• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...


The trial went terribly. To save time explaining, Ms. Swine was too good for their lawyer and all the evidence, including some security footage, pointed to them being crooked cops. Though Fluttershy wasn't there, the jury agreed that she was near terrorist levels of danger, and seemed to be something out of a comic book. As for Nick and Judy… as mentioned, the evidence was stacked against them, and both would have to go to jail for a long time. However, Nick got the shorter end of the stick and has to serve longer, due to his tax evasion, and had to undergo a program that, if he were able to pass, would let him out of jail a bit faster, but not very much.

“Well… it was nice being with you, carrots.” Nick spoke, unsure how this will all go.

“... Same thing here.” Judy nervously swallowed as some of her fellow officers came and placed handcuffs around her and Nick’s wrists’. “I hope Fluttershy’s alright.”

“Knowing her, I think she’s going to be just fine.”


“Ow… my head.” The pegasus groaned as her vision was blurry. However, her vision was not just blurred, but was covered by a burlap sack. Light came through the stitching, but she couldn’t tell where she was, nor see anything past it. What made her freak out a bit more was the fact that her hooves were tied to a chair, restricting her movements to nothing more but her chair bouncing.

“Who are you?” A charismatic and prideful of a man asked.

“Wha-!? Who’s there? Discord? Is that you?”

“No, someone else. I’ll repeat; who are you?”

“Um… I’m Fluttershy, sir. Uh… w-what happened? I-I took a sip and felt a bit woozy and… wh-where am I?”

“With me. Now, what are you doing here?”

“Uh… I-I didn’t know about this place, actually. I-”

“You never heard of Zootopia!?”

“Oh dear, please don’t be mad, sir. I-I’m new here, actually. I didn’t hear about this place until just a few days ago. I’m sorry if you’re hurt.”

“... No no, don’t worry, it’s just my pride for my city. Now, where did you come from?”

“Ponyville, sir.”

“... Ponyville?” He began to snicker.

“Y-yes, sir. It’s a small village in Equestria.”

“Equestria? Never heard of it.”

“I-It’s okay, I understand.”

“Where’s it located?”

“... Excuse me?”

“Where’s it located?”

“... Um… It’s… it’s a bit complicated, actually.”

“Record this, Doctor.”

“Yes, sir.” A woman’s voice spoke.

“Where is it?”

“... Um… would you believe if I said that I’m from a ... different Dimension?” Fluttershy simply asked. Silence fell upon the room.

“... WHAT!?!?!?”


It was the first time Judy went to prison, and she felt like her ancestors before civilization. She wore the standard prison, but just by the other prisoners around, they had more history than she could ask. All of the animals in there were female, as for standard prison rules, and a couple of them were prisoners that Nick and her arrested in the previous six months of their partnership. They gave her dagger-like stares, filled with contempt, and a few whispering to each other, either about her with them, and/or how they’re going to get back at her. It was lucky that prison bars held Judy from potential danger… for the moment, that is. The officer leading her, who was a lion herself, shoved Judy ahead when she stopped to see something that caught her attention.

“Alright! Here’s your cell, ‘officer’.” The lion spoke in a mocking way, opening the door to her cell. Judy swallowed as, in the cell, was a hyena. The hyena was grey with black spots, and a black hairstyle with five prominent bangs hanging over her face and a mane that reaches all the way to her bangs. Along with the standard prison outfit she wore, the hyena had on a muzzle over her mouth and, much to Judy’s surprise, a taming collar on her neck. Judy had heard of the stereotype that hyenas were a bit on the crazy side, but this hyena was twitching, almost as if she was going insane. The officer, with her baton, hit the wall, making the hyena jump and yelp in surprise.

“Banzai! Ed!” The hyena yelled, looking around frantically.

“Not exactly.” The officer replied, pushing Judy in. “Say hello to your new friend, Shenzi. Get yourselves acquainted.” She slammed the door, leaving the two alone. Judy nervously swallowed again, not wanting to make any sudden moves. She watched the Hyena’s movements, seeing all the little twitches she made, right on the verge of either going normal or attacking. The collar beeped and changed from green to yellow. She immediately reacted, whimpering like a dog, heading the device’s warning very well.

“... Uh… hi.” Judy spoke, carefully walking to the hyena. “I-I’m Judy… who are you again?”

“... Shenzi.” she replied. “But you know that already.”

“I heard. Uh… so… what are you in for?”

“... I don’t know. It would be the standard gang activities, but… I don’t remember anything.”

“Did… did it have something to do with that collar?”

“I… I think so. There have been moments where I go… crazy… and this things snaps me out of it. It’s painful, but, it helps a lot.”

