• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,067 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 34

“Are you okay, Rarity? Anything broken?” Spike said as the unicorn got up from where she’d hit the ground at speed.

“Urgh… just… just my resolve, if that.” Rarity whimpered as she looked up at the ladder which had lead to her ungracious tumble. “Truly, what logic is there in building a staircase that then terminates in a ladder you have to climb up just to reach the actual doorway? Who designed this place?”

Rainbow landed next to her friends, panting and biting her catch pole with a vice like grip.

“No one sane, that’s for sure! Should’ve taken that weird corkscrew style elevator outside as an indication of what was to come!” The pegasus spat. “Can you move, Rares? Twilight and I gave our larger than life friends some good beatings, but we haven’t managed to slow them down.”

Rarity looked up to see Twilight burst from the doorway, firing magical beams from her horn at the silver knight as it braved the onslaught behind its shield. The armored warrior paused as its foot stretched out to take a step and encountered thin air. Looking down at the ladder, and the ponies clustered around the bottom of it, the knight turned and began to descend with all haste.

“Oh yes, yes, very capable of moving!” Rarity squeaked. She demonstrated by galloping full speed down the stairs. Rainbow took to the air and followed while Twilight provided covering fire.

“For all… that is unto Faust… will you please… PLEASE… give us a break!” The alicorn panted as she kept hammering her opponent. The knight shook and rumbled as each bolt slammed into its armored hide, yet still it managed to reach the bottom of the ladder, pulled out its giant bow and began loosing arrows in return.

“Ughhhh…why do I even ask?” Twilight said forlornly as she ceased her assault and turned to follow her friends. Giant arrows made short work of destroying everything in her wake as the knight stumbled forward and tried to draw another bead on its targets.

“Let’s just hope there’s a means for us to either lose this creep or dig in and fight him till he can’t take anymore.” Rainbow said as she sailed down flight after flight of stairs. Her spirits rose as she found herself approaching a small room at the bottom, indeed a good spot for them to turn and cover each other while their pursuer was still trying to climb down the stairs after them.

Sadly, such hope was again immediately and cruelly dashed against the rocks, or in this case the hammer that looked large enough to break rocks, wielded by a being of similarly giant stature.

“Hmm? Who are you?” The titan asked as he raised his hammer and let Rainbow get a better look at him. Height wise, he was on par with the giant she’d faced atop Sen’s Fortress, but attire wise he seemed to be geared for a very different purpose. A bifurcated steel plate was fastened over his face, much like the mask she remembered seeing Ponyville’s resident blacksmith wearing while at work, and across his body the giant wore multiple straps containing crafting tools as well as a leather apron.

“Forge your weapons?” The giant asked in a curious tone. Rainbow closed her eyes and braced herself.

“Oh please Faust not again!” She pleaded silently as hooves descended the stairs behind her.

“Rainbow, why did you stop? What’s down… here…?” Rarity’s voice died as she beheld the titanic being staring in quiet expectation at them like a party host would to some unexpected guests. “Dash… darling… what did I say about pressing our luck?”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Rainbow whispered hoarsely. “Just turn around and see if we can run back the other way so…”

“Girls, what’s the hold up? We can’t stop… EEEP!” Twilight promptly dropped to her haunches as another missile sailed overhead, clipping the fringe of her mane, then nicking the giant on his arm.

“Ow! Oi, stop that!” The titan pleaded as the silver knight leapt down the last few steps and drew its sword and shield again. The ponies and dragon frantically looked about as they found themselves between two very unfavorable odds. The knight aimed its blade and charged to finally finish its targets.

“Hollow knight no good. Be gone.”

The hammer descended again, not for the ponies but for their opponent. The knight promptly found its advantage literally crushed underneath the flat weight, reducing it to a smear of blood and crumpled armor. A white soul leapt from the remains and infused into the giant.

“T’is good. Bad gone, no more hurt.”

Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and Spike all turned to look in shock at the giant as it turned and sat down at an anvil. Without another word it picked up a half-finished metal piece and began to hammer away at it.

“Did… did that just happen?” Spike asked, fully expecting this to be some sort of trick.

“I… uh… I think so?” Twilight pushed her jaw shut and stepped forward. “Uh… excuse me?”

The giant turned. “Hm? Hello.”

Twilight swallowed. “Um… please don’t take this the wrong way but… are you friendly?”

The giant nodded. “You come, I forge, we talk. Be good friend. I very happy.”

