• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,892 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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P4 – Divergence Point

The three helicopters began to approach the small, rural island of Poni, keeping their fronts pointed at the Vast Poni Canyon up ahead and the large open area in its center. Riding in the center helicopter, Faba clicked a button on his control panel that stabilized his yoke as it went into auto-pilot. Chrysalis sat in the co-pilot seat, simply watching the view from above.

“Keep an eye out for anything below,” he told her.

She nodded once. “Of course.”

Swinging himself out of his chair, he walked to the cockpit door and opened it roughly, ensuring that it made as much noise as possible. While Sam, Dexio, and Lillie were quick to jerk themselves awake, Sun, Gladion, and Alice stirred in discomfort, prompting Faba to bang on the inside of the door.

“Wakey, wakey!” The remaining three prisoners picked themselves up into a sitting position. “We’re just a few minutes away from your final destination! I want you to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for what Burnet has in store for you!”

“Faba?” Chrysalis’s voice went completely ignored.

“And what’s that?” Alice huffed.

“It’s a nice big surprise! Probably the last one you’ll ever receive.”


Only Lillie seemed to pay Chrysalis any attention. “Is there something wrong?” Lillie asked.

“You shut your mouth!” Chrysalis turned away and into the cargo hold to look at her. “I spoke to Faba, not y–”

Suddenly the aircraft was thrown up by something hitting it from underneath, throwing the captives up and Faba onto his side. Several more blasts struck the left and then the right, rocking everyone inside even harder. A loud repetitive beeping and a rotating red light activated in the ceiling of the hold.

“FABA!” No longer able to ignore her, Faba scrambled to his feet and ran into the cockpit. “There’s something below!”

Looking as far down as he could, he couldn’t help but appear a little fearful as the abandoned, pier-laden Seafolk Village was surrounded by dozens of large blue serpentine fish with angry, open-mouth scowls that had their eyes directly on them and the two aircraft on either side of them. Sticking out like a sore thumb at the bottom was a red one with glossier scales. Surrounding all of them were other various creatures, including Dhelmises, along with two kinds of whale Pokémon that either appeared spherical or massive and long.

Standing underneath an oriental gateway entrance on the mainland were Hapu with a Krookodile and Mina with a yellow-and-white bug with large black eyes with a brown scarf around its neck. Standing to Hapu’s right was a slender, feminine island guardian Pokémon with long blue hair, blue eyes with eyelash markings above them, and large purple shoulders sitting inside a purple shell with a horn on the top half that made it appear like the head of a swordfish.

Hapu crossed her arms as the helicopters refused to stop their approach. “Tapu Fini! Tell the Gyarados to hit them with another wave of Dragon Rages!”

Throwing her arms out, she let out a loud, yet soothing shriek that reached the southernmost point of the floating town. At once, the Gyarados charged blue auras into their mouths before spitting them back at the three helicopters. With their targets closer, the center and right ones were struck even harder and more frequently, Mina smirking as she heard them both begin to whir down.

The left helicopter managed to avoid each attack against it, Burnet inside grunting as she saw smoke billow out of the ones to her right.

“Leader, ma’am!” A terrified male grunt sounded in the earphones of Burnet’s headset. “We can’t keep them up, we’re going down!

“Then we’ll just have to engage them, won’t we?” Burnet threw her headset onto the controls and spun the aircraft around so that its back faced the north.

Running into the cargo hold, she reached for a lever in the back and pulled on it, the back door and ramp lowering down so that she could see a fuller scope of the Pokémon army she and her grunts faced. Below, Tapu Fini stared directly up at the small speck that Burnet appeared as inside the aircraft, feeling her presence like a hot stoker held at its face.

“Another one!” Hapu commanded.

The Gyaradoses all focused their Dragon Rage attacks at Burnet’s helicopter and fired. Burnet saw as each individual orb began to converge toward her and with a lean forward, she fell down at the ocean, her arms and legs spread out to control her fall. The Dragon Rages flew above her as they barraged the helicopter, tearing it to pieces before it exploded in a fiery blast. In the rain of debris, the black cube containing Hau fell down and plummeted into the ocean with a large splash.

Focusing beneath her, she saw as the other helicopters spun around as they reached the ocean’s surface, their backs facing the town and the Pokémon protecting it. With both aircraft crashing upon the water, Faba walked to the back as the doors lowered down for him to face the Pokémon ready to attack them. Chrysalis snagged a belt containing five Poké Balls from the wall to her right with pure green magic coming off her horn and slung it around her shoulder and through her other arm, trotting to join Faba’s side.

He then turned to the two-dozen or so grunts piling onto the still opening door. “You, take the Gyarados and Wailords! The Kahuna and captain are ours!”

Chrysalis began flapping their wings as she charged her horn, carrying him with her as they flew above the town toward their foes. The Gyarados and other Pokémon looked up to track them, only for a couple of Thunderbolts from a couple of the grunts' Kadabras to bring the attention back on them.

“You heard the man!” the young, sandy-haired grunt shouted. “Attack!”

The grunts then spilled out of the exit with their Pokémon, the various attacks going back and forth breaking apart some of the platforms and blasting up water that formed even bigger waves than the tide could. Faba and Chrysalis landed before Hapu, Mina, and their Pokémon, and as Burnet floated safely down to her feet, Tapu Fini floated around Chrysalis and Faba to deal with her alone.

