• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 16 – House

A young boy ran inside an empty white office, sliding around to the back of an ebony desk and hiding under it, huddling his khaki shorts legs into his blue striped polo chest for good measure. He steadied his breathing, fighting the urge to look around to see if she was still following him. Just as he leaned forward to peek, he heard the door sliding open, rocking himself back underneath the desk. With his breathing silent again, he could make out the hard, but faint steps onto the tile like the gentle placing of a wooden block.

The steps came closer to him, and he could already tell he would be found, and she’d be there. Sweat dripped from the short bangs of his black hair. He held his breath; maybe she’d ignore him and check another room. Now the room was dead silent. All he could wait for now was her face to appear.


Twilight swung her head around the side of the desk to find the boy in his hiding position. With a shriek, he attempted to crawl out and run away, laughing as he did, only to get pulled off the floor and onto her back by Twilight’s magic.

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh too. “Nice try, Noah, but you’re looking at Equestrian Hide-and-Seek Champion Twilight Sparkle here!”

“Wow, you’re really that good?” Noah asked.

“Sure am! My brother and I loved playing this game when we were foals, and now I have a niece who’s probably going to be better than I am!”

“That’s so neat! If you want, I can give you a hint where Amy is hiding.”

“That’s okay, Noah. I’ll find them.”

She trotted out of the room with Noah still on her back. “She’s to the right!” he hissed.


She still heeded his direction and turned right out of the room.

The door to a large, brightly painted nursery opened, Twilight carrying Noah, Spike, and a girl Noah’s age wearing an orange dress, pink leggings, and had curly brown hair on her back. She levitated them off and set them all on the floor, who laughed at the merriment they just experienced. Twilight’s relaxed face found itself unable to withhold a smile, glad to have found some delight in this world she was stuck on.

“Thanks again for the game, Twilight,” the girl named Amy spoke, “I never knew you were so good at hide-and-seek!”

“According to her,” Noah added with aplomb, “she’s a champion hide-and-seeker on her world.”

“I’ll bet! You have to play with us some more today!”

“Perhaps after your naps,” Twilight giggled, “but it’s not even lunchtime and I’m already tuckered out!”

Just then, a click sounded from an intercom speaker above the door in the room. “Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Your presence is requested in Training Room C.”

Twilight looked back to the kids. “Well, would you look at that, I’m already being called away! Must be popular for a talking magical alicorn, huh?”

The two children giggled as Spike walked over and hopped back on her back. “See you later, Twilight!” Noah called.

“Yeah, don’t be too long!” Amy cried with a wave.

Twilight nodded to them and trotted out of the room. Perhaps her time in this place would not be so bad.

Olivia glanced around the cave, a small Pokémon with a small head, large flat ears, a white fluffy collar, and a body made of rock providing light wherever she turned with the crystals embedded into its body and the top of its head. Along with hard-tipped boots, pads on her knees and elbows, brown gloves, and a light sand-yellow poncho, she also carried a large drawstring sack over her right shoulder.Both Applejack and Rarity were not too far behind, each holding a pair of saddlebags along their backs.

“You know,” Olivia said, “you really didn’t need to come.”

“You’re right,” Applejack said. “We just wanted to.”

“And not even just to get out of the room!” Rarity excitedly breathed out. “Excavating for gems is a favorite pastime for me back in Ponyville!”

“That truly surprises me,” Olivia said, “though who am I to judge a lady who likes to hunt for treasure.”

“Like two peas in a pod!”

Olivia smirked, intrigued by the odd kinship she could find with such a proper creature. “So what’s your secret, then?”

“Oh, me? I just use my magic and…”

Rarity charged her horn, a bright light emanating from the tip. Just then she stopped, turned herself around and began to walk in the opposite direction. Olivia and Applejack had to run to catch up.

“Is this really foolproof?” Olivia asked.

Applejack chuckled as they slowed themselves to walk behind Rarity. “Just you wait and see.”

Rarity stopped along the cavern wall, looking so far up her chin stayed parallel to it.

“Found something?” Olivia asked.