“And that muzzle?”

“The officers said that I attacked my friends before I came here. I know I get mad at those two idiots, and will get into a fight with them, but trying to maul them? This has to be something that they made up to get me locked up in here! I swear, if I get out of here, I’m going to-” The collar turned red and zapped Shenzi. It made her scream in pain, making Judy jump back and gasp at the sight. “AHH!!! Stupid collar! I wasn’t-!” Another zap. Instead of yelling back, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. In a few moments, the collar turned back to yellow, then green.

“... Are you alright?”

“... Yeah… I’m so glad that I’m not alone with this.”

“Y-you’re not the only one?”

“Every predator has to wear this. Doesn’t matter what you did; land here and you wear these stupid collars.”

“... Oh, Nick.”


It wasn’t the first time he landed in prison, but he hoped that this would be his last. Of course, back then, he was still working with Mr. Big, and he was bailed out with each sentence, but this was going to be the first time he had to serve a full sentence. Like Judy, as mentioned, there were many criminals that he and Judy had arrested before, and each of them glared at him with contempt and whispers of him landing in jail (with a few others saying he’s back), and how they can get back at him. However, the officer leading him, a bull, quickly put a muzzle over his face.

“What the-!?” Nick yelled in shock, quickly regaining that tragic memory he had with the Junior Rangers Scouts. “Hey! What gives!? I didn’t bite anyone!”

“Safety.” The bull answered, pulling a ketch all pole and putting the ring around Nick’s neck. It was at this moment that Nick began to panic.

“W-Wait! I’m not a rabid animal! Think what you’re doing!”

“This is Officer Otis! I need assistance!” Some of the officers that weren’t busy quickly ran in. Nick tried his best to free himself, quickly flashing back and forth from his past to the present. One of the officers held Nick down as another pulled out a taming collar, putting it on Nick’s neck. It began to beep, registering itself to Nick’s body, only making the fox squirm.

“Easy, there!” The officer holding Nick, a wolf, spoke. “Just calm down!”

“I-I can’t! Not like this!” He squirmed his way out of the wolf’s grasp, running into the wall, trying to get the collar off his neck. “Get it off! Get it-!” It beeped red, shocking Nick. The pain was as painful as it looked in that demonstration; he fell to the floor, feeling all the volts running through his body, seriously hurting him and making him feel a bit weak. However, he continued to try to get the collar off, not taking the first zap as a warning to stop. He panicked even more. “Someone! Help! Get this off! Get this-!” Another zap. He still continued to move erratically, but was slower, and felt his vision become weak. “P-please… mom… dad… help…” One final zap was needed. He fell to the floor, unconscious. The officers walked up to him.

“Poor fellow. It pains me every time to see this.”

“Not for me.” Another one, this one a badger, replied. “Who’s gonna take him to his cell?” The other two glared at him. “... Fine, but you’re doing the next ones!”


“Too far?” Fluttershy simply asked.

“Of course it’s too far!” The male voice roared… literally. “Parallel dimensions now!? First, the night-howlers, then you arrived, and now, alternate universes!? This is starting to feel like a bad story that Smellwether wrote!”

“Smellwether?... Oh my goodness! You knew her!?”

“Oops… Uh… p-pretend you didn’t hear that!” The door slammed open as someone hopped in.

“Mayor Lionheart!” A somewhat deep, but very cautious sounding male spoke in a bit of a panicked tone. “Gary called and has found out that…” He paused and a long pause came. The other voice let out a heavy sigh that was filled with disappointment.

“Larry… get out… now.”

“Y-yes, sir.” Larry ran out.

“Mayor!?” Fluttershy asked “Ooh! You can help me! I’m on a case with Officer Hopps and Wilde, and I think you-”


“...No? B-But… there are missing animals, and a shooter, and Miss Swine must be involved and-” The burlap sack over her face came off. She was face to face with a Big, but slender lion with large mane, brown eyes, and a pale blue shirt under dark blue suit that had a red tie with gold clip. Fluttershy and the lion stared at each other for a bit, with a few blinking from both sides. “... Oh! You’re a lion!... How didn’t I notice?”

“... Aren’t you afraid?”

“... No, why?”

“Because I’m a lion, and you’re a pony.”

“... I see that, but I have no reason to be afraid.”

“And what is your reason that you shouldn’t be afraid of me?”

“... Because under all of that, you’re just a big puddy tat!” He stared at her rather confused.

“That’s… an interesting answer… I suppose.” he sighed again. “And I’m sorry, but I can’t help.”

