• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

The new assignment

Fluttershy woke up early in the morning with Judy. The pegasus quickly learned that Judy believed in arriving to work early. While in most mornings, Fluttershy would believe that this is too early, but considering the fact that she had nothing to do and was in a world inhabited by animals, this was alright for her. She walked along with Judy, but were quite surprised to see their neighbors staring down each other in utter silence, even with noticeable bags under their eyes. Nonetheless, they walked to the ZPD building.

“So, Fluttershy,” Judy spoke. “Do you plan on living here?”

“Live here?” She replied. “Oh, I-I don't know, Miss. I mean… I'm sure my friends will arrive soon; Twilight's great with magic, so she may arrive… but… oh dear!”


“What if she can't!? What if she can't find me!? Only she knows dimension traveling, and even then, it's only with one other world! Oh my goodness! What if I'm stuck here!?” She sweated hard and began to hyperventilate. “What am I going to do here!?”


“I-I-I Can't do any other jobs involving with animals like home! I don't have any bits! Oh, they wouldn't accept bits either way!”


“Everypony I know is going to miss me! Equestria may be in danger and I won't be there to help! What if-”

“Fluttershy!” This got her to stop. Judy took in a deep breath. “Deep breaths, girl. Take take deep breaths.” Fluttershy followed as Judy instructed. “Alright, I have no idea what your friends are doing, nor do I know if they'll be able to find you.”

“You...you think they'll forget about me?”

“What!? No! Nonono… I mean, it's best to be prepared if you're going to be stuck here.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“You're going to be with me for a while, okay? I'll most likely be open, and I'm going to help you find a job around here.”

“A job? Like what?”

“Any job you want. It's your responsibility if you get it. And, perhaps later, if you're still here, I'll help you find a place to live in.”

“Like a new home?”

“Yeah… like a new home.” Fluttershy smiled. She reached down and gave Judy a warm hug.

“Th-thank you, Judy. I won't let you down.” Judy hugged back.

“I know you won't. It won't take long. You promise you won't do anything like what you did last night?” Fluttershy released Judy

“Oh! I Pinkie Promise!” She did the motions as she promised. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” In her mind, she could tell that Pinkie noticed that.

“Another thing one of your friends do?”

“More or less.” She nodded.

The two arrived into the building and, as Fluttershy expected, multiple officers were around, all either entering or exiting the building, walking through the lit hallways with files, stood around with some morning coffee & donuts, or chatting with their coworkers. Nick exited out of the break room, sipping on some fresh coffee himself,and approached to the two.

“Ahh~... There are my favorite ladies.” He spoke in his usual sly tone. “How was Carrots’ apartment, Hayseed?”

“... It was nice.” Fluttershy simply replied. “I really liked the view of the city at night.”

“I bet you would. So, ready to start the day, carrots?”

“You know I always am.” Judy replied with a smirk. “And today, we're-”

“HOPPS!!! WILDE!!!” Bogo shouted from above them. “Office! Now!”

“... Oh dear,” Fluttershy spoke. “He sounded angry.”

“That’s his usual tone, Hayseed.” Nick replied, finishing the rest of his coffee. “Ah… that hit the spot. Enjoy yourself, Hayseed. It's free for officers and guests, as yourself.” He proceeded to walk up the stairs, followed by Judy. Fluttershy’s stomach growled and, not wanting to seem rude, entered the break room. Yesterday, she noticed how tall and large most of the predators were. Today is like that, except they were in Police uniforms, and many of the furniture stood taller than her. It was intimidating, to say the least, but she treaded onwards, both to cure her hunger and because she knew how to handle animals back home. She flapped her wings and landed on a table, and seized herself a delectable treat, taking bites with noticeable ‘Noms’. Many of the officers saw her, rolled their eyes, and continued on with their routine. All, except one; Clawhauser. He walked over and leaned towards her, all with the same warm smile like last night.

“... Oh dear.” She spoke to herself, realizing what he was going to say.

In Bogo’s office, the same office where Judy got her chance to be an officer, Judy and Nick sat on their seats while Bogo sat on his.

“Do you know why I brought you both here?” He asked sternly.

“Someone found out you're a Gazelle fan?” Nick asked with a chuckle.

