• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,367 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

Welcome to Zootopia

Nick and Judy stared at Fluttershy, both with an awkward look on their faces.

“...Can you give us one minute.” Nick said, turning around with Judy. They both whispered to each other. “You heard that, right? She has animals in her house!”

“I heard,” Judy replied “But you saw how she came here. And where she comes from, I think rules there are a bit different.”

“Other than it being alright for her to walk around naked?”

“Yes, Nick, other than that.”

“Well what if it isn’t? What if they’re animals like us? What if, despite her otherwise innocent appearance, she may be… a slave driver?”

“...Nick, I understand your concern, but that’s too out there, even for me.”

“And need I remind you that I too thought that you’d never be a cop?”

“...You did. Look, how about this; we go on our best behavior and ask Fluttershy about her home.”

“And go through her fantasy land?”

“She has wings, and the thought of a pegasus was thought of as a myth, right?”

“...Hm… touché.” Judy turned to Fluttershy, who stayed where she stood, a bit nervous and confused.

“Okay, Miss Fluttershy?”

“Oh, yes?” Fluttershy replied

“Is it alright if you can answer some questions for us?”

“I don’t mind. But, can we walk around a bit? I don’t think this area is safe… and I’d like to explore… if you want, that is.”

“We’re not gonna walk, miss,” Nick replied, turning and walking out of the alleyway. “We’re going driving.”


“Ah! This is the perfect first question.” Judy exclaimed, following Nick. “How technological is your land?” Fluttershy followed Judy.

“Oh, well, I don’t think it’s as advanced as-”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa!” Judy spoke, stopping Fluttershy. “What are you doing?”

“...Walking? Is there something wrong?”

“On all fours!?”

“Oh… I-I’m sorry. But why are you walking on two legs?”

“Everyone does that. Walking on your front paws, or, hooves, in your case, is gross.”


“Simple health facts. We’re going to find a public restroom for you to wash your hooves with, as a way to help you not get sick and spread germs around.”

“You may want to walk on two like us!” Nick spoke, entering the car.

“Yeah, like what he said. You’re gonna have to start walking on twos, for health and fitting in with the crowd.”

“Oh… okay.” Fluttershy replied. She pushed her forelegs up and attempted to stand on her hind legs. Balancing on her hind legs was easy, but walking around was another. Every step the pegasus took made her flail her forelegs around, and she made small whimpering noises, as this was both new to her and very hard. Nick snickered to himself, seeing Fluttershy walking around like a baby, though Judy covered her face in embarrassment. Not wanting to give up quickly, Fluttershy waddled to the car, making very small but rapid steps. Judy entered the driver’s seat and started the car. Nick opened the door for Fluttershy, scooting himself to the middle, and the pegasus took the open seat, sitting next to the fox.

“That… was funny.” Nick commented.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I-I’ve never walked on my hind legs before. I’m sorry for that.”

“Ah, don’t be. That made my day.”

“Not mine.” Judy groaned, stepping on the gas. Fluttershy gasped as the vehicle moved forward.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed “I-it’s moving!”

“That’s what a car does.” Nick replied.

“So… Fluttershy,” Judy began, calming herself. “You say you’re from Equestria?”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy replied

“And what are some of the things in Equestria?”

“A lot of things, ma’am. There’s a lot of ponies like me around, but also unicorns, earth ponies, and some Alicorns.”

“Unicorns?” Nick asked, rolling his eyes. “Please, this sounds like a little girl’s dream.”

“It sounds weird, but we all live in harmony, all thanks to Princess Celestia, who rules all of Equestria and makes the sun rise & set everyday, along with her sister, Princess Luna, though she controls the moon.”

“Ugh… princesses? Controlling the sun and the moon? I bet if I had a daughter, she’d say half the things you said.”

“Nick.” Judy glared at him.

“But,” Fluttershy continued “We also have other creatures that live with us, though they’re not as… well… welcoming.”

