• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,063 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 60

“So, at last after a thousand and some years, the truth of a matter that has troubled my mind and plagued my dreams for my entire life is revealed, with the asking price merely being the loss of my empire, my palace, all my pretty slaves, and oh yes, my life! ” Sombra warily mused as he looked up at the towering silhouette of Kalameet. Against the void of the Abyss, the black dragon better resembled a ghastly shadow than a physical being, with the light of his single red eye providing the only means to distinguish his form from the darkness around him. Well, if nothing else, that was at least something he and Sombra had in common.

“The kingdom thou hast made possible shalt be thine again in due course. The visions Manus hath shown me doth speak of how the equines keep its splendor perfectly preserved.” The dragon sighed. “Thus before we commence with this, the most critical step, I must ask of thee, my son: dost thou know and accept what is to be done?”

Sombra snorted softly while rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck. He felt very queer in his newly reborn body. As far as he could tell, every part of him was as it should be, yet he could still recall the moment of his demise in terrible clarity. Even as he looked at his legs and watched the muscles in them flex and ripple in natural harmony he remembered the moment they had shattered along with the rest of him upon being hit by the power of the Crystal Heart, and the repulsive love and hope culminated from the souls of all his former subjects. Even as naught but the silence of the Abyss enveloped him, in his mind Sombra still heard that final sentence from the one known as Princess Cadance, echoing in his every thought like a mocking taunt from the heavens.

"Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not return!"

With a scowl, Sombra slammed his hooves onto the ground and met Kalameet’s gaze with renewed venom.

“I know and accept what needs to be done as far as it involves kicking those freeloaders out of my palace, punishing my slaves for their treachery, then seeing about getting my revenge on those who forced me into 1,000 years in stasis, then killed me when I was finally released.” The umbra unicorn snorted with growing suspicion. “It’s what comes after that I’m not so sure of.”

Charging his horn, Sombra fired at a spot on the ground. His spirits lifted as a twisted spire of black crystal erupted from the point of impact. Okay, at least he had some of his previous power still to command.

“My entire life I’ve known I’m no ordinary being. No other pony has the abilities I do, nor is able to endure the torture I’ve endured. You’re saying I have you to thank for that?” He queried.

Kalameet looked to the black crystal. His chest swelled slightly in a manner almost like paternal pride.

“That and much more. T’is time thine mind is put at ease on a great many things, and thus thou shalt be focused, calm and ready for this: our most greatest challenge.”

Sombra narrowed his eyes as one of Kalameet's fingers lightly touched his chest.

“In thee is imbued the same power I once commanded as the Black Dragon god of Melanat. In that time, I did prosper, and suffer, just as thou hast, my son. T’was my subjects that did revolt against me, then did rise up to slay me, such is the way of this infernal repeating cycle.” Kalameet scowled while clenching his frontal claws. “But with each revolution, as with a wheel that hath not been given proper care, the cycle cracks and fractures. Thus when I was born again into this time I did seek to cast my gaze forwards, to see what lay in the time when at last the cycle was broken completely. T’was then I first laid eyes upon the glory that is thine realm, a domain blessed with all that gods hath made possible, yet where such beauty fell to ruin before, it hath endured across Equestria.”

Sombra nodded even as bubbles of purple magic formed on his horn and smoke began rising from his eyes. With each passing moment he sensed his power building, as if he'd finally awoken from some infernal nightmare, and been replenished by the comforting realization that he was now safely back in the waking world.

“T’was when I first laid sight upon Manus, a being so impactful and wise, yet so easily forgotten by all, that I did permit myself to dream at last of fulfilling my purpose. That which was charged to me at birth, yet denied repeatedly by they who cannot see beyond the end of today.” Kalameet sighed while gauging Sombra’s suspicion. “Unto Manus I did thus give some...sufficient coaxing. Demand he impart to me the knowledge of dividing one’s soul, that which maketh possible new life and new beauty given time and power enough.”

Kalameet turned his gaze to the darkness of the Abyss, to where the great horned monstrosity that had birthed the dark, stood in uncomfortable silence, watching Gravelord Nito and Princess Dusk like a loyal sentry. After admirably performing his duty in bringing Sombra’s horn back from the Crystal Empire, then retrieving Lordran’s First of the Dead to restore the unicorn back to his old self, Manus had remained disturbingly silent. No demand that Kalameet deliver what he had promised for the beast’s servitude, nor commentary on what he’d done to further pervert the downfall of Lordran. True he was making sure his captor’s reunion with his offspring was not marred by any further interference, but for all Kalameet knew, that could just be so Manus would have the first shot at striking him down the instant his back was turned.

Kalameet silently made a note to not leave the twisted beast alone till he had had a quiet word with him.

“Already the Father of the Abyss hath cast the most powerful portions of his soul further ahead into the next cycle. Thus seeded, they now stand in a new age, born again as figures most impressive in both stature and power.” The dragon dryly commented as he turned back to Sombra. “It did seem a simple enough request that I be taught how to do the same for my own purposes.”

Sombra nodded, cracking a soft smile as he seemed to take this revelation on board with good humor.

“So that’s how I came to be? I’m a fragment of your soul that you left in Equestria’s Great North?”

Kalameet huffed dryly.

“Such basic wording becomes thee not, my son. T’was my order that thee be molded to become a character worthy of building the kingdom that would serve as the home from which I shalt do what duty was first charged unto me. This I hath seen thee has done, and more!” Kalameet declared proudly, though he immediately noted Sombra wasn’t sharing the mood.

“Yeah but not without a few small ‘bumps’ along the way. Those two namby pamby princesses did a fine job of subduing me to the point where my only option was to curse the Crystal Empire to vanish from existence, and their little helpers didn’t exactly receive me with a warm welcome when I returned.” The unicorn sneered. “Assuming what you're saying is true, and laying aside my nagging issue of wanting to know where in Tartarus were you when I needed you the most, how do you propose to take back the Empire now that it’s firmly in their filthy hooves?”"

Kalameet bore the brunt of Sombra’s accusations and demand with little offense.