“We’re not allowing you to go any further!” Hapu declared. “Whatever plans you all have are getting put to an end right here!”

“The only thing that’s getting put to an end is your entire world as you know it!” Burnet threw a Poké Ball from her belt. “Malamar, hit Tapu Fini with Psycho Cut!”

Bursting from its ball, Malamar lashed its tentacles and shot two bows of magenta Psychic energy at the island guardian. With a spreading of its hands, Tapu Fini formed a disc of water for the bows to crash into, breaking it apart and pushing itself back, mostly unharmed.

“Go, Alakazam!” Faba threw his Ultra Ball, releasing his Pokémon from inside of it as it faced Mina’s Ribombee.

Chrysalis pulled a ball from her belt and lobbed it out. “Emerge, my Mawile!”

Popping out of her ball was a small, impish creature with red eyes and yellow fur that grew thickest around its legs. Protructing from the top of its head and behind it was a large mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth.

Mina appeared surprised by Chrysalis’s Pokémon. “So now she has a team, too?”

“We got tired of replacing her magic-conversion ring,” Faba explained. “We feel this will make her far more practical to our needs. Now, go, Alakazam! Hit those two with Dazzling Gleam!”

The Alakazam tapped its two shining spoons together, creating a blinding flash of light with small, colorful beams that struck Krookodile, Mina’s bug, and Mawile.

Mawile didn’t appear the least bit hurt by the attack while Krookodile and the insect continued wiping their eyes, which pleased Chrysalis. “Very good! Now, hit the pest with Iron Head, Mawile!”

Mawile ran out and leapt up, rocketing the base of its mouth appendage into Mina’s Pokémon and hitting it hard enough to send it flying back screaming.

“Ribombee!” On her call, the Ribombee fluttered back to its original spot. “That’s it! Now, attack his Alakazam with Pollen Puff!”

“Hit the Mawile with Stomping Tantrum, Krookodile!” Hapu shouted.

Flapping its wings harder, a small cloud of dust began to form before Ribombee and compress. At the same time, Krookodile crouched to prepare to sprint, a furious aura seeping off its body. It then charged at Mawile as Ribombee threw its pollen ball at Alakazam, both attacks striking their targets.

Inside Faba’s helicopter, water began to fill the inside of the cargo hold, washing into the seats of everyone bound inside. Crying and grunting, they pulled on their restraints; their only chance of escape.

“Help!” Lillie screamed. “Somebody help! We’re going to drown!”

A sparkling flash of light appeared before them, and the others were shocked to see Twilight and Spike standing there from it. “Not if we can help it!”

Charging her horn once again, her magic aura formed around each belt around everyone’s wrists before they each snapped off one at a time. Free, they all stood up and got high above the water. Alice and Lillie both went to Twilight, who met them with a hug.

“Oh my god,” Alice breathed out, “you saved us!”

“We should probably hurry out of here though!” Spike shouted with a backward point of his thumb as a wave of water rose up to his upper chest. “This thing’s going to sink any moment now!”

“Yeah, give me a second!” Kneeling down, Dexio tapped on the touchscreen keypad on a large white chest placed against the wall until a 10-digit keypad showed up. “I wonder if…”

Quickly tapping in the digits, he huffed a laugh as the affirmative beep sounded from the box as it unlatched and swung open. Pushing it further open, he found his bag, along with Sam and Alice’s inside. Grabbing them both, Dexio tossed Sam and Alice their belongings, which they looked incredibly surprised to see.

Sam swung his bag upon his back as he looked to Dexio pulling his out. “How did you–”

“Must have forgotten to change the passwords after learning I defected. Those idiots are a real help, they are.” He then slammed the chest shut. “Okay, now we can go.”

With the water now at the humans’ chests, Twilight paddled above the surface as Spike mounted her, and with a charge of her horn, she teleported her and everyone inside out, and with another pop of an enchanted bubble, they appeared atop the helicopter, Twilight just barely dodging a stray Dragon Rage from a Gyarados.

Sam, now able to see the outside more fully, couldn’t find anyone else around them. “Where are the others?”

“They’re flying to the other islands to warn the Kahunas and Captains!” Spike explained. “Fluttershy’s here with us too, but that’s it.”

“Wait!” Sun shouted, spinning to the left. “What about Hau?! He was on–”

He stopped himself and shuddered in horror as he spotted the only few remains of Burnet’s helicopter floating above the ocean.

“No…” Sun walked to the edge and ready to dive in, only for Gladion and Lillie to hold him back. “No! We have to save him!”

Beneath the surface, the obsidian cube fell to the sandy, pitch-black bottom of the pier. It settled there for a few moments before a purple portal opened up beside it, providing the only light that the moonlight above couldn’t reach. At once, a Dhelmise shot out from it and shattered the cube, a large air pocket rising out from it and pulling Hau up a foot or two before he floated still its spot. Realizing he was free and underwater, Hau struggled to keep from breathing in out of surprise, only to be met with the barely-perceptible jaws of a Gyarados pass around him and close shut, trapping him in its mouth as he screamed the only air still inside of him.