“I bet.” Nick commented. “Alright, let’s cut to the chase; What type of animals do you have?”

“At my house? Well… let’s see, I have turtles, tortoises, falcons, butterflies, bees, flamingos, eagles, fish…” Fluttershy continued her list of animals, all of which, weren’t mammals. Judy smirked.

“Ha! See? Nothing wrong.”

“Right,” Nick replied, turning to Fluttershy. “Do you have any mammals, per say?”

“Oh! I completely forgot about that!” Fluttershy exclaimed “Let’s see… I have bunnies, a widdle puddy tat, otters and seals with massive appeals, and lions and tigers and bears, oh my! A-” She paused as Nick had a sly smirk across his face and Judy looking surprised. He turned to Judy.

“Nothing wrong, eh?”

“...I hate you.” Judy mumbled.

“You know you love me.”

“Oh, nononono!” Fluttershy exclaimed “Th-they’re not like you, at all! They can’t talk!” Nick turned to her, pulling out a notepad and a carrot looking pen.

“So you have mute animals in your location?”

“No! They’re not mute! They-!”

“Ah, so you do have animals that can speak?”

“No! They can’t speak… I mean, they can’t-!”

“It’s one way or the other, Hayseed. Can they talk or can’t?”

“They can’t talk like you, okay!?”

“...So you have foreign animals? They don’t know how to speak english?” Fluttershy groaned to herself.

“No, sir… they can’t talk english,they don’t know any other language, and aren’t mute.”

“Then what are they?”


SCREECH! The car came to a stop as a wolf, wearing a light green and dark green striped shirt and blue jeans jumped and crashed through the window of a store, snarling wildly.

“Nighthowler!” Nick and Judy exclaimed in unison, seeing the blue blotch on the right side of it’s neck fur. The wolf turned to them; it’s eyes targeted them, followed by it charging at the car, still snarling with drool coming out of it’s mouth. Judy, quickly reacting, set the car in reverse and drove backwards.

“Go faster, carrots!” Nick yelled, looking behind and checking in case other cars were behind them.

“You think I’m not trying!?” Judy replied. The wolf, on all fours, ran to the car faster than they could drive away.

“I-I can help.” Fluttershy spoke, surprisingly calm.

“Yeah, when we need live bait, we’ll give you a call.” Nick replied sarcastically. Fluttershy gave him an annoyed glare.

“Alright, Mr. Wilde. You want to know what I do back home? I’ll show you.” She opened the car door.

“What is she doing!?” Judy asked in shock. Fluttershy jumped right out of the door, flapping her wings, and landed onto the floor on all fours. The police vehicle stopped and both Nick and Judy looked in shock.

“Hayseed!” Nick exclaimed. Judy used her ears to cover her face.

“I can’t look.”

The wolf stopped inches away from Fluttershy, still snarling with a crazed look in it’s eyes. Many of the citizens gasped in shock, some too afraid to look away, others hid with their kids, and others recorded the action with their smartphones. Fluttershy slowly lifted her right hoof to the wolf’s left ear. It snarled at her, but froze as she made contact with it. All of the ferocity of the wolf went away as it rolled to the floor, panting.

“That’s a good boy.” Fluttershy replied, petting it. “Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?”

“Whoof! Whoof!” The wolf barked, followed by it licking her face. She giggled and gave it a belly rub.

“Yes you is! Yes you is!” Nick and Judy looked at the action, both of their mouths dropping wide. Fluttershy had just tamed a predator that was hit with a Nighthowler pellet, went feral, and all in less than a minute.

“... Am I dead?” Nick asked

“No… you aren’t.” Judy answered.

“...Then am I dreaming?”

“... Maybe.”

