• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Borrowed Time: Silver Sun

[Blazing's Entry]

Good news and bad news, as usual.

I told Heavy to wake me up after one day outside, which felt to me as if I went to sleep and had to get up in the next minute. Something is wrong either with me or with Final Sanctuary, more likely both. The unfortunate time limit on my trips to the real world is making any planning difficult, especially since I can't choose accurately where I teleport to. I mean, if I can stay in the real body for just over an hour, then even if I need to get only to the Silver Sun headquarters, it could be out of reach in case I appear in the wrong part of Manehattan.

Speaking of good news, I tested the map out again, and with my regained ability to sense Corrupted properly, I was able to locate the metropolis, which means I should be able to teleport there. Now, in which part of Manehattan I appear is something I can't control, but it's better than nothing. To avoid the possible unwanted return, I had a long rest, some of Heavy's imaginary "cooking", and I feel a little better. The bad thing is that this preparation took a week of outside time, and the outcome is me possibly being able to last an hour or two longer in the real world, if even that.

As for Heavy Hoof, he is doing what he can to make my stay here bearable, but I know him enough to understand that his inability to do anything is eating him inside. He's always been a proactive pony, and this waiting for me to recover at least the tiniest bit is crushing him. On the other hoof, he's gotten used to sleeping with my corrupted body each night, and the sight of him quietly snoring while drooling over the body's neck one time was hilarious and kind of sweet, really.

The time flow in here is bothering me. If I know something about alicorn pocket dimensions then it is that it's pretty easy to adjust the flow of time compared to the real world. Even I used to be able to do that in mine, but Final Sanctuary without Void is not reacting to anything I want to happen. Same goes for Heavy. We can move around, make food, but that's about it.

The thing is that while I should be resting as much as possible before going out, I can't afford to do that. The time outside is moving too fast, and if the griffons have already attempted an assault on Steinheim or Drachenberg, I fear for Cromach's life. Before seeing Nicolai's energy weapons, I wasn't really bothered, but I can't help thinking that their destructive power is just the tip of the iceberg that is the griffon military. I must get used to the fact that time has progressed drastically since my death, and only Equestria was left behind. Griffons, dragons, zebras, everyone might be living in a completely different world from what I knew.

As I write this, I realize that I'm overreacting a little. Normal life hasn't changed that much, at least from what I've seen fron Drachenberg and other towns I passed through. However, military is always at the forefront of technological progress, and the Corrupted might finally meet their match.

With that in mind, it's time to make my first move which is checking on Bucket, Crimson Heart, and Guiding Light. If there's a pony who will have some news about griffon-Corrupted situation, then it's Bucket as well.

[End Entry]

The shining dots of the map surround me like a galaxy full of stars, and I pick one in random from the mix of pony, griffon, and Corrupted souls. The tentacles on its back and its stick-thin body prove it's a Corrupted, and that's good because it lowers the possibility of me appearing somewhere high up or inside somepony's home. As soon as the white doorway opens again, I step through with Heavy in tow.

No matter how many times I teleport, I'll never stop hating it from the depths of my soul.


"Angry Hunter to the right!"

I jump to the left at Heavy's warning and turn mid-air to face the agitated Corrupted while examining my surroundings.



As my wild flailing gets me back to the surface of whatever water I just fell into, I stand up, realizing I jumped straight into a pond less than a pony deep. When I'm not swinging my legs like an idiot, the water level is at about my chest.

The Hunter barely visible in the darkness previously hissing at me is snickering from a nearby bush. I guess I really must have just startled him with my teleportation. The good thing about the entire event is that my translocation was so accurate I nearly landed on my target.

So, what's my status right now? Heavy, got any ideas where we are?

"Standing in a pond."

You are the worst GPS in history.

"Meh, I'm still halfway between alarm clock and a toaster, what more can you want so fast? I can't see that well since it has to be near midnight, but a huge public park like this has to be in Manehattan. Especially if we count a non-hostile and mildly amused Corrupted into the situation. The lights in the skyscrapers around definitely cement that guess."

