• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Balance of Power: Trail

[Blazing’s Entry]

My guess about my regenerative capabilities was correct then. I have no ability to heal while in danger or any natural regeneration like all the alicorns I know. However, if I somehow get out of a sticky situation, then my body seems able to recover from injuries normally considered fatal. I’ll take that into consideration next time I go on a semi-suicide mission.

So, probably soon.

With Harmony’s avatar still out there, I don’t have much choice. I can’t afford to stay in one place and wait for the god to strike, nor do I have a way of finding its host. What I think I can do, based on our last confrontation, is to use the Blades of Balance to finally tip the scales in my favor. In combination with my divinity, the dispersion effect might at last be strong enough to allow me to fight the avatar head on. It was so close last time… so close.

Yes, I AM trying to avoid the main subject, book. You’d be too if your worst fear came true.

I don’t love Joy. I don’t like Joy. I don’t feel anything towards Joy other than… pity? No, that’s not it. Whenever I look at her, I’m just sad, and I feel responsible. I know I’m not, but it just hurts to see her this… different. Even the crazy and murderous one I met before made me feel something. This time, I’m just hollow like I was afraid would happen with Cromach if I met him again.

I just did what came to my mind at the time, and it made Joy feel the tiniest bit better. I hope that counts for something. What she did to my head… well, Mistake couldn’t figure it out, and I don’t feel much different, other than regretting I’m not madly in love with her like I used to. It’s sort of weird, to be honest, not to look at her and feel the overpowering need to be with her coursing through my body.

Now it’s just - “I don’t want to see you sad, lady. That’s all.”

On the other hoof, she didn’t seem to mind too much. Granted, she disappeared for some time, leaving Vertradict to be my only company. He said Joy had a lot to think about and needed some peace. When I could move without hissing in pain, which was I think after the third time I fell asleep, I went to check on the everlasting orgy of… pretty much anyone. Minotaurs, griffons, ponies of all three tribes from various places, zebras, a yak or five, a centaur, satyrs, and species I never heard of plus Corrupted versions of everyone.

Too bad they weren’t much for talking, since I recieved a spread-legged invitation more times than throughout the rest of my lives, and had to refuse out of worry about what it would do to Joy. Probably nothing, since the Cult of Lust, as she calls them, are somewhere between her toys, slaves, victims, and willing followers. It does sound weird, but it’s their choice. Some got there on accident throughout the years, some looked for safety as corruption spread through Equestria, some were those on the verge of losing their mind to corruption when their lust allowed Joy to bring them here. From what Vertradict said, Joy never kept anyone here against their will. In fact, during the first years she didn’t want ANYONE around because of her grief… for me, as he didn’t forget to point out. However, when the first desperate souls got in somehow, she didn’t have the heart to leave them to their fate in the real world.

A guard protecting innocent, used very loosely in this instance, ponies, even looser, despite her own situation.

I, though, could see the flow of energy, the lifeforce slowly draining from all the cavern’s inhabitants and doubtlessly fueling Joy’s own power. I didn’t mind. It wasn’t a forceful and painful process. Joy’s pocket dimension gave them safety and the ability to drown in carnal pleasure the degree of which others couldn’t even dream of, and in turn they offered their life to keep it going. Considering some of the participants were from pre-corruption era, I’m pretty sure they got vastly more out of the deal than they lost.

I’m still stalling.

Joy and I exchanged only a few words, although she did seem to spend all her time in my vicinity. Watching me a lot, actually. When I woke up at one point, she was there with her back pressed against mine. What surprised me, but made sense when I really thought about it, was that according to Vertradict, she hasn’t joined her cultists in their debauchery since I arrived and we had the little talk. Before that, she used to spend most of her time on someone, or in someone.

Just like old times. I give her the freedom to screw around with anyone, but she doesn’t use it because she has me. At least that hasn’t changed, and I know that’s at least some positive effect I have on her. Ehm, well, I was curious… since Vertradict has been with Joy the longest, if they ever did it.


No, Vertradict didn’t change into some smaller form or Joy into a bigger one.

Don’t ask me how. Imagination can only get a pony so far.

...I’m only a little jealous… of Joy, not Vertradict.

Aaaaaanyway, fractured buttholes aside, two weeks which amounted to three days outside later, I had to go. I had a plan, not a good one, but still a plan. Funny, I’ve been to the Silver Sun headquarters multiple times now, and I haven’t thought of asking about the Blades once. Before I got killed by Harmony, Cromach was using the Blades to fight my possessed father. If Bucket is in charge now and has been working for Cromach since shortly before the fall of Canterlot, he might know what happened to them afterwards.

I have to leave, no way around that.

[End Entry]

Standing up and stretching, I stop watching Joy’s ‘cultists’ going at it. I’ve been doing that a lot recently, mostly out of curiosity at this point. This time, I chose a minotaur banging a pegasus mare reaching just above his knees height-wise. Kinda round hole and a square peg situation, and I wanted to know how that worked.