Sun, still trying to fight the grasps of his friends, stopped once he saw the Gyarados break from the surface and slithered over to him. Raising its body, it let Hau and several gallons of fishy water wash over the surface of the helicopter. While Twilight and Spike couldn’t help but recoil from the stench, Sun pulled away from Lillie and Gladion as he rolled the motionless Hau onto his back and began puffing into his mouth. By the fifth puff, Hau jolted up and coughed the seawater inside his lungs out, breathing the only fresh air he had gotten in hours.

“Oh, thank god!” As Sun hugged Hau, Twilight and Spike breathed a sigh of relief.

Hau quickly screamed loud as he thrashed Sun away from him, the others needing to step back as he worked the shock out of his system. Upon seeing the night sky and the moon and stars within it, he quickly settled down.

“Oh my shit!” Hau gasped, patting his body simply to hear himself do so. “I couldn’t see or hear anything in there! I almost went insane!”

“It’s alright!” Twilight pulled Hau up to his feet as he weakly stood beside his friends. “You’re safe now.”

Hau then looked out at the Seafolk Village, which began to get ravaged in the crossfire between the grunts’ Pokémon and the wild Pokémon attacking them. “Oh, man! What’s going on?”

“Burnet and the others were sending us to the Altar of the Sunne.” Gladion then looked out toward Hapu and Mina as the two of them were in the middle of an intense battle with Chrysalis and Faba as Burnet’s Gardevoir continued assaulting Tapu Fini. “Then they showed up to stop them.”

“Well, we should help, shouldn’t we?”

“Hold on,” Alice protested. “My Pokémon still aren’t in fighting condition after battling Sun.”

“Mine either,” Sam huffed.

Fluttershy and Comfey then appeared from the fray of the battle and smiled to see her friends for the most part alright. “Guys! You made it. Now you can help us!”

“Not quite yet, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “We need you to help cover us for just a little bit more while they heal their Pokémon up, okay?”

Fluttershy sighed in disappointment. “Okay, but please be quick! I don’t like being here!”

Sam cupped his hands as Fluttershy flew back into the battle. “We’re on the same boat, you know!”

“Well,” Spike corrected, “helicopter, but I mean…”

Dexio pulled his bag open and pulled out a handful of Revives. “Here, take these. We’ll all go in together and clobber them. Sound good?”

“Right.” Alice grabbed five of them from his hand while Sam, Gladion, Lillie, and Sun divided the rest amongst themselves.

“But we should probably be quick like Fluttershy asked…” Twilight turned around to see that the water was now only a foot away from reaching the top of the helicopter. “I don’t think it would be safe to swim into the middle of this thing.”

Alice spread the five Revives out evenly, pressing them simultaneously onto the center buttons where they lit up and dissolved inside.

Malamar flew past Tapu Fini as it barely managed to avoid its Superpower attack. Turning around, it then shot a heavy blast of water at Malamar’s back. Despite knocking it even farther away, Malamar flew right back at Tapu Fini, this time, managing to connect its Superpower attack into it.

“Yes!” Burnet barked. “I’ll force my way through if I–”

Malamar was then struck behind by a green blur that angled up off its back and flew backward in a wide flip. Gasping, Burnet turned around to see Sun raising his arm, holding a Poké Ball that Decidueye flew inside. With his free hand, Sun threw out another ball, his Primarina plopping onto the pier and facing Malamar, who had difficulty trying to look between Sun’s Pokémon and Tapu Fini, made only more difficult as Hau ran in with Marshadow leading him.

Hau smiled with open arms as Burnet seethed at him. “What can I say? I’m impossible to keep still.”

As Lillie’s Starmie floated down with Lillie and Gladion floating on its backside, they hopped down and stood beside Hapu and Mina as Lillie returned her Pokémon. Together, the two sent out another pair of Pokémon.

“You’re up, Rapidash!”

“Go, Silvally!”

At once, Lillie’s flaming unicorn, and Gladion’s chimera appeared from their balls and joined the sides of Hapu’s Krookodile and Mina’s Ribombee.

“Hey,” Mina said to Gladion. “Long time no see.”

“Likewise.” He didn’t even glance to her, disappointing her. “Now, let’s take these two out and stop them in our tracks, shall we?”

“That’s right!” Hapu punched into her hand before grinding the knuckles into her palm in a display of dominance.

Lillie frowned as Chrysalis scowled at their fortified team. “Don’t give us that look! You think we would let you get through here without a fight? Not a chance!”

Faba clenched his fist. “Alakazam, attack Rapidash with Psychic!”

“Rapidash! Counter with Megahorn!”

As Alakazam’s spoons charged with energy, Rapidash’s horn began to glow brightly before it broke into a gallop. Alakazam crossed its spoons together as Rapidash tucked its head in, striking the spoons at the point where they crossed.

“Aegislash!” Sam commanded. “Shadow Claw!”

“Raichu!” Alice shouted. “Hit Bruxish with Thunderbolt!”

“Espeon!” Dexio exclaimed. “Use Shadow Ball!”

Fluttershy aimed her pointed hoof at a Bruxish in her sights. “Comfey! Energy Ball, quickly!”

