• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,547 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Borrowed Time: Goodbye


Joy's burning forelegs hiss out as she passes inside the circle of tiny, flickering flames surrounding me. Not that she notices, though, and I duck under her wide foreleg swing which barely grazes the tip of my horn.

Open chest, punch!


I slip to the side-


-and my vision spins after a confusing blow I didn't see coming.

Stumbling, I shake my head-

Straight jab.

I manage to cross my forelegs in front of my muzzle. The only effect it has is that instead of Joy's hoof breaking my nose I'm hit by my own.

Keeling backwards, my old instincts take over and stop me from falling on my ass. After regaining balance, I have still to deal with seeing double.

Joy is clearly not suffering from overuse of divine power like I used to. I got into the habit of using divine abilities for everything so much that my hoof-to-hoof skills seriously suffered. At first, I thought Joy would be the same, but that's clearly not the case. She's using her old moves effectively, and her blows hurt more than ever. Being a real alicorn, she's faster, vastly stronger, and I have no doubts that I won't beat her in a contest of endurance.

Slanted blow - top left to bottom right.

I dodge to the left-


-only to suffer a backswing to the muzzle again.

She's crazy. She doesn't care about moves painful to herself. She'll rip her own muscles like that, but that'll be fine as long as you die.

She can reverse a blow mid-movement. I trained how to do that few times. It's impractical, difficult, and painful, but I guess her alicorn form allows for it.

I sniffle to stop blood dripping from my muzzle, only to see a rapidly approaching red and black blur.

Just knock her out! Stop with this nonsense.

I refuse to hurt her further!

Then THROW her!

The best I can do is keel backwards. The impact of Joy pouncing straight at me at crazy speed gives me the familiar dreaded feeling of stomach trying to escape via my ears, but when my back hits the floor again, I curl into a ball and kick upwards with my hind legs. Adrenaline makes my vision clear up just in time to see Joy flip in the air and land on her back. I roll to the side out of sheer paranoia, and manage to get back on all fours in time.

She stands back up as if pulled by strings.

"I will avenge my Blaze, murderer..."

"Enough of this bullshit!"


The gunshot echoes through the cavern, and time slows down.

Desert Shade, wings spread for balance, is holding a pistol in the talons of her foreleg aimed at Joy. The alicorn of Lust still caught in my nullifying power is curiously watching her forehoof bloodied from a strangely shallow chest wound in which I can see the bullet.

"Owowowowowowow," she's mumbling to herself.

Des corrects her aim, the barrel of the pistol in line with Joy's head.

"Wait, no!"

Oh you incorrigible idiot.

My body moves on its own, jumping between Joy and Des. The hippogriff notices, and I have to admire her reaction time as she tries to lower the pistol. She can't stop her trigger talon, though.

The force of two more shots sends me to the floor. I try to get up, but my first attempt fails due to the bullet in my left shoulder and the other one in my chest feeling as if cold fire was pouring out of them, draining me of my power.

Funny, the physical wounds are, once again, weirdly small.

Silver Sun quicksilver bullets.

That would make sense. The special ammo our blacksmith invented after Heavy, Crom, Chokey, and I rebuilt the order with special structure dispersing magic and weakening divine power. The lucky unintended side-effect was that the penetrating power of the rather soft bullets against muscles and flesh made them mostly useless against normal targets. Of course they could kill, but hits to the side or the chest like I suffered are mostly just painful. It gave us a bit of a buffer in case we attacked a wrong, completely mundane target.

Well, they would be just painful if they weren't making me sick to my stomach. The feeling of unfocused divinity draining away is undescribable, but is akin to as if I was slipping while trying to throw up after a rollercoaster ride.

"Damn it, you idiot!" I head Des' distorted voice.

"W-w-w-w-what have you- have you- d-d-done?" Joy's trembling voice makes me growl at my weakness, focus, and-

"Aaaargh dammit!"

-telekinetically pull the two bullets out. They weren't lodged deep, but it was still far from painless.

I look around.

I'm already standing up even before I realize what's going on.

Joy's head is twitching with crazy speed. That wouldn't be anything new. However, what her gaze is darting between is my bleeding chest and Des' aimed pistol.

Suddenly, I'm not the enemy anymore. I'm the one to be protected... or avenged.


In a shower of blood, Joy's head jerks backwards as her ear is torn off by the next bullet.

Des is dead.

I can't let that happen, and I'm the only thing that can stop it.

Fire magic. Intensity seven. Cone. Target - Des.

Well, time to either test the limits of my power, or finally get what I deserve.

Everything goes red just as I land between Des and Joy again, this time in order to protect the other side.

When I blink the tears out of my eyes, I see Des quietly opening and closing her mouth, shaking gun still held in her talons. She's standing on a small island surrounded by thin layer of molten rock steaming and creaking as it rapidly cools down.

"She hurt me... you protect her... she hurt you... I just wanted to protect you..." I hear confused muttering from behind. When I turn my head I see Joy scratching the remains of her ear curiously, and look at her even more bloody hoof again, "Why did I want to do that? Who are you? Why are you here?"


"Oh, right... you killed him. She tried to kill him. You all want to kill my Blaze. Where is he? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"

"Joy, I-"


Her call for help ends in a groan and she clutches the bullet wound in her chest. There's no way it's the pain stopping her. It has to be something going completely wrong inside her head.

"...kill them for hurting my Blaze, for taking him away. Make everything go away, make it stop, end it," she curls up on the floor, head in her forelegs and crying.

Loud scratching and creaking as if something massive was moving in the shadows of the cavern's circumference makes me twitch and try to see into the darkness.

Stupid idea. Run!

A deep, rumbling voice proclaims:

"Oh dear, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this."

Small tremors spread through the floor.





She has followed you multiple times on a dragon. The dots you saw high up in the sky while in the Empire. She tracked you and she informed Veronica Redtalon. She probably wanted to sweep in right as Veronica would try to kill you and save you.

NOW RUN! That anti-magic nonsense won't work against a dragon's fire.

Or, you know, you wanna try?

"Run, Des, RUN!" I scream into the paralyzed hippogriff's face.

"What...? Where...?" her voice is weak as she keeps looking behind me. Up and further up behind me.

Scream's place was originally connected to the real world via the cave mouth of the cavern atop Canterlot mountain.

"THERE!" I point behind her into the widest tunnel leading away, "GO!"

I really shouldn't be the one telling others how NOT to die.

Des finally reacts properly, spreads her wings to fly over the smoldering floor, and disappears into the tunnel. Unfortunately, for me that's not an option. I can somewhat move despite the shallow bullet wounds, but jumping over three pony lengths of what's basically a frying pan is out of the realm of possibility.

I turn around to face the dragon who carefully steps over the comparatively tiny heap which is sobbing Joy.

"My name is Vertradict, Blazing Light, and Joy is a pony extremely near and dear to me. Now tell me, what would you do to a pony who hurt her so much?"

Vertradict is, or at least he must have used to be, a gold dragon. Now, his scales glimmering in the torchlight are mostly black, slick with Corrupted biomass. Here and there, the original colour remains, and his eyes are draconic yellow ones with slit pupils, but no black sclera of the Corrupted. As far as I can see, there are no tentacles around and he seems to be thinking clearly, even more than Joy at the moment, but that might just be the effect of this dimension. After all, there are other Corrupted around, more interested in their partners rather than our current struggle. However, Vertradict is clearly in a heavily advanced stage of corruption. His eyes are locked on the small insect before him - me. I mean, he isn't huge as such, but he emits an aura of commanding presence making him look much grander and menacing than he really is, and it's not magic. It's something common to the truly experienced ancients - Shadowstep, Cross, Antares, Void, and to a lesser degree the true nobles of our world - Cassius and Crimson Heart. It's that sort of peaceful power everyone strives for.

And yet...

I have near to no experience with dragon facial expressions, but he looks... sad?

"If you want Des, you'll have to go through- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Cover your head.

The quick reaction saves me having my brain knocked out by my repeated painful bounces off of the stone floor.

He... shoved me. He didn't swipe at me, he didn't smack me, he just shoved me hard enough to fly over the steaming rocky floor and into the tunnel mouth into which Des disappeared. Paying no mind to the hissing stones underneath him, he starts walking towards me.

I don't know how I'm able to stand up again, but I do.

Des will die if you don't.

Oh, right.

She won't be able to get out of here even if she gets to the entrance. There's no way it's open.

I know, I know.

You need to destabilize the dimensional barrier.

Shut up already, I'm walking.

Walk faster or you're a snack.

The crushing steps are far too close for comfort, and I force myself to stumble through the dim gloom of the curving tunnel as fast as I can.

Hey, I'm almost even running. Well, continually falling forward without ever missing the crucial step.

Few panicked glances backwards show that Vertradict isn't directly behind me, although I can still very clearly hear him.

The tunnel ends in a long, straight stretch leading up to what would be a cave mouth, only it looks like an inky black sheet. It clearly is an obstacle to account for, because Des is standing with her back to it and watching me stumble towards her.

"Careful!" I croak, unsure what I'm seeing.

Vertradict phases through the side of the tunnel, tossing Des against a wall near me. He can't spread his wings here inside the tunnel, but all that means is that we have nowhere to run when he opens his mouth and takes a deep breath.

I stumble in front of Des who is groaning and trying to gather herself after the surprise blow.

Can I still summon tentacles? I mean, I don't feel corruption within me, but it's not like my head has cleared up completely. I still have the quick reaction of 'checking everyone out', and in the back of my head I caught myself thinking about Vertradict's massive haunches and his draconic 'equipment'.

Divinity answers to a wish, and my only wish right now is to at least have a chance. To balance the power on both sides in whatever tiniest way I can.

Sharp tentacle as thick as a pony made of phoenix fire breaks the stone floor and spears the dragon breathing in, disappearing instantly afterwards. Vertradict gives the hole in his barrel an amused glance before-

Last chance, fire shield like in the old days.

-breathing out.

I can feel the divine heat of two wings sprouting from my back and closing in front of me like a veil of living flames.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ah ahahahaaaaaaa!"

It does nothing.

I roll on the floor in my own personal hell, trying to douse my burning mane and coat. Contrary to my expectations, I wasn't burned to a crisp instantly, and nothing much more happens before I beat down the last sparks all over me.

He didn't go full flamethrower. He just... puffed at you.

*Blam!* *Plink* *Plink*

Des looks at her pistol, scowling. While it is clear from the fact that the rebounded bullet ended digging deep into the tunnel wall that Des reloaded normal ammo, it doesn't fill either of us with hope that she failed to leave a scratch on Vertradict's scales.

He could have easily killed us both... so what gives?

Is he waiting for something?

Joy doesn't seem to be coming. Well, let's give it one more stupid, noble shot.

"Hey, Vertradict... any chance of you letting Des go?"

"Stars dammit, Blazing! Not now," barks Des angrily, trying to adjust her still a bit dizzy aim.

"So that she can hurt Joy again?" he asks and spits a small ball of fire at Des which clearly has no intent of hitting her, just to stop her from aiming.

Even he would get hurt if she hit him in the eye.

"I didn't want to hurt her, and I would have left immediately if she wanted me gone, but... she doesn't want that. She wants me here, and I can't stay no matter how much I want to. Joy is safe in here, but there are others who aren't and for whom I'm the only help available. I doubt even Des wanted to hurt her as much as she did due to how things unfolded. I don't know what you are to Joy, but I would never willingly hurt her. I just... I'm just not strong enough to stop her from hurting herself."

"Heh heh heh heh-"

Vertradict's voice grows softer and quieter.

"-now that makes two of us."



Both Des and I look at the chuckling dragon in utter confusion.

"Why do you think I got you away from Joy?" he whispers, "That situation had no good ending. Your death... you have no idea how she was when she first woke up and finally got to know what happened. She used to be so happy she was alive again and worked so hard to recover and gain the ability to interact with the real world. Then she found out what happened to you and... you can see to what that slippery slope led. However, you, little girl, recieved a clear warning, and your intentions weren't as pure as Blazing's."

He takes a deep breath again.

"DES, RUN! THE BARRIER SHOULD BE WEAK ENOUGH NOW!" I scream, more hopeful than anything.

The hippogriff bolts forward right past the dragon who-

-winks at me-

-and just like he did with me, shoves Des from behind so hard she flies through the black inky sheet marking the entrance, leaving only a rippling surface.

"I was there when she was born, and when Joy finally broke completely," Vertradict looks at the exit slowly calming down, "and while I believe she needs serious punishment, being atomized isn't it."

"So, what comes next?" I start limping towards the exit, waiting for Vertradict's reaction.

"You will have escaped, of course, and I will console Joy as best as I can. As for how your encounter will affect her, I have no idea, but if I were you I would be extremely careful. There will doubtlessly be even more gold on your head, and this time she will mean it. Before, she was confused, but now you will be an enemy."

"Then why are you letting me go if you believe that me being gone is better for her than me being alive and around?"

"Because I am old enough to think about events in the long run, Blazing, and I know when I am just a... painkiller, not a cure. Now go, before my little Joy recovers from her confused breakdown."

I press my hoof against the black entrance which ripples aggressively. It appears my ability is still screwing with teleportation spells. I just hope I don't end up materializing mid-air and dropping down from the mountain.

"Thank you."

"I will do my best to stop Joy from hurting herself even more, but there is a limit to what I can do, and I'm far too close to it. Just know this - unless both of us work as hard as we can and succeed, then when you meet next time, one of you will have to die. I've grown to love Joy over the years, so have no doubts I won't give you a third chance."

"You are more noble than I am, Vertradict." I smile at the dragon, and push my hoof through the blackness.


"If you were the cause of such pain to her as I am now and I was her protector, I wouldn't give you even the one you're giving me."

Accompanied by the dragon's laughter, I step into the blinding darkness.

The cold air of Canterlot mountain on my beaten and burned body makes my teeth chatter instantly.

That was incredibly fortunate. If you ever say you're unlucky I'll remind you.

Well, Chokey at least picked a good one after me. Speaking of my second thoughts talking to me, where is Heavy?

You can feel him, but he's nowhere around, as much as that term applies to a soul unbound by this plane of existence.

I sigh and look down from the plateau at the sloping mountain.

"Bluuuh..." my head spins, and I quickly sit down.

Des is gone, likely having flown away as soon as she got out in fear of being pursued. I'm not bothered so much about that, because I can feel the magic around the cavern entrance fluctuate and it's easy to see into the real, empty cave. Even if Joy wanted to follow me this way, the dimensional barrier would probably kick her out a quarter of Equestria away after me passing through.

"D-d-d-daaaahm it's c-c-cold..." I hug my barrel, "Ow..."

I feel numb. Physically, I mean. Mentally, I don't even know. Joy wants me dead, and I can't help her. The best I can do is just disappear from her sight forever. Maybe in time she'll forget about me. As they say, time heal all wounds.

And bad memory does it faster.

Yep, you're definitely me.

I try to stand up, but I fail to move.

I fall over.

It's suddenly pleasantly warm.

Hypothermia. You're freezing to death.






I rub my belly after hitting the black obsidian floor of Final Sanctuary. It doesn't exactly hurt, but it's like the shock you feel when crashing into the ground in a bad dream about falling.

Hmph, better than becoming the world's ugliest ice sculpture.

What wouldn't I give for Heavy's soul sandwich right about now...

I can barely walk even here.

"Welcome home, Blazing..."

I jerk around.

I should be afraid, but I feel numb.

The corruption holding your body together didn't disappear. When you got all the power you could from Joy's dimension, enough to reform your real body, it drained into the next easiest target - Heavy's soul. From the looks of it, now he has a real body as well.

And he's freaking HOT.

What used to be a blue-maned, pure white earthpony is slowly walking towards me. Previously brown, warm eyes now bear beastly yellow hue, sharply contrasting with the black eyeballs. His coat is light grey with the oily sheen of Corrupted, and both mane and tail are now some kind of faded teal.

Hey, I'm not an interior designer, if you want a proper colour description, go get a mare.

To be honest, since he's not completely black and tentacle-y, he looks a lot like Mana Burn.

However, he is bigger than before, almost as big as Cromach, and his already soft, yet godly built features grew in the erotic way all Corrupted change. Were it not for his still sharp face, short beard, and long muzzle, he could pass for a mare, especially with the long, flowing mane. His body, to be honest, still looks like a chiseled statue, only now more... stretched, like a powerful ancient athlete who ate a little improperly and done a ton of yoga. Speaking of eating improperly, guess where all the excess fat went.

Yeah, his hips sway with each step, and his plot could give Celestia a run for her money. It's firm, hypnotic, and absolutely glorious.

Four tentacles grow from the floor, wrapping around my legs. I am raised to Heavy's eye-height, and he opens a mouth full of sharp teeth. One of his three tongues licks my nose.

I barely focus, and the tentacles around my legs burn away as a thin barrier of my phoenix fire surrounds them like a fresh coat.

"Heavy, I- are you still there? Fight it, I can- I'll try to help. Just don't think about plots too hard. I think there's a room with a cold shower somewhere around-"


Heavy bursts out laughing, falling over on his perfect butt and I can't miss the ideal ratio of squish and firmness in it.

"I was-" he gasps for breath, "I was just trying to do what you did to me when you first transformed, with the tentacles and all. Daaamn, you looked so serious and desperate."

I just stare, on one side furious that he would do this to me, and on the other happy that it's still him, although my earthpony friend is clearly a Corrupted now.

A Protector, very clearly.

"I- I- I- I just didn't- I had no idea-" I crumble against his chest and bury my face into the coat, feeling everything finally bear down on me. Sniffling and crying, I try to keep talking, "I didn't know what I would do if I lost even you. I don't know..."

He goes still as a rock, and I feel tentacles wrap around my back and press me harder against Heavy's broad chest. His hoof pats my head.

"What happened?" he asks, "Was that really Darky? I just saw her, and then... then this happened to me. I didn't know anything other than you were still alive. What happened?" he repeats.

"You know best how Void wanted to leave after Scream died?"

"Yes, I do."

"I really... really... really don't wont to be here anymore."

Author's Note:

Cromach (?)


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