1 Hour later.

The police and hospital staff arrived, checking to see if anyone was seriously hurt and see where the affected wolf was at. To say they were surprised was an understatement, as they saw the wolf lying down, only panting, and Fluttershy giving it plenty of love and affection, as if it were some sort of pet. While the hospital staff were extremely careful around the wolf, though Fluttershy made sure the wolf was able to get in & out without much of a hassle, even if they did make the wolf wear a muzzle to prevent any biting. Chief Bogo, a wildebeest that’s also the head chief of the ZPD, approached Fluttershy.

“Well, well, well… lookie what we have here.” He spoke with his usual stern look, towering over the shy pegasus.

“Oh… uh, hello.” Fluttershy replied, standing up to her hind legs, barely reaching to his belt area “Um… who are you?”

“Chief Bogo, head of the ZPD. I’m here to talk to you.”

“Oh dear… am I in trouble? I-I’m sorry if I did something wrong. I’m new here and-”

“Relax, you’re not in trouble. In fact, if I were the mayor, I’d actually reward you greatly.”

“Oh… well, thank you.”

“I’m going to ask you a series of questions, and you are going to-”

“Chief Bogo!” Judy interrupted, rushing to them with Nick

“What is it, Officer Hopps and Officer Wilde?”

“You don’t have to ask her any questions, good sir,” Nick answered. “We pretty much did that already.”

“Oh? You did. Tell me, how did she tame that wolf so easily?”

“I can answer that, sir.” Fluttershy replied. Bogo turned to her.

“Oh please, do tell.”

“Well, I’m just good with animals, that’s all.”

“... Anything else?”

“That’s it, sir.”

“...So you mean to tell me that the reason you’re the reason you’re able to stop a hungry and vicious wolf from eating you is because you’re good with animals?”

“Um… well.. It’s-”

“Well then! Let’s take her advice! Next time we’re going to mauled by a jaguar, we should be nice with them!”

“Chief,” Judy spoke “I don’t think she means it like that.”

“Oh? And what else would she mean?”

“She told us that she’s from a different land, and she’s actually good with wild animals.”

“Wild animals, Hopps?”

“She means as in something very similar to our ancestors and, in this case, those afflicted by Nighthowler.” Nick added. Bogo turned to Fluttershy.

“Is that what you meant?”

“Oh, yes, sir!” Fluttershy replied. “I-I’m really good with wild animals.”

“Hm… very interesting. Alright, miss…”

“Fluttershy, sir.”

“...Fluttershy? Your real name, please.”

“That’s her real name, sir.” Judy spoke “She’s… new here.”

“Ah. Visiting Zootopia, or trying to make a living?” Fluttershy blinked, unsure on what to say.

“Um… I-It’s really hard to say, Sir.” Fluttershy replied. “I-I would like to visit more of Zootopia, actually, but I would also like to go home.”

“And where are you from, miss?”

“Um, I-”

“Please, chief,” Nick spoke, walking next to Fluttershy. “Let’s not be so demanding so soon. Fluttershy is with us, and she saved both a lot of lives, and stopped collateral damage. Are you really going to question someone who did the right thing without being ordered to do so?”

“... I hate your wise talk, Officer Wilde… but I suppose you do have a point.” He turned and walked away. “And if she’s going to live here, she may need to hide those wings to avoid attention.” The trio had a surprised look on their faces. “I can see them, Fluttershy, and you’re going to have to learn fast if you want to survive. Feral’s aren’t the only danger around here.”

“Hm… he’s got a point there.”

“There are other dangers!?” Fluttershy asked

“Oh yeah. This is a city, afterall, and it’s more than the twelve different ecosystems around here.”

“Twelve ecosystems?”

“For some of the other different species that have different needs, hayseed.” Nick began to stroll away. Fluttershy followed, though, she still waddled, along with Judy.

“Why do you keep calling me ‘Hayseed’?”

“You’re a horse, aren’t ya?”


“Whatever. But you do eat hay?”

“Well, yes, I do, but also-”

“So Hayseed works for you, just like Carrots here.”

“But… why?”

“It’s his thing, Fluttershy.” Judy answered. “Don’t let it get to you that much. And where are you going, Nick?”

