on the eastern side of a large stone court with traditional paintwork drawn over its surface, the surface battered and cracked with the battles held on it. To her right was a pristine, towering lighthouse perched at the edge of a cliff facing the north. Keeping her eyes to the stairway and the small abundance of trees separating the city from her battleground across from her, she finally relaxed the uptight crossing of her arms as she noticed Alice, Sam, and Gladion come up the steps with the ponies and Lady and Comfey following close behind them, Rarity’s mane and tail neatly groomed and Applejack sporting her Stetson. “You finally arrived,” Olivia greeted. “Well,” Sam responded, “Rarity and Applejack wanted to bathe, and you left your groceries in a pile outside your door, so we needed a little time.” Olivia looked genuinely impressed at Sam and Alice. “I was almost certain that you ran off with them.” “It wasn’t as if we didn’t think of doing that,” Rainbow Dash responded. “I’m certain you did, but you understand why I asked this of you, do you not?” “Yeah,” Alice countered. “And right now, all we care about is getting our friends back home. Facing you for the Grand Trial is just a bonus.” Olivia hummed with contentment. “Well spoken, Alice. So, you want to do this right away, then? Which of you wants to go first?” “I will.” Alice already made her way to the edge of the court opposite Olivia. “You guys may want to go to another side so you don’t get in the way.” On her suggestion, Sam, Gladion, the ponies, Lady, and Comfey moved to the north side of the platform. However, upon getting there, Gladion gasped as she noticed Pinkie Pie hopping excitedly beside Olivia. Olivia jolted aside, stunned by her uncannily quick appearance. “Pinkie Pie! Aha… why don’t you go and join your friends over there?” Pinkie Pie stopped bouncing and walked across the court to join the rest of the group. “Alrighty then! I mean, she did say pick a side, and that is a side, so…” With the field clear and not a soul behind either trainer, Olivia and Alice felt more comfortable with beginning the battle, standing respectfully and resolutely before the other. “You may not see this as your Grand Trial,” Olivia began, “but nevertheless, I must ask you formally: are you ready to begin the trial?” Alice smiled back at her. “Yes. Let’s do this.” “Then let us begin!” Olivia detached an Ultra Ball from her belt and tossed it out. “Let’s get things rolling, Golem!” Olivia’s boulder Pokémon emerged from the ball and roared out to Alice in anticipation. Pinkie Pie was suddenly holding a small seismograph-device on her hoof that printed out a roll of paper with large zig-zagged lines over it. “Wowzers! They haven’t even started and her pun levels are already off the charts!” Alice smiled for what was in store as she removed her first Poké Ball and threw it out. “Let’s lay out the groundwork for this battle, Mudbray!” With Alice’s brown donkey popping out from its ball in a blob of white light, Pinkie Pie’s machine began to whine and shake in her hoof before a small burst and plume of smoke destroyed it. “Aww, you broke my punometer.” Pinkie Pie solemnly slid her now-useless device to the ground. “Why would she even have such a thing?” Sam questioned. “Don’t question it,” Applejack whispered from the corner of her mouth. “Okay…” He then turned back to the battle. “You got this Alice!” “Thanks bro,” Alice quietly said. “Mudbray, hit Golem with High Horsepower!” “High Horsepower?!” Sam shouted. Mudbray broke into a charge, shaking the very ground its hooves ran on. Golem looked ready to catch it as it approached. “Not that easy,” Olivia said to herself. “Golem, use Heavy Slam!” Golem crouched and then leapt up, prepared to land right when Mudbray was directly beneath it. “You got this, keep going!” Even with Alice’s words of encouragement, Mudbray continued forward right as Golem began coming down. Leaping up, Mudbray’s outstretched forelegs and head went directly at Golem’s head. With another push, Mudbray’s forehead smashed into Golem’s as it also pushed against its body with its two front hooves, throwing it back to Olivia. Golem’s slam also sent Mudbray back to Alice, where it tumbled painfully to the ground. A loud chorus of groans and “oohs” sounded from the ponies as Mudbray came to a stop. Golem, on the other hand, tucked its head and limbs in and rolled gracefully back upright before bringing them back in and standing at the ready. “Mudbray, you alright, girl?” Mudbray picked itself up, only to let out a loud screech when it tried standing on its front left hoof, making it buckle back down to its stomach. Sam and the ponies all gasped in horror. “Oh no, Mudbray!” Fluttershy whimpered. Alice began to take out Mudbray’s Poké Ball, making Olivia frown. “Mudbray, hold on, I’ll call you back–” Mudbray slid itself back up as it cried out in disapproval, careful to keep its left hoof elevated as it kept a brave, but faulty three-legged stance. The breaths of Sam and the ponies were all caught in their throats while Gladion crossed his arms nervously. Olivia’s steadfast grimace refused to leave her face. “It’s a shame too. Your Mudbray was perfect for this match, and it seems as though it can’t handle so much as a single Heavy Slam.” Alice bared her teeth, both angered at her and at her dire situation. “Do know that facing Dexio as you are now would result in certain defeat for you. Maybe you’re not ready yet. Golem, finish Mudbray with Heavy Slam!” Golem charged forwards as Mudbray dug its three usable hooves into the floor, forcing itself to not yield any ground. Alice then watched as Golem leapt up at them. “Mudbray, use Double Kick, now!” Mudbray spun itself around, and unable to keep its balance as it applied all of its weight to the right hoof, brought its left down. Mudbray whined as it reeled its legs back in, but held strong as it bucked them into the Golem’s face. With the added weight of Golem pushing into its legs and its forelegs, Mudbray cried out loudly again as its front left hoof seared all the way up its arm. Mudbray slid its legs away as Golem fell to its side before the donkey. As Golem rolled itself back to its trainer, Mudbray tried getting up again, ensuring that no part of its left foreleg touched the floor. As it stood, Alice couldn’t help but notice the wobbling in its legs as it tried holding still with its good front right hoof. Olivia frowned harder at the moans that Mudbray made with each panting breath. “Perhaps you should call it back now. I appreciate that it still wants to fight, but I won’t accept you abusing that poor thing just so you can win.” Alice looked at her Mudbray, who, sensing her stare, looked back to her, the squint in its eyes giving her a dire warning to not dare send it back. Sam, Gladion, and the ponies leaned in, wanting to see. Alice winced as she grabbed hold of her Poké Ball and held it up to aim. “I’m sorry, Mudbray, but ret–”. Mudbray was right in front of her and knocked the ball from her hand with its front left hoof, hissing as it did so, leaving Sam and the ponies stunned. “Mudbray…” Alice whined. “Look at you, you can’t–” A loud huff from Mudbray silenced her. “No, you don’t–” Another huff. “Please–” Huff. There was now an uncomfortable silence as Olivia and her Golem waited impatiently for Alice and Mudbray to settle their squabble. Finally, Alice looked calmly into her Pokémon’s eyes. “You want to keep going, girl?” Mudbray hopped up on its good hoof and let out a short whinny, a clear and nonnegotiable answer. Alice mustered a grin. “Well, then alright. Go get ‘em.” As Mudbray turned back to face Olivia and Golem, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began to cheer its fighting spirit. Fluttershy, enraptured by both Mudbray’s fierce stance and her friends’ support, couldn’t withhold it. “You can do it, Mudbray!” “Just a little more!” Starlight cried out. Lady and Comfey also stamped, clapped, and yowled their encouragement. Sam was also shaken from the shock he felt, compelled by the supportive air around him. “You got this!” Olivia, despite her opponent’s dire situation, smirked with the spirit she sensed in Alice and her Mudbray. “There's only a little more left. Golem, use Earthquake!” The cheers of Alice’s friends and brother suddenly stopped as the forked protrusion on Golem’s back began to sparkle with plasma. It then raised its arms up and brought them down onto the stone, creating a pulse that threw large slabs of broken stone out from the court, the wave of them threatening to crash into Mudbray and Alice. “Watch out!” Applejack shouted fearfully. “Don’t worry about us!” Alice threw her arm forward. “Mudbray, use Bulldoze!” With a loud shout, Mudbray galloped out towards the wave of rocks and dirt, creating a mud wave of its own as it charged. Plowing through the first crest, ignoring the violent rumbling beneath its feet, Mudbray picked up debris from Golem’s earthquake and carried it over with its attack, making both Olivia and Golem freeze up in fear. With Golem standing before her, Mudbray’s attack crashed into Golem and traveled safely past Olivia as Golem tried to hold its ground to avoid being pushed into her. Once Mudbray stopped in front of it, Golem tipped backwards and rested on its upper back, its arms and legs splayed over its rotund body. Olivia, realizing her Pokémon would no longer battle, breathed out as she pulled Golem’s ball from her belt and aimed it at it. “Good effort, Golem.” Sam and the ponies saw as Golem was brought back into the ball, cheering and whooping excitedly. “She won!” Pinkie Pie hopped high over her friends’ heads. “We can go see Twilight now!” Olivia couldn’t resist the urge to chuckle. “Hold your horses, Pinkie.” Pinkie Pie floated down slowly and hugged Rainbow Dash and Applejack close to her. “She may have beaten one of my pals, but I still have two more at the ready. Here comes part two.” She put Golem’s Ultra Ball back onto her belt and threw out another. “Your turn, Probopass!” Appearing from the energy inside the ball, Olivia’s stone head Pokémon landed onto the ground just a few inches from Mudbray, producing a loud and rumbly thud that forced Alice’s donkey to bound back. “It’s okay,” Alice shouted out. “You’re already close up! Use Double Kick!” Mudbray took a quick leap up and spun around, pulling its legs in, but Olivia was prepared. “Probopass, dodge it!” Rising up slightly above the ground, Probopass juked and turned to the right, watching as Mudbray’s back hooves grazed beneath its large nose. Olivia hummed with relief. “Now, finish it with Dazzling Gleam!” All three of Probopass’s smaller mini-heads converged before it so their tops were aimed at Mudbray, coming together in a triangular formation. Glowing brightly, the entire field was suddenly awash with bright whiteness with equally bright colorful beams blasting into Mudbray. With a pain riddled cry, Mudbray was hurled back at Alice, coming to a stop about a foot from her. Sam, Lady, Comfey, and the ponies all gasped in horror. “Mudbray!” Starlight and Fluttershy both screamed. Alice knelt down and pulled her Pokémon’s head up to look into its face. “Mudbray! Are you alright?” Mudbray’s mouth hung open with its tongue slung over the corner, its eyes facing in different directions. Alice hissed as she pulled out its ball from her belt and held it over her fainted Pokémon. “You’re such a brave, strong girl.” The red beam from the Poké Ball brought Mudbray inside of it. “Thank you.” She then stood on her feet and faced Olivia’s new Pokémon as it rested itself back onto the stone floor of the court. Alice grabbed a ball and threw it out without enough time to doubt her decision. “Let’s go, Rockruff!” Alice’s brown puppy leapt out of the energy that shot out of the open ball. Even with Probopass’s massive size, it didn’t seem to matter for Rockruff as it let out a few intimidating barks at it. “A Rock-type against a Steel-type,” Olivia muttered. “Poor thing. The rest of her Pokémon must all be weaker against mine.” Alice ignored Olivia, pointing out at her Pokemon. “Rockruff, use Rock Throw!” With a whip of its head, a shard of stone was slung out of Rockruff’s collar, striking the bridge of Probopass’s nose, making it wince and rub the spot with two of its mini-heads. “But her Pokémon are still very strong,” Olivia said to herself. “Even its Rock Throw…” Probopass floated back up as it finished massaging its nose, awaiting instruction. “Probopass, hit him with Earth Power!” Probopass settled back onto the ground and laid its mini-heads around it in a circle with equal distance between the three. The ground beneath Probopass began to glow hot red, and soon it also lit up under Rockruff, growing brighter and hotter. “Rockruff,” Alice shouted with a wild outward swing of her arm, “hurry and use Sand Attack!” Rockruff sprinted forwards away from the sweltering circle beneath it, avoiding a blast of lava that shot up out of the ground. The humans and ponies yelped and shielded their faces from the heat, Starlight instinctively putting up a magical barrier to deflect the stray pieces of the court that flew harmlessly over them. Rockruff spotted a patch of dirt leftover from the combined Earthquake and Bulldoze attack, diving forwards and pushing the mound up to whip up a cloud into Probopass’s face. The Pokémon shut its eyes and groaned loudly, trying to wipe them with its mini-heads to no avail. “Alright, that’s it, Alice!” Sam barked out with several loud claps. Gladion nodded. “Probopass is a difficult Pokémon to take down. Blinding it will certainly make Alice’s job easier.” Olivia grunted as she noticed her Pokémon’s failure to wipe its eyes clean. “Don’t worry about it, baby! Just use Sandstorm!” Probopass’s mini-heads began to orbit around itself, spinning faster and faster and picking up the dirt and sand from the ground to create a moderate twister that engulfed the court. “Wow…” Starlight was amazed, just barely able to make out the shapes of the trainers and their Pokémon inside the wall of sand. Alice squinted as she tried to spot Olivia and Probopass, suddenly noticing a large shape that could not be mistaken for anything else. “There! Use Bite on it!” Rockruff charged forward, also seeing the shape there. Leaping up at it, it was shocked to have found itself diving through a shadow cast on the sand, leaving it to frantically try and find what it failed to hit. “Earth Power!” Rockruff had no time to register Olivia’s voice as the ground beneath it lit up and grew unbearably warm Hearing the rumbling beneath it, Rockruff looked down, only to suddenly be blasted off its paws by the erupting rock and fire. The ponies yelled loudly upon hearing Rockruff’s yowl inside accompanied with the faint explosion of Probopass’s attack. “Oh, come on, how’s that fair?” Rainbow Dash spat. Gladion crossed his arms tighter. “Considering Rockruff’s Sand Attack partially blinded Probopass back then, I’d say this is Olivia’s way of evening the playing field.” Rockruff quickly rolled back to its paw and locked its eyes on the unmistakable form of Probopass slipping back into its sand curtain. Rockruff kept its eyes focused, sensing where it was hiding. “You found him?” Alice’s voice called out to be replied with Rockruff’s bark. “Okay, then. Let’s try Bite again!” Rockruff ran out, juking its body so as not to be seen as easily by its foe. Running through the storm, it suddenly spotted Probopass with its back turned to it. Barking twice at it, Probopass turned to face it, giving Rockruff a clear target. “Quick!” Olivia shouted. “Hit it with another Earth Power.” Setting itself and its mini-heads back down, Probopass charged another hot patch in the ground that blasted Rockruff’s shadow behind the winds as it came, producing another fiery explosion. Though the attack was fearsome to look at, even from outside the sandstorm, the humans and ponies were a bit perplexed by the absence of any sounds of pain or any indicator Rockruff was hit. “So…” Rainbow Dash peered her face closer to the edge of the sandstorm. “Did she get him?” Inside the storm, Olivia couldn’t tell if she could see Rockruff lying still before Probopass, but it wasn’t until she saw another shape slip past the top of her vision that she understood that Probopass’s attack missed. Rockruff ran around Probopass and led it to spin around and spot it. As soon as their eyes made contact, Rockruff leapt into Probopass and bit it on the bridge of its nose where it had hit it earlier. From Probopass’s booming yell from inside, Sam let out a shuddering laugh, amazed and pleased by her sister’s Pokémon’s skill. Alice continued to block the sand from her face with her arm and squinted eyes, but she pulled a slight smile that unveiled her teeth. “Good boy.” Olivia could just make out Probopass trying to spin Rockruff off of its nose, only serving to make the puppy bite in harder. Olivia knew something needed to be done fast. “Probopass, use Dazzling Gleam!” Rockruff continued holding on as it suddenly noticed the mini-heads forming at the top of its nose and at both corners, all of their tops aimed at it. Rockruff unclamped its mouth from Probopass’s nose and fled from the oncoming danger. The mini-heads then reformed with each other, glowing brightly and casting their already blinding surroundings with light and beams, all of which collided into Rockruff and tripped it back on its way to Alice. Rockruff came to a stop just a yard from her. She could tell that Rockruff could not and would not continue fighting. Alice quickly pulled Rockruff’s ball off her belt and returned it back. “Nice job, boy.” She then put the ball back and took out her third, taking a quick, introspective look at it before tossing it out. “You got this, Noibat!” Noibat popped out of its ball, screeching as it instantly felt the sand blow and pelt into it. “What?” Fluttershy exclaimed. “What’s wrong with Noibat? Why is it already in pain?” “Sandstorm doesn’t affect Rock, Ground, or Steel-types,” Sam explained, “but being that Noibat is Dragon and Flying-type, it’s not immune.” Fluttershy looked back out into the storm. “Be careful, you two…” “Don’t worry!” Alice shouted to her Noibat. “With your hearing abilities, there’s nowhere for Probopass to hide. Now, hit ‘em with a quick Bite!” Noibat squawked eagerly and rode the winds, confidently flying at Probopass’s face without any problem. “Quick!” Olivia shouted. “Use Dazzling Gleam!” As Probopass’s headpieces moved to intercept Noibat’s approach, Alice’s Pokémon deftly slipped through the gap before it closed, leaving Probopass’s face wide open. Noibat chomped down on its nose just below where Rockruff had gotten it. Noibat then flew high up away from Probopass as it brought its mini-heads to its face, loudly moaning as it massaged the new sore spot. “Yes!” Alice screamed. “It flinched! Okay, Noibat, get ready for this!” Noibat flew up and outside the sandstorm behind its trainer, looking in where Probopass would surely be. “Now, charge up for Razor Wind!” “Razor Wind?” Applejack and Rarity both sputtered out. “Don’t know what that does,” Rainbow Dash commented, “but I hope it’s as awesome as it sounds!” Noibat began to flap its wings hard, pulling the air into the space before it and forming a swirling, windy ball. “Okay, Probopass,” Olivia ordered, “hit her with Power Gem!” Noibat could see a small glimmer through the sand, which was quickly followed by a comet-like shard of rock to zip out from inside the storm and whiz past its right ear. More soon followed, each one emerging out faster and faster as Noibat shifted itself around to avoid them while also maintaining its next attack. Sam, the ponies, and even Gladion were engrossed in Noibat’s nimbleness, and were suddenly jolted with fear to see the first of the bright rocks collide with the bar of Noibat’s left wing. More soon followed, as it was hit in the webbing of its right wing, and soon its face, ears, and gut were all assaulted in rapid succession. Noibat cried out through the pain, struggling to continue flapping its wings as its wind ball began to peter. Finally, the rocks stopped coming, giving Noibat the confidence to expand its ball with even harder wingbeats. “I think you got it!” Alice shouted. “Now, attack!” With a final, tremendous fan of its wings, the ball burst, letting out a torrent of high-speed winds and spinning blades of air that struck the sandstorm, blowing it away and revealing Alice, Probopass, and Olivia inside, all of whom struggled to hold their ground to keep from being bowled over. The blades of air slammed into Probopass, slowly tipping it before it went over, the still strong winds slamming the back of its head to the floor before being slid over to Olivia, who was forced to kneel behind her Pokémon for safety with the winds refusing to die down. “Yes!” Rainbow Dash shrieked. “Yes! That was awesome!” Once Noibat’s air blades had run out, the winds calmed down, allowing Olivia to stand up and observe her fallen Probopass. “You alright, baby?” Probopass’s head-pieces floated around its body and wedged themselves inside the gap between Probopass’s head and its large red top propping it up. Lifting itself up, Olivia stood back proudly as the mini-heads got Probopass upright, who looked very pleased with having survived the attack. “Ah, crap!” Alice hissed. “Hurry, Noibat, finish Probopass out with Aerial Ace!” Olivia couldn’t help but smile in reverence at the tiny bat nosediving at her Pokémon. Surely, it put up a respectable fight that she would now have to end there. “Probopass, Dazzling Gleam!” With Noibat approaching fast and at close range, Probopass’s mini-heads converged before it and blasted Noibat with light, forcing Alice, Sam, Gladion, Lady, Comfey, and the ponies, who had grown used to their sandy visor, to shield their eyes. Once the light died down, Alice looked back out to see Probopass’s three mini-heads slowly floating at her, her Noibat balanced comfily on top of them. When they appeared before her, she held her arms out, allowing them to drop her limp, fainted Noibat into them. Alice didn’t have to look at her Pokémon’s disoriented face long to know it was finished, quickly taking its Poké Ball out and holding it up over it. “Very nice work, girl. Get some rest now.” The red beam sucked the Pokémon back inside the ball before she placed it back in the empty slot where it had been. Alice took out her last Poké Ball as she stared at Probopass, nervously anticipating what else would be coming after it. There was no time to dwell, and she tossed the ball out with heightened purpose. “Let’s finish this, Pikachu!” With a joyous cry, Pikachu leapt out of the ball, standing before Olivia and her Probopass while staring at the latter in stunned amazement. “Ohh!” Rarity squealed. “That thing is simply adorable!” “Just looks like a big, yellow rat to me,” Applejack deadpanned. “Hmph.” Olivia flipped her hair, ignoring Rarity and Applejack’s comments as she looked to Alice. “So, that’s your last Pokémon? I can see why you saved it until the end. Either way, it doesn’t have a chance here. Probopass, take it down with Earth Power.” “You’ll have to catch him first!” Alice thrust a pointed finger forward. “Pikachu, use Brick Break!” Olivia and Probopass suddenly tensed up as Pikachu broke into a mad sprint, hoping its agility would avoid itself a painful end. Probopass refocused and heated up the ground just in front of it. Pikachu leapt high up and twisted its body about, its tail spinning and swinging its way toward Probopass’s face. The plume of lava that shot up could not reach Pikachu fast enough as it sped on past it and slammed its tail down at the brim of Probopass’s red top, slamming the back of its head hard enough to the ground to produce a loud clang like a church bell. Olivia quickly ran over to her Pokémon and saw the lopsided directions of its eyes as it let out a final tired grunt before fainting. She then looked back as Pikachu ran back to join Alice and wait for the next opponent. Olivia simply smiled as she pulled Probopass’s Ultra Ball from her belt and aimed at its hat. “Taking out half her Pokémon like that…” Probopass was brought back inside the ball. “…not too shabby.” Olivia replaced Probopass’s ball with her last, looking out at Alice and her Pikachu. “I got one left too. This is all going to come down to this then.” “Then hurry up with it!” Alice shouted back. “We haven’t got all morning!” “You have a date or something?” “Only with a purple alicorn and her baby dragon!” Olivia hummed. “That’s the spirit. Time to end this, Lycanroc!” Throwing her last ball out, her bipedal red wolf fell down from the energy that poured out of the ball and landed on its feet, its menacing slouch and sway making Pikachu wary. “Saving a Lycanroc for last,” Alice commented. “This must be your ace Pokémon then.” “Enough chatter!” Olivia pointed her arm out. “Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!” “Thing’s probably super fast like Gladion's too. Pikachu, hit it with Quick Attack!” Pikachu reeled its body back before it disappeared in a blur, appearing midair before Lycanroc and tackling it in the stomach, sliding Olivia’s Pokémon back near her. “Wow!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “That thing is almost as fast as you, Rainbow Dash!” “Pfft.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, playing it cool. “I’ll race it after this battle,” she said under her breath. Lycanroc, angered over losing the first hit, ran at Pikachu and threw an uppercut over it. Though not hitting Pikachu with its swing, a large, pointed tower of rock jutted out from the ground and threw Pikachu up high into the air. Gladion hissed anxiously as Sam and the ponies gasped while they looked straight up. “That’s it!” Olivia exclaimed. “Now, hit it with Rock Climb!” Lycanroc leapt onto the tower that it had made, flinging itself up it with each nook it could grip onto with its claws. Pikachu had just reached the apex of its launch, beginning to come down as Lycanroc leapt off the top and reeled its arm back to swing at it. “Pikachu, dodge it and use Thunder Shock!” With a long swipe out, Lycanroc’s claws were about to strike Pikachu on the back, only for Pikachu to spin and arch its back in, the swing missing it entirely. Turning to face its foe, Pikachu launched a beam of electricity at Lycanroc that left it howling and growling in pain. Pikachu landed on the top of the Stone Edge tower and quickly descended down it, Fluttershy and Starlight sighing wondrously at Pikachu’s abilities. Lycanroc, recovered from Pikachu’s attack, slid down its tower with its feet and right paw riding down and giving it balance. It landed back down and faced Pikachu as it returned to Alice. “Your Pikachu is doing quite well to be able to outmaneuver my Lycanroc like it is,” Olivia complimented. “However, I can’t let it be that easy. Dexio sure didn’t.” Crossing her wrists before her face, her Z-Ring went alight, Lycanroc suddenly compelled to do the same as it followed its trainer’s movements. “Oh no!” Applejack shuddered as Olivia and Lycanroc both put their arms down and crossed them out before them. “She’s using her Z-Move! It’s over!” Olivia and Lycanroc hopped into a crouch before standing back up while flexing their arms, hopping back down into a sideways lunge, pumping another flex with both of their backs to them. Z-Power exploded out of Olivia and was transferred into Lycanroc’s body, leaving it flowing with a golden aura. “I’m actually quite surprised your Pikachu survived my Lycanroc’s Stone Edge,” said Olivia, “but I refuse to take any chances on this one. Lycanroc, finish Pikachu off with Continental Crush!” With a howl, Lycanroc threw its arms up, the tower of its Stone Edge bursting out from the ground and floating high in the air above the top of the lighthouse. As stones from virtually every direction, including from the sea behind them clumped into a single mass, Sam and the ponies, save for Applejack and Rarity, looked up in amazement as the rocks clumped together to form a titanic boulder. A shadow from the ever enlarging stone grew to engulf the court in shade, leaving Pinkie Pie with trembling legs. “Say, I think it would be real swell if we all went on a jog right now! …Preferably somewhere out of town!” “Sorry, sugar,” Olivia ruefully spoke to Alice. “You came close, but perhaps another time you’ll be worthy of these ponies’ guardianship.” Lycanroc threw its arms down, leaving the rock to begin its descent down onto Pikachu. Applejack was suddenly shocked to see Alice smirking as she brandished her own Z-Ring with Fightinium Z inside of it. “Holy Toledo! Alice’s got one too!” “Yeah.” Sam reached out with his left arm, showing his. “We both do.” “We’ll see if Pikachu can even survive this!” Olivia bellowed. “We won’t have to wait that long!” Alice crossed her arms as she and Pikachu began the choreography to activate the Z-Crystal’s power. “What I’ve got planned is just so crazy it might actually work!” After crossing their arms out, Alice and Pikachu began to deliver a series of controlled punches that ended with one last bigger one, allowing Z-Power to flow from trainer to Pokémon, filling Pikachu with it. Lycanroc’s boulder was falling ever quicker, filling Sam, Gladion, and the ponies with dread. “Do something already!” Fluttershy screamed out. “Alright, Pikachu!” Alice pointed at Lycanroc, serving only to make it grin wider. Alice then pointed up at the boulder. “Use All-Out Pummeling!” Olivia and Lycanroc both jolted with shock as they looked up at the boulder. Pikachu began to throw its arms up at it, hurling fist and palm-shaped auras that struck the bottom of the boulder and kept it suspended above the court and producing cracks and ruptures all over. Lady and Comfey sighed in sheer astonishment and not a single human’s or pony’s mouth was closed as they stood witness to the awesome sight. Pikachu then leapt up with a tail trailing behind it, reeling its arm back and punching the boulder, breaking it apart into hundreds of smaller boulders that exploded high into the air, many of them close to the clouds above. “Unbelievable!” Olivia’s voice was hushed, unable to contain her excitement as she watched the last bits of rock get smaller as they continued their way up. “Using a Z-Move to counter a Z-Move?” She then let out a hearty laugh, her Lycanroc also finding humor in the situation and joining her in a chuckle. “Amazing, Alice! You truly have the heart and soul of a master Pokémon trainer! But both our Pokémon still stand, and one has to go. Lycanroc! Take Pikachu out with Crunch!” Lycanroc charged forward on all fours, an exhausted Pikachu unable to avoid it as it was scooped up in the wolf’s fangs, its top row on Pikachu’s stomach. With a hard chomp, Pikachu screeched out in pain, grunting to hold on and stay strong. Alice’s fists shook as she prayed for Pikachu’s survival. It was then that she noticed a small spark come off Pikachu, which traveled around Lycanroc’s body. With a confused whine, Lycanroc felt that Pikachu’s struggling looked to be working, finding itself unable to keep Pikachu in its grip as its mouth was slowly pulled open. “Oh, shit, he’s paralyzed!” Alice leapt up with glee, the tide having turned. “Pikachu, get out of there and hit her with Brick Break!” With a final push up, Pikachu rolled off of Lycanroc’s bottom set of jaws, which it couldn’t close much to its despair. Pikachu then leapt up into a backflip, whipping its tail underneath Lycanroc’s chin, slamming its jaw back to the upper half of its mouth and flinging it up to land flat on its back. Sam and the ponies all gasped as Lycanroc appeared to stay still, but as Olivia looked down and over to see her Pokémon’s face, the fire was still alight in its eyes. “You’re not down yet,” she encouraged. “Let’s get up and strike it with–” Lycanroc let out another whine, making Olivia look up and see several pieces of rock from the broken Continental Crush fall back down toward the center of the court where Lycanroc and Pikachu both stood. Pikachu quickly fled and stayed by Alice’s side while Lycanroc, unable to move with its paralyzed limbs, closed its eyes as the pieces fell one by one around it, blasting it from several angles. A gust of dirt and dust pulsed out and struck both trainers and the spectators beside them, leaving another sizable cloud where Lycanroc still laid. Olivia, with a whimper, rushed out and began fanning the dust away to see her Pokémon and it’s eyes, which were facing off in other directions as it lay completely still. “Whew…” Olivia wiped her brow and knelt down to her fallen wolf, stroking it lovingly on the face. “Didn’t expect that one, did you girl?” “Wait…” Alice wasn’t sure herself. “Did that mean…” It wasn’t until Olivia took out her Ultra Ball and returned Lycanroc inside of it that she realized that she indeed won. Pikachu cried out loudly as it hopped onto Alice’s shoulder and slid into her embrace, allowing its trainer to twirl it around and hug it tight and laugh. The six ponies all stormed the court and clopped their hooves about in congratulations. Fluttershy leapt up and hugged Alice from behind with her head rested on her shoulder. "I knew you could do it!" Alice leaned her head into Fluttershy’s and scratched the side of her neck, happy to have her support. “That was very impressive, Alice.” The ponies stepped aside as Gladion, Sam, Lady, and Comfey approached them. “Congratulations on completing your Akala Trials.” “Yeah, I guess so,” Sam had to say. “Already halfway through the Island Challenge. Isn’t that something?” Alice smiled, finding comforting truth in her brother’s words. “Well, when you put it like that…” “Yes, it really is something.” Olivia came up to Alice, Fluttershy sliding off and giving her friend some space. “I realize this battle meant something far greater for you than to advance in your trials, but still, this was about as real of an Akalan Grand Trial as you can get, so it only feels right that I give you this.” Olivia reached into her pocket and held out a Rockium Z to Alice, which she was more than gracious to take. “Thank you so very much, Olivia.” “Sweetie, you only have you and your Pokémon to thank. Now, you don’t need me to teach you how to use it, do you?” “Uh, no! I think I got it when you did it.” “Very well.” She then turned to face Sam, her warm stare still managing to freeze Sam stiff. “Looks like you’re next, child, but first, my Pokémon need to get their strength back up before I can give you the same battle experience. Gladion, you’ll promise that you and your friends won’t leave here when I return?” “I’ll Pinkie Promise on behalf of all of us!” Pinkie Pie then clarified herself by marking an “X” on her heart with her hoof, reaching her arm out, and then placing her hoof over her closed eye. “I suppose that’s a very firm promise?” Olivia questioned. “Quite firm,” Rarity responded. “Those that break a Pinkie Promise usually face dire consequences.” “She ain’t kidding neither.” Applejack’s voice seemed annoyed. Olivia smiled and nodded. “I only hope to be an hour or so. Oh! One more thing.” She tossed another ball out, her Carbink appearing from it at the center of the court, the sight of it making Sam gasp as he crouched down to its level. “Aww, I loved these little guys back in Kalos!” Olivia ignored his remark. “Carbink, you think you can mend the court before I return?” Carbink saluted Olivia with its ear, allowing her to go off into town for the nearest Pokémon Center. With only minutes left until his final test on Akala Island, Sam unclipped all three of his Poké Balls from his belt and looked at all of them, unsure what mode of attack to make with any of them. Even his sister needed four to beat her. This would certainly be his hardest battle since he and Alice arrived. > Chapter 37 – Cut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carbink laid out an even sheet of small grey stones on the court, most of which were pieces broken off from the previous battle. For the pieces it couldn’t find, Carbink used small Power Gem bursts to fill in the remaining pot holes. Leaned up against the wall of the lighthouse as Carbink continued its work, Sam held his three Poké Balls in his hand, rotating them around and contemplating the order in which they were placed in. “Sam?” Starlight’s voice breaking the silence made Sam’s arms spasm and throw his balls up, just barely catching them all. “Oh, sorry. You’re trying to figure out a strategy?” “Yeah,” Sam breathed out, “but as usual, I’m probably overthinking this way too hard. I mean, you and your friends leaving the island rests on whether I can beat Olivia, so no pressure, right? Despite Sam’s nervous laughter, Starlight looked unamused. “Listen, I get that you’re afraid of losing, but look at it this way, all but one of Alice’s Pokémon were weak against hers, so of course she was going to have a harder time. You, on the other hand, have Fomantis and Honedge, both of whom are really strong against Rock-types. Even your Salandit should be fast enough to get a couple of hits on Probopass with Dragon Rage. If there’s one person between you two who I’d count on to win this thing, it’s you.” Sam let out a chuckle. She sure knew what to say. “Thanks, Starlight.” He then looked back down at his balls and rearranged them. “I think I got it now.” “Okay? Good.” Starlight turned around and headed towards her other five friends, who were all sitting around Alice and Gladion as they engaged in friendly conversation. “Wanna’ hang out a bit before you start? Help calm your nerves?” Sam fanned his hand at her. “I’ll be fine, but thanks anyway.” “Suit yourself.” As Starlight went off to join her friends, Sam placed his Poké Balls onto his belt, looking back up at Carbink who floated itself up with the gems in its body glowing brightly. It then shone rays of light onto the eastern half of the field, moving the rays west and leaving a clean, smooth surface in its wake, the sound of hissing and wisps of vapor spitting out from the stone. Sam walked around to the eastern part just outside where he’d be standing just as Carbink finished repurposing the court. Sam lifted his leg up over the edge of the new surface, already feeling the heat on both sides of his shoes. He set his foot back down to his side and waited. He was about to do this, and he wanted to be there. He closed his eyes and waited for Olivia’s voice. “Hey, Sam!” Sam shot his eyes open, shocked to see Olivia already standing before him on her side of the court with his sister and friends waiting by the lighthouse as he had done. Looking down, he was still standing outside the court, quickly stepping on with a sense of embarrassment. “There you are, sleepyhead!” Olivia’s voice was patronizing, but clearly in jest. “Was worried about you for a moment. So, you’re ready to see if you can move on?” Suddenly, everything was happening too fast. The words seemed to allude him like a loose balloon. “I… uh, yes!” Olivia crossed her arms, sounding sterner. “Don’t act a fool in front of me, boy! Your friends are worried about their friends the next island over, and you’re the one holding them back. Until you can beat me in a battle, you cannot leave this island with them. That being said, are you ready to face me?” Olivia’s words cut into Sam, and Alice, Gladion, and the ponies could all see it. Olivia already had the upper hand and neither one had a Pokémon out yet. Sam huffed out through his nose. “Yes! I am ready for the Grand Trial, Olivia!” “Then let’s start.” Olivia tossed her first Ultra Ball. “Go, Golem!” Olivia’s boulder Pokémon appeared from the energy popping out from the ball, grinning at Sam’s apprehensive face. With another deep breath, Sam found the composure to detach his first Poké Ball from his belt and toss it out. “You’re on, Fomantis!” As it popped out of its ball, Fomantis swung its arms out and landed on its feet, ignoring the titanic size of its foe compared to itself. “Feisty…” Olivia swung her arm at it. “Golem, hit his Fomantis with Thunder Punch!” With the protrusion on its back going alight, the electricity traveled around its back, over its arms, and into its balled fists. Tucking its limbs and head it, Golem leapt to the side and rolled over to Fomantis, who continued watching the Pokémon’s advance. “Fomantis,” Sam ordered, “when it get’s close, hit him with Leaf Blade!” With just a couple of feet between them, Golem untucked its head, arms, and legs out, using the roll to swing its punch down. Fomantis, seeing Golem’s face come close, leapt ahead and swung its arm just to the left of its head. Golem followed through with the rest of its arm, clocking Fomantis on the top of its head, sending sparks traveling through its body. The strength and weight of Golem’s stike slammed Fomantis down to the ground as Golem was knocked back to Olivia, spinning back onto its feet before it could hit its trainer. Sam grunted as sparks still appeared in several flashes on Fomantis’s body as it struggled to get up. “Come on, buddy, come on, buddy!” Getting to its feet, it swung its arms back out, shaking off another set of sparks that had accumulated onto it. “Yeah!” Sam shouted. “That’s it!” Olivia’s smile refused to leave her face. “It’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen a Pokémon cure itself of paralysis like that. The bond you and your Pokémon must share… Golem, hit her with Heavy Slam!” “Fomantis, dodge it!” Golem and Fomantis ran at each other, Fomantis weaving and Golem doing its best to follow it. Fomantis then tried for a hard juke to the right, only for its feet to slip up, leaving it motionless enough to leave Golem with an easy target. Golem leapt up with the bottom of its body hurdling at its target. With Fomantis quickly rolling forward, Golem’s attack landed just a few inches from it, though was successful in blasting it and several chunks of the court into the corner to Olivia’s right. “You have some distance!” Sam shouted. “Hit it with Razor Leaf!” Fomantis let out a shout that increased in pitch before whipping its arms about, sending out a flurry of leaves that soared straight and true at Golem’s back. Sam could see that Golem was slow to get up from its Heavy Slam, struggling to pick itself up while also being assaulted so continuously. “Keep at it, girl!” Fomantis threw its arms and its leaves even faster as Golem finally turned around to face it. “Hurry,” Olivia cried out, “take her out with Earthquake!” Golem charged the protrusion on its back with electricity and slammed its fists onto the ground, breaking the freshly constructed court apart and throwing pieces of it and the ground beneath it into the air. With Fomantis so focused on its own attack, it only noticed the wave of rock and earth coming at it as its Razor Leaf attack began bouncing off it. Without enough time to react, Fomantis was flung into the air by the ground and struck by the pieces of rock that were knocked up with it. Sam took a running step forward in shock. “Fomantis!” Alice, Lady, and the ponies all looked on with quivering lips and nervous eyes as Fomantis landed hard upon the floor, writhing on its side as it tried getting up. “No second chances,” Olivia muttered. “Golem, finish her with Thunder Punch.” With its fists running with electricity, Golem took another charge at the injured Fomantis, who closed its eyes and waited for the next attack to take it out. “Don’t give up, Fomantis!” Sam cried, followed by a loud whine from Lady from the sidelines. “Try one more Leaf Blade!” Strengthened by the calls of its dearest friends, Fomantis pushed up off the ground and flipped back onto its feet with its arms held out. Golem reeled back to punch, and Fomantis ran straight at it. Throwing its punch forward, Fomantis leapt over Golem’s fist and bounced off the inside of its elbow, shooting itself at Golem’s face and thrusting its leaf arm across its right cheek. Golem was forced down as Fomantis continued soaring over it, landing far behind its foe and turning around to see if it had survived. With its arms and legs splayed out over its rotund body and its head slung down with its mouth hanging open, Fomantis breathed a content sigh and hopped back to Sam. As Alice, Lady, and the ponies cheered his first successful takedown, Sam knelt down to Fomantis. “Give me some!” he whispered to it, holding his hand out. Olivia smiled warmly as Fomantis fervently slapped the palm of his hand with its leaf arm. The two of them certainly earned this partial victory. She then aimed Golem’s ball at it. “You did well too,” she assured it, the red beam bringing Golem back inside. “You can rest for today.” Olivia placed the Ultra Ball back onto her belt and took out Probopass’s, keeping it held in her hand at her side. “Sam!” Both he and Fomantis looked up. “Not doing too bad so far! However, I’m sure I don’t need to remind you about the difficulty your sister had against my next Pokémon.” “Right,” Sam agreed, “but I don’t think it will be as hard for us.” Sam glanced back to Starlight and nodded, who looked happy for him to have taken her words to heart. “We’ll just see.” Olivia whipped the ball out. “Go, Probopass!” Olivia’s head Pokémon landed hard upon the ground, producing a threatening trembling beneath Sam and Fomantis’s feet. “You think my baby is going to let you take her down so easily?” Olivia scoffed. “I’m not even sure your little leaf bug is faster than it. Probopass, take it down with Power Gem!” Probopass’s mini-heads began to spin around before it like a turret, small sparkling stones shooting out from each one once it reached the top of the rotation. Each gem shot off in different directions, producing a spray of rocks that Fomantis surely couldn’t avoid. “Fomantis, hit Probopass with Leaf Blade!” On Sam’s instruction, it ran at Probopass with reckless abandon, miraculously missing and dodging each rock that came anywhere near it with a jerk of its head. Leaping through the circular gap in Probopass’s mini-head gun, Fomantis swung its leaf arm into Probopass’s left cheek, sliding it back a few inches. Even with the miniscule movement, Olivia gasped in amazement at its strength. Olivia’s teeth bared themselves, a new look that brought chills to Sam’s spine. “Enough playing around! Probopass, use Dazzling Gleam!” Appearing from the sides and above, Probopass’s mini-heads separated Fomantis from itself and then pushed it back hard enough to throw it onto its back. While Sam was fearfully surprised by the forceful move, it didn’t seem to matter with Probopass’s attack just finishing charging as Fomantis just got back up to its feet. A bright flash lit up the entire field as the color beams from what were created shot into Fomantis and blasted them back to its trainer. The light died down just as a fainted Fomantis had finished sliding up to Sam’s feet. “Fomantis, no!” Starlight shouted, followed by a saddened yowl from Lady. Olivia panted, her enraged façade fading away to a calmer one. Alice and the others watched as Sam picked Fomantis up and cradled it in his arm. “Say what you want,” Applejack commented with a tip of her hat, “that critter sure had some spunk in him.” “Who do you think he’ll send out next?” Rainbow Dash questioned, watching Sam bring Fomantis back into its ball. “There’s really only one Pokémon he can send out right now,” Gladion said. “His Honedge may still be weak to Probopass’s Earth Power, but it won’t be nearly as weak against it as–” “Go, Salandit!” Sam threw his ball out, stopping Gladion’s words in his throat, watching with dread as Sam’s black lizard hissed at Olivia’s Pokémon. “Welp, he’s done for.” Gladion pinched his forehead. “You brought a Fire and Poison-type to this battle?” Olivia sounded close to laughter. “You do remember that she has–” “Yeah!” Sam loudly interrupted. “I heard Gladion the first time, but that’s not what I’m aiming for! Salandit, hit Probopass with Dragon Rage!” With a blue energy filling its mouth, Salandit shot it out at Probopass as a large ball of aura. Upon striking the bridge of Probopass’s nose, the blue energy exploded, the ember-like wisps snaking all around it as it slid back hard, forcing Olivia to step back off the court as her Pokémon stopped with about a foot of its base hanging off the edge of it. Even as Probopass strained to float back to where it had set itself, Olivia could tell that it was very fatigued from the blow that it took. “I don’t need you to remind me about your Probopass’s Earth Power,” Sam explained, “but I suppose you need a reminder that Dragon Rage always deals the same amount of damage no matter what.” “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash suddenly seemed to understand. “I didn’t know that!” “So it doesn’t really matter how much of a beating your Probopass can take. Unless it’s a Fairy-type, Dragon Rage will be just as strong against any other Pokémon it hits.” “My brotha'!” Alice shouted. Olivia stepped back onto the platform, slow and calculated. “Not very bad, Sam. However, it still doesn’t change the fact that a Ground-type attack will be all but fatal to a Salandit. Probopass, hit her with Earth Power!” “Salandit, run!” As Probopass charged its attack, heating the ground beneath it, Salandit ran forward at Olivia’s Pokémon, only for Sam seize up with apprehension over what he thought would happen. “Salandit, stop!” Just as Salandit did as it was told, a circle of red warmth opened up ahead of it. Sam looked reassured that Salandit would avoid it, only for the patch to expand out so that it crept beneath the top half of Salandit’s body. The ponies on the side gasped with the knowledge that Salandit would not run away from this. “Salandit, fall back, hurr–” The ground blasted up, flinging and flipping Salandit up into the air as if it were a toy. Sam shielded his face as he was slammed with a wall of hot wind that forced him to widen his stance for balance. Off to the side, Starlight formed a magic barrier, protecting her friends and Pokémon from the blast. Fluttershy looked up through it to see Salandit limply falling down and still flipping about. She could tell that it had already fainted. When Salandit’s body hit the floor flat on its stomach, Sam removed his arm to see his Pokémon lying there unconscious. “Salandit! Salandit!” He slid down on his knees to it, gently scooping it up and feeling its limp flaccid body in his hands. With a sigh, he kept Salandit propped up in his left and returned it inside its ball. Placing his forehead to it, he tried to channel his apologies through to his Pokémon, hoping it could understand. “I hope that strategy was worthwhile,” Olivia called out, bringing Sam’s attention to her. “From what I can tell, you have one Pokémon left at your disposal. Your odds certainly aren’t hopeless. Your sister came out on top with the same odds, after all.” “Yeah… you’re right.” Sam put Salandit’s ball back and took out Honedge’s Poké Ball. “I’d even say my odds may be greater than hers. Let’s end this, Honedge!” With a toss of his ball, Sam’s trusty spirit sword zipped out from it and faced Olivia’s Probopass with steadfast determination. “Greater odds, you say?” Olivia snarled. “With a Pokémon that’s even slower than your Fomantis?” “Damn,” Alice hissed. “Did she stalk us, or is she really that well-read?” “Probopass, hit him with Earth Power.” As Probopass and its mini-heads set themselves down and heated the ground beneath them up, Sam crossed his arms with his right over his left before his face. “You can try and Z-Power your way out of this, but first you have to outlast this!” Olivia shouted. Lava erupted from beneath Honedge, Olivia and Probopass unable to see either it or Sam behind the plume of molten rock that was created. From the side, Alice, Gladion, and the ponies looked to Sam with his crossed arms hugging his chest and the fire geyser before him wordlessly, unsure if their eyes were deceiving them. With the lava coming back down, Olivia grew wary as she heard the faint sound of an arm whooshing through the air. The top of the plume had finally fallen, revealing Sam holding his right fist out at Probopass and Honedge speeding at Probopass, looking unscathed. “What?” Olivia gasped. “How did my attack miss?” “You couldn’t see it from your angle,” Starlight spoke, “but Sam had Honedge pull back from the attack so it wouldn’t get hit!” “Were you surprised?” Pinkie Pie hopped up. “Honedge!” Sam continued. “Finish Probopass off with Brick Break!” Honedge descended down at the bottom of Probopass’s body, shooting itself back up and striking just below its mouth with the tip of its blade. With the speed and strength of its strike, Honedge was successful in sending Probopass off the ground and flying just over Olivia’s head, landing twenty feet behind her. Quickly turning, she ran out to her Probopass, unsure if it had survived. “Probopass!” She ran into her Pokémon to break her run, looking down into its eyes. “Baby?” Probopass’s eyes were looking off in different directions. Sam didn’t appear to react as Olivia returned Probopass into its ball, certain that Honedge succeeded. “That’s astounding!” Rarity was nearly drowned out by her other friends’ cheers. “He should have no problem against her Lycanroc now!” “Don’t be so sure.” Gladion remained stone-faced as ever. “Sam’s Pokémon is a Ghost-type, which means that Lycanroc’s Crunch attack will be incredibly dangerous. However, if Honedge can survive long enough…” Olivia stepped back up to the court, keeping her eyes on Honedge as it clanged its scabbard against the side of its blade. “Very good, Sam. Very good indeed. Your Pokémon certainly love you to carry on this far and trust your judgment. You’re very much like your sister. However, even then, she and her Pokemon weren’t quite as reckless as you.” “Yeah, well, sometimes we hurt for the ones we love.” Honedge backed Sam’s statement by sharpening both sides of its blade against its scabbard. “And do you?” Olivia’s face continued looking serious. “Do you hurt for the ones you love?” “More than you’d care to know. My Pokémon– no! My friends know that I would never put them through something that I would never put myself through. That’s why we all push the limits of what our bodies and minds can handle, because we know we’d do the same for each other.” The ponies and Alice smiled respectfully at Sam’s response, seeing him in a completely different light. “Then show me, Sam.” Olivia pulled out her last Ultra Ball. “Show me what your Pokémon would put themselves through for you… one last time. Let’s end this, Lycanroc!” Exploding from the energy spilling out from the ball, Lycanroc landed on its feet and roared at Honedge, which jolted back in shock. “Don’t let her psych you out, buddy!” Sam advised. “This is the last one and we’re set!” “We’ll see.” Olivia crossed her arms. “If your sister’s Pikachu can’t match my Lycanroc’s speed, surely your Honedge cannot. Lycanroc, hit him with Crunch!” Lycanroc ran forwards at Honedge, who waited Sam’s instruction. With the red wolf leaping forward with its mouth open wide, Sam could only cross his arms before him, this time with his left wrist over his right. As Lycanroc bit down hard on the top and bottom of Honedge’s X formation, Sam’s Z-Ring and Fightinium-Z began to light up inside of it, Lycanroc ignoring the faint, subtle glow coming off of its prey’s body. When Sam threw his arms down, Honedge slipped out of Lycanroc’s jaws and set its blade and scabbard down as Sam’s arms were doing. Lycanroc slowly retreated back as Sam and Honedge crossed their arms out before them and finishing with a series of synchronized jabs and punches that concluded with a final stronger one. Z-Power burst off of Sam and flowed into his Honedge, making it flare up with yellow aura. “Alice used her All-Out Pummeling to block your Z-Move, but I don’t think it’s going to come to that for us. With as strong as my Honedge is, I’d like to see your Lycanroc survive this. Honedge, take Lycanroc out with All-Out Pummeling!” Honedge flipped and spun its blade about as if wielded by an expert sword dancer, each slash out throwing a fist-shaped aura at Lycanroc. The wolf dug its bottom claws into the ground and crossed its arms over its face as several of the fists whizzed by it. Several of them began to strike, Lycanroc’s holding of its ground keeping it from moving back. The wind that rushed past Olivia with each fist that zipped past her forced her to crouch down to keep from getting blown away herself. The last of the fists was thrown out, allowing Honedge to slip inside its sheath and rocket out at Lycanroc itself. Lycanroc kept watch of Honedge’s tip, hovering its still-crossed arms over its chest. Setting its target to just above the stomach, Honedge kept itself locked on, hitting Lycanroc just after it shifted its arms there to shield itself. Nonetheless, Lycanroc was hurled back over Olivia’s head and crashed into the side of the mountains of the Diglett Tunnel. Olivia turned back to see her Pokémon stuck inside the self-shaped imprint that the attack left. As Sam watched intently, Honedge returned to his side to join him. Alice, Gladion, and the ponies all looked anxiously as Lycanroc began to peel off the side of the wall, Olivia glowering over what would happen next. Rather than fall on its stomach, everyone, Sam and Honedge especially, were shocked to see Lycanroc catch itself on its four paws and pick itself up to its feet before running back to the court to rejoin the battle. “No…” Sam began breathing heavily. “How did that not do it?” Olivia, while visibly pleased over her Pokémon’s survival, reflected a sense of disappointment in her voice. “My Pokémon has fought by my side for many years. While All-Out Pummeling is a strong move, and a good one at that against her, you should know that it would take more than that to defeat it. Now, your Honedge has already taken a Crunch, so I don’t think it will withstand as strong of an attack. As the Kahuna, I must end it this way.” Olivia crossed her arms over her face, her Z-Ring and Rockium-Z flaring with light. Together, she and Lycanroc threw their arms down and crossed them back out, followed by them falling into a crouch and standing back up straight, flexing their arms before falling again into a rightward lunge with another flex with their backs to their opponents. With her Z-Ring glowing brighter, Z-Power shot out from her back and arced over and swirled into Lycanroc’s body, the aura emanating from it making it appear as though it was aflame. “Your Pokémon are very strong,” Olivia said, “but strength alone cannot win all your battles. Maybe once you learn this, you’ll be fit to go out and protect these ponies from Team Prism. Until then… Lycanroc! Attack Honedge with Continental Crush–”  “Strength isn’t all we’re good for!” Sam whipped his arm out. “Honedge, hit Lycanroc with Shadow Sneak!” Lycanroc threw its arms out and howled up into the sky, countless rocks and small boulders flying upwards and forming a small mountain above. Honedge thrust the tip of its blade down to the ground, the shadow beneath it racing along the ground until it stopped underneath Lycanroc. The shadow exploded up, throwing Lycanroc up with it. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “That oughta’ do it!” As it returned down to fall, Lycanroc jerked its legs up and back so that it flipped back to be upright, nimbly returning to its feet and maintaining its balance further with its left front paw. Sam’s fists squeezed as Lycanroc confidently stood back up and held its arms up, the titantic rock above the court continuing to build up as it continued floating. “You can’t stop it that easily,” Olivia spoke. “You’re a decent trainer, Sam. Quite good, even, but quite good will not be enough to protect your friends. Lycanroc, finish them.” Lycanroc threw both arms down, letting the boulder fall down to the court. Sam looked to his Z-Ring, unable to help but think how he could have stopped it had he followed his sister’s example. It wasn’t the ideal strategy, but it was all Sam could think of to allow his Pokémon to make it out. “Honedge! Sheath yourself and lay flat!” Without a sign of hesitation or mistrust, Honedge squinted as it covered its blade in its sheath and dropped down to the ground with a loud clang, lying face down to protect its front. The boulder was only a few seconds from impact, and even with the size in fuller perspective, Sam refused to budge from his spot, despite how badly his trembling legs wanted to. The boulder finally came down with a deafening boom and blasting of dirt and dust, the edge of the bottom just inches from both Sam and Lycanroc’s toes. With Starlight’s magic protecting herself and her friends from the winds and the shockwave, she looked out to the boulder as it quickly began to crack apart, a light shining out of the multiple fissures. The light grew brighter and brighter until an explosion of light enveloped the entire area. When the light died down, the boulder was mostly gone save for a few shards of rock that disintegrated into dust before they hit the ground, leaving the field as if it had never even appeared. Sam, Alice, and his friends were then quick to notice Honedge, still in the same spot before the attack hit. “Hondege!” Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy cried out. “Did…” Rainbow Dash was unsure if the twitch of the cloth on the end of its pommel was due to the wind or its own volition. “Did he make it?” “If it survived that,” Gladion said, “I think this battle is as good as over.” Sure enough, the cloth slowly and unnaturally picked itself up, followed by Honedge slowly sliding out of its scabbard, stabilizing itself with its blade’s tip striking the ground as it picked itself up. Sam laughed loudly and proudly as Honedge floated back up, facing a near-devastated Lycanroc and her equally mortified Olivia. “Honedge! You’re a legend!” The six ponies began to celebrate and dance, cheering for their upcoming journey to their remaining two friends. “Yeehaw!” Applejack cried out. “Twilight, here we come!” Gladion became incredibly unnerved by Alice wrapping her arms around his body and arms in a tight embrace. “He did it! He did it! Oh my god, he did it!” With their opponents’ victory now all but certain, Olivia and Lycanroc calmed down, accepting their defeat. “You spent a lot of time this battle talking some good talk. I’m honored to see that you’re walking the walk to back your words up. Let’s do this, Sam. I want to see this to the very end. I’m sure Lycanroc does too.” Lycanroc roared out in agreement, pounding its chest once for good measure. “Okay, girl. Go get him with Crunch!” Lycanroc ran out, but Sam was no longer afraid. “Honedge, finish her with Shadow Sneak!” Honedge thrust itself down to the ground, its tip hitting the floor and its shadow beginning to race out to meet Lycanroc. Just then, Lycanroc noticed as Honedge’s single pupil began to roll back and its body tipped forward. Sam’s joyful grin morphed into one of terror as Honedge’s shadow began to fade and slow its approach. Lycanroc slid to a stop just as Honedge fell flat on its face, the shadowy attack blowing out of existence like a mild smoke. On the sidelines, Gladion was the only one whose mouth was not completely agape, instead baring his teeth with sheer anger and disappointment. While Lycanroc looked as surprised as Sam’s friends, Olivia frowned, her pity and sympathy for her opponent all but palpable. “No…” Sam stepped forward and fell to his knees over his fallen Pokémon, gently turning it over. “No, Honedge! You can’t! You couldn’t have!” Sam felt tears well in his eyes to see Honedge’s single eye closed, clearly fainted and unable to continue battling. Pressing Honedge’s hilt to his forehead with his hands holding the back of the cross-guards, Sam fought with all of his strength to not begin bawling in front of everyone. Olivia slowly approached him with Lycanroc by her side. “Sam… I’m so sorry about that. No trainer should lose a battle that way, especially a Grand Trial.” Sam quickly wiped his eyes and nose with his arm, looking up to face her. “But I still lost. And that still means I can’t leave with them, right?” “Sam, wait…” “No, it’s alright.” After returning Honedge to its Poké Ball, he stood up and turned to face Alice, Gladion, and the ponies. “I know they’re strong enough to go on without me.” “Sam, that’s not what I wanted to say.” Sam ignored Olivia, feeling even more upset as his sister and friends all refused to leave their spots. “What are you waiting for? Twilight and Spike are just on the next island! Please… don’t let me be the thing that’s holding you back from them! Please!” Sam couldn’t contain himself any longer, sinking to his knees and blubbering into sobs. “I’m sorry!” He held one hand over his eyes as he kept himself up with his other. “I failed you all! I failed you.” It pained the ponies to see him like this, especially with the truth, as small as it was, in his words. With a long breath, Alice slowly approached her brother, standing with her waist just inches from his face. Sam looked up at her sister, his expression begging for some kind of encouragement or support. “Alice…” *PWCK* Alice slapped Sam hard enough to throw him to his side and making him wince as he put his hand onto his stinging left cheek. The act left the ponies, including Lady, Comfey, and even Olivia gasping loudly. “Calm your dumb ass down,” Alice spat. “We aren’t going anywhere without you.” “But… why?” Sam, adrenaline from the slap stopping his crying and getting him back to his feet. “I shouldn’t keep the ponies from getting back with their friends. It’s not fair to them.” “And what about yourself?” Applejack stepped forward, her two front hooves coming onto the court. “While we go off and leave you behind, who’s that fair to? It still ain’t fair to us, and it sure ain’t fair to you.” “How’s that not fair to me? I lost, Applejack; I’m a liability!” “Sam, for the love of all that’s holy!” Olivia’s voice bellowed over his. “Don’t you see what they’re getting at?” “What’s that?!” “That we don’t want to leave without you!” Fluttershy shouted Sam couldn’t think of something to say in that moment. With everything that happened in the last few minutes, he was stunned to hear any such words come out of either of the ponies’ mouths. “We’re sticking through this together,” Rainbow Dash added with a stomp of her hoof. “Either we all make it out of here or none of us do.” “But… what about Twilight and Spike? Don’t you–” “Never mind about them,” Gladion said. “I just received word that Guzma, Acerola, and Professor Burnet are going to be staying with them at the Aether House until it’s time for us to go over there.” “Guz…” Sam was now more confused by the names more than anything. “Acer…” “They’re two members of Alola’s Elite Four. And fortunately for them, both of them specialize in types that are strong against Psychic-types.” This statement was quite a relief for Sam. “You see?” Pinkie Pie squealed assuredly. “Team Prism isn’t even going to be able to sneeze in their direction unless they want trouble. Though, it’s hard to imagine how powerful their sneezes must be for that to happen.” “The point is,” Rarity said, “that as long as Twilight and Spike are both safe, and we’re all together here, then we’ll be safe too.” “It’s also like you said.” Starlight shrugged. “If you do something, we’ll do the same for you. You can’t leave the island, then neither will we.” Sam let more tears fall from his eyes, quickly wiping them with his forearm. Suddenly, his loss didn’t feel half as painful. “Thank you all. You don’t know what that means for me.” “Sure we do!” Rainbow Dash flew beside Sam and wrapped her arm around his neck. “What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t stay?” “Some pretty bad ones, I’ll tell you that!” Pinkie Pie chirped in. Olivia chuckled, happy to see the issue finally settled. “Come on, follow me.” Olivia began walking to the forested hill leading back to town, confusing Sam. “Hey, where are you going?” “To the Pokémon Center. That is, unless you want your Pokémon healed for our rematch?” Making perfect sense to him, Sam quickly tagged behind her and her Lycanroc. “Oh, right yes!” “That sounds good for me too!” Alice hopped beside Sam to go with. “My Pokémon could use some care.” Gladion watched the four of them go off, putting his hands in his pockets and walking to follow them. “No use splitting off. Let’s go.” Wordlessly, the ponies, Lady, and Comfey all followed Gladion back to Konikoni City. Their time on Akala Island wasn’t at an end quite yet, but were quite hopeful that it soon would be. > Chapter 38 – Twilight Over Alola > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you kidding me right now?” Lillie was in distress as she spoke to Gladion through the screen of her mended Pokédex. “It’s not just Olivia’s forbidding them from leaving,” he responded through the screen, the interior outside of Olivia’s flat behind him. “The other ponies would also rather wait until he defeats Olivia and can leave with the rest of us.” “What about Twilight and Spike? They were just attacked by Prism grunts and really need their friends now.” “And we’ll bring them soon. Sam only lost his battle because his Pokémon fainted right before it could make its final attack. I’m certain with just a day’s worth of training, Sam will beat her without any problem.” “We don’t have a day, Gladion! Team Prism may be planning another attack on us right now and could take them by then!” Gladion closed his eyes, hoping his next words could finally pull her out of hysterics. “My apologies… I suppose Acerola and Guzma are already on their way back to Mt. Lanakila then?” Lillie gasped. “No, but–” “And has Professor Burnet returned to her lab in Heahea City?” “Gladion, I know what you’re doing here, but–” “You have two of Alola’s best trainers standing guard for you, Twilight, and Spike, and the wife of Professor Kukui himself as well. When I say that your odds of safety are greater than mine and the rest of us here, I speak candidly. Just hold on a little bit tighter. We’re almost done here.” Lillie hugged her free left arm over her chest, grabbing onto her right shoulder. “I don’t want to be here.” “I’m certain whatever you’re feeling, Twilight and Spike feel it twofold. You need to be strong for them, and I have to continue being strong for our lot here. I’ll hopefully see you soon.” Lillie let go of herself and deflated, knowing there was nothing more she could say to convince him further. “Okay, Gladion. I’ll talk to you soon.” Gladion’s face faded from Lillie’s screen as the call ended. Putting her Pokédex at her side, she took a couple of deep, calming breaths before she went back down the stairwell to the first floor where Twilight and Spike would be waiting. As she reached for the door handle that would bring her into the hallway, she received another ring on her Pokédex. Picking it up, she received a message as well as a live feed of the security footage outside the front entrance showing an old man swaying as he stood impatiently for someone to let him in. Lillie walked through the sliding doors to the dining hall, briskly walking through to see Twilight and Spike sitting next to each other while Acerola, Guzma, and Burnet sat at the end of the same table. While they all turned to face her, Acerola stood from her chair to speak. “So what’s going on? Are they on their way?” “You’ll have to forgive me, Acerola.” Lillie ran a few loose strands of her bangs back into her hair. “We all need to get caught up to speed.” “But... we’re all here,” Spike spoke bemusedly. “Who else do we need to talk to?” Lillie slid further into the room, followed by another set of feet stepping inside. Everyone else in the room looked fixedly over who would be joining them. To Twilight and Spike’s shock and Acerola’s instant disgust, Nanu came into view, his posture slouched and his hands in his pockets. “Nanu!” Twilight and Spike both shouted. The old man turned to face the alicorn and dragon at the table. “You look to have made yourselves at home. Good.” Acerola fell back into her seat, the sight of the Kahuna making her ill. “Dammit, Lillie, why the hell did you bring him here?” “He came himself,” Lillie explained. “I was notified when he showed up at the front door.” “And he’s half a day late about it,” she spat, shifting her gaze back at Nanu. “Yeah, you useless, decrepit fart! Team Prism already got chased out of here, no thanks to you!” Even though the words were not meant for them, Twilight and Spike could feel a strong residual sting radiating from them. What seemed to unease them more was Nanu’s defeated shrug and grumble, as if he had deserved it. “Why’d you even come here, Nanu?” Guzma responded. “Are you intentionally trying to piss her off now?” “She’d be pissed at me regardless,” Nanu spoke, “and I deserve every bit of mud you all sling at me, but I’m here now, and since I’m here, I want to help.” “Like the lady said,” Burnet came in, “there’s really nothing else to help out with right now. I mean, hell, it’s almost lunchtime. When did you get my message?” “In my defense, it was late last night and I was fast asleep…” Acerola reached over and poked Twilight in the shoulder, and once she got her attention, she mimed drinking from a flask and wobbling woozily, a gesture Twilight grimaced at. “And believe me, I felt terrible finding the message on my screen after waking up at the early time of ten in the morning, but I came over as soon as I found out.” “And what if we weren’t able to hold them off?” Acerola added. “It would have been all your fault!” “Okay,” Twilight huffed impatiently, “I don’t think that’s fair. I’m the one who tried to escape. If I hadn’t been so impatient waiting for my friends, none of you would even have to be here.” “To be fair, it was kind of nice to get an idea of what we were up against.” Acerola leaned back and rested the back of her head in her hands, then glancing to Twilight and Spike. “I mean, not that I wanted it at your expense or anything…” “No, I understand, and I thank you, Guzma, and Burnet for coming to our rescue.” “Not at all!” Burnet smiled wide. “I’ve actually been quite eager to face Team Prism myself since I first heard of them.” “And what about the others?” Nanu asked. “The ponies, I mean. There were more that landed on the other islands from what I heard.” “We were actually about to find that out,” Acerola loudly and sardonically proclaimed, “and then you showed up and derailed the conversation!” Twilight grumbled, losing patience with her. “The rest of them are on Akala Island,” Lillie replied. “Two of them landed there when we first arrived, the two that landed on Poni Island were escorted there by Gladion, and the last two were brought over by a pair of other trainers who found them on Melemele Island.” Nanu nodded once. “I see… thanks.” Acerola looked back to Lillie. “I thought you said they were all on their way here. I mean, that’s why we’re here right? Until they show up?” Lillie scratched the back of her head, Twilight and Spike already preparing for an unsavory answer. “They won’t be coming today.” “What?” the group, minus Nanu, shouted. “Why the hell not?” Guzma exclaimed, then turning to Burnet. “Didn’t you say those two younger trainers are the whole reason we know Team Prism even exists?” “I did,” she replied, “but even then, they’re still in the middle of their Island Trials. Hardly seasoned trainers like the rest of us.” Lillie explained further. “The reason why they haven’t left is because the older brother of the two hasn’t completed his Grand Trial against Olivia.” Guzma slowly turned to face Lillie. “… Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” “Guzma, language!” Burnet barked. Lillie shook her head once. “According to her, Dexio is also one of them.” Acerola and Guzma’s fuming disappointment instantly turned to shock. “Huh? Him?” he blurted. “You’re kidding!” Acerola exclaimed. Lillie shook her head again. “She apparently lost to him, and she and the ponies she was with were barely saved by Tapu Lele. She wanted to be sure that both of those trainers could beat her in a battle before she felt comfortable with letting them go off.” “And I assume his other…” Guzma suddenly realizied he didn’t have all the information. “Brother? Sister?” “Younger sister, yes. She defeated Olivia on her first try, and he only barely lost. Gladion assured me that he’d probably only need to train for a day or so before he was strong enough to go out. He even asked the ponies to go on without him, but they wanted to stay until he was ready.” Twilight made the slightest of smiles; her friends were indeed faithful to a fault. “How nice of them,” Acerola breathed. “So looks like we’re spending the night until they show up tomorrow… Hopefully?” “I bet Noah and Amy won’t have a problem with that,” Guzma chuckled. “I’ll stay too.” Nanu took a seat across from Twilight. “Won’t be much help back all the way at my place.” “Yeah, thanks and all,” Acerola responded with a sneer, “but we really can’t afford any dead weight here.” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Guzma’s coaxing coos. “Hey, Ace, I know that you’re still upset about him, but the three of us together will spell huge trouble for Prism. Don’t let what he did–” “If he doesn’t sleep through it again, that is!” Twilight slammed her arm on the table, leaving everyone fearfully silent. “You know, Acerola? There’s something I never really understood, and it’s really been nagging me, even since I first met you at Nanu’s house.” The sudden curt tone of Twilight’s voice made Acerola look a bit afraid as if it was her she slighted. “Seriously, what has he done to you to make you be so nasty to him?” Acerola hardened her façade. “That’s none of your concern.” “If he’s offering to help us, and your hatred of him is making you drive him away, I think I have a right to know why!” “Why are you defending him?” “Because as far as I know, I know Nanu to be a friend who saved us, fed us, and gave us a bed to sleep in!” “And then he sent you and Spike here the very next morning and out of his hair. Some Kahuna he turned out to be!” Acerola shot out of her chair and threw an accusatory finger at him. “Some guardian you turned out to be!” Spike stepped onto the table and put his arms up to try and keep her from going near him. “Hey, Acerola. Calm down!” “Hey, hey!” Burnet put her hands on Acerola’s shoulders. “Take it easy!” “And you don’t know him like I do! He used to mean the world to me, and then when I needed him the most, he abandoned me! JUST LIKE HE DID YOU!” “Nanu?” Even with Acerola’s screams, it was Nanu’s passive and ashamed silence that proved most deafening to Twilight. “You… you can’t just let her talk about you that way!” Nanu simply slumped further into his chair and buried his face into his hands. Acerola sniffled and wiped her eyes, breathing heavily. “Look at that,” she hissed. “He can’t even defend himself. So what makes you think he can defend you?” With a whipping turn, Acerola stormed to the other exit door, pulling the doors open fuller when they wouldn’t open up fast enough for her. As the echo of her footsteps grew softer in the distance, Twilight bit her lip to conceal her distressed rage, charging her horn to slowly lift Nanu into an upright position, the act surprising him greatly, along with Spike and Lillie. “Hey, hey,” Guzma shouted, “easy there!” Twilight only kept her focus on Nanu. “Okay, I really want to make this clear. I really thought I could trust you, but you just made it really hard for me to do that just now. If she won’t tell me, I want to hear it from you. What happened between you two?” Nanu, even as he was held in Twilight’s grasp, glanced down to the side. “Why do you want to know so badly? Are you ponies just not very good at leaving good enough alone?” “This may sound really crazy to believe, and yes, this is coming from the talking alicorn princess keeping you sitting up with magic, but it is my duty to not leave good enough alone! As someone who considers friendship the most valuable thing in the world, even this one, the only thing I want at this very moment, even more than reuniting with my friends, is finding out what went wrong between you two!” Nanu looked back at Twilight, their expressions refusing to change. Lillie clutched at the top of her shirt, completely unsure what would happen next. He then let out a deep sigh. “Can you please let me back down?” “Will you promise not to slump over if I do?” Nanu continued to look at Twilight, his stare lazy, but steadfast. Guzma and Spike looked on with muscles tightened, and Burnet held her hand over her chest. Finally, Twilight’s face calmed and relaxed, letting out a tired grunt as she relinquished Nanu from her hold. As requested, Nanu continued sitting the same way Twilight held her. Even Twilight’s breathing slowed, relieved that she looked to finally be getting somewhere. Nanu got up from his chair while continuing to look at the purple alicorn before him. “You wouldn’t mind if we went somewhere… private, do you?” He then looked around at Lillie, Guzma, and Burnet. “You all know this story, so–” “No,” Lillie interrupted. “It’s fine. We understand.” “Don’t leave any details out, though!” Guzma warned with a gun-shaped finger. “That shouldn’t be necessary.” Twilight began to walk around to join Nanu’s side. “We can talk in my bedroom.” Spike hopped down from the table as Twilight approached the Kahuna. “Spike, you don’t have to listen to this if you don’t want to.” “Well, I wanna’.” Spike walked beside Twilight as Nanu joined them to walk to the exit. “Nanu and Acerola are my friends too, and I want to know just as bad as you do.” “That may change once you hear it,” Nanu said under his breath. The doors opened for the three of them and closed behind them once they passed through. With Lillie, Burnet, and Guzma alone, a haunting silence now filling their space, Guzma was quick to slip out of his chair and walk to the other exit on the other end of the room. “Where are you going now?” Lillie’s query did nothing to stop Guzma from leaving. “Gonna’ have a chat with Ace,” he muttered. “If nothing else, I gotta’ let her know she’s going to have some more heavy healing to deal with.” Guzma waited patiently for the doors to open for him before he left through them. Sitting at a long table inside a modest Asian-themed restaurant, the ponies, along with Sam, Alice, Gladion, Olivia, Lady, and Comfey, chowed slowly on their fried noodle and vegetable bowls. While the dishes of Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Alice were nearing emptiness, Sam picked and stirred at his bowl’s contents, only occasionally picking out single noodles and vegetables at a time to eat. As Pinkie Pie licked her bowl clean of any remaining sauce, she turned and noticed Sam and his bowl still more than half-full. “Hey, Alice!” Hearing her whisper, Alice picked her head up from her meal to look up at her. “Is your brother not hungry? If so, can I finish the rest of his?” “You could always ask me yourself,” Sam’s sudden interruption scared Pinkie Pie a bit. “How could you hear me?” “Just because you’re whispering to someone other than me doesn’t mean I somehow can’t hear you.” “Oh… are you still–” “Just let me take a couple more bites and it’s all yours.” “Sweet! Thanks Sam…” As she continued watching Sam eat, she began to slowly frown a guilty grimace. “Is something wrong? Why aren’t you hungry?” “Eh…” Sam scooped up two large pinches of noodles and vegetables and stuffed them all in his mouth, quickly devouring and swallowing both bites in a matter of seconds, leaving his bowl about two-thirds empty. After sucking his chopsticks clean, he passed the bowl across the table to Pinkie Pie, who licked her lips eagerly at the second helping she was provided. “I’m just pretty nervous about my next battle is all.” “What are you talking about?” Pinkie Pie’s words were muffled with the food stuffed in her mouth before she swallowed. “You almost won that one! Plus, your Pokémon are probably super duper strong enough now that beating her will be a breeze!” “Well, I wouldn’t say that much stronger… not to mention, I got super lucky that match. The fact that Fomantis managed to keep from getting itself paralyzed on its own or that Lycanroc’s Crunch didn’t make Honedge flinch…” “Oh, relax! None of those things happened, so it’s not like they’re definitely going to happen the next time…” She then looked sheepishly around. “And if they do, I’m sorry for the foreshadowing, hehe…” Before Alice could speak, Mallow appeared by the table, collecting Pinkie Pie’s two empty bowls. “Enjoy the food?” she asked. “Oh, yes!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “Everything was delish! I’m certain Sam liked it too, but he wasn’t very hungry so I finished his.” Sam grinned widely and awkwardly, feeling extremely embarrassed as Mallow looked down on him, unable to help but feel slightly insulted. “It’s… true, I wasn’t that hungry, but I did really like what I could eat. Where does the heat for the peanut sauce come from?” Mallow lit right back up. “Oh, we used pan-fried Cheri Berry and minced Serrano peppers! Helps mellow out their spiciness and adds a hint of earthiness! I’m glad you liked it, and thank you!” Mallow also took Alice’s bowl and began to walk away from them, leaving Alice with the privacy she felt she needed. “Alright, Sam? You’re really going to need to calm down about the battle. If you lose again, you’ll just have to keep battling her until you don’t. It’s the Grand Trial, after all.” Sam leaned close to his sister and whispered. “Yeah, and I appreciate the ponies for being so patient with me, but I can only lose so many times before their patience is going to run thin.” “So don’t lose!” Applejack butted in, Mallow taking her empty bowl. “Yer’ already close enough to beating her that it shouldn’t be hard to.” “And don’t worry about us,” Starlight said. “Just focus on winning and not so much on losing again.” Feeling a bit ganged up on, Sam flustered to get his words together. “Gyuh… when did you get in on this conversation?” “It’s like you said, sugarcube. Just ‘cause yer’ whisperin’ don’t mean we can’t hear ya’.” Applejack raised her hoof to allow Pinkie Pie to bump it. Mallow came over to Olivia at her end of the table. “Still working on everything?” she asked to the humans and ponies gathered there. “Yes,” Olivia answered, “but if you could still bring the check over…” “You got it, boss!” Mallow left the rest of the table to finish their meals, Olivia standing up and walking out to behind Sam, putting her hands on the back of his chair. “Child, please listen. You’re not going to win tomorrow if you keep focusing on your losses today. And you certainly aren’t going to have a focused mind on an empty stomach.” Sam glanced up to her, looking and feeling cornered. “I mean, I… wasn’t–” “I realize, I saw you give your bowl to Pinkie Pie. Just be sure to eat a nice, hearty dinner. You’ll also not want to sleep hungry either.” Mallow returned with a plastic booklet containing a long white receipt inside of it. In her other hand, she held several folded bills with a piece of receipt paper in the middle of them. “Here’s your receipt, Olivia.” After handing the black book to Olivia to open and look inside, Mallow bent down and swiftly slipped the money into Sam’s back pocket. Standing up, she snapped her fingers, her face instantly tensing as if she had just remembered something. “Right, and I’ll be back with some fortune cookies!” Mallow ran back into the kitchen, Olivia closing the book and walking to her seat. She looked to Sam, who seemed more focused on Mallow’s return to the kitchen than what she had just did before. “And Sam, one more thing?” Sam turned to face her, suddenly feeling the shape of the bills in his pocket and frowning in puzzlement, something Olivia giggled at. “Okay, it looks like you found them.” As Olivia sat back down in her spot, Sam sat up and pulled Mallow’s gift out from his back pocket. He pouted in mounting confusion as he fanned through ten ¥1,000 notes, finishing with the note inside of them. It simply read: Go to the TM stand at the marketplace. First one’s on me. ;-) – M Sam put the note down and went through the money again, gulping with remorse once he went through the tenth one. “What’s that?” Alice asked as she took notice of the cash. “Oh, hey!” Pinkie Pie stepped onto the table and peered straight down at the gift. “Are you taking care of lunch?” “Not at all!” Mallow appeared at the end of the table, placing a pile of fortune cookies down onto it. “Just a little something to help a friend in need. Thanks for coming in everyone. I’d say hope to see you again, but… well, you know.” “That’s quite alright, darling,” Rarity spoke in. “Thank you for the meal. It was delicious.” “Yes, you’re very welcome.” Mallow bowed and began walking back to the kitchen. As Sam looked to her, she stole a quick glance and winked to him before disappearing through the doors. With a final pinch on the money, Sam finally resolved to put it in his pocket, reaching forward and grabbing a cookie from the pile before Starlight and Rarity began passing them out to the others. Sam broke his open, revealing the paper slip inside. Pulling it out and putting it to his face, he read it through several times before smiling, feeling more relaxed than he had all day. Acerola sat on the edge of her bed, holding a white handkerchief to her mouth as she coughed so hard that it sounded as though she was close to vomiting. Her longer purple hair was bedridden and draped partly over her face, forcing her to pull her locks away. Taking a moment to breathe, she looked down at her cloth, seeing splotches of blood and mucus upon it. Sobbing and hyperventilating, she gripped at the handkerchief so tight that she could hear the fabric tearing. _____________________________________________________ “When she was fifteen, Acerola got sick.” Nanu sat in a chair, his legs spread wide while Twilight and Spike sat at the edge of her bed to face him. “Very sick.” _____________________________________________________ A clean shaven and more pristinely-groomed and dressed Nanu looked off to the side inside an office as Acerola screamed and wailed in her seat, rocking herself and hugging her chest tight as her only consolation. The doctor in the room stood at a distance from her, wanting to give the girl as much space and time as she needed. _____________________________________________________ “She had caught the disease just quick enough before it could be considered untreatable, but she knew, I knew… we all knew that even then, her survival was next to impossible.” “So, wait…” Twilight said. “You’re telling me Acerola has cancer?” “Had. Thank God.” Nanu ran his hand through his stubble as he sighed. “So, she’s all better?” Spike wondered. “Then what’s the problem?” “It’s not so much what the disease and her recovery did to her. It’s what it did to me.” _____________________________________________________ Nanu chucked a half-empty bottle of brown liquor against a wall where it shattered, spraying glass and liquid all over the kitchen. Grabbing a chair, he swung it into the table it was pushed under, shattering the legs of both and knocking them to the floor. He then picked up the biggest piece of the chair left and bashed it repeatedly against the side of the table until both were reduced down to shards. As his body settled down, he continued to breathe in heavy, animalistic pants as he failed to convince himself to break something else near him. Finally, his grief weighed too heavy on his body, and with buckling legs, he fell down on the floor, uncaring for the pieces of glass or broken wood his legs and hands pressed into as he sat down. Alone, he sobbed loudly as he looked up to the ceiling, almost as if he cursed whatever higher power looked back down on him and the girl it was trying to take from him. _____________________________________________________ Acerola sat in a small empty conference room with her back to the door. The place was pristinely white like everyplace else in the House, but it was silent and isolated, everything she needed now. She ran a hand through her buzzed hair, the once pleasant feeling the fuzz atop her head felt now feeling more like a freshly-scarred gash. _____________________________________________________ As Acerola showered, she scrubbed shampoo through her hair. As she moved her hands off to wipe the suds from her eyes with her arms, she couldn’t help but stop and feel a foreign weight that clung to her fingers. Rinsing her hands in the water stream, she looked down at her feet, slowly horrified to see strands of her hair falling down on them and settling over the drain. As if she couldn’t believe her senses, she rinsed the shampoo from her hair and looked back down to see even more of her hair be carried to the drain and join the rest. After turning off the water, she wiped down the moisture from the steam off the glass wall, revealing her sink and countertop. With harder, sadder breaths, she stared at the drawer where she kept her scissors. Nanu slowly ran the razor over Acerola’s scalp as she sat on the edge of her bathtub and he stood inside of it, taking off the last patches of hair and shaving cream that her scissors could not cut short enough. With the deed finished, Nanu forlornly ran his hand over her now smooth, bald head. “Are you done?” Acerola asked with a quiver in her voice. “Mmhm,” he grunted. “I want to see it.” Not wanting to disrespect her wishes or her new appearance, Nanu grabbed a mirror from her counter and held it to her. As she would have imagined, her long purple locks were all gone, replaced by only a dome of skin. It was still too much for her to bear, and crumpling over and dropping the mirror, she sobbed as silently as she could into her hands. Stepping out of the tub, Nanu sat down beside her and wrapped her arm across her back and pulled her toward him. Though her crying wouldn’t stop, she laid her head against his shoulder, accepting his company and support. _____________________________________________________ Twilight and Spike stared up at Nanu, both engrossed and sickened by the gruesome, melancholy detail of his story. “I… don’t understand,” Twilight said. “You sound like you took very good care of her.” “Yeah!” Spike concurred. “It doesn’t sound like she has any reason to be a jerk to you!” Nanu took a deep breath. It seems the hard part was about to come out. “For a time, when hopes were still high, I did everything I could for her. But as she continued fighting, I began to give up.” _____________________________________________________ Acerola napped in a large reclining sofa with her chemotherapy being fed intravenously into her right arm. Nanu stood inside the doorway to the room, unable to help but stare at her limbs and how skinny they became. Even with the purple snood hat that helped conceal her baldness, it was no substitute for her beautiful hair that he helped shave off. After months of seeing this sight only getting worse, Nanu slunk outside of the room, leaving Acerola unaware of her loneliness. _____________________________________________________ “I went to a nearby bar for a drink to help take the edge off. One drink became two, and then two became three then four, five… I was in such a drunken stupor that I hailed a cab to drive me back to my house. Completely forgot all about Acerola and the chemo and the hospital.” Twilight and Spike’s eyes slowly widened, beginning to understand it all. “You… you abandoned her. Just like she said.” Twilight’s eyes welled with tears as she choked her words out. “How could you?” “You apologized, right?” Spike begged. “Please tell me you tried to make it up to her!” Nanu began to hang his head low, but picked it back up to give Twilight and Spike the attention they deserved from him. “I offered to take her back the following month.” “That’s not an apology,” Twilight responded. “You trying to brush off leaving a teenaged girl fighting for her life alone in a hospital is the farthest thing from an apology.” “What I did was unforgivable, I know. And I feared that if I tried to apologize to her and she rejected me as she had every right to, I could never live with myself, so I… stupidly thought I could try and forget it happened… and pretend like I never made the mistake to begin with.” “But she clearly didn’t forget, and she hates you for it, and frankly Nanu, I now completely understand why she does.” Nanu couldn’t keep his head up anymore, and as he was about to rest his face on the palm of his hand, Twilight’s magic brought him to sit upright again. “No! No more feeling sorry for yourself, mister!” “It’s time you be sorry to her!” Spike started confidently, then became unsure if he made any sense. “Or… say you’re sorry… to her, that is.” “I can’t… She’ll never forgive me!” “You won’t find out until you try! Come on!” Twilight picked Nanu up to his feet and began to walk him to the door, her and Spike following behind him. Nanu grumbled as he was forced out the door, just barely looking natural in his stride. “You ponies and your inability to leave well enough alone…” “And don’t make me force you up to her. I expect you to mean what you say and do.” Nanu continued being led down by the alicorn. At the very least, it was a relief on his aching feet. Guzma stepped inside the conference room, the sudden break of tranquility jolting Acerola out of her meditation. “Oh, sorry!” Guzma took a second to allow her to recognize him before he approached. “Didn’t realize you were calmed down already.” “No, not really,” Acerola muttered. “I honestly haven’t felt this upset since he left me at the hospital. I mean, what, were you expecting me to be throwing a tantrum or something?” Guzma took the seat next to her. “Mm, no. I just wasn’t expecting it to be so quiet in here.” “Right, well… What’s going on? What did I miss?” “Nothing much. Nanu’s telling his side of the story to Spike and Twilight, and–” “Probably going to be a self-pity party, isn’t it?” “I wouldn’t count on it, Ace. The old man has clearly been beating himself up over this thing. I wouldn’t expect him to be so biased.” “Please… don’t tell me you’re–” “Listen, I realize what he did to you was the shitty thing to end all shitty things, but me and my squad back at Po Town are still indebted to him, and I can’t really knock him for that.” Guzma then surprised Acerola by leaning toward her and giving her a hug around her chest and upper arms. “And don’t get any ideas that Hala letting me take his place here wasn’t one of the best things that happened to me… to both of us.” _____________________________________________________ Acerola sat in the front passengers seat of a jeep driven by Guzma, his hair cut short and spikey and wearing a white tank top and black sweatpants. Her eyes were red and wet and she looked as if she had ran two back-to-back marathons. Guzma grumbled as impatient cars passed them on the road, a handful of them honking angrily as they did. It didn’t matter. All he needed to do was get Acerola and himself back home safe and sound. “Thanks…” Guzma glanced to her, only now starting to register her bald head as she used her snood as a makeshift pillow. After realizing what she said, he focused back on the road. “Ah, don’t mention it. It would be pretty whack of me not to pick you up after… that.” “Still… thanks.” Guzma nodded, taking small glances back at the side of her head as he continued driving, becoming visibly more fascinated with each look. “Please don’t stare.” Acerola sounded close to crying again, but even Guzma could tell she was too weak to now. “I’m already really self-conscious about it, and–” “Hey, hey!” Guzma laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, I think it looks kind of neat.” Acerola stirred just enough to be able to look at Guzma. “R… really?” “Hell yeah! I’ve always kind of liked women with shorter hair.” Acerola, even as half-baked as she felt, felt a natural smile creep onto her face. “Actually, now that I think about it… didn’t you use to be the leader of Team Skull?” Guzma smirked and shrugged, unable to deny it. “I think we’ll have a lot of free time to get to know each other.” _____________________________________________________ “Yep,” Guzma nostalgically sighed. “Good times.” “Maybe not the right choice of words, but I get what you mean.” Acerola stood out of her spot. “Come on. It’s getting close to lunchtime, and I think a certain couple of kids would really like to see us.” “Hmm, I heard that. May help take your mind off of it too.” Guzma let Acerola lead the way out, and the two of them walked back into the hallway to return to the dining room. Acerola and Guzma walked through the doorway, instantly feeling nonplussed to find that the room was exactly how they left it, right down to Nanu, Twilight, and Spike standing between them and Lillie and Burnet. “Hey!” Acerola shouted. “Guzma said you were talking to Twilight and Spike!” “We did!” Twilight defended. “And after hearing what he had to say, I want to tell you that–” “Stop.” Even with his soft voice, his command silenced Twilight almost instantly. “You’re right. This is my peace to try and make.” There was a moment of silence as Nanu glanced out, trying to find the best way to say what he needed, annoying Acerola. “What are you talking about, Nanu? I don’t want to hear–” “I’m so sorry, Acerola!” Even to hear the words come out of his mouth, Acerola stopped talking and her body froze. “I abandoned you, and I thought I could make it all go away if I pretended like it never happened… like, you never happened.” Twilight smiled proudly, happy to see the curmudgeonly Kahuna let it all out on his own volition. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, and you have every right not to, but at least let me say that I’m done running from you. Done running from your pain, the pain I caused you. Even if I’m five years too late, I don’t want to make it any later. I’m sorry. I’m sorry a thousand times, and I’ll always be sorry a thousand more. Please give me one more chance. Please, if you can, let me be there by your side again.” All eyes were now on Acerola, who kept standing stiff as she processed the words she never thought she’d hear for the rest of their lives. Two tears came down from both eyes as she relaxed herself, wiping her cheeks dry with her thumb. Acerola sniffed, clearing her nose and throat to sound as clear as she could. “Thank you, Nanu. It’s good to finally hear you say that.” Nanu let out a breath, his lips just barely curling and about to smile. “It’s just… I can’t forgive you quite yet.” Nanu’s expression melted back down into one of bitter defeat, and Twilight and Spike behind him patiently waited for her to make her case. “You… really hurt me, Nanu. You say you’re sorry, and I know you are, but you really don’t know how bad it hurt waiting for you back in that room and to not hear from you until after I went into remission. I still hurt from that day, and no amount of playtime with Noah and Amy with Guzma will make me forget the pain I feel from what you did.” Now everyone looked back to Nanu, who still stood dejected and crushed over her response. Despite expecting this, Twilight and Spike looked up pitifully at him, her ears drooped sympathetically for him. He then slowly picked his head up and stood straight, almost proudly, much to Guzma and Twilight’s surprise. “I understand, Acerola,” he huffed. “Heh... To think I was foolish enough to think you’d be calling me uncle again after that.” Acerola couldn’t help but glower, ironically agreeing with him. “Though, my apology still stands. I want to be back in your life again. If that takes a month, a year, or even another five years, so be it. I don’t need you to love me, or even like me, I just want to be the Kahuna that I always should have been to you.” Even with the tensions as high as they’ve been all day, there was something in Nanu’s rebuttal that earned looks of respect from all except Acerola. Even with the lack of change in her expression, Nanu’s face also refused to change, respecting her position. “Well, anyways. I think it would be best if I gave you some space now.” Nanu turned back to leave, stopping as he was about to pass Lillie. “If it’s all the same, I’d like to eat alone someplace.” “Oh, sure!” Lillie exclaimed. “I can have someone direct you to a bedroom!” “That sounds nice. Thank you. I’ll wait outside.” Nanu stepped out of the room, Acerola watching his every move with benign interest before the door closed on him. Nanu laid on his back on his bed, a dirty plate and silverware resting on the bedside table, the leftover ketchup on them already crusted over. He had no idea how long he had been laying down, but he certainly had a lot to dwell on and more time to do it. As badly as he wanted to look at the time, he let the thoughts leave his mind, breathing in deep breaths to calm his muscles and ease his mind back to his headspace. As more seconds passed, he found that he couldn’t wait any longer, shooting up from his bed and pulling the drawer from the table out. Grabbing his Pokédex and holding it up to his face, he was instantly greeted with the time: 5:49. Nanu hummed, both amazed and impressed for how long he had been able to rest for. Pinching the end of his chin, the prickle of his stubble felt sharper than ever before, and on running his hand through his hair, his stomach churned over how greasy it felt. Even as he rubbed his thumb over his fingers, it still felt like a thin layer of popcorn butter. He knew what needed to be done now, and he stood from his bed and made a beeline to the bathroom door. “Honedge, Shadow Claw!” Honedge faced a log set on the stump of a tree facing the sea south of Konikoni City, soaring itself out with the right side of its blade glowing with a purple flame. As Sam wound his right arm in, Honedge shifted to the left to follow its trainer’s moves. With a swing to the right of both Sam’s arm and Honedge’s blade, Honedge sliced the log clean down the middle and knocked the pieces away. “Yeah! Nice one!” Sam held his fist up as Honedge returned to him, gently slapping its blade against it. Both Alice and Olivia watched discreetly behind him from a distance, both glad to see him take his training and preparation for the next day seriously. Nanu let the faucet pour water into his cupped hands and splashed it on his face once they were half-full, massaging the oil off his brow and the shaving cream from his cheeks, chin, and jawline. Grabbing the towel hanging from the wall to his left, he dried his head and slowly looked up into the mirror, slowly moving the towel down to let him see his washed hair and his now smooth, shaven face. Wiping the counter down and turning the faucet off, he stared at his new appearance. With another stroke of his hair followed by another of his chin, Nanu grinned back at the best reflection of himself that he had seen in years. A reflection that he could finally respect. > Chapter 39 – They Come at Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike slept soundly in their bed, their Fortree City ambience keeping them still and calm save for their breaths. Their surroundings, as artificial as they were, were so tranquil that they couldn’t be bothered to wake up to the knocking at their door. On the other side, Guzma and Acerola took several quick, fearful glances down both ends of the hall, unsure if an Aether employee would have heard them. “Okay, seriously,” Guzma hissed, “how out are these two?” “I don’t know,” Acerola responded, “but unless we get a key to their room, I don’t see us getting them up without alerting someone.” “Then perhaps I can be of some assistance?” Guzma and Acerola jerked their heads to the same side, seeing Lillie approach them with Nanu and Burnet behind her. Acerola breathed in slight disappointment, but grimaced harder as she struggled to find something to yell at Nanu about. “Lillie? Nan… What are you all doing up?” she asked, slightly louder than before. “Probably the same thing you two are doing,” Nanu replied. “That is, unless you’re not planning on helping Twilight and Spike get out of this place.” Acerola continued to force her frown, but seeing Nanu at that moment, cleaned up and ready to help her, couldn’t help but smile. “Lillie? That key?” “Oh, right.” Lillie haphazardly fished through her coat pockets and handed Acerola a key card by its lanyard. Guzma crossed his arms as Acerola tried to find the right side to insert the card into. “You think your mom and boyfriend are going to be happy about this? Sneaking them off again the very night after almost getting them taken by Prism?” “I think Twilight and Spike have spent enough time here.” Lillie’s answer was confident and without concern of reprimand. “Now, are you going to help us out, or do I have to try and leave with them alone again?” “Uh, Lillie?” Guzma and Lillie glanced down as Acerola nervously shook her hands as a numbered keypad appeared on the flat surface of the doorlock, the card key sticking out from the bottom of it. “I don’t know the code, so I’m going to need your help!” “No problem, I have it.” Lillie knelt down and began to press in the digits. “Can’t be too careful after last night, can we?” While Guzma and Acerola both frowned over the irony of Lillie’s statement, they looked back at Burnet and Nanu still waiting for them, relaxing over the reinforcements she would receive. After pushing in the last numbers, the door finally unlatched and slid open. Taking the key from the lock, she and Acerola slipped inside, both seeing Twilight and Spike stir awake, sitting up to see Lillie and Acerola approaching him. “Hey, guys!” Lillie sheepishly laughed as Twilight and Spike stared in annoyance at both of them. “You wouldn’t mind giving this… one more try?” “So, uh…” Spike wondered as the seven of them wandered the halls. “What’s the plan this time?” “It’s going to be a bit longer of a journey,” Lillie said, “but it should be much safer than before.” “Yes.” Burnet pointed forwards. “There’s a tram that will take us to the landing pads for the helicopters.” “And we’re picking one up?” Spike’s voice became much louder. “Shh!” Lillie hushed. “I couldn’t get one before, and I certainly wouldn’t be allowed one after last night. No, we’re going to head north.” Walking through another doorway, Lillie lead everyone inside the atrium, the tram railway just up ahead. “There.” Burnet pointed at a tram that awaited them at the station. “That’s what we’re taking up.” “Oh, neat!” Spike began to run ahead, only to run his chest into the back of Nanu’s heel as he held it up to block his path. “Hold on.” Holding his arm and hand up, the others were unsure exactly what they were supposed to be seeing or hearing that he was. Twilight looked around, unable to find anything. “Nanu? What are you–” “Quiet…” Twilight continued looking about, not about to speak another word. It took an agonizing amount of time before the echo of Twilight and Nanu’s voices died down, none of them moving a muscle. After several moments, the softest sound of a heavy cloth or fabric waved from high up. Nanu closed his eyes, almost as if accepting the situation. “Twilight?” he spoke with full volume. “You wouldn’t happen to know some kind of flare gun-like spell, would you?” “I… I can make a flare.” Twilight looked up to the top of the ceiling, squinting as she measured the height. “Why do you–” “Just do it, hurry!” Nanu’s sudden severity forced Twilight to act quickly, and with a charge of her horn, she shot a bright orb of light high up, where it settled just inches below the ceiling. With a light shining all throughout the space, everyone could finally see what Nanu was afraid of. On the second and third floors of the atrium on both sides, a dozen hooded Prism grunts stood out of their crouch looking down on them, giggling with anticipation. As Twilight and Spike slunk down in fright, the five humans formed a tight ring around them, each one grabbing a Poké Ball from their belt. “Go, Sableye!” Acerola shouted, tossing out her Ultra Ball. “Come on!” Guzma threw out a similarly colored ball of his own. “Golisopod!” Along with Guzma’s massive shelled bug, the Pokémon popping out of Acerola’s ball was a small, purple imp with two blue gems for eyes and an angular mouth housing a row of razor-sharp fangs. From the left on the second level, a dark-skinned Prism grunt pulled the hood off her head and black hair, smirking as she took a Poké Ball from his belt and tossed it out. “Kadabra, Dazzling Gleam!” Another grunt, a muscular one on the third level to the right also unveiled themselves and their spiky black hair before tossing out a ball of his own. “Oricorio, hit Golisopod with Air Slash!” The Kadabra appeared first, and as it fell to the first floor, it held its spoon up, where it began to glow. The other grunt’s Pa’u-style Oricorio swooped down, ready to attack. “Nuh-uh!” Guzma threw his hand out toward Kadabra. “First Impression!” Right before the Kadabra could even land, Golisopod appeared before it in a flash, punching it in the gut and sending the Kadabra flying into the glass wall of an office, the strength enough to leave large cracks in the glass as the Pokémon fell limply to the ground, fainting instantly. “Sableye!” Acerola snapped her fingers. Before the Oricorio could reach Golisopod, its wings glowing and ready to strike, Sableye hopped up into its path and opened its mouth wide to devour it. Oricorio’s eyes went wide as it quickly banked away from the ghost’s maw and flew back to its trainer in a panic. “Nice one,” Acerola complimented, her Pokémon forming a thumbs up in appreciation. The doors behind them suddenly slammed shut and locked themselves with a heavy bang, frightening them into looking back at the trap they had been ensnared in. The crack of hands clapping sounded ahead, and jerking their heads towards the tram, they saw as a black-shirted man walked out from the tramway tunnel, applauding them in mockery as an Espeon walked beside him. “After barely surviving our assault last night, you go out and try again as though we wouldn’t be waiting?” The man returned his Pokémon to its ball and put it on his belt before putting both hands on his hips, revealing the Z-Ring on his right wrist and the Mega Ring on his left. “Dexio,” Guzma growled. Spike tugged on Twilight’s tail, getting her attention. “That’s who they were talking about this morning!” “I figured, Spike,” she hissed back. “Why?” Acerola whined to him. “Why would you go along with these guys?” Dexio opened his mouth to say something snarky, but realized something. “Oh… we never actually told you, have we?” “Told us what?” Lillie shouted. “All we know is that you’re trying to take them! At least have the decency to tell us why!” “Hmm… Well, it’s going to come whether we take them tonight or not. You see, I’ve experienced a lifetime of life-changing discoveries and events: Mega Evolution, AZ’s ultimate weapon, the discovery of Ultra Space. But, these ponies… These ponies are something else entirely.” Dexio reached his arms out to Twilight and Spike, making them shy away despite the space between them. “And what’s so special about us?” Twilight’s eyes began to well with tears. “Why do you need us so badly?” “It’s simple really. Ultra Space was simply a hostile environment filled with hostile creatures. You and your world, on the other hand, are Aether’s latest and greatest discoveries, and all we want from you is for you to unite our worlds into one!” Lillie and Twilight’s eyes shot open, the latter shivering and clenching her teeth, a very telling response to Dexio. “Oh? So, wait, you were trying to do the same thing as us? Well, wow! It’s almost as if we’ve been working together on this the whole time!” “Cut the crap!” Burnet shouted. “If that were even remotely true, what makes you think they would ever form an alliance with the likes of you?” Dexio grinned confidently. “You misunderstand me, Burnet. Lillie and her ilk at the Aether Foundation may seek peace and diplomacy with these ponies, but our wants and desires go far beyond such… simple, silly things!” “Whatever it is you want,” Twilight shouted, “you won’t have any of it. I won’t let any of you so much as step foot on my world!” “This is getting ridiculous!” Guzma growled. “And you’re in our way! Golisopod, Liquidation!” “Sableye!” Acerola shouted. “Shadow Claw!” Both Pokémon charged at Dexio with alarming speed and fury, though Dexio refused to yield or show any sign of fear. He removed an Ultra Ball from his belt and tossed it out casually and cooly. “Metagross, Protect!” Sableye’s pointed fingers began to form a tail of purple smoke as water flew off Golisopod’s claws as they got closer. Dexio’s four-armed metal-disk Pokémon flew out of its ball, tucked its arms up over its head, and tilted down to face the two oncoming Pokémon with the flat top of its body. Both Sableye and Golisopod’s attacks struck at the same time, only for a sideways dome of purple energy to hold them at bay and bounce them back. “Hmm…” Dexio crossed his arms. “So much for diplomacy.” “Oh, shut up!” Lillie lobbed a Poké Ball out over her friends. “Let’s go, Rapidash!” Lillie’s fire horse came out from its ball, standing in between Sableye and Golisopod as they retreated back toward their trainers. “Yep, might as well.” Nanu flicked an Ultra Ball out underhanded. “Go, Krookidile.” His red-and-black bipedal crocodile emerged from the energy that burst from its ball, standing beside Sableye. Burnet tossed out a single Poké Ball. “Let’s do this, Reuniclus!” Her green gelatinous Pokémon came out of its ball and floated above Rapidash and Sableye. The muscular grunt’s Oricorio flew back down and perched itself atop of Dexio’s Metagross. At once, the remaining ten grunts pulled their hoods back and each tossed out a Poké Ball out over Dexio and his Pokémon. Appearing all around Metagross and the muscular grunt’s Oricorio in a shower of white energy were two Espeons, a Hypno, a Starmie, a Slowking, a Metang, a Bruxish, a Starmie, and another Kadabra. Joining them was a large, bipedal Slowpoke much like Slowking, although a shell, similar to Slowking’s crown, had its entire mouth around its tail. Lillie, though intimidated by the small army Team Prism had mustered, maintained a brave face. “Hang on you two. We’ll get you out of this.” “You’re quite funny, Lillie,” Dexio spoke to her. “You’ve always been funny. Now, my fellow trainers, you may begin the hunt!” “Espeon!” a two female grunts with red and black ponytails ordered in unison. “Use Dazzling Gleam!” “Kadabra!” a male grunt with sand-blonde hair shouted. “Hit Krookodile with Energy Ball!” “Rapidash!” Lillie cried out. “Hit Metang with Flare Blitz!” The gems in the Espeons’ heads flashed brightly, filling the atrium with light as a plethora of colored beams shot around, hitting every Pokémon inside. When the lights died down, both Krookodile and Sableye buckled in pain, the latter falling to the ground and fainting. “Sableye!” Acerola cried. Golisopod looked back to Guzma, who understandingly returned it to its ball and threw another one out from his belt. “You’re up, Pinser!” Appearing from his ball was a large, bipedal brown beetle with two spiked pincers like horns atop its head and long flat teeth along the sides of its mouth. Rapidash galloped forward, a cone of flame forming at the tip of its horn before enveloping its entire body. It then drove its horn into the Metang, throwing it back into the tramway where it rolled and clattered to a stop. The blonde-haired grunt’s Kadabra charged a bright green orb as it held up its spoon, shooting it out and hitting Krookodile in the chest, slamming it on its back where it fainted beside Sableye. A pale skinned grunt with a dark-blue Mohawk looked down behind Dexio and seethed at her fainted Metang. “That bitch…” “Starmie!” a female grunt with short white hair shouted. “Hit her Rapidash with Hydro Pump!” “Oricorio!” the muscular grunt bellowed. “Attack Pinser with Air Slash!” “Bruxish!” the female grunt with the bobbed purple hair commanded. “Use Ice Beam on Pinser!” First, the Starmie’s gem began to glow before it shot a tremendous, continuous blast of water into Rapidash’s face and chest, flushing it down the floor back to Lillie where it laid still, too exhausted to continue. Next, the Oricorio swooped in and threw its wings at Pinser, both blades of air striking the beetle hard. The Bruxish then shot a beam of chilly white energy at Pinser, who leapt to the right to avoid the attack, frightening the grunt in control of it. “My man!” Guzma shouted proudly. “Now, hit Hypno with X-Scissor!” Pinser charged out, pushing its way past the near-dozen Pokémon that remained. After finding the Hypno among them, it squeezed its pincers in and then flexed them out, the points slashing against Hypno’s chest. Dexio growled at his minions’ missteps. “Metagross! Attack Burnet’s Reuniclus with Meteor Mash!” Metagross hovered above its Pokémon companions and with a tuck in of its limbs, it rocketed out at Reuniclus, forming a celestial tail around its body. Reuniclus mewed loudly as it bounced upwards, narrowly avoiding Metagross as it passed beneath it, making Dexio scowl harder. “Don’t worry, boss, I got them!” A messy brown haired grunt threw his arm out toward his enemies’ Pokémon. “Hypno, hit Pinser with Fire Punch!” The grunt’s hypno wrapped its pendulum and chain around its fist as it ran forwards, the talisman on the end glowing red with heat. As it threw its arm forward, it went alight with flame, striking Pinser on the left cheek and knocking it to the floor. “No!” Burnet cried. “Reuniclus, use Shadow Ball on Hypno, now!” With it just hovering over its target, Reuniclus put its hands together, spreading them out to create a dark-purple aura that grew larger in the space between its hands. Throwing the orb down, Hypno was flung face first to the ground and settled on its stomach, closing its eyes. Without warning, another Shadow Ball soared right into Reuniclus, hitting it dead on in the face and throwing it back. Burnet gasped, looking out into the Pokémon before her to see which one attacked hers. She then noticed an Oranguru holding out its hands as they smoked with purple, revealing itself as the culprit. “Nice hit,” a cocoa-skinned man with long dreadlocks complimented to his partner. “Slowbro, take out Pinser with Fire Blast!” The pink Pokémon took in a deep inhale, flames spilling past its pursed lips before it puffed out a star-shaped fire at Guzma’s Pokémon. Running forward, Pinser slipped its legs forward and slid between the bottom ends of the star, avoiding its attack. “God dammit!” a skinny red-haired grunt screamed. “You’re not getting lucky again, old man! Slowking, take that big bug out with Flamethrower.” Having approached it to avoid the last attack, Pinser was suddenly caught by the grunt’s Slowking as it breathed fire in a steady stream, oscillating its head to ensure it could not avoid it from any direction. The flames flowed onto Pinser, and the sheer heat made it swoon back and faint before it hit the ground. Guzma hissed as he brought his Pokémon back, each of the other trainers doing the same. “Not sure what your endgame here is,” Acerola shouted, “but you’ve lost three of your Pokémon already. You do know who you’re fighting here, right?” “You don’t need to remind us, we did so last night.” Dexio pointed a threateningly contorted finger at her and scanned it amongst her friends. “It won’t be nearly as easy now that no one else can come to help you!” Dexio began cackling maniacally, disheartening the five trainers despite their strength and numbers. Lillie was compelled to look down where Twilight and Spike were, only to find that they were no longer there. The messy haired grunt also took notice from his vantage point. “Hey, boss! That pony and dragon aren’t there anymore!” Dexio’s laughter ceased immediately, instantly looking frightened and concerned, then becoming angrier as he realized. “Ugh, that damned Dazzling Gleam… Keep an eye out for them! They could be anywhere!” The grunts looked about their space, unable to see anything or anyone resembling the alicorn and her baby dragon, looking concerned themselves. Dexio’s face was so tight with fury that the muscles in his face trembled. “Where did you go?” Twilight and Spike silently but quickly slunk up the tunnel of the tram line, finally stopping to take a breath, comfortable that they were where they couldn’t be seen. Spike panted heavily, both out fear and physical exhaustion. “Where are we going, Twilight? Shouldn’t we go back and help?” “Lillie and the others have that covered. We should see if we can find a way to alert the staff, or even find something that can help our friends back there.” “Okay, good thinking.” “Come on, we don’t have much time to lose!” Twilight and Spike continued their steep ascent up the track, keeping their breaths and grunts as quiet as possible. “Let’s go, Ariados!” Guzma tossed out another Ultra Ball, his large black-and-red spider with gold-and-purple legs emerged to join Burnet’s Reuniclus. “Alright, Dhelmise, you’re up!” Acerola’s anchor Pokémon appeared from its ball, landing beside Ariados. “You got this, Blissey!” Lillie shouted, her wide pink-and-white Pokémon plopping down beside Ariados.” Nanu nonchalantly tossed another ball from his hand. “Looks like you’re up, Persian.” Appearing beside the other three Pokémon was a rather large, but muscular bluish-grey cat with a large head, small, puffy jowls, and a blue gem on its forehead. “Ha!” the female red-haired grunt barked at Guzma. “You brought a Poison-type Pokémon to this fight? What is wrong with you?” “Nothing,” Guzma responded, unflinching, “It’s Bug against Psychic. I might be a trainer-school dropout, but I’m pretty sure that still puts you at the disadvantage.” “Let’s see then. Espeon, Psyshock–” “Ariados, Sucker Punch!” With a backward shift in its legs, Ariados was ready to move as the gem in the Espeon’s head began to brighten. Just then, Ariados disappeared in a flash and appeared before its target, its front right leg already reeled back. Before Espeon could even register the spider’s appearance, the tip of its leg jabbed into its face, sending it flying back toward Dexio where it fainted. “You bastard!” The red-haired grunt gripped the banister she stood before. “You tricked me!” “Ah, but it’s what I do!” Guzma purred. “And now it’s wasted its attack!” the black-ponytailed grunt shouted down. “Espeon, hit it with Psyshock!” The remaining Espeon charged the gem in its head, shooting a ray of purple energy into Ariados, sliding it along the ground until its legs buckled beneath it and was brought to its stomach, unable to battle. The short white-haired grunt then pointed down at Acerola’s Pokémon. “Starmie! Hit Dhelmise with Ice Beam!” The gem in the Starmie’s body glowed bright enough to turn white before it shot a beam from it, striking it dead-on at the center of the wheel, flinging it back into the wall with a loud, unsettling bang. “Dhelmise!” Acerola shouted. “Are you okay?” Dragging its body to rejoin its comrades by spinning its wheel and pulling forward on the ground with the spokes, Lillie and Burnet sighed in relief. “Don’t think we forgot about your other friends!” The blonde-haired grunt leaned over the banister before pointing down to its intended target. “Kadabra, hit Blissey with Psyshock!” Thrusting its spoon out, Kadabra blasted bolts of black and purple lightning, striking Blissey in the stomach. Though it doubled over, it didn’t give Kadabra an inch of ground. Blissey looked back to Lillie to assure its trainer that it could take it, and Lillie chuckled and nodded, glad for her Pokémon’s endurance. “That’s fine!” the muscular grunt proudly proclaimed, clenching his fist. “Oricorio, hit Dhelmise with Air Slash!” The purple-haired grunt threw her pointing arm down. “Bruxish! Hit Blissey with Psychic Fangs!” Oricorio flew over toward Acerola’s Pokémon and flapped both wings hard, creating another pair of wind blades that spun about as they came toward their target. “Come on, Dhelmise, you can dodge them!” Encouraged by Acerola’s words, Dhelmise twisted to the left, avoiding the first blade as it whizzed past, leaning down as the second passed over it. “Yes! Nice!” The purple-haired grunt hissed as her fish swam over and successfully clamped its razor-sharp fangs into Blissey’s stomach, making it scream in pain. “God dammit. If I had known his attack would have missed…” Dexio pointed out to Nanu’s Persian. “Metagross! Hit Persian with Brick Break!” With a push off the ground, Metagross leapt out towards Nanu’s Pokémon. “Persian, Dark Pulse!” The cat opened its mouth, forming a shining black orb before its face as Metagross descended down with its arm held up. “Hit Slowbro!”. Dexio’s face contorted in unpleasant surprise as Persian’s attack shot out beneath his Pokémon and struck Slowbro in the face, knocking it down on its butt. Undaunted, Metagross slammed the end of its arm down on the top of Persian’s head, forcing it down onto its stomach screeching in pain. “No, Persian!” Lillie’s terrified screams were soon settled as she saw Nanu’s Pokémon quickly stand back up on its paws. “Oranguru,” a male grunt with ice-blue hair spoke, “hit Reuniclus again with Shadow Ball!” “Blissey!” Lillie commanded. “Hit Starmie with Charge Beam!” Oranguru formed a purple ball of aura in its hands before throwing it out at Reuniclus, striking it hard in the face once again and sending it flying back. Blissey rubbed its arms together, forming static on the tips before shooting them out as larger volts, striking Starmie where they spread all over its body, making it convulse as every muscle in its body spasmed and tensed. “Alright, Dhelmise, take out the Bruxish with Power Whip!” Acerola’s Pokémon leapt up and spun flatly above the ground. With the kelp on its body holding on, Dhelmise’s anchor swung far out into the fray of opposing Pokémon, taking the floating fish it was about to hit by complete surprise. The anchor slammed into the entire left side of the Bruxish’s body, sending it flying into the glass wall below, producing more, larger cracks on its surface before it flopped limply to the floor. The purple haired grunt slammed her fist onto the banister, the sharp pain she felt in her bones serving as her punishment. “NO! Dammit!” Burnet grimaced as she looked out over the Pokémon that still remained. “Let’s get one more out for the road. Reuniclus, hit Slowking with Infestation!” Reuniclus happily clapped its hands causing many sparkles to appear before it that transformed into a swarm of insects that flew out at the Slowking, biting and stratching its skin much to its sheer displeasure. “Yeah, whatever!” the dreadlocked grunt roared. “Slowbro, Fire Blast on Dhelmise, now!” With a heavy huff, the Slowbro shot another star-shaped plume of fire out of its mouth, this time managing to hit its target with the flames engulfing it. “Dhelmise!” Acerola watched as her Pokémon dropped down from the fire and landed and clattered hard onto the floor. With a shuddering breath, she had no choice but to bring her Pokémon back into its ball. “Slowking, take out Blissey with Psyshock!” On the skinny red-haired grunt’s orders, Slowking managed to fan enough of the Infestation bugs away from its face and head to shoot a ray of light-purple energy from the gem in its crown. Upon blasting into Blissey’s body, it was thrown back crying and flipped over onto its stomach right in front of Lillie. “Blissey! Blissey! Are you alright?” As Lillie rolled it over, she winced to see Blissey’s eyes closed restfully and her mouth slightly open and relaxed, fainted. With a rueful sob, Lillie stood back up and returned her Pokémon into its ball. “Twilight, Spike. I don’t know where you’re hiding, but we could really use some help now.” Twilight and Spike finally came close to the top of the lift hill, stopping abruptly on hearing two voices accompanied by their footsteps. Crouching low and peering over, both of them looked to see a pair of grunts idly pacing about. Both of them were unhooded and were muscular in stature: a middle-aged darker-skinned woman with black hair arguably shorter than Acerola’s and a tan-skinned man with yellow-as-corn hair. “What do you think they’re doing?” Spike whispered. “Either standing guard or waiting for us.” Twilight was quick and just barely intelligible. “Now please be quiet. I’m trying to make a plan.” Twilight glanced between both grunts, unsure of who to deal with first. Before Spike could even offer a suggestion, Twilight charged her horn and vanished in a bursting bubble of light. The magical popping sound alerted both grunts to the lift hill, and as both of them looked, Twilight suddenly appeared beside and above the male grunt in another shimmering appearance. As the grunt turned to see, he was stopped by Twilight’s back right hoof driving into the side of his head, knocking him unconscious before he hit the ground. The female grunt gasped as she turned to see her partner falling and Twilight disappearing again. Quickly falling into a wide-stanced crouch and dodging Twilight’s assault once she appeared behind her, she tore her Poké Ball off her belt and threw it out, then rolled away to avoid Twilight falling at her with a stomping hoof. “Hypno! Psychic–” Twilight blasted the grunt down to her back with an orb of magic. It was then that she suddenly felt herself lifted up off the ground with the all too familiar feeling she felt the previous night. Screaming for her life, her body was turned around so that it faced the Hypno holding its left hand up while the right one swung its magenta-glowing pendulum. Spike felt his limbs fail him as he slunk down at the sight of Twilight helpless to the whims of the grunt and her Pokémon. “Frosslass, go!” Appearing from Acerola’s next ball was a floating white apparition whose body resembled a kimono, it’s arms draping down from the bottoms of the cheeks of its mask-like head covering its purple face. “It’s your time again, Golisopod!” With a toss of his ball, Guzma’s plated insect reappeared, eager to fight once more. “Okay, Parasect, you’re up!” Lillie threw her next ball out, her mushroom bug appearing from the energy inside of it. With the next new round of Pokémon out, Acerola made the first call. “Froslass, hit Oricorio with Ice Shard.” With a fast wave of its arm, a chunk of ice was flung from Froslass’s draped sleeve and struck the pink bird in the gut, knocking it off Metagross and grounding it. “Golisopod,” Guzma shouted, “use First Impression on Starmie, now!” “Persian,” Nanu shouted, “take the Oricorio out with Power Gem!” The gem in Nanu’s cat’s head began to glow before shooting out small comet shards from it at its target while Golisopod virtually warped before Starmie with its speedy attack. As the glowing rocks struck Oricorio, Golisopod’s claw punched into Starmie’s gem center, both Pokémon being thrown back by Dexio where both fell down and fainted with limp rolls. “Okay, that’s it!” The black-ponytailed grunt crossed her arms in front of her face, revealing her synthetic Z-Ring with a dark-purple gem inside of it. With a spark from both her device and around her Espeon’s body, she put her arms down and then crossed them forwards. She then went down into a crouch with her hands pointed down and placed over her mouth, slowly getting back up while swaying her body left and right, finishing by thrusting her face and upper body forward while throwing her arms to the side. Red energy poured out from behind her and flowed into her Espeon, leaving it flaring with the fake Z-Power. “We aren’t going to lose this one this time!” she shouted. “It’s time to use our Z-Power and finally finish this! Espeon! Take out Froslass with Never-Ending Nightmare!” The gem in Espeon’s head filled with purple before glowing intensely. To the fears of Lillie, Burnet, and Acerola’s Pokémon, a gurgling fountain of dark, oily sludge began to flow out from the ground beneath Espeon, pooling over underneath Froslass. Suddenly dozens of black hands breached out from the liquid and each grabbed hold of Froslass, making its escape impossible despite its attempts to break free. The hands then raised themselves and Froslass up before they all slammed it back down, exploding into a blast of purple smoke that cleared the battlefield before disappearing. Acerola ran and slid down to pick up and cradle her Froslass in her arms, looking out to Espeon to see it buckle forward in discomfort as red sparks shot off its body like firecrackers. Acerola bared her teeth in unbridled spite as she brought her Froslass back into its ball. “I’ve heard about your artificial Z-Rings and the fake Z-Power, but it honestly looks worse than I thought it would.” Espeon whimpered as it got back to its feet, the last of the sparks fading from its coat. “You cowardly bastards.” Spike shivered as Twilight cried and begged to be let down, trying to reach out to the Hypno standing several feet from her. Spike’s breathing began to smoothen, but intensify as his mouth formed a toothy scowl. With a shrill roar, he ran out into the room right at Hypno with reckless abandon. As Hypno turned to face it, Spike blew out a stream of green fire that caught on Hypno’s fur. Hypno screamed and forced itself to let Twilight go as it rolled about on the floor and put the fires on it out. As it got to its knee and patted out a stray flame on its shoulder, Twilight kicked it in the head once it had fully extinguished itself, leaving only the dark-skinned grunt weakly writhing on the floor. “What…” She found that the most she could do was twitch her fingers off the floor. “What did you do to me?” “Immobilization spell.” Twilight and Spike walked up to her. “Don’t worry. It will wear off in about fifteen minutes. Now, tell me where we can find some kind of emergency signal!” Twilight and Spike were unnerved by how quickly the grunt was to laugh at her inquiry. “Did you really think we’d storm this place without preventing any attempt at calling for help?” “What are you saying?” Spike demanded sternly. “The House’s emergency systems. Communications with Paradise. All other signals. All disabled and jammed. That’s what my friend and I were here for, that is until you…” The grunt moaned, finding her continued immobility extremely bothersome. Twilight pursed her lips, wondering what next to do. “Spike. Fish out her pockets.” “Huh? Stop! What are you doing?” Spike slowly came over and reached over her. “Kadabra!” The blonde haired grunt clenched his fists, anxious with the gamble he was going to make. “Focus Blast!” Kadabra held its spoon vertically with a brown-edged white aura forming above it, confusing the purple-haired grunt. “What are you doing? Just use an All-Out Pummeling!” “No! He’s already weak. I don’t need it yet.” Kadabra shifted its aim so that the orb it was creating was locked right onto Nanu’s Persian. “Alright, fire!” Kadabra wound its arm back over and behind its head before throwing it out at the exact same time, sending the ball flying out in a perfect path into Persian’s head, the force of the blast throwing it and several bits of the tile floor off the ground. Nanu gasped as his Pokémon was hurled back toward him. Widening his stance, he opened his arms wide and caught Persian below its arms before settling him down slowly. From the relaxedness of its muscles, Nanu could already tell what had happened, giving it a final pet down its body before returning it to its ball. He then looked back up at the blonde-haired grunt with a mixture of contempt and respect as he slowly stood back on his feet. Dexio smiled as the tide was suddenly showing signs of turning. “Let’s not miss this time, eh, bud?” Metagross clanged the ends of its two front arms together in readiness. “Okay, Metagross, take out Reuniclus with Meteor Mash!” Metagross hopped up above its remaining comrades and shot out at its target like a shooting star. Reuniclus squealed with joy, ready to dodge as it had done the last time. However, Metagross began to barrel roll in its approach, appearing as a much larger ball that Reuniclus suddenly knew it could no longer avoid. Not even bothering to move, Reuniclus took the attack dead center along the length of its entire body. Though its gelatinous body was able to cushion most of it, it didn’t help Reuniclus as it was thrust back into the wall above the door, it’s eyes closing and letting out a last tired sigh before losing consciousness. “Reuniclus!” Burnet quickly took her Poké Ball out as Reuniclus was about to fall, and with a well-timed aim, the red beam from the ball touched her Pokémon and safely returned it inside. The ice-blue haired grunt looked over to the other side of the atrium where the dreadlocked grunt stood. “You got the Parasect?” Upon receiving a nod from his teammate, the grunt looked back down on his Pokémon. “Oranguru, take out Golisopod with Thunderbolt!” Oranguru interlocked its fingers above its head before shifting them away, holding them up parallel to the ground. The ceiling of the atrium was suddenly replaced with dark, flashing clouds as thunder ominously rolled through them. Oranguru then clapped its hands, sending down a massive bolt of lightning down that engulfed Golisopod entirely. With several parts of its body pouring with smoke, Golisopod swooned and fell forward onto its stomach, settling down and lying still. Lillie turned from the last of her allies to fall and stared daggers down at the Slowking that stood with the other Psychic Pokémon. “Parasect! Take out the Slowking with X-Scissor!” The dreadlocked grunt began crossing its arms over his face, sparking up his Z-Ring and Icium Z attached to it and connecting with his Slowbro. The two of them then threw their arms down and crossed them back out. They both then jabbed their arms upward in a crisscross motion thrice before throwing their arms out and quickly fanning them in, holding their palms just inches from each other. As the grunt’s sinister-red Z-Power shot out from him into his Pokémon, Parasect leapt out toward Slowking, who continued futilely swatting away the bugs still nipping at him from the last attack. With a dual crossed slash of its claws, Parasect threw Slowking back, the bugs swarming it lighting up and bursting away in bright sparkles. With it’s arms splayed and head rested to the side, the skinny red-haired grunt pounded his fist on the banister in defeat. “I hope you enjoyed that!” The dreadlocked grunt clenched his fists, both out of rage and with the energy coursing through him. “That was your last attack! Now, Slowbro, finish off the Parasect with Subzero Slammer!” With mist pouring out of its mouth, the Slowbro was suddenly raised up by a column of ice, keeping its eyes trained on Lillie’s Pokémon below. Lifting its head up and then throwing it down, the Slowbro blasted a massive beam that pummeled down on Parasect before another tower of ice exploded out from where its stood, entrapping the bug with it. Both the column and tower shattered letting Slowbro fall down to its feet as Parasect slunk down, its legs unable to carry it anymore. Lillie looked angrily at Slowbro as it stood up straight again, fighting the red sparks dancing on and piercing its skin. Taking her Poké Ball out and returning Parasect into it, her fellow trainers and opposing grunts doing the same to their fallen, she then looked back up to the dreadlocked grunt. “Like she said. Cowardly bastards.” “It worked though, didn’t it?” The grunt leaned over the ledge of the banister, gloatingly grinning at her. “Now, send out your next round of Pokémon! Unless, you want to stop now!” Nanu, Guzma, Acerola, and Lillie each detached their next set of balls from their belts, Burnet uncomfortably and guiltily hugging her arms. “Burnet?” Acerola asked. “What are you–” “I’m sorry, I’m out!” She jerked her body away, ashamed to look at them. “I didn’t think we’d be ambushed tonight, at least, not like this…” “Forget it!” Acerola was shocked to hear Nanu be Burnet’s voice of comfort. “There aren’t many left. We’ll make short work of them.” Acerola grinned, her respect for the Kahuna beginning to blossom again. “And how! Go, Palossand!” The energy from her thrown ball formed into her anthropomorphic sand-castle, which settled and sparsely spread itself along the ground. Guzma tossed out his next ball with added oomph, also invigorated by Nanu’s words. “Let’s do it, Masquerain!” Appearing from his next ball was a small, white insect with four small wings along its body that kept it hovering still above the ground and two large semicircle-shaped antennae that gave it the appearance of a pair of angry eyes. Lillie chucked her ball out next. “Go, Starmie!” With her purple ten-pronged star joining the others, even Nanu found the strength to toss his ball out with gusto. “Sableye, you’re up!” His own purple spritely spirit appeared beside Palosand and beneath Masquerain and Starmie. Lillie pulled her left sleeve up to her elbow, also revealing a natural Z-Ring with Waterium Z on her wrist, surprising the other grunts. “You’re not the only one who can use Z-Power!” She crossed her wrists over her face, and with her Z-Ring shooting up with light, her Starmie tried to replicate its trainers movements using the arms two down from the topmost one. “Unlike you, I’ve earned the right to use mine!” After putting her arms down and crossing them back out, she gracefully swayed her arms to the left like ocean waves and then swung them to the right, allowing her golden, organically-colored Z-Power to burst from her body and become absorbed into Starmie’s. “I beat four of you guys on my own last night. What chance did you think you had against me, a Kahuna, and half of the Elite Four?” As Lillie looked to the last remaining Espeon, it appeared to read its intentions, attempting to shy away from the onslaught it knew it would soon receive. “Go, Starmie! Take down the Espeon with Hydro Vortex!” With its gem sparkling bright, Starmie spun and flew out at Espeon’s feet, flipping it high up into the air. Now hovering just above the ground face-up, Starmie increased the speed of its spin, droplets of water flinging off of it until fountains were coming out, forming a tornado of water between Lillie and her friends and the grunts. With no way to avoid it, Espeon was thrown into the whirpool, quickly being thrown about. Starmie also began shooting small beams of light into the twister, which were carried inside and collided with Espeon before it was finally flung out onto the same side and level of the atrium that the black-ponytailed grunt was. “No!” The grunt watched as her Pokémon clipped the edge of the banister and was flung onto the floor beside her. With a disappointed moan, she took her Poké Ball out and returned her fainted Espeon inside. “Okay, that’s it!” The blonde-grunt crossed his arms and activated his Z-Ring as well, he and his Kadabra, also performing the moves to activate his Ghostinium-Z. Nanu watched as the red Z-Power began to shoot out from the grunt and toward his Kadabra. “Sableye, quick! Use Fake Out!” Though Kadabra could clearly see Sableye still standing close to Nanu, it was unprepared to see it hop up close to its face, its mouth wide open and snapping closed. In shock, Kadabra dropped its spoon, the Z-Power shattering like glass and evaporating away the moment it clattered to the floor. “What?!” The grunt gasped. “Shit!” “Hey, since everyone’s using their Z-Power…” Guzma crossed his arms with his Z-Ring and Buginium Z inside, his Masquerain unable to mimic him in its position. “…why not me?” After setting its arms down and crossing them forward, he slid his right foot back and swung his arms up from the right with his hands smoothly curved down. He then swung his left arm to his left side and swung his right arm in a wide scooping motion, holding his arm back up to the left. His Z-Power shot out of him and into his Pokémon, leaving a flaming aura seeping off its body. “Your ape may be big, but it won’t be match for my winged boy. Masquerain! Take down Oranguru with Savage Spin-Out!” Masquerain began vibrating its antennae as a thick strand of web shot out of its mouth, covering the Oranguru up into it until it was fully encased in a thick, egg-shaped cocoon. With the end of the web still stuck in the flying insect’s mouth, Masquerain shot down and up into the air, taking its prey along with it. It flew around the upper part of the atrium, crashing the Oranguru against and along the walls and sharp corners, breaking off pieces of the wall that fell down onto the grunts on the upper levels. Flying back low, Masquerain swung the Oranguru up into the air before soaring back up and slicing the ape out of its prison with the edges of its wings, managing to cut into it as well. As Masquerain flew back to join Guzma, the two watched as Oranguru landed hard on the ground, taking a hard bounce before laying still. “Hmm,” Guzma purred, holding his fist up for Masquerain to quickly brush against with its wings. “Nice one.” Suddenly, the blonde-haired grunt began to get worried. “Dexio!” “Okay!” Dexio shouted, now serious. “Metagross, hit Palossand with Meteor Mash!” Metagross flew out at Palossand in another brilliant shot of light. With Palossand’s stationary stance, Metagross had no problems blasting through it and breaking it apart, leaving nothing but the base of the left tower. Acerola and her allies all blocked their faces as Palossand’s remains sprayed into them before settling on the floor. Acerola looked back to see what had become of her Pokémon. “Palossand?” As if on cue, the sand that had been spread back behind its spot, as well as some that was left on the hair and clothes of Acerola and her friends, began to rejoin, forming a good-as-new castle that now looked angrily at its foes. “Awesome, Palossand!” Acerola crossed her wrists over her face, put them down, and crossed them out, her Z-Ring flaring up. “Now, let me show you how you really use Ghostium Z!” Widening her stance, she got down low with her hands and spread-out fingers held over her face, wobbled back up, and then popped her face out with her hands held off to the sides. Her Z-Power burst off from her back and chest and swirled around Palossand, entering inside each hole in its body before seeping in through the rest of it. Jerking her head at Kadabra, the blonde-grunt jumped back away from the banister, frightened for what was coming. “You’re not worthy of wielding this power!” she cried out. “I’ll show you just how worthy a trainer like you is! Palossand! Decimate Kadabra with Never-Ending Nightmare!” Unlike with Espeon, the black liquid of the attack began to bleed out from the outer edges of Palossand’s base, slowly making its way to Kadabra’s feet. The terrified Pokémon tried to back away, only to find that it was somehow running in place, unable to escape it as it pooled around its ankles. One by one, large, shadowy hands burst out from the surface and grabbed hold of Kadabra, pressing it into the ground as they melded into a single mound. Kadabra screamed through the ectoplasmic sludge as it reached up for one final cry for help, the mound beginning to break and crack apart with harsh purple light shining out from them. Finally, the mound exploded into a mushroom cloud of purple smoke, blowing the residual liquid and itself away before quickly evaporating. Kadabra was already lying face-down and motionless where it had stood. “And then there were two,” Guzma quipped. “Kind of thinking about offering a chance to surrender to you, but you guys have really been pissing me off as of late, so the deal’s off!” “There was never any deal, you idiot!” The dreadlocked-grunt shouted down. “Also, I still haven’t attacked yet! Slowbro! Knock her stupid castle down with Ice Beam!” With a breathe in and out, Slowbro struck Palossand with a chilly stream of white. Palossand did its best to weather through it, but with its towers getting unbearably cold and hard, its center tower was blown back as a single solid piece, breaking like a clay jar upon hitting the hard floor, the yellow lights of its eyes fading out as it lost the will to continue on. Acerola screamed in anguish as she had to call her Palossand back, several grunts also bringing their Pokémon back. “Ace, it’s okay, we got this!” Guzma slapped a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. “You have to protect her.” She was careful not to let Dexio or the other grunts understand her fully. “This plan goes to hell if they take her out.” “And we won’t let that happen,” Lillie promised. “Just send her out and have faith in us.” As Acerola put Palossand’s ball back onto her belt, she took out her last remaining Pokémon and stared at its ball nervously. She didn’t have much time to dwell, and she sent the ball out to let her Pokémon fight. “We’re almost there! Get ‘em, Drifblim!” Popping out from the ball’s energy was a Pokémon resembling a purple, basketless hot-air balloon with four light-purple arms, two red dots for eyes and a yellow X for a mouth, and a white, cloudy puff on the top of its head. “Oh…” Dexio sighed. “I see now.” “You guys had your chance tonight!” Lillie shouted. “But now it’s time to end it. Starmie, use Swift!” “Masquerain!” Guzma exclaimed. “Hit him with Bug Buzz!” Starmie spun about, star-shaped lights shooting from its arms and the gem in its center, while Masquerain flapped its wings harder than before, creating repetitive green sonic pulses that joined in with Starmie’s attack. The vibrating pulses and stars of light both collided into Slowbro, and with a tired shout and huff, it fell onto its bottom and slumped over, succumbing to exhaustion. Its grunt called the Pokémon back before backing into the glass wall and leaning against it. With Dexio and his Metagross now all alone, he growled in frustration. “Metagross! Hit Drifblim with Zen Headbutt!” A layer of purple energy formed around the front of Metagross’s body, and with a leap and thrust forward of its head, another aura in the same shape of Metagross appeared before Drifblim and struck it between the eyes, puffing half the air out of its body. As it began to sink down, Drifblim quickly inflated itself back up and gently landed beside Nanu’s Sableye. Acerola turned to Nanu and grinned confidently. “You ready, old man?” “Always.” “Hmph.” Acerola kept smiling. “Liar.” “You’re right.” “Alright then! Drifblim!” “Sableye!” “SHADOW BALL!” they both shouted together. Holding their arms up, they both formed a dark, purple ball of insidious aura between their hands. As their trainers had announced, they both threw their attacks out at the same time. As they got closer, they converged, forming a larger sphere that was even bigger than Metagross. Dexio’s Pokémon could only move its arms before its face before the attack struck it, hurling it back over Dexio’s head as globs of the Shadow Ball splashed over it. Landing upside down five feet up the tram hill, it then slid back down to the flat surface, too weary to even attempt to move its arms and bring itself back upright. Dexio turned and bowed his head, lethargically bringing his Ultra Ball up to bring Metagross back. “Okay, Dexio!” Guzma shouted. “Consider the floors wiped with you and your goons! Get out of our way before we do to you what we did to your Pokémon-” “Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Dexio dramatically spun around to face them. “Just because you beat one of my guys doesn’t mean you beat them all! Besides…” He detached another ball from his belt, hushing to just barely louder than a whisper. “…we have a mission to complete. Go, Alakazam!” Appearing from its ball, Dexio’s fully-evolved Kadabra landed before the remaining four Pokémon, twirling both spoons in its hand in anticipation. Spike held two Revives in his hands as Twilight strained to charge her horn, sweat soaking the fur on her face. “You won’t leave this island without us!” the dark-skinned grunt growled before forcing a laugh. “You’re so screwed!” Suddenly, Twilight vanished in a flash of light and reappeared beside Spike, feeling elated that she could now do that much. “Yes! Alright, Spike! Let’s get back to the action!” Spike stood closer to Twilight, and with another charge of her horn, a bright bubble formed around them and popped just as quickly, leaving the incapacitated grunt alone, the growing silence making her whimper in fear. Twilight and Spike appeared behind their friends in another bright bubble, alerting them and Dexio. “Guys!” Lillie shouted. “Where were you?” “We went up the tunnel,” Twilight explained, panting. “A couple of grunts were waiting for us up there. We took care of them, but they already disabled the emergency systems and blocked all communication.” The group felt disheartened, but were still thankful for Twilight and Spike’s safety and what they still managed to accomplish. “Twilight! Spike!” Dexio yelled across the room. “So glad you could come back down! I was just about to show you guys a very nifty trick!” “We know about your Z-Power, you cretin!” Twilight shouted. “Yeah!” Spike shook a cocky fist at him. “You’re not even all that with it!” “Ohoho…” Dexio held his left arm with his Mega Ring up, the Mega Stone inside facing his opponents. “I sure do love surprises.” He then placed his fingers upon the Mega Stone, making it glow and shine out harsh rays of technicolor light. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” The rays of light then warped and bent about, forming the shape of DNA as they spiraled about and showered Alakazam with its energy, shocking and frightening Twilight and Spike. They and their friends continued to watch as Alakazam’s body glowed bright like the lights coming from the Mega Ring before it transformed into its larger, bearded, more wizened form. Folding its legs and sitting two feet above the ground, the light covering it burst away as its five spoons arced over it. “Wha…” Twilight struggled to find the words. “What happened to it?! It just turned into a completely different Pokémon!” “Not exactly,” Guzma huffed. “That’s it’s Mega Evolved form: Mega Alakazam.” “Really?” Spike strangely sounded bemused. “Thought it would at least have a cooler name to boot.” “Oh?!” Dexio’s voice brimmed with eagerness. “My Pokémon isn’t cool enough for you! Then how’s about this?!” Dexio crossed his right wrist over his left, his artificial Z-Ring and Psychium Z bursting with light. “What?” Twilight exclaimed. “And he can use Z-Power!” “Oh yeah! And it gets worse!” Dexio and Mega Alakazam threw their arms down and crossed them back out before swinging their arms to tap their temples with their index fingers, reaching forward with their right hands, and Dexio stepping his right foot beside his left. Red Z-Power flowed out from him and into Mega Alakazam, its body swirling violently with the energy. “If we can’t beat you fair and square,” Dexio further explained, “at least we can strand you here until we can heal back up and have another go at you! Now, Mega Alakazam! Take down Drifblim with Shattered Psyche!” Reaching out at its target, Mega Alakazam’s five spoons formed a disc out before it, a ring of pink energy forming around Drifblim. Throwing its arms up, down, and to the side, Drifblim was hurled up to the ceiling, thrown down to the floor, and then bashed side to side against invisible barriers that pulsed with blue light when Drifblim’s completely deflated body hit them. Finally, with one last throw up, Mega Alakazam slammed the helpless balloon into the ceiling, leaving Acerola close to tears as it’s flattened body floated down. More angered than upset, Lillie, Guzma, and Nanu stepped forward at Dexio and Mega Alakazam, their Pokémon also marching forward. Even as Mega Alakazam’s anguished face pleaded for mercy as its skin sparkled and crackled with red, its opponents and their trainers showed little sympathy. “Starmie,” Lillie spoke, “Brine.” “Masquerain,” Guzma quietly ordered, “Bug Buzz.” “Sableye,” Nanu said, “Dark Pulse.” Starmie shot a stream of water into Mega Alakazam’s chest, exacerbating the stinging it felt there. With a flap of its wings, Masquerain assaulted Mega Alakazam with hundreds of sonic pulses that hurt it further. Finally, Nanu’s Sableye hurled a bow-shaped aura of black energy that split through Starmie and Masquerain’s attacks and hit Mega Alakazam in the face, sending it flying limply back. Before its body could hit the ground, its body and three of its spoons shone bright before it shattered like glass and the pieces evaporated. The now regular Alakazam’s back hit the ground and its body laid still, its two spoons clattering to the floor above it. Dexio, now certain that victory was out of his reach, clenched both fists and kept his ground. Behind the chaos, Acerola caught and cradled her Drifblim as it finally came down, sobbing with anxious cries, not only at her failure to protect her Pokémon or Twilight and Spike, but that she couldn’t protect herself. Twilight and Spike approached her. “Acerola. Are you alright?” Acerola sniffled. “Well, unless one of us has a Revive on them, we’re anything but alright.” “Uh…” Spike held up one of the Revives in his hand. “This wouldn’t be one, would it?” Acerola’s breath trembled as she practically tore the crystal from Spike’s hand, placing it over her Pokémon’s X-mouth and watching it dissolve. To her shock and elation, Drifblim began to inflate, and though it appeared to be a bit tired, it was still awake and well. “Twilight, Spike!” Acerola threw her arms around her friends, hugging the life out of them. “You literal lifesavers!” Dexio looked past the trainers and Pokémon facing him and watched as Drifblim also began hugging Twilight and Spike, thanking them for saving it. “What?! Where did you get a Revive?!” “Those Prism guys each had one in their pockets!” Spike loudly explained. “I thought they would come in handy!” “Yo, so you robbed us?!” “Oh, please! You were just about to kidnap us!” Twilight shouted. “Don’t try taking the high-ground now!” Dexio could not argue that point, left only to become a seething, growling mess. “Don’t just stand there!” he shouted to his grunts. “Heal your Pokémon and stop them!” Burnet looked all about her fearfully as each grunt called out their fainted Pokémon, reaching into their pockets for their own Revives. Acerola quickly grabbed Drifblim by one of its arms. “Welp, time to go!” She ran with Drifblim, passively letting her pull it along, Burnet, Twilight, and Spike running by her side. “Stop!” Dexio reached for another Ultra Ball as they quickly approached. “You’re not going–” Nanu silenced him with a quick punch to the jaw, knocking him out of their way so that he, Lillie, and Guzma could make their way up the lift with Burnet, Acerola, Drifblim, and Twilight and Spike following very close behind. Dexio weakly stood up, pushing against the wall for support. As the cries of the grunts’ revitalized Pokémon sounded behind him, he wiped his hand along his bottom lip, both angered and impressed with the blood that he saw streaked on his palm. Lillie and her group made it up the stairs and to the helipad, Nanu quickly tossing a ball out from his belt once he reached the top step. Popping out from his ball was a large black bird whose large breasts, puffy white chest feathers, and another crest atop its head like a fedora hat made it appear very formal. “Honchkrow!” Nanu exclaimed. “Over to Route 15! Hurry!” Holding his right arm, Honchkrow flew up and clutched Nanu’s wrist, taking him up and beginning to soar down to the grassy part north of the coast. Lillie, Guzma, and Burnet were already holding tight to Drifblim’s other three arms as Spike mounted Twilight, one hand on her mane and the other clutching the other Revive. “Ready?” Twilight shouted. “No time!” Burnet cried. “Just go!” “Okay, Drifblim. Up!” With another inflation of its body, the four of them were lifted up off the helipad, Twilight pushing Drifblim from behind to guide it behind Nanu and Honchkrow. Neither of them had the courage to look back to see how close or far behind Team Prism was, only concerning themselves with the ground just a mile out. Twilight flew as hard as her wings would allow, just edging up on Nanu and Honchkrow. After a couple minutes that felt more like an hour, the seven of them landed just outside a Pokémon Center and a small, abandoned laboratory beside it. Upon landing, Nanu and Acerola both immediately returned their Pokémon to their balls, thanking them for the safe journey. They all then followed the dirt path north, running as fast as they all could into a forest. Dexio, several grunts, and their Pokémon watched them from the helipad, Dexio’s awoken but exhausted Alakazam standing beside them as more grunts and Pokémon ran up to join them. The group ran over a boardwalk trailing over a field of red flowers with the trees of the forest surrounding them. With Nanu trailing behind, he suddenly slowed to a stop and bent over to catch his breath, the rhythm of his footsteps alerting Acerola, Twilight, and Spike, all of whom skidded to a halt and ran back to him. “Nanu!” Twilight hissed. “Why are you stopping?!” “Come on,” Acerola begged, “we’re almost there!” “I know.” Nanu turned away and began walking back. “They certainly won’t catch you if you keep going. Just go on without me!” “Nanu, quit screwing around, we have to–” “YOU need to leave! Don’t you understand what I’m doing here? Run!” He then shot a look to Twilight. “You especially! You’re the one they want!” “Nanu…” Spike felt afraid, possibly more so than he was in the Aether House. “I am the Kahuna of this island. This is what I was chosen to do. Please. Do this old man one last favor and run!” Acerola and Twilight kept still as Nanu continued walking back to the entrance to the forest. He was suddenly stopped by a voice. “Nanu! Catch!” Hearing Spike’s command, Nanu turned around and instinctively snatched the last Revive that flew from Spike’s hand to his. After looking at it, he glanced up to Twilight and Spike, the latter of whom began to turn to run off. “Thank you, Nanu!” Twilight cried out before she galloped faster to catch up with Guzma, Lillie, and Burnet. Acerola continued standing there, Nanu frightened and saddened to not know why. “What are you waiting for? Go with them–” “I forgive you.” Despite their predicament, Nanu’s whole body relaxed as if he was suddenly floating, his eyes shot open and his mouth hung wide. Acerola nodded again to confirm what she said. “Everything you’ve done, I forgive it all. Thank you, Nanu… for being there.” She then spun around and sprinted off, seeing Twilight and Spike disappearing into the trees at the other end of the meadow. Nanu watched over her until she too vanished into the shadows of the forest. He then looked down at the Revive in his hand before hearing the whooping voices of the grunts that had landed on the shores of Route 15 like they had. With his scowl becoming determined and serious, he lobbed a ball from his belt, his fainted Persian popping out of it. As he slipped the Revive into its mouth, he pulled out a rectangular spray bottle with a green liquid inside, spraying his Pokémon with it just as it began stirring awake. With the liquid from the bottle fully healing it, Persian sprung to its feet and purred, happy to join its trainers side. Looking to the south, he saw the first several grunts begin to run at him on the boardwalk, the Bruxish, an Espeon, the Oricorio, and Metang all coming at him first. “Okay then…” Nanu crossed his left wrist over his right before his face, his Z-Ring with Darkium Z lighting up. After putting his wrists down and crossing them out, he slumped down with his hands and arms hanging forward. Jerking himself up with his wrists, he faced the Prism forces coming with just a few more yards away. Leaning back, he then threw his body forward with his hands up. Guzma and Burnet both sped away on a pair of jet skis due east of a walled off town settled on the coast, Acerola and Lillie both hanging onto their riders for dear life as they avoided as many crests and waves as they could. Twilight soared alongside them both with Spike hugging tight to her neck. Acerola turned to look back at Ula’ula island, wondering about Nanu’s well-being before facing forward to Akala Island, just hoping that Nanu’s sacrifice was enough. A tired older woman at the front desk of a very modest hotel sat slumped over the counter, wondering to herself what use her being there that late in the night accomplished. Looking to the clock on the waiting room wall, it read that it was three o’clock, still a few hours from sunrise. She was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of the sliding doors opening up, five humans, an alicorn, and baby dragon walking through them and standing in the lobby dirty, half-soaked, and just fighting to not collapse on the floor. “Hey,” Burnet breathed heavily, “I know it’s pretty early on a Sunday morning, but do you have any rooms available?” > Chapter 40 – Sharp Like a Diamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice woke up from a sleeping bag on the floor of Olivia’s flat, the mid-morning sunlight streaming through the blinds. As she sat up, she saw Gladion and Olivia cooking breakfast together in the kitchen. Slipping out from the bag and standing up, using the back of the living room couch to pull herself up, she saw the six ponies, all wide awake sitting on the couch and bed, gladdened to see her. “Good morning, Alice,” Fluttershy greeted. “Holy moly!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “We thought you’d never wake up!” “I sleep late and I sleep well,” Alice rubbed the blurriness from her eyes. Looking over at the other two sleeping bags to her right, she found them both empty, but Sam was nowhere to be seen. “Hey, is Sam in the bathroom?” “Sorry.” Olivia came out of the kitchen, scrambling eggs with a whisk. “Your brother’s been gone for over an hour. I figured he’d be going on a walk or a jog, but he should have been back by now, you think?” Alice took a moment to think about it, then suddenly frowning in realization. “Oh, this again?” Sam stood where he faced Olivia the previous day, enjoying the warm Alolan sun streaming down onto his face. He ran his fingers around his three Poké Balls on his belt, already anticipating his strategies for his next and hopefully final match against Olivia. Far enough from the city so that he’d only hear the soft rustle of leaves on the breeze or the crash of waves against the coast, he was squarely centered in his own zone. *PKCHT* A firm object hit the back of Sam’s head, allowing him to finally acknowledge the loud gasp coming from Fluttershy’s mouth. Immediately ducking, the object landed back on Sam’s upper back and slid down, giving him more than enough time to catch it. “Alice!” Fluttershy sounded both hurt and offended for her brother. “Why would you do something like that?” “I dunno,” Alice said with a shrug. “I thought it was funny.” Sam looked at it and saw what felt like a halved bagel sandwich tightly held together in foil wrap, looking behind him to see Olivia leading his sister, friends, and their Pokémon back up the hill to the court. Sam beamed, overjoyed to see them finally arriving. “You can take your time while you eat that,” Olivia said, already walking across the court to her spot. “Nah, just let me take a couple of bites, and then we’ll go.” “Really? Are you–” Sam tore the foil off and quickly bit off two large chunks of the sandwich, silencing Olivia as he fought to chew what he had begun to consume. As he wrapped up what was left of the sandwich and began swallowing smaller pieces, Alice, Gladion, and the rest of Sam’s friends made their way to the lighthouse wall to watch the match. Finally, Sam had enough room to gulp down several bigger swallows and threw his leftovers to Alice from behind his back, the uncanny speed and accuracy of the throw catching her off guard as the sandwich bounced up off her fingers and landed back into her palms. Sam wiped his mouth with his left hand and put a hand over his first chosen Poké Ball. “Okay then.” Olivia put her hands to her hips. “You really want to get this over with.” “In the worst possible way,” he replied “Your Pokémon fought well, Sam, but don’t let your desperation get the better of you here. If you want to leave this island today, you’re going to have to fight with the same fervor that you showed me yesterday.” Sam smirked, feeling that he caught her. “How can I win by fighting the exact same way as yesterday?” Olivia huffed and smiled back. “Fair point. Alright Sam. Are you ready for your Grand Trial rematch?!” “You know it! “Come on, Sam!” Starlight cheered. “You can do it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “We know you can!” Olivia, ready to see Sam’s new and improved fight, detached her first Ultra Ball from her belt. Lillie knocked on the door to Olivia’s shop, Guzma, Acerola, Burnet, and Twilight and Spike waiting on the sidewalk, the latter two hopping and stamping with anticipation. “You think they’re really in there?” Spike asked. “Well, this is Olivia’s shop.” After a pause, Lillie knocked on the door again. “At the very least, she–” “Sorry!” Carly shouted inside. “We don’t open for another hour or so!” “Carly, it’s Lillie! I just want to talk.” Lillie stepped back, almost certain that she would have the door opened for her. Sure enough, Carly undid the locks and opened the door, seeing Lillie, her friends, and the two last Equestrians behind her. Carly sadly smiled and put her hand to her chest. “Well I’ll be damned. We finally did it.” “Did what?” Twilight asked. “Do you know where my friends are?” Carly smiled wider, excited for the reunion she would help make possible. “Go, Golem!” Olivia threw her ball, sending her boulder Pokémon out to land on the surface of the court, roaring out at Sam with heightened confidence. Sam detached his first Poké Ball, excited to see his new strategy come to life. “Let’s do this, Salandit!” Sam’s sister and friends all gasped along the sidelines as Sam’s black lizard emerged from its ball, and landed before the equally surprised Olivia and Golem. Rarity squinted and peered forward, finding the red color of Salandit’s right arm peculiar. “This is definitely a strategy I never thought I’d see,” Olivia commented. “You do remember my Golem has–” “Yes, I do, and my Salandit and I are ready to face it.” Sam’s statement was backed up with a screech from Salandit. “Hmm, very well then. Golem, take out Salandit with Earthquake!” Golem charged electricity up through its back protrusion and into its arms before slamming them down to the ground, breaking the court and causing bursts of dirt and rock to erupt from the space. “Okay, Salandit,” Sam shouted, “avoid the attack and then hit Golem with Dragon Tail!” “Dragon Tail!?” Olivia gasped. With a single wag, Salandit’s tail began to glow, leaving a faint afterimage as it continued to move. Salandit then ran forward, leaping and bouncing off the airborne slabs of the court and zipping and dodging around the splashes of mud that came up with them. “Nice moves, Salandit!” Applejack shouted. “You got this!” With a final lunge, Salandit leapt right at Golem and flipped back, swinging its tail up and striking its target upside the chest. With a pulse of orange energy, Golem was struck back and up high into the air as if it was hit by a bullet train. Olivia tensed up, knowing that at its speeds, Golem threatened to fly too far away from the battle, forcing her to grab its ball and return it inside. Taking another Ultra Ball with her left hand, she threw it out to replace Golem. “Your turn, Lycanroc!” Olivia’s bipedal wolf looked down on Salandit, giggling in anticipation and cockiness. “Alright, Lycanroc, take out Salandit with Stone Edge!” Lycanroc put its right paw to the ground and pinched its pads together, giving Sam and his Pokémon plenty of warning. “Okay, Salandit, it’s just like at the Battle Dome. And... dodge!” Lycanroc tensed its arm, prepared to throw its arms up and attack, Salandit leaping up and back to avoid it. Salandit became immediately fearful to see Lycanroc’s paw still on the ground and then smiling sinisterly as if to brag about its trickery. Throwing its arm up, the helpless Salandit took the jutting tower of rock square in the gut, throwing it up and flipping it about in the air. “No, Salandit!” Fluttershy and Starlight both cried out. Sam smiled, undaunted by the setback. “Salandit, Dragon Rage!” Olivia raised an eyebrow, only to take a nervous step back as Salandit controlled its flips enough to look down on her Pokémon and spit out a blue ball of aura that shot down and struck Lycanroc in the chest, knocking it to the ground. Salandit came back down on its feet, still alive and well as it roared boastfully at Olivia and Lycanroc. “But how?” Olivia stammered. “How did it survive–” She then noticed Salandit’s right arm beginning to glow, the red band wrapped around it beginning to flake off and turn to ash that disintegrated on the soft wind. It was then that Starlight began roaring with proud laughter. “What?” Pinkie Pie queried. “I don’t think it was that funny. What even happened?” “A Focus Sash!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Oh man, Sam’s a genius!” Rarity smirked and hummed to herself with a hoof placed on her bottom lip, finding the peculiar fabric most fascinating. As the last of the red band broke off of Salandit’s arm, Sam closed his eyes. “Thank you, Kaj. Alright, Salandit, you’re ready for more?” His Pokémon screeched as eager as it did in the beginning. “Atta' girl. Now, use Dragon Tail again!” Olivia, finally understanding the full gravity of his strategy, winced in frustration. “Not if we can help it! Lycanroc, use Crunch and finish Salandit off!” Lycanroc charged forward on all fours, panting loudly as Salandit flicked its tail and charged it with draconic energy. It then dove forward at it with its mouth open wide. “Salandit, dodge it!” On Sam’s command, Salandit spun to the right three-quarters and then ran ahead, avoiding Lycanroc’s jaws and continuing its momentum to swing its tail, hitting it in the left side of Lycanroc’s gut. With the pulse of energy that came from the attack, Lycanroc was lobbed high up into the air and over the lighthouse, where it appeared as though it would begin to fall back toward the coast. Olivia hissed as she was forced to return her Pokémon back to its ball. “Yes!” Sam shouted with a slam of his arms in the air. “Yes, this is going way better than I thought it would!” The last of the beam from Olivia’s ball receded inside the center button, Olivia standing there with a serious frown on her face. “Congratulations. It doesn’t matter though. Neither of us have been able to take out any of each others Pokémon, but yours is on its last legs.” She detached Golem’s ball from her belt. “I just need one hit, not even a good one, and the edge is mine again.” Olivia’s solemn demeanor faded quickly as she noticed people approaching them on the hill. At first suspicious, she was then happy to see Lillie leading the charge. As Sam turned to look behind them, Alice and their friends looked over as well. Running around Guzma and Acerola, Twilight and Spike finally made eye contact with their other six friends, completely unable to withhold their tears and sobs at the sight of them. “No… way,” Alice could only mutter, choking up as well. “Twilight!” Starlight cried out as she galloped towards her and Spike. Twilight and Spike, uncaring for the tears that hindered their vision, ran forward towards Starlight, the rest of her friends following her. Twilight and Spike collided into Starlight in a tight hug, the other five ponies surrounding her and showering her with embraces and cries of joy as well. Sam, two tears falling from his eyes, sunk to his knees as his Salandit came around to see what was wrong with him. He then scooped his lizard up, much to its surprise, and held it so that it could look upon the eight friends united at long last. “Look what we did, girl. Look what we did.” He then hugged her tight, overwhelmed with the accomplishment he felt. Another pair of arms came around his own, Sam glancing over as Alice took her glasses off and dabbed her wet eyes dry on the shoulder of his shirt. “We did it. Holy fucking shit, Sam, we really did it.” Sam, giggling, moved an arm off of his Salandit and wrapped it around his sister's back, also eternally grateful for her support. As Acerola, Burnet, and Guzma both stood together and appreciated the fruits of their efforts, Lillie turned to find Gladion standing alone by the lighthouse, also gladly watching the eight Equestrians’ reunion. With a whimper, she ran to her brother, who put his arms up upon seeing her come. She crashed into his embrace, allowing her to sob over his shoulder. “Shh,” Gladion hushed. “You’re safe now. It’s okay.” Olivia proudly surveyed the scene with her hands on her hips. With a sigh, she walked up to approach Sam and Alice, only for Twilight and Spike to be led to them by her other friends. “I know we met a couple nights ago,” Twilight said to Sam and Alice as they stood respectfully to her, “but it would be my utmost honor to thank you both personally for helping bring my friends and I back together.” Reaching for Alice with her hoof, Alice took it with her hand and gave it a firm shake. “And it was our honor to help.” She then moved to let Sam shake her hoof as well while Alice knelt down to shake Spike’s hand. “I’d say it was a blast, but… I’m sorry your friends had to be put through all of this.” “What matters now is that we’re all together again. Thank you, Alice and Sam. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” As Alice stood up to join her brother, Twilight surprised both of them by standing on her hind legs and hugging them by their stomach’s, pulling them close to her. Spike also joined in and hugged Sam’s leg. Twilight’s other friends stood by each other and watched, Applejack throwing her arm around Rainbow Dash’s neck and pulling her close as Pinkie Pie roped Rarity and Fluttershy in with her own arms. Olivia crossed her arms as she came up to Sam. “Well, Sam. It looks like you won’t need to leave for Ula’ula any time soon. If you want, we can resume this battle after the ponies have been returned home.” Sam giggled, slipping out of Twilight, Spike, and Alice’s embrace. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? After I gave up my secret Focus Sash strategy, and used it up for you? No, we’re still finishing this now. Alice, guys? You’ll want to step away.” “Sam?” Spike questioned, losing grip on Sam’s leg. “We should be going to the Aether Paradise now. The quicker we get there, the quicker we–” “That’s okay!” Lillie came up, holding her Pokédex up in the air. “I scheduled a ferry to come pick us up!” “A ferry?” Rainbow Dash loudly groaned. “Don’t you guys have anything faster?” “We do, but all of our helicopters are back at the Aether House involving last night’s incident.” “Incident?” Starlight asked. “What incident?” “We can explain later,” Twilight answered. “Lillie? How much longer until the ferry arrives?” “A couple of hours.” Lillie looked at the GPS, showing that the boat had still not left the Paradise. “That should be more than enough time for Sam and Olivia to finish their match.” Sam looked down to his Salandit still in his arm. “Well, you heard the woman! We have a match to win!” Gently tossing it out, Salandit landed on the ground, forcing Olivia to take her fighting spot. “Oh, girls!” Starlight shouted. “We should probably move now!” “That’s probably a splendid idea.” Rarity was the first to trot to the side of the court on Sam’s left, prompting all of her other friends to do the same. Olivia waited a few moments until the court was fully cleared of any non-Pokémon before she tossed out her ball. “You’re back up, Golem!” Her Pokémon popped out from the Ultra Ball, shouting at Salandit with hopes of retribution. As Twilight and Spike began to watch the match, both Lady and Comfey came on both sides of them, Lady’s mew in particular shocking Twilight before she recognized it. “You must be Lady. Thanks for helping keep my friends safe!” Twilight scratched behind her ears, making the Sylveon purr loudly. Spike and Comfey looked inquisitively at each other before Comfey hugged Spike’s cheeks, making him giggle as he stroked the top of its head. Both Starlight and Fluttershy watched them, nodding and smiling in gratitude for their quick companionship. Burnet walked up behind Alice and slapped her hand upon her shoulder, scaring her stiff. “Hey there! How’ve you and your brother been doing? Actually, don’t answer that. Let’s watch.” “No more need for tails, girl!” Sam pointed his hand out at Golem. “Use Dragon Rage, now!” “Golem, use Stone Edge!” Olivia shouted. As Salandit charged its mouth with blue light, Golem leaned down and placed the ends of its claws on the ground. Salandit shot out its attack right as Golem ran its large nails out and threw them up, bringing another large tower of rock from the ground, this one also successfully hitting Salandit and sending it flying. Before it closed its eyes in fainting, Salandit looked to see its own attack hitting Golem in the face and sending it back to the edge of the court, forcing Olivia to step aside. With its work done, it let out a last huff and let itself limply flip about until it landed back on the ground. Sam breathed out a large sigh as he took Salandit’s Poké Ball and brought it back inside before putting the ball against his forehead. “You were excellent, girl. I’m so proud of you.” Twilight and Spike both smiled warmly, happy to see his genuine love for his Pokémon firsthand. “But…” Sam put Salandit’s ball away and took out his next. “…this one should be much easier. You’ve already taken her out by yourself, so have at it!” He threw the ball out. “Go, Fomantis!” Fomantis leapt out from its ball and screeched at Golem, more than ready to take it out again. “Ha!” Olivia crossed her arms. “And it will be as slow today as it was yesterday. Golem, attack Fomantis with Thunder Punch!” “This again?” Sam then threw his arm out. “Use Leaf Blade, now!” With the electricity in its back running down into its arms, Golem ran out at Fomantis, who threw its arms to the side and began sprinting to meet its advance. As Fomantis wound its arms back further to attack harder, Golem’s electric-charged left-hook hit first into Sam’s Pokémon’s face, sending it flying off to the left toward the audience watching. Fomantis, with its arms still held out, tried to run back to get its hit in, only to find its legs not obeying it, keeping it still where it was standing, sparks running down the lower half of its body. “Oh no! Is it paralyzed?” Spike’s desperate query was met with a nod by Sam. “Knew it shouldn’t have been that easy,” he growled. “That should work for me,” Olivia hummed. “Golem, finish off his Pokémon with Heavy Slam!” Golem turned back to the mostly petrified Fomantis and grinned, glad that it would get the better of its foe this time around. Sam glanced to Fomantis as Golem turned to face it. “Fomantis, can you still move your arms?!” Fomantis delivered a quick couple of slashes, turning back to Sam and nodding and yowling back quickly. “Alright then. Hit her with Razor Leaf!” Golem began to charge, and with a furious whipping of its arms, leaves began to fly out in a flurry that blew like a hurricane into Golem’s body. Golem refused to slow down despite the onslaught, and Fomantis refused to let up despite the stiffness and tingling all over its body. Sam watched as Golem began to bend down to leap up. “Don’t stop for a second!” he cried. Golem jumped, Fomantis following its path and continued sending its leaves upwards. Even as Golem was just inches from flattening it, Fomantis refused to stop until the full weight of Golem’s rotundness upon it forced it to. A wave of dirt and dust blew into the spectators who quickly blocked their eyes and faces as it rolled over them. Sam tightened his fists as Olivia confidently put her arms down. “Alright,” she commanded. “Get off of her before she suffocates.” Golem’s body trembled beyond the dust that still lingered, confusing and worrying its trainer. Sam breathed in slowly as Golem began to roll off of his Pokémon before it rolled over onto its back, too tired to get up itself. As it relaxed and fainted, the dust cleared away to reveal Fomantis also still and motionless. A stalemate. “Well, geez.” Guzma leaned down and whispered in Alice’s ear while giving her shoulder a tap. “How many Pokémon’s he got left?” “He’s on his last.” Alice watched nervously as Sam and Olivia both called back their fallen Pokémon. “However, if he fights her Probopass correctly, he can take it out in a couple of hits, and then he has only her already weakened Lycanroc to deal with.” “Sounds like Sam’s got this one in the bag,” Applejack commented, overhearing. “More like a ball! Am I right?” Pinkie Pie’s attempt at a joke went awkwardly ignored, though she cooly settled down and let the moment die on its own. “Yeah, but…” Sam and Olivia both detached their next balls off of their belts, ready to send them out. “It’s not nearly as fast as his others. He’ll still require a lot of luck if he hopes to win this.” “What’s his last Pokémon?” Acerola asked her. Olivia threw her ball out first. “Go, Probopass!” With a large, expanding burst of light from her ball, her magnet-head Pokémon landed hard on the fragmented surface of the court and awaited Sam’s next Pokémon. With a pleading tap of the Poké Ball against his forehead, Sam felt confident sending out his last Pokémon. “You’re on now, Honedge!” As Sam’s sword Pokémon appeared from its ball, Lillie, Guzma, and Acerola gasped, the latter one loudest of all. “Oh, wow! A Honedge!? That’s amazing!” “Just wait,” Starlight said to her. “Alice may be right about it not being too fast, but it’s his strongest Pokémon by far.” “I can’t wait to see what it does.” Sam and Honedge stared Probopass down, nervously seeing the narrowed path to victory becoming cloudier by the second. “Yep. I guess we’ll have to.” “You won’t have to do much of anything, sweetie!” Olivia shouted back. “Even if you manage to survive this, you still have my Lycanroc to deal with, and I’m certain it won’t survive again. Probopass, Earth Power!” Probopass set its mini-heads down into a circle and began to heat up the ground beneath it. The earth underneath Honedge was now also beginning to grow red and hot, and before Honedge could react further, the ground erupted in fire and burning mud that splashed onto Honedge, knocking it back toward Sam. “Honedge!” Despite Sam’s cries and its own pain, Honedge swept back into an upright position, both relieving him and pumping him up. “That’s it. Now, let’s finish her off!” Sam crossed his wrists before his face, lighting his Z-Ring up. As he and Honedge put their arms down and crossed them back out, Sam delivered a series of punches that Honedge replicated as a series of quick stabs before they both threw a harder, stronger jab. As the golden Z-Power surged from Sam’s body and into Honedge, both Spike and Twilight sighed in awe. “No way!” Spike shouted. “Where’d he get a Z-Ring?” “A gift from Tapu Koko,” Gladion explained. “The tool used to help bring you and your friends together.” “So…” Twilight wondered aloud. “That thing from back then…” “Olivia!” Sam cried out to her. “Your Pokémon there may be your sturdiest, but we brought it down once, and we’re happy to do it again.” Sam’s bravado proved entertaining to Olivia. “Then do it, Sam! Show me what you and your Pokémon have!” “Alright, Honedge! You heard her! Give me your best All-Out Pummeling!” With a fast spinning of its blade and scabbard, Honedge threw out a barrage of fist and hand-shaped auras that each struck Probopass as its mini-heads helped keep its ground. Finally, Honedge threw its sheath up and shot forward, catching itself inside of it and soaring out like an arrow right at the bridge of Probopass’s nose. The attack hit its target dead on, but with Probopass’s body and mini-heads anchoring it to the ground, the resulting explosion from the hit only blew about more dust and forceful winds all around the area. With the debris that began to fly about, Twilight and Starlight both formed barriers around themselves and their friends, blocking the pebbles and spots of dirt that collided into them. The remnants from the attack began to settle, revealing Olivia chuckling and Probopass shifting itself off the ground with its mini-heads. The ponies were all shocked by Olivia’s Pokémon’s survival, and even more so by Sam’s unsurprised reaction. “How?” Rainbow Dash gulped. “That was a Z-Move for crying out loud!” As Olivia opened her mouth to explain, Sam began to talk before her. “Because her Pokémon is gifted with a certain ability called ‘Sturdy.’ Think of it like a Focus Sash that never goes away.” Olivia smiled, pretending to not appear impressed. “Very good, Sam, but because my Pokémon still stands, you best find a way to keep its next attack from finishing Honedge off. Probopass, Earth Pow–” “Shadow Sneak!” As Sam’s voice cracked over Olivia’s orders, Probopass glanced down to already see Honedge’s snaking shadow appearing beneath it and blasting up, throwing it just a few inches up into the air. The attack was just enough though, Probopass drawing a final grunt before it shut its eyes and let itself fall to its back with a loud, booming thud. Olivia, mouth hung open and trembling, looked to Sam, unable to withhold her amazement. Sam smirked, letting her know all that he needed to say. The ponies and Spike all cheered, Lady and Comfey also stamping and hollering right beside them. Alice smirked and crossed her arms. “That’s exactly right, Sam.” With a toothy smile and laugh, Olivia took out Probopass’s ball, aimed it, and returned her Pokémon inside of it. “Hah… That was pretty smooth, Sam. You knew all about Probopass’s Sturdy and used it to your advantage. You really do have the makings of a fine trainer. Heh… Maybe if those last two Equestrians weren’t standing right there and were still on Ula’ula Island, I would probably even let you go ahead even after you lost.” Though charmed by the comment, Sam immediately felt concern rise inside of him with her last comment. “Uh, lost?” “That’s right, Sam. You may be facing my Lycanroc in a much weaker state than you did last time, but unless Honedge can send out one hell of a Shadow Sneak, I will be making the first and final move.” Sam widened his stance and held his balled fists up, his Honedge matching them with its blade and scabbard. “You can certainly try.” “I will…” Olivia detached her last Ultra Ball and chucked it out. “And we won’t fail! Go, Lycanroc!” With a pop-open of the ball, her red-and-white wolf leapt out from inside of it, looking tired, but eager enough to win. All eyes were on her final Pokémon, the spectators holding their breaths as they awaited for some miracle to save Sam and Honedge. “Lycanroc, finish Honedge with Crunch, now!” Baring its teeth and growling, Lycanroc roared out and darted at Sam’s Pokémon. Knowing Honedge could not avoid it, he forcefully brought his arms crossed together, Honedge also forming an X to block as much of the attack as it could. With its mouth open wide, Lycanroc’s fangs bit down along the top and bottom corners of the cross, biting down hard enough to try and break its defensive hold apart. Sam looked close to tears as Honedge shook and strained to keep its stance sturdy. Even with all of its efforts, Honedge’s X-formation widened as it failed to keep holding on. Sam breathed in hard, hoping for Honedge to break free at any moment, but realizing that it would not come. Clenching his fists tighter, he suddenly felt the words he was looking for filling into his gut. As if rising up from his stomach and into his throat, he let them spill out as loud as he could. “You can do it, Honedge!” Honedge’s tightly shut eye shot open as if a spark inside of it ignited its entire body. And like a flame, its body lit up as an ethereal space of green, swirling waves replaced its other features. Not a single human, pony, dragon, nor Pokémon could withhold a loud, thunderstruck gasp. “It’s…” Starlight peered out, looking at Honedge’s body. “It’s just like when Lady…” “Does that mean?” Fluttershy wondered aloud. “Honedge is…” “Oh my god,” Alice both sobbed and laughed. “Oh my god, Sam!!” Lycanroc’s eyes shot open as Honedge suddenly began to overpower its bite. Just then, an ellipse-shaped light winked into existence behind Honedge, the light spreading out until it formed the shape of two of its sheaths crossed together. To everyone’s greatest shock, Honedge’s other scabbard began to stretch and morph into a second sword, the slot growing a thin crescent-shaped cross-guard and hilt to match the one its original sword was changing into. Finally, a second cloth flowed out of the pommel like liquid before expanding into the same width and length as the first and grabbing hold of its scabbard mantle. With a brighter glow, the light shattered off of Honedge’s new form, revealing that along with its second blade, its cloth arms were now purple and pink along the ends, its blue eye now also a striking pink. Sam felt his legs tremble as he stared at the back of his new Pokémon. “Honed– no…” Sam’s smile widened until he was grinning ear to ear, his eyes also widening with excitement as he was about to call his Pokémon’s name for the first time. “Doublade! Shadow Claw!” Doublade tilted out so that its blades were now held in the corners of Lycanroc’s mouth. Once they began glowing purple, Doublade slashed out, throwing Lycanroc back toward Olivia as a wave of purple aura pulsed quickly out from the arc it created. Through a graceful series of spins and flips with its blades, Doublade held its blades up in an X formation, staring down at Lycanroc as purple steam spilled up out of its mouth. “Okay,” Rainbow Dash shouted in confusion, “what in the hay just happened? Because that was totally awesome!” “Honedge evolved!” Fluttershy jubilantly exclaimed. “Evolved?” Twilight questioned. “Wait, is this like Mega Evolving?” “I’ll explain later.” Starlight put her arm around Twilight’s neck. Twilight then frowned, leaving her friend a bit worried. “I think we’ll all have a lot to talk about after this.” Oliva and Lycanroc continued staring at Sam and Doublade. “Alright then… If that’s how it’s going to end…” Olivia crossed her wrist over her face. “Then let’s end this!” Her Z-Ring shot up with light as her Lycanroc crossed its own arms before its face before they both put their arms down and crossed them out. After hopping down, standing back up with a flex of their arms, falling into a lunge and then flexing their arms once more, Olivia’s Z-Power exploded from her body and flowed into Lycanroc, leaving it with faint golden flames dancing off its fur. “After both those hits you took,” Olivia called out, “I don’t think your Pokémon will outlast this one, even with its evolution! Now, Lycanroc. Finish Doublade off with Continental Crush!” Lycanroc pumped its arms in as it roared into the sky, stray rocks and boulders from the mountains and sea being pulled up to a single spot above the court. Twilight and Spike marveled at the ever-increasing size of the mountain that was being created as it began to dwarf the court. Once all of the rocks had finished forming, Lycanroc threw its arms down, letting it begin to fall down on Doublade. “It may not have worked last time,” Sam said, “but I have a real good feeling about this one. Doublade, use Shadow Sneak!” Olivia gasped, almost having forgotten about Sam’s ultimate strategy. As the rock came closer upon it, Doublade thrust itself down to the ground, sending out a far wider and faster shadow than the one it made as a Honedge. Easily making its way to Lycanroc, it came beneath it and blasted Lycanroc high up into the air with one long shrill whine. Sam kept his eyes on Lycanroc, hoping it would not have the energy to flip over and land safely as it had done before. Sam, Doublade, and the audience all waited for that moment, the world feeling as though it was in slow motion waiting for it to happen or not. The moment never came, and the moment Lycanroc’s limp body crumpled onto the ground, the falling mountain lit up before breaking apart into a handful of small rock shards. Sam and Doublade stood still and waited for the last of the rocks to fall, still staying silent as the echoes quickly died down. Even Alice and her other friends stayed quiet as Olivia finally stepped forward to her fallen Lycanroc and bent down to give it a couple of thankful strokes of its fur. “D– Doublade?” Sam’s Pokémon turned to face him for the first time, and while it was a very alien sight to behold, it closed its eyes and began joyfully pumping its blades up into the air in celebration. “Yeah, Doublade! You’re amazing!” Sam held his arms up and screamed a whooping laugh as Doublade crashed into him, wrapping its swords and cloth arms around its trainer’s back while he hugged its scabbard mantle. He then had Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey throw themselves onto him and hug the two of them before Alice ran in and tackled them all to the ground. As the seven of them sat up on the ground, the other five ponies, dragon, and humans all surrounded him, each offering their small applause and congratulations. Broken free of his group hug, Sam pulled Starlight and Fluttershy back in, pulling their faces close to his. “Sam?” Alice began crawling up to him and put her hands onto his shoulders. “Sorry for nearly getting you decapitated but… Holy shit, you really did it! And oh my god! Honedge– I mean, Doublade, look at you!” Happy to see her, Doublade floated over and also gave his trainer’s sister a hug as well. Even with all of the noise going on, Olivia’s clapping silenced them as she came close. She stopped just short of his feet. “Well, well, well. I never thought I’d lose a battle that way, but then again, I think we can both agree the feeling’s mutual.” “Hah… right.” With an outstretched hand, Olivia pulled Sam up to his feet so that he could face her. “That was a truly incredible battle young man, and certainly one worthy of completing your trials here on Akala Island. As a token of your victory, I now humbly offer you a Rockium Z.” Pulling a brown crystal from her pocket, she cupped it into Sam’s hand before stepping back and letting him hold it up to the sun to appreciate its luster. “You’ve probably seen how to activate the Rockium Z enough times that I don’t need to teach you… or…” “No, I think I got it. Plus, if I need to, Alice can help me.” “That sounds fine too.” As Alice put her arm around Sam’s back and gave it a supportive shake, Olivia turned to Lillie. “How much more time until the ferry arrives, Lillie?” “Oh!” Lillie looked down at her Pokédex, seeing that the ferry was still about a quarter of the way there since she called for it. “I’d say it has about another hour and a half before it arrives and is ready to board.” “Perfect. I’d like to make a couple of stops before I see you all off. Please, follow me.” Olivia parted through the group and toward the hill into the forest that would lead them back to Konikoni City. Lillie, Gladion, Guzma, Burnet, and Acerola were next to follow her, followed by Sam, Doublade, Alice, and all eight of the Equestrians, along with Lady and Comfey. As they continued on, Starlight brushed her tail against Sam’s leg, getting his attention. “You did really well. You and your sister. Thank you.” It had been said quite a lot that day, and Sam merely nodded in appreciation, knowing he didn’t have to say anymore either. The group walked into the forest and left the Grand Trial battlefield behind them. It was only a matter of time now. > Chapter 41 – Three Halves Done > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Ultra Balls and three regular ones rested inside an incubator behind the center desk of the Pokémon Center, being monitored by a pink-haired nurse in white-and-pink garb. Sam, Alice, and their friends filled half the seats and tables inside the café to the left, Sam and Olivia both sitting at the table closest to the center counter. While the ponies were all sitting at a table made from smaller ones pushed together, the other humans sat around them, listening in on their conversations. “And then,” Pinkie Pie continued, “Sam made us a big dinner and we had a big nighttime picnic on the beach! Isn’t that awesome?!” “Pinkie,” Twilight giggled, “we talked on the Pokédex about it, remember?” “Oh, yeah! It was just kind of weird with you not actually being there and all, but now we’re all here, and we get to go back home to our family and friends!” The others smiled relaxingly, also deeply gladdened with the thought of home. Twilight was the first to settle back into unease, something her friends picked up immediately. “Twilight?” Applejack asked. “What’s the matter now? Aren’t you excited about goin’ back?” “Yeah, but…” Twilight took a sip of her tea from the small white cup sitting in front of her. “I just kind of feel a little bit guilty, is all.” “What on earth for, darling?” Rarity asked. “I mean, Team Prism is still running about, I’m sure, and they’ll still probably be after you.” “Don’t worry about Team Prism,” Gladion sternly interrupted. “Without you on our world, they won’t have much left to do for themselves, and even if they do try and attack us out of spite, we’ll be ready for them. Won’t we?” Upon turning to his fellow friends, they all gave nods and verbal statements of approval. “Hey!” Spike suddenly shouted over them. “What about Nanu? He stayed behind on that island buying us more time!” “Oh my gosh, that’s right!” Twilight clopped a hoof to her forehead, cursing herself for forgetting. “I wouldn’t feel right leaving yet without making sure he’s okay.” “Okay then, how about I just show you!” Guzma pulled out his Pokédex from his pocket and tapped on the screen a couple of times before handing it to Twilight. To her and Spike’s immediate relief, she looked at an image of Nanu sitting on a bed in his typical grumpy demeanor with his shirt and jacket off and his chest and abdomen bandaged as he held an icepack on the right side of his head. Standing around him throwing up two-fingered hand gestures and other hand symbols were young blue-haired men and pink-haired women in matching black tank-tops and black shorts similar to Guzma’s. “Yeah,” Guzma explained, “my boys and girls found him lying on that boardwalk at the meadow. Not sure how he did it, but he and his Pokémon must have managed to take out Team Prism and Dexio all by his crazy-ass lonesome. They brought him back to Po Town and fixed him back up until he woke up later in the morning.” Twilight and Spike both breathed out, happy for the news. “That’s good,” she said. “If we aren’t able to swing over and say hi, could you tell him Spike and I said thank you?” “Nothing would make us happier, Twilight,” Acerola said. After Twilight and Spike nodded to her and returned her attention to their other six friends, Acerola glanced over to Sam and Olivia sitting and waiting for their Pokémon to be healed. Scooting her chair back, she weaved around the other chairs and the people sitting on them until she made her way to the two of them. “Excuse me, Olivia?” She stood beside her chair. “You wouldn’t mind giving me a couple of minutes with him, would you?” Olivia huffed happily as she pushed her chair back and stepped aside. “Take all the time you need. I was planning on getting something from the café anyway.” “Alright, thank you!” As Olivia walked to the barista managing his wares, Acerola sat down in Olivia’s seat, Sam silently gulping as he tried to stay cool in front of this new person. “So… sorry. Sam, was it? Your name?” Sam was broken from his trance and swiftly shook hands with the woman, shocking her by his speed and firm grip. “Oh, yes, sorry! Yes, I’m Sam. I, uh… just get a little nervous about meeting new people.” “Oh, that's fine. Anyways, my name is Acerola. I’m one of the Elite Four at the Pokémon League and I specialize in Ghost-type Pokémon.” Sam’s eyes shot further open with realization. “So that’s why you sounded so excited about my Honedge during my last battle.” “Mmhm! Also, congrats on evolving it into Doublade! That was really something!” “Yeah, hehe, you’re telling me.” “Anyways, there’s something I’d really like you to know that I think would be really important to you.” Sam leaned himself in involuntarily, hooked by Acerola’s upcoming words. “Before I became a permanent Elite Four trainer, I used to be a trial captain. My site used to be at this abandoned Thrifty Megamart on the south side of the island. Lots of wild Ghost-type Pokémon like to make their home there, but I know that’s not what interests you, no. There are Dusk Stones there.” Immediately, Sam’s interest was at its peak. “They grow on the walls like mold. The only people who visit that place anymore are people looking to evolve their Misdreavuses or Murkrows, but I know that Doublade evolves when you use a Dusk Stone on it. So, if you happen to pass by it, be sure to go in.” Sam smiled and nodded, thinking about the detour he’d never take until she mentioned it. “Yes, I will. Thank you, Acerola, that’s extremely helpful.” Sam shook her hand again, which she was now prepared for, squeezing his hand as tightly as he did hers. “Please, I know you’ll need all the help you can get on the rest of your Island Trials, especially if you want to get far enough to face me!” Sam, though unnerved by her toothless, wide-lipped smile, was more than charmed by her sentiment. “So it’s a challenge, then!” “I look forward to it.” Wrapped up in his conversation with his new friend, Sam didn’t notice the nurse bring six Poké Balls up on a tray to the counter. “Sam? Olivia?” Sam shot out of his seat and took the tray from her, about to carry it to the table. “I’ll bring it back once Olivia comes back.” Sam’s promise was met with an understanding nod from the nurse as he placed the tray on the table, taking out his regular Poké Balls and leaving the Ultra Balls for Olivia to take once she returned with her drink. Olivia stepped into her shop, Carly taking immediate notice of her. As the ponies and their human companions also began pooling in, Olivia breathed easy seeing only a couple of people browsing the merchandise on the tables and displays, making room for everyone to enter. As the two customers turned and began to gawk at the ponies all inside, Guzma and Acerola shot them a dirty look that frightened them back to their shopping. “Thank you all for coming,” Olivia said, “but I just need Sam and Alice right now.” Both of them, though unsure what or why, looked to each other before stepping up toward her. “Yes?” Sam spoke curiously. “What is it?” “I know I only have about a half-hour or so before the ferry arrives, so I just wanted to give you each a parting gift.” “Parting gift?” Alice watched as Olivia walked down to the far end of the left side of the counter, leading them to gaze at the rocks on display there. On the bottom, four different types of colored stones were sorted out neatly in wicker baskets, each of them having either a leaf, water drop, flame, or lightning bolt shaped marking inside. Above them on the next rack were four single fossils, each one having the remnants of the creature that formed onto it millions of years ago. Sam took immediate sight of the two dark blue ones before Olivia began to speak again. “While I’m not sorry for keeping you here until you both defeated my Grand Trial, I am sorry I had to do it. As a token of my apology, I’d like to allow you to take one evolution stone or a fossil for yourselves. Please.” With a sideways wave of her hand, she backed up and allowed Sam and Alice to browse. Alice had already bent down and looked upon the yellow stone with the lightning inside of it. “I already know what I want. What about you?” “Yeah, I’m still not sure.” Sam looked between two of the blue fossils, one bearing a resemblance to a turtle’s shell, and the other looking like a flat stone with a rhombic feather on it. “What do you think?” “What do I think what?” Alice stood back up beside her brother, turning to Carly and pointing down while mouthing the words “Thunder Stone.” “Either the Cover Fossil or the Plume Fossil.” Sam kept glancing between the two, unsure which he’d like to keep. “I mean, it’s your choice, bro. After all, whatever Pokémon you get from either one is coming with us, so which one would you rather have in your party?” Carly reached over and handed Alice her Thunder Stone, and as Sam continued looking through the glass, feeling time bogging down on him with each second, Alice calmly and meditatively ran her finger over the surface of her new gift. Alice ran north with a Poké Ball and her Thunder Stone in hand, her eyes set on the small harbor just a minute or so of running left ahead. Fluttershy flew close behind as Starlight galloped alongside her. Sam and the other six Equestrians followed behind as Alice reached the entrance to the pier, running down and passing the multiple docked boats until she reached the end looking out to the sea, stopping five feet short of the edge. Lobbing it out gently, Pikachu formed from the energy that spilled out once the ball hit the floor. Pikachu looked about inquisitively at its aquatic surroundings, but brought its attention to Alice once she knelt down and Starlight and Fluttershy stood close behind her. “Hey there,” Alice cooed in singsong, slowly holding the Thunder Stone up. Pikachu became transfixed on the stone, as if naturally drawn to it and the way in gleamed in the sun. “Oh!” Alice put the stone down on her knee, her Pokémon following it with its eyes. “So, you want to evolve already?” Pikachu squeaked loudly with a wide, open-mouthed smile and nodded. Reaching with her left hand, she began to pet the side of Pikachu’s face and scratched gently along its back to its enjoyment, savoring its final moments in its current state. “Yep, you’re a cutie.” Alice took her hand off and began to reach for Pikachu with the Thunder Stone in her other hand. “Alright then, hold still…” Fluttershy and Starlight stepped closer with rising interest as Pikachu leaned forward and tapped its forehead against the tip of the stone. At that moment, it began to glow bright in Alice’s hand before Alice’s hold broke through it, disintegrating the stone into bright sparkles that began to settle all over Pikachu’s skin, rendering it a shape of white. The brightness began to settle down, showing Pikachu’s body flowing with the same green aura that had transformed Sam’s Honedge. As Sam and the other ponies approached the four of them, they too began to watch as Pikachu’s body grew nearly twice its size, becoming a bit plumper as well. It’s ears began to inflate and round as another flap of cartilage curled around the outer center, pressing flush against the ear. Pikachu’s arms and hands became stubbier as its feet grew longer and bigger. Finally, the base of its tail began to stretch out into a long rope, the bolt shape of it becoming wider, flatter and rounder as it slipped underneath its feet. Pikachu’s body glowed bright white again before the light exploded off of it, replacing it with a light-brown rodent with a cream-colored belly, white, fuzzy tips on its hands and feet, and beady cyan eyes. Her new Pokémon began to rise up off the ground, using its tail like a surfboard, Alice slowly standing to meet its gaze. “Wow, Alice!” Fluttershy gasped. “What did Pikachu just turn into?” Alice chuckled over the sheer adorableness of what floated before her. “Raichu.” On hearing its name, Raichu let out raspy “ai” before swinging itself into its trainer, trying to wrap as much of its small arms around her chest as possible. Alice also hugged her Pokémon back as if it were a large doll, and given how plush its body felt on her hands, she couldn’t help but squeeze tight. Once they both let go, Raichu began to fly about on its tail, riding the air like ocean waves before swooping down toward Starlight and Fluttershy. As they looked up, also hoping to get a closer, personal look at it, Raichu let out a happy scream as it soared the bottom of its tail just inches above their heads, the static throwing their hair up in tall, messy tents. As Twilight and Spike ran to them to see if they were alright, Spike began combing Starlight’s hair back straight, unable to stifle the giggles he felt come on. Alice, Sam, and the Equestrians all watched with wonder as Raichu excitedly and passionately weaved around the masts of the sailboats and skating just above the surface of the ocean. It then soared back high up and got a good look of its new sights, able to see the entire western side of Akala Island to its left, right, and beneath it. As it looked back down where Alice and her friends were all waiting, Raichu’s eyes lit up and it let out a shrill cheer before shooting back down to the ground. Alice confusedly watched her Pokémon pass over her, the Equestrians, and even Gladion, Guzma, Acerola, Lillie, and Burnet, who gathered outside the harbor to follow her. “Raichu? Raichu!” As Alice ran back from the harbor to the city, she weaved around the ponies, failing to avoid bumping into Rainbow Dash and Rarity as she went past. The other humans stepped to a single side to let her pass on the other side, allowing her to go on and find her Raichu getting petted by a young woman. Though her sky-blue t-shirt and pristine white shorts weren’t familiar, her brown hair and brand-new straw hat certainly were. “Kaj?” Upon hearing her name, Kaj turned and beamed upon seeing her friend approach her as happily as she looked. “Alice!” The two hugged tightly for a moment before Kaj returned to Raichu. “Check out this Alolan Raichu that came up to me! I didn’t know they were wild here!” “Yeah, about that… remember Pikachu?” “Pikachu? Of course I remem– …Wait! No!” Alice nodded, confirming her suspicions. Kaj squealed and gave Raichu a tight hug. Though it was caught off guard by the gesture and began to charge sparks along its body, Raichu kept itself under control. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Alice! I assume you got your Thunder Stone from the jewelry shop!” “Yeah…” As Sam, the ponies, and the rest of his friends returned from the harbor, Sam and Gladion both gasped to see the same girl they met two days prior standing with Alice. The first to react were Starlight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, who all galloped out to her with Lady and Comfey. “Kaj!” Pinkie Pie leapt out, beating her other friends as she clung to her in a tight embrace. As she set herself back down, the other three ponies and Pokémon all surrounded her, bombarding her with greetings. “What are you doing here? Did you come all this way just to say bon voyage?” “Bon voyage?” Kaj questioned. “What are you talking about?” Sam and Gladion then walked up with the remaining half of the Equestrians, Sam motioning his hand to her for the ponies and dragon. “Guys, this is our friend Kaj. We met and hung out a couple nights ago while we were on our way here. And how are you doing, Kaj?” “Oh! Great, Sam! How about you?” “Thanks to you, I’m already halfway through my Island Trials.” “Huh? Thanks to me? What did I do?” “I used your Focus Sash to help me beat Olivia.” “Really? Oh, cool! So when you become champion, you can say I helped you get there!” Sam chuckled, unable to deny it. “And, not to steal Alice’s thunder or anything, pardon the pun, but she’s not the only one who evolved someone today.” Before Kaj could continue acting excited over her role in Sam’s victory, Sam tossed a Poké Ball from his belt, letting his Doublade out for Kaj to see. “Whoa!” Kaj yelled out. “No way! Your Honedge is already a Doublade?” “Mmhm! Literally evolved in the middle of getting crunched by Olivia’s Lycanroc.” Kaj was suddenly distracted by the three ponies and baby dragon that she did not recognize, falling into a squat to look at them, Spike specifically, at eye level. “Oh, wow! Are these the rest of their friends?” “Yes ma’am!” Applejack said. “All eight of us accounted for. We’re actually just waitin’ for the ferry to sail us to this Aether Paradise place so we can go back home.” “Go back home?” It suddenly hit her, the realization saddening her. “Oh… that’s what she meant by bon voyage.” “I’m sorry we have to leave so soon,” Twilight said, “but I do want to let you know I greatly appreciate your kindness toward my friends, and I’m certain they won’t forget what you’ve done for them.” “Speaking of forgetting,” Pinkie Pie jumped in, “what are you doing here?” “I just decided to spend the day in Konikoni City, and then Alice’s Raichu noticed me, and then, here we all are, I guess… How much longer until the ferry comes?” Lillie looked onto her Pokédex, seeing the tracker on her screen just a mile or so south of the corner of the island. “About fifteen or so minutes.” “Oh, bummer! I was kind of hoping you’d get to stay a little longer.” “I’m afraid not. I’m sure you can understand how homesick they all must be.” “No, of course! Hey, while you’re all here, can I get a selfie with you?” Gladion stepped up. “Kaj, I thought we went over this. You can’t be sharing pictures of the ponies with–” “What? No, silly! I wanted to get a picture with you, Sam, and Alice! That’s okay, right?” “I think so,” Alice remarked, walking up to her with Raichu beside her. “Wouldn’t you, Sam?” “Oh, yeah!” Sam joined her side with Doublade. “Sounds fine. Right, Gladion?” Their pressurizing stares cornered Gladion, and after a few short moments, he blew out a sigh and shrugged. “I suppose.” Gladion stood behind Kaj while Sam and Alice stood ahead of him on both sides, their Pokémon floating behind them. As Kaj readied her phone, the screen pointing at them and revealing their expressions, Gladion relaxed into an uncommon smile just as she pressed the button, getting a delightful snapshot of the six of them. Kaj giggled as she studied the individual perfections in virtually every pixel. “Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you guys so much!” “Hey! Are we taking pictures?” Pinkie Pie appeared over Kaj’s shoulder before she zipped back to join her other seven friends. “Be sure to get our good sides!” “Pinkie!” Gladion glowered. “I already told Kaj that–” “Oh, come on, Gladion!” Lillie gently backhanded his upper arm. “The ponies can have a keepsake before they go back.” She then turned to Kaj. “Listen, would it be okay if you sent whatever picture you take to me for me to print when we get back to the Paradise?” “Oh, sure! Anything for them!” Pinkie Pie bounced in place, excited to capture the moment. “Just a couple of things.” Gladion’s stern voice brought Pinkie Pie to a halt, awaiting his conditions. “First, be sure not to share that picture with anyone. Keep it on your phone, whatever, just make sure it stays there.” Kaj nodded, understanding. “Lastly… she’ll be here any moment to see us off one last time. Would you mind waiting for Olivia?” Kaj backed up and examined the line of humans, ponies, and Pokémon all gathered together. In the foreground were all eight Equestrians with Lady standing beside Starlight and Comfey resting on Fluttershy’s head with its body the crown jewel directly centered there. Sam and Alice stood beside them with Doublade floating next to him and Noibat perched on her shoulder. Gladion, Lillie, and Burnet stood to the very right with Silvally, Starmie, and Reuniclus, while Guzma, Acerola, and Olivia sat atop of Palossand with Golisopod and Lycanroc standing in front of them. “Okay, this looks awesome!” Kaj put her thumb up as she looked at her phone screen. “It sure better be,” Rainbow Dash quipped. “Hey Kaj!” Alice threw her hand back, beckoning her over. “Why don’t you get in here?” “Huh?” Kaj peered over her phone. “But how am I supposed to take the…” Her question was promptly answered by Twilight holding the phone in her magic and giving the girl an assuring wink. Letting out a shuddering huff that sounded like a mixture of a laugh and a sob, she ran to the group and wrapped her arms around Alice’s back, careful not to disturb Noibat. “And then just push the small button on the top!” Kaj instructed with a mimed tap of her finger. “Got it.” Twilight steadied the camera as everyone got ready. “Okay, on the count of three, say ‘Cheese!’ One, two, three!” Twilight’s magic pressed the button. Lillie looked at the photograph with Twilight standing next to her and Spike on her back, each of their friends, their Pokémon, and the Equestrian’s shouted out with wide smiles on all of their faces. Hearing a revving sound in front of them, they looked up and saw Acerola and Gladion floating on their jet skis from the starboard of the ferry, following it out as it slowly rolled passed the last pier in the harbor. “Sorry we can’t join you,” Acerola called. “We have an old man who slipped and fell on Ula’ula Island we need to take care of.” “Acerola!” Twilight shouted exasperatingly. “I’m joking! Just joking, Twilight!” “Well, it’s been a blast!” Guzma flicked them a two-finger salute. “You all take care! Say hi to your mom and pop for me!” Twilight chortled. “Okay, Guzma. Thank you!” “Bye guys!” Spike screamed out. “Thank you too!” With a twist in the handlebars, Acerola and Guzma sped off, rounding the western side of the island before the ferry began to. On the stern, Rarity and Applejack both waved Olivia and Lycanroc farewell as they stood on the edge of the pier farthest to the sea, waving them off as the ferry turned away to leave them behind. Before the coastline buildings could block off their sight, Lycanroc let out a howl that neither pony possibly couldn’t hear. As Rarity savored the final sights of her friend, she heard a loud sniff beside her, turning to see Applejack hide the upper half of her face with the brim of her hat, unable to conceal the tear that rolled down her cheek. Rarity immediately turned to her friend and they both hugged each other, allowing themselves to miss Olivia and Carly together. On the ship's bow, Sam stood at the very front, watching Acerola and Guzma bank to the southeast. Sam sighed, knowing that they would be long gone by the time the ferry got to that point. Alice, Burnet, and Gladion came up from behind him with Starlight, Lady, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy with Comfey, though he didn’t appear to acknowledge them. “I was thinking, Alice,” Sam said, turning his head to the side where his sister stood. “When this is all done, the ponies going back to Equestria and everything, I mean… why don’t we go home for a couple of days before we go off to Ula’ula?” “Home?” Alice seemed genuinely confused. “As in, home on Hau’oli, or–” “Of course home on Hau’oli!” The clarification was dumbfounding enough for Sam to break his concentration looking forward, turning to look his sister in the eyes. “I’m sure Hau would like to know about our collective successes too! If he isn’t aware already, that is.” “I’m sure Sun or Lillie will tell him,” Gladion responded. “In the meantime, we have a long ways away until we get to the Aether Paradise.” A shadow suddenly cast over his head, and looking up, Rainbow Dash and Raichu were both sailing against the wind and following the boat from twenty feet or so above. “You should make the most of your time left.” Gladion walked to the ferry’s cabin as Starlight and Pinkie Pie both approached him. They were just a few minutes until they were to face open ocean on all sides except behind them. “So,” Starlight began, searching for a topic, “what’s so special about the front of the boat, anyway?” “Oh, would you like a turn?” Though Starlight was about to answer negatively, Sam stepped aside and motioned for her to take her place. Humbled, Starlight stepped slowly up until her chest was pushing against the railing, nothing in front or beside her other than the ocean and the southwestern coast of Akala Island. Breathing in and out, she smiled bravely, finding her new vantage exhilarating. “Does it really feel like flying, Starlight?” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Not quite…” The boat began to sail past the corner of the island, leaving Starlight with nothing but blue seas and skies, and the very faintest sight of a white tower up ahead. “…but pretty close.” > E2 – Aether Paradise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the ferry began to slow itself upon approaching the Aether Paradise, Lillie stood with Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians at the bow. Behind her, the large garage door began to lower itself open, revealing the docks inside swarming with indistinguishable employees. Even having been able to see it for about an hour, everyone but Lillie, Gladion, and Burnet stared up and marveled at the floating fortress they were soon about to enter. “How does this thing even exist?” Twilight wondered aloud. “Is it really built down all the way to the ocean floor, or does it float? If so, how does it not just drift off?” Lillie giggled, appreciating Twilight’s innate curiosity. “The base of the facility is made using a special alloy that’s lighter than water, harder than steel, and doesn’t rust, and then it’s tethered to the ocean floor by titanium cables.” Twilight’s aghast face didn’t seem to sate her answers, leading to Burnet placing a hand on her shoulder. “We’re able to open portals between your world and ours, and it’s a metal rope that shocks you? Hoo… I’m going to miss you bunch, you know that?” “And we’ll miss you too, Burnet.” Fluttershy then looked ahead as the boat began to come into the harbor, seeing both Sun and Lusamine waiting along the edge of a platform where the boat seemed to head to dock. “Who are they?” “That’s Sun and Lusamine,” Gladion answered. “If you have any further questions about your being here, they’re the ones to ask.” As the ferry pulled up to the left of the platform, Gladion and Lillie both made their way to the doorway where they could step off, Sam, Alice, Burnet, and the Equestrians following them. Once it stopped, both doors slid into the walls of the ferry, its floors the same level as the platform. Lillie sped up her walk toward her mother as she threw her arms open, the two of them hugging upon her safe return. “Oh, my brave girl,” Lusamined cooed. “Just please don’t do that again.” “I won’t promise anything, mother.” Lillie clutched her tighter. Sun reached for Gladion, the two clasping each others hands and pulling each other into themselves to pat each other on the back. “Good to see you alive and well,” Sun deadpanned. “And the ponies are all okay?” “Why don’t you ask them?” Gladion stepped aside to let the Equestrians approach him, Alice and Sam standing on both sides of them. While Sun smiled to them warmly, Lusamine quietly gasped with her fingers over her mouth. “Aren’t they incredible, Mother?” Lillie only received a nod in reply. Sun stepped up and waved to the group. “Hey there, everyone! Most of you may not know me, or at least, not that well. Anyways, just call me Sun.” “Are you the one who’s responsible for pulling us out of our world completely against our will or consent?” Pinkie Pie innocently and happily asked. While nothing she said was false, each word in it made Sun’s stomach churn. “Yes… and I do apologize for everything you’ve been through in the past six days, but I can only hope that in a few hours time, you’ll be back home where you belong and can reunite with your other friends and family.” “Sounds good to me,” Applejack said. “I have a brother and little sister probably worried half to death about us.” “And all of our pets too!” Fluttershy began to tremble fearfully. “I sure hope somepony’s been able to feed them.” “If the princesses knew we were gone,” Twilight replied, “I have no doubt they would take some time to either look after them or find someone who can.” “Please,” Sun interrupted, “there are still a couple things I would like to do before we send you back, so if you could just follow me.” Sun turned on his heel and briskly walked back toward the lift at the top of an incline. Lusamine, Lillie, and Gladion led everyone up as Sun stepped inside and began to turn it on. “Actually, now that I’m thinking about it,” Sun mentioned, “Twilight, Spike, Lillie, would you mind stepping in here with me, and Lusamine, Gladion, will you have the rest of them wait up in the conservatory?” “Of course.” Lusamine nodded to him. “Why?” Twilight and Spike did as they were told, but approached slowly and cautiously. “What do you need just us for?” “There’s something I feel as though I’m obligated to show you,” he answered. “What about us?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Don’t we have a right to go with her?” “It won’t be very long, and you’ll meet them soon enough, but Lillie promised this to them a couple of days ago. I hope you can understand.” Twilight’s eyes widened, almost immediately knowing who “them” were. “It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. We can do this. We’ll be right up there with them, right Sun?” Sun nodded. “Yes. Now please.” Motioning his arm to the open gate of the lift, Twilight and Spike both walked on with Lillie coming in last with the entry gates raising behind her. Twilight and Spike looked to her friends as the lift began to quickly descend toward the labs far below. Despite the slightly disconcerting sight, Lusamine turned to them with a smile on her face. “Now, who wants to see something nice?” The lift containing Lusamine, Gladion, Sam, Alice, and the remaining ponies came to a stop at the main level, dozens of employees walking around and going on with their regular business. The fact that the employees either ignored them or paid little attention to them was very relaxing to them. “Okay then.” Lusamine pushed a button on the control panel to bring the gates down as a bulkier employee with a reddish-blonde beard and short ponytail hairdo walked up to them. “Sam? Would you mind following this gentleman?” “Me?” Sam stammered. “What for?” The man let out a short roar of laughter. “Little birdie told me you have a fossil you need to revive.” Sam’s face slowly brightened up. “And you can do that for me?” “Yep! Used to have my own lab on Akala Island a long time ago, but now I work here! Pretty neat, huh?” Sam was more than happy to step off now as the man patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. You can join your other buddies in a bit once we’re done. Shouldn’t take much time.” They both eagerly walked down a hallway with a spring in their step. Alice smiled to see her brother so legitimately excited. “Alright, then.” With a tap on the control display, Lusamine brought the lift gates back up. “Last stop: the conservatory.” The lift ascended from the platform as it gained speed before disappearing through the triangle-shaped hole up above. Sun led Twilight, Spike, and Lillie into a large white room with several large toys and undetailed structures and slides built about it. It almost appeared to Twilight and Spike that they were in an enlarged nursery or playpen. “What is this place?” Spike asked to no one in particular. “What’s with all the toys and stuff?” Upon hearing the door open, Wicke turned around and eagerly approached the group. “Oh! Master Sun! Miss Lillie! Welcome back!” Noticing the alicorn and dragon with them, she hopped down and looked them both at eye level. “Ooh, And you must be the famous Twilight Sparkle and Spike that I’ve heard so much about.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck, flattered. “Well, I am pretty famous back home…” “Yes well, please, call me Wicke!” “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Wicke,” Twilight said, reaching her hoof forward. As Wicke finished shaking hands and hooves with both of them, Sun cleared his throat, making her stand back up to him. “Oh, sorry!” She then handed him two Poké Balls from her left and right coat pockets, placing them both in Sun’s hand. He held up both balls to Twilight and Spike, ensuring that they were paying attention. “I’m sure you’ve seen quite a number of surprising things so far during your time here,” Sun began, “but I still think I should give you fair warning.” “Warning?” Twilight asked. “For what?” “You’ll see now.” Sun threw both balls out toward the empty space middle of the room, throwing both out with surprising length, speed, and accuracy. Both balls exploded open, the energy inside spilling out until they formed both Solgaleo and Lunala, who each arched and stretched their limbs out and let out cries of relaxation. Sun, Wicke, and Lillie kept a firm eye on them while Twilight and Spike looked upon the titanic creatures, mouths agape, eyes narrow, and chills running up their spines. “Is… are those…?” Twilight tried to get out. “Yes,” Lillie answered. “Solgaleo and Lunala. The ones who brought you here.” Once the two Pokémon had settled down, the two turned their heads to Twilight and Spike, who instantly shied away with their bright eyed stares. “Don’t be afraid,” Sun calmly said. “I have full confidence that nothing will happen with you around them.” “What?” Twilight gulped, trying to reduce her frightened shivering. “How do you know that?” “Go near them and see for yourself.” Solgaleo settled itself down onto its stomach, continuing to look at Twilight and Spike expectantly. Even with its threatening size, Twilight was oddly charmed by its domesticated action. With slow steps, the two began to walk forward, Solgaleo and Lunala calmly staying their ground as they studied the two odd creatures before them. Twilight came up to Solgaleo’s chest and studied its metallic white body, the head shifting down and aiming its nose at her, making her shift back. With a forceful suction and subsequent huff of air through its nostrils, Solgaleo sniffed and read the timid alicorn before it. It then laid its head down and let out a thundering purr that made the floor vibrate under Twilight’s hooves and Spike’s feet. Reaching forward, Twilight stroked the side of her hoof along the side of its face, gasping at the mild warmth that she felt on its surface. To Twilight’s complete shock, Solgaleo pushed his face in, forcing Twilight's upper body to slide up the top of its head and her front hooves to wrap around the sides of its mouth. Solgaleo purred louder as it continued pushing Twilight up onto its face, adoring her soft coat against it. Twilight shuddered into small bouts of laughter, both happy to have survived and to have earned its affection. As Spike backed away, confused, he bumped into the tip of Lunala’s snout, jumping and turning to face the creature as soon as he did. Lunala was lying flat upon the floor, admiring it like a child would admire a newborn kitten. Spike, clenching his eyes shut and reaching his hand forward, laid it upon Lunala’s snout, trembling as he fearfully settled his hand on it. He opened his eyes and relaxed his body as he rubbed where he touched it, its impossibly smooth and firm skin feeling wonderful on its scales. As Spike move his hand around to underneath its chin and put his other hand there, Lunala lifted its head up to rest gently on the palms of his hands, the two looked in each others eyes, almost feeling a connection forming between them. Spike then placed his forehead on Lunala’s face and hugged his arms around his mouth, an echoed coo escaping the Pokémon’s lips. “This is incredible!” Twilight turned back to Sun and Lillie, who, along with Wicke, were tickled by the sight of her bonding. “How did you know? That they wouldn’t freak out again, I mean?” Sun walked up to the two of them, Lillie carefully following him as she listened in. “Well, as we tried thinking of ways to return you and your friends back home, we also had to be sure what exactly was causing Solgaleo and Lunala’s meltdowns so as not to cause more needless damage. After doing some thinking, I had an idea. Perhaps it wasn’t you, your friends, or any particular creature that they reacted to, but perhaps it was something stronger. Tell me, that table that you and your friends were gathered around that night, is it at all magical?” “Well,” Twilight said, “my entire palace is magical, but the Cutie Map, yes, is particularly powerful.” “And is there anything up north that you would know of that would be equally powerful?” “Sun?” Lillie approached him faster. “It’s okay, Lillie, she should know.” “Know what? What about the north…” She suddenly began to piece it together, beginning to show signs of anger. “What did you do?” “We did another excursion Friday night and focused our sights farther north where we assumed there would be no one there in case I was wrong about my original hypothesis. But we came across a kingdom–” “What did you do, Sun?!” “Nothing. Solgaleo and Lunala began to show signs of another meltdown, but we aborted the excursion before anything worse could happen. Now please, tell me. What strong magic would exist up there?” Twilight looked down, unsure if she should answer. “Before I tell you, I want you to promise that you’re telling the truth, and that no one up there was brought to this world like we were.” Sun nodded in understanding. “I know I haven’t been fully trustful with you, Twilight, but you have my word on this. Anyone that lives there is as safe and sound as they were the morning of.” Despite the weird wording, Twilight took a breath, accepting Sun’s promise. “The Crystal Empire, much like my palace, is teeming with magic, but they possess a powerful artifact called the Crystal Heart that provides energy and protection to the entire kingdom.” Sun huffed and put his hands to his hips proudly. “Then that settles it.” “That settles what?” “If it’s your world’s magic that Solgaleo and Lunala react to, then we can proceed with our next step.” “…Which is?” “Getting you home at last.” Alice and Burnet walked alongside Starlight and Lady along a white, railed-off walkway along the long, southern edge of a bright white room, admiring the lush garden of tropical trees, bushes, and grasses that grew underneath the sunlight provided by the expansive glass ceiling above them. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Gladion stood in the mountainous southwestern corner, looking at a pair of round-grey rodents with yellow and brown triangular markings on its body while Rarity and Pinkie Pie both giggled at the goofy face of the large blue catfish that swam in a small pond that made up the southern and eastern sides. Fluttershy and Comfey gracefully and ecstatically flew beside a flock of small grey birds with long, thin cone-shaped beaks as they traveled from tree to tree from one corner of the space to another. As they disappeared, Fluttershy let them be and looked for the next new Pokémon to fawn over. “Oh, so many new Pokémon!” Fluttershy hovered directly in the center of the room and above the lift chamber as the lift began to rise up. “I only wish I had just a little more time!” At that moment, a larger avian creature shot up and missed her by just a couple of inches, its wingbeats strong enough to throw her and Comfey back a couple of feet. As she got her bearings and balance in place, they both spun around to try and follow whatever nearly hit her. Finally spotting it flying around the perimeter of the conservatory, Fluttershy tracked a tan, blue, and red-feathered bird with a snakelike blue head with a craggy, scaly red snout containing a row of fangs that peaked out from under its upper lips. Fluttershy instantly began to follow it. “Ooh! What is that?” As Rainbow Dash and Applejack continued observing the two rodents playing about, the bird soared down to the rocky surface and broke into a sprint on its tiny legs, forcing the rodents to flee before it bowled them over. As it reached the end of the miniature mountain range, it flapped its wings and took flight once again, dipping down to the water near the pathway where Rarity and Pinkie Pie admired a Pokémon made entirely of pink and white rock hobbling stiffly along the bed of the pond. The bird banked to the left and ran its claw-ended wing along the water’s surface, spraying a small wave of water into Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s faces. Pinkie Pie spat out the small amount of water that entered her mouth before giggling. “I had no idea we were supposed to bring ponchos to this place!” “What on earth even was that thing?” Rarity shouted, using her magic to frantically fluff her mane dry. A shrill, loud whistle sounded off all the way on the northern end of the conservatory, getting the attention of everyone inside of it. The bird, hearing its owner’s signal, turned north and flew towards Sam as Lusamine stood beside him on the semicircle-shaped platform at the end center. Holding his left arm up, the bird kept sight on it as it slowed itself and perched itself, gripping Sam’s forearm with its talons. Sam gently pulled him close to his chest and give him a smooch on the top of its head, letting it feel comfortable enough to rest the side of its head against his neck. The six ponies, along with Alice, Burnet, and Lady, all quickly converged at the platform where Sam and Lusamine stood, studying the bird Sam was giving his affection to. “What is it?” Applejack wondered aloud. Sam held the bird out, allowing it to study the ponies and humans standing around him. “This is Archen. This is what I got from the Plume Fossil that Olivia let me take with.” “Whoa, hold on!” Starlight approached, but Archen twisted her head at her with a blank, yet threatening expression that stopped her in her tracks. “That Pokémon. That came from your fossil? How is that possible?” Lusamine giggled at her inquisitiveness. “We’re able to rebuild a Pokémon out of the DNA left on the fossil. It still rather astounds and flatters me that with all your magical abilities, you still have the capacity to be surprised by our own technology.” “DNA studies on our world are still rather primitive. The closest thing we have to that on our world to this is bringing the dead back to life, but it’s an extremely dangerous and forbidden practice.” “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie’s sudden darting out from the gathering and back on the path alerted everyone else, each of them turning to see Sun, Lillie, and Wicke approaching them with Twilight and Spike. “Twilight! Check out Sam’s awesome new Pokémon!” As the others came near her, Twilight took immediate notice of Archen perched on Sam’s arm. “Oh, very neat! Where’d he get that thing?” “So, get this,” Starlight began, putting her hoof up to keep her still, “these humans have the technology to actually construct a living, breathing Pokémon using DNA from Sam’s fossil!” “You’re joking!” Twilight’s eyes studied Archen further, impressed by its incredibly lifelike mannerisms as it looked about it much like a bird would. “That’s incredible! I can’t wait to share all of this information with the princesses!” “The princesses?” Sam and Alice both questioned together. Lillie nodded. “Twilight has told me that once we get all of you back home to your world, she would like to potentially form a diplomacy between our two worlds.” “Hold on…” Sam and Alice looked to each other, waiting for each of them to confirm what each of them were thinking. “Does that mean…” Sam began to ask. “Yes, this shouldn’t be the last time we see or hear from Equestria.” “Wait!” Fluttershy reached out and hugged Comfey close to her breast. “What about Comfey and Lady? Are we allowed to take them with us?” “I don’t see why not,” Lusamine answered. “Those Pokémon have grown quite close to you, it seems, and separating you from them would be catastrophic to them. Plus, they might prove useful to show to your leaders of what our own world has to offer.” “Ha, yes!” Starlight hugged Lady as it nestled into her embrace as Comfey returned Fluttershy’s hug on it. “Thank you so much!” “Whoa, hold on!” Rainbow Dash flew up and threw her arms out to silence everyone. “What do you mean going home? Is it time already?” Sun’s expression sulked, knowing what this meant to her and the rest of her friends. “I’m afraid so. If you could now follow me to the lift…” He, Lillie, and Wicke walked back down the path to the center of the conservatory, leaving the Equestrians to look back at their human friends with a sudden sadness and melancholy. Gladion walked through the group to follow Sun down to the lift. “I highly doubt they’re just going to send you off in a jiffy. I’m sure there will still be time for goodbyes. Come on, let’s head down.” Gladion left them, though the Equestrians were still hesitant to go forward. “It’s okay,” Burnet assured them. “I’m sure your friends and family back home are worried sick too.” With a resigned breath, Twilight led her friends to follow Gladion as Sam, Alice, Lusamine, and Burnet followed them. As the lift came down to the level of the pool observation lab, Twilight and Spike’s other friends got their first glimpses of Solgaleo and Lunala as they were each hooked up on both sides of the pool’s perimeter. “Whoa!” Applejack couldn’t help but put her two front hooves on the lift railing. “What are those things?” “Those are the two Pokémon who are responsible for us being here,” Twilight calmly explained. “Solgaleo and Lunala.” “Wait, wait, wait!” Pinkie Pie interrupted before pausing to try and collect her thoughts before making her case. “Which one is which?” The lift reached the platform and lowered the gates for everyone to exit. “If I had to hazard a guess,” Rarity spoke up, “that lion with the sun-shaped mane would be Solgaleo, and by process of elimination, the other one is Lunala.” “Yeah, thanks for that, Twilight…” Twilight turned her head in mild offense at Rainbow Dash's remark, “but that still doesn’t answer why we’re getting near those things if they’re the ones who are the cause of all this!” “It’s alright, Rainbow.” Twilight kept her gaze on the both of them as the Aether employees finished wiring the Pokémon in. “I already met with them. They’re actually incredibly sweet.” “…Alright, whatever. Only question is, how are we getting back then?” “Well,” Lillie said, “Sun figured out that the reason for Solgaleo and Lunala’s meltdowns was because they were attracted by strong pockets of magic on your world. Are there any places on your world where there’s little to no magic that we can use as a safe drop-off point?” Fluttershy put her hoof to her chin to think, being the first to smile upon realizing a solution. “We could always go to Klugetown!” “What?” Applejack spoke up. “Why would we have to go all the way out there?” “Well, we’ve already gone there from Equestria before, so we’d know our way back. Plus, lots of our friends and family are probably looking all over for us. Maybe we’ll run into them along the way! Also, we would be a safe enough distance from both the Cutie Map and the Pearl of Transformation on Mount Aris so as not to trigger one of these meltdowns.” Twilight smirked. “That’s not a bad idea, Fluttershy. In fact, that’s actually pretty smart.” Fluttershy smiled a toothy grin at the compliment. “Okay!” Sun clapped his hands as he made his way to the pool. “Klugetown it is! Now, you’ll have to help point out where exactly we’ll be directly above it so as not to pick up any other strong magic there.” “No problem!” Twilight put a hoof to her chest. “I have most of the planet’s degrees and coordinates memorized! I can place you directly over the center of any building down there if you wanted me to!” Starlight and Rainbow Dash rolled their eyes. “Hm, good. The faster we get this done the better.” “Hold on!” Alice ran to Sun’s side. “Won’t we have a chance to say goodbye?” Alice was shocked to feel a hand placed on her shoulder, turning around to find it belonging to Lillie. “I’m certain we’ll all get to say our farewells before they go. You won’t have to worry about that.” As Sun and Twilight approached the pool, Sam walked over and stood beside Sam, his arms anxiously crossed high on his chest. “We did a really amazing thing, sis. Don’t forget that.” Alice sighed, not soothed by his words. “I know, but… I just didn’t think it would come so quickly.” “I mean, it has been a week… But yeah, I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t the quickest week I’ve ever felt.” After a brief, tense pause, Alice turned to her brother and hugged his waist, Sam pulling her close to him as he watched Sun and Twilight get to work. “Wicke,” Sun stated, “power up the jets.” Standing at her computer, Wicke entered in the commands that began to pump a steady stream of water from the sides of the pool and spin it around in a weak cyclone. Spike ran up to Twilight and hopped up to the pool's edge to be level with her head, looking at the display before him. “Ready to go home, Spike?” Twilight asked in encouragement. “You have no clue!” “I think we all do.” As the whirpool began to steady, Pinkie Pie groped Applejack and Rarity by the neck and jittered in anticipation. Rainbow Dash stood by Fluttershy, Starlight, Lady, and Comfey, taking in deep breaths as they awaited their time in Alola to come to an end. “You’re going to love it in Equestria.” Starlight’s promise made Lady mew as eagerly as its trainer spoke to it. “Just wait until you get to meet all my other friends at the cottage!” Fluttershy and Comfey both hugged, the thoughts of introducing the flowery fairy to her woodland critters both very exciting to them. Burnet stepped up beside Gladion, Sam, and Alice, the sad scene of the Equestrians’ departure compelling her to put her hand over the center of her chest and clutch her necklace. “Solagaleo, Lunala…” Both Pokémon stirred at the sound of his voice. “Begin.” With a brightening of their heads and eyes, the water pool began to transform into a bright blue cream that softly glowed with light beneath it. Even from their vantage, the Equestrians, save for Twilight and Spike, quietly gasped at Solgaleo and Lunala’s appearances. Suddenly, as the milkiness of the water began to clear up again, Twilight and Spike peered down suspiciously to find that instead of a planet in the reaches of space, they were instead looking at a smooth, crystalline surface that Twilight began to recognize. “What?” she wondered aloud. “That isn’t…” Spike began to speak. “I think it is…” Rainbow Dash quickly flew above the pool, looking down on the crystal surface. “Hey, that’s the Map of Friendship! What gives?!” “Sun?” Twilight, sounding hurt, turned to see him leaning over the pool with his hands on the inner edge devastatingly confused. “What’s happening?” “I… I don’t know!” He then backed away from the pool to look more easily at Solgaleo and Lunala, who appeared frozen and still. “Solgaleo, Lunala! Stop!” Neither of them budged or even acknowledged him in any way, making him breathe through his clenched teeth. “Bring out the Machamps! We may have to abort this manually again.” As several employees began to fish into their uniform pants pockets, Rainbow Dash and Spike both looked to see the Cutie Map slowly rise up from beneath the water. “Uh, guys?” Spike hopped off the edge of the pool and backed away towards his other friends. “Twilight?” Just as Twilight turned her back to the pool, the water inside began to rise over the edge as the table continued pushing up. “Whoa, ahh!” As the bright, glowing liquid cascaded down and splashed up onto the floor, it began to spread about impossibly fast over the entire surface of the room and settle wherever it passed over. As Fluttershy and Twilight both flew above the water’s path, Rainbow Dash quick to scoop Spike up before it could reach him, everyone else began to back up or run away, only to stop and see and feel the water passing underneath their feet. Upon looking back up, everyone saw as water reached the corners of the walls and rise up as if it were spilling in the opposite direction. Finally, the floors and walls all began to glow a bright white that eliminated any trace of the lab they were all in, the brightness forcing them to shield their eyes. Feeling the light die down behind their eyelids, everyone was stunned to now find themselves inside Twilight’s main chamber, the bright, glowing Cutie Map right in the center. “What happened?” Alice questioned, looking up throughout the crystal room. “Where are we?” “We’re… home?” Rarity answered uncertainly. Looking around their instantly alien surroundings, the humans all faced a group of ponies and other creatures they have never seen before, including Celestia and Luna, who looked back with equal fear and shock. Standing by them were a white unicorn stallion with a slightly messy mane and tail of dark shades of blue, along with a glistening purple pegasus stallion in platinum armor. Standing by the other quarter of the were three individual creatures. The first was a light-blue unicorn mare with a straight icier-blue mane and tail that curved at the ends. The other appeared to be a green insectoid alicorn stallion with large orange pinser-like antlers and a purple tail like a versatile dragonfly’s wing. The last was a mishmash of several different creatures, though had a grey equine head with a long grey neck, a serpentine brown-furred body, and a red dragon’s tail. “Wha…” Sam’s breathing was spastic and nearly uncontrollable. “What is this?” Twilight spotted the white stallion, taking a shuddering breath before galloping out, tears falling from her eyes. “Shining!” The stallion turned to see her running towards him, looking instantly relieved. “Twily! You’re safe!” He stood on his hind legs and held up his forelegs to catch Twilight in a hug, but as Twilight hopped up on her back legs to embrace him, she was caught off guard to fall right through him, the sudden unexpected shift of her balance throwing her onto her stomach where she slid to stop. “Twi… Twilight?” The stallion turned to her, looking as unsure and frightened as she did. “What’s happening?” “Shining Armor!” Twilight began to sob. “I… I don’t understand!” “Who– no, what are these things?” Shining Armor turned to face Gladion, suddenly appearing spiteful and filled with rage. “What have you done to her!?” Charging his horn, he let out a hard grunt before hurling a pink orb of energy at his target. It came so quickly that Gladion could only shield his face and wait for his end to come. “No, brother!” Lillie screamed as she reached out to him. Gladion waited for something to hit, only to feel nothing after hearing the loud blast of the attack behind him. Turning back, he, Sun, and Lillie saw a small, smoldering crater directly behind Gladion where it landed. “Hmm…” the chimeric creature slithered through the air toward Alice and then stuck its left talon hand through the back of her stomach. “It seems we can see and hear each other, but can’t actually feel or do anything to each other.” Alice turned around to face the creature, screaming and instinctively clutching her stomach. Sam stood in front of her and held her arms up to protect her. “Don’t you hurt her!” “Must not have heard what I said. Through one ear and out the other for you, I suppose.” The creature then stuck the talon hand through both sides of his head, the sight of it unnerving Sam immensely. Starlight found the blue unicorn and insectoid alicorn, running up to them. “Trixie! Thorax! What are you doing here?” “We’ve been all over Equestria looking for you!” Thorax responded in a slightly-whiny voice. “I’d say I’m glad we found you, but I don’t even know where you guys are!” “And who are these apes that captured you?” Trixie haughtily, yet concernedly, spoke up. “They’re not apes, they’re…” Starlight shook the thought out of her head. “I’ll have to explain later! You all need to get out of here!” “But why?” Thorax looked even more nervous than before. “What’s going on?” Celestia and Luna were both transfixed by Solgaleo and Lunala on either side of the table, a stream of tears pouring out the corners of their eyes. “Sister,” Luna gasped. “Those aren’t–” “Yes.” Celestia had only enough strength to jitter her head up and down. “I do believe they are.” Finally, Solgaleo and Lunala turned their heads to spot the two alicorn princesses from the corners of their sights, the contact of their eyes meeting freezing them. Then they turned their heads up as their eyes and faces began to glow white, the brightness spreading all around. “Sir!” Shining Armor’s guard shouted, running out to meet the light first before him. Fluttershy whimpered as the chimeric creature shied away from Sam and Alice to study the light soon approaching him. “Discord!” The creature turned to Fluttershy, a wave of concern washing over him. “Fluttershy! Don’t worry! I’ll get you out of this! Just hold on a little tighter!” Starlight looked to her two friends, the lack of time she had left contorting a fearful expression on her face. “Why are you still here?! Run!” Twilight and Shining Armor both saw the light expand out to them, both of them knowing that they would not escape it. “Twilight!” he shouted out to her. “Big brother!” she cried to him. The entire space became white once again. Upon the light fading away, the room had restored itself to the lab, Shining Armor, his guard, Trixie, Thorax, Discord, and the princesses all gone. There was a deafening silence amongst everyone in the room, even among the ponies who kept their breaths slow and steady. Lusamine stormed toward Sun, furious. “Can someone please tell me what in the hell just happened?” “I don’t know!” Sun gripped the back of his hair, the dilemma too much for him to comprehend. “They had no reason to start in that room! They just–” The whines and grunts of Solgaleo and Lunala on the sides of the pool interrupted him, and everyone looked to see both of them whipping their heads around and pawing, knocking, and scratching at the side of them as if something began to burrow their way in. “Solgaleo, Lunala!” Sun ran to Solgaleo while Lillie ran to Lunala. He then looked to this employees who were still petrified by what they had suddenly seen. “Don’t stand there! Get the Machamps and help them!” “Ah, right! Sorry, sir!” A male and female employee threw out two Poké Balls each from their pockets, a Machamp appearing from each. Twilight stood still and glanced between the two, unsure what was wrong between them. As the four Machamps split up with their hands reaching out toward the wires, Sun began to try and pull one off himself but to no avail. “We have to hurry! If we don’t, they’ll–” The two Pokémon ceased fighting as their eyes and foreheads began to turn pink, letting out deafening cries that blew a forceful gust around the area. Everyone but Sun and Lillie were forced back away from the pool, the surface of which began to shine blazingly. Twilight peered through the winds, seeing the light from the pool. “No… no, no. No!” Wicke and Burnet both took steps back as they watched Solgaleo and Lunala continue screaming out. The tunnel of a wormhole then shot out from the pool and through the ceiling, prompting Wicke to run to the balcony. The ponies all watched with dread as six shapes were sucked through the wormhole’s tunnel and continued their way up and out of sight. “No, not again!” Rainbow Dash cried out. She flew out to the balcony, making it there the same time as Wicke. They both saw as the wormhole split off and formed out until both new tunnels ended just beneath Melemele and Ula’ula Islands. Neither of them could make out the faint black silhouettes of Rainbow Dash’s friends as they were flown out through the wormholes and to each island. After a few more agonizing moments, the wormholes began to fade out of existence, and as Wicke and Rainbow Dash turned back to the lab, they saw as the base of the wormhole from the pool tore itself apart with the shards fading away imperceptibly. Once the winds pulled out by the wormhole’s force had died down, so did the harsh pink light from Solgaleo and Lunala’s heads. As their voices settled down, Solgaleo and Lunala swooned away from Sun and Lillie and crashed down onto the ground, unconscious before they hit the floor. Burnet put her hands off her chest and put them to her mouth, horrified by their fall. “No, Solgaleo!” Sun leapt onto Solgaleo’s stomach and put his ear to its chest. “Solgaleo, please, wake up!” “Lunala!” Lillie fell to her knees and cradled Lunala’s head and neck in her arms before hugging it tight. “I’m so sorry, Lunala! I don’t know what happened!” “Guys!” Everyone in the room turned to Rainbow Dash and Wicke as they ran back inside. “They got taken away! They landed on two of the islands!” “The wormhole split in two and opened directly over Melemele Island and Ula’ula Island!” Wicked clarified As the Equestrians looked to each other and murmured over what had just happened, Twilight’s face morphed into a scowl and quickly stomped toward Sun, who continued to resuscitate Solgaleo. “Twilight,” Gladion attempted to approach her. “Twilight!” Grabbing to the side of his labcoat with her teeth and jerking her head to turn him around, she then stood on her hind legs and pinned his shoulders down with her hooves. “What have you done, Sun?! What have you just done?!” “I don’t know!” Sun shouted back, afraid. “There’s no way that should have happened!” “Get off!” Gladion wrapped his arms around Twilight’s waist and pulled her off of his friend. With a scream, Twilight thrust her head back, striking the back of her head into the bridge of Gladion’s nose, sending him onto his back. “Gladion!” Lusamine and Wicke both ran to him as he brought himself up, wiping the blood from his nostrils with the entire forearm of his hoodie sleeve. “Twilight,” Sun panted, his voice weak and deeply sorry. “I’ll fix this. Just give us some time, and I’ll–” “No.” Her voice, while not loud, was filled with so much spite as to silence Sun immediately. “You've all done enough damage! We’ll find our other friends, and we’ll find another way to get back home. Without your help! Girls, come on! We have to hurry.” Galloping to the balcony, her other Equestrian friends, hearing the palpable desperation in her words, had little choice but to follow her. “Twilight!” Lillie pulled herself to chase them, but could not let go of Lunala. “Please, don’t do this!” Watching Lusamine help pull her son up with Wicke’s assistance, Alice and Sam ran out to follow them. “Starlight!” Sam cried out. “Fluttershy! “Stop!” Alice shouted. “You don’t know what you’re doing!” As Rarity and Spike, the last of the Equestrians among them, ran onto the balcony, Twilight charged her horn, a wall of sparkling purple light shooting up from the ground and forming to become the shape of the entryway before Alice and Sam could get to them. Both of them collided into the barrier, Sam and Alice beginning to pound on it as hard as they could. Feeling safe, Twilight hopped to the edge of the balcony and looked down to her friends. “Alright then. Everyone with wings, follow me to Melemele Island! Starlight, you can fly the others using your magic right?” Starlight and Lady found it impossible to ignore Sam and Alice screaming for her and her friends on the other side of the magic wall. “Maybe we can at least let Sam and Alice help us? They haven’t–” “They can’t help us anymore, and they won’t ever again! Now, you’ll fly them to Ula'ula Island. Understood?” Starlight looked down at Lady, who pitifully looked up to her and whined. With tears forming in her eyes, she shut them as she made her decision, letting them flow down her cheeks. “Understood.” “Good. Now, you fly out first. I have to keep this barrier up.” “No!” Sam took out a Poké Ball, uselessly throwing it against the wall but letting Doublade out from it. “Doublade, Brick Break!” As Starlight charged her own horn, enveloping her magic around Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Lady, Doublade bashed on the wall with its blades, only managing to produce a small ripple of brighter light that quickly faded with each hit. Starlight and Lady made one last rueful glance back at the two trainers before she lifted themselves and the three ponies and soared them out to Ula'ula Island. “Starlight, no!” Alice leaned into the wall with the sides of her balled fists pressing into it as she watched Spike mount her. “Twilight, you bitch! Let us through, now!” Ignoring her, Twilight flapped her wings and went airborne, making her way Melemele Island with Spike. Rainbow Dash leapt off and followed her, though Fluttershy stayed back, looking back with near-crippling regret. “I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy choked up. “Please forgive Twilight. She doesn’t hate you. She just hates what’s been happening.” “You don’t have to go!” Sam hushed down. “We can still help you!” “Just please.” Alice dropped her forehead to the still present barrier. “Don’t go. It’s not safe. You have to believe us!” Biting her lip, Fluttershy stood still with trembling legs before letting out a loud sob and running back to the balcony’s edge, soaring off and flying hard to catch back up with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Sam began to sink to his knees and hands as he watched the last of his friends leave them for an uncertain future. At last, the magic wall flickered into nothingness, allowing Alice to run to the balcony and watch the ponies fly off, each second rendering them into featureless specks in the sky that would quite soon disappear in a matter of moments. > P3 – The Other Side of the Table > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle was empty; any trace that anyone was here was simply not there. With a flash, Princess Celestia and Luna appeared inside, finding the same scene of nothingness there. “Twilight!” Celestia frantically galloped to another corner of the room. “Twilight, if you can hear me, say something!” Luna threw the main corridor doors open with her magic, slamming them into the walls. “Twilight! Starlight! Anypony! Please respond!” As Luna bolted down the hall to continue looking, Celestia found herself drawn to the Cutie Map which now revealed only a flat, otherwise featureless surface, feeling an uneasy tingle all the way up and down her horn. The feeling was sinister, yet familiar, but only with the smallest hint of familiarity that kept her still as stone as she tried to figure it out. It only felt like seconds until– “Sister, I’ve looked everywhere. There’s no sign of Twilight or her friends anywhere.” Celestia shook herself from her trance, Luna unsure what entranced her so. “Sister? What is the matter?” “Do you feel anything?” “Feel what? I don’t…” Suddenly, Luna also began to feel the tingle, stepping toward the table. There was certainly a presence there, but otherwise, they were completely alone. “I’ve… I’ve never felt anything like this in quite a long time.” “Do you remember where?” “I… I can’t say. It was before my banishment… probably before the rise of Sombra, even.” “Never mind then. Our little ponies have gone missing, and Equestria has never been more vulnerable.” “What shall we do now?” “We must search for them. Across every corner of Equestria, or even the entire world if we have to, but we must find them soon.” “Surely we can’t do this by ourselves!” “And we won’t have to.” Celestia’s horn began to glow. “Twilight and her friends have made bonds with countless creatures across the land, and so long as we keep this news between them, we can spread our search while ensuring the rest of Equestria doesn’t fall into a panic.” “How long do you think we can let this last?” “Hopefully not long. There’s no time to lose. We must go now.” Celestia’s horn charged even brighter, prompting Luna to charge hers. Upon touching the tips, they and the interior of the room were shrouded in white light. Shining Armor and Cadance gently pulled a blanket over Flurry Heart as she slept soundly on her cloud-mattress bed. Once Cadance tucked the blanket underneath the filly’s body with her hooves, she let out a snoozy raspberry and lay still, the faintest of breaths pulsing up from her chest. “Hah…” Shining Armor let out a quiet, near inaudible sigh. “Finally. I thought she’d never get her nap in today.” “Okay, let’s get back up.” Cadance gently spun toward the door and rocked her hoofs down with each step so as not to loudly stomp them down. “We have a lot to do today.” The door slammed open, a yellowish-orange unicorn stallion with an orange bedridden mane, tail, and beard wearing a blue, starry robe burst through with with worry on his face. “Your highness!” Along with the hard clop of their hooves stepping back on the crystal floors, Shining Armor and Cadance also heard their child coo and unravel herself from under the covers. “Sunburst,” Shining Armor hissed, “what in Equestria is wrong? We just finished putting Flurry Heart to sleep!” “I know, and I do apologize,” Sunburst stammered, “but Princess Celestia has made an unannounced visit. She says it’s urgent.” Shining Armor and Cadance glanced to each other, feeling a slight pang of guilt for yelling at him. “You wouldn’t mind putting her back down for bed while we’re gone, would you?” Cadence asked. “Just go. I’ll take care of her.” “Thanks.” Shining Armor led as he and Cadance galloped from the room. “We hopefully won’t be long.” It didn’t take long for the two of them to disappear, and Sunburst turned around to see Flurry Heart, her slight bemusement building to fear over the absence of her parents. Sunburst huffed through his nose and walked over to the bed. “Alright, maybe I can find a story to read…” “What? Disappeared? Are you certain?” Shining Armor, as well as Cadance and the purple crystalline stallion guards lining both side of the hall to the throne were aghast by the news. Celestia kept her eyes closed, unable to see her protégé’s family’s initial anguish before facing them again. “Unfortunately, I am. I don’t need to tell you what danger Equestria is in because of this, but I bring you this news so that a search party can scan the north to look for them.” “What of the other regions?” Cadance responded. “Are they being told of this news as well?” “Luna and I are spreading the word around. She should be speaking with the Changelings now, and then I’m off to Cloudsdale to let the Wonderbolts know.” “Then I shouldn’t waste any more of your time. Go and warn the others, and I’ll send out a team immediately to find my sister and her friends.” “I shall let you go then.” Celestia bowed her head to him. “Just be sure to let as few ponies as possible know about this. I don’t need rumors spreading and panic rising.” “Of course,” said Cadance. “Thank you, and I wish you luck.” “And to you as well.” Celestia charged her horn and with a flash of light, she disappeared. As if she was never there, the guards looked to each other, wondering what they would do next, only for Shining Armor’s booming voice to remind them. “You heard the princess! Let’s move out!” As Shining Armor galloped to the end of the hall, each pair of guards that he passed on either side joined together to go with him. Cadance watched forlornly as each new pair of guards lined up and Shining Armor grew farther from her. With the two end unicorn guards opening the door, the group poured outside, ready to begin the long, stressful hunt. The next morning, an extremely bulky white pegasus with small stubby wings poured the very last of a scoop of steaming pecans and peanuts into a large wax paper bag, allowing Trixie to take it and place it in her second saddlebag, a similar bag of similar nuts put in the other. “Uh, are ya’ sure about that?” the pegasus very loudly asked. “I mean, that is a lot of nuts, even for you!” “Ohoho, you silly pegasus,” the unicorn chortled. “Only one of them is for me. The other one is for a friend for when she gets back from… wherever she’s gone, I just realized I don’t know.” “Trixie!” the familiar voice of Starlight cried from behind her. Trixie turned around and saw Starlight running toward her, forcing her to awkwardly stuff the nuts further into her bags and pull the flaps tight over them, making her blush with sudden embarrassment. “Starlight?” Trixie scuttled back as Starlight ground to a halt. “What are you… where have you even been? I’ve been so worried!” “Follow me, please!” Starlight didn’t even wait for a response before she darted off back in the direction she came. “Hurry!” Trixie and the cart’s owner could only stare for a second to absorb the awkward exchange that had happened. Finally, Trixie managed to slip several gold coins from her bags and place them on the counter. “Thanks for the nuts!” Trixie then ran off to chase after Starlight, leaving the pegasus bemused and alone. “Uh… you’re two bits short!” Trixie could not hear his calls as she just managed to catch Starlight’s tail zipping into an alleyway. Upon sliding inside, she caught Starlight panting deep inside, prompting Trixie to approach. “Starlight?” Trixie spoke up. “What on earth is up with y–” “Shh!” Starlight’s hoof pressed over Trixie’s mouth as her horn glowed green. Suddenly, a wave of green magic quickly ran down from the tip of Starlight’s horn and down the length of her body, revealing her now colorful insectoid body which Trixie, while startled, still recognized. “Thorax?” Trixie snorted in sheer confusion. “What is happening, where is Starlight?” “That’s what I wanted to tell you,” he whined. “Princess Luna just told me that Twilight and her friends went missing.” Trixie gasped. “Even Starlight?” “Spike too, it seems. Listen, I know I’m not supposed to be sharing this stuff with everypony, but I’d like to think we’re friends, and I know you’re friends with Starlight, and I just thought you should know!” Thorax bowed his head down and squirmed, nervous for the nervous breakdown he was certain would come. And while Trixie’s breathing pace quickened, she tried to keep her anxiety as quiet as possible. “Okay… It’s okay.” As Trixie began to relax herself, so did Thorax. “Who else has been told? Are they at least looking for them?” “Of course Celestia and Luna are going all over Equestria and trying to organize search parties. My fellow changelings and I were asked to look through Ponyville, so I thought I'd stop and let you know.” “And I’m glad you did, because now you’re going to get help from the great and observant Trixie!” “SHH!” Thorax’s hoof pressed over her mouth again. “Seriously, no one else can know about this! Just imagine if someone like Chrysalis found out that Twilight and her friends were gone. She’d sweep through Equestria like the plague!” “Well, we’ve defeated her before without them, right?” “Well… I guess.” “Then come on! We have fr–” Trixie giggled to defuse her blurting. “I mean, let’s just go.” Thorax smiled before charging his horn, transforming into a desaturated blue colt with a short, wavy black mane and tail. As he galloped toward her, she left the alley at the same speed, allowing him to tag closely along. The afternoon sun was beginning to quickly dip as several pegasi in matching blue and yellow latex uniforms scoured the lands from high up in the clouds. As Celestia was positioned in the center of all of them, she too kept a keen eye for any familiar colors. A mare and stallion pegasus with a yellow coat and fiery orange mane and tail and a pale-blue coat and dark blue mane and tail, respectively, flew up on either side of her. As Celestia glanced to both, they both mustered the strength to forlornly shake their heads. With a defeated sigh, she banked back toward her cliffside kingdom as the rest of the pegasi continued down. Several earth ponies in Western garb spread themselves across the desert as they hoped to see something hopeful anywhere past the horizon under the blistering-midday sun. A yellow stallion with a light-orange mane scooped his hat off his head with his wrist and wiped his brow. As if heeding his prayers for relief, a massive shadow was cast over him and several party members in front of him. Looking up at the bottom of the airship with rainbow feather sails soar above him, the sun appeared back out from it’s stern, forcing him to look back down and continue the search. Four bipedal parrots, all but the pink one covered in green feathers, peered over the sides of the ship, looking down for anything. The ship’s captain, a taller, lankier cream-colored bird with slim gold armor a large brown hat and a green gem peg leg took an exhausted sigh as she wiped her brow, the lack of response of her crew letting her know all she needed to about the state of the search. Shining Armor and his guards, all wearing thick black scarves and black leather goggles weathered the blizzard as they tried to look for any unfamiliar shapes through the walls of snow. “Twilight!” Shining Armor’s voice was hoarse and weak, having clearly called for hours. “Anypony answer me!” “Sir– your… highness.” Shining Armor glanced to his left. He hadn’t quite gotten used to the new voice of his latest recruit. “It’s getting dark. We should head back before it gets any darker or colder!” Shining Armor so desperately wanted to demand that he keep looking, but as he looked through his goggles again, the snowy winds were becoming harder to see as their sunlight waned. With a grunt, he stomped a hoof on the ground. “Guards! Fall back! We’re done for the day.” He then began to gallop back toward the direction of the Crystal Empire, the bright shining beacon of the palace their only faintest guiding light to home. Cadance gently wandered the halls with her horn gently aglow, hearing a soft weeping getting closer as she reached the source. Turning the corner, she found the doors to the palace chamber wide open, the unmistakable voice of her husband’s sobs wafting out through them. Picking up her pace, she slowly turned the corner to see Shining Armor lying on the ground, his arms over his eyes as he continued crying. “Shining?” Cadance spoke in a voice just above a whisper. “Baby?” Caught in his vulnerable moment, he peeked past his arms and shot himself up, doing his best to wipe the tears and snot off his face and muzzle. “Cadance. What are you doing up? It’s late.” “I could ask you the same thing, but I’d be a fool to not know why you are.” “I’m… I’m sorry.” “No, don’t be.” Cadance began to approach as Shining Armor slunk his head down. “Everyone is doing their best out there, and we will find Twilight and the others sooner than later.” “Well sooner isn’t coming soon enough!” Shining Armor’s bark froze Cadance dead in her tracks. “We’ve been searching for four days now and haven’t found anything! Who knows if they’re even in Equestria?” Cadance resumed her approach. “It is a large world, and I doubt that they could have gotten that far.” “I… I just don’t know.” Shining Armor nearly slid down to the floor, only to be caught and sat upright by Cadance’s magic as she climbed the stairs to sit beside him. “Shining, I miss Twilight terribly too, but if we want any chance of finding her, you need to be strong for her.” “I know, but… it’s so hard without her…” Cadance leaned into him, where he caught her against his shoulder and put his arm around her, pulling her close. Her warmth and the ensuing silence were the only things giving him hope now. Sunburst trotted up to the underside of the palace with several books held in his saddlebags, monitoring his bounces as he passed the Crystal Heart magically spinning and suspended between the two crystal spires from the ceiling and floor. “One of these better be the one,” he mumbled nervously, coming to the steps to the entryway. He began to reach for the door to pull it open, only to notice the shadow of his hoof against it to look darker and the confused murmurs of the crystal ponies beginning to gather. Turning around, he noticed as the Crystal Heart began to spin faster and glow brighter than normal. Cautiously approaching the Heart, he peered closer at it, noticing as it slowly began to flip, causing it to gyrate. Sunburst stood stunned as a crystal mare with a red coat came to him. “What’s happening, Starswirl?” “I… I don’t know!” He was almost at a loss for words. “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” Suddenly, harsh beams began to blast out from where the gem, now orb-like in appearance, continued to harshly spin and flip faster and faster. As the beams hit the floor, it began to glow before a translucent image of Alola began to form on the surface, getting bigger at the point where the Aether Paradise was located. “What is that?” A stallion on the other side cried out. “Are those islands?” a filly shouted. “Sunburst, what is this?” Sunburst used every ounce of strength to step backward and away from the mare beside him, finally gaining the sense to gallop inside as fast as he could. He bounded up the winding stairway up the leg, heading up four steps at a time. “Shining Armor… Cadence!” Reaching the top, he refused to let his speed up as he reached the chamber entrance and sprinted through it, continuing to cry out for their names. Immediately, Shining Armor and Cadance shot to their feet, awake and alert. “Sunburst!” Cadance gasped. “What is it? What’s wrong?” “The Crystal Heart!” Sunburst’s panting made him virtually unintelligible. “It’s… just follow me!” Without any hesitation, both of them galloped to catch up with Sunburst, and the three of them made their way down the stairs, the commotion of the crowd outside getting louder and more fearful. Upon reaching the bottom, they were concerned to see the doors thrown open, and as they stepped before the exit to look, they were instantly assaulted by a harsh wind blowing away from them, almost trying to pull them in. What frightened them beyond that were the projections on the floor of Sun, Lusamine, and Wicke working to stop Solgaleo and Lunala from continuing with their meltdown. “What are those things?!” Shining Armor raspingly exclaimed. Just then, the Machamps pulled the electrodes off the Pokémon, causing everything to go white as Solaleo and Lunala’s roars pierced the air and the air exploded outward, making dozens of bystanders scream for their lives. At once, the roars went instantly silent as the white light shattered and burst in all directions, bouncing otherwise harmlessly off the walls and the ponies gathered around. Shining Armor, Cadance, and Sunburst kept their eyes on the Crystal Heart, which remained floating in its space and spinning at its gentle pace, though it appeared dimmer than before. “Sunburst.” Cadance’s voice shuddered along with her legs. “Please tell me you found something about whatever those were in your books.” “I… No!” Sunburst was equally shaken. “I’ve never seen or heard of such creatures in my life!” “Whatever it is,” Shining Armor grunted, “they have to be responsible for their disappearance. Those books you have there. Have you read any of them yet?” “Not yet, but they’re the last ones from the library that could possibly reference any islands in the seas beyond Equestria.” “What does that mean then?” Cadence asked. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions until I’m certain, but there might be a chance that Twilight and her friends are not in Equestria or on this planet at all… but in an entirely different world!” Shining Armor shut his eyes tight and bared his teeth, trying his hardest to not explode in rage. “Then get reading. We need to figure this out before whatever took them does anything worse. Go!” “Ah! Yes, sir!” Starburst ran back up the stairs as the ponies, still unsure what they had just witnessed, refused to leave. “You go up,” Cadance said to Shining Armor. “I’ll monitor the Heart and send the ponies back to their homes.” Shining Armor rested the front of his muzzle against Cadance. “If that thing happens again with the Heart, come and get me.” “Of course. Now please, try and get some rest.” Shining Armor sighed, wishing there was more he could do, but feeling the fatigue in his legs drew him back upstairs where his bed would be. Taking slow, labored steps, he left his wife to deal with the aftermath of what transpired. A small brown train pulled into the Ponyville station, Shining Armor staring out the window to the door that would soon let him out. As Shining Armor kept his sights on Twilight’s castle, he suddenly noticed Celestia and Luna standing on the platform awaiting him. The train finally crawled to a stop, allowing Shining Armor to push the door open and make his way to the platform. His rookie guard followed him out and stood beside him once he was before the princesses. “Thank you for coming, Shining Armor,” Luna greeted. “I hope your journey was… mostly pleasant.” “Thanks,” Shining Armor breathed, instinctively wrapping his brown scarf with a grey end back around his neck. “And believe me, I’m more than happy to be here.” Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle, slightly offending Shining Armor. “Well, seeing as you’re no longer in the north, perhaps you’d like to take off your scarf?” “Scarf? I never came with a…” He lifted the grey end of the scarf with his magic, finding the colors oddly familiar, only for the cloth to turn on its own and reveal Discord’s face to him. “Oh, how I love to snuggle,” he playfully purred. Shining Armor pulled the scarf off his body and into the air before it transformed into Discord’s original form and size, brushing off stray strands of wool off his fur upon standing down beside Celestia. “Hmm.” The guard stared at Discord tentatively. “I wonder why you brought him along.” The guard, despite staring at Discord before him, felt a shoulder lean on the side of his back and talk into his ear, turning to see Discord now lying right beside him. “Well, being a fun, goofy draconequus isn’t my only talent. You see, after you told Celestia and Luna here about what happened two nights ago, they wanted to bring me over to take a looksie! “Not to mention, his sister isn’t the only one who’s gone AWOL. My dear, darling Fluttershy is probably hiding someplace scared, cold, and alone!” Once the guard looked over, Discord was now curled up wearing a full sized parka while sporting a canned, frightened expression. “Oh, and Starlight’s also gone, so, there’s that.” With a snap of his fingers, Discord’s coat had disappeared in a flash and he was standing upright once more. Celestia then stepped up. “Well, seeing as we’re all here, let’s go to the palace, shall we?” Celestia and Luna turned to walk out from the station, leading the other three to follow them without a word, the guard glancing up to Discord in sheer annoyance. Celestia opened the door to the main chamber, Luna, Discord, Shining Armor, and his guard to step through it. Standing on the opposite side were Trixie and Thorax, the latter of whom appeared happy to see them. “Discord! You made it!” At Thorax’s greeting, Discord popped up between him and Trixie, who stepped to the side to give herself space as Discord swung his arm around Thorax’s neck in brotherly embrace. “Oh, how could I not want to help my favorite changeling king and blue unicorn mare with a crescent and wand-shaped cutie mark?” Trixie stepped back to him, suspicious. “That was… oddly specific.” “That’s enough,” Shining Armor broke past Celestia and Luna to approach the Cutie Map with his guard by his side. “Discord, you say that you can detect a magical presence here?” “Oh, can I?” Discord leaned over the table and put his lion paw and eagle talon upon it, closing his eyes in meditation, humming unnecessarily loudly. “What are we even trying to accomplish here?” Shining Armor’s guard raised his voice over Discord’s humming. Celestia turned to Discord sternly. “Discord, please!” Pulling up a remote control with his dragon tail, he tapped a red button on it that rendered him silent with a green MUTE floating beside his face. “Discord can sense magical imbalances,” Luna explained to him. “We’re hoping that he can trace the power leftover on the map back to where it came from and pinpoint Twilight and her friends that way.” “But for what reason? If Twilight and her friends are on another world as Shining Armor said, how would you get there yourselves?” “That’s why we’re all here,” Celestia spoke. “Once we find where Twilight and her friends are, we will try and force our own way there.” The guard leapt back, frightened. “Whoa, whoa, who’s we?” “Don’t worry, private,” Shining Armor patted his guard hard on the back. “You won’t be going anywhere. Discord, Trixie, and Thorax and I are more than capable of going down there ourselves.” “Oh, I see… good,” he also muttered under his breath. “Hmm.” Discord’s noise did not sound purposefully annoying, but instead intuitive, the green MUTE no longer by him. “This is strange.” “What’s strange?” Thorax nervously spoke. “This presence I feel… It’s not magic that I feel here, it’s… more like an anti-magic, a magicite, if you will.” “Magicite?” Trixie scoffed. “What are you on about?” “I… oh, forget it, you clearly don’t read the comics.” “Anti-magic?” Luna came over to the table herself with her sister, eyeing the surface. “Now that you say that, there was something about the presence I felt that night that… drained me but a little.” “What does that mean?” Shining Armor asked. “Does that mean something to you?” “It might…” Celestia responded. Suddenly, Discord leapt back from the table and began flexing his hands, frightening everyone. “Discord, what happened?” “Oh my! Whatever that power was I felt just surged at me full force!” “Wait.” Trixie asked, instantly nervous. “Does that mean it’s coming back now?” Just then, the table began to glow bright as the surface of the table began to ripple like small waves. “I think so!” Thorax whimpered. The liquid on the table finally spilled over the edge, beginning to quickly flood over the floors and under the hooves of the ponies and draconequus. They were helpless to watch as it spread up and covered the walls and windows until it reached the center of the ceiling and covered the tree-root chandelier just below. The room grew bright and white, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. Quickly enough, the light died down from behind their eyelids, allowing them to open them once again. They were at first confused to find themselves in the exact same location as before, until– “What happened?” they heard Alice ask to no one. “Where are we?” “We’re… home?” Rarity’s voice answered uncertainly. Turning back, not one of them could withhold an audible gasp and jolt in their bodies as they faced the humans standing beside the observation pool at the Aether Paradise, the ponies standing together beside them, also frightful of the situation. “Wha…” Sam’s breathing was spastic and nearly uncontrollable. “What is this?” Twilight’s eyes found Shining Armor, taking a shuddering breath before galloping out, tears falling from her eyes. “Shining!” Hearing her voice, he turned to see her galloping to him, looking instantly relieved. “Twily! You’re safe!” He stood on his hind legs and held up his forelegs to catch Twilight in a hug, but as Twilight hopped up on her back legs to embrace him, she was caught off guard to fall right through him, the sudden unexpected shift of her balance throwing her onto her stomach where she slid to stop. “Twi… Twilight?” Shining Armor turned to her, looking as unsure and frightened as she did. “What’s happening?” “Shining Armor!” Twilight began to sob. “I… I don’t understand!” “Who– no, what are these things?” Shining Armor turned to face Gladion, suddenly appearing spiteful and filled with rage. “What have you done to her!?” Charging his horn, he let out a hard grunt before hurling a pink orb of energy at his target. It came so quickly that Gladion could only shield his face and wait for his end to come. “No, brother!” Lillie screamed as she reached out to him. Gladion waited for something to hit, only to feel nothing after hearing the loud blast of the attack behind him. Turning back, he, Sun, and Lillie saw a small, smoldering crater directly behind Gladion where it landed. “Hmm…” Discord slithered through the air toward Alice and then stuck its left talon hand through the back of her stomach. “It seems we can see and hear each other, but can’t actually feel or do anything to each other.” Alice turned around to face the creature, screaming and instinctively clutching her stomach. Sam stood in front of her and held her arms up to protect her. “Don’t you hurt her!” “Must not have heard what I said. Through one ear and out the other for you, I suppose.” He then stuck the talon hand through both sides of his head, the sight of it unnerving Sam immensely. Starlight found her own friends, running up to them. “Trixie! Thorax! What are you doing here?” “We’ve been all over Equestria looking for you!” Thorax replied. “I’d say I’m glad we found you, but I don’t even know where you guys are!” “And who are these apes that captured you?” Trixie haughtily, yet concernedly, spoke up. “They’re not apes, they’re…” Starlight shook the thought out of her head. “I’ll have to explain later! You all need to get out of here!” “But why?” Thorax looked even more nervous than before. “What’s going on?” Celestia and Luna were both transfixed by Solgaleo and Lunala on either side of the table, a stream of tears pouring out the corners of their eyes. “Sister,” Luna gasped. “Those aren’t–” “Yes.” Celestia had only enough strength to jitter her head up and down. “I do believe they are.” Finally, Solgaleo and Lunala turned their heads to spot the two alicorn princesses from the corners of their sights, the contact of their eyes meeting freezing them. Then they turned their heads up as their eyes and faces began to glow white, the brightness spreading all around. “Sir!” Shining Armor’s guard shouted, running out to meet the light first before him. Fluttershy whimpered as the chimeric creature shied away from Sam and Alice to study the light soon approaching him. “Discord!” Discord turned to Fluttershy, a wave of concern washing over him. “Fluttershy! Don’t worry! I’ll get you out of this! Just hold on a little tighter!” Starlight looked to her two friends, the lack of time she had left contorting a fearful expression on her face. “Why are you still here?! Run!” Twilight and Shining Armor both saw the light expand out to them, both of them knowing that they would not escape it. “Twilight!” he shouted out to her. “Big brother!” she cried to him. The entire space became white once again before fading back. Once again, they were in the same spot, but everyone else, the humans, Twilight, all of her friends: gone once again. Shining Armor, staring at the same spot that Twilight had stood now barren, lifted his front hooves up and let out a thunderous yell, slamming them down on the Cutie Map. “Wait,” Thorax shouted, “why did she say we need to leave? Don’t they know we’re trying to rescue them?” “Those horrifying creatures must be more powerful than we imagined,” Trixie theorized. “But it’s going to take a lot more than that to stop the great and powerful Trix–” The Cutie Map exploded with light before getting sucked back inside the table’s surface which had become a wormhole. Suddenly, everyone found themselves sliding towards the table, unable to push against its pull. Everyone managed to press a hoof into the table’s edge, keeping them still. However, they felt their hold weakened as a crackling sensation washed over their entire bodies. Luna looked up at her horn, which was sparkling violently. “My magic! Something's…” Shining Armor grabbed hold of his guard as he began to slip. As he looked at him, he couldn’t help but notice his coat flashing all over, revealing patches of smooth black skin and sharp fangs in his mouth. The guard glanced back at him, scowling to see Shining Armor’s face terrorized with realization. Holding back onto him, the guard leaned forward and threw himself and Shining Armor into the wormhole. Discord, having seen it all, grimaced. “No, not again.” With a grunt, he lunged himself into the wormhole, leaving Trixie and Thorax by themselves. “No! Discord!” Trixie screamed. Suddenly, her hoof slipped, giving Thorax just enough time to grab on to her tail and get pulled out and sucked through the wormhole with her. Celestia and Luna both tried to charge their horns, but could not muster the strength to cast a spell. “I can’t get us out!” Celestia cried. Luna stared into the frightening abyss of the wormhole, uncertain where it would lead, but with a determined frown, she charged her horn once again, using all of her might to pull it over to Celestia’s horn. “Then I’ll get you out.” “Lu– Luna?” Once Luna’s horn touched her sister’s, an aura finally formed between them. With a strain, Luna enveloped Celestia in light, where it burst and made her vanish from the room. With her physical strength completely spent, Luna forced a smile as she stared where her sister stood. “Thank you.” Luna relaxed herself and let the portal pull her out of her world and into another. A flash of light threw Celestia onto her side just outside of Twilight’s palace. Pulling herself up, she could hear the bassy whoosh of the wormhole’s forces behind the crystal walls before they calmed down and were silent again. “Luna, NO!” Celestia shrieked, trying to charge her horn. Her horn only produced a flicker of an aura, leaving several bystanders to gather around her to see what the commotion was. Looking about her, Celestia could see the ponies that she was now literally powerless to protect, and in her depression, gazed back at the nearest window to the room with the Cutie Map. She was completely distracted by her grief that she didn’t notice as several random ponies from the crowd came forward towards her with mild, expressionless faces. Nanu’s eyes shot open and his pupils narrowed, his breath caught in his throat. “Huh?” Guzma, hearing him, fell to a knee to face Nanu as he sat up out of bed and swung his feet to the side to reach his sandals. “What’s up, Nanu?” “I need to leave.” Nanu kicked both sandals on, using the momentum to swing out of bed and walk to the door of the room, leaving several of the young tank-topped men and women inside flabbergasted. “Yo, gramps, you still have cramps!” a man huffed from the depths of his stomach. “You can’t get out of here until you finish up your naps!” “Let him go,” a woman older than him countered, holding her arm up to the side. “He’s got Kahuna stuff he’s gotta’ do.” The woman had a black tank-top cut off at her upper waist with black straps wrapped around it in an X. Along with a saggy pair of dark-grey pants with magenta flames decaled on the side, she had a matching bandana tied around her head with two long and thin magenta and yellow pigtails draping out the sides. Nanu forced the door open and looked up at the dark, grey sky, Guzma and Acerola both pouring out to look up where he was. “Nanu, what are you doing? You really need to get back to bed.” The familiar roar of the wormhole sounded high up in the sky, and as Nanu had sensed, it began to snake along overhead and continue heading east before shooting down over the center of the south side of the island. “Oh my god, another one?” Acerola gasped. “What did those Aether knuckleheads do this time?” Guzma exclaimed. Nanu refused to answer, simply walking further out, down the steps and to the main street of Po Town, a large door at the end of it. Acerola and Guzma both quickly went out to follow him. Acerola swung herself around and walked backwards before him, looking into his eyes. “Seriously, Nanu, you just barely survived a Prism encounter by yourself!” “Seriously, let us take this for you!” Guzma turned so that his face could be seen in Nanu’s peripherals. “Just get back to bed and take it easy.” “I’m done taking it easy,” Nanu protested. “I’m going back to rescue those ponies, and the only thing you can do at this very moment is to come with or get out of my way!” “Come with? Uh… we can always do that!” “Good. Just wait here for a moment.” Acerola and Guzma stopped on their heels. “Huh?” Nanu turned left to the Pokémon Center, Acerola and Guzma feeling uneasy as they heard thunder clap above them, forcing them to look back up at the wormhole as it disappeared, having left behind what it needed to. The glass doors slid open for Nanu, revealing a tank-topped man and woman behind the counter. Upon seeing his determined face and feeling the fiery aura emanating from him, they both froze to attention. “Are my Pokémon all better?” he asked them. > Ula'ula: Chapter 42 – Where the Lost Ones Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice and Sam continued watching over the balcony long after their Equestrian friends had disappeared into the distance, hoping to see them flying back. It didn’t take much longer for Sam to spin back around and approach Sun and Lillie in seething rage. “Do you have any boats or helicopter’s ready?” “Wha…” Lillie, still reeling over the disastrous attempt to return Twilight and the others, could hardly find the words to say. “What do you–” “My friends are charging headfirst at an enemy they can’t stop themselves, and I need to be there for them!” The lack of a quick response from either her or Sun made Sam push past them and go to the lift. “Forget it. I’ll take a boat myself if I have to!” “Sam, wait!” Burnet quickly ran between him and the elevator, putting her hands up in a futile gesture of calming. “I don’t think following them after all this is the best decision right now.” “And letting them walk right into their capture is? Seriously! What do I have to do to get off this god-damned floating skyscraper?” Alice ran further into the room and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Sam, please, I know this sucks right now, but you do need to calm down!” Sam was about to protest, but she redirected her attention to Gladion. “That said, we do need to get off this building. Gladion, how do we go about getting one of those Charizards for our Ride Pagers?” Gladion made a slight grimace. “I can register them myself right now if you want. Where do you plan to go from here?” “Ula’ula,” Sam quickly replied. “Apparently, the Kahuna got himself injured last night, and unless Acerola and Guzma are already on it, no one is out there that can protect them. I’m sure as long as we let Hau know about it, if he doesn’t already, he’ll be more than equipped to protect whoever came out of that portal, as well as Twilight and her friends. Plus, there’s something on Ula’ula that I need to get.” “And what’s that?” Alice asked. “Acerola said that there are Dusk Stones at this abandoned Megamart on the south side of the island, and if I can get one, I can evolve my Doublade into an Aegislash and make it even stronger.” Alice took a few moments to ponder his words before nodding in acknowledgment. “Alright, fine. We go and find them, and then we can get you your Dusk Stone.” “Perfect.” Sam fished into his pocket for his Ride Pager, tossing it to Gladion for him to catch. “Alice?” Alice was already pulling her device from her bag before handing it to Gladion. “How long is this going to take?” “A few minutes.” Gladion put Alice’s Ride Pager into his jacket pocket and began working on Sam’s. “I’ll need to do it individually, so maybe a bit longer.” Sam breathed through his pursed lips, begrudgingly accepting the situation. Lusamine and Wicke approached them, the former’s hands tightly clutched. “Children, I know it’s not much of a consolation at this moment, but I do thank you for the work you’ve put into this thus far, and I’d like to give you something to help you on the rest of your journey. Hold out your hands, please.” Sam and Alice cupped their hands up as instructed, and once each of her hands were over theirs, Lusamine dropped five dark-blue gem-shaped rocks into them. Alice was immediately floored by the gift that she received, her mouth and eyes nearly forced open. “Are these Comet Shards?” Lusamine nodded. “We carry plenty in a vault deep in the basement. It’s no trouble on our part at all.” “Okay,” Gladion said, “Sam’s is done.” Gladion whipped Sam’s device back at him, Sam deftly catching it in his free hand. As Gladion took Alice’s Ride Pager out to work on it, Alice turned to Sun. “What will happen to Solgaleo and Lunala now? How are we going to get the ponies home if we can’t rely on them?” “We will determine that ourselves. Before we do anything, we have to get them better. I don’t know why Solgaleo and Lunala are acting like this all of a sudden, but I do promise that whatever avenue for the ponies’ return to Equestria we take, it will be the last.” Alice nodded to him a single time. “I might hold you to that.” “And… yours is done.” Gladion lobbed Alice her device, which she scooped down on when it came close. “You don’t need us to heal your Pokémon before you two go off, do you?” Wicke asked with a step forward. “No need.” Sam began tooling through his Ride Pager until he came across his new Charizard. “Got our Pokémon healed up in Konikoni before we came here.” “Then I wish you both the safest of travels.” Wicke bowed and stepped back beside Lusamine. “Same,” Burnet agreed. “Though, judging how you’ve been doing in your trials already, I’m certain you and your Pokémon will be all alright.” “And hopefully our friends will be too.” Alice turned back and looked out the balcony, eyeballing the corner of Ula’ula Island at the right of the exit. “Come on, let’s go. Thanks for everything, guys.” Sun shut his eyes and breathed out his nose, unsure how facetious her comment was. Alice and Sam went over to the balcony and stopped just before going outside. With their Ride Pagers in hand, they each materialized the metallic Poké Ball that their new Charizard was in. With simultaneous throws, a Charizard, each with an identical saddle and harness, appeared from both balls at the edge of the balcony, roaring out to the sky while they freely flexed their arms and wings. Despite the situation, Alice couldn’t withhold a smile as she walked to her Charizard, who bowed its head down for her to cradle and hug in her arms. Sam came to his Charizard, who looked down on him expectantly. With a slightly trembling hand, he reached to his Pokémon’s belly and stroked it. The Charizard, opening its mouth, brought its head down and licked the left side of his head. Sam, feeling the bond instantly strengthening, held Charizard’s cheekbones and pulled its forehead down to his, feeling and hearing the small purring coming from it. “Alright.” Alice grabbed hold of her Charizard’s harness and pulled herself up, her Charizard bending over to let her sit level on the saddle. “Ready to go for a ride?” The Charizard mooed with approval, and as her Charizard stepped up to the banister, Sam looked up to his. “You mind giving me a hand?” His Charizard brought its head and neck down for Sam to grab hold of, and with a gentle lift up, Sam swung to the back of the neck and slid down before climbing down to his own saddle. “Okay,” Alice called out, “where to, bro?” “Well…” Sam cocked his head, actually unsure of a definite answer. “…we head east. Whichever town we come across first, that’s where we’ll land. From there, we’ll just continue making our way across.” “Okay then. Are you ready for this?” “Well, of course I am–” “Good. Charizard, fly!” With a jump, Alice’s Charizard took off from the Aether Paradise, diving down before opening its wings and banking right towards Ula’ula Island. Sam immediately felt his stomach turn with his gasp, and with a confused groan, his Charizard stepped up to the banister and awaited its trainer’s command. Sam let out a shuddered breath as Alice continued growing farther from him. “Okay, Charizard, nice and steady.” His Charizard leaned forward, Sam suddenly feeling level before he was tilted down toward the sea, falling straight down in a vertical drop. Sam screamed loudly before his Charizard pulled up at the last moment, its stomach just grazing the crests of the waves below. Sam’s fists clutched the handlebars of his saddle so that his knuckles were pale, whimpering as the wind blasted his face. His Charizard, unflinching with its closeness to the ocean, looked back at him with a stern eye but an assuring smile. Sam’s breaths became more silent as he looked up to see they were closely gaining on his sister. Managing to let go of one of the bars, Sam held his hand up out to the side so that it was parallel to the Charizard’s wing, the warm sea wind blowing above and beneath it. Calm finally washed over him, and with his hand going back to the handlebar, he looked straight ahead to Ula’ula Island. Nanu, Guzma, and Acerola made their way through the ruins of a long-lost civilization perched at the base of Mount Lanakila. As they neared the entrance to a forest that would lead them toward the Haina Desert, Nanu glanced over to the right, where, at the cliffy shore further down, a rundown store sat hidden by the trees. Just before his view could be impaired by the forest, he noticed a creature waiting there with long, white fur, black paws, and a horn on the side of its head like a black blade. With an acknowledging nod, he continued his way into the forest with his two companions. “Okay,” Guzma grumbled. “We got the place all ready for him. Hopefully that didn’t just buy Prism more time to find whoever crashed at the Haina Desert this time.” “Relax, Guzma,” Nanu put his hands in his pocket, enjoying his walk as he kept watch for the end of the wooded path. “I had to be sure he can’t cheat his way in there.” “Cheat his way…” Guzma couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “It’s a publicly accessible tourist site! Why would he need to–” “Guzma, cool it.” Acerola’s soft but stern voice was enough to silence him. “I get what he wants to do, and to be frank… I’m impressed that I didn’t think of it first. It really is great to have you back again, Nanu.” “In all honesty, it’s great to be back.” Nanu’s face brightened as he saw the red, rocky entrance of Route 13 come up ahead. “Not much farther now. Perhaps there’s still hope.” “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Guzma quickened his pace, passing Nanu on the left. “Screw this, we need to roll!” As Guzma broke into a sprint, Acerola went around Nanu to make chase. “Guzma! Come on, slow down!” Nanu huffed reluctantly as the two went further away. “Okay, looks like we’re running now…” With a very gradual increase in speed, Nanu went into a jog, struggling to move any faster as Guzma and Acerola continued outrunning him. As Guzma exited the forest, coming across a small oasis with small patches of lush, green grass, the sight of something caught the upper corner of his eye, forcing him to stop and look up to it. Acerola slid to a stop beside him. “Okay, are we going to wait for him this time?” she scolded. “I think we’re going to have to wait for them too.” Pointing where he was looking, Acerola looked up and formed an expression of shock as Starlight began to descend toward them, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Lady all held up by her magic. The five of them were set north of the oasis, immediately looking upon a narrow pass whose path was covered with sand halfway down. “You think they’re in there?” Rarity asked Starlight. “It wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” Starlight and Lady began the march toward it while Applejack and Rarity followed, Pinkie Pie hopping up and down as she matched their pace. “Hey, wait!” The ponies stopped and turned about to see Guzma and Acerola heading toward them. “Hey!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “It’s those guys who came with Twilight and Spike! Long time no see!” “It’s only been a couple of hours,” Guzma huffed. “That’s certainly a long time to be away from friends!” “What are you even doing here?” Applejack sounded suspicious. “You weren’t stalkin’ us, were ya’?” “Of course not. We were traveling with Nanu to– umm…” Acerola turned around to see Nanu finally exit the forest, leaning his hand against the closest tree as he wheezed air back into his tired lungs. “Nanu?!” Guzma and Acerola rushed back to his aid, and, as if by pure instinct, the ponies followed them. Surrounding him, the humans and ponies all looked to him, waiting to see if he really needed any of their help. Nanu, feeling his stamina returning, picked himself up to see the four ponies and Lady looking at him, still unsure if he was okay. “Hmm…” Nanu seemed more sympathetic than annoyed. “I’m guessing you’re here for the same reasons we are.” Pinkie Pie brought her face close to his. “Are those reasons that you’re here to look for more ponies that the Aether Paradise accidently pulled out of our world that landed here on this very island?” “…I guess that answers that question too.” “Wait, what?” Acerola now looked genuinely frightened. “What do you mean they pulled more ponies out of your world?” “Yes, well…” Rarity tried to form the words delicately. “It seems that when the people at the Aether Paradise tried sending us back, something happened, and now, we’re still here, and even more of our friends are stranded on this world.” “Haah…” Guzma pinched the bridge of his nose. “Leave it to the Aether Foundation to screw up again this bad.” “Well, we should get moving.” Nanu broke through the group and headed towards the pass to the desert. “If more of your friends are stranded as you say, they’ll be fish in a barrel to those Prism grunts. Come on.” “Wait!” Pinkie Pie popped up in front of Nanu, stopping him. “As much as we’d like your help, Twilight is super angry at all of you humans, and she’d probably like it if we went in there alone.” “What?” Acerola shifted her head far back as her neck could allow. “Why would she want something like that?” Starlight and Lady broke away and walked up to Pinkie Pie. “I agree it makes no sense, but right now… Twilight’s not here, and I say we let these three help us.” “Whoa!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Are you sure of that, Starlight? What if Twilight finds out? She’ll get really angry!” “I can handle angry,” Starlight responded. “What I can’t handle is her and everyone else getting captured and hurt. Listen, girls, I know that the Aether Foundation has screwed up big time on this, but we shouldn’t avoid every human because of them. That’s silly, even for Twilight. If he’s right about Prism tracking them down, then we should have some defense against their Psychic Pokémon, and I say we let them join us.” Rarity and Applejack glanced to the pass, unable to repress the sudden memory of Dexio’s victory over Olivia. Even Pinkie Pie had a hard time wrestling with Starlight’s argument. With a defeated slouch, they came to their decision. “She’s right,” Applejack said. “As ticked as I am right now, even I know how foolish it would be for us to go in their by our lonesome.” “Although…” Rarity put her hoof to her chin. “We don’t really know you three all that well yet. What kind of Pokémon do you use?” “Dark types,” Nanu answered “Ghosts,” Acerola replied. Guzma crossed his arms and smirked. “And I’ve got my Bug-types on my side.” Starlight’s face lit up. “Oh my gosh, that’s perfect! All of those are super strong against Psychic Pokémon!” Hearing the confidence in Starlight’s voice brought smiles to Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s faces as well. “Well what are we waiting for? We’ve got friends to save!” Pinkie Pie began bounding toward the pass as Applejack and Rarity followed. Starlight and Lady waited until Nanu, Acerola, and Guzma were ready to move before they walked to follow the other three ponies. “Thanks for vouching for us,” Acerola said with sweet sincerity. “It’s funny that you talk about Twilight like you did; you remind me a lot of her, actually.” “Really?” Starlight’s ears drooped and looked a touch nervous. “In good ways, I hope.” “Mmhm. You really know how to not give up on friends.” Starlight’s ears remained low, now humbled as she turned away to hide her blushing and proud smile. “Come on, slowpokes!” Pinkie Pie and her friends were already at the mouth of the pass. “We don’t have all day!” Starlight and Lady got closer to the imposing entrance to the desert, but with the three humans behind her and the three ponies ahead, she and Lady fearlessly went into a trot. Sam and Alice came upon the walled city of Po Town, their Charizards flying several stories above the top of its barrier. As they got closer, Sam began to feel uneasy as small droplets of rain began to fall onto him from the grey clouds above. Even his Charizard moaned as the rain grew more intense with each moment. “Crap…” Sam turned to his sister. “We need to land these guys now!” Alice looked to her own Charizard, who likewise winced as the rain pelted it. “Yep! Hopefully we’ll find some shelter in whatever’s inside that wall!” Sam kept his sights back forward, gently patting his draconic steed on the side of the base of the neck. “Just a little more, buddy!” The two Charizards swooped over the top of the wall and swung their legs down to glide to the bottom. Sam and Alice looked to survey their surroundings, and other than the gloomy weather, the town below looked rather quaint and tranquil with its pristine white buildings, tan-colored roofs, and brick roads. The one odd sight inside was the gigantic mansion at the west end of the town which was guarded by a moat filled with swirling yellow, green, and pink goo. Once the Charizards’ feet touched the ground, Sam and Alice quickly slid off of them and brought out their balls from the Ride Pager, the two Pokémon giving them thankful moos before they were called in by their red beams. As they returned the balls back to the Pager, they heard a voice call out from one of the nearby buildings. “Hey, you two! It’s rainin’ and freezin’! Come inside unless you want to start sneezin’!” Both Sam and Alice looked to each other before they made a sprint to the door the feminine silhouette held open inside. Once they were indoors, the woman closed the door. The two of them went to the fireplace at the center of the lengthy living room wall, already feeling the roaring fire’s warmth. “Thanks…” Sam panted and shivered. “Man, what’s with this place? The wall, the rain…” “Hey, hey, hey!” The tank-topped woman with pink hair approached Sam and Alice. “Don’t just come into our crib and start dissin’ our digs!” “Word!” A young man with the same black top and blue hair came up on the other side from the small kitchen at the back end of the room. “Yo, so who are you tykes supposed to be? You got a problem with her, you got a problem with me too, homie!” “We don’t have a problem with any of you!” Alice defended, her swing around to face them slinging some of the rain off of her damp clothes. “We just came here because our Charizards didn’t want to fly around in the rain anymore.” Immediately, the two tank-topped people looked pleasantly excited. “Oh wow, Charizards? That’s dope!” the man spoke up. “So what, you kids are here for your trial?” “Not really,” Sam said. “I’m not sure how much you know of the situation, but there’s a wormhole that opened up over this island somewhere, and my sister and I are going to try and see whatever came out of it.” “Wait, hold up!” The young woman approached them. “You wouldn’t by chance be Sam and Alice, would you?” “Uh… yes?” Alice seemed confused and cautious. “Who’s asking?” “Well, me obviously, but… hold on, I’ll get her on the horn!” The young woman ran to the winding stairway at the end of the kitchen and disappeared behind the wall, her footsteps awkwardly blasting over the uncomfortable silence that formed between Sam, Alice, and the young man. “So…” Alice finally managed to ask. “Who are we waiting for then?” “Oh, our boss, Plumeria,” he responded. “She’s also the trial captain around these parts now.” “Trial cap…” Sam began to figure things out. “Hold on, this is where the trial site is?” The young man nodded his head slightly, smiling out the corner of his mouth. “Yo, check out the brain on Sam! You’ll smack this trial down like a Smack Down with those smarts!” “Yeah, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” Alice interrupted, “but we’re not here to take any trial right now.” “What? Then why did you–” “We just said that our Charizards were getting wet from the rain and we needed to land here. Our friends are on this island and they’re in great danger. If it’s okay with you, we need to leave so we can go find them.” “I mean, it’s not like we won’t be back,” Sam said as inoffensively as he could, “we just have more important things to do right now.” “Hey, hold on!” The pink haired woman hopped down the stairs and rushed to join the blue-haired man’s side. “Plumeria said she’ll be right over! Can you at least wait until she has a chance to say, ‘Hi?’” “No need!” a voice behind the door shouted out. Once the four of them turned to the door, it opened, the woman with the yellow and magenta pigtails stepping inside. What seemed the most remarkable about the woman to both Sam and Alice was how none of her clothes seemed to be very wet and her pigtails maintained their shape and strength. Grabbing a towel hanging on the wall next to the door, she gently wiped the excess moisture off her hair, looking to Sam and Alice without a break in eye contact. “So, you’re Sam and Alice, then?” “Yep,” they both answered together. “But I’m guessing you’re here to say more than just, ‘Hi.’” Sam added. Plumeria nodded. “One of my grunts here told me you’re here to take your trial, right?” “Not right. We just landed here and needed to give our Charizards a rest. We’re on our way to wherever that wormhole just opened up, and we need to get over there right away!” “Looks like you’re a little late to the punch there, bucko. Nanu, Guzma, and Ace left a while ago to go investigate themselves.” “Huh? Ace?” “That’s the cute pet name Guzma and the rest of us here gave to Acerola. Either way, they’re taking care of it by themselves, so while you’re here, maybe you’d like to humor us and take on our trial?” “Maybe after we find our friends and make sure they’re safe,” Alice said, “but right now, we should try and catch up and join them. Come on, Sam.” Sam and Alice made their way to the door, but Plumeria backed up to block it, leaning her back against it and folding her arms in. “Sure, I’ll let you go, but first, show me your Pokémon.” “Sorry, what was that?” “Just show me your Pokémon. Give yourselves some room if you need, but I’m not moving aside until you bring them out.” “Come on,” Sam moaned, “quit fooling around. We need to get–” “Listen, kid. I may be many things, but one thing I’m not is a fool. I mean, you’re more than welcome to continue trying my patience and see how much of a fool I can make out of you.” Sam bared his teeth, only to be stopped from his impulses by Alice’s hand on his shoulder. “Sam, let’s just do this so we can get on our way.” Alice walked back towards the kitchen, Sam quick to follow her. Standing side by side as they each detached their four Poké Balls from their belt, the pink-haired woman and blue-haired man stepped aside to clear the room. With a single lob, Sam and Alice threw all of their balls out to the middle of the room. With a surge of lights spilling out from the balls, Doublade, Fomantis, Salandit, Archen, as well as Noibat, Raichu, Rockruff, and Mudbray all appeared, just barely managing to spread themselves out inside. Without changing her expression, Plumeria put her hand on her chin, pondering their personal teams. “Looks like you each have an evolved Pokémon between you, but one of them hasn’t even yet reached their full potential.” “So, you’re saying you won’t let us leave now until we take your trial?” Sam sneered. “I’m not saying that. You showed me your Pokémon as I asked you to, so if you want to leave now, I won’t stop you from this point on. However, I want to warn you that at this point in your journey, you need to be as strong as you can possibly be, and if I were you, I’d be incredibly scared to go out through Ula’ula Island with either one of your teams.” Sam and Alice frowned, Plumeria just barely curving her mouth in a grin as she lured them in. “I get your friends are out there, but they’re probably now in the hands of trainers who have earned their spot as some of the best in the region. I mean, you can go out and try and find them yourselves; you’ll be in capable hands as well. Or you can take my trial and perhaps be the capable hands your friends can be in.” Sam huffed a laugh, this time surprising Plumeria and the man and woman on the sides of the room. “You sure know how to talk a big game, Plumeria. Alice, are you going to take everything she just said to us and our Pokémon?” Alice shook her head. “No, sir. Let’s get this over and done with.” “Okay, Plumeria. We shall partake in your trial.” Plumeria finally pulled off a genuine smile, relaxing her pose for the first time in front of Sam and Alice. “Good. It’s a smart decision on your parts.” She then glanced to both of her grunts on the end of the room. “So how about it? You want to participate?” “Uh, yes ma’am!” Both grunts stood at attention like soldiers. “Good. Go upstairs and get yourselves ready!” “Yes ma’am!” As the female grunt slid by with her back against the wall to the stairs, the male grunt weaved around Sam and Alice’s Pokémon and also slid with his chest to the wall to follow his partner. “Alright then.” Plumeria kept her eyes on the grunts and opened the door behind her. “Okay, call your Pokémon back and follow me.” Opening the door wider, Sam and Alice could hear the rain outside had stopped. With this, they quickly took out all their Poké Balls and prepared to bring their Pokémon back inside of them. Plumeria stood facing six grunts lined up with the oozy moat and mansion behind them, a man and woman alternating between them. Once she saw Sam and Alice come around from the building they were in, she put her arms behind her back and paced herself between both sides of the line of grunts like a drill sergeant. Once Sam and Alice stopped themselves before her, Plumeria turned to face them. “Okay, listen here. See these guys on either side of me? They will be who you face for this trial. See the moat behind me?” Sam and Alice got a better look at the moat, spotting stepping stones every three feet or so apart from each other in a grid-like formation. “Lots of Grimers and Muks live in there, and if you don’t want to face any of them, you’ll have to get across this moat. But…” Plumeria turned back and stood at the edge of the moat, reaching her foot over to the nearest stone. Putting her foot down and pressing on it, Sam and Alice watched as the stone and her foot sank down into it. The two of them were then frightened to see a large, slimy arm reach out and grab her leg with its big, stubby fingers. With a grunt, Plumeria pulled her foot out and dragged whatever grabbed her out, spinning around to kick the creature toward Sam and Alice for them to see. The Pokémon looked to be an anthropomorphic pile of green sludge with a yellow lower jaw, big eyes with tiny black pupils, and a massive, smiling mouth with a blue tongue. It looked at them with a slightly hungry expression. “Not all of these stones are stable,” Plumeria further explained. “And if you try getting across without knowing which stones will support you, you’ll fall in and have to fight one of these beauts.” “And let me guess,” Sam asked, “we have to fight those guys behind you to know how to get across?” “Man, this kid’s super smart, yo!” A blue-haired grunt exclaimed, flailing his arms excitedly. “It doesn’t really take many brains to figure out how to do this,” Plumeria huffed. “But still, this is a really cool concept for a trial,” Alice asked. Plumeria put her arms at her hips, producing a humbled smile. “My grunts and I put a lot of sweat and tears into this. After we stopped being Team Skull, we kind of lost direction with our lives.” “Team Skull!” Sam clapped his hands and shook a pointing finger at them. “I knew you guys looked familiar! I remember reading about you as a kid!” “Those were dark days for all of us. Thankfully, Nanu helped us find a new purpose. After Ace stopped being a trial captain, this island needed a new one, and he was generous enough to give us all a second chance. What you see here is the fruits of our labor. And as trial captain, I’m honored to let you challenge our trial. Grunts, move out!” Just then, the grunts split off into pairs, two men, two women, and one of each, sprinting off throughout the town. Sam and Alice turned back to watch as they each turned corners and entered into various buildings behind them. “Seeing as how you two are taking the trial together,” said Plumeria, “you’ll be facing my grunts in double-team matches. Finally, and I’m sure you’ve heard this spiel a million times, but I still have to remind you that you can’t leave here until you complete or fail the trial, and you cannot capture any wild Pokémon you encounter. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, ma’am!” Sam and Alice both responded. “Good. I’ll get the Totem Pokémon and its allies ready. Good luck to you both.” Plumeria then spun around and took a running start at the moat, Sam and Alice reaching out to try and help her. Leaping over, she was about to fall less than halfway across until another gloopy hand rose where she’d fall. Stepping onto it, the hand pushed her further up, launching her far enough to reach the other side safely. With a tumble, Plumeria broke her fall before twisting around and standing back up. She frowned to see Sam and Alice standing there, dumbfounded and amazed by her agility. “What are you waiting for?! The trial’s begun!” “Uh…” Sam felt flustered and frozen in place. “Come on!” Alice ran past him towards the other end of town. “I already know where two are hiding!” Finally, Sam finally moved his feet and ran to sprint after his sister. In their collective anticipation, they didn’t notice as the clouds above began to break, creating a patch of orange in the sky as the afternoon shone down. > Chapter 43 – A Gift to Grandson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau walked through the center of a wood-fenced area inside of an expansive cemetery with headstones of various shapes and sizes surrounding it. In this section, rows of grey obelisks stood with crudely carved images of men on them, the drawings more detailed and their outfits less traditional with each row in. Green grass occupied the otherwise empty half, save for another obelisk which stood proudly in the back between two small banyan trees. The man carved on the obelisk was of rotund stature, sporting a coat similar to Hau's, hair tied back in a bun like Hau’s except for the spikey sideburns. A cloth was tied around his big belly with a fan held in it. In the defensive, yet offensive stance the icon of this man made, Hau couldn’t help but smile proudly as he stopped a few feet away. “Hello, grandfather.” Hau gently sunk to his knees and put his palms together. “I’m pretty sure you’ve seen it all already, but I just want to thank you for the strength you have given me this past week. Oh, man. I do wish you were still alive to meet these new friends I’ve made. And I’m sure they’d love you all the same.” Hau sighed and collected himself. “But… I fear it’s not all done quite yet, and that I still have a ways to go before this imbalance is restored. Even with the strength you have given me now, I humbly ask for even more strength through these coming days and nights.” Hau slipped his fingers between each other and clasped them tight along with his eyes. He hoped to feel a sliver of his grandfather’s presence as he had managed to feel each time he came here and prayed. As such, the winds began to gently blow into Hau’s face, tickling his cheeks and brow. Breathing in, he looked up and slowly opened his eyes to the two trees and the leaves slowly and peacefully rustling on the branches. His meditation was interrupted as he noticed a white leaf, completely unlike the uniformly green leaves on the tree, blow off and through the air where ventured down the graveyard before disappearing from sight and existence shortly after. Hau stood up and observed the odd sight as more white leaves began flying off the branches seemingly from nowhere before returning to nowhere after they caught the wind. Hau began to notice as the leaves, now forming a wall with the intensity that they fell, curved in back toward the memorial grounds before forming a cyclone on the center of the path behind him. As more and more leaves joined in the flurry, they began to glow brighter as the twister widened, a human shape forming inside that Hau could not make out. Then, with a blast in its center, the leaf tornado exploded out, revealing the person inside that Hau froze upon recognizing. He looked exactly like the man on the obelisk, but his coat, shirt shorts, and sandals were all a pristine white. Despite his stone-faced appearance, Hau could not withhold his smiles and tears to see Hala before him once again. “Gramps!” Hau ran at him with his arms held out for an oncoming embrace. Hala quickly grabbed the fan held by his sash and swung it up, causing Hau to crash into the wall of wind that he had created, shocking and disorienting him. “Spirits shall not make contact with the living!” “Oh… okay… Sorry.” Hau took a step back, the magic of his reunion partially shattered. However, Hala finally formed a proud, jolly smile. “Look at you, Hau, the fearsome Kahuna of Melemele Island. I can truly say that I’d never live to see the day…” Hau mustered strength to laugh, happy to have his jovial grandfather back. “Thank you, Hala.” “What? Are you suddenly too good to call me ‘Gramps’ again?” Hau chuckled once more. “No, grandpa.” “That’s better.” “What are you even doing here?” Hau still felt compelled to step toward him. “H… How are you even here?” “Ha! The Hau I knew would have chewed my ear off asking about the spirit world and such! My, how you’ve grown!” “Gramps, I’m serious! Why did you come here?” “Well, you asked for my help, didn’t you?” “Well… yeah, but I didn’t expect you to actually come here from… now that you mention it, what is it like in the spirit world?” Hala let out a booming belly laugh. “In due time, my boy, but you’re far too young to have to worry about such things. Come, follow me!” Hala turned around and stepped out to the back of the memorial. Hau stood still for a few moments, savoring and appreciating his grandfather’s walk cycle that he hadn’t seen in years. “Hau, hurry! I’m not getting any older!” Hau smiled and jogged to catch up with his grandfather's ghost. Hala and Hau walked side by side toward an even larger banyan tree near the back of the cemetery, the leaves and branches like a titanic umbrella already beginning to provide shade for them thirty feet from the trunk. As they both got closer, Hau couldn’t help but notice a dirty burlap doll sitting against the tree’s base. “What is this, grandpa?” Hau looked about his surroundings, unsure how lucid he was at the moment. Hala seemingly ignored him and continued his way to the trunk, lightly picking the doll up under the arms with both hands. “I’m certain you wished I could see the fine, young Kahuna you’ve become, but the truth is, I’ve been watching over you like a Braviary watches his chicks ever since I passed on. I’ve watched every victory, every loss, and the way you’re going, I’m certain that you’ll be twice the Kahuna that I ever was by the time you're half my age.” Hau felt a little awkward with the praise. “Thanks, Gramps, but what does this–” “And yes, I’ve seen the way you’ve been handling this incident with these, what do they call themselves, ponies? Hoho, how delightful. I especially like that blue one with the colorful hair.” “Uh, Rainbow Dash?” “Aha, yes, that’s the one! You’re doing a splendid job of defending them.” “So then what does this have to do with you being here? I just find it kind of odd that you come and see me all this way just to give me compliments.” “Compliments?! Ohohoho! I do indeed miss your company, but you more than anyone should know I wouldn’t waste such a valuable meeting for that!” Hau remained silent, hoping beyond hope that his grandfather would finally unveil his intentions. “You asked for my strength,” he finally said, “and now I’m going to lend it to you; more than I’ve ever given.” “What do you mean?” Hala put the doll back onto the ground where he had found it, backing away from it to rejoin Hau’s side. “You are right to feel uneasy. There is a great calamity on the horizon, one that will eclipse the danger first set forth by the Ultra Beasts, perhaps even since Solgaleo and Lunala first came to these islands.” “Gramps…” Hau walked around Hala and faced him. “What am I supposed to do? If whatever’s coming is as bad as you say it is, then... what could just my strength possibly do?” “Hmph! Foolish boy! I do believe this is the third time I’ve said I’m lending you my strength as well.” “Will that even be enough? For something on this level?” “You won’t have to worry about that. Don’t forget, you have many friends that span this entire region that will fight on your side when the time comes. But, the power I’m lending you will further tip the scales in our favor. Are you ready to receive this power, my grandson?” Hau looked to him, and then back to the tree, feeling a strong presence coming from the doll, egging him on to make the right decision. Finally, he turned back. “Hala, I will accept this power.” “Very good. Now, stand perfectly still, and don’t move, especially your feet.” “What?” Hala thrust his palm out toward the doll, the strength of the motion seemingly muting the ambience around them, petrifying Hau stiff. “Warrior of the shadows,” Hala’s voice mysteriously echoed, “heed my command and lend our combined strength to my very blood in this dire time!” The shade grew darker as if night had instantly begun to fall. At once, Hau’s feet felt as cold and frozen as they were motionless. Looking down, he saw as his shadow, once muted by the shade, had become pitch black as it unnaturally snaked out toward the doll. Seeing a second shadow stretching out to it, Hau looked over as Hala kept holding his hand out, straining to maintain his footing. “Come forth, Marshadow!” At once, both Hau and Hala’s shadows collided beneath the doll, forming a dark pool that bubbled and wisped with energy. The shadows began to cascade up over the doll until its body was completely enveloped in them. Hau continued to watch as small bumps on the wrists formed, as well as a wispy collar and headgear, the inner outlines forming a face. Hau looked into the face just as the creature’s eyes opened, revealing two vacant eyes with orange and yellow pupils. “Grandpa…” Hau twisted his body to look to his father, who also turned to face him. “What is this? What is that thing?” “I have bonded you with the legendary Pokémon Marshadow!” Hala grunted, struggling to maintain the ritual as an invisible wind threatened to blow him away. “You’re each others’ protectors now!” “I don’t understand! What am I supposed to do?” “Do what you must! Not just as a Kahuna, but as a trainer, as a friend!” Even in the intensity of the moment, Hau looked and felt weightless with the duty he was being bestowed with. At that moment, the shadows connecting Hau and Hala to Marshadow began to glow bright. “Now go! Save the ponies! Save Alola! Save the world! Yours and theirs!” “Gramps!” The light from the shadows bathed Hau’s vision in white before it quickly faded away. Hau once again found himself under the banyan tree, but any trace of Hala, Marshadow, or the doll had disappeared, leaving him alone. “Grandpa!” Hau twisted and turned about, unable to find him. “Gramps!” Turning back to the memorial site, Hau sprinted back over there, his sights locked on to Hala’s monument. Hopping the fence, he slid to a stop to face it, looking into the icon’s carved eyes as if he was standing there before him. “Grandpa, please, come back! What’s coming? I need to know!” Hau listened intently, only to be met with the soft breeze blowing through the two trees. Hau, beginning to pant stressfully, suddenly clasped his hands and opened his mouth to speak, only for a terrible, familiar sound to erupt in the sky. Turning around, he instinctually reached for his Poké Balls and ran through them, looking for the right one. His fingers suddenly came upon a sixth, unknown ball. Looking back down, he saw that among his five Ultra Balls, he indeed discovered a sixth among them with a green top, grey bottom, and an dark-orange ring around the diameter and the center button. The sound above grew louder, and Hau gazed upwards again to see a wormhole form down above where Iki Town was on the other side of Ten Karat Hill. Hau looked once more at his new, strange Poké Ball and placed his hand on it. “Okay, gramps.” Hau softly smiled, now understanding. “I got you. Thank you.” With the portal fading away, Hau broke into another sprint and focused on nothing else but the path back home. Hau ran through Iki Town as terrified townspeople slowly emerged from their homes, inspired only by the Kahuna’s safe return. “Hau!” A middle-aged man emerged from his home, a patch on the side of his roof made of a lighter-colored wood than the rest of it. “Did you see the–” “I know!” Hau zipped past fast enough that it was the only thing the man could hear. Hau glanced left and right, searching for any signs of Team Prism or whatever could have appeared from the wormhole. Upon reaching the top of the town, he scanned the open area, finding nothing among the battle platform or around his home. He shifted his gaze to the forested path north, not hesitating to rush straight there. Disappearing into the darkness of the trees, he saw the path take a hard turn where the forest ended. Running along the rock wall to keep his momentum in the turn, Hau climbed the log steps up the steep hill towards the ruins, twisting and turning and scaling each log in twos, fighting the burning in his lungs and the tingling he began to feel in his fingers and toes. Reaching the top, he came to the river canyon separating him from the ruins, a long wooden bridge connecting the two points. He was forced to stop upon seeing three Prism grunts on the other side facing Luna, Thorax, and Trixie as they cornered them at the edge of the canyon to the right of the bridge. Between them, Tapu Koko shielded the Equestrians with its body as the grunts’ Metang, Kadabra, and Espeon cornered them. Hau watched as the three Pokémon attacked Tapu Koko at once, the strength of all three hits forcing it down to support itself by the shell on its arms. “No, please!” Trixie groveled, falling to her stomach. “Spare us!” Hau hissed through his teeth as he thrust forward and charged his way across the bridge. His sandals hitting the wood alerted the grunts, their Pokémon, and the Equestrians to his presence. A brown-skinned grunt with cornrows clicked his mouth disdainfully at the Kahuna’s presence. “Him. Fine. Metang, bust the bridge up.” Metang levitated itself high and began spinning its claws about as it tilted itself down at its end of the bridge, ready to rush through it. Hau gasped, already able to tell that he was still too far across to either make it or turn back. Just then, he felt his vision sharpen and his perception of time slowed down. What’s more, the pain in his legs was instantly soothed, allowing him to increase his speed despite neither the grunts, Pokémon, or Equestrians having moved at all since he felt this sensation. “What…” Hau’s thoughts echoed in his head as if he was hearing them spoken to him inside a large cave. “What’s happening to me?” “Don’t fret, Hau!” A young boy’s voice appeared to him from nowhere. “Just let it all happen!” Metang began to shoot downwards at the bridge, and as if his own brain was suggesting it, Hau hopped up to the bridge’s railing and leapt at the Pokémon. Hau then seemed to ascertain what was happening around him, swinging his right leg out and aiming the back of his foot at the top of Metang’s body. Time began to speed back up for Hau as he unexpectedly felt his body shoot out like a bullet over the canyon. Upon his kick connecting with the Metang’s head, a wispy purple aura like a flame burst out from under his foot, further blasting Metang into the side of the rock. The grunts all jumped back and yelped, completely caught off guard by the inhuman feat. Hau’s momentum continued until he was safely over the ground, landing several feet down between the grunts, their Pokémon, and Tapu Koko. “Nice one!” the voice eagerly complimented. “I’m not sure that was all me,” Hau huffed to himself. As Tapu Koko pushed off the ground and began to float around Hau, he put his arm up, stopping him. “Thanks for covering for me,” Hau said. “I’ll take it from here.” Understanding in its own silent way, the island guardian slipped back behind Hau, forming a second barrier to the Equestrians for the grunts to try and pass through. Luna, Trixie, and Thorax couldn’t help but stare slackjawed in awe at their newest savior. The cornrowed grunt returned his fainted Metang to its Poké Ball before he ran behind his two allies for safety. “Alright,” a female grunt with longer purple hair shouted while pointing, “I don’t know how you did that, but you’re going to wish you didn’t!” “Those are some pretty strong words coming from the three of you.” Hau began smiling at their faux bravado. “How quickly you guys forgot what happened the last time you tried raising hell on my island.” “Yeah,” the remaining female grunt with ponytailed black hair spoke up, “and now Gladion isn’t here to cover for you and your Fighting-types.” Her words were reinforced by the Kadabra and Espeon flexing their offensive stances, ready to fight. As Hau grimaced at her reminder, the Equestrians behind him looked amongst themselves. “What are they talking about?” Thorax asked. “Who are these guys?” Luna looked forward to the battle that was soon to begin. “All that should concern us right now is that the creature with the orange coat is protecting us.” Hau detached a ball from his belt, ready to toss it out. Then, as if his hands still felt empty, he reached for the green and grey ball, holding it in his free hand. The cornrowed grunt took notice. “Yo, what kind of Poké Ball is that?” “I’ve never seen anything like it!” the ponytailed grunt exclaimed. “Do it, Hau!” The voice encouraged. “Let’s show them what we’re made of!” Hau, now feeling excited over this odd companion’s assistance, threw both balls out at once, the shadow of the green-and-grey ball pulling Hau’s shadow out so that the head stayed beneath it. “Go, Pangoro, Marshadow!” “Marshadow?!” The grunts all shouted at once. As Hau’s large black-and-white bear appeared from its ball, the green-and-grey Poké Ball exploded in a blast of grey dust that dove to the end of Hau’s shadow's head and formed a dark portal. Marshadow rose from the hole, staring at the grunts and their Pokémon. Pangoro glanced down at the new creature, bemused by its foreign appearance. “Whoa!” Thorax shouted. “He summoned a bunch of creatures from those balls too!” “But why did that doll-thingy come out so different?” Trixie questioned. Luna stayed silent, wanting to judge her protector and his actions for herself. The purple haired grunt scoffed. “He uses Fighting-types; chances are that thing’s a Fighting-type too. Kadabra!” “Espeon!” The ponytailed grunt shouted. “Dazzling Gleam!” As Kadabra’s spoons and Espeon’s gem began to glow, Marshadow flexed its arms and legs before Hau could make a command. At this, Espeon’s shadow stretched out beneath Marshadow and splashed over it, turning its head and arm bulbs green as it absorbed its energy. Before Espeon’s gem could fully light up, Marshadow lunged forward, disappearing and appearing before Espeon in an instant before punching it in the head, throwing it into its trainer’s body and knocking both down and away from her comrades with painful grunts as she rolled off. “Unbelievable!” Luna gasped. “What kind of spell was that?” Kadabra continued its attack as its spoons cast light over the area, a stream of colored beams striking Marshadow and Pangoro simultaneously. Once the light faded away, Marshadow and Pangoro went down on their hands and knees, greatly weakened by the attack. “Just as I thought,” the purple haired grunt giggled. “Still a Fighting-type.” “Marshadow!” Hau looked to the Pokémon as it slowly got back up on its feet. “What was that you did to that Espeon?” “It’s called Spectral Thief!” Marshadow threw its arms to the side, flinging the dirt on them off. “It’s my secret weapon.” “Not so much a secret anymore,” Thorax said forlornly. Hau then looked to see Pangoro get back to its feet as well. “Atta’ boy! Now, hit Kadabra with Payback!” Clenching its fist and baring its fangs, Pangoro ran out at Kadabra, reeling back to punch. “No!” The grunt threw her arm toward her Pokémon. “Kadabra, dodge it!” With uncanny agility, Kadabra sidestepped and leaned back, allowing Pangoro’s attack to harmlessly whiz right by the end of its snout. Pangoro looked down on its foe, who sneered a smile back at it. “That’s it! Kadabra, finish them off with another Dazzling Gleam!” The purple-haired grunt closed her fist with finality as Kadabra held one of its glowing spoons into Pangoro’s encroaching chest and the other one out at Hau and Marshadow. “No, you don’t!” Hau thrust his hand out at Kadabra. “Marshadow! Take Kadabra out with Spectral Thief!” Marshadow grinned cockily as Kadabra’s shadow raced over beneath it and bathed it in its energy before the color returned to its head and arms. With another warp, Marshadow appeared above Kadabra, its arm already reeled back. Just as Kadabra registered it above itself, Marshadow thrust down, striking Kadabra into the ground and leaving a small crater where it stood. Pangoro caught Marshadow in its paw and leapt back with it to Hau’s side. With the grunts and their Pokémon all defeated, the ponytailed grunt and the purple-haired grunt both took out their Poké Balls and returned their Pokémon inside. The cornrowed grunt lead the retreat as he and his allies ran back across the bridge. “Nice little Pokémon you got there! I’m sure our bosses will love check it out!” “Good!” Hau loudly retorted. “I invite them to!” With their threat deflated, the grunts kept their heads forward as they ran away, leaving Hau and his Pokémon safe and alone with Tapu Koko and the still stunned Equestrians. “Nice work, Pangoro.” Hau stroked and massaged his Pokémon’s shoulder, making the corner of its mouth twitch in pleasure. Marshadow leapt off Pangoro’s paw and stepped up to face Hau. “That was pretty impressive. I can see why Hala had so much faith in you.” “You!” Trixie’s shout forced all eyes to turn to her, revealing a confused, flustered mess staring at Hau and his Pokemon. “You’re one of the apes that took our friends and sent us here! Who are you, where in Equestria are we, and where are our friends, you monster?!” Marshadow and Pangoro went into defensive stances as Trixie attempted to charge her horn, only for her to strain futilely as no magic would come out. Hau sighed sympathetically as his Pokémon relaxed themselves once more, Trixie quickly giving up as she wheezed exhaustingly. “Looks like those Prism jerks used their Psychic Pokémon on you,” he calmly surmised. “Wait, you know those guys?” Thorax wondered. “What do they want from us?” “I don’t fully know, but I want you guys to know that you can trust me.” “Trust you!?” Trixie huffed. “What makes you think we–” “Trixie, please, that’s enough.” Luna then walked up to Hau, his Pokémon slightly tensing back up. “Thank you very much for saving us. I don’t suppose you have seen ponies like us in this vicinity, have you?” “Like you? Sure I have! In fact, I can safely say that some of them are close friends of mine too!” “Ha!” Trixie haughtly flipped her hair up. “Do you think we’re going to believe the likes of–” “I’ve already met with Starlight, Fluttershy, Rainbow–” “Starlight?!” Thorax and Trixie both shouted. “Is she okay?” Thorax whined. “She’s not hurt, is she?” Hau lightly shrugged. “Not since the last time I saw her.” “So she is hurt then!” Trixie reeled back to rush him, only for Thorax to hold her back. “Where is she now?” Luna asked. “The last time I saw them, she and Fluttershy were traveling with a pair of trainers to look for the others.” “And where are they?” “On the other islands, I assume. One of my friends was looking for them with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but they left a couple days ago as well.” Luna sighed with relief. “So they’re in good hands. Thank you again, sir. May I ask your name?” “My name? I’m Hau! I’m the Kahuna of this island. That means I protect the people and Pokémon on it.” “And where exactly are we?” Thorax asked. “We just got sucked into this portal thing and ended up here.” “I know. Your other friends are in the same boat. I can explain as much as I know back home.” Hau detached Pangoro’s ball and returned it inside of it, shocking the Equestrians once again. Marshadow then sunk back into Hau’s shadow, which receded back to its normal shape before the green-and-grey Poké Ball materialized back onto the empty slot of Hau’s belt in a wisp of smoke. “How are you even doing that?” Trixie curtly asked. “You aren’t hurting them, are you?” “Listen, I get it, you have a lot of questions for me, and I’ll answer them at my place. Just please follow me.” Hau walked to the bridge, the Equestrians warily passing by Tapu Koko as it floated where it was, keeping its ever-watchful eye over them, Luna giving it a gracious nod. As Hau began walking across the bridge, Trixie stopped herself. “Hold on! That’s where those mean apes ran off to!” “Yep.” Hau stopped on the bridge and turned back to her. “But don’t worry. They aren’t in any shape to do anything more today, but I do appreciate that I’m no longer one of the ‘mean apes’ in your eyes.” Trixie, feeling a bit embarrassed and beaten, finally went across the bridge with flushed cheeks, following Luna and Thorax across. Hau, nodding in approval over the trust he earned in them, continued to walk. “Also,” he said, “our kind are called humans, and those creatures that fought for us are called Pokémon.” > Chapter 44 – Pick Your Poison > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Raichu,” Alice commanded, “Thunderbolt on Golbat!” “Archen,” Sam cried, “finish off Spinarak with Ancient Power!” Charging its cheeks, Raichu shot a heavy stream of electricity at a blue bat with purple wings and a mouth that spread across its entire body. Archen threw its wings up, causing several stones with fossils on their surfaces to crash through the top of the roof where it and Raichu were fighting on. Flapping its wings at a small green spider with yellow and black legs, the stones all shot out at it, each one hitting the Pokémon. At once, both the Spinarak and the Golbat fell back, limply rolling to two male grunts who stood shocked at their opponents’ strength. Both of them called their Pokémon back to their balls before one of them walked up to them, reaching into his pocket. “Congrats, guys.” He handed them a slip of paper. “So what this is your first, second…” “Third win,” Sam immediately answered. “Well, I guess I wasn’t going to be wrong all the way. Here you go, yo.” Alice took the paper from his hand, pulling out two other folded slips from her own pockets. Organizing them neatly atop each other, Alice tilted them up towards the sun, the light allowing the images on the other two sheets to bleed through the top. Alice grimaced to see that not only were these dots placed in seemingly random spots on the stepping-stone grid, but there were none on the first row at all. The second grunt spoke up. “Yo, so I’m guessing you’re still pretty held back?” “Yep.” Alice quickly folded the papers back up into her pocket, mildly defeated. “So we’re going to have a fourth battle?” Sam asked. Alice shrugged before walking to the stairway entrance. “Maybe not. Thanks guys.” “Good luck!” Both grunts waved Sam and Alice off as they both went to the stairs. Plumeria stood behind the glass doors of the center balcony of the mansion as she watched Sam and Alice approach the moat. Plumeria widened her stance, readying herself to meet them downstairs if they were to cross. Down below, Sam and Alice examined the first row of stones, trying to find any telltale signs that would betray the sinkers from the sturdies. As Plumeria continued watching them look at the moat, she moved her foot back with the other, sighing with the knowledge that she’d still be there a while. “Okay, so…” Sam kept his eye on one of the stones. “How do you want to do this?” “Well, I’d just figure we–” Alice hopped to a stone and planted her feet, keeping her arms up to maintain her balance. Sam gasped through his teeth as he anticipated his sister’s legs sinking down, only to relax himself once she had maintained her footing. “How did you know?” Sam wondered, still a bit shaken. “I… honestly didn’t.” Alice kept her eyes on the next stones ahead. “I just wung it.” “Where’s the next stone?” Alice pulled out the papers and held them to the light, frowning even wider. “It’s two rows down and then to the left. I could probably get there with a running start from this rock, but there aren’t any stones past that point that I’m sure are solid, and I’d have to keep going with that momentum and risk one being a sinker.” “Here, let me see those.” Sam came to his sister and looked at the sheets himself. A few stones down, there was a stone on the second row, another diagonally to the right on the fourth row, and then another one straight across on the seventh and final row. Sam grinned, giving the sheets back to Alice. “I might be able to make that.” “Make what? Sam?” “You’ll see, just watch!” “Sam, wait!” Sam wouldn’t listen as he ran at an angle at the first solid stone, leading with his left foot. Making it, he leapt across to the second stone, ready to hit it from the side to get the angle. Making it again, he then pushed off as hard as he could to the last stone, only for his foot to slip off the second and send him tumbling into the moat sludge. “SAM!” Alice cried, watching her brother get fully submerged. At that moment, a blob rose out from the spot where Sam fell and raced across the moat back to the other side, tossing Sam and a piece of the moat with it. Sam wiped as much of the sludge off of him as possible as the blob transformed into a Grimer, which looked eager to battle Sam for falling onto it. “Play stupid games…” Sam quietly said to himself as he tossed out a Poké Ball. “Go, Archen!” Sam’s stony prehistoric bird emerged from his ball, facing the Grimer with a proud sneer as it held its clawed wings up. “Okay, Archen,” Sam shouted with a point, “hit the Grimer with Bulldoze!” Archen charged at the Grimer with its wings held over the ground, its speeds picking up the mud and dirt on the ground and fanning the mud at its target. Behind the muddy curtain, Archen could not see nor hear a clap and a subsequent ball of green gunk shoot out through the attack and strike Archen in the face, forcing it to tumble to a stop. The wave continued on, hitting the Grimer hard and nearly throwing it back into the moat. As both Pokémon got back up, Sam tensed with worry as he saw Archen convulse, its entire body pulsing with purple splotches on its body. “No, Archen!” Disheartened by Sam’s cries, Archen half-heartedly positioned itself for another attack. “Don’t give up, buddy! You can finish him! Use Acrobatics!” Archen charged once again at Grimer, who awaited the bird’s advance. Grimer wound its arms back once again for another Gunk Shot, and with a clap, it sent another blob of itself back out at Archen. Archen, baring its fangs, leapt up into a series of flips and twists, avoiding the attack below. On its way down, it swung its wing up, striking the Grimer beneath the jaw. Alice and Sam triumphantly watched as Grimer was thrown back into the moat where it sank to rejoin the others inside. Sam shuddered again as he saw Archen swoon, just barely catching itself with its claws. “Hold on, Archen! I’m coming!” Swinging his bag around and sliding to him on his knees, he pulled out both an Antidote and a Super Potion with both hands. He first sprayed the Antidote over the purple spots on Archen’s body until they had all disappeared. He then tossed the Antidote away before spraying the Super Potion on his Pokémon’s body. Having healed up, Archen excitedly perched onto Sam’s shoulder and nuzzled its coarse face against Sam’s. Alice walked up to him, annoyed. “I told you to wait and you did it anyway!” Sam stood up with Archen, looking to his sister through the corner of his eye. “If I didn’t slip, I would have made it.” “Yeah, I’m certain you would have, but I don’t have as long of legs as you, and one of them isn’t made to be overworked, so unless one of those other stones before were sturdy, I wouldn’t have made that jump.” “Okay, I’m sorry, you’re right. If it’s all the same to you, I say we just take on the last team. I think I used my last Antidote there, and I don’t want to risk poisoning more Pokémon before we face the Totem Pokémon.” Alice nodded a single time. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Now let’s go; I think I know where they’re hiding.” As Alice jogged back toward the town, Sam allowed Archen to perch on his arm before taking out its Poké Ball and returning it inside. He then ran to catch up with his sister. Alice opened the door to the building they first entered upon arriving in Po Town. The fireplace was still lit, but there wasn’t a soul in sight save for them. Sam glanced around. “You think those same guys are–” “We only saw six people at the moat before the trial started,” Alice explained, “and those two in here ran upstairs to get ready. Yes, I think they’re here.” Spotting the stairs, the two briskly walked across the room and went up each step two at a time. Reaching the top, they found the male and female grunt standing at the end of a barren, wooden room with the last map piece pinned to the back. “Hey, it’s about time you two showed up!” The pink-haired grunt greeted. “What, did you actually try getting across early?” Her blue-haired partner added. The silence between Sam and Alice was enough of an answer. “Haha, whoops! Slip-sliding is no way to go, so now you’ll just have to battle with us, yo!” He then took out a Poké Ball. “Go, Salandit!” The pink-haired grunt tossed her ball at the same time. “Go, Mareanie!” Along with the small Salandit that appeared from the grunt’s ball, another Pokémon joined its side, appearing as a purple stalk with two tired, yellow eyes, a row of small jangled fangs that curled past its lips, and ten blue, spiny tentacles that draped off the top of its head. “Whoa.” Alice pulled out her Pokédex. “Never seen this thing before.” “Mareanie,” the Pokédex recited, “the Brutal Star Pokémon. It plunges the poison spike on its head into its prey. When the prey has weakened, Mareanie deals the finishing blow with its 10 tentacles.” “Okay then.” Alice threw out a Poké Ball. “Go, Mudbray!” Out from Alice’s ball, her brown donkey landed on the floor and kept its sights between both the grunts’ Pokémon. Sam threw out his ball next. “Go, Archen!” Once Archen was freed from its ball and joined Mudbray’s side, Alice glanced to her brother to open her mouth, but was interrupted. “You brought out a Pokémon weak to water too, so don’t start lecturing me!” “I was…” Alice awkwardly flexed a pointing finger at the enemy Pokémon. “…just going to say to take out Mareanie first.” “Oh… sorry.” “You’ll be sorry alright!” The male grunt shouted. “Salandit, hit Mudbray and Archen with Poison Gas!” With a deep inhale, the Salandit violently expelled a wave of purple fumes from its mouth, which sprayed over Sam and Alice’s Pokémon, who quickly began to cough hard with it tickling and then burning their throats. When the gas subsided, both Mudbray and Archen were both covered in purple spots and looking significantly weaker. “No! Not again!” Sam clenched his fists and pointed out. “Archen, hit Mareanie with Acrobatics!” With gusto, Archen ran full speed at the Pokémon and before it could run into it, it dug its wing underneath its tentacles and yanked upwards, exposing its underside. Continuing its momentum, Archen flipped around and kicked the Mareanie up into the air with its talons. “Nice one, Sam!” Alice yelled. “Mudbray, hit them both now with Bulldoze!” Archen hopped up off the ground and flew a safe distance up. Mudbray charged between the Salandit and Mareanie and threw a wave of mud from the ground onto them. Instantly, the Salandit was struck back and rolled to its grunt’s feet, already physically spent. The Mareanie, upon landing, dug into the floor with the base of its body and the spikes at the end of its tentacles, allowing it to hold its ground as the wave swept into it. The pink-haired grunt looked to her Pokémon as it parted its front tentacles away to reveal its face. “Don’t worry, my ‘mon! We’ll avenge him! Mareanie, hit Archen with Venoshock!” The purple tips at the ends of the tentacles began to sweat, and with a lean forward, the Mareanie whipped its tentacles out at Archen, flinging poison at it that struck into it like spears, sending it down to the ground. “Archen! Are you okay?” Sam fretted as Archen weakly got back up, frightened over succumbing to the poison. “That’s okay, we got this! Hit Mareanie with Ancient Power!” With a weak shout, Archen threw its wings up and brought several fossils up through the floorboards. With a fan of its wings, the stones quickly floated into the Mareanie, several hitting its tentacles while a couple hit its face. “Let’s get this over with,” Alice exclaimed. “Mudbray, finish off Mareanie with High Horsepower!” Mudbray ran out at the Mareanie, who fearfully closed its tentacles back up. Mudbray was undeterred, whipping its back end around and kicking the Pokémon into the back wall, also managing to dislodge the pin holding the paper, causing both it and the Mareanie to tumble to the floor. With a huff, both grunts called their Pokémon back with their Poké Balls. “Hah,” the blue hair grunt exhaled. “Good effort.” “Nice teamwork, Mareanie!” The pink-haired grunt turned back around to face Alice as she approached. “Welp, looks like you both won. Here, as promised.” The grunt turned back and picked the paper off the floor before handing it to Alice, the two shaking hands with their free hands. Alice was suddenly distracted by the cries of Mudbray behind her, who began to sway to the effects of its poisoning. “Oh, shi– right! Coming!” Alice ran back and pulled out an Antidote and Potion from her bag, spraying both on her Pokémon and affected areas. Sam began spraying Archen with another Super Potion as he cradled it, but the Pokémon looked miserably bemused as its purple splotches wouldn’t go away. Alice was finishing healing her Pokémon and giving it affection before Sam called to her. “You don’t happen to have any more Antidotes, do you?” Alice continued petting Mudbray. “No, that was my last one too.” “Oh… Any Full Heals? Pecha Berries?” “I don’t have any of those things. I’m sorry.” Sam brightened back up. “Hold on! There was a Pokémon Center on the other end of town! We can–” “Oh, man, she didn’t tell you?” The blue-haired grunt interrupted. “Sheesh, we’re all a little rusty today.” “Tell us what?” “The Pokémon Center,” the pink-haired grunt clarified. “It’s a no-go zone to trainers in the middle of the trial. I mean, you could go there and heal your boy up, but you and your sis would have to call it quits.” “I have a poisoned Pokémon on me! What are we supposed to do?” “You are just going to have to deal with it until we can hit up the Pokémon Center afterwards,” Alice hissed. “I don’t want to sound like a bitch right now, but you have to make the decision. Either we redo the trial and lose daylight on finding Twilight’s friends, or Archen will just have to tough it out.” Sam looked down at the Pokémon, who, despite the despair and agony on its face, tried to encourage Sam with its eyes. With a hard, painful breath, Sam looked into Archen’s face. “You think you can handle it?” Sam asked. “You can be the last Pokémon out so it won’t be as hard. Deal?” Archen weakly nodded to Sam before convulsing, their deal reluctantly struck. Sam pulled a Potion from his bag and sprayed Archen once more before getting out its Poké Ball. “Thanks a lot. We can do this.” The red beam of the ball brought the bird back inside. “Thanks again.” The grunts gave Sam and Alice a farewell salute. Once Sam put the ball back on his belt, he shared a look to his sister, who pulled out the remaining three sheets from her pocket to add to the fourth. With nothing more to do, the two of them went down the stairs to exit the building. Sam and Alice reached the edge of the moat once again. Unbeknownst to them, Plumeria turned back from the balcony and headed further inside. Holding the four papers to the orange sunlight, she quickly began to run her fingers between the black dots to the other side of the moat, finding a path. “Okay, Sam. This time, follow my lead.” She stuffed the papers into her pockets as she eyeballed her path, ensuring certainty. With a placement in her footing, she began to run. Leaping over the first row of stones, she put her foot on one in the second row before leaping to one two rows down and a stone to the right. With a weaker hop, she landed on a stone one space diagonally to the left. She then jumped straight across to the seventh row and landed on the stone there, able to walk to the other side. “You got that?” She asked back. “I… I think so.” Before he could think more about it, Sam took a running start. Alice breathed in hard as he hit the first stone she did, but relaxed more and more when he got to the next stone right, then left, and then straight across with complete confidence. Alice pinched the bridge of her nose. “Why would you do that if you didn’t know?” “Relax! I knew! Jeez, so uptight!” Sam smugly strolled his way to the front door of the mansion, his sister begrudgingly following him. “That wasn’t funny! We don’t need you slipping up again!” “Yep, I guess it’s not funny only when I do it.” Without another word, Sam and Alice each pulled a side of the door open, revealing a massive, empty carpeted foyer with a large grand staircase in the back that branched off to both sides and lead to a wrap-around balcony on the floor above. They then looked at the midsection of the stairway, finding a pedestal similar to the one at the Verdant Caverns standing beneath a metal “S” drawn into the style of a skull, which reflected the light from the balcony window to the floor. As they took their first steps toward the stairs, the doorway banged shut behind them. Turning around they found that the doors had indeed closed themselves. “So, you finally made it.” Plumeria’s voice echoed from the top of the stairway, and jerking back around, Sam and Alice saw her slowly coming down to the midsection. “I saw you try and make it over early. It was an admirable attempt, but hopefully your Pokémon aren’t too beaten down now to handle what’s coming next!” Plumeria then snapped her fingers, the crack ringing harshly through the air. Just then, a small door on the top stair slid open, and slowly from it a glob of thick green, yellow, and pink sludge began to ooze out of it and pour itself down the stairs. Once it reached the bottom, a pair of massive arms slid out of it as its midsection split open into a gaping blue-tongued mouth. Jagged stones stuck out of its body, the ones around its mouth giving it the appearance of teeth. The creature roared at Sam and Alice, it’s already towering physique frightening the two. “So that’s the Alolan Muk,” Sam growled. “But they won’t be alone!” Plumeria shouted back down. Emerging from each side of the hallway on the second level, two Pokémon rushed out and leapt off the balcony to join the Totem Muk’s side. One Pokémon had a similar appearance to Mareanie, though its body was the same exact same size and its tentacles were flatter and longer, holding itself up like a tent. The second Pokémon appeared like a torn green trash bag with a sharp-toothed mouth between two large eyes covering a lumpy sandy-brown body. Its right arm ended with a stubby hand with three pipes for fingers, and the other arm ended simply with a bigger tube. “Garbodor…” Alice took out her Pokédex again and aimed at the other Pokémon, “and that must be the evolved form of Mareanie.” “Toxapex,” the Pokédex said, “the Brutal Star Pokémon. To attack, this Pokémon sends toxic spikes flying at its enemies. Ones that come close get mown down by the claws on its feet.” “Yep.” Just then, a purple circle formed to the left of the Garbodor, and rising out from it was a cheeky-looking purple apparition with a jagged disembodied head and two large clawed hands. “And a Haunter.” Sam suddenly noticed more shapes beginning to appear from the hallways, making him warier. Lining up around the balcony and leaning over to watch were dozens of grunts, each of their eyes trained menacingly onto the two trainers. They both looked back at Plumeria, who smiled, happy to see the effects of her audience working their magic. “So the gang’s all here then.” Plumeria pointed to the pedestal behind her with her thumb. “You’re going after the Poisonium Z. In order to get it, you will have to defeat this Muk and its buddies together.” “So,” Alice began to realize, “that means that–” “In order for you to complete this trial, both of you will need to have at least one Pokémon each that can fight. Once one of you runs out, I will declare the trial forfeited. Knowing that, do you still wish to face them?” “Like I have a choice at this point.” Sam clutched a Poké Ball and threw it out. “Go, Doublade!” Alice threw out a ball herself. “Let’s do this, Raichu!” Doublade and Raichu both appeared from their balls and faced the four Pokémon there, the grunts above cheering and hollering. Outside, the clouds began to roll in over the sun, cutting off the light shining into the room and bathing it in partial darkness. Plumeria took a step back and leaned against the wall, watching comfortably from her spot. “This is going to be good.” “Let’s get rid of the Haunter first!” Sam shouted. “You go ahead! I’m going after Toxapex!” Alice threw a pointed finger at her target. “Raichu, use Thunderbolt!” Raichu brought its arms in and tensed its muscles, heavy lightning thrusting out from its cheeks and hitting the top of the Toxapex’s head, electricity showering all over its body. The Haunter grinned as it held its hands apart, a shadowy orb enlarging inside of the space. With a push and a single bassy laugh, the Haunter hurled its Shadow Ball at Doublade, hitting it dead in the center of its cross. The Totem Muk then chucked its arm out, a glob of dark-brown mud being slung off of it and hitting Doublade dead center, forcing it to support itself on the tips of its blades as it tried to quickly recover. “Doublade!” Sam shouted. “Hang in there!” The Garbodor aimed its right arm out to its left, and from the three tubes, a sticky purple liquid sprayed out from them and covered the entire floor of the battlefield up to Sam and Alice’s feet. Honedge lifted itself back up just as the liquid spread beneath it. Alice then noticed small objects inside the slime, small orbs with large barbs. “Shit,” she hissed. “Toxic Spikes!” The Toxapex pulled itself toward Doublade, sliding easily on the slime. With its tentacles raised, it slapped them into Doublade with heavy watery splashes accompanying them. The force was hard enough to knock Doublade to the floor, its cross broken with both swords lying in different directions. “Doublade, no!” Sam looked back into the Toxapex’s taunting grin as it slid back to its side, using its tentacles to place the poisoned spikes back from where it had originally pushed them away. Doublade then began picking itself back up, slowly reforming its cross formation. “Okay, you got this? Good. Now hit Haunter with Shadow Claw!” On Sam’s command, Doublade shot itself out toward Haunter and with a dual glowing slash, Haunter was struck and thrown into a hallway to the right of the staircase. As it floated back into position, Alice nodded with what she knew she had to do. “It’s on the ropes now,” she huffed. “And we can’t let them keep their numbers! Raichu, use Psychic on Haunter!” The end of Raichu’s tail began to light up, and tilting it so the flat bottom faced Haunter, Haunter began to glow bright with magenta as well. With a flare in Raichu’s tail, Haunter was suddenly stretched up as its outline fizzled and cracked, the Haunter screaming in pain. Once Raichu regained balance and stood flat on its tail, Haunter floated back to the ground, unwilling to make its next attack. Cries of awe were audible amongst the crowd of grunts. “Yes! Thank you, Rai–” Sam’s celebrations were cut off short as Doublade was suddenly assaulted with a flurry of yellow-glowing pins that pelted into it. Despite each one seemingly bouncing harmlessly against it, Doublade was still pushed over, limply falling flat to the floor. Sam shuddered as his Doublade’s eyes shut, fainting on the spot. On the other side, Toxapex smiled at its victory, a new set of spikes appearing on its tentacles. Both Alice and Raichu turned and gasped at their fallen comrade. “No, Doublade!” In their distraction, they didn’t see as the Totem Muk’s outstretched arm reached over and wrapped its entire hand around Raichu, quickly pulling it away. “Raichu!” Sam and Alice both screamed. Raichu cried out for help as the Totem Muk opened its mouth and held Raichu inside, its stone-teeth then clamping down as Raichu screeched in pain. Meanwhile, Garbodor stuck its left-hand tube into its mouth and poured a hefty amount of purple liquid into its mouth, its body engorging. Finally, Raichu managed to pull itself out of the Totem Muk’s grasp and floated back to Alice, who winced to see her Pokémon’s body already so beaten up. Sam took out his next Poké Ball and gave it a hard look before throwing it out. “Go, Fomantis!” Alice and Plumeria both looked stunned as Fomantis emerged from the ball, landing down on the liquid and getting its foot caught on one of the many countless barbs. Fomantis whined as it kicked the barb away, only to moan as deep purple spots began appearing all over its body. “Sam!” Alice shouted. “I know you lucked out at the Wela Volcano, but this is a really stupid move on your part!” “I’d have to send her out anyway!” Sam then straightened his body imposingly. “Besides, my next target… is Toxapex!” Alice’s face lit up with realization, suddenly understanding what she had to do. “Okay, I got you. Raichu, hit Toxapex with Thunderbolt!” With a massive surge of electricity flooding out of its body, the stream washed over Toxapex and seemed to greatly hurt it. The Totem Muk responded with another Mud Bomb hurled off its body, nailing Raichu in the gut. As it doubled over, Toxapex quickly spun itself around, slinging dozens of spikes about that blasted Raichu into the wall behind the door. Alice turned around and watched helplessly as it fell onto its stomach, showing no attempt to catch itself. Alice cupped her hands over her mouth, trying to hide the horror she felt at the terrible final blow. Sam bared his teeth at the remaining three Pokémon. “You’ll pay for that one. Fomantis, hit Toxapex with Leaf Blade!” Fomantis sprung into action, sprinting out at its target while nimbly avoiding the barbs on the floor. The Garbodor, angered by its approach, contracted the muscles in its stomach until it’s head bulged, suddenly spitting out a glob of toxic phlegm that was headed right where Fomantis was running. Kicking forward, Fomantis slid through the slime and avoided the Sludge Bomb as it passed overhead. The grunts surrounding them from above cheered the maneuver. “Yeah, atta’ girl!” Sam shouted with a punch. Toxapex looked frightened as Fomantis approached with nothing to save it. Winding its right arm out, Fomantis dove inside Toxapex’s tentacle canopy and thrust forward, slicing one of its cheeks. As it slid back, Fomantis skated back through the slime to rejoin its next partner. With the poisoned spots pulsing, Fomantis tensed up and fell over on its side, whining as it became weaker. “Don’t worry, girl, I have a plan.” Alice finished calling her Raichu back before replacing its ball with another. “Your turn, Noibat!” As Noibat flew out of the energy from the ball, it circled over its surroundings, making instant note of the slicked floors and the poison barbs covering it. Keeping airborne, Noibat flew back to rejoin Fomantis’s side. “Okay, so now what can they do?” Sam wondered aloud. The Garbodor expanded once again, ready to try another Sludge Bomb, while the Totem Muk reeled its right arm back for a punch. The Garbodor spit out its next attack at Noibat while the Totem Muk aimed its punch at Fomantis. The entire fist separated from its arm, hurling itself at Fomantis, who was too stunned to avoid it as it rammed into it, sweeping it away. The Garbodor’s poison mound knocked itself into Noibat’s head, slightly disorienting it as it screeched in discomfort, only to quickly maintain its air balance. A new hand formed onto the Totem Muk’s wrist as it looked to see if its attack did the trick. Sam shuddered a laugh as Fomantis weakly, but eventually emerged from the pile of mud that was left in the corner of the back wall. Plumeria watched as Fomantis went back to its spot and panted, still finding the energy to keep fighting, making her smile. “Okay, we got this now!” Sam shouted. “Let’s take out that Toxapex once and for all!” “Sounds like a plan!” Alice pointed her finger at the aquatic Pokémon. “Noibat, hit Toxapex with Super Fang!” “And then finish it off with Leaf Blade!” Noibat swooped down as Fomantis hopped and skipped over toward the Toxapex, their fangs and arms ready to strike. The Toxapex quickly draped its tentacles over its body, shielding itself from the oncoming blows. “That won’t work!” Sam pumped his fists. “We got this!” Noibat’s mouth opened wide as Fomantis readied its swing. Just then, the spikes on the Toxapex glowed bright purple, Noibat taking one in the roof of its mouth as it attempted to clamp down as Fomantis was prodded in the stomach, its eyes bugging out over the sudden sharpness of it. Noibat flew away fearfully, only to begin coughing and gagging loudly. After spitting out an unnaturally large amount of saliva, Noibat’s face and wings began to glow with the same deep purple that Fomantis was. “Noibat!” Alice screamed. “What happened to it?” “That’s Toxapex’s true secret weapon after all!” A blue-haired grunt up top spoke in. “Baneful Bunker,” another answered. “Pretty sweet, huh?” Sam watched as the splotches on Fomantis’s body began to fade before it limply fell onto its back, losing the will to continue. “No, it’s pretty much the exact opposite of sweet. Good effort, Fomantis!” Sam called his Fomantis back into its Poké Ball, returning it to its belt and feeling the balls of his last two Pokémon. “Not the most ideal Pokémon in this situation.” Alice and Plumeria listened into Sam’s external planning as it stared vengefully at the Toxapex. “But I have to imagine that thing’s nearly finished up, and this will finally take it down!” Sam grabbed his ball and threw it. “Go, Salandit!” Sam’s black lizard popped out and landed on the ground, it’s back foot stepping on a poisoned barb. With an unpleasant hiss, Salandit nonchalantly kicked the barb off and faced the three remaining Pokémon. Plumeria nodded and smiled, expecting this. “Awesome!” Sam shouted. “Now, finish off that Toxapex with Dragon Rage!” With its mouth filling with blue, Salandit spat out a blue aura that soared over the floor and left a clean, parted path from the slime where it passed over. The attack hit the Toxapex with a warm blast as it was flung to its side and rolled down the hallway to the staircase’s left before stopping. It lifted three of its tentacles up in a futile attempt to get back up, only for it to settle back down and accept its defeat. “Yes! Nice job, guys!” Alice then watched as the Garbodor, looking anxious, filled its mouth up with purple liquid from its left hand tube, fattening up further. “Your Stockpile isn’t going to do you any good against this! Noibat, hit Garbodor with Super Fang!” Noibat rose up on a few wingbeats before shooting back down, it’s mouth slowly opening in anticipation. The Garbodor could only tremble before it instinctively put its right arm over its head as its only means of protection. Noibat ignored this and went at the Pokémon’s upper chest, biting hard enough to puncture a hole in its green upper body, causing spurts of purple liquid to shoot out. The Totem Muk turned to its wailing partner and reeled its arm back. Once it threw its punch and another disembodied fist out, the Garbodor leaned as far back as its still bloated body could allow, leaving Noibat exposed to the oncoming Gunk Shot. Alice gasped. “Watch out!” The attack knocked Noibat off of the Garbador as the fist grazed its stomach. Noibat was slammed against the wall by the attack and slowly slid down with the leftover grime. A bunch of grunts cheered as Noibat could only muster enough strength to roll onto its back so it could breathe before closing its eyes and resting. “You’re amazing, Noibat!” Alice quickly aimed its Poké Ball at it. “You can rest now.” After returning Noibat into its ball, Alice replaced it with another, taking a meditative deep breath before smiling. “Now that we got that out of the way. Go, Mudbray!” Tossing her next ball out, Mudbray came out from it and landed on the barbed slime, instantly hopping up and kicking its hooves out upon landing on the spikes. Dark purple spots appeared over Mudbray’s legs, belly, and neck, Mudbray groaning in discomfort as its stomach violently growled. “I’m so sorry, girl!” Alice called. “We got this though!” “We sure do.” Sam quickly replaced the Fightinium Z in his Z-Ring with Firium Z before crossing his arms together, the flash of light brightening the room up for just an instant. The grunts were awash with amazement as Sam and Salandit continued the ritual, both of them putting their arms to their side and crossing them out before fanning up with their hands and finishing with their left hands on their right arm thrown down to aim at the Garbodor. Sam’s Z-Power flooded into Salandit as it surged with a bright aura, causing flames to erupt down its back. “Shit!” Plumeria pulled two Ultra Balls from her belt, throwing each one up each side of the stairway to the second floor. “Muk! Salazzle! Protect them!” On the top of the left stairway, a smaller Alolan Muk appeared from its ball, and from the other ball, a Salazzle stood guard, Plumeria running up the stairs to stand behind it. “Even with all that extra cushion,” Sam growled, “let’s see you try to survive this! Salandit! Hit Garbodor with Inferno Overdrive!” Salandit opened its mouth wide as flames danced around in a sphere and enlarged to nearly twice its size, the fires on its back fizzling down. With a hack, Salandit shot out the massive fireball that hit the Garbodor dead center, causing it to get engulfed in a fiery explosion that shot straight into the ceiling, the Totem Muk blocking as much of its face as it could. The flames spread up the staircase and branched to the sides, the Muk and Salazzle ready to intercept them. “Muk, Protect! Salazzle, Flamethrower!” The Muk rose itself up into a wall and blocked the flames from going any further up while the Salazzle shot a stream of fire at its oncoming flames, creating a controlled burn that kept the fires from getting no farther than the Salazzle’s body. The ceiling flames raced across, forcing the grunts to fall to their butts and lay low, shielding their faces from the heat. “This dude is cray!” A blue-haired grunt shouted. “That Salandit is cray-cray!” A pink-haired grunt retorted. In an instant, the flames dissipated, a blackened, soot-covered Garbodor left standing there. With a single cough of smoke, it weakly slumped over, Sam and Alice clutching their fists as they hoped to see it fall. However, it stood back up straight again and began to squeeze its gut in, getting noticeably slimmer as it did so. When it finally went down to its normal size, the Garbodor energetically shook the black dust off itself, facing Salandit and Mudbray with new vigor. “Dammit!” Sam hissed. “Not only did that not finish it, it used Swallow!” “No, that was good, Sam!” Alice breathed excitedly. “Now it’s not as strong against our attacks. I think we can do this! Mudbray, finish Garbodor off with High Horsepower!” As the grunts went back to their original spots, they watched from above as Mudbray galloped at the once-again terrified Garbodor. Spinning itself around, the slide of the poison spray beneath its hooves keeping its speed up, Mudbray bucked the Garbodor in the gut, sending it flying into the end of the right stair banister, where it pinballed off and slid to the fainted Haunter at the end of the room, lying still with it. “There we go!” Alice shouted. “Only one left! And we still have four Pokémon on our side!” Plumeria came down the stairs with Salazzle, Muk coming down with her. “But they haven’t even attempted to land a hit on it yet. We’ll see if they can do this.” The Totem Muk, letting out a roar of rage, threw its arm out at Salandit, a small glob of mud coming off and hitting it in the face. Sam watched nervously as the mud splattered into the wall, Salandit’s head sticking out of it. With a final, tired cry, Salandit let its head down and fainted. “No… Dammit!” Sam took out Salandit’s Poké Ball and returned it inside. “Not you, girl. You were awesome. I’m just nervous for our newest guy…” With a defeatist reluctance, Sam put Salandit’s ball back and took out his last, giving it one last look before he tossed it out. “Go, Archen!” Archen emerged from its ball, Plumeria gasping to already see splotches of purple on its body. Archen looked back up at Sam, frightened by the Totem Muk’s imposing size. “It’s okay, bud,” he cooed, “that’s the last one. We got rid of the rest for you. Now, let’s take him down so we can get you better!” Archen, invigorated by this prospect, held its wings up and screeched as loudly as its tired lungs could allow. “Come on,” Alice said. “Let’s call this one together!” “I like what you’re thinking! Okay, Archen!” “Mudbray!” “Hit Muk with Bulldoze!” Mudbray began the charge, creating a monsoon of mud ahead of it as it plowed forward. Archen flew up and then swooped down above Mudbray’s wave, its wings picking up more mud and doubling its size. The wave slammed into the Totem Muk as it and much of the wave swept its way up the stairs, stopping just before the Poisonium Z pedestal. The Totem Muk thrashed its way out the sheet of dirt it had been submerged in before rolling down back to the bottom. It then flexed its arms as its entire body began to drip itself to the floor, the Totem Muk beginning to appear less and less viscous. With another deep shout, Muk threw its arms up, its form appearing like suspended water, much to Sam and Alice’s amazement. “Was that…” Sam wondered aloud. “Yes.” Alice straightened her glasses, preparing for the challenge ahead. “Acid Armor.” “Still, that double Bulldoze should have already done a number on it. We don’t have much left! Archen, hit Muk with Ancient Power!” From the mud still on the floor, Archen summoned a half-dozen fossils with its raised wings. With a clap of them aimed at Muk, they all shot out, each one hitting it. The fossils easily penetrated through the Totem Muk’s body, leaving six large holes that left it looking nothing like its former self. Alice then saw the Totem Muk begin to reform, gasping at the strategy that popped into her head. “Quick, while it can’t see you, use High Horsepower, Mudbray!” Mudbray charged forward and spun around, ready to hit the Totem Muk in its eyeless head. With an effortful buck, Mudbray and Alice were both terrified to see the head open a hole for Mudbray’s legs to go through. Before it could reel them back in, the Totem Muk reformed its head around Mudbray’s legs and opened up its newly formed mouth, its eyes emerging to look down on its target. Mudbray whinnied and screamed as it tried to pull itself free from the Totem Muk’s hold, only for the mouth and the stones on the edges to bite hard down on it, Mudbray screaming even louder. “Mudbray, no!” Alice howled. Archen’s eyes quivered in fear as its stomach churned, making it double over in both stress and pain. Muk then forcefully spit Mudbray out, sliding it back to Alice, where, to Alice’s relief, it stood up quickly. As it readied itself for another go, it’s legs suddenly began to buckle and Mudbray to retch with its mouth closed. Breathing quickly, Alice was powerless to watch as her Pokémon tipped over and limply fell to its side, its purple spots disappearing. “Oh, god…” Alice solemnly returned Mudbray inside its Poké Ball. “It’s okay, girl. You did your best.” Alice put the ball back onto her belt and grabbed her final one, resting the top of it onto her forehead. “We don’t have much left. Don’t let Archen down, okay? Now let’s end this, Rockruff!” Tossing her ball out, Rockruff popped out from it and landed on a patch of dried mud from the last attack. Alice and Sam were both confused to see Rockruff yip and hop back, holding up its front left paw as it whimpered. Spotting the glimmer of a barb inside the mud, Alice let out a mixture of a sob and a laugh as deep purple spots began to appear beneath her Pokémon’s fur. “Of course one made it to the surface.” “Come on!” A blue-haired grunt shouted to the Totem Muk. “You got ‘em on the ropes!” “Kick their asses!” A pink-haired grunt jeered. More and more grunts began to heckle Archen and Rockruff and egg the Totem Muk on, the poison feelings in their guts and limbs only adding insult to injury. “Just ignore them, Archen!” Sam shouted. “They’re only giving you shit because we’re close. Now, try and finish Muk off with Ancient Power!” “Sam!” Alice shouted. Archen, screaming through the insults of the grunts, brought its wings up and pulled several fossils from the ground, and with a flap of its wings, sent them flying into Muk, who, like last time, let them shoot through its body, quickly reforming its body good as new. Alice turned to her brother. “Why didn’t you finish him off with Bulldoze! You had the shot!” “No!” Sam faced the Totem Muk. “I’m not going to take down Muk if it means taking Rockruff with it!” Alice winced. His care for her Pokémon was palpable, but so was his reservation. “Fine, we’ll try and finish this! Rockruff, use Rock Tomb!” Rockruff barked two times as its collar began to glow. At once, four small bell shaped rocks shot out from the white fur in its neck, quickly growing to the size of oil drums as they began to fall toward the Totem Muk. One by one, the stones struck Muk, each only splattering it across the floor until it was just series of small, technicolor puddles on the floor. Alice panted, feeling uneasy about the look of things. “Is it over? Did we get him?” As if to answer, each splatter of the Totem Muk began to recede back toward the bigger spot, its body forming over the stones as they began to break down in its sludge. Once all of it had rejoined, Muk’s eyes and limbs reformed as it let out a triumphant roar to the sky. “Oh no,” Sam mumbled. “Everybody, look out!” With a wave of its hand, the Totem Muk shot a Mud Bomb out at Rockruff, the attack too fast and big for Rockruff to avoid. The glob hit it in the head and chest, sending it rolling back to the wall. “ROCKRUFF!” Rockruff laid still at the corner of the wall, the Mud Bomb caked onto it. Plumeria stared at it for a few moments, waiting for the slightest twitch. Seeing nothing, she gave a disappointed sigh and rose her arm to make the announcement. She stopped herself upon hearing the Rockruff’s whine as it slowly got up. The grunts on the side of the balcony leaned over to watch as Rockruff rolled to its stomach and picked itself up with its paws. “Hot damn!” A pink-haired grunt wiped her brow. “That little puppy’s got spunk!” “Took that Mud Bomb like a champ!” A blue-haired grunt agreed. As it passed Alice, its step began to falter as its stomach groaned. Plumeria kept her hand up as she waited for Rockruff to fall over and not get back up. However, with trembling legs, it straightened itself back out and continued its walk. The grunts all sighed as Plumeria let her arm drop, knowing the battle was not quite yet over. The Totem Muk squinted and sneered, angered at the puppy’s perseverance. “Rockruff…” Alice began to sob joyfully. “You magnificent…” Just then, the clouds in the sky began to part, the afternoon sunlight streaming back through the balcony window, reflecting off the skull icon and onto the middle of the battlefield. Rockruff, mystified by the orange light shining there, let out a shrill howl as it ran into it with new vigor. Once it fully ran into the light, Rockruff glowed bright green as its body became a swirling green aura. “Rockruff!” Alice shouted. “You’re… no way!” “Woah!” A pink-haired grunt shouted. “This has never happened before!” “This is like the best day ever!” A blue-haired grunt pumped its arms and stomped about wildly in celebration. Rockruff began to transform, it’s small body elongating into a sleek, slender physique, its poofy tail whipping out thrice and growing larger each time. The fur around its collar also expanded out, four spikes shooting out from the corners as more fur expanded on the top and rounded over its head. After its snout elongated, Rockruff glowed brighter before the light shattered off of it. In Rockruff’s place was a Lycanroc with orange-brown fur with white legs and paws, the spines in the corner of its collar and the tip of its head crest colored black. With its evolution complete, it let out a louder, fuller-bodied howl, stunning Plumeria solid. “That’s… impossible!” Plumeria blinked hard, unsure if her eyes deceived her. “It became a Dusk-form… right here?!” Alice stared at her new Pokémon and the purple spots that continued to plague it. Despite this, Lycanroc stared back and expected her next move with direness in its eyes. Alice nodded as she reached into her vest pocket. “Yep. Right!” Taking her Rockium Z and putting it into her Z-Ring, she crossed her arms before her face. When the Z-Ring flared to life, Lycanroc stood on its hind legs, displaying uncanny balance as it matched its trainer’s motions. “I don’t care what tricks you think you have left.” Alice and Lycanroc put their arms down and crossed them back out. “No way you’re surviving this!” Hopping into a squat, they then stood back up and flexed their arm muscles before they hopped into a sideways lunge and flexed their arms once more. Z-Power erupted from Alice’s back and quickly swirled its way into Lycanroc’s body as it regained its four-pawed stature. “Alright, boy!” Alice shouted. “Get ready for it. Now, finish Muk off with Continental Crush!” With the black tips of its collar glowing, Lycanroc let out another howl as the mud on the floor began to fly off and into the ceiling, forming into large stones that began to accumulate and form their way down directly over the Totem Muk, whose wide eyed stare implied it saw its demise coming. More stones began to rise out through the carpet and continue enlarging the small mountain above. With nowhere to run, the Totem Muk put its arms over its head as the still-forming boulder forced down onto it, flattening it until there was no space between the floor and ceiling. The cracks in the rock began to glow and spread all over, the entire structure soon glowing white before it exploded out into numerous small fragments that quickly disintegrated as they were hurled through the air. The grunts looked down at the Totem Muk, whose eyes were shut and it’s mouth open wide, its body stretched to the thinness of a crepe. It showed no signs of movement or intention to keep battling. “Holy shit!” A blue-haired grunt whispered. “What an ending!” “That was so dope!” another agreed. Satasfied, Plumeria smiled as she rose her arm up. “The Totem Muk and its allies have been defeated! Sam and Alice have cleared the Poison Trial!” “Yeah! Come here, boy!” Alice squatted down with her arms outstretched, allowing Lycanroc to run to her and tackle her, excitedly licking her face and wagging its tail. Sam, overcome with relief, fell to sit on the floor, taking deep breaths to slow down his heartbeat. His rest was promptly interrupted as Archen chirped and ran into his lap, hugging his waist with its wings. Sam returned the hug with his hands gently laid onto its back. “I knew you’d be alright.” “You two.” Sam and Alice looked up to Plumeria as she approached them. “Let’s hurry and get you to the Center. Your Pokémon are all a little worse for wear.” Both Lycanroc and Archen both squirmed as their poison hurt them both. Glad nonetheless for Plumeria’s approval, Sam and Alice quickly stood up, ready to follow Plumeria there. Inside the empty Pokémon center, save for Sam, Alice, Plumeria, and the eight grunts from the trial, Plumeria faced the two victorious trainers as she put her hands up to offer them something. “I went ahead and pulled these out for you.” Plumeria turned her hand over as Sam and Alice held their hands up, Plumeria dropping a purple Z-Crystal into each of them with a skull and X icon inside of it. “It’s the Poisonium Z. Now, let me teach you how to use it real quick.” Plumeria first crossed her arms in front of her face before swinging them down and crossing them back over. She then pulled her left arm to her torso and held a clawed fingered hand over her wrist and pulled up, finishing with a falling to her right knee and holding both arms out down to the right with both hands forming claws. As she stood back up, she then pulled two purple disks from her pants pocket, holding them in between her index and middle fingers. “Here’s another little something to help you on your journey. They’re the TMs for Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb.” Sam and Alice both took one, examining them. “Wow,” Sam replied. “Thanks a lot, Plumeria!” “Just think of it as an apology for keeping you here. Now go. You have friends to save.” “Thanks again. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know if the Thrifty Megamart’s along the way?” Plumeria nodded. “It’s just west of the Haina Desert, which is where Nanu, Guzma, and Ace went off to.” “You’ve been a great help.” As Alice began her goodbyes to Plumeria and the grunts, Sam looked over to the back wall behind the counter, seeing a tank-top just like the ones the grunts wore hung up like concert merchandise. “Hey,” Sam said with a pointing thumb, “how much for the shirt?” “Yo, you want a souvie?” One of the blue-haired grunts asked, his eyes widening. “It’s ¥10,000 a pop.” Sam smirked as he fished into his jacket pocket and pulled out a single Comet Shard, something each grunt, even Plumeria, seemed surprised to see. “You got change?” Sam slipped the tank-top over his naked torso before putting his hands to his hips and admiring his new purchase. “Hey, looking sharp, kid!” A pink-haired grunt playfully teased. “And we should know!” A blue-haired grunt responded. “We do like to wear these, like, all the time!” “Okay, are we done here?” Alice crossed her arms, her stern tone breaking Sam out of his admiration. “Yep, we should get going now.” With Alice leading the way, Sam and Alice both ran to the exit of the Pokémon Center. “See ‘ya! Thanks for everything!” The grunts cheered and hollered their departure as Plumeria cooly crossed her arms, giving them a salute just as the doors began to close. “Yep. Later.” Outside, Sam and Alice pulled out their Ride Pagers and called out their Charizards. Both Sam and Alice sprung up onto them and climbed into their seats. “Okay, so where first?” Sam wondered. “Megamart or Desert?” Alice shrugged. “Well, if the Kahuna and two other trainers are already there, then they’re probably on top of it.” “You… you mean…” Alice smirked, confirming his thoughts. “Let’s go get your Doublade evolved!” Sam squeed with excitement as he pointed up to the sky. “Okay, Charizard, to the MegamAAAAAAA-!” Sam’s Charizard shot up into the air, climbing quickly on its wings to pass the top of the wall. Alice’s Charizard flew close behind them. With a dip over the wall to Po Town, Sam and Alice’s steeds picked up speed as they rounded the island eastward. > Chapter 45 – Wanderers We > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A raspberry-colored unicorn mare with a taller, spikey rose-colored mane and tail and a cutie mark of three small blue, green, and pink firework bursts stood at the top of a short hill overlooking a field of boulders resting in the grass. Standing behind her was a wizened grey-colored unicorn stallion sporting a white, medium-length goatee and wearing white shirt with a royal-blue vest and tie along with a matching fedora with a long, pointed brim. “Concentrate, Fizzlepop.” His voice was softer than the prairie breeze. “Channel your magic up and let it flow from you.” “Yes, Starswirl.” Shutting her eyes, revealing a long scar over the left lid, Fizzlepop Berrytwist began to charge her broken horn, a flat, jeweled crown fitting evenly inside the cracks. As the light-blue aura around the horn glowed brighter, the magenta gem inside the crown began to light up as well before it too was covered in her magic. Soon, similar auras appeared at the top of five boulders and quickly spread around toward the bottoms. “Slowly now!” Starswirl the Bearded’s sudden sternness stopped Fizzlepop halfway down. “You’ve been doing exceptionally well in these months, but do not rush yourself and lose control.” Fizzlepop let out a small sigh, both mildly annoyed and accepting of her master’s advice. “Very well. Thank you.” Resuming her training, her magic more slowly enveloped the rocks until they were fully covered. Her eyes closed tighter as she focused tighter on her objective. “Relax!” Starswirl cooed. “Keep your eyes open and don’t force it.” Fizzlepop took a breath out of her mouth and relaxed the muscles in her face before opening her eyes. She concentrated as the boulders began to subtly wiggle from their spots in the ground. Her eyes squinted and her legs bent down as she struggled to maintain her strength, but as she held on, the boulders very slowly began to rise into the air, one by one. Standing to the left of the hill and observing this was a young unicorn stallion with a cerulean mane styled into a pixie cut and wearing a brown leather vest. At his side, a chubby dark-grey rodent with piercing blue eyes and a head of grey spiky hair in the same style as Fizzlepop’s wearing a black, sleeveless top watched beside him. “Oh yeah, you show those rocks who’s boss, Fizzlepop!” The rodent enthusiastically applauded, ignoring the fact that he was the only one making any noise. “Grubber, let her concentrate.” An elderly unicorn mare with a very light-purple coat, continuously blowing faded-green mane and long curved horn wearing a turquoise blouse came between Grubber and the stallion. “She’s doing well enough on her own. Isn’t she, Stygian?” “Yeah. She’s amazing.” Stygian kept her eyes on the boulders as Fizzlepop held them in place. As they stayed up, Fizzlepop, the stress on her mind lessening, smiled as she raised the boulders up higher, much to Starswirl’s surprise. “Fizzlepop, careful!” Just then, sparks began to crack off the crown, Fizzlepop’s magic beginning to flicker. Dropping the boulders a couple of feet, she caught them, straining hard to keep them back at their heights. “Oh, no!” Stygian gasped. “Hang in there!” Grubber shouted. “Keep holding on!” Starswirl took a step sideways as he could see the magic on the boulders growing unstable. Feeling her aura begin to sparkle more and more violently, Fizzlepop let out a shout as she relinquished her spell, letting the boulders drop hard to the ground, creating tremors that knocked Grubber off his feet and nearly throwing Stygian and the other unicorn off theirs. Fizzlepop swooned and fell to the shins of her forelegs. Starswirl hopped to her side and slipped his arm underneath her chest, hoping to catch her. “Fizzlepop! Are you alright?” Fizzlepop bit her lip, hoping to fight her sobs through her panting. “I’m sorry, Starswirl. I got too excited and overdid it.” “Now, now.” He helped pull her back onto her hooves. “There’s nothing wrong with ambition, and I know how excited you are to move on in your studies, but what I want more than even that is for you to not injure yourself using magic you’re not capable of yet. Now, let me see your crown.” Fizzlepop knelt her front side down and let her master peer over it, examining it closely. “I didn’t break it again, did I?” Starswirl gazed closer, looking for any breaks or irregularities inside the gem. After a few moments, he stepped back to give her space to stand again. “There wasn’t any significant damage to it, but I’d still like to look at it when we return to camp. Come, let’s make our way back.” As they came down the hill, Starswirl seemed a tad surprised to see the older mare standing between Stygian and Grubber. “Mistmane, what are you doing here?” “Mage Meadowbrook sent me to let you know that supper is nearly ready,” she responded. “Oh yeah, best news I heard all day!” Grubber didn’t wait for his other four friends before he bolted off in the direction that Mistmane came from. “Hmph.” Starswirl lead the others at a much more relaxed pace. “Boy has more loyalty to his stomach than he does for us.” “Oh, come on, Starswirl!” Stygian playfully defended. “There’s nothing wrong with looking forward to dinner, especially if Meadowbrook’s cooking.” “I’ll agree with you there.” Fizzlepop’s compliment left Stygian mildly blushing. Nonetheless, the bashful Stygian hid behind Starswirl, and as she glanced over to see him, she was off put to see Starswirl looking back at him. “Is there something you wished to discuss, Fizzlepop?” he asked, oblivious to the enamored unicorn behind him. Fizzlepop looked away. “It’s… nothing, Starswirl.” Sensing the disappointment in her voice, he smiled warmly. “You are learning very quickly. I can’t imagine that we’ll be stuck on kinetic spells for much longer. Keep your chin up, you have no reason not to be proud of yourself.” “I too look forward to see where she goes from here,” Mistmane added. Empowered by her mentor’s words, Fizzlepop picked her head back up and looked straight ahead. The smoke from a not-too-distant campfire was visible, the specks of four ponies and their shadows highlighted by its glow. Knowing she’d be back with her friends made her smile eagerly. _____________________________________________________ Fizzlepop reluctantly came over a hill with Grubber by her side, a pair of half-empty saddlebags fastened around her waist and her broken stub of a horn visible for anyone to see. Looking over the treetops of the forest below, she spotted the thin tail of a campfire's smoke rising up. “Do you think they have food down there?” Grubber asked her. Fizzlepop took a deep, nervous breath as she took a tentative step down the path. “I’m not entirely sure they’re down there.” “Aw, come on, Tempes– I mean Fizzlesticks.” “It’s Fizzlepop!” she snapped, making Grubber jump, something she very quickly regretted. “I’m sorry, Grubber. I don’t think I’m quite ready for my new life either. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! That Princess Celestia could have thrown us in their deepest, darkest dungeon after what we nearly did, but she’s actually sending you to learn magic from the Starswirl the Bearded! If I were you, I’d be stoked!” “I just don’t know…” Grubber approached her and gently petted her shoulder with his paw. “Okay, look, just letting you know, no matter how badly this could go, you’ll still have your pal Grubber.” Fizzlepop looked down at her partner’s earnest smile and couldn’t help but chuckle herself. “Okay, fine, you win. Let’s go introduce ourselves.” The two of them went down the hill, their eyes keeping track of the smoke to help them find their way. Fizzlepop and Grubber were finally able to trace the light of the fire through the barks of the trees, following where the light was brighter and warmer. As they began to see a clearing, they were so preoccupied by who was there that they didn’t notice the dried leaves and twigs that loudly broke underneath their feet and hooves. “Halt!” The thick gruff accent of the stallion’s voice was accompanied by the sound of metal being pulled from the ground. “Who goes there?!” “Aiii!” Grubber rushed behind Fizzlepop and trembled. Fizzlepop sighed and set her hooves gently down. “My name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, and my companion’s name is Grubber. Princess Celestia had referred me to you.” “Hmmm,” Starswirl’s voice sounded contemplative, but Fizzlepop did not seem to have much of a reason to fear what she was mostly certain would happen next. “Come forward, Fizzlepop Berrytwist and… Grubber.” As Fizzlepop walked ahead, ignoring the remaining leaves and branches that crunched beneath her hooves, Grubber leapt over them before quickly rejoining her side. At the moment she entered the clearing, Fizzlepop found Starswirl and his six companions sitting around the fire with a iron pot hanging over it on a spit. Along with Mistmane and Stygian, one of these ponies was large and bulky cyan earth stallion with a lighter streak of blue running down the bridge of his nose. Minus three small, but long braids, his mane was chopped short and his beard was about half the length of Starswirl’s. Along with an old, battered shovel it slung and held over the back of his neck, he wore a sleeveless brown leather coat with fur lining and brown compression bands around its legs above the hooves. Ignoring his icy, threatening stare, Fizzlepop turned to the other three sitting by the fire, including two pegasi, one a light-orange stallion with a deep-red bandana around his neck that matched his tail and mane that popped out from the bottom of a metal-grey beanie hat, the other a light-red mare with a shorter mane and tail of dark green, mostly concealed by a white cloth that covered all but the front half of her head with the ends wrapped loosely around her neck. Also sitting there was an earth mare with a cerulean coat with a wavy, medium-length scarlet mane and tail and wore a short green skirt and a long band around her head. Starswirl got out from his spot by the fire and approached Fizzlepop, who yielded her ground. “Do you have a letter?” Fizzlepop reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a rolled parchment out from it with her teeth. Starswirl grumbled quietly as he took the letter from her maw with his magic and unrolled it. Fizzlepop shied away at this gesture and waited as Starswirl read the letter aloud, nodding at the recognition of the hornwriting. “Starswirl, If you are reading this letter, then I trust the unicorn and porcupine standing before you have found you and the other Pillars safely. Their names are Fizzlepop Berrytwist and Grubber, respectively, who were former underlings for the evil Storm King.” “Storm King?” The light-red pegasus asked in a thick, alto accent. “Never heard of him.” The large blue stallion responded. “My guess is that you haven’t heard of him until now, but a couple of weeks ago, he and his army had tried and failed to take over Equestria, intending to steal the magic of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadance, as well as my sister and I…” “Whoa!” The orange pegasus shot out from his seat, looking at Fizzlepop and Grubber menacingly. “They both sound dangerous! Why would Celestia–” “Flash Magnus, calm yourself!” Starswirl glanced behind him before turning his attention back to the letter. “There’s more here.” “Fizzlepop was tricked by the Storm King into allying with him under the false promise of restoring her broken horn, and after realizing her mistake, she broke her allegiance to him and helped Twilight and her friends defeat him. As for Grubber, he appears to have shown more loyalty towards her than the Storm King, and has asked to accompany her to meet you.” “Over what, though?” Stygian asked. “I’m sure there’s more!” The blue earth mare replied in a Southern accent as she sat herself up on the log. “Besides, these two sound mighty fascinatin’, don’t they?” “I suppose…” Starswirl cleared his throat, ensuring the others would not interrupt him again. “You see, while Fizzlepop has learned to accept herself and her handicap, Twilight still reached out to me and sought to help her strengthen her magical abilities, which is why I have put her in your hooves. I can assure you here and now that they will not be dead weight to you and the other Pillars and will prove to be useful to you in other ways. “As I’m sure you learned to forgive Stygian, I’d like you to extend the same courtesies and kindness to these two as both a favor to me and to Twilight. I promise that she will not disappoint any of you.” Once he rolled the paper back up, he levitated it back into Fizzlepop’s bag and closed it back up. Fizzlepop looked back at Starswirl, whose eyes made it impossible to detect a verdict from. Finally, he walked up to her and she stood firm as Grubber slunk down to his imposing proximity. After examining her horn closely, he stepped back away from her. “I can tell you for certain that you will not be able to make use of that thing in its state.” Fizzlepop and Grubber’s ears dropped along with their hearts at the news. “But you’re far from a lost cause. There’s a geomancer in a town not far from here that will be of great help for you.” “Geomancer?” Fizzlepop excitedly stepped to him. “You mean, you can–” “I will provide the closest replacement for a horn for you that I possibly can, but it will require very much of your mind and body. Knowing that, will you still accept an apprenticeship under me?” Fizzlepop had already come all this way. With steadfastness, she glared at him. “Yes, I will accept.” After a tense staredown, Starswirl finally grinned, allowing Fizzlepop and Grubber to drop their guards. “Very good. We won’t start your training until we can mend what we can, but first, I’d like you to get to know your other companions for the time being.” Both Stygian and the blue mare scooted to the ends of the log to make room for Fizzlepop and Grubber, who took the hint and sat beside them. “Hello, there!” The blue mare was the first to take Fizzlepop’s hoof in her own and shake them. “Mage Meadowbrook. A pleasure to meet you.” “Stygian,” the unicorn greeted, allowing Grubber to take his hoof and shake it. “Cool name!” Grubber exclaimed. Mistmane walked up to the two and extended her hoof, which Fizzlepop gingerly took. “Mistmane, at your service.” The red pegasus mare came beside her and bowed humbly. “Somnambula. It’s a privilege.” “Same,” Fizzlepop nodded as well. Flash Magnus zipped himself above Mistmane and Somnambula, crossing his arms. “One question I want to ask. How were you able to hold your own with this Storm King fellow? I mean, without a horn, that is?” “I had other ways of defending myself,” Fizzlepop mumbled, glancing away. “Oh, really? I want to see! I’m interested!” “Flash, really,” Starswirl scolded, “there’s no need for that now.” “No, it’s okay! Besides, Celestia said she can handle herself. I’d like to see. In fact, I’ll let you take the first shot!” “Please, I–” Fizzlepop was interrupted by Flash Magnus turning his cheek to her and shoving it near her face. “Please, I don’t want to fight you!” “Maybe I want to fight you! Maybe it’s not all about what you want!” All eyes were on the two now, the expectation of either a fight or a refusal to appearing acceptable to all. Fizzlepop hummed through her nose, knowing it couldn’t be helped. “Okay, then,” she softly said, “uh, what was your name again?” “Maybe if you can knock me down, I’ll tell–” *TWAHP* Fizzlepop kicked Flash Magnus hard in the gut, sending him into the air with the wind knocked out of him. Following her momentum, Fizzlepop tumbled backwards off the log and kept her eyes on Flash Magnus as he limply began to fall back down. Charging out and leaping off the log toward him, Fizzlepop bit down on the end of Flash Magnus’s tail and front flipped herself over, swinging Flash Magnus around and letting him go to slam back into the ground beside the fire. While the other ponies were shocked to their cores, Grubber couldn’t help himself as he fell back off the log, howling with laughter. Fizzlepop landed with her hooves on either side of Flash Magnus’s overturned body, teasingly bringing her face close to his. “Now, that name?” “Flash… Magnus…” he gurgled. Just then, she felt the large presence of the large light-blue stallion behind her. Before she could react, she felt its arm wrap around her and pick her up. As she was turned to face him, she saw the stallion smiling and chuckling jollily and respectfully. “Princess Celestia wasn’t kidding when she said you wouldn’t disappoint. Rockhoof’s my name, and I’d be thrilled if you agreed to spar with me sometime!” Feeling his tug get tighter, Fizzlepop tried to breathe as hard as she could. “Yeah… maybe!” “Oh, sorry!” Rockhoof set Fizzlepop back down, allowing her to gulp for the air that he had squeezed out of her. Turning back to Flash Magnus, who was slow to get up, Fizzlepop stood back over him and offered him her hoof. Without much hesitation, he hooked his arm to it and pulled, Fizzlepop also pulling him up as well. “Hehe…” Flash Magnus rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, the lump that was forming there making him wince. “Okay, I’m sorry for misjudging you.” Fizzlepop smirked. “Maybe next time you’ll actually see me coming.” “Maybe… Maybe you’ll have to teach me to.” Fizzlepop, Rockhoof, and Flash Magnus all laughed as they went to sit together by the fire. Starswirl looked upon the sight, smiling with the blessing he was sure was delivered to him. Stygian made room for Grubber as he got back up onto the log, wiping the tears from his eyes. “She’s the best, right?” Stygian peered over to see her engaging in conversation with the others, who were appearing to quickly enjoy her company. Smiling to himself, he was filled with the desire to enjoy her company too. _____________________________________________________ Fizzlepop could finally make out her friends as they gathered around their fire, waiting for dinner to be served. Upon seeing them from the corner of their eyes, the others turned to see Starswirl and Fizzlepop returning. “Fizzie!” Flash Magnus called with an enthusiastic wave. “How’d today go?” No matter how many times he called her that, it still brought a cute smile to Fizzlepop’s face. “Better.” Grubber was already near the pot as Mage Meadowbrook slowly stirred its contents: a thick, creamy stew. “MmMM! Truffle Chowder again?” “Anything for my favorite porcupine!” She rubbed the back of his ear, making him shudder in pleasure. “Thank goodness you’ve returned,” Somnambula greeted. “I am positively famished.” “Grubber,” Mistmane called, “you wouldn’t mind helping to serve, would you?” “On it!” Grubber rushed to Rockhoof’s saddlebags and pulled out ten metal bowls, two of which were more lustrous than the others. Rockhoof leaned his front on the end of his shovel as Fizzlepop approached him and Flash Magnus. “So, how high did you lift those boulders today?” “I managed to get those five about twenty feet into the air before I started losing control,” she answered with a twinge of discontent. “Ah, you’ll get there eventually!” he replied with a knock of his hoof to her shoulder. “Just be sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.” “Right… Starswirl told me as such.” “Speaking of chewing,” Stygian bumped in, “dinner’s ready!” Grubber was already ladling his fifth bowl of chowder as the rest of the group began to convene around the fire. Starswirl took the five bowls that had been poured and lifted them into the hooves of Stygian, Mage Meadowbrook, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, and Mistmane. By that time, Grubber had finished with the other half, allowing Starswirl to take three of those bowls, giving two to Rockhoof and leaving the other for himself. Grubber handed Fizzlepop her bowl, which she easily and deftly took in her magical grasp. Grubber took his own bowl and went with Fizzlepop to sit beside Stygian and Mage Meadowbrook. With everyone gathered, Starswirl rose his bowl up in toasting. “To another day well traveled!” The others responded by raising their bowls up themselves. “To another day!” The motley crew cheered. Putting their bowls back to themselves, they each took savoring sips, careful not to burn their mouths or spoil the enjoyment of their supper. Grubber, however, was pouring his scalding chowder down his throat without any sign of discomfort or pain. “Oh, yeah!” He licked the leftovers out until his bowl appeared clean and spotless. “Is there more left?” “Of course, Grubber!” Mage Meadowbrook giggled as she licked the chowder moustache above her lip. “Help yourself, please!” “If he even knew what it tastes like is beyond me,” Starswirl squinted at Grubber as he ran to back to the pot. “Well, it’s not as if he lets it go to waste,” Flash Magnus commented. The others couldn’t help but giggle as Grubber sat back beside Fizzlepop with a fresh bowl on his lap. As he lifted the bowl to guzzle down his next helping, he noticed as a wind was picking up around him, creating ripples in his meal. The others were quick to notice it themselves in their own bowls, and as they looked about, uncertain of the source, a shadow quickly formed around them from overhead. Looking up, their eyes and mouths went wide as a wooden dirigible with rainbow-colored wing-shaped sails quickly descended down. As the sails beat down, reducing the speed of its fall, globs of chowder began to splash out of the bowls, nearly landing on the ponies. They quickly set their bowls down and stepped away from the fire, which was also soon extinguished by the ship’s gusts. The ponies and porcupine all ran out from under the shadow of the ship as they gathered together to await for someone or something to depart down to greet them. As the ship came to a steady level, a rope was tossed out the side before the group, its end just coming inches from the grass. A figure jumped off the side of the ship with its talon-hands gripping the rope. As the figure slid down, Fizzlepop quickly recognized her from her emerald peg leg and leather attire. Without much reduction to her speed, she landed before the group with her good knee breaking her fall. As she stood up, her eyes were locked on to Starswirl, who glared at her with an unthreatened stare. “Are you Starswirl the Bearded?” “Celaeno!” Fizzlepop shouted. “What are you–” “Yes, hello Tempest Shadow. Or, you go by your own name now, right? What was it, Sodapop Buttertwist?” Fizzlepop pursed her lips in anger, but Starswirl was quick to counter. “Who are you, and what is your purpose here?” “Well, as your friend correctly said, my name is Celaeno, and I am the captain of the Awesome Rainboom.” “Awesome whatboom?” Flash Magnus snickered. “Please be quiet, this is very important.” Celaeno pulled a letter from her breastplate and handed it to Starswirl, which he quickly glanced through. “The long and short of it is that Celestia sent me over to let you know that she needs you in Canterlot right away, and that we’re giving you all a lift.” “What could Celestia possibly need?” Stygian wondered aloud. “Nothing horrible I pray,” Somnambula responded. Starswirl rolled the letter back up, having gotten the gist of it. “I… that’s very thoughtful of you, but we still have to pack our camp if we’re–” Four more ropes flopped down beside Celaeno’s, and coming down on them were four other parrots in leather attire on both sides of her, one large and muscular with a hook on the end of his right arm, a slimmer one wearing a grey bandana with a red feather and an eyepatch, a shorter pink one wearing a green apron and blouse, and a crookedly-stanced one with scattershot eyes wearing an aviators cap and goggles. “Don’t you worry about that!” Celaeno pointed to them with her thumb. “My crew will handle everything. Now, let’s just focus on getting you aboard. Those with wings, get to the ship and help pull your friends up.” As the four parrots hustled to the camp, Somnambula and Flash Magnus pushed off the ground and flew up to the ship. Meanwhile, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Stygian, and Mistmane went to their ropes, the latter gripping on with her arms while using her magic to further tether herself to it. Fizzlepop glanced to the remaining rope before looking to Starswirl. “Aren’t you going to go up?” “I can teleport myself on. You go ahead.” Fizzlepop nodded and went to the rope with Grubber, Celaeno’s judgmental gaze following them the entire way. As Starswirl backed away, Celaeno turned to face him. “So, how exactly did you come to know Temp–” With a glow of his horn, Starswirl vanished into thin air, leaving her by herself. She threw her arm up in exasperation. As Stygian, Mistmane, and Mage Meadowbrook were hoisted up, Grubber ran to Fizzlepop. Scooping him up into her arm, she looked up and was pulled up as well. Both Fizzlepop and Grubber were surprised by how fast they were rising, and within a matter of moments, they reached the side of the ship. Peering over the edge, Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, and Stygian walked over to greet the ones who helped them, several of them tall, colorful equine beings with avian heads, wings, and forelegs. Among them was a brown, anthropomorphic cat who stood as tall as the hippogriffs he assisted, who sported a long red coat and a patch of purple hair atop his head. Flash Magnus held the rope as Somambula rushed over to help Fizzlepop and Grubber onboard. They then both turned to see several of the hippogriffs struggle to pull the rope Rockhoof was attached to by their teeth. “Come on,” Somnambula said to her. “They could use our help.” The cat clapped the dust and rope fiber off his paws before turning to see Fizzlepop making her way toward Rockhoof’s rope, his entire body tensing and his eyes narrowing. He leaned down to Stygian and cupped his hand to the side of his mouth near his ear. “Uh, pardon me. She with you?” Seeing where the cat was pointing, Stygian lit up walking behind him and pushing him toward her. “Yeah, she’s with us! Let me introduce her!” “Nah, that’s okay, we’ve… met before.” With her magic, Fizzlepop was able to help the hippogriffs lift Rockhoofup, allowing him to pull himself aboard and land inside with a heavy bang of his hooves. “Woohoohoo!” A greyish-yellow hippogriff fell onto her back laughing, snorting a couple of times. “He really was a big one!” Along with her feathery, droopy light-blue mane and tail, the bridge of her nose was mottled with freckles and she wore a necklace of seashells around her neck. As she stood herself up, she walked around her other friends to give thanks to Fizzlepop and Somnambula. “Thanks a lot, you two! We would have never gotten him up without your– Tempest?!” The hippogriff jolted her body into an arch, her mane standing on end before Stygian brought himself and the cat to them. “So, this is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, Mr…” Stygian’s face suddenly twisted, realizing something he had forgotten. “Oh, pardon me, I never even got your name.” “It’s… Capper,” he responded. “And trust me, I’m well acquainted with *ahem*… Fizzlepop here.” “She’s great isn’t she?” Rockhoof’s one-armed around-the-back hug nearly wrapped around her entire body. “One of the strongest, quickest ponies I’ve ever known!” “Uhuh… and how exactly did you meet her?” “Okay, listen.” Fizzlepop broke free of Rockhoof’s grasp and approached Capper. “I know what I did back then was far from okay, but I came to Starswirl because I wanted to make that change for myself. I don't intend on getting you all to like me after what I’ve done, and to be honest, I’m just as surprised to see you all here again. All I want is to help Princess Celestia with whatever she needs from us. Until then…” Fizzlepop thrust her hoof toward Capper’s chest, making him back off. The yellow hippogriff looked genuinely stunned by Fizzlepop’s candor, her pursed-beaked stare becoming a forgiving smile. “So… truce then?” Capper wondered. Fizzlepop nodded. With a pondering hand to his chin, Capper’s eyes relaxed with resignation and he slapped his hand onto her hoof, giving a single firm shake. “Yeah, alright. I mean, I can’t see what you see in her, but if Celestia herself has this much faith in all y’all… and who might you all be anyhow?” “Yes, sorry, I’m Stygian,” the unicorn spoke, pointing to his other two friends. “And this is Somnambula and Rockhoof.” The yellow hippogriff came close to Somnambula’s head, looking at the garment on her head. “I just love that robe thingy on you. It really brings out your eyes!” “Um… thank you!” Her enthusiasm was contagious. “I do miss my more traditional dress, but I’m trying to, how do they say, live in the moment!” “And there’s no moment like this moment! I’m Princess Skystar. Mom let me bring some friends from home to help as you can see!” She giggled and snorted again before noticing Mistmane and Flash Magnus on the back end of the ship. “Oh, you have more friends! You have to introduce me to them!” “HEY!” Celaeno’s voice was clearly heard from below, and turning back to the side of the ship, they noticed the ropes being tugged on. “We still have stuff to bring up!” Skystar sheepishly smiled back to her new friends. “Maybe we can wait until we set sail?” “Right.” On Rockhoof’s approval, he went to a rope and grabbed hold with his teeth. Capper, Skystar, Fizzlepop, and Somnambula also went to a rope and prepared to pull the parrots and their belongings onboard. Rockhoof and Fizzlepop both pulled on their ropes as Celaeno, the aproned parrot, and the eyepatched parrot observed. Rising over the banister of the ship was the hook-handed parrot standing atop the spit and the chowder pot, and the other two parrots went over and pulled the spit, pot, and their comrade up onto the ship. “Yes!” Grubber walked toward the pot. “You saved the chowder!” Before he could touch it, the googly-eyed parrot popped his head out from the pot, splashing chowder onto Grubber and a portion of the deck. Despite Grubber’s sheer annoyance, the googly-eyed parrot happily and absentminded cawed. “On second thought, I’m not hungry anymore.” Grubber disappointedly rejoined Fizzlepop’s side as they went to Starswirl and his companions. “Okay, you guys,” Celaeno said to them. “We got everything?” Rockhoof brandished his shovel while Flash Magnus looked at a shiny copper shield that he let balance against him. “We’re good,” Flash Magnus reported. Mistmane and Mage Meadowbrook looked at a pink flower in a small clay pot and a large blue-and-yellow bee-head mask that rested with their saddlebags while Somnambula kept a sandy-colored cloth wrapped around her right foreleg. The three of them nodded as their treasured belongings were accounted for. Starswirl also made note of a greyish-blue tome that was placed in their pile of belongings. “I believe that’s everything that we can’t replace.” “Very good! Alright, scallywags, all talons to stations!” The parrots sprung into action, the googly-eyed parrot leaping out from the pot and leaving a trail of earthy smelling chowder in his wake that Grubber was close to mourning. Celaeno leapt up to the helm at the quarter deck and threw the wheel to turn the ship north. A gust suddenly picked up behind them, throwing the sails open. With the parrot crew each grabbing hold of a rope and tying them down, they kept the sails steady as they were carried off. As they rose into the sky, Fizzlepop made her way to the starboard and put her hooves on the banister, watching the plains below become less featured as they climbed towards the clouds. Behind her, Skystar was ecstatically introducing herself to Starswirl and Mage Meadowbrook as Rockhoof and Somnambula enjoyed her enthusiasm. Capper leaned against the back wall below the quarter and kept her eyes on Fizzlepop and Grubber. Without much of a reaction, he slowly walked his way to Starswirl and the others to mingle with them. As Fizzlepop peered to the north, Grubber climbed onto her and mounted her upper back to see, both smiling as they awaited their next big adventure. > Chapter 46 – New Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy led Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash towards Iki Town. Rainbow Dash flew a bit faster to stay beside Fluttershy, already knowing where exactly she was heading to. Twilight caught up with her coming close enough between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that the tips of their wings grazed against each other. “Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Where are you taking us?” Fluttershy kept her eyes on the familiar sight of Hau’s home. “It’s just like when Starlight and I first came here. We were found by Tapu Koko who brought us to Hau!” “Wait.” Rainbow Dash flew ahead and twisted herself to face her. “I thought you said Sam and Alice found you.” “Well, right. What I meant was that if it weren’t for them, Tapu Koko and Hau would have found me first.” Twilight frowned suspiciously. “So, what you’re saying is…” “That our friends are probably with Hau, or at the very least, he knows where they are.” “Fluttershy, we gave the humans a chance, and now we need to–” “I know, I know! But I know Hau, and I’m sure he’d gladly help us and stay out of our way for you.” “For me? This is in our best interest!” She then sighed in apparent defeat. “Alright, fine. We’ll meet with this Hau person and then we leave immediately, okay?” Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash nodded, the latter rolling her eyes. “Yep, got it.” “Mmhm.” As they got over the mainland, they quickly descended down towards the town, looking to make the battle platform their runway. With a quick swoop up and gentle fall down, Spike dismounted Twilight as she, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy looked to Hau’s home before them. Several of the townspeople stopped what they were doing and looked to the ponies and dragon walking to the house, most of them shying away to the shade along the sides of the buildings. Twilight stepped up to the double doors and banged it three times, stepping back in line to await whomever would answer. “Remember,” she whispered. “They’re here, we get them and leave. If not, we find out where they are and leave.” “Yeah, we got it, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash’s lack of enthusiasm was pungent. A single door swung open slowly, Hau peering his head through the gap and finding the three ponies and dragon standing there, instantly smiling upon recognizing them. “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash!” He threw the door open, kneeling down and throwing his arms wide. “It’s great to see you again!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were quick to try and accept his hug, only to be pulled back to the deck by Twilight’s magic. Hurt, Hau stood up and looked down at the miffed alicorn. “Hey, I remember you,” he said with his hands to his hips. “We talked the other night with–” “Sorry,” Twilight roughly spoke, “but we don’t have much time. Did you by chance meet any–” “Spike!” Thorax rushed in through the other door towards his friend, Spike elatedly catching Thorax’s lowered neck to hug him. “It’s really you this time!” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as she witnessed Spike and Thorax’s reunion. “Looks like they’re here.” “I have a couple more in here with me.” Hau began to walk back inside, holding one of the doors open. “Besides, it’s probably safer in here.” “Let me see!” Twilight checked Hau aside as she entered, finding Luna and Trixie lounging on the couch and sofa. Upon seeing Luna, Twilight let out both a thankful and a worried sob as she weakly trotted over to her. “Luna!” “Twilight?” Luna shot off the couch and stood before her. “Oh, my darling Twilight!” Twilight threw herself into Luna’s arm, getting hugged close to her chest as Luna’s tears dripped onto Twilight’s mane. “Thank goodness you’re safe.” “Excuse me!” Trixie knelt on the sofa and peered over the backrest. “I am here too! Where’s my tearful reunion?” “Yep, hey Trixie!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy trotted in, their appearance surprising Trixie and Luna as well. “Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy!” Luna separated with Twilight and gave both pegasi hugs of comfort. “You’ve come too! Tell me you are not hurt.” “No,” Fluttershy answered. “On the contrary, we’ve been very well taken care of while we’ve been here!” “I can see what you mean. This human has been a tremendous help so far.” “Yes, I see.” Twilight turned to Hau and gave him a gracious nod. “Thank you sir for helping me find them. Now we need to be off.” Hau could hardly spin fast enough to track Twilight walking back to the door that Thorax and Spike had just walked through. “Whoa, whoa. Where are you off to?” “To Ula’ula Island. I sent the others there to find Shining Armor, Discord, and the guard you were all traveling with.” “Hold on. And you sent them alone? By themselves!? Please tell me you’re joking!” “I’m not! And considering everything you put us through this week, I think we’ll take our chances on our own. Guys, come on!” She put her hoof on the door and expected to hear steps coming her way, only for silence to fill the room. Turning back, Hau, the ponies, dragon and changeling looked at her with grave concern. “What are you doing standing around?” she snapped. “Let’s go! Our friends need us!” “Twilight, please calm down!” Luna stepped up, reaching her hoof out. “I understand you’re upset, and you have every reason to be, but humans like Hau aren’t your enemy. Our real enemy is out there, quite possibly watching our every move, and you and I both know that they’re unlike any threat we’ve ever faced.” Twilight breathed in, letting Luna’s words stew in her mind. “I can handle them. If I can keep them from letting them use their Psychic Pokémon on me, I’ll be just fine. I’ve already done it once before.” “And yet you still ended up getting caught by one of them!” Spike shouted. “Spike, be quiet! You’re not helping!” “Frankly, you’re not either!” Hau stepped in. “You can’t possibly know what they’ll do next.” “I’ve faced them twice now. I’m pretty sure I know how they work by now.” “No, you don’t, and even if you did, they’re too strong for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a Beldum or an Alakazam, one little Psychic attack…” He loudly snapped his fingers, “and you’re done! And if you can’t fight, how are you going to save your other friends?” “We’ll find a way! I mean, Trixie, Thorax. Didn’t you manage to stop Queen Chrysalis and the changelings with Discord and Starlight without using magic?” Thorax and Trixie rubbed the back of their necks, feeling slight validity to Starlight’s points. “To be fair,” Thorax groaned, “it was our love magic that stopped them that time, and I don’t know how that will help us here.” “Plus,” Trixie added, “all of the stuff I used to distract the changelings is at home, which is… yeah, sorry.” “Ugh!” Twillight turned around and kicked the back of the door in frustration. “Why won’t you work with me here!” “We want nothing more than that, Twilight, but you’re making a tremendous fool of yourself right now!” Twilight was stunned to hear that come from Luna of all ponies. “Even with Trixie and Thorax with me, we were no match for those humans that attacked us. The fact that Hau took them all out single-handedly shows how badly we need someone like him on our side right now.” “And I can tell you right now that it will only get tougher from here,” Hau argued. “Team Prism aren’t the kind to mess around, and considering how many times they’ve been thwarted, they’re only going to get a lot meaner and a lot stronger.” “Then we should get moving before it’s too late!” Twilight shouted. “You’re right. That’s why I’m coming with.” “I ju…” Twilight’s head dropped to the side as if the bones in the side of her neck had instantly vanished. “Have you not been taking the hints? I’m not accepting your help!” Rainbow Dash hovered over Twilight, making herself as imposing as she could be. “Twilight, I know you can be an egghead sometimes, but right now, you’re acting like a grade A jumbo-sized egghead!” “Rainbow, stop!” With a magical yank of the tail, Twilight pulled her back to the ground, bringing her to eye level. “I’ve already heard it from Luna, I don’t need to hear it from you to.” “Yeah, I get it, you’re mad that those guys at that Aether place couldn’t get us home and dragged your brother and a bunch of others here too. The thing is, Hau has nothing to do with them. He’s just a chill dude who wants to help his friends as well as ours, so why are you taking everything out on him?” “Rainbow, please…” “And what about Sam and Alice? They’re just a couple of kids who came here to do this Island Challenge of theirs! They went out of their way to make sure Starlight and Fluttershy were safe, and you’d rather send them away for what? Because you’re angry over a couple other humans? I’m not as smart as you, Twilight, but even for me, that’s super dumb–” “STOP! SHUT UP” Twilight’s shriek silenced Rainbow Dash and left the space around them just as quiet. Several moments went by before Twilight’s upset breathing provided the only ambience. “I wish I never heard of humans! I wish I never knew Alola or this world existed! My life would be so much better if none of this existed...” Twilight sunk to sit down, her words sounding more blubbery as her eyes welled with tears. “I’d be home… with my friends… family…” Finally Twilight buried her face into her hooves, sobbing loudly and devastatingly. Hau, understanding her pain, ran his hand through his hair and breathed in and out through his mouth in a calming blow. The other ponies also looked to her sympathetically, unsure of how to console her. Finally, Spike slowly came to her, reaching his arms up and sliding his claws around the back of her neck. Pulling himself close, he hugged her neck and let it rest on his shoulder. Twilight brought Spike in as well, letting her tears fall to his back. “Yeah… I know… I don’t like being here either. But…” He pushed her off so she could look into his eyes, also getting her to stop her crying. “If you can answer this question for me honestly, I’ll go with you alone right now.” Twilight stayed silent, awaiting his question. “Do you really believe that you wish you’d never known Acerola or Guzma? Noah? Amy?” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but the two-letter word was not there, and she knew it’d never come. She looked away, the shame sinking in. “What about Lillie? She’s one of the people responsible for us being here, but I know that you both really like each other. Are you really going to tell me your life would be better without her in it?” Twilight slowly brought her head lower, about to cry more, but wiped her eyes, keeping herself calm. “They invaded our world, Spike. They forced us here.” “And Lillie said she was sorry. You know she meant it, and you know they never wanted any of this to happen.” “But… what if it keeps happening? What if they can’t bring us back?” “I doubt he’d accept that.” Hau knelt beside her, petting the side of her neck. “Sun and I go way back, and he’ll move all the stars in the sky to make sure you get home safe and sound. In fact, I’m certain he’s looking for other ways to do it as we speak.” “C– Come on, guys…” Her sobs were oncoming. Thorax came up to her. “Uh, listen, I know I haven’t been on this world for very long, but I already know that Hau is someone I’d really like to help us find our other friends.” “Even… I have to admit that what he did for us back at the canyon was… pretty spectacular.” Trixie’s confession left her profusely blushing. “Hau is our friend,” Fluttershy spoke up, “and if he’s offering to help us, we should let him.” “We don’t like our situation any more than you do,” Luna finished, “but it’s clear from Spike’s words that you’ve made plenty of friends while you've been here, and I’m certain that you wouldn’t want to throw that friendship away over something like this.” Twilight finally broke down, crying onto Spike while leaning against Hau’s chest. “You’re right… I’m so sorry! Oh… oh no!” Twilight shot up and ran out to the deck, her wails of sadness only getting worse as she cried out to all of Iki Town. “I sent Starlight, Rarity… Applejack, and Pinkie Pie out there alone! What have I done?!” “Twilight, get a hold of yourself!” Rainbow Dash quickly swooped out and scooped her friend back indoors, shaking her body out of hysterics. “Do you really think Sam and Alice would just let them go off alone after they left? And what about your other friends? I bet they’re looking for them right now, or they’re helping them if they did!” Twilight wiped her face and faced her friends, this probable fact calming her further. “Still… we need to get over there. We’re losing daylight, and we need to hurry.” “And…” Hau put his hands over and behind his back. “I’m guessing I’m invited too?” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle, gladdened by his apparent forgiveness. “Of course you can come with. If you can save my friends by yourself, I don’t know whose hands we’d rather be in.” “But wait!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Hau, you have Fighting-type Pokémon. Aren’t those really bad against Psychic-types.” Hau’s face brightened with realization. “That’s right! You haven’t met my new friend, have you?” “New friend?” Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash said in unison. Pulling his arms to his sides and holding his fists up, the shadow beneath Hau from the ceiling lamp light darkened into a solid black before stretching out a foot or so. Fluttershy squealed in panic as she hid behind Rainbow Dash, quivering. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were both deathly fascinated by what was happening as the head of Hau’s shadow rose up before taking the shape of Marshadow, whose vacant-looking eyes were gazing right at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Once it’s ascent from the ground was complete, Fluttershy went still before collapsing, Comfey coming off of her neck and trying to shove her awake. “Huh.” The Marshadow seemed less concerned for Fluttershy than interested. “She must have never seen a Ghost-type Pokémon before.” “Her other human friend’s ace Pokémon is a Ghost-type,” Hau responded. “Could have fooled me.” “And she has a Comfey?” “Hau?” Twilight wondered with a shaky voice. “What is that thing?” “This, guys, is Marshadow. Crazy story, I know, but I actually met my grandfather while visiting his grave, and–” “Whoa, your grandpa’s a zombie?! That’s awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “No, I was visited by his spirit, and he summoned Marshadow and linked his soul to mine.” “So you… Marshadow… combined souls?” “Pretty neat, huh?” “That’s more than pretty neat! That’s just incredible! I can’t even believe I gave up on this world! There’s so much it has to offer!” As Twilight happily hopped around on the floor, Fluttershy came too, looking at the small creature that had made her faint, though appeared much less terrified. “What are you supposed to be?” she asked it. “Look!” Marshadow began to get annoyed. “We can’t keep explaining ourselves if you’re just going to faint each time.” “Oh! This one talks…” “This is Marshadow,” Spike explained, walking up to it. “Hau’s grandpa had him join Hau to help us. Hey there, I’m Spike.” Marshadow seemed confused as Spike reached his hand forward. “Spike?” Eventually, he put his own arm out, allowing Spike to grab hold and shake it. “Spike and I are actually really close friends,” Thorax explained. “He’s partially responsible for bridging trust between ponies and changelings such as myself back on our world.” Marshadow slightly cocked his head, letting the information sink in. “Is that it then?” Luna asked. “Are we ready to depart?” Hau looked to the bedroom. “Not quite. There’s one last thing I need to do and a couple things I need to get.” Hau walked to the bedroom door, forcing Marshadow to come follow him, leaving the Equestrians by themselves. Twilight continued looking until Hau was inside. “Now what?” Hau, his folded jacket stuffed into a child-sized backpack. stood outside of Professor Kukui’s lab facing both Kukui and Ilima, who were both rather shaken by Hau’s tale, especially with the new Equestrian friends of his, as well as Tapu Koko and Marshadow beside him and Comfey back around Fluttershy's neck. “And you really think I’m suitable to look after the island in your stead?” Ilima crossed his arms close to his chest, visibly uncomfortable. “I mean, this is all incredibly sudden…” Kukui nodded, his normally cheery demeanor gone. “It seems that the Kahuna has plenty of faith in his Captain. Though, for the first time in a long time, I too am at a loss for words. Are you sure you need to leave the island?” Hau was also incredibly serious. “I’m positive. Hala entrusted Marshadow to me for the purpose of saving Alola. Right now, my duties call me to Ula’ula. And that’s where I must go.” “Well, if that’s how it is…” Quickly coming to terms with the decision, Kukui put his hands to his hips and smiled wide. “Then I wish you the best! You’re a fine trainer, and I’m as certain as a Smart Strike that you’ll do just fine!” Hau smiled himself, glad to hear one of Kukui’s similes. “And you shouldn’t have to worry too much, Ilima. Tapu Koko will be staying here.” After sharing a glance and a nod, Tapu Koko floated itself to Ilima’s side. Though its presence was imposing, Ilima did his best to look strong and proud for it. “I’ll do my part too,” Kukui responded. “No offense, but I can’t see much of a Prism Infestation with all of you gone.” “None taken,” Rainbow Dash excused. “Besides, if trouble comes looking for us, then we’ll give them more trouble than they can handle!” Ilima grinned, humored by the pegasus’s courage. “With your spirit, Team Prism is doomed.” Hau pulled out a Ride Pager from his shorts pocket. “Thank you again. I should hopefully be back before long.” “You take your time,” Kukui bid. “You just focus on getting your friends home, alright!” Hau was already scrolling through the Pager, finding a Charizard on it and summoning the ball onto its slot. “Right.” As Hau threw the ball to his right, Marshadow receded into Hau’s shade before a harnessed Charizard appeared from the ball, stretching its tired limbs out. Hau ran to his steed and quickly climbed aboard, the other Equestrians following him with their wings flared open, ready to fly. Hau glanced to the setting sun, which was already about to disappear behind the skyline of Hau’oli City. “We can hopefully make it to Akala Island before dark.” “Akala Island?” Trixie guffawed. “But you had specifically told us–” “I don’t think my Charizard can go that far for that long. I haven’t ridden her since before I was a Kahuna.” Twilight groaned. “Is there at least a way we can talk to Starlight and the others when we get there?” “Yeah, sure.” Hau was busy tying his bag firmly to his seat. “I’m sure someone in my contacts knows where they are. But yeah, we’ll need to get going now. Trixie, you don’t mind letting Twilight carry you, do you?” Twilight grinned at Trixie as she sparked her horn, unnerving her. “Umm… is it okay if I ride with you? So we can, you know… bond?” As half-baked as it sounded, Hau got the message, smiling and scooting as far forward as he could. “Hop on!” Trixie took a galloping start, leaping onto the Charizard’s knee and bounding up, Hau catching her by the forearm and pulling her the rest of the way up, where she sat behind him and rested on the seat. “Holding on?” he asked her. She awkwardly slipped her arms around his waist. “I am now–” “Charizard, yah!” With heavy beats of its wings, Charizard was airborne and began to make its way east, Trixie's screams audible below. With Spike mounting Twilight, she took off close behind Hau as Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Luna, and Thorax flew in a close group with each other for Akala Island. Ilima, Kukui, and Tapu Koko watched them go off toward the dark-orange sky, the sense of dread impossible to leave their thoughts. > Chapter 47 – Shifting Sands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis woke up feeling hot and halfway buried. Her vision, both blurred by the dizziness she felt was only more hindered by the sandstorm that raged on all around her. As she looked about, she found Discord and Shining Armor also getting covered by sand, but were unconscious. The winds picked up and blew her kelpy bluish-green mane in front of her face. Gasping, she looked to her hooves, which were coal-black and filled with holes of various sizes. Swinging herself around to her stomach, she found that her body was also smooth and black with a gel-like lime green band around her stomach. Before she could see what else about her had changed, she saw six black robed and hooded shapes move toward her and Shining Armor and Discord. Five of them were Prism grunts, but the one walking between them looked mostly different. The gloves on their hands were large, clawed and plated with obsidian. Rather than the black tank tops their minions wore, this person’s chest and abdomen was covered with a flexible black breastplate. As well, the apparent leader’s face was covered by their hood, further concealed by a black facemask with colorful diamond and triangle-shaped markings where the eyes were. Chrysalis became frightened by the metal collar that the leader held in their hand. “No, wait. Please!” As she tried charging her horn, she was overwhelmed with fright to hardly feel a spark at the tip. The leader spoke to their grunts with an unnaturally bassier voice. “Hold her down.” “No, stop!” Her pleas went on deaf ears as two of the grunts each grabbed a limb and pinned her to the ground. With an upside-down point of their finger, Chrysalis felt the upper half of her body lifted up and her arms pulled out to the sides, rendered useless. She screamed as she tried to thrash her head about, only to feel it frozen in place. Her breathing quickening, the leader opened the collar by its latch and moved to close it on her neck. “No!” Chrysalis cried again. “Don’t put that on me! Put it on the draconequus.” Baffled by the demand, the leader stopped. “The what?” Chrysalis slowed her breathing, her door to escape widening. “That brown creature next to the unicorn. His magic is incredibly powerful, and he’s very crafty. If you let him escape, he could turn you all into balloon animals if he saw fit!” Pondering this for a moment, the leader slowly pulled the collar away from her and set her back down on the sand. “Let her go.” Following the leader’s instructions, the two grunts took their arms off her legs and stepped aside to rejoin the others, letting her roll onto her stomach and stand up. She then watched with great reprieve as the leader knelt down to Discord and slipped the collar around his neck before closing it shut, slapping the latch closed for good measure as the cathodes along the side flashed with magenta and yellow, activating it. The leader approached Chrysalis, reading her surprised reaction. “I assume you know these two?” “All too well.” Chrysalis looked to them spitefully. “Both of them thwarted my attempts to take over the land of Equestria, and I was in the middle of my next attempt before you sent me here. Just where in Equestria are we?” “This isn’t Equestria. You’re not even in your own world at all.” Chrysalis’s sudden sadness quickly morphed to rage. “Why did you send me here!” “That was not by our design. You merely must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Design? For what?” Though she couldn’t see it, Chrysalis could almost feel as if the leader before her was smiling. “You see, you and I actually share similar goals of conquering the land of Equestria, and if what you said about this… draconequus is true, and I can sense that you are telling the truth, then I believe that you’ll be of great use to me.” “Great… use?” Chrysalis asked, offended. “I assume that you noticed your inability to use magic just now, or how easy it was to restrain you.” “What… you know about–” “There’s a surprising amount about your world that I know, just like I know that magic can be nullified with Psychic energy, the same kind used to send you and those other creatures to our world from yours. The point is that even a small amount of this power can render you useless in an instant.” Chrysalis reared back, feeling cornered and ready to flee. “And why are you telling me this?” “You say you have ambitions of conquering Equestria, as do I. I can offer you a place in my new empire, but I feel it would be best to be forthcoming and inform you of the futility of trying to usurp me.” Chrysalis relaxed, understanding. “What do you need from me?” “Simply your allegiance.” The leader reached their open hand forward, a contract that needed her signature. “Help me achieve my goals, and I shall grant you whatever you ask of me. Name it, and its yours.” Chrysalis glanced at Shining Armor and Discord, who just barely showed signs of stirring. “Just answer me this… are Twilight and her friends on this world?” “They are.” Though it failed to show from her spiteful exhale, Chrysalis’s mind was put at ease at this news. “Those pests have been nothing but a scourge to me. First they stole my kingdom, and then they took my hive from me. All I want at this very moment is to make them suffer the way they made me suffer. I want to take everything from them and let them learn what it means to have nothing left!” The leader chuckled, the aura emanating off of Chrysalis most pleasant to them. “I think we can arrange that. So then…” Chrysalis didn’t hesitate in placing her hoof onto the leader’s hand, allowing them to squeeze it. “Very good. Now, bow to me.” “What? Is that really nes–” “You’ve already proven your loyalty to me. Just let me give you your… gift.” Slowly and uncertainly, Chrysalis bowed her front down and rested her arms on the ground, her jagged, crooked horn pointing at the leader’s face. “Now, just hold still.” The leader grabbed hold of the horn with both hands, a magenta energy forming around them. The energy began to spread off their hands and over Chrysalis’s horn, becoming green and wispy as it traveled down to the base and receded inside. Chrysalis shuddered with ecstasy as she felt her magic being fed back into her, restoring her strength. Behind her, Shining Armor’s eyes gently came open, the first sights to grace them being Chrysalis receiving her new leader’s blessing. Recognizing her, he shot up to his front hooves. “Chrysalis!” Before she could tear it away, the leader let go of Chrysalis’s horn before she whipped her head back, charged her horn with a blazing green aura, and shot a ball of magic at him that knocked him back through the desert. Chrysalis’s mouth shot open wide in complete disbelief by the strength she had exhibited. “I take it that was stronger than usual?” the leader asked. “Oh, yes!” Chrysalis moaned. “That was much stronger than usual. Even the power I had when I first attempted to take over Canterlot was nothing compared to this!” Discord himself began to wake, holding onto his head and groaning as he picked himself up. “That’s weird. I don’t usually feel like this unless I’ve gone on a chocolate milk bender.” Looking forward, he saw the leader, the two Prism grunts, and a confident Chrysalis standing before him. “You!” Discord reached his lion’s paw out at her, only for nothing to happen except his upper arm falling completely limp and boneless. Realizing this, he looked to his hand in disbelief. Chrysalis eyed the device that was around Discord’s neck. “What was that device you put on him?” Feeling his neck, Discord also felt the collar there, quickly giving it several tugs in a failed attempt to rip it off. “Isn’t it a bit early in our relationship to be giving each other jewelry?” “You’re not going to talk your way out of this, Discord!” Chrysalis elatedly sneered. The leader stepped forward, ignoring Shining Armor crawling back to Discord. “We had hoped to force one of you to help us. Thanks to Chrysalis here volunteering herself, we can bring another one to join us, and she thought you’d be the perfect candidate. Now, I believe in giving people chances first. Would you be so kind as to come here?” “I most certainly will not!” Discord sharply objected. “It will take a lot more than that to–” An electrical charge began to surge around the collar as the cathodes lit up, Discord’s fur standing on end as his face contorted in agony, every muscle in his face and body contracting as hard as it could. As Discord writhed on the ground like a beheaded snake, Shining Armor stopped his crawl, traumatized by the torture he was witnessing. Finally, the collar switched back off, allowing Discord to breathe once again, but his muscles had become so sore and tired that he could barely pick himself up. “What…” he panted, nearly crying. “What did you do to me?” The points of the leader’s claws, once glowing with the same magenta energy, had powered back down. “What you just experienced was a concentrated Electric Terrain and Psychic Terrain blasted directly through your body. It also injected a non-lethal dose of Terrain Extender into your bloodstream, so you won’t be able to use your magic for quite some time… that is, unless you want to experience that again?” Discord’s eyes shot open and his pupils narrowed as the leader’s hand raised itself again. “No, stop! Please, not again… I’ll go with… just don’t do that again!” “Hmm…” Chrysalis relished in Discord’s despair as he crawled himself to join the leader’s side. “All that power, and once it’s taken away, you beg and whine like a little puppy. To think that you nearly succeeded in taking over Equestria. Pathetic…” “What…” Shining Armor began to stand on his hooves, but weakly so. “What is going on? Chrysalis? Why are you here?” Chrysalis, feeling safer than ever, mockingly walked to Shining Armor and stopped within a foot of him. “As I’m sure you figured out just before we all came here, I disguised myself as one of your new guards. After hearing rumors of Twilight and all her friends disappearing, I thought maybe… just maybe I could take Equestria over again.” “And how do you figure that would work?” Taking a step forward, he felt his leg buckle, forcing his front side to the ground. “Thorax and the other changelings denounced your ways and abandoned you. What allies do you have left?” “Oh, please, are you so naïve that you really believe that mine was the only changeling hive in the world?” Shining Armor’s eyes sunk in, realizing what she had meant. “There’s… there’s more…” He then smiled confidently, realizing something. “But now that you’re here, who’s going to lead them?” “Oh, Shining Armor… hubby…” the nickname completely shattered Shining Armor’s façade. “For the king of the Crystal Empire, you certainly are a blithering idiot. What Cadance saw in you, I have no idea…” Shining Armor began to bare his teeth, looking absolutely furious. “You monster!” He charged at her, only for her to easily step aside and let him tumble back into the sand. Chrysalis simply continued explaining. “I made sure that should anything happen to me, as it very clearly has, that somepony would continue the takeover in my stead. And now look! Your sister and all your friends are stuck here, you’re stuck here, and Discord is… well, you can clearly see that there really isn’t much anyone back home can do now, is there? Looks like your precious wife is the only bastion of hope Equestria possibly has!” Shining Armor, overwhelmed with helplessness, struggled to keep from weeping. “Curse you, Chrysalis.” “Uh, hi! Sorry…” Discord spoke up with an attention-grabbing wave of his arm. “This is a rather intense moment and all, but I think we should capture Shining Armor and use him as a hostage to draw Twilight and her frien–” *KPWOH* Chrysalis bucked Discord in the jaw with one back hoof, driving him into the ground. “For once in your life, shut your mouth.” “Chrysalis,” the leader wondered, “you–” “He’s just trying to appear compliant so he can get the collar taken off and escape.” “I see… but even if his plan worked, he still has Psychic and Electric Terrain in his system that will keep him from using magic.” Discord hissed, angered over this. Chrysalis stayed silent, pondering something. “However, using Twilight’s brother as a bargaining chip is still a marvelous idea. Perhaps your idiocy will be of use after all…” The leader turned to the two grunts. “Get him so we can leave.” “Yes, boss!” Both he and his grunt ally tossed their Poké Balls out, a Metang and a Slowking appearing from them, both slowly approaching Shining Armor as he tried backing away, his legs refusing to carry him any faster. Before they both could reach him, a shape shot down from the sky with a faded-green cone forming around its front. The shape blasted into the Slowking, throwing Metang and Shining Armor back as well as blasting sand in nearly every direction. Chrysalis used her magic to shield herself, the leader, and Discord from the explosion as the leader used their psychic powers to part the sand away and reveal their attacker. Hovering over the fainted Slowbro was the unmistakable sight of Tapu Bulu, who made all the grunts hop back in fright. The leader growled. “What are you waiting for? Attack it!” “Right!” The Metang’s grunt threw his arm forward. “Metang, use Sludge Bomb!” Metang, having been buried by the sand blast, shot at Tapu Bulu and launched a glob of purple phlegmy substance point blank at it. Tapu Bulu was hurled back but quickly regained itself as it swooped up and shot back down with its bell-shaped tail sticking out toward Metang. Hitting its mark dead on, Metang was pulverized into the ground not far from Shining Armor, who began to dig his own way out and see the aftermath of the battle. He then saw as Tapu Bulu lowered itself down, supporting itself with its hooved arms, spots of purple covering it. “Haha…” the leader cooly laughed. “It’s not much stronger now. Finish it and bring the unicorn over, my legion.” As the two grunts called back their fainted Pokémon, the three remaining grunts called out their Pokémon: a Kadabra, a Starmie, and an Oranguru. As Kadabra stood over Tapu Bulu, the Starmie and Oranguru made their way to Shining Armor, who simply relaxed and resigned himself to his fate. “First Impression!” “Dark Pulse!” At once, a ball of black was hurled into Starmie from the sandy veils of the storm. At the same time, Golisopod appeared instantly before the Oranguru before jabbing its claws into its stomach, throwing it back toward Chrysalis, the leader, the Starmie, and the other grunts. Looking down at them, the Oranguru’s trainer as well as the Starmie’s saw that their Pokémon fainted. The Kadabra held its spoons up to Golisopod and walked backward, awaiting its trainer’s response until– “Phantom Force!” Appearing from a dark portal that appeared to the Kadabra’s left, Dhelmise plowed the bottom of its body into it and sent it flying off to the right. As the grunts hid behind the leader and Chrysalis, Dhelmise floated back toward Golisopod, who were both joined by Persian soon after. Also coming from behind the walls of sand were Nanu, Guzma, and Acerola, but what really surprised Shining Armor and Chrysalis were Starlight, Lady, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity walking out behind them and taking their side. “You guys!” Shining Armor gasped. “Starlight?!” Discord shouted. “I know this is weird coming from me, but I could really use your help!” Starlight and Chrysalis then laid eyes on each other. “You…” Chrysalis loudly growled. “Chrysalis!” Starlight bellowed. “What are you doing here?” “While you guys were gone…” Shining Armor got to his hooves and faced the group. “Chrysalis put plans in motion to take over Equestria again.” “But… Didn’t all the changelings discover the magic of friendship?” “And as I’ve already told him,” Chrysalis hissed, “there are other changeling hives out there than my own.” “But… that means…” “Yes…” Shining Armor panted. “Equestria is virtually defenseless. But like I’m not going to try and stop it!” Shining Armor spun around and charged towards Discord, his horn locked on to the latch of the collar. “What are you doing, you fool?!” Discord screamed. “Save yourself!” “No way! I don’t leave a friend behind!” “A… friend?” Shining Armor leapt up and yelled out, ready to drive his horn at the device, only to find himself stopped and caught with the tip just an inch or two from the latch. He then found himself pulled away and suspended above the ground, groaning as he felt his head squeeze from every angle. The leader then held Shining Armor to face the terrified ponies and the distraught trainers. “We’ll be off now!” the leader chuckled. “Shining Armor!” the ponies all cried. “You put him down!” Nanu shouted. “Persian! Thunderbolt! With a roar, a stream of lightning shot down from the sky. As the leader’s gloves and chest glowed magenta, ready to teleport away, the lightning struck down between them and Shining Armor, throwing the leader and Chrysalis back into the grunts and sending Shining Armor tumbling forward. Without any time to waste, he galloped to rejoin Starlight and the other ponies, who were quick to welcome him with a quick hug. “Run you guys!” Discord cried out. “He’s too strong!” “No way, whatever you are!” Guzma shouted. “We’re still one short and we’re not leaving without them!” Discord, both deeply flattered and scared, breathed through his teeth in an otherwise expressionless gaze. “So you won’t go quietly…” the leader stood themselves up and walked toward them. “That’s fine. I prefer cries of anguish over silent resignation anyday!” Picking three Poké Balls off of their belt with the tips of the claws on their gloves, the leader tossed the balls out. “Fight them, Gardevoir! Malamar! Xatu!” At once, all three balls opened up and unveiled the Pokémon inside from streams of white energy. The first Pokémon looked thin and feminine in figure, sporting flaps of white skin down its legs like an elegant dress, as well as green arms, two flat red horns protruding from its chest and back, and thick green horns like hair that curled over its face and up on both sides of its head. The second appeared to have a purple squid-like body with two larger lighter-colored tentacles branching off to the side with a head of smaller tentacles and a red beak-like mouth. The third appeared to be a stoic green bird with white wings, long red feathers appearing down behind its head, and native markings on its body. Immediately, the three trainers became unnerved. “None of those Pokémon are native to Alola,” Acerola said. “Just who is this person?” Guzma wondered. The leader threw their arm forward. No one among the ponies or trainers could withhold their expressions of horror. “What was that?” Rarity shrieked. At once, Gardevoir put its hands on its chest horn, which began to sparkle and glow silver, and Malamar and Xatu both shot themselves out toward Dhelmise and Golisopod. “Holy shit,” Guzma exclaimed, “he commanded all of his Pokémon to attack at once!” “Even I can’t talk that fast!” Pinkie Pie spoke up. “How is that possible?” Acerola’s arms were left trembling. Throwing its arms to the side, Gardevoir shot its silvery beam at Persian from its chest, blasting it back behind the ponies. Malamar became coated in black and purple aura as it rocketed at Dhelmise and plowed into it, slamming it into the ground and sliding it back several yards down. Finally, Xatu flew in close to Golisopod, who was already holding its arms up to shield itself. With a swing of one of its wings, the wind that followed it threw Golisopod’s arms open. With another slash up the middle, the wind sent Golisopod up into the air where it flipped helplessly back to Persian and Dhelmise, landing hard on its back. “No way!” Guzma breathed out. “A Xatu did that to my Golisopod?” “You really didn’t think that as the leader of Team Prism that I’d be a pushover, did you?” They crossed their arms as they faced the three trainers, their Pokémon returning to them. “So you’re the cause of all of this,” Nanu huffed. “Does it feel good to strike fear into the hearts of these creatures who just want to return home?” “Their fear is irrelevant. Once our new world comes to fruition, all that will concern me is ruling over it.” Starlight bared her teeth, getting angry. “That’s not going to happen! I won’t allow you to!” As she charged them, Applejack reached out. “Starlight, wait!” With her own horn pointed at Discord’s collar, she also looked to break the latch. As the leader moved their hand up to catch her and their Pokémon prepared to intercept her, Chrysalis hopped forward. “No!” Her horn flared up. “This one is mine!” Before Starlight could reach Discord, she was already picked up and brought close to Chrysalis’s face by a field of green aura of magic, her livid eyes taking up most of Starlight’s vision. Chrysalis laughed as Starlight fearfully trembled. “What a pitiful attempt on your part!” Chrysalis mocked. “Though I suppose you could be just as good a substitute for Shining Armor as anyone. Do you care to say any parting words to your friends before we go?” Starlight glanced back at her friends, who all awaited the worst for her, but stayed perfectly still out of fear, Lady nowhere to be seen. As she looked back, Starlight smiled to see Chrysalis and the leader only paying her any attention. “I’ve got two,” she stated. “Lady, Bite!” Chrysalis and the leader gasped as they heard a pair of paws running toward them. They looked down to see Lady jump high toward Discord’s neck before clamping her jaws on the latch of Discord’s collar. “No!” The leader reached for the Sylveon. “Stop!” With a hard yank, the clasp was torn off, the collar falling off of Discord. The leader snatched at Lady, but it fell out of their grasp and quickly bounded back to join Starlight’s friends. “Quick!” Acerola shouted to her Dhelmise. “Hit those Pokémon with Brutal Swing!” Widely swinging itself by its chain, the anchor of Dhelmise’s body collided itself into Gardevoir, Malamar, and Xatu, throwing them all to the side and clearing a path. The leader turned back to Starlight as Chrysalis brandished her fangs at the unicorn. Starlight then began to charge her horn, smiling again. “Thanks for using your magic. It helps a lot!” On the last word, Starlight’s horn erupted with a burst of light that blew Chrysalis and the leader away, leaving her alone with just Discord. “Starlight…” he weakly but appreciatively spoke. “You–” “Thank me later! Now we can run!” “Yes, of course!” Breaking into a gallop, Starlight ran back to her friends with Discord running closely behind on his green draconic and antelope legs. “Alright, guys, let’s get out of here!” Starlight passed through her friends and ran south, forcing the other ponies and trainers to run too. Turning back as they fled, Acerola, Guzma, and Nanu called Dhelmise, Golisopod, and Persian back to their balls, turning back to face the direction of the exit and not looking back. Chrysalis, the leader, and their Pokémon all got up to see that they had left. “We must follow them!” she shouted. “They must not have gotten far!” “My legion!” the leader shouted with a throwing point. “After them!” As they took their first steps, a guttural call was heard from where Tapu Bulu rested, forcing the leader, Chrysalis, and the grunts to remain silent and try and find the source of the noise through the blustering winds. Soon, the sandstorm wasn’t the only thing they heard, as dozens of individual Pokémons’ cries became audible, growing louder as they grew closer. Hissing madly, the leader took out their three Poké Balls, the red beams calling Gardevoir, Malamar, and Xatu back. Chrysalis’s eyes widened. “What are you doing? You’re not seriously–” “This is a battle we can’t win at this rate.” The leader looked to the grunts. “My legion, call your fainted Pokémon so that we can go.” The three grunts took out their balls and called back their fainted Starmie, Oranguru, and Kadabra as the shapes of the Pokémon could now be visible. “Now, stand still.” The leader’s gloves and breastplate glowed as scores of Pokémon all ran out to protect their island guardian. With Chrysalis and the grunts standing close to them, the leader’s body began to glow white, the light covering them all. Before her vision was bathed by the brightness, she glanced to the leader with feelings of doubt and disappointment. > Chapter 48 – Play? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Alice’s Charizards cleared the trees separating Route 15 from the Ula’ula Meadows, coming towards the bay that would bring them to the ruins of the Tapu Village. Though unable to find any kind of store around, yet alone anything other than the ruins that appeared abandoned, they spotted a Pokémon Center just north of them. With a signaling hand, Alice directed her and her brother’s Charizards to begin their descent. Both of them dove straight to the ground before the Center’s entrance, Sam holding his breath and white-knuckle gripping onto the handlebars of the saddle. With a swing down, both Charizards threw their wings open and parachuted themselves to the path at the foot of the Center steps. The moment the draconic Pokémons’ feet touched the earth, both Sam and Alice hopped off, both pulling their Ride Pagers out and bringing out their special Poké Balls from them. As the balls brought the Charizards back inside, Sam looked out to the west as the sun already began falling behind the trees of the meadow. “I don’t know, Alice. I don’t think we’re going to have enough time to evolve Doublade and find Starlight and the others.” Alice slipped her Ride Pager into her backpack, looking to the eastward path. “Right, so lets go evolve Doublade then. Sam turned to face his sister, unsure if she was joking with her again, but was left wide-eyed to find her already making her way down the path. “Wait, are you serious? You don’t want to at least make sure they’re safe?” “Like Plumeria said, the Kahuna and those two who brought Twilight at Spike to us probably already found them. That takes care of that, and now, we have the rest of the little afternoon we have left to get that Dusk Stone! Let’s get a move on then! That is, unless you want to get jumped by Prism out here alone?” Sam’s feet remained planted while Alice’s continued walking, and as she prepared to turn the corner to leave him, he finally got the courage to go and follow her, sprinting until he was close behind. “So…” Alice frowned, already pretty certain of the answer, “you have any idea where this Megamart is?” “Other than somewhere on the south side of the island, not a clue.” Alice still huffed in disappointment. “What? It’s not like she pointed it to me on a map or something?” “You could have asked! But typical man not wanting a woman’s directions!” “That’s not the–! Okay, fine, I dropped the ball. How much time do you think we have before it gets dangerously dark?” “I’d say we give it thirty minutes before we book it to the hotel outside the Haina Desert. With any luck, we’ll run into Starlight and the others too, so at the very least, something will work out for at least one of us.” “Mm… great.” As they continued walking, an intersection suddenly revealed itself. Straight ahead, the tree-lined tunnel to Route 13, to the left, a small hill led to a part of the base of the mountain where a single metal track for a tram at the bottom ran up past where the snow began to appear. On the right, however, was the more peculiar of the paths. Though it was mostly covered in dirt, an asphalt road ramped down toward the beach, where, just a bit further down, the road had broken off as if a cataclysmic earthquake had destroyed it. “I mean,” Sam wondered loud enough for Alice to clearly hear, “if there was any place an abandoned megamart would be, I suppose it would be where the roads are permanently closed.” “I know.” Alice also appeared somewhat mystified by what could have possibly happened here. “It’s just so weird that everything’s broken in just this one spot.” “Either the Ghost-types that live here are really strong…” Sam suddenly felt the first apprehensions about turning right than he had all day. “Or this place has some other dark history behind it…” He suddenly felt a slap on the back from his sister, who sported a supportive, non-ironic smile. “Well, the sun’s not getting any brighter, and your Doublade isn’t looking any more like an Aegislash. Come on!” As Alice turned right down the desolate road, Sam was quicker to tag along. Both of them climbed down where the road broke off and made their way to the shore of the black-sand beach. From behind the closest stone idol to the edge of the ruins, a Pikachu-shaped silhouette peered from behind and kept their eyes on the two trainers. As Sam and Alice looked about for the Megamart, Alice instinctually glanced back, only to find a few of the ruined monuments along the edge and nothing more. Continuing their way down, Sam and Alice avoided the mainland side where the broken road remained, almost as if there were a sinister presence radiating off of it. They also made sure to stay within the edge of the wet sands where it was sturdy enough to support their weight, glancing and looking for any sign. “God damn it,” Sam shuddered. “This is going to be one of those legend things where it appears out of nowhere and drags us down into some hellish underworld when we enter, isn’t it?” “Hey, at least you’ll have an Aegislash, right?” Though Sam could tell Alice was joking, her expression didn’t seem to have the same distinction. “Yeah, and at least we won’t have to put up with Team Prism’s bullshit, right?” Alice finally glanced to him, feeling discomfited by the remark. “You really need to get better taste in jokes, dude.” “You’re the one that brought ‘happy to die’ into it.” “Or maybe you need to lighten up and perhaps not expect to suffer for eternity in an underworld, or whatever you like to–” “Ah, OH!” Sam frantically pointed out at the corner of a building that had unveiled itself from behind the trees, and as his sister turned to see it, Sam jogged ahead and slowed down in awe to see what was clearly a run-down Megamart, its walls covered in various-colored graffiti and lined with cracks and ruptures in its walls and windows. Even the road, which had been uninviting the entire time, had fallen in such a way to create a ramp right from the beach to it. “Holy hell,” Alice said breathily. “And there she is.” “Yep!” Sam ran as fast as the looser, drier sand could allow him. “Come on! We have no time to lose!” Alice picked up her pace and kicked her legs up, forcing herself out of the sand as her feet sank around an inch from her ankles. *MRE MRE MRE MRE MRE MRE MREEEE* Sam was only a few feet from the road before his feet instinctually froze in place, horrified by the screeches he heard from the direction of the building. Alice stopped beside him. “Sam, come on, there are going to be some Ghost-type Pokémon in there. Nothing to be afraid–” “No…” Sam was already aware. “I remember that cry. Besides, it came from outside the building!” Just then, five Alolan Raticates hopped down from different parts of the front of the roof of the mart, their eyes burning with rage and their teeth bared menacingly. Three of them slid down while the other two hopped down from the edge of the rock wall to rejoin its brethren. Both Sam and Alice took two steps back as the Raticates formed a wall that spanned the width of the road, forbidding them access. “Great,” Sam huffed. “Now what?” Slowly walking up to the top of the road ramp, now distracting the two trainers from the Raticates was a four-legged Pokémon covered in white fur, the hair on its chest and upper back longer and fluffier. It had a smooth, whiskerless cat-like face with deep red eyes with a tuft of fur draping down beside the outside of the left one. Jutting up from right corner of its eye was a long, black saber-shaped horn that slightly curved around the top of its head. The creature leapt high from the top of the ramp and landed a few feet ahead of the Raticates, forcing Sam and Alice to take even more steps back. Even with the softness of the sand and the weight of its lean body, the creature's massive claws on each one of its paws could not be concealed. “Crap,” Alice huffed. “And an Absol?” “Yeah…” Sam slowly reached for a Poké Ball on his belt as the Absol traced its movements carefully. “Day just keeps getting better and better.” With a quick upward whip of his arm, Sam sent his ball out. “Let’s go, Doublade!” The Absol hopped back as Sam’s dual sword Pokémon slashed its way out from the Poké Ball’s white energy, ready to attack. Alice hissed through her teeth, leaving her with little other choice than to take out a ball of her own and toss it. “Go, Noibat!” Alice’s batty dragon flew out of its ball and flew above the battle at a safe, observable distance. “Okay, let’s tear down the wall!” Sam pointed past Absol and pointed to the center Raticate. “Doublade, hit that one with Brick Break!” Doublade quickly flew above and around Absol as it targeted the Raticate there. Sam held his right arm out and hugged his left arm in, Doublade mimicking the move by holding both blades away from its intended target. Once it got close, Sam swung both of his arms down and up to the left, and Doublade followed suit by swinging its blades into the Raticate’s chest and chin, sending it flying back to strike the top of the ramp. The other Raticates cautiously looked back to see as their comrade limply slide back down to the bottom and roll into the sand. “Oh, yeah!” Sam shouted with raised fists. “These guys aren’t so–” Both he and Alice were suddenly distracted as the Absol leapt incredibly high from its spot right at an equally dumbfounded Noibat. With its fangs grabbing a hold of its wing, Noibat screamed as it was brought down by the Absol and slammed into the sand. “Noibat, no!” Alice reached out to her Pokémon. The Absol didn’t stop there, throwing it up with its horn, headbutting, and kicking at it while it rolled around, and whipping it about in its mouth, picking up a tremendous amount of sand that made it extremely difficult to see what was happening. “Impossible!” Alice gasped. “There’s no way it could know Play Rough unless a parent knew it themselves!” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam loudly wondered “This thing has egg moves! This isn’t a run-of-the-mill Absol.” The Absol whipped the Noibat back toward Alice, and she could tell by its lack of audible or visible struggling that it had no more will to battle. Running up and catching it in both hands, she looked to see that with its ajar mouth and closed eyes, it had indeed fainted. Doublade was too distracted by the Absol’s uncanny strength that it didn’t see the other four Raticates rush it and force it to the ground. Sam looked over and saw the commotion himself. “Doublade!” Each Raticate brought their fangs down onto it, Doublade’s ringing cries shouting out to Sam before they stopped. The remaining Raticates ran back and formed another evenly-spaced wall to continue preventing Sam and Alice’s entry, leaving Doublade’s motionless body where they had left it. The Pikachu silhouette, looking from behind the tire of a rusty, derelict car parked outside the Megamart, shied back behind it. Sam and Alice pulled out their Poké Balls and called their Pokémon back inside of them. “I’m sorry,” Alice whimpered to her Pokémon as it was converted to red energy. “I had no idea.” The red beam from Sam’s ball brought Doublade back inside of it, placing it back on his belt and feeling a bit hesitant about grabbing another. “Yeah, this can’t be random. This is a straight-up ambush.” Alice wiped the cold sweat from her brow. “And it just had to happen here, didn’t it?” “You think this Team Prism’s doing?” “Unlikely. As great of an advantage this team has over us, there’s no way they’d send out a bunch of Dark-types to deal with us. They’re clearly guarding something in that Megamart, though…” “Dark… That’s right! Absol is a pure Dark-type, isn’t it? In that case…” He reached down and grabbed a Poké Ball. “Sam, wait!” “Go, Fomantis!” With a burst of white energy from the ball, Fomantis landed in the sand, facing the Absol and the four remaining Raticates. “Sam!” Alice whipped her head to look at him. “Someone clearly doesn’t want us here, and if we don’t leave now, we can’t get your Dusk Stone or know if our friends are safe.” “You already said, they’re probably being taken care of. Besides, I came all this way to find these bastards blocking the door and it’s kind of pissing me off. Come on, Alice. There aren’t that many left, and then we can get the stone and leave.” Alice breathed out, knowing arguing would only waste more time. Grabbing a Poké Ball, she threw it out to let her Pokémon join Fomantis’s side. “Let’s go, Lycanroc!” With a loud pop and burst of white energy, Alice’s wolf Pokémon made its place beside Fomantis’s, ready to take on the threat together. Absol hopped aside as one of the remaining Raticates charged at Lycanroc, its mouth open and ready to hit it with a Crunch. Lycanroc lunged down and bowed its head, allowing the oversized rodent to take it by the back of the neck. Alice could see Lycanroc struggling to withstand the pain it felt as the Raticate refused to let up. “Come on, Lycanroc, you can take him! Finish it with Counter!” With a glint in its eyes and a guttural rumble of a growl passing its lips, Lycanroc hoisted itself up onto its hind legs, lifting the Raticate with it. With an ear-piercing shout, Lycanroc balled its paws up and clocked them into both sides of the Raticate’s head. With a weak gurgle, the Raticate let go of Lycanroc’s neck and began to fall. Lycanroc then spun to the right and leaned back to kick the Raticate square in its left cheek, sending it flying back to the other three Raticates where it landed in a crater in the sand, completely immobile. “Yeah!” Sam shouted excitedly. “That’s how its done! Fomantis, hit the Absol now with Fury Cutter!” With a loup yip, Fomantis charged at the Absol, which didn’t even appear the least bit threatened by its encroachment. Once Fomantis got close, the Absol lowered itself on its front half, its horn charging with yellowish-green energy. Sam, seeing what was coming, tensed up in fright. “Fomantis, dodge it!” The Absol already began to rush out at Absol, shocking Fomantis for a moment before it leapt as high and hard as it could, only for Absol’s attack to track Fomantis’s stomach and pierce onto it, sending it flying back to Sam. “What?!” He ran forward and caught his Pokémon, shuddering over its motionlessness as he felt it in his arms. “This thing knows Megahorn too?” Alice could only breath out to relive the stress mounting on her. “Looks like. This Absol’s an absolute beast!” Just then, the three remaining Raticates all rushed Lycanroc, the teeth of the two in the front glowing a bright white. Lycanroc fretted about to try and avoid either one, resulting in both black rats tackling the wolf down and clamping down on its body, the squeeze of the fangs sounding like an amplified squeaking of biting down on ice. The third and final Raticate hopped high above the pinned-down Lycanroc, who still writhed and whimpered in pain as the others’ fangs refused to let up. Diving down head-first, the Raticate slammed the top of its head down onto Lycanroc’s chest, forcing out a final achey whine before it relaxed itself, refusing to continue fighting. The three Raticates got off of their fallen prey and stood beside the Absol, continuing to spread out to block Sam and Alice’s advances from any angle. “These Pokémon are all really strong…” Sam breathed as he and Alice returned their fainted Pokémon into their balls. “Not to mention… an Absol that knows Play Rough and Megahorn would be invaluable to any trainer.” Alice watched as her brother reached behind him and put his hand inside of his bag. “Sam, what are you–” “If we can’t beat you at this rate…” Sam locked eyes with the Absol as he held his Poké Ball to his side. “…then I can certainly try and catch you!” Sam threw his ball straight and true, and with a muffled clunk, the ball hit the top of the Absol’s head dead-center. The Absol winced before it was converted to red energy which was sapped inside the open ball. Latching closed, the ball plopped into the sand, the Raticates watching it intently as it shook once. Alice and Sam both leaned forward as the ball shook a second time, Sam especially holding his breath. The Pikachu shadow looked back from behind the car, encouraged by the siblings’ resilience. With a loud burst, the Poké Ball split in two and released the Absol as it formed from the ball of white energy that spilled out from it. Sam huffed regretfully, which was instantly transformed to terror as the Absol trained its eyes on him, growled, and exposed each one of its fangs. “Sam…” Alice squeaked. “Why would you try and do that?” “I… thought…” There was nothing he could say to help himself now. With a roar, Absol sprinted out at Sam, who could only cower and brace his forearms over his face, awaiting its end. Just as the Absol leapt to slam itself into him, the Pikachu shadow appeared from behind it and came over the Absol, its feet stretching gruesomely out into two long, shadowy, clawed arms, wrapping them around the Absol’s waist and slamming it into the ground, sending a wave of sand all over Sam’s torso. Still frozen from the failed attempt on his life, Sam was knocked over, instinctively pushing a small amount of the sand with his two hands before realizing that the Absol had not landed its attack. “Sam!” Alice ran to his side and slid to her knees, grabbing hold of him. “Are you okay?” Coming to his senses, he stayed where he laid to watch as his unknown savior roughly rolled and slammed the Absol about effortlessly, causing the Raticates to take several more steps back. The Absol finally pulled itself free from the shadow’s clutches and hopped a safe distance from the creature that attacked it. When the dust of the sand settled, Sam and Alice stood back to their feet to get a good look at this Pokémon with his sister. The Pokémon had the bare-minimum resemblance to a Pikachu, in fact looking more like a living armless, Pikachu-shaped doll that was torn off at the waist and had already lost most of its color. The head of the disguise was somehow keeping upright, but its crudely-drawn jagged black smile and furiously scrawled-on eyes made it look more frightening than adorable. On the disguise’s stomach were a pair of two small slits, the true eyes of this creature. “The… hell is that thing?” Alice took out her Pokédex and scanned it just as it looked behind itself to them, almost assuringly and defensively so. “Mimikyu,” the device recited, “the Disguise Pokémon. A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get close to people and other Pokémon.” “D’aww, how sweet.” Alice put a hand over her heart, touched by the entry and what the Mimikyu’s appearance meant to her. “So,” Sam wondered aloud, “this thing came to our rescue so it can tag along with us or something?” “Either way…” Alice marched back away from her brother, giving him and Mimikyu room as she detached a Poké Ball from her belt. “Help is help, and we can use it in spades right now! Go, Raichu!” The orange mouse flew out from its ball and circled around Alice before floating above the ground to face the remaining four Pokémon. The Mimikyu looked up to the Raichu, sizing up its appearance before it bent its head down almost shamefully. Alice, seeing this, tapped her foot on the ground to get its attention. “Hey you, Mimikyu!” Slowly, the Pokémon turned to face her. “Didn’t you just hear me say we need your help? So come on, let’s partner up already!” As it slowly realized its worth, the Mimikyu’s head vibrated intensely as it straighted itself further. With several echoed chirps, it hopped up and ran in a couple of circles rapturously before standing before Alice’s left foot, ready to assist. Sam smiled and nodded, appreciating her sister’s natural gift. He then took out his next ball and tossed it out. “Let’s go, Archen! Hit them all with Bulldoze!” Archen popped out from the energy from inside the ball with a shrill yelp, dipping down and swooping up to begin picking up sand from beneath its wings. As the wall of sand grew bigger, blocking the view of the opposing Pokémon, Alice smirked. “Raichu, give Mimikyu a lift to the Raticates and then hit one of them with Brick Break!” With a push off of its shadowy arms from beneath itself, the Mimikyu hung ten on Raichu’s board-tail before it took off flying close behind Archen as its sand wall crashed into the Absol and the three Raticates. The Mimikyu let out a creepily raspy laugh as it hopped off over the Absol towards the bowled-over rats, allowing Raichu to swing down at one of them and slam the bottom of its tail into its face, sending it further back. Mimikyu stretched its arms out and held on tight to one of the other Raticates, wrestling around with it like a psychopathic toddler as it screeched, begging to be let go. As Archen flew back, its attack finished, it glanced behind to how its allies did before landing on the ground before Sam. Raichu flew back around to Alice’s side as Mimikyu hopped over the sandy rifts that Archen had left and stood back by Alice. The Absol and the last Raticate managed to dig themselves out of one of the rifts, fervently and spitefully shaking the sand out of their fur. Glancing behind them, they snarled to see that their remaining allies had fainted. “Hell, yeah!” Alice knelt down to the Mimikyu, who tilted back with uncertainty. “High five?” With Alice holding her hand up, the Mimikyu hesitantly slid a single arm out from beneath itself and gently pressed it into her hand before slipping it back in just as slowly. It took her a couple of seconds to register what happened, but she shook her hand lightly as if the Mimikyu slapped it hard enough to try and take it off. “We’ll work on it!” Alice encouraged, standing up. “We’ll work on it…” Alice, Sam, their Pokémon, and the Mimikyu faced the Absol and the Raticate, who continued standing steadfast and unwilling to give up. “Come on, guys!” Sam shouted. “It’s three on one now! We’ll let you go if you let us go? Sound like a–” Without warning, a swirling, colorful beam blasted into Archen from the front as a heavy stream of water hosed down from above. Sam and Alice gasped as he looked forward and she looked up. In Sam’s sights on the upper end of the road ramp was a white, frosty fox with beady blue eyes and a fluffy, fanned tail. Above was a white pelican with blue wings and an enormous mouth that comprised most of its whole body. When both Pokémons’ attacks ended, Archen tumbled forward and laid still, knocked out cold by the attacks. Before Alice or Sam could call out to Archen, the Absol quickly ran its green-glowing horn into Raichu’s gut, sending it flying back off of its tail with a final cry of pain. “Raichu!” The last Raticate leapt up at the Mimikyu, and as it simply watched, the Raticate flipped over and slammed its tail down on the Mimikyu’s head, forcing its fake face into the sand. Alice was still concentrating on Raichu, who had lifelessly fallen to the ground far behind her, before she could turn back to see to the Mimikyu. As the Raticate and the Absol hopped back to join the pelican and the fox that had joined in the battle, Mimikyu lifted its head up, only for it to droop to the left as if it had broken. Alice and Sam could see the creature trembling, clearly out of intense, insatiable rage, radiating a chilling feeling of dread. “Uh… Mimikyu?” On Alice’s inquiry, Mimikyu stretched its body up, letting out a loud wail that sounded like multiple voices crying out in searing agony and torment. Sam angrily brought out Archen’s ball, reluctantly calling it back inside. “They’re just going to keep coming now, aren’t they? All the wild Pokémon on this island are going to try and stop us. We can’t win at this rate.” Alice stared Absol down, and from the confident smirk it had on its face, she knew her brother was absolutely right. There was really nothing worse other than a surprise Prism attack that could happen to them at this moment. Suddenly, a sound of stampeding feet ran to them from the west, and as everyone turned to see, Sam and Alice were suddenly elated to not just see Nanu, Guzma, and Acerola, but Starlight and her friends too. “Hah…” Sam was so overwhelmed with so many emotions that his voice broke. “Guys.” “Sam!” Starlight galloped toward them. “Alice!” Alice stepped up beside her brother as Starlight ran into their arms, allowing them to embrace her and thank the powers that be for her safe return to them. The Mimikyu poked its floppy head over to witness the sight, perplexed by the unicorn as well as her numerous friends behind her. Nanu made his way over, heading straight to the Absol, frightening Sam and Alice. “Wait!” Sam cried. “That Absol’s incredibly dangerous!” “Is she?” Getting closer, Nanu continued its approach as the Absol sat itself down, eagerly awaiting him. “Ah, good. I was hoping she’d be a little more than you two could handle, even with your… added assistance.” Nanu reached over and scratched the Absol’s chin with each finger, and both trainers could only watch with sheer perplexity as the creature they failed to defeat was practically melting into his hand. “Hold on.” Starlight was only slightly less confused than her friends were. “What’s going on here?” “Wait!” Alice stood up, her face alight with realization. “You bred that thing? You’re behind all of this?” Nanu faced her and nodded. “I heard from Acerola about you needing to get in here real bad, but what’s the fun in that?” “What’s the fu–” Sam quickly shot up too, pointing a finger at the old man. “What is this all about? Who even are you?” “You haven’t figured it out by now?” Nanu stopped petting the Absol and turned to face the two of them. “My name is Nanu. I’m the Kahuna of Ula’ula Island. As you can see, I kind of run things here. The reason why I and a whole bunch of your pals are here is because I figured you’d be here and just wanted to get you all out of here.” “Get us out?” Alice questioned. “But we still need–” “I know what he’s here to do, but I don’t think he’s earned the right yet. Maybe when he’s beaten the other island trials here and beats me in the Grand Trial, Absol and I can let him get his precious Dusk Stone.” Sam grumbled, unhappy with the answer to this mystery. “But right now, we don’t have much time. We need to get to shelter immediately.” “What’s going on?” Alice asked. “Is Team Prism following you?” “Not right now at least. We lost them at the Haina Desert, but they won’t be long until they catch our scent. Come. We’ll escort you to the League for shelter tonight.” “Hold on…” Alice approached him. “The League? As in the Pokémon League?” “The very same!” Acerola shouted from her spot. “You heard the geezer, we have to move!” “Yeah, right. One moment.” Alice turned back and returned her fainted Raichu into its ball. As she and Sam turned to join Nanu and join the group, both of them suddenly recognized Discord and Shining Armor amongst the ponies. “Hey!” Alice shouted, storming toward Discord. “You shoved your claw into my chest, you freak!” “Alice, wait! Calm down!” Applejack quickly hopped herself between them, stopping her advance as Sam rushed to her side. “What you saw at the Paradise place wasn’t real… kind of, and he’s a bit of a prankster at heart. Besides, I don’t think Discord’s got much magic in him after what he’s been through today.” Alice looked up to Discord, who sheepishly scratched at the part of his neck where his fur was singed. Alice wasn’t fully sure on the details, but it was safe to say he was having a far worse day than she was. “So… Discord’s your name?” “And… Alice is yours?” Discord slunk his body past the ponies and reached with his lions paw to shake it. “A pleasure, truly.” She reached for the paw, and as Discord grabbed it, he jittered his hand as hard as he could. “BZ-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-ZT!” Alice let go of the paw and hugged it to her chest, unsure what on earth he just did. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist! It was the perfect place to use a joy buzzer, if only I could actually conjure one…” Alice wasn’t incredibly impressed by the joke, but her face softened upon seeing Discord’s forlorn response. Sam then turned to Shining Armor, who recognized his stare and returned it. “Sam,” Rarity introduced. “This is Shining Armor, Twilight’s older brother.” “Brother…” The words hit Sam hard, all but spoiling the exhilaration of shaking his massive hoof. “I wish I could say I know how you feel, but…” “Don’t worry about it,” he calmly replied. “You’ve done your best to keep her and her friends safe, and I thank you for all you’ve done for them.” It was little consolation, but the two nodded to each other, finding instant camaraderie. Pinkie Pie glanced up at the dark-purple sky, which began to come faintly alight with the stars, her ears falling limp as she chattered her teeth. “Guys! It’s getting dark out. Maybe we should skedaddle before those hooded meanies arrive?” “Yeah, sorry! We’re going!” Sam picked up his pace as the entirety of the group turned back to the west to exit the beach. As Alice followed, she suddenly felt compelled to look back, seeing the Mimikyu standing by itself away from the Absol and its allies who continued seeing Sam and Alice off. Bending forward, its already drooped fake head bent the same way, adding to its miserable appearance. Alice, turning forward again, immediately stopped herself. Faintly sensing Alice’s absence, Starlight turned back to see her and her group lose her. “Alice?” The others, hearing her, all stopped and turned back, Acerola looking between Alice and Mimikyu and lightly gasping as she realized what was happening. “Hey, quit screwing around!” Guzma called. “It’s already going to be a lengthy journey up with the lot–” “Guzma, wait!” Acerola gently squeezed his arm, cutting him off. “Look.” Alice turned back to face the Mimikyu and dropped her bag onto the sand, the jangle of its contents getting the Mimikyu’s attention. Bending over, she reached inside and grabbed a Poké Ball, the head of the Mimikyu falling back as its body perked up, its eyes gazing at the device like a valuable jewel. Alice smirked as she flicked the wrist that held her ball in, beckoning the Pokémon with it. “If you want to come with, I suggest you get a move on!” With a loud, joyful squeak, the Mimikyu hopped up once before sprinting at her with tiny bounces. “Okay! Heads up!” Alice tossed the ball at it, and the Mimikyu leapt up to let the center button hit it in its disguise’s head. The Mimikyu turned red and translucent as the energy it became swirled into the open ball, and upon latching closed, it flew back toward Alice’s hand. With the center button still glowing red, it shook a single time, before a wisp of white light and a small amount of sparks spat out from around the edge. “Hm.” Alice placed the ball onto her belt. “That’s five.” Acerola, impressed with her catch, crossed her arms and chuckled. Despite the somewhat happy scene, Guzma began to look annoyed. “Okay, are we done here? It gets a lot colder on Mount Lanakila this time of night too, and I don’t feel like frostbite for dinner.” “Sorry. Coming!” Alice ran back as the group went on to resume their final journey for the day. She slowed her pace to stay beside Sam and Starlight, who each looked to her. “It… really is good to see you two again.” Starlight glanced up to Alice with a pleasant smile. “Nice catch by the way.” Starlight gave her a small wink, and Lady mewed in agreement. Alice replied with a hum and nod. Sam turned back to the Megamart as Absol and its three Pokémon allies all watched them off. Once the building was out of sight, the four Pokémon all ran in the direction of the broken road ramp to continue keeping watch over it. With his business settled there for the time being, he faced forward again, ready to follow Nanu, Guzma, and Acerola to the Pokémon League. > Chapter 49 – The Splendid Spectre > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie kept her eyes shut the entire time as she gripped onto Hau’s stomach for dear life, still flying high and level in the quickly darkening night sky. With Twilight and the others very close behind, Twilight took note of the bright city lights that illuminated both Konikoni City and Heahea City ahead. “Hau!” she called out. “Yeah?!” He kept his head straight. “Are we meeting with Olivia!” “No! We’re headed to Heahea! You probably already know the person who lives there!” Twilight could only think of one person from Heahea City that she knew, and with a satisfied frown, she paid attention once again to the direction Hau’s Charizard flew. “Is this place getting close?” Trixie grunted through the wind blasting her face. “Very! Let’s descend!” “Good!” With a gentle push on the handlebars, the Charizard began its smooth, controlled climb down, the other Equestrians deftly following from behind. As they passed over the lantern-lit streets of Konikoni, the Charizard made a heavy beat of its wings, slowing itself down even faster. The sudden decrease in speed made Trixie yelp, and Hau couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her aerial lightweightedness. Banking slightly north, the group rounded the mountainous exterior of the Diglett Tunnel with their bodies directly below where the sea crashed into the cliffs. Passing over the hills, Heahea City was once again in sight. Even with their general predicament, Thorax and Luna were both enchanted by the colorful, pristine sight of the city at night, their mouths slightly open as they tried to appreciate as much as they could. “Where are we supposed to land?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I thought we didn’t want to attract any attention?” “That’s going to be unavoidable.” Hau could now clearly see the Dimensional Research Lab clearly from his spot and altitude. “At least where we’re going is pretty private.” “If you say so, dude…” As the group got closer to the shore of the city, Hau suddenly went even lower and slowed himself down so that the ponies were leading him. “Hau!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “What are you–” “They probably won’t notice you at first if you fly over the streets first.” He rose back up to tail them from behind. “Do either of you know where the Dimensional Research Lab is?” “Oh, yes, I do! That’s where Professor Burnet is!” “Perfect! Excuse the pun, but I’m handing the reins to you! Lead us there!” “Oh, okay…” With a deep breath, she went to the front as they neared the streets, turning to the walled off building that Fluttershy was familiar with. As they passed over, Rainbow Dash looked down to see that the people below were indeed only looking up just as she flew back where the light from the streetlamps no longer touched her. Fluttershy swooped down inside the wall and grounded herself, trotting to a stop to let her other friends have enough room. Once they were all in, they turned to see Hau’s Charizard swing down to lead with its feet before plopping down. Hau hopped off the saddle and bounced off the Charizard’s leg before his own feet touched the ground. Turning around, he saw Trixie frozen in the same spot as she had when they took off, her arms now holding on to nothing. “Alright Trixie, we made it! You can come down now!” No response from her. Hau then help up his arms. “Don’t worry! I’ll catch you if you–” With her body petrified in the same position, Trixie tipped to the side and landed in Hau’s grasp, her muscles solid as stone and vibrating in anxiety. Once he turned her over and set her down on her hooves, she slumped down as if she instantly melted, groaning as she rubbed her face against the stone lot. “Oh, ground, how I missed you!” Trixie also kissed it, earning odd looks from Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head. “Sheesh, and I thought Rarity was the drama queen.” “Come on.” Hau was already walking to the doors. “Hopefully it’s still open.” Not waiting for them to follow, he turned quickly as the sliding door parted the way for him. The younger receptionist, hearing it, turned to face him walking further inside, already pushing her chair in under her desk with her purse strap over her shoulder. “Sir! The lab is closed to the public for the ni–” Hau turned to face her, her eyes pulsing open upon recognizing him. “Oh, hello Hau! Are you looking for Professor Burnet?” At that moment, the ponies all started pouring in. Even as she recognized Fluttershy, seeing Luna, Twilight, Spike, and Thorax, not even counting Rainbow Dash and Trixie, made her feel both claustrophobic and bewildered. Almost mechanically, she walked back to her desk and picked up the phone. “Professor? You… have some visitors.” “Hmm? Alright, I’ll be down soon.” Hanging the phone back up, she turned to face the Equestrian visitors, a parade of questions racing through her thoughts. It was Luna’s expectant cock of the head that finally inspired her first query. “So, uh… enjoying Alola?” As Trixie opened her mouth to object, Hau spoke first. “This isn’t exactly a vacation for any of them. In fact, most of these guys were supposed to go home, and more of them are now stuck here with them.” “Oh, I’m… sorry.” The woman bowed, hoping that the Equestrians could forgive her insensitive remark. “I didn’t mean anything by that!” “I understand what you were trying to do,” Luna cooed. “If it’s any consolation, I and my companions have been enjoying Hau’s company as he assists us.” The tone to the elevator chimed, and turning to face the double doors, Hau and the Equestrians saw that the up-pointed arrow was also illuminated. At once, the doors slid open, Burnet walking through them with her Reuniclus floating beside her. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the Equestrians, taking particular interest in Thorax and Luna, who appeared to look at her Pokémon with the same level of inquisitiveness. Her expression relaxed as she seemed to recognize them. “Thank goodness. They’re safe.” “Thank goodness we’re safe?” Thorax suspiciously thought aloud. “Yes,” Twilight responded. “She was there at the Aether Paradise when the second accident happened.” “I guess, if you say so. I was so focused on that lab and seeing Starlight that I could hardly focus on anything else.” Burnet walked up to Hau and shook his hand firmly as Reuniclus gently hugged his face with its large arms. “Hau, a pleasure to see you. But I’m curious, why aren’t you on Melemele Island?” Hau’s slightly amiable demeanor changed to seriousness. “There’s a bunch of reasons why we’re here, and we need to talk it over with you… preferably behind closed doors, if you know what I’m saying.” Burnet opened her mouth, letting out a long yawn. “Please, pardon me. Today has been a particularly busy day for me, and I guess since I’m already down, I was going to get myself some dinner.” “So…” Spike looked worried. “You aren’t–” “No, nothing like that!” Burnet smiled and fanned her hand at Spike, hoping to dispel his concerns. “If anything, we can head upstairs, I can order something for delivery, and while we wait and while we eat, we can discuss!” Twilight huffed gratefully. “Yes, that sounds fine. Thank you for your time.” “It’s no problem at all! Let’s all head up now! I’m sure you all had a long flight over here!” “You can certainly say that again,” Trixie scoffed. Burnet then turned to the receptionist. “I assume you’re off for the evening.” “Yes, ma’am! Thank you!” With a nod, she went to the end of the counter and flipped it open, allowing her to pass through to the exit doors. “Goodbye, everyone!” She bowed to the Equestrians as she addressed them. “I hope you get home safe and sound.” Feeling the sincerity in her voice, Luna and Twilight smiled back to her. “Thank you, miss,” Luna bid. “Safe travels yourself.” As she turned, she walked out through the open sliding doors. Everyone inside the lobby remained silent until the doors closed back up again. “So…” Burnet walked to the stairwell door and held it open for the group. “Up we go? I mean, unless we all want to get nice and cozy in the elevator?” The group all looked to each other. Stairs sounded perfectly reasonable. Inside the empty mess hall, Burnet held her cell phone to her ear in one hand and fanned her face with her ID with the other. “Alright, read that back to me… uhuh… yes, that many luau garden rolls and dumplings, I know… the noodles, mmhm…” Hau and his friends sat at one of the numerous vacant tables as they watched Burnet pace between the corners of the end of a table where a long, thin menu was laid to face her. Unsure how much more of her lengthy ordering process they’d have to endure, they turned to face each other. “She seems a bit, um… quirky?” Thorax’s wobbly smile failed to hide his half-hearted compliment. “Yeah, but don’t worry,” Spike assured him. “She’s been a huge help so far. She’s one of the people who helped save Twilight and I. Twice!” “Whatever she’s feeding us better not be poisoned!” Trixie crossed her arms, both defensively and unpleasantly. “You shouldn’t worry,” Hau responded. “I’ve eaten at this place many times. The food is great.” Trixie pursed her lips, unsure if he was mocking her or not. Finally, Burnet got off the phone and walked to her guests with Reuniclus floating loyally beside her. Taking one of the empty chairs, she swiveled it around and leaned her chest against the backrest as she sat down in her preferred position. “So…” she started, pointing to Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy. “I know you, you, and you. You’re Rainbow Dash…” She then moved her finger from the blue pegasus to the three more unknown Equestrians. “And I’m pretty certain we haven’t met yet.” “Yes.” Luna reached her hoof to Burnet and allowed her to shake it. “Please, call me Luna. I’m co-ruler of Equestria with my sister, Celestia, but seeing as how I’ve been… unwillingly exiled from my home, I do believe we can drop my title as princess for the time being.” “Princess? Though, I guess that explains the crown… And what exactly are you?” Thorax and Burnet reached across the table and made their salutations. “I’m Thorax. I’m something known as a changeling. We don’t really do it anymore, and frankly, we don’t need to, but we have the ability to appear as any creature we want.” “Any creature? Say, you wouldn’t by chance have enough magic after today to show me a demonstration, would you?” “A demo… I can try…” Thorax charged his horn as he looked into Burnet’s eyes, and with a flash covering its body, Thorax’s form had disappeared. Burnet squinted slightly to see no one in the chair in front of her, but was alarmed by the presence of another Reuniclus floating just higher than where a human head would be. Realizing quickly that the Reuniclus was indeed Thorax, she let out a loud laugh and applauded him. “That’s incredible, Thorax! I wonder why you chose to transform into my Reuniclus of all things.” Reuniclus orbited around Thorax, who appeared to greatly appreciate its presence. “To be honest, I was trying to turn myself into you, but I was just so fascinated by this… Reuniclus by you that I just couldn’t think of anything else!” Suddenly, a pop of light burst off from Thorax’s Pokémon body, restoring itself to its buggy equine form, shocking Reuniclus into hiding behind Burnet’s shoulder. “Though, I’m a bit curious. You asked if I had enough magic to transform myself. How did you know about all that?” “You see, Thorax,” Fluttershy explained, “Starlight and I met Burnet a few days ago, and we explained a lot of what we already knew about what happened with us.” “Yes, I’m well aware of the type of energy used to bring you and your friends here,” Burnet added, “but considering your recent arrival, I just didn’t want to force you into something that you weren’t capable of yet.” “Oh, well… thank you for that, then.” Burnet finally turned to Trixie, holding her hand out. “And you are?” Trixie very quickly slapped her hoof into Burnet’s hand and shook for them. “The name’s Trixie, and don’t forget it! I may not be royalty or be able to transform myself into anypony I please, but I’m still an expert magician and friend extraordinaire!” Twilight and Spike both rolled their eyes at the sheer display of arrogance. “Trixie…” Burnet hugged the back of her chair once more. “So Hau, now that we’re alone, what exactly did you want to discuss with me? Why are you even on Akala Island?” Hau wove his fingers between each other and set his hands down on the table, struggling to find the most cohesive way to respond to either inquiry. “If you’re worried about me leaving Melemele unguarded, you shouldn’t be. Ilima and Kukui are both looking out over it with Tapu Koko, and I trust it’s in just as capable hands as mine. As for why we’re here, I…” The oddities were all surfacing at once. “Geez, this is going to sound crazy.” “Hmm?” Burnet toyingly leaned in. “Even crazier than a bunch of magical, talking ponies appearing in our world?” “If you could believe it, yeah. So, right before the portal appeared over Melemele again, I was visited by the spirit of my grandpa.” Hau stayed silent to gauge Burnet’s reaction, watching as she sat up straighter in her chair before slumping back, unable to detect a hint of jest or sarcasm on his face. “Okay, that does sound a little crazier.” “Yeah. While I was praying to him for strength, he came to me and warned me about Alola being in great danger. He then bonded my soul to the Pokémon Marshadow, who lent me his strength for the battles to come. So yeah, pretty crazy.” Burnet leaned back in, looking at Hau’s belt and finally spotting the green-and-grey Pokeball with his others. “Marshadow? Is that who’s taking up the sixth spot on your belt?” “It was crazy!” Thorax said. “We were getting attacked by this group called Team Prism…” “I’m aware of them…” “…and he came in and… gosh, even for an earth pony, I don’t think I’ve seen anything move that fast on land in my life!” Rainbow Dash nodded, approving of Thorax’s choice of words. “If it weren’t for the two of them,” Luna added, “those men and women would have done who knows what to us.” “No doubt…” Burnet stood back up from her chair. “Would you mind showing him to me?” “Huh?” Hau picked his head up. “You’d like to meet him?” “Meet? And it can understand humans and speak to them too? Then I’d very much like to!” “Alright… here goes…” Hau stood from his seat and walked several paces from the table, Burnet turning her seat toward his direction. Looking up at one of the fluorescent lights above, he then looked down to his feet where his shadow was just barely visible. He held his arms level and clenched his fists, concentrating within himself. Taking a deep breath, the sound of his exhale echoed unnaturally inside the room as a small whirlwind picked up. Burnet and her Reuniclus then found Hau’s shadow begin to darken and stretch out toward the table and it’s shade. The head of the shadow then crept onto the end of the table, stopping right beside where Burnet was sitting, forcing her to shoot out from her seat and look down to face the shadow. As it had done before, the shadow began to peak like a tent before rounding and enlarging into Marshadow’s head, the rest of the shadow wrapping around its form and creating its body. Reuniclus squeaked and hid behind its trainer, who ignored its trembling arms grabbing hold of hers. Once its feet had risen to the surface of the table, it opened its eyes and looked up at Burnet, who was possessed with wonder and awe as her mouth hung open. Marshadow slightly tilted its head in confusion. “You… wanted to meet me?” Burnet took a couple of audible breaths to control herself and snap back into it. “Yes… yes I did. My name is Burnet. It’s a… great pleasure to meet you, Marshadow.” Reaching forward, the two shook each others hands, Burnet putting her other hand on the back of Marshadow’s to admire its touch like a thick, solid smoke. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions for me,” it said. “I do, but I just need to have one answered now.” “Hmm? And what’s that?” Burnet smiled, intending her question to be playfully well-meaning. “Do you like pan-fried noodles?” Everyone was now sitting at one half the table enjoying their meal, the other half littered with empty cartons, bags, and containers caked with sauces. Off to the side, all of Hau’s Pokémon, including Comfey and Reuniclus, were all sitting alongside on the floor as they also enjoyed their hearty helpings of rice, dumplings, and noodle dishes. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a little guilty considering the amount of trash being made. “How much did all of this cost you?” Burnet quickly and loudly slurped the noodles in her mouth to clear it. “You don’t have to worry about that at all. I’m more than happy to spend a little money to feed my friends.” “Well, it’s still very kind of you. The food is delicious.” “I know, right?” Hau’s mouth was still half-stuffed with rice, mushroom, and carrot as he flung more in with his chop sticks, miraculously not spitting any on Fluttershy as he leaned toward her. “I told you this place is awesome!” Trixie herself let out a belch after swallowing a bite of a spring roll, Twilight and Thorax reeling back from it. “I have to say,” she sheepishly giggled, “the cuisine is rather tasty.” Burnet then turned to Marshadow, who seemed content with sitting on the table with its blank, meditative stare. “Are you not hungry, Marshadow?” Marshadow turned its head, its expression ominously staying exactly the same. “I don't mean to be rude by repeating myself, but I receive nourishment when Hau does, so I really don’t need to eat anything.” “But you can’t not eat food, right?” “Yes, when I wasn’t bound to him, I’d have to eat much like you would, but–” “Great! I’ll give you some of mine.” Plucking a single noodle from her bowl, she hung it in front of Marshadow, who began to wind it around its arm until the other end could reach its mouth. “Well? Go on then!” Marshadow sniffed it a couple of times before taking the slightest of nibbles. With faint pulses of breath leaving its nostrils to taste, he finally took a deep breath in and smiled, clearly having enjoyed the flavor. Burnet chuckled, happy to see the positive reaction. “It’s good, right?” Marshadow unwound more of its noodle rope and took larger bites until it was half-full. “The food is actually quite delectable. Thank you for sharing that with me.” “I probably won’t eat all mine, so you’re more than welcome to whatever’s left if you want.” “This much is just fine. As long as Hau is full, so am I.” She shrugged, not taking the least bit of offense to it. “Suit yourself. More for me.” Marshadow contently returned to its share of noodle as Rainbow Dash leaned over to get a good look at him. “So, Marshadow. I don’t think you actually ever told us, but where’d you even come from?” Marshadow quickly slurped the rest of its noodle and turned to face the pegasus. “I reside in a plane referred to mainly as the spirit world. It’s where the souls of humans and Pokémon reside when their bodies perish.” Twilight wiped her mouth with a napkin before leaning in herself. “I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of an afterlife. What’s yours like?” “It’s actually not too dissimilar to this world, except it’s far bigger and strangely more vibrant.” “I’m sure it has to be pretty big,” Spike commented. “I’m sure that’s a lot of people and Pokémon that have died since, you know, forever!” Marshadow couldn’t help but giggle at the comment. “That’s very true. And with each new soul that comes, the world just continues getting bigger.” “What about you?” Burnet wondered. “What was it like when you were alive? In fact, what were you when you were alive?” “I’ve… actually always been a Marshadow. I was born in the spirit world primarily to serve as an envoy should there be any disturbances in either of our worlds. As you can tell by my being here, speaking with all of you, there is indeed a great disturbance that must be fixed, and I’m truly sorry that you ponies had to be thrust into the middle of all this.” “Hey, don’t sweat it, dude!” Rainbow Dash clasped her glass of water with the wrist. “I mean sure, we have a bunch of crazy psychopaths hunting us, but look! We’re all here with our friends, having some grub, and hanging out! I’d say given our situation, things aren’t that bad right now.” “But we still greatly appreciate your help and assistance,” Luna spoke, raising her glass with her magic. Feeling the energy rising, Burnet picked up her glass and rose it herself. “Here’s to a safe return home in the company of great friends!” “Yep!!” Hau wiped his mouth with the back of his arm and rose his glass up too. “I’ll drink to that.” “To great friends!” Twilight rose her glass up to join Hau’s. With the others raising their glasses, they toasted the night with a resounding, “To great friends!” As everyone took toasting sips, they all began to break out loudly into conversation, made fully comfortable by each others' company. Marshadow himself looked about as Burnet, Fluttershy, and Thorax laughed over something one of them had said, while Hau, Twilight, and Spike had completely ignored their bowls still with food inside of them to engage in a rapturous conversation. Taking another breath, Marshadow let a warm smile etch itself across its face. He was in great company; probably the best he could have hoped for. > Chapter 50 – South Side of the Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lift was well into the snowy territory of Mount Lanikila, and there was still so much of the track left going up. While the Equestrians were for the most part moderately uncomfortable with the chill, Sam and Alice’s knees buckled together as they hugged their arms to their chest. Even with Sam now wearing his light jacket, he may as well have continued wearing it around his waist with how cold he continued to feel. “Sorry we couldn’t let you change into something warmer,” Nanu half-heartedly said to them. “Well…” Alice’s trembling voice stuttered, “We didn’t pack anything warm at all.” “Hmph. I suppose it’s not as if you expected to be up here today.” “Here, let me try this.” Starlight charged her horn, producing a cube-shaped blue aura at the tip of it that expanded until its edges went against the railing. Everyone inside couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of extreme comfort as the warmth of their new space washed over them all at once. Lady especially let out two loud mews of contentment as its feelers hugged its face. “Whew!” Applejack exclaimed. “Good thinkin’, Starlight.” “Hah.” Alice rubbed her legs quickly with her hands, heat and feeling quickly returning to them. “Thanks a million, Starlight.” “Hold on,” Sam said, “you faced Team Prism and you still have your powers?” “Well, yeah!” Starlight sounded a bit proud of herself. “I mean, Chrysalis was the only one who attacked me, and it’s not like getting hit with magic hurts anypony else’s magic.” “Huh. Fair enough. Nice job then.” Starlight giggled. “Thanks, Sam.” “And we can’t all just fly up?” Alice wondered. “None of you have Ride Pagers or Flying-type Pokémon?” “We certainly don’t have enough to get everyone up at once, at least not very quickly,” Acerola said. “Besides, most Flying-types aren’t going to really want to be out in this.” “Not to mention,” Guzma added. “The Ride Pagers are typically for younger trainers like you two, so yeah, we’re going on a little evening hike.” “What about your magic?” Sam wondered. “I’m sure someone like you could fly us all up.” Starlight awkwardly frowned. “…I could, but if Prism attacks me anywhere between here and the League, my magic’s out, and that would mean a very steep, very tall drop for all of you.” “And don’t bother looking to me,” Rarity butted in. “My magic abilities are about as basic as can be.” “Hey, don’t put yourself down like that!” Pinkie Pie whined. “I said my magic was basic, not my aesthetics.” Rarity smiled and fluttered her eyelashes to her friend. “And thanks to Prism,” Shining Armor said, “Discord and I are pretty much out of commission, which means…” “We’re going on a walk together!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she hopped up on the lift. The carriage rattled harrowingly as Nanu tried to keep his balance. “Careful! If this thing breaks, that’s going to be another fall that we probably won’t survive.” “Oh, whoops!” Mid-fall, Pinkie Pie floated gently back to the floor, confusing Guzma and Acerola greatly. “Sorry!” “Don’t sweat it.” Guzma pointed up at where the track finally ended at a platform at the edge of a cliff. “We can start moving now.” The lift began to gradually slow down until it crawled up the hill before reaching the platform, where it stopped with a smooth, non-lurching approach. At once, the gate opened up, allowing the group to pour out into the snowy mountainside. As Starlight’s aura touched the ground, the snow quickly melted around it, allowing them all a dryer path to walk upon. The large cave before them seemed ominous, but the rest of the surface outside of the cave only led to a large, tall formation of rock that would prove too dangerous to climb. “I’m gonna’ to take a wild guess and say we need to go through that cave?” Applejack asked. “Yep,” Guzma responded. “Let’s go. I’d hate to think what would happen if Starlight’s too tired to keep that spell of hers up.” Starlight and Lady led them inside, changing the shape of her spell to a more round, oblong form to fit inside the entrance. Walking further inside, Starlight’s aura also helped to provide the dark cavern with enough light to see the labyrinthine pathways, neither of them providing her with any indication over which was the correct path. Acerola came by her side. “I’ll guide you. No use getting us all lost.” “Huh, right…” The two of them walked together as the others followed them. “So, why would you choose this place of all places to have the Pokémon League? It’s so cold and what if trainers get lost? You don’t want them freezing to death at the final leg of their journey, do you?” “No, but we wouldn’t want getting to the Pokémon League to be too easy either, do we?” “I guess not, but this just seems a little… extreme.” “Not to mention, most trainers don’t really get to come here in the middle of their Trials, so your friends will have a much better idea of how to navigate these caves.” “Also,” Nanu added, “trainers are typically prepared and well-equipped for a journey like this and not have to worry too much about freezing. Like I said, I’m sorry we had to rush into this the way we are.” “Hey, it’s fine now!” Sam replied. “As long as Starlight is here to light and heat up the way, this should be a nice little walk we’re going on.” Applejack and Rarity verbally approved his feelings, no one able to make out their statements over the other. Discord, his ears drooped in shame, pressed the pads of his thumb and index fingers of his lions paw, and upon snapping them, a purple spark quickly ran from the hand and spread over his entire body. With a tired yell, Discord crumpled to the ground, forcing Acerola and Rarity to run back to try and help him. As Rarity lifted Discord up by his left talon arm, Acerola slipped under his right arm and hoisted it and herself up, putting him back on his weak, almost dangling feet. “Man, you okay? What just happened?” “Oh, nothing,” Discord moped, his eyes glistening. “Just… nothing.” Discord walked ahead, leaving Rarity and Acerola behind before they quickly resumed their journey. As the group began to venture further inside, Nanu and Guzma went on either side of Starlight and each pulled out a tan-colored spray-can, which they proceeded to douse around the area around their posse. Starlight then looked up as she noticed some ominous shadows appearing from a large crack in the ceiling, which very quickly receded inside with a nervous hiss and squeak. “Nanu, Guzma,” Starlight wondered, “what was that you just sprayed?” “Max Repel,” Guzma said. “Really don’t want to waste any more time today fighting wild Pokémon, and I’m sure they’d rather go to bed than fight any of us, and to that I say, my sentiments exactly.” “Tell me about it.” Discord stretched his arms over his head as he took the next few steps on the tips of his draconic back claw and antelope’s hoof. “At least then I can see if this whole day has been nothing but a bad dream.” Guzma walked back to rejoin Acerola, Starlight nodding at his and Discord’s statements as she let out a big yawn. Shining Armor picked his pace up to a trot until he was to Starlight’s left, bending his neck down low enough so that his mouth was near her ear. “So, uh…” he whispered to her, “how exactly did you meet those two anyway?” “Her portal dropped her off not too far from where we were at the time.” Sam’s sharp voice seemingly pierced through the back of Shining Armor’s head, freezing his face in fear. “Sorry, were you afraid we wouldn’t be honest about it?” Shining Armor relaxed himself only slightly and let out a huff. “Okay, look, I’m a stranger on a strange world, and all I know about it is that this strange world is responsible for taking my sister and eventually myself, so sorry if I’m a little hesitant to trust you all right now.” “If it makes you feel any better,” Starlight replied, “everything they’d tell you would be true, but take it from me. Yes, Fluttershy and I were thrown onto Melemele Island where Sam and Alice found us. They agreed to let us accompany them to find our friends while they took their Island Trials.” “And what about these Prism guys? What’s the deal with them, and what do they want with us?” “We’re not entirely sure ourselves,” Alice spoke in. “All we know is that they they need you guys for… some reason.” “That reason being the unification of your worlds.” Nanu’s response turned the heads of Sam, Alice, and the two ponies ahead of them. “What do you mean ‘unification?’” Shining Armor wondered. “Yeah!” Pinkie Pie was suddenly sitting on Shining Armor’s back, something he didn’t seem to mind at all. “Unification doesn’t sound so bad!” “It would if you knew their intentions.” Nanu crossed his arms, flustered by what he was about to say. “According to one of their higher ups, they intend to merge our worlds together so they can take over both and create their own empire.” “Eee!” Pinkie Pie’s fluffy mane and tail jolted into hard spikes. “Okay, yeah, unification doesn’t sound that great anymore.” “Of course, that doesn’t explain what they’d need you for though.” “Then these Prism guys…” Shining Armor was still clearly having trouble making sense of everything. “They’re the ones to blame for our being here?” “I’m not really sure…” Starlight looked away, not wanting to betray her lack of clarity in her expression. “There wasn’t any sign of Team Prism at the Aether Paradise this afternoon when the accident happened. If the accident that sent you here is anything like the accident that sent us here, then they may very well not have been there either, which can really only mean one thing.” “That there’s a spy for Prism within this Aether Paradise.” “That ain’t unlikely either.” Applejack and Rarity also stepped forward to join in. “I mean, that Dexio fella’ we met used his friendship with Olivia to lure her into a battle so he could try and take us.” “True,” Rarity agreed, “but if that’s the case, there’s no way he’d be let onto that floating building to cause another accident.” “It’s not unlikely that there are probably more of them,” Sam said, running his hand through his hair, “and if the Aether Foundation was smart, they’d be running every kind of background check on their employees and every scan through their systems imaginable as we speak.” Shining Armor grunted, both physically and mentally strained. “All these conspiracies… And if these spies really are this deeply ingrained inside this Aether Foundation, I don’t have any idea how we’re all going to get back home at this rate.” “Shining Armor…” Alice walked close to him and laid her hand onto the side of his stomach. Shining Armor gently lifted his left leg out and let Alice run into it before sliding her away from him. “No. I can’t let this go on. I understand you two are trying to help, but this isn’t your fight to win or lose here.” Starlight lightly gasped, knowing where he was heading. “Shining–” “Starlight, look at them! They’re practically… whatever the equivalent is for colts and fillies, they only look just older than that, and as long as they’re with us, Prism will continue to target them. We don’t need you dragged into this conflict like I am, and to be honest, I certainly don’t want that for you either.” As the group continued walking, the silence left by Shining Armor’s remark lingering in the echoes of the cavern, Sam felt his pace slow down, letting everyone pass him until he was last in the group. By the time he was already several feet behind the next person in the back, Alice turned back to see him still standing there, forlorn and upset. “Sam?” At the sound of her voice, the group stopped and turned back, mildly surprised by how much more behind he was than them. “Sam, come on!” Starlight called. “We’re almost there now!” “You’re not seriously letting this guy keep you down, are you?” Discord wondered, pointing at Shining Armor with his talon thumb. “No, it’s just…” “Just what, then?” Rarity wondered. “Come on, just spit it out!” Applejack stepped closer to him, hoping to provoke a reply. “Just be careful not to spray it when you do!” Pinkie Pie scrunched her nose as she pulled the handle of an umbrella behind her back, ready to defend herself if needed. She didn’t have to wait long for him. “Look, Shining Armor. I get it, and I’ve been through this before with Starlight and Fluttershy. I’m truly sorry this is all happening to you, and yes, I never wanted any of this to happen. If you were still at home with your sister and, I don’t know, a girlfriend, wife, and Twilight and her friends were all safe and home, and Alice and I were just doing our Island Trials, I’m sure we’d all be happy. All of us.” Sam looked upon the faces of the people and creatures he spoke to. The Equestrians looked down to the ground and pawed at the floor of the cave, seemingly feeling more alone and homesick than ever, and the humans, especially his sister, continued looking at him, strongly feeling that he was far from done. “However,” he said, “that didn’t get to happen, and… you know what? I’m kind of glad it didn’t!” “What?!” The ponies shouted in unison. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Guzma bellowed. A very small smile appeared on Alice’s face, starting to understand Sam’s meaning. “Yeah, if it wasn’t for these accidents, I would have never met the best friends I could have ever hoped to make, I wouldn’t be going on the greatest adventure anybody could have in their entire lives.” Suddenly, the unpleasant shock became confused surprise among the Equestrians. “I don’t know if it’s fate that brought us together or us being extremely lucky, but whatever the case, you’re all here, and I honestly can’t imagine my life being better than it is right now without any of you in it.” While the other Equestrians remained floored, Starlight, Lady, and Pinkie Pie already had streams of tears running down their faces, entirely gladdened to hear that from him. “Yeah, I think my bro’s got a point for once.” Sam was too proud of himself to care about Alice’s backhanded compliment as she approached him and wrapped her arm around his back. “For all the crap we’ve gone through, all of us… well, I can’t exactly speak for you two yet…” Shining Armor and Discord waited to hear her out. “…but I mean, I’m having a blast over here! So, Shining Armor, I appreciate you looking out for us, but with all disrespect, I’m telling you that Sam and I aren’t going to be leaving any of you for a moment! I mean, Sam and I will have the Island Trials to go back to when this thing’s all over, but even with the danger we’re all in at this very moment, I still wouldn’t give any of this up for anything.” “Yee!” Pinkie Pie blasted off of Shining Armor’s back and wrapped an arm around both Sam and Alice’s necks, snuggling them close. “I really like you guys too!” Guzma and Nanu crossed their arms impatiently as Sam and Alice returned the hyper pony’s affections. Even Discord and Shining Armor, strengthened by their calls of support, looked to Sam and Alice with newfound respect. “Are we about done?” Nanu mumbled. As Starlight wiped her eyes on her wrist, she noticed a white light flash twice from behind the pathway far behind Sam, Alice, and Pinkie Pie. It was when she noticed two silhouetted shapes appear from the pathway and charge at the group that her fear kicked in. “Lady, Fairy Wind, now!” Lady, now also alert, quickly breathed in and blew a plume of sparkling pink air out. Pinkie Pie immediately tucked her leg up and winced as if she felt something pinch her knee, and before the attack could plow into either her or Sam or Alice, she threw them and herself down to the ground to let it pass over them. Looking behind them on their backs, Sam and Alice were stricken with panic as they watched the wind pummel into a Kadabra and a Metang, keeping them at bay long enough for them to shoot to their feet and face their foes with their hands on their Poké Balls. The Kadabra and Metang stood by as they awaited their opponents’ next moves, the humans and Equestrians looking frightful that Prism had caught up to them. Discord then looked spitefully annoyed, “You see?! This is exactly why we should save the sappy scenes for the end!” “Akakazam, Psychic!” the familiar, electronically-distorted voice commanded. Starlight hissed a breath in, realizing it was too late. Halfway into turning around, she felt herself lifted up as her mind struggled to resist the energy shooting through it, the aura covering her and her friends bending and warping out of control. Letting out a scream, she also heard Rarity cry out, and turning her head as much as she could, she found that she too was being lifted up. “Rarity!” Applejack and Pinkie Pie both cried. Shining Armor and Discord, haunted by their earlier experience, took hesitant steps back as they watched the two unicorns get assaulted. At long last, Starlight’s magic gave out, throwing the cave back into darkness. The humans and Equestrians also let out harsh yelps as they were instantly washed over by the cold they had been protected from, clutching their arms and limbs as their only other source of warmth. With a loud yell, Lady bounded around the humans and Equestrians with her feelers glowing and made its way at the Alakazam and its two glowing spoons standing at the top of the incline of the upward path, its teeth bared to attack. The hooded grunt seemed unfazed as Lady leapt at their Pokémon to attack. “Catch her.” Thrusting its left shoulder forward, the Alakazam swung its arm in to catch Lady by the neck, the spoon in its head pressing into its windpipe. Starlight let out a wail of agony as she heard her Pokémon whimper and gasp for air, futilely thrashing about as the light in her feelers flickered. Sam and Alice grit their teeth, the threatening eyes of the Kadabra and Metang all but daring them to take their eyes off of them. “No more playing nice with you brats!” the hooded grunt exclaimed. “I’ll break you down before I take them from you!” “Dark Pulse!” Before either the hooded grunt or their Alakazam could register, a ball of black energy crashed into its head. Disoriented, the Alakazam let go of Lady as she fell to its side, gulping in air. As well, the psychic hold on Starlight and Rarity had dissipated, making them fall to the ground as well. As they weakly got up, Nanu and his Persian slowly walked back toward Sam and Alice, passing between them as the Kadabra and Metang both scuttled back, their grunts standing behind them. “Yo, Metang!” A grunt with short blue hair called out. “You gonna’ let this old man and his kitty cat scare you?” “That’s the Kahuna you’re talkin’ to,” his partner, a young woman with a long face and medium-length brown hair, responded in dreadful reverence. “I’ll handle them,” Nanu said. “Guzma, Acerola, help escort the kids and the ponies to the summit. I should be just fine this time.” “But, Nanu,” Acerola began to object, “you’re–” “GO NOW!” Nanu turned his back to his enemies to shoot an intense and demanding stare at Acerola. “Metang, Brick Break!” “Kadabra, Dazzling Gleam!” With a well aimed punch into its face from the Metang and a blinding, colorful flash of light from the grunt’s Kadabra’s spoons, Persian was thrown to the ground and fainted on the spot. Acerola felt a strong pang of guilt as she took a step toward the hill going forward as Nanu returned his fallen Persian and reached for another ball. “Okay, you heard him! Let’s go! As she and Guzma led the charge, the hooded grunt’s Alakazam regained its footing and stood guard of its trainer. “You’re not going anywhere!” “Wanna bet, you bastard?!” Guzma threw a Poké Ball out. “Ariados, Leech Life!” Acerola tossed a ball herself. “Frosslass, Shadow Ball!” Both Guzma’s large spider and Acerola’s ice spirit emerged from their balls, the latter shooting a dark-purple orb into the Alakazam’s waist, swinging it down onto its stomach, allowing Ariados to mount it and sink its fangs down on its neck. As Alakazam cried out in helpless despair, everyone passed it on either side, the hooded grunt letting out a yelp of shock as they scrambled to find another ball on their belt. “Not this time!” Starlight shouted. “Lady, use Quick Attack!” With a yip, Lady vanished and instantly appeared in front of the grunt, tackling them to the ground and onto their backs. As the group approached, Lady let out a supportive battle cry and continued down the path. With the humans and Equestrians nearing them, the grunt rolled to the side and curled up, waiting as they all leapt over or passed around them, Ariados and Froslass the last to leave. Once they had all left, the hooded grunt and their Alakazam stood back up and turned around to see Nanu and his Krookodile, as well as the grunts’ Metang and Kadabra both falling down at the same time, defeated. As the grunts returned their Pokémon and scuttled back away, Nanu and Krookodile twisted their heads to peer at the hooded grunt from the corners of their eyes. With an angry tsk, the hooded grunt spun around and ran to give chase to the others, their Alakazam following. Reaching the outside, the group tiringly continued their sprint to safety. The mountainous canyon was just barely wide enough to allow them to run side by side in twos. With the chill of the air piercing their lungs, the breathing amongst everyone was hoarse and painful. As they rounded a turn, they were all horrified to see two Bruxishes, a Starmie, an Oranguru, and two bipedal yellow-and-brown tapirs lining the pass, six grunts further blocking the next cavern entrance just up ahead. “We have to face them all?” Applejack grunted. “No, just me!” Acerola threw her arm forward. “Froslass, Blizzard!” Acerola’s Pokémon raced to the front of the group and hugged its glowing arms in. Swinging them out, a blast of snow and ice barreled at the grunts and their Pokémon, the walls of the canyon funneling it right at them. With shouts and cries from both Pokémon and grunt alike, Acerola smirked at the foolproof quality of her plan. She then glanced to Guzma and shared a nod, and with that, the two slid to a halt, letting Lady, Sam, Alice, and the other Equestrians pass them. “Wait!” Sam huffed. “Guys!” “We’ll handle them!” Acerola shouted. “Just wait for us at the Pokémon Center! You’ll be safe there!” “We shouldn’t be long!” Guzma waved them off. Sam turned back and ran forward. “I sure as hell hope not.” With the snow from the Blizzard still lingering, the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians prepared to charge through it. Shining Armor, seeing the shapes of the Pokémon and grunts still blocking their path, charged his horn up, grunting and moaning loudly as he tried to get it to full power. With a scream, a beam of magenta light went through the middle of the path before dividing out and stretching up to form walls that pressed the grunts and Pokémon into the sides of the pass, providing only the narrowest of pathways for the group to safely run through. As she looked back, Starlight watched as Shining Armor laboriously slowed down before falling to his shins, panting heavily. “Shining Armor!” “You guys go on!” he croaked as loudly as he could. “I’ll fall back with these guys!” Starlight let out an anguished squeal as she and her friends passed through the pathway and into the cavern. With Discord and Rarity being the last, they entered in just as the magic walls faded and freed the grunts and their Pokémon. As they came to their senses and reformed their phalanx, they all found themselves facing Shining Armor, Guzma, Acerola, and their Pokémon. Guzma grinned as he cracked his knuckles. As they ventured through the caverns, they spotted a pair of brightly burning torches lighting both sides of the next cavern exit. “We’re almost there!” Rarity panted. “We’re going to make it!” “That’s about as good a sign as I can see,” Alice agreed. With Sam and Alice up ahead, they were the first to exit the cave. As they turned left to enter a wide, grassy area, they were caught completely off guard by a Shadow Ball already halfway blasted out by the Alakazam that stood guard of the tram track at the end. The two could only instinctively put their arms over their heads and cower to a stop as the attack came at them. Lady, seeing this, made a hard leap out, zipping between Sam and Alice’s heads just in time to let the attack collide into it. The Shadow Ball blasted safely out as Lady fell, having fainted before it even hit the ground. “Lady, no!” Starlight ran past Sam and Alice and slid down to her stomach, scooping Lady into her arms and hugging her close. As the group stopped, left with nowhere else to go, the hooded grunt let out a giggle that erupted into full, maniacal laughter. “Oh, you thought you had me back there, didn’t you? Foolish children. And it even looks like your guides have left you.” “Yeah, well…” Applejack tried to hide her apprehensive inflections. “When Nanu, Guzma, and Acerola get back, you’ll be real sorry!” “Yeah, well…” Sam sounded resigned with himself, cementing the earth pony’s concerns. “I doubt he’s going to let us wait until then.” “Which means we’re on our own for this one.” As Alice, reached for her Poké Balls, a sudden realization froze her hand in place. “Shit!” Pinkie Pie also looked equally nervous. “What’s shit, shit sounds, bad I don’t like shit, what’s shit?” Sam understood too. “That damn Absol…” “Oh?!” The hooded grunt sounded elated by this. “You weren’t able to heal your Pokémon before you came here? And now you’re going to be facing me with your table scraps!” “No, we’ll still take you on…” Alice detached a ball from her belt. “Whether we can buy them enough time to get here or defeat you here and now, we’re still facing you. Right, Sam?” “Yeah… right.” Sam took out his only Poké Ball with visible trepidation. “Let’s go, Mimikyu!” “You can do this, Salandit!” Both Pokémon emerged from their balls, the Mimikyu’s disguise-head back in an upright position. The others became disheartened as the hooded grunt broke into more hysterical laughter. “A Poison-type against Psychics?” he continued giggling. “You really are down to your last Pokémon! No matter. A win is a win, and one against children such as yourselves are certainly no exception! Alakazam, hit them both with Dazzling Gleam!” The Alakazam crossed both of its spoons together, producing a harsh, vibrant light that struck both Salandit and Mimikyu, causing the latter’s head to be knocked down again. Salandit, appearing only slightly affected, shook off the tingling sensation in its body as if it had merely gotten a small static shot. Despite its lack of damage, Mimikyu’s broken disguise caused it to erupt into a horrifying tantrum that echoed even outside. “Oh, my!” Rarity groaned, covering her ears with the bottoms of her hooves. “He made it angry!” Pinkie Pie glanced to her. “I don’t think he’ll like it when he’s–” “Raichu, hit Mimikyu with Nuzzle!” Tossing his next ball out, an Alolan Raichu shot its way at Mimikyu, who was still so wrapped-up in its anger that it didn’t notice its foe approach until it rode the bottom of its surfboard-tail across its face, the static charging on both quickly accumulating until it shot Mimikyu back toward Alice in a sparking heap. Starlight and Pinkie Pie winced. “Okay, maybe he doesn’t mind when he’s angry.” “Mimikyu!” Alice called to her Pokémon, which slowly got up due to its minor paralysis. “You okay?” Mimikyu glanced back to its trainer, as if telling her to just get on with it. “Fair enough! Mimikyu, hit Alakazam with Shadow Claw!” “And then finish it off with Dragon Rage, Salandit!” Sam commanded. Mimikyu let out a grunt as it made a small slide forward, the hooded grunt relaxing its stance over what they surely thought would be a futile fight through the paralysis. It then quickly began a sprint with small hops as its shadowy arms slipped out from beneath it. The hooded grunt and their Alakazam froze as the pointed fingers at the end of each arm slashed down on it, greatly injuring it. At the same time, Salandit began to fill its mouth with blue energy, wisps of the aura spilling out from between its lips. Mimikyu leapt out of the way just as Salandit launched its attack, striking the Alakazam in the chest hard enough to knock the spoons out of its hands. Falling onto its back, it laid its head down and let out a final grunt before fainting. From behind them, the Equestrians cheered Sam and Alice on. “Good show, you two!” Discord applauded. “Take ‘im down hard!” Applejack shouted. “I’m freezing and want to go to bed!” Pinkie Pie loudly exclaimed. Sam chuckled, feeling more confident than he had in the past several minutes. “Working on it!” “Ugh! You little bastards!” The hooded grunt seethed as they returned their Alakazam into their Poké Ball. “I don’t know why you keep fighting! I still have four Pokémon left to fight with, but I don’t think you’ll survive this last one!” “Four Pokémon left,” Alice accounted aloud. “Got it.” “Ach! Whatever, let me just end this. Go, Hypno!” The hooded grunt tossed out their next ball, and a Hypno leapt out of it and landed firmly upon the frosty, rocky ground. “Now, Raichu, hit Mimikyu with Thunderbolt!” With a clenching of all its muscles, the Raichu shot a small burst of lightning up into the clouds not far up. As the sky quickly darkened and the clouds swirled directly above Mimikyu, the Equestrians took a step back and marveled at the sight of it. With a brightening of the clouds, the lightning came down far stronger, ravaging into Mimikyu as it cried in pain. “Oh no, Mimikyu!” Alice quickly withheld her concern and looked brave for it. “Fight though it and hit Raichu back with Shadow Claw!” Once the lightning had ceased, Mimiku tried to move forward, but only succeeded in slowly tipping itself back onto its stomach. As it grunted to try and fail and pick itself up, the Equestrians looked up to the hooded grunt, who continued laughing. “And here I thought that Mimikyu would actually pull through for you guys. Alright, Hypno, knock the Salandit out with Hypnosis!” “Salandit, hit him first with Dragon Rage!” On Sam’s command, Salandit charged its mouth with blue and shot an orb of similarly-colored energy out at Hypno, who already began to swing its pendulum, ripples of red and purple pulsing out from the coin on the end of the string. The Dragon Rage ball traveled through the ripples as they shrunk down and wrapped around Salandit’s head before fading away. Salandit’s attack struck Hypno in the stomach, sliding it back though it still maintained its balance. As more of the ripples slipped around Salandit’s head, its eyelids grew too heavy for it to keep open and with a sigh, it collapsed onto the snow, forcefully brought into a seemingly peaceful slumber. “Oh my goodness!” Rarity whimpered. “What kind of attack causes a Pokémon to faint in one turn?” “She didn’t faint,” Alice assured her. “She’s just sleeping.” “Yes,” the hooded grunt confirmed, “but it might as well have fainted considering how helpless it is now! Raichu, finish the Mimikyu off with Psychic!” With its tail glowing, the Raichu tilted its tail at Mimikyu, bathing it in the same glow. At once, Mimikyu arched itself up and let out a wail as the psychic energy squeezed onto it. Once the Raichu ceased its assault, Mimikyu’s head rested on the ground and went limp, having finally fainted. “Yes!” The hooded grunt pumped their fist. “Now, Hypno, take Salandit out with Psy–” At that moment, Sam ran forward, hopped over his sleeping Pokémon, and landed in front of it with his arms out. “Sam!?” Starlight’s hope drained from her eyes. “Sam, what are you doing?” The hooded grunt simply sighed. “Kid, what is wrong with you? You really think that’s going to help?” “I don’t care!” Sam barked. “You making my Pokémon unable to fight like that; it’s dirty!” “You naïve little pissant. You do realize that I must do whatever’s necessary to make sure those ponies are put in our hands, right?” Sam refused to yield, even going so far as to bare his teeth. “Fine then. Hypno, hit them both with Psychic!” Hypno bounced its pendulum up so it could pinch the chain right above the coin, causing it to go alight. A large, circular aura appeared before Sam, making him clench his fists with what was to come. Hypno thrust its hand and pendulum forward, the aura condensing into the center before blasting out wide, throwing Sam off of his feet and launching Salandit off the ground, now wide awake and screaming with its trainer. The Equestrians all gasped as it appeared Sam and Salandit would be thrown off the side of the mountain. “SAM, NO!” Starlight cried. Sam hit the ground and violently rolled towards the edge of the cliff, catching himself on his stomach just as his body slid off the precipice, grabbing on with both hands. He then noticed his Salandit hit the ground with a single bounce before starting to plunge off the side. With a pull up and a scream, Sam let go with his left hand and swung up to follow his Pokémon, just barely grabbing the end of its tail before gravity swung his arm back down. Sam looked as his Pokémon dangled over the grey, snowy void not far below. Alice put both hands over her mouth, horrified to only see her brother’s single hand as the only thing keeping him and Salandit alive. Salandit slowly and weakly looked up to Sam, who smiled as he felt his hand begin to slip. “I got you, girl.” His tired and almost-numb fingers finally couldn’t hold on, and he slipped. He then felt his wrist clamped by something large and plush, forcing him to look up at who could have saved them. Discord, lying on his stomach chuckled as his rescue attempt had actually worked. “No, I do believe it’s I who has got you!” Applejack and Starlight quickly rushed over and helped Discord pull Sam up by his jacket sleeve with their teeth, Sam finishing the climb and pulling Salandit back up to the surface. “Thanks, guys,” Sam said as he petted both ponies necks before patting Discord on the shoulder. “Don’t mention it, sugar,” Applejack replied. The hooded grunt, having watched it all, scratched their head. “You see what I meant when I said we’d do whatever’s necessary? I mean, do you want me to try it again… successfully this time?” “Nah,” Sam was so exhausted yet so pumped with adrenaline that his voice sounded like a wounded screech. “Once is enough for one day.” Salandit, its back and tail furiously flaring up with magenta flames, led Sam as both approached to rejoin the battle, instantly melting the ice and snow around and in front of it. “However, there’s something I’d like to try with you right now!” Sam rolled up his left jacket sleeve, revealing his Z-Ring and Firium Z inside of it. “I don’t know if Nanu and the others are going to get here before you beat us, but at least I’ll get to hit you with this one good hit!” Sam crossed his wrists together, producing a flash that compelled Salandit to roar out and stand on its two hind legs as it also crossed its arms. At that moment, Salandit was completely covered in white light, which faded to reveal its body having become a green swirling aura. Alice, seeing this, couldn’t keep her mouth closed. “What the…” “What on earth is happening to it?” Discord exclaimed, appearing the least surprised amongst the Equestrians. “No…” The hooded grunt, for the very first time, sounded terrified. “This can’t be!” Sam didn’t appear to notice his Pokémon’s evolution, only continuing his motions by putting his arms down and crossing them back out. As Salandit moved in synch with its trainer, its body grew twice its size, the spines on its back receding into its neck. Sam fanned his hands upwards twice, Salandit continuing to mimic the moves as its waist shrunk into feminine curves and stretched out into a more slender shape, two long flaps of skin stretching out from either side of the base of its wider tail. Finally, Sam grabbed his left elbow and swung his arm down so his palm was aimed at Hypno. Salandit glowed white once again as it repeated Sam, and once it swung its arm down, the light shattered off of its body, revealing a Salazzle brimming with Z-Power that flickered off its body. “It evolved,” Starlight tearfully responded, answering Discord’s question. Sam finally looked to his Pokémon, deathly surprised by how big his Salazzle looked, only realizing what had actually happened a few moments later, causing him to erupt into deeply anticipatory laughter. “Oh, this is way better than what I wanted to do.” “Hah… no, please!” The hooded grunt fell to his rump and put his hand up. “Please, have mercy!” “That sounds nice,” Sam said. “…but you just tried throwing my Pokémon and I off a cliff, so now, I gotta’ completely destroy your Hypno. Now go, Salazzle! Take Hypno out with Inferno Overdrive!” Salazzle brought its head down as flames formed from nowhere to converge before the end of its snout, forming into a large ball that began to instantly melt the snow all around them and even singe most of the grass around it. With its own mouth alight with fire, some also dancing on its back, Salazzle threw its mouth open, blasting its fireball at Hypno. The hooded grunt let out a final scream before their Hypno was engulfed in the fireball before it exploded, the fires blasting back into them, their Raichu protecting itself with a spherical shield. Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians shielded their eyes from the blast as it blew intense heat into their bodies, Salazzle staring directly into it with pride. With the snowstorm quick to blow the fire and smoke away, Sam was content to see Hypno already lying on its stomach with its eyes weakly closed and its body covered in soot. “Hoh…” Sam tilted his head up and let the snow pelt his neck. “That feels nice now…” The hooded grunt stood itself up, sparks spitting out from their neck, their Raichu cautiously watching them. “yO*u… l*!-le sh*t!” With the device masking its voice having gotten fried, it sounded incomprehensible. “Y-*!ll pa#*1y frrrr TH!*!T” Suddenly, Nanu, Guzma, Acerola, and Shining Armor made it through the back cavern, their faces concerned with the possibility of being too late. “What was that noise?” Acerola loudly asked. “It was like this entire god-damned island exploded!” Guzma shouted. “Guys, check out Sam’s new Pokémon!” Pinkie Pie leapt out from her spot amongst her friends and pointed at the battle scene. “New… Pokémon?” Shining Armor wondered. The three humans and unicorn made their way to the front, the humans instantly recognizing Sam’s Salazzle. “Oh… okay, I see now!” Guzma seemed as impressed with himself as he was with Sam. “And it looks like the calvary’s here!” Alice shouted. “You’re finished, you creep!” “NO*!(*!CH!**” The device made a final pop of sparks. “Just like you, I’ll keep fighting!” Guzma hung his mouth open, suddenly able to recognize the slimy, higher-pitched voice of the man under the hood. “What the…” “Raichu, take Salazzle out with Psychic!” The Raichu tiltled its tail at Salazzle, covering it in pink energy and lifting it up. Salazzle gasped for air and cried out for help, trying to thrash itself free. “Yes,” the hooded grunt said, “it will be over soon…” “Not a chance!” Alice threw her ball out right at the Raichu. “Mudbray, hit it with High Horsepower! The ball opened up above the Raichu, Mudbray falling down toward it. The Raichu and its trainer only had enough time to look up before Mudbray spun around and kicked its back hooves down into Raichu’s head, slamming it into the ground in a muddy, rocky explosion. Freed, Salazzle hopped back to the ground and managed to land. “You okay, girl?” Salazzle let out an affirmative screech to ease Sam’s mind. The hooded grunt hopped back, knowing for certain that his Pokémon did not outlast the attack. “Aiyee!” “What, no! I knew it!” Guzma broke into a mad sprint, charging right at the hooded grunt. “Faba, you son of a bitch!” “Wait, who?” The moment Alice asked, she suddenly felt herself twisted around and shot backwards towards the grunt known as Faba. She was suddenly stopped by Faba’s arm locking around her neck, allowing only a minimal amount of oxygen for her to stay conscious. Guzma stopped as Faba put his Poké Ball back onto his belt, a Slowbro now standing beside him on his left. Sam hissed through his clenched teeth as Faba put his now free hand back onto his sister’s head. “You absolute shithead. Let my sister go now or I will end you!” “Now, now!” Faba gloatingly threatened. “You don’t want to end your sister in the process, do we?!” Starlight and Shining Armor tried to charge their horns, only to produce small, dull auras that quickly tired them out, much to their dismay. “See? You can’t do anything! Why don’t you ponies just come my way and I’ll spare the girl!” “Yep!” Alice grunted. “Not happening. Hey, Guzma! Get a Pokémon ready!” “Wha–” Guzma was mid-word when Alice crunched her abs in, bringing her legs up and her knees to her chest. Kicking them upward, Alice forced Faba forward, and on her way down, she got low enough to pull Faba down with him and forced him to his knees. With his grip weak, Alice quickly pulled his arm off of her and spun around, keeping her right leg up. As he made a desperate reach for her, she leaned far enough away from his grasp while still having enough distance to kick the center of his face through his hood. Guzma watched incredulously as Alice fell down into the snow and scrambled to get away as Faba grabbed his face and cried out to the sky, much to the Slowbro’s confusion. “Heh, nice. Golisopod, take Slowbro down with First impression.” With a throw of his ball, Golisopod shot forth from the light that spilled from the ball, driving its claws into the Slowbro’s gut hard enough to send it flying back into the rock wall to the right of the lift track, the collision with the back of its head knocking it unconscious. “Whoa!” Applejack shouted above her equine friends’ excited and impressed laughter. “That was incredible!” Guzma resumed its charge at Faba as he continued holding on where his nose was. Guzma tackled him down and spun back around behind him. Pushing him to sit up, he tore the hood off, revealing a solid black cloth mask that covered his entire head. Grabbing that by the top and pulling it off, Faba was revealed to the group as a middle-aged man with short blonde hair and a medium-length beard growing exclusively down from his chin, blood streamed down the bottom half of his face from his broken nose. A pair of green-framed glasses fell out from the mask as Guzma tossed it behind him. “Here he is, kiddos.” Guzma then wrapped his legs around Faba’s waist and locked his arms around Guzma’s neck. “Team Prism’s best and brightest!” “Oh, Guzma,” despite the snideness of his remark, there was palpable hatred coming from it. “Once a thug, always a thuUUUACCGH!” Guzma tightened his grip. “Shut up, you human piece of garbage!” Sam, Alice, and Salazzle approached the two, the Equestrians, Nanu, and Acerola doing the same with Lady hoisted on Starlight’s back, feeling safe and comfortable to approach with their enemy apprehended. “Hold on!” Nanu approached the two as he pulled a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket, Faba looking to him with slight amusement. “Uh, Nanu?” he wondered. “Remind me, aren’t you retir–” His words were silenced with a quick punch to the side of the head. “Guzma, get him on his back.” “Yes, sir!” Guzma positioned himself so that Faba’s back was under his knee, and with Faba still disoriented, Nanu had little struggle putting his hands behind his back and locking the cuffs around his wrists. “Consider it a citizen’s arrest. Someone get the lift, now!” “Uh, yep! On it!” Guzma stood back off the ground, walking up the steps to the tram platform and pressing a green button with an upward arrow on its control panel. “So, what now?” Starlight wondered. “What’s going to happen to him?” “Leave him with me,” Nanu responded, hoisting Faba up by the handcuff’s chain. “I’m sure the Ula’ula Police will be happy as Shelders to see me bring him in.” Shining Armor couldn’t help but notice the lift coming down from the track. “In that case,” he said, patting Nanu on the shoulder with his hooves, “thank you for all your help. Do you need help getting back down?” “You just focus on replenishing your magic. I’ll be fine.” “Then I wish you the best of luck.” The rest of them gave their sincerest thanks to Nanu as they prepared to leave him behind. At that moment, the lift reached the platform, the metal gate sliding open to let everyone on. With Sam, Alice, and Salazzle leading, the rest stepped onto the lift, Guzma being the last to enter. “So, um…” Rarity asked. “Who is that man?” “I’ll tell you indoors when I’m not freezing my nuggins off.” The lift began to take them up, the cold fog of the snowstorm quickly obscuring their view of Nanu and Faba. Sam looked to his Salazzle, and with the threat of attack now passed, he felt comfortable to give his newly evolved Pokémon a great big hug. “So proud of you!” he squeaked, much to Salazzle’s delight. > Chapter 51 – Sparring Practice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two trainers dressed in thick-blue jackets and stylish pants stood guard of a circular door built into the summit of Mount Lanakila. They spotted shapes coming through the snowstorm, making them a bit wary, but were instantly sated upon recognizing Guzma and Acerola among them. They then spotted Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians following them. “Guzma, Acerola,” the left trainer said, “welcome back.” “So good to be back,” Guzma responded, “let me tell you.” “And who are they?” the right trainer wondered. “Oh, come on, don’t you know a colorful talking pony from another world when you see one?” “No, I was referring to the two other trainers!” “Oh!” Sam and Alice stepped forward. “I’m Sam.” “And I’m Alice.” “We’re just here for shelter for the night.” “Shelter?” The left trainer put his hand to his chin. “Didn’t realize we suddenly became a bed and breakfast. Guzma? Acerola? Do you know these trainers?” “Yes!” Acerola sounded miffed. “They’re here with the ponies! We just got attacked by Team Prism and they need to stay the night so they can get some rest! Now let us in already, it’s freezing out!” “Oh! My apologies.” The trainers stepped aside to outside the edges of the doorway. “Just a moment.” Both of them clicked a button on a device on their wrists at the same time, causing the center part of the door to rotate until it screwed itself out enough to become flush with the door, the dividing point lining up with the rest of the door outside of it. With a lurch, the door slowly came open, blasting the group with another much needed puff of warmth. The entire group was already running inside, unable to wait to feel the heat. As the group caught their breath, the door began to close back behind them, Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians now able to see their surroundings. They found themselves standing on a glass walkway high over a massive, crystal-adorned crater that came to a platform at the center before branching off into four, each new walkway leading to a smaller version of the main door on the walls of the crater. Above each door, from left to right, was a symbol lit by an appropriately colored-light: a grey hexagon, a yellowish green insect, a purple wisp, and a solid-green feather. At the convergence point in the center was an unlit glass platform. Even with the incredible architecture, the group, save for Guzma and Acerola, felt immediate vertigo as they looked down to the bottom of the crater below. Even as they looked around, there didn’t seem to be an indication of where to go from there that didn’t appear like a place to battle. “So, uh…” Sam nervously wondered. “Where are we supposed to go from here?” “Hold on, I’m turning it on.” Acerola pulled a small, flat, bean-shaped device with a small screen from her pocket, and after tapping on the screen for a bit, she put the device back into her pocket. A slight whirring came from the center platform, and as the group turned to see it, they saw as the glass began to light up with swirling colors. “Ooh!” Pinkie Pie crept up to it, her face just at the edge. “What’s that?” Guzma crossed his arms. “Just walk onto it and keep walking until you’re off of it.” “Um… okay?” Pinkie Pie humored him and stepped on. “That certainly doesn’t sound very ex–” With a flash of light, Pinkie Pie vanished from the platform, making everyone but Guzma and Acerola gasp in shock. “Pinkie?” Applejack galloped to the light, her face aimed down at it. “Pinkie Pie, where are you?!” Another flash of light brought a giggly Pinkie Pie back to them, where she was already halfway up her bounce before colliding into her friend, knocking them both to the ground. “I lie down corrected!” Pinkie Pie stated. “That really was exciting! “What the hell even was that?” Alice wondered. “It’s a transporter,” Acerola explained. “Normally, trainers who manage to beat the Elite Four take that to the room where they face the Champion, but we also use it to get to our living quarters.” “It doesn’t use Psychic-energy, does it?” Starlight wondered. “Only a very minimal amount, so it actually shouldn’t hurt any of you any. Now, come on. I’m sure Mo and Kahili are really eager to meet you.” Both she and Guzma walked around the Equestrians and stepped onto the platform, disappearing as quickly as Pinkie Pie had done the moment their feet touched the glass surface. As Pinkie Pie and Applejack got up and walked to the platform, Starlight went to follow them on, but stopped and flinched upon both friends disappearing. Nervously standing still, Sam and Alice both appeared beside her. “We’ll go together,” Sam offered. “How’s that sound?” Starlight smiled, feeling stronger between them. “Yeah. Let’s go.” The three of them walked together onto it as Rarity, Discord, and Shining Armor approached as well. A flash of light filled Sam, Alice, and Starlight’s vision, and upon the light fading, they found themselves standing in a large, tiled room where Guzma, Acerola, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were waiting. Before them was a glass door that led to what appeared to be a luxurious log cabin with a spacious living room and a sliding glass door leading an outdoor patio and hot spring to the right, a massive kitchen up ahead, and a spiral staircase going up. “Woah!” Starlight walked up to the glass wall, the tip of her nose touching the glass. “You have all of this inside this mountain?” “Why, yes we do!” An unfamiliar voice came from around the corner. Coming from around it were two likewise unfamiliar faces. The first was a frail-looking middle-aged man with slightly messy medium-length hair with shades of blonde that got lighter with each layer up and wore a slightly unbuttoned light-blue shirt with a loose bolo tie and a pair of tight brown slacks around his scrawny legs. The second was a woman about ten years younger than him with short ice-blue hair with a larger, wing-shaped tuft draping over her right eye wearing a white-and-blue tee with a pair of white compression leggings. The man and woman both looked surprised to see the ponies in the room with Guzma and Acerola, especially with Shining Armor, Discord, and Rarity appearing on the platform and entering the room. “Oh! And I see you brought company!” the man added. As they enterered the room, Sam, Alice, and Starlight stepped back to let them in, Guzma going to stand beside them. “Guys, this is Molayne and Kahili. They’re the other half of the Elite Four here at the Pokémon League.” “Hmm,” Kahili stood with her legs together and her hand on her chin while the other supported her elbow. “So these are those ponies you were telling us about. And if what he says is true, you can all speak the same tongue as us, correct?” “Uh, yes!” Starlight came forward and reached her hoof forward to her. “My name’s Starlight Glimmer, and these are my friends Sam, Alice, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Discord, and Shining Armor.” “So…” Molayne scratched the back of his head, awkwardly smiling at them. “Quite a few friends.” He then directed his attention to Lady hanging off of Starlight’s back, looking instantly concerned. “Oh my, that poor Sylveon! Please, follow me! We have healing beds this way.” As Molayne opened the door, Starlight was quick to follow him. “Thank you so much, sir. We were just ambushed by Team Prism on our way up here and just barely made it out.” “I assume that goes for you two too?” Sam and Alice perked up, realizing they were being referred to. “Yeah,” Sam said. “We each only have one usable Pokémon, and even mine is on the ropes.” “Then come on! There’s plenty of room to heal your Pokémon up!” Molayne continued holding the door open for them, Sam and Alice both slipping inside so as not to waste any more of his time. “Thank you so much again!” Alice said as he passed him. “It’s not a problem at all, truly. Now, let me just… escort you!” Molayne jogged to the front and led the unicorn, trainers, and their Pokémon around the corner. Acerola then held the door open for the rest of them. “Alright, guys!” she said with a mild swing of her hand. “You can rest on the couches while we wait for your other friends! In the meantime, we’ll get some refreshments going while dinner is prepared.” “Oh, my!” Rarity was overwhelmed by the hospitality. “You don’t need to go through all that.” “Nonsense!” Guzma walked through the door. “I’m almost certain I haven’t gone through quite as much as you today and even I’m beat. Plus, I’m sure a little grub in our tums will be just the thing you need! Now, let’s get some much-deserved R&R!” “Alright!” Pinkie Pie was the first to move, followed by the rest of the Equestrians. Kahili saw them all out until the room was empty, leaving last to walk with Acerola to the living room. “So…” she said. “I’m guessing those trainers are friends of the ponies?” “Mmhm.” Acerola nodded. “They were supposedly traveling with that pink unicorn and another one who’s currently on Melemele Island looking for more of her friends.” “Okay, so they’re not–” “Sneaking in? No. Trust me, after everything they’ve done for these guys, they’re more than entitled to a night here.” Kahili huffed calmly through her nose. “Once dinner’s over, I’ll help make the beds for them.” Acerola smiled to her before going down the single step down to the carpet where Guzma and the Equestrians were already making themselves at home. “Okay!” Acerola clapped her hands to further get everyone’s attention. “Who’s hungry? And thirsty…” The group cheered as they raised their glasses, taking sips of their drinks before looking down at their meals. Along with the crispy-skin chicken breasts before each human and a bowl of steaming spiced couscous and raisins for the Equestrians, as well as smashed potatoes and roasted carrots for everyone, empty bowls of miso soup and orange-ginger salad dressing occupied the spaces above the corners of their plates. “This looks freakin’ amazing, guys!” Sam breathed out, Kahili reacting to his vernacular with disdain. “Well, I remembered that you and your sister are from Kalos,” Acerola explained, “so I asked the cooks to make a little taste of home for you.” “Like my brother said,” Alice chuckled, humored, “it looks amazing.” “And it’s not going to stay warm with you talking about it. Go ahead, eat!” The humans began cutting into their chicken, Sam audibly shuddering as the knife crackled through the exterior. As he continued cutting workable bites for himself, he noticed as Shining Armor, Rarity, and Starlight were both aptly using their magic to spoon the couscous into their mouths, making him smile warmly. Discord sucked on his spoon like a lollipop, savoring the flavors of his meal. “I can’t say I know much about you humans yet, but you certainly can whip up a mean bowl of tiny pasta balls.” “Uh,” Applejack leaned in. “I think they called it ‘coozcooz?’” Discord shrugged. “Eh, tiny pasta ball rolls off the tongue better.” Starlight hummed contently as she lifted a glass of purple juice to her lips and took a large gulp, letting out a loud and lengthy sigh as if she had drunk the cleanest, clearest water. “This juice is divine!” Rarity complimented. “I feel as though my mind is getting clearer with each sip I take!” “Oh, good,” Molayne spoke in. “Guzma and Acerola were both talking about the effects of Psychic-type moves on you unicorns, so we had the cooks prepare you a special juice blend using Payapa Berry. It’s normally used to weaken Psychic-type moves in battle, but as you can see, it has other uses.” Starlight finished taking another swig. “And it’s working wonders. Thank you very much.” “Remind us before you leave,” Kahili said. “We’ll be sure to pack some bottles up for you before you head back out.” “Oh, would you?” Shining Armor graciously asked. “That would be excellent.” “Please do keep eating,” Acerola interrupted. “We don’t want to miss desert now, would we?” “MMMM!” Pinkie Pie scarfed down the food in her mouth to clear it. “Ooh, I love desert! It’s one of the most important meals of the day! What’s on the menu?” “Well, we have single-serve tiramisu tarts, lemon-merengue mini pies, flourless chocolate cake with a chili-Razz sauce…” “Oooh, stop! I may want to skip dinner now!” The group all laughed as Pinkie Pie laid her head down onto the table, the couscous no longer appetizing her. On the deck of the Awesome Rainboom, the crew and all of their passengers began to erupt into livelier, merrier conversation as their bowls of lumpy, creamy stew became more and more empty. Fizzlepop and Grubber sat with Rockhoof, Stygian, and Skystar as they continued talking. “Wow, Fizzlepop, you’ve really changed since I saw you last,” Skystar said. Fizzlepop glanced away bashfully. “I’m still working on it.” “Well keep up the good work! Before you know it, I’m sure everyone on this ship is going to become your best bud!” She glanced to Celaeno and Capper, who were talking outside the door to the galley. “I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.” Grubber finished licking his bowl of chowder clean. “Ah! It’s not quite as good as Meadowbrook’s, but it’ll do. You wouldn’t mind seeing if there’s more downstairs, do you?” “No, of course not. Hand me your bowl.” Grubber did as asked and let Fizzlepop take it in her magic. “Could you get me some too, please?” Fizzlepop smiled to Stygian as his magic raised his bowl to her, allowing her to get his too. As she left for the door to the galley, Celaeno seemed to notice her and break from her conversation with Capper, walking toward her and raising Rockhoof’s suspicions. “So, uh…” Skystar traced a circle with her talon as she glanced to his shovel placed on his right, unaware that he was not paying her any attention. “What’s with the shovel? You have a passion for gardening or something?” Skystar’s bubbly giggle didn’t even break Rockhoof’s concentration as he saw Celaeno turn to Fizzlepop and bump her hip into hers, throwing her off balance and sending her to the floor with Grubber and Stygian’s bowl. While Skystar and Stygian gasped, having noticed it too, Rockhoof simply grimaced. “Hey, watch it, you clumsy cripple!” As Celaeno’s nearby crew members laughed, a couple of hippogriffs also joined in, the other Pillars turning from their new friends to see the commotion. “You did that on purpose!” Grubber shouted with shaking fist. “Hmph!” Celaeno combed her head-feathers with her hand and flicked them back proudly. “I can hardly see how getting walked into is my fault.” Capper bit on the knuckles of his paw, uncertain if the unicorn deserved such a treatment. Fizzlepop, dejected, slowly got herself up and weakly picked both bowls back up, pursing her lips and bowing her head as she tried not to cry in front of any of them. Rockhoof shot up, his massive stature compelling Celaeno to stop her from leaving. “Don’t act like I didn’t see what you did.” Despite his gruff voice, Celaeno leaned to the side with her hand on her hip and smirked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just going over to see who needed more food and she bumped into me. Isn’t that right, Squabble?” The wall-eyed parrot cawed affirmatively, not even facing the right direction as his captain. “You’re not even trying to hide your stupidity,” Rockhoof leaned down with the bridge of his muzzle, making her lean further away. “I’d appreciate it if you backed up!” “Just apologize to her and let her be on your way, and then I’ll ‘back up.’” Celaeno kept a brave face. Even the parrots around her were looking wary about how this exchange would end. “And what if I don’t?” she asked. “Then you’ll have to deal with me first.” Rockhoof pushed his face in further, Celaeno baring her teeth. “I said back off!” Celaeno drew her sword and slashed it slow enough for Rockhoof to hop off his front hooves and let the blade swish beneath his armpits. Each member on the ship, Pillars included, gasped as Celaeno stood her ground, waiting for Rockhoof’s response. Landing on his front hooves, he raised his right back hoof and brought it down on the spade of his shovel, sending it flipping and flying up. Leaping back up and a bit forward, Rockhoof caught the shovel’s handle by his teeth, and on his way down, slammed his weapon down toward the parrot captain. With an agile step back, Celaeno dodged the attack with the bottom of the spade striking the floor hard enough to leave a muted crunching sound, sending a few slivers up into the air. Immediately, all eyes and attention were on these two as they kept their distance, ready to intercept the other. “And to answer your question, Skystar, this shovel is not a gardening tool.” Skystar was too wonderstruck to really respond. “Oh, you were so close Rockhoof!” As Grubber cheered his friend, Fizzlepop slunk back to her spot beside him and Stygian, leaving the bowls behind. Celaeno hissed at the ruined wood. “She already destroyed one of my ships. I guess her friend wants to have a turn too.” Rockhoof wrapped his arm back around his shovel, his mouth free. “None of this would have happened if you had just left her alone!” “You know what she’s done, right? You know the damage she helped cause to this land, don’t you? The land that you swore to protect?” “As far as I can see, Equestria is doing fine now, and Fizzlepop has done nothing since then but try and atone for her mistakes. Now, do I have to help you atone for yours?” Celaeno gripped her sword tighter. “She’ll always be Tempest to me.” Celaeno lunged at Rockhoof with virtually imperceptible speed, and as she drove the tip of her blade at the pony’s chest, he managed to block it against the spade of the shovel. Sam, wearing a plain white t-shirt and black athletic shorts, chopped down to the left with his right arm, Doublade’s right sword striking a dummy standing at the center of a white gym with polished wood floors and a single mirrored wall, several spinning bikes parked to one side and a rack of hand weights, along with yoga mats, medicine balls, and resistance bands hung along the other wall. Sam spun, dodged, and juked about between each chop of his arm that was responded with another slash and slice from his Pokémon. Sam kept watch over the scratches and gashes Doublade’s swords made, and as he turned to face the door and glass wall that led the rest of the facility, he suddenly noticed his audience of two in the form of Shining Armor and Alice, the latter of whom wore a purple tee, black sweatpants, and was curiously barefoot. Startled, he and Doublade immediately stopped and backed away, the mannequin transforming into a blue grid pattern before fizzling out of existence from the top down. Alice seemed to take this as their welcome, and she opened the door for the unicorn stallion to let him in before she came in too. “Guys.” Sam relaxed himself, and Doublade did the same. “What can I do for you?” “Alice was just telling me about how you train with your Double Blade–” “Doublade–” “–and I wanted to see it for myself. You’re not too bad with it.” “Yeah, well…” Sam patted the area behind Doublade where its blades crossed. “Honedges are naturally born with the art of swordplay, so to be fair, it taught me way more than I taught it.” “Regardless, your skill with a blade is quite admirable. And I assume you employ a similar fighting style in your battles?” “More or less.” “I see. Good then. In that case, I’d like to be your next opponent.” “Wha…” Sam looked to Alice, hoping to see a semblance of jest, but even for her, there was none to be found. “Do you even have any Pokémon?” “I think he means he’s facing you, bro.” Alice crossed her arms, looking even more serious. “…And, how do you think you’ll do that? Are you even–” “I was captain of Princess Celestia’s royal guard and now serve as co-ruler and military commander of the Crystal Empire back home. If you’re worried about my experience, know that yours still pales in comparison to mine.” Sam was left silent, slightly insulted but mostly impressed. Shining Armor turned to glance to Alice. Understanding the gesture, she pulled a small keyring from her pocket and made her way to a metal cabinet beside the handweights. Unlocking it and opening it, she and Sam peered amongst a collection of sword-shaped paddles of different sizes and lengths, most of which hung on the door. Alice then reached for a metallic cylinder with an impossible-to-miss red button sitting on one of the shelves and quickly tossed it to Shining Armor. As he grabbed it in his magic, the button was pushed in, causing both ends to elongate out into a 4-foot staff. Immediately, Sam stood guard, his Doublade pointing both blades at Shining Armor on both sides of its trainer. “Good response.” Shining Armor twirled the spear around, sizing up its weight and feel. “You say that your Pokémon taught you everything you know. Let me add to that knowledge!” Shining Armor leapt forward while his magic drove the staff toward Sam’s chest. Sam, quick as a whip, made a tight swing of his right arm in a counter-clockwise direction while shifting to the left. As well as avoiding the staff, Doublade swung and deflected the staff further away. With his left side facing Shining Armor, Sam threw his outstretched left hand out, Doublade’s left blade shooting at Shining Armor’s head. As Shining Armor threw his head to the side to avoid it, Sam was too concentrated to see as the staff quickly flew up near the ceiling and revolved toward Sam’s ankles. With a shout, Shining Armor’s magic slipped the staff into the bottom of his calves and followed through and threw Sam up, disorienting both him and Doublade as his back flatly met the hard floor. Even with the outcome as expected as it was, Alice couldn’t help but wince and hiss as Sam gasped for the wind that was knocked out of him. Sam groaned as Shining Armor walked over to stand over him. “Yeah, that’s a pretty cheap shot, but you still kept your back to your blind spot.” Regardless, Shining Armor hooked his wrist in for Sam to grab a hold of so he could pull him up. With Sam still vulnerable, Shining Armor roughly pushed Sam back with the staff against his chest, sliding him back several feet away. Sam barely managed to keep his balance as Doublade flew back over to him. Sam and Alice then watched as Shining Armor floated the staff into his mouth, his teeth clamping on to it. “Uh,” Sam moaned, “what are you–” “Iph um hit bwy a shycic uttack uggen,” Shining Armor spoke through the weapon in his maw, “um yooshlesh to you guysh. Et leasht thish way, I cen shtill phight.” “Ah, I see. You still think you can fight me with that handicap?” “Pher Equeshtria’s shake…” Shining Armor galloped forward and swung his head, taking the staff with him. Sam clenched his fists and swung his arms down close to him, Doublade bringing them down to block Shining Armor’s attack as he continued pushing through, Doublade blinking at the sheer strength and reserve of this pony. “…wethoat queshtion.” Shining Armor made another push, throwing Doublade back and forcing Sam to back up. Shining Armor twisted his head and swung his head and the staff down, Sam holding his forearm over his eyes. Doublade held up a single blade to block the next attack. Celaeno dipped down as Rockhoof’s shovel swung over her head, loud gasps from the spectators noting the few small feathers that were blown off from the attack. From the quarterdeck, Starswirl and Flash Magnus watched in awe as Celaeno swiftly dodged and deflected each attempt against her. “She’s insane!” Flash Magnus peered further over the banister. “We should stop this!” Starswirl’s magic lifted his companion’s hooves off the table and set them back on the floor. “I will end this if it becomes too violent, but for now, just let them sort this out.” Flash Magnus grunted in helplessness just as a dark blue hippogriff with a light-pink beak approached him from the other side. “Celaeno’s pretty good huh? What say you to ten bits that she sends him to the butcher?” Flash Magnus shook his head as he huffed out. “I’ll match that to see Rockhoof turn her into a pancake!” Starswirl looked as the two shook talons and hooves at the bet, making him slap the front of his face with his hoof. Meanwhile, Fizzlepop and Grubber looked on anxiously as Rockhoof’s brow began to drip while Celaeno’s managed to look dry. With a furious thrust, Rockhoof pointed his shovel at her and drove it forward. The parrot captain let out a triumphant shout as she swung her sword up to hit the bottom of the spade, striking it hard enough to wrench it out of his mouth and send it into the air. “Rockhoof!” The Pillars all over the ship cried at once. Celaeno, his moment of vulnerability not going to last much longer, hopped forward and prepared to kick him with the tip of her crystal peg leg. Rockhoof grinned once she reached the point of no return, and she realized her error just as he caught her leg in his teeth. Hoisting his body up, gravity brought it back down and allowed him to throw her at the mast of her ship, her back hitting and sliding down it with a booming thud. Rockhoof caught his shovel in his mouth on its way back down, quickly charging at Celaeno as she got her bearings. Rockhoof thrust the tip of the shovel at Celaeno’s head, who tilted it to let it pass just over her right ear and drive into the mast. With the shovel held firmly in place, Celaeno grabbed it by the shaft and used it to pick herself up and swing a kick into Rockhoof’s chest with her good foot, throwing him back toward the quarterdeck, which Flash Magnus nervously watched him slide into. “Come on,” Somnambula mumbled from the bow side. “Get up!” Rockhoof got to his feet as Celaeno walked toward him, her hand running along the shaft until she could get to the handle, gripping on and prepared to take it out. She suddenly felt herself pulled back, looking back to see the shovel jammed too far into the mast for her to pull out. “Huh. You really put it in there.” She couldn’t ponder for long as Rockhoof galloped back out at her. Celaeno quickly mounted the shovel and sprung off its handle, bouncing high into the air. With a seemingly effortless pull, Rockhoof dislodged the shovel and awaited her inevitable descent down. Celaeno was ready and with her sword raised high, she slashed the sword down the spade with all her might. Alice leaned back as Shining Armor thrust his staff at her face, letting it pass by her head. With a quick slap, Alice blocked the staff away, forcing Shining Armor to quickly realign himself. Sam sat on one of the bikes, resting his arms on the handlebars as she continued to prove too much of a match for the stallion. With another failed jab, Alice twisted her left hand and grabbed the staff, twisting it back over to her left and pulling herself at Shining Armor to clock him in the side of the mouth, too fast for him to react. With a groan, Shining Armor relinquished his hold on his weapon, Alice grabbing hold of it with her other hand and spinning around to lead with her left side, pointing the end of the staff at Shining Armor’s head. Despite the intensity of the situation, Shining Armor laughed in deep respect. “Your reflexes are outstanding,” he said. “Where did you learn such techniques?” “Earned my badges in kung-fu and jujutsu when I was with the junior rangers, and when I left, I continued training so I could eventually get my black belts one day.” “I suppose those came in handy when that creep took you on the mountain.” “Eh.” Alice shrugged as she tossed Shining Armor his staff back. “That was a basic escape maneuver. Learned that at the junior rangers. Besides, I haven’t really practiced much since my accident.” She rolled her leg up to show him her scar, which she slapped proudly. Shining Armor laughed, feeling more encouraged to fight Prism now more than ever. “And what about you, Sam? Did you do any other kind of training?” Sam hopped off the bike, Doublade following him. “Nah. I kind of watched my Honedge enough that I could mimic his motions, and then I guess he watched me so he could mimic mine.” “Nice. And how are you suited for close combat?” “What? No, I can’t fight like my sister–” “I’m not saying to fight like your sister. I can see that you and your Doublade are very much in synch with each other, but I can tell that a lot of the effort between you is made by it. I want to see what you can do.” Sam waved his hand and shook his head incredulously. “Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that I should grab my Doublade by the hilts and–” Without much warning, Sam felt Doublade press its hilts into the palms of his hands, the cloth arms wrapping snugly around his wrists. Sam slowly gripped onto the handles as Doublade’s eyes looked up at him, wanting to ensure it had his back. Sam smiled, gladdened for the show of trust. “Actually, if you could…” Sam let go of the left blade, Doublade unwrapping that sword from his hand and flipping it around so that Sam held the blade upside down with it running along the outer side of his forearm. Shining Armor took interest in the formation as Sam widened his stance and Doublade's cloth arm held back on, ready for another go. “I see. You’ll use your left arm for both defense and offense while your right goes for strictly offense. Let’s see how this works for you.” Shining Armor clamped his teeth to the staff, and Sam raised his swords up, the almost weightless feel in his hand taking his breath away. With another smile, Sam awaited his opponent’s first attack, a swing to the left. Sam blocked the attack with the left blade and swung down at Shining Armor above the staff’s line. The stallion quickly swung clockwise and blocked the attack, Sam tracing both ends of the staff with the blades of his swords, blocking any further attacks from him. “Good.” Shining Armor pushed Sam back hard to free himself. Celaeno and Rockhoof continued trading blows, Celaeno getting several hits on the shaft of the shovel for each heavy swing Rockhoof tried to strike her with. By now, the tension of the fight had lightened, now more impressed than anything by both fighters’ stamina. “Incredible,” Capper commented. “He’s matching her speed with his strength. They’re so different, yet they’re practically equals.” Many of the onlookers could also see that the vicious, out-for-blood attacks at the beginning had thawed into seemingly more playful parries and half-hearted swings of their weapons. Grubber couldn’t help but notice something odd about their expressions when he could see them. “Are… they smiling?” Fizzlepop began to realize herself. “They’re… enjoying this now.” Finally, Celaeno and Rockhoof both approached each other and pushed their weapons and strength against each other. Sam twirled his right blade around the end of the staff before swatting it away, opening his window to approach Shining Armor once again. As Shining Armor swung his head forward to get the back of Sam’s head, Sam saw it coming and reached his left hand behind his back, Doublade catching the staff at the base of the blade, swinging his right arm in to stab. Without further warning, Shining Armor picked his forelegs up and kicked Sam in the chest with the right hoof. With his blade still caught on the staff, Sam’s legs swung out, and threw him flat on his stomach, the position of his left hand causing it to slam into the back of his neck. “Sam!” Alice approached him, but Shining Armor went to him quicker, signaling that the match was far from over. “You protected your blind spot,” Shining Armor stated. “That’s good, but you trapped yourself and left your front side completely unguarded. I’m not even using my magic anymore, this shouldn’t be that hard.” Sam, enraged by the taunt, slowly pulled himself to his feet, Doublade still holding on to him and vice versa. “Yeah, I get it. But both you and my sister chose to train while I went off to do my own thing. I’d say for someone like me, I’m doing pretty damned well.” Sam went for another charge, Shining Armor putting the staff back in his mouth and swinging it to the left. Sam ducked under the attack and let the staff come in front of him. Shining Armor attempted another swing in, Sam this time swinging both blades up and throwing the staff high up, tilting Shining Armor’s head up with it. Sam kept look on Shining Armor’s face as he quickly moved the staff back behind him, ready to sweep Sam’s legs as he did before. Sam, his arms still raised up, landed on one knee before stabbing his left blade into the floor for the staff to crash and stop into. With no time to waste, Sam punched his right arm forward, holding the blade against Shining Armor’s neck. Alice shuddered with a smile, glad to see her brother finally win. Knowing his precarious spot, Shining Armor and Sam could only stay still and look into each other’s eyes, panting with ever-widening grins. “That unicorn must mean a lot to you to continue fighting me,” Celaeno grunted, pushing harder against Rockhoof’s force. Rockhoof’s weight and muscle guaranteed that he did not have to move much. “She can mean a lot to you too if you let her into your heart the same way we did.” “And she has changed since then?” “I never knew her from ‘then,’ but whenever ‘then’ was, I’m certain she’s a better mare now than she was then.” Looking into each other’s eyes, their two minds seemed to communicate between each other as they laid down their arms and backed away. Any tension leftover amongst the spectators had immediately deflated. As the blue hippogriff grimaced, Flash Sentry walked to the steps to the main deck after smugly patting his betting partner on the shoulder. “Looks like we’re as rich tonight as we were this morning.” Celaeno slipped her sword back into the cloth wrapped around her waist. “Squabble. Spittle?” Squabble and the short pink parrot both turned to face her. “Captain?” “Caw?” “Get Fizzlepop and her two other friends a second helping of stew.” “Aye!” “CAW!" Celaeno then turned to face the eyepatched parrot and the burly hook-handed one. “Mullet! Boyle! Help Rockhoof mend the mast and the floors.” “Aye, captain!” They both replied with a salute as they raced toward the downstairs as well. Rockhoof opened his mouth to speak, but Celaeno quickly turned to face him and shut him up. “You were the one who cracked my floors and put a big hole in my ship. Plus, you’re getting some help. Consider yourself lucky that you’re getting off with this.” Celaeno left Rockhoof alone, walking to the steps to the quarterdeck to retain control of her ship. As she passed Capper, he breathed a sigh of relief over the relative harmlessness of the quarrel. Finally, Spittle and Squabble both returned from downstairs with three fresh bowls of stew, respectfully letting Fizzlepop take them with her magic to pass them to Grubber and Stygian. “Thanks guys!” Stygian responded to them. Both wordlessly left the two alone to their seconds. Fizzlepop then glanced to Rockhoof, who saw to her serving, giving her a friendly wink that made her giggle. “Alright big boy,” Boyle said, walking to him with barrels of water and powdered cement, Mullet joining his side with a can of brown paint. “Put that shovel to good use again and start mixing.” Rockhoof begrudgingly walked over and helped Boyle pour the water into the cement. Sam, Alice, and Shining Armor came off the elevator, the former drying the sweat off his hair with a small towel. Going down the hall, they found themselves in the kitchen once more, and turning toward the living room, the only ones left there were Acerola, Guzma, Molayne, and Kahili, all dressed in various sleeping garments. Alice slowed down on tiptoe, assessing the scene. “Everyone’s in bed already?” she whispered. “Yep,” Guzma yawned. “You should get to bed too. Everyone here tends to get up early.” “We’re sorry we took your beds tonight,” Shining Armor spoke. “Don’t worry about it!” Molayne discreetly giggled. “Truth be told, these couches are still about twice as comfortable as most beds I’ve slept on!” “That’s good to know,” Sam said, already making his way for the stairs to the bedrooms. “We’re beat ourselves. See you in the morning.” “Yes, goodnight,” Kahili bid. “See you all tomorrow.” “Thank you.” Alice flicked the keys out of her pocket at Guzma, who caught them all in his hand to mute the jingle. She and Shining Armor both slunk up the stairs, hoping not to disturb the sleep of their friends who direly needed it after the events of that day. The group waited for several moments until they were certain the three were probably inside their rooms before Acerola turned to them. “Okay, so who’s in charge of breakfast tomorrow?” Guzma was already beginning to snore loudly. > Chapter 52 – Assault on Heahea City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “He what?!” Lusamine slammed her hands on the screen of a large console, making the graphics on it flicker. “I want to see him right now!” “I can’t exactly move my computer to his cell,” Nanu spoke from the desk of a police station office on the other end of the video being played on a large, virtual monitor. “Then take some pictures of him and send them to me! I want to see that worm rotting behind bars for what he’s done to us!” “Mother, calm down!” Gladion gripped Lusamine’s wrist, and though she was quick to pull her hand away, she calmed down a little. “Wicke assured us that our morning scan revealed no spyware or malware in our systems.” “Plus,” Lillie added, “the day we let him go, we ran every security clearance imaginable on him. He may as well have been naked and on an empty stomach when he was shipped off!” Sun grimaced at the horrors of such an image. Lusamine put her hand to her face and looked up to the ceiling. “I appreciate you trying to make this as though it’s not as big a deal as it actually is, but the fact that Faba is a confirmed admin for Team Prism could be disastrous for us! Just think about the stuff that he already knows about this place that he could be telling to his boss and his… underlings!” “I mean…” Sun looked careful about his choice of words. “Yes, Faba already knows much about this place and a lot of us who work here, but we have changed much since his leaving, and much of what he knows shouldn’t be very valuable to Prism.” Lusamine pinched her chin, taking his words into consideration. “Not to say you don’t have any reason not to overreact; frankly, I’m surprised by this news too, but you of all people should know that the Aether Foundation has survived worse than this.” It didn’t take much longer for Lusamine to come to a decision. “I still can’t afford any chances. Lillie, tell Wicke to add to and then rearrange our security squad.” “Uh, yes ma’am!” Lillie ran off to the lift. “Sun, keep Solgaleo and Lunala close to you at all times. If nothing else, they’ll be your ace in the hole for whatever Prism bastard you face.” “Understood, ma’am.” Sun sprinted off to follow Alice before she could enter the lift, leaving Lusamine and Gladion alone. “Not to be rude,” Nanu said, still on the line, “but am I still needed anymore?” Lusamine sighed with regret. “No, Nanu, we’re done here. Just be sure to keep a close eye on him.” “Of course. Faba won’t be able to do much as let out a sneeze and wipe his nose without our permission.” “That’s good to hear,” Gladion said. “In any case, I’m going down to help you.” “Hmm? What good do you think that will do?” “You and I may have experience fighting Prism, but those other officers don’t. I have to imagine that Prism would gladly send a dozen or so grunts to get one of their bosses out, so if everything starts going south, an extra helping hand can only help.” Nanu wiped the sweat off his head.“If you’re really willing to stay up all night to help us, then go ahead and get yourself down here. We have plenty of coffee and biscuits to keep you up.” “Not exactly the incentive I needed.” Gladion hopped into a run, heading for the nearest balcony outdoors. “Is that it then?” he asked Lusamine. “Yes, and thank you for bringing him in. That much is a tremendous relief.” “Don’t thank me. I had plenty of help.” “Yes. Good luck tonight.” “As to you.” Lusamine clicked the red phone icon on the console, ending the call. With their conversation over, Nanu walked away from the computer at the cubicle, one amongst a small grid of them. Heading to a hallway filled with busy, pacing police officers, he set his sights on a metal door guarded by two officers on either side of it. Upon seeing the Kahuna walk to them, the one to the right of the door pulled up his key card hanging on his lanyard and pressed it against the door, a loud click and buzz allowing the left guard to open it for him. “Much obliged.” Nanu walked through the door, entering through a greyer hallway lined with cells, all of them empty. Heading to the one at the very end of the hall, Nanu came upon Faba, now wearing a black tank top and tight black pants, casually sitting on his bench as if he impatiently awaited his waiter at a restaurant. Seeing Nanu in the corner of his vision, Faba turned to him and coolly smiled. “So…” Faba scooted to the edge of his seat, sitting up. “What’s going on, boss?” “First things first,” Nanu said as he leaned against the cell bars, “you’re going to wipe that shit-eating grin off your face, and then we’re going to have a little talk about your involvement in this little gang you’ve gotten yourself involved in.” Faba loudly snickered. “Oh, Nanu! I don’t really think any of that is going to happen anytime soon! Now, if you excuse me, I’d like to take a little nap before my friends post my bail.” Nanu banged on the cage with his hand, a gesture Faba couldn’t help but jump at. “I just watched a 14-year old girl nearly cave your face in a few hours ago. Do you really want to take those same chances against me?” Faba couldn’t help himself, but he finally frowned, sulking into a slouch. “Yes, and I’m sure that was most entertaining for you and your friends, but it’s peanuts compared to the humiliation you and your brothers in arms are due to face when I walk out these doors.” “And when exactly do you suppose all of this will happen.” Faba shrugged and smirked again. “Before sunrise… probably.” Faba leaned off the doors, already exhausted trading verbal blows with him. “That’s quite a prediction. Thing is, I’ve already faced your leader, and once I instruct the force how to properly combat you lot, they’ll be just as capable as Guzma or Nanu.” “Eh, that’s cute that you believe that.” Faba rolled down so his body laid flat on the bench. “And be sure to turn the lights off on your way out.” Nanu rolled his eyes and walked away to the exit door, the empty cells he passed a relief to see. He then passed the two guards who still stood by. “Is he done for the night?” the left guard asked. Nanu, without turning to either of them, pointed to his right and wagged his finger up and down. With a nod, the right guard reached to the light panel above the keycard reader and flicked one of the buttons down, the fluorescents inside the room going out. “Thank you!” Faba could just barely say before the door closed. Hau and his Equestrian friends all slept soundly on their beds in the lab guest room. Night life had already begun dying down, the honking of car horns or chatter of people walking the streets was nonexistent now. The glow of windows from adjacent buildings and the streetlamps still kept Heahea City amply lit, and as Hau gently rolled over to his other side, his shadow was cast up the wall to the window high above, Marshadow sitting on the ledge and looking out over as much of the skyline as it could see. He then looked down over the human, ponies, dragon, changeling, and Comfey under his guard, smiling contently to see them resting calmly and without much worry. At that moment, he gasped, feeling as if the air was forcefully squeezed out of his lungs. At once, everyone in their beds was now beginning to squirm and moan, as if they were all stricken by the same nightmare. “Guys?” Marshadow panted, feeling it too. “What’s going on?” A faint light shone on the window’s ledge, prompting Marshadow to look out, the sight seizing his breath in its throat. Eight Metangs hovered outside of the building as several Kadabras, Orangurus, and Hypnos stood or sat on them, their spoons, pendulums, and palm leaves glowing. Marshadow looked back, its sights moving to Thorax, Trixie, Twilight, and Luna in particular. As they began to groan and yelp louder, it saw as their horns began glowing before dying out like an extinguished flame. It then looked down on Hau, who was also writhing and crying out, though unable to wake himself up. “Hau!” Marshadow leapt off the ledge, falling feet-first towards him. It fell through his chest, entering into a dark void. As it continued falling, the area began to reveal itself as Marshadow found itself coming towards what appeared to be night-shrouded Iki Town, the atmosphere giving this space a subtlely jiggly appearance. Landing down, Marshadow was instantly unnerved by the sight of this place, as if a sinister wind hand blown much of it away; the buildings had all been leveled, the grass brown and dying, the dirt paths gutted with giant slashes from a devastating battle. Marshadow was especially wracked by the sight of Hau’s home, destroyed beyond repair. “What is this?” “Gyahhh!” The Pokémon turned back towards the ceremonial battle platform, finding Hau constricted by a massive cobra made of magenta light bearing a Kadabra-shaped head and unable to break free. “Hau!” Before Hau could register its voice, Marshadow leapt at the Kadabra-snake and punched it in its face. With a yowl, the aura relinquished its hold on Hau and let him fall to the floor. As Marshadow ran between its trainer and the malevolent creature, the Kadabra-snake hissed at it once before spiraling about in the air, quickly shrinking out of existence. Hau began to get up to his feet, finally recognizing Marshadow there. “Marshadow… how did you–” “I felt something was wrong and I entered your soul, but you need to wake up! The ponies– They’re hurting them too!” “What?! No!” “You need to wake up, now!” Hau closed his eyes, straining to eject himself from his dream. Immediately, the subtle gusty echoes of his space was replaced by the sounds of screams. His eyes shot back open as he yanked himself to sit up, his body drenched with sweat. He and Marshadow both turned to find the Equestrians and Comfey, several of them having fallen out of their beds but still unconscious, crying out as the Pokémon outside assaulted them in their sleep. “Guys!” Hau swung out of bed and pulled his bag open, rummaging around until he found several rectangular spray bottles filled with green liquid. He tossed four of them out onto the ground and scrambled two of them into his hands. “What are these?” Marshadow began to ask, picking one up. “Just spray them on everyone!” Hau was already between Fluttershy, Comfey, and Rainbow Dash, dousing them in the liquid until both bottles were half-empty. He then slid towards Twilight and Spike and began spraying them. As the liquid soaked into the pegasi’s skin, they violently shook themselves from slumber before their eyes came open, leaving them stiff and frightened over what they just endured. Marshadow then held a bottle in one arm and hugged the spray button in with his other, running about until Thorax, Luna, and Trixie were all evenly coated. Shooting up just as violently, the three of them finally awoke, and as Twilight and Spike came to, they ran to their aid. Trixie hugged herself as tears ran down her face. “I changed my mind! I hate it here again!” “What…” Twilight sounded close to crying. “What was that?” “Dream Eater!” Hau recovered his remaining bottle and threw it in his bag before tying it closed. “They can attack you in your sleep too, but we need to go now! It’s not safe–” Glass shattered from high above, a Kadabra landing on the ground and standing guard of the elevator, making Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both shriek as Comfey clung to the former’s neck. Kadabra held up its spoons and prepared an attack, only for Marshadow to rush into it and kick it in its stomach, throwing it back hard enough to send it flying into the elevator doors, knocking it out cold before it slid to the floor. “Quick, the stairs!” Marshadow pointed to the doorway to the left of the room before hiding into Hau’s shadow and returning to his belt as a Poké Ball. “Hurry, let’s go!” As Hau motioned his arm to the door, Rainbow Dash swooped toward it and yanked it open with her teeth. Hau stood to the other side of the door as the Equestrians, one by one, spilled inside and made their way down. Looking to the broken window, Hau’s breathing quickened as the Metangs hovered in single file before shooting out at their prey. With Twilight and Spike last to enter, Rainbow Dash zipped in as Hau swung himself inside. Before the first Metang could enter, Rainbow Dash slammed the door closed and pressed her back into it to hold it closed. “Rainbow Dash!” Hau shouted, noting the futility of her act. “Just go and get the others out!” The Metangs tried to push their way in, only for Rainbow Dash to push them back out. “I’ll catch up! Save Burnet!” Hau gasped, remembering her. “Right!” He went down the steps in threes, getting down the next flight and reaching the third-level entrance. As he tried pulling the door open, he only got a couple of inches before it slammed shut on its own. Hau tried to pull again, only to find it wouldn’t budge. “Burnet!” Hau screamed. “Burnet, are you alright?!” “Just go!” her voice cried. “Take the ponies and get out–” She was cut off by her screams, Hau yanking at the handle with all his might. “Burnet! No, Burnet!” “C’mon hurry!” A blue and rainbow blur whizzed by him as it flew down the stairwell. Hau looked back up the stairs and saw the eight Metangs floating their way down and coming right at Hau. With a short hiss, he let his hand off the handle and sprinted toward the next flight of stairs. “Shit!” Hau swung himself down to each level by the handrails, just barely matching the Metangs’ speed as they continued to chase him. Finally reaching the bottom, Hau rammed the door open against his shoulder, finding Rainbow Dash and the Equestrians waiting for him inside the lobby. “Hau!” Fluttershy cried out. “Where’s Burnet?!” “She’s not coming!” Hau ran past them and pulled a ball out from his belt. “Everyone, get to the wall!” Immediately, the Metangs began to pour themselves out from the stairwell, the Equestrians now more than willing to follow his instructions. Hau tossed his ball at the space between all of them. “Pangoro, Brutal Swing!” Hau’s bear Pokémon emerged from the ball and spun around to face the Metang horde. As the Metangs tried to slow themselves down to back away, they were well within Pangoro’s reach as its swinging arm collided into each one, throwing each one into the other side of the lobby, several of them crashing into the receptionist’s desk and throwing her computer monitor, her phone, and her cup of pens and pencils off to the floor. After a few seconds of much needed breathing, Hau drew a longer sigh to see none of the Metangs wanting to get up for more. “Hau,” Thorax nervously asked, “where’s Burnet!?” “She was upstairs dealing with some of Prism’s Pokémon.” Hau made his way back to the stairwell door, facing him. “Come on. She probably needs our–” “Hau!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both cried out. Hau couldn’t see the Hypno on the other side of the door through the window, but he knew the moment it blasted the door open with its psychic powers and sent Hau flying back to his friends. “Oh man!” Spike shouted. “We gotta’ get out of here!” “But what about Burnet?” Luna exclaimed. “We can’t help her if we get captured ourselves!” Twilight growled in reluctance. “Besides, it’s us they’re after.” As Hau tried to quickly get back up, the Hypno that attacked him charged the group, only for Pangoro to swing one of the fainted Metangs into Hypno’s head, knocking him back toward the door where the other Pokémon tried to spill through. Pangoro then flung the Metang at the sliding glass doors, shattering both and providing a clear path for escape. Pangoro led the charge as Hau and his friends followed it, the remaining Psychic Pokémon spilling out from the stairwell doorway. The group continued their way outside toward the street, hoping to find anyone still out that could help. As they rounded out to the gate’s exit, they were disheartened to see a line of Prism grunts lining the other side of the street, Twilight and Spike gasping to recognize Dexio standing in the middle. The many footsteps of the other eight grunts’ Pokémon began to leave the building, forming another wall between the lab building and the gate to completely box Hau and his friends in. “Oh,” a male light brown-skinned grunt chided, “turning your back to us, are you? Kadabra, use Dazzling Gleam!” The group turned around to see a Kadabra walk out from the line and aim its spoons at the group. “No! You stay back!” Fluttershy leapt out to face the Kadabra. “Comfey! Hit them with Petal Blizzard!” Comfey uncoiled itself from her neck and flew out between her and the Psychic Pokémon. Spinning in a tight circle above the ground, petals began to fling off its body and multiply until a colorful tornado was formed. As the twister expanded, leaves pelted into the Kadabra and the other Pokémon, throwing them all back and disorienting them. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash breathed. “Nice one, Flutters!” The Kadabra’s grunt unshielded his face as the Petal Blizzard subsided. “So you want to fight too. Fine. Kadabra!” “Hypno!” a short-haired female grunt commanded. “Kadabra!” a darker-skinned female grunt shouted. “Oranguru!” a male grunt with ice-blue hair exclaimed. “Oranguru!” a bald muscular grunt shouted. “Hypno!” an older, pale, and emaciated male grunt yelled. “Use Psychic on Comfey!” They all shouted at once. As the Kadabras, Hypnos, and Orangurus raised their respective objects to conjure their attack, Hau stepped forward. “Pangoro, finish them off with Brutal Swing!” The Psychic Pokémon already began their assault, the combined attacks on Comfey resulting in its body erupting in magenta light, a metallic ringing emanating from it drowning out the Pokémon’s scream. “Comfey, no!” Fluttershy cried. Pangoro leapt over Comfey and stood between it and its attackers. With the Psychic energy now hitting and dissipating off Pangoro’s gut, Comfey was freed from the light, but still fell to the ground, completely overwhelmed by the attack. Pangoro ran out at the front Kadabra and grabbed it by its leg, convincing its comrades to stop just fast enough to notice their foe swinging the Kadabra into them. A Kadabra, Oranguru, and Hypno were knocked the the ground first, and as the remaining Hypno and Kadabra attempted to counter, Pangoro whipped the already fainted Kadabra at the two remaining Pokémon, leaving them sprawled out and unconscious like the others. “Nice one, buddy!” As Pangoro returned to its trainer, six of the eight grunts blocking their way to the lab called their Pokémon back to their balls. “Comfey!” Fluttershy cried out, finding her Pokémon lying limp on the ground. Pangoro stopped and gently picked it up with two of its claws, walked up to Fluttershy and placed it around her neck. As Pangoro returned to Hau’s side, Fluttershy shed a tear, sniffed, and hugged Comfey’s head. “Come on.” Hau passed through his Equestrian friends and stood on the sidewalk directly across from Dexio and the grunts beside him. “Let’s get to the Pokémon Center.” “Uh, hello!” Dexio stepped forward, his appearance now more revealed by the light of the streetlamp. “I don’t believe I’ve had my turn with you yet!” “Dexio!” Hau shouted. “Come on, man, you’re better than this! Why would you join these guys?” “I’ve already told Twilight and her pet dragon.” Twilight and Spike bared their teeth, grossly offended by the remark. “Perhaps they can tell you in their spare time. Then again…” Dexio tore an Ultra Ball from his belt and held it out to the side, ready to toss it out at the first sign of fight or flight. “…they really don’t have much spare time these days, do they?” “Dexio, please. I don’t want to fight you.” “I’m sure you don’t! Psychics against Fighting-types. How much more slanted could such a battle possibly be?” “Come on!” Thorax begged. “You have to fight him!” “And he’s gonna’!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “If he fights like he did on the last island, he’ll wipe the floor with him!” Hau grimaced, knowing that despite Rainbow Dash’s pressure, he had to fight regardless. “Okay…” Hau pulled out two balls from his belt, aiming his left one at Pangoro and returning him inside. “If it’s just you left, I’ll take my chances.” “And you’re choosing not to fight with Pangoro first?” Dexio sounded close to laughter. “Boy, I can’t wait to see what fight the Melemele Kahuna is cooking up for me tonight.” “I certainly can. But I don’t have much choice in the matter, now do I?!” Hau threw his ball out to the street. “Go, Passimian!” Hau’s large monkey Pokémon emerged from its ball, hopping back toward the curb to give itself some space for what was to come. “Hau,” Twilight said, “please be careful. Dexio is still a really strong trainer!” Hau nodded. “I know. And thank you.” “Yes, let’s start this off right.” Dexio tossed his ball out. “Go, Espeon!” Dexio’s Pokémon leapt out of its ball and landed on the other side of the street facing Passimian, the yellow line dividing the road the only barrier separating these two from battle. A Poké Ball opened up inside the police station, a red puppy with black stripes on its back and a tuft of cream-colored fur on its chest emerging from it. Nanu picked it up and held it before a dark-skinned officer with a moustache. “What kind of moves does he know?” Nanu asked. “Crunch, I’m sure of that…” he responded, trying to remember the others. “Flame Wheel, Wild Charge, and Snarl.” Hmm… not bad. He should do well.” Nanu set the puppy back on the ground to rejoin its trainer. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t have to do anything tonight.” “Yeah, let’s hope.” The officer returned his Pokémon back to his ball and put it to his belt, returning to his desk. Nanu returned to the main hallway and made his way towards the cells, the guards quick to let him back in. Light from both the lamps outside and the moon still streamed from the windows in the upper corners of each cell, providing enough for him to navigate to Faba’s cell. Faba could already tell who was coming before he could see his face. “You know, sleeping is rather difficult when you have people coming in and out all the time.” “Well, you won’t have to worry about that.” Nanu sat himself down on a chair at the end of the hallway, facing the other end of it. “Going to stay here for the night and keep you company.” A very faint zapping noise was heard outside, followed by a small flash of light that appeared through the windows, Faba and Nanu shifting their eyes to it. At once, a green-colored flash followed, one that Faba smiled at. “On second thought,” he said, “sleep can wait.” “Alright, Espeon!” Dexio shouted. “Hit Passimian with Psychic!” “Passimian!” Hau ordered, “fight through it and attack with Beat Up!” Passimian ran forward as Espeon’s head-gem started glowing. Waves of magenta aura shot from the Espeon’s head hard enough to stop Passimian in its tracks. Though Passimian tried to push forward, it grabbed onto the sides of its head and yowled, trying to fight through the energy squeezing on its body. “Come on, you monkey!” Trixie bellowed. “Don’t you dare give up!” “Fight it!” Luna huffed. Despite its best efforts, Espeon could not hold Passimian back for long as it was forced to relinquish its attack, allowing Passimian to charge ahead. Passimian grabbed Espeon by the neck and punched it twice in the face, the Equestrians all wincing each time. Passimian then balled its hands together, raised them up and brought them down on the top of the disoriented Espeon’s head, forcing it to its stomach. Still barely moving, Espeon weakly tried to break free as Passimian picked it up and then punted it in the stomach, sending it straight up into the air. Passimian quickly leapt up to match the Pokémon’s height, and with a forward flip, Passimian kicked down onto the side of its stomach with the ball of its heel, sending it straight back down to the ground again. Passimian landed in front of the motionless Espeon before bounding back to Hau’s side, panting. “Nice going, Passimian,” Hau complimented. As Passimian roared indignantly at Dexio, he called his fainted Pokémon back to the sounds of cheers from the Equestrians. “What did I tell ya’?” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Did I not say he’d wipe the floors with him?” Dexio replaced Espeon’s ball with another from his belt. “Nice Beat Up, Hau. I wonder how well a strategy like that would work against a Pokémon that can actually take a hit.” “What are you sending out now?” Twilight wondered. “Go, Slowking!” Dexio’s pink, rock-crowned Pokémon shot out from the white energy of its ball and eagerly faced Hau and his monkey. Hau smirked. “Your Espeon had the speed advantage last time, but now I got it! Passimian, take Slowking out with Beat Up!” Slowking stood its ground as Passimian ran up to it, and it delivered a hard punch to its left cheek, followed to the other one with its other fist. It then uppercutted into Slowking’s gut, making it double over, and then finished with a spinning roundhouse kick to the side of the head, throwing it onto its stomach. The Equestrians’ muscles tensed up, hoping to see Slowking stay down. “Did he do it?” Spike began to wonder. Dexio smirked. “Slowking, Psychic.” Quickly pushing itself off the ground, Slowking faced Passimian just as it turned around and aimed its hand at it, the gem in the center of its crown glowing. With a magenta glow surrounding it, Passimian arched its back and clutched at its melon helmet, crying out to the sky. Slowking let its attack down after a few short moments, allowing Passimian’s hands to fall limp to its sides as it fell back and fainted, sprawling out in the middle of the street. “Oh no, Passimian!” Fluttershy cried. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy,” Twilight assured her. “Hau’s already got a good lead on him. I doubt that he’s going to let him have any more than that.” Hau called his Pokémon back, replacing it with another ball on his belt that he tossed out. “Go, Kommo-o!” Tossing his ball out a little farther than before, it burst open to let his bipedal scale-braided dragon emerge from it and land on the street. As the dragon roared at Dexio and Slowking, the ponies, who were nowhere near the direction of the roar, felt their hairs stand on end. “Well, looks like nopony’s going to be sleeping well tonight,” Rainbow Dash quipped. “Hey, if it brings help over…” Spike responded. “Don’t you kids worry about that!” Dexio shouted.“We’ll be done here long before then.” “Then let’s finish this, shall we?” Hau pointed toward Slowking. “Kommo-o, hit Slowking with Bulldoze!” Kommo-o let out another roar as it ran out at Slowking, its arm winding out. With a swing close to the ground, Kommo-o tore the street apart as mud erupted from the fissure, following through and up, sending its small wave of mud into Slowking’s head. With Slowking still able to keep its balance, Hau and the Equestrians gasped as Dexio grinned with the free shot he was given. “That’s it!” Dexio shouted. “Now, hit her with Ice Beam!” The gem in Slowking’s crown glowed as it breathed in. Opening its mouth wide, Kommo-o was hit point blank by Slowking’s chilly beam. Kommo-o was blasted back to the other side of the road as it laboriously held its arms up to shield its head from the attack. Once it was blasted back to the curb, Hau took in a sharp breath to see Kommo-o was stuck in its defensive position, most of its body, the front especially, frosted over. “What happened to it?” Thorax wondered. Hau breathed out, forced to accept the situation. “It’s frozen.” “Frozen?!” Twilight shouted. “Hau, you need to warm it back up before it gets frostbite!” “Don’t worry about it.” Hau pulled his bag open and pulled out another rectangular spray bottle with green liquid from it. “Nothing a Full Restore couldn’t fix.” Hau aimed the nozzle at his Pokémon and sprayed it over its back generously. To the Equestrians’ surprise, the ice on Kommo-o’s body quickly melted off and dripped to the ground, allowing it to flex its muscles as it returned to its normal self. “That was incredible!” Luna commented. “What was in that bottle?” “The same stuff I used to wake you guys up back then.” Hau’s answer caused much confusion amongst the ponies, but were brought back to attention by Dexio spraying his Slowking with a similar bottle, but was filled with a blue liquid. The others watched in distress as Slowking, who had begun looking worn and tired, was now energetic and completely refreshed. Dexio nonchalantly handed the bottle back to the grunt on his right while keeping his eyes on Hau and Kommo-o. “We can do this all day, my man, and I doubt you have enough Full Restores or Max Potions to keep it up. So, let’s get back into it, shall we?” Gladion quickly approached Ula’ula Island, guided by several explosions of lights appearing just south of Po Town. From their mostly magenta colors, Gladion’s face contorted in fear. “Come on, Charizard, faster!” With a heavier, hastier flap of its wings and a dip in altitude, his Charizard picked up speed and began to approach the southwestern shore. Passing over the trees to the Ula’ula Meadow, he finally saw the police station up ahead. Up closer, he could see that the walls had been blown open in several places, and the faint glow of a fire could be seen through the holes. “No. Charizard, land!” His steed did as it was told, swooping down close to the ground, Gladion hopping off before his Charizard’s feet hit the ground. Gladion immediately began running as he reached behind him with his Charizard’s metal Poké Ball in one hand and his Ride Pager in the other. After calling his Pokémon back, he brought the ball back to his Ride Pager and continued running forward. “Superpower!” the Prism leader ordered. Inside the decimated office of the police station, the leader’s Malamar shot out at Nanu’s Krookodile, getting it in the gut and throwing it onto its back where it fainted. As Malamar floated back over the unconscious police officers and their Pokémon, Chrysalis, standing by the leaders side, laughed at the sheer one-sidedness of the battle. “Now, Gardevoir, finish Persian off with Moonblast!” With the horn in its chest glowing, Gardevoir threw its arms out and shot its shiny beam from it into Persian’s face, sending it flying back into the wall hard enough to leave an indent. Nanu growled furiously as his Pokémon crumpled to the floor, physically spent like the other Pokémon and officers scattered on the floor. “Looks like you lost this time, old man,” the leader spoke. “Now step aside and let us take your prisoner off your hands.” Nanu bent his knees and put his fists up, frowning over the futility of his struggling. Chrysalis stepped forward, a metal ring around the base of her horn lighting up with green before it changed to pink. With the magic aura covering her horn now magenta, Nanu was lifted off his feet by his neck, gagging and choking as he tried clutching onto the aura, only for it to pass around his fingers like smoke. “How adorable!” Chrysalis taunted. “His Pokémon couldn’t stand a chance against us and now he thinks he can stop us with his own bare hands! Should I put him out of his misery?” Nanu clawed at his neck, his eyes beginning to roll back into his head. “Flash Cannon!” Through the hole on the side of the building, a ball of shimmering silver aura shot through and exploded into Gardevoir, throwing it against the back wall where it slid into a limp sitting position. “What!?” The leader gasped, their Malamar and Chrysalis also looking to see Gardevoir try to get back up. “X-Scissor!” Malamar and Chrysalis turned back toward the hole just as Silvally dove through it. With its claws glowing a greenish-yellow, Silvally slashed down on Malamar with both, sending it flying back with Gardevoir. Silvally turned and glared at Chrysalis, making her yelp with fright and let go of Nanu, who fell like a rag doll as he sucked in as much air as his lungs could allow. Just then, Gladion and Lucario leapt through the hole, and as Lucario joined Silvally’s side, Gladion hopped back to guard Nanu as he continued taking in deep breaths to come to his senses. “Leader,” Chrysalis gasped. “Who are they?” “It doesn’t matter,” they responded. “The Kahuna fell, and this brat will fall just as easily.” “Are you sure about that?” Gladion’s words were enforced by his Pokémon reeling back to attack. “My Pokémon nearly took out both of your Pokémon. Chances are that Nanu just softened them up for me.” “Softened? If anything, that old man was just warming us up for you!” “Wait… us?” The leader held both arms up as Chrysalis charged her pink-glowing horn, chuckling for the oncoming onslaught. “Kommo-o!” Hau commanded. “Hit Slowking with Clanging Scales!” Holding both arms up in the air, Kommo-o threw them back down, the loose scales slamming back against its arms. They made a noise like low-pitch church bells which pulsed out from the scales in massive succession, getting lower pitched as they traveled into Slowking, forcing it and Dexio to cover their ears with the sonic waves violently vibrating their bodies. Hau looked over to see Kommo-o grab its arms and pant. “Don’t worry about it, girl, you’re doing great!” Reinforced by its trainer, Kommo-o put its arms back to its sides and awaited Slowking’s response. “I think we got a good thing going on here!” Dexio threw his arm forward. “Slowking, Ice Beam!” Slowking blasted Kommo-o with its attack, and it managed to hold its ground with its foot claws anchoring itself to the side of the curb. After several moments, Kommo-o threw its arms out and roared at Slowking, showing off its resilience. “Yeah, there we go!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Still, be careful!” Fluttershy called out. “Yep.” Hau eased himself to sort his situation out. “None of my other moves are going to do quite as much, so I just gotta’ keep going with it. Kommo-o, Clanging Scales again!” With a jangling of its arm-scales, Slowking was assaulted by even more heavy sonic forces, but still held its ground. “Ice Beam!” On Dexio’s order, Slowking hit Hau’s dragon with another beam of blistering cold. As Kommo-o tried to shield itself with its hands and arms, Hau and the Equestrians were frightened to see its body begin to frost over once more. “No!” Luna shouted. “It’s freezing again!” “Warm yourself back up, dragon!” Trixie demanded. “Do it!” Despite its friends’ shouts, Kommo-o stood literally frozen in place. “Oh no!” Spike and Rainbow Dash both shouted. Dexio laughed loudly. “Go on then, Hau! Use another Full Restore! We can start this whole battle over again!” Hau seethed, Dexio’s continued laughter only adding to his anguish. “Come on, already!” Thorax pleaded. “Heal your Pokémon already!” “You’ll lose if you don’t!” Trixie added. “That’s not entirely true.” Despite the glimmer of hope, Hau remained stoic. “It can unthaw itself with enough willpower. I just need one last good hit on it! Now let’s go, Kommo-o!” Twilight and Spike saw as the dragon’s claws visibly trembled, making them smile. “It’s working! It’s actually working!” Dexio and Slowking stood by, waiting to see if it would indeed work. Kommo-o snarled its teeth as it continued fighting its stone-solid muscles, but after several moments, its body relaxed itself and resigned to its situation, the ears of the Equestrians drooping in response. “Ah, what a shame!” Dexio pressed his sunglasses closer to his face by the bridge. “Welp, can’t knock you for not trying. Slowking, finish Kommo-o off with Psychic!” With its crown jewel and outstretched hands glowing, the energy began to emanate off of Kommo-o as well. As the psychic aura continued to radiate, Kommo-o shouted through its forcefully clenched teeth as cracks appeared on the ice covering its arms. With another burst of effort, the dragon broke free and threw its arms out and its mouth open, roaring one last time to the sky before falling forward onto its stomach, Dexio and Slowking happy to see it shut its eyes and lie still. “Don’t give up, Hau!” Spike shouted. “Wouldn’t dream of it, bud!” Hau called his fainted Pokémon back and tossed out another ball. “Crabominable, finish Slowking with Brutal Swing!” Appearing out of its ball was a large, furry, white, bulb-shaped crab with four small legs and two massive arms with rounded ends adorned with purple pawprints. With an eager laugh from its wide, smiling mouth, it fell toward Slowking and struck it with its right stub. Slowking was launched off its feet where its body collided with a tall concrete planter lining the street-side of the sidewalk, breaking the corner off and dumping the soil and several flowers over it. “Yeah, that’s it!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Calm down, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight watched as Dexio brought his second fallen Pokémon back to its ball. “He’s certainly not out of the woods yet!” “Yep,” Dexio agreed, lobbing his next ball out of and into his hand. “And I’ll be sure it stays that way. Go, Metagross!” Dexio’s four-armed metallic disk Pokémon emerged from the ball and landed on the ground with a heavy rumble. Fluttershy squirmed into herself as she gazed at its glowing eyes. “I don’t like the way it’s looking at me!” “You’re probably going to like this even less! Metagross, use Meteor Mash!” Hau tensed up as Metagross folded its arms up, ready to launch itself. “Crabominable, try blocking it with Close Combat!” Hau’s crab Pokémon reeled its arm back as far back as it could as Metagross’s body began to faintly glow. Crabominable punched out as Metagross shot forward, it’s body leaving behind a bright, colorful trail. Crabominable’s stump-fist struck Metagross’s face dead center and managed to hold it still, both Pokémon trying to push against each other’s forces as the energy exerting off of Metagross created a whirlwind that forced each spectator to squint. “Come on,” Hau grunted. “Hey, crab thing!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Don’t stop! Keep it going!” Dexio managed to look at his Pokémon’s two-o’clock arm, smiling at the idea he just had. “Metagross, Bullet Punch!” In the middle of Hau’s inhale, Metagross unfolded its front right arm, reeled back, and jabbed it into Crabominable’s purple gut faster than anyone could comprehend. Hau’s Pokémon was hurled over him, the Equestrians, and the grunts, stopping against the wall of Burnet’s lab, where it left massive cracks in it. As everyone turned back, Hau was dismayed to see his latest Pokémon out for the count. With the pressure mounting, Hau clutched his Ultra Ball and returned Crabominable into it. Dexio’s laughing behind him only added to his anxiety as he and the Equestrians turned back to face him. “Why are you doing this?” Luna shouted. “Why must you be so cruel?” Dexio immediately resumed his half-serious façade. “Well, we figured asking nicely would grant us nothing but wasted time, so we just have to do things like this.” “You have no idea what you’re in for, do you?” Twilight growled. “The second you and your ilk step foot in Equestria, you’ll have to face each and every one of our friends back home that will stop at nothing to get us back safely.” Dexio huffed. “With all due respect, Twilight, if a small few of us can incapacitate you as easily as we just did, I really can’t imagine what kind of chances they'd stand back home. Really, the only thing standing between us and them now are your friend’s last two Pokémon. So then, Hau. Who’s on deck?” Hau stared Dexio and Metagross down as he put Crabominable’s ball back to his belt. He pulled out his fourth ball, and without breaking eye contact with his foes, he lobbed it out. “Let’s go, Hariyama!” With a burst and expanse of white energy that poured out from the ball, Hau’s bulky sumo Pokémon landed upon the ground, producing an equally large bang that shook the earth around it. “So, saving your Pangoro until the end?” Dexio shook his head. “Eh, it won’t matter. Metagross, use Zen Headbutt!” “Fake Out!” Metagross blasted off at Hariyama, psychic energy appearing around the front of its head and forming a small tail behind it. Before the attack could hit, Hariyama shifted forward faster than Metagross was expecting, causing it to divert its path downward where it collided with the street before reeling back. “That’s it!” Hau punched the air. “Now get him with Close Combat!” “No!” Dexio shouted. “Metagross, Zen Headbutt again!” With its arms still tucked in, Metagross dove a successful attack into Hariyama’s gut. Though Hau’s Pokémon’s eyes bulged as the wind was knocked out of it, it still managed to raise its balled fists up before bringing them back down on the top of Metagross’s head with all its might, throwing it into the street and leaving a perfectly-sized crater in it. Hariyama hopped back and kept its distance, Hau and the Equestrians looking down on Metagross intently for signs of consciousness. “Did he do it?” Fluttershy wondered. “I…” Rainbow Dash patted Fluttershy on the back. “I think so–” Metagross’s arms came down, its claws digging into the street to push itself out. Hau and the others’ hearts sank as Metagross shook the bits of dirt and asphalt still stuck to it. “Yes!” Dexio exclaimed. “I knew that it would take more than that!” Hau kept a brave face. “But between both attacks he and Crabominable landed, it shouldn’t have much more. Hariyama, use Knock Of–” “Bullet Punch!” Metagross appeared to teleport in front of Hariyama, its arm jutted out and blasting into Hariyama’s head. The speed and strength of the hit knocked Hariyama out cold, and with no means to catch its fall, the top of Hariyama’s back collided with the ground before the rest of his body rolled down to lay flat. “This is bad!” Twilight whimpered. “Dexio still has two Pokémon left, and he hasn’t even brought out Alakazam!” “Come on, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash also begun to look fearful. “We gotta’ keep rooting him on. You still got this, Hau!” As more Equestrians verbally expressed their support, Dexio smugly smiled as he crossed his arms. Hau brought Hariyama back into its ball, careful to put it back without revealing the green-and-grey ball that was fastened in the very back. “He doesn’t know about him yet,” Hau mumbled. “Maybe if Pangoro lasts long enough, I can beat him with the element of surprise.” “Okay!” Dexio shouted. “I know you have your Pangoro left, and the suspense is just killing me!” “It’s not the only thing…” Hau detached Pangoro’s ball and tossed it out. “Let’s finish this, Pangoro!” Hau’s black and white bear Pokémon emerged back from the ball, and roared out at Metagross, ready to help its trainer win. “And I bet it’s already a little tired after helping you against my squad, so this shouldn’t take much longer. Metagross, hit him with Brick Break!” Metagross shot out with its arm aimed at Pangoro’s chest. “No you don’t!” Hau screamed. “Pangoro, finish him with Foul Play!” Pangoro ran out at the approaching Metagross, and before its arm could connect, Pangoro leapt up and flipped over it, grabbing onto the outstretched arm as it followed through. Using the momentum of its flip, Pangoro slammed Metagross back down into the street, which exploded in a burst of dirt, concrete and asphalt. As a rain of dust scattered down, Pangoro leapt back to Hau to allow Dexio to see his Pokémon half-buried in the street, its arms on the other half splayed out limply. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but buck her legs forward. “That was amazing!” “Even I know not to mess with an angry bear!” Trixie proudly commented. Dexio called his Metagross back as he replaced it with his penultimate ball. “Okay then, you took out one of my stronger Pokémon, and it took all but your last one of yours to do it. I’ll be really disappointed if I don’t get to send Alakazam out after this, but, considering who I’m fighting, I still have to give you props for making it this far.” Hau only mildly frowned, unsure whether to take it as an insult or a compliment. “Let’s go, Raichu!” A Raichu, surfing on its own large tail much like Alice and Faba’s, spun over and around Dexio playfully before settling down before its trainer with the bottom of its tail-board hovering just above the street. “He’s got one too?” Fluttershy wondered. “Too?” Thorax cocked his head. “I’m guessing one of your friends has one of these?” “Even if they did,” Dexio interrupted, “you won’t get another chance to see them! Raichu, hit Pangoro with Nuzzle!” Grabbing onto its board-tail, the Raichu swung around to prepare and ride it on Pangoro’s stomach. “Pangoro!” Hau shouted. “Get ready to intercept it with Brutal Swing!” Pangoro wound its left arm in as the Raichu got closer. Swinging its left arm back out, Raichu squeaked as it realized its foe’s intention to clothesline it. Bending back as far as it could and holding on to its tail, it spun itself so that its board ran parallel to the bear’s stomach as it appeared its arm would safely pass over it. As it successfully rode across, seeing sparks erupting where its tail passed over, the Raichu was too proud of itself to notice Pangoro having quickly wound its right arm in and prepared to swing. The Raichu didn’t even see the right fist coming as it pummeled into the center of its back, screaming as it was knocked off its tail and tumbled along the ground. The Raichu got its footing, running in the momentum of its fall, keeping its board level before hopping back on, and zipping back to Dexio. Despite the minor setback, Dexio and his Raichu were content with what they had meant to accomplish; the sparks that it had left already began spreading over Pangoro, who grunted as his fingers and arms involuntarily tensed and twitched. “No!” Fluttershy’s eyes began filling with tears. “He’s paralyzed!” “Paralyzed?” Luna gasped. “Can that also be cured by a Full Restore?” “Forget it. All I’d be doing is giving him two free hits.” Hau’s statement appeared to please Dexio greatly. “Besides, Nuzzle may not be the strongest move, but it’s a guaranteed paralysis. We just have to fight through it, right Pangoro?!” Despite the predicament, Pangoro beat its chest and roared at its opponents, though neither appeared fazed. “You’re on your very last Pokémon and you’re going to leave him in this state? As a former friend, I can just let you surrender now. Just say the word, and–” “Dream on, dummy!” Rainbow Dash shook her hoof at him. “And for the record, Hau’s still got one–” “Rainbow Dash,” Twilight hushed with a hoof over her friend’s mouth. “Shh!” “What?! All I was going to–” “I know what you were going to say. But look!” Twilight turned Rainbow Dash’s head to Hau’s belt, seeing Marshadow’s ball in the back holster. “I don’t think Dexio knows about Marshadow yet, and I think Hau is counting on that.” It wasn’t clicking with Rainbow Dash immediately, but she kept quiet and continued being a supportive onlooker. “You’re smart to keep your friend quiet!” Dexio called back. “After all, you wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise of watching me pulverize his new little buddy.” Dexio turned to a grunt to his right. “What was his name again?” The dark-skinned male grunt with cornrows stepped forward into the light of the streetlamp, a face Hau, Luna, Trixie, and Thorax recognized immediately. “Marshadow, sir.” Hau’s breath caught in his throat as his pupils narrowed as far in as they could go. “Oh, darn!” Spike exclaimed. “You little snakes!” “And quite the powerful one he is, from what I’ve heard from him,” Dexio explained. “Yes, guys, I knew all about Marshadow this entire time, but it doesn’t even really matter now, does it? Your Pangoro has been reduced to a barely-mobile statue, and my Alakazam is just chomping at the bit to meet this new Pokémon. So how’s about we skip the formalities? Raichu, hit Pangoro with Thunderbolt!” Dexio’s Raichu threw its arms up to the sky, the electricity in its cheeks channeling through its shoulders before rocketing up to the sky with its fingertips. Upon coming down, the electric current blasted back down onto Pangoro with even greater force. Rainbow Dash and Trixie were both flabbergasted to see the bear appear to be in so much agony from the attack. Once the electric bolt faded, Hau turned to his Pokémon. “Good job, bud. Now, hit ‘em with Foul Play!” Nothing appeared to happen. Hau seized up as the yellow sparks dancing off Pangoro’s fur cracked louder and burst brighter. As Pangoro doubled over, it struggled to pick itself back up, its arms and back convulsing in an eruption of spasms. “Enough wasting time!” Dexio growled at the top of his lungs. “Raichu, Thunderbolt again!” The Raichu threw another small amount of sparks into the sky where they slammed down on Pangoro again with greater intensity. Hau clenched his teeth with sadness now as Pangoro shouted up into the clouds, struggling to maintain enough strength to stand. Fluttershy couldn’t hold it in as she dove into Rainbow Dash’s bosom, hugging her and sobbing into her chest. Spike hugged onto Twilight’s arm, both hoping for a miracle they couldn’t be sure was coming anymore. Trixie, Thorax, and Luna stood petrified as the Raichu’s attack finally ceased, leaving Pangoro to slump back over to fall onto its stomach any moment. Just then, Pangoro widened its stance and shot its head up with a lethal, vengeful glare. For the first time, both Dexio and his Pokémon were frightened. Even the eight grunts around them recoiled a bit, unsure if they’d get caught in Pangoro’s oncoming wrath. Hau’s smile widened as the sparks that had accumulated on his Pokémon’s became ribbons of plasma that flashed and ran down from the center of its back to its wrists. “What the hell is this?” Dexio grunted, his voice overcome with disbelief. “Our opening!” Hau boldly proclaimed. “Pangoro, finish Raichu with Foul Play!” Pangoro ran out at the Raichu, and while its movements were labored, the fearsome sight of its charge left the Raichu scared stiff. With a reel back and a punch of its fist, Pangoro drove its knuckles into the Raichu’s stomach, the strength of the hit hard enough to send the Raichu flying back toward the ocean behind them. Dexio turned around and saw from his Pokémon’s closed eyes and loose falling tail that it would not wake up in time to keep from hitting the water. “Raichu!” Aiming his Ultra Ball at it, the red beam shot out and just managed to make contact with the Raichu before it could hit the water, its body turning red and translucent before collapsing into the receding beam as it returned to the ball. Dexio turned back around to face Hau and Pangoro, who held their arms in place to let Dexio know to get on with the fight. “Yeah… okay.” Dexio brought his Raichu’s ball back to his belt and pulled out Alakazam’s. “No matter how strong that damned bear is… or how powerful this Marshadow may be… they’re still a pair of Fighting-types going against a legion of Psychics. Alright, Alakazam! Let’s end this!” Dexio hurled his ball out, and his Alakazam, finally out, stretched his arms out wide before clenching its three-fingered hands onto its spoons. With a couple twists of his wrist, the Mega Ring on the outside of his shirt sleeve rotated until the Key Stone was directly on top. “Guys!” Twilight warned. “Get ready for it!” “Get ready for what?” Trixie nervously replied. Dexio held his left arm up and pressed his index and middle fingers against the Key Stone, causing it to go alight. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” Four DNA shaped strands of technicolor light quickly snaked out from the Key Stone, getting bigger until each one connected with Alakazam’s wrists and ankles. Each Equestrian, save for Twilight and Spike, were wide-eyed and horrified as the light roughly enveloped Alakazam’s body until it became an aura just like the chains feeding into its limbs. “What’s going on?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, squinting through the bright sight. “This has to be some form of magic!” Luna cried out. “No.” Twilight frowned with bared teeth. “It’s evolving!” “Evolve… what?” Thorax was just as confused as his other friends. When the chains fully entered into it, Alakazam’s body transformed and aged as the spoons levitating above its head multiplied. With the aura shattering off its body once Alakazam got itself into a floating seated position, Mega Alakazam arrived, its five other spoons sliding down to form an arch. “How…” Rainbow Dash queried. “How did he do that? Is that like when Sam’s sword thingy evolved!” “Not at all,” Dexio answered back. “This is Mega Evolution, and it makes Pokémon at their strongest even stronger!” “Strongest even… I’m not as smart as Twilight, but that doesn’t even make any sense!” “I’ll tell you what does make sense. Raichu gave Pangoro a real beating, and I can’t imagine it would take much to take it down, but with my Pokémon’s new strength… Mega Alakazam! Finish Pangoro off with Energy Ball!” Mega Alakazam culed its fingers into a spherical space between its hands where a green, natural aura expanded. Pushing its hands out, the ball shot out and struck Pangoro in the chest, exploding into leaves and blades of grass that quickly faded away. The attack was strong enough to send Pangoro onto its rump and fall over to lie on its back. Hau was quick to get out its ball, knowing that it had fainted. “So, alright then!” Dexio clapped his hands once. “Now you’re down to your last Pokémon too, and we’re both really excited to see it!” Hau faced Dexio and Mega Alakazam, putting Pangoro’s ball back on his belt and detatching Marshadow’s, the alien appearance of it making his opponent breathe out through pursed lips. Hau glanced down to his shadow, which subtly darkened and nodded back. Clenching it tighter one last time he threw the ball straight and true. “Let’s do it, Marshadow!” Hau’s shadow stretched out into the street so its head could remain under the ball. The ball then burst into grey smoke that shot down into the head, the darkness swirling into the rest of the shadow. Dexio and Mega Alakazam both looked down while the grunts on both sides of the street murmured loudly at what was happening. The head of Hau’s shadow then bulged up, and contoured into Marshadow’s body before it held itself in an offensive stance. “Wow, that doesn’t get old!” Spike commented, still impressed. “Oh!” Dexio squatted down with his hands on his knees, Marshadow grimacing at the condescension. “He’s so tiny! This is what beat you?” With Dexio turning to the cornrowed grunt, Marshadow whipped its arm out, a very small fireball shooting off the bulb on its forearm. The flame cracked against the temple of Dexio’s sunglasses, breaking them off there as Dexio recoiled from the loud bang near his ear. Frantically patting his head, he then saw his broken eyeware on the sidewalk, the ends of both broken parts leaving a small tail of smoke. Dexio slowly got up and clenched both his teeth and his fists, looking positively furious. “Stupid ghost! You could have deafened me!” “Don’t look away, you bastard!” Hau shouted. “I want you to face us as we beat the everloving snot out of your Alakazam!” Dexio quickly flexed his right hand. “First, let’s see if you can even survive this!” Dexio yanked his right sleeve down to reveal his artificial Z-Ring, Hau and Marshadow gasping a breath in. “Oh no!” Twilight wailed. “I forgot about his Z-Ring!” “Z-Ring?” Luna turned to the alicorn, both confused and afraid of the item’s implications. “Tell me, Marshadow!” Dexio bellowed. “Have you ever been on the opposite side of a Z-Move before?” Hau and Marshadow’s firm silence proved enough of an answer. “Well, there’s a first for everything!” Dexio crossed his arms, his Z-Ring brightening up to life as the same light shone onto Mega Alakazam. The two of them threw their arms down and crossed them back out before swinging their arms to tap their temples with their index fingers and reach forward with their right hands. Dexio stepped his right foot beside his left as his Pokémon shifted left a few inches. The red, sinister Z-Power flowed out from him and into Mega Alakazam, its body ablaze with the aura. “Oh no!” Fluttershy whimpered. “It’s over!” Thorax, Trixie, and Luna were also feeling the hope bleed from them, uncertain how even Marshadow could survive whatever was coming. “You better not be giving up on us now!” Marshadow grunted, the attention of the Equestrians perking up. “No way we’d allow even a Z-Move to stop us from helping you all! Hau, give me strength!” “Yeah!” he yelled back. “Because we’re not giving up on any of you!” Holding his arms against his side and squeezing his fists, Hau’s shadow appeared to flare with blackness as it reached Marshadow, its headgear and arm bulbs glowing vibrantly with green. “Idiots!” Dexio yelled. “You’re a Fighting-type too! Your survival is impossible! I’ll show you! Mega Alakazam, wipe Marshadow out with Shattered Psyche!” Mega Alakazam’s spoons formed a ring that faced Marshadow, and as they lit up with bright pink Psychic-energy, the same aura covered Marshadow as well. With all its might, Mega Alakazam threw its left arm to the left, sending Marshadow shooting off down the street to Hau’s right before colliding its head and shoulder with an invisible barrier that pulsed with white upon contact. Hau’s legs went limp and he fell to his knees, screaming out and clutching his shoulder with his left hand. “Hau!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “What happened?” Mega Alakazam threw its right arm to the right, sending the woozy Marshadow flying and flipping about back to Hau’s left before crashing its back into another barrier. Hau bent backwards and reached for his spine as he gurgled up to the sky, in too much pain to cry. “No…” Twilight quivered. “He can feel his pain!” Whipping its arm out to and fro, Mega Alakazam flung Marshadow in nearly every direction and pinballed him off many other barriers. Sensations of agony pelted every part of Hau’s body as he wailed and contorted. “No! Stop it please!” Fluttershy’s tears freely flowed down her face, her upper body on the ground and her arms over her eyes. Mega Alakazam then held Marshadow up in the air, holding both arms out while its spoons formed the sides of a box with the open side facing it, red sparks popping and sputtering painfully off its body. Then, with an outward turn of its wrists and a clutch of its fingers, five rectangular auras in the same position as the spoons faded into existence and closed in on Marshadow. Each one struck it at the same time, shattering like glass upon contact before fading away. With one final throwing out of his arms, Hau’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as gravity felled his body forward. The side of Hau’s face hit the street the same moment as Marshadow’s motionless body did, both lying still. Dexio took several breaths, waiting to confirm with himself that he indeed won. “Hau?” Twilight could hardly believe it, taking a step to better see him. “Hau!?” Finally, she broke into a gallop and went to his side, nudging her nose against his face as Spike shoved against his ribs. “Hau!” Spike choked up, frightened by the lack of his friend’s response. “Hau, please, wake up!” “Marshadow!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both flew on either side of the Pokémon. “Come on, please get up!” Thorax, Trixie, and Luna walked up to Hau and stood over him, Thorax shutting his eyes and letting a pair of tears stream down from each one while the other two bowed their heads in despair. “Yeah, should have seen that one coming.” Dexio breathed out, his victory having sated him. “Have to admit though, it takes brass to do what he did. But brass isn’t enough to beat us, I’m afraid. So, it’s time to say your goodbyes. Mega Alakazam?” Dexio snapped his fingers, and his Pokémon, the last of the red sparks snapping off its body, held its arms out, the Equestrians all feeling themselves lifted up off their hooves and feet while covered in a psychic aura. As they were pulled away from Hau, they screamed out and reached out for him. “Hau!” Twilight screamed. “Hau, please, help us!” “Hau! HELP!” Fluttershy cried. Just then, Hau’s arm lifted off the ground and punched the street, a pulse of shadow erupting from underneath Marshadow and spreading beneath Mega Alakazam, the ominousness of the energy forcing it to relinquish its hold on the Equestrians, who were quick to land on their hooves and feet. They all turned back to Hau and Marshadow, both of whom weakly, but certainly crawled up to their feet, facing a stunned Dexio and Mega Alakazam. “Impossible!” Dexio sputtered. “He outlasted the Z-Move? From a Mega Evolved Pokémon?” “Hau! Marshadow!” The Equestrians all cried at once. “Guys, let’s get back out of the way.” Twilight led the group to the sidelines so as to watch the stunning conclusion. Marshadow turned to Hau, happy to see its trainer well and mostly healthy. “Thank you for that. Now, let me lend you a power of my own!” Marshadow flexed its own arms as Hau’s shadow became pitch black from its head to where his feet connected. Hau then noticed a glowing from his own Z-Ring, seeing a turquoise-green light shine out from the edges of his Fightinium Z. With short breaths, Hau watched as the Z-Crystal began to turn green from its edges inward as the fist icon inside glowed bright white and melded itself into the shape of Marshadow’s head. “Marshadow…” Hau wheezed. “What… what is–” “We won’t beat him with Spectral Thief!” Marshadow faced Mega Alakazam. “Use Marshadium Z’s power and let’s defeat them together!” “Marshadium Z?” Fluttershy wondered. “But…” Hau shook his head. “I don’t even know–” “You do know! Just do it!” With a couple tight breaths, Hau forcefully crossed his arms before his face, his Z-Ring bursting with light. Hau and Marshadow both put their arms back down to their side before crossing them out, followed by both of them putting the tops of their wrists over their mouths while draping their fingers down and crouching. They both then slid up taller before thrusting their bodies forward, their arms brought out to the sides. Golden Z-Power blasted off Hau’s back and flowed into Marshadow’s body, the green returning to its head and arms. “NO!” Dexio cried. “I won’t be defeated like this!” “For the sake of my friends, I’m counting on it!” Hau thrust a pointed finger forward. “Marshadow! Attack Mega Alakazam! Soul-Stealing… Seven Star Strike!!” Marshadow closed its hands, which began to burn blue. Reeling its right arm back, it punched in the direction above the right side of Mega Alakazam’s head, a blue flame appearing there in front of it. Marshdow delivered six more quick, precisely aimed punches until it formed a wide triangle with a Z beneath it, the icon on Hau’s Z-Ring appearing over it. “What even is this?” Dexio wondered frightfully. Marshadow then leapt up, the constellation it made tilting to face it. With a kick, Marshadow dove down feet-first at Mega Alakazam before fading inside its body and disappearing. Mega Alakazam frisked its chest, unsure of where it went. Finally, Marshadow leapt back out from behind, flipping back as it looked to see a purple fire from where it exited. With a brief glimmer, the fire detonated into a towering inferno of green, spectral energy thrashing into Dexio and the grunts nearby him as they blocked the gusts with their arms and leaning in to keep from blowing away. The grunts behind Hau were compelled to back away, stricken with fear over Hau and Marshadow’s raw strength. Dexio peeked over his wrists to see his Mega Alakazam through the smoke, who began transforming back into a regular Alakazam, unable to maintain the strength to keep its form up or even stay on its feet. With a hiss, Dexio aimed his ball at his Pokémon. “Shit, man…” he managed to mutter. Marshadow landed back on the street on one knee, its previous injuries causing it to falter. Hau and his friends all looked to the blast cloud, hoping to see Alakazam or Dexio through it. When he was only met with silence, he and his Pokémon darted out at the cloud. “Hau, don’t!” Thorax reached out. “That’s dangerous!” Fanning away the smoke as best he could, Hau could only find an unoccupied sidewalk, and without the cracks and breaks in the street from their battle, it appeared as though Dexio and the grunts were not there at all. “What?” Twilight and the other Equestrians ran over to him, using their wings to quickly blow the rest of the smoke away to reveal that it was indeed vacant. “They vanished.” “No…” Hau and Marshadow whipped around to run back toward the lab, and upon passing through the open gateway, he found the grunts blocking them from behind had also managed to slip away. As the Equestrians chased him to join his side, they kept their distance as he breathed heavier and heavier. “They used the smoke as a cover,” Trixie surmised. “I should have seen that coming…” “Wait.” Twilight’s face tensed up as her eyes shrunk in realization. “Burnet!” “Oh, yeah!” Hau sprinted inside, making a beeline to the stairwell door. “Burnet! Burnet, are you okay!?” Hau hoisted himself up by the handrails, his ascent appearing more beastly than human. Upon reaching the third floor, Hau came to the door and threw it open, only stopping for a brief moment to note how much easier it was than the last time. Hau and Marshadow appeared in Burnet’s office, which was empty save for them. Half the books from the back shelf appeared to have been thrown off, many of their pages scattered everywhere. The contents of the desk were also on the floor, including the computer monitor and phone, which were both destroyed beyond any possible repair. “Burnet!” As Hau wandered the rest of the lab, Twilight and the Equestrians all came in one by one to observe the scene laid out for them. “Burnet, where are you!?” Twilight looked about, noticing a faint glimmer underneath an overturned book. After picking it up with her teeth and setting it on the desk as neatly as she could, she noticed a single open Poké Ball. She began looking around. “Reuniclus? Reuniclus, it’s us! Come out, please!” No one noticed at first as Reuniclus peered around the wall of the laboratory to see all of Burnet’s friends inside with no trace of Prism left. “It’s okay, Reuniclus!” Fluttershy called. “You can come out now!” Everyone then turned to the high pitched whine heading for them, seeing Reuniclus with wet, frightened eyes soar at Fluttershy, its large arms hugging her entire body. “There, there.” She patted its back with her hoof. “Do you know where Burnet went?” Reuniclus looked back at her, and with a concentrated pout and a squint of its eyes, it returned to bawling into Fluttershy’s chest. Fluttershy scanned the room with her own grief-stricken eyes, knowing what had happened, the other’s stiffening once the realization quickly hit them too. “Oh no,” Luna breathed out. “Burnet’s been…” As the Equestrians bowed their heads slowly and shakily, Hau clenched his fists and moved his sights to the broken phone on the floor. With a slow, forceful turn, he kicked the phone up and into the wall, several more pieces breaking off of it and scattering across the room, jolting the others back. Hau sunk to his knees and screamed up at the ceiling. Crobat screamed up at the sky as Chrysalis’s psychic-converted magic radiated over it. As it began to fall, no longer strong enough to keep itself airborne, Gladion called his Pokémon back, his eyes wide and teeth clenched in panic. Nanu panted heavily, his failure virtually eating him alive. “Impossible!” He stammered. “Even for the both of them to beat me…” Chrysalis and the Prism leader stood strongly, their Xatu still standing tall. “It’s as if I wasn’t lying when I said that I was stronger than you.” Gladion turned to Silvally, whose stance was widened to give it the balance it needed to keep standing. “Silvally. Please forgive me.” “Now, Xatu, finish his Pokémon off with U-Turn!” With a flap of its wings, Xatu shot off at Silvally, its beak glowing bright green. Jabbing it in the exterior joint of its jaw, Silvally’s mouth flung open as it was sent down to its side, now too weak to even stay awake. Xatu just as quickly flew back to its trainer, who returned it to its ball just before it could collide with them. With the battle concluded, Gladion mournfully returned Silvally into its ball, his other hand clutching his hair in frustration. “Now, if you could excuse us…” Chrysalis charged her horn, flinging Gladion and Nanu off the floor and pressing their backs against the wall beside each other. Gladion futilely pulled as hard as he could as the Prism leader and Chrysalis passed them, chuckling. Chrysalis aimed her horn at the card reader, and with the device covered in the aura, a loud buzz and a click allowed them to enter inside, and as they slipped in, both Nanu and Gladion were relinquished from their holds, making them slide to the floor. Gladion quickly shot to his feet and prepared to run to the door as it began to swing closed. “Wait!” He was stopped by Nanu’s hand forcefully grabbing his shoulder. “Leave them! They got what they came for!” Gladion turned with fire and brimstone in his eyes. “You’re going to let them run away with that bastard!” “Better they take him than any of our lives! Hurry! Let’s head to Po Town before they decide to do just that!” Gladion turned back to the door and bit his lip to see the door too close to closing for him to make it, even more so by the bright flash of light that appeared around the borders of the door. Now certain that there was nothing they could do, he turned toward the exit, Nanu following him out. “Here you are, sir.” Standing inside a small, dimly lit lab, Wicke handed two Poké Balls to Sun, who put them in his labcoat pockets. “They should be fully rested after today’s events.” “Thank you, Wicke,” Sun replied. “Have you heard any word from Mossdeep, yet?” “I have not, but to be fair, it is still quite early in the morning to hear from anyone.” At that moment, the screened device in his breast pocket lit up and vibrated, and with hastiness, he picked it up and answered it before realizing it was coming from Lillie. “Lillie?” He said. “What’s going–” “It’s Gladion!” She yelled in frustration. “Nanu too. The police compound was attacked! They took Faba!” Sun and Wicke looked to each other, a frightening chilly feeling shooting down both of their spines. Lillie and Sun faced the large, virtual monitor, Gladion’s video chat upon it. Lusamine buried her face in her hands, shaking her head in rage. “Who was that?” Sun shouted. “One of the Equestrians was with her?” Nanu, who was seated down on a wooden chair behind Gladion, nodded. “Apparently that guard that was with the white unicorn this afternoon is an old foe of the Equestrians who wanted her revenge. I guess she decided to buddy up with Prism to ensure that still happened. “No, no, no,” Lusamine continued to mutter. “This can’t be happening, this... can’t be happening!” “And neither you or Gladion could stop her?” Sun was visibly more angry than Lusamine. “We tried!” Gladion retorted. “She was wearing some device on her horn that nullified any Psychic moves we tried to land on her and allowed to to use Psychic energy herself! Wasted my first attack with Lucario because of it!” “Are you all alright, at least?” Lillie wondered. “Other than a sore back in the morning,” Nanu answered, “we’ll be just fine.” “Oh, I don’t know how this could get any worse!” Suddenly, a noise came from the Pokédex in her pocket, and upon pulling it out, she saw that the call was coming from Hau, which genuinely surprised her. “Hau?” She hit the answer icon and swiped up, bringing its video chat up to the monitor, pushing Gladion’s aside. “At this hour?” “Hau?” Gladion wondered. “What’s he want?” “Guys!” Hau immediately began. “Burnet’s been kidnapped!” Even with everything that was happening, the group went silent as they processed this news. “What?” Lillie stammered. “Bur… Burnet’s been–” “We were at Burnet’s for the night and Prism just up and tried attacking us in our sleep! Literally! They used Dream Eater and everything!” “Wait, we? And what are you doing at Burnet’s?” Sun ran his fingers through his hair, the sweat already drenching it matting it into a messy style. “It’s a long story, man, but I had to leave Melemele to help you guys. I even have the ponies with me.” “The ponies?” Gladion shouted. “Are they okay?! Please tell me they’re okay!” The video on Hau’s side shifted to reveal Twilight close to the screen while all her Equestrian friends stood behind her. “We’re all okay, all thanks to Hau.” “Where are you guys now?” “We ran to a Pokémon Center as soon as we realized Burnet was gone. I tried to call the police to come as soon as I could, but I couldn’t seem to get a signal from the lab, and whoever took her destroyed her phone.” “It’s just like at the Aether House,” Lillie said. “They jammed the signals there too.” “And how do you know she was taken?” Lusamine asked. “Hau?” Twilight asked. “Could you enlarge the screen, or…” “Yeah, got it.” With two quick zooms, everyone could see Reuniclus hugging onto Fluttershy, who was being comforted by Comfey too. Silence fell over everyone again, knowing it was all real now. Sun bent over the keyboard section of the screen at the center of the console, gripping onto his hair. “Yeah, so… it’s been kind of a crazy night.” Hau restored the video to its original size and put the camera back on his face. “And that’s not even the last of it,” Gladion said. “Hau, get this. That guy that attacked us in Iki Town? You’ll never guess who it was.” “What? Who? Was it Faba?” “…Yeah, that’s exactly right. How did you–” Hau loudly snapped his fingers. “I knew it! I knew that creep had to be part of this somehow!” “Yeah. Apparently, he attacked our friends Sam and Alice on Mount Lanakila, as well as the remaining Equestrians.” “What?” Rainbow Dash flew up to share the screen with Hau, nearly knocking him over. “Are they okay? Are our friends okay?” “Yes,” Nanu answered. “After those two kids took Faba down, I brought him to the station for holding. And just a little while ago, his boss sprung him out with help from one of yours.” “Wait… what do you mean by ‘one of ours?’” “The creature they were with was black and full of holes. It looked more like a bug, even.” “What?!” The Pokédex was ripped from Hau’s hand as Twilight brought it close to her face. “Chrysalis is here? And she joined Team Prism?” “Chrysalis!?” Spike and Fluttershy whimpered. “Yes, that’s right!” Luna suddenly remembered. “Before we came to this world, I noticed the guard that was with Shining Armor… before he was pulled in, his coat fizzled… she must have disguised herself to try and… that means… she’s planning… No. This is not good! Equestria’s in grave danger! We have to get back home as soon as possible! You need to get us–” Sun could no longer take it. He slammed his fists against the keyboard screen, cracking the glass and destroying the image of the keys beneath him. He quickly pulled his hands and his body away as he took a step back, looking at the ruined console and the faces around him and looking to him on the screen. With a couple of regretful breaths, he turned around and exited the room. “Sun?” Lillie called. “Sun! Where are you going?” “What I should have done last week!” He didn’t turn to look at any of them as the doors closed behind him. Sun yanked his drawer open, pulling out a t-shirt that started as dark blue at the top and gradually faded to white toward the bottom. Shutting it, he pulled out a pair of black cargo shorts from the drawer beneath it. As he folded his outfit in a neat stack, Lillie came into the room looking even more worried. “Sun!” She walked in further, ignoring his packing. “What are you doing?” “As soon as I pack a fresh change of clothes and grab my stuff,” he said, shedding himself of his coat, “I’m leaving for Ula’ula Island. While my friends are out there getting hurt and the world is falling apart… actually, make that both worlds falling apart, I’ve been stuck here solving nothing. That ends today.” Sun then pulled out a coiled-up belt from his thinner top drawer, a trio of Poké Balls latched along the outside of it. “Sun, can’t this wait until we finished talking with our friends?” Sun continued ignoring her as he rummaged back inside his discarded coat and pulled out Solgaleo and Lunala’s Poké Balls. “The Equestrians are really frightened, and I’m sure you storming off like you did is only making them more anxious!” “Just go back and tell them that I’ve already got an alternative in mind.” Sun latched the balls onto the belt in two empty spots beside the other three. “They should be home no later than tomorrow afternoon. And if their absence has really done as much damage to their home as they fear, I will go with them and help clean it up. It’s my mess after all.” “It’s our mess!” Lillie walked to him and put her stomach against his with her hands on his chest. “Yes, I intend on helping you and Gladion in any way I can, and I will join you in Ula’ula when you’re ready to leave, but right now, we need to assure Twilight and the others that they will be alright. At least give them that before you go.” Lillie slipped herself into a hug around his waist. Sun slowly put her hand on her back and pulled her closer to him. As he felt her hair beneath his chin, he looked back to the door to this bedroom, feeling more certain that he wanted to go back out through it. Sun and Lillie walked back to the console where Lusamine was still waiting, Glaidon and Hau’s video chat screens still on the monitor, both of them shooting to attention upon his return. “So what’s happening?” Hau wondered. “What are we going to do now?” “Here’s what’s happening.” Sun stepped back to the broken keyboard screen, glancing to Gladion’s screen. “As soon as this call is over, Lillie and I will be flying to Ula’ula to join you and Nanu. I assume those two kids with the other Equestrians are asleep now… Hau.” “Uh, yeah, bud?” “Contact the Elite Four tomorrow and fill them and everyone there about what’s happened. When you’re done, tell them to head to Malie City immediately and take Twilight and the others there as well. We’ll meet at the ice-cream shop in the Malie Gardens. From there, we’ll discuss what happens then.” “What about Burnet? We can't just leave her!” “We aren't, but we have no idea where Team Prism is stationed or where they're hiding her, and that's even if any of their members other than their leaders know. Our only real chance we have at rescuing her at this point is to face Faba or the Prism leader should any of them rear their heads again.” “Wait!” Twilight rushed in on Hau’s screen. “What about Equestria? If Chrysalis planned another attack, that leaves only Celestia and Cadance to defend it. We need to get back home immediately!” “And you will, I promise you that. If everything goes smoothly and I hear from who I need to hear from, you will be home the next day. I will even join you to stop any threat caused by your absence. You have my word on this.” “So… we’re just supposed to wait now?” “Unfortunately, yes. But know that even in light of everything that’s happened in the past twenty-four hours, it will all be over soon. Just get some rest if you’re able, and be ready to head out. Is that clear?” “Yeah!” Hau and Gladion enthusiastically stated their confirmation, while Twilight’s seemed halfhearted. “Good. I shall see you all tomorrow. Good luck to you all.” Sun tapped the “End Call” icon on the broken screen twice. Though it glitched to his touch, both screens closed out, leaving them to their own devices once more. > Chapter 53 – The Long Float Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sam… Sam!” Hearing Starlight’s hooves on his ribs and her voice in his ear, Sam awoke with a start. “Sam, come on, you have to come down!” He reflexively matted down his bedridden hair. “What… am I about to sleep through breakfast?” “No! It’s Hau! He's on the line and we’re all talking with him downstairs!” “What!?” Sam flung himself out of bed as Starlight ran to the door, opening it up with her magic so that he could be the first to run out. Turning the hallways and rushing down the stairs, he spotted Alice, the Elite Four, and the Equestrians all gathered on the couches in the living room as a virtual screen floated up in the space between them, though hard to see due to the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. “And you don’t know where she is?” Acerola shouted. “Not a clue!” Hau defended. “We just knew she was taken when we saw her Reuniclus got left behind.” “Wait, hold up, what?” Sam ran into the room, standing between Alice and Pinkie Pie and obscuring their view. “Hey, down in front!” Alice shouted. As Sam sat down in the space between them, Starlight approached. “Yes, Burnet got kidnapped by Team Prism last night.” “No!” Sam gasped. “Are you serious?” “We’re afraid so,” Shining Armor interjected. “What’s worse is that Faba guy we faced yesterday? Chrysalis and the Prism leader both sprung him out.” “Damn… Was no one there to try and stop them?” “Apparently,” Hau explained, “Gladion and Nanu were both there when they attacked, and even they were no match for them! I barely survived my encounter with Dexio; just the thought of his leader being stronger than the both of them, even with this Chrysalis’s help gives me chicken skin.” Applejack huffed. “So great, Faba’s back on the loose and now our friends are getting kidnapped.” “We have to go save her!” Starlight exclaimed. “Hold on, guys!” Hau waved his hand before the screen. “We don’t even know where they’re keeping her, and besides, it’s probably safe to assume that they want us to scramble out even more so they can pick us off one by one.” “So what do you suggest?” Molayne asked. “Now that Team Prism has all their ducks back in a row, these kids and the Equestrians will be doubly vulnerable the moment they step outside this building.” “Right, so here’s what we all have planned…” “Wait, all?” Starlight cocked her head. “When did we agree to any kind of plan?” “I’m talking about Sun and Gladion. We talked a few hours ago after I was attacked and Faba got sprung from jail. Anyways, in a little bit, Twilight and her friends and I are going to be flying out of Heahea City and heading due east to Malie City. Whenever you guys are ready, we need you to head down there as well.” “And where are we all supposed to meet, exactly?” Rarity queried. “The gardens would probably be our safest bet. The ice-cream shop there would also be a good rendezvous point. You can’t miss it.” “Plus, ice cream!” Pinkie Pie squeezed her cheeks excitedly. “Glad we’re all on the same page then.” “But what about Burnet?” Alice asked. “We can’t just forget about her!” “And we aren’t. But right now, getting the Equestrians all back home is the most important thing here. Without them, Prism’s doomsday plan goes bust, and we can focus on rescuing Burnet then.” “What about Kukui?” Sam added. “Don’t you think he wants to be sure his wife is safe?” Hau glanced off to the side, having not forgotten him. “If he hasn’t already, I’m certain he’ll hear the news about the break-in at her lab soon. But I’ve known Kukui quite some time, and I’m certain that he’d rather us focus on getting the Equestrians home than trying to find his wife, and I’m doubly certain Burnet would say the same if she were here.” As Sam and Alice rubbed their knees, feeling guilty about having to leave her, Discord rolled up into a stance, stretching his limbs and yawning. “In any case, we won’t make much progress sitting around like a bunch of couch potatoes, insert me transforming into a potato tagline here, so if it’s anything to you, I say we make our glorious descent down the mountain and await the arrival of our friends!” He then noticed himself with his antelope hoof hoisted up on an automan while his lion’s arm held out an imaginary sword, all eyes in the room on the awkward sight. “Ehe… insert holding shiny sword with my red cape blowing in the wind tagline… here.” He then tapped his index fingers together, his ears hanging down. “Before we do anything…” Kahili sat herself up and brushed a few strands of fur off her pajama bottoms. “…these kids and creatures need themselves a hearty breakfast.” “Wait, you’re not going with?” Hau asked. “Unfortunately not. We have our own duties to manage here, but you needn’t worry. We won’t let them leave without offering some assistance.” Hau sighed in bitter acceptance. “I really wish you’d at least see them to town, but I guess you have your reasons. My group and I are going to get some grub as well before we head off, and we’ll still be a while before we land in Ula’ula.” “They should be off in no later than an hour.” “Okay, good. And in any case, thank you for letting them stay with you.” “Don’t sweat it,” Guzma spoke in. “These guys are all pretty cool in our book.” “Okay then. I’ll be taking off soon, so guys, good luck to all of you.” An eruption of thanks and farewells came from the group sitting around the room, leaving Hau to end his feed, the screen in the center fading away. Guzma then hopped off the couch and made his way toward the kitchen. “Well, we’ve got a few minutes before breakfast is done cooking…” He swirled his finger in the directions between Sam, Alice, and Starlight. “Say, you don’t have your Pokémon handy, do ya’?” The elevator doors both opened, Acerola and Guzma leading the way out before Sam, Alice, Starlight, and Lady could step inside the circular room with them, their Poké Ball belts wrapped around their waists. In the center of the space was a large cylindrical structure like a vending machine, ten rows and ten columns of discs behind the glass inside. Sam and Alice, instantly recognizing them, eagerly approached it with their hands on the glass. “Holy cow!” Alice gasped. “Every single TM must be in here.” “The ones available in Alola, that is,” Acerola explained, “but yeah, we hold a copy of every Technical Machine right here at Mount Lanakila. They’re mostly for archival purposes, but considering what you guys are up against, we thought it would be only fair to let you give your Pokémon the strongest moves they can possibly learn.” “This is amazing!” Starlight had her nose pressed to the glass. “Thank you so much!” “No need to thank us.” Guzma leaned up against a vacant spot at the machine, crossing his arms as he faced her. “We’d feel kinda’ crappy if we didn’t let you in on our own personal treasure trove.” “Hold on,” Sam interrupted, “you guys use these too?” Guzma and Acerola both laughed. “Of course we do, Sam. We all have to have our Pokémon in peak fighting form, right?” “I suppose…” “Well, I don’t think it’ll be too much longer until breakfast,” Guzma said, “so get out your Pokémon and let’s get learning, and I mean the cool kind of learning, not the kind you go to for the trainers school for squares.” “They have trainers schools?” Starlight eagerly asked. Guzma grimaced. “Sheesh, forget I mentioned it!” Sam brought out his Doublade from its Poké Ball first, and upon the Pokémon’s reflection appearing on the glass, a green, digital border encompassed it before the lights branched off and spread down to the floor and into the pillar of TMs. Sam, Alice, and Starlight were both in awe as the lights connected to a single TM space, the area around it and others lighting up. Sam saw as the spaces where several desaturated-brown TMs glowed, along with a couple silver colored ones, a dark-purple one, a black one, and a reddish-brown one. “It knows exactly which ones are compatible with any kind of Pokémon,” Alice sighed, still breathtaken. “This is insane.” “Well?” Acerola egged. “Go ahead and pick whatever moves he needs.” Sam looked upon each space faster than he could read them, overwhelmed with the choices and possibilities. Molayne, Kahili, Guzma, and Acerola stepped off the teleportation pad and headed toward the massive door to outside Mount Lanakila’s peak. Sam and Alice, both dressed and refreshed, were the next to appear and follow them, followed by the Equestrians and Lady one by one. Before they stepped onto the walkway to the door, the four trainers stopped and turned to face them, the rest of the group stopping to hear what would likely be their parting words. “Sam, Alice,” Molayne spoke up. “Could you please come to Kahili and I?” Sam and Alice approached them as they met them in the middle. Both went into their pockets and reached out to them, opening up their hands to reveal a Z-Crystal in each one. Molayne’s was a Steelium Z while Kahili’s was cyan blue with a three-feathered wing icon inside of it. Sam instinctively took Molayne’s crystal and Alice took hers, both of them admiring the gifts they had received before putting them in their pockets. “Just one last thing to help see you to your safe journey,” Kahili explained. “We’re all very sorry we cannot join you to Malie City, but we hope our assistance will be more than enough.” “I’m certain it is,” Alice assured her. “Thank you all for everything.” “Yes, this is excellent,” Sam said. “Thank you very much.” “Oh, you don’t need to thank us!” Molayne gave the two a wobbly smile as he scratched the back of his head. “You were all fine company, and we very much loved having you!” “Alright, beanpole, let me say one more thing!” Guzma slipped between him and Kahili, careful not to bump into either of them, still earning mild ire from Acerola. “Now, I don’t want to regret giving you all this help, so don’t make me hear on the news today about how you got attacked and had the ponies taken away from you, alright!?” “They won’t be alone!” Applejack said. “We may not have magic, and it probably won’t do as any good anyhow, but we’ll be fighting alongside them.” Lady loudly mewed in agreement, Starlight also motivated to nod. “It certainly won’t be a cakewalk,” Discord added, “and it’ll certainly be far less tastier than one, but this won’t be the first time I’ve saved my friends without magic.” “I think it’s safe to say that Prism stands no chance against us.” Despite the subtle signs of uncertainty in Shining Armor’s smile, it still appeared confident enough to put faith into. Acerola appeared glad, making her way to the door, which began to open to her approach. “Come on. Let’s get you going.” With the doors revealing the outside, the snow on the ground was blinding with the sunlight reflecting off of it, but there was none of it in the air, the sky nearly spotless except for a few cirrus clouds. Despite the otherwise beautiful view, the puffier clouds that rested a hundred-feet down still made Sam and Alice’s group wary as they stepped outside, fully understanding the treachery of their descent. “Wow,” Sam huffed. “We… got a ways.” “Oookay,” Rarity droned off. “Are there perhaps any speedier ways to get down so we get to the city by, oh, I don’t know, sometime this week?” “Can’t Starlight just fly us down like how we got to this island?” Applejack asked. Starlight charged her horn, targeting nothing in particular as she held her aura for a few minutes before relinquishing it, panting. “My magic has indeed come back quite a bit since the attack, but I’m not sure I’m strong enough again to carry all of us.” “And I’m not nearly as proficient in magic as Starlight is,” Shining Armor mentioned, “and Rarity even more so, no offense.” “None taken…” “We still have our Charizards,” Alice pointed to Starlight and Shining Armor. “You don’t think the two of you can work together to get the rest of you down?” “It’s just not worth the risk yet,” Starlight answered before turning to the other four trainers. “Can we at least borrow one of your Pokémon?” Pinkie Pie glanced up to a small speck in the sky, using her hoof as a visor to get a better look at it. With its large white wings and long bluish-green body, Pinkie Pie smiled at the potential ride she spotted. “Hey, what if we rode that thing down?” As she pointed at it, her friends looked up to the sky and quickly spotted it. Molayne let out a small chuckle. “You’re certainly way ahead of me, Pinkie Pie.” Sticking both ring fingers in his mouth and closing his lips loosely around them, he blew hard, producing a loud, shrill whistle that could be heard at least a mile in either direction. Hearing it, the creature from up above peered down and dove down toward them in a playful spiral. With an opening of its winged arms from beneath it, it immediately slowed itself to float down to the ground for everyone to see. It appeared to be a serpentine dragon with a long, swan-like neck, a very white fluffy tail and thick fur covering its wings. Its beady pink eyes were topped with very large yellow eyebrows, and its mopped white hair and lips curled to the shape of a moustache gave it a very charming and friendly appearance. Even with its roar that sounded like a big yawn, Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians backed away from it, being just as tall as Discord on his hind legs. “What is that?” Sam fished out his Pokédex and scanned it. “Drampa,” the Pokédex spoke up, “the Placid Pokémon. This Pokémon is friendly to people and loves children most of all. It comes from deep in the mountains to play with children it likes in town.” “In town, it says,” Sam repeated. “This thing is perfect!” Sam stepped up to it, and the Drampa bowed its head to give Sam a sniff. With its head close enough, Sam pet the sides of its muzzle with both hands, shuddering over the cashmere-like smoothness of its coat. “Wow, that’s soft.” Sam was suddenly surprised by the Drampa’s head moving up and gently nipping at Sam’s face with its lips, making him laugh. “Friendly indeed,” Discord rubbed his chin with his paw, amused. “We can fit a few of you guys up on here!” Alice walked over and petted the dragon’s neck, which it also seemed to enjoy. “Starlight, Shining Armor, can you manage yourselves?” “I…” Starlight’s smile grew wider. “…think we can! Girls, hold on!” “Wait, whaaAAA!” Applejack was lifted off her hooves along with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, the latter of whom let out a loud “weee” as she was plopped onto the Drampa’s back with her other two friends behind her. Before the others had time to get situated, Applejack felt something slither around her from behind that froze her stiff. It wasn’t until she saw Discord suddenly snake his way over her lap and then around to Rarity’s and then Pinkie Pie’s before gently hugging the Drampa’s neck that she relaxed herself. The ponies, Starlight especially, gasped fearfully as Discord’s fur stood on end as he squirmed painfully before his body relaxed once again. “Please… remember to keep my body table up and my body in the upright position before we take off.” Starlight looked immensely impressed, something Discord was quick to notice. “Don’t worry,” he panted, “I didn’t use that much magic.” Starlight smiled, feeling safe to do so. “Okay, so that does it.” Acerola looked to see that Drampa’s passengers were all firmly in place. “I assume one of you will know the way to Malie City?” Sam and Alice called out both their Charizards from their Ride Pagers, who stretched and yowled as they acclimated to the cold weather. “One of us will have their map,” Alice said. “I don’t think it will be too difficult.” “Good. Then we’ll see you off.” Acerola stepped back to rejoin her other three friends. “Good luck to you all,” Kahili bid. Guzma waved. “See ya’!” Sam and Alice mounted their Charizards as Lady mounted Starlight, both her and Shining Armor’s horns charging up. “Fillies and gentlefillies, prepare for takeoff.” Discord tightened his hold on the Drampa as it spread its arms and gave them a single flap, sending itself up. With its arms tucking back beneath it, it floated above the ground, waiting for Sam and Alice to lead the way. Sam tooled through his Pokédex’s map as he quickly found Malie City on it, tracing a line between it and their location with his finger. “Okay, bud, that way!” Pointing northeast, his Charizard stepped to face the direction of Sam’s finger. With a couple steps to the edge of a ledge, Alice’s Charizard closely following him, Sam’s Charizard leapt off with its wings spread out to glide down. The moment Alice’s Charizard chased after Sam’s Drampa sped off to follow them, Rarity and Pinkie Pie screaming as they fell. Charging both of their horns, Starlight and Shining Armor both levitated off the ground and flew off to follow their friends. Acerola and Molayne both walked to the edge, peering over as far as they could comfortably allow themselves to watch as their friends departed, passing through the blanket of clouds. Fizzlepop emerged from the doorway to her quarters and looked out to see a bright blue sky mottled with clouds. Walking over to the starboard, she looked out where the ship was heading, her smile growing bigger to see the spires of the city of Canterlot not too far from the horizon. “Morning!” Celaeno’s voice was loud enough that it made Fizzlepop jolt. Turning around, Fizzlepop was relieved to see the parrot captain in high spirits. “Morning yourself!” “Everyone else up yet?” Fizzlepop approached the quarterdeck and lowered her voice. “Not since I came up.” “Hmm, then you should wake them up. We don’t have much longer to Canterlot as you probably saw, and I’d like us all to depart the moment we cast anchor.” “I’ll be sure to. Any breakfast, or are we waiting until we get there?” “Yeah, when we get there. I gotta’ hand it to those ponies down there. Most of them look like they haven’t worked more than half their lives, but they sure now how to put out a good spread.” “Hehe, right.” Fizzlepop turned around, keeping Celaeno in the corner of her vision. “Yeah, give me a minute. I’ll be right up with every–” *ZEWPKKRKU* A green beam blasted into the back of the ship, exploding it out and throwing Celaeno off the quarterdeck and to the main one. “Celaeno!” Fizzlepop charged her horn and crown, her magic catching the parrot and floating her safely to her talons. “Are you alright?” Celaeno turned around to see much of the quarterdeck had been blasted away as well as a massive hole inside the wooden shed for the sails. “My ship! No!” Boyle burst out of the doors to the quarters with Mullet close behind. “Captain! We heard an explosion–” Both of them stopped and saw the damage that had already been done. “My word…” *zzZW* Another green beam shot up near the port, traveling at a speed nearly impossible to observe. Celaeno hissed with the realization that they were now under attack. “Get everyone up to the deck, now!” “Aye!” Mullet sped back inside the door just as another explosion rattled the boat, faltering their balances. “Boyle, go and see what’s going on below!” “Aye aye!” Boyle ran to a small pile of rope on the starboard side, quickly fashioning it into a knot that he wrapped around a hook on the outside. After tying the rope around his waist, he leapt off and rappelled down. Looking down on the ground, the sight he saw nearly caused him to lose his grip. Along with several more blasts of green magic shooting up all around him, dozens upon dozens of black insectoid equines with green porous wings were flying up at the ship. Boyle felt his grip on the rope tremble. “Holy–” *zzZEWP* A green beam struck and snapped Boyle’s rope, his eyes widening as he suddenly felt himself in freefall. With several desperate reaches for the other end of his rope, he flailed about as he dipped back toward the ground. As the horde below flew to him even quicker, he suddenly felt himself pulled up into the air and thrown back into the ship. Scrambling onto his back, he spotted Starswirl standing over him with the remaining Pillars behind him, Rockhoof and Flash Magnus equipped with their shovel and shield, respectively. “What are we dealing with then, Boyle?” Starswirl asked the still shocked parrot. Boyle did his best to get back on his feet quickly. “Changelings! Dozens of them!” “Changelings?” Capper ran onto the deck next, Skystar and two hippogriffs following him off. “I thought they got ran out of Equestria a long time ago!” “Nope!” Capper and Skystar both turned to the hippogriffs they heard just as they felt their necks squeezed and lifted up into the air. The others were fearstricken as they spotted a green-glowing horn on the heads of both hippogriffs, the glowing spreading over each of their bodies until they were revealed to be changelings themselves. Starswirl spun around and charged his horn, only for Skystar and Capper to gag louder as the aura around their necks brightened. “Let them go!” Celaeno demanded, pointing her sword at them. “You don’t frighten us,” the left one spoke. “The second we see your horns light up again and we choke your friends out, ya’ got it?!” Celaeno began to slowly lower her sword as the door to the quarters slowly opened, prompting her to strengthen her hold. “And put the sword down!” The right changeling tightened their grip on Capper. “Do you seriously want your friends–” A wooden life raft collided into the side of the changeling’s head, knocking it out and freeing Capper from its grasp. As Capper gulped in for air, he came to quick enough to see Spittle fling Grubber at the other changeling with her tail. With Grubber knocking it down, Skystar was also let go, coughing and gasping as she was helped up by Capper. “GYAHH!” The changeling thrashed about as Grubber furiously scratched and pummeled his fists into its face. “Get him off! Get him off!” As Grubber continued wrestling about with the changeling beneath him, he was unaware as the changeling horde outside the ship began to rise up into view, those gathered on the deck backing into each other to try and view the enemy as they surrounded them from every side and angle. “Well,” Flash Magnus said, “at least we know who tipped us off.” With a grunt, the changeling beneath Grubber kicked up with all its might, throwing Grubber off and sending him screaming overboard. “No, Grubber!” Fizzlepop bolted to where her friend fell, the changeling charging its horn to intercept her. “Out of my way!” Launching a bolt of magic from her horn, she blasted the changeling off the side, where it fell unconsciously down. Looking over the side with her horn still charged, she saw Grubber about to fall into the changelings at the bottom of their spherical formation. As she tried to concentrate on him to catch him, Starswirl shot a magic beam off the portside. Halfway between the ship and the awaiting changelings, the beam separated out into a wall that curved itself around to form a shield, quickly spreading around to form a ball. The shield formed beneath Grubber, allowing him to fall on it and roll safely to the bottom. Grubber looked through the translucent white shield, watching the changelings on the other side of it all charging their horns to attack. As the first beams were shot out, Grubber looked to the side to see the shield still not fully sealed yet. “Guys, hurry!” he shouted. The changelings on the starboard side had shot out their attacks, leaving just a small window left for some to get through. As the first beams got close, the shield finally closed, the beams striking the shield en masse. Starswirl buckled as every single beam that struck his shield caused it to flash, the aura on his horn growing unstable and slowly weaker. Below, Grubber was bounced and shaken about as the changeling’s beams hitting the shield thrashed it about. Fizzlepop, looking back and seeing Starswirl faltering, shot her gaze around to anyone she could. “Someone, please save Grubber!” “Don’t worry, I got him!” Skystar galloped off and dove off the port side, whooping in exhileration as she fell. Suddenly, the hoofsteps four more hippogriffs made their way up the stairs, arching their stances to prepare themselves to attack the Pillars and their group. “Dang,” Capper spat, “you’re with them too?” “Nothing personal. Well, that personal at least.” The blue hippogriff revealed its horn with a flash of magic, followed by the light unveiling the rest of him as the other three did the same. “If the rumors we’ve heard are true, you guys are literally Equestria’s last line of defense.” “What?” Celaeno gasped. “But what about–” “Twilight? Her Ponyville pals? Yeah, they haven’t been seen for days. Went missing, apparently.” “No…” Fizzlepop shuddered in her breaths. “What have you done with them!?” “Nothing, surprisingly!” the changeling two from their leader’s right responded. “We just figured that with them suddenly out of the picture, we can actually successfully take over Equestria this time!” “Not if we can stop it!” Fizzlepop shot a ball of magic at the changeling, who readily blocked and imploded her attack with a shield spell of theirs. The leader and another changeling charged the group, Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, and Somnambula ready to intercept them. The final changeling faced Capper, whose side was joined by Boyle and Mullet. As the changelings outside continued blasting away at Starswirl’s defenses, his magic wavered enough to let open a few holes in the shield. Mistmane gasped and saw as several changelings nearest them flew at them, and with a charge of her horn, she touched hers with his, the shield mending itself and retaining its perfectly round shape. Stygian rushed in as well, and with the small amount of aura he could conjure he added his strength to theirs. The few changelings that made it through dove down to attack the remaining crew members. Celaeno broke from her group as Spittle and Squabble ran to reinforce her, ready to swing her sword at two changelings that buzzed toward her direction. Skystar flew back up from the starboard side with Grubber in her grasp. “Hey, Tempest– I mean Fizzlepop, I got–” A changeling drilled Skystar in the back, causing her to let out shrill screech as she was thrown down to the deck while hugging Grubber tight. Galloping to her, Fizzlepop helped Grubber and Skystar up as the changeling, along with two others, were ready to attack them. Rockhoof swung his shovel at the lead changeling, who deflected it amply with a small shield spell. In their distraction, Somnambula mounted the changeling and pulled the cloth from her head over his eyes. The changeling to their right bucked Somnambula off, allowing Rockhoof to swing his shovel into its head, knocking it out before its body hit the ground. With the lead changeling still blinded, Flash Magnus jabbed the tip of his shield into its forehead, rendering it unconscious. “Bet you wish you won that bet last night, huh?!” “Flash, please!” Somnamula kicked the left changeling in the side of the leg, making it buckle to the ground before she spun herself back to her hooves, knocking it unconscious in the process. “Is this really the time?” She turned around to face another changeling that came up behind her. Boyle and Capper both charged at their changeling, who shot a magic blast at Capper, only for it to deflect off Boyle’s hook hand. Capper swung onto Boyle’s arm and kicked the creature up into the jaw. As the changeling landed on the back of its neck and rolled to the floor, Mullet was quick to mount it and lock his arms around its neck in a sleeper hold. “Shh shh shh shh shhhh…” Mullet maintained his hold until the changeling began to struggle less and less before it eventually became still. Celaeno swung her sword at an airborne changeling, and it blocked the blade with the side of its hoof. Attempting a jab, the changeling caught the tip of the sword in one of the narrower holes in its hoof, and with a twist of its wrist, the sword was wrenched out of Celaeno’s hands and clattered down the deck amid the chaos. Regardless, the parrot captain put her fists up and awaited the changeling as it darted at her. Before the attack could connect, Spittle leapt up and swung the end of her tail into its face, knocking it off course. Squabble chucked his raft out at the one of the other changelings, directly hitting its head and pinballing it into the face of the other, sending both to the ground. With the changeling that Spittle hit quickly recovering, all three parrots turned to face it. “Celaeno!” Mage Meadowbrook weaved around Starswirl and Mistmane and dodged a magic blast from a changeling to slide down and grab Celaeno’s sword in her teeth. With a whip of her head, she tossed the sword so that Celaeno could catch it by the hilt with the blade running along her forearm, blocking the hooves of the changeling as it pushed its way forward. With the blade once again latched into the holes in its hooves, Celaeno raised her sword up, bringing the changeling up and exposed its stomach, giving her an open spot deliver a high jumping kick into its gut, knocking the wind out of it. Fizzlepop shot a ball of magic at one of the changelings, only for them to deflect it back into her head, making her yelp out. Skystar responded by grabbing the creature by the shoulder and sending it up to the ceiling of the sail-shed, slamming it into it. She then tucked her back legs in and pressed them into the changeling’s body before pushing off of it to divebomb on a second one. Fizzlepop grabbed the third changeling in her magic grasp, which began to sparkle violently before she threw him into the wall, breaking the wood and knocking it out. Grubber looked to see Fizzlepop’s horn begin to crackle as she tried to ease her magic down. “Fizzlepop, be careful! Don’t lose control!” She, Grubber, and Skystar were all interrupted by the second changeling, who weakly chuckled as it picked its head up to face them. “I don’t think it’s her magic you should be worrying about…” Once it fainted, the three of them looked as Starswirl, Mistmane, and Stygian swooned, their strength quickly depleting. Finally, all of their magic faded out as they sunk to the shins of their forelegs, unable to keep the spell up. “Oh no!” Tempest’s eyes trembled with worry as the changelings outside, realizing the barrier had been broken, all engaged in a mad charge at the ship at once. Frantically looking about in all directions, she charged her horn, Grubber and Skystar looking worried as the jewel in the crown cracked in expansion like ice, the magic around it growing more unstable. “Fizzlepop!” Skystar exclaimed. “What are you–” “Everybody duck!” Fizzlepop’s command was so forceful that each one of her friends turned to see her magic as it grew close to exploding. Without any more hesitation, each pony and parrot, as well as Skystar and Grubber, got as low as they could. With a shout, a disk of crackling energy blasted out around her, the edges slicing through the supports between the ship and the sail-shed. As it spread out, bolts of lightning shot out from it at each changeling the disc spread above and below, the lightning chaining itself to each nearby changeling until they were all struck and zapped like flies. No one else could pay attention to the spectacular spell as they suddenly found themselves floating off the floor of the ship which, like them, began plummeting to the ground. As Flash Magnus, Somnambula, and Skystar balanced themselves with their own flight, they looked about them as the other struggled to keep still as they lost direction of their fall. “GAHH!” Capper shouted. “This isn’t the way I wanted to go!” “Somebody help us!” Grubber screamed. Fizzlepop looked about at the friends she had just doomed, closing her eyes with her tears falling up and awaited the end. Starswirl and Mistmane, who had paddled themselves upright, began to charge their horns and cast their magic around the entire ship. Everyone’s fall began to outpace the ship's until gravity gently sprawled them down on the slightly tilted deck. Celaeno, on her stomach, watched incredulously as Starswirl and Mistmane strained with all their might to catch the ship before it collided into the earth. With a groan from the supports inside the ship, it began to tilt itself upright as it began flying forward toward the ground. “Everyone!” Starswirl shouted. “Brace yourselves!” As well as they could, the entire group made their way to the center of the ship, getting in a line. Passing just above a forest, the ship was only a few stories from an open field, and with a grunt, Starswirl and Mistmane dropped the ship steadily enough so that the bottom hit the ground and run along it. On the initial hit, everyone bounced up from the deck and back onto it hard. With the deafening noise of the ground being thrown up from the earth adding to the harrowing landing, Capper, Spittle, Boyle, Mage Meadowbrook, Grubber, and Fizzlepop screamed for their lives. Faster and faster, the ship slowed down hard enough to begin pushing everyone to the back to the bow. After what felt like a life-threatening eternity, the ship finally lost the speed to continue sliding. Celaeno was the first to get up, surveying as her crew and passengers all writhed about, still sore from their landing. “Is everyone alright?” Somnambula, Flash Magnus, and Skystar landed on the deck, trotting around and observing everyone as they slowly got to their feet, hooves, and paws. “Looks like it!” Skystar cheerfully cried out. “Let’s just not try and do that again, okay?” Spotting Fizzlepop as she saw to Grubber’s well-being, she angrily approached her. She then noticed as her sails, still slowly falling down from the sky, were joined by every single changeling hit by Fizzlepop’s spell. She couldn’t, however, continue ignoring the once proud sails as they limply and pathetically tumbled down to remain forever grounded. “No… My ship…” Clutching her fist, Celaeno let two tears fall from her eyes. “Not again…” “Other than the sails…” Starswirl tiredly approached Celaeno with Mistmane by his side… “and the damage the changelings did on the stern… your ship isn’t entirely destroyed. I’m certain Fizzlepop had that in mind when she cast her spell.” “And my crew?” She sounded equally as concerned as she was vengeful. “What would have happened to them if you didn’t have the strength to catch us?” “We told you, we’re all fine,” Mullet assured her, approaching her with the other three crewmates. “If it wasn’t for her, the ship would have been completely destroyed…” Spittle looked to Fizzlepop with reverence. “And us with it.” “I think you can see why we like her so much now,” Flash Magnus said. “And I can say with full confidence that we’re all lucky to have her,” Rockhoof added. As Fizzlepop got Grubber to his feet, she attempted to get up herself, only for Capper to offer a helping paw. “Nice work, Fizz.” “Yeah, way to go, Fizz!” Skystar patted her back. “You know, I like that name way better than your other two!” Smiling, Fizzlepop put her hoof on Capper’s paw and pulled herself to stand. “You aren’t too badly hurt, are you?” “Eh, I think you know I’ve been through worse,” he said with a wink. Fizzlepop huffed a chuckle as she turned to face Celaeno, who approached her slowly. Nervously, she glanced away. “Celaeno, I’m so sorry about your shi–” Celaeno clutched her neck and pulled her close for a hug. “Thank you for saving my crew… and my ship. You have my deepest respect.” Elated, Fizzlepop put a single arm around Celaeno’s back, comforting her as well for the loss she still endured. As Celaeno pulled away, she looked down on Fizzlepop’s crown, noting the unsightly cracks. “Uh…” She ran her taloned hand over the surface, Fizzlepop also feeling the fractures. “We can fix that at least, right?” “Not here,” Starswirl said. “I’m sure we can get it mended when we reach Canterlot.” “What!?” Grubber and Capper both yelled at once. “How far away even is that?” asked Grubber. “Not far.” Fizzlepop turned to the direction of Canterlot, unable to see its spires. “It will be a farther journey, but we should make it before nightfall.” “I mean… we’re at least getting something to eat, right?” “We’ll bring whatever essentials we can salvage,” Celaeno said, “but we can’t stay long. I don’t know how well that spell of hers worked, but we can’t trust that it kept those changeling’s down.” “Then we haven’t a moment to lose.” Starswirl used his magic to gather several ropes that had been scattered over the deck. “The sooner we get to Canterlot, the sooner we’ll be out of harm’s way.” “And to get a nice, hot meal,” Mage Meadowbrook added. Grubber sighed blissfully at the idea. “Yeah, now you’re talking my language.” Boyle and Mullet were the first to take a rope, followed by Capper, Mistmane, and Skystar. As they got to work tying and securing their knots, Celaeno walked up beside Fizzlepop as they watched them go to work. “So… I guess we’re even then?” FIzzlepop coyly pondered. Celaeno smirked, knowing she didn’t even need to ask. > Chapter 54 – Comfort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Alice were happy to see the ground coming closer. It hadn’t even been too long of a ways down, but the air was finally warm and perfectly humid. From where they headed to land, the city looked to be nearly another mile or so away, a grassy mountainside trail looking to take them straight there. Looking back, Sam saw that Starlight, Shining Armor, and the Drampa weren’t far behind and it looked as though they were just ready to land. “Alright, bud,” Sam instructed. “Softly now.” With a flap of its wings, the Charizard swooped away from the side of the mountain and closer to the dirt path. Alice’s Charizard did the same, and both of them gently landed just outside the path and allowed their trainers to dismount. As both of them patted their steeds in thanks, Drampa slowed its descent so that it just as smoothly rested its stomach against the grass. “Ahh!” Rarity smoothed her mane out as Discord slithered off of her, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. “That was actually quite pleasant. Thank you, Mr. Dragon!” Drampa softly yowled back, hugging its right arm closer to its back. Pinkie Pie seemed to instantly understand the gesture, hopping off and sliding down it, laughing the entire short way down. Rarity scooted herself to the edge and as she neared the arm, she fell and slid down its downy surface, screaming down to the bottom until she was caught by Pinkie Pie. She helped her friend to her hooves and brushed the dust off her coat. “Come on, Rarity, you’ve never been on a slide before?” “Slides aren’t exactly… my thing.” “Woohoo!” Applejack came sliding down in a standing position before leaping off and landing beside her two friends. “Well, you’re missing out, let me tell ‘ya!” Starlight and Shining Armor landed down next to Sam and Alice, Lady hopping off Starlight’s back and rubbing her body against Starlight’s legs. The five of them then approached the three ponies who awaited them, along with Discord, who was still stretched out as he made his way from behind. “Give me a sec.” Discord contracted his muscles and groaned as his brown body squeezed in like an accordion, the folds of its body melding together until it began to maintain its normal length. The others grimaced watching Discord gagging and yelping through the pain, his fur fluttering and flicking about as the painful effects of the collar took their toll. Once he felt his body returned to normal, Discord pulled himself to his feet and stretched his limbs out as far as they could naturally go. Applejack frowned. “Still worth the joke?” With a push in his lower back and a forward thrust, several bassy cracks erupted from Discord’s spine as well as a sigh from his mouth. “You know it.” “Okay,” Sam said, looking at the map on her Pokédex, “we still have a mile’s walk to Malie City, and then at least another mile from there to get to the gardens.” “Then lead the way, my brother!” Alice spun her upper arm until her hand pointed down the direction of the path. Upon the group facing their course and taking their first steps, Drampa let out a sad moan and smack of its mouth. The group turned around to see the Drampa with its eyes half closed and a lips curled in a mope. Sam huffed and broke past his friends to come toward it. “Yes, and thank you, Drampa.” Sam put his arms out to allow the Drampa to snuggle its head into his embrace, still looking upset by their leaving. “God, you’re soft.” He pressed his forehead into its snout one last time before separating himself from their erstwhile companion. As Sam rejoined the front with his sister, the ponies all waved the Drampa farewell. “Take care, Drampa!” Applejack shouted. “And thanks for the lift!” “Bye-bye, Dramps!” Pinkie Pie waved the hardest. “I hope you’re not too cold up there!” “Alright,” Shining Armor cooed, “let’s get going now.” Sam and Alice took the northward path, the Equestrians turning from the Drampa and following them on the road to Malie City. The Drampa stayed where it was until the last pony in their group was out of its sight, and even then, it stayed long after they had gone. Sun and Lillie sat opposite Gladion and Nanu at a large table in a partially-dirty dining room, a hefty serving of scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon on their plates. Plumeria was still dousing her eggs with hot sauce from an unmarked glass bottle as she looked to her guests, who were wistfully seasoning their eggs or cutting their bacon. After a couple faster shakes, she put the bottle of sauce onto the table loud enough to get everyone’s attention. “Come on, guys, my crew slaved over this breakfast.” Sun and Nanu turned their heads back to their plates, their eyes not leaving her for just a few moments before they returned them to their meals. “We’re sorry, Plumeria,” Lillie said, “but we’re still a little rattled after last night.” “And letting your food get cold isn’t going to bring her back now, is it?” “Plumeria, please!” Sun held his open palm up to Plumeria before gripping his fork and loudly spearing his egg, almost as if mocking her. Rolling her eyes, Plumeria began spreading the sauce over her eggs before scooping them onto her fork. “I mean…” She slid a mouthful in. “I know it’s stupid that I should be so surprised, but… Faba? Really?” “To be fair,” Gladion muttered, the smallest piece of bacon rolling on his tongue, “he was always a creep.” “Yeah, but–” She swallowed. “Still, didn’t think he’d make a leap into full-on villainy like that, and that’s saying something coming from me.” “And with them back on the loose,” Nanu surmised, “those kids are in more trouble than ever.” “And after Hau beat Dexio,” Lillie spoke back in, “I can’t imagine how angry the rest of Team Prism must be.” “A Fighting-type user beating an expert Psychic-type trainer?” Plumeria took a swig of orange juice. “Fuming, I’d imagine.” “How much farther is he to Malie?” Gladion asked Sun. Sun took out his Pokédex, and with a few taps on the screen, he spotted an icon with Hau’s picture on it between the eastern edge of Akala Island and the halfway point between it at Ula’ula. “Still got quite a long way to go. At least another hour.” “You know, if it makes you feel the least bit better,” Nanu spoke in, “you could always tell Hau and his pals to meet us here.” “We don’t need him wasting time here.” “Why not?” Lillie interrupted. “If Sam and Alice are in Malie City, they’ll be safe enough in public.” “Hau was attacked last night in public! How do we know Prism won’t–” “In broad daylight when most people are up and about? Sun, I understand you’re scared, but just think about it. Hau, for all intents and purposes, is on his own with Pokémon that aren’t strong against Prism’s. We should be there for him, at least give him and the Equestrians a fighting chance.” Sun speared egg, potato, and bacon at once and put it all into his mouth, chewing contemplatively. After swallowing, he breathed in, ready to make his plan. “I’ll call Hau after breakfast. I’ll have him call me once he comes close to passing over Po Town. At that time,” he continued, flicking his finger to Lillie and Gladion, “the three of us will intercept him and fly with him to complete the journey by his side.” “And I’m sure he’ll enjoy our company,” Gladion said. “Been quite a long time since the three of us did anything together.” “Getting the band together. Nice.” Plumeria licked some hot sauce off her fork before setting it on her already empty plate. “But we still have a while until we need to really worry about that,” Lillie said, already picking up some eggs and bacon. “Let’s enjoy our meal for now, okay?” The room went silent as she, Gladion, and Nanu continued eating. As he watched them, Sun more calmly began scooping into his eggs, the prongs silently piercing through before lifting to his mouth, peacefully chewing. Even for a Monday morning, the streets of Malie City were bustling, though primarily with tourists. While many people lining the sidewalks gave the ponies looks, many more of them seemed more focused on the sights of the city than on anything else. “Strange,” Discord commented, weaving around yet another attempt at someone taking their friend’s picture on their phone. “You would think that I’d be the biggest eyesore on this island, and yet they act like I’m just some average joe.” “Don’t worry about it,” Applejack said, “we had similar experiences living with Olivia.” “They must see us as a bunch of Pokémon,” Rarity said. “I mean sure, it can be a bit demeaning, but no attention is better than negative attention, especially now.” “I second that,” Shining Armor agreed. “Let’s just keep our heads low until we get to the gardens.” Discord bent his upper body over, still only able to keep it just above the ponies backs. “Easier said than done.” Turning north, Sam looked up from the map on his phone to see a hanging wooden sign with a colorful button-up shirt on it. As they walked past the building, he glanced over inside the window before turning his entire body to stop and face the window, looking at the selection of shirts, pants, shoes, and other accessories inside. As the Equestrians began passing Sam, they stopped and turned to face him. “Sam?” Rarity called. “This is no time for windowlicking. We have to keep going.” Sam gently nodded his head, slowly walking forward again. “Yeah, just… hold on a sec.” He then turned toward the door and marched at it, his arm held out to push it open. “Sam!” Alice huffed and watched Sam disappear inside, though briskly walking straight to the cubbies of jeans along the back wall. “Wait.” Starlight leaned over to see Sam scanning through the sizes of pants. “Why did we stop?” “Apparently, the boy needs some new pants.” “Great, how long are we going to have to wait for him?” Shining Armor asked. Alice looked at her Pokédex and checked the time. “Not long. Sam’s the kind of person who knows exactly what he wants. Plus, we still have at least an hour before Hau and the rest of your friends and family get here.” “That’s assuring!” Discord sarcastically remarked, crossing his arms and sulking his head to the base of his neck. “Whoa!” Discord was shocked out of his anger by the voice of a young girl that was clearly directed to him. “What kind of Pokémon is that, Momma?” Alice and the Equestrians turned to face a small tan-skinned girl with short black hair stepping toward Discord with her hands reaching out toward Discord’s face, laughing merrily at its appearance. “Laurie!” Her middle-aged mother rushed over to hold her and keep her from moving. “I’m so sorry. I’m still trying to get her to learn to ask before petting other people’s Pokémon.” “Oh, it’s quite alright,” Discord chuckled, squatting down to bring his face to Laurie’s level, the mother reeling back at hearing his very clear voice. “I’ve actually grown to be quite the cuddle monster over the years.” Laurie reached forward, her mom still holding on, and as the child petted the tip of his snout, she laughed over how plush and velvety it felt as she moved her hand down the top. “Wow, you really are soft!” The mom kept holding her daughter, slackjawed, as he accepted her loving touch and turned his head so that she pet his right cheek. “Oh, yes,” he sighed, “right there, that’s the spot.” Laurie continued giggling, happy beyond words to feel Discord so receptive to her touch. “That’s… incredible.” The child’s mom struggled to find the words as she turned to Alice. “What kind of Pokémon did you say he was?” Alice looked to the ponies, Applejack and Starlight in particular looking to her. With a nod from the former, Alice faced the mother and daughter. “Actually,” she cooed, “they aren’t Pokémon at all.” “Really?” Laurie faced her. “If they aren’t Pokémon, what are they?” “We’re called ponies,” Applejack answsered. “We’re… not from around these parts, and our friend Alice here is helping to try and get us back home!” “And… where’s home?” The mother couldn’t help but sound suspicious. “We come from a land reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee–” Pinkie Pie took a sharp inhale. “–eeeeeealy far away from here!” “Like, from another world!?” Laurie excitedly asked. “Exactly,” Alice laughed. “We had a few bumps along the way, but we think we’re really close to getting them there.” “But… don’t you like it here? Alola is the most wonderfullest place in the whole world!” “And I wouldn’t be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy what I’ve seen of it,” Rarity said, “but our world is still home, and that’s wonderfullest enough for us.” Laurie chuckled, glad to hear her use her vernacular. “I guess so.” “Laurie, we need to get going now.” Her mother stood up, letting her daughter go. “I’m sorry, but we were headed to the gardens for a playdate.” “Oh!” Starlight exclaimed. “Don’t worry, we’re actually headed there ourselves! We’re just waiting for our friend to finish up shopping.” Laurie gasped. “Momma, maybe my friends can meet them too.” “Now, Laurie,” she very gently scolded, “if they’re busy, we shouldn’t be bothering them.” “We’re going to be hanging out at the ice cream parlor while we wait for more friends,” Alice responded. “You’re more than welcome to come and join us. I’ll even treat your daughter and her friends to ice cream.” The mother chuckled nervously. “Oh, please, you don’t need to do that.” “Ma’am, you don’t understand. I have a medical condition where I’m allergic to not buying ice cream for people. It’s known to be deadly!” Alice broke out of her worried act to give Laurie a wink, which made her tug on her mom’s shirt even harder. “Well, if it’s for your health… Anyways, we should get going. We’ll see you all over there. Come on, Laurie.” As she was pulled away down the sidewalk, Laurie waved to her new friends. “Bye guys! Oh, I never even got your names!” “We can tell ya’ when we see ya’ again!” Applejack shouted out. With Laurie and her mom moving away, Rarity and Starlight both sighed, the encounter having left them in better spirits. Pinkie Pie continued watching them. “Maybe she does have a point about this place being the most wonderfullest.” “Hey,” Alice said, “would one of you mind checking on how close Sam is to being done?” Starlight and Lady both looked into the window as Sam pulled a shoeboex from a shelf in the middle of the store. “Well, it looks like Sam needs new shoes too.” Alice sighed in acceptance. “Yeah, looks like we’ll be a little sidetracked today.” A woman behind the counter of the ice cream parlor placed a table-tray with a dozen vanilla ice-cream cones dusted with ice-blue sugar crystals in them on the counter and slid them over to Alice. Alice nodded to her as she took the tray and turned around to face the four children, Laurie among them, eagerly awaiting their treat. “Alright, enjoy you guys!” The children cheered as they each yanked a cone from a slot. “Thank you, Alice!” each child said before running off. “Don’t forget to give one to Discord!” “Oops, sorry!” Laurie ran back and took an extra cone in her hand before she ran after her three friends who were already sitting against Discord lying on the grass just outside the patio, their mothers watching them from a single table nearby. Starlight’s magical aura took all but one of the cones left on the tray and distributed them amongst herself, Lady, and the other ponies. “Thanks again, Alice,” Pinkie Pie chirped, the cone wrapped inside her wrist. “I’ve never had a Casteliacone before!” “I mean, it’s just vanilla ice cream with rock candy. Nothing incredibly special.” “Are you kidding? Everything’s special in this world, especially ice cream!” “Come on, Lady,” Starlight said as her Pokémon licked at its treat, holding on with one of its feelers. “Let’s go join Discord.” Alice saw to the ponies as they walked over to join Discord, Laurie, and her friends, all of whom appeared happier once they were in their company. Alice huffed proudly just as the woman behind the counter coughed to get her attention. “Your other cone?” Alice smiled and rolled her eyes as she hopped two steps to take the cone from her hand and put it into the tray beside the other one. Alice walked to the table where Sam sat, a new pair of dark-blue jeans and a pair of grey-and-white trail running shoes on his legs and feet. Seating herself and putting the tray between them, she took her cone and took a deep scoop at it from the center with her tongue. As she savored the vanilla and tarter cotton-candy flavors of the rock candy, she looked out amongst the area, admiring the fairway-short grass paths, the bamboo and palm trees growing out in the thicker areas, as well as the shallow winding pond and small islands within that surrounded the parlor and patio like a moat. After a second lick of her ice cream, Alice looked over to find that Sam had not picked his up yet, also choosing to absorb the scenery. “Hey, bro, don’t let your ice cream melt.” Sam glanced off toward the Equestrians and the four children, who all seemed to be entertaining each other with a rousing conversation. “I told you I didn’t want one.” “It’s just that I figured I owed you for those clothes you got for yourself.” “I– whu…” With an added scoff, Sam took his cone out from the tray nibbled the top off with his lips. “I do have to say though, those jeans look… pretty sharp on you.” Sam paused his snack to look back down at his new pants, which appeared snazzier and better looking on him than before. “I just wanted to give myself a new look is all. Not even counting the whole ‘saving the world’ and ‘getting our friends back home’ thing, this whole adventure has been really important to me.” “Come on, bro, this adventure is as big a deal to me as it is for you.” “I know that. You’ve been waiting your entire life for this, but I haven’t. It’s only until we moved from Kalos that I felt that this is truly what I wanted for myself. If I’m going to be a great Pokémon trainer, maybe even as good as you–” “Whoa, don’t get carried away!” Sam chuckled, expecting the response. “Anyways, I want to feel like the trainer I want to be, and not necessarily the trainer I was when I set foot on Alola.” “And do you feel that way now? The trainer you want to be, that is?” Sam looked down to his tank-top, his jeans, his blue jacket that remained tied around his waist, and flexed his toes in his shoes, smiling as he did. “Yeah. Yeah, I think so, or at least… I’m getting there.” “What else?” Sam looked about, not sure how to continue the conversation he thought he ended. “What else what?” “What more do you think you need before you’re ‘there?’” He shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t know. Getting my last two Pokémon. Evolving the rest… Becoming champion?” Alice bit the rest of her ice cream down until it was flush with the edges of the cone. “We can settle that one right now if you think you’re ready, hot-shot!” Unbeknownst to Sam, Alice’s face shifted to one of confusion, hearing a buzzing and beeping coming from her backpack. “Come on!” Sam exclaimed. “You have more Pokémon than I–” “Sam, hold on, I think mom or dad are calling.” Sam sat upright as he observed his sister rummage through her bag, pushing aside a pair of bottles of purple liquid inside of them to reach her Holo Caster and pull it out. As she looked upon the screen, she appeared more concerned to see a series of numbers under the ID rather than the name of anyone she’d know. “Who is it?” Sam pressed. “I… I don’t...” Alice impulsively pressed the answer key, the top lighting up and casting an image of Wicke from the waist up. “Wicke!?” “Oh, thank goodness I reached you in time!” “What?” Sam gasped. “What’s going on?” “It’s Team Prism!” They’ve been spotted looking around Malie City for you guys!” “Huh?!” Alice’s breathing began to quicken. “How do you know this?” “We’re monitoring surveillance on our end to ensure your safety. Here’s from our feed!” Wicke’s hologram distorted and warped until it became a flat screen showing a security camera from a streetlight. As Wicke had said, several men and woman prowled the streets in Prism hoodies looking intently for anyone who looked like them or the ponies. The screen flickered once to cut to another camera, this one showing outside the clothing store where Sam had been, a couple more on the lookout. “That’s crazy!” Sam huffed. “They’d really attack us in broad daylight?” Wicke’s hologram returned. “I’m not certain you’re going to want to stay long enough to find out. Wherever you are, take the Equestrians and hide!” “But where? How are we supposed to–” “Sam, just listen to me. Do you remember passing a bus stop outside the western edge of the city when you came in?” “I… I think so!” “Board one. They operate fairly quickly, so you shouldn’t have problems getting on. That bus will take you to the top of Mt. Hokulani. Go to the Pokémon Center there and wait. I’ll inform Sun, Hau, and the others immediately after we’re done, but it’s imperitive that you and your friends are not spotted.” “Jeez…” Sam ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry for putting you in such a precarious situation, but it’s all I could think of on such short notice. Good luck to all of you.” “Wicke, wait!” Alice’s shouts fell on deaf ears as the call was ended and the lights on her Holo Caster died down. “Alice?” Applejack’s voice brought Sam and Alice to her attention as the ponies all faced them, equally concerned by the franticness of Alice’s last exclamation. “What’s going on? Who just called?” Sam and Alice glanced between the Equestrians, as well as the children and their mothers, upset that leaving Malie Garden would be just as difficult as leaving the city. Sam and Alice peeked out from the end of an alley and looked down the street, finding no sign of any Prism grunts. With as much agility as they could muster, Sam and Alice slunk across the streets once the last car passed through on either side. The Equestrians all followed them just as fast into the next alley before stopping in their temporary sanctuary to catch their breath. “How much longer!” Pinkie Pie whimpered. “The suspense is killing us!” Sam looked at his Pokédex map, seeing that from their next alley exit, they had to only cross the street to reach the bus station, which had an icon revealing the next bus was leaving in two minutes. “Not much more, guys. Come on.” He and Alice ran forward, turning left to the south exit. Slowing down and peering to the right, their eyes bulged to see two grunts, a male with a brown fauxhawk and a woman with her ice-blonde hair draped down the left side of her head, standing south of the block where the station was. “Yay, we’re home free!” Pinkie Pie galloped out from the alley, Alice just barely managing to grab hold of her tail and pull her back. Sam peered around again, seeing the grunts’ eyes were now looking right at the alley, jaywalking their way to the alley. “Dammit!” he hissed. “We’re spotted! “I’m sorry!” Pinkie Pie put her arms over the top of her head. “I don’t want to be the one who completely dooms our worlds and ruins every weekend forever!” “You haven’t doomed anything.” Starlight stepped out from the alley, facing the two grunts and stopping them in their tracks in shock. As they reached for their Poké Balls, Starlight charged her horn, the aura appearing around both grunts’ heads. With a huff, she threw both of their heads against each other, knocking them unconscious where they crumpled to the ground. As several people ran over to check on them, Starlight grinned over the added bonus of clearing the sidewalks. “Coast is clear!” she exclaimed. “Let’s go!” Sam and Alice spilled out and sprinted at the platform where the brown-striped bus with a green roof still waited. Starlight and Lady led her Equestrian friends out where she followed Alice and Sam across the street and onto the platform. As Alice ran in, Sam put his foot inside the door and swung his arm to motion the Equestrians in. With Discord the last among them, Sam slipped inside the door and allowed the driver to close it. As the bus pulled away from the station, Sam looked back to see the crowd of people continuing to tend to the fallen grunts. “So,” the rotund dark-skinned man behind the wheel asked in an awkward tone. “What kind of Pokémon are those?” Sam looked up as if the answer was one of a million fluttering over his head. “Mudbrays… uh, shinies.” “Whoa! I didn’t know shiny Mudbrays came in multiple colors!” “Yeah, me neither! Thanks for the lift.” Sam patted the back of the driver’s seat before walking to the middle where his sister sat. Plopping himself down next to her, he immediately leaned into the aisle and looked out the front window, watching as the bus traveled down the road, heading toward two steep canyon ridges. “Hey,” Alice said, almost certain she wouldn’t get any kind of response from her brother. “Nice job back there.” Sam let out a subtle nod as the bus sped into the pass, a sign at its entrance reading, “Mt. Hokulani – 30.” It would be a long ride, but for the moment, he, his sister, and his friends were once again safe. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but he was glad to take his victories when they came. > Chapter 55 – Battle of Mount Hokulani > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun, Lillie, and Gladion stood outside Plumeria’s mansion while looking up to the sky, the former now wearing his black shorts and blue-and-white shirt, a Poké Ball belt with five balls attached slipped around his waist. Lillie’s hair was now put into a simple ponytail, her outfit now consisting of white jeans and a short-sleeve turtleneck sweater. Sun’s hair was still wet and matted down from the shower, something that didn’t appear to bother him, despite the fact that something on his face implied that something clearly was. Gladion took note of Sun’s anxious breathing. “He’ll call when he calls. Relax.” Sun’s Pokédex began to ring and vibrate, and he swung his bag around and caught it by the zipper, pulling up until it opened. Pulling his device out, he was nonplussed to not see Hau on the caller ID but Wicke. Slowly, he tapped the answer icon. “Sun!” Wicke huffed. “Is Hau near yet?” “Wicke?” Lillie hopped over to look over Sun’s shoulder, surprised to see her on the screen. “What’s going on, what happened?” “There’s been a… change of plans.” Sun felt his grip on the Pokédex tighten, struggling to keep it or his hand from trembling ever so slightly. The bus continued up the winding road, the steep cliffs of the mountain’s edge on either side of them and the long drops down visible from the windows of each side. While the mountain was considerably dryer and drabber than Mt. Lanakila or the land outside Malie City, it was much more tranquil, the muted bus’s engine the only sound to be heard. Alice looked off in the distance to see a small, but advanced village still a couple miles away. With a sigh, she looked up to the sky from the window, the thicker clouds much closer. “What’s wrong, Alice?” Pinkie Pie peered over the back of Alice’s seat. “Aren’t you excited to meet Hau and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and Twilight and Spike and–” “Pinkie, Pinkie!” Alice snapped. “Yes, I’m very excited to see all of them, but something just seems really off.” “What for?” Applejack came up beside Pinkie Pie. “We’ll be there in a few minutes, and as far as we know, those Prism grunts that we saw are still counting sheep courtesy of Starlight.” “I don’t know. Other than the grunts Wicke showed us and the ones that attacked us, I don’t remember seeing any others as we were escaping. Don’t you think that given their numbers, we would have seen at least a few more, even in the alleys?” “What are you saying?” Sam asked. Alice felt nervous to say what she had concluded. “I’m thinking that Prism–” *PAHKLSH* The right side of the bus was struck, breaking the windows and spraying pieces of glass onto Starlight, Rarity, Shining Armor, Lady, and Discord. As they screamed and yelped, they opened their arms to find they were covered in a translucent turquoise sheet that the shards bounced harmlessly off of. The driver slammed his brakes and threw the wheel to the left, sending the back of the bus drifting off so the bus blocked both lanes of the street before stopping. Sam and Alice let go of the sides of their seats and looked around, still not certain what had happened. As Rarity, Shining Armor, and Discord checked their bodies for cuts or glass embedded into them, they saw as Starlight charged her horn down, panting over the close call she had made. “Good save,” Shining Armor breathed. Pinkie Pie shook the wooziness from her head. “Did we take the bumper-cars bus? Since when did this become a carnival?” Ignoring her quip, Sam, Alice, and Applejack rushed over to their friends on the right of the bus. “Are you alright?” Alice asked. “Looks like,” Rarity said. “I don’t see any blood on my coat.” With a bright flash of light distracting him, Sam looked up through the window at a sight that made him feel ill. “No… god dammit, no!” Alice and the others looked out too and very well saw what he was seeing. With over a dozen grunts behind them, Faba, Chrysalis, and the Prism leader awaited them twenty feet from the bus, all standing in neat little rows. Chrysalis smiled wide as she saw each of the Equestrians looking at her through the windows of the bus as if it were their cage. “I’m guessing this is what you were scared about?” Pinkie Pie’s question was met only with a gulp and a nod from Alice. “Who the hell are they?” the driver shouted. “They weren’t even on the road when we got hit!” “They likely weren’t,” Starlight responded, “but they’re the ones who hit us.” The driver looked between Sam and Alice incredulously before delaying a point at the pink unicorn. “And they can talk?” “There’s no use waiting!” The leader shouted. “Come out of the bus slowly or we’ll tear it apart to get to you.” Sam sighed, walking toward the driver. “It’s a long story, one we don’t have much time to tell here.” He then waved to the Prism leader, ensuring he understood their threats. “You get off the bus first and go down the road. Once it’s clear, you can go to the summit, get a new bus back down, call the cops, I don’t care. We just can’t have you in the middle of this thing.” “And I certainly don’t want to be.” Grabbing the lever, the driver pulled the doors open, the grunts behind the leader reaching for their Poké Balls. The leader put their hand up to stop them. “Calm down, they’re not stupid.” At once, the bus driver quickly stepped down and ran around the front of the bus as fast as his legs could carry him. Once he was out of sight, the leader focused on the remaining humans and Equestrians inside. Sam was about to step out with his left hand up until Alice grabbed his right. “Sam, wha– are you serious right now?” “I don’t think they’ll give us any fighting chance if they have to rip the bus open. All we can hope now is that Sun and Hau got Wicke’s message.” “Let’s go!” Chrysalis bellowed “They aren’t going anywhere,” the leader coolly promised. “At least those kids aren’t.” Sam looked to his sister and the Equestrians, all of whom awaited for some kind of surprise plan to save them, but as the silence carried, Alice stood up and came close behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort. With a nod, Sam made his way down the steps, counting each second his feet went on the next one until they were both on the street. With his hands still up, Alice exited the bus as well, followed by Starlight, Lady, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Discord. The nine of them lined up beside the bus before facing the leader and their small army. “Hmph!” Faba chortled. “If we had done this from the beginning, we might have had this whole thing wrapped up days ago!” “Just get your Alakazam out already.” Frightened by the immediate sternness of their voice, Faba did as his leader instructed, tossing out his Ultra Ball and sending his Alakazam out. As his Alakazam stretched its limbs out, Starlight shifted her mouth toward Sam and Alice. “Guys, get ready.” Sam shot his gaze to Starlight, trying not to turn his head out of shock. “Starlight, what are you–” “Shining Armor, grab his belt!” Starlight quickly charged her horn and shot a small aura ball at the buckle of the leader’s Poké Ball belt poking out from the unzipped bottom half of their robe. As Shining Armor charged his own horn and Sam and Alice grabbed hold of a Poké Ball, the leader quickly widened their stance so that the magic attack came at the bottom of their chest, their clawed, open hand held there to catch it. The attack struck the palm of their glove, and their fingers clasped around it. The force was enough to throw the leader backward and force the grunts behind them to disperse to make way. Sam, Alice, and their friends all gasped as the leader continued holding on to the magic aura as it appeared to try and keep pushing at them. “Hah… Should have expected that.” With a labored throw to the right, the leader redirected the magic ball off toward the ground at the bottom of the cliff, where it exploded in a small mushroom cloud of dust and rock. With their retaliation thwarted, Starlight and Shining Armor bared their teeth and yelled as the aura on their horns expanded out to form two high walls that extended to each end of the road. “Aw, this is just disgraceful now!” The leader plucked a Poké Ball from their belt and tossed it out. “Malamar, Psycho Cut!” “Malamar?” Alice gasped, detaching her Poké Ball from her belt. The leader’s squid Pokémon leapt forth from the energy of its ball, and with two lashes of its two main tentacles, two bows of magenta energy flew out at Shining Armor and Starlight’s walls. The first one hit just before the last, managing to shatter both walls like thin glass. As the pieces hit the ground and dissolved into the air, both unicorns swooned before catching themselves on their shins. “Mimikyu!” Alice cried, throwing her ball. “Play Rough!” “Lady!” Starlight roared. “Shadow Ball!” As Starlight’s Sylveon formed a dark-purple ball with its feelers, Alice’s ghost Pokémon bounded out from the energy of its ball and fell toward Malamar, which sidestepped to avoid the attack. As Mimikyu attempted to grab hold of its target with its shadowy arm, Malamar dodged and evaded each attempt. Meanwhile, Lady shot its attack at Faba’s Alakazam, hitting it dead in the chest and knocking it to its back. “No!” Chrysalis charged her horn and the device on it, changing its magic aura from green to magenta. “Not this time!” Starlight, Rarity, and Shining Armor were suddenly enveloped in Chrysalis’s converted aura, collapsing to the ground gagging and whining as their bodies were squeezed in from every perceivable point. “Guys!” Sam screamed. Applejack ran at the changeling queen. “Let ‘em go!” Leaping up and spinning around to kick her with her back legs, Applejack was surprised to find her back hooves hitting a flat tingling surface before the surface blasted her off into the air back to her friends. With the strength of the recoil she rolled into the side of the bus before lying down tiredly and limply on the ground. Alice and the others looked fearfully to see Faba’s Alakazam hold one of its spoons in Chrysalis’s direction, the soft glow on it dying down. “Malamar!” the leader shouted. “Hit that pest with Night Slash!” With the broader sides of its tentacles going black, Malamar lashed at Mimikyu, who also appeared to leap and dip underneath its attacks. Chrysalis laughed maniacally as Starlight and Shining Armor’s breathing got more hoarse and labored. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be on the winning end against you and your friends, and I must say, it’s incredibly delightful!” Sam couldn’t take much more, detaching a Poké Ball from his belt and reeling back before tossing it. “Doublade, save the–” Sam stopped himself mid-throw and glanced up at the large shape coming at the Prism grunts from behind. Upon recognizing it, he couldn’t help but let out a smirk that the Prism leader was quick to notice as their head perked up in realization. Just as they turned back, they saw as a Drampa threw its head down and blasted down on the street with a plume of Dragon Breath. Several grunts leapt out of the way while a few others were flattened to their stomachs by it. Faba, his Alakazam, the leader, and their Malamar both jumped aside, but Chrysalis, still preoccupied with the three unicorns in her control, could only turn back fast enough to see Drampa’s blue flames ravage into her. As she screamed, unable to hold her spell, Starlight, Shining Armor, and Rarity were freed, breathing loudly and hastily while the Drampa above continued its flight. Lady and Alice both ran to Starlight, the latter pushing up on her chest to help her onto her hooves. “Starlight, are you okay?” Starlight tried to reignite her horn, only for several small sparks to fizzle at the top. “All things considered. Guys?” Shining Armor found that he had the same weak charge. “Lost my magic again, but fine otherwise.” “Yes, thank you darling,” Rarity addressed. Applejack also slowly got onto to her hooves. “I’ll be sore tomorrow, but I’m okay.” “Wait a sec, guys!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Mimikyu was in that blast! Mimikyu, come on–” On cue, Mimikyu quickly slid itself back to Alice’s side from the dust cloud left from the Dragon Breath. “Oh, hey Mimikyu! I almost thought you got burnt to a crisp for a second!” Chrysalis peered up to see Alice’s Pokémon in apparent perfect health, growling in anger. “But how? How could that ugly little runt withstand that attack!?” “Fairy-type, bitch!” Alice shouted back. “And you’re one to talk about other’s appearances!” As Shining Armor got to his hooves, Sam put his Poké Ball back onto his belt and reached into his bag, pulling out one of the training staffs from it. “Shining Armor!” Sam threw the baton out to the stallion, who caught it in his teeth. Pressing the button on it with his tongue, the staff opened up as he stepped forward to prepare to fight. As well, the Drampa flew back over the bus and quickly rested before Sam, facing the Prism army. Sam breathed out, dumbfounded. “Dr… Drampa?” The dragon turned back and nodded to him, acknowledging itself as the one that carried them down Mt. Lanakila, Sam letting out a chuckle. “You just can’t let me out of your sight, huh?” Drampa turned back to face Prism, glaring especially hard at Malamar and Alakazam. “So you wish to fight then?” The Prism leader’s question was met with everyone widening or arching their stances, prepared to charge. “Fine. For once, you’ll learn where your blind heroism will get you!” “Go, Decidueye!” Just as the Prism army and the Pokémon turned back at the source of the voice, two feathery arrows struck both the heads of Malamar and Alakazam. Though Malamar appeared somewhat annoyed by the hit, Alakazam got thrown back down to its stomach. Faba twitched his fingers, seeing that his Pokémon would not get up. “Wha–?!” Looking back up, he spotted a large owl with a green, leafy hood, wood-brown feathers, and a white body falling toward the ground. With its left arm raised up and holding tight to a vine drawstring, it appeared to him as an organic bow. Gliding to the ground behind the Decidueye were Sun, Gladion, Lillie, and Hau’s Charizards, their group of Equestrians close behind. Despite their dire situation, Discord and the ponies gasped happily at the sight of the rest of their friends as they came in close behind. “Twilight!” Starlight called. “Fluttershy!” As the Decidueye and the Charizards quickly landed, so did Twilight and the others. “Don’t worry, girls! We’re here now!” “You guys okay on your end?” Gladion called out as he, Lillie, Sun, and Hau brought their Charizards back to their Ride Pagers. “Now that you’re here!” Discord eagerly responded. Reinforced by their presence, Sam, Alice, and their group stepped forward. Though the Prism army held its ground, the grunts in the back turned to see Sun, Hau, and their group blocking them from behind. “Alright, you jerks,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “you’re surrounded now! Don’t bother us and we won’t bother you, got it?” Hearing the sounds of Hau, Lillie, and Gladion clasping their first Poké Balls, the leader turned back at the newcomers ready to flank them from behind. Turning back at the group in front of them, they froze up as if they could feel their rage seeping out from the face behind their hood. “No…” they huffed. “Not like this…” Slapping their hand to their chest, the air around their torso had began to appear fractured as if being viewed through a clear gemstone. The phenomena spread out until the leader’s army, as well as the humans and Equestrians on both sides of them were enveloped. With the imperceptible walls of this space spinning and warping around them, Sam and Alice quickly found themselves floating off the ground and isolated from their friends. Hearing their friends screams of fear from nearly every angle and distances both far and near, they looked about to see visions of their friends passing from one edge of a window to another before the refractions made them disappear once again. Then at once, the ground opened in front of them as gravity took effect once again, letting them fall face-first onto the street. Quickly getting back up, they were shocked to find that they, along with the equally confused Drampa and Mimikyu, were now facing the other end of the street where Sun and his friends had stood. Looking left and right, they found that they were completely on their own, the rest of their friends all backed against the bus with Faba, Chrysalis, and the Prism grunts all facing them. Alice turned to face the Prism leader and their Malamar, who was now standing in front of them by themselves. “What… what did you just do?” “Just leveling the playing field, is all.” The fractured air receded into the space above their upward-facing palm before it mended itself back to normal. “Now, while my friends deal with yours, I’ll finally be taking you two thorns out of my sides!” On the other side of the Prism army, the Equestrians were just coming to terms with their sudden change in location, reuniting with each other upon spotting them. Starlight and Discord ran to Thorax and Trixie on either side, embracing them. “Starlight!” Trixie wept. “I was so worried about you!” “Same!” “And now we’re together again!” Discord managed to pick all three of his friends up, holding them close to his chest. Twilight looked to the Prism army and spotted Chrysalis, who also appeared to spot her, both of their eyes shooting open. “Chrysalis!” Twilight shouted. “Twilight!” Chrysalis hissed. “I didn’t want to believe it when I heard it, but here you are.” Chrysalis’s lips curled to a smile and chuckled. “Yes, and if you thought Equestria was in danger at this very moment, just wait until my new friends and I return to it!” “You’ll never have that chance! I won’t allow it!” “Ha! And what can you possibly do now? Can you even use your magic after that?” Twilight charged her horn for a quick attack, only to find that it was only a small fizzle, the light draining from her eyes. With another laugh, Chrysalis charged her horn. “I’ve waited years for this…” Just as her green aura turned magenta, she was caught unaware as Starmie boomeranged into her forehead just below her horn and returned to Lillie, along with Gladion and his Dark-type Silvally, Hau and his Pangoro, and Sun and his Decidueye. “We waited hours,” Hau retorted. “Send out your worst, guys! After Dexio, I’m ready to take on anything!” Faba let out a shrill grunt as he called his Alakazam back to its ball. “Insolent brats! You will no longer make a mockery out of us! Go, Bruxish!” As he called out his floating pink triggerfish Pokémon, the other grunts each detached their Poké Balls and tossed them out. Joining Chrysalis and Bruxish on the front lines in successive flashes of white from the balls were three Kadabras, two Slowkings, a Hypno, an Oranguru, two Slowbros, a Metang, two Espeons, a Pa’u Style Oricorio, and another Bruxish. “Wow,” Pinkie Pie spoke, hushed, “now that’s an army.” “Big deal!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “We’ve dealt with groups of you in this size before!” “As have I!” Twilight spoke. “Come on everyone, we have to try and help out Sam and Alice!” “Right!” Starlight and Fluttershy shouted back, Lady and Comfey joining the other Pokémon on their side. “Starmie!” Lillie shouted. “Use Swift on Faba’s Bruxish!” “Kadabra!” A young male grunt with short sand-colored hair yelled. “Block the attack and hit Starmie with Charge Beam!” As Starmie shot star-shaped lights from the gem in its center, the Kadabra crossed its spoons together, shooting out bolts of lightning that collided with most of the star shaped beams. As a few of the stars got past the lightning and struck Faba’s Bruxish, a weaker beam passed through and struck Starmie, both attacks not seeming to do much damage to the other. At once, the remaining Pokémon on both sides charged each other. “Malamar!” The Prism leader shouted with an outstretched arm. “Hit Drampa with Superpower!” With its body becoming awash with a reddish-brown aura, Malamar bowed its head at the Drampa before shooting forward at it. A bright, fiery cone formed around the top of Malamar’s head as it plowed into the top of Drampa’s chest. As it slid back toward Sam, it dug its claws into the street, reducing its speeds just before it could collide with him. As Malamar returned to its trainer, the leader perked their head up as Drampa panted, heavily hurt by the attack. “Impressive. Most Pokémon don’t survive my Malamar’s Superpower, especially those already weak to Fighting-type attacks.” Drampa squinted, bearing its teeth with rage mounting in its expression. “Maybe you’ll stop underestimating us finally,” Alice grunted. “Mimikyu, hit Malamar with Play Rough!” As Mimikyu ran ahead, the leader puffed dismissively. “This again? Malamar, dodge it!” “Drampa!” Sam yelled. “Use Dragon Breath!” The Drampa breathed in while Mimikyu’s shadow arms shot out from beneath its disguise. Leaping up, Mimikyu grabbed at Malamar, only for it to duck back beneath its grasp. Drampa breathed out its blue fire, and right before the attack hit, Malamar sprung back up, striking Mimikyu in its disguise’s stomach and knocking it back to Alice. The fires covered Malamar, the leader putting their arm before their face to shield themselves from the intense, cool heat. As the fires dispersed, Malamar’s arms slumped to the ground, and as it tried picking them up, it found that it was too weak to. “She’s paralyzed!” Sam cheered. “Way to go, Drampa!” The dragon mewed happily. Alice looked into the space inside the leader’s hood. “Let’s see your slimy squid avoid this one! Mimikyu, Play Rough!” “Drampa, another Dragon Breath!” The Drampa breathed in, throwing its head back. Mimikyu turned and stared at the dragon and then ran toward it, confusing and frightening Alice and Sam. “Mimikyu!” she cried. “What are you–” Mimikyu leapt up and tilted its body away as Drampa whipped its head forward, its eyes closed. With perfect aim, the Dragon Breath launched from its mouth and propelled Mimikyu forward. Mimikyu slid its arms out and reached at Malamar, whose helpless position allowed Mimikyu to tackle it to the ground as the Dragon Breath engulfed them both. Lillie’s Starmie tumbled back after getting thrown back by a Bruxish’s mouth. Lillie ran to her Pokémon, cradling it as the light in its gem flickered out and went limp in her arms as the visual and audible cacophony of blasts, beams, and flying bodies went on above her. “Nice job, Bruxish!” a teenaged grunt with bobbed purple hair shouted to her Pokémon. Looking behind her, she saw as the Drampa’s Dragon Breah and Mimikyu’s Play Rough viciously assaulted the leader’s Malamar. “Those kids… Bruxish, hit that Mimikyu with Crunch!” As was told, the Bruxish swam back, weaving through the rows of grunts giving their Pokémon commands. Passing through the last row, it swam around the leader’s legs and tilted sideways with its mouth wide open. Grabbing hold of its disguise’s neck, Bruxish clamped hard and broke it with a soft crack. The leader, realizing what happened, chuckled. “Malamar, hit Mimikyu with Night Slash!” The grunt’s Bruxish threw Mimikyu back as Malamar slung its right tentacle out, whipping Mimikyu into its disguise’s stomach and throwing it back to Alice. Mimikyu! Are you alright?” Mimikyu got back up to its feet, and upon feeling its lopsided disguise head against its body, it stretched upward, screeching at Malamar and its trainer. Sam hissed, distraught by Mimikyu’s anger. “Drampa, take the Bruxish out with Dragon Breath!” The Drampa blew its blue flames at the triggerfish with great intensity, Malamar forming an invisible barrier to protect itself and its trainer from the wisps that threatened to flicker into them. When the Drampa finally let off, the flames faded away to reveal Bruxish lying on the street, fainted. “Ugh, damn!” The Bruxish’s grunt called her Pokémon back. “Thank you for the assist!” The leader called to her. With a nod, the grunt ran off to the side of the street, only able to watch the battles as they continued on both sides. Sun’s Decidueye dodged an Espeon’s Shadow Ball, and in its ducked position, it allowed Silvally to leap over and strike it with an X-Scissor, knocking it into two grunts. Silvally was soon sucker punched in the gut by the Metang’s Brick Break, sending it flying off toward the edge of one of the cliffs. Before it could land, Discord ran in and curled its body into a single-coiled spring, allowing Silvally to bounce off of it and land nimbly on its feet. Discord pumped his arm, uncaring for Silvally running back into the line of fire. “Yes! No magic required on that sweet save!” On the other side, the Prism leader reached into their cloak and pulled out a Full Restore. As they sprayed Malamar, its body and tentacles became more limber and fluid, regaining its health and mobility. “Figures. We might as well heal our Pokémon too.” Sam got out a Max Potion and hopped over to the Drampa, aiming the bottle at it. As he sprayed the dragon, it let out a deep honk, shocked by the sudden cold sensation. “Don’t worry. You’ll be better after this.” “I’ve got a better solution!” Alice shouted. “Mimikyu, use Leech Life!” Mimikyu ran out at Malamar, leaping up and tilting back so that the open bottom of its disguise faced Malamar. As the Malamar shielded its eyes, Mimikyu grabbed onto its neck and dug the fingers of its shadow arms in. Malamar grunted and clenched its beak as bulbs of green light fed into Mimikyu’s arms and into its underside. Mimikyu eventually hopped off and freed Malamar to slump over in lightheadedness. Once Sam finished healing the Drampa, it mooed contently at him before facing Malamar and the leader. “You think that now your Pokémon are all better, we’re back at square one, right?” The leader crossed their arms confidently. “Know that the moment I made my first move, I was always a step ahead of you.” “First move…” Sam’s eyes shot open upon getting it. “Shit! Its Contrary–” “Malamar! Finish Drampa off with another Superpower!” As it scrunched the bottom half of its body in to shoot off, its head and tentacles flexed, appearing thicker with pulsing veins rising from beneath its skin. With a push, Malamar rocketed at Drampa faster than before, the strike colliding into it hard enough to blast it off its stomach. Sam fell to his stomach just before the Drampa passed over him, continuing to fly up the road until it crashed and rolled to a stop several yards away. “Drampa!” Sam ran back to his fallen comrade. Alice looked back, seeing the Drampa smile contently at his approach before resting his head and falling into unconsciousness. Fixing her gaze back to Malamar, she clenched her fists and breathed through her clenched teeth. “Mimikyu…” she breathed. “Take that Malamar out with another Play Rough!” Mimkyu darted forward and stretched its arms out long enough to wrap them around Malamar’s body several times. Approaching it and pulling it towards itself, Mimkyu hoisted its foe up into the air before slamming it on its head. Malamar easily attempted to roll away, taking Mimikyu with it, but Mimikyu leapt up and slammed Malamar back onto the asphalt sideways. Alice panted uneasily, seeing that even with her Pokémon’s tremendous strength, it didn’t do much to injure Malamar. “Your Mimikyu’s weak!” The voice of the Prism leader only made Malamar’s resistance to it all the more scarier. “After those two Superpowers, my Malamar’s virtually untouchable now! In fact, let’s see it try to survive this. Malamar, hit Mimikyu with Psycho Cut!” Malamar floated itself upright, and took Mimikyu up with it. With its tentacles expanding with the extra strength it received from its attacks, Mimikyu’s arms began to lose their grip. Malamar then slashed its glowing tentacles outward, freeing itself and hitting Mimikyu dead-center between the eyeholes of its disguise. The point of the strike flashed brightly as a magenta X was left where Malamar made its attack. Alice danced her feet about as Mimikyu tumbled limply through the air, appearing to have already fainted. “Mimikyu, I got you!” Holding her arms up once she felt she was directly beneath where it would fall, Alice caught Mimikyu, its disguise feeling half-deflated as it formed around her forearms. “Oh my god…” Alice took Mimikyu’s ball from her belt and returned it inside, keeping her head hung low. “You were great, Mimikyu. Thank you.” Sam, having pet the Drampa’s head one last time, turned back to the site of the battle, slowly walking back with his eyes firmly matching with Malamar’s as it paid him attention. “Okay, yeah, you’re pretty… no, very strong. But if you think we’re going to stop because you took out a Pokémon each from us, you’re sorely mistaken.” The leader stayed stoically still. “That’s quite kind of you to compliment my skills, but I never expected you to give up in the first place, not that it matters that you aren’t. Even with just Chrysalis by my side, both Gladion and Nanu didn’t stand a chance against me. What makes you think a pair of kids just barely halfway through their Island Trials will fare any better?” “Maybe we’ll just have to show you!” Alice threw a Poké Ball out. “Lycanroc, Accelerock!” Sam threw out another ball next. “Salazzle, Flame Charge!” Alice’s Poké Ball opened up, her Lycanroc leaping out from the white energy that spilled out of it. Upon its front paws hitting the ground, it pushed forth with such speed and intensity that it appeared to teleport from its landing spot to just in front of Malamar, where it slashed its stony claws across its chest. Upon appearing from its ball, Salazzle galloped ahead, watching Malamar intensely as it tried to recover from Lycanroc’s hit. With a spit of fire from its mouth, the flames spread over its body and created its own cone as it leapt up and socked Malamar in the face just below its beak. Unable to keep its balance, Malamar was slammed flat onto its back. Lycanroc and Salazzle leapt back cautiously as they watched Malamar’s movements, able to relax upon seeing it not even attempting to get back up. “Yeah!” Alice shouted. “Got ‘er!” “Nice one, Salazzle!” Sam shook his fist. The leader returned Malamar to its ball, looking down on it until the red energy it was converted into completely receded back into the ball. “Once we’re done with you,” Alice shouted, “Faba, Chrysalis, and your grunts are next! You won’t escape this time!” The Prism leader replaced their ball with another from their belt. “Naïve little children, you are. You beat one of my Pokémon and expect an easy victory. Nothing comes easily against me. Now, take them out, Xatu!” The Prism leader’s tribal bird flew out from its ball and glided gently to the ground to face Lycanroc and Salazzle. Meanwhile, a Kadabra tried to hit Rainbow Dash with a Thunderbolt. Though she was quick to avoid it, lightning struck both Sun’s Decidueye and Hau’s Kommo-o below, blasting them down and away. “Hey, not cool!” Rainbow Dash soared down and kicked the Oranguru in the face, laughing triumphantly as it was knocked to the ground. Just then, she found herself stopped and unable to move her wings or limbs. Forced back up above the fray, she saw as Chrysalis laughed as she had her in her grasp. “Don’t think you’re exempt from my rage!” she spat. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried, flying out at her. Chrysalis giggled again as she turned to face her nemesis, also managing to hold her still. Try and she might, Twilight could not break free from Chrysalis’s psychic grasp. “But you…” Twilight continued to writhe and groan as Chrysalis floated her towards herself. “You’re my prized prey…” “You let her go!” Chrysalis turned just in time to see Shining Armor swing his staff into the base of her horn. The force of the hit not only broke the concentration on her psychic hold, freeing Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but the pieces of her now broken conversion ring clattered to the ground with her. As she reached for the pieces, she found herself jabbed in the gut by the staff and pushed her further way. Sliding back to her hooves, Rainbow Dash and Twilight joined Shining Armor’s side, arching back and ready to charge. “Urgh!” Chrysalis charged her horn, which maintained its green light. “No matter! I still have my magic!” Unbeknownst to her, Lady leapt from the ground and nimbly bounced off the top of the Metang’s head. Soaring high up, it whipped its feelers in Chrysalis’s direction. At that moment, a web of bright volts of a Psyshock attack showered all around Chrysalis, turning darker until they faded away. Weakened from the hit, Chrysalis crumpled to her stomach. Lady landed before Chrysalis as Starlight joined Twilight’s side. “Not anymore you don’t. Come on then, Chrysalis, show me how strong you are without your magic!” Chrysalis weakly got to her hooves, staring down the four ponies and Sylveon who looked ready to attack with the first move she made. With an anxious huff, Chrysalis broke off and ran to the safety of her grunt allies. “You coward!” Shining Armor ran ahead first, Starlight, Lady, and Twilight quick to follow him. The four of them ran past a female grunt with long, purple hair, pointing out at Decidueye. “Espeon, Shadow Ball!” Opening its mouth, a dark-purple ball formed in front of its face, and with a shout, it shot its attack into Decidueye as it aimed its next arrow at an airborne Metang. Striking it in the chest, Decidueye lost its aim and shot high and away from the battle, falling to a knee to support itself. “Yes!” she hissed with shake of her fist. Behind her, Sam and Alice pointed at the Prism leader’s Xatu. “Salazzle, Flamethrower!” “Hit ‘em with Stone Edge!” Alice shouted. Salazzle breathed a hefty plume of fire at Xatu, the flames quickly and intensely rising on its body as it threw its wings open and cried out. Lycanroc stood on its hind legs and mimed an intense uppercut, a small, narrow mountain jutting out from the street where Xatu stood. As Alice traced the top of the mountain, she was dismayed to see Xatu flying just above the rock, which appeared like a volcano with Salazzle’s flames still covering it. Hearing the commotion behind her, the purple-haired grunt looked to see Xatu fanning the flames off its plumage as it perched itself atop the Stone Edge pillar. “Espeon, use Sunny Day!” Her Espeon let out a loud mew as the gem in its forehead glowed bright. Just then, the sun, which was already shining bright in the somewhat cloudy sky, shone brighter and burned more intensely, dissolving the clouds that were visible. Along with the trainers and Equestrians, the leader looked up at the brighter sky, chuckling at the advantage they’d been given. “Xatu, use Solar Beam!” “Solar Beam?!” Alice gasped. “But with the sun…” With a couple flaps of its wings, Xatu hovered a yard above the peak of the rock formation and raised its wings as high as it could. Above its head, a small green sun formed like a dot that popped into existence, and with the real sun’s heat and radiance, the orb of light expanded out until it was roughly the same height as Xatu. “Now, finish her Lycanroc off, now!” Xatu flapped both wings forward, aiming both ends at Alice’s Pokémon. With a sudden increase in brightness, the sphere of light shot out a thick green beam that hammered onto Lycanroc. The beam exploded the street where it struck, the shockwaves throwing Sam, Alice, and Salazzle hard off their feet. With the earth shaking beneath their feet, the grunts, the Equestrians, Sun, his friends, and their Pokémon ceased their attacks and looked back at the site of Sam and Alice’s battle, staring up in awe at the Xatu’s Solar Beam. “Sam!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Alice!” Once the green light above Xatu shrunk and disappeared, the beam finally let out its last bit of energy. As the roar from the blast began to echo off into the distance, Alice peered up to see her Lycanroc lying motionless on the ground on its side. “No… Lycanroc.” She got to her feet and pulled Lycanroc’s ball from her belt before looking back angrily at the leader and their Xatu as it floated back down to the ground. Sam and Salazzle were also slow to get to their feet. “So this is how you win? You get your grunts to run in and save you when your chips start running low?” “Are you seriously complaining about a ten on five match being unfair to you?” The Prism leader dryly asked. “You two losing this battle would only speak less about the skills of my Pokémon and I and more about the lack of yours.” Sam bared his teeth in frustration. “Sam, cool it!” Alice called her Lycanroc back and replaced its ball with another. “He’s right. We have two Pokémon for each one they do. We got this. Go, Raichu!” With her ball opening up, Raichu flew out and circled around Sam and Alice before settling down before her. Sam, looking back up at the sun, couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “Heh, I suppose you’re right. After all, these grunts can be just as helpful to us as they are to him.” The Prism leader scoffed. “Just what are you–” Salazzle’s back suddenly flared up, and as they looked up to the sky and the intensified sun, the leader gasped upon understanding. “So yeah, you can thank your comrade for the power boost! Salazzle, hit Xatu with Flamethrower!” Salazzle breathed out its fire breath, the flames now glowing white-hot as they washed over Xatu’s body, making it scream out with the much more sweltering heat. “Yeah, that’s it!” Alice cried out. “Raichu, hit it with Wild Charge!” With its body surging with electricity, Raichu rocketed at the still burning Xatu before tilting its body up and slamming the bottom of its tail into its upper chest, the sparks and lightning bursting out from under it. Xatu’s upper body swung down into the street while Raichu flew right back to its trainer, shaking off the soreness it suddenly felt in its legs and feet. As Xatu rolled up onto its talons, the purple-haired grunt ran from the back row of her allies with her Espeon following alongside. “Espeon, use Shadow Ball on Raichu!” Quickly shooting a dark-purple orb from its mouth, Raichu could barely register the arrival of the new Pokémon before it was pummeled into the stomach, knocking it off its tail and to the ground. “Raichu!” Alice cried. As Xatu got back up, the Prism leader pointed their outstretched hand at Salazzle. “Xatu, finish the lizard off with Psychic!” Opening its wings up and staying still as a statue, its body emitted a pink glow that also began to cover Salazzle. Roughly forced up to its hind legs, Sam shuddered in horror as small magenta rings faded in around it and flew into its stomach, back, limbs, and face. Even as it yowled in agony, the rings refused to let up. Finally, Salazzle’s eyes rolled into the back of its head, which slumped over from sheer exhaustion. “Stop, already!” Sam loudly begged. The leader softly laughed. “No, no. “I’ll stop when–” “Raichu, Thunderbolt!” The leader and their grunt ally gasped, looking up at the sky just as a thick bolt of lightning rained down on the petrified Xatu, the aura radiating off its body as well as Salazzle’s disappearing. With the hit, Xatu fell back and closed its eyes, passed out. At the same time, Xatu’s body landed, so did Salazzle’s, who was just as physically spent as its adversary. Sam huffed out indignantly, taking Salazzle’s Poké Ball from his belt and returning it inside. “Good job, girl. Only two more to go.” The purple-haired grunt clenched her fists. “Little brat! Espeon, finish her Raichu with Shadow Ball!” Opening its mouth as wide as it could, the orb that formed before the Espeon’s face grew out to the size of a medium-sized beach ball, the sight of it unnerving both Alice and Raichu. Alice breathed through her teeth in worry. “Don’t worry about it, Raichu! Break through it and attack with Wild Charge!” Raichu’s body sparked up and jetted out to strike its target. “Espeon, now!” On its trainer’s orders, the Espeon shot its Shadow Ball at a much greater speed than Raichu expected, the attack aimed just high enough that it struck it square in the face and exploded, hurling Raichu off its tail. With the tail still moving, Raichu was yanked to flip over, falling head first onto the street before rolling to a hard tumble at the Espeon’s feet. “Raichu, no!” Tears were flung from her eyes as she ran to it. “Alice, stop!” Sam quickly fidgeted for his next Poké Ball. “Espeon!” The purple-haired grunt’s Espeon knew what to do, and with a flash of the gem in its head, Alice was frozen mid-stride. With her fingers just barely twitching as they reached for her motionless Raichu, Alice screamed as she failed to fight the hold she was put in. “You let her go!” Sam chucked his next ball out. “Archen, Dragon Claw!” With Sam’s prehistoric bird soaring out from its ball, it quickly swung between Raichu and the Espeon, slashing its target in the face with a blue blaze trailing off its claws. The whiplash was intense enough to slam Espeon’s head into the street, breaking its hold on Alice. Overexerting herself, Alice fell onto her stomach and clasped onto her Raichu. Swinging onto her feet, she quickly backed away as the Prism leader took out Xatu’s ball and returned it inside. Sam turned to Alice as she and Raichu returned to her spot. “How is he?” Alice looked to her right sleeve near her shoulder, seeing a noticeable, but shallow patch of blood there. “It doesn’t look good. We need to get to a Pokémon Center soon.” “You’re not going anywhere!” the Prism leader bellowed, tearing their last Poké Ball off their belt. “I couldn’t care less if that rodent bleeds out on this mountain, but I will defeat you two! Come on out, Gardevoir!” Lobbing their ball up, it opened up as the energy that spilled from it unveiled their white maiden Pokémon. “Oh my god…” Alice’s uneven breathing made it appear that she was either laughing or close to sobbing with every exhale. “I am going to enjoy tearing you to pieces, you son of a bitch.” Taking Raichu’s Poké Ball from her belt, she returned it inside, put the ball back and threw another out straight from her belt. “You’re up, Noibat!” With a bursting open of the ball, Noibat soared up before holding its place at an altitude just above Sam’s head. From their body motions, Alice could tell that both the Prism leader and their grunt were surprised. Both of them laughed hard. “You sent out your Noibat to face off against a Fairy-type?” the leader boisterously asked. “And you’ve faced our Espeons before!” the purple-haired grunt added. “Surely you remember the moves they have!” “Yeah? What about it?” Alice cocked her head, not appearing at all bothered. “Sam sent out a Poison-type to face off against your Psychics, and she helped take two of your Pokémon out.” “Yes, I give your brother’s Salazzle credit for its resilience,” the leader said, “but first, lets see if your Noibat can even survive long enough just to make an attack!” On the other side of the battle, Hau’s Passimian finshed assaulting the Metang with Beat Up, sending it to the ground and managing to make it faint. As it fell, a Slowbro was right behind it with its mouth aflame, preparing a Flamethrower. Passimian held its arms up to brace itself, only to relax upon seeing a staff raised behind the Slowbro. The end of the staff met the back of its head hard enough to cause it to swoon, the fires in its maw extinguished. Falling forward onto its stomach in dizziness, Shining Armor panted as he looked down upon the enemy he felled. Hau, seeing another figure behind him, narrowed his vision. “Hey, man, behind you!” Just then, his staff was pulled away, spinning him around to face a Kadabra, holding its spoon like a fishing rod as it tried to pull the weapon from the stallion’s mouth. Though he continued getting pulled toward it, Shining Armor refused to relinquish the staff. As he got closer, the Kadabra reached for his neck, which came close to its reach. Seemingly out of nowhere, Lillie’s Rapidash gored its green glowing horn into the side of the Kadabra’s head, sending it flying away and losing its focus on Shining Armor’s staff. As he watched the Rapidash slow its gait, he became alarmed by several explosions of smoke ring out all around him, the smog quickly covering him and obscuring his vision. As he spun about, keeping his ears open for any approaching enemies, he suddenly felt a large creature run past him, its shadow disappearing into the smoke. Before he could wonder what he had seen, he suddenly saw a fiery claw swing out at an Oranguru’s silhouette and briefly illuminate itself, appearing like a very muscular bipedal cat. With another enflamed slash going at another Kadabra on the other side of it, Shining Armor couldn’t help but smile, admiring the convenience of the smoke. High above the smog, Thorax held onto Trixie as he hovered safely over it. Trixie haughtily lobbed a smoke bomb in and out of her hoof, watching as the large cat finished the Oranguru off. “Where there’s smoke, there’s–” “FIRE!” Pinkie Pie screamed, slamming the button on her party cannon down. Both Rarity and Applejack were shot out of the cannon, flying directly through Trixie’s smokescreen. While Rarity delivered a firm punch to the Slowbro that Shining Armor stuck, Applejack turned around to buck the Kadabra behind the large cat in the side of the head, sending it flying back into the line of grunts. Upon landing, Applejack was rejoined by Rarity. “Hoo wee! ‘Bout time we did our part!” Without warning, the wind picked up and brought the smoke up in a small, tight twister, clearing the battlefield. Applejack and Rarity both looked back at the cat, who sported red fur with black stripes on its arms and legs, a grey-haired chest, and a belt of fire around its waist, who also acknowledged them. Looking back up, they watched as the smoke accumulated in a sphere directly above the center of the line of grunts. Upon exploding, the three of them saw an Oricorio with its wings thrown out, flapping them again to maintain its height. Thorax and Trixie both shifted back upon seeing the bird. “Well,” Thorax said. “It was fun while it lasted.” The fire cat clenched its fist as it looked up at the bird, and as it looked down to face it, Rarity, and Applejack, it was promptly pelted by a piece of jagged ice. It fell a ways before retaining its flight before hitting the ground. Rarity, Applejack, and the cat looked back to see Gladion run in with his Weavile, joining their side. “Looks like you need a helping hand,” he said. Coming to the Oricorio’s aid was another Oranguru, a Slowking, and Faba with his Hypno. “You certainly have the best timing,” Rarity spoke up. “We aren’t through here,” Faba shouted. “Either of you.” Gladion sighed. “Good. I was getting bored with the others.” “Have at you, you brutes!” Rarity yelled, standing on her hind legs and holding her hooves up like fists. “En garde!” With a shout, Rarity, Applejack, Weavile, and the cat each charged a Pokémon. “Espeon!” The purple-haired grunt commanded. “Hit Archen and Noibat with Dazzling Gleam!” “Gardevoir!” The leader pointed at Alice’s Pokémon. “Attack Noibat with Moonblast!” Espeon’s gem glowed brightly before illuminating the area around them in a bright light. At the same time, Gardevoir fired a silver beam directly at Noibat. The colorful particles of light that danced around the light of the Dazzling Gleam pierced into Archen and also swirled around the Moonblast beam. With Noibat trying to shield its eyes from the near blinding light, it took the combined attack in the center of its chest, shooting it over Alice’s head where it tumbled further up the road. As the light faded, Alice turned back to see how far her Pokémon had gone back. “Noibat! Noibat, come on, get up!” “There’s no way that scrawny little thing could have survived both attacks.” Alice turned back to face the Prism leader. “Even Gladion’s Silvally found standing difficult after a single Moonblast. Whatever you had tried was a clear failure, so just call your last Pokémon and–” “Uh, boss?” Pointing behind Alice, the leader looked over to see Noibat slowly pushing off the ground with its wings, and stepping both feet one at a time to stand. “Noibat!” Alice and Sam both shouted happily. “Impossible!” The leader clutched the sides of their hood. “A Noibat couldn’t have possibly survived my Gardevoir’s Moonblast!” “Sure, just any Noibat maybe,” Alice responded, “but my Noibat… should never be underestimated.” Back up on its feet, Noibat threw its arms out and screeched at Gardevoir and its trainer. “Alright, girl,” Alice ordered, “hit Gardevoir with Super Fang!” Noibat screeched again and got a running start. Once it passed between Alice and Sam, it flapped its wings and took flight, opening its mouth wide as its row of small fangs lit up inside. “No!” The purple-haired grunt whipped her arm out. “Espeon, hit them again with Dazzling–” “Archen, Bulldoze, quick!” On Sam’s command, Archen swooped down low to the ground, picking up a small wave of dirt that accumulated into mud. Upon whizzing beneath Noibat, Archen shot up and rose the mud wall high, crashing down on both Espeon and Gardevoir. Gardevoir quickly exploded the pieces of mud caked on its body off with its energy, only for Noibat to clamp down on its upper chest. Gardevoir screamed in pain as beams of light reflected off Noibat’s teeth and shot in multiple directions. “Boss!” The purple haired grunt looked down to her Pokémon. “Espeon, take Noibat out with–” She was stopped and terrified to see her half-buried Espeon having fainted, not showing the remotest signs of pulling itself free. “Boss,” she whined, “I’m–” “You’ve done your part,” they interrupted, “now take your Pokémon and rejoin the others.” “Yes, sir!” As the purple-haired grunt called her Espeon back, Gardevoir tried to pry Noibat’s mouth open, though was not strong enough to. “Come on, Gardevoir!” the leader spat. “Get that Noibat off of you and finish it with Moonblast!” With a guttural cry, the Gardevoir forced Noibat’s mouth open just enough to throw it off and away from itself. As Noibat attempted to realign itself, Alice gasped to see its horn charging. “Noibat, watch out!” Gardevoir instantly launched its attack, the entire beam blasting into Noibat’s body. As the tail of the beam passed through, Alice watched as Noibat limply fell toward the ground. Alice was quick to draw its Poké Ball from her belt and aim it at her Pokémon, the red beam converting and pulling it back inside before it could hit the ground. Panting over the close call, Alice hugged the ball to her chest. “Thanks, Noibat. You were excellent.” Sam grit his teeth, seething. “Archen, take Gardevoir out with Acrobatics!” Archen, still in flight, got low to the ground before sprinting along the ground, maintaining its speed. “Gardevoir, dodge it!” the leader coolly ordered. Archen leapt up, hugging its legs and wings to its chest as it flipped and spun about at Gardevoir. With a bending over of its waist and a spread-legged stance, Archen went well over its head. Undetterred, Archen unfolded its wings and used its momentum to fly and and swoop back and then directly down toward Gardevoir. Looking up, Gardevoir fell back into a reverse summersault. Archen, now only seeing ground beneath it, pulled up as hard as it could, swinging around and aiming its talons at Gardevoir’s chest. “Gardevoir, Thunderbolt!” Hearing its trainer’s command, Gardevoir held its hands near both sides of its horn, which began to sparkle with electricity. With a squawk, Archen tried to fly out of the way, but with a throw open of its arm, Gardevoir blasted a bolt of lightning point blank into Archen, throwing it back near Sam. “Archen, no!” Alice threw out her last ball. “Mudbray, use Bulldoze!” Mudbray charged out from the energy of its ball, passing Sam as he caught his fainted Archen. Its hooves picked up the dirt and mud, thrashing it into Gardevoir and entrapping it inside as it quickly dried. Sam returned Archen in its ball as Gardevoir furiously punched and kicked its way out of its earthen prison. With his free left hand, he reached around and took out his next Poké Ball quickly flicking it out. “While it’s stuck,” he sputtered, “Doublade, hit it with Flash Cannon!” The ball opened up, and Doublade quickly swooped out of it, its blades already charged with a bright shimmer. Finally able to step out, Gardevoir faced Doublade with a tired stance, hanging its arms low. Closing its eyes, it allowed Doublade to deliver a dual swing of its swords, shooting a silver X into it, the strength blasting the dried mud into a cloud of dirt and dust. “Hah…” Alice giggled. “Nice move there.” Sam kept his eyes inside the cloud, hoping to see Gardevoir sprawled on the ground as it began to part. To Alice’s surprise and Sam’s ire, Gardevoir was now standing stronger than before, the cloud fading further to reveal the Prism leader pointing an empty Max Potion bottle behind its head. Having served its purpose, the leader tossed the bottle to the ground. “Seriously?” Sam growled. “You’re just going to continue healing your Pokémon until we can’t fight anymore?” The Prism leader breathed out in frustration. “You’re more than welcome to continue using your turns to heal your own Pokémon, but whether you brought enough potions or revives to continue to do so is no fault of mine. So what will it be? Will you treat them or will they just have to lick their wounds?” “We don’t need to do anything!” Alice pounded her chest with her fist. “Your Gardevoir doesn’t have much left, and we’ll continue beating her down until she can’t get up! Mudbray, hit her with High Horsepower!” Mudbray charged again, and with a spin around, it tucked its legs in to buck. As forceful as its kick was however, Gardevoir had the stamina to swing to the left and let the attack thrust past it. “And you certainly won’t get the victory you want like that.” The leader snapped their fingers. “Gardevoir, Shadow Ball.” With an upward swing of its right arm, a Shadow Ball materialized instantly in Gardevoir's hand and shot at Doublade, the attack hitting it dead center and breaking apart its X formation and it clattered to the ground. Sam looked to his Pokémon to see it quickly picking itself up, digging into the street with the tips of its swords. “Yes, that’s it! Now, hit her with Shadow Claw!” Flying forward, a purple aura covered both of Doublade’s swords. As it readied its stance to dodge, Mudbray tapped one of its back hooves into Gardevoir’s legs, tripping it. Just as it recovered from falling, Sam hugged his arms to his chest before throwing them out, his Doublade forming a cross and slashing its blades outward, sending Gardevoir flying back. After sliding to a stop, Gardevoir tilted its head back to see Spike riding Princess Luna’s back, breathing fire upon the cloaks of several grunts as Luna passed just over their heads. Rainbow Dash came down from the other side, flying into them and knocking them down like bowling pins, Faba among them. “Aiyee!” he screamed before his hard landing cut him off. Gardevoir’s brief reflection was interrupted by the harsh voice of their trainer. “Gardevoir! Get back up!” Rolling into a seated position, Gardevoir got back up to their feet, jogging back to face Doublade and Mudbray. “Now, hit Mudbray with Magical Leaf!” Gardevoir threw its arms out, a flurry of color-changing leaves spilling out from beneath its organic dress. With another wind and throw of its right arm, all leaves shot forward, threatening to hit both Mudbray and Doubalde. However, each leaf directed itself away from Doublade and pelted Mudbray’s chest, sides, and face, exploding like small fireworks upon collision. Alice was stunned as Mudbray cried out to the sky. “Holy hell, is there a move this thing doesn’t know?” Once the attack ended, Mudbray’s legs buckled as it panted; Alice could tell it could not survive another attack. Sam looked to Doublade, who turned to look at him back. “Hey bud? You don’t mind letting Alice get the last shot, do you?” With a shake of its body, Sam nodded, appreciative of Doublade’s approval. “Hey, Alice?” She glanced to him. “Hit her with Bulldoze.” Both Alice and Mudbray looked surprised by this. “Sam, what are you saying? I’m not sure if Doublade could handle it!” “Neither does he. But we can both agree that she’s yours to take down.” Alice continued staring at her brother and his Pokémon, only to relent with an uneasy breath, turning back to face Gardevoir. “Mudbray… use Bulldoze!” With a hard push, Mudbray galloped forward, blasting mud around it. Much of it splattered Doublade and slammed it to the street. With the mud wave created even bigger than the first, Gardevoir shielded its arms in front of its face as it crashed into it and left it completely buried. As Sam called his Doublade back to its ball, he turned back to see Gardevoir dig itself out, though much slower and labored. “Hopefully that’ll do it.” He replaced Doublade’s Poké Ball with his last. “Let’s end this, Fomantis!” Fomantis appeared from its ball’s white energy just as Gardevoir finished pulling itself out from the hardened muck. The Prism leader looked to Gardevoir, its stance much lazier and tired. “So that was his aim…” they said to themselves. Alice turned to face Sam, a confident smile growing on her face. “Ready to finish this, Sam?” “Hell yeah!” he exclaimed. “Fomantis?” “Mudbray, take her out with High Horsepower!” “Finish her off with Poison Jab!” Both Mudbray and Fomantis charged Gardevoir, who was forced to glance between both Pokémon, unsure which one its trainer wanted it to attack first. Mudbray outran Fomantis, and as it spun around, ready to buck its legs into Gardevoir’s chest, Gardevoir crouched, ready to jump. Mudbray thrust its hooves out, Gardevoir nimbly hopping up and leaping higher off Mudbray’s back left hoof. Sam and Alice gasped as Gardevoir twisted itself about to face Mudbray below. “That’s it!” The Prism leader cheered. “Now finish it off with Magical Leaf!” With a throw of its arm, more colored leaves rained down onto Mudbray, each explosion forcing it onto its stomach as it groaned and whined through it all. Fomantis, finally reaching Mudbray’s spot, jumped up, bouncing up a falling leaf and making its way to Gardevoir, who had begun to fall back down. As Fomantis got closer, the tip of its leaf arm glowed purple as it thrust it at Gardevoir’s stomach. Fomantis’s jab left a purple shockwave traveling through Gardevoir’s body, but as it reached halfway around, it stopped and traveled back to the point where Fomantis’s arm was still stuck. Fomantis was blasted back by the receding shockwave as it once again traveled back through Gardevoir’s body. Fomantis and Gardevoir both hit the ground, unable to land on their feet. At the same moment, Mudbray tilted to its side and lied still, unable to continue battling. Alice sighed as she took out its Poké Ball and returned it inside. Gardevoir and Fomantis slowly got back up, their stomachs pulsing with purple from their poisoning. As they tried standing up straight, they both doubled over and nearly fell back down. Sam gasped at this. “What is this? Why’s she poisoned too?” “Synchronize,” Alice answered solemnly. “Since you poisoned her Gardevoir, your Pokémon gets poisoned back.” “What?!” “And it all comes down to this.” From their panting, the Prism leader both sounded exhausted and filled with hate. “Its true your sister’s Noibat had considerable brass, but I can’t assume the same of that Fomantis, especially if its poisoned.” Sam breathed through his teeth, feeling his strength draining out from him. “Once your Fomantis falls,” they continued, “I will rejoin my team and finish what we came up here to do. Gardevoir…” Their Pokémon stood as straight and strong as it could given its condition. “Moonblast.” Gardevoir held its hands toward its chest horn, bright, argent sparkles appearing around it. Fomantis focused its gaze and panted for the pain it was sure would come. Finally, the entirety of Gardevoir’s horn was alight and with a throw of its arms, its bright beam was launched out. “Fomantis!” Sam screamed. “Fight it!” Winding its arms back, Fomantis then thrust them forward, pushing against the force of the Moonblast. Though it slid back inches at a time, Fomantis continued to resist, even as rays of the beam would pelt its chest and face. “Come on…” The Gardevoir continued blasting away, hoping to do its trainer proud. “Come on, girl,” Sam cheered, “come on, girl!” Fomantis refused to give up, even as its grass arms began to wobble, its own body unable to continue holding. With a loud, long screech, Fomantis dug its feet in, now completely anchored and immovable in its new spot. Suddenly, its eyes shot open, and as its body turned into a translucent green aura that blended with the Moonblast, Sam and Alice caught their breaths in their throats, at first unsure what was happening. “It disappeared!” Sam shouted. “No, Sam, look!” Pointing in, Alice watched as Fomantis’s glowing body began to grow three times its size. As well, its leaf arms elongated into two arms with long scythes attached to its ends. Its short stubby legs grew out and elongated into leggings with dainty feet beneath them. Along with two pairs of appendages growing out of its back like a large shuriken, the bulb on its head blossomed into a pair of antennae as well as what appeared to be a broad pair of ears on both sides of its head, which began to widen into a flatter shape, completing its transformation into Lurantis. The leader and their Gardevoir already caught on, already seeing the Moonblast divert at sharper angles than before. With another shout, Lurantis threw its scythes apart, breaking the beam and forcing Gardevoir to stop. No longer obscured, Lurantis stood in full view of Sam and Alice, the sun above giving it a more glorious appearance. “Lurantis!” Sam shouted to it, and it turned its body to face him. Putting its wrists to its chest, it wiggled a bit with happily closed eyes, also pleased with its new form. “Dammit…” The leader’s breathing sounded more anxious now. “Faba told me what happened on Mt. Lanakila… I didn’t think it could be true.” “You better believe it!” Sam bellowed. “Lurantis! Finish Gardevoir off with Petal Blizzard!” Holding both scythes to its right, it slashed them both toward Gardevoir, a flurry of leaves blowing out beneath them. The twister spread out and grew thicker and more intense, colliding into Gardevoir and the Prism leader like a wall. Both were struck back hard, landing amongst a scattering of beaten and tired grunts and a select few fainted Psychic Pokémon. The Prism leader writhed as they rolled to their stomach, looking at their unconscious Gardevoir. “No…” They reached into their cloak. “This isn’t over. We still have another chance…” Pulling their hand out, three Max Revives were held between their ring, middle, and index fingers and thumb. As they crawled to Gardevoir, an arrow from Decidueye struck the back of their hand, making them drop the Max Revives and roll over to their back. With a moderately battered Decidueye holding its next drawn arrow, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, Hau, and all of the Equestrians formed a semicircle around them and the defeated grunts. “Now that we have you where we want you,” Gladion said, “you’re going to tell us where Professor Burnet is!” Faba, curled in a fetal position away from the Equestrians, held an Ultra Ball in one hand and a Revive in the other, with his hands obscuring both objects from Alice and Sam, he tapped the Revive against the center button, causing it to flash yellow before the Revive was absorbed into the button. “You tell us where she is, dammit!” Hau marched as boisterously as he could, grabbing them by the front of their cloak and lifting them off their feet. “Hau, please!” Fluttershy begged. “Tell us, you bastard!” The leader clutched Hau’s arms tight trying to pull them off. “I’m not letting you leave this mountain until you tell us!” “Answer us!” Starlight shouted. “Where are you keeping our friend!?” Faba rolled over to face the Equestrians’ circle, his Poké Ball still held close to his chest. “She’s safe with us. Don’t you worry.” Faba dropped the ball, letting his half-healed Alakazam free from it. The others shifted their focus to Faba and his Pokémon, and as Decidueye readied its arrow, an air-warping aura formed around the Prism leader’s hands. The aura pulsed out, knocking Hau and Decidueye back, the latter’s arrow breaking from the force. The leader landed in a kneel, glancing over to the Alakazam. Sam and Alice gulped as the Alakazam held its spoons up, casting a bright light around the area. “No!” Alice shouted, running to it. “You’re not getting away!” Sam and Lurantis sprinted as fast as they could. As the three neared them, the Alakazam’s light grew bright enough that neither of them could make out the Prism leader, Faba, the grunts, or any of their Pokémon within. Sam continued to run with his arms shielding his eyes. Just as he would run into where the Prism leader was, the light disappeared, and with it, every Prism member and Pokémon of theirs, save for the three Max Revives the leader dropped. “No,” Twilight whimpered. “They’re gone… again.” “Darn it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Every time with these jerks!” Alice couldn’t help but turn back around, unsure if they were behind them once again. Sam, on the other hand, slowly walked to the east side of the cliff and stood near its edge, and with a squat, he screamed as loudly and as long as he could toward the horizon. “Sam!” Alice tugged on the back of his jacket, pulling him away from the precipice. “Calm down!” “They’re going to keep getting away,” he huffed, his eyes watering. “No matter how many times we beat them, they’re going to keep getting away until they take all our friends away.” “Sam, listen.” Hearing Sun’s voice, both he and his sister looked to see him and Gladion approach with blank expressions on their faces. “It’s true that we couldn’t apprehend them again, but this is nonetheless an important victory for us all.” “If all of us work together the way we did just now,” Gladion added, “then Team Prism cannot hope to defeat us.” “And I’m sure Professor Burnet would be happy to know that at this very moment!” Alice exclaimed. “Yes, she would!” Lillie stepped forth. “If she could see what happened here, I’m sure she’d feel more confident than ever that we’ll save her.” “We just have to keep moving forward,” Sun said. “We will save her in time, but these ponies are our priority.” Sam glanced away, still unsure if he could feel as accomplished as Sun and his friends wanted him to. “Hey, guys.” Sam then looked back to see Hau walking up to him and Alice with Starlight, Lady, Fluttershy, and Comfey by his side. “Hau.” Sam peered back down, uncomfortable facing him. Without breaking his stride, Hau opened his arms and pulled Sam close for a hug. Sam, understanding the gesture, embraced him back. With a couple dry sobs, Hau gripped Sam’s back tighter, the two of them receiving their comfort and condolences. Fluttershy and Starlight joined in, holding them tight from either side. Alice stepped up to him and gently stroked his upper back, letting him have this moment. “I missed you,” Fluttershy said, stealing a glance to Alice as well. “Yep,” Alice whispered. “Us too.” The others stood around the group hug, patiently observing and sympathizing with their plight. Sun and Gladion watched as a tow truck carted the damaged bus back down the hill, another one waiting on the other side of the road to pick them up. As the Equestrians, now relaxed and at peace, talked amongst one another about their adventures, Lady felt about Lurantis’s new scythes, mewing in sheer fascination. With a high-pitch buzz that rose and fell in pitch, Lurantis responded positively to its longtime friend before the two cuddled each other in their arms. Meanwhile, Alice and Lillie watched as Sam fed one of the dropped Max Revives into the still fainted Drampa’s mouth. Quickly, the Drampa awoke, yawning loudly and happily to have his sight graced with Sam’s face. Digging its face into Sam’s chest, he laughed as he petted its snout. “Man, what a trooper you are!” “So Sam actually didn’t catch him?” Lillie asked Alice. She shook her head. “Not yet at least, but after just now, he probably won’t leave this mountain without doing so.” “That’s incredible. It must really care for him to do something like that. If you need, I have spare Poké Balls if he needs one.” “No need,” Sam said, trying his best to ignore the Drampa’s tongue licking up half the side of his head, “but thank you. Would you like that, buddy? You wanna’ come travel with us?” With a short mew, the Drampa nodded its head once. At the same time, Sun, Gladion, Hau, and the Equestrians all walked up toward the bus. “We’re ready whenever you are,” Gladion said. “Yeah, yeah hold on!” Sam stood away from the Drampa as it awaited to be caught. Pulling a Poké Ball from his bag, he pressed the center button and enlarged it. Without much waiting, Sam threw the ball straight and true. The Drampa threw its arms out in excitement as the ball landed upon the top of its head, becoming red energy that was quickly drawn into the ball. Sam approached the ball as it hit the ground and shook a couple of times before it latched closed. With a quick squat, Sam scooped the ball up and added it to his belt, heading toward the bus. “Okay, now we can go!” Knocking twice on the door, the driver opened it up, Sam stepping aside to let everyone else on first. As the humans and Equestrians all piled in single file, Sam knew it would still be a little while before he’d get to board. Admiring this rare quiet moment, Sam looked out to the north to see the Hokulani Observatory, feeling not as far away this time. > Chapter 56 – Static in the Air > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun, his friends, and the Equestrians took up virtually every seat and table of the café inside the Pokémon Center. Alice’s seat remained empty, as she was petting her Raichu on the nurse’s counter in the back center. Carefully examining and stroking the back of its head, she was relieved to see that there didn’t seem to ever be a wound there at all. “Yeah, you’re all better now?” she asked in cutesy sing-song. Raichu let out a high-pitched squeal devoid of any hurt or suffering, smiling from spotted cheek to spotted cheek. Alice directed her attention to the nurse. “How much longer until the rest are healed?” The nurse looked to the machine behind her where six Poké Balls were sitting and getting continually scanned. “Just another couple minutes.” “Perfect.” As Alice continued snuggling her Raichu, Sun sipped his coffee, Gladion and Hau talking amongst the others. No one seemed to be paying him any attention, and he felt all the better for it. Even with the chatter of his friends all around him, the oft sip of sweet black coffee was peaceful enough for him. Twilight, however, didn’t intend on letting him stay alone. “Sun, do you have a second?” Glancing from the corner of his eyes, he saw her approach him, and with a short sigh, he put his cup down, turning his entire body to face her. “Of course. What’s up?” “Last night, you had said something about hearing from someone. Who is this ‘someone?’” Sun took a moment to compose his thoughts. “I have been in contact with the Mossdeep Space Center in the Hoenn region. They also have the ability to create wormholes, but their research and capabilities aren’t nearly as advanced as ours.” “I… don’t understand. What are they supposed to do then?” “They won’t have to do much of anything. We possess the proper coordinates and data that can allow them to direct you to your home world. Once we gather that data and hand that to them, they will be able to return you to Equestria. Solgaleo and Lunala won’t even have to play a part in it. Everything will work out this time. No more accidents, no more friends and family torn from their homes.” Twilight could see and hear a slight twinge of pain escape from Sun’s voice, and her ears flattened in melancholy fascination. “I know I messed up, Twilight,” he continued, “and you have every right to be upset with me, and if what Luna fears about Chrysalis is true, then I accept responsibility for that as well. It’s just that I’ve known Solgaleo and Lunala for nearly half my life, and I never thought they’d be capable of doing what they have done. I fear for them as much as I fear for you and your world, and I want you to believe that, even if everything that’s happened so far says the opposite.” “Sun, listen, I know that this is the very last thing you wanted for any of us, and I don’t want you to feel like I hate you for what’s happened. Hau talked to me yesterday and helped me see that it wasn’t right of me to lash out at all of you yesterday.” Sun scoffed in shame. “That doesn’t excuse anything.” “I know it doesn’t, and yes, I’m still quite mad about this entire situation, but I need you to know that this isn’t as much of your fault as you think this is. I know how much effort you, Lillie, and Gladion have put in to trying to help us, and I don’t want what you think I feel about you to be another weight on your shoulders.” Sun looked back to his coffee, staring at it for several seconds. As Twilight continued staring at him, expecting a response, she saw Sun’s eyes glisten before a tear ran down his cheek. Feeling it run, Sun sniffed hard as he dried his cheek with the top of his wrist. “I’m so sorry, Twilight.” Sun weakly shook his head. “I’m going to make this better. I promise.” “I know you will.” Twilight rested her hoof on his thigh. Turning back to face her, he leaned toward her, and she stood up to put her arms around his neck, allowing his arms to gently wrap over her upper back. Meanwhile, Lillie was examining the skin beneath Discord’s fur, noting the redness of the ring left by the collar and its shocks as well as the miniscule dot of a scab where a needle had been inserted. As she massaged the fur away, Discord hummed in a mixture of relief and discomfort. “Yeah… a little to the left, if you please.” “So what did they do to him?” Fluttershy concernedly asked. “Why can’t he use magic?” “From what I remember the Prism leader saying,” Shining Armor groaned, straining to clearly recall, “that collar used Psychic and Electric… Terrain Extension?” “Psychic Terrain, Electric Terrain and Terrain Extender?” Lillie wondered. “Discord, can you perform some kind of magic for me? It doesn’t have to be that big.” Discord winced at the thought, only for Shining Armor to speak. “Come on, you were willing to use magic to pull a gag on our way down the mountain this morning.” “Precisely!” he defended. “Magic’s always worth it for a gag!” “Discord, please!” Lillie exclaimed. “Okay, okay!” With a trembling of his right paw, Discord brought the fingers together to snap. With a single flaring out of his fur and clench of his fist, he hissed over the unpleasantness of the shock that ran through his arm. Fluttershy gasped, horrified by her friend’s pain. “Discord! Are you alright?” With a couple flexes of his arm, Discord’s breathing returned to normal. “Like she said, not that big.” After petting his neck, Lillie faced Fluttershy and Shining Armor. “So, it’s not so much that he can’t use magic, it’s that it causes him great pain if he tries to do so.” “What about that juice that Molayne gave us before we left?” Shining Armor asked. “Is that not doing anything?” Lillie turned to the table, seeing two empty bottles, one full one, and a third-full one beside Sam and Alice’s backpacks. “That Payapa juice is helping your friends with restoring their magic, but it doesn’t seem to be helping him at all.” “Is there anything you can do?” Discord whined, grabbing both of her shoulders desperately. “I just want to ride a unicycle made of some silly-sounding cheese on the ceiling or turn into a three-headed salmon in the worst way right now!” Lillie slid Discord’s lion paw and eagle’s talon off of her and clasped her hands over them, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything right now.” “B- But… that leader wanted to use me against you and your friends! If he wanted me to use my magic like I’m sure he would’ve, that collar he had would have been able to fix me, right?” Lillie’s eyes widened, a breakthrough on the horizon. “Do you have the collar with you?” Discord opened his mouth to speak, but quickly realized that he had no answer, letting his mouth hang open. “We left it in the desert when Starlight’s Pokémon broke it off,” Shining Armor explained. “We only just had enough time to run away after that.” Fluttershy’s lips trembled. “Does that mean Discord can never use magic again?” “That shouldn’t be the case,” Lillie said. “Typically, in battle, Psychic Terrain and Electric Terrain wear off on their own, but with the Terrain Extender, that may prolong it even further. Until I can get a much closer look and find a way to reverse it, the only thing I can say to do is wait for it to go away on its own. I don’t know when it will, but you will be able to use magic again.” “Just not right now,” Discord moped. “I’m so sorry, Discord.” Discord bowed his head and closed his eyes, two tears rolling down his cheeks. Lillie was quick to wipe his face with her thumbs before hugging his muzzle, caressing her face into the top of his head. Fluttershy put her arms around his body, nuzzling her face into his lower torso. Sam looked upon the sight across the table, feeling too guilty to take another sip of his tea. Alice and Raichu approached his table with a tray containing the six Poké Balls inside. “Sam, healing station is all yours. Fluttershy, your Comfey’s better.” “Oh!” Fluttershy let go of her friend. “Discord, I don’t think I ever formally introduced you to Comfey! Hopefully that will cheer you up!” Alice lobbed the Poké Ball up, Comfey popping out from it. Discord’s eyes tracked it as it happily flipped about in a couple of figure-eights above his snout. Once it finally stopped and stared into Discord’s eyes, Comfey's lips were now pursed with awe at the creature its trainer considered her friend. Discord was too charmed not to smile. “And are you the cute little thing that’s been keeping my dear Fluttershy safe?” Comfey, happy to have so quickly earned Discord’s approval, twirled once again around it’s snout and wrapped itself around his blue, bulby horn. Sam and Alice smiled upon the act as Starlight began to approach herself. “Did you say that Lady was all better?” she asked. “Mmhm.” Sam removed another ball from the tray. “Her too.” Letting the ball roll off his finger, the ball hit the ground before opening and letting the Sylveon out. With Lady full of energy, it wrapped its feelings around the back of Starlight’s head and neck for a hug. “Sam,” Alice said, picking her own Poké Balls from the tray and putting them on her belt, “you should go heal your Pokémon before someone else gets to first.” “Alright, alright.” With his tea in one hand and the tray in the other, he briskly walked over to the counter. Alice took his seat just as Trixie and Thorax joined Starlight’s side. “Oh, hey, sorry,” Thorax said, “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Thorax.” “Thorax?” As Alice shook his hoof, she placed her other hand on it, admiring its smooth, hard feel. “What exactly are you?” “I’m a… a changeling.” Thorax sounded very nervous on the last two words. Alice blinked several times, processing what he said. “Changel– You mean like–” “Not at all!” Trixie brashly interrupted. “He’s no longer affiliated with that evil hag Chrysalis, and I will not allow you to believe such a horrible thing about Trixie’s dear friend.” Thorax sheepishly smiled as Alice glanced between him and Trixie. “It’s a bit of a long story.” As Sam returned to his table, Starlight acknowledged him too. “Guys, this is another very close friend of mine, Trixie.” Trixie allowed Sam to shake her hoof, looking suspicious and bemused. “And you have been taking good care of Starlight while she’s been stuck here?” “Uh, very,” Sam muttered. “Then I do believe that you and I shall be fine companions.” “And I don’t think you’ve met Thorax?” Starlight asked. Sam and Thorax greeted each other as Trixie greeted Alice as the door to the Pokémon Center opened up. Walking inside was a well-toned man a few years older than Sam wearing an orange sweater partially concealed by a white trench coat and yellow-and-grey scarf, along with black slacks with orange bottom cuffs. His short, disheveled hair seemed to be the only improper thing about him. His eyes couldn’t help but stay on the Equestrians and their completely alien appearance, stuck almost in a trance. Upon spotting Sam and Alice, he snapped back into concentration, slipping his hands into his pockets and darting toward them. “Excuse me?” he said, breaking the siblings’ attentions from their new friends. “You’re Sam and Alice, right?” “Who’s asking?” Alice curtly replied. “Oh, I’m, uh… Sophocles!” Upon giving his name, Sophocles nearly jabbed his open hand into Sam face, reeling it back upon seeing him dodge it. “Oh, sorry, still working on that… anyways, in case you were wondering, I’m, uh, actually the captain of the trial site up here.” “Oh, that’s right!” Sam slapped his hands in excitement. “The next trial site is up here, isn’t it?” “Wait, hold on!” Alice pushed him aside, approaching Sophocles with crossed arms. “What’s this all about? Is this some kind of invitation? How’d you know we’d even be up here?” Cornered, Sophocles loosened his scarf. “I just, it’s… Nanu figured you’d be here by now!” “Nanu?” Alice questioned more softly, taking a step back. “How’d he–” “I guess he found out about your detour from Sun or Lillie or somebody. He called me just a bit ago to see if we were here, and since you are, I thought you may want to take my Island Trial. I mean, if you’re not too busy…” “I’m sorry, sir,” Starlight said, walking up to him, “but we’re just here to rest our Pokémon after our… yeah, detour, and then we were probably going to leave right away.” “Oh my good– Looks like Mo really was telling the truth.” Sophocles dropped to a knee with his hands upon it for support. “I wasn’t sure I’d get the chance to meet one of you. I’m Sophocles, pleased to meet you, uh…” “Starlight.” The unicorn reached her hoof out first, Sophocles carefully gripping the edges and giving it a gentle shake. “I’m sorry we can’t stay longer, but we just don’t really have the time.” “Are you sure?” Sam wondered aloud. “As far as I know, only Alice and I have had their Pokémon healed so far, and I’ve got at least five minutes before mine are done. Alice, do you think we can get one attempt in?” Sophocles shot his gaze to Alice, awaiting her answer. “Well, I’m not exactly the one in charge here. We’d have to ask Sun or Gladion or someone like that.” “I understand,” Sophocles responded, standing back up. “If you could come, that would be great, but I suppose your priorities take… priorities.” “Where exactly is the site?” Sam asked. “You know, just in case.” “It’s actually, uh, right here inside the Hokulani Observatory. I’ll meet you in the lobby if you decide to come.” “Thank you, Sophocles,” Alice said. “We shouldn’t be long if we can make it.” “That’s wonderful! If I don’t see you, I wish you and your friends the best!” With a bow, Sophocles turned on his heels and quickly walked out the door, leaving Sam and Alice a bit helplessly concerned. Hau and Gladion both approached them. “Darn!” Hau exclaimed, jolting the two. “I was hoping to say hi to him.” “Hau!” Thorax tore from Sam’s grasp to join Hau’s side. “Guys, you haven’t met Marshadow yet! Hau, you need to show them!” “Marshadow?” the siblings both asked. “Yeah, give me a moment.” Without hesitation, Hau focused his energy as the shadow beneath him from the flourescents darkened. Sam and Alice took a fearful step away as Hau’s shadow shifted out beneath it and rose up to form into Marshadow. Starlight, also frightened, slipped between the two and peered in the spaces between their legs. Upon opening its eyes, it immediately spotted Sam and Alice. “Oh, you must be those two trainers Hau was talking about. Sam and Alice, was it?” “Yeah…” Sam gulped, “yep.” It then gazed to Starlight, who slowly grew less fearful and more fascinated by its docile appearance. “And you must be Starlight. You really don’t need to be afraid of me, honestly.” “Hau,” Alice breathed, “where did you…” “Yeah, that’s right!” Hau suddenly realized. “I never told you about yesterday! So I was visiting my grandfather’s grave when–” “Hau,” Gladion interrupted, “I’m sorry, but that can wait for another time. Sam, Alice, what did Sophocles have to say to you?” “He…” Sam tried to speak, “invited us to challenge his Island Trial. I told him we would if we weren’t too busy, but since you’re here–” “You’re asking for my permission then, is that it?” “We know we’re on a tight schedule,” Alice said, “and we figured that once everyone’s Pokémon are all healed, we should–” “You don’t really need to concern yourselves about that. For all intents and purposes, we’re all safe here. If you want to go and do your next trial, we can wait a little longer for the both of you.” “If nothing else,” Hau said, “this is as much an R&R for all of us as it is for our Pokémon.” “Though, I want to know. What’s the hurry? You just faced Prism’s leader and now you want to do a trial already?” Sam grimaced. “Earlier yesterday, Acerola told me that there are Dusk Stones inside the Abandoned Megamart on this island. Nanu has the place guarded by a bunch of wild Pokémon; apparently wants me to beat him in the Grand Trial before he can let me in. Once I beat him, I can get a Dusk Stone and evolve Doublade into an Aegislash.” “Hmm, I see. And after that, what do you plan to do?” “That’s just it. I wanted to get a Dusk Stone as early as possible so my Pokémon can be at their strongest when fighting Team Prism. I don’t know what new tricks they all have planned, but I need to ensure my Pokémon can defend themselves against them.” Hau nodded and smiled. “And I can’t think of a better motivation. So yeah, once your Pokémon are all better, go and do it! I support you 100%.” “And I wish you two the best of luck as well,” Marshadow agreed. Starlight smiled, feeling emboldened. “Hey, Fluttershy, Discord!” Turning around, she walked up to Discord and Fluttershy, leaving Trixie and Thorax confused. “Hey,” he asked. “Where’s she going?” “Probably to see if they want to come along,” Alice answered. “Other than our last trial, Starlight and Fluttershy have been alongside us every step of the way. If you want, you’re more than welcome to come too!” “R– Really? Well, if you insist…” “I accept your invitation!” Trixie proudly responded. “I’d be more than happy to see how strong the friends of my friend are!” Joining Starlight’s side, Fluttershy and Discord approached the two siblings. “You’re going to do another trial?” she asked. “Already?” “If you’re up for it!” Alice jeered. “I know Sam and I are!” “Ooh, this will be so exciting!” Discord giggled. “If I could, I’d make the popcorn!” “Sam!” the nurse called, sliding a nearly full tray of Poké Balls up onto the counter. “Your Pokémon!” Sam looked to Alice and rotated himself to look into the faces of his friends. “Are we ready to go then?” “After you!” Trixie motioned her arm to the counter where Sam’s healed Pokémon awaited him. With a nod, Sam walked up to the counter and grabbed the tray from it. The door to the observatory slid open, Sam and Alice stepping inside the atrium lobby first, followed by Fluttershy, Starlight, Lady, Discord, Thorax, and Trixie. They all gazed up and marveled at the height of the ceiling above and the ornate and intricately designed solar system that hung from it. “Are you sure we didn’t want to invite Twilight?” Alice wondered. “Pfft, please!” Discord flicked his hand down in dismissal. “We’d probably waste all of our time here having someone explain the history of time and space or whatever suits her nerdy little fancy.” “Excuse me?” A male receptionist from the desk to the left waved his hand. “Are you looking for Sophocles?” “We are, actually!” Sam called. “He invited us here to take his tri–” The center back door slid open, Sophocles appearing from it with only his white coat off. “There you are! I’m very glad you could make it!” Upon noticing Discord, Thorax, Fluttershy, and Trixie, he had a hard time finding one to focus on. “And it looks like you brought friends.” “We’re just here to watch Sam and Alice,” the changeling explained. “I’m Thorax. And you’re Sophocles?” “I am.” As the two shook hands and hooves, Starlight motioned her hoof to her other friends. “And these are my other friends Fluttershy, Trixie, and Discord.” “Very good.” Sophocles quickly made salutations with each of the creatures, smiling widely with each appendage he shook. “Such diversity as well. Well, I know you’re all busy, so let’s head right to the back, okay?” With a beckoning wave of his hand, Sophocles led Sam, Alice, and their friends toward the still open door. Turning right into it, they were all led into a much more dimly lit and shorter hallway. Heading down a small flight of stairs, a single doorway, the borders painted like the totems of a trial site entrance, awaited them. “Okay, right this way.” Sophocles banked right, the door quickly parting the way for him. Sam, Alice, and their friends all stopped on the other side of the doorway, and looking inside, it appeared just as marvelous as the lobby. While the front half was mostly empty save for a couple of impressive computer setups with several towers, monitors, and other machinery in the back corners, the back half appeared to be a gym with a glass ceiling that brought a beautiful illumination to the entire room. Sitting in the center of the front half appeared to be a large table with its tiles arranged in a 3x3 square, four blue buttons on a small console on each corner of its edges. The consoles were connected to cables that were fed into the floor, visible beneath a Plexiglas display. The wires led themselves into the gym, where they then formed the outline of the doublewide gym in the back of the room as well as the outline of an apparent doorway in the center of the back wall. As Trixie stepped inside, getting a better view, her hoof collided with a green box-shaped insect that warbled at her touch. Looking down and seeing it wiggle threateningly at her, she yelped and scurried back into the hallway. “What on earth is that thing?” she cried, pointing a trembling hoof at her. “Oh, looks like you found a Charjabug!” Sophocles scooped the Pokémon up and held it to his chest like a child would hold a fat cat. “Come in, please, they don’t bite, unless provoked of course!” Trixie grimaced, already sensing an omen. As they walked in and looked further around, the group could see that several more Charjabugs wandered the floor, conspicuously keeping clear of the gym half of the room. Sam squatted down to get closer to ones level, and it eyed him curiously. “I’m going to take a wild guess that these guys are going to be part of our trial?” “Mmhm.” Sophocles nodded. “You won’t be battling them, but they’ll still be of use to you. From what I heard, you’ve been taking all of your Island Trials together, correct?” “Yeah?” Alice answered. “Interesting. I’ve never done a trial with two trainers going at the same time. Give me a moment to think how to do this.” Sophocles turned away from the trainers and Equestrians as he put his fingers to his chin, pinching them in contemplation. The others stared at each other, awkwardly awaiting Sophocles to arrive at a solution. With a snap of his fingers, he ran to the right computer. “I got it!” Logging on, his fingers flew across the keyboard, windows of commands and programs opening up all over both monitors. Even Starlight had trouble reading off the screens, a new window appearing over the one she was on. “And… done!” Pressing the Enter key, all windows closed except for one with a green checkmark on it. “And what exactly did you do?” Fluttershy wondered. “Okay,” Sophocles began looking at Sam and Alice, “here’s how I’m going to make this work. Come here.” Leading the two to the tile panel, three Charjabugs hopped onto it, two on the left and right tiles of the center and the last on the bottom center. “I suppose a good place to start would be to teach you how to use this. Each button will shift the Charjabugs in a counterclockwise pattern, like so.” Sophocles walked to the upper-left button and pressed it, the center-left Charjabug shifting to the right as arrows flashed on the tiles pointing in a counterclockwise arrangement. He then went to the lower-right button and pressed it. The Charjabug now in the center panel was shifted to the left while the one beneath it was now shifted to the center. All three Charjabugs were now aligned. Sam nodded and huffed, admiring the novelty behind it. “Seems easy enough.” “You would think that wouldn’t you?” Sophocles pointed to the back wall of the gym. “Once the trial begins, that door in the center’s going to open up and a whole bunch of Pokémon are going to start pouring out of it! What you’ll need to do is to arrange the Charjabugs to how the tiles want them. Once you do that, the Pokémon will stop coming, but all that energy that the Charjabugs create once they’re all connected is going to call the Totem Pokémon and its allys, got it?” “I think we get the gist,” Alice said. “Are we both supposed to work the machine, or…” Sophocles shrugged. “I mean, you could do that, but I don’t think you’ll do it in time before… oh, that’s the other thing! If any of the Pokémon reach the panel before you align the Charjabugs, you fail the trial. So, you guys ready for this?” “Oh yeah!” Alice punched her fist into her hand, pumped and ready. Sam studied the panel for a bit longer before looking up to his sister. “Okay, I like puzzles, so I’ll take the panel. Alice, you don’t mind fending off the horde, do you?” “With pleasure!” Alice walked toward the gym, stepping onto its vinyl flooring. “Okay, you got it, Sam?” He stood along the bottom row, watching as the Charjabugs rearranged themselves. “Yep!” “Good luck, guys!” Starlight cheered, receiving more well-wishes from the other Equestrians. Sophocles kept his eyes on the Charjarbugs as they rearranged themselves so that they took up the edges of the upper-right corner. “Okay then. Your trial starts…” He ran to his computer and clicked on the green checkmark on the lone window. “…now!” The top row of tiles lit up orange on the panel, and at the same time, the center part of the wall in the back of the gym slid down, neither Alice or her Equestrian audience able to see inside. As Sam studied the glowing tiles and the Charjabug’s placement on them, a flash of sparks appeared in the passageway. Floating out from the darkness were three metal balls with large, singular eyes and two magnets attached to the corners of their bodies where they weren’t already conjoined. “The heck is that?” Thorax questioned. “Magneton!” Alice smirked as she picked a Poké Ball from her belt. “Electric. Steel. Both really weak to Ground. Go, Mudbray!” Alice’s donkey Pokémon leapt out from the white energy of its ball, facing the Magneton. Meanwhile, Sam was already quick to work on the panels, running to the left to press the upper-left button and then the upper-right. First, the Charjabug in the top center shifted left into the upper-left corner, followed by the one in the upper-right corner moving to the top-center and the one in the center-left moving to the upper-right corner. With the insects properly placed, the upper row of tiles flickered with yellow before they tilted away, sliding the Charjabugs to the edge. With the yellow horns connecting them end to front, the Charjabugs channeled electricity between both button consoles, making them glow warmly. “I got the first one!” Sam shouted to Alice. “Nice going, bro!” She was too concentrated on the Magneton to sound impressed. “Mudbray, hit Magneton with Double Kick!” Mudbray rushed over and leapt up, kicking the bottom head of the Magneton with its back hoof first before leaping higher and hitting the upper two with both hooves, sending it flying back a little. Once the Magneton got its bearings and balance back, it pointed all six magnets at Mudbray, letting out a single silent blast that seemed to warp the air where it traveled. The blast struck Mudbray and threw it off its feet, accompanied by an explosion like a loud gunshot that forced Alice to cover her ears. Sam had his ears covered too as three more Charjabugs hopped onto the panels, this time taking the left and right sides of the center row, as well as the bottom center one. With the bottom row glowing orange, he calculated the movements of the insects with this pointed fingers before looking up to Alice and her Mudbray, who got back to its hooves. “How you holding up!?” he shouted to them. Alice leaned back and glared at her brother from the corners of her eyes. “Just do the damned puzzle, boy!” Alice refocused back to the battle. “Mudbray, finish it off with Bulldoze!” Mudbray charged forwards, pushing a wave of mud that crashed into Magneton, throwing it to the ground and grinding it along until it was thrown back into the hallway from whence it came. Disoriented and dizzy, the Magneton levitated back inside the darkness, ready to tag out with the upcoming Pokémon. On the panels Sam pressed the lower-right button twice, the Charjabugs on the center and left panels of the middle row rotating until they aligned with the one in the lower-left corner. With the flashing of the yellow on the panels, the Charjarbugs were slid off to the bottom edge, where they lit up the bottom two button's consoles. “Next puzzle done!” Sam called out. As another electric buzz erupted from the hallway, Alice and Mudbray turned back to Sam. “Hey, you want a turn up here?” “You sure? I’m kind of in the zone here!” “Just switch with me!” “Okay, fine!” The Equestrians watched as Sam ran around the panel and into the gym to face the Pokémon walking out from it. Once Alice sprayed Mudbray with a potion, she quickly put it back into its ball, clapping Sam’s hand as she ran back to the panel. “It’s pretty amazing how well they work together,” Starlight commented, “isn’t it?” Trixie let out a loud scoff. “Not as amazing as infiltrating Chrysalis’s castle!” “I don’t think anyone’s arguing that,” Discord purred. “They’re almost done, I think,” Thorax commented, his attention fully on the events of the trial. As Alice observed Sam’s progress, the last three Charjabugs hopped on. Alice seemed confused as they faced the upper right corners of their panels, two of them taking the top and middle panels of the left column and the right panel of the center row. “Okay, so they go counterclockwise, so…” She walked to the upper-left button and pressed it. The two Charjabugs turned so that all three were connected in the center row, only for them to do nothing. The lack of any glowing panels provided no extra hints to her. “Um…” The Pokémon coming out from the hallway to face Sam was a hulking humanoid creature with yellow-and-black fur. Its wide head had two short antennae atop it, and two large, black wire-like appendages with red tips coming from its back. It looked into Sam’s eyes, the redness of them making Sam fearful. “Um…” “Come on, you two!” Sophocles shouted. “They won’t stop until you do!” “Just do it, Sam!” Starlight yelled. “You’ve fought stronger today already!” “Pinkie Pie would have solved that puzzle on accident by now!” Trixie heckled to Alice, Discord turning away to hide his uncontrollable chuckle. Alice cocked her head before studing the panel, impressed with the taunt. “Ouch.” “Okay, then,” Sam breathed, taking out his Poké Ball. “Go, Archen!” Sam’s rocky bird flew out of its ball before landing on the floor to face the enemy Pokémon. “Okay, buddy, hit the Electrivire with Bulldoze!” With a couple upward flaps of its wings, Archen swooped down to gain speed, creating its own ripples of mud beneath it. The Electivire reeled its sparking right arm back for a punch. As Archen neared it, Electivire threw its fist forward. Swooping up, Archen brought its mud up in a thick sheet that was about to crash into the Electivire, only for it to punch through it and land a direct hit into Archen’s stomach. The rest of the mud still washed into the Electivire, knocking it onto its back. As Archen tumbled back to Sam, Electvire tore pieces of mud stuck to its fur, thrashing its way back onto its feet. “You alright, Archen!” Sam asked it. With its stomach hurting, it whined and cradled it with one of its wings. He glanced back to his sister. “How’s it going over there!?” “Yeah, still thinking!” Alice twirled her fingers about, trying to track the movements of the Charjabugs in her head. “For Pete’s sake!” Discord hissed. “We can’t give them any hints?” “Afraid not,” Starlight responded. “Found that out the hard way.” “She’s right, you know,” Sophocles said. “Any conscious outside help isn’t allowed. I’m sure she’ll figure it out. The answer’s practically staring right at her.” Alice continued looking over, her eyes widening as she realized the direction each insect faced. Tracing a Z with her head and eyes, her mouth hung open, finally getting it. “Archen!” Sam shouted. “Don’t let him get into your head! Hit him with Ancient Power!” Archen took flight once again, yowling over the pain it still felt in its stomach. Keeping flight, it let out a more controlled yell that left its body glowing slightly, bringing up several fossils from the mud of the Bulldoze attacks. Flapping its wings out, Archen let the fossils sling into the Electivire one by one, knocking it back several paces. Alice pressed the lower-left button, bringing the Charjabug in the center panel left and the one previously in that space to the one below. Alice then ran to the upper-left button and pressed it twice, shifting the insect back to the center and then one panel up. “That’s it!” Sam cheered on. “Now, finish it off with Dragon Claw!” Archen flew out at the Electivire, who was already preparing for another electrified punch. Archen, squinting in concentration, tracked the Electivire’s fist as it made its way at its head. Archen barrel-rolled around its arm and pulled back to slash. With its blue, fiery claw already close to its chest, Archen’s attack both cut and threw Electivire into the hallway, where it tumbled to a rough stop. Alice then ran to the upper-right button and pressed it, bringing the top-center Charjabug down and the left-center Charjabug up. With the Charjabugs between the top and bottom consoles, along with the remaining three connecting the bottom-left and top-right ones, their bodies formed a Z. “Sam, I think I got it!” she called. “Nice work, sis!” To her delight, the diagonal Charjabugs lit up, forming a bright Z with its other six brethren. The whole console began to light up, followed by the cables connected to it. As the light traveled along toward the gym, Alice followed them until she was standing by Sam’s side. He watched as the outline of the gym became lit up, along with the borders of the center door. “I’ll be damned. You actually did do it.” “Sam, shut the fu–” The lights on the ceiling of the hallway closest to the entrance loudly turned on, the rest of them coming on and lighting the way up. When it appeared that all the lights inside were lit, several Pokémon cries were heard coming from inside. “That sounds like the Totem Pokémon and their allies!” Sophocles called. “Hope you’re both ready for them!” With an electric whirring getting louder with its approach, Sam and Alice looked to see two Pokémon emerging out. The first appeared to be a large, plump blue fish with a streak of yellow over its eyes like a mask and a glowing yellow angler at the top of its head. Attached to its underside were a pair of metallic plates whose borders glowed with yellow energy that kept it floating as if the air was water. Riding it was a spherical white mouse with yellow cheeks, a lightning-bolt shaped tail, and retracted yellow and brown spikes. As the fish moved to its right, the mouse hopped off and ran to the left, leaving an open space for what was sure to be the totem Pokémon. “I recognize the Lanturn,” Alice said, fishing her Pokédex out of her bag and pointing to the mouse, “but that rodent thing…” “Togedemaru,” the device spoke, “the Roly-Poly Pokémon. The long hairs on its back act as lightning rods. The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac.” A loud buzz was then heard from the hallway. Flying out from it on fan-shaped wings was a massive bug with a black abdomen and dark bluish-green thorax. It also sported a pair of long, golden-bordered pincers with saw-like teeth inside of it. Sam marveled at the creature as it took its place between the other two Pokémon before getting his own Pokédex out. “And what’s that?” “Vikavolt,” the Pokédex said, “the Stag Beetle Pokémon. It zips around on sharp lookout for an opening. It concentrates electrical energy within its large jaws and uses it to zap its enemies.” Sam breathed out as he put his device back in his bag. “Looks like the gang’s all here, then.” All three Pokémon screeched at Sam, Alice, and Archen, ready to fight. “Archen, you ready, bud?” His Pokémon cawed loudly, flapping its wings twice in anticipation. “Alice?” “Like we have a choice at this point.” Alice detached a ball from her waist and let it fall, her Noibat flying out from it and keeping at a steady level in the air, surveying its rivals. “So this is it?” Trixie asked Starlight. “This is the final battle?” Starlight nodded. “Yep. If they can beat those three Pokémon, they clear the trial.” “Come on, they’re facing a bug, a fish, and a rat! I can only expect them not to mess this up!” “Okay, guys!” Sophocles called to Sam and Alice. “The Totem Vikavolt has arrived! It’s time to–” He was interrupted by the visible and audible flicker of the lights above him, as faint as it appeared with the sunlight from the gym’s ceiling. They then began to dim and brighten and hum in a much more noticeable repetition. Sam, Alice, and the Pokémon all noticed this as well, the lights on the wires also fading in and out. Thorax backed into Discord, looking up at the lights. “What’s happening? This is normal, right?” N– No!” Sophocles looked to the Charjabug panel, which was actually glowing brighter, much to his terror and confusion. “This isn’t normal at all!” The ground began to rumble, as did the contents on both desks inside the lab, only frightening everyone even further. Fluttershy flew up, the vibration beneath her too much to bear. “It’s an earthquake!” “No, look!” Sophocles pointed at the Charjabugs on the panel, their formation glowing even brighter until they vanished beneath the light, replaced now by a solid Z that danced with plasma. Just then, the light shot down the cables, covering them in the same intense brightness. As they traveled along and into the gym, Sam, Alice, and the Pokémon all watched as the light ran down the wires and converged in the Poké Ball shaped center marking, which exclusively sparked and jolted with electric volts. Then, to the wonder of everyone and everything inside, the lightning appeared to stitch itself into a solid form. As the color appeared on it, the creature slowly revealed itself as a bipedal feline with yellow fur on its face, torso, thighs, and thick forearms and black fur on its stomach, calves, and upper-arms. As its formation neared completion, a long yellow tail sparkled out from behind its head, finishing with two blue, lightning-shaped whiskers and a crest on its forehead. “G– G– Guys?” Trixie pointed a trembling hoof at this new creature. “What in the hay is that?” Alice had her Pokédex pointed at it, though nothing seemed to appear on its holographic screen. “Unknown entry. Please make sure the Pokémon is in focus and try again.” Alice shot her glance back up, gasping in unbridled fear as it slowly picked its head up to peer into her eyes with its piercing blues. “I suppose that little trinket wouldn’t have much information on me,” it spoke in a smooth, tenor voice, “so I will tell you everything you need to know. My name is Zeraora, and I shall be the Totem Pokémon for your trial.” Sliding to turn left, it then widened its stance and put its arms up in an offensive pose, ready to make the first attack. Suddenly heartened, the other three Pokémon also revved up to make an attack. While Zeraora’s completely unanticipated presence drew all eyes to it, none were more petrified in wonder quite as much as Sophocles was. “Ze…” he could barely whisper. “…raora…” > Chapter 57 – A Sound of Thunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeraora stared at Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon, appearing both confused and insulted by their lack of movement. “Why do you continue staying still?” it asked. “I thought this was an Island Trial!” Starlight gulped, opening her mouth to speak. “Gi– Give them a break! We’ve never seen anything like you!” “I figure most humans haven’t. They should consider themselves honored to be sparring against me!” “But why?” Alice asked. “Why are we fighting you?” “You speak as though you are just another average human. I don’t reveal myself to average humans, Alice.” Both she and her brother gasped. “How did–” “Ever since those ponies traveling with you have arrived on Alola, I have been following your journey very closely…” _____________________________________________________ As Sam, Honedge, and Alice shielded Starlight from Tapu Koko with Fluttershy in hand, a small, nearly imperceptible array of sparks appeared behind the entrance to Kala’e Bay, Zeraora’s translucent face judging them before fading away. As Sam watched the Poké Ball he threw at Salandit jiggle on the cold, wet asphalt outside the motel, Zeraora watched safely out of sight behind him beneath the light of a streetlamp. Once the Poké Ball latched closed, Sam picked it up. Before Sam could turn back toward his motel room, Zeraora leapt back, disappearing behind the space where the lamp’s light didn’t touch it. As Sam and Alice made their way through Po Town, Zeraora knelt down, watching high from the top of the wall. He saw as the two made their way across the moat, and with its vision of them obscured, it vanished in a bright glow and subsequent zap of lightning. _____________________________________________________ “You two children have taken it upon yourselves to see these ponies return to their homes. As a consequence, you have been thrust into a conflict which not only threatens our world, but theirs as well.” “You don’t need to tell us this!” Sam shouted. “We’ve been traveling with them for nearly a whole week now!” “Then you should know how important their safety is, Sam!” Even with Zeraora’s prior explanation, Sam felt chills hearing his name spoken by it. “The power that resides within the leader of those after them is far more terrifying than any of you can comprehend! If you want any hope of facing that power and defeating it, you must defeat me first!” Zeraora’s body glowed before disappearing in a ball of plasma. Immediately, a second plasma blast appeared beside Noibat. “Plasma Fists!” Before it could even turn its head, Noibat’s body was met with Zeraora’s electrified claws slashing into it, throwing it into the side wall. “Noibat!” Alice screamed. As Zeraora followed through its swing, its body became awash with electricity that seeped onto the ground and spread out along the entire surface of the gym. Right as the ripple of sparks traveled beneath its allies, Zeraora teleported back to its spot at the center of the gym. Sophocles and the Equestrians were left speechless by Zeraora’s feat. “Damn…” Sam quickly went into his bag and sprayed Archen with a Max Potion. “What the hell was that?” Alice shouted. “It was my signature move,” he explained. “You should know from this point on that this battle will be unlike any other that you will face during your journey, and will hopefully be your hardest victory to achieve. Now, let us resume this fight!” The Togedemaru unfolded the spikes from its body and tucked itself forward, rolling along the ground toward Archen. Rapidly picking up speed, it bounced up and hit Archen in the chest, sending it sliding back. The Lanturn opened its mouth as a small orb of water formed before it. Archen held its breath and panted, restoring the breath that had been knocked out from it. With a shout, Lanturn caused the ball of water to explode a torrent’s worth of water at Sam’s Pokemon. “Archen!” he shouted. “Look out!” Focusing on the water blasting at it and not on its wounded chest, it leapt up high, the attack traveling beneath it. The water soared all the way to the back wall where it splashed off in both directions, threatening to wash into Sophocles and the Equestrians. “Gyah!” he screamed. “My computers!” Charging her horn, Starlight caught both streams of water in her magic and channeled all of it into a single spot, forming a perfect sphere. Brightening her magic further, the water crackled as it began to rapidly freeze all over. After a few moments, Starlight let go of the water ball, which, now a solid sphere of ice, fell to the floor with a hard bang. “Nice save, Starlight!” Fluttershy calmly cheered. “Now where are we going to put that?” Sophocles wondered. Starlight grimaced. “I’ll put someplace else after the battle. Just be thankful that I saved your machines.” “Yes, uh, thank you…” Zeraora looked upon the ice ball, marveling over the spectacle he had seen. “Incredible! Those powers of hers…” Alice looked over to her Noibat, who had just recovered from Zeraora’s attack, before turning to her brother. “Sam! We need to take out Lanturn first, then our Ground-types are all clear! Noibat, Super Fang!” Hearing her loud and clear, Noibat weaved around Zeraora and the Totem Vikavolt and caught the Lanturn along its left side, its brightly shining teeth clamping down hard. While the Lanturn bellowed out in agony, the Totem Vikavolt zipped around Zeraora and faced Lanturn and Noibat. With a swing of its lower body, it hurled a ball of sparks out of its abdomen. The attack crashed into Noibat, the volts running through it making it unable to fly away from the wall that its back collided into, weakly sliding down it. “No, Noibat!” Alice screamed. Bending into a lunge, Zeraora sprinted out at Archen. With its momentum, it was about to slide past its target, but managed to swing up on Archen, sending it flying high up into the air. Whizzing past Sam, he looked at it coming to a stop before looking at his airborne spark-coated Pokémon. “Archen!” Sam cried. Zeraora then looked to see Togedemaru rolling back out at Archen as it began to come down. It kept its eye on its ally as the Togedemaru bounded up, ready to collide with Archen. With its eyes shooting open on the Togedemaru, Archen twisted its body to let the attack fly around it, continuing its flips until it began to soar to the ground and swooped back up for more air. The Equestrians happily gasped at Archen’s survival, Lady barking in excitement. “Wow, he's strong!” Trixie exclaimed. “Nice one, Archen!” Starlight cried out. “Unbelievable…” Zeroara caught the Togedemaru in its hand before teleporting back to its spot in the gym. Zeraora rolled the Togedemaru back to its spot, the instantaneous transport it experienced making it wobble dizzily upon standing back on its feet. “You got this now!” Sam punched his fist in the air. “Now, hit ‘em all with Bulldoze!” Diving down, Archen gained speed and pulled up just above the ground. With some mud still leftover from its own Bulldoze attack, Archen created a massive wave that already began to spread wide enough to hit all four of its rival Pokémon. Noibat, spotting the wave getting near, flew up as fast and as hard as it could, letting out a laughing warble as it amply flew above the crest of the wave. Watching from above, the wave crashed into Zeraora, the Togedemaru, and the Lanturn, the Totem Vikavolt flying above it while keeping a careful eye on Noibat. Sam felt a mixture of regret and pride as he heard Zeraora’s cries ring out over the other two Pokémon as they were all swept away and then swamped over by the muddy wave, effectively making them disappear. However, as Archen flew back to its trainer, Sam was happy to hear it yip and yap in celebration. Zeraora quickly picked itself up from the mud and shook the rest off, vibrating so quickly that the remainder still clinging to its fur turned to dust. Hearing its allies pull themselves out, Zeraora faced Sam and Alice, frowning at Sam’s grin. “Pretty good, huh? Perhaps you’ll stop underestimating our Pokémon now!” “Don’t get cocky now!” Zeraora spat. “No Pokémon on either side has fallen yet, but I suspect that’s about to change with this! Lanturn!” Lanturn swam beside Zeraora and lit its entire body up in a web of sparks from its lure. Throwing its fins out, the electric web spread out, covering the entire gym and the Pokémon inside of it. With Archen and Noibat covered, their wings became useless to them, falling to the ground. As the sparks dissipated, Sam and Alice were frightened to find their immobile Pokémon lying on the ground. “Noibat, no…” Alice reached to her belt for its ball. “Fabulous work, buddy” Sam huffed, aiming his ball at Archen. Zeraora crossed his arms as Sam and Alice called their Pokémon back. The sparks from Lanturn’s Discharge floated around it before breaking apart into smooth wispy auras that were absorbed into its skin. Thorax gasped, the first to notice this. “Whoa, what did he just do?” “Electricity gives me strength,” it explained, examining its claws on its left paw. “It is the source of my power. It can only heal me, never hurt me.” “I see,” Alice huffed. “Then we really need to get rid of that Lanturn, pronto.” “Yeah.” Sam already had his next Poké Ball ready in his hand. “I agree. Go, Salazzle!” Sam threw the ball out, his fiery lizard leaping from it and landing on both its hind legs. Alice grabbed her next ball and threw it straight from her belt. “Go, Raichu!” Bursting out from the energy of the ball, Raichu swirled around the gym before setting itself in front of Alice. Zeraora surveyed both Pokémon, taking particular interest in Raichu. “Now they have speed on their side. However…” It then straightened its stance and hugged its arms over its chest. Throwing them out, its mouth opened wide, letting out a deafening roar whose sonic ripples were dark like shadows. The waves ran into Salazzle and Raichu, the latter crying louder as it found it harder to resist the force. “Crap,” Alice hissed, “it knows Snarl? No matter! Raichu! Hit Lanturn with Wild Charge!” “Salazzle,” Sam commanded, “help him take it out with Sludge Bomb!” Salazzle cleared its throat and spat a glob of purplish phlegm out at the Lanturn, striking it in the face. As the Lanturn tried wiping the gunk from its eyes, Raichu sped off at it, and with a well-aimed twist, the center of the bottom of its board hit it directly in the side of the head, sparks bursting off the impact. The plates on the Lanturn’s stomach appeared to short, and with its lack of energy, it fell straight to the ground, rolling to a limp stop. Zeraora huffed, dismayed over the loss of an ally. “Alright!” Starlight cheered. “That’s one down!” “And even if they lose one for each one they take down, they’ll easily win this!” The others stared at Discord, slightly disturbed by his morbid remark. “What? I’m not the optimist in your circle of friends!” Zeraora turned back to Salazzle and the returning Raichu, its teeth bared in anger. “We’ll now fight you with his spirit in our hearts! Togedemaru! Vikavolt!” Both Pokémon ran on either of Zeraora’s sides, the Togedemaru rolling off at Salazzle while the Totem Vikavolt faced Raichu. The Togedemaru bashed into Salazzle’s gut as the Totem Vikavolt tilted its body to flap its wings at Raichu, the winds and green sonic pulses ringing harshly in its ears. “One more should do it…” Zeraora threw its arms out once again and roared, its black soundwaves mixing in alongside the Totem Vikavolt’s. Salazzle, still recovering from the Togedemaru’s Rollout attack, groaned hoarsely through the Snarl. Raichu, on the other, hand let out a loud, final scream before the rest of its breath trailed off along with its strength. Alice could only watch as Raichu leaned to the side before falling off its tail, which also came down with it to the ground. “God dammit!” Sam huffed. “We’re hardly able to get as much as a single hit on these guys! Still, my Pokémon’s still standing. Salazzle! Hit the Totem Vikavolt with Flamethrower!” Salazzle’s back flared up as its mouth glowed a hot red and yellow. As it breathed out its fiery plume, the Totem Vikavolt flicked and twisted one of its wing casings, Sam and Alice seeing an ovular ridged reddish-brown berry fall from it. “And it’s got an Occa Berry too?” Alice shouted. Hopping back, the Totem Vikavolt picked the berry up in its pincers and chopped it into a coarse jam that he let fall down into its mouth. With the fires approaching, the Totem Vikavolt’s exoskeleton appeared to turn metallic and shiny, and once Salazzle’s attack reached it, its fortified body withstood the scorching heat of the flames. Sam breathed through his bared teeth. “Son of a–” The Togedemaru slammed into Salazzle again, forcing it to end its attack. As it arched its body up and gasped for air, Vikavolt emerged from the residual flames and swung its abdomen out to launch another Spark attack. With Salazzle still too preoccupied on the pain in its chest, the attack hit it dead on, and with the painful pop and crackle of the electricity pelting its skin, Salazzle succumbed and fell over to its side as well. Sam and Alice both returned Salazzle and Raichu into their balls at the same time. “If what Discord says is true,” he said, “then we can’t afford to lose any more Pokémon without taking out another one of theirs anymore.” “Right. Who’s next on your roster?” He detached a ball from his belt. “He certainly isn’t the fastest, but I don’t want to send Doublade out quite yet.” “You’re going to send Drampa out now?” “I’m not letting Zeraora’s Snarl kill it, and I’m definitely not having Lurantis face off against that Vikavolt.” With a careful meditation, Alice nodded to her brother. “Okay then. I understand.” Facing Zeraora and the two remaining Pokémon, Alice pulled a ball from her belt and tossed it out. “Go, Lycanroc!” Sam threw his ball too. “You’re up, Drampa!” At once, both balls opened up and streamed white energy onto the ground, forming into Alice’s wolf and Sam’s dragon Pokémon. “Come on, guys,” Fluttershy whispered. “You can do this!” Alice and the Totem Vikavolt locked eyes, the latter almost daring it to make a move. Sam and Drampa also seemed concerned with their staredown. “Alice,” he said to her, “what are you doing?” Alice then turned back to look at Zeraora, who closed its fists in preparation for Alice’s oncoming attack. “Lycanroc, hit Zeraora with Accelerock!” Zeraora crouched into a lunge, electric plasma beginning to fling off of its body. Lycanroc also prepared to bound, the fragments of dust and dirt floating off the ground. At the same time, both vanished, and in an instant, both appeared in the middle, arms reeled back and ready to strike. With equal speeds, the two Pokémon punched each other in the fists, the exertion of energy on both sides creating a shockwave that knocked the Pokémon and trainers in the gym away by a couple of feet. Finally, the blast threw Zeraora and Lycanrock away in an invisible explosion. While Zeraora nimbly rolled back to its feet, Lycanroc was flung hard inside the lab and slid to a stop at the hooves of the horrified Equestrians. “No, Lycanroc!” Starlight cried, Lady whining in response. Trixie looked out towards Zeraora. “Did he at least do any damage?” Closer from his vantage, Sam could see that while Zeraora was visibly hurt, it wasn’t nearly enough. “Drampa! Hit Vikavolt with Extrasensory!” As Drampa readied itself, Togedemaru charged for another Rollout attempt. Bouncing up, it shot out at Drampa’s head, and as it closed its eyes, Drampa pushed its neck in and tilted its head back, forming a loop that the Togedemaru flew straight through the middle of. “GOOOOOAL!” Sophocles and the other Equestrians turned to see Pinkie Pie beaming at her exclamation, Rainbow Dash rubbing her ears with her hooves. Meanwhile, Drampa threw its head forward and with a harsh magenta twinkle in its eyes, a dark-red bolt of lightning crashed into the Vikavolt and further showered it in a similarly colored aura. “Pinkie Pie?” Starlight wondered. “Rainbow Dash? What are you two doing here?” “And how’d you get in?” Sophocles added. “I would have heard the door open.” “You all looked pretty into it when we came in,” Pinkie Pie explained, “so we kept quiet so we wouldn’t mess with Sam and Alice’s flow, but I just couldn’t resist when that little mousey thing jumped through the dragon’s neck! Too funny!” As Pinkie Pie snorted in laughter, the Totem Vikavolt flapped its wings hard, the vibrations of its buzzing breaking through the aura and hitting Drampa, forcing it to end its attack. At that moment, Alice brought her fainted Lycanroc into its Poké Ball, returning the Equestrians’ attention to the battle. “Oh, man!” Rainbow Dash spoke. “How are they doing?” “Oh, you know,” Discord answered with canned nonchalance, “they only lost half their Pokémon and only took out one of theirs, so other than that, it’s going great!” “Shut up, Discord!” Alice put her ball back and took out another. “For your information, we’re doing just fine. If we have to whittle them down bit by bit, that’s our business… and business is good! Let’s go, Mimikyu!” Tossing her ball out, Mimikyu hopped out from the ball once it burst open, Zeraora sneering over it looking directly at it. Rainbow Dash’s lip curled in disgust. “Ugh, that thing is–” “–adorable!” Fluttershy loudly sighed. Looking back at the pegasi, Mimikyu rocked its head back and forth, barking like a happy puppy at their compliments before returning its attention to Zeraora. As Fluttershy pressed her front hooves together and held them to her face, enraptured by its cuteness, Rainbow Dash felt safe to shudder. “Thankfully…” Zeraora let out another booming Snarl. The shadowy ripples hit Drampa and Mimikyu, the pulsations knocking its disguise’s head back. Starlight gasped, knowing what was coming. “Everyone, cover your ears!” Everyone except Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie complied, confusing them. “Hey,” Pinkie Pie wondered. “Why are we all–” Incensed over its ruined disguise, Mimikyu shrieked, filling the room with high-pitched, blood-curdling noises. Immediately Rainbow Dash pressed her hooves to the sides of her head as hard as she could while Pinkie Pie, amazed by the sound’s volume, reached around and put on a pair of sunglasses as her mane blew back, keeping her mouth hung open. Once Mimikyu calmed down enough to stop crying, Alice put her hands off her ears. “Big mistake,” she tauntingly said. “Mimikyu, hit Zeraora with Shadow Claw!” Mimikyu ran out and hopped high up, its shadow arm sliding out from beneath its disguise. On its way down, Mimikyu slashed down onto Zeraora’s head, the fingers grabbing its fur and throwing it down to the ground. Rainbow Dash’s mouth shot open as Zeraora’s head bounced off the floor as its body rolled to its side. “Holy cow! At least it’s cool!” Zeraora, still weak from the last hit, looked back as the Togedemaru flared up with electricity before running at Drampa. Leaping up and flying towards its chest like a bright, yellow comet, the Togedemaru crashed hard into Drampa, showering it with sparks and knocking it to its side. “Whoa!” Trixie shouted. “That little thing did that?” Zeraora smiled, happy for its allies’ willpower. “Yes, that’s it…” Reaching into the fur behind its back, Zeraora pulled out a golden-yellow fruit with a plump, red bottom and devoured it. Swallowing it, Zeraora’s breathing quickened as it more energetically hopped onto all fours before rolling up into a straight stance. “And an Iapapa Berry?” Sam breathed. “This is just becoming unfair. Drampa, use Dragon Breath on Vikavolt!” Drampa pulled its head back as it breathed in while the Totem Vikavolt charged up its abdomen. At the same time, Drampa thrust its head forward and breathed blue fires from its mouth as the Totem Vikavolt swung its abdomen out to launch a ball of sparks at its target. The Dragon Breath passed over the Spark attack, and at once, both attacks hit both Pokémon, felling them to the ground. “Drampa!” Sam stepped forward toward his Pokémon, hoping to see some signs of movement. “Drampa are you…” With a whine heard by Sam and Alice, the Totem Vikavolt got back onto its legs while Drampa laid its tired head down, too weak to pick it back up. Sam breathed out as he gently patted Drampa’s back. “Once again, buddy, great job out there.” Sophocles watched forlornly as Sam returned his Drampa back to its ball and put it back on his belt. “They only have two Pokémon left each. If they want to turn this battle around, they better get to it!” “It’s alright, Sophocles,” Starlight said. “Sam hasn’t even sent his Doublade out yet, and Alice still has a Ground-type Pokémon on her. They’re just using a “best-for-last” strategy.” “Best-for…” Fluttershy seemed unnerved by the terminology. “I don’t see how Alice could see Noibat as her worst!” “For this battle, it probably was. Either way, this is definitely going to be where the fight gets interesting.” “It wasn’t interesting before?” Thorax responded. Starlight stayed silent, his point made. The Equestrians all watched as Sam detached his next ball from his belt. “Alright,” he quietly said, prepping his Pokémon inside, “I didn’t want to send you out until he was gone, but it looks like your time is now. Go, Doublade!” Tossing his ball out, Sam’s dual-sword Pokémon twirled about before it crossed its blades together, the eyes in each pommel gazing into Zeraora. “Wait,” Trixie wondered aloud, “his Pokémon is a pair of swords?!” “Not just any pair of swords,” Rainbow Dash bragged. “The strongest, loyalist, alive-inist swords ever!” Pinkie Pie hopped up, excited by what Sam’s ace Pokémon would bring. “So there’s the other Kalosian Pokémon…” Throwing its arms down to the sides, bolts of lightning shot out before its paws and arms went ablaze with plasma. “Shit, here it comes…” Hearing its trainer worry, Doublade strengthened its defensive formation. Shining brightly, Zeraora disappeared in an electric flicker before appearing in front of Mimikyu, taking Alice, and even it off guard. Zeraora sliced downwards on Mimikyu, the force of the swing and the plasma shooting out from its paws producing a shockwave along the ground that knocked Alice back and away toward the lab. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Not cool!” “Alice!” cried Fluttershy. Screaming as she was thrown further away from her helpless Pokémon, she heard a zap behind her that seemed to safely and gently catch her and put her back onto her feet. Sophocles and the Equestrians were all stunned to see Zeraora’s rescue unfold within a matter of moments. By the time Alice got her bearings, Zeraora warped itself back to its original spot, staring at her and monitoring her well-being. “Mimikyu!” Running back to her spot, she was just barely relieved to see her Mimikyu straightening itself out as best it could. “I apologize for getting you caught up in that,” Zeraora said, “but I can’t allow a Pokémon that strong to continue facing us for much longer.” “Well, you’re going to have to get used to it.” Alice pointed her finger at Zeraora. “Mimikyu, use Shadow Claw on…” She then shifted her finger to its left. “…Togedemaru!” “What?” Zeraora looked to its ally just as Mimikyu came running over with its dark arm raised up from out under its disguise. Reaching out to help it, it was far too late as Mimikyu delivered a hard, blunt slap into the Togedemaru’s face, rolling it toward the side wall. “That’s it!” Sam detached his Firium Z from his Z-Ring and replaced it with his Fightinium Z, squeezing his fists as he was ready to prepare the ritual. “Let’s see you protect yourselves from this!” The Totem Vikavolt, sensing the danger from Sam’s oncoming strategy, launched a quick Spark attack at Honedge, the electric cluster striking Doublade in the center of its cross, breaking its formation apart. Even from their spot, they could see Hondege’s blades jittering as it struggled to hold it back together. “What’s going on?” Thorax wondered. “Is it frozen?” “Not frozen.” Sophocles shook his head. “It appears it’s paralyzed.” “What’s that mean then?” “It means Sam may not have a turn.” Starlight continued looking ahead, squinting in concentration. “Come on, guys. Come on, Doublade!” Sam kept his fists closed, ready for his next move. “Alright, buddy, I know it’s rough, but we can do this!” With a metallic shout, Doublade nodded once. He then crossed his arms before his face, Doublade finally able to hold its swords up as Sam’s Z-Ring shone to life. Putting them back down and crossing them out, Doublade was able to mimic Sam’s movements without fail. Sam then widened his stance and punched out into the air several times, Doublade jabbing its swords forward in time with its trainer. With one final punch and jab from both trainer and Pokémon, Sam’s Z-Energy exploded out from his back and flowed into his Pokémon, causing Doublade to go aflame with a bright yellow aura. “Z-Power,” Zeraora whispered in awe, “from the very Z-Ring entrusted to you by the guardian of Melemele Island.” “Yep!” Sam pointed his finger with his hand looking as if he was holding an invisible sword. “And this next attack is finally going to take another one of you down.” Zeraora put up its fists. “Then do your worst, Sam. I’m ready for you.” “I’m sure you are. Doublade!” Sam threw his arms out, Doublade spreading out in synch with its trainer’s position. “Attack Togedemaru with All-Out Pummeling!” Zeraora gasped, looking back to see the Togedemaru just getting itself up from the Shadow Claw it was hit with. With Sam hugging its arms in, Doublade did the same. The Togedemaru squeaked with fear as it noticed Doublade’s oncoming attack directed at it. Swinging both his arms out, Sam allowed Doublade to furiously slash the air, a barrage of brown fist and feet-shaped auras shooting out with each swing of its swords. The Togedemaru quickly rolled face down and let its spikes come out. To Zeraora’s relief, the auras that made contact with each spike popped out of existence while the Togedemaru didn’t move an inch. “It’s not working!” Discord pressed both of his cheeks in anxiety. “Someone should tell him its not working!” “It’s not over yet!” Starlight told him. “Just watch.” With the last unsuccessful phantom fist popping against the spikes, Sam raised his arms over his head and held them behind his back. Doublade swung its swords back as it rocketed out at the still defensive Togedemaru, awaiting Sam’s motions as it got closer. “Not even that will protect you!” Sam shouted, swinging both arms down in a cross. “Doublade, now!” Doublade swung down with its blades trailing with bright brown, hitting the upper corners of the Togedemaru’s body. A small bit of plasma raced across the Togedemaru’s back before the area around them blasted in a cloud of dirt and light. “Togedemaru!” Zeraora cried. Doublade came racing back out from the dust cloud and retook its stance before Sam, its arms once again weak and jittery. Sam could also note the slightly jagged spots where its blades hit the spikes. “Nice one, Doublade.” Sam’s compliment was replied to with a pleasant ring from Doublade’s blades as it ran them together. Once the dust cloud cleared, Zeraora let out a disappointed sigh to see the Togedemaru on its back with its eyes facing in different directions, disoriented and not able to move a muscle. “Alright!” Rainbow Dash flew up and punched and kicked the air. “Two down, two left!” Zeraora turned back to face Mimikyu and Doublade, scowling hard enough to show its entire rows of teeth. With a thrust of its body and head, Zeraora let out an even louder roar, the sonic ripples caused by the Snarl thicker and blacker than before. Mimkyu was thrown back instantly by them, its disguise slightly deflating as the presence within lost the will to battle. Doublade continued holding on, though Sam could see that it would not last much longer. “It’s okay, you got this! Hit Vikavolt with Shadow Sneak!” Doublade performed a dual-chop along the floor, breaking a path from the Snarl waves for its shadow to race across the floor and get beneath Vikavolt before it blasted up, taking the Totem Vikavolt with it. “Damn you!” Zeraora growled. With its abdomen charging, the Totem Vikavolt hurled a final spark attack down onto Doublade, the hit finally weakening it to the point where its swords clattered to the ground and laid still. With the air clear, Sam, Alice, and Zeraora were now allowed an opportunity to breathe. “And now it’s down to a final two-on-two!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Oh, I’m so excited!” Alice and Sam called back their fainted Pokémon into their Poké Balls. After putting them back onto their belts they each brought out their last one, holding them out before looking at each other. “This is where it gets easy, right?” Alice asked. Sam smirked. “You tell me. You’re the one with the Ground-type.” Facing forward again, they both tossed their balls out into the battlefield. “Go get ‘em, Mudbray!” “Let’s do this, Lurantis!” Both balls popped open, Alice’s mud donkey and Sam’s floral insect taking the field, each letting out a final cry in preparation for the end of the battle. Zeraora bent down to prepare to lunge. “No. I won’t let you win so easily!” As lightning raced across its body, Alice punched the air out. “Mudbray, block it!” As Mudbray hopped up on its forelegs, tucking its head in, Zeraora vanished and reappeared before the donkey, already moving its fist to punch. Mudbray fell back down as Zeraora’s fist collided with its head. A disc of wind shot out at the point of impact, Zeraora surprised to see neither it nor Mudbray had managed to break either’s ground. “Atta girl!” Alice shouted. “Now, hit him with Bulldoze!” With a whinny, Mudbray galloped forward, pushing Zeraora with it. The wave of mud coming from its charge shot straight up into Zeraora’s chin and threw it back. “Vikavo–” Its warning cries were silenced as the wave crashed into it and buried it. The Totem Vikavolt was still prepared as it began to fly up over the wave where the wave threatened to hit it. “Lurantis, hurry!” Sam shouted. “Take Vikavolt out with X-Scissor!” Lurantis ran forward at the wave, going faster than it. Just as the wave passed underneath the Totem Vikavolt, Lurantis ran up the wall and flipped back off of it, facing its foes unguarded backside. The Totem Vikavolt only had enough time to turn halfway around before Lurantis slashed both its scythes into it. With the attack clipping into its wing, the Totem Vikavolt was thrown down to the ground where it came to a tired stop, attempting to pick itself back onto its legs before it collapsed, finally going unconscious. Landing on its feet, Lurantis hopped back to Sam, staring proudly at the Pokémon it had defeated. “Okay,” Sam breathed. “I guess this is easy now.” Alice was too focused on Mudbray, who continued standing a few feet away from where Zeraora struggled to break free from the dried mud. “Mudbray? Are you o–” Throwing its head up, Mudbray let out an echoing whinny as its body shone brightly and swirled with a green, bubbly energy. “OH!” Alice shouted. “Oh my god!” “What’s it doing?” Trixie threw her head back and forth, hoping someone would answer her. “Is this good? What is this?” “It’s evolving!” Fluttershy shouted. “Mudbray’s evolving!” Lady let out a long squeal, mesmerized by the sight. “Unbelieveable…” Sophocles whispered almost inaudibly. Sam, Alice, and the half-buried Zeraora continued watching in near disbelief as Mudbray’s body grew nearly three times its size, the muscles in its legs and neck bulking up in considerable size. It’s snout, once cute and round, stretched out into a firmer shape as its hooves broadened out and flattened. The hairs on its tail grew out at the base while the ends widened out, forming a shape similar to its own hooves. Finally, as its ears became a bit smaller and pointier, its mane grew higher up as three thick dreadlocks formed on both sides of it. Mudbray’s body then became a bright white before the light shattered off of it, revealing a new Pokémon standing in its place. It’s coat was a solid brown, and its hooves and snout, as well as the ends of its locks, tail, and the tops of its mane, were all a bright reddish orange. “No way!” Thorax gasped. “What did it just turn into?” Alice already had her Pokédex out, which began to read its information. “Mudsdale, the Draft Horse Pokémon. Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.” “Wow…” Alice let her arm drop to the side as Mudsdale looked back to its trainer, assuring her of its being alright. By now, Zeraora had freed itself from the mud and vibrated the rest off its fur. “It doesn’t matter that your Pokémon’s evolved! Chances are she won’t survive another Close Combat!” Alice didn’t appear threatened in the least. “And heaven forbid she does, I’m certain you won’t survive her next attack.” Zeraora’s entire body flared up with plasma. “We’ll just have to see then!” Without warping, Zeraora ran out at Mudsdale and leapt up. With a shout, it balled its paw and moved to punch. Right before the attack could connect, Lurantis leapt in between them and blocked Zeraora’s paw with the side of its left scythe. “Lurantis!” Sam shouted. “No,” Zeraroa huffed in distress. Lurantis also managed to reach up and over and slice at Zeraora’s face with a Leaf Blade before it was knocked back by the punch, Zeraora also falling back and rolling to the floor. Alice pumped her arm before pointing straight out. “Mudsdale, you got this now! Finish off Zeraora with High Horsepower!” Zeraora came up to its feet to see Mudsdale already close to it and turning around to buck. Too tired to try and avoid it, Zeraora could only cover its face with its arms just as Mudsdale’s back hooves collided with them, sending it flying hard over the open door to the hallway. With its back slamming against the wall, the lights around the room flickered as the infrastructure stressed to maintain itself. Peeling off the indent its body left, Zeraora, its eyes half-closed tumbled forward to the floor, and just before its body could hit, its body was covered in Starlight’s magic and hovered just above the ground. Turning it over, Starlight placed Zeraora down into a seated position, looking down as he panted. Sam and Alice stayed silent as Zeraora got back to its feet with a limp in its right leg. Finally looking up to the two trainers, his mouth opened up to speak. “I… I yield. You have defeated me.” Sophocles, snapping back into attention, regained a serious composure. “Uh… Zeraora has announced his surrender. This means that Sam and Alice have completed my trial!” The Equestrians all cheered and hollered, stamping their hooves or kicking them out in celebration. “Holy cow, that was awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Fluttershy hugged on to Starlight as Lady grabbed both of them in its feelers. “And when Mudbray evolved, I just…” Fluttershy let out another squeal as she hugged her friends tighter. Sam and Alice focused on Zeraora as he passed Mudsdale and approached the two of them. “You two kids are truly something special–” Zeraora yelped as it lost its balance, Sam catching him and slinging his right arm around his waist for support. “Thank you.” “No problem. You’re pretty amazing too, but I’m sure you already knew that.” Zeraora chuckled. “I’m certain now that you two are fit to help save this world from what’s ahead.” “That’s assuring and all,” Alice said, “but I think it’s safe to say that we’re all a bit worse for wear after that battle. Come on, let’s go get patched up.” With Sam helping Zeraora walk, Alice and Mudsdale followed the two out of the gym to make their way to their friends in the lab. Sophocles sprayed Zeraora’s leg with the remainder of the Full Restore as it sat on a cot at the end of a spacious hospital room. Sam, Alice, the Equestrians, along with the Vikavolt, the Togedemaru, and the Lanturn all watching it recover. Sophocles backed away as Zeraora flexed its toes, satisfied with the pops and cracks that it felt coming from them. “Feeling better?” Alice asked. Hopping off the cot, Zeraora was pleased to find that it could walk normally without any pain whatsoever. “Perfect. Once again, I thank you for such an intense battle and wish all of you the best of luck in your journeys.” “You’re very welcome,” Sam said, with a bow of his head, “and thank you yourself.” “Say, Zeraora,” Rainbow Dash wondered. “This isn’t the last we’re going to be seeing of you right? I mean, we can really count on someone like you to help us if we need, right?” “Of course, Rainbow Dash. When and if the time comes, I will proudly fight by all of your sides. But for right now, I must be off myself.” As he passed the Vikavolt, Togedemaru, and Lanturn, he respectfully pet them on the heads as he made his way to the other end of the room, plasma already beginning to dance of its body as it stretched off in various directions. “Farewell, my friends…” With his body turning to light, a small explosion scattered the electricity off, going into the lights in the ceiling and the holes of the outlets in the walls until there was no trace of it being there. Pinkie Pie sniffed as she wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m going to miss him!” “Uh, Pinkie?” Discord said. “Need I remind you that you only knew him for a few minutes?” “And what a few minutes that was!” Sophocles then made his way to the door, and as he put his hand on the knob, he turned to everyone left inside. “If you guys could just follow me, there are a few things I need to give you before you leave.” Sophocles stood before Sam and Alice in the observatory lobby as he held both hands out, a Z-Crystal in each one. The crystal Sam took was bright yellow with a black, jagged lightning bolt icon in its center. Alice’s was more golden in color with an icon that looked like the tail of her Raichu. “As you can see, I gave you both a different Z-Crystal. Sam, I gave you the standard Electrium Z that I give to anyone else who completes my trial. Alice, seeing as how you have an Alolan Raichu on your side, I saw fit to give you Alolraichium Z, which will allow you to activate its own special Z-Move, Stoked Sparksurfer.” Sam stretched his lips out. “Well gee, when you put it like that, it’s like mine’s not that special.” “However, they are both activated the same way, like so…” Sophocles crossed his arms at his chest before putting them back down and crossing them back out. He then twisted his body to the right and reached his both arms right as far as he could. Twisting back to the left, he reached down to the left with his right arm and up to the right with his left before bending his knees and bending his wrists in so his arms could form a faint lightning bolt formation. “You got it?” he asked. “I think so,” Alice replied. “Okay, good. I have one last thing.” Crouching down and reaching behind him, he handed Sam and Alice three metal plates each very much like the ones the Lanturn wore on its stomach. “If you decide to catch any Water-type Pokémon on the rest of your journey, you can put those on it so they can still swim around even when they’re nowhere near water.” “That’s very cool. Thank you very much again, Sophocles.” “Yes, thank you for taking the time for us,” Sam said. “Oh, please!” He rubbed the back of his head with a slightly embarrassed smile. “It’s your time I’ve been taking, now please, return to your friends, and have a safe journey!” “We hopefully will,” Starlight said. “Goodbye!” The Equestrians all walked toward the exit to the observatory, each one waving and saying their farewells as Sophocles waved them off back. Sam and Alice were the last to leave, and as they passed through the sliding glass doors, their only focus was the Pokémon Center where they could only hope they didn’t keep their other friends waiting long. > Chapter 58 - A New Dusk Rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With their paces slow and exhausted, the Pillars and their companions all traveled down a gravel path of an uphill forest. Each of their bags were stuffed with supplies that only made each step feel heavier. At the front of the group, Fizzlepop continued her steadfast pace and ignoring the aching and burning above her hooves. Gubber was slung over her back, moaning with his tongue hanging lazily out from its mouth. “I swear, if Canterlot isn’t just over that hill, I’m going to keel over.” “Shut your mouth,” Starswirl puffed. “You haven’t done much walking since we left the ship.” “But I’m sooo hungry!” Stygian sighed. “Skystar, can you fly up ahead and see how much farther?” “You got it!” Hopping off, she flew over Capper, the parrots, and the Pillars and stopped just short of the top of the hill, reaching it as she slowed her gait. The others were alerted by her loud, subsequent gasps. “We’re here! We made it!” “What?” Fizzlepop galloped to the top of the hill alongside Skystar, and as she saw it, her mouth finally came open in a smile. The forest had come to an end, and with a small plain, a bridge over a canyon overlooking two waterfalls, and the continuing path along the side of the cliff, it appeared that they had less of a mile before the gates to the city of Canterlot. Finally, Capper, the parrots, and the Pillars all came up, their pace quickened by the good news. “And look!” Somnambula pointed at the sky. “We still have plenty of daylight! Canterlot is just up ahead!” “And hopefully a nice, big meal!” Grubber said. “Let’s quicken our pace!” Rockhoof joyfully bellowed. “We can rest our tired bones once we meet Princess Celestia!” Going into a trot, the group headed down the path, hoping to make it to the city’s edge in a few minutes time. As the group walked through the city, the citizens along the sides walking along the sidewalks or leaving shops and stores of the town loudly murmured to themselves, taking particular interest in Skystar, Capper, and the parrots. “I remember those guys!” A green-unicorn stallion in particular said to a blue earth stallion. “They helped stop the Storm King!” “Amazing!” his friend replied. The group ignored their comments as they reached the wide stairway leading to the palace. As they came up, there were considerably less citizens and more golden-armored guards patrolling the grounds around castle. Starswirl spotted a door with two pegasi guards stationed on both sides, making his way there for the others to follow him. Once they made their way to the door, both guards flared their inner wings open, blocking their way with the X their wings formed. “Halt!” the left one spoke. “Who goes there?!” spoke the right. “I am Starswirl the Bearded!” Starswirl was very irate. “We have important business with Princess Celestia! You both should be able to recognize me!” Both guards brought their wings back in. “My apologies!” said the right guard. “Simply a formality, is all!” The left and right guard pulled on the door’s handles and opened the doors for them. “Thi phrinshess awaitch you.” As Starswirl and the other Pillars filed in, Fizzlepop nodded to one before entering inside. “Thank you.” Once Skystar, Capper, and the parrots came in, the guards let the handles go and let the doors shut on their own. Starswirl pulled the doors to Celestia’s chambers open, and as he and his companions entered inside, they found Celestia sitting on her large, marble throne at the end of the room, two towering stacks of books on either side of her. Upon hearing the creak of the doors, she looked up to see them all come in and form rows for her to see them easier. She blinked twice before frowning. “Starswirl, everyone, you’ve made it. What happened? You’re several hours late!” “Our apologies, your highness” Starswirl responded. “Our ship was attacked by an army of changelings and we were forced to make the rest of the way on foot.” “Changelings? Are you certain?” “Absolutely. They bear no resemblance to our changeling allies, rather they appear more like the kind that supposedly attacked Shining Armor and Princess Cadance at their wedding a few years ago.” “The kind that… oh dear. It’s really happening…” “What’s happening?” Fizzlepop stepped forward. “Is this the reason you called us here?” “Fizzlepop,” Starswirl grunted, “show some respect!” “No, Starswirl, it’s perfectly alright. It’s only fair that you all know, but first, I must tell you why I brought you all here.” The others stayed silent, waiting for her to speak. “As of last week, Twilight and her friends have gone missing.” The Pillars and their companions, save for the parrots, erupted in nervous chatter, Celestia breathing hard to see them in such distress. “Missing?” Capper spoke up. “How’d they end up doing that?” “We aren’t certain ourselves,” Celaeno answered. “We were invited to take part in a search party and haven’t found any sign of them. Of course, there’s a lot that we were still left in the dark about. Do you know where they last were?” Celestia bowed her head for a second in shame. “I kept most of the details from you in case the worst didn’t come to pass, but considering the situation as of now, it would be unfair to keep anymore secrets from you.” “What happened?” Mage Meadowbrook shouted. “They aren’t… no…” As the others pieced together her grim realization, their mouths begun to hang open. “They aren’t dead,” Celestia responded, “but their situation is still far from safe. As far as I can tell, Twilight and her friends were in her castle in Ponyville when they disappeared. As Celaeno knows, our search went fruitless… until yesterday.” “Hold on!” Stygian gasped. “Then you do know where they are?” “…That’s just it, Stygian. I have no idea where they’ve ended up.” “But…” Mistmane’s puzzling appeared to physically ail her. “You must know something. Anything!” “My sister and I, along with several other companions returned to Twilight’s castle yesterday afternoon, believing the Cutie Map could provide some answers. It… gave us some, but…” Celestia shook her head, realizing she was getting off track. “The map showed us visions. It showed us Twilight and her friends. They were in the company of some… very alien creatures that I’ve never seen before.” “Alien… how?” Skystar wondered. “Were they in a big metal ship and stuff?” “It’s not an inaccurate description, but we didn’t have much time before the map deactivated. And that’s when…” Celestia’s breathing grew heavier, and with a sob, she sank into a seated position, struggling to keep herself together. “Princess Celestia!” Starswirl ran to her side. “Please, tell us what happened.” Celestia took a couple hard breaths. “The map… a portal opened up… It took Shining Armor, Discord, Thorax… and Luna too.” Fizzlepop’s mouth refused to close, still in disbelief. “Twilight… she’s…” “Gone…” Grubber finished, also incredulous. “She’s… they’re all gone.” Celestia took several deep breaths, calming herself further. “And that’s not all. It seems that Chrysalis found out about the disappearance of Twilight and her friends.” “Chrysalis?” Starswirl leaned further in. “Are you sure?” Her breathing became noticeably angrier. “She disguised herself as Shining Armor’s guard; she must have tried to attempt to ambush us while we were alone in the castle.” “Alone in… Do you really think she’d be stupid enough to challenge you and your sister by herself? With Discord and Shining Armor present no less?” “I thought of that myself, but after hearing of your attack this morning, I’m all but certain now… Equestria is under attack by the changelings once more.” The anxious chatter resumed, Starswirl backing away to rejoin the other Pillars. “But…” Stygian sputtered. “If what you say is true, Twilght and her friends are gone, and so is the king and commander of the Crystal Empire, that Draconequus… even your own sister. Are you saying that–” “Yes, Stygian. As of right now, you are all our only line of defense against the changelings and whatever took Twilight and the others.” The others glanced to each other; it was the news neither expected nor wanted. “I realize this news is most troublesome for you, but I must ask, for the sake of this land: can I rely on you to stave off the changelings and whatever threat is stealing my ponies from us until they manage to return or however long possible after that?” Capper took a deep sigh, coming to terms with the situation. Picking his head back up, he worked up a smile. “Aw heck, saving Equestria ain’t anything new to me!” “And who knows?” Fizzlepop added. “If we encounter whatever took our friends, maybe we can find a way to bring them back ourselves.” “Those scallywags kidnapped the wrong pegasus,” Celaeno drew her sword and raised it up to the rousing affirmative roars of her parrot crew. “I just want to see Pinkie Pie again,” Skystar mentioned, “and I’ll do whatever it takes to rescue her!” “But first,” Starswirl spoke, “we must defeat the changlings first so they all have a safe home to come back to!” Grubber laughed in agreement. “And we already know how that worked out for them this morning!” “Princess Celestia!” Rockhoof held his shovel spade-down to the ground and bent to a kneel. “We will go wherever you need us.” A chorus of excited shouts and cheers erupted, Celestia brought to a smile as she saw several of them shake hands and hooves as they prepared each other mentally for the daunting task ahead. “Thank you so much,” she said. “I’m sure wherever they may be, Twilight and her friends, as well as my sister, should be more than grateful to have made friends out of all of you. If there’s anything I can offer you now, I shall make it happen!” “Really!” Grubber ran up front. “Can you make us something to eat? We’re all super hungry, me especially!” Starswirl glared at Grubber before softening his gaze and looking up at the princess. “We had awoken to the changeling attack and had no time to rest or have breakfast since then.” “Consider it done.” Celestia turned to two guards standing at the base of the stairway to her throne. “One of you tell the cooks to prepare a lavish meal for our guests. The guard to her left saluted her. “Yes, your majesty!” As he ran off, Celaeno then came forward. “Also, my ship was heavily damaged in the attack. I don’t want to ask too much–” “Until your own ship is repaired,” Celestia interrupted. “I will lend you one of my airships, fully furbished and stocked, of course.” “I…” Celaeno fell into a bow, overwhelmed by the generosity. “Thank you so much, Princess!” Fizzlepop then came forward, gently prying the cracked jewel crown on her broken horn and holding it up on her hoof. “Princess Celestia, I would also request that I have this replaced. I’ve been using it to control my magic in my travels with the Pillars of Equestria, but I damaged it trying to help my friends.” Celestia took it from her in her magic and held it up to her face. “I can’t see how we can’t get you a new crown. Now please, head to the dining room! I’ll have my guards escort you.” “Thank you so much… again.” The unicorn guards on both sides of the entrance doors pushed the doors open with their magic, leading the Pillars and their companions out and turning right out of the hallway. Fizzlepop stole one last glace to Celestia before the doors closed, who responded with a wink. “Yes?” Sun smiled gratefully at an older scientist with a bald head and short facial hair in a white lab coat on the screen of his Pokédex. “Okay, thank you again so very much.” “We look forward to meeting with you,” the man on the other side responded. “See you tomorrow!” “Take care!” Sun pressed the red button with the phone icon on the lower left corner of the screen, dropping his Pokédex on the table as he was setting it down. He then approached Twilight, who was gathered with the other Equestrians. “Great news, everyone. The Mossdeep Space Center has approved a jet to fly you to Hoenn tomorrow morning!” “Tomorrow morning?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Why do we gotta’ wait that long?” “They are stocking and charging the plane right now. Once that’s done, it’s still a several hour flight to the Aether Paradise. These things take time.” Rainbow Dash still sulked as she crossed her arms. “Wouldn’t take any time at all if I was flying us.” “In either case, we shouldn’t have much longer until you guys can go back home.” Applejack rubbed the back of her head, still feeling uneasy. “I don’t know. That’s still a long time between now and tomorrow morning. What are we all supposed to do in the meantime?” Sun turned to Sam and Alice, who were waiting at the center counter. “Once those two have healed their Pokémon, we’ll fly over to Mount Lanakila. We can all have a nice dinner there and give you all a chance to make your final goodbyes to the Elite Four there.” Spike nodded, going along with the idea. “I would like to see Guzma again.” “And I’d be happy to spend a little more time with Acerola,” Twilight said. “And I’m sure they’d be happy to have me again!” Rarity exclaimed. “Yeah,” Discord snorted, pushing up on his ears like it was a perm. “I don’t think it was you whose presence they were graced by.” “In either case,” Starlight said, “it’s a fine idea.” Sun then looked to Twilight. “Also, I received word that the House base has been cleaned and debugged following the incident Sunday morning. After dinner, we’ll head down there to spend the night until the jet arrives. That way, if Prism or anyone else tries to cause trouble, knock on wood, we won’t be too far away from either the Kahuna or our friends on Lanakila’s summit should we need their help.” Twilight breathed a sigh of comfort. “Thank you, Sun. I feel much safer knowing that.” “Perfect!” Sun clapped his hands as he made his way to Sam and Alice. “If I have Twilight’s approval, then we should be all set! Be ready to leave at any moment!” As the Equestrians lightly scrambled to ensure they had everything they needed, Sun came up beside Sam, his Poké Balls already on his belt. He looked to see five balls being scanned in the back. “How much more?” Alice stepped away to look at Sun behind her brother. “Like, three minutes maybe?” “Okay. I’m not sure if you overheard what I was telling the Equestrians, but–” “Having a dine-and-bye? Yeah, we heard.” “Oh…” Sun turned and leaned against the counter, the conversation having grown awkward. “If you two want, you don’t have to come with us to Mossdeep if you want to continue your Island Trials.” Sam turned to face Sun, crossing his arms. “That’s kind of you to offer, but my sister and I would like to see the return of our friends home through until the end. I’d honestly feel kind of crummy leaving them like that after all we’ve been through.” “And I thank you for everything you’ve done for them, but there’s no need for you to–” “Yeah, Shining Armor gave us this same spiel last night.” Alice had already begun slipping in between her brother and Sun. “I’m telling you the same thing we told him, we’re not going to leave them alone until this thing is done.” Sun stayed silent for several moments before rolling off the edge of the counter, preparing to leave. “Once your Pokémon are healed, I’d like to make our way.” “Of course.” With Sam’s understanding, Sun walked away, rejoining Hau, Lillie, and Gladion near the café. With him gone, Sam felt safe to let a long breath out, something Alice found suspect. “What’s with the sighing? Something else on your mind?” Sam opened his mouth to respond, only to shut it back up tight, making her frown even more. “You seriously want to continue your Island Trials?” “No!” Sam breathed back in through his nose, his peace having not been made. “Not exactly. It’s just… I’m one battle away from being able to evolve Doublade, and after the battle we just had, I’m prepared to take on just about anyone, especially the Kahuna.” “So, what? That whole ‘feeling crummy’ excuse was just that? An excuse?” “Of course not! Tomorrow morning, I’m getting on that jet to Mossdeep and seeing my friends off, but until then, we have the rest of the day to face Nanu, and I just want one shot at him!” Alice took a moment to compose her next thoughts when she and Sam were interrupted by the nurse putting the tray with her five Poké Balls inside. “Your Pokémon are all better now!” The nurse cheerfully said to them. “Please come back soon!” Alice nodded as she picked her balls out one by one. “Thanks a lot.” She then walked away from the counter while keeping her eyes back on Sam. “We’ll talk about this later. In private!” With a final point, Alice turned to Sun and showed him her Poké Balls. As Alice, Sun, and his friends moved to help gather the Equestrians, Sam, with a guilty spring in his step, went over to assist. Starlight appeared in a flash of light on the teleportation pad, backing away from it to give her arriving friends room on it. Near the doorway to the living space was Acerola and Guzma, the latter of whom crossed his arms cheekily. “Welcome back!” he chortled. “Good to see you too,” Starlight deadpanned before revealing a telltale smile. In another flash, Twilight and Spike were now both standing on the pad, the former’s wings flared open in shock of the sudden change of her surroundings. Smiling wider, Acerola came toward the alicorn. “Twilight!” Twilight beamed as Acerola opened her arms up for her, pulling her in for a hug. “Acerola! It’s great to see you again!” Spike jogged over to Guzma, who knelt down and held his fist up for him to bump. “What’s going on, little man?” “Oh, you know,” Spike replied, “just making a few stops before home.” “For real this time?” “Yeah… hopefully.” Sam and Alice were the next off the pad upon appearing. Walking up to Acerola, she ended her hug with Twilight and stepped aside to face them both. “Sam, Alice, hey!” Acerola lightly put her arms up, aware of the strangeness of them having only been gone a few hours. “What can I do for you?” “Is it okay if we go ahead in?” Alice responded. “There’s something I’d like to talk to my brother about in private, so if you can keep everyone in here until then…” “Oh, uh… Sure!” She stepped aside, giving them a clear path to the entrance. “Right this way.” “Thank you.” Sam nodded to Acerola as he followed his sister inside. She turned left into the kitchen and walked far enough in so that she could not be seen by anyone inside still coming in on the teleportation pad. When she went far enough, she spun around to face him. “Are you kidding me with this right now?” Alice hissed. “You really don’t want to put down the Island Trials for just a couple of days while we say goodbye to our friends?” “It’s not about the Island Trials!” Sam spat back, trying his best to keep his voice at whisper-level. “If it weren’t for the fact that Nanu was holding the one thing I need to evolve my Doublade over my head, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation!” “And that can’t wait either?” “No!” Alice cocked her head and hung her mouth open, astounded by her brother’s seeming stupidity. “Really, it just can’t wait?” “Every time we’ve gotten closer to getting these ponies home, something goes horribly god-damned wrong! Team Prism, Solgaleo and Lunala freaking out. At this point, I’m not even sure I’d feel safe going to Mossdeep tomorrow until I do this!” “And what if you’re not strong enough? What if Nanu just hands your ass back to you on a silver platter? Heck, a styrofoam plate if he beats you even worse!” Sam scoffed and shook his head. “You really don’t think I’m strong enough?” “Who knows? I’ve never faced him, and neither have you! He really could be that strong, and what if he is? What if he’s so strong that you can’t beat him by tomorrow morning? Are you seriously going to stay behind and keep trying because you’re scared that you won’t be strong enough for whatever harebrained scheme Team Prism comes up with to try and take the ponies next?” Sam let Alice take a couple of deep breaths, exhausted by her long-winded rant. Once Sam could stop really hearing her pull and push air in and out of her lungs, Sam opened his mouth to speak. “If I face him–” Alice opened her mouth, but was stopped by Sam putting his finger near her mouth. “If… I face him, and I lose to him once…” He took in one last breath, coming to terms with his oncoming promise. “…I won’t face him a second time until after we’ve gotten home from Mossdeep.” Alice raised an eyebrow, Sam rolling his eyes at this. “And when the ponies are safe and home.” Alice finally nodded slowly before starting to walk around him back toward the glass door to the teleportation room. “Just once. I’m going to hold you to it too.” Sam stood where he was as Alice waved the people and Equestrians inside in. As the door opened up, Alice made her way to the living room as Acerola and Guzma came in with the parade of Equestrians coming inside, Twilight, Spike, and Trixie marveling over the furbishing. As more ponies and people came in, Sam breathed easier. Celestia sat herself at the end of a long dining table, watching as her guests all took their seats on either side of it. While the parrots and Pillars appeared to easily pull their chairs out and sit on them, Skystar and Fizzlepop were struggling. Grubber quickly came to her aid and pulled the chair out for her to sit, which she thanked him for with a nod and a rub atop his head. Skystar bumped one of the back legs against her talons, causing it to nearly fall, only for Capper to catch it before the headrest could bang against the floor. “Ahem.” He put the chair back upright and pulled it out to give Skystar room to sit. “Your highness.” Skystar giggled as she sat down. “Aw, you don’t need to call me that when I’m not at Mount Aris!” Capper took his seat next to hers. “You’re right. I just felt like it.” Skystar blushed, stopping upon hearing Celestia clear her throat. “Again, I thank you all for still making the journey despite this morning’s setbacks,” she said to them. “While I wish for you to enjoy your food, I’d still like to discuss any plans you may have about how you want to confront either the changelings or whatever took Twilight and her friends.” “And you’re certain the changelings aren’t responsible for their disappearance?” Stygian asked. “Chrysalis was taken by the portal as well as my sister and Shining Armor. I highly doubt someone like her would not want to see their takeover come to fruition. As incidental as that may have been, I’m certain someone else would be taking command in her stead should something have happened to her.” “But…” Boyle glanced back and forth. “Something did happen to her.” “Alright,” Celaeno interrupted, “we get it, someone else is covering for her, but who? Are there more changeling hives outside Equestria?” “I certainly couldn’t imagine there wouldn’t be, but whoever their leader may be, they’d most likely be hiding in plain sight. It would be impossible to try and look for them; they’d instead have to come to you first.” Starswirl rubbed his chin. “Yes, you’re probably right. Have you made any attempts to locate Twilight and the others yourself?” “It was only since yesterday I realized they’re nowhere on Equestria or even this world. I sadly don’t possess the magic necessary to create and maintain a portal that I can use to track them down… wherever they are.” Starswirl sulked, upset by this. Until… “Perhaps…” Celestia perked up, the word already a hopeful burst of good news. “Perhaps what?” “I may be able to track wherever they are with a spell of my own, but unless I have enough combined magical power, I won’t be able to open a portal to whichever world they found themselves on. Princess Celestia, will you help me in this?” “As much as I’d like to, I must stay and maintain order the best I can. The safety of Equestria hangs on a thread as of now, and I cannot let the throne be empty while there’s a threat quite possibly outside the door ready to snatch it.” Mistmane looked fearful of the realization she had made. “Speaking of that, without Twilight, her castle and the power of the Elements of Harmony have also been left unguarded.” “You know,” Grubber mentioned, “we could always crash there, use it as a homebase and stuff until we stop the changelings or can find Twilight and her friends.” He received looks from everyone at the table, making him confused. “What? I’m good for more than just eating.” “That’s not a terrible idea at all.” Starswirl’s compliment had Fizzlepop nudging the hedgehog and grinning at him. “And considering the Cutie Map is the site of where the portal opened, I should be able to use the residual energy from what caused it to trace its origin.” “Good for more than eating indeed!” Rockhoof laughed. “And if you do manage to find wherever they are,” Celestia added, “contact me as soon as you can and I’ll assist you in opening a portal to them.” “Then it’s settled. Once our ship has loaded, we will set off immediately for Ponyville.” Everyone save for Celestia raised their water glasses up and cheered, their plans cemented. She unveiled a soft smile; the most secure she had felt since the previous week. Sam gulped the rest of the water in his cup before setting it back down on the table, a cook coming along and placing it on a stack of plates and silverware he was collecting from the now empty dining room table. “Thanks again,” Sam said to him. He then took his jacket from the back of the chair, put it on and zipped it up. Turning around, Alice tossed him his backpack, her own strapped over her right shoulder. As they walked over to the room with the teleportation pad, they found Sun, Luna, Starlight, and Fluttershy standing by it with Lady and Comfey by their sides. “And you’ll be at the Aether House by the time you’re done?” Alice asked Sun before stopping. “We should,” he responded. “If we’re somehow behind schedule, I’ll make sure one of the employees lets you in. I’ve already given them your info so they know it’s you.” Sam nodded. “Sounds assuring enough. Thank you.” “I do ask you to be careful,” Luna said to them. “I realize I haven’t known you as long as Starlight and Fluttershy here have, and should have little need for concern regarding your safety in light everything you’ve been through, but know that it’s still dangerous out there, for us and for yourselves.” “That’s precisely why I’m doing this. Hopefully, in an hour or so, I’ll be better equipped to handle whatever Team Prism throws our way next.” “I’m sure you two will be fine.” Starlight’s statement was met with a soft, supportive mew from Lady. “And you’re coming right back afterward, right?” Fluttershy asked. “If I lose, yeah…” Sam reflected on this, but soon put on a braver face. “But I’m not going to lose. I’m going to beat Nanu and get that Dusk Stone.” “Just please be careful!” Fluttershy sounded close to tears. “They already took Burnet, I don’t want them to take you too!” Alice knelt down to the almost-sobbing pegasus and pulled her neck in for a hug, shocking her out of crying. “You don’t have to worry about anything. As long as you guys are safe, Team Prism won’t have any reason to attack us.” “But… what if they want to kidnap you too?” “Come on!” Sam forced a huff. “We already beat their leader! How much worse can they get?” “I… I guess so.” Fluttershy pulled away to clear the way for Sam and Alice to enter the teleportation room. “Just promise you’ll come back right when you’re done.” “Of course. Alice, ready?” Alice shrugged. “We have nothing to lose at this point but daylight.” “Then let’s not waste any more.” Sam and Alice stepped to the glass door, which slid open and let them inside. Before they stepped onto the pad, the pair made one last final glance to their friends on the other side of it. Giving them comforting, supportive smiles, the brother and sister mustered the strength to step onto the platform, disappearing the instant their shoes touched it. Starlight continued looking into the room as if her human friends were still there. She whispered, “Good luck." > Chapter 59 – To the Master of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the golden sun on its way toward the oceanic horizon, Sam and Alice’s Charizards glided down the side of the mountain, using the rail of the lift as a guide. With the station at the base coming up quick, the Charizards banked to the right to avoid the trees, flying just above the ruins of the Tapu Village. With another swing to the left, Sam and Alice’s steeds flew toward the ocean and along the coast of the black-sand beach. Sam’s eyes traced the broken street as it led up to the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart. There didn’t appear to be any sign of Nanu or even the Absol and its Pokémon army around. Reaching the slab ramp from the beach back to the mainland, Sam’s Charizard swooped up before landing onto the sand. Patting it on the neck, Sam swung off the seat and fell straight to the sand, Alice’s Charizard lowering her down to the ground. “Sam?” She approached him. “Something’s not right. There’s no one here.” Sam held his hand back to wait as he heard rustling from the bushes above. “Maybe that’s…” As he walked toward the ramp, he kept his eyes at the top of it, and as expected, the Absol slunk up into view. Sam stopped, knowing the Pokémon would not let him advance another step further. He smiled a bit not seeing any Raticates or anything else by its side. Alice stayed behind her brother’s Charizard’s wing, watching safely. “So, you’ve seen Nanu anywhere?” The Absol leapt down straight onto the sand, forcing Sam to get back and reach for a Poké Ball on his belt. “Hey, come on now! I beat the other trials! I’m just waiting for him!” The Absol didn’t seem to care, baring its teeth and continuing to slowly approach, appearing ready to pounce at any moment. He stared into its eyes that squinted in territorial anger. Finally, after a couple of blinks, Sam then stayed still and relaxed himself; he suddenly got it. To Alice’s slight surprise, the Absol also stopped its advance. Sam nodded, taking its response as a certainty. “Okay, I see now…” He detached a ball from his belt, leading the Absol to back away to give him and his first Pokémon some room. He then threw it out. “Go, Lurantis!” The ball opened up, and his Pokémon formed from the white energy that spilled from it. Absol took another step back, the creature having clearly gotten bigger since the last time. “Yeah, you remember her?” Sam taunted. “Come on, let’s see you try and land a Megahorn on her now.” As if to heighten the suspense, a wind picked up through the trees, whistling as it blew through. Unbeknownst to any of the humans or Pokémon waiting there, a single white cloud floated just over the Megamart from above, high enough in the sky to appear just like any other cloud to Sam and Alice below. Resting on it were Fluttershy with Comfey around her neck, as well as Starlight and Lady on a sheet made from her magic. “So…” Fluttershy wondered. “When are we supposed to–” “Once Sam takes out that Pokémon,” Starlight responded, “the coast should be clear. Until then, we need to stay put.” Below them in the forest, a pair of Alolan Raticates came out from the brush behind the Abandoned Megamart, squinting up at the cloud and noticing the tips of Fluttershy and Starlight’s tails poking out from the top of them. Chattering suspiciously, the two Pokémon waddled their way around to the front. Sam pointed at his and his Pokémon’s foe. “Lurantis, hit Absol with X-Scissor!” The Absol lunged its green-glowing horn at Lurantis’s gut. Lurantis leapt and turned to the right with just enough space to let the charge pass it and also swing its scythed arms up to the sides, slashing against its stomach and leaving a green-mark there that faded to red irritation. “Yes, nice!” Sam punched the air with both fists. Still in its lunge, the Absol twisted its body and landed so that its back legs swung around to reposition it back in front of Lurantis. Without waiting much longer, the Absol charged again horn-first. Lurantis just turned its head to see the horn stab its gut and throw it back toward the ramp, it’s lower back hitting first and swinging the back of its head into it next. Sam gasped as his Pokémon’s arms splayed out before they, along with the rest of Lurantis’s body, rolled down to the end of the ramp, completely unconscious. “Ah–” Starlight was quick to stifle Fluttershy’s anguished cries with her forearm over her mouth. Sam turned back to Alice as she looked around, neither able to find the source of the scream. With a loud growl, the Absol redirected their attention back to it, urging Sam to bring out his next Pokémon. Sam angrily brought Lurantis’s ball back from his belt and returned it inside. “You just won’t let me have this!” Sam tore his next ball off his belt. “If only you knew what was at stake here!” The Absol’s expression didn’t change. All it cared about was whatever Pokémon was inside that Poké Ball. With the sky getting darker by the minute, Sam quickly realized that bargaining with the creature was pointless. With a flick, he tossed his next ball out. “Your turn, Salazzle!” Bursting out from the ball, Salazzle plopped down onto the sand and screeched at Absol, remembering their last encounter with a resounding lack of fondness. “Outrun this!” Sam shouted. “Salazzle, hit Absol with Sludge Bomb!” With a hock, Salazzle spat large ball of toxic mucus out from its throat, splattering into Absol’s face and over the top half of its body. As Absol tried throwing its head side to side to throw the grime off its eyes and coughing any that got in its mouth, it thrashed about at the air, its claws turning magenta and flinging two bow-shaped auras of Psychic energy out from them. The first raced across the surface of the beach, passing Salazzle but spraying sand into its eyes. Blinded, Salazzle could not avoid the second aura as it crashed into its body, hurling it back to Sam. “Salazzle! You okay?” Salazzle rubbed its eyes with the palms of its hands before hopping back into the battlefield. Sam looked to the Absol, whose fur was still covered in Salazzle’s Sludge Bomb. To both Sam and Alice’s pleasant surprises, parts of its face and paws throbbed slightly, glowing purple with each pulse of the afflicted areas. Alice shook her fists in excitement. “Sam, you poisoned her! You got this, now!” “Ready, girl?!” Salazzle cawed affirmatively at Sam’s query. “Finish her off with Venoshock!” Opening its mouth up, a barrage of small purple spikes shot out of Salazzle’s mouth like a turret. With its vision no longer inhibited, the Absol stood on its hind legs and swung both of its arms in strong, controlled motions. Two more psychic bows, much stronger than the last, raced at Salazzle as it continued shooting its attack. Several of the spikes had already begun pelting into the Absol, who screamed with each spike that prodded into one of its poisoned spots. Holding its attack until the end, Salazzle was hit by both auras, creating an explosion in the sand that blasted it backward toward its trainer. Sam was quick to catch Salazzle, grabbing it by its upper chest and letting it drape its arms around his. It wasn’t long before it couldn’t muster the strength to continue holding on, starting to slip out of Sam’s grasp. With the hold he still had on it, Sam fell to his kness and quickly laid Salazzle onto the sand to cushion the fall. “Salazzle, no...” He stroked his Pokémon’s back appreciatively. “Sam, look!” Sam looked back to the Absol where his sister was pointing. Its legs wobbled as it tried to hold itself up, the poisoned welts on its face and paws having gotten even more swollen and glowing with an even brighter shade of purple. Sam and the Absol locked eyes as he held Sazzle close, refusing to move until he could see that it would still battle. With a gargling snarl, it took one step forward, only for its leg to buckle, sending it toppling to its side before it lied still, no longer wanting to get up. Sam huffed a laugh as he hugged Salazzle tighter. “Excellent job, girl!” As Sam returned his Pokémon to its ball, Starlight gasped as she nudged Fluttershy across Lady. “That’s it, that’s our cue!” “Huh?” Fluttershy barely got her word out before Starlight charged her horn and teleported them all off the cloud. Appearing before of the front doors on their hooves, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon were immediately greeted by the two Alolan Raticates coming at them from both sides, hissing. Unable to help herself, Fluttershy screamed loud. Alice looked up to the top of the ramp with Sam shooting up to his feet. “Fluttershy?!” Both he and his sister sprinted toward the ramp, but as Alice ran up it, a weak whine forced Sam to stop. He looked back to the Absol, who, still poisoned, reached for him with one of its paws, knowing it didn’t have much time before it would succumb. Sam didn’t have to think much about it, running back to its aid. Alice reached the top, finding Starlight and Fluttershy battling an Alolan Raticate each with their Pokémon. “Lady!” Starlight shouted. “Attack the Raticate with Moonblast!” “Comfey!” Fluttershy ordered, adrenaline filling her cries. “Hit the big scary rat with Draining Kiss!” Opening its mouth, Lady shot a silvery beam into the Raticate’s face, blasting it far and away from it. Comfey blew the other Raticate a kiss, casting its body in a bright light that was promptly and painfully torn off and receded into Comfey’s body. Despite seeing both Raticates swoon, weakened from the attacks, she was more terrified to see the ponies there at all. “Stop!” Hearing Nanu’s voice off to the left of the building, Alice, Starlight, Fluttershy, and all the Pokémon looked in that direction. “Please, stop!” The Ula’ula Kahuna stepped around the building to face them, his hands up as a further gesture of ceasefire. “The hell are you trying to do?” Then looked left and right, finding someone among them was missing. “Hey, uh, where’s that boy?” “Coming!” Sam came walking up the ramp, the Absol following with a hardly-noticable limp in the paw that tripped it. “Eeee!” Flutteershy squealed, Starlight and Lady also looking frightened. “He didn’t beat it!” “Calm down, Fluttershy, I did. I just gave it a Full Restore.” “Oh…” Nanu seemed genuinely surprised. “That was nice of you.” “It was in pain. What else was I supposed to do?” “I mean, I was going to come down after you beat it and heal it up myself, but your friends over here got in the way a little.” “Starlight, Fluttershy!” Alice scolded. “What are you even doing here? You know we were going to do this alone!” “I’m sorry!” Fluttershy whimpered. “We just thought we could get you that Dusk Stone thingy so you wouldn’t have to battle him!” “Wait, what?” Sam asked. “We figured that once you defeated Absol,” Starlight explained, “the Megamart wouldn’t be guarded anymore and we could go in and get a stone for you and get right back to the Aether House. We just thought that would be the easiest option.” “In life,” Nanu said, “there’s hardly ever an easy option, and the best things in life aren’t usually gotten through them. But it seems you’ve beaten the Absol, right?” The Absol let out a dual-toned bark to affirm this. Nanu then smirked. “Then that settles it. Now it’s time for me to face you. I’d ask if you were ready for your Grand Trial but… you already accepted that the moment you decided to face Absol here.” “Hold on!” Starlight protested. “That Absol counted?” “Yeah,” Sam answered, “but I figured that out before I sent my Lurantis out. Everyone, just stand aside. I have a battle to win.” “But…” Starlight turned her body toward the sliding glass doors, Absol catching her from the corner of her eye. “What’s stopping us now from just being able to go in and–” As Starlight charged her horn, the aura also appearing between the two doors to force it open, a single bow from the Absol’s Psycho Cut whizzed past her and shattered the aura in the doors, leaving them intact. Starlight and Fluttershy turned back around to see the Absol, as vicious and protective as it was when it faced Sam, its own horn glowing magenta. “I’d rethink that if I were you,” Nanu warned. “I think the next time it does that, it’s hitting you.” Starlight moaned with great sadness, her entire efforts all made pointless. “It’s okay, Starlight,” Sam assured her. “I want to do this. Just please, the faster I can beat him, the faster we can get back to the House.” Starlight glanced between Sam, the Absol and Nanu, unsure if one of them would relent. Taking Sam’s words to heart, she, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon walked out to the space to the right of the Megamart. With its path open, the Absol left Sam’s side and stood guard of the doors with both Alolan Raticates joining its side. Alice quickly jogged back to join the ponies as Sam walked further in to stand between the front of the Megamart and the edge of the cliff to his left. Nanu walked over and stood directly before his challenger, and with that, the stage was finally set. “Okay,” Nanu spoke, “you lost two Pokémon in that first battle. Judging from the lone empty slot on your belt, you caught another Pokémon since we last met.” “I sure did.” Sam pulled Drampa’s ball from his belt and held it aside. “Would you like to meet him?” “I’m dying to.” Nanu pulled one of the Ultra Balls from his belt and lobbed it out underhanded. “Go, Sableye!” With that, Nanu’s small, gem-eyed sprite emerged from its ball, awaiting the Pokémon Sam held in his hand. Sam threw his ball out next. “Okay, let’s do this, Drampa!” With his Poké Ball bursting open, Drampa fell down from the white energy that burst out from it and floated down to the ground to face Nanu’s Pokémon. “And here we go,” Alice whispered. “Come on, Sam,” Starlight muttered. “Let’s start this off right!” Sam threw a pointed finger out. “Drampa hit Sableye with Dragon Breath–” “Fake-Out.” Nanu spoke. As Drampa’s mouth filled with blue light, readying to shoot, it kept its eyes on Sableye, who strangely stayed in the same spot. Just as Drampa was ready to attack, another Sableye hopped up right in front of its face and clapped its hands loudly. The suddenness of the act broke Drampa’s concentration as the light in its mouth died out and it flinched away. Steadying itself, Drampa watched as Sableye ran back to the spot where it had originally stood, which was now empty. “Figures,” Alice grumbled. “Gets a free first turn.” “Alright, Sableye!” Nanu pointed his entire hand out at Sam’s dragon. “Use Toxic!” Sableye and Drampa locked eyes, the latter waiting for some kind of move. However, Sableye’s eyes simply glimmered at the corners, the lights flashing into Drampa’s eyes. As it tried registering what had happened, Drampa’s stomach began to growl loudly, and with a moan, it’s head bowed lethargically down. Sam watched fearfully as several large rashy splotches appeared all over Drampa’s body that flashed with deep shades of purple. “Hmph.” Nanu crossed his arms. “Perhaps if you didn’t use that Full Restore on Absol… never mind. I probably would have just used Toxic again.” Sam’s lip quivered as more and more spots appeared all over his dragon’s body “No, this is bad!” Starlight exclaimed. “You’re right.” Alice could hardly breathe with the tension she felt in her chest. “If Drampa can’t even beat this Sableye, that’s going to be bad news for the rest of his Pokémon.” “You really think Sam will lose?” Fluttershy asked. “I have no idea, but if Nanu starts dropping his Pokémon like flies, he may very well.” Sam seethed over the sound of his dragon’s painful moans. “Don’t give up now, buddy! No more cheap shots from here on out. Now, hit her with Dragon Breath!” Picking its head back up, Drampa partially opened its mouth and filled it with blue fire. As it continued widening its maw, more and more fire filled the inside of it, transfixing Sableye where it stood. With a huff, a large ball of the fire shot its way at Sableye, breaking apart and swirling all around it upon contact. “Holy crap!” Alice shouted. “I’ve never seen a Dragon Breath that strong!” Nanu pressed his forearms in front of his face to block the heat from the wisps of flame that whirled near him. Drampa kept a keen eye on where Sableye had stood, unsure if it survived the attack. As the fires evaporated out, Sableye stood almost frozen in the stance it must have made as it was ravaged, its body arched back and its arms hanging down on both sides. Rolling up straight, it began to walk out toward Drampa, only for right leg to not be able to hold its weight, making it fall over. As it tried to catch itself with its left hand, its left arm wouldn’t allow it to respond, so it fell flat on its stomach as it tried to recalibrate itself with its left leg and right arm, its only functioning limbs. “Yes!” Starlight shouted. “He paralyzed her!” “That’ll certainly help!” Fluttershy clopped her front hooves together. “Let’s hope…” Alice refused to be as excited. Happy with what it accomplished, Drampa’s celebratory smile went short lived, as the rashes on its body bulged and flashed again, getting slightly bigger as well. Sam could hardly bear to hear his Pokémon wail, but he bared his teeth through it. “You got this, Drampa! Now you’re faster than her. See if you can finish her off with Thunder!” With its fur racing with tiny volts of static, Drampa grew a vicious scowl, vibrating as it tried to contain the energy it created within itself. Unable to hold it much more, it threw its head up to the sky and let out a booming bark that shot a small yellow energy ball up into the sky through the treetops. Alice, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon all glanced up in awe as the sky directly above them grew dark with the near-black cloud that expanded up above. Nanu huffed nervously, his Pokémon still finding difficulty in keeping its balance. “Get ready for it, Sableye! I’m not sure if you can survive this!” Starlight sneered in mild disgust. “Way to cheer your Pokémon on, you coot.” With a grumble in the clouds, half of the center began to light up as it charged the oncoming attack. Finally, a titanic pillar of pure electricity rushed down from the sky, threatening to flatten Sableye down below. “Sableye, now!” On its trainers word, Sableye pushed off as hard as its working leg could allow, diving away from the pillar with only a few moments to spare before it touched down. To Sam and Drampa’s complete surprise, the outer wall of the electricity was only an inch or so away from Sableye’s foot, the stray sparks occasionally bouncing harmlessly onto it. “No, way!” Fluttershy shouted. “Even when paralyzed it got away!” Alice glowered over the situation. “Like the Kahuna’s Pokémon would let this be the least bit easy.” “That’s it!” Nanu grasped the air before him in excitement. “Now, hit him with Dark Pulse!” Sableye rolled over and hopped up, holding his good foot up to catch its fall and reeling its good arm back to throw a black orb that formed before its palm. Before it could land, it tossed the black aura out, where it curved around and struck Drampa in the side of the head, exploding in black smoke and purple light. Upon its foot hitting the ground, Sableye instinctively tried to prevent its tipping with its other leg, only for it to not respond and send itself sliding to the ground. Sam opened his mouth to call his next attack, only for Drampa to roar out even louder, its pain becoming unbearable. “Don’t give up, buddy! She’s down now; you have her this time! Now, finish her with Thunder!” Drampa charged its body quicker this time and launched the precipice of its attack up into the sky. The eyes of Sam’s friends were all on Sableye as it tried to hobble up onto its foot and attempt another evasion. “Come on,” Starlight whispered. “Come on!” The sky darkened just as Sableye’s hand came off the ground, wobbling as it tried to keep a stable stance. Sam looked up to the sky to see the light just begin to appear in the clouds as the thunder rolled through it, his eyes wide and his scowl furious. “JUST DO IT ALREADY!” he shrieked. The lightning pillar came down right as Sableye got still. It looked up to see that it had no more than a second to respond. It threw its body forward to lunge, but overexerted itself, losing its footing as it leaned too far in, slipping up and getting only a couple of inches forward before it was slammed by the lightning, completely disappearing behind its walls. “Hoh!” Sam shouted, Drampa honking in reply. The lightning refused to let up, Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy starting to get excited. “He got her!” Fluttershy shouted. “I think he got her.” Alice shielded her face as best she could with her arm, still unable to see any sign of Sableye inside of it. “No, he definitely got her!” Finally, individual bolts began to disappear at random from the pillar, Sam and Drampa finally able to see Sableye inside. As the attack faded away, Sam and his friends’ mouths hung open to see Sableye still standing with crooked legs and slung arms. Lady barked nervously as Sableye slowly lifted its head to look at Sam and Drampa. Nanu was bemused by its slow movements, not willing to celebrate too early. “Damn. That was a really nice Thunder too. Too bad it didn’t work like you wanted it to. Sableye, finish it off quickly with Power Gem before the poison takes it.” Sableye strained as it squeezed its shoulders in, trying to get the next sets of muscles to respond. After a few seconds of trying to get his limbs to move, it rested its head back down, accepting the futility. Sam shuddered a breath as he looked to his Drampa, who looked back and gave him a light smile of assurance. With a final nod, it convulsed once more as its bulging, glowing rashes twitched and trembled before going still and appearing to deflate. With the poisoning having taken its toll, Drampa tipped over to its side and crashed to the ground, it mouth lazily hung open. Fluttershy’s hooves went over her mouth, her eyes watering. “Oh no, Drampa!” Sam walked over to his fallen Pokémon and knelt down to its exposed belly, placing his hand over one of the poisoned spots as it healed inward and resting his forehead beside it. “I knew I wouldn’t regret bringing you along.” Sam took its Poké Ball out and pressed the center button against the body. “You can rest now, Drampa.” With a flicker of the button, Drampa’s body turned a translucent red before it collapsed and was sucked inside. Sam stood back up and walked backwards to his spot, his eyes on Nanu and the immobile Sableye. “Frankly,” Sam said, “I’m impressed Drampa lasted as long as he did. I can tell that you are too.” Nanu nodded once. “As true as that may be, you’re still now one Pokémon down while mine are–” “Don’t try psyching me out, Nanu! It’s also a miracle that your Sableye survived that, and it doesn’t look like its in any position to defend itself now. One last hit is all its going to take, and then we’re even once again.” Taking his next ball off his belt, he wound his arm back and slung it out. “Let’s go, Archen! Finish Sableye off with Ancient Power!” The white energy of Archen’s ball fanned out upon its opening, Archen forming from it with its wings spread out. As it scooped upwards, it flapped its wings up, sending several fossils out from the ground where they rocketed out and struck Sableye’s face, chest, gut, and shoulders. By the second fossil that hit it, it was thrown off its feet and rendered unconscious, flopping to the ground on its back. “Yeah!” Alice yelled, the ponies and their Pokémon also cheering and whooping Sam’s first takedown. “That’s the stuff!” Nanu breathed out as he took his Pokémon’s ball out and aimed it, bringing his defeated Sableye back into it. As he put it back onto his belt, he faced Sam, his Archen flying back around and sliding to a stop near its trainer. Nanu took out his next ball and studied it. “Yeah, I usually save her for last, but given what we’re up against, you may have forced my hand.” He casually lobbed it out. “Go, Persian!” Leaping out from its ball, Persian nimbly landed onto the ground and prowled for a bit, studying Archen closely. Archen growled as it walked by, Persian’s smug smile assuring that it would not attack. “Fake Out!” With lightning reflexes, Persian pounced on the ground just shy of Archen’s talons, scaring it into stumbling onto its behind. “Again with this?” Starlight spat. “Do all his Pokémon have this move?” Nanu ignored her, wanting to take advantage of Archen’s sudden vulnerability. “Persian, now hit him with Power Gem!” Archen’s eyes widened as Persian stood over it, the gem in its head glowing brighter. “Archen, hit her with Acrobatics!” Sam shouted. Archen went onto its upper back, tucked its legs in and put its claws onto the ground beside its head. Kicking forward and pushing off the ground, Archen threw itself onto its talons and dove underneath Persian between its forelegs just as Persian’s repetitious stone lasers ricocheted into the dirt. Before Persian could register that its target was no longer there, Archen gripped onto Persian’s armpit and swung up and around until it was directly above the back of its head. Persian was yowling in discomfort just as Archen kicked both talons into its head, forcing its face into the ground and sending Archen up into the air. Fluttershy let out a joyful laugh as Archen, completely unharmed, got the high ground. “He’s so graceful!” Pulling its face out from the crater left by both its Power Gem attack as well as its faceplant, Persian shook the dirt off its face and whiskers before turning around and looking up to Archen. Nanu sighed, already displeased over the way this battle was going. “Geez, kid, you’re making it look like I’m hardly putting up a fight. I guess it’s time to up the challenge.” With a shout, Nanu crossed his arms before his face, the Z-Ring and Darkinium Z inside it flashing brightly. With the glimmer caught in its eye, Persian stood on its hind legs and mimicked its owner’s pose. After putting their arms down and crossing them back out, Nanu fell his upper body in, dangling his arms down, while Persian simply maintained its more natural stance. Nanu then jerked his elbows up one by one as if being pulled up by some phantom power, his Persian rolling up back to its back paws in similar motion. Finally, Nanu and Persian leaned back before throwing themselves back forward, their arms raised over their heads. Z-Energy streamed out of Nanu’s back arcing and bending in all directions as the individual beams redirected themselves over to Persian, who absorbed its light with a loud purr. With Persian’s aura surging, blowing into Sam as he covered his eyes from the dirt and grass clippings, Archen looked more nervous at its foe beneath it. “He’s really using his Z-Power now?” Alice wondered. “He’s that confident?” “Sorry, Sam,” Nanu said. “I would have been happy to give you a grand finale and save this for the end, but I’m fighting to win this as much as you are, and this is just how it’s gotta’ be.” Sam grunted anxiously as he awaited whatever move was coming. “Now, Persian, use Black Hole Eclipse!” With a roar, Persian’s forehead gem clouded into pure black, shimmering as well as it became outlined with a bright ring. At the end of Persian’s shout, the gem appeared to duplicate and separate from its head and fly up and hover to a stop just above Archen’s head. Sam gasped, already seeing what was coming. “Archen, fly out of there!” Archen tried to dive down just as the orb expanded into a spherical black shape, the winds immediately picking up and blowing towards its center. Archen flapped its wings for dear life, only to see that it was flying just as fast as the gravity was pulling it in, leaving it suspended. “Archen!” Starlight and Fluttershy both cried. Despite its efforts, the black hole was now proving too hard for Archen to resist, and as it was slowly pulled back, Archen closed its eyes and stopped struggling, letting itself get sucked in, the hole collapsing into a single bright point. After several seconds, the light exploded into a cloud of swiriling, lashing black auras that quickly faded as soon as they were exposed to the atmosphere around it. Archen was slung out of the center, getting thrown to the ground onto its stomach, and with a single bounce, it appeared to be still. “No!” Sam banged his fists against his thighs. “God dammit!” His fears were quickly subsided as Archen’s body began to tremble, its arms weak to pick themselves up, but it was movement nonetheless. “He’s okay!” Fluttershy loudly breathed. “Oh, thank goodness.” “Hardly,” Nanu calmly disagreed. “Even if Archen’s not as susceptible to Dark-type attacks as other Pokémon, the only thing that surviving a Black Hole Eclipse attack can mean is that it doesn’t have much fight left in it.” Sam looked back down to see that Archen was already up on its feet, facing both him and a coolly determined Persian. Sam smirked and nodded at Archen, giving it the support to do the same in thanks. “I think he’s got plenty of fight!” Sam threw his arm to the side. “Archen, attack Persian with Dragon Claw!” With a shrill scream, Archen ran out at Persian with its left wing wound back, the tips of its claws igniting with blue fire. Persian let out a howl and charged for their joust. At the point of passing, Archen slashed across the side of Persian’s face and all the way down to the end of its upper body. Persian slid to a stop on weak legs as Archen spun around and also came to a drifting stop. To Sam and his friends’ confusion, Persian refused to turn back around, seemingly still recovering from the attack landed on it. Nanu kept his face constant. “Persian, Thunderbolt.” A glimmer of yellow light raced across the cat’s gem, and with the clouds from the Thunder attacks still partially lingering, a smaller bolt of lightning shot down from them and struck Archen before it could notice. Sam’s mouth shot open as Archen threw its arms out, not even able to cry out in pain. With its eyes rolling into the back of its head, it fell forward and went to its stomach, now going completely still. “Shit,” Alice whispered, reading the subtleties on Nanu’s face and knowing that they were now thinking the same thoughts. Nanu put his arms behind his back as Sam forlornly returned Archen to its ball. “And now all you have left is your Ghost-type; the one Pokémon you came all this way to fortify. I don’t think I need to say that your odds of actually winning this thing have reached near-impossible levels, but I still look forward to seeing what kind of effort your Doublade can bring forth.” Sam pulled Doublade’s ball off his belt, holding it out to the side as he prepared to make his peace. “The hell my Doublade and I have gone through this past week has been preparing us for precisely this moment. If impossibility had any impact in any of the battles we’ve fought, I wouldn’t be standing here right now. I can’t guarantee that we can actually pull it off, but I absolutely will give you the battle you and Doublade deserve!” Nanu smiled as Sam threw his ball out. “Let’s finally end this, Doublade!” With the ball opening up and the white energy spilling out from it, Doublade cut itself out from it and reformed to a defensive X to face Nanu and his Persian. Alice and the ponies leaned in, eager to see Doublade’s final stand against Nanu’s remaining Pokémon. Nanu closed his eyes and relaxed his head. “That was quite the inspirational speech you just gave. Perhaps I underestimated the spirit you and your Pokémon share.” His eyes then came open, feeling more serious and foreboding than before. “However, Doublade has never been the quickest Pokémon, has he?” Sam seized up, his Doublade also taken aback by this. “And that will be its fatal flaw!” Nanu pointed his hand forward. “Persian, hit Doublade with Dark Pulse!” As Persian’s gem began to glow, it opened its mouth as a sparking black orb of energy formed before its face. Sam coughed a breath out, working up a quick strategy. “Doublade, hit Persian with Brick Break!” Sam threw his arms out as Doublade did the same with its swords, shooting forward at the large cat. Opening its mouth wider, the black orb was shot out, corkscrewing as it locked on to Sam’s Pokémon. Sam swung his left leg back and crouched as he hugged his forearms to his chest. Doublade responded by crossing back together and continuing its flight, the Dark Pulse striking it in both hilts. Even with the small explosion the orb left, Doublade was undeterred, coming in on Persian, it’s face quickly morphing into one of horror. Flicking his left wrist out, Sam swung both arms with the bravado of a baseball batter. At the right moment, Doublade followed its trainer’s motions, and with its dual swing, Persian was launched off its paws and roughly landed and rolled to Nanu’s feet. He quickly got to his knees and turned his Pokémon onto its back, its lopsided eyes telling it that it was unconscious. Doublade soared up and back down to its spot before Sam, returning to its original cross formation. “Atta boy.” Doublade sharpened its blades as Nanu brought his Persian back to its ball and stood up to face him. The determination in Sam and Doublade’s eyes was palpable, and Nanu himself started to show very faint signs of worry. Alice, the ponies, and their Pokémon, on the other hand, still weren’t ready to appear hopeful just yet. “Well,” Nanu said matter-of-factly as he took out his last Ultra Ball, “no more surprises from here on out. You’ve already met this guy before, and you can probably tell from that clue it may just be your hardest opponent yet. Either way, you’ve got places to be, so let’s stop waiting.” He tossed the ball out. “Go, Krookodile!” The ball opened up, and Nanu’s red-bipedal crocodile fell out from the energy that shot out, landing on the ground with a squat. Sam crossed his arms over his stomach, his Doublade also holding tight to its defenses. “Come on, buddy. If we can just survive this hit, we’re home free!” “That’s not an unfair assessment,” Nanu said, “but if outlasting a single attack so you can go all out with your own Z-Power is the only thing you think you need to worry about, then I’m sorry for misleading you.” Sam and Doublade loosened their stances, honestly confused. “Krookodile, use Swagger!” Alice’s eyes narrowed, her body going stiff. “Oh no.” “Oh no?” Fluttershy questioned. “Yeah, what’s ‘oh no?’” Starlight pressed. Krookodile opened its mouth wide and let out a warbling shout that vibrated in a most unpleasant way in Sam and his friends’ ears, Lady covering her ears and Comfey’s tightly with its feelers. Upon hearing it itself, Doublade squinted its eyes into pure spite, seemingly unaware as it pulled its blades apart and began to shift and swing them in random directions. By the time the shout subsided, Starlight and Fluttershy saw Doublade in its unorganized and harsh state. “What did it just do?” Fluttershy looked up to Alice, who was also horrified by Doublade’s state. “He’s confused,” Alice answered. “Confused?” Starlight’s fear seemed to diminish. “Is that all?” “He can’t think straight, and if he tries to attack, he can end up hurting himself.” Sam looked back and forth between his Pokémon and Nanu’s putting its fists up. Doublade responded with a forward-flipping slash of both swords, one of the blades only inches from his fists. Sam yelped as he hopped back, bringing his arms in closer. “Okay, we’ll take it easy for now. If you can land an attack here, we’ll be in good shape! Now, hit Krookodile with Brick Break!” Sam raised his arms over his head and Doublade raced out to meet Krookodile, Sam nervous by its uneven, curving path. Krookodile didn’t even seem worried, standing still and calmly. Sam’s arms trembled as he waited for the right time, and upon tensing his muscles, ready to chop down, Doublade brought its swords down too soon, slamming hard against the ground with an ear-piercing clink. As both of its swords and its plaque scattered off, Nanu looked down on the sorry-excuse of a Pokémon. “At least you didn’t waste your Z-Power on that.” Alice and the ponies felt weightless in their nervousness, becoming more and more uncertain of Sam’s victory. “But, it’s the move I needed to guarantee my win,” Nanu said. “After a Dark Pulse from Persian and hurting its own self now, this move will surely finish it off. Krookodile, finish Doublade off with Earthquake.” Krookodile stretched its arms up before slamming its hands into the ground, digging its claws into them. A faint blue light then traveled through every crack and break halfway between itself and Sam. It then threw its arms back and roared, the entirety of the ground the light covered exploding out from deep within the earth, blasting Doublade up with it. “DOUBLADE!” Sam screamed. Alice, the ponies, and their Pokémon looked up with mouths agape, stunned by Nanu’s cruel, but effective strategy. As the dirt and rock pieces fell back down to the ground and the heavy dust clouds were eased off the battlefield by the breeze, Doublade’s swords and plaque landed by Sam one by one, each metallic clatter more painful to hear than the last. Once the last of it settled and fell to the floor, Sam reached forward, hoping to see it at least attempt to get back up. But it was completely still. Immobile. Unwilling to battle. Sam, feeling his knees weaken and his heart sink, fell to his knees and hands, devastated and crushed. “Oh, Sam…” Alice turned away and looked down in empathy. Fluttershy brought her head down too, but her eyes remained dry. Starlight patted her back with her hoof, comforting her through their collective disappointment. Nanu crossed his arms as he looked down on Sam. “You gave it your all, kid, but sometimes, you just can’t beat the odds. As Kahuna of Ula’ula Island, I declare myself the… hold on.” Sam picked his head up, intrigued by Nanu’s distraction. With a slow, trembling breath, he saw as the cloths of one of Doublade’s swords pulled itself along the ground and grabbed hold of the plaque. To his mounting astonishment, the other sword lifted itself up and dug its point into the ground, keeping itself up. Sam slowly pulled himself to his feet. “D– Doublade…” With the other sword bringing itself up, both blades then lightly hopped off the ground before they weakly reformed into an X formation. “Doublade!” “Oh my gosh, he’s still in this!” Starlight shouted. “Doublade!” Fluttershy screamed as she hopped around on her back hooves. “You got this, you can do this!” “Son of a bitch.” Alice let out a chuckle, amused by the silliness of her doubt. Even the mouths of the Absol and Alolan Raticates couldn’t stay closed. Krookodile tensed up once again, realizing the battle was no longer over yet. Doublade’s formation was still not entirely steadfast, but it was still far more controlled than on its last turn. “So, yeah, scratch that I guess.” Nanu gave a tiny shrug. “Battle’s not over yet. Let’s go.” “No.” Sam flexed his fingers out before balling them into fists. “This battle is over now!” He crossed his arms in front of his face, causing his Z-Ring to spark to life, Doublade also holding its stance firmer. Putting their arms down and crossing them back up, Sam and Doublade both jabbed the air as the aura around the Z-Ring and himself flared hotter and hotter. With one final punch, Sam’s Z-Energy exploded off of him and swirled out at his Pokémon, fusing itself with the awesome power. “Doublade was already a strong Pokémon,” Sam shouted, “but thanks to your Krookodile’s Swagger, you only made him even stronger.” Nanu’s eyes went wide before he relaxed them back to his regular, tired-looking expression. “And you would really risk injuring your Doublade again with the power of your Z-Ring coursing through it?!” “We don’t have much of a choice! We only have this one final shot to do this, but I think that boost you gave us should be more than enough!” “We…” Nanu cracked a smile. “Then bring it on, Sam! Show this old man the true bond you and your Doublade share!” “With pleasure! Doublade, finish Krookodile off with All-Out Pummeling!” Doublade’s swords began to glow, and once it broke apart from its cross, it began slashing and swinging at the air, launching a barrage of aural fists and feet out with each one. Sam was nervous to see them fan out in multiple directions, Krookodile only getting hit by a few of them, but Sam stayed still, knowing the true strike was yet to come. Once the last of the fists flew out, Doublade rocketed off toward Krookodile, Sam clenching his arms as he tried to find a formation with to attack. Doublade still found trouble finding Krookodile’s center, shifting left to right. With a grunt, Sam rotated his wrists as if flipping his swords around, before resting his fists atop one another, their outsides facing forward. Doublade appeared to follow through, swinging around and laying its swords atop one another, the blades both pointing out. “That’s it…” he muttered. Sam punched out with both fists, and Doublade increased its speed in one last burst, finally flying straight at Krookodile’s chest. Then, with a bellowing wail, Sam wound both arms closer in before lunging his foot forward and throwing them out wide. Right before the jab could hit, Doublade’s swords crossed in and right as they met with Krookodile, it slashed them out with one herculean motion. Krookodile was blasted off its feet, and back into the bottom edge of the forest, its back breaking every tree it hit along the way. There was also a tremendous bang as the impact blew a shockwave that created a large crater where Krookodile and Nanu stood, sinking the ground right beneath his feet. Before the crater could also explode out from under him, he disappeared in a bright bubble pop, reappearing beside Alice and Starlight, who breathed a sigh of relief as she let the magic off her horn. “Krookodile!” Nanu sprinted off toward the forest, following the line of felled trees left in the wake of Doublade’s attack. Starlight and the Absol also followed him, passing by Doublade as it held its swords out, Sam still keeping his stance as he panted. Reaching the edge of the cliff to the black sand beach, the three of them found his Pokémon further down it, a large ridge left where it crashed and slid to a stop. “Is he okay?” Starlight asked. Nanu stared out at Krookodile, noting the uncomfortable stance its body was left contorted in that it didn’t seem to try to get out of. “He’ll be fine… but he’s not getting back up for this battle.” The hairs in Starlight’s coat rose on end. “So, does that mean–” “Go and tell him the good news. I’ll take care of him.” With a light cough of stopping the first words of her response, she spun back around and ran back to the battlefield, Nanu pulling his Ultra Ball out and aiming it. Sam and Doublade relaxed themselves upon seeing her gallop out of the forest. Sam stepped forward. “Is he–” “He fainted!” Starlight blubbered, tears coming in her eyes. “You beat him! You won!” As elation flooded his body from the toes up, Sam beamed brightly and intensely as Starlight refused to let up her speed as she dove at him. He caught her with his arms around her and spun around, the two of them laughing and hollering out to the sky. “Sam!” Alice, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey also ran out to them. “Holy shit!” The four of them added to their hug as they squeezed him from every side. Doublade came in at last, resting his blades on Alice and Starlight’s back as its free cloth arm wrapped around Fluttershy. Nanu and the Absol walked out from the forest and approached the group, his hands behind their back. Noticing him, the group broke their hug apart so they could face him. Nanu placed his hands in his jacket pockets. “Well, I’ll be damned. I didn’t think your Pokémon would pull through like that, but it’s certainly not the first surprise this old man’s been given in the past few days. Either way, it’s still a win on your part, and to the victor goes the spoils.” Pulling one hand out, he presented Sam with a Darkinium Z crystal. “Congrats, Sam. You earned it.” Sam grabbed Nanu’s hand and gave it a couple firm, slow shakes before he removed the crystal from it. He held it out to the thin band of sunlight left on the horizon, admiring the fanged wings icon inside of it. “Do you need me to show you how to activate it?” Nanu asked. “Uh…” Sam quickly put the crystal back into his pocket. “No, I think I got it.” “Good. Truth be told, my back’s been killing me all day and yesterday. Imagine that, beating the old Kahuna because his back gave out in the middle of summoning his Z-Power.” Nanu let out a hoarse chuckle, Sam, Alice, and their friends frowning at the awkward situation that had come from this. He quickly settled down and looked over to the Alolan Raticates still guarding the door. “Okay, boys, you did good! Run along, now!” As told, the two obese rats scurried off back around the side of the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart, Sam and Alice and his friends turning around to see it unguarded and open to them. “Yep,” Nanu spoke, “it’s all open to you guys now. The Dusk Stones inside; they’re yours.” “Hold on.” Alice turned back around. “You guys? We can go in too?” “Sure, why not? Sam was the one who needed the Dusk Stone. I just didn’t want you to go in on his behalf and ruin the challenge.” “It doesn’t matter.” Sam proudly walked toward the Megamart’s doors, Doublade following him by his side. “Let’s go get the stone and get to the House.” “Hmm, right.” Starlight and Lady were next to follow him. Fluttershy, Comfey, and Alice were next to lead, followed by the Absol, who trotted to get to Sam’s side. Just as Sam put his hands on the door, he felt the Absol’s face nudged into his side. The others stopped and watched as Sam turned to face it. “Huh? What do you want no–” It then poked its nose into the empty slot of Sam’s belt, keeping it there. Sam, the actions slowly dawning on him, lowered his hand to the Absol’s head, and upon placing the palm there, it looked up to him, clearly enjoying its touch. “It looks like you’ve now earned the right to catch it.” Sam shot his head up to Nanu, who continued standing in the same spot. “After beating it in battle and watching you beat me, I think it would like nothing more than to take up that last spot on your team, if you let it, of course.” “But…” Sam felt a flurry of emotions rush through him. “Isn’t this your–” “I bred that Absol to be as strong as it could possibly be. It certainly did its job of keeping you and your friends outside of the Megamart’s walls until you were ready. It seems that it’d like a new purpose… of fighting by your side.” Sam could hardly move, save for petting the Absol’s hand as it pushed into it. “So go on already, catch it.” “I, uh… okay.” Sam took several paces back, the Absol staying where it was to let Sam have this moment. Reaching into his bag, Sam pulled out a Poké Ball and pressed the button on it, making it expand to fit in his hand. Sharing a nod, Sam looked into the Absol’s eyes as it threw the ball straight and true. The ball struck the side of the Absol’s horn and converted it to red energy that got sucked up inside the ball upon its opening and closed before it hit the ground. Sam slowly walked up to it as it shook, latching closed with a sparkle seeping from the edges after the third shake. Sam picked up Absol’s ball and looked into it for a second before placing on the lone empty spot on his belt. He drew a long, pleasant sigh as his fingers ran along his six balls, his party completely formed. “Okay guys, ready?” He put his fingers between the doors and pulled them open, unveiling the place at long last. Even with the musty smell, the abundant cobwebs and visible layers of dust, and the lack of any natural light, Sam didn’t really care in this moment, and neither did his sister or their friends behind him. “I’ll keep watch over the place while you go shopping,” Nanu said. “No need,” Starlight replied. “Once we get the stone, I can teleport us right back to the Aether House.” “In any case, I’m going to stick around for a while. You just do what you need to.” “Alright,” Alice responded, “and thank you.” “Don’t thank me. I’m the reason you’re only able to do this now.” “Come on.” Alice joined Sam and Doublade’s side. “Let’s do this.” Stepping inside its suddenly chilly, slightly murky atmosphere, the ponies followed them in as they marched off into the dark. > Chapter 60 – Mega Match > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and Lady led the way through the store, her horn and its feelers glowing to provide plenty of light to navigate the maze of aisles and racks that had been set up. As Fluttershy stayed close to Alice’s side, the echoing sound of jingling keys from some unknown corner made her hyperventilate. “Is it too late for me to go back with Nanu?” she whimpered. “It’s okay, Fluttershy,” Alice cooed. “We shouldn’t have to be in here for very long.” “I sure hope not…” Turning a corner around another isle, Sam looked over to see a brighter blue patch reflecting Starlight’s illumination on the bottoms of one of the shelves. Walking past Starlight and Lady, he and Doublade went over to the spot and knelt down, seeing a pink spray bottle resting on a frosted over spot. “Oh, a Hyper Potion! Could use one of these.” Sam reached for the bottle, only for Lady to pull it away as it and Starlight came near. “Sam, careful! That could be some sort of trap!” Sam tugged his hand back. “Okay, and worst case scenario, I have an Absol in perfect health that will help fight whatever Pokémon I piss off, but in the meantime, Doublade could use some health.” “Sam!” Alice came over with Fluttershy just as Sam reached over and took the bottle. “Hoh…” Sam passed the bottle between both hands every few seconds. “What, what is it?” “It’s freezing.” He tried squeezing the trigger as well, only to find it was completely jammed. “Though I guess that would be the case when it’s frozen.” “Ah! Look!” Fluttershy squealed as she pointed her trembling hoof at the now barren spot. To everyone’s mounting horror, letters began to appear on the icy patch as if being written down by dozens of invisible fingers. It didn’t take long for the message to become clear: DON’T TAKE WHAT YOU CAN NEVER REPLACE! Fluttershy swooned and fell to the floor, Starlight, Lady, and Comfey quick to tend to her. Sam and Alice just kept their eyes on the message, wanting to decipher its meaning. “Hmm, I wonder.” Rummaging into his jacket pocket, Sam pulled out a Comet Shard and put it onto the icy patch. “Seriously?” she hissed. “You’re giving them a Comet Shard?” “Hey, the last thing I want my tombstone to read is ‘Here Lies Sam Brier, Who Ripped Off the Ghosts and Died Stupidly.’” They then watched as the letters of the message froze back over, the ice now covering the gemstone for the next person to enter to find. At the same time, the Hyper Potion in Sam’s hand began to thaw, the frigid exterior dripping into Sam’s hand. As he moved it around, the liquid inside also sloshed around until it too was completely liquid again. He observed his restored item with newfound interest. “Huh. Spooky. Whatever. Hey, Doublade.” As Sam began to spray his Pokémon from pommel to blade tip, Starlight helped pull Fluttershy onto her hooves as she held onto her head, still woozy from the fall. “Ugh…” It took her a while for her body to stop wobbling. “What just happened?” “It’s okay,” Alice responded, “Sam has appeased the spirits and we can keep going.” “Oh, really? Thanks a lot, Sam. That makes me feel so much better.” “Because nothing says feeling better like throwing 30,000 bucks away.” “What?” “…Nothing. Let’s just keep going.” Sam placed the now empty bottle on one of the top shelves, his Doublade now more energetic in its following him. The group got to the end of the aisle and u-turned to enter the next one. Other than the foreboding air around them, the aisle looked comparatively normal and partially ransacked. As they continued on, Sam looked over to Starlight, who he couldn’t help but notice glancing off forlornly. “Starlight?” Her ears perked up to his voice. “Something wrong?” “Oh, nothing, it’s just… We’ve spent almost our entire time here by your guys’ sides, and after this little trip inside this haunted store… that’ll be the end of our adventure.” “Well, I mean, we still have to get you guys to Mossdeep. Alice and I have never been to the Hoenn region before, so that’ll be an adventure in and of itself.” “I guess, but I mean the Pokémon battles, finding our friends, meeting new people with the two of you, that’s what I’m talking about; that’s what I’m going to miss the most.” “Who knows?” Alice said. “If we can get you back to your world safe and sound tomorrow, maybe there can be some way we can visit you guys in Equestria and go on adventures there.” “I would like that very much,” Fluttershy responded. “Me too.” Lady mewed to agree with its trainer. “Oh yeah, I can’t wait to show you to Sunburst! He’s going to get a real kick out of you!” “And I’m sure you’ll be in heaven getting to meet all my woodland critter friends back home, Comfey!” Her Pokémon flipped about, excited about this prospect. Sam could hardly take it to hear their Pokémon clamor about. “I’m sorry, can we just stop for a minute?” Starlight and Fluttershy were confused as Sam turned around and went to his knees, getting to their level as they came close. “Sam?” Starlight wondered. “What are you–” He put his arm around both of their necks, pulling their heads onto his shoulders. “I know we still have a bit more time together, but I’m going to miss all of this too, and I just want to savor as much of it as I can before you go. Just let me have a few moments, okay?” “That’s not a problem at all.” Fluttershy put an arm around his back, stroking it. “Nope!” Starlight shook her head as two tears fell from her eyes. “You two are the best things that could have possibly happened to us.” Alice, starting to feel emotional herself, sunk to her knees and gave the three of them as wide of a hug as her arms could allow, sniffling as she held on. Lady and Comfey also joined in, nuzzling their heads into their bodies. Doublade left the group to finish their embrace and went off to the end of the aisle. Turning to continue on, it shifted back in surprise, quickly banging its swords together and ringing them out throughout the store. Fluttershy leapt backwards as she screamed, forcing the hug to break apart. “What’s that?” Sam stood up to see his Pokémon pointing excitedly to the next leg of their path. “It’s just Doublade, Fluttershy. I think he may have found it!” He ran down the aisle to join Doublade, while Alice, the ponies, and their Pokémon scrambled to try and follow him closely. Turning the corner, they found themselves staring at a straight shot to the back left corner of the store, and as Sam had predicted, the walls in the corner were covered top to bottom in a thick blanket of black rock that had a purple tint with Starlight’s horn shining on it. “Grows on the walls like mold,” Sam muttered. “Just like she said.” With their discovery made, they walked up to the structure, each of them standing around the edges of its base. “And there you have it,” Starlight breathed out. “The elusive Dusk Stone.” Doublade stared, transfixed upon it. With the way its body rose and fell, it so badly wanted to go out and touch it, but felt itself held in its spot. “Here we are, buddy!” Sam slapped Doublade on the back of its plaque, knocking it off balance before it wiggled back up to its spot, shaken by its trainer’s sudden hit. “You ready to be all grown up?” Doublade slowly turned to Sam and glowered at him, despising his choice of words. Sam looked to Starlight, ignoring Doublade’s expression. “Would you care to do the honors?” “Honors? You mean, you want me to evolve–” “What? No! I meant blasting one off for me!” “Oh, sure! I was about to say…” Starlight charged her horn. With a sparkling beam shooting from it at the middle of the formation, several fragments broke off and scattered along the ground. One piece sliding to Sam’s feet drew his eyes to it, and as he picked it up, Sam breathed deeply over how well it fit in his hand. “Alright…” Facing Doublade, he held the stone up to it. “Ready, bud?” Doublade couldn’t wait, moving himself toward Sam’s outstretched hand. Just then, a bright flash and zap appeared on the other side of the shelves, something Starlight took immediate notice to. “Guys!” With her horn shining intensely, she parted herself, Sam, Doublade, and Lady toward the Dusk Stone structure while pushing Alice, Fluttershy, and Comfey away from it. An explosion then blasted apart the shelf and its contents out, most of the debris and broken wood and metal flying safely away from everyone. With the small chips that hit them, they all shielded their faces, waiting until most of it had hit the floor. Now able to see, the group looked to see through the hole created and saw an Alakazam standing inside of it, waiting for someone to make any sudden moves. Sam scowled as he gripped his Dusk Stone tight. “Oh good, I couldn’t think of a better Pokémon to use this on first!” Sam reached out to touch Doublade with the stone, only for an amplified voice to stop him. “Sam, Alice!” With the stone inches from one of Doublade’s swords, Sam’s arms went limp as he looked out to the front of the store along with everyone else, whose lips quivered over her familiar voice. “Burnet?” Fluttershy cried. “Burnet, where are you?!” “Yes!” Faba’s voice rung out from the outside. “We have Professor Burnet with us! If you come out now and don’t do anything stupid, and I mean anything stupid, we might let you leave with her.” Fluttershy looked up to Sam and Alice. “Do you think we should listen?” “They could just be trying to lure us out,” Starlight spoke. “Either way…” Sam reluctantly pocketed his Dusk Stone. “…we’re boxed in here, and if they’re looking to make some kind of bargain, we should at least consider hearing what they have to offer.” Sam reached for his Poké Ball belt, making the Alakazam twist toward him and hold its glowing spoons out, ready to attack. Sam put his arms up. “Hold on! I’m just going to call my Doublade back! Easy now…” He detached the front ball of his belt off and pointed it at Doublade, who blinked at him incredulously. “Sorry, Doublade. Evolution’s going to have to wait.” With the red beam of the ball bringing it back inside, Sam put the ball back and put his hands up. Satisfied, the Alakazam relaxed its arms down. “Well?” Faba called out. “Are you coming?” Alakazam turned out of the hole and walked back down an aisle of the maze. Alice was the first to follow. “Come on. We’ll play it by ear.” With a fearful glance to each other, Sam, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon all went through the hole, awaiting whatever fate would come to them once they exited the building. The doors were already forced open, and as the Alakazam came out, a red beam brought the Alakazam inside its ball. Alice exited to see Faba holding the Ultra Ball that his Alakazam returned to, Dexio and Chrysalis standing there to his right. On either side of Chrysalis, Faba and a scuffed-up, disheveled Professor Burnet stood there with their wrists and ankles bound. “Nanu!” Alice then became more surprised to see her standing there. “Professor Burnet!” “Sorry,” Faba grunted. “I did my best to stop them, but that kid was too strong for me.” “That…” As her brother and friends exited, Alice looked to Dexio, who crossed his arms and smiled confidently. “Professor Burnet!” Starlight and Fluttershy both shouted. “You guys!” Burnet moaned, exhausted. “You have no idea how good it is to see you two.” “What have they done to you?!” Sam shouted. “Nothing really,” Chrysalis chortled, directing her focus at Starlight and Fluttershy, “at least, not compared to what we have in store for you two.” Starlight and Fluttershy ignored her, keeping their gaze on Faba. “What do you people want? I know that if you wanted to attack us, you would have done so by now.” “Like I said,” Faba spoke, stepping out of line to face her, “we’re giving you an opportunity to rescue her… with conditions, of course.” “And those are?” With her converted magic, Chrysalis floated Burnet to Faba’s side, where he clutched her possessively. “If you want to save her from our clutches, all you have to do is trade places with her, you and your dainty little pegasus friend!” “What?” Starlight and Fluttershy both gasped. “Don’t do it!” Burnet begged. “I don’t matter in this, you mean everything!” Faba pulled her arm up, making her yelp back into silence. “Or we can beat the lot of you here and now, and then we take the ponies and Burnet and you never see either of them again!” Faba giggled, angering Sam and Alice immensely. “That’s your only alternative. Make your choice!” There was a long, uncomfortable silence as the ponies and their Pokémon looked to Sam and Alice, unsure how they could possibly help them escape this. “No,” Burnet mouthed, tears forming in her eyes. “Please.” While Sam looked reserved and hesitant, Alice stood strong as she faced Faba and the other two Prism admins. “It’s tempting,” she responded, “but the one thing that’s losing me is… you implying that we’d lose if we chose not to hand them over.” Sam turned to glance at his sister. “Alice?” “So you’ve made your decision then?” He threw Burnet back to Chrysalis, who held her back up and flew her back to her side. “You really think you can beat the three of us?” “Not exactly. Sam, Starlight, Fluttershy, you take Faba and Chrysalis. ‘That kid’ is mine.” Dexio pouted, surprised over the challenge. “I’d be happy to oblige your request, but think about this. Your brother just finished fighting Nanu just now, if I’m not mistaken. He probably doesn’t have many well-rested Pokémon that can fight for him, if at all, and your pony friends only have a single Pokémon each. Would you really throw them into the lion’s den like that?” “More like jumping in!” Sam tore a Poké Ball off his belt and tossed it out. “Let’s go, Doublade!” As Sam’s dual-blade Pokémon exited its ball, Starlight and Fluttershy rushed in to join his side. “Lady!” On Starlight’s call, her Sylveon rushed to take Doublade’s side. “Comfey, you too!” Comfey floated off to Doublade’s other side. Faba sneered and grunted, picking his Alakazam’s ball back off from his belt. “Why must children be so rude to their elders? Alakazam, help me punish these brats!” Upon appearing from its ball and landing on the ground, Alakazam crossed its spoons together, covering the area in a bright light. Chrysalis scowled as she also charged her horn, adding to the brightness. At once, the light subsided, and with Faba, Alakazam, and Chrysalis gone, Burnet and Nanu fell to their knees, no longer being held. Sam, Alice, and the ponies noticed a bright flash behind them as their shadows appeared before them on the ground, and on turning around, they found the backs of Faba’s feet and the back hooves of Chrysalis escape into the Abandoned Megamart. “Figures.” Sam bolted off for the entrance. “Girls, stay close!” “Right!” Both ponies and their Pokémon followed, galloping after him. “Alice, you beat that bastard down for the both of us!” Alice nodded, watching them disappear inside. Rotating her body around, Dexio stood where he had always been in the same pose as when she came out. “And you believe they’ll be fine in there?” Dexio asked. “With the two of them?” “We’ve all gotten stronger since landing here,” Alice said. “I have full confidence they can handle them just fine.” “Your faith is proportional to your guts. Even Hau, the Kahuna of Melemele Island required the assistance of an elusive Pokémon like Marshadow in order to defeat me.” “The way I see it, a Fighting-type trainer defeated a Psychic-type trainer, even without the power of Mega Evolution. I’ve dealt with monsters in closets that were scarier than you.” Dexio blew a condescending whistle. “Then it sounds like you’re all ready to go then. So come on, Alice, show how unafraid you are of me!” Alice pulled her first ball off her belt, chucking it out. “Let’s do this, Mimikyu!” Dexio threw his own Ultra Ball out. “Go, Espeon!” Both Pokémon shot out from their balls and landed upon the ground at the same time. Burnet and Nanu could only idly watch as the two Pokémon stared each other down, ready for the first attack to be cast. Sam swung around to the next aisle, expecting anyone awaiting them. He relaxed only slightly upon finding it just as desolate as the last. He briskly slunk down to the end of the isle where Starlight, Fluttershy and their Pokémon manned the back, pacing backwards as they kept Sam’s blind spot watched over. “They could be anywhere,” Fluttershy whimpered. “Just keep your eye out,” Starlight warned. “They can’t attack us without us knowing.” “They nearly did a few minutes ago. They could be hiding behind the shelves again for all we…” Hearing himself say that, he turned to the left shelf, suddenly realizing Prism’s strategy. “Oh, sh–” He was covered in a magenta aura and then immediately yanked toward the shelf, just barely able to tuck his upper body in as his back crashed through it and was brought into the next aisle. “Sam!” Fluttershy and Starlight screamed, Lady and Comfey also crying out with worry. They were instantly distracted by a flash appearing at the end of their aisle, and upon looking that way, they found Faba and his Alakazam facing them. With the ponies isolated with him, Faba grinned wide and giggled excitedly. Sam weakly got up, coughing up the dust he breathed in and wincing over the numerous scrapes and cuts that stung on his exposed arms and the sheer soreness he felt in his ankles and waist. Sam laid his hand over a particularly painful spot on his left shoulder, and upon looking at his palm, he was dismayed to see a noticeable line of blood there through the haze of dust. Doublade took immediate notice, trembling sadly to see his trainer hurt. “It’s okay. Shouldn’t need stitches.” A ball of air expanded before them and blew the airborne filth away, revealing Chrysalis standing in front of him with her horn holding a Psychic charge. “Perhaps when I’m through with you, you will.” Chrysalis shot an energy blast from her horn, which Doublade was quick to deflect. “Espeon!” Dexio commanded. “Hit Mimikyu first with Psychic!” The red gem in Espeon’s forehead lit up as a magenta aura covered Mimikyu’s disguise. The energy twisted the head all the way to the right and then cranked it down, producing a small crack that left its head drooping when the light faded off of it. Alice looked down to see Mimikyu trembling with anger, preparing to scream. “Just ignore it! Take it out on Espeon with Shadow Claw.” With its shaking harder, it ran out at Espeon and let out a more controlled, quieter shriek. Leaping up, its dark arm shot out from beneath its disguise, and on its way down, slashed at Espeon’s face, sliding it back a foot. Espeon was quick to recover as Mimikyu landed before it. “Shadow Ball!” Espeon heeded Dexio’s order and with an opening of its mouth, shot a swirling purple ball point blank into Mimikyu’s main body, throwing it back hard to Alice’s feet. Mimkyu was weak to get up, slinking itself upright with Alice noticing its disguise having a much looser fit than before. “Looks like you’re in need of some juice. Hit her with Leech Life, Mimikyu!” Mimikyu ran out once more, two shadow arms already slithering out from beneath it. They flew about in virtually every direction, Espeon prancing in place as it had trouble keeping focus on a single one. Both of Mimikyu’s arms latched on to the base of Espeon’s neck, and with a cry of pain from it, green energy was siphoned out from Espeon and fed through the arms. Dexio breathed angrily as Mimikyu’s disguise looked snugger with each moment it stole health from his Pokémon. “Espeon, hold them!” Alice looked confused, but both she and her Pokémon understood the second a psychic aura appeared around the shadow arms’ wrists that they realized what Dexio was aiming for. Mimikyu itself ceased its attack to try and retract its arms, only for them to be firmly held enough so that it only pulled itself closer to its foe. “Mimikyu,” Alice huffed in fright. “Can’t escape this one now!” Dexio threw his arms forward. “Espeon, finish Mimikyu off with Shadow Ball!” Another dark-purple orb formed before Espeon’s open maw, and with a shout, it launched at Mimikyu’s body. Alice nearly seized up. “Mimkyu, jump!” Mimikyu leapt up as high as it could, getting plenty of air to avoid the oncoming attack. With its arms still held by Espeon’s psychic energy, it pulled on them hard, sending it back to the ground to take the Shadow Ball with even greater force, creating a small explosion of dirt and rock, Burnet reacting with a wince. Espeon let go of Mimikyu’s arms, and they fell limp to the ground. As the dust cloud subsided, Alice found her Pokémon laying still on its side, most of its form beneath the disguise emaciated. Dexio slowly shook his head as he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “You know that Hau got the first takedown in our battle, right? Doesn’t make things look that great for you.” “Shut up.” Alice returned Mimikyu to its ball. “Knowing him, he probably had his Passimian take it out with a single Beat Up attack. I know that move, and I remember him using it on Sam’s Honedge during his Grand Trial. It worked for him only having that one Pokémon at the time, but with your five? I’d be surprised if your Espeon could outlast such fury.” Dexio frowned, annoyed. “How studious of you, but all that matters is that I took out the one Pokémon of yours that’s most equipped to face me. Now, send out your next and see if it fares any better!” “Certainly.” Alice detached and threw her next ball out. “Lycanroc, take out Espeon with Accelerock!” Dexio watched as Alice’s wolf Pokémon leapt out from the energy of its ball, ready to land on the ground. “Espeon, Psy–” The moment Lycanroc’s paws touched the ground, it vanished in a blur, appearing right in front of Espeon as its gem charged up for attack. With a swing of its claws, Espeon was knocked to the side and bounced to a stop. Dexio shuddered over the speed his opponent’s Pokémon possessed, and as he looked back at it, it growled and slowly backed up toward its trainer. “Holy cow!” Burnet gasped. “I’ve never seen a Dusk-form Lycanroc up close before!” “If any trainer could manage to get one,” Nanu said, “it’d be her.” Dexio kept his eyes on it as he pointed his Pokémon’s ball out to where it lay. “Espeon, return!” Once Lycanroc returned to its spot in front of Alice, he pulled off another ball from his belt. “This one should be familiar to you.” He threw it out. “You’re up, Raichu!” Dexio’s Raichu shot out from its ball and spun around to face Alice and Lycanroc, the former of whom appeared amused by its appearance. “Yeah,” she said, “and as someone who has one, I also know what it’s weak against. Lycanroc, get her with Crunch!” Lycanroc bolted off at the Raichu, neither it nor its trainer threatened by its approach. “But I’m certain your Raichu doesn’t know this!” Dexio pointed up to the sky. “Reflect!” His Raichu threw its arms to the side as rings of light began to scan over its body from both sides until its body was entirely covered in a reflective sheen. Lycanroc leapt up and clamped onto Dexio’s Raichu with each one of its teeth biting down. As Lycanroc held on with its arms it chomped on its chest, Alice grit her teeth as a metallic squeak rung out as its teeth dragged along the Raichu’s shield. Quickly tiring, Lycanroc let go of the mouse and hopped back to give itself some space. “This should buy us enough time to make a few moves,” Dexio said. “Raichu, hit Lycanroc with Thunderbolt!” With its glossy body sparking up, his Raichu threw an arm up to the sky and shot electricity up into the clouds. Quickly throwing its arm down, a stronger bolt of lightning struck Lycanroc. As it wailed, it widened its stance to maintain balance. Even as the lightning disappeared, sparks covered its body as it struggled to stand up straight again. “No, Lycanroc!” The wolf strained to push itself up, but could hardly move any of its paws, much to Dexio’s amusment. “Looks like it can’t even move too much! Fine with us! Raichu, attack Lycanroc with Psychic!” With the tips of its arms and tail-board glowing, Dexio’s Raichu lifted Lycanroc off its paws a few inches in the air. Throwing its arms out, the aura shattered off Lycanroc’s body and threw it back into the wall of the Megamart. Alice twisted back to see if it was alright, and to her relief, Lycanroc got back onto its feet and shook its body of the dirt and mud it collected. “That’s it, boy!” Alice shouted. “Now, hit her with another Crunch!” Alice threw her arm forward toward Dexio’s Raichu just as Lycanroc whizzed by her. Jumping up, Lycanroc bit down once again on the Raichu’s shoulder, ignoring the firmness the Refect gave its body. Biting even harder than before, there was a sound like chewing through ice before a loud, low-pitched crack was heard there, making the Raichu squeal in pain. Dexio breathed a grunt out, unable to let Alice get the better of him. “Raichu! Finish it off with Psychic!” The Raichu, even with the searing pain running up its arm, managed to put both hands into the corners of its mouth and pressed in. Lycanroc, seeing the arms start to glow, tried to relinquish its bite, but with a blast from the tips of its fingers, Lycanroc was torn from the Raichu, flipping back and landing on its head, going unconscious before it rolled back to Alice’s feet. “No, no, Lycanroc!” Alice ran and slid to her Pokémon’s side, putting its body on her lap and putting her ear to its chest. Burnet was breathing heavily, frightened by Lycanroc’s lack of visible movement. “Is he alright?” Alice heard a heartbeat, and on massaging its neck, she was even more relieved to feel no breaks or displacement on the bones in its neck. “He’s fine!” Burnet then looked up to Dexio. “You’re a monster. If no one has told you already, I am.” “Just breaks my heart,” Dexio sardonically breathed out, looking at the large, bright crack in the Reflect that Lycanroc fractured. “Both of ours.” Alice hugged her Lycanroc tight as she brought its ball out from her belt. “That was a great try. I’ll heal you up later…” The red beam of the ball sucked the Pokémon back inside, the lack of weight on her body allowing Alice to stand back up. “…but right now, we have our other friends to save.” “Ooh, and who’s next on your roster? I’m guessing your Mudbray given its strength against Raichu’s–” “I’ll send out whoever I damn well want, thank you!” Alice took out her next ball and held it out to the side. “And to be honest, I’ve always wanted to do something like this. Your turn, Raichu!” Dexio rounded his mouth as he let out an exclamation of shock. Tossing the Poké Ball out, Alice’s Raichu soared out from the energy within and took its place to face Dexio’s Pokémon, getting taken aback to see its spitting image before it. “Hmph,” Dexio sighed, “yes, this should be interesting.” “Bruxish!” Faba commanded. “Hit the Sylveon with Psychic Fangs!” As Lady hit Faba’s Alakazam with a Shadow Ball, knocking it on its back, Faba’s triggerfish swam at Lady with its mouth wide open, its fangs glowing bright. Starlight and Lady both gasped at the attack they knew they couldn’t avoid. “Comfey!” Fluttershy shouted. “Hit the Bruxish with Energy Ball!” Comfey swung around Fluttershy’s left and turned to face Bruxish’s left side. It formed a swirling green ball in the space between its arms, and with a cracking whip at it of its tail, it shot the attack out, perfectly hitting Bruxish’s head and sending it careening into the aisles to Starlight’s right. Starlight and Lady faced Fluttershy. “Thanks for the save.” Faba grunted as he returned Bruxish back into its ball. “You’re just as much trouble as those damned kids!” “You brought trouble onto yourself the day you decided to attack me and my friends!” Starlight shouted. “And trouble is what you and your friends deserve!” Fluttershy spoke in. Lady and Comfey both cried out in agreement, Faba backing into the shelves behind him as his Alakazam got back onto its feet. “The day I let two of you ponies beat someone like me in a Pokémon battle is the day I draw my last breath! Now, let’s finish them, Hypno!” Throwing its ball directly from his belt, Faba’s Hypno shot out from it and landed beside Alakazam, creating an imposing wall between Faba and the two Pokémon to break through. Sam could only back away as he held on to Doublade’s hilts, swinging and blocking at each spell Chrysalis hurled his way. With one particular blast, Sam required both blades of his Pokémon, sliding him back toward the back wall. The grip the cloth arms had on his forearms began to weaken, Sam realizing what this meant. “Come on,” Chrysalis taunted, slowly approaching him, “I realize this is a one-sided fight, but I expected a little better than this. Not a problem.” Her horn flared up even brighter. “Any last words?” Sam nodded and smiled, bemusing the changeling. “Such an original request, but since you asked so nicely… Flash Cannon!” Sam pulled his arms free from Doublade’s hold and began to bolt around Chrysalis. Before she could launch her next spell, Doublade’s swords shimmered brightly and blasted Chrysalis to the floor in a flash of light. Sam slid past Chrysalis as she skidded down the aisle, and as she began picking herself up, he spun around and plucked two Poké Balls from his belt. He aimed the one in his left hand at Doublade and returned it inside while flicking the ball in his right out. “Absol,” he shouted, “use Night Slash!” Disoriented, Chrysalis could only register Absol right as it landed onto the floor from its ball, already charging at her. Leaping up, it swung its claws at her face. The two Raichus stood before their trainers, awaiting each one to make the command to enact their joust, both of them charging the electricity in their cheeks to intimidate the other. Burnet and Nanu could hardly breathe with the suspense thick in the air. “They’re really fired up,” Dexio commented. “Of course, it won’t be a fair fight considering your Lycanroc already got a few hits on mine.” “Screw your ‘fair fight.’” Alice spat. “My Raichu’s taking out your Raichu and whichever Pokémon you choose to send out. We’ll be ready.” Dexio lowered his head, accepting of the situation. “I’m sure you will be. Raichu!” “Raichu!” “Thunderbolt!” “Wild Charge!” Dexio’s Raichu shot electricity upward as Alice’s rode off in a beeline directly at its foe. Halfway across, Dexio’s Raichu threw its arms down, and rained its bolt down to the ground for Alice’s Raichu to crash into. Alice’s Raichu was prepared, and with a bank to the right, it ran the bottom of its tail-board along the bolt, leaving it charging with enough electricity to form a trail of light behind as it continued flying. Dexio and his Raichu suddenly looked fearful. “Crap.” With an increase in speed, Alice’s Raichu swung tightly around and flew at the side of his Raichu’s face, paddling it with the back of its tail-board. With the speed and strength of the hit, Dexio’s Raichu was flung off its tail as they both clattered to the ground, unconscious before it even hit it. Alice’s Raichu continued its momentum and flew in a wide circle behind its trainer before pulling in tight and stopping back in its original spot. “Nicely done.” Her Raichu squeaked proudly as Dexio returned his to his ball. Putting it back on his belt, he removed another Ultra Ball and looked down on it. “You sounded so confident back then, saying that your Raichu could beat whatever Pokémon it faced next. I could easily disprove that by sending my Alakazam out right now, but you and I both know I can’t do that. That’s why my next Pokémon will be the perfect one to put you back in your place. Come on out, Metagross!” The white energy exploded out of Dexio’s ball upon him throwing it, and his metallic disk Pokémon fell to the ground with a heavy bang that knocked Burnet over to her side and nearly did the same for Nanu and Alice. “Ugh, dammit!” Metagross glanced over to Burnet and yanked her back up to her knees by her shoulders, the mild whiplash making her yelp in shock. “Metagross, huh?” Alice studied the Pokémon intently. “Physically strong, but not too fast. Okay Raichu, hit it with Thunderbolt!” “Metagross, Meteor Mash!” Raichu charged its body up with electricity as Metagross tucked its arms in and floated itself directly on level with Raichu. Throwing its arms forward, Raichu shot the bolt of lighting out at Metagross just as it began to shoot out at it. To Alice and Raichu’s horror, the lightning seemed to do nothing except bend around its body from above and below upon contact. Raichu was so shocked that it didn’t bother moving as it took the Meteor Mash straight into its gut. Flung off its tail, it crashed into the front of the Megamart and left a large divot into the side. Fluttershy squeaked upon hearing the loud bang against the wall. “Ahh! What was that?” “It sounds like your friend outside is having a bit of a difficult time, like you will soon! Alakazam, Hypno!” The spoons and pendulum of Alakazam and Hypno lit up as they charged to attack Lady and Comfey. With a furious scowl, Raichu pushed off the crater it left on the wall and mounted its tail, soaring back out to return to its trainer. “You okay, Raichu?” Raichu let out a couple of yaps and nodded, ensuring that she not worry. Metagross floated back down to Dexio’s side, shaking its front two arms before it rested all four of them on the ground. Alice huffed with a smile, glad that her Pokémon’s attack was still successful. “Nice hit, Metagross! Now let’s take this rat out before it can do the same to us!” Dexio pointed forward. “Bullet Punch, now!” With even greater speed than its Meteor Mash, Metagross leapt forward and drove its arm into Raichu’s face, sending it flying back once more. “Raichu!” Hearing Alice’s cry, Raichu held onto its tail-board and used the momentum of the hit to flip it back upright before it moved to soar back to the battle. “That’s it! Now, hit him with Grass Knot!” Raichu slid to a stop as its arms and tail became outlined with light. At once, four large, thick vines shot out from the ground around Metagross, each one reaching under and grabbing the furthest arm by the wrists. Raichu strained as it controlled the vines to pull and hold the arms beneath it, pulling it in each direction. Metagross let out a loud wail as it tried floating up and out from its bondage. Just then, a fifth, even larger vine shot out from the ground and slammed down on Metagross, sending it back to the ground. The vines holding it from under snapped and sprayed in fragments out over the field like broken, overstressed rubber bands. Dexio was genuinely surprised to see Metagross move so laboriously as it tried getting up. “Holy shit…” he whispered. “Yes,” Burnet nearly wept, “she’s doing it.” “Come on,” Nanu muttered. Metagross was back on its arms, and Dexio frowned furiously. “No! I won’t let you defeat it! Metagross, finish it off with another Bullet Punch!” Alice’s face suddenly brightened up with inspiration. “Raichu, hit him with Wild Charge!” Metagross bent its arms to ready its push-off, and Raichu’s body surged with energy as it readied to advance. At the same instant, both Pokémon went at each other at incredible speeds. Raichu leaned to the front of its board as Metagross held its arm out toward Raichu’s head. In the last possible moment, Raichu twisted its body and flipped its tail-board to send it toward Metagross’s face, managing to dodge its arm. With both of their forces meeting each other, the bottom of Raichu’s tail pulverized Metagross as it’s entire body lit up like a Christmas tree with the electricity being blasted into it. Metagross was knocked back while Raichu bounced off from the recoil. While Raichu quickly recovered and took its spot again, Metagross crashed into the ground and rolled to stop before tipping over upside down, unable to muster the strength to move. “Incredible,” Burnet said. “Just look at her go.” “Amazing job, Raichu!” Alice whispered, still in awe over her Pokémon’s endurance. Raichu grinned as it panted, getting tired, but too proud of itself to stop now. Dexio scoffed and looked away as he returned Metagross to its ball. Still refusing to look Alice or Raichu in the eye, he put his forehead to the top of his ball. “You did your best,” he whispered. “Nice work.” “Sorry?” Alice asked . “What was that?” Dexio finally turned to look at her as he put Metagross’s ball back and took out his next. Without answering her, he tossed his next ball out. “Go, Slowking!” The energy from the ball brought Dexio’s crowned Slowpoke Pokémon down to the ground, where it stood laxly and obliviously before Alice and Raichu. “A Water-type?” Alice reached into her pocket and pulled out her Aloraichium Z and placed it in the empty spot of her Z-Ring. “Must be giving up now. Let’s finish this quickly!” Alice crossed her arms before her face, and her Z-Crystal along with the Z-Ring that held it shone brightly, Raichu getting covered by the same glow. Once it put its short, stubby arms in the same position, Alice and Raichu put their arms down and crossed them out. Alice swung her arms to the right as Raichu did the same, angling its tail-board to keep its balance. They then turned to the left on bended knees and bent their arms and hands into the shape of a lightning bolt. The Z-Power Alice summoned shot out from her back, and all of it flowed into Raichu’s tail-board, and along with the flaring aura that it created, a multitude of sparks popped and crackled as well. “Of course she is,” Dexio grumbled. “Dexio!” Alice’s hair floated up as if picked up by an upward wind. “You tried and failed three times to take my friends away! If you didn’t get it then, I’ll sure as hell make you get it now! Raichu, take out Slowking with Stoked Sparksurfer!” With sparks raining off of its tail-board, Raichu flew back toward the Megamart and rode and along the edge of the roof. Both Burnet and Nanu were in awe as the path Raichu rode on hung in the air, blue-colored plasma cascading down from it like electric water. Raichu sped off toward the ground and looped back to the front of the Megamart, riding up the plasma waterfall it created like a wave. Reaching the center, it surfed down it and brought the entire plasma wall with, riding the top of it as the electric tsunami rushed to swamp Slowking. Dexio balled his fists; there was no way it could end this simply. “Slowking! Take it out with Ice Beam!” Mist began falling from Slowking’s bottom jaw as the saliva in its mouth froze over. Raichu came ever closer with the torrenting current, and with a shout, Slowking launched its beam at Raichu, hitting it in the top of the chest. Raichu grunted through the sheer cold and continued riding its wave until it converged onto Slowking, exploding up into a pillar of light upon contact. Burnet and Nanu closed their eyes and looked to the ground as Dexio and Alice shielded their eyes, unable to see whether either of their Pokémon survived. Once the pillar faded out of existence, the two trainers and two spectators looked to see both of their Pokémon lying still on their backs, fainted from the blows each one took. Dexio frowned, almost ashamed that he was so surprised by the outcome. “Holy cow…” Alice breathed heavily. “Wow,” Nanu huffed. “That little Raichu managed to do all that?” Alice and Dexio returned both their Pokémon into their respective Poké Balls, Alice hugging hers close to her chest once the red beam fully retracted. “I’m so very proud of you. Thank you, Raichu.” Dexio detached his final Ultra Ball from his belt, Alice looking at it with anticipation. “Now all you got left is your Alakazam. Even with your Mega Evolution, there’s no possible way I can lose this!” Dexio stared at his ball for a while and then chuckled into a sly grin. “Oh, Alice. Your confidence is exemplary. Unfortunately, it can only get you so far before you face a Pokémon with strength far beyond any you have at your disposal in a form that can only make it that much more unbeatable.” “My confidence is doing far more for me and my Pokémon than your fancy-worded threats are doing for yours. Come on, send him out already. My friends are waiting for me to join them inside the Megamart.” Dexio clutched his ball even tighter. “You know what? You’re right, that’s enough chatter! It’s time to finish this and usher in the new world at last! Let’s end this, Alakazam!” As Dexio threw his last ball out, the Alakazam landing on the ground upon appearing from the energy within, Alice threw a Poké Ball of her own. “You’re up, Mudsdale!” The white energy from the ball formed into Alice’s stocky horse upon the ground, Dexio muttering a small sigh of admiration. “So, she evolved it today? Hmph, no matter!” He then threw his left arm up, the Key Stone in his Mega Ring glistening in the moonlight. “Now Alice, prepare yourself; you and your Pokémon! Your light of victory will be snuffed right here and now!” He brought his arm back down and pressed on the Key Stone with his fingers, causing it to burst with brightly colored light. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” DNA-shaped bands of color shot out from the Key Stone and spiraled about until their ends connected with Alakazam’s shoulders and the back of its calves. Alakazam trembled as the energy flooded its body, transforming it into the same energy connecting it and its trainer. Before Alice and Mudsdale’s eyes, they watched as the light mutated its body, transforming its head, growing its massive beard, and enlarging the pads on its chest, arms, and knees. “Unbelievable,” Nanu breathed out. “Never ceases to amaze…” It then leapt up and sat in midair, clasping its toes together as it brought both of its spoons above its head before their divided out to make five. The light then shattered off of it, unveiling its new form to Alice and Mudsdale, the exertion of energy blowing a strong gust out and away from its body into each person and Pokémon nearby. “Alright…” Alice tried her hardest to hide the fear in her voice. “Here he is…” Sam and Absol were thrown back by another of Chrysalis’s spells. As Chrysalis approached him, Sam climbed atop Absol’s back to help himself up. As Absol stood up, taking Sam with it, he kept his face near the back of her head, seemingly in fear of her. “Don’t hide behind your pet, you coward!” Picking Absol up in her converted magic, she threw it against the side of the shelf, the broken pieces of it and the contents that were knocked off tumbling to the floor with it. “Absol!” “Hmhmhmm… You humans are such fascinating creatures. You lack the ability to fly like pegasi, wield magic like unicorns, and you don’t even possess the raw strength of an earth pony. Without your precious Pokémon to help you, what value do you truly have?” “That’s just it.” Sam kept his ground, bringing Chrysalis to stop her advance and listen. “Those abilities you speak of, they aren’t worth a damned thing without someone or something worth using them for.” “Spare me your ‘power of friendship’ nonsense! Your Pokémon are no longer strong enough to fight on your behalf, your sister is fighting Dexio, and your pony friends are dealing with Faba as we speak. What can you possibly do to stand up to me?” Sam glanced to his still unconscious Absol, and with a weak start, he tried to run around Chrysalis to get to it, only for Chrysalis to hold him back and lift him up, cackling madly as he rotated him to have him look into her large, furious eyes. “You fool!” Sam gripped at his chin as he was held up by his neck, flailing his legs to break free. “You have nothing against me. You poor, pathetic humans can’t do anything on your own, can you?” “The ones worth their salt…” Sam gagged, forcing a smirk, “rarely do!” As Chrysalis sneered over his resilience, Sam tried to gulp for one last bit of air, but failed. “Absol, Megahorn!” Distracted by her rage, Chrysalis didn’t notice as Absol leapt into the air, its horn driving directly into the base of Chrysalis’s, breaking apart the magic conversion ring there. Combined with the shock of its blindsiding and watching the pieces of the device fall before her eyes, Chrysalis grew instantly fearful as she came tumbling to the ground, Absol sliding off down the aisle. With her hold on him gone, Sam landed on his feet and ran beside his Absol. Spinning around, he saw as Chrysalis charged her horn once again, now glowing a bright green. Sam’s eyes widened with realization, turning back around to face the other side, winding his arm back. Chrysalis vanished in a flash of light and reappeared behind Absol. With Sam facing her and thrusting his arm and fist forward, she was completely unprepared for the fist that drove into her face and knocked her back away from him. “Absol, Psycho Cut!” Absol turned around and lashed several bows of psychic energy from its claws. The still disoriented Chrysalis couldn’t avoid any of the bows as they crashed into her horn, her face and legs, knocking her off and back to her side. She tried charging her horn once more, only for it to flicker uselessly. “N– No! You… little–!” Sam and Absol stood over her resolutely, knowing nothing she could say or do would change the fact that she had no chance of winning now. “Power in numbers. Always.” With another scowl, she hopped onto her hooves and ran through the hole she created in the aisle to her left. “Hey!” Sam and Absol followed her through the hole, sliding in between her and Starlight and Fluttershy to keep her at bay. Sam glanced behind her to see Faba’s Alakazam and Hypno kneeling weakly as Lady and Comfey panted, exhausted but far closer to victory than Faba was. Chrysalis could only stand with mouth agape. “You seriously lost to these ponies?” “And you lost to the boy?” Faba growled, also realizing his loss was imminent. “Forget it!” With a snap of his fingers, Alakazam brought his spoons together and created a flash of light that removed itself, Faba, and Hypno from their spots. The ponies and their Pokémon turned back around to find Faba and his Pokémon now standing beside Chrysalis, Alakazam ready to make another teleport to freedom. “No! Absol, Night–” Sam pointed out to Faba and Chrysalis just as the Alakazam’s light engulfed them, disappearing along with Faba, Chrysalis, and the two Pokémon. “…Slash.” Sam dropped his arm down as Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey rushed to his side. “Sam!” Starlight panted. “Are you alright?!” Fluttershy then noticed Sam’s shoulder, her wings flaring open and her hooves covering her mouth. “Sam, you’re bleeding!” “Like I told Doublade, nothing serious.” Sam glanced to his shoulder, miffed that the trickle had already reached his elbow without him noticing. “And what about you guys? Looks like you held your own okay.” “To be fair,” Starlight responded, “we have gotten stronger since first coming here.” “I sure hope Alice is doing okay,” Fluttershy added. “It sounded pretty rough for her outside.” “Alice…” Sam began sprinting backward through the aisle maze. “Alice!” The ponies and their Pokémon galloped to follow him, hoping they weren’t too late for her. Mudsdale and Mega Alakazam stared down each other, and as Alice’s Pokémon ran its hoof along the ground threateningly, Dexio’s Pokémon stayed still and cool. “Okay Mudsdale, we can still do some heavy damage to him. Ready, girl?” Mudsdale let out a roaring whinny, awaiting its orders. “Alright, hit him with Heavy Slam!” Mudsdale galloped at Mega Alakazam, just as Sam and his friends all ran out from the Megamart, just in time to see Dexio plan his counterattack. “Mega Alakazam!” he shouted. “Use Psychic!” Mudsdale leapt up and collided into Mega Alakazam, sending both down toward the ground. Before its lower back could land, Mega Alakazam held its spot mere centemeters above the surface, also managing to suspend Mudsdale with it before its full weight could land on it. Fluttershy gasped to see Mudsdale covered in Mega Alakazam’s psychic glow. “Oh no, it’s out!” “Impossible!” Alice gasped. “Mudsdale is one of the heaviest Pokémon alive! For him to catch him like that…” Mega Alakazam placed its hands on Mudsdale’s head as two blurry outlines of its hands closed in on them. Once the auras connected, a pulse of energy shot out from Mega Alakazam’s palms, throwing Mudsdale high up and crashing into the ground just short of Alice’s feet, producing a bang that bounced everyone off their feet, and threw Burnet and Nanu to their sides. “Mudsdale!” Fluttershy and Starlight cried. Alice turned back, finally noticing them. “Sam! Guys!” Burnet relaxed her head and breathed a sigh of relief. “Looks like you survived!” Dexio said to them. “Can’t even expect them to round up a couple of ponies.” “You can’t break us so easily anymore!” Starlight shouted. “We’re ready for whatever you can bring at us!” “I’ll get to you three real soon. In the meantime…” Mudsdale slowly got to its hooves, Dexio bringing his attention back to it. “Woo, and it survived that. Won’t be so sure about this, though. Mega Alakazam, finish it off with Energy Ball!” Mega Alakazam’s five spoons formed a circle in front of it, and as they spun, a green aura formed in the spaces between them. A wind picked up that sucked the air into the sphere, and once it was about to touch the bottom ends, Mega Alakazam pushed the air in front of it and shot the ball out. As it traveled, the ball continued to grow until it was as tall as Mudsdale itself. All the horse could do was turn to the side and wince as the ball collided with its stomach and threw it at its trainer. “Alice!” Sam and the ponies screamed. Alice leapt up and let Mudsdale collide with it, slinging herself over the side of its stomach as it fell to the ground and came to a hard stop, flinging Alice back off. Feeling safe to breathe, Sam and his friends watched as Alice crawled back to Mudsdale and knelt behind its head. She stroked its face tenderly as she put her forehead down on its cheek. “Oh, Mudsdale…” Dexio laughed as he clapped. “And you were talking all that good talk just a moment ago! Now all that’s left to separate me from Faba and Chrysalis’s leftovers is your puny little Noibat!” Alice hissed through her teeth, the direness of her situation quickly dawning on her. “Alice, please don’t!” Fluttershy ran to Alice’s side. “We’ll fight him for you now, you don’t have to send Noibat out!” Hearing her friend’s pleas, it only made the knot in Alice’s gut feel even tighter. With a forceful hand, she removed Mudsdale’s Poké Ball from her belt. Pressing the center button onto its upper back, her Pokémon converted to red energy and was pulled into the ball. “No, Alice!” Burnet shouted. “You don’t have to do this!” “Alice, stop!” Alice seemed not to hear Starlight as she got to her feet, stepping forward as she brought Mudbray’s ball back to her belt. “She won’t survive against that thing!” “I’ll leave that for her to decide.” Alice pulled her last ball off her belt and threw it out. “Finish this, Noibat!” Dexio was eager and impressed as the ball opened up midair, the Noibat soaring out of it. As it came to its spot in front of Alice, it’s eyes shot open a bit wider upon seeing Mega Alakazam’s appearance. After a few moments, it hardened its face into a serious, undaunted scowl. “Alice…” Sam felt chills as his breathing became shaky. “So,” Dexio put his hands into his vest pockets, “you really want to do this? You’re really set about sending Noibat out to face my Mega Alakazam, knowing how badly it beat your Mudsdale?” “It seems like my Noibat is just as eager to carry this on as I am!” Noibat squealed in agreement. “She’s been with me since the beginning, and I won’t deny her this last chance to end this!” Dexio chuckled, slowly pulling his hands from his pocket. “Alright, so you won’t deny your Pokémon the right to battle me… so I will!” Dexio removed a Fairium Z crystal from his pants pocket and pressed it into the empty slot of his synthetic Z-Ring. “I’d be very impressed if your Noibat could survive my Dazzling Gleam, but I’m not taking any chances!” Dexio crossed his arms in front of his face, the face of his Z-Ring and the border of the crystal slot glowing red. With the link between him and Mega Alakazam established, Dexio’s Pokémon also crossed its arms over its face. Dexio threw his arms down and crossed them back out, Mega Alakazam’s following the motions as he did them. The two of them turned their hands in, forming a heart-shape with their index fingers and thumb. Dexio then leaned to the left as he stood on his left foot, daintily bringing its arms up like a bird in flight. Still in its seated pose, Mega Alakazam performed the same motions with its arms, finishing with the two of them pulling their arms down, their forearms up and their hands parallel to the ground. With the ritual complete, red Z-Power shot out of Dexio’s back and flowed into Mega Alakazam, filling it with the awesome, insidious energy. “Noibat, get ready!” Noibat barked, understanding Alice’s command. “There’s nothing to get ready for!” Dexio shouted. “This battle will end with this attack, and it’s coming right now, whether you’re ready or not! Mega Alakazam! Take Noibat out with Twinkle Tackle!” Mega Alakazam held its arms out, the spoons above it floated in front of its outstretched fingers and forming into the shape of a star that sparkled with a pink energy that faded with a dark red tint. Balling its hands into fists, it punched them out and sent its spoons soaring out like a comet. Upon crashing into Noibat, the energy erupted into a bright, colorful explosion like a firework, the force of which shot Noibat high into the air and above the treetops. Alice looked up to track it, but it was already disappearing from view as it climbed up and up and showed no signs of coming down soon. “NOIBAT!!!” Alice screamed, reaching up to the sky. “No… how can…” Without any Pokémon left, she fell to her knees, her arms and head coming down not long after. Sam, the ponies, and their Pokémon also tried to track Noibat up in the sky, but could no longer make it out amongst its vastness. Burnet faced the ground, unable to look at the devastation frozen on Alice’s face. Nanu closed his eyes, forced to accept the grim situation. Mega Alakazam panted through its pain as the red sparks of the fake Z-Power popped off its skin. “How… could you?” Fluttershy slowly tilted her head down to look into Dexio’s eyes. “Why would you do that?” “Don’t be mad at me.” Dexio shrugged, almost disappointed. “You even warned her to not continue. I guess she should have listened to you, huh?” Fluttershy closed her eyes and let a stream of tears cascade down each eye, sickened by Dexio’s nonchalant cruelty. “And now you have us to deal with!” Starlight bellowed, Lady stepping out in front of Alice. “We’ll show you just as much mercy as you showed Noibat!” “You mistreat my sister’s Pokémon like that,” Sam growled, “and I’ll tear your Mega Alakazam apart myself if I have to!” Absol roared as it leapt out to join Lady. Comfey pulled on Fluttershy’s mane, and on getting her attention, it pointed out to the other two Pokémon it wanted to join. “Yes, you’re right.” Standing on her hooves, she wiped her eyes as Comfey took Absol’s side. “We have to be strong now, for Alice and Noibat!” Mega Alakazam looked upon the three Pokémon facing it, noting the scuffs and bruises they already attained in the Abandoned Megamart. Alice got to her own feet, feeling only the least bit emboldened by her friends fighting for her. She looked back up to the sky, hoping to find some sign of her Pokémon descending. “Noibat…” Just beneath the clouds, Noibat tumbled gracelessly through the air as it reached the arc of its ascension, slowly coming back down unconsciously, the ground ready to meet it. “Noibat.” Beneath it, Sam, Alice, Dexio, Burnet, Nanu, the ponies, the Pokémon; all indistinguishable specks on the ground from its height. “Noibat!” The Pokémon continued its fall, unable to hear her cries at all. “Noibat!!” With the wind rushing through its ears and the ways it still had to go, she only sounded as soft as a whisper. “NOIBAT!!” Then, like a sudden crack of thunder, Noibat heard its trainer clear as day. With its eyes shooting open, it straightened itself out to control its fall before tucking its wings in to dive straight down. Alice still couldn’t see it, and just as she breathed in to call it once again, a bright light in the sky shone down upon the area like a small sun. Noibat’s body was covered in this light before it became a swirling, ethereal aura. It grew nearly three times its size, its small waist elongating into a stronger, more slender shape. The fur on its chest and legs receded, unveiling a bare, muscular breast and thighs, and the fur on its upper back grew out even longer. Alice could finally make out her Pokémon’s shape, tears falling down her face as she watched it transform. “Noib…” Dexio shielded his eyes with the top of his hand. “No way this is happening.” Sam, Starlight, and Fluttershy also looked up at the spectacle, Fluttershy moved to smile as Noibat’s evolution continued. While Nanu looked on from the corner of his eye, his jaw dropped, Burnet rolled onto her back, not wanting to miss a moment of this. The area of Noibat’s wings stretched and enlarged out as a membrane connected them to its waist, two spines appearing on the end of each wing. Its feet, once small and tender, widened out into two strong talons. Finally, a tail with two spikes on its end receded out of its back end and stayed straight as the wind flowed around all sides of it. Starlight saw Noibat come in hot, taking a couple tentative steps back. “Guys, I think we should back up!” Brightening up once again, Noibat eyed the space that Sam, the ponies, and their Pokémon ran away from, and with an opening of it wings, it slowed down just enough to make a hard, but safe landing upon the ground. The light shattered off its body and revealed its new form, now sporting sleek black scales, teal ears, a red snout and claws, and a purple underbelly that matched the edges of its wings. “N… Noibat evolved!” Fluttershy stammered. “It’s not Noibat anymore,” Sam replied. “Now it’s–” “Noivern.” Alice choked up, wiping her eyes on her wrist. Noivern leaned forward with its wings upon the ground and roared at Mega Alakazam, bringing it and Dexio to shield their faces as its breath forcefully blew into them. “And what does that matter!?” Dexio shouted. “Your Noivern barely survived that attack! One more hit on it and it’s done! You’re finished, Alice! “Then we have to make this one turn count!” Alice threw a pointing arm forward. “Noivern, attack Mega Alakazam with Hurricane!” Noivern wound its arms as far back as it could and then fanned them out, creating a large tornado that swerved its way toward Mega Alakazam. “Miss!” Nanu hoisted himself into a seated position, giving him plenty of control to fall back in front of Burnet and shield her from the gusts, clasping one of the sleeves to her bodysuit. Dexio bent his legs to keep from falling over as he was pummeled by the wind. “Mega Alakazam, brace for it!” His Pokémon tensed its body up as the twister banked right at it. Even with its preparation, Mega Alakazam’s body was roughly pulled inside, getting jerked and spun about by the attack’s intense gales. Upon being blown out the top, the tornado dispersed, leaving it to fall down to the ground. “Mega Alakazam!” Despite Dexio’s call, Mega Alakazam crashed into the ground and bounced into a sprawl, Dexio gasping in amazement over how his Pokémon could be so abused. Despite Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey’s cheers behind them, Alice, Noivern, and even Sam studied Mega Alakazam closely, waiting for it to not make any movements. “Come on,” Alice whispered. “Stay down.” Mega Alakazam pulled its arms up and pushed off the ground, floating back up into the air. Dexio blinked twice before smiling and chuckling with reprieve. Sam glowered, hating to have seen his worst expectation come true. However, as it tried to clasp its feet together in meditation, it appeared to have trouble, as if it could no longer sense their depth. Even as it floated, it was constantly moving and unable to keep from tilting and leaning. Alice sighed contently. “Yes, that’s it…” “No… First it evolves, and now you confuse my…” Dexio shook his head violently, trying to rid his defeatist thought from his psyche. “We still have a chance! Mega Alakazam, finish Noivern off with Dazzling Gleam!” Mega Alakazam put its arms out, struggling to hold them still. The five spoons haphazardly formed a sloppy circle one by one, and as they spun and shone with light, several of them moved slower than the others, causing them to crash. With the attack uncoordinated, the light of the Dazzling Gleam discharged backwards, hitting Mega Alakazam in the face. Dexio fearfully stepped backwards as Mega Alakazam clutched its eyes, wailing out as it could no longer see. “Impossible! To be beaten by a little girl on her Island Trials!” “That was your biggest mistake, pal!” Alice shouted. “Noivern, finish this off for real! Take Mega Alakazam out with Boomburst!” Ripples of air formed inside Noivern’s ears, bringing bigger and stronger ripples in as it readied its attack. Dexio then shot his gaze to Burnet and Nanu, who were in the crossfire. With a grunt of mild defeat, he ran over between them and grabbed the collars of their shirts, dragging them out of the way as fast as he could. Sam, Starlight, and Fluttershy were aghast. Alice was equally as stunned. “What the…” With the air in its ears warping and bouncing about like a glass of water in an earthquake, Noivern thrust its head forward, blasting a massive sonic pulse that threw Mega Alakazam off toward the black-sand beach. Before it could land, a bright light covered Mega Alakazam and its utensils, and with a burst of the light, it returned to its original form, leaving only two spoons to tumble through the air with it. Alakazam hit the sand and rolled to a stop, unable to move. With Nanu and Burnet out of harm’s way, Dexio twisted back to no longer see his Pokémon there. “Alakazam!” Sam and Alice both ran out to the broken road ramp after him, Absol and Noivern following them. Meanwhile, Starlight galloped over to Nanu and Burnet, using her magic to break the bands holding Burnet and Nanu’s feet. Fluttershy allowed them to pull off her back to get them to their feet. “Are you two alright?” “Yes, all thanks to you.” Burnet knelt down and gave Fluttershy and Starlight a hug, happy to feel their warm embrace once again. “Just what the hell was that about all of a sudden?” Nanu went off toward the beach as well. Burnet broke the hug off and followed Nanu down the ramp, the ponies and their Pokémon staying close behind her. On the beach, Dexio slid down to his Alakazam’s side, checking its body for any injuries. “You!” Sam’s stern tone compelled Dexio to turn and face him. “Why did you save Nanu and Burnet back there?” “Forget it.” Alice cracked her knuckles as she came toward him. “Our Pokémon battle may be over, but I’ve still got a bone to pick with you!” “Wait!” Dexio put his hands out as she quickly stood up. “Wait, wait! I’m sorry! Please, let me explain myself!” Alice stopped herself and took a single step back, willing to hear him out. “This is going to sound crazy, but… I’ve been spying on Team Prism.” Sam and Alice both had to look at each other, unsure if either of them heard correctly. “What?” Sam finally responded. “Yes, it’s true. I realize you have no reason or right to believe me, but it is true. I’ve been working with Sun to get intel on Team Prism: learning why they’re doing what they’re doing, how they plan on doing it… what you guys are really up against. I know all of these things, and I’m willing to tell you; all my cards are on the table here!” “I don’t know,” Fluttershy said. “This sounds awfully fishy, even for me.” “Look, I’m so incredibly sorry for what I’ve done to you and your friends, but I had to play the part of a villain in order to keep my cover from getting blown. I never wanted to hurt anyone. If there’s any way to prove myself to you, say it, and I’ll do it.” Starlight looked around at her friends, seeing as they contemplated for solutions. “We’re heading back to the Aether House right now. Sun should be there, and if what you say about you and him working together on this is true, then we can believe you. If not, we’re keeping you inside the House with all of us until we leave tomorrow morning for the next leg of our journey and can give you to the authorities.” Sam nodded, glad to see her keep their destination a secret. Dexio breathed out contently. “Fine, just… can you please just let me call my Alakazam back?” Sam crossed his arms as Absol growled. “Hurry up.” Dexio got his ball off his belt as Sam and Absol watched him. Nanu then came up to Alice, placing his hand on her shoulder. “That was a fine battle, miss,” he said. “Not even I stood a chance against him. If you could, well…” He pulled a Darkium Z crystal from his jacket and slipped it into her vest pocket. “ … then there’s really no point for you to battle me, is there?” Alice turned to him, the feeling of the crystal in her pocket answering what he was already about to tell her. “For all intents and purposes, you’ve cleared the Grand Trial. Congrats.” Alice smiled and shook the Kahuna’s hand, appreciative of his blessing. The red beam connecting Alakazam to Dexio’s Ultra Ball receded into the center button, leaving no trace of the Pokémon at all. With that matter settled, Sam and Absol went on both sides of him and walked down the beach toward its end. After giving its face a loving and thankful caress, Alice returned Noivern into its ball and walked off to follow her brother and their prisoner. “It’s so good to have you back, Burnet!” Fluttershy chirped as she, Starlight, and their Pokémon walked beside her. “I’m sure Twilight and Hau will be delighted to see you!” “Reuniclus, too!” “Reuniclus…” Burnet hummed contently, not having forgotten her trusty Pokémon. “But first, I could really use a nice hot shower.” The ponies giggled, the dirt and grime on her body speaking for themselves. As Nanu stood by himself on the sand, Burnet looked back and gave him a small wave farewell. He stood there still and steadfast in the cold ocean breeze, keeping his watchful eyes on them until they were all out of his view. > Chapter 61 – Refraction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door opened up to the Aether House atrium, the people and Equestrians inside turning to see who would appear on the other side. Burnet stepped out first to make herself seen to Twilight and Spike, who were elated to see her. “Burnet!” She galloped to her with Spike running close behind, throwing most of her weight on her as she hugged her. “You’re safe! What on earth happened to you?” Burnet laughed as Spike hopped up and hugged her thigh, Thorax, Luna, and Trixie also coming to see her. “Team Prism came to Sam and Alice to try and trade Starlight and Fluttershy for me. They refused and beat them all.” “You’re kidding!” Thorax gasped. “The same people that attacked us on that mountain?” “Not quite, Thorax. It was only Faba, Chrysalis, and Dexio. And from what I heard, Starlight and Fluttershy both managed to beat Faba!” Twilight looked over Burnet’s shoulder, Starlight looking more bashful than Fluttershy as they both came close. “Starlight, is that true?” “…Maybe.” Starlight blushed even harder. “Professor Burnet!” As Lillie walked up to her, Twilight got off to let her give Burnet a welcoming embrace. “Thank goodness you’re alright!” “I think this is also yours!” Pinkie Pie pushed a Poké Ball off her hoof and let it fall to the ground. Upon it opening, Reuniclus flew out and found its trainer, squealing delightfully and joining Lillie to hug her. “It’s good to see you too, Reuniclus!” Burnet giggled, massaging the Pokémon’s gelatinous exterior with her hand. As they watched over the reunion, Sam, Alice, and Dexio waited in the doorway. “Don’t worry,” Sam whispered. “We’re going to clear you first before we show that you’re here.” He then looked out among the room, finding Sun with Gladion and Hau. “Hey, Sun, come here!” Hearing his name, Sun left his friends to approach them. “Sam, Alice. Are you two al–” He then noticed Dexio half hidden in the hallway, his eyes widening out of initial shock. “You brought Dexio here? After he–” “Apparently he said he was working for you; spying on Team Prism and stuff.” Alice glowered up at him. “Is that true, Sun?” Sun slowly looked to Dexio, who appeared a bit more confident as she straightened himself out. “When did you tell them?” Sam and Alice couldn’t help but huff in shock. “So it’s true? He’s really working for you?” “Yes,” Sun answered. “I’ll explain more, but I feel as though the rest of us should know. Come on.” Sun turned on his heel and walked toward Burnet as she shook hands with Shining Armor, Discord also waiting to be introduced. As Sam and Alice followed behind Sun, Gladion and Hau both noticed Dexio beside them. “Dexio?” Hau wondered. “They caught him?” Gladion walked toward him, his hand on his Poké Ball belt. “Only one way to find out.” “Guys, there’s something I need to share with you.” Hearing Sun’s voice, everyone faced him, and eventually, the three others behind him. Rainbow Dash was about to welcome Sam and Alice, but quickly reeled back on seeing Dexio. “You! You have some nerve waltzing in here!” “Rainbow Dash, calm down!” Alice came between him and the pegasus. “Sun will explain everything.” “Sun… will…” She looked to him suspiciously. Dexio then found Twilight and Spike, who safely frowned at him from a distance. “Hey, Twilight. Spike.” “Don’t ‘Hey Twilight, Spike’ us!” Twilight barked. “After what you tried to do to us, you can–” “Twilight, it’s alright,” Sun calmly interrupted. “He’s actually on our side.” “On your side? Have you lost your marbles, Sun!? Do you remember what he did in this very room?” “And how he attacked Olivia!” Applejack shouted, joining in. “And if he’s here with Sam and Alice,” Gladion spoke, “chances are he tried to attack them as well.” “Why’d you even bring him here?” Spike shouted. “It was my suggestion, actually!” Starlight came forward, joining Alice’s side and fortifying Dexio’s defenses. “After Alice beat him in a battle, he told me that he was working for Sun to get information on Team Prism.” “Working… for Sun?” Hau sputtered. “What the hell…?” “I told him that if he was telling the truth, Sun would vouch for him, and if not, we would keep him here for the night so that Prism wouldn’t think twice about attacking all of us to get him back. And seeing how Sun said it himself… then… yeah, I believe him now.” “Sun.” Lillie stepped toward him. “Tell me this is some kind of joke.” He shook his head in reply. “When Sam and Alice first spotted Team Prism last Wednesday, I contacted Dexio and asked him if he could locate Team Prism and find out anything about any information that we didn’t already know.” Dexio cleared his throat, those in the room now looking at him. “I found one of their grunts on Akala Island shortly after he informed me. After beating him for information, Faba approached me, said my psychic power and ability to Mega Evolve would come in handy, and he offered me an admin position. “Believe me, I really didn’t want to accept; had half a mind to beat him down just like his grunt and work up the chain of command. I’m glad I didn’t though. If I kept fighting, their leader would have annihilated me, and it would have been for nothing.” “So you accepted?” Twilight asked. “Knowing that you’d be hunting us like wild animals?” Dexio bowed his head. “I’m so sorry, Twilight. If it’s any kind of consolation, if we had managed to get away with Rarity and Applejack, or you and Spike, Luna, Thorax, and Trixie, or Starlight and Fluttershy, my next move, my very next move would have been to set any of them free before they could enact the next part of their plan.” “Which is what?” Gladion was still dumbfounded by everything. “Sun, why weren’t we told about any of this?” “I always suspected that someone within the Aether Foundation was acting as a mole for Prism ever since I heard of them.” Gladion and Lillie both gasped at this obvious accusation. “While I’m certain it was neither you two or Lusamine, or Wicke, I couldn’t risk either of you sharing this information with any of the other employees and risk their position. This had to be my secret, and mine alone. I’m sorry for that.” While Gladion and Lillie hung their heads, appearing to accept this breach of trust, Hau’s mouth just barely came open, hardly able to believe his ears. “Sun,” Dexio said, “I can tell them the rest of whatever they need to know. If you could get me any books of ancient Alolan history or Alolan mythology from the library, that would be very helpful.” “Right away.” Sun turned around and walked toward the exit doors, leaving Dexio to face everyone. “I know nothing I’ve said just now excuses what I’ve done over the past few days, but if you let me share what I’ve learned about Team Prism, I hope that I can earn your forgiveness.” Twilight and Spike approached Dexio, who was pleasantly surprised by the sympathetic expressions they both had. Once she was close enough, Twilight quickly socked him in his gut with her hoof, crumpling him to the floor as he clutched it and groaned. The others around him winced, unprepared to witness such a hard hit from the alicorn. “That’s for Sunday morning,” she grumbled. “Now I can forgive you.” Spike now also sported a serious grimace, turning away with Twilight and leaving him to recover. Applejack walked over and offered him a hoof to pull up on. “This better be some good information.” Back on his feet, he still crouched over, too sore to stand up straight. The pain quickly subsided as he felt that he began to earn the Equestrians' trust. “I’m sorry.” Lillie glanced to Alice, Sam, and Dexio. “You didn’t by chance get to go to the Pokémon Center before you came, did you?” “No,” Sam responded. “We came straight here after Alice beat him.” “Follow me, then. We have several healing stations here. We can let your Pokémon restore your health while Sun gets those books.” “Is there a PC I can use too?” Dexio asked. “I need to get some things.” Lillie nodded. “There should still be plenty of time for you to get what you need. Come follow me, please.” Sam, Alice, and Dexio walked behind her, the latter still bending over in a way that appeared comical to Discord. “Starlight, Fluttershy, you too!” The two ponies immediately went to Lillie with Lady and Comfey following closely. While eighteen Poké Balls were scanned on three healing stations, Dexio typed away on a computer, hitting the enter key every few seconds or so. Each time he did, several items would faze into existence on a connected tower on the right. Already, several Max Potions, Revives, and a baggie of small red-and-yellow berries with leafy stems were taking up room on the desk where the computer stood. Starlight glanced over, unable to control her curiousity. “Dexio, what’s all that for?” Dexio cocked his head, assuming the truth wouldn’t hurt. “I can’t imagine that even with me here with all of you, Team Prism isn’t going to try some last-ditch all-out assault to capture me or one of you guys. I just want to prepare for that if push does indeed come to shove.” Finally, a small blue backpack and a white vinyl roll came onto the platform. Removing them, Dexio spotted a white Mega Ring with a Key Stone absent in its center held in the strap keeping the roll in place. He then opened up the backmost zipper of the bag and nodded contently at the clothes that were inside. “And what are those?” Fluttershy asked. “Just something I’d like to keep close to me.” A message then pinged on the PC, bringing Dexio’s attention to it. Got everything? Dexio typed his response in. Yes. Thank you for this, Sina. With that, he closed the chat and logged out of the computer, the screen and the platform shutting down. He then looked back to Lillie. “Also, he asked, is there someplace I can change?” Everyone gathered at a pair of cafeteria tables set up near the center of the room. Burnet's clothes appeared far cleaner, and her hair was mildly damp, but washed. Dexio was now wearing a pair of white jeans, brown formal boots, and a navy-blue t-shirt with a white hoodless windbreaker hanging on the back of his chair. Rarity glanced over to his new dress, hard pressed to see that it was actually him wearing it. “Sorry, Dexio?” He turned to her. “I just wanted to say, that I think your wardrobe is far more dazzling than when I first met you!” Dexio smiled lightly and nodded. “Glad to have your seal of approval.” Sun finally came into the atrium with a stack of three large books in his grasp. He dropped them in front of Dexio, who caught one as it nearly bounced off the stack. Picking it up, he glanced at its title: Alolan Myth and Legend. He immediately began flipping through it, quickly glancing at each picture. “Alright,” Starlight started, “one of the things I really want to know is how Team Prism knew about us. When we first encountered them at Ten Karat Hill, they spoke about us like we knew we existed for a while.” “I’m not 100% certain of that myself.” Dexio slowed his browsing, feeling as though he was getting close. “I can tell you this, though. You all met the leader on Mount Hokulani today, right?” His question was met with a myriad of affirmations. “Right. Though he may seem like the mastermind behind this cult of his, he’s actually a pawn to a much more sinister, powerful force. I’m certain you’ve seen his abilities.” “Like when he switched us around before our battle,” Alice mentioned. Discord leaned in, making sure he was acknowledged. “There was even a moment where he commanded his Pokémon to use different moves at the exact same time. That was really freaky, even for me, and I’m the incarnation of chaos for crying out loud!” “We don’t even know this person is a he,” Burnet spoke in. “When they talked to me while I was kidnapped, their voice sounded unnaturally low-pitched, but… god, it sounded so clear, like it couldn’t have come from a machine!” “But what do they even want with us?” Luna asked. “Why go through such lengths for creatures they shouldn’t even know exist?” Dexio finally stopped, pointing at the picture he needed. “Aha! Here. And since we’ve all seen the leader at least once…” Several of the ponies went behind Dexio and looked over his shoulder, looking at what looked to be a crude stone carving and painting that took both pages. Twilight and Spike were easily able to identify Solgaleo and Lunala from them but didn’t seem to recognize a third creature that they were clearly fighting against. The carving appeared to be that of a humanoid creature with a large, square head and large claws, the rest of its body rather small and scrawny. Its body was completely black. “Those claws…” Sam peaked past Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash. “And its head,” Rarity mentioned. “Look at how large it is. In fact, they’re very much like the hoods on those Prism…” Twilight and Spike’s mouths hung open, understanding it. “So, this creature… this is who’s controlling Team Prism?” “Must be.” Dexio placed his hand on the page the black creature occupied so that its thumb and finger formed half a frame around it. “I read this book when I first came to Alola, and when I met the leader for the first time, their clothing shared such an uncanny resemblance to the creature in this drawing, that I knew it couldn’t be a coincidence.” “What’s it called?” Trixie asked. “Kind of an important thing to know, isn’t it?” Dexio nodded. “In ancient times, the Alolan natives referred to it as… Necrozma.” Luna perked up, blinking several times as she registered the creature’s name. Dexio continued. “They believed that it came from the cosmos to destroy this world, and that Solgaleo and Lunala preceded it to save the world, and the two were worshiped as gods who rose the sun and the moon each day and night.” Suddenly, the book was pulled off the table with a magical glow covering it. “Hey!” Twilight shouted. “What’s…” She then watched as Luna held the image on the page close to her face studying it intently. “Luna?” Luna first looked to the creature, her eyes shimmering with moisture. _____________________________________________________ Celestia and Luna looked out over a castle balcony with thick evergreen forests surrounding them. Floating out over the land was a massive light that neither princess could make out what was inside, despite the intense dread it instilled in them. Solgaleo and Lunala clashed with Necrozma, the air and space around them fracturing with the sound of a roaring whoosh of wind. _____________________________________________________ Luna dropped the book to the table, the humans and Equestrians on each side of it looking at Luna, whose eyes freely streamed tears. “I… I remember Necrozma.” “WHAT?!” Every person and Equestrian shouted at once. “Plot twist!” Pinkie Pie blurted. “How’s that possible?” Gladion asked. “Necrozma has been a part of Alolan legend for centuries!” “I can tell you they’re way older than that,” Spike retorted, rendering Gladion silent as he looked at the alicorn who looked only a few years older than Twilight. “You’re telling me you’ve actually seen this thing before?” Rainbow Dash patted her hoof onto the picture on the book. “And Necrozma is actually from Equestria?” Dexio wondered. Luna breathed in, preparing her tale. “I have no idea where Necrozma came from, neither would my sister. I just remember encountering it in a time before my banishment, even before the vanishing of the Crystal Empire or the birth of Starswirl the Bearded.” “Sorry,” Hau interrupted, “I just want to know… that’s a really long time, right?” “Well over a thousand years, Hau.” “Damn! …I mean, you look great for a thousand!” Luna ignored him. “And that’s why Prism knew about us!” Starlight verbally realized. “Luna, please, you have to tell us about it! What happened to it? What happened to you?” “All I can remember is when it arrived…” _____________________________________________________ Celestia and Luna ran out to the balcony of their castle, putting their gaze right up to the wormhole that opened up in the sky. Below, several armed guards on the ground below dropped their spears in fright and backed away slowly as they saw a bright shape come close to its mouth. Unfolding itself as it passed the exit, the creature that appeared was titanic in height, appearing as a four-winged dragon made up entirely of light with gold plating on the bars of its wings, its legs and feet, its chest, and its head. Its colorful, hungry eyes glistened like gemstones as it looked down upon the princesses and the guards cowering below. _____________________________________________________ “What did it want?” Shining Armor asked. “Probably the same thing that the Prism leader wants,” Dexio replied. “It wanted to add your world to its own personal dominion.” “Dominion?” “That’s right,” Twilight muttered. “It’s just like you said… in this very room. Our world was never enough for it, and if it takes this one too… it will never be enough.” Dexio nodded. “If Necrozma and the Prism leader’s ambitions are one in the same, then yes, it was probably not targeting your world; it just found yours.” Luna continued looking at the book. “Needless to say, we were outmatched by it at first.” _____________________________________________________ The draconic Necrozma roared an ear-shattering roar at the two princesses, who already began to charge their horns. Shooting beams at it, Necrozma simply created a bright-yellow aural shield that blocked and neutralized their attacks. It then thrust the shield at Celestia, who gasped and froze in shock over this creature’s might. “Sister!” Luna checked her sister out of the way, taking the shield into her body as she was knocked back inside the castle. “Luna!” Celestia galloped to her sister, who was quick to get up. “Art thou alright?” She tried to light her horn up again, only to find it could only produce small flickers. “Our… our magic!” Celestia turned back to the balcony as Necrozma landed on the ground, its height allowing it to see inside the balcony at the two princesses. “What quarrel doth thou have with us, fiend? Answer us!” Its mouth then curled into a smile as it produced an eerie laugh as if it were being listened to in reverse. _____________________________________________________ “Our magic was useless. Its Psychic powers were far too strong. It must have thought we were not a threat, because it left us to terrorize neighboring towns and cities, hoping to reduce our world to ruin to start the foundation of its own.” “This is incredible!” Twilight pressed her hoof to her temple, overwhelmed by this information. “How has no other pony known about this?” “Much like the Crystal Empire and my banishment, they quickly became forgotten.” “But,” Sam huffed, “I have to imagine Equestria’s far from the desolate wasteland that Necrozma tried turning it into. So, how’d you beat it?” Luna then looked to Sun and Lillie, who seemed haunted by their eyes meeting hers. “Clearly, the fact that Necrozma is trying its hand at another siege is testament to us not defeating it. Instead, we were only able to send it away.” “How?” Alice asked. “…A miracle.” _____________________________________________________ Inside their chambers, Celestia and Luna stood before each other, the sound of screaming from ponies outside their doors and the roars of Necrozma getting closer making them anxious. The two sisters gave each other one last hug before the entire door and wall was torn away, the ceiling and roof coming out shortly after. As Necrozma looked down upon them, they both picked up a pair of shields and held them defiantly at it. Celestia’s shield was adorned with steel and copper, finished to give it the appearance of a blazing sun. Luna’s was a darker darker in color and had a crescent moon lining the right side of it. Even with Necrozma’s towering appearance, Celestia and Luna held firm to their only means of defense. Necrozma let out a chuckle before it lunged down on the pair. Celestia and Luna touched horns, the magic forming on each strengthening twofold. The magic transferred to their shields and covered them in an even brighter, more intense aura. Celestia’s appeared to be ablaze with fire while Luna’s sparkled like a glittering night sky. Magic erupted from the shields and launched themselves at Necrozma, who could not react fast enough before the spells covered its entire body, entrapping it in a tornado of fire and starlight that quickly transformed into a pillar of white, blinding light. Two streams of magic were then pulled from the pillar and embedded themselves into each of their shields, which were pulled from their grasp and floated up into the air. Celestia and Luna watched aghast as the intensity of the energy bent and morphed the shields until they were a thick liquid that swirled themselves into two metal spheres. As the shields took more and more energy from the pillar of light, the spheres shone brighter and hotter until they too were just as bright, getting bigger and brighter by the second. Then, to their amazement, the sphere’s stretched out and contoured themselves into bodies and heads. The aura before Celesita grew four large limbs, paws, and a tail like a lion, finishing as a sun-shaped mane spiked out around its neck. Luna watched as the one before her grew massive, thin wings and a conical head with a crescent-shape atop its head. The last wisps of light from the pillar were absorbed into the creatures that formed, leaving Necrozma as a smaller, obsidian-bodied creature. Necrozma, weakened, fell to a single knee and looked at the two creatures with its colorful, trapezoidal eyes, and with a bursting of the light, Solgaleo and Lunala emerged, roaring out at the new life they had been given. _____________________________________________________ Luna looked around the room, and there wasn’t a single closed mouth among any human or Equestrian. She grimaced, the truth finally let out. Lillie in particular breathed heavily. “So… Solgaleo… Lunala… they were created by you?” Pinkie Pie's mouth was nearly to the floor. “Super... mega... ultra... plot twist!” “Solgaleo… Lunala…” Luna smiled warmly and closed her eyes. “What lovely names you humans have bestowed onto them.” “Hold on!” Gladion shouted. “What about when they were Cosmogs? Or Cosmoems? Lillie, Sun, show them!” “Does it matter?” Sun sounded defeated and emotionally drained. “Whether they came to our world as Solgaleo and Lunala or a pair of young Cosmogs, it’s all the same in the end.” “What happened to them?” Hau asked. “I mean, on your world?” Luna reflected further. _____________________________________________________ Solgaleo headbutted into Necrozma, sending it into Lunala’s wing, who swatted it away. Celestia and Luna could only watch fearfully as the two creatures had their way with the malevolent being. After a dual hit, Necrozma was knocked several yards away, further into the ruins of the castle. Standing up onto its feet, it noted the distance between itself and the two, clenching its fists with finality. It threw them out and glowed brightly, causing the atmosphere around it to ripple and bend, appearing more liquid than solid. Solgaleo and Lunala cried out as they both charged it, also starting to glow brightly. Celestia and Luna gasped at the auspiciousness of their illumination. “No!” Luna cried. “Stop!” Solgaleo and Lunala collided with Necrozma, shattering and fragmenting the space around their area like glass. There was a warbled combined scream of all three creatures before a light shone from each shard and covered the area in a light neither Celestia nor Luna could see through. _____________________________________________________ “After that…” Luna sighed mournfully. “I never saw them again. That is… until yesterday, before I was brought here.” “Luna…” Twilight approached her. “You knew about them this whole time? And you never thought to tell me?” She looked away, ashamed. “I didn’t have any idea when the best time to tell you could be, and I beg your forgiveness for it. I could hardly believe it myself, but…” She then looked between each human in the room, getting out from her seat. “Can I see them? Do you have them with you?” “Yes, of course.” Sun pulled the Poké Balls off his belt and readied to throw them. “Wait!” Thorax yelled. “What if they freak out again and bring more Equestrians here?” “It will be fine,” Twilight answered, putting her hoof to his shoulder assuringly. “I met them both yesterday, and they didn’t freak out. In fact, there was something about them that made me feel incredibly calm and safe. I didn’t really understand why then… but now I do.” Sun turned to the empty spot of the atrium and lobbed the balls out far enough away so that when they opened, Solgaleo and Lunala had more than enough room to stand and stretch their stiff and tired limbs out, glad to be free from their balls. Each of the Equestrians were also compelled to get out of their seats or wherever they stood and walked out toward the two Pokémon, standing beside Sun as they looked down on their unfamiliar faces. “And now that I understand,” Twilight concluded, “I can feel it so clearly… the magic of Princess Celestia and Luna within them.” Luna stepped up first, approaching Lunala as it looked down on her, frowning with the insatiable nag of familiarity. With each step forward she took, Luna could visibly remember more of the Pokémon that floated before her, and as she got closer, Lunala’s face grew softer, noting her flowing, sparkling mane and her strong, powerful wings. Lunala brought its head down, the end of its nose just inches from Luna’s. By now Luna could hardly contain herself, letting out two childlike sobs to finally meet the creation she lost after over a thousand years. “Lunala… It’s me… Luna.” Smiling, Lunala pushed its face beneath Luna’s underside, letting her hug its face and cry onto it, reunited after so very long. “I’m sorry!” She choked up. “I’m so sorry!” Solgaleo crouched down and looked down on Luna. Recognizing her as well, it opened its mouth just slightly and gave Luna a gentle lick along her left side. Despite the emotions running through her, Luna couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh how I wish Celestia was here to see you again!” Luna reached for Solgaleo’s snout, bringing it into her hug. Not a single eye among the Equestrians was dry. As Pinkie Pie sniffled, holding a box of tissues on her hoof, Rainbow Dash tore one out and blew as hard as she could, overcome with the joy she felt for Luna in this moment. “It’s like I never even left her,” Discord wept. “I still can’t believe it…” Sun covered his mouth and shook his head. “I just can’t…” Luna continued holding on to Lunala, completely attached to it. Her horn then began to glow as Lunala’s eyes flickered with magenta before blinking them, something Twilight just barely caught from the corner of her eye. It was then that Luna’s horn began to charge even brighter. “Luna.” Twilight approached her, but Luna didn’t appear to humor her, and her grip on Lunala’s face began to weaken. “Luna!” Luna gulped for air as she opened her eyes, which had become completely white. Luna found herself standing inside the barren, blackened crater of Ten Karat Hill, the sudden bleakness of her surroundings frightening her. Looking to her right, she found a small army of painted, shirtless tan-skinned warriors, each one with a taiaha in one hand and a shield made from polished, fortified tree bark in the other. Joining each of their sides were several Pokémon, including Lycanrocs, Kommo-O’s, Alolan Marowaks, and Alolan Persians. Standing to Luna’s right was a lone person with a wool cloak and hood that obscured their face. Behind them, Necrozma stood, awaiting the army’s advance. What frightened Luna even more was that Solgaleo and Lunala also stood by this person’s side, but their bodies were covered in armor similar to the material of Necrozma’s body. Along with a pair of Necrozma’s arms on Solgaleo’s back and Lunala’s waist, giving them an extra set of limbs, they also wore similar helmets with a triangular icon of colored fragments on the foreheads. “Solgaleo, Lunala…” Luna was devastated. “What has it done to you?” With a chorus of shouts, the army and their Pokémon rushed the human and three creatures. With a simple point of its arm, Solgaleo and Lunala screamed out and ran to meet the army in the center. Necrozma threw its arms down, launching two lazers of light that exploded violently out, once again filling Luna’s vision with blinding white. Luna swooned as her vision returned, Twilight and Spike both catching her before she could fall over. “Luna!” Spike grunted as he pushed her back up. “What happened? Your horn started acting weird, and then your eyes turned white, and…” He stopped himself as Luna looked back up to Lunala, her eyes now filled with fear with what she saw from her vision. She looked to Solgaleo too, and as she looked back to the book still on the table, her breathing got shaky and filled with sadness. “Luna…” Twilight lowered her head down to look up to her. “What did you see?” “Something I should have seen before they were first born.” Luna sniffed once, looking to Sun and Lillie who were uncertain why she would do so. “Celestia and I drew from Necrozma’s power to create those two. Necrozma still resides within them, and that means…” “Luna?” Starlight walked to her friends, joining Twilight’s side. “What are you saying?” With a rueful turn of the head, she looked into Lunala’s eyes, which were filled with confusion and a lack of understanding. With a single sob, a tear fell down from each of Luna’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks to the floor. She then mustered the strength to look into those innocent eyes again. “I’m so sorry, Lunala.” Charging her horn at full intensity, Luna grabbed Lunala’s neck with her magic and slammed its head on the ground, Lunala unable to breath or cry for help as Luna proceeded to choke the life out of it. > Chapter 62 – Lunar Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The humans, ponies, and Pokémon around gasped at the sight as Luna attempted to kill Lunala. “Luna?!” Twilight took a step forward, feeling fearful to take another. “What are you doing?!” “NO, STOP!” Lillie shrieked. Luna choked through Lunala’s gags as it failed to take in air, fighting to keep its eyes open. “This has to be done! Otherwise, it will–” “Solgaleo!” On Sun’s call, Solgaleo’s face brightened up as a cone of magenta light formed around its face. With a whip forward of its head, the cone launched itself at Luna, only for Starlight to pull her away from its path. Meanwhile, Twilight formed a shield spell that broke upon the cone striking it, but neutralized it as well. Solgaleo stared at the three ponies with a newfound mistrust while Lunala flapped its wings and hid behind both it and Sun for protection, now frightened. “What the hell did you just try to do?” Sun growled at Luna, his eyes full of hellish fury. “Sun, everyone, please listen!” She looked and scanned her eyes between everyone inside the room. “That vision I just had, something evil lives in those two, and if we don’t stop it, Necrozma’s plan will not stop, even if we are sent home.” “What are you talking about?” Gladion barked. “What’s living inside Solgaleo and Lunala?” “As I said, Celestia and I drew power from Necrozma to give those two creatures life. It isn’t just influencing Team Prism and their leader; it also lives within Solgaleo and Lunala, and Necrozma intends to use them as pawns, just like Prism’s grunts!” “Could that be why…” Burnet’s face shot up as all the color drained from it. “Oh god. Is that why they’ve been having those meltdowns?” “No…” Lillie shook her head, feeling trapped. “No, no! That can’t be true!” “It has to be, Lillie. Among everyone in this room, you probably know those two the most. What other reason would there be for them to so violently tear these creatures from their home? In fact, it’s probably what Necrozma was trying to do through them; trying to forcibly meld those two worlds together.” “But…” Lillie backed away from Burnet, feeling betrayed. “We can’t just kill them! They’re just sick! We can heal them, we know how now!” “And how would you plan on doing that?” Twilight asked. “If Necrozma is indeed the source of their power, there’d be no way to remove it without killing either of them.” “We’ll find a way!” she screamed back, tears falling out of her eyes. “I won’t give up on them!” “We have no time for this!” Luna shouted. “Sun, Lillie, I know how much these Pokémon must mean to you, but something is coming that’s greater than all of that, and if you don’t let me do this, you will allow your world to be doomed along with ours!” Sun glared down on the princess, though she held her ground emotionally. “I won’t let any harm come to either of our worlds, but I also won’t let any harm come to them at the hands of our enemies. So tell me, Luna, are you a friend… or an enemy?” Luna hissed, disgusted by Sun’s impossible choice. “I am a princess of Equestria, Sun. And as a princess, it is my sworn duty to protect the lives of all who live in Equestria from any thing that would threaten them… and right now… those two Pokémon behind you are the greatest threat to Equestria at this very moment.” Sun closed his eyes, regretful of what he was about to do. “So you refuse to see. Solgaleo, Lunala.” With a snap of his fingers, Lunala floated out around Solgaleo as both of their bodies lit up with a light magenta glow. The aura appeared around Luna, suddenly bringing her to her shins as she moaned and cried loudly, unable to stand back up. “Luna!” Twilight and Starlight ran around her and charged their horns, their auras covering the two Pokémon. To their horror, they simply bounced off their bodies and spread out in a light spray before disappearing entirely, neither Solgaleo nor Lunala appearing the least bit affected by the magic. “I am an administrator of the Aether Foundation.” Sun snapped his fingers again, and with a flap of its wings, Twilight and Starlight were blown off their hooves and thrown down back to their Equestrians friends. “Twilight! Starlight!” Spike ran to their aid, helping them as they weakly got up. “And as an Aether Foundation admin,” Sun continued, “it is my vow to protect Pokémon from harm…” Rainbow Dash scowled as she flew as fast as she could at Solgaleo’s head, only to crash into an invisible forcefield that rippled with light upon her head hitting it. Sun watched emotionlessly as Rainbow Dash fell limply to the floor beside Luna. “…these two especially.” The Equestrians looked on fearfully as Luna was pushed in on by Solgaleo and Lunala’s power. Even Gladion and Lillie were too afraid to move. Hau, however, found the insidious light shining in Sun’s eyes a too uncomfortable sight to see any longer, and he tore a Ultra Ball from his belt, throwing it out. “Pangoro! Brutal Swing!” Hau’s bear Pokémon leapt out from the energy that shot out of the ball, and with a slash of its arm, the black aura that trailed out of its claws lashed into Solgaleo and Lunala, harshly knocking them back. Freed from the hold, Luna crawled back to her hooves, Rainbow Dash coming up with her. Pangoro then landed on the ground in front of them, facing Solgaleo and Lunala as they reared back for attack. “Hau!” Sun yelled. “What the hell are you doing?” “I can ask you the same thing, Sun! You’re seriously going to lecture Luna about being a protector while you try and kill her?” “You saw what she tried to do to Lunala! If it weren’t for me, she would have killed it first!” “Don’t test me, Sun, not now. I’ll take those two down myself if you let them get anywhere near the ponies again, you understand me?!” “That’s enough! Gladion, Lillie, help them!” “Right!” Sam shot his gaze over as Gladion threw out his Poké Ball first. “Lucario, Aura Sphere!” His blue-and-black jackal already had a blue aura charged in between its paws as it shot out from the ball and with a dual-handed throw, it launched the aura sphere and struck Pangoro in the chest, sending it to the ground. “No!” Sam threw a Poké Ball out next. “Doublade, Brick Break!” Sam’s Pokémon soared out of its ball and struck Lucario in the side of the neck with one of its swords, pointing the tip of its other at its head to keep it from trying another move. Lillie tossed out her Poké Ball, her Rapidash appearing from the energy that shot out of it. “Rapidash, attack Doublade with Flare–” Her command was interrupted by the angry growl of Lycanroc, who stood to Rapidash’s right with its jowls raised, revealing each tooth in its mouth. “Go ahead,” Alice sternly taunted. “Tell it to use Flare Blitz.” Alice and Lillie knew that she wouldn’t. Pangoro got itself up, resuming its guarding of Luna and Rainbow Dash from Solgaleo and Lunala. Lady and Comfey whined, frightened of the tense standoff that had been created. “Hau!” Sun cried out again. “How could you? After everything we’ve been through, you’d do something like this?” “Don’t pin this on me, man,” Hau venomously replied, “you’re the one who attacked Luna.” Sun pressed his lips together. “You know one of those is Nebby, right? You really want his blood on your hands? You want to have that on your conscience for the rest of your life?!” Hau let out a queasy breath. “I’m aware who that is. The same Nebby who could never stay in Lillie’s bag. The one we fought Team Skull and the Aether Foundation to protect.” “Then why would you do it?!” Sun choked back tears. “After all you two have gone through together… after everything we’ve been through together. You’d really snuff it all out like that?” The silence that followed was strangely unexpected, and each human, Equestrian, and Pokémon in the room was on edge, unwilling to be the one to break the treacherous silence until… “Yeah…” Sun gasped at Hau’s reply. “We had some great times, didn’t we; the four of us? They were the best days of my life…” Sun appeared to soften just a little. “But then… you started keeping secrets from me.” Sun tensed up again, knowing that Hau was now irrevocably lost to him. “All this time, Dexio, someone I thought became our enemy almost overnight… turns out that was all you. Twilight, Luna, Spike, Trixie, Thorax, Fluttershy, Starlight… all terrorized and frightened for their lives for a little information… information that you hate enough, apparently, to try and harm these ponies all over again.” “And what if she’s lying?” Sun asked. “What if the Necrozma inside of Lunala fed them some hallucination to try and make her kill…” Sun began to stop what he was doing, realizing the stupidity of his desperate excuse. Hau relaxed himself into a calmer state of mind. “Sun, buddy, you know that this is the very last thing that I would ever want. For you, for Lillie, Gladion… and for Solgaleo and Lunala most of all. But if Luna is right about them, and I have no reason to see why she wouldn’t be, then you know that as Kahuna of Melemele Island, and as someone endowed with a Pokémon like Marshadow to help me save both our worlds, I must take these two down to save everyone and everything else.” Sun’s head dropped down, his shoulders and chest heaving as he sobbed hoarsely. Hau took a deep breath, forced to keep the sadness Sun was letting out deep inside of himself. “I’m sorry, Sun.” “Then I’m sorry too, Hau…” He then brought his chest up, his eyes wide open and filled with anxious adrenaline. “…because I’m not ready to give up on them quite yet!” “Dammit!” Sam bolted out with his Doublade toward Sun, Solgaleo and Lunala, leaving Lucario and Gladion behind. “Sam!” Pinkie Pie cried. “What are you doing?!” “Saving our worlds, what does it look like?!” “Get back here!” Gladion shouted. “Lucario, Psychic!” Sam ran past Hau, allowing him to redirect his attention to Gladion. “Pangoro, block it and hit him with Hammer Arm.” Pangoro leapt over Sam, Doublade, and Hau and stood between them and Lucario as it channeled its psychic energy into Pangoro, only for it to fade away the moment it touched its body. Lucario froze up as its attack was useless, Pangoro swinging the side of its balled fist into the center of Lucario’s chest, sending him flying back and crashing into Gladion, sending them both sliding back toward Alice and Lillie. “Gladion!” With Lillie distracted by her brother’s incapacitation, Alice and Lycanroc both bolted away, running off to join Sam’s side as he faced Sun, Solgaleo and Lunala. “Wait! Rapidash, hit Lycanroc with Smart Strike!” Rapidash galloped toward the two, Alice looking back as the horse easily gained on them, its horn shining with a metallic sheen. Lycanroc twisted around, ready to take the attack as Rapidash bowed its head down. Just then, Dexio, his jacket now zipped up on him, teleported between the two Pokémon with his Alakazam. Dexio did not appear concerned as Rapidash continued onwards. “Alakazam, Psychic!” Alakazam crossed the two bowls of its spoons over each other, catching Rapidash’s horn in them. Though the force pushed hard into its chest, Alakazam still managed to hold strong, and with its spoons both surging with energy, it threw them back out, sending Rapidash whinnying off its feet and landing on its side before Lillie. “No,” she yelled, “Rapidash.” Hau watched as Alice and Lycanroc finally got to Sam and Doublade’s sides. “Okay, I’ll leave you guys to it!” Hau ran back to Pangoro to join Dexio and Alakazam, Dexio and Lucario getting to their own feet as Lillie’s Rapidash rose to join them. “Luna,” Alice called, “Rainbow Dash, join the others. This is a battle we don’t need you in the crossfires for.” “You can’t expect us to do nothing!” Rainbow Dash cried. “Protect them!” Alice shouted back. “Protect each other! If this whole thing starts going south, we can’t afford for any of you guys to get hurt too!” “You better listen to your friends,” Sun advised. “Your friends are out for blood, and if you get in my way, I’ll be out for yours too.” Rainbow Dash huffed, frightened by the seriousness and brutal honesty of Sun’s promise. “Rainbow Dash,” Luna advised, “we should leave them to fight; that much I can agree with Sun on.” With a regretful breath, Rainbow Dash and Luna galloped back to rejoin Starlight and Twilight, who watched the two battles about to unfold. Sun focused on Sam and Alice and their Pokémon, all ready to go and fight. “Are you willing to face them? Are you really that eager to slay such magnificent Pokémon?” “We didn’t come into this to save Solgaleo and Lunala,” Sam huffed, jerking his head back to the Equestrians, “we did it to save them. And if killing those two will save their world, ours, and everything that lives in them, that’s a battle my Pokémon and I are willing to fight.” “And that goes double for me, you selfish bastard!” Alice exclaimed with a shaken fist. “Selfish? Me?” Sun couldn’t help but somberly laugh. “For wanting to save the two Pokémon most dear to me over something they can’t even help?!” “You keep on repeating that,” Sam retorted. “See how much comfort it gives you when Necrozma uses them to usher in its bold new world.” Sun exhaled again, taking Solgaleo and Lunala’s two Poké Balls from his belt. “Fine. You refuse to see too. I’ll make you see.” Sun aimed both balls at the Pokémon, the red beams returning them both inside. After placing them back on his belt, he took two other Poké Balls and threw them out in one hand. “Go, Decidueye, Incineroar!” Both balls burst open, the energy spilling out forming into Sun’s leafy owl and muscular cat as they landed upon the ground. The two of them roared and screeched at Lycanroc and Doublade, neither of whom retreated or recoiled in the slightest. Sam suddenly clenched his stomach with a pang of forgetfulness, pulling his jacket up from around his waist, he felt the Dusk Stone inside the right pocket. “You went through all that trouble,” Sun chided, “and you still haven’t evolved him yet. That’s good, now you can experience the pain you’ve chosen to put me through. Decidueye, Incineroar! Attack Doublade with Spirit Shackle and Darkest Lariat!” Decidueye pulled an arrow with its hood’s drawstring and aimed while Incineroar’s went aflame with a deep, red fire. Sam fumbled the Dusk Stone out from his pocket, panting loudly as his chances of evolving it in time were getting slimmer and slimmer. “I got you, bro!” Alice shouted. “Lycanroc, hit Incineroar with Stone Edge!” Lycanroc pressed its front paws into the ground and shot up on them. Throwing its arms up as well, a pillar of rock jutted out just to the left of Incineroar, throwing it off to the side and nearly colliding it into Decidueye, forcing it to withdraw its arrow before it could miss its shot. Sam, his Dusk Stone held firmly in hand, ran out at Doublade and pressed the stone into the back of its plaque. Regaining their footing, Incineroar and Decidueye looked up and saw as Doublade became a shape of pure white light. Burnet and the Equestrians were amazed as Sam’s Dusk Stone turned to a sparkling dust that infused itself with Doublade as it turned to face Sam. Even Hau and Dexio felt safe to turn around and watch with Lillie and Gladion as Doublade became a swirling green aura. Doublade’s swords, once crossed, rotated until both tips were aimed at the ground. As they pressed into each other, fusing into one, its single blade stretched down and out, the sides curving slightly inward and its tip slightly jagged. The cloths at the end of each pommel receded inside as the hilt and cross-guard widened out. The ends of the cross-guard pointed up like shoulder-pads as two cloth arms sprouted from each one. Finally, its plaque, now facing Sun and his Pokémon, expanded and rounded out into a shield just slightly over half its size. Sun grew furious as Doublade’s evolution neared completion. “Guys, attack!” Decidueye drew its arrow again as Incineroar charged with its hands still on fire. Sam smiled with greater confidence, knowing that it was now too late for them as his Pokémon’s final form was achieved. “Aegislash! Block them with King’s Shield!” Decidueye loosed its arrow, whizzing past Incineroar as it continued to run out. Aegislash slid its new arms between its blade and its shield as it tensed its body as it became all white again. With the arrow striking the center of the shield, bouncing off and away, the light shattered, revealing itself to everyone inside. It opened its single eye in the center of the cross-guard, which matched the purple tips on the ends of its cloth arms sticking out on both sides of its shield. Incineroar leapt and twisted, spinning fast as it kept its right arm out to strike down. Angling itself to take the attack, Aegislash tensed up once again, but upon Incineroar’s arm swinging around and down, a gridded wall of bright hexagons prevented its claws from reaching Aegislash’s shield. Sun gasped as his Pokémon’s hand was bounced off the wall with such force that it spun it the other way, forcing it to land hard on its side. Clutching its upper arm, Incineroar slowly backed up to rejoin Decidueye’s side. “Whoa, that was cool!” Rainbow Dash breathed out. “Don’t get too excited yet,” Applejack said. “If this isn’t gonna’ be Sam and Alice’s toughest battle yet, I don’t know what will.” Twilight and Luna both looked out past Hau and Dexio, who were still deadlocked in a stalemate with neither them nor Lillie and Gladion willing to make an attack. “Hau, please!” Gladion appeared ill as he was mentally torn in every conceivable direction. “I don’t want to fight you!” “Then don’t!” Hau on the other hand, was reserved and decided. “Just because Sun won’t make the sacrifice we need to doesn’t mean you can’t too.” “Hau, listen to yourself!” Lillie shouted. “We can’t let Solgaleo and Lunala die! If that’s the last thing you wanted, you’d help us find a way!” “And how long will that take to find it?” Dexio yelled back. “Even if we can get the ponies home tomorrow, Prism will go straight after Solgaleo and Lunala next, and you know they’ll stop at nothing to get Necrozma’s power back, and if that happens, we’re all doomed, and those two will be lost to you forever!” Lillie brought her head down and fought hard to hold back her tears. Gladion himself started breathing louder, the words finally sinking in. “Lillie!” Twilight shouted. “I know how much you love those two, but what about Luna? She and Celestia made them, and she’s willing to do what needs to be done to save all of us and stop Team Prism dead in their tracks! If she can make such an impossible decision, so can you!” Lillie sobbed, about to fall to her knees. Before she could, Gladion and Lucario both caught her pulling her back to her feet. Looking up to her brother, his face now red with a stream of tears down each cheek. Knowing his decision was made, she fell into his chest, hugging it tight. “I don’t want to!” she wept. “I don’t even think I could!” “We have to be strong,” he said. “For them. For everyone.” Sun, Sam, Alice, their Pokémon were all witness to this, the former breathing through his clenched teeth, his sad frown slowly morphing into an livid scowl. “You traitors!” Sun screamed. “I thought you loved them!” “I do, Sun!” Lillie pushed off her brother and turned to face him, standing between Dexio and Hau. “And I will always love them, but I can’t continue loving them if they turn against us!” “Just like you’re doing to me!” “Sun, for god’s sake!” Gladion stepped up to join Hau’s side. “We’re not your enemy here!” “If you choose to stand against me, then you sure as hell are!” “And if Team Prism takes them, they’ll be your enemy too! Will you fight them then like you’re fighting us?!” “That will never happen! I will protect them, even if I have to do it alone!” Alice threw a pointed finger out. “Let’s see if you can even stop the two of us! Lycanroc, hit Decidueye with Crunch!” Lycanroc ran out at the owl, and it leapt up and clamped onto its left wing, which it held up to protect the rest of itself. Decidueye winced hard as Lycanroc bit down as hard as it could. “Decidueye, Leaf Blade!” Sun ordered. “Incineroar, Cross Chop!” Decidueye wound its wing in, the ends of its feathers running against Lycanroc’s stomach. Then, with a swing out, it sliced its wing against the wolf’s gut, forcing it to let go and get thrown back to the ground. As it tumbled, Incineroar was already running after it, and with its wrists crossed together and its flattened hands pointing downward, it brought both arms up, striking them both in the center of Lycanroc’s chest. Alice watched fearfully as her Pokémon flew high above her head. “Lycanroc!” “Heads up!” Shining Armor leapt over his friends and sister before falling over to his side beneath where the wolf would fall. It landed against his gut, forcing a hard grunt from him. Lycanroc bounced up and got to its paws, running back to join Alice. “Quick thinking!” Sam cheered. “Now, Aegislash, hit Incineroar with Sacred Sword!” Aegislash leapt out of the enarme of its shield, and with a twirl, caught it with the end of its left cloth arm. It then raced out at Incineroar, its entire blade glowing a bright, neon blue. With a full-spinning swing, Aegislash struck Incineroar in the chest, sending it sliding back to Sun and Decidueye. Returning to Sam, Incineroar fell to one knee, weakened by the attacks it endured. “Dammit!” Sun took a Poké Ball from his belt and aimed it at Incineroar, bringing it back inside. “Don’t think that this is anywhere close to over, because once we’re through with you, Hau, Gladion, Dexio… you’re next. Go, Primarina!” Throwing his next ball out, a white sea-lion with a blue mermaid’s tail, long turquoise hair, and a pink ball-tipped nose plopped to the ground upon forming from the ball’s energy. “Fine with me!” Alice spoke. “We still have the first move. Lycanroc, hit Decidueye with another Crunch!” Lycanroc ran out again and leapt up. “Decidueye, dodge it!” Bending its legs back, Decidueye fell backward and let Lycanroc fly over it. “That’s it! Now hit Aegislash with Spirit Shackle!” Decidueye sprung back up and readied another arrow in its drawstring as Aegislash held its shield in front of its blade. With no further distractions, Decidueye fired its arrow straight and true at the center of Aegislash’s shadow. With a pulse of light that spread out from the impact of the shadow, Aegislash cried out as a similar ring ran over its body, a crack seeping dark fog now appearing on its shield. “Ha!” Sun clenched his fist. “Let’s see your Pokémon try and fight now!” It was true; as Aegislash tried to move, it found that its shield anchored it down. Sam looked down where the arrow was, and with an epiphany coming into his head, he glanced back up, his mouth slightly open. “Aegislash, let it go!” Sun sneered. “Let what g– oh!” Aegislash took its arm out of its shield and floated high above it. Sam smiled as the arrow in the shield’s shadow pinned it in midair, the only thing that held it down. “Nice!” Sam threw a pointed finger at Sun’s other Pokémon. “Alright, now attack Primarina with Iron Head!” Aegislash shot down at Primarina, the tip of its blade aimed squarely at it. With tremendous force, the end of the blade jutted into Primarina’s waist, slamming the side of its body to the floor. “Great job, Sam!” Alice exclaimed. “Lycanroc, use Crunch again!” With Lycanroc still behind Decidueye, it reared itself up for another attack. “Decidueye!” Sun shouted. “Finish Lycanroc off with Leaf Blade!” Alice’s wolf Pokémon jumped at Decidueye who wound its right arm in and let it bite down on it. It then twisted back and lifted its arm high over its head, bringing Lycanroc with it. Following through, Decidueye brought its arm down to the floor, a small burst of leaves and grass flying up into the air as Lycanroc was slammed on the cold surface. Decidueye quickly freed its arm and hopped back once, allowing the dust to settle and reveal Lycanroc fainted and motionless on the ground. “Lycanroc!” Alice shouted. “Don’t worry about it, I got this.” Sam kept his focus on Primarina. “Aegislash, hit her with another Iron Head!” Sun aimed each finger of his hand at Sam’s encroaching Pokémon. “Primarina, Scald!” Breathing in and tilting its head back, Primarina threw its head forward and shot a hefty stream of water at the sword, steam spewing off from it. Aegislash appeared to pierce through it, spraying the water in many directions. It connected with Primarina’s face and nearly threw it back down, though Primarina was able to catch itself this time. The spray of boiling water flew out along the battlefield and threatened to hit Alice, Sam, and the four others behind them with their Pokémon. “Guys!” Twilight charged her horn and covered the water with her magic, quickly freezing it and turning it to snow. Starlight also lit up her horn and conjured a wind that blew the snow safely away from the battle. The two shared a look and nodded, appreciating each others' teamwork. As Aegislash returned to Sam, he couldn’t help but be off put by the mark that appeared on the tip as if it had been held to a flame. “No, it’s burned.” Sam could only watch as Aegislash rubbed at its mark with its cloth arms, moaning as it applied pressure to it. “That’s it!” Sun spat. “Let’s see how well it can hit me now!” Alice returned her fainted Lycanroc to its ball, replacing it with another on her belt. “Shouldn’t be much left of either of you when this bad boy’s though with you. Let’s do this, Raichu!” Tossing her next ball out, her electric mouse swirled around her body before taking its spot next to Aegislash. “Second verse same as the first!” Alice threw her finger at Primarina. “Hit Primarina with Thunderbolt!” Raichu pressed its paws to its cheeks, filling its arms with its electricity. With a winding back of both arms, Raichu clapped them together, shooting the bolt out at Primarina where its paw tips were aiming. Primarina convulsed as the voltage raced through its body, screaming out at the intense pain of its muscles forcing themselves to contract. “Decidueye, save her with U-Turn!” Hearing Sun loud and clear, Decidueye flapped its wings and brought itself halfway between the floor and the ceiling. Upon getting the necessary air, it dove down at Raichu, and upon getting near it, it swung its legs around and dug its talons into Raichu’s skin, making it squeal in agony. Letting go, Decidueye pushed off Raichu and pulled its claws out, soaring back at Sun while Raichu struggled to stay on its board. Sun held a Poké Ball in his left hand as Decidueye flew out at the center button of the one in his right. As it got closer, the red beam connected with Decidueye and converted it into the same energy, receding into the ball at once. He then threw the ball in his left hand out, sending Incineroar back out. Despite the beating it took, it appeared far stronger than it did after Aegislash’s King’s Shield. With dark steam rising off of Primarina’s body, it brought itself back into its relaxed position, satisfying Sun. “That’s it, Primarina! Now, strike back with Ice Beam!” Opening its mouth once again, mist spilled out from the sides as its tongue frosted over. With a shout filled with vibrato, a freezing beam shot out of its mouth and struck Raichu. As it hugged itself to keep warm, a cloud of snow formed around it, blanketing it until no one could see through it. Sun scoffed as he tore his focus away from Primarina and Raichu. “Sorry, guys. Aegislash, finish off Incineroar with Sacred Sword!” Aegislash shot out with its blade blazing up with blue. It swung its sword and shifted about, keeping Incineroar unsure of where its attack would land. Putting one fist atop the other, Sam jammed both of them forward. Aegislash responded by running the tip of its blade into Incineroar’s gut and sending it off its feet, its eyes bulging as the air was forced out of its lungs. “Incineroar!” His cat landed on its back before him, its arms spread out wide. With a weak raising of its head, Incineroar saw Aegislash floating over it. With a final breath, it rested its head down on the ground and laid still, unable to fight any longer. “Yes, Sam!” Hau shouted. “You guys are actually doing it!” Gladion glanced back toward Burnet and the Equestrians, all of whom stayed silent over what the battle would ultimately amount to. He was particularly disheartened to see Pinkie Pie so silent and nervous. “Fight on,” Starlight whispered under her breath. Sun returned his Incineroar back into its ball before looking where Raichu was, his Primarina just finishing its attack. After a short while, a shape fell from the mist and landed on the ground with a large clink. As the mist faded, Alice was horrified to see Raichu stiff as stone as it stood on its tail, only able to whimper and moan as the chill pricked at it. “No, Raichu! Hold on, I–” Turning around, she found that her bag was not sitting near her, looking over the Equestrians behind her to see it on the table along with Sam’s. “No, dammit!” “And now your Raichu’s stuck,” Sun taunted. “Now it can’t escape from this! Come back out, Decidueye! Finish Raichu off with Spirit Shackle!” Decidueye drew an arrow, aiming at the small bit of shade formed from Raichu’s head. “And Primarina, take Aegislash out with Sparkling Aria!” Primarina hoisted itself off its flippers and held them up as it opened its mouth as if belting a high note. A sphere of water grew out in the space above its head as smaller aqueous balls bubbled out and flew out around, over, and beneath Aegislash. It looked about, unable to find its window of escape. Decidueye let its arrow fly, striking Raichu’s shadow’s forehead. The force pushed with the same intensity against Raichu’s head, a smoking gash appearing there as the bits of ice around it shattered off. Raichu tipped to its side and drew a last breath before falling unconscious, the gash fading away with a puff. “Raichu!” Alice fell to her knees and cradled her Pokémon, doing her best to keep it warm. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” Primarina clapped its hands, the orbs surrounding Aegislash popping in rapid succession, each one letting out short soprano vocal notes that in succession produced an otherwise pleasant melody. The water that exploded pelted Aegislash in all directions until it was caught up in a dizzying whirlpool of song. The water became still for a moment with Aegislash floating inside of it before it all dropped and spread along the floor, washing into everyone’s feet, paws, and hooves. Once the water settled, the Equestrians were afraid to see Aegislash and Raichu both fainted. “No, Raichu!” Fluttershy cried. “Aegislash!” “This isn’t over!” Trixie bellowed. “You get back up on your feet and keep fighting, you dolts!” Sam pursed his lips, incensed by his Pokémon’s motionless body and Trixie’s taunt. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Alice stood up with her Raichu as she took its ball from her belt. Sam detached Aegislash’s ball and pointed it at it, both he and Alice returning their Pokémon to them at the same time. “Hah,” Sun breathed out. “Three of your Pokémon already brought down while I’ve only lost one. Are you really set on continuing this fight?” “Oh shut the hell up, Sun!” Sam took another Poké Ball from his belt. “We’ve already done some work to those two, and my next Pokémon should finish the job. Alice?” “Oh yeah.” She showed him her ball. “Mine too.” “Then we keep fighting! Go, Lurantis!” Sam and Alice threw both their balls out. “You’re up, Mimikyu!” Both Pokémon burst from their balls, standing in front of their trainers and facing Decidueye and Primarina with the vigor of fighting the strongest Pokémon they’ve never seen before. “Mimikyu,” Sun spoke under his breath. “I remember that trial…” “Go, Mimikyu!” Alice commanded. “Hit Decidueye with Shadow Claw!” Mimikyu ran out at Sun’s owl and leapt up, its arms sliding out from under its disguise. Sun was visibly ready. “Decidueye, hit it with Leaf Blade! Primarina, Ice Beam!” Both Decidueye and Primarina turned their attention to Mimikyu, who swung its arm and fingers into Decidueye’s chest. Undaunted, Decidueye watched Mimikyu as it landed on the ground, and with a low crouch, it swiped it wing into its disguise’s neck, breaking it and pushing it away. Just as Mimikyu stopped, Primarina already began blasting it with its chilly beam. Sam grunted, unable to watch another Pokémon freeze before his eyes. “Lurantis, hit Primarina with Poison Jab!” Lurantis raced toward the sea lion, the tip of its right scythe turning purple. With a downward swing, it stabbed Primarina in the chest. With a clenched-teeth wince, Primarina ceased its attack as its head crumpled forward. Lurantis took a step away, giving Primarina enough time to faint if necessary. The mist surrounding Mimikyu parted, and while its disguise had ice clinging to it, it still breathed heavy as it tried to deal with its broken disguise. “Guys?!” Pinkie Pie zipped around her friends, sliding earmuffs around each of her Equestrian friends. The humans and their Pokémon were already quick to cover their ears. Just as Pinkie Pie, slipped the last pair on for herself, Mimikyu let out its incensed shriek, which was only amplified by the acoustics of the atrium. Alice smiled as she squeezed her head with her hands. “For once, I’m happy to hear that sound! Mimikyu, go ahead and finish off Decidueye with Leech Life!” Mimikyu brought its arms out from under its disguise and stretched them out at Decidueye, who squawked back to Sun for a strategy. “Spirit Shackle, quickly!” Without time to waste, Decidueye drew its bow and loosed, sending the arrow out to strike the shadow of Mimikyu’s disguise’s chest. Mimikyu’s hands grabbed Decidueye just as the arrow pierced its target, hurling Mimikyu back as a dark hole appeared just below its neck, deflating its essence from its disguise. Decidueye breathed easier as Mimikyu’s shadow hands fell weakly off its face. “Whoa!” Thorax removed his earmuffs along with the others. “And that guy took such a beating against Zeraora!” Lurantis watched fearfully as Primarina picked its head up, apparently still strong enough to fight. Sun smiled with newfound confidence. “Ice Beam, now!” Lurantis tried to leap back and away as Primarina’s mouth frosted back over, but as it launched its beam, Lurantis was hit in the center of its face sending it flying and flipping back over until the momentum slammed the back of its head against the floor. Sam gasped in horror as Lurantis slid back to his feet, already unconscious before it came to a stop. “So, Sam, Alice.” Sun couldn’t help but sound delighted in his boastfulness. “Those were the Pokémon you said would take them out? Any more Pokémon you’d like send off to the chopping block?” “Yeah, okay…” Sam and Alice returned their Pokémon to their Poké Balls, Sam quick to take his next one off his belt. “This time for real. Go, Absol!” Sam’s white-furred Pokémon hopped out from its ball, showing a particular disdain for Decidueye. “When did Sam get a Pokémon like that?” Shining Armor asked. “Remember the Absol?” Starlight began to answer. “From the Megamart?” Shining Armor needed a second to piece it together, his face lighting up upon realizing. “He actually caught that thing?” “After his trial, yes.” “Wow… good going, Sam.” Upon putting Mimikyu’s ball onto her belt, she detached her next, hesitating before finally throwing it out. “Okay, Mudsdale, your turn!” Alice’s stocky horse jumped out from the Poké Ball, its hooves hitting the ground, faltering the balance of everyone near it. “You brought a Ground-type to face off a Grass-type and a Water-type?” Sun resumed his serious hatefulness. “Oh right, Ice Beam wouldn’t work too well for your Noibat, would it?” Alice frowned, hoping not to betray her poker face. “You’re wrong, Sun.” Sam smirked. “She only has to face the Water-type. Absol, finish Decidueye off with Night Slash!” Absol bolted at Decidueye, keeping its eyes on its right wing as it readied to protect itself. Sam’s Pokémon dipped, prepared to break through from underneath, only for Decidueye to drop its wing down, closing its window. Absol then leapt up, the energy conserved from its crouch increasing its power. With no way to stop it, Decidueye turned its head away as Absol’s blackened claws slashed into its face, leaving a trail where each one dragged across. Sun took a single step back as his owl Pokémon fell to its stomach, showing no signs of getting back up. “This is your chance now!” Alice shouted, pointing at Sun’s remaining Pokémon. “Take Primarina out with Heavy Slam!” Mudsdale galloped out, its gait slow, but powerful as it rumbled the entire room. “Primarina, stop her with Scald!” Heeding Sun, Primarina shot another stream of boiling water at the massive horse. To both of their surprise and fright, Mudsdale pushed through, ignoring the excruciating heat on its forehead as it took the blast there. With its head tucked in, Mudsdale sensed that it got close and jerked to the left, crashing its shoulder into Primarina’s entire body with its full weight and speed. Primarina ended its attack as it flopped and rolled back to Sun, who, like Decidueye finally laid unconscious and unable to battle. “No…” Sun looked out at Sam and Alice, who smiled proudly with what they had managed to accomplish. Behind them, Hau and Dexio clenched their fists in support of the two trainers, while Lillie held Gladion’s arm, knowing who was coming next. Even the Equestrians couldn’t think to cheer, knowing the same thing that Lillie did. “Guys, return!” Sun aimed the buttons of their Poké Balls at Decidueye and Primarina, the red beam retracting them back with red energy. “Sun!” He glowered at Sam upon hearing his voice. “Send them out now! All they can try and do now is protect one another!” Placing the two balls in his hand onto his belt, he closed his fists and his eyes. “If these two meant as much to you as they do to me, this battle of ours wouldn’t even be happening.” “You may be right about that,” Alice responded, “maybe not. All that we know is that we can put an end to this all right here! Our friends can go back home where they belong without having to worry if Team Prism will take those two and force its way back to Equestria. You can help us, Sun!” Sun relaxed his hands and face, Alice and Sam taken aback as they awaited a possible change of heart. The Equestrians leaned in, wanting to hear his reply. Hau, Dexio, Lillie, and Gladion stood patiently and stoically, still unsure. “No…” Sun finally answered. “If I can’t help them, then I can’t help anyone or anything!” Sun tore Solgaleo and Lunala’s balls from his belt and threw them high up in the air, hopping back several paces. “Let’s end this, Solgaleo, Lunala!” With a massive amount of white energy pouring out from each ball, they formed themselves into Solgaleo and Lunala, roaring out to the top of the room as they awaited their second time up in this battle. It then looked down on Alice, Sam, and both of their Pokémon, eager to attack either one of them. “Prepare yourselves, Sam and Alice!” Sun held his fists up as if ready to fight alongside them. “This is where the battle really begins!” Burnet looked up at Solgaleo and Lunala, her breath caught in her throat as the final gauntlet was thrown. Luna kept her eyes on Sam, Alice, Absol, and Mudsdale, hoping beyond all hope that they could be the ones to put an end to everything. > Chapter 63 – Solar Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam managed to take his eyes off Solgaleo and Lunala and look back to Absol and Alice’s Mudsdale. “Brace yourselves, guys! You can do this!” Absol and Mudsdale reered back, preparing for the oncoming attacks. “Those three Pokémon you just fought are strong, yes,” Sun said, “but even they are wild Pikipeks compared to these two. I’ve gone through nearly half of your Pokémon already, and I can promise you that there’s no way any Pokémon you have left with you now will defeat either of them.” “We’re willing to take that bet!” Alice spat. “I’m sure you are. Perhaps you two need a taste. Solgaleo, use Zen Headbutt on Mudsdale!” Throwing its head up and roaring, a cone of magenta light formed around its head. Hopping up off its front legs, it brought them back down as it banged its head forward, shooting the magenta light like a massive bullet into Mudsdale’s body. Even with it tremendous size and weight, it was flung off the ground and flipped over onto its back. Mudsdale arched its back in once before it tipped to its side and slid over to Alice, who could tell that it already fainted. Twilight and Starlight gasped loudly, overwhelmed by Solgaleo’s strength. Sam watched incredulously as Sam watched Alice tend to her Pokémon. “Holy…” “Lunala!” He turned back around to see Sun pointing toward him. “Take Absol out with Moonblast!” The surface of Lunala’s wings glowed a milky blue as argent streams of light swirled up into the space before its nose. With a flap of its wings and a thrust of its head, Lunala shot its beam down onto Absol, who became engulfed in the blast, the strength of it enough to explode the ground where it stood and send pieces of tile and ground up into the air. “Absol!” Sam cried Twilight and Starlight lit their horns up, catching each individual piece of debris before they could strike Sam, Alice, and any of the other trainers and Pokémon near them. Lunala finished its attack, revealing Absol lying still in the crater Lunala’s attack left as the two ponies set the rocks back onto the ground. “That’s insane!” Spike shouted. “How are Sam and Alice supposed to compete with that?” “Those two creatures are over a thousand years old and were created for the sole purpose of stopping Necrozma,” Luna explained. “In short, they’re not.” “Son of a…” Sam took Absol’s ball from his belt and returned it inside, Alice doing the same with Mudsdale. “Now you’ve experienced the raw strength of these two Pokémon.” Sun stood calmly with his arms at his side as he faced his two opponents. “If you really want to continue this stupid battle of yours, I’ll be more than happy to wipe you and your Pokémon out. That goes for the rest of you!” Hau, Gladion, Lillie, and Dexio recoiled at his sudden shout. “As my friends, I’ll give you a chance to walk away from this and let this whole night slide so we can go to Mossdeep as planned, but if Sam and Alice refuse to stop right here, right now, and either of you wants to take their place against me, I’ll show you as much mercy as I’m showing them.” “Then it sounds like we have some work ahead of us, right Sun?” Sam put both arms out in a protective gesture, his next Pokéball held in his right hand. Sun stared at Sam with widened eyes, almost hating his resilience more than he hated him. “Do you really not care what happens to you or your Pokémon? Solgaleo and Lunala are the two most powerful Pokémon in all of Alola, perhaps the world, and you’d continue letting your Pokémon face something like that?” “Hey, at least if we fail…” Sun jerked his head to Alice, who also held her next ball, “we won’t have to worry about living in the world you apparently want so badly! Thing is, we’ve got too many friends to leave behind to let that happen.” Sun grumbled, accepting their unbreakable resolve. “Then send them out, if that’s what you want.” Alice and Sam threw their Poké Balls into the battlefield. “Go, Noivern!” “Let’s go, Salazzle!” The balls burst open, and Alice’s wyvern and Sam’s fiery salamander came out from each ball, the latter planting its feet on the ground before slithering up to a bipedal stance. Sun gulped a breath over seeing Alice’s latest Pokémon. “You evolved your Noibat already?” “You can thank your good buddy Dexio for the push!” Sun seethed through his teeth. “Noivern, attack Lunala with Dragon Pulse!” Sam detached his Fightinium Z from his Z-Ring as he watched Noivern’s mouth fill with a blue energy. With a loud hock, a ring of light spread out perpendicularly with the tip of its snout as a flashing ball of blue and purple shot from its mouth. The orb struck Lunala in the chest and knocked it backwards, and with its wings thrown forward, it pulled them back to catch and stabilize itself, floating back to return to its spot. “Okay…” Sam clicked his Firium Z crystal into his Z-Ring. “My turn.” Sam crossed his arms over his face, his Z-Ring and the crystal inside flaring to life. Connected with the Z-Ring’s power, Salazzle was compelled to cross its own arms in the same position. After both of them put their arms down and crossed them back out, they fanned their arms upwards twice before they grabbed their right elbows with their arms raised up, finishing by throwing them forward, pointing their palms at Solgaleo. Z-Energy erupted from Sam’s body and spiraled around Salazzle until the strands of aura seeped into its body. Along with the Z-Energy radiating off of it, flames danced across Salazzle’s back, the feeling of both euphoric to it. “You unbelievable bastard,” Sun hissed. “You’d really save your Z-Power on them?” “If they’re half as powerful as you say, I’d be a fool to waste it any earlier! Now go, Salazzle! Attack Solgaleo with Inferno Overdrive!” With the flames on its back burning more intensely, tendrils of fire burned into existence and swirled into an ever-enlarging orb in front of its face. The ball grew and grew until it was twice Salazzle’s size. Twilight and Starlight, spotting the danger, already began to charge their horns. Salazzle spat a smaller ball of fire from its mouth, igniting the larger ball to blast its way at Solgaleo’s face. The moment the sphere made contact, Twilight and Starlight grunted at the right possible time, their horns lighting up brighter. The fireball exploded into an intense blast, Solgaleo roaring out as the fires engulfed it. As Sun covered his face with his arms, expecting to feel the heat wash into him, he peeked past them to see that the fire was a controlled pillar, the flames rocketing into the ceiling and spreading out on the surface. Starlight and Twilight strained and moaned as they struggled to keep in the intense heat and force of the flames. Even Lunala appeared nonplussed by the ponies’ act. Finally, the flames subsided and with Solgaleo standing there with its now incandescent body smoking, Starlight and Twilight stopped their spells, panting as they swooned. “Whoa! Be careful, darling!” Rarity ran to Twilight and let her friend lean against her so she could straighten herself back up. “That one looked to take a lot out of you.” “An Inferno Overdrive from Salazzle should do that,” Starlight quipped. Solgaleo’s body rapidly cooled into its normal colors, and it picked its head up to train its eyes on Salazzle, who scowled at its inability to beat it. “Your Z-Moves have proven useful in your journey, haven’t they?” Sun said. “But if you think a Z-Move can take out either of them, then you’re dumber than I thought!” “Salazzle, brace for it!” Salazzle got low, following its trainer’s advice. “Solgaleo, take his Salazzle out with Zen Headbutt!” Solgaleo lit its head up and threw it forward, another impression of its face shooting down onto Sam’s Pokémon. Despite its claws anchoring to the ground as best it could, the force of the hit blasted it up and over Sam’s head. “Salazzle!” he cried. “I got her, I got her!” Trixie broke away from her friends and charged her horn, focusing intensely on the airborne salamander. With her aura covering it, she slowed its fall to a stop just before it could hit the ground. As she floated it back to Sam, she panted in relief over the close call she made. With Sam holding his arms out, Trixie dropped his limp Pokémon into them. “That was still a really good hit you made.” He then looked to the blue unicorn standing there. “Thank you, Trixie.” “Don’t thank me yet!” she exclaimed with a stomp of her hoof. “You still need to take those two down!” “And they will never get the chance!” Sun shouted back. “Now, Lunala, finish Noivern off with Moonblast!” With the spectral membrane of its wings glowing, Lunala formed another silvery ball before itself and launched it out in a powerful beam that crashed into Noivern’s chest, threatening to throw it back. “Push through!” Alice screamed. “You can do it!” Leaning forward as hard as it could, Noivern tucked its head in and let the beam crashed into it, finding its footing and refusing to move back another inch. “Come on,” Dexio whispered. “Come on!” Lunala could not continue its attack and stopped the beam, looking down to see if Noivern had survived. A glittering rash was left atop Noivern’s head as its body bent down low, but it began a weak push back up, surprising both Sun and Lunala with its survival, staring at the Pokémon with a vengeful squint. “Alright! I think you’re on to something, Sam…” Alice fished into her pocket, pulling out her the Z-Crystal Kahili gave to her, but before she could put it into the slot on her Z-Ring, a fatal realization came to her and stopped her. “Alice!” Hearing Hau’s voice, she turned around, seeing him already beginning the motions of a Z-Move activation. With his legs wide apart, he rolled his arms up and out to the side like a bird’s wings. He then flapped them down and jumped into a crouch, bringing his legs together and putting his hands onto his shins, finishing by standing back up tall, his right fist over his chest while the left punched skyward. “That’s how you activate your Flyinium Z and use Supersonic Skystrike!” Hau shouted. “You’re welcome!” As Sam and Alice’s numerous friends assisted them, Sun’s scowl only grew more furious. “Thanks, Hau.” Replacing her Aloraichium Z, Alice slipped the new crystal into her Z-Ring. She immediately began to activate it, crossing her arms over her face and causing her Z-Ring and Flyinium Z to shine brightly. Noivern performed the same motions Hau taught Alice as she did them herself, the two of them in complete synch with one another. Upon reaching for the sky, Alice’s Z-Power shot out from her body and swirled its way into Noivern’s, causing it to radiate with energy. “And you think that’s going to help too?” Sun bellowed. “Even a supereffective Z-Move wasn’t enough to bring Solgaleo down! What do you think you and your Noivern can possibly do?” “Enough,” she answered. “Alright, Noivern! Let’s knock Lunala down a few pegs! Attack it with Supersonic Skystrike!” Noivern pushed off the ground, the force of that alone sending it high up into the top of the atrium, a blast of wind spreading out around the room. Flipping over, it put its feet on the ceiling, and with a folding back of its wings, it pushed down again. With the gravity assisting its dive, a cone of energy formed around its body from the tip of its snout. Colliding headfirst into Lunala’s chest, Noivern slammed it hard enough onto the floor to create a small explosion from the pieces of the floor and the ground beneath it that it tore up, creating a mushroom cloud of dirt and dust. Before the shockwave could collide with him, Solgaleo laid itself in front of Sun, allowing the debris from the explosion to pass around it. As the dust wave was about to crash into Alice, Sam, and everyone behind them, a rainbow-colored blur flew around the room fast enough to blow it away from them to follow her. As she spiraled upward, the dust was lifted up and blown to one of the far corners away from the battle. Her work done, Rainbow Dash landed beside Twilight and Spike and sighed pleasurably as she stretched her wings out before folding them to her sides. “It’s about time I was useful!” Alice nodded back to her as her Noivern crawled off of Lunala and returned to its spot in front of her. Sam finished returning Salazzle into its ball, placing it back onto his belt and removing another, ready to throw it out. “Archen!” he cried, tossing the ball. “Hit them both with Bulldoze!” The ball opened up, Archen already flying low to the ground from the ball’s energy and picking up any of the leftover dust from the last attack, which clumped and hardened together to form a large, expansive wave of mud. Lunala still struggled to get up as Solgaleo leapt over Sun to protect him from the front. Pulling up hard, Archen brought the wave to rise high above Solgaleo and Lunala and crashed it into them, the force pushing them back and knocking Solgaleo over. With the two Pokémon swamped underneath the drying mud, Sam let out a satisfactory exhale as Archen flew back to him and joined Noivern’s side. Sun’s head hung low as both of his Pokémon began to dig themselves out from the mud Archen entrapped them in. “Alright… if that’s the way you want to play this…” He then widened his stance and held both arms to his sides, squeezing his fists as hard as he could. “…you two will now feel the full power and fury of my almighty Pokémon! Solgaleo, Lunala! Attack Archen and Noivern with Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam!” The faces of both Pokémon began to glow brightly, a blue sun and a purple eye insignia appearing on Solgaleo and Lunala’s foreheads. Solgaleo’s body then lit up with a bright yellow, leaping up into the air and levitating in its spot. Lunala floated up and spread its now bright blue wings so that they formed a perfectly circular shape. Solgaleo’s body radiated with a hot red aura like a sun as six bright points along Lunala’s perimeter transferred their energy into the rounded spot above its head, forming a bright, spectral light. As they absorbed more energy, a strong wind began to pick up inside the room, frightening everyone inside, but none more than Sam and Alice. Finally, a tunnel was formed from Solgaleo’s aura, trapping Archen where it stood. The two Pokémon then made their attacks together, Solgaleo charging down on Archen while the energy forming above Lunala shot down toward Noivern. The Equestrians were frozen and appalled. “Don’t just stand there, help them!” On Discord’s cry, Twilight and Starlight were quick to form a wall between Sam and Alice and their Pokémon. Solgaleo slammed the full weight of its head and body into Archen while Lunala’s beam consumed Noivern in its brilliance. With the energy of both attacks exerting on their targets at once, the explosions melded into one unrelenting eruption of fire and ghastly light. The force was enough to shatter through Twilight and Starlight’s spell, leaving nothing left to keep the blast away. Along with Archen and Noivern, Sam and Alice were swept hard off their feet along with them, screaming as their bodies were flipped helplessly about in the powerful, stifling gales. “Guys, no!” Hau, Dexio, Lillie, Gladion, and their Pokémon were also carried away with the others, and with the force refusing to let up, Burnet and the Equestrians could only cover their heads and look away as the shockwave blew them up into the air with everyone else. A cacophonous chorus of screaming and shouting rang out as they were all forced to the other side of the atrium, each one landing hard on a different part of their bodies. The Equestrians rolled into the back glass wall and each other, several of them hitting it hard enough to leave cracks on it. Hau, Dexio, Lillie, and Gladion slid back into several of the Equestrians and limply swayed to their sides, backs and stomachs as they tried to recover from the immense power they were met with. Sam, Alice, Noivern, and Archen came to a stop a few inches away from the pile of their friends behind them. Alice, lying on her back, was first to pull herself up, feeling around her leg and the scar on it, muttering to herself in hope that she would feel no sharp pain. As she then looked over her body, finding several scrapes and minor cuts on the bare, unclothed parts of her body, she found Sam lying face down and motionless with his fainted Archen sprawled across his arm. She quickly crawled to him and set Archen off of him. “Sam, Sam!” As she rolled him over, he let out several large coughs. With a joyful huff, she hugged him tight as he let out a gargled moan. She quickly let him go, and he managed to sit up, the pain giving him enough energy to do so. “Are you alright?” Sam wheezed. “Am I alright? I’m the one who found you unconscious.” “What about the others?” Sam and Alice looked back at their friends, human, Pokémon, and Equestrian, most of whom writhed as they tried getting off each other, though finding it difficult with the soreness each one felt. Sam then found Archen lying beside him, letting out a doleful breath as he leaned over it and pet its face with the back of his hand. Alice looked to Noivern, who had also fainted, and she looked down to the ground with the same dismal sense of defeat. Burnet helped pull Applejack and Fluttershy off of Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor, giving them enough space to get back up themselves. “Are you all alright?” “May feel that one in the morning,” Applejack answered, “but yeah, nothing serious.” “To think…” Gladion got to his feet, helping his weakened Lucario up with him, “that Sun would use both of their strongest moves at once in here… against those two.” Sam continued looking as the humans and Equestrians tended to one another, finally looking back down at his Archen. “I’m all out,” Alice said. “I lost…” Sam reached for Archen’s Poké Ball on his belt, the mild realization suddenly hitting him as he ran his fingers across his belt, feeling all six balls there. He then patted his jacket pockets until his fingers felt a slightly spiky shape inside the left one. He then detached Archen’s ball and aimed the center button at its head. “I’m not…” The red beam connected with his Pokémon and brought it back inside. “…and I haven’t yet.” “Sam?” Alice was further confused as Sam got to his feet, turning around to see the silhouette of Solgaleo, Lunala, and Sun staring at him through the smoke that billowed from the floors where both its attacks connected. Sam detached his last Poké Ball from his belt and slowly walked back over toward Sun and his Pokémon. “Sam, come back!” As he refused to listen to Alice, she began sobbing and getting hysterical. “Sam, please! Stop! You can’t beat him! Stop, please Sam!” Starlight and Fluttershy trotted to Alice’s side with Lady and Comfey following, allowing her to use their bodies to push herself to her feet. “What’s he doing?” Fluttershy cried. “Looks like he’s finishing this,” Burnet responded, her hand nervously clasping over her mouth. By now, everyone was back on their feet, hooves, and paws and standing close behind Alice, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Burnet, watching as Sam finally came to a stop near where he last stood. “Sam,” Lillie whimpered. “What are you thinking?” Sun crossed his arms, hardly looking surprised by this point. “You’ve already seen how hard of a time you and your sister had with these two, and now you’re going to fight them alone.” “I still have one of my guys left,” Sam croaked, “and until they all fall, I won’t stop getting back up.” “You certainly have a lot of spunk, Sam, and you possess a truly iron resolve for fighting for what you believe in. Only the best Pokémon trainers do. It’s just a damned shame you fought for all the wrong reasons.” “Promising my friends tomorrow sounds like a pretty right reason to me.” Sun picked his head up slowly, as if keeping himself awake. “Then come at me, Sam. See if you and your Pokémon will get to have a tomorrow.” Sam looked to his final Poké Ball, staring deep at the center button as if looking the Pokémon inside of it directly in the eyes. “I need you to trust me, buddy. This is the only way I can think to beat him… Let’s go, Drampa!” With a wild throw of no turning back, Sam’s ball opened up as Drampa floated down upon forming from its energy. Despite the fearsome Solgaleo and Lunala staring down on it like the last prey that it was, Drampa frowned bravely, refusing to show any fear. “You think that will save you?” Sun huffed. “Lunala could probably take it out with a single Moonblast.” Sam’s sister and friends behind him couldn’t help but hold their breaths, waiting for Sam’s bold, desperate strategy to unfold. “I bet she could,” Sam responded, “but my Drampa isn’t the one who’s going to be fighting here.” Sam then reached into his left jacket pocket, crouching to let the bottom rest on his thigh for stability. It was then that he pulled out a Max Revive, holding it out to the side to show everyone inside the room. Sun gasped in a genuine show of shock. “A Max Revive? Where did you– That’s right… from the Prism leader after they fled.” “You got it. And with it, I’m bringing back…” Sam then pressed the Max Revive into the button of the Poké Ball on his belt closest to him. With the button and Max Revive glowing, it dissolved until the particles of it were fed into the Poké Ball. Sun sneered in disgust. “You used your move to bring one of your Pokémon back while leaving the one you have at Solgaleo and Lunala’s mercy?!” Drampa loudly honked back at Sun, assuring him that it was completely accepting of its trainer’s decision. “Fine then… Solgaleo, Lunala, take Drampa out with Zen Headbutt and Moonblast!” Solgaleo thrust forward, a magenta aura in the shape of the front of its head shooting into Drampa’s chest. Drampa doubled over, but kept its head up, looking at Lunala as it charged its shining energy before it. It then closed its eyes as the beam shot at its face, the light shining past its eyelids. Upon the beam reaching it, it was flung off the ground and hit the ground on its side, his head bouncing off a couple of times before it laid still. With its ball already in hand, Sam returned Drampa to it, holding another Poké Ball in his other hand. Sam tapped the top of the ball to his forehead, giving thanks to his Drampa before placing it back on its belt. Sun stared at the ball in Sam’s hand intently. “If I were him, I would have brought back–” “This is it!” Sam threw the ball out. “Let’s put an end to this once and for all, Aegislash!” “Of course…” Sam’s shield-and-sword Pokémon appeared from its ball, taking its defensive stance with its blade inside the handle of the shield. “And what made you choose that Pokémon?” Sun asked out of genuine curiousity. “You saw how quickly Solgaleo and Lunala finished your Drampa off, right?” Sam nodded a single time. “Not to speak ill of the fallen, but Drampa can’t take a hit quite like Aegislash can.” Aegislash let out a metallic roar, prepared to reinforce its trainer’s point. “Of course,” Sun added, “Drampa was taken down by two of their weaker moves. Do you think it would survive their strongest?” Sam opened his mouth to gasp before recovering into a braver one. “If that’s the way you need to win, we have no choice but to find out, won’t we?” “Resilient to the end. Solgaleo! Lunala! Finish his Aegislash off! Sunsteel Strike! Moongeist Beam!” Solagleo and Lunala rose up, their bodies glowing bright and their markings appearing on their foreheads. As the solar energy encompassed Solgaleo and Lunala drew its lunar energy above its head, another wind began to pick up. “Aegislash! You hold on here and don’t let go!” Sam’s command gave Aegislash the courage to tighten its hold on its shield. With Solgaleo forming its flaming tunnel directly to Aegislash, it flew down at it as Lunala shot its beam down. Aegislash closed its eye tight as both attacks connected at the same time, creating another devastating explosion that threatened to blow everyone away again. Before the wave could reach Sam, a bright, sparkling wall swirling with magenta and light blue rose from the ground between him and Aegislash, keeping the force of the blast at bay. Sam looked behind him in awe, watching as Twilight and Starlight, their brows sopped with sweat, squealed and moaned as they struggled to maintain their shield. At that moment, another wall rose up directly behind theirs. With Twilight and Starlight preoccupied, Spike turned his head to see Alakazam with its spoons glowing, grunting as it held Starlight and Twilight’s shield in place. “Nice job!” Dexio shouted. “Keep holding on!” The sound of a Poké Ball opening up sounded behind them, Lillie’s Starmie floating out and taking Alakazam’s side. With a spinning of its body, Alakazam’s shield became thicker and brighter. Gladion pointed out at the light wall. “Lucario, you too!” Lucario held its paws up, the people and Equestrians no longer able to see the fires beyond it. However, the two ponies and three Pokémon still struggled, groaning as the attack’s force refused to let up. Suddenly, Hau’s shadow slid out toward the base of the wall before the head of it rose up to form into Marshadow. “This should do it!” Marshadow put its hands upon the magenta wall as it suddenly took on a dark-purple tint. With the four Pokémon helping, Twilight and Starlight breathed easier as they could continue holding their original spell. Burnet stood with mouth agape, astounded by the teamwork on display. Finally, Twilight and Starlight grunted as they let their magic fade away. “It’s done!” Twilight panted. “The attack’s over.” At once, the four Pokémon dropped their shields, the half of the atrium on the other side of it covered in thick smoke. They all looked out into it, hoping to find Aegislash still up and floating. Sam squinted, hoping to see his Pokémon’s familiar shape there. “Did…” Spike wondered. “Did they do it?” Luna bit her lip, the lack of any sound or movement beyond the haze dampening her hopes. Inside the smoke, Sun held his shirt over his mouth, careful to take easy breaths. “Lunala!” Lunala flapped her wings once, and with a flash of the membrane, the smoke began to vaporize into clear, clean air, slowly unveiling the rest of the battlefield. As the smoke cleared near him, Sam found Aegislash’s shape lower to the ground than he had imagined, and as he refocused his gaze, he was stunned and incredibly exhilarated to see Aegislash still standing tall with the tip of its blade on the floor, its blade and shield scuffed and steaming. “No way,” Pinkie Pie responded in a hushed tone. “Oh my god,” Alice’s tears went streaming down her face. “Aegislash, you magnificent…” “NO!” Sun screamed. “Impossible! There’s no way he could have survived that!” Sam ignored his cries and tightened his expression, knowing that his open window was about to close. “Aegislash, attack Lunala with Shadow Claw!” Aegislash leapt out of its shield and grabbed onto it with its left cloth arm before darting out at Lunala, who tried to float back away, but was not fast enough as Aegislash quickly gained on it. Sun’s teeth clenched and his eyes went wide as he watched Aegislash hunt his Pokémon down. “Lunala, get out of there!” Sam placed his clenched fists above each other, moving them down to the right side of his waist before separating the left one to swing up. Aegislash followed, shifting down to the right as its blade glowed purple. Once it got close enough, it sliced its blade up to the left, the mark it left tracing from the base of the center of Lunala’s left wing all the way to its right shoulder. With a screech, Lunala leaned back and crashed to the ground, laying its arms out along the floor as it rested its head, its eyes closing slowly and calmly. “LUNALA!” Sun clutched his temples as tears began to freely flow from his eyes. Sam pursed his lips, struggling to watch Sun’s distress before Aegislash returned to his side. With Lunala fainted, Sun could only refocus his sights on Sam and Aegislash, his rage reaching fever pitch. “You unbelievable fucking bastard!” Sun screamed. “I’m promising you now that you won’t survive this! Solgaleo, destroy Aegislash with Earthquake!” Solgaleo roared as he hopped off its front paws, the pads glowing with rumbling energy. Slamming them back down, hundreds of cracks traced along the floor in a similarly colored light. The ground before Solgaleo then began to blast upward and travel its way forward at Sam and Aegislash. “Alright, buddy!” Sam huffed. “I know you were pretty out of it when Nanu’s Krookodile hit you with it, but you got this! Just find your openings and fly through!” Aegislash banged the side of its blade against its shield, more ready than ever. “Now go get him!” Sam ran back as Aegislash darted forward. Now at a safe distance away from the Earthquake attack, Sam and the others watched as his Pokémon slipped through the front of the wall of rock. Though unable to see it, Aegislash continued making its way forward, dodging some debris, knocking away some rocks with its shield, and bisecting the rest with its sword. “Come on, buddy,” Sam whispered, “come on, buddy!” Sun eyes went narrow and his mouth was pulled open as Aegislash deftly avoided every piece of rock, tile, and dirt that came its way. Upon Aegislash appearing high on the other side of the blast, Sun’s limbs went weak as he fell onto his bottom, no longer a thing separating Solgaleo from it. As the rocks continued falling, Sam let out a hard breath out and in, his victory now in sight. “You did it! Now, Aegislash, finish Solgaleo off with Shadow Claw!!” Sam reached his hands up and clasped his imaginary hilt, Aegislash tipping back to prepare its final attack. Sam slashed downward as Aegislash fell down toward Solgaleo, the edge of its blade going alight. Aegislash thrust down as the blade went across the entirety of its face and the corners of its mane. Aegislash slammed into the ground as the force of its hit threw Solgaleo onto its side, producing a heavy bang that shook the entire ground of the atrium, the cracked glass wall behind the Equestrians finally shattering with the pieces scattering along the floor in small chunks. When the final piece of glass settled, there was not a sound to be heard. Sun and Sam were both too dumbfounded to register what had happened, and Alice and the rest of her friends around her could only stare at the defeated Solgaleo and Lunala, unable to break the excruciating silence. With as quiet a breath as she could, Luna closed her eyes. “It is done.” “He did it…” Lillie muttered. “He actually…” With a shudder in her breath, she hugged Gladion again and buried her face into his shoulder, crying softly. Burnet, completely overwhelmed by the battle’s climax, couldn’t withhold a chuckle, which she was quick to stifle with her fingers over her lips. Sam took his first step toward Solgaleo, who stirred ever so slightly, but even he could tell that it was no longer a threat. He continued his way over and reached his hand out at his Pokémon, who continued to rest near Solgaleo’s face. “Aegislash.” Hearing him, Aegislash floated over to Sam and wrapped its free cloth arm around his right arm as he grabbed as much of the wide hilt as he could, the blade facing away from him. As he got closer, Sun ran around his Pokémon, laying his back on his face and putting his arms out defensively. “No, Sam! Don’t you dare do this!” “Get out of my way.” Sam’s cold demand was met with no response from Sun, who continued shielding his Pokémon, his eyes red and wet. “Fine.” Squeezing on the hilt, Aegislash reached across with the arm holding its shield and began scooping beneath Sun’s back. With a forceful thrust, Sun was thrown off and away from Solgaleo as Sam stood before the Pokémon. Sun scrambled back to his feet, only to be tackled back down to the ground by Alice. “No!” Sun struggled and thrashed to break free, but as she locked his arms and legs back, he could only watch as Sam looked down upon his weak, helpless Solgaleo. “NYAAAAHHH!” With his other hand grappling the bottom of the hilt, Sam raised Aegislash above his head, both prepared to drive the blade into its skull. Sam hesistated as Solgaleo opened its eyes, shifting its head to peer at him from the corner of its vision. Accompanied with Sun’s shrieks of sadness, Sam’s lip trembled as his hold on the sword trembled. “Wait!” Lillie ran over, Sam putting his sword down as she stood by his side. Sam coughed out a difficult breath. “Don’t tell me–” “I’ve been by his side for more than ten years,” she answered. “If anyone’s going to do this, it’s going to be me.” Emboldened by her supportive words, he held Aegislash out to her, and she placed her hands on its cross-guard. Solgaleo looked up at Sun and Lillie before it laid its head back down, accepting its fate. As Sam and Lillie raised Aegislash up again, the Equestrians were awash with emotion. Spike wept into Twilight’s leg as she hugged his back with her wing, tears falling down her face. Fluttershy hugged Starlight, turning her head away and keeping her eyes closed as she cried. Luna, seeing that the act would finally be done, sniffed hard and frowned, wanting to be brave for her creation. Burnet clasped at her necklace, feeling its frame dig into her palm. Gladion bit his lip as he could not keep from weeping himself. Sun, Alice’s hold still tight on him, let out a couple more sobs as he hung his head, defeated. Lillie took in a deep breath and sobbed once, ready to make the final decision. “Goodbye, Nebby… I love you.” Sam and Lillie both stabbed down, hearing and feeling the sound of metal piercing through metal. The next thing that struck Sam and Alice was confusion, not hearing a final whimper or whine. Opening their eyes, they found that the top of Aegislash’s blade was caught in a translucent magenta disk, the tip just a hair’s width from Solgaleo’s face. Sun and Alice looked up to see this, also confused by this. It was then that they heard the gasps of several of the Equestrians, Fluttershy and Twilight in particular. Sam and Lillie looked behind them as Alice and Sun spotted what the Equestrians were seeing, their eyes narrowing and their lips parting in equal bewilderment. Burnet had one hand clasped over her necklace as she reached one magenta-glowing hand out toward Solgaleo, smiling with malicious triumph. “Professor Burnet…” Hau took a step back, his face draining of its color. “What are… How are you–” Her smile then became warm and pleasant, appearing vastly more disturbing. “Sam, Alice, thank you… for everything.” She then clasped her glowing hand and yanked it back, the barrier that caught Aegislash’s blade shooting backwards as well, throwing Sam and Lillie off their feet with Aegislash. Upon sliding to a stop, Gladion, Lucario, Hau, Starlight, and Lady ran to them. As Gladion helped his sister up, he looked back at Burnet, who grabbed at her necklace with her other hand. Hau and Starlight pulled Sam to his feet as Burnet pulled her hands away, the obsidian stone in her necklace now gone. Inside both hands, two Poké Balls made entirely of obsidian expanded in her hand. Without wasting any time, she threw both balls with both hands, each one flying their way to the fainted Solgaleo and Lunala as if they had minds of their own. Sun and Alice both watched in complete horror as the first ball hit Solgaleo, opening up and converting it into a sparkling white light that was sucked inside. Alice and Sun looked up and noticed the second ball making its way to Lunala in the corner. “No!” he shouted. Alice let him go as he shot to his feet, leaping up and reaching out, the ball looking to be headed right for his palm. Burnet chuckled as she drew a U with her finger, and the ball dipped from its path and bashed Sun in the shin, sending him flipping forward and face-first toward the ground. Alice could only catch him before he could, the two only able to watch as the second ball raced out at Lunala, striking it and converting it into energy to be sucked inside its prison. The ball latched closed before it hit the ground. All eyes were now on Burnet as she put both hands out, both obsidian balls shooting back to her palms. Twilight, Luna, and Fluttershy’s lips quivered, devastated and appalled by what they now knew of their dear friend. Squeezing down on the balls, they appeared to be absorbed into her palms until her fists were fully clenched, a white aura flaring up her arms and spread across her body as the stone in her necklace reformed. “Of course…” She looked to the poines and other trainers, each of whom recoiled by her eyes meeting theirs. “…I can’t give Sam and Alice all the credit. You all played your parts wonderfully as well!” “Burnet!” Hau spat. “Tell me you’re joking! This can’t be real!” “It most certainly is real, Hau! Are you ready for the punchline?!” The aura blazed up brighter as it began to cover her hands and legs. The light of it turned darker and compressed until the aura on her hands formed into a pair of large, clawed gloves, spreading out to create the sleeves of a black cloak that spread over body and legs, armor on her chest, a pair of black boots, and a belt containing four regular Poké Balls and the two obsidian ones there instead of one. The hood of her cloak remained down to keep her face revealed, her disguise no longer needed. Dexio’s arms went limp, tremoring uncontrollably. “No… you’re actually…” Burnet smiled at him, his inability to finish his sentence endearing to her. “Yes, you double-crossing snake.” Shining Armor and Discord gulped, her lower-pitched voice now leaving her lips. “I am the leader and founder of Team Prism!” “Double-crosser, huh?” Hau and Pangoro tensed themselves up to fight. “Have you looked in a mirror, lately?!” Both ran out at Burnet, and even without her moving a muscle, Hau and Pangoro were caught midair and then blasted backwards, both of them landing hard and tumbling to the ground near Alice and Sun. “Hau!” Sun ran over to Hau and hoisted him up by his armpits. “Are you alright?” Hau worldlessly shook Sun’s arms off, staring at Burnet with hateful, spiteful eyes. “Why, Burnet?” Thorax shouted. “Why would you do all this?” “And how?” Trixie added. “How could you do all this?” “It’s not incredibly complex,” she said in her normal voice before turning to the pink unicorn and Lady. “Starlight. What purpose would I have to send you and your friends out to Paniola Ranch after having Reuniclus use his powers on you?” “You… actually tried weakening me for those two?” With each new layer of betrayal revealed, Starlight’s eyes moistened. “Twilight, Spike, you two were so eager to get out of this stuffy lab and find your other friends who were so far, yet so close. Isn’t it convenient that an entire squadron was just waiting outside the front door for you two to catch you sneaking off?” Twilight and Spike scowled at her. “And how about the next night? You’d think that a place like this would have the best security money could buy. Doesn’t do too much good when you unlock the back door and let them in!” “No…” Lillie shook her head. “No, no, this is crazy!” “And Hau.” She chuckled. “That was quite a performance I gave as I was being captured, huh?” Hau gasped, another realization hitting him. “So that’s how they were free to spring Faba out of jail.” “And why the leader wasn’t there tonight,” Sam surmised. “Except she was,” Alice breathed out. “She was there the entire time.” Burnet snapped and pointed to her. “Now you’re getting it! And with all that was going on the past week: the ponies arriving, Team Prism coming out of the shadows, the numerous attacks on you and your friends…” She then looked to Sun. “You just couldn’t allow letting Solgaleo and Lunala out of your sights anymore. Of course, the truth of where they came from would eventually come to light, which would force at least a few of you to make that hard decision to end their lives and destroy most of Necrozma’s powers, which is why I had to be here to ensure that you didn’t finish the job.” “God dammit,” Sam wiped his eyes with his fingers. “You used us... You used all of us.” “Oh, don’t feel too bad, Sam. You had the right idea, even if it was all a part of my grand design.” “Okay,” Rainbow Dash growled, “we know how now. Now tell us why? Why would you do this?” “Why?” Burnet replied and giggled condescendingly as if answering a small child, holding her necklace up. “To help him, of course.” “Him?” Luna blinked several times, finally understanding. “Necrozma! Show yourself if you’re actually here!” Burnet’s head fell over as if instantly falling asleep. As she picked her head back up, everyone became frozen stiff as her eyes became two black voids, her smile stretching out wider than what was humanly possible. “.princesS lunA” The voice that came out was icy and harsh, sounding as if it was speaking backwards. “.what a pleasure it is to see you agaiN .if only your sister were here to join uS” “You let this woman go! She has no part in this!” “?nO .because the way I see it, she became a part of this the day she ventured deep enough within teN karaT hilL.” “Ten Karat Hill?” Starlight questioned. “The place where we first met Team Prism?” “?ironic, isn’t iT …the very place where my last battle ended became the site where my new one began, and where my life ended, it began agaiN” “What are you saying?” Spike asked angrily. “That she chose to join something like you?” With a hard blink, Burnet’s eyes returned to normal as her mouth returned to a normal size. “Is it that hard to believe? If only you could see the things Necrozma showed me, the things it promised to grant me! Perhaps you too would have been tempted to start Team Prism had you found its crystal before I did.” “Enough to betray my friends?” Alice spat. “Or my brother? No chance in hell! I mean, what would Kukui think about his wife gladly trading his life for this… mad power scheme?” “What my husband thinks is no longer relevant! Now that I have obtained the powers of Solgaleo and Lunala within me, there is no longer any force that can stand in my way!” “How about this?!” Hau threw a pointed finger at Burnet. “Marshadow, attack her!” Marshadow weaved around its friends and leapt up at Burnet, socking her in the gut hard enough to send her sliding away. Baring her teeth, she looked back up to see Marshadow about to take another shot. Pulling her left arm in and reaching the right one out, Marshadow was suddenly yanked back as Hau was flung forward, the two crashing into each other and landing on the floor. With an inward twist of her wrists, a black cross-shaped surface rose beneath them. Hau could only think to pull a Poké Ball off his belt and point it at his Pangoro, bringing it back inside. Burnet then clasped her hands together, the surface quickly folding itself into a cube. “Hau!” Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy screamed. “Guys! Ru–” The box closed up, the rest of Hau’s screams silenced completely. “Hau! HAU!!” Starlight ran to the cube and tried to pry it open with her magic which bounced off its surface and dithered away. “Let him out! He can’t breathe in there!” “Don’t worry, he can breathe just fine.” With a wag of her finger, Burnet pulled the box to her side. “However, that box is completely light-proof and light-absorbent.” “Of course,” Twilight hissed. “Without light, there’s no shadows. Without shadows, he can’t summon Marshadow.” Burnet’s black eyes and inhuman smile returned. “.you ponies have gotten so smart since I’ve lefT !now, it is time to make my returN” Burnet held her hands up, which began to glow magenta. “Not if we can still stop it!” Sam shouted. “Aegislash, King’s Shield!” Aegislash floated out between Burnet and all of its friends behind it, and it hopped into the enarme of its shield and crossed its cloth arms. Its hexagonal barrier appeared as Burnet’s psychic energy washed over the surface. Sam twisted back to Twilight and the Equestrians, frantic desperation filled in his eyes. “Guys, run! We’ve got her!” Spike felt a sudden guilt pierce his gut. “But Sam–” “Just go, dammit!” Luna galloped to Twilight’s side. “Starlight, Rarity, Shining Armor, quickly, come close!” The three unicorns joined her, and as Luna touched Twilight’s horn, the others were compelled to do the same. As the aura between their horns flared up with immense intensity, Burnet could see the scene past Aegislash’s shield. Scowling, she grasped her hand and pulled it back, sending Aegislash toward her. Unable to stop, Aegislash was forced to fly into Burnet, who punched through its barrier and shattered it. With the last of its strength depleted, Aegislash was thrown to the floor, its blade and shield scattering at Sam’s feet. Just as Burnet began to refocus herself, she was greeted by Alakazam leaping over, ready to land just inches from her. “Alakazam,” Dexio commanded, “Focus Blast, now!” Holding its spoons at its chest, they charged with reddish brown energy, and once its feet landed on the ground, the energy exploded point blank into Burnet, throwing her hard off her feet for her back to slam into the back wall, breaking it in several places and leaving an indent. “Everypony, gather around!” Each of the Equestrians, Lady and Comfey included, huddled around the five horned ponies in a tight scrum, the light of the horns enveloping them. Burnet pushed off the wall and threw her arm to the side, sending Alakazam off to the side and out of her way. Just as she reached a hand out at the dome of light the Equestrians created, the dome popped, the spot where the Equestrians stood now completely empty and without a trace of their being there. Burnet’s hand kept its reach out, only for it to slowly close and shake as her breathing grew heavy and spiteful. With the humans and the Pokémon that were out standing and watching, they took a tentative step back, not knowing what she would do. She pulled her hands to her side and let out an animalistic roar, creating a pulse of energy that launched everyone inside off their feet, sending them crashing into whichever walls they were nearest to. Sam reached out to Alice as she and Sun were blasted away from each other. His back suddenly hit a wall, the back of his head whipping into it, leaving him unconscious before he slid to the ground. Sam’s head throbbed as he stirred awake, the chopping sound of a helicopter’s blades sounding just overhead and a rumbling under his rump. He felt that his hands were put behind his back and could not move them more than a few inches off the floor. Pulling himself up into a straighter seated position, he saw Alice, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Dexio restrained and the back of their hands belted to the floor. “Guys!” Sam croaked, taking a moment to try and will the immense soreness out of the back of his head. “What happened? Where are we?” “You’re finally up!” The trainers looked to the source of the voice, turning and looking as best they could as Faba stood at the front of the cargo hold with Chrysalis by his side, the latter giggling at their complete and utter hopelessness. Sam frantically felt around for his belt, unable to reach for it. “My Pokémon! Where did you–” “Sam!” Alice looked directly at the six Poké Balls that were attached to his waist. “Your belt and Pokémon are all right there. Ours too.” “We didn’t heal them of course,” Faba clarified, “but then again, your latest battle left them pretty worse for wear, so they won’t be too much trouble for us, thank goodness.” “Where are you taking us?” Gladion shouted. “Where’s Hau?” “Oh, that annoying kid with the bun?” Chrysalis responded. “He’s on another one of these ‘helicoptors’ under direct supervision from our leader, or now we can say, your good friend Burnet.” Faba chuckled, the young Kahuna’s imprisonment entertaining him. “It’s quite a long flight to Poni Island by chopper, so if you’d like to get some sleep in, now would be the best time.” “Poni Island?” Sun breathed out, a bad idea already at the front of his mind. “Don’t tell me…” “Yes,” Chrysalis answered. “The leader needs to make a small stop at this Altar of the Sunne before we continue any further. Until then, I’d say strap in and enjoy the ride, but it appears you’ve already beaten me to it.” Faba and Chrysalis laughed as the two of them opened the door to the cockpit and entered inside. Alice could just barely make out another pair of helecopters flying ahead of theirs closing the door behind them to resume flying the plane. Sun began hoarsely weeping, bringing the attention on him. “This is my fault, everything… I could have stopped this all and I was too much of a stubborn... god-damned child to do it.” “Hindsight,” Sam sardonically mused, “always 20/20. But hey, at least Solgaleo and Lunala ain’t dead, so that’s good news, huh?” “Sam, stop!” Lillie snapped. “This isn’t going to help!” “You know what would have helped, though?” “Sam, seriously.” Alice was sounding like she was close to falling asleep, even in her uncomfortable position. “No more… It’s done now. At least the Equestrians are safe.” “Not to be another wet blanket in here,” Dexio said, “but literally no one is safe anymore. Not with Solgaleo and Lunala’s powers inside her.” “The world hasn’t gone to hell yet. You heard them, they still have steps to make. If they’re out there, you can bet that they’re planning some way of stopping her, rescuing us, or hey, maybe both!” Sam kept glaring at Sun, nothing his sister and friends were saying negating his actions. “I have no idea what happens next,” she continued, “but we need to sleep. It’s dark, and I have no idea when we’ll have another opportunity to do so. Awkwardly shifting herself to her side, she laid as comfortably with as much slack as the chain allowed. “That goes for you too, Sam.” Sam, indeed exhausted and terrified, slid himself to his side, and as Lillie, Gladion, and Sun kept watch over him, his stress caused him to breathe heavier and quicker, the increased oxygen dizzying and lulling him into shutting his eyes. Even the pitter of the helicopter’s blades were drowned out as he slowly eased himself into slumber. Hapu’s eyes shot open, shooting up in her bed with a cold sweat drenching her body and mattress. Wiping her brow with her hand, she was unnerved by the sweat that visibly pooled into it. She then looked out her bedroom window, confused by how much darker the sky was than what she felt it should have been. Rolling herself out of bed, she kicked her slippers onto her feet and ran out her bedroom door. Passing through the short, but zigzagging hallways, she hugged her waist as her sweat-soaked t-shirt clung to her stomach and torso. Going straight to the front door, she threw it open and stepped off the porch of her home to better see the night sky from the Ancient Poni Path. As she feared, dark storm clouds had already covered the sky, staying nervously still as flashes of lightning brightened small patches inside. Something was dreadfully wrong; she could feel it as if it were whispering directly into her ear. Without any further hesitation, she sprinted back inside, not even bothering to close the door. > E3 – Dark Side of the Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celaeno and her crew watched over as several unicorn and earth pony dockhands hoisted the last crates of supplies onto their loaner ship, a magnificent craft painted a brilliant purple with golden supports and banister. A large torch above the center mast slowly inflated a large cloth balloon of a lighter shade like blueberry. Celestia walked up beside the parrot captain. “Is everything to your liking?” “It’s perfect,” she said, turning to face her. “Thank you again for all your help. We promise to keep this ship looking as peerless as it does right now.” The alicorn chuckled. “Be careful, I may have to hold you to that. Should I inform the others that you’re ready to set sail?” Celaeno nodded, and Celestia walked away, allowing her and her other parrots to continue admiring the ship’s majesty from their vantage for just a few minutes more. The unicorn dockhands channeled their magic to the back side of the ship as they pushed it down a track on a large trolley, whose downward slope ended out over the edge of Canterlot itself. Each pony and creature standing on the bow-side grabbed tight of the banister as they looked over, seeing the cliff dip off even farther to the forest below. “Hold on tightly, everyone!” Starswirl bellowed out. With a final push of the ship, the trolley descended down the ramp, only for it to hit a buffer stop at the end. The weight of the ship did the rest, sliding off the trolley and down over the ground, the balloon pulling it up level as it floated safely over the drop. “Woohoo!” Skystar leapt up and punched her talons skyward, the feeling of flying above the deck suddenly awkward to her. “Whoops, I forgot I could do that this whole time! The dockhands cheered at another successful launch, Celestia watching them off as well, nodding thankfully. With Celaeno at the helm, she threw the wheel to the right, turning it to the south. The Pillars of Equestria, along with Fizzlepop, Grubber, Capper, and Skystar, ran to the starboard and looked out as Princess Celestia waved them farewell. Grubber and Skystar eagerly waved her off too, the others giving her one last final, grateful glance before returning to the deck. Skystar quickly flew off to follow Capper and Rockhoof while Fizzlepop and Grubber continued looking out over Canterlot until Celestia was an indecipherable dot at the aerial harbor. “How long until we get to Ponyville?” Grubber asked. “Not very long at all.” She and Grubber walked off to join their other friends. “An hour or so, tops.” Charging her horn, a brand-new crown with a dark-red gem atop it, she lifted Grubber onto her back and went back to the bow. At the docks, Celestia could no longer see anyone on the ship at its distance. With the faith that they were safely bound to their destination, she turned and walked back toward her palace. Celestia’s guards opened the doors to her chambers, and as she walked to her throne, she smiled and sighed, content to be alone once again. Going up the steps, she passed by her throne and went around behind it, finding a small sun-shaped carving on the headrest. Placing her horn on it, she charged its yellow aura, transferring its glow into the icon. She then stepped back several paces as the ground beneath her rumbled. At once, the floor slid down in wide slabs, forming steps that revealed an even longer, winding staircase below. With her horn still alight, she walked down the steps and kept watch at each step she took, the light from above growing dimmer as her horn’s light only managed to light the next four or five steps in front of her. She then came to the bottom of the steps, being greeted by two passageways on either side of the stairway. Without hesitation, Celestia went down the hall to the right. As she advanced onward, torchlight from up ahead started to provide more light than just her horn could provide. She came across a large room with a wall of cell bars only a few feet inside. A single pony sat directly in front of the bars, the torches behind her casting her into a silhouette. With her own horn continuing to light her way forward, Celestia smirked as she could finally see the pony sitting there pick their head up to face her. With her weakly flowing mane and dirtied white coat, Princess Celestia looked up to see Celestia giggling at her imprisonment. Behind her, the light revealed an even larger room, enough to hold hundreds of ponies of various genders, ages, and types in formal clothing huddled together, frightened over Celestia’s appearance and jovial chuckle. Princess Celestia, a dark-grey stone ring affixed around her horn, could only watch as her impostor’s horn then began to glow amber as the aura washed over her body. Her wings shriveled up into two holey dark-orange translucent membranes. Her mane and tail appeared to be made of a similar material and color, though now styled into a medium length layered wave. Her body turned black and sleek with her horn splitting off into two smaller, thinner ones down the middle. As her body continued changing, she sighed loudly, the experience providing her with much pleasure. _____________________________________________________ Celestia laid on the ground as the ponies outside Twilight’s castle surrounded her. Upon getting within a yard away, their horns turned green as a similarly-colored fire spat up from beneath them, revealing themselves as changelings. Nearby ponies gasped to see them, looking nothing remotely like the ones Thorax and his kind transformed into. Green flames then began to rise up around dozens more of the ponies gathered near, betraying their disguises to those around them who quickly realized they were under attack, screaming and fleeing for their lives as the changelings gave chase. As the sound of screams and hisses got louder as the chaos spread amongst the town, Celestia, powerless to do anything, bowed her head and let two more tears fall from her face as the changelings surrounding her got even closer. _____________________________________________________ Celestia scowled as her doppelgänger’s transformation completed. “Alright, Cocoon, I told you everything you wanted to know! Now, about my little ponies…” The changeling settled down, looking down on her prisoner. “They will continue to be well cared for as promised. Once I hear word from our commanders in Ponyville, we will move your citizens back outside and above the surface to live out their new lives as our love banks.” Celestia blinked and stood up straight, Cocoon standing still and unafraid. “Ponyville? Is that where–” “–I’ve sent Starswirl and all his friends, yes. Once they’re close enough, my Ponyville division stationed there will attack their ship and take them prisoner along with the other citizens. Or, if they manage to reach Twilight’s palace and somehow find sanctuary, they may also very well be taken by whatever force took Twilight, her friends, and your sister! Either way, Equestria’s final line of defense will be far away from us and completely immobilized, which is what’s most important in the end.” Celestia growled. “You’re really nothing like your sister, are you?” Cocoon chuckled once more. “You’re right, I’ve never been quite as cold or calculating as Chrysalis, but then again my hive hasn’t all but defected from me, has it? Perhaps if she showed others a little bit of the love she takes from others, she wouldn’t need my help!” “Don’t act so pious, Cocoon! You’re a thief of love yourself!” “Yes, but I’m not such an addict like her that I’m willing to destroy lives and nations in order to secure my next fix! I’m more than willing to give your ponies some normalcy once our takeover is complete. Do you think Chrysalis would be so generous?” “I just don’t understand. You speak of love and generosity and show a great capacity for kindness. Why continue acting in this way then? Do you know about all the good Thorax has done with Chrysalis’s former hive since its reformation?” “Don’t mistake my mercy for kindness, Celestia! If I wanted to dominate Equestria like my sister did, I could have and would have done so long before now. The only reason I’m here is to provide her with another hive that won’t abandon her like her last!” “And now she’s gone too, don’t you forget that!” “My sister for Twilight and all her friends, Princess Luna, that infernal draconequus, the king of the Crystal Empire, and now, the legendary Pillars of Harmony? Sounds like quite a good trade, wouldn’t you say?” Celestia breathed out her nose. “Perhaps you share more in common with Chrysalis than we thought.” “…Perhaps indeed, but whatever keeps Equestria under changeling rule is no skin off my carapace. Farewell, Celestia. Do try and have a pleasant night.” Celestia bared her teeth as Cocoon turned and walked back to the exit. “You won’t get away with this!” Without stopping, Cocoon huffed smugly. “I’ve gotten away with this the day those ponies disappeared, I’m getting away with it now, and without anyone to stand up to me, I will continue getting away with it.” Celestia stared at the changeling as she disappeared within the darkness of the hallway. Her rage began to build as she charged her horn, only for the base of it to light up as the rest of its energy was absorbed into the ring. She didn’t continue for long before she stopped, breathing heavily for an oncoming cry. “Princess Celestia?” The voice of a young colt’s terrified voice extinguished her sadness. It approached her side as she looked to see it slowly come close, still nervous by what she still meant to him. “I’m scared. Are we going to be okay?” Celestia lifted her arm up and let the colt sit right beside her, hugging her along the waist and crying into her coat. She then rested her arm along his back and stroked it as comfortingly as she could. She looked up to her prison’s ceiling, as if her gaze pierced through to the heavens to call on some miracle to save her and her ponies, especially the ones traveling south. Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Capper looked out over the bow of the ship, spotting the faint lights of a town with thick forest nestled around its north and east sides, and calm country plains and meadows stretching beyond the west and south. “Whoa!” Grubber exclaimed. “That’s Ponyville?” Fizzlepop chuckled at her friend’s excitement. “Told you it wouldn’t take long.” “And right there!” Flash Magnus flew past the front and pointed at the massive tree-shaped building that resided in the northwest corner of the town like an eyesore. “There’s where we’re headed.” Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Capper leaned more over the banister, marveling over the wonder that Twilight’s castle presented. “Well, I’ll be,” Capper commented. “These ponies have more style than I thought.” “You know that Rarity lives here, right?” Mistmane’s query as she approached the four brought a genuine sense of surprise to Capper’s face. “A unicorn like here wouldn’t choose any old town to make her home, you know? Capper? What’s wrong? Do you know her?” “Yeah…” With his left thumb stroking one of the gold buttons on his jacket, he felt a relatively fresh stitching connecting his cuff to the sleeve. “She helped me out of a bad spot in my life a while ago. All I know is that when we save everyone, I’m going to give her the biggest hug I’ve ever given anyone… and then maybe kick my feet up and stay here a spell, because I could really use some vacay too!” Fizzlepop, Mistmane, and Flash Magnus smiled warmly, wanting nothing more than that themselves. “Hey, guys?” Hearing Skystar’s voice, everyone on board looked up to her floating beside the torch the top of the mast where a green light started flashing between where its base met the wood. “Anyone know why that’s flashing? Did those guys at the docks forget to charge it or something?” “That’s odd,” Mullet responded. “Why do you think that would…” From the quarter-deck, Celaeno spotted a series of green flares light up from the center of Ponyville, followed by a light that grew larger and closer with each passing second. “Guys, hold on!” Throwing the wheel to the left, the ship banked in that direction just as three short magical blasts whizzed past the green light below the torch. One of the beams flew so close and so fast to Skystar that it blew her down to the deck, which, still angled, slid her to the portside with her other friends. “What the heck was that?” Boyle shouted, getting to his feet. Stygian helped Fizzlepop and Grubber up before running back to the front of the ship and looked down on the town, seeing more flares light up from all around. “No… We’re under attack again!” “No foolin’?” Celaeno threw the wheel to the right this time, and while four more beams shot past their ship, several of them bowing noticeably around the center mast, one of them clipped it just below the torch. Celaeno shielded her face from the shards of wood that were about to explode into her, only for Starswirl and Mistmane to catch them and toss the pieces aside. They then looked upon the damage to the mast, gasping in terror as the torch became tilted to the side, the flames hitting the rim of the balloon’s skirt and setting it ablaze. “The balloon!” Mage Meadowbrook pointed up as the flames spread faster than she knew they could stop them. “We’re going to fall!” “No we’re not!” Fizzlepop charged her horn as her aura filled the bottom of the boat. Starswirl looked down on his apprentice, noting her strain to try and lift the ship up as the balloon quickly lost usefulness and caused the ship to begin dropping. “Fizzlepop!” Starswirl flared his horn up, his aura adding to Fizzlepop’s and spreading out until they reached the vertical walls of the ship. The fiery sheet of balloon floated down, threatening to engulf the ship. As Mistmane caught the remains and began to ball them up, Flash Sentry ran the door to the cargo hold, smashing through it and flying to a crate to the right of the steep stairway down. Bucking it with his back hooves, the box shattered, his copper shield and Rockhoof’s shovel spilling out from it. With his hooves sliding in the enarmes of his shield, he bit down on the grip of Rockhoof’s shovel and flew back up through the door. Whipping his head, he tossed Rockhoof his trusty weapon before darting up toward the large flaming ball of the wadded balloon, slamming his shield into it and launching it high over the top of the ship where it would fall to the ground below. “Now what?” Celaeno shouted. “We need to land this ship!” “Leave that to us!” Starswirl and Fizzlepop began to lower the ship down, turning it to glide to the right in the direction of Twilight’s castle. Coming in hot, everyone ran to the closest side of the ship they were on and grabbed hold of the banister tightly. As more beams whizzed above and below the ship, several more blasted into the port, a cacophony of shattering and exploding wood erupting out. Celaeno leapt from the quarterdeck to Starswirl and Celaeno. “Guys, we’re taking heavy damage!” Starswirl ducked as a green beam zipped just over the top of his hat. “We realize! The ship should still survive the landing! Just hold onto something until the ship comes to a stop!” The parrot captain looked back to the quartermast before running at the stairs, grabbing onto the railing and looking out to the side to see the tops of the buildings of Ponyville already appearing over the edge of the banister. With the bottom hitting the ground, everyone bounced hard off the floor before landing back on it, some unable to get their footing as they toppled over to their sides. Somnambula pulled herself up as the ship continued sliding off, finding dozens of changelings lining the streets and alleys between each building, firing off their magic at her and her friends, most of them managing to only continue damaging the ship. Spittle shuffled over to the two unicorns as they continued to man their crash. “This ship’s gonna’ fall apart! We need to stop this thing now!” “Not yet!” Fizzlepop grunted as the ship pushed itself on with her and Starswirl’s magic. The parrot cook then faced forward, seeing Twilight’s castle looming high above the roofs, her mouth coming open with realization of their plan. “Everyone!” she shouted. “Once we stop, prepare to abandon ship!” “We shouldn’t even need to do that!” Starswirl moaned. “But on my mark, converge at the center!” With Twilight’s castle only a few buildings away, Starswirl and Fizzlepop strained even harder as the ship started turning to the left, threatening to grind against the sides of the last buildings beside them. The ship cleared the last corner as the unicorns pulled the ship even harder, sending it to a straight path at the base of the crystalline tree. With their task done, Fizzlepop and Starswirl relinquished their magic and let the ship ride along the grass and dirt, coming to an even faster stop. More and more changelings scattered from within the town and lined up like ants as they charged their horns, ready to destroy the ship with them on it. “Alright, now!” Starswirl kept his horn’s aura charged as he ran to the center of the deck. “Everyone, gather around, now!” The remaining pillars, Celaeno, her crew, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Capper, and Skystar all huddled close, and with Starswirl’s magic glowing brighter on his horn, the entire group was encased with light. Dozens of the changelings launched their first spells at the ship, multiple explosions tearing the entire left side of the ship apart. Before any of the changeling’s spells could reach them, Starswirl’s light bubble popped, everyone inside of it now gone. Inside the chamber of the Cutie Map, several changelings waited around and looked up at two of them, who peered out the eastern windows to see the commotion outside. They then heard a bright twinkle at the center of the room, a bright flash hitting the walls accompanying it. Each changeling then brought their attention to find Starswirl and his team appear on top of the table, Starswirl’s horn still maintaining its charge as he closed his eyes. With a hiss, each of the changelings dove at them with their own horns charging bright. Starswirl’s eyes shot open, now a blinding white, and from his horn, several large aural tendrils stretched out and swirled about, engulfing the changelings inside and trapping them. The other looked about in awe as their threat was immediately eliminated. The auras then went out each of the exit doors and enlarged until they filled the entire dimension of the hallways, flying through them and picking up each changeling that was caught in its path. It entered into each room, coiling around the interior and grabbing any changelings inside before yanking them back into the hallways. Outside, the changelings took their focus off the ship they had destroyed and to the castle, where each window and opening was streaming with Starswirl’s light. Just then, the front doors burst open, the dozens upon dozens of changelings Starswirl’s spell snatched being flushed out by the bright aura before getting spat out onto the ground. As the other changelings tended to their expelled comrades, the aura circled the building until a short wall was formed along the ground. “Don’t just stand there!” A larger changeling with a captain’s helmet on shouted. “Get back inside!” As they flew at the castle, the barrier shot up to form a cylindrical barrier that bent and curved around the top of the castle before closing at the top in a mushroom-shape. The changelings couldn’t stop themselves in time, crashing into the barrier and sliding down it to the ground. The changeling captain growled as it looked up at the impressive shield. “Changelings! Attack!” Charging their horns, the changelings began opening fire on the shield. Despite their magic bouncing off the shield, doing no damage to it, they continued on without relent, hoping to see some weakness or cracks soon enough. Back inside the castle, Starswirl’s eyes faded down to their normal appearance before rolling into the back of his head, his legs beginning to crumple beneath him. Fizzlepop and Flash Magnus were quick to catch him. “Starswirl!” The wizened unicorn stirred in Flash’s arms, making Fizzlepop sigh in relief. “Thank goodness you’re alright!” Skystar looked out the window, watching as the changelings continued blasting their magic away at the shield, continuing to do no damage. “Whoa! What did you just do, Starswirl!” Starswirl wheezed, still exhausted by the series of spells he cast. “I cast a barrier spell, of course!” “But,” Grubber interjected, worried, “won’t that just tire you out more? We probably don’t have much longer until it fails!” “It’s quite alright, Grubber. That barrier does not require constant maintenance like the one I cast on Celaeno’s ship this morning. However–” he coughed loudly, causing Fizzlepop to recoil. “It uses far more magic, and with my teleportation and repel spells, I can’t do much of anything in this state.” “How much time’s that give us?” Capper asked. “Three… four hours, at the most. Maybe more once the changelings realize they won’t get in anytime soon and just wait for the barrier to fall.” “Great! That should be plenty of time to shoot a letter to Princess Celestia and–” “It’s no use.” Capper’s mouth stayed open mid word as he waited to hear his reasoning. “I’ve fortified the spell so that no magic can enter, but that also means that none can leave either.” “So…” Celaeno and her crew looked amongst each other, discomfort settling in. “Does that mean…?” “Unless someone or something comes to help us, it will only be a matter of time before the changelings close in.” “Somepony has to be coming!” Somnambula shouted. “They can’t let these creatures take their home like that!” “We can only hope…” Starswirl closed his eyes peacefully, “but the only other thing we can do now is wait.” Mage Meadowbrook and Mistmane sat on the table, contemplating their dire situation. Skystar landed beside Celaeno and put her talon on her shoulder consolingly. Rockhoof and Flash Magnus picked a window at opposite ends of the room and looked up to them, planning their next moves the moment a changeling would come in through them. Fizzlepop breathed heavily as Grubber’s ears dropped, his lips quivering in fear. He then hugged onto her leg and buried his face into the front of her chest. As she stroked his back with her other foreleg, she looked up to the tree roots that hung from the ceiling, wishing to herself for whatever miracle would bring Twilight and her friends back home to save them. Cocoon walked down another hallway, lighting her way with her horn. As the chamber she approached got closer, she dimmed her aura to let the light from within guide her the rest of the way. Upon entering, she saw several changelings in the back of the room working around something, their bodies obscuring her view of it. “My queen!” A changeling flew to her from the right and stood by Cocoon’s side. “Are you here to see our progress?” She nodded. “How much further are you?” “We’re just a few shards of stone away from completion. Do you wish to see?” “Absolutely. But first, were you able to aquire it?” “You mean…” The changeling’s face brightened up. “Oh, of course! Here!” With its magic, the changeling carried over a small wooden chest with dried dirt covering it from wherever it was buried. Cocoon lifted the cover and smiled at the contents within: a pewter choker with a large red amulet in its center, an alicorn’s red wings connected to the band with its carved head atop the frame. “That zebra from the Everfree guarding it really didn’t want to hand it over, even while facing twenty of us,” the changeling explained. “With the power this thing holds,” Cocoon replied, “she had every right to protect it with her life.” “And you think that will be enough to bring him back?” The changeling queen chuckled contently. “Plenty. Now, show him to me.” The changeling then turned to the workers and blew a loud, sharp whistle with a bite on his lip. At once, the changelings flew off to the side to let Cocoon step further in and admire her underlings’ work. Hoisted up by its arms by ropes was a detailed black-stone statue of a large monkey-like creature with thick fur covering its body and tail save for its hands, feet, and face. Along with armor covering its chest, stomach, wrists, and hocks, it also had a pair of large horns stretching out from the side on the top of its head, along with a two-horned crown. Leaning behind the wall to its right was a large wooden staff that began to warp and bend off before breaking into two jagged points, an ice-blue crystal jutting out between them. Despite its intimidating physique, the expression on its face was one of mortal horror, as if it was imminently close to death during when it was sculpted. Parts of the statue showed scars of various sizes where the stone was melded back together. Despite the chips still missing in its body that her changeling workers held in their magic grasp, Cocoon couldn’t care less. With just a little more work, her impregnable new empire would be ready to face whatever threat would come to it. With the amulet, statue, and staff, nothing would stand in her way. > P4 – Divergence Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three helicopters began to approach the small, rural island of Poni, keeping their fronts pointed at the Vast Poni Canyon up ahead and the large open area in its center. Riding in the center helicopter, Faba clicked a button on his control panel that stabilized his yoke as it went into auto-pilot. Chrysalis sat in the co-pilot seat, simply watching the view from above. “Keep an eye out for anything below,” he told her. She nodded once. “Of course.” Swinging himself out of his chair, he walked to the cockpit door and opened it roughly, ensuring that it made as much noise as possible. While Sam, Dexio, and Lillie were quick to jerk themselves awake, Sun, Gladion, and Alice stirred in discomfort, prompting Faba to bang on the inside of the door. “Wakey, wakey!” The remaining three prisoners picked themselves up into a sitting position. “We’re just a few minutes away from your final destination! I want you to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for what Burnet has in store for you!” “Faba?” Chrysalis’s voice went completely ignored. “And what’s that?” Alice huffed. “It’s a nice big surprise! Probably the last one you’ll ever receive.” “Faba!” Only Lillie seemed to pay Chrysalis any attention. “Is there something wrong?” Lillie asked. “You shut your mouth!” Chrysalis turned away and into the cargo hold to look at her. “I spoke to Faba, not y–” Suddenly the aircraft was thrown up by something hitting it from underneath, throwing the captives up and Faba onto his side. Several more blasts struck the left and then the right, rocking everyone inside even harder. A loud repetitive beeping and a rotating red light activated in the ceiling of the hold. “FABA!” No longer able to ignore her, Faba scrambled to his feet and ran into the cockpit. “There’s something below!” Looking as far down as he could, he couldn’t help but appear a little fearful as the abandoned, pier-laden Seafolk Village was surrounded by dozens of large blue serpentine fish with angry, open-mouth scowls that had their eyes directly on them and the two aircraft on either side of them. Sticking out like a sore thumb at the bottom was a red one with glossier scales. Surrounding all of them were other various creatures, including Dhelmises, along with two kinds of whale Pokémon that either appeared spherical or massive and long. Standing underneath an oriental gateway entrance on the mainland were Hapu with a Krookodile and Mina with a yellow-and-white bug with large black eyes with a brown scarf around its neck. Standing to Hapu’s right was a slender, feminine island guardian Pokémon with long blue hair, blue eyes with eyelash markings above them, and large purple shoulders sitting inside a purple shell with a horn on the top half that made it appear like the head of a swordfish. Hapu crossed her arms as the helicopters refused to stop their approach. “Tapu Fini! Tell the Gyarados to hit them with another wave of Dragon Rages!” Throwing her arms out, she let out a loud, yet soothing shriek that reached the southernmost point of the floating town. At once, the Gyarados charged blue auras into their mouths before spitting them back at the three helicopters. With their targets closer, the center and right ones were struck even harder and more frequently, Mina smirking as she heard them both begin to whir down. The left helicopter managed to avoid each attack against it, Burnet inside grunting as she saw smoke billow out of the ones to her right. “Leader, ma’am!” A terrified male grunt sounded in the earphones of Burnet’s headset. “We can’t keep them up, we’re going down! “Then we’ll just have to engage them, won’t we?” Burnet threw her headset onto the controls and spun the aircraft around so that its back faced the north. Running into the cargo hold, she reached for a lever in the back and pulled on it, the back door and ramp lowering down so that she could see a fuller scope of the Pokémon army she and her grunts faced. Below, Tapu Fini stared directly up at the small speck that Burnet appeared as inside the aircraft, feeling her presence like a hot stoker held at its face. “Another one!” Hapu commanded. The Gyaradoses all focused their Dragon Rage attacks at Burnet’s helicopter and fired. Burnet saw as each individual orb began to converge toward her and with a lean forward, she fell down at the ocean, her arms and legs spread out to control her fall. The Dragon Rages flew above her as they barraged the helicopter, tearing it to pieces before it exploded in a fiery blast. In the rain of debris, the black cube containing Hau fell down and plummeted into the ocean with a large splash. Focusing beneath her, she saw as the other helicopters spun around as they reached the ocean’s surface, their backs facing the town and the Pokémon protecting it. With both aircraft crashing upon the water, Faba walked to the back as the doors lowered down for him to face the Pokémon ready to attack them. Chrysalis snagged a belt containing five Poké Balls from the wall to her right with pure green magic coming off her horn and slung it around her shoulder and through her other arm, trotting to join Faba’s side. He then turned to the two-dozen or so grunts piling onto the still opening door. “You, take the Gyarados and Wailords! The Kahuna and captain are ours!” Chrysalis began flapping their wings as she charged her horn, carrying him with her as they flew above the town toward their foes. The Gyarados and other Pokémon looked up to track them, only for a couple of Thunderbolts from a couple of the grunts' Kadabras to bring the attention back on them. “You heard the man!” the young, sandy-haired grunt shouted. “Attack!” The grunts then spilled out of the exit with their Pokémon, the various attacks going back and forth breaking apart some of the platforms and blasting up water that formed even bigger waves than the tide could. Faba and Chrysalis landed before Hapu, Mina, and their Pokémon, and as Burnet floated safely down to her feet, Tapu Fini floated around Chrysalis and Faba to deal with her alone. “We’re not allowing you to go any further!” Hapu declared. “Whatever plans you all have are getting put to an end right here!” “The only thing that’s getting put to an end is your entire world as you know it!” Burnet threw a Poké Ball from her belt. “Malamar, hit Tapu Fini with Psycho Cut!” Bursting from its ball, Malamar lashed its tentacles and shot two bows of magenta Psychic energy at the island guardian. With a spreading of its hands, Tapu Fini formed a disc of water for the bows to crash into, breaking it apart and pushing itself back, mostly unharmed. “Go, Alakazam!” Faba threw his Ultra Ball, releasing his Pokémon from inside of it as it faced Mina’s Ribombee. Chrysalis pulled a ball from her belt and lobbed it out. “Emerge, my Mawile!” Popping out of her ball was a small, impish creature with red eyes and yellow fur that grew thickest around its legs. Protructing from the top of its head and behind it was a large mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. Mina appeared surprised by Chrysalis’s Pokémon. “So now she has a team, too?” “We got tired of replacing her magic-conversion ring,” Faba explained. “We feel this will make her far more practical to our needs. Now, go, Alakazam! Hit those two with Dazzling Gleam!” The Alakazam tapped its two shining spoons together, creating a blinding flash of light with small, colorful beams that struck Krookodile, Mina’s bug, and Mawile. Mawile didn’t appear the least bit hurt by the attack while Krookodile and the insect continued wiping their eyes, which pleased Chrysalis. “Very good! Now, hit the pest with Iron Head, Mawile!” Mawile ran out and leapt up, rocketing the base of its mouth appendage into Mina’s Pokémon and hitting it hard enough to send it flying back screaming. “Ribombee!” On her call, the Ribombee fluttered back to its original spot. “That’s it! Now, attack his Alakazam with Pollen Puff!” “Hit the Mawile with Stomping Tantrum, Krookodile!” Hapu shouted. Flapping its wings harder, a small cloud of dust began to form before Ribombee and compress. At the same time, Krookodile crouched to prepare to sprint, a furious aura seeping off its body. It then charged at Mawile as Ribombee threw its pollen ball at Alakazam, both attacks striking their targets. Inside Faba’s helicopter, water began to fill the inside of the cargo hold, washing into the seats of everyone bound inside. Crying and grunting, they pulled on their restraints; their only chance of escape. “Help!” Lillie screamed. “Somebody help! We’re going to drown!” A sparkling flash of light appeared before them, and the others were shocked to see Twilight and Spike standing there from it. “Not if we can help it!” Charging her horn once again, her magic aura formed around each belt around everyone’s wrists before they each snapped off one at a time. Free, they all stood up and got high above the water. Alice and Lillie both went to Twilight, who met them with a hug. “Oh my god,” Alice breathed out, “you saved us!” “We should probably hurry out of here though!” Spike shouted with a backward point of his thumb as a wave of water rose up to his upper chest. “This thing’s going to sink any moment now!” “Yeah, give me a second!” Kneeling down, Dexio tapped on the touchscreen keypad on a large white chest placed against the wall until a 10-digit keypad showed up. “I wonder if…” Quickly tapping in the digits, he huffed a laugh as the affirmative beep sounded from the box as it unlatched and swung open. Pushing it further open, he found his bag, along with Sam and Alice’s inside. Grabbing them both, Dexio tossed Sam and Alice their belongings, which they looked incredibly surprised to see. Sam swung his bag upon his back as he looked to Dexio pulling his out. “How did you–” “Must have forgotten to change the passwords after learning I defected. Those idiots are a real help, they are.” He then slammed the chest shut. “Okay, now we can go.” With the water now at the humans’ chests, Twilight paddled above the surface as Spike mounted her, and with a charge of her horn, she teleported her and everyone inside out, and with another pop of an enchanted bubble, they appeared atop the helicopter, Twilight just barely dodging a stray Dragon Rage from a Gyarados. Sam, now able to see the outside more fully, couldn’t find anyone else around them. “Where are the others?” “They’re flying to the other islands to warn the Kahunas and Captains!” Spike explained. “Fluttershy’s here with us too, but that’s it.” “Wait!” Sun shouted, spinning to the left. “What about Hau?! He was on–” He stopped himself and shuddered in horror as he spotted the only few remains of Burnet’s helicopter floating above the ocean. “No…” Sun walked to the edge and ready to dive in, only for Gladion and Lillie to hold him back. “No! We have to save him!” Beneath the surface, the obsidian cube fell to the sandy, pitch-black bottom of the pier. It settled there for a few moments before a purple portal opened up beside it, providing the only light that the moonlight above couldn’t reach. At once, a Dhelmise shot out from it and shattered the cube, a large air pocket rising out from it and pulling Hau up a foot or two before he floated still its spot. Realizing he was free and underwater, Hau struggled to keep from breathing in out of surprise, only to be met with the barely-perceptible jaws of a Gyarados pass around him and close shut, trapping him in its mouth as he screamed the only air still inside of him. Sun, still trying to fight the grasps of his friends, stopped once he saw the Gyarados break from the surface and slithered over to him. Raising its body, it let Hau and several gallons of fishy water wash over the surface of the helicopter. While Twilight and Spike couldn’t help but recoil from the stench, Sun pulled away from Lillie and Gladion as he rolled the motionless Hau onto his back and began puffing into his mouth. By the fifth puff, Hau jolted up and coughed the seawater inside his lungs out, breathing the only fresh air he had gotten in hours. “Oh, thank god!” As Sun hugged Hau, Twilight and Spike breathed a sigh of relief. Hau quickly screamed loud as he thrashed Sun away from him, the others needing to step back as he worked the shock out of his system. Upon seeing the night sky and the moon and stars within it, he quickly settled down. “Oh my shit!” Hau gasped, patting his body simply to hear himself do so. “I couldn’t see or hear anything in there! I almost went insane!” “It’s alright!” Twilight pulled Hau up to his feet as he weakly stood beside his friends. “You’re safe now.” Hau then looked out at the Seafolk Village, which began to get ravaged in the crossfire between the grunts’ Pokémon and the wild Pokémon attacking them. “Oh, man! What’s going on?” “Burnet and the others were sending us to the Altar of the Sunne.” Gladion then looked out toward Hapu and Mina as the two of them were in the middle of an intense battle with Chrysalis and Faba as Burnet’s Gardevoir continued assaulting Tapu Fini. “Then they showed up to stop them.” “Well, we should help, shouldn’t we?” “Hold on,” Alice protested. “My Pokémon still aren’t in fighting condition after battling Sun.” “Mine either,” Sam huffed. Fluttershy and Comfey then appeared from the fray of the battle and smiled to see her friends for the most part alright. “Guys! You made it. Now you can help us!” “Not quite yet, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “We need you to help cover us for just a little bit more while they heal their Pokémon up, okay?” Fluttershy sighed in disappointment. “Okay, but please be quick! I don’t like being here!” Sam cupped his hands as Fluttershy flew back into the battle. “We’re on the same boat, you know!” “Well,” Spike corrected, “helicopter, but I mean…” Dexio pulled his bag open and pulled out a handful of Revives. “Here, take these. We’ll all go in together and clobber them. Sound good?” “Right.” Alice grabbed five of them from his hand while Sam, Gladion, Lillie, and Sun divided the rest amongst themselves. “But we should probably be quick like Fluttershy asked…” Twilight turned around to see that the water was now only a foot away from reaching the top of the helicopter. “I don’t think it would be safe to swim into the middle of this thing.” Alice spread the five Revives out evenly, pressing them simultaneously onto the center buttons where they lit up and dissolved inside. Malamar flew past Tapu Fini as it barely managed to avoid its Superpower attack. Turning around, it then shot a heavy blast of water at Malamar’s back. Despite knocking it even farther away, Malamar flew right back at Tapu Fini, this time, managing to connect its Superpower attack into it. “Yes!” Burnet barked. “I’ll force my way through if I–” Malamar was then struck behind by a green blur that angled up off its back and flew backward in a wide flip. Gasping, Burnet turned around to see Sun raising his arm, holding a Poké Ball that Decidueye flew inside. With his free hand, Sun threw out another ball, his Primarina plopping onto the pier and facing Malamar, who had difficulty trying to look between Sun’s Pokémon and Tapu Fini, made only more difficult as Hau ran in with Marshadow leading him. Hau smiled with open arms as Burnet seethed at him. “What can I say? I’m impossible to keep still.” As Lillie’s Starmie floated down with Lillie and Gladion floating on its backside, they hopped down and stood beside Hapu and Mina as Lillie returned her Pokémon. Together, the two sent out another pair of Pokémon. “You’re up, Rapidash!” “Go, Silvally!” At once, Lillie’s flaming unicorn, and Gladion’s chimera appeared from their balls and joined the sides of Hapu’s Krookodile and Mina’s Ribombee. “Hey,” Mina said to Gladion. “Long time no see.” “Likewise.” He didn’t even glance to her, disappointing her. “Now, let’s take these two out and stop them in our tracks, shall we?” “That’s right!” Hapu punched into her hand before grinding the knuckles into her palm in a display of dominance. Lillie frowned as Chrysalis scowled at their fortified team. “Don’t give us that look! You think we would let you get through here without a fight? Not a chance!” Faba clenched his fist. “Alakazam, attack Rapidash with Psychic!” “Rapidash! Counter with Megahorn!” As Alakazam’s spoons charged with energy, Rapidash’s horn began to glow brightly before it broke into a gallop. Alakazam crossed its spoons together as Rapidash tucked its head in, striking the spoons at the point where they crossed. “Aegislash!” Sam commanded. “Shadow Claw!” “Raichu!” Alice shouted. “Hit Bruxish with Thunderbolt!” “Espeon!” Dexio exclaimed. “Use Shadow Ball!” Fluttershy aimed her pointed hoof at a Bruxish in her sights. “Comfey! Energy Ball, quickly!” Sam swung his right arm horizontally out, Aegislash following through with its blade turning dark-purple as it slashed across the face of a Metang. Raichu hurled static up into the sky before it rained down in greater intensity onto a Slowking. Espeon spat out a sizable Shadow Ball into a Kadabra’s face. Comfey spun a green aura ball with its arms before whipping it out with its tail, where it hit the Bruxish below the right eye. All four Pokémon where knocked back, the Kadabra and Slowking nearly sliding off the portion of the pier they stood on and into the water. Sam and his friends pushed back against each other’s backs as they and their Pokémon protected each of their blind sides from the four grunts they faced. With their defenses solid, the cocoa-skinned grunt with spiky black hair breathed out as he glanced out of the corner of his eye, seeing as the red Gyarados chased off several of his allies’ Pokémon with help from the other wild Pokémon. With a determined squint, he looked away from Sam, Alice and their friends and threw his outstretched hand in the direction of the Gyarados. “Bruxish. Attack that Gyarados with Ice Fang and then come back!” “What?” Sam and Fluttershy both gasped. The Bruxish swam off and dove into the water, weaving through the supports for the piers until it was back into open water, following the red Gyarados closely. With its fangs frosting over, it opened its maw and clamped down on its right side before letting go. The Gyarados stopped its chase and looked directly at the Bruxish who swam back under the piers. Enraged, the Gyarados let out a roar as it swam straight through a wide opening between the supports, its eyes locked on the Bruxish. Finally, the triggerfish leapt back out of the water and returned to its trainer, and the Gyarados emerged from a wide, square point between the wooden platform and cast its furious gaze at the Bruxish’s trainer. The other grunts, as well as Sam, Alice, Dexio, and Fluttershy, couldn’t help but stare up at it. “Okay?” the Kadabra’s grunt, an overweight young man with a dyed-red bun questioned fearfully. “And the point of that was?” “Oh, I don’t know!” The Bruxish’s grunt shouted. “Why don’t you try putting it to sleep or something!” The Kadabra’s grunt’s face lit up, understanding. “Kadabra, use Hypnosis!” The Kadabra ran to the Bruxish’s side and began to swing its spoon in midair like a pendulum, creating light-purple ripples that went around the Gyarados’s face. The other grunts chuckled in relief as the red Gyarados began to swoon and its eyes began forcing themselves closed. “Wow!” the Metang’s female grunt with a blue Mohawk exclaimed. “It’s working!” Unable to stay conscious, the Gyarados shut its eyes and slammed the upper quarter of its body onto the pier where it went into a deep sleep. “Okay, my turn!” The Slowking’s grunt, a tan young man with bright yellow hair, pointed his finger at the Pokémon. “Slowking, attack it with Dream Eater!” Slowking opened its mouth wide as it reached at the placid Gyarados, the ends of its fingers dancing with a wispy aura. Suddenly, the Gyarados began to tremble slightly until it violently shot itself up, roaring with the agony Slowking inflicted to its consciousness. Trying to wake itself, the Gyarados thrashed the bottom of its head at the pier near where Sam, Alice, and Dexio stood with their Pokémon. The three leapt back while Fluttershy swung back as the pier shattered around them, the damage extending out until the floor beneath Alice gave way. Without anywhere to catch onto, Alice fell back-first into the water. “Alice!” Sam rushed to the fresh hole and reached his hand to her as she got herself upright. “Grab on, hurry!” “Metang!” the mohawked grunt ordered. “Stop him!” Metang rushed at Sam with the claws at the end of its arms spinning like a drill. Aegislash quickly rushed between them and took the attack in the shield, sparks bouncing off in every sideways direction. “Sam!” Alice gripped Sam’s arms, bringing his attention back from his Pokémon to her. “Hurry up, I’m slipping!” “I got you!” Sam began to reach for the sleeve of her shirt, when he noticed the murk-blurred jaws of Gyarados appear, rising to the surface and pinching a hold of Alice’s vest. Dexio also just managed to grab her wrist before Gyarados shot back down, Alice’s scream cutting off almost instantly as she was pulled beneath the surface and deep down out of their sight. “AHH!” Fluttershy screamed. “Alice, no!” With a worried squeak, Raichu dove into the hole and rode its tail until it too disappeared into the dark. “Nice one!” The overweight grunt high-fived the cocoa-skinned one. “That’ll help our odds!” Sam stood back up and faced the two, his teeth clenched together in unquenchable fury. “Aegislash! Hit the Kadabra with the hardest Shadow Claw of your life!” Aegislash pushed off Metang’s force and shot out at the Kadabra with its blade glowing purple. Kadabra barely had time to see Aegislash approach as it swung up and out to the left, sending it flying out over where the wild Pokémon continued to battle the grunts’ Pokémon. Before it could land into the water, the Kadabra was then clobbered by a Dhelmise’s midair Phantom Force that sent both tumbling down into the water. “Kadabra, no!” he shouted. “Espeon!” Dexio sprung to his feet as well. “Hit the Bruxish with Shadow Ball!” “You get him too, Comfey!” Fluttershy also sounded intensely pissed. “Take him out with Energy Ball!” Both Pokémon charged their attacks and shot them out at the same time. They melded into a singular swirling ball of green and purple before it struck the target hard. The cocoa-skinned grunt watched anxiously as Bruxish limply flopped on the deck before sliding off the pier and into the ocean. “Dammit!” the Bruxish’s grunt ran to where his Pokémon fell and aimed his Poké Ball at the water where his Pokémon was barely visible, managing to return it inside. Sam could only look back inside the hole and hope to see his sister rise to the top, untying his jacket from his waist as he prepared to have to go in after her. Unaware to him, the Slowking and Metang attacked Espeon and Comfey with a Flamethrower attack and Bullet Punch. Still not seeing any sign of her, Sam let his jacket fall as he readied to jump. “Aegislash, help me! I’m going–” A bright light then suddenly appeared, both Alice and her Raichu visible inside the glow. Shooting out of the surface, Alice and Raichu sprayed salty seawater over everyone nearby, Fluttershy and Sam smiling happily on as she landed feet-first as Raichu took her side again. “Alice!” Fluttershy’s call was met with a happy warble from Comfey. Alice then pointed her finger at the Slowking. “Raichu, finish it off with Thunderbolt!” Raichu swung its arm at Slowking and threw many water droplets that still clung to its fur. With the tips of its paws charged, the sparks amplified as they traveled across the spray and covered the Slowking in their voltage. With a quick convulsion, the Slowking tipped over and settled down, its unconscious eyes still open. “Espeon!” Dexio screamed. “Shadow Ball!” “Aegislash!” Sam swung both arms to the left. “Shadow Claw!” Espeon shot its purple aura from its mouth as Aegislash cut into it mid-swing, a wide tail of energy spilling back past its blade along with the glow inside of it. The combined attack went across Metang as it was knocked back to its grunt where it clattered and ground to a halt at her feet. With small gasps and lightly-trembling arms, the two grunts called their fainted Pokémon back. Looking back up, the three humans, pegasus, and their Pokémon slowly stepped toward them. With a defeated huff, both of them ran back to the south of the pier to join their grunt brethren. Certain of their brief moment of safety, Sam hugged onto his sister, resting his chin on her shoulder. “God dammit, I thought you were a goner for a second.” “Me, a goner?” Alice lifted her brother’s arm off of her and backed away from him. “Bro, ye of little faith!” Fluttershy looked back down into the hole the Gyarados caused. “What happened down there?” “It’s okay. I took care of it.” As the others tried to find out what she meant, she walked to the north where their friends’ battles with Faba, Chrysalis, and Burnet continued. “Come on. They can use our help!” As she went away from them, Sam couldn’t help but glance down at her Poké Ball belt, which now sported six balls instead of five. As Dexio, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon jogged to follow, Sam smirked and nodded with secret approval before he and Aegislash went off to join her. “Flygon!” Hapu exclaimed with a reach of her hand. “Attack her Hydreigon with Dragon Rush!” A light-green insectoid dragon with two trapezoidal wings, a long ringed tail, two sizable antennae draped behind it, and a pair of natural red lenses covering its eyes flew up before diving straight down at its target, a blue, black and mauve dragon with shredded black wings and two smaller heads on the ends of its arms. Flygon’s head struck the Hydreigon in the chest, sending it slamming into the pier and bouncing back to Chrysalis’s hooves. Chrysalis gasped as the last of her Pokémon was defeated. “Granbull!” Mina pointed out at Faba’s Hypno, both of whom looked tired and nervous at what was sure to be the last hit. “Finish him off with Crunch!” Getting down on all fours, her Granbull bolted at Hypno and tackled it to the ground. Opening its large mouth while raising its head, it then brought it down and around its neck, and with a hard bight and a painful narrowing of its eyes, Hypno relaxed itself and laid still on the pier, dropping its pendulum on the floor. Gladion, Lillie, and their Silvally and Starmie relaxed, their victory assured. “Aiyee!” Faba squealed. Mina looked over and saw as Sam, Alice, and their other two friends began to arrive with their Pokémon. “Hapu! Help the guardian! We’ll keep them at bay!” “Right!” Hapu ran to her right as Flygon stayed above her. She kept her eyes on Burnet’s Malamar as it struggled to fight between Sun’s Primarina, Marshadow, and Tapu Fini. As Malamar attacked Marshadow with Psycho Cut, Hapu squinted, having found her perfect moment. “Flygon, hit Malamar with Dragon Rush!” Flygon dove down at Malamar as Marshadow continued taking the attack that it tried to block with its forearms. Burnet turned around upon hearing Flygon’s approach, but could only watch as it, like the Hydreigon, was slammed into the pier, rendered fainted by the barrage of attacks it had to endure. Twilight and Spike continued to watch the grunts fight against the wild Pokémon, both of them content to see as one of the round whales splashed onto a couple of Bruxish as a Dhelmise defeated a Slowbro. “I think they have the grunts covered, Spike. Let’s go help the others.” Looping around, she flew through the broken Seafolk Village as Sam and Alice and their friends and Pokémon arrived by Sun and began to surround Burnet on both sides. Burnet spun slowly around as the five trainers, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon all looked ready to attack at the first sign of offense. Twilight flew above the circle and looked down on Burnet as she called her fainted Malamar back. “It’s over, Burnet! You may be strong with Solgaleo and Lunala, but you can’t possibly defeat six trainers in a row.” “Don’t forget us!” Mina called, waving. “And them too! Now, hand over Solgaleo and Lunala back to us, and we will leave!” Burnet began to chuckle before going into a full on laugh, unnerving Twilight, Fluttershy, Sam, and Alice. “You think it’s as simple as giving them back to you? You really don’t understand, do you? Solgaleo and Lunala are one with Necrozma again, and I alone wield their power.” She then put Malamar’s ball onto her belt and took out another. “Would you like to see it?” “Not interested!” Sun shouted. “Primarina, Ice Beam!” Burnet squeezed hard on her ball, causing it to surge with a dark orange energy. As Primarina’s mouth began to spill mist as its beam charged, Burnet threw her glowing Poké Ball into the air, her Gardevoir coming out from it. It too was alight with the orange energy as it began to descend down. Primarina shot its beam just as the tips of Gardevoir’s legs touched the ground. Though the beam hit it directly in the horn on its chest, Sun and the others were shocked to see that Gardevoir didn’t appear the least bit bothered by it, as if being blown on from several feet away. “Holy cow!” Spike hugged Twilight’s neck, frightened by Gardevoir's endurance. “It’s indestructible now!” “We’ll see about that!” Sam pointed forward. “Aegislash, attack Gardevoir with Iron Head!” “Raichu!” Alice yelled. “Thunderbolt, now!” “Espeon!” Dexio exclaimed. “You know what to do!” “Flygon, Stone Edge!” Hapu commanded. “Comfey, Energy Ball!” Fluttershy cried out. Sam’s sword shot out at Gardevoir just as Primarina stopped its attack. Despite there only being a foot or so between the two, Gardevoir brought its legs in, fell, and leaned back to let the tip and the broad side of the blade pass over its face, defying gravity with its pose. Raichu then soared at it with its tailboard sparkling with energy. Pushing up off the ground, Gardevoir leapt up and twirled sideways as Raichu passed beneath it. Espeon’s Shadow Ball shot out from its mouth, and with its continued momentum, Gardevoir flipped back and avoided the Shadow Ball, once again flying just inches from its head. Flygon threw its arm up, bringing a tower of rock piercing through the pier from the ocean to strike Gardevoir from below. Gardevoir spun halfway around as the rock ran up under its feet, letting gravity slide it down. Comfey then knocked the green aura it formed with its tail at Gardevoir, who simply dipped its head to let the attack go above it. Sliding to the bottom, Marshadow tried to clock Gardevoir with a quick right, only for it to lean back and avoid it before flipping backwards onto the stone tower and leaping up it. Once it reached the top, Tapu Fini blasted water from the ring it formed with its hands, only for Gardevoir to continue its ascent to the top and jump. With the final attack avoided, Gardevoir’s form looked even more amazing as it was silhouetted above by the moonlight. “Moonblast, now!” Burnet barked. With its horn turning bright white, Gardevoir launched a beam of bright, sparkling energy, bigger and wider than any it ever did before, blasting into Flygon’s chest and throwing it toward the land up north. Hapu’s eyes and mouth were wide open, knowing that her Pokémon was fainted before it could reach the apex of its launch upward. Lillie, Gladion, and Mina kept their eyes on Flygon the entire time as Hapu ran inland to retrieve it. Even Tapu Fini was compelled to float back and far away from the battle, afraid of the awesome power Gardevoir possessed. Sun let out a heavy huff as he called his Primarina back into its ball, something Sam couldn’t help but appear more frightened of. “Sun, hey, what are you doing?!” “If she can make her Gardevoir that strong, just imagine how strong they’ll… We can’t beat her with that kind of power, not even all of us!” “Sun, what are you talking about!?” Twilight howled. “You can’t give up now!” “We’re not! We’re retreating until we have the numbers that can face something like this!” Burnet threw her arm to the side. “Ha! You’re not going anywhere! You came to fight me, and I’ll see that you finish what you started!” “We will, trust me… Everyone who can, hit Gardevoir with a Z-Move, now!” “Sun,” Gladion called, “what are you–” “Just do it, dammit!” With the pressure mounting, Sam took his Firium Z off his Z-Ring’s slot and replaced it with the one he received from Molayne. Gardevoir floated back down before Burnet as Gladion, Lillie, and Mina ran at them. “Sam!” He turned to Gladion, who punched his sideways right fist into his left one before thrusting them both forward. Sam nodded, thankful for the explanation. He then crossed his arms before his face as his Z-Ring lit up. Alice replaced her Flyinium Z with with her Aloraichium Z and also activated it. Soon, Lillie, Gladion, Hau, and Mina also crossed their arms together, their Z-Rings sparking up to form a bright ring around Burnet and Gardevoir. Dexio glancing to his own on his right wrist and his Z-Ring, clenched his fist with impotency. With a mew, his Espeon got him to look down at it, and with another bark, it lowered its stance, granting him permission to use it. Without further hesitation, Dexio crossed his wrists and activated his Z-Ring as well. Hapu ran back into the town and tossed an Ultra Ball at the empty spot left for her. “Let’s do this, Mudsdale!” Her massive horse leapt from the ball and joined Granbull’s side as she ran to join Mina’s. She then activated her Z-Ring as well, performing the motions that transferred her Z-Power to her Mudsdale. Hau was the last to go, activating his Marshadium Z and filling his partner with his Z-Power. The seven trainers put their arms down and crossed them out before finishing their own unique poses to activate the Z-Power within them. Like a synchronized fountain, the Z-Power filled each trainer’s Pokémon, creating a wall of flaming aura that Gardevoir couldn’t escape from. Dexio grunted as Espeon buckled its front paws as sparks cracked over its body. “Espeon!” It stood up straight again and withstood it, focusing on the enemy at hand. “Everyone, stand back!” Sun’s instruction was responded to by everyone going as far back as they could without leaving much space or going off the edge of a pier. “Be ready to hear my next step! Now, go! Attack!” Sam went first. “Aegislash! Corkscrew Crash!” “Raichu! Stoked Sparksurfer!” “Silvally, hit her with Breakneck Blitz!” “Starmie, use Hydro Vortex!” “Granbull, Twinkle Tackle, now!” “Mudsdale, finish Gardevoir off with Tectonic Rage!” “Espeon! Attack with Neverending Nightmare!” “Marshadow, use Seven Star Soul Stealing Strike!” High up in the sky, the Z-constellation appeared bright and immistakeable. Even the grunts and the wild Pokémon still going at each other had to stop and stare up at the wondrous sight. Starmie spun about rapidly as it began to rotate around Gardevoir, the sloshing of the ocean sounding out beneath it. As well, a sinister purple light began to shine underneath the area where Gardevoir stood. Suddenly, a tornado of water broke through the wood and swept Gardevoir away with it. Everyone, even Burnet marveled at the purple luminence of the water, Starmie and Espeon’s Z-Moves melding together. Aegislash shot upwards as it began to spin itself, becoming a round blur that began to take the form a shiny drill, aiming its point down at the center of the vortex. Raichu flew out and rode the inner wall of the twister, its electrical plasma energy sliding down it until it covered the entire inside. Hapu’s Mudsdale hopped up and crashed through the pier, falling straight down and piercing through the crust of the earth as its Z Power continued burrowing it down further. A sparkling Granbull and aura-blazing Silvally then stood apart from each other, ready for the opportune time to strike. Inside the whirlpool, Gardevour was shot out over the center of it, where four shadowy hands grabbed each of its limbs and held it directly in the middle, the twister rotating it about and holding it still for the other Pokémon. Marshadow leapt above the edges of the twister before shooting down at Gardevoir, disappearing into its chest. “Okay, now!” Sam shouted. Raichu rose up from the vortex, bringing with it a splash of plasma that it proceeded to pull a U-turn on and fall back down on, Aegislash joining its side as they fell. Mudsdale then shot back through the earth and up through the pier, its body hot with the molten rock it rushed through far below. Finally, Granbull and Silvally rushed at it from their points. The final five Pokémon collided with Gardevoir all at once, and as the multitude of energies melded with one another, a brighter, stronger electrical current began to erupt over the town, condensing in at the point of impact before a tremendous explosion of light rocked the town, also engulfing Burnet with it. The wild Pokémon instantly got beneath the water, terrified by the power they felt from the blast. Even with their distance, the trainers and Equestrians had great difficulty resisting the force and brightness of the blast. Quickly though, the Pokémon all returned to their trainers, seemingly ready to face Burnet’s next Pokémon. “Okay!” Sun shouted. “Hau! Fluttershy!” As Hau turned to him, Fluttershy and Comfey flew by his side to hear Sun’s next orders. “Take Hapu and Mina to Ten Karat Island! The others should be meeting there as well! Hurry!” “Got it!” Hau and Fluttershy rushed off to gather them. “Twilight, get Lillie and Gladion!” Twilight flew over to them before he directed his attention at Sam, Alice, and Gladion. “You guys are coming with us!” “Where are we going?!” Alice responded. “The Aether Paradise! We need to get a few things before the final battle!” “Final battle?!” Sam put his hands around his mouth to ensure Sun could better hear him over the unrelenting Z Explosion. “This wasn’t meant to stop her?!” “I told you, even all of us here aren’t strong enough to stop her! We need to leave, now!” “Sun!” Gladion, Lillie, and Twilight and Spike appeared beside Sam and Alice. “What are we doing now?!” “Going to the Aether Paradise! Hurry! I don’t know how much longer this thing will hold!” Twilight strained as she charged her horn, picking up the six trainers in her magic. Once they returned their Pokémon, Twilight flew southeast with them, leaving the Seafolk Village and Team Prism behind. As the brightness began to settle down around Gardevoir and Burnet, they then looked to see Fluttershy and Comfey soaring east with Hau’s Charizard, Hapu and Mina both riding it together with him. Finally the light subsided, and Burnet could finally see Gardevoir floating face up in the choppy waters caused by the collective Z-Move attack. As she returned Gardevoir back into its ball, Faba and Chrysalis ran to her with worry across their face. “You can’t let them get away again!” Chrysalis snapped. Burnet then slowly turned to face the back of Sun and Twilight’s group as they continued flying away. “I won’t.” Burnet reached out and gripped an open spot before her, her clawed hand glowing magenta. Sam suddenly felt a slight tug at his jeans, confusing him. Burnet then closed her hand and yanked back. Sam was pulled from Twilght’s grasp as he began to fall down toward the ocean, screaming as he was pulled away from his sister and friends, leaving the others horrified for him. “SAM!” Alice shrieked NO!” “We have to go back!” Spike tugged on Twilight’s mane, trying to get her to listen. “No! Twilight, just let me go!” “Alice, c’mon! You can’t go back there!” “Of course I do! Let me go to him, please!” “I’m going too.” Dexio’s remark was met with even more terror. “Dexio,” Sun shouted. “Not you too!” “You go ahead and get what you need. These two need my help!” Twilight bit her lip and closed her eyes, sad tears falling out as she actually prepared to let her friends go off to their doom. “Twilight, now!” With an anguished yelp, Twilight let her magic hold on them go, allowing Dexio and Alice to fall down and into the ocean. Burnet pursed her lips to see the two separate themselves from their friends, then smirking as Sam was pulled onto the pier beside her, his hands forced behind his back as he too had to wait for his sister and friend arrive. Coming back up to the surface, Alice detached a Poké Ball from her belt and lobbed it up. Opening up and letting it on onto the water, the red Gyarados shook itself awake and shot glances about its unfamiliar surroundings. It then looked down to Alice and Dexio with a mounting sense of loyalty and gratitude. Moving itself toward her, the serpent lowered its head and flapped its fins on the side of its head. Taking its cue, Alice and Dexio put their hands on its neck, ready to move back to the town. “Nicely done,” Dexio complimented. “To be fair,” Alice replied, “it was either this or drowning.” Pushing its head forward, Gyarados slithered its bottom half vertically to the pier where Burnet and Sam waited. Sam sniffled as Alice got closer, the only thing about his situation he was truly happy to see. Faba and Chrysalis went on both sides of them as the two finally arrived. With a turn of the wrist and a flick of the finger, Alice and Dexio were lifted out of the water and onto the pier, landing on their side with the water soaked from their clothes splashing them further. Dexio got to his feet as Alice aimed her Poké Ball at the expectant Gyarados. “Thanks a million,” she wheezed before the red beam brought it back inside. Finally, Burnet let Sam go, allowing him to rush to his sister and pull her up. Looking down at her face, his lip quivered and his eyes watered before he pulled her in for a hug. As he softly wept over her shoulder, she put her arms around his back, completely grateful for what he knew she did for him. “Are you about done?” Burnet sounded slightly nauseous by the show of affection. “We now have to walk, and it’s going to be at least another hour before we get where we need to.” “You can’t just warp us there or something?” Dexio asked. “You just absorbed the power of two of the most powerful Pokémon in the world.” Burnet flicked the back of her index finger into Dexio’s gut, a soft boom and pulse of energy rippling from the impact as he was thrown onto his stomach. “And I used quite a bit of that power trying to defeat you all. It’s astounding that I even managed to snag one of you out of the sky from your distance.” Dexio gagged as he slowly rolled onto all fours. Just then, the grunts from the south end of the village traversed the walkway toward them, their cloaks soaked and partially torn. “What next?” An older darker-skinned grunt with short black hair stepped forward toward the three admins. “Are we going after them?” “Not me,” Burnet responded. “I’m taking these three up to the Altar alone. They shouldn’t be much trouble for me.” “And what are we supposed to do while you do that?” Faba questioned. “Isn’t it obvious Faba? You’re going to lead them.” Faba couldn’t help but take a step back, unsure if he heard her right. “Are you–” “Yes, while I’m away, you are now the leader of Team Prism, and Chrysalis is now second in command.” Chrysalis blushed, also extremely flattered. “Thank you so much, Burnet.” “I trust you will help keep the others from getting in our way, correct!” “Of course!” Faba bowed her head to her. “You should have nothing to worry about.” “Good. Alright then. Sam, Alice, Dexio, begin walking!” Walking to the mainland, Sam, Alice, and Dexio followed closely, hoping their short distance from her wouldn’t incure any wrath that they might trigger. Faba watched them until they got to the top of the ramp that brought the four to solid ground. “Faba, sir!” A young male grunt with sandy-blonde hair spoke up, prompting him to give him his attention. “A lot of us lost our own Pokémon to the wild Pokémon. We need time to heal.” “There will be plenty of time for that on the way there,” Faba replied. “On the way where, sir?” “To the Aether Paradise, of course. If those rotten children are getting what I think they’re trying to get, it’s imperative they don’t leave that building.” “But how are we supposed to get there?” A muscular bald grunt replied. “They’re probably at least a mile away from us by now and counting! We’ll never stop them!” “You needn’t worry about that.” Faba pulled a remote from his cloak pocket and pressed a button on it, turning on the lights of a sizable yacht docked on the east side of the village. “We’re simply the backup.” Faba and Chrysalis turned toward the boat, prompting half of the grunts to walk over and observe. As they surrounded it as much as the piers would allow them, they were impressed by its size, seeing that it would fit all of them and then some. However, one of the most prominent features that caught their eye was the insignia embroidered on both sides of the bow: the logo to the Aether Foundation. > Poni: Chapter 64 – Into the Dragon’s Lair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night was lonely on Poni island, and with as late in the night as it already was, the lack of noise from any wild Pokémon made it even more so. The only light that helped guide Burnet, Sam, Alice, and Dexio were the stars above in the cloudless sky and the sparse amount of torches that were fastened to the walls of the clay houses that were settled on the hilly lands of the Ancient Poni Path. The dirt path then jutted to the left and divided the homes up. Burnet and her three captives were then met by a steep uphill slope that led them to a canyon pass at the very top of it. Alice grimaced as she took an exhausted breath out. “It’s all the way up there?” she complained. “And at least another couple of miles further,” Burnet answered sternly and matter-of-factly. “Keep moving!” Walking upwards, Sam and Dexio followed and with a defeated whine, Alice followed as closely behind as she could. Her pace was still far slower than the others, her mouth open as she tried to breath in as much fresh air as her lungs could allow. Sam then heard a yelping and a fall to the ground, and once he turned around, he saw Alice on her hands and good knee, twisting her other leg to get it as comfortable as possible. “Alice!” With a couple of quick steps, Sam nearly lost his balance and slid the rest of the way down. “Is it your leg?” Alice nodded with a saddened frown as she lightly massaged her leg on both sides of her scar. As she continued relaxing herself, Sam reached for her bag and rummaged around inside. “What’s going on?!” Burnet briskly walked over and stood with one foot beside the inside of Alice’s leg. “Do I have to drag you the rest of the way?” “Her leg is hurting!” Sam spat. “Tough! I won’t let a little cramp slow me down!” “No, you don’t understand!” Alice explained. “I broke my leg a few years ago, and it still hurts if I walk on it for too long!” “Got ‘em!” Sam pulled out her bottle of painkillers and handed it to her sister. “Let me see if I can find something you can take that with.” Burnet, seeing the severity of the situation, crossed her arms, agitated. “Hurry up. We need to keep moving.” As Alice shook two of the pills into the palm of her hand, Sam pulled out a bottle of purple liquid, holding it in his hands forlornly. “All we have is the Payapa Juice Molayne gave us.” Alice snatched it from his grasp. “Well it’s not useful to anyone but me now!” After tossing the pills into her mouth, she unscrewed the cap and took a large swig. With an audible gulp, she screwed the top back on and put it in her bag. “Okay,” Burnet spoke, “you got your medicine, now stand back up! Our journey is far from over.” “Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that isn’t true at all?” Dexio sardonically wondered aloud. Burnet swung her hand up near Dexio’s chin, the aura-surging tips of her clawed gloves coming within an inch of it. “If you’d like your journey to end here, just say the word and I’ll be happy to oblige!” Dexio stayed silent as he looked at Sam and Alice, who were too nervous for their friends safety to consider getting up. With Burnet looking to them, they got to work, Sam shooting to his feet and offering Alice’s hand. With her good foot against Sam’s, he pulled her up to stand straight. “Hold on now…” Sam spun around and put his back to his sister. Resting on his back, he grabbed her at the bottom of each thigh and hoisted her and himself up to piggyback her. Burnet looked indifferent to his act. “Just don’t hold us up, or the fate I proposed to Dexio will come onto you too.” She turned around, Dexio quick to follow her. Sam then jogged up the hill after them, huffing with each push upward. “You remember when we did this when you were a little girl?” Sam whispered to her. “Yeah…” Alice fondly thought back to those simpler days. “I also remember you running a lot faster too.” “Noted.” Sam quickened his pace until the two of them were only a foot or so behind Dexio and Burnet. “You were also a lot lighter.” Alice let out a chuckle, feeling her brother deserved the last word on that one. Reaching the top, the canyon pass was narrower than its entrance, but still wide enough for the four of them to walk side-by-side if need be. There were no torches to light the way, but the starlight above still seemed more than enough. Burnet rose her right hand up, and it glowed a bright white, further illuminating the area before them. Even with the extra light, Alice looked about her, nervous over what possibly lurked ahead or even within the walls of this canyon. “What kind of Pokémon live here?” she wondered, trying to sound as genuinely interested as possible. “If you’re worried about being ambushed like your friends ambushed my grunts, you needn’t worry.” Burnet continued looking forward. “At night, the Pokémon won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. Just stay quiet and let them sleep.” The next several minutes of walking were filled with an eerie, uncomfortable silence, but what did give Sam, Alice, and Dexio some odd solace was that they were certain it’s exactly what Burnet wanted from them in this moment. Soon after, the canyon began to open up into a wider area, a dead tree standing in the middle of it with a small grassy area just behind it. At the end of their path was the entrance to a cavern, which was kept lit with two torches on either side of it. “Is this it?” Sam asked. “Is this where this altar is?” “No, we are still a ways away. Now, come on.” Upon entering into the cavern, Sam and Alice were immediately taken aback by how much brighter it was inside than out. Small fluorescent lights were hung around the walls to give the interior more color and reveal its entire space. Ladders were bolted to the cliff walls that led to the higher leveled paths, which crossed over in long winding bridges over to the other sides, one of which rounded a waterfall pouring from the corner of the ceiling into a small pool and stream below. It was truly a natural wonder to behold. “Okay,” Alice scoffed, “you really aren’t going to expect Sam to climb up a ladder with me on it, are you?” “Hopefully not, but there is a shortcut through here.” Burnet continued walking forward until she came across a large chasm where the water from the pool flowed into far below. “Dexio, if you would, please.” With indignation, Dexio detached one of his balls from his belt and held it over the ravine. “Come on out, Metagross.” His Pokémon formed from the Poké Ball’s energy and floated over the gap, only slightly perturbed by the height of the fall above it. It then docked itself at the front end so that the top of its head was level with the cavern floor. “Alright,” he said to her, “aren’t you going across?” “Hmph.” She turned away from him to face Sam and Alice. “Cute, but no. You’ll have the honors.” “I don’t understand. Cute?” “You want to send me across so we’ll become separated so that you and the siblings can make a run for it. This way, no matter what, I’ll always be by someone; neither of you will be able to leave without the other.” Dexio frowned; the idea never crossed its mind, but it was a sound one. “Or I could return my Metagross back into its ball any time you want to cross. No matter to me.” “You won’t do that. My powers may not be as strong right now, but I can still float myself up. Can you?” The last question was icy enough that the threat against Dexio was loud and clear to him. With a nasal exhale, he stepped onto Metagross’s head before it carried him across. Stepping off to the other side, he allowed Metagross to return back as Burnet awaited it. Sam and Alice continued standing as Burnet walked onto Metagross’s head, prompting it to ferry her over as well. “Can you stand again?” Sam asked her. “The pills kicking in yet?” “Let me down so I can check.” Alice straightened her legs as her brother crouched down. Pressing her foot onto the floor, she kept her eyes closed, expecting some kind of shooting sensation. She then slid off Sam as her eyes relaxed themselves, standing up slowly and tentatively. “Feeling better?” he questioned. “Still feels a little sore, but I should be good for now.” Metagross appeared before the two, extending two of its legs out to create more surface. Understanding, Sam and Alice stepped on with one foot on the flat surface of Metagross’s head, while they stepped the other onto its arm. Once they were securely standing, the disk Pokémon gently carried them over to the other side, neither one of them waiting until it stopped before hopping back to solid ground with Dexio and Burnet. “Feeling better?” Burnet turned toward the exit before Alice even had a chance to answer. “Good. We have a little bit more to go.” Coming back out into the mild darkness, Sam and Alice were greeted by yet another tree that dwarfed the first they came across. What surprised them even more was how the branches were strewn about to form a winding ramp that connected to the cliffside paths high above them. However, it was clear that wasn’t their destination. Facing them just up ahead was another canyon pass with two triangular totems on each side of its entrance that Sam and Alice immediately recognized. “Hold on,” Alice said, “this is a trial site?” Burnet nodded once. “The oldest one on Alola too. In ancient times, those who wanted to wield the full power of the dragon had to pass through and obtain the Z-Crystal from the pedestal at its end. This is said to have inspired similar trials on the other islands until they became the Island Trials. And lucky for you and your brother, you will be challenging it now.” “What?!” Sam and Alice both shouted. “You both cleared your Grand Trial on Ula’ula, and this is in fact meant to be your next trial in your Island Challenge.” “And like Dexio implied,” Sam spoke in, “I have a bad feeling this will end up being our last.” Burnet scowled, her softer demeanor having been exhausted. “Our destination is on the other side of this pass, and if you don’t want me using you as shields against the Pokémon awaiting us in there as I’m very much prepared to do, then you get in there and clear the way yourselves!” Sam and Alice looked into the narrow path, trying to let Burnet’s words drown out in their heads. “On the bright side,” Alice said, “if we somehow manage to live through this, at least that’ll be one less trial for us to complete.” Sam, even with the flurry of dread running through him, couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “And do you think we’ll need to heal our Pokémon before we do this?” “She said something about ‘power of the dragon.’ If that’s the case, all the Pokémon I need were healed back at that village.” Sam looked to his belt and felt through his balls contemplatively before facing forward again. “Yeah, me too. Let’s do this.” The two stepped past the totems, and as the canyon walls closed off more of the starlight, they were stopped by the presence radiating inside them, like a dragon’s roar that they could feel. Uncertain if they were imagining things, they glanced about and waited for whatever they would be facing to attack them. Upon meeting Burnet’s icy stare, they focused back on the way ahead. Walking deeper inside, the canyon got precariously wider and more illuminated as a Z-Crystal pedestal stood right before the exit. Even with the faint light they were given, the gem inside the pedestal sparkled brightly enough to be clearly seen. Despite the obviousness of the trap, there was no sound to be heard, sowing seeds of doubt in Sam and Alice’s minds. With one last glance to each other, they put their hand on a Poké Ball on their belt and took another step forward. Immediately, the sound of rock crumbling off the cliff beneath the weight of something sounded from high above. Looking up, another higher-pitched breaking sound was made as whatever had expected them leapt off the top. Falling down to guard the pedestal was a massive Kommo-o and another smaller, similar dragon Pokémon with a stubbier nose and only a gold plate atop his head. Upon them landing on the ground, another Pokémon flew in from the other side of the top of the canyon, appearing as a metallic, bipedal red insect with two large claws shaped like heads with yellow eyes, taking the side of the Kommo-o’s right. Recognizing the metal bug Pokémon as Scizor, Alice and Sam strangely could only focus on the newer dragon to Kommo-o’s left. “I’m guessing that what Kommo-o used to be,” Sam said, fishing his Pokédex out, “but still, what is that thing?” “Hakamo-o,” the device dictated, “the Scaly Pokémon. It sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous basis. The scales become harder and sharper each time they're regrown.” Putting his Pokédex back, he threw out his Poké Ball with his free hand. “Go, Absol!” “Let’s go, Mimikyu!” Both Pokémon burst forth from their Poké Balls and landed on the ground together at the same time, rearing up to make their first hits. “He’s sending a Dark-type up against a Fighting-type?” Burnet then put her hands to her chin. “He must have his reasons.” Dexio stayed quiet, just wanting the match to go quickly and smoothly. “Alright Mimikyu,” Alice shouted, “let’s start this thing off right! Hit the Kommo-o with–” Immediately, the Scizor warped before Mimikyu and punched it in the neck of its disguise and sent it toppling back, breaking it. Once Scizor flew back to its spot, Mimikyu trembled with rage as the Hakamo-o crossed its arms, the scales on them brightening up until they were a brilliant white. Throwing them out, two metallic beams were hurled off the backs of its hands, the first of them blasting Mimikyu in its actual body and the second hitting the ground before it, exploding it up into the air. “It knows Flash Cannon?” Alice gasped. Absol looked out to his injured partner as the Totem Kommo-o charged it, winding its right arm in and upward. Absol looked back forward as the muscular dragon uppercutted Absol up into the chin, sending it flying up into the air with a cracking boom. Alice and Sam kept their eyes on their airborne Pokémon, Burnet and Dexio also looking uncertain if either Pokémon survived either attack. Both Pokémon crashed back onto their sides, the Totem Kommo-o taking two safe steps backward, awaiting either Pokémon’s awakening. “Guys, get up!” Alice cried. “We really need you here!” “Absol!” Sam balled his fists. “Don’t give up now!” Burnet folded her arms. The trial Pokémons’ strategy was incredibly well executed, though what appeared to eat at her more was her desire for Absol and Mimikyu to not have been defeated. “Come on, guys,” Dexio whispered. “Come on, you guys…” To Sam and Alice’s immense relief, both Pokémon stirred awake, emboldened by the words of their trainers and friend. Mimikyu slunk back upright as Absol rolled itself onto all fours, both of their pairs of eyes trained on the now worried Totem Kommo-o. “That’s it!” Sam threw two excited, reactionary punches at the air. “You got this!” “Ready, Mimikyu?” Alice pulled her arms in. “Attack the Totem Kommo-o with Play Rough!” they both shouted at the same time, pointing their fingers and arms out. Both Pokémon ran at it, and the Totem Kommo-o tried to back up to rejoin Hakamo-o and Scizor, but both Absol and Mimikyu were both too fast for it. Absol bit down on its scaly dreadlock and slammed it onto its back. As it bounced up, Mimikyu unspooled its shadow arms from beneath its disguise and spun them around the Totem Kommo-o many times over before it could hit the ground. With a shriek, Mimikyu hoisted the dragon up and pulled its arms in, rapidly spinning it around in the air. Before it could land again, Mimikyu brought its arms up and clobbered them down onto the Totem Kommo-o, the extra downward force and the turning of its body slamming its face into the ground, throwing a thick cloud of dirt and dust in the air. Absol and Mimikyu rushed into the cloud, which was so heavy that neither Sam nor Alice could see what was going on inside. However, from the sounds of the Totem Kommo-o’s roars and the repeated strikes and thuds coming within, it sounded as though they were winning. Absol and Mimikyu leapt out of the front of the cloud before spinning back around to see their progress. The dust began to slowly settle, and Sam and Alice squinted through to try and see if their dual attack had been successful. Once the silhouette of it was visible, so soon was the rest of its body. The Totem Kommo-o was lying still on its stomach with its head turned sideways, it’s still open eyes looking off in different directions. Sam and Alice took a deep breath, their most difficult hurdle in this battle now cleared. “Yeah,” Sam breathed out. “I knew that would–” Scizor appeared once again before Mimkyu and slammed the blunt end of its claw into its stomach, sending it flying back. As it rolled to Alice, the form underneath its disguise became slimmer and less full, stopping with the costume twisted lightly. Hakamo-o sprinted at Absol with its arms held out behind itself. Once it got close, it swung its right arm deep down and then up, socking Absol upside the chest. It’s hangtime was far less than with Kommo-o’s hit, but it tumbled harder back to Sam than before. Sam breathed out through his pursed lips as he retrieved Absol’s Poké Ball. “That’s okay, girl. We got through the worst of it.” The red beams of Sam and Alice’s Poké Balls brought Absol and Mimikyu back inside. Alice then quickly replaced the ball with another. “Okay, Sam,” she said. “I’ll handle the small fry and you torch the metal bug?” Sam nodded as he pulled a Poké Ball off his belt. “You read my mind. Let’s go, Salazzle!” “You’re up now, Noivern!” Both of them threw their Poké Balls out, Sam’s flame salamander and Alice’s wyvern bursting out from them. Both Pokémon landed confidently before the remaining Scizor and Hakamo-o, the former of whom looked particularly nervous about Salazzle’s appearance. “Alright!” Alice shouted. “Let’s see you try and get the jump on us now! Noivern, hit Hakamo-o with Dragon Pulse.” “Salazzle, use Flamethrower on the Scizor, now!” Filling its mouth with a swirling blue energy, it then fired it out as it traveled at the Hakamo-o like a comet, striking into its stomach hard enough to throw it off its feet and slammed its back against the canyon wall. Fires spilled out of Salazzle’s mouth as it tried to contain the fire it was packing inside its maw. Unable to withhold it any longer, Salazzle shot a marvelous, hefty stream of fire that also threw Scizor into the wall, the unrelenting blaze pinning it there as it cried out in pain. Dexio was aghast as Sam and Alice’s Pokémon made short, simple work out of the remaining trial Pokémon. “My god, those kids… Look at how strong they’ve become.” Burnet tightened the cross of her arms and frowned. “Truly Pokémon Master material…” Finally, Salazzle stopped to finally breathe, freeing the Scizor as fell to its knees and just barely managed to catch it by the ends of its claws. Hakamo-o hopped back onto its two feet and rushed out at Noivern with its claws glowing bright blue. Alice gasped, recognizing the attack. “Noivern, dodge it!” Noivern beat its wings, beginning to get airborne. Looking down at the still-approaching Hakamo-o, it bent its legs and pushed off the ground hard, soaring up at Noivern faster than it could fly away. Swinging down, the Hakamo-o slashed down across Noivern’s stomach, the harsh sting and extra push sending it falling back down directly over Alice. With quick feet, she hopped back just as its back collided with the ground, and it writhed its gut upward as the pain shot up its spine. “Noivern!” Alice reached to her Noivern as it scrambled to get back to all fours. “Are you alright?” The Scizor focused on Salazzle and with a push off the canyon wall, it shot out at Sam’s Pokémon in an imperceptible blur. It punched its closed right claw out, a black energy forming off it as it slammed into Salazzle’s chest. Salazzle was quick to roll into its fall before getting back to its feet. The Scizor then looked to Noivern as it stood up straight on its two legs, recovered from the Hakamo-o’s attack. With a fast enough motion to appear as though it warped in front of it, it punched Noivern in the face and knocked its head to the side. Alice smirked as her Noivern quickly recovered and brought its face down to its nearby foe. “Noivern! Finish the Scizor off with your own Flamethrower!” Noivern’s mouth glowed hot and bright just as Scizor leapt back to avoid a point-blank attack, and Noivern washed its fiery breath over Scizor faster than it could escape it. With its feet landing, it couldn’t muster the strength to stand before collapsing onto its side and was rolled back into the still fainted Totem Kommo-o. “Salazzle!” Sam shouted. “Hit Hakamo-o with Sludge Bomb!” Rolling its stomach in, the bile accumulating inside of it went through its neck before Salazzle spat it out, lobbing it in a perfect arc before it splattered all over the dragon, covering it in the sticky, purple glop that weighed down on it. With an angered shriek, it tore from the stringy, pasty liquid and charged once again at Noivern. With the distance between them, Noivern knew that it could not get away and simply closed its eyes as the Hakamo-o swung its glowing claws into Noivern’s body from the lower neck to the waist. Noivern limply fell back and slammed onto the floor, its eyes closed and his body completely exhausted. Before Noivern could lay completely still, the red beam from its Poké Ball returned it inside. Alice tapped the ball to her forehead before returning it to her belt. Before she could reach for one of her other Poké Balls, she glanced up at the remaining Pokémon, who looked steadfast and determined as ever despite its desperate situation. With an assured nod, she reached back a couple of balls and plucked it off her belt. “Let’s finish this, Gyarados!” Throwing her ball out, the energy that spilled out expanded the entire length between her and the Z-Crystal’s pedestal and settled along the floor before it formed into her red, serpentine fish. Without water to swim in, Gyarados felt incredibly flustered as it squirmed about, uncomfortable about its surroundings. Burnet and Dexio were both shocked by this choice, but refrained from commenting as Alice ran to her Pokémon as she pulled her backpack apart. Sliding beside Gyarados’s underbelly, she pulled out the magnet plates that Sophocles had given her. “Okay,” she cooed, stroking its belly, “just hold still for a second.” Examining the plate, she found one side that had a white box outline on it, and she placed that side onto one section of its snake-like undersection where it clung like a strong magnet would, forming around the curves. Sam, Salazzle, and Hakamo-o watched as Alice placed another plate on the other side of the ridge, where it clung perfectly too. With only one plate left for her, Sam dug into his own bag and pulled out the remaining three plates. As Alice finished affixing the last of hers further up its chest, she heard a clatter behind her as the other three plates were tossed by her feet. Looking back as she picked them up, she gave her brother a nod and placed the fourth plate on the other side. Finally, she placed the final two closer to the end of its tail, and once they formed on, the borders of the plates began to whir and glow yellow. Much to Gyarados’s sudden fright, it then began to float up off the ground, uncertain of how it was doing it. Once it got within five inches off the ground, the lights went from yellow to green. Gyarados could only now instinctually move its body, but it stayed in place like it would have had it been underwater. Elated at this new experience, the Gyarados let out a roar and looped backward in exaltation, though its fixed open-mouth grimace didn’t make it appear so. Alice relaxed her head and let out a content sigh. “Thanks, Sophocles.” With Gyarados now in fighting form, its stare, along with Salazzle’s, filled the Hakamo-o with incredible dread. “We got this now!” Sam shouted. “Salazzle, hit him with another Sludge Bomb!” “And then finish it with Dragon Rage!” Alice bellowed. Salazzle spat another large glob of phlegm that splashed onto the Hakamo-o and strung down to the ground, the weight and damage it had already taken making it impossible for it to shake it off. It could only become calm and resign to its fate as Gyarados’s mouth filled with blue light that shot at the dragon in a smaller ball of aura. It was just enough, however, to push the Hakamo-o out of its sickly bonds where it rolled into the Totem Kommo-o and Scizor, the last of them to lie still and remain unconscious. With the three Pokémon fainted, Sam and Alice suddenly felt a tense chill leave their bodies, as if the very ground which they stood on had announced their victory and bid them congratulations. “I… I think that was it,” Sam breathed. “I’m certain it was.” Alice then walked up beside her Gyarados and stroked as much of its side as her arm and hand could allow. “You did great, Gyarados. Can’t wait to see what we do from here.” “You too, Salazzle. Keep up the good work.” Salazzle let out a low-pitched screech in appreciation. As Alice and Sam returned their Pokémon into their balls, Dexio and Burnet came in from behind. “That was a spectactular battle indeed,” Burnet added, “but you aren’t going to look forward to what comes next. Now, let’s keep moving. Our destination just beyond this canyon.” As Dexio followed behind, Sam and Alice hesitated for just a moment before they resolved to stay with them as well. They stopped again as they came close to the pedestal, the royal-blue Z-Crystal inside shimmering tantalizingly at them. Sam quickly took two steps past it, no longer able to see the prize inside. “Sam?” Alice wondered. He then glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. “You made the finishing blow. Plus, that seems like a far more fitting Z-Crystal for your Noivern than it would for any of my Pokémon.” “Really? I mean, your Drampa could–” “Just take the crystal. I won’t lose sleep over it. There are worse things to worry about right now…” Alice waited just a few seconds as Sam continued to go where Burnet and Dexio did. Knowing that Burnet would be angry with her and her brother’s absence, she grabbed the crystal out of the slot and jogged to catch up with Sam. Soon, she and her brother made it to the pass’s exit, and what awaited them was stunning beyond all words. They were standing in the middle of a large open area surrounded by towering plateaus and a steep drop on either side of them. The path then led down to a wide massive stairway that led to a large mesa with a triangular formation jutting high up behind it with an ornate, circular stone structure placed inside of it. While it was an impressive sight to behold, the majesty gave way to the daunting climb up its incredibly lengthy stairs. “Incredible, isn’t it?” Burnet, clearly having seen the site many times before, sounded just as breathless as if it was only her first. “The very place where the ancients called on the power of the sun and moon to spread prosperity throughout Alola. And now, I shall use them to regain the remaining powers Necrozma lost long ago.” Burnet began to take the steps, her stride far quicker and more energetic as the end of her journey was now within reach. Dexio took a few steps up before stopping to ensure Sam and Alice’s coming-with. “It’s not much further, guys. Let’s get this over with.” Going up every two steps, Dexio was quick to catch up. Sam crouched down as Alice mounted him once more, knowing for certain that her leg would not be strong enough to climb on her own. “Ready?” he huffed. “Mmhm.” With one last breath in and out, Sam jogged up the stairs, hoping that he’d be able to catch up to the two before they reached the top. > Chapter 65 – The Gathering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash landed upon the snowy summit of Mount Lanakila as Pinkie Pie dismounted her. The two trainers guarding the doorway to the Pokémon League were confused by their appearance until Luna, Trixie, and Thorax also landed close behind them. They galloped up to the door with the look of fear in their expressions that the trainers only partially understood. “What’s wrong?” the left trainer asked. “Where are your other friends?” “We must speak with Molayne and the others!” Luna spoke. “It is of the utmost importance that we waste no more time, so please, let us in at once!” Nodding frantically, the right trainer pressed the buttons on their wrist devices that began to open the door. “I’ll also inform the Elite Four of your arrival.” “Yep, thanks!” Rainbow Dash zipped inside the door the moment there was enough room for her to fit through. Thorax and Luna did the same, followed by Trixie and Pinkie Pie as they stepped onto the glass walkway. The door began to close on them once again, the cold from outside giving way to the warmth inside. By the time the echo of the door’s mechanics died down, there was an uncomfortable silence that followed and lingered for over a minute. “Come on, already…” Thorax whimpered. “Get up here.” “It is late after all,” Trixie reasoned. “They’re probably just getting woken up now.” “The end of the world sleeps for nopony!” Pinkie Pie put her hooves on both sides of Trixie’s face as she put hers close to it. “And nohuman too, it seems.” Finally, the teleportation pad in the center began to whir to life. Right as it reached full brightness, a flash shone from it as Molayne stepped off onto the walkway in a pair of matching pajamas, blinking several times at the Equestrians standing before him. “Luna, Rainbow Dash, Pink…” He realized he was only wasting time by trying to refer to each one. “What are you all doing here?” “It’s horrible!” Rainbow Dash shouted, flying and hovering up in front of him. “Team Prism is going to destroy our worlds if we don’t do something!” “Rainbow Dash!” Molayne grabbed hold of her hooves and gently pulled her back down to the ground. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean. What’s happening with Team Prism?” Just then, three more consecutive flashes came from the pad as Guzma, Acerola, and then Kahili stepped off, each of them in their various sleepwear as well. “You guys!” Acerola came up and hugged Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “What are you doing here? W– Where’s Twilight, or, anyone for that matter?” Pinkie Pie zipped between each trainer as she tried to explain the story to each of them. “They’re getting the other Kahunas and Trial Captains on the other islands and rescuing Sam and Alice who were captured by Team Prism along with Sun, Lillie, Gladion, Hau, and Dexio, oh and Burnet is the leader of Team Prism, and she–” “Yo, yo, hold up, Cotton Candy!” Guzma shouted, silencing her. “That was way too much for my old-ass brain to process all at once!” “Is that true?” Kahili sounded incredibly scared. “Professor Burnet was the mastermind behind Team Prism?” “And what do you mean Team Prism captured Dexio?” Acerola asked. “Isn’t he one of them?” “Apparently not,” Thorax answered. “It turns out he was spying on Team Prism to get information for us.” “Information? What kind of information?” “Mostly motivational information,” Luna replied. “It seems that Prism’s primary goal is to restore the powers of an immensely powerful creature called Necrozma.” “I’ve heard that name before! I read about it once in the Malie City Library!” “And get this!” Pinkie Pie popped before the four trainers. “It turns out that Solgaleo and Lunala were created by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna over a thousand years ago by stealing Necrozma’s power!” “What?!” All four trainers shouted at once. “You’re seriously telling me those two are from your world?” Guzma sputtered. “And that they’re a part of this Necrozma thing?” Luna bowed her head, unable to pick it back up to complete the nod. “And now Burnet has stolen them from Sun and Lillie and restored that much of Necrozma’s power, and if we don’t stop her, there will be little else to stop her from destroying our worlds to create its new one.” “That’s nuts!” Acerola shouted. “There’s no way Burnet could be Team Prism’s leader!” “You better believe it!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “And the more time we spend here blabbing our gums about it, the less time we have left to stop her!” “That’s why the rest of us aren’t here,” Luna added. “They’re headed to the other islands either gathering the Kahunas and other Trial Captains or going to rescue Sun, Hau, and the others. We came to do the same.” “Alright.” Acerola backed up to the teleportation pad. “I’ll give Nanu a ring and let him know!” “And I’ll call Plumeria,” Guzma said. “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to go out and save the world at the butt crack of midnight.” “And Sophocles might be up himself,” Molayne mentioned. “I’ll call him and tell him to meet up here. You two should do the same.” “Got it!” Guzma and Acerola ran back to the teleportation pad, only for a flickering of each light to brighten and darken the area, forcing the two to stop just short of the platform. Kahili looked about, the sudden bright to darkness giving her anxiety. “What’s happening?” The center of the pad began to spark and short, Guzma, Acerola, and the others stepping away from it even farther. To their surprise, the bands of electricity continued stretching out, beginning to form what looked like a nervous system as more plasma formed a three dimensional image of a bipedal cat. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie suddenly grew wide smiles as the familiar creature’s body turned bright before it flexed the light off of it, Zeroara revealing itself to the stunned humans and trainers. “Zeraora!” Thorax called. “What are you doing here?” Zeraora smirked as he straightened and relaxed his body, stepping off the platform at him and his friends. “I do remember a promise I made to you mere hours ago.” The power returned to the building, the lights and the teleportation pad reactivating once more. Starlight flew high above the western edge of Akala Island, her magic keeping herself, Lady, Applejack, Rarity, and Shining Armor high above the ground with her. Discord flew beside them, his body waving about like an eastern dragon as his smaller wings tried to stabilize his flight. Both Lana and Flannery hugged onto his back as they saw Konikoni City not too much farther. Flannery winced as she felt Discord’s body twitch and tremble underneath her hands and thighs. “Not that I don’t mind getting the massage seat, but could you ease up on the vibrations a little? I’m having trouble holding on.” Discord scoffed, both tired and agitated by the remark. “These wings aren’t quite good for flying, and I still need to use some of my magic to keep myself level and you from falling off and turning into a pancake, which I prefer with butter and mustard, and not bits and pieces of Pokémon trainer!” “Discord, cool it!” Starlight barked behind her. “We’re almost there.” Coming around the lighthouse north of the town, they landed at the T-intersection of the northernmost vertical street. Lana and Flannery hopped off Discord, who felt free to stretch his body and neck out to make a tight wave, numerous cracks and pops erupting inside of him like he was twisting bubblewrap. “Yeesh,” Lana moaned, “that’s gross.” “Forget it!” Applejack exclaimed. “Let’s just find Olivia and Mallow and skedaddle.” “Let’s try the restaurant first,” Rarity mentioned as she and her friends ran south through the town. “Perhaps we can catch her before the place closes.” Going down the street, Starlight was relieved to see that the business lights were still bright and people were still visible enjoying their late night libations. Practically skidding past the building upon turning toward the front door, Starlight and Lady burst in, followed by Lana and Flannery. As the other three ponies and draconequus came in, Applejack and Rarity were both elated to find Olivia sitting at one of the tables with another person, laughing over some humorous anecdote one was telling. Starlight was glad to see that person was in fact Kaj, who was finishing off a plate of spiced chicken wings with Olivia. While Kaj had a three-quarters-full glass of a fizzy orange drink before her, Olivia had a few beer bottles next to her, two of which were empty. Kaj glanced out of the corner of her eye, mildly curious by who would enter the restaurant at such a late hour, but upon recognizing the unmistakable look of Starlight and the other Equestrians, she turned her full body to face them. “Starlight! Oh my gosh!” Springing off her chair, she ran at Starlight with her arms wide open. Unable to deny her friend a small moment of compassion, Starlight stood up on her hind legs and put her arms around her as Kaj did her. Applejack and Rarity ran to Olivia, who finally turned to face her two friends as they approached. “Abblejak? Raradee?” Olivia was blushing harder than she already was as she struggled to appear as strong and sober as possible, hugging both ponies as they came to her. “Whad’r yer all doin’ here?” “We actually came to pick up Mallow,” Rarity explained, “but seeing as you’re here too, that works out quite well for us!” Olivia tapped her finger on the spaces above the heads of the other Equestrians, pointing at Shining Armor and Discord twice as she realized she did not recognize them. “And Lana and Flanry?” She went to her now warm glass of ice-water and took several chugs. “What the heck is going on here?” Kaj looked amongst the Equestrians, blinking several times at the two she didn’t recognize. “Guessing you’re from their world too?” “Yes.” Starlight wanted to make this quick. “Kaj, this is Shining Armor and Discord. Guys, this is Kaj. We met her a few days ago while we were on this island.” “What are you even doing here? Where’s Fluttershy? Or Pinkie Pie?” “We’ll get to that in a little bit.” Starlight then walked past her and walked up to Olivia. “Olivia, have you seen Mallow around?” “Not in a while,” she said, her speech slurring much less than before, “but it sure sounds like we’ll need to be paying our tab soon.” Grabbing her two empty bottles, she tapped them together to produce a loud clanging sound that echoed throughout the restaurant. It wasn’t much longer until Mallow strode in with a server’s tray underneath her arm. She took both the empty bottles between her fingers. “Careful, Olivia. I know you’re the Kahuna, but I may have to cut you off…” She then couldn’t help but notice the familiar sight of Starlight, Lady, and her fellow Trial Captains standing amongst the other Equestrians, her face filled with questions. “Starlight! Lana, Flannery! I, uh… take it that you’re not here to share a table?” “Not at all,” Starlight said. “And I’m sorry for keeping you all in suspense, but the long and short of it is we need to get to Melemele Island right away.” “What?” Olivia wondered. “Why?” “Team Prism,” Shining Armor explained, “they managed to steal Solgaleo and Lunala and are going to use their power to bring Necrozma back!” “Hold on, hold on!” Mallow placed her tray on Kaj’s empty seat and ran her hand through her hair. “You need to back way up here. You’re overcooking my brain with information!” “You remember Professor Burnet?” Olivia and Mallow both nodded. “As it turns out, she’s the one who’s been leading Team Prism this whole time.” Olivia and Mallow jerked their heads to one another, sharing their equally frightened expressions. “We also learned that Solgaleo and Lunala were actually created by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna over a thousand years ago to stop Necrozma when it first came to take over our world. Somehow, they found their way here and has been using Burnet to try and reclaim its powers.” “I’m sorry,” Kaj butted in, “but I have no idea what any of those things you just said were.” “Urgh!” Starlight grunted. “We can explain on the way there, but right now, we need to go to Ten Karat Hill on Melemele Island right away!” “Is that where Burnet’s going to be?” Lana wondered. “It’s the only clue we have, but we believe so.” “Are Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie going to be there?” Kaj wondered. “What about Sam, Alice, and Gladion?” “We hope so. We split up to gather the other Kahunas and Captains so we can all work together to stop her, but we need to leave now!” “Well…” Olivia shrugged. “It looks like we’re all dressed. I’m a little drunk myself, but I should be sobered up on the flight there.” “I can keep the tab open for tomorrow morning and you can pay it then.” “I’m coming with too!” Kaj picked her bag up off the back of her chair and dropped it onto her shoulder. “This sounds like a battle where you’ll need all the help you can get!” “That’s real nice of you, sweetie, but if what I remember readin' about Necrozma back in the day was true, this may be a fight you don’t want to be a part of.” “Did I stutter?!” She then picked her drink and chugged it down before slamming it back down on the table. “My friends are in danger, and I don’t want to sit around hoping that you won or not! Besides, I have a couple Flying-type Pokémon on me, so you couldn’t stop me from coming along if you tried.” “Hmm, quite a feisty one.” Discord grinned as he stroked his beard with his eagle’s talon arm. “I think she may grow on me.” “Okay!” Applejack shouted. “You can come with too. Just don’t let us regret it, ya’ hear?” “Hold on!” Mallow scooped up the plate of chicken bones and Kaj’s empty glass and quickly returned to the back. “Let me just set the tab up real quick!” Kaj watched her go off before turning excitedly to her companions. “Okay, who needs a lift with me?” Flannery quickly raised her hand. Hau kept his eyes firmly on the small speck of light that was Kukui’s lab near the southern beach of Melemele Island. With their destination nearing, Fluttershy began to pick up her pace, outflying Hau’s Charizard. “Fluttershy, wait!” Hau called with an outward reach. “It’s okay! I’m going to get Kukui and Ilima!” Diving down quickly with her Comfey closeby, she pulled up before her body could collide with the water beneath her. As she passed over the sand on the shore, she kept her wings open as they pushed against the air resistance and slowed her down to a speed that she could safely gallop at. Landing on the grass, she ran as fast as she could up the stairs to the lab and began furiously knocking on the door. “Kukui!” she cried. “Ilima! Come out, please! We really need your help!” Upon hearing the sound of footsteps jogging up to the door on the other side, she took a couple of steps back as Ilima opened the door, taken aback by her presence. “Fluttershy?” Her being alone with her Comfey only unsettled him more. “What has happened? Where are Hau and your other friends?” Just then, the whoosh of beating wings sounded from above as Hau’s Charizard landed outside the porch with Hau, Hapu, and Mina climbing off of it. Ilima’s confusion peaked as Kukui came to the doorway as well, also perplexed by who was there to meet him. As Hau spotted Kukui there, he clenched his teeth as he tried to prepare the awful truth for him. “Hapu, Mina!” He tried to greet them warmly. “Shouldn’t you two be on Poni right now?” “Whatever reason they’re not, it must be a good one,” Ilima responded. Hau then bowed his head and began to sob, unable to look Kukui in the eyes. “Hau, what’s wrong?” Kukui’s eyes then widened, a terrible idea coming into his mind. “Don’t tell me. Burnet… they–” Hau shook his head violently. “No, it’s far worse than that!” “Far worse than…” Kukui began to struggle as he tried to think of a scenario worse than the death of his beloved. “She isn’t… she isn’t the leader of Team Prism, is she?” Hau let out a particularly choked-up wail, not the confirmation that Kukui expected. In fact, it sounded more like an elaborate joke, and he let out a nervous chuckle. “Ha… Hau, that is… that isn’t funny.” “Do I sound like I’m joking, Professor!?” Kukui took a big step back, alarmed by Hau’s volume. “Burnet is the leader of Team Prism! She’s been going after Fluttershy and her friends, she faked her kidnapping to make herself look more innocent, and then when the time was right, she stole Solgaleo and Lunala and their powers! Please, I didn’t want to be the one to tell you, but it’s the truth! I’m so sorry, Professor…” Hau let out several more unrestrained sobs as his tears fell to the ground. Mina rubbed his back as she looked down on him, hoping it would comfort him in some way. Ilima looked to Kukui, whose head was bowed down as the shadow of his visor obscured his face save for his mournful frown. He then saw as his clenched fists began to tremble. “Professor Kukui?” Ilima asked as kindly as possible. He then picked his head up, his eyes now dead and lifeless. “Come inside. I want to hear everything.” “And she’s able to transfer an aura to her Pokémon that makes them even stronger!” Hapu explained, sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee in her ungloved hands. “We couldn’t beat her with that kind of power, so Hau, Mina, and Fluttershy and I all flew here to warn you while the Twilight and Spike took Sun, Lillie, and Gladion with Dexio and those two kids down south; probably to the Aether Paradise.” Kukui’s hat was on the table as he gripped his hair with one hand while holding his own coffee mug in the other. “All this time…” he breathed out. “I thought I knew her so well.” “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Fluttershy said. “It didn’t sound like she’s been this way for that long.” Kukui whipped his mug toward the sink, where it hit the corner of the counter and sprayed coffee and porcelain shards out along the room, making Fluttershy squeak and hide under the table. Hau, Mina, and Hapu looked to him, appalled that he could do such a thing. “And now my wife’s hellbent on destroying a world that I love almost as much as her, so forgive me if I hardly consider that a consolation.” “Not to sound incredibly insensitive here,” Mina said, “but your wife is on her way here right now to finally finish what she and Necrozma started. Until the others arrive from the other islands, we’re this world’s only line of defense against her, and we have to stop her. You understand that, right?” Kukui sunk even further onto the table, placing both balled hands there as he choked back the urge to cry in front of them. “How could I possibly do that? She’s still my wife, dammit. I don’t think I could bear to see her like that.” “Professor, please!” Hau begged. “If you don’t help us, think of all the people, Pokémon…all the Equestrians that will die because of this world she’ll help create…” Kukui lifted his head up only slightly, unveiling the two small puddles his tears created on the table. “Professor…” Fluttershy stood out of her chair, “Lillie was willing to kill Solgaleo and Lunala to ensure that Necrozma’s plans failed. Knowing how much those two meant to her, do you think that was an easy decision for her to make? We need you to make the same decision not just for our sake and everyone that exists between our world and theirs, but for her too. Do you really think the woman that you love, the woman you chose to marry would want to see a world like Necrozma’s come to life?” Kukui stood up with his hands supporting him on the table, sliding his chair back. The four trainers and pegasus sitting at the table stared at her, floored by the strength and resolve of her speech. They then looked to Kukui, uncertain if a breakthrough had been made. He stood slowly and pushed off the table, his rear pushing his chair back as well. “I don’t know what to think anymore… Excuse me, please.” With slow, weak steps, he walked out of the kitchen and around to the other room. “Kukui, wait!” Hau went to follow him, only to be stopped by Fluttershy’s hoof. “This is a lot for him to take in,” she cooed. “Please, give him a little time. He deserves that much.” Ilima grimaced as he put his hands to his hips. “Time isn’t exactly a bountiful commodity right now.” “Either way,” Hapu remarked, “we can’t do this without his help. Hopefully he’ll make a decision soon.” Kukui went to his desk and sat at it with his arms and chin resting upon it. He reached for a framed picture to the right of his computer’s monitor. In it, he was dressed in a light-grey tux and a jacket with short sleeves and black cuffs and lapels. His hair was tied back neatly into a bun and he was without his glasses. Burnet looked lovely in her white dress, the bangs in front of her ears curled and holding a bouquet of pink roses. It was the happiest day of his life, and yet, he could no longer think about it anymore without the pervasive thought of Burnet’s smiling face and the anguish she must have caused the ponies over the course of the week. Placing his hand atop the picture, his hand shook as he nervously came to his decision. Finally, he placed the picture face down, unable to look at it any longer. With a now determined face, he got out of his chair and kicked it back, pulling open the drawer beneath the center of his desk. Inside of it was a belt clip containing five Poké Balls and a Z-Ring with a deep-blue crystal with a round paw-shaped icon inside. After slipping the clip onto his belt, he fastened the Z-Ring around his left wrist and walked back toward the kitchen. Upon facing the four trainers, pegasus, and her Comfey, they looked up to him, reserved with the decision he knew he made. “Let’s go guys. I need to have a heart-to-heart with my wife.” Burnet reached the top of the stairs at long last. Dexio and Sam and Alice were close behind, Sam panting as he was finally able to put his sister down. Once he recovered, he could get a fuller look of the legendary Altar of the Sunne, which Alice stared at in equal awe. Along with the large square platform on the first level, the next one up featured two smaller sections separated by a gap in the structure. Water streamed and pooled over around these sections in a square shape. On each outer side of each section, there stood a statue featuring a sun icon while the other was carved with a moon. “Perfect! We made it!” Producing the two obsidian Poké Balls inside her gloved hands, she threw them out at each of the upper sections. Upon opening, both Solgaleo and Lunala stayed still upon their respective sections. Dexio looked pained to see the blue starry aura that once filled their heads was now an evil magenta, completely under Burnet’s control. As if the earth they stood on compelled them, they both roared up and into the sky, the water in their pools shining brightly. The blue stone that went up, crossed over and encircled each half of the massive circular door also lit up from the bottom, and once it reached the top, a rumbling was heard and felt in the ground beneath everyone’s feet. “What’s going on?” Alice whimpered. “Nothing good, I’m sure,” Sam could only say. A bright light then began to fill the area, and as they looked up, Sam, Alice, and also Dexio were staggered as the stars above them lit up far brighter than they had ever seen in their lives, filling them with both incredible calm and insurmountable dread. A white aura then began to enflame Solgaleo, Lunala, and Burnet as the stars’ energy connected with them. “Yes!” Burnet groaned in pleasure, her eyes milking into black. “!cosmoS !return to me the power that was ripped from mE !i command iT” Reaching up at the door, the possessed Burnet conjured its aura around the large door, where each quarter began to open up only partially until it made an X shape that spilled out a blinding light. Burnet struggled to close her hands, even with Necrozma’s influence inside her. With an inhumanly piercing shout, it balled its fingers around its palms. A stream of light swirling and snaked its way through the corners of the X and melded together to form two larger streams that began to cover Solgaleo and Lunala. As more and more of the light formed around them, Sam and Dexio noticed as the sky above began to dim back to its normal luminance, the light being drained from them. Alice could only notice as the light began to spread over Lunala and Solgaleo upon making contact, transforming their bodies into two shapes of pure whiteness. As the last of the streams’ light seeped into their bodies, Solgaleo and Lunala changed before Sam, Alice, and Dexio’s very eyes. A gold-plate formed over the top of Solgaleo’s head that grew a pair of antennae at the sides. More gold dust appeared from nothing as it converged into plating on its front paws. Finally, golden armor covered its sides that were mounted with two large crystalline arms that flexed as they came into existence. Two light blue gem-shaped plates appeared on the outer bars of Lunala’s wings as well as three more on the bottom of its tail. With a helmet similar to Solgaleo’s forming on its head, a large V-shaped chest plate formed onto its chest that came over its shoulders and branched off like a sparrow’s tail. From the bottom of its armor, two arms exactly like the ones on Solgaleo’s back formed, whose stiff fingers stretched outward. Finally, they became light again before it shattered off of them, revealing their new forms to the three dumbstruck trainers. The armor they had been granted was an obsidian black like the stone that Burnet held in her necklace. Any other color of their original forms was now mostly removed, Solgaleo reduced to a white and gold body while Lunala’s was two shades of light blue. The only remarkable colors on their bodies now was the sinister red glow in both Lunala’s eyes and the four spots on its chest, the blue glow in Solgaleo’s eyes, and the triangular markings on their foreheads that appeared to be made of blue, green, yellow, and purple shards Alice shuddered out a devastated breath. “What have you done to them?” With the ritual complete, Burnet relaxed herself as the white of her pupils returned to her eyes. “Necrozma gathered the remains of its power that it had lost among the cosmos in its last defeat and infused it into those two Pokémon. They are now no longer Solgaleo and Lunala; they are simply two more powerful fragments of Necrozma that now need to rejoin the husk that they were ripped from back on Melemele Island and become whole once again.” “Melemele…” Sam suddenly understood. “Ten Karat Hill! That’s where Necrozma’s actual body is, isn’t it?!” Burnet chuckled. “What a bright mind you have, Sam. Such a shame that you, your sister, and your double-crossing friend will not be joining me there.” With a whip of her arm pointing at the Altar, Sam, Alice, and Dexio were thrown onto the bottom platform and rolled to a stop. Sam picked himself back up and charged at Burnet, only to crash his body into an impervious barrier that threw him back hard on the ground. “SAM!!” Alice watched as her brother squirmed on the floor before looking to Burnet. “What are you doing?!” “Sun and his friends all got extremely lucky that I wasn’t able to pull them back in my weakened state,” Burnet explained. “Now they will not be subject to the fate that you will experience now.” With a glimmer in Burnet’s eyes, the corrupted Solgaleo and Lunala brightened their bodies as the ground beneath Sam, Alice, and Dexio began to turn a bright blue, pulses of light traveling beneath them and traveling inward. “No…” Dexio stammered as he began to understand what she was doing. “You’re… you’re throwing us into a wormhole?!” “What?!” Sam huffed. “No, NO! NO, FUCK!! You can’t be serious!” “Relax, you two,” Burnet lightly chided. “If you’re lucky, whichever world the end of the wormhole sends you to will be added to Necrozma’s empire soon after I help regain its body. That is, if you can survive long enough on it.” “SAM!” Alice screamed. “ALICE!” Sam hopped up and dove to her and Dexio. “Goodbye.” Burnet poked her index finger downward as a brighter blue point formed where the pulses converged. The gravity in their space grew immensely heavy as the center of the platform pulled downwards as well as the floor around it, creating a wide, gridded tunnel inside an ethereal, starry space that Sam, Alice, and Dexio were shot down into, their screams of terror silenced as they entered into the vacuum. Sam could barely see the portal above close back up as the wormhole curved and spiraled about through the expanse of space, tumbling him, Alice, and Dexio about. The only thing they could hear were each others screams that were quickly deafened as their sound was pulled away into the ether. “Sa–” On her sister’s cry, Sam flipped about in just the right way to see an electron ball hurdling toward him, and he thrust himself backward so that it could just barely pass his chest. As their terrifying fall through space continued on, they found a red, swirling portal up ahead that they suddenly felt themselves pulled through. Sam closed his eyes and prayed that whatever waited on the other side was somewhat pleasant. “Guy–” As the wormhole curved about and the portal came at them. Sam suddenly felt a strong pull away from the portal. He also noticed that his spinning and flipping began to stabilize. Now falling face-first in the direction of the wormhole, he could finally see what had rescued him: Dexio’s Metagross with its trainer and Alice holding tight to the sockets of its arms. Metagross pulled Sam close to it to grab hold of one of the other two. With a means of travel, Sam, Alice, and Dexio faced forward as they dodged each electric orb and new portal that they passed, each one a different color than the last. “We– can– kee– doin– thi– forev–” Sam got the gist of what Alice was shouting, and knew she was right. Dexio just continued looking forward, hoping to find some means of escape or some sign of safety. Just then farther away in the tunnel, he spotted what appeared to be a sparkling magenta portal, completely unlike anything they’ve come across so far. “Hey–” he shouted, pointing at it. “I thin– tha– may– be– ou– bes– bet–!” It was a gamble, certainly, but with no other option available, and with Metagross’s speed beginning to noticeably decline, Sam and Alice nodded in approval. Metagross, its eyes also on it, focused its sights on the portal and made an extra push forward. Avoiding more electricity and wormholes, Metagross whined as it struggled to resist each one’s pull. With one more turn, they’d be directly headed for it. Suddenly, another wormhole tore open before them, this one colored white with its grid colored green. Metagross tried to dive beneath it, only to rattle as it was pulled into its gravity. Dexio huffed and closed his eyes, dejected by his failure. “Go– Rai–chu–!” Alice’s Poké Ball opened in her hand as her mouse shot out from it. With the wormhole fast approaching, Raichu charged its body and those of the trainers and Metagross. Raichu soared beneath the newly formed wormhole as Metagross and the trainers were pulled beneath it as well. Now, the tunnel was a straight shot right to the portal, which to Dexio’s terror was simply a cloudy nebula with an opening too small for either of them to fit through. “Metagro–!” Dexio shouted as loud as he could. Pulling as much inner strength up through its body, Metagross reached forward as its arms glowed magenta, the energy hitting the portal and widening it up, but still not large enough. Raichu then screamed as loud as it could as it summoned as much of its psychic power as it could to widen the portal even further. Getting it just wide enough as both Pokémon and the three trainers were sucked inside. Gravity began to return as the turbulence threw Sam, Alice, and Dexio off Metagross as they, along with Metagross and Raichu, spun about in the pink smoke that began to sparkle brightly until they were all covered in harsh, tingling light. They immediately felt a pull down before landing on a cold stony surface as the light gave way to clear surroundings. Sam gulped in air while Alice let out a hoarse, whooping yell as she felt safe to breathe once again, causing several of whomever was inside to shriek. Dexio panted more calmly as his Metagross and Alice’s Raichu weakly got up, too woozy to grasp where they now were. As he looked up, he found him and his friends sitting on a large, crystal table inside a large purple chamber also made of crystal. Glancing further around, he spotted Celaeno and her crew recoiled in terror at the sight of such alien creatures that had clearly just appeared from nowhere. He then spotted Fizzlepop leaning her head to Starswirl, clearly trying to ask him a question but too shocked to actually speak anything. The other creatures that stared at him, his friends, and their Pokémon with abject horror didn’t really matter to him at this moment, because he could tell exactly where they had just landed. “Huh…” He couldn’t help but subtly grin. “It’s our lucky day…” > Chapter 66 – Paradise Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight came down fast as she passed over a large mansion attached to the Aether Paradise, the feet of the friends she carried in her magic just barely making it over the ceiling. With a slight pull up, Twilight landed herself and Sun, Glaidon, and Lillie onto the floor outside the main building, Spike swinging himself off her back to dismount. Keeping up their momentum, the five of them ran at the large open entrance with their sights on the lift inside the center of it. Walking inside, it wasn’t abnormal that there were only a few people walking about. They were mostly for security, as most of the other employees and researchers in the facility were in their beds sleeping the night off for the next day of work. This suited Sun and the others just fine; they’d be in and out with little interference. Appearing from around the other hallway, Wicke spotted Sun and the others running at the lift, their speed causing her to hop back in shock. “Sun, sir!” She then recognized Lillie, Gladion, Twilight, and Spike behind him. “What are you all doing here? I thought you’d be at the House base.” “Change of plans,” he said, passing her as they all stepped onto the lift. “I’ll only be a few minutes, but you should put the building and everyone in it on high alert.” “High al…” Wicke ran on just as the gates to the elevator rose up along its edges, beginning its descent with a slight lurch. “I’m afraid that doesn’t give a lot to go on. What in heaven’s name happened?” Sun closed his eyes, feeling that she deserved an explanation. “Alola… no, the world is going to be under attack.” “What?!” She suddenly understood. “Don’t tell me that Team Prism…” “Not quite,” Gladion replied. “They were headed to the Altar of the Sunne before Tapu Fini helped stop them at the Seaport Village with a bunch of wild Pokémon.” “Those other two trainers helped too!” Spike added. Wicke was visibly confused. “Wait, how do you know all this?” “Because they captured us!” Lillie shouted. “Burnet stole Solgaleo and Lunala from us and then tried taking us to the Altar to do lord knows what! Sam, Alice, and Dexio too!” “Wait, did you say Burnet? But… and I thought Dexio–” The lift came to a rather abrupt stop as it reached the bottom floor, a circular room with only two doors on the left and the right. “It’s very complicated,” Sun argued, stepping off to the door on the right. “The point is that we need some things to ensure they don’t get any closer to completing their goal than they already are.” “I…” Wicke realized the pointlessness of milking the semantics. “Okay, sir. What exactly are you looking for?” Wicke, who was ahead of the group, tapped her key card on the reader for the door, opening it with a quick slide to the right. They entered onto a walkway with large, glowing generators along the floors to either side of them. Along the left were several cube-shaped labs supported in by large cylindrical beams connected to the ceiling. “One of the computers in these labs contains the Ultra Beasts I helped contain with Looker and Anabel. It also contains the Poké Ball that Gladion gave me before we went to get the Sun Flute on Exeggutor Island.” Lillie gasped, already understanding what Sun was planning. “You don’t mean–” “The Master Ball?” Gladion asked. “You never used it after all this time?” Sun shook his head. “Never needed to. And it’s a good thing I didn’t, right?” “Hold on!” Twilight butted in. “You can’t get these Ultra Beasts or Master Ball on any computer in here?” “No. I stored them on a remote server so only people like Gladion, Lillie, Lusamine, and myself can access them. They’re too precious to trust to any other person in here. Right here.” Coming to the third lab in, Wicke went ahead once again and scanned her card on the reader, opening the door. Wicke let out a light chuckle, trying her best to make light of the dire situation. “It certainly sounds like you have everything under control.” “Sheesh,” Spike grumbled, “that couldn’t be further from the truth.” Despite the exterior, the space inside the room looked cramped, especially with the shelves, bookcases, and what appeared to be a bare medical bed in the right upper corner of the room with a large conical light hanging above it. Sun only focused on a large computer directly before him in the back, pushing the chair away to stand at the physical keyboard, which still maintained a slick and contemporary appearance. As Twilight and Spike stood nearby the bed, Gladion and Lillie stood behind Sun as he booted the computer on, the bed and light fixture above it whirring to life. Twilight and Spike both hopped away from it as they heard it. “What even is this thing?” Twilight asked. “That bed also doubles as a transportation pad,” Sun explained, “so once I’m able to collect the Ultra Beasts and the Master Ball, they’ll be sent from the computer to there. Then we can gather them and leave right away to join the others.” Finally, a login box appeared on the otherwise blank, grey screen. Sun typed in his username and password, which only showed up as a line of asterisks, but Sun was more than confident in his keystrokes, despite the time he knew he couldn’t afford to waste. Pressing the Enter key, he was instantly bemused as the login box shook and highlighted his password, indicating that it was not correct. “The hell?” Sun looked closer at his username, seeing that each character in it was exactly correct. Twilight looked a bit unnerved as Sun began typing his password slower and more deliberately. “Sun? What’s happening?” Sun finished and hit the Enter key once again, and with held, weightless breath, the sickly feeling returned with greater force as the box once again shook, not accepting what he had typed. Spike crossed his arms nervously. “Maybe try turning it on and off again?” “That’s not how that works!” Gladion walked over and reached for the keyboard, prompting Sun to step aside. “Let me try mine.” Gladion put in his username, typing his as carefully as Sun had done. Wicke breathed a self-calming breath out as Gladion got to his password. Tapping the Enter key, Gladion let out a scoff as the login box shook and highlighted his password for him as well. “You have to be kidding me,” he breathed out. “Faba, you–” “Let me try!” Lillie stepped up to the keyboard as Gladion moved to stand beside Sun. “How do you know it’ll work with you?” Spike wondered. Lillie finished typing in a username that Gladion was quick to recognize. “That’s mother’s username. How did you–” “She gave me access to it so that I can fill in for her at any point that she can’t tend to the Paradise by herself. Not even Faba would be able to change her credentials.” Lillie was quick to type in the first password as if it were her own. To Twilight, Spike, and even Wicke’s surprise, the login box expanded downward as a second password prompt appeared before the first. Lillie nodded, happy to see her alternative plan working. “Bingo.” As she got to a few characters into the second password, the screen suddenly turned blank and all the lights in the room shut off. They came back on with a filter turning the room a bright, dangerous red. Everyone then turned as the sound of a slow siren blared outside in the hallways, indicating that there was indeed danger afoot. An echoed female voice sounded through the computer speakers. “Bomb detection system activated.” Lillie and the others turned back toward the monitor as the screen was only able to show a countdown, which was already clocked in at 14:48. They were so fear-stricken by this sight that they did not notice the sound of a Poké Ball opening up behind them. “Initiate data transfer to: Server: Aether House. Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, fourteen, minutes and, thirty-seven, seconds.” Lillie began rapidly pressing on the enter key of the keyboard, doing nothing to change the display on the screen. “No, no, no, no, no, no! Shit!” “Unbelievable!” Gladion hissed. “That Faba would go this far to–” Twilight was suddenly covered in a psychic aura that launched her off her hooves and slammed her into the right wall, the shock and pain making her yelp out loudly as she crashed to the floor. “Twilight!” Spike ran to her as Sun, Lillie, and Gladion all saw as the psychic aura refused to let up, Twilight whining and crying out in pain as the force pushed down on her. Sun looked to the front of the room, only for the sight he saw to freeze his blood and narrow his eyes in pure dread. Wicke, holding a Poké Ball in her hand, watched Twilight struggle as a Kadabra stood by her, maintaining its psychic energy through its one spoon. “Wicke…” Sun’s eyes began to water. “Not you t…” “Okay, that’s enough!” Her Kadabra put her arms down as Twilight was freed, giving her the ability to gasp for air she was deprived of. “That should have done it.” Hearing her voice, Lillie and Gladion turned to her, their faces contorting into expressions identical to Sun’s. “No…” Gladion stammered. “No… no fucking way!” One of the buttons on the left cuff of Wicke’s coat flashed red every half-second, precariously in time with the timer on the screens. “Yes, Faba truly was quite a bastard, wasn’t he?” Wicke sounded partially mournful with the revelation she was about to give them. “But he no longer has the access necessary to give Team Prism what they needed to keep their plans in motion like I do.” “Wicke…” Lillie whimpered. “You can’t–” “I can, and I am. Do you remember last week when Solgaleo and Lunala were still up and peppy after their first excursion? Who do you think gave them the energy to do the second excursion that day that brought Twilight and her first set of friends to our world? Or what about the ambush on Mount Hokulani? Those grunts drew Sam and Alice and their friends out of Malie City so we could isolate them out of public view. Not only did I make the call to them to leave the city, but I sent those grunts out there in the first place.” Sun let out an exhausted sob. Even with all the betrayal he suffered in the past few hours, this one seemed to hit him the hardest. “Just… I mean god, Wicke, why?” “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, thirteen, minutes and, twelve, seconds.” Wicke and her Kadabra kept close watch on everyone. “Pokémon research has provided so many joys for me throughout my career, but nothing could compare to when we first discovered Cosmog and the Ultra Beasts those many years ago. You could only imagine my displeasure when we all but stopped our research efforts shortly after you contained the Ultra Beasts. “It wasn’t until Burnet came to me and had Necrozma show me a little of what lies beyond the Ultra Space that I managed to convince Lusamine to resume our studies. And then, with the power of Solgaleo as well as the Cosmog that we discovered at the Lake of the Moone that became Lunala, we had such power at our fingertips. I was frankly surprised that we were able to find Equestria so quickly!” “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, eleven, minutes and, forty-two, seconds.” Gladion seethed. “And do you know what Burnet and Necrozma plan to do to our worlds once she’s succeeded, right? Did she tell you, or did you just decide to ignore that?” Wicke frowned in reply, almost self-spiting. “Lusamine was sitting on a winning lottery ticket that I couldn’t allow not to be cashed in. I’m sorry for what it will end up costing this world and yours, Twilight–” “How dare you!?” Twilight’s bark frightened both Wicke and her Kadabra. “What makes you think we’d accept someone like you in our world after what you’ve just admitted?!” “I knew what my cost would be too! That’s why Burnet promised me safety and security in Necrozma’s new world! It was the only reason I agreed to help her in the first place.” “And now you get to watch in comfort as your fellow humans, Pokémon, and these Equestrians suffer under its rule.” The spite in Sun’s voice was palpable. “Just like you always wanted, right?” “I’ve already made my choice! Even if there’s no going back now, it’s not the worst outcome for me!” “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, ten, minutes and, seven, seconds.” With a third of their time gone, Gladion glared harder at Burnet. “Disable those bombs right now, Wicke! It’s five against two, and I don’t think I’ll need to send a single Pokémon out to kick your sorry ass!” “It’s pointless,” she said. “I’ve rigged the bombs so that they can no longer be deactivated, and I set the timer at fifteen minutes to allow plenty of time for the employees and the rest of you to escape.” That last sentence genuinely surprised Sun, Lillie, and Gladion. “Us?” Lilie wondered. “Escape?” “Faba and the grunts are taking a boat here from the Seafolk Village as we speak. If you leave here now and don’t look back, you can join your friends at Ten Karat Hill to try and stop Burnet before this place blows and Faba comes to sweep the remains. That much I can offer you, but with the detection system in place, you can no longer access the Ultra Beasts or the Master Ball.” “What about the transfer?” Spike’s question brought several eyes to him. “The computer said something about a data transfer to the Aether House. Can’t we just get them there?” “I do believe Sun made himself clear that that data exists on a remote server that’s not connected to our primary systems. There’s nowhere for it to go, which means that any trace of them will be destroyed when the bombs destroy this lab and the Aether Paradise!” Sun breathed heavily as he looked down on the ground, defeated. “No… she got us…” “Wait!” Everyone then turned to Lillie. “Gladion, your Porygon-Z! Do you think he can override the system and patch us in?” Gladion’s mouth fell open. He hadn’t considered this, and for his own sister to make the suggestion made the shock hit him harder. “You’ll never make it!” Wicke’s desperate exclamation cast doubt back on Sun and his friends. “Even if you can somehow hack your way into the computer, and even if you’re able to transfer and transport the files someplace safe for you, you’ll never escape this lab in time before the bombs go off!” “Wanna’ bet!?” Sun and the others were alerted by not just the voice, but the presence of someone coming into the room with something purple floating behind her. Wicke and Kadabra turned around to see Lusamine with both hands on a fire extinguisher whose bottom she immediately slammed into her face, sending her and her now shattered spectacles crumpling to the floor. Sun and the others gasped as Kadabra began to charge its spoon to attack the intruder, only for Lusamine’s Pokémon, a ghastly apparition which appeared as a cloak and witch’s hat with eyes, shot a Shadow Ball into its face, sending it sliding to the floor near Twilight and Spike’s hooves. Twilight and Spike leapt over it to stand in front of Sun and Lillie, who, with Gladion, watched in amazement as Lusamine dropped the fire extinguisher to the floor and bent down to pick the Kadabra’s ball out of Wicke’s hand. As she returned it inside, Lillie ran around Twilight and threw her arms around her mom, crying hard. “Mother!” she wailed. “Thank goodness you’re here! Wicke betrayed us and–” “I know.” Lusamine’s voice was calming enough to get Lillie to settle down. “I heard enough from her.” Wicke, groaning and coughing, sat herself up and turned over as blood streamed and branched off down her lower face from her nose and below her left eye where the shards of glass from her broken glasses cut her. “Lusamine… I–” “You shut your mouth, you traitorous bitch!” Lusamine shifted her foot so that its tip was within centimeters of Wicke’s face. “You’re lucky that I stopped after one hit.” “It doesn’t matter how many times you choose to hit me. You’re not leaving here alive with those Ultra Beasts, or the Master Ball!” Lusamine looked at Wicke for a few seconds before she pulled her foot back and then kicked it into her forehead, sending her into the wall and falling unconscious. Lillie, Twilight, and Spike couldn’t help but gasp once again. “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, six, minutes and, fifty-one, seconds.” Lusamine looked to the door, taking in one deep breath before turning to Sun and Glaidon. She first tossed Sun the Kadabra’s ball, which he attached to his belt. “Gladion, send out your Porygon Z, now!” As he was told, Gladion let his balloony bird out from his ball, who also obediently went to Lusamine’s side. “Mother?” Lillie queried, the hint of something terrible creeping in the back of her mind. “Are you seriously going to try and hack this computer?” “Lusamine, don’t do this!” Sun shouted. “You heard Wicke yourself! You won’t be able to save yourself in time if you stay behind!” Lusamine breathed in heavily, realizing fully the sacrifice she was set on making. “When I began the Aether Foundation, I made it my mission to protect and provide love to every Pokémon and human. If I have to give my life to ensure a brighter future for them, then I have served my purpose.” “No, Lusamine! Let me do it! I’m the reason for all of this!” Sun began to break down, much to Lillie and Twilight’s dismay. “Please, I don’t want you to do this because of something I–” Lusamine wrapped her arms around Sun’s back, stopping his words. “None of this is your fault. You only did what you could to protect Solgaleo and Lunala. Now please, Sun, don’t die for me, or for those two. Live for them.” As she pulled herself off of Sun, she was then smothered once again by Lillie, who sobbed over her shoulder as she clutched her back tight. “Mom, please! There has to be another way! I don’t want you to go!” Lusamine reached for Gladion before glancing to Sun, Twilight, and Spike. With a gentle tilt of his head, Sun understood the gesture and quietly led Twilight and Spike out of the room. Gladion joined Lillie in what appeared to be their final hug with their mother, watching Sun and Twilight exit the room. “Oh, you two make me so proud!” Lusamine choked up. “I just know that you will help lead this new world into the light.” Gladion closed his eyes and savored the warmth of his mother’s embrace for a few moments more, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I love you both so much. Never forget that.” Lusamine’s grip on her children began to ease, though Lillie’s refused to. “Gladion, it’s time.” “W… What?” Lillie’s arms relaxed in slight surprise before Gladion’s arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her off. “Wait, no! Gladion, let me go! No! NO!!” “I’ll tell you where to find them! Now go!” As she was dragged away, Lillie kicked, shrieked, and wailed as she reached for her, unwilling to let her go. Lusamine stared at her the entire time until she was dragged outside. She then shared a final, rueful look with her Pokémon, who floated down to receive a final hug as well. Lusamine then returned her Pokémon to its Poké Ball and put it onto her belt. Stepping to the doorway, she took off her belt clip and tossed it to Sun’s feet, who scooped it up and attached it to the back of his shorts. Finally, Lillie managed to wrestle herself free from Gladion’s grasp before running to the door. With her hand on a red lever beside the entrance, Lusamine wordlessly pulled it down to have the door quickly slide itself shut and lock, sealing herself and Wicke inside. Lillie banged her fists on the doors as Gladion ran back over and pulled her away, running himself toward the end of the hall with Sun and a couple of remaining Aether Employees. Twilight and Spike, watching the sight in progress, both let out a couple of sobs before running off to follow them. Lusamine then looked back to the computer where Porygon-Z awaited her, feeling safe and private enough to let a couple of tears fall and wipe her eyes. “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, four, minutes and, forty-six, seconds.” “Alright, Porygon-Z,” she grunted, briskly walking to the keyboard. “Let’s get to work.” Charging with electricity, Porygon-Z began to blur into a lower-resolution appearance before fazing inside the monitor of the computer. At once, several infoboxes began to appear on screen, some of them showing randomly generated code, the others filled with boxes that Lusamine frantically tried to fill out the moment they appeared. Outside, Sun opened the door for Twilight and Spike before Gladion pulled Lillie out into the lift chamber, which stood still and inactive as the odd employee left in the lower levels took to the stairs and ran for their lives up it. With her mother too far away now, Lillie collapsed into a seat on the floor as she continued to bawl. “Lillie!” Twilight and Spike ran before her, unfurling her wings and wrapping them around her and pulling her close. “Lillie, stop!” Lillie hugged on tight, her wailing only muffled into her shoulder. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you,” she continued, “but she’s doing something that only the greatest mothers are capable of. She’s doing this because she loves you! And I want you to know that… I love you too.” With a single, hyperventilated gasp, Lillie stopped her crying, the warmth of the alicorn’s fur suddenly feeling warmer on her chest. “I love you, and I love Spike, Sun, Gladion, and all my other friends out there fighting for us right now! And they’re fighting because they love you too, Lillie, which is why you need to come with us up those stairs so you can continue being someone to those who deserve your love… and be loved in return.” Spike came close to her and hugged her arm, and she responded with a gentle caress of her cheek atop his head. Sun approached her and offered her his hand. Grabbing it, Twilight and Spike stepped aside to let her pull herself up and hug him tight. Gladion came in too and offered his warm support as well, sniffling near her ear. “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, two, minutes and, thirty, seconds.” There was no time left. Lillie, Sun, and Gladion pulled away from each other, and with a look into each other’s eyes that begged for life, the three of them bounded up the stairs to the main floor, knowing they’d only have enough time that their legs could grant them. Lusamine continued hammering away at the keyboard as a cold sweat formed on her brow. Finally, a large, square shaped window appeared on the screen asking for login credentials. After putting in her username and her two passwords, she smiled and let out a hard breath as the desktop of the computer finally came to her. As she continued typing, bringing up a virtual box containing ten Pokémon inside, Wicke stirred awake as she looked to Lusamine continuing to type as if the lives of everyone and everything outside the room depended on her. She then looked at the closed door to her right, feeling nothing at that moment except for a splitting headache and a desire to fall back asleep. “Estimated detonation of detected explosives in: T-minus, fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven…” With a burst of adrenaline pumping into her veins, she picked herself up and went to the door, lifting the red lever back up and unlocking the door to open for her. Lusamine was far too concentrated as she grouped the ten Pokémon inside the box and placed them in another box on another window. In the same new box was a pixelated icon of a Poké Ball with a purple top and two round magenta bubbles on the left and right of it. She then tapped a single button which gave her a prompt. DO YOU WISH TO WITHDRAW (10) POKÉMON AND (1) ITEM? Lusamine pressed the button almost immediately. The progress bar moved quickly to the right, giving Lusamine much comfort that her efforts were successful. She then opened up the app on the toolbar featuring two word bubbles and continued typing away. “Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven…” Wicke hobbled out from the doorway to the lift chamber and toward the stationary lift. Upon reaching it, she fell onto the control panel and weakly chuckled. Looking down on it, she was horrified to find it turned off save for a warning flashing on the screen: LIFT DISABLED FOR EMERGENCY. PLEASE USE STAIRS. Wicke began to whimper as she tapped on it, which grew into a loud screech as she banged her hand against it, hoping against hope that it would carry her up from her death. “Twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight…” Sun and the others made it to the lobby, which was now deserted save for a single Aether employee who flew for safety on the back of a Charizard he summoned from a Ride Pager. Just then, Gladion and Lillie’s Pokédexes vibrated, prompting them to pull them from their pockets. “Two, one.” Inside the lab hallway, several fiery explosions erupted in the back before they continued their rampage inward, engulfing the entire space with forceful flames. Inside the lab, Lusamine looked at the computer screen and the box upon it that told her that her messages were sent. Lusamine peacefully closed her eyes as an explosion thrashed its way through the open door, the intense heat and push of the blast crashing into her. Wicke screamed as the explosions in the hallway threw the sliding door into the chamber along with its fire before another bomb placed along the side of the other doorway detonated, engulfing the entire room with a roaring blaze that quickly billowed upwards. The barrage of explosions could finally be felt above, throwing Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Spike off their feet as Twilight rolled onto her side. The explosions from the lower levels reached the lift tunnel and the top of the stairwell at the main level, creating a geyser of heat and brightness that was quickly extinguished as the sound of sea water bursting in through the hallways washed it away. Sun and the others got to their feet and hooves, the lights one by one began to flicker before they turned off, the entire place getting plunged into darkness in just a few seconds. As Nanu, the Trial Captains, and the trainers of the Pokémon League flew alongside Luna, her group of Equestrians, and Zeraora, some of whom flew on the backs of Pokémon or were held in Thorax’s magic, soared over the seas toward Akala Island, something caught the corner of Rainbow Dash’s eyes. As she turned her head to what she thought she saw, she noticed as the lights of the Aether Paradise just finished turning off. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash began to part slightly with her group, raising everyone’s suspicions. “Rainbow Dash!” Acerola called. “Where are you going?” “Something happened at the Aether Paradise! I’m going to check and see what happened! You guys go on without me!” “Rainbow Dash,” Luna shouted, “please do be careful!” “When am I not?” With that she sped off at the building as quickly as she could. “Oh, I get it!” Pinkie Pie bounced about on Luna’s back. “It’s ironic because she’s almost never careful at all!” Everyone looked up at her, nervousness sparked inside of them. “What? I’m sure she’ll be fine!” Suddenly, the backup generator began to kick in as only half of the lights inside the building turned on, most of which flickered from the damage the explosions’ tremors caused. Now mostly safe, Gladion and Lillie finally looked to their Pokédexes, seeing the final message Lusamine had left them. One set of Beasts in D78. The other set and Master Ball in H113. I know you’ll save the world. This one and theirs. ❤️ Lillie put her head onto the screen and let more tears flow. She had killed herself to do it, but she managed to get them the most important tools to ensure their survival. At that moment, Porygon-Z flew down from the lift tunnel from the floor above, heading straight to Gladion and wrapping its round, stubby wings around Gladion’s neck. Gladion sighed in relief as he embraced his Pokémon back. “Excellent job, Porygon. Thank you.” Shortly after, Rainbow Dash flew into the entryway and slid to a halt near her friends. “Guys! What happened here?” “Rainbow Dash!” Spike ran to the blue pegasus and hugged her leg tight, followed by Twilight putting her arm around her neck. “Boy, am I glad to see you!” “What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “I thought I told you to go pick up the trainers at Ula’ula!” “We were all on our way out and I saw the lights go out! I had to be sure everyone is okay!” It then occurred to her that they were the only ones standing in the room, prompting Rainbow Dash to look around. “Hey. Where’s Lusamine? Or Wicke? Or... anyone?” “They’re both gone.” Rainbow Dash turned to Gladion, who refused to fight back his tears as they kept pouring from his eyes. “Wicke betrayed us and tried to hold us back for Team Prism, and then Mother sacrificed herself to get us what we came for.” Rainbow Dash’s ears fell as her lip quivered, overwhelmed with sadness to see Gladion so vulnerable. “Oh my gosh, Gladion… I’m so, so sorry.” Walking up to him, she threw her body on his as the two hugged each other tightly, helping him mourn his loss. Gladion, the comfort he felt from his friend's head on his shoulder, let out several bellowing wails that were muffled out by her fur. Rainbow Dash allowed her own tears to flow, where they soaked on the shoulder of Gladion’s hoodie. Lillie, seeing this, came up to Sun. “May I please have them?” She put her hand up. “My mother’s Pokémon?” Without question, he handed her the clip. Stepping away toward an open area, she pulled each of the five balls from the clip and tossed them out, each one opening to let each Pokémon inside out. Among them was a large bipedal black bear with a pink and white head, a green, leafy Pokémon with a wide bottom and a scarlet flower atop its head, a fluffily-bodied pink creature with wings, a curly tail, and long black-tips, a long, gorgeous serpentine fish with a cream colored upper half and a tail with large blue and pink scales, as well as the ghost Pokémon Lusamine had attacked Wicke with. Each one of the Pokémon, minus the ghost, looked about, confused over not seeing Lusamine anywhere. The ghost flew before the other four Pokémon and let out a series of breathy moans and wails that the Pokémon understood perfectly. As it continued explaining, the other four Pokémon glanced downward, their eyes watering as they heard the news. The bear on the other hand, let out a series of whines, thrashing its arms about in disbelief. “Bewear, please!” The Pokémon calmed down over hearing her voice. “Mismagius isn’t lying. Lusamine’s gone, but she doesn’t have to die in vain! She sacrificed herself so that we can save our other friends! I know its hard, and I wish you all had an opportunity to say goodbye, but we have to keep moving, for her sake!” Bewear, coming to the realization that its beloved trainer was no more, fell to its rump and put its paws over its eyes, shaking its head as he continued trying to convince himself that she wasn’t really gone. Both Mismagius and the pink fairy both consoled it as they wept with it. Twilight and Spike watched the sight themselves, Spike compelled to hold onto her as he cried into her arm as she rested her chin on his head. “Twilight?” Twilight and Spike perked up at Lillie’s voice. “Could you please come here?” Both the alicorn and dragon approached her, standing by her side. “Bewear, Mismagius, Clefable, Lilligant, Milotic.” The five Pokémon took a small reprieve from their sadness and gave their trainer’s daughter their undivided attention as she motioned her arm to Twilight. “This is Twilight Sparkle, a very close friend of mine. I understand that Lusamine is no longer here to protect you, but I have my own Pokémon to protect. That’s why, at least for right now, I’m entrusting you all to her.” “What?” Twilight and Spike both shouted. “Lillie, are you sure?” “I’m positive. Twilight is one of the strongest peop– pon…” She closed her eyes as she gathered her words. “…creatures I’ve ever known. You’ll be in safe hooves with her, I guarantee it. I know this will be hard for you, but I beg you to not do this for her, or for me. Do it for Lusamine.” Sun, Gladion, and Rainbow Dash watched in still silence as Lusamine’s former Pokémon looked to the alicorn, who sported a brave face and posture to inspire them. Finally, Bewear held its fist up into the air and let out a clean high-pitched roar. The other Pokémon followed suit, showing their full willingness to be by Twilight’s side. Twilight herself relaxed her body and face, incredibly humbled to be accepted by them so quickly. Sun and Gladion smiled as well, happy for their choice. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash whispered with a small pump of her arm. “Right on.” “Twilight?” Lillie asked her. “I know you were hit hard by that Kadabra, but do you think you can return the Pokémon to their Poké Balls?” “For them? Without a doubt.” Twilight charged her horn as her magic covered the five balls still in Lillie’s hands. With a strained groan, she lifted them out of her hands as if they were made of the densest, heaviest material on earth. She panted through the stress as she aimed each of the center buttons of each ball at each of the Pokémon. Finally, she breathed in, ready to make the command. “Everyone, return!” All five balls shot out a red laser that connected with each Pokémon before they were converted into the same energy and sucked inside each ball. With her task done, she set the balls back on the ground and swooned, Spike holding her steady on her right side while Lillie slid over to the left to keep her standing. Despite what she was able to do, Twilight took great pity on herself to be nearly outdone by five small Poké Balls. “Don’t worry about it.” Lillie put each one of the balls back on her mother’s clip one-by-one. “You’ll only have to take out at most two at a time. Besides, your powers will keep getting stronger again, so it won’t be as hard anymore.” Twilight smiled as she was handed the fully-equipped clip, the consolation indeed making her feel better about her situation. “Thank you, Lillie.” Rainbow Dash clopped her front hoof on the ground to get her friends’ attention. “Hey, uh, sorry to ruin your moment Twi, but didn’t you say you had some things you needed to get?” “Right!” Sun nodded as he walked toward the lift tunnel on the floor. Looking down it, he could already see water begin to billow upwards several stories below. With an anxious huff, he faced his friends who awaited his instructions. “Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, you’ll be coming with me. Gladion, which set of Beasts is closest to my room?” “Looks like the H113 one,” he answered. “The Master Ball will be there too.” “Perfect. Once you get your set of Beasts, we’ll meet back here and hopefully be able to leave before Faba and the others show up.” “Faba and the others?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Wicke said they’re following us from the Seafolk Village,” Lillie replied. “If that’s the case, we don’t have much time left before they’re all here.” “Then let’s go!” Spike began to run forward, prompting Sun, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash to run before him as Sun turned to the left at an entryway to a stairwell. Lillie and Gladion followed close behind just as the lights all flickered for a moment before turning back on, a couple of them shorting out for good. > Chapter 67 – Bonds Beyond Worlds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Sam and Alice stood to their feet, getting a better sense of where they wound up, the Pillars and their companions were unable to keep their eyes off the alien beings which had appeared on the Cutie Map right before their eyes. “This room,” Sam quietly said to himself. “It’s just like before it pulled Shining Armor and Discord to our world.” “What are those things?” Spittle whispered amongst her crew and captain. “You mean those monkey things or that big rat and the robot beside them?” Mullet whispered back. “Yes.” “You five!” Starswirl bellowed, his voice commanding enough power to get Sam, Alice, Dexio, and their Pokémon to turn and face him before freezing still like statues. “What are you and how did you arrive here?” “Isn’t it obvious!” Flash Magnus got low as he held his shield up. “Those creatures are the ones who took Twilight and the others!” Sam’s eyes widened as Flash Magnus let out a loud war cry before flying straight at him. “Flash, wait!” Fizzlepop called out with a reach. “Sam!” Dexio and Alice both cried. Sam scowled as he quickly reached to his belt and pulled a Poké Ball off and threw it out between him and Flash Magnus. “Aegislash, King’s Shield!” With the ball opening up, Flash Magnus only hesitated a little bit as the energy that spilled out formed into Sam’s shield and sword Pokémon, who was already in its defensive stance. With a push forward, its shield collided with Flash Magnus’s, only for bright sparks to shoot out from the impact point. With the gridded barrier of Aegislash’s attack spreading out, Flash Magnus was blasted back off the table where he fell to the floor, his shield clattering to a stop beside him. The Equestrians in the room gasped before looking up at Sam’s Pokémon, who looked relieved and thankful to have reached its trainer in time. “What was that?” Grubber breathed out, partially impressed. “His shield and sword are alive!” Capper breathed out. “How’d it fit inside that tiny little ball?!” Skystar squawked. “And did you hear him?” Stygian glanced around to the others, not sure if they heard him. “He speaks Ponish, just like us!” Flash Magnus tried to pick himself up, but upon putting weight on his left arm, he let out a yelp and fell back onto his stomach. “Flash Magnus!” Rockhoof and Fizzlepop ran to his aid, the former of whom allowed Flash to rest his arm onto his. “What did you do to him?!” Fizzlepop barked. Sam frowned, both out of anger and out of fear. “My Pokémon was just defending me! And we didn’t take Twilight and the others, they’re actually friends of ours!” “Liar!” Fizzlepop charged at Sam full gallop, her eyes filled with hatred. “Aegislash!” Knowing what to do, Sam’s Pokémon readied its barrier as it appeared visible before it. Fizzlepop squinted in concentration as she took a small leap forward before bounding high over Aegislash and Sam, landing upon the table behind him. Sam could only turn around fast enough as Fizzlepop drifted her back hooves to face him and ran at him again before twisting her body to prepare a kick. Her back hoof thrust at Sam’s face, who fell back to let it fly over his head, continuing to tumble back and off the table as she stomped the hoof down. Landing on his stomach, he then heard Celaeno shout as she drew her sword from her side and ran at him. Pushing off the ground and turning around to face her, he reached back for his Pokémon, who flew at him and placed its hilt in his hand and wrapped its right cloth arm around Sam’s forearm. With his grip secure, Sam swung Aegislash at the approaching Celaeno, who held her blade up to deflect the attack. To everyone’s surprise, Celaeno was thrown far back near the wall, Sam panting regretfully as he tried to keep his sights on the others who now looked at him with the same antagonism as Fizzlepop behind him. “Captain!” Boyle ran to Celaeno as she stood herself up. “Are you alright?” Celaeno looked to her sword, which now had a new chip in its blade. “Fine, but… That sword of his must weigh over a hundred pounds, and he swung at me like he was holding a small stick!” With her horn sparking, Fizzlepop’s eyes were fixed on the back of Sam’s unguarded head. She was immediately distracted by Alice as she ran at her with the training staff held in her hand. Caught completely off guard, Alice was able to swing the staff into the right side of Fizzlepop’s stomach, sending her falling to her other side. Placing the side of the end of the staff against the bottom of Fizzlepop’s belly, Alice swept the staff with all her might to send her off the table. Fizzlepop was agile enough to roll back onto her hooves, but with a sideways flip, Alice jumped off the table and held an end of the staff at the unicorn’s head, standing between her and her brother. Raichu whimpered, too tired and weak to go over and help its trainer. Dexio returned his also exhausted Metagross and flung a ball from his belt, keeping his eyes on Starswirl and Mistmane, who charged their horns, ready to attack. Once Metagross was back in its Poké Ball, Alakazam appeared from his. Starswirl and Mistmane launched their magic beams at Alakazam and Dexio just as it formed a large translucent disk with its glowing spoons. The disk caught the beams in a viselike grip before Alakazam spiraled its arm in, the disc wrapping around the beams before the disk shrunk itself and the beams out of existence, surprising both unicorns. Finally, Alakazam reached for both Sam and Aegislash and Alice, hoisting them off their feet to land beside him on the table. Clutching its spoons even tighter, another translucent barrier formed around the width of the table all the way to the ceiling, a second attack by Starswirl and Mistmane disappearing upon striking it. Fizzlepop prepared to push herself through, only for her hooves and weight to rest against it, keeping her on the other side. Her rage built as she punched the wall twice before bucking it with both back legs, neither of which did anything. “Enough!” Dexio snapped. “Enough! Stop fighting!” “Cowards!” Fizzlepop panted as she made another futile attempt to break the barrier with her hooves. “Get back out here!” “For the last time,” Alice shouted, “we don’t want to fight you!” “Was that before or after you whacked her with that staff!” Flash Sentry defended. “I’d say it was before she tried to stomp my brother’s head into the table, now shut up and listen to us!” “Why should we listen to you?” Capper sneered. “What makes you think we can even trust you?” “Sam already told you,” Dexio spoke, “we’re friends of Twilight and the others.” “Likely story!” “Guys, wait, hold on!” Skystar took to the air and flew just out side the barrier so each of her friends could see her. “If these guys really are friends of our friends, let’s give them a chance to hear them out! If we really can trust them, maybe they can help us fight the changelings!” Starswirl pulled a sideways frown as he considered Skystar’s words. “Alright, very well. We’ll allow you to try and prove yourselves as friends of Twilight Sparkle or any one of the friends that disappeared with her.” With the tension now mostly diffused, the Equestrians directed their harsh, hardly-forgiving eyes at the three humans and their Pokémon. Alice didn’t appear nervous over what she knew to be true. “I mean,” Dexio whispered from the corner of his mouth, “if you do have any kind of hard proof, now would be a great time to show them.” “That’s okay,” Alice responded. “We have it. Sam, you have a copy of that picture we took with Kaj before we left for the Aether Paradise, right?” “Picture…” Sam took in a short, excited breath, astounded by his sister’s wit. Reaching into his pocket for his Holo Caster, the Equestrian’s were put on edge, raising their weapons, charging their horns, or standing ready to attack. “Relax!” Sam pulled the device out, showing off its non-destructive design. “It just projects images!” The Equestrians refused to let their defenses down as Sam tapped and swiped his way through his device. With a relieved breath upon finding it, he tapped on the photo on his screen, where it appeared as a small hologram projected from the top of the device, facing him. Though they saw the projection, it was too small for either Equestrian to read, Grubber and Squabble looking at each other in bemusement. Sam wasn’t finished, dragging his finger slowly across the phone to swivel around to face them before he pinched the center of his screen and pulled the two fingers apart, the image getting bigger and bigger each time he did. Finally, the image became clear to them, showing Twilight and each of her friends smiling alongside the numerous human friends they made in their journeys, the scope and enormity of the picture shocking the Equestrians to their core. With a small tap, the image was pushed outside the Psychic barrier to give the Equestrians a much clearer view. Fizzlepop’s mouth hung open upon spotting Alice and Sam amongst them. “I’ll be darned. It really is them.” Capper stepped forward, both impressed by the technological feat as well as Rarity and Applejack standing so comfortably and joyfully with Olivia. “They all look so… happy.” “Twilight and her friends were all found by other people who helped reunite them, and that picture was taken just a few hours before Twilight and the others were going to be sent back home,” Sam explained, “except some other accident ended up pulling more of their friends out of your world instead.” “Hey!” Mullet pointed at Dexio. “He isn’t in this picture. Why not?” “I can explain myself in a short while,” Dexio promised. “Please, let them have their chance to speak.” Alice then stepped forward as the others stayed quiet as asked. “A week ago, my brother and I found Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy huddled up scared inside of a cave right after they had been pulled out of their world.” Starswirl and Mage Meadowbrook couldn’t help but betray a couple of blinks over hearing their names. “Ever since, we had been trying to find the others while keeping them out of the clutches of an evil group called Team Prism!” “Team… Prism?” Somnambula pondered aloud. “They use Psychic Pokémon, just like…” Sam paused, feeling some context was in order. “My Aegislash, Alice’s Raichu, the rat with the surfboard tail, Dexio’s Alakazam, these are all creatures that come from our world called Pokémon. They’re friends of ours too. Anyways, Team Prism knows that Psychic-type moves nullify magic, and they’ve been using them to prey on Twilight and her friends while trying to steal them away from us!” “Wait a second!” Mage Meadowbrook interrupted. “How do they know about magic if they’re not from ‘round here?” Dexio frowned, knowing his part of the story would be risky. “They are being led by a person being controlled by a malevolent entity named Necrozma. According to Luna, Princess Luna, it attacked your world before a very long time ago, but she and her sister defeated it and it ended up coming to our world to finish the job. They know about Equestria and magic because it does!” “Then why would you use such a power yourself?” Mistmane wondered. “Because for a few days, I spied on Team Prism to obtain as much information for my friends as possible. I was only as trusted and well-hidden as I was because of my affinity to Psychic-type Pokémon.” “So you admit that your alliances are shaky,” Rockhoof spoke. “I am no longer associated with them. I now fight for my world and Equestria! Even if I was in bed with our enemy, these kids have nothing to do with that!” “So I guess that’s why he isn’t in the picture,” Spittle reasoned to her other crewmates. Fizzlepop pursed her lips, hoping for a somewhat positive answer. “What about Twilight? What about everyone else? Are they okay?” Sam took a deep breath. “We can’t say. After the leader of Team Prism revealed herself, she kidnapped the three of us, along with some others. The Equestrians managed to escape, and the last time I saw Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy, they were rescuing us, but that was before the leader apprehended me, and these two came back so that I wouldn’t have to go alone. As far as I know, everyone else is gathering other Pokémon trainers like us to fight Team Prism and stop them once and for all.” Stygian nodded, accepting the answer. “And how did you end up in Equestria?” “The leader threw us into a wormhole to strand us on some random world,” Alice answered. “We only happened to make it here by dumb luck and the strength of our Pokémon.” “And as far as we know,” Sam sighed with closed eyes, “we’re now as stuck here on your world as Twilight and all of her friends are on ours.” “Not quite!” Starswirl approached the table just short of the Psychic barrier. “There may just very well be a way to return you to your world!” “How’s that?” Alice asked. “If you could open a portal to our world, wouldn’t you or someone else have tried that already to rescue Twilight and the others?” “That’s just it. Without some kind of strong remnant from your world, searching for it would be akin to shooting an arrow in the dark and hoping to hit a bullseye inside of it. You, your two friends…” “Uh, one’s my brother–” “–, your *achem* Pokémon; any of them can serve as a remnant to link our world to yours!” “Really?” Sam laughed. “That’s it? Then what are we waiting for?! We have to get back to our world before–” “Let me finish, please!” Sam sealed his lips. “To perform such a spell needs a substantial amount of magic, magic that not even the combined efforts of Stygian, Mistmane, Fizzlepop, or myself can provide.” “So…” Alice threw her arms up halfway before letting them fall back to her side. “What are we supposed to do?” “If we can get the help of Princess Celestia in Canterlot, we should have the magic necessary to open the portal. Unfortunately, we are in as much of a bind as you three are, if you simply look outside.” Dexio patted Alakzam on the back, permitting him to drop the barrier around the table. He then turned around and spotted the closest appropriately tall window that he could find, hopping off the table and walking to the window. Staring out at it, his eyes widened at the dozens of changelings all surrounding the place, each one waiting patiently outside Starswirl’s barrier. “What is it, Dexio?” Sam questioned. “What’s outside?” “A… “ Dexio gulped. “Just a whole lot of changelings.” “Uh… Thorax changelings or Chrysalis changelings?” Dexio nodded his head, the question much easier to answer. “Definitely Chrysalis.” “You’ve seen Chrysalis yourselves?” Rockhoof asked. “Oh, yeah.” Dexio walked back around the table. “She joined Team Prism shortly after landing on our world to save her own skin. My guess is that she’s now the new third-in-command after I showed my true colors.” Skystar’s loud, crackling gasp completely shifted the tone of the conversation. “You said your psycheout Pokémon can nullify magic.” “Psychic,” Dexio tried to correct. “Does that also work with changeling magic?” “Yes, it does,” Sam answered, “Chrysalis herself actually attacked me earlier tonight and my Absol’s Psycho Cut nullified her magic all the same.” “Psycho Cut? Is that a–” “Yes.” His answer and single nod of the head made Skystar beam brightly. She then flew back up to face each of her friends. “See, see?! I told you they could help us!” She then pulled her necklace up from around her neck and placed it on the base of her beak like a pair of glasses while smiling smugly. “Can somebody say, ‘Called it?’” Starswirl bowed his head and shut his eyes, feeling thankful for being wrong. “My apologies, you three. We have sorely misjudged your character. May we please have your names before proceeding?” “Alice!” She said with a single wave. Sam swung Aegislash up onto his shoulder proudly. “Name’s Sam.” “And I’m Dexio,” he responded with a hand on his heart and a slight bow. “Thank you for giving us a chance.” “You’re very welcome, Dexio.” Starswirl approached the human and shook his hand, an act that greatly soothed the other Equestrians’ fears. “Before we can return you home, we will need to reclaim Ponyville from the changelings outside. Once we do, we can take a train to Canterlot and get Celestia’s assistance with returning you back home. And I trust we can rely on you and your two friends to assist us?” “Absolutely.” Sam and Alice came off the table to join Dexio. “We’re fighting to save this world along with ours.” “Alright!” Celaeno cheered. “Boy, you guys couldn’t have shown up at a better time! This is going to be awesome!” As she drew her sword, her crew cheered, followed by the other Equestrians, formally welcoming their new friends into their group. With their uplifting cries dying down, Dexio began conversing with Starswirl as Stygian ran over to meet him. As Celaeno and Capper approached Sam, Alice hopped back onto the table and walked toward Raichu and her bag, folding the staff back in with a press of the center button. “So I’m curious, Sam.” Sam gazed eye level with the parrot captain as she and Capper got close. “How do you wield that sword of yours?” “I’d like to know too,” Capper butted in. “The suspense is also killing me!” “Actually, he’s not a sword at all.” Sam held up his Pokemon as the eye in its crossguard blinked at them, making the two recoil. “He’s one of my Pokémon. My oldest, in fact. We’ve actually spent so much time together and gotten so close through training, that he can predict my movements.” Sam fanned his arm up, allowing Aegislash to unwrap itself from Sam’s arm and float before them. “You see? I’m not actually wielding him. It’s just floating in place and he just moves in synch with me. In fact, let me show you my oth–” “Woah!” Skystar flew close to Aegislash and looked into its eye, its surprised blinking making her snort a few chuckles. “That’s so cool!” She then landed in front of Sam, grabbing his hand in her talon and shaking it. “Princess Skystar, but you can just call me Skystar when I’m not at home!” “Hey, give him a little space.” Capper butted Skystar aside from the off-put Sam before reaching his paw to him with a far more polite distance from him. “Capper. Pleased to meet you, Sam. And what are you, exactly?” “Same. And Alice, Dexio, and I are creatures called humans.” “Very cool. Wait until I tell the folks in Klugetown about my new human friend! No one will want to scuffle with me ever again!” Sam then turned to Celaeno, the two of them engaging in a stronger, more hearty shake. “Captain Celaeno, at your service,” she said before motioning her other arm to the other four parrots. “Allow me to introduce you to my crew. That big one’s Boyle. Mullet’s the one with one eye. Spittle’s our cook, and Squabble... he’s got a great personality.” The four of them waved and posed for Sam, glad to be by his side. Just then, Flash Magnus walked over to Sam, still possessing a small limp on his front left hoof. “Hey, listen,” Flash Sentry rubbed his stronger leg with his left wrist, “sorry about jumping you like that, but those were some crazy good reflexes to call your… I’m sorry, what was your sword-thing’s name again?” “Hey, don’t sweat it!” Sam pawed the air forgivingly before reaching to his belt and pulling all of his Poké Balls off of it. “Actually, let me introduce you to my other friends. You may want to stand back a bit.” With the four Equestrians taking a big step back, Sam threw all of his Poké Balls up into the air where they all opened up and poured white energy that transformed into Lurantis, Salazzle, Archen, Drampa, and Absol. With the bright light having streamed down, it also caught the attention of Somnambula and Mistmane. Celaeno and anyone else nearby were astounded by the five new creatures that surrounded Sam, who smiled giddily at their surprised reactions. “Guys,” he said to his creatures, “these guys are friends of Twilight and the others. Everyone else, these are my other Pokémon. Feel free to say hi.” Celaeno knelt down to Archen, who at first hopped back at the foreign bird, but tentatively sniffed the back of her balled talon upon presenting it to it. With a happy squawk, Archen hopped onto Celaeno’s wrist and bounced its way onto her shoulder before rubbing its face on hers. “Yep,” she giggled, “he’s a keeper.” Somnambula came over and pet Absol while Salazzle skittered up Capper’s coat before clinging to his upper back, which delighted him. As Skystar simultaneously went between Lurantis and Drampa, uncertain which one to aquaint herself with, Sam walked up to Flash Magnus, Aegislash floating right behind him. “Is your wrist okay?” Sam asked. “I, uhh…” Flash Magnus twisted it, failing to hide his winces as the pain pulsed up his foreleg. “I’ll be fine. I’ve gotten hurt far worse than this.” “Then come on, follow me. I know just the trick.” Sam and Aegislash led Flash Magnus to the table where Alice returned her Raichu back into its ball. She then fished about in her backpack, which laid beside Sam’s and Dexio’s, pulling out a purple Potion bottle. Upon spotting Fizzlepop and Grubber by themselves as they observed Sam socializing from a distance, she walked off the table and approached the two. “Hi, there.” Fizzlepop and Grubber turned to her before glancing at the Potion in her hand with suspicion. “What’s in that bottle?” Fizzlepop asked. Alice walked over to the unicorn’s right, her and Grubber watching intently. “I just need to look at the part of your stomach I beat like a piñata with that staff. This will help.” “Help? Help with wha–” Fizzlepop was cut off by her own gasping as the cold spray from the Potion was applied to the right side of her stomach in her distraction. Grubber then came at her, swatting his hands to shoo her away. “Hey, hey!” he barked. “I don’t remember her giving you permission to–” “Hold on…” Fizzlepop looked to her right side as her right leg lifted up and stroked the once-sore spot that Alice had hit. To her surprise, there was no longer any pain there at all. She then looked up at Alice, her fascinated eyes begging to know what she had given her. “What… was that you gave her?” Grubber asked, now also charmed. “It’s a Potion,” Alice answered, swinging the bottle by the nozzle around her finger. “Perfect for healing your injured Pokémon and sometimes your bitten and poisoned big brothers.” “That’s incredible, I…” Fizzlepop’s eyes and expression softened for the first time since she and the other humans appeared, her lips forming a small smile. “Thank you… Alice was it?” Alice reached her hand forward, which Fizzlepop put her hoof into for her to shake. “That’s right. And you and your adorable little friend there are?” “I’m Fizzlepop Berrytwist, but my friends call me Fizz… recently, that is…” “And, uhuh…” The bashful hedgehog pressed against his cheeks as he could feel the blood rushing to them. “You really think I’m cute?” “Oh, sure!” Alice knelt down to him and scratched behind his ears, her fingers also getting into his lighter tuft of hair. “Then again, I usually find anything that’s covered in fur and no more than a couple feet tall to be cute as hell.” Grubber relaxed his arms as his eyes rolled back into his head, involuntary chuckling moans leaving his throat. “Oh yes, that’s the spot!” Fizzlepop chuckled herself, thrilled to see her closest friend get along so well with her newest one. “You there!” Hearing Rockhoof’s booming, commanding voice, Alice shot up to her feet to face the imposing, bulky stallion, whose warm smile helped Alice relax before him. “It takes a lot of guts to run in swinging at Fizz like you did.” “I mean…” Alice shrugged and rolled her wide-open eyes, “she did try attacking my brother, but I mean, water under the bridge, right?” “There’s no greater strength than the one we use to protect our friends and family.” The stallion presented his hoof to Alice, who had to shake it with both hands. “Rockhoof. Pleased to have some more muscle on our side.” Just then, Dexio approached the four with Starswirl and Stygian beside him. “Alice, everyone. We may have a plan for how to quickly defeat the changelings. Well, at least as quickly as possible.” “Gather your brother and the others so we may speak of this strategy at the Map of Friendship. And please, tell him to bring his Pokémon back inside. This is the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, not a petting zoo!” As Dexio and the three unicorns walked away to help bring the others in, Alice turned to Fizzlepop with a surprised reaction. “This is Twilight’s place?” “Pretty sweet, huh?” Grubber crossed his arms to emphasize the point. “Incredibly.” She, Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Rockhoof walked about to tell the others of the news. There were so many creatures gathered around the table that most of them had to stand with their shoulder’s touching each other’s bodies. All eyes were on Starswirl and Dexio as they prepared to address everyone inside the room. Sam’s Aegislash and Dexio’s Alakazam were the only Pokémon left inside the chamber as they waited by their trainers. “I feel as though we have less than an hour until my barrier fails and the changelings storm this castle. This is why I want to go over this plan as efficiently as possible.” “Well,” Sam shrugged, “we’re all ears.” Stygian then came forward and took a deep breath, preparing to pitch their plan. “We’re going to surrender.” “UMM?!” Alice shouted through her lips. The others also began to clamor with worry, drowning out Starswirl’s requests to remain calm and be quiet. With the human siblings and Equestrians continuing to shout over each other at Starswirl, he could no longer take it. Charging his horn, a bubble of light appeared on the end of it before it popped, creating an almost deafening thunderclap that rendered everyone silent again, several of them covering their ears. “Thank you, Starswirl.” The echo began to die down, allowing the young unicorn to talk at a normal volume. “We don’t have any intention of giving ourselves up, however. We’re only doing this to lure them into a false sense of security. We’ll propose a meeting with the commanders, with whom we will attempt to negotiate terms for our ‘surrender.’” “And how long, exactly, do we plan on keeping this charade up before we, you know, stop?” Capper wondered. “And what do we plan ta’ do once they’ve figured us out?” Mage Meadowbrook asked also. “We’ll appear compliant up until we know where the changelings are keeping the Ponyville residents. At which point, I’ll give the floor, or I should say, the table, to Dexio.” Dexio and Alakazam stepped forward as Stygian walked back. “Okay, here’s what happens next. Starswirl will drop the shield currently protecting us before he lets the changeling commanders in. Alakazam and I will be waiting here for the signal to cast another barrier on the tree, except this time, we leave a hole right for the front entrance.” “Wait, hold on!” Grubber interrupted. “We want them to attack us now?” “It’s not just that!” Flash Magnus reasoned. “If we can funnel them inside, we won’t have to deal with so many at once! I remember reading about a similar battle in my old present! One of the greatest defensive-offensive maneuvers ever performed!” Dexio nodded, happy to see some were on the same page as he. “Along with Starswirl, Sam, Alice, Celaeno, and Fizzlepop will serve as the vanguard. If for any reason they can’t hold their line, Celaeno’s crew will take the next row of defense, followed by Capper, Skystar, Rockhoof, and Flash Magnus. If you didn't hear your name just now, you’ll be hiding away until you get the signal.” “Once we’ve learned everything we need to, Starswirl will send said signal out. That’s when the vanguard gets into position and Alakazam barricades the castle. We’ll hopefully get a good understanding for how they fight with the small amount we have to deal with, and we’ll be strong enough in numbers and power that they will no longer even try to come in. “That’s when we get them. No more than ten seconds after the last one decides to enter. On Starswirl’s mark, the vanguard will rush outside and take on the changelings directly. The next line will follow them immediately out, followed by the next, and finally so do I and the rest of us in here. Sam, Alice, at that point, use any Pokémon that knows a Psychic type move. We may not be able to take away any physical fighting abilities their army may have, but if we cripple their magic, that may be enough to see us through. Any questions?” Celaeno raised her taloned hand. “Uh, yeah. Say everything that you and the unicorns just proposed falls through and they attack us the moment we lower Starswirl’s barrier, then what?” Dexio held up his arm an twisted his hand up with a shrug of the shoulder. “Then I guess we skip to the last part and just have a free for all.” Celaeno cocked her head and shrugged, an indifferent frown reaching the bottom of her face for just an instant. “Sounds good to me!” “Alright. We make our announcement to the changeling army in precisely thirty minutes! Prepare yourselves!” “A half hour?” Rockhoof chortled. “Why so long? With you and your new friends by our side, we can take on a dozen changeling armies!” Celaeno’s crew shouted out their approval with swings of their arms. “A few of our Pokémon are still weak from previous battles,” Dexio answered. “We need that much time to ensure they’re in peak fighting condition. Plus, if you need to do anything, take a power nap, fortify any weapons you may have, use the bathroom, it doesn’t matter, just make as good of use of your half hour as you possibly can!” “Welp, can’t argue with that logic!” Skystar exclaimed, flying over the center of the table. “Let’s do this! Let’s save Ponyville!” Along with Celaeno’s crew, everyone threw their arms up and let out a collective roar of cheers, excited for the battle that lie ahead. With a half hour to spare, the declared groups began to band up with each other, Celaeno and Sam and Alice, Fizzlepop, and Grubber walking toward each other. Even with their camaraderie established, Sam felt a little nervous looking at the raspberry unicorn. “Sam, I think you’ve met Fizz already, kinda…” Sam straightened his frown, finding his sister’s joke perverse. Regardless, he shook her hoof, feeling more at ease with her inviting grin looking up at him. “Yes,” she said, “and I’m sorry about before.” “That’s fine,” Sam responded with a shrug. “You did take a big metal pole to the gut for it, after all. Also, Alice, this is Celaeno. I’m sure you two will like each other.” “If she’s anything like her brother…” The two engaged in a firm, hearty handshake. “Woah, nice grip! Sam’s a good judge of character!” “I’ll give him that,” Alice replied. “Sam, Alice, can I see you for a moment?” Hearing Dexio call to them from a corner of the table, the two left their new Equestrian friend to speak to him. “Dexio,” she questioned, “what’s up?” “You wouldn’t mind handing over your Z-Rings for a moment, would you?” The two looked to each other as he held his hand out for them. “What do you need our Z-Rings for?” “One of the other reasons I gave us a half hour before we engage with the plan is so that I can give you two something before we do this.” “And you need our Z-Rings for it?” Sam questioned. Dexio breathed a sigh out before reaching into his bag and pulling out his vinyl roll. Placing it on the table, he unlatched the clasp and tipped it over to its side, where it unfurled out to reveal about two dozen Mega Stones of various colors and designs sealed in plastic dividers. Along with them, four Key Stones were held in the right center of the roll along with a small drill, a tiny metal pick, and a pair of jeweler’s spectacles, along with several folded-up chains and pendants of different colors and sizes. “Are those what I think they are?” Alice gasped. “Dexio,” Sam stammered. “Why do you have this?” “After my battle with your sister, I noticed your Absol and thought that I could gift you with a Key Stone and an Absolite for the road ahead.” He then looked to Alice. “It’s good thing you were able to catch a Gyarados too, so now you’ll both be primed for Mega Evolution.” Looking to each other with rounded mouths and wide eyes, Sam and Alice could still hardly believe it. “However, if I’m going to fit your Key Stones and equip your Pokémon with Mega Stones in time, I’ll need your Z-Rings now.” Without another word, Sam and Alice pulled their Z-Rings off their wrists and placed them on the table before him. With a thankful nod, he began pulling his tools from the slips inside his roll. “How long will this take, did you say?” Sam asked. Dexio pressed the button of the drill twice, and it responded with two high-pitched whirs. “Probably five to ten minutes each maybe. I’ll call you over when I’m done so you can equip your Pokémon with their Mega Stones. It’s always important that a Pokémon’s own trainer do that themselves. In the meantime, you should go and set up your own strategies with the other two in your line.” “Right, got it. Thank you again, Dexio.” Dexio ignored them as he put his glasses on and began to concentrate over one of their Z-Rings. Walking away from him, Celaeno, Fizzlepop, and Grubber waited for them patiently, curiously peeking over their shoulders as the sound of his drill carved out the stone on the Z-Ring’s face. “So, uh…” Grubber leaned as far left as he could to see Dexio hard at work. “What’s he doing to your bracelet things?” Alice smirked as she crossed her arms. “Nothing I can really do justice by explaining it.” > Chapter 68 – Chains That Bind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much like most of the island of Poni at night, Ten Karat Hill was tranquil and quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft ocean breezes rustling through the grass, which only served as a lullaby to the wild Pokémon that lived inside its extinct crater. Just then, a stronger than normal breeze began to pick up, creating a low ominous whistling as it flew into the rim of the mountain. As the wind grew in speed, so did the pitch of the tone filling the space. The dust and clippings of grass began to swirl around in the center of the crater, creating a twister that began to fill with light like a dye in a whirlpool. It grew brighter until the light burst out, Burnet appearing from it with a ring of similarly white light pulsing out around her which evaporated in the air like smoke. After a few short moments, the gusts settled back down to their normal, peaceful demeanor. Burnet took a delicate and deliberate whiff of the air as she tilted her head up to the sky, savoring the last bit of sweet, natural silence this world would ever experience. With her exhale, she faced the entrance to the cavern, the destination of her and Necrozma’s long, tiresome journey just a short walk inside. She took a couple of steps forward before she stopped herself over the sound of footsteps in front of her. Walking out from both sides of the cavern were Ilima and Kukui, standing only a couple steps away from the entrance to block her path. Inside and out of view, Hapu and Mina stood to one side of the cavern while Hau and Fluttershy kept as careful watch as they could on the other. Kukui, finally getting good hard look at his wife in her black robe, gloves, and armor, let out an exhausted and resigned huff, hanging his head down. “Ilima.” Burnet then turned to Kukui, her grin curling cheekily. “Honey…” Kukui hissed, her taunts only hurting his heart further. “Professor!” Ilima shouted. “That’s not your wife! That’s not your Burnet!” “Oh, really?” Throwing her head back and leaning back far more than a human could balance normally, Burnet rolled back up and faced the two with her possessed, black eyes and contorted smile. “?am I your wife noW !?is this your precious, darling Burnet, KukuI” “That’s enough, Necrozma!” Ilima held his fist out at her, not frightened in the least. “You let Professor Burnet go this instant! She has nothing to do with this!” “….gladlY” The white began to return to Burnet’s eyes as her face returned to normal. “.as soon as you two step aside, I shall part ways with heR. So what’s it going to be, guys? Do you want me back that badly?” “More than anything.” Kukui pulled his head up, his eyes filled with rage and his mouth expressing insurmountable sadness. “I still can’t believe it after Hau told me himself, even with you standing right here in front of me in that black robe, that black armor, speaking in that cold, evil voice. Just how… how could you possibly consider doing this? Any of it? HOW, BURNET?!” The calls and cries of several awoken animals rang out through the night, Kukui and Burnet ignoring them as they stared each other down. Just then, she held her hands level with her palms facing the sky. To Ilima and Kukui’s surprise, two orbs formed in the space above her hands, one a bright flaming star, the other a glowing orb as dark, smoky clouds billowed off her palm. “Incredible, isn’t it?” It was clear to see from Ilima and Kukui’s stunned faces that it truly was a magnificent sight. “Thanks to the unwitting help of your friends, I now wield the entirety of Necrozma’s powers in the palms of my hands, Solgaleo and Lunala included. And Equestria? That is only the beginning. Once Necrozma regains its body and takes control of both this world and Equestria, we will have an entire universe of worlds for the taking! And nothing, NOTHING, will stop us!” Ilima grunted, her madness making him lose his faith in her. “All that power, all that control…” Kukui’s voice made Ilima gasp and listen carefully. “…and yet… it’s somehow turned you into a complete and utter idiot!” Kukui’s sudden rise in volume shocked Burnet as she took a step back, the very fact she did such a thing suddenly frightening her more. “The fact you’d throw away something so precious to the both of us for such a thinly-veiled con, it’s disgusting!” Burnet then let out a chuckle, back to her mad, power-drunk demeanor. “A con, you say?” She then clapped her hands and the two orbs together, the energy encased in both washing over her body from her hands in until she was aflame with a powerful, bright-orange aura whose heat and energy the two trainers could feel as though they stood before the geyser of an erupting volcano. “Does this look like a con to you? It certainly doesn’t feel like one to me, and once I’m through with the both of you, it won’t feel that way to you either!” She detached a Poké Ball from her belt and tossed it out. “End them, Malamar!” Burnet’s Pokémon formed from her ball’s energy, standing before the two as they kept shielding their eyes and face’s from Burnet’s radiant power. Squeezing both hands, the energy blazing off her became less intense, only for a similar aura to flare up around Malamar. Filled with new power, it let out a loud shriek up to the sky. Ilima and Kukui finally felt safe to see their enemy, putting their hands on a Poké Ball from their belts. “As Trial Captain of Melemele,” he declared, winding his arm back, “I will not allow you to pass this point! Go, Gumshoos!” Throwing his ball, it opened up to let his large weasel Pokémon out, where it stood haughtily with its arms behind its back. Kukui clasped his ball with purpose before throwing it into the battlefield. “Let’s go, Lycanroc!” With his own Poké Ball opening up, Kukui’s feral light-brown wolf Pokémon hopped down and joined the Gumshoos’s side. Fluttershy and Hau peeked their heads out a bit farther, wanting to see as much of the battle as possible. Ilima squinted, studying Malamar and the energy shooting off its body. “No doubt that’s like when a Totem Pokémon’s aura flares up. Still, regardless of how boosted its stats are, it won’t hold a candle to this! Gumshoos, attack Malamar with Super Fang!” Falling onto all fours, Gumshoos ran at Malamar with small, labored leaps. Burnet didn’t even have the energy to laugh. “Pathetic. Malamar, take it out with Superpower!” Bending over it then shot forward off the ground like a rocket, tucking its head in and ready to collide. “Lycanroc, block it with Accelerock!” On Kukui’s command, his Lycanroc appeared in front of Malamar seemlingly out of nowhere. The top of Malamar’s head struck the Lycanroc’s left side, sending it flying up over Kukui and Ilima and into the wall above the cavern entrance. The loud bang was almost enough for Fluttershy to squeak out of shock, but Hau covered her mouth, helping her stay silent. With the slight recoil in the attack, Malamar angled back up as Ilima’s Gumshoos jumped at it’s neck, biting its neck and clamping on hard. Gumshoos’s teeth glowed white as it sunk them in further, delivering a shock of energy that visibly ran over Malamar’s entire body, making it cry out in immense pain. “Ha, yes!” Ilima pumped both arms at his side. “Thank you, Professor.” Kukui apathetically returned his fainted Pokémon from the floor before the cavern entrance before replacing it with another ball from his belt. “Okay, let’s go, Snorlax!” Throwing it out over the space between him and Malamar, the ball opened up with the white energy from it forming into an obese, half-awake creature with a dark-blue body and cream-colored belly, feet and flat face. “Okay.” Kukui held up his Z-Ring, which held a crystal similar in color to his Snorlax with an icon shaped like its foot. “Time for you to make another hard choice!” Kukui crossed his arms before his face, his Z-Ring sparking to life and his Snorlax standing to sudden attention despite its perpetual squint. As Kukui and Snorlax continued their motions, Burnet looked between them and the Gumshoos that finally let go of her Malamar and stared both her and her Pokémon down, ready to go again. With a decided hiss, she kept her eyes on Ilima’s Pokémon. “Malamar! Take the Gumshoos out with Superpower!” Whipping its tentacles in its direction, Malamar cast Gumshoos in its psychic aura and threw it up into the air. Soaring up into the air to follow Gumshoos, Malamar regained its far-away hold on it and swung itself to face the ground, using Gumshoos as the axis. Pushing off on nothing, Malamar then rocketed back down and headbutted Gumshoos hard, the impact causing a visible pulse of energy that spanned several feet across the air. “Gumshoos!” Even Ilima could tell that his Pokémon was already fainted before he would hit the ground. With his Poké Ball’s button trained on his plummeting Pokémon, the red beam shot out and made contact midair, converting it into red energy that raced back inside the ball before it could collide with the earth. With a sigh of relief, Ilima watched as Kukui and Snorlax held their arms out in a diagonal slant before they folded them into a Z-Shape. With the ritual complete, Z-Power shot off of Kukui and washed onto Snorlax, imbuing it with an energy that began to bulge the muscles and veins in its arms, feet, and stomach. Malamar kept its distance above, unsure if Kukui’s Pokémon would even be able to reach it. Kukui shot his glance up at Malamar, staring at it with an iciness that promised that it would not avoid the upcoming attack. “So you chose to take the Z-Move over a second Super Fang! We’ll see how that works for you! Snorlax, attack Malamar with Pulverizing Pancake!” Bending its legs, it then hopped up, the strength of it hard enough to shatter the ground it pushed off of like clay. Malamar’s eyes shot open to see Snorlax come at it as if it too possessed the ability of flight. It tried to shoot back up and avoid its grasp, but Snorlax was far too fast, grabbing it firmly by the bottom of its body and yanking it down so that it could wrap its arms around it and pin it to its stomach. Burnet nervously watched as Snorlax finally began to fall, tilting itself so that it fell belly-first with Malamar directly beneath it. As it fell faster and faster, hot energy began to spill around and past Snorlax’s stomach. Finally, at the crucial moment, Snorlax threw its arms open, leaving nothing between Malamar except Snorlax’s gut and the ground below. Snorlax flattened Malamar as its body struck the ground, creating a large blast of rock and dirt that spread out, engulfing Ilima, Kukui, and Burnet in its dusty wave. Fluttershy, amazed by the sight, was compelled to look further out as the explosion sped its way at the cavern. Hau grabbed Fluttershy around the waist and pulled her back as the dust blew inside, covering them along with Mina and Hapu. The four of them coughed as they tried to cover their mouths with something to keep from breathing in the loose dirt. Fluttershy quickly fanned as much of it away as she could with her wings, allowing her to see her other three friends. “Is everyone alright?” she asked. Hau let out another couple coughs as he tried to clear his throat with the little he still breathed in. “Tickles a little, but yeah, fine.” “Same here,” Mina assured her. Outside, Burnet threw her hand to the side, and with a large whoosh, she blew away all the dust, completely clearing her view of Ilima, Kukui, and the face down Slorlax lying in the crater it made. Ilima threw another Poké Ball out. “Come out, Komala!” The ball opened and let the creature inside out, a small, sleepy koala bear with a bluish-grey and clutching its equally tall log. It turned its head in the direction of Snorlax, who continued laying on top of Malamar beneath it, still unsure if it survived the attack or not. Burnet frowned, certain that it couldn’t be over. “Malamar, Superpower, now!” There was a shifting of Snorlax’s body that Kukui and Ilima took instant notice of, unsure if Snorlax was getting up or if Malamar was struggling beneath it. At that moment, a spark of bright light erupted underneath Snorlax before it was shot up into the air, accompanied by a deafening bang. After glancing up at the airbound Snorlax, they looked back down to see Malamar standing strong and tall with its two tentacles held up from the attack it delivered. With a jump and a twirl, Malamar landed back by Burnet and faced Ilima, Kukui, and Komala, its feet settling on the ground the moment Snorlax crashed back down, rolling limply onto its stomach with its mouth lazily hanging open. Ilima gasped in shock, but was quick to recover and focused his sights on Malamar. “Komala, attack Malamar with Wood Hammer!” Komala’s eyes came open and it hopped onto its side, rolling with its log at Malamar before it bounced off the ground, twisting about so that it was upright and holding its log above its head. Coming back down, it slammed one of the bottom ends of its weapon onto the top of Malamar’s head. Malamar kept its stance as its head came forward, Komala’s log bouncing itself off and taking Komala with it. Komala landed flat on its back and arched it back as the sharp soreness spread. Slower and weaker, Komala hopped back onto its log and rolled back over to Ilima just as Kukui was calling back his Snorlax and taking out another Poké Ball. “You’re up now, Ninetails!” he shouted. Appearing from his ball was a graceful-looking light-blue fox with a large tuft of fur draping down its chest, long flowing hair blowing back on the top of its head, and a long, bushy tail with nine distinctive branches coming off of it. It stared down Malamar with its beady blue eyes. “We have to have her on the ropes now!” Ilima threw a pointed finger forward. “Komala, attack with Sucker Punch!” “And then keep it up with Dazzling Gleam!” Kukui added. Komala stood beside his log while continuing to hold onto it. As the small shards of ice frosting Ninetails’ fur began to sparkle, Komala vanished for an instant before appearing in front of Malamar, now with its hand behind an end of the log. Pushing with all its might, Komala jammed the other end of the log into Malamar’s face, pushing it back a foot. Ninetails began to glimmer even brighter, prompting Komala to fall to the ground with its log and shield as much of its body behind it as possible. With a flash, colored beams raced around and struck Komala and Malamar from every angle. When the light subsided, Komala raced back to its trainer. Ilima and Kukui gasped as Malamar doubled over, finally showing its first signs of hurt. “It’s working!” Ilima exclaimed. “We’re doing it!” Burnet coughed out a chuckle before throwing her outstretched hand forward. “Malamar, take them both out with Rock Slide!” Malamar hugged its glowing tentacles onto its body before throwing them out, flinging several large boulders up from the ground that shot out at unavoidable speeds. Kukui and Ilima had no choice but to shield their faces as their Pokémon were each stricken by several of the rocks and thrown back to the crater walls, the rest flying past their heads or hitting the ground near their feet, throwing mud and dirt up over them. Fluttershy squeaked and put her arms over her head as the rocks continued pelting the wall, one of them striking her side of the cavern entrance and chipping a large piece off. When they finally stopped, Mina got low and rushed over to her, Hau, and Comfey who were gently petting her trembling coat. “Is she okay?” She asked. “She’s not hurt, is she?” Hau checked his hands, relieved to find them still dry save for her sweat. “She wasn’t hit, she’s just naturally this excitable.” Hapu looked at the four before looking back out at the battle. With Burnet’s Malamar still standing tall, Ilima and Burnet turned around to find their Pokémon sliding down the canyon wall and draping themselves over the boulders and rocks that landed there. From the flaccidness of their bodies, both trainers could tell that their Pokémon had fainted. Burnet laughed as they were left with little other choice than to return their Pokémon back. “I’ve already taken out five of your Pokémon with just one of mine!” She crossed her arms, proud of the accomplishment she stated. “I can only wonder how the two Kahunas and the Poni Trial Captain will fare against me once I’m through with you, yet alone that timid little pegasus friend of theirs.” Kukui and Ilima twisted back around, worried about them getting called out. “Yes!” Burnet shouted to ensure those in the cavern heard her. “I know you’re in there! If you wanted to stay out of sight, you should have never come in the first place!” “Those kids are doing a damned fine job of what they were chosen to do,” Kukui bellowed, “which is protecting Alola from the likes of you!” “Hmph. How brave you must think you sound saying that. You have three Pokémon left between you. Let’s see if you can even finish off my Malamar with them! Do you think you could even do that?” “Don’t really have much of a choice, do we?” Kukui tossed out another Poké Ball. “Let’s go, Magnezone!” The white energy from Kukui’s ball formed over the ground, condensing into a metallic flying-sauceresque Pokémon with a main body that had a large red eye in its front, along with two armless shoulders with a smaller black eye on the front of each one. A yellow antenna stood atop its head while three horseshoe magnets hung down beneath it from the shoulders and from the back center. “You got this, Smeargle!” On Ilima’s declaration, his Poké Ball opened up and released a cream-colored bipedal doglike creature with brown ears and similarly colored rings around its eyes, ankles, and wrists. Along with the natural beret that was atop its head, the furry end of the long tail that it held onto was soaked with a green substance. “Let’s finish this,” Burnet breathed out. “Malamar, take out the Smeargle with Superpower!” Pushing off the ground, Malamar shot out at Ilima’s Pokémon, it’s aura positively surging. Ilima huffed as its approach quickly came. “Smeargle, dodge it!” With as hard of a leap to the right as it could muster, Smeargle leaned back and loudly groaned with worry as one of the tentacles atop Malamar’s head grazed past its stomach. Malamar was forced to shoot back around to Burnet as Smeargle safely rolled backwards and hopped back to in front of Ilima. “Yes, that’s it!” Ilima shouted. “Let’s try and end this ourselves!” Ilima crossed his arms in front of his face and activated his Z-Ring. As his Smeargle followed through with its trainer’s motions, Burnet smirked confidently that the attack would be just as futile as the others. “Magnezone!” Kukui commanded. “Use Thunder Wave.” Bunet gasped with sudden fright as she and Malamar turned to see Magnezone tilting its bottom at the Pokémon and charging the points of its three magnets. They quickly shot out in large ball of electric webbing that struck Malamar and covered its body with crackling sparks that kept it frozen in place. Ilima grinned as he and Smeargle completed the activation of his Normalium Z, the Z Power bursting off Ilima’s back and shoulders and streaming into his Smeargle. Ilima took even greater comfort at seeing Malamar’s furious eyes glare at him as it could not move. “Okay, let’s see you try and avoid this! Smeargle, attack Malamar with Breakneck Blitz!” Making a runner’s lunge, Smeargle pushed off the ground hard enough to fly straight at Malamar with its feet only inches off the ground. Continuing to hold its tail, the substance on the tip began to turn a hot, blazing white before Smeargle punched it into Malamar’s face. Malamar was slammed down hard enough into the ground to create a small blast in the ground as Smeargle continued flying past Burnet. Upon its feet touching the ground, the energy coursing through Smeargle faded and gravity returned to its body, forcing it to slide to a stop. Magnezone shifted itself to stay between Ilima and Kukui as Smeargle monitored Burnet from from behind. Burnet looked down at her Pokémon, now too stiff to even lift itself back up. With a seething scowl, she clutched her hands as they went alight with Necrozma’s aura. “You two make a hell of a team,” she whispered loudly. “Now I can understand why Hau was so comfortable leaving Melemele Island in your hands. Except… I still can’t allow you to win… even these small victories.” Throwing both hands up and aiming her palms at her downed Malamar, the energy billowed downwards and washed over her Pokémon, the sparks that remained on its skin beginning to disappear and weaken. To Ilima and Kukui’s horror, Malamar began to push itself back off the ground and face the two and Magnezone, a newfound fury in its gaze. “That’s my girl…” Burnet threw her arm forward. “Malamar, finish off Magnezone with Superpower!” Ilima could only focus on his Smeargle, who continued standing behind Burnet and Malamar as it collided its head into Magnezone, sending it crashing hard into the crater wall. “Smeargle, attack with Flamethrower!” Smeargle ran back at Ilima and jumped high over Burnet and the returning Malamar, flipping around to ensure it faced them upon its landing. Aiming the tip of its tail at her Pokémon, Smeargle shot a heavy burst of fire straight down on it and continued keeping its aim steady as it fell back down. Smeargle’s feet hit the ground, forcing it to stop its attack and keep its balance. Malamar fanned the smoke away as it screeched out, rubbing its right tentacle on its stomach, where a large red rash was left. “You burned her!” Kukui exclaimed as he called his Magnezone back. “That’ll be useful for the next round. You guys did really well, all things considered.” “Same to you, Professor.” Ilima and Smeargle relaxed themselves, accepting of their imminent loss. Putting the Poké Ball back, Kukui detached his last one and threw it out. “You’re up Braviary!” The ball opened up, releasing a large raptor bird with dark-blue and red feathers and a white head with feathers around its face like a headdress. Much like Smeargle, Braviary appeared resigned to its fate, happy to continue defending Alola against Burnet. “Defiant until the end, are we?” Burnet chortled. “Some things are worth losing for,” Kukui peacefully said. “We’ll see how well you fare against the next couple of trainers.” “We look forward to it! Malamar, finish both of them off with Rock Slide!” Kukui punched his fist forward. “Braviary! Use Brave Bird!” “Smeargle!” Ilima cried out. “Use Extreme Speed!” Braviary soared down at Malamar, it’s body forming a cone of hot energy as its speed refused to let up. Smeargle ran at Malamar just as quickly, managing to get one last punch into its face as it hugged its arms in. Whipping its arms back out, Smeargle and Braviary were slammed point blank by a wave of rocks that Malamar shot out from the ground. As they tumbled and rolled back, more boulders landed atop of them as many more threatened to hit Kukui and Ilima. Two particularly larger rocks hit the ground in front of them, the shockwave and explosion of the earth throwing them off their feet. As they screamed out, their backs slammed into the crater wall, cutting them off as they woozily slid back down, their legs suddenly too weak to keep them standing. Burnet took three tentative steps forward, stopping to find no one else ready to challenge her. “No one? That’s it? That was easier than I imagined.” Ilima and Kukui gathered all their strength to lift up their Poké Balls and return their fainted Pokémon inside of them. As Burnet and Malamar began to approach the cavern once again, Mina and Hapu looked to Hau, Fluttershy, and Comfey between both sides of the exit. With Hau and Fluttershy nodding to them, Mina and Hapu spilled outside with an Ultra Ball in each of their hands. Burnet and Malamar instantly stopped as both trainers sent out their next Pokémon. “Go, Krookodile!” Hapu shouted. “You’re up first, Klefki!” Mina declared. Both Hapu’s large red crocodile and Mina’s living key ring appeared before them, each ready to face Burnet’s remaining Pokémon. Burnet and Malamar both leapt back and glided back to their original positions in preparation for the next phase of the battle. Burnet grinned slyly. “Now that’s more like it.” With Burnet focusing on her new prey, Hau and Fluttershy slunk out, Hau grabbing Kukui under the arms and dragging him into the cavern. Comfey wrapped its tail around Ilima’s legs while Fluttershy slid her arms under his back, the two of them carrying him inside with Hau and Kukui. “You guys okay?” Hau helped Kukui sit up, the professor able to do so upon getting halfway. Fluttershy and Comfey set Ilima down to the very edge of the cavern’s exit. The first thing he did upon his butt touching the ground was to peek out the corner of his eyes as Mina, Hapu, and their Pokémon squared off against Burnet’s. “Godspeed, you two…” “Should be enough for one more of these,” Burnet said to herself. “Malamar, take out Krookodile with Superpower! Mina hissed as Malamar shot out at Hapu’s Pokémon at a speed too fast to evade. “Klefki, use Reflect now!” Klefki’s body began to illuminate and shine, the glow peeling off its body to form a barrier of translucent, reflective light. Malamar collided into the barrier just as it spread out between it and Krookodile, crashing through it to keep its attack going. Krookodile was thrown back, but kept its balance and stood strong, shocking both Malamar and Burnet. “Impossible!” she gasped. “Even with four Superpowers before it…” “Maybe it’s time to give her a rest, wouldn’t you say?” Hapu pointed at Burnet’s Pokémon. “Krookodile, hit Malamar with Dragon Claw!” Krookodile ran out at Malamar with its right claw flaming with blue and orange. Malamar, even with Necrozma’s aura, began to tire as it moved back to retreat. Krookodile outran it and managed to slash at its stomach over its burn, causing Malamar to screech out into the night. “Malamar!” Burnet ordered. “Finish it with Night Slash!” With Krookodile close, Malamar swung its black-lit tentacle arm at Krookodile’s chest, throwing it back to Hapu where it landed on its side and slid to a stop, motionless and fainted. As Hapu brought her Pokémon back into its ball, Mina stepped forward and threw her hand forward. “Klefki, you’ve got this now! Take Malamar out with Dazzling Gleam!” Another bright sheen covered Klefki’s body, only for the light forming on it bursting off its body and piercing Malamar with its light that covered the entire area. Once the light faded, Malamar’s eyes had already closed as it lowered its tentacles to its sides, too exhausted to keep them up. As it fell forward, the aura that had covered it began to fizzle out, completely extinguishing upon its face hitting the ground. Mina forced a smile as she pumped her fist triumphantly. “Yes, nice one!” Klefki flipped about and cheered, happy as a clam to make the finishing move. Hapu then threw out her next ball to join in on the battle. “Your turn, Gastrodon!” With her Poké Ball opening and spilling the energy inside of it onto the ground, it formed into a large blue slug with a green-and-yellow back and large black-and-white eyes. Burnet returned her Malamar into her Poké Ball and placed it back onto her belt. “So it took four trainers and ten Pokémon to take down a single Pokémon of mine, and you really think that the rest of you can stop me?” “Maybe not.” Hapu shook her head, coming to terms with the situation. “But once the others arrive, maybe so.” “Others–” Burnet’s eyes widened before they relaxed once more. “Of course. That’s where Twilight’s other friends are.” “We may not be able to stop you ourselves,” Mina exclaimed, “but we should buy them more than enough time.” Burnet grinned as she pulled another ball off her belt. “We’ll just see about that. Go, Gardevoir!” With a toss of her ball, Burnet’s next Pokémon emerged to face Klefki and Gastrodon. With a snap of Burnet’s fingers and a whip of her arm, Gardevoir was suddenly covered in Necrozma’s aura, the tendrils of its dress blowing lightly up by an invisible gust. Inside the cavern, Hau and Fluttershy winced to see another of her Pokémon surging with power. “Be careful, please…” Fluttershy quietly begged. “I’ll get to the slug later!” Burnet shouted. “Gardevoir, hit Klefki with Thunderbolt!” Gardevoir held its hands apart as bands of plasma began to form and multiply between its palms. With a flick forward of both hands, the lightning shot out from Gardevoir’s fingers, striking Klefki and covering it in enough electricity to make it appear like a small, bright star. By the time the light faded, Mina was frightened to not see it leave Klefki’s body as it floated stationary in the air, its ring and keys covered in paralyzing sparks. As Klefki struggled to pick its keys up to attack, Hapu looked nervously to it and Mina before focusing her rage on Gardevoir. “You’ll pay for that one!” Hapu shouted. “Gastrodon, attack Gardevoir with Sludge Wave!” Gastrodon slunk its top half up off the ground, the mucus beneath it pouring down onto the ground until it formed a large, light-purple puddle. It then rolled itself down quickly, the front of it splashing the glop in all forward and sideways directions. Some of it landed on Klefki, which didn't appear to bother it in the slightest, but most of it reached out at Gardevoir, splattering into its face before it came down the rest of its body, the wave strong enough to slide it back a few feet and bring it to its knees. Gardevoir pulled its arms in as the aura covering it intensified, burning the slime still stuck to its body to ash and drying itself off. “That’s it!” Burnet barked. “Now, finish Gastrodon off with Magical Leaf!” Winding its arm in, the tendrils wrapped around its legs to follow. With a strong swing out, the dress unwound, flinging a barrage of color-changing leaves in Gastrodon’s general direction. Then, as they got closer, they all converged onto the slug, the points and edges of the leaves piercing and slicing it without end. Mina bared her teeth, certain that Hapu’s Pokémon would not survive such an onslaught. “Klefki, attack Gardevoir with Flash Cannon!” With a strained whine, Klefki divided its keys along the circumference of its ring and pointed their tips in, a ball of metallic shine forming in the space between them. It began to get bigger, pushing the key points backward. As it began to reach the rim, Klefki let out a shout as it pushed the keys forward, flinging its attack out at Gardevoir and striking it hard enough in the horn on its chest to falter its balance. Mina let out a huff, surprised that her weakened Pokémon could still do that much. With the break in its concentration, the remaining leaves shattered and dissolved into the air. However, the hits Gastrodon did take were too much for it, and it bent its head forward as its bottom began to spread out, unable to hold itself up. Hapu breathed out forlornly as she aimed her Poké Ball at her fallen Pokémon and returned it inside. Putting the top part of her ball to her forehead in thanks, she then put the ball back and took out another before throwing it out. “Let’s go, Dugtrio!” On her shout, the ball opened up, the white energy shooting straight down and piercing a large hole into where it struck. Once all of the energy entered into the hole, three brown heads with large red noses, black eyes, and wavy blonde hair that looked to be made from ultra-thin wires poked out, their noses expanding as they sniffed their new surroundings. Burnet looked between Klefki and Hapu’s Dugtrio, uncertain at first which one to attack first. She then settled on Mina and Klefki, her gaze freezing Klefki still more than its paralysis was already doing. “Gardevoir, attack Klefki with Shadow Ball!” On her orders, Gardevoir formed a dark purple ball between its hands and flung it out at Mina’s Pokémon. “Dugtrio,” Hapu yelled, “attack Gardevoir with Iron Head!” Gardevoir’s attack reached first, the aura striking Klefki’s face hard enough to separate its ring, all the keys once hanging from it scattering to the ground. Dugtrio charged through the earth, leaving a large rut in its wake. Tucking its heads in, all three of them bashed into Gardevoir’s gut, the hit leaving Gardevoir winded and falling onto its back. Burnet even seemed surprised by this, and as Gardevoir hopped back to its feet, Burnet took out its Poké Ball and aimed the center button at it. “Gardevoir, return!” Her Pokémon perked up in mild shock as the red beam from the ball converted it into a similar energy before it receded inside the ball through the button. “It’s not quite time yet…” Putting its ball back, she took out another and tossed it out into the battlefield. “You’re up, Reuniclus!” With her ball opening up and releasing her gel-coated imp Pokémon, she kept her hand outstretched. With her aura igniting on her fingers and moving over her hand, Reuniclus went alight with the same aura as well. Fluttershy and Hau were both distraught as Reuniclus screeched menacingly as the aura filled it with tremendous power while Kukui glanced outside through the corners of his eyes, sighing out in distress. Mina, her Klefki already returned inside its ball, took out another Ultra Ball and threw it out. “Come out, Ribombee!” The ball opened up and let her yellow-and brown fairy bug out, where it hovered above the ground and level with Mina’s face as it looked to Reuniclus with vengeful intent. “Alright, you got this!” Mina shouted. “Hit Reuniclus with Pollen Puff!” Fluttering its wings fast, golden dust was fanned off in front of Ribombee, who circled its arms as the pollen it produced formed into a tight sphere before it. With a harder flap, it blasted its attack out as it flew in a beeline straight into Reuniclus’s face, throwing and flipping it back a few feet. “Dugtrio, Rock Slide, now!” Hapu’s Dugtrio thrust itself forward, shoveling up dozens of rocks from the ground and hurling them at Reuniclus, who was too disoriented to avoid the few headed its way. It was smashed down by the first and than pummeled and pushed back by two others, rolling it away from Burnet, who looked at it incredulously that it could be so quickly defeated. “Reuniclus, get up!” Reuniclus pushed off the ground with its hands and floated back out to the battle, facing Ribombee. “Hit the Dugtrio with Energy Ball!” Reuniclus glanced back at Burnet and cooed inquisitively. Regardless, it turned to face Dugtrio and formed a bright green aura in between its it hands, pitching it like a baseball into Dugtrio’s tallest head, sending them sliding back toward Hapu’s feet. “Guys!” she shouted to them as their heads began to lean over weakly. “You alright?” Rolling back up, the Dugtrio’s heads stood straight and moved themselves back out, much to Burnet’s extreme chagrin. “That’s right,” Mina grunted, crossing her wrists in front of her face, “get angry!” With her Z-Ring sparking up with life, her Ribombee also crossed its small, spindly arms in front of its face. After putting their arms down and crossing them back out, Mina formed a heart with her hands as her Pokémon did so to the best of its ability with both its arms. Swinging their arms down and holding them back up, they completed the Fairium Z ritual by holding their left legs up and folding their hands and elbows in. Light shot out from Mina’s body and surrounded Ribombee entirely before it was absorbed into its body, filling it with a bright yellow aura as intense as the one surrounding Reuniclus. “Your Malamar was really able to take a beating against Kukui and Ilima’s Pokémon,” Mina spoke, “but it’s clear your Reuniclus isn’t nearly as durable.” Burnet clenched her fists, the sudden intensity in Mina’s voice tangible. “It doesn’t matter. It helped me convince you that I was still the fun, lovable Professor Burnet, so it’s served its purpose.” Reuniclus whimpered, Mina clearly seeing that it was hurt by the remark. “There’s hardly any love left in you. Perhaps, I can beat the hate out instead. Reuniclus, please forgive me…” She then swung both arms out. “Ribombee, attack Reuniclus with Twinkle Tackle!” Fluttering its wings fast, a pink sparkle surrounded them until they expanded out into massive butterfly wings that dwarfed Ribombee’s body. It then flew straight at Reuniclus, propelled by the energy on its back. Reuniclus attempted to catch up with Ribombee’s speed, but it flew to every corner of its vision, making it impossible to track. Finally, Ribombee set its course for Reuniclus’s forehead, the sparkling wings collapsing and wrapping around its fists in two bright orbs. Reuniclus could not avoid Ribombee in time as it punched both fists into the side of its head, the orbs exploding off like fireworks that blasted Reuniclus toward the back of the crater. Even as it tried to slow itself down with its psychic energy, it could not do so fast nor strong enough to keep from colliding with the rock wall far behind Burnet. “Nice one!” Hapu shouted. “Now hurry, Dugtrio! Finish it with Earthquake before it can get up!” Dugtrio thrust its body down into its spot in the ground, a loud rumbling coming from beneath them. A small fissure then began to race along the ground past Burnet and toward the north side of the crater. As Reuniclus began to peel itself off the rock wall, the crack began to rise up from the base and directly at it from beneath it. Without further hesitation, Reuniclus charged another Energy Ball in its free hands and shot it out with sadness and frustration. Once the cracks reached Reuniclus, the portion of the wall around it blasted out and threw it along with several chunks and shards of the wall out. With Dugtrio’s focus on the explosion, it didn’t register Reuniclus’s posthumous Energy Ball striking on both sides of its smaller heads, sending them toppling back and rendering them unconscious. The three humans and pegasus inside the cavern were aghast by the last minute takedown, particularly that it had been done at all. Burnet watched in disbelief as Reuniclus fell unconsciously to the ground and rolled lifelessly about along with the pieces of the crater. She then looked back at Hapu, who stared at Burnet as she returned her Pokémon into its ball. With a tight shutting of her eyes, Burnet let out a frustrated shout as she threw her hand clenching Reuniclus’s Poké Ball forward, the red beam bringing it back inside. Jamming the ball back onto her belt, she took out an unused ball and whipped herself around to face the two trainers once again. “Even after you essentially called it useless,” Hapu spat, “it still wanted to do right by you. Your Reuniclus didn’t act out of obedience, it acted out of love for the trainer it knows is still in there!” “Shut up!” Burnet screamed. “That Burnet is dead and gone, and this world will be too in just a matter of moments! Now fight for me, Xatu!” Throwing her ball up into the air, her tribal bird floated down from the white energy inside talons-first with its wings spread out. As it came down to the ground, its body went alight with the sinister aura, Xatu reacting nonchalantly as the immense power ran through it. “Okay fine…” Hapu pulled out another ball from her belt. “If the bonds your Pokémon have with you won’t reach you, perhaps the bonds our Pokémon have with us will! Let’s go, Flygon!” As she threw her ball, it opened up and spat its energy out for Hapu’s green dragon to fly from. Upon doing a tight circle inside the crater, it landed on the ground to face Burnet and her Xatu. “Okay, Xatu!” Burnet pointed in Mina’s direction. “Exterminate her Ribombee with Air Slash!” Raising itself up on its psychic energy, it threw its wing forward, a windy bow-shaped aura forming from the arc of its swing and shooting out at Mina’s Pokémon. It created another one with its other wing, its levitation giving it more room to move. With the aerial blades coming in too quickly, Ribombee put its hands in front of its face and took the first bow, making it scream out in pain. The second struck and burst closely after, rendering Ribombee silent as it began to fly over Mina’s head. With as hard of a leap as she could, Mina blocked her Pokémon’s blowback with both hands and caught it on their way down. With a deflated stance of relief, Hapu and Flygon looked back to Xatu. “Flygon, hit Xatu with Stone Edge!” With a raising shout, Flygon took a few feet up into the air before it whipped its tail forward, small rocks jutting from the path Dugtrio had left behind. “Xatu!” At the same time as Burnet throwing her arm down and to the side, Xatu leapt back and kept airborne, watching safely as the larger stone tower meant for it shot up from the ground with nothing to hit it. Hapu hissed. “Dammit! Alright, Mina, what’chu got next?” Mina already had her next ball in hand, throwing it out to join Flygon in battle. “You got this, Shiinotic!” “What?!” Hau, Ilima, and Kukui raced to the cavern exit, watching as Mina’s ball unleashed her next Pokémon. Forming from the ball’s energy was Mina’s white-stemmed, purple-and-pink mushroom Pokémon whose fixed smile betrayed no hint of fear. Burnet was now howling with laughter, a sight and sound that didn’t appear to deter Shiinotic in the slightest. “Are you serious right now? After taking out your Ribombee, you decide to send out another Pokémon that’s weak to Flying-types?” Mina frowned, knowing that in any case, there was no turning back. Burnet huffed out in disappointment. “Fine then. Xatu, take out her Shiinotic with another Air Slash!” Hapu smiled as Xatu began to rise, the bait having been bitten. “Flygon, use Stone Edge again!” Burnet gasped as Xatu was already throwing out its first slash. Flygon got up high and swung its tail out, another small trail of rocks leading to the spot beneath its target. Right as Xatu swung out its second and final bow of wind, the Stone Edge tower shot up directly beneath it, shooting it up into the air to arc over Burnet. Mina and her Pokémon saw the bows getting close. “Shiinotic, hold on!” Shiinotic picked its arms up with its forearms and fists held down, flexing intimidatingly as both bows struck it, the bursts of wind blasting dust into the air around it. Xatu landed hard upon its feet, but staying upright as it looked to see whether its attack was successful or not. Hapu and Flygon looked themselves, the dust cloud beginning to settle. The first thing Burnet saw was the top of its Shiinotic’s mushroom cap facing her, making her grin with the implication that it had fallen over and fainted. However, Mina and Hapu’s faces had much more jubilant smiles upon them, seeing as Shiinotic’s feet and lower body were still standing upon the ground. At first confused, Burnet and Xatu both understood as Shiinotic began picking itself up, its brow furrowed to give it a more sadistically eager expression. Ilima breathed a chuckle out, unable to believe it himself. “That’s it… you have this.” “Alright,” Mina said, “now its our turn.” Burnet frowned again. “So your Pokémon survived Xatu’s attack. So what? What move could it know that will do the least bit of harm to me?” At that moment, she noticed certain parts of the dust cloud that refused to settle on the ground, seeing that it had a much more earthy-greenish tint to it. At that moment, she knew what she had done. “Now you got it.” Mina pointed at the now anxious Burnet and Xatu. “Shiinotic, use Spore!” Taking in a deep breath, Shiinotic then blew its loose spores into Burnet and Xatu. Burnet was quick to hold the sleeve of her cloak over her mouth and nose as her Pokémon tried to shield its face with its wing, only for the spores to pass through its feathers. As they blew into its nostrils, they tickled its sinuses, making him sniff more of them in. With a fearful caw over what it had done, it’s body began to get more lax as its eyes forced themselves closed. With its muscles too tired to keep its standing, Xatu collapsed to the ground and fell to sleep. Burnet turned around to see that her Pokémon was completely incapacitated. “No! Xatu, get up! Get up, now!” With a deep breath in, it exhaled a cute, long whine from its mouth, Burnet mortified by what it had become. “Nice work, there,” Hapu breathed out, feeling she earned this reprieve. “Let’s get another hit on it before it wakes up,” Mina said. “I think that’ll do it.” “Right, good idea.” “No!” Burnet clenched her fists, the aura spilling from her palms and engulfing her body. “Xatu, wake up now!” “Not yet! Flygon, get Xatu once more with Stone Edge!” “Dream Eater, now!” Mina shouted. “No!” Burnet pointed her curled fingers at her snoozing Pokémon. “Stop!” Shiinotic reached out as its body began to glow, as well as Xatu’s. The glow around both then began to flash bright red, Xatu writhing over to its back and throwing its wings out, screeching in pain. Flygon’s whip of the tail brought another rock tower to throw Xatu up into the air. “NOOOO!!” Burnet’s aura exploded off Xatu, vaporizing the top of the tower beneath it as well. The intensity of the aura forced Hapu, Mina, and their Pokémon to shield their faces with their arms, only to find that they pricked with its immense heat as well. Xatu’s eyes shot open, allowing it to lucidly flip over until it became upright, landing down on the ground to fight once again. The aura died down as Xatu absorbed the extra aura, Hapu and Mina standing petrified to see Xatu so strong despite the onslaught it took thus far. “Your mushroom won’t outlast this,” Burnet loudly grumbled. “Xatu, finish Shiinotic off with Air Slash!” Xatu hopped up and shot two bows of wind from its wings, each one striking Shiinotic hard enough to loosen its grip on the ground and knock it backwards, its eyes closing in sheer exhaustion. Now left with only a pair of Pokémon between them, Hapu shot her enraged glance to Xatu. “Flygon, attack with Dragon Rush!” Xatu continued to float as Flygon took to the air, getting much higher before it dove down at tremendous speed. Xatu shot itself to the left while Burnet stepped aside to the right, Flygon passing between them as it pulled up. Flygon began to soar back around to its trainer as Mina threw out her next Poké Ball. “We’re almost there, Granbull! Hang in there!” With her ball coming open, her pink, hairless bipedal bulldog landed on its back legs and waited for Flygon to come and join it. With the tide of the battle having turned back again, Burnet placidly aimed her hand and outstretched fingers at Hapu’s Pokémon. “Xatu, use Future Sight!” Xatu stared at Flygon before a glint in its eye snapped it out of concentration. With nothing else happening, Mina and Hapu prepped themselves for their next attack declarations. “Let’s try this again!” Hapu shouted. “Flygon, attack Xatu with Dragon Rush!” As Flygon came up to get some air, Xatu and Burnet kept their eyes on it, ready to dodge it as easily as the last time. Mina also looked up to it, and once it began to dive down, she knew the timing was right. “Granbull, attack with Play Rough, and watch the Xatu!” Granbull charged out on all fours, its speeds reaching Flygon’s as it began to run directly underneath it. Flygon came at Xatu, only this time to dodge to its right. Following its trainer’s instruction, Granbull banked right, and with nothing above it any longer, it leapt up and grabbed Xatu out of the air. Upon tackling it to the ground, it held its shoulder in its maw and began to whip it about like a ragdoll, the whiplash and occasional slams of its head into the ground disorienting it. “Xatu, get out of there!” With its body glowing with its psychic energy, it forced Granbull’s mouth back open and threw it back toward Mina, where Hapu and Flygon were already waiting. “Now, prepare to attack Granbull with Solar Beam!” “Solar Beam?!” Both trainers shouted. Xatu rose up into the air, slowly raising its wings over its head. “But how?” Mina shouted. “There’s no sunlight for it to absorb!” “How about now?!” Burnet thrust her arm up as a solar orb exploded into existence above her palm, forcing Mina, Hapu, and Granbull to shield their eyes. Through its natural visors, Flygon saw as Xatu absorbed energy from Burnet’s miniature star as it formed into a bright, green ball in between the bars of its wings. Flygon then loudly mewed to Hapu, getting her attention. “Yeah, right!” Hapu blinked, also realizing what needed to be done. “Flygon, attack Xatu with Stone Edge!” “You too, Granbull!” Mina cried. Granbull raised its balled paws up before slamming them down the ground, Flygon hovering up and whipping its tail at the same time. As Xatu continued absorbing energy, two trails of stones raced out from before the attacking Pokémon and converged directly beneath Xatu. Another rock tower, which dwarfed the other two still jutting from the ground, rose and struck Xatu. It squawked in pain as it flapped its wings and attempted to regain its balance, the aura above it stretching and shrinking with Xatu’s lack of control. “Come on,” Hapu whispered. “Stay down!” To both her and Mina’s horror, Xatu became upright and still once again and the impending Solar Beam stabilized, having drawn enough energy from Burnet’s star. Hapu then contentrated on Xatu even closer, seeing its heavy breathing as it struggled to make its final move. “Atta’ girl, Xatu!” Burnet shouted, clasping her hand over the star and extinguishing it. “Now attack!” With the energy reaching maximum brightness, it came down in a wide, fearsome beam. Granbull could only duck and cover as the attack hammered down on it, shaking the earth hard enough to try and force Mina and Hapu off their feet. Inside the cavern, pieces of rock began to fall from the ceiling as the shaking refused to let up. Ilima shot to his feet, motioning his arm to the outside. “Everyone out! This place could collapse!” Fluttershy was quick to run out with Ilima and Comfey as Hau hoisted Kukui up and helped walk him outside and away from the debris. Hapu blocked the Solar Beam’s light with her flat hand on her brow, seeing Xatu continuing to carry the attack on. “Flygon, Dragon Rush! You got it this time!” Flygon quickly flew up the path of the Solar Beam, only to fall back and let the gusts drag it down. With the extra momentum, Flygon zipped back up and inverted into a wide loop that lined itself up directly above Xatu. With its descent only increasing its speed more, Flygon reached forward and clobbered its fist into Xatu’s head. Along with stopping the Solar Beam, Xatu was immediately knocked out, tumbling freely toward the ground. With Granbull freed, Mina was able to return her fainted Pokémon into its Poké Ball. As Flygon returned to Hapu’s side, Burnet aimed the center of her Poké Ball at Xatu, the red beam bringing it back in before it could hit the ground. Hapu then grimaced precariously as Burnet focused her attention on her Flygon. “Hey, lady!” Hapu shouted. “Aren’t you going to send your Gardevoir back out?” “Why should I?” Burnet then grinned to her opponent. “My Xatu still has its attack left.” “What in the hell are you talk–” Suddenly, several bright points lit up around the edge of the top of the canyon, each one suddenly shooting out a barrage of small magenta beams that rained down on Flygon from every angle. “Damn, her Future Sight attack! Flygon!” As it was knocked about while still keeping in its same position, Flygon’s battered wails and groans became quieter as it finally succumbed to the assault. The last beam struck from behind, getting Flygon in the head and sending it slamming face first into the ground. “Oh no!” Fluttershy gasped, her hoof over her mouth. Hapu hissed angrily as she returned her Flygon into its ball. “Good work, girl.” Mina detached her last Poké Ball from her belt before turning to Hapu. “You still have your Z-Move left, right?” “Uh-huh!” Hapu took out her last Poké Ball as well. “Was going to save it for Solgaleo and Lunala, but I don’t think we’ll last that much longer anyway.” She then turned her head to peek at Hau from the corners of her vision. “Hau, Fluttershy, you think you can handle the rest after us?!” “Um…” Fluttershy exclaimed, “have you seen how strong–” “You can count on us, Hapu!” Hau gave her a confident thumbs-up. “If that’s all we have left to deal with, we’ll be just fine.” “Oh dear…” Fluttershy glanced down with her ears drooping, Comfey quick to comfort her. Burnet snickered as she took out Gardevoir’s ball from her belt. “Let’s finish this, Gardevoir!” Tossing it, Gardevoir reemerged from its ball and faced Mina and Hapu, who still had yet to send out their final champions. “Your Gardevoir ain’t finishing shit!” Hapu tossed her ball out. “Let’s do this, Mudsdale!” “You can do it, Wigglytuff!” Mina shouted. Both of their balls opened up, letting Hapu’s muddy Clydesdale and Mina’s balloony pink-and-white Pokémon take the field. Burnet charged herself and Gardevoir with her aura, giving it an added sense of strength and confidence. “Okay, Gardevoir,” Burnet began, “take out Mudsdale with Magical Leaf.” With a wind and a swing of its arm, Gardevoir’s wave of technicolor leaves shot at Mudsdale, not a single one missing its target. Mudsdale panted and wheezed as it fought the uncanny push of each leaf that bared down on it. “Come on, Mudsdale!” Fluttershy yelled. “Keep holding on!” “Stay strong, Mudsdale!” Ilima howled. “We all believe in you!” With the added reinforcement, Mudsdale dug its hooves deeper into the ground as the last of the leaves slammed down and sliced across. Right as the final one struck, Mudsdale picked itself back up, running its front hoof along the ground and awaiting for its next move. As Ilima, Hau, and Fluttershy cheered on her Mudsdale’s survival, Kukui breathed comfortably out. “Nice job.” “Yes!” Hapu shouted. “We have this now!” Hapu crossed her arms in front of her and ignited her Z-Ring and the Z-Crystal inside of it to life. Though her Pokémon was too bulky to move in time with her, Hapu continued on, putting her arms down before crossing them out. She then put her arms out to the left and spun once around to the right, spreading her legs wide and falling forward, catching herself with her right hand and holding her left arm up. With the activation complete, Hapu’s Z-Energy exploded off of her and entered into her Mudsdale, giving it an aura just as hot and intense as the one Gardevoir exerted. Mina, seeing what was happening, pointed at the night sky. “Wigglytuff, go up!” With a push of is stomach, Wigglytuff inflated and began to float up off the ground. Burnet couldn’t help but see and speculate what she was planning. “Eyes on us, Burnet!” Hapu snapped. “This is where we finally get to finish your Gardevoir off! Now go, Mudsdale! Attack Gardevoir with Tectonic Rage!” Mudsdale jumped up, and upon its hooves hitting the ground, the force opened up a small chasm wide enough for Gardevoir to fall into. Mudsdale then galloped in after it, diving inside the hole that it made. As the seconds passed, the ground began to rumble harder and harder, a red glow emerging from inside that grew brighter as the tremors grew in intensity. “Wigglytuff!” Mina screamed. “The second you see her, use Ice Beam!” From its angle, Wigglytuff could see the molten rock shoot upward through the chasm, prompting it to fill its mouth with a bright, frigid energy. The chasm erupted out, Mudsdale leaping back toward Hapu as Gardevoir was tossed up toward Wigglytuff, who shot its attack down as instructed. “Everybody cover your ears!” Mina pressed her thumbs into the side of her head, promting the others to do the same. With the intense cold striking the intense heat of the magma geyser and Gardevoir inside of it, a loud explosion banged out, the sound sharp enough to create a single, stinging boom that struck everyone below and instantly spread cooled off rock all over the crater. The magma that wasn’t frozen simply fell back into the earth as the hardened chunk at the top fell onto the chasm, closing it back up. Taking their hands and hooves off their ears, they just noticed Gardevoir as she bounced onto the ground and laid still, its body covered in both black soot and patches of frost. Wigglytuff gently floated back down to Mudsdale’s side, its body retaining its regular shape. Hapu held up a single thumb to Mina. “Great idea there, Mina. Where’d you get it?” “Just from a battle I had not too long ago,” she answered bashfully. They both then turned to Burnet as she returned her fainted Gardevoir into its Poké Ball. “Alright, Burnet! All you have left now is Solgaleo and Lunala! Send them out already so we can soften them up for the others.” As Burnet put Gardevoir’s ball back onto her belt, she let out a low chuckle that quickly evolved into exalted cackling. “That’s right, you haven’t seen them yet! Oh my god, this is going to be great!” Crossing her arms with the bottoms of her wrists facing them, her two obsidian Poké Balls expanded from nothing in her hands as she bent down to jump. With a push, she sent herself back twenty feet as she dropped her Poké Balls down, both of them opening as they hit the floor. The energy inside both exploded out to the sides as both massive Pokémon formed from it. Once the energy faded off, Kukui, Hau, Fluttershy, and the others were left in abject horror to see the dark armor and insidious glow from the eyeholes of their helmets. Both of them roared their familiar cries at Hapu and Mina, their Pokémon also in shock by the sight. “No…” Kukui stumbled backward. “That’s not… they can’t be…” “Burnet…” Hau put his hand over his stomach, physically sickened by the sight. “What have you done to them?” “Solgaleo and Lunala are no longer who you’ve come to know and love them as. Now, they are both thirds of Necrozma just itching to rejoin the final piece.” “Those things…” Fluttershy whimpered, shaking her head. “Those things are Necrozma too?” “If it’s any consolation, what I’ve done to these two is nothing compared to what I’ve done to your friends Sam and Alice!” Fluttershy squeaked with fear, already dreading her implications immensely. The others also gasped behind them, also terrified by what she possibly did. “No!” Hau gasped. “She managed to take them?” Ilima stepped forward and shook his trembling fist at her. “What have you done to them, you monster?!” “It wasn’t that long ago that they defeated me. Even with the powers I’ve gained, I couldn’t feel the least bit safe with them around, so I sent them through a wormhole to the farthest reaches in space!” Hau and Fluttershy suddenly felt weightless in their helplessness and their sadness. “But hey, don’t worry! Those kids are capable; they’ll probably live long enough on whatever world they land on until Necrozma can absorb it, just like it will this one, as well as Equestria!” Hau’s eyes narrowed as thinly as possible as his rage drowned out the sounds of Burnet’s laughter, his teeth biting down hard as he controlled every impulse within him that wanted to punch a hole through Burnet’s head. “You may not get to join them, but after this, you’ll be just as capable to stop me as they are! Dusk-Mane, Dawn-Wings, attack Wigglytuff with Sunsteel Strike and Mudsdale with Moongeist Beam!” Dusk-Mane Necrozma flared up with a red aura as the membranes of Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s wings glowed bright. Hau was far too absorbed in his anger to care, his fists glowing purple before they went aflame with a similar energy. Dusk-Mane Necrozma leapt up, forming its burning tunnel directly at Wigglytuff’s path. Dawn-Wings Necrozma formed a bright energy at its center from six points on its wings’ bars. “Fluttershy, stay behind me!” Ilima ran in front of the petrified pegasus and her Comfey, putting his arms up for further protection before noticing Hau and the spectral energy covering him. “Hau?” Dusk-Mane Necrozma rocketed down as Dawn-Wings Necrozma blasted its beam at Mudsdale. Hau then clapped his hands before spreading them back out. Both attacks struck their intended Pokémon that exploded in a bright, furious light that engulfed the entire area of Ten Karat Hill’s crater. As Starlight’s group saw Ten Karat Hill not much further in the distance, they saw as a mushroom cloud of red and bright-blue fire rose up from the crater, the loud, deafening boom arriving not much later. Several of the Pokémon, ponies, and the humans riding them were nearly thrown off as the shockwave hit them as well. “What on earth was that?” Kaj screamed. Olivia frowned, scared over the only possibly thing that could have caused such an explosion. “We have to hurry. Come on! Fly faster!” The ponies and Pokémon picked up their pace, the still bright smoke serving as their beacon. Burnet stood on a circular patch of grass untouched by the massive explosion, her vision around her obscured by the dust and dirt that surrounded her. Unable to handle the suspense, she charged her hands with aura before throwing them down, sending all the dust in the air falling down as if they had the mass of boulders. To her complete and utter shock, the only two things lying on the ground were the fainted Wigglytuff and Mudsdale. Standing behind them, covered in a swirling purple dome, Hau and his friends stood safely and unharmed on a circular dirt ring that was not decimated by the dual attack. Seeing that the coast was clear, he took his shield down and faced Burnet with silent fury in his eyes. “What just happened?” Hapu and the others, having cowered and awaited their end, looked about and found that they were all safe. “Did Hau really do that?” Mina wondered aloud. As he approached, he crossed his arms in front of his face, frightening Fluttershy. “Hau, what are you doing?!” As his Z-Ring lit up, he continued walking as he threw his arms down and crossed them back out, both Necrozmas growling forebodingly. He then squatted down with the tops of his wrists over his mouth before slithering back up, finishing with a thrust of his head forward while pulling his hands aside. Burnet watched in astonishment as Hau’s Z-Power flared up in a vortex around him, turning purple as Marshadow’s influence readied him for his attack. “Hau!” Kukui exclaimed. “Stop! Fighting her yourself won’t bring them back!” “You should listen to him!” Burnet growled. “Both of them have survived Z-Moves, even while in their lesser forms! What one do you think you can take out?” “Who said I’m attacking one of them?” Hau’s voice was quiet, but incredibly determined. “No… I’m attacking you!” Burnet stepped back as her two remaining Pokémon closed the gap between her and Hau, screeching at him to get him to remain still. “Marshadow, help me! Let us use Seven Star Soul Stealing Strike!” Going into a lunge, Hau sprinted out at both Necrozmas, his body now covered in and trailing the purple aura. They both reached for him with their black claws, but Hau refused to yield. “Hau, no!” Everyone behind him cried. With a shout, Hau’s body turned all white before his form separated out into several purple beams that flew in between and through all the spaces that the Necrozma’s couldn’t protect. The beams then united behind them and reformed back into Hau, who continued his superhuman sprint with nothing separating him from Burnet any longer. Nobody, not even Burnet, could withhold their faces of immeasurable bewilderment. Burnet could only reach out, knowing that she didn’t have the reflexes to stop him. “NO!” Leaping at her, Hau’s fist flew for her upper chest, and as it was soon to make contact, he suddenly saw a hole open up where his fist was about to strike, expanding out and then collapsing in until Hau was suddenly swallowed by a foreign darkness that even blinded his eyes to the Z-Power radiating off of it, casting him in yet another period of absolute blackness. > Chapter 69 – The Return of Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Along with the changelings surrounding Twilight’s castle, three more-heavily armored commanders hugging spears in their left arms waited outside the front door, ready to lead the siege the very instant the barrier protecting it went away. Behind and around them, the changelings were like a choppy sea as they impatiently anticipated their attack orders. “Come on, already!” one changeling hissed. “We can probably blast though that barrier now!” “You’re more than welcome to try it yourself!” the center commander bellowed, not bothering to turn toward them. Suddenly, the loud clunk of the door brought the commanders to their full attention. With the soldiers behind them now standing still, the rest behind them suddenly came to attention in a quick-moving wave. Starswirl stepped outside, the changelings instinctively crouching and ready to pounce. Reading his slow and unthreatening body language, the commanders stood back up straight, uncertain of what he was doing. “What is this?” the right commander queried. “Are you surrendering or something?” Starswirl picked his head up, his fearful façade perfectly masking the anxiety over the plan. “As a matter of fact… we are.” The three commanders began to murmur amongst themselves, leading to further chatter spreading along the ranks of the soldiers. “We can only hope that with our full compliance,” he continued, “we shall seek mercy from your queen and be able to freely discuss what she has in store for us.” The three changelings, now excited by this unexpected outcome, approached him as close to the gate as possible. “If you wish to discuss anything,” the left commander spoke, “then you will need to take down your barrier.” “Only if I have your word that you will not ambush us en masse upon my doing so. Ours may be a losing battle, but it’s a battle we’ll still fight if it must come to that. So please, spare us and your changelings any needless violence.” The center commander looked to his confidants on either side of him, each one nodding in agreement. “Very well.” He then turned to face as many of the changelings behind him. “Soldiers, at ease!” At once, every changeling around the castle stood up and to attention, neither in a position to attack. Starswirl nodded, glad to see his request honored. Charging his horn, the barrier began to recede back into his horn, the aura appearing like a fragile cloth that was entirely removed around the tree. Once it had all disappeared, Starswirl took a step back, inviting the three commanders to step forward onto the ground once protected by his barrier. “This way, then.” Starswirl led them inside. Entering through the main corridor to the massive foyer further inside, the changelings marveled at the entirely crystalline infrastructure of the palace. They were already several paces inside before they noticed Fizzlepop and Grubber standing in the middle of the foyer between two large winding staircases to the wider second level. “Hold on!” Putting his hoof up, the center commander put his hoof out to restrict the other two’s entry. “Where are the others? We know there’s more of you here!” “They’re all waiting in Twilight’s throne room,” Fizzlepop explained. “If you wish, I can bring them all down.” “No, please stay…” The changeling settled his hoof down. “We’ll send for a small squadron to bring them down and escort them out once we’ve finished our… discussions.” The three commanders then walked further inside and entered the foyer. Celaeno, Sam, and Alice leaned over the banister that overlooked the tense scene below and behind them. As Sam gripped the railing, Fizzlepop shot a quick, imperceptible glance upward to ensure her friends’ readiness. Starswirl walked around the commanders and stood by Fizzlepop’s side. “I assume we’ll be joining the other Ponyville residents?” Alice opened her mouth wide as her nervous breathing came in and out as slow and as silently as possible. “Yes,” the right commander answered. “They’re being kept inside the town hall as we speak. Thankfully, you and the others won’t be staying there long.” “Then what?” Fizzlepop asked, a bit more forcefully than Starswirl would have hoped. “What do you plan to do to us after that?” “You and your friends are among the last protection Equestria has against threats like us. Now that you’ve willingly surrendered, we will take you to the town hall and begin the process of… relaxed servitude.” “Relaxed servitude?” “The citizens of Ponyville will continue living their lives as they have normally;” the center commander explained. “Bakers will remain bakers, shopkeepers will remain shopkeepers. However, we shall feed off some of their love daily; most should survive, perhaps thrive even.” Grubber pondered this as he held to his chin. “Oh wow, that doesn’t sound too bad–” Starswirl lightly kicked him in the rear, making him silent. “And yet some will not, I presume.” “Mostly the elderly and perhaps some foals. It was the most compassionate thing our queen could possibly do. You should consider yourselves so lucky. Had Queen Chrysalis had her way, she would have no second thoughts about trapping every pony in Equestria inside of a cocoon and draining your love dry until you become a lifeless husk.” Celaeno grimaced nauseously, the dystopia they described sending chills up her spine. The left changeling came forward. “Now, if there’s nothing else to discuss, you may go and get the others. The ponies eagerly await their new freedom, I trust.” Starswirl frowned. “Just one last thing that’s been sitting heavy on the back of my mind for a while.” The changelings stood silent for him, awaiting his inquiry. “When we visited Celestia this afternoon, she had told us that Queen Chrysalis had disguised herself as one of Shining Armor’s guards in an attempt to ambush her and her sister when they were here yesterday. The only reason I could think of as to why she’d do something so risky is that the changelings were already here in Ponyville since then and attacked it!” Fizzlepop and Grubber stood on edge, feeling the precipice of their attack beginning to take shape. Sam and Alice, feeling the pressure fill the room, reached for one of their Poké Balls, Alice gripping her folded up staff. “Yes,” the right changeling stated, “you are correct in your assumptions. We had overtaken this town yesterday morning, but Celestia had managed to escape us. I’m not fully certain what concerns you about this!” “On the contrary, I’m most certain that you do! If Celestia knew that Equestria was already under attack by changelings once again, she would have had much stronger protection for Canterlot than the few guards outside the castle walls! And do you expect me to believe that Celestia, once she realized that changelings had infiltrated the home of her student Twilight Sparkle, would just abandon it and its citizens to their own devices?!” “You’re not seriously implying–” “Now, the question: What have you done with Princess Celestia?” “Guys!” Celaeno whispered, slowly pulling her sword out from its sash. “Yep!” Alice and Sam both detached their balls, neither of the three changelings hearing them unclasp from their belts. The three changelings took a step back, feeling cornered by Starswirl’s tangible anger. They were quick to stand their ground again as they faced the two unicorns and the hedgehog. “If you knew about Celestia this whole time,” the center commander hissed, “why didn’t you act on it sooner?” “Don’t be daft! I wouldn’t willingly lead my friends and comrades to their certain capture unless I was certain I had the numbers and the strength to ensure such a thing wouldn’t happen!” “And now you’re going to be captured anyway! So much for the legendary Starswirl the Bearded!” As the changelings began to walk at Starswirl, Grubber hid behind FIzzlepop, who held their ground with Starswirl. “Allow me to repeat myself!” he shouted. “I never lead my friends to their certain capture!” Charging his horn, an arcane circle appeared beneath Starswirl and spread out beneath it, continuing to stretch out to the corners of the walls before it rose, phasing through the floors beneath Sam, Alice, and Celaeno and rising through them too as it continued upwards into the next floor. “That’s the signal!” Celaeno shouted raising her sword. “Attack!” Swinging over the banister, Alice and Sam lobbed their balls up as they followed her off, going down just as their Pokémon emerged. With the sound of the balls bursting open, the three changeling commanders looked up with great bewilderment as Celaeno, Sam, Alice as well as Aegislash and Raichu descended down on them. They couldn’t notice as Starswirl and Fizzlepop charged their horns to make an attack themselves. Inside the throne room, Starswirl’s spell rose up through the floor, putting Dexio, his Alakazam, and everyone else inside the room at attention. “That’s your cue, guys! Ready yourselves!” Celaeno’s crew briskly walked up to the door, followed by Capper, Skystar, Rockhoof, and Flash Magnus right behind them. Somnambula, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook, and Stygian stood close to Dexio as Alakazam lit up both of his spoons, the energy radiating off of them getting stronger as it concentrated further. Outside, the changelings began to hear the muffled clangs and bangs of their commanders’ weapons defending themselves behind the closed doors, alarming them. “They’re getting attacked in there!” a soldier cried out. “They tricked us! Changelings, storm the pal–” He, along with the other nearby changelings, were all startled by the sudden sight of bright shapes of magenta light appear around the castle, floating in particular before the windows and doors. “No way!” another soldier shouted. “Is that unicorn really trying to protect them again?” exclaimed another. A changeling pointed up at one of the shapes flying in to seal a balcony doorway. “I don’t think that’s his doing! Look! The aura’s a different color!” Several more of the barriers shielded the palace’s weak spots, leading a few of the changelings to fly up near the throne room balcony door. Charging their horns, they blasted at the barriers, only to find that not one of their beams appeared to physically alter them in any way. “What kind of magic is that all of a sudden?!” a soldier nervously warbled. “Out of my way!” Another soldier flew at the barrier, tucking its shoulder in to bash through it, only for his body to bounce off and plummet to the ground. Several changelings caught him and put him down on the ground, watching as he walked about dizzily, much to their worry. “What happened to him?” one of them gasped. “My head!” Even the charging changeling’s speech was slurred and tired. “My head feels all screwed up!” The changeling soldiers waiting out side watched as the last of Alakazam’s barriers sealed the doors and windows, completely unsure what new power they faced. Inside the palace foyer, Sam whipped the left commander’s spear out from its grasp with Aegislash, sending it too far away for it to reach. With its blade glowing purple, Sam swung Aegislash down across the commander’s chest, throwing it hard to the ground and knocking it unconscious. Alice and the right commander continued trading quick blows with the ends of their long weapons, Alice nimbly dodging any lunges made at her with the spear’s bladed end. With one particular swing, Alice ducked beneath the changeling’s spear, allowing Fizzlepop to leap over her head and kick the commander in the face, sending it backward to collide into the electrified bottom of Raichu’s tail, zapping it and sending it to the floor. Raichu flew back to Alice and Fizzlepop, the three of them slapping their hand, hoof, and paw together in commendation of their teamwork. Starswirl held the center commander down as it struggled to break free. Looking back, the changeling was hurt and betrayed to not see a single changeling come in through the doors to save it. “Are you idiots deaf?” it bellowed. “Get in here and–” Celaeno swung her sword into his helmet hard enough to knock him unconscious. However, half of her blade snapped off and clattered near her feet, much to her instant horror. “Ugh, darn!” Celaeno closely and mournfully examined her blade as she picked it up off the ground. “I loved this sword too!” “Celaeno!” The parrot turned around to see Alice tossing the right commander’s spear to her, Celaeno quick to drop her broken weapon and obtain her new one. As Celaeno spun her replacement weapon, getting a feel for its weight, the right commander stirred awake. “My spear,” the commander coughed at both Alice and Celaeno. “You’d really steal my spear?” “You’re trying to steal their home, so, I mean, sure?” Alice responded with an uncaring shrug. “Besides…” Celaeno twirled the spear again, already growing fond of it, “I’m a pirate. It’s sort of what I do.” “Alright, guys, good work!” Sam approached his sister and the four Equestrians. “Let’s put these guys someplace safe and get ready for the first wave.” Starswirl picked up the unconscious center changeling commander as Alice and Celaeno dragged the limp and exhausted right commander’s body, the three of them carrying them to the back left corner of the foyer. Sam carried the left changeling over his shoulder, something that impressed both Fizzlepop and Grubber as they followed closely behind, ensuring that he wouldn’t drop it. In the throne room, Dexio looked out the window that his Alakazam’s powers patched over before looking to the Equestrians standing by the door, eager to raise hell below. “You guys ready?” A cacophony of agreements and affirmations from the next two lines of defense allowed Dexio to face his Alakazam. “Alright, Alakazam, time to let them in. Everyone else, have a ball!” Throwing the doors open, Celaeno’s crew spilled out and shouted for their impending glory, followed by Capper, Skystar, Rockhoof, and Flash Magnus. As Somnambula and Mistmane stood guard of the door as Mage Meadowbrook and Stygian stood by Dexio to wait for the others. Alakazam drew a deep breath and let it out slowly as the light around his spoons dimmed. Outside, the changelings eyes were suddenly attracted to the light covering the front doors as it began to flicker weakly before it completely disappearing from existence. A couple of soldiers trotted to the doors, putting their hooves on it tentatively before realizing that their enemy’s protection had now been compromised. “Everyone!” the soldier facing the right door shouted, prompting excited chatter among the ranks. “The barrier’s gone! Now they’ve got nowhere to escape!” “Let’s get them!” As the left and right soldiers pulled the doors open, the changelings cheered loudly as they began to converge to the door. A couple dozen galloped inside first with their spears held in their magic while the two that opened the door flew in above them. Seeing the presumably empty foyer only quickened their charge. However, Raichu swung out in front of them with its body glowing with magenta, forcing the soldiers to grind to a halt, pushing back against the floors to slow themselves further. “What in the world is that thing?!” a soldier shouted. “I’ve never seen anything like it!” Before more soldiers could audibly question Raichu’s existence, it blasted a wave of psychic energy from its tail that blew across the entrance hallway and through the changelings standing there. Though they were physically unharmed, the clattering of their spears hitting the floor alarmed them enough to notice that their horns refused to hold a magical charge. One soldier in particular struggled to even pick up the end of his spear an inch or so off the ground before giving up. “My magic! That rat did something to us!” Raichu cupped its paw around the side of its mouth and looked to its right where Sam, Alice, and the others were hiding behind the wall, shouting incomprehensibilities at them to tell them they were safe to attack again. Sam, Alice, and Celaeno ran around the corner first, holding their individual weapons up as they let out a rousing battle cry. Starswirl, Fizzlepop, and Grubber came in close behind, the latter holding one of the commander’s spears like a lance as he rode his friend into battle. “What are those things now?!” A soldier screamed, his eyes on Sam and Alice in particular. “Guys!” One of the changelings scooped up his spear in his teeth. “Pichk yer shpears bachk uph! We cahn’t lit thim win!” Immediately upon reequipping themselves, the first several changelings charged out to meet Sam and Alice as they beat Celaeno to their front lines. Sam easily knocked the spear of the changeling in front of him out of its mouth with his Aegislash. Alice blocked a swing from another’s spear as Celaeno slashed down on it with hers, bisecting it into a small staff. As the two of them continued working, Starswirl and Fizzlepop blasted several changelings with their magic as Grubber managed to swing his spear into the side of the head of a soldier that got through, knocking it over and sending it crashing to the floor. Grubber couldn’t help but laugh. “I got one, Fizz! I got–” Fizzlepop ducked and brought Grubber down with her, allowing a spear to whiz over his hair before she picked herself and him back up. “Be sure you get them too!” Starswirl chided, blasting two more soldiers with his magic. As their comrades were systematically and effortlessly stricken down by Sam, Alice, and their friends, three changelings retreated back outside the palace where the other changelings condensed in to watch. “What’s going on in there?” one of the changelings amongst the group asked. “We don’t know!” One of the retreated soldiers panted. “Three new creatures just showed up somehow and they’re decimating us! They even managed to defeat all three commanders and disabled our magic!” “You think they’re the ones that created those new barrier spells?” “It doesn’t matter! If we attack them all at once, we might be able to beat them! Hurry, before they take out the ones already inside! Come on!” The three changelings galloped back inside, dozens more of the nearby soldiers moved enough to follow them in, some running while others flew. As more and more converged in through the entrance, there was no longer any space for the changelings behind them to see inside. As Sam, Celaeno, and Fizzlepop defeated the last few changelings of the first wave, they looked back out to see the almost-literal wall of changelings shoving its way in. Undeterred, Sam widened his stance and held Aegislash’s hilt with both hands as Alice and Celaeno aimed the ends of their weapons at the first changelings they’d face. As Starswirl and Fizzlepop charged their horns back up, Capper and the four parrots of Celaeno’s crew landed down from the second level balcony and lined up behind the others. “And here comes the cavalry,” Alice hummed under her breath. Skystar and Flash Magnus carried Rockhoof down to the floor before they flew back up to ceiling-level to face the airborne changelings barreling at them, Raichu zipping in between them to join in. Raichu attacked first, hitting the first line of flying changelings with an electric pulse that paralyzed their wings and sent them hitting the ground hard. Flash Magnus punched his shield into an approaching changeling as Skystar clawed her talons at two coming at her before bucking a third in the head, all four of them going unconscious and falling to the floor. Sam fell two lines of changelings with a strong Shadow Claw attack while knocking the ground line back. As two of the flying changelings dove down on him, Aegislash threw its shield at one of them, where it pinballed off it and into the other before bouncing back into its cloth hand. With the wide reach of their spears, Alice and Celaeno were able to keep back the changelings in front of them while getting most of the ones that tried to pass them on their left and right. With the exception of three or four galloping soliders, the only ones that got past the first line were the ones that flew above them, who were quickly taken out by the aerial efforts of Raichu, Skystar, and Flash Magnus as well as Starswirl and Fizzlepop on the ground. Those that evaded them went in to attack Celaeno’s crew first. Mullet pushed back against the shoulders of one changeling that flew at him. As it snapped at Mullet’s head, hoping to reach it, Boyle quickly grabbed the soldier by its webby tail and flung it at a flying changeling soldier, sending both down. Squabble tossed his life raft up where a changeling flew in through it, getting it caught around its stomach and holding its wings in, restricting its flight. As it fell, Spittle turned around and pointed its barbed tail prosthetic at its face. With a slight shriek, the changeling tucked its head in and let the point bounce off the forehead of its helmet before it collided with the ground, but not before Squabble caught his raft and let the changeling squeeze through. As the changeling tumbled further back, Capper kicked it in the exposed side of his snout and sent it over to Rockhoof, who swatted it over to the corner where its commanders were laid out. Rockhoof held up his hood to Capper, who tapped the knuckle of his balled-up paw against the bottom, the two of them grinning. Just then, two changelings passed over Mullet and Spittle as they kept dealing with more of them on their side, prompting them to get serious once again. As more changelings poured in, they began to see the scene a lot clearer. Though none of the humans, Pokémon, or Equestrians showed any signs of tiring out, dozens upon dozens of their allies’ unconscious bodies were littered along the ground. Those that foolishly continued to stay on the ground found it difficult to walk over and balance upon their fallen companions, making them easy targets for Sam, Alice, and Celaeno. Those that chose to fly were easily felled by Raichu’s wide-spanning Thunderbolts and Skystar and Flash Magnus’s melee attacks. Every other changeling that managed to avoid them were then assaulted by Celaeno’s crew or Capper and Rockhoof. Several of the changelings, seeing the desperate situation they were running into, turned around and formed a magic barrier that barred the entry of any more changelings trying to get in. While some crashed into the barrier, most of them slid to a halt. Before they could question their fellow soldiers about what they were doing, they too began to clearly see what they were up against. “My gosh!” One changeling muttered. “And to think we had them cornered just a while ago!” “Don’t you get it?” One of the changelings maintaining the barrier shouted. “They’re funneling us in so they don’t have to take on more of us at once!” “Let’s head into town and force them to come out!” Another soldier loudly mentioned. “We must be extra protective of the town square! Quickly, before they take out more of us!” The changelings took their barrier down as they all began turning to leave. Even the remainder of the changelings challenging Sam and Alice also hopped back and joined the others in the mass retreat. As the distance between Sam, Alice, the Equestrians, and the changelings grew, Sam leapt into a run, hopping on the parts of the floor where an unconscious changeling wasn’t lying. “Flash!” Sam called from behind, “tell the others to come down! We’re heading to the town hall!” “You got it!” Flash Sentry flew up and away from Skystar and Raichu toward the third floor. The two looked down and saw as Alice, Celaeno, and the remainders of the three groups ran to quickly follow him. Dipping down, Skystar and Raichu flew over Sam and Alice as they prepared to exit the castle. Sam flicked his arm up and sent Aegislash off his arm, freeing his hand to take out a Poké Ball. “Sorry, bud,” he panted, “but I need you to be my back set of eyes! Can you do that for me?” Without question, Aegislash swung around and floated closely behind Sam’s head, his one eye keeping an eye on his allies behind him. Sam then tossed his Poké Ball out, the energy inside bursting outside the doorway. “Let’s go, Absol!” Sam’s black and white feline creature, who now wore a silver necklace with a grey-and-blue marble inside the pendant and the chain covered in its fur, broke into a run the moment its paws hit the ground, conscious of Sam’s speed behind it. As Sam and Aegislash spilled out with him, the changelings looked back to see his friends all close behind, frightened by their purely confident faces. “They’re chasing us now?!” A changeling wailed. Another soldier smacked the back of its helmet. “Shut up! Now we have them in the open! Changelings, charge!” Several changelings descended down on Sam and Alice’s group from every side as they approached the town. Sam kept his eyes on two changelings coming down right at him, smirking at their recklessness. “Absol,” Sam commanded, “Psycho Cut!” With the horn on its head charging up with magenta energy, Absol whipped its head out and slung two bows of light that struck both changelings in the head. Both the attacks hit, and the disorientation sent them crashing and tumbling into the ground. As Skystar passed over them, she looked back to Absol with intrigue and amazement. “Oooh,” she muttered, “so that’s what Psycho Cut looks like!” Raichu glanced back to see two more changelings charge their horns and blast two beams at Starswirl and Fizzlepop. Swinging around, Raichu angled the bottom of its tail toward the oncoming attacks, banking perfectly so that both beams hit the center of its tail, where they were neutralized. It then spun to face them and held its arms out, casting them and the two changelings in psychic energy. Clapping its paws together, the two changelings collided with one another and veered away. As they came to the first streets of the town, several changelings perched themselves along the roofs of the buildings while even more of them lined the streets, all but blocking their way forward. A flash of light appeared beside Alice, and from it, Mistmane, Stygian, and Mage Meadowbrook galloped beside her while Somnambula flew close. “We have to get through that street!” she told Alice. “I don’t suppose you have a Pokémon that can help clear our path?” “I got you covered.” Alice detached a Poké Ball from her belt and threw it forward. “Lycanroc, Accelerock through the street!” Alice’s wolf leapt from its belt and right as its paws hit the ground, it zipped away fast enough to appear as though it vanished. It then appeared and disappeared down the road, blasting bits of rock about that threw the changelings against the walls or high up into the air. Those that survived well enough were kept in Somnambula’s sights and with a pick-up in speed, she zoomed through, kicking and punching every changeling she came across, clearing the way for Sam and Alice’s group to pass through. The changelings on the roofs charged their horns to attack from high above, but Alice smiled in preparedness. “Raichu, above!” Going up higher with its cheeks sparking up, it rose above the rooftops and rained down beams of lightning on every changeling around them. The ones not caught within Raichu’s radius took a fearful step back as their electrocuted comrades fell over and tumbled off the roofs, only to scream and fly away as Raichu turned to face them as well. “Ha, nice!” Sam then looked over to Mistmane and Stygian to find that someone was missing. “Hey, where’s Dexio?” “He stayed behind to ensure the changelings still in the palace don’t wake up and wreck the place,” Stygian answered. “He said he’s confident that we’ll be fine without him.” Sam faced forward again and nodded. “And he’d be right.” Before exiting the street where they would enter a large plaza with a fountain and sculpture in its center, Somnambula and Lycanroc came to a stop to wait for the others, who were not too far behind. More changelings flew down and formed a tight group at the exit, ready to jump the others once they got out. Somnambula and Lycanroc took a fearful step back, only for the footsteps of their friends coming up close. “Somnambula, get back!” Alice barked. “Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!” “And then hit it with Sacred Sword, Aegislash!” Sam added. Somnambula took to the air and went backwards as Lycanroc put all of its weight on its front paws before throwing them both up toward the sky. To the pegasus’s amazement, a massive tower of rock jutted from the ground in the middle of the group, breaking it apart in a blast of changeling bodies that threw them all in every direction. Aegislash then whooshed beneath Somnambula and past Lycanroc with its entire blade a bright blue. With an upward swing at the tower, Aegislash exploded the rock out forward, sending the pieces, both large and small, into the changelings standing or flying anywhere within the vicinity of the plaza, injuring a great deal of them. Sam reached out, prompting his Aegislash to return back and wrap its arm around his and let him wield it. “Alright guys, spread out and let’s clean this town up!” Absol and Lycanroc ran out into the plaza first, parting left and right. Sam and Alice then followed their Pokémon to attack the changelings still able to stand. As the Equestrians all spilled out, they formed a loose wall that swept through the plaza. Changelings on the opposite side stood along the rooftops, watching as Celaeno knocked a changeling aside with her spear or Rockhoof clearing a row of soldiers with his shovel like a farmer would cut grain with a scythe. With the others making equally short work of their forces, the changelings retreated further into the town. “This is impossible!” one soldier cried to another. “They’re giving us no time to mobilize!” “We need to protect the town hall at all costs now!” the other replied. “We can’t let them take our love banks away!” Soaring down into the streets, they broke into the fastest gallops of their lives as they hoped to reach the center of town and create a formation to better fight the Pillars and their newest allies. Reaching the open area where a tall, circular building stood, they were relieved to find many of their remaining forces gathered before it, only to find that they were facing it and not the direction of where Sam, Alice, and the others were coming from. “What gives?” One of the two soldiers flew itself up to get a better look at what his fellow changelings were looking at. “The enemy’s behind–” A small but incredibly fast fireball whizzed past its head and forced it to land beside its companion. Looking up at where it could feel the fireball come from, they both then fully understood what they were facing. A line of dragons of various sizes and lengths, all of whom were coated in sleek, metal armor and carried some kind of spear, axe, or sword, hovered above the ground in a line beside and above the town hall. Peering over the other changelings in front of them, they saw another row of armed dragons blocking them on the ground. The excited roars of Sam, Alice, and their friends and Pokémon grew loud from behind as they poured through the streets and came to into the open area. As they lined up and boxed the changelings in on the other side, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but feel uneasy as to why the changelings chose to stand their ground, yet looked so frightened and unwilling to fight. At that moment, a feminine shout rang out above them, prompting the two to look up and see a gold-and-brown-leather armored dragon with a blue body lunge down on them, their purple crystal staff holding a brilliant red stone ready to jab at Sam. Sam angled the broad side of his Pokémon at the dragon, whose weapon’s tip bounced off before they tried to swing it at him again, Sam pushing against Aegislash’s blade on the other side to push against their force. Sam couldn’t help but be drawn to the dragon’s fearsome amber eyes through the eyeholes of their golden mask, but Sam refused to let up. “What… are you?” The dragon’s spear flared up several times with an intense fiery magic, the heat traveling through the blade and making Sam gasp as it soon began to prickle against his hand. “Answer me, monster!” The dragon was then tackled by Absol, who let out a vicious snarl as it took her to the ground. Moving with the roll, the dragon kicked the yelping Absol off and away before refocusing on Sam. Suddenly, Starswirl’s magic kept Sam and the dragon separate before he jumped in between them. “Princess Ember, do not attack them! They are allies of ours!” “Starswirl!” The dragon he referred to as Ember took her helmet off and held it under her arm, revealing a slender-snouted face with four darker-blue spikes on her head and two horns that curled back and then pointed forwards on the sides of her head. “What are you all doing here? Who in the heck are these guys?” “They’re friends of ours,” Flash Magnus claimed flying up to her and bumping his hoof to her fist. “It’s kind of a long story, but you can trust these two.” Running around the corralled changelings was a zebra pony with a short Mohawk mane and covered in colorful tribal paint wielding a misshapen wooden staff. “Stop, Ember. Please, I pray! I can’t let a trap take you today. How are we to know that we can trust these things? For all we know, they just might be changelings!” “Hey, seriously?” Sam shrugged. “We just spent the last few minutes hacking-and-slashing these bastards, and now you’re going to accuse us–” “Zecora makes a good point.” Ember dropped her helmet and pointed the tip of her staff at Sam and Alice once again. “How do we know you’re not trying to trick us so we lower our defenses?” “I’ve got an idea, but you may need to stand back a little.” On Alice’s reasonable, calm-as-can-possibly-be voice, Ember backed away from her and held her spear up to let her defend herself. “I’m going to need one of the changelings to prove this, so…” “Alright creature, it shall be done.” Zecora wacked one of the two changelings away from their group on the butt, herding it toward her. “I hope your test will be sufficient with this one.” “Hey,” the soldier whined, rubbing the sting from the zebra’s staff, “why do I have to–” “You!” Alice pointed to the changeling. “Stand next to Starswirl and turn into him.” “I, uh…” Doing as it was told, the changeling stood beside the bearded unicorn and with a green fire shooting up around him, he now bore an exact appearance to Starswirl. “Nice. Alright, Raichu, Psychic on them both, but not too stong.” “Hold on,” Starswirl protested, “what are you doing?” Ember and Zecora looked up as Raichu floated before the two Starswirl’s, reaching out and covering their bodies in its psychic glow. To Ember and Zecora’s amazement, Starswirl maintained his form as he grunted through his pain, while the changelings façade began to flicker until it lost the magic to continue holding it up, reverting it to its original form. “Okay, get out of here!” The changeling, the tension now exploding off its body, ran back to the safety of the gathered changelings before him. “Amazing!” Ember gasped. “How did you do that? What kind of magic is that?” “It’s not magic at all,” Starswirl groaned, his horn shorting with power. “That creature apparently possesses Psychic abilities which completely disable any kind of magic, including my own. Alice, why would you do that to me?” “Don’t worry, I also have a way to restore it back. Now, Raichu, use that same level of Psychic on all of us!” Going up higher, Raichu spread its arms out as its Psychic energy covered Sam, Alice, Aegislash, Absol, Lycanroc, the Pillars, as well as Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno, her crew, Capper, and Skystar. While Absol didn’t appear the least bit bothered, everyone else panted as the psychic pressure weighed down on them, Fizzlepop, Mistmane, and Stygian especially. With mouths slightly open, Ember and Zecora could clearly see that neither of them had a disguise to lose. “Alright, stop!” Raichu relinquished her magic on Ember’s command, Fizzlepop, Mistmane, and Stygian swooning as they tried getting their bearings. “So you’re not changelings. If that’s the case…” She then pointed at Sam and Alice. “…what are you?” “We can explain more in a bit,” Sam answered, “but me and my sister are called humans. We come from the world that Twilight and her friends landed on, and we were thrown out of our world and ended up here while trying to help them!” “Did you say, Twilight?” Zecora chanted. “You know where they are? I know they’ve been missing, but to be out that far… You must tell us, are they alright? Their disappearances have kept me up each night!” “And what about Spike?” Ember clutched her spear, her first show of genuine concern. “Is he okay too?” “I, uh…” Sam was still off-put by Zecora’s natural rhyming abilities than anything. “As far as we know, yes, but we need to get back to our world as soon as possible. If we don’t, Twilight and her friends will be anything but alright.” “Yo, Ember!” A male dragon called from the top of the town hall building. “What are we supposed to do with these changelings?” Ember nodded to Sam, acknowledging a promise to continue helping him and Alice before looking to the gathered changelings. “We were pushing them back, but thanks to you guys, we have them surrounded. So tell me, changelings, do you surrender to our combined forces?” The changelings glanced to one another, uncertain of who among them should make the call, much to Ember’s intense ire. “HAVE YOU SURRENDERED?!” Cowering their heads down, they mustered the strength to all nod and shout their confirming answers to her. With the matter settled, Ember relaxed herself as she twirled her staff around her hand, an accomplished sigh leaving her mouth. “Alright, dragons!” she shouted to her army. “Let’s begin moving the ponies out and putting the changelings in!” She then turned to Sam and Alice and spoke to them quieter, but just as forcefully. “We could use your help as well, make sure these guys don’t have anything funny planned.” “Absolutely.” Alice looked toward her group. “Hey, Rockhoof!” The earth stallion rose his hoof up so that she could see him “Yes?!” “Go get Dexio and help him carry the changelings out of the palace. And be sure that you guys get our bags too. We have something in there that will help the unicorns.” “Very good!” As Rockhoof ran back north, the rest of Sam and Alice’s friends, as well as their Pokémon, followed Ember and Zecora around the changelings as they awaited to be escorted inside the town hall by the dragons, who all came down to the ground to do Ember’s bidding. With the threat of danger over for now, Alice pressed the button on her staff so that folded it in while Sam let Aegislash off his arm to float beside him. “So,” Ember said with a casual smile, “you guys seemed to hold your own pretty well.” “Thanks,” Alice answered. “You sure saved us a lot of blood, sweat, and tears by being here.” “The Dragon Lands are a friend to Equestria, and when Zecora told us it was under attack, we just had to come and help.” “I apologize to you for my suspicion,” Zecora humbly spoke, “it truly fills me with great contrition. If you can forgive me all the same, I’d like to know both of your names.” “Uh, yeah, don’t sweat it. I’m Sam.” “And I’m his sister, Alice. It’s good to meet you both, really.” “Whoa!” Ember pointed to Alice’s folded staff. “And you went charging at the changlings with just that?” “I also had my Pokémon with me…” “I’m guessing that’s what your rat and wolf things are?” “Mmhm. I know we’ll have to fill you in on some things while we get the ponies out, and there is a lot to talk about.” Finally, the dragon, zebra, and two humans walked up the steps where two dragons reached over to grab the door’s handles. “And we should have plenty of time for that. In the meantime…” The two dragons pulled the handles open, each head of the miserable ponies inside turning toward the opening doors, watching with stunned amazement as Ember and Zecora walked in with Sam and Alice, staring at the latter two in particular. Sam and Alice offered them comforting smiles that they could entrust their lives with. > Chapter 70 – Faba’s Destruction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faba stood at the bow of his yacht while Chrysalis stayed close behind, the half-lit Aether Paradise just ahead their only beacon in the dark, vast ocean. The many grunts awaiting to attack on their superiors’ orders stood behind the both of them, several of those along the starboard and port leaning over to get as good of a look at the Aether Paradise themselves. Chrysalis looked up at the technological marvel, truly impressed and amazed by it. “A tower in the middle of the ocean. You humans continue to fascinate me.” Faba let out a rueful grin as he could no longer see the dock door beneath the waves. “And now it’s soon to be at the bottom of it.” “Then we should attack Twilight and the others before they get out!” “Patience, Chrysalis. If everything has gone according to plan, then they will have all been forced to leave empty handed and without the tools to possibly stop us. But first, I need to confirm this is the case.” Pulling an earpiece from his pocket, he affixed it to the side of his head and pressed on a button at the center. “Calling Wicke.” “That person is unavailable,” the device reported into his ear, instantly vexing him. “Please make sure that person’s name and contact information is correct and try again.” Faba huffed a breath, instantly thinking the worst, but staying firm for those behind him. “Call. Wicke.” “That person is unavailable. Please make sure that person’s name and contact information is correct and try again.” “Is something wrong?” a muscular bald grunt asked in genuine concern. “Shut up!” Faba barked back. “Call! Wicke!” After a second, the voice came back on. “That person is unavailable. Please make sure that person’s name and contact information is correct and try again.” With a slow trembling hand, Faba then ripped the device off his ear and chucked it into the ocean, letting out a shrill, frustrated shriek. “That bitch! I knew she’d go soft and help them after all!” “What are we supposed to do now?” Chrysalis shouted. Faba quickly turned around and faced his grunts. “Half of you, get a Bruxish and a Waterium Z! The rest of you get a Kadabra, quickly!” At once, the grunts rushed back toward the stairs down into the yacht, quickly pouring down them to let the others in. Faba turned back around and leaned over the railing, keeping his watchful eye on the Aether Paradise. “What are you planning to do?” Chrysalis growled. “I can’t be of much help if you keep me in the dark like this.” “All we can do is wait on them,” Faba hissed back. “And hope that those rotten kids don’t leave here before they come back up.” Silvally dug its claws into the sliding metal door and pulled it open, allowing itself, Lillie, and Gladion inside. The lights inside the small lab were dark, but the hallway lighting, as minimal as it was, still allowed them to see inside. Sitting on a tray on a small teleportation pad beside a nonfunctioning computer were five blue and purple Poké Balls with a wormhole-like grid designed on them along with golden blades protruding from the corners of the ball. “Okay Lillie,” Gladion said as he returned Silvally inside of its ball, “help me find a clip for these while I see which ones we were given.” Lillie began to rummage through the drawers and cabinets of the desks inside the lab, finding nothing other than papers, boxes, and other various office supplies. Gladion held up his Pokédex to each ball as his camera scanned them. Going left to right from the top, he carefully examined the images of the Pokémon from each ball: an origami samurai made of a thin metal, a purple insectoid dragon with a massive stinger, a long, skinny white insect with feminine features, a walking grey tower with eyes on some of its bricks, and a black bunch of wires and lights with a bright, spiky head. Gladion glanced back to see her sister still searching. “How’s the clip coming along?” “Still having trouble finding it!” Lillie snapped. “It’s not as if the employees here would just leave their personal Poké Ball clips for us to find in a pinch, you know!” Gladion sighed, knowing arguing with his sister in the wake of their heavy loss would be pointless. “Forget it, then. I have a spare clip in my bedroom that we can go get. I’ll keep the Ultra Beasts in my bag for now." Lillie turned around as Gladion began to stuff his fanny pack with the five Poké Balls, leaning over and glancing away. “I’m sorry, Gladion. I didn’t mean to–” Gladion walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Lillie, you don’t need to apologize for anything. This is a very difficult time for both of us right now, and neither of us need to feel more stressed than we are right now by squabbling.” “I know,” she quietly replied, “that’s why I apologized for yelling. I know I’ve been far more emotional about mother than you are, but I completely understand that you didn’t love her any less than I did. I just don’t want her death to drag either of us down.” Gladion and Lillie, almost instinctually, put their arms around each others' backs in a tight hug. “She gave her life to ensure that would not happen,” Gladion concluded, quickly letting go. “Come on. Let’s get to my room before Sun and the others can finish their own business.” Lillie nodded to her brother as he tugged the zipper on his bag, ensuring that it was closed and secure. The two of them then ran out of the room and retraced their steps to the stairs that would take them to their next crucial spot. Sun’s Incineroar tore the lab door open blocking Sun, Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash’s way. Along with the hallway lights, Incineroar’s naturally warm glow also provided some needed illumination to the room. Twilight and Spike turned left into the room as Rainbow Dash and Sun followed. Seeing a computer at the end, they also found a tray next to it containing the last of the five Ultra Beast’s Poké Balls, as well as the Master Ball in the sixth slot. “Hey, Sun, here they are!” Spike shouted. “Just as Lusamine told us.” Sun jogged over to the pad and the tray on top of it, and as he looked through the Beast Balls, he grimaced with an annoying realization. “Crap, I honestly don’t know which Ultra Beasts she sent here. No matter.” Picking the tray up, he handed them over to Rainbow Dash, who looked a little confused. “What the heck am I supposed to do with these?” “I’ll need you too carry those up to my room. It’s only one floor up, and I have some more things in there that will come in handy.” “Then let’s not waste any more time,” Twilight declared. “Let’s get what we need and get back to Lillie and Gladion.” Sun turned around and returned Incineroar into its ball before breaking into a run out of the room, Twilight galloping out with Spike and Rainbow Dash flying out. Faba’s vision had not left the Aether Paradise since making his orders, and neither did the scowl on his face. Finally, he heard the first footsteps of the grunts come up the stairs from inside. He refused to turn away as more of them returned to the deck. “Chrysalis!” He didn’t even look to face her, but somehow could sense that she indeed was. “Keep watch over the Paradise, and tell me if you see anything leaving it.” “Ugh,” she roughly breathed out, “whatever you command, sir!” Once she stepped up close beside him, he felt safe enough to relieve himself of his watch. As more of the grunts came out, he already began to address them. “Everyone who already has their Bruxish, send them out!” Nine grunts ran to the starboard and port and threw their newly acquired Poké Balls out, releasing nine pink triggerfish Pokémon that let themselves dive into their natural habitat. Each one breached the water to face their trainer, awaiting their instructions. Faba looked as even more grunts arrived up the stairs. “Anyone with a Bruxish, send them out now!” Three more grunts broke away to join the others at the sides of the ship, tossing their balls out and releasing three more Bruxish to join the others, now forming an even dozen. “Excellent!” Faba held up his left arm, his sleeve rolling down to unveil his fake Z-Ring. “Now, everyone who has sent their Bruxish out, equip your Z-Rings with the Waterium Z!” As instructed, the twelve grunts lining the sides of the boat took the blue Z Crystal pinched in their fingers and pressed it into the slots of their devices. “Now, everyone! Activate your Waterium Z and form a group Hydro Vortex around the Aether Paradise!” All twelve grunts crossed their arms in front of their faces, their mechanical Z-Rings flaring up with power as they linked to the fish in the water. After putting their arms down and crossing them back out, they waved their arms fluidly like ocean waves to the left before swinging them down and over to the right, curling their arms upward. Red Z-Power shot over the sides of the boat and washed into the Bruxishes like a synchronized fountain, filling them with incredible energy. “Now, my grunts,” Faba laughed excitedly, “make the attack!” “BRUXISH!” All their grunts shouted as they pointed at the Aether Paradise building. “USE HYDRO VORTEX!” With their auras surging even more, the twelve fish swam straight at the sinking building, the trails of their Z-Power allowing the humans and changeling aboard to track them under the water. “Very good!” Faba clapped and clasped his hands once, giggling all the while. “Now head to the stern and make way for the others and their Kadabras!” The Bruxish’s grunts all ran as far back into the boat as possible as the remaining dozen grunts took their place, their Poké Balls already in hand. Holding them out, they allowed the balls to open and send out a Kadabra from them, who were immediately flustered by the cozy space between themselves and their trainers. With a chuckle, Faba looked upward where the cabin would be. “Get us closer!” “On it!” A muscular grunt with black hair pushed the throttle forward on the boat as he spun the wheel over, propelling the boat to the left as they closer approached the Aether Paradise. Everyone and everything was now able to see as the Bruxishes, still forming their ring around the building, quickly swam their circuit at speeds hard for their eyes to track. The water was already beginning to twist about and form its whirlpool, the waters within getting choppier and more treacherous. With their momentum refusing to let up, a loud, metallic groan could be heard from the massive structure as it slowly began to rotate in the direction the Bruxish swam at. Sun and the Equestrians navigated the hallways as they could feel the vibrations of the groan ring out under their feet and hooves, as well as the slight jerk that nearly made them slip into the right wall. “What’s going on?” Spike shouted. “Shit.” Sun quickened his pace, his steps deliberately awaiting any other sudden movements. “They’re here.” “Faba and Chrysalis?” Rainbow Dash squealed in fright. “Already?” “Now we really don’t have much time. Come on!” Sun couldn’t help himself as he broke into a brisk jog, the rest of the ponies trotting just as quickly and carefully. Splashes of water began to rise out above the perimeter above the Bruxishes’ course, each one forming into a wave that quickly morphed into a fixed crest that became a short wall. As the fish swam closer to the surface, the wall rose with it, quickly towering over the height of the boat. Chrysalis looked up at the top with mouth agape and eyes wide as it continued to rise already reaching the top of the Aether Paradise itself. Faba spied on the Bruxish swimming visibly about inside the wall, their bodies now trailing with red sparks as their towering barrier began to collapse. “Kadabras, use Psychic to maintain the wall!” On his shout, the dozen Kadabra’s held their spoons up to the water wall and lit them up, their psychic energy forming a ring along the outside and insisde of the base of the barrier. Tilting themselves up with a shout, they moved their own psychic barrier up the wall and kept it smooth and stable. Once it reached the top, the magenta glow the energy possessed went completely transparent, the fortified wall now appearing like it was keeping its form on its own. “Magnificent,” Chrysalis breathed out. “I trust you have something planned should they try to leave from the top?” “Of course.” Faba whipped his arm to the side, his grunts ready to hear what he had planned next. “Anyone in possession of a Metang, have them patrol the Paradise from above!” A white-haired male grunt and a light-blonde haired female grunt stepped out from the stern of the boat and tossed their balls overboard, letting their Metangs out to float above the ocean. As well, a brown-skinned grunt with cornrows and a pale-skinned grunt with a blue Mohawk released their Metangs to join the other two. Pointing upwards, the Metangs obediently flew up to the top of the water wall before disappearing behind its edges. “What’s next?” the Mohawked grunt asked. “Are we just going to keep this thing up until the whole place sinks?” “Of course not,” Faba answered. “They’d find a way out eventually; they’re crafty like that.” “Then what are we supposed to do?” a younger female grunt with purple hair talked back. “Are we going to now attack them from within.” “You’re certainly on the right track.” Faba let out his Alakazam, who already began to charge its spoons with energy before they teleported off the deck with a flash of light. Faba and his Alakazam appeared inside the cabin where the muscular grunt with black hair was keeping the boat at a safe and steady distance from the titanic whirlpool. Upon turning around and seeing Faba approach, he jolted in shock as his leader tore the receiver of the intercom system from the panel. After a clearing of his voice, he pressed and held down the button on the side of the receiver, hearing the slight feedback already coming out through the speakers outside. “Bruxishes!” His voice was loud and clear, impossible to be unheard by the Pokémon inside the wall. “Aqua Jet each level of the Paradise! Flush them out! Flush them all out!” Faba looked back out the window as the Bruxishes made a diagonal formation along the length of the wall. On the deck, Chrysalis and the grunts watched with great enjoyment as the top Bruxish swam out of the inside of the wall, its psychic powers sustaining a tendril of water that followed it and kept it connected to the barrier. As the Bruxishes below it also came out from the wall, their eyes kept on the windows of the level they would soon infiltrate. With an increase in speed, the first Bruxishes straightned their path at their intended point of entry and crashed through to the inside. Gladion and Lillie just exited from the former’s room with the Beast Balls held on a clip fastened to a belt that he had slung across his chest and under his shoulder when the building shook once again. Standing still and quiet, they suddenly heard the shattering of glass and whoosh of rushing water on the floors above, the sound traveling downward toward them. “What is that?” Lillie whimpered, clutching Gladion’s arm. With the noises getting closer and sounding clearer, they looked to the right at the window just a few yards away from them, seeing what could barely be perceived as a beam of water rush at it without any sign of stopping. The window and part of the wall was blasted wide open, the water torrenting out onto the floor as the Bruxish inside its tendril came at them, Lillie screaming and nearly collapsing in fright. “Go, RUN!!” Gladion threw Lillie back onto her feet as they broke into a sprint away from it and turned right into the next hallway, their eyes looking nowhere else but the entryway to the stairwell far down and to the left. With the water roaring behind them as the Bruxish steered itself and its rapids into their hallway, the two of them refused to let their speed up, even as they felt the chill of the water splash onto their ankles. With an extra push of its wave, the Bruxish swept Lillie and Gladion off their feet and onto their backs as the rushing water carried them fast down the hallway. The stairwell entryway came up quick, and though they both tried to swim for it, Bruxish swerved the flow of its river into the left wall, bouncing them off of it and back to the right, sending them sliding away from their chance of escape. Lillie and Gladion were carried into a loading chamber for the lift, the waters beginning to drain down into the shaft and threatening to send Lillie and Gladion down it with them. With Lillie ahead of him, Gladion spun to his stomach and crawled through the water as quickly as he could. With his left hand, he grabbed one of her wrists just as her feet were sent over the edge. As the rest of her and his head began to plunge over, Gladion grabbed onto one of the track poles on at the corner of the triangular shaft right before he fell over himself. Sun and the Equestrians whipped back around as more of the shattering glass and steel noises banged their way down toward them. Finally another came further down the hall, buts its sound was clear and not obstructed by the floors above them. “Run!” Sun and the others began to back away just as a Bruxish and its oceanic torrent rushed at them down the hall. “RUN!” Sun sprinted down the halls as Twilight galloped beside him with Spike holding on and crying for dear life, Rainbow Dash flying ahead with the Beast Balls and Master Ball in the tray in her arms. The rumble of the water charging at them only got louder despite their own speeds. Sun gasped as Rainbow Dash’s speed gave him an idea. “Rainbow Dash, two hallways down and to the right!” he screamed. “That’s my room! Get it open!” Rainbow Dash already passed the first hallway and swung around to the left. With her eyes on the door to her right, she took another veer to the left before jamming her back hoof into the door, breaking the door in. Getting back on her hooves, she tossed the balls onto the bed before turning to the gap she left. Hearing Sun and Twilight approaching, she stood outside the door, waving her hoof in frantically. “Let’s go, let’s go!” she shouted. Sun and Twilight turned the corner quick enough to lose the Bruxish as it tried to make the turn itself. As Sun and Twilight ran into his room, Rainbow Dash lunged at the Bruxish that lunged at her, driving her front hoof forward to punch, only for the Bruxish to catch it in its teeth, biting down hard. “YOWCH!” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and tucked her waist in, getting in enough space between her back hoof and Bruxish’s face to kick it. “Get off!” The one kick did it, pushing the Bruxish back into its aqueous tendril. Rainbow Dash wasted no more time flying back inside the room to rejoin Sun, Twilight, and Spike. The Bruxish swam after her just as quickly, and as it came into the room, it compelled itself to stop after spotting Sun’s Decidueye standing in the room with a leaf-arrow already drawn and aimed. Letting its arrow loose, it pierced through the water and struck it in the center of its left side. The Bruxish was in too much pain to hold the water up around it, causing it all to splash onto the floor at once, the Bruxish and Decidueye’s arrow flopping onto the ground with it. Sun, standing behind his Pokémon, placed a hand on its shoulder. “Well done, my friend. Just give us a moment and guard the door while we do this.” With a short caw and nod, Decidueye hopped into the middle of the doorway and drew another arrow, turning left and right to find any signs of any more Bruxishes wanting to attack its trainer. Rainbow Dash walked over to the fainted Bruxish and swatted it hard against the wall, yelping again as she looked at her hoof, which trickled with blood at the wrists. “That stupid fish!” Despite her whining, her face suddenly tensed with worry. “If those things are attacking this place, that means… Lillie! Gladion!!” Hopping up, she soared out of the room past Decidueye, the shock of her speed making him discharge its arrow. With a grumble, it drew another, keeping its eyes and ears open. Gladion hung from the track as the Bruxishes’ water still on the floors above poured down and pummeled his face and arms, making it nearly impossible to see or breathe or continue holding tight. With his grip slipping, Gladion looked down to his sister and the next five floors below, along with the seawater filling up the shaft below as it neared the main level. Just then, three Bruxishes appeared from the next three floors below, each only looking at their helpless prey with more excited smiles than normal. Now only able to hold on by the ends of his fingers, Gladion shouted as he pulled Lillie up with all his might, the hold on the track slipping from his grasp as the two of them fell. The three fish swam up at them only for the two to pass them with their fall. With Gladion now falling beneath Lillie, he grabbed her from behind with her back against his stomach and his back falling straight into the rising waters below, more than ready to at least cushion her fall. Lillie gasped as the dogged Bruxishes twisted back around and flew down at them, their teeth chomping ravenously. Upon passing the next three lab floors, they suddenly spotted a blue shape barreling down the lift shaft at them. Bursting through each cascade of water, from each level she passed, Rainbow Dash sped in between the Bruxishes, knocking them off their path. “Lillie, Gladion! I’m coming!” Catching them in her arms, she pulled up as she flew them into the dimensional research lab, the height and size giving her plenty of room to land, but with her wings soaked with water, she and her two friends hit the ground hard, tumbling along the floor before coming to a stop. “Gladion!” As Gladion shot himself to his feet, Rainbow Dash limped over to her friend and hugged him tight. “Thank goodness you’re alright! Lillie? Are you–” “I’m fine, all thanks to you.” Lillie was slower to get up, but she, like her brother, was relatively unharmed. Getting off of him, Rainbow Dash approached Lillie with her right hoof held up and gave her a hug as well. “Rainbow Dash! What happened to your hoof? Gladion!” “Got it!” Fishing into his red bag, he pulled out a Hyper Potion and tossed it over to Lillie, who caught it with a free hand. “Thanks.” Lillie helped Rainbow Dash down as she examined her bloodied hoof. “Now, hold still for a moment.” Spraying the potion on the wound, Rainbow Dash winced through the sting as the blood began to clot. Once it was emptied, Rainbow Dash put her hoof down and stomped it a few times, amazed to feel that her healing took such little time. “Thanks, Lillie,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “I owe you one.” “You saved us from a quite possibly-lethal fall,” Gladion said. “Consider us even.” Just then, Gladion widened his stance and put a hand on one of his Poké Balls. Rainbow Dash and Lillie turned around to see the three recovered Bruxishes enter into the lab from the lift shaft. The two of them joined Gladion on either side with Lillie grabbing hold of a Poké Ball of her own, scowling with new determination. Sun opened the top drawer of his dresser, reaching into the inner left corner of it to pull out an Alolan Pokédex. He then placed his fingers upon the two blue buttons on the top of it and held them down gently. “Come on,” he whispered. “Please wake up.” Then, to his surprise and mild joy, two lightning-shaped arms swung and folded out from the sides while two rounder feet-like appendages swung out from the bottom. The lights on the buttons and the screens flickered on as a soft blue aura shone around the device, allowing Sun to let go and let it float still where he held it, much to Twilight and Spike’s amazement. The irises of the buttons shuttered like eyelids as a small mouth appeared near the top of the screen before the right arm rubbed the forehead between the button eyes. “Zzzzzt. Zzrrt-zzt! Oh, brother! What year izzz it?” “I might just be delirious from stress,” Spike whispered into Twilight’s ear, “but I think his Pokédex literally just came to life.” The Pokédex then turned to Sun, the sight of him leaving it overjoyed. “Zzzun, buddy old pal! Look at how big you’ve grown!” The Pokédex threw itself and its arms onto Sun, who patted its back welcomingly. “It’s good to see you too, Rotomdex.” “Is that some Pokémon version of a Pokédex?” Spike wondered again. “How should I know?” Twilight hissed back. Rotomdex then turned to peer down on Twilight and Spike, the sight of them making him shoot back near the wall. “Wowee, Zzzun, what kind of Pokémon are thozzze, zzz-zzt?!” “I’m sorry,” Sun responded, “but I chose to wake you up at the worst possible time, though I really need your help!” “Sun?” Twilight questioned. “What exactly is that thing?” Rotomdex flew down toward her face, eager to answer her question. “I am the Rotomdex. I uzzzed to be Zzzun’s Pokédex when he firzzzt came to the Alola region and became a trainer! And to anzzwer your quezzztion, dragon, I am indeed a Pokémon, but thizzz izz not my original body. Zzzee?” It then pointed to the screen, where a picture of a spirit-like creature with a top-shaped body of orange plasma and white lightning arms appeared. “Thizzz is what I actually look like, but I have the ability to pozzezzz certain kinds of electroniczzz, zzuch as thizzz Pokédex here.” “I… thank you, and for your information, we have names ourselves. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and the dragon is named Spike.” “Pleased to meet you, Rotomdex.” Spike reached over and shook the device’s hand, feeling an assistant’s kinship between each other. “So, uh, why’s Sun been keeping you in his drawer this whole time?” “I lost my thrill of being a trainer by the time I began working at the Aether Paradise,” Sun answered, “and I could no longer provide Rotomdex the thirst for adventure that I had quenched long ago. I stored him away until the day came when I knew I could count on him–” “And that day izz today, right buddy, zzt-zzzt?” Rotomdex excitedly asked. “Indeed, but I’ve already wasted enough time. I just need to get a few more things, and then we can help the others.” “Otherzz-zzt!?” Two blurry ovals appeared on the left and right of Rotomdex’s screen as he placed both arms there. “You mean Lillie and Gladion and Hau are here, zzzzzt? “Lillie and Gladion, yes…” Sun knelt by his desk and pulled the drawer open, taking out a few small first-aid kits and putting them inside his bag, “but Hau is off on Melemele dealing with Professor Burnet!” “Dealing with Burnet? What on earth happened while I wazz out, zz-zzt?!” “A ton.” He then found a Poké Ball clip buried on the bottom of the drawer before he went to the bed and quickly equipped all six balls from the tray onto it. “Hopefully, I’ll have some time to explain, but right now, we need to help the others.” “Right-o! Lead, the way, Zzzun!” With Sun, Rotomdex, Twilight, and Spike on their way, Decidueye relaxed his bow and walked to follow them. “Please be alright,” Sun said under his breath. “Let’s go, Weavile!” Gladion tossed his ball, letting out his black ice-weasel Pokémon. “Help us, Parasect!” Lillie let her ball fly, releasing her giant-mushroom insect creature. Rainbow Dash scowled, more than ready to charge at one herself, only to be distracted by Gladion throwing something at her. Letting it fall around her head, she was surprised to see it was the belt of Beast Balls. Looking to him, her humbled eyes begged for an explanation. “I’d suggest the ball on the very right end,” he shouted, not breaking eye contact with the Bruxishes. “It’s called Xurkitree.” Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle, happy to be entrusted with such powerful Pokémon by her friend. “Alright, then. You’re up, Xurkitree!” Pulling the ball off the belt and tossing it out, it burst open to let out the anthropomorphic bunch of black power chords. To be able to call on a Pokémon herself was exhilarating to Rainbow Dash, but it still couldn’t hold a candle to how tall the beast she commanded was. “Whoa-ho-ho!” she bellowed. “This thing is cool!” “Just tell it to use Power Whip!” Gladion shouted. “Okay fine, sheesh! Xurkitree, hit one of those Bruxish with Power Whip!” Lashing out one of its legs, Xurkitree tried to kick any of the Bruxishes in its vicinity, only for them to easily swim over and beneath its attack, greatly annoying Rainbow Dash. “Okay, any more bright ideas?” Gladion glowered. “Weavile, hit one of them with Night Slash!” Weavile ran out before leaping up at one of the three fish, its black-glowing claws doing significant damage to it. It quickly recovered, however, before it darted at Lillie’s Parasect and clamped its jaws down on it, the teeth frosted over as the chill spread along the surface of Parasect’s cap. “Parasect!” Lillie shouted. “Hang in there!” The bug closed its eyes as it tried to resist the urge to fall over and faint right there, and despite how hard the Bruxish continued fighting, Parasect stood standing. “That’s it!” Lillie clenched her fists in pride. “Now, finish it off with Giga Drain!” At once, Parasect’s mushroom cap began to glow green, the light filling up Bruxish too. It tried to struggle free, only for its jaws to be stuck like a magnet as its lifeforce was drained out of it through its teeth. It didn’t take much before there was no energy left for Parasect to absorb, and the fish eventually let go and flopped to the ground. It’s other two comrades angrily bared their teeth at Parasect before closing in on it with their own teeth misting over with frigid cold. “Spirit Shackle!” Sun’s voice called. “Lilligant,” Twilight also shouted, “hit whichever one’s left with Petal Dance!” Both Bruxish’s turned around, one of them recoiling back and falling to the ground as Decidueye’s arrow pierced its shadow upon the ground. The last Bruxish left found Decidueye carrying Sun down on its talons as Twilight, Spike, and Rotomdex soared in with Lusamine’s leafy Pokémon gliding down beside her. Twirling its body about, Lilligant sent a flurry of pink petals out that blew hard into Bruxish, sending it down to crash into the ground to join the other two, who were as unconscious and unable to battle as it was. Sun and Spike were let off to the ground as Decidueye and Twilight landed beside the ones they carried. Sun looked up at Xurkitree, who also gazed back at Sun with vision he couldn’t see, but nonetheless sense. “Sun,” Lillie shouted, “look!” Everyone turned back to the direction of the lift shaft and saw as the other nine Bruxish swam down it and faced the group and their Pokémon. They kept themselves at a safe distance as the trainers and Pokémon readied themselves to battle. With defeated sneers, the remaining fish swam to the balcony where they quickly rejoined the water wall that they created. “Hey, no!” Rainbow Dash flew out to follow them. “You get back here and fight, you cowards!” Landing on the balcony, her miffed face slowly morphed into utter awe as she saw the height of the water that surrounded them, the winds it created pelting her face with mist. “What in the hay–” Sounds of blasting them came from above, prompting her to look upward at the Flash Cannon blasts raining down toward her. “Uh oh.” Throwing herself back in, the Flash Cannons struck the ground as she landed on her side, making her pant heavily over her latest brush with injury. “Rainbow Dash!” The others ran to her aid as they tried to figure out what had happened. Gladion reached her first, helping her onto her hooves. “What happened out there?” Lillie stood petrified as she looked outside the balcony, pointing with a trembling finger. “I think… that’s happening?” As the humans looked outside, they too could see the wall of water that had been created to entrap them, completely unable to see through it but finally understanding what had been making the entire building spin as it had. “Alright,” Rotomdex exclaimed, appearing over Sun’s shoulder, “I think it’zzz time I got an explanation, zzz-zzzt!” > Chapter 71 – Midnight Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam, Alice, and Dexio stood next to Ember and Zecora as they oversaw the ponies being escorted outside the town-hall by several dragons as well as Mage Meadowbrook and Somnambula, many of the Ponyville citizens shaking their hooves or giving them indebted hugs for their rescue. As the line of rescued ponies left the building, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, and several more dragons brought the captured changelings in to replace them. Despite the triumphant sight, Ember and Zecora looked troubled with the information the three humans had shared with them. “So this Necrozma thing,” Ember recounted, “it’s coming here to Equestria?” Sam reluctantly bobbed his head, almost nodding. “We’re hoping to get back to our home before Burnet can completely restore it, but with the changelings having invaded Equestria’s capital, that’s only going to delay us further.” Dexio stepped between Sam and Ember so that he could speak. “Our friends still at home are likely doing everything in their power to try and stop Burnet and Necrozma from getting any further, but with how much of Necrozma’s power she now possesses, I’m nervous that she’s unstoppable at this point.” “If we defeated it before, we can defeat it again,” Zecora spoke. “And now we have help from all our new friends.” “I guess,” Sam reasoned, “but from the way Luna described it, it attacked Equestria by itself the first time around and was defeated with a combination of its own power as well as her and Celestia’s magic. Not only does Burnet have both of these things now, she also has an army of followers and their Pokémon to try and stop us.” “And we now have one of their strongest trainers standing by our sides!” Alice reminded bluntly. “Plus, if they get all the trial captains and the Kahunas to pitch in, Team Prism won’t be a match for us!!” Dexio sighed, unable to shake off the unease he felt about their current situation. “But still, while we’re here, we’re of no help to them.” “You guys sure have been a real help to us,” Ember said. “All things considered, you guys came to Equestria right when it needed you.” “It’s ironic.” Dexio crossed his arms, looking at the miserable changelings with a slight amount of sympathy. “If only they knew what they were really up against, they’d be fighting with the ponies to protect their world than trying to take it for themselves.” “And we can’t convince them because…?” “There’s no time. Perhaps when their common enemy’s already at their door, they’ll learn to put aside their differences and protect the one world they both call home, but right now, we need to get back to our world so that we can prevent such a thing from needing to happen in the first place.” “Are you certain this is the correct path?” Zecora questioned. “These ponies are still subject to the changelings’ wrath. If you return home and stop Prism, our worlds will be saved, but what of these creatures most depraved?” “The whole reason they’re on Equestrian soil in the first place is because Twilight and her friends weren’t here to stop them,” Sam spoke up. “Once we defeat Prism and return everyone who’s supposed to be in Equestria back to Equestria, the changelings will have no reason to try and invade again.” Alice massaged her arms in a reluctant tic. “Yeah, I’m with Dexio and Sam on this one. I’d rather these changelings keep hating you ponies if it means your world is safe rather than them being forced to get along to fight an enemy that can easily destroy it… and ours for that matter, my god.” Zecora sighed in defeat. “Very well, your judgment is sound. This world would stay safe with Twilight and her friends around. I just ask that before you go, I must tell you something you and the Pillars should know.” “What is it?” Dexio wondered. “Sam, Alice, Dexio!” The five of them looked over the banister to see Starswirl and Stygian entering through the front, looking up at them. “Our train is almost ready. Please come down as soon as possible!” “Perfect timing,” Alice said with a shrug. The three humans walked toward one of the stairways to the main level with Zecora, Ember staying behind. Sam stopped and turned to face her, the others standing by to wait. “You’re not coming with?” “That’s okay,” she responded with a dismissing flick of the wrist, “I know what she’s going to tell you. It’s the reason why me and my army are all here. Besides, I’m going to get something for you guys before you all head out.” “Fair enough.” Sam walked around the group and briskly went down the stairs, Alice, Dexio, and Zecora catching up. With the humans and zebra approaching, Flash Magnus and Mistmane stepped away from the dragons to join Starswirl and Stygian’s sides. “You guys can handle the rest?” “Pfft!” A bulky, gray dragon snorted. “We would have been just fine without your help! Now go on, you and the Pillars got a capital to re-conquer!” Flash Magnus worked up a smile and hearty laugh and patted the dragon on the shoulder, glad to hear his confident remark. “Thanks. It was good to see you again, Shale Tail” “Any time, Flash!” With a sly two-clawed salute to his erstwhile companion, the dragon went right back to work seeing to the ponies leave the building. With the humans arriving, Starswirl and Stygian turned back and led them and the other three ponies away from the town hall and further south. “The station is this way,” Starswirl said. “We mustn’t delay.” “Hey,” Alice lightly jeered, “I think rhyming’s Zecora’s thing!” “Certainly glad you can be so jesting in these trying times,” he breathed out. “It’s quite alright, Starswirl,” Zecora giggled, “I take no offense. Now, let us go so your battle can commence.” Sam took one last look at the ponies gathered outside the town hall, many of whom were hugging friends and loved ones as they were safe and reunited. With a drawn-out breath, Sam could only hope that they would not have to experience any more trouble that night. Arriving at a small train station near the southern end of the town, Starswirl and Stygian walked the others onto the platform where a four-car train was awaiting them, the engine’s smokestack already pluming with steam as it was priming to leave. Boyle was already hard at work in the engine’s cabin feeding coal and wood into the chimney to give it fuel and warm it up, while Rockhoof, Mullet, Capper, and Fizzlepop assisted Spittle, Squabble, Skystar, Somnambula, and Mage Meadowbrook with loading a few more crates into the boxcars connected to the train. Sam examined the set up, seeing three small boxcars forming the tail with only a single passenger’s car between them and the engine and coal tender. As the others resumed their work, a few muscular earth ponies oversaw the loading process or checked on the couplings between the cars. Starswirl examined the inside of the first boxcar, the crates inside all placed along the sides and leaving an open space in the center. “And this is what you could get from the ship?” “I figured it’s all we’d actually need,” Mage Meadowbrook reasoned. “It shouldn't take very long to get to Canterlot, and we’ll all need to get inside these boxcars if we get attacked at any point in time en route.” “Not all of us,” Sam reasoned. “A few of us can man the roofs if we’re short on space.” “You know I’m all up for that!” Celaeno cawed. “Who else is gonna’ keep us from being lonely up there?!” “Like I’m letting my brother fight up there alone!” Alice chuckled. “And I’ll join you as well,” Dexio stated. “However, like Mage Meadowbrook said, that’s only if we need to, and hopefully it'll be a smooth ride to Canterlot before we have to storm it.” “But before you go,” Zecora suddenly warned, prompting everyone present to gather near, “there’s something you must hear. The changelings wield a power that you should fear. It’s important that you too not forget that they are in possession of the Alicorn Amulet!” “The Alicorn Amulet!?” Starswirl wheezed. “I thought I had that infernal thing hidden away a millennia ago!” Zecora shook her head. “It had resurfaced in the not-too-distant past; it seems even the most well-kept secrets hardly last.” “I don’t understand,” Skystar interrupted. “What’s this Alicorn Amulet?” “It was something a rival of mine from the distant past used to try and best my natural abilities in my better years,” Starswirl explained. “How he even came about it, I’m not entirely certain, but I only barely managed to remove it from him and kept it far away from where anyone could find it. Sadly, it wasn’t hidden far enough away, it seems.” “After it was owned by the unicorn Trixie,” Zecora continued, “I had it sealed away at my home in the Everfree.” “Trixie!?” Sam gasped. “What was she doing with something like that?” “It’s a bit of a tale that I’ve no time to tell, but ever since that day, she’s been doing rather well. But I digress, enough useless chatter. Now back to the part of the story that matters. Yesterday morning, the changelings attacked. What’s worse is that my home was ransacked…” _____________________________________________________ Zecora kicked the door of her tree-trunk hut in, her eyes instantly looking upon a staff leaning against the wall next to a shelf of jars and flasks of various potions. Running past the simmering caldron at the center of the room, she grabbed the staff in her teeth as progressively-louder buzzing approached her home. Spinning around, four changelings had already entered inside, two on the ground blocking the door while the other two flew before the front windows. As she glanced over to a small chest at the bottom of one of her wooden cases, an even louder buzzing was just up ahead. As the four changelings slowly approached her, the zebra let out a tough shout as she jammed the end of her staff into the lip of her cauldron, tipping it and spilling some of its contents out. Most of it dribbled down the front of the steel pot and into the hot coals keeping it warm. With a fiery flare, a black, sooty smoke puffed into them and blinded them completely. As they coughed and tried to fan the smog away, Zecora bounded onto the edge of her pot and dove over the first two changelings and out the door. With the smoke billowing up from the doorway, Zecora was able to see as dozens more changelings flew in through the Everfree Forest in a line she knew she could not pass through or around. With a saddened grunt, she turned back and galloped east, refusing to stop until the buzz of the changelings’ wings became quieter. Rowing a small wooden canoe into the sea with her oar, Zecora couldn’t help but look one last time at the country she was forced to abandon to the whims of its invaders. She then looked back forward at the aquatic horizon, hoping to reach the shores of the land she was headed for soon. _____________________________________________________ “I came to the Dragon Lands and told them of our plight,” Zecora continued, “and for Equestria, Ember was willing to fight. She gathered her army and we headed back west to rid my home of these pests. Upon reaching Ponyville, we attacked without reprieve, hoping we would eventually make them leave. And then you came in and helped us achieve glory, and that, my friends, concludes my story.” While the others were silent over her harrowing tale, Sam couldn’t help but applaud, receiving odd looks all around. “I’m sorry, I know that’s a verbal tic for you or something, but seriously, to come up with all that on the fly, it’s just… Right, but thank you for all that.” “Even if the changelings have this Alicorn Amulet,” Dexio reasoned, “and it is as powerful as you say it is, it still shouldn’t be able to stand up against a Psychic-type attack.” “I sure hope so,” Capper breathed out. “Otherwise that just throws a real big monkey wrench into this whole thing!” “Okay!” An earth pony called from behind the other side of the train. “You’re all set to go whenever you’re ready!” “Perfect!” Alice turned back and waved thankfully to them. “You guys are lifesavers!” “Hold on!” Now looking up and facing the other way, everyone saw as Ember floated to the ground along with two dragons that both held a large wooden chest on both ends. “I told you I was getting you guys something!” As the two dragons heaved the chest toward the group, Alice suddenly noticed that along with her staff in one hand, she held onto a black spear and a pair of sabers kept safe in a pair of olivine-finished sheathes. Ember was quick to notice her gaze, and with a toss of her hand, she lobbed the spear at Alice. Catching it, she held it to examine its blade, which, while short and rather dull, was still smoothed out and carved in a way that made Alice grin over the damage she’d still get to cause with it. “Sure beats that stick you’ve been using, huh?” Ember crossed her arms, proud of the jab she made. “Yeah, that’s obsidian straight from the Dragon Volcanic Range. It’s nearly hard as diamond and can really knock an enemy’s head around.” “Exactly,” Alice whispered to her self, hopping the weapon off her hand and getting a feel for its weight. “Thank you so much for this!” “Hey, now, I’m just loaning that one to you! That obsidian blade is super rare and valuable, so I expect to get it back in one piece when this whole thing is over!” “You mean the spear or the blade?” “Both, but yeah, you take especially good care the blade.” “Don’t you worry. This thing’s staying by me like it’s my baby.” Ember nodded to her approvingly before focusing her sights to Celaeno, who turned to her as she swung her arm back, tossing the two swords to her. “These are yours!” Celaeno dropped the changeling spear and caught both swords by their sheaths. Spotting the hooks on both sides of each sheath, she slid them into her sash and huffed amusingly as they latched and held. She then crossed her arms over her waist before pulling out each sword one after the other. Even in the dead of night, Celaeno was breathtaken over how bright each new blade gleamed. She didn’t’ even need to scrape her thumb over the edge of the blade to see how well-sharpened it was. “They’re beautiful,” she gasped, tears forming in her eyes. “That’s freshly-forged Dragon’s Iron,” Ember exclaimed, “some of the strongest metal in the world. Of course, that stuff’s more common than Alice’s obsidian, so they’re yours to own.” Alice coughed in feigned offense as Celaeno brought her new weapons back into their sheaths, almost painfully so. “Thank you.” She then reached her hand forward and gave Ember’s a firm shake. “You dragons are officially a friend to us parrots!” “As opposed to when we helped save this town?” “Touché!” With her thanks given, Celaeno resumed examination of her swords, giving each one its own undivided attention. “Alright,” Grubber spoke, “Alice and Celaeno got their new toys, so what’s in the chest.” “Don’t get your hopes up, little guy.” Ember flicked the chest open with the tip of her tail. Sitting atop a neatly organized pile of arrows with thick, round heads with wicks sticking from them, an ornate metal bow was carefully perched on top. “Now, who here has fired a bow and arrow before. Alice tried her best to resist the urge to raise her hand before Capper came up to the chest first. “I’ve fired a bow and arrow in my day.” “In your day?” Rockhoof exclaimed. “How old even are you?” “Twelve, but hey, that’s pretty old in cat years!” The stallion could only shrug. “Point taken.” Capper carefully extracted the bow and a single arrow from the pile, twirling the latter around his fingers for fun, making Ember and the two dragons instantly nervous. “Careful, cat!” Ember shouted. “Those heads are filled with blastpowder and…” Ember’s fears were partially sated as Capper quickly knocked the back of the arrow on the center of the drawstring and pulled back while aiming at the sky. “Okay, fine, but you still gotta’ light it first!” With a sharp huff out her nostrils, Ember shot a small flame that hit the end of the wick, where it began to sparkle and travel toward the base of the head. With a slightly more-vertical tilt, Capper let loose his fingers from the string, sending the lit arrow upwards. Right at the apex of its ascent, the sparks reached the base, igniting the blastpowder inside and creating a dazzling firework blast that filled the night sky. In the distance, Capper’s ears wiggled to the faint sounds of ponies cheering on what they thought was a celebration, inspiring him to turn to his friends and give them a gentlemanly bow. “Hmph.” One of the dragons beside the chest rolled their eyes. “Showoff.” “Looks like you got the gist of it.” Ember turned on her clawed heel and clapped her hands once, pointing backward with her thumb in the same motion. “Alright, load it in! They don’t got all night!” Without another word, the dragons quickly carried the chest of arrows into the first boxcar. As Ember continued walking, Alice looked hurtfully confused. “Wait, you’re not coming to fight with us?” she asked. “Sorry,” the dragoness responded sympathetically, “but we gotta’ make sure these changelings don’t get into any more trouble here. Besides, I just gave you all the help you need! If you really need further help from me, then that spear, those swords, and all those explosive arrows won’t do squat for you!” “I get it, makes sense.” She then reached her hand out to her, Ember drawn to the respectful gesture. “Then I guess this is goodbye, Ember. Again, thank you for all your help.” The other dragon, a red and yellow-bellied adolescent with a gangly set of fangs, left the box car with his companion “Hey! We helped too!” “That was a collective ‘your!’” Alice mentioned in annoyance. “Oh… okay!” Satisfied with the three-syllable word that he did not understand, he and the other dragons flew off to continue managing the town square and the ponies’ continued evacuation. Alice stared at Ember, awaiting her to accept her handshake. Finally, Ember put her hand into hers and let her grasp it, only for Alice to pull her close and lock her left arm around her back. Ember frowned at the hug she was sure to receive, only for Alice to pound the center of her back with the side of her fist. As Alice stepped away, Ember reached behind her as her wings involuntarily flapped, completely uncertain what kind of farewell she was given. “See you around,” Alice finally bid, “hopefully.” Despite the suddenness of it all, Ember smiled gladly, suddenly loving what she had received from her. “Ha, you humans are alright, you know that!” As a suddenly-worried Sam was pulled in by Ember to be given a similar farewell bump of the chest and pound on the back, Dexio turned to Zecora, who continued watching the sight. “You staying behind too?” “I’m afraid I must, my furless friend,” she began, “but I hope our paths may cross again. I want you all to give it your best shot, for I just know you’ll save Canterlot.” Dexio knelt down to her and shook her hoof, greatly appreciating the new friend he made in her. “Thanks, Zecora. Good luck yourself.” Sam flexed his shoulders forward and felt a relieving crack as Ember made her way to Celaeno again, who delivered her new favorite farewell with the same level of enthusiasm. As the other ponies and Equestrians also made their goodbyes to Ember and Zecora, Sam walked toward the passenger car. With a loud whoosh of the train’s whistle and a push up on the throttle lever, Boyle got the train to begin inching out of the station. It quickly picked up speed as the entire train left the station platform, rounding the first turn to the north and making its way to Canterlot. As it left the town, a few lines of dragons and freed ponies cheered the train’s departure, wishing their heroes inside a victorious next battle. Sam and Alice placed their hands onto the window as a show of thanks and appreciation for their support. Just as the crowds began to get too small to tell apart a single pony or dragon, the two of them finally noticed Zecora and Ember standing at the front before the train took another turn and removed them from their sights. With only open area around the car, Sam and Alice settled back into their seats to face their traveling companions. “So,” Alice began, “how long’s a trip to Canterlot usually by train?” “Dunno.’” Capper stretched his legs out and rested them on the seat across between Sam and Alice, snuggling further down into as comfortable a position as he could. “All I know is that it’s getting late, and I’m already losing my twelve hours of beauty sleep. Besides,” he yawned, “can’t really storm an invaded Equestrian capital on no energy, and I should know.” “Oh,” Skystar whined, sitting beside Capper, “I wanted to get to know our new friends a little better!” “I wish we had that luxury and time,” Starswirl commented, seating himself down, “but Capper is right. Any rest we can get now before our arrival shall be crucial.” Sam shrugged, shifting himself over to a small enough gap between Capper and the window. “We slept a little on the flight to Poni, but yeah, that doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea. Capper breathed in through his teeth, uncomfortable over Sam’s body sluggling up against his. “Hey, hey! A little personal space would be nice!” Sam ignored his protests as he put up his long legs on the seat where he had been sitting, sighing in relief at the room he now had. “Sorry, but I’ve been told I’m a kicker. You can take my head on your shoulder or my heel into your crotch, your pick.” “Crotch?” Sam gently pounded the spot that he referred to, Capper involuntarily pulling his waist in at the thought of being kicked there. “Alright, but only this one time.” Skystar then began to tip herself over until her underside was stretched over Sam and Capper’s laps. “Sorry,” she snort-giggled, “don’t really like sleeping on my back in this form. Wings push into my back and give me cramps!” As Capper scooted a little more to the inner ends, Sam gently laid his right arm across Skystar’s neck, gently stroking her firm, soft down with his thumb. “That’s okay. Some of us don’t mind sleeping closer to others.” Capper rolled his eyes before closing his eyes and awaiting sleep to take him quickly. After taking her hat off and placing it on her own lap, Alice crossed her arms to below her breasts and slid her back along the backrest of her seat, folding out any wrinkles pressing against it. She then looked along the rest of the train as the remaining Equestrians also got comfortable in their seats and began to quickly doze off, made comfortable by what they were already able to accomplish. Fizzlepop pet along Grubber’s side as he fell asleep beside her before noticing Dexio getting out from his spot, Squabble stretching his neck across where he sat to lay his head there. “You’re not sleeping?” she asked. “You go on ahead,” he whispered. “I’m used to late nights back home, so I wouldn’t be sleeping at all anyways. Was going to walk through the boxcars; something to keep my mind at ease.” “Whatever helps you.” With a massive yawn, Fizzlepop leaned over and let her body power down as slumber came over her, now sleeping peacefully beside her small, furry companion. Dexio carefully walked to the back of the car, observing as Sam comforted Skystar, stopping with his hand on the door. “You want to know a little about us?” Sam’s softly-spoken question earned a smile and a gentle nod from the hippogriff. “Okay, well, my sister over there, she’s always been the adventurer and Pokémon prodigy between us.” Alice grinned as she tucked her chin onto her chest, letting his voice help carry her to sleep with Skystar. With a relaxed smile, Dexio carefully and briskly opened the back door, stepped through it, and closed it behind him to eliminate the outside noises. “You see,” Sam continued, “she actually got her first Pokémon when she was only eight-years old, and a pretty rare one at that. At that time, I was old enough to be one, but I never saw myself becoming a Pokémon trainer until that moment. I’ll admit, I was pretty jealous that she was going to become such a remarkable trainer while her brother would just become a nobody cooking at a restaurant that his family owned.” Sam felt the weight of Skystar’s head get heavier on his thighs as she was quickly lulled by his tale. “However, if it wasn’t for that moment of envy, I would have never met one of my best friends and closest companions. I went out… to… this mansion north of a place called Camphrier Town and tried to catch the Honedge that would become my Aegislash…” Sam could tell that Skystar was no longer lucid enough to be listening, and with her gentle snoring seeping from the nostrils of her beak, Sam put his head against the back of his seat and let the soft whistles she let out help his eyes close. Dragons lined the walls inside the Ponyville town hall as they stared dutifully at the changelings huddled on the floor in the center of it, and with more of them stationed just outside and along the town, none of them would even think about trying to take the town a second time. One of the changeling commanders was curled up in a fetal position deep in the center of it all. Along with the dozens of changelings surrounding it, his frail position served as a perfect façade to cover its actions. It shot his magic at a circular obsidian disk with a smoothed center in small bursts, nervous that each one would betray its intentions. “Come on, please…” it murmured. “Those blasted apes and their creatures!” Finally it managed to shoot a strong enough burst that allowed the outside of the disk to glow before it covered its surface. The changeling had to stifle its oncoming victorious laugh as it tried to ensure that no one saw what it had done. Curling up more around it, the glow on the flat surface receded back to the sides, unveiling Cocoon’s face, who looked surprised that she was finally able to speak to it. “Commander Capillary!” she bellowed. “Why are you contacting me at–” “My queen,” it hissed, “please, speak quieter! Ponyville has fallen!” “…What?” “The Pillars and their friends received help from these creatures I’ve never seen before, and then an army from the Dragon Lands flanked us on the opposite side!” As their conversation rang out, the changelings around Capillary were happy to crowd themselves further to isolate themselves from him and spare themselves from whatever punishment he was sure to receive. “What creatures?” Cocoon questioned. “How did they even enter Twilight’s castle?” “We’re not certain ourselves, my queen, but the important thing is–’ A pair of feet landed beside Capillary as a crystal staff tapped on the floor to further get its attention. It only had to glance out of the corner of its eye for a second to see that it was Ember. Quickly, it turned back to it, their last moments the most crucial now. “They know Celestia’s been captured they’re on their way to Canter–” Ember swung the staff into the side of Capillary’s head, knocking it out cold, worrying Cocoon on the other line as the dragon picked up the disc. “Capillary, Capillary! Please resp–” Ember took a large bite out of the disk and chewed, removing Cocoon’s image as the link to her through it was destroyed. Spitting the pieces out of her mouth and chucking the disk to the floor, Ember soared to the top level of the town hall, confusing her dragon guards inside. “Ember!” Shale Tail shouted. “What’s going on?!” “The changeling queen’s been tipped off!” Zecora galloped onto the balcony, uncertain of Ember’s commotion. “I have to warn the Pillars and their friends! Zecora, can you hold down the fort while I’m gone?” Whatever the situation, Zecora was quick to realize that time was of the essence and whatever her reason for leaving was an important one. With a nod, she allowed Ember to leave her guards and the changelings in her hooves. Ember quickly walked toward the empty clerk’s office where she found a window she could squeeze through. “Make sure nothing leaves or enters!” “Oh, come on!” The younger red dragon complained. “You’re going to leave a pony in charge of us?!” With her arm wrapped around her staff, Zecora threateningly pointed the end of it at him. “I am the one in charge, as your leader has said, unless you too want a staff swung into your head!” The dragon slunk his neck in fearfully, her point made. He then looked up and away from her toward the sky. “She better be back soon,” he mumbled. Cocoon teleported outside of the palace, the royal guards guarding the doors pointing their spears at her out of shock. Upon seeing her without her disguise, green, fiery rings appeared beneath them and ran up their bodies, transforming them into their original changeling selves. “My queen!” the one on the right spoke. “What has happened?” the other responded right after. Cocoon panted, a cold sweat forming on her face. “The Ponyville faction has been defeated by the Pillars with help from those in the Dragon Lands.” “But… the Ponyville faction had them surrounded. How could–” “Never mind how they could, they already have, and now they’re on their way to Canterlot! Gather the army! We must protect Canterlot or our plan falls to ruin!” “As you wish, my queen!” Both guards bounded up off the ground until they flew higher than the highest point of the highest spire on Celestia’s palace. Charging their horns and tapping them together, their auras glowed stronger before they blasted out a green-ringed pulse that spanned over the entire city, a short, but tangible boom following each ripple. En masse, the awakened well-dressed citizens of Canterlot stepped out of their homes and into the streets to see the signal in the sky. One by one, green flames washed over them and turned them into changelings, many of whom were already wielding spears and shields. As soon as they transformed, they all split up and flew to specific parts of the city to prepare for battle. Many organized lines of changelings flew off to the southern city gates, already landing beside each other to form several tight rows, perching themselves atop the gates, or forming a barrier on both sides of the gates, ensuring that neither of them could get in from any angle. A couple-dozen changeling soldiers stood guard at the train station, ready to intercept them there. However, most filled the edges overlooking the drop over the cliff the city was perched on, giving them a perfect vantage to see everything up above, down below, and all else beyond. There were soldiers for them to form three rows that bordered the entire open side of Canterlot and still leave plenty more to patrol the streets. Cocoon began to calm herself as more changelings positioned themselves to defend their new kingdom from takeover. “Now let’s see how powerful the Pillars really are!” Cocoon cackled as the remainder of her army settled themselves in, the changelings guarding the edges of the city forming a tall, spikey phalanx with their shields and spears, keeping watch over every angle their eyes could see. No matter what the Pillars and their allies would bring, they had to ensure their efforts would be short-lived and unsuccessful. > Chapter 72 – The Memory Armada > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau’s eyes were instantly assaulted by brightness as the ground formed beneath his feet and gravity returned to the space he threw himself in. Soon, so did the colors, vibrant and sunlit ones that only added to his confusion. He found himself standing in the exact same spot on Ten Karat Hill where he attacked Burnet, except that it looked completely untouched by her battle with Kukui and Ilima or Mina and Hapu. “What is this?” Hau breathed heavily, the difference of his surroundings literally clear as night and day. A giggling was heard behind him, and upon turning around, he found Burnet and Kukui standing at the foot of the cavern entrance. With Kukui holding a picnic basket with a red tablecloth draped inside the handles, the husband and wife leaned in and pecked each other on the lips. Hau took particular interest in her necklace, a gold wedding band hanging off of it rather than the obsidian stone. “I’m going to explore around a little,” Burnet told her husband, her voice mysteriously echoed. “You got the picnic portion covered, right?” “What, you don’t think I’ve ever been on a picnic before?” he laughed back, his voice also reverberating. “You can go on ahead, I’ll have everything set up… er, eventually.” Burnet turned around and jogged into the cave, leaving Hau with another weird feeling as though he could feel the distance between them. As he began walking to follow her, Kukui turned around and began walking further north up the crater. Hau approached him, his hand reaching for his shoulder. “Professor Kukui, can you tell me–” To Hau’s strangely muted surprise, Hau’s hand went through Kukui’s shoulder like a hologram, the Pokémon professor not even seeming to acknowledge his existence. Hau felt his skin grow bumps as the icy realization began to hit him. “Is this… one of Burnet’s memories?” As Burnet grew further from him, the tug on Hau’s spirit pulled harder, forcing him to run to the cavern to alleviate this alien feeling. With each turn and forking path inside the cave he took, he used the distance sensation within him to guide him along. Reaching a narrow crevice near the eastern end, the feeling began to completely disappear, and movements could be heard inside of it. Certain that Burnet was inside, he turned sideways and slid himself along, ignoring the intense claustrophobia as his back ran along the rock walls, the other side only an inch or two from his chest and face. Just as he neared the end, he saw Burnet exit the cramped space, stopping still to reach for her Poké Ball. “Reuniclus, Flash!” With her gel-coated Pokémon exiting the ball, its body glowed brightly to illuminate the darkened space around her. Hau squeezed himself out of the crevice just as Hau continued walking about slowly to observe her surroundings. As they ventured further down, Burnet and Reuniclus came to the space’s end, which featured a remarkably smoothed out wall, at least compared to the rest of Ten Karat Hill’s craggy surfaces. Burnet was also attracted to the space, reaching at the wall and stroking it with her hand. “No way this is natural. Someone paved this wall.” At that moment, a glow surrounded her hand beneath her palm, the sight of it making her recoil and hop back. Hau also stared intently at the spot that lit up where Burnet had touched, both of them watching in amazement as a small obsidian rock slid out of the wall where no spot for it had been. Reuniclus fearfully hid behind its trainer as the stone fell from its new hole and hit the floor, where it exuded a black aura covered in a white light. Hau, even with his distance from Burnet and Reuniclus, felt himself stepping away as he realized what this was. “This… this is where Necrozma is buried!” Burnet was intensely fascinated by the rock that fell near her feet, despite every joint and muscle in her body tingling with the warning to keep away from it. Just then, her entire body tensed up as if she felt something small and sharp poke the center of her brain. “.burneT” Unable to tell where this eerie voice was coming from, she shot her glances around the room, her Reuniclus worrying for her sanity. “.do not be afriaid, BurneT !you have discovered this secret room inside this cave, and as such, you have earned something extraordinarY” “No…” Hau shook his head as he approached her. “Burnet, don’t–” His body suddenly collided with an invisible wall made from a hard, soft surface, keeping him separated. As he frantically patted the wall with his hands, the scene before him continued. “Who… are you?” Burnet asked. “.I …am a traveleR, burneT .i have seen so many wonderous things that a human such as yourself couldn’t possibly imaginE” Burnet frowned, not buying what this thing had to offer. “I run a dimensional research lab, pal. I’ve probably seen more cool things than you give me credit for!” There was a pause that left Hau speechless and motionless, his anxiety somehow convincing him that she would refuse Necrozma’s offer this time around. “?oH .it seems I have misjudged you, BurneT .we appear to share more in common than I would have thoughT” “I somehow greatly doubt that.” Burnet turned back to leave, Reuniclus hugging tight to her arm. “Look, I’ve got someone waiting on me, and this is really weirding me out right now, so I’m just going to say goodbye and–” “!i can show you more” Something about the way the voice said that kept Burnet from walking out, leaving Hau in further shock. “Burnet!” he cried, trying to pound his way through to her. “Stop, you can’t do this!” To his added horror, Burnet turned back to face the disembodied stone with a little more intrigue in her grimace. “What exactly do you mean ‘more?’” “.whatever sights you’ve seen, whatever worlds you’ve visited,” it cooed, “I guarantee you that I’ve seen far more than you could imaginE.” Burnet took a step toward it, Hau’s screams completely mute to her. “You’ve actually visited other worlds?” “?and you have noT …hmm .perhaps we share less in common than I thought, but yes, Burnet, I have seen so much beyond your world, and if you’re willing, I can give you a glimpse of what I’ve experienced, and if you’re so willing, the chance to explore worlds that even I have not been able to reacH” “No…” Hau stopped struggling as he could only stay and watch. “This is actually happening…” Burnet’s lips quivered, Necrozma’s hook now lodged into her. “What do I have to do?” “No… this already happened.” “.it’s simplE .all you must do is take the stone at your feet, and I can show you as many wonderous things your heart desireS.” Hau’s chest felt tight as Burnet took one more step toward the rock, Reuniclus tugging her arm and squeaking frightfully. As she slowly bent down, the last of her doubts melting in her mind, Hau threw himself against the barrier one last time. “BURNET, NO!” Burnet pinched the obsidian stone in her fingers and rolled herself up straight. The stone began to vibrate and glow, the energy also vibrating the air around it. As the vibrations spread, working themselves to Burnet’s face and body, she tried to let the stone go, only for her fingers to not obey her. Burnet screamed as the warped air covered her, her voice rupturing as the tremors only became more violent. Upon reaching and enveloping Hau, everything except for himself was ripped and torn apart by an astral flurry of lights, colors, and stars. Burnet looked to her shaking hands, Kukui, Ilima, Hapu, Mina, and Fluttershy aghast at her eyes which flashed about in a strobe from black to white to her normal eyes. Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma roared up into the night as their forms blurred and vibrated. “…whaT” Burnet whimpered as her own hands began to fade and blur in a similar manner. “?!what have you done to mE” Hau was thrown about the spacial typhoon and completely unable to tell what was up, down, or around him. As he screamed for his life, another terrified cry for help was mixed in with his own. As he flipped and spun his way throughout the cosmos, Necrozma showing Burnet in her memories, Hau could only catch glimpses of Burnet as she whizzed past him. “!burneT” Necrozma shouted from the space “!reconcile your memories at once !more enemies approach as we speaK !WE CANNOT LET THEM WIN” Hau’s body began to stabilize as he began to soar straight out through space toward a large ball of light. Shielding his face, his body was suddenly enveloped by its blinding glow and stifling heat. Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s fractured physiques began to glow bright before they exploded out in shards of light that floated skyward, leaving behind their two obsidian Poké Balls that fell to the floor. As well, Burnet’s eyes returned to normal before rolling into the back of her head. With her body swooning, she fell over and crumpled to the ground, her seemingly-lifeless body sprawled out. “Burnet!” Kukui shouted, limping over to his wife and falling down to sit beside her and cradle her in his lap. “Burnet, speak to me!” The others stood where they were, completely unsure what just happened. “Did…” Mina wondered. “Did he do it?” “I don’t know.” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water again. “Why hasn’t he come back yet?” “Guys!” Everyone glanced to the right, seeing as Starlight, her group of Equestrians, and the trainers of Akala Island began pouring out over the eastern edge of Ten Karat Hill’s crater. Along with the three Trial Captains that rode on Discord, Olivia and Kaj flew on the backs of Kreigen and Rông, who was now a Flygon. Starlight set Applejack, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Lady down before she lowered herself to the ground. “Starlight!” Fluttershy galloped to her friend and squeezed her tightly the moment she landed. “I’m so glad to see you!” “It’s good to see you too, Fluttershy.” As Starlight rubbed her back, she looked to where Ilima and the others were standing, immediately feeling something was amiss. “Where’s Sam and Alice? Didn’t you manage to rescue them?” Fluttershy broke down even harder, the others in Starlight’s group dismounting off of Discord and the Pokémon and surrounding her. “What’s going on?” Shining Armor questioned. “What happened with Sam and Alice?” “Burnet took them…” the pegasus blubbered, “and Dexio too! And then she threw them into a wormhole to never be seen again!” Starlight’s body immediately went stiff as the terrible news of her friends sank in. “I was busy helping Hau, Mina, and Hapu escape and I couldn’t do anything! I’m sorry!” Fluttershy sank to the floor and continued wailing as Starlight could only look ahead, her eyes also beginning to fill with tears. Shining Armor let out a weak, shuddering breath as he looked down and away. The five trainers standing together were slow to process their building rage and sadness save for Kaj, who let out several dry sobs as tears began streaming from her eyes. Discord walked past them all and laid down beside Fluttershy, stroking her mane with his lion’s paw. “This not your fault, Fluttershy. You did everything you could to help them.” “But I didn’t!” Fluttershy refused to look up to him from the softness of her arms. “And now they’re gone!” Kaj then spotted the unconscious Burnet as Kukui continued coddling her, her body trembling as her sad frown morphed into a malevolent scowl. “You bitch!” Running past her friends, she charged at Kukui and Burnet and managed to get one good blow to the head with her fist before Ilima could rush in and bear-hug her away before she could deliver another. Resting his wife down at the ground as quickly as she could, Kukui shot up and approached the two as Kaj tried to kick free from Ilima’s grasp. “Hey, HEY! Stop that!” “She killed my friends!” she screamed. “Let me go so I can kick her ass back to life… and then kick her ass back to death when I do!” Taking her focus off the three’s drama, Rarity and Applejack approached the comatose Burnet with more suspicion than hate. “What do you think happened to her?” Rarity asked. Applejack looked around, noting that something else was missing. “Hey, where’s Hau? Isn’t he supposed to be here too?” “He was,” Hapu said, “but he did some Z-Move I’ve never seen before and… he just entered inside her. I literally can’t describe it any better than that!” “Entered inside her? What in Equestria could that possibly mean?” The light around Hau began to fade again, his feet being set on the ground that burned up through the soles of his shoes. It was night once again, but the red glow of fire surrounded the outside of Ten Karat Hill as well as well as beneath him from the cracks of the recently scorched earth. As his vision became clearer, he found himself standing in front of a small army of native warriors armed with wooden shields and taiahas. Joining their sides were Pokémon of various kinds, including Lycanrocs, Alolan Marowaks, Hariyamas, Kommo-o’s, just to name a few. “Wha…” Hau was overwhelmed with confusion. “Is this another memory? But whose?” “Hau!” He looked down to his left to see Marshadow standing beside him and facing the other way, though free from his shadow. “Behind you!” Looking around, the sight he came across was far more troubling. Standing beside and behind a native wearing a thick hood that blocked their face were all three forms of Necrozma: Solgaleo in its Dusk-Mane form, Lunala in its Dawn-Wings form, and the Necrozma from the book Dexio had showed him. Standing in protection of all of them were dozens of humanoid creatures with black, reflective skin like flexible obsidian. What unnerved Hau even more was that along with each of their heads, certain parts of their bodies bore a striking resemblance to that of a Psychic Pokémon. Hau was particularly drawn to two hybrids: one with the head of a Bruxish whose body was covered in small scales and another with the head of a Metang whose arms also shared the likeness of one. “What the hell…” Hau clenched his fists, which couldn’t resist trembling. “Is this like the first Team Prism or something?” The hooded native surrounded by Necrozma’s forms picked its head up, two red gleams shining into Hau’s eyes where its own would be, a piercing sensation pricking into every part of Hau’s body. Burnet’s eyes opened, which now began to glow a similar shade of red. Her head began to rise before the rest of her body was lifted up as if picked up by her head. Kaj stopped fighting Ilima as the two of them were rendered motionless by the unsettling sight. Kukui also turned around to see his wife’s body be pulled up by the forces that be. Hapu, Mina, Applejack, and Rarity stepped backwards, already certain from Burnet’s eyes that something destructive was coming from this. Discord also managed to pick Fluttershy up and step back, the others behind him doing the same. Once the tips of Burnet’s boots came off the ground, the force that lifted her up slowly brought her feet back down, where her legs and upper body managed to keep her standing, though her arms and head were still limp and hanging down. Kukui approached Burnet as she continued standing still, clearly not of her own volition. “Honey?” Along with the hooded leader’s eyes staring right at Hau, the auras of their hybrid army began to flare up from the back all the way to the front, filling them with energy. It was then that each of them slowly turned their heads to Hau and Marshadow, making the two realize that they too could see both of them. “Impossible!” Hau reached for his Ultra Balls, only to find that they, along with the belt that carried them were no longer there. “M– My Pokémon! How am I…” Hau looked ahead again, each one of the hybrids breathing in and letting out a gruesomely loud, horrifically atonal, and materially forceful battle cry right at him. Burnet threw her head back and held her fists by the sides of her waist, letting out a blaring shout that shook the ground beneath everyone’s feet. Along with Hapu’s Dugtrio’s fissure still left from its Earthquake attack, more breaks in the ground began to branch out from where Burnet stood, her body erupting with a dark red aura. “Gyah!” Mallow and the others ran back as far away from the growing and widening cracks as they spread out, threatening to come beneath them. “What’s she doing now?” When the ground stopped breaking apart, bright white light began to spill up from the broken earth, at first being illuminated from the dust that spread up from the ground before the light took on a sentient form and branched off into a dozen beams that landed upon the ground between Burnet and her adversaries. The lights took on a vaguely human shape as the light forming them dimmed down, revealing their true forms of shiny, black-skinned hybrids of several Psychic Pokémon. Burnet began to relax as it stood up straighter and much more deliberately, exhausted from the power she had to exert. Much like the first battle long ago, Necrozma’s army had returned to protect it. Not a single face among the humans or Equestrians was not filled with complete and utter dread. “What,” Flannery exclaimed. “The fuck! Are those!?” Olivia spotted the leather undergarments that covered each hybrid’s privates, sadly the most decent-looking thing about them. “Those are the same kind of loincloths the Alolan natives would wear. Could… could they really be…?” “Necrozma’s ancient army.” Shining Armor grunted in anger. “Look at all their heads! All Psychic-type Pokémon. I guess this was Prism before Prism existed. In that case…” Olivia detached an Ultra Ball from her belt and threw it forward. “Let’s go, Lycanroc!” Olivia’s Midnight-form Lycanroc appeared from its ball, separating the hybrid army from its trainer and her friends. Kaj called Rông back into its ball before pointing her finger forward. “Join her, Kreigen!” With a shrill caw, Kreigen bounded over her and the others and glided down to land beside Olivia’s Lycanroc. At once, Lana, Mallow, and Flannery all threw out an Ultra Ball of their own. “Let’s go, Cloyster!” “Let’s spice things up, Trevenant!” “You’re on, Arcanine!” All three trainers’ balls opened up at once and spilled their energy out to land beside Lycanroc and Kreigen. Coming out from Lana’s ball was a massive clamshell with six spikes protruding out from both sides, opening up to reveal another forward pointing spike and black, spherical face with a devious smile beneath it. The energy from Mallow’s ball formed into a large tree with patches of green sprouting from its wrists and head. Its roots served as its feet and its black spectral body separated the trunk and branches out to allow movement, one separation looking like a jagged-toothed mouth with a single red eye above it. Finally, Flannery’s ball let out a large, red-and-black striped hound with long cream-colored fur growing on its chest, head, wrists, ankles, and tail. Lady ran out to stand between Trevenant and Lycanroc while Comfey unfurled itself from Fluttershy’s neck to take the end beside Cloyster. “Yes,” Starlight cheered on, “you got this, Lady!” “You go too, Comfey…” As brave as she attempted to sound, she her voice trailed off as the hybrids imposed their threatening stares at all the Pokémon facing them. Shining Armor began to charge his horn, only to realize how naked he suddenly felt. “Ugh, of all the times to let Sam and Alice carry that staff…” “Come on, Shining Armor,” Applejack rallied, “we got this! This is no different than when we fought Prism up on the mountain!” “Except for when Prism and their Pokémon are one in the same,” Rarity commented squeamishly. Discord stepped beside the three of them to join them in battle, Kukui and Ilima stepped back so that they could be seen by Hapu and Mina. Beckoning them over with wave of his hand, Hapu and Mina ran back toward Kukui, who knelt down as he began fishing into his pockets. “Here, take some!” He dropped three Max Revives into Ilima’s hand before giving three to Mina and Hapu. “We can’t let them fight this alone.” With the hybrids and the Pokémon set for battle, the hyrbrids all let out a threatening battle cry that was met enthusiastically by the cries and shouts of the Pokémon and Equestrians. At once, the hybrids charged, leading the Pokémon and ponies to run and meet them in the center. Hau was petrified as the hooded leader’s army charged at him and Marshadow, only for the native army and their Pokémon to run out themselves to do battle. Hau backed away, completely unaffected by the remaining warriors and Pokémon that ran right through him. The hybrids and native warriors clashed, their forces equal enough to prevent a retreat on either side. Marshadow stayed close to Hau as they both watched the battle from a safe and observable distance. “Hau, what are you doing?” Hau was confident in his strategy. “Waiting.” “Waiting for what?” A Kadabra hybrid punched its spoon into the face of one of the warriors, throwing him back behind the line and making him drop his taiaha to the ground where he fell unconscious. Hau pointed at the discarded weapon. “That!” Hau reached for the blade, only for it to stay on the ground as his hand went through the handle, unable to grasp it. Hau was beginning to lose his temper, but suddenly thought of something. “Marshadow?” The Pokémon looked up to him. “Necrozma’s able to make its memories real to us. Since we’re the ones in here, do you think we can do the same?” Marshadow looked to the taiaha on the ground, spotting a faint shadow beneath its hilt. “I can try! Hold on, Hau!” Marshadow dove forward as his body stretched out to fit in the sliver of shadow that was available. Just then, the Kadabra hybrid broke through the warriors’ lines and ran at Hau, who looked to see as the weapon began to turn a slight purple. Hau quickly dove for the taiaha, only for his body to be caught with his now magenta-glowing hand just short of the hilt. The kadabra hybrid then pulled Hau off his feet to face it as it squeezed in on its body, constricting him and his arms from any movement. Kadabra’s eyes turned red as they stared into Hau’s. “.foolish boY” As Hau tried to get a single breath in, straining with all his might to do so, the Kadabra hybrid grunted and stumbled back, letting Hau go and dropping him to the floor. Hau got to his hands and knees quickly to see the blade of the Marshadow-possessed taiaha driven deep into the hybrid’s chest. Despite its fatal predicament, the Kadabra quickly recovered and reached for the hilt. “Hau, hurry!” Marshadow’s cry helped spring Hau to his feet as he grabbed the hilt first and pulled away before slashing it again across its stomach. Kadabra fell over and crackled as its body turned completely solid. Hau ignored this as he examined the hilt that he could now carry in his hands. Just then, two more hybrids, one with a Hypno’s head and a large bulky one with an Oranguru’s head, ran at him through the fighting warriors. Hau slashed at the Hypno hybrid, throwing it back, before lunging the tip of the taiaha’s blade at Oranguru, who managed to deftyly catch it. Hau was beginning to catch on, his reaction more reserved. “That’s right, still a Normal-type.” He yanked the sword back as he kicked his foot high, driving the ball of his foot into the Oranguru hybrid’s eye. It dug its hands to its face as the Hypno hybrid ran back in, swinging its pendulum at Hau. He turned around and let the chain wrap around the weapon’s blade as it began to flare up with purple fire, much to its displeasant surprise. Hau swung outward, snapping the chain apart in several places before slashing the blade across Hypno’s face, turning it into a gashed statue. Hau turned back to the Oranguru hybrid, who kept its hand over its left eye as it reached for Hau with the other. Hau stabbed Oranguru in the hand, surprised to hear a sharp searing sound as Oranguru let out another painful roar. Hau jumped onto the hybrid’s stomach to climb up and drive the taiaha into the hybrid’s forehead. As it turned to solid stone, Hau pulled the blade out, crumbling its head apart. Hau then faced the scene of the battle with new confidence, shaking the pieces of the Oranguru hybrid that still clung to the blade. With a shout, he ran in to join the warriors and Pokémon who were still left alive. As the hybrids and the trainers’ Pokémon swung and jabbed at each other, Lady stayed low and observed the commotion going around and above it. Seeing tunnels being made with the legs of the Pokémon and hybrids, Lady quickly leapt and bounded through each open hole as it reached the end, slipping past the hybrids that spotted it and reached down to grab it. Starlight galloped to follow it, seeming to know what it was thinking. Once it reached the end, it sprinted as fast as its legs could carry it until it was a safe distance from the battle while leaving nothing to protect Burnet from its attacks and blocking her from entering the cavern. “Nice one, Lady!” Starlight shouted. “Hit her with Moonblast!” Lady shouted loud as it shot a powerful silvery beam from its mouth at the Prism leader. Burnet quickly detached a Poké Ball from her belt and threw it on the ground in front of her. “Gardevoir, Magical Leaf, now!” Gardevoir appeared from its ball with Necrozma’s aura already flaring on it, winding its arm in and throwing it out to send its concentrated flurry of colorful leaves into Lady’s Moonblast, slicing, destroying, and overpowering the beam as the leaves pushed through to strike Lady hard, throwing it back toward Starlight. Landing on its side, Lady found that it was already too weak to get back up quickly, and with Gardevoir staring intently at it, it was certain it could not escape its next attack. “Gardevoir,” Burnet calmly ordered, “Thunderbolt.” Gardevoir charged up plasma between its two hands as it prepared to shoot it out, Starlight charging her horn to protect her defenseless Pokémon. Without either of them noticing, Kreigen swooped in and lashed Gardevoir in the chest with the ends of its right wing, throwing it to the ground and discharging its lightning attack into the ground to its right. Starlight and Lady looked over to Kaj, who punched the air triumphantly as her Pokémon picked itself back up and flew out of there. “Yes! I gotcha’ covered, Starlight!” Looking into the battle, she then noticed as a Slowbro hybrid’s mouth began to fill with hot air. “Kreigen, look out!” The Slowbro hybrid spat a powerful star-shaped flame from its mouth at the passing Kreigen, hitting it dead center and exploding fire all over its body, sending it plummeting to the ground. “No!” Kaj ran to her Pokémon as the Slowbro hybrid walked over to stand over it. With its mouth filling up with fire once again, it was completely blindsided by Mallow’s Trevenant as it crashed into it from the sides, digging its wooden claws into its skin and pulling energy from it. As the hybrid’s struggling lessened as it grew weaker from the attack, Kaj was able to reach her Skarmory safely, sliding onto her knees and scooping its limp head into her arms. “You did good there, buddy.” Taking out her ball and aiming its center at it, the red beam connected with the Pokémon and brought it back in. “Rest now.” Just as she finished returning Kreigen, a Metang hybrid leapt over the chaos and punched down toward Kaj, who was quick enough to leap back before she could be struck. “A Steel-type now? Perfect.” Putting Kreigen’s ball back onto her belt, she detached another one and threw it forward. “Your turn this time, Rông!” Kaj’s Flygon popped out from the ball and flew low above the ground between its trainer and the hybrid. “Let’s see how they like it!” Kaj threw a pointed finger forward. “Hit that thing with Fire Blast!” Filling its mouth with flame, Rông shot an equally impressive star of fire at the Slowbro hybrid, who continued holding its own against Mallow’s Trevenant. Meanwhile, a Kadabra hybrid threw a perfectly aimed Energy Ball attack at Olivia’s Lycanroc. It howled out in pain before it tumbled painfully to the ground and stayed still. Olivia quickly tore its ball off and aimed it at her fainted Pokémon. “Damn.” With the Kadabra hybrid still approaching, Olivia returned Lycanroc into the ball at the same instant she threw another one out. “Golem, plow your way in with Steamroller!” Her ball opened up and let her round boulder Pokémon land on the ground, where it immediately hopped up and tucked its head and limbs in, spinning rapidly along the ground. With its increased speeds, Golem plowed into the Kadabra hybrid and continued to charge at the other hybrids in its path. Fluttershy and Comfey were both cornered by a Hypno hybrid and a Bruxish hybrid, only for Golem to mow over them, giving Fluttershy room to run and join up with another one of her friends. As Golem got past the wall of hybrids, it brought its body back out upon facing Burnet and Gardevoir, who turned their attention from Starlight and Lady to face it. “That’s it!” Olivia shouted. “Now, hit her hard with Heavy Slam!” Burnet widened her stance as she grabbed another Poké Ball, watching Golem roll out to pick up more speed. “Malamar, Superpower now!” Golem bounced off the protrusion on its back and got air just as Burnet threw her next Poké Ball, letting her Malamar out to soar at Olivia’s Pokémon. With Necrozma’s Aura covering it, Malamar only shot out faster as the top of its head collided with the front of Golem’s, the strength of the hit sending Golem’s head and arms out and flinging it high over the battle and into the eastern crater wall. With Golem no longer of any help to them, Gardevoir and Malamar turned back to Starlight and Lady, who cowered over their imposing strength. “Araquanid, attack Malamar with Leech Life!” Hearing Lana’s voice, both Pokémon and trainers looked back once again as a black spider with green-legs and large blue eyes with bubbles over its knee-joints and head landed on Malamar. Pushing its water bubble back, its fangs managed to pierce outside and into Malamar’s neck, the spot around there glowing green as the Araquanid drained it of energy. “Stop that!” Burnet barked. “Gardevoir, Thunderbolt!” Leaping up over the two of them, Gardevoir attempted to create another band of electricity between its hands. On its way back down, it pulled one arm up and brought the charged plasma up with it before throwing it and the lightning down onto Araquanid. The strike managed to blast Malamar back too, but its damage was nothing compared to Lana’s Pokémon, whose legs could not keep it up before it toppled over and fell to its side. Burnet could no longer trust to look back to Starlight and Lady, looking out at any trainers that would try and ambush her and her Pokémon again. “Anybody else?! Anyone else want to come to Starlight’s–” “Extremespeed!” Before Burnet could process Flannery’s voice, her Arcanine appeared right beside Gardevoir and slammed its forehead into the side of its own, sending it to the west side of the crater. “Comfey, Play Rough!” Malamar looked nervously around for Fluttershy’s Pokémon, only to feel a vine wrap around its neck and grip on tightly. Comfey strained to lift the large squid-creature off the ground, but with a tremendous shout, it mustered the strength to carry it up, swing it over its body, and slam its back into the ground, a small flurry of bright stars getting blown out from beneath it. Flannery and Fluttershy ran out past the hybrid battle, the former tossing a Hyper Potion over to Starlight. “Catch!” Starlight caught the bottle in her magic as Flannery and Fluttershy took her side and their Pokémon returned to them. With a quick spray down of the Hyper Potion, Lady was restored back to full health and jumped to stand in between Arcanine and Comfey, Gardevoir and Malamar getting back up to stand before Burnet. “I don’t need to remind Fluttershy how hard of a time her friends had against my Pokémon,” she said. “Maybe you’ll fare better, but I doubt it. Gardevoir, Malamar, attack them with Magical Leaf and Rock Slide!” With a swing of their arms, Gardevoir let fly a wave of colored leaves as Malamar blasted several rocks up from the ground to hit the three Pokémon before them. “Arcanine,” Flannery yelled, “block the attack with Fire Blast!” “You too, Lady!” Starlight added. “Use Shadow Ball!” With her two friends energized and engrossed in the battle, Fluttershy gained new courage to join them. “Comfey, use Petal Blizzard!” Arcanine shot its massive star-shaped fire out at between Burnet’s Pokémon. Lady’s dark-purple orb rocketed past it and at Gardevoir, while Comfey’s twister of leaves blew through the Fire Blast attack, setting them alight and destroying each colored leaf that collided into it. The ones that got through joined the Fire Blast and hit both Malamar and Gardevoir. Applejack and Rarity bucked and punched at several hybrids attempting to surround them. While they were able to keep them at bay, their attacks didn’t seem to physically harm them at all. While the two ponies panted as they started getting exhausted, the hybrids kept coming in like they had just arrived. “These fellers can really take a hit, can’t they?” Applejack huffed indignantly. “I don’t claim to be the Pokémon expert here–” Rarity roundhouse kicked an Oranguru hybrid further back before punching a Kadabra hybrid away as it reached at her. “–but aren’t Fighting-types weak against Psychic-types?” At that moment, a Pa’u-style Oricorio hybrid was flung off the ground, Applejack and Rarity spinning around to see Shining Armor there carrying a brown-wooden spear with a dull-grey head. He then swung the staff so that the lanky Espeon hybrid now to his left took the blade of the spear right in the face, throwing it to the side further to allow Shining Armor to step in. “Shining Armor!” Applejack and Rarity got close to him as the four hybrids surrounded them once again. “Boy howdy, are we glad to see you!” “And wherever did you get the spear?” Rarity questioned. “Dun’t vwurry abuht it! Jist hilp cvver me!” Shining Armor jabbed the spear forward at the Oricorio hybrid, only for it to side step and kick the spear away into the hand of the Espeon hybrid, who now sported a deep, bloodless gash across its face. Shining Armor gasped as the hybrid channeled its psychic energy into the staff, which began to wiggle about uncontrollably as four limbs and a red tail grew out from it. With a strained grunt ending with a sharp, painful yelp, the spear expanded out until it quickly formed into Discord, who writhed along the ground as his body twitched and spasmed, the hybrids taking a step back at the sudden appearance of the draconequus. “Gyah!” he screamed. “You just had to walk right into that, didn't you BBBFF!?” “Discord?!” Rarity exclaimed. “When did you get your magic back?!” “Its been coming back in small doses, but doesn’t do me much good when you’re pushed right into a Psychic-type's hands!” Discord stood up as he and his other three friends faced one of the four hybrids that slowly began to close back in on them. Right as the Espeon grunt reached for Discord, it was struck in the back by a white, powdery cloud that produced an audible crack as it hit, throwing it face first to the ground at his feet. The four Equestrians and the hybrids turned around as three more Pokémon rushed in to attack. Hapu’s Flygon hit the Oricorio hybrid with a Stone Edge attack that sent it skyward. “Guys! Behind us, quick!” On Hapu’s command, Discord and the three ponies ran behind her and friends along with her Pokémon as Kukui and Ilima stepped forth to attack the two hybrids there left standing. “Gumshoos,” Ilima commanded, “Super Fang on the Oranguru!” Kukui threw his pointed finger out. “Lycanroc, attack the Kadabra thing with Crunch!” Both Pokémon shot around the Stone Edge Pillar, taking the two hybrids by surprise as they leapt onto them and clamped down their powerful fangs on their chests and throats, sending them to the ground. Gumshoos and Lycanroc quickly hopped back off to return to Ilima and Kukui, creating a formidable wall between the Equestrians and the hybrids. “Sorry for the delay guys,” Mina said, her Ribombee flying close beside her, “but our Pokémon weren’t exactly in the fighting spirit after our battle with Burnet.” “That’s fine,” Applejack assured them. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters!” As the four hybrids worked themselves up to their feet, the humans, Equestrians, and Pokémon all readied themselves for what would surely be an easy battle for them. The Oricorio hybrid stepped forward to attack first, only for the air around it to begin sparkling with blue electricity. The hybrid was too baffled to move as the light condensed into a single shape, producing a flash of light. As the light died down, Applejack and her friends removed their arms from their eyes, seeing Zeraora’s back and its right arm hugged across its chest. As more sparks filled random spots in the air, their eyes were then suddenly drawn to the Oricorio hybrid tipping over and rolling down onto its side, three deep slashes dug across its chest. Meanwhile, Burnet threw her arm forward at Arcanine, Lady, and Comfey’s direction. “Malamar, attack with with Rock Sli–” Her voice was caught by an intolerable tightness in her chest, shocking her to the point of falling on her knees. Gardevoir and Malamar looked back to her as well, concerned for their trainer’s health. Glancing to her left, Burnet’s eyes seemed to pull her head right in the direction of the slain Oricorio hybrid, feeling its body turn to inflexible stone as she found difficulty in moving herself. “What just happened?” Flannery asked in a hushed tone. Hau clashed against an Espeon hybrid, which caught his taiaha in its psychic grasp. Hau jumped forward and kicked the hybrid away in the gut just as the air around him began to vibrate once again and got the people, hybrids, and Pokémon around him to freeze. As the space began to settle down and time began to flow into a normal speed, Hau noticed as the Oricorio hybrid that had stood in front of a defeated native warrior and their Kommo-o had faded away from exisitence with the vibrations. “Did they manage to kill one up there?” Hau wondered, completely oblivious to the Metang hybrid running at him at a progressively faster rate. “Hau!” With Marshadow’s call, Hau realized the was hybrid coming, leaping and flipping backward to avoid its swinging metallic claw. Continuing its approach, the hybrid went in to punch, which Hau pushed back against with the side of his taiaha. As the remaining features of the destroyed Oricorio hybrid became less defined, Zeraora rolled its head up to the other three hybrids facing it, Kukui, Shining Armor, and everyone else completely dumbfounded over this new Pokémon coming to their rescue. “Yoo hoo!” Pinkie Pie’s voice echoed from the top of the crater. “We made it!” Everyone and every Pokémon inside the crater stopped their battling to look up and see Luna, Pinkie Pie, Thorax, Trixie, and the Ula’ula trainers spill down from the canyon. As Pinkie Pie and Trixie dismounted Luna and Thorax upon getting to the ground, Acerola, Guzma, Molayne, and Nanu were let go by Acerola’s Drifblim being guided by Nanu’s Honchkrow and a Crobat. Plumeria, Sophocles, and Kahili were lowered down by a Skarmory, a full-bodied black and sand-brown-colored vulture, and a large toucan Pokémon with yellow cheeks and a big black-tipped beak whose stripes faded from red to yellow going in. Once Kahili was let off, she pulled out two Ultra Balls from her belt and brought her Skarmory and toucan back into them, her vulture hovering right above her. As Plumeria brought her Crobat into its ball, Nanu and Acerola called back their Pokémon as well. With the arrival of even more trainers, the remaining hybrids backed away from the Akala and Melemele trainers and Equestrians and stayed close to Burnet and her Pokémon as she picked herself back up. Everyone used the opportunity to rush over to Flannery, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon and formed a wider and longer barrier to her escape. As the hybrids continued forming a tighter wall in front of Burnet, she massaged the area over her heart with her thumb, still feeling the strain of the pull on the muscles there. “Those damn kids…” “.you best not let any more of my army falL” Necrozma warned inside her head. “!my power is directly linked with them, and if they are killed, I shall bee toO” “Hau is still inside me!” She was now clutching her chest purely out of anger. “You should just focus on killing him first! I’ll deal with the kids and the Equestrians!” Feeling Necrozma’s nagging presence finally begin to leave her, Burnet finally got the strength to stand straighter. As Hau continued fighting against the hybrids, an alarming number of the warriors and their Pokémon fell to their might, forcing Hau to retreat as more of his enemies were free once again to attack him. By the time the last warrior and Pokémon fell, Hau took several paces backward as he faced the remaining hybrids left, six in total. With his situation now hopeless, the hybrids smiled confidently and sinisterly as they slowly approached the cornered Kahuna. At that moment, they stopped their advance and looked up to see four Pokémon and their trainers sliding, running, or gliding down the inside the crater. Along with a Vikavolt and a Salazzle, there appeared to be a large rodent with light-blue fur and thick icy spines covering its back, along with an anthropomorphic palm-tree with an extremely long neck and three coconuts for heads facing forwards, left, and right. They landed upon the ground in front of Hau and formed a line. Hau was immediately drawn to their bodies, which were painted in differing colors and differing styles. Standing behind the Vikavolt was a young native in his twenties with short messy hair and green paint covering his body. Behind the Salazzle was a woman twice his age with wrinkles already on her red-painted skin and white hair. Standing by the icy rodent was a younger woman with medium-length brushed black hair, whose markings were colored white. Finally, the tree Pokémon’s trainer was a man in his thirties, his chiseled physique outlined by the royal-blue markings on his body. It wasn’t until they saw the Z-Rings on their wrists that Hau realized who they were. “Oh my god… these are the ancient Kahunas!” Brandishing a taiaha of their own, these ones longer and carved more intricately, the four Kahaunas widened their stances beside their Pokémon, who also readied themselves to fight and protect Alola. Hau, emboldened, though conscious that they could not see him, stood alongside the Salazzle’s Kahuna and the rodent’s Kahuna. As he tightened the grip of his weapon, the hybrids snarled at him, ready to take him out at all costs. “Starlight!” Pinkie Pie galloped over to the unicorn and gave her a hug, Starlight already trying to push her off. “Hey, aren’t Sam and Alice supposed to be here?” “Pinkie,” she groaned, “we don’t any time to waste! We have to end this now!” The Melemele and Akala trainers and their Pokémon began to part the way for the Ula’ula trainers and their group of Equestrians, many of whom already brandished their Poké Balls. Acerola and Guzma threw out their Ultra Balls first. “Go, Sableye!” “Let’s do this, Golisopod!” Both of their balls opened up, their ghastly gem-studded imp and gargantuan insect taking the front lines. Nanu lobbed his Ultra Ball out next. “Go, Persian!” Nanu’s large cat joined Golisopod’s side upon appearing from its ball. Plumeria and Sophocles detached a ball from their belts next and tossed them outside the three Pokémon already gathered there. “You’re on, Gengar!” “Let’s go, Togedemaru!” Along with Sophocles’s round, spiked rodent, joining the other Pokémon was a rotund Pokémon with long, pointed ears and hardly any head or waist to speak of who stared at the hybrids with its bright red eyes and wide, devious smile. Finally, Molayne tossed an Ultra Ball out as Kahili pointed out. “Go, Magnezone!” “You’re already up, Mandibuzz, so let’s go!” As Molayne’s Magnezone floated up above the line, Kahili’s Mandibuzz flew out to join it, staring down at its foes ahead. After applying a Max Revive to their own Ultra Balls, Lana and Mallow threw them back in. “Let’s go, Araquanid!” “You got it this time, Trevenant!” Their bubble-headed spider and haunted tree were let off by the energy of their Ultra Balls to join Togedemaru and Golisopod. Lady and Comfey then came in to join the line, followed by Ilima’s Gumshoos, Kukui’s Lycanroc, Mina’s Ribombee, Hapu’s Flygon, Flannery’s Arcanine, Kaj’s Flygon, and Olivia’s Golem. Finally, the Equestrians all gathered right behind them, forming a tighter scrum that would support their friends’ Pokémon from the back. Shuddering at the might and palpable determination that her foes radiated, she grabbed her other two Poke Balls and threw them out beside Gardevoir and Malamar. “Xatu, Reuniclus,” she demanded, “protect me!” With her tribal bird and her gel-covered sprite joining her other two Pokémon and the remaining hybrids ready to take the first round of hits, she was ready to face the others. “You’ve already done enough damage to our worlds!” Luna declared. “We won’t allow you to do anymore!” “That’s fine. I love a good challenge!” Throwing her arms out, Necrozma’s aura flared over all four of her Pokémon as well as the hybrids, all of them shouting out into the sky to create a grueling, frightening shriek. The ancient Kahunas and their Pokémon let out a battle cry as they began the charge, Hau and Marshadow joining in their shouts as they ran forward too. With a pointed finger that produced a strong puff of wind, the hybrids ran at Hau, keeping their eyes on the Kahunas and Pokémon that would reach them first. “Pokémon!” Kukui shouted. “Attack!” With their own discordant screams, the Pokémon ran out at the hybrids, who also broke into a run, shooting dirt and rock behind them as their feet dug into the ground with each step. With the space left between them, the Equestrians then ran or flew out to join the battle, crying out for glory and hopeful victory. With the suspense filling the air, it felt like an eternity before the first line of Pokémon and hybrids finally clashed. > Chapter 73 – Ride to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canterlot-bound train rolled peacefully alongside the mountains as it began to climb upwards. With the soft breeze running against the train and blowing comfortably into Boyle’s plumage, it was almost as if there was no trouble ahead to think of. Inside the first boxcar, Dexio sat atop one of the crates, his leg comfortably wrapped over the other as his sleepy head bobbed up and down with each slight bounce and tilt in the car, which only served to rock him further into slumber. Just then, he heard a set of hard feet hit the ground, which woke him up immediately and brought him to taking a Poké Ball from his belt, which he threw to the floor beside him. “Alakazam!” Just as his Pokémon formed from the energy of its ball, a voice began shouting to him through the ceiling. “Don’t attack me, you moron! It’s me!” Dexio and Alakazam were eased enough to calm their tensed muscles, but still felt uneasy about who they heard on the other side. “Ember? What are you doing here?” “You guys got tipped off! The changeling queen knows you’re coming!” “What?” “What do you think I am, a parrot?!” “Hey!” Boyle shouted from the engine. “Sorry.” She then looked back at the floor of the roof. “But yeah, you guys need to get ready, or they’re going to flank you like no other!” “I, uh… thanks!” Dexio ran to the door leading to the next car up. Ember flew to the passenger car against the wind and landed just as hard at the front of it, stomping her feet down the length of the roof. “Hey, wakey wakey! Get ready for a battle, everyone!” Inside, everyone began to stir awake, only to be alerted into full consciousness upon Dexio entering the back of the car with his Alakazam. Skystar scrambled off of Sam and Capper as she backed up down the aisle, frightened by the sudden commotion she was just woken up to. “Ahhh…” Alice straightened her glasses. “What’s going on?” Ember kicked the front door in, and if anyone inside had still been half-asleep, they weren’t any longer. “How many times do I have to keep telling you guys?! Your train. Is under. Attack. Get ready. NOW!” “A changeling told their queen we were on our way,” Dexio explained, suddenly looking suspiciously at Ember. “Of course, one reason you’re telling us this is–” Alakazam crossed his spoons together, covering Ember in a magenta glow that froze her instantly. After only a second, it relinquished its hold and let her catch herself, panting out of shock. “Did…” Ember’s rage began to build. “Did you seriously just–” “I had to be sure,” he curtly explained, “but now I am. I’m sorry for doing that, but we can no longer be too careful.” Ember settled down, understanding his reasoning. “Fair enough. Look, you guys are going to be reaching Canterlot soon, and if you’re not ready for them, the changelings are going to blow this train to smithereens along with all of you!” “Right then.” Sam grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder before taking a Poké Ball from his belt. “Who’s joining me on the roof again?” “Count me in!” Celaeno drew her new swords eagerly, Mullet and Squabble just barely dodging them. “Alright, anyone who’s joining me, follow me.” Sam walked to the back door, Dexio and Alakazam quickly teleporting away to give him room to reach the door. Going outside, Sam let his Aegislash out from its ball and allowed it to wrap one of its cloth arms around his. Then with a throw up of his arm, Aegislash slung itself and Sam up between the gaps of both cars, Sam landing with his feet on either one, Dexio and Alakazam already standing on the center of the boxcar’s roof. As Alice exited the car next, her spear in hand, Aegislash uncoiled its arm from Sam’s and handed it its shield to him. Sam then grabbed Aegislash by the end of its cloth arm while it reached down with its free arm, Alice grabbing it immediately. Lifting itself up, Aegislash pulled Alice up onto the roof through the gaps. With Celaeno coming out the door next, Alice backed away to give her space to come in too. Repeating the same process, Sam and Aegislash brought Celaeno atop the train to join her other human and Pokémon friends. They all then watched as Ember, Somnambula, Flash Magnus, and Skystar leapt out over the drop to the left from the front of the first car, letting the stream of air passing around the train’s engine along with its momentum to carry them up on their wings to the cars further down. Flash Magnus and Ember took the rear boxcar while Somnambula and Skystar took the next one down. With Dexio already standing on the first boxcar, Alice hopped over to the other side to join him, leaving Sam and Celaeno to take the top of the passenger car. The rest of the Equestrians walked out of the back of the passenger car and into the boxcars. Sam and the others atop the train could only keep their eyes forward, watching out for any low tunnels, bridges, or changelings that could come at them from nearly any angle. Aegislash returned to Sam’s arm, prompting Celaeno to brandish her swords and Alice to ready her own weapon. At the same time, she took a Poké Ball off her belt with her free hand and held it to her left. “Alright, Raichu, it’s on!” Raichu appeared from its ball and squeaked unprepared as it suddenly found itself having to fly alongside the train, but once it got its footing and its speed down, Raichu looked incredibly glad to be out. Dexio also seemed to get an idea, returning Alakazam into its ball and sending another out. The ball opened up, the energy from it forming into his own Raichu, who like Alice’s, was shocked by the train passing over it before it flew alongside him. Alice forced a smile back at him. “You couldn’t have chosen a different Pokémon from me?” “Trust me on this,” Dexio assured her. “Raichu, Light Screen!” With a squeeze of the muscles in its body, a fountain of translucent luminescence began to expand out from around it and form around the train and its inhabitants, shaping itself until it formed a wall that curved around each end of the train and rose at least ten feet up before curving around and forming a ceiling. As the train passed through a tunnel, the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians atop it ducked as the barrier lowered itself to squeeze inside. Upon exiting, the barrier rose back to its original height, also beginning to become more transparent before it turned completely invisible. Alice nodded at what Dexio had done, understanding his strategy completely. As the train rounded the turn around another mountain, those on the train got down low again to keep from sliding off. Upon looking up, they spotted the western edge of Canterlot further away and above. Sam and Alice frowned with determination. If they could notice the new changeling stronghold, chances are they would notice them too. Cocoon looked through a spyglass, her eye drawn to the headlight at the front of the train. She spotted Sam, Alice, Dexio, and their Pokémon atop the cars with the other Equestrians, and though their features were less definable by the distance her sights still had, she could already sense the alien threat they posed to her. “Those must be what Capillary warned me of.” Handing the spyglass to one of her armored commanders, she turned to face him. “Send out the first wave. Ensure they do not come any closer.” “Yes, my queen!” it replied with a salute. It then flew out over the balcony’s edge, the changelings perched along the outer edge of the city turning to face him. “First wave! Ready!” At once, the front line of changelings stood with half of their front hooves hovering over the tall drop. Then, the commander dipped down over the edge and dove straight down. “And fly!” With a shrill hissing shout, the front line of changelings dove down, pulling up and spreading out upon reaching the same level as where they would expect to meet the train. With their black bodies and black armor disguised by the nighttime darkness, no one on the train would be able to see them coming. Inside the darkness of the middle boxcar, Capper stared out at the small gap between the wall and the door that gave him, Mullet, Mistmane, and Squabble only a sparse amount of light. “Not one to complain, but this was a lot less scary when we all hid inside of a cake.” Mullet and Squabble chuckled at the fond memory, sharing the cat’s sentiments. Inside the rear car, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Mage Meadowbrook, and Spittle stood patiently and still, awaiting the very moment that they would be able to attack. In the front boxcar, Starswirl, Stygian, and Rockhoof also anticipated the oncoming onslaught with stoic reserve. Atop their boxcar, Alice looked out along the yonder, the otherwise silent air filling her with unease. “Hey, Raichu, fire a Thunderbolt out over there!” Her Pokémon turned and faced the open side where there appeared to be nothing. Charging its cheeks and sending the sparks down to its arms, it threw them up into the sky before they came back down as a stronger bolt, striking the ground far below. With the crack of light that resulted, those atop the train were stunned stiff to see the changeling soldiers only a few hundred yards away. Though the lightning had managed to strike a couple of them, far more came directly at them, and it would only be a few moments before they arrived. “Shit!” Dexio gasped. “Starswirl! Now!” On his command, Starswirl lowered the doors of the boxcars down before tearing them off their hinges. Rockhoof readied his trusty shovel while Stygian charged his horn, backing up to the right side of the car. Capper, his bow in his paw and a large horn filled with arrows strapped around his back, pulled one arrow out and quickly took aim, Mistmane shooting a small hot spark in preparation to provide her ally with ignition. Finally, Fizzlepop and Spittle stood at the edge of their exit, ready to hold back any changelings that would dare come to them. Only a hundred yards and at most a couple of seconds away, the changelings refused to let up. “NOW!” Starswirl bellowed. Mistmane lit Capper’s first arrow as Starswirl flung all three boxcar doors at the changelings, already knocking many of them back hard and sending them plummeting to the ground. Capper shot his arrow straight and true at his boxcar’s door, the head hitting the center and exploding, breaking the door apart and sending dozens of pieces of debris flying out into more changelings that were fortunate to have avoided the first attack. Aegislash blocked Sam from a few stray pieces that flew at his and Celaeno’s car, where they bounced harmlessly of its shield. “Nice one, Capper.” Several changelings began to come in from above and dive down toward their car. Flashing green, their bodies then began to morph into the Equestrians atop the cars, ready to land and confuse their opponents. Alice chuckled, the transformed soldiers’ unpleasant surprise about to come to light. “Knock yourselves out.” Two Celaeno-turned changelings fell through Dexio’s Raichu’s Light Screen, virtually shaving their disguises off as they awkwardly landed on their back hooves, quickly realizing that they had transformed back into their original changeling selves once again. “Aegislash, Sacred Sword!” On Sam’s call, Aegislash’s sword glowed blue before they both swung the blade hard at the closest changeling to it. The changeling was shot off the train as if it were blasted out of a canon, the other approaching soldiers barely dodging it as it zipped past. Celaeno swung at the other changeling with both her swords, only for it to summersault underneath her slashes and bite down on its discarded spear, rolling over to face her in a duel, keeping its eyes on Sam and Aegislash as well. Sam ran at the changeling first, only for it to pull its spear back and force Aegislash to deflect it with its shield. With his vision now blocked, the changeling swept the back of the spear into the back of Sam’s legs, about to trip him onto his back. Aegislash helped keep him up long enough to follow through with his flip and land back on his feet. Celaeno came at the changeling with her left sword, which was deflected by the side of the changling’s weapon. With her other sword, Celaeno swung down and sliced the head of the spear clean off, leaving the soldier with a useless staff. Celaeno kicked the changeling upside the chest with her crystal peg leg, sending it back to Sam for Aegislash to knock off the side. The two nodded over their teamwork before two more changelings, who didn’t even bother transforming, came down with their spears in their mouths. Sam and Celaeno wound their arms back, ready for the next batch. A Skystar-turned changeling and two Somnambula-turned changelings landed on the center boxcar, their disabled magic causing them to drop the spears that they had brought with. They were all too distracted by the forced removal of their disguises to notice their weapons sliding off and falling into the ravine, which only served to amuse Skystar and Somnambula greatly. Skystar leapt at the nearest one, grabbing it by its tail and spinning herself around to swing it into the next-closest soldier, knocking both out. Somnambula jerked her head to right to avoid the last one’s jab with its spear. With another attempt to gore her, Somnambula moved her head to the left before putting her right arm over the staff with her left back hoof pressed against it further down. With a push of her leg and a pull of her arm, Somnambula leapt up and flung the changeling into the rock wall, throwing it well behind the train with injuries that it could no longer fight on. “Oooh!” Skystar giggled. “That was buh-rutal!” As four more changelings landed on either side of them, Skystar and Somnambula backed away to get a better visual. “I never imagined you as the sadist!” Somnambula kept her eyes only on the two changelings in front of her. “I’ll be anything I need to be to save my home!” she replied, a rare serious inflection in her voice. “Fine with me!” The two charged at their targets at once. Ember shouted out as she lunged where an Ember-turned changeling and a Flash Magnus-turned changeling would land. Before the now-re-transformed changeling could even get its hooves onto the ground, Ember jabbed the tip of her staff into its body, sending it flying back to Flash Magnus to swing his shield into to throw it off the edge. The other changeling had just noticed what had happened to its disguise before Flash Magnus slammed the edge of his shield down onto its head, knocking it out cold. Scooping the end of her staff under its body, Ember flung it off to join its fallen comrade just as three more changelings with her and Flash Magnus’s likeness descended down, soon to suffer the same fate. The changelings that flew alongside the train fired their magical beams at the train cars, only for each one to dissipate the moment it hit Dexio’s Raichu’s barrier. Those that tried attacking the Equestrians inside the boxcars only had the narrow openings to go through. Those that made it in were promptly swatted out by Rockhoof’s shovel, blasted out by Starswirl, Stygian, Mistmane and Fizzlepop’s magic, or beaten to a pulp and thrown out by either Mullet, Spittle, Squabble, and Mage Meadowbrook. Along with Capper’s arrows exploding in the air, each one felling at least two changelings, Alice and Dexio’s Raichu’s shot Thunderbolt after Psychic attack out at the changelings that came close to their car, leaving the ones that tried to enter inside below to be dealt with by Starswirl, Stygian, and Rockhoof. Alice and Dexio could only look over as Sam and Celaeno, Skystar and Somnambula, and Ember and Flash Magnus all defeated the depowered changelings infiltrating the cars on top with relative ease. Alice sighed ruefully. “Jeez, I kind of feel bad for just standing here.” “Don’t be!” Dexio shouted back. “If we keep this up, we’ll make it to Canterlot with hardly a scratch on us!” “Yeah, that’s cool and all, but… I really wanted to use my new staff!” “You’ll have plenty of opportunity when we get there! Just keep your guard up in case you have to use it anytime before!” “Roger! Raichu, another Thunderbolt, now!” Her Pokémon let out another stream of lightning from its arms, striking a changeling and bouncing it off into another. In Canterlot, Cocoon’s lip quivered as she watched her changeling forces be repelled back like they were a bunch of rookie cadets. “Unbelievable! No wonder my forces in Ponyville fell so easily!” “What should we do next?” another of her commanders asked her. Folding her spyglass back in, she tossed it to the ground, her body trembling with rage. “Send the second and the third waves out immediately! Engage them with full force!” “But my queen, those are our remaining aerial forces!” “Then ensure that they stop that train from reaching the city! And I said immediately!!” The commander was taken aback by her sudden burst in volume, but with the clock ticking and the train coming in ever nearer, he withheld his objections. “Yes, my queen.” Without further delay he flew out to face the two remaining lines of changelings waiting to head out. “Second and third waves! Ready!” The changelings shared a glance with each other before the second line approached the edge of the city, ready to depart on the commander’s word. “And fly!” With the commander flying down, the second line of changeling soldiers all dove down with him. With a few seconds between them, the third line stepped forward before leaping forward to join the rest. Cocoon looked out more comfortably as her legion scattered out, forming a large black cloud that rapidly floated toward the train. With the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians still making great progress against Cocoon’s first wave, the changelings began to retreat altogether, merely floating beside the cars and watching their enemies’ movements. Those atop the train were finally given a moment to breathe, watching with smiling faces as the changelings continued to keep their distance. “Is that the best you’ve got?!” Flash Magnus shouted at them before erupting into a short, victorious whoop of a laugh. The first wave’s commander parted through to the front, a spear held in its magic grasp. Throwing it forward, it flew fast and straight before striking the outer side of the roof of Ember and Flash Magnus’s car. “Hey, you missed, you dumb insect!” Ember called out. Dexio, however, was already beginning to realize what the commander was about realize. “No, he hit exactly where he needed to.” With a smirk, the changeling glanced left and right to any soldiers near it. “Soldiers! Prepare to ram!” Alice and Dexio began to seize up as a dozen of the changelings standing by formed a tight formation around their leader, appearing like a large black honeycomb. “Raichu!” Dexio shouted. “Psychic!” “Soldiers!” Several more changelings began to fly at Dexio and Alice’s car in a similar formation just as his Raichu began to channel its energy to attack. The first formation flew as hard as they could as Raichu’s Psychic energy began to push them back. The commander’s formation then began to rocket out, all of the horns of each changeling inside glowing to form a single, nearly solid green shield spell. Capper quickly drew another lit arrow and fired, striking their shield along the side. To his horror, the blast and the flames did nothing to stop their charge as they prepared to push through the first formation. “Dexio, leave the others to me!” Dexio followed Alice’s instruction and sent the first formation up and away, allowing her to see the commander’s formation headed right at her. “Raichu, you use Psychic now!” Raichu began to charge its body up as the changeling formation grew near, reaching a speed that Raichu’s nervous scowl told itself that it could not stop. With an anguished shout, Raichu covered Alice and Dexio in its aura and threw its trainer to Sam and Celaeno and Dexio over to Skystar and Somnambula. Alice could only sit herself up fast enough to see her Raichu as well as Dexio’s get slammed by the changeling formation and thrown into the rock wall, blasting bits of it out into the sides of the cars. “Raichu!” they both screamed. With the center of the train tipping in as a result, Boyle threw the acceleration to force it back onto the tracks, leaving barely enough time for Ember and Flash Magnus to retrieve them from the walls they were embedded in. Alice and Dexio managed to return their Raichus back into their balls before giving Ember and Flash Magnus a thankful nod. The changeling formation had already broken up and returned to the ranks of the remains of the first wave. At that moment, a buzzing could be heard in the distance. The changelings looked back and grinned as the sky behind them was blotted out by the appearance of the second and third waves. Everyone on the train stood fearfully as the cloud of changeling soldiers approaching them grew louder and more deafening. “Oh…” Alice felt the grip on her spear weaken. “Shit!” “Changelings!” the second commander shouted as his massive legion prepared themselves. “Attack!” From the train, the humans and Equestrians saw as the black cloud turned green, the bright glow spreading around it with the charge of each changelings horn. Then came the flashes as each beam was launched out at the train. Stepping onto the edge of the upper corner of the second boxcar, Dexio noticed as Starswirl’s magic began to charge up on his horn to his right. “Save your energy! The Light Screen should still protect us!” “And what of the ones that miss us from above?” Starswirl shouted back. “Leave those to me!” He then detached a ball from his belt and gently lobbed it behind him. “Metagross, protect the top! Dexio’s metal disk Pokémon appeared from his ball and floated above his head, reaching its four arms out to the side as a magenta aura formed atop its flat head. The aura quickly raced out to form a second roof above the train just as the first changeling’s beams struck. Everyone atop a car or inside one instinctively shielded themselves from the oncoming blasts, only to be met with loud warping sounds as each beam pelted the Light Screen like sideward rain before disappearing from existence. With the beams that struck above the train, they dislodged and exploded the rock from the cliff walls that were blasted out over the drop or fell down. Those atop the train looked up in amazement as Metagross’s shield caught the pieces of rock that would otherwise land on top of them. Celaeno smirked as she put a fist to her waist, also watching the rocks gather safely above them. “Sheesh, what can’t you humans do?” A few stray beams struck the cliff below the tracks, though they barely did anything to compromise the structure keeping the train up. With the second and third waves of changelings gathering together with the remains of the first wave, they awaited for the remainder of their beams to finish striking. Once they did, they were all horrified to see no difference in their efforts save for the new Pokémon and the rocks it caught. Alice reached for her belt and threw it out at the changelings before her. “Noivern, get them with Hurricane!” Alice’s black wyvern emerged outside of the Light Screen, the appearance of which delighted Ember incredibly. “Whoa, you’ve been holding that out on us this whole time?” Throwing both wings back as far as its joints could allow, it threw them forward to create a massive whirlwind that blew into the changeling horde and began to whip them about in a twister, its gales pulling more helpless soldiers in as they bounced off each other inside. Looking up at the rocks, Sam chuckled at the idea he got, pulling off a Poké Ball of his own and tossing it upward. “Archen, use Ancient Power in the direction of the Hurricane attack!” Upon his ball opening up, Archen flew out of the energy it formed from and rose directly above Noivern. With a throw up of its wings, each single stone atop Metagross’s barrier rose up to its level, nearly every wing of each changeling in the front of the cloud shutting down in fear of what was about to come. Archen then flapped its wings forward, shooting the rocks out as they converged where Noivern’s tornado was still blowing. Once the rocks entered inside the twister, they were slingshotted in multiple directions, pounding into the changelings still trapped inside while fragging dozens of them around it. Starswirl and Fizzlepop charged their horns and formed two flat barriers against each others that covered the train inside the Light Screen, blocking any rocks that made their way back into them. Once the pings and tings of the rocks hitting her barrier died down, Fizzlepop stopped her spell along with her mentor. “Hey Sam! How’s about a strategy that doesn’t involve killing us?!” With the need for the extra roof no longer needed Metagross floated out beside its trainer, ready to do some good itself. “Alright, Metagross,” Dexio said, “ready for the greatest Meteor Mash of your life?” With a metallic roar, it tucked its legs in and began to glow with bright, cosmic energy. “Alright then. Attack!” Metagross shot out into the center of the swarm as Noivern’s Hurricane petered out, striking many soliders as it flew through without any sign of stopping. With its comet tail spreading out behind it, Dexio took great pride in the gaping hole left inside the swarm once Metagross had flown out through the back. Both changeling commanders bared their teeth in anger as their soldiers fell limply to the ground below like a rainstorm. The train began to near an inward curve that adjusted out into a long stretch of straight, upward track which ended with an outward curve at the top of the hill. The second changeling commander noticed this, beaming at the idea it had concocted. “Soldiers! Prepare an attack!” A couple dozen armed changelings flew above, beneath, and beside it. With the commander’s horn glowing, the other changelings charged their magic as well, tracking its head to aim right where the straight track began. Grubber poked his head out from the doorway of his boxcar, confused by what he was seeing. “What are those bug-brains aiming at?” Flash Magnus traced a line between the changelings and the part of the wall they were aiming at, the front of the train about to reach it at any moment. His eyes narrowed in fear as he realized exactly what they were planning. Without any verbal command, the changelings launched their beams that converged into a single giant orb, striking the cliff wall right before the engine’s front could crash into it. Large slabs of rock were blown out and pushed onto the tracks, the cowcatcher ramming into them and shattering it. Boyle reached for the acceleration lever to slow the train down, the sudden stop throwing him forward, making him hit his head on the front wall and push the acceleration to full throttle. With the little consciousness he was already losing, Boyle reached for the lever as his falling body pulled his hand back, sending him crumpling against the back wall. The train pushed the slabs aside and continued to speed up with no one to stop it. As the train continued going faster, the forces began to pull the surfaces of the roofs and floors of the cars out from under the feet of Sam, Alice, Dexio, and the Equestrians. Noivern and Archen both landed on the unoccupied first boxcar, digging their claws into the roofs to hold on. Forced to their hands and knees, Sam and Alice looked forward with the turn that was still far ahead, but coming now much sooner than later. The changelings, already noticing what they’ve done, looked to each other proudly before continuing to focus on how their foes would respond. Sam forced himself to his feet, leaning in against the wind stream running around the train and trying to push forward, alarming Alice and Celaeno. “Sam! What are you–!” Sam only kept his eyes forward at the engine. “I gotta’ slow this train or else we’re going over–” “Yo!” Celaeno shouted. “Watch out!” As Sam turned to face the changeling horde, he barely registered as six magic-tethered spears were chucked out to whiz before him and head into the cliff wall. Aegislash quickly unspooled its cloth arm from Sam’s arm and slid into the enarme of its shield right as the spears struck the wall and created an explosion of rock, blasting debris into Aegislash hard enough to push it back and smack Sam in the face, knocking him off balance and throwing him off the side of the car. A rock also collided into Aegislash’s hilt, disorienting it as it clattered atop the roof. Alice screamed as she crawled over to the edge of the car, Sam holding onto it for dear life as the speed of the train threatened to pull him off. Celaeno pulled Aegislash toward the center of the roof as Alice struggled to reach for her brother while also keeping her balance on the roof. Dexio looked out over the valley, searching for his Metagross among the cloud of changelings. “Sam!” Starswirl began to charge his horn. “I’ve got–” Two unarmed changelings crashed into Rockhoof and Starswirl, throwing them against the other side of the boxcar hard enough to knock the wind out of them, the latter hitting his head and collapsing onto the floor. Stygian rushed to his unconscious friend as Rockhoof got back up and swung his shovel into both changelings. “No, Starswirl! Someone, help!” On the second boxcar, Skystar threw herself forward as she tried to outfly the train to reach Sam and Alice, only for a second half-dozen-spear attack to blast into the wall and shoot rocks into her head and wings, throwing her off into the long drop down. “Skystar!” Somnambula reached out for her, only for her body to be caught by a magenta aura being controlled by Metagross, who rose up into view of the changelings and those on the train. As Metagross carried the knocked-out Skystar to Somnambula and Dexio, Flash Magnus and Ember watched as the broken-up changeling formation collectively held two more spear clusters up, knowing that neither could hope to help Sam nor Alice without getting seriously hurt like Skystar. Dexio saw this too, knowing that he could at least end half of their remaining attacks. “Metagross, Zen Headbutt!” Spinning around, Metagross charged at one of the gathered set of spears. With it successfully shattering them to splinters, Capper aimed a bomb arrow at the last bunch as well as he could despite the constant acceleration, letting it loose and blowing the weapons up upon the arrow making contact. Capper breathed a sigh of relief, only to notice six more changelings forming another spear cluster. Capper drew another arrow and knocked it against the drawstring, but the moment he aimed, they launched the spears to hit the spot between the coal tender and the passenger car. Alice managed to get her hand around Sam’s as she pulled up with all her might. “You’re good,” she assured him. “I’ve got y–” The spear struck the wall exactly where the changelings wanted to hit it, the blast of rock slamming into the right side of the car, shattering the windows, breaking the walls, and swinging it out over the edge of the cliff. With Sam’s chest against the edge, he was pushed off and began to pull his sister with her, only for Aegislash to reach for her free hand and pull her back hard enough to lose her grip on Sam, who flew back until he began to fall down to the valley’s bottom, reaching out for his friends as shock robbed him of the ability to scream. “SAM!” Alice and Celaeno shrieked, Aegislash also crying out for his falling friend. Flash Magnus and Somnambula flew down from their boxcars to dive down after him, Archen also shrieking out as it dove itself into its most aerodynamic form possible. With their eyes trained on Sam, who remained in freefall, they could not pay attention to the four changelings that checked into them with their shields, knocking them out of their path. Archen squinted as he refocused itself on the soldiers now blocking its path. With a spin, it lashed at all four with its claws, separating them and continuing to dive down for its trainer. Dexio watched fearfully as Flash Magnus and Somnambula recovered and continued their dive, knowing that they’d never make it now. “Metagross, after them!” His Pokémon dove down, propelling itself with all its telekinetic might. Archen began to gain on Sam as a smaller swarm of changelings began to gain on it. Refusing to let up, Archen suddenly noticed a bright light forming at the tip of its nose and quickly spreading back until it covered its entire body. Along with the surprised changelings and Somnambula and Flash Magnus right behind, everyone save for the humans could only imagine what was happening to Archen as its body’s features were replaced by a bubbling-green aura. “What’s it doing?” Mullet exclaimed. “It’s…” Alice knew exactly what was happening, as well as the chances of her brother’s survival beginning to rise because of it. “Come on, Archen. Come on, Archen!!” Sam, seeing his Pokémon begin to evolve before his eyes, was instantly calmed as its body transformed before him. As its neck grew longer and meatier, its head stayed the same size, but smoothed out into a more snake-like form. Its body grew almost three times its size as its tail stretched out behind it, the single feather on its tail branching off into a palm-shape. Finally, the fur and feathers behind its ankles fluffed out as well, and with its transformation complete, its body became a bright white before the light shattered off of it, revealing its new form. “Arch…” Sam glanced out to the side; the ground was coming any moment. “Archeops, hurry!” Archeops’s green-and-red head nearly reached Sam’s chest, and with its body swinging in as fast as it could, it grabbed him by the shoulders and held its longer wings out to parachute themselves to a slower speed, its clawed-fingers splayed out as it struggled to keep Sam in its grasp. Sam grunted loudly as the momentum of the fall added to the weight of his body on his shoulders, the grass and trees coming in hot. With two powerful beats of its wings, Archeops began to pull Sam back up, flying back up to the tracks as fast as Sam’s weight could allow. Somnambula and Flash Magnus gasped at the sight, only to be interrupted by Metagross grunting at them. It increased its speeds and went down to help Sam and Archeops. With Sam saved, both pegasi swooped back up to rejoin their friends on the train, their backs to the cliff to allow them to see the changelings as they tried to attack in front of them and above, managing to dodge and avoid their attacks. With the turn coming up in just a few moments, those inside the boxcars or atop of them could not celebrate Sam’s Pokémon’s evolution, only able to watch as Metagross came underneath Sam and pushed him upwards, Archeop’s able to let go and fly back up just as quickly. With Metagross’s upward force keeping Sam pressed against it, it raced past the train’s cars above it and worked its way to the engine. With it approaching, Metagross slowed itself and allowed Sam to stand up on it, his hands already reaching out for the handrails to the engine’s side entrance. Upon getting close enough, Sam hopped in and widened his stance with his back left heel against the back wall and the tips of his toes on his right foot against the front. “Metagross!” Sam shouted. “Push the train in and keep it from tipping.” As Metagross and Archeops returned to the others, Sam shot back behind him to face his other friends. “Everyone else, stay away from the doors and hold the hell on!” Sam threw the accelerator lever down and pulled the hand brakes, throwing the train forward at the immediate deceleration. The train began to round the bend, already beginning to lean uncomfortably to the left. The turn refused to end, and with the speeds still too high, the train only continued to veer out and over the edge. Alice and Celaeno held on to the right edge of the roof as they felt the wheels leave the tracks as Dexio hugged Skystar with one hand as he held to the roof with the other. As she stirred awake, the sudden sensation she found herself in shocked her into letting out an avian screech of terror. With Ember crouching down and holding onto the edge of the roof like a large skateboard, the Equestrians inside the boxcars put their feet and hooves against the left walls they were pushed into, Rockhoof and Stygian working to keep Starswirl from crashing. On Sam’s command, Metagross pushed against the side of the engine, but looked nervously at the cars behind it that would certainly tip without its help. Just then, Somnambula and Flash Magnus jammed their full force against the first and third boxcars, screaming out as they fought the weight of the cars threatening to tip off into oblivion. “Come on, Flash Magnus!” Somnambula cried out. “We can do this!” With their wings flapping harder than they thought could be imaginable, the two ponies and the metal Pokémon sufficiently held the train up long enough as it began to reach the end of the curve. Starswirl began to come to just as he peered out of the doorway, seeing the changelings charge another magical attack to finish their foes off once and for all. With them each launching a green beam from their horns, Starswirl charged his own horn and disappeared in a brilliant flash of light, stunning Stygian and Rockhoof. He then reappeared outside of the Light Screen near his boxcar, standing on a disk of his own aura. With the beams coming in, he let out a shout as the aura on his horn shot out a pillar of light directly above him before it broke off into hundreds of tiny bolts that intercepted each of the changelings’ blasts, not a single one passing him or reaching the train or the cliff behind him. With the track straightening out once more, the combined efforts of Metagross, Somnambula, and Flash Magnus threw the train back onto the tracks, Sam immediately taking the brakes off and pulling the accelerator back up in the very middle position. Boyle began to get up, rubbing the front of his head as he gurgled. “What just happened?” he mumbled. “Sorry,” Sam forced out, “but you fell asleep at the wheel. Metagross!” Prepared for him, Sam leapt back on Metagross’s head and it carried him back to the first car where Alice, Aegislash, and Celaeno eagerly awaited him. Upon landing, the three hugged him tightly, ecstatic that he was okay. Archeops then joined in, putting its wings around Celaeno and Alice’s backs. With their current danger averted, the four of them could finally feel happy for its evolution. The others began to stand back to their feet as well, Somnambula and Flash Magnus rejoining their allies on their respective boxcars. With his defense fruitful, Starswirl teleported back into his boxcar with Stygian and Rockhoof, who caught him as he breathed heavily, his hoof over his chest. “Are you okay, Starswirl?” Stygian asked. “We’re all okay,” he panted, “thus am I.” With the train taking another inward turn toward Canterlot’s direction, Fizzlepop smiled as she saw Starswirl within his car, deeply thankful for her master’s skills. The commander changelings could not believe what they were witnessing. Despite their massive increase in numbers, the humans, Pokemon, and Equestrians continued to hold them off without any significant losses. The second commander then faced out further down the track, seeing a tunnel coming up. With no more track to see, it knew that once the train got inside there, it would let out just outside of Canterlot’s border. Their final chance to stop them had come. Charging its horn and facing the tracks and cliff just outside the tunnel’s entrance.many of the changelings began to do the same. They then launched a mass blast of magic at both the tracks and the cliffs above it. The first attack struck the tracks, blasting a nearly fifty-foot gap between one end and the other leading to the tunnel. The second hit the cliff, loosening the wall and triggering a rockslide as large and as wide as the space between the broken rails. The humans and Equestrian’s seized their breaths in their throats, unable to believe the changelings would go this far. Dexio was already prepared to do his part. “Metagross, hold the rocks up for us!” As Metagross flew out at the falling stones about to engulf the train’s path to the capital, Starswirl stepped out to the edge of the boxcar exit and looked back to the two cars behind his. “Fizzlepop!” he shouted. “Mistmane! Help me fly this train!” Hearing the command, Mistmane and Fizzlepop stepped out onto the edge as well. Charging their horns, each wheel and axel on the train began to light up with their individual auras, keeping them held there as they prepared to lift up together. “While they’re distracted!” the first commander shouted. “Charge!” The changelings raced out at the train, each set of eyes trained on a particular rider aboard. Alice stepped forward, knowing that the three unicorns could not afford a distraction. With her hand clenched, she prepared to make Noivern’s second and last battle attack. “Noivern!” She threw her arm out to point in every direction she saw a changeling. “Attack with Boomburst!” “Archeops!” Sam screamed. “Join in with Ancient Power!” Both Pokémon left the safety of the boxcar roof and the Light Screen as they flew side by side to make their attack. With air visibly filling up inside Noivern’s ears, Archeops threw its wings up to pull several stones from the side of the cliff. With a push of its head, Noivern sent out a mass spanning sonic boom that crashed into the front half of the changeling forces as if it were a tsunami. Archeops threw its wings forward, sending out its stones to hit and incapacitate only a dozen or so changelings. With the changelings hit by the Boomburst falling into the valley unconsciously, including both commanders, the back half charged their horns and fired them before the Pokémon could escape. Noivern and Archeops, knowing they wouldn’t avoid it, put their wings out and took each magical blast as it threw them back toward the train. Having taken more than enough hits in just a few seconds, the two Pokémon began to tumble backwards before Sam and Alice returned them into their Poké Balls, the remaining beams harmlessly hitting the Light Screen and disappearing. Only a few more seconds until the train would reach the broken rails. Sam looked to the city of Canterlot, for a moment appreciating the ingenuity it must have taken to perch a city on such a treacherous spot. A short flight there is all it would take. “Everyone!” Dexio began to shout, nearing the edge of his boxcar. “Get back inside the train! Hurry!” Celaeno slipped in between the passenger car and the first boxcar before entering into the latter to join Rockhoof and Stygian. Skystar, Somnambula, Ember, and Flash Magnus all swooped into their boxcars, careful not to disturb Mistmane or Fizzlepop. As Alice prepared to head to the gap between the first two cars, Sam grabbed her wrist, keeping her by his side. “Sam,” she hissed, “what are you–” He then showed her his Z-Ring, the Key Stone Dexio had put in resting on the top right above the back of the wrist. “How’s about we take some of these bastards out before the train gets to Canterlot?” Alice looked to her own Z-Ring, seeing her own Key Stone in the same place. Immediately, temptation began to overcome her. “Guys!” The two turned to Dexio, who was still standing at the edge of his boxcar. “There’s no more time! Get in!” “You go on ahead!” Alice called, holding her Z-Ring up to him. “We’re going to try out our new abilities!” After a short, reflective stare, he nodded in approval before swinging off the edge of the roof to be caught and pulled in by Capper and Squabble. The remaining changeling forces flew forward for one last assault, Sam and Alice looking to each other once more before pulling out a Poké Ball from their belts and tossing them out beside them on opposite sides. “Let’s do this, Absol!” “Go, Gyarados!” Both of their Pokémon appeared beside them as they formed from the balls’ energy, Gyarados sticking out due to its length. Ember, looking past Fizzlepop’s head, still couldn’t help but marvel over its size and lustrous red scales. A silver necklace with a grey-and-blue marble in its pendant was now wrapped around Absol’s neck and over its chest while a large black band holding a yellow marble with a red and blue swirl in its center was clasped onto the center prong of its trident-shaped horn. With no time left to lose, Sam and Alice placed their fingers upon their Key Stones, activating them and filling them with light. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone!” With their combined chants, DNA-shaped strands of aura began to wiggle out from their Z-Rings. “Beyond Evolution! Mega Evolve!” The wisps of light shot out from the gems in their devices as they each connected to the Mega Stone in Absol and Gyarados’s jewelery. At once, their bodies flared up and transformed into a similarly-colored aura, the brightness of both Pokémons’ bodies forcing the changelings to stop their attack. Gyarados’s chest expanded out until it was nearly twice as big as its head. Along with several thick spines, two massive fins fanned out on both side of its back as the center horn where its Mega Stone was latched to grew out and up. Absol’s horn grew wider and wavier as the bangs to the left of its head began to drape entirely over the eye. After small tufts of fur sprouted behind the paws of Sam’s creature, it then unfurled a magnificent set of wings that Skystar and Celaeno couldn’t help but sigh in wonder over. Both Pokémon were then covered in a brighter light that broke off of their bodies, revealing their Mega Evolved forms to the now-frightened changeling forces. As the train began to make the final inward curve toward the broken tracks, Sam reached for his Aegislash, who wrapped its cloth arm around his. “Mega Absol!” Sam declared. “Let’s fly!” “You too, Mega Gyarados!” Alice ran out with a whooping laugh as her Pokémon dipped down to let her hop out and mount its back. Sam slipped his legs over Mega Absol and put its weight on its back. With a kick of its front legs, Mega Absol ran off the edge and soared out at the changelings on its new wings, Mega Gyarados flying right beside them with the magnet plates still attached to its underbelly. Meanwhile the train began to reach the gap, Starswirl waiting for the opportune moment. “Mistmane, Fizzlepop, now!” With a strain in their voices, the three unicorns lifted the train up at once, sending it over the broken rails and centering it on the untouched track directly ahead. Metagross continued holding up its psychic shield to let the rocks slide directly over the train and into the valley. With tighter grunts, Starswirl and the other two unicorns eased the wheels of the train back onto the tracks upon reaching the other side where it chugged into the tunnel to no longer be touched by the changelings’ aerial forces. With the train and its occupants safe, Metagross disabled its shield and flew into the tunnel after it, ready to guard from behind if he needed to. Dexio looked to the back of the train, unable to shake off the uneasiness of Sam and Alice not being there. “Good luck.” “Alright, Mega Absol!” Sam shouted with a forward point. “Attack them with Psycho Cut!” “Mega Gyarados!” Alice commanded. “Use Brutal Swing!” Mega Absol parted ways with Mega Gyarados as it charged its horn before swinging its head, several magenta bows of energy getting flung out and hitting the changelings near it. Alice held her hands against Mega Gyarados’s fin membranes as it spun around clockwise, swinging its tail into many changelings and swatting them away in an instant. The changelings had had enough, spinning around to fly back to Canterlot. “Retreat! Retreat!” From the balcony of the Canterlot palace, Cocoon shivered with wrathful fear as her remaining aerial forces were chased back by Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon with the train carrying the rest about to reach the city. Another changeling commander flew in from within the city, its queen unable to focus on its arrival. “My queen!” She slowly turned her head to face the commander, who remained stoic in the face of her madness. “They’re soon to infiltrate the city! How do you wish us to proceed?” Just then, three soot-covered changelings emerged from the castle. “My queen! The Storm King’s statue… it’s been completed!” Cocoon breathed out, calmly accepting the situation and what she’d have to do next. “Keep them away from the palace as long as possible. That’s all I can expect at this point!” As Cocoon galloped into the castle where the other changelings emerged, the commander forlornly watched her leave him to this apparently hopeless situation. With a saddened breath, he turned back toward the city. “You three,” he said to them, “seek shelter. You needn’t involve yourself in this battle!” Without another word, the commander flew off to rally its other soldiers for their last stand. With the roars of Mega Gyarados and Mega Absol ringing out in the distance, the three changelings galloped back inside the palace from whence they came. > Chapter 74 – The Eye of the Hurricane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun continued looking out of the exit to the balcony, just barely able to see the light surrounding the Bruxishes swimming through it as they passed by. Rotomdex then revolved around Sun’s head, getting his attention. “What are we zzuppozzzed to do now zz-zzzt? These Prizzm guyzzz zzzound pretty terrifying zzzt-zzzzzzz!” “They weren’t this bad until now,” Gladion said. “Are you kidding me?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “One knocked you unconscious for a few hours the first time we faced them!” “They weren’t willing to kill us! That they would go this far…” Lillie jumped between the two. “It doesn’t matter how strong they are now or how strong they were back then! Rotomdex is right, we need to come up with a plan to escape before we all drown here!” “Well,” Spike disdainfully mentioned, “I’m up for anything at this point, really.” Sun pulled the clip of Beast Balls up into his sights, looking at them contemplatively before turning to face his other friends. “Spike, catch!” Hearing Sun’s voice, Spike turned around and saw the clip coming at him, catching it with both arms. “Sun?” Spike spoke softly and reverently. “You’re giving me the Ultra Beasts?” “I have my own Pokémon on me. If we want any hope on surviving this, we’ll need all the support we can get. Besides, it looks like Gladion already gave his Ultra Beasts to Rainbow Dash.” Spike, accepting of the responsibility bestowed upon him, now looked to the five balls with confusion. “So, uh… how am I supposed to know which is which?” “Let me help you, friendo!” Rotomdex twirled down excitedly and scanned each ball with its back camera in a matter of seconds. “Done!” Rotomdex twirled around twice before facing Spike with its screen, an image of a clown-like creature with a skinny body striped yellow, blue, and magenta, wide cuffs and a collar on its wrists and neck, and a floating orb of round lights and two dotted star patterns on both sides of it like eyes for a head. “Blazzzephalon!” Rotomdex informed him. “The Fireworkzzz Pokémon! A UB that appeared from the Ultra–” “Hey, sorry to interrupt,” Sun spoke, “but perhaps save the descriptions for another time?” “O– O– Oh!” Rotomdex’s face returned to showcase its canned horrified regret. “My apologiezzz, Zzzun zz zzt! I’ll get right to it zzt!” He then looked back to Spike with the image of Blacephalon on its screen again, Twilight and Rainbow Dash coming over to look over his shoulder. “Blazzzephalon’zz known movezz are Szzhadow Ball, Light Zzzcreen, Flame Burzzzt, and Mind Blown zzz zzzzt!” Tapping its screen, the image showing on Rotomdex now was the white jellyfish creature with the translucent top. “Hey!” Spike tapped on the image with the end of his claw. “I’ve seen that one! Lillie, you showed it to us when we first met you! What was it, Night Eggo or something?” “Clozzze, little buddy zz zzt!” Rotomdex exclaimed. “Nihilego. Itzz movezz are Power Gem, Azzzid Spay, Mirror Coat, and Pzzzywave!” Tapping the screen again, Rotomdex changed the image of a muscular red bug centaur with four insect-like legs and two hulking arms connected to a muscular body. “Buzzzzwole! Thizzz guy knowzz Lunge, Dynamic Punch zz zzt, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch zzzz zzzzzzt! Wow, that’zzz a lotzza punch zzz zzzt!” Another tap, another image, this time revealing a green, conical Pokémon with a small head attached to a long and extremely skinny and bony neck, as well as two metallic arms with thrusters for fingers that matched the ones beneath its main body. “Zzzelezzteela!” Rotomdex’s saying of its name made Spike and Twilight blink in familiarity. “Thizzz beaut knowzz Heavy Zzzlam, Air Zzzlash, Zzzeed Bomb, and Flash Cannon.” Finally, the final tap of its screen showcased the obese black dragon with a gaping blue mouth with yellow-fanged lips spanning its entire belly with two claws reaching out from the corners of its maw. “And Guzzzlord! Thizzz one’ll be great against Pzzzychiczz, with it being a Dark-type and all! Anywayzz, it knows Dragon Rush, Crunch, Hammer Arm, and Zzztomping Tantrum!” “Alright!” Rainbow Dash bumped Spike in the back of the shoulder with her hoof. “Sounds like you got some good ones! What about me? What other Beasts do I have.” Gladion breathed out. “I’ll give you a small crash course, but we really can’t be spending much more time playing ‘Learn Our Pokémon.’” He tapped to the first ball on her belt once before pointing to the second. “You already know Xurkitree, and this one is Naganadel.” Rotomdex quickly floated over and scanned both Beast Balls, showing them both Xurkitree and a purple, bee-like dragon with a large abdomen tipped with a massive stinger. “Zzurkitree knows the movezz Power Whip, Zzzzzap Cannon, Zzzignal Beam, and Tail Glow, while Naganadel knowzz Dragon Pulzzze, Toxzzzic, Venoszzhock, and Air Zzzlaszzh!” He got odd looks from Gladion and Rainbow Dash. “What zzz zzzzt?! Szzhe szzhould know how to uzze herzz too!” “No, that’s good,” Sun encouraged. “Keep going.” “Okie dokezz zzzt!” It then moved down the belt to the next three balls, unveiling each new picture, the first being a small origami samurai made of a thin metal with two blades for arms. “Kartana. Thizzz guy knowzz Zzzacred Zzzword, Leaf Blade, Xzz-Zzzcizzzzor zzt, and Zzzmart Zzztrike zzzzzzzzt!” Rotomdex shook the sparks out of its system before showing the next picture, a large cube box of bricks with bricked legs, some of the blocks unveiling a single blue eye. “Zzztakataka. Thizzz one knowzz Rock Zzzlide, Iron Head, Bide, and Iron Defenzzze. And lazzztly…” Rotomdex showed the image of a long, skinny insect with feminine features, including two wings that draped down its head like hair. “Pheromozzza! Szzhe alzzzo knowzz Lunge, azz well azz High Jump Kick, Bounzzze, and Low Kick!” “Nice!” Rainbow Dash ran her hoof along the Beast Balls. “We’re going to have a good time!” “Alright?” Spike spoke up. “Did anyone think of a plan during all that?” “Wait,” Twilight suddenly mentioned, “how big did you say Celesteela was again?” The numbers appeared in large, bold font on Rotomdex’s screen. “Thirty feet and two inchezz!” Twilight’s eyes shot open before they slowly closed halfway with a cocky smirk. “Then I think I may have an idea.” “What is it?” Lillie tilted her head down, ready to hear her out. “That Pokémon is covered in rockets. If it can fly fast enough in the opposite direction of the water wall’s flow, its size alone should disrupt it and break it apart!” “Alright?” Rainbow Dash was getting into it, but more variables were keeping her unconvinced. “And what about those robot things up on top?” “Rotomdex, tell me about that Mind Blown move Blacephalon has. Can that stop them?” “Abzzzolutely!” Rotomdex opened up Blacephalon’s image once again, and with four colored bars labeling each move sliding in beside it, the red one at the bottom flashed before it expanded and unveiled more information. “Bazzze Power: 150. Accurazzzy: 100. The uzzer attackzzz everything around it by cauzzing itzzz own head to exzzplode.” “WHAT?!?” The three Equestrians yelled. “That sounds awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “I am totally on board with this!” “Did you not hear it?” Twilight shouted back. “It blows up its own head!” “You don’t need to worry,” Sun assured them. “I’ve tested the move myself after I caught it. It grows back.” “See?!” Rainbow Dash was more convinced than ever. “Like a Pokémon’s going to know a move that literally kills itself! Come on, Spike! Let’s make this happen!” “Hold on!” Lillie shouted. “How are we going to go about doing this? You can’t let Celesteela out in here, and the Metangs above us will attack Spike the first chance they get!” “Not if I ride Rainbow Dash out of there!” Spike excitedly interjected. “She’s so fast that they’ll never hit her! That’ll give me plenty of time and space to send it out! They’ll hardly know what hit them!” “Yeah, Spike, my boy!” Rainbow Dash pounded her hoof into Spike’s balled fist, the two of them ready to go with this. Gladion forced a firm nod. “Alright. Sounds like a good enough idea to me. Sun, Lillie, you still have your Ride Pagers?” The two pulled them from their pockets and showed them to him. “Then we’re ready. Rainbow Dash, Spike, good luck out there.” “And be careful!” Twilight lowered herself to Spike’s level. “I don’t need anything happening to any more of my friends today!” “Come on, Twilight, we’ll be fine!” Spike jingled the clip of Beast Balls in front of her. “Besides, what’s the worst Prism can do when we have these guys on our side?” “Still, they’re going to stop at nothing to keep that wall up. And that means–” Spike put his hands to her shoulders. “Twilight, seriously. Everything’ll be fine. Now please, we need to go now.” With nothing more to say, Twilight slipped her arms around Spike’s back as he put her arms around her neck in an insuring hug. Rainbow Dash allowed the two a few seconds before she nudged him in the back. “Okay, dude, whenever you’re ready.” Getting low herself, Spike turned around and hopped up onto her back, hugging around the back of her neck as she trotted to the balcony exit. Both of them turned back and looked to their friends one last time, who showed them their Ride Pagers while Twilight unfurled her wings, ready to go themselves. “Alright!” Rainbow Dash began to flap her wings, charging up speed. “Hold on tight!” In a short burst, Rainbow Dash and Spike were replaced by a rainbow-colored tail that disappeared in the direction of their flight from the back up. Upon keeping close to the Aether Paradise building, Spike and Rainbow Dash glanced upward to already see the Metangs flying down to meet and attack them. Rainbow Dash let out an insulted laugh as they got nearer. “Is that all?! Smell you guys, later!” With a push forward, Rainbow Dash tripled her speed, leaving the Metangs far away from their circuit. As Rainbow Dash descended a couple stories lower, she glanced behind them to see the Metangs were officially off their trail. “Okay, Spike, do it!” Spike pulled the Beast Ball off his belt and turned to look at the wall before winding his arm back. “Let’s go, Celesteela!” Once the ball opened up, a massive stream of white energy poured out and formed into Celesteela’s titanic shape, Spike and Rainbow Dash unprepared for the large cone of light that it became. Outside on the Aether yacht, Faba leaned in on the control panel in the bridge to look out the windows, just barely able to see Celesteela’s form and features before they were blocked off behind the tinted windows and the water wall before them, turning into a giant silhouette. “Those damned children!” Running out from the bridge, Faba descended a flight of stairs back to the main deck where Chrysalis and their grunts were waiting, looking out at the wall in complete fear over what Pokémon had just been summoned. “Faba!” Chrysalis gasped. “What was that thing?!” “An Ultra Beast!” Faba passed her and stood at the front of the bow. “They managed to get them after all!” He then faced the length of the ship, his hands clutched to the railing. “I need twelve of you before me immediately!” Several grunts already began running to the front of the ship, some of them leaving the Kadabras helping to hold the water wall up behind. Faba quickly glanced between each grunt that stopped and stood to his attention. Upon spotting the twelfth line up, he threw his arms forward. “Stop!” Those that didn’t make the group to join the others were cowed by his commanding bark, stepping back to let the twelve that made it stand out as he came down to stand in the middle of this group. “Chrysalis, I leave the remaining grunts to you. If at any time you sense something wrong, come to our aid immediately.” Chrysalis frowned, knowing it was not much to go on. “Of course, Faba. Whatever you say.” “Perfect.” Faba took a Poké Ball from his belt and dropped it beside him, his Alakazam forming from its energy to stand by his side. With the first group of grunts standing close, Alakazam held its arms out, its spoons glowing and covering them all with light. With a loud whine and a zap, the light vanished along with Faba, Alakazam, and the others. With the extra space on the boat, the remaining grunts gathered around Chryalis, who looked up into the water wall, hoping to see even a little bit of the battle that was soon to commence. Sun, Lillie, Gladion, Twilight, and Rotomdex watched as Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Celesteela made another pass by the balcony, only having gone a bit faster than the last time. “Come on!” Twilight groaned. “Even Rainbow Dash should know that they’re fast enough by now!” “They can’t take any chances here.” Gladion pinched his chin, also anxious. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Prism is already planning a way around this.” Immediately, a flash of light appeared on the balcony, revealing six grunts who already began briskly walking at them. Fearfully, Twilight and the three humans backed away as they poured inside, spreading out to surround them in a semicircle. They stood still and began to look around to face each of their enemies, only to find that the circle was closed off by the other six fencing them in on the other side. With their backs against each other, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Twilight each took their sights on three grunts at a time. “G– G– Gladion,” Rotomdex whimpered as he spun around and dizzied itself, “you and your big mouth zz zzt!” Rainbow Dash glanced over at Celesteela as she felt the wind and mist running over her face, gauging her speed. “Okay, Spike! I think it’s time now!” “Alright!” Spike pointed to the aqueous barrier. “Celesteela, into the wall–” A flash appeared in the upper right corner of Spike and Rainbow Dash’s vision, looking up to it to see Faba flying alongside the wall with his Alakazam. Faba grinned as his Alakazam channeled its Psychic power onto Celesteela, forcing it away from the wall to fly directly between it and the Aether Paradise. He then tossed another Poké Ball out, letting his Raichu out from it. Immediately, it began to speed around the wall, going in the same direction as it. Rainbow Dash looked at his face, instantly recognizing him from Mount Hokulani, the memory of which made her scowl. “You…” Faba heard her clearly, staring directly into her eyes. “Hello again, Rainbow Dash.” Gladion clenched his fists hard enough to whiten his knuckles. “You guys would really board a sinking ship just to finish us off quicker?” “I mean,” the young male grunt with the short sand-brown hair spoke, “we would have been just fine with you staying in there and drowning, but then you just had to bring out the Ultra Beasts, didn’t you?” An older dark-skinned female grunt shrugged her hands up and looked around. “So where even is Wicke? She put so much effort into helping you get those Pokémon and she doesn’t even choose to fight with you?” Lillie furrowed her brow, looking angrier than any of the grunts had ever seen her. “Wicke’s dead.” These two words softened the grunts expressions into ones of genuine disarming shock. “She never defected. It was Mother who helped us retrieve the Ultra Beasts, and if it makes you all feel that much better, because I know Faba certainly will, she sacrificed her life to do so.” “Hoh…” A female grunt with a dark-blue Mohawk put a single fist to her hips. “And what a doting mother she is to do something like that! Still, with or without the Ultra Beasts, you and your friends are not going to leave this building alive!” “We’ll see about that!” Twilight tore a Poké Ball from her belt and threw it out between her and the ring of grunts. “Let’s go, Mismagius!” As the cloak-and-hat ghost floated down from its ball, Sun, Lillie, and Gladion chose their first Pokémon as well. “Go, Decidueye!” “You’re up first, Blissey!” “Weavile, let’s go!” Sun’s green owl, Lillie’s white and pink pouched creature, and Gladion’s icy, headdressed weasel all appeared before their trainers, awaiting which Pokémon the grunts would bring out. In a single motion, all twelve grunts pulled Poké Balls off their belts and threw them out with a hard shout. A cascade of white light poured from their balls to let their Pokémon out, allowing three Kadabras, two Espeons, two Orangurus, two Hypnos, a Metang, a Slowking, and a Pa’u-style Oricorio to surround the four trainers and their Pokémon. “Gyah!” Rotomdex’s lapse of fear quickly morphed into one of pride. “Even when it’zzz twelve-on-four, you creepzzz are no match for these guyzz zz zzzt!” Gladion spun around and pointed back at an Oranguru to his left. “Weavile, hit that Oranguru with Night Slash!” Weavile ran a tight circle to the left as it began to run out at the large, mildly-indignant ape. The Mohawked grunt pointed her finger at his Pokémon. “Don’t let him reach him! Metang, finish it with Brick Break!” With Weavile halfway to its target, the grunt’s Metang shot at it with its arms pulled back and ready to punch. Weavile glanced its eyes in its direction, seeing it coming. With an agile jump, twist, and flip of its body, it leapt over Metang as it passed beaneath it, landing back straight to continue its advance toward the Oranguru. With its claws glowing black, Weavile hopped up again and dragged both of its claws against its chest, pushing it back toward its trainer. “No!” An overweight grunt with a red hair bun threw his hand in Weavile’s direction. “Kadabra, Dazzling Gleam!” Grabbing at its glowing spoon, the grunt’s Kadabra opened its hand back up to unleash a bright light whose force collided into both Weavile and the Oranguru it attacked, throwing them back. “Hey!” the Oranguru’s pale, bald grunt shouted. “Watch it!” “Maybe if the Metang hit it the first time, I wouldn’t have to!” the overweight grunt retorted. “Spirit Shackle!” The Kadabra and its grunt turned forward again to see Sun’s Decidueye leap out to see its target, loosing its bow to shoot its arrow at the heart of Kadabra’s shadow on the floor. With its free hand, Kadabra clutched its chest and sunk to a knee on the ground, its eyes shut tight as it tried to weather through the pain. At once, three female grunts, the dark-skinned woman, one with short-brown hair and hooped earings, and another with short reddish-brown hair, pointed their fingers at Decidueye. “Hypno!” the first grunt shouted. “Hit Decidueye with Ice Punch!” “And then follow it up with Fire Punch!” the next grunt shouted. “Finish it with Air Slash, Oricorio!” the last grunt added. Both Hypnos came at Decidueye from both sides of their ring as the Oricorio flew up high above to wait for the first two attacks. The first Hypno swung its pendulum around its fist and threw it forward, its fingers and knuckles frosting over. With a firm punch in the chest, Decidueye was slammed back into the flaming thrusting fist of the second Hypno, sending it to the ground. Oricorio threw its wings down, sending two blades of air down on Decidueye’s already singed back that covered the rest of its body in a cloud of dust. “Decidueye!” Twilight cried. “Buddy zzzzzzt!” Rotomdex verbally glitched “Mismagius, hit that Hypno with Shadow Ball!” The Pokémon’s dark ball formed before its face before it thrust its head forward, shooting the purple orb into the one of the Hypnos' chests, knocking it on its back. Six more grunts came forward to declare their attacks, the first of which was the bald trainer of the Oranguru, a skinny male grunt with ice-blue hair, and a black female grunt with medium-length hair. “Oranguru!” the bald grunt shouted. “Attack the bitch’s Mismagius with Foul Play!” “And then use a Shadow Ball yourself!” the Kadabra’s grunt yelled out. “You too, Oranguru,” the blue-haired grunt commanded. Getting into a runner’s lunge, Oranguru pushed off the floor with both its hands and feet before driving its black aura-trailing fist into Mismagius’s face. As it flipped back once to maintain an upright position, its back was assaulted by the Kadabra’s Shadow Ball attack, grounding it and sending it onto its face. As it picked itself up, the other Oranguru’s Shadow Ball struck its head and exploded all over its body. Twilight let out a shuddered gasp as three more grunts came forward, their sights now on Lillie and her Blissey. “Espeon!” a male and female grunt with buzzed black hair and a black ponytail shouted. “Attack Blissey with Psyshock!” With the Espeons standing on either side of it, both Espeons channeled several sparking orbs of magenta light that they threw onto Blissey’s body, an anguished cry escaping its mouth as it bent over and tried to protect its head with its arms. “And then finish it off with Brick Break, Slowking!” a male grunt with a patch of his black hair draping over his eye exclaimed. Using its psychic powers, Slowking propelled itself at Blissey, colliding the tip of its crown onto the top of its head, sending her into Lillie’s body, causing both to slide back and nearly collide into Sun’s back. Lillie rested her Pokémon down in a comfortable position on its back, feeling its body tremble. “Blissey, are you okay?” Blissey’s eyes shot open as it rocked back onto its feet looking enraged at Slowking. “Nice work! Now…” she pointed up at the Oricorio hovering overhead, “attack Oricorio with Charge Beam!” Spinning around, Oricorio squawked and tried to fly back to its owner, only for Blissey’s electricity-covered arms to swing down and point at the bird, shooting two thin beams of lightning that struck its back and covered its entire body. With the Oricorio quickly recovering from the attack, its grunt laughed at Lillie’s supposed futile efforts. “Girl, that the best you got?” “Not the best that we’ve got!” Twilight shouted. “Mismagius, Power Gem!” Mismagius rose above the heads of the four trainers to face Oricorio, who barely saw the ghost coming before it shot a barrage of sparkling comet-like beams into the Oricorio’s head, wings, and body, slamming it down the ground and knocking it out cold. “Yes!” Lillie pumped her fist. “Nice work, Twilight!” “You’re a natural!” Rotomdex cheered with a twirl, Twilight flustered with their compliments and leaving her blushing. “Weavile!” Gladion shouted, moralized by their first successful takedown. “Finish off the Oranguru with Night Slash!” Weavile ran out at the bald grunt’s Oranguru, the overweight grunt and his Kadabra taking immediate notice. “Kadabra, finish it off with Dazz–” The sound of another arrow piercing the floor stopped the grunt’s command in his throat, looking down to see a second arrow stuck in the ground, this one stuck at the base of the neck. Kadabra let out a painful grunt as it clasped its hand over its throat and fell forward onto its face, too tired to get up. Weavile’s attack continued, cutting out at the Oranguru’s chest hard enough to throw it onto its back for good. Looking back up, the overweight grunt and bald grunt saw Sun and Decidueye standing together, the latter putting its wing back down at its side so both could threateningly cloak its body. The three grunts took out their Poké Balls and called their fainted Oricorio, Kadabra, Oranguru back inside before they stepped back, allowing the remaining grunts and their Pokémon to step forward and close the gaps. “Come on, you bastards,” Gladion huffed. “Actually give us a challenge.” Rainbow Dash pulled a Beast Ball off her belt as she continued chasing down Faba, his Raichu completing another lap just beneath them. “Let’s go, Kartana!” Throwing the ball out, it opened up to reveal the origami samurai, who was small enough to fit inside the ball should it fold its already creased limbs in. Rainbow Dash blinked at the creature, completely unprepared for how small the creature really was, but she had to stay strong; her choice was made, and she’d have to life with it. “Whatever, it’s still an Ultra Beast!” Rainbow Dash punched her hoof forward. “Kartana, attack Alakazam with X-Scissor!” With a metallic warble like a cricket, Kartana flew forward at Faba and his Alakazam, who tightened their focus as it came close fast. “Wait for it…” Faba warned, watching until Kartana hugged its arms in to slash. “Now, hit it with Focus Blast!” With Kartana still approaching, the Alakazam crossed the bowls of its spoons together to form a bright reddish-brown light. Just as Kartana began to swing its arms out at the Alakazam, Faba’s Pokémon leaned back with its spoons still aimed at the Ultra Beast, launching its powerfull blast point blank into its entire body. Rainbow Dash and Spike gasped fearfully as Kartana limply tumbled away to be carried by the gusts brought on by the water wall’s current. Faba sneered at the two Equestrians. “Did you think that just because you were now in possession of those wretched creatures you’d be able to defeat us? Ha! I was the one that began the program to combat them! If there was any other trainer in the world that realizes the power those Pokémon have, it would be me! Face it, you two, there’s nothing that you can possibly do that can surprise me!” Spike looked down and saw as his Raichu came back around once more, the electricity beneath its tail charged much more violently now. Looking back up, Spike grimaced. “You’re not one for surprises yourself! Celesteela, hit Raichu with Seed Bomb!” Faba winced, his sneak attack ploy thwarted. “Raichu! Attack now with Wild Charge!” The Raichu increased its speed and flew up at Spike’s massive Pokémon, who swung its body and its arms out so that it was now upright and the thrusters at the ends of its arms were aimed at Faba’s Pokémon. Several large coconut sized objects were shot out of the thrusters like cannons, the first one whizzing past the Raichu’s head fast enough that even it knew that such a hit would have been lethal. With a wince, Raichu dipped back down and flew close to the Aether Paradise to avoid the rest, glad to waste the attack to save its own life. Faba audibly grunted in frustration as his Pokémon flew away from him. Rainbow Dash then noticed a small wake appear on the side of the wall and out of Faba’s vision. Trying her best to see it in her peripherals, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes to see Kartana, alive and well, surfing the wall on its underside. Rainbow Dash could tell from Faba’s expression that he realized what she ha seen. “Kartana, X-Scissor again!” Blasting off the wall, Kartana hugged its arms in again and shot at Faba’s Alakazam. Faba hardly had time to breath before he let his command out. “Alakazam, Focus–” Kartana swung its arms out, striking Alakazam hard enough for it to falter its hold on itself and Faba. Rainbow Dash and Spike watched as both fell down toward the water screaming, Rainbow Dash cringing over the choice to let them fall or to go and catch them. However, Faba’s Raichu came back around, keeping its eyes on its trainer and its other Pokémon. Reaching its arms out, it caught both of them, straining to hold them above the choppy waters. Alakazam and Faba recuperated from the shock, the former picking itself and Faba back up to fly back up, his Raichu now opting to stay closeby. With Faba returning to Rainbow Dash and Spike’s level, Faba didn’t care how much pride Rainbow Dash took in his panting as he pulled out another Poké Ball. “I can’t let that happen again. Go Hypno!” Lobbing his Poké Ball out, his yellow humanoid Pokémon appeared beside him and was caught by Alakazam, who shifted backwards as Raichu joined Hypno’s side to face Rainbow Dash and Spike’s two Ultra Beasts together. “Espeon,” the ponytailed female grunt shouted, “Psyshock!” The grunt with the blue Mohawk pointed at Gladion’s Weavile. “Metang, use Brick Break!” The older dark skinned grunt and her Hypno faced Sun and his Decidueye. “Attack with Ice Punch!” “Finish her with Shadow Ball, Kadabra,” the grunt with medium-length black hair declared. At once, all four Pokémon attacked, the Espeon’s Psyshock knocking Blissy onto its side, the Metang’s claws jamming into Weavile’s gut, the Kadabra’s dark-purple orb slamming into Mismagius, and Hypno’s frosted fist reaching inside Decidueye’s hood and clocking it between its eyes. Decidueye just barely managed to catch itself on the claws on its wings as its other three allies fell to their respective attacks, Rotomdex gasping over the situation. Gladion, Lillie, and Twilight returned their Pokémon to their balls as they quickly prepared to send out another. “You guys won’t win!” Gladion declared before throwing his next Poké Ball out. “Go, Lucario!” Gladion’s bipedal jackal stood guard of its trainer as Lillie threw her ball next. “Let’s go, Rapidash!” Upon Lillie’s fire-maned and tailed unicorn taking the field to protect her, Twilight sent out one of Lusamine’s other Poké Balls. “Go, Clefable!” The ball opened up and from the energy, her plush pink-winged creature formed to battle the nine remaining Grunts. At that moment, the water pooling into the Aether Paradise began to gurgle up through the lift shaft and spread across the floor, Lillie’s Rapidash fearfully leaping up at the puddle forming around its hooves. The others looked down nervously as the water continued to span, the grunts feeling much more confident now. “We’re zzzinking.” Rotomdex’s voice became more excitable. “We’re zzzinking zzz zzzzt!” “Well?” the grunt of the remaining Oranguru chided. “You don’t have much time left.” “You’re right,” Sun breathed out before forcefully pointing to him, “which is why I’m going to start the next round with you and your Oranguru! Decidueye, hit it with U-Turn!” With a hard puff of breath, Decideye took to the air and dove down at the ape, knocking its head into his with a small burst of green energy throwing it back even harder. Sun pulled its Poké Ball off his belt and aimed it upward as his Pokémon looped back around and flew towards the button in the ball’s center. The red beam of the Poké Ball sucked Decidueye back in while Sun threw another Poké Ball out to replace it. “You’re on, Incineroar!” Full of energy, Sun’s Incineroar came out from the Poké Ball roaring at the grunts and their Pokémon it faced. As the remaining Oranguru got back up and faced the muscular red feline that replaced Decidueye, Gladion pointed out at it for his Pokémon to target. “Lucario, finish the Oranguru with Aura Sphere!” Lucario held its arms out to its sides, a ball of bright blue energy forming between its paws. With a swing out, Lucario sent its orb out at the Oranguru, striking it right in the middle of its chest. Though the Pokémon was large, the Oranguru was launched off its seat and landed with a single backwards tumble, coming to a stop on its back where it settled down in the wet floors for good. “Metang,” the grunt with the blue Mohawk shouted, “get Lucario with Psychic!” With its body getting covered in a magenta glow, Lucario howled as it was lifted off the ground and its limbs were constricted in, squeezing tighter as the Metang approached slowly, its hold refusing to let up. “Flare Blitz!” Metang’s pupils shot to the corners of its eyes just as Rapidash ran full gallop at it, its flaming, searing-hot horn piercing into its side and sending it splashing and clattering to the ground, freeing Lucario to fall into a kneel. “Clefable!” Twilight exclaimed. “Use Metronome!” Clefable rose its hand up and wagged its finger once, a faint twinkle appearing on the end of it. It then put its hands to its chest and closed its eyes to concentrate on the attack it was about to conjure. Opening its eyes, they met onto a Kadabra before it spread its lips with a cold and colorful beam leaving it and striking it in the face, the energy washing around its body in a brilliant display. “What just happened?” Twilight wondered excitedly. “Metronome allowzz Clefable to uzze any random move it wantzzz zz zzzt,” Rotomdex answered. “Lookzzz like it uzzed Aurora Beam!” “That’s incredible!” As the ice-blue haired grunt and the Mohawked grunt called their fainted Pokémon back, they stepped back to let the remaining seven grunts spread out in a more difficult attempt to close the gaps that were being left. “You want to see incredible?” the sandy-brown haired grunt shouted. “Just wait until the leader wakes Necrozma back up! But first, Kadabra…!” Both Espeons’ grunts also pointed at Sun’s Incineroar. “Espeon…!” “Use Dazzling Gleam!” All three Pokémon ran forward, the gems in their heads or the spoon in their hand glowing with bright white. Upon surrounding Incineroar close enough, they let the light and the colorful beams they invoked explode onto Incineroar, throwing the three Psychic Pokémon backward. As the light faded away, Sun and his friends were horrified to see his Pokémon already falling over and face-first into the shallow waters that continued to form. “No, Incineroar!” Lillie cried. “Juzzzt like that?!” Rotomdex yelped. “Hypno!” the older dark-skinned shouted. “Hold Lucario up with Psychic again!” “And then hit it with Fire Punch!” The tan-skinned grunt commanded to her own Hypno. Holding its arms up, the first Hypno telekinetically picked Lucario up and held its arms and legs in, also bending it back slightly to further expose its stomach. The second Hypno swung its pendulum around its fist and thrust it forward as its knuckles glowed, its entire hand soon getting covered in flames. Lucario whined loudly as the sweltering blow stung and ached its stomach simultaneously, breathing heavier as nausea began to rise. “Even for you guyzz, that’zzz cruel zzzzt!” Rotomdex scolded. “We’ll live with it,” the grunt with the black bangs calmly said. “Slowking, hit Rapidash with Hydro Pump!” “Attack Clefable with Psyshock, Espeon!” As the Espeon launched its sparking magenta orbs at Clefable, pelting and exploding off of its body, the Slowking breathed in before shooting a massive torrent of water from its mouth that engulfed Lillie’s horse, sending its sliding off on its side onto the floor, the water levels already reaching the center of its back. Lillie glanced over at her brother’s Lucario, who continued to be tortured by the older grunt’s Hypno before looking back to her weakened Pokémon. “Rapidash, please get up! Come on, Rapidash!” The other grunts laughed as Rapidash continued to lay still in the pooling waters. Lillie began to whimper as Lucario’s barks of agony only served to make her own Pokémon’s seeming defeat even more despairing. Twilight felt nervous as her own Pokémon had trouble standing back up. “Lillie…” Sun couldn’t take any of it, spinning around to look down on Lillie’s Pokémon. “Rapidash, get up now! Your trainer needs you!” As if his voice shook its soul, Rapidash’s eyes shot open and its thrashed about to its hooves, its mane and tail now small, short embers. With a shaking of its body, the strength of its fiery hair returned, now looking to face the Hypno holding Lucario, who looked back at it. “That’s it!” Sun growled. “Now give it your all!” Lillie huffed a breath out, thankful for her dear friend’s assistance. “Rapidash, attack Hypno with Megahorn!” Galloping as fast as it could through the water, Rapidash ignored the splashes hitting its chest and face as its horn began to glow green. The Hypno Rapidash ran at shielded its face with its arms while Lillie’s Pokémon drilled it in the ribs sending it flying back hard and relinquishing its hold on Lucario, who faltered upon trying to land on the ground, clutching its stomach and continuing to pant. Gladion nodded to Lillie before going to the Kadabra that Clefable had attacked. “Lucario, finish the Kadabra off with Flash Cannon!” Two argent auras formed over Lucario’s paws. Holding its arms out as it swung around, it then clapped them together and shot a tremendous metallic beam upon coming before the Kadabra, blasting it off and far down the room, leaving it unconscious before it came to a stop. Sun threw a Poké Ball out toward Slowbro and its trainer. “Decidueye, finish it off with Leaf Blade!” With the energy of the ball forming in midair, Decidueye fell from it with its wing raised up, punching down past Slowbro’s head and slashing its leafy feathers down its face, also managing to slam the Pokémon’s head into the floor through the water. Decidueye flew back to its trainer as the grunt with bangs returned his fainted Pokémon to its ball in exasperation. “Come on, Clefable!” Twilight encouraged. “Use Metronome again, make it count!” Clefable reached its wagging, shining finger up before the move it was soon to use came to it. Facing the remaining Hypno, Clefable clenched its fists, which began to seep an ominous black light, unnerving the older grunt’s Pokémon. Throwing its arms forward, Clefable created a pulse of wispy dark-purple energy that thrust hard into Hypno’s stomach and sent it on its back into the water, where it floated motionlessly. “Night Dazze?!” Rotomdex yelled, twirling about high up in the air. “You four are amazzing!” With only a single Kadabra and two Espeons left between the remaining grunts, Sam and his friends began to take the victory they were soon to receive in stride. Faba kept his eye on Kartana, who weakly flew by Rainbow Dash. “Hypno, use Hypnosis on Kartana!” “What?!” Rainbow Dash and Spike looked over as Hypno calmly swung its pendulum before the Ultra Beast, rings of calming pink light closing in on Kartana’s face as it didn’t even try to avoid them. They were then worried to see as Kartana began to drift aimlessly in its slumber, carried by the whirlpool’s gales and soon to crash into the wall. Rainbow Dash let out an exasperated shout as she pulled its ball of its belt, the red beam from it connecting with the creature before it could get carried away. Faba grinned, his battle going along swimmingly. “Now to deal with that other pesky beast. Raichu, use Nuzzle on Celesteela!” His Raichu flew out past Celesteela and began to ride its tail on its body and swirled its way up, leaving its body popping with sparks as it made its way up to the tip of its head. Upon rejoining Hypno’s side, the Raichu looked to admire its work, Celesteela’s mouth scowling as it tried to control its arms but failed. “Come on, Celesteela, you can do it!” Spike shouted. “Hit his Raichu with Heavy Slam!” With a sputter of its thrusters, Spike could see that there was nothing it could do. “Rotten trick, but let’s see you try to beat this!” Rainbow Dash pulled out another Beast Ball and threw it out at the wall. “Go, Pheromosa!” With the ball letting out the slender, feminine insect, Rainbow Dash and Spike were most pleased to see it running against the wall with blurry, hard to track legs, its eyes kept on Faba and his Pokémon. “Yeah, alright!” Rainbow Dash threw her hoof out to point at Faba’s Hypno. “Pheromosa, hit Hypno with Lunge!” Jumping off the wall, Pheromosa flew in a straight line at Hypno before driving its knee into its gut and throwing it far from Faba’s Alakazam’s grasp. Alakazam and his Raichu soared down to follow it, taking Faba with them. Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Celesteela flew down back to Pheromosa, who fell to the water and began to run along its surface to follow Faba, whose Alakazam managed to catch Hypno before it could hit the water. “Okay, Faba, last chance before we go after your Alakazam next! I sure hope your Raichu is strong enough to catch you!” Faba recovered its balanced pose and was turned about to face Rainbow Dash and Spike once again. “Oh, Rainbow Dash!” he said in a mockingly fake sad voice. “They still haven’t had their turn yet!” “Who?” Spike loudly questioned. “Who still hasn’t had their turn?” Faba chuckled, the baby dragon having walked right into his punchline. “The Metangs, of course!” Rainbow Dash and Spike gasped as all four Metangs dove down at once with a Psychic aura forming around the fronts of their bodies for a combined Zen Headbutt attack. Rainbow Dash could only think of one thing. “Spike, hold on!” Rainbow Dash jerked to the side to let the four Pokémon crash into Pheromosa, leaving behind a massive splash that rose close to the second story window from where the descending building had sunk by that point. With the flight and battle continuing, Rainbow Dash let out a regretful grunt as she continued to follow Faba, ready to get the Pokémon back on the next lap. “This one should do it!” Faba shouted. “Raichu, take Celesteela out with Thunderbolt!” With its cheeks charged with energy, its body shone brightly as a stream of its own light shot off the top of its head and arced over onto Celesteela’s, covering it in the same harsh surge and glow. Spike glanced over as Celesteela began to descend, unable to keep itself up any longer. With a hiss, Spike was forced to return the beast back into its ball before it could crash. Coming around once more, Rainbow Dash noticed Pheromosa floating lifelessly on the water. Aiming the center of its ball at it, the red beam brought it back in, allowing the blue pegasus to keep up her chase. Glancing up, Spike noticed the four Metangs hovering above them, awaiting the next Pokémon they would take out upon either of them bringing it out. Spike pulled off another Beast Ball, which he now looked at more nervously than ever. “Spike!” Rainbow Dash called. “What are you bringing out now?” With the Aether Paradise sinking lower and lower into the sea, Spike forced himself to get brave and make his next decision. “We gotta’ do it. It’s our only way!” “Whoa, Spike! You’re not seriously thinking–” “Go, Blacephalon!” Spike tossed the ball up into the air without second thought. Once it opened, the alien clown spun about from the ball’s energy to make its grand, theatrical entrance. With several small equal bursts of colorful firework blasts booming from its hands, Blacephalon managed to bounce its way around the Aether Paradise to keep up with Rainbow Dash. Faba began to laugh heartily. “Do you forget where you’re fighting, little dragon? Do you not remember what lurks within this watery barrier? Perhaps they can remind you!” Two Bruxish burst out from the wall and flew at Blacephalon on their oceanic tendrils, opening their mouths wide and biting down hard on its arms. With an anguished leaning back, Blacephalon began to fall toward the water. “No!” Rainbow Dash and Spike cried out, reaching for their only key of escape. Pulling its arms back down, Blacephalon produced two larger blasts that propelled it above Rainbow Dash and Faba. It then aimed the bottoms of its hands at the Bruxish still clamped to its arms and with another dual explosion, it blew both fish off of it to land back into the water. Spike let out a loud, whooping laugh to see it escape. “Good job! Now get higher! High as you can possibly go!” Blacephalon aimed its hands down again, producing bursts from them like machine gun fire, sending it high up toward the rim of the water wall. “No, you don’t!” Faba and his three Pokémon looked upward. “Raichu, send it back down with–” The explosion of a Dragon Pulse attack slammed into Faba’s Raichu’s head, knocking it off its tail and throwing it backward. In its series of flips, the Raichu grabbed its board once again and flew back to rejoin its other allies. Like Hypno and Alakazam, Raichu was also shocked to now see Rainbow Dash’s Naganadel flying before her and Spike. Faba grimaced, annoyed more than anything. “And now you send a Poison-type to counter me? Metangs, after Blacephalon! Raichu, Hypno, Alakazam, hit it with Psychic!” Spike could only focus on the Metangs as they raced up to try and stop Blacephalon, who was already a few stories beneath the top of the wall, but a couple above the Aether Paradise. Reducing the strength of its bursts, the Ultra Beast hovered over while it awaited for the Metangs to get close. Rainbow Dash moaned as Naganadel wailed its harsh screech, the combined efforts of Faba’s Pokémon’s attack hurting it greatly. Spike couldn’t care less, seeing as the Metangs were finally close enough in range to do what he set out to. “Blacephalon! Mind Blown, now!” “What?!” Faba glanced up, watching as the clowny Pokémon juggled its round head between both hands before throwing it down at the four approaching Metangs. Though they tried to slow themselves, they couldn’t do so in time as the head detonated in a massive technicolor explosion of individual lights that was as brilliant and beautiful as it was powerful. The blast completely annihilated the roof for the conservation level, showering glass and hot balls of red, blue, yellow, and green flame that touched the grass and trees inside, setting them alight. On the yacht, Chrysalis and the grunts watched in sheer amazement as the force from the burst completely knocked the entire top half of the wall away and back into the ocean, suddenly feeling the shockwave beneath them. As the massive surface of water threatened to land atop them, Chrysalis cast a barrier over the entire boat, saving herself, the grunts aboard, and the Pokémon from facing several tons of water falling right on top of them. “Damn…” The sheer rocking of the boat only served to heighten Chrysalis’s worry. “That couldn’t have been good.” Decidueye’s arrow pierced through the water and into Espeon’s wavy shadow beneath it. With the last Pokémon falling, and with Gladion’s Crobat and Lillie’s Starmie already out, none of the grunts had any Pokémon left to fight for them, leaving them angered and nervous for their safety. Just then, the shockwave from the Mind Blown attack shook through the building and vibrated the water around everyone’s knees, making their situation all the more precarious. “Oh zz zzzt!” Rotomdex exclaimed. “I think Zzzpike and Rainbow Daszzh did it!” Sun finished spraying his Decidueye with a Max Poition as he turned his eyes to the balcony. “We need to move now then!” “Milotic!” Twilight threw a Poké Ball out near their exit. “Carry us over, quickly!” The ball opened up, unleashing Lusamine’s gorgeous serpentine fish, the water deep enough for it to slither over to Sun, Lillie and Gladion and allow them to hold on. Snaking its way past the defeated grunts, Milotic carried the three humans over to the balcony as Twilight, Rotomdex, Crobat, Starmie, and Decidueye flew overhead, the former shaking the water soaking the fur around her hooves. The balcony was already half submerged, the humans letting go of Twilight’s Pokémon and holding onto it for future support. As Twilight returned Milotic to its ball, the three other trainers took their Ride Pagers out from their pockets and summoned a Charizard ball. They all aimed the metallic Poké Balls to the balcony, letting them open up and letting the saddled dragons stand atop the railing. All three Charizards became nervous as they realized they had to balance on the thin banister or else fall into the waters surrounding them. As Twilight and Crobat helped Gladion on his Charizard’s seat, Decidueye and Starmie sufficiently lifted their trainers onto their seats, the three dragons all looking ready to fly immediately. Looking to the right, the group saw as Faba flew backwards with his Raichu, Hypno, and Alakazam while being chased by Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Naganadel, who appeared to survive Faba’s attack. “Charizard,” Sun roared, “after them!” Pushing off the railing, the three trainers’ Charizard’s were airborne, Twilight and the other Pokémon flying to follow them. Just before they went to make the turn, Gladion and Crobat began to go right, confusing Rotomdex. “G– Gladion! What are you doing zzz zzzzt?!” “No, he’s right!” Twilight took a tight turn right and flew to follow him. “We’ll catch Faba from behind! We’d never catch up with them!” Lillie and Sun’s Charizard’s dove down and twisted around to redirect themselves to follow the others, Decidueye and Starmie following in their same path, readying themselves to meet Faba on the next lap around. With Rainbow Dash’s focus still on Faba, Spike kept his eyes on the headless Blacephalon, who fell toward the ocean along with the four fainted Metangs. As the two got close to each other, Spike aimed his Beast Ball at the fainted Pokémon and brought it back in with a long red beam, leaving the four Metangs to hit the water one at a time. Faba, seeing his plan fall to partial ruin, began to breath audibly and furiously. “You little bastard! You tricked me!” “It comes with living with one of the smartest ponies in Equestria,” Spike taunted. “Grrr! Once I finish off Naganadel, I’m going to destroy you two! Alakazam! Attack the Ultra Beast with–” “U-Turn!” Faba’s Raichu spun to face behind itself just as Decidueye’s talons pierced onto Raichu, knocking it back into Faba’s vision. Faba barely managed to catch Raichu with the red beam of its Poké Ball before it struck the water. With Faba, Alakazam, and Hypno looking behind themselves, they saw as Decidueye looped back around and returned inside Sun’s Poké Ball, who approached with Rotomdex, his other three friends, and their Pokémon. Faba’s mouth hung open in fright. “No…” “Naganadel, Air Slash!” Neither Faba nor his two remaining Pokémon saw Rainbow Dash’s Ultra Beast swing its stinger upward and create a band of sharp air that flew directly at Hypno. The yellow Pokémon turned around just as it crashed into the sides of its ribs and sent it flying toward Sun and the others. Faba reluctantly returned his knocked-out Hypno back into its ball, only able to face the others coming at him. “That’s what you get for keeping your back to me!” Rainbow Dash loudly rebuked. Gladion and Lillie came to the front of the group along with Crobat and Starmie, an attack Faba was certain his Alakazam would not surivive. “Crobat, attack with X-Scissor!” “Starmie, use Swift!” Crobat flew at Faba faster as Starmie hurled a wave of bright, spinning stars at him and his Pokémon. With Rainbow Dash and Naganadel still after him and Crobat closing in, Faba and his Alakazam let out a simultaneous huff before Alakazam’s spoons began to illuminate, covering the both of them in their glow. The flash disappeared along with them, Crobat and the Swift attack flying into nothing. Sun and his group stopped to meet up with Crobat as Rainbow Dash and Spike slowed themselves down to face them. “You guys okay?” the pegasus asked them. “Yeah,” Gladion huffed. “Looks like you held your own pretty well yourselves.” “Aw, come on…” Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head as she blushed. “He wasn’t that hard.” “Hey guyzz?” Rotomdex elevated itself and pointed up toward the now open top of the shortened water wall. “We szzhould probably think about leaving now zz zzt!” “Right!” Rainbow Dash concentrated back on their salvation, already beginning to ascend with Spike and Naganadel. “Come on! Last one to Melemele Island is a moldy carrot!” Despite the childishness of her remark, Sun and the others were more than willing to quickly follow her, now able to leave Aether Paradise behind with everything they needed. As they climbed higher and higher, the amount of sky they were able to see became greater, adding to their sense of hope that they would make it. Just then, A bright light and a wide pulsing flash following it exploded higher above them, Chrysalis, the remaining grunts, and several of their Psychic Pokémon being held by her magic appearing from it. With their exit to freedom blocked once again, Sun and his friends and Pokémon all stopped and kept their distance from the former changeling queen and her troupe of trainers. “Like fish in a barrel,” she purred, charging her horn. As she began firing multiple blasts of magic from her horn, the grunts’ Pokémon, including two Kadabras, two Espeons, two Metangs, a Bruxish, another Starmie, a Hypno, a Slowbro, a Slowking, and an Oricorio, all shot out a barrage of random attacks that each trainer knew they couldn't face. “Everyone back down!” Sun dove his Charizard toward the open conservation area atop the building, shocked to see half the vegetation inside having caught fire already. With little other choice, he and his Charizard continued their way down, swerving and juking away from more of Prism’s attacks. Sun’s Charizard pulled up upon slipping in and slid down the walkway to the edge of the end of the lift chamber. As he hopped off his mount, Lillie, Gladion, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Rotomdex fell inside too and landed near Sun at other parts of the walkway, the hail of attacks beginning to come to a stop once Decidueye, Crobat, Starmie, and Naganadel came in. With another flash of green, Chrysalis, the grunts, and their Pokémon appeared along the western half of the outer parts of the walkway. With a brighter, whiter flash, Faba and his Alakazam appeared along the eastern half with the rest of his half-soaked grunts standing there. After returning his Ride Charizard to his Pager, Gladion and Crobat turned to face Faba with a scowl, unable to hide the nervous beads of sweat being produced from the heat inside the room. “You guys take care of them! I’ll deal with this bastard!” Faba grinned wide as the others turned their back to him. “Seems the pegasus has trouble following her own advice. Perhaps the final mistake she’ll make.” “You talk too much. Perhaps the final mistake will be yours!” “Hmph. I have a lifetime of mistakes left to look forward to. You and your friends, on the other hand…” Faba and Alakazam widened their positions as the trainers with healthy Pokémon did the same. Chrysalis giggled as she rose her own belt of Poké Balls out, overly eager to finally defeat Twilight and her friends with them. As Sun and Lillie called their Charizard’s back, Decidueye and Starmie readied themselves to defend their trainers until their dying breaths. Spike and Rainbow Dash were also ready, Spike grabbing another Beast Ball from his belt with Naganadel observing closely from above. Twilight also readied herself, her magic glow covering the balls latched to her belt. The site of their final battle on the Aether Paradise was cleared. All that was left was for the first trainer to declare an attack. > Chapter 75 – Storming the Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dozens of changelings stood far from the side the tracks outside the end of the tunnel where the train containing the Pillars and their allies would be coming out of. Several soldiers also flew around and above the tracks, keeping watch over the land around the mountain where the tunnel was built, keeping the possibility of them flying around it open. One of the changelings closest to the tunnel suddenly noticed the headlight of the engine shining out. “Everyone! The train!” A commander flying above the center of the track up front of its group took notice of their trooper’s call. “Soldiers, prepare to attack!” Each solider on either side of the tracks as well as above them charged their horns, ready to decimate the locomotive upon it exiting. With the light against the walls getting brighter and the cone shining outside getting thinner, the commander was ready to call his orders any moment. Finally, the front of the engine sped outside. “Fire!” As the train’s length began to fully leave the tunnel, the changeling soldiers began to launch their magical beams at the cars and engine. With only a couple of the first beams striking the boxcars, they exploded far more violently than any of them expected, the blast throwing them off their hooves or blowing them high into the air, pelting them with the debris. The explosions also triggered the other cars and engine to blow up in a long, fiery line, letting wood slivers, pieces of broken metal, and glass to shoot up in every single direction, felling a large number of changelings around. Those that weren’t too heavily injured looked up to see the train come to a quick stop with no engine to pull it, now resembling four flat cars whose floors were ablaze. The few that were still conscious looked into the tunnel, where Dexio and Metagross exited, followed by the Pillars, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno, her crew, Skystar, and Capper, whose horn was now stuffed with explosive arrows. “Hey, uh,” Capper nervously chuckled to Ember. “Thanks for the gift and everything!” “If I knew you’d just use them to bomb the train, we could have given you something for that!” Ember grumbled. The remaining changelings slowly pulled themselves to their hooves, straining to pick their spears and shields up. “You really blew up your train to attack us?” one of them queried. “You still have an entire city of us to deal with!” the commander growled, prompting the Equestrians to ready themselves to fight, only to notice something coming up from behind the changelings. “I hope that strategy was worth it, because now you’re going to have even more trouble entering the–” Several Psycho Cuts blasted the changelings from behind them, tossing up a wall of dust that obscured the Equestrians’ view from what was happening. With a small blue mushroom cloud appearing behind it, Mega Absol and Mega Gyarados came through the dust with Sam and Alice still upon them. Their friends smiled comfortably as the two dismounted their Pokémon and came toward the group. Sam eyeballed a pair of changelings who weakly writhed on the ground. “Yeah, I’d say it was worth it.” “Guys!” Dexio shouted, looking at the magnificence of Sam and Alice’s supercharged creatures. “I’m glad to see your Pokémon are taking Mega Evolution so well. How is it in the city?” “There were a bunch of them waiting at the station for you guys. We took care of them and all, but you seem to have thought farther ahead than us.” “How strong were they?” Mullet asked. “Not at all,” Sam said, hoisting Aegislash onto his shoulder for good measure. “Then what are we waiting for?!” Mage Meadowbrook exclaimed. “Let’s take this city back and get these youngsters home!” With a chorus of cheers, Sam and Alice spun back around and ran for the city, their Pokémon tagging along close beside them. Dexio, Metagross, and the rest of the Equestrians ran out to follow them. Skystar flew directly overhead Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Capper. “Just like old times, huh guys?” she buoyantly proclaimed. “Except we get to be the good guys now!” Grubber shouted just as joyously. “Haha! Heck yeah, you do!” With their spirits high, the legs and wings of each creature ready to take back the capital felt light as feathers. As far as they were concerned, not a thing could stand in their way. Cocoon bounded down the stone stairs as if the hooves of her enemies were brushing against the backs of hers. Reaching the bottom, she jumped left and continued to run down the hallway with every second mattering. Reaching the empty room where the repaired Storm King statue stood, she shot her head around the room before finding the small chest containing the Alicorn Amulet. As she rushed to it, she burst the lock open with her magic, throwing the lid open and allowing to her throw it onto her neck. Quickly clasping it closed, she suddenly felt an incredible, intoxicating warmth that gave her an odd, relaxing comfort as if the necklace's hold around her was like the embrace of a lover. As she became used to the feeling, she blinked herself back into concentration, looking at the soon-to-be revived Storm King before her. What shocked her even more was that the precise spell she wanted to conjure was slowly coming to her like a long forgotten memory, the gem inside the amulet lighting up ever so slightly. Charging her horn, the aura now a dark red, she shot an immensely powerful beam at the statue as the magic began to completely envelop it. The rock began to turn red like ruby before the stony surface began to burn away to reveal white fur, grey skin, and black armor. As the last of its hardened body began to rescind into nothing, the Storm King let out a frightened shout as his feet fell to the floor, processing both the last sights he had been petrified in as well as the new surroundings he suddenly found himself in. Once he realized he was no longer falling and was no longer bound by stone, he patted his chest, waist and arms to find that he was free once more. With an elated smile, he hugged himself tight. “Oh, my body! How I’ve missed you!” With Cocoon clearing her throat, the Storm King was torn from his moment of self-appreciation and turned to face the somewhat humbled changeling queen facing him. “Eh…” he croaked with extreme condescension. “What the heck are you supposed to be?” Cocoon stepped forward, asserting her dominance. “My name is Queen Cocoon of the changelings. I have revived you from your stone prison to receive your immediate assistance!” After staring at her for a few moments with shifted pursed lips, taking in what she told him, he slapped his hand over his eyes and broke out into hysterical laughter. “And what possibly could have happened that you require the assistance of someone like me?!” Cocoon ignored his abrasive tone; time was still of the essence. “With the help of my sister Chrysalis, my hive and I had taken over the nation of Equestria!” He let out a couple more chuckles, wiping a stray tear off his eye. “And let me guess, Twilight Sparkle and her wittle pony friends are kicking the crud out of you and your changey-changes or whatever you call them!” Finally, an opportunity to reign his behavior in arose, leaving Cocoon smiling. “As a matter of fact, Twilight and her friends are gone!” As predicted, the Storm King’s dismissive behavior evaporated, leaving him in shock over what he heard. “What?” “Over a week ago, they had disappeared through a portal to another world, allowing us to invade with little effort! We also nearly cornered the legendary Pillars of Equestria and some friends of theirs, but several other creatures that I’ve never seen before came in and joined them, and now they’ve defeated my faction in Ponyville and are about to defeat us here!” The Storm King had his back turned to her, but even Cocoon could realize that he was thinking heavily about this. For once, he seemed completely serious. “Interesting…” He then turned to face her. “And what’s in it for me, toots? I’m not the type who gets paid in exposure!” “Of course.” Flicking her muzzle forward, she directed his gaze to behind him. “First, you’ll need your most prized weapon.” Seeing the Staff of Sacanas leaned against the wall, the Storm King let out a high-pitched warbling breath, quickly slinking up to it and grabbing it in both hands, missing the feel of it against his fingers and thumbs. “Oh, yes… this already makes me a very happy Storm King!” Ignoring the weirdness of him rubbing his face against the crystal head on top, Cocoon proceeded with her terms. “In addition, once we succeed in defeating our enemies, you shall be my second in command, seeing as how I conquered Equestria in the first place.” With his back to her once again, she could not see the soured expression that had now formed on his eyes and lips. Discreetly, he pulled out a black stone sphere with a green prismatic gem swirling in the center from his belt. “Yeah, about that…” Spinning around, he whipped his arm out and threw the sphere directly at Cocoon, who could barely react to it hitting her and breaking to unleash a thick smoke that hardened and expanded onto her body. Cocoon squealed fearfully as she felt her insides harden as well, her body turning into the same material the Storm King was trapped in just a few minutes prior. Trying to charge her horn, the stone began to cover the tip of her horn and spread down, overtaking the red aura that failed to break through. The Storm King smiled wide and approached her as the rock completely formed over her entire horn. With the transformation moving through to the top of her neck and over her eyes, she panted heavily like a wounded animal. “But… wh–” With the exception of the Alicorn Amulet, which the stone appeared to spread underneath, Queen Cocoon had become an immobile and incapable statue, the sight of her making the Storm King laugh triumphantly. He then got close to her face and pointed up under her chin, sporting a suddenly enraged expression. “I don’t play second fiddle to anyone! I’m the one who’s gonna’ finish what I started! Got it?!” He suddenly realized he was alone in the room, making him straighten himself and giggle awkwardly. With a sigh, he relaxed himself once more, at peace. “Now, if I’m going to take this country back, this thing’s gonna’ to need a little juice…” Placing the tip of the staff against the gem of the Alicorn Amulet, strong bands of red light swirled around the crystal and pierced into it, feeding themselves into the staff. Feeling the intense vibrations of the weapon in his hands, the Storm King yanked it away and yelped. “Yoooow, mama!” He looked at the crystal atop his staff, which already swirled intensely with the little bit of magic he took from it before looking at the amulet once again. The gem flashed at him alluringly, and with a more careful approach, the Storm King took a couple deep breaths of excitement as he brought the crystal near to it again. With a stronger thrust, the Storm King pressed against the crystal of his staff against the amulet’s gem again as more of the dark magic began to fill it. As the energy ran through the staff, the Storm King laughed even louder as he felt a strong static course through his arms and made the ends of his fur rise out. “Yes…” Despite the magic he had already siphoned off, more and more just kept coming out, faster and faster. “YES!!” As the euphoria of the Storm King’s increase of power continued on, veiny lines of blue magical energy began to get pulled from Cocoon’s stone body, mixing in with the power from the Alicorn Amulet. Sam and Alice and their Mega Evolved Pokémon were the first to enter the city through the gated entrance, a blanket of scattered changeling bodies in their wake. With the Pillars and their allies closely behind, the changelings could only prepare themselves as they all readied themselves to enter. “Keep your magic to a minimum!” the commander ordered. “Focus on melee attacks!” Moving their spears and shields to their mouths, several changelings dove down to take Sam and Alice head on. “Mega Gyarados!” Alice commanded. “Brutal Swing!” With a spin and lash of its tail, Alice’s Pokémon swatted many of the changelings away and into the walls and windows of the buildings, leaving only a few left for Sam and his Pokémon. “Mega Absol!” Sam scanned the air with his pointed finger. “Hit them with Night Slash!” As the remaining changelings swooped down, Mega Absol’s claws glowed black. Winding its arm in, it lashed out and struck three of the soldiers, leaving two left who continued their advance without fear. As Mega Absol tried to hop back and away, one of the changelings swung the staff of its spear onto the base of Mega Absol’s wing while the other slapped the side of the spearhead against its face, making it yelp out in pain. “Mega Absol, no!” Sam was about to attack with Aegislash still in hand, only for Celaeno to leap over them both and land behind it. The changeling swung back around to attack the parrot pirate, who flipped her swords to hold them downwards, deflecting its spear and allowing her to kick through the space in its helmet, hitting its forehead and sending it down. Alice then flicked the helmet off the other changeling’s head, leaving it wide open for Fizzlepop to run in and blast a spell into its temple, sending it to join the other fallen changelings who fell victim to Mega Gyarados. Sam knelt beside Mega Absol and lightly massaged the wing, hating to hear his Pokémon whine as he did so. As more changelings came down to attack the vulnerable creature and its trainer as he pulled a Super Potion from his bag, Rockhoof charged forward and swung the spade of his shovel into them, throwing them down the street to the left. Spitting his shovel out and holding it defensively against the now steadfast changelings, he kept his eyes on each one to ensure they wouldn’t get another cheap shot in. “How was that for a Brutal Swing?” Once Sam finished off the bottle, Mega Absol gave its injured wing a couple of flaps and relaxed itself once the shooting pain quickly subsided. “Better?” Mega Absol eagerly nodded. As Ember landed beside Rockhoof and Fizzlepop, ready to fight the changelings blocking their path to the palace, Alice ran in to join them, wasting no time in running at one changeling amongst the blockade. As Rockhoof and Ember joined in to take on others, the rest of the changelings converged on them, Sam and the others noticing the streets to their left and right becoming unguarded. Sam pointed Aegislash to the road to the left. “I’ll lead a group that way! Dexio, take a group through the right street! Everyone else, help my sister! Let’s go!” Sam ran toward his chosen road, Celaeno, Skystar, Boyle, Flash Magnus, and Somnambula racing to follow him while Dexio and Metagross ran right, Starswirl, Stygian, Mistmane, Spittle, Squabble and Capper following him closely. With Grubber, Mage Meadowbrook, and Mullet left behind, the three of them let out a rousing battle cry as they ran in to join Alice and her friends against the changelings there. With a few changeling soldiers lining the streets both on the ground and above, Sam and Aegislash and Celaeno sufficiently took the lower changelings on while Mega Absol and Skystar clawed at those who flew. Boyle then passed between his captain and Sam and took the next one in line while Flash Magnus and Somnambula took the two before Skystar and Mega Absol. With a slam of the front of his shield and a swift kick to the head with her hooves, the two pegasi fell the changelings, hearing the armor of those behind them fall to their friends’ hands, hooves, and claws. Looking behind them, they saw that this was indeed the case, finding five downed changelings at the feet of each creature, including Skystar and Mega Absol, who landed beside Sam and Celaeno. “You alright?” Flash Magnus panted. “Oh, Flashy,” Skystar playfully chided, oblivious to Mega Absol jerking its head up and noticing something amiss, “you worry too much! These guys haven’t been that hard–” Just as they could realize it, Sam’s Pokémon unfurled its wings, throwing everyone around it back and away with a tremendous gust of wind. With Mega Absol completely isolating itself, the others could look up from on their backs as several changelings had their heads poked out of the second and third story windows of the buildings on both sides, shooting their magical beams down on it. Sam spun around and quickly crawled to it. “Mega Ab–!” Aegislash swung around and put its shield between Sam and the green explosion. Flash Magnus leapt in front of Somnambula and protected themselves from the blast with his own shield struggling to push against the blast’s force. As the air began to settle down, Sam ran into the dust cloud where his Pokémon had stood, Aegislash following him. “Everyone, get around me!” With everyone shooting to their feet, Sam tossed a Poké Ball high up into the air. “Lurantis, Petal Blizzard!” As Sam’s ball opened up, unleashing his flowery insect Pokémon up to the top levels of the buildings, all of his Equestrian friends huddled around him. They then watched as Sam’s next Pokémon threw its arms out and began to spin like a helicopter, a flurry of flower petals forming around it from the flaps on its waist as well as from underneath its scythes. “Aegislash,” Sam shouted, “King’s Shield!” As the colorful twister worked its way down, shattering the windows and entering into the buildings that it hit, a chorus of changelings’ screams emerging from them, Aegislash slid its blade into its enarme and thrust upward, creating its hexagonal barrier aura. As pieces of splintered wood and shards of glass were flung throughout the street, Aegislash’s barrier kept Sam and the Equestrians safe from Lurantis’s wrath. As the winds died down, Mega Absol’s body lit up brightly as it laid motionlessly on the ground. Sam and the Equestrians watched as Mega Absol’s wings receded into its body, its fur shortened, and the horn on the side of its head straightened into a single bend. As the glow dimmed, Absol’s body returned to its normal appearance. Lurantis landed out of its whirlwind with the others as it and Aegislash looked over to see Absol lying still in the center of everyone who huddled around it. Sam stroked his Pokémon’s face as he took out its Poké Ball. “Good job, girl. Rest easy now.” As the red beam from the Poké Ball collapsed his Pokémon to be brought back inside, the Equestrians stood up and spread out in the space where it had been. Once Sam stood up alongside his other two Pokémon, he turned around and looked for any sign of hurt or injury on their bodies. “Everyone alright?” From their relaxed, quiet murmurs, Sam could confirm that his friends were indeed okay. “That was quick thinking there,” Boyle said, respectfully shoving the rounded end of its hook into Sam’s shoulder. Just then, the buzz of changelings’ wings began to come closer, Skystar, Somnambula, and Flash Magnus taking to the air once again. The three flyers were then impressed to see Lurantis hop and claw its way up the side of the walls before swinging its way up to the rooftops, Lurantis glancing to its new partners to assure them that it had their backs. Looking forward again, they could all see the next swarm of changelings coming their way, Celaeno drawing her swords as Aegislash returned to Sam’s arm. Lurantis rubbed its scythes together in anticipation as Skystar flew into its peripheral vision. “Hop on! I’ll carry you over to the next roof!” With a nod, Lurantis leapt on and knelt onto her back. Following Somnambula and Flash Magnus, who began to fly out at the first aerial wave, Skystar flew out to join them. Looking down, she and Lurantis looked to see Sam, Celaeno, and Boyle running beneath them with their eyes on some changelings who hit the ground to charge them. Lurantis looked back up and found two changelings coming right up at it. Crouching even lower, it leapt back off Skystar’s back held its arms out, the frills beneath its scythes glowing green. Lurantis struck both soldiers hard with a wide, powerful slash. Dexio’s Metagross delivered a quick, unforgiving Bullet Punch into the face of a changeling soldier as Starswirl, Mistmane, and Stygian shot at three others using their magic, Capper’s arrows exploding out near tighter groups of them. With Squabble and Spittle dealing with two changelings each, the former parrot slammed his life raft upward into the chin of one while Spittle swung the barbed prosthetic on the end of its tail into the head of the other. One of the other two soldiers teleported behind Squabble and pulled the staff of its spear against Squabble’s throat, choking him. The other lunged its spear forward, Spittle grabbing it in both hands with the tip of the head just inches from her neck. Metagross slammed one of its arms into the side of the head of the changeling suffocating Squabble, leaving the other changeling feeling a pang of fear rise up quick enough for Spittle to pull the spear away. Shifting herself toward it, she then jabbed the end of her tail into the soldier’s unguarded flank, leaving him hopping on its three good hooves. Squabble then bashed the injured changeling in the head and knocked it out, Spittle giving him a congratulatory talon bump. As the three unicorns finished off the last of the first changeling waves on their street, Dexio noticed his Metagross beginning to breathe heavily. “Getting tired?” Dexio already began to pull out his Pokémon’s Ultra Ball, already knowing the answer. “Take a break, buddy.” Metagross stayed still as the red beam from the ball brought his Pokémon back into it. Starswirl glanced back as Dexio pulled out another ball, looking unnerved as the sound of buzzing wings became clear in the distance. “Dexio! What are you–” “Cover for me for just a little bit!” he shouted, leaping back and dropping his ball where he stood. “Go, Alakazam!” As Capper, Spittle, and Squabble joined the sides of the three unicorns at the end of the street widening out into the round plaza, Dexio’s ace Pokémon came from its ball, its trainer wasting no time in pressing his fingers against his Key Stone to activate it. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone!” Dexio proclaimed. “Beyond Evolution! Mega Evolve!” With the glow of the Key Stone’s DNA-energy tendrils casting shadows before the six Equestrians, they all only paid attention to the wall of changelings spreading around and taking their strategic position. Holding his bow sideways, Capper already had three arrows pointed out at the quarter-points of the plaza. Stygian’s magic sparked the fuses of each arrow, allowing Capper shoot them out. Hitting the ground right at the foot of where the changelings stationed themselves, three large fiery explosions blew a few dozen changelings back into the rest of their squad. Three vacant spots were created that the soldiers who weren’t hit quickly filled back up, stepping over those that fell to do so. As the changelings reformed themselves, they charged their horns and brought each spear that they carried up over their heads, each point aimed at one of the Equestrians, hoping to strike before Dexio’s Pokémon could finish whatever transformation it was undergoing. With a single launch of every spear, Starswirl, Stygian, and Mistmane powered their horns up even stronger as they redirected the weapons to strike the ground just shy of their hooves, paws, and talons. The changelings on the other side were mesmerized as each spear placement was meticulously planned, forming a tight and thick curved wall that connected to each corner of the last buildings on the street the Equestrians stood on. Once the last spear was planted into the stone streets, Starswirl and the others quickly ducked beneath the top of the wall, leaving Dexio and his Pokémon the only ones left for the changeling army to see. “Come out and fight, you cowards!” one of the commanders shouted at the Equestrians. Just then, the glow surrounding Alakazam shattered off of its body, appearing to the suddenly terrified changelings as Mega Alakazam. It floated forebodingly over the Equestrians still behind the wall before coming out and deliberately stopping five feet into enemy territory. “Fight, you say?” Dexio chortled. “Excellent idea! Have at it then!” “Soldiers!!” the commander screamed. “Attack that thing with everything you got!” The changelings rose up to form a towering monolith of black-bodied soldiers, each one with their horn aglow with green. Mega Alakazam squinted, monitoring the army as the seemingly-insignificant insects that they were. Holding its arms out, the arc of spoons above its head began to glow magenta, covering the entirety of the spear wall with the same energy. With the firing of the changelings’ magical blasts, Mega Alakazam began pulling a spear out from the ground to intercept each individual beam that threatened to pelt it. Each spear shattered against the force of each spell’s strike, but rather than each piece blowing back into Dexio or the Equestrians still hiding behind the slowly-dismantling wall, they stopped and stayed suspended in the air. The Equestrians stood up and slowly backed away from their dwinding barrier and watched as more spears were removed, placed, shattered, and then froze around Mega Alakazam like a snapshot of black rain. By the time the last spear blocked the last beam, the changelings had realized too late to what they have just provided for their enemies; the largest blast of buckshot that any creature would ever see. “Everyone, fall back–!” the changeling commander cried in vain. Throwing its arms to the side, Mega Alakazam shot out each piece of broken spear out and upward, bombarding the changelings with their own weaponry as it struck, pricked, or in certain cases, pierced into each of them. Upon being hit, the changelings all fell toward the ground in a downpour, landing on the roofs and the streets spanning several blocks. The Equestrians felt safe to walk into the plaza, watching the aftermath of the magnificent display of power Mega Alakazam exhibited. Dexio walked past them all toward the now open street on the other side of the unoccupied plaza. “Well? The others are probably ahead now. Let’s keep moving!” Breaking into a run, his Mega Alakazam floating behind him, the others appeared shocked that Dexio would casually disregard the damage he and his Pokémon had casued. However, there was truth in his words; they had to keep moving. With their faces returning to a determined demeanor, the six Equestrians ran and galloped to catch up with him. Alice swung her spear up, breaking the changeling’s weapon in two. Before it could register to use both halves, Alice hopped onto her right foot and kicked the bottom of her shoe into its face, throwing it back and away. Ember and Rockhoof whizzed past her, striking two more changeling soldiers with their scepter and shovel. Alice then turned to Fizzlepop, who shot magical bolts of lightning from the crown in her horn at a couple of soldiers, Grubber riding her with little else to do. “Grubber, catch!” Tossing the spear to the porcupine, he shuddered in glee upon catching it, swinging himself off of his dear friend. As several changelings gathered around him, Grubber began flipping it about while letting out shrill grunts like a wannabe kung-fu action star. Nonplussed, the changelings looked to each other out of sheer pity for this inexperienced creature. However, Grubber leapt up at one and slammed the blunt blade of the spear onto a soldier’s head, knocking it out. As the other changelings struggled to get serious, Grubber deftly swung the spear around its body in an imperceptible pattern that would result in the other soldier’s getting hit without any warning. With Alice unarmed, two changelings darted at her, Ember turning around to take notice of this before running to assist. With both changelings swinging their spears at her, Alice dove through the gap between them, Ember having to leap over her to avoid hitting her. With the four changelings that surrounded him now lying weakly on the ground, Grubber tossed Alice’s spear back to her. “Yo, Alice!” Upon catching it, Alice looked back to him with noticeable disbelief. “What? You seriously don’t think Rockhoof or Somnambula taught me a thing or two?” “Alice!” Ember’s stern voice redirected her back to the two soldiers that had attacked her. “Give me a hand, will ya?” A loud roar cracked from above, and Alice couldn’t help but look up to see her Mega Gyarados fighting two changelings standing upon a rooftop. It’s body was covered in red cuts that were only added to each time the changelings chucked theirs spears at it. Mega Gyarados tried to attack them from a distance with Dragon Rage, but it was effortlessly blocked by a combined shield spell from both soldiers. Alice turned back to face the changelings, detaching a ball from her belt and tossing it behind her. “Lycanroc, help Mega Gyarados!” With the ball opening up, Lycanroc shot out of it and instantly began an Accelerock attack, vanishing from its spot on the ground and appearing between the two changelings attacking Mega Gyarados, twisting around and kicking both soldiers off the roof, injuring them. Meanwhile, the two changelings facing Alice and Ember charged, only to teleport away from them. Alice and Ember, knowing immediately what they were planning, spun around to see the changelings appear behind them. Following through with her turn, Ember spun around and prepared to swing the armored spikes on her tail into the changeling directly in front of her. Alice, prepared for this, hopped up and flipped backward to let the tail pass beneath her, watching as the spikes dented the changeling’s armor into its ribs and send it to the ground. Before she could land, the changeling soldier facing Alice charged its horn and blasted her into the chest, knocking her hard onto her back where she tumbled away from Ember and their remaining foe. Ember swung the tip of her scepter at the soldier, who blocked it with his spear, pushing against each other in an attempt to overpower the other. “Ember, wings!” Hearing Alice’s voice, Ember opened her wings out wide, which did nothing to intimidate the changeling from continuing to overcome her. It was as it finally saw Alice’s running feet appear that he realized their visual-blocking strategies, leaving it no time to react as Alice leapt over the bar of Ember’s wing and sent herself over so that she was upside-down directly over the changeling soldier. With a downward jab of her spear directly between the bases of its wings, the soldier was sent down onto its stomach as Alice followed through with her flip, landing with a controlled tumble before sliding around to see Ember finish the changeling off with a magic-charged swing of her scepter, sending it away. Ember looked to Alice, who stood up hunched over and breathing audibly. “Are you hurt?” Alice looked to her and forced a convincing smile before knocking on her chest, keeping the same proud expression without the remotest hint of a flinch. Ember smiled warmly, her respect for this alien creature continuing to grow by the moment. Mullet and Mage Meadowbrook stood back to back with each other, five changelings boxing them in. Reaching behind her frock, Mage Meadowbrook pulled out her mask and affixed it onto her face. “Hold your breath on my mark,” she whispered, reaching back again and pulling out a small glass vial of bright red liquid which she kept hidden from the soldiers’ view. “And whatever you do, do not breathe this in.” Tightening his balled fists, Mullet kept his eyes on just one changeling and awaited its advance along with the others. At once, all five jumped them, signaling Mage Meadowbrook to chuck the vial onto the ground, where it exploded into a red dust that covered all seven of them. Rockhoof and Fizzlepop’s eyes were drawn to the cloud, uncertain of what had happened. Then, one by one, all five changelings were thrown out of it, their bodies still as statues. Even as they hit the ground, they clattered onto their sides like figurines. Mullet and Mage Meadowbrook ran from the red dust, the former finally able to breathe in fresh air to save himself from a similar fate to the changelings he and his companion both took out. Two green magical blasts were heard overhead, seeing as Mega Gyarados and Lycanroc were both thrown to the ground by the last two remaining changeling soldiers. Lycanroc was quick to get back on its paws, but as Mega Gyarados’s body turned bright, Alice and Ember were both saddened to see its body size down back into its original Gyarados form. With the two changeling soldiers landing on the ground to continue their bout with Lycanroc, one was suddenly swept away by Rockhoof’s shovel striking it like a javelin while Fizzlepop blasted the other away with her magic. With Gyarados’s reversion complete, Alice ran over to it and gently ran her hand along its underside, a small smearing of blood left from the numerous scratches and cuts being left there. “I’m sorry. Thank you for all your help, Gyarados.” Once Alice took out her Pokémon’s ball and returned it inside, Ember roughly put her hand on her shoulder. “We need to keep moving! Who knows how much farther ahead our friends are!” Alice let out a single huff, getting herself over her Gyarados’s defeat quickly. “Right! Lycanroc!” With her hound running off by her side, the other Equestrians got behind her and ran up through town, not planning on slowing down until they caught up with the others. Lurantis’s arms were held and pressed into its sides by two changelings, who spun it about as they all plummeted toward the ground. Pushing off as hard as it could, Lurantis freed itself, giving its arms enough space to spin halfway and slash into their chests on the ends of its scythes, sending them to the ground. Lurantis kept its eyes on the ground as it twisted itself about so that it could land feet-first, falling onto a knee to cushion the blow. Sam, Aegislash, and the other Equestrians got right behind Sam’s other Pokémon as they found themselves at a massive, winding stairway overlooking the valleys far below. At the top of it, the walls of the Canterlot Palace awaited them. Just then, Dexio, Mega Alakazam, and his group of Equestrians had come in from behind, taking the sides of the others. Dexio glanced around him, feeling that their group was still somewhat naked. “Where’s Alice and the rest?” Sam frowned, his worry beginning to rise. “Dexio, take everyone up to the castle. Lurantis and I will wait on them!” “But Sam!” Starswirl leaned his head in to be seen. “If another horde attacks you, you and your Pokémon won’t stand a–” “I’ve already faced creatures more difficult than them! Besides, I’m not leaving my damned sister behind, now go!” The castle was not much further away, and Mega Alakazam was still healthy and fit enough to continue battling. Without much thought, Starswirl turned around and galloped up the stairs, the others following him. “Good luck, Sam!” Skystar called back. “I’ve got plenty already,” Sam said under his breath, facing the rest of the city as he kept his eye on Alice and the others. With the sounds of his friends’ footsteps fading away behind him, the sounds of buzzing erupted from the left and right. With both Sam and Lurantis looking sideways, they both saw two large waves of changeling soldiers come toward them from the side. Lurantis glanced back at its trainer warbling at him while flicking her scythe backwards. Understanding its wishes, Sam backed away with his feet on the first two steps on the stairway. The two hordes saw them and separated into groups of two, intending to flank Sam and Aegislash and Lurantis on both sides. With two quick spins on the tip of its right foot, Lurantis sent out a small barrier of flower petals around itself before throwing its arms to the side, spreading them out to create a fierce Petal Blizzard. Meanwhile, Sam detached another Poké Ball from his belt and let it open up to his left. “Drampa,” Sam commanded, “hit those changelings with Ice Beam!” With his dragon Pokémon facing the soldiers coming in from the city, Sam and Aegislash faced the drop to their right, ready to face the changelings there. As Drampa shot a frigid blast of light out from its mouth, freezing the changelings wings and forcing them to crash, Sam and Aegislash swung at the first changeling that came to take them on. Reaching the top of the staircase, Dexio, Mega Alakazam, and the Equestrians that joined him and Sam all lined up to face the castle’s borders, many changelings patrolling them and ready to attack, most of them gathered above a massive steel door that kept them all outside. Mega Alakazam reached forward at the door, covering it in its psychic luminance. As it tried to push the door open, Mega Alakazam was surprised to find that it was having trouble getting it to budge. “Oh shit…” Dexio breathed. The changelings began to hurl magical blasts at the group, Starswirl and Mistmane working together to form a barrier to keep everyone from getting hit. “What’s going on?” Stygian exclaimed. “Why can’t he open the door?!” “That door is made of some really thick steel,” Dexio grunted. “For Mega Alakazam to have such a problem with it…” Capper kept an arrow drawn, aiming at the door, unable to do anything with Starswirl and Mistmane’s barrier in effect. “Hey, Starswirl, I can help Dexio blast that door open if you can give me an opening!” Starswirl nodded, brightening the aura on his horn to concentrate and open up a hole just wide enough for the cat to take his shot. “Yeah, that’s the ticket…” Capper shot the arrow through the hole, only for it to explode not even thirty feet away from him. Right before the blast could seep through the hole Starswirl left for him, the unicorn mage closed it back up, grunting as the shockwave collided into the hole. “Or…” Celaeno moaned loudly, “that could happen!” Dexio looked up at his Mega Alakazam, watching as it continued pushing against the locked door, but to no avail. “Come on, guys…” At the bottom of the stairs, Drampa continued spitting Dragon Pulse attacks from its mouth, forcing the changelings targeting it to scramble about and break up its strategic formations as each attack struck at least one of them. Sam and Aegislash swung and cut at oncoming soldiers while defending themselves from magical attacks with its shield. With only a few changelings able to infiltrate Lurantis’s Petal Blizzard wall, the Grass-type Pokémon was able to focus on only a few soldiers at a time, cutting them with Leaf Blades and X-Scissors or swinging the points of its scythes down for a Poison Jab. Lurantis could not keep up with them all, taking a blast of changeling magic or getting cut by one of their spears. Periodically, Sam would try and glance over to his left to see his sister and other friends coming, only for his vision to be obscured entirely by Lurantis’s battle. This time, he saw as Lurantis delievered another Leaf Blade, only to take a magic beam to the head, throwing it down. As it struggled to get up, another magic blast into its upper back took it down for good. “Lurantis!” With Drampa unguarded, it too took many of the changelings’ spells to its body without reprieve, causing it to lose consciousness as well. “Drampa!” Sam let out a desperate whine as he found himself backing away toward his friends at the top, pulling Lurantis and Drampa’s balls from his belt to bring them back in. At that moment, several attacks began to rock the combined hordes from behind, Sam recognizing Fizzlepop’s magic aura, Ember’s fire breath, and Lycanroc’s Stone Edge attacks. With a sigh of doleful relief, he quickly called his fainted Pokémon back into his Poké Balls as Alice and her group of Equestrians began to break through. It didn’t take long for the changelings there to retreat back toward the palace to aid their comrades against Dexio and the rest of the Equestrians. With the stairway cleared, Alice and the others bounded up the stairway, Sam altering his gait to run alongside them. “Who’ve you got left?” Sam asked his sister. “Other than him,” she responded, glancing to Lycanroc as it ran beside her, “just Mudsdale and Mimikyu. You?” “Salazzle and Aegislash. That’s it.” “Alright. We can still save a country with that!” Reaching the top of the stairs, Sam, Alice, and the remaining Equestrians saw Dexio and his friends engaged in their treacherous stalemate at the gates of the palace. Dexio noticed their overdue arrival, his face brightening up. “Sam, Alice! Come quick!” Sam and Alice ran to his side as Alice’s group of Equestrian’s mixed in with the others. “What’s up?” Alice panted. “If you’re going to open that door…” Starswirl noisily groaned, “now would be an opportune time!” “My Mega Alakazam can’t open the door, and the changelings are giving us no room to do anything else! Neither of you have used your Z-Moves by chance, have you?” Sam gasped, the pathway to victory now clear in his mind. Walking forward, he detached his Steelium Z from the top of his Z-Ring and replaced it with Firium Z. “Fizz!” he called. “Yes?” she answered back. “Provide some cover for my Salazzle, and then let go when it’s time!” “Right! Starswirl!” “On it!” Starswirl charged his horn brighter again. With the Z-Crystal affixed inside his device, he took a Poké Ball off his belt and lobbed it just a few feet from him through the hole Starswirl had provided him. With Salazzle forming out from his ball outside the barrier, Fizzlepop quickly charged her horn and formed a smaller shield spell that kept it safe from any of the changelings from any vantage. “Alright, come on now…” Sam crossed his arms in front of his face and activated his Z-Ring, energy sparking to life over Salazzle as well. The Equestrians who could only watch their other friends work to protect them were amazed as Sam and Salazzle put their arms back down and crossed them out again in perfect synch. The trainer and Pokémon then began fanning their hands up toward the sky twice before they reached upward with their left hands while they held onto their left arms with their right hands, finishing the ritual by throwing them down to aim at the steel doors. Z-Energy shot up and over Starswirl’s barrier and then cascaded back down onto Salazzle, filling its body with the immense energy as purple flames ran down the center of its back and along the sides of its tail. Each Equestrian’s face shared the same wide-eyed, open mouthed expression. “Ready, Fizz?!” Sam’s shout was responded to with a single affirming nod back. “Okay, Salazzle, blow the door open with Inferno Overdrive!” The flames on Salazzle’s body flared even hotter as progressively bigger wisps of flames appeared from thin air, balling up before the end of its snout and expanding with each new one that joined in. Eventually, Fizzlepop let her own shield spell down as the flames threatened to engulf it. As the ball of fire grew bigger, the changelings guarding the wall also began to stop attacking once they saw their magic attacks evaporate upon hitting it, completely stunned and in awe over what Salazzle was making. “Oh…” The changeling commander standing above the center of the wall threw his head left and then right frantically. “Fall back! Fall back–” “NOW!” Salazzle shot its fireball at the door, Mega Alakazam pushing its psychic force against the door even harder than before. A few of the changelings stayed behind and tried to continue attacking the approaching blaze, frightened to see that their attacks neither stopped it or discharged it early. The compacted inferno struck the wall, and with the added pressure of Mega Alakazam’s push, the door was blown open off it hinges, taking several feet of the wall on either side of it with it. A bright, hot mushroom cloud rose high up into the air, the size and scope of which Ember smiled at, knowing that her army back in Ponyville could also see it from there. Pieces of exploded rock and shards of hot steel flew backwards at the changelings that fled, most of them able to protect themselves with their shields. “What do we do now?” a soldier asked its commander. The commander continued looking down, watching as Sam, Alice, Dexio, their Pokémon, the Pillars, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno and her crew, Capper, Skystar, and Ember all marched to the open gap, Mega Alakazam fanning the dust and smoke away. “We must now protect the queen! Retreat!” The changelings erupted in a chorus of “retreat” as they all flew away and inside the castle, Sam, Alice, and their friends watching as they passed the walls into the palace grounds. “They’re all heading inside,” Mistmane observed. “That must mean…” “We’re in the home stretch!” Alice and Lycanroc shot off toward the entrance, Sam, Salazzle, and the rest of the Equestrians coming close behind. With their small reprieve before the next and hopefully final round, Sam and Alice continued to run as they both took out a Hyper Potion from their bags, spraying Aegislash and Lycanroc and giving them more energy to take Cocoon and her remaining forces on. Rounding around the building, the group came across the unguarded front doors of the castle entrance. Whether it was a careful trap or not meant little to the group. With five healthy Pokémon between Sam and Alice and Mega Alakazam still uninjured, everyone was confident that they could take anything that would await them on the other side. Mega Alakazam threw the doors open, and with the exception of a few changeling soldiers flying through the halls on the second floor, the foyer was entirely deserted. Even after they all poured in and looked over every corner where a changeling might be hiding, they were frozen in place to find that there was nothing waiting there to attack them. “Wow,” Ember spoke in a hushed tone, “they really gave up.” “Obviously not,” Flash Magnus responded. “They just announced that they are protecting their queen. Chances are they are making a final stand against us.” “Should be easy.” Dexio’s comment was met with an affirmative grunt from Mega Alakazam. Come on, let’s keep going!” Finding the stairs to the next floor up, the three humans, their Pokémon, and the Equestrians all ran up and turned in the direction they saw the changelings go. Continuing through the hallways, there were faint, echoed sounds of screams and cries going down the halls accompanied with noises of magical crackling and ringing. Following the sound, they turned through the hallways of the palace, the screams getting crisper and the magical noises getting shriller and more defined. Just as they began to turn down into another hallway, a changeling whizzed at them from the other end of the hallway, ignoring the others as it flew past them and away from where they were heading. Capper traced the changeling’s motions with a drawn arrow as his friends stopped to watch it go, its lack of acknowledgement of them only served to mount their suspicions. “What in the heck is going on here?” he muttered to himself. “Maybe Celestia broke herself out and is kicking the changelings’ butts!” Grubber excitedly predicted. Starswirl looked forward again, even more troubled by the flicker of lights visible at the next turn. “The Celestia I know wouldn’t do anything to cause any creature, not even these, to scream and run for their lives.” “Is it something else now?” Sam anxiously guessed. “Seems so, bro!” Alice’s own fears broke through her attempts at facetiousness. “Let’s see!” With Sam and Alice running to the front again, they and the others turned left into the hallway where they came across a much wider, longer chamber of stained glass windows, its tall ceilings supported by ornate marble pillars. Despite the gorgeousness of the space, it was the dozens of black stone statues lining the walls, all of whom were crafted in the likeness of changelings, that the humans and Equestrians could focus on. Fizzlepop shot her gaze left and right, the material of the stone and the frozen fearful expressions on each changeling ringing all too familiar with her. “No… this can’t–” A loud, howling laugh was heard at the end of the hall near a large, regal door, and upon them all looking up, they watched as the Storm King finished draining the magic of six petrified changeling soldiers using his Staff of Sacanas, the energy inside the crystal on its end swirling with green as well as red. Though the three humans, their Pokémon, and the Pillars all scowled at the antagonistic air this creature exerted, the faces of Celaeno and her crew, Skystar, and Capper had all the confidence drained out of them, replaced by near-crippling dread. As the Storm King sensed the presence of others inside, he turned around to face them. Even with the odd appearance of the humans and their Pokémon facing him, he couldn’t help but pull a wide, elated grin full of cunning and insidious anticipation upon finding Fizzlepop and Grubber amongst them, who sported the most terrified faces of all. “No…” Fizzlepop took a step back on her weak, wobbling legs. “Impossible!” The fear in her whisper only served to fill the revived tyrant with even more glee. “Hello, Tempest.” > Chapter 76 – The Kahunas' Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau swung the Marshadow-possessed taiaha against the arm of a Metang hybrid. Neither blow was particularly strong, but Hau audibly grunted as he struggled against the hybrid’s force. As Metang readied itself to punch Hau with its free arm, it was suddenly blasted away by a Flamethrower attack by the Akala Kahuna’s Salazzle. As it ran past his feet, so did its trainer, neither of whom seemed to see Hau standing there. Focusing on a Bruxish hybrid and a Kadabra hybrid standing there, Hau ran at them screaming, the blade of his taiaha flaring with Marshadow’s purple aura. With an upward outside slash, he knocked the Kadabra hybrid away and onto its back. The Bruxish hybrid lunged its tilted head forward and opened its maw wide, intending to crunch Hau’s head with its powerful jaws. Hau slipped the blade of the taiaha in between both sets of teeth, and upon reaching the corners of its cheeks, the hybrid began to gnaw on it. Hau continued to push back with one hand on the grip and the other on the backside of the top of the blade. Hau screamed in distress as the hybrid grabbed both of his arms and moved its head down so that its teeth held onto his right wrist. “Exeggutor!” Hearing the Poni Kahuna’s call, Hau kicked back off the hyrbrid and pulled his hands away right as their Pokémon slammed its heads down upon it. With his immediate area cleared of hybrids, Hau stood relaxed as he watched the Exeggutor run back into the fray with its trainer, watching as Salazzle, Vikavolt, and the other Kahunas did battle against the hybrids who were still willing to battle. Hau was so fatigued that he found himself entranced by the Melemele Kahuna’s Vikavolt as it delivered an impressive Discharge attack, unaware of the Kadabra hybrid that he hit running at him from behind. “Sandslash!” The Ula’ula Kahuna’s Pokémon leapt in and uppercut the Kadabra hybrid at the base of its lower jaw, sending it flying back toward the crater wall. Upon turning around and catching the tail-end of the short confrontation, Hau stumbled backwards on his rump, dropping the taiaha in the process. As he panted, the taiaha glowed in time with Marshadow’s pleas. “Hau, get back up! We’re not done yet!” “I know…” Hau felt ashamed to admit it. “But I feel like I’m getting there… the air feels so thick and hot here and my body feels heavier than normal.” “You have to get back up! This battle is from when Necrozma was first defeated! If you can survive long enough, we’ll know how to beat Burnet and Team Prism out there! Now get up! Our worlds depend on it!” Hau took in deeper breaths as he tried to regain some stamina just as a Hypno hybird ran in, ready to kick him. Hau tumbled back and shot his legs up, grabbing the taiaha once again before pushing himself onto his feet, using the momentum to strike the hybrid across the chest, spinning it onto its back where its arms and legs sprawled out. With the icy, metallic Sandslash and its trainer joining their other six comrades against the hybrid menace, Hau mustered every ounce of strength in his legs to run after them to assist. A flurry of lights, beams, bolts, and flames filled the air and the ground inside Ten Karat Hill, Burnet standing before it all without flinching or wincing. Even with each Pokémon and the Equestrians making several different attacks each second, Burnet appeared to be processing them all. With neither side gaining ground on the other, even she knew that it could be anyone’s win. Guzma’s Golisopod threw a water-coated punch at a Kadabra grunt, forcing it back as whipped its arm out to throw a Charge Beam attack at Kahili’s Mandibuzz. Upon getting hit and thrown several feet up, it retaliated with a Snarl attack that ravaged each of the hybrids as well as Burnet’s Pokémon below. An Espeon hybrid was quick to recover, flashing a Dazzling Gleam out at Mandibuzz and each of its ally Pokémon beneath it, lowering it down toward them. Lady leapt up off of the back of Flannery’s Arcanine and shot at the Espeon hybrid with Shadow Ball while Arcanine attacked a Metang hybrid with Flare Blitz, plowing its way through the other hybrids still recovering from the Snarl. A Slowbro-faced hybrid blasted Arcanine with Hydro Pump, shooting it off to the side. Fluttershy’s Comfey was quick to avenge the large dog with Energy Ball. It was then caught by a Kadabra hybrid’s Psychic hold, Fluttershy whimpering as her Pokémon struggled to break free. As a Bruxish hybrid and the Espeon hybrid joined its side, it quickly let Comfey go before delivering a hard blast of energy into the Bruxish hybrid, followed by a lashing of its claws at the Espeon hybrid, throwing it away from it. The real Kadabra hybrid telekinetically picked the doppelgänger up and threw it back towards the humans and Equestrians, the psychic glow covering it destroying its disguise to reveal Thorax, who roughly landed on his side near Trixie, Starlight, and a returning Lady. “Thorax!” Starlight shouted, running to his aid. “Are you alright?” “I didn’t think that would last long,” he coughed, rolling over to his side, “but at least I got to attack two of them.” “I can probably beat that!” Trixie darted toward the front lines, weaving around the trainers and some of the Pokémon standing there as they attacked from a distance. With her own magic charged, she threw out four smoke balls that burst and sprayed out from end to end on the hybrids’ line. With their vision obscured, they haphazardly looked around to try and find any sign of a sneak attack. The smoke was thick enough to hide the luminence of Acerola’s Sableye’s gemstone oculars as it leapt out to attack the Bruxish hybrid with an oncoming Shadow Claw. Before the attack could connect, a Moonblast from the back launched it out of the fog and back in the direction of its trainer, Burnet’s Gardevoir staring where it aimed its attack with orange-glowing eyes. Malamar, its eyes also alight with the same orange radiance, lifted several small boulders from the ground and threw them out, the trainers and Equestrians only able to see them once they shot out from the smog. Mallow’s Trevenant threw its arms out, the bark rapidly sprouting branches that that formed a net for the boulders to crash into and turn into harmless pebbles and dust. Applejack managed to bust a larger fragment into pieces with a single buck of her hoof as the other large pieces bounced off behind them toward the southern wall of the crater. Mixing in perfectly with the smoke from Trixie’s bombs, Plumeria’s Gengar appeared only as a pair of red eyes as it chucked Dark Pulse after Dark Pulse at the hybrids inside, hitting a Slowking hybrid and an Oranguru hybrid. It was quickly immobilized by another hybrid whose head was a Starmie and whose limbs were blunt points. With the hybrid hurling Gengar back out at the trainers and Equestrians, Discord saw it coming and juked about to ensure it would be directly before it. “I got it, I got it!” Holding his left talon against the back of his right lion’s paw like an outfielder about to catch a pop-fly, Gengar’s lower back landed on Discord’s paw and bounced off to the ground on its feet, holding its arms up and kicking its foot out in a showy manner. “And they said the Spirit of Chaos couldn’t also be a professional baseball player.” Olivia stood by as Shining Armor kept behind her Golem, his back hooves directly on its bottom as its protrusion dug into the ground facing the battle. “Ready?” Shining Armor shouted to Golem. With its head squeezed between its body and the ground, it let out a short, annoyed roar to signal Shining Armor to go ahead. “Wait!” The air began to feel tingly on Shining Armor’s fur and Olivia’s skin as blue-and-yellow plasma began to appear in between the space of Golem’s protrusion, forming and compacting into Zeraroa. “Allow me to give her a boost!” With a grunt and a bright glow of its body, Zeraora dissolved into a flurry of sparks that fed themselves into both inner sides of Golem’s protrusion, filling the rest of its body up with even more electrical energy. With a louder bark, Shining Armor scooted its front hooves toward it and tucked its back legs further in, prepared to fire the living cannonball. “Alright, Golem,” Olivia commanded, “break through with Steamroller!” Shining Armor bucked with all his might, the protrusion swinging itself off the ground and sending it flying over the other trainers and their Pokémon. Landing right in the space between them and the hybrids, Golem's spin propelled it forward, bowling through the center of the hybrids and on its way to Burnet and her Pokémon, painful sparks spraying off to the side like wakes from a speedboat. Burnet was the furthest thing from impressed as the rotund Pokémon reached her. “This again? Malamar, finish it this time with Superpower!” Malamar quickly floated in front of Golem’s line and then shot its bottom appendages off the ground, racing out for a head-on collision. Before Malamar could even recognize it, Zeraora warped itself out of Golem’s protrusion and shot at it, its paw already thrusting forward for a head-on Plasma Fist. Malamar’s head met Zeraora’s knuckles, their forces and strength immense enough to stop each other’s momentums. Zeraora screamed through its teeth as the bone and muscle in its arm strained to support itself against Malamar, while Malamar cried out with the tremendous power of the electricity rushing through its body. Despite the agony it felt shooting all the way up its shoulder, Zeraora grinned and vanished in a zapping flash of light, leaving nothing to separate Golem’s continued advance toward Malamar. With another screech, Malamar was plowed into by Golem, flying high over Burnet and toward the north side of the crater. As Golem rolled back to its front lines, the trainers and Equestrians who saw the entire thing roared with cheers over the incredible ploy. Zeraora appeared beside Shining Armor and Olivia, its right arm hanging down limply and trembling involuntarily. “You’re hurt!” Olivia pulled a Max Potion bottle from her bag and rushed over to Zeraora’s other side. “Let me see it.” As she placed her palm beneath its forearm and lifted it up, Zeraora tilted its head back as far as it would go and clenched its teeth, gurgling through the shooting pain. Just as Golem returned, Olivia began spraying up and down the length of Zeraora’s entire arm, his breathing becoming more stable as the soreness disappeared second by second. As Zeraora flexed its paw, Shining Armor breathed a small sigh of relief. “Feeling better?” “Perfect now.” Zeraora began to glow bright, ready to disappear back into the battle. “Thank you.” He immediately vanished, leaving Olivia and Shining Armor alone again with Golem. “Nice work, stud.” Olivia put her fist to him, Shining Armor proud to bump his hoof against it. Ilima’s Gumshoos gripped onto the edges of Pinkie Pie’s cannon, Ilima staring at Pinkie Pie’s weapon with uncertainty over its impracticality. “Are you sure this thing is safe?” “If it’s safe for me, it’s safe for a weasel!” Pinkie Pie rotated it carefully, unsure which of Burnet’s Pokémon she should target next. “Where to, friend?” Ilima looked out amongst the other three Pokémon standing before Burnet, frowning at one in particular. “Gardevoir would be the hardest to take down, so direct your aim at her, if you could. And the name is Ilima.” “You got it, Ilima! Alrighty Mr. Gummy Shoes, lock and load it!” Letting go of the rim of the cannon’s barrel, Gumshoos slipped in, Pinkie Pie raising her arm over the button in the back. “Okay, let’s go, go, GO!” Slamming the button down, Gumshoos rocketed out from the cannon following a small burst of streamers and confetti. Zooming past two hybrids, one with the head of a Raichu and the other with a head of a Drowzee, Gumshoos was directly on target with Gardevoir, who turned to see it get too close to avoid. “That’s it!” Ilima shouted. “Now hit her with Super Fang!” Opening its mouth, Gumshoos hit Gardevoir in the chest first, fastening its teeth upon the horn and tackling it to the ground. Gardevoir tried to wrench Gumshoos off with all its might, but Ilima’s Pokémon refused to let go, and with its white-glowing teeth biting harder, Gardevoir screamed out as it failed to suppress its feelings of pain. Angered, Gardevoir charged up its Moonblast attack on its chest horn, the energy forming finally getting Gumshoos to let go. With Gardevoir holding the flailing rodent up before its chest, it was clear to Ilima and Pinkie Pie that it wouldn’t escape. Letting go and shooting its attack, Gardevoir blasted Gumshoos away and back toward the wall of the crater. Just then, a white-scarfed Flygon flew around the diminishing Moonblast and caught Gumshoos in its arms. “Yeah!” Kaj whooped. “Nice catch, Rông!” Banking inside the edge of the crater, Rong came back around and landed by Ilima, dropping his greatly injured Gumshoos in his hands. “Thank you, I owe you one.” Rông affectionately accepted Ilima’s stroking its face before flying back into the battle, spotting Hapu’s Flygon attacking the Hypno hybrid with Dragon Rush and going to assist it. “Persian!” Nanu called. “Try and attack Burnet’s Reuniclus with Dark Pulse!” Nanu’s cat ran out at the line of hybrids, a Hypno and the Oranguru ones among them noticing them. As they turned to block and attack Persian, Rarity leapt in and kicked the Oranguru hybrid in the head, sending it flying back. “Quick, Crunch!” Leaping in from the same side as Rarity, Kukui’s Lycanroc bit down on the Hypno hybrid’s throat and sent it down, leaving a gap for Persian to run through. As it set its sights on Burnet’s gelatinous Pokémon, a large Alakazam hybrid spun in to stop its advance. Persian refused to let its speed up as it noticed Lana’s Araquanid coming in from its right to leap onto the hybrid and clamp onto its neck for a Leech Life attack. With its path now clear, Persian ran through the line, spotting Burnet’s terrified Reuniclus. Malamar floated down to serve as its last obstacle for the Persian to try and overcome, only for Mina’s Ribombee to fly over from behind Persian and go ahead of it. With a strong Pollen Puff attack, Persian was thrown back behind Reuniclus, who now had nothing to protect it from Persian as it opened its mouth and shot a dark orb from it, hitting it in the gut and sending it crashing to the ground. “Xatu,” Burnet exclaimed, “Air Slash!” Burnet’s tribal bird swung its wing at the Persian as it prepared to pass, the blade of air it created bashing into its left back paw and tripping it. As it roughly rolled over and stood back up, Persian quickly realized that its paw was too injured to put any weight on. With Burnet and her other Pokémon turning to face it, Persian could only pant as it awaited for them to make their final moves against it. Molayne’s Magnezone pointed its magnets in front of itself, Sophocles’s Togedemaru held in its magnetic force as it began to charge up with electrical energy. Luna stood beside them as she charged her horn, ready to do what she needed to. “Okay, Mo,” Sophocles said, “whenever you’re ready!” “Ready!” he shouted back. “Magnezone, hit Xatu with Zap Cannon!” “And then control the path with Zing Zap!” With Sophocles’s Pokémon adding to the electrical charge surrounding it now becoming a solid, golden ball of energy, Magnezone launched it hard enough to get blown back several feet back, forcing Molayne to dodge it. Hearing the attack called, Burnet and her other Pokémon turned to face forward as Togedemaru came at them, curving its line to reach Xatu. Luna disappeared in a magical flash, appearing a moment later beside Persian with her horn still charged. Burnet’s Pokémon glanced back just as Luna escaped again in an instant with Persian. With no time left to defend, Togedemaru collided into Xatu, creating an immense, bolt-filled explosion that spread out in an electric shockwave. With Luna and Persian appearing again beside Nanu, Luna charged her horn and created a wide barrier spell for the shockwave to crash into, protecting all the trainers and Pokémon behind it. Luna dissolved her spell and looked out to see the results of Molayne and Sophocles’s teamwork. Each hybrid, along with each of Burnet’s Pokémon, were lying on the ground, their bodies smoking lightly from the explosion that had swept into them. Burnet, meanwhile, had protected herself in a round barrier wide enough for her, Necrozma’s aura charging off of her like fire. “Wha…” Kaj breathed. “Did we do it?” “It sure looks that way,” Shining Armor panted, the tension eating him. Burnet then shot her head up, her eyes shimmering with the same intense light as her aura. All four of her Pokémon, followed by the downed hybrids were then covered in the same aura, and at once, they all began to rise back to their feet. Unnerving each trainer and Equestrian facing them. “No… no way!” Applejack stammered. “That didn’t do it?” Plumeria growled. “God damn…” Burnet then pushed her hands out, a pulse of orange light racing out at her foes. Similar ripples of light shot out from each Pokémon and hybrid on her side as well, crashing through the trainers, the Equestrians, and the Pokémon there. Each Equestrian and trainer fell to their knees, feeling half their strength ripped from them. Along with them, save for Persian and Mandibuzz, each Pokémon weakly sunk or floated down to their shins, hands, knees, or stomachs. Then, one by one, most of them keeled over and fell to their sides or rested gently before closing their eyes and letting their exhaustion take over. Once the Pokémon had finished fainting, the only ones strong enough to weather through the Psychic blast were Zeraora, Molayne’s Magnezone, and Sophocles’s Togedemaru. “No…” Luna struggled to pick her head up to face the hybrids and Pokémon glowering at her and her allies. “She’s just far too strong… how can we possibly defeat her?” “The short answer is you can’t.” Burnet chuckled as a curtain of red beams shot out from each trainers’ Poké Ball and called their Pokémon back in, Starlight and Fluttershy tiredly pulling Lady and Comfey back in for safety. “You don’t suddenly gain the full power of Necrozma only to be beaten by a small gathering of trainers. I would ask you to step aside and spare you and the rest of your Pokémon from any more pain and suffering, but I can already tell by your pissed-off faces that you have no intention of giving up.” Ilima clenched his fists, his teeth visibly bared to her. “You're god-damn right.” He then tossed another Ultra Ball out. “Go, Smeargle!” With the exceptions of Nanu, Sophocles, Molayne, and Kahili, each trainer threw another ball to reform their defenses. Appearing back on the front lines were Ilima’s Smeargle, Kukui’s Snorlax, Mina’s Granbull, Hapu’s Mudsdale, Lana’s Cloyster, Olivia’s Probopass, Plumeria’s Alolan Muk, Guzma’s Masquerain, and Acerola’s Dhelmise. Appearing before Mallow and Flannery were a feminine plant-like Pokémon with three thick, green leaves for hair and pointed dark-red legs like boots, as well as a red, bulky camel-like creature with two rocky humps and three blue rings along the sides of its stomach. From Kaj’s next ball, she sent out Mohuku, who now appeared larger and bulkier with six yellow bulbs on both sides of its back and a larger tail like a small pine tree. As the next round of Pokémon came out to continue their battle with Burnet and her army, the Equestrians summoned all their strength to stand beside them, unwilling to give up neither. Burnet smirked again. It would only be a matter of time. Hau swung his taiaha at an Alakazam hybrid, the weight of it nearly throwing him forward onto his stomach. As he struggled to lift his arms to defend himself, Alakazam swung its arm out, blowing Hau like a ragdoll as he tumbled to the ground, focusing only on not letting his weapon slip out of his hands. Sliding onto his back, Hau rested his arms to the side, taking deep breaths as he began to prepare to accept his fate. “Hau, get up!” Hau didn’t respond to the taiaha vibrating in his hand as it flashed purple. “Hau, you’re going to die!” Hau screamed as he shot up to his feet, but with the last rush of adrenaline leaving him, his body swayed as gravity tried to pull him back down again. With a trembling arm, Hau could only lift the taiaha with both hands so that he pointed its tip at the Alakazam hybrid’s chest, his arms wobbling as if he were an old man on the verge of death. From the back of the crater, Hau could hear the synchronized laughing of Necrozma and the hooded native as Hau made what they all were certain was his final stand. “That’s it…” Marshadow huffed. “Your body may not be able to move, and the enemy may outnumber and outmatch you, but that doesn’t matter, because–” “I am a Kahuna,” Hau panted, “and I will protect my island and those on it until I draw my final breath!” Suddenly an explosion of bright, cool light erupted from the top of the crater, the eyes of every human, Pokémon, and hybrid being drawn up to it. As the bands of light that spread out settled down, providing enough illumination to simulate daylight, everyone watched as the four Island Guardians descended from the light, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini coming down toward their respective Kahunas. No one felt compelled to move as the Tapus came before them, and with their hands clasped together, they slowly opened them up to let a Z-Crystal float out before the Kahunas’ faces. Each crystal was golden in color and had an egg-shaped icon of an idol inside each one. Each Kahuna reached for their crystal and hugged it close to their hearts as the guardians’ auras surrounded them. “This is it,” Hau whispered. “This is how they won.” With their eyes shooting open, all four Kahunas turned and faced the hooded native and the three forms of Necrozma. At once, they stood in a line with their Tapus joining them on their right and placed the crystal into their Z-Rings. They then began to cross their wrists before their faces, the Tapus mimicking their movements. With a grinding shriek, Necrozma pointed forward, commanding Dawn-Wings and Dusk-Mane Necrozma to run at them. After putting their arms down and crossing them back up, the four Kahunas and guardians began to do the same motions of activating Fairium Z, and upon them all lifting their legs off the ground and holding their hands and arms up to mime tiny wings, a ring of light formed around the eight of them. With Hau caught inside and Dawn-Wings and Dusk-Mane Necrozma getting close, Hau dove outside with all his might just as the ring shot up in a tremendous tower, both Necrozma forms crashing into it. Try as they might, neither of them could claw, bash, or blast their way through it, worrying Necrozma greatly. Jumping off the ground and throwing its arms and legs out, a bright light shone on the center of its chest. Both Necrozma forms and each of the hybrids cried out as their bodies turned to light, their forms becoming amorphous as they were drawn into Necrozma’s center, filling its own body with tremendous energy. With the pillar of light still rising, thick bands of yellow aura surrounded its entire body and expanded into a large sphere. Hau, the hooded native, and the Kahuna’s Pokémon watched dumbstruck as two pairs of draconic wings unfurled off the sphere and revealed an equally dragon physique with a white body and golden armor, unveiling its complete form. The pillar of light then broke off on the ground and formed a pointed end. As it spiraled up into the sky to meet Necrozma, the pillar began to form into a serpentine-shaped body that branched out into four necks at the top. The Tapu’s brightly-glowing bodies appeared on the ends of each neck, facing Necrozma with contempt in their eyes before their battle could begin. With Tapu Koko pulling both halves of its shell in over itself, it now resemebeled a disembodied bird’s head. Tapu Lele receded into its shell, its conical cap serving as a lid that closed it tightly and rose its bangs up to form a pair of antennae, followed by a rounded tail slipping out from beneath its shell to reveal a proboscis, now more clearly resembling the head of a butterfly. Tapu Bulu’s shell swung down over it from the sides of its head, closing to form what appeared to be a bull’s head with its belled tail looking like a nose ring. Finally, Tapu Fini’s shell closed over it like a clamshell, the ends of its hair sticking out like a pair of fins to maintain the appearance of a swordfish’s head. The ends of each neck of light then began to envelop over the guardians in fine, sinewy strands as if flesh and muscle were forming over a skull. The light then began to brighten and dim in areas as it melded into defined versions of the creatures each shell resembled. The far right head took the form of a majestic eagle, the center-right head took the form of a butterfly, the center-left head became that of a bull, and the far left head resembled a swordfish. As the scales and underbelly of the divine hydra formed from the neck down, a two pairs of wings, one avian and one insectoid, sprouted out the back and unfurled their majestic forms. Along with a pair of muscular arms ended with cloven hooves that grew out beneath where the heads branched off, a strong fish’s tail swung itself into existence, completing its transformation. “Amazing…” Hau and Marshadow both whispered together. Both creatures let out a roar and flew at each other. As their bodies collided, Hau, the hooded native, and the Kahuna’s Pokémon watched from the sky as they spent the next several moments crashing into each other, ricocheting off, and then flying around to hit each other again. “Incredible,” Marshadow commented. “Necrozma’s in its strongest form, but they’re both evenly matched!” “But how did they win?” Hau was more determined than ever to stay standing and awake through this. After the twentieth or so fruitless collision, Necrozma beat its wings and rose higher above the Tapu Hydra. As it maintained a steady height high above Ten Karat Hill, beams of light began to shoot down at a single point in front of Necrozma’s mouth, and as the orb that it formed grew bigger, Hau couldn’t help but notice the stars in the sky getting noticeably dimmer. “Impossible!” he gasped. “He’s actually draining the stars of their light to charge its attack! How did they possibly win?” The Tapu Hydra opened its mouths as four balls of energy formed there, ready to fire out and take on Necrozma’s attack. Necrozma fired its beam as the Tapu Hydra converged its four beams into the center, where they shot out just as powerful and wide as Necrozma’s beam. Both attacks crashed at the point directly between both creatures, creating a loud boom that blew down hard on Hau and everything else inside Ten Karat Hill. To Necrozma’s surprise, the center of the Tapu Hydra’s beam stayed put to hold its own in place while it branched out into four individual ones that flew directly at it. Necrozma let out a final roar as each of the four beams pierced through its body, filling it with light before it exploded like a supernova, consuming the sky with pure white. Mixing in with the deafening boom of the explosion high above were the screams of the hooded native, whose eyes and mouth erupted light like a geyser that evaporated into the air. Once all of it had left them, they collapsed onto their stomachs and lied still. Hau and the Kahunas’ Pokémon all looked away until they could feel through their eyelids that the light began to die down. Beautiful nighttime began to return to Alola, the sky dark and vast and the stars once again shining brightly in place. Neither Necrozma nor the Tapu Hydra were visible anymore, but the Kahuna’s Pokémon began to cheer and dance about as they floated back down to the ground with each of the Tapus, gladdened over their victory and safe return. While the Kahuna’s hugged and thanked their Pokémon, Hau caught a glimmer in the corner of his eyes forcing him to look up. He saw as all three forms of Necrozma plummeted back toward the ground, Dusk-Mane and Dawn-Wings Necrozma in particular shining brightly as their black armor began to fade from them and their colors returned to normal to transform them into Solgaleo and Lunala. As they passed the top of the crater, their bodies began to dissolve into blue stardust until they had now become two small purple nebulous clouds with black faces and two sparkling blue appendages above its body, the two of them now beginning to float gently toward the ground. Hau watched in solemn amazement as both creatures then began to fade away, completely disappearing with a bright glow of light before they hit the ground. Necrozma’s body continued to freefall until it landed hard upon the ground beside the hooded native, who remained unconscious. With its landing noticed by the Tapus, the Kahuna, and their Pokémon, they all slowly walked toward Necrozma, who rolled onto its hands and knees, too weak to even pick itself back up. Hau walked toward it, and as the Kahunas stopped to consider what to do with their defeated nemesis, Hau walked through them so that he could stand right in front of it. Necrozma managed to pick its head up to look at the Kahunas, but even Hau knew that it was deliberately looking right into his own eyes. “You did it, Hau.” Marshadow's fiery purple aura appeared all over the taiaha before covering Hau as well, filling him with new energy. “Now, complete the attack. Finish the Seven Star Soul Stealing Strike!” Hau widened his stance as he swung his sword to hold it with the blade pointing down. Necrozma let out one final screech at him before Hau charged at it with a shout of his own. Throwing his fist forward, Hau punched through Necrozma’s chest as he was sucked into the void he created. Burnet’s army continued battling the trainers and Equestrians, resulting in a similar stalemate that saw her Pokémon and the hybrids losing no ground against them. Burnet let out another chuckle, elated that only a few more minutes separated her from undeniable victory. Immediately, she felt her heart beat against her ribcage as it tried to squeeze its way out, weakening her stance. As well, each one of her Pokémon and the hybrids all froze, still as statues. None of the trainers or Equestrians could know what was possibly happening, but the Pokémon or Equestrians fighting in close quarters with the hybrids used the opportunity to slink back to rejoin the others. Soon, the only sound that could be heard was Burnet’s heavy panting. Suddenly her body shot up and she arched her back up, screaming out into the sky as a purple inferno suddenly razed her from the ground up. Fluttershy and Starlight noticed immediately as Hau was hurled from Burnet’s back, holding Marshadow close like a stuffed animal. “Hau!” they both shouted. Their elation was cut short as each hybrid and Pokémon of Burnet’s also screamed out in complete agony. From the head down, the hybrids began to disintegrate into brightly shining ashes that were pulled into the ghastly blaze covering Burnet like a magnet. The aura covering Burnet’s Pokémon was extinguished as the energy was sucked into the fires like a lit match in a tornado. Despite the disappearance of the hybrids, the trainers and other Equestrians were in far too much shock to celebrate just yet. Finally, the inferno subsided, Burnet’s arms flopping limply to her sides before she crumpled to the ground, all four of her now-exhausted Pokémon doing the same. Finally, Hau stood up with Marshadow hopping down from his grasp to join his side. Turning around and finding every other Kahuna, Trial Captain, and Equestrian there, he increased the pace of his walk as he ran toward them, his body feeling more refreshed than ever, which only made him smile more. “Hau!” Starlight and Fluttershy reached Hau first, throwing themselves atop Hau as he caught them, hugging them tight. “You made it!” As the other Equestrians and trainers surrounded him to greet him back, Burnet slowly turned her head to look out as Hau continued hugging or shaking the hands of his friends, her dead-tired Pokémon lying on the ground as weakly as she was. A pair of tears rolled down her cheeks as she rested her chin back on the ground. “Necrozma… I failed you…” “!NO…” Necrozma’s voice in her soul jolted her awake and eradicated her hopeless sadness. “.i can offer you one last chancE !i shall imbue my other two forms with their ultimate attack, but should you fail me after this, our world will never see its completioN ?will you choose to no longer disappoint mE” She then watched as Hau completed introducing himself to Zeraora, who looked upon him with great reserve, clenching her teeth past her barely-parted lips. “Always.” Hau then looked amongst his human friends, spotting Nanu first. “Nanu, Olivia, Hapu!” The three Kahunas made their to the front of the group, facing Hau with their undivided attention. “What the hell even happened to you in there?” Hapu asked. “What did you even do?” “Marshadow lent me its power to let me use its signature Z-Move. This allowed me to access both Burnet’s memories, as well as Necrozma’s.” “Eh?” Olivia tilted to the side in disbelief. “You went into that creature’s memories?” “Burnet and Necrozma are virtually one in the same now, but that doesn’t matter. Guys, I know how to defeat it once and for all.” “What?” Nanu gasped. The other three Kahunas stepped in, wanting to hear Hau more clearly as the other trainers and Equestrians began to murmur amongst each other. “You jest!” Luna spoke in. “I’m not,” Hau responded with a gentle shake of his head. “All I’ll need to do is go to the Ruins of Conflict and have Tapu Koko summon the other guardians. If I leave to do that now, can you watch over Burnet while I’m gone?” “I don’t think that’ll be too hard a task to tackle,” Applejack mentioned, her eyes kept on Burnet and her Pokémon. “After whatever you just did, they don’t look to be in any fightin’ condition anymore.” Burnet very carefully peeked over the top of her sleeve, watching as Hau turned away from her and everyone looked back at him. With the slightest of movements, she reached her right hand to the Poké Balls on her belt. “Either way,” Hau said, fishing his Ride Pager from his pocket, “she needs to be kept here until the other guardians arrive. Then we can finally put this entire nightmare to rest–” With a telekinetic push, Burnet swung off the ground and reached for her Poké Balls, grabbing two in each hand. The red beams connected with each of her Pokémon and returned them back inside just as Hau and all the others turned to face her. “You really just can’t stay the hell down, can you?” Guzma punched his fist into his hand, grinding it into his palm. “And don’t think I’m going to go easy on you because you lost your powers!” Kaj blurted. “You still owe me for the friends you took from me!” “Lost my powers?!” Burnet laughed. “You think because Hau got a good hit on me that I’m powerless? Then prepare for utter disappointment, you dense child!” With her obsidian Poké Balls appearing in her hands, she lobbed them up and leapt backwards to give the Pokémon inside room to stand. “Appear, Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma!” With the balls opening up, the corrupted Solgaleo and Lunala appeared from their energy for all to see, disgusting some of them and horrifying the others. “Dear lord,” Acerola stammered, “what in god’s name have you done to them?” Luna breathed heavily as her lip quivered, the premonition she felt earlier that night having come terrifyingly true. Burnet held her hands out with her claw-gloved fingers pointing skyward. As Solgaleo and Lunala began to rise up off the ground, a watery, rainbow-colored aura began to bubble and boil over her hands, Solgaleo and Lunala becoming covered in the same light. Oliva turned to Hau, who stood just as terrified at what Burnet was about to do. “Hey! Get Tapu Koko now, you dumbass!” Hau’s breath seemed to seep out of every pore in his skin as he fumbled through his Ride Pager, finally getting to the Charizard there. “With this final move,” Burnet screamed, “there won’t be a single one of you able to stand in my way!” “Everyone!” Hapu shouted, swinging her arm up toward the cavern entrance. “Get into the cave, hurry!” “Prismatic Laser!” The group began to scramble back into the cave as Hau tossed the Ride Pager ball out, unleashing his Charizard. The aura on Burnet’s hands and the bodies of Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma began to bounce violently with spikey crests. Hau ran up Charizard’s tail and swung onto the seat just as his steed took off. Both forms of Necrozma hammered a singular beam down that was wide as their combined widths, pulverizing the ground it touched. It quickly expanded, engulfing Burnet inside of it as it raced to catch the trainers, Pokémon, and Equestrians struggling to reach the cavern. It began to hit those in the back, their screams of pain muted by the sheer force of the beam. As it began to swallow the others in its girth, Pinkie Pie, Plumeria, and Flannery all reached for the mouth of the cavern entrance, hoping to swing inside. The brightness began to flood their vision with only a few feet left to go, and upon feeling the instant thrust downward, their vision went black. As Hau’s Charizard climbed the side of the crater, the space between it and the expanding wall of concentrated psychic energy began to close a few yards now becoming only a few feet. With a few stories still left to go before they reached the top, Hau screamed loudly as he kept his eyes on the night sky above, hoping he’d still get to see it in a few moments time. Reaching forward, the colors all around Hau and his Charizard began to brighten to absolute whiteness just as his vision reached over the crater wall. > Chapter 77 – Tempest Rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Storm King slowly approaching them, Sam, Alice, and their friends reared back and drew any weapons they held to aim at him, stopping him in his path. Despite the opposition he faced, he smiled cutely, disregarding the threat they posed to him. “Oh, yes,” he continued to speak, “and I’m super pumped that you brought all my other favorite creatures too… Skystar, Celaeno.” Alice glanced back between the Storm King and the fearfully petrified Fizzlepop, the adamant Celaeno, and the trembling Skystar, his words alarming her. “Hold on, you all know each other?” “Oh, yeah,” Celaeno growled. “He’s the one who enslaved my crew!” “And forced my kind into hiding!” Skystar spoke up. With her friends coming forward, Fizzlepop summoned the strength to speak as well. “And I used to be his first lieutenant… until he betrayed me.” “Oh, for goodness sake!” The Storm King hissed, pointing at the red unicorn. “Get over your stupid horn already!” Fizzlepop flared a sparkling spell at his finger, forcing him back as he shook the burning sensation from his hand. “I have gotten over it! My friends helped me realize my true potential, and they didn’t need to give me a new horn to do it!” “Yeah, you tell them!” Grubber cheered. “SILENCE!” Instinctively, Grubber bowed to him, trembling as he did so, the sight deeply angering Fizzlepop and Skystar. “You don’t get to speak to your king like that!” “You’re no king!” Somnambula bellowed. “The ponies of Equestria would sooner accept a ruler like Chrysalis or Cocoon long before they would bow to a despot such as yourself.” The Storm King let out a scoffing laugh, squeezing his free knuckle into his cheeks to suppress how adorable he felt she looked scolding him. “Okay, perhaps you need me help you get with the program, but that insect-looking freak is now a stone statue in this castle’s basement!” “What?” Fizzlepop gasped. “You mean, you…” “Though, she and her hive all did me a huge solid and brought me back to life, so I repaid them all by turning them to stone and drained them all of their magic! Quite literally a steal if you ask me.” The crystal in the Staff of Sacanas flared with red, Starswirl recognizing it immediately. “You stole the power of the Alicorn Amulet?!” “Oh, so that’s what it was called? If I were whoever made it, I’d give it a much better name, like the All Powerful Kingdom Conqueror, or the Red Ravager. See? The illiteration in the consonants really helps it pop.” “Enough!” Dexio stepped to the front with Mega Alakazam floating behind him. “This is already taking far too long.” “Hmm…” The Storm King pinched his chin contemplatively. “So you must be these creatures the bug was referring to that she never heard of. So, uh… what are you supposed to be?” “Those two and I are humans who come from the world Twilight and her friends all ended up on.” To hear her name, the Storm King couldn’t help but recoil in intrigue. “The four creatures right beside us are called Pokémon, and if you continue standing in our way, the seven of us and our new friends will have no choice to but to end your very brief and uneventful rule.” “Hey, hey, hey, hey!” He interrupted, snapping his fingers to keep him quiet. “I don’t know if you were paying attention just now, but I just absorbed the magic of like, several dozen changelings, along with their queen, and that super powerful necklace she was wearing!” “It’s still magic all the same. Mega Alakazam, Psyshock!” Mega Alakazam threw its arms forward, a magenta lightning bolt shooting out of the bowls of each of its spoons. The Storm King immediately held his staff out and created a shield spell before himself, the Psyshock bolts converging into a single, larger one and blasting against the shield, pushing the Storm King back. With the bands of energy branching off the center of the barrier, no one could see if it was really hitting the Storm King. Mega Alakazam stopped its attack as the smoke that spilled off the barrier began to obscure its vision more. As the smoke settled, each creature’s face contorted into one of sheer terror to see the Storm King’s shield still sound and stable, its red glow fading to a light blue as the Alicorn Amulet’s magic faded from it. Starswirl and Fizzlepop especially felt the warmth of hope spill out from their hooves, replaced by cold dread that made their ears fall. “Im… Impossible!” Dexio looked to his Pokémon before looking at the completely unaffected Storm King again. “That was a psychic attack from a Mega Evolved Pokémon! How could that–” “Well, it doesn’t really matter, does it?” the Storm King taunted. “It sure sounds like what you did was supposed to do something, but it did nothing oh yeah my turn!” The Storm King barely finished his quickly rambled sentence before chucking an obsidian orb at Dexio and Mega Alakazam. Fizzlepop charged her horn and crown, creating a small barrier that the orb could crash into. To Sam and Alice’s fright, the orb slowly pushed its way through, corrupting Fizzlepop’s barrier as it pulsed with with sparkling green. “I can’t hold it for much longer!” Fizzlepop grunted, trying her hardest to resist. “Whatever you do, don’t let it hit you!” “Right!” Dexio and Mega Alakazam were already prepared, his Pokémon forming a barrier of its own just as Fizzlepop’s gave out, the orb continuing its flight unimpeded. “Let’s see this how this thing takes to Psychic energy.” “Heha!” With the Staff of Sacanas glowing, the Storm King swept it forward, bringing the gem close to him. “Fooled ya’!” Right before the orb could hit Mega Alakazam’s shield, it vanished in a small explosion of red sparks. Neither Dexio, Mega Alakazam, nor any of their friends behind them could register as the orb then appeared behind the two in a similar explosion and flew into the inside of the shield. The orb shattered and covered both Dexio and Mega Alakazam in dark-green smoke. “NO!” Fizzlepop and Grubber screamed. With the rest of the smoke billowing out, the others were forced to back away, watching as Mega Alakazam’s barrier quickly faded away as the painful grunts inside petered out. “What happened to him?” Alice spat. “The same thing that happened to these changelings lining the walls…” As if to reinforce Fizzlepop’s answer, the smoke cleared to reveal Dexio and Mega Alakazam frozen in place on the ground, their arms covering their eyes as their teeth clenched, their last moments spent feeling their bodies turned to black stone. “Oh fuck…” Sam whispered. The Storm King laughed heartily as he placed Dexio and Mega Alakazam off to the sides of the hall to join the changelings in his audience of trophies. “Aaand judging from the looks on your faces, it seems you just used and totally wasted your trump. I like when you make those faces! Keep them up!” The Storm King slammed the Staff of Sacanas down, creating a wall of thick air that crashed into Sam, Alice, their Pokémon, and the Equestrians and threw them further back down the hall. As Sam and several others quickly rolled themselves upright from the floor, the Storm King swung the staff back up, causing several round shadows appear on the ground, filling the space between them. The shadows grew darker and rose out from the ground like a gelatinous liquid, and with a pop, big, grey-furred storm creatures with large forearms, white longer-furred backs, and skull-like faces with two blue dots for eyes appeared from them. Those that stood closest to Sam, Alice, and the others formed an impregnable wall to block them, hoisting their shields and spears at them in a phalanx formation. The storm creatures behind them spread out, ready to fight whoever would be somehow strong enough to break through. Sam glared at the hideously giddy Storm King, whose face was barely visible past his newly formed army. A single changeling burst through the doors into Celestia’s throne room. With the secret entrance to the stone stairway behind the chair still left open, it slipped inside and flew all the way down to its bottom. Landing there, he sped to the right and galloped down its dark halls, his heart slamming against his ribcage with each beat. Reaching the cell where Celestia was kept, the changeling stopped itself by colliding into the door. Several ponies, Celestia included, shot up to their hooves in alarm. Celestia approached the door to find the changeling fumbling with a ring of keys, breathing and crying as he slid one into the keyhole. “What is happening?” The changeling ignored her question as he forcefully entered the cage, many of the ponies gathered near the bars slinking back and yelping in fright. “Don’t you hurt any of them!” To her surprise, she felt the changeling’s magic form around the black ring over her horn and pull it off before dropping it to the floor. Stepping away from her, Celestia stared at the changeling, taking in what he just did for her. “The Storm King…” it panted, “he’s returned!” Celestia and the nearby ponies all gasped, haunted by the memories his invasion still left in their minds. “The Pillars of Equestria… came with friends… they began to retake the kingdom, and Cocoon revived him so she wouldn’t lose control… and now… he’s up there turning all my changeling brethren to stone and stealing their magic!” Despite the disheartening news, Celestia kept a neutral expression. “And the Pillars?” “They entered the palace shortly before the Storm King began to attack us. I passed them as I tried to escape. I beg of you, if you don’t help us stop him, then the Pillars– no, all of Equestria will fall to him!” Celestia approached the open cell door. “Then there is no time to lose. We must hurry.” “Wait!” The changeling’s knees wobbled with the feeling of undeserved humility. “You’re really agreeing to help us?” “Of course I am. You said it yourself, Equestria will fall if we don’t work together.” Before she forgot, she stepped back into the deep, dark cell facing the direction of the ponies inside still trapped. “My little ponies, I ask that you remain down here until it is safe, but don’t worry, you have my solemn promise that I will return!” With the faint light of a spark of hope lit, friends and families turned to each other and hugged, giving themselves the strength to wait just a little longer. “Follow me!” The changeling was already outside the cell, its body turned to face the hallway. “I have a hunch about something!” “Aright.” Spinning around to exit the cell, Celestia galloped to follow the changeling down the hallway. After only a few moments, the ponies in the cell saw as Celestia was shrouded in darkness. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to keep her promise long. “Aegislash!” Sam slid his right foot forward while jabbing his hand forward, his pressed-together fingers pointed at the storm creatures in the center. Aegislash compliantly unfurled itself off Sam’s arm and thrust forward at the storm creatures its trainer specified. To the Storm King’s genuine surprise, Aegislash pierced though the storm creature’s shield like an empty soda can and into its chest. He then watched as the slain minion was dissolved and burst into a thick liquid that quickly dried and settled on the ground as a powder, which too evaporated until nothing was there. Sam stood frozen as Aegislash returned to his side, Alice and Lycanroc stepping up to go next. “Lycanroc, Stone Edge right there!” Lycanroc hopped onto its front paws and slammed them down, a small trail of rock jutting from the ground in a line at the vacant spot in the storm creatures’ phalanx. Once the rock path reached the spot, a large stone tower shot up from the ground, throwing the two creatures standing next to it into the walls outside of them. “Starswirl?!” Capper drew an arrow, Starswirl charging his horn and providing the spark to light it. With his horn still shining, Starswirl waited for Capper to fire his arrow before forming a barrier shield between all of his friends and the storm creatures. The arrow struck the Stone Edge tower, the blast of the explosion breaking it apart into pieces big and small, most of which ricocheted into the storm creatures and pierced through their bodies, destroying them the same way Aegislash had done. The Storm King yelped as he casted a barrier shield of his own to protect himself from the shards of rock that made it his way while the ones shooting backwards at Sam, Alice, and their friends were easily deflected by Starswirl’s shield, though even more pieces crashed through and broke the stained glass windows, ruining the majesty they once had. Once the clatter of stones hitting the ground began to cease, Starswirl let the shield down, Ember immediately taking flight and soaring over the storm creatures. “I’m comin’ for you, you big monkey freak!” The storm creatures threw their spears at Ember, but with a single barrel roll, she deflected them off her armor, continuing her approach on the Storm King. Landing before him, Ember ran forward at the Storm King with a rousing battle cry. The Storm King chuckled as he aimed the tip of his staff at her, shooting a bolt of blue lightning at her. Ember let out another sharp yell as she swung her scepter out at the end of the oncoming bolt, the bloodstone gem striking and disintegrating it with a crack of thunder following it. With the sudden brightness obscuring the Storm King’s vision, Ember continued to run and fell to her knees, dodging his spear as he swung it in a blind attempt. Sliding past him, Ember swung the scepter in, lashing at the Storm King’s gut and cutting him. “Yes!” Alice and Flash Magnus both shouted. As the storm creatures picked their spears back up off the ground, Celaeno and her crew rushed in and began to spar with them. Squabble was thrown up by Mullet, flipping forward and using its momentum to squeeze its life raft over its head and around its arms, bounding it. Boyle then slashed across its chest and destroyed it, Squabble picking his raft back up upon it falling to the floor. Mullet then kicked another storm creature in the small of the back and hurled it into Spittle, who lashed deep into its face, causing it to break apart. Ember hopped back onto her feet and spun around to see the Storm King clutch at the spot where Ember cut him. Removing his hand, he seethed over the thick splotch of blood left on his palm. Ember smiled as she ran out at him again. With a growl, the Storm King waved the crystal in his staff over his wound, sealing it up without leaving as much as a scar. In the same motion, he twirled the staff around and swung it up to block Ember’s scepter as it swung down at him. As they pushed against each others’ weapons, fire and sparks spat from their gems. While Ember grit her teeth as she tried to overpower him, the Storm King also showed his rows with a confident smile. “It’s about time I got to beat something that wasn’t so darned adorable!” Taking his right hand off the staff, the Storm King swung his arm around and socked Ember in the gut, depleting her strength as she doubled over with the soreness shooting through her stomach. With enough distance between them, the Storm King aimed his staff at Ember and shot another lightning bolt out of it. This time, the plasma branched off into five red tendrils, grabbing the dragoness by the wrists ankles and neck, throwing her into the closest wall and pinning her to it. “Ember!” Celaeno blocked two of the Storm King’s swung-down spears with both of her blades. Swinging them up and off, she kept the momentum up as she twirled once around, slashing the storm creature on her right across the face and upper chest and the one on her left down its gut, breaking them both as they returned to shadows and faded. With her eyes square on Ember, she ran forward to help her, Rockhoof wacking his way through the other storm creatures with his shovel to follow her. Ember tried to pull the bolt around her neck away with her free hand, only for it to painfully shock it, making her breathing more panicked, which greatly entertained the Storm King. “Certainly a so-so effort, but yeah, I’m going to take that little scepter off your hands.” With the red glow of his staff covering her scepter, Ember held on as tight as she could with every ounce of strength she had left. Finally, he pulled out another dark orb and threw it at her, the shock of seeing it come so close with no way to avoid it shocking Ember into letting her grip loosen. The Storm King pulled the scepter away just as his orb burst. Letting Ember go, she landed onto her now stone-covered feet as the rest of it traveled in from the tips of her wings and her hands. With one final reach at the Storm King as he held both the Staff of Sacanas and her bloodstone scepter like a child carrying the world’s two-largest lollypops, Ember’s head was petrified, completing her sculpturesque transformation. “No!” Alice pointed out at the distant Storm King. “Lycanroc, get him with Accelerock!” With a rear in its stance, Lycanroc leapt out to charge, only for it to vanish. With Celaeno and Rockhoof both coming at the Storm King, he twirled both the staff and scepter in his hands, prepared to take both on. He barely noticed as Lycanroc forcefully bounded off the storm creatures near Celaeno and Rockhoof as it came forward, virtually teleporting to each one on each leap. Upon seeing Lycanroc clearly on the closest storm creature to him, the Storm King could not react fast enough as the stone wolf kicked its back paw into the Storm King’s chest, knocking enough wind out of him to force him to drop Ember’s scepter. Rockhoof immediately dropped his shovel upon the ground and galloped at the discarded scepter, Celaeno shifting herself in front of the stallion’s weapon to safeguard it. The Storm King, upon sitting up, couldn’t help but jump fearfully as Lycanroc kept its spiteful, hungry eyes on him and bared its fangs. To his added horror, he watched as Rockhoof threw Ember’s scepter back over his remaining storm creatures to be caught by Starswirl and given to Mage Meadowbrook. “No!” The Storm King shot to his feet and reached for the reclaimed scepter, only for Lycanroc to jump up and bite down on his arm. After a painful yowl, his eyes narrowed and his scowl furious, clenching his fist to widen the portion of his forearm Lycanroc held to. Swinging his arm back and over, he brought Lycanroc with it as he slammed him down on the floor, cracking the marble. Alice’s body felt cold upon clearly hearing a high pitched bark of agony muffle through the Storm King’s fur. “Bad…” Lycanroc’s hold was weak, but still there, leading the Storm King to deliver another forceful slam that threw pieces of the floor up this time. “…bad…” With Lycanroc having let go, now lying in its own crater, the Storm King picked the wolf up with the magic of his staff and spun it rapidly around him before tossing it into the opposite wall, forcing Celaeno to duck so as to avoid it. “DOG!” Upon striking the wall, chipping some of the stone off, Lycanroc let out a final, loud whine before it crumpled to the floor, unconscious and still. Fizzlepop and Grubber gasped loudly, shocked by this undiscovered level of cruelty of his. “NYAAH!” Alice, tears flying off the far corners of her eyes, charged at the storm creature army, her free hand ripping a Poké Ball off her belt. “ASSHOLE!” Dropping her ball behind her, it opened up to let her Mudsdale out, and with it picking up speed, Alice jumped up and grabbed onto one of its dreadlocks, pulling herself up onto its back. “Come on!” Grubber quickly mounted Fizzlepop as she broke into a hard gallop, Sam and Salazzle following. “We have to help her!” Alice looked to her right, finding several storm creatures already standing exactly where she needed them. With a jab of her spear, she sent the obsidian point into the eyehole of the first one, turning it to dust. As Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Sam came to her unguarded left side, the unicorn blasted a storm creature with her magic, exploding it instantly. Salazzle shot a flamethrower at two other storm creatures, their bodies quickly catching fire and turning to ash. Blinded to her ally’s efforts by her rage, Alice then swung back and around at the next creature before her, shattering its shield and throwing it into the next one down, knocking them both to the floor. Celaeno ran out at the Storm King, who attempted to shoot another lightning bolt at her. Crossing her swords together, both of them were shocked to see the bolt pulling itself to the point where the blades met. With a dual swing to the left, Celaeno flung the magic beam away as she kept at him. Seeing Rockhoof come at him from the other direction, the Storm King kicked Celaeno in the face before pointing the Staff of Sacanas at Rockhoof’s face. Rockhoof deftly ducked beneath the bolt that was shot at him, swinging his shovel to get the one leg the Storm King was standing on. With a hard hop, the Storm King leapt over Rockhoof’s shovel; twisting about once and landing back before him. The Storm King swung the staff up, a wide band of lightning flying up toward Rockhoof’s chest. The stallion deflected the band with his shovel, though it pushed him toward the line of changeling statues and Alice’s Lycanroc. With Celaeno recovered from the kick, she swung her blades against the Storm King’s staff, catching it by the crystal. As Alice got closer to the Storm King, her eyes intensely and exclusively focused on him, she didn’t notice two storm creatures hiding behind the pillars readying their spears to strike. With two quick throws, the storm creatures planted their weapons into the floor, both of them crossed to form a wide X-shape. Fizzlepop noticed this, and could tell from Alice and Mudsdale’s lack of reduced speed that they did not. “Alice, look out!” Alice looked down too late, the stuck spears already behind Mudsdale’s head. Alice’s horse’s foreleg crashed into the point the spears crossed, its momentum against them throwing its back half up and forward. As Mudsdale’s body went vertical, Alice was flung forward, about to hit the ground face-first. Fizzlepop charged her horn and arced her fall up, allowing her to slide smoothly to a stop on the ground, Mudsdale’s back half landing on the floor a foot or so from her feet. As many storm creatures rushed to attack the frightened and pained Mudsdale at once, who only resolved to thrash about on its back rather than get up onto its hooves. Alice spun onto her feet and detached her Pokémon’s ball from her belt. Pointing it at Mudsdale, the red beam from the Poké Ball connected with it, her Pokémon converting and receding inside just as the storm creatures lashed at the now open air. “Fire in the hole!” Hearing Capper’s voice, Fizzlepop cast a magical dome around herself, Grubber, Sam, Aegislash, Grubber, and Alice. Capper’s lit arrow hit the center of the spot where Mudsdale had been, the resulting explosion vaporizing the storm creatures that were unfortunate enough to have gathered around it. With less than ten storm creatures left blocking the way between them and the Storm King, Fizzlepop brought her shield down and prepared to take the remains of the army on. As they came forward, a translucent green serpent rushed in from the right and soared through the remaining storm creatures, bursting them all and leaving none of them left. Sam, Alice, and the others couldn’t help but turn around to follow the serpent’s path with their eyes, watching as it swirled around Mistmane’s glowing horn before shrinking and melding back into her aura. “Never mind them!” she yelled. “Keep your focus on him!” With a thankful nod, Sam, Alice, Fizzlepop, Grubber, and the Pokémon all ran off to join in with Celaeno and Rockhoof, who still held their own against the Storm King. As well, Somnambula, Flash Magnus, and Skystar also flew in to join them. With the Storm King pushed to the back, Celaeno and Rockhoof both ran at him. With a sudden confident smirk, he swung the Staff of Sacanas up, two whips of red lightning shooting from it and grabbing Celaeno and Rockhoof by the legs. Sam, Alice, and Fizzlepop, as well as Flash Magnus, Somnambula, and Skystar fearfully stopped their advance upon watching the whips fling the parrot and stallion to the ceiling as four more bolts branched off and pinned their other limbs. “Let them go!” Flash Magnus shouted. Flying forward, he prepared to drive the bottom of his shield into the Storm King’s face, only for it to crash into a red barrier that threw him and his shield to the ground beside Fizzlepop and Alice. “Sheesh, could you give me a second?” The Storm King quickly reached behind his back and tossed two dark orbs upward. Rockhoof and Celaeno, seeing them come close, closed their eyes and hoped for a painless transformation. The orbs burst and released their smoke, completely shrouding the two. After a few moments, Sam and Alice noticed Celaeno’s swords and Rockhoof’s shovel fall from the cloud, the Storm King catching all three weapons in his magic and holding them as if he prepared to fight with them as well as his staff. “Okay, I’ll let them go now.” The red streams of lightning receded back into the Storm King’s staff, and with nothing to hold them, the stone-turned Celaeno and Rockhoof began to fall to the floor. With a scream, Somnambula raced up to Rockhoof with Flash Magnus while Skystar shot out toward Celaeno’s statue. With their arms on Rockhoof, Somnambula and Flash Magnus nearly fell with him due to his weight, but managed to pull up hard enough to set him down carefully. Skystar spun half way and let Celaeno fall onto her bosom, the weight pulling her straight to the floor where her back colidided with a hard bang, accompanied by Skystar’s yelp of pain. Sliding along the floor, she was stopped by the Storm King’s foot on her face, his toes pinching the base of her beak. The Storm King laughed as Skystar’s breaths came out through her nostrils like whimpers. “I’ll be sure to say hi to Queen Novo for you!” Sam ran at the Storm King as he raised his staff over his head, ready to stab the crystal down. “Aegislash, Iron Head!” With a swing of its cloth arm, Aegislash slung its shield like a discus at the Storm King, who was so preoccupied with ending Skystar’s life that he didn’t see the shield as it bashed squarely into his throat. The Storm King gagged as he stepped off of Skystar, clutching his throat and trying his best to forcibly open his windpipe. As Somnambula and Flash Magnus kept Rockhoof safely to the side with the other changeling statues, Skystar struggled to lift herself and Celaeno up off the floor. With the Storm King recovering, his rage-fueled eyes staring at Sam as Aegislash’s shield bounced back to its owner, Starswirl appeared beside him and kept his horn charged, transferring his aura onto Skystar and Celaeno. With a strain, he lifted the two up and set Skystar on her feet while laying Celaeno on the ground beside her. Skystar’s wings were kept unfurled and drooping down, Skystar wincing as she tried to fold them back in. “Easy now!” Mage Meadowbrook, Stygian, Mistmane, and Capper ran to her aid, holding her to keep her standing. “Let’s step away from this while I take a look at your back, shall we?” Skystar tearfully nodded, lamenting her sudden uselessness as she slunk safely away from the oncoming fight with her other three friends. “Starswirl!” Fizzlepop shouted to her master. “Are you–” “Stay back, Fizzlepop,” he gently snapped back. “This creature wields the magic of the Alicorn Amulet; I cannot let you fight him in this state.” Fizzlepop whimpered, unable to accept these passive orders, only to have her foreleg shaken by Grubber. “I think we should do as he says. Besides, he’s Starswirl! What’s the worst that could happen?” The Storm King held Celaeno and Rockhoof’s weapons farther away from him as two stronger red bolts of lighting struck the ground beneath them from his staff. Two shadows appeared as two more storm creatures, appearing more slender than the last while also having a streak of red run down the center of their white fur, formed into tangibility from them. Upon each one grabbing hold of Celaeno’s swords and Rockhoof’s shovel, they faced Starswirl, Sam, and Alice along with their creator. “To be fair,” Grubber tried to cooly mention, “that’s certainly not the worst… yet.” Sam, Aegislash, and Salazzle stepped to the left to face the storm creature wielding Celaeno’s swords while Alice went to the right to take on the one with Rockhoof’s shovel. Pulling a Poké Ball off, she gently lobbed it front of her. “Let’s end this, Mimikyu.” Her ghastly costumed Pokémon appeared from its ball and faced the storm creature with wobbly indifference. Seeing her Lycanroc still lying on the floor near the wall, she quickly returned it to its ball as Somnambula flew to her side to assist her. Flash Magnus went over to Sam, standing beside him as they both held their shields before the storm creature’s face. Starswirl and the Storm King stared at each other, the gem at the end of the Staff of Sacanas sparking tauntingly. The battle would not begin until these two made the first move. The changeling led Celestia into the room where the Storm King had been rebuilt, Celestia gasping upon finding Cocoon’s statue there, the changeling only able to mope, having anticipated this. “To think we were foolish enough to believe he’d help us…” Celestia didn’t seem to acknowledge the changeling’s woes, focusing only on the amulet stuck around the changeling queen’s neck. “That necklace…” she muttered. “Did she really…” “You can bring her back, can’t you?” Celestia stepped backwards, hesitantly staring into the statue’s lifeless eyes. “I must ask you to guarantee that she will not attack me should I do this.” “Yes, yes, now please! There isn’t much time!” With a resigned sigh, Celestia charged her horn bright before aiming its tip at Cocoon’s chest below the amulet. With a powerful beam connecting with her, the stone surrounding Cocoon’s body began to burn and dissolve away. Once she was freed, her body jolted back to the ground, gravity returning to her. “–y?!” Glancing around, she found her changeling soldier and Celestia standing inside the room, the lack of a black ring around the latter’s horn filling her with immense dread. “Celestia! But… why would… how–” “I freed her, my queen!” The changeling stepped forward between the two. “The Storm King is attacking everyone up there, and he’s drained their magic too!” Remembering her altercation with the Storm King, she touched the Alicorn Amulet around her necklace, unable to feel any power from it. “Queen Cocoon,” Celestia breathed. “Please don’t tell me he also stole the power of–” “Yes…” Cocoon shut her eyes tight, two tears rolling down her cheeks. “The Storm King has left me as powerless as this thing now!” Celestia turned away from the two changelings, unwilling to let them see the only bit of light in her eyes drain away. “Then I’m afraid that the Storm King may be far too powerful to stop now, even for us…” The Storm King and Starswirl launched two bolts of magic out at the same time, connecting in the middle and pushing against each other like two swordsmen with their blades locked together. Sam and Flash Magnus both shouted as they rushed their storm creature. Holding their shields up, they both blocked Celaeno’s swords upon it swinging them down. “Aegislash!” Sam’s Pokémon swung in like a log carried by two ropes, jamming the tip of its blade into the storm creature’s gut. To Sam and Flash Magnus’s surprise, the storm creature was merely thrown back and away, clearly far less fragile than the ones that came before. Immediately upon landing on its feet, the storm creature ran at the human and pegasus once again. “Salazzle!” Sam shouted. “Hit high with Sludge Bomb!” Salazzle leapt in front of its trainer and spat a ball of light-purple phlegm into the face of the storm creature. Though Sam and Flash Magnus were happy to see their enemy frantically try to wipe its face with its clenched fingers, it began to swing madly out in random directions, several of its frantic swings whizzing just over their heads. Meanwhile, Alice and Somnambula stood by and awaited their storm creature’s move as it rushed at them, winding Rockhoof’s shovel back to swing. Alice saw that it opted to sweep low, vaulting her self off the floor using her spear. With the spade of the shovel colliding into the planted blade of the spear, Alice was sent flipping about, only to land nimbly on the ground. Swinging the spear up, she bashed it into its elbow, greatly satisfied by the muffled crack she heard beneath its skin. Somnambula then flew into its wrist, kicking hard enough to audibly break that part of its arm as well. Once it dropped the shovel, Alice scooped it with her foot and kicked it toward Fizzlepop and Grubber, who pushed it further behind them. With its arm now hanging limp, Alice knew it could finish it off quickly. “Mimkyu, show yourself to it!” Mimikyu hopped up at the storm creature’s face, shoving the opening on the bottom over its face. Immediately, the storm creature let out a blood-curdling scream and then went completely limp, falling backwards. As Mimikyu hopped off its head, it merrily weaved back to Alice and a horrifyingly confused Somnambula. They all watched as the fainted storm creature began to blow away to dust before their very eyes. “What did it do?” Somnambula stuttered. “Apparently, anything that sees whatever’s under its disguise just straight-up croaks.” Alice then turned to Somnambula, her childlike smile frightening the pegasus even more. “Pretty nifty, huh?” “If you… say so.” Sam and Flash Magnus parried and blocked their storm creature’s attacks, noting its getting weaker and slower with each one. Finally, it fell to a knee and dropped both of Celaeno’s blades, its face pulsing with purple. “What’s happening to it?” Flash Magnus gasped. “Did your lizard–” “She sure did!” Sam excitedly pointed at their weakened foe. “Salazzle, finish it off with Venoshock!” With its mouth opening wide, a flurry of purple needles punctured the storm creature’s past its fur, each point that entered leaving a purple ring spreading across its body. Unable to handle the assault, the storm creature fell to its back and began to dissolve, melting until it returned to the shadows that it formed from. Fizzlepop and Grubber watched nervously as Starswirl and Storm King continued their stalemate. Though Starswirl began to show visible signs of fatigue, sweat forming on his brow, the Storm King only looked to be getting stronger, his beam beginning to overpower Starswirl’s. “Master!” Fizzlepop galloped forward, charging her horn. Grubber reached for her. “Fizz, wait!” Hearing her voice, Starswirl couldn’t help but turn back to see her come close. “Fizzlepop! I said–” The distraction was more then enough, allowing the Storm King’s beam to break through Starswirl’s and strike the tip of his horn, creating a large explosion of plasma that spread itself across the hallway. Anyone or anything standing near it was thrown off in the direction the blast hit them from. Sam, Flash Magnus, and Salazzle were chucked into a pillar, Aegislash focusing itself to deflect both of Celaeno’s swords with its shield as they were blown at it and its friends. Alice and Somnambula were thrown to the ground, Mimkyu taking a particularly strong band of magical energy to the head of its disguise, breaking it as it tumbled back toward its trainer. Fizzlepop was swept off her hooves, one of the bolts shooting into the crown on her horn, shattering it and knocking the base off to reveal its brokenness. Upon hitting the ground, she crashed into Grubber, sending them both rolling down as they were pelted by the aftershocks of the Storm King’s winning blow. The magical bolts began to fizzle out near Skystar and the remaining Equestrians, Mistmane and Stygian keeping a shield spell up just in case. Upon realizing their safety, the two unicorns dropped their shield and looked over along the chaos of the battle. The only one standing now was the Storm King, who could finally breathe following the tense duel. He then noticed as Starswirl and Fizzlepop stirred awake, getting to their front hooves as the singed ends of their horns spilled wisps of smoke. With a triumphant chuckle, the Storm King approached Starswirl and squatted before him. “How crazy was that? Turns out Tempest was far more useful to me as my nemesis than as my lieutenant. Imagine that!” He then looked over the unicorn stallion and gave Fizzlepop a thumbs up. “I’ve always liked the old horn! Makes me remember how much superior I am to you!” Fizzlepop and Starswirl could only seethe as the Storm King pointed the Staff of Sacanas close to Starswirl’s face, Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon very quietly sitting up. “Now…” The Storm King reached behind him ever so slowly, allowing the defeated unicorn to savor his final moments of consciousness, “let me be sure all that magic of yours stays with someone that deserves it…” he then put his free hand to his chest to mention himself, allowing Alice and Mimikyu to spring into action. “Of course, that someone being me, but you probably already–” “Shadow Claw!” A pair of long black arms spiraled around the Storm King’s left arm and his staff, constricting them and holding them in place. Just as he realized his arm was caught, Alice hopped up and ran up his staff and his arm. The Storm King roared with anger as he reached for her, only for Alice to lean away and swing her spear as hard as she could, the blunt blade striking the side of his skull. The Storm King shot up with a loud yelp and threw its hand onto its excruciating wound, throwing Alice off of it. Alice attempted to land neatly on the ground, only for her right, scarred leg to catch all of Alice’s weight. With pain shooting all the way up to her upper thigh, Alice could only crash onto her side, screaming as she struggled to roll over and support her shin, the slightest bit of pressure filling her with agony. The Storm King then directed its glare at Mimikyu, who, despite its firm grasp on him, had the tip of his staff aimed directly at it. With a quick charge and a shout, the Storm King blasted a single ball of magic energy that exploded all over Mimikyu, throwing it back against the a pillar where its half-filled form wound around. Alice could only turn her head to see the state of her last usable Pokémon. “MIMIKYU!” Hearing her screams, the Storm King turned to face her just as Sam ran out at him from behind, holding Aegislash back in anticipation for a hard swing in. Twirling the Staff of Sacanas so as to hold it backwards, the Storm King then swung it up behind its back, throwing Sam and Aegislash up toward the ceiling. In the same motion, he magically pulled a dark orb out, the swing of his staff continuing behind him until it went around his right shoulder, allowing him to grab it like a rocket launcher with the orb held at its tip, pointing at Sam and Aegislash as they both slammed into the ceiling. “Boom, baby!” With a small burst, the Storm King shot the orb at the two, launching it so fast that it burst against the surface of the ceiling and covered Sam and Aegislash in its smoke before they could bounce off and fall back down. Alice sat up, the pain in her leg only adding to her inconsolable anguish. “SAM, NOOOO!” The five Equestrians in the back gasped loudly, Mage Meadowbrook putting her hoof over her mouth as Skystar whined loudly, her back in too much pain to let out a full on wail. Somnambula, Salazzle, and Flash Magnus, also having just come awake, exhaled in choked breaths, the loss of another friend hurting their hearts. Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Starswirl stood stunned as they, along with the Storm King, looked up at the smoking spot, beginning to suspect something as neither Sam nor Aegislash came back down. Then, to everyone’s surprise, Sam burst through the dark cloud as if he had pushed off of the ceiling. Aegislash lead him with its blade held inside its enarme and its King’s Shield aura barrier pushing the smoke away, neither it nor its trainer showing any signs of transformation. “No!” The Storm King shouted. “Impossible!” “Aegislash!” Sam’s Pokémon undid its defensive position, quickly arming itself to Sam as he wound his arm back. “Sacred Sword!!” The Storm King prepared to meet their attack and pointed the Staff of Sacanas at Sam, only for his vision to blur and a swelling feeling fill the side of his head where Alice had struck him. He could only manage a small six-inch barrier around the crystal in his staff as Aegislash’s blade glowed a similar blue. With a purposeful cry, Sam swung Aegislash as hard as he could, its blade not only shattering the Storm King’s weak shield, but the crystal on the end of the staff as well. Aegislash pulled Sam up just in time to ensure a safe, non-injuring landing for him, pieces of the destroyed crystal scattering at his feet. “NNYUUUUHH!” Sam hopped back and away as the emotionally devastated Storm King looked to his ruined weapon, light slowly filling the top of it. “No… No, no, no! This can’t be happening!” With nothing to hold the immense power in, the Staff of Sacanas violently trembled in the Storm King’s hands as the energy at the end of it reached maximum brightness. Finally, a twister of magic blasted out from the end of it, the exertion of energy almost blowing Sam, Fizzlepop, Starswirl, and Grubber away. The magic began to enter into the walls and floors, spreading like roots toward the changeling statues lining the hall. One by one, the stone dissolved off their bodies, freeing the changelings trapped inside and restoring their magic through their horns. The magic lines also filled the frozen bodies of Dexio, Mega Alakazam, Ember, Celaeno, and Rockhoof, burning the stone off and restoring them to their former selves. The five of them then looked around, watching as the freed magic restored the remaining changeling statues. Starswirl, viewing this with Fizzlepop and Grubber, could only let out a content breath. “Well done, everyone…” The magic roots, now colored amber and crimson red, seeped into the room where Cocoon, Celestia, and the changling stood, the latter two stepping nervously away before they entered into the changeling queen through her hooves before separating out, the red magic feeding back into the Alicorn Amulet as the amber magic spread across her body, particularly up her neck and into her head and horn. Once all of the magic had returned, she began to pant heavily, the amount of magic energy filling her starting to overwhelm her. “My queen?” the changeling nervously addressed. Celestia could only look up at the room’s ceiling, feeling something miraculous had happened. “Could it be?” “Yes…” Celestia and the changeling turned back to see Cocoon unclasping the amulet off her neck, sighing uncomfortably as the extra magic it provided was ripped away from her, turning her aura from red to an orange-brown. “I do believe that the Storm King has already been defeated.” “Which means… the Pillars!” “And my allies!” The changeling darted out of the room, leaving Celestia alone with Cocoon. The two looked at each other and shared a respectful nod before galloping off to follow it. Alice sat herself up further as she watched the Storm King tremble, the now useless Staff of Sacanas still in his hands. “Give up now!” Dexio demanded. “You no longer possess any magic that can best any of us!” The Storm King bowed its body over, its trembling only worsening as his sadness morphed into fury. It then picked its head back up, its clenched teeth and narrowed eyes suggesting a thirst that only blood could quench. “You ruined everything!” The Storm King threw the staff like a javelin at Dexio and Mega Alakazam. Neither Dexio nor Mega Alakazam could react fast enough, the staff hitting the wall behind them and blasting pieces of stone into the backs of their heads as well as several changelings, knocking them both unconscious. With the Storm King now unarmed, Sam ran over to attack the Storm King again and take it out once and for all. With an outside sideways slash, Sam looked to strike his lower chest, only for him to catch Aegislash’s blade with a single hand. Sam gasped fearfully as blood trickled down the Storm King’s palm, which refused to let Aegislash go. With his free hand, the Storm King punched him, its large fist hitting his head and chest simultaneously. Alice and the others watched as Sam bounced off the floor, already quite unconscious before he limply rolled to a stop. “SAAAAAMM!!” Alice shrieked. Salazzle screamed as it ran over to try and shake its trainer awake as the left side of his head began to seep with a red trickle. As Aegislash tried to struggle free from his grasp, the Storm King slammed it down on the floor face-first hard enough to crack the marble out just short of Starswirl and Fizzlepop’s hooves. “No!” Flash Magnus and Somnambula both rushed the Storm King at once. Picking up the fainted Aegislash, the Storm King furiously swung it at both of them, hitting them hard to knock them back away toward Skystar and the other four Equestrians there. Celaeno and Rockhoof, despite being unarmed, both came at him on the ground while Ember came at him from the air. Swinging Aegislash along the floor, the Storm King blasted chips of rock and marble at all three of them, pelting their bodies hard enough to send them to the floor. “Guys!” Capper ran as fast as he could toward the Storm King, Mistmane, and Stygian galloping to catch up. With Mage Meadowbrook and Skystar staying behind, they could only observe idly as the Storm King turned his sights back to Alice, who, upon realizing that she was his next target, weakly slid back on her good foot toward the wall and the changelings standing there, who also shook in terror as he came near them. Fizzlepop and Grubber also gasped, knowing Alice could never possibly escape. “You…” The Storm King pointed Aegislash at her. “If it wasn’t for you hitting me, I would have stopped him. Now, I’m going to finish you in front of all your stupid friends!” Fizzlepop seized up for just a moment as the Storm King rose Aegislash over his head, ready to stab down on her. “Alice!” As she galloped out, her horn began to charge, loose, unstable sparks flying off of it. Capper and the others stopped between Grubber and Starswirl, who both reached out to her. “Fizzlepop, no!” Starswirl cried out. “Your horn!” With pain still pounding his head, the Storm King decided to savor Alice’s look of complete hopelessness as she put her arm up in a futile attempt to block it. Fizzlepop refused to slow down, her horn lighting up even brighter as more sparks spilled out of it like a cheap firework. Sam’s eyes slowly came open just as Fizzlepop leapt at the Storm King, her entire body getting covered in light before it collapsed in, disappearing along with her. At the same instant, Fizzlepop appeared beside the Storm King’s head in a bright, colorful explosion. Spinning around, she drove her back hoof into the right side of his head. With her unstable magic covering her body, the sparkling energy traveled down her body and into the hoof kicking her former master. A brighter, more violent explosion followed, blasting the Storm King back to the end of the hall and forcing him to drop Aegislash to the ground. It’s back was thrown against the doors, bouncing off of them before landing hard on its stomach, disoriented with pain now coursing through both sides of his head. Fizzlepop landed on the ground, looking around herself as though she had no idea how she got there. With her horn sparking up again, she then realized that she had just completed her first successful teleportation spell. “Fizzlepop…” Starswirl’s mouth hung open. Dexio and Mega Alakazam came to, picking themselves up to see Fizzlepop standing alone against the Storm King, who could only get onto his hands and knees. With widening eyes and mouths, they could only begin to imagine what could have possibly happened. In any case, no Equestrian, human, or Pokémon dared move except to move back and away, unwilling to get between or even near the furious raspberry unicorn and the once dreaded Storm King. Having come to terms with her new abilities, Fizzlepop widened her stance. “Get up, you charlatan!” The Storm King picked his head up to stare into her vengeful eyes. “Your fight is far from over!” With another quick charge of her horn, a band of white sparks swirled around her body. > Chapter 78 – Fading Into the Aether > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grunts stood behind Chrysalis patiently, along with their two Kadabras, two Espeons, two Metangs, and a Bruxish, Starmie, Slowbro, Slowking, Hypno, and Oricorio between them. They were all more than comfortable with letting their admin make the first attack this battle. With the roar of the water wall’s flow outside and the crackle and whoosh of the enflamed trees and bushes inside the conservatory, it only served to make the atmosphere even more taut. Chrysalis threw a Poké Ball off her belt, breaking the tense stillness of the standoff they and the others created. “Vespiquen, use Attack Order on Decidueye!” Chrysalis’s ball came open, unleashing a bee-like Pokémon with an abdomen shaped like a large gown. Swinging her abdomen forward, a swarm of smaller bees flew out from underneath it that all directed themselves toward Sun’s Decidueye. Sun knew he had to act quickly. “Decidueye, attack Vespiqueen with Brave Bird!” As Sun’s Pokémon took to the air, Vespiquen’s swarm chasing it up, Spike threw out his next Beast Ball. “Go, Buzzwole!” With the ball opening up, Spike’s muscular insect taur stood before Chrysalis and her grunts, flexing its arms threateningly. Twilight sent out her Poké Ball next. “Let’s finish this, Lilligant!” From her Poké Ball, her leafy wide-bottomed Pokémon emerged to join her other friends’ Pokémon in this last battle. Decidueye reached the glass ceiling before arcing over and falling into a dive. The bees generated from Vespiquen’s body that did not catch up nevertheless flew down to meet Decidueye at its intended path. With its speeds, Decidueye blasted through the line of bees like a car driving through pouring rain. Though many of the bees’ stingers pelted its face and wings, it did nothing to stop Decidueye from flying at Vespiquen and bashing its head into its gut, throwing it back. “Starmie!” a young female grunt with short, white hair shouted. “Attack Decidueye with Ice Beam!” The grunt’s Starmie blasted its cold laser attack out at Decidueye, striking it in the chest and crashing it into the railing of the walkway before landing on the grass outside. “Lilligant!” Twilight shouted. “Attack the other Starmie with Giga Drain!” With both its body and the Starmie’s body glowing green, dozens of small, orbs of light were pulled off of Starmie and were absorbed by Lilligant, the Starmie trembling in pain as its life was sucked away. Lillie threw her pointed arm at the grunt’s Starmie as it bent over, greatly hurt by Lilligant’s attack. “Starmie, use Power Gem!” With the red jewel in its center glowing, small red shards began to fire out from it, showering into the other Starmie’s body and pushing it further back away. Once Starmie’s attack ended, the grunt’s Starmie supported itself on its rear star; it seemed it was good for one last attack. “Buzzwole!” Spike shouted. “Hit Vespiquen with Ice Punch!” On its small wings, Buzzwole flew up at Chrysalis’s queen bee Pokémon and threw its closed fist at it, its knuckles and fingers frosting over before it collided into its face and upper chest. Chrysalis watched fearfully as her Pokémon was hurled back and landed far behind her near one of the raging fires. With a charge of her horn, Chrysalis disappeared to rescue her Pokémon from a sweltering demise. Rotomdex frantically came out to face Spike on his level. “Zzzpike, why did you attack Vezzzpiquen zz-zzt? We had their Zzztarmie on the ropezzz zzzt!” “No, he has the right idea!” Twilight spoke. “Chrysalis and Faba are the only ones who can teleport multiple grunts and Pokémon at a time. If we beat them first, we can probably escape!” At that moment, Chrysalis teleported back to her original spot, but she had a different Pokémon beside her now, one that had a small black clay body with a large round head that had big red eyes that covered its outer perimeter. “You'll never defeat us again!” Chrysalis sneered. “Claydol, attack with Dazzling Gleam!” With all of its eyes beginning to turn white, a bright light burst out from them, showering each Pokémon around it with the same harsh, oppressive flash. As the light faded, a muscular grunt with short, black hair saw as Buzzwole struggled to stand up, whipping its head around with its vision apparently obscured from the light. “Oricorio,” he shouted, “attack Buzzwole with Air Slash!” Spike rubbed the stars and spots from his eyes, able to see just as the grunt’s Oricorio swung its wings in, creating a pair of blades of wind that soared right at his vulnerable Pokémon. “Buzzwole, watch out!” Buzzwole only looked to recover just as the blades struck its pectorals, hitting it hard enough to send it flying into the water outside the walkway to Spike’s right. “No!” Rainbow Dash cried. “Naganadel, hit Claydol with Dragon Pulse!” Naganadel aimed its stinger at Chrysalis’s Pokémon, firing a bright ball of swirling blue-and-orange energy. The attack connected with Claydol’s stomach and pushed it back a few feet with a large burst, but it was strong enough to stay floating up in the air, Chrysalis giggling comfortably at this. “Kadabra!” a female grunt with long, purple hair cried. “Hypno!” an older, skinny grunt commanded. “Use Psychic on Naganadel!” they both ordered at once. Their Pokémon reached their arms out, their energy enveloping the dragon and holding it in place as it screeched in fright and discomfort. A female grunt with ice-blonde hair reached out at Naganadel. “Metang, finish it off with Zen Headbutt!” Her metallic disk Pokémon rocketed at Naganadel, mashing the front of its body into its thin waist with a wave of magenta energy washing over its body. The grunts’ Kadabra and Hypno let the Ultra Beast go to let it fall onto the walkway where its arms splayed out, too tired to lift them back up. Rainbow Dash froze up. “Oh no!” Just then, both Decidueye and Buzzwole lifted themselves back up onto the walkway to rejoin the battle, standing close to Lillie’s Starmie and Twilight’s Lilligant. A female grunt with purple bobbed hair smirked. “You didn’t need to remind us that you were still in this thing. Bruxish, finish Decidueye off with Ice Beam!” “Slowbro!” A brown-skinned man with dreadlocks shouted. “Take Buzzwole out with Fire Blast!” Both of their Pokémon came forward and shot their individual attacks, the Bruxish’s cold beam hitting Decidueye in the gut while the Slowbro’s star-shaped flame attack crashed into all of Buzzwole’s body. Both Pokémon were knocked back hard, flying over their trainers and landing on the floor behind them toward the lift tunnel. “Decidueye!” Sam yelled. “Gyah!” Rotomdex screamed. “He’s gonna’ fall!” With the last of its strength, Buzzwole pressed its fingers into the ground and stopped itself before the hole, allowing Decidueye to crash into its arm and stop short of the shaft. Though both Pokémon laid still shortly after, Lillie and Twilight both sighed in relief that they still remained safe. “Over here, ponies!” With the humans and Equestrians turning back around to face the grunts, they found that five of them had already stepped forward with their Pokémon, ready to take their next turn. “We’re not through yet!” the red-haired female grunt added, her Espeon awaiting her next orders. “But you and your friends soon will be.” A tan-skinned grunt with yellow hair pointed at Lilligant for his Slowking to set his sights on. “Slowking, attack with Ice Beam!” “Metang!” A male grunt with short blue hair exclaimed. “Attack her too with Sludge Bomb!” Metang pointed its arms out at Twilight’s Pokémon, the claws and wrists of them glowing purple before it fired a glob of a thick slimy substance that seemed to be conjured out of thin air. The muck hit Twilight’s Pokémon with a loud whine, the alicorn only able to create a strong enough shield spell to cover herself and let the drops that splashed near her hit it instead. The inside Slowking’s mouth began to frost over, quickly firing it at Lilligant as it struggled to wipe the sickly grime off of it. Upon the beam connecting with her, Lilligant cried out even louder as the substance still stuck to its body began to freeze over, the unbearable chill filling the rest of its body too. By the time Slowking finished its attack, Lilligant was already slumped over and unconcious, its bottom half stuck in place by the frozen sludge. “Grass Knot!” The red-haired grunt ordered to her Espeon. With Espeon’s red forehead gem glowing, several vines burst through from under the walkway, grabbing onto one of Starmie’s upper arms and pulling it down, keeping it firmly planted to the ground no matter how hard it struggled. “No, Starmie!” Spike shouted. “Nice!” A spiky-black haired grunt pumped his fist to his waist. “Kadabra, hit it with Charge Beam!” With a swing of its spoon, Kadabra sent a small bolt of electricity shooting out at Lillie’s Pokémon, where it washed over its entire body upon striking it right into its bejeweled center. With Starmie’s resistance getting weaker, a male grunt with a brown fauxhawk pointed his hand at it. “Espeon, finish it off with Shadow Ball!” The Pokémon’s gem lit up as a dark-purple orb formed before its open mouth. With a huffing cry, the Espeon sent the spectral ball into Starmie, the force hard enough to rip it free of its plant bondage and throw it back, pinballing weakly off the walkway’s railing before it slid and spun to a stop into the bodies of the fainted Buzzwole and Decidueye. “Starmie…” Lillie whimpered. “Oh…” At once, the two humans and five trainers returned their Pokémon back into their individual balls, their misery giving Chrysalis and her squad of grunts extra satisfaction. Right as Sun turned to look back at his enemies, a blaring notification ringtone began sounding out of Rotomdex. As if compelled to do so, Rotomdex floated before Sun’s face, its screen showing a message bar in its center. “Zzzorry, Zzzun!” he stuttered. “But you have a mezzzage from Adam T. from the Mozzzdeep Zzzpazzze Zzzenter zzzt zzzzt! 'The jet encountered zzzome tailwindzz and arrived earlier than zzzcheduled. Whenever you rezzzeive thizzz mezzzage, we are ready to collect you, your friendzz, and these ‘Equezzztrianzz.'” Having heard the message, Chrysalis let out a louder evil laugh. “Help is so close, but yet too far. Of course, you can go ahead and try to contact them, see if they reach you in time before we’re finished with you!” Lillie glanced backward, catching Gladion’s battle with Faba. His Alakazam had Crobat held in a tight, forceful Psychic that it could no longer fight against. After a few more seconds, Crobat went limp and fainted in his Alakazam’s grasp, Faba’s Pokémon letting it go once it realized this. The red beam of Gladion’s Poké Ball connected with Crobat and converted it to a similar energy before its body could hit the ground. Gladion stared into Faba’s annoyingly cocky eyes as he put Crobat’s ball back, taking out another and throwing it out to face him and his Alakazam. “Go, Porygon-Z!” As Gladion’s smooth, round bird appeared from its ball, Faba pulled a Full Restore from his robe pocket, spraying it generously over his Alakazam’s body. “Choosing to waste your turn, bastard?” Gladion growled. “Just fine with me. Porygon-Z, attack Alakazam with Dark Pulse!” Pixelating before its beak was a blobby black mass that shaped itself into a perfectly round ball, and with a wide spreading of its wings, Porygon-Z fired the orb out. Faba’s Alakazam prepared to block the attack by crossing its spoons, but upon the orb hitting it, it burst open and spread over its body like a visible sickness, also managing to push it closer to its trainer. With snide slowness, Faba applauded Porygon-Z’s efforts. “Well done, you two! You two have certainly grown since I’ve left the Foundation. However, I didn’t spend all my time drinking alone in cheap, seedy bars before Burnet gave me a new lease on life.” Gladion winced in anger. “What good’s a life if you spend it ruining everyone else’s?” “If only you’d live to see it, but this building is due to reach the ocean’s depths shortly, and my army and I want no part of it. It’s time to end you once and for all, you brat!” Faba crossed his arms in front of his face, his artificial Z-Ring lighting up and a bright aura outlining his Alakazam as well. “What?” Lillie gasped. “He’s using his Z-Move now? But why?!” Gladion stoically stood still as Faba and his Alakazam continued their motions together, finishing with the two of them tapping their index fingers to their temples before reaching out with their left hands and sliding their left feet together with their right. Red Z-Energy spilled out of Faba’s back and streamed into the body of his Alakazam, the aura around it now flaring with the same sinister color. “Idiot,” Gladion breathed out. “Your Alakazam knows Focus Blast and you chose not to use a Fightinium Z?” “Oh, you’ll find out in time, Gladion, my boy!” Faba reached his arms out, loving the way the sleeves and the back of his robe gently floated about him as if caught in a strong, constant breeze. “Though it should be noted that you and your friends don’t have much time left at all! Alakazam, attack Porygon-Z with Shattered Psyche!” With Alakazam clasping its spoons tight, it punched them out to wrap Porygon-Z in a magenta glow that flared like its synthetic Z Power. Gladion and Lillie both fearfully watched as Porygon Z was whipped to the left toward the room’s wall, only to crash hard into an invisible barrier that protected the interior of the space from any damage. Porygon Z was already visibly hurt by the attack, but Faba’s Alakazam yanked it over to its right this time toward the other wall, once again crashing into an invisible barrier that did no damage to the building itself. With a zigzag motion, the Alakazam bounced Porygon-Z up a series of smaller barriers until it crashed Gladion’s Pokémon into a larger one just short of the broken glass ceiling. Finally, the Alakazam threw both of its arms down, plunging Porygon-Z toward the floor, having it crash through the last barrier before it was slammed to the ground. Gladion felt his fists involuntarily clench seeing his Pokémon’s body lay flat on its stomach, hardly moving. “Porygon-Z!” To his and Lillie’s minor surprise, Porygon-Z managed to float itself back up with a weak, but determined flap of its wings. Gladion then smiled as Alakazam’s legs went wobbly with the red sparks shooting all over his body. “And like that you wasted your Z-Move! What do you plan to do now?!” Faba kept his smile up as he turned to his left to face one of his grunts. “Do any of you have Psychium Z already equipped?” “Sir!” The sandy-haired grunt already began unclasping his Z-Ring off his wrist, Faba doing the same with his. “What?” The realization slowly dawned on both Gladion and Lillie, turning their mild, rising confidence into one of terror. “No…” The grunt threw his Z-Ring to his leader overhand while Faba gave him his with an underhanded toss. By the time Faba was putting the grunt’s Z-Ring onto his wrist, Lillie all but understood. “He’s just going to use a succession of Z-Moves to beat him down,” she muttered. “He still has eleven grunts with Z-Rings they never used against us. There’s no way he’ll… no, we’ll stop…” Lillie turned back to her friends, feeling more anxious to see that they knew what her expression told them: escape and even survival were impossible. “Lillie?” Twilight spoke in a pitiful attempt at bravery. “Come on, we have to do something, otherwise we’ll…” “Perish?” Chrysalis sadistically interrupted. “Sounds lovely! Why don’t we get back to it then?” Chrysalis’s Claydol, along with the grunts and all of their Pokémon shifted forward on Lillie and her friends. With nowhere to go, Lillie and her friends could only stand their ground as they pressured them to send out their next Pokémon. She then glanced to Rainbow Dash, followed by Spike, then Twilight, and then Sun and Rotomdex, friends she would never trade for anything. Lillie then stretched a grimace across her face, Sun and Twilight certain that her thoughts were as desperate as their situation. “Lillie?” Spike nervously wondered. “What are you thinking?” Lillie breathed out through her nose. Though this was buying her time against Team Prism, there was nothing that could stop the seawaters rising from floor to floor, soon to reach them in a matter of time. “Rotomdex!” Intrigued, the possessed device heeded her call. “Eh zz zzt? What izz it, Lillie?” it replied. “I need you to respond back to that guy from Mossdeep!” “Ha!” Chrysalis chortled. “You’re still going to send out that useless distress signal?” “I’m zzztill lizzztening!” Rotomdex assured her. “What did you want to zzzay zzz zzzzt?” “Tell them that we have a QR code for the security camera in the front to scan that will let them in.” Sun and the others loudly murmured to themselves, uncertain of what she was planning with her obvious lie. “Then send yourself as an attachment titled ‘AH_QR_CODE, all-caps. The moment they open it, I trust you’ll know what to do from there.” Rotomdex glanced upwards, working to get as far ahead as Lillie was. After a few moments, he brightened up, now on the same page. “I think I know what you’re thinking zzzzzt! Alrighty, all I need izz an approval from–” “Just do it!” Sun shouted. “Gyah, yezzz zzzir zz zzzt!” With a final salute, the Pokédex’s arms and feet folded back into its sides as the button eyes became lifeless and mechanical, any sense of life on its screen now replaced with a soulless flat glow. Lillie caught the now normal Pokédex and monitored the message that Rotomdex had already generated, seeing every word in there as she had dictated, along with a file attachement labeled exactly as charged. With a quick press of the blue arrow button on the lower corner of the screen, the message was sent out to Adam from Mossdeep. “I believe in you,” she whispered to the screen. “Again, what did that do?” Chrysalis bellowed. “Do you truly think you can outlast us until they arrive?” Lillie stared Chrysalis dead in the eyes. “We’ll just have to see…”After frisbeeing Sun’s Pokédex back to him, she detached a Poké Ball from her belt, looking out at the over-dozen Pokémon all ready to attack whatever was soon to come out from it. “Alright guys, I only have a single shot at this, and I’m going to need you to cover me while I do it. Can you do that for me?” “Easy…” Rainbow Dash took out her next Beast Ball along with Spike, Twilight and Sun also taking their next Poké Balls out. “…peasy!” Four people, three men and a woman, stood outside a large, white shuttle jet parked near the Aether House in matching white-and-blue uniforms. While the early morning weather was cool and comfortable, all four of them were annoyed by the sleep they were losing waiting on Sun’s response to their message. “If we’re done taking in that ‘nice, Alolan air,’” one of the male Mossdeep employees spoke, “I’d like to get back in the jet and sleep off the next couple of hours.” A short ping then sounded off in the pocket of one of the other male employees. “Hold on, I think Sun just responded back.” Pulling out his phone, the employee opened the message that Lillie sent on Sun’s behalf. “What’s up?” the female employee asked him, looking over his shoulder. “Oh, perfect! He sent us some code that’ll let us right in! Hold on a sec…” Clicking the attachment box beneath the message, it began to open before his entire screen went white, deeply peeving him. Before he could verbally state his annoyance, a pair of lightning bolt limbs shot out from the sides, making him let it go with a yelp. Finally, Rotom’s eyes and mouth appeared on the screen, realizing that he had woken back up. “Hehey, I made it zz zzzt!” “What the hell is going on?” the fourth employee shouted, he and his other three co-workers standing away from the now floating phone. “Zzzorry, guyzz zz zzzt! I gotta’ borrow the plane for a bit, no time to exzzplain zzzzzzt.” Rotom zipped out from the top of the phone and into the nose of the jet. With the employee’s phone now a regular phone again, it began to fall to the ground, its owner diving forward to catch it. The four of them then heard the jet turn itself on, turning around and watching as the lights around it lit up. Then to their shock and amazement, the front windows clouded up into a solid blue light as a disembodied mouth formed beneath the nose. As Rotom affixed itself to its massive new body, it let out a giant yawn before turning on the thrusters beneath him. The female employee felt the thrusters’ gusts bounce off the ground and blow into them, realizing that it was leaving them behind. “No, wait!” As she ran forward towards it, Rotomjet lifted itself slowly off the ground, the winds becoming too strong and hot to force herself against. Shifting the thrusters right, Rotemjet began to slide right toward the ocean, and once it felt it was safe far and high enough away from the Mossdeep employees, it spun itself to the southwest and activated the jets behind it, thrusting it forward. “Hold on, Zzzun!” the four of them could barely hear Rotomjet shout as it flew away. “I’m comiiiiiiiiiiing…” The four Mossdeep employees could only stand still, wondering what in heaven’s name would allow this to happen. “Alright!” Lillie threw her Poké Ball out. “Go, Nidoqueen!” Lillie’s ball came open, and forming from its white energy was a reptilian creature with large ears and a bulky blueberry-and-khaki colored body that looked to be made from hardened sand. “This is your big plan?” the short white haired grunt guffawed. “Sending out a Poison-type to fight us?” “So that’s why Lillie was so hesitant to send it out that one night!” Twilight realized. “But what is she planning?” Spike wondered. “Whatever it is, Spike, we have to protect her.” “You aren’t protecting shit!” the white-haired grunt spat. “Starmie, attack it with Hydro Pump!” With the Starmie’s gem glistening up, a hefty torrent of water came blasting out at Lillie’s Pokémon, who nervously awaited for it to come. “Bewear!” Twilight threw her Poké Ball out in front of Nidoqueen. “Take it!” The pink and black bear emerged from its ball with its arms crossed over its head already, taking the full force of the water and sending it spraying off to the sides and away from Nidoqueen. “You pest!” Chrysalis barked. “Claydol, finish it with Psychic!” Pointing its round floating arms in at Bewear, it let out a loud groan as it was covered in the psychic energy, growing tired as it struggled to resist the pain. “Stakataka!” Rainbow Dash threw a Beast Ball high up into the air. “Cover her!” Rainbow Dash’s next Ultra Beast emerged from the ball, falling down on top of Nidoqueen and lowering its body over it to provide it with a sturdy sanctuary, its many bricks spinning around to both survey the area and continue giving Nidoqueen fresh air to breathe. “Primarina, you’re on!” Sun shouted, throwing his Poké Ball out. Sun’s majestic sea lion popped out from the ball, using the wet floor to scoot itself near Bewear as it began to lose consciousness. “No you don’t!” The grunt with the ice-blonde hair screamed. “Metang, Bullet Punch!” In the blink of an eye, the grunt’s Metang appeared before Primarina and drove its clawed arm into its gut, the pain stopping Primarina in its tracks. “You too, Metang,” ordered the male grunt with the short blue hair. The second Metang instantly appeared beside the other and also jabbed Primarina hard, this time pushing it back and off course from Bewear, who had finally succumbed to Claydol’s attack. Despite this, Primarina brought itself up, looking right at Chrysalis’s Pokémon as it brought its attention to it. “Primarina,” Sun ordered, “attack Claydol with Ice Beam!” With a melodious shout, Primarina fired a cold beam and hit Claydol in the head, knocking it back hard as patches of ice formed on it. Chrysalis flew up high and caught Claydol before it could fly out behind her again, lowering its limp, heavy body to the ground before returning it back into its ball. As Twilight returned her fainted Bewear, she couldn’t help but stare at Chrysalis’s act with sheer intrigue. Chrysalis quickly took out her next Poké Ball and threw it out to continue the fight. “Gourgeist, finish Primarina off with Seed Bomb!” The Poké Ball opened up, a brown gourd-shaped Pokémon emerging from it with long pink leaves for hair along with a brightly-lit jack-o’-lantern smile and eyes carved into the lower part of its body. From the carving’s mouth, Gourgeist lobbed three large pits out at Primarina, where they landed on the floor and exploded to frag it with even smaller seeds, blasting it further back and away before it rolled to an unconscious stop on the floor. Sun looked back, hissing over the loss of his last Pokémon. Behind them, Faba and his Alakazam were already finishing the motions to activate Psychium Z to use against Porygon-Z for a second time. Meanwhile, the female grunt with the black ponytailed hair saw as Sun’s Primarina was returned to its ball by its red beam. She quickly reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a Revive. “Slowking!” The yellow-haired grunt exclaimed. “Hit Stakataka with Brick Break!” “Get ‘em with Hydro Pump, Slowbro!” the brown skinned grunt with dreadlocks added. Gallons of water came shooting out of the Slowbro’s mouth and at the brick-laden Pokémon keeping Nidoqueen safe. Stakataka flipped all of its blocks in, letting no water pass through the gaps though failing to hold its ground as it was pushed back inch by inch. The Slowking then leapt out at Rainbow Dash’s Ultra Beast, telekinetically propelling itself at it with the tip of its crown pointed at its head. Upon bashing its helmeted head into it, Stakataka was thrown back with help of the last of the Slowbro’s Hydro Pump. Stakataka became too weak to compose itself, its bricks tumbling into a scattered pile. Rainbow Dash quickly called it back, freaked out by the morbid sight. As Nidoqueen fearfully looked back at its fallen protector, the long purple-haired grunt and the spiky black-haired grunt saw their chance. “Kadabra,” they both shouted, pointing at Lillie’s Pokémon. “Use Psychic!” Just as both Kadabras held their spoons up at it, a Beast Ball was thrown out into the fray, the energy exploding out from it until it formed the massive, rotund, and intimidating shape of Guzzlord as it appeared between Nidoqueen and its assailants. To both Kadabras’ horror, their Psychic attacks simply bounced off its body and rippled away into nothingness. “Yeah!” Spike cheered with a punch of the air. “Nice one!” As Guzzlord leaned in toward the Kadabras, the male grunt with the brown fauxhawk and the female grunt with the red ponytail directed their Espeons’ attention to the obese dragon. “Dazzling Gleam!” With their gems shining bright, they flashed into the side of its waist with enough intensity to throw the towering creature up and over Spike’s head and back toward Gladion. Hearing the crash to his right, he looked over to see Guzzlord laying still in the part of the conservation area it demolished with its landing. He then looked forward again upon hearing his Porygon-Z hit the ground for the final time, having succumbed to Faba’s Alakazam’s second Shattered Psyche. As more red sparks covered it, the Alakazam let out a loud groan before falling to a knee, hardly able to take the aftershocks of the fake Z Power. “Get up,” Faba quietly demanded. “We don’t have much more left.” “Good.” Gladion returned Porygon-Z into its Poké Ball before taking out another off his belt. “I’m counting on it. Let’s end this, Silvally!” After tossing his next ball out, Gladion’s chimeric beast stood guard of its trainer, empowered by the telling signs of weakness Faba’s Alakazam showed. With a roar from it, Faba recoiled a step back for the first time the entire battle. “One of you,” he shouted, “I need a Fairium–” “Espeon, Grass Knot!” The black ponytailed grunt threw her Poké Ball out, letting her Espeon out of it. Faba quickly glanced over as her Pokémon’s head gem lit up, vines from the surrounding trees and plants snaking onto the walkway and quickly grabbing hold of Silvally’s limbs. With a troubled yowl, Silvally’s back was then wrapped up and then pulled down on, forcing it to its stomach in complete immobility. “Silvally!” Gladion screamed. Impressed, Faba smirked over what his loyal grunt had done before shifting his gaze to Nidoqueen’s behind. “On second thought, give me an Icium Z.” “Sir!” As Faba began undoing the grunt’s used Z-Ring, the male grunt with the black emo haircut began unclasping his from his wrist. Gladion looked back at Lillie’s battle, watching as the Bruxish belonging to the purple bobbed-hair grunt rushed into Nidoqueen and bit down hard on its right breast with its Psychic Fangs attack, roaring painfully as the energy was pumped from its teeth into its body. “No!” Lillie shrieked. “Nidoqueen!” Nidoqueen tore the fanged fish off of its body and threw it back to its grunt. Lillie hopped forward and sprayed the contents of a Hyper Potion over it, the mist raining down and soothing its wounded spot before its trainer hopped back to safety. The young muscular grunt with short black hair trembled his clenched fists as victory was in his grasp. “We got her, Oricorio!” he yelled. “Now, finish her with Revelation Dance!” The bird waved its arms in a gentle wave-like fashion before spinning around and lashing its wings at Lillie’s Pokémon, sending out a pair of bright, magenta blades that threatened to hit Nidoqueen. Lillie reached out for Nidoqueen just as the white energy of a Poké Ball formed in front of it. To Lillie and even Nidoqueen’s surprise, a Kadabra formed from the energy with its spoon held out at the two oncoming blades. To the shock of both the grunt and his Oricorio, both of them crashed into an invisible barrier that destroyed them on contact with it. “What?!” Chryalis threw her head about as she searched the space. “Who’s Kadabra was that?” She then noticed as Sun clasped the Poké Ball he held closed, staring at her as he did so. “It was Wicke’s, but it’s in far better hands now.” “You of all people would just use another’s Pokémon like that?” “Would you have preferred that I left it with her to perish?” Chrysalis gasped, stunned silent by his logic. Her rage took her again as she whipped her head toward the older, skinny grunt. “You,” she demanded, “do something!” “Got it!” The grunt pointed at Wicke’s Kadabra with his outstretched hand. “Hypno, attack Kadabra with Shadow Ball!” Swinging its purple-glowing pendulum like a sling, Hypno shot a dark, ghastly orb with a more purposeful whip. The attack hit Kadabra in the chest, knocking it into Nidoqueen, though it was quick to stand back up on its feet and continue standing guard of it. “Lillie!” Twilight shouted, turning to her. “Now’s the time!” “Right!” Lillie clenched her fists and brought her arms to her side, her plan nearing fruition. “Nidoqueen, use–” “Go, Slowbro!” Lillie and Nidoqueen froze up upon hearing Faba’s crisper, louder voice as if it were directed right at her. Turning around, they saw as the Poké Ball opened up and let Faba’s Slowbro out from it to stand behind Gladion and face Lillie and Nidoqueen. “What?” Gladion gasped. “That wasn’t meant for me?” “Of course not!” Faba honked in laughter. “Of your two Pokémon, which is weak against Ice-types?” Faba began to walk forward, crossing his arms in front of his face. With the black emo-haired grunt’s Z-Ring activating, Faba’s Slowbro began to mimic its movements. After putting their arms down and crossing them back out, they both thrust their flat-palmed hands upwards in a diagonal motion three times. Coming to a stop beside his Pokémon, Faba and Slowbro finished their motions by throwing their arms out before swinging them in, their palms within inches of contact. Faba yelled up to the sky as Z-Energy flowed out of his body for a third time, swirling in a twister around his Slowbro before they settled into its body, flaring up in a tremendous aura that left Lillie petrified. “Lillie?!” Spike screamed. “Lillie!