• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Balance of Power: Answers

Some thirty years after his visit to the sacrificial valley beyond White Tail Woods, Bound Tome still looked as if he was only nearing the fourth decade of his life rather than approaching his sixties. Being touched by corruption was a good way of attaining longevity, as more and more ponies realized these days. The threat of losing their minds was just a minor deterrent to the brave youngsters seeking Corrupted either in the wild or in cities.

"Heh, youngsters," Bound Tome chuckled, leaving a bunched up group of tentacles serving as a lectern. One of them lengthened and put the book they were all holding at eye height on a nearby table. Bound Tome shook his head at the sight, "I sound like an old pony."

"Grrghm!" he heard a dismissive grunting from the library entrance. The towering Protector Bastion was still keeping him company even after all these years, protecting the mage from loneliness, tax collectors, and failed summoning spells. Three slick tongues came from Bastion's mouth and licked his muzzle, giving Tome a steamy look.

The tainted unicorn just chuckled again.

"We still have a book to transcribe today. The royal library never waits."

"Mmmm," Bastion sat back down, grumbling in disappointment.

"Good news, though," tentacles sprouted from the carpeted floor and brought a different book in front of Bound Tome's muzzle, "A new codex of wizardry came out this week and guess who made it in!"


"Exactly! I did," Tome flipped a bunch of pages, "B-b-b-b-b, here it is! Bound Tome, the first unicorn wizard to successfully integrate the abilities of Corrupted and unicorn magic into a new form of spellcasting. Specialist on the theory of dark magic and the practice of blood magic. His biggest success to this day remains a spell tantalizing for many a young unicorn promising to summon a Corrupted-like entity serving one's physical desires without the threat of being tainted," Bound Tome huffed, "They could have left the dark arts out, it's not like I'm some sort of shadow lord set on taking over the world. "

"Heh heh heh," Bastion covers his mouth with his huge clawed front legs.

"Still, I'm the only one able to do this, which I am sure frustrates 'many a young unicorn', " his black horn glistened, and the form of a beautiful mare, all slick and black, sprouted from the carpet, "Having the balls to study Queen Nightshade's Corruptors proved quite the... asset," he slapped the summoned mare's wide flank.

A second later the fake Corrupted splattered all over the area as Bastion did the same thing with a rather catastrophic result. The Protector snickered as the black fluid from the summoned mare dissipated, leaving no trace whatsoever.
"Don't be jealous," Bound Tome rolled his eyes.

Bastion just presented his behind and flicked his tail in response.

"Later! As I said, I still have work to do," Tome summoned another fake female Corruptor, much to Bastion's annoyed growling, "I'm just practicing," the phantom did some stretching and jumping before disappearing, "It's still pretty complicated to do it without a stabilizing ritual, just using willpower."


"I refute any and all allegations that I just wanted to see a flexible mare stretch for me."

Bastion snorted, then his ears perked up and he gave the library door a confused stare.

"I felt it too," Bound Tome quickly listed possible defensive spells in his head. While he pondered the surge of power in the hallway outside, looking for possible reasons of somepony using unique unnatural transportation method to get to the Canterlot royal library without taking the official route, the door opened.

Bastion immediately pounced, claws ready and teeth bared. Tome knew to trust the Protector. If there was somepony they knew outside, Bastion would have not reacted like that.

The overbearing Corrupted stopped mid-air, held by tendrils of pink and gold flames. Wherever the fire touched, it made Bastion's taint recede, leaving lighter grey marks in his black coat. Black tentacles taking place of Bound Tome's levitation shot out to entangle the invader and dispersed into black mist before they touched him. Seeing Bastion struggling in vain against the burning shackles holding him in the air, Bound Tome got ready to unleash possibly literal hell on the intruder.

Three things stopped him. One, Bastion wasn't being hurt, only restrained with the side effect of the corruption in him reacting to the power holding him in an absolutely unique way. Two, the faintest memory of the entering alicorn being in some way familiar. And three, a definitely familiar voice saying:

"Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work."

A second visitor stepped through the door behind the incoming alicorn.

"Desert Shade?" Tome's eyes went wide, "Haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah, I've been busy," she grins, "Recently with this guy," she nodded her head to the silent alicorn, "By the way, tell Bastion to calm down before he gets hurt."

