• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Chasing a Dream: Company

[Blazing's entry]

I'm not really feeling up for writing anything right now, but habit's a habit.

I've been walking through the greenery, or grey-ish blackery to be precise, for two days now without seeing a single soul. As is becoming usual, I spot solitary Corrupted in the shadows from time to time, but I guess I've been lucky so far. Or possibly not even monsters that would hump everything and turn it into one of them want me.

Had a dream about Chokey tonight, funny how my brain tries to escape the possibility of Crom trying to kill me by running off to my dead marefriend.

At least the dream wasn't some twisted nightmare of what might have been, something I would have expected. It was simply a memory of the good times when we both served in Canterlot Guard. She, a Nightguard shift manager, I, a drill sargeant of the Royal Guard. It was before I met Cromach, before any of the stuff with he gods happened... just the two of us. A rightfully lonely unicorn who punched things, was barely socially skilled enough not to spill drink on himself when another pony talked to him, and who couldn't use magic much to the shame of his family and entire species. And Choking Darkness, the batpony mare cursed by her own mother's sense of humor. Seriously, my family was a warzone, but her mother was a nice lady and Chokey didn't deserve the name of a bad cartoon villain. Well, not just the name, but the entire package - batpony, black coat, red mane, tail, eyes, all the fun stuff. You couldn't find a friendlier mare, though, as is clear from her giving even ME a chance.

And look where it led her...

[End entry]

I rise from the morning dew once again, dry and fresh thanks to my amazing sleeping bag. I know I'm repeating myself, but Desert Shade knows her wilderness survival stuff.

Aaaand now my hooves are wet because, sadly, I have to start another day. Why can't ponies just lie around and not be bothered by things like boredom, meaning of life, and where to find next patch of grass to nom? All those existential things I ponder while cleaning the deep cut in my chest and covering it with fresh bandages. The other wound in my side is healing just fine even without stitches, but since I've never really sown skin back together I don't have the knowledge how to treat the big wound properly without hurting myself even worse.

Packing my things, I return on what constitutes for the main road. It looks rarely used, is not much more than deeper tracks overgrown with grass, but there are poles of wood and iron sticking out of the ground on both sides within visible distance of each other.

On the other hoof, the trip has been safe and easy since the incident with lord Heart, if that was the Order assassin's real name. I guess I just exist to complain. Maybe it's only going to be day after day of letting my brain melt of boredom and drift around, thinking about anything and nothing at the same time.

Hah! Just as I think that, my tracing spell reveals a traveller taking the road the other way. Take that, narrative causality!

I must be feeling rather whimsical today to be testing the dealings of fate like this. That, or I'm completely crazy, that works too. Or the blood loss.

Or I just don't give a damn anymore...

Whistling, I don't bother hiding myself and walk straight towards the incoming figure.

Big figure.

A pony bigger than I am figure.

It's a me-damn Corrupted.

Alright, he's taller than I am, about a half broader, has long, whip-like tail ending in some sort of a blade, and sharp, grabby claws on his forelegs. I don't see any tentacles coming from his back and checking the flow of wind, but that can quickly change along with the shape of his body he can easily rebuild into a much more powerful combat form. My unnatural sight shows strange leaf-shaped patterns sliding over his muscles as he walks, and covering his entire body. And yes, it is a he, very much so.

What could it...?


I saw the form once before. Long time ago in the mirror world where Spike and Rarity had a filly, a hybrid of a dragon and a pony. I saw her only as a tiny pony blob with harder patches of purple skin and claws that were barely sharper than a newborn's hooves, but she must have grown into something similar to this. This guy doesn't have wings, though.

The Corrupted ahead is one intelligent enough to shape himself into the strongest possible form for straight up combat. That means two things - he is smart, and he is the Protector type of Corrupted. Well, three things then. Protectors are, right after Drones, the least aggressive Corrupted unless you are forcefully attempting to enter their territory. He should give off a sign that I'm trespassing or something, and I might be able to take a short detour to avoid him.

No, nope, of course he's walking straight towards me. Great. A Corrupted who can literally shove his hoof through my ribcage, a wall behind me if there was any, and a plate of armor with the same condition. One thing is different about this Protector, though, at least it's something I haven't seen before or heard about. Even my vision shows numerous thin white veins running up his legs from his hooves and talons, ending at about knee-height.

Come to think of it, being bred by a Corrupted so violently that my brain melts out of my dong and I turn into one of them is sounding better and better with each day I spend alive and alone again.

