• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,890 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 58 - A New Dusk Rising

With their paces slow and exhausted, the Pillars and their companions all traveled down a gravel path of an uphill forest. Each of their bags were stuffed with supplies that only made each step feel heavier. At the front of the group, Fizzlepop continued her steadfast pace and ignoring the aching and burning above her hooves.

Gubber was slung over her back, moaning with his tongue hanging lazily out from its mouth. “I swear, if Canterlot isn’t just over that hill, I’m going to keel over.”

“Shut your mouth,” Starswirl puffed. “You haven’t done much walking since we left the ship.”

“But I’m sooo hungry!”

Stygian sighed. “Skystar, can you fly up ahead and see how much farther?”

“You got it!” Hopping off, she flew over Capper, the parrots, and the Pillars and stopped just short of the top of the hill, reaching it as she slowed her gait. The others were alerted by her loud, subsequent gasps. “We’re here! We made it!”

“What?” Fizzlepop galloped to the top of the hill alongside Skystar, and as she saw it, her mouth finally came open in a smile.

The forest had come to an end, and with a small plain, a bridge over a canyon overlooking two waterfalls, and the continuing path along the side of the cliff, it appeared that they had less of a mile before the gates to the city of Canterlot.

Finally, Capper, the parrots, and the Pillars all came up, their pace quickened by the good news.

“And look!” Somnambula pointed at the sky. “We still have plenty of daylight! Canterlot is just up ahead!”

“And hopefully a nice, big meal!” Grubber said.

“Let’s quicken our pace!” Rockhoof joyfully bellowed. “We can rest our tired bones once we meet Princess Celestia!”

Going into a trot, the group headed down the path, hoping to make it to the city’s edge in a few minutes time.

As the group walked through the city, the citizens along the sides walking along the sidewalks or leaving shops and stores of the town loudly murmured to themselves, taking particular interest in Skystar, Capper, and the parrots.

“I remember those guys!” A green-unicorn stallion in particular said to a blue earth stallion. “They helped stop the Storm King!”

“Amazing!” his friend replied.

The group ignored their comments as they reached the wide stairway leading to the palace. As they came up, there were considerably less citizens and more golden-armored guards patrolling the grounds around castle. Starswirl spotted a door with two pegasi guards stationed on both sides, making his way there for the others to follow him.

Once they made their way to the door, both guards flared their inner wings open, blocking their way with the X their wings formed. “Halt!” the left one spoke.

“Who goes there?!” spoke the right.

“I am Starswirl the Bearded!” Starswirl was very irate. “We have important business with Princess Celestia! You both should be able to recognize me!”

Both guards brought their wings back in. “My apologies!” said the right guard.

“Simply a formality, is all!” The left and right guard pulled on the door’s handles and opened the doors for them. “Thi phrinshess awaitch you.”

As Starswirl and the other Pillars filed in, Fizzlepop nodded to one before entering inside. “Thank you.”

Once Skystar, Capper, and the parrots came in, the guards let the handles go and let the doors shut on their own.

Starswirl pulled the doors to Celestia’s chambers open, and as he and his companions entered inside, they found Celestia sitting on her large, marble throne at the end of the room, two towering stacks of books on either side of her. Upon hearing the creak of the doors, she looked up to see them all come in and form rows for her to see them easier.

She blinked twice before frowning. “Starswirl, everyone, you’ve made it. What happened? You’re several hours late!”

“Our apologies, your highness” Starswirl responded. “Our ship was attacked by an army of changelings and we were forced to make the rest of the way on foot.”

“Changelings? Are you certain?”

“Absolutely. They bear no resemblance to our changeling allies, rather they appear more like the kind that supposedly attacked Shining Armor and Princess Cadance at their wedding a few years ago.”

“The kind that… oh dear. It’s really happening…”

“What’s happening?” Fizzlepop stepped forward. “Is this the reason you called us here?”

“Fizzlepop,” Starswirl grunted, “show some respect!”

“No, Starswirl, it’s perfectly alright. It’s only fair that you all know, but first, I must tell you why I brought you all here.” The others stayed silent, waiting for her to speak. “As of last week, Twilight and her friends have gone missing.”