Tome waved at Bastion. The two could communicate without words if needed, but they never used it unless in danger. Well, that DID happen from time to time, even to the reclusive royal librarian. When Bastion stopped struggling and growling, the alicorn's burning tendrils put him back on the carpet.

Feeling a little safer, Bound Tome examined the alicorn.

Bluish grey eyes stared back at him, mirroring the examination. Bound Tome was used to the royal princesses almost glowing with divine power, but this stallion looked shabby in comparison.

Blonde mane fading into platinum in places. Bronze coat, reflecting the burning flames fading around his front leg that used to hold Bastion, shedding in places. Look of complete exhaustion in his face. All those contrasted sharply with the alicorn looking around thirty.

However, even the princesses had to be cautious around powerful Corrupted like Bastion. This guy simply did not consider the Protector a threat.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Bound Tome asked.

"Are you Bound Tome, the inventor of a spell allowing one travel inside the contents of a book?" asked the alicorn.

Tome nodded. The spell was not difficult or groundbreaking. His reaction upon discovering a context allowing him to finish the spell had been disinterest, mostly due to believing that nopony bothered with finishing magic of that sort because it was useless. All it basically did was allowing the caster to talk to fictional characters to gain knowledge past what was written inside their book, possibly to find out what the author wanted to say with context and didn't manage to.

Useless, pretty much.

"Yes, in flesh."

"This library used to hold the journals of an ancient wizard called Starswirl the Beared," said the alicorn with certainty, "Are they still here?"

Or maybe not so useless. That alicorn was smart, but not smart enough. Tome had tried to use the spell on the journal, but it hadn't worked as he hoped.

"Indeed they are, but Starswirl refuses to talk about his research if you contact his written avatar. Believe me, I tried."

"You just have to know the right question to ask. Starswirl knew about the deities of this world more than anypony else ever. I need to speak to him, or to something as close to him as possible."

"And what would the right question be?" Tome asked, shiver running down his spine. He knew well enough that gods meant trouble.

"I need to know what stopped him from crafting the third Blade of Balance."

"Third? None of the journals ever hinted at there being more than two. Why would there be three?"

A black-handled greatsword with silvery blade appeared in the air next to the alicorn and violently stabbed into the floor.

"One-" the alicorn growled.

The second sword, ivory-handled with ashen grey blade did the same, sending sparks over the carpet.

"-to kill-"

A sword shape without any features, just looking like a hole into darkness, appeared in the air and simply disappeared again.

"-each god."


“Wooo, great job, Blazing,” says Desert Shade, “You just had to ruin a perfectly good carpet. That’s because this place belongs to the princesses, isn’t it?”

I whistle innocently, prying the swords out of the stonework.

“N-Noooo… maybe.”

Bastion circles around me, sniffing the air while his tentacles sway cautiously, ready to strike at any moment. Tilting my head, I look at Bound Tome.

“Can you ask your friend to back off? I’m not a threat to either of you.”

The heavily tainted unicorn, all grey and oily black, gives Bastion a single look, and the Protector walks off, sitting down by the library door.

“There. As for the threat thing, I don’t believe you in the slightest.”

“I don’t INTEND to cause any trouble, happy?” I shoot a nasty glance to Desert Shade suddenly bursting into amused snorting.

“...with zero success...” she turns away, clamping her talons over her mouth.

Sighing, I roll my eyes. Thankfully, our brief exchange seems to have made Bound Tome a little more comfortable. He comes closer, giving me a thorough look.

“You DO look familiar. Have we met, perhaps in passing?”

“Definitely not. Des told me you were a part of an expedition sent to finish my job.”

“Finish your-” he raises an eyebrow before realization dawns in his eyes, “I don’t know how or why it is possible that you’re here, but you’re Blazing Light,” he smirks.

“I assume you heard a passing remark or two during your trip to The Barrier about me.”

“Heh. If by passing remark you mean Cromach not shutting up about you the whole way then yes,” Bound Tome laughs and nods to a table with several armchairs around it, likely a reading spot, “Anyway, since Des brought you here AND I can’t seem to shove any scanning spell through your famous magic resistance, I doubt you’re some agent of evil trying to pry information from me. Do you want something to drink?”

“Maybe later, depending on what we discover here,” I shake my head, and look at the ceiling-high bookshelves stacked all over the massive library taking nearly a whole floor of the castle, “You know, either to celebrate or to ease the failure. Speaking of which, can we get back to business?”