Huh, he's carrying a pair of saddlebags. Des did say something about Corrupted from big hives being more civilized, but not to the extent of making and using travelling equipment.

He stops a pony length away from me, extending his hoof like a pony would towards a frightened kitten. Gradually getting the idea that my life does not end here and now, I give his leg a soft hoof bump. He takes one more step and lowers his head towards my robe sliced open and the wound on my chest. Three tongues dart out, stopping only a hair's length from lickng my chest. Then he just sniffs it, and a tentacle comes from his back, unbuckling one of his saddlebag and presenting an unused first aid kit.

What is this, a trained rescue Corrupted?

"Thanks," I say, shaking my head and hoping he understands me, "but it's freshly treated, plus I've got enough spare bandages as well."

He looks at me, tilts his head, seemingly thinks about what I said, and growls:


It takes me a while to realize the creature's just talked. Gurgly and as if choking, but still talked.

Of course they have vocal chords and can understand tone of voice, they are based on ponies, I think. Maybe they just can't talk properly because the thick tongues take too much space inside their throat. Okay, that's just a little too optimistic. They are animals, but what if the hive ones understand some speech because they are around ponies, but just can't talk because nopony taught them and because of the tongue thing?

With that train of wishful thinking, I push the offered first aid kit away and smile at the Protector.

"Thank you."

Should I offer something more than words? I still have some fresh apples. Considering how far it is to civilization from here according to the map, chances of him accepting good fruit are considerable. I levitate my sour, green offering towards him. I've never been too keen on sweet apples, not sure why, so I hope it doesn't offend.

His tongues wrap around the hovering apple and drag it whole inside his throat. He doesn't even chew.

"Huh, either I'm really lucky with you, or you Corrupted aren't as bad as everypony thinks."

He tilts his head again, a sign he's trying to make some sense of what I said, and a moment later yet another back tentacles darts into his other bag and shows me something different. It's a seal or a badge of sorts, depicting a shiny white tree looking as if it was made of ice on a black background.

"Co-rru-pt n-o, Se-pa-ra-ted," he chokes on the words, and I resist making a joke about chewing his food like a good colt.

"Separated from whom... are you lost?"


That's the King of the hive north of Canterlot, right? Nightshade's mate or something. So this guy is definitely from a peaceful part of Equestria. Is he trying to get home? Probably. My trip should take me through Chilly's territory, and a companion might be a stroke of good fortune on the long and otherwise solitary road.

"So, you understand me then?"

He hesitates, and nods.

"If you want to come with me, I'll be passing through your King's land in about a week or so. I've got a map here so you don't get lost again."

Considering he's carrying a medkit he can't use, I think there's a map in his bag somewhere as well, but it's mostly just in a case he finds a wounded traveller, not for himself. So... who loaded this guy up?

Still in the habit of talking to yourself, I see. A familiar voice I can't quite identify rings through my head.


No, I am not Mistake. Don't dwell on it, Blazing. You will find out in due time. Your destiny is approaching, and I am now a part of you, in a manner of speaking, as you will be a part of us.

Whoever he is, he's right. Thinking to myself is not going to bring answers.

I chuckle.

It's funny how used I am to more voices inhabiting the hollow coconut I call my head.

"Fol-low, learn," the Protector hisses, hiding his badge again.

Meh, if he tries to breed me at night... we'll see how good Des' sleeping bag really is.

"I'm headed to Ponyville," I comment towards my new companion as we resume walking.


In hindsight, my attempt at striking a conversation was a bit pointless. Still, just the second set of hoofsteps, even barely audible ones, is enough to stave off loneliness... and thoughts about the future.

The day passes faster than those before, mostly because my train of thought and curiosity is circling around my Corrupted companion. Sadly, my observation isn't enough to tell me anything new - Protectors are big, strong, deadly, and quiet, period. He is taller than me, and as far as I recall I used to be slightly bigger than Luna, but he's not as tall as Celestia although with a definitely broader barrel and shoulders. Scales hard as steel cover his entire body, but don't impede his movement whatsoever by bending when he needs it so they have to be from some enhanced biological material.

That's about it, really. No point in dwelling on it and setting up a theory after theory. Who am I, Twilight Sparkle?

"Fi-re," he groans.

I don't see anything, which means there are no billowing flames nearby. He must be seeing brighter light, which is something my vision spell ignores completely. I've never realized that could be a drawback.


He points slightly off the road. Somepony must be setting up camp for the night just like I usually do. I'm not sure how my Corrupted is going to react if a bandit attacks me, but he should be good for scaring a pony or two.

Or thirty.

