• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 72 – The Memory Armada

Hau’s eyes were instantly assaulted by brightness as the ground formed beneath his feet and gravity returned to the space he threw himself in. Soon, so did the colors, vibrant and sunlit ones that only added to his confusion. He found himself standing in the exact same spot on Ten Karat Hill where he attacked Burnet, except that it looked completely untouched by her battle with Kukui and Ilima or Mina and Hapu.

“What is this?” Hau breathed heavily, the difference of his surroundings literally clear as night and day.

A giggling was heard behind him, and upon turning around, he found Burnet and Kukui standing at the foot of the cavern entrance. With Kukui holding a picnic basket with a red tablecloth draped inside the handles, the husband and wife leaned in and pecked each other on the lips. Hau took particular interest in her necklace, a gold wedding band hanging off of it rather than the obsidian stone.

“I’m going to explore around a little,” Burnet told her husband, her voice mysteriously echoed. “You got the picnic portion covered, right?”

“What, you don’t think I’ve ever been on a picnic before?” he laughed back, his voice also reverberating. “You can go on ahead, I’ll have everything set up… er, eventually.”

Burnet turned around and jogged into the cave, leaving Hau with another weird feeling as though he could feel the distance between them. As he began walking to follow her, Kukui turned around and began walking further north up the crater.

Hau approached him, his hand reaching for his shoulder. “Professor Kukui, can you tell me–”

To Hau’s strangely muted surprise, Hau’s hand went through Kukui’s shoulder like a hologram, the Pokémon professor not even seeming to acknowledge his existence. Hau felt his skin grow bumps as the icy realization began to hit him.

“Is this… one of Burnet’s memories?” As Burnet grew further from him, the tug on Hau’s spirit pulled harder, forcing him to run to the cavern to alleviate this alien feeling.

With each turn and forking path inside the cave he took, he used the distance sensation within him to guide him along. Reaching a narrow crevice near the eastern end, the feeling began to completely disappear, and movements could be heard inside of it. Certain that Burnet was inside, he turned sideways and slid himself along, ignoring the intense claustrophobia as his back ran along the rock walls, the other side only an inch or two from his chest and face.

Just as he neared the end, he saw Burnet exit the cramped space, stopping still to reach for her Poké Ball. “Reuniclus, Flash!”

With her gel-coated Pokémon exiting the ball, its body glowed brightly to illuminate the darkened space around her. Hau squeezed himself out of the crevice just as Hau continued walking about slowly to observe her surroundings. As they ventured further down, Burnet and Reuniclus came to the space’s end, which featured a remarkably smoothed out wall, at least compared to the rest of Ten Karat Hill’s craggy surfaces.

Burnet was also attracted to the space, reaching at the wall and stroking it with her hand. “No way this is natural. Someone paved this wall.”

At that moment, a glow surrounded her hand beneath her palm, the sight of it making her recoil and hop back. Hau also stared intently at the spot that lit up where Burnet had touched, both of them watching in amazement as a small obsidian rock slid out of the wall where no spot for it had been. Reuniclus fearfully hid behind its trainer as the stone fell from its new hole and hit the floor, where it exuded a black aura covered in a white light.

Hau, even with his distance from Burnet and Reuniclus, felt himself stepping away as he realized what this was. “This… this is where Necrozma is buried!”

Burnet was intensely fascinated by the rock that fell near her feet, despite every joint and muscle in her body tingling with the warning to keep away from it.

Just then, her entire body tensed up as if she felt something small and sharp poke the center of her brain. “.burneT” Unable to tell where this eerie voice was coming from, she shot her glances around the room, her Reuniclus worrying for her sanity. “.do not be afriaid, BurneT !you have discovered this secret room inside this cave, and as such, you have earned something extraordinarY”

“No…” Hau shook his head as he approached her. “Burnet, don’t–”

His body suddenly collided with an invisible wall made from a hard, soft surface, keeping him separated. As he frantically patted the wall with his hands, the scene before him continued.

“Who… are you?” Burnet asked.

“.I …am a traveleR, burneT .i have seen so many wonderous things that a human such as yourself couldn’t possibly imaginE”

Burnet frowned, not buying what this thing had to offer. “I run a dimensional research lab, pal. I’ve probably seen more cool things than you give me credit for!”

There was a pause that left Hau speechless and motionless, his anxiety somehow convincing him that she would refuse Necrozma’s offer this time around.

“?oH .it seems I have misjudged you, BurneT .we appear to share more in common than I would have thoughT”

“I somehow greatly doubt that.” Burnet turned back to leave, Reuniclus hugging tight to her arm. “Look, I’ve got someone waiting on me, and this is really weirding me out right now, so I’m just going to say goodbye and–”

“!i can show you more” Something about the way the voice said that kept Burnet from walking out, leaving Hau in further shock.

“Burnet!” he cried, trying to pound his way through to her. “Stop, you can’t do this!”

To his added horror, Burnet turned back to face the disembodied stone with a little more intrigue in her grimace. “What exactly do you mean ‘more?’”

“.whatever sights you’ve seen, whatever worlds you’ve visited,” it cooed, “I guarantee you that I’ve seen far more than you could imaginE.”

Burnet took a step toward it, Hau’s screams completely mute to her. “You’ve actually visited other worlds?”