“Pretty sure, but it’s a little high up. Olivia, might I ask what that creat– er, Pokémon rather, is?”

“Oh, this is Carbink! Say hello.”

The Pokémon responded with an eager wagging of its right ear.

Rarity seemed pleased. “Right. Carbink, darling, could you go up about nine feet?”

The Carbink floated up as per Rarity’s instruction, looking down while expecting another task. Olivia backed away, and the ponies were wise enough to follow suit.

Olivia cupped her hands over her mouth. “Carbink, use Power Gem!”

The Carbink aimed its bottom at the spot on the wall, its crystals glowing even brighter. Suddenly, countless rocks shot from its body as it began blasting away at the spot. After several inches of plain stone that fell from the hole that was made on the floor below, Olivia gasped as she suddenly found several chunks that were shimmering blue. Once it stopped, Olivia walked over to the pile that was left and observed one of the larger pieces in her hand.

“Is it sapphires?” asked Applejack.

“No,” Olivia said. “It’s lazulite. Look at this! It’s beautiful.”

As Carbink came back down to see, it’s luminous body behind it gave it a much fuller shine and color, making Rarity’s eyes widen. “Exquisite!”

She suddenly felt Olivia throw herself onto her, squealing with unbridled joy. “You’re a miracle, Rarity! That was incredible.”

“Glad I…” Rarity huffed as the air was squeezed from her chest, “could be of use.”

“Oh, sorry!” Olivia let herself off, giving the unicorn room to breathe. “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I had a haul this good! We still have a couple more hours until the store opens! Come on! Let’s keep the ball rolling!”

Before Olivia could start putting the gemstones away in her bag, Rarity’s blue magic covered all of them and placed them in her bag.

“No use wasting time picking it all up, am I right?” Rarity spoke.

Olivia smiled and stepped aside. “Lead the way.”

Rarity beamed and walked ahead, Olivia and Applejack close to follow.

“You know,” Applejack called, “I can break rocks with my hooves if you need me to!”

Twilight and Spike stepped inside a small white room with little features other than the tile floor she stood on. In the back of the room was a young man dressed in a white uniform with two large pockets on both sides near the waist, a cap, and elbow length gloves. Sitting lazily next to him was a large white ape with grey hands, feet, and muzzle along with purple fur draped over its back. Twilight and Spike couldn’t help but feel disconcerted over their lone appearance and the employee’s clothing.

“Hey!” the man said with as calm and friendly a wave as he could muster. “Sorry if we bothered you, but my boss wants to have a quick word with you.”

“Your… boss?”

Before she could receive an answer, the Aether employee put his finger upon one of the spaces of the cuff of his glove. With a click of a button, a section of the wall began to recede in before lowering down, revealing a large television monitor. As if compelled, Twilight couldn’t help herself but to move directly into the center line of the screen.

“What do you think it is?” Spike asked.

Finally, the image of Sun sitting at a mostly organized desk instantly popped on, making Spike jump back a little.

Sun ignored this, smiling at the first contact he was soon to make. “Hey there! It’s finally good to meet you both.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight interrupted, “but who are you?”

Sun hardened subtly, feeling the conversation get immediately rocky. “Right. My name is Sun. I am one of the head researchers for the Aether Foundation, which oversees the rescue and rehabilitation of injured, missing, and abused Pokémon. You are currently in the Aether House, our main base of operations on Ula’ula Island.”

“I know about that. Acerola told us all this before she dropped us off here.”

“Acerola, you say? How nice. I wish I had the chance to say ‘hi.’”

“Why did you bring us in here.”

“Yes, sorry. Getting off track. I understand that your being here has been rather stressful, and I also apologize for not meeting you in person. Also, let me apologize in advance for this, because I don’t want to keep any secrets from you, but the Aether Foundation is wholly responsible for you and your friends being brought here.”

Spike gasped loudly while Twilight’s ears drooped down and her jaw hung down in horror.

“You can’t be serious!” Spike yelled.