Tome nods, frantically rushing off. I follow him, but lose sight of him quickly between the bookshelves. His raised voice guides me, though.

“I have a real treat for you then - the latest journal of Starswirl the Bearded. Only two centuries old.”

Uhhh, what?

I know I SHOULD be shocked, but considering what we’ve seen up until now...

“Didn’t he die over a millenium ago?” I call out, completely lost in the maze of bookshelves now. Time to go back and leave the librarian to his expertise.

“That’s what everypony thought!” Bound Tome’s voice starts getting closer again, “But then, BOOM! Princess Twilight Sparkle discovered that he wasn’t dead, he was locked in Limbo along with a dreadful enemy called the Pony of Shadows he and several other heroes imprisoned in there because they couldn’t destroy him.”

Few moments later, I find myself back at the common reading place by the entrance. Des is looking out of the window, humming a pleasant tune I’ve never heard before.


Bound Tome arrives as well with a bunch of tentacles growing from the floor following him while holding a book. An interesting phenomenon, but since I’m not a research magician and I’ve got much bigger problems, I don’t comment on it.

You should. It looks like the tentacles are there instead of Tome’s telekinesis which is something we’ve never seen before.

Well, I generally don’t use my tendrils like that, but I suppose I could.

No, for you it’s a conscious summoning of your divine power or magic. For him it’s just a substitution for telekinesis.

Yes, yes, very interesting. Once we destroy the gods hunting us, we’ll have time for curiosities like this one.

Ugh, point taken.

“Yes, Limbo. An old name for what is now characterized as the void between realities. Time doesn’t pass there, common senses don’t work there, and existence, if it can be called that, is something completely different. To put it in more familiar terms-”

“It’s where I banished the majority of Harmony’s body.”

“Exaaactly!” Tome smiles, summoning a lectern made of twisted black tentacles and putting the journal on it, “It took me some time to piece things together, but I assume the Pony of Shadows was the previous avatar of Nightmare before the god possessed princess Luna, leading to her banishment to the moon. Princess Twilight managed to save Starswirl and the others from Limbo, and even the poor pony still twisted by Nightmare’s power although not under her direct control anymore, because, you know, you caused so much damage to her. If you ask me, that’s the main reason he didn’t slaughter them all, but let’s say friendship won that one.”

“So Starswirl is still around?”

Tome shakes his head, pointing to the journal.

“No, he died peacefully some thirty years later after exploring the completely different Equestria. After all, he was a very old unicorn who was locked away for over a millenium. As I said, this is his last journal,” he opens the first page and chuckles, “Check this entry out - Radio, voices in the ether. Is it magic or technology?” shaking his head, Tome flips the pages until he gets to the last one covered in writing, “There’s a bunch of these here. He was extra curious about zeppelins and griffon airships in general.”

“Too bad,” I frown.

“Well, we have the next best thing,” Tome takes a step away from the lectern, a single sharp tentacle grows from the floor ahead, and stabs him in the foreleg. Blood mage, right, “As I said, though, I doubt he’ll talk to you. I tried getting some information out of various versions of him and he told me not to bother him every time.”

“Well, that’s why I wanted him alive so that I could break a leg or two if needed.”

“Now that’s a conversation starter if I ever heard one,” says an old, raspy voice from behind me, followed by a chuckle.

“Aaaand he’s already here,” Bound Tome whistles innocently.

I turn around to face a grey, partially see-through unicorn with white beard giving me calm and mildly amused stare.

“I suppose we CAN recast the spell and summon a new one in case I piss this one off too much, right?” I raise an eyebrow at the legendary wizard.

“Uhh...” Bound Tome looks away when Starswirl shoots him a glance, “Yes, and judging by how we’re starting off, we might need to do that sooner than I thought.”

“I assume you’ve done this spell multiple times then, strange unicorn,” comments Starswirl, looking through his foreleg at Bound Tome.

“Uhh, well, yes, sir,” Tome coughs, “I mean, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir… again.”

“I doubt that, considering what this alicorn said he’d like to do to my real self if it was present,” Starswirl snickers, focusing on me, “Out of sheer curiosity, though, what is so important it would be worth breaking na old pony’s legs to make him talk?”