“?and you have noT …hmm .perhaps we share less in common than I thought, but yes, Burnet, I have seen so much beyond your world, and if you’re willing, I can give you a glimpse of what I’ve experienced, and if you’re so willing, the chance to explore worlds that even I have not been able to reacH”

“No…” Hau stopped struggling as he could only stay and watch. “This is actually happening…”

Burnet’s lips quivered, Necrozma’s hook now lodged into her. “What do I have to do?”

“No… this already happened.”

“.it’s simplE .all you must do is take the stone at your feet, and I can show you as many wonderous things your heart desireS.”

Hau’s chest felt tight as Burnet took one more step toward the rock, Reuniclus tugging her arm and squeaking frightfully. As she slowly bent down, the last of her doubts melting in her mind, Hau threw himself against the barrier one last time.


Burnet pinched the obsidian stone in her fingers and rolled herself up straight. The stone began to vibrate and glow, the energy also vibrating the air around it. As the vibrations spread, working themselves to Burnet’s face and body, she tried to let the stone go, only for her fingers to not obey her. Burnet screamed as the warped air covered her, her voice rupturing as the tremors only became more violent. Upon reaching and enveloping Hau, everything except for himself was ripped and torn apart by an astral flurry of lights, colors, and stars.

Burnet looked to her shaking hands, Kukui, Ilima, Hapu, Mina, and Fluttershy aghast at her eyes which flashed about in a strobe from black to white to her normal eyes. Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma roared up into the night as their forms blurred and vibrated.

“…whaT” Burnet whimpered as her own hands began to fade and blur in a similar manner. “?!what have you done to mE”

Hau was thrown about the spacial typhoon and completely unable to tell what was up, down, or around him. As he screamed for his life, another terrified cry for help was mixed in with his own. As he flipped and spun his way throughout the cosmos, Necrozma showing Burnet in her memories, Hau could only catch glimpses of Burnet as she whizzed past him.

“!burneT” Necrozma shouted from the space “!reconcile your memories at once !more enemies approach as we speaK !WE CANNOT LET THEM WIN”

Hau’s body began to stabilize as he began to soar straight out through space toward a large ball of light. Shielding his face, his body was suddenly enveloped by its blinding glow and stifling heat.

Dusk-Mane Necrozma and Dawn-Wings Necrozma’s fractured physiques began to glow bright before they exploded out in shards of light that floated skyward, leaving behind their two obsidian Poké Balls that fell to the floor. As well, Burnet’s eyes returned to normal before rolling into the back of her head. With her body swooning, she fell over and crumpled to the ground, her seemingly-lifeless body sprawled out.

“Burnet!” Kukui shouted, limping over to his wife and falling down to sit beside her and cradle her in his lap. “Burnet, speak to me!”

The others stood where they were, completely unsure what just happened. “Did…” Mina wondered. “Did he do it?”

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water again. “Why hasn’t he come back yet?”

“Guys!” Everyone glanced to the right, seeing as Starlight, her group of Equestrians, and the trainers of Akala Island began pouring out over the eastern edge of Ten Karat Hill’s crater.

Along with the three Trial Captains that rode on Discord, Olivia and Kaj flew on the backs of Kreigen and Rông, who was now a Flygon. Starlight set Applejack, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Lady down before she lowered herself to the ground.

“Starlight!” Fluttershy galloped to her friend and squeezed her tightly the moment she landed. “I’m so glad to see you!”

“It’s good to see you too, Fluttershy.” As Starlight rubbed her back, she looked to where Ilima and the others were standing, immediately feeling something was amiss. “Where’s Sam and Alice? Didn’t you manage to rescue them?”

Fluttershy broke down even harder, the others in Starlight’s group dismounting off of Discord and the Pokémon and surrounding her.

“What’s going on?” Shining Armor questioned. “What happened with Sam and Alice?”

“Burnet took them…” the pegasus blubbered, “and Dexio too! And then she threw them into a wormhole to never be seen again!” Starlight’s body immediately went stiff as the terrible news of her friends sank in. “I was busy helping Hau, Mina, and Hapu escape and I couldn’t do anything! I’m sorry!”

Fluttershy sank to the floor and continued wailing as Starlight could only look ahead, her eyes also beginning to fill with tears. Shining Armor let out a weak, shuddering breath as he looked down and away. The five trainers standing together were slow to process their building rage and sadness save for Kaj, who let out several dry sobs as tears began streaming from her eyes.

Discord walked past them all and laid down beside Fluttershy, stroking her mane with his lion’s paw. “This not your fault, Fluttershy. You did everything you could to help them.”

“But I didn’t!” Fluttershy refused to look up to him from the softness of her arms. “And now they’re gone!”

Kaj then spotted the unconscious Burnet as Kukui continued coddling her, her body trembling as her sad frown morphed into a malevolent scowl. “You bitch!”

Running past her friends, she charged at Kukui and Burnet and managed to get one good blow to the head with her fist before Ilima could rush in and bear-hug her away before she could deliver another.

Resting his wife down at the ground as quickly as she could, Kukui shot up and approached the two as Kaj tried to kick free from Ilima’s grasp. “Hey, HEY! Stop that!”

“She killed my friends!” she screamed. “Let me go so I can kick her ass back to life… and then kick her ass back to death when I do!”

