• Published 25th Jul 2016
  • 8,368 Views, 269 Comments

Flutter-Topia - MrAquino

Fluttershy winds up in the city of Zootopia

  • ...

Ba-a-a-ad News.

Despite traveling at a dangerous speed over the legal limit, again, they arrived safely to Meadowlands, another one of the twelve ecosystems of Zootopia. Fluttershy and Judy watched in fear as Flash drove through one of the various driveways, exiting from Tundra Town into one of the lit caves and into their destination. Unlike Tundra Town, it wasn't freezing, but also, unlike Sahara Square, it wasn't hot either. The place barely looked like a town, or even anything resembling a city. A couple of houses were around, and a couple of trees sprouted from the floor, but it was mostly fields and farms. Flash’s car squealed, stopping next to a gas station.

“Sorry… I… need… gas.” He said, slowly unlocking the doors. “It...won't take… long.”

“Nonono!” Judy pleaded, exiting the car.

“We can walk the rest of the way,” Nick said calmly. “Drive safe.”

“You… too.” Fluttershy and Nick exited the car. Nick took a deep breath and relaxed.

“Does this remind you of home, hayseed?”

“... Almost.” Fluttershy answered. “I-It just seems… well… bare.”

“That's just the Meadowlands for ya. I remember that just over that hill is where I meet Finnick.”

“Um… Finnick?”

“My best friend… hmph… I always thought he was short for his age… who knew I was right, even to today.” Fluttershy giggled.

“He sounds interesting.”

“Oh, he is. Most of the folks thought he was a lost puppy, up until he spoke. I remember how we used to hustle Popsicles around; he'd wear an elephant suit and look as cute as possible, we'd buy a jumbo pop, melt it, freeze into pawpsicles, sell them, and resell the sticks to some construction workers. Ha… those were the days.”

“... What happened?”

“Carrots happened. Haven't talked to him since I joined, but, I might when this is over… hope he's not hit.”

“... I'm sure he's fine, mister.”

“I’m with you there as well, Hayseed. Now, where did Carrots go?” Nick and Fluttershy looked around, only to see Judy exiting from a restroom, panting and sweating hard.

“... Why… do I… go with… your plans?” She asked with deep breaths.

“Because you love me.”

“... Alright… where to?” Fluttershy pointed to her left.

“Um...perhaps there?” She insisted. Nick and Judy turned to a field behind the gas station, seeing some other animals with professional looking cameras and various tents set up.

“Huh. It's a small world afterall.” Nick commented as he walked ahead.

The trio walked through the set, seeing various animals, doing various jobs from setting up cameras, rehearsing lines, cooking, etc. Most of the crew, as Fluttershy can tell, are animals that live in Meadows like sheep, rabbits, foxes, and wolves. Everyone didn't seem to notice the trio strolling around, as they were too busy with their jobs, up until they found the director, a deer with sunglasses, sitting on his high chair holding a megaphone, looking out to the hills.

“ACTION!!!” He shouted. The sound of cars revving was heard, followed by a loud crash. An RV rolled down the hill, breaking into pieces, followed by the sound of police sirens. The door to the RV opened wide with smoke coming out, followed by a ram, freshly sheathed, wearing only white underwear, exiting. His back was at the cameraman below, but he got up and pulled a gun from his right boot.

“CUT!!!” The deer set the megaphone down. “Excellent! That's the shot we needed!” Nick whistled.

“And that's quite the entrance.”

“What the-!? Who are these animals!? Are they even on the list!?”

“Relax, sir,” Judy spoke. “We're not going to spoil any of this to anyone. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD.”

“And Nicholas P. Wilde… same.” Nick added. The deer gave them a skeptical look and turned to Fluttershy.

“And you, Missy?”

“Oh! I'm Fluttershy… um… trainee?”

“Feh! You don't look like cops! You're not in uniform.”

“I assure you that we are.” Judy spoke. “And it's come to our attention that you have hired three sheep that were part of the Nighthowler conspiracy that happened three months ago.”

“You mean my real assistants? Oh yeah! Those guys have saved quite the hassle! This program’s gonna be the most realistic and, might I add, most jaw dropping thing anyone has ever seen!”

“... Right. Well, we have some questions for your… assistants,and it's best if-”

“Listen, lady, this is none of your business, and there's nothing you can do about, bunny. So go along and bring some carrots, eh? I'm hustling.”

“And this is how it played out, Hayseed.” Nick whispered to Fluttershy.

“Alright then,” Judy spoke, taking a deep breath. “… sir! You're under arrest!”

“Oh for what?” The deer asked sarcastically. “For hurting your feewings.”

“Harboring fugitives.” This got his smirk off. “As you may know, it's a Class 4 Felony that's punishable by a five hundred thousand fine, or, two years in prison. But since you have three, it's, oh, how shall we say, a million and five hundred thousand fine, or, six years behind bars… it's called a hustle, sweetie.”