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Come on, snap out of it already!” Nidoqueen turned to Lillie and put its hand on her shoulder. It then threw her aside, far from the range of the attack it was about to take on. “Lillie!” Gladion shouted. He glanced between his sister and her Pokémon, followed by looking behind him to his entrapped Silvally. Suddenly, at that moment an idea came to him, compelling him to run between Faba and Slowbro and out toward Nidoqueen. “Quickly,” Faba chuckled, “while he’s in range… Slowbro, finish Nidoqueen and Gladion with Subzero Slammer!” A bright, frigid orb of energy began to form before Slowbro’s mouth, the cold of it nearly extinguishing the fires covering the plants surrounding it. Gladion refused to look back, only forward, jamming his hand into his hoodie pocket. Slowbro fired a tremendously wide beam of solid ice at Nidoqueen, which began to reach it and Gladion as he took his hand out of his pocket, reaching for Nidoqueen as it reached for whatever was in his hand. “Gladion, no!” Lillie reached for her brother. Lillie could only watch as Faba’s third consecutive Z-Move connected with her Pokémon, causing a tower of ice to shoot up into it and around it, the spikes jutting out from it throwing Gladion off the walkway and into the trunk of a burning tree. “Gladion!” Rainbow Dash soared over to him and quickly began fanning away the flames catching on his clothing as charred leaves fluttered down onto him. Gladion and Rainbow Dash then looked out at Nidoqueen, who was trapped inside the tower of ice Slowbro had created, which quickly began to melt with the heat of the room. Sun, Spike, and Twilight stared sadly as Nidoqueen’s body came forth from the thaw, Chrysalis, Faba, and both sets of grunts on both sides eager to watch Lillie’s last hope slump over and faint. However, upon the ice melting off of Nidoqueen’s right arm, Faba and Slowbro realized a bright glowing emerging from its hand. Peering closer, they saw a red cloth kept in its grasp that began to turn to ash as it blew away into the breeze. Then, to his complete and utter shock, Nidoqueen began to straighten its stance, its eyes opening to face it. “That was…” Faba stammered. “That was…” “A Focus Sash!?” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Where did it get that?” Gladion picked himself onto his feet, chuckling over his successful assistance. “Do you remember when Kaj gave Sam one?” “Wait, you… that’s awesome!!” “No!” Faba squealed. “God dammit no!” “Lillie!” Sun bellowed. “NOW!” Lillie nodded, the last of her seconds running out. “Nidoqueen, use Earthquake!” Nidoqueen tilted its head to the sky and let out a thunderous roar as the ground beneath it began to rumble slightly. Soon, thin cracks began to stretch and spread over along the ground, spreading quickly as they traveled underneath the walkways and through the grass, beneath the water, and through the remaining simulated habitats. The cracks reached the outer edges of the conservation area, at which point, a bright blue glow seeped up from them and the entire building began to shake hard enough to force those without wings onto all fours. The grunts and Pokémon that tried to hold on to the railing were quickly thrown off as they bounced and rocked about. Finally, an even larger rift and burst of light began to divide the room from one side to the other, slowly spreading apart as the entire building began to separate behind Sun and his friends. Spike yelled in fear as he was snatched up by Twilight before the gap could swallow him. Spike suddenly glanced backward in realization, seeing Guzzlord still lying still and unaware of the building beginning to come apart. Grabbing its Beast Ball, he aimed the center button at it and successfully connected its beam to it, returning it inside. Silvally, still bound by the Espeon’s Grass Knot, was finally able to pull itself free, running back to rejoin its trainer. With the building spreading further out, Sun and Lillie returned Wicke’s Kadabra and Nidoqueen back into their Poké Balls as Silvally was quickly brought back into its ball by Gladion. As Sun and his friends, as well as Faba, Chrysalis, the grunts, and their Pokémon watched in bewilderment as the place came apart, the smaller cracks that had formed began to pull out as well, many of the grunts and Pokémon standing right over where they would soon fall. Several of the grunts screamed as their bodies seized up, unable to pick one side or the other as they slipped into the gap, falling in along with their Pokémon. Along with the grunts, Chrysalis gasped loudly as the floor beneath her Gourgeist gave way, leaving it to fall. “Gourgeist!” With as much agility as she could, Chrysalis aimed her Poké Ball at her Pokémon, the red beam catching it and pulling it back inside the ball to safety. As she drew a sigh of relief, Twilight, despite the chaos around her, couldn’t keep her mouth closed. Chrysalis looked down into the fissure to see the seawater filling into the sinking building much quicker than before, the grunts and Pokémon unlucky enough to hold their ground still fortunate enough to fall into the water. As the pooling, rushing waters dragged them into its undertow, the grunts and Pokémon struggled to bring their heads above the surface. Just then, several of the Bruxishes from the water wall began to swim into the ruined building, finding the grunts and grabbing several at a time with their psychic powers and holding their heads above the water. With the same swiftness as they entered in, the Bruxishes dragged the grunts outside to relative safety. Faba witnessed as several of the grunts on his side were rescued in the same way by the Bruxishes, looking across the gap to see the rest of them standing as far away from it as possible. “Everyone, just jump in and let the Bruxishes take you!” Looking down themselves, the grunts were initially hesitant, the plunge too perilous to seemingly make. With the waters continuing to rise below, several of the grunts decided not to wait much longer, jumping in to be rescued by the triggerfish awaiting them below. As more of them made the ultimate decision, the rest were encouraged to do so, joining their comrades in being ferried away. Chrysalis saw as Faba’s side of the building emptied themselves into the gap, looking back over to find some grunts and Pokémon who were still too fearful to do so. “You too!” she ordered. “Call your Pokémon back and jump in! The Bruxish will carry you out!” At once, each grunt returned their Pokémon inside of their balls save the grunt with the purple bobbed hair and the one with the short white hair, who jumped in right away with their Bruxish and Starmie. Sun pulled his Ride Pager from his pocket, Faba, Chrysalis, and their grunts too preoccupied with their own forms of escape. “Guys, call your Charizards! Let’s escape while we can!” “Right!” Lillie and Gladion both shouted, obtaining their own and scanning through them. Rainbow Dash and Twilight flew up higher as their friends’ three Charizards were summoned from their balls. With a strain of her magic, Twilight swung Spike around for her to mount her, watching as Sun, Gladion, and Lillie quickly mounted the red dragons, who anxiously stepped about as the Aether Paradise fell into disarray. With Sun’s Charizard leading, Gladion and Lillie’s steeds flew out to meet them, soaring through the broken ceiling and climbing up to the clear and open top of the water wall. As Twilight and Rainbow Dash came close behind, Twilight couldn’t help but glance backwards as Chrysalis and Faba kept their eyes on each remaining grunt on their watch until they all jumped into the gaps. As she watched them, Twilight noticed a large piece of the glass ceiling come undone and fall right over Chrysalis’s head. “Chrysalis, above you!” Chryslis looked up to see the large shard fast approaching. She attempted to cast a barrier spell, only for the glass to break through what she could conjure up in the moment and hit her in the head, knocking her unconscious and throwing her to the floor. Sun and his friends, all witness to this, couldn’t help but jolt as her body crumpled to the floor. With more than three quarters of the building now submerged and sinking faster still, the knot forming in Twilight’s gut was too wound up to ignore. Lifting Spike back off of her, she placed him on Rainbow Dash’s back before turning to face her friends a final time. “I’m sorry, but… I have to do this!” With a roll of her body, Twilight dove down back into the ceiling, her body obscured by the smoke from the fires that still ravaged the flora inside. “Twilight,” Lillie cried with an outstretched hand, “no!” The female grunt with the black ponytail returned her Espeon into its ball before she jumped into the gap, the last of her group to do so. As he turned back to see how Chrysalis was doing with her group, he noticed the alicorn dive back into the building and gallop over to Chrysalis. Baring a toothy frown, he stormed his way toward her, his Slowbro following him. Twilight leapt over the gap separating her from Chrysalis, already getting to work trying to lift her onto her back. Even as Chrysalis stirred awake, Twilight refused to stop. The changeling, realizing who was there helping her, felt her body tense up in sheer confusion. “Twilight Sparkle… what are you doing?” “Exactly what it looks like,” Twilight replied, shifting her more onto her back. “I saw the way you were looking after your Pokémon during the battle. If you can show enough affection to them like you did, perhaps there’s something in you similar to what Spike saw in Thorax.” Chrysalis let out a sigh; she’d probably never understand the unconditional love these ponies shared for both their most cherished friends and most hated of enemies, but she was thankful for the help all the same. Her sights then caught two shapes in the smoke. Feeling a rush of adrenaline in her blood, Chrysalis climbed off of Twilight and shot to her hooves. “Twilight, Faba–” Twilight’s sharp yell cut Chrysalis’s warning off as she began to be pressed down on by Slowbro’s Psychic energy. Chrysalis looked at Twilight as she sunk to her shins, feeling her magic and strength deplete. As she looked back at Faba, his angry scowl morphed into a sadistic gleeful grin. “You… ponies…” Each consonant crackled with contempt. “Have ruined our plans… For the last fucking time!” Chrysalis, unable to see any more of this, scowled herself as she pulled a ball from her belt with her teeth and tossed it out of her mouth. “Hydreigon, Brutal Swing!” Upon her three-headed dragon appearing from her Poké Ball, Faba and Slowbro stopped their assault on Twilight, completely floored by this new treason. With the dragon flying in and swinging both its arm-heads at them, Slowbro and Faba were struck in the head, throwing them to the floor where they slid to an unconscious stop. Chrysalis panted nervously as she peered down on Twilight, whose legs wobbled as she struggled to stand back onto her hooves. The changeling looked up to her dragon. “Carry her out. I won’t be far behind.” With all heads nodding, the dragon stood over Twilight as Chrysalis leapt over the gap and walked over to Faba and Slowbro, still immobile. With a cold and uncaring stare, she pulled the clip of Poké Balls off of Faba’s belt with her horn, flicking them up gently to catch them in her front hooves. She then pulled Slowbro’s ball off of it and held it over its body, the red beam connecting with its head and pulling it into the center button. Glancing upwards, she saw her Hydreigon ascend through the broken glass ceiling with Twilight safely cradled in its arms. With a one final glance toward her fellow Prism admin, she fluttered her own wings and took off after her Pokémon, putting Slowbro’s ball back onto the clip. With Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Rainbow Dash still waiting outside, they finally saw Hydreigon emerge from the billowing smoke, at first frightful, and then perplexed upon seeing Twilight in its gentle grasp. Only a second later, Chrysalis appeared beside her Pokémon, filling them with even more confusion. “Twilight’s fine,” Chrysalis explained. “Faba got to her before she could escape. I understand this doesn’t make much sense, but I can explain at a less precarious time! Right now, we need to get to land!” Chrysalis’s face then morphed into confusion as she tilted her body sideways to see past Sun and his friends, leading them to have their Charizards turn around to see Rotomjet quickly flying up towards them. As it rotated to present its right side, the loading door slid down open for them, confusing them further. “Get in, zz zzzt!” Rotomjet shouted. “Thizzz izz the final boarding call for the Rotomjet bound for Ten Karat Hill zzzzzt!” Sun and Lillie chuckled over its impeccable timing. With their Charizards flying toward it, Gladion, Rainbow Dash, Chrysalis, and Hydreigon all followed them inside, the air-conditioned interior giving them immediate relief. Below, the Kadabras on the Aether yacht began to tire out, losing the strength to continue holding the wall up without the Bruxishes’ assistance. Seeing the height of it where it already was, all eight of them looked back on each other and resolved to let it go, using their abilities to begin rotating the ship to face opposite the wall as it suddenly began to collapse, its entire mass falling at once. Inside the conservation area, Faba crawled back onto his feet, patting the side of his waist to find that this Pokémon had been taken from him. With a sad and exhausted whine, Faba limped his way over to the nearest gap. Standing with his heels on the edge, he saw that he now only faced a three-story drop from the water. His feet wiggled further in towards the brink; perhaps there was a Bruxish still waiting to pick him up. That’s when he heard the loud metallic groan beneath him, prompting him to look up through the glass ceiling as the water wall fell downward to rush inward and converge into the center. The massive waves struck the Aether Paradise on all sides, flinging Faba off his feet and out into the gap. As he fell through, the two sections of the broken building were forcefully pushed together, Faba realizing he would be caught right between them. “Aiye–” Outside, Lillie, Gladion, and Sun watched from the cargo hold windows of Rotomjet as the water wall came together in a titanic splash. As the center of it rained down to create a series of massive ripples, neither of them could see any trace of the Aether Paradise any longer, claimed forever by the ocean’s depths. Lillie put her hand upon the window, taking just a few seconds more to watch as her home and life receded into the blue. “Goodbye, mother…” Gladion put his hand to her shoulder, having her turn to face him. After looking into each others eyes, they each let out a sob before hugging each other tightly, tears streaming down both of their cheeks. Sun let the two be as he ascended a small flight of stairs in the center of the hold and walked through the door at the top. He found Rainbow Dash and Spike both stroking Twilight as she recuperated from her injuries against Faba, laying on a plush reclining seat that matched about thirty others down the length of the jet. Also standing over them, but from a further distance was Chrysalis, who Sun still found suspicious looking so concerned. “Chrysalis.” As Sun approached them, Rainbow Dash and Spike looked his way as well, Twilight easing herself up to see what he wanted with Chrysalis as well. “You betrayed Team Prism to save Twilight just now. Why?” “Dude,” Rainbow Dash squawked, “does it matter? Twilight nearly died, and you want to focus on–” Chrysalis stopped the pegasus with a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s perfectly alright, Rainbow Dash, it is indeed a valid question. The truth is, I’ve betrayed more than just Team Prism. I’ve betrayed my world… this one as well.” “What do you mean by that?” Spike asked. “When Thorax and the rest of my changeling hive had defected and reformed, I thought I could never forgive you ponies for taking everything that meant anything to me away from me. I planned a third takeover with my sister when you and your friends disappeared, and when I disappeared as well, I willingly joined Prism and went along with their plans, knowing full well that it would result in the destruction of my world and everything on it. I was just so angry that I didn’t care. “It wasn’t until Faba had granted me a Pokémon team of my own to use against you that I began to realize… realize the love you ponies share with each other every day… realize the love that you humans and your Pokémon share. I finally understood what it felt like to have someone be by my side not because they needed to… but because they truly wanted to.” Sun nodded, feeling that Chrysalis’s change of heart was genuine. “Pokémon are certainly incredible creatures like that.” “It actually wasn’t until Faba began attacking Twilight that I fully understood this. His Bruxish and Slowbro were still perfectly healthy; he could have easily escaped with his group, but instead, he chose to use his Pokémon to get revenge against those who slighted him. In all honesty, it was something I would have done myself before today. But I couldn’t allow Pokémon that must have loved him the way mine do to die needlessly for his recklessness. And by extension… I couldn’t allow this world… or my own world to die for Prism’s recklessness.” Chrysalis then walked closer so that she could directly face Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike moving aside to let her continue speaking. “I’m truly sorry for everything I’ve done to you since our paths first crossed, Twilight. And when we find them, I will extend my apologies to Starlight, Thorax, and your brother as well. If you could ever find it in your–” “I forgive you, Chrysalis.” Despite the new respect she found for Twilight and her friends now, the changeling couldn’t help but gasp over her answer and her honest smile. “Like Spike had once taught me, even a changeling can change, and I truly believe every word you have said to me. I think Equestria will become a much better place if you share the same love to others the same way you do with your Pokémon.” Chrysalis closed her eyes, two tears tumbling out of them. Breathing in with a sob, she took a deep breath, trying to contain the emotions that were suddenly hitting her like a wave. “I shall…” she sniffled. “And… thank you.” “So it’s official, then?” Sun put his hand out to her. “Truce?” Chrysalis grinned slyly before putting her hoof in Sun’s palm, allowing him to shake it. “No truce. Ours is a pact of true friendship…” Spike beamed as he patted the changeling’s other foreleg. “Yeah! Welcome to the team, Chrysalis!” “Oh boy!” Rainbow Dash squealed. “Just wait until we see the look on Starlight’s face when she sees us rolling out with our new friend, Queen Chrysalis! Wow, that already sounds great!” Chrysalis continued smiling, the platonic love she felt from the four of them filling her with a happiness the likes of which she never felt. At that moment, Lillie and Gladion came up from the cargo hold, Lillie coming to the side of Twilight’s chair and kneeling beside it. Overwhelmed to see Twilight in such a lax state, she threw her body over her friend and sobbed. “You and your big, stupid heart!” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle, slipping her arms around Lillie’s back and patting it consolingly. Gladion approached Chrysalis indifferently before shifting his eyes to Sun. “So she’s on our side now or something?” Sun nodded, and with his hands moving to his waists, he smiled to her. “Lovely.” “Yes…” she responded. “It truly is.” With a click on top of the ceiling, Rotomjet came on the intercom. “G– guyzz zz zzzt?! You may want to look outzzzide zzzzzt!” At once, the pleasant air that filled the room had turned chillier. Looking out their nearest window to the north, Sun and the others could see a wide pillar of light erupting out of Ten Karat Hill and expanding out. Sun could only come to a single conclusion. “It’s begun…” He shot to his feet so suddenly that all eyes were drawn to him despite the terrifying phenomenon outside. “Everyone, hand me your Poké Balls. There are healing bays aboard this. We’ll need to be as strong as possible to stop what’s next. Rotom, fly us to Ten Karat Hill immediately!” Without a word, Rotomjet rotated to face the second island to the west before powering its rear thrusters, carrying them forward. With Lillie and Glaidon helping Twilight and Chrysalis, Sun received the clips from each person and Equestrian nearby him. Hugging his friends’ Poké Balls to his chest, he ran to the back of the jet and went through a small door, a small laboratory on the other side of it with six folded-up stations hanging from the walls. He wouldn’t have much time until Rotomjet arrived, giving him only that much time to heal everyone’s Pokémon for the final battle ahead. > Chapter 79 – Calming the Winds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia, Cocoon, and the changeling galloped through the halls of the palace, hearing loud shouting and yelling as they got closer to the chamber of stained glass windows. Turning the last corner, they were stunned into stopping to see as a wall of changelings blocked the rest of the way, all of their backs turned to them. “What’s going on?” the changeling asked to either creature beside him. Celestia and Cocoon resolved to continue running forward, the changeling leading the alicorn. Upon reaching the back of the group and trying to assert her way through, the two changelings she bumped into turned around, their bodies jolting upon seeing their queen right before their eyes. “My queen!” they both shouted. As more changelings nearby began to realize Cocoon’s return, Celestia noticed a gap forming that she could finally run through. As she stepped to the front, she turned where all other heads were facing, the sight of what she found leaving her eyes spreading even wider. Fizzlepop teleported above the Storm King, falling down on him mid-forward flip. The back of her right back hoof slammed down on his head, forcing his stomach and face to the floor. Before the Storm King could try to push off the ground, Fizzlepop disappeared before she could hit the ground. Hardly a moment later, a loud crack of an explosion got the Storm King in the left side of the gut, propelling him hard enough to the left side of the wall so that Celestia could see Fizzlepop spin herself back onto her hooves. “Kick his candy ass, Fizz!” Alice screamed, sitting against a pillar with her right leg held out. Celestia turned her head to see Alice, recognizing her almost immediately. She then scanned her head out among the crowd, noting each of the Pillars of Equestria, along with Celaeno and her crew, Grubber, Capper, Skystar, and Ember. While she wasn’t familiar with Dexio nor his Mega Alakazam, she did distinguish Sam standing beside them, who joined everyone in the chamber in cheering Fizzlepop on as she walloped the Storm King mercilessly. She then quickly stepped into the hall for everyone to see. In a matter of seconds, each changeling, pony, parrot, cat, hippogriff, and human began to turn silent as they noticed Celestia enter, both in amazement and relief for her safety and in reverence for her regality. This did not stop Fizzlepop, who continued kicking and bucking the Storm King from every angle she could teleport from. “I used–” She teleported another blind spot and kicked him before vanishing again. “to think–” *PWAK* “you were so–” *KHNK* “powerful!” *WHPKHAK* “But all–” *BHUF* “you could do–” *PWUHMP* “was make–” *PWAHK* “a little–” *KHRAHK* “gust!” “Fizzlepop Berrytwist, that’s enough.” Fizzlepop reared her back leg to kick again, only to be stopped by Celestia’s powerful, yet calming voice. As Fizzlepop turned to face her, her mouth hung open as the white alicorn slowly approached her. “You’ve done more than enough. I’ll handle it from here.” “Princess Celestia!” Fizzlepop began to shift her front half downward, only for Celestia to catch her hoof beneath her chin, prompting her to rise. “I’m sorry, I–” “It’s alright, FIzzlepop. You’ve done well.” As Starswirl and Grubber approached the two of them, Starswirl, much to Fizzlepop’s surprise, came to her attention rather than Celestia’s. Reaching his hoof up to feel about the hard, rough ridges in her broken horn, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “A teleportation spell with a broken horn,” he muttered aloud. “I’m so incredibly proud of you, Fizz.” With two small tears forming in the corners of her eyes, she gently put her arms around Starswirl, who put his own arm over his apprentice’s back and stroked down it. The Storm King gurgled as he finally pushed himself onto his hands and knees, breathing hoarsely as his body could do nothing more. “Stay still, Storm King!” Celestia demanded, his body doing as told. “I never thought I’d live to see you in the flesh after you first came to Equestria, and yet here you are.” The Storm King picked his head up to look at Celestia, chuckling weakly. “This is the first time I’m seeing you in the flesh myself… and from where I’m crawling, you look–” “Would you like me to have Fizzlepop shut you up again?” The Storm King formed a scowl, her threat duly noted. “As soon as we’re able, I shall personally see you banished from these lands and ensure that you never set foot on Equestrian soil ever again.” The Storm King shut his eyes, pushing himself up so that he could sit on the backs of his calves, the sudden act not seeming to intimidate Celestia or the two unicorns beside her, though causing the rest inside to flinch. “Why don’t I just make it easier for all of us…” With as much agility as his broken and battered body could muster, he reached behind his back. Celestia, Fizzlepop, and Starswirl angrily charged their horns. Upon hearing the faint sound of rock shattering behind Storm King and the sight of smoke bursting from behind him, the three of them stepped away and eased their magic down. The Storm King chuckled as the black layer of stone began to wrap around him from behind, soon morphing into full laughter. “And then the next time some gullible sap tries to wake me back up, I’ll be ready! I’m going to take this land from you! Just you wait!” As the stone came around to cover his chest, the Storm King continued to cackle up at the roof, his arms now petrified. Even as the stone covered his throat and lower jaw, the Storm King’s triumphant laughter refused to stop until he was physically forced to. It wasn’t until the last howl’s echo died in the roomy chamber that everyone inside of it, Celestia, Fizzlepop, and Starswirl included, felt relaxed, the battle finally over. “Defiant until the end,” Celestia quietly mused. “We shall carry him out in due time, but for now, I’d–” A magenta glow washed over the Storm King’s statue, a faint terrestrial moan escaping it as the rock was squeezed by the energy’s pressure. Celestia and the two unicorns turned around to find Dexio and Mega Alakazam directly behind him, Dexio’s hand reaching for it as if he had the evil creature locked in a chokehold. “Dexio?” Starswirl questioned. “What are you–” “Ashes to ashes…” Dexio closed his hand into a ball. With a louder pitched groan, the Storm King’s statue collapsed inward, its limbs and head all compacting into the center Mega Alakazam had set for it. Celestia, Fizzlepop, and Starswirl all spun back around to watch as the smaller pieces of the destroyed Storm King statue were crushed as well. The laughing face of the Storm King had been erased as it was turned to pebbles, the rest of its body joining in until there was nothing left but a black sphere floating above the floor. “Dust…” Dexio gently opened his hand back up, Mega Alakazam dropping the remains of the Storm King to the ground where they scattered along the ground in pieces far too small to ever put back together again. “…to dust.” As Dexio dropped his arm back to his side, Mega Alakazam unfurled its legs and floated back down to stand, its body glowing brightly before its form returned to its normal Alakazam state. “You…” Dexio looked up to find Celestia looking at him, almost mournfully. “Why would you do that?” “My hive and I already found him like that.” Cocoon and a couple of her changeling soldiers walked up to her. “At least this way, there’s no chance someone like me can bring him back.” Dexio nodded to Celestia, letting her know that his sentiments mirrored the changeling’s. While it was certainly not the way she would have done it, yet alone wanted it to happen, Celestia closed her eyes and bowed her head. Though she’d have to live with what Dexio had done, the threat of the Storm King was now and forever vanquished, and Equestria would only remain safer for it. Ember, Celaeno, Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, and Somnambula stepped forward from the walls as Grubber, Capper, Stygian, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook, Skystar, and Celaeno’s crew all approached Celestia from the back, gathering around her. Sam quickly ran over to his sister on the other side of the chamber, Aegislash removing himself from his arm and joining Salazzle’s side, the two of them giving him space. Upon reaching her, he nearly fell over and slid to his knees, clutching the side of his head that wasn’t covered in blood. “Sam,” Alice spoke. “Are you alright?” Sam pulled his bag apart, rummaging around for a potion. “Never mind if I’m alright! How’s your leg?” “Never mind if my leg’s alright! How’s your head?” Alice’s well-meaning retort left Sam only more frustrated as he struggled to find something strong enough to heal her, which only made the throbbing his head feel more severe. “Wait!” Mage Meadowbrook and Skystar quickly trotted to the pair, Fizzlepop breaking away with Celestia and Starswirl to see how her human friends were doing. Mage Meadowbrook reached into a small bag held under her skirt and pulled out a small blue vial as well a large tied-up leaf before handing them both to Sam. “Take that vial; it’ll stop the bleeding and reduce the swelling in your head. Then squeeze some lotion out of that leaf and rub it on her leg.” Sam did as instructed, yanking the cork off the top of the vial and letting it drain down his throat with a single swig. As he placed the bottom of his wrist against his temple, his head began to feel warm as the aches inside of it subsided. He then gently tapped the other side of his head, feeling no blood there except that which had already clotted. As Sam began feeling better, Celaeno and Capper stood beside Fizzlepop, watching as Sam began to work on his sister, already looking much peppier. Sam took the leaf and held it just above Alice’s ankle, squeezing down on the top of the puff. A white, creamy lotion broke through the bottom of the leaf, and Sam squirted it up her leg until it reached the top of her scar. As Alice dragged her leg towards her, she began to gently rub the lotion into her skin herself, fighting through the shooting pain that still remained there. “Alice.” She looked up at Fizzlepop, who looked down on her with pure sympathy and intrigue. “I always meant to ask. How did you get that scar on your leg?” “It was an accident I had as a kid. Nearly fell off a cliff and got it caught between a rock.” “Really?” Celestia was enraptured by Fizzlepop’s giggly reply, already sensing the connection between them. “I broke my horn in a foalhood accident myself, but I was attacked by a bear.” “Hah, gnarly.” With a wincing gasp, Alice suddenly felt a soft pressure and tingle on her leg as if it was compressed in a blanket made of static electricity. As the gentle prickle persisted, the soreness in her leg began to subside, and soon with it, the tingle as well. Once she no longer felt a tingling at all, she felt up and down her shin with her thumbs, even going as far as to roll her ankles a couple of times. Either way, there was not a single inkling of pain at all. “No way,” Alice breathed. “Isn’t that stuff just so neat?” Skystar tittered, unfurling her wings to showcase the result. “Mage Meadowbrook put some of that on my back while you guys were fighting the Storm King, and wow does this stuff work wonders!” Sam put the side of his foot against the tip of Alice’s, and with a reach down, Alice grabbed her brother’s hand and let him pull her up. Alice couldn’t appreciate being able to put her weight on her right leg for long, as both she and Sam were roughly groped by Skystar’s arms and wings, hugging them close to her. “Oh my golly!” she exclaimed. “You two were just awesome!” “Pardon me, please.” As the others parted ways to let Celestia pass, Skystar quickly unwrapped herself from the siblings and slunk back to let the Equestrian ruler speak to them. “I remember you two from yesterday afternoon.” Sam and Alice smiled, soothed by her loving voice. “Likewise,” Sam said. “My name is Sam, this is my sister Alice, and the other guy behind us is our friend, Dexio.” Celestia nodded, understanding. “You three must come from the world where Twilight and her friends ended up on.” “We are,” Alice confirmed. “I would love to say they’re safe, but our world is in great peril, and yours will be too.” “Ours too?” Celestia’s smile turned to a soft frown. “What do you mean?” “Celestia,” Dexio spoke, he and Alakazam approaching her, “I trust you’re familiar with a creature named Necrozma.” Celestia couldn’t help but breath in a sharp gasp, the name clearly ringing familiar. “I am… don’t tell me that…” “The two creatures you and Luna made to defeat it found themselves in our world, along with Necrozma. It’s recently managed to regain all of the power it lost, and if we don’t return to our world to stop it, it plans to meld our two worlds together and rule over what’s left.” “Two creat…” Even for an old, wise pony as she, she found her head shaking over what this human was telling her. “How do you know all of this?” “It’s a very long story, your majesty,” Starswirl spoke, “but time is very much of the essence now. I had promised these humans safe passage home if they could help stop the changeling invasion and rescue you. Now that they have, I will require your assistance in helping me maintain the spell that will do so.” “And you truly have such a spell?” Starswirl nodded. “All I need is a clear memory of their world and enough magic to send them there, and I now have both.” “Then let us get to work. Sam, Alice, Dexio, do whatever you must to prepare yourselves for the journey ahead. We hopefully shouldn’t be long. Mistmane, Stygian, please follow me as well.” Compliantly, the two unicorns went and followed Starswirl and Celestia toward the doorway at the end of the chamber, Celestia pushing it open with her magic and letting herself and the three unicorns in. At that time, the changelings inside the chamber began to walk across the hall to each other, mingling and expressing their joy over each-others’ well being. “Sam, Alice,” Dexio said to them. “Lend me your Pokémon. I’ll heal them up before we leave.” With a nod, Sam detached two Poké Balls from his belt while Alice took out a single one, the three of them returning Aegislash, Salazzle, and the fainted Mimikyu back inside of them. After placing the balls back onto their belts, Alice and Sam took the clips attached to them off and handed them both to Dexio. With a sigh, he slung his bag off his shoulder and sat down on the floor with it, already pulling out several Potions, Revives, and berries. “You, children.” Sam and Alice distinctively heard Cocoon call for them, looking up to face the visibly repentant changeling queen. “May I have a word?” The two took a quick glance each at their Poké Balls that Dexio worked on before walking around him and weaving through the changelings that walked around. “What’s up?” Sam indifferently greeted. “I firstly want to apologize for everything you’ve been put through over the past couple of hours,” she responded. “I only did what I thought was best for my hive… and my sister. I still want to do right by my changelings, and if this world is in as much peril as your friend claims it is, then… I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure their safety. I will even join you on your world to partake in battle if you would allow me. I do not know how this will change our relationship to the ponies of Equestria should we succeed, but I can barely imagine that it would be any worse a fate should we fail. Knowing this… will you still accept my help?” Sam and Alice first glanced to each other, the pause only making Cocoon more nervous. “Are you kidding me?” Alice’s crossing her arms left the changeling’s head bowing down in defeat. “Of course we will!” Cocoon threw her head back up, her eyes glistening. “Anyone who fights for life is welcome on our side,” Sam explained. “Why should we stop you from doing so?” “I…” With a blink, Cocoon’s tears streamed down her face. “I don’t know what to say…” “Don’t say anything.” Alice walked over to Cocoon and put her arms around her long, smooth neck, pulling the side of her head against it. Cocoon’s breathing began to get deeper and more audible, alarming several of the changelings around her. “My queen?” A few of them approached her as Alice refused to break their embrace apart. “What is this?” Cocoon shuddered. “What are you doing?” “Thorax told me a bit about your changelings and how you used to take love to survive,” she explained, very subtly tightening her hold. “Maybe you need to feel love that’s given to you too.” It was certainly a wonderful feeling, enough so that Cocoon was compelled to nuzzle the side of her head into the back of Alice’s, feeling even more ecstatic by the sensations she felt. “It’s… warm… How could I have never been brave enough to try…” As Sam and the others watched the two bond, they suddenly were off put by the sight of Cocoon’s skin glowing orange around Alice’s arms and hands and spreading. “My queen, your…” A changeling commander stuttered. “Your body!” Alice pulled away just enough to see what Sam and the changelings were seeing, unable to respond other than a sharp yelp and recoil back. Cocoon, feeling betrayed, looked to her arms as the light spread, suddenly understanding Alice’s reaction. The glow only got brighter until it enveloped her entire body in the shape of a cocoon, which quickly exploded in a bright flash, leaving everyone’s heads turning toward it. As the light receded back to where Cocoon had stood, the creature now standing there bore a far different appearance. Her once-black chitinous body now had a comforting creamy-yellow color to it, the holes in her hooves, horn, and wings having become mended. Her orange mane and tail now looked as though they had been spun from silk, both of which went well with a new tuft of equally soft-looking fur that had appeared on her chest that was colored a brilliant scarlet. The shells covering her sky-blue wings had a purple tint to them, giving her plenty of warm and cool colors. Looking over her new appearance, she couldn’t help but giggle at this amazing new transformation, leaning back in toward Alice and giving her a strong, grateful hug. With each of the changelings seeing what had happened to their queen, they found themselves compelled to let a similar glow that began to spread across their bodies carry through. Soon enough, the entire hallway floor was lit up like holiday lights, and with a similar wave of dimming light, the changelings and the other Equestrians saw their bodies having become a vibrant and attractive. As the changelings all hugged each other, the love they felt for one another more fortifying than ever, the Pillars and the other Equestrians looked over at Alice and Cocoon as they continued holding onto each other. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about your relationships with the ponies anymore,” Alice assured Cocoon, who cry-laughed at her remark. Sam patted Cocoon below the shoulder, wanting to give her his affectionate touch as well. He then saw the Pillars approach the three with Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno, her crew, Capper, Skystar, and Ember, stepping aside to give them his undivided attention. Hearing them as well, Alice stepped beside the reformed changeling queen and faced them as well, already predicting what they were there to say. “So…” she muttered. “I guess this is goodbye.” “Ha!” Celaeno jollily bellowed. “Goodbye nothing! Did you really think we were going to let you fight this Necrozma thing all by yourselves?” “Wait…” Sam’s joy began to kindle inside his heart. “You mean… you’re coming with us?” “Well, not all of us,” Flash Magnus admitted. “If this battle goes down like Dexio said, Equestria’s going to need just as many capable hooves and hands here as there are in your world. So I suppose for me, this is farewell, Sam and Alice.” “It’s been a tremendous honor fighting by your sides,” Rockhoof said with a bow. “I wish you and your sister the greatest of fortunes.” “As do I,” Somnambula bid. “Me too,” Mage Meadowbrook said. “Alright,” Alice interrupted, waving her hands, “I think it’ll just be easier to know who’s coming with us.” Celaeno nodded before turning to Boyle, putting her talon hand upon his shoulder. “You take care of my crew while I’m gone, okay?” Boyle smiled as he struggled to retain his liquid pride. “Aye!” “You show that world who’s boss,” Mullet gruffly requested. Spittle and Squabble let out a pair of affirmative cheers, wishing their captain well. Stepping away from them, she joined Sam’s side, who was elated to get to stay in her company. With a shrug, Capper walked over to join Sam and Alice as well. “The only thing I’m looking forward to is stuck on your guys’ world, so there’s no real reason for me to stay here.” “And I’m certain she’ll be excited to see you arrive,” Somnambula said to him. “Don’t forget me!” Skystar leapt over her friends and landed beside them in the center. “I wanna’ go and see your world too! You gotta’ tell me what it’s like! No, wait! Don’t spoil it! …But seriously, what’s it like?” “You’ll see soon enough,” Sam answered. “Hopefully, it hasn’t gone to hell already, but if it hasn’t, it’s actually pretty beautiful… until it ends up going to hell, but again, hopefully not.” Skystar beamed at the satisfactory answer nonetheless. Alice then faced Ember, who crossed her arms and frowned at the sappy sight. “What about you, Ember? Interested in seeing my home for a change?” “I’d love to, really I would, but I’ve got an army of my own still waiting for me back in Ponyville. But still…” Ember reached her hand out at Alice, giving her a fond, respectful smile. “…it’s been a true pleasure fighting by your side. If you see Spike, please tell him I said ‘hey.’” “You got it.” Alice clasped her hand into the dragoness’s, pulling themselves into each other and pounding each others’ backs. “I’ll see you around, Ember.” “I’m definitely gonna’ hold you to that!” After letting her draconic friend’s hand go, Alice’s face jolted awake in remembrance. “Oh, right, and your spear is leaning against the pillar I was leaning against.” “Oh, yeah. Thanks… give me a second, will ya?’” Ember hopped up off the floor and flew above the changelings scattered along the chamber to the other side of it. With a smile, Fizzlepop and Grubber stepped forward, Alice breathing out in exaltation to see them in particular choosing to fight by her side. “There’s somepony that I’d really like to see once we arrive,” Fizzlepop said to her. “However, I still wouldn’t miss fighting this battle with you for the world.” “It’s going to be nuts!” Grubber shouted. “Super looking forward to it!” “Now that you’re here,” Alice replied, “I am too, actually…” Ember flew back over and tossed the spear over for Alice to catch. Alice looked down on it and then back up at her in amazement. “Yeah, you can go ahead and keep it.” She landed hard on the ground to face her at eye level. “Consider it a going-away present from one friend to another.” “Thanks a lot, Ember.” Alice stood the staff up beside her, proud as the warrior she suddenly felt like. With the loud opening of the doors at the end of the hallway, Celestia stepped through them, immediately stunned by the new appearances of the changelings that all but infested this room of the castle. A smile involuntarily formed on her lips, knowing what this meant for Cocoon and her hive. Spotting her, along with Sam and Alice beside her, she cleared her throat. “Sam, Alice, Dexio! It’s time!” With a glance and nod to each other, Sam and Alice waded through the crowd of changelings, each one of their new friends tagging along behind. As the other changelings saw them get near, they parted the way to make their walk all the more easier. Stepping through the doorway and going inside a spacious rotunda, Sam and Alice found Starswirl, Mistmane, and Stygian standing outside of an ornate, arcane circle drawn on the floor with white chalk. Once each of Sam and Alice’s friends entered inside the room, Dexio jogging in last with Sam and Alice’s Poké Balls in hand. They began to gather around the circle, not wanting to disturb its intricate craftsmanship. “You may step into the circle,” Starswirl spoke. Slowly and carefully, Sam and Alice walked into the center, followed by Celaeno, Capper, Skystar, Fizzlepop, Grubber, and then Cocoon. Starswirl and Celestia were surprised to see the Equestrians step inside to join their friends. The wizened unicorn was shocked most of all to see Fizzlepop among them. “Fizz, are you certain you wish to join them?” “I’ve hardly been more certain of anything, Starswirl,” she said. “Thank you for everything you’ve taught me.” Starswirl grinned to see his student already so grown before his eyes. “And thank you for your invaluable friendship.” After a returned smile, Fizzlepop looked away from her master, not wanting to begin regretting her decision. As Sam and Alice were handed their Poké Ball clips back from Dexio, the changelings all began to spill into the room, ready to see their queen off. “Don’t any of you worry,” she assured them all. “Before I return, I shall ensure that Equestria remains a land where we can all flourish. Farewell, my loyal subjects.” “Is everyone who wishes to return to Sam, Alice, and Dexio’s world present in the circle?” Celestia asked. “Looks to be,” Capper replied with a quick glance. “Very well.” Starswirl began charging his horn, prompting Celestia, Mistmane, and Stygian to cast their magic too. “Now, Sam, Alice. Remember where you wish to go as clearly as you can.” “Hey,” Sam said to his sister, “think of Ten Karat Hill where the others are.” “Yeah.” Alice closed their eyes. As Sam and his sister stood in deep thought, they went back to that fateful day not too long ago. As the details became clearer, the auras on the alicorn and unicorns’ horns went brighter. “I remember…” Alice mumbled. “I remember the picnic we had with Mom and Dad, and Starlight and Fluttershy.” Sam grimaced over his memory as pungent and lucid as it was. “I remember feeling so scared after our first battle with Prism, and how I thought we couldn’t protect them.” With the four horns glowing white, light began to trace itself through the outline of the circle Sam, Alice, Dexio, and their friends stood in. At once, the flash shot up brighter, Starswirl’s gasp clearly heard over the enchanted chime ringing up from the floor. “Yes, that’s it!” Starswirl stated, keeping his magic charge alive. “I can see it now. Prepare yourselves, my friends!” The light began to swirl around like bubbles being stirred in a glass of soda, the lights shooting up from the outline of the circle spiking upwards and beginning to fill the space and their vision. It wasn’t long until Sam and Alice could no longer see Ember, Celaeno’s crew, Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, or Mage Meadowbrook past the brightness. With only a few seconds left to go, Sam and Alice held each other’s hands, squeezing them tight as they awaited whatever sensation the journey would provide them. Outside, no creature could see anyone inside the pillar of light that had risen up inside the circle. Finally, the pillar splashed apart as the liquid light evaporated before it could hit the ground. Celestia, Starswirl, Mistmane, and Stygian relinquished their magic, panting in exhaustion over the feat they had performed. Despite the strain they felt, there was nothing standing between them; even the circle that they stood on had disappeared. Starswirl was satisfied, certain they were successful. “Good luck… everyone.” > E4 – Convergence Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust and dirt still hung in the air. Inside Ten Karat Hill, each human, Pokémon, and Equestrian that was engulfed in Dawn-Wings and Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s combined attack laid unconscious on the ground, most of them scattered along the crater wall. The first among them to awaken was Kukui, who picked his head up off the ground to find Fluttershy, Kaj, Zeraora, and his fainted Snorlax in front of him. Pushing off with his hands with all his might, he found even more of his friends and their Pokémon lying upon the ground. Looking back to his Pokémon, he was only barely strong enough to pull his Pokémon’s ball off of his belt. Using both hands, he held the Poké Ball up to aim the center button at it so the red beam could return it back inside. As much as he wanted to come to the aid of the rest of his friends and their Pokémon, the only person he cared about finding more than anyone was Burnet. Turning to look in the direction where he last remembered Burnet having stood, he felt his stomach twist into a knot to see that she was no longer there. Spinning back to the direction of the cave entrance, he just barely caught the sight of a black boot as it weakly and slowly slunk in, the person it was attached to now fully inside. “No…” With several quick breaths, Kukui thrust himself to stand on his feet. With the burst of adrenaline now leaving him, his cut and scuffed-up legs began to give out, but he managed to catch himself before he could fall back down. Despite his legs wanting to continue resting, Kukui knew that he was Alola’s only hope at that moment, and that to fall again would certainly mean the end of the world. With one foot leading in front of the other, Kukui slowly made his way toward the cave, trying his very best to overtake his wife, who was already well ahead of him. Even as he heard the sound of a jet approach from the south ahead of him, he kept his sights forward as he finally made it to the cave. Leaning against the wall, he found that the extra support helped savor his remaining strength, allowing him to walk along it at a slightly faster pace. He didn’t know how much farther Burnet had managed to get as light began to fade the further he traveled in, but he was hopeful beyond all hope that he would reach her in time. With its noise getting louder, a booming whoosh was suddenly heard overhead as Rotomjet appeared over the top of Ten Karat Hill’s crater. Along with the roar of its thrusters, the warm air they blew pushed down on the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians below, causing them to stir and come to their senses rather quickly. As everyone began to look up, their eyes traced the aircraft as it came toward the ground on the north side. The thrusters slowed its descent to gently land, though only served to blow around more dust and loose shards of earth about the crater. At once, the each trainer returned their Pokémon into their balls to keep them from blowing away too. “The hell is that?” Oliva grunted, trying to keep any dirt from blowing into her mouth. “More grunts?” As the landing supports came down from the bottom and eased themselves down from the ground, the thrusters whirred down as the engines began to power off. As those inside the crater stood to their feet, they watched as the side door slid down to open before a platform ejected from beneath the doorway. Pinkie Pie and Guzma reached Rotomjet first, standing at the foot of the platform as it drew downward into a ramp. Immediately upon settling, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Sun, Lillie, and Gladion ran down it to meet their friends, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy beaming to see them in one piece. “Guys!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “You made it!” “What was that explosion we just saw?!” Twilight panted, forced to ignore her friend’s greeting. “Did Burnet revive Necrozma?” “Pfft, nah! She just used Solgaleo and Lulana, who she totally corrupted with Necrozma’s influence by the way, to use their strongest attack against us all so she could take us out in one fell swoop! Last I saw her, she was over…” Pinkie Pie pointed where Burnet had once stood, an empty spot in its place. “Oh, poo.” “She must have used it as a diversion,” Guzma reasoned. “That crafty bitch.” “Wait.” Lillie’s voice cracked in concern. “What do you mean she corrupted Solgaleo and Lunala?” “Guys!” Ilima’s voice shouted over at Sun and the others as the rest of the humans and Equestrians ran over toward them, forming a tight semicircle. “We don’t see either Burnet or Kukui anywhere!” “He must be after her.” Sun and Twilight both hopped off the side of the ramp and made their way over toward the cavern. “Sun? Twilight!” Acerola loudly wondered as he walked past her. “Where are you going?!” “I’m going to find Burnet and Kukui and help him.” Spinning around to walk backwards, he faced Gladion and Lillie and pointed out at them. “In the meantime, I need you two to get everyone on that jet so you can escape in case the worst comes to pass.” “Wait, guys!” Rainbow Dash shouted to him. “Let us help you too!” “It’s alright,” Zeraora said to her. “Burnet is already weak, and that last attack probably took more out of her. The three of them should be capable enough to stop her now.” Sun and Twilight nodded to the legendary Pokémon, thanking him for his defense. Turning back around, he broke into a light sprint, only hoping now that he, like Kukui, was not too late. Rainbow Dash nodded, able to stomach Sun’s advice. “Alright,” she ordered, “you heard the guy, everyone on the ship, let’s go!” Lillie and Gladion both gasped, shocked by the grave mistake the pegasus made. “Rainbow Dash, wait!” Pinkie Pie, Trixie, and Guzma were the first to rush onto the ramp, and as Pinkie Pie swung into the cabin, her body froze up upon seeing Chrysalis still inside of it. As the two looked at each other, Guzma and Fluttershy were blocked from entering further by the pink mare as she continued staring and sweating bullets. “Yo, Cotton Candy!” Guzma shouted. “Get a move on–” “AAAHH!” Trixie’s scream hit Guzma like bullets in both ears, slamming his palms to the side of his head. “It’s Queen Chrysalis!” Loud murmurs and gulps of worry sounded out among those gathered around Rotomjet. “Pinkie Pie!” As Gladion and his sister ran up the ramp, Trixie and Guzma were already being shoved outside by her. She then budged between them and tried to push Gladion and Lillie back, only for both of them to stop her. “Stop! It’s not safe!” “How the hell did that thing even get in there?” Guzma shouted back. “Pinkie Pie, stop!” Stunned by his bark, Pinkie Pie put her hooves off of Lillie and Gladion. “Why’s Chrysalis on that ship?” Thorax loudly questioned from the group. “How did she get in there?” “Team Prism attacked us on the Aether Paradise. At one point, Chrysalis ended up injuring herself and Twilight chose to save her instead of leaving her to go down with it.” “Go down with…” Guzma was clearly putting the pieces together in his head, but it still seemed too crazy a conclusion to come to. “You mean they…” “They rigged the basement with explosives and sunk it. In any case, Chrysalis got herself a change of heart and is now on our side. In fact, if it weren’t for her, it would be Twilight who would be at the bottom of the ocean now instead of her!” “You really expect us to believe a word of that?” Nanu growled. “Even coming from you guys, that sounds extremely fishy.” “Again,” Gladion spoke, “we hoped to explain the situation before we revealed that she was here, but someone decided to jump the gun.” “Well, sooorrry!” Rainbow Dash sneered. “I’m still getting used to one of our arch-nemesises being on our side myself!” “So…” Shining Armor was having trouble processing this himself. “Queen Chrysalis…” “Yeah, she’s really a good guy now!” Spike responded, then turning to his Equestrian friends. “Come on everypony, you were willing to give Thorax a chance, so why not her?” As the Equestrians all began to ponder the dragon’s words, a bright shimmer and ring began to stream up through the ground near the center of the crater. As the people and Equestrians turned toward the light one by one, they then watched in amazement as the arcane circle that Starswirl had drawn began to trace itself along the floor, an equal brightness shooting up from the outline. “Who’s this now?” Sophocles asked. Once the circle had completed, the entire space inside it began to light up in a single solid disk that swirled up into a short pillar. As the luminance likewise swirled out of existence, it revealed Sam, Alice, Dexio, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Celaeno, Capper, Skystar, and Cocoon inside of it. While everyone was easily able to spot and identify the three humans, the ponies, namely those in Twilight’s close circle of friends, found their sights drawn to the other Equestrians standing inside of it. Skystar frowned at the sight of the battle-ruined crater. “I’m still not too sure what ‘gone to hell,’ means, but this place sure looks like it fits that description.” “Oh my GOSH!” Rainbow Dash darted at Celaeno, who distinctly recognized the pegasus’s voice. Turning to her, the two long-separated friends locked their arms around each other’s backs, pulling themselves into each other hard. “What are you guys doing here?!” “Oh, come on, you really thought we wouldn’t finally find you guys?” Celaeno sobbed. Capper and Rarity locked eyes, the sight of her standing there leaving the cat sinking to his knees. “Rarity…” “Capper?” Rarity galloped forward to him as well upon realizing her eyes were not tricking her. “Capper!” Capper reached his arms out as far as they would go, Rarity diving into him and allowing him to catch her and hug her close to his heart, his tears freely flowing. “I was so worried I’d never see you again…” he breathily wept. “I never lost hope that I would,” Rarity squeaked. “Princess Skystar!” Pinkie Pie bounded off the ramp and over the gathered humans and Equestrians, galloping over to the hippogriff who positively beamed to see her. “Oh my goodness, Skystar!” “Pinkie Pie!” Upon pulling her in for an embrace, Skystar twirled around in excitement as she cuddled her head against her pink friend’s. “You’re really okay!” “This is so wonderful, I’m almost actually speechless!” She then turned to Sam, Alice, and Dexio, who were very content watching their friends reunite. “I can’t believe you guys went all the way to Equestria to bring our friends here!” “Not by choice!” Sam awkwardly chuckled. Starlight and Fluttershy both kept staring at Sam and Alice, their eyes also moist and ready to burst. With sniffling sobs, the two began a trot that quickly broke into a full on gallop. Kaj also ran out to follow them as Sam and Alice turned and noticed their friends approaching. With relieved breaths, the two of them turned to face their equine companions, awaiting their inevitable embrace. “Guys…” Alice put her arms up and let Fluttershy fly into them, the sounds of the pegasus’s cries into her chest making Alice tear up as well. Sam sunk to a knee and caught Starlight as she crashed into him, crying over his shoulder as she began squeezing the air out of his lungs. “Burnet told me what she did to you,” Starlight wheezed. “I thought you were dead!” “Guys!” Kaj nearly fell over stopping in front of them. “What happened to you guys?!” “The fu…” Alice and Fluttershy let go to allow her to approach her other friend and give her a hug. “Kaj! What are you doing here?!” “I came with Olivia! I thought Burnet threw you guys into a wormhole! What the hell else happened?” “All I can say is,” Dexio said as he approached her, “we couldn’t have ended up in a better place.” From the window of the jet, Chrysalis spotted Cocoon as she watched the reunion of the other Equestrians with their other friends. Despite the reformed appearance she now took, Chrysalis couldn’t have felt prouder or smirk wider for her sister. Even as the other humans and Equestrians gathered around the arcane circle to meet this new group of Equestrians, Chrysalis only cared about doing a single thing. Trotting to the open door, she stepped outside on the ramp before flying herself over to the circle. As she began to descend, everyone looked up to see her come down, filling each of them with intense dread. “Dammit…” Gladion pushed their way through their friends to get to the front, Lillie getting as close behind as she could. Once Chrysalis landed before her also-shocked sister, Pinkie Pie stood in front of Skystar with her arms still around her neck. “Look out, everyone! It’s Chry–” “It’s alright, Pinkie Pie,” Cocoon interrupted softly enough to instill a strange calmness in the pony. “I can handle this.” “Wait!” Applejack exclaimed, stepping forward with Gladion and Lillie. “Who are you? How do you know–” “My sister has told me much about you and your friends, Applejack. We plotted to take Equestria over shortly after your disappearance, and I’ve accompanied the three humans back to their world to tell you that my hive and I are no longer going to be enemies to Equestria.” Chrysalis kept a brave face as Cocoon approached her. “Chrysalis, I will always love and respect you as my sister, but these humans have made me realize that if our world and our hive is to ever survive, we must learn to live and love with these ponies. It’s the only way–” Cocoon’s mouth was stilled by Chrysalis’s hoof placed over her lips, leaving her to look up and face her sister, whose eyes glistened with tears. “I know. They’ve helped me realize this too. And I want to let you know that I no longer just love and respect you as my sister, I love you as a friend.” Cocoon sputtered a breath as her lips curled into a smile, tears also forming in her eyes. Slowly, the sisters leaned into each other and put their arms around each others’ necks. The audience of humans and Equestrians around them felt a wave of relief wash over them as Chrysalis’s newfound benevolence was laid bare for everyone to see. It didn’t take long for them all to notice as the chitin around Chrysalis’s body where Cocoon’s arms touched began to glow brightly. As it spanned the rest of her body and her body was lifted into the air, Chrysalis broke her hug apart to see the glow travel down her arms, feeling the intense, yet soothing warmth that was filling her entire being. The light intensified to the point that her entire body was now a ball of floating brightness, leaving everyone around it to take a cautious step back as bright beams shot off and spun in multiple directions. The ball of light began to settle back toward the ground, quickly dimming as Chrysalis’s transformation was revealed to everyone. Chrysalis now bore a similar appearance to Cocoon, her body the same cream color and her hair the same visible silky smoothness. Unlike her sister, her mane and tail was a turquoise green that faded into a brighter lime at the ends. The tuft of fur on her chest was a vibrant orange and her flawless dragonfly-like wings were a lighter-shade of purple than the shell covering them. Chrysalis looked down on her new body before glancing behind at the changes made from the neck down, her mouth pried open by her wonder. As well, Pinkie Pie and the other ponies who saw the transformation with their own two eyes were equally slack-jawed and wide eyed, though none were more staggered than Thorax or Shining Armor. “So,” Cocoon said to her, “how do you feel?” Chrysalis looked back to her, her lips quivering and her eyes flooding over with joy. “The best I ever have!” The two changelings came back to hug each other, only for Pinkie Pie and hang her arms down from both of their necks and join them. “Welcome to the gang, Chryssy!” Despite the volume of her voice and the invasion of her familial moment, Chrysalis felt completely solaced by Pinkie Pie’s presence. One by one, Spike, then Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all joined in, hugging legs and chests as they granted their affectionate forgiveness to the redeemed changeling queen. Starlight could only stand and watch as Trixie, Thorax, Discord, and Shining Armor joined her side, neither of them certain of what to do. Upon sighting them, Chrysalis took herself off Cocoon and approached them. Despite her new welcoming appearance, Starlight and her friends still couldn’t help but feel and appear concerned. “Starlight, Thorax…” She found facing the stallion whose life she nearly ruined to be hardest of all, “Shining Armor. I’m so terribly sorry for everything I’ve done to you all. If my transformation won’t convince you of my goodwill, then I can only hope I’ll prove myself in time and that I may earn your forgiveness.” Though relaxed by her words, neither of the Equestrians could find it in them to either accept or deny her apology. It wasn’t until Shining Armor approached the steadfast changeling that their unfavorable opinions of her were beginning to melt away. All he had to do was say the words or do the thing that would convince them to let any sense of animosity towards her go. Shining Armor put his arm around Chrysalis’s neck and rested the front of his head and face against hers, their horns crossed together. “I forgive you, Chrysalis…” And that was all it took. At once, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord smiled, happily and eagerly surrounding the changeling to join Shining Armor in the group hug. With the other humans all witness to the bond now formed between them, they could now rest easy with the undeniable alliance they had formed with one of Prism’s former admins. Acerola slunk up beside Nanu and nudged him in the gut, the shock nearly making him collapse. “Really tugs at the heartstrings, right old man?” Nanu could only pant in reply. With the Chrysalis situation handled, Gladion and Lillie made their way back through the crowd and near Rotomjet’s ramp. “Okay, enough chit-chat!” Gladion shouted. “Everyone get on the jet now!” It took a few moments for everyone within earshot to comprehend, but with Flannery and Mallow, being the first to get a move on and ascend the ramp, the others began to catch on as well, following them up and into the jet. Starlight and Fluttershy ran back for Comfey and Lady before joining the others in converging toward the ramp. As a line was formed, the other humans and Equestrians briskly getting on, Fizzlepop and Grubber stepped away as she scanned the line a couple of times over, only to not find whom she was looking for. Seeing her away from the group, Sam and Alice discreetly stepped out themselves. “Excuse me?” Approaching Lillie and Gladion, Fizzlepop made her presence known to them. “Where is Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?” Lillie looked down to answer her. “She’s inside the cavern with our friend Sun to stop Burnet. She’ll be fine, but you need to–” “I’m sorry, but…” Fizzlepop began to back away, alarming Lillie, Gladion, and even Grubber. “I have to find her!” Spinning around, she galloped off toward the mouth of the cave, leaving her longtime hedgehog companion behind. “Fizz, wait!” “Grubber,” Alice said, following Fizzlepop with her gaze, “you get on the jet with the others. We’ll make sure she’s safe.” “We?” Sam’s question was answered by Alice darting off to follow Fizzlepop. With a facial contortion of realization, Sam hopped into a run, quickly gaining on his sister. Lillie and Gladion were left along with Grubber as the back of the line of people and Equestrians reached the bottom of the ramp. “Come on.” Lillie calmly scooped Grubber up into her arms. “Let’s wait inside for them.” Gladion and his sister quickly got behind Capper and Rarity, their eyes squarely on the cavern entrance that Fizzlepop was about to run inside. Upon entering, Fizzlepop was nearly blindsided by Sun and Twilight running in from the left. Closing her eyes and charging her horn, Fizzlepop teleported from her spot just as Sun and Twilight slid to a stop right on top of it. Upon reappearing behind them in a sparkling flash, Sun and Twilight spun back around to face the unknown creature. Twilight’s eyes went wide as her mouth came open, recognizing her immediately. “Tempest? Wha… what are you doing here?” Fizzlepop, elated to see her good friend in the flesh once again, could only approach her and give her a hug. “You helped me once before. Now I’m here to return the favor.” “Wait,” Sun stammered, “who is this?” Sam and Alice slid into the cavern themselves, Sun and the two ponies turning back around to see them, Sun now expressing the same shock that Twilight had just done. “Sam, Alice!” he exclaimed. “You’re alright!” “You could say that.” Sam knew he had to speak quickly. “You’re looking for Burnet?” Sun grimaced. “Twilight and I have checked everything behind us. We haven’t checked behind you guys then.” “Then let’s go!” Alice spun on her heel and sprinted off into the passageway left of the cavern entrance. Sun and Sam both ran after them, followed by Twilight and Fizzlepop right behind. “I am still very glad to see you,” Twilight whispered to her. “Hmph.” The irony was not lost on her. “Look who’s talking.” As they ran deeper inside, they zipped around each corner expecting Kukui and Burnet with each sharp turn. Burnet grunted as she squeezed herself through the narrow passageway to her final destination. With her foot catching on the bottom, she stumbled into the chamber and fell to her hands and feet. Upon her sore, aching neck picking her head up, the sight that graced her eyes was almost too beautiful and too good to be real. Necrozma’s body, still frozen inside the rock, was made visible as waves of dark blue light converged up down its arms and head and up its legs, converging at the chest where a chip in the wall marked where she had to put the obsidian still hung around her neck. After snapping the chain with a single tug, she then bent the top corners of the frame holding the stone in, managing to pull it out from the bottom. With the gem now safely in hand, she forced herself onto her feet, each joint in her legs feeling like they were weighed down with anchors. Now all that was left was to go just a few feet forward and place the stone into the hole, and her new world would be all hers. With her feet sliding on the floor, she came toward the alluring ripples of energy inside the rock, getting faster and more intense with each small advance. Upon reaching the halfway point, Burnet reached her hand up, the stone pinched inside her fingers and aimed at the slot, a bright ring of light now shining around it. As she took another step forward, the sound of a Poké Ball opened up behind her. Ignoring it, Burnet took another step forward, only for Kukui’s Magnezone to slip in between her and the rock wall, which only continued its tantalizing lightshow. Burnet slowly turned around, finding as Kukui slid the rest of his body out from the narrow passageway, leaning against the wall. “Give it up, honey… It’s over.” Burnet bared her teeth. There was no way her journey could end with only inches to spare. Turning back around, she faced her husband’s Magnezone, showing no evident reservations about fighting it herself should she need to. As she took a step forward, the Magnezone charged the three magnets beneath it, ready to attack. “Burnet!” Sun’s voice echoed. “Stop it!” Spinning back around, she saw as he, Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop all made their way into the cave from the passageway, forming a line between Kukui and Burnet. Kukui felt new life enter him upon seeing the siblings together before his eyes, but Burnet was horrified by their appearance. “But how!” she huffed. “I threw you into a… don’t tell me you–” “Yeah,” Alice interrupted, “we landed in Equestria, and now we’re back, bitch!” “Just stop it, Burnet!” Sun demanded. “You’ve got a healthy-looking Magnezone blocking your way, and as far as I know, all of our Pokémon are healthy as well.” “Yeah,” Sam added. “Ours are.” Burnet hissed at Sun and his group, which didn’t unnerve either of them. “I don’t care how fit for battle your Pokémon are. There’s no way you can defeat the four of us.” “Especially since we know it only takes two of us to beat you!” Alice exclaimed. “Yeah…” Sam felt much more confident by this point. Burnet’s fist trembled, unable to face her adversaries as her victory quickly slipped away from her. “It’s not fair… I was so close! So many worlds in the palm of our hands! I’m barely even a yard away; it’s so cruel! How could this have happened?!” “Burnet!” Twilight could almost feel Burnet’s corner-eye glare. “Just what use do you think Necrozma will need from you once you return its powers back? Do you really think that it cares about your desires to see other worlds? If it cared about anyone… anything at all, it would never allow you to do any of this!” Burnet looked away again, unable to accept this either. “No, you’re wrong! He wouldn’t have chosen me if he didn’t want to share the reward that we’ve both earned!” “I know what that feels like!” Fizzlepop stated, stepping forward for her to see. “I, like you, served a master I thought could grant me what I’ve always thought I wanted, but the second I gave him what he wanted, I was no longer of use to him! This Necrozma is in no way different from my master! If you do this, you will make the gravest mistake anyone has ever made! Please, just end this now for our sake, for everyone’s sake… for your sake.” As Burnet looked away again, this time with a shameful expression, her arm shifted down a couple of inches, raising Kukui, Sam, and Alice’s hopes. Her breathing began to choke up and her eyes began to water. Sun put his arms back up. “I realize that things seem desperate for you right now, but the worst hasn’t come to pass yet. All you have to do is put your arm down, and come over here. We can still make this right. Just please, take our hands…” Burnet’s top half rose and fell with each breath she took. The remainder of Necrozma’s presence burned behind her, begging her to return and finish what was only right there. But as Twilight and Fizzlepop’s words lingered in her mind, she felt the urge to fight Kukui’s Magnezone get weaker as uncertainty clouded her thoughts. With each exhale, everyone weakly smiled to watch as Burnet began to lower her arm down to her side. Kukui took a sigh of relief as he stepped towards his completely defeated wife. “That’s it, hon–” With his legs as weak as they had become, Kukui felt a shooting pain rack his ankle and calf, sending him collapsing onto his other knee. The three other humans and two Equestrians jolted their attention toward him as they immediately contemplated helping him back up. Burnet then noticed Magnezone shift a foot to her right to check on the well-being of its trainer. The ultimate flaw. With the slot now unguarded, Burnet mustered every ion of strength into her feet and right arm as she dove back and spun around to the left, reaching her arm out for where she knew the spot would be. Kukui looked up as Burnet’s body blocked Mangnezone just as it realized its empathetic mistake, and with a final shout and thrust of her arm, Burnet jammed the stone into the slot. “NOOOOOOO!” Kukui screamed. Twilight and Fizzlepop whimpered in fear as the cave began to rumble around them. Sun, Sam, and Alice watched as bright light began to fill the wall like blood dampening and staining a clean white cloth. A similar blue energy that had coursed the walls was being fed from Burnet and through her hand as all of Necrozma’s powers were fed into it inside the rock. “!yeS” Burnet’s eyes turned black as the remainder of Necrozma’s essence returned to its body. “!YES” Finally, the last of the dark-blue energy left her palm and fingers, and as Burnet came back to, she attempted to let go from the wall, only to find that her hand was stuck to it. As she attempted to pull herself free, she found that more waves of energy, now colored white, began to feed into the rock wall. As she breathed in to scream, she felt that the ability to do just that was nearly impossible, her entire strength leaving her body. Kukui gasped anxiously as Burnet could only sling her head behind her shoulder in a vain attempt to look behind her as her life force was drained to be used as fuel for Necrozma’s existence. As her limbs gave out, her body began to slide down to the ground, her hand still clung to the wall and hanging her from there. Falling to all hands and feet, he crawled at her as fast as he possibly could. By now, light had filled the entire back wall and began to cover the walls beside it along with the ceiling and floor. Once the last of Burnet’s white energy was siphoned out of her, her hand slid off the spot as her body collapsed. Diving at her, Kukui managed to catch the back of her head before it could hit the floor. With a groan, he sat himself up and pulled her upper body onto his lap, resigned to the fate his wife had set for him. “Professor Kukui!” Sun ran toward him and stood over the two. “Are you alright?!” “Just perfect…” Kukui’s voice was only a whisper now as he returned Magnezone into its Poké Ball. “I’m just where I need to be.” After putting Magnezone's ball back onto his belt, he unclasped his clip of Poké Balls from it and lifted them up to Sun, who couldn’t believe what his most respected mentor was implying. “Prof– Kukui, no! You can’t go like this! Twilight! Temp– Razz– Please do something!” Twilight tried to charge her horn, only for the dimmest flicker to appear on the tip. Try as she might, it was all she could possibly do, making Fizzlepop feel more dreadful. “Guys!” Twilight turned to Alice and Sam. “Payapa Juice! Hurry!” Sam and Alice already tore open their bags, and as they pulled out the bottles the juice was kept in, their hearts sank to find them bone dry and empty. Sam felt his fingers unclasp his bottle as it clattered to the ground. “No… We gave the rest to Starswirl and the others after we first met…” “No! NO!” Alice threw her bottle against the wall, shattering it into two small pieces. “I knew I should have taken those pills dry, god dammit!” “There isn’t enough time!” Kukui put all his energy into his voice, the only power he still had left. “Just save my Pokémon and yourselves and let me be with my wife!” “Save…” With the tremors surrounding them, Kukui could hardly hear Burnet’s voice, but he felt as her arm shifted, placing her hand onto her Poké Balls. “Save…” Sun, sobbing over what he was forced to do, knelt down bedside Kukui and Burnet as he reached over and unclasped her ball clip from her waist. After handing both clips to Sun, Kukui took one last look at the trainer he watched grow into one of the strongest trainers he’d ever seen, savoring his last seconds with him. “Professor…” Sun was so overcome with grief that he nearly began to fall over himself. “Run!” Kukui finally shrieked. “Make like an Extremespeed and get out of here now!” With one final sob of futility, Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop filed their way into the passageway, sliding through it as fast as the narrowness would allow them. Sun then took one last glance at the man who helped see through his first Pokémon journey and taught him everything he knew. Sun could only think of two final words for the man he respected almost more than anyone. “Thank you.” With a sudden turn back, Sun slithered his way out of the passageway to catch up with Sam and Alice. As the front wall became infected with Necrozma’s sinister glow, spikes of light jutted through the lights on the floor and ceiling. Necrozma was almost ready to free himself. Burnet looked up into Kukui’s eyes as she climbed her hand to the top of her stomach, wanting her last moments to mean more than they ever have the past seveal years. “Sor… Sorr…” “It’s okay.” Kukui clasped both his hands around hers, smiling as genuinely to her as he always has. “I know.” As the last of the light filled the entire room, the space began to warp toward the center as a low-pitched boom sounded off at that point. Finally, light and space exploded out, engulfing Kukui and Burnet entirely in its otherworldly force. Lillie and Gladion heard the explosion from deep within the walls of the mountain as they stood on Rotomjet’s ramp, shaking the ground on which the aircraft waited. The force was tremendous enough to cause them both to tumble back to the ground at the bottom. At once, hundreds of small blue bats began to fly out from the cavern, taking to the sky for their lives. “Eg– g– gadzz zz zzzt!” Rotomjet shouted. “What on Earth wazz that zzzzzt!” As Gladion and Lillie stood back up on the trembling ground, they saw as Sam, Alice, Twilight, and Fizzlepop ran out of the cave, which was glowing brightly behind them. Though they continued running, Sam and Twilight couldn’t help but glance back hoping to see Sun emerge shortly after. To their minimal relief, Sun sprinted out from the cavern and made a beeline for the jet. Once the energy from the light explosion reached the cavern entrance, it exploded outward, the force blowing Sun off his feet and throwing him onto his stomach hard. “Sun!” Sam and Alice stopped, prompting Fizzlepop and Twilight to stop and look back too. “Fizzlepop, help me!” Alice and Twilight stood frozen as Sam and Fizzlepop ran back to Sun’s aid. “Sam! What are you–” “Just get on the jet!” he shouted back. “Just go!” Alice and Twilight could only turn back and run toward Gladion, Lillie, and Rotomjet, who also watched Sam and Fizzlepop’s rescue. Sun picked himself up to his knees before looking back at the cavern entrance, which still continued flaring with Necrozma’s energy. As well, white, bright roots began to crackle through the walls of the crater on both sides, quickly spreading and branching out as they tore through the rock and destroyed it. Sam and Fizzlepop rushed to both of Sun’s sides, Sam helping Sun onto his feet and helping him to mount Fizzlepop. With the light roots already spanning half of the crater’s interior, Sam and Fizzlepop turned back around, running as fast as they could toward the ramp where Alice and Gladion were waiting, Sun’s arms wrapped around Fizzlepop’s neck. “Get it up!” Sam screamed, throwing his arm up. “Get it up now!” Gladion fought Alice into the jet as she struggled to see them make it. At once, the ramp began to lift up off the ground, Sam and Fizzlepop only a few feet away. Fizzlepop bounded onto the ramp and nearly slid off the edge on the other side as Sam could just barely catch the left side of it by the ends of his fingers. Upon coming in straight, Sam was bounced up, allowing him to swing his leg over onto the surface and climb on. Once the ramp receded in, Sun dismounted Fizzlepop as Sam and the two of them entered the jet. With the three safe and sound, Grubber ran to Fizzlepop and hugged her leg as Alice and Lillie embraced Sun and Sam. With the bottom thrusters quickly whirring on, it wasn’t long until everyone inside felt the subtle upward push of the jet as it went up. “Hold on, everyone zzzzzzt!” Rotomjet shouted. “It’zzz time to blow thizzz taco zzztand zz zzzt!” Rotomjet reached the top of the crater just as the roots on both sides converged in the center in the north. Rotomjet leaned forward as it flew away from Ten Karat Hill, each human and pony spreading out to the nearest window to see what was happening. The roots began to rise out from the rim of the crater before they melded into an ever-growing ball of light that floated above the center. Then, to everyone’s horror, they watched as the entire mountain, the roots of light no longer supporting it, began to completely collapse from the base down. Sun was already well aware of what was happening, turning to face the cockpit. “Rotomjet, fly us to Hau’oli City! We have to warn the people before it’s too late.” “Yezzz zzzir!” Rotomjet shouted. Dexio forced himself to look away from the destruction. “It’s already too late.” With the back thrusters revving, Rotomjet picked up speed toward the city, the citizens of whom no doubt already began to suspect something was horribly wrong. As the last of Ten Karat Hill fell, the rest of the light melded into the orb that shone like a small star over Melemele Island. Slowly, features began to form on the sphere of light as the creature made from it unfurled itself. Two pairs of wings unrolled from the front as a long, thick tail uncoiled down around its front and to the back. Stretching its large, gold-armored feet claws down, it picked its head up from its gold-armored chest and rolled its neck back, feeling its first true movement in several hundred years. With Necrozma’s ultimate form complete again, it rotated itself to face Hau’oli City and its enemies who were no doubt headed there. Necrozma threw its wings out and let out a triumphant screech, one that could be clearly heard over all of Alola. > P5 – Darkest Before Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ruins of Conflict had finally become still following Burnet’s final attack. Very softly, almost at the same volume as the breeze, the worried murmurs and chatter amongst the Iki Town residents could be heard. Despite the mild chaos outside, the sacred room remained calm and untouched. Within the pitch-black darkness, sparks from the stone idol at the center of the elevated shrine illuminated the chamber. They converged into a large ball before Tapu Koko broke through them, perplexed over the tremors it had felt. A sound of flapping wings approached from just outside, putting the island guardian on edge. The footsteps of whomever dismounted their steed ran toward the cave, and Tapu Koko charged the halves of its shell on its arms with electricity, ready to attack the intruder. The person stepped forward inside, and with another burst of energy surrounding its body, the illumination revealed that the person coming inside was Hau. Relaxing itself to cover its body in a faint glow, Hau felt welcome to come further inside. “Good to see you too, Tapu Koko.” As Hau looked to the shrine at the top of the steps, Tapu Koko met him down on the floor as if asking for the reason of his appearance. “You had to have heard that shaking just now,” he further spoke, eliciting a nod from it. “Professor Burnet… she’s the leader of Team Prism, and she managed to gain all of Necrozma’s powers and corrupted Solgaleo and Lunala, just like it did in ancient times.” Tapu Koko’s eyes blinked, begging for an explanation. “I saw them; the ancient Kahunas from their last battle with Necrozma. I saw you and the other guardians too, and you helped them defeat it. I– no, we need your help again. If Burnet reaches its body inside Ten Karat Hill, Necrozma is going to return. Please, we need their help immediately.” Tapu Koko stared at Hau with its fixed mouthless expression, and after a few moments, Tapu Koko floated back to behind the altar. Hau chased it up the stairs just as the island guardian placed both sides of its shell limbs on both sides of the idol. To Hau’s mild surprise, the statue’s head began to glow gold on the top, and rising out from the center was a Z-Crystal that Hau was already very familiar with. The Tapunium Z floated above the idol between Hau and Tapu Koko, Hau marveled by its tangible existence. Reaching out, he grabbed it fully in his hand before bringing it up and see it resting on his palm. Even though it appeared like any other Z-Crystal he’s ever used, the aura that exuded from it was unlike anything he ever felt. Placing it on an empty slot on the band of his Z-Ring, he looked up to Tapu Koko and bowed his head reverently. “Thank you, Tapu Koko.” He then faced to the chamber’s exit. “The Kahunas are still down there, and there’s not enough time to fly to the other islands and back. Can you call on the other guardians and have them bring their own Z-Crystals?” With a nod of its own, Tapu Koko kept its arms on the idol, and another light began to encompass the idol all over, now colored a bright blue. Hau stepped away as the energy radiating off the statue spread out like an icy flame. Hau was soon all the way down the stairs as he continued to observe the guardian’s mystic call to arms. Inside the Ruins of Life, the idol standing atop the alter began to glow blue like the one in the Ruins of Conflict. In response, a small orb of magenta light began to enlarge before the statue until it was several feet wide. The orb then unfolded out to reveal Tapu Lele as it suddenly became aware of its consciousness. Turning back to the still-glowing idol, it seemed to read Tapu Koko’s intentions from the light that came off of it. With a peppy backward flip, it floated behind the idol and placed its hands on both sides of it, the top of the head turning gold. The idol inside the Ruins of Abundance shone, calling for its guardian to awake. From the wooden floorboards of the altar, small vines began to sprout from the cracks and gaps. Flowery buds then sprung to life from the vines, releasing small puffs of pollen that converged in the space before the alter. Each speck of dander began to sparkle until the area became too bright to see through. The light then burst out and away to let Tapu Bulu free, who was already spinning about as it quickly woke up and registered its surroundings. Feeling the statue’s light behind it, it swung back around and looked at it, reading the message its fellow guardian on Melemele was trying to send. Placing its hooved hands on the the head of the statue, a gold glow formed atop its head. Water began to seep out of the glowing idol inside the Ruins of Hope, all of it flowing away to in front of the idol despite the level foundation on which it stood. As well, the water settled into a perfectly circle puddle on the wood floor, none of it leaking into the cracks or the spaces between the boards. Tapu Fini rose out from its aqueous portal, blinking twice as it came fully out of its slumber. The idol’s light refused to let up, and Tapu Fini felt Tapu Koko’s dire request from its light. Arcing up and over the idol to place itself behind it, Tapu Fini placed both its hands beside the idol’s head, the top of it glowing as she summoned its Z-Crystal. Hau watched as pulses of light began to wash down the idol like ripples as the other three guardian’s answered Tapu Koko’s call. It was a strangely assuring sight that left Hau slightly pacified. His cowed demeanor was quickly broken upon the feeling of the ground rumbling beneath his feet. Looking up at Tapu Koko, it took its hands off the idol and glanced around the room, seeing as loose pebbles were shaken out from the ceiling and onto the floor. “Is that…” Hau gasped. Both Hau and Tapu Koko flew out from the temple, the sounds of Hau’s Charizard honking worriedly outside. Leaving the ruins with the island guardian, Hau immediately ran to his draconic steed and hopped back onto its seat. “Please don’t tell me…” Hau and his Charizard took to the air, Tapu Koko staying close behind. Rising over the top of the mountain, Hau and Tapu Koko could finally look down upon Ten Karat Hill, seeing as the bright, thick roots of Necrozma’s essence were spreading through the sides. They could only faintly see the lights of Rotomjet rising out of the crater, but even with the evident sight of their friends’ escape, it did not matter; the worst had come to pass. “No…” Hau felt close to weeping. “Oh no…” With a crackle of sparks, Tapu Koko brought Hau’s attention to itself. It then pointed down toward Iki Town, where Hau could see the residents pouring out of their homes to watch as Necrozma began to rise and form from the white tendrils rising out from the edges of the crater. Hau took one last look at the lights of Rotomjet as it sped off toward Hau’oli City. With a wince, he looked back down toward his home. “Charizard, Tapu Koko, we have to warn them! Hurry!” Charizard tilted its head toward the ground, diving toward the village with Tapu Koko right beside it. All three ignored Necrozma’s features defining themselves as its true form came into being above the ruins of Ten Karat Hill, focused only on the citizens who were soon to be subject to its wrath. The four employees from Mossdeep sat outside the Aether House, two of whom were leaning against the front door, asleep. Of the two who were awake, the female stared out over the dark, moonlit ocean as the male employee stared up the side of Mount Lanakila, the darkness obscuring his view of the summit. “Anything?” the woman asked. Her co-worker grunted in lethargic annoyance. “Don’t you think I would have said something if there was?” She finally turned the top half of her body around to face him. “I don’t have eyes in the back of my head, man.” They were both tired and frustrated; the male employee kept quiet, knowing nothing he would say would either aid or fix the situation they were in thanks to Sun. Finally, a ping finally sounded off from the thigh of his pants. As the man snatched it out of his pocket, his co-worker jogged over to behind him to look over his shoulder. Before she could register what the screen on the phone read, the male employee placed it back into his pants as quickly as he had taken it out. “Guys! Good news.” The two sleeping employees stirred themselves into a sit, one among them groaning. “Is the jet coming back around?” A small, awkward silence followed. “…No, but I just received word from the guards at the Pokémon League. They were able to get a hold of some guys from Po Town to come get us and let us crash for the night.” “You mean those guys who used to run Team Skull?” The other male stood up alongside the other co-worker. “What about the Elite Four themselves?” “Apparently, they had to run to Melemele Island for something important.” “Okay,” the first female employee grumbled, “first our jet gets possessed by a Rotom, and now the Elite Four are off two islands away in the middle of the night. Something’s up here.” “Something is up indeed!” A chorus of snickers surrounded the four Mossdeep employees, forcing them to stand with their backs against each other as the chuckling grew louder. From the bottom of the small cliff by the beach to their right, the top of the base of the mountain to their left, and the open pathway before them, about a dozen grunts poured over and formed a tight semi-circle around the four employees. Before they could approach any closer, a couple of them glanced around. “Weren’t you guys supposed to have come in a jet?” an older dark-skinned grunt with white hair wondered aloud. The first male employee knew it was no use lying. “We… had it taken from us.” “Likely story!” A pale skinned grunt with a long, brown ponytail detached a Poké Ball from his belt. “Tell us where you’re hiding it and we won’t make this get violent.” “I may be the only one,” the female employee sighed, taking a Poké Ball off her belt, “but I could really use those Skull guys showing up right about now.” “Yeah,” the second male employee agreed, pulling a ball off his own belt. “Me too.” The other two employees brandished their own Poké Balls next, throwing them out immediately. “Go, Mightyeyna!” the first male employee shouted. “Help us, Scrafty!” called the third. The female employee chucked out her ball. “Come out, Sharpedo!” “Go, Shiftry!” the second male employee cried. Appearing before each of their trainers as a large wolf with long, scraggly black and grey fur, an orange bipedal lizard-like Pokémon with red Mohawk-like spines and shedded skin around its legs like baggy pants that it held up with both hands, a blue shark’s head with a white belly padded with magnet plates and four fins on each side in the back, and a humanoid-tree creature with its head covered in white, fibrous hair and its hands a pair of three-leafed palms. As the other grunts began to detach their Poké Balls, a faint, but impossible-to-miss light shone off to the northwest, catching the eye of the first male employee and his Mightyena. Unsure of his distraction, the grunts also looked in his direction, gasping euphorically as the light grew even bigger over Melemele Island. The other three Mossdeep employees looked away from their foes and drew their gaze to the light, unable to shake the dangerous aura it radiated off. “What the hell is that?” the second male employee shuddered. Putting their arms down, the grunts let out breathy giggles that erupted into triumphant cheers and laughter. “It no longer matters,” the white-haired grunt exclaimed through her chortling. “We have won.” Carly fought through the crowds gathering on the docks of Konikoni City, ignoring their huffing and offended shouts as she got closer to the end. When the masses became to dense to walk through, Carly resigned herself to look up where everyone else’s eyes were drawn. Not far to the west, a bright light shone over Melemele island, filling everyone with worry. “What is that?” a woman asked. “I don’t know,” a man replied, “but I don’t like it.” “Me neither,” a child whined nearby. Carly suddenly felt herself getting shoved to the edge of the pier by more people trying to get closer from behind. “Wait, stop! You’re pushing me off!” Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the tips of her slippers were pushed over the side. Carly immediately began fidgeting her Poké Balls about, trying to find the one that would prevent her from falling into the water. “Carracosta!” Throwing her ball toward the water, the energy from inside of it shot into the water, forming into a large blue turtle with a shell and facial plating made of a dark-grey rock. She leaned out and hopped over onto her Pokémon, nimbly landing on its shell. Several others nearby were not so fortunate, being forced off the platform and tumbling into the ocean, their screams caught off as they went under. Immediately, Carly’s Carracosta paddled over to three people who struggled to bring themselves back up, allowing them to hold onto its fins or the side of its shell. “Thank you, miss.” An older man coughed as much seawater that he had swallowed out from his mouth. As more people began to latch onto her Pokémon for safety, Carly looked up to the sky, getting a much clearer look at Necrozma’s light as it shone over all of Alola. The waves around where the Aether Paradise had once stood had not fully calmed down yet. However, the Aether yacht miraculously managed to stay afloat and upright, stabilized by the Kadabra’s still aboard it. Along with them, most of the grunts and their Pokémon had made it aboard themselves, working tirelessly to help the few still in the waters. With assistance from a Slowbro, an Espeon, and an Oranguru, the last three grunts, along with two of the salvaged Metangs, were hoisted out of the water. Upon their feet landing on the deck, the grunts all let out a rousing cheer, gladdened for their survival. “What about Faba and Chrysalis?” a pale skinny grunt asked. “Did you find them?” “No…” a younger grunt with sandy-brown hair panted. “If we haven’t found them by now…” The pale grunt’s face became solemn, realizing what this must have meant. “We can’t give up on them!” a grunt with water-matted reddish-brown hair exclaimed. “Maybe Faba and his Bruxish are still trying to get them out!” “You would think they’d have surfaced by now though,” the sand-brown haired grunt responded. “We’ll give them a few more minutes,” the pale, slender grunt commanded. “If we see no sign of them, we depart to Melemele Island. In the meantime, get those Metangs healed up. “Right!” A grunt with buzzed black hair and another with a dark-blue Mohawk knelt down to the four fainted Metangs laying on the deck, fishing Revives and potions from their hoodie pockets. Several of the grunts watched their two comrades heal the Metangs, while others kept watch over the bow to find a sign of Faba or Chrysalis in the choppy waves. A female grunt with purple hair, whose style was ruined by the wetness of the ocean, couldn’t help but notice a glimmer catch the corner of her eye. Turning around, she watched as a bright light hovered over Melemele Island as thin tendrils of energy converged up into it. “Guys…” She was almost too stunned to speak. “Guys!” A couple grunts heard and looked out to where she was. Spotting the light themselves, their audible amazement compelled the others to look up to the sky one by one, joining them in their aghast open-mouthed stares. “No way…” a male grunt with a black emo haircut sighed out. “She actually did it.” The grunt with the short black ponytail felt the slightest of a victorious shudder leave her lips as she breathed out. “No.” The pale, slender grunt firmly placed his hand on her shoulder from behind. “We did it. We all did.” The grunts kept their heads tilted up toward the light like a brilliant fireworks display, the remains of their concentration focused on keeping their balance on the still rocking boat. Rotomjet sped toward the Hau’oli Beach, the sparse amount of pedestrians that had been walking the streets or driving down the roads stopped in their tracks to see Necrozma forming high up in the sky. As well, people began to spill out of the other buildings to get a better look at the odd light themselves as it began to unroll, taking on a draconic form. With a sharp swing, Rotomjet came to a stop directly over the beach, slinging sand, seawater, and the rare empty soda can or sandwich wrapper that the cleaning crew forgot to pick up late that evening. The debris thrashed into the people gathered there, instantly distracting them from what was going on above and attempting to shield themselves as best they could. Landing roughly on the beach, Rotomjet immediately ejected its ramp out to let its passengers off. Several of the people were turning to the aircraft with a sense of extreme indignation as the first round of creatures poured out. First seeing Dexio, they were immediately stunned in placated bemusement to see Celaeno and Cocoon run down next, followed by some humans and several other creatures. Dexio began waving his arms, getting no one else’s attention other than those who were already looking at him and his friends behind him. “Back inside, now! It’s not safe out here!” “What the hell are all of you?!” A middle aged woman screamed, shaking her pointed finger between Zeraora, Thorax, and Skystar. “Is that really important right now?” Twilight shouted back. “You have to get away from that thing immediately!” “Wait,” a younger man called back, “you know what that is!?” “Yes!” Sun shouted. “It’s extremely powerful and just as dangerous! Get back inside now before–” Necrozma let out a shriek harsh enough for everyone standing in the area to fall into a crouch and cover their ears with their hands, hooves, claws, or paws. The moment Necrozma’s shout ended, Dexio ran up the steps from the beach to the street, Celaeno and Applejack quickly following him up while Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Thorax flew up to join him. “Did we stutter?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as the people slowly got back to their feet. “Get inside, now! All of you!” With timid, subservient nods, the humans all erupted into screams and ran toward the nearest building they stood by. As the rest of the creatures poured out of the Rotomjet, they all began to climb the steps onto the emptying streets, many of their eyes kept on Necrozma as it scanned its surroundings. Sun glanced at his friends from enough of the corners of his eyes so that he could still monitor their foe up and away. “Those of you who can fly, span the city, get everyone and anyone indoors. Anyone who can’t, run, now!” At once, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Skystar took off to the western edges of the city, taking Applejack, Olivia, and Pinkie Pie with them. As several ponies galloped and ran off, a couple of humans following close behind, Lana and Mallow ran back toward the shore of the beach, the former throwing her Poké Ball out to send out her Cloyster for the two of them to ride toward the ferry docks. Kahili, Nanu, and Acerola called out their Toucannon, Mandibuzz, Honchkrow, and Drifblim, respectively from their balls. As Toucannon carried Kahili off, Mandibuzz flew at Celaeno, who held up her arms and allowed the vulture Pokémon to carry her off with Kahili. Both Nanu and Acerola grabbed hold of one of Drifblim’s arms as the other two held on to Honchkrow, allowing it to fly the two off to the west. Chrysalis turned to Thorax and Trixie, trotting eastward down the street. “There’s still more city this way. We shall cover this area!” She then broke into a gallop with Cocoon following closely. With a glance and a nod toward each other, Trixie and Thorax galloped off to head their way. By that point, the only ones standing in their original spots were Sam, Alice, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, Dexio, Kaj, Mina, and Hapu. Lillie then froze up with realization. “Oh no! The trainer’s school! There must still be night staff who aren’t aware yet.” A similar pang of fear shot into Sun’s gut as well, causing him to glance where Ten Karat Hill no longer was. “Oh no, Mom! Lillie, Gladion help protect those still in the school! I need to help my mom!” The three of them all summoned their Charizards from their Ride Pagers at once. As Lillie and Gladion departed on them, Sun was slower to leave, pulling his phone from his pocket and putting it to his ear, his other hand clasping his hair. “Mom!” he breathed out all at once. “Yes, I’m alright, where are you?” His Charizard began to take off, flying out east in the same direction as Lillie and Gladion. From above, Necrozma spotted Sun and the other two head toward its direction, its vengeful eyes tracking their movements. It then glanced back toward the city, squinting upon sighting Dexio, who remained with the last of the humans near the beach. “Looks like this area is squared away,” Dexio spoke. “Alright then, let’s call out some Pokémon and get ready for this battle!” Necrozma watched as Sam, Alice, Kaj, Hapu, and Mina all detached a Poké Ball from their belts. As Dexio reached for one of his, Necrozma threw its wings out and screeched up at the sky, its entire body becoming awash with bright yellow. Below, the six humans glanced back up at Necrozma, immensely unnerved by what it could possibly be doing. “Is this it?” Hapu grunted. “Is this happening now?” Suddenly, Dexio’s artificial Z-Ring began to glow a bright red, rays of light shining off like thick spikes. Dexio yelped as he clutched his wrist, only to scream louder and throw his hand off, bringing him to his knees as his right trembling hand filled with the searing light, the silhouette of the bones visible for the others to see. “Dexio!” Alice cried. “What’s happening?” Dexio could only have the slightest idea, and he knew it meant nothing good for either of them. “No…” Outside the Aether House, the grunts standing to take the Mossdeep employees on suddenly noticed the light above Melemele get the tiniest bit brighter, the sound of Necrozma’s roar strangely ringing strongly in their ears despite their distance from it. A black haired grunt with streaks of blue highlights placed his left hand over his ear, perplexed by the sensation he felt. “What on earth is that?” Immediately, his Z-Ring and his hand began to light up, making him throw himself to the ground over the intense sting he felt on the side of his head and the burning that wouldn’t let up on his left hand. Before the others could have a chance to register what was happening to their comrade, each of their Z-Rings and hands began to radiate with excruciating heat and light, many of whom sank to their sides or their knees as their only way to deal with the pain. The Mossdeep employees and their Pokémon felt their feet move away by themselves in natural retreat as they watched each of the grunts’ Poké Balls open up by themselves, letting out their Pokémon, who found themselves cast in a similar, though less-intense glow, much to their fear and confusion. At once, the Pokémon felt themselves dragged toward their trainers by an unseen force, several of them screaming and crying for help as they futilely tried to keep away. In sheer contrast to the heat coursing inside the limbs of each grunt, the Mossdeep employees felt an icy terror fill their faces and spines as they spotted the blue-highlighted grunt, the force pushing his Slowking into him as the skin and clothes on their bodies started to meld together as if they were made from the same putty-like substance. An even sharper cry of agony left both trainer’s and Pokémon’s mouths as their bodies became so bright that the only defining feature left between them was a singular red outline. The shapes of the Slowking and the grunt continued to compress together until it took a singular, ever-wobbling mass. The employees and their Pokémon continued scanning the area around them as the remaining trainers reached varying points of the macabre transformation. The dark-skinned white haired grunt was now the only one among her group with any semblance of her humanity intact. As her right leg and the left leg of her Espeon were fully fused together, the grunt reached out to the employees in a last resort effort for salvation, the left arm of her Pokémon becoming one with hers as the paws unnaturally stretched out to form a set of fingers. “Please!” she cried over her own Pokémon’s screams. “Help us!” Light covered the two of them, pulling them into a single mass much quicker now. Finally, the light that had fused the Slowking and its grunt had finally taken shape, sporting a large, bulky human build with a Slowking’s head. If the horrors that the Mossdeep employees had seen thus far weren’t enough, the light covering its body began to cool down rapidly like magma, narrowing and disappearing cracks exposing a black body that appeared to be made of flexible obsidian. “What the hell is this?” the female employee whimpered. One by one, the grunts’ transformations neared their end, and as the light cooled off of them, their new forms were revealed to the four Mossdeep employees. Now standing in place of each grunt were the Slowking hybrid, two Espeon hybrids, three Kadabra hybrids, two Hypno Hybrids, and an Oranguru hybrid, each with their own sizes and masses. With their forms coming into existence, the hybrids examined their new bodies, nonchalantly admiring their improved physiques. They all then faced the nearly petrified employees, a look of animalistic hunger in each of their eyes. “Uhuh…” The third male employee sounded close to weeping as the snarling grunts slowly stepped toward them. “Any idea when Team Skull’s getting here?” “Come on!” Carly struggled to pull a middle aged man back up to the docks from the water, his soaked clothes only weighing him down further. A younger woman ran to her and knelt beside her to also grab hold of his arm. With both of their efforts, they managed to help the man reach up to the platform so that he could help pull himself up. With triumphant sighs all around, Carly felt comfortable calling her Carracosta back into its ball. “Thank you so much!” the man panted, grabbing Carly’s free hand and shaking it. “No problem,” Carly replied. “I was in danger of falling in my–” Another woman’s scream rang out behind them, causing Carly and the man to turn back, watching as several Prism grunts began to surround the entrance to the docks and call their Pokémon out to block the people still on the pier in, each of them gazing up at Necrozma’s light. “We did it!” A female grunt with only half a head of black hair stood by her Kadabra. “Prism has succeeded!” At once, the light over Melemele Island grew brighter, and with it, the grunts’ Z-Rings lit up bright and hot. As they yelped and cried in pain, their Pokémon became encased in a softer red glow, and before they could register the disconcerting warmth covering them, their bodies were flung into their respective grunts. With the flesh and clothing of trainer and Pokémon becoming one with all of them, their bodies turned a bright red, their screams of agony cut off forever before the eyes and ears of the terrified onlookers. “What the hell?” Carly squeaked. Nearly at once, the light receded off the hybrids’ new bodies, revealing their humanoid Pokémon forms to them. Carly was too petrified to react as many of the others were, who immediately jumped into the water as their only pathway to safety. “Miss!” The man that Carly had saved grabbed her by the wrist. “We have to go!” Still half-lucid in her shock, the man had to pull Carly away to find the safest path before she ran along with him. On the yacht, all twenty-four of the grunts’ Z-Rings went red along with their arms, many of them collapsing due to the sheer anguish. “What’s happening?” the purple-haired grunt gurgled. “Why is this–” Suddenly, her Bruxish popped out of its ball on its own, and as it looked at its surroundings in confusion, a red light shone off from it. The two watched as more Pokémon came out from their balls, each of them sporting the same glow. To the Bruxish and its grunt’s shock, their comrades’ Pokémon appeared to fall into their trainers from the sides, and as their bodies began to meld as if they were liquid, their pain only got more excruciating if their screams were anything to go by. As several of them turned into a single mass and went bright, the sandy-haired grunt and his Kadabra, whose heads, torsos, and legs continued to press together, hobbled to his former partner and reached out to her, making her back away. “Stop this, please!” His voice was gravel now, nearly unintelligible, and with the pain too much for him as his right eye and his Pokémon’s left eye became one, he slumped over to his side. “Mom… I just want…” The purple-haired grunt’s eyes welled with tears as her companion’s body shone bright, no longer resembling anything like the man he was or the Pokémon he had. It was then that she noticed her Bruxish floating at her, much to both of their terror. “No!” She placed both of her hands onto her Pokémon and pushed away, only to find both of her hands entered into it distressingly easily. With loud bawls, the grunt kept trying to push her Pokémon away, who could only hold its mouth open in pain as the transformation failed to stop. Strength soon left her arms, as her Bruxish-hands made their way toward her chest, sinking inside where the heat was now at its hottest. “I’m sorry!” she bellowed at the sky, the light covering her. “I’m so sorry for–” The grunt and her Bruxish were no more, turning into something else entirely along with her other grunts, the light that had covered them now beginning to dim and fade. No longer feeling any pain, they felt comfortable to stand up once again, the hybrids they now became seeing the bodies that had come into existence. With the Kadabra hybrid and the Bruxish hybrid, formerly the sandy-haired grunt and the bobbed purple-haired grunt, being the last to complete the transformation, the others awaited and observed as they also saw the bodies they gained. The free Kadabras and Metangs still on the boat, having seen all of this, felt their flight instincts kick in as they dispersed, the Metangs flying off while the Kadabras teleported away. The hybrids seemed to pay them no mind as each one of them turned to the north, Necrozma’s light above Melemele Island their beacon to where they now felt compelled to go. “Dexio!” Sam cried, reaching out for him. Suddenly, all five of Dexio’s Pokémon were forced out of their Ultra Balls, Sam hopping away before Metagross could land on top of him. The five humans surrounding them could only gaze on in sheer confusion, which was matched by Dexio’s Pokémon as they felt a warm glow surround their bodies. “Guys,” Dexio wept, “run! Save your–” All five Pokémon yelped as they were slung off the ground and into their trainer. Dexio grunted, expecting to get crushed, but immediately felt that his body perfectly fit in between each of his Pokémon, even as he felt them pushing tighter into him. Kaj shrieked as she saw Alakazam stretch unnaturally out as it was pulled out into Slowking and Espeon’s bodies while its head was pulled back into Dexio’s shoulder. “NO!” Alice tried to run for her friend, only for Sam to catch her and pull her away as she struggled to reach out to him. “Dexio, NO!!” Mina and Hapu forced themselves to look away from their friend’s gruesome metamorphosis and up at Necrozma, their fear of it now outweighing their hatred. With the last of their wimpers and moans, Dexio’s Pokémon no longer looked a thing like their former selves as they compressed tighter and tighter into their trainer. Veiny tracks began to seep into Dexio’s face as he reached out from the amalgamation he was now a part of, his hand now having his Alakazam’s thumb, one of Metagross’s claws, and the rest of it the right half of Espeon’s paw. With a final guttural scream, the singular body of Dexio and his Pokémon erupted with a bright red light, the energy exerting off of him almost blowing Sam, Alice, Kaj, Mina, and Hapu away. They could only fearfully watch on as four Metagross arms shot out from the mass, serving as the new creature’s legs. A long tail shot out from behind it and branched off into two, the ends widening out into two long lightning-shaped boards. A humanoid torso and arms formed, though the hands on the ends of them had only three fingers. Finally, its head completed its shape, having the appearance of an Alakazam with Slowking’s crown atop of it, as well as Espeon’s ears. The red light covering and obscuring it finally receded from bright warm cracks all over its body, revealing a black, stony visage that towered over all five trainers surrounding it. The only sounds and movements it made were its breaths, rough and metallic, its shoulders and chest rising up and down as it came to terms with the biology of each and every Pokémon connected to it. Despite what their friend had become, the calm of the scene before them filled them with an odd hope that Dexio was deep down somewhere inside this abomination. Alice took a step forward, Sam instantly glancing in her direction. “Dexio?” The Dexio hybrid opened its eyes, blue and beady like the Raichu it once had, and lunged at Alice, its fist flying directly at her. > Alola: Chapter 80 – For Now and Evermore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hau leapt across the rooftops of Iki Town, providing him with as similar of a bird’s eye view as Tapu Koko had as they carefully examined the homes and buildings, ensuring that each and every soul in the town was safe within them. With Necrozma shining brighter in the sky than before, it was more imperative than ever that Hau and Tapu Koko not miss so much as a Rattata. When it appeared that no other creature was stirring, Hau spotted Tapu Koko flying up to him. “Everyone inside?” With a single nod of its head, Tapu Koko assured the Kahuna that that part of the mission had been completed. “Good! Check the north for others and then meet me in Hau’oli City!” With another affirmative nod, Tapu Koko whizzed around the mountain from the west, keeping its watchful eyes out for any people it could find. From the roof that he stood on, Hau looked almost straight up at Necrozma. As if sensing their motions, Necrozma glanced right back down on him, the Kahuna not appearing daunted by its looming presence. Hau pointed up at it, his steadfast expression never changing. “I’m coming for you next.” Necrozma scoffed, Hau managing to see a brighter outline of the shape of its mouth past its sharp teeth. With a thrust of its head, two even-brighter lights flashed from its eyes. Hau failed to react as a blue-ringed portal spread itself open behind him. Just as he turned around, an Oranguru hybrid sprung out from it, tackling Hau off the building and sending each other to the ground below. Sam tackled his sister to the side, allowing both to avoid the Dexio hybrid’s fist before it could pulverize either of them, Mina and Hau gasping at its unsuccessful attempt on their lives. Kaj screamed at her friends’ extremely close call. “Guys!” Spinning into a kneel, Sam bared a furious scowl at their friend-turned-enemy and flung a Poké Ball straight out from his belt. “Aegislash, Shadow Claw!” Sam’s Pokémon charged out from the Poké Ball, its blade glowing purple. With a wide, circular swing and slash, the Dexio hybrid was flung off of its Metagross legs and slid off down the street before tumbling off into the beach from the ledge. Sam sprung up to his feet and pulled his sister up to hers. “Are you alright?” “You certainly look to be,” Alice replied with a nod. Kaj, Mina, and Hapu ran to the edge of the sidewalk. Overlooking the ledge to see the damage that had been done to the Dexio hybrid, Alice, Sam, and Aegislash looked up at Necrozma overlooking Iki Town. With the same precognition that he had demonstrated to Hau, Necrozma turned its head to look at him and his Pokémon. “What have you done to him, you monster?!” he shouted. Its chest then jumped up and down, delivering a silent chuckle that seemed no less conceited and mocking without its sound. Facing the shores of the beach, it spread its wings out wide, covering itself in yet another bright, self-obscuring glow. A tiny prick of blue light appeared a hundred feet from the shore that immediately drew the eyes of Aegislash and the five trainers toward it. As it quickly opened up, a torrent of water was flushed out from it, more and more coming out endlessly as it grew wider and taller by the moment. Rotomjet yowled in shock and hovered away from the beach. “Yo, careful with the goodzz zz-zzt!” The roar of the ocean and the revving of Rotomjet’s engines drew the attentions of Pinkie Pie, Skystar, Celaeno, Kahili, Mallow, and Lana, who were spread out along and near the docks. As well, Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash rose over the tops of the buildings to spot the commotion going on themselves. Hardly any could contain their amazement at the amount of water pouring in from the portal. “Just finding a silver lining is all,” Pinkie Pie commented, “but I might get used to an interdimensional water park!” As seawater swamped nearly half of the beachfront over, it soon became clear to everyone present in front of it what Necrozma was summoning. On the portal’s other side, the Aether Foundation yacht, rising up on the crest of the unstill ocean caused by the Aether Paradise’s sinking, was soon to dip over and ride down the trough and in through the portal it would soon fit inside. “Holy mother of god…” Alice whispered. The Dexio hybrid finally got itself upright once again, shielding its face as the jets of water from the portal splashed salty sea and drops of muddy sand into its face. Upon scurrying up the steps and away to the east, Kaj chased after it, seeing it run at Trixie and her three changeling allies. “Guys!” she called. “Don’t let it get away!” Upon turning around, the four Equestrians found themselves paralyzed by instant fear upon the horrendous monster running at them with an expression of both fear and intense bloodlust. Trixie’s shriek brought Chrysalis back to attention, and with as much agility as her magic could muster, she threw a Poké Ball out at the hybrid. “Claydol, Earthquake!” Chrysalis’s black wide-headed creature appeared from its ball, wasting no time in driving the pointed ends of its arms into the surface of the street. The Dexio hybrid attempted to stop, but it was far too heavy and massive to either slow down quickly or veer away from the oncoming attack. With a psychic charge, Claydol coursed seismic energy into the ground and exploded it beneath the hybrid, blasting it up along with pieces of the asphalt and the earth beneath it. Upon landing on the ground back on its side, Chrysalis whipped her mane back behind her head. “Not so tough now,” she purred. “Chrysalis, Cocoon! Look!” Thorax pointed at the beach and the waters almost washing it all away. As the ship tilted down and began to descend the wave, Hapu began to step off to the left. “Guys… run!” She and Mina broke into a sprint toward Trixie and the changelings, leaving Alice, Sam, and Aegislash to break off to their right. With a final push of water from the oncoming ship, the yacht sailed through the portal and skidded into the sand. Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash felt their bodies nearly seize up to witness such a sight. “Holy crap!” With its speed and mass, it only continued to run onto the beach and threatened to crash into the side of the street. Sam glanced back to see the boat’s speed hardly let up, bringing him and Aegislash to come to a stop. Alice took two more running steps until she realized her brother was no longer with her. “Sam, what are you–” “King’s Shield!” Sam pointed at the front of a building opposite the beach, sending Aegislash over. Alice looked over as Aegislash slipped into its Shield Forme, suddenly noticing through the windows of the lobby all of the people that had sheltered themselves inside who were now running away before any debris or the yacht could crash into them. The yacht hit the back wall, significantly slowing it down before it started to slide up below the bow. As Sam anticipated, large chunks of rock, concrete and asphalt were blasted off and were launched at the first couple of stories of the building. With Aegislash floating between them, it held its stance strong as dozens of projectiles crashed into its barrier, which lit up bright around each spot that was struck. Cocoon and Chrysalis formed their own individual barriers to protect themselves along with Claydol, Thorax, Trixie, Kaj, Mina, and Hapu. The Dexio hybrid, also under the changelings’ inadvertent protection, nearly finished standing back up on its four legs. Several pieces also began to fly out at Sam, who could only gasp and block his face with his forearms in response. “SAM!” Alice took a step out at him, only for Fizzlepop and Grubber to appear beside him, the former’s broken, sparking horn charged with energy. With a shout, a web of magic spanned outward, vaporizing the debris headed their way into dust that blew hard, but otherwise harmlessly into them. As the air quickly cleared, Sam, Alice, Fizzlepop, and Grubber looked to the building that Aegislash had protected, finding that save a couple broken windows wider out, every person inside the lobby was completely unharmed. From up in the air, Spike fainted on Twilight’s back, prompting her and Rainbow Dash to send him back down to revive him. Observing from the docks, Celaeno let out all the breath she had been holding up until that point. “Nice job, you two.” Fizzlepop breathed a sigh of relief before turning to Sam. “Are you alright?” “Came real close to peeing myself,” Sam tried to giggle off, “but yeah, I’m alright.” “Haha, gross,” Grubber laughed back. “Sam!” Hearing his sister, Sam turned around just as Alice punched him hard in the bottom of the chest. “You could have gotten yourself killed! What were you thinking?” Grubber glanced back at the wrecked yacht, suddenly pointing at it with a trembling hand. “Uh, guys? Maybe you should save your fight until after our lives aren’t in danger?” Sam and Fizzlepop turned around as Alice looked over Sam’s shoulder, watching as several hybrids began to hop down from the sides of the boat and approach them. Back in its Blade Forme, Aegislash slipped back and around Sam and Alice’s group and returned to his side, ready to protect its trainer to the death. As Alice detached a Poké Ball and held her spear out, Fizzlepop reared back and charged her horn as a final warning for them to back off. Grubber put up his fists, ready to fight. On the other side, a few hybrids made their way to Kaj, Mina, Hapu, Trixie, and the Changelings, Claydol already tensing up in preparedness to fight. The Dexio hybrid began to walk with them, ready to join its new brethren. As Thorax and Trixie stood behind the two changeling queens, the three humans detached their Luxury Balls and Ultra Balls from their respective belts. “Go, Krookodile!” Hapu shouted. “You’re on, Mohuku!” called Kaj. “Let’s do this, Ribombee!” Mina exclaimed. All three of their Pokémon appeared from their balls at once, Claydol quickly floating over beside Hapu’s Krookodile to join them. As the hybrids refused to yield in the face of their new challengers, Kaj and her large lizard Pokémon stepped forward together. “Hold your horses, you sons of bitches!” Kaj held the palm of her hand out to them, surprising her allies behind her as the hybrids actually came to a stop. “I’ve still gotta’ give my Mohuku his big boost! Ready?” The others behind her stood confused at her peculiar performance while the hybrids waited for her to show her hand. Holding her left wrist up, she brandished a pearl-coated bracelet with smaller twisted bands holding a Key Stone inside of it. Upon placing her fingers upon the gem of her bracelet, both it and the green-and-red marble hanging from the necklace around Mohuku’s neck began to glow brightly. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone!” she forcefully commanded. “Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” “No way!” Thorax gasped. “She can do it too?” DNA-shaped bands of light shot out of Kaj’s bracelet and latched themselves to the corners of Mohuku’s back, flaring the rest of its body with a thick, fiery energy. As it grew about half a foot taller, the blades on its arms elongated, and its back grew four new bulbs below the original ones. As well, the base of its tail stretched out, and the tree-like growth on its end thickened up with a pointed end sprouting out the tip. As a thick X-shaped brush grew on its chest and back like a breastplate, the energy shattered off of Mohuku, revealing a similar, but stronger looking Pokémon in its stead. “What is that thing?” Cocoon asked in a hushed tone. Kaj couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’d ask if you’ve never seen a Sceptile before, but then it just dawned on me that you probably haven’t! Now he’s evolved into Mega Sceptile!” A Bruxish and a Slowking hybrid both let out a roar of anger as they both charged Kaj’s Pokémon together. “Mohuku, hit the Bruxish man with Leaf Blade!” Stepping back once, Mega Mohuku dug its claws into a crack in the street and pushed off, running at the two Pokémon at speeds neither of them could fully comprehend. With a punch of its arm, Mega Mohuku dragged its glowing arm-blade into the Bruxish hybrid’s ribs, the strength and speed of the hit flinging and spinning it off its feet and crashing into the hull of the boat. As an Oranguru hybrid rushed Sam and Aegislash, Alice threw her Poké Ball out at it. “Lycanroc, get ‘em with Crunch!” Alice’s wolf Pokémon shot out from the energy that burst out of its ball, reaching the Oranguru hybrid before it could reach her brother, clamping down on its neck and tackling it to the ground. The Slowking hybrid turned to Mega Mohuku and began to charge its mouth with frigid energy for an Ice Beam attack. “Ribombee, hurry!” Mina shouted. “Hit the Slowking thing with Pollen Puff!” “And then hit ‘em with Crunch!” Hapu added. Ribombee whipped up a cloudy ball of fluffy golden powder in in its arms before chucking it out like a softball, striking the Slowking hybrid in the side of the face, disorienting it. Krookodile took the opportunity to slam into the hybrid, locking its powerful jaws around its entire head before knocking it down. Three more hybrids charged at Sam, Alice, Fizzlepop, and Grubber as Lycanroc continued to wrestle with the Oranguru hybrid. Sam and Aegislash ran out first, meeting a Kadabra hybrid between his spot and the crashed boat. With a thrust of its arm, the Kadabra hybrid attacked the duo with a lightning strike conjured from the ends of its fingers. With Sam holding his arm up to his forehead, Aegislash rose its shield up to deflect the attack away. With its blade charging purple, Aegislash drove the tip of its blade into the hybrid’s gut, knocking it away. From both sides of him, a Starmie hybrid and an Oricorio hybrid came at Sam and Oricorio. Before Sam could block the Starmie hybrid’s advance, Fizzlepop teleported beside the Oricorio grunt in midair, delivering a magic-charged kick in the head with its back hoof and blasting the Starmie hybrid with bolts of energy from its horn. With the hybrid disoriented, Sam was free to swing another Shadow Claw attack into the Starmie hybrid’s head. The Oranguru hybrid finally began to overpower Lycanroc, wrapping its massive hands around its muzzle, muffling its frightened, pain-riddled whimpers. With a wide overhead swing, Lycanroc was catapulted over Sam, Alice, and Fizzlepop, flipping about before it landed on its head and tumbled over to a shocked Grubber. “Hey!” Alice was already too close for the Oranguru hybrid to react fast enough, and with a series of twirls of her spear, she swung the obsidian head square in the center of the hybrid’s face. She, her brother, Aegislash, and Fizzlepop hopped back and away to rejoin Grubber, who helped push Lycanroc back up to its paws. Looking on at the three hybrids getting back up, Alice was midly sated to see a black oily substance dribbling out of the nostrils of the Oranguru, blocking as much as it could with the palm of its hand. The Dexio hybrid let out a roar at Mega Mohuku, the two charging one another. Before Mega Mohuku could get its next attack in, the hybrid sprung at Kaj’s Pokémon far too fast for it to avoid, slamming the ends of one of its Metagross arms into its face to send it flying into the air. With the gem in its Slowking crown glowing, it blasted Mega Mohuku with an ice beam that left the Pokémon bellowing in agony. “Mohuku, no!” Kaj screamed. “Stop, monster!” Cocoon charged her magic, slipping the Alicorn Amulet around her neck, much to Trixie’s surprise. With her aura now turning a dark red, Cocoon fired a strong beam into the Dexio hybrid’s face with a forced shout. Even as the Dexio hybrid put its arms up to block it, it was swept away by the magical onslaught, crashing into the side of the boat again, this time hard enough to throw and tip it over to the left. Even as Mega Mohuku landed hard on the ground and weakly stood to its feet, its trainer, her allies, and their Pokémon were left staggered by what Cocoon had accomplished. “Can I borrow that after you?” Cocoon caressed the amulet defensively, Trixie scoffing over her failed request. As the yacht continued falling over, the hybrids standing on the starboard side began to slip off onto the side of the cabin or joined the hybrids on the port, many of whom spilled onto the street beside the three hybrids attacking Sam, Alice, and Fizzlepop. Up above, Necrozma scowled as its minions tumbled onto the ground like fish, its aura beginning to flare up once again. Sam, Alice, their Pokémon, Fizzlepop, and Grubber tensed up as many of the hybrids began standing to their feet, Necrozma’s amber aura igniting on each of them. “Alright,” Sam huffed, “now it’s on.” Then, to their surprise, several of the hybrids began to glow a bright yellow, and then, one after another, they teleported in a small pulse of light until the Starmie, Oricorio, and Oranguru hybrids were left. Gasping, Fizzlepop looked behind her, spotting Lana and Mallow at the docks where a Metang hybrid and an Oricorio hybrid appeared before them. As they called out their Pokémon to fight them, a Kadabra hybrid and a Hypno hybrid appeared by Pinkie Pie and Skystar, both of them recoiling in fright. Teleporting between Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Capper down the road from the pier were an Espeon hybrid and a Slowbro hybrid. Rainbow Dash stood beside Applejack as a Metang hybrid, an Oranguru hybrid, and a Slowking hybrid appeared from thin air to face them. “Yo!” The two ponies looked past their foes as the Metang and Oranguru hybrids turned to spot Acerola and Nanu, each with an Ultra Ball in hand. “Looks like you could use a little help!” A Hypno and a Kadabra hybrid were zapped onto the street before Guzma, Plumeria, and Ilima, who stood guard of an impressive white mansion overlooking the western sea. As the two approached, Zeraora teleported in a pulse of electric power, pushing the hybrids back. “You’ll have to get through me first, villains!” With a stretch of its paws, sparks ran up the Pokémon’s arm. Luna stood behind Olivia as she called out her own Lycanroc, frowning vengefully as a Kadabra hybrid appeared to face them. With Molayne, Sophocles, Starlight, and Fluttershy standing near each other, a Hypno hybrid, a Kadabra hybrid, and an Espeon hybrid burst into existence, facing them. Lady and Comfey were quick to stand guard of their trainers while Molayne and Sophocles prepped an Ultra Ball from their belts. Sam and Alice faced the east side of the city with mouths agape as the last of the bright flashes of light shone over the rooftops. “It just sent them all over the city!” Alice breathed. “Mom… Dad…” Sam felt his hands tremble as he looked down the street to where their apartment would be. “If our friends did their jobs, they’re safe and indoors!” Fizzlepop shouted. “Grubber and I need you here right now!” Sam let out a worried breath. “Right.” “Alright, fellas!” Alice and Lycanroc took their first steps toward the three hybrids standing before them, leaving them immediately agitated. “Let’s go!” Fizzlepop and Grubber let out their own battle cries, followed by Sam and Aegislash before the six of them charged the hybrids at once. In their state of adrenaline, they could hardly hear the sounds of hybrids, Pokémon, and Equestrians clashing around them. Instead, they mustered all their focus on the three hybrids that Necrozma left them to fight. Lillie and Gladion ran down the opposite hallways of the trainer’s school, meeting in the middle at the front entrance, the only noises echoing throughout the building being their footsteps and their exhausted panting. “How’s your wing?” Gladion puffed. “Wing’s clear.” Lillie took a small break to breathe and wipe her brow. “Custodians and security’s been locked down.” “Same on my end. Let’s go find Sun so we can get back to–” A pair of blinding flashes shone through the windows of the front doors. Right as Gladion and Lillie covered their faces with their arms, an explosion of wood splinters and glass shards blew inward. With them, a Metang hybrid and a Kadabra hybrid leapt in, using their psychic powers to push the two humans back, throwing them into the wall. Before he could get up, Gladion reached back for a Poké Ball. Before he could grasp one, the Metang hybrid scooped up his wrist in its claws and pulled up, Gladion screaming as he struggled to keep the metallic humanoid from twisting and dislocating his shoulder. In an even quicker motion, the Metang hybrid folded his arm behind his back and pressed it to the small of his back, restraining him further against the wall as it pinned his other arm there too. “Gladion!” Lillie was about to grab a Poké Ball of her own, only for her to be yanked off the floor, the tops of her wrists and the backs of her ankles pressed to the wall. Lillie looked down to see the Kadabra hybrid holding its magenta-glowing hands up at her, keeping her stuck and trapped. With no amount of strength in her limbs to even pull them off, she could only look over at her equally helpless brother as the Metang hybrid moved its face to the back of its head, its drill-nose prodding tauntingly through his hair. “BROTHER!” A feather arrow pierced the wall between Lillie’s legs before her scream’s echo could die in the hallway. With a loud groan, the Kadabra hybrid clutched its stomach, letting its hold on her go. Pulling herself to the left, her left ankle fell upon the bar of the arrow, throwing her down to the floor. As the Metang hybrid turned around to see who attacked its ally, an Incineroar leapt at it, slashing it in the face with a fiery burst of its claws. Gladion and Lillie looked to the doorway, finding Decidueye and its trainer standing there. “Sun!” they both cried. As the Kadabra hybrid attempted to yank the arrow out from the wall, Sun pointed his hand at it. “U-Turn, now!” Decidueye ran into the school, leaping up with its legs tucked in. With a hard push, Decidueye dug its claws into the hybrid’s back and pushed it harder into the wall, its face slamming against it and knocking it unconscious. In the same push, Decidueye flew back at Sun, who returned it into its Poké Ball before it could crash into him. Sun then glanced over to his Incineroar and the Metang hybrid as it quickly thrashed about to get back up. “Darkest Lariat!” Pulling its legs together and holding its arms out, Incineroar spun like a top at the Metang hybrid, its paws torched with a dark, red flame. As it got closer, Incineroar swung around to the hybrid’s right, and with a widening of its stance, it followed through on its momentum to blast the back of its head into the wall, leaving a large, deep divot that was charred black. With the Metang hybrid also left unconscious, Sun returned his fiery cat into its ball too. “Excellent work.” “Sun!” Gladion and Lillie ran over to him. “What happened? How’s your mother?” “She’s fine. Her house wasn’t hit by Ten Karat Hill’s destruction, but it’s covered in dust. She has all the windows closed and her doors are stopped with wet towels to keep as much of the air clean as possible.” “That’s good,” Lillie breathed out in relief. “Thank you again. Now let’s get back to Hau’oli City before–” “Not yet! We’re still missing someone.” “Who’s that?” Gladion wondered. Sun detached another Poké Ball, and upon lobbing it in front of him, it opened up to let Wicke’s Kadabra outside. “Kadabra.” The Pokémon looked up to its new guardian. “Do you know where Iki Town is?” Pangoro was socked in the gut by the Oranguru hybrid, sending it flying back onto the battle platform at the top of the town. A Hypno hybrid charged at Hau as he wiped a trickle of blood off the corner of his mouth. With the hybrid ready to punch him, Hau’s shadow sprung up from the ground and formed into Marshadow, reeling its own fist back. Both creatures drove their knuckles into each others, the strength creating a blast of wind that spread out in a short radius. Hau ran forward at the Hypno hybrid, Marshadow receding back inside of him. As he raised his leg, his calf and foot went awash with spectral purple energy, and upon following through on his kick, a ghastly explosion collided into the hybrid, knocking him back several feet. With the distance now between them, Hau ran back to his Pangoro, who pushed the Oranguru grunt off of it with its feet and sent it to the other side of the platform. Pangoro got back up onto its feet and kept its angry eyes upon its prey. Hau leapt onto the platform and faced the Hypno hybrid, his back against his Pokémon’s. Despite their solidarity, both hybrids fearlessly closed in on Hau and Pangoro, both of them tensing their clenched fists as they prepared to trade blows with Necrozma’s minions once again. A flash of light to Hau’s right distracted him, his Pokémon, and the two hybrids, all of whom were surprised to see a Kadabra there along with Sun, Lillie, and Gladion. “Guys!” Hau shouted. “What are you doing–” “Hold that thought!” Gladion smugly yelled. “Silvally, Multi-Attack!” “Rapidash, Megahorn!” Lillie threw out her Poké Ball at the same time as her brother. Upon their balls opening up and shooting its white energy out, Silvally and Rapidash rushed the hybrids their trainers summoned them near. With the black spines on its head and membrane of its fin-tail glowing, its right claw also began to light up with black. With a hard sideways slash, Hypno was spun about until it limply fell onto its side. Rapidash’s horn began to glow a yellowish-green, a spiral of aura swirling around it as it pointed it forward at the Oranguru hybrid’s chest. With a whinny, the flaming unicorn made its mark, thrusting its head even further out to strengthen the strike. Oranguru was sent rolling into the side of a rocky ledge, the side of its head colliding with it before it rolled further up to hit its face and slid back down, disoriented. “Guys!” Hau and Pangoro ran to his three friends. “What are you doing here?” “We had to make sure the school was safe,” Gladion explained, “and Sun went to check on his mother.” “I see. Good thinking…” Sun glanced left and right, seeing both hybrids getting back up onto their feet. “We need to get out of here! Our friends are in Hau’oli trying to help the citizens stay indoors! Kadabra, Tele–” “Wait!” Hau’s shout compelled Wicke’s Kadabra to relinquish its charge on its spoon. “We can’t leave those monsters to run amok through Iki Town! Kadabra, hold it until I say so!” Sun groaned uncomfortably as he could nearly feel the stares of the Oranguru hybrid and the Hypno hybrid on him. Gladion and Lillie called their Pokémon back, and with nothing left to defend them, the two hybrids charged. “Now!” Hau bellowed. “Pangoro, catch!” Kadabra’s spoons charged up, and with the hybrids just inches away, Pangoro held both of its arms out in their direction. At that moment, the entire group was covered in a bright, blinding light. A flash appeared on the upturned side of the yacht, their friends fighting on both sides looking up to see Sun and his friends now standing atop of it. As well, Pangoro had both the Hypno hybrid and Oranguru hybrid clutched tightly in its claws. “Hau!” Trixie happily exclaimed. “You’re alive!” Hau looked behind himself and grinned. “Kind of hard to protect my island if I wasn’t! Now, Pangoro! Take ‘em to the beach with Brutal Swing!” Pangoro squeezed its grip a bit tighter, getting both hybrids to black out. Throwing their limp bodies up into the air, the bear then wound its right arm in, and at the right moment, it thrashed its arm into both of them, sending them flying off at the beach, where they crashed into the flooded rut the yacht had left. “Hau!” The Kahuna then down to Sam as he pushed back the Starmie hybrid with another powerful Shadow Claw. “We could really use your help!” Despite the trouble the hybrids were giving Sam, Alice, and the unicorn and porcupine he didn’t recognize, he couldn’t help but feel a wide smile stretch across his face. “Sam, Alice! Ho... How did you–?!” “We realize!” Alice yelped as she swung the head of her spear into the head of the Oricorio hybrid. “And we brought more friends.” Hau leapt off the side of the yacht with a small purple flash bursting underneath his shoes. Fizzlepop and Grubber were both astounded by his inhuman strength as he leapt over the hybrids and landed beside them with only a small recoil in his stance. “What’s up?” he asked non-chalantly. “These Prism-Pokémon hybrids are overrunning the city!” Sam took a break to jab at the Oranguru hybrid with Iron Head before delivering another Shadow Claw at the Kadabra hybrid. “Alice and I need to get home and make sure our parents are safe!” “Yeah.” Hau nodded, understanding quickly and completely. “Go then! I’ll help your friends!” “Wait!” Fizzlepop nervously objected. “Who are you?!” “Name’s Hau!” With a shout and a flex of his arms and legs, he summoned Marshadow before him, surprising the two Equestrians even more. “This guy is Marshadow!” Pangoro leapt off the yacht and landed with the same strength that Hau had exhibited. “This is Pangoro.” Finally, Tapu Koko zipped around from the north side of the city, floating between Hau and Fizzlepop, the latter of whom felt oddly humbled by its presence. “And this is Tapu Koko. I’m pretty popular as you can see. What’s your name?” “I’m…” Fizzlepop was very overwhelmed. “Fizzlepop, but please call me Fizz.” “Alright, Fizz, you think I can sub in for these kids?” Despite the mystery he presented at such a precarious time, Fizzlepop indeed felt incredibly safe by him. With a frown of determination and a nod, she accepted Hau’s help. “Okay,” he said to the siblings, “looks like you got her blessing. Hurry now, save your folks!” “Please don’t get hurt!” Grubber whined with much concern. Fizzlepop appeared braver. “Good luck, you two.” Alice smiled, grateful above all else that they had such caring, protective friends. “Thank you.” She and Lycanroc ran off west with Sam and Aegislash down the street, Hau, Fizzlepop, and Grubber watching them go. “Hau!” Marshadow cried over the grinding shriek of the Starmie hybrid. Hau and his two new allies spun around and watched as Marshadow leapt out at the Starmie hybrid, sending it back with its other three comrades with a single forceful punch. “They’ve done their jobs!” Marshadow shouted back to them. “Now we must do ours!” With the four hybrids before them prepared to attack, Hau, the three Pokémon near him, and the two Equestrians also reared back, set to meet them in the center. As they watched over the battle on the other side of the yacht, Gladion and Lillie appeared terrified by the appearance of the Dexio hybrid, who continued to clash with Mega Mohuku, Ribombee, Krookodile, and Claydol. “What on earth is…” Lillie then recognized the twin Raichu tails, the Metagross legs, and the back of its Alakazam head. As the realization slowly dawned on her, her lips quivered and her breathing quickened. “No… it can’t be.” “Can’t be what?” Sun looked around. “Where’s Dexio? He was with you guys.” “Sun…” Gladion’s grim croak and trembling point gave Sun his first noticeable hint. “That is Dexio.” Sun’s eyes and mouth widened, unable to unsee it himself. As he looked around at the other hybrids swarming the city, he suddenly felt the need to clasp his left wrist. “All of Team Prism…” Sun’s hands refused to stop trembling. “It transformed them… and their Pokémon into an army of mindless minions…” With Ribombee and Mega Mohuku keeping the Claydol pushing the Slowking hybrid and the Bruxish hybrid at bay, Hapu and Chrysalis’s paths to the Dexio hybrid were clear. “Krookodile!” she shouted. “Claydol!” Chrysalis commanded. “Earthquake!” Cladol placed the ends of its arms onto the ground as Krookodile reeled its arm back to punch, its fist vibrating intensely as it charged up with a terrestrial energy. Claydol’s arms also glowed brightly, and with every ounce of the energy it built up shooting into the ground, the ground began to rumble up beneath it. Krookodile slammed its punch down into the ground, the tremors increasing in strength. At once a wave of broken sidewalk, street, and earth showered upwards into the air, traveling right at the Dexio hybrid and the two hybrids standing there. With a scowl, the bottoms of the hybrid’s Metagross legs began to warm up, turning a bright orange. Lillie and Gladion gasped, realizing it had already formulated its counterattack while Sun could not stop staring at the abomination his friend had become. “Sun!” Gladion barked, snapping him out of his trance. “We need to help!” Just as the three humans were about to pull a Poké Ball off their belts and leap down, they could see that the dual Earthquake Hapu and Chrysalis had created was about to engulf them and quite possibly Hau, Fizzlepop, and Grubber behind them. They then watched as the Dexio hybrid leapt forward, using the bottoms of its Metagross legs’ as rockets to propel itself at an incredible speed. Mega Mohuku and Ribombee were forced to watch as the Dexio hybrid broke through the immense attack, shielded by a dome of psychic energy that it conjured in front of itself. Seeing that Kaj and Mina’s Pokémon were soon to get caught up in the blast, Gladion and Lillie hopped down from the boat and plucked a different Poké Ball off of their belts, running to an individual Pokémon. “Lucario, Psychic!” Throwing his ball onto the ground in front of him, Lucario shot out from the ball with its stance already defensively wide. “Starmie, use Psychic too!” Holding her ball out, it opened up and let her Starmie out to float before her and Mega Mohuku. With a shout, Lucario formed a magenta barrier from the pads of its outstretched paws, covering itself, its trainer, and Mina’s Ribombee. Starmie spun around, generating its own shield to protect itself and the creatures behind it. Sun hissed as the Earthquake wave got near him and Wicke’s Kadabra. “Send it away with Psychic!” Charging its spoon with energy, Kadabra threw its arms to its right, sending all the pieces that would hit them away toward the beach. The Oranguru hybrid and the Hypno hybrid, having just come to, began to wake up on the beach, only to look up and see the debris from Claydol and Krookodile’s joint attack raining down right above them. Covering their heads, they could only stay perfectly still as asphalt, concrete, and rock showered around and atop of them. Looking back out, Sun watched as the Dexio hybrid made his way on the other side of the Earthquake, landing in front of Kaj, Mina, and Hapu. Cocoon bared her teeth as she charged her superpowered red-aura. “You leave them alone!” Blasting a powerful beam at it, the Dexio hybrid quickly leapt high above the attack and watched briefly as it passed over it and headed toward the beached yacht. Sun could only have time to shield his face as the beam crashed into the bottom of the hull, splitting it in two and blowing it up in a fireball that engulfed it entirely. Hau and his line, along with Gladion, Lillie, and their Pokémon on the other side were slammed by the shockwave, getting sent tens of feet down the road. The windows to the buildings facing the yacht all shattered into millions of pieces at once, the people inside screaming at the sudden burst of intense heat. Meanwhile, the Dexio hybrid landed behind the three trainers and faced the four Equestrians behind them, gazing at Chrysalis in particular. Without so much as a curious stare, the Dexio hybrid reached forward at Chrysalis’s neck, pulling her forward with its telekinesis and clutched on. With its hand still glowing, the hybrid’s bright blue eyes began to glow even brighter as it began to prod into Chrysalis’s memories. _____________________________________________________ A cavernous, holey hive where hundreds of unreformed changelings– –attacking a seemingly unreformed Thorax, whose wings were glittering– –cavern exploded as her reformed hive expelled their love out at her– _____________________________________________________ The Dexio hybrid’s vision was assaulted by a blinding flash as Trixie, having hopped up from its legs in its distraction, smiled as it let Chrysalis go to rub the spots out of its eyes. Trixie caught the suddenly exhausted Chrysalis onto her back as Thorax flew at the Dexio hybrid. With a green flame conjured by its horn wrapping around him, he transformed into a Pangoro with its arm reeled back, punching Dexio’s face hard enough to send it flying over the three human trainers and back onto the broken street. Though the Dexio hybrid was only a few feet away from her, Lillie turned back to see no sign of her dear friend atop the blazing wreck. “Sun, no!” It was then that she noticed what she thought was smoke pouring out from the windows of the building directly in front of the yacht, only to find that it was steam. Looking closer, she then noticed as Sun, Wicke’s Kadabra, and Primarina stood near the window, the latter blasting a continuous Ice Beam that slowly, but sufficiently began to extinguish the flames threatening to roast the inhabitants inside. Spotting him as well, Gladion couldn’t withhold an impressed smirk. “Son of a bitch…” Thorax transformed back into his normal self as he helped Trixie roll Chrysalis off her back, Cocoon rushing over to also help in any way she could. “Are you okay?” Thorax whined. Chrysalis put her hoof onto her head, feeling violated. “It was like… I could feel it reading my mind… back when you, Starlight, and Discord…” “Huh?” Trixie was doubly confused now. “Why would it do something like that?” As Hau, Fizzlepop, Grubber, and the three Pokémon weakly stood or floated up, the entire fronts of their bodies sore and stinging, they looked into the fires of the yacht that still remained, unsure if the changelings that had been standing there survived or not. “Are they dead?” Fizzlepop questioned to anyone near her. As if to answer her, the Starmie hybrid leapt out from the fire, its body a comet with a steam tail soaring right at Fizzlepop. Hau and the others couldn’t react fast enough as the hybrid stopped immediately before FIzzlepop with its hands squeezing on her head. Despite the searing pain she felt from its touch, Fizzlepop suddenly felt herself transported as the Starmie hybrid’s gem center began to turn bright red. _____________________________________________________ Fizzlepop stepped down off of an airship before a crowd of frightened ponies in the middle of a– –slid along the ground as she kicked an obsidian orb in the direction of Celestia, smiling viciously upon seeing– –blown away by the Storm King’s kingdom-spanning tornado, only to be caught at the last minute by– –watching with a new sense of pride at the gorgeous fireworks she created with her broken horn, a once-constant scourge that was now her greatest– _____________________________________________________ Fizzlepop now saw blackness and felt a fuzzy tingle tickle her muzzle. With a tensing of Pangoro’s claw, she was shot fully awake once again upon hearing the sickening crunch of the Starmie hybrid’s face as it caved under the pressure of Hau’s Pokémon’s grip. With a purely forward swing, Pangoro threw the injured hybrid back toward the yacht. Its broken head twitched as it tried to get up, but before it could get up on all feet, Tapu Koko rammed into it with a powerful Wild Charge, throwing it back into the inferno. Along with its skin turning bright red as it absorbed the heat, the sparks covering its body chiseled it away until it crumbled into powder to be further incinerated to ash. “Yeah,” Grubber spoke with a shrug, “I think they’re dead now.” Fizzlepop buckled onto her front shins, her lips quivering. Even with the burning feeling still raging the sides of her head, it was clear that what the hybrid had done to her did far more damage. Grubber was the first to notice this, running to her side. “Fizz! Hau, she’s hurt! I don’t know what to do!” “Alright, hold on!” Hau swung his bag around, slipping his hand through the top and pulling a Full Restore out. “Okay, where does it hurt?” “I… it must have squeezed her head too hard!” Hau nodded, wasting no more time in spraying Fizzlepop on both sides of her head, her ear instinctively flopping in reaction to the cold misty medicine pelting them. Despite the patches of red skin beneath her fur turning to a normal hue once again, she still couldn’t get back onto her front hooves. “Fizz, come on, talk to me!” Hau snapped his fingers in front of her face. “What else he do to you?” “I was back…” The sensation was so quick and foreign, it was hard to fully comprehend. “…in Canterlot, when we invaded.” “What are you talking about?” Grubber spat. “I don’t know. I experienced it almost exactly as if I was doing it all over again, but then… I kept getting thrown forward… until your Pokémon stopped him.” “Come here…” Hau knelt down to her and hugged her head over his shoulder, giving her at least enough comfort to stop her shaking. “And up we go.” Hau gently stood back up, bringing Fizzlepop with her. After stroking his hand through the back of her mane, he looked out to the west part of the town, anxiously certain that other hybrids were doing the same things to the others. Around the corner from the piers, Capper drew its bow as Shining Armor gave it the spark to ignite the bomb-head. He let it loose at an Espeon hybrid, who caught it by the shaft with one hand. With only a second’s delay and more than half the fuse gone, it chucked the bomb back at Capper and his group. Spike’s Buzzwole leapt in and clasped its hands around the entire arrow. The following explosion threw Buzzwole’s arms open and sent it sliding back near Twilight and Rarity, Capper diving out of the way to avoid it. As it fell over on its sides, the blast knocking it unconscious, the Espeon hybrid leapt over its body and lunged down onto Rarity. It quickly grabbed her head as the gem in its forehead went alight. Rarity screamed as her consciousness was torn into the past. _____________________________________________________ Rarity lovingly stitched up a technicolor gown for her friend Rainbow– –massive dragon resembling a more feral version of Spike rampaged through– _____________________________________________________ Rarity yelped again as the end of Capper’s bow whizzed by her face mid-swing, the Espeon grunt getting flung away from her as well. With his back to it, the Slowbro hybrid shot a Flamethrower into Capper’s back, knocking him to the ground. Though traumatized by her forced memories, Rarity could not ignore her dear friend as the back of his coat and the ends of his arrows caught fire. “Capper!” Running to him, she tore the quiver off his back and tossed it away before flopping onto the flaming spots. As she rolled over him, she quickly began to smother the fires out. Twilight looked over and spotted several wisps of smoke escape the slot of the quiver, realizing immediately what was about to happen. “Mismagius,” she shouted, bringing her Pokémon to attention, “send the arrows away with Power Gem, hurry!” Swinging its bottom half forward, a shower of bright stones shot out and collided into the quiver in rapid succession. By the time it was forty or so feet away, it finally exploded in a concentrated mushroom of flame and smoke. Once Rarity helped Capper up, her adrenaline began to wear off and her shock began to return. Capper reached behind him and felt the charred holes of his coat, sighing discontentedly. “Worry about your jacket later!” Shining Armor exclaimed. “We still have them to deal with.” The Espeon hybrid had managed to get back up and go back beside the Slowbro hybrid, its movements slightly dizzy. Angered, Twilight and Mismagius stood front and center as Spike tossed out another Beast Ball, sending out his Blacephalon. Capper gently whacked the top end of his bow against the palm of his paw. “I may be out of arrows, but I still have plenty of bow!” Further down, Rainbow Dash, Kartana, and Xurikitree fought with the Slowking hybrid and the Metang hybrid while Applejack worked on attacking and evading the Oranguru hybrid. After trying to slip underneath its legs, Applejack found herself sliding into the hand of the hybrid as it reached behind itself. As she tried to squirm and thrash free, Rainbow Dash noticed her friend in dire trouble. “Applejack, hold on!” Just before Rainbow Dash and Kartana could reach her, they were both blasted into the ground by the Slowking hybrid’s Ice Beam. As their frigid bodies struggled to quickly stand back up, the Metang hybrid rushed them, scooping Rainbow Dash up and holding her by her jawline. The eyes of both Pokémon began to glow as they peered into the ponies’ minds, each one letting out a final scream before they could no longer resist. _____________________________________________________ Applejack stood beside a large-bodied red stallion as she bucked a tree, dozens of apples falling from the branches and into his buckets– –of her family members raising up the frame to the renovated barn that she oversaw– –fillies playing around in a small treehouse deeper within the orchard– _____________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash plummeted downward as fast as she could, Rarity and the suited pegasi she inadvertanly knocked unconcious– –walked along the streets of a bustling metropolis with her friends, Rarity leading the– _____________________________________________________ With a strong Sacred Sword attack, Kartana knocked the Metang hybrid away, quickly soaring over to Applejack and slicing into the Oranguru hybrid with X-Scissor. Before the Slowking could retaliate, Xukitree struck it with a Power Whip attack, disorienting it greatly. Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran to each other, both incredibly worried over what they had experienced. “What did they do to us?” “I dunno,” Applejack moaned nervously, “but I reckon it can’t be for anything good…” High up, Necrozma watched as more of its hybrid army managed to get a hold of at least one Equestrian they were teleported near. Though they were promptly saved by another one of their friends, it was getting what it needed. Closing its eyes, it suddenly began to experience what its hybrids had seen from their victims. _____________________________________________________ –attacking a seemingly unreformed Thorax– –King’s kingdom-spanning tornado– –feral version of– –treehouse– –pegasi– _____________________________________________________ Necrozma could see and feel the world of Equestria as vividly and lucidly as he had when he first attacked it those many centuries ago. With its vision and purpose clear, it spread its wings out and shone bright like a small sun, its shrill, metallic roar spanning all four islands. > Chapter 81 – Melding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ember and several reformed changelings neared Ponyville, Zecora and the dragon army noticing her from afar. “Your queen Ember has returned!” Zecora hailed, getting the attentions of the soldiers who couldn’t be bothered to notice. “Let our fires of victory burn!” As they saw her approach, more-fully unveiling her features, a loud chorus of hurrahs erupted amongst the dragons and a few ponies who, although confused, were wrapped up in their spirit. Zecora squinted as she saw the creatures that flew beside her from nearly every angle. “My brain must be tricking me to the max, for those changelings bear resemblance to Thorax.” “Changelings?!” Several dragons readied their spears and arrows and pointed them at the sky, ready to take them on upon landing. Seeing her army’s reaction, Ember dove straight down and picked up speed. Coming back up, she flew low to the ground and pulled back up to avoid the buildings upon reaching the town’s outskirts. Within a few more seconds, she came to the center of town and landed before her subjects, who refused to let their guard down. “Queen Ember!” An orange-scaled, silver-armored dragon pointed up at the sky where the changelings continued approaching. “Can’t you see the–” “Yeah!” Ember spat. “I’m not blind!” Another dragon’s arm trembled as they pointed up, the changelings he signaled at getting even closer. “But the–” “I know about the changelings! They’re not bad guys anymore, alright?!” Most of the soldiers lowered their arms upon her saying this, staying still even as the arriving changelings landed beside her, prompting more murmurings from the dragons and few ponies around. “Hold on!” the red snaggletoothed dragon exclaimed. “How do we know she’s not one of them and trying to trick us?” A fatter, dark-blue dragon glanced between his supposed queen and her companions, the possibility of his comrade’s claim looking more likely upon further thought. “He’s right! What should we do?” “Do not fret, my friends with wings.” Zecora broke through the army to approach Ember. “I think I may have just the thing. While you were away from Ponyville, I decided to concoct an enchanted swill.” She then removed a vial containing a bright red liquid from a small satchel hung beside her right shoulder. “If Ember drinks and maintains her form, you needn’t worry any more, but should she a changeling become, we’ll force them all back to their own kingdom.” “Hold on!” The red snaggletoothed dragon walked past the zebra as he held his hand out to stop her. “I have a better idea.” Ember stood still as a statue as the dragon walked up to her and stopped with only a couple of inches between the two of them. After an awkward pause from the dragon’s visible hesitation, Grubber wrapped his arms around Ember and pulled her in for a tight hug. It wasn’t until they saw Ember tense up with sheer disgust that the dragons that could clearly see recoiled at what the snaggletoothed dragon had gotten himself into. With a baring of her teeth, Ember reeled back her arm to punch, only for the dragon to squawk in fear, let go, and fall to his knees in surrender. “Okay, okay, it’s you! I’m sorry!” Ember put her arm down and looked amongst her army, who were all thoroughly as convinced as he was. With a nod, she tapped the dragon’s shoulder with the end of her scepter. “Alright Garble, get up.” Upon him doing so, Ember smirked and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Nice job.” “And I would know how awkward that feels, right?” Ember couldn’t help but laugh at Garble’s reference. With Ember’s identity confirmed, the dragons all slowly turned to the changelings standing there with a far less malicious intent, making them feel far more comfortable in their presence. A purple dragon with long blonde hair covering his eyes turned toward Ember and Garble. “So… what happened up there?” Ember faced her army, looking into the purple dragon’s eyes. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the air around her and Garble appeared to be gusting and changing directions at a rapid pace, feeling as though it was vibrating. As the two dragons backed away, Zecora and several others followed suit, giving the spot enough room as they watched it ripple, brighten, and roar as it rose nearly two dozen feet up and stretched out a dozen feet out. Soon, several ponies of varying ages and species began to pour out of their house, perplexed by the sudden, alien commotion. Upon seeing the unmistakable anomaly rising to rival the tallest building in town, each and every unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony felt their limbs weaken as fear began to take hold. “This phenomenon is not right!” Zecora had to scream over its noise. “It’s giving me quite the fright!” “Ember!” The plump blue dragon yelled. “What’s happening?!” Ember’s eyes and attention refused to leave the warping air as it began to distort even more violently, displaying an array of colors that her surroundings did not have. “No… it can’t be…” The vibrations then began to tighten until they were now staring at a solid pillar. Rather than be composed of any kind of substance, however, it appeared to almost be a cylindrical entryway to another world that could be seen into from any angle that any creature stared at it from. From Zecora’s angle, she was staring out at the entrance to a pier, where several humans and their timid Pokémon were being cornered and blocked from escape by several Prism grunt hybrids. From Zecora and Garble’s vantage, more hybrids were chasing people and Pokémon around, filling the both of them with dread. Ember felt her eyelids tremble in insurmountable fear. “Please don’t tell me…” “Tell you what?” Garble snapped, gripping onto both shoulders. “You know what’s happening here?!” Screams of ponies could suddenly be heard, causing the dragons, ponies, and changelings nearby to turn their heads around to the source of the nearest sound. Each one looked about as they saw the very tops of new portal pillars rise up over the tops of the roofs at various points in the town. “This can’t be happening…” Ember shook her head, each new swivel getting faster and more panicked. “What can’t be happening, Ember, my friend?!” Zecora called out. “Don’t tell me this is Equestria’s–” A sharp shrill cry of a woman broke through the chaotic cacophony, leaving every Equestrian outside of it bringing their attention back to the portal pillar. They just barely saw as Carly, her Carracosta piggybacking her, were thrown at the pillar by an Oranguru grunt. Upon reaching the pillar on one side, she and her Pokémon emerged out from it on the opposite side, landing on Equestrian soil and sliding back slightly at Ember and Garble’s feet. “More of them?” Garble sneered. Carly scrambled to her feet as her turtle stood up onto its hind legs. Upon sighting Ember and Garble, she began to look even more worried. “Why are you standing around?” she loudly whimpered. “Can’t you see they’re–” “Look out!” A changeling shouted off, pointing at the pillar. The Oranguru hybrid came charging at Carly’s back, prompting Ember to tackle her to the ground as Garble scooped her Carracosta up and fall away with it, allowing the hybrid to bound out from the portal pillar and land in an open space for the Equestrians to see in all its horrific grandeur. Carly and Ember both looked up as the Oranguru hybrid spun about, uncertain if it wanted to target a dragon, changeling, or pony standing around it. “Carracosta, Aqua Jet!” On Carly’s command, her Pokémon’s backside began to leak with water as Garble stood back up with it. “Ew, gross!” he shouted, holding it as far away as possible. “Is this thing seriously pe–” Water shot out like rockets out Carracosta’s back, slamming Garble onto his back and propelling itself out at the Oranguru hybrid, who turned to face and focus on it. “Now get it with Crunch!” Carly ordered. Opening its maw wide, her Pokémon rammed into the hybrid and clamped its hard mouth around the left side of its neck, sending both of them to the ground. Garble stood back up, jiggling his body and his unfurled wings to shake the water soaking his scaly body. “Okay, I’ll admit that was pretty cool.” The screams around town began to get louder as the roars of the hybrids broke through the night. Ember frowned, knowing that it could no longer be helped. “Alright, everyone!” she began. “You’re not just fighting for Equestria anymore! You’re fighting to save this entire world! If you see anything that looks like one of those…” She pointed at the Oranguru hybrid, who managed to pry Carracosta off itself and throw it back toward Carly. “…you show it no mercy. Now, find one of these pillars and send these monsters crying back home! Let’s go!” With a cheer louder than ever, several dragons took to the air and flew over the town, ready to kick some hybrid tail. Zecora, gladdened by their immediate willingness to protect her homeland, huffed a pleasant smirk and galloped off to follow one of the groups from below. As they spread out, the changelings took a nervous look back at the town hall where their still imprisoned brethren resided. Looking back to each other, they shared a nod and galloped off toward there. With most of the area gone, the only ones standing around the first portal were Ember, Carly, Carracosta, Garble, and a handful of dragons. With the dragons joining their sides, the Oranguru hybrid stood back up to face them just as a Kadabra hybrid leapt out the portal on another side, forcing Garble and a couple of dragons to face it as well. Ember glanced at Carly from the corner of her eyes. “You sure you’re ready for this?” She forced a reluctant shrug. “I’m dead if I’m not, so yeah, sure.” Ember smirked, accepting the honest answer. With a synchronized roar, both hybrids ran at the squadron, each creature between them readying themselves to ensure the first strike. The Mossdeep employees’ Sharpedo and Scrafty were thrown back by a Espeon hybrid’s Dazzling Gleam. At the same moment, the Shiftry delivered a strong Leaf Blade at a Bruxish hybrid before taking a Slowking hybrid’s Ice Beam. Finally, a Metang hybrid socked the Mightyena in the gut, forcing a hard, winded yelp out its throat. With their backs already nearly against the Aether House’s front walls, the expressions on the hybrids appeared almost joyful as they took more steps closer at them. While weak, the employees’ Pokémon were still able to retreat just a little bit more. For the employees, they knew it was only a matter of time before they’d be defeated. At once, the air between the hybrids and the employees’ Pokémon began to warp and whine, transforming the employees’ despair into slight wonder. As the distortion began to compose itself, every creature on either side of it found themselves looking out at a city whose buildings and roads were molded out of dense clouds. Numerous pegasi flew down from the windows and stayed a safe distance back as they looked upon the strange creatures on the other side of it. Behind the hybrids, another portal quickly formed, this time showing a much more modern, metropolitan city, the portal’s sudden appearance causing a pony-drawn taxi to come to a quick stop at the intersection where it appeared, another carriage-pulling pony crashing into the taxi as a result. With resigned huffs, several of the hybrids turned to either portal and began to run inside. In the nearest portal, the employees watched as the hybrids began to fall through the clouds, only to quickly pick themselves up with their psychic powers and float safely above the surfaces. Inside both portals, the unfortunate ponies nearby screamed for their lives as they were suddenly chased, their city and world completely infiltrated. As a male employee stepped toward the portal, compelled to help, they finally heard a voice of one of their saviors. “Yo, yo! What they hey hey is going on over here here?!” Jerking their heads to the right, they spotted ten Skull grunts running up the hill toward them, their jet-skis parked on the shores of the nearby beach. “I think the world’s falling apart!” one of the employees shouted back. “That sounds wack, yo!” The female grunt motioned her arm to summon them forward. “Let’s get you guys out of here!” “But…” The female employee looked back into the portals where the last of the hybrids were pouring into, the screams and cries of the ponies being attacked inside filling her with regret. “What about–” “Our Pokémon aren’t strong enough as it is!” one of her co-workers reasoned roughly. “We have to escape with our own lives.” With an incredibly guilty scoff, the female employee returned her Sharpedo back into its ball, prompting the other three to do the same with their Pokémon. “Hey, hurry!” A blue-haired grunt shouted out. “We ain’t got all day!” One of the male employees ran toward them, the others following close behind. “We may not even have the night either,” he said under his breath. Forced to run past the anguished entryways into the other world, the four employees sprinted to follow the Skull grunts to the beach. As they reached the sand, a walkie-talkie began to fizzle and sputter on the side of a blue-haired grunt's shorts. Snatching it up, he held it to his ear to make out what his ally back in Po Town was screaming about. “…ro… …eird por… …opened up…” were the only comprehensible words that weren’t drowned out by static. “I can’t hear you!” The grunt struggled to mount his jet ski as his friends and the employees also reached their vehicles. “You’re breaking up real bad like a Brick Break!” “…onie… …lots of dra… …and a castl… …all these black skin… they’re attack– AH–” With a loud crack and warbling squeal from the other end, the line went dead quickly after. With a shout, he whipped his walkie-talking behind him and began to rev his jet ski up, scooting it closer to deeper water with one leg. “What’s happening, bro?” a pink-haired grunt shouted, clearly noting something wrong. “Po Town’s under attack!” The grunt’s jet ski’s motor no longer touched the sandy bottom, allowing him to skim off to the north. “Skulls, move out!” The grunts barely waited for the Mossdeep employees to pile on before they zoomed off across the waters to head back home. Neither of them could focus on anything except what was ahead, causing them to miss another portal opening up just to their right. Upon it fully forming, a lone blue-feathered, gold-armored hippogriff soared down onto the beach where the portal had formed, staring into the alien sea that the portal revealed to him. Another portal opened up to his right, revealing another sea, but instantly noticing two Bruxish hybrids swimming out from it and at him. The hippogriff wasted no time in flying back up the mountainous island, his eyes locked onto the top where his queen resided. “Novo! Novo!!” Sam and Alice continued sprinting down the street alongside Aegislash and Lycanroc, ignoring the icy burn in their lungs or the ache in their knees and calves. Just as they were set to make the slight left turn onto the street where their home was, they found the air ahead of them was beginning to ripple and shred. “Sam, look out!” As the warped space began to expand and rise, Alice and Sam dove out from its path, falling onto their stomachs and backing away from the portal until it reached its full width. Standing back up, the siblings watched as the portal completed itself, revealing Ponyville to them and its incredibly chaotic state. Despite the urgency of their own mission, they couldn’t help but feel incredibly distraught to see ponies running for their lives as the hybrids invaded the town, making short work of the dragon soldiers attempting to hold them off. “Dear god…” Sam muttered. “That bastard’s attacking both our worlds…” Lycanroc arched back and growled at an Oricorio hybrid that flew past the portal on the other side, filling Alice with sudden determination. “We have to help them.” “What?” Sam gasped. “But mom and dad–” “–are still indoors. Our friends in Equestria are a lot less safe!” “Bu–” As badly as he wanted to continue protesting, the weary wails of the hybrids’ victims became harder to ignore. He then looked back at Aegislash, who nudged him twice in the back with its shield for further encouragement. At that, Sam breathed a sigh that marked his decision. “Okay. Aegislash!” Sam ran headlong into the portal with his trusty Pokémon beside him. Alice was momentarily stunned by his sudden action, but with her mind already made, it didn’t take much longer for her to run in after her brother. Spike and Twilight stood guard of Rarity, Shining Armor, and Capper behind them, huddled close together as their Blacephalon and Clefable stood before the Slowbro and Espeon hybrids. Before either creature could go forward to attack another, the air distorted and roared between them until it formed a portal to inside the Canterlot palace. Standing inside were Celestia and Starswirl, who were being protected by Stronghoof and Somnambula as a Kadabra hybrid and a Hypno hybrid tried rushing in to attack them. Even with all she had experienced that week, Twilight’s eyes trembled with the truth that the ponies she had missed so much were indeed within her sights. “Princess Celestia! Starswirl?!” With the burly stallion and swift pegasus mare continuing to keep them safe, Celestia and Starswirl turned to face her. “Twilight!” she called back. Twilight couldn’t withhold a gladdened smile, which proved to be short lived upon noticing the Espeon hybrid sprinting for the portal. Upon disappearing inside of it, Twilight scowled lividly. “Don’t you dare hurt her!” With a flap of her wings, she dove into it with Clefable not far behind. Spike began to run in after her. “Twilight!” Capper’s paw caught his shoulder before he could run further in. “Hold on, there!” Spike tried to fight past the cat’s grasp before he noticed the Slowbro grunt quickly waddling around it to face him and his other friends. Blacephalon was quick to guard its trainer and his friends, who spread out beside Spike to join in on the beatdown. Lady kept the Kadabra hybrid at bay with her Fairy Wind as Comfey had the Hypno hybrid half-conscious on the ground with its tail wrapped tightly around its neck. Sophocles’s Vikavolt helped keep the Kadabra hybrid further back by ramming the front of its sparking pincers into its gut while Molayne’s Metagross delivered Bullet Punches faster than the Espeon grunt could block or retaliate with. Off to their right, the atmosphere broke and warped until it became a portal, the light shining from inside of it impossible to not notice nor look away from. It didn’t take long for the ponies to recognize the Crystal Heart still spinning beneath the palace at the center of the Crystal Empire, especially with ponies already galloping the streets for safety. Upon seeing Cadance and Sunburst exiting the palace through the backs of one of the palace’s supports, neither Starlight nor Fluttershy could keep their attention on anything but them. “Princess Cadance!” Fluttershy cried. “Sunburst!” Starlight had to stop herself after one step toward the portal. “Get back inside, now!” “Starlight?!” Her friend galloped up just to the foot of the portal, a mixture of elation and worry in his expression. “What’s happening here?! Where have you been?!” “You and Cadance need to get back inside right–” Cadance was knocked back by a Psychic blast, too winded to shout in shock. “Cadance!” Sunburst, Starlight, and Fluttershy screamed in unison. Sunburst then appeared distracted by the sight of the creature that attacked him. “What in Celestia’s name is that?!” Starlight scowled as she and Lady galloped into the portal together. Upon sliding into the space between Sunburst and the weakened Cadance, they were alerted by the sight of a Metang hybrid charging at the three ponies. “Lady!” Starlight commanded. “Hit the Metang thing with Bite!” Her Pokémon lunged forward and opened its mouth, only for it to feel a sharp, shooting pain push up through her gut. The three ponies gasped as Metang’s closed claw drove into Lady’s stomach quick and hard enough to launch it into the ceiling of the base, hitting it with a horrible thud. “Lady!!” Starlight screamed. As it limply fell down, Fluttershy and Comfey rushed into the portal, the latter snatching Lady up before it could reach the floor. At the same time, Sophocles’s Vikavolt swung inside and lashed a Thunderbolt attack from the tip of its abdomen, leaving the Metang hybrid awash with bright, thick sparks. As its body tried to fight through the popping and tingling, Molayne’s Metagross soared in and clocked it hard with a Brick Break attack, sending the hybrid flying into one of the other supports. Cadance and Sunburst stared slackjawed as the Metang hybrid slammed into it and left a sizable crack there as it crumpled to the ground. Cadance then slowly turned to their alien saviors. “Who– no… What are you?” “They’re our friends,” Fluttershy calmly explained, “and these creatures we have are called Pokémon.” Sunburst cocked his head ever so slightly. “Poké… mon?” Comfey set Lady back down onto its paws, its legs trembling weakly. Sophocles slid down to his knees while pulling a Super Potion from his coat pocket, and as he sprayed along the length of Lady’s belly, the Metang hybrid began to slowly return to its feet. The bottle was quickly emptied, and with it, Lady’s strength and élan returned to it, much to Cadance and Sunburst’s ever-mounting surprise. Sunburst finally noticed the Metang hybrid back in fighting form. “Guys, look out!” Fluttershy, Starlight, and their Pokémon faced the hybrid with steadfast resolve, only for Molayne, Sophocles, and their Pokémon to stand in front of them. With a shriek from Cadance, Fluttershy and Starlight turned back toward the portal to see the Kadabra, Hypno, and Espeon hybrids enter through it to confront them. “Hey, Soph.” Molayne seemed to recognize the danger without even turning his head. “You help Starlight and Fluttershy against those three. Their Fairy-types are no match for Steel-types.” “What’s he talking about?” Sunburst asked nervously. “Fairy-Steel what?” Starlight sighed as she and Fluttershy faced the new arrivals as Sophocles and Vikavolt joined them. “You get Cadance back inside and keep Flurry Heart safe, got it?” “Oh! Right!” At once, Sunburst and Cadance returned inside the palace, leaving the four trainers alone to face the four hybrids. “To think they’d start invading Equestria so soon!” Fluttershy whimpered. “Yeah…” Sophocles balled his fists. “Last mistake they’ll make.” Encouraged by his words, Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey faced the three hybrids strongly, almost eagerly awaiting their advance and the beatdown they’d deliver. As the violent commotion of the interdimensional battle waged on, the unreformed changelings inside the town hall could only wait and imagine what horrors were outside its walls. Suddenly, the front doors burst open, many of the changelings recoiling and hissing in fright. Many of them were quick to recognize the handful of reformed changelings entering inside, confusing them. “What are you…” One of the unreformed changelings quickly understood. “No, don’t tell me you–” “That’s right,” one of them responded. “Queen Cocoon too.” “What?!” another black changeling spat. “Lies! There’s no way our queen would fall to the same trickery that Thorax had!” Just then, an Oranguru hybrid and an Oricorio hybrid blocked the exit from outside. Turning around, two of the reformed changelings shot beams of magic at the hybrids, which only managed to make them take small steps back from the recoil. The unreformed changelings then stared in amazement as the hybrids attacked the changelings that attacked them. With a clap of its hands, the Oranguru hybrid sent the first changeling flying off a psychic pulse while the Oricorio hybrid twirled about and lashed its wings at the second, flinging it off its hooves and into the gathering of unreformed changelings. Seeing their power first hand, the unreformed changelings laughed and cheered as the other reformed changelings timidly backed away. “Excellent!” a black changeling chuckled. “With these allies, Equestria will be at its knees!” “No!” a reformed changeling shouted back at it. “They’re not your friends. They only–” The Oranguru hybrid swung its arms in a wide reach, its flat hand fanning a wave of psychic energy at the front of the changeling gathering. The force was strong enough to wipe a quarter of them off their hooves and to the left walls like mere dust. The unreformed changelings now in front began to back into their comrades, who became too timid to move and formed an impassable wall. “But…” a black changeling whimpered. “We want to take over Equestria too! We’re not your enemy here!” “We’re all their enemies,” a reformed changeling breathed out in bitter acceptance. “Any Equestrian in their path is just another obstacle to them.” “But…” Despite their failed attempts at protest, the Oricorio hybrid callously readied itself for another attack on each and every changeling inside, completely deaf to reason or empathy. A shout suddenly entered the building, and just before the Oricorio hybrid could turn around, a blade of purple slashed up its back, throwing it onto its stomach with a pain-riddled squawk, Sam and an upraised Aegislash now standing where it had. The Oranguru hybrid turned around just as an X of yellowish-green crossed over its chest, throwing it onto its back to reveal Lurantis and its held-out scythe arms. Lycanroc then leapt over the leafy insect to lunge its open mouth onto the fallen hybrid’s neck, biting down hard. With a loud roar, the Oranguru finally succumbed to unconsciousness just as Alice arrived inside. “You! Guys!” A reformed changeling stepped toward them, uncertain if their eyes were deceiving them. “What are you doing here?” “Portals are opening up all over our world back to Equestria,” Sam explained. “Team Prism’s grunts and their Pokémon all got fused together and are attacking!” “That’s what those are?” another reformed changeling asked. “Wait!” An unreformed changeling stepped forward. “I don’t understand! What’s happening?” “Your world is under attack, buddy,” Alice coarsely explained. “You’re more than welcome to keep making enemies of everyone in it to try and take it for yourself, but if you want to actually keep living in it come tomorrow morning, I suggest you cut your crap and fight with us this time around.” “And why should we do that?” one of the black changelings sneered. “We’ll just be enemies again by then!” “Accelerock!” On her sudden command, Alice pointed at the recovering Oricorio hybrid, allowing Lycanroc to check it into the wall at imperceptible speeds. “Iron Head!” With Sam halfway toward the Oranguru hybrid, Aegislash swung around its trainer to throw its shield, frisbeeing into its head before bouncing back into its cloth arm. “Then let’s stop being enemies!” Alice shouted back. “I love too many things from this world to let it fall into these bastards’ hands, and that includes you guys too!” This statement left the unreformed changelings speechless, giving Sam enough time to make his final peace. “Our worlds are too precious for us not to save them together hoof in hand. If your queen can recognize that, then you sure as hell can too!” The two trainers refocused onto the hybrids as they slowly tried getting back up, leaving the unreformed changelings to mull over what they had told them. Finally, the two hybrids got back onto their feet, each one staring at Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon before roaring angrily at them. Two swishes of flame and another pair of roars suddenly filled the air, and with them, a bright, purple bear with sparkling fur and a minotaur rushed in from the changeling group and slammed their bodies into the Oranguru hybrid and Oricorio hybrid. Sam and Alice jolted as they were thrown into the walls into the outside, appearing motionless as they rolled to a stop on the ground outside. Sam and Alice each faced one of the creatures, who in turn looked back at them. “You…” An unreformed changeling stepped up front, the bear and minotaur acknowledging its approach. “You’re really choosing to help them?” “The humans are exactly right,” the bear replied, “we realize this now.” “And it’s not that we’re choosing to help them,” the minotaur then spoke, “we’re helping them and everything else, and that’s including you guys!” “And if saving you means helping them, I’m more than glad to do so.” Sam and Alice approached the creatures and put their arms around them, pulling them in for an appreciative hug. At once, the imprints of the humans’ bodies appeared as a glow on the transformed changelings and spread over, surprising their unreformed brethren behind them. As the light completely overtook their unoriginal forms, it then began to condense until they formed two colorful reformed changelings. Just as the light came off of them, Alice gave the changeling closest to her another hug before it could even process what happened to its body. “Thank you,” Alice said. The changeling Alice hugged returned the embrace with a single arm. “No, thank you. This is the greatest I think I’ve ever felt in my life!” “I’ve never felt love like this…” The changeling nearest Sam was almost fearful over its new sky-blue arm. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Sam hugged it, and upon realizing the truth of his words, the changeling smiled warmly and hugged him back. The remaining unreformed changelings looked back to each other guiltily, almost as if feeling foolish for remaining the way they were for so long. A pinprick of light then formed on all of their chests over their hearts, quickly spreading out until the entire group of them was awash with bright white, Sam, Alice, their Pokémon, and the two reformed changelings they were with looking on at the sight. The light dimmed once again, and the changelings realized they were surrounded by their comrades in bodies that they did not recognize. However, upon seeing the new forms they all took, many of the changelings reacted by hugging each other, ecstatic over the comforting warmth now flowing through their bodies for the first time. The already-reformed changelings gladly integrated themselves with their converted companions, giving them cordial affection as well. The changeling nearest Sam looked down on him. “Thank you humans. I am now more willing than ever to protect my home and every creature who walks upon it.” “That’s awesome,” Sam replied. “We need to return to our own world and protect it soon, and Ponyville could really use your help as well.” “What are we supposed to do?” the changeling nearest Alice responded. “You already showed us how easily those things can zap us of our magic! How are we supposed to face that?” Sam and Alice stole a glance to each other, a sly grin appearing on their face. Outside, a Kadabra and a Bruxish hybrid ran out from the town and near the town hall. They recognized the greatly weakened Oranguru and Oricorio hybrids lying on the ground, coming to a complete and cautious stop. Looking up at the building, they spotted the two holes they had left, clearly made by the creatures that had thrown them out. After taking only two steps toward it, Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon sprinted out from the front doors, already banking to the left and away from the two hybrids. Just before they could take chase, a massive wave of many creatures, including bears, minotaurs, manticores, giant eagles, and griffons poured out from the entrance and the two holes, ready to rush the two hybrids who no longer even considered Sam and Alice as they ran further away into the town, looking for the portal that would send them back to Hau’oli City. Neither Sam nor Alice looked back, even as the clear sounds of the transformed changelings decimating the two hybrids got quieter with each step away they ran. Rainbow Dash, Pheramosa, and Applejack started to tire out as the Metang hybrid, Oranguru hybrid, and Slowking hybrid closed in around them. Then, on either side of the tightening scrum, two portals formed, the first creating a passageway to the cloud-constructed city, while the other appeared to be a dilapidated village of cracked houses, dead grass and trees, and scatterings of hay piles. Applejack glanced between both pillars, her eyes returning to the second, unfamiliar one. “That’s Cloudsdale, and that’s…” “Griffonstone?” Rainbow Dash recognized. With chaotic sounds of worried pants and terrified screams permeating out of both portals, both ponies felt their stomachs sink knowing that more hybrids had already found their ways there. At that moment, a griffon with light-brown lion’s fur and white plumage in her chest with three-purple tipped feathers draping at the top of her head landed before the portal, instantly recognizing the two ponies on the other side of the hybrids cornering them. “Rainbow Dash!” she shouted to her. “Is this where you’ve been hiding all this time?!” “Gilda!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack kicked the Slowking and Oranguru hybrids away to allow themselves to run to the Griffonstone portal. “You need to run and hide! Equestria’s under attack!” “As if!” Gilda darted out of the portal, flying past the ponies and Ultra Beast and slashing at the Metang hybrid in an uppercutting motion, hitting it hard enough to send it through the Cloudsdale portal, its body falling through the street. “Though seriously, what is this place? And what’s that tall bug thing next to you?” As the Oranguru and Slowking hybrids got back up, Rainbow Dash and Applejack turned to face them once again. “We’ll tell y’all about it later!” Applejack huffed. “Right now, we gotta’ stop these guys!” “Hmph. I’m game.” Gilda leapt up and floated down to a spot between Applejack and Pheramosa, prepared to give it her all with her close friends by her side. Further into the city, Sam and Alice hopped out from the Ponyville portal with Aegislash, Lurantis, and Lycanroc right behind. After getting their bearings and their settings sorted out, they took off westward down the street. Just as they were ready to make the south-leaning curve further down, an Espeon grunt and a Metang grunt leapt down from a building to the left, landing in the middles of both lanes and holding their ground to block their path. Alice smirked as she veered to run the yellow line down the middle. Sam and his Pokémon were even more confused as Alice grabbed two Poké Balls, using one of them to return her Lycanroc back inside. She then slid to a stop as she tossed her next ball out. “Noivern, Boomburst!” Upon her black-and-purple wyvern forming from the energy of its ball, the air in its ears began to vibrate with greater and greater intensity. With a shriek, it tucked its head down, aiming both ears out at both Pokémon. With a massive pulse, the air blasted out and struck both hybrids like a brick wall, hurling them high off their feet. Alice leaned forward and resumed her run, Sam choosing to pick up his pace while the two hybrids were still incapacitated. With Noivern briskly walking close behind, it hovered over Sam, Alice, Aegislash, and Lurantis as it guarded them from above as well. Bending down the curve, Sam and Alice’s eyes reached the building the apartment was in. Putting their vision forward again, they spotted the portal to the Crystal Empire where Starlight and Fluttershy continued their battle against the hybrids with Molayne and Sophocles. With no hybrids in sight, the siblings could rest assured enough that the rest of their journey would be unimpeded. Sam and Alice were about to run past the portal, their parents’ apartment only two buildings away. Unbeknownst to them or their Pokémon, two Hypno hybrids leapt out the portal on their side, each of their pendulums and chains wrapped around their fists. The lowest among them punched their red-hot fist forward, clocking Aegislash square in the eye and knocking it off Sam’s arm. The highest flew out at Noivern’s chest as it turned to it, its white, frosted fist colliding with its target hard enough to fell it as well. “Aegislash!” “Noivern!” Sam and Alice slid down to see to their Pokémon’s injuries before both hybrids landed before them on the other side. Sam and Alice looked up to their attackers, whose pendulums were already uncoiled off their hands and began to swing them. Realizing immediately what was happening, Sam and Alice could only shut their eyes tight as they attempted to resist the dual Hypnosis attack. As their Pokémon came to and opened their eyes, they were instantly hit by the soft magenta waves pulsing off the coins rocking back and forth. Sam and Alice, despite their concentration, felt their strength slip away as their minds absorbed the energy radiating into them. Lurantis squealed as it prodded and shook its trainer’s arm, hoping in vain to keep him awake. As Sam slumped further and further into slumber, Lurantis leaned its face into Sam’s hair and took two sniffs. With another regretful whine, it darted off in the direction of Sam and Alice’s parents’ home, the hybrids ignoring it as they nearly finished lulling Sam, Alice, and their other Pokémon to sleep. Off from the sides, a Kadabra hybrid and a Slowking hybrid joined in. Before Sam could lose consciousness, he felt his body fall through the street as if there was nothing there. His smoky, imperceptible surroundings took form as he found himself in the corner of a narrow alley. Along with the stone walls and the bright white space at the end of it, four more pillars of smoke rose up from the ground, forming into two young humans, a purple-and-gold furred cat, and a blue bat with purple wings and a large mouth taking up its entire face. “Wha…” Sam looked down, finding a grey t-shirt and blue shorts in place of his jeans and tank-top, as well as two 11-year-old sized hands in place of his 17-year-old one. “Yah! What’s going on?!” “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” one of the trainers jeered, their voice getting lower in pitch with each word he spoke. “We’re teaching you a lesson of who the real trainers are!” Sam glanced to his right, seeing a Honedge floating there, who appeared equally frightful of its younger appearance. “Wait, no… Am I back…” The feline and bat Pokémon lunged out at Sam and Honedge while their trainers laughed. Alice’s surroundings were almost all black, the only bits she could recognize were the stony surface on which she stood as well as some large stalagmites and craters down only as far as the darkness could allow her. “I’m in a cave?” She then gasped, something immediately not right. “My voice! Why do I sound like a kid?” She then looked down at her clothes, a uniform consisting of black shorts and an orange jacket. “Ahh!” She leapt back hard enough to nearly fall over. “Why am I in my Jr. Range… Wait, hold on!” With a high pitched squeal from the ceiling, she looked up to see a Noibat flying down to meet her and appearing glad. “You… you’re the Noib…” She was interrupted by the Pokémon’s warbling, who smacked its chest in an attempt to get the girl to realize. “Wait, Noivern?! Why are you a Noibat again?” Hungry clicking then erupted on both sides of Alice and the Noibat, Sam tensing up as she instantly recognized the sound. “Those are from Ariados. I’m… No, we’re back when we first met!” The clicking was closer this time, and as Alice and Noibat went back to back, each one facing a source of the noise, two Ariadoses walked out from the pitch blackness. Alice, at first feeling a modicum of confidence, felt it sink all at once when she and Noibat saw that these spiders were twice Alice’s size. “No… they weren’t that…” Alice had suddenly fully understood. “Oh shit… Those Hypno… this is…” With an even wider open-mouth, the two Ariadoses’s mouths rattled before they skittered right at Alice and the Noibat, neither of them brave enough to move out of their way. As the Espeon hybrid charged at Lady, Sophocles’s Vikavolt caught its arm in its pincers, jerking around to fling it onto its back. Starlight and Sophocles shared a nod before she refocused to the Kadabra and Hypno hybrids still standing. Suddenly a pair of familiar voices screamed out from outside the portal, filling Starlight and Fluttershy with dread. As they looked back at it, the screams sounded off again, unable to mistake them for anyone else’s. “Sam! Alice!” Starlight ran into the portal with Lady. “Starlight, come back!” Upon turning back, Fluttershy whimpered to see the Espeon hybrid getting back up with its two comrades. Seeing them out numbered, Molayne retreated to join his friends’ sides, leaving their 3-on-4 odds much better than before. Upon leaving the portal, Starlight and Lady turned to find turned to find the Kadabra hybrid and the Slowking hybrid leaned over Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon with their their glowing hands held to their faces as the Hypno hybrids watched on. With a scowl, Starlight and Lady charged them, the latter trained on the Kadabra hybrid. Nimbly leaping up, Lady went completely undetected by any of the hybrids until the Kadabra one was thrown to the ground with Lady standing on its chest and biting down on its neck. The Hypno hybrid put its hand up and yanked Lady off its ally’s chest. Starlight gasped as her Pokémon groaned under the Hypno hybrid’s pressure as its psychic powers squeezed in on it. Just as Starlight readied her horn to charge, she noticed five shapes running at the hybrids from behind. “Throat Chop!” With the Hypno hybrid still concentrating on Lady, it wasn’t aware as a Hawlucha leapt up and slammed the side of its arm-wing into the back of its neck. The Hypno hybrid crumpled onto its stomach and let Lady go, who gasped for air and hobbled back to its trainer. She then saw as Lurantis sprinted at the Slowking hybrid leaning over Sam before winding its arm back and delivering a Leaf Blade hard enough into its back to throw it off and into the other Hypno hybrid, knocking them both to the ground. “Meowstic, Shadow Ball!” Still silhouetted in the dark, a single dark-purple orb was slung out and struck the still-awake Hypno hybrid in the head, knocking it unconscious at last. With all four hybrids momentarily incapacitated, Starlight and Lady felt safe enough to look up at who her other saviors were. Along with her Meowstic, a woman and her husband ran to their children, Starlight suddenly connecting them to their Pokémon. “Susan! Benji!” As they fell to their knees, Starlight and Lady ran to their sides to help in any way they could. “What are you… how did you–” “This little thing was banging on our door and screaming up a storm,” Susan explained. “We assumed it was one of our kids’ and went down to see what was the matter.” “Must have tracked his scent to where his room was,” Benji reasoned as he pulled out a pair of Full Restores from his back pocket. “It’s the end of the god-damned world and we nearly slept through it!” After Susan removed Alice’s glasses, Benji sprayed both his children from the head and down the lengths of their bodies. After a few moments, Sam and Alice breathed in as hard as they could, their eyes about to burst out from their skulls. Shooting up into sitting positions, they took the next several moments to realize their lucidity before they recognized the ones surrounding them. “Mom? Dad?!” Sam fell towards his father, who caught and embraced him as he wept. “I was back in that alley in Lumiose! They were–” “Shh, shh.” Benji stroked Sam’s hair. “You’re alright now.” “Why are you here?” Alice asked Susan. “That Lurantis over there found our place and brought us down,” she said. “Good thing too, it looks like you and Sam were having a bit of a rough time.” “You don’t know the half of it.” “Do you have any more Full Restores?” Starlight asked Susan. “Their Pokémon could use a bit of a wake-up themselves.” Susan’s mouth slightly came open in realization. Pulling two green square spray bottles out from her pockets, Starlight took them from her hands with her magic and held them out to aim them at Noivern and Aegislash. With a strained grunt. She squeezed the triggers and sprayed the two Pokémon liberally with the medicine. As their Pokémon woke up and stood back up, Benji helped Sam up as Alice went to Noivern to stroke and hug its neck. Aegislash stroked Sam’s back to help fully soothe him out of the trauma they both had to relive, Sam putting his arm around the base of its blade and pulling it toward him. “Are we good then?” Benji asked. “Guessing we should head back inside now?” Just then, the Metang hybrid darted out from the Crystal Empire portal, its claws aimed right at Alice and Noivern. “No!” Susan jumped into the Metang’s path. Without hesitation, the Metang hybrid continued its lunge, and with its arm still held out, the metal claws on the ends of it drove into Susan’s stomach. Susan let out a weak gag as she clutched the Pokémon’s arm. Alice, Sam, Benji, Starlight, and all of their Pokémon felt their gasps catch in their throats as Susan’s arms trembled trying to pull herself away. As Fluttershy, Molayne, and Sophocles exited the portal, they were just able to see as the Metang hybrid twisted its stuck arm out, further tearing at Susan’s gut. Her cough was wet as a small spray of blood filled her mouth and leaked out past her lips. Fluttershy gasped loudly as tears welled her eyes quick enough for them to instantly overflow. Alice’s shriek was the first to break the otherwise macabre silence. “MOOOM!!” > Chapter 82 – Mothers and Fathers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, Susan fell out from Metang’s claws, limply landing on her back with Alice just barely fast enough to catch her head before it bounced off the street. Meowstic howled to see its trainer in such a state. Benji fell down beside her and clutched her hand, screaming over the sure-to-be fatal wounds he still couldn’t believe he was looking at. As she rest her head down, Alice swung her arms back, her vest getting tossed off her body before she folded it twice and held it down onto her mother’s gut. “Come on, Mommy,” she hyperventilated, blood already beginning to seep up, “come on, Mommy!” Susan squeezed her husband’s hand as hard as she could while she breathed as calmly as her body would allow. Sam looked up to the Metang hybrid looking over what it had done, the human’s glance prompting it to stare back at him. Sam’s face twisted into complete, inconsolable wrath, his legs pushing off the ground to run harder than they ever have before. “MOTHERFUCKER!” Starlight and Fluttershy worriedly glanced back to their friend. “Sam, stop!” With the shrillest of screams, Sam wound his arm back, Aegislash’s cloth arm wrapping around it. Upon grabbing hold of the hilt, Sam swung Aegislash as hard as he could, the Metang hybrid holding up its arms to block. With Aegislash’s added momentum, its blade struck its arms hard enough to crumple them in like soda cans, the ends folding forward as the Metang hybrid was shot down the street, sliding to a stop. Sam’s breathing mirrored the intensity of his bleeding mother’s, and he blindly walked forward at his still living enemy. It pained Benji to take his eyes off Susan, but for the sake of his son, he forced his gaze to him. “Sam! Get back, now!” “Shut up!” Sam would not hear any opposition. “This thing kills my mom, I kill it!” The Metang hybrid, using its still-intact elbows, pushed itself to its knees, allowing it to get back onto its feet, a feat that only served to anger Sam more. As his pace quickened again, the humans, ponies, and Pokémon gathered near the Crystal Empire portal tensed up, knowing what was coming next would not end well for him. “Sam, god dammit!” Alice screeched. “Stop it!” Sam let out another battle cry as he jogged into a run. At that moment, the Metang hybrid brought its leg back and pushed off with its other, soaring at Sam fast enough to leave a sparkling tail around its body. Sam felt his body freeze up as the hybrid came at him at speeds that he could not react to fast enough. Aegislash pulled itself up and held itself and its shield close to Sam’s chest, the Metang hybrid crashing into the two of them and sending both flying the same way they did to it. A shout escaped the lips of everyone but Susan and Alice, the latter of whom was the first to make a command. “Noivern, catch them!” With a roar, Noivern spun to the right and held its left wing out to where Sam and Aegislash would fall. Like a safety net, Sam’s back struck the skin with enough cushion to safely stop its thrust. Lowering its wing down further, Noivern allowed both its trainer’s brother and his Pokémon to slide back down onto the street. Sitting up, Sam watched as the Metang hybrid came at them slowly and tauntingly. With a gentle upward swing, Aegislash pulled Sam up to his feet to ready themselves to meet its advance. Just as Sam took another step, Molayne and Sophocles came up on both sides of him, compelling him to stop. “Killing it won’t heal your mother,” Molayne advised, pulling an Ultra Ball off his belt, “but it will be easier if we bring him down together.” Sam wasn’t sure how to respond to this, but as Sophocles took a ball off his own belt, Sam felt his thirst for revenge slowly extinguish. With a calmer motion, Sam slid a foot back and held Aegislash with both hands on the hilt. The Metang hybrid prepared for yet another lunge, prompting the other two trainers to ready their Poké Balls. Just then, Sunburst hopped out from the portal with his horn charged, his back legs swinging and sliding around to face the hybrid dead on. “Duck!” Sunburst shot a concentrated white-hot beam out from his horn right as the Metang hybrid shot forward, the beam striking it dead in the face. Sam, Molayne, Sophocles, and Noivern got down as low as they could in such a short time, but Sunburst’s warning proved to be enough, the Metang hybrid now a limp ragdoll flying over the three trainers and two Pokémon. Save for Alice, Benji, and Susan, everyone then turned to look back as the Metang hybrid hit the ground much harder this time. As it finally came to a stop, they were aghast to see a semicircle-shaped gouge now hallowed from atop the hybrid’s head, which was left red and smoking with the heat still left on it. With it still holding part of its arm up in a final attempt to reach them, it finally relaxed before its body shriveled and began to blow away into dust. Sunburst glanced back to see his success, but with Susan still clinging to life at the corner of his eye, he galloped over to her. “How is she?” Benji’s breath began to tremble on its way out. “Not good. She’s not squeezing as hard any more.” With a huff from its nose, Sunburst gave a light charge of his horn, turning it bright and hot. “Do any of you have something she can bite down on?” “Bite…” Benji suddenly got it, his eyes shooting open. “Someone find a stick or something wooden, hurry!” On cue, Fluttershy and Comfey had already returned with a piece of a branch wide enough to fit inside ones mouth. Uncoiling it from its tail, Comfey dropped it into Benji’s hand, who immediately lowered it to his wife’s face. “Benji, please,” Susan whispered, “I can make it to the hospit–” “Frankly ma’am, you won’t.” Sunburst seemed deathly confident in this assumption. “I’m looking after a mother myself, and I don’t want to cause the loss of another tonight, now bite down, please.” Susan looked to Alice, who clasped both hands around hers, nodding assuringly. “Mom, just do it.” With two quick readying breaths, she turned to Benji and nodded. He promptly put the twig in her mouth, shifting it around to ensure her inner cheek or tongue would not interfere. After Alice tossed her crimson-soaked vest aside and pulled her torn shirt up, revealing her bare stomach, Susan looked up at Sunburst and nodded to him, permitting him to lower his searing horn down at her stomach. “Just try to be still as possible.” Sunburst’s horn made contact with the first gash. Susan squealed as her neck arched up, squeezing her husband and daughter’s hands hard enough to make both of them wince. Slowly tracing the horn onto the wound, Sam’s breathing began to quicken as he saw the once flowing spot now become dry and clotted where the unicorn’s horn had been. “That’s it, Mom!” Sam ran to stand over Susan’s head from behind. “You’re doing great!” “FUCK YOU!” As Sunburst took his horn off, Susan grunted out all the air she had in her lungs, relinquishing her mouth’s grip on the stick and letting it slide down the left corner of her mouth. “Whoa…” Benji caught the stick and put it back in. “Huh? Wur nut done?” “Still got two more holes, honey.” “Shisht. Arigh, arigh, jusht do buth. Nuh brwakesh.” “Are you sure?” Sunburst asked, beginning to get nervous. “You don’t want to pass out now–” “I SHAD BUTH!” Sunburst shook his head as he charged his horn back up, still in disbelief over what he was doing. “Mother knows best…” Pressing his horn down to the second gash, Susan screamed through the branch, Alice and Benji panting as they expected their hands to break at any second. “That’s it!” Benji growled. “You’re doing so good!” Susan could no longer think of anything witty to say, her cries the only substitute she could muster. The second gash was soon finished, and as demanded, Sunburst put his blazing horn onto the final cut, Sam monitoring his mother’s consciousness as she began to look tired and unresponsive. “Mom?” Sam knelt down over her head, holding both sides of it. “Mom, are you still there?” Susan let go of Alice and moved her hand to Sam’s, letting her clutch on as tightly as she had been to her daughter’s. “So proud of you both.” Finally, her strength began to fade, Sam biting his lip as he feared the worst. “Mom?! Mom!!” Sunburst groaned as he worked through the last few inches. Upon reaching it, he let out a hearty sigh, looking down upon his work. It was far from professional, and it would look only slightly-less uglier once it healed, but Sunburst had saved her life, and he felt as though he could take enough pride in that. “She definitely still needs medical attention,” he said, “but that should buy you more than enough time to get her to a–” “Honey!?” Benji gently shook the head of his unconscious wife. “Sue!!” “Hold on!” Sophocles pushed Benji aside, leaning down and putting his ear over her chest, the wide-eyed expression he suddenly showed worrying anyone unfortunate enough to see it. “Shit, she’s going into shock!” “What?!” Alice could hardly comprehend what was happening as she looked back at Susan and then Sophocles over and over. “She’s dying?!” “Not if we can stop it. Come out, Togedemaru!” Pointing an Ultra Ball down at Susan, it opened up and let his round, spiky rodent out on top of her. He then began to take a pair of gloves out from his pockets and put them on. He then picked Togedemaru up and began to rub his hands all over its sides, greatly confusing everyone save for Molayne. “What are you doing?!” Starlight snapped. “This is no time to be petting your Pokémon!” “You don’t understand…” Sophocles continued, small sparks beginning to discharge off the tips of his fingers. “These gloves allow me to handle Pokémon that give off lots of natural static electricity like Togedemaru here and absorb it. I normally use them to quickly power up certain electronics back at the observatory, but if I collect enough static, I can use my gloves as a makeshift defibrillator and stabilize her heartbeat!” Sophocles set his Pokémon down, which stepped aside to let him kneel beside Susan. Placing his hands over the upper right and lower left sides of her chest, Benji and Sam let go of her hands and stayed back to let Sophocles do his thing. “Alright, clear!” Sophocles slapped both hands down at the same time, causing Susan’s chest to jolt up before settling back down. Alice and Sam both wept as their mom continued remaining still. After removing his gloves and tossing them aside, Sophocles put his ear back over Susan’s heart, hoping to hear a more regular pulse. Breathing out, he got back off and put both hands over her chest, pressing down at a steady rhythm several times before putting his head down again. A small grin and tired chuckle escaped Sophocles’s mouth, filling Susan’s surrounding family and friends with hope. “We have a pulse!” Comfey floated onto Susan’s face and flew in a circle over it, releasing soft pink spores that she began to breathe through her mouth and nose. Not long after, Susan’s eyes fluttered before they slowly came open. Upon her picking her head up, Sam, Alice, and Benji each gasped as much air as they could as Meowstic hugged and nuzzled its face against the side of its trainer’s head. “Oh, thank goodness!” Fluttershy sighed. Susan attempted to sit up, only to loudly squeal and lay down flat upon feeling the excruciating pain piercing her stomach. “Okay… no getting up.” Sunburst breathed open-mouthed, elated above all else that his attempts to save her were not in vain. Starlight trotted to him and gave him a loving thankful hug, which he was more than happy to return after so long. Molayne squatted beside Sophocles, looking over Susan’s closed wounds. “Looks like she’s patched up for the most part, but she’ll still need to get to a hospital right away.” “Right.” Benji then turned to Alice. “Our key code is 2093. Get the car keys off my dresser!” “Right!” Alice spun around as she stood, sprinting down to the apartment buildings. “Lurantis,” Sam spoke, “keep her safe!” With an affirmative cry, Lurantis whizzed off, quickly reaching Alice’s behind. He then looked to Sophocles and Molayne. “Any of you have another Full Restore?” Nodding, Molayne pulled a bottle from his jacket and lobbed it to Sam. Catching it in one hand, Sam held the nozzle down just a few inches above Susan’s stomach. “This is going to sting a little.” “After all that,” Susan coughed, “I look forward to stinging.” With an accepting cock of the head, Sam sprayed a liberal stream of Full Restore over the first of the three sealed cuts, Susan breathing calmly through it. Alice opened the front passenger door of the yellow car as Susan was walked to it, her arms slung around her husband and son’s necks. Alice reclined the seat down and hopped aside to let Benji and Sam adjust her inside. As Molayne, Sophocles, and Fluttershy saw to them, Sunburst took the quiet opportunity to scoot over to Starlight. “So…” Not the most awkward way to start a conversation. “This is where you and your friends ended up?” Starlight let out an exhausted, but sympathetic grunt. “Yeah. All things considered, it actually could have been a lot worse…” “Are you sure about that?” With Susan buckled up and lying back, Sam and Alice ran around the back of the vehicle got in the back seat. Benji went around the front, getting in the driver’s seat and habitually checking the mirrors. As he looked ahead, he noticed as the four hybrids that he helped save his children from were slowly getting up without any of their friends’ knowledge. Benji began to blare his horn, getting more frenetic as the hybrids all were now on their feet. Lady was the first to sense something off, turning around and yapping at what Benji was warning them off. At once, the ponies and humans spun around to see the hybrids all coming at them. Sam clutched the back of Benji’s headrest, wanting nothing nothing else more than his mother’s safety to rush out and help them. Sunburst turned to face to the occupants inside the car. “Leave us and get her better! We’ll handle them!” Wasting no more time, Benji shifted the transmission by the wheel to D and floored the gas pedal, burnt rubber smoke trailing behind the back wheels before traction kicked in and pushed the car off the driveway and drifting right into the street. As the car went further away, Sam and Alice looked back as Molayne and Sophocles brought their Metagross and Vikavolt back out to join the ponies and their Pokémon. Coming to the end of the road, Benji turned the wheel left, the car’s back wheels skidding off near the curb. Once he straightened it out, Benji felt his foot jerk over the brake pedal upon seeing another portal to Ponyville a hundred feet down. Outside it, Guzma and Ilima fought against a Hypno and Kadabra hybrid with their Masquerain and Smeargle. With a shout, he brought his foot back down on the gas and prepared to drive through their battle. Outside, Guzma heard the sound of Benji’s car honking, greatly annoying him as he turned back toward it. “Hey, shit-for-brains! Does this look like a good time or place to drive?” Alice frenetically cranked her window down, sticking her head out to ensure she could be heard and seen. “Hospital! We need to get to the hospital!” “Kids?” Upon recognizing Alice, he then turned to Ilima. “Ilima, help me move these bastards out of the way for them! Masquerain, use Bug Buzz!” Guzma’s insect Pokémon flittered its wings, creating a wave of dense light-green energy that crashed into both hybrids, leaving them crouching in pain as they covered their ears to block as much of the unbearable noise as they could. “Excellent work, Guzma!” Ilima praised. “Smeargle, finish the job with Power Whip!” With the hybrids still distracted by Masquerain’s attack, Ilima’s Pokémon rushed at them with its entire tail aglow. With a single spin, its tail swung out and lashed into both the hybrids’ stomachs, sending them soaring into a building on the left. As the two trainers and their Pokémon rushed to the right, the street was now clear enough for Benji to safely drive around. Just as Benji began to shift to the left, he spotted an Oranguru hybrid running out from the portal with Zeraora hung over his shoulder. As the electric cat tried breaking free, the hybrid kept its hold strong until it threw him into the same building the other two hybrids were blasted into. With the Oranguru hybrid now blocking his path, Benji jammed the wheel right to pass both on the other side. Alice began to fish for a Poké Ball from her belt while Sam white-knuckle gripped both backrests for stability. The Oranguru hybrid, seeing its prey get away, forcefully waved its hand at Benji’s car, flinging the left side up to flip it over. As Benji and Sam screamed for their lives, Alice whipped her ball out of the open window. “Raichu!” Her large, orange rodent popped out from its ball, immediately flying down to the car and magnetically latching its tail to the space between both left doors. Bending back, Raichu began to pull the car back upright. Benji, having turned the wheel left in his panic, found his car juking left right at the portal once all four wheels returned to the ground. As he frantically worked to straighten the car’s direction, Raichu and the car drove straight into the portal, the smooth asphalt now replaced with soft grass and soil. Once the car had been stabilized, Benji slammed the brakes. Sam leaned in between the front seats and looked to his mother, who looked shaken and extremely anxious. “Mom! Are you still okay?” “Where…” Susan was too overwhelmed to string a complete sentence together. “…are we?” Now in the streets of Ponyville, the jarringly new surroundings left Benji and Susan almost petrified. He watched as unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies of all ages and genders ran for their lives throughout the street, many of them looking at the machine that just crashed through with even more terror than they originally had. “What is this…” Benji’s amazement killed his words on his tongue. “It’s where our friends are from,” Alice shouted, “now punch this thing in reverse and let’s go!” “Ah, yes!” Benji cranked the transmission up two spaces and floored the gas pedal. The tires dug up the ground, making their escape back to their world a slow one. At that moment, the Oranguru hybrid ran out from the portal and pushed against the car, the now sudden bang and stop making Sam and Alice yelp in shock. The lack of traction against the ground only served to make the Oranguru hybrid’s efforts to hold them that much easier. “Raichu, Grass Knot, hurry!” Raichu turned around and pointed its magenta-glowing arms at the Oranguru hybrid’s legs. As vines and thick blades of grass began to sprout from the ground and twist around its legs, the Oranguru hybrid took one hand off the car to wind its arm back, a Shadow Ball forming in its palm. With a quick throw, the orb struck Raichu in the face, flinging it out down the street until it was several feet from the front left corner of the car. “Come on, come on!” Benji pumped the gas pedal, but his car and the hybrid blocking them would not budge an inch. “Nothing’s working! We’re stuck.” “Not yet.” Sam pulled a Poké Ball off his belt and looked through the rear window. “Dad, when I say now, go forward!” “What?!” Benji shouted. “But the hos–” “We have to get out of here somehow! These portals are open all over town, so maybe we can take one that will get us to the hospital!” “Or maybe Ponyville has a hospital here we can take her to!” Alice desperately suggested. “Wait!” Benji’s eyes darted throughout all the buildings. “These ponies have hospit–” “Dad,” Sam screamed, “just drive! Salazzle, Flamethrower!” Holding his ball back and letting it open, Sam gave the white energy that poured out enough space so that Salazzle could lay on the surface underneath the rear window. As Salazzle’s mouth charged with flame, staring at its target, Benji shifted the car into ‘drive,’ the push of the hybrid getting it out of the rut. Salazzle shot a strong, narrow stream of fire that immediately burned through the glass and blew into the Oranguru hybrid’s face before the car could drive away and leave it to burn. “Raichu!” Alice’s Pokémon, seeing the car drive off along with its trainer’s voice, hopped up back onto its tail and flew after it. Benji kept to the middle of the road, keeping his eyes out for any ponies that would try to cross the street before he could reach it. “So, any of you know where this hospital is, because I don’t think this is a good time to ask for directions!” Alice then saw a body get blasted back near the car. “Dad, stop!” With an exasperated yell, Benji slammed the brakes once again, allowing the creature that came at them to hit the ground and tumble with their back hitting the fender. As the creature stood up, Sam and Alice could instantly recognize her from her scaly blue body and the scepter she wielded. “Ember!” Alice shouted. Looking from the corners of her eyes, Ember was more surprised to see them than the machine they were all inside. “Alice, Sam! How’d you–” An Espeon hybrid jumped at her, forcing the dragoness to refocus her attention. She was still too distracted to avoid the hybrid’s downward punch that slammed down on the top of her head, throwing her to her stomach. As the Espeon hybrid held its hands down over Ember’s body, they began to sparkle and brighten for an oncoming Dazzling Gleam. Raichu mashed the bottom of its electrically-charged tail into the front of the Espeon hybrid’s head, sending it flying back to where it had come. Alice whimpered to see her friend still not getting up, resolving to unlock the door and open it, running around the car to check on her. As she helped pick Ember up, Alice’s Raichu returned to her side to help in any way it could. “What…” Much like her legs, her speech was also weak. “What are you two doing here?” “Our mom got hurt in the crossfire,” Alice quickly explained. “We’re trying to find a hospital– any hospital to help her.” “Whoa…” Looking in the front two seats, it suddenly occurred to Ember that she barely recognized either of the humans in them. “You brought your folks here?” “We can’t stay long!” Benji shouted before brightening up with an idea. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the hospital is do you?” “Yeah, but a lot of good dragons, ponies, and changelings got attacked by these creatures, so unless she isn’t knocking on death’s door, you’d best look elsewhere.” “Is there another hospital nearby I don’t know about?!” “Calm down, pops! Some human girl came through one of these things and helped me out. She said she was going back home to help her ‘bros’ and ‘sisses’ or something. Maybe that’ll lead you in the right direction!” “And you know where that is?” Ember growled. While her patience with Benji was running thin, she knew that helping Alice out would be worth the trouble. Ember’s claws dug into the upper lip of the windshield, one of her hands pinning her scepter down on the roof. With a knelt leg on the roof and her wings held out, she stabilized herself further as Benji rocketed through the streets of Ponyville. Raichu flew beside the car, keeping an eye out for every creature that momentarily crossed the car’s path. Susan’s breathing was getting slightly hoarser as she had nothing but the admittedly beautiful night sky to keep her mind focused on other than her agony. “Hang in there, honey.” Benji sounded much calmer as his tension was transferred to his grip on the steering wheel. “We can’t be much farther now.” Leaving the street and entering into a small plaza, Ember spotted a portal up ahead, recognizing the blue and pink haired people on the other side of it and the matching tank-tops and shorts they wore. “There! It’s right there!” Letting go of the car, her wings pulled her off as the vehicle and Raichu continued on. “Good luck!” With dragons and transformed changelings alike doing battle against several hybrids on both sides of them, the path to the portal was clear. As they continued driving, Sam couldn’t help but notice a familiar looking girl with her Carracosta fighting against an Oricorio hybrid. Upon her turning around to check her behind, he finally recognized Olivia’s shopkeeper, filling him with a flurry of positive and negative emotions. Just as Raichu and the car shot through the portal into Po Town, Benji began to honk his horn once again, the Skull grunts filling the streets jumping and sprinting out of the way. Benji slowed his speed as he began to scope out the even newer surroundings. Almost out of nowhere, a Metang hybrid shot out from the left and punched its claw straight through the front wheel of the car, sending it spinning out to the right and crashing into a couple unaware and unprepared Skull grunts. Raichu immediately flew atop the car and pulled opposite of the spin, allowing it to come to a quicker stop, albeit now facing in the direction of the portal they had just come out of. Upon stopping, Raichu flew away from the area as fast as it could, crying out for help. Sam and Alice looked around at the scene where the grunts that the car had hit were now writhing upon the ground, their Pokémon nudging at them to get back up. The grunts and Pokémon who did manage to escape glared at the Metang hybrid as it stood back up. “Salandit,” a pink-haired grunt yelled, “Flamethrower!” “Mareanie,” a blue-haired grunt added in, “Liquidation!” A Salandit hopped upon the hood of Benji’s car, breathing flames out of its mouth which washed over the hybrid’s body. Blocking as much of its face as it could with its arms, the Metang hybrid couldn’t see as the Mareanie rocketed at it, its point colliding square with its chest and an explosion of water helping knock it back down to its back. The Salandit then hopped off the car to continue its assault while two Fomantises and a Spinarak ran across the hood to join them. With that danger averted, Alice leaned over in between the seats and looked to her still ailing mother. “Mom! Are you any more hurt?!” “Why…” Only one thing seemed to concern Susan at that moment. “…aren’t we moving?” Benji stepped on the gas pedal, only to find the vehicle lurching forward inches at a time accompanied with a terrible grinding sound. Even as he turned the steering wheel to pull a U-turn, he was discomfited by how loose and easy it was to turn. He then glanced out the window, seeing that the entire right wheel, tire and all, was now almost flat and facing up, forever useless. “No…” Another flooring of the pedal only produced a louder grind and only slightly faster speed. “No, NO!” Sam hissed as he reached for the door handle, only for Alice to pull his wrist away from it. “Sam, are you crazy! We can’t leave here!” “The car’s totaled!” he shouted. “At least outside we have a fighting chance!” Just then, the mass of Pokémon that attacked the Metang grunt almost appeared to explode off the ground where they were gathered. The grunts on the other side of the car were dumbfounded by what had happened, only to feel themselves get violently swept away by the same force. Sam and Alice quietly and nervously glanced out both windows, seeing the glowing eyes of two Pokémon on either side of the car. As they walked forward, they recognized them as a Hypno hybrid and an Espeon hybrid. Finally both hybrids lunged at the car, Sam and Alice screaming and closing their eyes as they awaited whatever fate they had in store. The only thing they heard or felt was a slight, muted thud against the sides as if some cushion blocked the blows. Looking back out the windows, the light inside the car perfectly illuminated a familiarly oily and colorful sludge that had accumulated along the sides of the car. The sludge further blocked their sights as the sounds of the hybrids roars of pain followed two incredibly strong strikes from whatever was protecting them. “Yo, Alice! Sam!” Recognizing the voice, Sam, Alice, and Benji looked back through the unblocked rear-view window to find Plumeria standing there with Raichu beside her. “Your Raichu looked all worried and stuff, so I rushed over to lend a hand.” “Who–” Benji stammered. “Who are you?! What is this?!” “Don’t trip, sir! Just a friend of who I presume are your kids! Where y’all heading anyway?” “Our mom’s been hurt!” Alice shouted back. “We need to get to a hospital!” “Well, I can tell you our hands are a bit full right now, but we can take you someplace else that can help!” “Unless you can get our car moving,” Benji angrily jeered back, “we’re pretty much stuck!” Suddenly, the car began to rock as if it were floating on water. The sludge then began to cover up the windshield, and as Benji watched it completely obscure his view forward, several pairs of eyes and a couple of smiles stared down at him, a muddy hand forming a thumbs up against it. With a sudden lurch, the car began to flow backwards down the street, the sludge getting tracked under from beneath sliding right back to the front to keep the motion going. Plumeria stepped aside as the Muk and Grimer-covered car swept passed them. She and Raichu then shared a look to each other as they followed the car close behind. Sam, Alice, and Benji shared an joyfully amazed glance to each other, Salazzle sliding into Sam’s lap as they enjoyed their trip. Benji, with nothing else to focus on, clasped his wife’s hand, both of them holding each others’ tight. “We’re almost there. For real this time.” Sam, Alice, and Salazzle looked through the back window, now facing forward. As Skull grunts saw the car come at them, neither could help but stand dumbfounded in its path for a moment before they realized they needed to move and did. They also found themselves facing an Oricorio hybrid and Kadabra hybrid. Before they could even have to wait for the blob of Grimers and Muks to defend them, Raichu flew into the Oriciorio hybrid with a hard Wild Charge. The Kadabra hybrid was blindsided by a Sharpedo, which flew away with its prey using the magnetic plates attached to it. Riding by the intersection where the Sharpedo came from, Sam and Alice spotted two Mossdeep employees and a Scrafty watching them pass. Turning to the right, the two siblings spotted another portal that they were being led to. With their goal in sight, the Grimer-Muk blob sped on faster toward it, Plumeria turning the corner right behind them. Just then, an Espeon hybrid, a Hypno hybrid, and a Slowbro hybrid ran out into her path to block her. With a grimace, she detached an Ultra Ball off her belt and chucked it out. “Out of my damn way!” she bellowed. “Toxapex, Pin Missle!” The energy of the ball shot out, Plumeria’s starfish Pokémon forming from it and falling towards the ground. Before it could land, water began to spray out the sides of its angled tentacles, allowing it to spin itself at the three hybrids. Without any further warning, several spikes detached themselves off the tentacles as they were hurled at all three hybrids. Despite the hybrids blocking as many of them as they could with their arms, the onslaught was relentless, continuing until all three were blown away and cleared Plumeria’s path back up. Before her Pokémon could fall back to the ground, Plumeria returned Toxapex back into its ball, not slowing down as Benji’s car neared the portal. Rockhoof smacked an Oranguru hybrid upside the chin with his shovel, disorienting it enough for Somnambula to kick it in the side of the head and away from her other friends. As Starswirl, Stygian, and Flash Magnus guarded Celestia, Mistmane and Mage Meadowbrook rallied several changelings to further block the advance of the hybrids that were able to evade Rockhoof and Somnambula. Even further outside their protective circle, Twilight, Lilligant, and Clefairy worked together to attack even more hybrids that tried to break through. Twilight and her Pokémon suddenly saw a large, amorphous shape arrive out from the portal from Po Town, making her gasp with worry. However, she was left only slightly bemused once the Grimer-Muk horde receded off of Benji’s car and return to Po Town, leaving the useless heap on the Canterlot palace floors. However, upon seeing the all-too-familiar Raichu enter through the portal, she gasped a second time, this time out of hope. The left door was thrown open, and from it, Alice swung herself out with Sam and his Salazzle following her out immediately after. “Sam! Alice!” Her calling of their names turned the heads of every pony and changeling in their direction. “They’re back already?!” Starswirl muttered. Three hybrids, a Slowking, a Metang, and an Espeon, upon noticing Sam and Alice outside, all charged the two at once. Sam detached a Poké Ball from his belt while pointing at the Metang hybrid. “Salazzle, Flame Charge!” With an exalted hiss, Salazzle sped off at the hybrid, its back awash with purple flames. Crashing head-first into it, Salazzle brought the hybrid down with a fiery burst. As the other two changelings continued their approach, Alice and Sam tossed out their next Poké Balls. “Mimikyu, Shadow Claw!” “Lurantis, Leaf Blade!” Both Pokémon came out of their balls and landed on the stone floors together. As Mimikyu charged the Espeon hybrid, the hybrid lashed its arm out to hurl a web of Psyshock bolts at Mimikyu, busting its disguise. Undeterred, Mimikyu leapt up and lashed at the Espeon hybrid with both of its long, black claws, striking its face and chest. Lurantis ran at the Slowking hybrid, who shot an Ice Beam attack from its mouth. With a leap and twirl, Lurantis dodged the attack from above, continuing its rotations to slash at the hybrid using its momentum. The Oranguru hybrid that had been attacked by Rockhoof and Somnambula recovered, beating its chest with its fists and roaring before charging at Sam and Alice’s Pokémon. Benji kicked the door to the car open and threw his Poké Ball out into the fray. “Hawlucha, Throat Chop!” Benji’s wrestling bird soared out from its ball, quickly passing Sam and Alice and flying the bar of its wing into the front of the Oranguru’s neck. As the Oranguru grasped its neck, its eyes bulging as it tried to breathe, Plumeria rushed out from the portal next, tossing an Ultra Ball out. “Gengar, Dark Pulse!” Plumeria’s cheeky ghost Pokémon appeared from its ball, its grinning mouth opening up wide as it shot a black orb of aura at the Oranguru’s head, the strike knocking it out cold. “Hey!” Plumeria shouted. “Any one of you know where we can find medical assistance?” “Medical…?!” Mage Meadowbrook broke from Mistmane and the changelings as she rushed toward Plumeria, leaving the others to watch. Taking the hint, Benji ran back around the car and opened up the passenger’s side door, preparing to pull Susan out. Plumeria went on the opposite side of the door to help Susan out. Sam and Alice came back around to monitor their mother as Benji and Plumeria laid her down. Upon arriving by Susan’s side, Mage Meadowbrook was aghast at her horrific scars. “Egads! What happened to her?!” “One of those bastard hybrid things dug its claws into our mom,” Sam explained. “A unicorn friend of Starlight’s helped cauterize the wound, but she still needed medical attention.” “She certainly does!” Mage Meadowbrook tugged at her frock with her teeth, undoing the drawstring of a bag tied to her body and letting it drop to the floor. Rumaging through her bag with her face, she pulled out a large vial of slighty-glowing green liquid. Handing it to Benji, he looked at it, almost confused at what to do. “Am I supposed to make her drink this?” he asked. “Yeah,” Alice answered to him before turning to her mom. “It’s not poison mom, trust me. I’ve already had some of her medicine, and you’re going to feel real good. Dad, now!” Pulling the cork off the top, Benji carefully brought the vial toward Susan’s lips. With a reluctant parting of her mouth, Benji poured the vial’s content’s inside, filling her mouth halfway. As Susan swallowed, the other ponies and changelings came to gather around Susan to see to her further. After a few seconds, Susan’s breathing began to relax and get quieter, surprising her greatly. “What… what did that stuff just do?” “Easy now. I have to imagine that wound must have caused some internal bleeding,” she explained. “That potion is helping neutralize the blood in your system while clotting any spots the cauterization didn’t heal. It’s also a strong pain reliever too. We’ll still need to get to a hospital once most of this chaos blows over, whenever that may be.” “That’s… wonderful…” Susan reached to the mare, who allowed her to take her hoof. “Thank you.” “No need to thank me! And while we’re on the subject of ‘wonderful,’ I just want to say that you two have raised the most amazin’ kids.” “You don’t need to tell us twice,” Benji responded, still humbled. As the other ponies stood proudly for their friends, the voice of Flash Magnus called out from behind them. “Hey, guys! We stopped those creature things, but more are coming!” As the others turned back, they saw two more hybrids appear from the portal further down the hall. As well, the Metang hybrid and the Slowking hybrid began to stand back up to face the ponies all gathered around Susan. Before Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon could stand up and face the hybrids to continue the fight, the sound of a Poké Ball bursting open sounded off accompanied with its energy shooting between Alice and Sam. It formed into Susan’s Meowstic, Benji’s Hawlucha fluttering down to join its side. Sam and Alice looked back to find Susan put her arm back down, her Poké Ball still in her hand. “Sam, Alice, just get back home. You have your own friends to save.” “But…” Sam could hardly believe it. “We’re not leaving without you!” “We’ll be just fine,” Benji assured them. “It looks like we’re in perfectly good company.” Rockhoof, Mistmane, and Flash Magnus all nodded affirmatively as Celestia stepped forward. “We will protect your parents with our lives. We owe you at least that much. Now, please take Twilight back to your world and help your friends like your mother said.” Despite their assurances, Sam couldn’t feel comfortable leaving until he felt Plumeria’s firm hand on his shoulder. “I’ll cover your six. I think that portal those two just came through will take us right back.” Twilight hummed and nodded. “She’s right. Let’s not waste any more time.” Turning back to the direction of the other portal, they saw as Hawlucha and Meowstic aptly took the Slowking and Metang hybrids back down to the ground. With their path no longer blocked, Alice, Sam, Plumeria, Twilight, and their Pokémon ran toward the portal. Once they were halfway between the ponies and the changelings fending off the two new hybrids, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but stop and turn back one last time. As the ponies shared another glance back to their friends, Sam breathed in, almost unsure if these were the words he wanted to leave on, until… “Thank you!” With calming farewell smiles levied to him, his sister, and their Pokémon, Sam felt more comfortable with running back to the portal that would return them to Hau’oli City. Alice, Plumeria, and their Pokémon came close behind. Ahead, a Bruxish hybrid pushed its face at the head of a changeling who struggled to push it back with its hooves. As well, a Hypno hybrid had two changelings held in its torturous Psychic grasp. Lurantis swung its scythe arm clean between the Bruxish’s jaw, the force throwing it off the changeling. Mimikyu grasped the Hypno hybrid with both its shadowy arms, holding it up just as tightly and painfully as it did to the changelings it was forced to free. With nowhere to move, Raichu was given an easy target as it slammed the bottom of its tail into the hybrid’s head in a particularly forceful Wild Charge. With Sam, Alice, Plumeria, Twilight and the others rejoining Lurantis, Mimikyu, and Raichu, all of them rushed into the portal, appearing before Spike, Capper, Rarity and Shining Armor, who appeared to be alone. Reunited, Spike and Shining Armor hugged Twilight tight as Capper and Rarity came to greet the humans and their Pokémon. “Fancy meeting you guys here!” Capper chuckled. “Glad to receive some extra assistance.” “Though it doesn’t look like we need much of any,” Rarity spoke up. “Our horde of monsters took off into that portal after we proved too much of a match for them.” “Guys!” Facing off down the road, everyone gathered noticed Pinkie Pie and Skystar quickly coming at them. To Sam’s dismay, both creatures looked exhausted and scuffed. “Guys! What happened?” Skystar sheepishly pointed behind her. “Um… they happened.” Looking past them, they spotted six hybrids forming a tight wall between both edges of the road. Among them, there were two Kadabra hybrids, an Espeon hybrid, a Slowking hybrid, a Bruxish hybrid, and an Oranguru hybrid. Alice and Plumeria scooted over to let Pinkie Pie and Skystar scurry back within their ranks. “You don’t mind helping out a friend in need, do you?” Pinkie Pie asked. Alice grinned, humored by the irony. “That’s exactly why we’re here!” At once, Sam’s Lurantis and Salazzle, Alice’s Raichu and Mimikyu, Plumeria’s Gengar, and Twilight’s Lilligant and Clefable all came forward to form the front line of defense against the approaching hybrids. With their instant increase in numbers, Pinkie Pie and Skystar felt safe to smile confidently once again. “Well,” Plumeria said, “we outnumber these guys, so what’s say we rush ‘em all real quick?” “Sounds like a great plan to me,” Sam purred. “Alright guys! Attack!” *TOUNHK* A large bone club ricocheted off the head of one of the Kadabra hybrids, knocking it out cold before its back could hit the ground. As the others tried to follow the bone bouncing back up to where it had been thrown, another shape swooped down to catch it, landing on the ground in a recoil-reducing kneel. Skystar spotted the creature first. “What the heck is that thing?” Sam and Alice readily recognized the Alolan Marowak, and as it began to stand straighter, the ends of its bone torched up with blue fire. It then intimidatingly twirled the bone beside and around its body. With one hand holding the bar of its bone along its shoulders, it held its other hand out to beckon them forward. “Whose Pokémon could that be?” Pinkie Pie wondered aloud. Just then, a raptor bird’s screech split the sky from directly above, prompting the others to look up. Soaring down on bright orange wings with black tips was indeed a large bird with a grey body carrying down what appeared to be its trainer. Upon landing down, the trainer’s features appeared more defined in the light of the streetlamps. His most defining feature was his brown skin, a few shades darker than Hau’s. Along with his black tank top, revealing a tribal tattoo on both of his shoulders, he wore a pair of fashionably ripped red jeans and leather sandals. His darker brown hair was spiked upwards with large streaks of red like a bonfire. As his bird fluttered beside him, he stood next to his Marowak and flipped a baton about, both ends catching one of the fires from his Pokémon’s bone and lighting it up as well. While the others were surprised to see this sudden ally land in to help them, Plumeria huffed and smiled as she put her hands to her hips. “Welcome home… Kiawe.” Sam and Alice gasped with realization. “Hold on!” Sam sputtered. “I recognize that name. You’re the one Flannery was covering for!” “That’s right.” The young man Plumeria named Kiawe turned back to look at them with a serious face. “It looks as though you were struggling a bit against these monsters, so we arrived with reinforcements!” “We…” The seas sounded strangely louder than before, and as Sam, Alice, and all the others glanced southward, they suddenly noticed something incredibly off. Closing in between the eastern bay and the docks were dozens of Laprases, each one carrying at least two Pokémon on its back, including Trevenants, Pinsirs, Carbinks, Kadabras, and Klefkis. Flying in a thick swarm directly above them were an even more diverse array of Pokémon, among them Skarmories, Drifblims, Metangs, and others, including white sugar gliders with yellow wings, green bipedal insects with large scythed arms, and seagulls with a small body and long, skinny wings. As the horde came closer to Hau’oli Beach, Lillie and Gladion turned from their spot on the street to see their help arrive. Standing atop the Lapras in the very front was a rotund man with a white wifebeater, tattered green shorts, and a straw hat covering his messy medium-length hair. Lillie whimpered at the unbelievable sight. “Father…” Spotting his son and daughter in his sights, Mohn removed the hat from his head and threw his arm forward, using it to point the way. “Go, my Pokémon! Save them!” His Lapras sped on ahead, prompting the others to increase their own speeds as well. Above, the flying Pokémon soared out quicker toward the island, diving down as they reached the shores of the beach. The Dexio hybrid, Bruxish hybrid, and Slowking hybrid roared at the oncoming creatures as they began to swarm. A couple of sugar gliders landed upon the Bruxish hybrid, showering it with sparks as it struggled to pull them off. A scythed bug and a small black crow with a ruffled crest of feathers like a crooked pork-pie hat both tackled and slashed at the Slowking hybrid. Over a dozen Pokémon ran into the Dexio hybrid at once, throwing it into the side of a building. While still amazed by the sight, Kaj, Mina, and Hapu turned to Chrysalis, Cocoon, Trixie, and Thorax, and after a nod to each other, they all ran west down the street, eager to let Mohn’s wild Pokémon fight in their stead for the time being, gathering with their Pokémon on the other side. Sun, Lillie, and Gladion ran down the steps to the beach as Mohn’s Lapras finally slid onto the shallows. Lillie could not hold in her cries as Mohn hopped off his Lapras’s shell, ready to greet his approaching daughter. Throwing his arms open, Lillie nearly jumped face-first into his bosom, Mohn catching his daughter and holding his ground as she hugged him back. “Father!” she wailed. Mohn smiled as Sun and Gladion stopped near him, amazed to see him in the flesh. “It’s okay, Lillie I’m here.” “Mother…” Mohn's soft, warm smile hardened into a frown, wondering what Lillie could possibly have to say about Lusamine. “She’s gone… She died trying to help us!” “Lusy… No, she couldn’t have…” Mohn then glanced back to his son and his friend, Gladion unable to look him in the eye as Sun forced a stoic, confirming nod. His mouth parted open in sadness, and with a firmer, tighter grip on his flesh and blood, his voice broke as he tried to withhold his own cries. With several deep breaths, he seemed to have calmed himself down. Behind him, the other Laprases were close to land now. “Unforgivable…” Grabbing his straw hat by the top, he gripped it hard enough to crush it. Looking back up, he saw as the Dexio hybrid up on the street appeared to deal with the flying Pokémon easier than the other two hybrids near him. Finally, the Laprases ran up the wet sand, the Pokémon having rode them in all leaping down. Mohn dropped his hat and threw a pointed finger upward. “Attack, my Pokémon! Show these devils no mercy!” Having already gotten into a run, Lillie, Gladion and Sun shielded their faces as the feet and paws of each Pokémon picked up sand, whipping it all about. Mohn then looked up at Necrozma, who looked back at him with a furious scowl. Necrozma scanned its eyes over Hau’oli City. As more of Mohn’s Pokémon arrived by air and sea, they began to spread over the streets, reaching the groups of Equestrians, humans, and their Pokémon as they dealt with the hybrid menace. At the ship shed, Celaeno crossed both blades and pushed back as hard as she could to block the shove of a Metang hybrid’s arm. “Oricorio!” Kahili shouted. “Revelation Dance!” Holding its wings up, the Baile-style Oricorio clapped them together, flames bursting between them. It then swung them down and up, creating two bands of fire that crashed into the Metang hybrid, knocking it away. Celaeno leapt backwards to join Kahili’s side. Just as the Metang hybrid took the first steps to attack them both, a Lapras rode in with a Pinsir on its back, which leapt onto the platform, charging the Metang hybrid and tackling it down with its horns clamped around it. With the Pinser and Metang hybrid thrashing on the ground, Celaeno, Kahili, and her Oricorio rushed outside to let the insect deal with the hybrid itself. There, they spotted Lana and Mallow with their Cloyster and Tseereena backing away as wild Pokémon filled the streets throughout the city, two Emolgas swooping down and showering an Oricorio hybrid with twin Thundershocks, the hybrid too weak to catch itself as it fell back off the side and into the water where it was promptly Ice Beamed by an awaiting Lapras. Looking behind them, Lana and Mallow spotted Kahili and Celaeno running over to join them. “Guys!” Mallow shouted. “What’s going on here?!” “If they’re on our side,” Celaeno mused aloud, “perhaps its best to leave those questions unanswered.” “I saw Pinkie Pie and that bird-horse thing get chased off!” Lana worriedly spoke up. “We should help them!” As the four humans and three Pokémon bolted off, Kahili looked at the wild Pokémon filling the air. “I’ll bet money they’re getting plenty of help too.” Necrozma growled, the amount of Mohn’s Pokémon filling the skies obscuring its view. What it could spot included more of the wild Pokémon rushing into portals wherever they found them, no doubt helping every creature, Equestrian or earthly inside. It hardly mattered, with the Pokémon having spread themselves throughout the entire city, the humans, their Pokémon, and the Equestrians fighting its hybrid army seemed to become idle, watching as the wild creatures dealt with them themselves. Sensing a sudden disturbance, it looked westward, spotting a bright blue light flying over the water, headed right for the city. Turning around to the east, it spotted two similar lights colored magenta and green headed in the same direction. Necrozma rotated itself back toward Hau’oli once again, hanging its head in mounting rage. With a ear-splitting shriek, it flapped its arms only a few times, getting several stories up into the air on that alone. With its eyes locked west of the wrecked Aether yacht where Hau and Tapu Koko stood by with Fizzlepop and Grubber, it let itself fall, tilting so that it dove headfirst. Picking up fearsome speeds, it began to pull up to fly over the city, its eyes never once leaving its infernal target. > Chapter 83 – Turning the Tide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam, Alice, their friends, and their Pokémon all stood still as they watched Mohn’s makeshift army of wild Pokémon easily deter, block, and attack the several hybrids near them. Kiawe pulled two Ultra Balls off of his belt and aimed them at his two Pokémon beside him. “Marowak, Talonflame, return!” The two beams from each ball shot out from the center buttons and connected with both creatures, converting them into energy before they receded inside. He then turned and ran back to join the others behind him, though could not take his eyes off the Equestrians mingled amongst the humans. “I supposed I’ve missed quite a bit since I left.” “Understatement of the century,” Capper huffed, crossing his arms. “Guys!” Each creature turned the other direction to spot Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Gilda running out at them. Upon approaching the group, Gilda’s legs stopped her several feet from the humans and Pokémon, unable to fight off a skittish face. “What in the hay are you things?” Rainbow Dash was quick to pick up on her nervousness. “Gilda, it’s okay! These guys are all our friends.” Gilda seemed instantly pacified for the most part, but still kept up a suspicious expression. “All of them?” “It’s a long story,” Pinkie Pie said, “and I’ll be sure to make it a quick one, even for me. You see, it was last week when we came over to Twilight for hayburgers and–” A piercing shriek nearly split the sky, forcing each creature in the group to put their hands, talons, claws, or hooves over the sides of their heads to block the deafening sound. Kiawe turned and looked up to spot the source of the cry, seeing the horrendously large visage of Necrozma in the sky above where Ten Karat Island once stood. “Necrozma,” Watching it beat its wings to pick up altitude, he felt compelled to let his hands fall loose to their sides. “It's…” “Yes.” Twilight grunted. “It’s returned.” “Wait…” Gilda wondered. “Who?” “That’s another really long story,” Pinkie Pie spoke in again, “but I’ll be sure to make it a–” “Forget it! Is it a friend or foe?” Before any of them could answer the griffon, they were stunned silent to watch as Necrozma dove vertically for the ground, pulling up to fly low over the street where Hau was currently located. Just as the ancient being was about fly beneath her and her friends, Cocoon charged her horn quickly and teleported away just as fast. Chrysalis looked around, unaware that her sister actually left. “Cocoon?” Hau, Marshadow, Pangoro, along with Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Tapu Koko glanced up at Necrozma as a bright, golden light filled its mouth, spilling out past its lips. It then hocked the bright orb out from its maw and sent it down toward the group. Fizzlepop stood petrified as her horn’s sparkle completely extinguished in the attack’s wake as Hau tensed up as hard as he could to create a protective shield for them all. Just then, Cocoon appeared in front of them all, her horn still charging red. The aura spread out until a dome formed around all seven creatures, the orb striking it shortly after. Upon colliding, the orb burst open and blasted a pillar of light in both directions, shattering Cocoon’s shield. The force of the pillar striking the ground threw them all back down toward the street. As Pangoro caught Fizzlepop and Grubber, Tapu Koko swooped in and snatched Cocoon before she could tumble to the ground. Marshadow formed into a blanket-like shroud, swirling around Hau and leaving a few inches of room for his body. Upon hitting the street again, Marshadow bounced Hau down as Pangoro slid back with the unicorn and porcupine in its grasp. The explosion also blew both halves of the Aether yacht out at Kaj, Mina, Hapu, and the three Equestrians behind them. On the beach, Sun and Gladion threw themselves onto their stomachs while Mohn threw Lillie and himself onto the sand to avoid the spray of debris flying overhead. Kaj screamed as she fell to her knees and cowered at the sight of the debris headed in her and her friends’ direction. Mega Mohuku ran out in front of the group and spun around to turn its back to the halves of the boat flying at it. Each of the bulbs on its back burst open, spraying out a haze of leaves that scattered past the oncoming wreckage. Then, with a faster spin and a half, its tail fanned the leaves out toward the ocean, the force managing to carry the broken pieces of ship safely off. Mina, Hapu, Chrysalis, their Pokémon, Thorax, and Trixie stared amazed as their eyes traced the ship halves as they crashed back into the sea, narrowly hitting two Laprases still wading farther from the shore. With the crisis averted, they all looked back out to the west, watching as Necrozma attempted to survey the damage it caused. Sam, Alice, and everyone in their group stared slack-jawed at the sheer power their enemy possessed. “Yep,” Gilda gulped. “Definitely foe.” “Fizzlepop! Hau!” Alice broke away from her group and reached for another Poké Ball off her belt, her Mimikyu and Raichu following her. Rainbow Dash swooped around and landed in front of Alice’s path, bringing her to a stop. “Whoa Alice, hold up! You can’t go out there alone!” “That son of a bitch bastard might have killed them! I have to see if they’re–” “If you go alone, that thing will definitely kill you too! This is going to sound really rotten coming from me, but we’re all going to need to stick together right now if we’re going to survive this thing ourselves!” Alice’s breathing quickened and shuddered, but Twilight’s voice brought her to face the rest of her group. “Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash is right. At least with these wild Pokémon fighting these hybrid things, we can focus all our energy on Necrozma now.” Another screech sounded off to the west. Flying away from the island, Necrozma spotted the blue eastward light about to fly beneath it. Squinting in concentration, it aimed its body down where the light would travel, shrinking down into a thin, lustrous spear of light that suddenly rocketed down at the ocean, impeccably striking the point of the blue light with its own body. With a screech in pain, Tapu Fini was forced out of the aura it traveled on, blacking out for only a moment. In the moment it regained consciousness, it screamed once again to find the Tapunium Z that it was holding now sinking to into the depths. Though stunned at Necrozma’s sudden disappearance, Shining Armor took the initiative to lead their group on. “Let’s go. We’ll gather the others along the way. Hopefully our friends on the other side of the city are doing the same.” With Shining Armor cantering down the street, the others were instantly compelled to follow him. With Rainbow Dash, Alice, and her Pokémon leading the back, they had to run at a faster pace to catch up. As Marshadow uncoiled off of Hau and reformed, Pangoro let Fizzlepop and Grubber slide off of it onto their hooves and feet while Tapu Coco set a visibly exhausted Cocoon onto her own hooves. Hau got back onto his feet, his hand over his chest as he felt the soreness return. “Is everyone okay?” “I think so,” Grubber answered. “If it weren’t for Cocoon’s sweet save just then, we would have probably gotten burnt to crisps!” Hau then glanced to the changeling queen, keeping his eyes on the amulet she now bore. “Cocoon… That was magic you used to save us… How did you–” “This artifact amplifies the user’s magical capabilities to unspeakable levels,” she panted. “It appears that it’s even useful against these Psychic Pokémon. But that blast… was stronger than anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t know if I can possibly–” “Guys!” The shout came from two directions at different times. Hau and the others looked straight ahead down the street, seeing Kaj, Hapu, and Mina running at them with their Pokémon and Chrysalis, Thorax, and Trixie right behind. Coming up from the beach were Sun, Mohn, Lillie, and Gladion. “Everyone!” Hau gasped. “You’re not hurt yourselves, are you?” “Not at all,” Thorax said, “thanks to Kaj’s Pokémon.” Despite the chaos all around them, Kaj and Mega Mohuku were left flushed by the changeling’s kind remarks. Suddenly, a green beam and a magenta beam soared overhead to the western part of the city. Tapu Koko kept its eyes on both with intense precision, enough to alert Hau and Hapu. Mohn looked up at the corners of the buildings that both beams disappeared behind. “Were those the…” “I summoned the island guardians to lend us the power to defeat Necrozma,” Hau quickly explained. “Looks like they finally arrived.” “If that’s true, then where’s Tapu Fini?” Hapu ran westward and looked out as far as the tops of the buildings would allow her. “Tapu… no…” Necrozma propelled itself at Tapu Fini with its psychic powers, who warded it away with a large current that it conjured up before trapping it inside of a whirlpool that it was quick to break free from. Transforming back into its light spear, it jutted into Tapu Fini once again, hitting it square in its gut. Tapu Fini flipped through the air and rested at a stop, floating unconsciously about. Just before its eyes could close, it noticed a glimmer of light sparkle out of the darkness, jolting itself awake. Out from the deep, a School-form Wishiwashi rushed up at Necrozma from below, the mouth-formation opening wide to clamp it tight and swim up and away from it. Below the left eye, a single Wishiwashi broke free from its school with a glimmer in its mouth. Swimming up to Tapu Fini, the fish revealed the Tapunium Z that it and its brethren had managed to save, dropping it into the guardian Pokémon’s hands. Tapu Fini and the lone Wishiwashi then looked over and saw as Necrozma broke the entire school apart with a powerful Dragon Pulse, freeing itself. With a quick thankful warble to its helper, Tapu Fini lifted itself to the surface of the sea, bursting through it and flying back east to find Hapu. Nanu’s Z-Ring began to glow green, at first confusing both him and Acerola. Just then, the green beam from the east soared over the center of the city and over toward them. As it got closer and slowed down, Tapu Bulu revealed itself inside, the Tapunium Z clasped into its cloven hoof hands. Floating down before him, the guardian held its arms out, Nanu feeling compelled to hold his own hands out. Tapu Bulu dropped the Tapunium Z into his hands, leaving Nanu and Acerola to stare at it with wonder and intrigue. “What kind of Z-Crystal is that?” Acerola wondered. Nanu frowned in determination. “The one that will save this world and theirs…” “Ace! Nanu!” Plumeria’s voice prompted Acerola, Tapu Bulu, and the Kahuna to turn to her direction. Upon spotting Sam and Alice’s massive group coming at them, all three were shocked into taking a step back. “We followed that light in the sky over here,” Pinkie Pie said, sending her gaze over to the island guardian. “You’re the only thing that hasn’t been here all night, so I’m gonna’ say that was you just now.” “What are you guys up to,” Nanu grumbled. “I need to get with the other Kahunas right away!” Spike mounted Twilight, making sure he could be seen and heard. “We figured as much, that’s why we’re going with you.” “Yeah!” several of the Equestrians loudly agreed. “Then we gotta’ hurry!” Acerola ran two steps forward, waiting for the others to continue on at the same pace. “Necrozma just attacked one of the guardians, but it escaped, which means–” A roaring splash emerged out to the west, appearing like a large, golden bubble rising out from the ocean as water flowed off of Necrozma’s wings. Flying higher over the city, it quickly floated over Sam and Alice’s group, staring at them with the implied promise of a quick, graceless annihilation should either of them so much as make a move in any direction. Just up north, Tapu Lele, Luna, Olivia, and her Lycanroc stared up at Necrozma, clearly having found its prey. Olivia, fearing whoever was soon to be subject to Necrozma’s wrath, clutched the Tapunium Z her island guardian had given her in her hand. “Olivia!” The four creatures looked off and found Sun, Hau, Hapu, and their groups all running up to her. Quickly doing a head-count with her eyes glancing over all familiar faces, spotting Sophocles, Molayne, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon among them, Olivia sighed to see all were accounted for. As Hau and Hapu came closer with their island guardians right beside them, the Z-Crystals in Olivia and Hapu’s hands, along with the one placed on the side of his Z-Ring, began to glow rather intensely, surprising their groups into a stop. Olivia gasped as she looked to her Z-Crystal, which began to swirl with luminous energy. As Necrozma kept his eyes on Sam, Alice, and their group, its eyes were instantly caught by the sudden glow of the Z-Crystal Nanu was now holding on to. With a worried huff, Necrozma darted its head to the north, seeing Hau, Olivia, and Hapu with their island guardians now together. With another shrill cry, it spun around to face the northern group, transforming into a light spear to attack with another Smart Strike attack, flying between a large gap between the taller buildings As the members of the northern group turned, they found that Necrozma was well-over halfway to them. Before Necrozma’s spear form could collide with either of them, a small explosion of sparks erupted before them, a scuffed and bloodied Zeraora appearing out from it. With a tremendous roar and reel back of its plasma fist, it punched forward, the knuckles of its paw hitting the Necrozma’s tip square on. A shockwave burst into the faces of the humans, Equestrians, and Pokémon behind them, forcing them all to fall back onto each other. Despite Necrozma’s size and force, Zeraora’s strength alone stopped its advance. The plasma that had formed on its fist began to spread off and all over Necrozma’s body, splitting and branching off into bands of lightning. As Necrozma howled in pain, Zeraora shouted through its own, following through on its punch and sending Necrozma flying back over where it came. “First Impression!” Leaping straight up from the roofs of one of the buildings was a familiar Golisopod, digging its claws into the small of Necrozma’s back and throwing it straight up. Looking to their right, the northern group saw as Guzma, Ilima, and his Gumshoos watched as Golisopod’s strike continued to send Necrozma higher up, surprising several of them. “Guzma!” Molayne exclaimed. “Good to have you with us again.” “I left? News to me.” Guzma watched as his Golisopod fell back down onto the building it sprung off of and returned to him to join the rest of the northern group. Reaching the apex of its hangtime, Necrozma kept itself levitated in the air, slowly tilting itself upright and floating westward away from the city to be able to see both groups equally. The only thing separating both groups from each other now were a few hybrids from its army on the north/south stretch of road along the western side of Hau’oli, all of whom were still at the mercy of Mohn’s wild Pokémon. Hau stepped up to the front of his group with Tapu Koko. “Guys, keep moving! Nanu’s just across the way!” Hau and his group began to run forward toward the left turn, the group south of them beginning to do the same. Before anyone could turn, Necrozma roared and threw its wings out, two massive wormholes appearing at the ends of both intersections. Out from the portals, two incredibly strong gusts blowing waves of sand erupted from both, hitting both groups and holding their advance off. Sam brought out his Aegislash, who immediately held its shield up to block its trainer and everyone directly behind him. “That’s hot!” Plumeria summoned her Toxapex, who stood on two of its tentactles to let her stand behind it and shield anyone behind her while looking through one of the gaps at Necrozma. “What are you planning?” Cocoon raced through her group to join Hau’s side, using the magic of the Alicorn Amulet to create a shield large enough to cover everyone there. As she pushed against the gale’s force, the rest of the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians advanced with her. It was then that Necrozma let out another screech, its body turning bright enough that it appeared like a white silhouette against the night sky. Suddenly, each and every hybrid on the streets of Hau’oli began to shine in the same intense glow, the wild Pokémon attacking them backing up out of fright. Then, one by one, the hybrids began to shrink and collapse down at a single point near their chests, disappearing into the pinprick of a void Necrozma had created for them. As Mistmane lifted Susan up onto a stretcher being carried by Rockhoof and Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Starswirl, Stygian, and several of the changelings continued battling against the hybrids still in the castle. It was then that the bodies of the hybrids began to glow, disappearing within themselves shortly after. Starswirl and the others were left frozen by what had happened, unsure of whether they were victorious or soon to experience something far worse. “Guys!” Running out from another hallway, Boyle, Mullet, Spittle, and Squabble emerged, their faces as morbidly confused as the other Equestrians in the hall. “Those black Pokémon things just disappeared!” “We realize!” A changeling shouted out. “But those portals are still here!” “In any case,” Celestia spoke, “now would be a good time to take this human to a hospital.” “Human?” The four parrots ran over toward Susan as she began to get pulled away by Rockhoof and Flash Magnus. With the remaining ponies and Equestrians following closeby, the parrots had trouble getting through. As they spotted her and Benji running beside the two ponies carrying his wife, Squabble squawked loudly in surprise at the appearance of two new humans. “Where’d they come from?” Spittle asked to anyone around. “These are Sam and Alice’s folks!” Mage Meadowbrook replied. “The missus took a really nasty blow to the tummy, and her hubby and those two kids of theirs managed to bring her to us.” Mullet huffed a deeply respectful sigh. “Those two will never cease to amaze me.” As they exited the palace, Susan glanced back as far as her eyes could allow her, unsure of what they were about to escape from in such a hurry. Ember, her dragon army, and several changelings, several still in the forms of the creatures they transformed into, stopped their fighting as the hybrids came to a standstill, their bodies filling with light before they vanished seemingly out of existence. As they all began to leave, several ponies still out and about hugged one another, glad for their brief nightmare to be seemingly over. Ember glanced around at her surroundings, no longer a single hybrid in sight. She did spot Carly and her Carracosta, who were also left stunned by the sudden, random thing that had occurred. Ember ran to her, weaving around the various creatures stopped in her tracks. “You there, human!” Several creatures had already turned their heads, Carly included. “Find whatever portal you came from and get back home. I have a feeling something bad’s about to happen.” Carly breathed heavily as she considered Ember’s words, but without further delay, she stepped back with her Poké Ball aimed at her Carracosta, the red beam returning it inside. Looking up, she gave Ember a nod. “Thank you.” She spun around immediately after, bolting off and looking for any portal that would return her to Konikoni City. Ember stood still as she watched her off. At each point where a slight glimmer remained in Hau’oli City where the hybrids stood, winding roots of light began to shoot off in all directions, several of them connecting and attaching to the wild Pokémon. The tendrils continued to spread out, targeting each and every wild Pokémon nearby and afar, including the Laprases in the sea and every bird and insect Pokémon flying above. Hau’s group looked safely past Cocoon’s magical dome, watching as the Pokémon struggled frantically to break free of Necrozma’s hold on them. Mohn pressed his hands against the inside, deeply upset by Necrozma’s treatment of the creatures. “No… it’s going to kill them too!” “No,” Mina answered. “That’s not how this thing rolls.” “What do you mean?” “Burnet told us herself that she used Necrozma’s powers to send Sam and Alice away into a wormhole. They had them in the palm of their hands; they could have killed those two at any time.” “What are you saying, then?” By now, the entire area city had Necrozma’s roots of light spread throughout it. Virtually every Pokémon save for those owned by a trainer was caught in its grasp. Necrozma then threw its wings up, another wormhole appearing above it, though spreading out to become twice its size. The humans, Equestrians, and their Pokémon all stared up, amazed once again by what their enemy was capable of. Suddenly, the Pokémon caught in the tendrils all began to glow until they appeared to become one with their bonds. On both the north and south sides of the city, the roots were all pulled up at once as they floated toward the wormhole. As they neared it, they began to spiral around into two straight beams as they were both sucked in. Every inch of the light was brought into the portal, closing as soon as it all went in. As well, the two portals pushing the groups back were closed up too, bringing with it a strange, eerie silence. Soon, there wasn’t a single creature out in the city other than the trainers, Equestrians, their Pokémon, and a now coolly confident Necrozma surveying them all. As Celestia, the Pillars, the changelings, and the parrot pirates raced through the empty streets of Canterlot, a bright, solar-like light erupted out high in the sky. As the light dimmed, a massive portal appeared from it, facing down over the center of the tallest spire in Celestia’s palace. Fearful of what could be coming out from it, all creatures stopped and turned to face it, prepared to fight whatever would emerge whether they were ready or not. To their surprise, however, hundreds of large bright beams began to rain out from the portal, several soaring down to the bottom of the cliff Canterlot overlooked while dozens of others shot and whizzed around the rooftops all across the Equestrian capitol. A couple of the beams struck the street and the rooftops of the building, causing them to burst and unveil a Pokémon who suddenly glanced about their foreign surroundings. Benji glanced its eyes upon several of them, including a Carbink, a Trevenant, and a Wingull. “All Pokémon… but why?” Mage Meadowbrook read their faces as more appeared in the city around them, reading confusion rather than agitation on all of their faces. “That Necrozma thing your kids were talkin’ about must be bringing them here for some reason, but they don’t look vicious or anything!” “She’s right,” Somnambula agreed. “We must continue toward the hospital! Sam and Alice’s mother depends on it!” As they galloped on, the group was now forced to avoid the beams and the Pokémon appearing from them as they continued to be forcibly relocated from their world. Susan looked up at the sky, the beams racing across like shooting stars. Despite the supposed lack of danger she, Benji, and the others were in, she could only imagine what danger would soon befall her children back home. With the first stage of Necrozma’s plan finished, Cocoon relinquished her barrier spell while Plumeria let her Toxapex back down as Aegislash put its cloth arm around Sam’s, ready for the battle that was about to unfold. Necrozma fanned its wings out, a glimmer shining off the bars. Though no wind was produced, the closest portal pillars by it were snuffed like candlelight, and the next farthest ones were also blown out of existence, both groups on either side taking notice. Alice gasped as she watched one go out right behind her, reaching out for the portal to Canterlot she knew she’d never make it to. “No! Mom, Dad!” “Don’t worry about them,” Celaeno assured her. “Starswirl should know how to bring them back here like he did with us.” “Plus,” Twilight added, “as long as they’re not in the same world as this thing, they’re as safe as they can possibly be.” Alice looked back forwards forlornly, having no other choice but to acknowledge the objective truth in their words. With the portals, as well as Mohn’s Pokémon all gone from the world, the only thing left for everyone to face was Necrozma itself, and all that separated each group from each other was a few-hundred feet and a single turn at their intersections. However, before either side could make any kind of advance, Necrozma shone bright for the final time, causing two pairs of bright lights to shine before and behind both groups. As the flash subdued, not a single creature in either group could withhold their terror as they suddenly faced over a dozen hybrids, all appearing rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to take them on. With growling going on behind the north group as well, Grubber turned slowly around before whipping himself to face the other side, spotting several more hybrids, the Dexio one included, ready to flank them. “Guys! Behind you!” Alice, Twilight, and Spike noticed noises behind their group as well, turning around to spot yet another group of hybrids there. As Twilight and Spike detached their Poké Balls from their clips, Raichu and Mimikyu raced forward to become their first line of defense. Joining them were Shining Armor, Celaeno, Capper, Rarity, Kahili, and Kiawe, the latter two’s hands already on their Ultra Balls. Twilight, Spike, Kahili, and Kiawe let their balls fly, sending out Mismagius, Blacephalon, Mandibuzz, and an Alolan Marowak, shuffling in beside Raichu and Mimikyu. As Sam and Aegislash and Lurantis ran to the front of their lines, he turned around and aimed a Poké Ball at his Salazzle. “Sorry, girl. Not this time.” As the red beam of the ball shot out, Salazzle stopped with a surprised expression on its face before it connected, receding back into the ball. As well, a ball’s red beam brought Plumeria’s Toxapex into its ball as well, its trainer replacing it with another Ultra Ball from her belt. “Go, Muk!” Her ball was thrown out, releasing the bright-colored amorphous blob from it to land beside Sam, who could barely relax as the sounds of detaching Poké Balls snapped off in a crackling chorus. Several more balls were tossed out beside him, letting out Rainbow Dash’s Pheremosa, Mallow’s Tsareena, and Lana’s Cloyster. Stepping up to join the Pokémon were Applejack and Gilda. With their armies prepared, the hybrids were left at a standstill. Twilight glanced back at Nanu, Acerola, and Tapu Bulu, who were safely between both sets of lines with their own Ultra Balls ready to throw when needed. “Protect Nanu and Tapu Bulu at all costs!” Celaeno huffed as she swung her swords around before returning to her defensive stance. “As you wish, your highness.” Up north, the Equestrians and trainers began to quickly organize themselves in a similar matter to face Necrozma’s army. Immediately joining Fizzlepop and Grubber’s side was Hau, Kaj, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Mohn, Kaj’s Mega Mohuku, Hau’s Pangoro, and Tapu Koko coming out to stand in front of the two lone Equestrians. After handing Mohn the Poké Ball containing Wicke’s Kadabra and Kukui’s belt, Sun tossed out a Poké Ball of his own, letting his Decidueye out to stand between Pangoro and Tapu Koko. The other three trainers let their balls fly, sending out Starmie, Silvally, and Kukui’s Snorlax, creating a formidable wall of Pokémon to keep their trainers and friends behind them safe. Facing Necrozma and the other set of hybrids, Starlight and Fluttershy hopped out with Lady and Comfey leading them to join Zeraora and Golisopod as they stepped closer. Joining Starlight and Fluttershy’s sides were Guzma, Cocoon, Chrysalis, Ilima, Sophocles, and Molayne. With the latter four detaching Poké Balls from their belts, they threw them out. Among the Pokémon joining the other four at the front included Hydreigon, Gumshoos, Togedemaru, and an Alolan Sandslash. Standing between both pairs of lines were Olivia, Hapu, and Mina along with Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini, ready to join in once they were desperately needed. Necrozma let out an uncommonly tranquil breath. “…no matter what I come at you with …no matter who or what I destroy of yours …you still fight with such …disgusting vigoR” “Interestin’ choice of words comin’ from you, ya’ monster!” Applejack shouted at it. Another sigh. “?is there nothing that can break your spiriT ?how strong must I make this final attack before you crumble away like the world you kneW” “Whatever you think you can muster…” Ilima clenched his fists tight. “…it won’t nearly be enough.” A rousing blast of shouts from his comrades and the Pokémon rallied behind his encouraging words. Necrozma began to glow slightly brighter. “.very welL” With a backhanded fanning of Necrozma’s wings, an invisible gust washed over the urban battlefield. Beginning with the closest groups of hybrids, they all flared up with an odious orange aura covering their bodies. Soon, the hybrids in the east were also encased in Necrozma’s energy, Fizzlepop gasping nervously as the muscles in their arms and legs appeared to bulk up. Guzma smirked and shook his lowered head. “Way to jinx us.” “?any more wise final words before your defeaT” Necrozma asked. Sam gripped Aegislash’s hilt tight, preparing them for the end of their last moments of calm. “Bring it.” Necrozma’s eyes closed; it was finally time. With a throw out of its wings and a screech louder than any it had let out before, all four groups of hybrids closed in on their enemies. Both the front and back lines of each group were quick to respond to the advance. With a shout, Sam shouted and ran out to face a Hypno hybrid coming at him. Running, floating, or flying beside him, his Lurantis, Pheremosa, Muk, Cloyster, Applejack, and Gilda followed him faithfully toward the fray. In the back, Alice threw a finger forward at their approaching enemies, commanding them forward with a loud cry. Raichu shot out with Mimikyu sprinting close beside it. Spreading out alongside it were Mismagius, Blacephalon, Mandibuzz, and Marowak. Capper, Shining Armor, and Rarity ran out just behind them, Celaeno holding her sword up as she let out a confident battle cry, rushing in with some of the best comrades she’d ever know. At the north, Chrysalis’s Hydreigon swooped in to lead the charge, prompting Lady, Comfey, Gumshoos, Golisopod, Zeraora, Sandslash, and Togedemaru to meet the hybrids in the center. Zeraora bent over and picked Togedemaru mid-stride, the rodent sparkling up in its paw. Behind them, Grubber swung onto Fizzlepop’s back by her neck, the two of them yelling for battle as they galloped off. Following them immediately after, Pangoro, Hau, Tapu Koko, Starmie, Silvally, and Snorlax ran out, overtaking her. Decidueye drew a feather arrow on the drawstring of its organic hood, waiting for the opportune time to loose. As Sam and the Hypno hybrid prepared to clash, it swung its pendulum around its hand and made it burn hot and red, readying a strong first Fire Punch. Sam flung Aegislash off his arm with a swing, his Pokémon wasting no time in setting up the formation to catch it with King’s Shield. Already mid-thrust, the Hypno hybrid’s fist struck the center of Aegislash’s shield, the aura appearing just before it bouncing the Hypno’s hand away harder than it had hit it. Sam got low into a wide legged stance, allowing his Lurantis to leap over him and strike the injured Hypno with an X-Scissor, the first attack of the battle. As the other hybrids ran in, Muk oozed its way around a Kadabra hybrid and an Espeon hybrid’s legs and pinned them down onto the street, a single massive glob of it receding away to form into Muk’s head and arm, which it used to attack both creatures with a strong Brutal Swing. Gilda scooped Applejack up in her talons and pulled up with her, letting her go to fling her up into the very center of their forces. Her back right hoof crashed down onto an Oranguru hybrid, knocking it back away and giving her a place to safely roll to land. Pheremosa landed in Applejack’s gap, twisting around until it was standing on its hands and spinning its legs around in a wide-reaching series of helicopter kicks that widened their space even more. Upon returning upright, the two stood back to back, covering what their ally couldn’t see. Skystar and Pinkie Pie stood on either side of the latter’s party cannon, Mallow’s Tsareena nestled snugly inside. The three watched as Lana’s Cloyster landed a Smart Strike on a Bruxish hybrid, opening up a path to a pair of Slowking hyrbids right ahead. Mallow stood behind the cannon with Lana, the two of them frantically aiming the cannon in their direction. “That’s it! Fire! Tsareena, prepare for a spinning Trop Kick!” Pinkie Pie screeched in excitement and slammed the back button as Skystar covered her ears. Mallow’s Pokémon blasted out, Mallow and Lana leaning into the back to reduce the recoil. With Tsareena soaring out, its body flipped halfway so that the tips of its legs could aim right at its targets. With a shout, it tucked its left leg in before it began to rotate its body, its glowing right leg spinning like a drill. The two hybrids faced the oncoming Pokémon just as it arrived, the tip of the leg driving into the side of the Slowking hybrid’s jaw. Just before it could pass the other, it extended its leg out, its rotation slamming it against the top of its head. An Oranguru hybrid and an Espeon hybrid turned in Tsareena’s direction in preparation to attack, only for Pinkie Pie to tackle the Espeon grunt from behind while Skystar uppercutted her claw into the Oranguru hybrid’s nape, sending it flying to the back of its group. Mimikyu grabbed on tight to Raichu’s tail-board, and with a tight backflip, Raichu sent Mimikyu careening out at a Metang hybrid, flipping itself back to let the bottom of its disguise slip over its face. The Metang hybrid lost consciousness before the back of its head could slam into the street. Rarity delivered a high-flying kick into the chin of a Kadabra hybrid as Capper swung his bow down onto the top of a Bruxish hybrid’s head. Both hybrids quickly recovered and charged at the two, the latter’s mouth wide open to bite. Kiawe rushed in between them and jammed an end of his flaming baton into the upper jaw of the Bruxish hybrid, a muted thud and sizzle accompanying the hit. With a controlled twisting of his arms, Kiawe then swung the side of the other end of his weapon into the side of the Kadabra hybrid’s head, sending it to the ground. The Bruxish hybrid, still mostly unharmed, ran back at Kiawe and the two Equestrians, only for Marowak to leap up and land between them, the blue flames on its bone club now turning a spectral purple. With a rapid spin and upward swing, the strike hit the base of the hybrid’s lower jaw hard enough to send it flying back. With perfect timing, a Shadow Ball attack whizzed over the falling Bruxish hybrid’s body and hit the unprepared Marowak in the chest, throwing it back to its trainer. Looking past the chaos, the four of them spotted an Oranguru hybrid preparing another attack between its palms. Blacephalon chucked its brightly lit head at a Hypno hybrid as Mismagius launched a Thunderbolt attack into a Slowbro hybrid. Shining Armor stood guard of his sister and her draconic assistant as a Kadabra hybrid and Oricoio hybrid approached him. “Shining Armor!” Looking to the stallion’s right, Kahili threw a 3-iron out toward him. The two hybrids prepared to attack before he could catch it, only for the Oricorio hybrid to get hit by Mismagius’s Power Gem attack and throw it back and away. The Kadabra hybrid hesitated long enough for Shining Armor to catch the golf club in his teeth by the grip, swinging his neck around to slam the head of the club into the side of the Kadabra hybrid’s face. Shining Armor looked back and smiled to Twilight, thankful for her help. “Behind you!” Shining Armor turned back around on Spike’s warning to spot a Metang hybrid running at him. Before the attack could connect, Blacephalon flew out at the Metang hybrid and headbutted it, a burst of flames spilling out from the point of impact as the hybrid was thrown to the ground. Shining Armor’s ears drooped for a moment. “Shorreeh!” “Don’t be sorry!” Twilight loudly scolded. “Just stay focused!” Shining Armor didn’t say another word, choosing to run in toward a Slowking hybrid attacking Kahili’s Mandibuzz with Ice Beam. Celaeno kicked the tip of her crystal peg leg into a Hypno hybrid, sending it flying back onto an Espeon hybrid. Just then, she watched as several Oricorio hybrids took to the air, their arms sprouting feathers and turning to wings that carried them over their earthly and Equestrian foes. Following them with her eyes, she also noticed the Oricorio hybrids on the other side doing the same. Alice also spotted this, gasping. “Quick, protect the Kahuna!” “No need!” Two Ultra Balls shot up out of the center of the group, opening up to let a Sableye and Froslass out from it. “Sableye,” Nanu shouted, “Power Gem!” “Use Blizzard, Froslass!” Acerola commanded. Nanu’s Sableye faced the east hybrids, and with a throwing out of its arms, shards of bright-red jewels fired out from its eyes, piercing into the Oricorio hybrids’ bodies and felling them, stopping their advance right there. Looking at the west hybrids, Froslass fanned its arm out, blowing a frigid, snowy wind that repelled the hybrids away and forced them to the ground. Between them, Tapu Bulu snorted proudly, Nanu and Acerola nodding in appreciation. Up north, Sun’s Decidueye fired its arrow, catching the Dexio hybrid’s shadow by the chest, mostly satisfied by its yelp of pain. As the hybrids continued charging out, Decidueye already readied another one, clicking its mouth disdainfully as the Dexio hybrid’s strength managed to pull the arrow pinning its shadow in place. As the first line of hybrids crashed into Pangoro, Mega Mohuku, Starmie, Silvally, Snorlax, and Tapu Koko, Dexio prepared to ram through Hau’s line, only for him to leap up and reel his blazing-purple fist back. His knuckles connected with the Dexio hybrid’s face, a burst of ghastly energy flinging it off its four Metagross legs and onto its back as Hau fell atop of him. An Oranguru and Hypno hybrid broke through the Pokémons’ line, Fizzlepop and Grubber running to take them on. FIzzlepop hopped her flanks up, bouncing Grubber off. As the hybrids took their eyes off of her for the now wailing, vulnerable hedgehog, they were suddenly caught off guard as Fizzlepop leapt up and kicked the Oranguru hybrid in the face, pushing off to leap at the Hypno hybrid, flipping forward to swing the back of her other hoof atop the hybrid’s head. Upon landing on the ground, Fizzlepop sprung to the side to let Grubber land back onto her. Grubber panted as he clutched FIzzlepop’s shoulders. “How’s about you warn me next time we try that?” Fizzlepop snorted in humor. “Why? You’re a natural!” She then galloped onwards again to join the Pokémon at the front. Zeraora chucked Togedemaru out at an Oricorio hybrid, the round rodent squealing happily as it soared out on an electrical comet-tail of their combined energy. Togedemaru bounced off of the Oricorio hybrid’s head, a sheet of electrical currents flowing down and around its body. Togedemaru continued to pinball between several more hybrids until it was sent back to the ground to roll back to its trainer. Sophocles smiled at the legendary Pokémon, who responded with a thumbs up before disappearing in a burst of sparks. Gumshoos had its glowing fangs tightly held onto an Oranguru hybrid, who struggled to reach back for it as its grip wouldn’t let up. Finally, the hybrid managed to grab a hold of the scruff of Gumshoos’s neck, pulling it off before slamming it down on the ground. The Oranguru hybrid could not even savor any satisfaction of this victory, as Golisopod rocketed forward with water shooting out from its back like jets to propel it and its claws into Oranguru, tackling both to the ground. A Kadabra hybrid and a Slowking hybrid approached Lady and Comfey, their trainers eyeing them too concernedly. Trixie ran to her side, with Thorax taking Fluttershy’s. “Don’t tell me you’re going to let these creatures get the better of the Starlight Glimmer!” Trixie produced two smoke bombs and threw them upon the ground, making them burst open and cover her and the rest of her friends in a thick haze. Starlight squinted past the acrid miasma, only for Trixie’s intentions to finally come to her. “Lady, use Fairy Wind!” Lady’s shout was the only clue the two hybrids were given, as the smoke wall Trixie had created suddenly bulged out before a bright pink gale carried it at them from behind. Along with the force of the attack winding them, the smoke obscured their vision and hurt their eyes, giving Comfey and Fluttershy an opportunity to attack themselves. “Petal Blizzard, Comfey!” From the rest of the smoke, a flurry of leaves and flower petals pierced through in a circular motion, whipping up the rest of the smoke as the twister collided into both hybrids. Thorax glanced up at the sky, watching as Chrysalis’s Hydreigon soared in figure-8’s above the west edge of the city, Necrozma keeping its eye on it. Rushing out in the direction of the sea, Thorax charged its horn and covered itself in a green flame disappearing behind the cover of the skyline. Noticing this, Hydreigon spun downward toward where Thorax flew. Necrozma then watched as two Heidreigons soared out between two buildings, one following the other. With a growl, Necrozma’s mouth glowed blue before shooting out a Dragon Pulse attack at the lead dragon. The bright, flaming aura ball struck its target dead on, slamming it into the water where it produced a mountainous splash. The second Hydreigon continued, pulling up until it was about to fly up to Necrozma’s length. The Hydreigon smirked before its body exploded with green flame, expanding out until it broke away to reveal a second Necrozma. Just as the real Necrozma realized its doppelgänger’s identity, Thorax slashed its claws up its stomach, flinging it up higher into the air. Necrozma’s pain-addled shriek distracted everyone and everything in the city, stunned that the ancient creature could be hurt so quickly and easily. Chrysalis flew over the ocean, taking her eyes off the epicenter of the splash her fainted Pokémon was floating in to look up at her former subject with an odd sense of pride. “Well done, Thorax.” Necrozma floated back down and away to remain at Thorax’s level, the lighter scratch marks tracing up its lower abdomen to its upper chest receding until they healed and disappeared completely. Staring at its own likeness with a scowl, Necrozma charged its mouth with bright yellow, filling Thorax and Chrysalis with immediate dread. “Thorax, get back now!” Thorax didn’t need to heed Chrysalis’s dire warning, already floating backwards toward the city. Necrozma fired its next ultimate attack from its mouth, flying out faster than Thorax could retreat. Upon the psychic-sparking orb colliding with Thorax, every inch of its Necrozma-disguise was instantaneously engulfed in green flame, getting blasted further out from the resulting explosion. After returning her Hydreigon into its Poké Ball, Chrysalis banked hard back toward the city. “Thorax! No–” She suddenly felt a horribly uncomfortable sensation cover her body, finding that she couldn’t even move her wings. Looking out from the corners of her eyes, she saw Necrozma covered in a lighter glow, its telekinetic hold on her clear. With a roar, it threw her back toward the city faster than she could control her flight. On the ground, Trixie and Starlight noticed a small shape flying high above them, a light smoke trail tailing it as its green body shone in the faint moonlight. “Thorax!” they both cried. Cocoon shot up into the sky, prepared to follow and catch him, but upon hearing a familiar voice’s scream behind her, she turned around to see her sister barreling right at her. With her horn charged, she covered Chrysalis in its magic and began to slow her approach. Letting her go, she was now flying at a safer speed for Cocoon to reach out and catch her, gliding back down to the ground on her wings. The two sisters then looked back as Thorax’s unconscious body continued flying through the air, only to notice another shape soar at him from the top of a skyscraper, shooting out fast enough that it seemed its timing to meet him would be perfect. “Who’s that!?” Cocoon exclaimed. Thorax’s eyes opened only a little bit to notice Flannery darting at him against gravity itself, snatching him up in her arms before he could pass her. Though incredibly weak, he groaned in confusion as his savior lowered herself down toward a small deserted beach just outside the eastern edge of the city, gently landing themselves on the sand. Thorax seemingly gathered all of his strength to keep his eye open, completely baffled by his ally’s suddenly superhuman abilities. “Flannery… how did you–” “Oh what, you’re going to give her all the credit?” A belt that had been fastened to Flannery’s pants suddenly began to undo itself, Thorax suddenly noticing its brown leather strip and its faded-grey buckle. Thorax woke up further as the khaki stitching on the bottom slipped out of the strip as it began to grow thick fur. Then, the buckle, which was now also fuzzy, began to meld, warp, and stretch out until it formed into a familiar draconequus’s head, the undone stitching expanding into a lion’s arm and paw. “Discord!” Thorax coughed. “You got your powers back.” “Yes, indeedy,” Discord delightfully squealed before putting his index digit over his lips, “just don’t tell anyone!” “You look like you got the hell beat out of you,” Flannery bluntly stated. “You should be safe here for the time being.” “What are you going to do now?” Thorax began to grow tired again with his adrenaline fading. “You just hang in there, Thorax old chum!” Discord’s head and paw began to shrink and change again, returning to its belt form. “We’ll cover for you!” Thorax nodded once with a slight smile before his eyes shut and he rested his head onto the sand. Flannery knelt down and stroked Thorax’s cheek with her thumb before bending over further and giving him a peck at the same spot, the changeling looking more at peace than before. Standing up and looking back out to where her friends continued to fight, Discord vibrated around her waist as he spoke to her. “So where to, my fiery friend?” “I dunno.” Flannery walked to the edge of the shore, facing the direction of the ferry station and docks. “I was thinking of seeing how my sub’s doing. Ready?” “More than I have since I ended up on this world!” With a jump and a slight explosion of sand, Flannery and Discord shot out toward the southern group’s battle. Meanwhile, the blasts, zaps, and clangs of Pokémon, Equestrians, and hybrids clashing was slightly muted by the distance between them and Thorax, who breathed easy as he rested on the faraway beach. > Chapter 84 – Darkness's Shadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lurantis slashed its scythe arm at a Slowking hybrid, only for it to duck underneath the attack. At the same moment, an Oricorio hybrid swooped in and kicked both feet into Lurantis’s face, knocking it far back and away toward Sam. “Lurantis!” As it fell onto its back, Sam didn’t wait for it to come to a stop before he took out its Poké Ball and returned it back inside. As an Oranguru hybrid charged him, Sam threw Aegislash back off his arm to let it deflect the hybrid’s advance. Sam took the opportunity to return Lurantis’s ball to his belt and throw another off from it. “Absol, Megahorn!” Sam’s white-furred creature leapt forth from its ball, running at Aegislash’s back as it blocked the Oranguru hybrid’s vision. With its horn glowing green, Aegislash picked up on Absol’s steps and jutted straight up into the air, leaving nothing to separate the two and allowing Sam’s Pokémon to ram forward at its chest. The horn pierced a couple inches into the hybrid’s chest, large, deep cracks spreading throughout its body from the impact point. With one final roar, Oranguru crumbled to brittle pieces and scattered along the street before being blown away into nothingness by the wind. “Yeah,” Sam growled, “‘mon for a ‘mon, you bastard.” Rainbow Dash and her Naganadel flew over Sam as they were both tailed by an Oricorio grunt and a Metang grunt. “Dude, pay attention!” Sneaking around to him quicker than he expected, a Bruxish grunt sprinted straight at him with its mouth open wide, its speeds far too fast for Absol to protect him. “Torkoal, Thunder Wave!” Just then, a net of electricity fired out from Bruxish’s left blind spot, wrapping around its body and throwing it to the floor. Sam and Absol looked to his right just as Flannery ran up toward them, a small, heavy-looking red turtle with a coal shell somehow managing to catch up by her side. Also confused, Aegislash lowered itself back to its trainer’s side, Flannery and Torkoal stopping just short of their group. “Flannery!” Sam gasped. “The hell have you been?” Flannery chuckled as she slapped her hand down on his shoulder. “Good to see you too, kid.” “No like, how does your Torkoal know–” “Actually, hold that thought.” Jogging past him and Absol, Flannery and Torkoal spotted an Espeon hybrid, a Drowzee hybrid, and a Slowking hybrid running in to face them. Flannery smirked, excited for what she was about to show off. “Okay, Discord, this one’s going to be a big one!” She patted her belt gently, Sam and his Pokémon shocked beyond measure to see a wave of fur rise out and along its length before returning to leather. “D– Discord?” Sam stammered. “Okay, Torkoal, two Signal Beams and a Thunderbolt!” A faint aura began to appear on the belt, the eyes of the three hybrids suddenly brightening up ominously. Just then, Torkoal tilted its head back before throwing it forward, its mouth and eyes open wide. With a shout, two rays of highly-repetitive sonic pulses shot out from its pupils as a sizable lightning bolt was expelled from its throat, leaving Sam and a couple of other trainers and Pokémon mystified by the most peculiar sight. The three individual attacks struck all three hybrids with tremendous force, throwing them backward and far away from Sam and the others. Necrozma shut its eyes and reeled back from the pain it vicariously felt. Returning to its spot, it saw as Sam, Absol, and the others nearby had recovered from their shock and continued battling the hybrids. With a fanning out of its wings, two large twinkles shone out of its eyes, appearing as well in the hybrids on the south side. At once, they all began to retreat, stunning Sam and the others into staying still and letting them leave. Sam looked back up at Necrozma, who was already charging its mouth for its psychic attack, aiming its mouth right at his direction. “No!” Sam and Aegislash ran out far in front of Flannery, the latter returning to his arm. Necrozma shot out its sparking golden orb, prompting Sam to swing Aegislash up, sending them both up high enough to meet Necrozma’s attack halfway. “Aegislash, King’s Shield!” Aegislash got back off its trainer’s arm and returned to its Shield Forme, flexing out to form its barrier. Just then, a bow of psychic energy crashed into Aegislash’s shield, deactivating its barrier to Sam’s horror. Looking past his Pokémon, he suddenly noticed that an Oricorio had flown up to its level and delivered a decisive Revelation Dance. With Necrozma’s attack fast approaching, Sam could only think to look back at his now vulnerable allies below. “Guys, run–” The attack collided with Aegislash, who was pushed back into Sam, both of them shouting in agony as fragments of the psychic orb shot over and around into them as they were thrown toward the ground. Absol barked and charged toward where they’d land, only for Naganadel to swoop in low to the ground, the Ultra Beast catching the two as Necrozma’s attack hit the street and detonated. A pillar of light shot up to the sky and quickly expanded, the nearby Equestrians, humans and Pokémon turning to flee. The shockwave tripped them all immediately. As Flannery and her Torkoal were thrown to the ground, the latent psychic energy from the blast began to wash over the Discord belt around her waist, immediately causing it to expand and writhe, breaking the straps holding it on. Discord quickly reformed to its normal form and size as he kept himself lightly constricted around her waist, cushioning her body and catching her Pokémon as the three were continuously blown away by the explosion. Lana’s Cloyster, Mallow’s Tsareena, and Plumeria’s Gengar were also caught in the light pillar as the shockwave crashed into their trainers, throwing them all back. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were grabbed and flown far enough away back by Skystar and Gilda, the two ponies forced to watch the rest of the attack play out. Nanu and Acerola leaned into the blast, which had quickly settled down to the point to where it now felt like a strong burst of wind. The lines of trainers and Equestrians behind them felt the force of the explosion and looked back, only able to see the aftermath of Necrozma’s latest assault. As the dust and smoke cleared, Sam pushed his fainted Aegislash off of him and rolled off of Naganadel’s body onto all fours before wincing loudly and shifting his weight off his left hand. His Absol quickly rejoined his side, sniffing and licking at Sam’s left shoulder. As it did so, he glanced to his fainted Aegislash, letting out a long, dry sob. Continuing to look about, they also found Cloyster, Tsareena, and Gengar lying unconsciously on the street. As Pinkie Pie and Applejack were let back down by their winged companions, Plumeria, Mallow, and Lana ran over to find their Pokémon defeated. “Naganadel!” Rainbow Dash landed hard upon the ground, nudging her Pokémon to try and wake it up. “Come on, buddy, don’t give up now!” As Sam slowly pulled himself to his feet, his left arm limp and trembling, the roars of the hybrids broke through the smog, their furious footsteps sounding off soon after. Absol growled as it stepped forward to protect everyone and everything behind it. As Rainbow Dash and the three trainers called their fainted Pokémon back, the first couple of hybrids were now visible through the cloudy veil. Sam glanced to his Z-Ring hanging on his wrist, his Key Stone seemingly shimmering into the corner of his eye. “Okay, Absol, ready for this?” With an eager bark, Absol gave its trainer its permission. Sam screamed through the pain as he threw his left arm up and pressed his fingers onto his Key Stone, making both it and his Pokémon’s Absolite shine out like a warning beacon at the approaching hybrids. “Respond to my heart Key Stone!” Sam loudly commanded. “Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” Four DNA-shaped strands of swirling energy quickly snaked out of the Keystone and connected at once to the Absolite, transforming Absol’s entire exterior into the same aura. With an unfurling of its wings, an expansion of its horn, and a growth of its fur, the light shattered off of it and completed its metamorphosis into Mega Absol. Sam let out a rough sigh as he let his arm fall back to his side to relax. “That’s it!” Sam threw his finger forward. “Mega Absol, Night Slash!” Mega Absol stood on its hind legs and slashed the air with both front claws, sending out a pair of four black bows of dark energy that cut at the first two hybrids to advance, a Kadabra and a Metang. Upon their falling, several more came forward. “Shit!” Mallow and Lana began to back away. “We’re out of Pokémon!” “Don’t you worry about that!” Rainbow Dash detached a Beast Ball from her belt and tossed it out. “Stakataka, protect us!” Upon her ball opening up, her sentient-brick tower Pokémon leapt out and landed flat upon the street in front of Mega Absol. As the hybrids approached, it thrashed its four legs out like a kraken’s tentacles, throwing each one of them back to where they came. Plumeria stepped forward as she took an Ultra Ball off her belt. “Oh, no! You don’t get to hog up all the fun!” Her eyes spotted another Metang hybrid coming at Stakataka, certain that a Brick Break attack would be in its future. “Salazzle, stop the Metang with Fire Blast!” Throwing her ball high up, her black-and-purple salamander landed atop Stakataka, who flipped several bricks about on its front side to allow Plumeria’s Pokémon to climb down and stand at the center of its face. With the Metang hybrid still continuing its advance, Salazzle’s mouth spilled with white-hot fire as it tried to pool as much as it could allow. Finally, with a forceful hock, it spat a large star-shaped flame point blank into the Metang hybrid’s chest and face. The intensity of the heat was enough to scorch deep into its body, and with a weakened stumble, the Metang hybrid’s body stiffened up and fell backward, crumbling upon hitting the ground. Mallow and Lana took the opportunity to rush back behind the lines to join the company of Nanu, Acerola, and Tapu Bulu. Acerola could already tell the direness of their situation from their being there, and with a detachment of one of her Ultra Balls, she ran out from the safety of the center and out to the front. “Acerola!” Nanu, Mallow, and Lana all called out. “They need my help too!” She threw her ball out high enough that her Pokémon would be released above Stakataka. “Sableye, Shadow Claw!” Her ball opened, up, letting out her spritely spirit. Landing atop Stakataka’s head, it ran off and leapt at an approaching Espeon hybrid and Oranguru hybrid. With Mega Absol rushing around Rainbow Dash’s Pokémon and attacking the Oranguru hybrid, Acerola’s Sableye focused on the Espeon hybrid, exacting its trainer’s chosen attack on it. With a new front line formed, Skystar, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Gilda rushed over to Discord, whom Flannery struggled to help get up onto all fours. Flannery roared through her teeth as Discord’s lion’s paw slipped, making him fall back onto his chest. “We need to get him to safety!” “Alright, alright!” Applejack exclaimed. “Hold on, sugar!” As Flannery wrapped her arms around Discord’s right arm, the other four Equestrians, grabbed hold of his waist. Just then, Lana and Mallow rushed in, the former going behind Discord with each of them standing beside his legs. As Necrozma watched both sides continue to fight, it began to ascend, catching the attentions of several Equestrians, Pokémon, and trainers. Turning to the north, it threw its wings out, the webbing beginning to turn bright. With a roar, shards of bright rock shot out from the white surface of its wings like hail toward the battlefield. Many hybrids facing the westward lines leapt back as Necrozma’s Power Gem fury began to rain down onto the streets. Cocoon charged another barrier, shielding herself, Chrysalis, Trixie, Starlight, and Fluttershy, as well as Lady, Comfey, and Chrysalis’s Mawile. With the strength and the amount of rock pelting her spell, Cocoon broke into a sweat as she strained to keep her magic strong enough to withstand the relentless barrage. Around her, Guzma was embraced by his Golisopod, shielding its trainer as it took the full force of the Power Gem into its back. Molayne sent out his Metagross, who floated out with the top of its head pointing up at Necrozma. With its arms stretched straight out to each direction, four magenta quarters appeared between them as it shielded Molayne, Sandlash, Sophocles, and Togedemaru. As Luna stepped in front of Ilima and his Komala, prepared to defend him from Necrozma’s attack, Zeraora appeared before both of them, floating in the air. Right before the falling stones could reach, Zeraora shouted loud as it produced a thick web of plasma over the two that vaporized the rock that flew into it. Despite the stones that jutted into it, Zeraora stayed steadfast in its position, growling and grunting through each individual shard that hit it as it kept Luna, Ilima, and his Pokémon safe. By the time the stone maelstrom subsided, Zeraora let its barrier vanish before it collapsed onto the ground, barely able to catch itself. Cocoon dropped her shield spell, exhausted to the point that she buckled onto one of her shins, worrying Chrysalis and Starlight. “Sister!” Chrysalis helped lift her back up. “You’re tiring yourself too quickly! Let me take the Amulet for a while!” “After the attack you just took,” Starlight mentioned, “it may be useless to you! I still have some magic in me, let me have it!” Just then, a Bruxish hybrid and a Kadabra hybrid charged the group, Chrysalis, her Mawile, Lady, and Comfey running back in to face them. Starlight and Trixie then saw that the light in the Alicorn Amulet’s gem was far dimmer than before, almost as if the color was fading away. “It’s no use,” Cocoon looked out as the Pokémon of her sister and friends continued to fend off the changelings as they returned to the battle. “The Amulet’s magic has already nearly been expended. Just let me finish this!” As Cocoon walked forward to stand near her sister, Starlight, Trixie, and Fluttershy continued to watch as Chrysalis and their Pokémon kept on fighting. Guzma quickly returned his fainted Golisopod into its ball, at the same instant tossing out his next Ultra Ball to send out Masquerain, who immediately attacked an oncoming Slowking hybrid with an Energy Ball attack. Molayne’s Metagross fell to the street and crumpled, leaving Molayne to disdainfully bring it back to its ball. “Zeraora!” Ilima slid to his knees as he scooped Zeraora up and cradled it. “Are you alright?!” Zeraora weakly put its arm on Ilima’s and looked into his eyes. “Now you must protect her…” With its paw slipping off, Zeraora went limp in Ilima’s grasp. Panting, he began to fish through his vest pockets, feeling more and more alarmed with each empty space he went into. “My Revives…” His grip on the Pokémon he failed to protect got tighter. “I’m out…” “Ilima!” Luna faced forward again as a Hypno hybrid and an Espeon hybrid charged at them. Charging her horn, she blasted a spell at the Hypno hybrid, only for it to put its arm up and let it burst onto its skin like it was a simple water balloon. Luna fearfully backed away as Komala rolled its way at the Hypno hybrid, hitting it with the bottom of its drum. With the Espeon hybrid still approaching, Ilima shot up to his feet and tossed his last Ultra Ball. “Gumshoos, Super Fang!” Upon the ball opening up, Ilima’s Pokémon barely formed from the white energy inside before it bounded at its enemy and tackled it hard into the street, clamping its jaws as tight as the muscles would allow. Luna stood stunned as Ilima came out to stand in front of her, his two remaining Pokémon ready to face their share of the hybrids they faced. “Don’t worry. I’ll save you.” Ilima looked back at Zeraora’s unconscious body. “I’ll save you both.” In the center, Olivia, Mina, and Hapu watched all about them with Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini as the hybrids’ fervor refused to let up. Behind them, Mega Mohuku delivered a hard Leaf Blade to a Bruxish hybrid, the cut deep enough to destroy it. Just then, another Bruxish hybrid clamped onto Mega Mohuku’s chest with its frosted-over fangs, making it roar out in pain. Finally, a Slowbro hybrid shot an Ice Beam at the two of them, the attack hitting Mega Mohuku on the center of the left side and flung it toward its trainer. As it fell toward the ground, Mega Mohuku’s form shone with a bright colorful energy before it shattered off, returning Mohuku to its regular form. Kaj screamed as she reached out for her fainted Pokémon. “No, Mohuku!” Letting go of Mohuku, the Bruxish hybrid made a mad dash at Kaj, and as she lowered herself and cowered, Decidueye swiped it away with with a Leaf Blade of its own. As it slouched over, tired and battered itself, it turned to look at Kaj and ensure she was okay just as a faraway Espeon hybrid struck it from behind with a Shadow Ball, sending it fainting to the ground. Kukui’s Braviary swooped down from above, snatching the hybrid in its talons before tossing it into the side of a building, breaking a part of the corner off. Kaj glanced to her left, watching as Hau’s Pangoro took an up-close Dazzling Gleam from a Kadabra hybrid, arching back in pain and becoming too exhausted to catch itself as it fell. To her right, she watched as a Slowking hybrid drenched Lillie’s Rapidash with Hydro Pump, only to be finished right off by a Metang hybrid’s Brick Break, the horse now a rag-doll as it succumbed to its injuries. Far away, Raichu stood on its board, panting and slumped over, Mimikyu and its busted disguise sticking close by it as three hybrids closed in. Facing a Hypno hybrid, it jumped at it with a set of shadowy fangs receding out from the bottom of its costume, only to be mashed in its actual body by a Metang hybrid’s Bullet Punch. Raichu and Alice watched sadly as the space filling Mimikyu’s disguise deflated, leaving it to nearly flutter away into the rest of the fray. Angered, Raichu shouted and shot out at the Metang hybrid, only to be brought down by an Espeon hybrid’s Shadow Ball, knocking it off its tail-board as it fell to a hard, uncontrolled stop. Alice backed away as she brought both Pokémon back into their balls, glancing her eyes about at the three hybrids creeping up at her. Olivia turned back toward Necrozma’s direction, putting a hand on one of her Ultra Balls. “I can’t keep doing this.” Olivia broke out from her group, Tapu Lele’s distressed squeals catching the attention of Mina, Hapu, and Tapu Lele. “Olivia, get back here!” Hapu shouted. “Not a chance!” Olivia glanced back to her out the corner of her eye. “I’m not letting my friends and their Pokémon go down for me!” With a worried moan, Tapu Lele flew away from its companions, tracking Olivia as she made her way to the front besides Ilima and Luna. With the Espeon and Hypno hybrids getting the upper hand on Smeargle and Komala, Olivia tossed out her Ultra Ball. “Golem, Steamroller!” The ball burst open, her Pokémon forming out from the energy with its body already rolled up into itself. Spinning rapidly, it crashed into the Hypno hybrid hard enough to shatter it to dust. With Gumshoos and Komala facing the Espeon hybrid together, they shot out at it far too fast for it to register, striking them with a combined Crunch and Sucker Punch attack. The Espeon hybrid’s head broke apart, and with a single spastic, flailing of its arms, the rest of its body went limp before crashing onto the street and breaking apart into a loose, black powder. Necrozma growled down at Olivia, Ilima, and Luna, the former of whom looked up to it with an unafraid, vengeful glare. Finally, Tapu Lele joined Olivia’s side, looking up at the fearsome creature. At once, Necrozma’s body began to turn to light as it prepared to retaliate with a Smart Strike attack. *BYOOF* *BYOOF* Two massive Shadow Balls exploded into Necrozma’s chest, sending it soaring back away from the city. Gasping, Olivia and the others turned and kept their eyes skyward, looking for the source of the ambush. Having seen the flashes of the attack shooting out from above, Sun and everyone on the northeastern side of the city looked up to spot Rotomjet hovering several stories above the ground on the same level as Necrozma. “Zzzt!” The speakers beneath it sputtered to life. “Zzzorry I’m late, everyone zz-zzt! Can’t exzzactly launch a zzzurprizze attack in plain zzzight!” Lillie breathed in elatedly as Gladion and Hau smiled up at their unlikely savior, the latter chuckling to himself. “Rotom!” Sun’s call was quickly followed by a sorely angered screech from Necrozma, who recovered and began to ascend higher, Rotomjet following its motions perfectly. Rotomjet took its eyes off its enemy to glance down where Sun and his other friends were. “Zzzun, buddy zzzzt! I’m zzzorry I can’t go on any more adventurezz with you, zz-zzzt, but I’m zzzuper happy at the time we were able to zzzpend tonight zzzzzt!” “Rotom?!” As a realization came to him, Sun’s gladdened smile turned to a devastated frown. “What are you saying?!” “Don’t worry about me, buddy zzz-zzzzt! If you can go without my help for ten yearzz, you can do juzzzt about anything!” A light began to fill Necrozma’s mouth, something that went detected by everyone except Sun and those nearest him. Rotom’s jets began to whir louder as it prepared to launch. “Whoopzz, zzzorry, Zzzun zzzt! I gotta’ go! Love ya’, buddy zz-zzzt!” Jets of whitish-blue flame erupted out the back, sending Rotomjet shooting out at Necrozma, who looked to be only seconds away from shooting out another of its ultimate attack. Sun and the others spun around as they watched Rotomjet perform its ultimate sacrifice. “ROTOM!!” Rotomjet couldn’t help but giggle as its nose stayed on line with the top of Necrozma’s abdomen, already away from the city. “Howzz thizzz for a Zzzmart Zzztrike, Necrozzma zzzzzz–?” Rotomjet’s body crumpled completely inward upon crashing into Necrozma, a big, fiery explosion following instantly after that made everyone still in the city shield their eyes. As pieces of the jet went shooting off around, above, and below it, Necrozma let out a weakened cry as the light of its failed attack died in its maw. Even the light composing its body began to dim slightly as it fell backwards into the ocean along with the rest of the debris. As its splash burst upwards over the tops of the highest rooftops in the west side of Hau’oli, every creature, human, Equestrian, Pokémon, and hybrid alike stood still in complete awe and wonder as they saw the fruits of Rotomjet’s final attack. With the spot where it was struck still black and smoldering, Necrozma weakly began to sink down beneath the depths of the waves, having only enough strength to keep its head above the water to breathe. Finally, it could no longer keep above the ocean and rest its head down to let the rest of itself submerge. From the windows of the many buildings, people and Pokémon young and old put their hands and faces to the glass, wondering themselves if the battle was truly over. “He did it…” Hau clenched his trembling fist as he looked at the black smoke that still hung in the air from where Rotomjet blew up. “He took him out.” As he and Marshadow turned around, the hybrids that had seen their master fall all now gazed at him, almost as if they were now unsure what to do. Hau’s breathing began to intensify, along with the frown on his face that became a bloodthirsty scowl. Breaking into a run, Marshadow faded into Hau’s shade as his fist flared up with purple flames, Hau’s shout getting shriller as he made his way at the Dexio hybrid. With a jump, Hau drove his knuckles into the hybrid’s stomach, slamming it down the street and isolating himself among the remaining hybrids, who now appeared as angered and vengeful as he was. The others in his group looked behind them, stunned over the silence that was so quickly broken. “Don’t stop now!” Hau tossed an Ultra Ball upward. “This is the moment Rotom gave us! Keep fighting!” As the other hybrids began to converge, Hau’s Passimian shot down from its ball and landed beside Hau, leaping into one group of hybrids and wailing on them with its Beat Up attack. Hau took on the rest of the hybrids that Passimian couldn’t reach, dodging and blocking each punch, kick, or beam and bow of energy that shot his way. Sun detached another Poké Ball from his belt. “Hau’s right! Just these guys left and its over!” As he tossed his ball out, Silvally and Braviary shot out to assist Hau while Kaj and Lillie threw out their next balls, sending out Kreigen and Blissey, who charged to join in. Sun’s next ball opened up, his Incineroar breaking out into a sprint immediately, reaching Hau and Pangoro before either of his friends’ Pokémon. Hearing the commotion behind them, Olivia spun back to face her group’s hybrids, running at them with a shout of her own, prompting her Golem to roll alongside her. Ilima’s two Pokémon, along with Sandslash, Togedemaru, Mawile, Lady, and Comfey, all ran out as well, invigorated by their victory almost within their grasp. With trainers and Equestrians on both sides fighting, Hapu and Mina shared a glance with each other before nodding. After detaching a Poké Ball from each of their belts, the two ran out to help Olivia, Tapu Fini floating right beside its Kahuna. On the other south side, the battle was in full swing once again. Sam’s Mega Absol drove its horn into the throat of a Hypno hybrid, breaking it apart instantly. Skystar carried Pinkie Pie’s cannon with its owner riding atop of it and pressing the back button to rain down blasts of confetti that bogged down on the hybrids that it hit. Gilda weaved around each of these hybrids, slashing at them with her talons before Applejack rushed in and delivered several bucks and kicks to their chests and heads, destroying some of them. As for the ones that survived, Plumeria’s Crobat swooped in as deftly as Gilda had and finshed the rest off with X-Scissor. Stakataka swung its leg at a Bruxish hybrid and Espeon hybrid that ran at it, swiping them into the side of a building hard enough to make them shatter like glass. Alice’s Mudsdale spun around and bucked an Oranguru hybrid in the head hard enough to swing it onto its back. With it disoriented, Alice gripped her spear tight and drove it as hard as she could through the forehead, splitting the now stony head in two before the rest of its body crumbled. Shining Armor swung its head about and lodged the head of Kahili’s iron into the temple of a Kadabra hybrid, its body falling apart before it could land. As a Metang hybrid rushed the unicorn as his weapon clanged to the ground away from him, Celaeno rushed in to stab one of her swords upward into its chest while tossing the other behind her back for Shining Armor to catch in his teeth. As the hybrid Celaeno slayed turned to ash, the two gave an understanding nod before rushing their separate ways. Twilight and Spike stood close to each other as Spike’s Nihilego floated close behind Clefable, the two of them facing an Oricorio hybrid and a Slowking hybrid. With a wage of its finger, Clefable faced the Slowking hybrid before leaping jovially at it, reeling its fist back and delivering a Thunder Punch that blasted a hole through its chest, disintegrating it. Nihilego responded with a close-range Power Gem of its own, blasting the hybrid’s body until it was virtually sandblasted away. With impressive, almost planned movements, Kiawe and his Marowak managed to attack the hybrids trying to get a hit on them with their flaming clubs while also keeping them at a safe distance from them. Pointing her finger at a Metang hybrid, Kahili ordered her Mandibuzz to swoop in and attack it, butting its head into it and cracking it open to destroy it. From an alley, Flannery, Discord, Lana, and Mallow watched as hybrid after hybrid fell at the hands of their friends and Pokémon. “They’re doing it!” Flannery exclaimed. “We’re going to win!” Acerola’s Sableye took a swipe at the last remaining hybrid facing Sam and his group, a Kadabra variant. Though its claws dug deep, the hybrid still managed to stumble around and get its balance. This was quickly thwarted by Mega Absol, who pounced on its target and cut its neck with Night Slash, its body going limp and its body crumbling away. As everyone looked around, a hybrid now no longer in sight, their cheers of victory began to grow louder. Sam approached his Pokémon, prompting it to turn back to him. Hopping its front up, it wrapped both its arms and its wings around its body to hug its trainer, which he responded to with a hug using his good arm. With combined efforts, Ilima’s Komala, Hapu’s Dugtrio, and Mina’s Granbull pulverized a Bruxish and Oricorio hybrid, finishing off all of theirs on their end. With the battle having almost completely settled down, the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians could hear the sounds of their friends celebrating to the south. Despite the assuring atmosphere, neither creature could feel confident to join their friends in their jolly uproar. “Is…” Guzma wondered aloud, “is it over?” He suddenly felt something gently below into the backs of his calves, despite feeling the wind blowing into his face. Looking downward, the ashen remains of the slain hybrids were indeed flowing against the breeze and out to the west. As more and more began to pick up and flow past the buildings, Guzma became more and more convinced at the fearful feeling that began nagging him the moment the hybrids were defeated. As if urged by some kind of outside force, Guzma broke into a sprint around the bend of the street to run southward, his Masquerain chasing right after him. Molayne and Sophocles gasped, watching him run off so anxiously. “Guzma! What are you…” They then noticed the hybrid’s ash themselves, each of them and their Pokémon trailing a piece until they were looking out in the direction of the sea where the rest were flying off. It wasn’t much longer until everyone else and their Pokémon recognized this too, feeling compelled to stay put and ride out whatever was coming now. Behind them, Hau leapt out at Dexio, his punch getting blocked by one of its regular arms before it leapt up and spun one of its Metagross legs at him, throwing him back with his other friends. Sun and Gladion were quick to pull him up onto this feet from under his arms. With Dexio the only hybrid left, the Pokémon were ready for what was sure to be an easy beatdown. Everyone south of them watched as the last of the hybrids’ remains flew away from them to join the rest converging between them up north, already certain by this point that the battle was not over yet. The ashes that had already landed in the ocean began to swirl into a shallow whirlpool. Soon after, the rest mixed themselves in. Upon the last flake that touched the surface of the water, the entire area of it began to shine brightly as if beaconing the beast that had sunk just minutes ago. Then, from the depths, a beam shot up to the center of the whirlpool, striking it and creating a depth charge of light and psychic power. As water continued to rise against gravity, the western lines of each side ran backwards several paces as they prepared for the worst to happen. Guzma, already in his fastest sprint, felt his legs carry him even faster down the street as he glanced to his right to look upon Necrozma’s return. Suddenly, three large beams spiraled out and up from behind the water, causing it all to fall back to the sea. Each beam then quickly soared about and flew out to before the lines of its enemies. One beam struck the ground in front of Alice and her group, the rest of it converging until it became a large orb that started to meld and compact into shape. With its pantherine appearance and the black arms reaching off its back, Alice and many others recognized it as Dusk-Mane Necrozma. Guzma rounded the corner to head toward Sam and his group just as one of the beams swirled about in the air before it too became a sphere of pure energy. The center split opened and unfolded to unveil Dawn-Wings Necrozma, its counterpart boxing the others in on the other side. Landing upon the ground in front of Olivia, Hapu, and their group, the final beam dug straight into the ground like a pillar, and floating ominously out from it was Necrozma’s base form. Lillie turned around and gasped to see the creature return, the others nearby her suddenly worried about the lone hybrid facing them. In her worry, Hapu slid her foot back just a couple of inches. Necrozma quickly turned its head to her, its crystalline eyes bearing into her heart and soul. Hapu spun around and ran to the group to the east. “HAU!” Necrozma wound its arm back, a smaller orb of electricity appearing in its hand. Just as it threw it out, Cocoon leapt up and charged her horn, its magic wrapping around it and immediately dissipating it apart. Behind them, the Dexio hybrid charged at Hau and Tapu Koko, Incineroar and Silvally running in to intercept it. With two downward swings of its arms, two spoons appeared from thin air and traced the tips of its fingers, clashing together and creating the tremendous flash of a Dazzling Gleam, throwing both Pokémon aside. While Incineroar managed to catch itself, Silvally rolled to a limp stop. “Silvally!” Dexio shouted. South of them, Dusk-Mane Necrozma ran forward at Alice’s group with reckless abandon. Mudsdale charged at it to stop it, but with two swift hops, Dusk-Mane Necrozma juked away from Alice’s Pokémon’s path and then lunged at it, its teeth clamped around its neck before it was slammed headfirst to the ground. Alice screamed as Mudsdale wailed in pain. “You leave her alone, you monster!” Rarity galloped forward, Capper too late to reach out to keep her back. Jumping up with a growing shout, Rarity spun about and kicked it dead center of its right eye. Despite the gentle thud of the back of her hoof colliding with the plating, Dusk-Mane Necrozma recoiled from the hit and let Mudsdale out of its mouth. Capper ran toward Rarity as she landed back on the ground, her bravery quickly melting away as the creature’s head slowly turned to face her and only her. “Rarity!” Capper grabbed hold of Rarity’s neck with his paw and swung around her to show its back to Dusk-Mane Necrozma, pulling her tight to cover her with as much of his body and coat as possible. With a bark, Dusk-Mane Necrozma sent out a pulse of energy that flung Capper and Rarity off their paws and hooves. Hitting the ground, Capper kept a tight hold of the white unicorn until his back rolled into the side of a building, knocking him unconscious with Rarity dropping out of his grasp. Just to the west, Sam and the others looked up as Dawn-Wings Necrozma charged up an attack before it, the bars of its wings glowing with a metallic sheen. The silvery beam of a Moonblast shot out in front of its face, making its way down toward Nanu, Acerola, and Tapu Bulu. To Sam’s surpise, Mega Absol took off to the skies, staring the attack head-on. Further down, Guzma was shocked to see his Masquerain fly up to join Sam’s Pokémon, the two of them huddled together to ensure none of the attack reached the Kahuna and guardian. The beam struck them both, detonating in midair and blasting them back down. Mega Absol’s body was awash in colorful energy, which broke apart the moment its body hit the street, coming to a painful stop as it lay fainted on the ground. With Masquerain’s light, motionless body gliding gently down, Guzma returned it into its ball before coming toward Nanu and Acerola. “Guzma!” Acerola shouted. “Where’d you come from?” “I saw what was happening with those ashes and knew I had to come.” Having not stopped running since breaking with his group, Guzma slouched and held himself up on his knees. “The other Kahunas are up there, and you guys need to do the thing real soon, or else–” Another Moonblast was fired out, striking the ground and traveling at them. As Tapu Bulu snatched Nanu and Acerola in its arms and pulled back, Rainbow Dash swung around and tackled Guzma in the same direction. The beam blasted down the sidewalk, throwing chunks of concrete, asphalt, and rock up into the air. As they fell down over her group, Twilight strained as she caught each individual piece of debris in her magic and tossed them aside to the south. At that, Dusk-Mane Necrozma turned its attention to her and Spike. Necrozma roared at Cocoon, who stood defiantly before it, Fluttershy squeaking in fright and hiding behind Starlight and Trixie. Holding its arms out, two pyramids of bright, magenta light formed in the spaces away from its hands, the pupils in Cocoon’s eyes narrowing. Knowing what she had to do, her stare instantly became more determined than ever. “Sister! Take the ponies and their Pokémon and run!” “But…” Chrysalis and Mawile took a step forward. “Cocoon…” “I SAID RUN!!” Her aura charged almost half a foot off the surface of her horn, the gem in the Alicorn Amulet shining just as brilliantly. With a second’s hesitation, Chrysalis and Mawile began to usher Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon away toward Hau and his group. Necrozma threw its hands and the prisms together, the smashing of which caused a powerful laser to erupt from the spot, shooting right at Cocoon. Her horn’s aura spread out to create an outward dome, the energy of the blast spraying away from anything behind or beside her. As Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey continued running, Chrysalis couldn’t help but stop and look back, needing to see her sister come out alright. As Cocoon strained to keep her barrier up against this unrelenting force, the gem on the Alicorn Amulet began to flicker, its light growing dimmer with each flash. As such, the aura on Cocoon’s horn began to recede toward the tip, flashing between dark red and amber. Her hooves began to lose traction as she was pushed back, Chrysalis and the other trainers witness to this. Finally, the light of the Amulet completely faded, and Cocoon’s magic aura returned to a brownish orange. Cocoon looked up at her barrier as it was quickly dissolved away by Necrozma’s attack. Cocoon shut her eyes, at peace. “Take care of them…” Her magic could no longer keep up, the barrier disappearing with it. In an instant, the laser engulfed the changeling queen and shrouded her completely in white before an explosion of shards of light blasted out from where Cocoon stood, the shockwave of which knocked Chrysalis off her hooves. As she rolled to a stop, she looked back to spot Starlight and Fluttershy stopping with their Pokémon to see what had happened to Cocoon. To the left, Tapu Lele held up a barrier that protected Olivia, Luna, Ilima, Molayne, Sophocles, and their Pokémon from the blast until it subsided. As the dust of the broken street slowly cleared, Chrysalis began to breathe heavily at the sight of Cocoon lying on her side with the Alicorn Amulet broken in two with the pieces of the gem scattered around it. Her body would not move; her chest couldn’t even rise to breathe. “No… SISTER!” As Chrysalis ran to Cocoon’s corpse, Starlight and Fluttershy could only mourn from a distance so long before another explosion sounded off. As they turned around, they spotted as Lillie’s Blissey, Hau’s Passimian, and Tapu Koko were thrown up into the air by a powerful attack from the Dexio hybrid. With desperate breaths, the two ponies resolved to run over to help their friends, their Pokémon not far behind. Up front, Hau threw his arm forward, Marshadow leaping out at the Dexio hybrid. Holding up its hand at it, the hybrid launched a Shadow Ball at Marshadow, hitting it in the gut and causing Hau to crumple to the ground in pain as well. Starlight and Fluttershy broke through to the front just as Lillie called her Pokémon back. Hau looked up at the Dexio hybrid just as Kreigen flew overhead. Keeping its head trained on it, it breathed a plume of fire at Kaj’s Pokémon, forcing it to fly away to safety. Fizzlepop, her gallops noticeably more labored, prepared to jump at the hybrid, only to get kicked in the head and chest by one of its Metagross arms, sending her back to the others. Grubber ran to his dear friend and picked her head up, her eyes refusing to open. Marshadow clenched its teeth as the hedgehog screamed her name as she refused to wake up. Hau picked himself up to his knees, Tapu Koko weakly flying beside his trainer to be of any help. Finally, Marshadow turned to its trainer, who looked down on him with his face a foot from its own. “Hau… I hoped we could stop him, but now I fear we have no other choice.” “What…” Hau, feeling fatigue weigh him down suddenly like a ton of bricks, wobbled as he made sense of his partner’s words. “What are you saying?” Marshadow looked back as Kreigen came out from behind the Dexio hybrid, only able to knick at the back of its head before it could fly away again to safety. “I can stop him, maybe even save him, but at the cost of my own life.” “What?!” Hau was startled further awake, horrified by this suggestion. “No! I can’t have you–” “You must! We can’t afford to hesitate like this again! We have to do this now!” “But… Marshadow…” “Go on, Hau.” Hau turned back, seeing Sun look at him with a compassionate and sympathetic frown. “If this is what he wants, let him do what he needs to.” The shadow linking Hau to Marshadow began to glow brightly and turn a dark purple, surprising him. “Now stand up, Hau! Keep the promise you made to Hala!” Hau slowly got to his feet, looking dead into the eyes of the Dexio hybrid the entire time. As his breathing got heavier, his shadow lit up even more. “That’s it!” Marshadow began to flare up with a spectral aura. “Save your friends, Hau! Save the world! All of them!” With its bright blue Raichu eyes looking down, squinting in preparation to attack, Hau clenched his fists and let out a tremendous shout, an aura raging around his own body that matched the intensity of Marshadow’s. Dexio ran forward. Marshadow looked back at Hau one last time as the shadow linking them turned white. “Good-bye, Hau.” Marshadow sprinted out of the area of Hau’s shadow, which faded away to divert in away from the light of the streetlamps still left undamaged. The Dexio hybrid jutted a Metagross leg out to kick, only for Marshadow to slip by over it and shoot its way into the hybrid’s chest. The Dexio hybrid came to a stop and patted its chest, uncertain where it went. Suddenly, it doubled over as the spot where Marshadow entered began to glow a brilliant blue and deep cracks began to spread out over its skin. As they moved across its arms, legs, and face, the hybrid found its limbs and neck went stiff as they were forcefully pulled out. With a final roar, the light reached peak brightness before the entire exterior of the Dexio hybrid exploded off of it, now replaced by a star that quickly began to dim. Once it was safe to look forward again, the light faded away to reveal five unconscious Pokémon and their trainer lying on the street, the area of the street around them charred from the explosion. As Hau stared at the end result of his partner’s sacrifice, his eyes began to well with tears as he choked back a few sobs. Chrysalis’s eyes flowed with tears as the realization of her sister’s death fully dawned on her. Mawile looked up to its trainer sympathetically, unsure how she would react next. The other trainers looked on as Necrozma slumped over and panted, exhausted by its attack’s drain on its energy. Finally, Chrysalis bit down on her teeth, her eyes narrowed to the thinnest of pinpricks as her rage and anger reached a boiling point. “NECROZMA!” she wailed. “Mawile, attack with Crunch!” With a raspy squeal, Mawile allowed Chrysalis to hoist it up in her magic and launch it at her enemy's head. Mawile swung its large second set of jaws at it, the teeth catching onto its face. As it reeled back and screamed, Necrozma reached for Mawile and tried to pull it off, the other trainers stunned at its sudden inability to do so. Guzma and Rainbow Dash shot themselves up to their feet as Tapu Bulu helped Nanu and Acerola to theirs. All around them, chaos ensued. Guzma and Rainbow Dash watched as Skystar and Gilda both narrowly zipped around Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s next Moonblast which Stakataka and Plumeria’s Salazzle took the full force of, the former blocking the attack from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. With Sam and Flannery running forward with Archeops and Arcanine, they both looked upward and attacked Dawn-Wings Necrozma with Ancientpower and a Fire Blast. Even with Plumeria’s Salazzle’s own Fire Blast and Stakataka’s upward Rock Slide also hitting their enemy, neither attack seemed to fully faze the creature, filling the trainers and Equestrians with dread. To the east, Nanu and Acerola watched as Alice Mega Evolved her Gyarados as Celaeno’s crystal peg leg was caught in Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s mouth. As Celaeno held on tight to its snout with one arm, she futilely banged the bottom of her sword’s hilt onto its thick, metal helmet. From the side, Kahili commanded her Mandibuzz to attack while Kiawe and Marowak charged it from the side. Dusk-Mane Necrozma swung its head to the side, colliding it, as well as the back of Celaeno’s head, into Kiawe, Marowak, and Mandibuzz. As Celaeno dropped her sword and fell back, unconscious, Kiawe, his fainted Marowak, and Mandibuzz crashed into him and Kahili, their full, combined weight landing onto them. As the back of Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s throat began to fill with a green energy, Shining Armor chucked Celaeno’s other blade at its head while Clefable and Nihilego attacked it on its right. Dusk-Mane Necrozma registered neither attack. Finally, just as Alice’s Mega Gyarados came to be, Dusk-Mane Necrozma fired out a Solar Beam from its mouth, vaporizing Celaeno’s crystal leg and blasting Mega Gyarados back, the gusts from the attack also blowing Alice back too. Nanu stared at Dusk-Mane Necrozma, even as Acerola broke away from him to join Twilight and the others against it. Behind him, Guzma and Rainbow Dash ran back in to help Sam and Plumeria. With Nanu almost frozen in place by a myriad of emotions, Tapu Bulu floated in front of him, hoping its appearance would break him out of his trance. With a trembling hand, Nanu reached for an Ultra Ball. “Dexio!” Sun and Lillie rushed out to their friend, who continued to lay still. As Gladion and others gathered near, they were instantly repulsed by the sight of Dexio’s right hand. The artificial Z-Ring, now broken and destroyed, was partially embedded deep into his arm, the flesh below it bloodied and beginning to turn blue. “Move it!” Hapu and Tapu Fini broke in between Gladion and Starlight as she yanked a dirty handcloth from her small bag. “It may not be clean, but it’ll at least stop the bleeding.” Slipping it under his arm, she tied a tight knot around it just above the Z-Ring, the blood flow in his hands quickly slowing down. “That’ll be all we can do until we get him to a hospital,” she said. “If we get him to a hospital,” Fluttershy whimpered. Just then, Hau and Tapu Koko entered, looking down at what had become of his friend and their Pokémon. “You did it, Marshadow… you really…” Hau then drooped his head down, unable to suppress his sobs. With a deep breath, Sun faced Hau and walked to him. After placing his hand upon his shoulder, Hau looked up into the eyes of his oldest friend, finding as much sympathy there has he had in his voice moments earlier. With a weak lunge, Hau threw himself onto Sun and hugged him, Sun holding him up as he let it out. Hapu stood up and breathed out her nose as Hau continued receiving Sun’s consolation. Approaching the two, she put her hand on Hau’s arm, getting his attention as he looked around his friend. “I know this is hard for you right now, but if you weren’t already aware–” A bassy boom was heard down the street, bringing everyone’s attention to it. From the back, Necrozma rose up to look down upon its opponents, specifically Chrysalis and her fainted Mawile. As Chrysalis returned the Pokémon into its ball, Olivia, Golem, and Tapu Lele readied themselves to take over while she recovered. The two were stepped in front of by Ilima, his two Pokémon, and Mina, Sophocles and Molayne jumping in quickly after. “Hapu’s probably gone to find Hau!” Mina tore a ball off her belt. “You should do the same and then go find Nanu!” “But…” Olivia reached out to them. “You guys…” “We’ll handle this monster,” Chrysalis seethed, sending out her Vespiquen. “I’ll do so myself if I have to!” Olivia and Golem continued to stay put, even as Necrozma charged two wavy Psychic orbs in both of its hands, only to get crashed into by Ilima’s Komala and Gumshoos. With an uncharacteristically dire expression, he turned to look back at the Kahuna. “Fly, Olivia!” At once, the other Pokémon joined in on the assault against Necrozma. With the pandemonium spreading out, Olivia and her two companions backed away before spinning around to run to Hapu at the end of the street. With Sun’s Incineroar coming close to its trainer, they began to march toward the battle with Necrozma. “We need to go help them before any more damage can be done.” “Hold on!” Lillie protested. “What about Dexio?” “I’ll watch over them!” Mohn exclaimed. “This unicorn and hedgehog too!” “I’m staying too!” Kaj proclaimed as Kreigen landed beside her. These guys’ll need some good defense in case something else goes wrong!” Hau and Hapu nodded, thankful for that much. Finally, just as they and Lillie returned their fainted Pokémon into their balls, Olivia, Tapu Lele, and Golem rushed over to them, surprising the group. “Olivia!” Hapu gasped. “Aren’t you supposed to–” “They told me to get you both,” she panted. “We have to find Nanu and put an end to this whole mess!” While Hapu nodded, knowing this already, Hau’s face lit up with realization, already accepting this new plan. “Then follow me!” Sun and Incineroar already began to run. “We can cut through the alleys!” Quickly, Lillie and Gladion ushered Olivia, Hapu, Hau, and the three guardians to follow Sun and Incineroar first before they followed behind. As Mohn proudly saw them off, Alice fell on her behind to sit, breathing hard and rocking herself to stay away. Off and away, Necrozma glanced up as Sun tried to work with the latch on the gate between two buildings to open it. As Olivia pulled Sun aside to allow her Golem to roll and crash through it, it began to aim its arms out at them to attack, only for a dual Thunderbolt attack from Molayne and Sophocles’s Magnezones incapacitated them long enough for the Kahuna’s and the guardians to rush in to relative safety. As it took another attack from Ilima’s Pokémon, Necrozma let out another shrill scream, this one more desperate than any that came before. > Chapter 85 – Daybreak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nanu continued to watch as Acerola ran in front of a surprised Twilight and Spike, sending her Dhelmise out to swing out and strike Dusk-Mane Necrozma in the face, this hit being strong enough to send it off its paws and throw it onto its side. Before it could get back up, Alice’s Mega Gyarados flipped forward and slammed its tail down for a Brutal Swing attack. Shining Armor galloped past Dusk-Mane Necrozma and scooped the still unconscious Celaeno with his horn from the street. As Kiawe returned his Marowak inside its ball, Kiawe helped walk Kahili out from the street to safety by Shining Armor and Celaeno’s sides. Behind Nanu, Guzma and Plumeria pointed their fingers out, their Ariados and Salazzle attacking Dawn-Wings Necrozma with Fell Stinger and Flamethrower. Even with Archeop’s Ancient Power and another Rock Slide and Fire Blast from Stakataka and Arcanine, Dawn-Wings Necrozma looked hardly fazed by either attack. Flapping its wings forward, it sent out a psychic pulse that crashed into all five Pokémon, hitting Ariados and Salazzle the hardest. The pulse also crashed into their four human trainers, knocking them off their feet. Guzma was swung backwards, his head hitting the back of the asphalt as his body suddenly went limp. Plumeria, who fell and rolled onto her side, was quick to tell that her former boss was seriously hurt. “GUZMA!” Nanu shot his eyes open, grabbing two Ultra Balls and tossing them both in front and behind him. With the ball he sent out forward, his Persian sprung out of the energy that came from it as it rushed to Dusk Mane Necrozma, who began to pull itself back onto its paws. Behind him, the second ball opened, letting his Honchkrow fly out and take to the skies at Dawn-Wings Necrozma. “Persian, Dark Pulse!” he shouted. “Honchkrow, Foul Play!” Persain opened its mouth as a black orb of aura formed before its face and with a bellow of a meow, the orb shot out and struck Dusk-Mane Necrozma in the face. Out behind him, Honchkrow picked up speed, a dark cone forming around its body from its beak. With a fast swing, the black bird slashed across Dawn-Wing Necrozma’s wingspan and chest, the attack finally pushing it back. From behind it, Gilda and Rainbow Dash swooped around as the griffon threw Applejack, the two ponies kicking it in the back. Being sent back forward, Skystar held Pinkie Pie, who held her cannon, allowing her to blast it into its face and send it shooting back once again. As Sam, Plumeria, and Flannery returned their Pokémon back, they smirked over the first signs of damage finally shown. As Dusk-Mane Necrozma shot up, hoping to attack quickly this time, it found its head pounded down by the blue aura ball of a Dragon Rage attack from Mega Gyarados, forcing it to dig its claws into the street as it was pushed back. Now more open, Kiawe’s Talonflame dove down at Dusk-Mane Necrozma with its body on fire, crashing its body into it and washing the flames all over its back. Finally, Acerola’s Dhelmise shot up from a portal beneath its waist, the Phantom Force attack sending Dusk-Mane Necrozma high up into the air and sending it straight onto its back, leaving a shallow, but wide crater in its wake. “That was awesome!” Spike shouted. “Good to have you with us, Nanu!” “It was certainly a long time coming…” he agreed. As Dusk-Mane Necrozma rolled onto its stomach, panting in mounting exhaustion, it perked up suddenly upon hearing the roar of Necrozma further into the city. From its spot, Dawn-Wings Necrozma turned its head left and looked over, its counterpart’s cry resonating with it. Suddenly, both creatures turned and looked straight on at their opponents at the same time. With a shrill cry from Dawn-Wings and a powerful roar from Dusk-Mane, the horrific cacophony forced the humans and Equestrians between them to duck down and cover their ears, their Pokémon immensely irritated by the noise. Suddenly, Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s body lit up, alarming the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians nearby it. Hopping up, it levitated high above the ground as a hot, flaming sphere formed around it, the creature barely visible within. The aura formed around it and with a push off of the air, it dove straight down toward Nanu like a meteor. “Shit…” Guzma wheezed. “Everybody back–” Dusk-Mane Necrozma collided with the ground, and as the resulting explosion began to rage out toward the Equestrians and humans, their Pokémon leapt in front of them to take the brunt of what came. Clefable, Nihilego, Dhelmise, Persian, Tapu Bulu, and Mega Gyarados were all swept away, crashing into Twilight, Spike, Nanu, Acerola, and Alice as they were scattered along the street. From the side, Shining Armor, Kiawe, and Kahili gasped as their friends flaccidly rolled to a stop. “Twily!” Shining Armor took two steps of a gallop before Dusk-Mane’s extra black arms waved away the cloud of dust its attack created, its deathly glare keeping himself firmly in front of Celaeno, Kiawe, and Kahili. Sam and several others looked back to see the aftermath of Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s attack. Sam choked on a breath as Alice lay still on the street, the aura around Mega Gyarados breaking off to reveal her fainted Gyarados underneath. Sam and Plumeria ran to their family and friends as Rainbow Dash swooped in to land near Twilight. Guzma slowly pushed himself onto his feet, groaning as he looked back. As Sam and Plumeria helped pull Alice and Acerola off the ground, he saw as Spike and Nanu continued laying still. Rainbow Dash looked over Twilight, noticing that her right wing was oddly bent up. Just then, Twilight began to wake up, and as her wings twitched, her eyes jolted open and her teeth clenched the sharp pain piercing the injured spot. “Easy, Twi!” Rainbow Dash helped pull her friend up by the wrists of their hooves. “You just broke your wing. We need to get you out of here.” As Rainbow Dash helped escort her to the sidewalk, she saw as Spike, Nanu, and Tapu Bulu were left alone. Before Twilight could push Rainbow Dash away to rush back to her draconic friend, she noticed as Guzma, the back of his head stained in his blood, began to hobble over toward him. With Alice and Acerola brought safely over to the southern sidewalk with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, they returned their Pokémon into their Poké Balls as they watched Guzma painfully fall to his knees to allow him to pick Spike up into his arms. At this, Spike began to stir awake. “Guzma… you–” “Relax, kid.” Guzma forced a smile. “I got you.” Behind them, Dawn-Wings Necrozma began to stretch its wings up to form a circular shape, six bright stars forming at an equal distance on the bars. Nanu and Tapu Bulu also began to wake up, looking up to see as the light from the six stars swirled into the center to form an even bigger ball of energy. Seeing what was happening, Tapu Bulu hopped up and quickly carried the fainted Nihilego over to the side with the others. Guzma began to turn around just as Dawn-Wings Necrozma fired its Moongeist Beam down, blasting it down the street right at him and Spike. “Spike, NO!” Twilight instinctively unfurled her wings and leapt to fly, only to cry out and crash to the ground over the pain that it caused her. “Twilight!” Rainbow Dash rushed to her friend’s aid again, watching as the beam came too close for her to save Guzma and Spike from. As the beam approached, Guzma stared stoically ahead as his demise came barreling at him. Nanu clenched his fists as the beam got closer to him and the others. Just as Guzma spun around with all of his might to cover Spike with his body, Nanu felt a shot of adrenaline spring him onto his feet and run to the northern side of the sidewalk, keeping his eyes on Dawn-Wings Necrozma. With its eyes following him, Dawn-Wings Necrozma veered its beam in Nanu’s direction, coming just within inches of clipping Guzma and Spike as pieces of the street were blasted into his back, knocking them back down. The others then watched with sheer incredulation as Nanu took the full force of the beam, flinging him off of his feet and toward the corner of a building. Hau and the other Kahunas neared the end of the alley to where their other friends were just as the bright burst of light of the Moongeist Beam’s strike flashed the area. “Hau, stop!” Olivia’s hand grabbed hold of the collar of his jacket and yanked him to a stop just as Nanu’s body slammed through the corner of the building to their left. As debris exploded at them, Tapu Koko flew in front of Olivia and Hau and enclosed itself in its shell, allowing the pieces of brick and glass to bounce and deflect off of it. Once the rubble settled, Tapu Koko floated back up, allowing Hau and the rest of his friends to rush out into the street. Despite their appearance, as well as the other three guardians, Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma simply stared at the spot they saw Nanu crash into. Up north, Necrozma’s battle with the rest of the trainers came to an abrupt stop as it turned to where Nanu was, ignoring those beneath it. Acerola sprinted to the destroyed building, Tapu Bulu following close by. “Nanu! Nanu!” With a shuddering breath, Twilight gurgled through her agony as she got to her hooves, cantering to follow Acerola with her broken wing dragging along the ground. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were let down off the ground by Skystar and Gilda, all of whom rushed over without any semblance of concern from Dawn-Wings Necrozma high above. They passed by Guzma, who furiously hopped on his good leg to reach where everyone else was headed. With an approving nod from Kiawe and Kahili, Shining Armor galloped off to leave Celaeno in their care, Rarity and Capper joining him. Finally, as Sun, Lillie, and Gladion also gathered around the building with the others, Lana, Mallow, and Discord slunk out from the alley they hid in to gather in, Plumeria and Flannery joining them. As the dust cleared, Acerola and Sun both spotted Nanu leaning against the broken inner side of wall, his head slumped over with his arms hanging limp. Acerola gently shook her head, fearing the worst, but upon seeing Nanu’s fingers twitch, she let out an exalted breath that gave her new hope. Running to him, she grabbed a hold of his shoulders and began to pull as hard as she could. Sun, among several others, suddenly heard a devastating squishing sound as Acerola began to get Nanu’s back off the wall, the hair and fur on them suddenly standing on end. “Acerola, wait!” “Come on, you fat piece of shit!” Acerola grunted. “I can’t do everything for–” Finally, with another pull, Nanu came free, accompanied by the drawn-out sticky sound of tearing flesh. Acerola went white as a sheet upon finally seeing the dripping bloodied metal rod that Nanu had been impaled from behind by. The others began to feel instantly woozy upon Nanu falling flat onto his side and rolling onto his back, barely clinging to the life that he was certainly soon to lose. Acerola shook her head so fast that it appeared to vibrate, falling to her knees and crawling to him. “No… nononononono, no no!” Finally, Guzma forced his way through to the front, letting Spike go and allowing him to join Acerola’s side as she frantically tried folding his jacket up from underneath him to cover the puncture. Soon, Twilight, Guzma, and Plumeria all knelt down on the other side, certainly unsure what to do. Tapu Bulu floated above its Kahuna, holding its arms out in disbelief as it too shook its head. “I’m sorry….” Acerola wailed. “I didn’t mean–” Her futile efforts were stopped by the disarmingly firm grasp of Nanu’s hand on her wrist. Her crying stopped, and she turned to Nanu’s face, which was already looking at hers with sympathy and forgiveness. “There…” he breathed out. “Now we’ve both seriously hurt each other…” Despite his situation, Acerola couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as she clasped Nanu’s hand with hers, allowing him to hold on tight for as long as he could. “Nanu…” Her sadness quickly returned. “I–” “Don’t say anything.” He let out a weak cough. “I’ve done exactly what I always should have. I have no regrets.” He then looked to Twilight and Spike, whose eyes glistened with tears. “I can’t thank you two enough for coming into our lives. Please continue to be a light to others the same way you were to me.” Twilight and Spike’s eyes immediately began to flow, unable to hold back a couple of painful, high-pitched sobs. Lillie hugged onto Sun and sobbed into the side of his chest, her friend still in too much shock to completely register the Ula’ula Kahuna’s demise. On either side, Dawn-Wings Necrozma and Dusk Mane Necrozma leaned in, almost as if they could sense his slowing heartbeat. Persian and Honchkrow finally arrived, and as a puddle of blood began to seep out around Nanu’s back, Honchkrow lightly pecked at its trainer nervously while Persian nipped, mewed, and nudged Nanu with its face, tears appearing in their own eyes. Nanu weakly put his hand up to them, both Pokémon rubbing their heads onto the back, palm, and fingers for what would be the final time. “Sorry to do this to you, but this day was coming eventually. I love you both.” Closing their eyes, the tears in them dripping out onto his shirt, the two Pokémon whimpered as their time with Nanu came close to its end. Finally, Nanu reached up at Guzma with his left hand, Guzma catching it and holding on tight. Above them, Tapu Bulu blinked, seeming to understand the gesture. “You take care of her…” Nanu breathed out, hardly audible at this point. “Take care of them all…” Guzma shook his head up and down, patting on the back of Nanu’s hand. “I will…” Nanu smiled, almost as if feeling a euphoric weightlessness that he hadn’t felt in years. “Thank you. I just know you’ll be far better than…” Nanu’s eyes began to close, and his grip on Acerola and Guzma’s hands began to let off until there was no strength left at all. Suddenly, Guzma and Acerola went completely still, a sudden vast emptiness filling their hearts. “N– Nanu…” Acerola shook his arm. “Nan… Uncle Nanu?” Guzma let Nanu’s hand slip out of his, collapsing onto all fours beside his body before his sobs completely began to break out from his throat beyond his control. Acerola picked Nanu up and hugged him close as she failed to hold in her grief in front of the man she had almost gotten used to hating for years. After only a few trembling whimpers from her, she suddenly screamed out at the sky and bawled as hard as she could, tears flowing down her face as hard as Nanu’s wound continued to bleed. Spike ran into Twilight, who caught him as she cried over his shoulder while he cried into her bosom. As Lillie continued her sobbing, Sun hugged her tighter as he put his head down on her shoulder, tears cascading down his own cheek. Save for Gilda, there wasn’t a dry eye among them, Pinkie Pie and Skystar giving each other their own consoling embrace. The three Kahunas and their three guardians also began to weep, the loss of one of their own immensely heavy on them. As for the other humans, a mixture of dread and despair began to form on their faces. Over the eastern horizon, the top of the sun began to rise and give faint light to the city. With the Kahuna finally slain, Dawn-Wings Necrozma and Dusk-Mane Necrozma shrieked up at the brightening night sky along with Necrozma up north, the horrible noise serving only to hurt their enemies even harder. The trainers, Pokémon, and Equestrians up north could only look to where their friends were, left to contemplate what could have possibly happened to leave Necrozma’s three thirds celebrating. As the creatures continued to proclaim their victory, Tapu Bulu floated down to Nanu’s corpse, picking up the left arm that had fallen on his chest. With the inside ring of its hoof, Tapu Bulu picked the Tapunium Z out from Nanu’s Z-Ring, balancing it inside. It then faced Guzma fully, despite him still being blinded by his grief. It wasn’t until Tapu Bulu held up the Tapunium Z to him and it began to shine bright that Guzma could be bothered to look up at him. Suddenly, almost unnaturally, Guzma felt all his sadness completely evaporate away, the light of the Z-Crystal providing him with a comforting, assuring warmth. Even with them crowded around it, the tears of everyone gathered around had stopped, and their own negative emotions became ones of confusion and mild awe. The light and energy of Tapu Bulu’s Z-Crystal also reached the Necrozmas, also left stunned by what they were seeing. Up north, the dire intrigue the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians felt was now turning into total wonder. As Tapu Bulu rose up, Guzma did as well, his eyes staying upon the same level as where it held the crystal. Guzma and Tapu Bulu stared at each other for a few moments before Tapu Bulu reached its arms out, the Tapunium Z and Guzma’s new title his to take. “G… Guzma.” Acerola muttered. “You…” Guzma looked back at Tapu Bulu, who nodded in respectful approval. Guzma took one breath, realizing fully the new weight that would be on his shoulders. “Alright, old man. Promise kept.” Guzma reached forward and clasped the Tapunium Z, a torrent of light and gusty energy suddenly erupting from the spaces in his fist. With this new light cementing Guzma’s status as Ula’ula Island’s newest Kahuna, all three Necrozmas immediately became enraged, roaring out at him amongst his dearest friends. Each half of the group gathered around Nanu glanced on either side of them as Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma prepared to attack once again. “No!” Alice ran out at Dusk-Mane Necrozma, throwing out another Poké Ball. Out from the energy spilling from the ball, her Noivern fell onto all fours, and stood in front of Dusk-Mane Necrozma, who reared back to charge. Running ahead, Noivern lifted its head up before throwing back forward, hurling a heavy Flamethrower attack that stopped Dusk-Mane Necrozma in its tracks. As it roared in pain, Dawn-Wings Necrozma swooped in lower, ready to attack with another Moonblast. “Quick, Stakataka!” On Rainbow Dash’s call, her Pokémon picked itself up from the street and rushed over as fast as its small four legs could carry its massive box-shaped body. Just as the beam was about to be fired, Sam quickly detached a Poké Ball and chucked it up. “Salazzle, Sludge Bomb!” Sam’s own Salazzle shot out from its ball, and as it still hung in the air, Dawn-Wings Necrozma fired its Moonblast. Before it could fall back down, Salazzle hocked out a large toxic ball of phlegm and mucus, aimed to meet the attack halfway to its target. The beam struck the Sludge Bomb, which exploded out in a purple spray that also dispersed Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s attack. As the poison mist blew at Sam and his friends, Stakataka finally reached them first, setting itself down and allowing the cloud to hit it instead. Spinning its bricks on that side of its body, it sucked the mist in so that not a single droplet could reach those behind it. “Nice going, dude,” Rainbow Dash said to it. Guzma took a quick look at the Z-Crystal in his hand before placing it onto the face of his Z-Ring, quelling its glow. At the same time, the Tapunium Zs of Hau, Olivia, and Hapu began to glow brightly as well. At once, they took them off the bands of their Z-Rings and attached them to their face as they all briskly moved to the middle of the street. Upon their light fading away, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, and Tapu Fini shifted themselves to the right beside their Kahunas. The last to join the sacred circle was Tapu Bulu, proudly and eagerly punching its hooves together. “Guys,” Guzma spoke, “let’s do this thing.” Up north, Necrozma let out another scream of worry, flying out and away from the trainers and Equestrians beneath it. Though confused, the group wasted no time in rushing down the street after it. Hearing Necrozma’s cry and seeing it flying up toward them above the rooftops, Alice spun back to face her friends. “Don’t let them get to the Kahunas or the Tapus!” she shouted. “If Necrozma kills any of them, it’s game over for good!” “Copy that!” Gilda unfurled her wings. “Alright ladies, let’s end this!” Gilda took to the sky toward Dawn-Wings Necrozma, Skystar and Rainbow Dash flying up to join her. Acerola and Sam faced them as well as she threw out a Poké Ball. “Drifloon, Thunderbolt!” With her balloon Pokémon floating out, it tilted to aim its bottom at Dawn-Wings Necrozma. A strong bolt of lightning fired out from it and struck the target in the chest, the sparks washing over its wings along with the rest of its body. Dawn-Wings Necrozma squealed weakly as it struggled to move its wings at its three oncoming flying enemies. Skystar and Gilda flew into its right wing as Rainbow Dash flew into its left, their combined force sending Dawn-Wings Necrozma far away from the city. It watched nervously as all four Kahunas and island guardians crossed their arms before their faces, activating their Z-Rings. Shining Armor galloped to join Alice and Noivern’s side against Dusk-Mane Necrozma. Just then, Celaeno stirred awake, surprising the two trainers. Along with the Kahunas’ ritual farther down, her stomach churned over the sight of her missing pegleg. “Easy there!” Kahili eased Celaeno back down. “You’re in no condition to keep fighting.” “What’s going on?” the parrot groaned. Dusk-Mane Necrozma roared at the three of them as it charged forward, the front of its head glowing magenta. Noivern breathed out another Flamethrower, but as the fires engulfed it, Dusk-Mane Necrozma charged through it. As it reached them, the aura around its head expanded, and with a stop and thrust of its head, its Zen Headbutt attack crashed into all three, throwing them all back and instantly knocking Noivern unconscious. Right behind them, Sun, Lillie, and Gladion stood together, their Incineroar, Nidoqueen, and Lucario already charging it back. With its hands covered in dark-orange flames, Incineroar leapt out and spun at Dusk-Mane Necrozma, its Darkest Lariat slamming hard down onto its helmet, leaving a small dent in it. Lucario then followed up with an Aura Sphere thrown right at its face, further damaging its armor. Now completely disoriented, it could not defend itself as Nidoqueen tackled Dusk-Mane Necrozma to the ground, biting down hard on the side of its neck. The Kahunas and guardians then put their arms down and crossed them out, their movements completely in synch with one another. “From the looks of it,” Kiawe answered, “we’re winning.” Necrozma appeared above from the tops of the buildings, floating straight over the Kahunas as they formed a heart with their hands and fingers. As it charged two triangular shapes of light in its hands, Plumeria tossed a Poké Ball at Stakataka. “Quick Toxapex, Pin Missile!” Her thorny starfish Pokémon landed on one of Stakataka’s outstretched legs before it flung it upwards to Necrozma’s level. With a spin of its body, it fired a slew of big, thick needles that pelted into Necrozma’s body, the outline of the pyramid shapes in its hands wavering. Finally, the black sphere of a Dark Pulse crashed into its head, fully breaking the concentration of its attack. Glancing out the corners of its eyes, it spotted Chrysalis and her Gourgeist hopping excitedly beside her on a rooftop, a complete contrast from the vengeful glare she delivered to it. Necrozma then looked back down, watching the Kahunas began to lift their legs off the ground and swing their arms out and then up. With another shriek, Necrozma formed two orbs of psychic energy in its hands, shooting them both out to hit Toxapex, Chrysalis, and Gourgest, sending them flying out and away from it. Plumeria watched as her Pokémon soared off toward the ocean, leaving her to run out in the direction of the docks after it. Meanwhile, Chrysalis and Gourgeist were about to crash into the wall of a taller building behind them, only for Mina’s Wigglytuff to float down and catch them with its plush, air-filled belly. As the pink Pokémon carried them slowly down to the ground, Mina looked down over the edge of the building’s roof to see to Chrysalis’s safety, Molayne, Sophocles, and their two Magnezones linked together in front of them. A light glistened in Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s eyes, mustering all of its strength to fly its way back to the city against Gilda, Skystar, and Rainbow Dash’s forces. With a forceful psychic-charged flap of its wings, it shot the three Equestrians off of itself, the energy also striking Salazzle and Drifblim farther down, knocking them down and out instantly. Dusk-Mane Necrozma’s eyes also glowed brighter, prompting it to run at Sun and his friends with powerful, strong strides. With one set of paws hitting the ground just a few feet from them, a seismic shockwave and rupture of the ground underneath them blasted the three trainers and their Pokémon out of its path, clearing its way to the Kahunas. Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma then dove down and at the Kahunas as the completion of their ritual was moments away. Necrozma reached down as hard as it could as Hau, Olivia, Hapu, and Guzma flattened their wrists to mimic tiny wings and kicked their knees up, the Tapunium Z glowing so bright now that all of its features were obscured. All three Necrozmas crashed into the gathered Kahunas and guardians, a bright flash engulfing all of them. As the trainers, Pokémon, and Equestrians from the north arrived at the southern street, they, along with the others, froze in fear as they awaited to see if their attempts to stop them had been successful. Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma were promptly flung out to the sides off the dome that now covered the Kahunas and guardians while Necrozma was blasted straight up off of it. Both Pokémon crashed and slid to a stop, their bodies covered in whitish-yellow sparks. As it recovered and looked straight down, Necrozma’s eyes shimmered in tremendous fear as the ultimate weapon against it was soon to be summoned again. Inside the dome, Olivia, Hapu, and Guzma looked at their arms and hands, mesmerized that their skin began to sparkle from underneath. Looking to each other, they couldn’t help but smile and laugh, knowing their efforts, those of the fallen especially, were no longer wasted. “Holy shit!” Guzma clapped his hands. “We did it!” “Not quite yet,” Hau said with a confident grin. “Just one last thing left.” One by one, the Kahunas and guardians joined hands, Hau and Hapu placing their palms on the outside of Tapu Koko’s shell to complete their link. With a determined look upwards, all eight of their bodies began to burst out with light, which soon engulfed their vision entirely. The dome of light ruptured from the top, exploding a pillar of light skyward that Necrozma forced itself to back away from. Shouting up at the sky, its body began to glow a bright yellow. In response, Dawn-Wings Necrozma and Dusk-Mane Necrozma shone with the same color, the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians standing near them backing away in fear. They then watched as Necrozma shot up alongside the Kahuna’s pillar, Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma wasting away into rays of light until they formed two whole beams that spiraled upward directly beneath their other third. As Ilima and the others ran to join with those from the southern group, Chrysalis, Gourgeist, and Wigglytuff emerged from the alley they were let off in as Mina, Sophocles, and Molayne were floated down on their Magnezones to gather with everyone else to watch the end of the battle unfold above them. The two spiraling beams crashed into Necrozma and washed over it, the light expanding into a sphere before its features defined and Necrozma’s full form unfurled its wings, awaiting the Tapu Hydra’s transformation. The pillar of light shot off the ground and expanded and warped into its serpentine body, the top of the pillar aimed right at Necrozma as four necks grew out from it, each one also pointing at the ancient creature. As Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini appeared in the ends of the four necks, they quickly closed their shells upon themselves to create their animal-shaped forms. More light expanded off the ends of the necks, forming four fully-defined heads of an eagle, a butterfly, a bull, and a swordfish. As scales formed on its body, a pair of avian wings and insectoid wings sprouted out from its back as two muscular arms with cloven hooves formed on the side, finishing with the back end of the beam squeezing and flattening out to form a swordfish’s tail. Not a single creature amongst the massive group to the south could keep their mouths closed, mystified and overcome by the Tapu Hydra’s majesty. To the north, Kaj, Mohn, and Grubber looked out at the tremendously hopeful sight of Necrozma, who had once dwarfed them, now outsized by the Tapu Hydra. Grubber hugged Fizzlepop’s head to his chest, tilting it to look up in the same direction as he was. “If only you could see this, Fizz…” Charging its mouth with a bright yellow energy, Necrozma fired its sparkling psychic orb at the Tapu Hydra, who effortlessly clamped onto it with its hoofs and detonated it, the energy exploding in all directions. Though the energy blew hard onto the group directly beneath it, forcing them to huddle close to keep from blowing away, the Tapu Hydra was easy able to withstand it, staying right where it levitated. At once, Sun, Lillie, and Gladion called Incineroar, Nidoqueen, and Lucario back into their balls. “Everyone, back away!” Sun shouted. “Let’s not get ourselves in their crossfire!” As the rest of the trainers and Equestrians called their Pokémon back into their respective Poké Balls, they all began to make a collective dash to the east. As Necrozma and the Tapu Hydra continued staring each other down, they shot up higher into the sky just beneath the clouds. Necrozma swung around and prepared to fly straight into Tapu Hydra, who swung around in the same direction to evade it. Finally, both of them straightened themselves out and crashed into each other’s forces, blasting both away from each other. As the others reached the end of the street, they all looked up to watch as Necrozma and the Tapu Hydra repeated this process several times, each of their clashes producing a sharp clanging sound and a flash of light where they collided. On the precipice for another smash, Necrozma narrowed itself into a large spear of light as it shot at the Tapu Hydra, its form too fast, sharp, and narrow for the Tapu Hydra to avoid. As the Smart Strike hit the Tapu Hydra, it was slammed downward toward the ocean, resulting in many gasps, shouts, and in Fluttershy’s case, screams of worry. The Tapu Hydra managed to recover and pull back up well before reaching the surface of the water, Sam, Alice, and all of their friends cheering loudly for their resilience. “Mess ‘im up!” Rainbow Dash bellowed. “Kick its ass!” Acerola screamed. Sam and Alice stood completely silent, too completely focused on the battle to notice how hard they were squeezing their fists. As the Tapu Hydra got back to Necrozma’s level, it quickly transformed itself again for another Smart Strike, the Tapu Hydra now holding its arms out in preparation. Necrozma shot forward at the Tapu Hydra’s chest, its hooves suddenly swinging in and catching Necrozma at the tip, the point of its spear form just a foot or so from piercing in. With Necrozma still trying to force its way in, the Tapu Hydra quickly and discreetly yanked its tail up and lifted up at Necrozma’s center, the tip of its fish’s fin striking and pushing it up and away. After a violent crackle of bright, psychic sparks, Necrozma returned to its original form, its wings weakly splayed out. Just barely hearing the faint cheers from the Kahunas’ friends down below, it flapped its arms out and looped downward, facing the Tapu Hydra at its level directly above the main street of the city. Its body began to slowly glow brighter and brighter without any sign of stopping. As the morning sun continued rising, even its bright light suddenly began to dim, suddenly removing any of its light from the atmosphere and returning it to night. Those huddled together watching the battle glanced nervously around, stunned beyond belief that such an attack would extinguish the sun itself. At the same time, the Tapu Hydra opened all four of its mouths, a ball of pure white energy forming before each of them. The light filling Necrozma seeped out of every point on its body and formed a small bright sun in front of itself, ready to make its final attack. Both creatures fired their beams at each other, Necrozma’s singular, wide, and jagged, while the Tapu Hydra’s converged between its four singular beams, soaring out in a graceful spiral. Both beams struck precisely at the midway point between them, neither of them overpowering the other. Every soul in Hau’oli City looked up from the streets or out their windows from the safety of their homes or shelters, watching as neither beam would give way, sticking them in a tense stalemate. Lillie glanced between both creatures, her nervous expression implying that this impasse would not last long. “They’re just as strong as it is!” Sun took a moment to tear his eyes from the fierce, climactic battle and glanced down at the extra set of four Poké Balls given to him hardly an hour ago. Returning his focus to the battle, he stepped out from his group of friends and tore each Poké Ball ball off of his belt, holding two in each hand. With as hard a throw as he could muster, he sent all four balls flying up into the air. “Guys, attack Necrozma!” he shouted. At the same time, Malamar, Gardevoir, Xatu, and Reuniclus all appeared from their balls, glancing up at the deadlock Necrozma and the Tapu Hydra were in. Feeling a sudden kinship in Sun, Malamar and Xatu soared out at Necrozma as Reuniclus and Gardevoir carried themselves on their own telekinesis. As Malamar reached Necrozma first, its body became covered in a black aura as it crashed into it, its Foul Play attack causing visible discomfort and a small break in its concentration from its attack on the Tapu Hydra. Gardevoir arrived next, shooting out a Moonblast attack from the horn in its chest, further hurting Necrozma. After Xatu jutted out with an oncoming Air Slash, Reuniclus hurled a Shadow Ball in Necrozma’s direction, both attacks hitting it in quick succession. Necrozma’s grunts and moans could be clearly heard throughout the city, but even as the beam of its ultimate attack wavered, it still managed to hold the Tapu Hydra’s off. “We won’t let you win!” As Ilima ran off to the open, his Komala and Gumshoos followed him out. Ilima looked up at the sky, crossing his arms before his face, activating his Z-Ring and synching up with his Gumshoos. As the two continued their motions, Molayne and Sohphocles threw out their balls, sending out their Skarmory and Vikavolt. Together, they crossed their arms before their faces and activated their Z-Rings. As Kiawe and his Talonflame and Mina and her Wigglytuff worked to summon their Z-Powers, Sam and Alice then tossed out their last Poké Balls, sending out Drampa and Lycanroc. As Ilima, Kiawe, Molayne, Sophocles, and Mina finished their motions, Z-Power shot from their bodies one by one and filled their Pokémon with energy, pumping them up. Without even requiring instruction, Wigglytuff, Smeargle, and Lycanroc hopped upon Drampa’s back, the other three Pokémon awaiting the dragon’s ascent to deliver what would hopefully be their final moves. Just then, Lady and Comfey managed to snuffle their way on, Starlight and Fluttershy appearing by Sam and Alice’s sides. “You seriously think we got this far for us not make the final move together with you?” Starlight’s sly words brought a grin out of Sam. “Alright, Drampa, let’s roll!” On Sam’s call, Drampa soared up and out toward Necrozma and the Tapu Hydra, Talonflame, Vikavolt, and Skarmory right alongside. Soon, all Pokémon were now waiting beside the Tapu Hydra, who paid them no mind as they continued their struggle against Necrozma. With a spiteful, eternally hateful glare, Necrozma roared through its anguish as it continued exerting every ounce of energy to keep its attack up. “That should be enough!” Ilima clenched his fist. “Gumshoos, Breakneck Blitz!” “Talonflame, Inferno Overdrive!” “Skarmory, Corkscrew Crash!” “Vikavolt, Gigavolt Havok!” “Wigglytuff, Twinkle Tackle!” A yellow aura surged off of Gumshoos's body. Talonflame fanned the fires of a massive fireball forming before its beak with its wings. Skarmory’s body shimmered like diamonds as Vikavolt’s body was ravaged in a coat of sparks. Finally, with Wigglytuff’s pink aura forming on its body, each Pokémon took their turn. Swinging off of Drampa’s neck and pushing off its chest, Gumshoos launched itself at Necrozma, hitting it hard enough in the gut to send a bright shockwave of light across its stomach where Smeargle’s attack landed. Kaj and Grubber pumped their fists as they observed from right below. “That’s it!” she shouted. “You got this in the bag now!” Talonflame rocketed through its fireball and raced at Necrozma, crashing into it hard and forceful enough to create a sizable explosion. Skarmory flew straight as its body spun about, the tip of its beak hitting its mark as it continued running into Necrozma like a drill. Vikavolt shot a massive beam of lightning at its target, Skarmory flying away before the electricity could completely envelop Necrozma’s body. Finally, Wigglytuff soared out on a tail of bright pink dust as it checked into Necrozma, hitting it hard enough back to put more distance between itself and the Tapu Hydra. By now, only half of Necrozma’s beam remained, gradually dwindling. “Ready?” Alice looked to Fluttershy and Starlight, who both nodded in approval. “Okay, Lycanroc! Accelerock!” “Drampa, Dragon Pulse!” “Lady, Moonblast!” “Comfey, Draining Kiss!” Alice’s wolf Pokémon disappeared off Drampa’s back and appeared beside Necrozma, slashing its claws across its throat. As it fell to the street, the awaiting Wigglytuff caught it farther down, Ilima’s Gumshoos's claws hooked on the pink Pokémon’s tail. With an increase in speed, Wigglytuff joined Talonflame, Vikavolt, and Skarmory to return to the city. Orbs of silver and blue energy formed in Lady and Drampa’s mouths as Comfey pressed the ends of its arms over its lips, ready to blow. At the same instant, all three Pokémon launched their attacks, combining with each other to create a shimmering blue beam with hearts bursting and popping out from it. The fused attack struck and exploded off of Necrozma’s chest, and with a roar of pain completely breaking its focus, its beam was overpowered by the Tapu Hydra’s which blasted through Necrozma’s face, causing the rest to explode in a burst of light that washed over across the land and sea, quickly returning the morning’s sunlight to the sky. Every creature across the city shielded their eyes at the sudden return of the natural light, but they were quick to adjust, allowing them to see the aftermath of their success. The Tapu Hydra, along with Drampa, Lady, and Comfey beside it, were the only ones left in the air, the spot where Necrozma was now replaced by a bright star that dispersed all of the energy it gathered back to where it belonged. Gladion, his hand serving as a visor for his eyes, made a small, toothy smirk. “They did it. We’re saved.” Sun and Lillie stared up at the star, noticing three shapes begin to float down from them. “It’s them!” Lillie shouted. “We have to get over there now!” With a series of yips sounding off behind them, the group turned around to find Plumeria’s Toxapex hopping atop a long, wide, and symetrical raft made entirely of Wishiwashis. Plumeria smiled, happy for both her Pokémon’s safety and its ingenuity. Kaj, Mohn, and Grubber looked up wonderously as Necrozma, Dusk-Mane Necrozma, and Dawn-Wings Necrozma all gently drifted down toward the street, all of them completely and clearly unconscious. The fish-raft reached the sands of the beach, the Aether Yacht still wrecked upon it now spilling with smoke. As several Equestrians and humans began to step off onto the beach, many of their winged friends landed on the street beside Kaj and Mohn to await them. With their injuries still stinging and sore, others, such as Twilight, Kahili, and Celaeno, were slower to join the others already heading up the stairs, the latter using a weakened Capper as her crutch. Among the first humans to reach Kaj, Mohn, Fizzlepop, and Grubber were Sun, Lillie, and Gladion, looking straight up to get a far better look at the three fragmented forms of Necrozma as they continued to descend. The Tapu Hydra looked down as more creatures arrived, only to face the three Necrozmas upon their bodies beginning to change. The armor covering Dusk-Mane and Dawn-Wings Necrozma began to dissolve into gold sparkles before fading into nothingness, revealing Solgaleo and Lunala underneath. Sun and Lillie gently whimpered to see their dearest Pokémon in such a state. As Sam, Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy arrived, Drampa flew back down toward them. Before it could land, Lady hopped off onto the street and Comfey flew faster down, being hugged by the two ponies upon their arriving. As Drampa came down before Sam and lowered its head, Sam hugged its face, proud of what it had accomplished. Sun, Lillie, and Gladion’s eyes stayed on Solgaleo and Lunala, whose bodies likewise dissolved away to reveal two identical tiny Pokémon appearing to be small, nebulous beings with small black faces. As they drifted to the ground, Lillie reached out at them before their bodies gently landed, only for them to break apart in a spread of cosmic glitter that seeped into the street, disappearing from their world. Lillie clasped her hand, breathing out in a final, bitter acceptance. “Goodbye, Nebby…” As Necrozma was about to come down, Wigglytuff, Talonflame, Skarmory, and Vikavolt returned from the south, carrying Lycanroc and Smeargle with them. Getting let down, Smeargle and Lycanroc spotted and ran to their trainers, receiving loving hugs and pets from Ilima and Alice. Finally, Necrozma drifted down, weakly catching itself and supporting itself on its hands and knees. Finally, the features of the Tapu Hydra began to wash out by its brightness as its form collapsed into a tight sphere near where its heads were. Floating back down on the other side of Necrozma, the sphere set itself down upon the street until it was a perfectly semispherical dome once again. Once the light of the dome faded away, revealing the four Kahunas and the island guardians, the humans looked at their bodies and then around them, becoming accustomed to their surroundings. They, along with the guardians, then looked down on Necrozma, who no longer appeared to have any will or ability to fight any longer. With the matter almost settled, Sun began to slowly walk over to the defeated creature. Soon, other humans and their Pokémon, who had hid within the safety of the buildings, began to slowly pour out until they filled the northern street, soon leaving the most sparsely populated spot the one occupied by Sun and Necrozma. Now standing within a few feet of it, Necrozma managed to pick its head up just enough so that it could look up at Sun. Sun reached for the Master Ball still clasped on his belt, Necrozma now eyeing it. “Back then,” he mused, “the natives could only do what they could to seal you away from this world and every other world that’s out there. This time, you will not be so lucky…” Sun pressed the center button, the ball expanding in his hand. “Goodbye, Necrozma.” With a gentle, almost half-hearted toss, Sun sent the ball out at Necrozma, who suddenly tried to fall back away from it. With a single, final, and futile roar as it failed to escape the ball’s path, the Master Ball hit Necrozma atop the head, opening it up and converting its body into energy to get sucked into. Once all of it was brought into the open ball’s center, it closed before it fell to the street, all eyes tracing it. Sun stared solemnly at the ball as it shook once, contrasting the tension everyone else surrounding him felt as it shook again, and then a third time. Finally… *CHRIK* A burst of sparks appeared around the Master Ball as it latched closed, trapping the primordial tyrant inside forever. Even then, the crowd remained silent as Sun walked up to the ball, squatted down, and picked it up in his hand. After staring at it for what felt like two eternities, he finally held the ball up for as many creatures to see as possible. Necrozma had been captured. An instant wave of triumphant roars and cheers erupted from the crowd, friends and loved ones both human and Pokémon alike embracing each other or crying into each others’ arms. Among the group of saviors, their celebrations were muted by their complete and utter exhaustion, most of them breaking into tears or crying as they hugged each other. Sam looked out at the amount of people cheering them on, his eyes wide as he forced himself to stay awake, his surroundings beginning to feel too dreamlike. Alice put her hand on his shoulder, unable to hear her as she more than likely said something supportive and congratulatory. Sam decided that he could no longer take it, and with an apparent buckle in his legs, he fell into a seated position. “Sam…” He could clearly hear his sister call his name out of sudden concern, but he smiled, almost condescendingly so. “Sam?!” The only thing he could think to do in this moment was nod before he fell over onto his side, falling into a long-deprived sleep mere moments after the side of his face laid upon the ground. > Chapter 86 – Life and Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam’s eyes slowly came open, feeling himself swaddled underneath a sheet as he was laid on his back. As he shifted himself to sit up, he felt his left upper arm was also locked down, glancing down to find a hospital gown replacing his black Team Skull tank top. Over that, he noticed a black brace strapped over his chest that covered his shoulder and arm. “Sam…” He turned and looked straight ahead, suddenly noticing Alice sitting up from her chair in the corner of the hospital room he realized he was in. Walking to her brother, she gently bent over to give him a hug. “Alice…” Sam sighed in relief, glad to see his sister so up and about after such an intense battle. “What time is it?” Fully turning her body to face the clock above the door, she and Sam looked to see that it was already 2:43. “It’s about quarter to three.” Sam frowned. “Thanks.” “Man, you were out like a light! Nurse said you were one of the easiest patients she’s had to deal with all day.” “Yeah, well…” Sam wiggled himself in to rest further against the backboard, groaning at the soreness covering the rest of his body. “Other than that power nap we took on the train, we’ve been pretty much running non-stop for twenty-four hours. What about you, you get some sleep in?” “Yeah. After they patched you up, they let me chill in here, and I just slept on the chair for a few hours. Definitely going to get a good night’s sleep tonight.” “You can say that again…” Sam then looked to the door, feeling that something was missing. “Mom and Dad, they aren’t still–” “In Equestria?” Alice shrugged forlornly. “Probably, but I’m certain they’re being taken great care of, and Mage Meadowbrook I’m sure stopped most of it. Plus, I’m sure Starswirl and Celestia will be able to send them back home. Heck, they can probably use one of their memories to get back here considering Ten Karat Hill is pretty much Ten Karat Landfill now.” “Yeah, right… What about our Pokémon?” “They’re with the staff; they’ve been getting taken care of all day. I’m actually quite surprised it’s taken them this long, but hopefully it won’t be much longer now.” Sam forcibly breathed any nervousness he felt out of his nose. “How’s everyone else holding up?” “I dunno, wanna’ go check?” “I dunno, can I get out of this gown?” As he sat himself up again, his stomach violently gurgled, Alice’s eyes widening in fright by the growl’s volume. “…and maybe something to eat first?” A male nurse observed as Alice pulled up on the fastening strap before laying it across the one hugging Sam’s chest and his nicked and tattered tank-top, the small velcro hooks keeping it on. Sam sadly took a look at the jacket that he had once kept around his waist, now hanging completely ripped and ruined on the back of the chair Alice sat on, his hospital gown crumpled on the seat cushion. After patting him on the chest, Sam himself gave a gentle tug at the brace’s strap to ensure that it was comfortably snug. “Pretty self-explanatory, right?” Alice asked. Sam nodded and stood up from the side of the bed, tensing his stiff and overworked joints and muscles that had gone idle for too long. “Is there someone you’d like to see first?” the nurse asked them both. “They didn’t look injured when I saw them,” Sam said, “but where are Fluttershy and Starlight? Yellow pink-haired pegasus, pink unicorn with long purple-and-green hair?” The nurse nodded in reaction. “I believe they’re actually just down the hall. They’re seeing to… my apologies, I’m still getting used to them myself… I think Trixie was one?” Alice nodded in confirmation. “Thorax or Chrysalis ring any bells?” The nurse clapped his hands, content. “Those are them! Follow me, I’ll show you to them.” The nurse exited the room, followed by Sam and Alice. As he looked down at his legs as he stepped forward, he happened upon a few scuffs on his shoes and a couple rugged patches on his jeans. Sam nonchalantly looked on ahead. They were still usable, and if he really wanted to, he could just replace them. What mattered more than anything now were the well-beings of his friends. After passing several doors, the nurse stood on the far side of the next door to their right. As Sam and Alice stopped to make room, the nurse knocked on its door. “Come in,” they heard Fluttershy call. With a nod of approval from the nurse, Sam opened the door and slipped in with his sister. Though all five of the mentioned Equestrians were in the room, each of them turned to see them except for Chrysalis, whose head kept low as her sobs were reduced to short huffs. Thorax laid upon a cot, holding a small cup of Payapa Juice in between its forelegs. “Sam, you’re up!” Fluttershy sprung from her chair to hug her friend, only to stop and recoil as hard as she could upon seeing his brace. “Ah! What happened to you?! I didn’t realize you got hurt!” “It’s not that bad, honestly,” Sam replied with a casual downward flick of his hand. “I just sprained my shoulder in the battle. Just a couple weeks of taking it easy and I should be back to normal in no time.” Chrysalis sniffled especially loudly, getting Sam and Alice’s fuller attention. Alice was quick to pick up, frowning sympathetically. “What happened to Chrysalis? Did Cocoon…?” Glancing between Thorax and Trixie, the two solemnly nodded, Alice’s eyes suddenly felt wet. “Oh no, Chrysalis… I’m so sorry…” “Don’t apologize,” she softly hissed. “There’s not a single soul on either of our worlds to blame for her demise except for me.” “Chrysalis… how could you say that?” The face of the lone changeling queen’s face squirmed, insulted such an obvious question had to be asked. “I was the one who brought her into this. If I had just let her and her hive be and attempted my takeover myself, she’d still be alive right now!” Thorax lifted his cup of juice off his bed and set it down at the foot of it, sliding off to walk up to Chrysalis, picking her chin up by the edge of his hoof. “Chrysalis, there may be quite a few things here that you’re responsible for, but I can tell you that Cocoon’s death was not one of them.” Chrysalis bared her teeth, but kept silent as Thorax continued. “Whether you would have conspired with her or not, Necrozma still would have won and given us all a fate worse than anything we could imagine. But it’s because of her, and because of you especially, that Necrozma didn’t win. It’s because of you two that our hives will survive and thrive, yours, mine, and Cocoon’s” Chrysalis sniffed and blinked, two tears rolling down her already red eyes. “I no longer have a hive to return to.” “Of course you do! Do you really think I would just abandon my queen like that?” “Queen?!” Starlight, Fluttershy, and Trixie gasped at once. “Yes.” Thorax turned back to Chrysalis, who now looked to him with hopeful astonishment. “Sure I mean, I’d like to think I’ve learned a thing or two about how to lead the hive since you left, but I’m more than happy to give credit where credit’s due; you were one heck of a ruler to us. I’m more than willing to let you take charge of the hive again, and once they see the new you, the other changelings will be certain to let you back in with open arms!” Chrysalis began to lower her head again, held up this time by the full surface of Thorax’s hoof. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough…” “Oh, don’t be so modest, Chryssy!” Sam suddenly felt a chin rest on his head, making him freeze still in shock as its long white beard draped over his face. “You and your hive did nearly take Equestria over… twice.” Sam and Alice jerked back and turned around, Discord smiling slyly at the two as his body wrapped itself inside the doorframe. He then seemed to melt instantaneously onto the floor and reformed to stand complete in the doorway. “Discord!” Fluttershy ran past Sam and Alice to the Draconequus, the two hugging tightly as Fluttershy nuzzled her face into his chest. “Your powers came back!” “To be fair, they never left, but I can hardly begin to describe how happy I am to use them again!” Discord’s body stretched out again and transformed into a brown quilt patched with patterns matching the colors of its other body parts, though its head still remained. As Discord snuggled Fluttershy in its blanket form, Alice walked over to him and stroked her hand down the length of his neck. “Glad to have you back, Discord.” As Alice continued petting, she was unaware as Discord untucked himself from around Fluttershy and began to weave his form around her from behind. “Oh, how rude of me to never thank you for keeping my dear, darling Fluttershy safe while she’s been stuck here, Alice! Let’s fix that!” She suddenly felt her entire body from the neck down pulled toward him with Fluttershy, smooshing the two together in his group embrace. While Fluttershy rested her head on Alice’s chest, happy to have her close too, Alice felt her entire body tense up as a pressure inside the fabric rubbed and patted up and down her back. “This is weird. This is really weird!” Alice leaned her head as far back as she could to see her brother. “Sam? Help?” “I uh, sorry sis, there’s nothing I can do for you.” Sam grinned, Trixie, Starlight, and Thorax giggling as he backed away and waved his hands warily. “I’ll be sure to sing the song of your brave sacrifice to the next generation.” “You’re such a dick!” More delighted laughter. Sam spun back around to see Chrysalis, still unable to laugh with them, softening his own joyful expression. Sitting beside her on the empty chair to her right, he reached across with his right arm and slowly petted her neck as gently as his uncomfortable position would allow. Turning to him, Sam refused to stop, making her feel slightly more guilty. “I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused you and your sister.” “Shhshsh.” Sam shook his head, continuing his strokes. “That’s all behind us now. Right now, just focus on how much better you’re going to make your world when you get back home.” Finally, she turned her entire head to look directly at him, Sam shifting his hand to the other side, an act that brought the slightest of smiles to her lips. “Thank you, Sam. When you and Alice returned from Equestria with Cocoon, I knew it was because of you two that she transformed, much like Twilight and my Pokémon transformed me. If she were still here, I’m sure she’d be eternally grateful for saving…” Chrysalis began to choke on her tears, prompting Sam to lean in and reach past her neck. “That’s okay,” he cooed, “come here…” Chrysalis dropped her head on Sam’s right shoulder as he wrapped his arm over her neck, picking his left forearm up to place his hand on the other side of it just behind her cheekbone, which he stroked on with his thumb. Sam held on tight to Chrysalis as her crying continued, but he suddenly felt an increase in warmth where his bare skin touched hers, looking at his left hand as an orange glow outlined his fingers and slowly dispersed across her body. Keeping the side of his face against hers, Sam closed his eyes as he continued to feed her his love, feeling the muscles in her neck begin to loosen and become soft as stress completely left her body. “Thank you again,” Chrysalis whispered. “Thank you right back,” he hushed back. “This actually feels wonderful.” Thorax turned back to look at the two, smiling in appreciation for Sam’s willing affection. Another knock on the door shattered Sam and Alice’s tender moments, a poof of smoke exploding off of Discord before he, now returned to his normal state, Fluttershy, and Alice were now standing side by side facing the door to await whoever was on the other side. As the door opened, Sam leaned back away to allow Chrysalis to see a female nurse stepping in. “Hey guys!” Her inviting, chipper grin filled the rooms’ occupants with warmth and anticipation. “I was also told that Sam and Alice Brier were in here with you guys, so I’d just like to say that all of your Pokémon have been healed and they’re ready to see you now!” Sam and Chrysalis both shot off their chairs, the news indeed incredibly wonderful. “Are they outside?” he asked. The nurse shook her head. “They’re up in the rehab center gymnasium. It’s the biggest room in the building; big enough that you can all see them at once. Follow me, I’ll lead you to the storage elevators!” Upon her exiting the room, Discord, Fluttershy, and Alice followed her out first, followed by Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and then Sam and Chrysalis last. As they entered the hall, Sam walked along Chrysalis’s left side, putting his hand on her back below the base of her wing. Turning back to him, Sam gave her another assuring nod, one that promised her that everything after that point would be okay. Kaj and Grubber sat beside Fizzlepop’s bed as she lay sleeping on her back, the former kicking the back of her foot against the floor impatiently to the beat of the heart-rate monitor’s beeps as she hoped against hope that the unicorn would finally awaken. Grubber, however, had his eyes completely locked on Fizzlepop’s closed eyelids, waiting for the instant they would twitch and then open soon after. Finally, they did twitch, and Grubber immediately began pulling and pushing on Kaj’s arm. “Hey, she’s finally getting up!” Kaj yelped as she was surprised out of her trance by the excited hedgehog. Groaning, Fizzlepop slowly opened her eyes, Kaj and Grubber immediately coming to her bedside. Just then, a doctor opened the door and peeked his head in before walking in the rest of the way. “Please, you two,” he calmly warned, “you need to be very careful. The operation may have been a success, but she may still be very groggy and her horn still needs to set.” Fizzlepop willed herself to become as lucid as possible as she failed to wiggle herself to a more upright position. “Operation, wha…?” The doctor rushed to the other side of the bed, grabbing hold of the supports attached to it. “Please refrain from getting up yourself for the time being. Do you need to sit up?” “Yes, please.” Looking between the doctor and Kaj, who held her by her arm as well as underneath it, she couldn’t drop her confused expression as they both tenderly pushed her more against the headrest. “Someone please tell me what’s going on.” “We won, Fizz!” Grubber climbed up on the front end of the bed and faced her, something the doctor looked on warily until he stayed just a few inches from Fizzlepop’s back hooves. “It was so awesome! Apparently, the Kahunas made this giant four-headed snake thing out of light, and it hit Necrozma like *PCHH* *PCHH*, and then they blasted each other like *BWCCCHH*, and then after a bunch of the trainers attacked it with their Pokémon, the snake-thing’s beam hit Necrozma and it blew up like *PSSZZEEW*!” Fizzlepop and Kaj chuckled at his animated retelling. “After that,” Kaj concluded, “Sun ended up capturing Necrozma with a Master Ball. I don’t know where he got such a thing, but it’s a good thing he did, because Necrozma’s officially bitten the dust, and we never have to worry about him again!” Fizzlepop then frowned. “I wish I could have been there to see it and help through the rest. I’m sorry.” “What are you talking about?! You were a tremendous help! The way you kicked all those hybrid-things’ asses without magic? That was incredible!” “I’ve learned to get by.” The thought resurfaced. “And, hold on, what did the doctor say about my horn?” As she reached up to touch it, Kaj grabbed a hold of her arm, keeping it still much to her sudden dismay. “I have a mirror if you wish to see,” the doctor said. “Mirror? See what?” Kaj put her hand on Fizzlepop’s chest to keep her from moving, as the doctor reached into a cabinet and pulled out a hand mirror with a large, rectangular frame from one of the lower shelves. The doctor held it in front of her face so that her entire head was in frame, and upon seeing the difference in her appearance, Fizzlepop became paralyzed with shock save for her mouth with opened wider as she realized what had been done to her. Above the top of what used to be the top of the stub that was her broken horn was a tightly wrapped and sealed bandage, the smooth, but nonetheless pointed tip of a horn peeking above the bandage as well. “That’s my…” Her mouth opened and closed, but nothing could come out as she struggled to gather her thoughts. “Why do I have a…” “Well…” Grubber coyly traced a circle with his toe. “…when the doctors brought you in, they asked us if you broke your horn battling Necrozma. I explained that you broke it as a filly, but they offered to still fix it if it caused you any problems, and to be fair, it’s not like your magic is still incredibly stable, and plus, I really thought you earned yourself a new horn these past few days, so… surprise?” Fizzlepop put her hand to her cheek, still unable to believe it was herself she was looking at. “How did you even…” The doctor chuckled, humored by her reaction. “We took a very small sample of your horn, the DNA of which we replicated and duplicated in a 3D printer, and then we welded the prosthetic horn onto the base of your actual horn before polishing and smoothing it flush together.” “I…” Fizzlepop let out a couple dry sobs. “I don’t believe it… Can I still wield magic?” “I honestly couldn’t say; I’m not exactly an expert on your kind or your abilities, but I would highly recommend not using any… *ahem* magic for at least a few days while your horn is still settling in, and especially refrain from bumping or hitting it; in fact, just try to make contact with it as little as possible for the time being.” “That’s just fine…” Finally, two tears rolled down FIzzlepop’s cheeks, eternally grateful. “This world and its inhabitants truly are amazing. Thank you so much, you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed about having a whole horn again.” “It’s actually a very common procedure for Pokémon with broken horns, blades, or other protrusions, so doing the same for a unicorn much like yourself was hardly any different. Now, your friend in the other room, on the other hand; we had a much more difficult time fixing him up.” The unicorn blinked, her intrigue now outweighing her joy. “Friend? Which one are you talking about?” “I, uh… Dexio was his name, I believe, and we had to–” “Dexio’s alive?!” Fizzlepop threw the covers off of her body as she tried to swing around to the edge of her bed. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Kaj grabbed FIzzlepop’s shoulders as Grubber embraced her in place. “You can’t just spring out of bed like that after having done surgery!” “What are you talking about? Just as long as I don’t touch my horn, I should be fine, right?” “We still had to administer an anesthesia to keep you under for the surgery,” the doctor explained. “If you’re going to be going anywhere to visit anyone, you’ll need to be supervised.” “I feel just fine. Now please, take me to him.” Upon her hooves hitting the floor, her legs were too weak and her balance was too thrown off, making her collapse forwards, only for the doctor to catch her before her face could hit the hard tile floor. Grubber covered his eyes, peeking only to find his close friend held back up by the doctor. Kaj slid her feet toward the door. “I’ll… just get a wheelchair.” Kaj wheeled Fizzlepop down the hallway with Grubber sitting in her lap. The doctor came to a door in the hallway and stood outside of it, signaling this as Dexio’s room. Upon knocking the door, another male doctor answered inside. “Who is it?” “It’s Jeff,” he answered. “We have some friends of Dexio who’d like to see him if he’d like.” After a moment of silence, Kaj, Fizzlepop, and Grubber looked up at each other, unsure what would happen. “He says yes please,” the doctor inside responded. With an eager cock of the head, Jeff reached over and opened the door, pulling it out for the three friends to enter. As Kaj turned the wheelchair in, Fizzlepop and Grubber were stunned to see Dexio sitting up in bed under the covers, almost completely normal and himself. It was then that they noticed the bandages covering the entirety of his right forearm, wrapped over a rounded stub where a hand once belonged. Despite the injury, Fizzlepop and Grubber burst into tears, elated to see Dexio alive and well again. “Fizz,” Dexio mumbled, “Grubber. You’re okay.” “We’re okay?!” Grubber blubbered. “What happened to your hand, dude? Where even is your hand?” Dexio weakly lifted it up to look at the stump himself. “I guess when that fake Z-Ring activated to fuse me with my Pokémon, it scorched my hand pretty bad. I mean, that thing did burn pretty hot, and so they had to amputate it.” “How?” Fizzlepop croaked. “How did you get back out?” “Marshadow saved him.” Hearing another voice in the doorway, Fizzlepop and Grubber glanced around the back of the wheelchair to find Hau standing there, his face stoic and melancholy. “Hau!” Grubber hopped off Fizzlepop’s chest and ran over to hug his legs. “You’re alive too!” Hau couldn’t help but smile, thankful for him and his friend to still be with him, kneeling down to pet his head. Kaj turned the wheelchair to face Dexio’s latest guest. “What do you mean Marshadow saved him?” Fizzlepop wondered. “I don’t understand.” “From what I saw,” Kaj answered, “Marshadow jumped inside Dexio and did something to break him and his Pokémon apart. But… he sacrificed himself to do so.” “Sac…” Fizzlepop’s lips parted open in somber shock as she softly shook her head. “Oh Hau, I’m so sorry.” Dexio, upon hearing this, looked into Hau’s face, his lip quivering as he could almost feel his guilt growing inside his chest, weighing him into the bed. “Yeah, I am too,” Hau could only think to answer. “I really wish there had been another way, a way to save both of them.” “Hau, please.” The three humans and two Equestrians in the room looked to Dexio now, whose tears had already run down his face. “Not a single thing about this is your fault. I could hardly forgive myself for hurting you and Marshadow the first time, but to take him away from you forever like that…” As Dexio broke down into soft sobs that he refused to hold in, Hau looked to him reflectively for a few moments. After rubbing the top of Grubber’s head and standing up, the hedgehog stepped aside for Hau to approach Dexio’s bedside, standing over him. “Dexio…” Hau gripped the bars beside the bed, a flurry of emotions clouding the words he wanted to use. “As sad and upset as I am for all of this, I can’t bring myself to blame you for any of this either. You did what you did to help us take Team Prism down, and it’s because of you that we realized what we were up against, and it weren’t for your help, Sam and Alice would have never made it back to our world with Fizz and the others to continue helping us in the end. “And for what it’s worth, I’m almost certain Marshadow wouldn’t blame you either. He sacrificed himself to save you and your Pokémon because he knew what you meant to Sun, to Lillie, Gladion, Sam, Alice… and to me.” Dexio let out a small gasp, unable to believe what he was hearing. “Hau, I don’t know what to say…” Hau huffed, sporting a curious grin. “Dex, man, don’t sweat it! Your efforts cost you an arm and a leg! Well, I mean, just your arm, but I think that’s good enough.” Dexio let out a laugh, Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Kaj also comfortable to do so. “So what’s next then?” Kaj asked. “Are you planning on getting a prosthetic soon?” “Of course,” Dexio responded, “but I know a guy in Kalos who can make me a really nice one, so I’ll probably head over there once I check out. And speaking of prosthetics, Fizz! You have a horn now!” Fizzlepop glanced upwards, her forgetfulness making her chuckle. “It won’t be of much good to me for the time being, but it’s still surprising to have one again…” Hau nodded, glad to see his and his friends’ troubles mostly sorted out. “I was just checking in. I’m going to see how Sun and the others are doing.” “You take care.” Dexio lifted his right arm before switching over to his left, saluting the Kahuna with two fingers. Fizzlepop and Grubber watched him leave the room before the unicorn looked back to Dexio. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to see to some other friends as well.” “You go right ahead. I’m pretty much cooped up in her until the anesthesia wears off.” The doctor in the room turned to face them. “Where would you like to go?” “You wouldn’t happen to know who Twilight Sparkle is, do you?” “The purple unicorn with wings?” Fizzlepop stood straighter to pay attention. “She’s in the rehab center gym with her Pokémon. I believe she’s up there with several others, and more have been cleared to arrive to see their Pokémon as well.” “Thank you very much.” Fizzlepop smiled warmly at this news and as Kaj began to swivel her toward the door, Grubber quickly hopped back onto the unicorn’s lap as Kaj carted the two away. Dexio kept his eyes on them, staring out at the doorway even long after they already left. Acerola stared down on Nanu’s corpse as it lay covered from chest to ankle in a white sheet on a long metal drawer pulled out from the small chamber against the wall. His skin had already begun to lose much of its color, something that Acerola couldn’t draw her eyes away from. A door opened up from behind her, and as the person stepped in, Acerola could identify them from the sounds their shoes on the hard floors. “I’m sorry, I’ll be back up soon.” Acerola didn’t look back, even as Plumeria stepped up beside her to look upon Nanu’s body. She crossed her arms as she studied the sorry state the late Kahuna was in. “You know, they’re going to need to put him back in eventually so that he doesn’t–” “Don’t say it…” Acerola’s voice was filled with pent-up rage as her lips twitched uncontrollably. “Don’t you dare say it.” Plumeria sighed and closed her eyes, putting her hand on Acerola’s shoulder. “Look, I get how close you two were and what he meant to you in his final hours, but don’t mistake my deadpan as not giving a shit. That man gave me and my Skull grunts a new life when no one else would. Guzma and I owe everything to him, and even for how badly he hurt you, you owe just as much to him too.” Acerola bent over the body, shutting her eyes as tight as she could. “I know that… I just wish I could have told him that before he died!” As Acerola began to cry, Plumeria pulled her in by the chest, wrapping her arms over her shoulder and holding her close. “You didn’t need to say anything; he told you that much. What he wants for you now is to live the way he died; without regrets. Now, come on. Twilight and Spike are missing you already.” Acerola gently swayed in Plumeria’s arms, slowly calmed by her friend’s caring embrace. After wiping her eyes on her coat’s sleeve, she found the strength to look on Nanu once again. Acerola nodded and she pulled herself out of Acerola’s arms. “Alright. Just let me do one last thing…” Standing over him again, she ran her fingers over her hair, sobbing a couple of times as she did. She then leaned down with her face over his forehead and pecked her lips against it. Getting back up, she straightened his hair out to appear nicer than she found him. “See you later, Nanu.” With the thought of her alicorn and dragon friends upstairs waiting for her, Acerola felt more confident than ever to step away from him and walk toward the exit doors. “Alright, let’s go.” As Acerola passed her, Plumeria looked back one last time at the Kahuna and gave him a respectable nod and salute before walking to the doors to leave. With a coroner standing by the exit doors, Plumeria gave him a nod to allow him to resume with his work, following Acerola outside and down the hall to the nearest elevators. Sun, Lillie, and Gladion sat in a mostly empty waiting room. As Gladion sat arms folded and one leg crossed over the other, Sun sat wide-legged with his hands clasped together and his head hung low. Lillie sat beside him with her hand on his back, trying her best to console him over the loss they both endured. A sliding glass door opened before them and as they looked up, they spotted Mohn, Twilight, and Spike walking toward them. Mohn held two paper cups of coffee in his hands, while Spike held one with both hands and Twilight, her broken wing tightly wrapped in thick bandages, held three cups in her magic. Twilight floated two of them toward Sun and Lillie while Mohn gave one of his cups to Gladion. Sun sat up straighter and leaned back into his chair, instantly taking a sip of his drink. “Feeling any better?” Spike asked. Sun took another swig. “Hardly.” “Sun,” Twilight spoke up, “I’m truly sorry for what happened with Solgaleo and Lunala, but you guys… we have all done something great here, and at least for that, you should all feel very proud.” Gladion switched to his other leg. “That’s nice to hear and all, but those fluffy words aren’t going to bring everyone we lost back.” “They were never meant to. I understand that Solgaleo, Lunala, even Lusamine have all left a void inside each of you that can never be fully filled again, and while it’s certainly far easier for me to say this, I’m certain that Lusamine would want you all to move on from this.” “Easy for…” Sun straightened himself, only to catch himself and relax once again. “It hardly matters now. If I had just done what I needed to back at the House, none of this would have happened. Lusamine, Nanu, and Kukui would all still be alive if I hadn’t acted like such an indignant child!” “Sun, please!” Lillie put her hand back on Sun’s shoulder. “Twilight’s absolutely right, and trust me when I say that it’s harder for no one except me to admit this. You did what you did for Solgaleo and Lunala’s sake, and no one, not even yourself, should blame you for that. Yes, it’s true that so many of our friends lost their lives to save this world, but they did. The only thing that matters right now, at this very moment, is what we do with our lives from this point on, and knowing Mother, she’d hate to see us keep crying over it.” Twilight and Spike managed to smile, feeling slightly inspired by her condolences. As Sun put his hand over his eyes, he let out a few sobs, Lillie unable to help but run her hand down the back of his neck. Mohn motioned his cup by Twilight’s face, signaling her to take it from him. As she did, he walked over to his two children and knelt down between them. As they looked at him, they were surprised to find his eyes soon to burst as well. “Please forgive me,” he choked, putting a hand on each of their knees. “I failed as a father to you both. Even after remembering who I was, I still refused to return. Maybe if I had, Lusy would still be here, and so would–” Mohn suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, stopping his speech and looking up to see Sun standing up beside him, reaching down. “You had nothing to do with this, Mohn. I was the one who refused to end it when I could have.” “I could have too, Sun!” Lillie stood up as well. “I’ve been with one of them for longer than any of you, and I was too scared to do it.” Gladion put his coffee down on the chair beside him, standing up as he touched Mohn’s other shoulder. “I think it’s safe to say that we’re all partly to blame for this, but Twilight is absolutely right about one thing. We need to continue living our lives the way we always have. But today… we can grieve.” The four of them leaned into each other and threw their arms around each other’s backs in a massive group hug. Spike, overcome with his own emotions, dropped his cup to the floor and lunged himself onto Twilight, holding her tight and crying into her neck. Twilight put a foreleg over Spike’s back as two tears rolled down her cheeks. The glass door opened up again, the people and Equestrians inside slow to respond. Walking in, Hau, Kaj, Fizzlepop, and Grubber came inside to observe the scene happening in front of them. Twilight, upon her eyes meeting Fizzlepop’s, suddenly felt them drift upwards noticing her new unblemished horn. “Tempest!” The alicorn sprung to her, putting her front hooves onto the unused armrests. “You have your horn back!” “More or less,” she responded with a mild shrug. “Just be careful there!” Grubber butted in, pushing his arms out to keep her back. “The doctor doesn’t want anyone touching it.” “Oh, I have to imagine so!” Twilight put her hooves back onto the floor. “In any case, I’m so incredibly happy for you!” Kaj then looked to Gladion, who spotted her behind Fizzlepop’s wheelchair, giving her a smile and nod that she quickly returned. Hau and Sun approached each other, the former slapping his hand onto the latter’s shoulder. “So, uh…” Hau gave the most genuine grin he could muster. “We’re still buddies, right?” Sun, after stretching an awkward frown across his face, fell onto Hau, hugging him with one arm around the shoulder. Hau hugged Sun back, his chin pressing against Sun’s shoulder, happy to have his oldest friend back. At the same moment, the door opened up again, Acerola and Plumeria walking inside, their eyes widening over how crowded the room quickly became. Peeking around Fizzlepop, Twilight maintained her smile as she and Spike approached Acerola. “Are you feeling any better?” Acerola rubbed her own arms and nodded. Seeing the trouble on her face, Twilight came closer and stood on her hind legs, her and Acerola clutching each other tight. Spike came to Acerola’s leg and hugged it just as tight, the tension in Acerola’s arms loosening as the warmth and fuzziness of Twilight’s hug and the affection she received from Spike’s. Finally, another nurse walked into the room, everyone suddenly stopping what they were doing to turn to him to hear what he might have to say. “Sun, Lillie, Gladion,” he reported, “your Pokémon are all healed up and awaiting you in the physical therapy gym. They’re chomping at the bit to see you!” Sam, Alice, and their Equestrian friends were escorted out of the uncommonly large elevator by the nurse and into a massive two-story room with various exercise machines and weights lining the sides, the domed atrium above providing plenty of natural light and warmth. Standing in the center of a basketball court placed at the gym’s center were all of Sam and Alice’s Pokémon, who hopped, bounced, and twirled in place as they were finally able to see their trainers. Sam and Alice couldn’t help but giggle as they jogged forward at them, signaling them to all rush their trainers at once. As Alice crashed into the bosom of her Noivern, the rest of her Pokémon surrounded her, hugging, nuzzling, and cuddling their faces and bodies all around her. As Sam stopped to squeeze his arms around Salazzle, the first Pokémon to reach him, Drampa slammed the front of its head into him, knocking him to the ground and digging its nose into his face. Sam sat up as the rest of his Pokémon surrounded him, working to give as many affectionate pets and scratches as his hands could allow. Starlight and Fluttershy beamed as Lady and Comfey zipped around Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon and into the arms of their Equestrian trainers. Starlight fell to her shins upon catching Lady, getting down to its level as it pushed its way further into Starlight’s embrace. Comfey went snugly around Fluttershy’s neck as she gently pressed Comfey’s tiny body closer to her own, tears appearing from the corner of her eyes. Alice laughed as she tried to scoot closer to the edge of the court. “Alright guys, let Chrysalis have a turn!” Seeing Alice’s Pokémon following her, Drampa helped pick Sam up onto his feet as he and the rest of the Pokémon stepped aside with his sister. As Chrysalis came forward, she was finally able to see her five Pokémon, who looked just as elated and enthusiastic to see her as Sam and Alice’s Pokémon were. Unable to hold back a wobbly-lipped smile, she scooped both tears hanging from her eyes with her hoof before galloping at them. As she hugged her Heidreigon, who embraced her back with its two headed arms, her Gourgeist, Vespiquen, Claydol, and Mawile all hugged her at her sides or her legs, wherever they had room. As Alice watched Chrysalis’s reunion, she suddenly felt an arm wrap around her neck while a balled fist nuggied her hair. “Hey, don’t you be ignorin’ your old pal, Capper!” Quickly letting her go, Alice giggled in glee to see that Capper was indeed behind her, throwing his arms up to welcome her to him. Alice nonetheless hopped into the cat’s embrace, resting her head against a set of bandages wrapped around the whole of his chest. Rarity, who was standing by him with Applejack, walked over to Alice and hugged her from behind. Sam was then spun around by his good shoulder, turning to face Celaeno, who groped him at the waist and twirled him around as she laughed. “Celaeno!” To Sam’s added surprise, Rainbow Dash swooped down from the upper level to join her avian chum. “Rainbow Dash! You guys are okay!” “And look at you!” Celaeno lightly backhanded Sam’s left shoulder, making him jolt slightly at the sharp pain that went as quickly as it came. “You don’t look too worse for wear yourself!” Skystar and Pinkie Pie leapt up on either side of Celaeno and held their arms up in presentation. “And that’s not all!” they both squealed. Looking in the space their arms created, Sam looked down at Celaeno’s once-crystalline peg leg, his eyes widening and his lips pursing in pleasant surprise to find a sleek, bladed prosthetic in its place. “Woah, sweet new kicks! Or should that be just ‘kick?’” “It feels so incredibly close to how I walk on my good leg, it’s unbelieveable! I can hardly wait to show the crew! Or heck, maybe they can give Boyle a hand! Eh, eh?!” Though Celaeno laughed heartily as she nudged Sam’s chest with her elbow, Sam could only force out his chuckles, not as amused with her pun as she was. The elevator door opened once again, Sun and his combined group stepping out to see their Pokémon. Sun’s Decidueye unfurled a single wing and brushed it against Chrysalis’s Hydreigon. As the dragon looked behind itself, it noticed Decidueye, Incineroar, as well as Lillie’s Starmie, and Gladion’s Silvally among others looking up at it expectantly. With a loud low-pitched mew, Hydreigon motioned Chrysalis and the rest of her Pokémon off to the side to unveil Sun, Lillie, and Gladion’s Pokémon to them. With a happy caw and roar from Decidueye and Incineroar upon spotting him, Sun breathed a naturally contented sigh as he ran up to them. Catching him in their wings and arms, Incineroar purred as its entire hand rubbed Sun’s hair. Lillie only got a few steps in before she fell to her knees, her Starmie, Blissey, Rapidash, and Nidoqueen meeting her the rest of the way, surrounding her and squeezing in on all sides so that each one could give her their affection. Gladion walked up to his Silvally and Lucario, who were also patient in their strides. Upon coming together, Silvally pushed its head against Gladion’s chest, loudly moaning in its excitement to be back with its trainer. Lucario kept itself at a repectable distance, also gladdened with its trainer’s return in its own way. Alice then spotted Fizzlepop and Grubber in the wheelchair, but upon seeing her new horn poking from the top of her bandages, she squealed in delight and ran from Capper and Rarity to see her. “Fizz!” Seeing her dear human friend run to her, Fizzlepop felt compelled to stand up off her seat, her stance suddenly firm and stable as Grubber was forced to hop down. “Alice!” “Fizz, oh my god, your horn!” In a quick motion, Alice scooped up Fizzlepop from under her arms and wrapped her arms all the way around her back. “How did you even get it back?” Alice let Fizzlepop down, giving her plenty of room to speak comfortably. “The doctors created a new one for me! I can hardly wait to start using it.” “Yeah, as happy as I am for you, I think you should ease up a bit on the magic for a while.” “That’s what I’m hearing. Either way, I can only imagine how much easier lessons with Starswirl will be once we get back home!” “Right. Home…” Alice glanced off to the side. Now came the unfortunately worst part of their victory, and it slipped her mind only until now. Looking back, she watched as Sam continued socializing with Celaeno, Rainbow Dash, Skystar, and Pinkie Pie, the thought of their inevitably soon return dawning fast on her. A wave of sadness began to flood her heart until… “Alice!” Kaj hopped onto Alice’s back and piggybacked on, Alice reacting just barely fast to keep the young woman from toppling them both. Letting her back down, Alice spun around just for Kaj to hug her from the front. “Oh my gosh, this is crazy!” she exclaimed. “We literally stopped an apocalypse! Isn’t that crazy?!” “Yeah,” Alice wheezed, Kaj’s hold getting tighter with each moment. “Super crazy!” “Whoops, sorry!” Alice was let go, allowing her to gulp for air. “Come on, you have to introduce me to those new friends you came in with this morning!” As Alice was led toward Capper, Celaeno, and Skystar, the elevator doors opened up yet again, this time letting Guzma, Olivia, and Hapu in. Walking further inside, they spotted Kaj butting herself and Alice in between Sam and Celaeno, Kaj eagerly reaching for the parrot’s talon hand for a shake. Guzma bit down lightly on his lip and blew, producing an uncannily loud whistle that immediately got the group’s attention. “Yo, Sam, Alice! We wanna’ talk to you for a second!” Sam looked to Celaeno and Capper, the latter of whom put their paws to their side. “You two go on ahead. I’ve got a lovely little lady who’s apparently dying to meet me!” Kaj looked away, blushing, but nonetheless extended her hand for Capper’s paw to take. Sam and Alice quickly looked away as they approached the three Kahunas, Hau mingling himself among them. “Hot damn,” Olivia muttered aloud, “just look at these two.” “Mhmm,” Hau agreed. “They sure look like heroes to me.” “Well, I mean…” Sam scratched the back of his head, “we had help…” “Oh, sure,” Guzma guffawed, “but for the lengths you two in particular went through to help save all our skins, we just had to give you both mad props for that.” “And to think,” Hapu added, “they still haven’t finished their Island Trials yet. I can easily see one of you becoming our next champion with strength like yours.” “Thank you very much,” Alice replied with a short bow. “Where are the others? I haven’t had a chance to see them yet.” “Well,” Olivia said, “Sophocles and Molayne are staying the night with Zeraora. He got beat up pretty bad, so he’s not going anywhere quite yet. I think Luna’s going to help out too.” “Crews are already out fixing the damage to the city,” Hau explained. “Ilima and the Akala Captains are out assisting them. It’s going to take quite a while before this place gets cleaned up, but hey, at least we got through the hard part, right?” Hau smiled as he put his hands behind his head. “So what’s the plan for you two?” Guzma asked. “Looks like you and your Pokémon are all patched up, so you don’t really need to stay here.” “Yeah, I think that goes for quite a few of us.” Sam looked back at his friends both human, Pokémon, and Equestrian, smiling at the clear camaraderie between them. “We probably only have a little bit more time with them before they go back home. Maybe I’ll ask a few if they want to crash at our apartment tonight.” Sam suddenly felt each strand of hair on his head pull itself upward, growing out and spiraling into a gigantic shape before it transformed into a full sized Discord, sitting in a perfect coil atop his head. “I’ll take that as an invitation! Hey everyone, slumber party at Sam and Alice’s!” Many of the people and Equestrians inside the room cheered, mostly in jest. Sam reached up to snatch the draconequus, only for him to break apart into more long hair that formed a thick curtain over Sam’s body before it receded back in to its normal length. Sam breathed out through his teeth, unsure if he’d ever get used to Discord’s tricks. Alice gripped onto her brother’s shoulder and shook it. “Well, at least he knows how to get the word out.” As the two walked back toward their numerous friends, several creatures, including Skystar and Pinkie Pie, approached them, prepared to take them up on Discord’s offer. The four Kahunas smiled as they watched Sam and Alice continue to make merry conversation, certain of the bright futures ahead of both of them. > Chapter 87 – Restoration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capper’s nose twitched to the fragrant smell that began to fill Sam’s bedroom where he slept, curled up on the foot of his bed. Soon, the smell became too heavenly to ignore, and his eyes fluttered open as he became awake. Unrolling himself, he stretched his arms and legs as far as he could, making them tremble. Upon his claw prodding the back of Skystar’s leg, whose entire body except for her head was covered in a fluffy comforter with Pinkie Pie, he recoiled in nervousness. As Skystar snuggled further in with Pinkie Pie, Capper breathed a sigh of relief as he slunk off the mattress and tip-toed out the door. Walking down the hallway into the large kitchen, the heavier sizzling sounds in the pans on the stove matched the intensity of the aroma of the food being cooked inside of it. He then saw as Sam, still in a large t-shirt and sweatpants, sautéed nearly a full wok of fried rice with several strong flicks of his right wrist. He then moved on to a mound of soft, herbed white cheese on the counter, scooping several dollops and patting them down in neat, thick lines on a sheet of wax paper. After feeling the heat of a buttered pan on the burner beside the wok just above its surface, he brought his attention back to a quart-sized measuring cup of finely-scrambled eggs, whipping them about with a whisk once more for good measure. Capper couldn’t help but get a stronger whiff, the hard hiss from inside his nose catching Sam’s attention as he looked back to him. “Morning, Capper.” Capper jolted slightly over being caught, but just as quickly maintained his cool. “I, uh… morning yourself, Sam. Whatever’s for breakfast smells just divine! Mm!! So what’cha making?” “Omurice.” Sam stirred the rice in the wok with a spoon. “Our parents’ restaurant serves this for Sunday brunch, and dad taught me how to make it.” “So the boy also cooks.” Capper couldn’t help but notice a smaller saucepan on one of the back burners, reaching his finger over to dip. “And what’s in–” Sam gently snatched Capper’s hand back, placing it back on his side. “That’s a vegetarian demi-glace for our vegetarian friends, if you catch my drift.” “Wow, and you’re going through all this trouble just for us?” “To be fair, the demi-glace was premade. But as for everything else, I don’t mind. If there’s one thing I still love more than Pokémon still, it’s cooking food for others.” Capper put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, giving it a firm shake. “You’re alright, Sam. Heck, what am I saying? You’re more than alright. In fact, you and your lil’ sis have been more than alright ever since you ended up on my world.” Sam nodded before feeling above the buttered pan again. “Appreciate it. If you don’t mind, actually, you mind waking the others up? I’m about to start the first round of omelets.” Capper snapped and pointed with both hands before walking backwards toward the hallway. “Anything for you, my human!” With a spin on the backs of his feet, Capper strolled over to the door at the end of the hall. Stepping in, he found Alice, Starlight, and Lady in a king-sized bed with an empty spot where Sam had been. Walking over and kneeling onto the empty part, he gently shook Starlight and Alice, Lady stirring awake over the slight commotion. “Hey you two,” he softly spoke, “Sam’s almost done with breakfast. You ain’t gonna’ wanna’ miss this.” Both of them began to stir and as he walked to the door, he waited until they began to sit up before he moved on to the next door on his left. Stepping in, he found Fizzlepop and Grubber sleeping in Alice’s bed, while Kaj and Dexio slept in sleeping bags on the floor at the foot and the right sides of it. Capper knocked on the door three times, all four of the room’s inhabitants wriggling where they lay. “Hey, y’all. Just want to inform you that Sam’s cooking the best breakfast you’re probably ever going to have. Just a few more minutes.” As the four of them looked to Capper, he gave them an excited nod before leaving. Returning to Sam’s bedroom, he opened the door to see Pinkie Pie and Skystar already standing there awake and alert, frightening him. “Good morning, Capper!” Pinkie Pie sniffed the air. “Woo wee! That sure smells good!” “Yeah, uh…” Capper was still coming down from his slight adrenaline rush. “That’s breakfast. Sam’s almost done cooking it.” “Sweet!” Pinkie Pie left the room first, followed by Skystar. “Thanks for the wake-up poke, Capper!” Skystar giggled, making herself snort. Capper felt embarrassed in more ways than one. Walking further inside, he stepped toward Sam’s dresser, breathing a sigh as if he couldn’t believe he was about to do this. He tapped on the bottom drawer with his foot. “Yo, Discord, Fluttershy. Breakfast!” Stepping aside, the drawer pulled itself open farther than physically possible, and upon it stopping, Discord arose from the abyss inside of it, stretching his arms out and letting out a big yawn. Stepping out from the drawer, he smacked his lips and scratched just above the base of his tail. “Who knew that a human’s dresser would be such a comfortable spot to snooze?” Reaching down, Fluttershy poked her head out and took Discord’s paw to help pull herself out and get to the floor. “You said it!” Fluttershy flared her wings out once before putting them back to her sides. “I can’t remember the last time I slept so well.” With a flick of his left talon, the drawer closed itself. “I’m sure the accomplishment of saving the world does wonders for that too!” Discord and Fluttershy giggled as they walked out of the room to join Pinkie Pie and Skystar in the kitchen with Sam. Curious, Capper knelt down to the bottom drawer of the dresser and pulled it open a crack, seeing that it was once again filled with its original contents of folded pants and shorts. Closing it, he forced a shrug. “Meh. At least it wasn’t his underwear drawer.” Thinking nothing more about it, he waited for Alice, Starlight, and Lady to walk by before he left the room to join his friends for their first meal of the day. Dexio opened his mouth as Fizzlepop held his fork covered in her blue magic aura much like her unbandaged horn up to his face, a hearty portion of egg and rice packed onto it. Gently putting it in past his lips, Dexio closed them around the tongs, allowing the unicorn to pull away, smiling proudly at another successful bite for her friend. Dexio exhaled in refreshment. “How’s it feel?” Fizzlepop already began to break off another morsel. “To be honest, it feels just like when I had my crown, but now that it’s actually… my horn, it only feels that much more wonderful.” “That’s good. As much as I enjoy your assistance, I’m looking forward to being able to eat on my own again.” Fizzlepop grinned again as she picked the fork back up. As Dexio opened his mouth for his next bite, Sam walked to the table with two fully-prepared omurice plates in his hand. Placing one in front of his sister, he set the other at the head of the table and sat down, looking at all of his Equestrian guests crowding the outside of the rest of the dining room table, their plates mostly clean and empty. Despite her plate having been polished clean, Pinkie Pie still continued to lick at her dish. “Thanks a whole bunch for breakfast, Sam! That was deeelish!” “I’ll say!” Kaj speared individual grains of rice with her fork, putting each one in her mouth at a time. “This may even be better than the shanks you made us on Friday!” Sam deftly ran a knife across the length of his omelet, his friends still focused on him watching as it unfolded over the entirety of his rice. “I… aim to please.” Sam took his first bite just as he heard a buzzing coming from the pocket of his sweatpants. Pulling his Holo Caster from his pocket, Alice rolled her eyes. “Come on, Sam,” she admonished, “it can wait.” Upon looking at the screen, his eyes went wide and he inhaled to gasp, catching a portion of what he hadn’t swallowed in his throat. Sam began coughing and gagging profusely, destroying the tranquility at the table as all eyes turned to him, each pair filled with worry. “Sam!” Alice stood up and began pounding her brother’s back, his coughing beginning to settle down. “Holy shit, what was that?” As Sam settled his breathing, he handed Alice the Holo Caster, and upon looking at the screen, her shock slowly matched his. On the screen was a banner showing a text message. We’re outside. Come down! At the top of the banner was its sender: Dad. Outside the apartment building, crowds of people, most of them construction workers, gathered around the spot where Princess Celestia and several other Equestrians had appeared. With Starswirl’s arcane circle outlined on the street, the people kept their distance just outside the border, giving the numerous creatures inside plenty of room. Surrounding Celestia, who stood in the center, were the Pillars of Equestria, Celaeno’s crew, Ember, Zecora, as well as Benji and Susan, the latter of whom sat straight in a wheelchair. Upon the doors of the apartment building opening up, Celestia and those in the circle saw as Sam and Alice run out and toward the circle, followed by their Equestrian friends close behind. Sam and Alice tried to break through the gathered crowd as quickly and as politely as possible, their parents barely visible in the gaps the people still standing about made. “Dad! Mom!” Sam struggled as the people closer to the inside of the crowd became tighter. “We’re here!” Finally, Ilima and his Smeargle appeared at the inner edge of the crowd, the two of them working to part the way for the two siblings. “Hey, hey! Let them through! Those are their parents in there!” Hearing the Captain’s words, the people closer to the front stepped aside, soon making a path for Sam and Alice in the center. With their way cleared, Sam and Alice were free to run to their parents. “Mom!” Alice began to bawl. “Dad!” Sam threw his arms upon Benji upon reaching him, the two hugging each other in immense gratitude for each other’s survival. Alice swung Susan’s wheelchair and embraced her from behind, her chin digging into her shoulder. As the parents hugged their children, forever safe from the wrath of Necrozma and Team Prism, several ponies near them, namely Celestia, Mistmane, and Mage Meadowbrook, let their tears fall freely. As the other Equestrians approached, the crowd was far more willing to let them through. Among the first was Fizzlepop and Grubber, Starswirl and Stygian rushing to greet them. As Grubber and Stygian hugged, Starswirl was forced to stop as he noticed her newly constructed horn, gawking up and down its length. “Fizzlepop!” He panted as though he ran several miles. “Your horn… but how?” “This world…” Fizzlepop sniffed, “and the creatures that live here are truly wonderful!” Starswirl and Fizzlepop finally hugged, able to express their joy for each other’s safety. As Alice continued hugging her mom, she felt a firm, hard hand put itself on her shoulder. “Looks like you guys took care of things here.” Turning around, Alice let out a single laugh as she found her blue dragon friend holding her arms up. “Ember!” Alice squeezed her arms around Ember’s waist, Ember quickly tensing up after her friendly pounds on the back did not stop her from letting go. “Uh, Alice? You’re kind of killing me here?” “Shut up and let me have this!” Ember relaxed herself and frowned, now forced to wait for her friend to be done. Sam then moved to lovingly welcome Susan, also hugging her from behind. “Sam…” Susan breathed out. “Hey, Mom,” Sam squeaked, squeezing tighter. “How’re you doing?” “Your ma’s a real fighter, that she is.” Mage Meadowbrook wiped her eyes as she came toward the two. “She mustn’t have lost that much blood due to the cauterization, but to go through what she did and still be alive to tell the tale, that takes an awful lot of grit.” Sam nodded, also thankful for his mother’s fighting spirit. “Strength must run deep in the blood of their kin.” Zecora stepped up to stand beside Mage Meadowbrook. “It should come as no surprise how we’ve attained this win.” “Zecora!” Sam gasped. “You’re here too! Why are all of you guys here?” “Oh what, you’re not happy to see us?” Boyle teasingly chuckled as he and the rest of Celaeno’s crew approached. Sam smiled again. “Of course I am, but still–” “We unfortunately had no way of knowing if your world was still in mortal danger,” Celestia explained. Alice let go of Ember, who felt compelled to keep her distance from her for a while, as the other Equestrians, as well as Dexio walked in to join with their other friends in the circle. Celestia continued. “We could only hope that your strength, courage, and friendship had already won the war, and I’m so happy to see that it has. Along with returning the parents of Sam and Alice home where they belong, we came to offer our assistance in any way we can. Seeing as how the threat of Necrozma has seemingly been extinguished, perhaps we can offer our services to help rebuild your city. Speaking of, whatever happened with Necrozma?” “Sun could probably answer that,” Kaj spoke up, walking up to her. “He’s at the hospital now. A bunch of others too!” Celestia pouted her lips in surprise before they comfortably spread out in a warm grin. The Equestrians and their human friends stood outside the hospital, watching as Sun, Lillie, and Luna became the first ones to walk outside. Luna’s tears filled her eyes upon sighting her sister, crying as she galloped to her. As Luna rubbed her head against her neck, Celestia caressed her neck with the bottom of her chin, Celestia’s tears also flowing down her face. “Sister!” Luna choked. “How good it is to finally see you again!” “Thank goodness you’re safe.” Celestia put her arms around the base of Luna’s neck, unable to resist embracing her. As Sun and Lillie continued looking upon the reunion, more humans and Equestrians began to spill out from the building. Among the first of them was Celaeno, who happily ran on her new leg towards her crew. After catching her, all four parrots laughed merrily at their successful reunion. At Squabble’s shrill call, the others looked down to her leg where he was focused. “Captain!” Mullet exclaimed. “Your leg! What hap–” “Big cat got to it!” Squabble began to turn toward Capper’s direction, only for Celaeno to turn his head away. “Not that cat!” Spike weaved through the legs of the crowd, his eyes locked onto the blue dragoness standing beside Alice. “Ember!” Seeing the small dragon running to her, Ember’s smile lit up. “Spike! You’re okay!” Catching him and hugging him close to her chest, Alice couldn’t help but look mildly betrayed. “Hey, you get all antsy when I hug you, but you get all gushy with him?” “What?” Ember said suddenly matter-of-factly. “I’ve known him longer!” Alice huffed through her lips. “No respect…” Twilight, having followed Spike, felt her eyes well up upon them meeting Celestia’s, her former mentor unable to stifle a sad chuckle to see her student alive and well again. “Princess Celestia!” As Luna stepped aside to give her room, Twilight leapt up and wrapped her arms around her neck, Celestia putting an arm over her back and both wings around both sides of her body. “Oh… Twilight…” Celestia began to weep herself. “It’s so good to see you again, but your wing! Are you still hurt?” Twilight sniffled in a breath. “Not as bad now…” From inside, just before the entrance doors, Sophocles and Molayne watched as more friends reunited with the newest Equestrian guests, none of whom were less than elated to see each other once again. Walking toward them from a hallway was Zeraora, who, despite being bandaged in several spots on its chest arms, and legs, strode strongly as it took their side, gladdened by the sight he helped bring about. Sophocles reached up and grabbed Zeraora by the shoulder, getting it to turn and look to Sophocles who gave him a thankful nod. Zeraora’s smile grew as it continued to watch the scene. Finally, Gladion walked out of the hospital with all four Kahunas behind him, and as he came down the steps to approach Celestia and the others, Sun and Lillie joined them. As Celestia saw the seven humans come to her, she lightly patted Twilight on the side with her wing before pulling them back in. Twilight stepped aside for Sun and his friends to approach. Celestia grinned as she looked directly at Sun, who stood front and center. “I do believe I remember you from a couple of days ago.” Sun forced a chuckle, trying to humor the uncomfortable memory. “But I’m glad that we can finally formally meet in far better circumstances.” “Indeed.” Celestia reached her hoof out for Sun to shake. “Princess Celestia. I do believe you’ve met my sister?” Sun felt a more natural smile come on, her dry humor growing on him. “Yes, and I’m Sun. These are my friends Lillie and Gladion, and right behind me are the Kahunas of the four islands of Alola: Hau, Olivia, Hapu, and Guzma.” Slowly scanning her head around to meet these newer faces, she felt her warm smile settle more comfortably on her face. “While I’m sure you all played a major part in saving both of our worlds, I’m certain that each human, Pokémon, and Equestrian alike has each helped contribute in a way that I can hardly imagine paying you back for.” Sun felt his gaze drift to the ground before he forced himself to pick it back up. “You don’t owe us a thing. The taking of the Equestrians was a mistake that I take full responsibility for, and I feel as though if I hadn’t meddled with the exploration of worlds beyond our own, none of this would have happened.” Celestia’s grin faded a bit, but she still refused to show the remotest of a bitter emotion. “Sun, please. Necrozma attacked my world long before any of you were born. While I did not mean for his banishment to send him to your world, he was sent to your world all the same, and for that, I do feel that I must shoulder the burden of fault here.” Sun felt a grateful smile creep on his face, yesterday’s words ringing truer than ever now. “Then I suppose we both have both ourselves to blame, but now, we have to get to live in the future we’ve earned. Today… we rebuild.” A wave of simultaneous murmuring washed over all present. Though it was somewhat vague in nature, they seemed to understand what Sun wanted, their smiles suggesting they were all in with his plan. Celestia herself lightly giggled. “It sounds like a most excellent idea.” Sun shook her hoof once more. Twilight and Starswirl set up tents inside a large empty parking lot as Shining Armor and Discord placed cots inside of them, the latter holding on to dozens of them in his stretched-out arm as he flicked and slid them across the asphalt like playing cards, yet managing to set them up in perfect rows and columns. A bit down the street, Applejack and Hapu, riding her Mudsdale, pulled an open tilted trailer filled with asphalt, Rockhoof standing behind it as he scooped hefty portions with his shovel and fed it into the front end of a street paver driven by a construction worker. With the paver moving at the same speed as Applejack and Hapu’s Mudsdale, and Rockhoof deftly moving rock from trailer to paver in a tight rhythm, they created a well-oiled machine that left the broken streets behind them looking fresh and new. Towards the beach, Dexio stood atop the blackened wreckage of the Aether yacht alongside Molayne, their Metagrosses floating beside it. With their psychic energy surrounding it, they groaned and strained as they tried to pull it free from the back wall connected to the street. Several construction workers grabbed hold of any gaps or cracks in the hull along with several incredibly muscular Pokémon with light-blue skin and four arms, pushing it out with all their might as they dug their feet into the wet, somewhat compacted sand. With a loud iron groan from the bow and the unrelenting efforts of the workers below, the ship finally came free, the immense strength exerted yanking the ship out and flinging the construction workers and their Machamps onto their stomachs. With the harder work finished, Dexio and Molayne’s Metagrosses were able to lift the wreckage off the ground, carrying it off toward a large freighter ship a few hundred feet away from the shore. As the workers cheered and congratulated their Pokémon, they made their way back to the wall, stacks of bricks and a cement mixer waiting for them. Once Twilight and Starswirl had set up the last and largest tent, Shining Armor and Discord set up several tables and even more chairs underneath them. With their rest area completed, the four Equestrians came together and bumped hooves and paw against each other. Beside the larger tent, Sam and Mallow stood before a large grill and oven with another table stacked with plates, napkins, and silverware. Sam reached a metal spoon into a giant soup pot containing a creamy brownish-red sauce, licking whatever the bowl of his spoon dipped into. After smacking his lips, Mallow leaned in, awaiting his answer. Sam cocked his head and kept his thumb and index finger from touching. As he wiped his spoon clean, Mallow quickly ground more salt into her sauce before stirring it with a larger wooden spoon. Sam put his spoon back in and tasted once again, instantly shaking his head up and down and putting his fingers together, signaling the sauce’s perfection. Mallow beamed as she continued stirring the sauce to keep it from separating. Sam began to lay down marinated chicken breasts upon the grill, putting a new one on each couple of seconds in a tight rhythm. On the freighter, Celaeno, Boyle, Mullet, and several workers stood around the open space in the center of the deck, directing the two Metagrosses who slowly lowered the wrecked yacht down. Upon reaching their targeted area, the ship was gently lowered until it stayed still and balanced upon the spot. Those around the wreck cheered as the humans and parrots worked together to tether it to the freighter. Molayne and Dexio were brought down on the tops of their Metagross' heads. The two walked toward each other, both reaching to shake the other’s hand. Molayne, seeing the bandaged stub still left there, hesitated before grabbing hold of Dexio’s forearm near his elbow, Dexio blushing and grinning in reply. Sam took an ear of corn off the grill by the stalk, before dipping it in a long metal tub of melted butter. Shaking off the excess he placed the corn onto a construction worker’s plate. Sam then speared a chicken breast with his fork before transferring it from the grill to a cutting board, cutting it into thin strips with a knife before picking it up on its broad side and pushing it off onto the worker’s plate. With a thankful nod, the worker went over to Mallow, who ladled some sauce onto the worker’s chicken before moving to a large bowl of mixed and dressed salad on the counter beside the stove, picking a portion up with a pair of tongs and placing it on the last open spot on the plate. Mallow watched happily as she watched the worker lick his lips hungrily as he went over to sit with his friends, most of whom were already nearly finished with their meals. On one of adjacent tables, its occupants wiped their mouths with their napkins before placing them on their empty plates with their silverware and their bottles of water or cans of soda. Walking together to the garbage bin, they tossed their trash into it before walking toward the unpainted, but otherwise renovated street. Standing on the sidewalk, they kept their eyes on the middle of the road until a bright spot of light appeared there, spreading out to draw an arcane circle that spread out just inches from the curb. A halo of light then spread out from the center, unveiling Starswirl and Celestia within it. From another corner of the dining tent, Shining Armor galloped to join the group of waiting workers, panting as he came to a stop. “Is this… the Crystal Empire group now?” Celestia giggled. “Yes, Shining Armor, this is the one. I shan’t keep you from your wife and foal any longer. Shining Armor hopped onto the street beside Celestia, the others more formally walking on until they were closely standing together. “Are we all here then?” Starswirl’s question was answered with affirmative nods and murmurs “Hey, uh…” an older woker piped in, “we just ate. We’re not going to get sick are we?” Celestia and Starswirl charged their horns. “Don’t worry about that,” she replied. “I’ve done this a few times before.” Another arcane circle of light began to form under the feet and hooves of everyone inside, a wall forming along the barrier. The inquisitive worker began to get nervous. “That doesn’t answer–” With a burst of light and crackling pop, the circle and everyone within it vanished. Underneath the Crystal Empire castle, several ponies with colorful, refractive bodies did what they could to mend their damaged kingdom, whether it be picking up debris from the broken streets or buildings, or using the debris to fix the holes and chips left in them. Sunburst oversaw this from the center of the castle’s underside, walking around the Crystal Heart floating in the center and monitoring everything outside of it. Just then, the arcane circle formed on the ground just underneath one of the castle archways, summoning Celestia, Starswirl, Shining Armor, and the human workers. “–my question!” Jolting at his suddenly unfamiliar surroundings, he suddenly realized that his stomach felt exactly as it did before he left. “Oh… oh wow…” Along with the humans they had never seen before, the Crystal Ponies were stunned to see Celestia, Starswirl, and their missing ruler amongst them, Sunburst broke the silence as he galloped toward the newly arrived group. “Shining Armor! You’ve returned!” “Sunburst!” Shining Armor stepped away from the group to allow Sunburst to run to him, the two engaging in a short but meaningful embrace. “It’s great to see you too! Is Cadance inside?” With a whoosh of feather-ran wind and a quick series of clinks upon the ground, Shining Armor and Sunburst turned to the former’s left, seeing Cadance standing there, a look of sheer bewilderment on her face as she could hardly believe her husband standing right there in front of her. Shining Armor let out a hard huff, unable to believe his being there himself. “Cadance…” With tears filling her eyes, she galloped at him, and he at her. Throwing their full weight upon each other, they collided into each other’s arms, sobbing as they clopped their back legs to keep balance while running their necks and faces against each other. Despite the chaotic unorganized display before them, the ponies and humans there smiled warmly at the sight of earnest true love. “Hmph,” a worker commented. “Good for them.” Starswirl, having heard him, nudged him in the back with the back of his hoof. “I do believe they deserve a few uninterrupted moments with each other. Until then, we have a kingdom to repair.” Still wanting to keep their focus on the lovers’ reunion, the workers began to spread out throughout the city, introducing themselves to the crystalline pony populace. Ember overlooked the top of the town hall, swirling slowly around with her hand upon its spire. Under her eye, she did not see a single occupied street or plaza that did not have at least one dragon, pony, human or Pokémon working hard in it. Among them, Alice’s Mudsdale and a large red pony of similar size and build helped pull the completed wooden frame of the open front of a building up, two dragons and two construction workers up on the roof to keep it in place. Upon the dragons and workers catching and nailing the frame to the edges of the house, the red stallion looked to Mudsdale and held his hoof out to it. Confused, Mudsdale put its hoof against his, humoring the stallion greatly. Ember continued watching as Alice approached the stallion, holding her fist out in a similar gesture, only for him to rope her into his chest with a single-armed hug, nuzzling the bottom of his jaw against the back of her neck. Ember couldn’t help but giggle and blush, glancing around despite the lack of anyone near her. Luna flew around the city of Canterlot, the streets filled with human construction workers and their Pokémon as they repaired the damages to its buildings and roads. Landing atop a building, she looked down as a worker dried a newly repaired window with a squeegee. The well-dressed unicorn family inside gathered around on the other side of the window as they watched the alien creature finish the renovation to their home. A young colt put his hand upon the last spot of wetness before the worker wiped it off. With his hoof still on the window, the worker placed his hand over the same spot as a sign of goodwill. The colt giggled, the sight of which made the worker laugh himself. Luna nodded gladly, happy to see the two different creatures get along. With a flap of her wings, she took off to the skies to monitor the rest of the kingdom. Mohn, Fluttershy, and Zecora walked through a dense, dark, and foggy forest, the former looking chipper and excited as he looked through the foliage. Surrounding them on all sides were several species of bird Pokémon, who hopped from branch to branch as they followed the trio and searched for more of their missing brethren. Mohn pointed up at a dead-looking tree with even more Pokémon upon it, and after blowing a short, sharp whistle through his bit lips, the tree began to rotate, soon facing him and the two ponies with a sinister glare. Fluttershy jumped behind Mohn, trembling, while Zecora reared back to fight the Trevenant now walking at them on its root-legs. Mohn laughed as he approached the tree and put as much of his arms around the bark as he could. To Zecora’s added surprise, the tree smiled back and put its branched limbs around Mohn’s back. In Konikoni City, Olivia over saw as Carly swept and gathered the last of the broken glass and bits of rubble from the floor of their jewelry store into a dustbin. As she discarded them into a trashcan, several workers began to pull the frame of the broken display window out from the wall toward the street, Rarity, Capper, and several other workers and their Pokémon ready with a new, unblemished window to promptly replace it with. As the orange afternoon sun began to paint the sky, Mina and Pinkie Pie oversaw as workers nailed the last of the new wooden boards into the walkways of the Seafolk Village. Upon one of the workers setting their hammer down on the edge, he accidently pulled it farther out, causing it to fall and quickly sink into the water. After lightly punching the floor in frustration, Skystar rose out from the water soon after, now sporting a more equine appearance with sleek, smooth scales in place of fur or plumage, as well as a blue membranous mane and matching tail fin. Reaching up, she held the worker’s hammer to him, wrapped in her hoof-fins. After taking it, he smiled to her and appreciatively petted down the length of her neck with his gloved hands, making her tremble in excitement. Diving backward into the sea, she disappeared under the depths before she shot back out from a corner behind Mina and Pinkie Pie. Upon her entire fish-like body breaching the water, the center pink seashell of her necklace began to glow brightly as the light overtook her body. As she came back down, her tailfin split off into a pair of equine legs and silky tail, her flipper hooves compacted into two talons, her wings shot off her back, and her face transformed into an avian shape. The moment she landed directly behind Mina and Pinkie Pie, the light receded back into her necklace, returning to her hippogriff form. Giggling madly, she hugged the human and pony around their backs, the latter nuzzling into her. Mina, once she had her bearings straight again, also leaned in and stroked down her downy chest. In Po Town, Guzma, Plumeria, and nearly a dozen Skull grunts gathered in a tight group and brought their mugs of beer together in cheers, most of their heads splashing outside and onto the streets. Around them, all of the buildings and roads had been mended. Though there were clear lighter patches in the walls where the new plaster had been placed, and the spots of cement holding the new cobblestone in the streets still looked partially wet, the grunts could only just celebrate what they accomplished today. Guzma broke away from his former gang, two mugs of cold brew held in each hand. Sitting off by themselves, the Mossdeep employees talked amongst themselves, trying their hardest not to humor the Skull grunts and their debauchery. Holding the mugs just above them so the spilled beer and condensation outside the glass would drip right in front of their faces, Guzma got their attention as he lowered down to hand them their drinks. Each one looked up to his eyes as they each took their mug, surprised to see such a token of kindness being given to them by the scruffy looking man. After giving the group a salute, he walked off to join Plumeria and the others, wanting nothing more than to celebrate with them. On the south side of Hau’oli, Benji took one of many small steaks off the grill, placing it on the counter beside Susan, who sat in front of it and began to slice it into thin strips. Beside her, Spittle hacked away at a pile of herbs with a cleaver while spittle snatched a pinch of them and threw them into a large pan on a stove with sliced potatoes, Mage Meadowbrook standing beside her to season them with olive oil and crushed garlic. Once Susan plated the steak and drizzled on a light green sauce from a squirt bottle, she passed the dish on to Spittle, who dumped a portion of the potatoes onto the empty half of the plate, handing it across to Kiawe. Taking his dish, he walked out of the line to make a beeline over to Lana and Flannery, who waved him down to the empty spot they saved for him. Also enjoying their meals on the table next to theirs included Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Hau, who appeared to be engaging in merry conversation with Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Celaeno, Fizzlepop, and Grubber. As Hau savored his steak, he couldn’t help but be silent for a spell as he glanced to Sun, Lillie, and Gladion, completely uncertain how he could have earned such good friends. That night, Sam sat on the beach away where everyone was sleeping. While there was still a massive rut that the Aether yacht had left through the center of the sand, all he, Starlight, Fluttershy, Trixie, Thorax, and Chrysalis could focus on was the nebulous, starry sky that dazzled past the horizon. Even with reconstruction and his friends returning back home so soon to come, nothing could ruin the tranquility he felt watching such a gorgeous sight beside them. The next morning, Celestia and Luna stood beside the back wall of the beach with their horns charged, a circular portal to Ponyville formed against it. With a Lapras waiting just before it, using the rut as a channel, several land Pokémon hopped onto its back until its back shell was completely full. Once it reached full capacity, Mohn and Fluttershy directed it to push itself through the rut and into the ocean to join the many other Laprases and the Pokémon also riding on them. As the next unoccupied Lapras scooted in, many flying Pokémon spilled out from the portal to join their friends in the sky. Even before the Lapras was less than halfway between the shore and the portal, no more Pokémon flew out from it, filling Mohn and Fluttershy with surprise. Once the Lapras reached the portal, only a handful of Pokémon hopped onto its shell, no others joining it. “Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Is that all of them already?” “I do think it is!” Turning to the pegasus, Mohn knelt down to her and hugged her tight, Fluttershy tensing up in reaction. “Thank you so much for your help, Fluttershy. You’ll be home soon before you know it!” The sincerity of his words nearly melted Fluttershy as she relaxed in his embrace. “And thank you yourself, Mohn. I couldn’t have done it all without you.” Letting go, he prepared to hop onto this last Lapras before Lillie and Gladion approached him, stopping him in his tracks. Mohn smiled more relaxed, feeling better than ever. “Of course I’ll say farewell to my two beautiful children.” Gladion and Lillie walked to him fist, and Mohn put his arms around them as they put their chests against his, slinging their arms over his shoulder and around his gut. “We’ll be seeing each other again sooner than later,” Mohn whispered. “This I promise.” Celestia and Luna sniffled, happy to see yet another moment of joyous closure for yet another family brought back together. Fluttershy could not handle it, crying into Luna’s shoulder, the princess covering her with her wing in consolation. Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Hau all waved Mohn farewell as he and his caravan of Pokémon returned home from where they came, Celestia, Luna, and Fluttershy now proudly watching them off. Once Mohn returned his focus to the open sea, the four humans walked back up toward the steps to the street, glancing over as Hapu, Acerola, and Kaj began to restore the beach to its original splendor with their Dugtrio, Palossand, and Rông. Celestia, Luna, and Fluttershy led them, and as they ascended the steps, they looked over as a worker painted stripes upon the smooth new street. Across the way, Flash Magnus and Somnambula helped a few workers and their Pokémon as they installed a large new window of the building overlooking the beach. For the most part, the city looked as though there had never been a climactic battle in it at all. “So what now?” Lillie asked. “Are we almost done?” Celestia nodded once. “Now we just have to see how our other friends are doing.” Alice and Ember walked through the streets of Ponyville with the large red stallion and the human workers that had been brought over. Looking throughout the buildings, it appeared as though the town was brought back to its original splendor, filling Alice’s heart with much contentment. As they reached the town square, the three friends and the group behind them stopped in their tracks upon sighting Celestia and Luna, who looked over the work everyone had done with impressment. Filling the street facing the Hau’oli Beach, most of the Equestrians and trainers from the over-week long journey were gathered alongside the workers who were brought back from Equestria, their work seemingly completed. Finally, another arcane circle appeared in the middle of the space around where everyone had gathered. Appearing on it were Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, and the final group of human workers from the Crystal Empire. As Shining Armor and the workers rejoined their friends and family. Celestia turned to face as many of the creatures as she could. “I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the work you have put in toward helping repair the towns, cities, and kingdoms of our world,” she began, “and allowing us the same courtesy to do the same for your cities. I think it’s safe to say that in some way, Necrozma and the war he waged against us has affected us all, and for all of us, human, Equestrian, and Pokémon alike, to step up to protect and aid one another fills my heart with a joy I can hardly comprehend. “Prior to this week, I was unaware that a world such as this could exist outside my own, but when I see the people and Pokémon who made this world a safe haven for my little ponies when they needed one the most, I’m reminded that friendship is a force and power that transcends time and space, and I’m overwhelmed with happiness to find that such a thing exists in abundance here. It is my great pleasure to announce that your hard work these past hours have all paid off, and that our worlds have been for the most part restored. Well done, and thank you all, everyone.” The workers flung their hardhats to the ground and whooped with cheers, followed closely by the Equestrians and each and every one of their trainer friends. Celestia and Luna merely stood by and watched as humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians hugged one another, Necrozma and the damages it caused now sealed away. Celestia and Luna waited for the right time to make their final piece, but it seemed that time would not be coming very soon at all. That evening, the commotion of the end of repairs had finally died down, and life in Hau’oli City seemed to mostly go back to normal. As such, the ferry station was about as busy as it ever was, all with the exception of a large crowd of Equestrians and some trainer friends gathered outside the terminal as they watched Dexio sling his bag onto his good shoulder with his good hand. Standing behind Sam and Alice were Sun, Lillie, Hau, Gladion, the Pillars of Equestria, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Capper, Skystar, Celaeno, and her four-piece crew, each of whom looked conflicted over his departure. “Are you sure you can’t stay for one more day?” Sam asked. “We’re going to be holding a service for Nanu, Cocoon, and a whole bunch of others!” “And then Pinkie Pie’s throwing a huge party afterwards!” Skystar squealed. “You can at least stay for that, can’t you?” Dexio blew a rueful sigh through his smirking lips. “I’d sure love to guys, but I gotta’ be heading home myself. I have quite a few people and other affairs that I need to see to. Besides,” he said with a wink, “that just leaves out another face you’ll have a hard time saying goodbye to before you guys go home in a couple days.” Starswirl kept a proud, strong face, despite the knowledge that this would be the last time in a long time he’d see his faithful companion. “We will miss you, Dexio. Don’t you forget that.” Dexio’s lips parted, a soft sob escaping them. “This is the final boarding call for the ferry to Ambrette Town,” a female’s voice announced through the speakers. “The ferry will depart in exactly two minutes.” With no time left, Dexio ran toward the friends he was soon to leave. Sam and Alice caught him and locked him in an embrace. The other four humans and the Equestrians then encircled Dexio as they each hugged him as well, using their final seconds to reflect on everything he did for and with them. Among them, Fizzlepop, Skystar, and Squabble were completely unable to hold back their tears, the latter of whom blew his beak into the back of Hau’s jacket. After several long moments, Celaeno patted Gladion on the back. “Alright, alright, let the guy get to his boat!” Gladion, Flash Sentry, and Celaeno stepped aside to give Dexio a clear path to the station where his ferry was still docked and moments away from setting sail. Jogging to his ship, all his friends behind him watched with deep admiration as he made his way off, having no intention of leaving until the boat had left the station. > Chapter 88 – Where the Heart Is > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam stood at the front of the ferry as it neared Malie City. He was dressed in a black blazer, black slacks, black shoes, and a black shirt with the top button unopened. Within a mile from the pier, Sam couldn’t help but look down at the waters as the boat forced them to pass by the corners of his vision. Several other people dressed in black were scattered along the ferry’s deck, paying Sam no mind. Even the Equestrians amongst them were all wearing species-appropriate formal black outfits, Applejack’s brown leather hat replaced by an ebony-colored one. The sight on the boat was dreary, but acceptably so for where they were ultimately headed. Alice, wearing a knee-length dress with her hair brushed and held back, came to him from the right and put her hand upon his as it gripped the railing. “Sam. We should join the others now.” “I know, but…” Sam almost felt ashamed to say, shutting his eyes as tightly as he closed his hands. “I get that, bro, but since this is the last night, you should spend as much time with your friends as possible, alright?” Sam initially felt his hold on the railing loosen, and while slower to do it, he finally felt the strength to pick up his head and look out to the fast-approaching city. Whether he wanted it to be true or not, Alice was absolutely right, and her advice was the absolute best to follow at this time in these last moments. “Alright.” Sam turned around and walked to Starlight, Twilight, and Spike, Alice’s hand upon the back of his shoulder. While his stance was forlornly hunched slightly, Sam still did his best to maintain a positive outlook on the next twenty-four hours ahead. On the shores of the yellow-sanded beach outside the Aether House, dozens of chairs were set up facing two pyres that the waves crashing against the shore just barely reached. Upon each of them them, the bodies of Nanu and Cocoon were laid, the former wearing a formal policeman’s suit, the coat decorated with various medals and pins for the service he once gave to the force. Standing between their final resting spots was an ornate torch sticking out from the sand, its flame fighting against the breeze. Floating on the outsides of both pyres were the four island guardians, who stood as mournfully as the creatures in attendance sat. While most of the chairs were occupied by Sam and Alice’s numerous friends, both human and Equestrian alike, a large portion of one of the two sections of seats were held by other police officers in their own attire, staring respectfully at the former officer who protected the streets of Malie and the former Kahuna who protected everything else upon the island. Comprising the first rows of seats were Hau, Olivia, Guzma, Hapu, Plumeria, Sophocles, Molayne, Kahili, Chrysalis, Thorax, and Twilight, with an extra smaller chair set aside for Spike and one chair open. On the short cliff overlooking the beach, dozens of Skull grunts sat and watched the service go on, still wearing their jerseys and nylon shorts. Acerola walked back to her seat as she wiped her nose and eyes with her bare arm. Sitting back down between Plumeria and Guzma, she breathed a deep breath, letting any anxiety or fears of words left unsaid still clinging to her escape her mouth with her exhale. Grabbing the side of her head, Plumeria brought her into her bosom to console her at the end of her great loss. Guzma, his hair tied back in ponytail that left no strand out of place, finally stood himself up and straightened his tie and walked toward a podium further down the beach, careful to follow the black, gold-trimmed carpet that led him there. Stepping at the podium, Guzma straightned the microphone, the slight feedback bringing Acerola and Plumeria back to attention. With a soft clearing of his throat, Guzma began his last eulogy. “You know, uh… I haven’t been Kahuna for very long, but… In fact, I never thought I’d ever be a Kahuna… or a Trial Captain for that matter. It’s why I started Team Skull all those years ago. And even after all the stupid things I did and the damage I almost caused Alola…” Guzma clenched his fist before reaching back and pointing at the dead former Kahuna’s body. “…Nanu… this man, gave me a second chance that even to this day I know I didn’t deserve.” Plumeria let out a soft huff, trying her absolute hardest to conceal her emotions, even as two tears rolled down her cheeks. “I… feel I need to go back a ways. After Team Skull first disbanded, I actually became an apprentice of sorts to Hala. You know, Hau’s old man.” A few chuckles and even a grin from Hau. “He helped me see the trainer in me that I didn’t even know I could attain to, and when he died, he not only left a hole in many people’s hearts, including my own, but… he also left an empty spot at the Pokémon League. But, before he died, Hala apparently thought that there was a spot for me out there in the world… his own, right up there on Mount Lanakila. Because of that, I got to meet Ace… Acerola.” Acerola nibbled her lip, forcing herself not to cry. “Yeah, she got pretty sick for a while but, now… she looks sick.” More laughter, and it clearly worked wonders to help quell Acerola’s grief somewhat. “Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. Anyways, Nanu credited my being in Ace’s life with her getting better. While I can’t forget the pain Nanu caused her, intentional or not, he gave Plumeria and my crew their home back!” From the back, the Skull grunts hollered, whistled, and cheered, the long-ago gesture not lost on them. Guzma fanned his hand to quiet the rowdy grunts. “And for what it’s worth, if he’s willing to go to such lengths for the man who he says saved someone he truly loved, even if he had a really funny way of showing it, I think it still shows what an unbelievably important part to his life she played.” Guzma frowned to see her cries beginning to emerge once again, knowing he had to wrap this up. “In fact, I think its safe to say from what Plumeria, Twilight, Spike, and Acerola have said on Nanu’s behalf tonight shows how much of an impact he made in not just their lives, but the lives of everyone he came into contact with. I’d sure like to think we all made an impact on his. Thank you.” At once, all police officers present stood from their seats at once, and in one, synchronized motion, saluted their fallen brother. As they kept their arms up, Guzma looked over to Chrysalis, who got up from her chair and walked toward him on the path of the carpet set for her. Together, the two walked to the burning torch, two smaller, wooden torches propped up in the sand beside it. With his hand and her magic, they each took a torch and held the oily cloth-tied end over the flame. Once they were alight, Chrysalis began to walk to the pyre of her sister, though Guzma could only stay still. Looking down, uncertain of whether he should do this or not, he was finally able to turn to Acerola, holding his hand out for her. Acerola gasped, in disbelief of what he was clearly asking of her. Plumeria put her hands on her shoulders and leaned down with her mouth close to her ear. “Go on,” she whispered. “He wants you to put your uncle to rest.” Acerola clutched her heart, bending over and whimpering loudly as she struggled to cope with the duty suddenly put on her. Spike hugged himself as he clenched his eyes, the sight too much for him to bear. Twilight stroked down the back of his head with her hoof, her own tears streaming. Guzma, nodding acceptingly, turned to Nanu’s pyre and walked towards it, Chrysalis going the rest of the way to Cocoon’s. Eying the kindling that would ignite the rest of the wood, Guzma and Chrysalis gave one last look to each other as they prepared to set the bodies of their friend and family ablaze to put them fully to rest. Guzma began to reach his torch down to the kindling until he was stopped by the frantic kicking up of sand by someone running in his direction. Chrysalis and Guzma looked back to see Acerola slowing her stride as she continued forward, her face streaked with wet mascara. With a sniffle and a nod, Guzma handed her his torch, and she took it. Acerola and Chrysalis looked to each other again as they each took one last look at the ones they dearly loved. Acerola began to lower her torch. “Goodbye, uncle.” The twigs and leaves caught quickly, the fires spreading out through the bottom of the pyre. Chrysalis closed her eyes as the flame of her torch ignited the kindling, spreading across just as quickly. Acerola and Chrysalis dropped their torches into the rest of the burning wood as they began to step away with Guzma as the fires inside grew more intense, rising up to kiss the backs of Nanu and Cocoon. Spike could no longer keep it in, wailing in grief as he reached to Twilight and hugged her, Twilight silently sobbing as she embraced him back. The soldiers continued to stand, but lowered their arms to their side, watching as the fires rose up to completely engulf Nanu, only able to catch glimpses of his face before they too were completely shrouded by flame and smoke. As Applejack held her hat to her chest, Pinkie Pie leaned into her, Applejack holding on to her friend as they both tearfully mourned the companion they hardly got to know. Many of the Equestrians, wrapped up in the sadness of this vulnerable moment, also couldn’t help but feel tears drip down their faces. As Thorax watched his queen’s sister burn, his tears unable to stop flowing, Trixie patted his shoulder consolingly. He then leaned into her for a hug which she was more than accepting to, a soft glow forming between their bodies. Acerola glanced over to Tapu Bulu, whose eyes were kept closed and its head hung low. She let out a soft moan of sympathy upon seeing a single tear fall to the sand from its eye, her exclamation getting Guzma’s attention. “You have to wonder…” Her voice began to break. “How many more Kahunas he’s had to mourn.” She then fell onto Guzma, the two throwing their arms around each other. Guzma clutched her back tight, moving his hand up and down it to ensure her body and soul that he would not leave her. Acerola breathed and sputtered into Guzma’s chest, hoping that the warmth of his love would soon outmatch the heat from the fire. Not one creature moved from their spot, even as the sun had long set and the flames on the pyres had died out, now reduced to a pile of smoldering charcoal and ashes. Finally, Acerola looked back at the numerous guests who had come to celebrate the life of the former Kahuna, as well as the changeling queen who helped protect them with her life. Now there was nothing left of them but their charred, blackened flakes that rest upon the beach. It was finally over for them. That’s when Acerola walked back up to the podium, catching the gradual surprise of those sitting down, as well as Guzma, Chrysalis, and the island guardians still floating dutifully beside the pyres’ rubble. After standing there for a few minutes to collect her thoughts, Acerola raised her head to face the microphone. With a slow exhale, she sorted everything she wanted to say. “Nanu and Cocoon have finally left us, and their souls are now at peace… However, we absolutely cannot forget what their sacrifice has given us. Necrozma has been defeated, and will never pose a threat to anyone, human, Pokémon, or Equestrian ever again. Our Equestrian friends, either pulled from their world for his mad schemes or here voluntarily to help them put an end to his menace, will finally be able to return to their homes tomorrow…” She then glanced back to Chrysalis. “…with more friends than they came with.” Chrysalis nodded and smiled, gladdened by her words. “We have taken this time these past few hours to remember and mourn those we have lost, especially the ones that we could not recover. Keeping that in mind, our future is now brighter than ever for the light they have all provided for us. Because of them, friends can return to friends, brothers and sisters can return to mothers and fathers, husbands to wives… That is why, for the next few hours after this moment, we should celebrate what their courage and love have granted these Equestrians… and give these wonderful, invaluable friends the sendoff they so rightfully deserve…” There was not a dry eye in the audience, and as Acerola looked to Twilight and Spike, seeking their approval, their smiles were wide as their faces were soaked. It was finally time for the party to begin. Inside the fixed and refurbished Aether House atrium, the air was casual and relaxed. Despite the colorful banners and decorations were draped and hung across the railings of the walkways or placed on the tables beside the food and bowls of punch, the atmosphere was far from upbeat, but any somber or melancholy that would otherwise be felt had been left on the beach with Cocoon and Nanu’s ashes. Now was a time to reflect on the living. Together, Celestia and Luna both looked on from the bottom of the lift hill, able to observe everyone in attendance. “These humans are interesting creatures, sister,” Luna said. “I can feel confident in saying that after tonight, with them in our lives, Equestria will never be the same again.” Celestia chuckled. “If I may be so bold, Luna, Equestria is rarely ever the same with each passing day. From our alliances with the hippogriff and dragon kingdoms, Twilight’s ascension, Discord’s reformation, and even your return from banishment all within a few short years, I can hardly see how diplomacy with humankind and their world will be any different.” “I still feel as though the differences between us and them are night and day. Even if we ultimately share the same interests and concerns, I can only imagine how creatures across the planet will adapt to the change they shall bring.” “It’s quite simple, dear sister. We shall do what we’ve always done in the face of change: we change with it.” She began to walk toward Sun, Lillie, and Gladion, who were also getting approached by two of the Mossdeep employees, also dressed appropriately for the occasion. “Sun.” Hearing his name, Sun turned to face a male and female Mossdeep employee. As the woman reached for Lillie to shake her hand, Sun took the other employee’s hand to shake as well. “Adam.” He then shook the female employee’s hand. “Jen.” “I really do want to say, on behalf of myself and the rest of us at Mossdeep, how sorry I am to you, especially Lillie, for your losses. Lusamine was an exceptionally gifted woman whose presence will be sorely missed by all of us.” Lillie nodded, strong enough to resist crying again. “Thank you for your kind words, but I’m guessing that you’re not just here to give us your condolences.” As Adam stood silent, stung by the coldness of Lillie’s choice of words, Celestia and Luna stepped in beside him. “And I’m guessing that what you plan to talk about may interest us as well,” Celestia butted in. Adam couldn’t help but jolt over the slightly towering presence of Celestia behind him. “I’m sorry, miss, I… don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Adam Benson, one of the heads of research at Mossdeep. I’m an… associate of Sun’s.” “Charmed.” Celestia reached her hoof forward, which Adam gingerly jiggled with both sets of fingers. “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of the land of Equestria.” “And I am Princess Luna.” Adam shook her hoof as Jen shook Celestia’s. “I am Celestia’s sister and also co-ruler of Equestria.” “Right, well… I actually do believe our conversation should concern you as well, as a matter of fact. We under–” “Could you please hold that thought,” Celestia interrupted, a twinge of regret in her voice. “I would like to include a couple more ponies on this conversation, if you wouldn’t mind.” “I, uh… of course! Should I help bring them to us, or…” Celestia sympathetically giggled. “My sister and I shall bring them over. If you would like to share anything else with Sun and his friends, please feel free to.” As Celestia and Luna walked away, Adam and Jen stood silently, now unsure what topic to discuss with the princesses gone. Sun breathed in sharply, getting everyone’s attention. “I really wish we could discuss this at a less sensitive time, but as for your jet, I intend to pay you back for every dollar of it. I do feel terrible over having to commandeer it like that, but–” “Sun…” Adam put his hand on Sun’s shoulder. “Mossdeep is fully aware of what you and your friends helped accomplish. Consider your debts paid in full.” Sun’s face couldn’t help but contort into a confused squirm. “But… it can’t be that simple–” “Believe me, it’s not,” Jen responded back. “But once the ponies come back, we can discuss in further detail.” Sun already began to tell what this discussion would involve, but without Celestia, Luna, or the ponies they planned to bring into the conversation around, he and his friends simply had to wait. Meanwhile closer to one of the punch bowls, Olivia, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash appeared to be having a very pleasant conversation with Celaeno and her crew, a smile not absent on either of their faces. “So,” Boyle spoke, “if you had to pick, where would you say some of the best treasure hunting spots are?” Olivia yelped and shook her head, the answer almost insultingly simple to answer. “Hardly anything can compare to the cave systems underneath the Sinnoh region.” Mullet looked a little confused. “So, like no temples or anything? No treasure islands?” “Oh, we have plenty of those, hon, but they’re usually filled with really strong Pokémon that can grind your ass to a pulp instead of hidden treasure.” Mullet and Boyle tensed up before looking dejected by Olivia’s mean-spirited warning. “Aw, come on now!” Applejack guffawed. “She’s just teasin’ ya’! I’m sure there’s plenty of places round’ here that’r safe for you to galavant!” She then leaned toward Olivia, opting to whisper. “Aren’t there?” Olivia shrugged. “Maybe.” “Besides!” Celaeno came between her male crewmates, resting her arms on their shoulders. “After the things we faced a few nights ago, we could probably handle them!” Boyle and Mullet were forced to grin in reply, her confidence infectious. “Olivia, I do really wish we were able to meet sooner. I hope that we will be able to come back here sometime.” Olivia smirked, not noticing as Celestia and Luna walked around behind her with Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Starswirl. “I’m sure sometime will be sooner than you think.” At last, Celestia and Luna came back with the three horned ponies and small purple dragon, Sun, Adam, and Jen ready to address them. Celestia then stepped back to give them some space. “Twilight, Starswirl, Starlight, I’d like you to meet Adam and Jen from the city of Mossdeep. They have some things to discuss that I believe would be of great interest to you.” As the two humans and three ponies shook hands and hooves with one another, Twilight spoke first. “I’m going to take a guess and say this is about bringing our two worlds together, right?” Jen nodded. “Yes, Twilight, that is exactly what we’re here to discuss with you all. We couldn’t have saved our world without you, and I’d like to think we played a major part in saving yours as well.” All three subtly nodded, ensuring she was not stepping on either of their hooves. “Sun, you have the celestial coordinates for Equestria logged on your servers, correct?” Sun nodded once. “The data should have been transferred over here to the House after the Paradise’s destruction.” “Wonderful, and with that, we should possess our own means to travel between our world and Equestria. Although, I do suppose you ponies have your own methods as well.” Starswirl nodded next. “I do know a spell that will permit travel between our worlds, but it’s very specific and can be very taxing mentally.” “That should not be a problem,” Adam said. “We know that you all return home tomorrow morning, so I don’t wish to delay you on that end, but I do hope within the immediate future that we can work on bridging our two worlds together, with all your permission and assistance of course.” Lillie smiled and nodded, reaching forward to Adam with an outstretched hand. “I’m certain mother would not be happier to do so.” Sun and Gladion smiled, comfortable with her leadership on this. Twilight then came forward with Starswirl and Starlight. “I told Lillie later last week that I would want to bring our two worlds together, and now, more than ever, I want nothing more than for my friends and I to help make that happen.” Celestia then stepped forward with her sister. “And I too firmly believe that Equestria will be led to a brighter future with humans and Pokémon side by side.” Celestia and Luna reached their hooves out, prompting Lillie to put her hand onto them. One by one, Adam, Jen, Sun, Gladion, Twilight, Starlight, and Starswirl reached out into the center that Lillie and the Princesses had made. Spike, too short to reach, up, nevertheless looked up proudly at what his friends had done. With their five hands and hive hooves joined together, a pact had been made; the dawn of a new era for both worlds. Rarity and Capper walked by the scene indifferently, keeping their eyes on the Equestrians they’d be going back home with while also looking at the humans that they’d soon be leaving. Capper looked down at Rarity, who appeared just as forlorn as she did at Nanu and Cocoon’s funeral. “You’re going to miss them, aren’t you?” Capper’s query was met with a fussy pout by Rarity. “Of course I’m going to miss them!” she exclaimed. “Sweet Celestia… I never thought that going back home was actually going to end up being this hard.” “This place is pretty amazing,” he agreed. “The people too.” Rarity let out a choke. “Capper darling, please! Are you really going to make me cry twice in the same night?” Capper then stopped, the sudden lack of his presence surprising Rarity into stopping herself. Turning around, she suddenly found Capper looking just as miserable as she did. “You changed my life forever, you know that, right Rarity?” His voice even seemed lower. “Capper?” She came up closer to face him. “Even if it was just a simple mending of my coat, I still don’t think anything I could give to you or do for you could repay what that was worth to me. It really made me think about where I wanted to take my life from that point on. After meeting Sam and Alice and helping them save the worlds, I just…” Capper clenched his eyes, tears starting to form in them.” He suddenly felt a tingling sensation form above his cheeks as his eyes were dried by Rarity’s magic. Opening them up, he was stunned to find Rarity looking straight up at him, smiling. “Capper,” she said, “as much as the thought of leaving this world fills me with sorrow, that should have no impact on you wanting to stay if that’s what you truly want.” “But… Rarity…” “Hush now, Capper. I will also appreciate your invaluable friendship, and you should know that even if you’re as far away as Klugetown or even as distant as this world with Olivia and Carly, our friendship will not mean anything less to me. It’s what invaluable means, after all!” Capper sniffled as he wiped his finger with his nose. “Well… I mean… I still have my stuff back in Klugetown.” “And I shall help you pack the moment you decide to move.” Capper, so fortunate to have this unicorn’s friendship, smiled as he went down to his knees and gave her a hug. Rarity patted his back, looking behind Capper as it appeared Celestia and Luna were concluding their discussions with Sun, Twilight, and their friends. “Up now, Capper, let’s see if we can arrange something with the princesses about that.” Patting the cat on his shoulder, he stood back up and confidently walked toward the group with Rarity beside him. From off in the corner, Guzma and Acerola watched as Rarity and Capper convened with Sun and Twilight’s groups, introducing themselves to Adam and Jen. Guzma nudged Acerola in the arm. “Hey, at least this doesn’t look like it’ll be a hard goodbye, right?” “I sure hope not.” Acerola’s took another small sip of punch, appearing not to focus on her Equestrian friends just ahead. “Come on, work with me here, I’m trying to cheer you up!” Guzma slunk down, feeling he went too far with his remarks. “Listen, I know Nanu being gone after coming back into your life must hurt like a bitch, and Twilight leaving tomorrow’s just an extra pinch of salt on that wound, but hey, you still have your good pal, Guzma!” He put his hand on her shoulder with assurance, although she didn’t appear to react to it. “That’s just it…” Guzma leaned closer, wanting to hear her right, only for her to push on his chest lightly and nimbly enough to nearly throw him away from her without hurting him or making him lose his balance too badly. “I still can’t believe Nanu made you the freakin’ Kahuna! I totally take back everything nice I said about him!” Guzma grimaced with worry, only for Acerola’s exaggerated pout, crossing of her arms, and stomp of her foot letting him know that her angst was merely in jest. “Eh, don’t sweat it, Ace!” Guzma came back to her side, pulling her close in by her outside shoulder. “The old man probably picked me because I’ve already got a foot inside death’s door. I guarantee you you’re first in line to be next after I croak!” As the two walked over toward Twilight together, Acerola seemed a bit more genuinely unsure. “I really don’t want to talk about losing you right now. Besides, you’ve got a long way to go before that ever happens.” “Look who’s talking! If lung cancer can’t kill Acerola, what on earth can?” Acerola chuckled, her spirits definitely lifted up at this. Twilight and Spike both smiled upon seeing their friends approach them, Starlight beginning to back away. “I’m going to go back to Fluttershy and Lady.” Her announcement was replied to with a nod from Twilight before she focused her entire attention on Acerola. Starlight spun around and looked about the sizable space of the atrium. While she wasn’t worried about finding Fluttershy and their Pokémon, there were a couple others that she could not for the life of her spot within the crowd. After weaving around Rockhoof and Ember, who walked to some other spot, she was brought to attention by the happy cry of Lady, looking ahead to see her run from Fluttershy’s side and meet her where she was, caressing her face with its feelers. “It’s okay, Lady, I’m back.” Despite this, Lady licked at Starlight’s face, making her giggle. “Alright, Lady, calm down!” “So,” Fluttershy said as she and Comfey approached. “How’d it go?” Lady finally stepped aside to give its trainer some space. “Well, I think. Sometime in the next few days, one of us is going to reach out to the other and we’re getting to work.” “Work? On what?” “Let’s just say this certainly won’t be the last time we’ll hear or see from this world.” “Oh… oh! That’s wonderful! I’m so relieved!” “I wish I could tell Sam and Alice this, but I haven’t seen them in quite a while.” As they both looked around, Fluttershy’s eyes widened a bit in realization. “I think I may know where they are…” As Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon approached the lobby to the front entrance of the Aether House, two Aether employees stood guard. Seeing them, the employees stepped aside as the one on the right placed the top of his wrist against the panel next to the door. Upon it sliding open, they were instantly greeted to the sounds of blubbering sobs of inconsolable sadness. Quickening their pace, the ponies stepped outside as they spotted Alice and Sam leaning against the wall next to the door, Alice rubbing his back as Sam leaned over to allow his tears and snot to drip onto the floor as he bawled. Alice’s eyes were red and wet too, but the difference in demeanor between the two was clear. “Sam, Alice!” She and Fluttershy rushed in front of them, wanting to be sure they were seen. “What’s the matter?” “He needed to step outside for a bit,” Alice croaked, her voice noticeably hoarse. “He’s taking this super hard.” “Oh, Sam…” With the emotions of her friends weighing on her now, Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel her own waterworks start. Starlight was much more easily able to mask her sadness, stepping closer to her two human friends. “Sam, Alice, please listen! I just finished talking with Sun and the princesses. I know I’m not supposed to talk about this to most people but… this isn’t goodbye!” After a few unsteady breaths, Sam snorted in as much mucus that was caught in his nose, clearing his throat. “You… you mean…” “No, this doesn’t mean that we aren’t going home tomorrow, but I’ve been asked to help oversee the connection between our two worlds. I don’t know how we’re going to be doing it yet, but… just know that you don’t have to worry about never seeing us again! You will see Fluttershy and I again! I promise!” Sam breathed heavily again, huffing in another glob of snot about to run out his nose. “That’s good to hear, but…” “Go on, Sam.” Alice began to massage the back of his head now. “Say what you need to say. You will feel better that way.” With his sister’s help, Sam was able to stand off of the wall and back onto the full support his own two feet. “When I first came to Alola with Alice, I wanted my first Pokémon adventure to feel special. I… It most definitely was, but… the reason it was so special… was because of you two. What I said that one night in Mount Lanikila was true; my life is so much better off because you two wound up in it.” Finally, Starlight couldn’t hold back her tears. “Sam…” “I’ve always considered Aegislash a second sibling to me, but you two… you two are my very best friends. The rest of our trials are going to feel so empty without you there cheering us on.” “It doesn’t have to be, Sam,” Alice huffed, also affected by Sam’s speech. “You still have me, and you still have Aegislash and the rest of your Pokémon. At the same time, I still have Noivern and my Pokémon, but most importantly… I have you.” Sam gurgled as he tried to withhold another fit rising within him, forcing Alice to turn him around so he could face her. “I’m so sorry, guys. I just didn’t want to be such mess in there…” Sam began to sink, Alice helping him down as they both sat on their knees. “You don’t have to worry about anything. You’re just fine.” “That’s right,” Fluttershy began to blubber, her and Starlight coming on either side of Sam and Alice and holding them tight. “Just let it all out. We’ll all be just fine!” As Fluttershy broke into just as loud and woeful a sob as Sam had done, Starlight could no longer keep her emotions in, crying over the back of Sam’s shoulder. Comfey and Lady came in as well, Comfey using its tail to bring Fluttershy and Alice’s heads together as Lady’s feelers placed themselves on Sam and Starlight’s faces. As he felt the warmth of the ponies and Pokémons’ embraces, he felt his crying begin to stop, feeling the closure he so desperately needed before the last farewell the next morning. He could suddenly feel that he no longer heard or felt his own breathing, only the arms of his sister and his best friends. At that moment, he felt ready for tomorrow. With the sun just starting to rise to the left, providing the beach with a cool purple and blue-mottled glow, Chrysalis gathered as many ashes from the remains of Cocoon’s pyre as she could in her magic. With a careful funneling of the aura holding them, she poured them into a metal tin that she could carry home to be scattered in upon her return. Upon closing the lid, she turned back and walked toward Thorax, who nodded in support. Surrounding Chrysalis and Thorax, each and every Equestrian that had come to their world were now in one place, standing a safe twenty or so feet from the numerous human trainers and one of their Pokémon they all met throughout their journeys. As Sam and Alice stood beside their Aegislash and Noivern, Alice kept hold of her brother’s hand, not wanting to let go until he felt comfortable with her doing so. With Celestia standing in the front of her group, she addressed the humans and Pokémon at once. “We cannot begin to thank you all for keeping these creatures safe over these several days. Our world is forever safer because of your courage, your strength, and above all, your friendship, and I doubt that we will forget that or any one of you. If there’s any last words or farewells you’d like to make, I shall give you some time to do so.” As if waiting for the signal, Mina and her Ribombee slipped out from the group with a large, flat object held in a leather case strapped to her back, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash coming up to her. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want you leaving without this.” Mina handed the case to them. As Rainbow Dash began to unzip it, Pinkie Pie put her hooves inside and pulled it out, the sight of it already bringing tears to their eyes. On the canvas that the others were now looking at was a colorful pastel painting of Pinkie Pie sitting on the edge of the Vast Poni Canyons looking as Rainbow Dash gracefully soared over the sun. “Mina…” Pinkie squeaked. “Is this…” “The painting I was working on the day we first met, mmhm. I just remembered about it when we were cleaning up at the Seafolk Village, and I had to get it back to you before then.” “That… is so… cool!” Rainbow Dash then threw herself onto Mina, followed by Pinkie Pie. “Thank you so much, Mina!” “And thanks for those granola bars again!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “They may have literally saved our lives!” As Mina ran her hands down both ponies backs, Hau and Gladion both approached them together. Pinkie Pie and Mina stood up, allowing Mina to rejoin the others to give Gladion and Hau their time. “So…” Hau bared a single corner of his mouth as he tried to make his parting words as sensitive as possible. “It’s been a blast knowing you two. Say hi to your friends and family for me.” Gladion nodded. “Thank you for believing in me. You really don’t know what that meant to me.” “I think I may have an idea.” Rainbow and Pinkie Pie stood on their hind legs and gave both trainers a hug. “See you around, Gladion!” “Yep! See ‘ya, Glady! Do you like that nickname? Too late, it’s stuck!” Pinkie Pie giggled as she hopped back in line with her friends as Rainbow Dash walked to rejoin them. With their peace made the previous night, Starlight and Fluttershy made one last look to Sam and Alice before they prepared to leave. “Alright then,” Celestia spoke, “if everyone has said and done what they needed, let us begin the journey home.” A wave of comfort washed over the Equestrians, the sound like heaven in their ears. “Home…” Shining Armor sighed. “Home…” Rockhoof drew from his breath. “Home sweet home, right Fizz?” Grubber asked Fizzlepop. “Yes, home sweet home indeed,” she replied. Celestia, Luna, Starwirl, Twilight, and Starlight all charged up their horns, and beneath the hooves of the ponies, lines of light began to trace out to form an arcane circle that would transport them back to their world where they belonged. With its massive size stretching out to fit everyone in, the humans watching their departure were granted a few moments more to see their friends before they were sent off. Sam and Alice kept their eyes on Starlight and Fluttershy the entire time. With Fluttershy concentrated on Starlight, who concentrated on the teleportation spell, Lady and Comfey were free to give Sam and Alice a final wave on their behalf as a wall of light began to rise up from the circle’s barrier. Sam and Alice both waved the two off before they could no longer see inside. Finally, with a flash of vision-obscuring light, the circle and the creatures within it had all disappeared. It was finally over. It was done. “Home…” Alice was able to mutter out. Sam forced a smile as he nodded. “…where they belong.” Slowly turning to each other, their faces suddenly erupted in unbridled joy before they threw their arms over each other, Sam picking his sister up and twirling her around as they laughed and whooped triumphantly. Their celebration picked up amongst the others, resulting in a chorus of cheers and trainers and Pokémon hugging each other to celebrate the amazing accomplishment they made. Sam and Alice continued holding on to each other, while the other trainers refused to let up on their merriment. “I think we should spend some time home ourselves…” Sam suddenly remembered to clarify. “…in, Hau’oli.” Alice nodded vigorously enough to slam her chin onto his shoulder. “Ditto.” As great as they felt in this moment now, the thought of rest and relaxation in the graces of their parents back home began to overpower anything else. > Chapter 89 – Fairy Dust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Weeks Later “Branzino to the window!” Benji placed a plate on a black metal tray containing two grilled fish filets with its crisped skin left on laying on a bed of shaved roasted brussels sprouts. Joining the dish were a plate of scallop risotto and a plate of four lamb chops, a serving of polenta, and chard. On the other side of the window, Sam, dressed in a white shirt, black pants, and black tie with his hair neatly combed, slid the tray from the window onto his hand, turning around and reentering the dining room. Finding his three person-table, he brightened up to see the diners sitting there show visible signs of mild excitement upon their meals arriving. “Alright, I’ve got the lamb?” A gentleman in black shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned raised a finger, leading Sam to hand him his plate. “And the sea bass?” A woman in a sky-blue dress nodded, letting him know who to hand the next dish to. He then began to look about the entire dining room. “And who had the risotto?” His jest earned Sam a couple of chuckles, before he handed the last patron his dish right away. “Please enjoy your meals.” The light thank-yous he received were drowned out by the sounds of silverware meeting porcelain as they already began to cut and scoop their first bites. As Sam walked back to the kitchen to get another order out, he looked back at his sister, dressed in almost the exact uniform minus the knee-length skirt, gathered menus from behind her booth as she readied herself to seat another quartet of customers. “Alrighty then, let me show you to your table!” As Alice led the guests into the dining hall, the guests already eyeing their own potential dinners, Susan, now standing stronger on her own two feet, crossed her arms as she watched Alice nail her own job with aplomb. As the front revolving door turned open, another young man in his waiter uniform entered, his neutral expression completely evaporating into glee as he saw Susan standing there. “Sue?” Hearing the familiar voice, Susan turned around to greet the man with a warm, inviting smile. “Clay.” Clay moved in to hug Susan, but stopped himself. “Oh, sorry, are you still…” “It’s still a bit sore, but I’ll survive.” Putting her arms up, she welcomed in to receive the hug he set to give her. “Once you clock in, go ahead and let my son know he’s good for the night.” “Sure thing, Sue!” Letting go, he eagerly sprung into a brisk walk toward the kitchen, eager to begin his shift. Just then, Alice returned to the booth, checking the menus still left underneath. Susan put a hand on her daughter’s upper back, making her stand up to attention. “Thank you so much for all your help, Alice. I think I can take care of it from here.” “Mom, are you sure?” Alice seemed genuinely disappointed. “Because if you’re still hurting–” “It’s probably going to hurt for a very long time, but you should know that Brier women don’t let pain stop them.” Alice nodded, loving the touch she added there. She came in and embraced her mother, which Susan gave back just as tenderly. “Go meet your brother at the bar,” she whispered. “I’ll get you both a drink.” “Thanks again.” With a touch of reluctance, Alice walked away and to the right side of the restaurant where she spotted two empty stools in front of a large rounded bar. Susan did not get to have long to watch and appreciate the woman her daughter became before another set of guests walked in, forcing her to focus her attention to them. Sam and Alice clinked the glasses of their juicy, fizzy drinks together, celebrating the end of their voluntary assistance. Sam took stingy sips through his straw, the bottom end in the middle of the glass, while Alice took a couple of gulps from the edge of her glass before setting it down on the counter. “So, you think we can make the last ferry to Poni tonight?” she asked. Realizing she had struck up a conversation, Sam quickly gulped his last sip before setting his glass down. “What, you mean… get right back into our trials?” Alice shrugged. “The hell not? I mean, I love my mom to death and would continue helping her out, but it sounds like she’s better enough to resume working, so I mean, like seriously, why not start finishing our trials up?” “I don’t know!” Sam took another sip of his beverage. “I’m definitely not sailing out in these clothes, and even then I need to pack my bag with at least some revives and potions and shit.” “So drink up, cuz’ time’s a’wastin’!” Alice tipped Sam’s glass by the bottom toward him, Sam barely able to tilt the glass away to keep any from spilling on him. Sam slammed his drink back down. “For God’s sake, Alice!” Suddenly, he looked over at a large TV above the liquor bottles that had caught his eye, spotting the words Sun and Equestria in particular on the lower third of a news broadcast. “Hey, whoa, whoa, bartender, can you turn that up?” Alice now began to look annoyed. “Sam who cares what’s on the stupid–” “No, seriously, please! I want to hear this!” As requested, the bartender reached for the remote and increased the volume to twenty, the voice of the male anchor now clearly being heard. “…formerly of the Aether Foundation, have joined forces with lead scientists and researchers at the Mossdeep Space Center in the Hoenn region, to form a new organization titled ‘EarthQuestria.’ Since the appearance of creatures from a land called ‘Equestria’ over a month ago, the creatures, the dominant of which refer to themselves as ‘ponies,’ have decided reach out to humanity to form an alliance with our world.” As more people inside heard the report, the bar began to become crowded, Sam and Alice nearly boxed into their seats by people standing behind them to hear more from the television. “Sun, one of the heads of this new organization and one of the sole people who appears for questioning, has been mostly tight-lipped to the press about his interactions with these Equestrians in the past few weeks, revealing only as much as what has already been confirmed based on eyewitness and video accounts detailing the attack on Hau’oli City by Necrozma roughly three weeks prior. When approached by the press, Sun had this to say.” The video then cut to Sun standing in front of a nearly-completed building with a logo on the front doors showing two halves of two different looking planets divided by a white ring. Though microphones held up at him covered the right, left, and bottom borders of the screen, and a bright light shined at him for the cameras to see, he looked very composed and professional. “We hope that upon nearing completion of the project,” he said to them, “we will be able to disclose more details to the public, but for the sake of the privacy of the ponies who I’m collaborating with, as well as the integrity of our research and development, I will have to take no further questions. Thank you.” A roar of reporters trying to get more words out was cut off by the return of the anchorman to the screen. “While nothing has been confirmed as of yet, it seems we may not have to hold our horses for much longer on this new information. Stay tuned.” As the camera pulled away and revealed more of the set of the studio, people began to break apart again, giving Sam and Alice room to leave whenever they needed to. Sam then grabbed his drink and began to guzzle the remaining contents through the straw. Alice, smiling at what her brother was doing for her, took her glass and chugged the last few mouthfuls of her drink before both siblings slammed their glasses, now only half-filled with ice, down on the counter. “Okay,” Alice breathed out, “let’s bounce!” Swiveling around and hopping to their feet, neither of them could take another step as they suddenly found themselves facing Mina, who stood out like a sore, paint-stained thumb amongst the otherwise business-casually dressed patrons. “Oh… Mina was it?” Sam could hardly be sure with her unfamiliar face. Mina nodded and smiled lightly. “That’s right. I’m sorry, were you off in a rush someplace?” “I… we…” Alice stammered. “We were actually about to head to our apartment down the block to pack our bag and catch the last ferry to Poni Island before it left.” “Oh, were you?!” Mina seemed more surprised than delighted by this news. “It doesn’t by chance have to do with your Island Trials, does it?” Sam was starting to feel the effects of the coincidences mounting. “As a matter of fact… it does. Why do you ask?” “I know we haven’t had a chance to meet yet, but I am actually the sole Trial Captain for Poni Island.” At this, both siblings eyes widened, their attention fully piqued. “For the longest time, I’ve never actually prepared a trial for trialgoers such as yourselves, so it's been pretty much meet me, get your Fairium Z, do the Dragon-type trial at the end of the Vast Poni Canyons, and go face Hapu.” Sam and Alice took a quick glance to each other, already starting to work out what she was proposing. “Does this mean you have a trial for us to do?” Mina nodded. “Unfortunately, it’s nothing you can really do at this time of night, but if you meet me at the back wall of the Hau’oli Beach tomorrow morning at eight, I can give you the details for your trial there.” “But…” Alice muttered, “if you’re a Poni Island Trial Captain, wouldn’t it make more sense to take your trial on Poni Island?” Mina held her fingers over her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles. “You’ll hear all about it tomorrow morning. You won’t be disappointed, I promise you.” After a slightly awkward staredown between the three, Mina reached her hand out. “Anyways, it’s been a pleasure meeting you both… Sam and Alice, was it?” “Yep.” Alice shook her hand first, followed shortly after by Sam. “Looking forward to seeing you.” Letting go of her hand, Mina began to back up and away toward the exit. With an unenthusiastic kick and twirl of her body, she walked forward and left. After another bout of silence, Sam shook his head. “Well, damn. Kind of wish I didn’t slam my drink now. What time is it?” Alice looked at her Pokédex and pulled it open, revealing the time front and center to her. “About quarter to nine? What are you thinking?” Sam pointed a thumb back toward the bar. “Want one for the road? See if they talk more about EarthQuestria?” Alice gently threw her hands up and cocked her head. “The hell not?” With two stools still empty, they quickly swung themselves on to sit down before the news and the crowd could return. The next morning, Sam and Alice walked down the moderately populated sidewalks with their eyes on the stairway that would take them to the sands of Hau’oli Beach. While Alice was dressed in her usual training attire, Sam’s appeared slightly different, his tank-top now colored a solid dark purple and the jacket around his waist now a dark gold. His jeans and shoes, now new and unblemished, were a similar color to the ones he purchased in Malie City several weeks prior. A sight further down the street that was unavoidable were the news vans parked outside a chrome, windowed four-story building with the words Earthquestria placed up on the front of it with the company’s logo just below it. Sam and Alice were able to ignore it upon reaching the steps to the beach. Descending down, they looked off to the left to see Mina standing there as she had promised. Hopping down before the last few steps, Sam and Alice had gotten Mina’s attention, though she opted to stay where she stood until they got to her first. “Sam, Alice,” she addressed. “I’m glad you could make it.” “I mean,” Sam replied with a shrug and point of his thumb behind him, “we’re pretty much a hop, skip, and a jump away.” “Either way, I’m still happy you’re here. I’ve been planning this trial out ever since the Equestrians went back home, and I hope I get this right.” “But we’re still not certain why we’re here and not anywhere on Poni Island,” Alice said. “So yeah, how is this all working?” “I’m glad you asked, Alice, and I’ll be sure to tell you… after you’ve defeated me in battle.” Sam’s head jittered, off-put by the request. “Really? A battle before the trial?” Mina shook her head. “Not at all, Sam. The trial begins the moment you accept the battle, and it will take you quite a long time before its completion, so I recommend that you and your sister accept and get this going.” Alice put her hands to her hips and backed away, amused by Mina’s determination. “Well dang, Mina, if this trial is going to take as long as you say, I guess we’ll just have to accept, right Sam?” “Yeah, I guess so.” Sam detached a Poké Ball from his belt as he hopped back to her side, prompting his sister to do the same before sending their balls flying. “Go, Aegislash!” “You’re up, Mudsdale!” On her call, both their Poké Balls opened up, letting Sam’s ghastly sword and shield and Alice’s large horse out to face Mina. Mina smiled as she pulled two Ultra Balls off her belt in a single swipe of her hand. “Alright, challenge accepted.” She then tossed both of her balls. “Go, Klefki, Wigglytuff!” With her Ultra Balls opening up, the energy pouring from them formed into her anthropomorphic floating keychain and her pink, balloon Pokémon. The few dozen or so people relaxing at the beach suddenly took notice of the battle, most of the nearby pedestrians grabbing their towels, bags, and coolers to get out of Sam, Alice, and Mina’s ways. Those that moved set their things right back down, now granted a front row spot to watch the battle safely up close. Sam looked at the two Pokémon his Aegislash faced, impressed by Mina’s choices. “Alright, good stuff. Okay Aegislash, you get this started! Attack Wigglytuff with Iron Head!” Aegislash pulled itself from its shield and snatched it in its cloth arm with a twirl, using the momentum to chuck its weapon at Wigglytuff’s chest. “Oh no, you don’t!” Mina shouted. “Klefki, use Reflect!” Klefki began to shine brightly, each of the keys held in its arms pulling themselves equally apart from each other. With a brighter flash, a translucent, reflective wall formed in front of Mina’s two Pokémon just before Aegislash’s shield flew through it, its speed lessened by the impromptu barrier. The shield hit Wigglytuff as targeted and rolled back toward Aegislash, but Wigglytuff still looked relatively unhurt by the attack. “Nice work, guys!” Mina threw a pointed finger at Mudsdale. “Wigglytuff, use Ice Beam!” With a bright, frosty light forming before Wigglytuff’s mouth, it let out a cry that fired its beam at Alice’s Pokémon. Upon striking its chest, Mudsdale roared in pain as it was pushed backward by the beam’s force. As it dug its hooves into the sand, freezing mist bounced off Mudsdale’s body and showered the onlookers with cold wind, making all caught up in it whine and shriek with discomfort. “Mudsdale, you still got it?!” Her Pokémon mustered the strength to look back and give its trainer a confident nod. “Nice, now hit it back with Heavy Slam!” With an extra hard push, Mudsdale galloped against the Ice Beam, Wigglytuff soon tiring out as it failed to keep its opponent back. With the front of its body coated with ice, Mudsdale leapt up and tucked in its hooves to crash the entire front of its body into Wigglytuff. As it fell through Klefki’s Reflect, Wigglytuff puffed its body out to twice its size, catching Mudsdale upon it landing on it. Wigglytuff’s muffled grunts could be clearly heard from its smooshed face as it continued using its elasticity to hold Mudsdale up. With a final scream, Wigglytuff sprung Mudsdale off of it, throwing it back to Alice where it landed on its hooves, blasting sand out where its hooves hit the ground. Alice and Mudsdale both frowned and huffed through their bared teeth to see Wigglytuff still standing there, its adorable façade arguably an insult. “That was a good job,” Sam yelled out, “but hopefully after one more hit… Aegislash, Iron Head! Harder this time!” With a wider spin, Aegislash tossed its shield out once again with greater force as commanded, Mina hardly looking the least bit phased. “Klefki, use Light Screen this time!” On her call, Klefki created a similar barrier to its Reflect, this one more colorful and luminous than the last. As before, Aegislash’s shield went through the Reflect barrier, but upon hitting Wigglytuff, it let out a yelp as it was knocked hard off its feet, its butt landing on the sand. Mina’s eyes widened and her lips parted in shock, seeing the damage that had clearly been done. “Wigglytuff, are you alright?” Wigglytuff slowly got back onto its feet, spanking the sand off its bottom, now sporting an angered, serious face. “Atta’ girl! Now, get Aegislash with Flamethrower!” Wigglytuff turned toward Aegislash, its mouth beginning to glow a bright orange. With worried huffs and a whinny, Mudsdale, threw its head in Klefki’s direction, Alice picking up right away on it. “You sure, girl?” With another, louder whine, Alice decided to let her Pokémon lead her. “Alright, Mudsdale, attack Klefki with High Hor–” Mudsdale sprinted off immediately, blasting Alice with a wave of sand that knocked her over and buried her halfway. Rolling away and getting to her knees, she was just able to see as Wigglytuff shot its fiery attack at Aegislash, only for Mudsdale to rush in front of it, catching the front end of the flames as it galloped past. With Mudsdale’s added speed, it blew most of the attack away, the rest of it only kissing Aegislash’s hilt. Upon reaching Klefki, Mudsdale spun around on its front hooves, its backside now facing the small metal Pokémon. As it tucked its back legs in to buck, Klefki brought its keys up to its face, closing its eyes before the oncoming attack. Though the kick was weakened by its hooves passing through Klefki’s Reflect, Mudsdale hit its target hard enough to slam it into the back wall, breaking the bricks in all directions a foot around it. “Klefki!” Mina and Wigglytuff watched with horror as Klefki was peeled off the wall by gravity before plopping unconsciously onto the sand. Sam bit his lip, clearly unsettled by the sight. “We just fixed that wall too…” “Nice one, Mudsdale!” Alice yelled. Hearing its name being called, Mudsdale turned around to the left, revealing several glowing red spots on its neck and shoulders, Alice gasping regretfully. Mudsdale managed a slight smile that lightly shocked Alice again right before it winced from the pain of its burns and collapsed onto the sand beside Klefki. At the same time, Mina and Alice called their Pokémon back into their respective Poké Balls. “Excellent work as always,” Mina whispered to the ball. “So proud of you, girl,” Alice said to hers. Upon putting their balls back onto their belts, they replaced them with another before sending them out in synch with each other. “You’re up now, Raichu!” Alice shouted. “Go get ‘em, Granbull!” Both balls opened up, letting out Alice’s surfing electric rat and Mina’s pink saber-toothed bulldog to join the battle. “And now I’ve got me some speed!” Alice pointed her finger out. “Raichu, finish off Wigglytuff with Psychic!” Raichu’s body went awash with a magenta glow that soon covered Wigglytuff. As Raichu lifted it effortlessly off the ground, Wigglytuff’s body began to get constricted on from every conceivable angle. Even with Wigglytuff’s muted squeaks and whimpers of pain, Raichu refused to let up. “Fine with me,” Sam breathed out. “Aegislash, attack Granbull with Iron Head!” Aegislash chucked its shield once again, hitting Granbull on the center of its mouth. As it yowled and covered its lips with its hand, Granbull looked over to Wigglytuff, who let out a final weakened breath before it closed its eyes in fainting. Mina kept her eyes on Aegislash as its shield rolled back to it, catching it with almost taunting grace. Aiming her Ultra Ball at her Wigglytuff, she brought the Pokémon back into its ball, looking down at it. “Don’t worry,” she said to it. “We’ve got them now.” She then swung her outstretched hand forward between Sam and Alice’s Pokémon. “Granbull, hit them both with Earthquake!” Granbull exuded a bright white aura around its body as it roared with the energy coursing through it. Running forward a few paces, it lunged right at the ground, punching its fists into the sand and spreading the energy out in cracks all over the space between itself and Sam and Alice. “Oh, shi–” Sam spun back around, throwing his arms out in a dire warning to everyone behind him. “Everyone back, now!” Immediately, waves of sand exploded out from the cracks, quickly traveling down the beach faster than Aegislash or Raichu could avoid. With the explosions that engulfed them, Sam and Alice were also swept away by the sands, those that Sam had warned having made it back in time to avoid getting hit themselves. As the dust began to settle, Granbull hopped back toward Mina and watched as Sam and Alice brushed as much of the beach off of them as they could before finally unearthing themselves enough to stand. Looking to where their Pokémon had been, Sam and Alice were both stunned to find their Pokémon also buried like they were, only they showed no effort in trying to get themselves out. “Damn,” Alice hissed, pulling out her Raichu’s Poké Ball. “That didn’t last long.” Sam had already returned his Aegislash back into its ball. “Amazing job as always, buddy.” Sam watched as Alice returned Raichu back into its ball, waiting for her to put it back onto her belt so that she could grab another. After sharing a glance between each other, they tossed their balls out. “Go, Salazzle!” Sam exclaimed. “You’re up, Noivern!” Alice’s declaration earned her a shocked widening of the eyes from both Mina and Granbull. Sam’s fiery salamander and Alice’s black and purple wyvern got amazed reactions from the gathered crowd, most of whom, like Mina, were looking at the latter of the siblings’ Pokémon. Mina then smiled comfortably. “You would really send out a Dragon-type against a Fairy-type?” “If this goes as well as I think it’s going to,” Alice remarked, “then it’s exactly what I need to do to win this battle really shortly.” Noivern screeched in support of its trainer. Mina sighed in mild regret as she pulled another Ultra Ball from her belt. “Very well, then. Let’s go, Ribombee!” Upon her ball opening up, her small yellow-and-white fly Pokémon revolved around its trainer before hovering in the spot beside Granbull. Mina then crossed her arms in front of her face, activating her Z-Ring as its sparkle connected with Ribombee. Upon putting her arms down and crossing them out, she and Ribombee formed a heart-shaped space with their hands before Mina swung her arms down, out, and up, balancing on a single leg. Together, Mina bent her arms and wrists to make two tiny wings with her arms, holding her knee up high. Along her backs of her shoulders and arms, Z-Power shot out from Mina which soared and swirled into Ribombee’s body, leaving its aura surging. Alice glanced over at her Pokémon, who shifted its feet and the ends of its wings nervously. “Steady, Noivern. You got this.” “Do you seriously think it’ll will survive a Fairy-type Z-Move?” Mina asked with uncharacteristic haughtiness. “We’ll just see about that! Ribombee, attack Alice’s Noivern with Twinkle Tackle!” With the aura covering its body now turning pink and sparkly, Ribombee fluttered its wings especially fast as it prepared to shoot out at Noivern, who faced its opponent with a focused, steadfast squint. Pushing off the air, Ribombee became a glittering golden bullet that collided into the dragon’s chest, the Fairy energy pulsing and coursing all over it. Alice, Sam, and their audience directly behind them ducked as Noivern was blasted back toward the sea. Landing on its back, Noivern managed to keep its wings up to skate along the water’s surface, quickly slowing down as its weight began to pull it down toward the water. As its tail and legs submerged, Noivern came to as it flapped its wings against the ocean’s surface, slowly but surely pulling its body up out of the water. “What?!” Mina and Ribombee both looked upon the sight in sheer disbelief. Alice laughed as her Pokémon soared its way back to her and Sam’s side. “Yeah, girl, that’s it!” Mina still couldn’t seem to believe her eyes as Noivern settled itself back onto the sand on all of its fours. “Impossible! A Dragon-type survived a Twinkle Tackle?!” “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Alice replied back. “It survived the exact same move by a Mega Evolved Pokémon while it was still a Noibat.” Mina and both of her Pokémon trembled, knowing that they were soon to be defeated themselves. “Now…” Sam held up his wrist to brandish his Z-Ring. “…we’ll give you a taste of some Z-Power!” “Yep!” Alice and Sam each removed a Z-Crystal from the bands of their Z-Rings. With gusto, Sam placed a Poisonium Z onto the face of his Z-Ring while Alice placed a Firium Z in hers. Together, both trainers crossed their arms in front of their faces, ingniting their Z-Rings to life and connecting with each of their Pokémon. Sam, Salazzle, Alice, and Noivern put their arms back down and crossed them out, ready to activate their individual Z-Moves. Sam and Salazzle twisted in to the right, pulling their left arms in and curling the fingers of their right hands down toward their wrists. They then lunged forward with their left legs and spread their tilted arms out, their fingers still curled. Alice and Noivern fanned their arms upward twice before grabbing their left elbow with their hand and swinging it down to point at Mina’s Ribombee. At once, Sam and Alice’s Z-Power exploded off their backs and gracefully swam through the air as they entered their respective Pokémon. With Salazzle and Noivern’s aura’s flaring, Ribombee and Granbull squirmed anxiously in preparation for their upcoming attacks. “Alright, guys!” Alice bellowed. “Let’s finish this good! Noivern, attack Ribombee with Inferno Overdrive!” Sam glanced to his sister and nodded before focusing on Mina’s remaining Pokémon. “Salazzle, finish Granbull off with Acid Downpour!” A fiery orb expanded in front of Noivern’s face as flames accumulated from nothing around it and melded with it while Salazzle’s mouth and body began to bubble and wisp with a thick, purple smog. Once both Pokémon were as full of energy as they could possibly handle, they both fired their attacks out at the same time. Noivern’s massive fireball collided with Ribombee, creating a forceful, infernal mushroom-cloud whose heat spread out along the entire beach. Meanwhile, Salazzle blew a massive plume of dark purple smoke that crashed into Granbull as if it were made of solid rock, blowing it back. As both attacks began to bleed in with each other, the fires and smoke soon quickly evaporated, unveiling the damage Sam and Alice’s Pokémon had done. Ribombee laid upon a shallow crater of glass where the flames had been hit hardest and hottest while Granbull was splayed out on its back, its tongue hanging lazily out of the corner of its mouth. The sight that was even more shocking was Mina, who stood completely unharmed by the attack behind a tall and wide magenta barrier that appeared completely unlike those of her Klefki’s Light Screen or Reflect. She then looked to her left to spot a Slowbro standing there, soon deactivating its psychic wall once it realized the danger had passed. Sam and Alice glanced among the people all gathered around the battle, unsure of who the Pokémon belonged to, until… “Oy! Sam! Alice!” Looking up above the back wall, they spotted a familiar trainer in his blue outfit and his light-brown skin waving out to them. “Ma…” Sam could hardly believe it now. “Makana?! What are you doing here?” “I couldn’t help but think you guys looked familiar! You’ve really grown since the last I battled you! That was a seriously scary double Z-Move you two pulled off there, and I certainly didn’t want your opponent to get blasted off with her Pokémon!” “And I do appreciate it.” Mina aimed two Ultra Balls at her fainted Pokémon, returning them inside. “Thank you. Thank you all…” She then faced Sam, Alice, and their two Pokémon, who looked more than eager to face the last Pokémon she had to offer them. Behind her, Makana’s Slowbro leapt up toward the top of the wall, catching its claws on the railing where its trainer waited, helping to pull it up. “Looks like this battle’s going exactly the way you hoped,” Mina said, almost ruefully. “My last Pokémon may not hold a candle to the two Pokémon you already have out, but as a Trial Captain, it would be a great disservice to you and the integrity of the Island Trials to give up now, so here goes…” Taking out her last Ultra Ball, she tossed it out with a confidence that implied she still had a chance. “Let’s finish this, Shiinotic!” Upon appearing and settling itself onto the sand between where Noivern and Salazzle’s Z-Moves had hit, Shiinotic leaned back and stared at Noivern and Salazzle in awe. “Have at it then, you two!” Mina threw her arms out. “Don’t you hold anything back!” “Yep!” Sam turned to Alice. “You got this first!” “Uhuh!” Alice pointed at Shiinotic. “Noivern, hit Shiinotic with Hurricane!” Winding its wings back as far as it could stretch, Noivern then fanned both of them at Mina's Pokémon, creating a strong, towering whirlwind that Shiinotic stood in the center of. Mina’s Pokémon covered its face and whined as the beach’s sand was picked up, pelting it from every angle. “That’s it!” Sam threw a punch in Shiinotic’s direction. “Salazzle, finish it off with Sludge Bomb!” Hocking a large ball of purple phlegm out, Salazzle’s attack burst into the twister, turning the entire exterior of it into a ghastly shade of violet. Within the tornado, Sam, Alice, and Mina could finally see Shiinotic get sucked upwards, unable to hold itself down. Upon peeking up at the top of the vortex, Noivern’s Hurricane dispersed, slinging Salazzle’s slime out over the beach and onto the nearest lane of the street. As dozens of people screamed and cried as they were splattered, Makana’s Slowbrow created another barrier around itself and its trainer, allowing the muck to slide easily off around it. Noivern spread its wings over Sam and Alice as the mess harmlessly splashed over the back, keeping them both dry. Looking around, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as the beachgoers all flocked to the sea to wash themselves and their belongings as best as they possibly could. “Honestly not the worst time you could have on a beach.” Sam nodded and shrugged, willing to agree with his sister. With a gentle mew, Noivern brought its face to Alice’s, giving it a loving lick with the tip of its tongue. Salazzle slithered up the back of Sam’s leg and shirt, perching itself onto his shoulder and cawing loudly in his ear. “Yeah, yeah, girl, you were great!” Sam reached around from underneath and massaged his Pokémon’s head with the ends of his fingers. Finally, Shiinotic came back down, floating gently down on its giant mushroom-cap head. With it being too week to hold itself up, Mina’s last defeated Pokémon began to roll onto its back side, the rim of its head supporting the rest of its body. Mina then returned Shiinotic into her Ultra Ball, approaching Sam and Alice as she affixed it onto her belt. “Alrighty then,” Sam grunted, kicking some sand onto a glob of slime near his shoes, “we cleared the first part of your trial. What’s next?” “Sam,” Alice hissed, “calm down, we have all day!” “Maybe you don’t.” Mina began to unclasp her large messenger bag. “Now that you have defeated me, I shall send you to complete the remainder of your trial, but first…” Putting her hand in and then back out, she held her palm up to them, revealing what appeared to be a long, pink flower petal made out of some polished stone or colored pearl. “What is this?” Alice wondered aloud. “It’s a pink petal,” Mina explained. “It signifies your victory against me in battle.” “So…” Sam pinched the petal out of her hands and held it up near the sun, seeing how the light shone through it. “I’m guessing we’re going to have to find more of these things, right?” Mina nodded. “Each of the Trial Captains across Alola possess one, and you must defeat each of them in battle in order to obtain them all.” “Whoa…” Alice instantly began to realize the scope of Mina’s task. “So this trial is literally sending us all over the region. Now I understand the rush.” “And…” Sam had a hard time processing this as well. “Once we get the other one… four… six petals, are we supposed to meet you back on Poni Island someplace?” “Now you’re getting it!” Mina exclaimed. “My home is at the Seafolk Village. Are you familiar with that place?” “More than you’d expect,” Alice replied breathily. “Wonderful. Once you’ve beaten the other captains, come meet me there, and you can finish your trial proper!” Alice grabbed Sam by the arm, frightening Salazzle into jumping off and to the ground beside its trainer. “Well, what are we waiting for, bro?! Let’s get a move on!” “Whoa, hey!” Sam pulled his arm free. “Do we even know where the other captains are going to be?” “Come on, Sam, Alola’s not that big!” “I mean…” As Alice returned her Noivern back into its Poké Ball, Sam fumbled with his own ball to return Salazzle into. “Obviously, we gotta’ start with Ilima while we’re on Melemele, but do you think he’s–” “Shut up and just follow me!” Alice pulled out her Ride Pager, speeding through the menus to have her Charizard’s ball appear in the top slot. Upon her calling it out, Sam returned Salazzle into its ball with one hand while fidgeting with his Ride Pager with the thumb of his other hand. Bringing up his Ride Charizard’s ball, he flicked it off the slot and caught it in his hand before lobbing it out nearby Alice’s. By the time his Charizard’s ball opened and let his steed out, Alice had already mounted hers, which began to flap its wings in preparation to fly. “Hey, hold up!” he shouted, sprinting toward his Charizard. “Eat my dust, brother!” Alice’s Charizard already began to take to the air. “Eat my dust? What are you, 8?” “I can tell you what I am: beating you to Verdant Cavern…” Alice’s voice trailed off as her and her Pokémon flew off to the north. Sam had finally gotten on his Charizard, who instinctually began to fly off after its rider’s sister before Sam had gotten on. Sam kept firm hold of his seat and strapped in as he went off to complete their long, arduous trial that Mina had given them. > Chapter 90 – All Around the Worlds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Alice stood several paces from Ilima inside the open outdoor chamber of Verdant Cavern. Between the three trainers, Drampa, Lycanroc, Smeargle, and Komala faced each other, waiting their trainer’s next command. Both of Ilima’s Pokémon already looked rugged and slightly battered, while Sam and Alice’s looked perfectly healthy and fit. Ilima, despite his situation, couldn’t help but continue smiling. “Smeargle, attack Lycanroc with Energy Ball!” With the green paint on the tip of its tail glowing bright, Smeargle swung it out at Lycanroc, an orb of bright green aura shooting out of it and striking Alice’s Pokémon in the face, pushing it backward. “That’s it!” Ilima cheered on. “Komala, use Slam on Drampa!” Komala quickly rolled its way over to Sam’s Pokémon, bouncing up into the air off the side of its log. Komala got enough air to reach Drampa’s head and with its speed not letting up, Ilima’s Pokémon struck the dragon square between the eyes. Sam clenched his fists on hearing his dragon wail, but he was more than confident that it would survive. “That’s okay, Drampa, it’s almost over! Attack Komala with Extrasensory!” Drampa threw its head forward to see straight, watching as Komala was about to fall back toward the ground. Keeping its furious eyes trained on it, Drampa pushed its head out and let out a loud hiss. Along with two lights twinkling from its eyes, a ripple of magenta energy forming directly in front of Komala blasted it back toward the ground, leaving a sizable divot where it landed and bounced off from. “Nice one, guys!” Alice shouted. “Lycanroc, you finish this now! Use Sto–” “Extremespeed!” On Ilima’s call, Smeargle appeared to teleport from its spot to in front of Lycanroc before punching it in the face. “Hmph, marks for effort.” Alice grinned, her strategy quickly changing. “Lycanroc, hit back with Counter!” Hopping off its front paws, Lycanroc balled its right one into a fist before swinging it down and up in a powerful uppercut into Smeargle’s stomach. Smeargle was flung up into the air and landed beside Komala, who now lay fainted along with its partner. With the battle over, Ilima blew a sigh of relief as he returned his Pokémon into his Ultra Balls. Drampa lowered its head and neck down for Sam to hug in congratulations while Alice knelt down to let Lycanroc nuzzle up into her embrace. Approaching the two, Sam and Alice stood up in attention and awaited his words. “And to think just a month ago,” he said, “you started your Island Trials right here in this very spot, and now… just look at you two!” “Pretty crazy!” Sam tried to find the right levels of genuine and sarcastic excitement. “It’s been a true honor watching you get this far in your trials, and now that I have been bested in combat, I now present you with your prize.” Reaching into his vest pocket, he pulled out another flower petal similar to the one Mina had given to them, only this one was a vibrant orange. Alice took it off of Ilima’s palm and placed it in her bag right beside the pink petal. “Thanks again, Ilima.” “No, thank you.” Reaching his hand out, Ilima quickly received a firm handshake from Alice before moving over to Sam, whose grip was just as respectfully firm. “Archeops!” Sam commanded. “Acrobatics!” “Raichu!” Alice called. “Finish off Araquanid with Thunderbolt!” On the bottommost beach of Brooklet Hill, Archeops sprinted out at Mallow’s Tsareena, leaping up and grabbing it by one of its thighs with its talons. With a tight twist and flip, Tsareena was swung out before it was immediately slammed down onto the sand, which did nothing to cushion the finishing blow against it. Raichu charged its cheeks as it sent sparks up into the sky before they rained down on Lana’s gigantic aqueous spider in greater intensity. Araquanid let out a bubbly cry through its bubble head barrier before its legs gave out, throwing it onto the sand beside Mallow’s fainted Pokémon. “Haha! Wahoo!” Mallow and Lana returned their Pokémon into their balls. “That was about as sweet as sugar a battle could get!” “That really was splendid, wasn’t it?” Lana said with a smile. After Sam and Alice returned their own Pokémon to their balls, they approached Mallow and Lana, who were zealously discussing their loss to the two trainers. “Oh, right!” Mallow suddenly noticed them nearing her. “We need to give you both your petals, don’t we? Hey, if you’re not in too much of a rush and a little peckish to boot, why don’t you stop at my restaurant for some lunch?” “Oh, that’s quite okay!” Sam waved both his hands in as polite a refusal as he could muster. “We do want to try and see if we can–” “Our treat?” Lana interrupted. Sam and Alice, silenced, looked to each other. Sam didn’t even wait for Alice as her bento box was placed in front of her by Mallow, already slurping in his ramen and the slivers of green onion and red pepper that were woven inside the noodles. As Alice gingerly took her chop sticks and picked up one of her tempura shrimp with them, Sam lowered his head down over his bowl and bit off the noodles he couldn’t fit into his mouth, where they lightly splashed back into the bowl. “I take it that it’s good?” Mallow asked Sam. Sam pinched his thumb and index finger together before swallowing as much as he could to sound as intelligible as possible. “Best ramen I’ve ever had.” Lana, sitting across from them, smiled at Sam’s earnestness as she sipped at her small bowl of miso soup from her spoon. Sam snapped his soft boiled egg into pieces as he prepared to grab more vegetables and slices of pork with it before looking up at the TV hanging in the upper corner of the wall near their table, watching the news fade in from black. “Oh!” Sam clacked the tips of his chopsticks together to get everyone’s attention. “It’s back on!” Alice, Lana, and Mallow also looked up to the TV as the newscaster began his broadcast. “Breaking news about the recently-formed Earthquestria foundation,” he spoke, “it has been reported and confirmed by its head developer and researcher Sun Smith that each of the seven Earthquestria sites that were being renovated from the Aether Foundations’ former headquarters across the globe have been completed.” A montage of helicopter aerial shots then flashed upon the screen, showing off buildings similar to the one in Hau’oli in the middle of dense metropolitan cities. “Among the cities where an Earthquestria location can be found include Saffron City in the Kanto region, Goldenrod City in the Johto region, Mauville City in the Hoenn region, Jubilife City in the Sinnoh region, Castelia City in the Unova region, Lumiose City in the Kalos region, and Hau’oli City here in the Alola region, where Sun has been most active in overseeing its construction from the ground up.” Alice gently slapped Sam on the arm, seeing as Lumiose City was shown from high up with its new Earthquestria Center focused right in the center. Sam was already too focused on the screen to care. “Sun appeared again before the press to offer yet another statement,” the anchor continued. The screen then cut to Sun, who looked far more chipper and happier than he did the previous night, even with the wall of reporters that he faced. “First of all,” he said, “I’d really like to thank the efforts of everyone involved in the renovation process, without whom, we’d have not been able to complete the transition in such a short amount of time. It also gives me great pleasure to announce that tonight at seven o’clock here at the Hau’oli location, we shall be hosting a live demonstration of the latest technologies our organization has developed followed by a Q and A with our human and Equestrian companions. Passes and credentials will be given out in a timely matter. Thank you.” As Sun turned back around to enter the building, the reporters microphones jabbed out toward him, wanting to get more questions that would ultimately not come at that moment. As the reporter moved on to a different story, his voice was phased out by the sudden excitement that Sam and Alice felt, Equestria and their friends who lived in it soon to return. Atop Wela Volcano, Aegislash slashed at Kiawe’s Marowak with Shadow Claw, where it rolled to a hard stop in front of its trainer. Meanwhile, Alice’s Gyarados slapped at Flannery’s Torkoal with Aqua Tail. Though its weight managed to keep it where it stood, the strength of the hit was hard enough to flip the turtule onto the back of its shell, its limbs hanging out of their slots. Kiawe and Flannery aimed their Ultra Balls at their defeated Pokémon, the red beams shooting out from them pulling them back in. After appreciatively petting their Pokémon, Sam and Alice and Kiawe and Flannery met each other in the center of the crater. He then turned to Flannery and smiled reverently to her. “I do wish I could have seen their trial, but if these trainers are the result of it, then I can safely say that you’ve performed my duties exceptionally well. Thank you, Flannery.” Flannery glanced to him with a playful wink. “Hey, so does that mean I’m staying as a captain?” Kiawe squeamishly glanced away, unsure of how to answer her, only for her to start laughing and slapping her hand on his bare shoulder. “Listen, man, I’m just joshing! I’m actually heading for Heahea in an hour or so I can make the ferry to Slateport.” She then turned to Sam and Alice. “Listen you two, I just want to say before I take off that it was a total privilege to see you in action, and I cannot wait to hear about which one of you becomes the champion here.” “And it was super cool to get to meet you here,” Sam said. “You take care, now.” As Sam and Flannery clasped hands, an unbreakable bond forming, Kiawe approached Alice, a red petal held between his index and middle fingers. “Your petal, ma’am.” “Great,” Alice replied graciously. “Thank you so much again.” Unzipping her bag, Alice dropped the petal inside the front pocket, joining the pink, orange, green, and blue petals lying beside each other there. Inside the foyer of the mansion in Po Town, Mimikyu rushed Plumeria’s Gengar, leaping up and thrashing its shadowy arms inward, hitting it with Shadow Claw. As it rolled toward its trainer’s feet in defeat, Absol charged at Plumeria’s Salazzle, thrashing its head and sending out a Psycho Cut blade from its horn. The Salazzle tried to hold on to the floor in preparation, but the strength of the attack overpowered it, sending it flying back toward Plumeria where it bounced into Gengar and landed back onto the floor. As Plumeria returned her Pokémon into her Ultra Balls, the Skull members lining the banisters of the second level cheered Sam and Alice’s victory. Rushing back to their trainers, Mimikyu and Absol received affectionate hugs and nuzzles from Alice and Sam. As Plumeria approached the two, the Skull members’ cheering began to quiet down to let their leader speak. “Well, that came as no surprise,” she said. “So, you two on your way to battle Sophocles now, or was I it?” “Nope,” Alice responded with a nod. “Just got him left.” “Then don’t let us keep you.” She then looked up to the grunts looking down on them. “Yo, who’s got Mina’s petal?” “Right here, boss!” A male Skull member held up a purple petal in his fingers before tossing it to Plumeria with a swing of his hand, sending it flying straight and true like an arrow. Plumeria caught the petal between her index and middle fingers, Sam and Alice jolting in response to her uncanny reflexes. Upon Plumeria handing Alice the petal, Alice reached out with her right hand. “It’s been a pleasure, Plumeria.” Plumeria, at first surprised by the gesture, betrayed a smirk before clasping her hand around Alice’s. “Hmph. Ditto.” Inside Sophocles’ battling gym, his Vikavolt pushed Lurantis back with Bug Buzz, but with great willpower, Lurantis broke through the sonic pulses with an outward swing of its arms, ending the attack. Just then, Noivern blasted the Vikavolt with a Flamethrower attack, where it writhed upon the ground in flames before its body settled still, unable to continue battling. Sophocles, stepping back nervously, watched as Lurantis trained its eyes on his last remaining Pokémon: an Alolan Golem. Forcing a determined face, Sophocles pointed out at Lurantis. “Golem, finish off Lurantis with Steamroller!” With a roar, the Golem tucked its head and limbs into its body before it began to roll out at Sam’s Pokémon. Undaunted, Sam punched his fist forward. “Lurantis, dodge it and hit it with Leaf Blade!” Holding its arms behind it, Lurantis sprinted out at Sophocles’ approaching Pokémon. Leaping high up over the Golem’s body, it twisted its body so that it could bring its scythes down on it and let Golem’s momentum drag the blades along its body. Landing gracefully on the ground, Lurantis watched as Golem’s speed began to slow to a more natural, unforced pace. Sam jumped out of the way as the Golem rolled past him, crashing into the wall where it limply spun to a stop. “Whew!” Sam looked back to his Pokémon and gave it a thumbs up. “Nice moves, Lurantis!” Lurantis hopped about excitedly, happy to make the finishing blow. Sophocles returned his fainted Vikavolt and Golem into his Ultra Balls, a proud smile finding its way onto his face. As Sam and Alice returned their own Pokémon to their balls, Sophocles approached the two of them, his hand in one of his coat pockets. “Great work, you two. I should have known going up against the trainers who defeated Zeraora would have been a losing battle, but it was never my battle to win in the first place, so with that, I give you your last petal. Congrats again.” Pulling his hand from his pocket, Sophocles handed Alice a yellow petal, and on taking it, she opened her bag, admiring the other six petals they had collected that day. Once she dropped the yellow petal in to join with the others. Sam and Alice both shook the captain’s hand. “Thank you, Sophocles,” Sam said to him. “Don’t mention it,” he replied. “Hey, if you’re not already going to try and head to Poni Island right away, I know of a good motel around here that you can stay at for the night.” Alice nodded in appreciation. “Thanks a lot, but we were actually going to grab dinner and watch the Earthquestria demonstration on the news down in Malie City, and then we're taking the first ferry out to the Seafolk Village tomorrow morning.” “Working Sam Brier hours, if you know what I’m saying.” Sophocles did not know what Sam was saying, but he could only have the faintest idea. Sophocles then brought forth another smile. “I understand. Have fun tonight. I need to get going myself. I’m actually a part of the Earthquestria demonstration too, you know.” Sam’s eyes widened. “I… did not know that, as a matter of fact.” “Yep. I actually helped build and develop the communication devices that will be used to speak to the Equestrians on their world.” “That’s really awesome!” Alice nudged at Sophocles’s shoulder, making him clutch it instinctively. “In that case, I’m super thankful that you took time out of your busy day to help us finish Mina’s trial!” “Oh please,” he responded, flushed and flustered, “if it wasn’t for your help, tonight wouldn’t even be possible. It was the very least I could do.” “I still appreciate it, man.” Sam reached forward for another handshake. “Good luck tonight.” “Good luck yourselves on the rest of your trials!” Sophocles and Sam shook hands once more. Sitting at the counter of a sushi bar, Sam and Alice regularly glanced between their rolls and nigiri and the nearest TV hanging from the wall. Two people had fit themselves between each stool trying to get themselves closer to the ongoing demonstration as Sun, Adam, and Sophocles stood together in a large white room before a medium-sized audience mostly comprised of the press. Sun waited for those in attendance to stop their applause so that he and his associates could continue. “So now that we’ve shown you some of our latest technology, how’s about we see it in action? Soph?” As the audience resumed their clapping, Sun and Sophocles walked over to a large panel with an equally big monitor atop it. Sun reached into his pocket and pulled out a mostly flat rectangular phone with a large screen, and after tapping at it for a few seconds, he flipped the phone over to reveal its screen to the audience, who watched as it prepared to call whoever Sun contacted. Just then, the icon of a familiar purple alicorn appeared front and center, signaling that she had been connected with. “Is this on? Can everyone hear me?” As the screen flashed to black, a video of Twilight showed up on the rest of the screen, revealing herself in a perfect replica of the room Sun and the others stood in. In response to her question, the press and others in attendance broke out into large cheers that surprised Twilight before she began to blush, slightly overwhelmed by the abundance of attention. In the restaurant, Sam and Alice giggled, delighted to see their friend once again, even if it was through two separate screens. “Hold on a sec.” Sophocles began to type away at the panel, activating the monitor. “Let’s see if this works next.” After activating the a blue icon of a simple white image of a rotary phone, it spread across the screen before fading to black with the words “Connect Device.” “Alright, we’re ready!” On Sophocles’s confirmation, Sun turned to the monitor on the panel and swiped the video of Twilight off his phone at it. Almost immediately, the words on the screen faded away before being replaced by another message saying, “Connection Complete” along with a green check in a circle above it. Once the screen flashed to black again, Twilight appeared back on the screen in the same place she was. Another bout of applause came from the crowd as they managed to get a better sense of the space Twilight occupied. Along with her, a diverse mixture of pony and human workers in matching stylish white and blue lab-coats stood by, awaiting the next part of the demonstration. “As you can see,” Adam spoke, “we’re able to get a crystal-clear signal, no pun intended, between this world and Equestria. While communication at the point of launch will be currently be limited to only the cities and towns where an Earthquestria center exists, we hope that in only a years time, we’ll be able to expand to the point that anyone, anywhere, anyworld will be able to converse freely with one another.” Sun then walked beside Adam, putting his hand to his shoulder. “And now for the part you didn’t even know you waited for! Twilight, are you ready?” “Yes!” As a human took her phone from her magical grasp, she walked backwards toward a massive circular platform that, like the room it was placed in, was an exact replica of the one Sun and Adam stood before. On the base of the platform, the outline of Starswirl’s arcane circle was traced out by a light display from underneath the floors. Inside the gates that encircled the platform save for a fifteen-foot gap in the front, blue crystal was carved inside the inner sides of three banisters to form three flush rails and supports that fed into the perimeter of the base. Once Twilight stepped up onto the platform, Sophocles and another human Earthquestria employee began to type up on the panels beside it. “Hau’oli to Ponyville, standby.” Sophocles took his hands off the keyboard once he saw an image of Hau’oli City and an image of Ponyville appear and begin to merge toward one another on the screen of the panel as a blue progress ring drew itself around the two pictures. After several seconds, the ring completely closed, the two images completely overlapping before they warped into a green ring and checkmark. “Ponyville to Hau’oli,” the voice of the female employee on the other end reported, “connection established. Prepare for launch.” Sophocles pulled up on a small switch with his thumb, the lights outlining the buttons on the panel turning brighter with the extra power being fed into them. Soon, a green button beside the switch began to flash, signaling that everything was ready on his end. Sophocles reached for the button on the panel. “Launch in t-minus five, four…” “Three…” the employee on the other end joined in, “two… one.” Sophocles pressed the button, the lights draining out of his display. Sun, Adam, and their audience then watched as the crystal railings of the platform began to brightly glow, their energy beginning to spread throughout the edge of the circle on the floor before it filled the rest of the etching. A loud whir began to buzz out from the massive device as the glow of the railings and the surface of the floor grew brighter. Cameras were held as still as possible, the breaths of the audience caught in their throat. Finally with a final flash of light, Twilight was now standing upon the center of the platform before the mystified humans. With a theatrical flaring out of her wings, she inspired the people gathered to shoot up onto their feet and give her and the others of the Earthquestria foundation a standing ovation. Even as she trotted off the platform to join Sun, Adam, and Sophocles, the people refused to let up their applause. In the sushi bar, excited murmurs and exclamatory gasps filled the air, Sam and Alice leaning over their dishes to keep the people crowding around them from further invading their space. Looking back up at the TV and seeing Twilight right there beside Sun again, they still couldn’t help but be as internally ecstatic as everyone around them and on the air was outward about their glee. Sam and Alice stood upon the banister of the bow of their ferry, the morning sun having already risen up over them, but not on the island their boat neared. Finally, like a curtain, the sunlight began to fall over Poni Island and unveil the craggy, mountainous splendor that it presented. “Hmhmm…” Alice’s quiet giggle was noticed by Sam. “What is it?” “When you’re up this early, do you ever go outside and look at the sunrise?” Sam stayed silent for a spell, slightly embarrassed. “I… usually don’t.” “I think you should, because this… dear god, this is beautiful!” “I think I’ll keep that in mind.” With only a few minutes separating them from the Seafolk Village, Sam and Alice made their way to portside. Walking off the boat before a handful of other people, Sam and Alice walked across the platforms of the small waterside town, now able to get a fuller appreciation for its rustic quaintness without a Prism grunt in sight. There seemed to be fewer people walking about as well, which only served to make Mina, who stood beside the trunk of the titanic tree that sprouted out from the ocean in the middle of town, pop out amongst them. Alice had already zipped her bag open in preparation to hand Mina the petals. With Sam and Alice equally sticking out like sore thumbs amongst the sparse number of people about, Mina straightened herself up and appeared alert for the two trainers. Once Alice was a few more paces away from Mina, she reached into the open spot of her bag and pulled all seven of the rainbow-colored petals. Mina appeared even more awake upon seeing them. “Ah, good! You retrieved all the petals!” “Wouldn’t have wasted the trip out here if we didn’t,” Sam said with an honest shrug. “Mmhm, smart. May I please see them?” Alice handed Mina the petals, and she and Sam watched as the captain began to rearrange them by shade. After getting them neatly together, she placed a thin, short needle with a balled end through an equally small hole of the base of each petal. After fanning them out to form a beautiful flower from them, she pushed a plastic stopper into the point of the needle, twisting it further into the back of the back petal to keep each of them in place. Holding up the final result to Sam and Alice, they smiled at the majesty of the craft. “Perfect,” Mina said. “And now, it’s time to face the Totem Pokémon. Wait here, please.” Mina ran past Sam and Alice and headed to the southernmost pier of the town, Sam and Alice unable to do anything but stand and wait as requested. Upon reaching her spot, nothing but blue skies above her, she chucked the flower high up into the air. Even underneath the tree-supported canopy that Sam and Alice stood under, they could see as the eastern sun shone through the petals, projecting a myriad of colorful lights through the fabric. Mina kept her eyes upon the flower as it came back down, gently catching it with one hand with a cushioning bend of her knees. With the signal cast, she ran back to Sam and Alice, who could already tell what she had done. “Wonder who our Totem is,” Alice wondered aloud. Mina returned to them, panting with her hands over her knees. “You won’t need to wait to find out much longer… because look.” Pointing to the north, Sam and Alice suddenly noticed as three small shapes came at them from the mainland entrance of the town. Backing away from the tree to give the oncoming Pokémon room, Sam and Alice readied their hands upon their belts in preparation for which Pokémon would be arriving. The Totem Pokémon, fluttering between its two allies, was a large Ribombee with its aura surging, its dainty smile a contrast to the threatening energy surrounding it. On both sides of the Totem Ribombee were a Wigglytuff and a Pelipper, who roosted upon the wooden walkway beside their leader. Sam cocked his head with a self-assuring frown. “Well, at least it’s familiar.” “Yep, and it will be just as easy too!” Alice pulled a Poké Ball from her belt and threw it out. “You’re up again, Mudsdale!” Her ball opened up and let her large, muscular horse Pokémon land upon the walkway, which creaked and groaned slightly, but otherwise kept a sturdy hold of it. “Nice supports,” Sam commented to himself, taking out his own Poké Ball. “Alright, Aegislash, let’s do this!” Sending his ball flying, his shield and sword Pokémon emerged from the energy that shot out, joining Mudsdale’s side exactly how they did upon starting the trial. Then, to Mudsdale’s great discomfort, all three rival Pokémon turned to face it, their intentions as insidious as the grins on each of their faces. Alice seized up too, knowing exactly what this would mean. “Oh, crap.” The Totem Ribombee attacked first, forming a bright green Energy Ball in between its tiny hands before pushing it off, sending it shooting out into Mudsdale’s chest where it exploded around the body like a cannon-sized paintball. Next to attack was the Pelipper, whose lower beak began to inflate as it filled with water, vapor visibly pouring out the edges of its mouth. With Mudsdale still shaken from the Totem Ribombee’s Energy Ball, the Pelipper very easily shot a hefty stream of steaming-hot water into Mudsdale’s face, sending it sliding back along the boardwalk and spraying the uncomfortably warm mist into Sam, Alice, Mina, and Aegislash. Finally, Wigglytuff’s mouth began to frost over before it fired large Ice Beam. Striking the dead center of Mudsdale’s chest, Alice’s Pokémon let out a short yelp before getting thrown off its hooves, crashing onto its side where it laid still, completely knocked unconscious. “Dammit,” Sam drew out in a long sigh. “Aegislash, hit the Ribombee with Iron Head for the both of you!” With a vindictively angry squint of its eye, Aegislash soared forward before slinging its body halfway between Sam and the Totem Ribombee, using its momentum to fling its shield out, its edge crashing into the entire length of the insect’s body. The hit was even hard enough to send it back flying into the side of the tree, the Wigglytuff and Pelipper looking back nervously in fright over Aegislash’s strength. Aegislash scooped its shield back up as it rolled back over to it, shifting back to in front of Sam to await the Totem Ribombee’s retaliation as it woozily retook its position. Alice returned Mudsdale into its ball before putting the red-top of it against her forehead. “Sorry girl, seems they got the best of you that time.” Upon placing the ball back onto her belt, she took out another and threw it forward. “Your turn, Lycanroc!” Upon forming from the Poké Ball's energy, Lycanroc landed upon the ground and broke off into a rapid sprint toward the Totem Ribombee. “That’s it, boy!” Alice cheered on. “Finish the Totem Ribombee with Stone Edge!” Frightened, the Totem Ribombee quickly formed another Energy Ball in its hands and threw it at the oncoming wolf. Though it broke perfectly onto Lycanroc’s head and all over its body, it still continued to run, unwilling to stop until its attack landed. With one final stride, it readied its body to leap up, the claws in its right paw growing three times their size and turning white with terrestrial energy. Shooting up, Lycanroc slashed up into Ribombee’s chin, sending it flying up toward the branches of the tree. “Yes!” Alice barked. “Nice hit!” Upon landing upon one of the larger branches, its body draped itself across before gravity began to slide it off, the Totem Pokémon far too weak to try and hold itself on. Before it could tumble down the trunk, the Pelipper caught it on the flat top of its beak and carried it back down to the floor before tilting its head, gently dropping it onto the wooden surface to rest. Wigglytuff angrily faced Lycanroc, who growled forebodingly at it as it retreated back towards Alice. Once Pelipper returned to its spot, Sam and Aegislash were surprised to find both remaining Pokémon turning to face them. The Pelipper filled its beak up once again, this time shooting out an even bigger and visibly cooler rush of water at Aegislash, who pushed against its force with the base of its hilt as it relentlessly slammed into its face. With perfect timing, the Wigglytuff fired off a Flamethrower attack, the ends of the plume crossing behind the very back end of the Pelipper’s stream so that it could reach Aegislash unimpeded. With the water dripping off Aegislash’s blade and shield quickly evaporating, it didn’t take long before Wigglytuff’s fiery attack hit Sam’s Pokémon with its full force. Upon Wigglytuff ending its assault, Aegislash fanned the remaining flames away with a single swing of its shield, signaling its readiness to Sam. “Good job, now use Iron Head on Wigglytuff!” With a midair cartwheel, Aegislash tossed its shield at the Wigglytuff, where it took a hard enough bounce off the ground to bend and break the board before slamming into Wigglytuff’s face, knocking it onto its back. Aegislash deftly caught its shield once again before Lycanroc prepared for Alice’s call. “Okay, Lycanroc,” she said, “let’s see if you can finish off that Pelipper with Stone Edge!” Charging at its target, Lycanroc’s claws began to grow and glow again as its strides became longer and stronger. With its final leap, it swung upwards with all its might, dragging both claws along the entire length of the pelican’s beak. Letting out a weakened caw, it began to flip backwards, seemingly defeated. As it reached the halfway point of its inversion, Alice suddenly noticed its beak begin to puff up again. Looking down, she found her Pokémon standing complacently still with the victory it assumed it achieved. “Lycanroc! Get out of there!” With its façade betrayed, the Pelipper swung itself upright before shooting another Hydro Pump at Lycanroc, who was too slow to avoid it as its body was violently hosed back to Alice. As it rolled to a limp stop in front of her, Sam noticed Wigglytuff’s mouth glowing bright and hot again. With another forceful blow, Wigglytuff hurled out another Flamethrower, fully bathing Aegislash in fire. As it grunted to withstand the heat, its moans grew more tired before its shield fell from its grasp, followed by its own body clattering to the ground with it. Sam looked up at the two Pokémon, who looked extremely satisfied with their individual takedowns. As he brought Aegislash’s Poké Ball off from his belt to return it, his eyes never left the two. “We expected better,” he muttered loud enough for them to hear. At once, Sam and Alice returned their fainted Pokémon into their balls. Looking to each other, they each seemed to know exactly which Pokémon to send out next to finish everything off. “Let’s end this, Raichu!” Alice tossed her ball at Pelipper. “Just like last time, Salazzle!” Sam threw his ball at Wigglytuff. Before they hit the ground, both Poké Balls opened up and let both Pokémon inside of them out, each facing the Pokémon they knew their trainers would direct them to. “Okay, Raichu!” Alice yelled. “Finish off Pelipper with Thunderbolt!” Charging its entire body, Raichu shot a strong, continuous bolt of lightning from its head, sending it in a perfect arc at Pelipper to cover its entire body with electricity. With a loud, drawn-out honk, it could no longer keep its wings flapping as it tired out, plummeting to the floor and bouncing hard off it before lying still, leaving Wigglytuff nervous and alone before Salazzle. “No hard feelings,” Sam said, raising his arms up, “but this trial has gone on long enough already.” With his wrists crossed out in front of his face, his Z-Ring and the Poisonium Z inside the face sparked to life, Salazzle compelled to stand up straight and hold its arms out exactly like its trainer. Upon putting their arms down and holding them out and crossed, Sam and Salazzle held their arms up and wound to the left before lunging their feet forward with their arms held out and slanted. Z-Power erupted from Sam’s body and swirled into Salazzle, its aura flaring up like the purple flames appearing along Salazzle’s back down to the tip of its tail. “Alright, Sam,” Alice exclaimed, “finish this bad boy off!” “Plan to.” Sam punched both fists in Wigglytuff’s direction, transferring his added fervor to his Pokémon to deliver an even stronger final blow. “Salazzle, attack Wigglytuff with Acid Downpour!” With its closed mouth hardly able to contain the thick smoke billowing up inside of it, Salazzle held back as much and as long as it could before it blew its heavy purple smog in the Wigglytuff's direction. The smoke crashed into the Wigglytuff before it fully enveloped it, not a single person able to see past the small layer that covered it. Even its painful cries were muffled by the density of the violet cloud, leaving it helpless as it struggled to get out. Finally, Wigglytuff’s body fell forward out from the smoke before it landed on its face, too exhausted to stay away and get back up. Salazzle finally relinquished the rest of its attack, panting in slight fatigue. Despite the brutality of Sam and Salazzle’s Z-Move, Mina blew a sigh of relief for herself, ready to make her first announcement. “The Totem Ribombee and its ally Pokémon are no longer able to battle. Sam and Alice Brier have completed the Fairy-type trial!” Raichu happily twirled around and behind Alice before facing her and throwing her arms out for a hug which Alice just as joyfully gave it. Salazzle leapt into Sam’s arms as he held it close to his chest, incredibly proud of his Pokémon’s accomplishment. Mina looked back at the three defeated Pokémon, who each began to get as upright as they could despite the pain coursing through their bodies. Even in their defeat, the three of them looked upon Sam, Alice, and their Pokemon and smiled, gladdened to have helped them attain a well-deserved victory. At this, Mina managed to smile too. Through the celebratory cacophony, a single set of hands applauded the two siblings from the sidelines. Upon being heard, Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon settled down before turning to the west, spotting Hapu standing beside her Mudsdale, still clapping and making her blessing seen. “Nicely done, you two.” She and her Pokémon came forward, Sam and Alice now facing her fully. “Though, I should expect nothing less from you guys at this point.” “Hapu,” Alice addressed. “What’s going on? Are you so eager to face us in the Grand Trial that you came all the way to fight us?” “Grand Trial?” Hapu put her hands to her hips. “There may not be a Trial Captain present for it, but you have one more trial on Poni Island to face before you can challenge–” Alice pulled her hand from her vest pocket, silencing Hapu with the Dragonium Z she held in her fingers. Still wordless, Hapu reached forward, Alice placing the gem on the palm of her gloved hand. After examining it closely, Hapu looked up and glanced between Sam and Alice. “Where’d… How’d you get this?” Sam crossed his arms. “Burnet snatched me away after Alice and I tried going back to the Aether Paradise with Sun and the others during the attack on the Seafolk Village. Alice stayed behind with me and Burnet took us to the Altar of the Sunne to throw us into an Ultra Wormhole, but we had to go through the Dragon trial before we could. There was one of those in the pedestal.” “You can also contact Dexio if you don’t believe us,” Alice argued further. “He was there too, and he’s probably a much more credible witness than Sam or I are or… Burnet will ever be…” “No need.” Hapu gently lobbed the Z-Crystal back into Alice’s hands before she placed it in the pocket she got it from. “You two have been taking your trials together, have you not?” The two nodded. “That’s what I thought. Sam, here.” Reaching into her own pants pocket, she pulled out another Dragonium Z and tossed it over to Sam, catching it in a basket made from his own hands. “Wait, where did you–” “Since there’s no captain for that trial, I’m in charge of putting the Dragonium Z inside the pedestal. Tapu Fini usually lets me know when the Z Crystals get taken or misplaced, because sometimes the wild Oricorios here will fly off with them, and I assumed that was the case again, but I’m glad to know that it was actually won this time. And since trainers usually take the trials alone, there was only one in the pedestal, but if you both succeeded together, it would be fair for both of you to have one, right?” “I…” Regardless of the long-winded answer, Sam silenced himself and nodded. “Thank you, Hapu.” “The thing though is it’s just a colorful rock if you don’t know how to use it, so here’s how to activate it.” Hapu stood with her legs apart before crossing her wrists in front of her face, putting her arms down and then crossing them back out. Keeping her fists closed, she placed the backs of the tips of her fingers together and pulled her hands back to beside her right ear, shifting her right leg back. She then thrust her arms forward, reaching out. Finally, she opened her arms up and slowly rolled her fingers to point at each other, mimicking the opening of the toothy mouth of a dragon. Alice huffed out excitedly. “Thanks Hapu, that’s going to help out a lot.” “And while we’re on the subject of Z Crystals,” Mina butted in, “here.” Turning around, Sam and Alice looked to see Mina presenting them with a Fairium Z in each of her hands, Sam and Alice taking them each one-handed. “I know I used it against you guys,” Mina continued, “and you’ve probably seen it used multiple times against Team Prism, but do you need me to show you again?” “Hold on,” Sam said, glancing to his sister, “I think it’s…” Sam and Alice then skipped ahead, forming a heart with their hand before standing on one leg and making a pair of small wings with their arms and hands. Mina nodded, accepting the precision of their dance. “Yep, you’ve got it. In that case, Hapu, they’re all yours now.” Though Mina had already turned around to head back to her home, Alice still gave her a small wave. “Thanks again, Mina.” Mina bid them farewell with an outward cock of her wrist, continuing her way back. Along with her, the three Pokémon Sam and Alice faced also began to fly away, their job for the day finished. Sam and Alice then faced Hapu, who sported a sense of new determination on her face. “So, looks like your Grand Trials are next, huh?” “Seems to be,” Sam replied. Hapu nodded, accepting this. “It still looks like your Pokémon took a bit of a beating in that last battle, so why don’t you go heal your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center and then meet me out on Exeggutor Island?” “Hold up, where?” Hapu pointed out to the west. “It’s a small island a couple of miles out from here. You’re more than welcome to take your Ride Laprases or Charizards over once you’re ready, because I already am.” “Ohh!” Alice’s eyes widened in a playful show of surprise. “Already trying to psych us out!” “As Kahuna it’s my job to be ready for any trial-goer who reaches this point in their journey, and now that you have, I will be waiting for you there.” Sam nodded. “Sounds good. Alright Alice, we can probably do all our Pokémon at once since we didn’t lose that many.” “Liking the way you think, bro!” The two began to walk up north toward the Pokémon Center. Hapu then turned to the south and walked in that direction with her Mudsdale toward a tall, narrow boat shaped like a wide-eyed orange carp. Seeing an older, overweight man with long black hair and a goatee wearing a blue blazer on its deck, she waved off to him with the intention of using his services. > Chapter 91 – On Solid Ground > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting upon the seats upon the shells of their Ride Laprases, Sam and Alice could finally better see the features of an island just a quarter mile or so away from them. The island was a mostly flat plain except for a wide, short, natural spire of a mountain at the northernmost point of the island. The rest of the island south of the landmark seemed to be densely populated with groups of palm trees. Sam looked out over the island for the best place to dock, and it was then that he noticed once of the trees shift sideways from behind another. “Hah, Alice!” Seeing his brother pointing at the tree that he spotted, Alice looked in his general direction, watching with matched surprise as it waddled its away around its group of trees toward the eastern side of the island. It was then that she noticed the three faces on the coconuts that hung just beneath the leaves, realizing that this was one of the Pokémon for which the island received its name. “Wow,” Alice exclaimed, “how tripped out do you think someone who’s never heard of this place would feel upon seeing that?” “Probably very!” Sam shouted back. “I have a feeling our Kahuna’s going to be on top of that mountain, let’s try and dock there!” “Reading my mind again!” Alice’s Lapras veered toward the mountain. “To think, you may have been Team Prism’s secret ace in the hole!” “What, are–” Sam began to grumble. “I’m not the one with a Psychic Pokémon.” “But it is the only one who knows a Psychic attack, you know.” After a moment of silence, Sam scoffed, not wanting to delve deeper into his sister’s mean joke. “Whatever, we’re almost there.” Following Alice’s Lapras closely, Sam made his way to the Exeggutor Island mountain, neither he nor his sister able to ignore more of the native Pokémon as they frolicked about their stomping grounds. With their Laprases staying still upon the rocky beach at the base of the mountain, Sam and Alice returned their Pokémon into their metal balls before sending them back through their Ride Pagers. The two then picked their feet up through the rocks their feet sank into as they made their way to a small ledge where they could see a path spiral its way up the mountain. Alice reached the ridge first, feeling her hands for a good place to put her fingers and toes on. Sam, upon reaching a solid surface, got a running start and ran up the wall enough to grab a hold of the edge and pull himself up. Alice, sighing and shaking her head, began to climb up, and once she was near the top of the ledge herself, Sam reached down to offer his hand. Alice nonetheless took it, Sam quickly pulling her up to allow her to crawl up onto the surface. “Showoff.” Sam chuckled. “One thing us Prism guys know is to be one step ahead of our enemies.” “Sam, just drop it!” He shrugged, happy to have this victory. “You’re the one who brought it up.” “So now I’m dropping it. You should too.” Following the winding path up, Sam and Alice looked out along the sea as they hiked, getting a wonderful view of the western face of Poni Island and the Seafolk Village. The path forced them to look out to the north and the vast sea, making them keep their attention on the path ahead. As they continued the trail as it bent around to the west, they finally reached the top of a grassy, plateaued surface with newer manmade stone ramparts guarding most of its perimeter. Upon stepping onto the flat surface, they saw Hapu standing in the center of it, facing them. “Looks like you found your way okay.” “To be fair,” Sam said, approaching with Alice, “it’s not that big of an island.” “True, but you made it all the same, and for that, I’m glad.” Now standing only a couple feet from her, Hapu had to look up at Alice, making Sam appear even more towering by comparison. Her determined frown turned a bit squeamish, a change Sam noticed fairly quickly. “Is something wrong?” he asked. Hapu hissed through her teeth, realizing the pointlessness of keeping her feelings a secret. “I’m not going to lie, I feel incredibly anxious about facing you two. From the stories I’ve heard about your trials thus far, your skirmishes with Team Prism, and how you helped everyone in Hau’oli, I’m almost confident that I will not defeat either of you…” After bowing her head in a show of vulnerability, she picked it back up, her determined glare returning. “But that shouldn’t matter now. I am the Kahuna of Poni Island, and now that you two have completed both of its trials before mine, it is time that I faced one of you. Now, which one of you shall it be?” Sam immediately raised his hand. “I’ll go. Let’s do this.” Alice grabbed his arm and leaned into the corner of his vision. “Sam, are you sure about this?” “Pretty sure. Why, did you want to go first?” “Well, yeah, but–” “Then you should have spoken up sooner.” Alice let her brother go and stepped aside. “Hapu, I’m ready.” Hapu smiled, feeling a bit more confident now. “I like your determination. Alright, Alice, you can face me after your brother.” “Ugh, fine!” Alice made a brisk walk to the edge of the plateau, leaning back against a rampart. “This better be worth the wait!” Sam and Hapu began to back away until their own backs hit the wall, stepping forward a couple paces to give themselves and their first Pokémon room to battle. With Alice standing off at the midway point, the combatants and the sole member of their audience were set. “I bet you haven’t gotten tired of hearing this, but I still gotta’ do my job,” Hapu called out. “Sam, are you ready to take your final Grand Trial?” “About as tired as you are from hearing this.” He nodded. “I am ready.” “Then send out your first Pokémon!” Hapu removed the first of four Ultra Balls from her belt and tossed it underhand in a fast, straight line. “You’re up first, Dugtrio!” With the energy of the ball slamming into the ground and creating a hole, Hapu’s three brown, red-nosed, blonde-haired moles emerged bouncing and sniffing in anticipation. Sam kept this eye on the familiar Pokémon. “Much different than our Dugtrios,” he silently commented. “And its hair is pretty shiny. I wonder…” He then took out his own Poké Ball and tossed it. “Let’s go, Aegislash!” With its ball opening up, Aegislash emerged from its energy and faced Dugtrio with its sword held snugly in the enarme of its shield. Hapu’s eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise over this interesting first choice. “You sent a Steel-type against a Ground-type first? Perhaps I was wrong about worrying myself.” “Type’s not the reason I chose him,” Sam replied, “but go on ahead and take him on if you think it’ll be that easy!” “With pleasure, Sam. Dugtrio, attack Aegislash with Earthquake!” With a collective shift downward, the three moles audibly broke the earth beneath them, cracks appearing upon the surface of the ground as they spread out toward Aegislash. The Dugtrio then quickly moved forward, blasting large chunks of rock and dirt at both Aegislash and Sam. “Aegislash!” Sam commanded. “Block it with King’s Shield!” Holding its stance firm, Aegislash pushed forward, its hexagonal aura barrier appearing in front of it. The chunks of the earth that were levied at Sam and his Pokémon crashed into the barrier before they settled back down to form a wall from the length of one end of the plateau to the other. “That didn’t seem to do very much!” Hapu boisterously shouted. “Dugtrio, Earthquake again!” The Dugtrio was already ready, moving forward and shaving off more of the plateau off at Aegislash, this time picking up some of the leftover pieces from the last attempt, all of which slammed hard into Aegislash this time. Aegislash stood its ground well enough to keep any pieces from hitting Sam while the rest blasted away beside him, demolishing the ramparts and sending everything that toppled off the edge into the sea below. “That King’s Shield must be a nifty ability,” Hapu taunted, “but it won’t protect you forever.” “Yeah, you’re right,” Sam coarsely admitted, “but now it’s time to get on the offensive! Aegislash, attack Dugtrio with Sacred Sword!” “Sacred Sword?!” Hapu was taken aback by this. “Of course, the only non-legendary that knows such a move…” With Aegislash’s blade glowing bright blue, it hopped out from the handle of its shield and caught it in the hand of its cloth arm. Shooting out tip-first, it spun its body in a wide arc, slashing across all three of Dugtrio’s bodies. Hapu gasped as her Pokémon was pushed back against the earth toward her. As Dugtrio struggled to pick up its heads, Aegislash swung back toward Sam, ready for his next order. “Good job, buddy!” Aegislash let out a metallic groan and banged on its shield with its free arm. “I gotta’ agree with Hapu on one thing, and it’s that King’s Shield won’t work all that well against her Dugtrio. So what’s say we go ahead and finish her right off? Aegislash, attack again with Sacred–” “Sucker Punch!” Immediately upon Hapu’s call, Dugtrio appeared to vanish underneath the ground. As Aegislash’s blade turned blue again to attack, Dugtrio popped up out from the ground and butted up into it with all three of its heads, sending it flying up into the air with a blast of black energy. Caught completely off guard, Aegislash relinquished its hold on its shield as it limply tumbled about before falling back to the ground. “Aegislash!” Sam jolted in horror upon his Pokémon’s shield loudly clanging to the ground, followed by Aegislash itself. “Dammit…” Sam slowly pulled out Aegislash’s ball, hoping against hope that it would get back up by the time he pointed it at it. With his Pokémon lying as still as before, Sam hissed through his teeth as he let the red beam of his ball connect with Aegislash, its body and its shield turning into energy before they merged together and receded back inside. “Your Aegislash put up a hell of a fight,” Hapu admitted, “but when Steel meets Ground, there’s only one clear winner.” Sam breathed out gently, surveying his situation. “Yeah, that may be true, but how about Fire and Poison?” Hapu blinked, uncertain if she heard Sam correctly. “Don’t tell me you’re–” “Yep, you’ve got it!” Sam threw his next ball straight from his belt. “You’re on Salazzle!” With the ball’s opening, Sam’s large salamander hopped out from the energy, facing Hapu’s Dugtrio with unflappable confidence. Alice straightened herself out, eager to see the result of this matchup. Hapu settled down, having figured Sam’s strategy out. “Of course, Salazzle is still faster and partially stronger against it.” “Okay, Salazzle!” Sam yelled. “You got this now. Finish off Dugtrio with Flamethrower!” “Sucker Punch, quickly!” Dugtrio vanished once again at Hapu’s word. As Salazzle breathed in to breathe its fire breath out, Dugtrio emerged beneath it, shooting it up into the air with a butting of its heads into its lower waist. Sam kept his eyes on his Pokémon as it spun and flipped through the air. “Don’t give up, girl! You still have it!” Straightening itself out, Salazzle began to dive headfirst toward Dugtrio from overhead, putting Hapu back on edge. “Dugtrio,” she shouted, “get out of there!” Dugtrio receded back into its hole, disappearing under the cover of darkness. Sam, however, was not deterred, the widening of his grin only serving to make Hapu even more nervous. Sam scooped his arm upwards before pointing his finger downward. “Get your Flamethrower ready and then flush it out!” Alice was even compelled to gasp at this, watching as Salazzle breathed in as its hands and feet landed upon the ground, the fire in its mouth spilling over. With a loud screech, Salazzle shot flames down into the hole, the panicked screams of Dugtrio able to be heard deep inside. “Dugtrio!” Hapu stepped toward her nearest hole and looked down, already seeing the fire’s light fill it as it suddenly appeared to rise out. Hapu hopped backwards just as the flame pillar erupted from the hole, shooting several stories upward. Looking back on Salazzle, its face broke out into a sweat as it struggled to let out as much fire as its lungs could possibly squeeze out. Finally, it took a sharp breath in, stumbling over backwards with the sudden burst of oxygen filling its body. Once the fires of Hapu’s hole petered out, she crawled over toward the edge of it, looking over to see three heads slowly rising out from it. “Dugtrio! Are you alright?” The faces on each of its heads strained as they tried to get each one above the surface. Once they did, they each finally let out a single sigh before slumping over, allowing unconsciousness to take hold of them. “Woo!” Alice began to clap. “Nice one, Salazzle!” With a proud nod and chin-up toward her, Salazzle took its trainer’s sister’s compliment in stride. Standing back onto her feet, Hapu took out Dugtrio’s Ultra Ball and returned it back inside. “Well, looks like we each lost one,” she said, “but now that you’ve used up your special strategy, it’s time to finish it off. Let’s go, Gastrodon!” With a toss of her next ball, her giant blue slug plopped onto the ground upon forming from the energy within it. Sam, recognizing the creature with a grimace, soon pulled off a slight smirk. “Still, we’ll at least get one more hit! Salazzle, hit Gastrodon with Sludge Bomb!” Salazzle cleared its throat, and with a hefty spit, it launched a large ball of mucus right into Gastrodon’s face, where it splashed all over around its head, neck, and upper body. While mewing in discomfort, it managed to wiggle and shake most of the slime off its body. “That’s the stuff, Gastrodon!” Hapu called. “Now, take it out with Mud Bomb!” With its cheeks puffing up wide, Gastrodon also spat up an equal-sized ball made of wet, compacted dirt right in Salazzle’s direction. Still exhausted from the attacks it both made and took, Salazzle was unable to avoid Gastrodon’s attack, the mud splattering over every inch of its body in a thick, immobilizing layer. With Salazzle immobile inside the mound it was buried under, Sam slid over and began digging away. “Salazzle! Salazzle!” Finally unearthing its head, Sam was quick and gentle to free it and lay it back down, giving it room to breathe. Though able to sigh with relief over his Pokémon’s safety, there was still tangible disappointment in his huff to note its defeat. Standing back up, he pulled out Salazzle’s Poké Ball and returned his Pokémon in it, the mud laying atop it sinking under the now vacant space. Sam looked back up to Hapu and Gastrodon, each of whom stood strong and ready for whatever he would bring out. “Those are some pretty confident looks you’ve got there, especially considering you’ll only have half your team left by the time my turn’s over.” With their mouths coming open again, neither Hapu nor her Pokémon could withhold their surprise over such a claim. Trying their best to appear unfazed, Hapu and Gastrodon bared their teeth and awaited Sam to prove his point. “Alright, Lurantis,” Sam shouted, throwing his next Poké Ball out toward its next opponent, “your turn now!” With it opening in midair, Lurantis soared out from the energy that shot out from its ball and slid to a graceful, yet threatening stop. Hapu pursed her lips. “So now he sends out his Grass-type. And of course it’s even faster than Gastrodon.” “You better believe it!” Sam threw his arm forward. “Lurantis, attack Gastrodon with Petal Blizzard!” With both of its scythes glowing, Sam’s Pokémon swung them out to the right, creating a tremendous whirlwind that pulled many bright-pink petals out from under its arms, spreading out until they got near Gastrodon. Hapu backed away as the flowery cyclone threatened to engulf her. She and Alice then watched in amazement as Gastrodon was completely pelted in the entirely of its left side by Lurantis’s attack. Hapu’s Pokémon whined loudly as half its body was feathered with the petals, and they still wouldn’t let up. Finally, just as the twister began to settle down, Gastrodon laid its head down, unable to continue fighting. “Gastrodon,” Hapu whimpered. “No…” “Yah! Nice one, Lurantis!” Hearing Sam’s compliment, Lurantis crossed its arms and put its legs together, keeping its eyes on Hapu as she returned Gastrodon to its ball. “So yeah, Hapu! How’s about that?” Hapu clutched Gastrodon’s ball tightly in frustration before placing it back onto her belt. “Yeah, Sam, that’s pretty great. You’re halfway there now. But…” She pulled her next Ultra Ball off her belt. “I want this to be the point where it starts getting hard for you, and the rest of my Pokémon and I are going to make sure that’s the case!” Sam clenched his fists as Lurantis sharpened its scythes against each other. Hapu threw her ball forward. “You’re on, Flygon!” With her ball thrown low to the ground upon opening, her green insectoid dragon soared out just as low before pulling up hard and fast enough to just barely avoid hitting Lurantis or Sam. Twirling about, it kept a spot in the air right above its trainer, looking down at Lurantis with sheer focus. “Okay, Flygon, you got this one!” Hapu threw a pointed finger at Lurantis. “Hit Lurantis with Dragon Rush!” Flygon took to the air several lengths, and with a tight bow in its arc, it shot back down to the ground at tremendous speeds, a cone of red aura trailing around its head. Lurantis ran out at it to meet it in the middle, Flygon adjusting its flight accordingly. Crossing its scythes in front of its body, Hapu’s Pokémon crashed into them, slamming Lurantis down into the ground and dragging it along toward Sam, spraying chips and chunks of rock out. Sam turned away and covered the back of his neck with his hands as the stones fell onto him. Sam glanced back as far as he safely could. “Lurantis, get ‘em with Poison Jab!” Sliding its right scythe out from under the weight of the Flygon’s body, the tip began to glow purple before it swung its arm back in, digging the point into the base of the dragon’s neck. With a pain-riddled screech, Flygon rolled off of Lurantis, allowing it to roll away and get some space between them. Alice sidestepped as Flygon backed up toward her corner. Lurantis supported itself with its arms on its knees, panting tiredly as it awaited Flygon’s next move. “You have her on the ropes now, Flygon,” Hapu called, “now finish it off with Steel Wing!” Hopping back, Flygon pushed off the wall and shot out at Lurantis with its wings shimmering bright. Lurantis began to break into a run straight at its target. “Lurantis,” Sam shouted, “attack with X-Scissor!” Holding its arms behind it, Lurantis kept its eyes on Flygon as it began to weave, preparing to shift at any point. With a wider lean of its body, Flygon began to bank to its right, Lurantis hopping to the left, hugging its arms in as it prepared to slash them out on Flygon’s face. To Sam and Lurantis’s surprise, Flygon changed direction once again, turning hard enough to the left to direct the top bar of its wing at Lurantis’s body. Flygon’s attack hit right where it needed to, racking Lurantis over the surface of its wings before flinging it back into the wall, its back hitting the rock and sliding down before it crumpled into an uncomfortable pile. “Lurantis, no!” Sam reached for his Pokémon, but quickly let his arm drop, knowing there was nothing else to be done for it. With an upward spiral, Flygon returned to its position above Hapu, watching with her as Sam aimed Lurantis’s Poké Ball at it, the red beam connecting to its body and having it recede back inside. Sam blew an uncomfortable sigh. “Well, looks like we’re both halfway done now.” Hapu crossed her arms haughtily. “And don’t think that that free Poison Jab you got on Flygon gives you a bigger advantage. Like I said, this is where your battle gets hard, and if this keeps going, you’re not going to be having the best of times.” Sam let out a snicker that turned into a weak chuckle, intriguing Alice and Hapu. “So you’re putting the rest of your faith into your Flygon and Mudsdale, huh? That’s just fine with me, I think I can manage with the rest of my team.” Sam detached his next Poké Ball, and with an upward toss, he sent it high over the tallest ramparts still standing. “Archeops, let’s go!” With the ball opening up and spilling the white energy inside skyward, Archeops likewise made its way toward the clouds before surveying its space, towering above even Flygon. “Alright, Archeops,” Sam exclaimed, “show Flygon your best Dragon Claw!” Archeops tucked its wings in and began to nosedive down at Flygon’s head. Though its speed was tremendous, Flygon squinted as it awaited the proper moment. With Archeops refusing to pull up or slow its descent, Flygon suddenly turned nervous as it moved its neck and head, watching in sheer confusion as Archeops whizzed by, about to soar down outside the plateau. Upon being outside of the battlefield, Archeops finally opened its wings and bent its body out, looping halfway back as it began to fly back toward Flygon, who could only see the prehistoric bird through the corner of its vision. With a clockwise barrel roll, Archeops sped between two of the ramparts before turning upright upon reaching Flygon. With its momentum aiding its movements, Archeops slashed its red-hot right claw along the side of Flygon’s face, the added force slamming it back into the ground in front of Hapu, blowing a pulse of dirt and powdered rock across the plateau. “Yeah!” Sam yelled with a punch and pumping of his fists. “Nice one!” As Flygon pushed itself up by its claws, its arms trembled as Archeops landed upon the ground, flicking its right wing to stretch its joints. Flygon glanced over at its foe with disdain, certain that the next hit from it would not be one it would withstand. “Flygon,” Hapu shouted, “don’t give up! We still have two more Pokémon to battle.” With a yelp and push off the ground, its wings helped carry it up before it set its feet down, fully facing Sam’s Pokémon and awaiting its next move. “You got this now, Archeops!” Sam called out. “Finish it with another Dragon Claw!” With a screech, Archeops ran along the ground, holding its wings out to glide over Dugtrio’s leftover hole on its way to its target. Flygon frowned and bared its teeth, hoping to hear its trainer’s voice soon. Finally, Hapu reacted. “Flygon, get it now with Stone Edge!” With another beat of its wings, Flygon got airborne before its swung its tail out and up in Archeop’s direction. Sam’s Pokémon leapt over the hole right as a long, pointed rock jutted out from the pit, jabbing right into Archeop’s gut as it continued to shoot up, taking Archeops up with it. With a weakened gurgle of a cry, its wings, legs, and head began to drift in the breeze. Hapu breathed from her nose and nodded at what her Pokémon had done. “That’s it…” Sam and Alice watched his Pokémon intently as it reached the apex of its ascent, waiting for the moment when it would finally come to and continue fighting. With Archeops falling as limply as it rose, Sam clenched his teeth, knowing he needed to do something. “Archeops, you still got it! Finish it with Dragon Claw!” Archeops's eyes finally came open, and with a panicked recalibration of its body and wings, it finally began to dive down above Flygon. With Archeop’s right claw curled in preparation for its attack, Flygon could only look up to see its foe a few feet above it. Archeop’s claw hooked into the side of the base of Flygon’s neck, and with its speeds, it slammed Flygon headfirst back into the ground, another explosion of dirt and rock following. Archeops quickly hopped and scurried out from the dust, standing before Sam to watch the fading of the cloud together. As expected, Flygon’s body was quickly revealed to all present, laying still and placid as if it were in a deep sleep. Hapu grunted as she pounded the side of her leg with her fist in frustration. “Nicely done, Archeops! That was awesome!” Elated to hear such compliments from Sam, Archeops threw its arms up and loudly cawed. Hapu returned Flygon into her Ultra Ball, her last one already held in her right hand. “Dammit…” Sam and Alice settled down their smug grins as they looked out at Hapu, who could hardly even bear to look them or Archeops in their eyes. “Hapu?” Sam softly asked. On hearing her name, Hapu jerked her head up, revealing her trembling eyes and pouted lips. Realizing she’d been found out, she turned her entire body away from them. “I’m sorry, you two,” she spoke to them, “but it’s just so hard.” “What’s so hard?” Sam responded. Hapu worked up the strength and courage to stand in front of them again. “Did you know that you two are the first trial-goers to make it to this point in literally years?” “Huh? For serious?” She nodded. “Most gave up even before they made it to Nanu, but look at you. You powered through to this point in nearly a week’s time. I know I didn’t come to battle you and expect to win, but I was still hoping to give the first trial-goers I’ve battled in years some kind of a challenge.” Alice crossed her arms. “You still have one more Pokémon, don’t you?” Hapu’s eyes widened in slight devastation. “What are you–” “Who cares how well your opponent is doing? I guarantee you that right now, Sam couldn’t care less how many more Pokémon than you he has left, and he and his Pokémon are going to continue on as if you still have a full roster. I get that you wanted this battle to go differently, but if you don’t drop that defeatist attitude soon, Sam’s Pokémon are going to completely cream your Mudsdale.” Hapu clutched the Ultra Ball in her right hand tighter. “You really think I have a shot here?” “I think the question is if you think you do, Hapu. Now, finish this battle and fight my brother like it’s the end of the world again!” Hapu blew a calming breath through her pursed lips, Alice’s words beginning to kindle her fire. Looking up at her Ultra Ball, she seemed to envision her Mudsdale looking back up at her inside. “That’s right… I know you can do this.” Hapu reeled her arm back and threw her ball out. “Let’s finish this Mudsdale.” With her ball bursting open, Hapu’s massive earthy horse landed its hooves upon the ground, shaking the plateau and nearly knocking Sam and Archeops off balance. With Hapu appearing more passionate than ever before, Sam smiled wide. “Alright, now that’s the stuff.” Sam threw his pointed finger forward. “Archeops, hit Mudsdale with Bulldoze!” Archeops screeched in delight as it took to the air and looped backwards for extra momentum. Zooming past Sam, it flew low to the ground, beginning to pick up a wave of mud. “Is that all?” Hapu said to herself. “Mudsdale, finish Archeops off with Heavy Slam!” Hapu’s Mudsdale galloped forward, keeping its eyes on the low-flying bird and the mud that it carried beneath it. It headed right for Flygon’s Stone Edge tower seemingly as if it wasn’t there. Soon, Archeop began to pull up, a tsunami of brown rising up with it. Hapu’s Mudsdale leapt up, breaking apart the tower with the front of its head and its leading hoof. With its other hooves stepping upon the now flat lower surface, Mudsdale was now able to jump higher to reach Archeops’s altitude. Along with the pieces of rock still pressed against its body, the Mudsdale crashed through Archeops’s Bulldoze and slammed its full weight into it, taking it downward. Archeops tried to shimmy itself away, but the Mudsdale’s fall pinned it to its body, sandwiching it between the hard ground and its massive body upon landing. While Mudsdale was able to gracefully roll back onto all fours, Archeops laid upon its back with its wings and legs splayed flat on the floor, it tongue hanging lazily out of the corner of its mouth. “Hot damn…” Sam didn’t need to wait for his Pokémon to get back up, already returning it back into its ball. “Now there’s the Kahuna battle I came for!” Hapu had her arms proudly at her hips as her Pokémon cantered back to her. “And Mudsdale will be your hardest Pokémon yet. Let’s see if your final two can take her down.” “With pleasure!” Sam put Archeops’s ball back onto his belt before taking out another ball and throwing it out. “You’re on, Absol!” The ball burst open, the energy inside streaming down onto the ground as it formed into Sam’s black and white long-furred feline. “If you think Alice was bluffing when she said I was taking this battle seriously…” He then brandished his Z-Ring, the Key Stone inside of it seeming to shimmer in reply. “…maybe this will convince you!” Hapu and her Mudsdale both gasped. “A Key Stone?!” She then looked down to see the Absolite necklace hanging from the Pokémon’s neck. “Where did he get…” Sam placed his fingers onto the rainbow marble in his Z-Ring, both it and the Absolite starting to shine brightly. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” The light within the Key Stone radiated like a sun as colorful DNA-shaped tendrils of light spread out from it and snaked their way toward Absol’s Mega Stone. Upon making contact, Absol trembled as it tried to withstand the energy slowly engulfing it. From the Absolite out, an aura colored the same as the bands of light began to cover all of Absol’s body until it was blazing with energy. At once, a pair of wings shot out from its sides and spread out, followed by the lengthening and waving of its horn, followed by a slight growth in its fur, particularly the bangs over half of its face. With its added features having appeared, the aura covering Absol turned a bright white before it shattered and burst off of it, Mega Absol now taking Absol’s place. “You had that hidden on me the whole time?” Hapu hissed. “Not exactly!” Sam guffawed. “Sorry we couldn’t keep fighting on the same half of Hau’oli that one night, but she was a beaut then, and she’ll be twice as beautiful now.” Mega Absol barked at Sam, wanting nothing more than to be given a command. “Right, sorry! Mega Absol, attack Mudsdale with Psycho Cut!” Hapu’s determination returned as Mega Absol’s horn began to glow a bright magenta. “Mudsdale, weather through it and then attack with Double Kick!” The Mudsdale began to gallop forward as Mega Absol launched its psychic bow. The Mudsdale leap over Dugtrio’s hole as the bow hit its face. Though it hit it hard enough to falter its limbs and push back its trajectory, the Mudsdale stuck its landing and continued forward. Stunned over the Mudsdale’s stamina, Mega Absol stayed still as a statue as Hapu’s Pokémon swung its back half around and stuck its leg out, kicking Mega Absol hard enough in the face to knock it off its paws, leaving it crashing to the floor. “Absol!” Alice shouted. As Mega Absol sprung back onto its fours, it was suddenly met by the Mudsdale’s backside quickly approaching it, its other leg reeled back in before it drove it out, striking Mega Absol upside the chin and throwing it toward the top of the ramparts. Flipping back, Mega Absol managed to catch its front claws on the edge of the wall, flapping its wings to keep itself level before it managed to perch itself and its back paws along the top of the wall like a gargoyle. “Mega Absol, are you okay?” Sam’s query was met back with a drawn-out dual-toned mew. “That’s good. I don’t think that Mudsdale’s going to want you to stick around for much longer, so let’s try and finish this now! Hit her with Megahorn!” Mega Absol leapt off the wall and began to charge at the Mudsdale, its horn now turning a brilliant yellowish-green. Seeming to sense its trainer’s judgment, the Mudsdale kept its stoic eyes upon the approaching Pokémon and awaited Hapu to respond. “Mudsdale, jump!” Bending its legs down, the Mudsdale pushed off the ground at the exact right time, the tip of Mega Absol’s horn grazing the bottom of its front hoof as it continued rising above it to let Sam’s Pokémon pass underneath. Mega Absol swung itself around to a stop just as the Mudsdale landed back onto its hooves, quickly spinning around to face Mega Absol head-on. “That was amazing, Mudsdale!” Hapu shouted to it. “Now finish it off with another Double Kick!” The Mudsdale galloped at Mega Absol, Sam closely watching the former’s body language. “Mega Absol, up and avoid it!” On its trainer’s command, Mega Absol hopped up on its front paws and stood upright on its hind legs just as the Mudsdale turned around and tucked its legs in. Then, to Sam and Alice’s surprise, the Mudsdale twisted its legs about so that they were now squarely aimed at Mega Absol’s body, the left one jamming into its gut while the right blasted into its face. The dual kick was strong enough to send Mega Absol soaring to the wall of the ramparts, its back slamming against it and breaking the brick behind it. As it peeled off from the wall, the broken pieces began to tumble down, falling off the edge of the plateau or landing in a pile on the ground. Upon tumbling to the ground itself, Mega Absol’s body began to shine bright with the Key Stone’s energy before the light broke away from it, returning Absol’s body back to normal. Despite the loss of his next Pokémon, the corner of Sam’s mouth couldn’t help but curl upward in a silly grin. “Son of a bitch…” Alice was too stunned by what Hapu’s Mudsdale had managed to accomplish, but none were more surprised than Hapu herself. “YEAH!” Hapu leapt up into the air, flailing her limbs about. “Mudsdale, you absolute legend!” Her Pokémon stamped and whinnied joyfully to match its trainer’s excitement. As Hapu and her Mudsdale continued celebrating, Sam aimed his Absol’s Poké Ball at its motionless body and returned it inside. Sam then clasped the ball with both hands and placed his forehead upon it. “Don’t worry,” he breathed out, “we can’t win them all.” He then placed the ball back on his belt before grabbing the ball of his last viable Pokémon. “At least we get to cap it off with you.” Sam threw his ball out. “Let’s end this, Drampa!” An explosion of white energy burst from the ball, spreading out to form his furry dragon. Drampa roared at Hapu and Mudsdale, bringing them back to attention. Alice also began to smile, feeling hopeful for her brother once again. “Oh, here we go…” “Down to our last Pokémon now, aren’t we?” Hapu held up her Z-Ring for her Pokémon to see. “Alright Mudsdale, you ready for this?” “Hold on there!” Sam exclaimed. “Drampa, attack Mudsdale with Ice Beam!” Drampa’s mouth began to turn cold as a layer of ice formed inside it. It then shot out a bright, cold beam from its maw that hit the Mudsdale hard in the chest, pushing it back toward Hapu, who stood in stunned silence as her Pokémon cried out in immense pain. “Incredible!” she gasped. “Mudsdales are typically faster than Drampas, unless… of course, that damn Archeops!” Drampa could no longer maintain its beam, and with the last of it pressing into Mudsdale, Hapu’s Pokémon swooned. Hapu clenched her fists as she waited for her Mudsdale to keep its balance, and as it began to fall, it managed to catch itself on one of its forelegs before pushing back onto its hoof. “Good job, Mudsdale!” Hapu crossed her arms in front of her face, activating her Z-Ring as its energy connected to her Pokémon. “Time for the big finish!” Hapu put her arms down to her side and crossed them out alone, though her Mudsdale seemed to be flexing its muscles in synch with her movements. Throwing her arms to the left, she then spun to the right with her arms hugged to her chest. Upon facing Sam and Drampa again, she pulled her right leg back to fall into a lunge, supporting herself with her right hand and holding her left fist up. Z-Power shot from Hapu’s arm and back as it flew straight into her Mudsdale’s body. As the Mudsdale’s aura began to flare up, it jiggled its body so that it could transfer the sudden warmth through every inch of its body. “I have to thank you Alice for the kind words!” Hapu shouted back. “I could have never done any of this without you!” Alice frowned as she kept her eyes on Sam’s Drampa. Sam likewise glared at this Pokémon from behind as if trying to fill it with extra willpower. “Come on Drampa, you got this. Come on, Drampa!” “Mudsdale!” Hapu shouted. “Attack Drampa with Tectonic Rage!” Bellowing out a whinny, Hapu’s Mudsdale hopped up off its front hooves, the Z-Power coursing through it beginning to move there. Stomping back on the ground, the space between Dugtrio’s two holes began to implode in. Drampa, sitting on the edge of the one closest to Sam, found the ground break beneath it as well, and as it fearfully honked for its life, it slipped into the newly formed crater. “Drampa!” Sam shouted. Before it could claw and fly its way out, the Mudsdale leapt into the crater and fell atop of Drampa, its weight pressing Drampa harder into the surface and breaking large cracks all along it. Sam looked into the crater with horror as the cracks began to glow hot and bright before a volcanic eruption shot high up into the air, engulfing Drampa and the Mudsdale with it. Hapu’s Mudsdale sprung out of the magmal pillar with its Z-Power aura keeping its body safe, landing back on Hapu’s side of the crater to watch the rest of the attack play out. Sam watched as Drampa was pushed out from the plume before arcing up to fall back down toward him. Landing hard upon the ground, Drampa let out a weak groan as it bounced to a stop. The lava too fell back down into the crater, filling up the space that Hapu’s Mudsdale’s Z-Move left to mend what the rest of battle had broken. Through the steam pouring through the newly made spot, Hapu and her Mudsdale gazed upon Drampa as it slowly began to lift its head up off the ground. Sam, seeing his Pokémon struggle to stay up, gasped repeatedly as more of its body inched up off the ground. “You got this, buddy,” Sam loudly whispered. “Come on, Drampa, you got this!” Drampa continued to rise, never once faltering or swooning as it pulled itself up straight. Hapu was astounded by the sight. “Ho… ly… crap.” Finally, Drampa found itself back on its belly, now able to hang its head down and pant as it regained its stamina. “Yes!” Alice screamed. “Yes, bro, you got this!” Sam giggled, feeling more confident than ever. “Hey, Drampa! Don’t tell me you’re too tired to hit back with a Z-Move yourself!” Looking back at its trainer with a furrowed brow, Drampa let out moo and smile to permit his request. “Alright then, let’s finish this!” Sam removed his Poisonium Z from the face of his Z-Ring before pulling his Dragonium Z from his pocket and placing it inside. “That Z-Crystal,” Hapu stammered. “Is that really–” “And I thank you for it, Hapu,” Sam theatrically bowed to her. “I wouldn’t be able to do this without you!” Straightening himself and widening his stance, Sam crossed his arms in front of his face, his Z-Ring and the Dragonium Z inside it flaring to life. As Sam brought his arms down, his Drampa did the same, also crossing its arms out as Sam was doing behind it. The two of them then brought their balled fists to the right of their heads before thrusting them out as far as their arms could allow. Finally, Sam and Drampa pulled their arms apart with their fingers pointed at each other. From Sam’s chest, Z-Power billowed out like a dragon’s fire-breath, engulfing Drampa in it before it was absorbed into its body, the aura now dancing off its skin like a raging flame. Hapu bared her teeth, knowing her next words were her only slim chance at a victory. “This is your last shot, Sam! The next attack my Mudsdale makes will be the winning one!” Drampa angrily honked at Hapu before snuffling out a dry spit, Sam fully aware of what it said to her. “Yeah, he’s not going to let that happen.” The Mudsdale’s expression now mirrored Hapu’s, ready to try and survive this final shot. “Go, Drampa!” Sam bellowed. “Finish Mudsdale off with Devastating Drake!” The aura on Drampa’s body began to turn a royal blue and burn hotter in its intensity. Hoisting its upper body up, Drampa let out a deafening roar as the aura melded into the shape of a winged serpent and pull itself forward off of Drampa’s body like its very soul was leaving it. Finally, it shot out and soared upward, now turning a bright shade of purple. Sam, Alice, Hapu, and her Mudsdale looked up as the dragon-shaped aura spiraled and danced through the sky before it went into a wide, backward loop before shooting straight down right above Hapu’s Pokémon. With nowhere to run, Mudsdale bowed its head as Drampa’s attack finally rained down on it, exploding out in a fiery, smoky blast, that swept all dust and fragments of rock off the ground and outside the walls of the plateau. All three trainers shielded their faces with their arms and hands while Drampa stood patiently in the gales, waiting for them to subside. When the warm winds finally died down, Sam and Alice uncovered their faces and looked out to where Hapu and her Mudsdale were standing, a thick blanket of dust now hanging there. With a large inhale, Drampa pursed its lips and blew hard, subsiding the cloud and revealing Hapu and her Pokémon, who was laying still on its side unconscious. Sam breathed in through his tightly pressed lips, keeping himself from celebrating until he finally heard Hapu’s word. Hapu solemnly walked over to her Mudsdale and knelt beside it, patting its belly a few times before taking out its ball and returning it to it. Standing back up, she looked back to Sam and his Drampa, who still held their breath as they awaited her declaration. With a smug smile, she put her hands to her hips. “Not sure why you’re staring at me like that. Are you waiting for me to say you cleared your Grand Trial? Okay, well, you cleared your Grand Trial, Sam!” Sam beamed wide before letting out a shrill shout, running to his Drampa and swinging himself on the base of its neck, his Drampa honking out in both surprise and elation. Sam dropped himself back down and put his hands and arms across as much of Drampa’s chest as he could, his face nuzzling into its furry center. As Alice came to Drampa’s other side and pet down its back, Drampa hugged the bottom of its chin into Sam’s back to push him in farther. “Good job, you two,” Alice whispered softly. Hapu then approached the two trainers, Drampa noticing her and mewing to get Sam and Alice’s attention. The three of them looked down at her as she readied herself to speak. “That was a truly amazing battle, Sam,” she said, her eyes getting a bit misty. “You definitely deserved that win. And Alice, I meant what I said when I thanked you for those words. I don’t think I would have came as close as I did without them.” “I… you’re welcome,” Alice said, glancing her eyes over to her brother. “I’m sure Sam really appreciates it too.” “Yeah,” Sam agreed with a nod. “Even after all the crap we went through before this point, you still pushed me to edge. You’re a fabulous trainer yourself, Hapu, and I’m really looking forward to watching you completely destroy my sister in your battle with her.” Alice reached up and slapped Sam hard in the back of the head, making him grunt out his laughs. “Sam, what the shit?!” “Sheesh,” Sam gurgled, his head still stinging, “take a joke, why don’t ya’!” Hapu hummed to herself, amused by their familial chemistry. “As of right now, none of my Pokémon are fit for any kind of battling, but if you give me a second, I have a portable healing bed locked up somewhere on this island, and once I can get my Pokémon on it, Alice and I will be ready. That is, unless you need to do some last minute preparations yourself?” Alice shook her head. “Nope. Sam and I did all that before we got here.” “Excellent. Now, if you don’t mind waiting up here, I’ll be off and be back in a few!” Hapu walked over to the spiraling path down the mountain and made her way down, Sam instinctively waving to her. “Okay, see ya’!” With Hapu out of sight, Sam and Alice stood around idly for a few moments before he nonchalantly turned his back to Alice once again. Alice took the opportunity to smack Sam in the exact spot as before, this time nearly knocking him over. “Alice! Stop it! Damn!” Alice pointed a threatening finger at him. “You better hope I kick her ass!” “I’m sure you will, stop worrying!” Alice began to pace about, trying to shake off the nerves her brother instilled in her. As Sam rubbed the back of his head, which now began to throb, he suddenly felt a large pair of lips suckle where his hand was. Feeling Drampa’s warm drool seep into his hair as its soft lips massaged his scalp, Sam gently patted the side of Drampa’s face appreciatively. “You did good, buddy,” he cooed to it. > Chapter 92 – Tectonic Shift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice sat cross-legged where Sam had stood for his battle, her belt laid flat along the ground with her six Poké Balls sitting neatly in a row above it. With her hand on her chin, she stared at her balls with complete dread, uncertain if she had chosen the right order for her team. Sam stood with his back against the southernmost rampart, occasionally glancing through the gap in the wall to look down on Hapu’s progress with the healing of her Pokémon. He kept his eye on her as she fastened the last of her Ultra Balls to her belt before placing a small flat device inside of a safe dug into the ground beside the mountain. Closing the grass-patched lid down to remain flush with the rest of the greenery, she turned the key inside the keyhole to lock it before leaving it to make her way back up. Sam turned to his sister and began to walk toward her. “Hope you figured it out, because she’s on her way now.” Alice hummed uncomfortably before she began to place her Poké Balls back into her belt where she had found them. “Okay, okay, I’m ready!” “Just relax. You got this.” Alice struggled to feed her belt though the loops on her waistband. “Easy for you to say now that you’ve cleared her trial!” Sam stepped up to her and grabbed her wrist with one hand to stop her and pulled the clip holding her Poké Balls off the belt with the other. “There, now it should be easier.” Alice took a moment to realize what Sam had done for her. She hung her head low as she began to pull her belt without issue. “Seriously,” Sam curtly asked, “are you scared or something?” Alice blew out a huff. “It really sucks having to admit that to you of all people.” “I get that, but what the hell for?” Alice jerked the end of her belt through the buckle before getting it into the tightest rung. “She’s a lot stronger than she lets on, but I shouldn’t need to tell you that. In terms of type and move advantages, I’m fighting her on the same level as you did, and even then, you barely beat her…” “Hey, hey, listen!” Sam knelt down to her and grabbed both of her arms, keeping her still and silent. “You’re Alice fucking Brier.” “Sam–” “Sorry, but look, I may be older and taller than you, but I’ve always been looking up to you ever since you came back from that camping trip to Mount Terminus. Believe me when I say if I can beat Hapu in one try, than you will too.” “Uh… am I interrupting something here?” Sam and Alice turned over to the top of the ramp to the plateau, seeing Hapu standing there mildly threatened and confused. Sam let go of his sister and hopped backward out of his kneel, removing himself from his awkward position. “Nah, just giving my sister a little pep talk before her battle.” “Do you need me to give you more time, or… there’s really no rush here–” “No,” Alice said with a wave of her hand, “I think I’m ready.” “You think you’re ready, or are you actually ready, because from what I heard you and your brother saying–” “No, no, I’m ready. For real. Let’s do this.” Hapu let out a breath, unwilling to fight her any longer on the issue. “Okay then, let’s just see how ready you actually are.” As Hapu began making her way to her side of the plateau to stand, Alice took a deep breath herself, hoping it would help her move her feet off the ground. Sam walked up to Alice and gently slapped her on the side of the shoulder. “You’re going to do fine. Trust me.” Sam walked over to the other corner of the plateau, standing directly beside the end of the wall with the downward winding path. Alice glanced over to Hapu, who finally reached her spot and began to turn around to where her opponent would be. Alice jogged over to stand directly in front of Hapu on the opposite end of the plateau, squeezing and flexing her fists as she awaited the Kahuna to start the battle. “You still look a little nervous, Alice,” Hapu shouted out once again. “I’m only asking this out of formality, but are you–” “YES!” Alice screamed. “Yes, for the very last time, I’m ready! Bring it on, Hapu!” “Hoo…” Hapu softly whooped as she pulled her first Ultra Ball from her belt. “I guess you really are. Go, Dugtrio!” With a throw of her ball, it opened up and spat out its white energy straight at the ground, digging another hole for her three long-haired moles to poke their heads out from. Alice nodded at her situation as she threw a Poké Ball straight from her belt. “You’re on, Lycanroc!” Alice’s ball opened and brought out her stony light-brown wolf, who growled at Dugtrio upon its paws landing upon the ground. Hapu let out a chuckle. “You and your brother seem to have a knack for pitting my Dugtrio against Pokémon that are weaker than it.” “Why don’t you attack him and see how weak it really is!” Alice tucked chin over her neck, trying to hide her nervous gulp. Hapu’s mouth parted open before she caught herself, closing it back up with a smile. “Alright, challenge accepted. Dugtrio, attack Lycanroc with Earthquake!” Dugtrio rose out of its hole for a brief moment before it pulled itself back down, a seismic pulse spanning across the battlefield. Large cracks in the ground began to spread out toward Lycanroc, and as Lycanroc sidestepped to avoid them as they appeared beneath it, Dugtrio pushed through the ground, shooting large chunks of rock and dirt at Alice’s Pokémon that struck multiple points of its body. Lycanroc rolled to a limp stop, Alice breathing in a hissy breath through her teeth. “Lycanroc, are you alright?” With a moan, Lycanroc picked its body up to lay on its stomach upright, Alice gasping in joy. “Yes, that’s it!” Hearing Alice’s voice, Lycanroc pulled itself up to all fours, awaiting Alice’s next order. “Now, finish Dugtrio off with Counter!” Lycanroc bared its fangs and loudly snarled at Dugtrio as it dug its claws into the ground. Pulling off, Lycanroc bounded at Dugtrio, who was frozen in fear as the wolf came at it faster than it could ever expect. With a final leap, Lycanroc dove at Dugtrio, driving its balled-up paws into its two smaller heads while it tucked its head in and smashed the top of it into Dugrtrio’s larger third head. Dugtrio was swept back several feet before coming to a hard stop, its heads leaning out as they failed to keep them up. “Holy damn…” Hapu whispered. “Hah!” Alice cheered. “Nice one, boy!” Lycanroc looked back at Alice and let out a short, appreciative howl. Upon hearing Hapu’s Ultra Ball shoot its red beam at her fainted Pokémon, Lycanroc scuttled back toward Alice, awaiting their opponent’s next Pokémon. Upon her ball’s beam returning to the center button, Hapu dropped her arm by her side, still winded by the quick takedown her Dugtrio endured. “Well, it already looks like you’re in a much better place than your brother at this point.” “I guess we just both underestimate me,” Alice huffed with a cheeky grin. “I suppose we do, but now I’m wondering if any of your other Pokémon will be as well equipped to face my next Pokémon as your brother’s Lurantis was.” Alice’s unconfident grimace told Hapu all she needed to know. “Oh, I guess not.” Hapu put Dugtrio’s ball back onto her belt and took out another before throwing it forward. “Alright! Your turn, Gastrodon!” Hapu’s ball opened up, the energy inside seeming to turn gelatinous as it streamed down to the ground and formed into her blue and green slug. Lycanroc reared back, visibly anxious about fighting it. “It’s okay, Lycanroc,” Alice encouraged, “you can still do this! Attack Gastrodon with Stone Edge!” Forcing out a threatening façade, Lycanroc dug its front two paws into the earth, which trembled ever so slightly with the attack it was about to summon. It then pulled its claws out from the ground and swung them upward hard enough to make it stand upright. “Gastrodon, dodge it!” Gastrodon slid to the right on its trainer’s command. Just before Lycanroc’s pointed stone pillar could shoot up from the ground, Gastrodon squeezed the left side of its body in, the pillar missing Hapu’s Pokémon as it curved its body around it. Lycanroc’s eyes sunk as it realized its attack failed, Alice trying her best to not have her aura of anger and disappointment radiate toward her Pokémon. “Nice job, Gastrodon,” Hapu exclaimed, “now finish Lycanroc off with Muddy Water!” Gastrodon breathed in as its body and neck began to inflate with liquid. It then spat out a dense, wide spray of brown, murky water that pelted into Lycanroc’s face and brought it low to the ground. Hapu’s Pokémon refused to let up, keeping up its relentless torrent until it finally saw Lycanroc’s body tip onto its side out of exhaustion. Though Lycanroc was half-caked in patches of mud and dirt, Alice could see that her Pokémon had fainted. Sam glowered, uncertain how Alice would react to this. With a distraught sigh, Alice detached Lycanroc’s ball from her belt and aimed it at her Pokémon, the red beam connecting with it and receding back in with it. Alice looked at her Poké Ball, able to maintain a stoic frown. “It’s okay. You were a huge help. Thank you, Lycanroc.” Sam nodded and smiled, happy to see Alice remain cool. Neither Hapu nor her Gastrodon seemed to care, only concerned about which Pokémon she’d send out next. Upon putting her Lycanroc’s ball back onto her belt, she placed her hand over three balls, her fingers trembling over which one she would eventually send out. “Come on! The suspense it killing us!” Hapu’s bark was met with a loud, squeaky cry by Gastrodon, who also shared her sentiments. “Hey, give me a break here!” Alice then lowered her voice as she looked between her three Poké Balls. “I’m already set on saving Raichu for the end, so which one of you…” With a meditative breath out, Alice finally plucked a Poké Ball off her belt with her fingers and tossed it out before she could change her mind. “Alright, Mimikyu, your turn!” With her ball shooting open and pouring its energy out, Mimikyu plopped onto the field and stared at Hapu’s Pokémon with its slightly lopsided fake head. “A Mimikyu?” Hapu carefully surveyed it. “Interesting choice.” “You and I both know that your Gastrodon's going to be one of the hardest for me to take out,” Alice responded, “and this little guy may just be the powerhouse I need to do so!” “You can certainly try, Alice, but Gastrodon is still fully healthy, and if Mimikyu defeating it is what it’s going to take to help you win, I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen!” “But what if I did this?” Alice removed the Fairium Z from the side of her Z-Ring and placed it into its face, quickly moving to cross her arms up. Both Sam and Hapu gasped as Alice’s Z-Ring lit up, her Mimikyu suddenly standing more alert. Alice put her arms down and then crossed them back out, Mimikyu’s shadow arms sliding out from underneath its disguise. Both trainer and Pokémon formed a heart with their hands before standing on one leg and folding their arms into small fairy wings. Hapu shielded her face as Alice’s bright Z-Power shot from her back and swirled about into her Pokémon’s body. “Already using your Z-Move? With the Fairium-Z Mina just gave you, no less?” “Whatever works, right?” Alice forcefully swung her arm forward, pointing in Gastrodon’s directon. “Mimikyu, attack Gastrodon with Twinkle Tackle!” With the aura emanating off of Mimikyu turning pink and glittery, Mimikyu ran forward at Gastrodon, a bright comet tail trailing off behind it. Jumping up ever so slightly, Mimikyu collided the entire front of its body into Gastrodon’s chest and face, the force scrunching it in. Finally, a bright pink firework explosion blasted between the two, hurling Hapu’s Pokémon into the back wall of the rampart, Hapu leaping back to the left to avoid it from hitting her. Some of its body spread out along the wall as the force splattered it into the barrier. Like a single large blob, it slowly rolled down into a weak pile before slowly rolling onto its stomach like normal. Once Mimikyu ran back to its trainer’s side, it looked back to see Gastrodon crawling back to its original spot, making it slump over unhappily. “That’s alright, Mimikyu! Just another hit or so and we got this!” Mimikyu sprung back up, instantly encouraged by Alice’s words. “‘Or so’s’ just about right,” Hapu purred. “Gastrodon, attack Mimikyu with Mud Bomb!” With a puffing up of its cheeks, Gastrodon spat out a large ball of mud like a cannon, its shot hitting the neck of Mimikyu’s disguise and snapping the head backward, its drawn-on eyes now staring back at Alice. Sam breathed out in annoyance as he folded the lobes of her ears over the holes of them and held them down. As Sam predicted, Mimikyu began to tremble violently before it let out a piercing screech that Hapu was completely unprepared for, slamming the palms of her gloved hands over the sides of her head. “That’s it, Mimikyu,” Alice shouted, “get angry! Now, hit Gastrodon with Shadow Claw!” Mimikyu darted out as its scream began to peter out, its head comically bouncing and twisting about on the ground. With its arms sliding back out from underneath it, it wound them to the right and kept its glare on Gastrodon, who tensed up as it prepared to weather the attack for the sake of its trainer. With a dual swing of its arms, Mimikyu slashed its jagged shadow fingers into Gastrodon’s chest, sending it back, the whiplash jerking its head forward, nearly hitting the ground. Mimikyu hopped back toward Alice, struggling to keep the head from spinning and twist the neck into a tighter chord. Hapu lightly stamped the ground as her Pokémon failed to pick its head up. “Gastrodon, get up! You can still do this!” Gastrodon picked its head up just an inch, a sign of its consciousness that Hapu was more than happy to accept. “That’s it! Now, attack Mimikyu with Ice Beam!” With its head seemingly unable to move any higher, both Alice and Mimikyu relaxed themselves, waiting for the inevitable moment that Hapu would have to return her Pokémon back into its ball. At the very same moment, Gastrodon swung its head up, instantly firing its frigid beam straight and true at Mimikyu’s body. Just as Mimikyu could spring back into attention, its disguise was blasted by the attack, a thick, cold mist billowing out around it and into Alice, who hugged onto herself to keep warm. Once Gastrodon was finished, Hapu, Sam, and Alice leaned in to look into the cloud as it began to evaporate. Even before the air had fully cleared, Alice and Sam were both agonizingly awestruck to see Mimikyu standing still as a statue, almost the entirety of its disguise frosted over. Hapu felt a wide grin come across her face. “Gastrodon, you lucky mother…” “Mimikyu!” Alice called to her Pokémon. “Come on, you can’t stay frozen now! We’re still in this! Come on, attack Gastrodon with Play Rough!” Mimikyu grunted as it twisted to the right a couple of inches, the only movement it was capable of. One of its shivering arms then slithered out from under its disguise and began to scratch and scrape away at the ice on its body as well as its near-petrified body could allow. “Looks like this isn’t your Mimikyu’s lucky day,” Hapu breathed out, an air of sympathy filling her voice. “Okay, Gastrodon, see if you can finish Mimikyu off with Muddy Water!” Gastrodon began to fill its body up once again, Mimikyu beginning to scratch itself faster and more desperately. Once its body held as much as it could take, Gastrodon let its mouth open, letting out a torrent of brown water that swept into Mimikyu hard enough to knock it on its back as if it were a mere chess piece. The waters sloshed up onto it as it continued to be pushed and rolled back to its trainer. Once the waters had drained away, most of the ice covering Mimikyu had melted off, its body began to deflate as the form inside its disguse could no longer muster the will to fight on. Sam looked to Alice, whose arms and fists were trembling in fear as the battle began to slip away from her. “Don’t let it get to you! Just send your next Pokémon out and finish it off!” Alice, hearing her brother loud and clear, tore Mimikyu’s ball off her belt and aimed it down at her fainted Mimikyu. As the red beam shot down onto her Pokémon and converted it to red energy, she took another ball off her belt by the time the red beam of Mimikyu’s ball shot back in through the center button. After putting Mimikyu’s ball back onto her belt, she lobbed her other Poké Ball behind her back and caught it in her other hand. “You got this now?” Hapu asked genuinely. “I think I will after this.” Alice sent her ball flying with a wide swing of her arm. “Go, Noivern!” Alice’s ball burst open as the energy inside spread out wide, forming into Noivern’s wings as the rest of its body came to be. Noivern roared a high-pitch roar at Hapu and her Pokémon, neither of whom seemed to be too stunned by its volume or power. “So you send a Dragon and Flying-type to finish off the job?” Hapu wondered, her patience fading. “Looks like you need a reminder. Gastrodon, attack Noivern with Ice Beam!” Gastrodon’s mouth began to turn cold as an orb of white formed inside of it. Alice was able to work up a smirk. “No reminder necessary! Noivern, finish off Gastrodon off with Boomburst!” The air in Noivern’s ears began to rumble, becoming more and more impossible to see its features with each passing moment. Gastrodon and Noivern launched their attacks at the same time, Noivern’s sonic explosion ready to meet Gastrodon’s chilly beam. To Hapu’s shock, Noivern’s Boomburst completely eradicated Gastrodon’s Ice Beam, suppressing it with ease as it made its way unimpeded to Hapu’s Pokémon. Gastrodon and Hapu were caught in the blast, slammed by the wall of noise that Noivern had created. The strength was enough to fling Gastrodon and its trainer off its stomach and her feet, both of them tumbling to a stop into the wall. Hapu took several deep breaths as she regained the wind that was knocked out of her. Glancing over to her Gastrodon, she found it laying unconscious in an uncomfortable slump where it had managed to rest. Alice leapt off the ground with a kick of her legs and a punch into the air. “Hell yeah, Noivern! Give me some!” Holding her hand out, Noivern reached its right wing back and slapped the tip of it against her palm. Hapu couldn’t help but smile warmly at the sight, seeing the clear love and friendship Alice and her Pokémon shared between each other. Looking over to her fainted Gastrodon, she pet it around its face. “Took out a Mimikyu all by yourself,” she said to it. “Not too shabby, girl.” Standing up to her feet, she detached Gastrodon’s ball from her belt and returned her Pokémon into it. Stepping forward, Alice and Noivern both noticed her approach and stood to attention for her. “So now I’m half-finished again.” Hapu shook her head, realizing something. “In fact, you’re in the same exact spot now that your brother was. I can’t exactly say if that’s because you two are so equally strong, or if it’s just how luck ordained it, but I can tell you that the end of your Alolan journeys are going to be intense.” “And we each have five more trainers to face off against!” Sam commented. “And they’re supposedly even harder than you!” Hapu let out a chuckle. “You’ll just have to see about that for yourselves when you get there.” “Until then…” Alice patted her hand upon Noivern’s knee, getting it to step forward for Hapu’s next Pokémon. “We still have to finish this battle before then, so send out your next Pokémon, Hapu! We’re dying to face him!” “Hah, very well!” Hapu replaced Gastrodon’s ball and her next Pokémon’s ball with a single motion of her hand before throwing it out toward Alice’s Pokémon. “Let’s go, Flygon!” The Ultra Ball came open and spat its energy to fly past Noivern’s head before it expanded out and took the shape of Hapu’s green dragon. Sam, Alice, and Noivern watched as Flygon soared gracefully around the mountain before swinging around to behind Hapu before aerially vaulting itself above the wall of the rampart and landing in front of its trainer, bouncing up and down on the tips of its toes as it stared at Noivern. “Looks like Flygon’s really looking forward to this next battle,” Hapu mused. “Frankly, so am I.” Alice pointed her finger forward at Hapu’s dragon. “Noivern, attack Flygon with Dragon Pulse!” Noivern’s mouth filled up with blue-and-purple energy, which escaped from the sides of its mouth like fire. With a fast opening of its mouth, Noivern fired its draconic aura like a cannon, striking Noivern hard in the chest, sliding it back several feet and into its trainer. “That’s okay, Flygon,” she encouraged, rubbing up and down his back. “It’s just one attack. You’ll hit her back harder!” Flygon stepped back into its original spot, the side of its tail affectionately running against Hapu’s face. “Alright Flygon, attack Noivern back with Dragon Rush!” Bending down and tucking its legs in, Flygon pushed off the ground with tremendous force, its wings helping it pick up speed as a blue cone of light formed around its head. Noivern was not ready to defend itself as Flygon tackled itself into it, flinging it off of its feet. Alice dove out of the way as the two Pokémon passed by her and into the back of the rampart wall, shattering a twenty-foot-wide part of it off and blasting hundreds of pieces of it toward the ocean. “Holy shit!” Sam couldn’t help but shout. Flygon tilted upward and toward the sky, leaving Noivern to fall toward the water with the rest of the debris. Hugging its wings to its chest, it managed to roll around to face the water before spreading them back out, gliding safely over the sea before it brought itself higher with a flap of its wings. As it spiraled upward to reach Flygon’s altitude, Alice hopped up off the ground and looked up to the sky, watching as her dragon deftly rose to meet its opponent. Alice pumped her fist, happy to see her Pokémon recover so quickly. “Good job, Noivern! Now, let’s see how well that Flygon will take a Hurricane attack!” Noivern finally reached Flygon several stories above the mountain. Fanning its arms in rapid succession, gusts of winds began to pick up and spread out to where Flygon hovered. A vortex was formed, and Flygon began to get itself pulled into it. Flygon sqinted determinably, twisting its body away from the tornado and wrapping its backside around it, flying around it and picking up speed. “Ah, shit…” Alice hissed. “Smart thinking, Flygon!” Hapu shouted. “Now, hit ‘er again with Dragon Rush whenever you’re ready!” Flygon continued to ride around Alice’s attack, groaning as each turn became tighter and tighter with each revolution increasing its speed. Noivern also kept its distance, watching as a cone of blue light streamed violently down Flygon’s head. Unable to withhold a roar of strained effort, Flygon pulled itself away from the Hurricane, its speeds only serving to slingshot it at Noivern. Noivern leaned back to let Flygon pass over it, but Flygon managed to pull itself downward, torpedoing into Noivern’s gut as its body completely folded around Flygon’s head. “No, Noivern!” Alice cried. Flygon let its wings out to slow itself to a fast halt, shooting Noivern off its body and letting it fall unconsciously toward the sea. “Crap!” Alice tore her hat off her head and spun back around and sprinted toward the edge of the plateau, running through the gap in the wall Flygon’s first attack created. “Alice?!” Sam ran out to the center of the battlefield, watching as his sister leapt off with all her might. Alice pulled a Poké Ball off her belt and held it close to her chest. “Gyarados!” With the ball opening up and the energy spreading out wide and long beneath her, Alice’s red, shimmering serpentine fish appeared, Alice grabbing hold of one of its fins and pulling herself down to mount it. As they came low to the water, Alice tucked her body in and took a breath as she held onto Gyarados’s fin for dear life. Gyardados dove into the water, submerging the two of them. Alice kept holding on as her Pokémon curved its body upward and leapt out from the water, now flying upon the magnetic plates attached to its stomach. Now back up in the air, Alice looked up to find her Noivern plummeting due east. With a tight turn right, Gyarados aimed itself to where Alice’s Pokémon would fall, slithering as it picked up speed. On the plateau, Hapu and Sam rushed to a window in the eastern wall, Flygon descending down to join them in observing Alice’s daring rescue. Alice readied Noivern’s Poké Ball as they came closer to it less than ten stories above the water. Once it got to about five stories closer, Alice held her ball out and shouted, the red beam shooting out as it prepared to meet Noivern just above the point of crashing. Upon the beam hitting it, Alice’s wyvern turned red and translucent, the energy it became splashing and spreading out along the ocean’s surface before it was gathered back into to a single straight line that was sucked back inside the ball. Sam and Hapu breathed a sigh of relief as they stepped away from the window, returning to their spots to await Alice’s return. Alice looked down at Noivern’s Poké Ball and also permitted herself to breathe out in respite. Alice patted Gyarados’s back and gave it a couple of firm strokes. “Good work, Gyarados. Knew I could count on you.” Gyarados let out a loud, thankful purr as it circled back toward the flat mountain of Exeggutor Island. As it made its way, Gyarados swung around to the north end of the plateau, slowly passing the broken wall and shifted ever so closely to it. Once she found an opening, she slipped off her Pokémon’s back and landed right in the center of the gap. Walking back to her original spot, she picked up her discarded hat and affixed it to the top of her head, turning the brim to face behind her. Gyarados circled back around to fit its body between the broken wall, holding its head up above its trainer. “That was a nice save you made there,” Hapu complimented, “though I’m going to guess that you didn’t just send out your Gyarados to rescue your Noivern.” Alice smirked, Hapu’s uncanny intuition tickling her. “It just seemed like the right time.” “Well, alright then!” Hapu threw her pointed finger out. “Flygon, attack her Gyarados with Stone Edge!” “Just you hold on there, Hapu! Sam’s not the only one with Kalosian tricks!” Holding up her Z-Ring, she pressed her fingers into the Key Stone held inside, both it and the Gyaradosite clasped to the center prong of its trident horn glowing brightly. “No way! You can Mega Evolve too?” “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” As bands of DNA-shaped light began bursting out of Alice’s Z-Ring, Flygon swung its lower body back, raising its tail up. The strands of light looped around on both sides of Gyarados’s neck before they entered into its Mega Stone at once. Flygon swung its tail out. Gyarados shivered immensely as the Key Stone’s energy began to spread out from its head down the length of its body, making its tail wring out like a whip. As a small trail of rocks rose from the ground in a straight line toward Gyarados, its metamorphosis continued, its chest expanding, its horn elongating, and two large fins spreading out along the sides of its back. Though the light of the Key Stone till surrounded Gyarados’s body, Flygon’s Stone Edge attack jutted off from the corner of the plateau, jabbing Gyarados in the stomach and shattering the energy off of it. Though the force of the attack pushed it back, Mega Gyarados didn’t look hurt enough by the attack to give Hapu or her Pokémon any sense of hope. “Now it’s no longer a Flying-type,” Hapu mused. “Alice, you crafty…” “I have to imagine Noivern’s Dragon Pulse still hit your Flygon hard,” Alice called back, “but I can’t imagine how well it’s going to fare against an Ice-type move from a Mega-Evolved Pokémon!” “Ice… don’t tell me…” “Mega Gyarados! Finish off Flygon with Ice Fang!” Mega Gyarados let out an intimidating roar that left Flygon trembling as it still fluttered about in the air. Alice’s Pokémon then dove forward with its maw wide open, each one of its fangs crystalizing with frost. With Flygon too frightened to avoid the attack, Mega Gyarados gripped the dragon tightly in its frozen teeth before swinging its head down, slamming Flygon into the ground. A strong, single gust of wind blew into Hapu upon her Pokémon’s body hitting the floor, though it didn’t take her long to realize from her Pokémon’s sprawled position on the ground that it had fainted. Blowing a disappointed sigh, Hapu pulled Flygon’s Ultra Ball from her belt and returned her Pokémon into it. Mega Gyarados then floated outside the plateau before going around it and stopping above Alice to face Hapu and her next Pokémon. “That should have been expected…” Hapu opened her eyes back up and looked her opponent in hers. “Well, Alice, looks like you only have one more Pokémon to deal with, and already, you and your Mega Gyarados are ahead of the curve as far as your types are concerned. Although, my Mudsdale has already taken out one Mega Evolved Pokémon today, so let’s see if we can defeat another!” Alice clenched her fist at Hapu in support. “Go for it, Hapu! We’re looking forward to it!” Mega Gyarados roared at Hapu, only serving to make Hapu’s pulling her Mudsdale’s ball off her belt all the more exhilarating. With a purposeful throw, she sent her ball out straight and true. “You got this, Mudsdale!” The Ultra Ball burst open, a massive stream of energy shooting out from it until it took the form of Hapu’s stocky horse of dirt, who whinnied in preparation to carry the rest of the battle for its trainer. “Alright, Mega Gyarados,” Alice shouted, “it’s Water vs. Ground; you got this in the bag! Now, hit him with Aqua Tail!” Mega Gyarados arched upward toward the sky while holding its tail back, which began to sweat profusely with moisture. It then swung it forward, the water now pouring out the sides of its fin as it prepared to slap the Mudsdale with all its might. “Mudsdale!” Hapu’s Pokémon leapt to the right on her cry, the left tip of its tail fin lightly grazing it. “Hah!” Alice gasped. “Dammit!” “Great work, Mudsdale! Now get her with Double Kick.” Mega Gyarados’s back faced Hapu’s Mudsdale from up above, exposing it to it. The Mudsdale then leapt up on its strong, powerful legs and flipped back, its momentum driving both hooves into the center of Mega Gyarados’s back and sending it higher upward. As Mega Gyarados screeched in agony, it uncomfortably rolled back upright as quickly as its suddenly sore spine would allow, Hapu’s Mudsdale landing firmly on all fours again. Alice looked up at her Pokémon, who kept its distance up in the air. “Don’t worry about it, you got this one! Now try again with another Aqua Tail!” Mega Gyarados descended headfirst, picking up speed. Snaking down the center of the plateau, it leaned itself to the right and began to curl its tail in, swinging it to the left. “Mudsdale,” Hapu shouted, “dodge it again!” With its water-coated tail coming at it from the side, Hapu’s Mudsdale leapt upward. Before the tail could pass underneath the Mudsdale, Mega Gyarados picked its tail up as hard and fast as it could, this time managing to connect its attack on the horse’s upper left side. The Mudsdale let out a loud squeal as it was knocked hard into the right side of the rampart wall, which caught it from falling over the plateau’s edge. The bricks could not hold in place, and the portion of the wall that the Mudsdale hit began to crumble on top of it. “Ah!” Hapu took a couple quick steps toward her Pokémon. “Mudsdale, are you–” The bricks began to shift as Hapu’s Mudsdale’s head poked up out from them, the rest of its body appearing as it stood out and slowly walked out from the wreckage toward the awaiting Mega Gyarados. Hapu let out a relieved breath that slowly evolved into cheeky giggling. Alice picked up her head, intrigued. “What’s so funny, Hapu?” “Oh, I just realized something, is all,” she answered back. “When you Mega Evolved your Gyarados, it went from a Flying-type to a Dark-type right before Flygon’s Stone Edge could have hit it. Truth be told, if you had kept your Gyarados as it was, that Stone Edge would have dealt a lot of damage, but now that it’s in its Mega form, my Mudsdale will absolutely defeat it now!” “What are you–” “Mudsdale! Finish off Mega Gyarados with Counter!” Alice and Sam both gasped as Hapu’s Mudsdale broke into a fast, strong gallop. As Mega Gyarados tried to shirk away, exposing its underside, the Mudsdale leapt up at it, the ground it pushed off of pulsing with a reddish-brown energy. With its speed increased by its jump, the Mudsdale tucked its head in and bashed the top of it into Mega Gyarados’s chest. A visible blast of dust burst out in all directions as Mega Gyarados was thrown off to the west outside the mountain. Alice ran to the path at the top of the mountain as her Pokémon floated downward, its body turning bright before the Key Stone’s energy broke away from it, returning her Gyarados to normal. “Gyarados!” Standing and stretching out with only the ball of her right foot on the ledge, Alice reached her Poké Ball out as far as she could as the red beam shot out far away and managed to connect with her fainted serpent. Falling back onto her bottom in the center of the path, Alice kept her free hand on the ground as the rest of the Poké Ball’s beam receded back into it. Alice didn’t even wait to put the ball back on her belt, instead placing it upon her chest over her heart, breathing in heavily as she waited to no longer hear her heartbeat. Sam swung around the exit to the plateau and rushed to his sister, kneeling beside her. “Alice! You alright?” Alice continued panting, glancing up at her brother. “Other than nearly falling off another cliff… wonderful.” “Okay, you’re alright now. Come on, you have to finish this.” Offering his hand, Alice reached up and grabbed hold of Sam’s wrist as they helped pull her up onto her feet. As Sam casually walked back to continue observing the match, Alice jogged back to her own spot, placing Gyarados’s ball onto her belt and taking out the next one she intended to use. Once Sam spun around the corner of the entrance to the plateau and leaned against the wall to relax, Alice turned to him and nodded, thanking him for his support. “Alright, Hapu,” Alice said, turning back forward, “your Mudsdale already a took hard hit from my Mega Gyarados, and I still have one Pokémon left with a move strong enough to possibly guarantee my victory next turn. Are you both ready to face him?” Hapu and her Mudsdale glowered, prepared to take on Alice’s next Pokémon. “Him?” Sam muttered to himself, suddenly easing back down upon realizing it. “Oh yeah, that might do it…” Alice sent her ball out. “Let’s do this, Raichu!” With her ball coming open, Alice’s large orange rat soared out from its energy, standing on its tail as it playfully looped once around Hapu and her Mudsdale before returning to Alice’s side. Hapu still couldn’t help but look nervous. “So you sent out an Electric-type to face a Ground-type… just what move does your Raichu know…?” “The anticipation’s killing me too,” Alice shouted, “so let’s get on with it! Raichu, attack Mudsdale with Grass Knot!” “Grass Knot?!” A green glow began to cover Raichu’s body, and it strained to concentrate all its power into this hopefully final attack. As Mudsdale’s hooves lightly tapped the ground in anxiousness, six thick vines jutted out from the ground, four of which held its limbs in place while the other two wrapped around its neck and over and around its back and waist. Hapu’s Mudsdale screamed out for its trainer as the vines then began to pull downward. The horse tried to hold itself up with all its might, but the pull only continued to get stronger. Finally, Mudsdale could no longer stand, and the vines force ultimately slammed the side of Mudsdale’s body into the floor, cracking the ground and throwing a cloud of dirt upward. The green light covering Raichu’s body sunk back into its fur as it looked into the dust to see if it had indeed gotten the job done. “Mu…” Hapu reached out toward the cloud. “Mudsdale?” Sam tightly crossed his arms and kept his eyes focused on where Hapu’s Mudsdale was pinned. Finally, the silhouette of a Mudsdale began to stir inside the haze of dirt, Sam, Alice, and her Raichu seizing up at the instant awareness that Hapu’s Pokémon had survived. “Mudsdale?!” Hapu’s horse stepped out from the cloud, its body scuffed and mildly bruised, but still in fair enough health. “Oh my god, Mudsdale!” “Dammit!” Alice growled. “Raichu, just get ready!” Raichu held out its paws like fists, preparing for Hapu’s Mudsdale’s retaliation. Hapu, despite the sudden upturn in her situation, appeared calm and complacent, smiling warmly at Alice and her Pokémon. “You know I have to be the luckiest trainer alive to have their Mudsdale survive an Aqua Tail from a Mega Evolved Pokémon as well as a Grass Knot. In any case, I gotta’ take my victories where I can, and make full use of them!” Hapu crossed her arms in front of her chest, her Z-Ring flaring up and her Mudsdale shooting to attention. After putting her arms back down and crossing them back out, she spun around to the right before falling into a lunge and reaching her left arm up. Hapu’s Z-Power erupted from her arm like a volcano, raining back down at once onto her Mudsdale as it soaked in through its skin. Raichu clenched its teeth as it saw the Mudsdale’s aura begin to flare up all around its body. “Alice!” Hapu shouted out. “I know you still have one last Pokémon left to fight for you, and I know that there’s hardly any point in using this Z-Move knowing Mudsdale still has to face it after this, but even in the face of defeat, I’ll still give you my all! Mudsdale, attack her Raichu with Tectonic Rage!” Hapu’s Mudsdale whinnied as it jumped off its front hooves, its Z-Power channeling itself to them. Stomping both hooves onto the ground, it began to split open, the crack running its way toward Raichu before passing underneath it, heading toward the edge of the plateau. Raichu looked underneath itself as the space between the broken rock turned hot and red. With another whinny now sounding off above it, Raichu and Alice looked up as Hapu’s Mudsdale went airborne, already making its way back down toward the rat. With a wince, Raichu spun toward Alice and swung its arm out, throwing Alice out of the way with its psychic powers. Raichu then looked back up at the approaching Mudsdale and shut its eyes. The Mudsdale slammed its full weight onto Raichu, splitting the ground even wider as both Pokémon were wedged inside. With a boom vibrating from deep in the earth, a bright, warm light began to shine up through the fissure where Raichu and Hapu’s Mudsdale were. Alice sprung onto her knees just as a wall of molten rock rose out from the crack, her and Sam looking up it as they saw Raichu and the Mudsdale’s bodies inside of it. Mudsdale leapt out from the lava and landed on the ground beside Hapu, its body billowing with steam and smoke. Raichu fell from the fires and onto the ground beside the ruptured floor as the lava fell back into it and quickly hardened, fixing the plateau once again. Alice blew a breath out her nose as she saw her Pokémon lie completely motionless save for its slow, steady breathing. Pulling its Poké Ball from her belt, Alice returned Raichu into it before standing up on her feet. Hapu smiled as she watched Alice very quickly and confidently pull her last ball from her belt. “That’s it, Alice. You’ve got this now! Send out your last Pokémon and let’s finish this!” Alice took one last look at her Poké Ball and smiled, admiring the circumstances before she threw it forward. “You’re on, Mudsdale!” With the Poké Ball opening, a large mass of white energy burst out from it and formed upon the ground to form Alice’s Mudsdale, both Hapu and her own Mudsdale’s mouths going open in surprise. Hapu grinned wide and let out a short laugh. “I couldn’t have asked for a better finish! Mudsdale, attack Alice’s Mudsdale with Heavy Slam!” Alice smiled as Hapu’s Mudsdale galloped forward, a light sheen appearing on its body. “Couldn’t agree more. Mudsdale, attack Hapu’s Mudsdale with Superpower!” Mudsdale galloped hard toward Hapu’s Mudsdale, its gaits stronger and faster. As Mudsdale fast approached, Hapu’s Mudsdale spun around and tucked its back legs in, ready for Mudsdale’s face to meet them. Hapu’s Mudsdale kicked out, and Mudsdale let out a loud, long whinny as it continued running without reservation. With its force, Mudsdale managed to wedge its snout between Hapu’s Mudsdale’s hooves as its attack went past both sides of Mudsdale’s head. With Hapu’s Mudsdale’s stomach now exposed, Mudsdale tucked its head down and battered into it, Hapu’s Mudsdale folding around Mudsdale’s head as its front hooves were forced out from underneath it. Stamping to a hard stop, Mudsdale flung Hapu’s Mudsdale off its snout before it landed on its head and flipped all the way over onto its side, its landing shaking the ground hard enough to bounce Sam, Alice, and Hapu off their feet. As Hapu regained her balance, her Mudsdale slid to her backside first, its body lying still on the ground. Hapu let out a breath as she walked around her Mudsdale’s body and knelt beside it, resting her body onto the side its stomach as she pet it. “I hardly deserve you. Thank you so much, Mudsdale!” She then stood back up and pulled her Mudsdale’s Ultra Ball off her belt, pointing it down at it as the red beam returned it back inside. Alice approached her Mudsdale as she awaited Hapu to finally say the word. “Thank you both for such a wonderful pair of battles!” Hapu exclaimed. “Alice, it gives me great pleasure to declare that you have now cleared your Grand Trial.” Mudsdale turned around to face Alice, surprised to already find her standing her. With excited snuffles, Mudsdale scooped the length of its face into Alice’s stomach, lifting her up and forcing her to hug on tight. Once Mudsdale let her back down, Alice rubbed her hands up and down Mudsdale’s neck, her Pokémon resting its chin along her back. Sam approached Alice and firmly planted the palm of his hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Did I not tell you, or what?” Alice turned away from Mudsdale and leapt onto her brother, hugging him tight. Mudsdale stepped toward them and pushed on Sam’s back with its chin, sandwiching the siblings between it and its chest. Hapu put her hands to her hips as she admired the sight, elated to see the two trainers make it this far. At the Seafolk Village, Hapu stood outside the carp-shaped boat in front of Sam and Alice. “Before you guys go, be sure you get these.” Hapu reached her gloved hand out and presented the two with two Groundium Zs. “I figured that both of you would defeat me straight away, so I just held onto them until the end.” Sam and Alice both took their awarded Z-Crystals, Alice holding hers up to the sun to appreciate its luster. “Thank you so much again, Hapu.” “And just to remind you how to activate it…” Hapu crossed her wrists in front of her face, put her arms down, and then crossed them back out before performing the same ritualistic dance that she had already shown both of them. “You think you got it?” “I think by now, yeah,” Sam replied with a shrug. Hapu blew out a sigh, hardly able to believe she would be bringing up this subject. “So, what are your guys' plans for tackling the League? You already ready to go, going to take a couple days, or–” “Oh! Oh yeah!” Sam held his hands up, overwhelmed. “Yeah, we’re probably going to rest up for a few days.” “That sounds like a fine idea. Though, I mean, like, when you say a few days, is that…” “Why are you so interested?” Alice asked playfully. “You want to come watch us or something?” Hapu shrugged, her coyness matching Alice’s mischievousness. “Maybe. I mean, it’s not like I have any more trainers lined up to take me on. Besides, maybe the other captains and Kahunas will also want to be an audience to the first Alolan championship battle in years. Gotta’ make sure our schedules are clear, you know?” Sam chuckled. “I was thinking we take the rest of today and tomorrow to rest up or do a little bit of training, and then we may take it on later the next morning.” He then turned to Alice, who looked up to him. “That sound good, Alice?” Alice reached up and gripped Sam’s shoulder. “Sounds good to me, bro!” Hapu nodded. “Alright. I’ll be sure to let the others know. Oh, this is so exciting!” “You’re telling us!” Sam responded. “We’re the ones fighting for the championship.” “And I’m certain you’ll do just fine. Until then…” Hapu reached her hand forward between Sam and Alice. Alice took Hapu’s hand first, giving it a firm, respecting shake before the Kahuna swung her hand to Sam, who grabbed hold and shook it with equal reverence. “Thank you again, Hapu,” Sam said. “We’ll see you around.” “And best of luck to both of you,” Hapu replied. “Take it easy now.” Alice let out a canned laugh as she snapped both fingers and pointed them at Hapu, seeming to catch her joke. “Come on, Alice.” Sam began to walk to the south end of the town. “The more time we can spend at home now, the better.” “Coming!” Alice spun around and jogged to walk by Sam’s side. Hapu watched them as the two siblings stopped within ten feet from the end of the southernmost pier and called their Ride Charizards. She kept all but her head still as she traced her head and eyes onto them as they climbed up and mounted their draconic steeds. With an unfurling of their wings, both Charizards climbed up to the sky, Hapu now feeling safe to reach into her pocket and pull out a small, dirty phone. Once she had shaken her right glove off her hand, her uncovered fingers were able to unlock the device and tap on its screen until she reached the contacts list. Scrolling down near the bottom, she finally found Sun’s number and tapped it. As she put the phone to her ear, she looked back up at the sky, finding Sam and Alice’s Charizards already far away east of town. Sun came on after only two dial tones. “Hapu? What’s up?” “Hey, Sun!” Hapu was very happy to hear his voice. “I just finished battling Sam and Alice.” “Oh? So they’re already back on their Island Trials.” “Dude, they already finished them.” “Finished? So they did–” “Apparently, Burnet forced them to clear the Dragon trial on their way to the Altar of the Sunne. And Mina actually managed to put a trial of her own together. It went really well.” “Oh, that’s… that’s great!” Sun’s voice began to turn nervous. “Are they already on their way to Ula’ula?” “Mnmn. Sam told me they’re going to spend today and tomorrow resting up and training and then head to the League that morning. You think you and your team will be ready by then?” “I think…” Hapu pursed her lips in annoyance as the line went silent for several moments. “Yes, that should be plenty of time. I’ll be sure to let our other friends know.” “I don’t mind reaching out to the other captains and Kahunas. Or, when you say ‘friends,’ you mean–” “Yes, I mean those friends.” “Ah… Sounds like you got things covered on your end.” “And you got things covered on yours. Thanks again, Hapu. This is going to be spectacular if this works.” “When it works.” Both Sun and Hapu chuckled. “Alright, I’ll let you get to it then.” “Thanks. See ya’.” “Bye.” Sun ended the call before Hapu could, and she put the phone back into her pocket. Looking up at the sky, she took a deep breath and let all the air out at once from her mouth. She was certain this would all be worth it. > Chapter 93 – One Last Climb > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Alice sat across from each other at a small table at Benji and Susan’s restaurant. Sam’s tank top was covered up by a blue short-sleeved button up shirt while Alice’s legs were covered down to the shins by a pair of snug black pants, her neatly brushed hair uncovered by the absence of her cap. A basket of breadcrumbs and a plate containing a single crostini piled with bruschetta was placed between them. Sam chopped the last piece of their appetizer with the side of his fork before taking one of the halves and popping it into his mouth. Alice looked down at the portion Sam left to her and then to her brother, who slurped the last of his drink with his straw. “You can go ahead and have the whole thing if you want.” Sam put his drink down on the table, making an audible, almost intentional thud. “You know, I’d love to, but uh…” He then jingled the ice in his glass. “I’m all out of drink.” “You’ve hardly touched your water.” Sam looked over to the second, sweaty glass beside him, only a couple of thin ice cubes left bobbing on its surface. “Ah… you still sure you don’t want–” “Go right ahead.” Sam forced a shrug before taking the second half of the bruschetta with his thumb and index finger and inserting it past his lips, sucking the balsamic glaze off his fingers as he pulled them out. As he chewed, he saw as Benji and Susan both approached their tables, each one with plates in their hands. Surprised at their quick arrival, Sam swallowed his half-chewed morsel and took a couple of gulps of water to help it go down. Benji came toward Sam and dropped off his plate containing a beef wellington with demi glace, a dollop of pureed parsnip, and roasted carrots and broccolini. Susan gave Alice her dinner comprised of sliced seared tuna topped with a garlic crust and a cream sauce beside a warm salad of kale, green onion, and avocado. Susan cocked her head upon seeing Sam’s glass of ice from his first drink. “Sam, honey, you drank it all?” Sam raised his water glass to her. “I’ll be fine with water.” “Are you sure? I can get you another drink so we can toast you two.” “Toast?” Alice asked. Just then, a brunette-haired waitress arrived with four champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne on a tray. Benji stole a sassy glance to Susan, making her shrug. “Hm. Never mind.” Sam and Alice watched wordlessly as Susan placed the glasses upon the table in a neat row while Benji took the bottle and gently popped the cork off. He then poured two quarter-full glasses in the center nearest him and his wife while pouring two splashes of the bubbling wine into the outer glasses next to Sam and Alice. Susan, Sam, and Alice then took their glasses as Benji turned out toward the dining room, clanging the blade of a table knife against his glass. The patrons turned toward him, Benji staying silent until most of them were looking his way. “May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen?! I’d like to dedicate a toast to my two children here, Sam and Alice, who have completed their Island Trials and are going to challenge the Pokémon League tomorrow to become the new Alolan champion!” A chorus of gasps and impressed exclamations sounded off before most of the patrons began to applaud and cheer. Sam and Alice couldn’t help but giggle and blush, sheepishly looking toward the back of the restaurant over the wave of attention they suddenly received. Susan and Benji then reached their glasses toward Sam and Alice. “Congrats, you two. You deserve this.” As their excitement began to die down, Sam and Alice felt more comfortable reaching their glasses to their parents’, tapping the sides and letting them ring out. As Sam and Alice downed the sips they were provided, Benji and Susan imbibed only a bit themselves. Once the joyous air of the crowd settled back to its casual atmosphere, Benji and Susan downed their glasses and handed them to the waitress before she took Sam and Alice’s as well. Benji looked down on his children, who lounged in their seats as they still tried to process the last thirty or so seconds. “I mean… dinner’s served, guys. Don’t let it get cold now!” Looking back down at the table, Sam and Alice looked incredibly surprised to find that there was indeed food that they remembered getting put out for them. Grabbing their knives and forks, the siblings began to dig in, quickly cutting their first bites of food. Benji put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, though he seemed to ignore it as he already speared his second bite with his first still in his mouth. “I know you two are excited, but do try and enjoy your meals, alright?” Alice swallowed her first bite and took a deep breath to further calm herself. “Yes, dad.” “Unless you want some dessert too,” Susan said, “you can leave whenever you’re finished eating. We’ll take care of the rest. Sam, I’ll get you another drink.” Sam looked up to Susan with his second bite held up near his face, nodding to her. “Thanks, mom.” “Again,” Benji added, “congrats you two. If you two are asleep by the time we get home, we’ll see you off tomorrow morning.” With their mouths filled with food and their minds completely concentrated on their dinners, neither child looked up to him. “Thanks, dad,” they both said. Susan walked back toward the front of the restaurant while Benji made his way back to the kitchen. Sam continued chewing and savoring his food, finally able to appreciate the flavors of the meat and the texture of the dough. As well, he began to pick up on the murmurs of the other guests surrounding him and Alice. Though he could only pick up on a couple of words at a time, he knew that their conversations were about him and Alice. Suddenly, the mush of food that still occupied his mouth began to lose its flavor, the mounting pressure he began to feel ruining his enjoyment. Alice walked through the hallways of the apartment in her pajamas, walking toward Sam’s room. Moonlight visibly streamed through the gap in the doorway, allowing her to quietly push the door open and peak her head inside. “Sam?” she whispered, uncertain if she would find Sam in his bed. Stepping further in, she found one of the top corners of his covers draped over to the opposite corner, a vacant space where Sam would normally be. Alice looked upward and let out a short huff of a sigh. Turning back, she left his room and briskly walked back into her own. Finding her slippers to the right of her door, she slipped them on her feet and walked back out to the apartment’s front door. Opening the door to the roof, Alice felt her front instantly assaulted by the cool, sea breeze blowing into her, making her yelp and hug herself tightly for warmth. As she slunk around the stairwell, she stepped out into the open and looked to the southern side of the building, finding Sam standing on the ledge, facing her in his own sleeping attire. “Alice?” He stepped down onto the floor. “What are you doing here?” “I would ask you the same thing,” she said, approaching him, “but I know you all too well to do that.” Sam sighed in slight humiliation as he began to walk toward her. “Wait,” Alice shouted, shaking her hand at him, “hold on! I’d… like to join you.” Sam stopped in his tracks, staring at Alice with uncertainty. She took this as her sign to continue walking at him until she went past him, his eyes tracking her head as she did. Alice stopped and looked back. “Well? Are you coming?” Feeling a weight leave his shoulders, Sam felt comfortable picking his feet back up as he followed Alice to the ledge where he was sitting. As she carefully swung her legs over the ledge and sat down, her feet dangling over the ground far below, Sam stepped up onto the ledge before squatting down and placing the backs of his thighs onto the concrete. Alice prepared to scold Sam for his risky choice of sitting, but pressed her lips to think of something more productive to say. “So… why aren’t you in bed?” Sam shrugged and shook his head, a little disappointed that Alice wouldn’t have been able to tell him right away. “Wouldn’t be able to sleep there. At least here, looking out over the city and the sea… it’s peaceful.” “I mean, I get that, but why aren’t you in bed?” Sam forced a smile that became a grimace. “Nervous? I don’t know… We barely beat Hap–” Sam caught himself, even shooting a glance at Alice to see her reaction, though didn’t seem to spot one. “I barely beat Hapu, and now we each have to fight four trainers stronger than she… in a row!” “We’re going to do fine,” Alice whispered, laying her hand on his shoulder. “You and your Pokémon are ready for this.” “Yeah, maybe.” Sam wiped the grease from his brow. “It’s just that… Yeah, you know, I don’t care how close those Earthquestria centers are to being done, I miss them!” “You mean, Star–” “Of course Starlight and Fluttershy! I miss them cheering us on. I miss traveling with them, eating with them, talking with them, just being around… It’s just… I don’t know how well I can possibly do knowing that they, or even you, aren’t there. It’s going to be so lonely challenging the league without all of you.” Alice felt another bout of harsh advice rise up in her throat, but on taking a deep breath, she managed to keep it down. “When we fought and beat Plumeria’s trial,” she finally said, “Starlight and Fluttershy weren’t there.” Sam sneered. “Well, yeah bu–” “And we did just fine doing Mina’s trial and battling Hapu without them too.” “But you were there! You never left my side during any of this, and tomorrow, we’re going off and fighting these trainers by ourselves.” Alice picked herself off of Sam to do her own shrug. “Okay? You think every 11-year old Pokémon trainer gets to have their brother or sister or friends constantly tag along when they go off on their own Pokémon adventures? Nah bro, you have to do these things on your own. You should consider yourself so lucky that you’ve spent most of your journey with me or friends like Starlight and Fluttershy.” “Yeah… I suppose you’re right… but then mom and dad did that toast for us at the restaurant, and now I’m even more frightened of losing. I don’t want to just up and disappoint everyone now, especially them.” Alice then scooted herself closer to her brother before leaning her body against his shoulder. Sam looked down and swallowed as quiet as he could, unsure where his sister was going with this. “The only person you should worry about disappointing is yourself, Sam. I can tell you that for everything we went though on this journey of ours, no matter what happens tomorrow, mom and dad won’t be disappointed, all those people at the restaurant whose lives we probably saved won’t be disappointed, your Pokémon won’t be disappointed... you certainly know I won’t.” Sam took a deep breath and slowly let it out. As patronizing as it was to have his sister be the one to constantly talk reason to him, it would never stop feeling good. Sam leaned against his sister, putting his arm around her back before holding onto her shoulder and resting the side of his head on the top of hers. “One of us may actually become the Alolan champion tomorrow.” Sam found this statement strangely uplifting. “For everything its worth… I really hope it’s you.” Now it was Alice’s turn to blissfully sigh. Slipping her arms around the middle of her brother’s back and stomach and holding on, she nuzzled herself into him and rested against him, eternally thankful to have him for her family. “Yeah…” she whispered. “I really hope it’s me too.” The tension in Sam and Alice’s bodies evaporated instantly, the two able to share a rousing bout of laughter as they basked under the glow of the Alolan moon. Benji and Susan faced Alice and Sam in the large, open plaza of a shopping center, which was completely abandoned save for the four of them, a handful of stray tourists admiring the sights, and a few janitors brushing the floors clean for the day’s guests. “You sure you have everything?” Susan asked to both of her children. Sam hiked his backpack higher up on his shoulder. “Pretty sure. Anything else we need we can probably get at the Pokémon Center on Mount Lanakila.” Benji sized his two children up, their immaculately clean clothes and nearly-full backpacks giving him confidence that they were more prepared than he could ever expect. “Look at them. Not just one; both of my kids headed to the Pokémon League. I never thought today would come. I’m so incredibly proud of you both!” “Yes dad,” Alice nervously chuckled, “I think we got all that at the restaurant. We’re nervous-enough wrecks as it is and we still have two islands to fly to.” Susan took a deep breath, captivated by her daughter’s resolve. “No matter how well you guys do, your father and I love you both so very much. Though we shouldn’t need to worry; we know you’ll knock ‘em dead!” Sam smiled, his talk with Alice already having dispelled most of his fears. “Thanks, mom.” Walking up to her, Sam threw his arms over and around her back, pulling her in close. As Susan returned her son’s embrace, Alice walked forward to Benji and the two hugged each other together. “Thanks for everything, dad,” Alice spoke into his ear. Benji could feel his face smiling wider. “Of course, sweetie.” Stepping off to the side, Sam and Alice then hugged the other parent before stepping back to give themselves and their rides some room. Pulling their Ride Pagers from their pockets, Sam and Alice both produced a metal Poké Ball from the top slot of their devices. Picking them up, they gently lobbed their balls a couple of feet out in front of them, where they opened and released a large explosion of white energy that took the shape, color and form of two saddled and harnessed Charizards. As they stretched their tired joints, Sam and Alice carefully climbed up the two dragons as they allowed themselves to limber out. By the time the two children plopped onto their seats, their Charizards stood still and ready, awaiting one of them to make the first command to fly out. Alice firmly slapped her hand against the base of her Charizard’s neck. “Alright, Charizard, fly east!” With an eager roar, Alice’s Charizard threw its wings out before beating them down, lifting itself up into the sky. Once Alice was high enough, Sam’s Charizard also took to the air, trailing just behind. Benji and Susan stood by and waved their children farewell, not caring that not one of them looked back. Once both Charizards had flown over the city rooftops and out of their sights, Benji and Susan leaned into each other and held themselves tight, their next feeling emptier than ever before. With Ula’ula Island and the snow-capped Mount Lanakila in their sights, Sam and Alice’s Charizards picked up their speeds, Sam and Alice tucking their heads down and holding onto their saddles’ handles tight as the wind blew into their faces and around their heads. Nearing Po Town, the two dragons instinctively veered away and prepared for a wide bend around the southwestern corner of the island. Once they reached the base of the mountain where the Aether House stood, they began to aim themselves straight at the mountain. The Charizards pulled up and flew directly above the massive mountain’s face, their riders taking their hands off their handlebars and placing them on the sides of the Pokémons’ necks, the air rapidly turning colder with each story they climbed. Flying up through a layer of thick, white clouds, Sam and Alice couldn’t help but grip the Charizards’ warm bodies tighter as the frigid vapor pricked their skin. Emerging up through the cloud, Sam and Alice stared open-mouthed at the sudden change from warm and tropic to cool and wintery, a thick blanket of snow covering a vast section of the mountain. Managing to pull their eyes away from the majestic sight, they looked back up into the impeccably blue sky and bright sun, managing to see that the top of the mountain was less then a hundred feet up. In only a matter of moments, the Charizards reached the summit and shot up over it, holding their wings out as they glided down onto the frozen ground just outside the Pokémon Center. Once their feet were planted upon the surface, Sam and Alice swung themselves off their saddles and landed on the ground beside their steeds. Immediately, each of them ran to the Charizards’ fronts and laid their faces, hands, and bodies against their bellies, filling themselves with their heat. “Ohhh,” Sam purred, “that feels good!” “Wear longer sleeves next time,” Alice said to him. “Wear longer shorts.” “…Touché.” Both Charizards mewed contently as they pressed their snouts into the tops of Sam and Alice’s heads, wanting to show them similar affection. “Hey!” Sam and Alice jerked up in shock upon hearing the booming, raspy yell coming from behind them. As they turned around toward the Pokémon Center, they were pleasantly surprised to find Guzma waving at them outside the entrance. He now wore a long-sleeved light-green shirt with all the buttons on the front and the sleeves undone, a light-purple V-neck t-shirt underneath it, and a pair of baggy mustard-yellow pants. “It’s probably much better if you’re getting warm inside!” he shouted at them. Smiling at his invitation, Sam and Alice fumbled their Ride Pagers from their pockets. “Yeah, just give us a second.” Alice turned to her Charizard as its metal Poké Ball appeared on the device’s slot. “Thanks again, Charizard. Would have been a lot harder without you.” Charizard happily yawned as Alice pointed the ball up to it, the red beam making contact with it and bringing it back in. Sam petted the side of his Charizard’s face before he put it back into its own ball. With their ride Pokémon taken care of, Sam and Alice sprinted for the Pokémon Center, Guzma stepping back to activate and open the automatic sliding doors. Sam and Alice ran in just as the doors were fully apart, suddenly stopped by an alarmingly unusual sight. “SURPRISE!” Standing in two rows and facing Sam and Alice with their arms spread theatrically out were Ilima, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, Plumeria, Sophocles, Mina, Kaj, Hapu, Olivia, and Hau. “Y– You guys!” Sam sputtered. “What is all this?” “What’s it look like?” Kaj giggled. “We came to see how you guys did!” “I’m sure Hapu told you how momentous your arrival here is, right?” Hau asked two siblings, who were still petrified in a slurry of emotions. “There hasn’t been a new Champion in Alola for over five years, and now we have two of the strongest trainers I’ve ever met ready to sit on the throne.” “Wait, hold up!” Alice yelled. “There’s a throne?!” Olivia smirked. “You wouldn’t want to stand around all day waiting for future challengers, would you?” “Ohohohoho! Sam, there’s no way I’m letting you get up there!” “And the four trainers you’re about to face will make sure of that on your end as well!” Guzma’s hand came down firmly on Alice’s shoulder, making her tense up even harder before he walked between her and Sam. “If you weren’t planning on it already, I’d suggest stocking up on some Revives or Full Restores before you head out there.” Alice smiled back to him once he turned to face them at the front of the group of captains and Kahunas. “Which is exactly why we stopped here first.” “We already got some stuff yesterday,” Sam explained, “but it wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra now.” “Atta’ boy! You two know what you’re doing!” “Listen,” Plumeria said, “we don’t want to be breathing down your necks right at the point of no return, so once you get what you need, we won’t keep you waiting any longer.” “Thanks a lot,” Sam responded. “We’re already under enough pressure as it is with our parents, so yeah, Alice, let’s do some final shopping.” The captains and Kahunas parted the way to let Sam and Alice pass them on their way to the mart counter. As they began conversing with the clerk behind the counter, each of the trainers took a good, long look at them. Appreciating the final moments of their journey soon to end. Ilima took a deep breath in, the image of his trial with Sam and Alice burned into his memory. _____________________________________________________ “Alice! I think you only need one more good hit!” Noibat looked to Honedge, whose half-open eye implied how exhausted it must have been. Looking back up at Gumshoos, who looked down at the two, Noibat crouched, ready to leap into action on Alice’s word. Alice watched as Gumshoos tried to roar, but swooned before it could, making her smirk. “You heard him!” Alice shouted. “Hit ‘em with Wing Attack!” Noibat sprung up towards Gumshoos’s stomach, passing by its arms as it tried to grab it. Swinging both wings in, the bars of Noibat’s wings rammed into Gumshoos’s gut and continued pushing, even as a sickening gurgle escaped its mouth. With Noibat pushing off, Gumshoos fell slow like a large tree but limply as rubber. Noibat flew up high as Gumshoos crumpled to the ground, its mouth slack and its breathing slow and tired. _____________________________________________________ Lana and Mallow nearly stood shoulder to shoulder, reminiscing on their time with the two siblings. _____________________________________________________ Sam gasped as he saw the mouth of the Totem Wishiwashi glow as it fully emerged from the lake. “Honedge, Return! Quickly!” The Totem Wishiwashi shot off its Water Gun at Rockruff, pushing it into the Lapras’s shell as the water spraying off it hit both Alice and Rockruff, the sting making them cry out. “Oh no!” Starlight shouted out. “Alice!” Honedge flew at the Totem Wishiwashi as Sam held his right arm and closed fist out. Once it got near the horde’s neck, Sam swung his arm down and in, Honedge also swinging down and breaking apart the left side of the Totem Wishiwashi’s neck in what appeared to be a huge gash. With a roar of pain, the Totem Wishiwashi’s Water Gun stopped. Alice and Mudbray, now able to see, watched as the individual fish from the Totem Wishiwashi’s School Form began to tumble off and fall into the water. “Keep it going!” Sam shouted. “Another Dragon Rage.” The Salandit spat another blue blast of energy into Lurantis, hitting it in the side of its chest and spinning it around until it fell to its forearms and knees. “Aerial Ace!” Noibat swooped into the Lurantis’s gut, throwing it on its side to the ground. _____________________________________________________ “Flannery, you lucky woman…” Kiawe said to himself. “To have been the one to see to their trial…” _____________________________________________________ The Totem Salazzle, at first dumbfounded, shut its eyes in realization before smiling at Salandit, which was now filled with warmth, respect, and acceptance. Sam clapped twice in excitement. “Looks like she’s ready to take her final shot, girl!” Salandit roared out again. “Use Dragon Rage!” Salandit charged a blue energy inside of its mouth, the Totem Salazzle closing its eyes as it awaited the next and more than likely last attack. With a hard breath, Salandit shot its harsh aura out, looking to be aimed in the dead center of the Totem Salazzle’s chest. The attack hit, throwing Salazzle limply back, tumbling off the platform and refusing to move once its body hit the floor. _____________________________________________________ Kaj sniffled, still in disbelief that two great friends of hers were so close to the end of the road to glory. _____________________________________________________ “Rông, use Bulldoze!” “Huh?!” Sam and Alice both shouted. “It knows that move?” Alice questioned. As if to respond, the Vibrava sped forward toward Lycanroc while flying as low to the ground as it comfortably could. Its wings began to blow a thick mixture of dust and mud that flowed in a wave at Lycanroc and swamped it. With a hard bank to the right, Vibrava blasted more mud out over the arena, were it hardened into a single, but elegant wave-shaped clump before speeding on toward Salandit. “Salandit, dodge it!” Salandit waggled its body, waiting for the perfect time to move, and just as Vibrava came close, Salandit leapt to its left. Rông was quick to respond, drifting midair to steer right, the mud and dirt sweeping into Salandit and forming another muddy wave sculpture. As Salandit struggled to break free from the mud, Rông went full speed at Mudbray, who stood still and awaited for a strategy from its trainer. “Mudbray,” Alice commanded, “charge through it!” “Huh?” The announcer squealed. “Did I hear that right?” Mudbray galloped as fast as it could at the approaching Vibrava, its mud wave forming beneath it. Tucking its head in, Mudbray shot forward even harder as Rông pulled up and launched its mud tsunami at Mudbray. Though it was struck, Mudbray was able to break through the wave before it could harden, leaving a similar structure in its wake minus the tunnel that it had created. Alice pumped her fist proudly. _____________________________________________________ Plumeria crossed her arms and smiled warmly, suddenly realizing how thankful she was that her role as trial captain led her to meeting the two of them. _____________________________________________________ “Alright, boy!” Alice shouted. “Get ready for it. Now, finish Muk off with Continental Crush!” With the black tips of its collar glowing, Lycanroc let out another howl as the mud on the floor began to fly off and into the ceiling, forming into large stones that began to accumulate and form their way down directly over the Totem Muk, whose wide eyed stare implied it saw its demise coming. More stones began to rise out through the carpet and continue enlarging the small mountain above. With nowhere to run, the Totem Muk put its arms over its head as the still-forming boulder forced down onto it, flattening it until there was no space between the floor and ceiling. The cracks in the rock began to glow and spread all over, the entire structure soon glowing white before it exploded out into numerous small fragments that quickly disintegrated as they were hurled through the air. The grunts looked down at the Totem Muk, whose eyes were shut and it’s mouth open wide, its body stretched to the thinness of a crepe. It showed no signs of movement or intention to keep battling. _____________________________________________________ “Sam… Alice…” Sophocles softly spoke, unheard by anyone. “Thank you…” _____________________________________________________ Alice pumped her arm before pointing straight out. “Mudsdale, you got this now! Finish off Zeraora with High Horsepower!” Zeraora came up to its feet to see Mudsdale already close to it and turning around to buck. Too tired to try and avoid it, Zeraora could only cover its face with its arms just as Mudsdale’s back hooves collided with them, sending it flying hard over the open door to the hallway. With its back slamming against the wall, the lights around the room flickered as the infrastructure stressed to maintain itself. Peeling off the indent its body left, Zeraora, its eyes half-closed, tumbled forward to the floor, and just before its body could hit, its body was covered in Starlight’s magic and hovered just above the ground. Turning it over, Starlight placed Zeraora down into a seated position, looking down as he panted. Sam and Alice stayed silent as Zeraora got back to its feet with a limp in its right leg. Finally looking up to the two trainers, his mouth opened up to speak. “I… I yield. You have defeated me.” _____________________________________________________ Hau and Olivia smiled as they watched Sam and Alice hand the cashier their trainer IDs, their transaction about to come to an end and the start of their final test about to begin. _____________________________________________________ “Hariyama!” Hau’s Pokémon stood up straight. “Honedge!” Sam’s Pokémon slashed the air. “Knock Off!” “Return! Both Pokémon charged at one another, Hariyama’s hands pushing out one at a time in quick repetition, while Honedge lowered its blade to the right, following Sam’s stance. Sam looked intently at the pattern of Hariyama’s thrusts, seeing the path to victory within them. Holding his fist straight out, Sam reeled in his arm, wrapping it around his neck. Honedge’s sword now aimed its tip to the upper left, soaring to Hariyama’s upper right, barely managing to slip in between its hands before they switched. Coming around behind it, the end of Honedge’s pommel was aimed at the back of Hariyama’s head. Hau gasped as his Hariyama turned around to see Honedge from the corner of its eyes. Sam then thrust the bottom of its fist out, Honedge speeding down and striking Hariyama in the temple, the hit making Hariyama crumple to its stomach. “Don’t let him touch you!” Alice shouted. “Use one last Thunder Shock!” Bright plasma danced off of Pikachu’s cheeks while it kept its eyes focused on the charging Hariyama. The electricity grew brighter and brighter until Hariyama’s fist began to thrust out at Pikachu’s cheeks. At that moment, Pikachu screamed out and let every ounce of energy zap out from its body, the lightning hitting Hariyama’s hand with such ferocity that it stopped its punch just inches from Pikachu’s face and kept it there. Pikachu continued pressing on, Hariyama groaning as it struggled to keep pushing with the energy beginning to cover its whole body. By now, the stage had erupted into a ball of light that every human and pony off to the side couldn’t look away from, mesmerized by Pikachu’s strength. “Pikachu, get out of there and hit her with Brick Break!” With a final push up, Pikachu rolled off of Lycanroc’s bottom set of jaws, which it couldn’t close much to its despair. Pikachu then leapt up into a backflip, whipping its tail underneath Lycanroc’s chin, slamming its jaw back to the upper half of its mouth and flinging it up to land flat on its back. Sam and the ponies all gasped as Lycanroc appeared to stay still, but as Olivia looked down and over to see her Pokémon’s face, the fire was still alight in its eyes. “You’re not down yet,” she encouraged. “Let’s get up and strike it with–” Lycanroc let out another whine, making Olivia look up and see several pieces of rock from the broken Continental Crush fall back down toward the center of the court where Lycanroc and Pikachu both stood. Pikachu quickly fled and stayed by Alice’s side while Lycanroc, unable to move with its paralyzed limbs, closed its eyes as the pieces fell one by one around it, blasting it from several angles. A gust of dirt and dust pulsed out and struck both trainers and the spectators beside them, leaving another sizable cloud where Lycanroc still laid. Olivia, with a whimper, rushed out and began fanning the dust away to see her Pokémon and it’s eyes, which were facing off in other directions as it lay completely still. “It may not have worked last time,” Sam said, “but I have a real good feeling about this one. Doublade, use Shadow Sneak!” Olivia gasped, almost having forgotten about Sam’s ultimate strategy. As the rock came closer upon it, Doublade thrust itself down to the ground, sending out a far wider and faster shadow than the one it made as a Honedge. Easily making its way to Lycanroc, it came beneath it and blasted Lycanroc high up into the air with one long shrill whine. Sam kept his eyes on Lycanroc, hoping it would not have the energy to flip over and land safely as it had done before. Sam, Doublade, and the audience all waited for that moment, the world feeling as though it was in slow motion waiting for it to happen or not. The moment never came, and the moment Lycanroc’s limp body crumpled onto the ground, the falling mountain lit up before breaking apart into a handful of small rock shards. _____________________________________________________ Sam and Alice both zipped their bags back up, now looking rigidly full with the extra provisions they purchased. Upon them turning around to the exit, the trainers continued watching them. “So, you think you’re ready?” Kiawe asked them. “I honestly don’t know how much more ready we’re going to be without needlessly worrying ourselves,” Alice responded. “At least, more than we already are.” Guzma walked backwards until he heard the doors slide open, quickly sidestepping to avoid the cold draft blowing itself in. “Then get on with it! The Elite Four eagerly await you! Now get!” Sam and Alice watched as the gathered trainers stepped aside once more for them, leaving their pathway out completely unblocked. With a glance and a nod at each other, Sam and Alice sprinted out from the Pokémon Center without a backward or sideways glance. The only one to follow them out was Guzma, who watched as the two siblings rounded the turn in the path up the last hill, the massive Pokémon League building in sight. Reaching the top of the hill, Sam and Alice noticed the two blue-uniformed trainers standing guard of the titanic entrance. Slowing themselves down to walk up to them, they awaited for the moment that they would step aside and let the doors open for them. Once Sam and Alice were only a few feet away, they came to a stop, but neither of them yielded. “So,” the right trainer asked, “you two are ready to face the Pokémon League?” “We are,” Sam responded firmly. “Once you enter,” the left trainer reinforced, “you cannot leave until you’ve defeated all the trainers inside or if any of them defeats you. Knowing this, are you still prepared to face them?” After a momentary pause, Alice managed to nod. “Yes. We are all ready.” With the left trainer looking to the right one, he lifted his wrist device to his mouth. “Sam and Alice have arrived, and they’re ready. Open the–” “Wait! Wait…” On Sam’s sudden shout, the right trainer pulled his arm away. Alice turned her full head to face her brother, her expression filled with disappointment. “What is it now?” Sam then turned his whole head to look into Alice’s eyes. “How do we want to do this? First to defeat the Four faces the Champion?” Alice’s sneer morphed into a smirk, the idea growing on her. “Yeah… let’s do that. A real race to the very top.” “Excellent. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Sam then looked back forward, his sister doing the same. “Okay, man, let us in!” With a nod, the right trainer put his wrist back up near his lips. “Sorry about that, now they’re ready. Open the doors.” Putting his arm down, the two trainers stepped aside as the circular doorway yanked itself open a foot. Sam and Alice flexed or squeezed the fingers in their hands as the door began to slowly come open to them, no longer as a guest, but as trainers ready to bring their long, incredible journey to its climactic, explosive end. “Good luck, you two,” the left trainer bid. Sam offered Alice his hand. “Ready, sis?” Alice took his hand and squeezed hard. “Always, bro.” Letting go, they shifted their feet into a slight lunge, ready to push off and give themselves the running start they needed. All that was needed was a signal from either one of them. “Three…” Alice whispered. “Two…” Sam quietly giggled. “One!” Alice broke into a sprint, Sam tensing up as he realized what his sister had done. “I thought it was on ‘go!’” Sam grunted, left with no choice but to run. Going as fast as he could after her, quickly gaining on her, the two ran past the doors and were instantly met with a blast of warmth. They were inside now. It was official. Their final five battles of their Alolan journey were about to begin. > Chapter 94 – A Ghost of a Chance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam kept his eyes on Alice, unsure of which of the four doors to enter and which trainer behind them to face. As he took a quick look at the symbols above the doors, one of them seemed unfamiliar since he last set foot inside the League. While the Ghost, Steel, and Flying insignias were unmistakable, the green insect icon was now replaced with a magenta light highlighting an icon of an eye. Alice took the center-left walkway toward the newest door, almost intentionally so. With his sister’s decision made, he took the center-right path toward the Ghost door, smiling with the satisfaction of making the trainer behind it his first battle. As he got closer to it, the door slid open fast enough for Sam to make his way in without having to slow himself. Running up the stairs, he came to a fast stop at the back end of a wide, circular platform with a purple translucent glass floor. Standing in the back and guarding a deactivated teleportation pad was Acerola, who smiled wide to see Sam arrive to her. Sam gasped upon seeing her. Atop her once-buzzed head was a patch of purple, spiky hair, giving her a slightly more feminine appearance. “Hey, Sam!” she called with a wave of her arm. “Glad to see you make it!” “You’re telling me,” Sam huffed. “Though, if you don’t mind, my sister and I are racing to finish the four of you guys–” “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” she guffawed. “Chances are that Alice’s opponent is talking her down too, so you don’t have to worry about rushing this. Truth is, when we first met, and I watched you battle Olivia that one day, and… saw your Honedge evolve, you were the one I was looking forward to facing the most, so let’s savor this battle of ours, Sam. I want to have just as much fun with it as you can.” Just then, a band of purple light flashed into existence around them, linked by the four supports pointing up from the corners of the platform. Sam looked around, observing the barrier that was just created. Curious, he walked toward where he came in from and reached his hand toward it and touched it, now able to see an ever-changing swirling design on the smooth surface. “Very cool…” Sam pushed his palm against it, the light surprisingly firm. “Hey!” Sam jerked around at Acerola’s bark. “Didn’t you say you were trying to beat your sister to the champion’s throne?” “Yes, right!” Sam stepped forward once again, careful not to pass the white outer ring that had been etched for him and all other trainers who came to face her. “Then let’s waste no more time!” Stepping up outside her own boundary, she pulled an Ultra Ball from her belt and threw it forward. “You’re first, Sableye!” With her ball opening up, the white energy bursting forth from it condensed until it formed into her impish gemstone-eyed sprit, whose body and joints jerked about as it stretched and cracked the air from its bones. Sam smiled as he took out his own first Poké Ball, his choice clear. “Let’s go, Absol!” Swinging his arm in, he tossed his ball out. Once it faced Acerola and her Pokémon, it stopped spinning and opened up, spilling out white energy that formed into Sam’s lanky large-clawed feline. Acerola straightened her neck as she easily recognized Sam’s Pokémon and the threat it served to her own. She relaxed herself and casually pointed to it. “I remember that guy when we fought Necrozma together. If memory also serves correctly, you’re able to Mega Evolve her.” Sam smiled and blew out an audible sigh. “Then I guess there’s no reason to keep it a secret now.” He then forcefully held his left arm up and pressed his fingers against the Key Stone inside his Z-Ring, making both it and the Absolite necklace around his Pokémon’s neck shine brightly. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” Acerola and Sableye both took steps back as they gazed upon the DNA-tendrils of energy snake their way out of Sam’s Z-Ring, slithering in the air toward Absol before making contact with the Absolite in its jewelry. Trembling with the vast amount of power coursing through its body, Absol tensed its body up as it was slowly covered from the neck out with a bright opalescent aura. Once it had been fully covered, its fur began to grow a bit longer, especially in one of its bangs, draping over its face. As well, its horn began to turn longer and wavier, and a pair of feathery wings shot out from its back, spreading out and flapping once involuntarily. Once its transformation was complete, the light coating Absol broke away like weightless glass, unveiling Mega Absol to Acerola and her Sableye. “Not a single attack made,” Acerola taunted, “and you’ve already Mega Evolved.” “Don’t flatter yourself.” Sam crossed his arms. “If it wasn’t for the fact that only one type of attack can do any real kind of damage to your Sableye, I wouldn’t have had to bring my Mega Absol out so soon.” “So that means…” Acerola bit her lip, already feeling frailty emerge. “Nanu…” “Yes, Nanu was kind enough to let the Absol that blocked me from the Thrifty Megamart join my party after I defeated them. She’s served me so well up to this point… and she’ll serve me well today!” Sam unfolded his arms and threw a pointed finger forward. “Mega Absol! Attack Sableye with Play Rough!” Beating its wings to pick up speed, Mega Absol charged at Sableye, its trainer puckering her face into a determined grimace to pull herself back into focus. Reaching her arm out, she snapped her fingers. Hardly even a moment afterwards, a second Sableye appeared right in front of Mega Absol’s face as it continued running. With it loudly clapping its hands nearly an inch from the space between its eyes, Mega Absol was frightened hard enough throw itself upward, its back legs swinging out from underneath it and slamming itself onto the ground. With a vicious yowl, Mega Absol swung itself back onto all fours and faced Acerola and her Sableye once again, who now appeared to be several yards away once again. Sam frowned. “That trick didn’t work for Nanu, and it won’t work for you! Now, again Mega Absol! Hit Sableye with Play Rough!” Keeping its wings folded to its sides, Mega Absol ran forward at Sableye, this time managing to reach it unabated and grab its head in its mouth like a dog toy. Backing away from its terrified trainer, Mega Absol thrashed its head about, Sableye’s flaccid body getting whipped in whichever direction Sam’s Pokémon’s head went. After several seconds of this, Mega Absol flung Sableye out of its maw and up into the air. Unfurling its wings once more, Mega Absol climbed up into the air and flew above Sableye as it continued rising. Holding its right arm up, the pads and claws of Mega Absol’s paws began to sparkle and turn pink. Acerola’s Sableye reached the apex of its ascent, Mega Absol slamming its paw into the sprite’s back, sending it careening into the floor where it landed with a hard thud and a twinkly burst of glitter. Sableye was slow to get up as Mega Absol glided back to the ground, its four paws landing gently as it patiently awaited its opponent’s rebuttal. With the shock of her Pokémon’s assault having passed, Acerola bared her teeth and scowled. “Don’t you speak ill of Nanu like that! Sableye, hit Mega Absol with Brick Break!” With an ear-splitting screech, Sableye sprinted at Mega Absol fast enough to transform itself into a small, purple blur that quickly escaped the white-furred Pokémon’s sights. The next thing it knew, Mega Absol felt its stomach fold in as a driving force punched its way hard into its gut. With Mega Absol now thrown into the air by the attack, Sam gasped to see Sableye suddenly standing exactly where his Pokémon was with its arm held up and its fist balled tight. Mega Absol landed on all fours, Sam seizing up as his Pokémon yelped, bending its legs to cushion its fall as its stomach came close to crashing into the floor. “How’s about neither of us bring Nanu up anymore this battle?” Acerola sneered. With Mega Absol standing back up straight, Sam felt more confident in his next words. “Sounds fine with me. Now, Mega Absol, finish Sableye with Megahorn!” Mega Absol barked as it sprinted forward, lowering its head to keep the tip of its green-glowing horn trained on Sableye. Acerola’s Pokémon widened its stance and kept its arms out, waggling its fingers as it read and studied Mega Absol’s motions. Once it got close, Sableye leapt high up and swung its body forward, its head aimed down above Mega Absol’s back. “Nice one, Sableye!” Acerola shouted. “Another Brick Break, now!” Two small sparkling purple blasts erupted beneath Sableye’s feet, shooting it down into Mega Absol’s back and allowing it to drive the bottoms of its palms into its spin. Mega Absol’s legs slid out away from it, causing it to slip and slam its entire underside into the ground, bouncing up a foot as it weakly tumbled in the air before crumpling to a heap. “Mega Absol!” Sam continued to watch his Pokémon with his breath caught in his throat, though his tension began to gradually ease as Mega Absol refused to revert to its original form. Acerola and Sableye also awaited cautiously as Mega Absol stirred, picking up one of its front paws and put some weight on it before finding the strength to put its other down. Slowly pushing up, the Pokémon managed to stand up on its back legs one by one. “Me… Mega Absol?” Sam’s Pokémon looked back before smiling faintly and giving him a nod, pumping him with newfound determination. “That’s what I like to see, girl. Okay then, Mega Absol! Finish her Sableye off with Play Rough!” Pressing its claws into the glass floor, Mega Absol began its pursuit, heading in a beeline. As Sableye prepared itself to avoid this next attack, Mega Absol smirked and began to leap left and right in a quick, intimidatingly swift zigzag pattern. Sableye could suddenly no longer keep limbering itself out and only focus on Mega Absol’s motions as it came toward it, closer and closer. Finally, Mega Absol pounced at Sableye, but Sableye was ready, and it once again leapt high over where Mega Absol had landed. Sam grunted in reaction to his consecutive misfortune as Acerola purred confidently. With it landing with all of its paws brought close together, Mega Absol sprung up and flipped backwards, its toes spread out to grab as the back paws reached up at Sableye still up in the air. “What?!” Acerola shouted. Mega Absol’s back paws managed to clamp onto the sides of Sableye’s head, and with a tucking of its back legs, it passed Acerola’s helpless Pokémon to its front paws, where it held on with much greater control. As they both began to fall, the claws on Mega Absol’s paw began to turn a sparkling pink. With a loudening roar, Mega Absol threw Sableye back into the ground, creating another twinkling explosion. Landing back on the ground with greater strength, Mega Absol and its trainer looked into the cloud of its attack as it quickly began to fade. To their relief, they were able to see Sabeleye lying face down and motionless, devastated by the two attacks that it had to endure. “Way to go, girl!” Sam exclaimed with a jolly swing of his fist. “Hard part’s done now!” Mega Absol let out a drawn-out bark in appreciation. With the deed done, Acerola had little choice but to detach her Sableye’s Ultra Ball and return it inside. “Yeah, okay,” she growled out, “that was pretty sweet. I bet you’re feeling real confident about the rest of the battle now, aren’t you?” Sam shrugged. “More or less.” Acerola huffed in amusement as she put her Sableye’s ball back onto her belt and took another from it. “The rest of my team may be more susceptible to the rest of your own Pokémon, but that sure as shit won’t make them any easier to take out! Case in point! Go, Palossand!” With a throw of her ball, it opened up and spilled out a pile of white energy that turned into a large mound of sand, seashells, and a single red shovel sticking halfway out. Sam and Mega Absol then watched as the sand converged and condensed itself into a giant sandcastle with two bright dots for eyes peering out the outer windows of its center tower, the door in the middle clearly its mouth. Once the rooks had formed on either side of the tower, Sam couldn’t hold back a giggle. “Neat.” “Your Mega Absol already took a beating,” Acerola told him, “so this last attack will probably do it! Palossand, attack with Earth Power!” “Quick!” Sam shouted. “Hit first with Night Slash!’ With its horn turning larger and fuzzy with the pitch-black aura now surrounding it, Mega Absol bared its teeth in concentration, wanting to make this last hit of theirs count. Meanwhile, Palossand pressed its rook sides into the ground, lowering them as they were squished down. Sam then looked as a river of hot red rock began to run across through the glass and beneath Mega Absol. “Mega Absol, now!” On Sam’s command, Mega Absol swung its head out, a tall band of black energy shooting at Acerola’s Pokémon. The black blade cut deep into Palossand’s loose, fragile body, even hitting it hard enough to make it double over. Shortly after, the floor beneath Mega Absol exploded, sending it shooting upward in a plume of lava. As it was flung above the eruption, Sam breathed out through his nose as he watched a bright light cover his Pokémon’s body. Making its way back down, the aura broke off of Mega Absol’s body upon its body landing on the ground, Absol now laying still there in its place. “That’s okay, girl.” Sam pulled Absol’s Poké Ball off of his belt and aimed it at his fainted Pokémon. “You did exactly what you needed to. Thank you.” The red beam shot out from the center button and brought Absol back in. Before he could reach for his next Pokémon, he studied Palossand carefully as the spot where Mega Absol had hit filled back up with sand. “So…” he muttered to himself, his fingertips already placed on a specific Poké Ball. “Ground-type? Or maybe Water? In either case…” He plucked the ball off and threw it forward. “Let’s go, Lurantis!” With the ball bursting open, Sam’s flowery bipedal insect creature leapt out from the white energy and landed upon the ground, already sharpening its scythed arms in preparation. Acerola smirked as she aimed her Pokémon’s Ultra Ball at it. “Alright, Palossand, you can rest for now!” Sam and Lurantis straightened up in surprise as Acerola’s ball shot its own red beam out at the sandcastle and returned every grain of itself back inside. She then detached her third Ultra Ball from her belt and tossed it out. “You got this, Drifblim!” she shouted. Sam watched as the volatile white energy of the Ultra Ball smoothed and rounded itself out, bursting away to make Acerola’s balloon Pokémon appear, hovering just above the ground. “You seriously wasted your turn to switch…” Sam’s eyes suddenly shot open in realization, a reaction Acerola apparently took great pride in. “Dammit. Of all the Pokémon you had to battle…” “So what are you going to do, Sam?” Acerola tauntingly yelled. “You’re more than welcome to switch your Lurantis out for a stronger Pokémon, but I doubt that’ll work out as well for you as it is for me!” Sam hissed, feeling more trapped than ever. “No, we’ll deal with it! Lurantis, attack Drifblim with Poison Jab!” Throwing its arms out, Lurantis let out a drawn-out squeal as it ran at Acerola’s Pokémon as fast as it could. Drifblim puffed itself up, allowing it to begin to rise up away from the ground. Lurantis kept its target focused, and with a strong jump, it sprung up and held its arms up high, their tips glowing a bright purple. Lurantis swung the points down, latching into Drifblim’s face as it held onto its spot. Drifblim let out a loud, booming groan that greatly worried Acerola. “Such strength… Don’t let it get to you, Drifblim, you’re still way stronger than it! Hit her back with Will-O-Wisp!” With the X-shaped spot over its mouth glowing blue, Lurantis struggled to pull the tips of its arms free from Drifblim’s face. Sam’s Pokémon only managed to free one of its limbs before Drifblim spat a puff of blue fire point blank into it, shooting it off itself and throwing it down to the ground where it bounced and rolled to a hard stop. “Lurantis!” Sam’s Pokémon weakly got up as the entire front of its body singed with glowing, burning rashes. “You alright?” With a screech, Lurantis thrashed one of its arms at Drifblim's direction, clearly demanding that its trainer quit screwing around with sentiment. “Sounds like.” He threw a pointed finger forward. “Lurantis, attack Drifblim again with Poison Jab!” Lurantis charged at Drifblim with equal intensity, though Sam and Acerola could both see that its strides were now far more lethargic and labored as it fought through the intense stinging all over its body. “Drifblim!” On its trainer’s call, Drifblim began to rise once more. With Lurantis’s approach still slower than before, it mustered all of its strength to get out just a little faster. Leaping up, both Sam and Lurantis could see that it would not be able to hit Drifblim dead on this time. Regardless, Lurantis kept its arms held back to swing, the tips of its scythes purple once more. As it began to soar beneath Drifblim, Lurantis swung out, Sam and Acerola tensing up upon hearing the audible drag of the points running along Drifblim’s underside. Lurantis attempted to land into a graceful lunge, only for its rashes to flare up, the pain stumbling its balance. It managed to roll to a tumble before supporting itself with its two spread feet and a single arm. “Yes, Lurantis!” Drifblim let out another moan as it slowly floated down, Sam bursting out laughing upon noticing the intensely purple glowing gash left behind by his Pokémon’s assault. “And you poisoned her! Yes, you’re awesome!” With a content warble, Lurantis ran back to rejoin Sam’s side. Acerola, who could only stare at her Pokémon’s improbable injury, squeezed her fists hard enough for them to tremble. “Drifblim, Psychic!” With its four arms swinging and pointing to Lurantis’s direction, Sam’s Pokémon suddenly felt its feet anchored to the ground by a sudden, foreign gravity administered by a magenta glow wrapped around its body. Drifblim then swung itself forward and threw its arms up and over, an invisible chain swinging Lurantis back, out, and then up like a trebuchet. Drifblim continued holding on only until it was back upright, taking Lurantis with it and slamming it down into the ground, its body sprawled upon the glass floor. “Alright,” Acerola whispered, “that should have done it.” Sam opened his mouth to cry out for his Pokémon, only for Lurantis to push itself off its back by the tips of its scythes. Acerola shook her head in disbelief, but she couldn’t keep a smile from creeping across her face. “Yes, Lurantis, you got this! The hard part’s over now. Hit her with Petal Blizzard!” Lurantis wound its arms to the right, the floral plumage beneath the scythes turning a bright white. With a swing and spin of its body, a flurry of petals blew out from its arms and began to spin about into a twister, getting wider and wider until it threatened to engulf the entire platform. Drifblim tried to puff itself away, but quickly realized that the tornado’s pull was far too strong for it to resist as it was sucked inside. Along with forceful gales keeping it trapped, dozens of the petals would pelt and slice into Drifblim’s body as the twister continued raging. Luranits kept its stance low as it also tried to avoid getting sucked in itself. However, it’s burn rashes began to glow bright again, making it arch its back in as it struggled to withstand the pain. The tornado began to subside and the petals began to fling themselves across the room before disintegrating to nothingness. Once Drifblim was able to slingshot itself out from the vortex, it managed to get a visual on Lurantis, who looked directly into its eyes before sinking to their knees and falling onto their face, unconscious. As Sam took Lurantis’s ball from his belt and returned his Pokémon inside, he couldn’t help but get distracted by the sudden forceful grunt Drifblim let out as the poisoned wound glowed and pulsed. “Awesome job again, Lurantis.” Acerola seemed indifferent to the whole situation. “That was incredibly ballsy keeping your Lurantis out against my Drifblim like you did.” “Don’t sweat it. I’ve got a couple more Pokémon on my roster still that can prove to be a match for your Palossand. Besides, Lurantis is one of my oldest Pokémon. I had faith that she’d at the very least set the pins up for my next Pokémon to knock down.” Acerola kept herself quiet as Sam replaced Lurantis’s ball with his next before tossing it out. “Archeops, finish Drifblim off with Ancient Power!” With its ball opening halfway between Sam and Acerola’s Pokémon, Archeops wasted no time in soaring out from the ball’s energy and darting at Drifblim far too fast for it to avoid. With its claws glowing bright, it flapped its wings at Drifblim, stopping its advance and fluttering in front of it. At once, several fossils broke out from the mountain walls surrounding them and shot into Drifblim from all sides, each hit slowly deflating it until it was half filled with air. Just then, Drifblim’s body began to quickly glow brightly before letting out a blinding flash that illuminated the entire arena. As the light subsided, Sam looked down as his Archeops crashed into the floor, its body at several points leaking with an ethereal steam that appeared to cause it great discomfort. Finally, all of Drifblim’s body was empty, and it plopped into a pile in front of Acerola. “Crap,” Sam huffed. “I completely forgot about Drifblim’s Aftermath.” “Your loss is my gain then.” The red beam from Acerola’s Ultra Ball receded back into the button, her Pokémon brought in with it before she looked at the front of her ball. “Thank you so much, Drifblim.” “Okay, so who’s next? Archeops is more than willing to face Palossand if you’re willing to send it back out.” “Thanks, Sam,” she spat, pulling out her next ball, “but I certainly didn’t reach this spot getting all my pointers from newbies!” “Wait, newb–” “Your turn, Froslass!” Acerola sent her ball forward, and once it burst open, the energy pouring out from it turned into Acerola’s icy kimono spirit creature, looking at Archeops with fixed nonchalance. “An Ice-type.” Sam then smirked. “Against a Rock-type?” “Against a Flying-type, genius!” Acerola shouted back. “Whatever, you’re still fighting a Rock-type, a fast one too! Archeops, Ancient–” “Ice Shard!” Froslass whipped its arm out, a large dagger of ice flung from its sleeve. Before Sam could get the declaration of his Pokémon’s next attack out, the attack struck Archeops square in the chest, knocking it on its butt to the ground. Archeops whined pessimistically as it stood on its feet, feeling too demoralized to fly. “Archeops,” Sam called, “don’t give up now! You still have plenty of spunk in you! Now, hit her with Ancient Power!” Working the strength to flutter back up in the air again, Archeops flapped both of its wings, this time with less effort than the first. Only four fossils shot out from the rock wall of the room, most of them looking to pass Frosslass by once they came. However, the one shooting in from behind Acerola’s Pokémon to the left struck it in the side of the back, which bounced it into the path of the one coming from behind to the right. Froslass was pinballed into the other two as well, the last one throwing it onto its side as it caught itself before it could hit its head. “See?” Sam laughed. “That was pretty good!” Archeops let out a half-hearted croak, showing Sam the bare minimum of its optimism. Froslass floated back up into its original position like a light dress being reeled up by a wire, its trainer waiting for it to be ready for their next move. “Your Archeops looks a bit tired,” Acerola said. “Let’s put it to bed, shall we? Froslass attack with Blizzard!” Froslass hugged both its arms in as the flaps on its sleeves began to rapidly frost over. It then swung its arms out, creating a snowy cloud that blew hard and fierce in Archeops and Sam’s direction. Archeops tucked its head in as the frigid winds reached it while Sam held onto both arms and leaned his head into the chill. With Archeops grounded onto its talons, it struggled to keep its footing on the glass floors, which also turned extremely cold with Froslass’s Blizzard raging onto them. Finally, Archeops let out a last cry of reserved strength before its body gave out, getting swept away and tossed about on the ground. Froslass ended the attack, the winds dying down fast enough for Sam’s fainted Pokémon to come to a halt at his feet. Sam knelt down to Archeops and ran his hand down its firm, freezing neck, sighing in sympathy. “Thank you for your efforts.” Sam stood back up with Archeops’s Poké Ball in hand, pointing it down at his Pokémon to return it back inside. He then looked over to Acerola and Froslass, whose frowns told Sam that they knew what his next Pokémon would be too. “Yeah, no-brainer here…” Placing Archeops’s ball back and taking out his next, he wasted no time in throwing it out into the battlefield. “You’re on, Salazzle!” With Sam’s black-and-violet salamander hopping out from the energy shooting out from its ball, Acerola and Froslass tensed up with worry. “Okay, it’s getting real now.” “Lets see your Pokémon beat me to this!” Sam threw a pointed finger out. “Salazzle, attack Froslass with Flamethrower!” Salazzle tilted its head up as fire billowed out from the creases of its mouth. Flinging its head forward, it then launched a stream of concentrated flames into Froslass faster than it could try to avoid, engulfing it in them. With Salazzle refusing to relent, Froslass screeched in pain as it simply became a floating flame. “Froslass!” Hearing its trainer, Acerola’s Pokémon forcefully spun around, fanning the flames and steam off of its body as Salazzle ran out of breath. “Nice work! Now, hit her with Thunderbolt!” Froslass clasped its hands together, which began to sparkle and glow with electricity. Throwing its arms forward, it shot out a wide bolt of lightning that made Salazzle freeze up upon seeing its speed. It managed to snap out of it quickly enough to leap forward as hard and as swiftly as it could. Froslass’s attack whizzed right over the length of Salazzle’s body as it began to run at Froslass, whose eyes were open wide over its opponent’s agility. “Yeah, Salazzle!” Sam cheered. “Now finish her off with Flame Charge!” Salazzle’s grin grew wider as sparks popped cross its body before one of them ignited and doused its skin with fire. Fueled by the heat, Salazzle ran even faster at Froslass before it leapt up and crashed its body into it, the flames sliding off its oily hide and washing onto Acerola’s Pokemon. Froslass reached out as it tried to resist its backwards fall, but with its eyes easing themselves closed, it succumbed to unconsciousness before hitting the ground and sliding to a stop between Acerola’s feet. “Nice work, girl!” On hearing Sam, Salazzle sounded off a loud happy, hiss before bounding back to its trainer like a healthy rabbit. Acerola knelt down over her Pokémon and pet it from the top of its head and back until her hand touched the floor. “That was a tough one, I know. Thank you for your courage anyways.” Acerola took out Froslass’s Ultra Ball and returned the ice spirit inside of it, standing back up as she placed the ball back onto her belt. As she watched Salazzle frolic around Sam in gleeful celebration, she put her hand over her two remaining Ultra Balls. With each decision looking no more desirable than the other, she stood still as a statue long after Sam’s Pokémon returned to its spot, focused on the next battle ahead. “Hey, what’s the holdup!?” Sam called up. “Do I actually have you in a bind right now?” Acerola frowned, almost appearing close to crying. With a grunt, she crossed the point of no return and snatched one of her balls from her belt, tossing it out before she could regret her decision. “You’re up this time, Palossand!” With the ball snapping open, the energy spilled out into a pile along the ground, the sand that it transformed into quickly reforming into her possessed, anthropomorphic sandcastle. Sam couldn’t help but smile upon seeing Acerola’s earlier strategy finally pay off. “So you were saving your Palossand just for her, then?” “Not exactly,” Acerola answered matter-of-factly. “My other option wasn’t really much better, but I certainly have my best odds going this way.” “Hmph. We’ll just have to see about that! Salazzle, attack Palossand with Flamethrower!” Sam’s Pokémon wheezed out another strong plume of fire at Palossand, who was stuck in its place to take the attack dead on. Hunkering down, Palossand let the flames torch it as Salazzle swiveled its head, ensuring that its attack also reached its two side towers. Acerola shielded its face as wisps of fire spilled between the three towers and nearly licked at her. It was then that she acknowledged the Z-Ring on her wrist. “Okay, enough of this!” Acerola crossed her arms in front of her face, the spark of her Z-Ring and the Ghostium Z inside it stunning Salazzle into ending its attack early. Sam and his Pokémon continued watching as Acerola put her arms down and crossed them back out, her Palossand doing its best to mimic her movements despite its bulky form. Acerola then squatted down with the tops of her wrists over her mouth, slithering back up onto the tips of her toes before she lunged forward and spread her arms out. Streams of Z-Power shot out of Acerola’s arms as they swirled about and let Palossand absorb them, its aura now surging as brightly as Salazzle’s flames moments ago. “You’re using your Z-Move now?” Sam questioned in surprise. “Knowing what you have left,” Acerola answered, “it’ll be much better this way. Now, Palossand, attack Sam’s Salazzle with Neverending Nightmare!” Palossand threw its head and two tower-arms forward, a shadowy ooze bleeding out from its sandy base. As the dark liquid began to pool on the floor and flow its way toward Salazzle, the lights illuminating the room began to flicker, Salazzle unable to help from being distracted by them. The goop then accumulated around Salazzle’s feet, and once it realized this, it tried to pull them free, only to find them stuck there. Once the liquid formed into a perfectly circular pool fifteen feet wide, several large shadowy arms with clawed hands jutted out from the pool around Salazzle, only furthering its crippling feeling of entrapment. One by one in rapid succession, the hands slammed and pressed down onto Salazzle, who cried out for its trainer as its outreached hand was covered by yet another spectral claw. Once the last hand laid itself upon the others, the arms all turned a bright purple before exploding in a mushroom cloud that blew the remaining ooze to ash. Sam blocked his eyes from the bright light with his hands, uncovering them once the explosion’s flash faded and the lights from the room began to brighten back to normal. Sam looked out to where his Pokémon stood, now seeing it laying on its stomach, its arms and legs laid flat and motionless on the floor. Sam still breathed comfortably as he pulled out his Salazzle’s Poké Ball and returned his defeated Pokémon inside. “Excellent job as always, girl,” he whispered into the center button before returning it to his belt. He then reached for one of his two remaining balls, grinning at what he realized. “So that’s why you activated it so soon.” Picking one of them, he then tossed it out to face Acerola’s ace Pokémon. “You got this, Drampa!” Sam’s Poké Ball came open, and the energy inside burst all about the arena as it formed into his large, fluffy dragon. Roaring at Acerola and Palossand, both trainer and Pokémon trembled slightly by Drampa’s booming and intimidating battle cry. “Ghost-types.” Sam cocked his head. “Not great against Normals.” “The opposite’s also true,” Acerola stated back, “but I doubt that’ll be much of a problem for you.” “You know it! Drampa, attack Palossand with Ice Beam!” Acerola gasped as Drampa’s lower jaw became draped with mist as the rest of its mouth became coated in frost. Whipping its head forward on its swan-like neck, Drampa shot its frigid beam dead center into Palossand’s main tower. “Palossand!” Acerola could only watch as she saw the frost spread around both sides of its main tower as Drampa’s Ice Beam continued on. Drampa stopped its attack, leaving the front of Palossand’s face with a thick layer of ice. Acerola put her hand over her Ultra Ball, unsure if her Pokémon had survived the attack. With a groan, the frozen sheet covering Palossand began to crack, and with a tilt back of its head, it broke the ice off its body, its window-eyes now furrowed in an angry scowl. “Way to look alive, Palossand!” Acerola shouted. “Now, attack Drampa with Sludge Bomb!” Bending its right tower to aim the top of it at Drampa, the dragon saw as the roof of it caved in to form a black, gaping hole. A large cannonball of phlegmy grime was shot out from the newly-formed barrel, lobbing upward in an arc before splattering into Drampa’s head and spraying it all over its body. Drampa mooed in discomfort as it wiggled its head and body like a dog to shake the glop off its coat. As Drampa continued wiping more away with its hands, Sam took a sharp breath in as little splotches of purple began to appear beneath its fur. Despite the sudden fear that struck Drampa as it doubled over, the poison aching its body and stomach, Acerola smiled in slight satisfaction and retribution over the sight. “Now your Pokémon is poisoned too! Feels pretty shitty, doesn’t it?” Drampa honked back at her in rebuttal, shocking her into silence. “Yeah, been there, done that, right, buddy?” Drampa looked back and mewed as happily and as energetically as it could given its predicament. “Atta boy. Okay, Drampa, I think that was its last shot! Now, finish off Palossand with Extrasensory!” Drampa concentrated on its target as its locks floated up from the side of its head. It then shot them open with purpose, two gleams of magenta light flashing out from them. Following immediately after, two bright flashes erupted inside of Palossand, blowing out two large holes in its center with a sandy dual explosion. With no strength left to reform itself, the eye-lights in Palossand’s windows dimmed off before gravity let the top half of the center crumble down into an amorphous pile. “Awesome! Great work, Drampa!” Drampa purred in thanks to its trainer, only for its stomach to loudly gurgle, its face contorting into strained agony as the spots on its body flashed and pulsed. “Don’t worry, buddy, four down, one left to go.” “Ain’t that the truth.” The red beam of Palossand’s Ultra Ball receded back inside, taking the energy-converted Pokémon back inside with it. “And I haven’t even gotten to see your Aegislash yet. Damn, I’m disappointed, Sam.” “Not that I feel good about denying you the chance to battle my Aegislash,” Sam spoke back, “but Drampa and I are going to try and get this last one done so we can get a move on.” Drampa roared back loudly in reply, which Acerola stared into much readier and braver. “You’re going to send your Aegislash out…” Acerola plucked her last Ultra Ball from her belt. “I’ll– no… we’ll make sure of it. Let’s finish this, Dhelmise!” Sending her ball soaring, it opened up as her haunted anchor-and-wheel Pokémon appeared from inside floating just above the ground as its compass eye tilted studiously. “Even with as slow as it is,” Acerola shouted confidently, “it’s still faster than your Drampa! Dhelmise, attack Sam’s Pokémon with Power Whip!” Dhelmise began to spin itself in a wide arc, charging up power for its swing. Detaching its anchor from the wheel, the kelp chaining them together allowed the heavy object to reach even farther out, Drampa now in its path. The anchor’s arm slammed into Drampa’s side, the dragon letting out a piercing squeal as it was thrown off its stomach and onto its side, sliding down near the edge of the platform. “Drampa!” Sam screamed. Drampa winced as it pushed itself back upright on the arm folded underneath its body. Before it could settle back down onto its stomach, Drampa hoisted itself up, now floating just a few inches off the ground. Sam, seeing his Pokémon’s vigor, giggled. “Fighting strong ‘til the very end!” Sam pumped his fist. “Drampa, hit Dhelmise with another Ice Beam!” Drampa, its mouth still cold and partially frozen from before, opened wide and shot another of its Ice Beams, striking Dhelmise in the knot in the center of its wheel. Dhelmise resisted against the beam’s force, ethereally grunting through the intense chill running through its body. However, Drampa let out a violent cough, forcing it to end its attack. As the poisoned, purple rashes on Drampa’s body glowed and pulsed even harder, Drampa attempted to catch its breath as it rested its belly down on the floor. With its breathing getting quieter and its eyes slowly closing, Drampa reserved just enough strength to roll over to the opposite side where Dhelmise hit it, enabling itself to get as comfortable as it could before fainting. “Even when poisoned,” Sam whispered, “you never give up. Thank you, Drampa.” Sam took Drampa’s Poké Ball out from his belt, aimed it, and returned his Pokémon inside. He then looked to Acerola and Dhelmise, whose smile was almost childlike and genuinely happy. “Looks like you’re finally getting what you want,” Sam sighed, pulling his final ball off his belt. “Plus, you took out five Pokémon before I could, so that’s something–” “Just send out your Aegislash already so we can get this over with!” she shouted. Sam cocked his head, hardly anything else left to say. “Right. Let’s finish this, Aegislash!” Sam swung his ball out into the battlefield, where it burst open and spat out its white energy that transformed into Sam’s trusty shield-and-sword Pokémon. With it finally in the flesh, Acerola let out a high-pitched giggle. “Don’t get too excited, now!” Sam exclaimed. “I have the speed advantage again! Aegislash, attack Dhelmise with Iron Head!” The joy Acerola felt instantly shifted to confusion as she watched Aegislash slide out from the enarme of its shield before catching it with a spin. Keeping its momentum going, it spun around once more and flung its shield with its cloth arm, sending it soaring into the center of Dhelmise’s wheel, sending it shooting back with a loud clang. “He didn’t use Shadow Claw?” Acerola continued staring at Aegislash as its shield bounced and rolled back into its grasp. “No matter. Dhelmise, attack Aegislash with Earthquake!” Dhelmise shot back out into the battle swinging its anchor up and over its wheel to blast it into the floor. While the surface of the arena looked unscathed, a pulse of golden energy radiated throughout it, making it rumble with mounting intensity. Just then, the ground underneath Aegislash exploded upward, blasting chunks of glass up into it as they were all launched up into the air. “Aegislash!” Sam watched as his Pokémon and the rain of the broken floor fell back to the ground, unable to hold onto its shield as it bounced out. “Ae… Aegislash?” Aegislash rolled over face down before managing to push itself upright with its arms. Balancing on the tip of its blade, it snatched its shield from off the ground and hopped back up to float and face Acerola and her last Pokémon. “Hey, what gives? Your Aegislash does know Ghost-type moves, doesn’t it?” Sam remained stoic and silent in the face of Acerola’s questioning, annoying her further. “I’m not certain what your strategy is here, but just don’t start crying like a bitch when it bites you in the ass! Dhelmise, attack!” Dhelmise flew forward at a rapid speed, the tip of its anchor aimed at the pommel of Aegislash’s sword. Sam smirked. “That’s it. Aegislash, King’s Shield!” Sam’s Pokémon slipped back into its shield and folded its arms behind it, preparing for Dhelmise’s arrival. Acerola smirked this time, instantly unnerving Sam. Right before Dhelmise’s attack could connect, a rift of bright, purple light opened up in the air right before it, Dhelmise flying into it before it and the portal vanished from existence, leaving no trace of them. The wind trailing Dhelmise blew into Aegislash’s barrier, the force betraying its appearance. Sam and Aegislash frantically began looking around them, giving Acerola slight amusement. “Did you really think I wasn’t going to be prepared for that? I’m the Ghost-type master around these parts, so Aegislash’s King’s Shield came as no surprise to me. Phantom Force is a wonderful attack to work around it though, because next turn, it’s going to hit, and Aegislash is gonna go down.” Acerola pointed her thumb downward, making Sam and Aegislash even more nervous. “All you had to do was use Shadow Claw, and you might have beaten me already, but whatever strategy you were planning is going to be for nothing now!” Sam swung his backpack around and pulled it open, spotting several Hyper Potions sitting amongst the top. “You want to use your turn to heal your Pokémon?” Acerola tauntingly asked. “Fine. I don’t mind using my next turn to heal mine. I’d like to fight on as even footing as possible.” Sam could only continue staring at the contents of his bag before Aegislash turned to him, impatiently awaiting his decision. “Okay, this is taking long enough.” Acerola snapped her fingers. “Dhelmise, Phantom Force!” Sam dropped his bag to the ground as another purple rift opened directly above Aegislash, pointing up at it with fearsome intensity. “Aegislash! King’s Shield!” “What?!” Acerola shrieked. “You’d really risk trying that again?!” “Damn straight! Aegislash, now!” Dhelmise rocketed down from its portal, its body now trailing a purple energy like a spectral comet. Aegislash let out a metallic shout as it flexed itself up at the oncoming anchor, the center of its shield held to take the center of its tip. Dhelmise crashed into its target, unveiling Aegislash’s blue, hexagonal barrier, several spaces in it missing. As Dhelmise continued to push forward, more spots in the aural wall began to flicker in and out, Aegislash struggling to maintain it. With a guttural groan turning into a loud shout, Aegislash concentrated and shifted every space in its barrier to the single point where Dhelmise’s anchor pushed down, forming a single, bright space. The shrunken barrier then burst out, blasting Dhelmise up with it, Sam and Acerola staring slack-jawed and wide eyed at Aegislash’s accomplishment. “Impossible!” Acerola noticed as Dhelmise’s Anchor jiggled slightly loose from the wheel upon its return to its spot. “Its King’s Shield actually worked twice in a row?!” “Then it looks like my strategy is paying off!” Upon Aegislash coming back to Sam, he crossed his arms in front of his face, his Z-Ring and Steelium Z inside of it flashing to life. With the Z-Ring glowing, Aegislash slid its cloth arms from behind the back of its blade and crossed them out like Sam was. The two of them then put their arms down before crossing them out in front of them. Sam and Aegislash punched their fists together, a metallic bang sounding off throughout them before they finally punched both arms out, completing the motions. Two concentrated Z-Power beams shot from Sam’s fists and orbited around Aegislash like electrons on an atom. At once, both beams merged into Aegislash and flared up its aura, awaiting its next attack upon its trainer’s call. Acerola looked on in marvel of Aegislash as its energy surged, easing into a soft, accepting smile before nodding to Sam, giving permission to finish the battle right. “Okay, buddy,” Sam shouted, “let’s not disappoint her any longer! Now, finish Dhelmise with Corkscrew Crash!” Hopping out from the handle of its shield, Aegislash swooped down tip-first and caught it in its arm before pulling up and flying its way at Dhelmise. Crossing its arms over its hilt and holding its shield close, it began to spin rapidly, a lustrous wind picking up around it until its body transformed into a blurry drill that only flew faster toward Acerola’s Pokémon. Dhelmise floated up slightly, Aegislash following it intently to ram itself into its shank. Dhelmise resisted as long as it could, a shower of sparks spraying off to the sides in a curtain of pyrotechnics that dazzled both trainers on either side of it. Finally, Dhelmise could hold on no more, allowing Aegislash to throw itself and its target back into the rock wall behind Acerola, creating a blast of rock and dust that obscured the two Pokémon. The drone and grinding of metal on metal began to die down, and Aegislash quickly flew out from the cloud to take Sam’s side as they watched and waited to see if it had actually taken it down. As Acerola was finally able to turn around to observe the eventual fate of her Pokémon, she saw Dhelmise half-buried inside the wall, the dial in its compass eye rocking to and fro. As Acerola smiled and aimed her Ultra Ball at her last fainted Pokémon, Sam and Aegislash faced each other before they both yelled in delight, throwing themselves onto each other for a celebratory hug. “Aegislash, you absolute legend!” Sam howled. Once Dhelmise returned into its ball, Acerola reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a small remote with a green-ringed button and a red-ringed button. Pushing the first one, the teleportation pad she had guarded whirred on and lit up in a swirl of multiple colors. As well, the crater left by Dhelmise’s Earthquake began to glow, catching Sam and Aegislash’s eye. They then watched as each and every piece of the broken floor inside and around it began to evaporate into nothingness as the hole in the floor began to morph and rise. The broken surface smoothed out and flattened, and once it became flush with the rest of the floor, the glow of that spot dimmed down, looking good as new once again. Acerola then walked up to Sam and Aegislash, her arms crossed. “I can’t say that was the battle I was hoping for, but it’s a battle that I’m entirely satisfied with. Thank you so much, Sam, Aegislash.” “No,” Sam replied, reaching out to shake her hand, “thank you. That was one of the better battles I’ve had since coming here.” Acerola then reached her hand to Aegislash, who unhesitantly clasped it in both of its cloth arms and let her shake. “I really appreciate it. Obviously, I don’t expect Aegislash in its current condition to be able to outlast any of the next trainers you need to face, so you can stay in here and heal your Pokémon up if you like.” “Don’t mind if I do.” Sam spun around and squatted over his bag, digging out five Revives and six Max Potions out from his back, sorting them out neatly. Acerola swung her arms behind her back and playfully stepped around him so that she’d be in the outer edge of his vision. “Although, I’d still like to know something. Why didn’t Aegislash attack with Shadow Claw at any point?” “I, ehe…” Sam felt a little queasy about the response he was about to give. “Pardon the pun, but… it’s a secret I plan to take to my grave.” Acerola giggled, nonetheless appreciating it as she stepped aside. “Whenever you’re ready, the pad’s ready for you.” “Mmhm. Thanks.” Acerola glanced over to Sam as he quickly tapped a Revive against the center buttons of his Poké Balls with the efficiency and speed of a pitstop mechanic. As the medicine was digitally fed inside each ball, Sam turned to his Aegislash and began to spray him liberally with the first of his Max Potions. As he continued healing his Pokémon, Acerola turned her head away as her cheeks began to blush. > Chapter 95 – Iron Resolve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The teleportation pad in the center of the main hall began to brighten up with swirling colors, and with a flash of light, Alice appeared standing on it. She looked over to the left at the door she had first entered, and began to scan about at the others, unsure which one she’d go through next. Looking to Acerola’s door, she saw that the light above it was dimmer than the others. After glancing over to Kahili’s door and then to Molayne’s door, she opted to run to the left toward the latter. As she continued running down the walkway and at the door, it opened up at the point that she could make her way in without having to slow herself down. Continuing her strides, she bounded up the steps by two until she reached the battle platform where Molayne stood. Like the last trainer Alice faced, Molayne was guarding a deactivated teleportation pad, one she knew that she could not step on until she defeated him in battle. Once she came to a stop on the opposite side of the platform, Molayne waved with an open-mouthed smile. “Hey, there! Good to see you again!” “Same,” she responded. “So, you ready for me?” Molayne chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I don’t normally ask trainers this before they face me, but are your own Pokémon ready?” Alice opened her mouth to speak, only for her to never remember healing her Pokémon from her last battle. With a sigh that sounded more like a throat-clearing cough, she fell into a cross-legged sit and swung her bag to sit in the space her legs created. Molayne giggled again as she began sorting out her Revives and Max Potions and began the process of healing her Pokémon. “I could have sworn you faced your first opponent a little quicker than I expected,” he said. “To be fair,” Alice responded, “I’ve battled him before.” “Have you now? Then I suppose that puts you ahead of the curve. As excited as you must be to have reached this point, to have already beaten your first of the Elite Four, you should always be sure your Pokémon are healthy enough to share your excitement.” “Uhuh.” The last of her Revives were absorbed into the center buttons of her Poké Balls, and she began to move on to her potions. “I can only wonder how your brother is doing,” Molayne wondered aloud. “I saw him running into Acerola’s door before I went through my first,” Alice answered. “Before I came in here, he looked to still be in there, so he’s still working on her it seems.” “Or perhaps he’s taking the time to heal his own Pokémon before he faces his next trainer.” “Okay, okay! Rub it in, why don’t you?” Molayne put his hands up. “I’m merely saying, is all. It’s clear that you're both approaching this differently, but just be sure that you’re really ready before you face one of us. I’d sure hate for you to have to start all over because you only had a Pokémon or two in less than favorable help.” Her last Max Potion was fed into her sixth Poké Ball, and with that, she grabbed all of her Poké Balls in both hands and quickly snapped them back onto her belt. After standing back up, she took in a deep, calming breath before looking Molayne in his eyes. “Thank you, Molayne.” Molayne smiled back and nodded. “You’re very welcome, Alice.” With the four corner supports of the ring glowing brightly, an argent holographic wall appeared around the edge, locking Alice and Molayne in. “And now that you are fully prepared,” he finished, “far be it from me to waste any more of your time! Go, Sandslash!” Alice took a step back as Molayne suddenly threw his Ultra Ball out into the battlefield, and once it opened up, the energy streaming down from it formed into his ice-and-metal-laden rodent. Alice’s lips pursed and her eyes widened. “Oooh, haven’t faced one of these before! At least, one like this…” Quickly dispelling the awkward moment, she sent a ball of her own out. “Lycanroc, you’re on!” With the Poké Ball opening up, Alice’s wolf Pokémon leapt out from it and landed on the ground, growling at Molayne’s Sandslash with palpable fury. “You sent a Rock-type against a Steel-type?” Molayne questioned. “Interesting strategy.” “Why don’t you try attacking it and see what happens?” she goadingly purred. “Hmm… if you insist. Sandlash! Icicle Crash, now!” With Molayne and Sandslash having taken Alice’s bait, she smirked as Sandslash flipped forward to shoot the thick, long icicle attached to the base of its tail. “That’s it… Lycanroc, hit back with Counter!” Lycanroc stood up onto its hind legs and put its paws together, ready to catch the oncoming frozen spike. Once it came, Lycanroc pushed forward and squeezed down on the tip from both sides. Lycanroc was caught completely off-guard as the icicle slipped through its grasp and continued shooting forward into its face. Lycanroc yelped as its body was flung backward and onto the ground, the icicle landing atop of it as well. Alice gasped as her Pokémon was slow to roll to its stomach. “Lycanroc!” Molayne nodded expectantly as Lycanroc pushed itself back onto all fours. “Dusk-Form Lycanrocs may be a rare breed, but that doesn’t mean I’m not privy to its secrets, namely its knowledge of both Accelerock and Counter!” Alice grimaced at her opponent. “Congratulations. Let’s see you try that again!” “I may be older, but it’s going to take a lot more than that to con me into a mistake like that.” “Hmph, can’t say I didn’t try.” “However, let’s see if your Lycanroc will survive this! Sandslash, attack with Gyro Ball!” Sandlash hopped up and rolled itself into a spiky ball, spinning rapidly before its body could hit the ground. With its spikes digging into the floor, it instantly gained traction, rolling at tremendous speeds that impressed even Lycanroc. As it zipped from the left to the right, Lycanroc tried to keep track of it, only to find one of its next turns coming straight at it. Sandslash crashed into Lycanroc, who let out an even louder whine as the points of the rodent’s back dug into its head and chest, throwing it past Alice where it was flung into the hologram wall. Lycanroc let out another pain-addled bark before it landed back on the ground at the corner of the wall and the floor, laying on its stomach. “No!” Alice shrieked, spinning around to see to Lycanroc’s state. Her Pokémon stirred, but even Alice knew that it would be miraculous at best for it to find the strength to stand at this point. “Normally,” Molayne said, “Rock against Ice is a fine matchup, but when you’re facing a Steel-type trainer, you need to pick your Pokémon more–” Alice’s gasping stopped his talking, and as he and Sandslash looked over, they all watched as Lycanroc was already pushing up on its forepaws. With a slow, deliberate slide and push of its back paws underneath its waist, Lycanroc managed to push up and stand, and once it got its footing, it began walking toward Alice, Molayne’s Sandslash tentatively walking back to its own trainer. “That’s it, boy,” Alice encouraged. “Alright, now hit him with Counter.” Lycanroc bared its teeth in a sinister snarl before it broke into a sprint. Sandslash shrieked and spun around to run back toward Molayne, only for Lycanroc to leap above it and grip its paws around the tallest spike on its back, its claws managing to dig in this time. Swinging its body in, Lycanroc flipped over and around, throwing Sandslash back and over itself as Lycanroc slammed it into the ground on becoming upright again. Sandslash’s body landed headfirst and bounced limply once before it plopped into a sprawled-out position that Molayne could tell his Pokémon wouldn’t have made voluntarily. “Yeah,” Alice breathed out contently, “that’s what I like to see.” Lycanroc looked back and gave its trainer a toothy smile. Molayne, his pride sullied, had a bit of difficulty looking at either Alice or Lycanroc as he returned his Sandslash to his ball. Once the red beam had fully receded into the center button, Molayne looked up to his opponent, at first with a mildly embarrassed frown, which slowly curled up into a smile of respect. “Alright then,” he sighed, “you’re perhaps a better trainer than first impressions imply.” “And here I thought I was fighting the Elite Four, not the Elite Snore!” Alice let out an exaggerated snort, both admiring and emphasizing how lame her rhyme was. “Okay, touché Alice, touché.” Molayne put his hand onto the next ball he prepared to use. “How’s about we agree to take the rest of this duel as seriously as possible?” “You not getting serious is seriously going to hurt your chances of beating me!” “We’ll have to see. Metagross, Bullet Punch!” Molayne pulled his next Ultra Ball off his belt and threw it out into the battlefield. Molayne’s Metagross formed from the energy that shot out of its ball, already crouched down and ready to push off to get the first attack. “Damn,” Alice hissed. “Lycanroc, Accelerock, quickly!” Lycanroc also crouched low, and with equally-timed lunges, both Molayne and Alice’s Pokémon disappeared. Almost immediately, they appeared in front of each other in the center of the platform, Lycanroc kicking its leg out into the center of the Metagross’s face while it drove its claw forward at Lycanroc’s head. Both attacks also managed to connect at the same time, though the Metagross was pushed back only a couple of feet. Lycanroc, however, was blasted back toward Alice, the hard, metallic arm having bested it. With several weak rolls, Lycanroc came to a stop at Alice’s feet, left as unconscious as it had left Molayne’s Sandslash. “That’s okay, boy. You did great.” Alice detached Lycanroc’s ball and aimed it at the fainted wolf to return it back inside. “Smart thinking on your part to get at least some damage in with Accelerock,” Molayne complimented. “Though, chances are you’ve already faced one of these guys within the last hour, so you probably know exactly who to send out.” “You bet I do!” After she placed Lycanroc’s Poké Ball back onto her belt, she pulled another ball from it and sent it flying out toward the Metagross’s direction. “You’re on, Noivern!” The ball came open, the energy bursting out spreading to the left and right as they formed into Alice’s dragon’s wings, the rest of its body appeared from the outside in. With a shrill roar at the Metagross, Noivern made its confidence in its impending victory known. “It’s going to take a lot more than Bullet Punches to take out my Noivern anytime soon,” Alice shouted, “so you and your Pokémon better prepare yourselves! Noivern, attack his Metagross with Flamethrower!” Noivern pulled its head back as it took a sharp, deep breath in. It then thrust it forward, hurling a wide, long-reaching stream of fire that quickly engulged the Metagross. Molayne hissed as he could hear his Pokémon cry and moan, its metallic voice ringing out through the flames. With Noivern refusing to let up, Molayne’s expression brightened over the idea that came into his head. “Metagross, follow the flames and hit back with Meteor Mash!” “What?!” Alice gasped. Molayne’s Metagross crouched low again and readied itself to push off, its body charging up with a bright, shimmering aura. Noivern, realizing Molayne’s strategy, closed its mouth and flapped its wings to prepare to ascend up to the ceiling. With the flames still lingering, the Metagross sprung forward and tucked its legs over its body, soaring out through the fires and out the other side halfway between its spot and Noivern’s. Noivern was only a couple feet off the ground and still in the Metagross’s line. With the Metagross’s speeds too quick for it to avoid, Molayne’s Pokémon blasted into Noivern’s gut, sending both Pokémon flying to the back wall. Noivern bared its teeth as it threw its wings open, parachuting it just enough to allow it to safely catch its feet on the wall and resist the Metagross’s force. Once it realized the brunt force of its attack had stopped, Molayne’s Metagross retreated back to its trainer’s side and stood in its original spot. Alice turned back and saw as Noivern managed to dig its claws into two small crevices in the wall, keeping itself against it. “Hanging in there?” Noivern grimaced, groaned, and shook its head over the pun, Alice giggling over the adorably disappointed reaction. “Well, it looks like you’re thinking what I was thinking, and I’m thinking it’s time to take that flying saucer to Beatdown Town!” Noivern cried out again, fully ready. “Okay, Noivern, attack Metagross again with another Flamethrower!” Noivern scrunched its legs in and pulled its claws out from the wall, pushing off and diving out at Metagross. With fires rushing past the corners of its mouth with its mounting speeds, Noivern spat them out hard enough to push out a noticeable stream. “You’ve got this now!” Molayne shouted. “Hit her again with Meteor Mash!” Molayne’s Metagross lowered itself to launch itself once again, its body also covering itself with its sparkling cosmic sheen. Just as Noivern’s flames reached it, the Metagross sprung forward, blasting out through the fire stream as it made its way to its target. Alice reached out toward her Pokémon. “Noivern, watch–” At the opportune moment, Molayne’s Metagross banked down and dipped up, ramming its full weight and speed into Noivern’s chest, knocking the wind out of its chest and sharply cutting off its Flamethrower attack. The collisions of their momentum forced each other to a sudden stop, Noivern slumped over the top of the Metagross’s body before sliding off and falling to the ground. The Metagross floated back to Molayne, its body smoking all over as the lustrous aura of its last attack faded off of it. Alice squeaked in fright as her Pokémon crumpled to the ground and on its back, no longer conscious to fight. “Noivern, no!” “An admirable attempt,” Molayne calmly replied, “but I’ve heard stories of what your Noivern was capable of, and I could not take any kind of chances against it.” “Son of a bitch…” Alice thrust the Poké Ball she held at her fainted Noivern, the red beam firing out of it and bringing it inside upon connecting. “It’s okay, Noivern. You did your best.” “It’s perfectly okay to have some fun in this, Alice, but if you’re going to let your cute puns and threats get in the way of you and your Pokémons’ desires to defeat me, then you should probably save yourselves the heartache of getting beaten down and start this whole thing over.” “Alright, you need to shut up now!” Molayne was taken aback by her response. “I may be only 14, Molayne, but I’ve been preparing my entire life and waited far too long to take on my first Pokémon League. If I make a little joke here or there to help calm myself down, or if I just feel like making one for the hell of it, there’s nothing you or your Pokémon are going to do to stop me!” Alice threw her next ball out. “Let’s go, Gyarados!” With her Poké Ball opening up, the energy pouring out spread out lengthwise and expanded until it took the form, color, and shape of Alice’s sparkling red serpentine fish. “Now there’s an interesting choice,” Molayne spoke to himself. Alice smirked as she held up her Z-Ring, the Key Stone inside of it glistening in the light. Pressing her fingers onto it, both it and the Gyaradosite around the center prong of Gyarados’s trident horn began to glow and shimmer brightly. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone!” Alice bellowed. “Beyond evolution, Mega Evolve!” Four chains of DNA energy shot out from her Key Stone and zigzagged their way up toward Gyarados’s Mega Stone. Upon connecting with it, the energy began to spread across Gyarados’s body from its horn down, her Pokémon convulsing with the tremendous power it was granted. Molayne made another smile as he continued watching Gyarados’s metamorphosis. “Exactly what I was waiting for! Metagross, attack Gyarados with Brick Break!” Alice gasped as she looked up to her Pokémon, and then down at the Metagross as it hopped up and flew forward to strike. “Gyarados, hurry and smack that disk up with Brutal Swing!” Gyarados’s chest suddenly expanded as its two larger fins sprouted up from the sides of its back. With the Metagross getting closer, it reached out its claw on the side it led on, a bright copper-colored cone forming around it. Finally, with Gyarados’s transformation beneath its bright ethereal coat complete, the energy shattered off of it, Mega Gyarados wasting no time in pulling its front half back while swinging its tail upward. The Metagross continued to chase for Mega Gyarados’s head as its tail, which began to spill out a black energy on both sides of it, blindsided it from below, slapping it hard and up toward the ceiling. Molayne gasped upon his Metagross slamming into the top of the dome, a cloud and shower of dust bursting from the impact. As the first pebbles and chunks of rock fell, so soon did his Pokémon, who freefell onto the glass floor with a hard, heavy thud, its mouth hung open and its eyes closed. Molayne looked down to Alice, whose smirk was filled with more confidence than he had seen all day. “There, am I having enough fun now?!” Molayne smiled warmly as he detached his Ultra Ball from his belt and aimed it at his Metagross, returning it back inside. “On the contrary, Alice. Your fun has only now begun!” He detached another ball from his belt and threw it outward. “Your turn, Mangezone!” Molayne’s ball opened and let his metallic electric flying-saucer Pokémon emerge out from it, who trembled excitedly at the Mega Evolved Pokémon it was sent out to face. “Good choice,” Alice complimented. “Good think I have this Mega Stone or else I'd really be up the creek without a paddle.” “Perhaps,” Molayne replied, “but a Water-type is still weak all the same! Magnezone, use Tri-Attack!” “We’ll just see about that! Mega Gyarados, attack with Aqua Tail!” Diving in and then looping around, Mega Gyarados swung its tail down at the Magnezone, the base and the fins spraying water out from beneath it. The tail struck the Magnezone atop the head, throwing it into the floor and splashing water in every direction. Molayne’s Mangezone wobbled from side to side as it rose itself back up and stabilized itself, but with a waking vibration of its body, it was completely refocused. The Magnezone’s left magnet began to frost over while the right one began to turn red hot and the antennae on its head began to spark up with electricity. Finally, the Magnezone shot out what appeared to be a weakened Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt attack at a single point in front of itself before they converged into a single, more powerful white beam that wisped with mist, fire, and sparks. The beam struck Mega Gyarados in the chest and pushed it back, Alice’s Pokémon roaring with the alien sensation of all three energies hitting it at once. Once the attack was over, a large red rash was left on its body, which began to glow as if giving off its own heat. Alice gasped she heard her Pokémon cry out again, now noticing where her Pokémon was burned. “Mega Gyarados, no!” “Though I would have preferred freezing,” Molayne spoke, “I’ll be glad to take my victories where I can find them.” Alice bared her teeth. “Mega Gyarados, attack Magnezone with Dragon Rage!” Mega Gyarados opened up its mouth as a bright blue ball of draconic power formed between both jaws. Thrusting its head forward and hissing loudly, Mega Gyarados spat the orb out from its maw and sent it out into Molayne’s Magnezone, where it burst open and ravaged the entire outside of its body in a flurry of blue flames. As they began to fade, the Magnezone stumbled and rested its bottom along the floor, its eyes half closed in exhaustion. “Come on, Magnezone, you can still do this!” With its trainer’s encouragement, Molayne’s Magnezone sprung back up and floated above the ground once more, ready to make its next attack. “Perfect, Magnezone. Let’s try and finish her Mega Gyarados off with Thunderbolt!” Now, both of the Magnezone’s magnets and its antennae began to turn bright yellow and sparkle. As it did with its Tri-Attack, the Magnezone converged three weaker Thunderbolt attacks at one point before hurling them out in a larger, stronger one that zapped its way over toward Mega Gyarados. The bolt of lightning struck Mega Gyarados on its burn as the electrical energy spread all about it, Alice’s Pokémon crying harder and louder. “Mega Gyarados!” Alice shouted. “Fight it, come on!” Mega Gyarados began to suffer a small seizure as it fought through the involuntary convulsions the electricity forced it to have. By the time Molayne’s Magnezone’s energy was spent and it stopped its attack, Mega Gyarados hung its head and panted, now just fighting to stay awake. “That’s it, Mega Gyarados!” Alice faced forward again and pointed out to Molayne’s Pokémon. “Now, attack Magnezone one last time with Dragon Rage!” With a few moments of no response from Mega Gyarados, Molayne breathed easy as it anticipated the fish’s eventual, inevitable inability to stay standing. Just then, Mega Gyarados slowly picked its head up, just able to hold it up so as to have its mouth face the Magnezone. With its mouth filling up with blue, the rash on its chest began to flare up again, but it grunted through the pain, refusing to move its head down as much as an inch. Finally, Mega Gyarados shot its attack out straight and true, allowing itself to fall limp and rest onto the floor, its body shimmering with the same energy that transformed it. Alice could only focus on the Dragon Rage attack as it made its way at the Magnezone, who was shocked to see Mega Gyarados manage to get its attack out at all. The blue orb collided into the Magnezone and exploded its blue fire all around it. Molayne’s Magnezone fell from the cloud of disappearing flames and fell hard on the ground, its three eyes closed as it rocked about on its round bottom. The energy covering Mega Gyarados shattered off of its body, revealing Gyarados lying there in its place as equally still and seemingly lifeless as its opponent. “Hmph, what a draw.” Molayne detached his Magnezone’s ball first before Alice did hers, the two of them returning their Pokémon back into them at the same time. “Though, you’re only halfway down while I only have two left. What’s an old man like me to do?” Alice chuckled a single time. “You could, pfft, I don’t know, send out the next of your Pokémon to get taken out like a man!” Molayne couldn’t help but grimace over this particularly cruel and hurtful remark. “That wasn’t very nice, but very well. If you and your Pokémon are so prepared, then I shall send my next out.” He tossed his next Ultra Ball out, the device opening up and spilling energy out from it. “You’re up, Skarmory!” The energy formed into Molayne’s metallic blade-winged bird, Alice and Molayne watching it as it soared freely around the arena for a couple of laps before sliding to a shrill, screeching stop with its talons on the glass floors. “Flying-types?!” Alice enthusiastically shouted. “Oh, my favorites! You know what to do, Raichu!” Alice sent out her Poké Ball, which opened up and let her large orange rodent soar out from it. Like Skarmory, Raichu also took the opportunity to fly around the room, its excitement matching that of its trainer’s. With a tight swing around Alice, Raichu settled on a spot in front of its trainer. “Showoff,” Molayne breathed. “Skarmory, attack Raichu with Night Slash!” Skarmory hopped back off the ground and flapped its wings to carry itself up to the the ceiling, Alice and Raichu watching it carefully. “Looks like its rearing to pick up speed!” Alice announced. “Raichu, hit him with Thunderbolt when he’s in your sights!” A volt of electricity spiraled up Raichu’s body as it charged itself with energy. Upon reaching the ceiling of the room, Skarmory leaned back and began to fall toward the floor once again, pulling itself up to fly in a straight line at Raichu. With its target appearing, Raichu threw its arms forward and shot a bolt of lightning from the ends of its paws. Skarmory smirked as Raichu’s attack neared, effortlessly barrel rolling around it and then returning upright safely below the bolt. “What?!” Alice shouted. With its speeds too great, Raichu could neither redirect its attack nor avoid Skarmory as the sharp feathers of its wings began to turn dark. With a loud caw, Skarmory tilted to the left and slashed its blackened right wing against Raichu’s body as it passed. Raichu cried out as it spun about backwards, several red markings left where Skarmory had struck it. “Excellent work, Skarmory!” Molayne jubilously cheered. “Hit him with another!” Skarmory swung around to the edge of the room to Molayne’s left, turning tighter upon getting behind its trainer and flapping its wings to maintain its quick speeds. Raichu returned to its spot, Alice happy to see Raichu more angry than upset. “Nice work, Raichu! Don’t let him see you scared. Now, try for Wild Charge this time!” Molayne’s eyes widened, intrigued by Alice’s new strategy. With a trail of electricity getting left behind by the back end of its tail-board, Raichu darted out at Molayne’s Skarmory, the two Pokémon ready to clash head-on in the center between their two trainers. Skarmory spread the feathers of its wings out as wide as it could, prepared to extend its range on either side. Raichu squinted as it prepared to read where Skarmory would end up. After a slight dip to the right, Raichu turned to its left to crash into Skarmory’s face, only for the bird to take a harder turn left, its feathers already darkening to make another successful near-miss and strike. Raichu cried out as it pushed all of its weight onto its back foot, sending the back of the bottom of the tail-board out at its target. Before Skarmory could pass Raichu by once more and get in its sole attack, the bottom of the tail slammed into Skarmory’s face, the voltage charged all over it blasting all over Molayne’s Pokémon. “Amazing!” Molayne gasped. The strength of the hit was more than enough to divert and stop Skarmory’s approach, also managing to throw it backward toward Moylane, where it tumbled onto the ground with a clattering banging. As Raichu floated back to give itself some space between itself and its foe, it began to pant, already feeling rather tired from its scuffles. “Don’t worry about it,” Alice told her Pokémon. “Now it’s not going anywhere. Finish it off with Thunderbolt!” With its body brimming with light and sparks, Raichu concentrated all of the energy into its arms before throwing them up, sending it into the air in two small spurts of electricity. As the energy zipped and raced between the crystals embedded into the rock, dark clouds began to form overhead until they completely obscured the top of the room. As Skarmory slowly slid itself up to its claws with the tips of its feathers, a stronger, wider bolt of lightning hammered down from the clouds and onto Skarmory. With the overly intense buzz of electricity coursing through its body, Molayne’s Pokémon threw its wings out and let out a laborious, painful screech. The clouds up above began to quickly dissolve, the Thunderbolt attack itself dwindling into nonexistence once the sight of the ceiling was completely unobscured once again. By the time the attack had ended, Skarmory’s body was left fuming with steam and smoke. With its tired legs unable to keep it standing straight, Skarmory leaned forward and fell onto its stomach, its wings limply splayed out and motionless like the rest of its body. “Yes, Raichu!” Alice cheered with a hop and thrash of her limbs. “That’s it! Only one more to go!” Despite its exhausted breathing, Raichu still smiled to know that victory was in such close reach. Molayne reached his Ultra Ball out to his fallen Skarmory as the red beam shot out from it and brought it back inside. After clasping it back onto his belt, Molayne put a fist to his hip and put his weight on his right foot, now having to carefully survey his situation. “What’s up?!” Alice shouted. “You were talking all that good stuff just a few minutes ago and now you look like you’re actually thinking about giving up!” “Yes,” Molayne sighed, “and it appears I may have to eat those words I said to you. You are indeed a talented trainer, Alice, and I humbly apologize for having doubted it. However, despite my desperate situation, I still have one Pokémon left on me, and we’re going to fight like victory is in our midsts!” He detached his last Ultra Ball and threw it out. “Let’s end this, Dugtrio!” With the ball opening up, the energy shot down into the floor, burrowing a large hole and leaving a small mound of dirt for his three long-blonde-haired moles to pop out of, their noises bouncing on their faces as they sniffed their suddenly different surroundings. “Chances are you’ve faced one of these rather recently,” Molayne slyly spoke. “Yep,” Alice agreed with a nod, “sure have, and it’ll be just as easy to take out as the last!” “With a Raichu? I would expect you having an easier time with your Lycanroc or your Gyarados, but certainly not with an Electric-type.” “That may be true in most instances, but this Raichu has an ace up its sleeve that I’m certain will make it a huge problem for the both of you! So, Raichu, attack Dugtrio with Grass Knot–” “Sucker Punch, now!” Just as Raichu channeled its psychic energy to its arms to direct it at Molayne’s Pokémon, it dipped into the safety of its hole and disappeared. Before Raichu could even think about where it ended up, it heard the ground rupture and then shatter beneath it. The tallest of the Dugtrio’s heads rammed up into the bottom of its board, literally throwing it off its balance. The smaller two heads then bashed Raichu’s exposed back, throwing it high up with a small black burst exploding off at the impact. “Raichu!” Alice watched fearfully as her Pokémon landed back onto the ground with a hard bounce, its tail falling onto the sides of its ribs to add insult to injury. Molayne’s Dugtrio popped back out of its original hole, its three heads bobbing up and down merrily over their easily made victory. “Not sure if you forgot about that one after facing Hapu,” Molayne chided, “or if you just got cocky. Either way, it’s a perfectly acceptable victory for us.” “You haven’t won anything yet. I’ve still got two more Pokémon at the ready who are primed and ready to finish you and your Dugtrio off!” Alice detached her penultimate Poké Ball and sent it flying out. “You’re on, Mimikyu!” Alice's ball came open, and springing out from the energy was Alice’s disguised spirit Pokémon, it’s head standing mostly straight as the Pokémon gently rocked from side to side, waiting for Alice’s call. Alice grimaced despite the presence of one of her most prized Pokémon. “Not that a Sucker Punch is going to matter here; your Dugtrio’s likely faster than my Mimikyu.” “An astute observation,” Molayne replied, “and one that will help me well! Dugtrio, attack the Mimikyu with Iron Head!” Molayne’s Dugtrio thrust itself forward and leaned all three of its heads in, their bodies and their locks of hair turning shinier and slightly reflective, leaving behind a large rut in their wake. The front two heads crashed into Mimikyu’s body while the top one mashed its head into the face of Mimikyu’s disguise, snapping it back hard enough for the disguise’s head to swing back and hang upside down off its back. “That’s it, Mimikyu!” Alice cried. “You got a free hit now! Attack back with Shadow Claw!” Both of Mimikyu’s spindly spectral arms shot out from beneath the frock of its disguise, each arm reaching to the opposite side and forming an X that the Dugtrio found itself on the other side of. With a shrill scream of fury, Mimikyu swung its arms out, sliding past the Dugtrio’s heads as its claws dragged across their faces, throwing it back to its trainer. Molayne still looked on calmly as his Pokémon easily recovered and prepared itself for its next attack. “Excellent. Now that your Mimikyu’s disguise is busted, it’s finished now.” Molayne crossed its arms in front of its face, his Z-Ring and Steelium Z inside of it bursting with light. Molayne’s Dugtrio’s smaller heads did their best to mimic their trainer’s movements as he put his arms back down and he crossed them back out. With Molayne punching his fists against each other and his Dugtrio tapping their front heads together, a metal banging sound rung out throughout the room. Finally, Molayne and his Pokémon threw their limbs forward, completing the ritual. Z-Power shot out from Molayne’s fists and arms in two concentrated beams, colliding into his Dugtrio where they burst into dozens of smaller tendrils that flew all about it before slithering into an open spot on its body, igniting its surging aura. “Mimikyu is indeed an invaluable Pokémon for any trainer,” Molayne spoke, “but against the raw power of my Steel-types, it’s simply another obstacle to overcome. Now, Dugtro! Attack Mimikyu with Corkscrew Crash!” The Dugtrio tilted all three of its heads down to aim the tops of them at Mimikyu. To both Alice and her Pokémon’s surprise, The three heads began to rotate around in flawless synchronicity as their bodies took on a bright, shiny gleam. As a whirlwind picked up around their form, stretching out to form a sharp-looking cone, the Dugtrio rocketed out at Alice’s Pokémon, leaving no time for it to react. The point of Dugtrio’s drill winds slammed into Mimikyu, pushing it hard enough for Alice to have to leap out of the way as they both headed for the holographic barrier wall. Even after Mimikyu was jammed into the wall, the Dugtrio refused to let up its attack. After only a few moments, Mimikyu’s form underneath its disguise began to grow limp, the disguise itself now thrashing about loosely in the gusts created from the Dugtrio’s attack. The Dugtrio finally saw fit to stop its attack, their revolutions slowing to a stop as the whirlwind surrounding it quickly petered out. After shifting back a few feet, they were able to see Mimikyu’s half-filled disguise laying haphazardly against the corner of the floor and the wall. After Molyane’s Dugtrio burrowed into a hole, there was now nothing between Alice and her fainted Pokémon to keep her from pulling its Poké Ball off her belt and return it back inside. “That’s alright, Mimikyu,” she cooed. “You did everything you needed to do. Now… we’ll finish this.” Once her Pokémon and the red beam had fully receded back into the ball, she turned back around to find Molayne’s Dugtrio popping back out from its original hole to face her last Pokémon. With an outward breath through gritted teeth, Alice pulled her sixth Poké Ball from her belt and tossed it out. “Time to be the hero again, Mudsdale!” With her ball bursting open, Alice’s massive horse Pokémon leapt out from the white energy shooting out and landed upon the ground hard enough to shake the floor that Alice and Molayne stood on. Molayne stared at Alice’s final Pokémon ruefully. “So now she sends out her Ground-type…” “Now things are really not looking up for you!” Alice shouted back. “I can’t even begin to think how you’re going to get out of this one!” “Yes,” Molayne ominously whispered, “I suppose you couldn’t… but I also suppose that’s what will make this final gamble of mine all the more spectacular if it works!” Alice blinked twice, uncertain of what Molayne could mean. “What are you…” “Dugtrio! Finish the Mudsdale off with Fissure!” “Fissure?!” Molayne’s Dugtrio began to tremble as it worked to summon as much of the power of the earth as it could muster. Alice’s breath grew shaky as the hole where the Dugtrio sat in began to spill out with hot terrestrial light. As the ground began to rumble beneath Alice’s feet and Mudsdale’s hooves, Alice’s Pokémon whinned as it whipped its head toward its trainer, begging for it to come up with a solution soon. “Okay girl, I got it!” Alice removed the Aloraichium Z from her Z-Ring’s face, frantically replacing it with the Groundium Z that was attached to its band. The ground around Dugtrio began to crack as Alice slammed her newest Z-Crystal into her Z-Ring. As quickly as she could, she crossed her arms in front of her face, the Z-Ring shimmering with life and her Mudsdale’s soul linking to it. With her movements subdued as if she was underwater, Alice swung her arms back down and crossed them back out as fast and as hard as her muscles would allow. With three cries escaping the mouths of each of the Dugtrio’s heads, the floor began to break and crack as it zipped forward in random directions. Alice, watching the growing fault come closer and closer, swung her arms in and spun around before falling into a lunge, catching herself with her right hand while her left hand reached up toward the ceiling. As Z-Power erupted from her left arm and streamed back down to meld with her Mudsdale, Alice kept her eyes on the approaching Fissure attack, watching as it shot to the left, and then straight before juking left again and then right. With Mudsdale surging with power, Alice shot back onto her feet, the rift about to reach them any moment. “You really think a Z-Move is going to stop my attack?!” Molayne shouted. “It’s been done before,” Alice exclaimed back, “so it’s not as much of a long shot as you’d like to think! Now, Mudsdale! Stop Dugtrio’s Fissure and then finish him off with Tectonic Rage!” The Fissure attack then began to shoot out at Mudsdale, Molayne giggling with excitement as it prepared to go directly beneath its target. However, Mudsdale let out a booming, reverberating whinny that sent a shockwave of its Z-Power from off its hooves and across the ground. The encroaching rift then split off just short of Mudsdale’s hooves and shot off to the sides before it came to a sudden stop. “What?!” Molayne screamed. Mudsdale then began to gallop at Dugtrio, the magmal glow coming from out of the broken ground it ran over remaining still and dormant. Mudsdale then leapt up at Molayne’s Dugtrio and tucked its head down, crashing its full weight onto the three heads and creating a large crater whose edge came within a foot of Molayne’s feet. Molayne, at first terrified with the slim chance at victory that was snatched from him, began to quickly settle down into an amazed, reverent smile as the ground underneath his Dugtrio and Mudsdale turned bright and blistering. “Im…” Molayne let the word trail off, settling for a more fitting one. “Incredble…” A plume of lava exploded out from the ground, throwing Mudsdale off of the Dugtrio and leaving it to stay engulfed in the full, unbridled fury and force of the blast. Landing back on its hooves and sliding backwards a couple of feet, Mudsdale and Alice had nothing left to do but to stand and watch as Molayne’s Dugtrio was virtually annihilated by this final attack. Soon, the fires began to extinguish themselves as the last sprays molten rock fell back onto the ground. Once they saw the Dugtrio with its three heads laying about unconsciously in different directions, both trainers drew sighs, Molayne’s being out of acceptance while Alice’s was out of the joy of realization that she had just barely won. “There are no doubts in my mind anymore.” Molayne took his Ultra Ball off his belt and aimed it at his Dugtrio, looking at it as it was returned back inside before fixing his gaze on Alice and Mudsdale. “You and your Pokémon have absolutely deserved your places here, and I’m humbled and honored to declare you the victor.” “Yes, Mudsdale!” Alice ran at her Pokémon’s head from behind and latched her arms round her neck, Mudsdale mooing in affection as it lifted her up, elated to receive its trainer’s congratulations. “You did it again, you beast!” As Alice and Mudsdale remained in their embrace, Molayne smiled before reaching into his jacket pocket and pressing the button of his remote inside of it. The teleportation pad behind him activated and began to swirl with color and the parts of the battlefield left damaged and torn open began to turn bright as well, pulling themselves back together and flattening out into a smooth surface once again. Alice and Mudsdale stopped their celebrations just as the lights faded from the now fixed floors, Molayne approaching them. “I must thank you for the battle, Alice. It was truly a privilege to experience it with you firsthand.” “Thanks again, Molayne.” Alice showed her Poké Ball to her Mudsdale, who tapped on the center button with its forehead, causing it to turn into a red energy that was sucked inside the device. “Now, if you excuse me, as your friend Kahili would probably say, it’s time to do the back nine.” Alice ran around Molayne and made her way to the teleportation pad, surprising him. “Alice, wait! Don’t you need to heal–” “I plan to do it before my next match!” she shouted back, setting foot onto the pad and turning to face him. “I sure can’t let my brother feel like he’s got a lead on me!” Alice’s body began to glow brightly, and she managed to give Molayne a single wave good-bye before her body vanished. Molayne stood still and silent for a little bit, contemplating his encounter with this strange, energetic trainer. With a shake of his head and a chuckle, he walked back to his spot at the end of the platform, awaiting for his turn with Alice’s brother. > Chapter 96 – Psyched Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice re-appeared on the teleportation pad connecting the four paths to the Elite Fours’ doors. As she began to turn around and look for which trainer to face next, she was distracted by a gasp coming from her very left. Jerking her head to that direction she found Sam halfway between the pad and the door to the Psychic-type trainer. With each of them now seeing each other making their own progress, Alice made a mad dash for Acerola’s door while Sam continued on to the one before him. Sam’s door opened up, and as he ran through it and up the stairs onto the battle platform, the sight of the person standing at the other end before the teleportation pad exit forced his body to slow to a stop. With his white jacket, white pants, blue scarf, and sandy-blonde hair, Dexio smirked over the stunned expression his challenger had on his face. “D– Dexio?!” Sam sputtered. “In the flesh! Well, not entirely…” Dexio held up his right hand and pulled the sleeve down to expose as much of his forearm as his attire would allow. Placed over the stub where Dexio’s hand used to be was a sleek, white round cone. Paced over the cone’s hand was a cybernetic prosthetic hand that appeared to function as fluidly and lifelike as his left. The palm and the back of the hand was painted magenta, giving Dexio the appearance of wearing a single fingerless glove. The outlines of the joints of the thumb and fingers were visible to Sam, even from where he was standing, but they moved in accordance to how Dexio commanded as they wagged in a wavey motion. “That’s incredible!” Sam exclaimed. “How are you even here? How’d you become part of the Elite Four?” “Well,” Dexio explained, “since Guzma left to serve as Ula’ula’s Kahuna, they needed a spot to fill and fast. You and Alice were only two trials away from reaching this point, after all.” Sam’s smile grew wider, another thought crossing his mind. “This is awesome! Now I really can’t wait to fight you!” “Neither can I, Sam. However, don’t assume that because your sister defeated me with one less Pokémon, one that hadn’t even evolved at that, that this match will be remotely easy. Between helping you and Alice saving Equestria and the three weeks since the Equestrians returned home, I’ve grown much stronger since then, so you best be prepared!” Dexio flexed his right hand, the single trapezoidal patch of white on the back of it lighting up. In response, the light fixtures of the corner supports of the platform began to whir to life and glow. Just then, a magenta haze began to encircle the entire field before it condensed into a tall, holographic band, a barrier that would remain until one trainer’s team of Pokémon fell. “That being said,” Dexio spoke, brandishing his first Ultra Ball, “let’s begin. Go, Espeon!” Dexio threw his ball out, the device opening up to release his purple twin-tailed feline creature, who sat patiently for Sam to send out his first. “Fine with me.” Sam detached his own Poké Ball and tossed it out. “You’re up, Lurantis!” Sam’s pink-and-white insect Pokémon hopped out from the ball’s energy upon opening, landing on the ground and studying Dexio’s first Pokémon carefully. “Also,” Dexio shouted, “I may have never faced you yet, but I know your Pokémon, and I know your tricks, and so do my Pokémon! Espeon, attack Lurantis with Shadow Ball!” With the gem in Espeon’s head glowing, the Pokémon opened its mouth as a dark-purple ball of spectral energy formed in front of it. With a bark, it sent the ball spiraling out at Lurantis, who crossed its scythes over its face as the attack struck it. Between the force of the hit and the burst of aura sliding around it and hitting its body, Lurantis was pushed back hard, though still managed to keep its balance. “Lurantis, you alright?” Lurantis unveiled its face and nodded with an affirmative cry. “Atta girl! Now, hit back with X-Scissor!” Lurantis leaned in and threw its arms behind her, breaking off into a swift sprint. Making a beeline at Espeon, Lurantis leapt up and swung both of its arms back in. Throwing its arms back out and up, Sam’s Pokémon dragged the points of its schythes across Espeon’s chest, throwing it back and sending it sliding toward Dexio’s feet. Dexio smiled to see his Pokémon shake the pain out of its body, ready for its trainer’s next command. “That’s what I like to see! See if you can finish her off with Psyshock!” With the gem in its head still lit, Espeon let out a shout as it fired several beams of black-and-purple lightning out at its target. “Lurantis, dodge it!” Lurantis nodded to Sam’s request before running to the right, the bolts of energy passing by its left side. “Espeon!” Hearing Dexio, Espeon turned its head to redirect its attack. As the bolts swiveled over near Lurantis, it quickly crouched low before leaping high up and to the left, its body twirling over the Psyshock attack. Upon landing with plenty of space between itself and the attack, Lurantis continued to charge at Espeon, instinctively hugging its arms in. “You know what to do!” Sam yelled. “Finish him with X-Scissor!” Espeon tried to turn its head back with all its might to focus its attack back on Lurantis before it reached it, but Lurantis hopped forward soon enough to swing its scythe arms at Espeon, the points slicing across its body. Hurt and exhausted, Espeon could no longer hold its Psyshock as it was flung off its paws and landed on its side, laying still upon sliding to a stop. “Yes, Lurantis! Nice!” Happy with the compliments Sam gave it, Lurantis quickly skipped back to his side. Dexio blew a sigh as he detached his Ultra Ball from his belt and aimed it at his Pokémon. “That’s okay, Espeon. We’ll be sure to get her for you.” Sam watched on as the red beam from Dexio’s ball shot at his fainted Pokémon and brought it back in. “Tell me, Dexio, I’m curious. When you faced Alice, how’d her Pokémon fare against Espeon? I was in the Megamart fighting Chrysalis, so I’m not very privy to the details.” Dexio frowned, and then subtly smirked. “If you’re so intent on prying, my Espeon did in fact get the first takedown, and if it sates your pride any more, you’ll be happy to know that it was against her Mimikyu.” Sam gasped slightly through his nose, a telling gesture that made Dexio smile wider. “And now that you feel that much cockier about your supposed victory, that’ll only make the path to mine that much clearer!” He detached his next Ultra Ball and tossed it out. “You’re up, Raichu!” Dexio’s Raichu flew out from its ball, circling around the border of the holograph wall with delight before zipping around outside its trainer and stopping in front of him. “Okay, Lurantis,” Sam encouraged, “it’s another Psychic-type, just like the last one! Hit this one with X-Scissor too!” With just as much enthusiasm as it had when it was sent out, Lurantis sprinted at the Raichu hugging its arms in as it picked up its speed even further. “Raichu, use Reflect!” On Dexio’s order, his Pokémon clasped its hands as its body became outlined with a magenta light. As Lurantis came close and leapt up at it, Dexio’s Raichu spread its arms out wide, a shiny rectangular barrier spreading out right in front of its body. Lurantis broke through and slashed its scythe arms through the barrier and across the Raichu’s stomach. With the barrier still intact, the Raichu was pushed back only a foot or so, looking more agitated than hurt. “Good work, Raichu!” Dexio cheered. “Finish her off with Psychic!” Dexio’s Raichu threw its arms forward, pointing the tips of its paws at its target. As a soft, magenta glow began to surround the Raichu’s body, and even harsher glow began to envelop and then promptly constrict Lurantis, lifting it up in the air. “Lurantis!” Sam cried. “Fight it, you can do it!” Lurantis groaned as it tried to resist the force squeezing down on and into it from all sides and angles. With the Raichu’s attack not letting up, Lurantis let out one last squeal of effort before its body gave up, the psychic energy forcefully curling its body up before the Raichu suddenly relinquished its hold on it. Lurantis fell to the ground and was limply sprawled about the floor, no longer fit to continue battling. “Damn,” Sam hissed as he detached Lurantis’s ball and aimed it at his fainted Pokémon. “That’s alright, girl. We’re in a great spot now because of you. Thank you.” The red beam from his ball shot out and connected with Lurantis, sending both back inside the ball to allow Sam to place it back on his belt. “So what’s next?” Dexio boisterously and theatrically asked. “Shall you send out your prized Aegislash, or shall you send out your Absol and attempt to defeat my Pokémon with the power I so selflessly granted to you back in Equestria?” Sam let out an exasperated chuckle. “Man, I really do hate to be so predictable.” Detaching his next Poké Ball, he threw it forward, sending it flying. “Let’s go, Absol!” The Poké Ball came open, and upon the white energy inside of it streaming out and down from it, Absol leapt from it and landed on the ground with quick and nimble stop. Dexio lowered his head and slightly squinted. “I see…” “And yeah, it’d be a waste not to do this at this point, so…” Sam held his Z-Ring up to face Dexio and pressed his fingers into the Key Stone placed within. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” The Key Stone and the Absolite in Absol’s necklace began to shine bright with bands of light shooting out from it. Dexio watched proudly as the DNA-tendrils of energy snaked out from the Key Stone and connected with the Absolite. Absol let out a howl as the radiant energy began to spread over its body from the neck out. Once Absol was completely covered, a lock of hair grew over the left side of its face, its horn elongated and warped, and a pair of large, fluffy wings burst out from its sides. Finally, the energy covering Absol exploded off its body in bright shards that quickly evaporated, unveiling Mega Absol before Dexio and his Raichu. “Excellent, Sam!” Dexio shouted with open arms. “Your Mega Absol looks just as beautiful as she did when you first flew her to Canterlot!” “That’s good to know,” Sam replied, “but with your Reflect already up and my Mega Absol’s invulnerability to your Psychic attack, all you have left is your Thunderbolt attack! Let’s see how you’ll deal with that! Mega Absol, attack his Raichu with Night Slash!” With a dual-toned bark, Mega Absol got a quick running start with a flap of its wings, its dull-black claws beginning to turn a more solid and defined shade as it made its way. “And that’s all I’ll need to defeat her,” Dexio muttered. “Raichu, dodge the attack!” Mega Absol leapt up at Dexio’s Raichu, its front claws now elongating into small sabers that made contact with the Reflect barrier. With a flash of the warping of the barrier’s reflection, Mega Absol broke through, only to find the Raichu already a couple of feet in the air and halfway through a front-flip over it. Mega Absol could only continue its stride and prepare to land back on the ground, its attempt at the first attack thwarted. “Perfect, Raichu!” Dexio pointed down at Mega Absol, who landed upon the floor and spun around to face its foe. “Now, hit her with Thunderbolt!” The Raichu’s tail-board began to charge with electricity before Raichu threw its arms up, sending the energy up into the ceiling to disperse among the crystals embedded into it. Enraged, Mega Absol ran out at Raichu and prepared to jump. With the Raichu throwing its arms back down, a hefty bolt of lightning rained down to strike a spot between itself and Mega Absol. Right as it got low to leap, the bolt struck the center of Mega Absol’s back, its muscles involuntarily contracting and tripping it up, causing it to throw itself down and painfully roll back toward Sam. “Mega Absol!” Sam’s breath caught in his throat as his Pokémon continued lying down. “Are you al–” Mega Absol began to stand up, but laboriously slow. It wasn’t until Sam began to see the small snaps and fizzle of sparks dancing on its coat that he understood what had happened. “Oh no…” Sam’s grimace matched his Pokémon’s, who could feel its trainer’s worry from behind it. “Well now,” Dexio spoke, “that is an unlucky break, but I suppose that can happen when you choose to underestimate the Elite Four of all people. Raichu, hit her once again with another Thunderbolt!” Dexio’s Raichu threw its arms up into the air once again, sending another stream of electricity to the ceiling to be absorbed by the crystals. It threw its arms back down, allowing another lightning bolt to come shooting down and slam down onto Mega Absol, who fell onto its stomach as it tried to withstand the pain and the convulsions of its muscles. When the attack was over, Mega Absol let out a roar as it forced itself back onto its paws with a flare of its wings, a reaction that genuinely surprised Dexio. “So what do you think, girl? You think you got it in you?” Mega Absol barked in affirmation. “Okay, you got it! Mega Absol, attack Raichu with Megahorn!” Crouching down to lunge, Mega Absol appeared to freeze as its limbs trembled, Sam breathing in through his teeth as the suspense ate at him. Finally, Mega Absol was able to push forward, a wave of plasma racing down the length of its body as it ran. Despite its weaker, slower gait, Mega Absol refused to let its body stop it, shocking both Dexio and his Raichu as they kept still in their spots. Mega Absol then leapt up to the Raichu’s level, its horn beginning to glow a yellowish green. With a tuck of its head, Mega Absol drove the point of its horn through the Raichu’s Reflect barrier and into its chest. Raichu was thrown flipping backward, crying out from the sudden intense pain of the first hit against it. “Raichu! You okay?” Dexio’s Raichu regained its balance and flew back down to its spot. “That’s a good girl.” Dexio couldn’t help but grimace upon seeing Mega Absol bare its teeth and slowly back up, the strength in its muscles now nearly spent. “Okay Raichu, let’s finish her off quickly now with one last Thunderbolt.” From the surface of its tail up, the Raichu lit up its body with its electrical energy, frowning as it faced Sam’s cornered Pokémon. Thrusting its arms forward, it shot its lightning bolt straight at Mega Absol, blasting it. Mega Absol cried out in pain as the energy of the Key Stone began to seep all over its body in splotches. Once Dexio’s Raichu was finished, Mega Absol began to tip over before the Key Stone’s aura broke away from it, leaving Absol to fall over onto its side, fainted. Sam, suddenly demoralized, fell to a knee as he reached out to his fallen Pokémon before bringing it back and clenching his fist. “Absol…” “Raichus are pretty resilient Pokémon,” Dexio spoke up. “In fact, your sister’s Raichu managed to take out over half my team by itself before it fainted during our first battle. You honestly shouldn’t be all that upset. Mega Absol put up one hell of a fight, especially to deliver a Megahorn like that while paralyzed. However, you shouldn’t lose hope over a single Pokémon, Sam. You still have over half your team ready to fight for you, so bring it on, man! My Raichu and the rest of my team are looking forward to them!” Sam breathed a calming sigh in and out through his mouth as he pulled his Absol’s ball off of his belt, aiming it at his Pokémon and returning it back inside. As he stood back onto both feet, he put the Poké Ball back and took another off, clutching it tightly. “Okay, buddy. Let’s see if you have what it takes.” Winding his arm back, Sam sent his ball flying. “Let’s go, Archeops!” The ball opened up, his ancient bird of stone appearing from the energy that was flung off its body like water as it flew out. With a cry of freedom, it swung up and over before landing on the ground in a spot before its trainer. “A Flying-type against my Raichu?” Dexio smiled. “You’re so full of surprises, Sam! Raichu, attack Archeops with Thunderbolt!” “Quick!” Sam countered. “Hit it with Bulldoze!” Archeops began to run on the ground at Dexio’s Raichu as it charged its body with electricity and shot it up into the ceiling through its arms. Taking quick glances upward and continuing its advance, Archeops leapt to the right as it flapped its wings to take flight. The Raichu threw its arms down, summoning yet another bolt of lightning to strike its target. With a concentrated squint and a screech, Archen swooped around to the left, passing underneath the Raichu’s attack right before it could hit the ground. “What?!” Dexio shouted. “Your Pokémon aren’t the only ones fast enough to dodge attacks!” Sam punched the air in Dexio’s Raichu’s direction. “Archeops, attack!” Swinging around to the right again, getting low to the ground, and gliding straight at its target, Archeops began to pick up a wave of dirt and mud beneath its wings. With several strong, fast beats, Archeops swung up and flew inches from the Raichu’s front, throwing a muddy tsunami up into it and splashing all over every inch of its body. Dexio gasped again as his the ball of dirt his Pokémon became entrapped in fell to the ground with a firm plop, looking back up to see Archeops return back to its spot. Sam and Archeops suddenly noticed the mound began to wiggle before the Raichu’s arm and face broke out through it, the rodent taking in deep breaths of fresh air that it was temporarily trapped without. Sam couldn’t help but smile over what this meant for him and his Pokémon. “She’s not out yet, but she will be after this! Archeops, one more Bulldoze, now!” With a drawn out caw, Aecheops hopped up and began to fly again, keeping its low distance and drawing up another surge of the earth to attack Dexio’s Raichu with. “Raichu!” Dexio shouted. “Hurry!” The Raichu, the top half of its body now free, tried to pull itself further out with all its might, but found the rest of its body was still stuck while its sloppy paws slipped along the floors. Archeops only resolved to fly faster, gradually picking up its altitude before rising just quick enough to fly just over the Raichu and its trainer’s head. With the sudden burst of speed and height, the mud wave rose only a couple feet off the ground. Its crest quickly fell, but the edge of it crashed right into the Raichu, dislodging it from its first prison and swamping it in yet another. Dexio continued to stand still as his Pokémon washed up to his feet, nervous to not it underneath the grime. “Raichu, Raichu!” Dexio fell onto his knees into the muk and began to frantically scoop it away, unearthing his Pokémon’s right cheek. Moving and scraping his hand to the right, he uncovered enough of his Raichu’s face to allow it to breathe, but with its minimal movements, Dexio didn’t need to see much else. Dexio stood up, uncaring for the patches of brown that covered much of his outfit as he reached around and pulled his Pokémon’s Ultra Ball off his belt and aimed it at it. “That was another excellent job, Raichu. Thank you so very much.” The red beam connected with his Pokémon, converting it and only it into the same energy. Once the beam receded back into the ball, the loose mud left over caved in back onto the floor where his Raichu had laid. Meanwhile, Archeops continued soaring around the edge of the room in an apparent set of victory laps. As Dexio put the ball back and took out another, he suddenly smiled wistfully, something that came across to Sam as odd. “What’s with the smile all the sudden?” “Oh, it’s just…” Dexio let his arm and ball hang. “It just seems that my battle with you will virtually mirror the one I first had with Alice, and it just brought back some… memories, is all.” “Mirror…” It didn’t’ take long for Sam to figure out whose ball Dexio was holding. “That means your–” “It seems this battle of mine isn’t drawn by choice or strategy, but by fate!” Dexio sent his ball soaring. “You’re on, Metagross!” With his ball shooting open, Dexio’s royal-blue disk Pokémon flew out from its ball and fell to the floor, gently landing itself upon the ground with its telekinetic abilities. “And after he sees Archeops use a Ground-type move, he still sends out a Steel-type,” Sam said loudly to himself. “That works just fine for us! Archeops, attack Metagross with Bulldoze!” Archeops, upon hearing his trainer’s command, turned in tight to fly down the center of the battle platform, diving to pick up speed and power for its next attack. Dexio grinned, watching as Sam’s Pokémon was actively ensnaring itself. “Metagross, attack Archeops with Bullet Punch!” Metagross lowered itself in preparation to lunge, only to vanish with only a brief appearance of its after-image. Mid-gasp, Sam saw as Metagross appeared in front of Archeops and drove one of its arms into its face. As Archeops cried out and tumbled back, Metagross disappeared as quickly as it appeared, reappearing near its original spot. Its claws dug into the glass floor to make for a quick landing, leaving deep scratches in its surface. As Archeops regained its balance, it anxiously searched around for the Pokémon that was just in front of it a second ago. “He’s still right there!” Sam shouted. “Keep going!” With a screech, Archeops looped back around and flew back out at Metagross, picking up speed as more mud seeped up underneath it. With a tight loop back around, Archeops hurled its wave of dirt into Metagross, who groaned as its claws kept it anchored to the ground. Once the earthy torrent settled on the ground, Metagross’s eyes glowed red as the mud clinging to it was pushed off and away, quickly freeing it. “Under normal circumstances,” Dexio said, “that Bulldoze attack of yours is quite useful in slowing your opponents down, but thanks to Metagross’s Bullet Punch, all you have is a moderately powerful super-effective move.” “And even with its speed,” Sam reminded, “your Bullet Punch still isn’t as powerful.” “Then we’ll just have to see who will outlast who! Metagross, Bullet Punch!” “Archeops! Hit him with another Bulldoze!” Archeops flew back at Sam before swinging around him and making its way back for another round. Metagross disappeared once again, this time appearing to Archeops’s left. With a kick of its back-right arm, Archeops was sent careening to the right as Metagross suddenly appeared further down to its right. “To your right!” Archeops straightened itself and began to instinctually fly back to the center, only for its trainer’s reminder to make it bank to the right. With a dive and a scoop, Archeops sprayed another heavy sheet of dirt onto Metagross, this time climbing up to get a higher vantage of the battlefield. “Again!” With a glow of its eyes, Metagross vanished as the mud surrounding it exploded outward. Metagross appeared above Archeops this time, clocking it in the face before disappearing. Falling into a spiraling nosedive, Archeops could see Metagross now appear directly to Sam’s left near the edge of the platform. Sam pumped his fist as his Pokémon recovered and swooped down near him. “You got it! Another one!” Flying inches from the ground, Archeops tried to pick up even more dirt, only for a wave half as small as the others to form, its wings beginning to tremble. With a weaker pull, Archeops swooped over Metagross and veered right, the wave it managed to form only proving to be a light shower of earth. “Looks like your Archeops is already calling it quits!” Dexio huffed sympathetically. “Okay Metagross, see if you can make this Bullet Punch your best!” Metagross didn’t even need to remove the mud on him, opting to disappear for another consecutive time. As Sam's Pokémon flew about, it half-heartedly scanned the area to try and find where Metagross was going to appear next. Sam’s eyes widened as he saw Dexio’s Pokémon blast upwards, locked on to his Archeops’s stomach. “Archeops! Below–” Sam’s words came too late, and with a jab of its front right arm, Metagross folded Archeops across the surface of its claw before the bird was thrown up into the ceiling, flipping helplessly about before crashing into it with a small burst of dust. “Archeops!” After a few moments, Archeops fell out from the cloud toward the ground, its wings and head floating around unconsciously. Sam quickly tore his Poké Ball off his belt and aimed the ball below his Pokémon. The red beam shot out quickly and managed to connect to his Archeops’s upper breast, converting it into the same energy before it could hit the ground. With a sigh of relief, Sam let the beam bring itself and his Pokémon back inside his ball. “Hah,” Sam couldn’t help but laugh, “that sure was a close one. Thank you, Archeops. You’re awesome as always.” After putting his ball back onto his belt, Sam took out another, fiddling his fingers on it as he prepared to send it out. Finally, he threw it forward. “Salazzle, you’re on!” Sam’s Poké Ball burst open, his fiery salamander Pokémon hopping down feet first from the energy that spilled out, landing with a bend of its knees to cushion itself. “To send out a Poison-type now against…” Dexio stopped himself, realizing what he was about to say. “It’d have to happen sooner or later, I guess. Metagross, attack Salazzle with another Bullet Punch!” Salazzle and Metagross squinted at each other, the former watching carefully as Metagross vanished in an instant. Curling its claws, Salazzle awaited Metagross’s arrival, its arms tense with anticipation. Metagross then blurred into existence, Salazzle’s eyes shooting open as it limbered its arms. Metagross drove its arm forward and slammed it into Salazzle’s head. At the same moment, Salazzle swung its arms in and grabbed the arm tight in both hands. Metagross prepared to pull its arm away, only to find that Salazzle managed to keep it anchored to its spot. “What?!” Dexio shouted. “Now you got ‘em, girl!” Sam exclaimed. “Finish it off with Flamethrower!” Metagross lifted itself up and away, hoping to pull itself free from Salazzle’s grip. The salamander was taken up with it, refusing to let go as its mouth filled with fire. It then blew its plumes point-blank into Metagross’s face, finally letting go and dropping back down. Having taken more than it could handle any longer, Metagross let out a grinding grumble before it shut its eyes and began to fall down as well. Salazzle landed on its feet and tumbled back to Sam, while Metagross slammed into the ground with a deafening bang. “Yes!” Sam shouted. “Nice job, Salazzle!” Sam’s Pokémon joyfully screeched back at him while Dexio removed his Ultra Ball from his belt and returned his Metagross inside of it. “That’s okay,” Dexio whispered into it. “I couldn’t have expected you to beat her after that.” “Okay, girl,” Sam grunted excitedly, “think you can stick around for the long haul?” With a light scream, Salazzle signaled its readiness. “There won’t be anything long about this.” Dexio took out his next ball and sent it flying. “Let’s go, Slowking!” With the ball opening up and streaming its energy down, it condensed until it formed into Dexio’s crowned pink creature, who looked about in mild shock to find itself back on the battlefield. “We still have the speed advantage!” Sam shouted. “Salazzle, attack the Slowking with Sludge Bomb!” Salazzle got down on all fours as a loud gurgling sounded off from its throat. With a growing bulge in its throat now shifting up into its mouth, Salazzle opened its mouth wide and hocked, shooting out a sizable ball of mucus, phlegm, and slime toward Slowking. The attack hit its face dead center, the grime splashing over its face and wrapping its way around. Slowking moaned as it quickly rubbed the slime off its eyelids so that it could see once again. “Don’t worry about it, Slowking,” Dexio called, “you don’t look like you’re poisoned. Now, let’s finish her! Slowking, hit Salazzle with Hydro Pump!” With a wipe of its mouth with its arm, Slowking began to inhale as tilted its head up. Throwing its head forward, Dexio’s Pokémon hurled a massive torrent of water that quicky flew at Salazzle. The stream was high enough for Salazzle to slink onto its stomach, letting the water fly over it. Salazzle then rolled around twice to remove itself from danger, opening its window to Salazzle once again. “Nice, girl!” Sam yelled with a pump of his fist. “Hit him with another Sludge Bomb!” Dexio, noticing that Salazzle had freed itself, threw its pointed finger at Sam’s Pokémon. “Slowking, to your right!” Slowking could only turn its head fast enough to see another large, toxic loogie make its way for it. Slowking chose to cut off its attack and attempt to dodge it, only for the attack to strike it in the chest, the ooze washing over its neck, belly, and thighs. Knocked onto its rump, Slowking tried to smear as much of the mess off of itself as it could, Dexio noticing it scratching itself as well. To his horror, large rashes began to form on Slowking’s body, which began to pulse and glow purple. “No, Slowking!” With its oblivious expression slowly turning to anger, Slowking got back up and made one final wipe of its front side with its front arm, no longer caring about the rest of the sludge that covered him. “Okay, that’s it! You can still do this! Finish Salazzle off with Hydro Pump!” Breathing in and puffing its cheeks, Slowking turned to face Salazzle before blasting out another hefty burst of water from its mouth. Salazzle tried to leap away back to the center, but Slowking was able to see Salazzle’s movements, shifting its attack toward its direction. Upon landing back on the ground, Salazzle saw the watery blast make its way toward it, unable to react as it was struck with its full force. Sam shielded his face from the water that sprayed all around Salazzle as Slowking kept its attack going. “Salazzle!” “Yes, Slowking!” Dexio cheered. “You have this now! I think you–” The poisoned spots on Slowking’s body began to pulse and glow again, the sudden discomfort and pain forcing it to stop its attack. As it coughed out the water that it had accidently swallowed, Dexio looked out to where Salazzle had stood to see if his Pokémon’s attack was successful. His eyes narrowed in fear and shock to see Salazzle on one knee with the palm of its hand placed upon the ground, having withstood the attack. “Impossible!” Dexio shouted. “After getting hit by my Slowking’s Hydro Pump–” “Seems like she was in it for the long haul after all!” Sam threw a pointed finger out. “Salazzle, finish Slowking off with Venoshock!” Salazzle got back down on all fours as the magenta markings on its chest and back began to light up with energy. With its head tilted to aim its mouth at its target, Salazzle let out a shrill roar, a flurry of pins made of purple aura firing out from its maw. Slowking was too weak and its reflexes were too slow to even attempt to avoid the attack, taking the attack’s fury as the vast majority of the pins struck into its body before bursting in dark wisps of smoke. Slowking could only cover its face with its arms as Salazzle’s barrage continued on. Finally, it slumped over as its arms fell down to its sides, unable to resist any longer. Salazzle chose to stop its attack and watch on with its trainer as Slowking fell onto its butt once again before tipping and plopping onto its side, having fallen unconscious. “Unbelievable…” Dexio managed to whisper. “Salazzle!” Sam got low and widened his stance with his arms wide open. “Give me some!” Turning back to him, Salazzle bounded to Sam like a squirrel before leaping into his embrace, ecstatic to feel him squeeze itself close. “Oh my god,” Sam croaked, close to tears, “I’m so proud of you right now!” Dexio finished returning Slowking to its Ultra Ball, looking at the face of it. “She really was something, wasn’t she?” Placing the ball back onto his clip with the other four, he took out his final ball. Flexing his left wrist and looking down on it, he felt and spotted his Z-Ring, pure and white like Sam’s, which housed both a Psychium Z as well as a Keystone on the right side of its face. “So now it’s come to this, Sam.” On hearing Dexio’s voice, Sam and Salazzle turned to him, the former dropping his Pokémon to return to its spot on the field. “Down to my last Pokémon, while you still have half of yours available to you.” “Don’t butter me up, man,” Sam talked back. “I’ve seen your Mega Alakazam before, and if there’s one thing about our battle that I’m taking seriously, it’s definitely him.” Dexio let out a huff, humored. “Wise man.” With a wind back of his arm, he sent his last Ultra Ball up and out. “This is it, Alakazam! Let’s show him what we’re made of!” The ball opened, letting loose a stream of white energy that grew a pair of arms and legs before the rest of its body and head formed. With its color and other features appearing, Dexio’s ace Pokémon stared down at Salazzle, already anticipating whatever last ditch attempts against it that it would make. “Okay, Sam! Now it’s my turn!” Dexio held up his Z-Ring and pressed his mechanical fingers onto the Key Stone, activating it all the same. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” Sam and Salazzle braced themselves as light shone from both Dexio’s Key Stone as well as Alakazam’s Mega Stone. “Here it comes, girl! Get ready for it!” Four DNA-shaped tendrils of energy raced their way out from Dexio’s Z-Ring and connected at once with the Alakazite hanging from its spoon. The Psychic Pokémon clutched both spoons tight as the Key Stone’s energy was fed into it through its hand, soon spreading up its arm before reaching its chest, head, legs, and its other arm. As its moustache began to droop down, a beard formed beneath Alakazam’s chin. As well, the pads on its forearms began to widen, appearing like the sleeves of an ancient mage’s cloak. After tossing its two spoons above itself, Alakazam hopped up and clasped the toes of its feet together, sitting in midair as its two spoons multiplied into six and levitated between both shoulders in an arc. With its transformation complete, the Key Stone’s energy broke away, Mega Alakazam having taken Alakazam’s place. “There he is!” Sam bellowed. “Quick, attack it with Flame Charge!” Salazzle began to gallop over to Mega Alakazam as its body became cloaked with fire, ignoring the frightful and domineering appearance it gave off. “Don’t allow her to outrun you!” Dexio cried. “Finish her with Psyshock!” Throwing both arms forward, Mega Alakazam fired off a big, powerful bolt of bright Psychic energy that zipped its way toward Salazzle. “Dodge it, hurry!” Salazzle leapt to the left to let the attack pass it, ready to continue its advance. Squinting in concentration, Mega Alakazam pulled its left arm in and traced a circle with its right, causing its Psyshock bolt to swing over and around, forming a loop around Salazzle. Throwing its arm back out to the right, the loop closed up, constricting around Salazzle’s body before it exploded in a burst of magenta sparks. Sam’s voice quivered as his Salazzle tumbled to the ground, having gone unconscious before its body even landed. “Salazzle!” “That was a very good attempt, Sam,” Dexio spoke, “but better trainers than you have tried and failed to circumvent my Mega Alakazam’s breakneck speed and undeniable power.” “Not my sister though, right?” Dexio pursed his lips, somewhat impressed by the remark. “And trust me, I won’t either!” Sam took out Salazzle’s Poké Ball and returned it inside, quickly placing it back and throwing another one out straight from his belt. “Okay, Drampa, let’s do this!” The ball opened up, the burst of energy that emerged from it tremendous. Upon forming, Drampa immediately roared at Dexio and Mega Alakazam, only the former of whom flinched by the sudden volume and gust of its breath. Dexio looked back over his arm as Drampa settled down, awaiting the first attack. “So now you want a piece of me. Alright, fine! Mega Alakazam, attack Drampa with Focus Blast!” Mega Alakazam put its arms back out, its spoons floating out in front of the tips of its fingers and forming a circle. In the center of the ring, bright wisps of copper-colored energy began to gravitate into it, forming a concentrated ball of pure Fighting-type aura. With a groan, Mega Alakazam attempted to control the energy as it grew to reach the back tips of its spoons. With a shout, the bowl-end of the spoons swung forward and aimed themselves at Drampa, the orb firing out at tremendous speeds with it. Drampa tried to shift backwards and away, but the energy ball hit its mark, exploding in a forceful bang and burst of reddish-brown smoke that completely covered the dragon. “Oh my god, Drampa!” Sam ran two steps forward toward his Pokémon before the dust already began to settle and unveil it. Drampa laid on its stomach with its lower jaw resting on the ground, letting out a tired moo. “Drampa? You think you can still–” Hearing Sam’s attempts at encouragement, Drampa picked its head back up and faced Mega Alakazam with an angered scowl. “That’s it, Drampa! Hit him back now with Thunder!” The ends of Drampa’s fur, as well as the area of its dreads, began to radiate with plasma, the dragon itself finding itself lifted up by the power it generated inside of it. Throwing its arms out, Drampa channeled a pillar of electricity up into the ceiling. Looking up, Dexio became fearful as the crystals, unable to hold all of their power, created a web of lightning that brightly lit the room up. All of the electricity then concentrated on a single point directly above Mega Alakam and shot down. Upon striking Mega Alakazam and the ground it floated above, Dexio and Sam both wavered and fell into kneels with the shockwave that ran through the floor. Mega Alakazam held its arms up as the spoon arc above its head shook and tremored as it tried to withstand the attack. When the last of the lightning came down, the ground became still again, and as Sam and Dexio stood back up, Mega Alakazam continued to maintain its zen seat, its spoons becoming still too. Dexio smiled to see that his Pokémon was not left with a paralyzing coat of sparks. “That was a nice attempt on your part, but it fell just short. Now, it’s time for you to send out the Pokémon that Mega Alakazam really wants to face! Now, finish Drampa off with Energy Ball!” Mega Alakazam formed another ring with its spoons, a sphere of green now expanding inside of it. With another push of its arms, Dexio’s Pokémon sent its attack flying. Knowing that it would not survive this next hit, Drampa closed its eyes and let the ball slam into its chest, its head and neck slumping to the ground followed by the left side of its body. Sam clenched his fists with regret, but quickly relaxed himself, resolving to take its Poké Ball and aim it at his Pokémon. “We’re almost done here,” Sam whispered as the red beam returned it back, “and I have you to thank for it.” Dexio pursed his lips as he stifled a frown, watching Sam put Drampa’s ball back onto his belt. “Quit beating around the bush and send out your Aegislash already! Your best Pokémon versus mine! Let’s go, Sam! We’re ready for you!” Sam smiled and nodded, reaching back and grabbing his last Poké Ball. “Just know that you were asking for it. Okay Aegislash, showtime!” Sam threw his ball, which opened up and unleashed his shield-and-sword Pokémon who already came out in its defensive stance. “If only Mega Alakazam could be in better health right now… but it is what it is, and I have no regrets…” Dexio widened his stance and crossed his arms in front of his face, his Z-Ring and the Psychium Z inside of it flaring up. Both he and Mega Alakazam threw their arms down and crossed them back out in perfect synch before swinging their arms and placing the tips of their fingers onto each temple. They then both reached forward with their right hands, ending their ritual with Dexio stepping his right foot beside his left as his Pokémon moved in the same direction. Z-Power burst out of Dexio’s hand and his forehead in a brilliant fountain of gold, the strands of aura encircling Mega Alakazam before gently constricting it and seeping into the skin. Clenching its fists and throwing them to the side, Mega Alakazam let out a roar with the sheer amount of power inside of it. “Aegislash?!” Sam’s Pokémon nodded, ensuring its trainer that it was indeed prepared. “Now Sam, experience the fullest power of my Pokémon!” Dexio threw his hands and outstretched fingers forward. “Mega Alakazam! Attack Aegislash with Shattered Psyche!” “Aegislash!” Sam screamed. “King’s Shield!” Throwing its own arms out, Mega Alakazam formed a dozen circular disks of Psychic aura that pulsated with magenta, cyan, and gold. Flicking the fingers of its right hand, Mega Alakazam sent one of the disks flying at Aegislash at breakneck speed. Aegislash tensed up as it prepared for the hit, and upon the first disk making contact, it broke into many pieces against Aegislash’s blue energy barrier. Dexio smiled to hear Aegislash grunt under the sudden push of force as it shifted it back an inch or so. Mega Alakazam then flicked its fingers on the right and then left hands, sending two more discs flying. They struck their target yet again, shattering against Aegislash’s defenses and pushing it back even further. Dexio’s Pokémon then began to make throwing motions with one hand following the other, sending the remaining nine discs out in succession. Aegislash roared as it threw itself forward, the fourth disc stopping its advance and the remaining eight slamming against its King’s Shield. By the time the last disc’s hit had landed, Aegislash’s barrier was shattered along with it. The strength of this final blow threw Aegislash out of the enarme of its shield, sending both it and the shield to the floor where they fell with a clatter. “Aegislash!” Sam’s Pokémon energetically swung up off the floor, picking up its shield with its right cloth arm and thrusting itself back to its spot, ready to resume the battle. Dexio smirked to see Aegislash in such high spirits after such a barrage. “Pretty smart of you to save him with his King’s Shield, but it still looks like he got dinged up a bit. Now that that move’s spent, let’s see how he takes an attack head on! Mega Alakazam, attack Aegislash with Psychic!” Mega Alakazam reached out at Aegislash, its hands as well as its target’s body beginning to radiate with a magenta, telekinetic glow. As Mega Alakazam’s fingers curled in, it forcefully exerted an invisible pressure onto Aegislash, Sam’s Pokémon groaning as it worked to withstand its might. “Okay,” Sam huffed, “we’ve had enough now. Let’s get this done so we can move on to our last trainer!” Sam crossed his arms over his face, activating his Z-Ring as it suddenly shimmered with light. Feeling the glow of the energy behind it, Aegislash flexed its blade outward, breaking free of Mega Alakazam’s hold. Sam placed his arms down as Aegislash put its free left arm down too. After crossing both arms out, Sam punched his fists together twice while his Pokémon curled up the ends of its cloth hand and banged the center of its shield. Finally, Sam and Aegislash both punched their arms out at Mega Alakazam, causing two sizable beams of Z-Power to launch out from Sam’s fists, which collided into the Pokémon’s body. A blazing aura swirled over Aegislash, filled with unfathomable energy. “You really think that you can finish me off with a Z-Move here?” Dexio shouted out. “I’m going to try!” Sam called back. “Drampa did get a good hit on you before it left, after all.” Dexio smiled and threw his arms open. “Then do it, Sam, Aegislash! Hit me with your best shots!” “Aegislash! Attack Mega Alakazam with Corkscrew Crash!” Aegislash tilted itself up toward the ceiling as it hugged its shield close to itself. Firing up like a rocket with a burst of Z-Power blasting into the floor, it got high up before tightly arcing back down to divebomb Mega Alakazam from below. As it got nearer, Aegislash began to spin, the aura burning off of it turning thick and silvery until its entire body was cloaked in a sharp whirlwind, the point of its cone headed straight for Mega Alakazam’s head. “Mega Alakazam!” Dexio’s desperate shout prompted Mega Alakazam to reach up, its spoons forming a ring through which Aegislash would seemingly soar down through. Aegislash crashed into the center of the spoon ring, a translucent magenta disk blocking its advance. Sam’s Pokémon refused to let up, and Mega Alakazam groaned as it struggled to maintain the willpower necessary to keep its shield up. Then, to its horror, the barrier began to crack under the force and pressure. Mega Alakazam grit its teeth as it concentrated harder, now only strong enough to keep the fractures from spreading out more. “Aegislash!” With Sam’s voice ringing out, Aegislash pushed a little harder. The cracks only got bigger now, and Mega Alakazam no longer had the power to stop them. With a sharp huff of defeat, Mega Alakazam relinquished its shield, allowing Aegislash to drill through onto it, slamming it into the ground hard enough to create an explosion of dust. Dexio was thrown back by the shockwave, landing on his back and sliding away. Quickly sitting back up, he was awestruck to see a tornado of rock and dirt swirl around where his Pokémon been began to settle, the debris falling down. Aegislash floated out from the cloud and returned to Sam’s side, waiting for the dust around Mega Alakazam to clear and unveil it. Soon, the end result of the last attack was revealed. A large crater was left in the spot Mega Alakazam sat above, and laying on its back inside of it was Dexio’s Alakazam, its eyes facing in different directions while its two spoons were on the ground out of its reach. Dexio took a deep breath in and let it out, clearing his mind of any negative emotions. “That’s what I like to see…” “Aegislash!” Sam’s Pokémon rushed into its trainer as he hugged it tight. “Aegislash, you beautiful bastard, you did it again!” Dexio took out his fainted Alakazam’s Poké Ball and returned it back inside. After looking at the front of the ball appreciatively, he gently squeezed on it, the light on the back of his hand lighting up. At once, the teleportation pad behind him whirred on, the surface of it swirling with progressively brighter colors. As well, the crater his Alakazam was left in and the other damages on the floor of the platform began to glow brightly and reconstruct themselves back to normal. Once the ground had been fixed, Dexio approached Sam and Aegislash, the two of them turning to acknowledge him. “That was a truly magnificent battle, Sam. It’s one I can only expect out of a potential champion.” “Thanks a lot, Dexio.” Sam reached his hand forward. “It’s truly been an honor to finally battle you after fighting by your side.” “You’re telling me.” Dexio gripped Sam’s hand gently with his robotic one, Sam’s eyes widening at the sensation of it. “I know, it’s a little cold. Cool though, right?” “Yeah.” The two let go, now simply standing in front of one another. “If its okay with you, I’m going to heal my Pokémon here before I challenge my last trainer.” “You do whatever you need to. Just be sure to try and get it done before your sister beats you to the champion.” “As far as I know, she may just be trailing behind. Still…” Dexio stepped back as Sam sat down on the ground, placing his bag beside him and fishing out his potions and Revives. As Sam got to work healing his Pokémon, Dexio looked out to the front door where Sam first emerged and then up at the corner of the ceiling, smiling in anticipation for what would await Sam and Alice up there. > Chapter 97 – On the Wings of Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice reappeared onto the teleportation pad, glancing her eyes about to get her bearings and calibrate her surroundings. As she turned to the final door on the right with the feather icon in the light-green light above the door, she also realized that Sam was nowhere to be seen. Just as she stepped off the pad to run, she heard the pad reactivate about halfway to her destination. Looking back, she found Sam appearing onto it, having finished his last battle. With his body already turned to Molayne’s door, he instantly sprinted off toward it to defeat the final trainer inside. Alice turned forward again, ignoring him. Approaching the door, it split open and allowed her to pass through. With her spirits high, she jumped high over the steps to the platform and landed at the top, sliding down a few feet for balance before stepping forward onto it. As expected, she found Kahili guarding the teleportation pad separating her from the champion, staring at it with ravenous desire. “Seems as though I’m your last trainer, right?” Alice nodded to Kahili’s inquiry. “I figured as much. Your brother was in here not very long ago, and I just guessed based on the timing. So, how do you feel?” “Like I can see the finish line during a marathon,” she answered. “So close, but not close enough.” “Or perhaps teeing off at the 17th while at the top of the leaderboards with your opponents just trailing.” Alice hesitated a moment before nodding again with an “mmhm.” “You should have every reason to feel proud, Alice. You’re about to take a step every trainer dreams of one day taking. And to think, you were dining alongside me in this very building not long ago.” “Simpler times,” Alice sardonically mused. Kahili took a couple of steps forward as she pulled a remote from her jacket pocket and pressed it, activating the holographic barrier around the platform that took on the appearance of wings. “But today, I stand before you as your opponent. Our time together may have been pleasurable, but as your last opponent before the champion, I’m going to make sure this battle of ours is anything but for you!” “Hmph. Same.” Alice and Kahili both detached their first balls from their belts, taking one last easy breath before the worst of it would begin. With Alice huffing her’s out first, she sent her Poké Ball flying. “You’re up first, Gyarados!” With the ball bursting open and blasting out a heavy stream of white energy, Kahili stoically faced Alice’s red serpentine fish as it became unveiled to her. “Interesting choice…” Kahili threw her Ultra Ball forward. “Skarmory, go!” With the white energy spitting out of its ball, it spread out wide before her metallic bird soared out on its outstretched bladed wings. As it flew about the room, Alice kept her eyes focused on Kahili. Holding up her Z-Ring to her, Kahili gasped to see the Key Stone shine from the face. “Go big or go home, right?!” Alice pressed her fingers onto the marble in her Z-Ring, both it and the Gyaradosite on Gyarados’s horn beginning to shine bright. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone! Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” With both the Key Stone and Mega Stone shining brighter now, Kahili covered her eyes with her arm, peering underneath it to continue observing. The four DNA-shaped tendrils of energy made their way out of the Key Stone and to the Gyaradosite. Upon connecting, the Key Stone’s power flowed into Gyarados from its horn down, covering its body with its awesome shimmer as it quivered. With a bulge of its chest and an unfurling of its two additional fins, the energy blanketing Gyarados broke away in all directions, completing its transformation into Mega Gyarados. Alice and Kahili’s Skarmory locked eyes as the latter continued flying around before facing forward to concentrate. “Mega Gyarados, attack Skarmory with Aqua Tail!” Mega Gyarados slithered in as tight as it could to swing around and begin to fly around the room in the opposite direction as Kahili’s Skarmory. Quickly reaching its target, the surface of Mega Gyarados’s tail began to shimmer with moisture as it cascaded down along the sides of the wall. Swinging in, Mega Gyarados flipped its body around and swung its tail forward, the center of it mashing the Skarmory in the face, sending it into the wall with a grinding crash. Kahili kept her firm demeanor as her Pokémon pulled away from the rock, sending much of it tumbling down the wall and to the floor below the platform. “Skarmory, use Spikes!” Hopping from the indent it left, the Skarmory took up into the air and hovered over the center of the battle platform, its head only inches from the top of the ceiling. With a rapid flapping of its wings, dozens of fragments of its sharp feathers flaked out and fell to the floor, Alice and Mega Alakazam backed away as a rain of steel shards landed upon the ground with a deafening ringing, the vast majority of them standing with their points up. Alice glowered, realizing what this would mean for the rest of her Pokémon. “Alright, looks like we’re going to have to hold out for them! Mega Gyarados, attack Skarmory again with Aqua Tail!” Looking upward, Mega Gyarados swam up toward Skarmory, who kept its high post even as the furious serpent came closer and faster each second. “Skarmory!” Kahili shouted. “Look out!” The Skarmory’s eyes remained half-closed in observation, watching as Mega Gyarados leaned back and began to loop back around. With the underside of its tail visible, the Skarmory threw its talons about to align them with it. As the gushing tail came up, looking to swat the bird along the ceiling to tumble down along the wall, the Skarmory held its wings up and let itself fall toward Mega Gyarados’s attack. “What?” Alice sputtered. As intended, Kahili’s Skarmory landed upon the bottom of Mega Gyarados’s tail before it could really begin to swing. With the true force of the attack added, the Skarmory was slingshotted off and swung its body around to fly alongside the wall. With its speed’s boosted by Mega Gyarados’s incidental assistance, neither Alice nor Kahili could register the Skarmory as it slipped in between the wall and the platform. “Good work!” Kahili then pointed up at Alice’s Pokémon. “Now hit it with Steel Wing!” Kahili’s Skarmory slipped back up through the other side, its speed having barely been diminished by the climb. With the force of its flight, the Skarmory shot into Mega Gyarados and dragged the edges of its wing along its side, considerably slowing itself down. Mega Gyarados yowled in agony as it writhed about in the air, a long deep scratch left on the side of its body that the Skarmory delivered. Alice kept her eyes on Kahili’s Skarmory as it resumed its laps around the rim of the domed ceiling below Mega Gyarados, keeping itself a moving target. “It’s just flying around now! Mega Gyarados, attack Skarmory with Brutal Swing!” Mega Gyarados floated itself down to the Skarmory’s level, the metal bird realizing its opponent’s arrival. Curling itself into a spiral above the center of the platform, Mega Gyarados swung itself about, quickly unfurling more of its tail and straightening out until its tail reached the edge of the wall. With Kahili’s Skarmory set to fly straight into Mega Gyarados’s tail, it flipped itself around and prepared another slingshot maneuver. “Mega Gyarados, now!” On Alice’s call, Mega Gyarados began to roll, surprising both Kahili and her Pokémon. The Skarmory commited to its strategy, ready to plant its talons onto Mega Gyarados’s tail. However, with Mega Gyarados’s motions, the Skarmory’s claws pulled out from underneath it, causing it to roll over onto its tail. With its target trapped, Mega Gyarados flung its tail in whichever direction the bottoms of its fin faced, sending Skarmory flying back into the wall with a burst of black light erupting from the point of impact. Kahili put a fist close to her mouth as rock began to fall from the spot where her Pokémon had been blasted into. “Skarmory!” Alice thrust a thumb up toward her Pokémon high above. “Awesome job, Mega Gyarados!” Mega Gyarados closed its eyes and curled its open mouth into as big of a smile as its fixed lips could muster, appearing almost adorable in how unabashedly happy it looked. Just then, a small ball of dust blasted out from the Skarmory’s second wall crater, the steel raptor’s dirty blanket blowing off of it as it climbed back up. “That’s it, Skarmory!” Kahili shouted with a squeeze of her fist. “Hit her again with another Steel Wing!” The Skarmory tracked Mega Gyarados’s face, who tried to wiggle and back away from the oncoming attack. With its bulky size preventing most its movements, the Skarmory very easily reached its target, slashing the tips of its feathers against Mega Gyarados’s face. Mega Gyarados let out another shout, though not nearly as anguished as its last. With its attack finished, Kahili’s Skarmory opted to fly down lower around a story above its trainer. Looking up, the Skarmory tauntingly cawed at Mega Gyarados, who remained high up near the top. Alice looked over the Skarmory’s body, the multiple scuffs, nicks, and scratches in its body and feathers now more noticeable than before. Looking back up, she saw Mega Gyarados as it looked down at the Skarmory, keeping its eyes on it as it flew around in circles. Alice suddenly realized that it was waiting for her. “Mega Gyarados!” Alice shouted. “Finish Skarmory with Dragon Rage!” Kahili gasped and looked up at Alice’s Pokémon, whose mouth began to fill with blue light. “Skarmory, dodge it!” With a terrified squawk, Kahili’s Skarmory broke from its circular rounds and began to fly in a more haphazard pattern. With Mega Gyarados’s mouth fully charged and waiting for the opportune time to fire, it watched as the Skarmory, in its panic and lack of direction, came near the wall. Finding its moment, Mega Gyarados fired its attack. As predicted, the Skarmory’s wing clipped the wall, disrupting its flight and forcing it to come to a stop right where the Dragon Rage attack was headed. The Skarmory didn’t even seem to see the blue aura ball coming at it as it blasted into it and exploded its energy over its entire body. Kahili then watched from the fire and dust as her Skarmory limply fell out from it, its body bouncing off the wall before landing onto the platform in an unconscious heap. Alice clapped her hands once. “That’s it, Mega Gyarados! Four more to go!” With Mega Gyarados’s triumphant cheers above her, Kahili forlornly returned her Skarmory back into its Ultra Ball before facing Alice. “You said four more just now like you think your Mega Gyarados has a chance of defeating the rest of my Pokémon.” Alice shook her head. “No, just four more before the champion. Sixteen down, four more to go.” “I see. You’ve definitely come a long way, then. It would be a crying shame if it all ended right here.” “Not going to happen! I took out your other three friends, and I’ll do the same to you just as easily!” Kahili then smiled, an expression rare enough to strike a bit of fear into Alice’s heart. “There’s nothing about this battle that’s going to be remotely easy!” She then detached her next Ultra Ball and threw it directly above her. “Go, Crobat!” The ball came open as her purple four-winged bat rose out from the stream of energy that emerged and flew up to Mega Gyarados’s level, the two Pokémon staring each other down. Kahili pointed upward. “Crobat, use Supersonic!” Throwing its wings out to the side, Kahili’s Crobat shook them extremely fast to make them appear as though they were vibrating. From the four wings, a ripple of sonic pulses spread out from them and into Mega Gyarados’s face. The sound was harsh and the force was violent enough to shake and disorient Alice’s Pokémon, who, upon opening its eyes, began to sway about drunkenly. “Mega Gyarados!” Alice saw her Pokémon squint, appearing to maintain its focus. “Yeah, that’s it! Now, hit Crobat with Ice Fang!” Mega Gyarados swam forward, its body unintentionally corkscrewing on its way to its target. Alice clenched her fists as it got closer, appearing as though the attack would hit. Just then, Mega Gyarados banked to the right, appearing to chase after the vision of the Crobat that its dizzied mind deceived into perceiving. It then crashed into the wall, its body scrunching up slightly upon making its impact. “No!” Alice wailed. Kahili blew a short sigh of relief through pursed lips. “Excellent work, Crobat! Now, finish it off with Swift! The Crobat hugged its wings in before spinning with its back facing the ground below, unfurling its wings to fling a flurry of stars of light from them. Each star directed themselves to Mega Gyarados’s left side, each one hitting it and pelting it in a new spot. Mega Gyarados let out a final roar before its body began to float downward, the Key Stone’s energy seeping from its scales and covering it from head to tail. “Gah!” Alice gagged. “Dammit!” Alice aimed her Poké Ball up at Mega Gyarados as the aura covering it broke away, turning it back into her Gyarados. The red beam from the Poké Ball shot forward and connected with Gyarados before converting it into the same energy and bringing it back inside through the center button. “Okay, we had a little fun up there…” Alice put Gyarados’s ball back to her belt before pulling off another. “Now it’s time to bring the fight back down here.” Alice forcefully lobbed her ball out over the center of the platform. “Let’s do this, Mudsdale!” Before the ball could hit the ground, the energy shooting out launched the ball back up as it spread out, forming its stocky equine appearance. With a small burst, the energy spread off and away, unveiling Alice’s next Pokémon to her opponent. Immediately, Mudsdale whinnied in pain as its hooves landed upon the Skarmory’s Spikes, frantically kicking them away as to leave itself a place to safely stand. Alice winced to see the bases of her Pokémon’s legs lightly cut up. “Alright, Crobat!” Kahili confidently shouted. “Now hit her Mudsdale with Supersonic!” Kahili’s Crobat held its wings out and glided down to the platform. Upon getting close to Mudsdale, it shook its wings again, sending out more sonic waves that threatened to rain down on Mudsdale, who was still entrapped by the scattered metal shards surrounding it. All it could think to do was to crouch down low and try and weather out the Crobat’s attack as it made contact. Mudsdale grunted as its ears and head were filled with shrill ringing, Alice hissing in anger as her Pokémon’s legs woozily wobbled. “You know this strategy is bullcrap, right?” Alice asked. Kahili pouted. “Call it whatever you want if it makes you feel better. You have your own path to victory; I have mine, and it’s no less valid than yours.” As Mudsdale swayed, trying to keep its eyes on the Crobat that appeared before it, Alice frowned, knowing she’d have little other choice than to continue going. “That’s okay, girl! Just concentrate and hit him with Heavy Slam! That should do it!” Mudsdale galloped forward, and while its gait was sloppy and uneven, it appeared deliberate, both trainers observing in amazement as the horse managed to get its hooves within the gaps between the Spikes. “Awesome job!” Alice continued to cheer. “You can–” One of Mudsdale's front hooves fell onto a spike laying on its side, causing it to slip out from underneath it. With its balance irreparably broken, Mudsdale resigned to falling hard and flat onto its side, landing upon a couple of Spikes as well. Mudsdale got up quickly and screamed, bucking its legs and thrashing its body until the spikes lodged into it came free. “No, Mudsdale!” Alice clenched both her fists and her teeth. “This is seriously some bullshit!” “I apologize if you feel that way!” Kahili yelled. “Crobat, now hit her with Shadow Ball!” As the Crobat continued hovering, a dark-purple ball of ghastly energy formed in front of its face. Once it reached the size of a basketball, Crobat wrapped its wings over and around it, careful not to touch. Flinging its wings back out, it sent its attack shooting out, where it made contact with Mudsdale’s chest and pushed it back several feet. With its legs bent to maintain whatever balance it had, Mudsdale stood back up straight, its stance still weak and unstable. “Come on now, Mudsdale,” Alice growled. “You can still do this! I believe in you! Try another Heavy Slam, now!” Mudsdale let out an uneasy huff before it went into a canter. Once again, Mudsdale appeared careful about not hitting any of the spikes along the ground, and upon getting halfway to its target, it still managed to avoid them all. “Yes…” Alice shook her balled-up hands. “Yes!” Mudsdale got in a small leap before it prepared to make the one that would pummel Kahili’s Pokémon. As it sprung up, it appeared to overshoot it and fly off to the left and away from the Crobat. Kahili smirked over her fortune, only to notice Mudsdale turned its body so that the small of its back was now swinging over to land on top of her Crobat. “Crobat, look–” The Crobat, also taken by surprise, couldn’t react fast enough as it was slammed onto by Mudsdale’s rump and thrown to the ground with Mudsdale’s massive body landing right back on top of it. Keeping up its momentum, Mudsdale rolled off of Crobat and swung back onto its hooves before running back to Alice in a much more normal and lucid way. Crobat peeled itself off the floor before writhing itself into a seated position, picking its body up with its two top wings just high enough so that its bottom wings could give it more control and altitude. “Your Crobat should consider itself lucky that it survived that hit,” Alice said. “And your Mudsdale is lucky to have even landed that attack,” Kahili rebutted. “And it seems that she’s snapped out of her confusion too.” “So what now? Are you going to try for a Supersonic next?” “You would be inclined to do that in my situation, but between my Skarmory’s Spikes, it hurting itself, and the Shadow Ball attack it took, your Mudsdale may not even be able to survive this next hit! Crobat, attack Mudsdale again with Shadow Ball!” Kahili’s Crobat opened its mouth and breathed in as another spectral aura ball expanded into existence in front of its face. “Quick,” Alice shouted, “take it out with one last Heavy Slam!” Mudsdale galloped forward, this time more nimbly avoiding the Spikes upon the ground. With its Shadow Ball now formed, the Crobat put its wings around it and then flung it out at Mudsdale’s direction. With it getting close, Mudsdale tucked its head down, allowing its forehead to take the attack as it burst and wrapped around its body. Kahili and her Crobat were shocked to find that other than a slight reduction in its speed, Mudsdale was not deterred from continuing forward. Leaping high up, Mudsdale prevented the Crobat’s possibility of escaping upwards, its domineering size keeping it frozen stiff in place. Checking its shoulder into it, Mudsdale landed upon Crobat and sandwiched it between the floor and its massive body. Rolling off again, Mudsdale got to its hooves and ran back to its trainer, the Crobat it nearly flattened no longer mobile as it laid on the ground. Kahili aimed her Ultra Ball at her fainted Pokémon, the red beam connecting to it and receding back in with it. “You lasted far longer than I could have expected you to. You can rest now. Thank you.” She looked back up to her opponent, her and her Mudsdale staring at her expectantly. “Seventeen down, right?” Alice nodded. “Three to go.” “And you look so prepared…” Kahili put her Crobat’s ball back on her belt and took another one out before throwing it. “Go, Toucannon!” With the Ultra Ball opening up, Kahili’s large toucan Pokémon floated down from the energy on its wings before landing on a safe spot on the floor and standing before its rivals. “Get ready, Toucannon!” Kahili commanded. “Hit Mudsdale with Screech!” Toucannon opened its beak wide and let out a loud, shrill caw that seemed to distort the very air that it traveled through. Mudsdale fell to its stomach and covered its ears as best it could with the sides of its arms while Alice squeezed the bases of the palms of her hands into her own ears. Soon, Alice could register that Toucannon had stopped its assault. “Mudsdale!” Hearing its trainer’s voice, Mudsdale felt safe to stand to attention. “She’s going in for the kill! Get her Toucannon with Superpower!” Mudsdale ran forward, and as it did, a cone of copper aura formed around its head, getting brighter as it continued picking up speed. As well, it pushed all the Spikes that were ahead of it off to the side, focused only on the target ahead. “Toucannon!” On Kahili’s shout, Toucannon spread its wings and flapped them hard, moving just fast enough to let Mudsdale pass beneath it. “Excellent, Toucannon! Now, finish her off with Bullet Seed!” Mudsdale began to back away, ready to avoid its enemy’s own attack. With it rising higher in the air, Toucannon got close to the ceiling before breathing in, its chest puffing out. Opening its beak up, a wide spray of seeds and nuts began to rain down over the entire area of the platform between Alice and Kahili. While many of the seeds indeed pelted Mudsdale, many of them struck the Spikes upon the ground. Alice watched in horror as the seeds not only ricocheted off the Spikes and into Mudsdale from different angles, but many of them were knocked back into the pathway that her Pokémon had cleared with its last attempt of an attack. “No…” Alice could only whisper. “Such accuracy…” With nowhere to run and the attack against it not stopping, Mudsdale let out an exhausted cry before it fell to its shins and went unconscious as it rolled over to its right side. Seeing its victory below, Toucannon ceased its attack, holding its wings out to glide back down to the ground. “Ha, okay…” Alice was left with no other choice but to remove her Mudsdale’s ball from her belt and return her Pokémon back into it. “That’s okay, we still have this.” “Seventeen Pokémon,” Kahili summarized. “That’s quite a steep climb for any trainer, although for me, all I need is six, and two of them have already bitten the dust.” “Don’t start getting too excited. I still have quite a few Pokémon who are really strong against yours. In fact, how’s about I introduce you to one now?” Alice removed a Poké Ball from her belt and tossed it. “You’re on, Lycanroc!” The ball opened in midair and burst its energy out, Alice’s wolf falling from it and onto the Spikes on the floor. Alice squirmed and shut her eyes upon hearing the yip of her Pokémon as it hopped up in painful surprise, landing its paws onto barren spots and shaking the front right one that still stung. “Sorry, boy! Mudsdale tried to clear a path!” As Lycanroc still finished with recovering, Kahili removed Toucannon’s Ultra Ball from her belt and aimed it. “Toucannon, return!” Alice perked up unpleasantly upon seeing the ball’s red beam bring its Pokémon back inside. “Yo, what gives? Is his Screech slash Bullet Seed not good enough for my Lycanroc?” Kahili frowned as the truth was about to come out. “As a matter of fact, I don’t have nearly enough confidence that my Toucannon would survive its encounter with your Lycanroc. Now this next one, on the other hand…” Kahili pulled out her next Ultra Ball from her belt. “And you really think it can beat my Lycanroc, even after you’re wasting your own turn?” “We’ll just have to see.” Kahili reeled her arm back and sent her ball soaring. “Mandibuzz, it’s on!” With the ball coming open, its white energy spat out and spread wide as it transformed into Kahili’s vulture, which flew close to the ground and at Lycanroc. Before it would hit, Mandibuzz swooped up, brushing past Lycanroc’s nose and looping back toward its trainer. Lycanroc angrily sneezed as it rubbed the tickling tingle off its snout. “Don’t let her get to you.” Alice shouted. “Attack her with Stone Edge!” Lycanroc bounced off its front paws before slamming them into the floor. With a small boom sounding from directly beneath them, Kahili began to get nervous as her Pokémon’s talons had not reached the ground yet. “Mandibu–” Right before Mandibuzz could land, a narrow mountain jutted up underneath it, the tower rising a couple of stories and sending the vulture even higher up. “Yeah!” Alice yelled. “Nice!” Lycanroc lifted its head up and howled at the ceiling in celebration. Mandibuzz, who began to fall, quickly recovered, holding out its wings and beating them to slow and eventually stop its fall. Kahili nodded approvingly as her Pokémon roosted itself back on the floor, now able to breathe and relax for a moment. “That was a nice hit you got on her just then,” Kahili spoke. “Rock-types tend to do that to Flying,” she answered back. “I mean, Mandibuzzes also have pretty good defense too, but I doubt that’s the only reason you sent her out.” Kahili smiled again, now appearing more heartfelt and genuine than before. “And you’d be absolutely right. Mandibuzz, use Swagger!” “Huh?!” Mandibuzz locked eyes with Lycanroc, who almost seemed subconsciously compelled to stare back. With its typical cocky smile turning wider and even more boastful, it curled the feathers of the ends of its wings to its face and fanned them in a taunting manner. Lycanroc barred its teeth and loudly growled at it, putting every ounce of its concentration in expressing its unbridled anger. To Alice’s displeasure, Lycanroc began to swoon, and when it tried to refocus its attention to Mandibuzz, it found that its eyes and head could no longer keep track of it. “Great,” Alice hissed, “another bold confusion maneuver from the brave Kahili herself.” Kahili’s face furrowed in an irritated frown. “I highly suggest you stop your complaining; you certainly won’t win with it!” “No, you’re right, but thanks for the extra strength anyways! Lycanroc, finish off Mandibuzz with one last Stone Edge!” Jumping high enough off its front paws to appear to stand upright, Lycanroc threw its entire full weight down, prepared to slam them on the ground. With its vision and body still dizzy, Lycanroc’s front right paw slipped behind its left and continued slipping, the force of its fall making it land on its chest and the bottom of its face. With a loud whine, Lycanroc rolled the rest of its body onto its side, demoralized and humiliated. “No!” Alice stamped her foot and turned away. “God dammit!” “Don’t get too angry at them!” Kahili warned. “They’re only trying their best for you! Mandibuzz, attack Lycanroc with Bone Rush!” After tilting its head and grabbing the bone placed in its hair, Manibuzz flapped its wings and climbed back up to the ceiling. Once it reached the top, it dove down over Lycanroc, who was only beginning to feel better enough to stand. Clutching its bone tightly, it began to glow a bright blue, elongating to nearly five times its length. Once Lycanroc got onto all four of its paws, Mandibuzz swung over Lycanroc, bashing the side of its face with its luminous bone. With a yowl, Lycanroc was forced back to the ground on its other side, instinctually rubbing the throbbing spot with the side of its paw. Mandibuzz looped back around and dove feet-first at its target, reaching out with the talon that held its weapon. This time, Mandibuzz slammed the side of the bone against Lycanroc’s stomach, the wolf arching up and whining with an even more guttural shout as the wind was beaten out of it. “Stop!” Alice cried. “That’s enough!” Mandbuzz hopped off of Lycanroc and rose its talon up once again, and with as hard of a swing as its awkward stance could muster, it smashed the bone back down onto the bridge of its snout, Lycanroc screaming as it clutched its nose and curled into a ball. Keeping its bone held on, Mandibuzz scurried back to Kahili’s side. “Okay!” Alice shrieked. “That shit was dirty and you know it!” “You sound very concerned for him.” Though it didn’t show in her face, her voice did sound audibly sympathetic. “You don’t need to keep him out any longer if you don’t think he’s up to it.” Alice bit her lip nervously as she contemplated what to do next. With her trembling hand reaching for her Lycanroc’s ball, she was suddenly stopped by a loud, short bark. Looking down, she noticed her Lycanroc standing back up slowly, its limbs trembling as it tried to support itself. Despite its battered appearance, Lycanroc kept its fangs bared and its furious gaze at Kahili’s Pokémon. With a slow breath through its nose and a forceful huff out, Lycanroc sprayed a large splatter of blood and mucus onto the ground. It’s expression remained as spiteful as ever. Alice reached out to her Lycanroc, saddened by the damage already done to its body. “Lycanroc…” The wolf growled, its sights still fixed on Mandibuzz. Putting her arm down, Alice took another few moments to think if the next decision she’d make would be one she’d regret. “You really want to–” Alice’s Pokémon looked back to her, softening its glare only a little for her. Understanding her Pokémon’s wishes, she closed her eyes and settled on her next move. “You got it, boy. Okay Lycanroc, Stone Edge! For real this time!” Lycanroc growled as it jumped up off its front paws, which grew louder until it barked upon its paws landing down again. Another boom was heard from below the platform, Kahili and Mandibuzz nervously looking down. A rumbling could be felt underneath everyone’s feet, and Mandibuzz reacted by diving forward. Another rock tower shot up through the floor, grazing Mandibuzz’s talons as it narrowly missed it. “No way!” Alice gripped her hat in exasperation. “For serious?” “Stone Edge has never been the most accurate attack,” Kahili responded. “Your Lycanroc was fortunate enough to not hurt itself again, but it still squandered its final chance. Now, Mandibuzz, finish Lycanroc off with Bone Rush!” Keeping its grip on its bone held tight, Mandibuzz flew up several feet before swooping in and picking up speed. With a tight bank to the left and an even tighter one to the right, Mandibuzz flew over Lycanroc and swung its now-longer club into its ribs, Lycanroc yelping out as it was flung off its paws. Alice’s Pokémon manged to catch itself, but upon looking to its left, it did not see where it expected Mandibuzz to be. Kahili’s Pokémon took the opportunity to veer around near Lycanroc’s face, smacking it hard in the right side of the face. Flying away, Mandibuzz swooped up and over, diving down directly over the small of Lycanroc’s back, bashing its weapon down onto it hard enough for Lycanroc’s legs to give out and force it onto its stomach. With Mandibuzz perched upon its foe, it jumped up one last time with the bone held as high as its talons would allow. Landing back down, it slammed its bone onto the center of its back, Lycanroc letting out a forceful gag before it finally passed out. “No…” Alice sunk to her knees before falling forward, catching herself with her hands. “Lycanroc…” Kahili crossed her arms. “If it’s any consolation, I’ve been battling and beating Rock-type users while you were still crawling on your hands and knees. However, I’d like to think that you’ve grown past your infancy, so stand up, Alice Brier! You still have half your team prepared to finish this fight for you! Don’t let one upset ruin your streak! Remember, you’re still seventeen down, three to go!” Alice reflected on Kahili’s words, as harsh and as cold as they were. Looking up at her fainted, brutalized Pokémon, and then back at Mandibuzz, the devious grin it gave her filled her with the rage and drive that Kahili smiled to see fill Alice’s face. Balling her hands into fists, Alice hoisted herself up off, standing back up one foot at a time. Without a further hint of worry, Alice reached back for Lycanroc’s ball on her belt and grabbed it, aiming the center button at it to allow its red beam to bring it back in. “Don’t worry, Kahili. I’m not letting that ugly buzzard take advantage of another one of my Pokémon!” Grabbing another Poké Ball from her belt, she tossed it out into the battlefield. “You’re up, Mimikyu!” The ball opened up, her costumed spirit Pokémon jumping out from the energy that streamed out. Upon landing on the ground, Mimikyu let out an echoed squeal as the bottom of its form was caught by the Spikes that still remained on the ground. Bouncing about on the edge of its crude Pikachu frock, it refused to stand straight until it managed to find a spot wide enough for it to stand safely. “Ah,” Kahili mused, “a Fairy-type. She really is quite prepared.” “Only a little bit left!” Alice shouted. “Mimikyu! Attack Mandibuzz with Play Rough!” Quickly bouncing about on the spaces between the Spikes, Mimikyu made its way toward Mandibuzz faster than it could register it. With a final hop, Mimikyu unfurled its shadowy arms and wrapped them around Mandibuzz’s neck before hugging itself close. Swinging its body with it, Mimikyu threw and slammed the back of Kahili’s Pokémon hard onto the ground. Disoriented, Mimikyu stepped off of Mandibuzz with its arms still holding on to its neck. Beginning to spin around, Mimikyu slung Manibuzz around before finally letting go, throwing its body back onto the ground where it roughly rolled to a stop, having dropped its bone club halfway between itself and Alice’s Pokémon. “That’s what I like to see!” Alice’s confident sentiments were short lived as she noticed Mandibuzz stir. “Oh, come on! That didn’t do it?!” Kahili smiled, thankful for her Pokémon’s endurance as it returned to her. “Mandibuzzes are deceptively durable Pokémon. Not even a Stone Edge from a Lycanroc and a Play Rough from a Mimikyu can bring it down. Fortunately for you, I don’t feel like gambling with confusion right now; with your string of bad luck, it’s only a matter of time before it begins to turn. Alright, Mandibuzz, attack Mimikyu with another Bone Rush!” Mandibuzz hopped back over to its discarded bone, taking flight upon picking it back up. Mimikyu looked around for a spot to jump and dodge the attack, but with Spikes still scattered around it, it found itself hesitating long enough for Mandibuzz to get a well-aimed strike against the head of its disguise, making it droop to the side. Mimikyu trembled with rage, Alice prepared to cover her ears in preparation for its rage screech. Right as Mimikyu let loose with its terrible sound, Mandibuzz came from the front and swung hard into Mimikyu’s body and threw it backward. Mimikyu landed on its back, allowing it to see straight up as Mandibuzz flew over it before diving down onto it. Mimikyu tried to pick itself back up and run, but with its head awkwardly standing down with it, it gave Mandibuzz enough time to thrust its club down onto the top of its body where the disguise’s head once stood. Falling down onto its face, Mimikyu’s disguise’s head was pathetically dragged along the floor. “Using Bone Rush to circumvent Mimikyu’s Disguise…” Alice glowered, in disbelief of what she was about to say next. “That was actually pretty smart.” Kahili smiled genuinely again. “Thank you, Alice. I’d like to think that my battle strategies extend beyond confusing my opponents.” Alice found it in herself to laugh at that. “To be fair, they don’t extend much further than that.” “Touché. Although, not to ruin our one friendly moment or anything, but if you want to beat your brother to the champion–” “Yeah, right! Sorry! Mimikyu, you ready?” Mimikyu turned back to Alice and gave her an enraged bark in reply. “Good! Hit Mandibuzz again with Play Rough!” Mimikyu ran forward, its shadow arms reaching out from under its costume and holding its head to support it as it began to jump around and away from the Spikes still left on the ground. Kahili kept her arm pointed straight as Mimikyu continued advancing. “Mandibuzz, hit Mimikyu with Brave Bird!” With Mimikyu still a ways away, Mandibuzz placed its bone back into its plumage on the top of its head before flapping its wings, carrying itself back up to the ceiling. With its target now far out of range, Mimikyu stopped where it landed, watching disheartendely as Mandibuzz kept itself out of its reach. “Don’t worry,” Alice shouted, getting her Pokémon’s attention, “she’s coming back! Just get ready for her!” Mimikyu looked back up and Mandibuzz, who swiveled itself to put the bottoms of its talons against the wall, pushing off and diving down. Picking up tremendous speed, a hot, orange cone formed around its head before it spread out, cloaking its entire body. Seeing its opportunity, Mimikyu continued bounding as Mandibuzz got lower, pulling up to strike Mimikyu at the trough of its bend. At the right moment, Mimikyu leapt up and let its disguise’s head go, reaching its arms out at the approaching Mandibuzz. Kahili’s Pokémon proved too fast, soaring through Mimikyu’s grasp and bashing the top of its head into Mimikyu’s body, Mimikyu’s arms going limp as the pain refused to let it concentrate on anything else. With Mandibuzz injured in the attack, it fell to the ground with Mimikyu, both tumbling and roughly rolling along the ground before coming to their individual stops. “Mimikyu!” Alice took several running steps up to her Pokémon, only to see it stir before her. “Mimikyu…” Alice patted the center of her chest as her Pokémon got back upright while Kahili glanced over at her Pokémon, which hadn’t gotten up yet. “Mandibuzz!” Unlike Alice’s Pokémon, Mandibuzz did not respond to Kahili’s call. After a few more moments of motionlessness from it, Kahili had realized that her Pokémon’s self-inflicted hit was indeed its downfall. Reaching back for her Mandibuzz’s Ultra Ball, she held it out as the red beam shot far out from the center button, connecting with the vulture before bringing it back inside to rest. “Thank you, Mandibuzz,” Kahili whispered with her forehead atop the ball. “You were truly marvelous.” Putting the ball back and taking out another, Kahili watched as Alice’s Mimikyu slowly returned to its spot, the dirtied and chafed costume it wore a fitting parallel to its physical health. “Doesn’t look like he’s got much left,” she commented, “but let’s see how much more it can carry on! Let’s go, Oricorio!” Kahili threw her ball forward, the device opening up and spitting out a smaller amount of energy onto the ground. Forming from the energy was an Oricorio with red-and-black feathers and wings styled like a flamenco dress. With it holding its wings up in the traditional pose of the dance its plumage was styled in, Oricorio concluded its entrance. “Alright, Mimikyu,” Alice encouraged, “I think you’ve still got a few hits left in you! Hit the Oricorio with Shadow Claw!” Mimikyu bounced off the floor and began to move. Pulling its arms out from under its disguise, Mimikyu extended them a couple of feet out before it began to run on them, its hands deftly landing in the bare spots without Spikes as it quickly made its way across. “There’s something you don’t see every day.” Kahili frowned herself out of her entertained grin as she pointed her outstretched hand out. “Oricorio, hit Mimikyu with Revelation Dance!” Mimikyu hopped up on both hands, bringing half of its arms in as it cleared the Spikes and prepared to land right on top of Oricorio. Before its bottom hit the ground, Mimikyu slashed both of its hands across Oricorio’s breast and face. Oricorio, swinging its body in accordance with Mimikyu’s force, wrapped its wings around itself to the right. Turning to look at Mimikyu from the corner of its sights, Oricorio’s wings blazed with fire before it threw them to the left into Mimikyu. With blackened scorch-marks left on its disguise, Mimikyu let out a weak moan as its form shrunk underneath it. Alice whimpered as her Pokémon and its costume glided to the ground before laying flat and still. “That’s okay, Mimikyu. Eighteen down, two to go.” Alice pulled Mimikyu’s ball off her belt and allowed the red beam to return it inside. After putting it back onto her belt, she took another Poke Ball out, her smile growing wider as she twiddled it in her hands. “From the looks of it,” Kahili said, “your next Pokémon are going to win this for you, or so you think.” Alice shook her head. “No more thinking. We’re just going to show you now. Go, Noivern!” With the ball bursting open in mid-air and exploding its energy out, Noivern emerged from it, flapping its wings as it prepared for an easy landing upon the ground. To both Kahili and Alice’s surprises, each of Noivern’s wingbeats blew the Spikes on the ground away and off to the sides, giving it a wide safe space for it to perch itself. Alice let out a low, sinister laugh. “Oh man, are you two in trouble now! Noivern, attack her Oricorio with Hurricane!” Noivern reached its wings far back before fanning them forward, a massive gale barreling at Oricorio, picking up most of the Spikes along the way. Oricorio screeched in fright as it prepared to fly away, but it only managed to get a couple of feet off the ground before it got itself pulled inside, much to Kahili’s horror. Both trainers watched as Oricorio was thrown about, the bird only strong enough to avoid the numerous airborne Spikes that came flying in its direction, causing itself to tumble about in every direction. As the winds began to die down, most of the Spikes were thrown from the twister and outside the platform, where they fell and clattered to the space beneath it. With its calibration completely thrown off, Oricorio fell hard to the ground, a sight that made both Kahili and Alice jolt. As it picked itself back up, Kahili was even more aghast to see her Pokémon sway and run backwards and forwards as it struggled to keep its balance. “Ha!” Alice honked. “Now your Pokémon gets to know what it’s like to be confused!” Kahili scrunched her lips in a forceful frown. “She won’t be the only one! Oricorio, use Teeter Dance.” Tightening all focus into its head, Oricorio appeared to find the strength in its legs to keep itself straight. It then began to swing and wave its arms in seductive, passionate motions as its walked about and twirled to its own beat. Though it stumbled with each change of direction, Noivern was already entranced by Oricorio’s moves. As it continued watching, its head bobbed and swung to and fro as it matched the bird’s motions. By the time Oricorio had finished, Noivern found itself dizzied by what it had just witnessed. “Oh, of course!” Alice roared up to the ceiling. “Just couldn’t let me have that one!” “I don’t give my opponent’s anything!” Kahili bellowed. “Their victory is only theirs to grasp! Oricorio, attack Noivern with Air Slash!” “Noivern, attack Oricorio with Dragon Pulse!” Noivern’s mouth charged up with a bright blue aura as Oricorio vibrated its wings, the air becoming visible on both sides of its feathers. With its head still unable to keep straight, Noivern tilted its head down and fired its attack into the ground in front of it, the resulting blast throwing it off its feet and wings and onto its back. With its opponent incapacitated, Oricorio excitedly ran forward to get its target from closer up. Upon tripping on its own toes, Oricorio frantically swung its arms about, shooting its own attack into the ground. From the resulting burst of force, Oricorio was thrown up before weakly falling back down. Alice cocked her head into her shrugged right shoulder. “At least we both hurt ourselves.” “And we most certainly won’t win on that alone!” Kahili spoke. “Oricorio, Air Slash, again!” “No! Noivern, you got this! Hit her with Dragon Pulse!” Noivern’s mouth filled with its draconic aura once again, not seeming to notice as the claw on its left wing shifted away. With the new lack of support, Noivern fell forward onto its chest, forcing it to discharge its attack early, causing it to explode into its maw. Alice screamed as her Pokémon’s head rested on the ground, smoke billowing from its nose and the corners of its mouth. Oricorio, refusing the urge to hurt itself again, stood still as it collected air upon its wings. With a controlled spin, the bird sent two of its condensed wind blades flying out, one hitting Noivern above the right eye while the other struck it on the left side of its back. With pain shooting through its body, Noivern cried out as it flung itself onto all fours. Alice reached out for her Pokémon just as it began to violently shake its head. Once its stopped, it fixed its gaze on Kahili’s Oricorio, its body and head now completely stable. Kahili’s eyes shrank. “Oh no…” “I don’t think you’re going to have enough time for another Teeter Dance!” Alice taunted. “Okay, Noivern, for real this time! Finish off Oricorio with Dragon Pulse!” With its head and eyes still, blue, fiery energy swelled from Noivern’s mouth for a third time. “Oricorio,” Kahili shouted, “dodge it!” Oricorio began to take flight, changing directions every second or so as it tried to evade Noivern’s oncoming attack. Noivern kept its Dragon Pulse attack in its maw as it studied Oricorio’s flight patterns. Finding its mark, Noivern shot its attack out right where Oricorio was headed. Too scared to attempt to register it, Oricorio took the attack dead center, blasting it off toward the wall behind Kahili. With a loud crash of rock, Kahili turned around to find her Pokémon stuck in the wall, only its right wing and left leg twitching, the only effort it could muster to free itself before going still. Alice breathed out excitedly, getting Noivern’s attention. “Nineteen down…” Alice reached her hand out, prompting Noivern to gently slap the palm with its wing. “…one to go.” Once the red beam of Kahili’s Ultra Ball brought her Pokémon back inside, she turned around just as Noivern and Alice turned to face her. Though her Pokémon looked bruised and battered, there was no doubt in its mind or its trainer’s that Alice was going to be the one coming out of this battle victorious. Glancing back at the teleportation pad behind her, Kahili took a deep calming breath, knowing there was only one thing left for her to do. Turning back, Kahili gave her opponent a smile as she took out her last Ultra Ball from her belt. “Okay Alice, let’s finish this battle right! Come on, Toucannon! Time to end this!” Kahili tossed her ball, it opening up to unleash her Toucannon once again, who tentatively fluttered about in the air as it wondered where Kahili’s Skarmory’s Spikes had gone. “Speed’s on our side, girl!” Alice shouted. “Noivern, hit Toucannon with Boomburst!” With the air inside Noivern’s ears vibrating, Toucannon took notice and immediately grounded itself, bracing for impact. Two pulses of sonic energy detonated out from the dragon’s ears, quickly spreading out along the platform and crashing into Toucannon hard enough to swipe it off its talons. Flipping about, Toucannon managed to control itself and fly into the force, flying forward again once it faded. “Good job, Toucannon!” Kahili called. “Now, hit Noivern with Rock Blast!” Toucannon soared up toward the ceiling with the tip of its beak aimed right at it. Crashing up into it, Toucannon dislodged a large chunk of rock from the wall as it fell down to the ground. Toucannon pushed off the ceiling and dove down faster than gravity could pull the rock down. Toucannon then reduced its speed to let the boulder catch up, and with a jerk of its head, the bird batted the rock against its beak in Noivern’s direction. Noivern could not react fast enough, the stone hitting its chest hard enough to break into many pieces. With a weak groan, Noivern wobbled about before tipping onto its side, fainting the moment its body landed. Alice drew another sigh. To watch another Pokémon of hers fall, no matter how close to victory she was, was not something that she could ever take lightly. It didn’t change the fact though that her last Pokémon would be one that Kahili could not defeat, especially in this state. After returning Noivern to its ball, putting it onto her belt, and removing the Poké Ball of her final Pokémon, Alice smiled a toothy smile, excited to see how the battle would end. “This is it, Kahili!” Alice lobbed her ball up and down into her hand. “Last one for each of us.” “No need to keep building suspense!” Kahili crossed her arms with playful impatience. “It seems that the Pokémon you hold in your hand is certain to lead you to victory!” “Damn straight.” Alice threw her ball out. “Raichu, let’s finish this!” As the ball opened up, Kahili couldn’t help but appear nervous as Alice’s surfing psychic rodent soared out from the ball and made laps around the platform. Even Toucannon’s indignant squint couldn’t help but appear as though it knew its battle was a losing one. Kahili clenched her fists as Raichu came to Alice at its preferred spot. “Come on, Toucannon! We’re not giving up! Not even now!” Kahili crossed her arms in front of her face, piquing Alice and Raichu’s intrigue as her Z-Ring brightened up, her Toucannon jolting in alertness as both of their minds linked. After putting her arms down and crossing them out, Toucannon doing the same thing with its wings, both trainer and Pokémon flapped their arms up and out to the side. Upon putting their arms back down, Kahili and Toucannon fell into squats before shooting up straight and punching their left fists skyward. Alice grinned as she watched Kahili’s Z-Power shoot sideways out of her back as moved in to infuse with her Pokémon. “Looks like you read my mind!” Alice also crossed her arms over her face, her Z-Ring sparking up. With Alice and Raichu putting their arms down and crossing them out, they swung their arms to the right before turning to the left on bended knees and bent their arms and hands into the shape of a lightning bolt. Four streams of Z-Power shot from Alice’s shoulder and elbows as it arced over her and shot into Raichu, who groaned in sheer comfort as it felt the warmth and tingle of the energy now coursing through its body. With both their Pokémon flaring with the Z-Power’s aura, Kahili’s eyes could not be open wider from the anticipation. “Two dueling Z-Moves? What a way to end a battle!” “What a way to win one!” Alice threw a pointed finger out at Toucannon with all her might. “Raichu!” “Toucannon!” “Attack with Stoked Sparksurfer!” “Attack with Supersonic Skystrike!” Toucannon jumped off the platform, shattering the glass beneath it as it shot like a rocket up to the ceiling. With all of Raichu’s Z-Power channeling into the underside of its tail, it swung around Alice and flew toward the holographic barrier behind her. Running alongside it, bright plasma flowed down and out around the tail, forming a wave that Raichu rode. As the wave crested and formed a tube, Raichu shot through the center of it just as it crashed down. Raichu broke through, its entire body now sparking brilliantly as it banked up, ready to take Toucannon on. Reaching the ceiling and flipping about, Toucannon pushed off and dove down, a hot cone forming around the tip of its beak. Raichu got lower on its tail-board as Toucannon brought its wings in tighter, both Pokémon picking up their already tremendous speeds. Both Pokémon collided with one another, producing a bright, white star with volts of electricity whipping about in every direction that Alice and Kahili stared up at in sheer wonder. Finally, the star’s energy exploded out and instantly evaporated, Raichu flying out the other end of it while Toucannon fell to the ground, it’s wings limply splayed out as it failed to break its fall. Kahili reached up with her Toucannon’s Ultra Ball and caught it on its red beam before it could hit the ground. As she looked at the front of her ball contemplatively, Raichu swung around her closely, the leftover static on its body forcefully spinning her around to face Alice as her Pokémon returned to her. Matting her frizzled hair back down, Kahili watched as Alice caught and hugged her Pokémon and twirled about with it, celebrating their final victory against the Elite Four. As she approached the pair, she took the remote from her jacket and pressed the green button on it, disabling the barrier, mending the breaks in the floor, and turning the teleportation pad on behind her. Upon hearing the device whir on, Alice and Raichu turned toward it, their pupils widening. “The pad! Come on, Raichu! We have a champion to face!” As Alice quickly returned Raichu into its ball, Kahili stopped before her. “Alice, wait!” Alice jerked her head toward her once she put the ball back onto her belt. “Kahili? What is it?” “Before you go, I just wanted to say…” She then reached her hand forward. “It’s been an honor battling you. I know I gave you a hard time throughout it, but you braved through, and for that you have my deepest respect.” Alice stared at the hand, and then at Kahili’s face, almost at a loss for words. With the desire to go through the portal seemingly on the back of her mind, Alice reached for her hand, and the two trainers gave each other a firm shake. “Thanks a lot again. For what it was worth, that was a pretty challenging match.” Kahili nodded, prepared for the trigger that would set her off. “Thank you, yourself. I wish you all the luck against the champion.” “Champion?” Upon realizing that the teleportation pad behind her was still on, Alice pulled her hand away as Kahili let go in the same instant. “The champion! I’m coming for you!” Kahili spun around as Alice made her way around her and sprinted for the teleportation pad. Alice slowed herself as she stepped on, disappearing in that same instant. Kahili then began to walk toward the pad at a slow, leisurely pace. She was certain that Sam would be stepping on soon himself. > Chapter 98 – A Part of Equestrian History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice appeared on a teleportation pad, but her surroundings were remarkably different. Rather than the mere glow of the fluorescent lights lighting the path and the ceiling, she found herself inside of a much taller room with a large glass dome that showed nothing but the pristine blue sky above her. Directly in front of her was a long stairway up to a platform at the very top. Though she was seemingly alone, she stepped off of it and put her foot on the first step as she cupped a hand over her mouth. “Sam?!” When a few moments passed without an answer, Alice began to chuckle as she took another step up and then another. She soon began to jog up, the literal end to her and her brother’s journey in plain sight. That was when she heard the zap of the pad behind her. Spinning around, she saw Sam standing there as he observed his new surroundings like she did. Upon sighting her a quarter of the way up the stairs, he jolted in shock before he began to run. Alice shrieked as she made her way up as fast as she could. With Sam going up the stairs two by two, he quickly gained on her. “Sam! Screw you and your long legs!” “Bless me and my long legs!” Sam shouted back. “I’m gonna’ face the champion!” “No you’re not!” Alice began to run up the stairs every other step like her brother, but her speed was still not enough to match his. With only less than a dozen steps left, Sam and Alice were nearly neck and neck. Upon reaching the top, each of them stared at each others’ feet to see who stepped on first. “Haha!” Alice cheered, coming to a stop. “I beat you!” “Like hell you did!” Sam shouted back. “I overtook you!” “Then how did I get here first?” “You didn’t!” “You know what? You can cry about it all you want, but I’m going ahead and facing the…” As Alice turned around and stepped further onto the platform, she found her words trailing off as she and Sam suddenly realized who was on the throne. Standing on either side of it was Gladion and Lillie, while Sun sat on the throne with his legs spread commandingly wide. The three of them were wearing similarly white-and-light-blue outfits. Sun and Lillie sporting formal clothing while Gladion’s was more casual and a bit sporty. Their appearance, along with their appearances, only served to greatly confuse Sam and Alice. “Sun, Lillie,” Sam sputtered. “Gladion! What are you all doing here?” “Don’t tell me that you’re still the champion after all this time!” Alice shouted. Sun chuckled as he ran his hand along the armrests of his seat. “I remember the rush I felt when I became the first ever person to formally sit in this chair as champion. But to answer your question, Alice, those days are long behind me.” As Sun stood up from the throne and approached the siblings, Sam looked to Lillie and Gladion, his eyes begging them for an explanation. “Then… if you’re not the champion, who is?” Sun stopped in front of Sam and put his hand on his shoulder. “You’ll find that out in due time, but now that you and Alice are both here, there’s something very important that we’d like you to come with us for.” “Come with…” Alice began to back away, flustered by everything she was hearing. “Why are we– Where even–?” “We understand that this is the last thing you expected to find upon coming here,” Lillie explained, “but once everyone else arrives, we’ll be ready to go.” “Everyone else?” As if to finally answer one of Sam and Alice’s many questions, several zaps sounded off from below, him and her sister turning toward the stairway down to the teleportation pad. Along with the sounds of footsteps approaching them, more zaps followed. Once the noises of the teleportation pad stopped, Sam and Alice stared open-mouthed and wide-eyed as Hau came walking up the stairs. Following him were the other Kahunas and the Trial Captains, including Kaj, Dexio, Acerola, Molayne, and Kahili. Hau in particular made his way to Sun, the two platonically hugging each other. “Good to see you, man,” Hau groaned through Sun’s squeeze. “Same,” Sun replied. Sam and Alice spun back around, watching as Hau moved from a handshake with Gladion to another hug with Lillie. “Seriously!” Alice shouted. “What is going on here?” Hapu stepped forward, her hands held behind her back in canned coyness. “I, ahah… may have also told Sun and his pals about your plans for challenging the League after we battled.” “So that’s why you were so curious,” Sam pushed his bottom lip out a little. “Sheesh, and to think that you were genuinely interested.” “Don’t be like that, Sam!” Kaj giggled. “We all wanted to see you battle for the championship!” “And as eager as my friends and I are to see to it,” Sun replied, “there’s some… business, per se, that we need to conduct beforehand. I’m guessing everyone is here?” Hau nodded. “Haven’t lost anyone at the Pokémon Center as far as I know!” “Perfect.” Sam and Alice both watched as Sun pulled a phone similar to the one used during the EarthQuestria demonstration from his pants pocket, browsing through it until he opened up an app with the company logo as its icon. After unlocking the app with a fingerprint scan and hitting a green phone button icon on the lower corner of his screen, a single dialtone rung from it before the person on the other line picked it up. “Sun!” Sam and Alice suddenly perked up, the voice sounding incredibly familiar. “Are they here? Is everyone–” “Yes, Twilight. Everyone is here. We’re ready to be sent now.” “You got it. Just give us a few moments and you’ll be on your way!” “Thanks a lot.” Ending the call, Sun put the phone back into his pocket before motioning everyone to come closer with his fingers. “Everyone, closer to the center please.” “Wait!” Alice panted, standing still as everyone began to gather. “We’re going to Equestria?” “Yes,” Gladion answered. “Celestia hoped that we'd all be in attendance for what she has planned.” “Does…” Sam’s lip quivered as his eyes glistened. “Does that mean…?” “Starlight and Fluttershy will also be present. Now please, all together now.” As the rest of the people crowded around, Sam and Alice beamed at each other as they stood outside the group. To their surprise, the platform beneath them began to whir and glow brighter. As well, the light fixtures along the inside of the railing around the platform began to light up too. “Be sure to stand up straight and strong,” Lillie advised to the two siblings, “and you’ll be just fine.” Sam and Alice then noticed an even brighter glow coming from beneath them, the Poké Ball shaped outline of the platform now being replaced by an arcane symbol. “That’s okay, Lillie,” Sam coughed with a smile, “we’ve made this journey before.” Rays of light shone out from the circle and the lights on the banister, soon rising high enough and growing thick enough that Sam and Alice could no longer see past them, their vision now filled with pure white. Soon, they found the weight on their feet getting heavier as the platform-turned-teleportation-pad prepared to send them to another world; a world that they could hardly wait to step foot in again. With an even harder tug downward, gravity suddenly returned to normal and the lights quickly faded away. Rather than the champion’s chambers they had first stood in, Sam and Alice now found themselves inside a large, round, white room. Stadium seats lined the walls, and the floor was marked with painted yellow lines that formed a queue up to the platform. On four corners along the outside of the teleportation platform were four kiosks, each one being ran by two humans, two ponies, or one of each. Upon seeing the humans on the platform arrive safely, Twilight took off her safety goggles and zipped out from one of the kiosks, landing before her numerous, surprised guests. “Yes, you all made it!” Sam and Alice’s bodies felt twice as light as they were finally face to face with the purple alicorn once again. They stood still as Acerola stepped forward with a wide smile to give her friend a long-awaited embrace. “It’s so good to see you again, Twilight,” Acerola croaked. “And you’re growing your hair back!” she commented back. “I like it very much!” “Hold on!” Alice blurted. “The champion’s arena is an EarthQuestria center, too?” Sun responded with a single nod. “While there’re still the EarthQuestria centers in each region, the Pokémon League at Mount Lanakila has it’s own private teleportation pad that the champion and the members of the Elite Four can use any time.” “Any…” Sam feverously rubbed his hands together. “Now I really need to win this…” “And here are the two guests of honor!” Twilight turned her attention to Sam and Alice before the two approached her and smothered her with a hug. “Well, I mean, you’re all our honored guests today, but… I mean, you two have got your big championship match coming up! Are you excited? How’d you all do against the League?” “Well…” Sam shrugged his shoulder and mildly swung his arms, “we beat ‘em all, and now all we have left is the champion!” “Excellent! I knew you’d be able to!” “And hold on,” Alice interrupted, “did you say match, as in singular?” “Twilight,” Gladion lightly spat from behind, “as much as we’d like for everyone to catch up, the shorter we keep Celestia waiting, the faster we can let these kids battle.” “I’m sorry,” Twilight nervously chuckled, “you’re absolutely right. Everyone, if you could just follow me!” Twilight walked over to the gateway exit from the teleportation platform, which began to open on its own. Sam and Alice were the first to keep up with her, the other trainers following them in rows of two. Walking around the platform toward a large metal door, Twilight charged the magic in her horn to cover a touchpad beside the door in a similar aura. With a picture of Twilight appearing on it with a green, affirmative box around it and a message reading “TWILIGHT SPARKLE: MAGICAL SIGNATURE APPROVED” below it, the door began to partly open for the group to exit. As Twilight, Sam and Alice turned the corner into a large, spacious lobby lit by the sunlight streaming through massive windows lining the walls, they found a large crowd of Equestrians awaiting them, the group comprised of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Comfey, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Starlight, Lady, Discord, Thorax, Chrysalis, Trixie, Shining Armor, Cadance, Sunburst, Flurry Heart, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Capper, Skystar, Celaeno, her crew, Ember, as well as the Pillars of Equestria, Celestia, and Luna. Though at first a little confused, Sam and Alice also noticed Flannery standing amongst the Equestrians, greeting them with a wave. Among those who Sam didn’t recognize included the large red stallion who only Alice seemed to identify along with a trio of fillies: a yellow earth pony, a white unicorn, and an orange pegasus, each one with a shield-shaped cutie mark with red, pink, and purple stripes. Upon Sam, Alice, and the other humans appearing from the teleportation terminal, the Equestrians erupted into cheers, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash among them holding up poles carrying a large banner over their entire group reading, “Welcome, future champion!” At once, the eyes of each individual human drew themselves to a pony that they remembered, grinning and laughing with teary eyes to see their friends once again. Sam, upon finding Starlight in the group, couldn’t hold up his smile any longer, and with an overwhelmed frown, he began to jog up toward her, prompting Alice to do the same. Seeing Sam and Alice approach, Starlight and Fluttershy galloped to them with wet eyes, throwing themselves onto the siblings and making them fall to their knees. Putting an arm around each of their backs, Sam and Alice pulled them close as their tears fell to the floor. Lady and Comfey approached from the sides, embracing them with their feelers and tail, respectively. Sam tried to speak words, but they only came out as blubbered sobs. “We know,” Fluttershy tearfully squealed, patting Sam’s back, “we missed you too!” The other humans and Equestrians could no longer wait themselves, and they too began to approach their friends in their long-awaited reunion. Olivia knelt down to Applejack and Rarity as both ponies hugged her around the chest and neck. “Oh, Olivia darling!” Rarity wailed. “How great it is to finally see you again!” Olivia nodded as she forced her lips shut to keep them from betraying their quivering. “Same, sugar…” The red stallion and three fillies approached the three, already smiling fondly at the human whom they already knew much about. Seeing them approach, Applejack got off of Olivia and motioned toward the other four ponies. “Olivia, this is my brother Big Macintosh, my sister Apple Bloom, and her two friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo! Guys, this is Olivia. She’s the one who kept Rarity and I safe while we were, *ahem* away from home.” “Eeyup!” Big Macintosh walked up to Olivia as she stood and offered her his hoof to shake. “And please, my friends call me Big Mac. My sis had quite the kind word to say about you, and I just want to personally thank you for everything you’ve done for her.” “Nothing gave me more pleasure,” Olivia responded. “Wow!” Scootaloo breathed out as her and her two friends surrounded her. “She’s way cooler than you guys described!” “Oh really?” Olivia smirked to Applejack and Rarity and put her hands to her hips. “And how exactly did you two describe me?” As Applejack and Rarity looked away, nervously rubbing their arms, Olivia’s smile got wider and more comfortable. “Relax, I’m just messing with you! Follow me, I’ll introduce you to some other friends of mine.” Applejack and Rarity blew a sigh of relief as she followed Olivia through the merging of the two groups as Big Mac and the three fillies followed them. As Sam, Alice, and their friends continued to hug, Alice was tapped on the shoulder, and as she looked up, she saw Fizzlepop and Grubber standing in front of her, with Celaeno, Capper, Ember and Skystar all behind her. Alice patted Sam’s back before she stood up to allow Fizzlepop to stand on her hind legs and give a hug to her friend. “It’s so good to see you again!” Fizzlepop whispered contently. Alice rubbed up and down her back as she nodded in agreement. Sam, seeing the friends he made in his and Alice’s arrival in Equestria, approached Celaeno first, shaking hands before they put their arms around each other’s backs, nuzzling into each other. “Looks like life’s been treating you well,” she said to him. “It certainly is now,” he croaked. As Flannery approached, Alice let Fizzlepop down as she turned her way toward her. “Flannery? How’d you get here?” “I mean,” she said sheepishly, “they asked if I wanted to be their guinea pig for the Mauville EarthQuestria center, and I mean, how could I refuse? Also, they really wanted me to come for this…” “Well, it’s good to have you!” Alice and Flannery shook each others hands, looking intensely into each others’ eyes. As Dexio walked through, Ember, Capper, and Skystar cheered his arrival as the Pillars approached him too. “Dexio, my friend,” Starswirl spoke, “it is truly great to once again be in your company!” “Ditto.” Dexio knelt to the wizened unicorn and held out his new, mechanical hand, something that took him and the others around him by surprise. “Your hand!” Starswirl was even more shocked to see it close around his outstretched hoof and shake it so dexterously. “It’s as good as new!” “Eh, I’m still getting a bit used to it.” Capper reached to Dexio and helped pull him up back onto his feet, taking the opportunity to feel his new appendage. “Mmm, nice! Come on, you need to show Celaeno! She’s gonna’ flip!” Meanwhile, Olivia, Applejack, Rarity, and Big Mac stood around Hau as he knelt down in front of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. After petting Scootaloo down her neck to the center of her back, the three fillies leapt onto the young Kahuna and smothered him with affection, Hau catching all three to keep them close. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came toward the group with Gladion, the former pony perking up upon seeing the three fillies, who Hau let go to let them speak with her. “There you all are! Girls, this is a really close friend of ours, Gladion! We had a few bumps getting to know each other, but he’s a seriously awesome dude!” “Cool!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “How many Team Prism butts did you kick?!” Gladion chuckled as he squatted down close to their level. “Not nearly enough of them.” “Well, thanks to you and your friends,” Apple Bloom spoke up, “Equestria is safe, and as a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I’d like to say thank you on all our behalves!” “You’re very much welcome.” Gladion put his hand down toward her, and after she stared at it, a little awestruck, Apple Bloom smiled wide as she found the courage to put her hoof out and shake the hero’s hand. Celestia and Luna stood close-by as they watched human and Equestrian alike continue their reunions. Finally, the two nodded to each other, feeling as though they had been given enough time. Celestia cleared her throat, a gesture that received little attention. “My fellow Equestrians, my esteemed human guests!” Now, all heads were turned toward her, the room’s echo quickly dying down so that only her voice would ring out. “Though gladdened to see you all reunite with your friends once again, we promise that you will have plenty of time to socialize at tonight’s banquet. As for now, we ask that you follow my sister and I to the Canterlot palace, where there is something that we wish to show you and the rest of our audience. Come, please.” Celestia and Luna walked over to the large exit doors prompting the humans and Equestrians closest to her to begin following her outside. Once it was their turn to move, Sam and Alice followed the group with Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon all alongside them. Starlight trotted out just a bit further to get Sam’s attention in the lower corners of his peripherals. “So… glad to be back?” Sam chuckled, the clear goodwill in her joke noted. “Extremely.” Fluttershy hopped ahead forward. “How’ve your other trials gone? You’ve defeated the Pokémon League already, haven’t you?” “You better believe we did!” Alice purred. “Can’t wait to tell you all about it!” “To be fair,” Starlight butted in, “we have a little bit of a walk until we reach the palace. You can tell us all about it along the way.” Sam drew a sigh. “I’d like nothing more than that!” With the few rows of people and Equestrians in front of them heading out through the doorway, Sam breathed in deep as he readied himself for his first exposure to the Equestrian sun, which hung high in the peerless blue sky. Hundreds of ponies, some of whom were dressed in aristocratic clothing, and a handful of human photographers lined the edges of the Canterlot palace hallways as they murmured amongst each other, unsure of when the event they came for was going to begin. Along the walls, roughly ten feet apart, several stained glass window displays were visible, many of which depicted Twilight and her friends defeating several creatures, among them Discord himself. The window most of the spectators seemed to keep turning up to was draped in a thick curtain that not even the sunlight could shine through, which faced the intersection leading further into the palace. Finally, the doors loudly creaked, drawing the attentions of everyone in their vicinity toward them. With the handles encased in the unmistakable yellow glow of Celestia’s magic, the ponies’ whispers turned to excited clamoring and cheers as the doors came open, revealing Celestia, Luna, and the integrated groups of Equestrians and humans on the other side. Celestia and Luna continued to lead everyone further through the hall and the cloaked window overlooking it. The humans glanced about at their audience, who displayed a wide display of emotions, among them doubt and intrigue. The vast majority of the gathered ponies appeared to be in an optimistic uproar, filling the humans with much needed comfort. With camera flashes also flaring out from within the crowd, it only inspired the group further to keep up their smiles. Upon reaching the center of the main hall branching out to the left and right, Celestia and Luna stepped aside on either side and allowed the humans and Equestrians to stand at the intersection and fill the space. Big Mac began usher Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo over to the side to join the rest of the crowd, the four of them squeezing in between the others. Once everyone human and Equestrian alike had been gathered and was standing still, Celestia and Luna both flashed their horns with soft, but noticeable light, prompting the ponies to quiet down and let their leaders speak. “Greetings fillies and gentlecolts…” Celestia then cleared her throat again “…ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome the heroes of the world of Pokémon to the land of Equestria!” More cheering erupted from the crowds, along with the flashes and clicks of cameras and their shutters. Luna raised her hoof up, effortlessly commanding silence among them all. “Over a month ago,” Celestia resumed, “when a terrible accident pulled my former student Twilight Sparkle and seven of her close friends to this then unfamiliar world, these humans found the bravery and kindness within them to keep them safe and attempt to bring them back home where they belonged. Unbeknownst to us then, this was the work of an ancient evil that my sister and I thought we had defeated so long ago, an evil named… Necrozma. “After more Equestrians found their way to the world of Pokémon,” she said, slyly turning her gaze in Sam and Alice’s direction, “and three particular humans found themselves in Equestria, it took the combined efforts of the Equestrians, along with these humans and their creature companions they call Pokémon, to finally end Necrozma’s reign of terror once and for all, and today, we formally celebrate the efforts that led us to this victory.” Celestia and Luna both charged their horns, each grabbing an inner end of the curtain keeping the window behind it hidden. With steady pulls, sunlight shone brightly through the colored glass as more of the image formed from it was revealed. Once the two regal alicorn sisters had unveiled the entire window, another set of cheers and camera flashes rung out from the crowds, which Celestia and Luna allowed to persist while the others could marvel at the image the window presented. Appearing bigger and wider than any of the windows on either side of it, the Equestrians and humans were quick to notice both Hau’oli City and Canterlot crafted in the backgrounds of the image. On the Hau’oli Side, the humans and Equestrians eagerly pointed themselves out upon spotting their likeness in the image. On the left Hau’oli city side, looking up at Necrozma who took up the upper center portion of the window, were Twilight and her seven closest friends, Shining Armor, Discord, Trixie, Chrysalis, Cocoon, Thorax, along with Sun, Lillie, Gladion, Professor Kukui, each of the Trial Captains, Flannery, the Elite Four, Kaj and Nanu, who Acerola sniffed and applauded at with a saddened grimace. Swirling around from behind and toward Necrozma in beams of bright yellow light were Hau and Hapu. “Sam, Sam!” Alice gripped Sam’s shoulder and pointed out at the right Canterlot side, spotting themselves beneath Necrozma alongside Dexio. Joining the three humans on the window were the seven Pillars of Equestria, Celestia, Luna, Fizzlepop, Grubber, Ember, Capper, Skystar, Celaeno, and her crew. Soaring in at Necrozma from the right in a symmetrical fashion to Hau and Hapu were Olivia and Guzma. Even with their images permanently emblazoned on this tremendous piece of art, the sheer size and scope of it left every creature able to see it clearly in complete awe. “For your indomitable courage and the love and friendship shared between you,” Celestia boomed, prompting the audience to calm back down, “you are now a part of Equestrian history forever!” With the speech concluded, the crowd surrounding Sam, Alice, and the numerous friends they’ve made all cheered even louder than before, the cacophony almost deafening now. Sam, Alice, and the others also joined in, wanting to give their thanks and appreciation to each other as well. Sam leaned his face close to Alice’s ear. “I think it’s safe to say we’ve made it.” “Yeah,” Alice shouted over the ongoing applause. “Totally!” With the clapping and cheers going on without an end in sight, Sam and Alice looked around each other, watching as their other friends also looked up at the other humans and Equestrians who helped them get to where they were in that moment. Though spirits were high and joy was saturating the room, Sam and Alice began to take deep breaths through their mouths, knowing that they’d soon come close to the end of their own journey. Celestia and Luna began to flash their horns again, rendering the crowd silent once again. “However,” Luna spoke in, “this is not the only reason we have all gathered here on this day. After landing in the world of Pokémon, two Pokémon trainers saw fit to be the guardians of Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy upon landing on the same island as them. As these four friends searched tirelessly for the ponies’ other friends, these trainers had embarked on what is known as the Island Trials, making themselves and their Pokémon stronger along the way.” Sam and Alice suddenly noticed as the circle of friends surrounding them began to split apart, leaving them standing alone as the new center of attention. Looking left and right, the humans and Equestrians nodded acceptingly to them, ensuring them that this moment was theirs and theirs alone. “After encountering strong Pokémon of all shapes and sizes,” Luna continued, “after battling the revered Kahunas on each island, after fighting tooth and nail against the forces that saw to harm my little ponies, and after defeating the Pokémon League…” She suddenly stretched her head out and whispered to the two siblings. “You have beaten the trainers of the Pokémon League, right?” Sam and Alice both nodded affirmatively, prompting Luna to stand up straight again. “They have now reached the point of the final battle on their long, arduous journey, in which they will battle to attain the rank of Champion of Alola!” “Hold on!” The beginnings of more applause were killed instantly by Sam’s sudden inquiry. “We don’t even know who the champion is!” “Ha!” Guzma stepped out into sight and crossed his arms. “You two really haven’t figured it out yet?” Alice huffed out a laugh, Guzma’s remark all the confirmation she needed. Hau then stepped forward. “I was the last trainer to hold the rank of the Alolan champion. I stepped down after my gramps died and became the new Kahuna of Melemele Island. Not one trainer since has ever made it far enough to reach the throne again… until you two.” Sam’s mouth parted in mounting realization, one that his human and Equestrian friends could hardly get enough of at that moment. “So… that means…” “Yeah, Sam. Our championship battle… is with each other.” Sam’s breathing began to quicken ever so slightly, completely unprepared for this news. “We have made preparations for your battle at the ancient jousting coliseum,” Luna spoke. “For those who wish to attend the battle, you are free to make your way there now. As for you, Sam and Alice, once you and your Pokémon are all prepared, please make your way to the coliseum as well.” Alice nodded, and with some hesitation from Sam, he also tilted his head in understanding. “Very good. We shall await you.” With that, Celestia and Luna began to walk to the hallway exit they had just come from, passing Sam and Alice on either side. Once both princesses were out of sight, the crowds began to disperse and make their way out of the hallway, some staying behind to get a better look at the window. “Come on, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom began tugging on the stallion’s forearm as her two friends eagerly swung around to each side of her. “Let’s try and get good seats!” “Mmhm.” Big Mac led the three fillies down the hall, merging into the stream of ponies and people leaving. As Sam and Alice continued standing still, still paralyzed with bewilderment, Lillie weaved her way between the ponies to reach them. “There’s healing station at the EarthQuestria center. Follow me and we’ll take care of your Pokémon before your big battle!” “Yeah,” Alice sighed. “Totally.” Sam groaned as he and Alice began to walk behind Lillie on their way out. “Really wish I knew that before I healed my team up.” Alice jerked her head to him. “You seriously healed your Pokémon right after your last battle?” “What? It’s not like I knew we were going to be given a freebie or anything, yet alone that we were facing each other!” “Shame. If you just went and did it after, you would have beaten me up those stairs.” “Shut up.” Alice looked down and laughed to herself. As they neared the exit, Sam, Alice, and Lillie were folded into the masses of ponies as they converged through the doorway. > Chapter 99 – In Arms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A line was formed outside on the streets leading toward an ancient-looking stadium nestled into the side of the mountain that Canterlot was perched upon. Inside, nearly every seat was filled with the coliseum only getting fuller by the moment, the back of the queue just entering inside. Sitting along the center front rows of the right side were Sam and Alice’s human and Equestrian friends, who looked around at the last of the newly arriving ponies pouring in or down on the grassy ground of the arena where the diverse array of human camera crews and field reporters were set up and broadcasting on the battle that was about to commence, a few of them equipped with large drones set down by them and ready to fly. A middle-aged female reporter with short-brown hair wearing a turquoise vest, a light-green blouse underneath, and white pants tapped her microphone as she stood near the lower left corner of the arena. “Ty, am I coming in?” Her cameraman, sporting messy medium-length black hair held down by a backwards-facing dark-blue cap, a grey t-shirt, and baggy-jeans, gave her a thumbs-up with one hand with the other supporting the large camcorder on his right shoulder. Ty then looked down at a chord hanging from the back of his camera that was fed down into a small transceiver box displaying the EarthQuestria logo with a small antenna coming from the top with two finely-carved glowing blue crystals beside it. Pressing a button on a remote on the chord below the bud of his earpiece, Ty then held the remote close to his mouth. “You’re getting this?” “Can hear you loud and clear, Ty!” A voice spoke on the other end. “You both sound great!” After, brushing any stray dust off her clothes and shaking her body with a warbling sigh escaping her mouth, the reporter felt comfortable to start her broadcast. “Rolling?” With a small red light appearing on the camera and another thumbs-up from Ty, she began to speak. “Hello, Hoenn! This is your favorite field reporter Gabby speaking, live from the kingdom of Canterlot in the land of Equestria! Guys, it is truly an honor to be here, as we are just one of a handful of lucky news crews from across the globe who have been invited by the EarthQuestria foundation to hold the first interdimensional broadcast ever conducted! “From what we were told by one of EarthQuestria’s founders, Sun Smith, we are going to be capturing the Pokémon battle of Sam and Alice Brier, two young trainers originally from the Kalos region who had moved to the Alola region to conduct the famed Island Trials. After completing them together and supposedly defeating each of the four trainers in the region’s Pokémon League just hours ago, they are now going to be facing each other to fight for the title of Champion of Alola, which was last held by Melemele Island’s current Kahuna, Hau, before he stepped down to fill the role of Kahuna last held by his late grandfather Hala. “From where we’re standing, the stadium is looking to be getting pretty full, so we hopefully shouldn’t have to wait too much longer before the two trainers arrive and conduct their battle. We also hope to hold an exclusive interview with one or more of the siblings following the conclusion of their battle, so stay tuned everyone!” After ending the recording on his camera, Ty held the remote on his earphone chord back up to his face. “Got it?” “That was great, guys!” the voice on the other end assured them. “Going to commercial now. Hope to hear from you soon.” With their break announced, Ty blew a hard sigh from his pursed lips as he put his camera down beside the transceiver, walking up to his trusty reporter. Clasping their hands together and pulling themselves in for a pat of their fists on each others’ backs, Gabby and Ty celebrated what was certain to be a tremendous program. At Benji and Susan’s restaurant, many of the tables in the dining room had been parted to the side, the center now being taken up by a cart carrying a laptop that was placed beside a digital projector aimed at a large screen at the other end of the hall. A longer table was set up closer to the kitchen featuring a wide spread of appetizers, pre-mixed cocktails, and a large container of ice containing bottles of white wine and beer. While several people sat at the bar to watch the broadcast on the TV there, even more people filled the dining room and stood by the snacks, looking on as Benji ran through the input options, a blank and then blue screen seeming to flash on and off ad nauseum. With another press of the button, the image of a coliseum with a grassy floor appeared, one of the patrons snatching Benji’s arm as he instinctually prepared to hit the button again. “Whoa-ho! Hold on, I think you got it!” A round of cheers erupted around Benji, prompting Susan to walk in from the lobby to see the video playing as it was supposed to. With a sigh of relief, she heard the front door come open as more guests uncertainly walked in. “Come in, everyone!” she called out, motioning them forward as she stepped backwards into the dining room. “Just grab a drink and a plate and get yourselves comfortable!” Benji stared at the screen, awaiting the moment that he could see both of his children. With the stadium more or less full, there was nothing for the Equestrians and humans to do except wait for their friends to emerge so they could begin their battle. “Ooh…” Fluttershy whimpered with her body trembling. “How much longer is it going to be? The suspense might literally be killing me!” “Okay?” Ember turned around and pointed to the pegasus, making her jolt in fright. “You need to relax! You worrying about them coming isn’t going to make them come any faster!” “Sorry!” Pinkie Pie’s voice was heard shouting. “Pardon me!” Looking over to the left, each of the humans and Equestrians were aghast to see only a pink body and a pink pair of legs behind a titanic mountain of concessions including multiple boxes of popcorn, cotton candy on sticks, a couple of trays of nachos, and several cardboard trays carrying soft drinks, all somehow balanced atop each other. As the ponies that Pinkie Pie passed got as low and as out of her way as possible, Twilight stood up from her spot and charged her horn. With the magic covering each item Pinkie Pie tried to carry, they floated out of her grasp and spread out directly above her other friends. “Woo!” The pink pony shouted. “Thanks for the help, Twilight! I actually didn’t plan for a way to pass all those out!” Pinkie Pie began to pluck cups, boxes, and trays from the air and began passing them out to her human and Equestrian friends, some of whom appeared less eager than most to accept a snack. “You do know this match isn’t going to last for that long, do you?” Plumeria asked her before taking a sip of the soda she was given. “On second thought, this’ll really hit the spot. Actually, yeah, can I have one of those popcorns?” Pinkie Pie and Twilight worked together to pass food and drinks around, Guzma reaching out at one of the trays of nachos coming his way. Upon also grabbing his drink, he looked down on the tray of tortilla chips and built-in cup of gooey, melted cheese. “What?” he jestingly sneered. “No hot peppers?” A blue magic aura floated toward Guzma’s face which held onto a paper cup of jalapeño peppers kept closed by a plastic lid. Looking at Starlight, who turned back to look at him, Guzma smiled thankfully upon the pink unicorn winking at him, getting to work on taking the lid off right after. Sam and Alice stepped up near the exit to the gateway that would lead them out into the arena with Lillie standing between them. Standing and leading on either side of the walls were Sun and Gladion, who turned and perked up upon seeing Lillie and the two trainers arrive. Both Sun and Gladion briskly walked up to them. “Ah, good!” Sun spoke. “You made it alright.” “Hard to see why not,” Sam responded. “The whole of Canterlot must be in here; this city’s a ghost town now.” Alice peered past Sun and Gladion, looking into the arena and finding a couple of the camera crews set up outside. “Uh, guys? Are you filming this?” “Hold on! You’re filming this?!” Sun looked back, seeing that the cameras were indeed more noticeable than he thought. “We wanted to run an official test of interdimensional broadcasting; see if we can send signals to and from Equestria in real-time. Sorry you had to find out this way, but hey, look on the bright side!” Sun gently slapped Sam’s shoulder. “You get to make history twice today!” Gladion grimaced as Sun’s attempt at sating Sam only served to make him more nervous. “Not to mention, we personally ensured that your parents were made aware of the broadcast, so they’re probably watching you right now.” Alice gasped as Sam breathed more slowly in, already feeling a little better, something that made both Gladion and Lillie smile. “Are you two ready?” Lillie asked. “If you’re not, we can give you a few more minutes and–” “No, no!” Sam waved his hand frantically. “If I have to wait any longer, I might just get cold feet. No, it’s now or never, do or die, so let’s do this!” Sam punched his fist into his hand before he and Alice tapped their fists together, ready to take their final step together. Sun nodded as he brought out his EarthQuestria phone from his pocket. “Great. I’ll let the reporters and the announcer know, and we can get this show on the road.” “Now hold on!” Alice spoke up, her words ignored by Sun as he waited for the person on the other line. “There’s an announcer too?” “Hey! Sam and Alice are here, and they’ve confirmed they’re ready. Be sure to let the crews know so we can start this.” Sun hung the phone up and put it back into his pocket, looking out at Sam and Alice as they looked to him for their next instructions. “Just wait out here until they call you. Don’t worry, I’ll be joining you out there.” Sam and Alice nodded, satisfied with this information. With the gears now in irreversible motion, Sam and Alice just continued to breathe in and out, the mounting seconds of nothing but the crowds outside doing little to ease the anxiousness mounting inside of them. In Benji and Susan’s restaurant, the atmosphere had grown casual as another commercials came on the screen, the patrons chatting amongst themselves with small plates, glasses, or bottles in hand. Suddenly, the screen quickly faded to black, something that Susan noticed immediately. “Okay, everyone, everyone shut up! It’s on! It’s starting!” Sure enough, the screen faded back to an aerial shot of the Canterlot coliseum, the noise of the crowd being heard faintly below. A small burst of cheers came from the patrons, glad to see that the event they came for was finally starting. The first voice to be heard was the surprisingly monotone voice of a woman. “This is the Alolan Broadcasting Network, reporting to you live for the very first time from the land of Equestria.” “Come on, Sam, Alice,” Benji nervously whispered. “Come on, Sam, Alice.” In the arena, none of the humans or Equestrians sitting in the stands seemed to be aware of the start of the broadcast, continuing on with their thunderous mutterings. “Fillies and gentlecolts and ladies and gentlemen!” With the booming voice of an announcer blaring through the stadium from an unseen sound system, the audience began to immediately quiet down. “Are you all ready for the big battle?!” With the crowd shouting and cheering in reply, a blueberry-coated pegasus stallion with a wavy medium length mane and tail wearing a black jacket soared down from the sky and landed in the center of the circle chalked onto the middle of the arena. “Before we begin, please give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to our beloved princesses, Celestia and Luna!” With a swing of his arm toward the eastern side of the stadium, the audience spotted both Celestia and Luna coming into view on a balcony overlooking the field, screaming and applauding their arrival. Smiling, both rulers waved to their citizens in greeting before sitting down into two carved marble chairs set beside each other. “And now,” the announcer bellowed, “the moment you’re all here to see! These two humans helped save our world from certain destruction, and now, they’re here to have a battle to determine which one of them is going home the champion! Without further to do, put your hooves and hands together for Sam and Alice Brier!” With an even louder cheer, Sam and Alice took a deep breath as their raucous calls nudged them to step out from the safety and comfort of the gateway’s shade. With Sun already walking out between them, a small case held in one hand and a microphone in the other, Sam and Alice became suddenly compelled to follow him out, their appearance outside making the audience scream even louder. Sam and Alice looked about at their spectators; a vast, colorful sea of unfamiliar equine faces that only put more pressure upon them. Turning to their right, they spotted a large group acting noticeably roudier than the rest. Looking in their direction, they found the whole of their friends, proud, excited smiles and content, caring eyes on each of their faces. With the support they could virtually feel them giving, Sam and Alice felt a lot of their fright melt away from them. The announcer stepped aside to make room for Sam, Alice, and Sun as they walked into the center of the arena, ignoring the camera lenses boring into them from the sidelines. With a testing tap of his microphone, Sun stepped forward upon earing the harsh boom erupting from the phantom speakers, putting the device near his face. “Good afternoon, everyone!” he shouted, the audience quieting themselves. “Thank you all for coming! Before we begin this match, I would just like to remind everyone here that this battle you’re about to watch is perfectly safe for all involved. These Pokémon, the creatures that Sam and Alice control, are engaging in a tradition that’s been practiced for thousands of years. “These Pokémon are not tools, they are not weapons, and it would even be a tremendous stretch to call them pets. Sam and Alice’s Pokémon are friends first and foremost, and the battles they’ve engaged in up until this point are what made them as strong as they are today, and why they stand before all of you right now!” Putting the microphone down and turning back to Sam and Alice, the crowd began to cheer and applaud again as Sun hoisted his case up and opened it. Held inside the foam lining were two Full Restores and two Max Revives, which Sam and Alice seemed a little confused about at first. Sun put the microphone back up toward his mouth. “Sam, Alice. For your final battle, you will each be given one Full Restore and one Max Revive to use at any point during the match. I will also be officiating your battle to check on the statuses of each of your Pokémon throughout. Other than that, the best of luck to both of you.” Sam and Alice looked to Sun once more before reaching into the case and each taking both items offered to them. Sun closed the case and slightly bowed to both siblings before he jogged off to the sideline, the pegasus emcee trotting toward the gateway where Lillie and Gladion were observing. Now alone together, Sam and Alice faced each other once more before they prepared to take their places on the battlefield. Sam blew out a sigh, which Alice noticed as very shaky and unnerved. “Well… this is it.” “We’ve come a long way since battling from the porch of our house in Lumiose, right?” Sam forced a smile. “Haha, yep!” Alice stepped forward and placed her hand upon his shoulder, giggling. “Bro, relax! You and your Pokémon are going to be just fine. Hey, you earned this, all of you.” “Right.” He put his hand up to her. “All of us.” Alice nodded before shaking her brother’s hand, causing another ovation from the audience. “Knock ‘em dead, Sam.” “You too, Alice.” With their final words and well-wishes spoken to each other, Sam and Alice turned their backs to each other and began to pace backwards as they placed their Full Restores and Max Revives into their pockets. Seeing the marked-out box that he’d be standing in, Sam closed his eyes and counted the steps he took in his head, waiting for the number he felt he’d have to reach before he would finally stop and turn around. Upon counting to five, he opened his eyes; only two steps away. Stepping into the box, he spun around and took one step back beside his other foot, watching as Alice turned to the right and swung around to face Sam in the center of her space. Sam and Alice both put a hand on a Poké Ball on their belt, hardly able to believe that they each possessed five more than they had since the last time they faced each other. Glancing their eyes over to their friends, to a camera pointed in their direction, or up toward Celestia and Luna patiently awaiting the first move, the tension was impossibly taut between both brother and sister as they awaited for just one of them to break the stillness between them and toss out the first Poké Ball. Sam’s face contorted in a frown, unable to let any more time pass as he tore his ball off his belt and sent it flying toward the center circle. “Go, Aegislash!” The ball hit the grassy ground, unclasping open and getting launched back up with the stream of energy leaving it. As the ball flew back to Sam, the white energy formed into Sam’s shield-and-sword Pokémon. Save for Celestia, Luna, or any of Sam and Alice’s friends, every other pony in the stands was awash with awe and amazement with the never-before-seen-creature and the way Sam had summoned it. Alice smirked, reaching back for a different Poké Ball and throwing it forward. “You’re up first, Mimikyu!” Alice’s ball opened before it hit the ground, spilling out the white energy inside of it and forming into Alice’s disguised spirit creature on the field. Much like with Sam’s Pokémon, the vast majority of the audience was also aghast at the appearance of this new creature as well. “Of course, you’d send Mimikyu out first,” Sam huffed. “You were the one who sent out Aegislash first, bro!” Alice shouted. “You make your bed, you gotta’ lie in it! Mimikyu, attack Aegislash with Shadow Claw–” “Shadow Sneak!” Acerola loudly gasped as she sprung to her feet. She and her friends around her watched as Aegislash hopped out from the handle of its shield and swung the tip of its blade forward in Mimikyu’s direction, sending its shadow racing quickly along the ground. Just as Mimikyu unfurled its shadow arms from under its disguise, Aegislash’s shadow went directly beneath it and exploded upwards, the whiplash snapping the neck of its costume. “Sam…” Alice fearfully looked back to her brother, who was grinning confidently. “You…” “That’s right!” Sam exclaimed. “I secretly retaught Aegislash how to use Shadow Sneak so that it’d outmatch Mimikyu’s speed, not that I would tell you before now!” “So that’s why he didn’t use any Ghost-type moves on me!” Accerola shouted. “He didn’t want to take any chance that she’d find out!” “Hey!” Guzma gruffly yelled at her. “Down in front!” “Oops! Sorry, Guzma!” Acerola fell onto her bottom, leaning over to even further clear the view for those behind her. By now, Mimikyu had fallen back onto the ground, its disguise’s head now loosely hanging by the cloth that was its neck. “Come on, Alice!” Grubber yelled, hopping up to get his friend’s attention. “You can’t let tricks like that trip you up!” “He let Alice walk right into that,” Acerola whispered to herself, “and if there’s anyone who would know she’d take a bait like that, it’s him. There’s no doubt about it… Sam is playing this to win.” Still impressed by the ingenuity, Acerola huffed out a chuckle, a corner of her mouth sliding to her cheek in a grin. Mimikyu, it’s disguise busted, leaned out at Aegislash and screamed at it. Even with its size and location inside the spacious arena, its shrill, ear-shattering cries could be heard from the stands, a torrent of groans and wails coming from the audience as they covered their ears. Alice looked forward as she kept the bases of the palms of her hands pressed into the sides of her head. “Forget about it! You still have power too! Now hit him with Shadow Claw. Go!” Mimikyu let out another quieter scream as it charged out at Sam’s Pokémon as commanded. Leaping up off its shadow arms springing out from underneath itself, Mimikyu fell upon Aegislash and lashed across the broad side of its blade. The strike was strong enough to force Aegislash to dig the tip of its blade into the ground to keep itself from flying back into its trainer. Sam noticed his Pokémon pant, already hurt badly by the hit it took. “You may have busted Mimikyu’s disguise,” Alice called out, “but Shadow Sneak’s a way weaker move than Shadow Claw, and you won’t be able to land enough of those to take Mimikyu down before it takes your Aegislash down! Mimikyu, another Shadow Claw, now!” Mimikyu ran at its target with its arms out, whose back was already nearly against Sam’s front side. “You’re right,” Sam exclaimed, “but my Aegislash has this! Use King’s Shield!” Alice let out a huff of terror as Aegislash swung around its shield and slipped back into the enarme with its cloth arms folded behind it. With Mimikyu lunging once again at Aegislash, Sam’s Pokémon thrust itself forward for Mimikyu’s claws to connect with the surface of its shield. Mimikyu’s claws made contact with Aegislash’s blue hexagonal barrier that formed, the stored up energy blasting Mimikyu hard back toward Alice. “Oh no!” Fluttershy exclaimed, several of her nearby friends, including Discord, Rockhoof, and Somnambula also expressing their shock. Mimikyu tumbled back toward its trainer and weakly pushed itself back upright, worrying Alice. “Come on, Mimikyu, you still have this! Attack Aegislash with another Shadow Claw!” Mimikyu dashed back at Aegislash, who coolly awaited its foe’s advance. Mimikyu jumped up and slashed its claws against Aegislash’s shield, though the attack was only able to spin Sam’s Pokémon around a bit to the right, inflicting far less pain than before. “Alright, Aegislash!” Sam called. “Attack Mimikyu with Iron Head!” Aegislash launched itself out from its shield once again, catching the enarme with its cloth arm before flipping forward to pick up momentum. With a hard, fast swing, Aegislash slammed the edge of its shield onto the top of Mimikyu’s body, driving it hard into the ground. A wave of groans and gasps erupted from the crowd, a large divot left on the top of the base of Mimikyu’s disguise. “Good going, Sam!” Celaeno shouted, her cheers backed by the whoops and shouts of her crew. “You can do this!” Fizzlepop pursed her lips as she tried to stomach the support levied against Alice, hoping that a turnaround would be coming soon. Alice and Sam then both watched as the spot where Aegislash’s attack hit Mimikyu began to fill back up with its form. “That’s it, Mimikyu!” Alice cried out, clapping. “You can still beat him! Just give it one more Shadow Claw!” Upon its body and disguise appearing mostly remended, Mimikyu whipped its head back behind itself, the two eyeholes on the disguise’s stomach glimmering with a hostile shimmer. With a low guttural growl that morphed into another one of its loud, shrill shrieks, Mimikyu dove at Aegislash and lashed both claws as hard as it could against Aegislash’s blade. Unlike the last attack, Aegislash was sent flying backward, forcing Sam to duck out of the way of its trajectory. Sam watched on his hands and knees as Aegislash took a hard tumble down the field that left large splashes of dirt and loosened grass with each bounce its body made. Finally, it came to a stop, Sam’s Pokémon laying face down with the grip of its shield relinquished. Starting with a forceful roar of support from Fizzlepop, more of the crowd began to cheer, filling Sam with dread. Susan gasped and she put her hands over her mouth while Benji glanced away, pained to see his son’s strategy go to waste like it did. The patrons near both of them only stood mystified, amazed by the strength and resilience both Pokémon possessed. Sun ran toward Aegislash from the sidelines, not seeing the Pokémon move in the entire time during his approach. Just as he motioned his arm toward Alice to declare her Pokémon victorious, Aegislash began to stir, Sun putting his arm back down in sudden response. Sam crawled up back to his feet and slowly stood as Aegislash pushed off the ground to stand. “Aeg… Aegislash?” With a guttural huff, Aegislash sprung up with its shield in hand spinning around to face Alice and Mimikyu once again. Another rush of cheers filled the stands, Fizzlepop and Grubber’s mouth left agape as her friends around her all clapped and cheered. “Yes, Aegislash!” Sam barked. “I knew you could handle it! Now, finish Mimikyu off with one last Iron Head!” Alice hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, knowing her Pokémon would not survive this next hit. “Mimikyu!” On her call, Mimikyu ran back toward its trainer as fast as its cumbersomely weighed head would allow. Cartwheeling back toward the field, Aegislash whizzed by Sam and chucked its shield on the way up, sending it spinning down at exactly where Mimikyu was headed. Alice opened her mouth to warn her Pokémon, only for the side of the shield to strike lengthwise down the center of Mimikyu’s back and its disguise’s head. Upon the shield bouncing off of Mimikyu’s body, the momentum of its run and the strike threw it up into the air, its shrinking form underneath its disguise causing it to float toward Alice before folding messily several feet away from her. Sun, sprinting over to Mimikyu, stood over it for a few moments before he felt comfortable throwing his hand in Sam’s direction. “Mimikyu is unable to battle!” he declared. “Aegislash wins this match!” Alice’s clenched fists relaxed open as she slumped over, the crowds surrounding her and her brother cheering the first takedown of the battle. Aegislash turned toward Sam, who squeezed his fist and gave it a congratulatory shake at it. Aegislash happily closed its eye as it rolled up its arm in as similarly a shape as it could make and also shook its fist at its trainer. A mixture of breathing and muttering sounded throughout the patrons in Benji and Susan’s restaurant, the tension having been momentarily lifted. Susan stared with her mouth slightly agape and in stunned silence as she watched Alice return her fainted Pokémon into her ball. Benji clasped his hands together, gripping them hard enough to make them shake. “That’s my boy.” Alice stared at Sam and Aegislash as she put Mimikyu’s ball back onto her belt and moved her fingers onto another one. “That was pretty well-played,” Alice told him, “but you do know that I can just bring him right back, right?” Sam crossed his arms with a cocky smirk. “So what, you’re just going to tell me all your plans and tricks?” “I don’t need to have any plans or tricks in order to defeat you, bro.” With her mind made up, she plucked her next Poké Ball off her belt and threw it forward. “You’re up, Noivern!” The energy that exploded out from the ball spread out wide until it formed into Alice’s longtime dragon Pokémon, a display that the audience could clearly see and gawk over. “Unbelievable,” Hau muttered, “both of their ace Pokémon are facing each other now!” “Thing is,” Olivia mentioned, “Aegislash has already taken a hell of a beating. I doubt this is going to be less of a long-awaited matchup and more of a finishing kill for Alice.” “Let’s go, Alice!” Pinkie Pie screamed. “You too, Sam!” Sam looked into Noivern’s eyes, who were tightly focued on both him and his Pokémon. “King’s Shield isn’t going to do much against any of your attacks, is it? I guess that settles it then… Aegislash, attack Noivern with Shadow Sneak!” Aegislash swung the tip of its blade forward, sending its shadow racing along the ground to come underneath Noivern, something Alice nervously gritted her teeth over. “Noivern!” she shouted. “Dodge it!” Noivern waited for the shadow to slip beneath it before it hopped back as hard as it could, getting even further away with a flap of its wings as the shadow blast detonated where it had originally stood. Gliding just above Alice, Noivern beat its wings to get airborne again, once again viewing the spot that it had managed to escape in time. “Yes!” Alice howled. “That’s what we needed! Now, finish Aegislash off with Flamethrower!” Noivern swooped over and gained speed as it breathed in. Passing Alice from above, Noivern then shot out a concentrated stream of flames that struck Aegislash at the center of its blade. As Noivern flew closer, the fires striking Aegislash got stronger, the blaze branching off to the sides to keep Sam safe from their blistering heat. Finally, it relinquished its attack just before flying over Aegislash and Sam, flying to the end of Sam’s side of the arena. Aegislash let out a series of pained grunts as it trembled in agony, a series of blackened scorch marks splattered all over its body. After losing the strength to hold up its shield, it fell to the ground with it shortly after, its cloth arms drifting down like ribbons before laying still. Sun ran back close to Aegislash and observed it closely. With only a few moments of deliberation, he felt comfortable throwing his arm to Alice’s direction. “Aegislash is unable to battle!” he declared. “Noivern wins this match!” With the battle now moving at a noticeably quicker pace, the crowd’s cheers became noticeably louder, a fact that Sam could not ignore based on his growing, difficult-to-hide grimace. As Noivern flew back toward its trainer, it flew just over the spectators, further pumping them up and winning them over to Alice’s side. Hearing Alice’s name from some of the ponies around her, Fizzlepop smirked to see such a sudden bout of support for her close friend. With quick motions and a downward glance, Sam removed Aegislash’s ball from his belt and returned it back inside. He looked back up with a more furious glare upon Noivern landing back in front of Alice right over the small crater left from Aegislash’s Shadow Sneak. Baring his own teeth, he put Aegislash’s ball back onto his belt and then threw out his next ball in the following motion. “Drampa, you’re up!” he yelled. The ball burst open, the white spilling out and spreading around just as wide and as long as Noivern’s entrance. With Sam’s dragon appearing on the field, the crowd gasped and hollered in awe before they began to scream with excitement again. Alice faced Sam and Drampa, both of whom looked intensely determined about finishing Alice off. Alice grimaced as her Noivern also seemed to get into it, aggressively getting down lower and ready to make the first attack on its trainer’s call. “Sorry to disappoint, everyone.” Alice reached back and aimed her Poké Ball at her dragon. “Noivern, return!” Noivern became incredibly surprised upon feeling the red beam of the ball make contact with the back of its leg, having no time to do anything else before its body was converted into the same red energy that receded into its ball. Even Sam and Drampa broke their angered façades seeing Noivern leave the field. Soon, the same confusion plaguing Sam and his Pokémon filled the stadium, especially those among Sam and Alice’s friends. “Alice,” Hapu hissed, “what are you doing?!” “Seriously!” Spike asked out loud. “What is she doing?” “Sam’s Drampa knows Ice Beam,” Dexio explained. “Being that Noivern is both Dragon-type and Flying-type, two types that are weak to Ice-type attacks, she doesn’t want Noivern sticking around to take on a move it will likely not survive.” “Whoa, seriously?” “I think Alice is making a very sound decision here.” “But,” Skystar butted in, “won’t that mean she’s skipping her turn, or something?” “Whichever Pokémon Alice sends out,” Twilight spoke up, “it’ll probably be one that can survive any of Drampa’s attacks and still have one of its own that’s strong against it.” “Which Pokémon would that be?” Everyone turned back to the battlefield just as Alice reeled her arm back to throw her next Poké Ball. “Your turn, Lycanroc!” Alice’s ball burst open, and though its entrance from the white energy spilling out wasn’t as large and spectacular as Noivern’s, for the ponies to see a wolf emerge before their eyes was still a sight to behold. Alice also seemed to breathe a subtle sigh of relief that went completely unnoticed to everyone around her. “And there it is,” Olivia muttered. “Her Dusk-form Lycanroc.” “And that’s good, right?” Skystar asked back. She nodded and hummed in reply. “Depending on how hard of a hit he takes and survives, that Lycanroc knows a move that’ll make short work of Drampa. Just watch.” Sam crossed his arms. “So you replaced Noivern with Lycanroc? Actually, that’s not a bad move at all. If I want any chance of defeating it, I’m going to have to take a gamble here, but I didn’t make it here to play it safe!” Alice hissed in disappointment, her strategy seemingly seen through. “Then come on, Sam! Let your Drampa show us what he’s made of!” “Drampa! Attack Lycanroc with Ice Beam!” Drampa threw its head back with mist spilling out from its mouth before throwing it forward, firing off a thick, frigid beam that struck Lycanroc in the head before it slipped around the contours of its body. Alice backed away from the gales of mist that washed over her, unable to see her Lycanroc past them. With a thick cloud engulfing Alice’s side of the field, more gasping and amazed exclamations emerged from the audience. Once Drampa stopped its attack, the mist began to quickly evaporate and unveil Lycanroc, whom Alice was horrified to find frozen in place with its body entirely frosted over. “Lycanroc, no!” she screamed. “Unbelievable!” Gladion gasped, his sister also in similar shock. “He actually managed to freeze it!” “Hah!” Sam threw his hands onto the sides of his head, also unable to believe his incredible luck. “Drampa, you… HAHA!” “Amazing!” Stygian puffed. “Drampa may have just sealed its victory!” “Lycanroc, come on!” Alice shouted. “You can get out of this!” When her Pokémon failed to respond, she backed away, hardly able to accept that her championship battle could turn out so poorly. “Okay, Drampa! Let’s try and finish this off!” Sam threw a pointed finger forward. “Attack Lycanroc with Thunder!” Keeping its eyes on the literally petrified wolf out in front of it, Drampa’s fur began to charge with visible static as the electricity coursing through it began to make it levitate off the ground. Soon, there was hardly a spot on the dragon’s body that did not have bands of plasma orbiting around it. Finally, it roared at Lycanroc as the energy it had pent up shot up towards the sky. Everyone in the stands, including Celestia and Luna, looked up where the static had traveled, their mouths hung open at a dark storm cloud hanging above the stadium and expanding out. From the cloud, a pillar of intense electricity pummeled down from the sky and onto Lycanroc, the force of the blast shaking the ground and the foundations of the arena. With the electricity running through the field, static began to flicker on and off the screen at Susan and Benji’s restaurant, causing many of the patrons to moan and shout in worry as it appeared that the signal would be lost to them entirely. Susan and Benji’s eyes widened as far as they could go, fearing this possibility the most. Almost in an instant, the attack had ended, leaving a tower of dust and smoke covering Alice and Lycanroc in its wake. Alice backed away from the cloud, coughing and gulping for fresh air as she continued to wait out the result of Drampa’s attack. “Lycanroc?” she softly called out. Sun carefully approached the dust cloud as it finally began to settle back onto the ground. With them standing the closest to it, Alice and Sun caught their breaths in their throat upon seeing Lycanroc standing up straight and strong inside the cloud. Unsure of the reason for Alice and Sun’s reactions, it wasn’t long before the audience finally got to see Lycanroc still standing strong, the layer of ice covering it now just a coat of moisture. With cheers prompted by Fluttershy, the audience began to cheer thunderously once again. Ember turned back to Fluttershy, who bumped fist to hoof in celebration for their friend’s comeback. “No…” Sam let out a couple of quiet, dry sobs. “Way…” Alice pumped her fists as she saw Lycanroc stand in position to prepare its next attack. “You still up to fight?” With a loud howl from her wolf that rung throughout the stadium, Alice blew a calming breath through pursed lips. “Atta’ boy! Now, take Drampa out with Counter!” Lycanroc sprinted out, gaining speed with each leap forward from the ground. With Drampa still in shock over its failed take down, Sam spun his body over to him, hoping his drastic body movements would be enough to warn his Pokémon. “Drampa, dodge it, hurry!” Drampa pushed its claws off the ground, throwing itself airborne just as Lycanroc arrived. With tremendous strength, Lycanroc jumped high up toward its target and leaned back as hard as it could, swinging its back paws up into Drampa’s chin. Disoriented and hurt, Drampa was tilted back, weakly flailing its arms to keep its balance, honking as it failed to do so. Once Lycanroc landed upon the ground, it began to chase after Drampa once again as it got lower to the ground. With another high leap, Lycanroc sped toward Drampa’s exposed belly, flipping forward and jutting its right leg out to drive its paw straight into the center of it. Drampa let out a final, terrible wail of pain as it was thrown harder to the ground before colliding with a massive boom and crash, shooting dirt and chunks of sod high up toward the end of the arena, nearly reaching the first row of spectators. Though he, along with Sam and Alice, were nearly paralyzed by incredulation, Sun managed to run his way over to Sam’s Drampa, passing by Lycanroc as it sprinted back to Alice. Looking down into the massive ditch left in the wake of Drampa’s landing, Sun hardly had to see much of the large dragon as it laid still and half-covered in dirt, throwing his arm back to Alice’s direction. “Drampa is unable to battle!” he declared. “Lycanroc wins this match!” With the cheers crackling on the speakers of the projector, the patrons at the restaurant were glad to join in, raising their glasses or bottles up in toasting Alice’s turnaround. Susan clapped her hands as she breathed in as hard as she could, making a high-pitched squeal. “Oh my god, Alice,” she suddenly roared out, “you are amazing!” Benji laughed at his wife’s unquenchable enthusiasm, unable to disagree with her assessment. “Pretty damn good stuff, Alice,” he spoke with a nod. “Damn fine stuff…” Applejack and Rarity both stamped their hooves on the stone banister they sat before, completely enthralled by the match and their friends’ fighting spirits. Applejack then turned to Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, who screamed in excitement as they clapped their hooves together. “So what’cha thinkin’ of your first Pokémon battle, girls?” “This is what was going on where you ended up?!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Kind of messed up to say, but I’m totally jealous!” “Maybe we can have our own Pokémon battles one day!” Sweetie Belle suggested. “But where to get our own Pokémon…” “I’m sure the possibility will present itself in due time,” Rarity answered, “but for right now, let’s just continue enjoying our match!” “Sam sure seems like a strong fighter,” Apple Bloom commented as she watched him return his fainted Drampa into its ball, “but this Alice feller sure seems to know ‘er way around a tough situation! Boy, this battle is just gonna’ keep gettin’ more interestin’, ain’t it?” “Knowing Sam and Alice,” Applejack said, “that’s probably a certainty.” Sam already grabbed his next Poké Ball, reeling his arm back before lobbing it out in Alice’s direction. “Lurantis, finish him off with Leaf Blade!” Sam’s ball opened up and shot out its energy, Lurantis falling down from it and nimbly tumbling down the field before keeping its momentum up with a straightforward sprint at its target. Seeing Lurantis once again, Lady yowled in delight as she clapped her paws and both pairs of feelers. “Come on, Lurantis!” Starlight cheered, trying to match her Pokémon’s enthusiasm. With Lurantis getting closer, Alice threw her hand in its direction. “Lycanroc, attack Lurantis with Stone Edge!” Lycanroc barked as it sprung up off its front two paws, thrusting back down and pounding the ground with them. Ignoring the vibrations beneath its feet, Lurantis continued to run until it was caught from below by a rock tower jutting up and into its back, throwing it high up into the air. Worried gasps and murmurs befell the pony audience, who were unsure if another of Sam’s Pokémon had been summarily defeated. Sam frowned, certain that this wasn’t the case. “Lurantis! Keep going!” With its eyes shooting open, Lurantis found itself in freefall right over Lycanroc. With a fast twist of its body, Lurantis darted down toward the wolf, who looked up to see Sam’s insect Pokémon approach too fast for it to avoid. With an extention of its arms and a spin, Lurantis slashed both of its scythes against Lycanroc’s head and face, throwing it down into the ground. It took a hard, limp bounce onto its side before settling still. Sun ran over and spotted both Lycanroc’s motionlessness body and the red marks etched onto its head, prompting him to point his hand to Sam. “Lycanroc is unable to battle! Lurantis wins this match!” With a third of Alice’s Pokémon down, Sam breathed uneasily as he backed away toward the back of his space, despite the deafening cheers and shouts he and his Pokémon received from both his audience of friends and the sea of Equestrian strangers. As Alice returned Lycanroc into its ball, Lurantis ran back out near Sam’s side, ready to face whichever of Alice’s Pokémon remained. “Nice work again, Lurantis!” Sam’s Pokémon looked back at its trainer to see him giving it a thumbs up. Without any fingers of its own, Lurantis settled to nod to him before refocusing on the battle ahead. Alice put her forehead to her ball, transferring her thanks and gratitude to her fainted Pokémon before returning it to her belt. After tapping her fingers along her four remaining Poké Balls, she settled on one that she felt comfortable plucking off and holding in her hand. “Okay,” Sam whispered, widening his stance, “what’s up next?” Alice threw her ball forward. “Go, Gyarados!” The ball opened up, the amount of energy quickly shooting out and forming from it making many ponies in the audience jolt in fright. Upon its features fading in, its scales gleaming in the mid-afternoon sun quickly turned the audience’s fright into wonderment. “Wow!” a unicorn filly one row below Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie squeaked. “Look at how shiny it is!” Alice then threw another finger forward. “Gyarados, attack Lurantis with Ice Fang!” Swimming against the magnetic push of the pads stuck to its underside, Lurantis charged to meet it in the middle. “Wait a minute!” Flash Magnus questioned. “Why isn’t she Mega Evolving it?” “No,” Dexio quietly disagreed, “what she’s doing is smart.” “Huh? How do you mean, Dexio?” Gyarados dove down at Lurantis and scooped it up in its maw, its frosted fangs pressing down onto Lurantis’s gut where it was held. Sam grit his teeth on hearing the pain-addled wails of his Pokémon. “Fight through it, Lurantis! I know you can! Now, hit her with Petal Blizzard!” With its arms still free, Lurantis threw them out to the sides, sending a flurry of bright pink petals out from underneath its scythes which began to blow about in a harsh twister. As the tornado spun faster and faster, the petals began to slice, pierce, and pelt into Gyarados’s body from nearly every point. Gyarados let out a loud growl of immense discomfort, but it still appeared to hold on strong. “Gyarados in its regular form is a Water and Flying-type. Water-types may be weak to Grass-types, but Flying-types aren’t.” “So…” Flash Magnus questioned, “they just cancel out.” Dexio nodded with vigor. “That’s exactly right!” “Hehe!” The pegasus nudged Mage Meadowbrook. “Looks like I’m catching onto this Pokémon stuff pretty well!” Mage Meadowbrook smiled and rolled her eyes. With Lurantis’s attack weakening, Alice smiled as Gyarados managed to continue holding on. “Nice job, Gyarados! Now, finish Lurantis off with one more Ice Fang!” Widening its jaws just slightly enough, Lurantis attempted to break free from its bite only for Gyarados to clamp its freezing teeth down onto it. Lurantis let out a final high-pitched whine before it leaned back and hung from Gyarados’s mouth. Sun ran up to both Pokémon as Gyarados lowered its head to gently set its defeated foe down in a pile onto the ground. Seeing enough, Sun threw his hand to Alice. “Lurantis is unable to battle! Gyarados wins the round!” Applause and screams came from the crowd as Sam reached for Lurantis’s ball from his belt. Mistmane and Starswirl clopped their hooves together as they sat side by side, enjoying the match. “They both have such incredible command of their creatures,” the wizened mare said to her companion. Starswirl heartily chuckled. “I hardly think there’s anything commanding about it. Those Pokémon have traveled great distances with these two children and have remained as loyal as the greatest of friends.” Mistmane continued to observe as the rest of the red beam of Lurantis’s ball receded back inside the center button, Sam lovingly patted the side of it with the device close to his chest. “Hmm… I suppose they are, aren’t they?” Sam reached back for his next ball, only to be suddenly stopped by the shouts of his sister. “Already halfway down! No Mega Evolutions, no Z-Moves, not even any items! How you think you’re getting out of this one?” Sam cocked his head to the side as he plucked a ball from his belt. “Guess we’re just going to have to soldier on, aren’t we?” He then sent it soaring. “You’re up, Absol!” The ball opened up with the energy inside zapping down to the ground like lightning, morphing and forming into Sam’s long-furred white feline Pokémon. Sam then smiled and he threw his left fist down toward the ground, his Z-Ring facing Alice with the Key Stone inside of it glimmering auspiciously. “So what do you think, sis?” Sam egged on. “Come on! Mega versus mega, no holds barred!” “You really think that I would do something so stupid as to make my Pokémon suddenly weaker than yours just to see if I can still beat you?” Sam smiled, pushing her even harder. “Because you’re absolutely god-damned right!” Now smiling wide enough to show their teeth, Sam and Alice both held up their Z-Rings and pressed their fingers onto the Key Stones, bright bands of light shining and shimmering like spotlights across the stands and up through the roof. Uncertain of what was now happening, loud chatter ranging in emotion from fearful to incredulous filled the equine audience. “Respond to my heart, Key Stone!” Sam and Alice both bellowed. “Beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!” DNA-shaped tendrils of light shot forth from their Key Stones as they each connected with the Mega Stones equipped to their Pokémon. As the Key Stone’s energy gradually filled both Absol and Mega Gyarados and covered their body in light, the ponies were no less confused than when Sam and Alice had activated the Key Stone’s power. “Shining Armor?” Cadance snuggled up to her husband as she held Flurry Heart close to her bosom. “What’s going on?” “Don’t worry, honey,” he cooed, putting his arm around her back. “Just relax and enjoy the show.” The ponies then watched on as the height of Absol and Gyarados’s evolutions begun, the former’s fur and horn growing longer with a pair of wings flaring out while the latter’s chest expanded wide as two larger fins unfolded out from its back. Finally, the light of the Key Stone shattered off in nearly every direction, the farthest-flung fragment coming within only a few feet of one of the audience members of the front row. With their metamorphoses complete, Mega Absol and Mega Gyarados now faced each other, their glares hungry, intense, and ruthless. Celestia and Luna leaned in closer, wanting to see the full surface of the arena and the epic match that was about to begin. Lillie gasped to see both Mega Evolved Pokémon out and in front of each other as they were, Gladion himself unable to keep from smiling in excitement. Silence now fell over the restaurant, the tension formed by both Sam and Alice’s Pokémon forbidding anyone from making any kind of noise. Even Susan and Benji were too awestruck by what they were seeing to make the slightest of sounds, knowing that no part of the battle before this moment would come close to topping what was soon to happen. Sam and Alice’s friends in the stands sat with bated breath as they could only wait for either Pokémon to make the first move. Sam and Alice stared into each others eyes as passionately as their Pokémon were staring into each others, all four of them ready to give it their very all at this most crucial point in their battle. > Chapter 100 – For the Throne > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honedge lashed at Noibat, striking it in the gut. Though Noibat’s cries implied that Honedge had hit it hard, it still managed to keep itself up in the air before carefully perching itself on the branch of a tree growing in the front yard of a Lumiose townhome. Sam looked up at Noibat and huffed, angered that it would not go down. “Come on, Sam!” Sam looked back down to face his sister, who stood with her weight on her left foot. “The ferry sets sail next week, and you really think you’re going to beat your trials like that?!” Alice’s right sock was pulled over most of her calf, concealing all but a quarter of her stitching scar. Sam couldn’t help but smile to see his sister having recovered so quickly, but his expression quickly melted into a mild frown. “What if I’m not ready?” he asked. “I still can’t even beat your Noibat!” Alice shifted some weight onto her right foot and stood straight with her arms crossed. “Not with that attitude, you’re not! You see, my Noibat and I have been prepping for this adventure ever since I broke my leg! You’re definitely getting stronger Sam, and I really think you and Honedge are finally ready to take on the Alola region. The question is… are you?” Sam took a moment to reflect. It was true that he’d be leaving his lifelong home in roughly seven day’s time to embark on his first true Pokémon adventure, but with Noibat so high above him and Honedge about as out of reach as his chances of beating it, doubt hung in his mind. But for his sister, as fearfully strong as she already was, to put her faith in a novice trainer such as himself began to light a fire deep inside of him. With one last fear-relieving breath, Sam looked up to Noibat, who no longer appeared as far away as it did just moments ago. _____________________________________________________ The only sounds that could be heard as the crowd awaited the next part of the battle were the rolling growls coming from Mega Absol and Mega Gyarados towards each other and the whistles of wind that blew through the arena. Despite the sudden tension, Alice broke the otherwise tranquil scene. “Of course, your Lurantis already got a good hit on my Gyarados back there, and with your Absol knowing Play Rough and Megahorn… oof!” “Oh, you know you love a good challenge!” Sam chided. “Mega Absol, attack Mega Gyarados with Megahorn!” With a roar, Mega Absol charged at Mega Gyarados, flapping its wings to reach its foe’s altitude. “Mega Gyarados!” On cue, Alice’s Pokémon waved its body like a banner in the wind, awaiting Mega Absol’s approach. Tucking its front paws in and shooting its back legs out, Mega Absol leaned its head forward and aimed its green-glowing horn, becoming a black-and-white dart headed straight toward the serpentine fish. With a jerk to the left and then a swing to the right, Mega Gyarados shifted to the side to let Mega Absol soar right past it, much to Sam’s terrified shock. “Nice one!” Alice shouted. “Now, attack with Aqua Tail!” Before Mega Absol could leave Mega Gyarados’s space, Mega Gyarados whipped the end of its tail at Mega Absol’s side, slapping it hard with its fin and blasting it off course with a devastating splash of water. Heavily weakened by this hit, Mega Absol crashed into the ground with a burst of mud and grass, its hard landing making most of the ponies in the audience recoil and groan. “Mega Absol!” Sam took a running step toward his Pokémon as it began to rise out from the dirt that covered it. Crawling itself out, Mega Absol walked a few lengths from its landing spot and wiggled the remaining dirt clumped in its coat. Mega Absol looked up to see Mega Gyarados already swiveling around to face it once again, ensuring that it would never let its opponent enter its blind spot. Discord crossed his arms as he surveyed the situation, “Well, it sure seems that Alice has sandbagged her brother.” “What do you mean?” Flannery asked him, leaning in to his sights. “I mean, even she said that her Pokémon in this state is outmatched by Sam’s, but if Mega Absol can’t land a hit, then I mean, all that strength is pretty much for naught, isn’t it?” “But…” Mallow butted in, “if Mega Absol does manage to land a hit, that’ll really spell trouble for Mega Gyarados!” “I guess we’ll just have to keep watching the battle then.” As Sam watched Mega Absol take a tentative step back, he hissed through his teeth in frustration and humiliation. “Okay, enough playing around. This ends right now!” Sam brought his feet apart and crossed his wrists together in front of his face, a bright light shining from his Z-Ring and the Fairium Z inside the face that everyone from every angle could see. Sensing Sam’s Z-Power, Mega Absol stood onto its hind legs and mimicked Sam’s motions as he put his arms back down then crossed them outward. “Now what’s he doing?!” Scootaloo shouted. Pinkie Pie hopped up from behind her, frightening the pegasus filly. “This is something that humans like to call a ‘Z-Move!’” “What’s the ‘Z’ stand for?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I have no idea! If I had to guess, I’d say it’d be ‘zuper,’ because it’s one zuper power!” Standing on one foot and back paw, Sam and Mega Absol brought their arms in and flattened their hands into the shape of a tiny pair of wings. With the ritual complete, Sam’s Z-Power shot off his back in an upward cascade of golden streams before flowing toward Mega Absol and orbiting around it. The crowd gasped and sounded off in awe and wonder as the Z-Power soon coursed into Sam’s Pokémon and ignited an aura that danced like fire off its back and limbs. Flurry Heart, still in Cadance’s grasp, reached out in the Mega Absol’s direction, mesmerized by the light burning off of it. Cadance kissed the top of her head, her eyes also glued to the sight. “That is pretty,” she whispered to her, “isn’t it?” Mina smiled and nodded as the Z-Crystal she gave Sam was about to come in handy for him. “That’s it. Go get her.” Alice looked away from Mega Absol and turned to face her brother. “So you go through the trouble of having both of us bring our Mega Evolutions out, and now you’re just going to take out Mega Gyarados just like that?!” “Don’t take it so personal, Alice!” he shouted back. “If my Megahorn just hit the last time like it was supposed to, I’d have no problems trying for another one or going for a Play Rough, but I’m taking the sure thing now! No shame in that!” “Mega Gyarados!” she shouted out to her Pokémon. “Get ready for it!” Mega Gyarados loudly purred in compliance. “Mega Absol!” Sam cried. “Attack Mega Gyarados with Twinkle Tackle!” Digging its claws into the ground, Mega Absol lunged in a perfect line at the spot just below Mega Gyarados’s neck, a series of heart-shaped rings forming around the pink contrails flying behind it. Crashing its full body weight into Mega Gyarados’s upper chest, the pent-up Z-Power still filling Mega Absol’s body traveled up to the impact point and exploded out in a firework-esque explosion of bright, sparkling pink lights. Mega Gyarados was flung hard enough to clear the top of the stadium and crash the entire length of its body into the mountain the stadium was nestled against. Many loud shouts and cries rang out from the stands the moment the sound of Mega Gyarados’s body hitting the mountain blasted through the arena. With Alice’s Pokémon lodged into the mountain’s face, Sun put his hand over his eyes and squinted, trying to sense some movement. Regardless of its seeming immobility, Sun couldn’t help but notice that Mega Gyarados had not reverted back to its original form. Many of Sam and Alice’s friends in the stands began to notice this themselves. Dexio blew out a sigh of sympathy and bewilderment. “Oh, Sam…” Alice smiled as she watched Mega Gyarados peel itself out of the mountain from the head down, Sam breathing heavily through his agape mouth. “Oh, you have to be kidding me!” Sure enough, despite its lethargic and leaden movements, Mega Gyarados swam back to its side of the battlefield, its angered eyes tracking Mega Absol as it returned to Sam’s side. Alice looked up to her Pokémon. “You angry, girl?” Mega Gyarados replied with a defeaning roar directed right at Sam and Mega Absol. “Good! That’s what I like to hear! Mega Gyarados, attack Mega Absol with Ice Fang!” Mega Gyarados rushed forward at incredible speed, scooping up Mega Absol in its jaws before Sam could see it coming. Swimming up above the ground, Mega Gyarados bit down hard on Mega Absol with its fangs frosted over. With several points of its teeth piercing down through its fur and onto its skin, Mega Absol kept both front paws on its lips as it tried to pry its mouth open. “You can do it, Mega Absol!” Sam shouted. “Only a little bit more now! Finish Mega Gyarados with Night Slash!” With the black of its horn becoming more solid and bright, Mega Absol let out a shout as it swung its head around, the tip of it dragging across the corners of its mouth and flinging more dark energy down its throat. With a loud, forceful cough and yell, Mega Absol was freed from Mega Gyarados’s clutches. Landing back on the ground, Sam and his Pokémon watched as Mega Gyarados’s eyes began to close and it floated toward the ground. To the shock of the audience, Mega Gyarados’s body became covered in the same energy that had transformed it, and upon its body making contact with the ground, the light broke off of it, Alice’s Gyarados now replacing it. Sun ran over to Gyarados as it continued to settle upon the ground, and even before it remained completely still, he threw his arm toward Sam and Mega Absol. “Gyarados is unable to battle! Mega Absol wins the match!” Sam blew out a rough sigh as he bent over, supporting his body with his hands on his knees, panting over the cheers of the audience. Mega Absol turned back and approached him curiously, only to stop to his raised hand. “I’m good, girl,” he wheezed, looking at his Pokémon’s open-mouthed breathing and weaker stance. “Definietely better off than you right now…” Alice finished returning Gyarados into its ball, cupping it into both hands and looking down at the front of it. “You were so close, Gyarados. Thank you for your help!” “So they’re each down three; more than halfway there,” Capper noted, swinging one leg to rest upon the other as he draped both arms across the seats beside him. “Don’t forget,” Sophocles mentioned, “neither of them have used their Full Restores or their Max Revives yet. This battle still has a long way to go before its over.” Capper swung himself up to sit straighter before leaning in toward the area, appearing a bit more alert. “Then I guess there’s no point in getting comfy now, right?” Alice pulled her next Poké Ball off her belt, Sam and Mega Absol staring at it expectantly. “So who’s next? Mega Absol has already gotten practice on one Raichu today, and I’m sure she’d love to land a Play Rough on your Noivern. Although, knowing you, it isn’t either of them, is it?” Alice glowered, resolving to toss her next ball out to answer his question. “Go, Mudsdale!” The Poké Ball burst open, the energy shooting down onto the ground and forming into Alice’s terrestrial draft horse. With the familiarity of this Pokémon’s form, a more pleasant chatter washed over the audience. Big Mac tapped on Apple Bloom’s shoulder and pointed out toward Mudsdale to her. “That mare there helped me fix up Ponyville!” “Okay,” Sam called to his Mega Absol, “she’s not incredibly fast. Do you think we can get a good Megahorn or Play Rough on it?” To Sam’s sudden surprise, he couldn’t help but notice Alice already fishing into her vest pocket, pulling out her Max Revive and reaching it back toward her row of Poké Balls. After tapping it onto the center button of one of them, the object glowed a little before it disintegrated into pixels that fed themselves into the button. “And there’s the first revival,” Sun commented to himself. “Wonder who she saved?” Sam looked to his Mega Absol this time, the apparent injuries on its body now too difficult to ignore. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out the Full Restore bottle, jiggling and splashing the liquid inside to get his Pokémon’s attention. “Or we could patch you up? How about that?” With a smile and a thankful bark, Mega Absol bounded toward Sam and stood against him. “Yeah, you got it.” Sam began to spray from Mega Absol’s head down to its tail, matting the unkempt spots of its fur with his hand as he sprayed the arm and leg furthest from him. Backing away and kneeling, Sam was able to get the closer limbs, the bottle sputtering upon reaching the claws of its back paw. With a thankful dual-toned meow, Mega Absol walked back onto the field, Sam placing the empty Full Restore back in his pocket. “Okay,” Sam shouted, “let’s go for two then! But first… Mega Absol, attack Mudsdale with Megahorn!” Mega Absol, filled with new life, sprinted at Mudsdale with its head tucked down, its horn washing over with light-green energy. Alice cocked her head as she detached a Poké Ball from her belt and aimed it at Mudsdale. “Sorry, girl. I just needed some time to bring you back. Thank you, though.” With the red beam of the ball bringing Mudsdale back inside, Alice took out the ball she used her Max Revive on and tossed it forward. “Welcome back, Mimikyu!” With the ball coming open, the white energy streamed down onto the spot that Mudsdale stood on just as the red energy of its ball fully brought it back in. The energy burst out lightly, unveiling Mimikyu once again, but with its disguise now intact. Mega Absol continued to run, not the least bit daunted by Alice’s returning Pokémon, pleasing Sam greatly. “That’s it, girl! Keep going!” Mega Absol quickened its gait, getting very close to reaching its target as it awaited Alice’s next order. “Mimikyu, jump!” On command, Mimikyu sprung up on its shadow arms, looking to get enough altitude to clear Mega Absol’s approach. Mega Absol grinned as it leapt up itself, carrying itself further on its wings. To Alice’s horror and Sam’s amazement, Mega Absol jabbed its horn hard right into the center of the face of Mimikyu’s disguise, instantly breaking it and making the head swing back into Mimikyu’s backside. As Mimikyu fell to the ground, Mega Absol soared over Alice and landed on the ground behind her, keeping its momentum up to run around and back toward the field “We’re not done yet!” Sam called. “Now hit him with Psycho Cut!” Mimikyu began to get up, noticing its disguise’s head now dangling again from the top of its real head. Mega Absol slid to a halt as its horn began to glow with an outline of magenta aura, whipping its head around once to shoot a band of the energy out at Mimikyu. Mimikyu began to screech once again just as Absol’s attack crashed into it, throwing it back onto the ground to land on its front side. A collective groan from the audience roared out, concerned murmurs following as Mimikyu rolled back upright, its broken disguise making it look that much more pathetic. Susan rubbed and massaged her mouth nervously as the broadcast zoomed in on Mimikyu, its sorry state made all the more apparent to those like her and Benji’s patrons watching on Earth. “Alice,” Benji whispered, “what were you thinking?” “Not a bad idea to heal your Mimikyu and bring its disguise back,” Sam commented, “but thanks to you switching him with Mudsdale, you gave me two free hits! Like seriously, did you think that would help?” “Sure did,” Alice hissed with full confidence, “and now I’m taking that last hit back! Mimikyu, attack Mega Absol with Leech Life!” “Oh…” Sam felt most of his hope and strength drain from his body, leaving only enough just to stand. “DAMN!” Acerola and Guzma shouted, frightening many around them. As they both turned to each other and enthusiastically high-fived with both hands, the others turned around and continued to watch the battle. Mimikyu screamed as it ran out at Mega Absol, who flapped its wings and tried to fly away. Vaulting itself up at its target with its shadow arms, Mimikyu swung them around and flung them toward Sam’s Pokémon, catching it by the base of the neck and hanging on tight. Before Mega Absol could begin to try and shake Alice’s Pokémon off, a soft green light began to travel into its arms through the tips of its claws, Mega Absol yowling in pain as its energy was drained out from it. With its wings becoming numb, they began to erratically move out of rhythm, sending both itself and Mimikyu to the ground. As Mimikyu stuck its landing, Mega Absol bounced off the ground on its side, writhing in pain upon coming still. Having absorbed all it could, Mimikyu detached its arms from Mega Absol’s neck and slipped them back under its disguise. Mega Absol trembled as it stood back up, though Sam could only focus on Alice. “So that’s why you brought back Mimikyu. It’s disguise was just to buy it an extra turn.” Alice nodded. “Now you got it! Also, thanks for healing up Mega Absol for him too! I’d hate to leave my Pokémon still feeling hungry.” “Not only did she use Mimikyu’s ability and Mega Absol’s type against it,” Ilima spoke, “but she also took advantage of Sam’s Full Restore! Brilliant play, Alice!” Sam felt lightheaded as his sister’s tricks systematically dismantled his Pokémon. Taking a deep breath and regaining some composure, Sam clenched his fists as he stared at Alice’s Pokémon and its hideous disguise, which only served to fuel his anger. Even Mega Absol, looking at both the cute eyeholes on its stomach and the scrawled-on face of the head dangling to the side, felt a similar rage build inside of it. “Mega Absol!” Sam bellowed. “Psycho Cut!” Barring its teeth and growling loud enough to sound like a shriek, more magenta Psychic energy formed on the outside of its horn, flaring off several inches thicker than before. Suddenly, the precociously confident Mimikyu began to shift back slowly, suddenly fearful of the power Mega Absol still possessed. The ponies in the crowd especially were enthralled by the brilliant sheen erupting from Mega Absol’s horn. With it having charged enough energy, Mega Absol swung its head, launching another blade of Psychic aura that rose twice Mimikyu’s height and only slightly less than its width. As the blade made its way, it dragged along the ground and sprayed dirt and grass up and off to the sides, its speed not impacted in any way. Mimikyu was too petrified to move, taking the full force of the attack dead center. The blade exploded out on contact, further launching Mimikyu high up and past the sidelines of the field. As it landed on the ground and rolled along, Sam and Mega Absol waited for the telltale sign of its defeat. Before it could come to a stop, its shadow arms sprung out from beneath it, grabbing hold of the grass and pulling on it in just the right way to flip it upwards to stand. “Yes, Mimikyu!” Alice screamed over the roars of the audience. Sam huffed out in resignation, shaking his head in disbelief. He then noticed Mega Absol turn its head to him and mewing, showing its trainer an accepting, respectful smile. Reading what his Pokémon was telling him, Sam bowed his head down and smiled, soon nodding with the same sense of acceptance. “Don’t feel too bad, Sam!” Alice shouted out to him. “Mega Absol put up a good fight! It certainly knows that, and you should too!” Sam looked up to his sister, his eyes moist and his lips stretched in a grin. “Yeah. I certainly am.” “Alright then, let’s put this match to bed. Mimikyu, finish off Mega Absol with Leech Life!” Mimikyu ran toward Mega Absol with its shadow arms reaching out, Sam’s Pokémon standing still and closing its eyes as it awaited the end. Clamping in from both sides, Mimikyu’s arms gripped down on Mega Absol’s shoulders and began to feed from its remaining energy. Mega Absol growled as it sunk down on both forelegs, unable to keep itself up there any longer. Soon, the Key Stone’s energy began to seep out through Mega Absol’s fur and began to cover its entire body. Mimikyu pulled its arms away and back under its disguise before the energy could reach them. Once Mega Absol was completely enveloped, it tipped over to the side as the energy broke away and floated up before disintegrating. “Absol is unable to battle,” Sun declared, his hand pointed in Alice’s direction. “Mimikyu wins this match!” Sam pulled his Poké Ball off his belt and aimed it at his fainted Pokémon, the pride he felt for it completely muting the cheers of the audience directed at his sister. Loud conversations broke out amongst the patrons as they watched Sam return Absol into its ball. Susan and Benji listened in on the cacophony as best they could, but from the words and tones that they could understand, they were certain that their words of praise and impressment were directed at both their children in that moment. Knowing this fact made them smile warmly, hardly able to wait to see which one of them would come out victorious. Sam placed Absol’s ball back onto his belt, keeping his hand back there as he contemplated which one of his Pokémon to send out next. As he looked to Mimikyu, who returned to stand before Alice, as well as the Poké Balls on her belt that he could see, he danced his fingers between the two on his that remained. After taking one last glance at Alice’s Poké Balls, he finally resolved to settle on one, plucking it off of his belt and throwing it out with a wide swing of his arm. “Let’s go, Salazzle!” On his shout, the ball opened up and streamed its energy onto the grass, Sam’s large salamander Pokémon forming out from it with a loose, flexible wave of its body. Alice picked her head up, genuinely intrigued by his choice. “Your Mimikyu may have gotten some extra health from my Mega Absol,” Sam called out, “but after the beating it took, we’ll just have to see if it took enough! Salazzle, attack Mimikyu with Flamethrower!” Salazzle ran forward as smoke and embers billowed out from the corners of its mouth. Mimikyu could only slide its arms back out and cover the gut of its disguise with them as it awaited for the attack to come. Stopping and standing about twenty feet from its target, Salazzle shot out a tremendous jet of fire that entirely engulfed Mimikyu, its defenses doing nothing to protect itself. Mimikyu continued to hold its attack, still seeing Mimikyu resisting inside of them. “That’s it, Mimikyu!” Alice snapped with a pump of her fist. “Keep fighting it!” With one last wheeze with the last of its stored breath, Salazzle pushed out a slightly stronger blaze from its throat. At last, Mimkyu could no longer hold its arms up, dropping them and letting the heat blow it and its disguise out of the inferno, its form under its disguise now limp and light. As it skated onto the grass and slid to a stop, Alice breathed out and shook her head, astounded that her Pokémon could go down so quickly. Sun made his way to Alice and Mimikyu, seeing its disguise mostly laying flat upon the ground. “Mimikyu is unable to battle! Salazzle wins this match!” With a wave of cheers from the crowd, Sam clapped his hands and pumped his arms, already feeling his chances of emerging victorious bettering. As she watched Alice return her Mimikyu back into its ball, Lana shivered anxiously. “You know what Pokémon she’s sending out next.” “Yeah,” Kiawe agreed. “Although, that’s hardly a difficult decision for her to make, especially given what she’s facing.” Once Alice put Mimikyu’s ball back onto her belt, she took back the ball she had replaced it with just minutes ago. Looking at Salazzle with a sense of both regret and calmness, she threw her ball out to summon the Pokémon she was certain would defeat it. “Okay, Mudsdale,” she shouted, “for real this time!” The ball came open, the energy shooting onto the ground forming into Mudsdale standing on its back legs and kicking its front ones forward, whinnying loudly for all the stadium to hear. To Sam’s pleasant surprise, Salazzle responded to Alice’s next Pokémon by crouching down low and waggling its tail in a predatory fashion. “You think you can handle her, girl?” Salazzle shot back to glance at its trainer and screeched in affirmation. “That’s what I love to hear! Now attack Mudsdale with Flamethrower!” Salazzle scurried forward, Mudsdale shirking back upon seeing the salamander’s uncanny speed. “That’s okay, Mudsdale!” Alice encouraged. “Just take the hit like the champ you are and then she goes down!” Mudsdale huffed anxiously as it braced itself for Salazzle’s attack. Upon getting within twenty feet away, Salazzle came to a stop and breathed in as hard as it could. With the same amount of force, Salazzle blew out beam of flames that pushed into Mudsdale and coated it in their inferno. Alice winced upon hearing Mudsdale’s cries still break through. “You got it, Mudsdale! Attack her now with High Horsepower!” “And there it is…” Olivia hummed, crossing her arms in mild disappointment. Mudsdale screamed as it galloped through Salazzle’s fire-breath, Sam’s Pokémon noticing the flames spilling off sideways as they bounced off Mudsdale’s muzzle and chest. Salazzle continued to attack Mudsdale even as it spun around to turn its back to it, quickly digging its back hooves into the dirt. Sam began to worry as Salazzle refused to relent. “Salazzle, stop! Dodge it!” Jolting in shock, Salazzle stopped its attack just soon enough for the remaining fires blocking its vision to disperse, unveiling Mudsdale tensing the muscles in its legs to buck. With a shout, Salazzle dove to the right, missing both Mudsdale’s hooves and the explosion of grass and mud launched off of them. Shooting its debris far down the middle, Sam shimmied to the side to avoid the clumps from falling on him as they reached down the length of the arena. Sam and Alice both caught sight of Salazzle together, Sam letting out a short triumphant scream and pump of his arms while Alice froze like a statue. “No way!” Kaj squeaked. “She actually dodged it!” “Great job, girl!” Sam bellowed. “Attack with another Flamethrower!” Still close to its target, Salazzle sprung high up and blasted Mudsdale’s right side point-blank with its steady spout of flame. Mudsdale shrieked as it was flung off its hooves and landed flat on its left side, Salazzle landing and standing still on the ground as it continued to keep its fires set directly at it. Mudsdale struggled to stand as Salazzle continued to raze it, though like its foe, the horse refused to give up too. Finally, Salazzle ran out of breath and gasped for air, ending its attack as it retreated backwards several steps. Mudsdale rolled onto the bottom of its stomach and slowly pushed itself up onto all fours. To Alice’s terror and Sam’s morbid surprise, Mudsdale was now covered in bright red rashes along the right side of its body, which pulsed with a telling red glow. “Unbelievable!” Chrysalis gasped. “She managed to burn her!” Thorax added in the same hushed tone. “And yet Salazzle still hasn’t taken any kind of damage!” Trixie followed up her comment with a series of excited screams and bangings of her hooves on the railing in front of her. “Trixie is very much impressed, Sam!” Alice, seeing the untouched salamander standing before her injured Mudsdale, bared her teeth in rage as she felt her hands close up into tight fists. “No… you’re definitely not avoiding this one, you bitch! Mudsdale, finish off Salazzle with High Horsepower!” Mudsdale began another gallop, Salazzle preparing for the moment that it would spin around to try and buck it again. To its surprise though, Mudsdale continued to barrel through, and right before it appeared as through Salazzle would be trampled, Mudsdale nimbly swung its hooves to the right in its next stride, just barely avoiding Salazzle as it stopped just on the other side of it. Salazzle, having flinched over Mudsdale’s approach, could only spin around in Mudsdale’s new direction just as it noticed its back hooves half-dug into the ground. With a fearful scream, Salazzle put its arms over its head as Mudsdale blasted it, slamming it with both the force of its hooves and mud stamped onto its face and gut. Sam watched with open mouth as Salazzle tumbled in the air along with the other loose pieces of dirt, all of them landing hard on the ground with his Pokémon rolling to a limp and tired stop. Sam shook his head and closed his teeth, regretting the thought that such a matching of Pokémon would have ever worked for him. “And now he’s down to one,” Gladion breathed, shaking his own head. “He still has his Max Revive!” Lillie responded. “He can bring any one of his Pokémon back!” “Then he better get to it. All he’s got left now is his Archeops, and he better hope that it can avoid Mudsdale’s Heavy Slam, or else Sam is just delaying the inevitable.” Sun ran across the field to where Salazzle had landed, finding it with a large piece of unbroken dirt lying atop of its belly. Just as he prepared to point his arm toward Alice, he then saw as the earthy clump rolled away, Salazzle rolling with it as it made it back onto its stomach. With its back visibly rising and falling with its breathing, Sun put his arm down before taking a rueful look to Alice as he stepped back past the sidelines. Alice, in utter incredulity, smacked her forehead and began to laugh. Once Salazzle pulled itself back onto all fours, the audience, witnessing such resilience, began to shout and cheer even louder. Salazzle, motivated by the crowd’s support, hopped its way back to Sam in preparation for their next attack. As Alice’s giggling fit began to die down, she was instantly stopped by the sharp whine of her Mudsdale as its rashes flared up, causing it to swoon. Alice ran up to it, pulling her Full Restore out of her other vest pocket. “Yeah, okay. ‘Bout as good a time as any.” Sam watched on as Alice began to spray the bottle of medicine over Mudsdale’s burns, which began to heal the instant the liquid made contact with its coat. Spotting the free turn he’d been given, Sam reached into his own pocket, pulling out the Max Revive from inside of it. As he began to twist his body to bring his Poké Balls around, he looked to his Salazzle, who was swaying about as it tried to keep its tired self conscious. Finally, Alice stepped away from Mudsdale as she put the empty Full Restore bottle back into her pocket, her Pokémon looking good as new. Sam clutched his Max Revive as tightly as he could without breaking it. “Salazzle, you think we can get a couple of–” Salazzle screeched at him and turned its whole body to face it. It then patted the same side of its waist where Sam kept his Poké Balls, Sam gasping at the clarity and selflessness of its message. “You really sure about this?” Salazzle nodded and gave Sam a proud, respectful smile, one that Sam returned with his own. “Okay then…” He then placed the Max Revive on the center button of one of his Poké Balls, pointing forward with his other hand. “Then we’ll just have to make it a really good one! Salazzle, attack Mudsdale with Flamethrower!” Salazzle began to charge forward, Mudsdale now calmly looking down on it. “Mudsdale,” Alice shouted, “finish Salazzle off with Bulldoze!” Mudsdale, with its newfound energy, quickly charged forward, its footsteps shifting the earth up into its path for it to plow through, creating a wave of mud that threatened to swamp over Salazzle. Sam’s Pokémon chose to stop its advance and begin breathing fire as hard and as far as it could reach. As Mudsdale got closer, Salazzle’s flames broke through the center of its wave, washing over its head, back, and the upper portions of its sides. Despite the searing pain pummeling the front and top of its body, Mudsdale pressed on. Despite Mudsdale’s refusal to stop and bring its wave closer, Salazzle stood its ground and continued to shoot fire at the oncoming force. Soon, the ground underneath Salazzle blasted upward before the wall of dirt crashed into it, throwing it back down to the ground while the displaced earth fell down at once onto it. Mudsdale, seeing that its attack had landed, slid to a stop and brought its face down to the mound where Salazzle was buried. Sun came up to Mudsdale’s side as it dug its muzzle in and pulled the unconscious Salazzle out from the ground, laying it on the grass beside the massive rut it had made. “Salazzle is unable to battle!” Sun cried, throwing his arm back toward Alice. “Mudsdale wins this match!” With its victory announced by Sun and reinforced by the applause and cries of the audience, Mudsdale turned away from Sun and Salazzle and cantered its way back toward Alice. As Alice began to pet and massage its neck and its side in appreciation, Sam walked over to his fainted Salazzle and knelt down to it, stroking the tips of his fingers from the top of its chest down to its belly. “You were amazing, Salazzle,” he whispered to it as he aimed his Poké Ball down. “You deserve some rest now.” The red beam of the Poké Ball shot down at the fainted salamander, quickly bringing it back inside. Standing back up and backing up into his spot, Alice and Mudsdale took notice of him and returned to their own respective spots to resume the battle. “Only two left,” Sam placed Salazzle’s ball back onto his belt and replaced it with one of his two remaining ones. “Still not that bad of odds… Okay Archeops, you’re on!” With a passionate toss of his ball, it opened up and let the white energy spilling out form in midair, forming into Sam’s prehistoric bird Pokémon as it glided above Alice and Mudsdale, swinging back and flying toward its trainer. Perching itself along the ridge of the ditch made by Mudsdale’s Bulldoze attack, Archeops granted itself a good view of both Alice and her Pokémon. “Not the best Pokémon you could have sent out,” Alice taunted, “but then again, any better ones are already pretty much spent, aren’t they?” “Your Mudsdale has only one move that can hit him,” Sam snapped back, “so I’d say this Archeops is a great choice to face her! Now Archeops, attack Mudsdale with Acrobatics!” Diving along the trough of the ditch, Archeops got some speed before gradually pulling up and flapping its wings to go even faster. As it got closer to Mudsdale, it began to lower its altitude again, making a hard sway to the left before banking to the right to seemingly fly around Mudsdale. It then pulled hard to the left to slip between the gap between Mudsdale’s front and back legs, tucking its wings in. After flying past its left legs, it threw its wings out fast enough to catch Mudsdale by its right ankles and shoot upward, using its speed, strength, and momentum to slam Mudsdale hard into the ground on its left side. Having thrown itself up, Archeops twisted itself about until it was upright in the air, its right talon stretching downward toward the incapacitated Mudsdale. With an upward swing of its wings, Archeops propelled itself downward driving its talon into the exposed side of Mudsdale’s gut, making the horse wheeze out in pain. “Yeah!” Sam shouted. “That’s the ticket!” Before Archeops could fly away, Mudsdale twisted its upper body out and smacked its hoof into Sam’s Pokémon, knocking it onto the ground. Sam’s body seized up, immediately sensing danger. “Good thinking, Mudsdale!” Alice shouted. “Now finish him quickly with Heavy Slam!” Mudsdale whinnied as it rolled onto its hooves spinning around to face Archeops, who continued to lay tiredly on its back. Wasting no time, Mudsdale galloped at Archeops as it only just began to sit itself up, its eyes greeted to Alice’s Pokémon’s intimidating approach. Archeops looked back at Sam, who shouted at it with a terrified look on his face. “Archeops! Get out of there! Get out!” Archeops turned forward again to see as Mudsdale leapt up and prepared to land its full weight on it, its body gleaming like metal. With a determined baring of its fangs, Archeops leaned forward before quickly tumbling back, Mudsdale’s hooves slamming down on empty grass. Archeops was knocked up into the air from the shockwave, but with its wings beating, it simply hovered above the ground before Alice’s Pokémon. “Oh, no way!” Alice shouted. “Archeops!” Sam screamed, throwing his fists up. “You simply amazing bastard! Go on now! Finish Mudsdale off with Dragon Claw!” Swooping down, Archeops flew out at Mudsdale, who stared Archeops down angrily. With Archeop’s claws going ablaze with blue and orange, it crashed into Mudsdale and slashed along Mudsdale’s chest. Mudsdale tensed up and let out one last shout before its limbs went weak and it crumpled down onto its side. Sun ran over and looked down at Alice’s Pokémon before throwing his arm toward her brother’s way. “Mudsdale is unable to battle! Archeops wins this match!” Archeops ran along the ground at Sam as the audience cheered him on. As Alice returned Mudsdale back into its ball, Archeops hopped up upon reaching its trainer, the two of them clapping their hand and claw together. Once the red beam of Alice’s ball receded in, she placed the top of her ball against her forehead. “He really has gotten stronger, hasn’t he?” With a nod and smile, Alice put her ball back onto her belt, her friends in the stands continuing to observe as the battle was nearing its conclusion. Susan let out the breath she had held and briskly walked to the table where several highballs of whiskey on the rocks were set, alerting Benji. “Susan? Susan, what are you–” “Sorry, honey.” Susan snatched a glass off the table and let every drop of liquor run into her mouth. “I just can’t handle this right now.” Susan, feeling her drink rush down her throat, took a calming breath before returning to her spot in the dining room to rejoin the equally overwrought patrons. Looking at the screen, which cut to Sam and then Alice, Benji huffed through his nose before swiping a glass of his own. “Yeah, alright…” “Both of them have used their items,” Molayne surmised, “and now they each have two Pokémon left in perfect health. Really, this is anyone’s battle now.” Kahili crossed her arms. “She has her Noivern and Raichu left, while Sam has Archeops and whichever Pokémon he chose to revive just now. If I were her, I would send out–” “Raichu, go!” Alice shouted, throwing her next ball out. Kahili nodded, glad to see her intuitions doing right by her. Alice’s Poké Ball opened up, and Raichu soared about on its tail as the white energy of the ball wiped itself off. Seeing the massive crowds surrounding it, throwing it in a state of paralyzing awe, it began to grin excitedly upon hearing their cheers. With a thrust of its body, it picked up speed as it began to fly up and around the outside of the arena, zipping by several ponies that let out excited gasps upon Raichu’s static fluffing their manes. Upon reaching the side that Celestia and Luna sat on, Raichu rode up the stands like a halfpipe before launching itself in front of them, rotating twice with one paw on the nose of its tailboard. As it fell back down toward the seats and rode toward Alice, Celestia and Luna both applauded the Pokémon’s showmanship. With a sideways skid, Raichu stopped before Alice to face Sam and his Archeops. Sam coughed with a smirk. “Showoff.” “Hey, Raichu! How’s about we finish that craggy-ass bird off quickly?” With a exclamatory purr, Raichu nodded its head in further agreement with its trainer’s plan. “That’s right! Let’s do this!” Alice crossed her arms in front of her face, her Z-Ring and the Aloraichium Z inside the face bursting with energetic light. As Alice and Raichu both continued to move their arms and bodies in synch with each others motions, the crowd began to break out into enthusiastic chatter. “She’s going to do a Z-Move too!” Scootaloo squealed. “This match just keeps getting better and better!” Kahili watched on as Alice and Raichu finished their motions by folding their arms and hands into the shapes of lightning bolts. “The very same as well…” Z-Power erupted out from Alice’s shoulders and elbows as they arced in neat, symmetrical curves toward Raichu. The beams collided with Alice’s Pokémon, and as it groaned trying to contain the awesome powers flooding every inch of its being, the light of the Z-Power seeped its way in before cloaking its body in a fiery aura. “Shit,” Sam hissed. “Archeops, she’s going for the kill, get ready to go!” Archeops threw its wings up and cawed loudly, its uncharacteristic optimism and preparedness making Sam laugh with anticipation. “Sam,” Alice shouted with palpable condescension, “this Z-Move FTK’d Dexio’s Slowbro. You really think that your Archeops is going to survive it?” “I guess we’ll see, huh? Archeops, attack Raichu with Bulldoze!” Archeops got a running start before it lifted itself up on its outstretched wings, flapping them hard to gain even more speed. Alice grimaced, her brother’s confidence irking her more than anything now. “Raichu! Finish Archeops with Stoked Sparksurfer!” Raichu flexed its body, pushing all of its stored Z-Power down into its board, transforming it into a platform made of bright, crackling sparks. Swiveling around, Raichu rode out to the side and rounded itself toward the back behind its trainer, plasma cascading down where it flew and forming a tsunami with it. Noticing Raichu’s slight retreat, Archeop’s swung up before inverting into a wide backward loop. Raichu flew down and straight through the middle of the arena, picking up even more speed as it made its way to where Archeops would soon be, Alice stepping aside to let her Pokémon pass. Archeops completed its flip and flew low into the ridge Mudsdale had created, picking up another wave of mud and dirt from it. Both Pokémon prepared to meet in the center of the arena, Raichu flying on ahead while Archeops swung up to throw its terrestrial torrent up with it. Raichu collided into Archeops and its mud wall simultaneously, creating a bright, lightning-laden explosion that threw a ball of dust in every direction. As the cloud swept through the stands and the camera crews along the sidelines, the stadium became awash with coughing as unicorns and the few alicorns in attendance charged their horns to remove the smog away from themselves and the others around them. With their magic, the dust was lifted high up above and outside the stadium to be carried along by the wind. Sam and Alice, having seen enough of this, looked down to where their Pokémon would be, seeing if either of them had survived their duel. As expected, Sam and Alice found Raichu on its hands and knees and covered in dirt and mud, winded, but stable. Sam then scanned the floor for Archeops, spotting him further away and to his right. With eyes wide and lips parted, Sam saw his Pokémon supporting itself on the claws of its wings. Even from his distance, Sam could see it panting heavily, but with its winged arms supporting it, it was clear that it still had a little fight left in it. “No way!” Mullet gasped, followed by a loud caw from Squabble. “It actually withstood it,” Olivia whispered. “Woohoo!” Starlight shouted, Lady roaring a cute squeaky roar beside her. “Sam, you’re amazing!” With Starlight’s outburst, the rest of the audience joined in with her, screams and applause rolling through the arena like thunder. Sam slowly spun around as he heard his name clearly called at numerous points amongst the crowd, wanting to experience and observe the full scope of what he and Archeops had just managed. Even Alice, who stood agape as Archeops slowly pulled itself onto its talons and stood strong, couldn’t help but slowly clap at the Pokémon’s accomplishment and smile respectfully. “Gotta hand it to you,” she spoke clearly, continuing her personal round of applause, “that’s really awesome.” Sam returned his focus onto his Archeops, who turned toward Raichu as it attempted to wipe away as much of the heavier splotches of mud still clinging to its fur. “I think you just earned yourself another attack, Archeops! Now, use another Bulldoze!” With Archeops fully intent on carrying out its trainer’s command, it took on an intensely serious façade and began to charge at Raichu, who used its telekinesis to vibrate its half-buried tail-board out from the muck that it was trapped in. With the applause of the audience dying down with the sudden resuming of the battle, Alice finally noticed Archeops’s approach toward Raichu upon it entering her vision. “Raichu, look out!” At Alice’s cries, Raichu freed its tailboard and stepped on. Archeops hopped up and beat its wings, picking up as much speed as its tired, sore muscles would allow it to. Even with its speed less than before, another smaller wave of dirt began to rise out from beneath the grass and follow underneath where it flew. Just as Raichu began to rise to try and escape the oncoming attack, Archeops shot upward with a screech, bringing enough mud upward to swamp over Raichu and throw it back down to the ground. Upon hitting the ground, the already-hardened mud shattered off in large thick slabs, Raichu painfully bouncing off the ground with them. With its attack successfully landed, Archeops grounded itself and stood on both its talons and the claws of its wings, wheezing in fatigue. Raichu groaned as it rolled over onto its stomach, looking at Archeops in its incredibly vulnerable state. “Not much more, Raichu!” Alice shouted. “Finish him off with Thunderbolt!” Raichu, its opportunity clear, shot up onto its feet and clenched its paws, which began to glow and sparkle with electricity. With a lunge and a forward throw of his arms, Alice’s Pokémon discharged its electricity into a single bolt of lightning that struck Archeops in the back. With an arching of its back and a weak caw, Archeops fell forward onto its stomach and laid still, Sun running over to see if it somehow survived. When it showed no signs of motion other than its breathing, Sun threw his arm in Alice’s direction. “Archeops is unable to battle! Raichu wins this match!” With another round of cheers from the crowd, Raichu turned to Alice, who pumped her fist to it in congratulations. With a smile, Raichu returned the gesture. Sam and Alice’s friends felt their bodies stiffen as Sam returned his fainted Archeops into its ball. “And now he’s down to one,” Capper sighed. “Say what you will, but these two kids know how to put on a show.” “No one’s doubting that,” Rarity replied, “but whichever Pokémon Sam chose to revive could very well mean the battle here.” Acerola crossed her fingers as she looked onward, Guzma noticing this from the corners of his sights, making him smirk. After placing Archeops’s ball back onto his belt, Sam detached his final Poké Ball, holding it down by his side. “Last one, huh?!” Alice shouted out. Sam vigorously nodded. “Yep! You’re getting close to that yourself!” “Yeah, so bring him out already! I’m sure he’s dying to finish this as much as you are!” Sam gasped, wondering if he could really be that predictable. “Come on, Sam, do you really think that after everything you two have been through, you’d pick anyone else to finish this battle?!” Acerola felt her hands loosen, her smile growing wider as her hopes appeared to be coming true. Sam looked down at his Poké Ball, imagining the Pokémon inside of it already out and by his side. “Yeah…” With two tears dropping to the ground, Sam wiped his face with his free forearm. “This is it, buddy. We’re doing this… together.” Looking back at Alice and Raichu, Sam clenched his ball tight before winding his arm back and throwing it as hard as he could. “Let’s finish this, Aegislash!!” With the ball coming open and releasing his shield-and-sword Pokémon from inside, the crowd began to go nuts with screams and ovations. Acerola shrieked even louder as she clapped her hands rapidly, Guzma leaning away to protect his hearing, nonetheless happy for Acerola’s glee. With its final opponent facing it, Raichu got down low on its tail-board both bracing itself for any oncoming attacks while preparing to make any attacks of his own. “Okay, Aegislash, we have the advantage here!” Sam threw his outstretched hand forward. “Attack Raichu with Shadow Sneak!” Aegislash slipped out from the enarme of its shield and caught it with its left cloth arm. With its blade free, Aegislash swung itself low to the ground, shooting its shadow to quickly run along the ground. Upon reaching underneath Raichu, it exploded upward in a burst of spectral darkness, sending Alice’s Pokémon up and knocking it off its tail-board. “Raichu!” Hearing its trainer’s voice, Raichu managed to pull its tail-board back toward itself and plant itself on it, riding back down to the ground in a tight spiral. “Make him work for it now! Use Thunderbolt!” Pressing its paws together, sparks and plasma began to fill the space between them. Raichu then shifted forward and threw its arms out, sending the lighting shooting out at Aegislash, striking it right in the center of its blade below the pommel. A few sparks crackled on Aegislash’s body, but it was easily able to shake them off. “You good, Aegislash?!” With a metallic croak, Aegislash signaled its affirmation. “Good! See if you can finish Raichu off with one last Shadow Sneak!” With a forceful grunt, Aegislash swung itself forward once more, throwing its shadow to swiftly slide along the grass. Raichu, seeing it get closer, rose straight up in an attempt to avoid it. With Aegislash performing a quick backward flip of its body, the shadow shot out from directly beneath Raichu in a narrow pillar, rising faster than Raichu could. With gasps from both Alice and her Pokémon, the pillar collided with the bottom of the tail-board and exploded, throwing Raichu off to fall to the ground. Its body bounced hard off the ground before its tail clattered down right beside it. Sun ran over to Alice’s Pokémon upon his noticing that it continued laying still, opting to throw his hand toward Sam and Aegislash after a few moments. “Raichu is unable to battle! Aegislash wins this match!” Sam pressed the bases of his palms into the sides of his head as the audience roared, hardly able to believe he and his Pokémon actually made it this far. Alice returned her fainted Raichu into its Poké Ball, clasping it in both hands and looking at the front of it once the red beam had fully gone inside. “Don’t worry, Raichu,” she whispered with quivering breath, “we got this now.” Putting the ball back and removing her last one from her belt, she looked up at where her friends were sitting, handfuls of them looking at her while the remaining ones kept their eyes on Sam, who shook his hands and arms as he hopped about, trying his best to calm his nerves. Alice picked her Poké Ball up and looked intently at it. “Alright then. Time to go!” With as forceful and as passionate a throw as her brother had last done, she sent her Poké Ball flying out into the arena. “Noivern, let’s go!” With the ball bursting open, Sam and Aegislash focused back on the field where the white energy of the ball formed into Alice’s ace dragon Pokémon, who grinned upon finding itself facing Aegislash once again. With Aegislash still energetic and ready to fight, it let out a forceful shout at Alice’s Pokémon, swiping its shield out in a threatening matter. “So Sam…” As the realization hit her all at once, Alice coughed out a sob and shut her eyes, two tears rolling down her face. “Looks like we’re ending this journey the same way we began it!” Sam chuckled, smiling as wide as his lips could allow. “Yeah… I guess we are. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Alice clenched her fists and held them up. “Couldn’t agree more! Ready, Noivern?!” Noivern let out a piercing howl at Sam and Aegislash, the two of them holding up their own arms in a similar fashion, ready to fight to make the victorious final attack. “Let’s go, Alice!” a male patron cheered with a booming clapping of his hands. “Come on, Sam!” another attendee exclaimed. “You got this! As each individual inside the restaurant cheered for the trainer they hoped to see win, Susan nestled herself into Benji’s embrace, both of their eyes glued to the screen. Throughout the stadium, the crowds began to clap, stomp, and shout all at once, the vibrations felt indubitably by Celestia and Luna from their seats. Seeing the support that the two humans had rallied amongst their kind, Celestia and Luna looked to each other and nodded thankfully. Cries of “Sam” and “Alice” began to pop out in various pockets of the stadium, the two trainers and their Pokémon compelled to stop and listen to the sheer adoration levied their way. Soon, the cheers began to organize and sort themselves out, half of the crowd clearly screaming “Alice” at once before the other half hollered “Sam” in a round. “Alice!” Fizzlepop and Grubber both yelled with their group. “Sam!” Trixie, Chrysalis, and Cocoon shouted with countless others. “Alice!” Lana, Kahili, and Hapu joined in. “Sam!” Acerola and Mallow bellowed. “Alice!” Hau, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Olivia thundered. “Sam!” Fluttershy and Comfey watched on, intimidated by the volume of the audience's cries. With all of her friends surrounding her already having joined in, Fluttershy shut her eyes tight as she struggled to withhold her excitement and support any longer. “Alice!” she shouted, her Comfey squeaking alongside her. “Sam!” Starlight screamed, Lady calling out just as loudly. Humbled by the calls of their names, Sam and Alice began to feel weightless in humility. Suddenly, they both noticed at once that their Z-Rings began to vibrate on their wrists. Pulling their arms up, Sam and Alice both noticed their Z-Rings beginning to glow brightly as if they had activated on their own. “What?” Lillie spat, running forward a couple of steps toward the arena. “Impossible!” Gladion sputtered. “Could it really be?” Sun especially was aghast by this most foreign phenomenon. “Those two…” Looking to each other, Sam and Alice could only begin to wonder what this meant, even though they were certain of it. “Our Z-Rings!” Alice gasped. “You don’t think–” “I think all this support we’re getting…” Sam stopped himself, thinking it may be too unbelievable to say out loud, but he couldn’t think of anything else. “It’s charging them up and letting us have one more Z-Move!” “You think so?” “I can think of only one way to find out!” Sam removed his Fairium-Z from his Z-Ring’s face and replaced it with his Steelium-Z. “Sam!” Alice shouted, reaching forward. “Are you really gonna’ go through with this?” “Sure am! I haven’t gotten to land a hit on your Noivern yet, and if this boost of Z-Power’s the real deal, I’m going to use it to beat you! So what do you say, sis?! You in?!” Alice looked to her Z-Ring with her Aloraichium Z glowing inside of it. With Sam slowly raising his arms up, ready to activate his Z-Power a second time with or without her, Alice smiled and resolved to take the Z-Crystal out from her Z-Ring and replace it with her Firium Z. “Okay, bro!” Alice shouted. “You got it!” With both of them ready, they both crossed their arms in front of their faces, their Z-Rings and individual Z-Crystals glowing even brighter. With the light catching the audiences’ attention, the chanting of the trainer’s names quickly dissolved into loud gasps and exclamations of confusion and excitement. “Wait just a darn second!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “I thought you could only activate a Z-Move once a battle!” “I…” Hau gulped. “I thought so too…” Pinkie Pie continued to watch Sam and Alice, now in their own unique dance to complete the activation of their Z-Moves. “I said wait just a darn second!!” Sam pulled his pressed fists apart and punched forward with them the same instant Alice grabbed her left arm reaching up into the air before swinging it down with her hand outstretched to aim it at Sam and his Pokémon. Z-Power burst from Sam’s fist in two beams while the same energy erupted from Alice’s back like a volcano, arcing over to flow toward Noivern. The two beams of Sam’s Z-Power rushed into Aegislash, who arced back and groaned with the massive rush of energy entering into it all at once. Alice’s Z-Power flooded over Noivern, the dragon crying up toward the sky as its body was filled with the tremendous power. Once all Z-Power had entered into both Pokémon, both Aegislash and Noivern were aflame with the aura their bodies couldn’t contain. “Going for the kill?” Sam questioned. Alice nodded. “Looks like you’re going for it yourself! Let’s just see if you can actually make it! Noivern!” “Aegislash!” “Inferno Overdrive!” “Corkscrew Crash!” Aegislash hugged its shield close to itself as it pointed the tip of its blade at Noivern, who opened its mouth wide as a bright ball of fire formed in front of its face. As Noivern’s Z-Power was pulled from its body and into the fireball, adding to its heat and size, Aegislash began to spin about, the Z-Power that was dancing off its body spiraling out and turning a solid silver, forming a drill-shaped whirlwind. With Noivern’s fireball nearly reaching the size of its own body, no trace of Aegislash could be seen in the argent cone it had formed around itself. Digging the claws of its wings into the ground, Noivern thrust itself forward through its flame, cloaking its body in the fire and flying forward. With Noivern making its own approach, Aegislash shot forward itself, the two prepared to meet their attacks right in the middle. Directly above the center circle of the arena, Noivern’s fiery body and Aegislash’s blade’s tip collided. With Noivern flying against Aegislash’s force, a dense shower of sparks rained down off from the sides of their impact, creating a wall of fire that further divided the battlefield, all to the amazement and wonder of the audience. With neither Pokémon giving their opponent an inch, a bright light began to form between them, which also began to zap the ground with plasma-like bolts. The light soon enveloped both Pokémon before it exploded in a forceful burst, blowing a shockwave in every single direction. The blast threw Sam, Alice, and Sun off their feet and send them down the length of the arena while every audience member was knocked back into their seats. Many of the camera people and reporters stumbled over, the cameras they held or kept on tripods going down with them. Lillie gasped in fright as the shockwave shot dust and dirt up from the ground on its way toward her. Gladion swung around her and hugged her tight with his back to the exit to the tunnel, allowing the blast to hit him and slide him several feet further inside. To the shock and terror of the patrons in the restaurant, the feed began to cut in and out from static to the blue sky with only a corner of the stadium showing. “What happened?” Susan spat. “What the hell just happened!” Finally, the camera appeared to be picked back up by its operator and locked back down onto the ground, the image onscreen appearing to remain stable too. Swiveling back to the arena, the only things that were left to be seen were Sam, Alice, and a thick cloud of dust covering Aegislash and Noivern. “Come on,” Benji whispered with trembling breath. “Come on…” The crowd sat in complete silence as they waited for the dust cloud to settle down. Sam rolled up into a seated stance to gaze upon the aftermath of Aegislash and Noivern’s attack. With no sound heard or visibility beyond the haze, Sam jumped to his feet and ran toward the cloud. “Aegislash!” he screamed. “Aegislash.” Upon seeing his Pokémon’s floating, slouching silhouette in the cloud before reaching it, he ground to a halt as the rest of it faded away, revealing Noivern standing on its legs and the claws of its wings too. Alice, seeing this too, stayed tense and neutral, glad to have seen her Pokémon survive, though nervous over Aegislash’s endurance as well. Soon, both Pokémon were revealed to the whole of the audience, a small bout of murmurs resulting from their appearance. “Oh my gosh…” Twilight gasped. “How did they both survive that? That was a dual Z-Move! Just how did–” “Look!” Pinkie Pie thrust herself between Guzma and Acerola to point toward Noivern’s direction. With the others turning their heads to where her hoof was aimed, they suddenly noticed a small glow on the claw of Noivern’s right wing. Sam, spotting this too, had his mouth wide open as he noticed a Focus Sash burn away to ash and disperse into the wind, its single use having been spent. “No way!” Kaj shrieked, hopping up to her feet. “That’s the Focus Sash I gave her! Haha!” “Wow!” Spike commented. “She must have had that the whole battle, but look at Noivern’s claw! It’s the same color!” “It was there in plain sight,” Twilight surmised, “but neither of us noticed until…” Twilight felt a smile involuntarily etch its way across her face. “Nicely played, Alice.” “But…” Olivia spoke up, “that means that that Noivern only has just enough strength to stand. And with Aegislash’s Shadow Sneak, Noivern’s speed ain’t gonna’ do it much good at this point.” “So…” This conclusion made Twilight frown in sympathy towards Alice. “That means…” “Sam’s won this!” Acerola shouted. “He’s actually won this!” Despite Acerola’s declarations, the audience surrounding her only increased the volume of their chatter as both Pokémon continued to face each other, neither showing signs of yielding. Sam, having come to the same realization, found his smile getting larger as he continued panting, his mouth opening wider with each breath out. Alice also seemed to recognize this, her lips pursing and quivering as she was left with no further option but to watch Aegislash make its final attack. “That was a pretty awesome strategy, Alice,” Sam huffed, “and I meant what I said last night when I wanted you to win this… but… if this is how the cards fall, I’ll accept it all the same. Aegislash, finish Noivern off with Shadow–” With his Pokémon having been in the same tired, slumped position since the dust cloud unveiled it, Sam’s declaration was cut short by the sight of Aegislash’s shield slipping out from its grasp, the heavy clang it made upon hitting the ground like a sledgehammer in his chest. A loud wave of gasps soon struck the audience, who watched along with the two trainers, as well as Sun approaching from the sidelines, as Aegislash leaned back and began to fall down. With its tip hitting the ground followed by its landing flat on its back, Aegislash’s eye was peacefully closed as its cloth arms fluttered down and off to the side. Alice, her body once frozen with crushing disappointment, was now staying petrified with the disbelief she was feeling at that moment. Sam picked his arms up, his half-closed hands trembling as he reached for his Pokémon, hoping for a miracle to occur before Sun could arrive and determine what he already knew in his heart to be true. After looking down on Aegislash, Sam drew a huff of regret and pity, left with no option but to make the final declaration. “Aegislash is unable to battle!” Sun threw his arm toward Alice and Noivern’s direction. “Alice Brier is the winner and the newest champion of the Alola region!” With the end of the battle finally made official, the cheering and applause from the audience got to its loudest point yet, all of it toward Alice, the ultimate victor. Alice sunk into a crouch as she screamed, her hands over her face as she tried to conceal the tears streaming down it. With the vibrations of Noivern spinning around to face its trainer, Alice sprung up and sprinted to it before leaping up and hugging her Pokémon tight around the neck. “I’m so proud of you!” Alice bawled, the warmth of the bottom of Noivern’s chin on her back filling her with even more emotion. “Oh my god, I’m so god damned proud of you!” Susan cried out as she removed her hand from her mouth, her wails rising above the cheers erupting throughout the entire restaurant. She then dug her face into Benji’s chest and loudly sobbed into it. “Our daughter’s the champion!” her muffled voice blubbered. “She’s the fucking champion! Can you believe it?” Benji hugged his wife tight, unable to keep his eyes open with the tears welling up into them. “No… No I can’t…” Twilight took a break from her ovation as she turned to the rest of Sam and Alice’s friends, all of whom continued joining the audience in their collective congratulations. With a flash of her horn, she got the attentions of most of them, and with understanding nods, they slunk out from their spots and made their ways to the aisles to leave. From high above and across the arena, Celestia and Luna noticed Twilight and her friends’ departure, and with a nod to each other, they charged their horns and vanished from their spots in a flash of light. Sam walked up to his fainted Aegislash, falling down on his knees with them on either side of its hilt. Hyperventilating and crying in a mixture of both frustration and happiness, he picked Aegislash up by the pommel and hugged it as close and as tightly as its awkward angle would allow it. “Aegislash,” he choked. “Thank you… For getting me even this far… this close…” “Sam!” Looking up, Sam watched as Alice and Noivern both approached him, Alice jogging her way over. Sam wiped his tears and snot away as best he could with one run of his arm as he set Aegislash back down. Standing up to his feet, he briskly walked over to his sister and opened his arms wide for her, his face busting open another floodgate of tears and weeping before she ran into his embrace. Sam cried over Alice’s back, clutching the back of her vest tight as he bawled. “Sam,” Alice began to cry as well, “you were so good! You were so good!” Sam could only nod, not wanting to ruin this moment with the wrong thing to say. Leaning its neck down, Noivern brought its face close to Sam, who could no longer ignore the puffs of hot air leaving its nostrils and blowing into his face. Sam reached for Noivern and pressed his hand onto the center of the dragon’s nose, appreciating the moist warmth he got from it. “Good to see you too,” Sam whispered, feeling only a slightly bit better. “You were great too, girl.” Looking past Noivern, Sam noticed as Lillie and Gladion appeared to exit and walk toward him and Alice. He then saw as Starlight and Fluttershy galloped out from the tunnel with their Pokémon. Once Sam let go of his sister and stepped away to give them some room, Alice turned back to see even more Equestrians and humans pour out on their way to them. With Fluttershy and Starlight reaching them first, Sam and Alice caught the two ponies as they nuzzled them hard, squeezing their arms around their backs. “You two were amazing!” Starlight squeaked through her tears. “I still can’t believe it!” “I’m so happy for you,” Fluttershy blubbered out, “I could just scream!” The rest of Sam and Alice’s friends began to surround them tightly, putting their hooves, claws, or hands on their shoulder’s hugging them from the sides or behind, or rustling their hair. With the overwhelming affection they received from everyone, Sam and Alice just chose to stand still and let their friends show their love in whichever way they pleased. “Your battle was just splendid.” The domineeringly calm voice of Celestia spoke up as she and Luna came forward, causing the Equestrians and humans to step aside and let them approach the two trainers. “Though I’m aware that Alice came out the victor, I still want to offer my congratulations to both of you for making it to this point in your journeys. That being said, Alice, you have certainly fought hard, and you’ve very much earned your spot as champion of your home. Well done.” “Yes,” Luna spoke up next, “I do wish that I was as… *ahem* fortunate as Starlight and Fluttershy here to have been able to see your journey from its beginning to its end, even if it were in better circumstances.” “And I thank you so very much for letting us battle here.” Sam wiped his face again. “Being able to do so in front of the friends we made meant the world to us.” “For everything you’ve done for Equestria,” Celestia responded, “it was the absolute least we could do. Thank you so very much again.” “There’s really no need to thank us,” Alice said. “You Equestrians gave my brother and I the greatest adventure any trainer could ever ask for.” “Yes, quite.” Luna and Celestia began to back away, the rest of Sam and Alice’s friends joining them. “Whenever you’re ready, you two may join us at the palace. We are holding a private banquet for you and your friends to celebrate your victory and the end of your adventure.” “Wait a second,” Sam interrupted, “who’s stopping us?” “Alice!” the voice of Gabby rang out, Ty following her with his camera. “Alice Brier!” Celestia chuckled as more reporters and camera crews closed in on them and called for both Alice and Sam’s names, prepared to get their invaluable time with them. “Like my sister said, you may come whenever you two are finished.” “Bye, guys!” Pinkie Pie shouted, hopping over her friends to ensure that she was seen. “Congrats too!” Sam and Alice waved her and their other friends goodbye as they began to walk into the coliseum. Before the cameras and reporters could close themselves around the two, Sun approached them and firmly placed his hands on their shoulders, to which they looked up at him. “Fine job you two.” He then briskly walked off to join the others, weaving in around the paparazzi as they closed off their circle. “See you at the party!” “Alice!” Gabby began. “With your big win still fresh on your mind, what are you thinking in this exact moment?” “Sam!” another reporter close to him called. “You came so close to winning only to lose it all! Do you have any plans to try for the championship again?” With additional questions around them blurring into an incomprehensible cluster, Sam and Alice stole a glance to each other before addressing their first inquiries. “I feel amazing!” Alice said into Gabby’s microphone. “Mom, dad, I know you’re watching, I love you guys so much, and I credit you and all your support as much as I credit my Pokémon, my brother, and our friends with getting me here today!” “I don’t know,” Sam replied to his question. “I did a lot better than I thought I was going to, so maybe there’s a chance I’ll try for the championship again, but right now, my Pokémon and I are really tired and would like to just take it easy for a bit. Actually, sh– Oops!” While Sam broke through the wall of people to return his fainted Aegislash, Alice focused herself on a new reporter and new camera, ensuring that they could hear their questions and any follow-ups they would have. Noivern stepped off to the side, allowing its trainer to take her time with these people. Though it seemed that it would be ages before they’d be freed from the media circle, the two of them were more than happy to focus on something other than their adventure for the first time in over a month. Late at night in Hau’oli City, few cars were driving around on the streets, providing an unusually serene urban atmosphere. As Susan and Benji stood outside the EarthQuestria headquarters on the sidewalk, they allowed themselves a few calm moments to relax as they waited for the people who would soon come outside. Soon enough, they spotted five figures walking through the lobby through the windows, recognizing two immediately as their children. As they approached the doors, Sun stayed back to see them off while Gladion and Lillie reached toward the doors with their phones, a blue dot of light from them causing both the inside and outside sliding doors to open up simultaneously, letting them out. After waving goodbye to the three of them, Sam and Alice walked down the steps toward the street, seeing their parents waiting outside. The four instantly smiled to each other, Susan and Benji opening their arms to them. Sam and Alice picked up their pace as they jogged into their parents’ embrace. “Oh my god,” Benji grunted, “I love you two so damned much!” “Thanks dad,” Alice whispered, both from overwhelming bliss and exhaustion from everything she had gone through that day. “We’re so proud of you, Sam, Alice,” Susan cooed. “As far as we’re concerned, you’re both champions in our book.” Sam couldn’t help but laugh. “Mom, seriously.” “I’m serious! We’re the proudest parents in the world right now, and you two should be the proudest trainers.” “Okay. That’s fair.” “Hah,” Benji tiredly sighed, “that’s good that we can agree. Come on, let’s go home.” With their children on either side of them, Benji and Susan walked down the sidewalk back to their apartment, their arms around their childrens’ backs. Sam and Alice closed their eyes, half-awake and trusting their parents to safely lead them back to their beds where they could finally get some much needed sleep. Unbeknownst to the four of them, the feline figure of Zeraora sat within the glow of the lights forming the border of the EarthQuestria building’s outline, its bottom paws dangling over the edge. Though unable to be present for what had transpired for them, it could rest assured that whatever Sam and Alice had gone through had been successful for them. Smiling warmly, the legendary Pokémon stood up and kept their eyes on them until they were too far away to see. At that, Zeraora glowed brightly before it transformed into electricity that fed itself into one of the light fixtures, disappearing completely from sight. > E5 – The Kalosian's Alola > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam lied in bed, staring at the ceiling. Ever since he crawled into his bed that night, he had not slept a wink. Even with the room and everything outside of it dimly lit and quiet, Sam continued to lie awake, thinking about his life; everything that had happened up to that point and everything that would come after the sunrise that morning. After finally concluding that he would never sleep with the thoughts churning in his mind, Sam swung himself to sit up, breathing deeply in and out in a last-ditch effort to lull himself into slumber. After the first two minutes of silent meditation, unease continued to fester, trying his patience to the point that Sam resolved to swing his legs off the side of the bed and he fully got out of it. Heading to his door, he turned on the lightswitch, the glow of the ceiling lamp piercing his vision uncomfortably. Sam dug his face into his palms and let out a couple of exhausted sobs, wanting to give his body the rest it begged for but his mind refused to give. A few more deep breaths later, Sam looked to the top of his dresser where the clip holding his six Poké Balls were kept. With his sister, parents, and all other friends still likely sleeping soundly wherever they slept, he was entirely aware that his Pokémon were the only ones at this moment who could and would hear him out. It was not even a conversation that he felt comfortable having on such short notice, but with his head beginning to hurt from fatigue, Sam stormed over to his dresser and snatched his clip off the dresser. Sam walked out onto the roof of the apartment from the door at the top of the stairwell. Swinging around, he walked to the ledge facing the ocean. Putting one foot up onto it, Sam was as close to the edge as he felt comfortable being. Scanning off to the east, he looked over to the large pile of rubble that used to be Ten Karat Hill, knowing that just a little further down, Hau and Iki Town were right there too. Closing his eyes, he could imagine himself soaring just over the ocean until he reached Konikoni City where Olivia and Carly lived. Just over the Diglett’s Tunnel came Heahea City, the site of Professor Burnet’s lab. After passing over Royal Ave where he and Alice first met Kaj and moving past Wela Volcano, he was met with another stretch of ocean that took him back to Ula’ula Island. Flying over Po Town, along with Plumeria and Team Skull, he began to climb over Mount Lanakila where Acerola, Dexio, Molayne, and Kahili were and his sister would soon be. Rather than stop there, his mind continued to wander eastward, quickly descending the summit like he first did on his Drampa until he reached Malie City. Sam began to grin as he knew this wasn’t his destination. Once again reaching the sea, Sam’s mind flew over the expanse of blue, finding no new land in the distance as Alola quickly disappeared behind him. He began to fly faster and faster until the surface of the sea and the color of the sky bled into two solid colors above and below. Land refused to appear even as it felt like he was about to encircle the globe until– Sam’s eyes shot open and breathed in hard, the air nearly stolen from his lungs. For the first time in several hours, Sam felt at peace with his feelings, and this realization filled him with immense pleasure. With his Poké Ball clip attached to the waistband of his sweatpants, he turned back to the area of the roof, pulling all six balls off with both hands with three held between his fingers. Lobbing them out, all six Poké Balls opened up at once letting Aegislash, Lurantis, Salazzle, Archeops, Drampa, and Absol out onto the floor. While initially confused at their surroundings at that time of day, they turned their attentions to their trainer upon seeing him standing there, his body silhouetted against the light of the moon. “Okay,” Sam spoke, “here’s what’s up.” Benji pulled a baking pan of roasted sliced potatoes from the oven, placing it on the right side of the stove beside a large skillet holding several strips of thick bacon and a couple of fried sunny-side-up eggs, along with a smaller skillet above it frying up seasoned toast soldiers in butter. Susan took a sip of her coffee as she stared at the cover page of the morning’s newspaper, which, save for the paper’s name was solely comprised of a picture featuring Alice hugging Noivern following their victory over Sam. Susan then folded up the paper and handed it to Alice, who sat opposite her at the kitchen table. “Be sure to keep that. That’s history you’re a part of now.” Alice kept holding the paper out to Susan, looking a bit confused. “Aren’t you going to want it?” “Please, I can find a newsstand and buy another.” Benji flipped the bacon over, which now took on a delectable golden-brown color. “Susan, Alice, would one of you please go wake up Sam and tell him breakfast’s–” “No need,” Sam’s voice called from down the hall. Sam stumbled into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets, still tired from the sleep he couldn’t get. Sitting down at the far end of the table, Sam scooted himself in, much to the surprise of his mother. “Sam,” she gently scolded, “you know that’s where your father sits.” “He’s the second best trainer in all of Alola, dear.” Benji swung around from the stove and placed some of the strips of fried bread onto Alice and Susan’s plates. “He can sit wherever he damn well pleases.” He then walked over to his son to put some on what was meant to be his plate. “Don’t worry, Sam, I’ll sit in your usual spot.” Sam nodded appreciatively as his father returned to the stove to handle the bacon and eggs. Sam took the opportunity to reach for both a coffee cup and the press at the center of the table before pouring himself enough steaming black liquid to leave the press only a quarter full. Benji placed an egg on Alice and Susan’s toast, followed by two bacon strips. “So other than packing, what’s everyone else got going today?” “I don’t know,” Alice said, “I may call up Kaj and ask if she wants to hang out at the Hau’oli Mall tonight; get some new clothes to bring with to the League.” “Very nice.” Benji gave Sam his egg and bacon as he stirred sugar into his coffee. “What about you, Sam? Are you going to help your sister at all, or…?” Sam took a single sip of his coffee, ready to break the news to his family. “As a matter of fact… I’m packing myself…” Sam looked up, his mom, dad, and sister, who all turned to him, only looking mildly surprised. “Really?” Benji returned to the stove to grab the pan of potatoes. “Where you thinking of going? What are you planning?” Sam winced, knowing the next response would bring the reaction he was expecting. “Away… from Alola, I mean.” Just then, Benji turned to face his full body to Sam, Alice and Susan shooting their own shocked glares to him. “Sam…” Susan gasped. “You’re not seriously–” “Yes mom, I am.” He then looked to Alice, who he was surprised to see looked even more astonished than their parents. “And I’m sorry, Alice, I don’t mean to steal your thunder; that’s not my intent… It’s just… I had trouble sleeping last night. Now that my adventure on Alola’s over, I just kept thinking… ‘What now?’ I thought that maybe I could explore Alola just a bit more, stay close to you guys, but… I don’t know…” Alice reached over to Sam and put her hand on his arm, the two looking at each other. “You’re pretty much done with Alola, aren’t you?” Sam spread a grimace across his face, the words a bit exaggerated, but the meaning behind them extremely truthful. “I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t want to spring this on you so quickly after just having ended my first Pokémon journey, but… everything I’ve gone through with Alice… and Starlight and Fluttershy… I actually really want that again, but… somewhere else.” Benji put the potatoes back onto the stove, turning back to face his son. “So… where do you plan on going next?” Sam shrugged. “I thought about it a little as I was finally able to doze off, but… I thought of maybe… going back home? Like, home-home.” “So, Kalos?” Whether he just needed to hear it said back to him, Sam smiled and nodded to his dad, his heart and mind beginning to feel more made up. “You know…” Susan spoke, almost sadly. “You know that you’ll be going this alone this time, won’t you? Alice won’t be around anymore to–” “Mom.” Alice brushed her fingers against Susan’s arm, getting her to stop. “I’m pretty sure Sam’s well aware of this. But yeah, Sam, you may be a much stronger trainer leaving Alola than you were coming to it, but… going on your own Pokémon adventure is quite a huge step for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re 11, 14, or 17, it’s going to be a lot different without me or anyone to help you out.” Sam let out a nervous laugh that he tried to force out as more confident. “You know, I was already really nervous taking my first step onto Alola with you by my side, but...” Sam picked up his arms. “…look at me now. I figure at this point, if I can come within inches of beating the champion of the Alola region…” Sam let out a much more natural smirk. “…what chance does Kalos stand against me?” Alice smiled comfortably, the new confidence her brother exuded giving her peace of mind. Susan chuckled and looked down at the table, trying to mask her oncoming tears. Benji, glad to see his son so mentally prepared for his next rite of passage, picked the pan of potatoes up from the stove and began to serve them to Alice and Susan. “Alright everyone,” he said, swinging around to give Sam the last bit of food, “let’s eat. Then, we pack.” Benji and Susan stood at the counter of the ferry station, Sam and Alice standing behind them as the woman behind the counter continued with their parents’ transaction. “So, that’s the 9:00 ferry to Cyllage City in the Kalos region,” the woman read back, “and then the 9:30 ferry to Malie City on Ula’ula Island, both for tomorrow morning. That sound right?” Susan nodded, already sliding a credit card across to her. “That’s exactly right.” Smiling to Susan, the woman took the card and slid it into the slot at the foot of the reader. Sam and Alice looked to each other before she planted her hand on his shoulder and shaking it, hardly able to believe herself what her brother was set out to do. As Alice folded the last couple pairs of her underwear and placed them in a small suitcase with her socks and shorts, Sam lugged an even larger case out from her room and walked it out into the living room. “Couple extra pairs of pants?” Alice asked, sitting on the foot of Sam’s bed. Sam ran his hand down his backpack where he figured they’d be based on how he packed his other things. “Yep.” “Underwear?” “Probably too much of it, but yeah, definitely.” “Deodorant, toothbrush and paste?” Sam patted the front of his bag, feeling them bulging out of the front pocket where he kept them. Alice threw her hands up, her services no longer required. “Sounds like you’re set then. Now come on, I still have a few more things.” As Alice swung herself off Sam’s bed, Sam waited for her to leave his room before he followed her out to her room. The Briers stood in the middle of the living room, facing the front door of the apartment where three suitcases of varying sizes were sitting along with Sam’s backpack. Seeing the sight in front of her, Susan took in a sharp inhale before looking away with the side of her fist against her mouth. “Honey?” Benji tenderly put her arm on her back. “I thought this is what you wanted for our kids.” Susan both shook and nodded her head as she dried her eyes with her fingers. “I know, but… I’ve kind of gotten comfortable with all of you around.” The four of them laughed as they closed in, throwing themselves into a big group hug, savoring their last moments together before they’d be parted once more. Sam sat along the wall overlooking Hau’oli Beach, the orange glow of the sun and sky reflecting across the sea and the waves that rolled onto the shore. Though the beach was still heavily populated with the warm sun still out, Sam was still happy to experience this last Alolan afternoon by himself. “Sam!” Hearing a voice yank him out of his tranquility, Sam looked over to his right to see both Hau and Sun approaching him. “Hey man, you don’t mind if we pop a squat right here, do you?” “Guys!” Despite his lack of confirmation, Hau sat beside Sam’s right while Sun sat down to his left. “What are you doing here? How’d you even know I’d be here?” “Your sister gave me a ring about you going back to your old stomping grounds in Kalos?” Hau then lightly jabbed Sam in the shoulder. “Good for you, dude!” “Yes, Sam,” Sun added, “that is really nice news to hear.” “Thanks everyone,” Sam responded, glancing between both of them. “So, how do you feel about it all?” “A little better than last night. But after a nice heart-to-heart with my Pokémon and my family, I feel ready now.” “That’s awesome!” Hau exclaimed. “I think– No, I’m one-hundred percent certain that you’re going to crush Kalos!” “You really think so?” “Sam,” Sun breathed out, “you really shouldn’t have to ask yourself that. After the battle you gave to your sister, you are ready.” “Hah… okay.” “In all honesty, you should consider yourself so lucky. The whole reason I stepped down as champion in the first place was because I missed the journey that brought me to that point in the first place. The fact that you’re ready and willing to go off on another adventure just a day after your championship battle… Yeah, there’s no doubt in either of our minds; you are ready for this, Sam.” Sam nodded. “Yeah, and I have Alice, Starlight, and Fluttershy… and I suppose both of you to thank too. Starting tomorrow morning, I’m not letting anything you’ve all taught me to go to waste. And as much as I’m looking forward to leaving Alola…” He then looked off to the sunset once again. “I have to admit, I’m really going to miss this a lot.” Sun and Hau looked off to the horizon too, also captivated by Alola’s natural beauty. “I’m sure the sunsets in Kalos will be just as gorgeous,” Sun assured him. “You may even remember how much you missed them upon your return.” “Maybe… but still.” Hau put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, the two looking at each other. “We’re really going to miss you, Sam; all of us on Alola. Just know that we’re all still behind you even if there’s a really big ocean separating us. You’re going to be just fine.” Sam moved his arm toward Hau as the two of them leaned in to give each other a hug. With Hau’s firm grip on Sam’s back, Sam clutched the Kahuna just as tightly, savoring and cherishing the friendship he was all too fortunate to have made. Sam led his family into the ferry station, a single strap of his backpack over his right shoulder. Alice, and then Benji and Susan entered right after, each one wheeling in one of Alice’s suitcases. With all of them present, Sam looked up at the clock at the top of the wall, seeing that it was 8:45. Though his backpack weighed heavily on him, Sam took in a deep breath, trying erase the thought that he may have forgotten something. Sam then turned to his family, all standing there with mixed feelings of immense happiness and crushing sadness. “Well, guys! I’m–” “C’mon, son,” Benji interrupted, “you can sit with us for ten minutes before you need to board.” “I mean,” Alice huffed, “he’s going to have to board eventually. He may as well get going before it gets too hard for any of us.” “Okay…” Susan’s face appeared to melt as she mustered every ounce of strength to keep from becoming a blubbering mess. “Come here.” Sam dropped his bag on the floor and walked over to his mom, the two of them throwing their arms around each other and holding each other tight. “Oh god, I’m so proud of you,” Susan wheezed. “I know…” Sam breathed in hard, also finding his emotions hard to contain. He then turned to Benji, who gripped onto his hand for a familial handshake. “When you get back to Lumiose, go and check out how the old restaurant is doing.” “Like you needed to ask.” Sam threw himself toward Benji and the two hugged each other tight, rocking from side to side as they tried to relish these final moments with each other. Breaking away from his dad, he then stepped in front of Alice. With another deep breath, he struggled to find the best last words he could say to his sister and invaluable partner. “Well,” he huffed. “This is goodbye.” “Hold on,” Alice spoke up, looking a bit confused, “you’re still going to visit once in a while, right?” “Sure, I mean, when the rest of the world gets boring enough.” Alice hissed out a laugh. “Well, don’t go and be breaking your own legs out there.” “And you hang tight to that heavy-ass crown of yours!” With smiles, Sam and Alice swung their arms onto each other and embraced as hard as they could. With this final farewell, Susan turned to Benji and let out a couple of sobs into his chest. Sam let out a grunt as he pulled himself away from Alice, picking his bag back up. “Okay, guys,” he called, walking back to the door to the docks. “I’ll be off now–” The front door banged open, the Briers, along with anyone else inside the station turning that way to find Sun barging in. “Hold on!” “Sun?” Alice questioned. “What are you–” Just then, Twilight and Spike began to enter the station, followed by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Comfey, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight and Lady, making both Sam and Alice gasp in pleasant surprise. “You guys! What is this?” “Sun told us Sam was leaving already,” Starlight answered, “and we all just wanted to give you guys something before you left.” “What is it?” Sun answered by approaching Sam and Alice. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he provided both Sam and Alice with two plastic cards which shone with every color of the rainbow as they angled it to and away from the light. The tops were labeled “PASSPORT” and below a blank box, the names “Brier, Alice” and “Brier, Sam” were printed, along with the EarthQuestria logo below that. “Passport?” Sam shot his gaze up to Sun, who handed two similar, properly-labeled cards to Benji and Susan, and then to the ponies, who nodded to confirm what he had already figured out. “You don’t mean–” “We sure do!” Pinkie Pie chirped with a bounce. “Because of all the help you’ve given my friends and I,” Twilight said, “we wanted to thank you two and your parents by giving you these EarthQuestria passports, which will allow you to travel to and from Equestria any time you please.” Sam was overwhelmed with emotion, the card in his trembling hand beginning to slip out. “I… I don’t…” The card finally fell, Starlight catching it in her magic and lifting it up back to Sam’s hand before pushing his fingers closed for him. “We also gave passports to the Trial Captains and the Kahunas too, along with the trainers at the Pokémon League.” “Kaj too!” Pinkie Pie squealed, bouncing even higher. “We also plan to give some to some trainers in the other regions as well as select Equestrians to serve as diplomats to our world,” Sun explained, “but I do believe that it’s only fair that you get to be among the first to possess one.” “Oh my god…” Sam ran his hand through his hair, still in disbelief. “Thank you so much.” “Hold on,” Benji shouted, “when are the EarthQuestria centers even going be open for Sam and Alice to use them?” “We’re quite glad you asked, darling,” Rarity answered, “because each EarthQuestria center is actually having its grand opening tonight!” “Tonight?!?” The Briers all shouted at once. “Mmhm,” Applejack replied. “I reckon Alice may be free, but on account of Sam bein’ smack dab in the middle of the ocean, it seems like you’re gonna' miss out on all the fun.” “I’m sure Sam will have plenty of fun wherever he decides to go,” Fluttershy passively argued. “In any case,” Spike said, “once the centers are open, you can come visit us wherever… whenever you want!” “So be sure to visit often, okay?” Rainbow Dash playfully threatened. Sam drew an even calmer breath. “Of course, Rainbow Dash. Why would I want to stay away from such incredible friends?” As Twilight and the others began to approach him, Sam got down on one knee, allowing each pony and dragon to surround him and smother him with warm, fuzzy affection. Alice stood close to Sun and her parents, letting Sam have his moments with the Equestrians before he had to leave. Sam stood on the port-stern side of the ferry as he watched the walkway connecting it to the dock get pulled in, the last thing that would need to be done before the boat could pull away. With a roar of motors beneath him and the intensifying vibrations underneath him, Sam looked over the railing, watching as the ferry shifted away from the dock to prepare itself to sail off toward the ocean. Finally, the boat began to move forwards, Sam looking back at the station where Alice was likely spending a little bit of time left with her parents before she boarded her ferry. With nothing else to see, Sam huffed out a sigh and began to make his way toward his cabin. “Sam!” Hearing Alice’s voice shout out from behind, Sam froze for a moment before returning to the stern. Leaning over the railing, he watched as Alice and the eight Equestrians ran along the pier, chasing after his ferry as it pulled away faster and faster. Sam couldn’t help but chuckle over this most heartfelt sendoff. Alice, Spike, and the ponies weaved their way past the people leaving and heading for their respective ferries and continuing toward the very end, even as the back of Sam’s boat passed the end of the pier. Charging her magic, Twilight conjured an aura in the shape of a metal-railing fence that Alice allowed herself to crash into and the other Equestrians could hop their front hooves upon. With Sam heading further and further out, Alice and the Equestrians flailed their arms about in waving and loudly bidding Sam farewell toward his new journey. Sam kept his eyes on Alice as she put both hands over her heart and gently swung them out and back to her sides, mouthing off, “Alola.” Sam’s smile grew warm as he moved his hands in the same way to his sister and friends. “Alola…” After another minute, Sam, Alice, and the Equestrians only appeared as specks to each other, Sam now able to see the whole of Hau’oli City as it slowly grew even smaller. With one final wave in the direction toward the station where his parents certainly still were, Sam finally felt comfortable turning back and heading toward the door that would send him down to his cabin. On the deck, Sam played with Aegislash, Absol, and Archeops, the four of them chasing each other and avoiding their attempts to tackle one another to the ground. As Sam leapt out of Aegslash’s way, Archeops swooped down under Absol between its legs, running out at Sam and hugging his legs tight to trip him up. Sam nearly fell flat on his back, only for Aegislash to catch him on its shield and set him down slowly. Sam laughed as his three Pokémon surrounded and cuddled up close to him. A young boy hopped about and pointed at Sam and his Pokémon to his parents. Sam, finding an equal sense of joy in his enthusiasm, beckoned the boy closer with an inward wave of his arm. The boy sprinted out at Absol, running both its tiny hands along its white fur. With Absol purring in contentment, the boy found himself emotionally glued to Sam’s Pokémon, giggling even louder. The boys parents then approached Sam as he got back up, shaking their hands as he introduced himself to them. Sam sat at a booth across from a couple roughly ten years older than him. As he cut into a gravy-covered porkchop with buttered mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, he engaged in lively conversation with them about his exploits and his Pokémon, along with hearing about their own stories too. Though Sam and his company had only taken a couple bites of their food, they were already certain that their chat would continue long after their plates were cleaned. Sam slept soundly in his cot late that night. Though he was by himself and farther away from his family than he had ever been, his slumber could not have been more peaceful. By daybreak, everything he left behind would matter just a little bit less. The sky was just beginning to show its colors early the next morning, the sun set to rise above the horizon at any moment. Sam barged out the cabin chamber door, bathed and fully-dressed as he sprinted up to the bow, stopping himself with his foot on the corner of the top of the ledge below the railing. It was still dark, and he still had time. Detaching all six of his Poké Balls from his belt, holding onto three in each hand, he shot them all up into the air, each one bursting open at once. Archeops and Drampa both spread out to fly alongside the ferry while Absol and Lurantis landed upon the deck behind Sam. As Archeops floated down to stay close by its trainer’s side, Salazzle landed upon Sam’s shoulders, draping itself around his neck to get a good view of what he wanted it and the rest of his Pokémon to see. Within a few seconds, the top of the sun breached the edge of the ocean far off down and just to the right, the sky now beginning to burst with color. Sam reached forward and grabbed the railing as his Pokémon all marveled at the familiar, yet distinctive sunrise. Just as expected, the brightening of the sky illuminated the western edge of Kalos that was now visible from several miles out. Slowly scanning his sights, Sam finally spotted the cozy seaside town of Cyllage City nestled alongside the steep cliffs where he and his Pokémon would soon step foot. Sam turned to his left, watching Drampa marvel at the brand new city it was being taken to. He then looked down to Lurantis, whose large, wondering eyes glistened in the still-rising sun. With Salazzle’s head beside his, it quietly screeched in preemptive enjoyment of their time together. Looking to the right, Archeops fought the intense urge to fly on ahead and reach the city before Sam or its other companions. Absol hopped its front paws onto the railing to get a better, more unobstructed view of their destination. And directly to Sam’s right was his Aegislash, the trusty Pokémon he took from Kalos as a Honedge and would be returning home with in its newer, stronger form. Sam looked forward once again, just as ready and excited as his Pokémon to tackle this familiar, yet new region. To make new, unforgettable friends. To embark on another, extraordinary adventure.