Well, I actually didn’t, but it was a way to pass time, and I didn’t dare join since I had no idea what Joy’s reaction might be. The two didn’t mind me just lying down nearby and watching. In truth, I’m not sure they even registered me being there. On the other hoof, a minotaur holding the mare by her barrel with one hand and just ramming her back and forth was an interesting sight. Either Joy’s magic is keeping this dimension’s inhabitants from harm just like it’s preventing corruption to spread, or mare parts are vastly more resistant than I thought.

I… don’t have that much experience, ehm, with being the well-endowed one, alicorn or not.

“Joy?” I whisper.

She walks out from behind the closest pillar. She must have appeared there for effect. She can’t have been staring at me from there all this time, right? Right?

Some questions are better left unanswered.

I’d be kinda flattered, though, if that was the case. Creeped out, but flattered.

“Can I help you, Blazing Light?”

Damn, hearing my full name from her still feels wrong.

“I think it’s time I left,” I give her a small smile. Let’s hope she doesn’t blow up, “I’m as healthy as I’ll ever be, and with every day I spend here I’m giving Harmony time to restore its divinity and heal its avatar.”

She tilts her head.

“Have you thought about the avatar adapting to whatever damage we can cause just like the cultists from our past life?”

A completely calm and methodical answer. I’m not sure whether I should be proud of her or completely terrified.

We can cause...


Maybe the fact that I don’t feel the crazy all-consuming flame of love and need towards her like before is a good thing.

Maybe it simply means that deep down inside me there’s a slowly burning fire that will never die out. I prefer it like this.

Maybe I’m just deluding myself that I’m still capable of feeling something after all that’s happened.

Oh well, all that matters is what I actually do in the end anyway.

“That won’t work against me anymore. That’s why I’m the only one besides another god who can destroy them. If I don’t screw up like last time.”

This time it’s her, who walks over and nuzzles my neck.

“If you need me, just lie down and think about something dirty. I’ll be there to answer, whether you want my help or simply… me,” she gives me a soft peck on my lips ending with a quick lick.

So no summoning of allies in combat, alright. I’ll have to plan her intervention ahead.

Huh, not weirded out at all about what she just said and did.

On the other hoof, I’m really not a horny inexperienced young stallion anymore.

How about a tired, still not too experienced, ancient stallion in the body of a thirty-year-old one.


“I might be thinking about you a lot,” I look into her eyes.

She returns a confident stare.

“I will know the difference. So, where do you want to go?”

“Manehattan. Unless you know where the Blades of Balance are.”

“I...” she looks away and chuckles, “haven’t exactly been keeping an eye out on real world things for some time.”

“That’s okay. Bucket might know.”

“The robot is still alive and kicking?”

“Currently leading the Silver Sun after Cromach’s… corruption.”

“I know I haven’t said it yet… but I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, it’s mine. Anyway, you can drop me off at Manehattan? I thought teleportation across Corrupted territories didn’t work.”

“Just like any pocket dimension, this place isn’t in the real world. The main entrance being in Canterlot doesn’t mean anything. I can transport you pretty much anywhere.”

So THAT’S how she tracked me every time.

A simple square of twisting darkness appears ahead, Joy nodding towards it.

“There you g-hmm?!” she stiffens when I pull her into a hug, though she doesn’t resist in any way.

“Thank you once again.”

“Heheh,” she pushes me away. Not forcefully, but insistently, “Just keep your word and return to me, Blazing Light.”

I will, or die trying.

Why does my head hurt all of a sudden?

“I will, Joy.”


“Bllrlb?!” a Corrupted Protector startled by my sudden appearance on the sidewalk bolts up, back tentacles swinging menacingly, “Hissssss!”

Crap! I’m not armed or anything.

Wait… I’m in Manehattan. Precisely right in front of the Silver Sun proper. Now that’s what I call delivery service.

Alright, back off. Manehattan Corrupted won’t attack me unless I do something really dumb.



The big Protector tilts his head, hisses at me again, and then lies down by the Silver Sun outer wall, closing his eyes again.


I tend to forget, but while my divinity and special talent are absolutely devastating against divine targets or magic users, I can’t just easily punch out a Protector.

Shrugging, I walk over ot the gate with two Silver Sun unicorn recruits in full chainmails staring at me.

“State your business, sir,” says one, his eyes darting from my wings to my horn.

“Waaait,” interrupts him the other one, “you look famiiliar. Yeah, you’re Bucket’s special guest. I must have missed you were an alicorn last time,” he nods to my wings and adds, “sir.”

“I drank too much Red Bull. Can you call Bucket, please?”

“On it!” he rushes off.

The remaining recruit’s armor rattles quietly, and I realize he’s shaking. He’s pretty young actually.

“You new here?” I ask.

“Yes, sir,” he looks at his hooves, “Eeehm, can I ask you something, sir?”

“Drop the ‘sir’, I’m not a noble.”

“Okay, si- not sir,” he stutters out. I roll my eyes, “H-How did you become an alicorn? C-Can I do that t-too?”