“...She's good.” Fluttershy commented.

“...Alright, you win.” The deer spoke in defeat. “They're with our psychiatrist.”

“And can we get some info on what he looks like?” Nick asked.

“I don't know. You think I can remember everyone here? All I know is that he's a local and he's not what most people expect of him.”

“Hm… have any idea where he's at?”

“He's usually in his building at Clover Lane. Five minute stroll from here, actually.”

“Well thank you for the assistance, mister…”

“Venison Gilligan.”

“Ah… let's get going, ladies; We, and they, have a lot of work to do.” They left the set. Venison pulled out his cell phone.

“Hello?... Yeah… get my lawyer.”

They arrived to the psychiatrist’s building, quickly learning that Clover Lane was part of a small town. Many of the animals weren't on their phones, something Fluttershy just noticed, and they seemingly wore more farmer-like clothing. The building itself didn't stick out a lot, but the front sign said “Sir Mr. Dr. Wolf”.

“Sir. Mr. Dr. Wolf?” Fluttershy asked.

“Guy must love his titles.” Nick commented. Judy knocked on the door. Small steps were heard followed by the door opening. Answering the door was a fairly small, white Arctic Wolf (Between Nick and Judy's height) with some gray patches, wearing a purple vest with a white undershirt and round glasses on his muzzle.

“Oh… hello.” He spoke in a kind and patient voice. “I haven't seen you three here. Are you new?”

“Um… sorta, sir.” Fluttershy spoke.

“Sir, Mr. Dr. Wolf?” Judy asked.

“Please, Dr. Wolf is fine.” He replied.

“Then why the titles?” Nick asked.

“Easy; The Mister is because I'm married, but the sir is more for the inside of my office.”

“And can we see the inside?” Judy asked.

“But of course, ma'am. I always enjoy the company of new visitors.”

They entered the building. The place was quiet; the ticking of a nearby clock could be heard. Books decorated the various shelves around the room, as well as a the desk where the Doctor sat behind. A large, red chaise lounge sat near the middle of room, next to a different chair. Dr. Wolf down in the chair.

“Please, take a seat.” He pointed to the chaise lounge.

“...All together?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why yes.”

“Not to be rude,” Judy interrupted. “But we're in a huge rush! We've got questions for three specific sheep.”

“They wouldn't be Doug, Woolter, and Jessie?”

“They… actually are.”

“Then please, take a seat; they will arrive within the hour. I am expecting them today; it is part of their program.”

“...program?” Nick asked.

“They're not exactly free as you think. This is more of community service they've been allowed to do, and weekly check ups with me are part of that.”

“But...why?” Judy asked as well.

“Rehabilitation. They're not really comfortable around predators, and I'm chosen, both for a predator interaction, and, well, as I've heard, the best psychologist around. But please, enough of me, I'd like to get to know you all. Please, take a seat.”

“... Beats looking for them.” Nick spoke, taking his seat.

“And this sounds pleasant.” Fluttershy added, taking her seat. “Plus… he sounds friendly.” Judy was about to say something, but took a deep breath and took her seat. Dr. Wolf took his own seat.

“Now, I'm sorry, but I didn't catch any of your names.”

“Oh! I'm Fluttershy.” Fluttershy answered, followed by Nick and Judy.

“Nick Wilde, but please, call me Nick.”

“Officer Judy Hopps.”

“Oh!? The Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde?” Wolf asked.

“Yep!” Nick answered. “Fan of us?”

“Oh most definitely! Though I should've known as soon as I saw a rabbit and fox entering my building together. You both look different out of uniform.”

“Yeah, I can tell. And you can tell why we're here, right?”

“No, not entirely. I can't read minds, but this has to be something important if you need to ask questions for some of my patients, especially those with a history.”

“Um… I'm lost.” Fluttershy spoke.

“Oh dear, my apologies. From the looks of it, you’re new around here?”

“Yes, and, well, I didn’t know they were famous!”

“Carrots is more of the popular one than me.” Nick said.

“Hm, then perhaps we should at the beginning, all of you.”

“Oh… um… is it alright if they talk first?” Fluttershy asked. “M-My story isn’t really… well… interesting.”

“Nonsense! Everyone’s story is interesting when you have open ears and listen. But, if you’re shy, then I can quite understand. Now, Nick and Judy, if you don’t mind.”

“...Well,” Judy began. “I was one of the many kids from Bunnyburrow. As you can suggest, my family is made up of farmers… and not just carrot farmers, Nick.”

“I didn’t say anything.” He spoke with a sly grin.