The Pillars and their companions, save for the parrots, erupted in nervous chatter, Celestia breathing hard to see them in such distress.

“Missing?” Capper spoke up. “How’d they end up doing that?”

“We aren’t certain ourselves,” Celaeno answered. “We were invited to take part in a search party and haven’t found any sign of them. Of course, there’s a lot that we were still left in the dark about. Do you know where they last were?”

Celestia bowed her head for a second in shame. “I kept most of the details from you in case the worst didn’t come to pass, but considering the situation as of now, it would be unfair to keep anymore secrets from you.”

“What happened?” Mage Meadowbrook shouted. “They aren’t… no…”

As the others pieced together her grim realization, their mouths begun to hang open.

“They aren’t dead,” Celestia responded, “but their situation is still far from safe. As far as I can tell, Twilight and her friends were in her castle in Ponyville when they disappeared. As Celaeno knows, our search went fruitless… until yesterday.”

“Hold on!” Stygian gasped. “Then you do know where they are?”

“…That’s just it, Stygian. I have no idea where they’ve ended up.”

“But…” Mistmane’s puzzling appeared to physically ail her. “You must know something. Anything!”

“My sister and I, along with several other companions returned to Twilight’s castle yesterday afternoon, believing the Cutie Map could provide some answers. It… gave us some, but…” Celestia shook her head, realizing she was getting off track. “The map showed us visions. It showed us Twilight and her friends. They were in the company of some… very alien creatures that I’ve never seen before.”

“Alien… how?” Skystar wondered. “Were they in a big metal ship and stuff?”

“It’s not an inaccurate description, but we didn’t have much time before the map deactivated. And that’s when…” Celestia’s breathing grew heavier, and with a sob, she sank into a seated position, struggling to keep herself together.

“Princess Celestia!” Starswirl ran to her side. “Please, tell us what happened.”

Celestia took a couple hard breaths. “The map… a portal opened up… It took Shining Armor, Discord, Thorax… and Luna too.”

Fizzlepop’s mouth refused to close, still in disbelief. “Twilight… she’s…”

“Gone…” Grubber finished, also incredulous. “She’s… they’re all gone.”

Celestia took several deep breaths, calming herself further. “And that’s not all. It seems that Chrysalis found out about the disappearance of Twilight and her friends.”

“Chrysalis?” Starswirl leaned further in. “Are you sure?”

Her breathing became noticeably angrier. “She disguised herself as Shining Armor’s guard; she must have tried to attempt to ambush us while we were alone in the castle.”

“Alone in… Do you really think she’d be stupid enough to challenge you and your sister by herself? With Discord and Shining Armor present no less?”

“I thought of that myself, but after hearing of your attack this morning, I’m all but certain now… Equestria is under attack by the changelings once more.”

The anxious chatter resumed, Starswirl backing away to rejoin the other Pillars.

“But…” Stygian sputtered. “If what you say is true, Twilght and her friends are gone, and so is the king and commander of the Crystal Empire, that Draconequus… even your own sister. Are you saying that–”

“Yes, Stygian. As of right now, you are all our only line of defense against the changelings and whatever took Twilight and the others.”

The others glanced to each other; it was the news neither expected nor wanted.

“I realize this news is most troublesome for you, but I must ask, for the sake of this land: can I rely on you to stave off the changelings and whatever threat is stealing my ponies from us until they manage to return or however long possible after that?”

Capper took a deep sigh, coming to terms with the situation. Picking his head back up, he worked up a smile. “Aw heck, saving Equestria ain’t anything new to me!”

“And who knows?” Fizzlepop added. “If we encounter whatever took our friends, maybe we can find a way to bring them back ourselves.”

“Those scallywags kidnapped the wrong pegasus,” Celaeno drew her sword and raised it up to the rousing affirmative roars of her parrot crew.

“I just want to see Pinkie Pie again,” Skystar mentioned, “and I’ll do whatever it takes to rescue her!”

“But first,” Starswirl spoke, “we must defeat the changlings first so they all have a safe home to come back to!”

Grubber laughed in agreement. “And we already know how that worked out for them this morning!”

“Princess Celestia!” Rockhoof held his shovel spade-down to the ground and bent to a kneel. “We will go wherever you need us.”

