• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 61 – Refraction

The door opened up to the Aether House atrium, the people and Equestrians inside turning to see who would appear on the other side. Burnet stepped out first to make herself seen to Twilight and Spike, who were elated to see her.

“Burnet!” She galloped to her with Spike running close behind, throwing most of her weight on her as she hugged her. “You’re safe! What on earth happened to you?”

Burnet laughed as Spike hopped up and hugged her thigh, Thorax, Luna, and Trixie also coming to see her. “Team Prism came to Sam and Alice to try and trade Starlight and Fluttershy for me. They refused and beat them all.”

“You’re kidding!” Thorax gasped. “The same people that attacked us on that mountain?”

“Not quite, Thorax. It was only Faba, Chrysalis, and Dexio. And from what I heard, Starlight and Fluttershy both managed to beat Faba!”

Twilight looked over Burnet’s shoulder, Starlight looking more bashful than Fluttershy as they both came close. “Starlight, is that true?”

“…Maybe.” Starlight blushed even harder.

“Professor Burnet!” As Lillie walked up to her, Twilight got off to let her give Burnet a welcoming embrace. “Thank goodness you’re alright!”

“I think this is also yours!” Pinkie Pie pushed a Poké Ball off her hoof and let it fall to the ground. Upon it opening, Reuniclus flew out and found its trainer, squealing delightfully and joining Lillie to hug her.

“It’s good to see you too, Reuniclus!” Burnet giggled, massaging the Pokémon’s gelatinous exterior with her hand.

As they watched over the reunion, Sam, Alice, and Dexio waited in the doorway.

“Don’t worry,” Sam whispered. “We’re going to clear you first before we show that you’re here.” He then looked out among the room, finding Sun with Gladion and Hau. “Hey, Sun, come here!”

Hearing his name, Sun left his friends to approach them. “Sam, Alice. Are you two al–” He then noticed Dexio half hidden in the hallway, his eyes widening out of initial shock. “You brought Dexio here? After he–”

“Apparently he said he was working for you; spying on Team Prism and stuff.” Alice glowered up at him. “Is that true, Sun?”

Sun slowly looked to Dexio, who appeared a bit more confident as she straightened himself out. “When did you tell them?”

Sam and Alice couldn’t help but huff in shock. “So it’s true? He’s really working for you?”

“Yes,” Sun answered. “I’ll explain more, but I feel as though the rest of us should know. Come on.”

Sun turned on his heel and walked toward Burnet as she shook hands with Shining Armor, Discord also waiting to be introduced. As Sam and Alice followed behind Sun, Gladion and Hau both noticed Dexio beside them.

“Dexio?” Hau wondered. “They caught him?”

Gladion walked toward him, his hand on his Poké Ball belt. “Only one way to find out.”

“Guys, there’s something I need to share with you.” Hearing Sun’s voice, everyone faced him, and eventually, the three others behind him.

Rainbow Dash was about to welcome Sam and Alice, but quickly reeled back on seeing Dexio. “You! You have some nerve waltzing in here!”

“Rainbow Dash, calm down!” Alice came between him and the pegasus. “Sun will explain everything.”

“Sun… will…” She looked to him suspiciously.

Dexio then found Twilight and Spike, who safely frowned at him from a distance. “Hey, Twilight. Spike.”

“Don’t ‘Hey Twilight, Spike’ us!” Twilight barked. “After what you tried to do to us, you can–”

“Twilight, it’s alright,” Sun calmly interrupted. “He’s actually on our side.”

“On your side? Have you lost your marbles, Sun!? Do you remember what he did in this very room?”

“And how he attacked Olivia!” Applejack shouted, joining in.

“And if he’s here with Sam and Alice,” Gladion spoke, “chances are he tried to attack them as well.”

“Why’d you even bring him here?” Spike shouted.

“It was my suggestion, actually!” Starlight came forward, joining Alice’s side and fortifying Dexio’s defenses. “After Alice beat him in a battle, he told me that he was working for Sun to get information on Team Prism.”

“Working… for Sun?” Hau sputtered. “What the hell…?”

“I told him that if he was telling the truth, Sun would vouch for him, and if not, we would keep him here for the night so that Prism wouldn’t think twice about attacking all of us to get him back. And seeing how Sun said it himself… then… yeah, I believe him now.”

“Sun.” Lillie stepped toward him. “Tell me this is some kind of joke.”

He shook his head in reply. “When Sam and Alice first spotted Team Prism last Wednesday, I contacted Dexio and asked him if he could locate Team Prism and find out anything about any information that we didn’t already know.”

Dexio cleared his throat, those in the room now looking at him. “I found one of their grunts on Akala Island shortly after he informed me. After beating him for information, Faba approached me, said my psychic power and ability to Mega Evolve would come in handy, and he offered me an admin position.

“Believe me, I really didn’t want to accept; had half a mind to beat him down just like his grunt and work up the chain of command. I’m glad I didn’t though. If I kept fighting, their leader would have annihilated me, and it would have been for nothing.”

“So you accepted?” Twilight asked. “Knowing that you’d be hunting us like wild animals?”

Dexio bowed his head. “I’m so sorry, Twilight. If it’s any kind of consolation, if we had managed to get away with Rarity and Applejack, or you and Spike, Luna, Thorax, and Trixie, or Starlight and Fluttershy, my next move, my very next move would have been to set any of them free before they could enact the next part of their plan.”

“Which is what?” Gladion was still dumbfounded by everything. “Sun, why weren’t we told about any of this?”

“I always suspected that someone within the Aether Foundation was acting as a mole for Prism ever since I heard of them.” Gladion and Lillie both gasped at this obvious accusation. “While I’m certain it was neither you two or Lusamine, or Wicke, I couldn’t risk either of you sharing this information with any of the other employees and risk their position. This had to be my secret, and mine alone. I’m sorry for that.”

While Gladion and Lillie hung their heads, appearing to accept this breach of trust, Hau’s mouth just barely came open, hardly able to believe his ears.

“Sun,” Dexio said, “I can tell them the rest of whatever they need to know. If you could get me any books of ancient Alolan history or Alolan mythology from the library, that would be very helpful.”

“Right away.” Sun turned around and walked toward the exit doors, leaving Dexio to face everyone.

“I know nothing I’ve said just now excuses what I’ve done over the past few days, but if you let me share what I’ve learned about Team Prism, I hope that I can earn your forgiveness.”

Twilight and Spike approached Dexio, who was pleasantly surprised by the sympathetic expressions they both had. Once she was close enough, Twilight quickly socked him in his gut with her hoof, crumpling him to the floor as he clutched it and groaned. The others around him winced, unprepared to witness such a hard hit from the alicorn.

“That’s for Sunday morning,” she grumbled. “Now I can forgive you.”

Spike now also sported a serious grimace, turning away with Twilight and leaving him to recover.

Applejack walked over and offered him a hoof to pull up on. “This better be some good information.”

Back on his feet, he still crouched over, too sore to stand up straight. The pain quickly subsided as he felt that he began to earn the Equestrians' trust.

“I’m sorry.” Lillie glanced to Alice, Sam, and Dexio. “You didn’t by chance get to go to the Pokémon Center before you came, did you?”

“No,” Sam responded. “We came straight here after Alice beat him.”

“Follow me, then. We have several healing stations here. We can let your Pokémon restore your health while Sun gets those books.”

“Is there a PC I can use too?” Dexio asked. “I need to get some things.”

Lillie nodded. “There should still be plenty of time for you to get what you need. Come follow me, please.”

Sam, Alice, and Dexio walked behind her, the latter still bending over in a way that appeared comical to Discord.

“Starlight, Fluttershy, you too!” The two ponies immediately went to Lillie with Lady and Comfey following closely.

While eighteen Poké Balls were scanned on three healing stations, Dexio typed away on a computer, hitting the enter key every few seconds or so. Each time he did, several items would faze into existence on a connected tower on the right. Already, several Max Potions, Revives, and a baggie of small red-and-yellow berries with leafy stems were taking up room on the desk where the computer stood.

Starlight glanced over, unable to control her curiousity. “Dexio, what’s all that for?”

Dexio cocked his head, assuming the truth wouldn’t hurt. “I can’t imagine that even with me here with all of you, Team Prism isn’t going to try some last-ditch all-out assault to capture me or one of you guys. I just want to prepare for that if push does indeed come to shove.”

Finally, a small blue backpack and a white vinyl roll came onto the platform. Removing them, Dexio spotted a white Mega Ring with a Key Stone absent in its center held in the strap keeping the roll in place. He then opened up the backmost zipper of the bag and nodded contently at the clothes that were inside.

“And what are those?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just something I’d like to keep close to me.” A message then pinged on the PC, bringing Dexio’s attention to it.