“Yeah. It’s been my dream to become a police officer, the first rabbit officer, might I add, no matter how tough it was. It wasn’t easy, but I became the top student in the academy and a full fledged officer. Let’s just say my dreams were too big and, when I arrived to Zootopia… nothing really did work out, especially when I meet Nick for the first time.”

“To be fair, you did fall for it.” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, um… Unlike Carrots here, I grew up in Zootopia and… well… being a predator… not a lot of animals are warm around us, especially Carrots. Carrots tried to break her stereotype of being nothing more but a farmer, but I, on the other hand, embraced it by being a sly and clever fox. Of course, I wasn’t alone, as Finnick was with me. Our father-son routine really helped, especially when Carrots paid for something the two of us could easily get.”

“You still owe me those twenty dollars.”

“And I will. The first thing I could think of when I first meet Carrots was, ‘Oh look… a bunny meter maid… this will be easy.’ It was, but, I got involved with her case.”

“And what would that be?” Dr. Wolf asked.

“Emmett Otterton.” Judy answered. “He was one of the fourteen missing mammals. I wanted to help out, but Chief Bogo gave me a fortyeight hour limit. Nick here, knew about Emmett, and I required him to help me out.”

“Oh yeah, and the result was hilarious!”

“I don’t want to recall those.”

“And those are?” Dr. Wolf asked.

“Going to a Naturalist Club and waiting at the DMV that’s operated by sloths.” Nick answered. “But, I am grateful that Carrots is a friend to Mr. Big’s daughter.”

“You should be!” Judy replied. “If it weren’t for me, then we’d be iced.”

“And mauled by Mr. Manchez.”

“But, thanks for standing up to Bogo for me.”


“Thank you. But, with the help of Bellwether, surprisingly, we found the mammals. If you watched… then you know what happened next.”

“I remember very well.” Dr. Wolf replied. “I had a hard time.”

“Yeah… it was all my fault there… especially to Nick. I… I still didn't trust Nick, even after our adventure. It took a while, but I found out Nighthowler wasn't a group, but a plant. That's where we found out Bellwether was behind the conspiracy. I'm just glad Nick thought of something quickly.”

“Oh yeah. Bellwether got busted, I became a cop. Ever since then, we've been a true duo.”

“Interesting.” Dr. Wolf commented. “And how would you rate your partnership? Are there problems today than those months ago?”

“Not a lot.” Judy answered. “Yes, there are some problems, like where we want to eat, but we've grown as partners.”

“I can agree with that.” Nick added. “She's a lot more experienced than I am in police antics, but I know Zootopia like the back of my paw.”

“Very interesting.” Dr. Wolf commented again. “Two distinct species, both with a troubled history with each other, working together. And you've both been together for the last three months?”

“... Pretty much.” Nick answered. “We both go to our own apartment when the day is over, and we visit each other when one of us has the day off, but yeah, we've been together.”

“And I no longer need to carry around some stupid fox repellent with me,” Judy added. “I mean, that's really messed up, especially when you're trying to make the city place for ALL animals, and not just prey.”

“I'm glad to hear that.” Dr. Wolf replied. “So you both trust each other? In any situation, you can trust each other, no matter what it is?”

“How else did we end up with Hayseed?” Nick asked with a chuckle.

“Nick is pretty much THE fox I can trust with my life.” Judy added. “Despite our obvious differences, we will work together and succeed.”

“I couldn't agree more.”

“Very nice.” Dr. Wolf said. “And, you both have feelings for each other, I assume?”

“Well… I sometimes worry that Carrots’ optimism can, and I'm sorry for this, make her blind. So, I do in that way.”

“Hm, I can say the same with you.” Judy replied. “When we're not working together, I don't want you to be ridiculed like when you were young, and nor do I want to see you going back to your old ways again.”

“...Wow, really?”


“Aww… don't be like that, Carrots. There's no way I'd do any of that, not unless it was to save you.”

“... You really mean that?”

“Of course. I may have some fun, but that's about it.”

“...Thanks Nick.” He began to rub her head.

“You should know me better than that. But you are the goody-little-two-shoes.”

“What a peculiar sight.” Dr. Wolf commented. The trio turned to him. He blushed with an awkward chuckle. “I don't want to offend either of you… but… It seems that… well… I-I don't know how to put in other ways, but… I believe you love each other.” Silence erupted into the room. All their eyes widened, but pupils shrunk. Fluttershy couldn't help but now stare at the two, who in returned looked away from her and each other.

“... Um… is that… normal?” Fluttershy asked, breaking the silence.

“It's… rarely heard of.” Dr. Wolf answered hesitantly. “I mean, it mostly has species of the same, though with given differences. Some are different, like canines, but it's more or less with their type, predator or prey. But a predator AND prey together?... Well-” The clock chimed, signaling the end of the old hour and beginning of the new one. “Oh dear! The time's up. If you-” Both Nick and Judy quickly got up and exited the building. “... Oh… ok. I'm sorry I couldn't hear your story, Fluttershy. Perhaps we can do this soon enough? Next week, perhaps?”