I look Starswirl in the eyes.

“Desperation, to be completely honest,” I levitate up the twin Blades towards the mage, “Do you recognize these, or do I need to find a different version of you?”

Starswirl, unable to touch the hovering greatswords, circles around them.

“Normally, I would deny any knowledge of these things, but since you can’t harm me or find my real self, I admit I know what these are.”

“You are dead,” I nod towards Bound Tome bringing an armchair to sit in for himself and Des, “at least according to him. This is your final journal.”

“Oh, how did I go?”

“Natural causes,” says Bound Tome, sitting down,

“Pity,” Starswirl shrugs, “I thought I’d be saving the world from something.”

“Which brings us to the Blades again-”

“No, it doesn’t,” Starswirl cuts me off, “I assure you that any threat you yourself might face is completely negligible to what might and will happen if the Blades are completed.”

“Harmony nearly wiped out the entire pony population in the past two centuries. I stopped his return from the void where Discord and Nightmare imprisoned him, but he’s still trying with what little power he has left. Nightmare is hunting me personally for repeatedly destroying her hosts. What Discord is doing I don’t know.”

Starswirl just shakes his head.

“While your fate is regrettable, it is nothing compared to what would happen if my work was finished. Although it’s rather strange that Harmony managed such a feat. I would assume other gods would stop him from spreading his influence so much.”

“Some time before that, Harmony resurrected me as an alicorn. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t follow anything he wanted me to do. Unfortunately, Nightmare was on my back all the time, and I destroyed multiple avatars of hers. Sometimes with the Blades, sometimes without them. Harmony tried to kill me afterwards when he realized I wouldn’t work for him, and set up a plot which eventually ended with me destroying his host and banishing him into the void. Limbo, as you called it.”

Starswirl freezes, as if something caught up with him.

“Wait, that was YOU?!” his eyes bulge, “I remember sensing that while we kept Stygian contained. I didn’t know what could cause such ripples in the void, but I knew it had to be massive.”

“Starswirl, you and a bunch of heroes stopped Nightmare’s avatar. Good job, but I’ve done much more, and I need to do something incomparable to even that.”

Starswirl stomps.

“YES, because none of us would be so STUPID!”

“What?” both Des and Bound Tome burst out. I just stare. Starswirl continues after taking a breath.

“No matter what you’ve gone through or what you believe, you can be sure you’ve been a pawn of one or more of the trinity. They all want power, they NEED it, but as soon as the balance breaks… it’s over. The Blades were a mistake, just another Nightmare’s attempt to destroy the other two. That’s why they mustn’t be completed, EVER!”

“Are they that powerful?” asks Des, “I mean, Blazing here fought Harmony with them and got killed anyway.”

“Not the TWO of them. Two of them just disperse any magic in the vicinity. I suppose you suffer from the Thaumic Suppression Syndrome, alicorn, right?” he asks me. I shake my head.

“No. I don’t possess absurd telekinesis. My special talent is stealing and unraveling magic. I had to use it so much that now it’s a part of my divinity. My power on its own was almost enough to stop Harmony’s new avatar, but I need the Blades to tip the scales in my favor.”

“I think you’re failing to realize that if the Blades are completed then the world is in greater danger than ever before.”

“Harmony is INSANE!” I yell at Starswirl, “If I and few others didn’t stop him twice the world would ALREADY BE OVER!”

“Then you have to find a different way, since you’ve apparently managed to do so already,” the wizard sits down into the armchair I’m not using, and crosses his forelegs on his chest.

I take a long breath in and out.

“Alright… why? Telling me that isn’t going to kill you, metaphorically speaking.”

“The two Blades put together disperse magic, both of the user and the target. After decades of research, I discovered that divine power is nothing but heavily concentrated wild magic, so unstable it becomes reality with only a strong enough wish. To be accurate, what we call magic are just tiny drops of divine power scattered around our reality. The gods are its source.”

“So if I destroyed them it would end magic?”

“If done properly, no. That, however, doesn’t matter. Destroying the gods is a good thing. Doing so is impossible, though.”

“Isn’t that what the Blades are for? I assumed the three together could destroy even divinity. Now that you said divine power is just condensed magic, it makes even more sense.”