“No…” Twilight’s tears began welling uncontrollably. “That can’t be. What– How… Why…”

“There was really no easy way to say this, and I couldn’t allow you to find out the truth on your own. I want to again apologize for what we did and to assure you that the Aether Foundation and I are doing everything in their power to correct what we did.”

“Where are they!?” shouted Spike.

“Whoa! Easy there kiddo, I was just getting to that. Fortunately, several of your friends have been found and are indeed safe.”

“What?” Twilight ears perked up on this news. “Tell me!”

“There were two on Melemele Island who were befriended by a pair of trainers who have taken it upon themselves to help them find you and the others. Just about an hour ago, I received word that one of our field agents had managed to bring two of them back with him from Poni Island, and is probably on his way to Akala Island to meet with the two trainers and get back the two others that had landed there.”

“Where are they now?” Twilight began to hop and shift around the room, her adrenaline pulling her every which direction. “I can go to them, let them know I’m alright!”

“That wouldn’t be a very good idea.” Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, staring intently at Sun’s enlarged face. “I’ve also received word from a friend on Melemele that there’s a dangerous group trying to find you and the other ponies themselves. While we haven’t been able to determine their motive, it seems that their intentions are malicious in nature.”

“Even more reason I have to be out there for them! Please, you have to let us go!”


“No! You can’t hold us in here! Come on, Spike, let’s get going!”

“Twilight!” Sun’s bark did nothing to stop Spike and Twilight from running to the control panel on the door.

The Aether Employee in the room quickly pressed another button on his glove, a hard metallic clunk being heard inside the doorway. Twilight used her magic to cover the door, and strained her head to pull it open. Sun looked disheartened as even Spike tried to help pull the door open, his attempts even more futile than hers. Finally, Twilight turned her head to the Aether Employee, who let out a short scream through his teeth as he pinned himself against the wall.

“Whoever you are, open the door, now!”

“I… I…” The Aether employee looked to Sun on the screen, hoping he’d do something.

“I said now!” Twilight’s horn flared, covering the employee in her aura and lifting him up off the ground screaming and flailing.

“Oranguru, Psychic!” Upon Sun’s orders, the ape put out its hands and aimed them at Twilight with a purple glow surrounding them.

Twilight was soon covered by the glow as well, groaning loudly as she felt the hold on her magic slip. With each flicker of her horn, the employee was lowered back down, his frightened limbs refusing to stand as he was slid down until he sat against the wall. Finally, the Oranguru put its arms back down, letting Twilight go. She attempted to charge her horn again, but only managed to get a few short flashes before she realized the futility in trying.

Spike stood wide-eyed and horrified as Twilight shifted down onto the shin of her right foreleg. “What did you do to her?”

“The same thing that would have happened to her if she tried to leave,” Sun answered, his face and voice cold and hard as stone. “Those people going after you and your friends use Pokémon like that Oranguru there to immobilize you so you can’t fight back. And though I apologize for having to do the same to you, I could not let you harm one of my men.”

“I wasn’t…” Twilight panted, “going to hurt… him.”

“I had no way of knowing. All I saw was an alien being threaten one of my employees, and I acted to save him without hurting either of you.”

Twilight looked to the man she had nearly assaulted, who continued to breathe heavy with his narrow-pupil eyes close to tears. She looked to Sun, whose face softened along with hers as she realized the error of her ways. “I’m… sorry.”

Though the employee still looked very scared, his breathing also began to quiet down.

“If you need someone to blame, Twilight,” Sun said, “blame me. I helped pull you from your world and caused all of this. I would rather you not traumatize someone simply because they work under me.”

As frightened as she was, she was even more frightened to admit her so-called captor was right. Regardless, without the use of her magic, and with nowhere else to go, there was only one way to stay safe through this. “I’m sorry. I just want my friends back.”

“Completely understandable. While neither of you have no reason to trust me, especially in light of our meeting, I ask that you do so. I promise you that you will be reunited with your friends safe and sound. You have my word on this. You’re dismissed then.”

With a pressing of a button on his keyboard, the door loudly unlocked and slid open, Twilight and Spike instinctively jerking their heads over to see it. Spike ran to the doorway, stopping to wait for Twilight, but she turned back to the screen where Sun still watched her.