A chorus of excited shouts and cheers erupted, Celestia brought to a smile as she saw several of them shake hands and hooves as they prepared each other mentally for the daunting task ahead.

“Thank you so much,” she said. “I’m sure wherever they may be, Twilight and her friends, as well as my sister, should be more than grateful to have made friends out of all of you. If there’s anything I can offer you now, I shall make it happen!”

“Really!” Grubber ran up front. “Can you make us something to eat? We’re all super hungry, me especially!”

Starswirl glared at Grubber before softening his gaze and looking up at the princess. “We had awoken to the changeling attack and had no time to rest or have breakfast since then.”

“Consider it done.” Celestia turned to two guards standing at the base of the stairway to her throne. “One of you tell the cooks to prepare a lavish meal for our guests.

The guard to her left saluted her. “Yes, your majesty!”

As he ran off, Celaeno then came forward. “Also, my ship was heavily damaged in the attack. I don’t want to ask too much–”

“Until your own ship is repaired,” Celestia interrupted. “I will lend you one of my airships, fully furbished and stocked, of course.”

“I…” Celaeno fell into a bow, overwhelmed by the generosity. “Thank you so much, Princess!”

Fizzlepop then came forward, gently prying the cracked jewel crown on her broken horn and holding it up on her hoof. “Princess Celestia, I would also request that I have this replaced. I’ve been using it to control my magic in my travels with the Pillars of Equestria, but I damaged it trying to help my friends.”

Celestia took it from her in her magic and held it up to her face. “I can’t see how we can’t get you a new crown. Now please, head to the dining room! I’ll have my guards escort you.”

“Thank you so much… again.”

The unicorn guards on both sides of the entrance doors pushed the doors open with their magic, leading the Pillars and their companions out and turning right out of the hallway. Fizzlepop stole one last glace to Celestia before the doors closed, who responded with a wink.

“Yes?” Sun smiled gratefully at an older scientist with a bald head and short facial hair in a white lab coat on the screen of his Pokédex. “Okay, thank you again so very much.”

“We look forward to meeting with you,” the man on the other side responded. “See you tomorrow!”

“Take care!” Sun pressed the red button with the phone icon on the lower left corner of the screen, dropping his Pokédex on the table as he was setting it down. He then approached Twilight, who was gathered with the other Equestrians. “Great news, everyone. The Mossdeep Space Center has approved a jet to fly you to Hoenn tomorrow morning!”

“Tomorrow morning?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Why do we gotta’ wait that long?”

“They are stocking and charging the plane right now. Once that’s done, it’s still a several hour flight to the Aether Paradise. These things take time.”

Rainbow Dash still sulked as she crossed her arms. “Wouldn’t take any time at all if I was flying us.”

“In either case, we shouldn’t have much longer until you guys can go back home.”

Applejack rubbed the back of her head, still feeling uneasy. “I don’t know. That’s still a long time between now and tomorrow morning. What are we all supposed to do in the meantime?”

Sun turned to Sam and Alice, who were waiting at the center counter. “Once those two have healed their Pokémon, we’ll fly over to Mount Lanakila. We can all have a nice dinner there and give you all a chance to make your final goodbyes to the Elite Four there.”

Spike nodded, going along with the idea. “I would like to see Guzma again.”

“And I’d be happy to spend a little more time with Acerola,” Twilight said.

“And I’m sure they’d be happy to have me again!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Discord snorted, pushing up on his ears like it was a perm. “I don’t think it was you whose presence they were graced by.”

“In either case,” Starlight said, “it’s a fine idea.”

Sun then looked to Twilight. “Also, I received word that the House base has been cleaned and debugged following the incident Sunday morning. After dinner, we’ll head down there to spend the night until the jet arrives. That way, if Prism or anyone else tries to cause trouble, knock on wood, we won’t be too far away from either the Kahuna or our friends on Lanakila’s summit should we need their help.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of comfort. “Thank you, Sun. I feel much safer knowing that.”

“Perfect!” Sun clapped his hands as he made his way to Sam and Alice. “If I have Twilight’s approval, then we should be all set! Be ready to leave at any moment!”

As the Equestrians lightly scrambled to ensure they had everything they needed, Sun came up beside Sam, his Poké Balls already on his belt.

