• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

Feeling Foxy

After another near death experience with a speeding vehicle, which made Judy question about the traffic laws of Zootopia, they all had arrived to Sahara Square, and the Oasis Casino. The night made the casino’s all the brighter to Fluttershy, which was modeled to look like a palm tree. They were pulled in front the Oasis Casino, with Garry throwing Nick a trench coat, Judy some glasses, and Fluttershy a backpack.

“Put these on.” Larry instructed “You may be on a case, but we can’t afford any suspicion around.”

“So you’re having us put on these obvious, large clothes?” Nick asked.

“And you’re fine with showing everyone seeing that you’re wearing a shock collar?” Gary replied.

“... Fine.” All three put on their disguises and got out of the car, with Larry paying the valet to park their car somewhere. Fluttershy had only been in Las Pegasus once as a filly, and this place was about 10 times worst. Were it not for the fact that it was animals and not ponies around, she would just be cowering, as the many loud noises of the machines with the added groans and cheers of the patrons winning or losing was heard throughout the place. Judy lead the way.

“Alright, we just have to speak to the manager about this.” She spoke, leading the small group ahead to the Manager’s office. Fluttershy kept close to Judy’s back, practically hugging her like she would with Angel Bunny, much to the rabbit’s annoyance.

The group peaked over a corner, seeing the Manager was guarded by two zebras, both of which looked inverted from each other in their black and white stripe patterns.

“Zebras, eh?” Nick asked. “Thought he would use hyenas.”

“Actually, they’re all arrested.” Judy replied.


“I spoke with one of them. You probably didn’t see them.”

“No, I spoke with their entertainers.”


“Can we get going?” Larry asked, gently pushing Fluttershy to the zebras. “Go and do your thing.”

“M-me!?” Fluttershy asked, a sudden drop of fear made her shiver wildly. “B-but I can't-!”

“Did you just hear something?” One of the zebras asked.

“Sounded like it came from over there.” The other answered.

“Just get out there.” Larry shoved Fluttershy into the middle of the hallway. The butter yellow pegasus froze and shivered as she made eye contact with the zebras. Garry’s tail wagged excitedly.

“Ooh, I want to see this!” The two zebras saw Fluttershy with a confused look. The left one pulled out a radio.

“Hey, security, we have a lost filly. ” The one guard with the radio spoke. “Yellow coat, pink mane, wearing a blue backpack with dress.

“..... I-I,.....” Fluttershy tried to speak. It only resulted in her stuttering with her words, with her knees shaking, and teeth clacking.

“... Is that how she does it?” Garry asked.

“No, not at all.” Judy replied.

“Miss, did you lose your parents?” One of the zebra guards asked. Fluttershy just fell to the floor and whimpered, covering her face with her hooves. The two guards were dumbfounded looking at each other, not sure what to do.

“Miss, please don’t panic.” One guard kneeled down itching his head not sure what to do. The other face palmed and carefully picked Fluttershy up.

“It’s ok miss, will help you find your parents.” Fluttershy looked up at them and teared up, the two guards and Fluttershy walked away from the door with Fluttershy looking back at her friends. Nick groaned and walked out.

“Oh, there you are, Sweetie!” Nick spoke, acting like a father. “How many times have we told you.”

“Is this filly yours?” One zebra asked. His eyebrow raised suspiciously looking at the fox.

“Oh yes, yes she is.” Nick spoke. “She’s my sweet little baby girl.” The guards didn’t look like they were buying it both of them seemed to not trust the fox unhappy grins were stretching across their faces.

“Oh sweetie you found her.” Judy walked up to Nick. Nick blanked a bit confused but kept up the sway.
“Thank you both so much for finding our daughter.” Judy smiled brightly.

“Um,... Wait a rabbit, a fox, and a filly?” One of the zebras asked scratching his head in confusion.

“We’re… a progressive family.” Nick replied. “My wife and I meet at work and we just couldn’t stop loving each other, right sweetheart?”

“Yep I just couldn’t stay away from his handsome devil.” Judy reach over wrapping her arm around Nick’s shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Nick blushed a bit a light red blush forming under his copper fur. “And our sweet little girl, she was all alone in the orphanage,...” Judy worked up some tears.

“We just couldn’t leave her there, she needed a mommy and daddy that would love her and take care of her.” The guards stern behavior had seemed to have washed over by some sympathy to the couple and the filly.

“Well,...” One of the guards hiccuped. Fluttershy ran to Nick and Judy scooping them both up in a hug both Judy and Nick were surprised by this, but kept up the act.

“Oh mommy, daddy I’m sorry I wondered off.” Fluttershy whimpered squeezing them both in her tight hug, they both looked like they were running out of breath.