Pushing through the water up onto the bank, I review Heavy's observation and find it accurate enough. Too bad there is nopony around to ask which way to the rich and traditional part of the city. However, the Silver Sun mansion is in the northwestern part of the metropolis and the street layout hasn't changed, so as soon as I get onto a lit main street and read the '21st ave.' sign, I know I'm not too far away. Half an hour of walking at most.

Unlike Vanhoover or Canterlot, Manehattan is the glorious sight it used to be during my time even at night. Ponies and tourists are enjoying the loud night life, a Corrupted Breeder is waving at me from an alley side by side with a griffon chick wearing some sort of red, see-through corset, and two policeponies accompanied by a Protector are eating a donut each while watching the crowds. Granted, not all the streets are as packed as I remember, and there are apartment complexes with more dark windows than lit ones, but the fact that I've just passed by a drunk Hunter and a unicorn wobbling out of a bar while attempting to steady each other shows that while the rest of Equestria is recovering, this place is in full bloom.

Good to know Corrupted can get utterly wasted as well. I wonder if they drink normal alcohol or have something special made for them. The nature of their bodies makes me suspect the latter.

The noble part of the city with mansions and gated communities rather than apartment complexes, shops, and skyscrapers is significantly quieter and darker, and I can always feel four pairs of eyes watching me from both sides of the street. The gate guards of each mansion are vigilant, and a Corrupted alicorn like I am would draw attention during any time of day or night. Finally, the barred gate with the ornament of a sun rising over the horizon is just ahead, guarded by a pegasus and a unicorn, both wearing a tabard with the same symbol.

I can feel the invisible protective magical dome put up against trespassers, and while I could have used the secret passage like last time or maybe harnessed my special talent to get through the main shield, I have no intention to go in unannounced. The guards tense up as I approach.

"Can we help you?" asks the pegasus with a hint of nervousness.

I'm glad to know the Order teaches the recruits to be polite. I have no doubts that any other duo of private guards I passed would immediately just tell me to piss off. Unfortunately, my time is limited, so I have to be the one to get right to business.

"Get me Bucket, I have a message for him."

"We can relay the message to him-"

"He needs to come here in person."

"Well, we can't bother the big boss with just any Corrupted, even a talking one-"

"It's about Cromach. I don't have much time."

That stops the unnecessary questions, and the unicorn levitates some hoof-sized square box and speaks into it:

"Guardhouse, this is Strand. We have a Corrupted here who says he has a message from sir Cromach to commander Bucket,"

[A talking one? One of the bigwigs from Ponyville?]

"YES, he talks and looks like an alicorn. Can you please just tell the boss?"

[Will do.]

"Somepony will be here in a moment," says the guard.

"Thank you very much," I nod. It's mildly awkward to just stand there in silence, so I ask the guards, "Are talking Corrupted that rare?"

The pegasus is the one who answers.

"Ones who can speak as fluently as you are. I've met like two... three in my life? One of them was a Separated, though, if that counts."

"Strange. I've seen policeponies on a stakeout with a Protector."

"We have five among the Order recruits, and they learned some basic expressions in few weeks. They can understand us easily, it's just difficult for them to speak properly due to the tongues. There's this grey unicorn Protector who comes here from time to time and speaks like a normal pony. I heard he's Queen Nightshade's direct subordinate."

Grey, fluently speaking unicorn. Mana Burn maybe? He said he knew Cromach.

The crunching of gravel behind the gate interrupts my thoughts. Blue, glowing eyes and grey, metal body reflecting the light cast by the lamp by the gate leave no doubt as to who it is.

"You called for me," says the robot.

No other reaction. Bucket is known to be an excellent analyst who can make things out of the tiniest scraps of information, and even he has no clue who I am.

"Yes, I did, Bucket. Mind if we speak in private?"

He gives each guard a quick nod, and the two walk a short distance away into the street. Bucket himself comes closer.


"It's me, Blazing, and I'm here with news you won't like."

Bucket looks me up and down, and a beam of red light from his horn dances over my body. A deeper scan, I'm sure of it.

"No resemblance to the entity by the name Blazing Light detected."

"I told you before not to try the beep boop, I'm a machine on me, Bucket. A lot of bad stuff has happened, I'm back from the Empire, and I need to know how Crimson Heart is doing, and if he's made any progress with Guiding."