“Thine defeat, imprisonment, and death all do weigh heavily upon me, my son. T’were I not likewise occupied with the misguided assault of a soul long deemed lost to history, may thou believe I would indeed have come to thine aid with all haste!”

Sombra bore his gaze into the dragon’s eye, braving the burning red glow to see if the sincerity in Kalameet’s words cloaked some manner of deception. To his surprise, he saw nothing but truth as Kalameet drew himself up to his full height.

“With thee now by my side, may I hope to atone for my failing by indeed reclaiming our home?” Kalameet pointedly asked.

Sombra broke the eye lock, turning instead to stare at the black crystal he’d created, to remember what he’d made possible with the abilities Kalameet had bequeathed to him, and could do again if he just trusted the dragon a little.

“You really believe we can take on all the princesses of Equestria and drive them out?” He asked warily. "Because as stated, I tried that. Twice. It didn't work either time."

Kalameet dismissed the unicorn's concern with a confident nod.

“With every passing moment, Oolacile crumbles further into ruin. A many centuries from now, Lordran, as Manus doth report, suffers similar hardship. From this ruin riseth armies and resources, both quite inexhaustible, and perfect for us to command and crush whatever opposition thine realm may send forth.” The dragon stated while shooting Manus another look. “Furthermore, the Father of the Abyss alone held off such opposition when venture forth he did into thine realm. Coupled with the Lord Souls that now reside amidst thine lands, and we shalt have our victory.”

Sombra’s features tightened in indecision.

“And assuming we do, for a moment, what about afterwards? I understood from the beginning just what was motivating me to conquer and build the Crystal Empire, but by that same bit, all that it encompasses is my doing!” He stated. “I trust you realize that I’d like to reap the rewards of my hard work, WITHOUT having to share!”

Kalameet snorted then bowed his head in agreement.

“T’is not thine throne I covet, nor thine crown. They art, as thou states, rightfully earned as thine own.” The dragon intoned with noted sternness. “What I desire of thine labor is the chance to correct the mistakes of the past. With the power thou hast infused into the Crystal Empire, and the souls of lords that were once turned against mine kin, I may yet mend what mine own maker damaged in his shaping of me...and mine brother.”

Sombra sensed an uneasy rumbling from Kalameet. He narrowed his eyes as the great dragon’s head dipped lower, as if weighed down by troubling thoughts.

“Erroneous was Vallad when he didst birth us as dragon gods, but his errors were not born of malice. By the same, we are not to blame for the splinter that did divide us, and result in our downfalls!” Kalameet assured, more to himself than to those around him. He looked at Sombra, now with a subtle sense of pleading.

“Thine kingdom and throne I shalt reclaim for thee, my son. Pray may thou aid me in return to bring my own kin back to the fold in return. That with our reclaimed power we may bring thine dominion to a new golden age!”

Sombra looked even less convinced.

“That power comes with a catch too. The Crystal Heart, a symbol of all that opposes and stands against me, is also the only reason the Crystal Empire isn’t entombed in snow. Even if we do conquer all who stand in our way, we’ll have to hold onto the one thing that they could use to destroy us.”

Kalameet nodded sagely.

“Such is a sacrifice I know too well, my son. Trust in me, that I hath found means to overcome such weaknesses. The weakness that did prove your downfall once shalt not do the same a second time!” The dragon paused as another thought troubled his mind. “I fear more whether it may or may not be the only weakness your land harbors, which could prove our undoing.”

Sombra arched an eyebrow in demand to know what that meant. Kalameet stood up again and bowed his head.

“I shalt explain more to thee once we have reclaimed thine throne. For now, arm thineself for battle. The hour of our absolution draws close!” The dragon ordered.

Sombra sighed and smiled slightly.

“Some brutal slaughtering would help shake off these lingering aches from being resurrected. Fine, let me draw up a plan. High time I made use of a few surprises I had installed into my palace, assuming the ponies haven't uncovered them.” Sombra glared sinisterly at Kalameet. “Just know I’m holding you to your word...father.”

Sombra’s final word sent a deep shudder through Kalameet’s being as the unicorn turned and disappeared into the darkness. The way he had made it sound like both an acknowledgement of his heritage, and also an insult to the one who had made such heritage possible was chilling...yet in the same breath, Kalameet took solace that it also meant his sire was just what he had hoped for.

As to whether that would prove to be a blessing or a curse, well, that was a bridge to be crossed later. For now the dragon had other more pressing issues to deal with...like the edge of Nito's greatsword suddenly making itself comfortable against his neck.

“And as I speak of such absolution, what of thee?” He said while turning to find himself to face the gravelord. “Unto thee I give my gratitude for the aid thou has given, but a fool I would be to imagine such aid is freely given when all hath been required to sin for the purpose.”

The dragon’s fiery gaze narrowed as he stared Nito down.

“If thou would stay thine hand for but a moment, I shalt see thee repaid for twice the cost of thine labor.” Kalameet intoned, smiling as Nito cocked his head slowly.

“For centuries past we aided our fellow gods in ending the reign of thine kin. As Gwyn’s bolts peeled apart the scales of the dragons, and the Witch’s flames did char their flesh to ash, we delivered the killing blow. Miasma and disease did join all dragons in death...or t’was believed we did join all.” Nito commented as he looked Kalameet over like an archaeologist might look over an ancient artifact that had been deemed by all to be lost. “When now thou reveals thineself to have first escaped death’s embrace, then ordered death be, from its domain, once more untimely ripped, thou does so for a desire, an act, that can only ultimately serve our will. Whether thou fails or succeeds in thine efforts here, the soul thou claims to have sired shalt once more be ours. Death puts end to all, no matter what thou does."

Kalameet nodded that he was well aware of this. It did the job of throwing Nito's guard off.

"Thus, prithee, what coin canst thou offer to absolve such pointless travesties?” The gravelord demanded.

Kalameet looked to Manus, giving the wretched monster a nod.

“Mention I did what the Father of the Abyss hath done to prepare for the next cycle. Unto thee, I offer the same, for thou, of all the lord soul bearers, thou hast the greatest need of such warning and preparation.” The dragon replied, relishing the creak of Nito’s bones as he tried to make sense of this. Calmly the dragon curled two fingers around the gravelord's sword, pulling it down and away from his neck.