“Very funny, Officer Wilde. No, this is not that.”

“What is this about, Chief?” Judy asked.

“Well, Officer Hopps, I'm certain you two can handle this. You both listen to the news?”

“Involving the Nighthowler incidents, sir?”

“That is correct. I didn't want to tell either of you this, but all of these ‘incidents’ are linked together.”


“Is because they're all predators?” Nick asked.

“More than just that, Wilde.” Bogo replied. “All of those predators on the news were either undercover officers or day-off medical staff from various hospitals. Someone, either in this very building, or somewhere else, is hacking into the ZPD files and making sure they go savage before anything about their whereabouts are uncovered and giving predators a bad look simultaneously.” Both Judy and Nick blinked in silence.

“Uh… chief?” Judy spoke. “I'm not sure if you've done this, but have you-”

“Sent prey out as undercover officers? Yes, Officer Hopps, I've had. They're gone.”

“Gone?” Nick asked, intrigued. “What do you mean by ‘Gone’?”

“Gone. Nothing left behind. All known undercover prey officers have simply vanished without a trace. I'm in hot water here, and not only are there less officers, but there aren't a lot of hospital staff to bring back our officers back into the field.”

“What do you need us to do, Chief?” Judy asked.

“Hand over your uniforms.” This got both of them to jump.


“You're both going undercover for this assignment.”

“But Chief!” Judy began.

“No ‘buts’! Hopps, Wilde… this is for your safety. Your job is to find the locations of our missing officers, find out who's hacking our files, and stop these attacks. Now, to keep you safe, you're both going to be ‘Fired’ for the rest of this operation. Keep your badges and radios, but turn in the rest of your equipment. Now… you have 144 hours to complete this, or else you're both REALLY fired.” Nick and Judy awkwardly stared at Bogo, then to each, and back. They both stuttered. Bogo smiled. “Just kidding!” They both awkwardly laughed.

“Oh… thank goodness!” Judy exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Nick added. “For a second there, you got us good again, Chief!”

“But seriously… turn in your equipment.”

“I can’t believe this!” Judy said. “Give up our uniforms?! How would that work?!”

“Come on Carrots, let’s just get this over with.” The two of them headed to the break room to tell Fluttershy the news. When they got there, nearly every officer was lying around in a dog pile taking a nap. They look over at Fluttershy doing the same. Nick smirked and quickly took a picture with his phone, with Judy groaning in disappointment. She went over to wake everyone up.

“Alright! Up and at ‘em!” Judy announced.

Fluttershy stirred a bit and awoke with a silent yawn. She stretched like a cat and looked towards the pile of sleeping cops. She blushed with a cute little squee, jumping off as the officers began to wake up. Judy crossed her arms, tapping her right foot rapidly. This got Fluttershy to look down in shame.

“Oh… I'm sorry, Miss Judy.” She apologized. “Clawhauser told everyone about last night and… well… I can't say no to them… and I can't stop myself from snuggling them. They were so cute!”

“... Fluttershy… we're going on a dangerous assignment, and, though I promised you, we're going to put your job hunting on hold.”

“Oh… okay. W-what are we doing.”

“Various undercover prey officers have gone missing, all looking for the source and locations where Nighthowlers are grown. You know anything about Nighthowlers?”

“No, ma'am. Um… other than yesterday with that wolf, no, I don't.”

“Nighthowler is a type of plant that, when processed into pellets, can turn any animal back to their primitive and feral ancestry. So far, it's used on predators, as that wolf from yesterday, and whoever is kidnapping our prey officers are also targeting undercover and off duty medical predators.”

“Oh dear! Who would do such a thing!?”

“That’s what we're going to find out: You, Nick, and I are going to find out!”

“Me!? B-but why!?”

“You tamed that wolf like it was nothing! With you around, not only are we going to be safe around any feral turned predators, but we can reach places that'd be hard to get to. Plus… you may want to keep an eye on Nick.”

“What was that, Carrots?” Nick asked, somehow in a green, leaf patterned Polo Shirt, with tan cargo pants, and adjusting a striped blue and red tie around his neck.

“... How did you change so fast?” Fluttershy asked.