“Oh! Uh… m-maybe, sir. Um… i-if your trio doesn't arrive, then where do they live?”

“Well, it's very unlikely that they'll miss, but if they do, then just head north and go to Woodstock Avenue. Their house will be noticeable by a red door.”

“Thank you very much, sir! I-I gotta go… I think your news is taking a hold.”

“I think so too, but,” He took a deep breath. “It's good to be helping.”

Outside, they went to the house of the sheep trio. It was getting dark by the time they arrived, with only some of the sun left behind. However, Nick and Judy froze as they saw what was believed to be the same wolf wearing a trench coach from earlier, entering the basement. Fluttershy took notice.

“Was that the shooter from earlier today?” She asked.

“No idea.” Judy replied.”Stick close and be quiet.” They quickly made their way to the entrance. Nick slowly lifted the door open for them, to avoid making much noise. Crouching, they hid inside a nearby closet, seeing the heavily dressed wolf standing with their backs at them. Judy peeked, seeing that the basement was another Nighthowler Plantation. She whispered to Nick “They're still at it.”

“Hm… figures.” Nick whispered back. “But why?” The door opened from the other side of the room, and in came the other trio.

“You're late.” The wolf spoke, but his voice sounded altered and robotic.

“Uh...sorry, sir.” Jessie apologized. “We're just preparing see Dr. Wolf.”

“Does he know of your plantation?”

“No way!” Woolter spoke in his grabbled voice. “Does anyone know you?”

“... I had a close call with a rabbit and Fox… Nick Judy and Nicholas P. Wilde. I'm quite surprised; their files indicated that they had the week off.”

“Coincidence?” Doug Asked.

“Probably… but, it may be possible that the ZPD has them undercover. But enough of them. Do you have the supplies?” Doug approached to him with a fairly large baggie, filled with Nighthowler pellets.

“There you go. One hundred more.” The wolf took the bag and reloaded his gun.

“Perfect… and, I apologize.” He shot Doug in the chest, making him fall and groan in agony.

“Doug!” Woolter yelled in shock before being shot himself.

“It's nothing personal. The boss says you're all fired.”

“You son of A-AGH!” Jessie spoke before being shot.

“Have fun sleeping away.” Our Trio watched in fear as the sheep began to change in mere seconds. They all stood together on all fours and began to bleat like sheep. The wolf went to the chemistry set, knocked down all the equipment and pulled out a gasoline container from his trench coat. He began to spray gas all over the lab, growing plants, everywhere, and went inside the house, leaving a trail.

Our Trio exited the closet. Judy hid behind Nick, unsure on what the bleating sheep will do. But, unlike the predators from before, the sheep didn't care for them at all. Fluttershy approached to the sheep.

“Ba-Ba-Ba.” She ‘spoke’ in sheep, in which Woolter bleated back. Fluttershy picked up a rod and used it as a herding cane. “Um, you should go after him. I got these three.”

“No problems here.” Nick replied. He and Judy ran up the stairs, following the trail of gasoline.

As they followed the trail, they noticed that the house was a bit more fancier inside than what it looked like outside. Judy followed the trail, but Nick entered a room. She reached the door, but saw the wolf outside, dropping a lit match. A trail of fire quickly traveled past her, and past Nick, holding a dress, and entered the basement lab.

“Run!” Judy spoke. They both ran out of the house, which was followed by a huge explosion! The house’s various pieces fell all around the area, being the main source of light in the night. Judy turned to Nick. “Why do you have a dress?”

“Well, unless they're into that,” Nick answered “Then why is there a dress inside?” He stood up and, using the fire, examined the dress. “Hm… very soft, and shiny. And… what's this? Pink fur?”

“Pink fur? Only one animal has pink fur. Anything else?”

“Hm… Swine.”


“Swine. Whoever had this, her, or his, last name was Swine…. Where's Hayseed?” His questions was quickly answered when bleating was heard right behind them. They turned to see Fluttershy watching over the sheep, who were grazing on the grass all around. “...You know, I think she’s way too good at caring for feral animals." Judy pulled out her cell phone and called 911.

Author's Note:

Oh yeah! It's THE Dr. Wolf. And don't worry, this is most likely going to be the only Brony insert in this entire Fic. And if you're reading this, Sir Mr.Dr. Wolf... keep being awesome!

And deepest apologies for the bad/cringe worthy pun... I was just wanting something funny. And I've seen the Nick X Judy pics (which I'll call Nudy), and man, when they're not NSFW (Something I avoid for many reasons), they're just downright adorable! So, yeah... love subplot that, I'm hoping, will work better than these films.