• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,358 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

Sweet as... her

The local fire fighters and an ambulance arrived to their area. Though the hospital staff were uncertain on how wild sheep reacted, they were quickly relieved by the fact that the sheep showed little interest in them, but rather the grass they grazed on. That couldn't be said for the house, however, to which the fire was extinguished, leaving only ashes and no sign of a nighthowler lab before. Thankfully, there were some well lit street lights, and, with a full moon, many of the local wolves began their howling… something that they still do despite being civilized. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Dr. Wolf howling with many larger wolves, especially while in his work clothing.

The trio sat down on their own bed at a motel. It wasn't the most fanciest looking place, but it was neither a ran down one that looked like the set of a horror movie. Nick scrolled through the various channels on their TV while both Fluttershy and Judy had themselves a salad.

“...What are you looking for, Nick?” Judy asked.

“Just something interesting to watch.” He simply answered.

“Find anything?”

“Just some cartoons and news about what just happened.” He pulled out the pink strand of fur he had in one of his shirt’s pockets. “Pink fur, a dress, and both are connected to that house and that guy… This is going to keep me up all night, Carrots.”

“It's going to keep us all night.”

“Um...maybe this looks important.” Fluttershy pointed at the TV.

On the screen, a snow leopard in a formal dress sat next to a moose in a formal suit.

“And the sheep were taken to the hospital.” The snow leopard finished her story. “In other news, with the nighthowler attacks still going on, citizens are starting to wonder who's the next target, and who will be attacked.”

“And with the elections nearly here,” The moose continued. “It seems Lionheart may be voted off in fear of his newest rival, Miss Swine.”

The screen changed to a pig in the same dress they found on a podium, speaking into various microphones.

“My fellow citizens,” she began. “It's come to my attention that whoever is targeting our predators has got to be stopped! I truly believe that our police are trying their best to apprehend the suspect, but until then, we aren't safe!”

“Miss Swine!?” One of the reporters asked. “What are you planning to do?”

“What am I going to do? It's not going to be easy… and many of you are going to lose rights… but… it's for the best.” The camera panned to a sheep, who seriously needed to lose some wool, strolled in a container with, under clear glass, a taming collar. Various murmurs broke through the crowd as the camera came back to Miss Swine. “Yes, I know this seems controversial, but is it better to be safe rather than sorry? That, is a yes. As mayor, I promise to pass an unpassed, and nearly scrapped, bill that will have all predators of shape and size wear these collars, for not just public safety, but for their loved ones and their own protection.” The crowd erupted into a mess of questions, most regarding about the treatment of predators, if the taming collars were able to stop feral predators, and if prey are going to follow put.

The trio all stared at the TV. Nick’s jaw was wide open, Judy's ears were perked straight up, and Fluttershy… it took a lot of energy for her to not scream at the TV.

“That… is wrong… on so many levels.” Nick could only say.

“That has got to be the one behind this.” Judy spoke, pointing at the TV. “She has to be behind this! Oh, this is Bellwether all over again!”

“But we now know who it is.”

“Shush!” Fluttershy hushed.

The camera changed back to the reporters. The snow leopard looked uncomfortable, unsure as to what to say. Her moose coworker, however, looked surprised. They both cleared their throats and regained their professional stance.

“Um… that was… something.” The Moose spoke.

“Miss Swine’s campaign will continue to the Marshlands tomorrow morning.” The snow leopard added. “And… if you excuse me… I… have something to do.” She got up and walked out. The TV turned static, with a “Technical difficulties” sign with a bear in a Native American headdress. That's when Nick turned off the TV.

“Looks like we're going to get nasty with a pig.” He commented, pulling out his cell phone.

“Who are you calling?” Judy asked.

“A ride. And don't worry, it's someone different. She's a friend of mine.”

“A friend?”

“Yes, a friend, Carrots. She's, well, weird I won't lie, and I'm pretty sure she spends too much time online.”

“Oh… and how did you meet?”

“Long story.” He placed the phone onto his right ear, begging his conversation. “Heya, Honey, it's me, Nick… Nick Wilde… yes, the fox who got you those clippers… you gave me your number, remember?... Look, in the morning, I'm going to need a ride to the Marshlands… yes, preferably with a boat… I'll give you my ID in the morning, okay?... Alright, 10 then… and you'll get that as well… no, I'm not with sheep… alright, see you tomorrow.” He hung up. “Take the free honey in the morning.”

“Um… what was that about?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think I got us a ride. And, with luck, this case will be over.”

“I just hope so.” Judy groaned, falling face first into a pillow.

The following morning, they had their free breakfast provided for the various guests. Nick, without anyone looking, took all of the honey packets and lead them to ‘Honey’s’ whereabouts.

“... So… Nick?” Judy asked. “How did you meet… Honey?”

“Long story.” He simply answered.

“Well, we all the time in the world. Let's hear it.”

“Please, Nick?” Fluttershy added, fluttering her eyes.

“... Might as well.” he coped. “Let's see… ah! It was right after I graduated from high school when I meet her. She was on the streets of Sahara Square, blabbering on about how sheep are trying to take over the world. I wanted her to be quiet as I sold my Pawpsicles, but… I guess i was convinced on her rambling.”

“You believed that?” Judy asked.