“Stay thine hand, and thou shalt see what sights hath we to show!” Kalameet grinned sinisterly as Manus tore the darkness open to form a portal.


In the courtyard of the archives, by the entrance to the Crystal Cave, Priscilla was finding herself in a dismally familiar situation. Now that her father had apparently helped take out whatever force was guiding his creations they had assumed a much more agreeable attitude. The crystal butterflies were perched on the towering crystal spokes outlining the cavern entrance, kindly providing some much needed cheerful ambiance with the rainbow light from their wings. The few remaining crystal golems had retreated from the scene of battle, standing like lifeless statues around the distant areas of the courtyard.

Which just left the crossbreed to deal with a soul whom she feared was intent on doing what far too many other souls she’d met in her life seemed hell bent on doing.

“Look, I can’t say it was terrible being trapped inside that golem, but the means by which I came to be in such a state demands restitution! Are you to tell me I should just forgive Seath for what he’s done? Sending his snatchers and monsters to kidnap women like me and bring them here for his own terrible purposes?” Sieglinde demanded.

Priscilla gloomily looked to Siegmeyer, who could only awkwardly try to hold his daughter back from approaching the crossbreed.

“Nay, fair child, I plead only that thee stay thine blade for the moment. The evil mine father hast done I cannot excuse… but neither can I ignore what was done to make him the monster he is. As one daughter to another, will thou at least hear me out?”

Sieglinde’s gauntlets jingled as she tensed her grip around her bastard sword and pierce shield. Bracing herself for more violence, Priscilla likewise kept both hands securely around her scythe as she stared in silent begging for the armored female to not make matters worse.

“Sieglinde, dearest, please, let’s take a moment to think this out.” Siegmeyer gently intoned. “Yes, I admit I’m not too tickled to discover what happened to you either. Indeed, if this were any other day, I’d be more than happy to join you in storming the archives and giving Seath what for!”

Priscilla looked at the knight in disbelief, and he promptly cleared his throat as if realizing how poor his choice of phrases were.

“But my time here has revealed the situation isn’t quite as black and white as it may seem. Indeed, right before I released you from that golem, Seath was out here risking his own life to help us fight back his creations, and before that he was behaving himself rather admirably with those strange ponies I told you about. All outward signs suggest the old dragon’s had a change of heart. Honestly, I can understand why, given what this fine young lass has told us.”

Siegmeyer cautiously reached over to hold his daughter’s arm as she glared at Priscilla through the slit in her helmet.

“Much hath my father to atone for, that I do not deny. But it seems atonement is what he intends with his acts towards his new student. This Twilight Sparkle doth believe a menace of this land threatens her own, and mine father, wicked a soul he may be, is vital to saving it.” Priscilla said.

“And you believe that based on what?” Sieglinde asked suspiciously. Priscilla looked off fearfully in the direction of Anor Londo.

“That which I witnessed deny me mine own vengeance against the Dark Sun. That which placed death itself in mine dominion. Terrible omens of the darkness bringing danger even the gods themselves know not.” The crossbreed replied, only to flinch as she heard Sieglinde’s armor clank with her effort to move within striking distance, only to be held back by her father.

“All the more reason to see one source of such danger cannot make things worse. To give my father one less reason to cease trying to get himself killed and come back home!”

Siegmeyer promptly released his daughter’s arm in shock.

“Sieglinde! That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?” He asked, then took a step back as his daughter rounded on him.

“I got captured in the first place because I came trying to find you! To tell you of what mother… what mother asked me to relay right before she died! And here I find you, still trying to have one final adventure! Still trying to be the gallant knight throwing his own life away for… for nothing!”

Priscilla’s pain increased along with that lacing Sieglinde’s words. Inwardly, the crossbreed was kicking herself for not knowing what else to say. Granted, it wasn’t like the long years she’d spent isolated in the Painted World had really prepared her for any sort of social or diplomatic conduct, but given how similar Sieglinde’s situation sounded to her own, she surely could at least figure out how to relate to the poor girl on that level!

“Sieglinde… come now. You don’t mean that!” Siegmeyer said with equal hurt in his voice. His daughter’s armor clanked as her body slowly buckled. She lifted a gauntlet to support the weight of her helmet, then rocked backwards as if unable to remain standing.

“I just… I don’t… It was horrible enough when you died the first time. You broke our hearts when you then left for Lordran! Are you going to now twist the knife by telling me you not only won’t come home, but you’re actively helping one of the most foul souls ever to exist?” She demanded, sounding like she was trying not to cry.

“Okay, um… is this a bad time for the Great and Powerful Trixie to ask if she can use this courtyard?”

Everyone turned to see the blue unicorn staring down at them from the broken balcony.

“Cause she just spent what has to be the worst 10 minutes of her life inside the mouth of a snake who smells like he’s been eating nothing but cow pies for every meal, then brushing his teeth with the same stuff!! She’s been wandering this stupid, endless maze of books for somewhere to get a breath of fresh air.”

Trixie jumped down onto the grass, adjusting her hat and taking in a huge inhale.

“Ugh, Trixie wouldn’t really call the air around here ‘fresh’ either… but it still tastes cleaner at least.” She muttered while approaching the courtyard’s other occupants. “Don’t suppose Trixie might try her luck helping with whatever that was she heard about ‘foul souls’?”

Siegmeyer perked up considerably at the mention.

“I certainly hope so, fair equine. We could use some of the wisdom you and your friends showed during our last impromptu visit to your world.” He said while gesturing to Sieglinde. “This is my daughter, whom I’ve been searching far and wide across Lordran for. Seems she was in quite a pickle, stuck inside one of Seath’s crystal golems after she came looking for me. A dreadful situation, as you can imagine, and it’s left her with an understandable chip on her shoulder against the old dragon.”

Trixie nodded slowly, then turned to the towering white haired female. “And you are?”

“The Crossbreed Priscilla, a daughter of a likewise tragic disposition who doth wish to try and avert further violence against her father if possible.”