“B-but why not? We have the evidence needed, and-”

“You were that intoxicated, weren’t you?”

“... What?”

“You drank something.”

“... Well, if it’s water, then-”

“No. You drank something and started to act funny. You weren’t coordinated and your plans to arrest Swine were backfired quickly because of your actions.”

“... Oh… oh no! Wh-what happened!?”

“They’re arrested and are in prison.”

“Prison!?” The feeling of disappointment smacked Fluttershy harder than how Maud punched the boulder that was about to crush Pinkie into nothing but rubble. All she could imagine was all of the terrible things that would happen to them, with Nick held in some sort of cage, and Judy being fed as a snack to some large predator. She began to hyperventilate, sweating much harder than her time in flight camp. Her focus came back as Lionheart snapped his paw right at her face.

“Settle down there. Just breathe. Follow me.” He demonstrated with some deep breaths. Fluttershy followed, finding it to be somewhat relaxing, but was still unsure about Nick and Judy’s fate. “There. Better?”

“A little bit… um… w-what’s going to happen to them? Are they… are they going to be fine?”

“Oh, they should be fine… well… maybe the fox if he follows their protocols.”

“Nick!? W-what’s going to happen to him!?”

“Breathe.” Fluttershy slowed herself down. “Well, every prisoner that’s a predator has to wear a taming collar. It supposedly controls them from going feral, but I think it’s bully.”

“C-controlling predators from going feral?” ‘I don’t want to sound mean, but I think it’s better safe than sorry.’

“Yep. Some sort of shock to bring them back into reality. But, as I said, I think it’s the worst idea ever! I may not be the best mayor ever, but I believe that every animal deserves freedom, no matter who they are!”

“... Wow… that’s… very nice of you.”

“Trust me, it’s the truth. Only characters should be judged, not their ancestry! But, if it were ancestry, I’d be safe; I come from a long line of noble rulers.”

“Like Royalty?”

“Yes!... Okay, not really… more or less from my father’s brother’s cousin’s side of the family… but I have pride for that, I won’t lie.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“But I need help for my reelection, and I think you’re the key to that!”

“Me!? The key!? H-how!?”

“Oh, everyone’s been watching you, Fluttershy. Your strange gift to tame animals, your otherwise innocent behavior, those mechanical wings you wear, you-”

“Um, not to be rude or anything, but these are my real wings, sir.”

“... They’re real?”

“I was born with them, sir. I-I’m sorry if you didn’t know.”

“... Hmm, I’ll have to take a note on that. But, with your skills, I’m certain we can help each other out here.”


“As you can tell, Ms. Swine is about to run for office, and, as a win-win, if I win, not only will her prejudice collars fail to pass through, but I will have a greater chance to becoming president!”

“... And me?”

“Oh yes, I’m getting to that. Well, I will give you full amnesty for you, and your friend’s, crimes, and will personally have all the paperwork cleared to let you become a full citizen of Zootopia!”

“... That… that sounds great!” She already imagined herself standing near the mayor’s office as an audience of animals stood there, taking pictures of her, accepting her citizenship as a member of their city. Something that would be frightening with other ponies suddenly turned into the most exciting dream for her… but she snapped out of it. “Oh dear, if I do that, then… would I be able to see my friends again?”

“... Come again?”

“My friends in Ponyville! Oh, how long will I be away!? How will Angel react? How will Discord react!? How will Equestria be if-”

“Settle down, okay!? Yeesh, you’re almost as bad as Smellwether when she first joined.”

“I’m sorry, but I need to get home, or else-”

“In due time, okay? With some help from our professor over here, we may help you find your back, but that’s if-” The door opened again. Entering was a dark brown wolf with light blue eyes wearing a black trench coat over a teal top.

“Mayor Lionheart!” He spoke in that same voice that revealed Lionheart’s name. “Please, this is urgent news!”

“Ugh! Can’t you see I’m busy!”

“But Gary may have a lead!”

“... A lead?”


Lunch time had arrived to the cells. As crazy as Shenzi was at first, she had the excuse of unknowingly being shot by some Nighthowler and experimented on by Swine with the taming collar. That, and she had no beef with Judy, not unlike some of the other prisoners that had some idea to seriously injure the not so innocent rabbit. For her protection, she stuck with the hyena, as some of the prisoners were also weary of her twitches.

Much to the rabbit’s disgust, the food served was slop that, while had some carrots in it, seemed to be a mix of various fruits, vegetables, fish, and bugs. If she hadn’t lost her lunch then, she was certainly close to now. But, she treaded on, taking a seat next to the hyena on the round table, who also sat next to a liones. The Lioness was a tanned fur, scrawny looking, but had lean muscles all over her, with red eyes, a small notch in her right ear, and a dark stripe down the center of her head. It didn’t do Judy much to learn that the lioness’ name was.