Sam swung his right arm horizontally out, Aegislash following through with its blade turning dark-purple as it slashed across the face of a Metang. Raichu hurled static up into the sky before it rained down in greater intensity onto a Slowking. Espeon spat out a sizable Shadow Ball into a Kadabra’s face. Comfey spun a green aura ball with its arms before whipping it out with its tail, where it hit the Bruxish below the right eye.

All four Pokémon where knocked back, the Kadabra and Slowking nearly sliding off the portion of the pier they stood on and into the water. Sam and his friends pushed back against each other’s backs as they and their Pokémon protected each of their blind sides from the four grunts they faced. With their defenses solid, the cocoa-skinned grunt with spiky black hair breathed out as he glanced out of the corner of his eye, seeing as the red Gyarados chased off several of his allies’ Pokémon with help from the other wild Pokémon.

With a determined squint, he looked away from Sam, Alice and their friends and threw his outstretched hand in the direction of the Gyarados. “Bruxish. Attack that Gyarados with Ice Fang and then come back!”

“What?” Sam and Fluttershy both gasped.

The Bruxish swam off and dove into the water, weaving through the supports for the piers until it was back into open water, following the red Gyarados closely. With its fangs frosting over, it opened its maw and clamped down on its right side before letting go. The Gyarados stopped its chase and looked directly at the Bruxish who swam back under the piers.

Enraged, the Gyarados let out a roar as it swam straight through a wide opening between the supports, its eyes locked on the Bruxish. Finally, the triggerfish leapt back out of the water and returned to its trainer, and the Gyarados emerged from a wide, square point between the wooden platform and cast its furious gaze at the Bruxish’s trainer. The other grunts, as well as Sam, Alice, Dexio, and Fluttershy, couldn’t help but stare up at it.

“Okay?” the Kadabra’s grunt, an overweight young man with a dyed-red bun questioned fearfully. “And the point of that was?”

“Oh, I don’t know!” The Bruxish’s grunt shouted. “Why don’t you try putting it to sleep or something!”

The Kadabra’s grunt’s face lit up, understanding. “Kadabra, use Hypnosis!”

The Kadabra ran to the Bruxish’s side and began to swing its spoon in midair like a pendulum, creating light-purple ripples that went around the Gyarados’s face. The other grunts chuckled in relief as the red Gyarados began to swoon and its eyes began forcing themselves closed.

“Wow!” the Metang’s female grunt with a blue Mohawk exclaimed. “It’s working!”

Unable to stay conscious, the Gyarados shut its eyes and slammed the upper quarter of its body onto the pier where it went into a deep sleep.

“Okay, my turn!” The Slowking’s grunt, a tan young man with bright yellow hair, pointed his finger at the Pokémon. “Slowking, attack it with Dream Eater!”

Slowking opened its mouth wide as it reached at the placid Gyarados, the ends of its fingers dancing with a wispy aura. Suddenly, the Gyarados began to tremble slightly until it violently shot itself up, roaring with the agony Slowking inflicted to its consciousness. Trying to wake itself, the Gyarados thrashed the bottom of its head at the pier near where Sam, Alice, and Dexio stood with their Pokémon. The three leapt back while Fluttershy swung back as the pier shattered around them, the damage extending out until the floor beneath Alice gave way. Without anywhere to catch onto, Alice fell back-first into the water.

“Alice!” Sam rushed to the fresh hole and reached his hand to her as she got herself upright. “Grab on, hurry!”

“Metang!” the mohawked grunt ordered. “Stop him!”

Metang rushed at Sam with the claws at the end of its arms spinning like a drill. Aegislash quickly rushed between them and took the attack in the shield, sparks bouncing off in every sideways direction.

“Sam!” Alice gripped Sam’s arms, bringing his attention back from his Pokémon to her. “Hurry up, I’m slipping!”

“I got you!” Sam began to reach for the sleeve of her shirt, when he noticed the murk-blurred jaws of Gyarados appear, rising to the surface and pinching a hold of Alice’s vest.

Dexio also just managed to grab her wrist before Gyarados shot back down, Alice’s scream cutting off almost instantly as she was pulled beneath the surface and deep down out of their sight.

“AHH!” Fluttershy screamed. “Alice, no!”

With a worried squeak, Raichu dove into the hole and rode its tail until it too disappeared into the dark.

“Nice one!” The overweight grunt high-fived the cocoa-skinned one. “That’ll help our odds!”

Sam stood back up and faced the two, his teeth clenched together in unquenchable fury. “Aegislash! Hit the Kadabra with the hardest Shadow Claw of your life!”

Aegislash pushed off Metang’s force and shot out at the Kadabra with its blade glowing purple. Kadabra barely had time to see Aegislash approach as it swung up and out to the left, sending it flying out over where the wild Pokémon continued to battle the grunts’ Pokémon. Before it could land into the water, the Kadabra was then clobbered by a Dhelmise’s midair Phantom Force that sent both tumbling down into the water.

“Kadabra, no!” he shouted.

“Espeon!” Dexio sprung to his feet as well. “Hit the Bruxish with Shadow Ball!”

“You get him too, Comfey!” Fluttershy also sounded intensely pissed. “Take him out with Energy Ball!”

Both Pokémon charged their attacks and shot them out at the same time. They melded into a singular swirling ball of green and purple before it struck the target hard. The cocoa-skinned grunt watched anxiously as Bruxish limply flopped on the deck before sliding off the pier and into the ocean.