“Eh, I don’t feel like being in a car after all of that,” Nick replied. “Plus, it’s a good exercise for Hayseed to fit in with us, and, as a bonus, I think she’ll like walking through town.”

“What do you-?” Fluttershy was about to ask, but gasped, seeing that, across the corner of a building, was the grand city of Zootopia itself. Though they were far, Fluttershy could tell that the buildings were huge, and, as far as her eyes could see, animals roamed everywhere, all walking upright, in clothing, and each going to their own destination, whether alone or in groups. Nick leaned in to Fluttershy.

“I can recognize that look anywhere, and might I say, you’re probably gonna explode with excitement in three… two… one.”

“LET’S GO!!!” Fluttershy squeed, flying ahead. Nick chuckled as he ran after her, followed by Judy.

“Did you really have to do that!?” Judy asked

“Hey, you were probably like this when you first came here.”

“... Touché.”

Fluttershy breathed heavily and in excitement as she stood in the middle of the park, which, in itself, was the exact center of Zootopia. All around her, she saw mammals of all different species, size, habitats, and age, seemingly living together in harmony.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy spoke to herself. “I don’t know what to do! Where do I start? Where do I end? Why am I talking to myself!?”

“You know,” Nick spoke. “We may know a thing or two.”

“Oh, you do?”

“Of course. Until something major happens around us, the day is ours.”

“Oh goody! I wanna try it!”

“...Try what, exactly?” Judy asked, tilting her head

“Absolutely everything.”

“Well then,” Nick spoke with a stretch “Follow me.”

Nick and Judy ran ahead, followed by the waddling Fluttershy. The duo ran back to Fluttershy, each holding onto one of her hooves, and ran ahead, making Fluttershy run faster, even if her footing wasn’t the best.

Along with some foals for a school field trip, the trio walked around the museum, seeing the exotic tools used before and during the birth of civilization. Fluttershy, with a pen in her mouth and notepad in her hooves, wrote down many of the interesting facts, such as how, though prey and predator fought every single day, the only peaceful thing they did together was drink from the waterhole, in which Zootopia is built on. It was also a bit interesting, if not, dark, that one of the first ideas thrown to keep Zootopia safe, was for the predator population to wear shock collars. This was, luckily, shelved, as it’s thought of as one of the most ‘species-ist’ things anyone could think of.

“Oh, if only Twilight were here.” Fluttershy spoke to herself

“Twilight?” Judy asked

“One of my friends.”

Under the hot sun, the three enjoyed having a pawpsicle, something Fluttershy found funny, adorable, and a very tasty treat, especially with the fact that it was cherry flavor, one of her favorite flavors.

“I have a good feeling that Pinkie would enjoy these.”

“Pinkie?” Nick asked, munching on his pawpsicle.

“She’s another one of my friends.”

“Hm… she into music?”

“Oh, yes! She is! I think she’s into Pop, from what I can tell.”

“Well,” Judy spoke. “You should know that Gazelle is in town, doing a free concert WITH autographs!”

“Ooh! I don’t know who she is, but that sounds like fun!”

The free concert in question was held by the biggest popstar artist herself, Gazelle. She was a gazelle, as Fluttershy expected, but not only was she tall, slender, and beautiful, but she was also very kind, especially when they received both a picture of her with her autograph on it.

“Wow!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “She reminds me a lot of Rara!”

“Pfft! Rara!?” Nick asked, bursting into laughter.

“Well, her stage name is Countess Coloratura, but one of my friends, who happens to be her filly friend, gave her the shorter and cute nickname, Rara.”

“And who made that name?” Judy asked.

“Applejack.” They paused as they heard a familiar voice, only fanboying. They turned around, seeing Chief Bogo, out of uniform and in a white t-shirt that had a pink heart and face of Gazelle in it. He pranced around like a child, holding an autograph from Gazelle, but he stopped as they saw him. There was an awkward stare off by the two sides. Bogo noticeably blushed as he stood upright, regaining his usual posture.

“Uh… don’t tell anyone at work.” He spoke trying to keep his stern tone, but had the hint of embarrassment.

“Oh, we won’t, Chief.” Nick replied with his smirk.

The three continued on their way through town, strolling through the fashion district. Though the dresses were either too large or too small for Fluttershy, each of them ood with beauty.

“Oh, Rarity! If only she were here!”

“Another friend of yours?” Judy asked. Fluttershy nodded.

“M-hm! She’d be inspired by these designs. In fact, the architecture could be an inspiration!”

“She sure sounds like… a rarity.” Nick joked.

The day came to an end as they all stood on top of the giraffe tower, the tallest tower in Zootopia. They watched as the sun began to slowly set in the horizon, bringing both the day to a close, but the night it’s begining. The three didn’t mind leaning on the rails, though for Fluttershy, she could fly if she fell off.

“It’s so… beautiful.” Fluttershy spoke.

“Yeah, it is.” Judy spoke.

“Won’t lie, it’s like I’m looking at a painting.” Nick added.

“Oh… Rainbow Dash would love to see this.” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

“I bet she would.”

“But there’s so much I’d like to explore. I only uncovered the surface of this great city.”

“Well, there is tomorrow.” Judy spoke. “Come on, we better get back to the station.”

“Right behind ya.” Nick added, following her. “You coming, hayseed? Or are you going to meet us below?”

“... I’ll meet you below.” Fluttershy answered, flapping her wings and going over the edge, right before anyone could see her.

(End song)

The trio drove to the ZPD, which was a large, dome like building with door large enough for some elephants to enter, something Fluttershy saw as Judy drove & parked their vehicle.

“This shouldn’t take too long, Hayseed,” Nick spoke to her. “We just gotta write some boring stuff down for the files.”

“Oh, okay.” Fluttershy spoke, exiting the vehicle. “Should I wait here? Or inside?”

“Inside, preferably.”

“And try to not do anything crazy.” Judy added, closing the door behind her. They all walked into the building. The first thing Fluttershy noticed was how dark and vast the entrance was, but she could tell that, in a normal day, more officers would be around, along with some civilians, and arrested criminals, something she shuddered at the thought of. The next she saw was, under the main only lit area, was a greeting table, and behind the table, munching on a chocolate glazed donut, was a really large cheetah in a police outfit. She quickly saw the nameplate on the table; Clawhauser.

“Hey, Benny!” Nick spoke. “Anything excited happened around here?”

“Oh, the usual.” The cheetah replied, but turned his attention to Fluttershy. “Ooh? And who’s this little cutie?” Fluttershy blushed.

“Oh, I’m… Fluttershy.” He squealed at her name.

“Ooh! She’s so adorable!”

“Looks like we found the next odd friendship.” Nick commented walking away.

“Fluttershy, meet Benjamin Clawhauser,” Judy spoke. “Clawhauser, Fluttershy.” She followed Nick.

“Fluttershy?” Clawhauser asked. “Oh! I think I’m going to have a heart attack!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir.” Fluttershy replied. “Though, it is nice to meet someone new.”

“I’ll agree to that. It’s so nice meeting someone that isn’t in cuffs or muzzled, especially one who’s as nice as you!”

“Oh, well you’re nice yourself, mister.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so!” He squealed again, making her smile. She flapped her wings and began to pat his head. Clawhauser, upon instinct, purred. “There, there… who’s my widdle puddy tat?”

“I’m a widdle puddy tat.”

Eventually, Nick and Judy came out, but stared, seeing Fluttershy petting a snoring Clawhauser like a pet. Fluttershy turned to the two, placing her hoof onto her lips.

“Shh… he’s sleeping.” Nick covered his mouth, trying to muffle his laughter. He ran out and through the front door, bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughing, as Judy groaned at the sight.

“Fluttershy, you can’t just go around and cuddle with anyone you see.”

“Oh, but he was nice, and he really did enjoy it.”

“Fluttershy, you’re treating him like a pet. He’s a police officer, the first thing mammals see when they enter here, and you’re-” Clawhauser began to purr in his sleep. “Making him purr.”

“Oh… I-I’m sorry. It’s… it’s so exciting meeting someone new around here, actually. In fact, I’ve never been like this before.”


“Never. I was always shy when back home, but now that I’m here… this is such an amazing feel!”

“...Right… you better wake him up, though. I’ll meet you outside.”

“Okay, Ms. Hopps.” She turned her attention to Clawhauser. “Yoo hoo! It’s time to wake up.” He snorted himself awake.

“Mom!?” She giggled.

“No, silly. I’ll see you soon.” She gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Goodbye!” She flew off, back to the doors.

“...Awe… she’s like an angel. … Or is she one?”

Fluttershy exited the building, landing near the duo.

“Well, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, carrots.” Nick spoke to Judy.

“Same thing here, foxy.” Judy replied.

“...Leave me to the nicknaming, sweetie.” He turned to Fluttershy. “And you don’t mind spending the night with Carrots, do you, Hayseed?”

“Oh… is she fine with it?” Fluttershy asked.

“We talked about it, and she’s fine with it.”

“Oh, okay. And where do you live?”

“Come with me… and try to ignore my crazy neighbors.” Judy replied, leading the way.

Judy’s home was a small apartment. It wasn’t anything fancy, by any means, but it did look a bit run down. The thing that made up for it was the window that had another breathtaking view of the city itself. As Judy went to sleep, Fluttershy looked out of the window, seeing the night lights on outside.

“...Oh girls… if only you were here.” Fluttershy silently spoke to herself, sniffling a bit. A single tear rolled down her left eye; as much fun as it was today to explore one of the many parts of this bustling city, she was starting to feel homesick. “I hope I don’t stay here for too long… Discord’s very sensitive about our tea meetings… and do take care of Angel Bunny… I hope he’s behaving himself after-”

“WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!” One of the neighbors yelled to her left. “I’M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!!!”

“CAN’T YOU HEAR!?” Another voice yelled. “SHE MISSES HER HOME!!!”




“NO!!! YOU SHUT UP!!!”

The walls banged as the two argued. Judy groaned, putting her ears down and the pillow over her ears. Fluttershy sighed, rubbed her tear away, and walked out. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a kudu in a red shirt and a oryx in a blue shirt.

“Um, excuse me, but can you both be a teeny bit quiet?” Fluttershy asked.

“I TELL HIM THAT ALL THE TIME!!!” The Kudu yelled.

“NO YOU DON’T!!!” The Oryx yelled back. “YOU YELLED AT HER FIRST!!!”




“Um… is there something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“PLENTY!!!” They both yelled in unison.

“Um… how about we play game?”

“HE CHEATS AT GAMING!!!” The Oryx yelled.

“YOU’RE THE ONE WHO CHEATS!!!” The Kudu yelled back.

“There’s no way either of you can cheat,” Fluttershy continued. “It’s called ‘Shh’.”

“...How do we play that?” They asked, in unison again.

“Whoever stays the quiet the longest wins. Simple as that.”

“I’m gonna win this game!” The Kudu yelled.

“Like you are!” The Oryx yelled back.

“Is that a challenge!?”

“You bet it is!”

“Fine! Let’s go!!!” The door slammed on Fluttershy, but only silence came. She took a calming sigh of relief and walked back into Judy’s apartment. Tired, she rolled onto the floor, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Job well done, Fluttershy.” She thought to herself.

Author's Note:

Second chapter. Sorry if I didn't take all of your advice, just my force of habit, even with an editor helping me. I like to argue that no one but Clawhouser knows Chief Bogo's secret, and at the end of the film, there was a lot of animals around, and with Judy and Nick's size, it's hard to tell who's really who.