“Zoro! How you doin?” The hyena asked.

“It’s Zira.” The lioness replied with an annoyed tone, too focused on her food.

“Whatever. So, what’s new?”

“Same old, as with everyone else.” she then looks over to see Shenzi’s little bunny buddy. “And who are you?”

“Officer Judy Hopps. Or, at least I was.”

“So you’re the one that stopped that night howlers case, right?”

“Yes… but I wasn’t alone.”

“I heard.”

“... Not much a talker, are you?”


“She’s just jealous that her son didn’t win election those many years ago.” Shenzi simply added. “It was close, up until they found her rigging the machines.”

“I was fixing them.” She simply replied.

“She’s a terrible liar as well.” Zira’s collar turned green to orange as the lioness let out a growl, but took a deep breath, making it turn back to green.

“Yeesh.” Judy only spoke, scooting away from the two.

“Like you and your gang of misfits were any better.” Zira replied, her collar turning back to orange. “Working for that lowlife boss of yours in the Oasis casino. You’re glad your bunny friend and her fox weren’t there to see what you were doing.”

“We were just security.” Shenzi replied. “But I wonder who that Louis guy was.”

“WHAT!?” Judy asked with a jump.


Nick woke up with a groan, his vision blurred with images coming in and out of focus. He swore that he heard the laughter of those kids from the Junior Ranger scouts. All he could feel was something metallic wrapped around his neck, not necessarily choking him, but it was tight. His paws felt the metallic object, but his ears twitched as soon as he heard some beeping noises. With a jump, he saw himself in a cell, and, turning to a mirror, saw himself wearing one of those taming collars.

“W-What the-!?” Panic took over the fox as he tried to pull the collar right off. It turned orange, giving some more deeper beeps. “HEY! Get this thing off of me! I’m not some kind of- GAH!!!” It turned red and delivered a large zap around his body, making him freeze and fall to the floor with a few twitches. His heart beated rapidly as did his breathing, having his childhood of prey ridiculing him for being born a predator. Before he could even reach for the collar again, another zap came, stopping Nick in his tracks. With that last one, his vision became blurred, but he shook his head, seeing a hippo officer walk by. “H-Hey! Officer!”

“Huh?” The Hippo turned to Nick.

“Please, do me a solid and get this freakin thing off my- OW!!!” Another Zap.

“Sorry, it’s a new program we’re doing.”

“New program!? What, treating predators like some sort of animal!? Making prey feel safe with us wearing these stupid- GAH!!!” Zap.

“It’s not my call, sir. You better get used to it, or there’s going to be major problems for you.”

“But I’m an officer! I’m not some wild animal! I’m like you!”

“You were like us. Besides, it’s for your safety, as well as ours.” He walked away.


It was a couple moments before Nick woke up again. While he did get a couple more zaps, he found it to be a waste of time, effort, and strength to even try to get his collar off, as it would result with yet another painful zap around his body. He just gave up. The time he was going to have in prison was limited, but the collar would be a lifetime. All he could think of was the injustice brought to not just him, but some of the other predators wearing their own collar, even if some of them did deserve to wear them. To most of the officers, and other prisoners, he quickly learned to follow protocol, though in reality, he was screaming internally. He received the slob they were serving, very disgusted at the sight of it, but sighed and sat nearby another fox and a rather dopey looking cat.

“Can’t believe we’re now in here, Gideon,” The Fox spoke to his partner. “Years of living the high and easy life, trashed down by that new boss at the Oasis casino!” The cat only nodded. “But, we should not worry, old friend. When this is all over, we’ll be right back up our feets, even with these… unsavoury collars on.”

‘Thank you Mr. Exposition.’ Nick only thought, taking a spoonful of the glob.

“Of course, how did a popsicle hustler get to become the boss?” It was then that Nick spat his spoonful out.



Fluttershy stood on her hind legs, wearing a blue sundress now, watching Lionheart and the wolf, named Larry, talking to one another.

“Are you sure about this?” Lionheart asked. “If this is a bust, this will put a serious dent in my campaign.”

“It is, sir.” Larry replied. “Gary may get distracted from howling and some shiny objects, but he’s certain that whatever’s happening, it’s at the Oasis Casino.”

“Hm, well, unless we’re certain, we’re gonna have to send her and the two others while undercover.”

“Yeah… how are we gonna cover her wings?”

“I… don’t know. I thought they were fake, but they’re real, and I certainly don’t want to hurt the key to my success.”

“... And the freedom for predators, right?”

“Uh, yes, also that.”

“Um, excuse me,” Fluttershy spoke, waddling to them rather adorably. “If it helps, I can wear a backpack to cover my wings. It’s not gonna hurt, and I’m sure my friends and I are going to carry some important stuff around, like evidence.”

“Yes! Give her a backpack! Camelback, if it’s available.”

“Yes, sir!” Some other wolves spoke from right behind Fluttershy, making her jump with a squeak.

“And as for you, Larry.” Lionheart pointed at the informer. “You and your friend are going to bail those two officers out, and have them go undercover our pony here.”

“On it.” He nodded, pulling a cellphone and dialing it, walking away to get some space. Lionheart turned to Fluttershy.

“I don’t want to make you worried, but you and your friends only have about five days to solve this case. If I know my citizens well, many of them don’t vote until the final day, and hopefully, this new program won’t go into full force.” Fluttershy nervously swallowed.

“A-And if we don’t?”

“You’re quite smart. You know what happens.” A shiver fell down Fluttershy’s spine, making her tingle all over. It was then that Larry came back and hung his phone.

“Alright, Gary’s on it.” He spoke. “Shall we take the car?”

“Oh yes,” Lionheart answered. “Take the car.”

“...The car?” Fluttershy asked.

Turns out, the car was a rather crummy, beetle-like vehicle that was going VERY slow. Despite being a fan of slow herself, the pegasus kinda wanted Flash with his car back, as they’d most likely arrive there in a few minutes instead of what felt like hours. All she could do was at least admire the sight of the city… even if she was going to see each building for more than ten minutes. In that case, all she could do was dose off and at least rest her eyes until they picked up Nick and Judy.

As soon as Nick and Judy laid in their own bed, they both had some ideas on how to escape their cell. For Nick, it was more than likely going to smooth talk his way to get some guys to do what he wanted, and for Judy, it probably had more to do with acrobatics and avoiding getting caught. But, as luck would have it, a guard came to their cells and told them they were being bailed out from someone who claims to be their friend. It was confusing, to say the least, but they took it, both seeing their bailer was one of the wolves that Judy made them howl when they busted Lionheart’s operation. Unfortunately, for Nick, he had to keep on wearing the collar around his neck. An awkward silence fell, but that was short as they walked out and saw each other.

“Nick!” Judy screamed, running to the fox.

“Judy!” Nick replied, running to her. They both gave each other a large, warm hug before releasing each other.

"Nick... is that-?"

"Yeah. I wanted it off, but I can't."

"Oh... oh my gosh... that's horrible!"

"Oh yeah, but I have some good news."

"Same thing here!"

“We have to go to the Oasis Casino!” They spoke in unison. An awkward silence fell as they stared at each other. Then the car with Fluttershy opened, revealing the pegasus, who ran out and hugged the two in what could be considered a death grip for the two.

“Oh, I’m so sorry for this!” She spoke with a tear falling down. “I shouldn’t have drunk any of those drinks! I’ll make it up to you two somehow! Please, forgive me!” The sound of wheezing only came from the two. “Oh dear! Sorry!” She released the two. “Um, I don’t know want to sound rude, but we have to get to the Oasis Casino and-”

“We know.” Nick and Judy spoke.

“... Oh… really?” They nodded. She only blushed. “Right… uh… sorry for that. But you know why?”

“The boss has something to do with Louis.” Judy spoke.

“And I know the boss, actually.” Nick added.

“You do?” Both ladies asked.

“Oh yeah. We go way back.” Some honking was heard from the car.

“Let’s go!” Larry spoke. The white wolf that got Nick and Judy out of jail entered the car’s passenger seat.

“Oh! I forgot to say this,” Fluttershy said. “But Lionheart’s doing his best to support us, but we only have 5 days to complete this case.”

“5 days!?” Nick and Judy asked in shock.

“... Anyone else getting a serious case of Déjà Vu?” Nick asked. More honking.

“Come on!” Larry barked. The trio entered the car, buckling themselves in.

“To the casino!” Judy ordered. The car moved… at a snail’s pace.

“... You know I’m here, right?” Gary asked.

“Right, forgot about that.” Larry replied. He stepped on the gas peddle. The car went zooming away, leaving the trio to scream for their lives once again.

Author's Note:

Wow! I am SO sorry for the wait! Life's been taking MASSIVE dumps on me, and I'm trying to find myself a better paying job.

(Edit is Nick wearing the collar, in case you came from the next chapter.)