• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,892 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 40 – Sharp Like a Diamond

Alice woke up from a sleeping bag on the floor of Olivia’s flat, the mid-morning sunlight streaming through the blinds. As she sat up, she saw Gladion and Olivia cooking breakfast together in the kitchen. Slipping out from the bag and standing up, using the back of the living room couch to pull herself up, she saw the six ponies, all wide awake sitting on the couch and bed, gladdened to see her.

“Good morning, Alice,” Fluttershy greeted.

“Holy moly!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “We thought you’d never wake up!”

“I sleep late and I sleep well,” Alice rubbed the blurriness from her eyes. Looking over at the other two sleeping bags to her right, she found them both empty, but Sam was nowhere to be seen. “Hey, is Sam in the bathroom?”

“Sorry.” Olivia came out of the kitchen, scrambling eggs with a whisk. “Your brother’s been gone for over an hour. I figured he’d be going on a walk or a jog, but he should have been back by now, you think?”

Alice took a moment to think about it, then suddenly frowning in realization. “Oh, this again?”

Sam stood where he faced Olivia the previous day, enjoying the warm Alolan sun streaming down onto his face. He ran his fingers around his three Poké Balls on his belt, already anticipating his strategies for his next and hopefully final match against Olivia. Far enough from the city so that he’d only hear the soft rustle of leaves on the breeze or the crash of waves against the coast, he was squarely centered in his own zone.


A firm object hit the back of Sam’s head, allowing him to finally acknowledge the loud gasp coming from Fluttershy’s mouth. Immediately ducking, the object landed back on Sam’s upper back and slid down, giving him more than enough time to catch it.

“Alice!” Fluttershy sounded both hurt and offended for her brother. “Why would you do something like that?”

“I dunno,” Alice said with a shrug. “I thought it was funny.”

Sam looked at it and saw what felt like a halved bagel sandwich tightly held together in foil wrap, looking behind him to see Olivia leading his sister, friends, and their Pokémon back up the hill to the court. Sam beamed, overjoyed to see them finally arriving.

“You can take your time while you eat that,” Olivia said, already walking across the court to her spot.

“Nah, just let me take a couple of bites, and then we’ll go.”

“Really? Are you–”

Sam tore the foil off and quickly bit off two large chunks of the sandwich, silencing Olivia as he fought to chew what he had begun to consume. As he wrapped up what was left of the sandwich and began swallowing smaller pieces, Alice, Gladion, and the rest of Sam’s friends made their way to the lighthouse wall to watch the match.

Finally, Sam had enough room to gulp down several bigger swallows and threw his leftovers to Alice from behind his back, the uncanny speed and accuracy of the throw catching her off guard as the sandwich bounced up off her fingers and landed back into her palms. Sam wiped his mouth with his left hand and put a hand over his first chosen Poké Ball.

“Okay then.” Olivia put her hands to her hips. “You really want to get this over with.”

“In the worst possible way,” he replied

“Your Pokémon fought well, Sam, but don’t let your desperation get the better of you here. If you want to leave this island today, you’re going to have to fight with the same fervor that you showed me yesterday.”

Sam smirked, feeling that he caught her. “How can I win by fighting the exact same way as yesterday?”

Olivia huffed and smiled back. “Fair point. Alright Sam. Are you ready for your Grand Trial rematch?!”

“You know it!

“Come on, Sam!” Starlight cheered.

“You can do it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “We know you can!”

Olivia, ready to see Sam’s new and improved fight, detached her first Ultra Ball from her belt.

Lillie knocked on the door to Olivia’s shop, Guzma, Acerola, Burnet, and Twilight and Spike waiting on the sidewalk, the latter two hopping and stamping with anticipation.

“You think they’re really in there?” Spike asked.

“Well, this is Olivia’s shop.” After a pause, Lillie knocked on the door again. “At the very least, she–”

“Sorry!” Carly shouted inside. “We don’t open for another hour or so!”

“Carly, it’s Lillie! I just want to talk.”

Lillie stepped back, almost certain that she would have the door opened for her. Sure enough, Carly undid the locks and opened the door, seeing Lillie, her friends, and the two last Equestrians behind her.

Carly sadly smiled and put her hand to her chest. “Well I’ll be damned. We finally did it.”

“Did what?” Twilight asked. “Do you know where my friends are?”

Carly smiled wider, excited for the reunion she would help make possible.

“Go, Golem!” Olivia threw her ball, sending her boulder Pokémon out to land on the surface of the court, roaring out at Sam with heightened confidence.

Sam detached his first Poké Ball, excited to see his new strategy come to life. “Let’s do this, Salandit!”

Sam’s sister and friends all gasped along the sidelines as Sam’s black lizard emerged from its ball, and landed before the equally surprised Olivia and Golem. Rarity squinted and peered forward, finding the red color of Salandit’s right arm peculiar.

“This is definitely a strategy I never thought I’d see,” Olivia commented. “You do remember my Golem has–”

“Yes, I do, and my Salandit and I are ready to face it.” Sam’s statement was backed up with a screech from Salandit.

“Hmm, very well then. Golem, take out Salandit with Earthquake!”

Golem charged electricity up through its back protrusion and into its arms before slamming them down to the ground, breaking the court and causing bursts of dirt and rock to erupt from the space.

“Okay, Salandit,” Sam shouted, “avoid the attack and then hit Golem with Dragon Tail!”

“Dragon Tail!?” Olivia gasped.

With a single wag, Salandit’s tail began to glow, leaving a faint afterimage as it continued to move. Salandit then ran forward, leaping and bouncing off the airborne slabs of the court and zipping and dodging around the splashes of mud that came up with them.

“Nice moves, Salandit!” Applejack shouted. “You got this!”

With a final lunge, Salandit leapt right at Golem and flipped back, swinging its tail up and striking its target upside the chest. With a pulse of orange energy, Golem was struck back and up high into the air as if it was hit by a bullet train. Olivia tensed up, knowing that at its speeds, Golem threatened to fly too far away from the battle, forcing her to grab its ball and return it inside.

Taking another Ultra Ball with her left hand, she threw it out to replace Golem. “Your turn, Lycanroc!” Olivia’s bipedal wolf looked down on Salandit, giggling in anticipation and cockiness. “Alright, Lycanroc, take out Salandit with Stone Edge!”

Lycanroc put its right paw to the ground and pinched its pads together, giving Sam and his Pokémon plenty of warning. “Okay, Salandit, it’s just like at the Battle Dome. And... dodge!”

Lycanroc tensed its arm, prepared to throw its arms up and attack, Salandit leaping up and back to avoid it. Salandit became immediately fearful to see Lycanroc’s paw still on the ground and then smiling sinisterly as if to brag about its trickery. Throwing its arm up, the helpless Salandit took the jutting tower of rock square in the gut, throwing it up and flipping it about in the air.

“No, Salandit!” Fluttershy and Starlight both cried out.

Sam smiled, undaunted by the setback. “Salandit, Dragon Rage!”

Olivia raised an eyebrow, only to take a nervous step back as Salandit controlled its flips enough to look down on her Pokémon and spit out a blue ball of aura that shot down and struck Lycanroc in the chest, knocking it to the ground.

Salandit came back down on its feet, still alive and well as it roared boastfully at Olivia and Lycanroc. “But how?” Olivia stammered. “How did it survive–”

She then noticed Salandit’s right arm beginning to glow, the red band wrapped around it beginning to flake off and turn to ash that disintegrated on the soft wind. It was then that Starlight began roaring with proud laughter.

“What?” Pinkie Pie queried. “I don’t think it was that funny. What even happened?”

“A Focus Sash!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Oh man, Sam’s a genius!”

Rarity smirked and hummed to herself with a hoof placed on her bottom lip, finding the peculiar fabric most fascinating.

As the last of the red band broke off of Salandit’s arm, Sam closed his eyes. “Thank you, Kaj. Alright, Salandit, you’re ready for more?” His Pokémon screeched as eager as it did in the beginning. “Atta' girl. Now, use Dragon Tail again!”

Olivia, finally understanding the full gravity of his strategy, winced in frustration. “Not if we can help it! Lycanroc, use Crunch and finish Salandit off!”

Lycanroc charged forward on all fours, panting loudly as Salandit flicked its tail and charged it with draconic energy. It then dove forward at it with its mouth open wide.

“Salandit, dodge it!” On Sam’s command, Salandit spun to the right three-quarters and then ran ahead, avoiding Lycanroc’s jaws and continuing its momentum to swing its tail, hitting it in the left side of Lycanroc’s gut. With the pulse of energy that came from the attack, Lycanroc was lobbed high up into the air and over the lighthouse, where it appeared as though it would begin to fall back toward the coast. Olivia hissed as she was forced to return her Pokémon back to its ball.

“Yes!” Sam shouted with a slam of his arms in the air. “Yes, this is going way better than I thought it would!”

The last of the beam from Olivia’s ball receded inside the center button, Olivia standing there with a serious frown on her face. “Congratulations. It doesn’t matter though. Neither of us have been able to take out any of each others Pokémon, but yours is on its last legs.” She detached Golem’s ball from her belt. “I just need one hit, not even a good one, and the edge is mine again.”

Olivia’s solemn demeanor faded quickly as she noticed people approaching them on the hill. At first suspicious, she was then happy to see Lillie leading the charge. As Sam turned to look behind them, Alice and their friends looked over as well. Running around Guzma and Acerola, Twilight and Spike finally made eye contact with their other six friends, completely unable to withhold their tears and sobs at the sight of them.

“No… way,” Alice could only mutter, choking up as well.

“Twilight!” Starlight cried out as she galloped towards her and Spike.

Twilight and Spike, uncaring for the tears that hindered their vision, ran forward towards Starlight, the rest of her friends following her. Twilight and Spike collided into Starlight in a tight hug, the other five ponies surrounding her and showering her with embraces and cries of joy as well.

Sam, two tears falling from his eyes, sunk to his knees as his Salandit came around to see what was wrong with him. He then scooped his lizard up, much to its surprise, and held it so that it could look upon the eight friends united at long last. “Look what we did, girl. Look what we did.” He then hugged her tight, overwhelmed with the accomplishment he felt.

Another pair of arms came around his own, Sam glancing over as Alice took her glasses off and dabbed her wet eyes dry on the shoulder of his shirt. “We did it. Holy fucking shit, Sam, we really did it.”

Sam, giggling, moved an arm off of his Salandit and wrapped it around his sister's back, also eternally grateful for her support. As Acerola, Burnet, and Guzma both stood together and appreciated the fruits of their efforts, Lillie turned to find Gladion standing alone by the lighthouse, also gladly watching the eight Equestrians’ reunion. With a whimper, she ran to her brother, who put his arms up upon seeing her come. She crashed into his embrace, allowing her to sob over his shoulder.

“Shh,” Gladion hushed. “You’re safe now. It’s okay.”

Olivia proudly surveyed the scene with her hands on her hips. With a sigh, she walked up to approach Sam and Alice, only for Twilight and Spike to be led to them by her other friends.

“I know we met a couple nights ago,” Twilight said to Sam and Alice as they stood respectfully to her, “but it would be my utmost honor to thank you both personally for helping bring my friends and I back together.”

Reaching for Alice with her hoof, Alice took it with her hand and gave it a firm shake. “And it was our honor to help.”

She then moved to let Sam shake her hoof as well while Alice knelt down to shake Spike’s hand. “I’d say it was a blast, but… I’m sorry your friends had to be put through all of this.”

“What matters now is that we’re all together again. Thank you, Alice and Sam. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

As Alice stood up to join her brother, Twilight surprised both of them by standing on her hind legs and hugging them by their stomach’s, pulling them close to her. Spike also joined in and hugged Sam’s leg. Twilight’s other friends stood by each other and watched, Applejack throwing her arm around Rainbow Dash’s neck and pulling her close as Pinkie Pie roped Rarity and Fluttershy in with her own arms.

Olivia crossed her arms as she came up to Sam. “Well, Sam. It looks like you won’t need to leave for Ula’ula any time soon. If you want, we can resume this battle after the ponies have been returned home.”

Sam giggled, slipping out of Twilight, Spike, and Alice’s embrace. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? After I gave up my secret Focus Sash strategy, and used it up for you? No, we’re still finishing this now. Alice, guys? You’ll want to step away.”

“Sam?” Spike questioned, losing grip on Sam’s leg. “We should be going to the Aether Paradise now. The quicker we get there, the quicker we–”

“That’s okay!” Lillie came up, holding her Pokédex up in the air. “I scheduled a ferry to come pick us up!”

“A ferry?” Rainbow Dash loudly groaned. “Don’t you guys have anything faster?”

“We do, but all of our helicopters are back at the Aether House involving last night’s incident.”

“Incident?” Starlight asked. “What incident?”

“We can explain later,” Twilight answered. “Lillie? How much longer until the ferry arrives?”

“A couple of hours.” Lillie looked at the GPS, showing that the boat had still not left the Paradise. “That should be more than enough time for Sam and Olivia to finish their match.”

Sam looked down to his Salandit still in his arm. “Well, you heard the woman! We have a match to win!”

Gently tossing it out, Salandit landed on the ground, forcing Olivia to take her fighting spot.

“Oh, girls!” Starlight shouted. “We should probably move now!”

“That’s probably a splendid idea.” Rarity was the first to trot to the side of the court on Sam’s left, prompting all of her other friends to do the same. Olivia waited a few moments until the court was fully cleared of any non-Pokémon before she tossed out her ball.

“You’re back up, Golem!” Her Pokémon popped out from the Ultra Ball, shouting at Salandit with hopes of retribution.

As Twilight and Spike began to watch the match, both Lady and Comfey came on both sides of them, Lady’s mew in particular shocking Twilight before she recognized it. “You must be Lady. Thanks for helping keep my friends safe!” Twilight scratched behind her ears, making the Sylveon purr loudly.

Spike and Comfey looked inquisitively at each other before Comfey hugged Spike’s cheeks, making him giggle as he stroked the top of its head. Both Starlight and Fluttershy watched them, nodding and smiling in gratitude for their quick companionship.

Burnet walked up behind Alice and slapped her hand upon her shoulder, scaring her stiff. “Hey there! How’ve you and your brother been doing? Actually, don’t answer that. Let’s watch.”

“No more need for tails, girl!” Sam pointed his hand out at Golem. “Use Dragon Rage, now!”

“Golem, use Stone Edge!” Olivia shouted.

As Salandit charged its mouth with blue light, Golem leaned down and placed the ends of its claws on the ground. Salandit shot out its attack right as Golem ran its large nails out and threw them up, bringing another large tower of rock from the ground, this one also successfully hitting Salandit and sending it flying.

Before it closed its eyes in fainting, Salandit looked to see its own attack hitting Golem in the face and sending it back to the edge of the court, forcing Olivia to step aside. With its work done, it let out a last huff and let itself limply flip about until it landed back on the ground.

Sam breathed out a large sigh as he took Salandit’s Poké Ball and brought it back inside before putting the ball against his forehead. “You were excellent, girl. I’m so proud of you.”

Twilight and Spike both smiled warmly, happy to see his genuine love for his Pokémon firsthand.

“But…” Sam put Salandit’s ball away and took out his next. “…this one should be much easier. You’ve already taken her out by yourself, so have at it!” He threw the ball out. “Go, Fomantis!”

Fomantis leapt out from its ball and screeched at Golem, more than ready to take it out again.

“Ha!” Olivia crossed her arms. “And it will be as slow today as it was yesterday. Golem, attack Fomantis with Thunder Punch!”

“This again?” Sam then threw his arm out. “Use Leaf Blade, now!”

With the electricity in its back running down into its arms, Golem ran out at Fomantis, who threw its arms to the side and began sprinting to meet its advance. As Fomantis wound its arms back further to attack harder, Golem’s electric-charged left-hook hit first into Sam’s Pokémon’s face, sending it flying off to the left toward the audience watching.