Trixie’s gaze drew down across Priscilla’s form, noting her white fluffy tail, the scales lining her eyes, and her pristine, ivory toned complexion.

“Well, go figure. Trixie risks her neck undertaking an epic quest, and returns to find something far more epic and overshadowing happened while she was away.” The unicorn exhaled glumly and smashed her front hooves together. “Okay, let’s see if Trixie can at least build on what she learned while down in the catacombs!”

The unicorn pushed her hat forward on her head and turned to Sieglinde.

“So you want to get revenge on Seath. Fair enough, let’s try and think about that for a second. Do you actually bear him any ill will, or are you just acting on the heat of the moment due to the circumstances?” Trixie demanded.

Sieglinde did indeed think about it.

“I doubt there are many who do NOT bear him ill will by this point. His entire reputation is built upon deceit, treachery, kidnapping, and every known act of sacrilege against the gods and the people!” She replied. Trixie raised a doubtful eyebrow.

“So if daddy wasn’t here, you’d still have come to seek revenge?” She asked, raising her ears at the clanking of Sieglinde shifting uncomfortably in her armor.

“Well… no… not exactly. I only came to find my father, relay my mother’s final words to him, and convince him to come home.” She admitted. Trixie smiled as her resolve strengthened.

“Do you believe it’s right that you deserve to have your father come back and be with you, yet deprive another daughter of her chance to do the same?” She asked, bracing herself as Sieglinde clenched her fist.

“It… it’s not the same! My father isn’t a monster! And I’m not a… a...”

Trixie’s eyebrow raised again.

“A crossbreed?” She asked, noting how the word seem to both make Sieglinde shudder and Priscilla to bow her head in sad acceptance. Quickly the unicorn thought over what that entailed and what she remembered Twilight doing in a similar scenario.

“And that’s Priscilla’s fault for being what she is?” She asked, trying not enjoy how her words evidently pierced right through Sieglinde’s armor and shook her to the core.

“What? No! I mean… no… but...” The armored girl stammered as Trixie stepped closer to her and sat down.

“What if the Great and Powerful Trixie were to tell you she’s been in your situation? Stood at the same point with the same desire at least three times now?” The unicorn pressed. Through the slit in her onion shaped helmet, Sieglinde peered incredulously at her.

“You… well, your voice does betray the weight of such experience...” She commented.

Trixie nodded and took a deep breath.

“Would you believe on two of those occasions Trixie only ended up making things worse for herself? That enacting revenge caused more pain, to her and to everypony around her?” She asked, letting her own self loathing drip from every word. “Trixie was only spared from making it a trifecta because someone else intervened the third time, before she could completely screw up again.”

The unicorn looked back up at the broken balcony.

“And she does still owe that certain someone a thank you, but in a bit.” Trixie sighed and took a moment to think on how to compose her next statement.

“What do you know of Seath, beyond his less than stellar reputation?” She asked Sieglinde. Again the armored girl clanked in awkward realization.

“Uh… just that, I guess. Being trapped in one of his crystal golems was unexpected… but it further proved he is as lore dictates!” She said as a counter-argument. Trixie looked shaken at that, but again she thought on what she’d seen Twilight do and realized she still had one more card to turn the conversation back on her side.

“So if you could only do one thing right now, which would it be? Do whatever it is you came searching for your father for, so he knows his family still needs him? Or go off on a course of action that inevitably will cause more problems than it’ll fix?”

Silence held the courtyard as Trixie’s words did their work. Indeed the small ember of smugness Trixie had felt upon sparing the loathsome Patches and leading Reah to safety fanned itself into a flame as Sieglinde’s helmet tilted forward in defeat and she reluctantly sheathed her sword.

“Well, when you put it that way… and considering the grace I’ve been given of not having to search Lordran for him...”

Sieglinde looked to her father.

“Can… can we find somewhere private and talk? The unicorn is right that I can’t let this opportunity pass.” She said. Siegmeyer’s armor clanked softly in relief as he offered his hand to his daughter.

“Of course, my dear! There’s a lovely nook I scouted out in the crystal cave there when I was helping old Griggs earlier. Should be perfect for us to not be intruded upon.” He replied. Helping his daughter back to her feet, he turned and paid Trixie a nod of thanks. This did not escape Priscilla’s notice as the two onion headed warriors headed into the deep expanse of purple toned crystal, allowing her to finally rest her guard as the crystal butterflies rose from their perches and fluttered in after them as a safety measure.

“Forsooth, it doth seem mine father’s student is not the only soul among thine kind who is gifted with words.” The crossbreed commented. Trixie let out a tired snort.

“Not sure what the Great and Powerful Trixie just did is a gift, so much as a recount of her past experiences. She’s had to take a lot of blows to her ego and eat a lot of humble pie across the last few years.” Trixie scowled. “And as for what happened since Trixie came to this nightmare of a place… eeegh… let’s… let’s not talk about it.”

Priscilla’s features creased slightly as she noted the weighted manner in which Trixie stood; it was evidence she’d seen both in Twilight, as well as the Chosen Undead and several others who had endured the worst Lordran could throw at them.

“Rest assured, I shalt not press thee for further details. Only offer mine gratitude that thou did what I could not… despite my kindred status with that poor girl.” The crossbreed admitted with a sigh. “By and by, I am proven right to believe mine time in the Painted World hath ill-prepared me to ever again set foot in the domain of the gods.”

Trixie gave Priscilla a weird look, only to then shrug. It wasn’t like the idea of a painted world was any more crazy than the other stuff she’d witnessed traveling through Lordran.

“Well, Trixie thought a few years away, journeying and learning about what being an actual legend of the land entails would prepare her for her final rematch with Twilight Sparkle. Instead she just ended up looking like a fool again, despite having actually accomplished something worthy of note.” Trixie said while brushing the enchanted Ursa Major fur lining her cape. “As such, now she needs to contemplate that she at least did one thing right. She went into the catacombs to rescue a lost soul, and for the most part, she succeeded.”

Priscilla turned to see Trixie looking uneasily behind her at the balcony.