Got everything?

Dexio typed his response in.

Yes. Thank you for this, Sina.

With that, he closed the chat and logged out of the computer, the screen and the platform shutting down. He then looked back to Lillie. “Also, he asked, is there someplace I can change?”

Everyone gathered at a pair of cafeteria tables set up near the center of the room. Burnet's clothes appeared far cleaner, and her hair was mildly damp, but washed. Dexio was now wearing a pair of white jeans, brown formal boots, and a navy-blue t-shirt with a white hoodless windbreaker hanging on the back of his chair. Rarity glanced over to his new dress, hard pressed to see that it was actually him wearing it.

“Sorry, Dexio?” He turned to her. “I just wanted to say, that I think your wardrobe is far more dazzling than when I first met you!”

Dexio smiled lightly and nodded. “Glad to have your seal of approval.”

Sun finally came into the atrium with a stack of three large books in his grasp. He dropped them in front of Dexio, who caught one as it nearly bounced off the stack. Picking it up, he glanced at its title: Alolan Myth and Legend. He immediately began flipping through it, quickly glancing at each picture.

“Alright,” Starlight started, “one of the things I really want to know is how Team Prism knew about us. When we first encountered them at Ten Karat Hill, they spoke about us like we knew we existed for a while.”

“I’m not 100% certain of that myself.” Dexio slowed his browsing, feeling as though he was getting close. “I can tell you this, though. You all met the leader on Mount Hokulani today, right?” His question was met with a myriad of affirmations. “Right. Though he may seem like the mastermind behind this cult of his, he’s actually a pawn to a much more sinister, powerful force. I’m certain you’ve seen his abilities.”

“Like when he switched us around before our battle,” Alice mentioned.

Discord leaned in, making sure he was acknowledged. “There was even a moment where he commanded his Pokémon to use different moves at the exact same time. That was really freaky, even for me, and I’m the incarnation of chaos for crying out loud!”

“We don’t even know this person is a he,” Burnet spoke in. “When they talked to me while I was kidnapped, their voice sounded unnaturally low-pitched, but… god, it sounded so clear, like it couldn’t have come from a machine!”

“But what do they even want with us?” Luna asked. “Why go through such lengths for creatures they shouldn’t even know exist?”

Dexio finally stopped, pointing at the picture he needed. “Aha! Here. And since we’ve all seen the leader at least once…”

Several of the ponies went behind Dexio and looked over his shoulder, looking at what looked to be a crude stone carving and painting that took both pages. Twilight and Spike were easily able to identify Solgaleo and Lunala from them but didn’t seem to recognize a third creature that they were clearly fighting against. The carving appeared to be that of a humanoid creature with a large, square head and large claws, the rest of its body rather small and scrawny. Its body was completely black.

“Those claws…” Sam peaked past Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash.

“And its head,” Rarity mentioned. “Look at how large it is. In fact, they’re very much like the hoods on those Prism…”

Twilight and Spike’s mouths hung open, understanding it. “So, this creature… this is who’s controlling Team Prism?”

“Must be.” Dexio placed his hand on the page the black creature occupied so that its thumb and finger formed half a frame around it. “I read this book when I first came to Alola, and when I met the leader for the first time, their clothing shared such an uncanny resemblance to the creature in this drawing, that I knew it couldn’t be a coincidence.”

“What’s it called?” Trixie asked. “Kind of an important thing to know, isn’t it?”

Dexio nodded. “In ancient times, the Alolan natives referred to it as… Necrozma.”

Luna perked up, blinking several times as she registered the creature’s name.

Dexio continued. “They believed that it came from the cosmos to destroy this world, and that Solgaleo and Lunala preceded it to save the world, and the two were worshiped as gods who rose the sun and the moon each day and night.”

Suddenly, the book was pulled off the table with a magical glow covering it. “Hey!” Twilight shouted. “What’s…” She then watched as Luna held the image on the page close to her face studying it intently. “Luna?”

Luna first looked to the creature, her eyes shimmering with moisture.


Celestia and Luna looked out over a castle balcony with thick evergreen forests surrounding them. Floating out over the land was a massive light that neither princess could make out what was inside, despite the intense dread it instilled in them.

Solgaleo and Lunala clashed with Necrozma, the air and space around them fracturing with the sound of a roaring whoosh of wind.


Luna dropped the book to the table, the humans and Equestrians on each side of it looking at Luna, whose eyes freely streamed tears.

“I… I remember Necrozma.”

“WHAT?!” Every person and Equestrian shouted at once.

“Plot twist!” Pinkie Pie blurted.

“How’s that possible?” Gladion asked. “Necrozma has been a part of Alolan legend for centuries!”

“I can tell you they’re way older than that,” Spike retorted, rendering Gladion silent as he looked at the alicorn who looked only a few years older than Twilight.

“You’re telling me you’ve actually seen this thing before?” Rainbow Dash patted her hoof onto the picture on the book.

“And Necrozma is actually from Equestria?” Dexio wondered.

Luna breathed in, preparing her tale. “I have no idea where Necrozma came from, neither would my sister. I just remember encountering it in a time before my banishment, even before the vanishing of the Crystal Empire or the birth of Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Sorry,” Hau interrupted, “I just want to know… that’s a really long time, right?”

“Well over a thousand years, Hau.”

“Damn! …I mean, you look great for a thousand!”

Luna ignored him.

“And that’s why Prism knew about us!” Starlight verbally realized. “Luna, please, you have to tell us about it! What happened to it? What happened to you?”

“All I can remember is when it arrived…”


Celestia and Luna ran out to the balcony of their castle, putting their gaze right up to the wormhole that opened up in the sky. Below, several armed guards on the ground below dropped their spears in fright and backed away slowly as they saw a bright shape come close to its mouth.

Unfolding itself as it passed the exit, the creature that appeared was titanic in height, appearing as a four-winged dragon made up entirely of light with gold plating on the bars of its wings, its legs and feet, its chest, and its head. Its colorful, hungry eyes glistened like gemstones as it looked down upon the princesses and the guards cowering below.


“What did it want?” Shining Armor asked.

“Probably the same thing that the Prism leader wants,” Dexio replied. “It wanted to add your world to its own personal dominion.”


“That’s right,” Twilight muttered. “It’s just like you said… in this very room. Our world was never enough for it, and if it takes this one too… it will never be enough.”

Dexio nodded. “If Necrozma and the Prism leader’s ambitions are one in the same, then yes, it was probably not targeting your world; it just found yours.”

Luna continued looking at the book. “Needless to say, we were outmatched by it at first.”


The draconic Necrozma roared an ear-shattering roar at the two princesses, who already began to charge their horns. Shooting beams at it, Necrozma simply created a bright-yellow aural shield that blocked and neutralized their attacks. It then thrust the shield at Celestia, who gasped and froze in shock over this creature’s might.

“Sister!” Luna checked her sister out of the way, taking the shield into her body as she was knocked back inside the castle.

“Luna!” Celestia galloped to her sister, who was quick to get up. “Art thou alright?”

She tried to light her horn up again, only to find it could only produce small flickers. “Our… our magic!”

Celestia turned back to the balcony as Necrozma landed on the ground, its height allowing it to see inside the balcony at the two princesses. “What quarrel doth thou have with us, fiend? Answer us!”

Its mouth then curled into a smile as it produced an eerie laugh as if it were being listened to in reverse.


“Our magic was useless. Its Psychic powers were far too strong. It must have thought we were not a threat, because it left us to terrorize neighboring towns and cities, hoping to reduce our world to ruin to start the foundation of its own.”

“This is incredible!” Twilight pressed her hoof to her temple, overwhelmed by this information. “How has no other pony known about this?”

“Much like the Crystal Empire and my banishment, they quickly became forgotten.”

“But,” Sam huffed, “I have to imagine Equestria’s far from the desolate wasteland that Necrozma tried turning it into. So, how’d you beat it?”

Luna then looked to Sun and Lillie, who seemed haunted by their eyes meeting hers. “Clearly, the fact that Necrozma is trying its hand at another siege is testament to us not defeating it. Instead, we were only able to send it away.”

“How?” Alice asked.

“…A miracle.”


Inside their chambers, Celestia and Luna stood before each other, the sound of screaming from ponies outside their doors and the roars of Necrozma getting closer making them anxious. The two sisters gave each other one last hug before the entire door and wall was torn away, the ceiling and roof coming out shortly after. As Necrozma looked down upon them, they both picked up a pair of shields and held them defiantly at it.

Celestia’s shield was adorned with steel and copper, finished to give it the appearance of a blazing sun. Luna’s was a darker darker in color and had a crescent moon lining the right side of it. Even with Necrozma’s towering appearance, Celestia and Luna held firm to their only means of defense. Necrozma let out a chuckle before it lunged down on the pair.

Celestia and Luna touched horns, the magic forming on each strengthening twofold. The magic transferred to their shields and covered them in an even brighter, more intense aura. Celestia’s appeared to be ablaze with fire while Luna’s sparkled like a glittering night sky. Magic erupted from the shields and launched themselves at Necrozma, who could not react fast enough before the spells covered its entire body, entrapping it in a tornado of fire and starlight that quickly transformed into a pillar of white, blinding light.

Two streams of magic were then pulled from the pillar and embedded themselves into each of their shields, which were pulled from their grasp and floated up into the air. Celestia and Luna watched aghast as the intensity of the energy bent and morphed the shields until they were a thick liquid that swirled themselves into two metal spheres.

As the shields took more and more energy from the pillar of light, the spheres shone brighter and hotter until they too were just as bright, getting bigger and brighter by the second. Then, to their amazement, the sphere’s stretched out and contoured themselves into bodies and heads.

The aura before Celesita grew four large limbs, paws, and a tail like a lion, finishing as a sun-shaped mane spiked out around its neck. Luna watched as the one before her grew massive, thin wings and a conical head with a crescent-shape atop its head. The last wisps of light from the pillar were absorbed into the creatures that formed, leaving Necrozma as a smaller, obsidian-bodied creature. Necrozma, weakened, fell to a single knee and looked at the two creatures with its colorful, trapezoidal eyes, and with a bursting of the light, Solgaleo and Lunala emerged, roaring out at the new life they had been given.


Luna looked around the room, and there wasn’t a single closed mouth among any human or Equestrian. She grimaced, the truth finally let out.

Lillie in particular breathed heavily. “So… Solgaleo… Lunala… they were created by you?”

Pinkie Pie's mouth was nearly to the floor. “Super... mega... ultra... plot twist!”

“Solgaleo… Lunala…” Luna smiled warmly and closed her eyes. “What lovely names you humans have bestowed onto them.”

“Hold on!” Gladion shouted. “What about when they were Cosmogs? Or Cosmoems? Lillie, Sun, show them!”

“Does it matter?” Sun sounded defeated and emotionally drained. “Whether they came to our world as Solgaleo and Lunala or a pair of young Cosmogs, it’s all the same in the end.”

“What happened to them?” Hau asked. “I mean, on your world?”

Luna reflected further.


Solgaleo headbutted into Necrozma, sending it into Lunala’s wing, who swatted it away. Celestia and Luna could only watch fearfully as the two creatures had their way with the malevolent being. After a dual hit, Necrozma was knocked several yards away, further into the ruins of the castle. Standing up onto its feet, it noted the distance between itself and the two, clenching its fists with finality.

It threw them out and glowed brightly, causing the atmosphere around it to ripple and bend, appearing more liquid than solid. Solgaleo and Lunala cried out as they both charged it, also starting to glow brightly. Celestia and Luna gasped at the auspiciousness of their illumination.

“No!” Luna cried. “Stop!”

Solgaleo and Lunala collided with Necrozma, shattering and fragmenting the space around their area like glass. There was a warbled combined scream of all three creatures before a light shone from each shard and covered the area in a light neither Celestia nor Luna could see through.


“After that…” Luna sighed mournfully. “I never saw them again. That is… until yesterday, before I was brought here.”

“Luna…” Twilight approached her. “You knew about them this whole time? And you never thought to tell me?”

She looked away, ashamed. “I didn’t have any idea when the best time to tell you could be, and I beg your forgiveness for it. I could hardly believe it myself, but…” She then looked between each human in the room, getting out from her seat. “Can I see them? Do you have them with you?”

“Yes, of course.” Sun pulled the Poké Balls off his belt and readied to throw them.

“Wait!” Thorax yelled. “What if they freak out again and bring more Equestrians here?”

“It will be fine,” Twilight answered, putting her hoof to his shoulder assuringly. “I met them both yesterday, and they didn’t freak out. In fact, there was something about them that made me feel incredibly calm and safe. I didn’t really understand why then… but now I do.”

Sun turned to the empty spot of the atrium and lobbed the balls out far enough away so that when they opened, Solgaleo and Lunala had more than enough room to stand and stretch their stiff and tired limbs out, glad to be free from their balls. Each of the Equestrians were also compelled to get out of their seats or wherever they stood and walked out toward the two Pokémon, standing beside Sun as they looked down on their unfamiliar faces.

“And now that I understand,” Twilight concluded, “I can feel it so clearly… the magic of Princess Celestia and Luna within them.”

Luna stepped up first, approaching Lunala as it looked down on her, frowning with the insatiable nag of familiarity. With each step forward she took, Luna could visibly remember more of the Pokémon that floated before her, and as she got closer, Lunala’s face grew softer, noting her flowing, sparkling mane and her strong, powerful wings. Lunala brought its head down, the end of its nose just inches from Luna’s.

By now Luna could hardly contain herself, letting out two childlike sobs to finally meet the creation she lost after over a thousand years.

“Lunala… It’s me… Luna.”

Smiling, Lunala pushed its face beneath Luna’s underside, letting her hug its face and cry onto it, reunited after so very long.

“I’m sorry!” She choked up. “I’m so sorry!”

Solgaleo crouched down and looked down on Luna. Recognizing her as well, it opened its mouth just slightly and gave Luna a gentle lick along her left side. Despite the emotions running through her, Luna couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh how I wish Celestia was here to see you again!”

Luna reached for Solgaleo’s snout, bringing it into her hug. Not a single eye among the Equestrians was dry. As Pinkie Pie sniffled, holding a box of tissues on her hoof, Rainbow Dash tore one out and blew as hard as she could, overcome with the joy she felt for Luna in this moment.

“It’s like I never even left her,” Discord wept.

“I still can’t believe it…” Sun covered his mouth and shook his head. “I just can’t…”

Luna continued holding on to Lunala, completely attached to it. Her horn then began to glow as Lunala’s eyes flickered with magenta before blinking them, something Twilight just barely caught from the corner of her eye. It was then that Luna’s horn began to charge even brighter.

“Luna.” Twilight approached her, but Luna didn’t appear to humor her, and her grip on Lunala’s face began to weaken. “Luna!”

Luna gulped for air as she opened her eyes, which had become completely white.

Luna found herself standing inside the barren, blackened crater of Ten Karat Hill, the sudden bleakness of her surroundings frightening her. Looking to her right, she found a small army of painted, shirtless tan-skinned warriors, each one with a taiaha in one hand and a shield made from polished, fortified tree bark in the other. Joining each of their sides were several Pokémon, including Lycanrocs, Kommo-O’s, Alolan Marowaks, and Alolan Persians.

Standing to Luna’s right was a lone person with a wool cloak and hood that obscured their face. Behind them, Necrozma stood, awaiting the army’s advance. What frightened Luna even more was that Solgaleo and Lunala also stood by this person’s side, but their bodies were covered in armor similar to the material of Necrozma’s body. Along with a pair of Necrozma’s arms on Solgaleo’s back and Lunala’s waist, giving them an extra set of limbs, they also wore similar helmets with a triangular icon of colored fragments on the foreheads.

“Solgaleo, Lunala…” Luna was devastated. “What has it done to you?”

With a chorus of shouts, the army and their Pokémon rushed the human and three creatures. With a simple point of its arm, Solgaleo and Lunala screamed out and ran to meet the army in the center. Necrozma threw its arms down, launching two lazers of light that exploded violently out, once again filling Luna’s vision with blinding white.

Luna swooned as her vision returned, Twilight and Spike both catching her before she could fall over.

“Luna!” Spike grunted as he pushed her back up. “What happened? Your horn started acting weird, and then your eyes turned white, and…”

He stopped himself as Luna looked back up to Lunala, her eyes now filled with fear with what she saw from her vision. She looked to Solgaleo too, and as she looked back to the book still on the table, her breathing got shaky and filled with sadness.

“Luna…” Twilight lowered her head down to look up to her. “What did you see?”

“Something I should have seen before they were first born.” Luna sniffed once, looking to Sun and Lillie who were uncertain why she would do so. “Celestia and I drew from Necrozma’s power to create those two. Necrozma still resides within them, and that means…”

“Luna?” Starlight walked to her friends, joining Twilight’s side. “What are you saying?”

With a rueful turn of the head, she looked into Lunala’s eyes, which were filled with confusion and a lack of understanding. With a single sob, a tear fell down from each of Luna’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks to the floor. She then mustered the strength to look into those innocent eyes again.

“I’m so sorry, Lunala.”

Charging her horn at full intensity, Luna grabbed Lunala’s neck with her magic and slammed its head on the ground, Lunala unable to breath or cry for help as Luna proceeded to choke the life out of it.

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