“I have my ways, Hayseed. Now, what did you mean by that, Carrots? Still having some trust issues?”

“No, Nick, there are no issues.” Judy replied. “I'm just concerned about you, and unless you have more blueberries… “

“Hm… fair enough.”

“So, Fluttershy, care to join us?” Fluttershy tapped her hooves together.

“Um… well… I-”

“Let me handle this.” Nick said, walking next to Fluttershy. “Now, Hayseed, I know this is a bit overwhelming at first, and trust me, it is. But, I ask you this: Do you really want some jerk to get rid of our officers and ridicule us predators?”

“Um… no, but-”

“And do you really want some innocent civilians hurt in the process?”

“Well… no, but I-”

“AND… do you want the guilt to be with you forever, all because you were too afraid to help us find and stop this or these culprits?” This got Fluttershy to stare, shake a bit, and swallow hard. “Now… I'll ask you kindly… would you like to join us?”

“Um… well… oh sweet Celestia… yes! I want to help!”

“Well that's great, glad you joined the party. Now, our first order of business is to let Carrots here change into some more casual clothing, and find our first lead.”

“Oh… right. Uh… see you in a bit!” Nick and Fluttershy walked out of the break room, then outside of the ZPD building.

After some time, Judy came out of the building, wearing a pink, plaid, button up shirt and denim jeans. In her left paw was a manila folder filled with papers and pictures of the various kidnapped officers and affected predators. She looked a bit down, though Nick patted her shoulder.

“There, there,” he soothed. “If it makes you feel better, this makes you look even cuter.”

“...Thanks, Nick.” She replied with a warm smile, hugging him back. “It's kind of strange, seeing you wear the same clothes when we first met.”

“When you blackmailed me for tax evasion? Oh yeah, this brings back those memories.”

“...You blackmailed Mr. Wilde!?” Fluttershy asked in shock. This got the two to laugh.

“It's a long story.” Judy answered.

“And we've since gone over that.” Nick added, leaning on Judy's head.

“Heh… so where should we start, Nick?”

“Easy; Smellweather.”

“Smellweather?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nick, that's going to take forever.” Judy spoke.

“On paws and hooves, maybe,” Nick replied, pulling out his cellphone and clicking on it. “But I'm prepared.” A loud screech was heard, followed by a red, smooth and slick looking red car arriving to them at blinding speeds. Fluttershy and Judy gasped, followed by the two hiding behind Nick. The car stopped, just inches right next to the three. With a closer look, Fluttershy read the license plate that spelled ‘FST NML’, which may be short for ‘Fast Animal’. However, Judy gasped at the sight.

“Nick! You did not just-!?”

“I have, and I've done it. He's our Zuber.”

“Zuber?” Fluttershy asked. The car window rolled down, revealing a sloth in a button up, long sleeve green shirt with a striped orange and blue tie.

“Need… a… lift?” He asked slowly.

“We do, Flash, my main mammal.” Nick replied.

“Hop… right… in.” He reached over to unlock the car doors… but it was slow. Fluttershy remained patient, but Judy wasn't, giving Nick a look of disappointment.

“...What!? Like I said, he may be a sloth, he's the fastest guy I know.”

“I just hope we don't get killed for this.” Judy replied with a grunt, entering the vehicle as it's doors were unlocked. Fluttershy followed, though Nick sat in the passenger's side.

“Where… to… Nick?” Flash asked.

“County prison.” Nick answered. “Gotta give someone a special visit.”

“Gotcha… seatbelts… on… please… and hold… on… tight.” As he said that, Judy buckled herself in, but stopped to see Fluttershy struggling with the seatbelt. She quickly buckled her in before focusing on herself. As soon as they were buckled in, Flash stepped on the peddle… into a sudden burst of speed, pushing back the two ladies. Fluttershy couldn't scream, feeling as if the impact took all the wind out of her, but Judy, meanwhile, only screamed one thing.


Author's Note:

Sorry if this felt forever, folks. Had some busy stuff IRL. Sorry again if this felt short, but my computer deleted most of the work and I needed the help of Sodokubrony to help make a replacement, since, I won't lie, if something flops, I go Jontron on it.

More will come, and we'll get more of the mystery going, so don't go too crazy on me.