Twilight felt relief slowly wash the tension from her muscles, leaving her merely as a shaking mess once her adrenaline had worn off.

“Well sure, we can do that. Friendship is what we’re all about!” She smiled. The giant nodded softly.

“Forge, I can! Strong, I am! Talk… t’is no good.” The giant sounded somewhat ashamed about his last point. “But forge… very good! I help anytime.”

More exhales of relief were voiced now that the ponies knew they were out of danger.

“Well, this place never stops pulling surprises.” Rarity said, raising her ears upon noticing a trough of water beside the anvil. “Oooh, uh… I do apologise Mr. Giant Blacksmith…but um… would you mind terribly if I made use of your wares to clean up a bit?” The unicorn smiled tensely as her bloody mane flopped over her eyes again. “Things got a bit messy for me outside.”

The giant shrugged and reached for a bucket.

“You friend, you talk. I no talk, but happy.” It said while filling the bucket with water from the trough and setting it down in front of Rarity.

“Oh you really are most kind!” She exclaimed before dunking her head into the water. Spike immediately reached for her saddlebags as the unicorn pulled back out and sighed in bliss as she flicked her much cleaner mane back.

“Spike would you be a dear and… oh.” Rarity giggled upon seeing the baby dragon holding up the shampoo and conditioner she’d brought with her just in case. “Oh you really do know me far too well.”

“Hardly a bad thing.” Spike smirked as he helped lather the unicorn’s mane up with suds. Twilight set down her catalyst and let herself rest for a moment.

“I’m sorry to ask this of you as well, but do you perhaps know of a way we can get the front door of this place open? We’ve got our friend Seath outside and need him to…”

The giant looked up from his work.

“Seath? Duke? Has shiny-shiny?” It asked in a much more excited tone. Twilight cocked an ear.

“Uh… well yes, I guess. A lot of what Seath does involves ‘shiny-shiny’ as you put it.” She smiled hesitantly.

“Mmmm. Get shiny from Duke. Forge weapons, make shiny. More happy.” The giant asked, sounding almost like a foal asking for a treat as he reached over and pushed a door behind him open. The sun drenched exterior was revealed, guarded behind a wrought iron fence.

“Oh, well sure! I’ll ask him and see what can be done.” Twilight replied. “Come on Rainbow Dash! Let’s see if we can give him a hoof.”

The alicorn and pegasus rushed outside to where the sounds of battle again rang out.

“We’ll be right behind you! Soon as I get my mane styled!” Rarity said. “Uh Spike, how quickly do you think you could dry me off?”

Grinning again, Spike cleared his throat and exhaled a few wisps of flame.

“Just sit back and trust me. I’ve been practicing this technique for weeks!”

Twilight ran across the length of the fence, coming across the dead bodies of several bat-winged demons. Small purple crystal growths glistened in the sunlight around them, indicating they had made Seath’s victory costly.

Finding a gate and pushing it open, Twilight saw the dragon was not yet done paying the cost. The armored sentinels circled around him, their halberds likewise encrusted with crystallized blood. Seath himself clutched his left side where more of his vital fluids were slowly turning to crystal as they dripped down his skin. Despite his injuries the dragon still eyed his assailants with calm determination, and fury.

“Still art thou admirable works of the gods, focused on thine purpose and unburdened by the trivialities of free will. E’en when thine blades turn against me I cannot fault their intent.”

The automatons advanced. Seath parried their weapons and promptly gave them both an extra coating of crystal as he pushed them back.

“But nor can I permit thee to carry out thine role, no matter how justified thine violence against me may be.” The dragon coldly cursed as he smashed his tentacles into the legs of one sentinel, tripping it up and sending it to a shattering end across the keep’s front stairway. The other wrestled with its frozen limbs, breaking the crystal coating apart till it had enough mobility to attack again. Seath caught its halberd and cursed again as it bashed him with its shield, knocking the dragon back down the steps.

Twilight promptly ran out of the gate behind the sentinel as it descended upon the sprawled dragon. She charged her catalyst and hit it in the back with a heavy soul spear. The sentinel lurched forward from the blast and then slowly turned around as the alicorn put down her weapon and followed with another magical blast from her horn.

“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to hurt him either, though you have my sincerest apologies about that.” She said as the armored giant raised its polearm. “For whatever that may be worth to you.”

