• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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You Cannot Win: Rift

[Blazing’s Entry]

The dreamling called Five.

I’ve met him only two or three times before today, and the only time I talked to him at all was when he was accompanying real Icy Gaze on Void’s mission to get us from the Griffon Empire aboard the Hailstorm.

How do I remember that name? Well, It turns out, Icy Gaze during his life kept and upgraded the airship using more and more blueprints smuggled from the mirror world. According to Five, now the ship has the capability of cloaking as well as stealth running which doesn’t trigger flytraps. Unlike Icy Gaze, though, Five has been using it to help northern tribes and Rift get food and some technology as well as transporting the rarest minerals only minotaurs can mine under the polar cap.

Kinda makes me wish I still had the Lightbringer docked somewhere, but mirror Twilight took it back after we used it to interrupt Cromach’s execution, so tough luck.

Anyway, Five has spent his whole life by Icy Gaze’s side thanks to the mercenary’s infinite desire to rule or at least explore the skies. With him writing long reports about distant countries and even completely hidden cities in the jungles of Zebrica back to Guiding, and her long standing ‘order’ of trying to learn as much about this world as possible, Icy Gaze was the perfect companion for Five.

Joy wasn’t exactly happy with Five’s description of Icy Gaze as a greedy mercenary with a surprisingly good heart and moral compass, but even I had to admit that when Icy was working for possessed Luna and discovered us hiding in Ponyville, I was still technically charged with high treason against Equestria, so while Icy WAS doing it all for money, he was working on the side of the law… details aside. As for saving us from the Empire, he was on Void’s payroll at the time, so I can’t really complain. In fact, when he was in charge of running the Lightbringer, once again on my wish and Luna’s budget, he did it to save a certain white griffon so he was on the right side… technically, if we ignore Cromach selling Equestria’s military secrets to the Empire.

Ehm, well, we aren’t so black and white either, so we should wait before judging somepony else.

Now, according to Five’s recount of history, Icy Gaze was also responsible for opening the mirror world portal in the old Griffon Foreign Legion fortress, which brought with it its own set of problems, but ONCE AGAIN he was working for Crowley who thought everything he was doing was for the lasting peace between the fractured Griffon Empire factions… before Nightmare possessed him and I helped Vargaz kill him.

So that’s how things went for the mercenary. He used the Hailstorm to start an airship security company by arranging some zeppelin robberies and then selling his services to protect air traffic from real pirates. Five said that when Luna destroyed the original Hailstorm, which is something that must have happened while I was busy killing something else and doubtlessly supremely evil, Icy lost his wing facing the princess while the rest of the crew evacuated. It was a long story, but Icy survived, received a royal pardon in return for helping to stop dragon forces during the invasion from Zebrica, and eventually got the Hailstorm rebuilt with improvements he got from working for Crowley, and that’s the one Five’s about to show us.

Five went on and on about the pirate’s life, and how Icy eventually became the Mayor of Cloudsdale as well as the boss of some massive conglomerate of air traffic companies. Five said that with the loss of his wing, all the pegasus really wanted was to feel the sky, and he took all of it.

Unfortunately, at least according to Five but not us, Icy definitely wasn’t immortal or unaging, and Five wanted to keep Icy’s legacy going after the mercenary’s death, inspiring the legend of the eternally young Mayor. With the rise of Corrupted, the air travel ended, but Five managed to apply Cloudsdale’s natural ‘floatiness’ and Hailstorm’s silent running system technology to move Cloudsdale across Equestria to the Crystal Empire where the pegasi still had a chance to fly under the shield, and there was a way to get supplies from the land. From the Empire, he kept some communications open with Rift, and the trade of mined materials helped the Crystal Empire soldiers hold the city state against the Corrupted before the takeover of territory by Queen Spring.

Nightshade pointed us in the right direction. Funny how she couldn’t have known how right it really was. So, Five has absolutely no problem arranging our transport to Rift, and we should be among the minotaurs within a day.

[End Entry]

“So here she is!” we follow Five into an enormous enclosed docking bay on the northern edge of Cloudsdale.

Pegasi and even several unicorns are milling around, busy with whatever tasks preparing a ship like the one in front of us are necessary. Hailstorm is slick, triangular, and for some reason can hover on its own clouds covering the entire bottom part. Come to think of it, it definitely reminds me of Nicolai’s Blackbird. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of the Griffon Empire technology was based on whatever blueprints Icy Gaze and Crowley were able to smuggle from the mirror world two centuries ago.

The bottom of the wide part is open, turned into a loading ramp with ponies carrying crates of varying sizes.

“Supplies?” I nod towards the closest pair of pegasi holding one while flapping their wings for support.

“Mhm,” Five agrees, “If we’re going to Rift anyway, we might as well bring the next relief shipment a little earlier. It’s not like the Crystal Empire is low on food these days, although most of it is tainted to a certain degree.”

“Minotaurs don’t mind?”

“They don’t exactly have a choice. Even now in summer it’s difficult to grow food up there, hunting is extremely dangerous with tainted beasts everywhere, and mushrooms aren’t nutritious enough for them,” he leads us up the ramp into the well-lit interior of the Hailstorm’s cargo bay, and then through its web of narrow corridors upwards before eventually stopping in front of a pony-sized door, “This is your room, dad. I’ve prepared one for everyone, even though it’s a short trip, in case you wanted to rest. Don’t worry, they are much more comfy than the hallways.”

“Thanks, Five,” I come inside, closing the door behind me as he leads everyone towards their respective cabins.

He wasn’t kidding.

He definitely wasn’t.

The room is about four ponies long, with a bed, a sink, a small wardrobe, and even a thick window. Considering the original blueprints were for a battleship, such equipment is rather unexpected. I guess Icy Gaze wanted himself and his crew to be comfortable on the long trips all over the world.

Well. it’s not like I’m complaining.

Tossing my bags on the carpet by the door, I don’t wait for anything and lie down on the bed. Too much walking recently, too much pressure, too much everything...

Dull knocking on the door wakes me up. I wipe the string of drool off of my sleepy face, and call out:

“It’s not locked. Come in!”

Cromach pushes himself partially inside, leaning down to fit through the frame. He looks strangely… hesitant.

“Hey, buddy,” he starts, “You sure you want my company?”


“I don’t think I could want anyone else here right now more than you, but don’t tell Joy.”

He squeezes himself through the door.

“Heh. I’m glad to hear that. I just… when we met Nightshade you just got rid of me. Not that I minded the tentacles, but I got the feeling that I was in the way.”

“You were.”

He physically recoils, and I try to explain without making things worse, but also without lying.

“I’m sorry, Cro. I want to return to our life, I want nothing more than peace and you as well as Joy by my side, but they won’t let me have that. If I didn’t want you around, I wouldn’t have travelled across half of the world to try to save you somehow. I just… can’t relax these days. I can’t close my eyes without preparing myself to have to wake up in the middle of the night and face some new horror. I’m really sorry I just silenced you there, but I wanted to hear what Nightshade had to say, I needed information, I needed everything that would improve our chances of not getting killed the next day. I love your sleazy banter, it flatters me, really, but I’m… I hate to say it but I’m a different pony than the one you’ve been waiting for all these years. Joy realized that neither of us are who we used to be, and we’re taking it slow. I don’t want to do that with you, but in order for the two of us to rebuild our relationship I need to get rid of the obstacles first. I can’t focus on you when there’s a blade above my head.”

“Heheheheh,” Cromach shakes his head, chuckling, “I find that new sense of responsibility rather… appealing,” he walks over to the bed, grabs me, and pushes me onto my belly, “Shhh, buddy, we’ll be on the way for hours,” his talons dig into my back, “Relax.”

I could try to resist, but as Cromach sits down onto my backside and starts kneading my back muscles, all I can do is slowly breathe out.

“Everything’s gonna blow up in ten minutes, I can feel it...” I mumble. One of his forelegs moves up to scratch me behind my ear, “Mmmmmm...”

“Let me tell you something, buddy, because I have infinitely more relationship experience than you. Some new problem will always come along when you solve one, and one day you’ll realize you’ve never really made time for those who mattered, always either waiting for something… or somepony, or simply trying to solve the mysterious future. The key is,” he digs his talons deeper and runs them down the whole length of my back to the dock of my tail, “to find time now. There is no peace, no happily ever after, there are only problems which aren’t banging on the door yet. Find and enjoy the short moments when you can be happy, and you’ll have the strength to face the inevitable trouble,” he slips down from me, lies down on the bed, and drags me up onto his barrel, one foreleg draped over me and the second one gently squeezing my backside, “Moments like now.”

He doesn’t go further. I just lie there on his chest slowly moving up and down and listen to his heartbeat leading me down the path to sleep. For the first time in ages, not with one eye open.


Everything is black.

Wait, not everything. There are white streaks here and there.

Everything is incredibly warm, though.

*Knock knock knock!*

“Blazing, are you awake? We’re about to land in Rift,” Icy Gaze’s voice quietens down, “Dad?”

“Mmmm!” I wiggle out of my feathery prison, faintly remembering Cromach’s visit. Faintly, at least, until I see the griffon watching me, “Coming, coming!”

Cromach takes a deep breath, opens his beak, then shakes his head.

“You know, by calling out something like that in front of me you’re asking for a lot of self-control from this poor old griffon.”

“Both of us could stand acting our age for once.”

“Geroff mah lawn, damn kiiids!” he waves his foreleg in the air, pretending to hold a cane.

“You know what I mean,” I can’t help chuckling.

“What? Rotting in a grave? I assume that would be pretty boring.”

Aaaand the moment of maturity is over.

“You look great for a two hundred and eighty-something, Cro. When this is over, we’ve got a lot to catch up on.”

He shrugs.

“We could have started a while ago, but noooo. All you wanted was to sleep,” he stands up, careful not to hit his head on the ceiling, “Although how we managed to fit in one bed is beyond me. I guess I’m just that good at jamming myself into tight spaces.”

Tell me that wasn’t an anal joke, please.

On the other hoof, you can be certain it’s genuinely him, and that he’s got the same one track mind like he used to.

“All in due time, all in due time, Cro,” I smile and open the door, revealing Icy Gaze, “Are we leaving already?”

“I hate to say that, but yes. We’re about to land, and I can’t leave Cloudsdale business unattended for long. Mayoring the town after an apocalypse takes a surprising amount of work.”

Remind me to bring Crimson Heart a souvenir or something.

The head of Harmony’s avatar would fit well on a shelf in his office.

Now we’re cooking!

“Alright, Five. Let me grab my things, shove Cromach through this tiny door, and I’ll be right… does this ship have a top deck like the Lightbringer used to?”

“Mhm,” Icy Gaze nods, “Just follow every stairs up. You can’t miss it.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

Five leaves, and I begin strapping all my backpacks and saddlebags on. It was a stroke of unbelievable luck that we didn’t need to use all the winter supplies and equipment, but leaving it here in belief it won’t be necessary because we have a way back to civilization would be just inviting trouble.

“Do you remember the ship layout, Cro?”

“Faintly, but I can always just hiss and flail my tongues at someone until they tell me the way.”

“You know you can just ask, right?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” he ruffles my mane, “Meet you there, buddy!”

With his steps echoing through the metal interior of the Hailstorm, I leave my room and head upstairs. Five was right, and in few minutes I’m climbing up a hatch onto the flat top of the airship.

“Brrrrrr,” I shiver, and immediately drop a bag with clothes in search for something warm.

It’s hard to believe how the fresh air of summer Crystal Empire gave way within a day to the freezing wind. Putting on a wool-laden coat, I walk over to the front of the airship and grab a railing. Thankfully, there’s some rubbery mesh on the metal deck, so it’s easy to walk without slipping. Five is already here, looking into the distance.

“Heights,” I mumble, looking down at the snowy plains underneath, “Wings or not, I can’t stand them.”

I must have gotten used to them somewhat, because my legs aren’t shaking and weak. Only some uneasiness around my stomach remains.

“Well, there’s always the bridge. You can have a good look at things from there as well. I just… I really enjoy looking over vast stretches of land just to see where I’ve been and where I still want to go one day.”

The wanderlust never left him. Guiding chose the right one for an explorer’s job.

I smile.

“That’s okay. I think I can handle myself as long as we’re not plummeting down to our certain… well, likely death.”

“Don’t worry. Hailstorm isn’t completely reliant on fuel or motors,” he points down where a thick layer of clouds seems to move along with the airship, “In case everything shuts down, we’ll just float slowly towards the ground. That’s also why the trip took so long. With the silent running system, to flytraps we look like a naturally occuring cloud. I was able to move Cloudsdale across half of Equestria when Corrupted were still completely feral, so you can believe me when I say the method passed all the tests.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

A wide mountain comes into view as Hailstorm turns around. It’s not as tall as mount Canterlot, but equally menacing, especially with a deep scar seemingly cleaving it in half. Somewhere on the ground level of that enormous crevasse lies the capital city of the minotaurs who embraced a different way of life than the wild tribes.

“Where do we land-” I stop, noticing a dark hole opening in the mountainside. Two metal wings of a massive hangar door slide open, revealing a well-lit interior and tiny bipeds as well as quadrupeds rushing around to get everything out of the way and ready for our landing.

“After the first few supply trips, the minotaurs came to the conclusion that landing outside with few tons of food and equipment, and then hauling raw minerals back was a dumb idea. So they spent some time excavating a dock for me.”

“Five, Guiding MUST head about this.”


“I don’t have time to tell you what she’s gone through while you were in Cloudsdale, but trust me. She NEEDS to see you.”

“I guess I can arrange matters so that I can leave Cloudsdale for few weeks. It’ll take a while to set things up, but it’s possible.”

“Do it. I think it’s vital. Besides, your mission was to see the world and bring her stories about places she wouldn’t be able to visit because of having to take care of the hive.”

He doesn’t ask further.

“Alright, I will, dad.”

I’m pretty sure this would have been crucial before Nightmare fixed her head, but now? Guiding should be ecstatic when she hears about Five anyway.

Mistake, she thinks there’s only her and the new One who mentally still isn't completely there and might never be normal again. She needs to see Five in person. She needs to see that hope isn’t just somewhere far down the line. She needs to know she succeeded.

I understand. She has more to live for than for her dad.

Dreamlings can flourish.

If I don’t fail, that is. Otherwise the entire point is kinda gone.

Way to ruin the mood, Blazing.

You know me.

With Heavy, Joy, and Crom joining us, we descend into the mountain.


Unlike the vast majority of cities I’ve visited, the facade of Rift looks very similar to how it looked in my day. It’s just the little details that show how much has changed. The city is still set all along the massive crevasse, houses carved into both sides of the split. However, where there used to be chimneys and empty holes there are now windows and long pipes leading into huge shared exhaust vents near the mountaintop. Once simple rope bridges leading from one side of the split to the other are now massive mechanical constructions allowing for the fluid transport of minerals on the electrified tracks. I wonder where they get electricity from. My guess is either wind turbines on the outer mountainside or some geothermal sources deep down. Even the long snaking stair-like trails leading down into the seemingly bottomless pit which serve as Rift’s streets now have railings and rough surface so that minotaurs and the occasional pony don’t slip. In the past, lack of safety was kind of a ‘weeding out’ mechanism for the weaker minotaurs.

I stop in front of a familiar unicorn statue in the center of a plaza on the main level, not too far from the entrance.

“Looking good, even after all these years,” Heavy nudges my side. When Darkhorn and I united the minotaur tribes and founded Rift a long time ago, when Cromach and Chokey were persuaded to think I was insane and trying to end all live on the planet, Heavy was the only one who believed me. Yet another incident during which Celestia was wrong and I was right.

“You stay here. I’ll go get warlord Grimbash,” says Icy before leaving, “I’m pretty sure your request will have more weight behind it if his first impression of you is like...” he points at me and then at the statue, “this.”

Cromach looks at the plaque screwed into the ground in front of the statue which only reads:

The Dark Prophet

“As if everyone who gets here should already know who this is,” he smiles at me, “You know, I’ve visited this place only three times in my life, and this is the first time you’re here with me. Gotta admit it feels a lot better being here like this than just sitting on a bench alone, reminiscing.”

“You’re kidding. You’re kidding! You’rekiddingyou’rekiddingyou’rekidding! SQEEEEEEEEEE!” I hear voices of what have to be grown up stallions but sound like excited schoolfillies, followed by the stomping of hooves on the stone floor.

Mana Burn and Knowledge are both standing in front of me, beaming happily, and looking at me, at the statue, then at me, and then at the statue.

“I never thought I’d have the chance to see this, but the history books were real!” comments Knowledge, eyes wide in amazement.

“Told you,” Mana Burn’s back tentacles are swaying wildly, “The statue and the real pony. That’s so cool! As if history came alive.”

Yep, age or not, they’re Twilight’s sons alright.

Behind them, Nightshade and Chilly are approaching as well, followed by a group of Corrupted. No Separated, though.

“Alright, you got me,” Nightshade rolls her eyes, “How did you persuade Cloudsdale’s Mayor to get you here before we did?”

I shrug.

“Old friends, old enemies. When you’re as old as I am, the world becomes weird,” I look at Chilly who chuckles at Nightshade’s audible grunt, “Where did you leave the other white guys?”

“Queen Spring needed some good leaders to organize her hordes which otherwise dislike working underground, and my subjects are heavily resistant to the natural instincts of Corrupted. Nightshade’s Corrupted aren’t independent to that degree, so they came with us here.”

“And we’re here because of you,” Nightshade answers my unasked question, “As I said before, all north goes to Tartarus with weird creatures, minotaur deep mining operations are in trouble, and you’re headed this way in search for some super rare material. I’ll be damned if there really isn’t a connection.”

I scratch my ear.

“Originally, I didn’t think there was one, but my paranoia is kicking in, and I’ve got a terrible scenario or two in my head.”

“Care to share?”

“And spoil the surprise?” Huh, I kinda like to see Nightshade annoyed, “Let’s just wait for the warlord and his recount of the situation.”

“Can we take a picture with you and the statue?” Mana Burn and Knowledge are already holding pocket cameras with their tentacles.

I facehoof.

“Alright, alright.”

“And an autograph?”

I sigh.

“You ARE both around fifty or sixty, right?”

Granted, they do both look like they’re in their early thirties.

Mana Burn furrows his brows.

“I don’t see the point of that question.”

Shaking my head, I stand in front of the larger-than-life statue and assume its pose. Yep, I even manage the annoyed frown. It comes naturally.

Two clicks and flashes later, the two stallions… no, overgrown nerdy colts are already comparing angles.

“We’ve got company,” announces Joy, not interested in what’s happening too much.

“Icy Gaze told me that-” the arriving bulky minotaur whom I expected to growl speaks in a cultivated, learned voice, and freezes, looking from the statue at me and back.

“Don’t worry,” I grin, “I’m starting to get used to it.”

“Excuse me if I retain my skepticism,” he frowns.

“You are excused. I never wanted the damn statue anyway, but Darkhorn insisted,” I wave it off, “Now, you were saying...”

“Oh yes. Icy Gaze told me that you needed some istrium. We can work out the details of a mining operation, but we currently don’t have any access to the deep core mines. Maybe in the future if Crystal Empire sends reinforcements after clearing out their own mines-”

“We’re the reinforcements,” says Nightshade.

“With all due respect, I’ve fought the horrors down there and a group of Corrupted along with a unicorn won’t be enough, miss…?”