“Dammit!” the Bruxish’s grunt ran to where his Pokémon fell and aimed his Poké Ball at the water where his Pokémon was barely visible, managing to return it inside.

Sam could only look back inside the hole and hope to see his sister rise to the top, untying his jacket from his waist as he prepared to have to go in after her. Unaware to him, the Slowking and Metang attacked Espeon and Comfey with a Flamethrower attack and Bullet Punch.

Still not seeing any sign of her, Sam let his jacket fall as he readied to jump. “Aegislash, help me! I’m going–”

A bright light then suddenly appeared, both Alice and her Raichu visible inside the glow. Shooting out of the surface, Alice and Raichu sprayed salty seawater over everyone nearby, Fluttershy and Sam smiling happily on as she landed feet-first as Raichu took her side again.

“Alice!” Fluttershy’s call was met with a happy warble from Comfey.

Alice then pointed her finger at the Slowking. “Raichu, finish it off with Thunderbolt!”

Raichu swung its arm at Slowking and threw many water droplets that still clung to its fur. With the tips of its paws charged, the sparks amplified as they traveled across the spray and covered the Slowking in their voltage. With a quick convulsion, the Slowking tipped over and settled down, its unconscious eyes still open.

“Espeon!” Dexio screamed. “Shadow Ball!”

“Aegislash!” Sam swung both arms to the left. “Shadow Claw!”

Espeon shot its purple aura from its mouth as Aegislash cut into it mid-swing, a wide tail of energy spilling back past its blade along with the glow inside of it. The combined attack went across Metang as it was knocked back to its grunt where it clattered and ground to a halt at her feet.

With small gasps and lightly-trembling arms, the two grunts called their fainted Pokémon back. Looking back up, the three humans, pegasus, and their Pokémon slowly stepped toward them. With a defeated huff, both of them ran back to the south of the pier to join their grunt brethren.

Certain of their brief moment of safety, Sam hugged onto his sister, resting his chin on her shoulder. “God dammit, I thought you were a goner for a second.”

“Me, a goner?” Alice lifted her brother’s arm off of her and backed away from him. “Bro, ye of little faith!”

Fluttershy looked back down into the hole the Gyarados caused. “What happened down there?”

“It’s okay. I took care of it.” As the others tried to find out what she meant, she walked to the north where their friends’ battles with Faba, Chrysalis, and Burnet continued. “Come on. They can use our help!”

As she went away from them, Sam couldn’t help but glance down at her Poké Ball belt, which now sported six balls instead of five. As Dexio, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon jogged to follow, Sam smirked and nodded with secret approval before he and Aegislash went off to join her.

“Flygon!” Hapu exclaimed with a reach of her hand. “Attack her Hydreigon with Dragon Rush!”

A light-green insectoid dragon with two trapezoidal wings, a long ringed tail, two sizable antennae draped behind it, and a pair of natural red lenses covering its eyes flew up before diving straight down at its target, a blue, black and mauve dragon with shredded black wings and two smaller heads on the ends of its arms. Flygon’s head struck the Hydreigon in the chest, sending it slamming into the pier and bouncing back to Chrysalis’s hooves. Chrysalis gasped as the last of her Pokémon was defeated.

“Granbull!” Mina pointed out at Faba’s Hypno, both of whom looked tired and nervous at what was sure to be the last hit. “Finish him off with Crunch!”

Getting down on all fours, her Granbull bolted at Hypno and tackled it to the ground. Opening its large mouth while raising its head, it then brought it down and around its neck, and with a hard bight and a painful narrowing of its eyes, Hypno relaxed itself and laid still on the pier, dropping its pendulum on the floor. Gladion, Lillie, and their Silvally and Starmie relaxed, their victory assured.

“Aiyee!” Faba squealed.

Mina looked over and saw as Sam, Alice, and their other two friends began to arrive with their Pokémon. “Hapu! Help the guardian! We’ll keep them at bay!”

“Right!” Hapu ran to her right as Flygon stayed above her.

She kept her eyes on Burnet’s Malamar as it struggled to fight between Sun’s Primarina, Marshadow, and Tapu Fini. As Malamar attacked Marshadow with Psycho Cut, Hapu squinted, having found her perfect moment.

“Flygon, hit Malamar with Dragon Rush!”

Flygon dove down at Malamar as Marshadow continued taking the attack that it tried to block with its forearms. Burnet turned around upon hearing Flygon’s approach, but could only watch as it, like the Hydreigon, was slammed into the pier, rendered fainted by the barrage of attacks it had to endure.

Twilight and Spike continued to watch the grunts fight against the wild Pokémon, both of them content to see as one of the round whales splashed onto a couple of Bruxish as a Dhelmise defeated a Slowbro. “I think they have the grunts covered, Spike. Let’s go help the others.”

Looping around, she flew through the broken Seafolk Village as Sam and Alice and their friends and Pokémon arrived by Sun and began to surround Burnet on both sides. Burnet spun slowly around as the five trainers, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon all looked ready to attack at the first sign of offense.

Twilight flew above the circle and looked down on Burnet as she called her fainted Malamar back. “It’s over, Burnet! You may be strong with Solgaleo and Lunala, but you can’t possibly defeat six trainers in a row.”