Fomantis, with its arms still held out, tried to run back to get its hit in, only to find its legs not obeying it, keeping it still where it was standing, sparks running down the lower half of its body.

“Oh no! Is it paralyzed?” Spike’s desperate query was met with a nod by Sam.

“Knew it shouldn’t have been that easy,” he growled.

“That should work for me,” Olivia hummed. “Golem, finish off his Pokémon with Heavy Slam!”

Golem turned back to the mostly petrified Fomantis and grinned, glad that it would get the better of its foe this time around.

Sam glanced to Fomantis as Golem turned to face it. “Fomantis, can you still move your arms?!” Fomantis delivered a quick couple of slashes, turning back to Sam and nodding and yowling back quickly. “Alright then. Hit her with Razor Leaf!”

Golem began to charge, and with a furious whipping of its arms, leaves began to fly out in a flurry that blew like a hurricane into Golem’s body. Golem refused to slow down despite the onslaught, and Fomantis refused to let up despite the stiffness and tingling all over its body.

Sam watched as Golem began to bend down to leap up. “Don’t stop for a second!” he cried.

Golem jumped, Fomantis following its path and continued sending its leaves upwards. Even as Golem was just inches from flattening it, Fomantis refused to stop until the full weight of Golem’s rotundness upon it forced it to. A wave of dirt and dust blew into the spectators who quickly blocked their eyes and faces as it rolled over them.

Sam tightened his fists as Olivia confidently put her arms down. “Alright,” she commanded. “Get off of her before she suffocates.”

Golem’s body trembled beyond the dust that still lingered, confusing and worrying its trainer. Sam breathed in slowly as Golem began to roll off of his Pokémon before it rolled over onto its back, too tired to get up itself. As it relaxed and fainted, the dust cleared away to reveal Fomantis also still and motionless. A stalemate.

“Well, geez.” Guzma leaned down and whispered in Alice’s ear while giving her shoulder a tap. “How many Pokémon’s he got left?”

“He’s on his last.” Alice watched nervously as Sam and Olivia both called back their fallen Pokémon. “However, if he fights her Probopass correctly, he can take it out in a couple of hits, and then he has only her already weakened Lycanroc to deal with.”

“Sounds like Sam’s got this one in the bag,” Applejack commented, overhearing.

“More like a ball! Am I right?” Pinkie Pie’s attempt at a joke went awkwardly ignored, though she cooly settled down and let the moment die on its own.

“Yeah, but…” Sam and Olivia both detached their next balls off of their belts, ready to send them out. “It’s not nearly as fast as his others. He’ll still require a lot of luck if he hopes to win this.”

“What’s his last Pokémon?” Acerola asked her.

Olivia threw her ball out first. “Go, Probopass!”

With a large, expanding burst of light from her ball, her magnet-head Pokémon landed hard on the fragmented surface of the court and awaited Sam’s next Pokémon.

With a pleading tap of the Poké Ball against his forehead, Sam felt confident sending out his last Pokémon. “You’re on now, Honedge!”

As Sam’s sword Pokémon appeared from its ball, Lillie, Guzma, and Acerola gasped, the latter one loudest of all. “Oh, wow! A Honedge!? That’s amazing!”

“Just wait,” Starlight said to her. “Alice may be right about it not being too fast, but it’s his strongest Pokémon by far.”

“I can’t wait to see what it does.”

Sam and Honedge stared Probopass down, nervously seeing the narrowed path to victory becoming cloudier by the second. “Yep. I guess we’ll have to.”

“You won’t have to do much of anything, sweetie!” Olivia shouted back. “Even if you manage to survive this, you still have my Lycanroc to deal with, and I’m certain it won’t survive again. Probopass, Earth Power!”

Probopass set its mini-heads down into a circle and began to heat up the ground beneath it. The earth underneath Honedge was now also beginning to grow red and hot, and before Honedge could react further, the ground erupted in fire and burning mud that splashed onto Honedge, knocking it back toward Sam.

“Honedge!” Despite Sam’s cries and its own pain, Honedge swept back into an upright position, both relieving him and pumping him up. “That’s it. Now, let’s finish her off!”

Sam crossed his wrists before his face, lighting his Z-Ring up. As he and Honedge put their arms down and crossed them back out, Sam delivered a series of punches that Honedge replicated as a series of quick stabs before they both threw a harder, stronger jab. As the golden Z-Power surged from Sam’s body and into Honedge, both Spike and Twilight sighed in awe.

“No way!” Spike shouted. “Where’d he get a Z-Ring?”

“A gift from Tapu Koko,” Gladion explained. “The tool used to help bring you and your friends together.”

“So…” Twilight wondered aloud. “That thing from back then…”

“Olivia!” Sam cried out to her. “Your Pokémon there may be your sturdiest, but we brought it down once, and we’re happy to do it again.”

Sam’s bravado proved entertaining to Olivia. “Then do it, Sam! Show me what you and your Pokémon have!”

“Alright, Honedge! You heard her! Give me your best All-Out Pummeling!”

With a fast spinning of its blade and scabbard, Honedge threw out a barrage of fist and hand-shaped auras that each struck Probopass as its mini-heads helped keep its ground. Finally, Honedge threw its sheath up and shot forward, catching itself inside of it and soaring out like an arrow right at the bridge of Probopass’s nose.

The attack hit its target dead on, but with Probopass’s body and mini-heads anchoring it to the ground, the resulting explosion from the hit only blew about more dust and forceful winds all around the area. With the debris that began to fly about, Twilight and Starlight both formed barriers around themselves and their friends, blocking the pebbles and spots of dirt that collided into them.

The remnants from the attack began to settle, revealing Olivia chuckling and Probopass shifting itself off the ground with its mini-heads. The ponies were all shocked by Olivia’s Pokémon’s survival, and even more so by Sam’s unsurprised reaction.

“How?” Rainbow Dash gulped. “That was a Z-Move for crying out loud!”

As Olivia opened her mouth to explain, Sam began to talk before her. “Because her Pokémon is gifted with a certain ability called ‘Sturdy.’ Think of it like a Focus Sash that never goes away.”

Olivia smiled, pretending to not appear impressed. “Very good, Sam, but because my Pokémon still stands, you best find a way to keep its next attack from finishing Honedge off. Probopass, Earth Pow–”

“Shadow Sneak!”

As Sam’s voice cracked over Olivia’s orders, Probopass glanced down to already see Honedge’s snaking shadow appearing beneath it and blasting up, throwing it just a few inches up into the air. The attack was just enough though, Probopass drawing a final grunt before it shut its eyes and let itself fall to its back with a loud, booming thud. Olivia, mouth hung open and trembling, looked to Sam, unable to withhold her amazement. Sam smirked, letting her know all that he needed to say. The ponies and Spike all cheered, Lady and Comfey also stamping and hollering right beside them.

Alice smirked and crossed her arms. “That’s exactly right, Sam.”

With a toothy smile and laugh, Olivia took out Probopass’s ball, aimed it, and returned her Pokémon inside of it. “Hah… That was pretty smooth, Sam. You knew all about Probopass’s Sturdy and used it to your advantage. You really do have the makings of a fine trainer. Heh… Maybe if those last two Equestrians weren’t standing right there and were still on Ula’ula Island, I would probably even let you go ahead even after you lost.”

Though charmed by the comment, Sam immediately felt concern rise inside of him with her last comment. “Uh, lost?”

“That’s right, Sam. You may be facing my Lycanroc in a much weaker state than you did last time, but unless Honedge can send out one hell of a Shadow Sneak, I will be making the first and final move.”

Sam widened his stance and held his balled fists up, his Honedge matching them with its blade and scabbard. “You can certainly try.”

“I will…” Olivia detached her last Ultra Ball and chucked it out. “And we won’t fail! Go, Lycanroc!”

With a pop-open of the ball, her red-and-white wolf leapt out from inside of it, looking tired, but eager enough to win. All eyes were on her final Pokémon, the spectators holding their breaths as they awaited for some miracle to save Sam and Honedge.

“Lycanroc, finish Honedge with Crunch, now!” Baring its teeth and growling, Lycanroc roared out and darted at Sam’s Pokémon.

Knowing Honedge could not avoid it, he forcefully brought his arms crossed together, Honedge also forming an X to block as much of the attack as it could. With its mouth open wide, Lycanroc’s fangs bit down along the top and bottom corners of the cross, biting down hard enough to try and break its defensive hold apart.

Sam looked close to tears as Honedge shook and strained to keep its stance sturdy. Even with all of its efforts, Honedge’s X-formation widened as it failed to keep holding on. Sam breathed in hard, hoping for Honedge to break free at any moment, but realizing that it would not come. Clenching his fists tighter, he suddenly felt the words he was looking for filling into his gut. As if rising up from his stomach and into his throat, he let them spill out as loud as he could.

“You can do it, Honedge!”

Honedge’s tightly shut eye shot open as if a spark inside of it ignited its entire body. And like a flame, its body lit up as an ethereal space of green, swirling waves replaced its other features. Not a single human, pony, dragon, nor Pokémon could withhold a loud, thunderstruck gasp.

“It’s…” Starlight peered out, looking at Honedge’s body. “It’s just like when Lady…”

“Does that mean?” Fluttershy wondered aloud. “Honedge is…”

“Oh my god,” Alice both sobbed and laughed. “Oh my god, Sam!!”

Lycanroc’s eyes shot open as Honedge suddenly began to overpower its bite. Just then, an ellipse-shaped light winked into existence behind Honedge, the light spreading out until it formed the shape of two of its sheaths crossed together. To everyone’s greatest shock, Honedge’s other scabbard began to stretch and morph into a second sword, the slot growing a thin crescent-shaped cross-guard and hilt to match the one its original sword was changing into. Finally, a second cloth flowed out of the pommel like liquid before expanding into the same width and length as the first and grabbing hold of its scabbard mantle.

With a brighter glow, the light shattered off of Honedge’s new form, revealing that along with its second blade, its cloth arms were now purple and pink along the ends, its blue eye now also a striking pink. Sam felt his legs tremble as he stared at the back of his new Pokémon.

“Honed– no…” Sam’s smile widened until he was grinning ear to ear, his eyes also widening with excitement as he was about to call his Pokémon’s name for the first time. “Doublade! Shadow Claw!”

Doublade tilted out so that its blades were now held in the corners of Lycanroc’s mouth. Once they began glowing purple, Doublade slashed out, throwing Lycanroc back toward Olivia as a wave of purple aura pulsed quickly out from the arc it created.

Through a graceful series of spins and flips with its blades, Doublade held its blades up in an X formation, staring down at Lycanroc as purple steam spilled up out of its mouth.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash shouted in confusion, “what in the hay just happened? Because that was totally awesome!”

“Honedge evolved!” Fluttershy jubilantly exclaimed.

“Evolved?” Twilight questioned. “Wait, is this like Mega Evolving?”

“I’ll explain later.” Starlight put her arm around Twilight’s neck.

Twilight then frowned, leaving her friend a bit worried. “I think we’ll all have a lot to talk about after this.”

Oliva and Lycanroc continued staring at Sam and Doublade. “Alright then… If that’s how it’s going to end…” Olivia crossed her wrist over her face. “Then let’s end this!”

Her Z-Ring shot up with light as her Lycanroc crossed its own arms before its face before they both put their arms down and crossed them out.

After hopping down, standing back up with a flex of their arms, falling into a lunge and then flexing their arms once more, Olivia’s Z-Power exploded from her body and flowed into Lycanroc, leaving it with faint golden flames dancing off its fur.

“After both those hits you took,” Olivia called out, “I don’t think your Pokémon will outlast this one, even with its evolution! Now, Lycanroc. Finish Doublade off with Continental Crush!”

Lycanroc pumped its arms in as it roared into the sky, stray rocks and boulders from the mountains and sea being pulled up to a single spot above the court. Twilight and Spike marveled at the ever-increasing size of the mountain that was being created as it began to dwarf the court. Once all of the rocks had finished forming, Lycanroc threw its arms down, letting it begin to fall down on Doublade.

“It may not have worked last time,” Sam said, “but I have a real good feeling about this one. Doublade, use Shadow Sneak!”

Olivia gasped, almost having forgotten about Sam’s ultimate strategy. As the rock came closer upon it, Doublade thrust itself down to the ground, sending out a far wider and faster shadow than the one it made as a Honedge. Easily making its way to Lycanroc, it came beneath it and blasted Lycanroc high up into the air with one long shrill whine.

Sam kept his eyes on Lycanroc, hoping it would not have the energy to flip over and land safely as it had done before. Sam, Doublade, and the audience all waited for that moment, the world feeling as though it was in slow motion waiting for it to happen or not. The moment never came, and the moment Lycanroc’s limp body crumpled onto the ground, the falling mountain lit up before breaking apart into a handful of small rock shards.

Sam and Doublade stood still and waited for the last of the rocks to fall, still staying silent as the echoes quickly died down. Even Alice and her other friends stayed quiet as Olivia finally stepped forward to her fallen Lycanroc and bent down to give it a couple of thankful strokes of its fur.

“D– Doublade?” Sam’s Pokémon turned to face him for the first time, and while it was a very alien sight to behold, it closed its eyes and began joyfully pumping its blades up into the air in celebration. “Yeah, Doublade! You’re amazing!”

Sam held his arms up and screamed a whooping laugh as Doublade crashed into him, wrapping its swords and cloth arms around its trainer’s back while he hugged its scabbard mantle. He then had Starlight, Fluttershy, Lady, and Comfey throw themselves onto him and hug the two of them before Alice ran in and tackled them all to the ground.

As the seven of them sat up on the ground, the other five ponies, dragon, and humans all surrounded him, each offering their small applause and congratulations. Broken free of his group hug, Sam pulled Starlight and Fluttershy back in, pulling their faces close to his.

“Sam?” Alice began crawling up to him and put her hands onto his shoulders. “Sorry for nearly getting you decapitated but… Holy shit, you really did it! And oh my god! Honedge– I mean, Doublade, look at you!”

Happy to see her, Doublade floated over and also gave his trainer’s sister a hug as well. Even with all of the noise going on, Olivia’s clapping silenced them as she came close.

She stopped just short of his feet. “Well, well, well. I never thought I’d lose a battle that way, but then again, I think we can both agree the feeling’s mutual.”

“Hah… right.” With an outstretched hand, Olivia pulled Sam up to his feet so that he could face her.

“That was a truly incredible battle young man, and certainly one worthy of completing your trials here on Akala Island. As a token of your victory, I now humbly offer you a Rockium Z.”

Pulling a brown crystal from her pocket, she cupped it into Sam’s hand before stepping back and letting him hold it up to the sun to appreciate its luster.

“You’ve probably seen how to activate the Rockium Z enough times that I don’t need to teach you… or…”

“No, I think I got it. Plus, if I need to, Alice can help me.”

“That sounds fine too.” As Alice put her arm around Sam’s back and gave it a supportive shake, Olivia turned to Lillie. “How much more time until the ferry arrives, Lillie?”

“Oh!” Lillie looked down at her Pokédex, seeing that the ferry was still about a quarter of the way there since she called for it. “I’d say it has about another hour and a half before it arrives and is ready to board.”

“Perfect. I’d like to make a couple of stops before I see you all off. Please, follow me.”

Olivia parted through the group and toward the hill into the forest that would lead them back to Konikoni City. Lillie, Gladion, Guzma, Burnet, and Acerola were next to follow her, followed by Sam, Doublade, Alice, and all eight of the Equestrians, along with Lady and Comfey.

As they continued on, Starlight brushed her tail against Sam’s leg, getting his attention. “You did really well. You and your sister. Thank you.”

It had been said quite a lot that day, and Sam merely nodded in appreciation, knowing he didn’t have to say anymore either. The group walked into the forest and left the Grand Trial battlefield behind them. It was only a matter of time now.

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