“Why would you want to be one?”

“Well, there’s this mare I like, but she goes only for pegasi.”

WasI ever this dumb? That’s some weapon-grade stupid reason.

Oh wait, I was even worse, though in a different way.

“I don’t know for sure, but try dying multiple times, coming back from the dead, being mind controlled, turning to Corrupted, and fighting gods themselves. That might work.”

“Ha... haha...”

“That wasn’t a joke. If I were you, I’d try to find a mare who goes for unicorns who aren’t that special but are just trying their best. There aren’t many of them of your age, since they all want their prince charming, but there are some, and they are worth every second of misery you live through while looking for them.”

“At this point, I’m not too sure.”

I pat his head.

“Just don’t give up if it’s what you really want. I know it sounds trite from an alicorn, but it might just work, and if it doesn’t then you can rest peacefully knowing you did all you could. That’s all that matters in the end - no regrets.”

I look up through the gate bars and see Bucket striding forwards on the white path leading from the mansion to here with the other recruit trotting behind him, gasping for breath.

“Who are you?” asks Bucket.

Hearing those words, the recruits take a step back and levitate their swords.

Oh for fuc-

“Welcome back, Blazing,” Bucket lets out a distorted buzz which is his laughter. The recruits relax.

“Geez, I thought I’d have to recount the first time the two of us met for the hundredth time.”

“In my defense, I identify you by your divine and magical signature which is vastly different from last time. I’ve had enough dealings with shapeshifters not to trust one’s physical form. I also take notes on one’s behavour, and your sigh, facehoof, and eyeroll were perfect. So, are you just coming home, or are you here on business?”

I sigh again. I DO tend to get a lot of practice in those things.

“Sadly, the latter. Let’s go inside. These aren’t things I can talk about in the middle of the street, not to mention ponies are staring because I’m an alicorn again.”

The two recruits are suddenly very interested in looking in every direction that isn’t me. I wasn’t talking only about them, but their stares were burning holes in my coat.

“Alright,” Bucket nods as we’re walking towards the mansion, “what went wrong this time?”

“Did you get any message about the massacre in Pine Hills?”

“I did. Some of the survivors are recovering in Ponyville.”

“WAIT, WHAT?!” my scream echoes through the mansions’ halls, “Whoa whoa whoa whoa, Mana Burn told me there were no survivors.”

Buckets thinks while walking.

“I see. You must have arrived shortly after the attack, is that correct?”

“I assume so. Some bodies were still not stiff.”

“The survivors hid in the dreamling tunnels for several days. The attacker, who from your previous descriptions I assume was Harmony’s avatar-”

“Good guess.”

“-collapsed all escape routes behind them, leaving them trapped.”

“How did they get out in the end? Some Ponyville rescue party?”

Bucket opens the door to his office, shaking his head.

“Some… creature melted a hole in the main tunnel and let most of the trapped ponies out. The survivors weren’t able to describe it in other way than… pony made of darkness and stars with glowing white eyes. Any idea who that might be?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell, to be honest. How many survivors escaped?”

“According to the message, all but three. The pony seemed interested only in Guiding Light, the last of her dreamlings, and Crimson Heart.”

“Guid-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!” I slam my hooves on Bucket’s desk, “I saw Guiding’s corpse!”

Bucket thinks for a moment again. I don’t push him. He’s calm and can think of a possible reason for what I saw better than I can.

“I believe that would be Guiding’s common crisis strategy - her second in command shapeshifts into her while she suppresses her power and escapes. It must have worked, both against Harmony… and you.”

Oh… oh right… she did that once. Or multiple times if Bucket considers it a ‘common’ strategy.

“So… someone… something saved the surviving villagers. Guiding and Crimson Heart?”

“I haven’t gotten any news since the first message,” Bucket shakes his head, “According to it, Guiding and Heart haven’t been found. The message was sent a day after the survivors got to Ponyville under the protection of Bloodrage and her amazons.”

Damn it… go to Ponyville and check out the tunnels?

Whoever it was, it targeted Guiding and Crimson Heart. It can’t have been the town leaders, because Bloodrage was untouched.

No, I need to be armed. Sorry, Guiding. Sorry, Heart. If I arrive late, if there’s something to arrive to, then so be it. Better than to arrive in time, unable to do anything.

“I’ll get to it. First, I need the Blades.”

Bucket taps his hooves on the desk as well.

“I’m afraid I have mixed news about those as well.”

“Alright, start with the good ones, I’ll know we’re moving onto the bad ones when you get to the ‘but’ part.”

“One of the Blades is in our vault here-”

“Buuuuut?” I raise my eyebrow.

“-HOWEVER, it’s broken to pieces.”

“Another god attack after my death?”

“No, a training accident.”

My eye twitches.

“Somepony managed… to break… an artefact meant to fight magic and gods... crafted by Starswirl the Bearded… during practice?”

“Hey, at least I didn’t say ‘but’.”

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