“Nightshade,” she grins, baring her teeth, and nods to her white companion, “And this is Chilly.”

Grimbash coughs.

“Those names… aren’t a coincidence, are they?”

“No,” Chilly steps up, “Queen Spring, princess Cadance, and prince Shining Armor called for assistance, and we were happy to answer. Besides, it’s somewhat boring at home now that our territories are mostly safe.”

“Speak for yourself. You didn’t have an alicorn beat the snot out of you...” mutters Nightshade, shooting me a quick glare.

“I’m beginning to believe the Dark Prophet thing...” Grimbash shakes his head, “Nevermind. I’ll assume you know most of what’s going on then. Our situation is the same as in the Crystal Empire, only on larger scale because we lack the sheer numbers Queen Spring provides. Over past weeks, we were forced to abandon the deep crystal mines, even those required for the forging of istrium you desire. Creatures we’ve never seen before crawled out of nowhere and assaulted our positions one by one. At first, we were able to defend our bigger operations, but their numbers were too much,” he scowls, and I can see the minotaur’s pride being shaken by having to admit a loss, “Over time, even the weaker variants grew somehow more resistant to our flamethrowers and acid bombs. We had to switch tactics, but they adapted again, and we had no choice but to evacuate almost everything. The only good thing is that they are staying deep down and not attacking Rift or the shallow mine shafts so we still have something to work with.”

I sigh again. Quickly adapting monsters again.

“Did by any chance the new monsters look like bigger and stronger versions of normal vermin you have to clear out during your mining?”

Grimbash rubs his chin.

“Come to think of it, yes. Especially the devourer worms.”

I nod.

So here we are, Nightmare. You sent me on the way for the third Blade, you knew what materials I’d need because you manipulated Starswirl who, however, outsmarted you, and…

...I’m guessing you pointed Harmony’s wounded host towards my goal as well. Adaptation and evolution towards perfection, Harmony’s power. Whether it’s conscious and he’s fortifying his position because the wounds I caused to his avatar were far more severe than I thought, or whether they’re waiting down there and the overgrowth of monsters is just a side effect actually changes nothing.

“Where did the monsters appear first? I think we should have a look around there.”

“The deep mine twenty-seven B. We’ll provide you with maps, but I can’t spare many warriors. Our defenses are stretched too far as is.”

“Just some equipment will do. Cro, how much do you know about advanced weaponry? Can there be anything useful for fighting underground?”

The griffon nods.

“I’d avoid explosives unless we want to drop the shaft on ourselves. Flamethrowers, though… I’ve always liked cooking.”

“Some creatures have developed very high resistance to fire since our first encounter,” Grimbash repeats.

“Blaze?” Cro raises his eyebrow.

“I think I can strip that away from them at this point.”


“Me, weapons? Don’t be an idiot. I’m as armed as I need to be at all times and so are all my associates.”


“I… must admit I’m not much of a fighter anymore. I can stay here if you don’t want me in the way,” she hangs her head. She’s right, though. She’s never been good at fighting big things, preferring to take out normal targets. Maybe… no! I’m including her even if I have to protect her all the way, “We’ll need some night vision in case everything goes south. Plus, you can practice your magic. I recall you using some rather disgusting fire spells- a while ago.”

I almost said ‘when you tried to kill me’.

“Alright,” she smiles, “I think I can put my horn to good use. Although if you’re offering some heavy guns an alicorn can operate...” I see an evil glint in her eye.


“Well, let’s get suited up. Lead the way, Grimbash. Icy?” I look at the silent pegasus who shakes his head.

“I shouldn’t. Grimbash and I have a lot of matters to discuss, and I need to prepare plans for the next supply trip between Rift and Crystal Empire. If you really need me, though...”

I understand. He’s responsible for the future of a lot of ponies.

“No. You do your job, and we’ll do ours.”

“So… about the armory,” grins Cromach.

Author's Note:

Three words: Minigun wielding alicorn.

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