• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

Easier said than done.

Nearly an hour later, and Betsy began moving. The loud whirring of Betsy's engine made Fluttershy squeak and fly above out of fear and instinct. This only made Nick snicker at the sight and Judy to roll her eyes. Fluttershy blushed and took her seat. She braced herself as the boat moved at a fast pace, greater than the trains back home. Honey saw them leave, but also Fluttershy flying.

“... The end of the world is here.” She muttered to herself before pulling out a sign that read, ‘The End is Neigh’.

The transition from the Meadowlands to the Marsh lands was noticeable. Instead of the otherwise quiet and bright fields, it was a loud and dark area that was also humid. The sound of frogs croaking, insects buzzing, and alligator hissing was imminent.

“Are there alligators here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nah, that's just various machines with recorded sounds.” Nick answered. “Though there are plenty of frogs and bugs around. Ow!” he slapped his neck, presumably bit by a mosquito.

“Glad I'm prepared for this.” Judy spoke, pulling out some bug repellant and spraying herself with it. “Need aaaa…” She froze as Fluttershy rubbed herself with mud, running her dress. Despite being covered in it, the Pegasus’s eyes popped out of the mud.

“... It's a natural repellent.” She simply spoke.

“... Right…” Nick replied, staying away from the mud dripping off of Fluttershy. “When that dries off, we're gonna have to get you a new dress… and a really hard scrub.”

They kept driving, passing by some locals, who were also driving airboats, though a couple used regular boats. Fluttershy noticed that the majority of the locals were predators and, though they were in the same outfits as those in the Meadowlands, they were, for a lack of better words, dirty. However, they approached to the town, noticed by it's bright lights and Prench looking architecture.

“Looks like this is our stop.” Nick said, still slapping the insects trying to bite him. He parked Betsy on the deck nearby and they made their way into the town. Fluttershy quickly wiped herself free from the dried up mud and noticed that the sound of the insects and frogs croaking went deaf as smooth Jazz played all over them. They walked into town, seeing more animals seemingly in a huge party with the jazz music now loud and upbeat. Both Fluttershy and Judy had a curious look on their faces.

“It's not even Mardi Gras...” Judy spoke after looking after her watch.

“I know that,” Nick answered. “This happens every month. And some advice: don't drink anything.”

“Hm?” Fluttershy muffled as she drank a tankard. “What did you say? And why do I feel funny?”

“I rest my case.”

“... How long is that going to last?” Judy asked. Nick shrugged.

“Who knows. But judging by Hayseed’s look, I'll probably say… an hour or two.” He waved his paw in front of her face. “You ok, Hayseed?”

Fluttershy stared while wobbling to keep her balance. Whatever was in that drink, affected her almost immediately and the world began to turn while she saw double. Unbeknownst to the group, some animals pulled their phones and recorded Fluttershy as she stumbled in her steps, now lacking any sense of balance… and intelligence.

“Oh… hey… Nickel…” She mumbled. “You look funny… like a wolf.” Nick sighed in slight annoyance.

“This is going to be a tough one.” He grumbled to himself. “Come on, Hayseed, can you follow instructions?” His answer came in Fluttershy giving a salute, which was followed by her falling over and rolling onto Judy.

“Hey! Get off!” Judy struggled.

“So… comfy.” Fluttershy spoke, keeping the rabbit officer in a tight hug. Judy kept struggling, barely budging out of the mare's near Iron grip. Nick grabbed Judy's paws and pulled her out. He snapped his paws, getting her attention.

“Hm? Wha-!?”

“Focus, Hayseed.” Nick spoke. “You remember what we're doing?”

“... I'm… gonna use… The stare.”

“... Close enough. Hopefully, this'll be over pretty fast. Come on.” Nick lead the way with Judy up front. Fluttershy, however, clumsily followed with a hard lack of Hoof-Eye-coordination.


The trio made their way to a rally, seeing Ms. Swine on stage, with a coonhound wearing a cast on his right arm, with something cube-like under a blanket next to her. Unlike the town of the marshlands, this part was filled with cheap looking houses, surrounded and over the swampy floors below.