“Don’t forget us!” Mina called, waving.

“And them too! Now, hand over Solgaleo and Lunala back to us, and we will leave!”

Burnet began to chuckle before going into a full on laugh, unnerving Twilight, Fluttershy, Sam, and Alice. “You think it’s as simple as giving them back to you? You really don’t understand, do you? Solgaleo and Lunala are one with Necrozma again, and I alone wield their power.” She then put Malamar’s ball onto her belt and took out another. “Would you like to see it?”

“Not interested!” Sun shouted. “Primarina, Ice Beam!”

Burnet squeezed hard on her ball, causing it to surge with a dark orange energy. As Primarina’s mouth began to spill mist as its beam charged, Burnet threw her glowing Poké Ball into the air, her Gardevoir coming out from it. It too was alight with the orange energy as it began to descend down. Primarina shot its beam just as the tips of Gardevoir’s legs touched the ground. Though the beam hit it directly in the horn on its chest, Sun and the others were shocked to see that Gardevoir didn’t appear the least bit bothered by it, as if being blown on from several feet away.

“Holy cow!” Spike hugged Twilight’s neck, frightened by Gardevoir's endurance. “It’s indestructible now!”

“We’ll see about that!” Sam pointed forward. “Aegislash, attack Gardevoir with Iron Head!”

“Raichu!” Alice yelled. “Thunderbolt, now!”

“Espeon!” Dexio exclaimed. “You know what to do!”

“Flygon, Stone Edge!” Hapu commanded.

“Comfey, Energy Ball!” Fluttershy cried out.

Sam’s sword shot out at Gardevoir just as Primarina stopped its attack. Despite there only being a foot or so between the two, Gardevoir brought its legs in, fell, and leaned back to let the tip and the broad side of the blade pass over its face, defying gravity with its pose.

Raichu then soared at it with its tailboard sparkling with energy. Pushing up off the ground, Gardevoir leapt up and twirled sideways as Raichu passed beneath it. Espeon’s Shadow Ball shot out from its mouth, and with its continued momentum, Gardevoir flipped back and avoided the Shadow Ball, once again flying just inches from its head.

Flygon threw its arm up, bringing a tower of rock piercing through the pier from the ocean to strike Gardevoir from below. Gardevoir spun halfway around as the rock ran up under its feet, letting gravity slide it down. Comfey then knocked the green aura it formed with its tail at Gardevoir, who simply dipped its head to let the attack go above it. Sliding to the bottom, Marshadow tried to clock Gardevoir with a quick right, only for it to lean back and avoid it before flipping backwards onto the stone tower and leaping up it.

Once it reached the top, Tapu Fini blasted water from the ring it formed with its hands, only for Gardevoir to continue its ascent to the top and jump. With the final attack avoided, Gardevoir’s form looked even more amazing as it was silhouetted above by the moonlight.

“Moonblast, now!” Burnet barked.

With its horn turning bright white, Gardevoir launched a beam of bright, sparkling energy, bigger and wider than any it ever did before, blasting into Flygon’s chest and throwing it toward the land up north. Hapu’s eyes and mouth were wide open, knowing that her Pokémon was fainted before it could reach the apex of its launch upward. Lillie, Gladion, and Mina kept their eyes on Flygon the entire time as Hapu ran inland to retrieve it. Even Tapu Fini was compelled to float back and far away from the battle, afraid of the awesome power Gardevoir possessed.

Sun let out a heavy huff as he called his Primarina back into its ball, something Sam couldn’t help but appear more frightened of. “Sun, hey, what are you doing?!”

“If she can make her Gardevoir that strong, just imagine how strong they’ll… We can’t beat her with that kind of power, not even all of us!”

“Sun, what are you talking about!?” Twilight howled. “You can’t give up now!”

“We’re not! We’re retreating until we have the numbers that can face something like this!”

Burnet threw her arm to the side. “Ha! You’re not going anywhere! You came to fight me, and I’ll see that you finish what you started!”

“We will, trust me… Everyone who can, hit Gardevoir with a Z-Move, now!”

“Sun,” Gladion called, “what are you–”

“Just do it, dammit!”

With the pressure mounting, Sam took his Firium Z off his Z-Ring’s slot and replaced it with the one he received from Molayne. Gardevoir floated back down before Burnet as Gladion, Lillie, and Mina ran at them.

“Sam!” He turned to Gladion, who punched his sideways right fist into his left one before thrusting them both forward.

Sam nodded, thankful for the explanation. He then crossed his arms before his face as his Z-Ring lit up. Alice replaced her Flyinium Z with with her Aloraichium Z and also activated it. Soon, Lillie, Gladion, Hau, and Mina also crossed their arms together, their Z-Rings sparking up to form a bright ring around Burnet and Gardevoir. Dexio glancing to his own on his right wrist and his Z-Ring, clenched his fist with impotency. With a mew, his Espeon got him to look down at it, and with another bark, it lowered its stance, granting him permission to use it. Without further hesitation, Dexio crossed his wrists and activated his Z-Ring as well.

Hapu ran back into the town and tossed an Ultra Ball at the empty spot left for her. “Let’s do this, Mudsdale!”