"Request for recapitulation of my last encounter with Blazing Light. Go," he doesn't let up.

Honestly, it's a good mask to pretend to be a semi-dumb automaton when faced with somepony new and potentially dangerous. Unfortunately, right now he's WASTING MY TIME!

"Bucket, I snuck here before through the lakeside secret entrance. You caught me when I was trying to get to Crom's office. I really don't have much time for this right now. Few events concerning corruption happened in the Empire and I was caught in them. I got corrupted completely, and had to destroy my body with true death. Trust me, I had no idea I would ever speak to you again, but here I am, and the only reason for that is because corruption latched onto me and allowed me to regain a real body. I can tell you the details when I'm done with everything important, but there's a good chance I'll just disappear on the spot and won't be able to return for a week or so. I. Don't. Have. Time!"

"Tell him I'm here as well. That might help."

I shrug and add:

"And the spirit of Heavy Hoof is hovering around me and says hi."

The segmented circles of Bucket's eyes shift and widen in response, but being the logical bot he is, he asks:

"Describe my first encounter with Heavy Hoof."

Uhh, Heavy? I know you knew Bucket on some level, but I'm out of the loop about that one.

"Heh, funny how easy it is to remember things when your physical brain is not in the way. He was looking for an earthpony mare named Dawn and I told him he missed her and that she was on the way to Canterlot, that's all. It happened on the Royal Guard training grounds in front of the castle."

"You were looking for Dawn and he gave you directions."

Bucket nods.

"What was the biggest mistake I made during my first training with Heavy Hoof?"

You heard the toy soldier, Heavy.

"Hahah, yeah, I recall this one. Funnily enough, he kept making the same mistake as you - both of you kept predicting the enemy movements so perfectly that you knew exactly what was the best thing for the enemy to do. I just abused it by not doing it and kicked both your and his ass."



"You predicted Heavy would use the best attack possible in each situation which he didn't go for and kicked your confused ass. His words, not mine."

Bucket lets out a soft, distorted screech, and leans in to my ear.

"I think you got him, that's his version of a chuckle."

"Now THAT is interesting," he whispers, "Come with me."


Bucket's office is spartan, mostly because the robot doesn't exactly feel the need for soft couches and comfort ponies do, but also because as I got to know he doesn't get too many visitors. I'm sitting on a simple wooden chair with leather padding across a desk from him. After ordering the gate guards to return to their spot, he sent a recruit on night watch for some tea and led me here.

I take a sip, and my eyes go wide.

Aaaah, daaaamn.

It's like drinking a lead ball. All the hunger and exhaustion from before pile on me at once, and my stomach revolves. I have to control myself not to throw up.

"What's going on?" asks Bucket, seeing me clutching my belly and groaning.

"It's like," I grunt through my gritted teeth, "giving something to somepony... who hasn't eaten... in weeks. I have... a completely new... body. Never got a chance... to eat or drink... anything yet."

"Then slow down, you will get used to it. Same goes for the biscuits."

I take a very small bite from the piece of pastry, and stop myself from just showing the entire plate in my mouth.


Carefully swallowing another bite with some tea, I force myself to put everything down and get back to business. The little bit of food made me somewhat drowzy.

"Alright, Bucket, let's go with the bad news first. Cromach is a wild Corrupted now. The town where he had his family stashed away was the site of some illegal Griffon Legion experiments on Corrupted, and everything went tits up. The whole place got turned into them in seconds as a new kind of biological weapon spreading corruption went off. No one stood a chance but me and some mercenaries who got out through the sewers. The Emperor's grand vizier Legius who was behind it got me in the next town - Steinheim or something, and tainted the whole place as well. I got out with the help of the Black Ops boss Nicolai but Legius' army chased us through the countryside until I led them off the track and Nicolai got out with the others, at least I hope he did. Then I had to blow myself up. Also, Harmony's avatar was involved, and some insane guy who inherited my divine power. Oh yeah, and a dragon accompanied by an alicorn."

"Okay," Bucket nods, "How about the long version?"