“My fellow citizens,” Swine began in a professional tone. “I understand that a majority of you are predators, and you want a good reason to attend here and not join the party.”

“Darn Tootin’!” A Bloodhound yelled.

“And I'm certain that, like my other rallies, you'll find this law to be controversial.” The crowd bursted with shouts.

“Why should I wear a stupid collar!?”

“This ain't part of our rights!”

“Go soak your head in mud!”

“Any *HIC* pony have more?” Fluttershy hiccuped with a tankard. Judy smacked it out of her hooves.

“Stop it!” she scolded. Fluttershy responded by another hug.

“Rest assured to you all,” Swine continued. “This is not a means to take away your freedom, but to protect your family and loved ones from yourself. Mr. Cooper, please, explain.” She stepped off as the Coonhound stood and took the stand.

“Uh… hello.” he spoke in a shy, but also down to earth tone. “Like you all, I too found this to be ridiculous, but overtime, there are benefits I found to consider. More specifically, right after… an incident.” A sheep wearing a vest & glasses, with considerably more wool, came on stage and pulled the sheets off of the cube. Inside was another fox, but now, it was feral, snarling everywhere and scratching the walls, attempting to get out and hunt. The crowd gasped and stood back with murmurs. “This is… or rather, was, my best friend, Tod. I don't know who'd want to hurt my friend, but it happened during our fishing and… and…” He began to tear up. Ms. Swine stood up and patted his back.

“It's okay… it's not your fault.” She cooed before turning to the rally. “You see, someone must do something to stop these acts of terror and I am the one who's doing that. Wooly, if you please.” The same sheep saluted before putting on some armor, most of the wool disappearing and obscuring his eyes under the helmet. He pulled out a snare pole that ended with the collar. The sheep quickly opened a hatch and put the collar and pole into which the Fox began to bite the pole with more snarling. Soon, the collar was connected to the fox’s neck, seemingly locking up on itself, and beeped with green, yellow, and red lights. It began to only glow red, and a huge shock came to the Fox, making it yelp in pain and let go. A series of shocks came as the fox continued to snarl, but, after a few seconds, it cowered in a corner and stopped, looking more miserable.

“This is so cruel.” Judy commented.

“I want more fireworks.” Fluttershy slurred. Swine took the stand.

“Now, most of you predators are in the mindset of, “What about our freedom!?” or, “Think of the children!” Well with these collars there are benefits. If you can recall of the Night Howlers, these collars can fully stop all ancestral instincts in all predators. We, as a city, don't want another surprise attack by a Feral predator! It's time for protection!” The same sheep from earlier came back and whispered into her ear as the crowd was in a mix between cheering and booing.

“Hopefully, she's not going to be elected.” Nick commented.

“Oh she won't.” Judy added. Swine left the stand. “Alright, let's see where she's going.”


Ms. Swine and her sheep assistant were inside one the local, fancy hotels, with her taking a mud bath and her assistant ready with a towel. Her campaign has been bumpy, but she was confident that she was going to be elected mayor. Sure, the predators weren't going to be too happy with her, but she needs only the mass majority, I.E., the prey votes. Things were going to change.

Knock knock.

She stood up from her bath, covered in mud from head to toe.

“That must be the wine I ordered.” She said aloud before snapping. Her assistant walked to the door, but-


The door was kicked open. Entering was an average sized rabbit wearing a pink button up shirt and blue jeans, a fox wearing a green & yellow, palm tree printed button up shirt and cargo pants, and a small, butter yellow horse with pink mane and matching tail, wearing a yellow dress and wore wings. She was probably dressing up as her favorite character from an anime.

“Mrs. Swine! You are under arrest! Get down on the ground and put your hooves behind your head!” Judy shouted, pulling out some standard issue handcuffs.

“On what charges?” Swine asked.

“On the charges of causing political conspiracy, oppression of predators, and the disappearances of prey officers and assaults on predator officers! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning!” Swine sat in the mud bath, looking at the Trio with an unsatisfied look, but smirked.