“Granted, it’d have been nice if she hadn’t lost her traveling companion down there, but knowing Pinkie… well, that mare has her own issues to work out.” The unicorn huffed. “Regardless, do you mind if Trixie just sits here beside you for a bit and thinks on how to continue her efforts towards bettering herself?”

Priscilla smiled softly as she made herself comfortable on the ground again and lay her scythe beside her.

“Not at all, fair equine. I thank thee for the company.”

When Seath finally made it to the balcony, he was relieved to find his daughter not in the midst of another bloody tussle with another soul whose vendetta had been unfairly focused on him. Instead Priscilla and Trixie were happily shooting the breeze, going over just what facets of their very unusual lives had shaped who they were, and what the heck were they to do from here.

Sighing in thanks for small favors, the white dragon left the two to continue getting acquainted and turned back to tend to a more important manner at hand...


“Okay that’s it, find the book that’s not where it should be.” Twilight gently coaxed as the ghostly claws felt about the bookcase in front of her. Their gnarled, warped talons raked and scraped at their task with a most displeased nature, yet as Twilight fed more magic to her catalyst they reluctantly obeyed her orders.

“I know there’s at least one that’s amiss here. I can just sense it. Come on, find it for me.” The alicorn pleaded. Around her sat several half-melted candles, each mounted in a small bowl full of molten wax. Their status testified how long Twilight had been working to master the latest spell Seath had shown her, and the frayed look of her mane and coat testified how often her practice had ended in less than pleasant results. Nevertheless, Twilight was sure she had it this time. The cursed claws hadn’t attacked her right off the bat, nor after she’d given them their instructions. She had them doing as she ordered for almost five whole minutes. That was at least some sign of progress.

“Come on, you can do it...” Twilight said while mopping her brow. “Where is...oh?”

Her catalyst rattled in her trembling hoof as one of the claws closed its fingers around the spine of a very large, brass bound tomb.

“Did...did they find it?” She hesitantly whispered.

The claw paused in its act, fraying Twilight’s nerves further as it debated on what to do.

Finally, to her delight, it pulled the book out of the case.

“They found it! Finally! Okay, now, bring it over here!” She exclaimed in relief.

The ghostly limb stretched itself like taffy over to the alicorn, holding the book firmly in its gnarled grip.

“That’s it! Now, put it down.”

The claw paused again.

“Huh? Hey, I said put it down!” Twilight ordered, her enthusiasm abandoning her as swiftly as it had arrived when the claw refused to obey. It hung in the air with the tome dangling in its fingers, like a fishing hook teasingly offering the promise of bait. Twilight fed as much magic into her catalyst as she could, trying to project her instructions without stepping closer.

“Come on, just....let it go!” She begged.

The claw shook in annoyance, and finally spread its fingers to allow the book to plummet to the ground, making the entire wing echo with its explosive impact.

Twilight jumped as the sudden shattering of the already uncomfortable silence proved enough to even get through the ivory wax she’d stuffed in her ears. Dropping her catalyst she mopped the sweat from her brow and let out an exhausted groan.

“Let it go...ugh....okay well technically it did what I told it to.” She sighed while getting up to retrieve the book. “At the very least, let’s see what this is and why it was moved to the wrong spot. Looks like an important work, going on the polished brass plating and...”

Twilight reached for the book, and then froze. Despite her ears being firmly blocked and guarded against all possible sound, her innate ability to sense magic told her something was about to make her day even worse than it already was.

Cursing her momentary lapse in caution, the alicorn threw herself backwards, away from the book. From the bookcase the other cursed claws stretched out to again grab her and make her suffer for daring to treat them like her servants.

Once more Twilight felt the agony of thousands of slivers of a black, ice cold essence cutting deeply into her brain with the screams of a thousand terrified voices. Her coat bristled as her body felt like it was being flayed by a hundred tiny knives. She scrambled to drag herself away from the bookcase, pulling herself over by the fountain in the middle of the room where she was out of reach of the claws. Still they descended to bury their talons into her being, to wrench out and crush the final bit that was preventing her from completely breaking down, from becoming a frenzied, hollow beast.

Twilight curled herself into a ball, fighting against the biting cold of the mental assault...until suddenly the pain was dashed from her as quick as it had descended.

Still trembling, the alicorn carefully opened her eyes, and saw Seath dispersing the clawed curses with his own sorcery.

“Begone, apparitions most loathsome yet loyal. Thine time with mine student is ended for now.” The dragon sternly intoned as the ghostly claws retreated back into the books, allowing him to turn and regard Twilight’s shivering form in disappointment. “Hoped I did that thou woulds’t have made better progress in bending them to thine will...”

Twilight’s ears tingled as she picked on the muffled tones of her teacher’s voice. Hesitantly she raised her head to see she was no longer under attack.

“Seath! Oh, sorry, one second.”

Twilight closed her eyes and focused her magic on extracting the wax plugs from her ears. Seath arched a bewildered eyebrow, then took note of the many half melted ivory candles surrounding where Twilight had been sitting.

“Sorry, I just...well, I can at least say the experiment I was just running was a success?” She stated with a little smile. “I was reading your notes on the spell, specifically what you said about how those clawed things work. It reminded me of an old myth about a ship crew that were tortured by similar entities known as sirens, and managed to pass them by stuffing wax in their ears to guard against their effects.”

Seath’s eyebrow rose a little higher, and with less bewilderment as Twilight grabbed for her scroll and quill and began quickly writing down her findings.

“I tried the same on these things and for the most part it worked. At least, I was able to tolerate their effects long enough to tame them into grabbing that from the bookshelf!” The alicorn grabbed the brass bound tome in her magic and levitated it up to Seath. He took the book from her aura and carefully adjusted his glasses as he read the title.

“Hmmm...thus thou claims success of thine own volition...yet this work...prithee mine student, of all the literature on that shelf, how did this come to be the one thou selected?” He asked skeptically. Twilight paused in her writing and looked up at the dragon.

“You told me to focus on detecting if any of the books were in the wrong place, so I tuned my magic to have the claws look for such and they finally pulled that out for me.” She replied while cocking her head. “Why? Is there something of particular significance about that book?”