“Goodbye, Sun,” she said emotionlessly. “I’m holding you to that promise.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. Goodbye, Twilight.”

Twilight finally exited the room with Spike, turning back to return to the nursery. Sun glanced over to the employee who barely managed to stand back up on his feet.

“You there,” Sun said to him.

“Sir?” He stood as straight in attention as his wobbling legs could allow.

“Feel free to take the rest of the week off.”

Uh, yes sir! Thank you, sir!”

Sun smiled before he pressed another key on his keyboard, shutting the screen off where it returned inside the wall, the white panel covering it back up. The employee walked back out of the room as fast as his legs could carry.

As a young woman with medium blonde hair tied in a short ponytail counted money inside of a register, she noticed the sound of the doorknob turning, looking up to see it covered in blue light. Upon the door’s opening, Olivia came inside with Applejack and Rarity, their saddlebags filled nearly enough to rip. The size of the bags was not, however, her center of attention, but instead the two ponies.

“Wow!” she said. “What kind of Pokémon are they?”

“Oh, these aren’t Pokémon,” Olivia said, sliding her heavy bag off her shoulder and to the floor. “Applejack, Rarity, this is Carly, my senior shopkeeper.”

After removing their own saddlebags, both Rarity and Applejack hopped their front hooves up to the counter, reaching to her with their right. “Pleasure to meet ya’, Carly!” Applejack greeted first.

“Likewise,” Rarity added.

“Ah!” Carly jerked back and put a hand to her heart. “Oh, so they talk, then. Neat.”

Though an awkward introduction, Olivia proudly smiled as Carly shook both of their hooves.

“I love your dress, by the way, darling,” Rarity said. “Who made it for you?”

Carly couldn’t help but look down to her simple lime-green knee-length dress, having thought nothing of it all day until just then. “I… didn’t, I got it from a store in Hau’oli, but thank you though!”

“Now, Carly,” Olivia interrupted, stepping forward, “I need you to listen to me, because it’s very important. That portal that opened up a few nights ago, these ponies came from that. I’m only telling you this because I knew you’d be here by the time we got back, but I don’t want to give these ponies *ahem* uneeded attention.”

“Uh, right! Sorry, Olivia. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed.”

“Thanks a million, sweetie.”

Finally, Carly noticed the haul that the three of them brought in. “Holy cow! What’s all in there.”

“Oh, just a little olivine, lazulite, rose quartz, even a few Thunderstones and Firestones.”

“Wow, that’s gotta’ be your best haul yet!”

“I can’t take full credit. With Rarity’s magical abilities and Applejack’s strength, we make one hell of a team! Now we just gotta cut these things.”

Olivia took out a Poké Ball hooked on her waist and lobbed it towards the stairs to the right, letting out a large Pokémon made of stone and shaped like an upside-down gem, having a massive red nose with a bushy coal-black moustache beneath it, along with a red-circular top and two floating limbs resembling smaller, wholly-grey versions of itself.

Applejack and Rarity both screeched out of shock. “What in the hay is that thing?” Rarity yelled.

“And how did that thing fit in that little ball?”

“I suppose you still have a bit to learn about our world,” Olivia said, picking up each saddlebag in each hand, “but that can wait for later today. Okay, Probopass, you can head up now.”

Once she plopped both bags onto its “hands,” the Probopass floated its way up the stairs with Olivia following closely.

Just then, something hit Carly. “Wait, back then, did she just say ‘magical?’”

“Why yes, Carly,” spoke Rarity, “unicorns like myself are adept at the use of magic, like so!”

She pointed her sights at a gold-chain necklace with a ruby hanging from the center. With a light of her horn, the necklace floated from the mannequin and over Carly’s head, where Rarity set it down around her neck. Carly ran her fingers over the chain, unsure if her mind was deceiving her.

“And that’s the least I can do,” Rarity added.

“I think she got the point,” Applejack said. “Now, Carly, I have to ask, what’s up with Olivia trying to keep us a secret? Who are we being kept a secret from?”

“Oh, no one in particular.” Carly took off the necklace and placed it neatly on the counter in front of her. “It’s just that ever since she was taken out of the Pokémon League, all she really has going on now is being Kahuna and helping run the shop. As Kahuna, she treats every person and Pokémon on this island like they were her kids, so it’s only natural that she wouldn’t want to put your lives in danger, especially considering how you came here, you know?”

“Well, y’all shouldn’t worry. I guarantee you we’ve handled bigger threats back home than what we’d face here.”

“Not to mention,” Rarity said, “this island is a paradise! I can’t imagine anything really going wrong here!”

From the top of the stairs, Olivia cracked her living quarter door open over from where she sat, listening in while taking the magnifying headset off of her eyes. She smiled listening to Applejack and Rarity’s bravery before closing the door.

“Even so,” Applejack said, “We’re more than capable of holding our own when things go south.”

“That’s good to hear,” Carly said. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t hesitate to let you wander a bit downtown, but I guess that’s why I’m not the Kahuna.” She laughed nervously, but Applejack and Rarity’s lack of laughter made it clear they didn’t understand whatever joke she was telling. “If you want to ask her, go ahead. The store’s going to open up in a few minutes, so you should get upstairs anyway.”

“Alright then,” Rarity said, moving toward the stairs with Applejack, “we shan’t bother you anymore!”

“Have fun with… eh, what you’re doin’.” Applejack’s attempt at a kind farewell was met with enough awkward silence to allow the two to go upstairs with Olivia. Reaching the top, they turned left and came to the door, Applejack stepping forward to knock on it three times.

“Come in!” Olivia called.

The ponies stepped inside. Olivia was busy at her desk with all three of their bags leaning against the left side. To their left was a single bed, straight ahead of it was a couch facing a large TV, and in the back right was a kitchen dining room. Upon entering, they were both greeted with yips and leaps by a pink bear with long, stubby arms and a white head. Rarity lifted up the bear in her magic and nuzzled it close, the bear affectionately hugging her face.

“And you seem in high spirits, Stufful!” Rarity squeaked.

“He sure is a cutie!” Applejack said, petting behind its ears with her hoof. “I know a certain filly back at home who would go bananas over you.”

Olivia stopped studying a piece of lazulite that she had in her latex-gloved hand and gently placed it on the desk. She took her headset off once again and rubbed her eyes. After staring at the wall for a few more seconds, she was suddenly interrupted by Applejack’s voice.

“Say, Olivia, what are the chances we can go out for a few sometime today?”

“I would also like to get the chance to stroll around the city. It just looks divine!”

“I overheard your conversation with Carly.” Olivia then swiveled around in her chair to face them. “I know how badly you want to stretch your legs and get out once in a while. I appreciate that you can look after yourselves, but still know that no matter what, I fear for your safety.”

“You really don’t have to,” Applejack said. “Between my strength and Rarity’s magic, we really don’t have to worry about much.”

“What if you came with us?” Rarity suggested. “You can still be with us and we get to see some of the city!”

Olivia smiled again. Their tenacity was becoming infectiously delightful. “I don’t think that would be a problem.” Rarity and Applejack beamed. “But it looks like you became your own worst enemy today. Thanks to all these stones we found, I’ll be trying to cut them for most of the day. If you let me get back to work, we can probably do something before dinner.”

Rarity and Applejack looked to each other with smug smirks. Rarity charged her horn and opened all five individual bags. She took what amounted to a handful of crude chunks of rock from each one, getting some olivine, some rose quartz, lazulite, yellow beryl, and red garnet. Looking upon each one, her horn shone bright along with each of the stones. The light made Olivia turn around to see what was happening, and once she took off her headset, Rarity’s horn dimmed along with the light of the gems, which were now each cut in a variety of shapes and sizes. Rarity sighed at a job well done as she gently laid the stones on the desk, which Olivia was far too dumbfounded to even notice.

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle over Olivia’s face. “I think Rarity would like to give you some help.”

Olivia’s mouth continued to hang open, but Rarity looked up to whatever she needed of her.

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