“I didn’t mean impossible from the standpoint of power, alicorn. Wielding all three Blades, according only to my calculations since I’ve never finished the blueprints for the third one, would also destroy your own divinity. You would be only a mortal.”


Starswirl looks taken a back for a fraction of a second.

“No hesitation, eh?”

“Look, I don’t mind risking everything. I’ve done that too many times to count. I’m doing this mainly for myself, so that I don’t have to watch my back with every step and the bastards don’t target my close ones again. Saving the world is just a side effect, because we need somepony to grow all the food.”

“And if you fail, if the Blades are completed and one god gets hold of them… what then?”

“You tell me, because that means I’ll be dead. Besides, aren’t the Blades supposed to protect me from them?”

“Not from their minions. There are always those who would answer the call in exchange for power. The gods will throw everything at you, and divine threats will be the least of your problems.”

“I am not alone. As much as I would want to be so that nopony else will get hurt… I am not alone.”

“If the Blades get into the wrong hooves, talons, hands,” he looks at Bastion with barely contained curiosity, “or tentacles then you’re giving one god the ability to destroy the others. If that happens...”

“The power tied to the god will overwhelm the world. Nightmare’s will destroy all life. Discord’s will cause complete chaos, growth of impossible lifeforms, pain of their immediate death, and with Harmony, one hivemind, no individuality, no real life.”

“So you know what you’re putting at risk.”

“I don’t have a choice, Starswirl. I know that, because I’ve already averted that once, but I can’t do it again. My power is different now. Before, I had Void’s help-”

“Ah yes, the primal alicorn of Death. Nightmare’s own creation.”

“And yet, the most adamant protector of all life. Starswirl, if you think Void was on the wrong side, you’re making me question your knowledge and intelligence.”

The mage only smirks.

“Strong words.”

“I knew him, and thanks to his sacrifice we’re all still here. He put events in motion which led to Discord helping us stop Harmony, and when I died he set everything up so that I had a chance and a reason to return. He and Scream did. I am his… heir, in a way. If not to his power, than to his goal of saving the mortal races from the whims of the gods, although I’m doing it mainly for myself, I admit. I don’t exactly care for any heroic destiny. I’m just the wrong pony in the wrong place at the wrong time doing my best to survive and succeeding through sheer luck.”

“Hmmm, that could be the most correct definition of heroism I’ve ever heard,” Starswirl rubs his white beard, “However, I feel there’s something you’re not telling me. I can see it in you. You’re… afraid and uncertain.”

I close my eyes, breathe in, and then breathe out.

“Tome, do you need to rest before we reset?”

The tainted librarian gasps.

“You can’t just say that in front of him! I mean, no, the spell is simple, but you can’t just blow Starswirl off like that.”

“Now you’ve certainly piqued my interest, alicorn,” Starswirl taps the armchair he’s sitting on, “Go on, since my next iteration won’t remember this conversation anyway. Indulge an old pony.”

“I got the notion of the third Blade from Nightmare herself,” I admit, “Before that, I had no clue there were more than two. I thought they were just a minor help in fight against gods, that they were the best even you could do. After all, complete magic resistance is already a crazy feat.”

Starswirl nods, strangely undisturbed by the news.

“Just one more question, are you a real alicorn or an ascended unicorn?”

“At this point, I have no clue. I started out as a unicorn, but I died and was resurrected so many times and under different circumstances that I genuinely don’t know,” I stomp my hoof, realizing something, “Wait, you KNEW I found out about the third Blade from Nightmare?”

The old mage smiles and nods.

“No other being would know about the project. I told you, the Blades were Nightmare’s idea from the start, albeit in a slightly different variation. You see, my research assistant at the time was a young earthpony by the name Hidden Insight, and expert historian regarding the wars of three tribes, specifically on the survival of earthponies under the onslaught of unicorn magic. Her research led to the invention of anti-magic tattoos known as runic shrouds used by earthpony soldiers until these days. Well, the days when I was still alive. One after another, she improved the runic patterns, buried herself in mathematic equations describing the flow of magic, and eventually came up with the idea of the Blades. Weapons which distort reality and the strikes of which cause microscopic tears in it through which magic is sucked away into the void and dispersed. With my knowledge of magic, her obsession with math, and some of the best blacksmiths of Equestria, we crafted Discord’s Blade. By that time, Hidden Insight became more and more reclusive, abandoned all her other interests, and pushed the Blades project forward as much as she could. I became suspicious when she failed to produce any proof of imminent threat, and I had her tracked, because I was beginning to understand the magnitude of our discovery. A real weapon against gods, one crafted by mortals. Not the Elements of Harmony, but one we made on our own.”