Taking her focus off the three’s drama, Rarity and Applejack approached the comatose Burnet with more suspicion than hate. “What do you think happened to her?” Rarity asked.

Applejack looked around, noting that something else was missing. “Hey, where’s Hau? Isn’t he supposed to be here too?”

“He was,” Hapu said, “but he did some Z-Move I’ve never seen before and… he just entered inside her. I literally can’t describe it any better than that!”

“Entered inside her? What in Equestria could that possibly mean?”

The light around Hau began to fade again, his feet being set on the ground that burned up through the soles of his shoes. It was night once again, but the red glow of fire surrounded the outside of Ten Karat Hill as well as well as beneath him from the cracks of the recently scorched earth. As his vision became clearer, he found himself standing in front of a small army of native warriors armed with wooden shields and taiahas. Joining their sides were Pokémon of various kinds, including Lycanrocs, Alolan Marowaks, Hariyamas, Kommo-o’s, just to name a few.

“Wha…” Hau was overwhelmed with confusion. “Is this another memory? But whose?”

“Hau!” He looked down to his left to see Marshadow standing beside him and facing the other way, though free from his shadow. “Behind you!”

Looking around, the sight he came across was far more troubling. Standing beside and behind a native wearing a thick hood that blocked their face were all three forms of Necrozma: Solgaleo in its Dusk-Mane form, Lunala in its Dawn-Wings form, and the Necrozma from the book Dexio had showed him. Standing in protection of all of them were dozens of humanoid creatures with black, reflective skin like flexible obsidian.

What unnerved Hau even more was that along with each of their heads, certain parts of their bodies bore a striking resemblance to that of a Psychic Pokémon. Hau was particularly drawn to two hybrids: one with the head of a Bruxish whose body was covered in small scales and another with the head of a Metang whose arms also shared the likeness of one.

“What the hell…” Hau clenched his fists, which couldn’t resist trembling. “Is this like the first Team Prism or something?”

The hooded native surrounded by Necrozma’s forms picked its head up, two red gleams shining into Hau’s eyes where its own would be, a piercing sensation pricking into every part of Hau’s body.

Burnet’s eyes opened, which now began to glow a similar shade of red. Her head began to rise before the rest of her body was lifted up as if picked up by her head. Kaj stopped fighting Ilima as the two of them were rendered motionless by the unsettling sight. Kukui also turned around to see his wife’s body be pulled up by the forces that be.

Hapu, Mina, Applejack, and Rarity stepped backwards, already certain from Burnet’s eyes that something destructive was coming from this. Discord also managed to pick Fluttershy up and step back, the others behind him doing the same. Once the tips of Burnet’s boots came off the ground, the force that lifted her up slowly brought her feet back down, where her legs and upper body managed to keep her standing, though her arms and head were still limp and hanging down.

Kukui approached Burnet as she continued standing still, clearly not of her own volition. “Honey?”

Along with the hooded leader’s eyes staring right at Hau, the auras of their hybrid army began to flare up from the back all the way to the front, filling them with energy. It was then that each of them slowly turned their heads to Hau and Marshadow, making the two realize that they too could see both of them.

“Impossible!” Hau reached for his Ultra Balls, only to find that they, along with the belt that carried them were no longer there. “M– My Pokémon! How am I…”

Hau looked ahead again, each one of the hybrids breathing in and letting out a gruesomely loud, horrifically atonal, and materially forceful battle cry right at him.

Burnet threw her head back and held her fists by the sides of her waist, letting out a blaring shout that shook the ground beneath everyone’s feet. Along with Hapu’s Dugtrio’s fissure still left from its Earthquake attack, more breaks in the ground began to branch out from where Burnet stood, her body erupting with a dark red aura.

“Gyah!” Mallow and the others ran back as far away from the growing and widening cracks as they spread out, threatening to come beneath them. “What’s she doing now?”

When the ground stopped breaking apart, bright white light began to spill up from the broken earth, at first being illuminated from the dust that spread up from the ground before the light took on a sentient form and branched off into a dozen beams that landed upon the ground between Burnet and her adversaries. The lights took on a vaguely human shape as the light forming them dimmed down, revealing their true forms of shiny, black-skinned hybrids of several Psychic Pokémon.

Burnet began to relax as it stood up straighter and much more deliberately, exhausted from the power she had to exert. Much like the first battle long ago, Necrozma’s army had returned to protect it. Not a single face among the humans or Equestrians was not filled with complete and utter dread.

“What,” Flannery exclaimed. “The fuck! Are those!?”

Olivia spotted the leather undergarments that covered each hybrid’s privates, sadly the most decent-looking thing about them. “Those are the same kind of loincloths the Alolan natives would wear. Could… could they really be…?”

“Necrozma’s ancient army.” Shining Armor grunted in anger.

“Look at all their heads! All Psychic-type Pokémon. I guess this was Prism before Prism existed. In that case…” Olivia detached an Ultra Ball from her belt and threw it forward. “Let’s go, Lycanroc!”

Olivia’s Midnight-form Lycanroc appeared from its ball, separating the hybrid army from its trainer and her friends.

Kaj called Rông back into its ball before pointing her finger forward. “Join her, Kreigen!”

With a shrill caw, Kreigen bounded over her and the others and glided down to land beside Olivia’s Lycanroc. At once, Lana, Mallow, and Flannery all threw out an Ultra Ball of their own.