"I'd love to, but I don't have the time, as I said. I can't stay in the real world for long, and I don't know how or when I'll collapse. I need to know few things first before I decide on my next step, and I need to know them before I have to disappear again. First, I asked a pony by the name Desert Shade as well as Nicolai Irongrip to offer you assistance with Guiding, did any of them get here or at least send a message? If they didn't, I fear Legius got them as well."

Bucket raises a hoof to stop me nervously biting my lip.

"Desert Shade stopped by three weeks ago with a message for you. She said that in case you somehow were still alive and got back, you should find her. She had a clue about the bounty on you. Unfortunately, she said the information wouldn't mean anything to me and that you would be the only one who could understand it. It wasn't anything material."

That's weird...

Bucket is smart and has ways to scan anything including divine effects. Maybe Des just didn't know how to relay it properly to him and left it to herself.

Before I can ponder it further, Bucket continues:

"As for the Black Ops, I already knew about Cromach's fate, because said Nicolai Irongrip sent a heavily encrypted message only I and Cromach would decrypt, informing me about everything that happened including your presumed death. However, he could not provide any monetary or personnel assistance and wil not be able to in the near future."

Damn it!

"How come?"

"The Griffon Empire is at civil war."


"A faction called the Redtalons have torn the Empire in half. Their leader, the usurper daughter of recently deceased lord Redtalon himself going by the name Veronica joined forces with ex-grand vizier Legius and is fighting Emperor Cassius and his forces over the throne. There are reports in the newspapers about Corrupted spreading through the conflict areas of the Empire out of nowhere, wiping whole outposts of Cassius' armies."


"Veronica has been officially accused of the murders of her father and other family members in the line for being the head, but the new weapons she's using and the economical promises she made to the noble families split the Empire into those who fight her, those who serve her for future gold, and those who do so out of fear. Some of the larger Imperial cities are now crawling with wild Corrupted completely blocking all passage. These places appeared where Cassius' defense was the strongest while the Redtalon armies always strike where there are no Corrupted. So, you said that Legius had access to some weapon which could spawn Corrupted?"


"Anyway, that's the short version. We can go through the long one when you have more time."

Welp, so Veronica informed Legius I was in Steinheim even after she got apprehended. The weapon was a way for Legius to threaten the world but, as Nicolai said, his brother was smart so he wouldn't even consider using something of that sort, and that's why Legius turned to someone hungry for power and locked out of high status by old griffon traditions.

Holy hell, that's a lot to swallow at once.

But once again, that's not exactly my problem right now. It means that there was not and likely will not be time to attack Drachenberg and Cromach, which eliminates the griffon threat from my plans. There is still the time limit on how long can Crom stay a Corrupted before being unable to ever transform back, if that even was a chance. It's slim at best anyway, because while Celestia was able to reverse it as an alicorn, Crom is just a divinity-infused mortal.

Alright then, my main reason for being here.

"Fine, I'm in no position to deal with that at the moment. What about Guiding Light and Crimson Heart?"

"Lord Heart successfully managed to finance an expedition to Pine Hills and left with some fifty ponies wanting adventure or a chance for new home, mostly earthponies down on their luck and some griffons. I offered him monetary assistance, but he refused, saying he had a debt to repay."

"Huh, I thought he was only, you know, blowing smoke mostly. I asked him to do it just so that Guiding wouldn't be completely forgotten, thinking he would tell Twilight in Ponyville or something."

Bucket shakes his head.

"Crimson Heart is the bookish sort of a noble unicorn, the one who protects those under him and goes for honor above everything else. If princess Celestia's paladins were still a noble order, he would doubtlessly be their leader. You can trust him to do the right thing."

Heh, a noble like Heavy. I've never expected to meet somepony of that sort.

"You think too much of me, Blazing."

"And how did the expedition turn out?"

"I would like to tell you I have news, but I don't. The last letter I got came nine days ago, saying his ponies are camping near Pine Hills but can't venture deep into the ruins. They have a lot of wounded, but nothing severe. Their supplies are still reasonable, and morale steady, but they aren't sure how to proceed. Unfortunately, the progress report that was supposed to arrive this week didn't."

"Damn it. Is there any good news?"

"You're not threatening to throw up anymore."

I realize I have chomped all the tea biscuits and finished off the kettle while Bucket is still sitting with his half-full cup.

So, what's the executive decision?

I need to get to Pine Hills and find Crimson Heart. If the honor-bound idiot died because of me I'll never forgive myself. On the other hoof, if his guys can't get to Pine Hills because Guiding keeps chasing them out, I'll be able to solve it no problem. After all, it's quite possible that the pony Crimson Heart sent with the letter got eaten and there's nothing wrong with the expedition itself.

"Alright, Bucket. I need supplies, enough to get to Pine Hills."

"What about your physical condition? You said you couldn't stay around for long."

"I'm already here far longer than on my last trip to Canterlot, I have to risk it and see for myself what-"

The world spins, I gasp for breath and fall from the chair. Damn it, not now! Not now when I have a clear direction.



"Damn it, not again!" I sit up as soon as I recover some sort of control.

Wait, I'm not sitting on the flat, hard surface of Final Sanctuary tiles. What gives?

"Uuugh..." the world spins again, but two hard points on my barrel steady me.

"Lie down again."

Easing myself into what I now recognize as hooves holding me, I am put back down on the soft... pillow?

"Where... am I?"

"Order of the Silver Sun infirmary, Blazing," answers Bucket, "I carried you here immediately after you collapsed. You weren't exactly unconscious, and you kept mumbling something about having too much to do. My suggestion is to rest and recover, though."

"Can't... must go to Pine Hills."

"I can assure you that is impossible in your shape. I have studied the vital signs of Corrupted, and you are suffering from a near-lethal anemia, exhaustion, and damage to your thaumic neural network."

And disappearing soul power, if that is a thing.

"Why? WHY?!"


"Why am I here? Why am I forced to watch this without being able to do anything?"

Come on, Heavy.

"Void may as well have left a damn sign saying 'You are supposed to be the alicorn of Death now, Blazing', and it would have had the same effect as me being here."

Heavy, without you I wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm sure of it.

"All I can do is make you a freaking spirit sandwich, which here in the real world means nothing! "


"What? Did I say anything untrue?"

No, you're just turning into me. I don't need another me. I need you. No matter if it's true or not, I'm happy you're here, so shut up and leave the self-pity to me.


I can do it better. Watch! Boo hoo, I didn't save Crom. Boo hoo, I caused his corruption. Boo hoo, I was the shot that started griffon civil war. Boo freaking hoo. All of that is true, see? Now you do you and let me do me.

"You suck at motivational speeches."

Among other things.

"Bucket?" I push myself up again, this time much more carefully, "You're a smart pony. What would you recommend to a Corrupted or a tainted pony who doesn't have much time and needs to recover physically?"

"Your anemia is caused by lack of nutrition of any sort," answers Bucket, "Plain sleep or rest will only make things worse, which is why I sent for this," he points to a plate of assorted fruits and vegetables on the bedside table, "As for your magical nerves, the usual cure is rest and refraining from the usage of magic of any sort. I am unsure how that would work for a Corrupted, since the only registered case of a heavily corrupted magic user is a unicorn by the name Bound Tome in Canterlot and I had no chance to study him, but I doubt the usual procedure of food, drinks, and sleep will hurt."

Makes sense, makes sense. Unfortunately it's not enough.

"What do you know about a spirit and its recovery, Bucket?"

"I have read several necromancy tomes on that subject, and the usual means of strengthening a spirit or a soul are through giving it access to what made the pony themselves during their life. Are you telling me there is something more than meets the eye about your bad shape?"

I nod.

"Yes. I was kinda trying to hide it from Heavy-"

"That... hurts, Blazing. It really does."

"-Sorry, Heavy. So yeah, after being hurt so badly by true death, I am growing weaker. Corruption is making up for it somewhat, but I am losing my ability to -how to say it?- force myself on the world. I don't know for how long I'll be able to control this body even with my divinity using its corrupted part."

"Well, I have run some checks on my old memory entries about you, and I can offer you some insight into traits which defined you in your past life."

"I already tried writing a journal again. It sort of helps me focus for a short while, but it's not much. I can't just blindly write books about nothing."

Bucket nods, shoving the plate of fruit towards me. I take an apple and get to chewing.

"One item on the list down then. Next one..."

"I have more than one defining trait? Oh wait, can I depress myself back to full power?"

"If I had my golf club and a real body..."


"The most powerful and known trait of yours I found was your hoof-to-hoof combat proficiency. Having a chance to spar with somepony and get back to your element would definitely help."

I burp, covering my mouth.

"If I had few days I would go for it, but Pine Hills is too important. If this food can help my body recover from the weakness by morning I'll be leaving. I have to," I blindly reach for another piece of fruit and find something squishy, "Hey! You put corrupted berries here?"

"The artificial ones. I have some experience and research materials about ponies tainted so heavily they cannot live without these because normal food is insufficient for their transformed bodies. They also cannot eat the wild berries without turning completely, so I decided to test some on you."

Oh screw it, it can't get much worse, and my mental state is for once my strong point at the moment.

It tastes like eating a lightning bolt crossed with an energy drink and live electricity cables at first, then settles into somewhat lemony freshness. I immediately feel lighter, but something deep down warns me that if I use the present rush, I will just burn out without doing anything useful. When the feeling fades and I eat some more regular fruit, I get a little sleepy and yawn.

"Not bad, and I don't feel crazy whatsoever. Well, more than usual. Anyway, I'm not going to be fighting anypony on a full stomach even if this definitely made me feel better."

"Alright, my next entry is... interesting."


"There are several ponies who might be acceptant of your current requirements, but I would need to talk to them tomorrow to make sure."

"What are you talking about?"

"My entries state that you were and Cromach were avid lovers of male on male sexual activities. Much more than what is considered a statistical average."

"DON'T TRY TO PLAY MATCHMAKER FOR ME! And I enjoy male on female too, I'm not picky. If there's anything dumb enough to want me I'm always willing to give it a shot."


Shut up, Heavy, I saw you use my body's plot as a pillow when I wasn't inside.

"I was merely suggesting a practical way to-"

"Nope. I love certain things a lot, but while I would never say no to doing them with Crom, I can live without one time lay with a stranger I never even talked to. Next idea!"

"The final trait I discovered is your ability to steal and redirect unnatural energy."

"Sounds definitely better than a masked orgy..."

The crystalline spiral on his steel horn gleams red, and I feel a buildup of energy from him aimed at me.

It's an offensive spell, but since I'm not familiar with the way Bucket is built, I can't identify its pattern. The best I can do when a faint beam of crimson light hits my chest is to breathe in and let it flow through me.

I shiver in shock and grit my teeth, but instead of expected burn mark on my barrel, I feel the energy slowly and painfully dispersing into myself.

"How strong... was that?" I whisper, gasping for breath.

He levitates a paper tissue from a box on the windowsil, aims his horn at it, and the beam hits it, only slightly charring and crinkling the paper.

That's... bad. It would have hurt less if I let it hit me without absorbing it.

"Crap," I mutter.

"I can call a group of unicorns here to weave some ambient magic through the night. As far as I know, your ability became an instinct so it might work even with you asleep. If we don't use offensive spells, we won't lose anything."

"Why not straight up use restorative magic? Healing and regeneration and stuff."

Because rapid healing spells cause massive stress on the body and exhaust the target, that's why they are rarely used in combat, and when they are it's on extremely well trained soldiers who can stand regenerating a lost limb instantly without dropping unconscious afterwards.

"I saw you recover from lethal wounds repeatedly before."

Divine healing is different. It's basically the natural regeneration of a body made of pure divine power in the same way a paper cut heals for a pony, only vastly faster. Even Celestia who can use her divinity on others can't just force quick healing. I've never been able to heal anyone other than myself.

"Let's go with that, Bucket. Just tell them not to try any male on male nighttime activities after I fall asleep. If I walk funny tomorrow, I'm blaming you."

"I will bring only the straightest unicorns you have ever met, Blazing."

"Pretty dry sense of humor for a robot," I comment.

"Electronics fail when they get wet," he flashes me a smile and leaves.

Smartass. I sometimes miss the old days when he used to be a walking toaster searching for the meaning of life.

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