“But you didn’t. Nightmare got your assistant, didn’t she?”

“Yes, she did. I don’t know whether it was from the start or whether Nightmare caught wind of our attempts and wanted to control them, but she helped Hidden Insight grow our project vastly faster than it would otherwise. From a single Blade crafted directly to weaken the power of Discord, we got to two, which nullified all magic. HOWEVER, I outsmarted Nightmare, I believe.”

“How so?”

“I pried as many details from Insight as I could. Why the runes on the edge looked exactly like they were supposed to, why the materials had to be exactly what they were, the shape of the edge and handle, everything. She tried to wave me off with general principles of magic, but I understood that each Blade was designed around the power of one god. What I did was to personally design not Harmony’s Blade, like Insight under Nightmare’s control wanted, but Nightmare’s. Afterwards, I confronted Insight, Nightmare left her a confused and mentally damaged mess, and the research ended. No one other than me and Insight knew exactly what the Blades were for. Everypony thought they were just another step in magic resistance gear, and I destroyed all relevant research materials. I was very thorough, since the Blades’ existence leaves no room for error. That’s how I knew Nightmare had something to do with your knowledge.”

“So Harmony’s Blade is the missing one, or the anti-Harmony Blade. Alright, I almost got his avatar on my own. With at least two Blades, I think I might be able to finish the job,“ I nod, “Thank you for all the information, although it wasn’t what I was hoping for.”

Starswirl takes a long, drawn out breath.

“There is no room for error, alicorn.”


“Each god’s power is kept in check by the power of the other two.”

“I know. The imbalance we’re facing now is partially Harmony’s successful scheming, and partially my own doing. The thing is that I don’t have a choice. I will have to fight them with or without your help. I will ask Tome here to call out your echo from the book again and again in hopes I’ll get information about the final Blade, and if I fail in the end then the gods will win. I hope this doesn’t sound too… self-important, but I’m the only one who has an even remote chance of winning. My power is tailored for that. Void believed I was the one to finish what he started and sacrificed himself so that I had a chance. I would run, I’m not a hero. I couldn’t care less about the fate of the world. I just… they would find me and my close ones anyway. I don’t have a choice anymore, Starswirl.”

The wizard shakes his head.

“I understand. I really regret somepony has to be in your situation, trust me.”

“I know there’s a BUT coming.”

“Your struggle is your own. The gods will keep fighting among themselves with us as their pawns. If you are as much of a threat to them as you believe, then once you are… out of the way, things will return back to how they were. Your fight isn’t saving the world. In fact, quite the opposite.”

“Alright, wizard. I see where you’re coming from, and you’re probably right. If I didn’t fight Harmony and Nightmare on so many occasions, none of this would have happened. However, Harmony had successfully manipulated everyone. His elements were designed to gradually limit the influence of other gods and he succeeded in that. I also understand that what I say means nothing to you. In the same way, though, your opinion means nothing to me. What I want doesn’t matter anymore. I will fight until the end. For myself, and because Void was a good friend and I’d hate to sully his memory by not giving it my all.”

“And for the world?” Starswirl raises his eyebrow.

“Do I have to repeat myself? Screw the world.”

“Heh heh heh,” he stretches his legs, takes a short walk to the window, and gazes into the distance, “So much has changed… again. It’s too bad that this time I won’t be able to explore anymore. Say, would you mind telling an old unicorn some stories?”

“Ehm,” Des clears her throat, “We sorta need to go through this conversation a hundred more times, so-”

“Calm down, Des. Few minutes won’t hurt, and I need to clear my head anyway,” I look at Bound Tome, “The bathrooms are still in the back?”

He nods, and I leave the three to themselves. When I return after splashing some cold water on my face and some intense depressed bowel movements, Starswirl is already gone.

“Next attempt?” I ask.

“Sure. Got a better plan of action than starting off saying you’d break his legs if he was here in the flesh?”

“You could have warned me.”

“I knew we would have another shot. I told you, I tried talking to him multiple times, and he’s a stubborn old mule.”