“It’s,... ok,... Sweetheart....” Nick managed to say while gasping for air.

“Well alright, just keep an eye on your daughter please. We don’t need kids wandering around this big place.” One guard put some sunglasses on hiding some of the tears in his eyes.

“Thank you,.... G-gentlemen.” Judy managed to speak. Fluttershy stood letting Judy and Nick gasp for air. “Ok sweetheart let’s go now.” They walked between the guards before walking into the manager’s office, locking the door behind them.

“... Wait a minute!” The other guard yelled, suddenly realizing what just happened.

“I don’t really know, but I’m gonna call mom and tell her I love her.” The one guard wearing the sunglasses hiccuped.

“...Not what I had in mind,” Larry said. “But it worked.”

“...Should we handle these two guys?” Gary asked.

“Yeah. We should.”

Judy, Nick and Fluttershy walked into the office. It was a large room with many exercises on the walls, swords from foreign countries, paintings of jungles, and a small planted tree in the corner of the room, with it’s branches having grown out, almost like it would go through the roof.

“Ok, before we start,” Nick spoke. “You can handle any big, terrifying creature, but you can’t handle other horses!?”

“I-I,.. I’m sorry Mr. Nick,....” Fluttershy whimpered. “I thought I told you all.”

“Hey it’s ok kiddo.” Nick put a paw on her shoulder. “We all have our weaknesses.”

“Look alive.” Judy whispered pointing to the desk with the large black chair turned to the wall. They slowly made their way to the wooden desk, both of them not sure what to Judy walked up and knocked on the desk.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Do not disturb me when I’m listening to my music!” A deep voiced boomed throughout the room making Fluttershy jump.

“S-Sir,... We need your help.” Judy asked. The chair slowly began to turn both Judy, Nick and Fluttershy backed up not sure what or who would be on the other side of this chair. The chair turned and facing the three was a small, baby fox.

“Oh! A puppy!” Fluttershy cheered, picking up the baby and cooing with him.

“No! Hayseed!” Nick yelled. “That’s-!”

“What the-!? Who does this girl think she is!?” The ‘Puppy’ shouted in that deep voice. Fluttershy let out an eep and dropped the fox, the small canine flopped down onto his desk shaken by the sudden full body squeeze. Dusting himself off and fixing his suit he looked up at the three tall animals, looking very displeased.

“Wait, Finnick runs the casino now?” Judy asked.

“Yeah, I was surprised when I heard that as well.” Nick replied.

“Yeah. See where husslin’ will take ya?” Finnick replied with a sly grin. “So what‘cho want? Here to find a better job than being a part of the fuzz?”

“Uh… sorry, we’re here for something rather important, something that a certain duo spoke of.”

“And what the old boss and head of security had.” Judy added, giving a stern look. Finnick gave a worried look.

“Oh no, I am NOT touching on that!” He spoke. “There’s no way I’m going to risk going behind bars for ‘doing the right thing’.”

“It won’t be like that, Finnick, I promise.” Nick spoke up.

“Nah! I’m not gonna risk it, you guys go find someone else to be the fall guy!”

“Oh please Mr. Finnick. Please.” Fluttershy asked her eyes grew wide giving the small fox a whimper.

“No. N. O.” Judy impatiently tapped her foot.

“Might as well do it.” She spoke.

“Do what? That thing you do with your eyes? I’ve seen the video, and I can say, that’s completely-” Fluttershy opened her eyes and did the Stare on Finnick. Finnick jumped at the sudden change in the pony making him fall backwards.

“Hey,... Stop that!” Finnick had a look of horror on his face as Fluttershy started, almost to the point that she was directly looking into his soul. The world around his eyes darkened as he felt himself falling down into the abyss. Finnick shuttered trying to back away but only finding the edge of his desk he shivered and curled up in small fluffy ball. Fluttershy stopped and then gently picked him, holding him like a baby.

“It’s alright, it’s alright, I’m sorry I didn’t want to that.” She cooed rubbing his back bringing his tiny form to her cheek giving him more gentle pets trying to stop the shivering from the small ball of fluff.

“Um,.. Maybe we went to far?” Judy looked at Nick confused.

“Ugh! Fine! Fine!” Finnick growled pulling away from Fluttershy’s grasp, Fluttershy loosed and let him jump out. “Alright I’ll,... I’ll help… but to get away from her!” He walked around his desk and pulled some files out. “Alright, basically, the old boss, and a few of her close workers, were all connected to the guy you’re looking for, Louis.”

“We figured.” Nick replied.

“Yeah, anyways, when this whole thing started, the missing mammals cases, the one where you two got into, the old boss used the old underground system here, taking a shortcut through the nocturnal district, and to the docks of Outback island.”

“Wait, this is a huge path?” Judy asked.