Seath exhaled slowly as his eyes left the tome and cast their gaze towards the fountain Twilight was sitting in front of.

“Only to the extent that it doth prove mine suspicions. Logan did partake of the contents of this tome, perhaps at great length, yet still he did not comprehend their meaning. Not completely at least.”

The dragon handed the book back to Twilight and moved to gaze into the fountain’s water.

“When once I reigned over Verdite as its White Dragon god, I did bless the waters of the land to act as the flames do now for Lordran. Those of a powerful enough soul, say those of the royal blood, could be revived by the fountain’s waters, just as the flames doth revive those cursed by the Darksign. By the same parallel, they could take the waters to revitalize them as many thus do with the estus flasks.”

Seath scowled as his wings and tentacles twitched in anger.

“As with many of mine theorems it did see me declared as insane by both the gods and mine kin. Thus did I finally seek to create this: a small exercise to replicate mine previous godly feats. A show that my previous life on high was no mere mockery of a dream!”

Twilight trotted over to the fountain and studied it up close. It was a modest structure of a low, wide basin with a spire mounted in the center, both made of faded white bricks and greyish mortar. The only real extravagance were the four tiny golden effigies of dragons sat atop the spire, from whose mouths the glittering water relentlessly poured into the basin below. Twilight furrowed her brow as she noticed the color of the water seemed slightly off. It wasn’t clear or aqua toned like the lakes and rivers around Equestria, but rather had an oddly whitish sheen to it. For a moment Twilight was reminded of how water sometimes took on a cloudy appearance due to an excess of air bubbles in it (or because it contained a high percentage of some mineral like calcium), but even still, the fountain water lacked the milky like hue such states produced. It was whiter than that… or perhaps ‘purer’ was a better term...

“Does… does this work like the fountains you created in Verdite?” She asked. Seath scowled as he stared at the fountain in disgust.

“Only in the basest sense. As I am, there is much magical energy held within mine flesh, but no longer am I the paragon of purity the god Vallad did first create me as.” He muttered, before turning to Twilight. “By contrast, thou, by thine own confession, art royalty, magic and harmony combined in one. If thine abilities enable thee to craft sorceries no other student of mine hath managed with such little tutelage, then the waters may find thee a more suitable confessional for what visions and memories they hath retained of times long past.”

One of Seath’s tentacles tapped the brass bound tome.

“In this art recorded what little I hath seen in the waters. I did suspect the flames would tell me of similar visions, but t’would seem they hath neither time nor care to enlighten a sorcerer.” Seath snorted. “Perhaps tis for the the better. The flames will fade, and Lordran with it, but the waters shall yet remain. As in Verdite, though they shalt not vanquish the treacheries of age and death, they may hold them back.”

Twilight nodded as she levitated the tome in her magic again.

“I see. Hmm, can I read through what you’ve written here then? Might give me some additional insight.”

She undid the heavy metal clasps on the tome and carefully opened it before laying it down on the floor.

“I may need a bit longer to do this. Is Priscilla okay?” She asked.

Seath glanced in the direction of the Archives’ courtyard. His body settled itself as if relieved of a weight.

“For this given moment, yea. Thine friend, Trixie, stands vigil to ensure her safety.” He said, relishing the look of disbelief and shock that Twilight cast at him. “T’is not mine daughter that is mine present concern...”

Seath lay down beside Twilight, pushing her scroll and quill within reach.

“Thou art.”

Twilight blinked, and then quickly turned her attention back to the pages of the tome. She only hoped the sudden jerk of her head was sufficient to cause her mane to be draped over her cheeks, thus covering the blush seeping across them as she began reading.

“Right uh so...let’s see what’s in here.” She muttered while turning to the title page. “Of Shadows and Fire - Essays on the cycle of life and time. Okay.”

Twilight looked a bit confused at the title but turned and continued reading.

“It needn’t be said that this world we draw upon is a strange one indeed. To the common soul, life began with the gods, yet tell legend dost of the life that existed before they. The fires of Gwyn encapsulate all life, yet in the Age of Ancients, dragons, giants and other life still thrived among the fog. Shocked would be the populace if they knew that even before the Ancients there was life. Before the fire, the sun and the dragons, these lands harbored many a race.

Throughout time, life is risen and it is ended, or so the gods will have us believe. This writing shalt serve as investigation and protest to that doctrine. As one who hath known this world across many age, I do seek to state my claim of what hath happened before, what will come to pass now, and what awaits all in the hereafter...”

Seath folded his hands and perched his muzzle atop them, watching in quiet fascination as Twilight’s head loomed closer to the page as she continued reading, her absorption growing as she immersed herself into the words he’d written.


With the black blade of her rapier gleaming in the pale light of the Ash Lake, Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and stared back at the slowly retreating basilisk.

“You know, weird as it is to say this, but you’re probably the least ugliest thing I’ve run into today.” She taunted. “No exposed bones, no cracked and rotting skin, no tentacles, no crystal spikes growing out of you...just those weird extra peepers...”

The pegasus raised her gaze to meet the two giant bulb like eyes resting atop the basilisk’s narrow wedge shaped head. Their unblinking forms bounced and jiggled like two giant balls of jelly, which gave Rainbow pause as she lowered her gaze to see a second, much smaller pair of eyes glaring at her from either side of the creature’s snout.

“Seriously can you actually see out of all those eyes? Like in...uh...4D or something? Or are the big ones just for intimidation? Like that weird caterpillar Twilight showed me once, who’s rear end was shaped like a giant fanged-”

The basilisk suddenly leaped almost two feet in the air, propelling itself backwards to land against the trunk of the great hollowed archtree leading out of Ash Lake. Rainbow promptly straightened her stance and levelled her rapier at the creature, watching as it threw its head back to reveal the weird balloon like sac under its chin was rapidly inflating with air.

Rainbow grimaced and then sighed as she jumped just like the basilisk, only to then start flapping her wings and thus keep herself hanging in the air as an enormous gust of dark, putrid mist was spat out across where she’d just been standing.