“And do you have any evidence?”

“We do,” Nick replied, turning to Fluttershy. “Go get ‘er, Hayseed!”

“*Hic!*” Fluttershy hiccuped, taking large, unconditioned steps to Swine, before falling into the mud bath with a loud ‘Splat’. She giggled as she lifted her head, making snort noises. “Look, little bro! I'm a piggy! Oink, oink!” Swine gave a skeptical look before turning to an annoyed one.

“How amusing.” she deadpanned.

“... Uh… that's not how it's supposed to go, Hayseed.” Nick spoke, looking into the mud pit before turning to Judy. “A little help here, Carrots?”

“No!” Judy replied. “This is my favorite shirt!”

“Ah! Now you both look familiar!” Swine spoke, snapping her left hoof. The sheep that was with her quickly grabbed and put a gown onto her as she stood up, quickly covering her otherwise naked body. “Officers Hopps and Wild, the ZPD’s most unlikely duo. I must say, I really loved what you did with my old friend, Bellwether, and how you exposed her as the one behind the missing mammals and Nighthowlers.”

“And we know that you're behind this!” Judy glared.

“Me? What have I've done?”

“You're behind the disappearances and Nighthowler incidents of our undercover officers.” Nick replied. “It only made sense, what with Smellwether’s lackeys in your house before it was burned down by you trigger happy friend.”

“Friend? Oh, you silly fox, I am a pig of high standards, but there's no way that I'd stoop to such levels. … And what did you say that my house was burnt down?”

“Yes!” Judy yelled. “Burnt down because you don’t want anyone to see that there’s a Nighthowler lab in your basement!” Judy demanded.

“What!? A Nighthowler lab in my home!?”

“Don't play innocent! We saw it with our own eyes! And your shooter!”

“... Wooly? Did you know about this?”

“No ma'am.” The sheep spoke in a high pitch, squeaky, but also bland tone that didn’t show much expression.

“Liar!” Nick barked. “Those guys were making Nighthowlers, and you knew about it!”

“I'm afraid not, sir.” He pulled out a folder from his wool, handing it to them. “In my experience, I've excelled in English, Mathematics, History, and physical education. However, as much as it pains me, I was bad in science.” Judy took the folder from him and opened it. Inside was the sheep’s education in his life, from grade school, all the way to Harvard; Everywhere, there were A’s, but, under general science and expansions, were C’s and D’s.

“... Then why were they in that house?” Judy asked. Wooly took the folder back and put it back in his wool.

“Reformation program that Swine allowed me to do. They were my friends and needed a place to stay. Swine allowed them to stay in the house and we've been moving some things out.”

“And you burnt my house down?” Swine asked, now in a suit.

“No!” Judy replied. “Your shooter did! The one you paid for!” Again, Wooly pulled out another folder, this time, it was filled with accounts and numbers.

“I keep track of her money. So far, she's only been paying me as her assistant… unless you're assuming I'm her shooter.”

“Uh… you don’t look like… well…”

“A wolf.” Nick interrupted. “But you probably paid him. Why’d you have him shoot your friends with Nighthowler!?”


“...What?” Wooly asked, his tone going a bit more confused. “Someone shot my friends with Nighthowler?”

“Uh… y-yes.” Judy answered. “They’re in the hospital right now, getting the treatment, but it’s going to-”

“Enough!” Swine spoke up, hanging up a cellphone in her hands. “I suggest you two leave now. I have an important client coming in.” She patted Wooly on his head. “And you wouldn’t like my assistant when he’s angry.”

“Oh no,” Nick replied. “We aren’t going anywhere, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“...Really? Not even with a reality check that you’re crooked cops?”

“What!?” Judy asked “We’re not crooked!”

“You can tell yourself that, but the truth is right here.” Swine pulled out yet another folder right out of Wooly’s wool, tossing various photos at Judy’s feet “Ms. Judy Hopps, top of your class and first rabbit officer. Though you did solve your missing mammals case in the 72 hours provided by Chief Bogo, you believed yourself to be above the law by blackmailing your future partner, Nick Wilde, searching without a warrant in various locations, including yesterday, and becoming associated with a notorious crime boss, or shall I say, Tundra Town’s Mr. Big.”

Judy gave a blank stare that shattered her own mind. It was one thing to see that even she was prejudiced against Nick, but to be told that she’s a crooked cop… that’s a whole other level of disappointment in her.

“Hey! Can it, bacon!” Nick barked. “There is no way Judy is crooked as you said! She saved Mr. Big’s daughter and became friends; she didn’t seek him and join him.”

“Of course she didn’t.” Swine replied, now sounding pretty disturbing while in a calm tone. “But we know you did with plenty of years of tax evasion. So you’re probably more of the crooked one, fox, especially with… her.” Fluttershy was in the mud making what could only be described as ‘Mud Angels’. “Illegally bringing, and using, an immigrant for both of your case. I must say, she’s developing quite the reputation as a violator to all animal rights with her brain washing techniques, especially while dressed up as one of her favorite Anime characters. Do you watch anime? I don’t know who she’s dressed up as.”

“... That’s… her regular look.”

“... Hm, to each their own, I guess. And how old is she? She looks quite young to be intoxicated.”

“Uh… twenty one?”

“I’m twenty, piggy!” Fluttershy mumbled, flopping onto the ground, covered head to toe in mud. “Zephy! The monster is *hic!* coming!” Both Nick and Judy’s eyes widened.

“Oh sweet cheese and crackers.” Judy swore.

“You’re right.” Swine spoke. “This is going to be serious jail time for all of you.”

“Oh yeah!?” Nick replied. “How so.”

“Voicemail.” Wooly spoke, pulling out a phone from his wool, which was on call the whole time, dialed to 911. Both Nick and Judy felt like they were punched hard in the metaphorical face.

“Busted.” Swine mocked. “Oh, and just to let you know, I’m also one of Zootopia’s best lawyers.” She pulled out a purse from Wooly, showing them her licence. “And that deer you interrupted yesterday? He’s one of my top clients. It’s his word against yours.” Another metaphorical punch.

“W-We better get going!” Nick stuttered. As if the stars were aligned and against them, the sound of police sirens arrived outside. “... Oh pooh.”

It didn’t take long for the officers to come in and arrest the three. Both Judy and Nick followed the orders, not wanting more charges and jail time on them, though Fluttershy had to wear some cloth over her large eyes, worried that she may use her stare to get one of their best officers to let her out and aid in her escape. But, being intoxicated didn’t make her seem much of a criminal mastermind now, though it was better safe than sorry. The real deal breaker was that Chief Bogo was there, giving a stern, near furious look at the trio. It was enough to make Judy tear up as she sat in the back of the police cruiser with Nick.

“... Hopefully, she won’t be elected.” Nick spoke, patting Judy’s head, attempting to help her feel a bit better. Their car drove, bringing them to the closest holding station before court began.

Bogo clenched his forehead, sighing in anger.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid.” He muttered to himself. His phone rang. As much as he wanted to ignore it, Bogo picked it up. “Chief Bogo.”

“Is the horse with you?” A familiar voice on the other line spoke.

“... Sir? What do you-?”

“Is that horse still with you?”

“... Yes.”

“What are you going to do with her?”

“We’re going to find out which country she came from and deport her there. I was so stupid, sir. I should’ve-”

“Bring her to me.”

“... Sir?”

“Bring her to me, Chief. I’d like to get to know her myself. Nothing else.”

“... Is this like the missing mammals case, sir?”

“Oh no, nonono. I think we can help each other this time, Bogo. I expect to meet her in the next twelve hours. Understand?

“... Yes, sir.”

Author's Note:

FINALLY!!! A CHAPTER!!! WHOO!!! Hopefully, it'll be worth all the weight. And with this over, the next chapter shouldn't painstakingly take forever to make.