“It was a phase. But, yeah, and I joined her to be ‘Sheep repelled’, in which I won't tell what I did, only that it was both stupid and dangerous. And I still got the scar to this day.”

“Oh dear! Where is it?” Fluttershy asked concernedly. Nick blushed a bit.

“I’d rather not say. But, yes, I lived with her for a bit, made some anti-sheep messages across town, got into some trouble, and… that’s about it.”

“That’s it?” Judy asked. “And why did you went separate ways?”

“Not entirely, Carrots. I made some deals to get her some tools, but other than that, I left because I was low and cash, and I spent some time in a Naturalist club, which also meant some time with Sheep. So, yeah, I found Honey’s ideology to be insane.”

“Even with Bellwether?”

“... Not so much.”

“So… you don’t trust sheep?”

“Just those in suits… and involved with conspiracies.” He chuckled.

They arrived to what looked like a dumpster, complete with the awful smell of burning trash and the loud clanking of heavy machinery. The place was near a lake, and, upon first sight, Fluttershy noticed other animals on boats entering and exiting through a mass of trees, most likely leading to the Marshlands. Nick knocked on the door's entrance.

“Back away!” the voice of a woman yelled behind the closed door. “Employees only!”

“Relax, Honey,” Nick replied. “It's just me, your old pal, Nick.” The bottom of the door opened, revealing a container.

“Proof!” The fox rolled his eyes and dropped the free honey samples. It closed, followed by tearing of some packets, and loud slurping.

“May we enter now?” The door opened, revealing a Honey Badger wearing a green camo tank top and cargo pants.

“Nick! It's been a while! I'm quite surprised to hear that you're a cop now.”

“I may be a cop, but not a lot has changed.”

“And I be a lion's uncle! You're Judy Hopps!... Or are you a sheep!?” She pulled out some shears, primed and ready. Judy took a step back, but took a calm, deep breath.

“Relax… Honey,” She said, a tad bit uncomfortable. “I've been with Nick all day and he and our guest can assure that we aren't sheep.”

“Hm… I've got my eyes on you.” She gestured, pointing her eyes at Judy with two of her claws. She turned to Fluttershy. “And who are you?”

“Oh, um, I'm Fluttershy, Miss Honey. I'm fairly new here.”

“...You're not here to take my job?”

“... With respect, no. I'm just visiting… hopefully.”

“Hm… don't touch nothing. Follow me.” They followed Honey inside. Judy gasped as she saw that the inside was more like a military bunker than an office, as the walls were hung with anti-sheep weapons billboards with pictures of other animals, some crossed out while others were circled with the question ‘sheep?’ next to them.

“Uh, Miss?” Judy asked. “What is all of this about?”

“From the Sheep uprising! Many say I'm mad, but it's true; the sheep are planning to take over Zootopia and the world!”

“I… don't think they would.” Fluttershy replied. “Perhaps some, but not all.”

“Those ‘Some’ are the ones with power! The others give them reports on everything else! I was right when Bellwether came into office as mayor; trying to make sure us predators were under watch while prey thrive.”

“Miss,” Judy spoke. “That was a one time thing. And I don't think-”

“MIND CONTROLLED!!!” Honey tackled Judy to the floor.

“What the-!?” Honey grabbed a spray of liquid and aimed it at Judy. Both Nick and Fluttershy ran and took Honey off.

“She needs to be cleaned!!!”

“Easy there!” Nick said. “Let's keep a cool head here; what is that, and how is Judy ‘Brainwashed’?

“She believed it was a one time thing! Brainwashed folks says it's a one time thing! We must spray here with the body water!”

“Body water?”

“... Oh dear.” Fluttershy commented, her cheeks turning green. Nick realized it and his cheeks perked up as well, but he swallowed.

“Uh… hey, Honey? How about this? We discuss what we're doing next in another room, and my guest here will watch the ‘brainwashed’ rabbit. Sounds good?”

“... If they touch anything…” Honey warned.

“And they won't…. And put that bottle away, please?” Nick and Honey entered another room, closing the door behind them.

It was only a few minutes, but it was enough for Fluttershy to help Judy get up and regain her former self. Nick and Honey exited the room, both a smile on their face.

“Alright,” Honey spoke. “You can have my best boat, Betsie, as long as you take down that sheep supporter, Swine!”

“...Sheep Supporter?” Fluttershy and Judy asked in unison.

“Turns out, Smellwether and Swine are close friends.” Nick said, taking the keys from Honey. “And don’t you worry, Honey, we’ll stop that law from passing. One predator to another, eh?”

“Heh! I hope so! She’s gonna get what all sheep supporters get!” Honey added, giving a slap to his bottom. “Now get going! That pig isn’t going down anytime soon! Boat’s in the back.”

“Oh-hoho! Not on the scar, okay?”

“Glad to see you still remember that.” Nick exited the building, followed by Judy and Fluttershy. Bestie was an airboat, and it wasn’t a new or clean boat, but neither was it filthy or run down. Nick paused and looked at it.

“...Do any of you know how to control this thing?”

“...I’ll get the manual.” Judy spoke.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long. Busy with some life stuff, what with me finding out I'm near diabetic and working really hard at the Gym. I'm probably going to take a small break