“Let’s go, Cloyster!”

“Let’s spice things up, Trevenant!”

“You’re on, Arcanine!”

All three trainers’ balls opened up at once and spilled their energy out to land beside Lycanroc and Kreigen. Coming out from Lana’s ball was a massive clamshell with six spikes protruding out from both sides, opening up to reveal another forward pointing spike and black, spherical face with a devious smile beneath it. The energy from Mallow’s ball formed into a large tree with patches of green sprouting from its wrists and head. Its roots served as its feet and its black spectral body separated the trunk and branches out to allow movement, one separation looking like a jagged-toothed mouth with a single red eye above it. Finally, Flannery’s ball let out a large, red-and-black striped hound with long cream-colored fur growing on its chest, head, wrists, ankles, and tail.

Lady ran out to stand between Trevenant and Lycanroc while Comfey unfurled itself from Fluttershy’s neck to take the end beside Cloyster. “Yes,” Starlight cheered on, “you got this, Lady!”

“You go too, Comfey…” As brave as she attempted to sound, she her voice trailed off as the hybrids imposed their threatening stares at all the Pokémon facing them.

Shining Armor began to charge his horn, only to realize how naked he suddenly felt. “Ugh, of all the times to let Sam and Alice carry that staff…”

“Come on, Shining Armor,” Applejack rallied, “we got this! This is no different than when we fought Prism up on the mountain!”

“Except for when Prism and their Pokémon are one in the same,” Rarity commented squeamishly.

Discord stepped beside the three of them to join them in battle, Kukui and Ilima stepped back so that they could be seen by Hapu and Mina. Beckoning them over with wave of his hand, Hapu and Mina ran back toward Kukui, who knelt down as he began fishing into his pockets.

“Here, take some!” He dropped three Max Revives into Ilima’s hand before giving three to Mina and Hapu. “We can’t let them fight this alone.”

With the hybrids and the Pokémon set for battle, the hyrbrids all let out a threatening battle cry that was met enthusiastically by the cries and shouts of the Pokémon and Equestrians. At once, the hybrids charged, leading the Pokémon and ponies to run and meet them in the center.

Hau was petrified as the hooded leader’s army charged at him and Marshadow, only for the native army and their Pokémon to run out themselves to do battle. Hau backed away, completely unaffected by the remaining warriors and Pokémon that ran right through him. The hybrids and native warriors clashed, their forces equal enough to prevent a retreat on either side.

Marshadow stayed close to Hau as they both watched the battle from a safe and observable distance. “Hau, what are you doing?”

Hau was confident in his strategy. “Waiting.”

“Waiting for what?”

A Kadabra hybrid punched its spoon into the face of one of the warriors, throwing him back behind the line and making him drop his taiaha to the ground where he fell unconscious.

Hau pointed at the discarded weapon. “That!”

Hau reached for the blade, only for it to stay on the ground as his hand went through the handle, unable to grasp it. Hau was beginning to lose his temper, but suddenly thought of something.

“Marshadow?” The Pokémon looked up to him. “Necrozma’s able to make its memories real to us. Since we’re the ones in here, do you think we can do the same?”

Marshadow looked to the taiaha on the ground, spotting a faint shadow beneath its hilt. “I can try! Hold on, Hau!”

Marshadow dove forward as his body stretched out to fit in the sliver of shadow that was available. Just then, the Kadabra hybrid broke through the warriors’ lines and ran at Hau, who looked to see as the weapon began to turn a slight purple. Hau quickly dove for the taiaha, only for his body to be caught with his now magenta-glowing hand just short of the hilt. The kadabra hybrid then pulled Hau off his feet to face it as it squeezed in on its body, constricting him and his arms from any movement.

Kadabra’s eyes turned red as they stared into Hau’s. “.foolish boY”

As Hau tried to get a single breath in, straining with all his might to do so, the Kadabra hybrid grunted and stumbled back, letting Hau go and dropping him to the floor. Hau got to his hands and knees quickly to see the blade of the Marshadow-possessed taiaha driven deep into the hybrid’s chest. Despite its fatal predicament, the Kadabra quickly recovered and reached for the hilt.

“Hau, hurry!” Marshadow’s cry helped spring Hau to his feet as he grabbed the hilt first and pulled away before slashing it again across its stomach.

Kadabra fell over and crackled as its body turned completely solid. Hau ignored this as he examined the hilt that he could now carry in his hands. Just then, two more hybrids, one with a Hypno’s head and a large bulky one with an Oranguru’s head, ran at him through the fighting warriors. Hau slashed at the Hypno hybrid, throwing it back, before lunging the tip of the taiaha’s blade at Oranguru, who managed to deftyly catch it.

Hau was beginning to catch on, his reaction more reserved. “That’s right, still a Normal-type.”

He yanked the sword back as he kicked his foot high, driving the ball of his foot into the Oranguru hybrid’s eye. It dug its hands to its face as the Hypno hybrid ran back in, swinging its pendulum at Hau. He turned around and let the chain wrap around the weapon’s blade as it began to flare up with purple fire, much to its displeasant surprise.