“Yeah,” Des snickers, “Start with that, Blazing. There’s a trait you have in common.”

“You’re grounded until dinner, young lady.”

“I’ll take that into consideration next time you need help saving the world.”

“You’re going to help me fight the gods or it’s no dessert afterwards!”

Des bursts out laughing.

“Did I miss something?” asks Bound Tome.

“Oh yeah, he’s technically my dad,” says Des casually.

“WHAT?! Wait, really?”

“Long story, maybe one for three or four Starswirls later.”

“Fine...” Bound Tome returns to the journal on wriggly lectern, “I’ll remind you la-” he freezes.

“Tome?” Des stands up from her armchair.

“Heh... heheh...” the librarian chuckles nervously, “You know… I might take you up on that story now after all.”

“What’s going on?” she rushes to Tome staring st the journal. I join her.

The unicorn flips what used to be the last filled page of the book, and now clearly isn’t. The following twelve pages are now filled with scribbles, drawings of swords, lists of materials, and numbered steps. From the drawings, I can see these are the designs for all three Blades of Balance, complete with differences, places where some odd reagents can be found, and everything else necessary.

“You know,” Des shakes her head, still confused, “I’m not surprised a floating image of a wizard like Starswirl could use magic to write like this. What I’m positively stumped about is that the ‘I would break your legs if you were here in the flesh’ worked. I gotta try that sometimes.”

“Sandal wood,” I read aloud, “Istrium? What is that? The note next to it says Crystal Empire. Some kind of metal?”

“Oh dear,” comments Des, “That’s gonna be a problem.”

“You know what it is?” Bound Tome carries the journal to his workdesk, his randomly spawning tentacles grab pieces of paper and writing utensils, preparing them for use, “I’ve transcribed a huge chunk of this library and I don’t think I recall ever reading the term.”

“I do,” Des nods, patting her leather and chain armor “Remember how I told you about the scraps from broken Silversmith creations? Most of the really expensive stuff is made from istrium. The metal is hard and light, but most importantly it can absorb enchantments and sorta feed them onto themselves to make them last forever. Rolled Scroll would explain it better. I’ve got shards sown into my jacket. The problem is that up until today I haven’t found a blacksmith capable of forging the metal without diminishing or downright ruining its magical properties. With Starswirl’s notes, though, it might just take somepony really good. Daaaamn, the guys will be so jealous when I tell them we might actually be able to find someone to reforge all the istrium waste we’ve got stashed. Tome, make a copy of the notes for me as well, will you?”

“No!” I raise my voice. Both of them look at me, “You heard Starswirl. We’re already risking everything by having the research materials about the Blades.”

“I don’t care about the Blades, Blazing. I just want the istrium forging methods, that’s all. Can I? Daaaaaaaaaaaaad,” she gives me the puppy eyes. I can’t stand the puppy eyes.

The puppy eyes break me.

“Fine, but make sure there’s nothing about the Blades there, please.”

“No problem,” Tome nods, and starts muttering to himself, “Huh… each Blade is completely different. Istrium, truesilver, plain iron. For handles - ivory, ebony, sandal wood...”

He keeps droning about patterns, layering, and repeating equations as the tentacles now coming from the table itself scribble onward.

I guess I should do the same.

[Blazing’s Entry]
I don’t know which part of what I said made Starswirl help. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe him after just one try, though. We summoned Starswirl’s echo from various points of his journal and used Bound Tome’s transcript to ask some innocent questions not directly related to the Blades in order to find out whether what the first Starswirl said wasn’t just something to put us on the wrong track and stop trying to discover the truth. In the end we had to admit he was likely telling the truth. That, or just his memory outsmarted the three of us.

Anyway, according to Tome reading Starswirl’s notes and Des, the metal known as istrium is obtained by mining certain rare crystal found deep under the northern wastes, then forging them under exact circumstances until its surface turns from crystalline to metallic. Finding it will be the difficult part, since deep core mining operations died with Corrupted overrunning Equestria.

It’s time to find out if the legend of the Dark Prophet still carries some weight among the northern tribes.

Well, if there are any left.

So, next step - Crystal Empire, and then the vast minotaur mines of Rift.
[End Entry]

Author's Note:

Yep, the first part is different because it is straight up the epilogue to Corrupted Lands. This is what that chapter hinted at.

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