The polearm descended, and Twilight threw herself to the side. She snapped up her catalyst and summoned another soul spear, which she coated in her own magic, before launching it her foe. Caught in the middle of preparing another attack, the sentinel took the blast to its face, sending it reeling and tumbling down the stairs to join Seath at the bottom.

“Yeah me too… on the whole no hurting thing…” Rainbow Dash sighed as the sentinel shook its smoking helmet and struggled back to its feet. “Seriously, can you not take a page from your friend over there? He was polite to us and thus we had no need to get rough with him.”

The sentinel just began climbing the steps again, holding its halberd at the ready for when it got within reach of the ponies.

Seath was kind enough to see it never made it that far by grabbing it from behind and spewing another blast of his magic breath directly into its visor. The armored giant shook violently as crystal exploded out from every gap and crevice in its armor, turning it into a jagged and pained looking sculpture which the white dragon did not hesitate to smash into as many pieces as he could.

“Such loyalty that is bred by the lack of will. Who truly is more the fool to deny themselves the splendor of ignorance?” The dragon muttered forlornly as the pieces vanished in a fiery blaze, indicating they only had a short time before the fires would bring the sentinels back to life.

“Seath, are you okay?” Twilight said as she ran down the stairs. The dragon clutched his wounded side and growled weakly.

“Much is the harm that hath come to my left flank. No worse is this than the other wounds I have endured.” He assured while fishing out his estus flask. “For the sake of what potential aid we yet may gain, it is pain that is easily borne.”

The dragon drank of the healing flames, while his student sighed and shook her head.

“Just please try to not get too reckless, Seath. We need you.” Twilight said, adding in a quieter voice. “I need you.”

Seath lowered the flask from his lips, staring down at the alicorn with a mix of confusion…and reverence for Twilight’s concern. Unfortunately, the arrival of Rarity and Spike stopped him from commenting on it.

“Twilight, we’re ready. I do apologize for having to hang back, but… well… Spike was rather impressive with the use of his fire breath to help me dry my mane.” The unicorn giggled and blushed heavily as she swept her hoof through her now perfectly re-styled perm. Spike could not help grinning with utmost pride.

“Twilight gave me the idea when she’d get out of the bath then go back to her books without drying off. Had to do something to make sure she didn’t end up soaking her own study material beyond repair.” The little dragon replied, to which the unicorn rewarded him with another kiss on the cheek.

“Well still, your efforts are most appreciated my little Spikey-Wikey.” She sultrily soothed.

Spike shivered and again looked to be on the verge of falling over from swooning. Seath felt his soul bloom with flames of both hatred and envy, both giving him renewed incentive to see that the party succeeded in their objective here.

“Now that all threats out here hath been dealt with, we have only to hope the masters Griggs and Logan do achieve their role…”

Seath broke off as the doors to the keep rumbled, having been hit by something large and heavy from the other side. The ponies turned to follow his gaze with extreme caution, and all duly backed away as the doors burst open to permit one of the royal sentinels to come crashing through them.

“Okay… I think it’ll stay down this time.” Griggs panted as he emerged from behind the fallen giant. “Master Logan, how’s the other one fairing?”

The elder sorcerer stepped out of the entrance, his hat tilted back in a pose of smugness.

“It’s been dealt with. Thanks to the time I had to work on my new sorceries while in our Grand Duke’s archives, its demise was but a matter of time.” Logan said before noticing Seath before him. His demeanor quickly changed as he knelt before the white dragon. “But such is time I apologise sincerely for, Great Seath! Gwyn did prepare these unfeeling constructs masterfully for their roles as guardians, imbuing them with the ability to use many of the healing miracles. Such is further reason why we are justified in our mistrust of those that let faith guide them in their practices!”

To Logan’s immense glee, Seath nodded as if sharing his disdain.

“Indeed, but thou hast done fine in thine work to dispel their menace I see. Well done, Master Logan.” The dragon said. “Come, we cannot afford to linger here.”

Logan shivered much in the same way Spike had, and apparently for the same reasons. Griggs and Rainbow Dash both noted this with subtle suspicion as Twilight raised her hoof.

“Uh, on that, could we maybe return here after seeing Gwynevere? We ran into someone unexpected in the side chamber over there. A giant blacksmith who mentioned something about you, and a… ’shiny-shiny’?” The alicorn shrugged. Seath looked over at the smaller doorway, cocking his eyebrow at the sounds of hammering and grunts of one hard at work on the steel.

“A giant? One freely permitted to perform what duty he sees fit in the midst of Gwyn’s own inner domain?” The dragon narrowed his eyes dubiously, yet his hand moved to stroke his chin as he contemplated the fascinating concept.

“How curious dost our finds grow.” He commented before heading inside the keep. The party made haste back through the entrance hallway, pushing the doors at the back to find themselves in a splendid reception chamber, one that was as vast as it was mercifully deserted.

“Huh… no one home beyond the front?” Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly as she scanned her surroundings. “Is this good or bad?”

Seath took in the still lifelessness of the chamber, his face going through several expressions ranging from suspicious to relieved.

“T’was the previous time when the Princess Gwynevere’s protectors would greet all who sought audience with her highness here. Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough did stand valiantly to their duty at any and all hours. If they stand no longer, t’was the Chosen Undead no doubt that did put them finally to rest.” He sighed sadly. Twilight cocked her head.

“Well, again, is that good or bad, Seath?” She asked, to which the dragon studied the empty room with a sense of what seemed like remorse.

“The death of Executioner Smough t’is a service to all of Lordran. A fetid, corrupted soul, indeed he did relish his title too much. Each death did he savor by seasoning his meals with the bones of his victims, believing himself a supreme being worthy of joining Gwyn’s Knights. Arrogance, cruelty, perversity and malice were his tools of trade.” Seath seethed, his voice sounding positively acidic in regards to the warrior.

“Sounds like someone we know?” Rainbow queried, braving the glare from Seath. The white drake growled and turned to cross the room.

“The loss of Dragonslayer Ornstein, by contrast, is more a tragedy. While his title doth indicate many of my kin fell to his blade, I found him still a noble and honest soul, worthy of his role as captain of Gwyn’s Four Knights. Strange are the differences between they which Gwynevere would select as her guardians and confidantes.” Seath continued as the party came to a staircase and an elevator. Taking the former, they found themselves on the next floor, before a bonfire set outside an elegant pair of doors. Warm, brilliant sunlight filtered through a crack between the elegant barriers, beckoning all to step into the chamber beyond and revel in its splendor.

“Well, here we are, I guess. Do you want to do the honors, Seath?” Twilight asked, feeling her body tremble with want and curiosity as to what awaited them inside the doorway. Seath, however, looked even more unsure.

“Gwynevere’s radiance doth welcome all as it always has. T’is her light that warms mine skin… yet… t’is the doubt that still chills mine soul.” The dragon said. “T’was the time I last stood outside these doors I bore a plan for how Gwynevere and I might welcome new life into this world, a vow that our daughter would be made possible if she still wished to play her part. Now, I stand here again, with naught to offer but countless sins and broken promises. Truly, what reason would she have to still entertain my company?”

Twilight’s jaw tightened as she tried to think of a reason.

“The fact that you both made mistakes… some more drastic than others… but now there’s no reason for you to hold onto old grudges. Whatever her reason for returning, she has to see things are too dire for her to not at least hear you out on how she might be able to help you fix what you can.” The alicorn offered. Seath looked at her with a painful want to believe what his student spoke, yet the apprehension and eons of resentment within him were still too strong.

“How about we do this: We will go in first and plead our case. We’ll put in a good word for you, mention about how much you’ve done for Equestria and how much we need her help. I’m sure we can make her understand!” Rarity declared. Seath looked to the light streaming out of the doors, taking a deep breath as he felt his soul feed on the heat, and the gentle assurance that nothing bad awaited him inside the princess’ chambers.

“Thou art kind to offer, and welcome to try. I shall await out here… until such time as thou deems my presence needed.” The dragon intoned. Twilight nodded and stepped forward to knock lightly on the doors. They swung quietly open, allowing the light to briefly blind her, Spike and Rarity as they stepped inside. Presently the contents of the domain inside faded back into focus… and both ponies gasped at what they saw.

Gwynevere reclined upon her luxurious dais, her beauty and elegance exactly as Twilight remembered seeing her in Seath’s dream. Her body shone with the radiance of the sun that embodied her heritage, and the smile she gave as the ponies drew closer just made both of their hearts melt.

“Thou hast journey’d far, and overcome much, oh brave and noble souls. Come hither, children…” She said, her voice as large and comforting as the figure she cut, reclining upon her giant throne. Twilight, Spike and Rarity all felt an instinctive urge to kneel in reverence and did so.

“P-Princess Gwynevere…” The alicorn said breathlessly. The giant female before them nodded.

“Oh Chosen Undead. I am Gwynevere. Daughter of Lord Gwyn; and Queen of Sunlight.”

Twilight got back to her hooves as a hand was extended to her.

“Hello, oh most gracious Gwynevere, my name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and… uhh… ambassador… uh, no, I mean emissary from my homeland of Equestria.”

Beside them Spike rolled his eyes. They really needed to hash out exactly what role they were serving by coming here.

“This is my loyal assistant Spike, and my dear friend Rarity. We come to you on behalf of our kingdom, and someone close to you… to request your aid.”

Gwynevere nodded and gestured with her hand again. Realizing what was being asked of her, Twilight leaned forward to kiss it.

“Since the day Father his form did obscureth, I have awaited thee. Once living, now Undead, and a fitting heir to father Gwyn thou art, and beseech thee succeed Lord Gwyn, and inheriteth the Fire of our world. A grave and arduous test of mettle, yea, it shall be. Indeed we had felt the warmth of Fire, its radiance, and the life it sustaineth. Without Fire, all shall be a frigid and frightful Dark.” Gwynevere exposited as Twilight trembled and drew back. The female’s hand had felt oddly… well… foreign. Not like skin, or anything usually associated with a living being. Course, then again, this was no normal entity she stood before, so perhaps she was wrong to expect Gwynevere to feel the same as a mere mortal.

“Well you are most kind to heap such praise upon us, your highness. I only trust this means you will be willing to hear us out?” Rarity inquired.

The sun goddess nodded and smiled warmly.

“Speak and let me know thine purpose. Hereafter, I, Gwynevere, shall serveth as thine guardian. If thou so needest, I shalt devote all to thine safety. May thou be one with the sunlight for evermore.” She declared, to the befuddlement of the ponies.

“Well…again that’s very generous of you.” Twilight cleared her throat. “I suppose since you’ve already met and spoken with Aurelia, you can guess why we’re here?”

Another nod, another gentle gesture of kindness.

“Since the day Father his form did obscureth, I have awaited thee. Once living, now Undead, and a fitting heir to father Gwyn thou art, and beseech thee succeed Lord Gwyn, and inheriteth the Fire of our world. A grave and arduous test of mettle, yea, it shall be. Indeed we had felt the warmth of Fire, its radiance, and the life it sustaineth. Without Fire, all shall be a frigid and frightful Dark.”

And again the ponies were left scratching their heads at the repetition of the princess’ statement.

“Uh… that’s not really what you asked…” Spike whispered. Twilight shook her head.

“I’m sure she’s just reiterating the importance of the situation.” Twilight replied before turning back to Gwynevere. “Our world of Equestria has been visited multiple times by beings of your world, both with good and ill intent. We come to you hoping to know more as we believe you have some role in this. We understand you gave Aurelia an item of some importance?”

Gwynevere sighed as if relieved.

“Unto her I did bequeath the Lordvessel, with prayer and hope that she shall endeth this eternal twilight, and avert further sacrifices.”

Twilight nodded. “Well, some unknown force has been very adamant to see that she not succeed. Indeed, the only reason we’ve been able to get involved is because this Lordvessel you were trusted with made it possible for us to travel here, as other souls were able to travel to Equestria.”

The alicorn pulled out a scroll and unrolled it.

“If it’s not too much trouble, I have a few questions I need to ask you.”

Gwynevere reclined comfortably on her dais, staring down at the tiny equines with maternal affection.

“Oh young undead. Thou hath journey’d far.”

Twilight looked up from her scroll.

“Yes, well, with your help, it’ll have been all worthwhile.”

Gwynevere smiled.

“Please. Father's role thou should assume, and inheriteth the Fire of our world. Thou shalt endeth this eternal twilight, and avert further Undead sacrifices. Kingseeker Frampt, the primordial serpent, shall guide thee.” She said gently, leading to another silence as her guests stared at her in confusion.

“I’m… uh… sorry?” Twilight said.

“The primordial serpent shall guide thee. Return to him, and thou will find the answers thou seeks!” Gwynevere assured. Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances.

“Um…well about that, we already talked with him you see. He in fact told us to seek out another primordial serpent, possibly a friend of his.” The unicorn smiled. “Do you perhaps know of a Mr. Kaathe, your grace?”

Gwynevere giggled cutely.

“Children, thou hast need of none other than Frampt. To him all knowledge hath been charged, and from him all knowledge shall be gained.” She said. More glances and greater confusion were shared.

“That’s not what he told us.” Spike spoke up. Gwynevere shrugged and gave the dragon a sly grin.

“Now thou shalt go forth, undead. May thou be one with the sunlight for evermore!”

All eyes turned back to the goddess.

“I’m sorry, what? But we haven’t even asked you our questions yet!” Twilight said. Gwynevere nodded in acknowledgement.

“The world’s fire grows weak, and little can thou hope to accomplish here. Go forth, and with my grace thou shalt succeed in thine aim!”

Another very uncomfortable silence descended as the ponies thought of how to respond to this.

“Uhhh… look, your gracious majesty, I’m really sorry, but we really need your help here!” Twilight replied, keeping her voice measured and polite. “I just need to ask you a few questions, and then we shall indeed strive to get going.”

Gwynevere continued to smile. Twilight noted how effective her expression was at making her feel the need to do as the sun goddess ordered.

“Please, we… we need your wisdom in this.”

Another nod, another little gesture that all would be fine if they just listened to Gwynevere and obeyed.

“Thou shalt have wisdom and so much more. Seek not the wearisome Kaathe, young children. The sun of Gwyn and wisdom of Frampt shall always be thine guide.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the sun goddess, her coat bristling as Gwynevere just kept staring at her with her warm, welcoming expression.

“Right… uh… okay then.” The alicorn turned around as if to leave, but subtly beckoned Rarity and Spike over to her.

“So… how rude would I be in saying that something really seems off here?” Spike replied as the trio tactfully kept walking to the door.

“No more rude than her highness for being so needlessly evasive.” Rarity soothed. “I do hope her dismissive attitude isn’t due to her thinking we’re of too low a class to be worth aiding.”

The unicorn checked herself over, making sure she was as presentable as could be.

“I mean I know I don’t look my best, but I at least made the effort to style my mane properly and clean my gown… and you were nothing but perfectly respectful to her, Twilight!” She quietly declared. Twilight nodded as her friends’ words only fed her own suspicion.

“I know, which is why I think we might want to get a second opinion, from someone who knows her a bit better.” The alicorn replied as she made a show of turning around again. “Oh, Your Highness Gwynevere, there is one other matter we come to you on. You see, the first soul from your world that turned up in Equestria was one that, as I understand, had a rather intimate history with you.”

Gwynevere hmmed in intrigue.

“It was he that persuaded us to seek your counsel, both for your wisdom and, hopefully, to make amends for some wrongdoings he’s done in the past. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to call him in… and I ask that you please accept he’s changed and genuinely wishes to apologize.”

There was little reaction from the sun goddess, she merely cast her eyes to the doors of her chamber as if expecting the arrival of the new party. Taking this as her cue, Twilight took a deep breath.

“Seath, if you please?” She called.

A pause followed, one that grew tenser and more awkward as the seconds ticked by. After what felt like an eternity, the chamber doors slowly swung open, revealing the white dragon standing with a look of extreme apprehension.

“Gwynevere…” Seath whispered as he hesitantly approached the goddess. She smiled as if to acknowledge him, but other than that her expression remained cryptically unmoved.

“Once fair and now tragically fallen friend. For what purpose dost thou finally emerge from thine exile?” She asked sweetly. Twilight silently hoped that was a good sign as Seath clenched his fists and bowed his head.

“A force known only to fate hath summoned me, first to these noble equines, and now, t’would seem to thee, to plead… not for thine forgiveness, but for the salvation of they that hath guided me back to the light of clarity.” The dragon said as he gestured to Twilight. “Thou sees this one as undead, a sentence as undeserved as all whose flesh hath been cursed by it. Others of her land hath suffered too in her wake, and as long as the flames fade the dark doth seek to tighten its grip over both dominions.”

Gwynevere cocked her head as Seath flinched and lowered himself further to the floor, like a lowly beggar unfit to be in the presence of such a pure and flawless soul.

“Thou speaks of desire to end the sacrifices needed to fuel thine father’s flames, to end the eternal twilight. For what proof this posits that he whom thou once professed to love is not yet dead, I beseech thee, lend thine aid to Twilight and her friends.”

Seath kept his head bowed as he awaited a response, his soul burning with wildly fluctuating flames as he feared to look again upon the face of the one whom he had sought to punish with so many of his destructive experiments. A minute ticked by, then another. Finally, unable to tolerate the silence, Seath looked up at Gwynevere. His head tendrils rose upon seeing her expression had not changed at all.

“Thou comes to me… after so many a year hath passed… not to proclaim thine superiority, nor thine brilliance, but to ask I cast thee aside as the filth thou art and aid they that hath been so foolish as to welcome thee into thine home?” She asked with a giggle. Rarity scrunched her face up in shock at the remark, but Twilight raised a hoof that she would answer it.

“I know Seath’s history here is… not the best… but…”

Seath raised his own hand and cut the alicorn off.

“Nay, mine student, again such harsh words are spoken only in truth, by one whom hath more right to say them than any other.” The dragon said mournfully, eliciting another snicker from Gwynevere.

“Thine student? Not only hath thou made thyself comfortable with mortals, but now thou seeketh to share with them knowledge thou swore to be too sacred for any save for the gods to know?”

Seath’s wings now joined his tendrils in rising. He turned slightly and stared at the goddess out of the corner of his eye.

“Knowledge is all I have to offer now, and still I can no further aid those undeserving of the Darksign curse than I could when first our Lord Gwyn charged me to find a solution. For my transgressions, my betrayals of kin and countrymen, I am now as any other undead: poor, impotent, able only to throw mineself upon the mercy of those who are still able to mend what hath been fouled. Against thee my sins are innumerable, but not unto this mare. Again, t’is for her sake that I plead thee to aid us.”

Seath spoke slowly, methodically, no longer sounding like he was apologizing but rather that he was testing Gwynevere. Twilight knitted her brow in confusion as the sun goddess sighed and rested her head against the many pillows piled on her dais.

“Is this truly the Grandfather of Sorcery that standeth before me? A soul, so weakened by sin and guilt, he utter not a word in his defense? How hath thou been ruined, poor, poor dragon.” Gwynevere replied, sounding like she really pitied Seath. That much Twilight understood, but she still pondered if the sun goddess had to be so harsh in her phrasing. She looked to the dragon, seeing he now had his head bowed again, his tendrils and wings wilting as if weighed down by the accusation of his former lover.

“Endless years hath I been forced away from thine side. Thine departure and marriage seemingly an admission of how hollow thine declarations of affection were. Still I pondered if such was punishment for how I abused thine trust, how I retaliated when to the executioner’s hammer thou gaveth our daughter. Endless years I have had only hatred and madness as mine companions, revulsion at mine continued failings to replace what thou took with nary a second thought…”

Twilight’s coat bristled again as she heard the tones of anger slowly seeping into her teacher’s voice, his breath turning cloudy with crystallized vapor.

“When told I was by the Chosen Undead that thou had returned, such thoughts I did entertain that mine rage was in error, that thou saw how thou had wronged me as I strove to wrong thee… that perhaps we might at last admit our sins to each other… now here indeed what do I return to find?” He demanded, to which Gwynevere just smirked. “A fine work thou art, as fair and courteous as any would remember their goddess of sunlight, but for all mine years in isolation I remember Gwynevere better than any! And this MOCKERY doth suit her not!!”

Before anyone could react Seath had charged his catalyst and shot Gwynevere with the biggest, most powerful soul arrow he could muster. The sun goddess let out a deathly grunt as she was slammed against the back of her dais and exploded into a flurry of white light. Twilight, Rarity and Spike all covered their eyes against the blindingly bright flash, spots swam before their vision as the light faded to reveal the dais now sat empty but otherwise undisturbed as small flecks of white mist slowly drifted to the ground around it.

“Seath… wha… what did you just do?” The alicorn asked in breathless fright as the dragon tilted his head upward and bellowed to the heavens in wrenching heartache.

“Damned be to all the forces that demand we dance upon their stage! Blindness, failure, unending hatred, all hath been charged as my role to play! Dost thou still deem themselves unentertained at my folly? Am I to be tortured further with cursed mirrors casting fetid reflections!?” He roared, coating the ceiling and the walls of the chambers in angry white crystals.

“Seath! Seath, stop!” Twilight cried while backing away from the glowing field of gleaming white formations.

“Girls? Uh… what in Tartarus just happened in here?” Rainbow Dash demanded, stepping into the chambers and immediately having to duck as the crystal coating was blasted across the doors too.

“I… I don’t know! Seath and Gwynevere were having a little disagreement, and then he… he just went berserk!” Rarity squeaked as she hastily ran for the chamber doors. Seath depleted his lungs of air, then promptly grabbed the dais and threw it through the windows on the fair side of the room.

“Seath…” Twilight said, summoning all power into her voice. “Seath, I order thee, CEASE!”

The dragon whirled around, nearly ploughing Twilight into the walls with his tentacles. He stared down at the minute mare, who in turn glared back at him.

“Seath… as thine friend… and student… listen to me now. For the love of our holy and Almighty Faust, calm down!” Twilight commanded, doing her best to mimic the Royal Canterlot voice. Seath’s breath grew ragged, showers of tiny crystal fluttering down to the floor. He shut his eyes and roared again in anguish, taking several deep breaths before dropping his catalyst and letting his head flop into his hands.

“I… I… yield to thee, Twilight. Oh horror, how easily doth mine madness assert itself in the face of such terrible revelation.” The white dragon moaned. He gasped for several more breaths, then slowly let his hands fall from his face. “Forgive me, mine student. This find, while expected, is no less unpleasant.”

Twilight nodded cautiously. “Perhaps I could understand that if you’d please explain what you did. Did you just… kill…”

Seath violently shook his head.

“Nay, pony! Though I shalt no doubt be marked for the sin of such, I have committed no murder. Merely I have cast aside a most horrid lie, and shattered an illusion placed to fool all who sought the goddess of sunlight!” He scowled. Twilight looked at the gaping hole in the window.

“An illusion? So… that wasn’t the real Gwynevere?” She said. Seath snarled more crystal breath.

“Yea. Flawless was the craftsmanship, but inept was the effort to replicate her spirit. Joyous and bright was Gwynevere’s outlook, but never would she have jested about how fate hath humbled me.” The dragon explained, glowering at the destruction he’d wrought. Checking it was now safe for her to stand up again, Rainbow Dash rose and walked over to survey the wake of Seath’s rage.

“So wait… if your old crush ain’t here, then where is she? More to the point, who would create an illusion of her to fool everyone into thinking she was here?” The pegasus asked. In response, the sunlight streaming through the window suddenly began to fade, flushing away the warmth of the chamber to leave it in the grip of cold, foreboding darkness.

“Huh, what’s happening?” Spike asked as he found himself surrounded by the black void. Seath grumbled and cast a light spell to make it easier for everyone to see.

“The truth hath been made clear. He that sought to deceive all with the façade of sunlight can do so no longer.” He said as a voice suddenly boomed out from all corners of the room.

“Thou that tarnisheth the Godmother's image. I am Gwyndolin. And thy transgression shall not go unpunished. All shalt perish in the twilight of Anor Londo!”

The ponies all looked around themselves. Rarity and Twilight shivered as there came the sounds of creaks and clanks, bodies moving through the dark to enact revenge for the party’s crimes.

“Arm thineselves for violence, little ponies. The force of the Dark Sun is now upon us!” Seath declared.


Outside, in the growing shadows of Anor Londo, several figures stared in perplexity at the keep. One rose from the rooftop on which they sat, raising a pair of binoculars to the lowest row of its six eyes. It focused on the shattered window of what had been the Princess’ Chambers, and jumped back in shock at what it saw.

The binoculars were lowered and hands were raised in its place, waving to the other figures and ordering them to send word back to their brethren. This demanded immediate action, they had to move with the shadows to reach the keep.

Their master had returned, and damned if they were going to lose him a second time!


Elsewhere, in the forgotten realm of Oolacile, yet another sensed the impact of Seath’s sin. Its gaze looked out from the darkness through the veil of all time and space, and its teeth glittered in pleasant surprise.

“Brother! So thou hast returned.” It remarked, softly tracing along the length of Sombra’s horn. “Thine actions may hasten our victory yet!”

Author's Note:

And as promised here's the second part of the double upload I promised. Through time and space two hearts struck by love and loss have finally been reunited. And like all things Dark Souls it turns out to be a complete and utter disaster. Now not only do the ponies have to deal with a new threat, enraged by Seath's insanity, but it seems the extent of his rage has caught the attention of several other significant parties who wish to interfere. Ah well, if there is any silver lining here, at least the going will be mildly safer now since killing Gwynevere also removes a fair number of the enemies around Anor Londo.

Again, for those who may be getting some idea as to who the mystery being watching events from the shadows may be, please tag your comment with a spoiler bar, especially you Aidenmc3. Don't know how, but you've been downright precognitive in your musings on what's going to happen next. It's kinda freaking me out a bit how in sync your thought process is with mine. :twilightoops: