• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

A spell and an unlikely pair


“Okay, Angel,” Fluttershy, the timid butter-yellow pegasus spoke, holding the white & troublesome bunny “It’s time for our Pony-Pet-Playdate.” She turned to her side. Sitting on his typical seat was the mixed draconequus & Lord of Chaos himself, Discord. “Discord? Would you like to join us?” He lowered some newspaper that he was eating and swallowed.

“As much as I would like to, Fluttershy,” he answered, standing up. “I sadly do not have a pet to join you. But, I will be here next week for our Tuesday Tea sessions.”

“Oh… alright. I kinda figured you’d have a pet, actually. I was just curious.”

“Of course, I can bring some creatures from my house, but that’d cause a near-apocalyptic end to Equestria… something I’m sure you wouldn't be a fan of.”

“... At least you’re honest. I’ll see you in a week.”

“Ta-ta, Fluttershy.” With a snap of his talon, & a flash of light, he disappeared. Angel proceeded to walk out of the door, but had to hold the struggling Angel in his place.

“Oh, Angel, I know Winona chased you on our last date, but that’s no reason to be a sour apple.” The bunny blew a raspberry as they walked out.

In the crystal castle, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, closely observed the same book she and Sunset Shimmer communicated through. When she wasn’t on her adventures, or even doing anything with her friends, the alicorn took various notes on the book. Spike walked in, still tired & having a mug of fresh coffee in his left claw.

“Twilight?” He grumbled, trying to wake up. “Are you still around that book?”

“...Morning, Spike,” Twilight replied, looking away with a magnifying glass. “Yes, I am. You wouldn’t believe the discoveries I found!”

“Oh… let me guess?… It’s made of paper?”

“Not just any paper! This type of paper is actually from a tree that isn’t normal in that of Equestria! Wherever this paper & tree came from, it’s bursting with magic, and it’s powerful!”

“So… we have an alien book?”

“Not exactly. My best guess is that this book must’ve came from somewhere similar, yet different, from our world. Maybe something like a pocket dimension… or an alternate universe… or even a-!”

“Your 10 o'clock pet-play date?”

“...10 o’clock pet-play date?” she looked to to the clock, seeing the time. It was 9:55. “...AHH!!! THE 10 O’CLOCK PET-PLAY DATE!!!” She hastily ran into the next room. “Owlicious? Owlicious!? Where are you!?” Some knocking was heard on the front. “GAH!!! Uh… Spike! Answer the door! Oh, where are you, Owlicious!?”

Outside, Twilight’s friends stood near the door, each with their pet, ready for their monthly 10 o'Clock Pet-Play date. Fluttershy stood, holding the still struggling Angel Bunny, but next to her was Applejack holding the leash to her dog, Winona; Rarity with her snow white cat, Opalescence, who was in her cage; Rainbow Dash with a leash around her helicopter flying Tortoise, Tank; and finally, with it’s mouth over Pinkie Pie’s face, Gummy the toothless alligator. They stood there in silence, with the sound being the whirring of Tank’s propellers and the panting of Winona.

“...Is she even awake yet?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Calm yourselves,” Rarity replied “She’s probably finding Owlicious as we speak.”

“Or what if Owlicious is finding her!?” Pinkie exclaimed.

“That’s ridiculous,” Applejack replied. “I doubt Owlicious can find her way ‘round the castle to find Twi.”

“Oh, I hope everything's alright.” Fluttershy quipped. Angel still struggled.

“Uh… what’s wrong with Angel?”

“Oh, sorry, Applejack. Angel doesn’t want to go, and he’s being a ruffle pants about it.” The door opened and Spike appeared at the exit. He sipped his coffee, letting out a content huff.

“...You better sit down and wait.” He spoke. “Twilight’s been busy with her research and-” Angel popped out of Fluttershy’s hooves and bounced past Spike and into the castle. Fluttershy gasped and made chase, pushing Spike out of the way.

“Angel Bunny!” She yelled in her anger, yet still gentle voice. “You get back her, right now! You’re in big trouble, Mister!”

Twilight came back into the study room with the book, now with Owlicious on her back. Turned out, Owlicious was sleeping in his room, and awoken by the sound of the knocking, letting out his ‘Hoo’s. However, Twilight jumped as Angel ran to her.

“Angel!?” Twilight asked in total surprise. Owlicious flew away, landing on a higher bookshelf, watching the madness below as Angel ran around the confused Alicorn, followed by Fluttershy entering.

“Angel!” Fluttershy pouted. The rabbit landed on Twilight’s head and mocked his master, blowing out another raspberry. “ANGEL!!!” Fluttershy flapped her wings and charged at the bunny and Alicorn. Angel jumped out of the way, leaving Fluttershy to crash into Twilight.

“...Ow.” Twilight spoke.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay… Angel’s not cooperating again?”

“Um… yes… you can say that.”

“Figures. Alright, let me see what I can do.”

Twilight got up and her horn glowed, ready to blast a spell that would capture the rabbit. Unfortunately, Angel kept bouncing around the room, hopping faster than Twilight could fire her magic. This got Twilight from annoyance to just anger as the bunny kept jumping around, making her hit the various books on the shelves. With an aim, she followed her target and fired another blast! Angel, however, saw the blast and turned around. The Blast of magic, however, hit the book she and Sunset used to communicate with each other. The book shook violently, glowed, opened itself, floated into the air, and flipped through it’s pages, opening a portal! Though Twilight and Fluttershy stopped, seeing the portal open, rather than being able to ask questions, the portal began to suck everything in & around it! Various papers, quills, & ink bottles began to enter the portal, and it only became stronger by the second. Both Twilight and Fluttershy turned around and tried to run away, but the sucking became stronger. The two flapped their wings as hard as they could, and, though it seemed as if they could escape, Fluttershy screamed loudly!

“HEEELP!!!” The Shy pegasus screamed as she was being pulled in.

“Fluttershy!!!” Twilight screamed back, turning to see her friend’s hindlegs and tail enter. She turned around, flapping her wings backward to both puller her friend out & avoid being sucked in herself. Their hooves touched and they both tried to get away, but the gravity was becoming unbearable.

“T-Twilight! You have… to… let… go!!!”

“No! I’m... not going to abandon... you... Fluttershy! Never!!!”

“Please! Save… yourself!”

“No! I’m… never… going… to-!” Fluttershy’s hooves slipped. She screamed as she disappeared into the portal. “Fluttershy!!!” Twilight flew into the portal, but the portal both disappeared and everything went back to normal. The book closed, fell to the floor, and everything went back to normal. Twilight stared into the blankness as Angel sniffed at the book and the rest of her friends and Spike entered.

“What in Tarnation just happened!?” Applejack demanded. “Where the hay’s Fluttershy!?” Twilight only picked up the book in her magic.

“She… she’s gone.”

“Gone?” Everyone asked

“What happened!?” Rainbow Dash asked

“...It was only meant to capture Angel,” Twilight replied, holding back her tears. “I… zapped the book… and made a portal. It sucked Fluttershy in… I tried to help her… but… it closed… and… and…” Tears fell down her face. Rarity went to Twilight’s side, placing her hoof on the Alicorn’s shoulders.

“Don’t cry, Twilight.” Rarity replied “You tried your best.” She turned to the others. “Girls! We have ourselves a missing mare! We should spread out and-”

“We don’t know where she’s at! And if my theory is correct, then Fluttershy can be in one of infinite different worlds!!! Looking for her will be impossible!!! Oh, I blew it! I blew it really bad!” Spike came to her side.

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Spike calmed her. “I mean, if what you say is true, is it possible that she may have landed in a world that’s nice? Something she may like and may help her out?”

“I don’t think you should be that optimistic.” Rainbow Dash commented. Applejack slapped her on the back of the head. “Ow!!! What!? I’m only saying!”

“Ooh! What if she lands in a world populated by anthropomorphic mammals that live in somewhat peace and harmony, but deal with different forms of prejudice and have gone through a conspiracy that was enacted by the city’s ex-mayor!?” Pinkie rambled. Everyone turned to her with complete confusion. “...What? I’m only suggesting. Plus, that’d make a great movie! Fun for the family!”

“...I think you should write to Celestia about this, sugarcube.” Applejack suggested. “Ah mean, if there’s anypony that can help, it’s her.”

“Oh… right.” Twilight replied, standing up, wiping a tear from her face. “Thanks girls… I’ll get to that.” She got up and flapped away.

“...Okay girls, let’s keep Fluttershy’s house up & runnin’.”

“Ugh! Do we have to!?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Unless she appears next to us immediately, Yes, we have to.”


Zootopia: An Urban Utopia that was founded and made by animals. Thousands of years ago, animal kind was divided into two major categories; the prey and the predators. Through evolution, and overtime, they overlooked their primitive ways, and now, predator and prey live in harmony, and every mammal now has multitudinous opportunities. Of course, there are still problems, and not just the limitations that varies between species, but how each species view each other, whether it’d be their species pasts or, more than likely, how they stereotype each other. But, luckily, many animals still get along with each other, especially a duo that had a rough species past with each other, but solved a case together. That was the top of the academy rabbit herself, Judy Hopps, and the Con-Artist turned Rookie Cop fox, Nick Wilde.

The duo, though a fox & a rabbit, two species with a rough history together, started off on the wrong paw together, worked together to uncover a case involving fourteen missing predators. The result was the two connecting more than Judy blackmailing Nick, but a partnership, and uncovering a conspiracy. Turned out, the missing predators were taken to a secret lab, ordered by the mayor, as they were infected and turned feral, as a way to keep the public safe and find a cure. The predators were infected by some plant simply dubbed “Nighthowler,” which was turned into a serum from the Vice Mayor, a sheep named Bellwether. Turns out, she wanted to make sure the minority, the 10% of Zootopia that were the predators, to be all in check and have the office herself, as a way to give prey an unfair advantage to be successful while the predators suffer for their ancestry. This was stopped by the duo; with their evidence, Bellwether and her subordinates were sent to jail, a cure was found for the feral predators, and Nick Wilde became both a police officer and Judy's partner.

Even though Bellwether and her subordinates have been behind bars for over three months, somehow, there are still cases of Nighthowler attacks on Zootopia’s predator population. Even when offered to be released earlier, she refuses to speak about it, and getting her to talk through other means has proven to be difficult. Reelected Mayor Lionheart has promised to the residents that the police will apprehend the suspects as soon as possible and everything will be normal. This leads us to Nick and Judy, listening to the news radio as they were on their daily patrol around the city, more specifically, Savannah Central, the heart of Zootopia, with Judy behind the wheel.

“Another case of a Nighthowler case was reported in the last half hour. A local supermarket in Outback Island erupted into chaos as Eric Savage, a local employee and Dingo, attacked his best friend, Jonathan Howl. The police were able to lock up & take Eric away before anyone could be harmed, but damages to the store are very noticeable, and Jonathan forgives his friend. This is the third Nighthowler related incident in the last week, and local law enforcement & hospital supplies are steadily losing supplies. Some researchers believe that-"

Nick reached over and turned off the radio.

“I was listening to that, Nick.” Judy spoke.

“I know,” Nick replied. “It’s my job to be pessimistic, not yours.”

“I’m not being pessimistic, I’m just listening to the news.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear, carrots. If you did, we wouldn’t be here.”

“I know and I don’t. But… do you think about what happened those months ago? I mean, I know we did the right thing and got Bellwether behind bars, but do you think it even matters?”

“...If it weren’t for that, then I’d still be a popsicle hustler and you’d be in your adorable meter maid outfit.” They both chuckled.

“That’s definitely true. And how is your friend, anyways?”

“Finnick? Oh, I haven’t talked that much with him lately. Afterall, he’s got a-” The radio turned on, but with static playing.

“...What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything! Is something wrong with the car?” They both exited their vehicle, but gasped as, in an alleyway, they saw what was a portal straight from a science fiction movie. Multiple books, papers, and quills spilled out of it, followed by a strange looking silhouette of something being tossed out. Nick blinked at the sight and turned back to the car.

“Nick!? What are you doing!?”

“...I’m simply going back to the car, drive to the ZPD, and get us some SWAT gear.”

“Okay, Nick, it doesn’t work like that. Now come on, we have to investigate this.”

“Oh no! YOU want to investigate this. I, however, want to live. And did you see that!? I’ve seen enough horror films to know what’s going to happen next.”

“Good, then you’ll be able to stop it.” Judy turned and entered the Alleyway. Nick groaned to himself, following her.

“Why do I even bother?”

The Alleyway, like most others, blocked out most of the sunlight entering, and was dirtier than the streets outside. However, as they saw, there were a lot of books, paper, and quills around, but they heard something crying. Nick quickly picked up a book and was readying himself to either whack whatever was crying.

“Hello?” Judy asked “Is someone here?” The crying went into a gasp, followed by some shuffling & some boxes falling around a corner. “It’s okay! I’m from the ZPD.”

“...ZPD?” A shy and quiet sounding voice asked.

“Zootopia Police Department. I’m officer Judy Hopps with my partner, Officer Nick Wilde. Do you have a name?”

“I’m… Fluttershy.

“... We didn’t catch that.”

“I’m… Fluttershy.”

“One more time, please?” Whimpering could only be heard. Judy turned to Nick. He could only shrug, dropping the book. “Can you… show yourself?” Various clip clopping sounds were heard, giving the two the idea that this stranger was equine. Walking out of the corner was another mammal, but it was very different from any resident of Zootopia… or any monster/alien they would inspect. She was equine by her looks, but she stood on all fours, was covered by a butter-yellow coat, with a long pink mane & tail, really large blue eyes, three butterfly tattoos on both flanks, and, the thing that made her really stick out, was that she had wings and was naked. Before the two could tell her that she’s naked, it gasped.

“A BUNNY!!!” It screamed in excitement. It’s wings fluttered rapidly and it quickly took Judy off the ground, flying and hovering at least three feet over Nick’s grasp. Judy gasped and struggled to get out of it’s grasp, but the equine in question held her tight, and snuggled the rabbit. “Aww~! This is just what I needed! A cute wittle bunny to snuggle with.”

“Uh… excuse me?” Nick spoke from below “But… I think there’s been a misconception. See that’s-”

“AHH!!! FOX!!!” It flew backwards. “Go away! I’m not gonna let you hurt this wittle bunny… in a… police… outfit?” Judy stuck her head out of the equine’s soft fur, gasping for air. “Oh dear! Who put you in this outfit!?” Judy shook herself and pouted.

“Okay, miss! Three things! One: Only a bunny can call a bunny cute. Other species calling a bunny cute is just… weird. Two: That’s my partner, and yes, he is a fox, but he’s not trying to hurt me. And finally: PUT ME DOWN!!!” The Equine had a confused look on her face.

“...Did… did you just talk?”

“Yes, I did. Everyone here talks. Now, please, put me down… and wear something!” she covered her eyes. The equine looked at her body.

“Oh, is something wrong?”

“You’re naked, Hayseed.” Nick replied below. “Unless you’re in a naturalist club, then you better wear something, or else it’s jail time for you.”

“Oh, I don’t want to go to jail. I just got here.”

“Yes, and you may want to drop my partner there, miss. It’s becoming really awkward for her.”

“Oh… right… sorry.” The flying equine lowered herself and gently dropped Judy to the floor. Judy sprinted behind Nick, shivering in fear. Nick turned and rustled her head.

“There, there. It’s okay. Care for a pawpsicle?”

“...Later.” Judy answered. “Just… focus on her.”

“Ah, the one from the portal.” He approached to her. “Okay, I’m sure you already know our names right now. If you don’t, well, name’s Officer Nicholas P. Wilde, and the one you were about to fly off with is Carrots.”

“It’s Judy!”

“You know you love it when I call you that. So, your name, please?” He extended his right paw out.

“Oh, I’m Fluttershy.” The equine replied, shaking her right hoof with his paw. “Wow! I can’t believe it! I’m talking with two talking animals! Are there more like you?”

“Foxes and rabbits? Yes. Other mammals? Also a yes.” Fluttershy gasped in joy, seemingly going from her shy self to something a more rabid version of Clawhauser at a Gazelle concert. “Whoah! Easy there, Hayseed. Don’t want to be seriously hurt, or, hurt someone else, do ya?”

“Oh! N-No, Mr. Wilde.”

“Okay, just stay there. We still have rules to follow, starting with you and clothing.”

“Oh, okay… Is there a boutique nearby? Or-?”

“There are, but you need clothes, ASAP. I think I see something that’ll work for you.” Nick ran ahead and looked through some trash. But he continued to have his conversation with Fluttershy. “So… Fluttershy. That’s a weird name. Nickname from some friends?”

“No, sir. It’s just the name that my parents gave me.”

“Interesting… and you say you’re new here. Where are you from? You’re certainly not normal around here.”

“I’m from Ponyville, sir.” Nick froze, started to chuckle, but laughed out loud, poking his head out of a dumpster.

“PONYVILLE!?!?!? BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OH GOSH!!! That’s even funnier than Bunnyburrow!!! Oh! And where’s that in!? Ponyland?”

“Uh… no, sir… it’s in Equestria.” This got Nick to stop laughing and, instead, look unamused.

“Pfft… I was hoping for something obvious.” He dumped back in. “And what type of horse are you?”

“I’m not a horse, sir. I’m a pony.”

“Same difference.”

“Well, I’m a pegasus pony, sir.”

“A pegasus!? What, is Equestria some sort of land filled to the brim with magical horses?”

“Um… not really. There are ponies, yes, but there are also dragons, gryphons, and-”

“Ah-tatata! I’m not in the mood for a Dungeons and Dragons game. Save your breath for later.” He hopped out of the dumpster, wiping himself off from the trash on him, and batted off a surprisingly clean yellow sundress. “Well, this is better than half of those clothes. Hooves up, please?” Fluttershy lifted her front legs up. Nick easily put on the sundress over Fluttershy’s head & front half of her body, leaving only her flanks, tail, and hind legs exposed. “Hm… ah-ha!” He turned around, then back, placing a large brimmed hat onto her head. “And Voilà! Now you look like a citizen of Zootopia… except for the wings.” Fluttershy looked at her clothed self.

“It’s lovely. Oh, and sorry for this, but what’s Zootopia?”

“That, dear miss, is this dear city. The city where any mammal can be what they want to be.”

“Ooh! I want to explore it all!… Oh dear!”

“What’s wrong?”

“How am I going to ever get home!? My friends are going to miss me! Who’s going to take care of my animals!?!?!?”

“You have animals?” Judy finally spoke.

“...Uh… they’re not like you.”

Author's Note:

First chapter of a new series! All thanks given to SudokuBrony for being my editor for this series. We're going to try to explore new parts of Zootopia, or, at least, those thought up of & are a part of the world but weren't shown in the movie, and making a genuine sequel with our favorite duo and shy pegasus. Please, don't be so harsh on this, since this is the first of a larger story. And do enjoy the ride.