Hau swung outward, snapping the chain apart in several places before slashing the blade across Hypno’s face, turning it into a gashed statue. Hau turned back to the Oranguru hybrid, who kept its hand over its left eye as it reached for Hau with the other. Hau stabbed Oranguru in the hand, surprised to hear a sharp searing sound as Oranguru let out another painful roar. Hau jumped onto the hybrid’s stomach to climb up and drive the taiaha into the hybrid’s forehead. As it turned to solid stone, Hau pulled the blade out, crumbling its head apart.

Hau then faced the scene of the battle with new confidence, shaking the pieces of the Oranguru hybrid that still clung to the blade. With a shout, he ran in to join the warriors and Pokémon who were still left alive.

As the hybrids and the trainers’ Pokémon swung and jabbed at each other, Lady stayed low and observed the commotion going around and above it. Seeing tunnels being made with the legs of the Pokémon and hybrids, Lady quickly leapt and bounded through each open hole as it reached the end, slipping past the hybrids that spotted it and reached down to grab it. Starlight galloped to follow it, seeming to know what it was thinking. Once it reached the end, it sprinted as fast as its legs could carry it until it was a safe distance from the battle while leaving nothing to protect Burnet from its attacks and blocking her from entering the cavern.

“Nice one, Lady!” Starlight shouted. “Hit her with Moonblast!”

Lady shouted loud as it shot a powerful silvery beam from its mouth at the Prism leader.

Burnet quickly detached a Poké Ball from her belt and threw it on the ground in front of her. “Gardevoir, Magical Leaf, now!”

Gardevoir appeared from its ball with Necrozma’s aura already flaring on it, winding its arm in and throwing it out to send its concentrated flurry of colorful leaves into Lady’s Moonblast, slicing, destroying, and overpowering the beam as the leaves pushed through to strike Lady hard, throwing it back toward Starlight. Landing on its side, Lady found that it was already too weak to get back up quickly, and with Gardevoir staring intently at it, it was certain it could not escape its next attack.

“Gardevoir,” Burnet calmly ordered, “Thunderbolt.”

Gardevoir charged up plasma between its two hands as it prepared to shoot it out, Starlight charging her horn to protect her defenseless Pokémon. Without either of them noticing, Kreigen swooped in and lashed Gardevoir in the chest with the ends of its right wing, throwing it to the ground and discharging its lightning attack into the ground to its right.

Starlight and Lady looked over to Kaj, who punched the air triumphantly as her Pokémon picked itself back up and flew out of there. “Yes! I gotcha’ covered, Starlight!” Looking into the battle, she then noticed as a Slowbro hybrid’s mouth began to fill with hot air. “Kreigen, look out!”

The Slowbro hybrid spat a powerful star-shaped flame from its mouth at the passing Kreigen, hitting it dead center and exploding fire all over its body, sending it plummeting to the ground.

“No!” Kaj ran to her Pokémon as the Slowbro hybrid walked over to stand over it.

With its mouth filling up with fire once again, it was completely blindsided by Mallow’s Trevenant as it crashed into it from the sides, digging its wooden claws into its skin and pulling energy from it. As the hybrid’s struggling lessened as it grew weaker from the attack, Kaj was able to reach her Skarmory safely, sliding onto her knees and scooping its limp head into her arms.

“You did good there, buddy.” Taking out her ball and aiming its center at it, the red beam connected with the Pokémon and brought it back in. “Rest now.”

Just as she finished returning Kreigen, a Metang hybrid leapt over the chaos and punched down toward Kaj, who was quick enough to leap back before she could be struck.

“A Steel-type now? Perfect.” Putting Kreigen’s ball back onto her belt, she detached another one and threw it forward. “Your turn this time, Rông!”

Kaj’s Flygon popped out from the ball and flew low above the ground between its trainer and the hybrid.

“Let’s see how they like it!” Kaj threw a pointed finger forward. “Hit that thing with Fire Blast!”

Filling its mouth with flame, Rông shot an equally impressive star of fire at the Slowbro hybrid, who continued holding its own against Mallow’s Trevenant. Meanwhile, a Kadabra hybrid threw a perfectly aimed Energy Ball attack at Olivia’s Lycanroc. It howled out in pain before it tumbled painfully to the ground and stayed still. Olivia quickly tore its ball off and aimed it at her fainted Pokémon.

“Damn.” With the Kadabra hybrid still approaching, Olivia returned Lycanroc into the ball at the same instant she threw another one out. “Golem, plow your way in with Steamroller!”

Her ball opened up and let her round boulder Pokémon land on the ground, where it immediately hopped up and tucked its head and limbs in, spinning rapidly along the ground. With its increased speeds, Golem plowed into the Kadabra hybrid and continued to charge at the other hybrids in its path. Fluttershy and Comfey were both cornered by a Hypno hybrid and a Bruxish hybrid, only for Golem to mow over them, giving Fluttershy room to run and join up with another one of her friends.

As Golem got past the wall of hybrids, it brought its body back out upon facing Burnet and Gardevoir, who turned their attention from Starlight and Lady to face it.

“That’s it!” Olivia shouted. “Now, hit her hard with Heavy Slam!”

Burnet widened her stance as she grabbed another Poké Ball, watching Golem roll out to pick up more speed. “Malamar, Superpower now!”