“Again with the breath? Come on, that’s like, the fourth time you’ve tried that!” Rainbow chided as the basilisk ran out of air and clutched itself to the tree trunk, panting heavily while watching its prey. Rainbow solemnly stared back at it as she slowly lowering herself to the ground again.

“Is that the only thing you can do? Not gonna try to cut me up with those claws on your toes? Or chew me up and spit me out with those teeth?” She asked. The basilisk silently glowered at her.

“You’re kidding me. So everything else in this world shares a love of trying as many different ways as possible to kill me, but you, you’re a real one trick pony? Or one trick frog? Salamander? Whatever!” Rainbow huffed. “I’m not seeing what the fuss Aurelia was making about you was for.”

The basilisk seemed to take offense at Rainbow’s lack of appreciation for its skills. It promptly threw its head back and filled its body with air as before, which, as expected, had the same effect on its prey as before.

“Yeah, yeah, so you can breathe real deep. So what? You’re not preparing to go diving or run a steeplechase are you?” She said while lifting herself up in the air again. The basilisk exhaled all the cursed mist in its lungs, letting out a pitiful cough as Rainbow waited for the mist to dissipate, then landed on the ground again. It spat in her direction, and Rainbow duly drew her blade.

“Aurelia said you were some kind of terrible beast. Honestly I think the time when Tank entered hibernation for the winter was more terrifying for me.” The pegasus scornfully replied. The basilisk narrowed it’s smaller eyes, then slumped against the archtree.


Rainbow watched in confusion as her opponent let out something that almost sounded like a whimper. A few streams of cursed mist wafted from its mouth as it stared at her, no longer with any sort of anger or rage. Instead it looked almost like it was accepting its imminent death.

“Uh...” Rainbow loosened her grip on her rapier slightly. The basilisk watched the tip of the ebony blade and duly turned to expose its neck.

“Wha, whoah, wait, hold on there!” Rainbow exclaimed while backing up several steps. “I’m not here to hurt you.”

The basilisk cast her a very skeptical glare.

“Seriously, I’m just...erm...well I suppose what I said was kinda hurtful wasn’t it?” Rainbow mused. “Uh, that comment about you being a one trick...erm...that was probably a bit below the barrel wasn’t it?”

The basilisk snarled in confirmation.

“Okay, okay, look, I’m sorry! I was told you’re like one of the worst monsters around! Kinda like some of the other creatures around Equestria, except they turned out to be far less monstrous and...oh, ooooh damn.”

Realisation slowly settled upon Rainbow like a lead lined Wonderbolt’s uniform. She let Velka’s rapier drop from her grip, then let her rump follow her weapon’s descent onto the sand.

“Let me try this again, without all the put downs. Remember what happened with that sea serpent guy, and the ursa minor, and the gryphons, and everyone else I met that I ended up making friends with after getting the wrong idea about them.” The pegasus sighed. The basilisk stared at her warily as she raised a hoof and put on her best effort at a welcoming smile.

“Hi, my name is Rainbow Dash and I come from a town called Ponyville, in a land called Equestria. It’s...uh...pretty far from here. Like...really, really far away.”

The basilisk continued to silently stare Rainbow down.

“Anyway I’m here helping my friends, and...uh...well that apparently involves getting some help from you. Something about how your cursed breath can help us through an area that’s full of ghosts or something.”

The basilisk’s smaller eyes narrowed in suspicion. Rainbow merely shrugged.

“Yeah I don’t understand it either, but there’s a lot here I don’t understand. I’m just mostly going with whatever my friends tell me and doing what I can to help them out.” She admitted. The basilisk cocked its head as if to ask her how was that any way for her to conduct herself in dangerous territories.

“Hey, just cause I don’t get how this screwed up world of yours works that’s no excuse for me to hang back and not get involved! Several folk from your world hurt my friends in some very bad ways, and I’ll be damned if I won’t see they pay for that!!!” Rainbow yelled suddenly. The basilisk promptly scurried back from her, once more fearing for its life. If nothing else, that seemed to snap Rainbow out of her rage and prompt her to take a breath and calm down.

“But that has nothing to do with you so...sorry I shouted .” She grumbled while tugging her Mask of Velka helmet off. “Dang, this feel so...weird.”

She set her helmet down on the sand and looked behind her, to where several maneater clams now lay lifelessly sprawled across the thin stretch of beach.

“This whole world of yours seems to run on a pretty simple rule: kill or be killed. Not what I’d usually deem a good time but if it has to be done then...erm...I mean...”

Rainbow’s unease seemed to grow as she looked down at her rapier.

“Actually maybe I shouldn’t start dwelling on just what we’ve had to do to get this far or I’m gonna start freaking out...so uh...” The pegasus looked up behind the basilisk for a moment, then snorted in dismay.

“Uh you got a name, or something?” She said with an awkward smile.

The basilisk just stared at her like it was trying to judge if she was being serious, and if she was whether to run or just pity her.

Rainbow exhaled in defeat.

“Yeah that was probably a stupid question. Um...mind if I give you a name then?” She asked. That seemed to get the basilisk’s attention.

“Okay let’s see here...” Rainbow mused as she looked to the creature’s smaller eyes, then its larger ones. “I know Twilight mentioned something about creatures with multiple eyes in those books she reads, and there was one in particular with four eyes....though I think she said they were positioned so the guy could look in all four compass directions at once...”

The basilisk’s interest visibly began to dissipate. It snarled at Rainbow, prompting her to scramble to recover.

“Well, still, he had four eyes, and you have four eyes so it fits! Just...uh...what did Twi say his name was?”

The pegasus found herself hitting another block.

“Uh...it definitely started with an ‘A’, I know that! I think it was...Agnes? No, that’s not it. Uh...Angus? No, that’s one of Applejack’s cows. Erm...it was definitely an ‘A’ word!”

The basilisk carefully leaned forward as Rainbow kept racking her brain. The fact that she had both refused to harm it, and so far seemed sincere in wanting to prove she wasn’t a dangerous entity was slowly starting to get through its instinct to attack all beings on sight. The fact that her ability to not follow through on her gesture of goodwill was apparently distressing her was something different to the norm at least.