He looked to see five balls being scanned in the back. “How much more?”

Alice stepped away to look at Sun behind her brother. “Like, three minutes maybe?”

“Okay. I’m not sure if you overheard what I was telling the Equestrians, but–”

“Having a dine-and-bye? Yeah, we heard.”

“Oh…” Sun turned and leaned against the counter, the conversation having grown awkward. “If you two want, you don’t have to come with us to Mossdeep if you want to continue your Island Trials.”

Sam turned to face Sun, crossing his arms. “That’s kind of you to offer, but my sister and I would like to see the return of our friends home through until the end. I’d honestly feel kind of crummy leaving them like that after all we’ve been through.”

“And I thank you for everything you’ve done for them, but there’s no need for you to–”

“Yeah, Shining Armor gave us this same spiel last night.” Alice had already begun slipping in between her brother and Sun. “I’m telling you the same thing we told him, we’re not going to leave them alone until this thing is done.”

Sun stayed silent for several moments before rolling off the edge of the counter, preparing to leave. “Once your Pokémon are healed, I’d like to make our way.”

“Of course.” With Sam’s understanding, Sun walked away, rejoining Hau, Lillie, and Gladion near the café.

With him gone, Sam felt safe to let a long breath out, something Alice found suspect. “What’s with the sighing? Something else on your mind?” Sam opened his mouth to respond, only to shut it back up tight, making her frown even more. “You seriously want to continue your Island Trials?”

“No!” Sam breathed back in through his nose, his peace having not been made. “Not exactly. It’s just… I’m one battle away from being able to evolve Doublade, and after the battle we just had, I’m prepared to take on just about anyone, especially the Kahuna.”

“So, what? That whole ‘feeling crummy’ excuse was just that? An excuse?”

“Of course not! Tomorrow morning, I’m getting on that jet to Mossdeep and seeing my friends off, but until then, we have the rest of the day to face Nanu, and I just want one shot at him!”

Alice took a moment to compose her next thoughts when she and Sam were interrupted by the nurse putting the tray with her five Poké Balls inside.

“Your Pokémon are all better now!” The nurse cheerfully said to them. “Please come back soon!”

Alice nodded as she picked her balls out one by one. “Thanks a lot.” She then walked away from the counter while keeping her eyes back on Sam. “We’ll talk about this later. In private!” With a final point, Alice turned to Sun and showed him her Poké Balls.

As Alice, Sun, and his friends moved to help gather the Equestrians, Sam, with a guilty spring in his step, went over to assist.

Starlight appeared in a flash of light on the teleportation pad, backing away from it to give her arriving friends room on it. Near the doorway to the living space was Acerola and Guzma, the latter of whom crossed his arms cheekily.

“Welcome back!” he chortled.

“Good to see you too,” Starlight deadpanned before revealing a telltale smile.

In another flash, Twilight and Spike were now both standing on the pad, the former’s wings flared open in shock of the sudden change of her surroundings.

Smiling wider, Acerola came toward the alicorn. “Twilight!”

Twilight beamed as Acerola opened her arms up for her, pulling her in for a hug. “Acerola! It’s great to see you again!”

Spike jogged over to Guzma, who knelt down and held his fist up for him to bump. “What’s going on, little man?”

“Oh, you know,” Spike replied, “just making a few stops before home.”

“For real this time?”

“Yeah… hopefully.”

Sam and Alice were the next off the pad upon appearing. Walking up to Acerola, she ended her hug with Twilight and stepped aside to face them both.

“Sam, Alice, hey!” Acerola lightly put her arms up, aware of the strangeness of them having only been gone a few hours. “What can I do for you?”

“Is it okay if we go ahead in?” Alice responded. “There’s something I’d like to talk to my brother about in private, so if you can keep everyone in here until then…”

“Oh, uh… Sure!” She stepped aside, giving them a clear path to the entrance. “Right this way.”

“Thank you.” Sam nodded to Acerola as he followed his sister inside.

She turned left into the kitchen and walked far enough in so that she could not be seen by anyone inside still coming in on the teleportation pad. When she went far enough, she spun around to face him.

