• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 455 Comments

Imbalanced: New Age - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about an alicorn resurrected centuries after his death into a vastly different world where he doesn't know anypony. Can he finally find love and peaceful life? Heh.

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Love and Hatred: Misunderstanding

"Emperor!" one of the two griffons wearing bulky power armors by Cassius' sides shoves himself between Cassius and myself. Those guys are actually fairly quick despite their size, but his patriotic action only means that I suddenly don't have a pistol aimed at my head. Granted, the griffons is raising his minigun, but at this exact second the situation is looking up.

Of course, in some three or more seconds it'll be going down the cliff, but that's a problem for future Blazing.

Poor guy.

The barrel of the minigun starts to spin.

It immediately screeches and stops as something bends it in near right angle. The stable and definitely heavy soldier looks down at what made his whole suit jerk sideways. He doesn't get a chance to make a noise when another grey blur sends him along with his whole armor flying backwards at Cassius.

"Fire! FIRE!" I hear some dumbass cry out.

"No, not so close to the Emperor!" objects a marginally smarter griffon.

"Get them! Protect the Emperor!"

Aaah, a griffon of action, not words... or brain cells.

Maybe it would be a good time to stand up? Yeah, definitely.

Another movement I catch out of the corner of my eye ends up with a pair of griffons being swatted away by a thick grey tail. Admittedly, giving a combat, among other things, prodigy like Heavy an absurdly strong, durable, and agile body might spell bad times for any villains he might meet, but at least they'll think twice next time before pissing off the gay guy with tentacles.

Eh, who knows? Some might enjoy it, villains are weird like that.

Stop projecting.

Fine, let's stop this before it goes too far.

"Heav-" I close my mouth when faced with an already aimed machine gun. Considering I'm pretty much a thin wall of flesh between the shooter and Cassius mildly stunned after being grazed by the thrown Imperial Guard, the armed griffon isn't really doing his job.

Or you know what, you birdbrains? Screw your gun and your armor. Come at me, one on one, talons versus hooves. Let's see how strong you are, not your toys!

Well, it's been nice being in one piece, but I guess it's time to try the getting shredded option.

Like a good old sneeze, I feel the new divinity inside me burst out like a bubble.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.

The sudden silence of griffon weaponry failing to go off fills the cathedral.

"Mmmmphmph!" I hear the remaining Imperial Guard's muffled moaning from inside his suddenly motionless power armor.

"Heavy, grab Cassius!" I bark, not really analyzing the situation anymore and just going with the flow. As they say, cut the head off, and the griffon will lose only two brain cells.

Cromach excluded, of course... and some others.

While the guards recover from their weaponry failing and reach for their swords and spears, Heavy is already about to circle around Cassius.

The Emperor, however, is no pushover, not that I could ever claim him being. He recovers, drops his pistol while reaching for his sword with the other foreleg, and swipes at Heavy with his free talons. If I were in Heavy's position, I would have just let the talons scratch me, regenerated it, spun around Cassius, and grabbed him into a chokehold from behind. Heavy, doubtlessly because deep down he loves shaming me, manages to dodge the attack on top of everything else, and still whip his tail into the back of raised Cassius's hind leg, making the griffon Emperor fold into his chokehold on his own.


"Now if you could just let me talk for a second," I raise myself on my hind legs with my forelegs in the air, "please."

"If you harm the Emperor in any way, you will not be leaving this place alive," growls a griffon facing me.

"I had no intent to have things go this far, but I'm allergic to lead poisoning, you hotheads," I roll my eyes, "Now, how about Heavy here lets Cassius go and you don't try to shoot my head off? You know, start all over again."

"We don't negotiate with terrorists!"

"Cassius, when we sort this out, you will have this guy demoted to scrubbing toilets, right?" I don't let my eyes leave the griffon whose unfortunate future self is now banging his head against a bathroom wall.

Sadly, Cassius doesn't respond. Is Heavy choking him too hard? Nope, still the natural grey colour, not going blue.