On a clearing by the side of the road there stand three large wagons in a U shape with a campfire in the middle. I count twenty-three ponies milling or sitting around before the Corrupted and I are noticed and first weapons drawn.

"Uhhh, hello," I wave, faced with a crossbow aiming at my face, "I was just curious who's out here in the wild, aaand now that I'm sure you don't want any visitors I'll just go...?" I try with blind and impossibly stupid hope in my voice.

A torch is levitated towards my Protector, circling around him.

"It's a Sep, boys, weapons down," orders a buff, bearded unicorn wearing leather armor, heavy horseshoes, and a steel helmet. He grins at me, "Come sit with us if you want, traveller. Name's Hammerhoof, and these mercs are the Hammer and Nails company. We're on the road to Vanhoover. A trade caravan or something. I don't know, I just shoot the slimy black bastards if they come too close. Where did you get the guy anyway?" he nods to the Protector following my lead as I put down my four saddlebags near the firepit and stretch my legs towards it for warmth.

"Met him this morning. He noticed I was wounded and offered me a first aid kit. Speaking of which, have you got anypony who knows how to stitch a cut properly around?"

"Yeah, sure. Hey, Needlework, c'mere!" he waves at a resting unicorn mare who grumbles something, but hesitantly stands up and walks over.

"Got your own stuff? Cause I sure as Tartarus ain't using mine," she glances at the bloodied bandages around my chest.

"Needle-" Hammerhoof starts.

"I've got enough, I'm just not good at sowing," I levitate my spare medkit to her. She nods, opens it, and takes out the items she's going to need.

"Can't really do much if you don't drop the robe," she rolls her eyes, "Don't be shy, I've seen my fair share of uglies."

I'm not too keen on revealing I'm an alicorn, but considering how easily Heart recognized me, I think these guys would have shot me on sight if they knew who I was.

"Twilight's steaming magical balls!" Hammerhoof exclaims, and I hear gasps from all around, "I thought you were just a unicorn, traveller. Those wings aren't fake, right? Just to scare off bandits or something."

"The last guy who tried to rob me blind didn't seem that bothered," I complain, pointing to the open wound on my chest. They really don't need to know there are assassins on my ass, heh. And maybe in an inn, heheh.

I'm awful, I know.

The caravan guards laugh, and return to their evening duties. I hiss as Needlework starts stitching me up.

"So, alicorn, eh?" Hammerhoof tries again, "A prince of something?"

"Yeah, totally. I'm headed to Canterlot to take my rightful place as the ruler of the remnants of pony race. I'll have my own harem or something ready during the inauguration. Speaking of which, isn't there less ponies than alicorns now anyway these days?" I facehoof, "Come on, I'm nopony special. I don't want to get into details, but I'm new to this place and the entire alicorn shtick, sort of."

"Pretty well prepared to be new," he nods to my saddlebags.

"I had an excellent guide by the name of Desert Shade."

"Oh, you met Des?"

"You know her?"

"Of course I do! She's a damn legend in the right circles. She was a legend when I was born, alicorn. The only pony who knows the surface through and through. She's seen parts of Equestria I couldn't even imagine existing, and rumors say she was at the birthplace of Corrupted. Some stories about her must be over fifty, sixty years old, but when I met her in Canterlot three years ago she looked-"

"Just over thirty, I know."

"Should have guessed you ageless folks know each other."

"I got very lucky to meet her recently, that's all. Speaking of Corrupted, I think this guy," I nod to the Protector curled on the stomped grass with his back to the fire, "is lost or something. He said he was separated from somepony, his King Chilly I think."

"He wasn't separated from nopony, he IS a Separated. They are the white hive between Canterlot and Crystal Empire. To be honest, I'm not really sure how it works, but those guys are Corrupted, but there's something wrong with their heads. They can't reach their hive mind or something," he waves his forelegs in the air, "which means they don't have the habits of Corrupted. Wild orgies each day, hunting, territoriality, and everything else. What princess Twilight spread around is that since they don't have the wild side to them, they travel around, learning about ponies, civilization and stuff. Heck, I've known one who worked at a bakery in Ponyville for years, learned all he could, and then went on to become a blacksmith. These Separated guys want to know everything. Like foals in a way, really."

"So, not dangerous?"

"Deadlier than any wild Corrupted, 'cause they are much smarter," Hammerhoof taps on his forehead, "but not aggressive. The only ones I'd be scared of even more are those from Ponyville. Corrupted working as one who have Hex Guard training. No wonder Ponyville is the safest place around - crazy Queen, elite Corrupted swarming everywhere, no work for a hired blade like me."

"All done," Needlework ends her treatment, complete with fresh bandages and everything, "Don't go around running or doing anything crazy, and it should be much better in a week or so. I'm not sure about an alicorn like you."

"So, mind if I spend the night around?" I ask, "Strength in numbers and so on."

"No problem if you sleep outside. The wagons are for us guards, the merchandise, and the caravaneers themselves. Just take a free spot and you're golden."

"Thanks, Hammerhoof, miss Needlework."

"A polite guy," Hammerhoof snickers, "Haven't heard your name yet, though?"

Let's hope he's not heard about me either.

"Blazing Light, and for the time being I'd appreciate if you didn't talk about meeting me anywhere."

"Awww, and here was I thinking I had a decent story for when we got to Vanhoover."

"What, that you met an injured alicorn who did nothing but sleep around and then went east in the morning? Doesn't sound too exciting to me."

"I dunno, an alicorn travelling with a Separated bodyguard being paid off by his plot is a funny anecdote."

"Huh? I'm not sleeping with him. I told you I met him this morning!"

"Ah, sorry, mate, forgot that part. You see, the Seps have no real use for money, just like the wild bastards, so I assumed... you know."

"Wouldn't I go all crazy anyway if I did that?"

"Needle?" he nudges the mare still hanging around. It probably beats lying around watching the fire.

She blushes.

"Ehm... the Separated are... well recieved with... certain ponies. The tainting influence isn't as strong as with normal Corrupted, and nowhere close to the wild ones. See?" she pokes the side of her barrel.

I shake my head. It must be something with color.

"I, umm, am blind and have to use a spell to see a bit. To me you all look like white outlines on a black background."

"Oh," Needle blinks, "Well, then this won't mean anything to you, but tainted ponies have sort of black, oily strains in their coats and manes. It's a bit like Corrupted hair, but only in places."

"Ah, thanks."

She takes my hoof and runs in over her barrel. There is a patch of softer, slightly sticky hair at one place.

"Like this."

"Yeah, well, umm, thank, ehm..., well, maybe... umm, thank you for enlightening me."

"Not good with mares, are ya?" Hammerhoof chuckles.

"Been a while..." I mutter.

"Well, Needle here's done a Sep and a tainted pony. An alicorn could be a progres-OW!" Hammerhoof rubs his punched muzzle. Needlework blows a strand of his hair off her hoof and leaves.

Laughing along with some mercenaries around the fire, I get my sleeping bag ready for the night next to the resting Separated Protector. If anything happens, even if Hammerhoof was just lulling me into false sense of security, I can hope my companion will be on my side in the conflict between ponies.

As popular with mares as always, I see.

Shut up, voice. There's a good reason I ended up with a male griffon.

Gay out of necessity?

Bisexual. My marefriend was a sex addict. You're new, but I hate you more than any other voice before. Except for Sombra's soul. He sucked. You're not some long lost remnant of Sombra's mind, are you?

Definitely not, Blazing. I am... on your side, I am just teasing.

A name would be nice.

I am not allowed to say. Not until we can meet in person.

So you have access to my head from far away?

No. It is difficult to explain while I am still bound to silence. When you discover your rightful place, it will become clear.

A dumpster? A glue factory?

You believe it less than ever before. That makes me very happy.

Can you at least tell me who bound you to silence?


So I'll meet you when I die.

Heh, no. You are smart. You will figure out where to meet me. The 'when' will come at the right time. I believe in you. I made mistakes, but I have always believed in you.

Words mean so little.

Words are all I have left for now. What I can do is use the right ones.

With that, I feel the presence inside me fade. It is obvious I will have to visit Void's Final Sanctuary, but the alicorn of Death has always been a good friend whenever I needed it. If the voice knows I'm alive and lures me there, then how come Void hasn't approached me?

Wait! How did Heart find me? Did I stumble upon a random Order sentry in Vanhoover? I am impossible to track by magic, so...

Who would know I would appear in Vanhoover? The nobles who resurrected me. Their leader said there was a 'she' whom he couldn't remember behind the ritual they performed. The 'she' wasn't at the site.

Or was she?

Desert Shade, an unaging hippogriff bearing a cutie mark infused with divine power, was there at the right time. She knew who I was.

No, Heart wanted to kill me. Des could have ended me at any point.

I don't know enough to come to a solution, but... nothing changes anyway. I will find Crom and... do what I resolved myself to do, no matter what the voice in my head says.

One last thing to do, one final duty to fulfill.

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