“Are you kidding me with this right now?” Alice hissed. “You really don’t want to put down the Island Trials for just a couple of days while we say goodbye to our friends?”

“It’s not about the Island Trials!” Sam spat back, trying his best to keep his voice at whisper-level. “If it weren’t for the fact that Nanu was holding the one thing I need to evolve my Doublade over my head, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation!”

“And that can’t wait either?”


Alice cocked her head and hung her mouth open, astounded by her brother’s seeming stupidity. “Really, it just can’t wait?”

“Every time we’ve gotten closer to getting these ponies home, something goes horribly god-damned wrong! Team Prism, Solgaleo and Lunala freaking out. At this point, I’m not even sure I’d feel safe going to Mossdeep tomorrow until I do this!”

“And what if you’re not strong enough? What if Nanu just hands your ass back to you on a silver platter? Heck, a styrofoam plate if he beats you even worse!”

Sam scoffed and shook his head. “You really don’t think I’m strong enough?”

“Who knows? I’ve never faced him, and neither have you! He really could be that strong, and what if he is? What if he’s so strong that you can’t beat him by tomorrow morning? Are you seriously going to stay behind and keep trying because you’re scared that you won’t be strong enough for whatever harebrained scheme Team Prism comes up with to try and take the ponies next?”

Sam let Alice take a couple of deep breaths, exhausted by her long-winded rant. Once Sam could stop really hearing her pull and push air in and out of her lungs, Sam opened his mouth to speak.

“If I face him–” Alice opened her mouth, but was stopped by Sam putting his finger near her mouth. “If… I face him, and I lose to him once…” He took in one last breath, coming to terms with his oncoming promise. “…I won’t face him a second time until after we’ve gotten home from Mossdeep.” Alice raised an eyebrow, Sam rolling his eyes at this. “And when the ponies are safe and home.”

Alice finally nodded slowly before starting to walk around him back toward the glass door to the teleportation room. “Just once. I’m going to hold you to it too.”

Sam stood where he was as Alice waved the people and Equestrians inside in. As the door opened up, Alice made her way to the living room as Acerola and Guzma came in with the parade of Equestrians coming inside, Twilight, Spike, and Trixie marveling over the furbishing. As more ponies and people came in, Sam breathed easier.

Celestia sat herself at the end of a long dining table, watching as her guests all took their seats on either side of it. While the parrots and Pillars appeared to easily pull their chairs out and sit on them, Skystar and Fizzlepop were struggling. Grubber quickly came to her aid and pulled the chair out for her to sit, which she thanked him for with a nod and a rub atop his head. Skystar bumped one of the back legs against her talons, causing it to nearly fall, only for Capper to catch it before the headrest could bang against the floor.

“Ahem.” He put the chair back upright and pulled it out to give Skystar room to sit. “Your highness.”

Skystar giggled as she sat down. “Aw, you don’t need to call me that when I’m not at Mount Aris!”

Capper took his seat next to hers. “You’re right. I just felt like it.”

Skystar blushed, stopping upon hearing Celestia clear her throat.

“Again, I thank you all for still making the journey despite this morning’s setbacks,” she said to them. “While I wish for you to enjoy your food, I’d still like to discuss any plans you may have about how you want to confront either the changelings or whatever took Twilight and her friends.”

“And you’re certain the changelings aren’t responsible for their disappearance?” Stygian asked.

“Chrysalis was taken by the portal as well as my sister and Shining Armor. I highly doubt someone like her would not want to see their takeover come to fruition. As incidental as that may have been, I’m certain someone else would be taking command in her stead should something have happened to her.”

“But…” Boyle glanced back and forth. “Something did happen to her.”

“Alright,” Celaeno interrupted, “we get it, someone else is covering for her, but who? Are there more changeling hives outside Equestria?”

“I certainly couldn’t imagine there wouldn’t be, but whoever their leader may be, they’d most likely be hiding in plain sight. It would be impossible to try and look for them; they’d instead have to come to you first.”

Starswirl rubbed his chin. “Yes, you’re probably right. Have you made any attempts to locate Twilight and the others yourself?”

“It was only since yesterday I realized they’re nowhere on Equestria or even this world. I sadly don’t possess the magic necessary to create and maintain a portal that I can use to track them down… wherever they are.”

Starswirl sulked, upset by this. Until… “Perhaps…”

Celestia perked up, the word already a hopeful burst of good news. “Perhaps what?”

“I may be able to track wherever they are with a spell of my own, but unless I have enough combined magical power, I won’t be able to open a portal to whichever world they found themselves on. Princess Celestia, will you help me in this?”

“As much as I’d like to, I must stay and maintain order the best I can. The safety of Equestria hangs on a thread as of now, and I cannot let the throne be empty while there’s a threat quite possibly outside the door ready to snatch it.”

Mistmane looked fearful of the realization she had made. “Speaking of that, without Twilight, her castle and the power of the Elements of Harmony have also been left unguarded.”

“You know,” Grubber mentioned, “we could always crash there, use it as a homebase and stuff until we stop the changelings or can find Twilight and her friends.” He received looks from everyone at the table, making him confused. “What? I’m good for more than just eating.”

“That’s not a terrible idea at all.” Starswirl’s compliment had Fizzlepop nudging the hedgehog and grinning at him. “And considering the Cutie Map is the site of where the portal opened, I should be able to use the residual energy from what caused it to trace its origin.”

“Good for more than eating indeed!” Rockhoof laughed.

“And if you do manage to find wherever they are,” Celestia added, “contact me as soon as you can and I’ll assist you in opening a portal to them.”

“Then it’s settled. Once our ship has loaded, we will set off immediately for Ponyville.”

Everyone save for Celestia raised their water glasses up and cheered, their plans cemented. She unveiled a soft smile; the most secure she had felt since the previous week.

Sam gulped the rest of the water in his cup before setting it back down on the table, a cook coming along and placing it on a stack of plates and silverware he was collecting from the now empty dining room table.

“Thanks again,” Sam said to him.

He then took his jacket from the back of the chair, put it on and zipped it up. Turning around, Alice tossed him his backpack, her own strapped over her right shoulder. As they walked over to the room with the teleportation pad, they found Sun, Luna, Starlight, and Fluttershy standing by it with Lady and Comfey by their sides.

“And you’ll be at the Aether House by the time you’re done?” Alice asked Sun before stopping.

“We should,” he responded. “If we’re somehow behind schedule, I’ll make sure one of the employees lets you in. I’ve already given them your info so they know it’s you.”

Sam nodded. “Sounds assuring enough. Thank you.”

“I do ask you to be careful,” Luna said to them. “I realize I haven’t known you as long as Starlight and Fluttershy here have, and should have little need for concern regarding your safety in light everything you’ve been through, but know that it’s still dangerous out there, for us and for yourselves.”

“That’s precisely why I’m doing this. Hopefully, in an hour or so, I’ll be better equipped to handle whatever Team Prism throws our way next.”

“I’m sure you two will be fine.” Starlight’s statement was met with a soft, supportive mew from Lady.

“And you’re coming right back afterward, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“If I lose, yeah…” Sam reflected on this, but soon put on a braver face. “But I’m not going to lose. I’m going to beat Nanu and get that Dusk Stone.”

“Just please be careful!” Fluttershy sounded close to tears. “They already took Burnet, I don’t want them to take you too!”

Alice knelt down to the almost-sobbing pegasus and pulled her neck in for a hug, shocking her out of crying. “You don’t have to worry about anything. As long as you guys are safe, Team Prism won’t have any reason to attack us.”

“But… what if they want to kidnap you too?”

“Come on!” Sam forced a huff. “We already beat their leader! How much worse can they get?”

“I… I guess so.” Fluttershy pulled away to clear the way for Sam and Alice to enter the teleportation room. “Just promise you’ll come back right when you’re done.”

“Of course. Alice, ready?”

Alice shrugged. “We have nothing to lose at this point but daylight.”

“Then let’s not waste any more.” Sam and Alice stepped to the glass door, which slid open and let them inside.

Before they stepped onto the pad, the pair made one last final glance to their friends on the other side of it. Giving them comforting, supportive smiles, the brother and sister mustered the strength to step onto the platform, disappearing the instant their shoes touched it. Starlight continued looking into the room as if her human friends were still there.

She whispered, “Good luck."

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