"It's me, Blazing Light, and this damn 'not being recognized' thing is getting old quick. Call Nicolai if you have to, he's seen me before I got corrupted completely. He's a smart griffon and will put two and two together."

"Allow yourselves to be sent into prison and I will think about it," grumbles Cassius, not daring to move.

Cassius isn't stupid, and a griffon in his position will surely think twice before having me shot in the middle of some court proceedings for interrupting, right?


"Fine, but I'm keeping Heavy around, I need somepony to help me kill time while we wait," I take a deep breath and ignore future Blazing screaming at me to not relinquish my only advantage out of good will, "Heavy, let him go. Oh, and if they try something, just run."

"Nah," I hear him say in an amused tone, "I'll meet you halfway, Blazing. Here you go, Emperor," he releases Cassius, and lowers himself on all fours just like the griffon.

"Guards, take them to the cells-"

"Ehm!" Heavy coughs meaningfully.

"Put them together into some larger one. I'll deal with them when I'm done here."

"Mmmpmhm!" I hear the collapsed Imperial Guard mumble. The other immobile one quickly joins with about the same amount of comprehensibility.

"When will whatever disabling effect you caused end?" asks Cassius.

"Honestly, no idea. Probably when I'm outside," I shrug and look at the nearest stern-looking griffon, "Take us away."

The uncertain guards mass around me, and with even less enthusiasm around Heavy, and escort us out via the back exit behind the dias leading out of the throne room.

Funny, I remember this place as if I was here yesterday. Griffons sure like their traditional architecture and never change anything that has been around for thousands of years.


[Blazing's Entry]

Heavy's presence, and admittedly my newfound ability to disable ranged weapons, worked wonders to prevent the guards from trying anything nasty on the new prisoners, although they took my journal and pen away...

...four times before they gave up. Funny, I guessed it would be twice and Heavy guessed five times. Granted, the soldiers were getting pretty mad by the time I summoned the confiscated items from thin air with a suppressor on my horn, but aside from some mild frothing and grinding of teeth nothing bad happened.

We were left alone for some two hours, although the guards DID get us some water and flat bread which tasted more like rolled up, sticky paper. I like the classic kind waaay more. Come to think of it, I faintly recall Cromach eating it from time to time, but always filled with some meat and rolled up into a cone.

Oh well, I wasn't exactly hungry after breakfast in Pine Hills, jumping into an exploding washing machine that was Final Sanctuary, and ending up in the middle of a luckily averted firefight. I gave it a whole hour before I started nibbling on the thing. It helped pass time. Heavy didn't want any, instead just chugging his metal cup of water. Obviously. To Corrupted, normal foor is bland and only very lightly nutritious.

We chatted a bit, but aside from few crazy theories about Cassius' invitation and possible ways to restore Cromach's self, many involving underground rooms, leather, and Heavy with a camera (and he keeps telling me corruption isn't touching him in the head at all) we didn't have much to share, since we've been together pretty much the whole time since my resurrection.

However, we were both shaken after our two close escapes (alright, I was) that in the end we just had a rest.

Heavy's ears have just perked up... I wonder.

Ah yes, the door isn't too soundproof.

[End Entry]

Is Cassius finally done with court proceedings?

As the heavy slab of metal serving as the door slides sideways into the wall, an armed griffon peeks inside, gives the two of us sitting by the back wall cuddled up a frown, and enters. Another guard follows, and behind them...

...a sandy, lightly greying griffon head adorned with a growing smile. Even if I didn't know who the griffon was, the black jacket with silver trimmings would give Nicolai away to anypony who knows about the Black Ops.

"Looking good, Blazing," the head of the intelligence service gives me a brief salute, much to the shock of the guards, "Glad you dropped by."

"What? No doubts about my identity, no questioning? Nicolai, are you getting too old for your job?"

He snorts at the undignified grumbling of the guards, and waves his foreleg.

"The only thing I regret is not being there when you teleported in and made half of the court nobles crap their fancy pants."

I just mentally shrug. No reason to complain about sudden bouts of good luck, especially with their rarity.

"That's more this guy's job than mine," I nod to Heavy, "I'm not really the scary type."

Nicolai's smile turns into a grin and the glint in his eye proves he knows far more than any griffon of his age should about the Empire present and past, the minds of its citizens, and all the little threats coming from their dark places.

"Oh really? And who would 'this guy' be?"

"Oh hey, sorry about the wings, they looked pretty cool," Flora pushes past Nicolai eliciting only his raised eyebrow, "and oh my, who is this hottie? With all due respect, Blazing, you never looked this great even when all big and tentacle-y."

A quiet chuckle comes from Heavy covering his muzzle with a hoof.

"I know, Flora, I know. Remember how I once told you about a spirit of my old friend covering my back. Yeah... he got alive'd."

"Wow, does anyone around you stay dead?" she asks cheerfully.

"The bad guys, I hope, otherwise I'm up for a pretty nasty reunion at some point in the future. Anyway, this is Heavy Hoof. He's big, cuddly, can now rip that door out of the wall without breaking a sweat, and makes me self-conscious even without a mirror."

"Nice to meet you, mister Corrupted," Flora extends her talons without any regards for possible danger. Does she trust me that much? Does she trust me that I'm the one I'm saying I am that much, or is this some elaborate scheme of her boss? Knowing Nicolai and being naturally paranoid, I think it's the latter.

Oh well, it's not like it matters because I am who I am and Heavy doesn't bite.

"Good to see you too, miss Flora, now finally in the flesh," Heavy gives her a little bow, takes her foreleg, and gives the talons a quick kiss before letting go.

Flora's beak drops and she takes a step back, blushing.

"Alright, you got me completely. A talking Corrupted, or are you just that good of a ventriloquist, Blazing? I heard about Nightshade, Twilight Sparkle's sons, and the Separated, but this is new."

Nicolai takes a step forward, and before he even says anything everyone's eyes lock at him, he just has that kind of quiet presence.

"Heavy Hoof, a simple earthpony Royal Guard eventually making it into the ranks of nobility and becoming a baron, taking hold of Blazing Light's family's estate after its confiscation from his father Blinding Light for high treason. He is one of the four individuals known to be responsible for rebuilding the Order of the Silver Sun from scratch before being killed by Blinding Light shortly before the nearly-catastrophic return of the god ponies call Harmony, luckily stopped by the bronze unicorn currently looking at me with his jaw dropped," Nicolai gives me a smug grin, "I like to know who I'm dealing with, Blazing. It's sort of my job, as you know. Oh, and Flora? Heavy Hoof has always preferred the company of stallions, if you know what I mean. Specifically one changeling by the name of Horatio Cross, which is also a name our historians drool about, likely more than about both of you put together. Do I need to continue?"

"Awww," mutters Flora in disappointment. Heavy has that effect on most mares.

"Your name is Nicolai Irongrip, distant descendant of Vargaz... somecoolname... and you... ehm... well, I can't beat your sources of information with what little I remember," I give matching Nicolai's knowledge my best shot.

It misses wildly, as expected. However, it eases whatever tension still remained in the room.

Also as expected.

"Please, never say this in front of my brother, he is much more strict about our lineage's honor than I am," says Nicolai seriously, although there is a spark of amusement in his eyes, "Speaking of whom, Cassius would like to see you."

"So he didn't send you to evaluate the situation and in case of trouble pump something toxic into this cell via those small air vents in the corners?" now it's me whose face is smug beyond all reason. Nicolai, however, doesn't falter for a moment.

"Oh, he definitely did, but now that I've analyzed the situation, he will be very happy to see you. After I tell him my findings, of course. With that kind of thinking, though, you could make a good asset to the Black Ops."

"I think I pass in the paranoia department, but I have serious issues with blindly obeying authority."

"Well, I tried," Nicolai shrugs, "Guards, you may leave. We are in the company of friends... or at least allies."

The armed griffons salute and walk away, leaving only me, Heavy, Nicolai, and Flora in the cell.

"Alright, let's dispense with the pleasantries for now, Blazing. Cassius doesn't like to be kept waiting. Follow me."

As we walk through the hallways of the Grand Cathedral, I notice rather unusually small amount of servants rushing around. It used to be a lot more lively here during my last visit. It might just be the different time and age, but my personal guess is that with the war going on, only those who underwent deep background checks are allowed into the heart of the Griffon Empire. Or those who jump in through an interdimensional portal, that also works.

"So, why me? I mean, I get that you have leverage on me I can't resist, but I personally am not a powerful individual. I certainly doubt I can affect a war, which I assume is the reason you offered to help me with Cromach."

"Cassius will explain everything, but you are correct in assuming that he chose you because of your history with agent Cromach and the low probability of refusal. I, frankly, expected you to be in your corrupted form and able to tentacle a bastard to death if needed. Thankfully, your companion might be of assistance in that regard, and your strange power which made most of the guards in the throne room shake in their armored breeches will be of more use than I could have ever hoped."

We descend down and down some unmarked staircase, entering a complex of underground hallways which definitely didn't exist last time I was here.

"I won't force Heavy to do anything he wouldn't want to, nor will I even try to persuade him."

"Blazing, don't think for a second I'm leaving you alone in whatever this is," a tentacle smacks the back of my head.

"I never though you'd have to," says Nicolai calmly, clearly victorious.

"Fine, Nicolai, I got it. You had this planned out, and you quickly adapted to Heavy being here. Now can we finally be open about this? What the hay is going on?"

"As I said, wait for Cassius. We're heading down to a shielded room which only very few griffons have access to. That way we'll avoid any possible risk of being overheard by any means known to technology and with you there, even magic," the end of a long hallway sloping down leads to a small door which opens into a large room with a round table in the middle covered with maps, reports, and empty coffee mugs.

A war room for high generals and the royal brothers.

"We're here," Nicolai nods to solitary Cassius already sitting across the table from the entrance, looking at photos of some... mountain fortress maybe? "Do we have time for introductions? Our Corrupted friend is far more important than I anticipated."

"Will it change the mission?" asks Cassius without looking up.

"I suppose not," Nicolai sighs and nods to Heavy, "I apologize for my brother, this is an issue which has been a thorn in his paw for some time already."

"No offense taken," answers Heavy calmly, and his voice is the first thing conjuring something other than complete focus from Cassius.

"You can talk?" he asks with curiosity.

"I can do a lot more. Blazing even taught me how to use the litterbox."

Sudden synchronized snorting and coughing from Flora and Nicolai makes Cassius give Heavy an undignified frown.

"Alright, what's going on? Nicolai wouldn't give me the time of the day."

"I asked him not to," nods Cassius, "You see, our war situation is rather more dire than it looks on the outside."

"How come? I thought you had numbers advantage, only you weren't able to enforce it due to growing Corrupted territories blocking the main routes."

"We still have. However, numbers don't mean power anymore. After you corrupted Sagar, Legius continued with his experiments on Corrupted elsewhere, and we weren't able to destroy the research facility in time. Weeks later, few our positions were overrun by new kind of soldiers, ones possessing Corrupted biology."

"He's using Corrupted? How?"

"Not exactly," Nicolai takes the spot, "He somehow managed to bestow griffon soldiers with Corrupted abilities. They can't do everything Corrupted can, but from what data we gathered, there are no drawbacks to the infusion. With that in consideration, we believe it's only a matter of time before our main combat lines break under the deployment of these supersoldiers."

"I understand, but what do you want me to do? I said I wasn't really good at large-scale combat anymore."

Nicolai shakes his head.

"What I have in mind is a bit more of an infiltration mission. Just you, baron Hoof, and a huge bag of explosives."

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