“I don’t know. Never too it. But, they took this job from one of Bellweather’s contacts, and that contact knew Louis.”

“And who is this person!?” Finnick looked around nervously.

“... It’s-” The sounds of wolves snarling and some horse whines broke the conversation, followed by the doors falling down. Both zebras ran in, bucking everywhere, as Gary and Larry tried to bite down on their flanks. In the chaos, the familiar trenchcoat wearing wolf came in, firing at Finnick, making the small fox land on the floor and convulse.

“Get down!” Nick yelled, tackling Judy and Fluttershy out of the way, just dodging the onslaught of Night Howler pellets fired at them. Fluttershy saw the wolves starting to pin down the zebras, but they were bucked right off through the windows that lead to the casino floor. Screaming was quickly followed, as were loud howlings and snarls. Finnick, in his savage state, grabbed the files in his maw and shook it violently, ripping the papers into small pieces. The shooter ran away, disappearing into the broken hallways.

“Hey! Get back here!” Judy yelled, quick to run after them, but was held back by Fluttershy, who whimpered away by the sight of the zebras, destroying the office.

“We’ll handle him later!” Nick spoke, getting a prong and pointing it at Finnick. “Ok, buddy, I don’t want to hurt you, just gotta get the-” Finnick bit onto the metal prong, making a tug of war between the two. “Hey! Let go! Bad boy! Drop it!” Judy struggled to get out of Fluttershy’s grasp.

“Please, don’t let them hurt me!” She cried.

“I would, but I need… to… get… loose!” Judy strained herself out of Fluttershy’s grasp, passing by Nick, and jumping onto one of the Zebra’s backs, grabbing onto their mane, and yanking hard, making it turn around and run outside. The other followed, and Judy hopped off. She turned to see Nick still struggling with the now feral Finnick, having their tug of war with the prong. “Uh… Fluttershy? They’re gone. Can you help Nick?”

“Oh! Come here.” Fluttershy walked to Finnick and picked up the fox. Instantly, the small fox went feral to acting like a puppy, licking Fluttershy’s face, making her giggle. “D’aww, that’s a good boy!” Nick groaned.

“How are you so good with this and not equines?” He asked. Looking down, Judy saw the scrapped paper littered the carpet, and the file was all but destroyed, except for a special piece of paper, inside of a bag.

“Huh… what’s this?” She asked herself, taking the small bag out. Inside was a simple picture of a ship that, while looked normal, had a print of some flowers on the containers. Turning it around, she what looked like coordinates, reading 37.7749° N, 122.4194° W, and a note that said ‘Go to the coffee shop.’ “Coffee shop?”

“A clue you found?”

“Yeah, a helpful one, might I add.”

“Great. Seems we need to go to Outback island and-” Police sirens and helicopter whirls were heard outside.

“Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde!” The voice of Boggo yelled. “You’re under arrest! Come out with your paws up!”

“Or we can go back to jail... again.” Finnick jumped out of Fluttershy’s arms.

“What’s that, Finnick?” She asked.

“Hayseed! Now’s not the time for-” Fluttershy followed Finnick.

“Oh no! Fluttershy!” Judy followed after her.

“Why does nobody listen to me?” Nick asked himself, following them. Finnick clawed at a door, leading to the the janitor’s closet. Fluttershy opened the door, with Finnick running in. Nick and Judy saw this. “Really!? We’re surrounded, and Finnick needs to use the bathroom to-” Finnick’s yips were heard, followed by an echo.

“Ooh! Finnick found a secret path!” Fluttershy spoke, walking in. Nick just stared.

“I think we should follow the path now.” Judy said, walking ahead. Nick grumped to himself as he followed. Finnick pushed some stuff away with his head, turned, and sat down, yipping at a hole that was small enough for all three to walk through.

“Oh, good boy!” Fluttershy cooed, nuzzling the fox. “Who’s a good boy? Yes you is! Yes you is!” The sounds of officers rushing in. Finnick yipped and his ears dropped. “Right. We should go.”

Nick and Judy slipped through the hole with Fluttershy following behind, closing the janitor door and holding Finnick in her hooves. With only the light from Judy’s phone, their path forward was dark, and surprises were inbound.

Author's Note:

Ok, wow! I am SO sorry for such the delay! Tons of drama happened, and the holidays, and... whoo! I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly a good follow up after the half a year wait from the last chapter!

If this wasn't good, or if you want, please, let me make it up to you and let you join the server I made for Discord around Flutter-Topia. Feel free to chat about the fic, MLP, and/or Zootopia in general. I've been chatting with a few friends about the potential for a Zootopia TV show, on what they should add and do to expand the world and characters. Feel free to add your two cents, and make a few new friends.