Golem bounced off the protrusion on its back and got air just as Burnet threw her next Poké Ball, letting her Malamar out to soar at Olivia’s Pokémon. With Necrozma’s Aura covering it, Malamar only shot out faster as the top of its head collided with the front of Golem’s, the strength of the hit sending Golem’s head and arms out and flinging it high over the battle and into the eastern crater wall.

With Golem no longer of any help to them, Gardevoir and Malamar turned back to Starlight and Lady, who cowered over their imposing strength.

“Araquanid, attack Malamar with Leech Life!”

Hearing Lana’s voice, both Pokémon and trainers looked back once again as a black spider with green-legs and large blue eyes with bubbles over its knee-joints and head landed on Malamar. Pushing its water bubble back, its fangs managed to pierce outside and into Malamar’s neck, the spot around there glowing green as the Araquanid drained it of energy.

“Stop that!” Burnet barked. “Gardevoir, Thunderbolt!”

Leaping up over the two of them, Gardevoir attempted to create another band of electricity between its hands. On its way back down, it pulled one arm up and brought the charged plasma up with it before throwing it and the lightning down onto Araquanid. The strike managed to blast Malamar back too, but its damage was nothing compared to Lana’s Pokémon, whose legs could not keep it up before it toppled over and fell to its side.

Burnet could no longer trust to look back to Starlight and Lady, looking out at any trainers that would try and ambush her and her Pokémon again. “Anybody else?! Anyone else want to come to Starlight’s–”

“Extremespeed!” Before Burnet could process Flannery’s voice, her Arcanine appeared right beside Gardevoir and slammed its forehead into the side of its own, sending it to the west side of the crater.

“Comfey, Play Rough!” Malamar looked nervously around for Fluttershy’s Pokémon, only to feel a vine wrap around its neck and grip on tightly.

Comfey strained to lift the large squid-creature off the ground, but with a tremendous shout, it mustered the strength to carry it up, swing it over its body, and slam its back into the ground, a small flurry of bright stars getting blown out from beneath it.

Flannery and Fluttershy ran out past the hybrid battle, the former tossing a Hyper Potion over to Starlight. “Catch!”

Starlight caught the bottle in her magic as Flannery and Fluttershy took her side and their Pokémon returned to them. With a quick spray down of the Hyper Potion, Lady was restored back to full health and jumped to stand in between Arcanine and Comfey, Gardevoir and Malamar getting back up to stand before Burnet.

“I don’t need to remind Fluttershy how hard of a time her friends had against my Pokémon,” she said. “Maybe you’ll fare better, but I doubt it. Gardevoir, Malamar, attack them with Magical Leaf and Rock Slide!”

With a swing of their arms, Gardevoir let fly a wave of colored leaves as Malamar blasted several rocks up from the ground to hit the three Pokémon before them.

“Arcanine,” Flannery yelled, “block the attack with Fire Blast!”

“You too, Lady!” Starlight added. “Use Shadow Ball!”

With her two friends energized and engrossed in the battle, Fluttershy gained new courage to join them. “Comfey, use Petal Blizzard!”

Arcanine shot its massive star-shaped fire out at between Burnet’s Pokémon. Lady’s dark-purple orb rocketed past it and at Gardevoir, while Comfey’s twister of leaves blew through the Fire Blast attack, setting them alight and destroying each colored leaf that collided into it. The ones that got through joined the Fire Blast and hit both Malamar and Gardevoir.

Applejack and Rarity bucked and punched at several hybrids attempting to surround them. While they were able to keep them at bay, their attacks didn’t seem to physically harm them at all. While the two ponies panted as they started getting exhausted, the hybrids kept coming in like they had just arrived.

“These fellers can really take a hit, can’t they?” Applejack huffed indignantly.

“I don’t claim to be the Pokémon expert here–” Rarity roundhouse kicked an Oranguru hybrid further back before punching a Kadabra hybrid away as it reached at her. “–but aren’t Fighting-types weak against Psychic-types?”

At that moment, a Pa’u-style Oricorio hybrid was flung off the ground, Applejack and Rarity spinning around to see Shining Armor there carrying a brown-wooden spear with a dull-grey head. He then swung the staff so that the lanky Espeon hybrid now to his left took the blade of the spear right in the face, throwing it to the side further to allow Shining Armor to step in.

“Shining Armor!” Applejack and Rarity got close to him as the four hybrids surrounded them once again. “Boy howdy, are we glad to see you!”

“And wherever did you get the spear?” Rarity questioned.

“Dun’t vwurry abuht it! Jist hilp cvver me!” Shining Armor jabbed the spear forward at the Oricorio hybrid, only for it to side step and kick the spear away into the hand of the Espeon hybrid, who now sported a deep, bloodless gash across its face.

Shining Armor gasped as the hybrid channeled its psychic energy into the staff, which began to wiggle about uncontrollably as four limbs and a red tail grew out from it. With a strained grunt ending with a sharp, painful yelp, the spear expanded out until it quickly formed into Discord, who writhed along the ground as his body twitched and spasmed, the hybrids taking a step back at the sudden appearance of the draconequus.

“Gyah!” he screamed. “You just had to walk right into that, didn't you BBBFF!?”

“Discord?!” Rarity exclaimed. “When did you get your magic back?!”

“Its been coming back in small doses, but doesn’t do me much good when you’re pushed right into a Psychic-type's hands!”

Discord stood up as he and his other three friends faced one of the four hybrids that slowly began to close back in on them. Right as the Espeon grunt reached for Discord, it was struck in the back by a white, powdery cloud that produced an audible crack as it hit, throwing it face first to the ground at his feet. The four Equestrians and the hybrids turned around as three more Pokémon rushed in to attack.

Hapu’s Flygon hit the Oricorio hybrid with a Stone Edge attack that sent it skyward. “Guys! Behind us, quick!”

On Hapu’s command, Discord and the three ponies ran behind her and friends along with her Pokémon as Kukui and Ilima stepped forth to attack the two hybrids there left standing.

“Gumshoos,” Ilima commanded, “Super Fang on the Oranguru!”

Kukui threw his pointed finger out. “Lycanroc, attack the Kadabra thing with Crunch!”

Both Pokémon shot around the Stone Edge Pillar, taking the two hybrids by surprise as they leapt onto them and clamped down their powerful fangs on their chests and throats, sending them to the ground. Gumshoos and Lycanroc quickly hopped back off to return to Ilima and Kukui, creating a formidable wall between the Equestrians and the hybrids.

“Sorry for the delay guys,” Mina said, her Ribombee flying close beside her, “but our Pokémon weren’t exactly in the fighting spirit after our battle with Burnet.”

“That’s fine,” Applejack assured them. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters!”

As the four hybrids worked themselves up to their feet, the humans, Equestrians, and Pokémon all readied themselves for what would surely be an easy battle for them. The Oricorio hybrid stepped forward to attack first, only for the air around it to begin sparkling with blue electricity. The hybrid was too baffled to move as the light condensed into a single shape, producing a flash of light.

As the light died down, Applejack and her friends removed their arms from their eyes, seeing Zeraora’s back and its right arm hugged across its chest. As more sparks filled random spots in the air, their eyes were then suddenly drawn to the Oricorio hybrid tipping over and rolling down onto its side, three deep slashes dug across its chest.

Meanwhile, Burnet threw her arm forward at Arcanine, Lady, and Comfey’s direction. “Malamar, attack with with Rock Sli–”

Her voice was caught by an intolerable tightness in her chest, shocking her to the point of falling on her knees. Gardevoir and Malamar looked back to her as well, concerned for their trainer’s health. Glancing to her left, Burnet’s eyes seemed to pull her head right in the direction of the slain Oricorio hybrid, feeling its body turn to inflexible stone as she found difficulty in moving herself.

“What just happened?” Flannery asked in a hushed tone.

Hau clashed against an Espeon hybrid, which caught his taiaha in its psychic grasp. Hau jumped forward and kicked the hybrid away in the gut just as the air around him began to vibrate once again and got the people, hybrids, and Pokémon around him to freeze. As the space began to settle down and time began to flow into a normal speed, Hau noticed as the Oricorio hybrid that had stood in front of a defeated native warrior and their Kommo-o had faded away from exisitence with the vibrations.

“Did they manage to kill one up there?” Hau wondered, completely oblivious to the Metang hybrid running at him at a progressively faster rate.

“Hau!” With Marshadow’s call, Hau realized the was hybrid coming, leaping and flipping backward to avoid its swinging metallic claw.

Continuing its approach, the hybrid went in to punch, which Hau pushed back against with the side of his taiaha.

As the remaining features of the destroyed Oricorio hybrid became less defined, Zeraora rolled its head up to the other three hybrids facing it, Kukui, Shining Armor, and everyone else completely dumbfounded over this new Pokémon coming to their rescue.

“Yoo hoo!” Pinkie Pie’s voice echoed from the top of the crater. “We made it!”

Everyone and every Pokémon inside the crater stopped their battling to look up and see Luna, Pinkie Pie, Thorax, Trixie, and the Ula’ula trainers spill down from the canyon. As Pinkie Pie and Trixie dismounted Luna and Thorax upon getting to the ground, Acerola, Guzma, Molayne, and Nanu were let go by Acerola’s Drifblim being guided by Nanu’s Honchkrow and a Crobat. Plumeria, Sophocles, and Kahili were lowered down by a Skarmory, a full-bodied black and sand-brown-colored vulture, and a large toucan Pokémon with yellow cheeks and a big black-tipped beak whose stripes faded from red to yellow going in.

Once Kahili was let off, she pulled out two Ultra Balls from her belt and brought her Skarmory and toucan back into them, her vulture hovering right above her. As Plumeria brought her Crobat into its ball, Nanu and Acerola called back their Pokémon as well. With the arrival of even more trainers, the remaining hybrids backed away from the Akala and Melemele trainers and Equestrians and stayed close to Burnet and her Pokémon as she picked herself back up. Everyone used the opportunity to rush over to Flannery, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon and formed a wider and longer barrier to her escape.

As the hybrids continued forming a tighter wall in front of Burnet, she massaged the area over her heart with her thumb, still feeling the strain of the pull on the muscles there. “Those damn kids…”

“.you best not let any more of my army falL” Necrozma warned inside her head. “!my power is directly linked with them, and if they are killed, I shall bee toO”

“Hau is still inside me!” She was now clutching her chest purely out of anger. “You should just focus on killing him first! I’ll deal with the kids and the Equestrians!”

Feeling Necrozma’s nagging presence finally begin to leave her, Burnet finally got the strength to stand straighter.

As Hau continued fighting against the hybrids, an alarming number of the warriors and their Pokémon fell to their might, forcing Hau to retreat as more of his enemies were free once again to attack him. By the time the last warrior and Pokémon fell, Hau took several paces backward as he faced the remaining hybrids left, six in total. With his situation now hopeless, the hybrids smiled confidently and sinisterly as they slowly approached the cornered Kahuna.

At that moment, they stopped their advance and looked up to see four Pokémon and their trainers sliding, running, or gliding down the inside the crater. Along with a Vikavolt and a Salazzle, there appeared to be a large rodent with light-blue fur and thick icy spines covering its back, along with an anthropomorphic palm-tree with an extremely long neck and three coconuts for heads facing forwards, left, and right. They landed upon the ground in front of Hau and formed a line. Hau was immediately drawn to their bodies, which were painted in differing colors and differing styles.

Standing behind the Vikavolt was a young native in his twenties with short messy hair and green paint covering his body. Behind the Salazzle was a woman twice his age with wrinkles already on her red-painted skin and white hair. Standing by the icy rodent was a younger woman with medium-length brushed black hair, whose markings were colored white. Finally, the tree Pokémon’s trainer was a man in his thirties, his chiseled physique outlined by the royal-blue markings on his body.

It wasn’t until they saw the Z-Rings on their wrists that Hau realized who they were. “Oh my god… these are the ancient Kahunas!”

Brandishing a taiaha of their own, these ones longer and carved more intricately, the four Kahaunas widened their stances beside their Pokémon, who also readied themselves to fight and protect Alola. Hau, emboldened, though conscious that they could not see him, stood alongside the Salazzle’s Kahuna and the rodent’s Kahuna. As he tightened the grip of his weapon, the hybrids snarled at him, ready to take him out at all costs.

“Starlight!” Pinkie Pie galloped over to the unicorn and gave her a hug, Starlight already trying to push her off. “Hey, aren’t Sam and Alice supposed to be here?”

“Pinkie,” she groaned, “we don’t any time to waste! We have to end this now!”

The Melemele and Akala trainers and their Pokémon began to part the way for the Ula’ula trainers and their group of Equestrians, many of whom already brandished their Poké Balls. Acerola and Guzma threw out their Ultra Balls first.

“Go, Sableye!”

“Let’s do this, Golisopod!”

Both of their balls opened up, their ghastly gem-studded imp and gargantuan insect taking the front lines. Nanu lobbed his Ultra Ball out next.

“Go, Persian!”

Nanu’s large cat joined Golisopod’s side upon appearing from its ball. Plumeria and Sophocles detached a ball from their belts next and tossed them outside the three Pokémon already gathered there.

“You’re on, Gengar!”

“Let’s go, Togedemaru!”

Along with Sophocles’s round, spiked rodent, joining the other Pokémon was a rotund Pokémon with long, pointed ears and hardly any head or waist to speak of who stared at the hybrids with its bright red eyes and wide, devious smile. Finally, Molayne tossed an Ultra Ball out as Kahili pointed out.

“Go, Magnezone!”

“You’re already up, Mandibuzz, so let’s go!”

As Molayne’s Magnezone floated up above the line, Kahili’s Mandibuzz flew out to join it, staring down at its foes ahead. After applying a Max Revive to their own Ultra Balls, Lana and Mallow threw them back in.

“Let’s go, Araquanid!”

“You got it this time, Trevenant!”

Their bubble-headed spider and haunted tree were let off by the energy of their Ultra Balls to join Togedemaru and Golisopod. Lady and Comfey then came in to join the line, followed by Ilima’s Gumshoos, Kukui’s Lycanroc, Mina’s Ribombee, Hapu’s Flygon, Flannery’s Arcanine, Kaj’s Flygon, and Olivia’s Golem. Finally, the Equestrians all gathered right behind them, forming a tighter scrum that would support their friends’ Pokémon from the back. Shuddering at the might and palpable determination that her foes radiated, she grabbed her other two Poke Balls and threw them out beside Gardevoir and Malamar.

“Xatu, Reuniclus,” she demanded, “protect me!”

With her tribal bird and her gel-covered sprite joining her other two Pokémon and the remaining hybrids ready to take the first round of hits, she was ready to face the others.

“You’ve already done enough damage to our worlds!” Luna declared. “We won’t allow you to do anymore!”

“That’s fine. I love a good challenge!” Throwing her arms out, Necrozma’s aura flared over all four of her Pokémon as well as the hybrids, all of them shouting out into the sky to create a grueling, frightening shriek.

The ancient Kahunas and their Pokémon let out a battle cry as they began the charge, Hau and Marshadow joining in their shouts as they ran forward too. With a pointed finger that produced a strong puff of wind, the hybrids ran at Hau, keeping their eyes on the Kahunas and Pokémon that would reach them first.

“Pokémon!” Kukui shouted. “Attack!”

With their own discordant screams, the Pokémon ran out at the hybrids, who also broke into a run, shooting dirt and rock behind them as their feet dug into the ground with each step. With the space left between them, the Equestrians then ran or flew out to join the battle, crying out for glory and hopeful victory. With the suspense filling the air, it felt like an eternity before the first line of Pokémon and hybrids finally clashed.

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