• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Balance of Power: Tenacity

[Blazing’s Entry]
My power made Cross slower, weaker, unable to use his regeneration, robbed him of his magic weapons, but it didn’t lessen his skills to any degree, or dull his quick thinking.

I had to throw every trick I knew at, and those I learned during the fight itself. If I wasn’t learning on the go, I might not have survived. He didn’t need blinding speed, he didn’t need physical strength enough to cleave through dragon scales, all he needed was his mastery of weapons.

Swords, spears, staves, maces, axes, wing razors, hoof blades, flails, scythes, spiked clubs, even a me-damn pair of motorized gardening shears (those were freaking scary, I tell you). He threw everything he had at me. I had to adapt to a new type of attack every few seconds, predict in what best way it would be used against me, and then correct my prediction based on Cross outsmarting me.

He knew I would quickly come up with ways to counter the best and most efficient moves, so he simply didn’t use them. I didn’t have his knowledge of weapons allowing me to know some very creative ways of using the blunt edge of a katana blade. Thankfully, those sub-optimal attacks left me only with scratches or bruises instead of losing a leg straight up. However, they didn’t let me counterattack. I knew I would lose to Cross in a contest of stamina even without him able to tap into his love reserves.

What made it so that it was me standing in the end, bleeding and seeing triple, with a chewed up broken blade trembling in my telekinesis? Why was it me kneeling and coughing up blood while Bucket’s healers carried burned and broken Cross away on a stretcher?


Cross was able to analyze me and my style of combat. He was aware of his own weaknesses so well that whenever I spawned tentacles to grab him, he already knew where they would be. What he noticed too late was Mistake taking hold of part of my telekinesis, levitating one of the many magical weapons Cross summoned, and attacking as well. The few wounds confused Cross sustained before realizing there was no periodic pattern to my attacks tipped the scales in my favour.

It didn’t matter how good I was at predicting Cross’ moves. It didn’t matter that my tendrils spawned in complete silence. It didn’t matter that I could see all around me with the use of my tracing spell.

I fought THE one true grandmaster of arms revered and known throughout history.

I lost in terms of skill. I learned a lot, but I lost hard. However, my enemies don’t fight fair. I need every secret and every advantage to stand even with them. I need to rob them of their power, drag them down to my level, and win using my own bag of tricks.

I won the fight, and that’s all that matters. Honor is for those who can afford to lose.

I’m not a warrior, I’m not a mage, I’m a cheat.

My recovery was quick. It really looks like my divinity can heal me up rapidly when the fighting is over, and neither I nor Cross sustained any critical wounds. It was more a death by thousand cuts, one could say.

I wanted to leave Heavy with Cross in Manehattan, guarding Cromach, and set course for Ponyville. Well, I tried to, but he called me a moron and joined me anyway. At least I had somepony to cuddle with on the caravan. So, I’m getting the amazon secret recipe from Bloodrage no matter what. Then I’m looking for an excellent chemist possibly able to improve it. I’m getting the feeling I’ll end up with Twilight no matter what, but I hope I can avoid that.
[End Entry]

Jumping off of the caravan, I breathe in the fresh air of Ponyville. Sleeping inside the covered wagon was pretty comfy, especially with Heavy’s thighs as a pillow, but the creeping summer isn’t a season for travelling in the company of sweaty ponies.

“Now, if I was an amazon queen double the size of anypony else around, where would I be?”

“I’m pretty sure any guard would know. Bloodrage and her kind aren’t easy to miss,” Heavy yawns, stretching his neck, tentacles, and legs.

“That’s definitely true, although I’d like to avoid any smarter Corrupted-”

“E-HM!” Heavy coughs.

“Present company not included,” I correct myself as he chuckles, “I don’t want to draw Nightshade’s attention.”

“You have an undisputable talent for making ponies mad.”

“At least I’m a natural at something,” I look around, “Let’s find a patrol without a Corrupted. I’m pretty sure there has to be somepony off duty somewhere.”

“A bar or a tavern is always a good place for rumors.”

Shrugging, I quickly locate the nearest inn which is conveniently situated outside of the huge stomped out circle where caravans can turn around at the edge of Ponyville. It’s a classic three-story building with large common room on the ground floor where travellers can exchange stories and have a drink or two, and the rooms for sleeping on the upper floors.

Jumping onto a barstool, I wave at the elderly bartender currently working the tap.

“Good afternoon, gents,” he nods, “What’ll it be?”

“Information, but lemon water wouldn’t go amiss as well.”

“And for your Corrupted buddy?”

“Your soul, hahahahahaaaa!” Heavy snaps his jaws and waves his tentacles. He stops as both I and the bartender give him unimpressed stares, “What? I’ve always wanted to try that on somepony who didn’t know me. Kinda disappointing, I must admit.”

“Sir, I’ve had my leg bitten off by a real feral Corrupted in the great fight for Ponyville when Nightshade killed the original Queen of this territory. You’re small beer compared to that.”

“Awww,” Heavy pouts, “I’ll have water too then, please.”

“In a minute,” he rushes off, his wooden hind leg I completely missed before clicking as he walks.

He manages to deal with the first batch of drink orders from the caravaneers arriving with the same one we did, and then returns to us with our glasses.

“That’ll be ten bits,” I present the money and a little bit extra. The bartender smiles, “Thank you, Silver Sun gents.”

“You’ve got good eyes,” I raise my eyebrow.

“You Silver Sun members always travel light and look alike. The white robe, the simple twin saddlebags, and an unmarked brown sheath. Generally a necklace as well, which you seem to be missing. Eight of you passed by on their way to the Badlands three days ago.”

Heavy pulls the mentioned item out of the bag. He couldn’t be bothered to wear the robe, but he has the same saddlebags I do. I was against the clothes as well at first. The desire to keep my cutie mark and wings hidden prevailed, though.

Badlands? Bucket is arranging missions as usual and I have my own business, so I didn’t ask about any ongoing operations. The Badlands isn’t a good training destination, so it must be something serious too.

I shake my head.

“They have their own job to do. What I’d like to know is… do you know the amazons?”

He smiles and nods.

“Oh yes, some of the big ladies come quite often to listen to stories from other places.”

“Any idea where I could meet their queen Bloodrage?”

“My best guess is Pine Hills. I heard someone attacked the place, and the amazons along with the townsfolk retreated here. They spent some time recuperating and then returned back to rebuild.”

“They… want to… rebuild the place? After what happened?”

“Hey, it’s their home. Frontier folk are tough.”

“So Bloodrage is in charge of Pine Hills now?”

“Just in charge of the amazons who guard the place. I think they have a real Mayor… Heart something-”

“Crimson Heart is ALIVE?!”

“Oh yeah, Crimson Heart was the name. He’s the head of the town from what I heard. He and this weird changeling lady who helps the amazons fend off any too curious Corrupted.”

What the hay? Why would...? What does this mean?

“Blazing, you’re staring,” I hear Heavy who pokes my side.

“What is Nightmare planning?” I whisper.


I finally break out of my stupor.

“Huh? Oh yeah, did Bucket tell you what happened when we got the second Blade?”

“He was busy, and I spent most of my time guarding Cromach.”

“Then I’ll tell you on the way,” I chug the glass of water and then chew the slice of lemon inside without flinching, “We’re going to Pine Hills,” I nod to the bartender and toss him a two-bit coin, “Thanks for the info.”

“No problem, gents. Be careful on your way there. Queen Nightshade’s Corrupted patrol most of the direct route, but not all of it and not too often. The wild ones are still a distinct threat.”

“Corrupted are the least of our problems. Let’s go.”

Heavy finishes off his drink as well, and we leave the inn.


A solitary Protector mare did show some interest as we walked through the freshly cut and marked road leading from Ponyville to Pine Hills through the Everfree. She didn’t prove hostile, but it showed that some Corrupted pack considers that part of the road its own.

Well, that’s not our problem. Ponyville ponies or Pine Hills townsfolk will have to deal with that eventually.

I gasp when I hear the first noises of wood being sawed and metal hitting metal.

“Something is coming from the right,” announces Heavy, “Small and fast.”

“A Hunter?”


A blurry shadow pounces out of the wall of trees doing great job at blocking daylight, stopping a short distance from me.

It’s a dreamling. One of the two living with Guiding in Pine Hills. Well, the last one according to Bucket’s information. He looks… normal. Healthy, not crippled, without any scars or deep gashes in his chitin.

Completely… normal.

Considering Nightmare is involved, this must be a trap. Somehow, somewhere teeth must be waiting for me. Nightmare wouldn’t leave the dreamling untouched. She got to Guiding. She must have used her mental connection to-

A smaller muzzle rubs against mine.

“H- H… lo...” the dreamling gurgles and smiles, clearly happy with his achievement, “D… ahd.”

“Y-You’re talking again?” I stare at the beaming yet terrifying toothy face.

“Sp… eekh...” once again, he looks completely satisfied with that solitary garbled word.

“That’s awesome!” I pat his head. His smile grows, revealing far too much of his mouth. It takes all my self-control not to withdraw my hoof.

“What’s wrong, Blazing?” Heavy notices my hesitation.

“Remember what I told you about Nightmare?”

“Ohhh, I see,” he leans down to the dreamling who just tilts his head, “He looks happy.”

I facehoof. Alright, sometimes it’s better to just approach the problem head-on.

But first…

Mistake, do at least you sense anything weird?

No. The faint trace of Nightmare’s power is there, but that has always been the case. Perhaps Nightmare only twisted Guiding.

Thank you. If you’re trying to cheer me up you’ve failed miserably.

“Hey, little guy. What’s your name?”

“U… an.”

“I should have guessed you’d be the new One. Can you lead me to Guiding, or did you run off from your patrol like last time?”

“Ahhhhhh...” he moans quietly and looks away, “R… ahn.”

Healthy paranoia be screwed, I can’t help snickering.

“Alright, you go back to your mates before they get mad. I’ll find Guiding myself.”

He nods and rushes off.

“Did he pass the Blazing test?” Heavy looks at me as we resume walking towards Pine Hills.

“He is slightly physically different, but I didn’t notice anything crazy. Let’s just find Guiding and see how things are.”

“Do we… fight if she proves hostile?”

Taking a deep breath, I look Heavy in the eyes.

“I told Bucket the same thing - I said my goodbyes when I saw her mangled corpse after the attack. If Guiding is now just some Nightmare’s toy, we must destroy her before she wreaks havoc on the town and the world. Don’t forget who today’s ‘dreamlings’ started as.”



“Don’t forget what you started as. That’s all I have to say to that.”

“This is different.”

“That’s all I have to say.”

If it wasn’t Heavy, I would have dismissed what he said as nonsense. After all, I wasn’t created by an evil god to-

Resurrected by Scream to enact her revenge on Celestia.
Resurrected by Harmony in order to lower Nightmare’s influence over the world.
Resurrected by cultists thinking I’d grant them power over Celestia, Twilight, and Luna.

Point taken.

I shouldn’t underestimate Guiding's willpower.

That’s what I keep telling myself over and over as Heavy and I walk through Pine Hills under yet another reconstruction. Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a common sight?

With nothing but some glances from the locals and a wave or two from those who recognize us, we reach the town hall. In front of it stand Crimson Heart and Guiding.

Yep, the two I considered dead or worse until today. However, while Crimson Heart looks exactly like I remember him, Guiding is a little different. It’s the small things - slightly longer teeth, the focused look, more muscle mass under her chitin.

Her ears perking up as soon as she spots me are the same as before, though.

What do I do?

Mistake? Anyone?

“Daaaad!” Guiding shoots forward towards me.

What is this, Nightmare? Some cruel joke? Will she rip my head off when she’s close enough? I can sense far more power inside her than before. I KNOW something is up. I KNOW you did something to her. I-

Calling Blazing Light! This is your head. There’s no time to explain, but don’t you dare bucking move!

“Ooof-” Guiding’s impact knocks the air out of me.

“I’m so happy!” squeaks Guiding in a tone totally unbecoming of a powerful dreamling queen, “I thought I’d never see you again!”

She’s talking normally. I can feel the heat emanating from her through her chitin. Everything is telling me she’s not a nightmarish beast. But Nightmare… all gods can twist the goodness in anyone into tools for their-

I hug back.

Screw this.

I’m having a chance I thought I’d never get again.

“Glad to see you too, Guidie.”

I should find Bloodrage, that’s why I’m here. I know, I know.

Nope, I’m not moving. She’s gonna have to let go first, because I sure as hay won’t.

“Do we just wait?” I hear Crimson Heart’s amused voice.

Yes, I’m not letting go.

“I doubt you’ve got a strong enough crowbar to pry those two apart,” chuckles Heavy, “Trust me when I say we had no idea we would see Guiding in a good, heh, light ever again.”

Very amusing, Heavy. I’m still not budging.

“Oh, I see. You know about that? I avoided writing about it to Bucket in case it got… misunderstood. Guiding explained to me that we were… saved by Nightmare. We don’t know why, we truly don’t. I passed out during the event, and Guiding dragged me out of the tunnels after Nightmare disappeared. She even jump-started Guiding’s head, although the poor queen has suffered agonizing headaches during the first few days.”

Screw it, if she bites my head off I’ll go down happy.

“Nightmare attacked Blazing in Canterlot using a simulacrum of Guiding. He saw Guiding’s corpse, I mean One’s, and then he had to kill her himself. I think they deserve time together. However, we do need to hurry. Namely, we’re here to see Bloodrage. If you could call her it would make things a lot easier.”

Thanks, more time for me to feel Guiding’s heat slowly seeping into my barrel and her neck pressed against mine.

“She’s currently helping rebuild the southern palisade,” Heart whistles at somepony, “Hey, Bright Star, call Bloodrage here, will you?”

I can feel a teleportation spell build up and go off with a loud ‘pop’.

Guiding pushes me away, albeit only a little, and says:

“I know what you’re thinking… and I’m not sure myself. She forced herself into my mind, she saw everything, she could change anything. She gave me some of her power, some of the true power I used to hold which I’ve long forgotten.”

“Guiding...” I breathe out.

“I’m scared. I’m scared I’ll do something, that she implanted a trigger inside me I haven’t discovered. One and I spent days digging through my head and we found nothing, but… I know I can still be wrong, that I can still hurt the ponies who accepted me when I was vulnerable, that I can hurt you.”

Is this a plea for mercy, Nightmare, or is this a trick? The third Blade and Guiding. Am I a pawn again, this time yours? Perhaps you want Harmony out of the way as much as I do, is that it? The traitorous god needs to be destroyed, or if that’s not possible then at least severely diminished.

Damn, I feel like the answer is on the tip of my tongue, I just can’t… just need to know a little bit more and it will all make sense.

Aaaaah, so frustrating!

On the other hoof, I’ll be busy dealing with someone other than you, which I suppose is part of your plan.

Alright, I’ll bite. I’m taking the bait like the good fish I am.

“Guiding,” I run my hoof through her mane, “This place is your home, and I’m sure you’ll do everything you can to protect it like you’ve done until now. I know Nightmare had a doubtlessly nefarious motive for saving you and the villagers. For once, though, let’s not look a gift pony in its mouth. I know you. I trust you. I love you. That’s all there is to is.”

Oh gods why?! Guiding embraces me so tightly my ribs creak.

“I don’t know who my direct mother was. I don’t know which poor mare Nightmare forced you to rape to gain seed directly for my clutch, but you are my dad. I’ll never forget that no matter who scrambles my head and in what way.”

“Well… I WAS responsible for changelings being twisted into you.”

“Nightmare Moon did that. When we left the world we destroyed according to our creator’s wishes using your spell, you did everything to give us life once again. I will wade through fire and acid for you, dad. You deserve it.”

“Heh, well, you’re making me blush. Honestly, the best I could ever want is another clutch of grandfoals maybe? Grandnymphs? Grandlarvae? Whatever you call those horrible squirming little critters. What I mean is that I don’t want you to be alone with One. I remember there being a dozen of you and more on the way. I want you to make this town a real home again. With or without me. You know I’m going to get into danger, I tend to.”

Guiding kisses my forehead and breaks the hug. I can breathe normally again. Ouch!

“I will. You, on the other hoof, don’t be afraid to ask for help this time. I’ll be there for you.”

I just pat her head.

As we stand up again, look around, and both feel slightly embarrassed of our scene in the town square seen by a bunch of other ponies, Heavy pokes my side with his foreleg.

“Say iiit… I know you don’t want to.”

I scratch my head and cough.

“You were, at least to some minimal degree, right, Heavy.”

He chuckles.

“Would it hurt you to say everything is okay for once? I mean really, I’m getting the feeling that just uttering those words would make your organs liquify and your brain explode.”

“Things are a little better than I expected, happy?”

Heavy sighs and facehoofs.

“You’re incorrigible.”

The air ahead wobbles, a shimmering portal appears, and the unicorn Crimson Heart sent for Bloodrage returns along with the amazon.

“Ah, little one! Good to see you,” the queen smiles as I bow to her.

“I’m glad you’re alright too, Bloodrage.”

“You wanted me.”

“Yes, I need to know the recipe for your corruption protection potion. I know it’s a secret, but this is crucial, and I’m not leaving without it. I am being rude, but there is a good reason. I must have the potion no matter what.”

“No secret anymore,” Bloodrage shakes her head, “We helped. Sun ponies asked like you. We gave them recipe and potion. Sun ponies and the cursed queen herself. They were official with a letter.”

Uhhh… what? Someone else asked about the potion recently?

“Sun ponies?” asks Heavy, “You mean Celestia’s agents?”

“No,” Bloodrage points at my robe, “Like the little one.”

I recall what the bartender said.

“Silver Sun agents and Nightshade?!”

“Oh yeah!” Crimson Heart stomps his forelegs, “It completely slipped my mind when I saw you. Some Silver Sun agents accompanied by Mana Burn asked for Bloodrage as well few days ago.”

Bucket, what did you do behind my back?

“What did they want?” I ask, slowly and carefully.

“I told you. The potion and recipe.”

“We need to get back to Manehattan...”

“Why?” Heavy gives me a puzzled look, “What’s wrong?”

“Bucket was adamant Nightshade could help Cromach, but that’s not the case. She doesn’t care about him. I told him about the amazon potion and my plan to reverse-engineer and improve it, but when we got onto the caravan, he obviously went behind my back and sent another group to get here ahead of us, contact Nightshade and Mana Burn, and… something. They’ll either change the potion into something that will make Cromach incurable, or they’ll go to Manehatten on their own to ‘sort things out’.”

I’m gasping for breath while packing back and fort.

“Come on, Blazing. Bucket wouldn’t willingly hurt Cromach.”

“No, he wouldn’t, but he doesn’t know Nightshade like I do. All she cares about are the Corrupted, not us, not him, not me, not anyone else.”

“Blazing, think clearly for a moment. You’re painting Nightshade as some sort of villain, but deep down she’s been protecting ponies ever since her rise as the Corrupted Queen.”

“Heavy, Nightshade attacked me multiple times whenever she thought I could cure corruption with my divinity. Don’t you understand?! Bucket must have asked her for help since she’s THE expert on Corrupted and had some personal ties to Cromach, but she’ll just blackmail me to stop trying to cure him! She won’t take that I only want to use it on him for an answer. We need to get to Manehattan, we MUST get to Manehattan. Damn it! We can’t get to Manehattan before her. There’s no way!”

I grab the teleporter unicorn’s neck. I don’t care about his name, I care only about his horn.

“You, how far can you transport me?”

“I- I can only make portals within the town limits. Teleportation magic doesn’t work too well within tainted territories.”



My cheek stings all of a sudden. I look at Heavy lowering his foreleg and staring at me coldly.

“You are wrong. There’s no way you can be right.”


“Shut up and listen!” Heavy takes a deep breath, turning towards Bloodrage, “Queen Bloodrage, get us the recipe and if possible a potion sample as fast as you can, please. I will stop this guy from having a meltdown. Then we’ll be off to Manehattan where this idiot who doesn’t trust anypony can see that things are alright. Can we get some supplies, lord Heart?”

“Of course. I’ll take care of it,” Crimson Heart nods and starts walking off, “Oh, and I want to know everything afterwards since you mentioned sir Cromach. The last news I had about him were less than encouraging.”

“Dad,” Guiding nuzzles my neck, “you do have a tendency to overreact.”

I barely register her.

I swear to all three gods, Nightshade, that if you do something to Cromach I won’t rest until I wipe you from the face of this world, but not before I kill every single one of your beloved ‘subjects’ in front of you.

Funny, that’s exactly what Scream tried to do when Celestia locked Void in Tartarus forever.


And guess who was the bad guy in the end.

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