Her massive horse leapt from the ball and joined Granbull’s side as she ran to join Mina’s. She then activated her Z-Ring as well, performing the motions that transferred her Z-Power to her Mudsdale. Hau was the last to go, activating his Marshadium Z and filling his partner with his Z-Power. The seven trainers put their arms down and crossed them out before finishing their own unique poses to activate the Z-Power within them. Like a synchronized fountain, the Z-Power filled each trainer’s Pokémon, creating a wall of flaming aura that Gardevoir couldn’t escape from.

Dexio grunted as Espeon buckled its front paws as sparks cracked over its body. “Espeon!”

It stood up straight again and withstood it, focusing on the enemy at hand.

“Everyone, stand back!” Sun’s instruction was responded to by everyone going as far back as they could without leaving much space or going off the edge of a pier. “Be ready to hear my next step! Now, go! Attack!”

Sam went first. “Aegislash! Corkscrew Crash!”

“Raichu! Stoked Sparksurfer!”

“Silvally, hit her with Breakneck Blitz!”

“Starmie, use Hydro Vortex!”

“Granbull, Twinkle Tackle, now!”

“Mudsdale, finish Gardevoir off with Tectonic Rage!”

“Espeon! Attack with Neverending Nightmare!”

“Marshadow, use Seven Star Soul Stealing Strike!”

High up in the sky, the Z-constellation appeared bright and immistakeable. Even the grunts and the wild Pokémon still going at each other had to stop and stare up at the wondrous sight. Starmie spun about rapidly as it began to rotate around Gardevoir, the sloshing of the ocean sounding out beneath it. As well, a sinister purple light began to shine underneath the area where Gardevoir stood. Suddenly, a tornado of water broke through the wood and swept Gardevoir away with it. Everyone, even Burnet marveled at the purple luminence of the water, Starmie and Espeon’s Z-Moves melding together.

Aegislash shot upwards as it began to spin itself, becoming a round blur that began to take the form a shiny drill, aiming its point down at the center of the vortex. Raichu flew out and rode the inner wall of the twister, its electrical plasma energy sliding down it until it covered the entire inside. Hapu’s Mudsdale hopped up and crashed through the pier, falling straight down and piercing through the crust of the earth as its Z Power continued burrowing it down further.

A sparkling Granbull and aura-blazing Silvally then stood apart from each other, ready for the opportune time to strike. Inside the whirlpool, Gardevour was shot out over the center of it, where four shadowy hands grabbed each of its limbs and held it directly in the middle, the twister rotating it about and holding it still for the other Pokémon. Marshadow leapt above the edges of the twister before shooting down at Gardevoir, disappearing into its chest.

“Okay, now!” Sam shouted.

Raichu rose up from the vortex, bringing with it a splash of plasma that it proceeded to pull a U-turn on and fall back down on, Aegislash joining its side as they fell. Mudsdale then shot back through the earth and up through the pier, its body hot with the molten rock it rushed through far below. Finally, Granbull and Silvally rushed at it from their points.

The final five Pokémon collided with Gardevoir all at once, and as the multitude of energies melded with one another, a brighter, stronger electrical current began to erupt over the town, condensing in at the point of impact before a tremendous explosion of light rocked the town, also engulfing Burnet with it. The wild Pokémon instantly got beneath the water, terrified by the power they felt from the blast.

Even with their distance, the trainers and Equestrians had great difficulty resisting the force and brightness of the blast. Quickly though, the Pokémon all returned to their trainers, seemingly ready to face Burnet’s next Pokémon.

“Okay!” Sun shouted. “Hau! Fluttershy!” As Hau turned to him, Fluttershy and Comfey flew by his side to hear Sun’s next orders. “Take Hapu and Mina to Ten Karat Island! The others should be meeting there as well! Hurry!”

“Got it!” Hau and Fluttershy rushed off to gather them.

“Twilight, get Lillie and Gladion!” Twilight flew over to them before he directed his attention at Sam, Alice, and Gladion. “You guys are coming with us!”

“Where are we going?!” Alice responded.

“The Aether Paradise! We need to get a few things before the final battle!”

“Final battle?!” Sam put his hands around his mouth to ensure Sun could better hear him over the unrelenting Z Explosion. “This wasn’t meant to stop her?!”

“I told you, even all of us here aren’t strong enough to stop her! We need to leave, now!”

“Sun!” Gladion, Lillie, and Twilight and Spike appeared beside Sam and Alice. “What are we doing now?!”

“Going to the Aether Paradise! Hurry! I don’t know how much longer this thing will hold!”

Twilight strained as she charged her horn, picking up the six trainers in her magic. Once they returned their Pokémon, Twilight flew southeast with them, leaving the Seafolk Village and Team Prism behind. As the brightness began to settle down around Gardevoir and Burnet, they then looked to see Fluttershy and Comfey soaring east with Hau’s Charizard, Hapu and Mina both riding it together with him.

Finally the light subsided, and Burnet could finally see Gardevoir floating face up in the choppy waters caused by the collective Z-Move attack. As she returned Gardevoir back into its ball, Faba and Chrysalis ran to her with worry across their face.

“You can’t let them get away again!” Chrysalis snapped.

Burnet then slowly turned to face the back of Sun and Twilight’s group as they continued flying away. “I won’t.”

Burnet reached out and gripped an open spot before her, her clawed hand glowing magenta. Sam suddenly felt a slight tug at his jeans, confusing him. Burnet then closed her hand and yanked back. Sam was pulled from Twilght’s grasp as he began to fall down toward the ocean, screaming as he was pulled away from his sister and friends, leaving the others horrified for him.

“SAM!” Alice shrieked NO!”

“We have to go back!” Spike tugged on Twilight’s mane, trying to get her to listen.

“No! Twilight, just let me go!”

“Alice, c’mon! You can’t go back there!”

“Of course I do! Let me go to him, please!”

“I’m going too.” Dexio’s remark was met with even more terror.

“Dexio,” Sun shouted. “Not you too!”

“You go ahead and get what you need. These two need my help!”

Twilight bit her lip and closed her eyes, sad tears falling out as she actually prepared to let her friends go off to their doom.
“Twilight, now!”

With an anguished yelp, Twilight let her magic hold on them go, allowing Dexio and Alice to fall down and into the ocean. Burnet pursed her lips to see the two separate themselves from their friends, then smirking as Sam was pulled onto the pier beside her, his hands forced behind his back as he too had to wait for his sister and friend arrive.

Coming back up to the surface, Alice detached a Poké Ball from her belt and lobbed it up. Opening up and letting it on onto the water, the red Gyarados shook itself awake and shot glances about its unfamiliar surroundings. It then looked down to Alice and Dexio with a mounting sense of loyalty and gratitude. Moving itself toward her, the serpent lowered its head and flapped its fins on the side of its head. Taking its cue, Alice and Dexio put their hands on its neck, ready to move back to the town.

“Nicely done,” Dexio complimented.

“To be fair,” Alice replied, “it was either this or drowning.”

Pushing its head forward, Gyarados slithered its bottom half vertically to the pier where Burnet and Sam waited. Sam sniffled as Alice got closer, the only thing about his situation he was truly happy to see. Faba and Chrysalis went on both sides of them as the two finally arrived. With a turn of the wrist and a flick of the finger, Alice and Dexio were lifted out of the water and onto the pier, landing on their side with the water soaked from their clothes splashing them further. Dexio got to his feet as Alice aimed her Poké Ball at the expectant Gyarados.

“Thanks a million,” she wheezed before the red beam brought it back inside.

Finally, Burnet let Sam go, allowing him to rush to his sister and pull her up. Looking down at her face, his lip quivered and his eyes watered before he pulled her in for a hug. As he softly wept over her shoulder, she put her arms around his back, completely grateful for what he knew she did for him.

“Are you about done?” Burnet sounded slightly nauseous by the show of affection. “We now have to walk, and it’s going to be at least another hour before we get where we need to.”

“You can’t just warp us there or something?” Dexio asked. “You just absorbed the power of two of the most powerful Pokémon in the world.”

Burnet flicked the back of her index finger into Dexio’s gut, a soft boom and pulse of energy rippling from the impact as he was thrown onto his stomach. “And I used quite a bit of that power trying to defeat you all. It’s astounding that I even managed to snag one of you out of the sky from your distance.”

Dexio gagged as he slowly rolled onto all fours. Just then, the grunts from the south end of the village traversed the walkway toward them, their cloaks soaked and partially torn.

“What next?” An older darker-skinned grunt with short black hair stepped forward toward the three admins. “Are we going after them?”

“Not me,” Burnet responded. “I’m taking these three up to the Altar alone. They shouldn’t be much trouble for me.”

“And what are we supposed to do while you do that?” Faba questioned.

“Isn’t it obvious Faba? You’re going to lead them.”

Faba couldn’t help but take a step back, unsure if he heard her right. “Are you–”

“Yes, while I’m away, you are now the leader of Team Prism, and Chrysalis is now second in command.”

Chrysalis blushed, also extremely flattered. “Thank you so much, Burnet.”

“I trust you will help keep the others from getting in our way, correct!”

“Of course!” Faba bowed her head to her. “You should have nothing to worry about.”

“Good. Alright then. Sam, Alice, Dexio, begin walking!”

Walking to the mainland, Sam, Alice, and Dexio followed closely, hoping their short distance from her wouldn’t incure any wrath that they might trigger. Faba watched them until they got to the top of the ramp that brought the four to solid ground.

“Faba, sir!” A young male grunt with sandy-blonde hair spoke up, prompting him to give him his attention. “A lot of us lost our own Pokémon to the wild Pokémon. We need time to heal.”

“There will be plenty of time for that on the way there,” Faba replied.

“On the way where, sir?”

“To the Aether Paradise, of course. If those rotten children are getting what I think they’re trying to get, it’s imperative they don’t leave that building.”

“But how are we supposed to get there?” A muscular bald grunt replied. “They’re probably at least a mile away from us by now and counting! We’ll never stop them!”

“You needn’t worry about that.” Faba pulled a remote from his cloak pocket and pressed a button on it, turning on the lights of a sizable yacht docked on the east side of the village. “We’re simply the backup.”

Faba and Chrysalis turned toward the boat, prompting half of the grunts to walk over and observe. As they surrounded it as much as the piers would allow them, they were impressed by its size, seeing that it would fit all of them and then some. However, one of the most prominent features that caught their eye was the insignia embroidered on both sides of the bow: the logo to the Aether Foundation.

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