Against it’s better judgement, the basilisk took a few ginger steps forward as Rainbow placed both hooves to her head and rubbed her temples. It felt strangely elated when at last her face lit up with realization.

“ARGUS! That’s it! The guy was called Argus!” She declared, sending the basilisk scrambling back again at the sudden shouting. “Oh, sorry!”

Rainbow slapped both hooves to her mouth.

“Sorry, I..well...I got there! Just took me a moment.” She smiled disarmingly as the basilisk halted in its retreat. “Erm, do you like that name? Argus would kind of fit you.”

The basilisk paused, feeling the queer sensation wash over it again. It looked over itself, as if recognizing its being with a new sense of identity. It’s eyes raised to Rainbow to ask just what had she done.

“So...you like it then?” She asked, snickering as the basilisk crept towards her again like a confused puppy. “It’ll probably take you a bit to get used to it, but, I think you’ll enjoy it!”

The basilisk cocked its head as Rainbow offered her hoof.

“Argus, I’m Rainbow! Pleasure to finally meet you!” The pegasus smiled, only for her ears to shoot up at the sound of a branch cracking overhead. “Uh...oh no, not yet! We were just introduced!”

The basilisk followed her gaze upward, thus putting its head in the perfect spot for Applejack’s lasso to slide around it and slip tight. The beast promptly thrashed in alarm, only for the farm mare to jump down from where she’d stationed herself and yank the rope even tighter.

“Yeah that’s it, thrash all ya want ya ugly lizard thing! Makes it easier fer me to truss ya up like a wayward cattle if ya tire yerself out first!” Applejack grinned as the lassoed basilisk tried to fill its body with air for another cursed breath attack, only to find with the rope around its neck it couldn’t inhale deeply enough.

Rainbow winced as Applejack wrestled with the creature, managing to get one of its legs tied up, then a second, then a third. The pegasus swore she could almost hear the basilisk whine pleadingly as its final limb was immobilized with rope, allowing Applejack to sling it onto her back.

“Well, nice that finally something doesn’t require a huge effort to get done. Didn’t have to waste any arrows or anything.” The farm mare stated in satisfaction. Rainbow looked to the helpless basilisk and felt a pang of sympathy stab itself into her heart.

“Yeah...uh...good job, Applejack.” She awkwardly replied, feeling slightly dirty as the farm mare smiled at her.

“T’weren’t nothing, sugarcube. Thanks for keepin’ it distracted while Ah got into position.” Applejack replied. “Now let’s this ugly thing back to Twilight and see if she can do any good with it.”

That made Rainbow feel even more uneasy as she collected her helmet and rapier.

“Right yeah just...um...”

Though she knew she’d regret it, Rainbow looked the basilisk in the eye. She expected to see the usual anger and dismay that she had betrayed it, but instead only fright and confusion greeted her from the beast’s visage.

“Twilight...uh...she’s not going to do anything to hurt it, is she? I mean, I know she’ll do what has to be done, just...we were kinda starting to get along there?”

Rainbow swallowed as Applejack gave her a confused look.

“Ah’m sure she’ll be as kind to it as she can, just so long as it lets us venture into that Abyss place and finally get some answers.” Applejack huffed. “Now come on, this beast is thrashing like a frightened calf so the sooner Ah can put it down in a nice secure pen, the better.”

Rainbow let her friend take the lead as she put her Mask of Velka back on. Seeing the basilisk continue to struggle and fight against its bonds, the pegasus sighed and whispered softly in lament.

“I’m sorry, Argus.”

Author's Note:

I do hope everyone's been having a good start to summer. Certainly my own promises the season will hopefully be less tumultuous than the spring months have been. Part of the reason I went quiet after January was my contract at my place of work coming to an end, thus meaning I had to find something new. Ended up getting too fixated on that, which caused my writing to start lagging (more so than it already has) and my anxiety to spike to rediculous levels. Fortunately I've finally found another job so ideally the return to routine should help get my muse kick started again, more so now that I'm building up a backlog of content.

Another thing that's been giving me pause as of late is, ironically, MLP itself and what's transpired so far in Season 8. Once more I'm finding myself second guessing my plan for what parts of the canon I want to draw upon and whether I might want to revise things. When I first started this series out, my plan was to stick to the series canon up to the end of season 4...except then season 5 and 6 brought us several elements like Princess Ember, the CMC getting their cutie marks, Flurryheart, and Chrysalis returning, all of which I couldn't help but want to factor in in some manner (and yes, spoiler alert, Chrysalis will eventually make an appearance in this series). Fortunately a certain event also happened in Season 6 which...honestly I thought was the second biggest mis-step of the franchise, after passing Trixie over in favor of Starlight Glimmer as the unofficial seventh main cast member. As such I figured, 'Okay, fine, I'll follow the series canon up until that point, and have things veer off in an alternate direction afterwards. Problem solved!"

Well now season 8 has so far given us two new developments (the mane seven becoming school teachers, and Spike getting his wings) that fit so nicely into my future planned plot points that I can't help but wonder if it's time to change things up again to accommodate them. As such I've been wrestling again with where and when I can drop those aspects in, or even if I should, considering I'm already trodding on other aspects of established canon outside the main series (yes I am aware Sombra's backstory is further fleshed out in the IDW comics and he's definitely not some embodiment of a dragon's fragmented soul). Even if I do, I also have to account for how will they be impacted by the DS aspects so....yeah, more things to contemplate for the coming months. :twilightblush:

As for the tidbit about Seath and his fountain, according to what I can find on the King's Field games, apparently that was an actual thing. Essentially fountains served the purpose of bonfires (i.e. as check points and HP/MP restoration stations) across the series, and Seath is explicitly stated in King's Field II to be the one who created them.

You can read more about it in this GameFAQs document:


The appearance of the fountain is based off this image from King's Field II:


Thought that might be a worthwhile point to explore as I slowly get to the next twist of what else from the King's Field games tie into the Dark Souls games. Though honestly by this point, most folk have probably already worked out what that twist is so perhaps I should stop pretending like it's still a big secret. :facehoof: